diff --git a/create_functions.php b/create_functions.php index b3dc817..1bdd86b 100644 --- a/create_functions.php +++ b/create_functions.php @@ -1,764 +1,768 @@ * * Copyright (c) 2010 Milian Wolff * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * * License along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ if (!isset($_SERVER['argv'][1])) { $msg = "Usage:\n".$_SERVER['argv'][0]." [path to phpdoc]\n"; $msg .= "you may checkout from the php svn server using this command:\n"; $msg .= "svn checkout http://svn.php.net/repository/phpdoc/en/trunk ./phpdoc-en\n"; $msg .= "\nTo debug files/directories use this: ".$_SERVER['argv'][0]." --debug PATH ...\n"; file_put_contents('php://stderr', $msg); exit(-1); } $skipClasses = array(); $skipClasses[] = 'self'; $skipClasses[] = 'parent'; $skipClasses[] = '__php_incomplete_class'; $skipClasses[] = 'php_user_filter'; $skipClasses[] = 'static'; // O_o where does that come from? $skipClasses[] = 'componere\abstract\definition'; // invalid namespace identifier, discussed in https://github.com/krakjoe/componere/issues/5 $skipComments = array(); $skipComments[] = ':'; $skipComments[] = '(method):'; $skipComments[] = 'Description here.'; $skipComments[] = 'Description'; $skipComments[] = 'The function description goes here.'; $classes = array(); $constants = array(); $constants_comments = array(); $variables = array(); $existingFunctions = array(); $versions = array(); if ($_SERVER['argv'][1] == '--debug') { // only debug given file define('DEBUG', true); $dirs = array(); foreach ( $_SERVER['argv'] as $i => $v ) { if ( $i <= 1 ) { continue; } else if ( is_dir($v) ) { $dirs[] = $v; } else if ( file_exists($v) ) { parseFile(new SplFileInfo($v)); } else { trigger_error("bad argument: ".$v, E_USER_ERROR); } } } else { define('DEBUG', false); if (!file_exists($_SERVER['argv'][1])) { file_put_contents('php://stderr', "phpdoc path not found"); exit(-1); } $dirs = array( $_SERVER['argv'][1]."/reference", $_SERVER['argv'][1]."/features", $_SERVER['argv'][1]."/appendices", $_SERVER['argv'][1]."/language/predefined/" ); } foreach ($dirs as $dir) { $dirIt = new RecursiveIteratorIterator( new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir)); foreach ($dirIt as $file) { parseFile($file); } } unset($existingFunctions); /* Here be dirty hacks! PHP's documentation isn't as good as could be wished for... */ // Clean the functions from imagick foreach (array_keys($constants) as $c) { if ($pos = strpos($c, '::')) { $class = substr($c, 0, $pos); if ($class == 'imagick') $class = 'Imagick'; newClassEntry($class); } } $skipFunctions = array(); // remove delete() function which only acts as a pointer to unlink // in the documentation but does not actually exist as a alias in PHP $skipFunctions[] = 'delete'; // awesome uncallable functions - noone knows wth that should be... $skipMethods = array(); $skipMethods[] = 'list'; $skipMethods[] = 'declare'; $skipMethods[] = 'do'; $skipMethods[] = 'echo'; $skipMethods[] = 'function'; /* Here ends the hackings... */ function constTypeValue($ctype) { if ($ctype == 'integer' || $ctype == 'int') { return "0"; } else if ($ctype == 'string') { return "''"; } else if ($ctype == 'bool') { return "false"; } else if ($ctype == 'float') { return "0.0"; } else { // default to integer const type return "0"; } } function removeTag($xml, $tag) { $tag = preg_quote($tag, '#'); return trim(preg_replace('#(^<'.$tag.'[^>]*>|$)#s', '', trim($xml))); } function cleanupComment($comment) { // ... to {@link ...} $comment = preg_replace('#<(function|parameter)>(.+)#U', '{@link $2}', $comment); // remove and other stuff ///TODO: support web-links, lists and tables $comment = strip_tags($comment); $comment = html_entity_decode($comment); // make sure no */ occurs in a comment... $comment = preg_replace('#\*/#', '* /', $comment); $comment = preg_replace('#(?<=[^\n])\n(?=[^\n])#s', ' ', $comment); $comment = preg_replace('# +#', ' ', $comment); $comment = preg_replace('#^ | $#m', '', $comment); $comment = preg_replace("#\n{3,}#", "\n\n", $comment); $comment = trim($comment); return $comment; } function prepareComment($comment, array $more, $indent = '') { $comment = cleanupComment($comment); if (empty($comment) && empty($more)) { return ''; } $comment = wordwrap($comment, 70, "\n", false); if ( !empty($more) ) { if ( !empty($comment) ) { $comment .= "\n\n"; } foreach($more as $s) { $comment .= str_replace("\n", "\n ", // indent wordwrap(cleanupComment($s), 68, "\n", false) )."\n"; } } $comment = rtrim($comment); // add indentation and asterisk $comment = preg_replace("#^#m", $indent." * ", $comment); $comment = str_replace(" * \n", " *\n", $comment); return $indent."/**\n". $comment."\n". $indent." **/\n"; } function sortByName($a, $b) { return strnatcasecmp($a['name'], $b['name']); } $fileHeader = " $exception), $classes); reset($classes); } foreach ($variables as $name=>$var) { $declarationCount++; $moreDesc = array(); if ($var['deprecated']) { $moreDesc[] = "@deprecated"; } if (isset($var['superglobal']) && $var['superglobal']) { $moreDesc[] = "@superglobal"; } $out .= prepareComment($var['desc'], $moreDesc); $out .= "$name = array();\n\n"; } // make skipclasses lowercase foreach ($skipClasses as &$name) { $name = strtolower($name); } foreach ($classes as $class => $i) { ///TODO: find proper fix for that $i['isInterface'] = $i['isInterface'] && empty($i['implements']); if (in_array($class, $skipClasses)) continue; //skip those as they are documented in spl.php if ($class != 'global') { if (isset($i['desc'])) { $out .= prepareComment($i['desc'], array()); } if (!empty($i['namespace'])) { $out .= 'namespace ' . $i['namespace'] . " {\n"; } $class = $i['prettyName']; $out .= ($i['isInterface'] ? 'interface' : 'class') . " " . $class; if (isset($i['extends']) && !in_array(strtolower($i['extends']), $skipClasses)) { $out .= " extends {$i['extends']}"; } if (isset($i['implements'])) { $out .= " implements ".implode(", ", $i['implements']); } $out .= " {\n"; $declarationCount++; foreach ($constants as $c=>$ctype) { if ($pos = strpos($c, '::')) { if (substr($c, 0, $pos) == $class) { unset($constants[$c]); $c = substr($c, $pos+2); $out .= " const $c = ".constTypeValue($ctype).";\n"; $declarationCount++; } } } } $indent = ''; if ($class != 'global') $indent = ' '; if (array_key_exists('extends', $i) && in_array(strtolower($i['extends']), $skipClasses)) { $base = $classes[strtolower($i['extends'])]; $i['properties'] = array_merge($i['properties'], $base['properties']); $i['functions'] = array_merge($i['functions'], $base['functions']); } usort($i['properties'], 'sortByName'); foreach ($i['properties'] as $f) { $moreDesc = array(); if ($f['type']) { $moreDesc[] = "@var {$f['type']}"; } ///HACK the directory stuff has really bad documentation if ($class != 'directory') { $out .= prepareComment($f['desc'], $moreDesc, $indent); } $out .= "{$indent}var $".$f['name'].";\n"; $declarationCount++; } usort($i['functions'], 'sortByName'); foreach ($i['functions'] as $f) { if ( $class == 'global' && in_array($f['name'], $skipFunctions) ) { continue; } else if ( $class != 'global' && in_array($f['name'], $skipMethods) ) { continue; } if ($endpos = strrpos($f['name'], '\\')) { $out .= 'namespace ' . substr($f['name'], 0, $endpos) . " {\n\n"; $f['name'] = substr($f['name'], $endpos + 1); } $moreDesc = array(); foreach ($f['params'] as $pi=>$param) { $desc = ''; if ( isset($param['desc']) ) { $desc = trim($param['desc']); } $param_name = str_replace('$...', '...$', '$'.$param['name']); $moreDesc[] = "@param {$param['type']} $param_name $desc"; } if ($f['type']) { $moreDesc[] = "@return {$f['type']}"; } $version_key = strtolower(($class == 'global' ? '' : $class.'::') . $f['name']); if (isset($versions[$version_key])) { $moreDesc[] = "@since {$versions[$version_key]}"; } ///HACK the directory stuff has really bad documentation if ($class != 'directory') { $out .= prepareComment($f['desc'], $moreDesc, $indent); } $out .= "{$indent}function ".$f['name']; $out .= "("; $first = true; foreach ($f['params'] as $pi=>$param) { if (!$first) $out .= ", "; $first = false; if ($param['isRef']) $out .= "&"; $param_name = str_replace('$...', '...$', '$'.$param['name']); $param_name = str_replace('"', '', $param_name); $out .= $param_name; } $out .= ")"; if ( !$i['isInterface'] ) { $out .= "{}"; } else { $out .= ";"; } $out .= "\n\n"; if ($endpos) $out .= "}\n\n"; $declarationCount++; } if ($class != 'global') $out .= "}\n"; if (!empty($i['namespace'])) $out .= "}\n"; } foreach ($constants as $c=>$ctype) { if (strpos($c, '::')===false) { if ( isset($constants_comments[$c]) ) { $out .= prepareComment($constants_comments[$c], array()); } $out .= "define('$c', ".constTypeValue($ctype).");\n"; $declarationCount++; } } chdir(dirname(__FILE__)); if ( !DEBUG ) { echo "saving phpfunctions.php file\n"; file_put_contents("phpfunctions.php", $out); if ( shell_exec("which php-parser") ) { echo "making sure phpfunctions file is valid...\n"; system("php-parser phpfunctions.php", $ret); if ( $ret != 0 ) { die("could not parse file, aborting\n"); } } else { echo "note: put php-parser in your path and I can check the generated file directly...\n"; } echo "done\n"; } else { echo "phpfunctions.php\n~~~~\n$out\n~~~~\n"; } echo "wrote ".$declarationCount." declarations\n"; /** * Parse file * * @param SplFileInfo $file File handler * @return bool */ function parseFile($file, $funcOverload="") { global $existingFunctions, $constants, $constants_comments, $variables, $classes, $isInterface, $versions; if (substr($file->getFilename(), -4) != '.xml') return false; if (substr($file->getFilename(), 0, 9) == 'entities.') return false; $string = file_get_contents($file->getPathname()); $isInterface = strpos($string, '').'.*?#s', '', $string); } echo "reading documentation from {$file->getPathname()}\n"; libxml_use_internal_errors(TRUE); $xml = simplexml_load_string($string, "SimpleXMLElement", LIBXML_NOCDATA); if ($xml === false) { echo " parsing XMl failed!\n"; return false; } if ( $file->getFilename() == 'versions.xml' ) { foreach ( $xml->xpath('/versions/function') as $f ) { $attrs = $f->attributes(); $versions[strtolower($attrs['name'])] = (string) $attrs['from']; } return; } $xml->registerXPathNamespace('db', 'http://docbook.org/ns/docbook'); $xml->registerXPathNamespace('phpdoc', 'http://php.net/ns/phpdoc'); if ($vars = $xml->xpath('//phpdoc:varentry//db:refnamediv')) { foreach ($vars as $var) { foreach ($var->refname as $i) { $i = (string)$i; if ( isset($variables[$i]) ) { $v = $variables[$i]; } else { $v = array(); } if (substr($i, 0, 1) != '$') continue; if (substr($i, -10) == ' [removed]') continue; if (substr($i, -13) == ' [deprecated]') { $i = substr($i, 0, -13); $v['deprecated'] = true; } else { $v['deprecated'] = false; } $v['desc'] = (string)$var->refpurpose; $variables[$i] = $v; } } } if ($vars = $xml->xpath("//phpdoc:varentry[@xml:id='language.variables.superglobals']//db:member/db:varname")) { foreach ($vars as $var) { $variables[(string)$var]['superglobal'] = true; } } if (isset($xml->variablelist)) { foreach ($xml->variablelist->varlistentry as $i=>$varlistentry) { if ($c = (string)$varlistentry->term->constant) { if (!isset($constants[$c])) { if (strpos($c, '=')) { $c = substr($c, 0, strpos($c, '=')); } $ctype = $varlistentry->term->type; if (!$ctype) { $ctype = $varlistentry->term->link; } $constants[$c] = (string)$ctype; } } } } // handle constants.xml with different layout as those above if ( !isset($xml->variablelist) && $file->getFilename() == 'constants.xml' && $xml->xpath("//db:constant") ) { $consts = $xml->xpath("//db:entry"); foreach ( $consts as $i=>$p ) { if ( isset($p->constant) ) { if ( !isset($p->type) ) { // default to integer constants $p->type = 'integer'; } else { // check for comment // next entry is the value of the constant which is followed by the comment if ( isset($consts[$i+2]) && !$consts[$i+2]->children() ) { $comment = $consts[$i+2]->asXml(); if ( !empty($comment) ) { $constants_comments[(string)$p->constant] = $comment; } } } $constants[(string)$p->constant] = (string)$p->type; } } } else if (!isset($xml->variablelist) && $file->getFilename() == 'commandline.xml') { // yay for non-unified xml structures :-X $consts = $xml->xpath("//db:row"); foreach ( $consts as $i=>$p ) { $constant = ""; // default to integer constants $type = "integer"; if ( isset($p->entry[0]) && isset($p->entry[0]->constant) ) { $constant = trim((string) $p->entry[0]->constant); if ( isset($p->entry[0]->constant->type) ) { $type = (string)$p->entry[0]->constant->type; } } if (empty($constant)) { continue; } // check for comment // next entry is the comment if ( isset($p->entry[1]) ) { $comment = $p->entry[1]->para->asXml(); if ( !empty($comment) ) { $constants_comments[$constant] = $comment; } } $constants[$constant] = $type; } } if ($list = $xml->xpath('//db:sect2[starts-with(@xml:id, "reserved.classes")]/db:variablelist/db:varlistentry')) { foreach ($list as $l) { $classname = newClassEntry((string)$l->term->classname); $classes[$classname]['desc'] = removeTag($l->listitem->asXML(), 'listitem'); } } $cEls = $xml->xpath('//db:classsynopsis/db:classsynopsisinfo'); if ($cEls) { foreach ($cEls as $class) { $class->registerXPathNamespace('db', 'http://docbook.org/ns/docbook'); $className = (string)$class->ooclass->classname; if (!$className) continue; $className = newClassEntry($className); if ($extends = $class->xpath('//db:ooclass')) { foreach ($extends as $c) { if ($c->modifier == 'extends') { $classes[$className]['extends'] = (string)$c->classname; } } } if ($interfaces = $class->xpath('//db:oointerface/db:interfacename')) { foreach ($interfaces as $if) { $classes[$className]['implements'][] = (string)$if; } } if ($paras = $xml->xpath('//db:section[starts-with(@xml:id, "'.$className.'")]/db:para')) { foreach ($paras as $p) { $classes[$className]['desc'] .= "\n".((string)$p); } } } } if (!isset($xml->refsect1)) return false; $desc = getDocumentation($xml); $addedSomething = false; // file could contain function + property if (isset($xml->refsect1->classsynopsis) && isset($xml->refsect1->classsynopsis->fieldsynopsis)) { $class = (string)$xml->refsect1->classsynopsis->ooclass->classname; foreach ( $xml->refsect1->classsynopsis->fieldsynopsis as $synopsis ) { newPropertyEntry($class, $synopsis->varname, $desc, $synopsis->type ); $addedSomething = true; } } if (isset($xml->refsect1->methodsynopsis)) { foreach( $xml->refsect1->methodsynopsis as $synopsis ) { if (isset($synopsis->methodname->replaceable)) { newMethodEntry('global', $synopsis->methodname->replaceable, $funcOverload, $synopsis, $desc, $xml); } else { newMethodEntry('global', $synopsis->methodname, $funcOverload, $synopsis, $desc, $xml); } $addedSomething = true; } } if (isset($xml->refsect1->classsynopsis) && isset($xml->refsect1->classsynopsis->methodsynopsis)) { $methodsynopsis = $xml->refsect1->classsynopsis->methodsynopsis; if (isset($synopsis->methodname->replaceable)) { newMethodEntry($xml->refsect1->classsynopsis->ooclass->classname, $methodsynopsis->methodname->replaceable, $funcOverload, $methodsynopsis, $desc, $xml); } else { newMethodEntry($xml->refsect1->classsynopsis->ooclass->classname, $methodsynopsis->methodname, $funcOverload, $methodsynopsis, $desc, $xml); } $addedSomething = true; } if ( !$addedSomething && isset($xml->refnamediv->refpurpose->function) ) { // This is function alias $functionName = (string)$xml->refnamediv->refname; $aliasName = (string)$xml->refnamediv->refpurpose->function; $baseFileName = dirname($file->getPathname()).'/'.str_replace('_', '-', $aliasName).'.xml'; if ( $baseFileName == $file->getPathname() || !file_exists($baseFileName) ) { return false; } parseFile(new SplFileInfo($baseFileName), $functionName); $addedSomething = true; } return $addedSomething; } // end of function parseFile() /** * Create a new class entry if it not exists. * * Key in $classes will be the lower-case @p $name. * The prettyName member will be @p $name, if it contains non-lowercase chars. * * Returns the lower-cased @p $name */ function newClassEntry($name) { global $classes, $isInterface; if (strpos($name, '\\') !== false) { $endpos = strrpos($name, '\\'); $class = substr($name, $endpos + 1); $namespace = substr($name, 0, $endpos); } else { $class = $name; $namespace = null; } // This affects OCI-Collection and OCI-Log // Technically, this creates wrong class names, but they are otherwise illegal syntax... $class = str_replace('-','',$class); $lower = strtolower($name); if (!isset($classes[$lower])) { $classes[$lower] = array( 'functions' => array(), 'properties' => array(), 'namespace' => $namespace, 'prettyName' => $class, 'desc' => '', 'isInterface' => $isInterface, ); } else { if ( $lower != $class ) { $classes[$lower]['prettyName'] = $class; } if ( $isInterface ) { $classes[$lower]['isInterface'] = true; } } return $lower; } /** * get the documentation for an entry * @return string */ function getDocumentation(SimpleXMLElement $xml) { global $skipComments; $descs = array(); - $p = $xml->refnamediv->refpurpose; + $purpose = $xml->refnamediv->refpurpose; - if (!in_array($p, $skipComments)) { - $descs[] = $p; + if (!in_array($purpose, $skipComments)) { + $descs[] = $purpose; } foreach ($xml->refsect1->para as $p ) { $p = removeTag($p->asXML(), 'para'); if ( stripos($p, 'procedural style') !== false || stripos($p, 'procedure style') !== false || stripos($p, 'object oriented style') !== false ) { // uninteresting continue; } if (in_array($p, $skipComments)) { continue; } + if ($p == $purpose || $p == "$purpose.") { + // avoid duplicate comments + continue; + } $descs[] = $p; } return implode("\n\n", $descs); } /** * create a new property entry for @p $class */ function newPropertyEntry($class, $name, $desc, $type) { global $classes; $class = newClassEntry($class); $classes[$class]['properties'][] = array( 'name' => (string) $name, 'desc' => (string) $desc, 'type' => (string) $type ); } /** * create a new method entry for @p $class */ function newMethodEntry($class, $function, $funcOverload, $methodsynopsis, $desc, SimpleXMLElement $xml) { global $existingFunctions, $classes; $class = (string) $class; $function = (string) $function; $funcOverload = (string) $funcOverload; if (strpos($function, '::')) { $class = substr($function, 0, strpos($function, '::')); $function = substr($function, strpos($function, '::')+2); } else if (strpos($function, '->')) { $class = substr($function, 0, strpos($function, '->')); $function = substr($function, strpos($function, '->')+2); } else { if ($function == '__halt_compiler') return false; if ($function == 'exit') return false; if ($function == 'die') return false; if ($function == 'eval') return false; if ($function == 'echo') return false; if ($function == 'print') return false; if ($function == 'array') return false; if ($function == 'list') return false; if ($function == 'isset') return false; if ($function == 'unset') return false; if ($function == 'empty') return false; } if (strpos($function, '-')) return false; if (strpos($class, '-')) return false; if ($function == 'isSet') return false; //todo: bug in lexer if ($function == 'clone') return false; //todo: bug in lexer if (substr($class, 0, 3) == 'DOM') $class = 'Dom'.substr($class, 3); $class = trim($class); if ($class == 'imagick') $class = 'Imagick'; if (in_array($class.'::'.($funcOverload ? $funcOverload : $function), $existingFunctions)) return false; $existingFunctions[] = $class.'::'.($funcOverload ? $funcOverload : $function); $params = array(); foreach ($methodsynopsis->methodparam as $param) { $paramName = $param->parameter; if (trim($paramName) == '...') continue; if (!trim($paramName)) continue; $paramName = str_replace('/', '', $paramName); $paramName = str_replace('-', '', $paramName); $paramName = str_replace('$', '', $paramName); $paramName = trim(trim(trim($paramName), '*'), '&'); if ($pipe_pos = strpos($paramName, '|')) $paramName = substr($paramName, 0, $pipe_pos); if (is_numeric(substr($paramName, 0, 1))) $paramName = '_'.$paramName; $params[] = array( 'name' => $paramName, 'type' => (string)$param->type, 'isRef' => isset($param->parameter->attributes()->role) ? ($param->parameter->attributes()->role == "reference") : false ); } // get description of params if ( $param_descs = $xml->xpath('db:refsect1[@role="parameters"]//db:varlistentry') ) { $i = 0; foreach ( $param_descs as $d ) { if ( !isset($params[$i]) ) { ///TODO: support optional params (i.e. ... token) continue; } $paramName = (string) $d->term->parameter; $params[$i]['desc'] = ''; foreach ( $d->listitem->para as $p ) { $p = removeTag($p->asXML(), 'para'); $params[$i]['desc'] .= $p . "\n"; } ++$i; } } $class = newClassEntry($class); $classes[$class]['functions'][] = array( 'name' => $funcOverload ? $funcOverload : $function, 'params' => $params, 'type' => (string)$methodsynopsis->type, 'desc' => $funcOverload ? str_replace($function, $funcOverload, $desc) : $desc ); } /* don't add a closing ?> here, we use this file in a benchmark as well */