diff --git a/cmake/CppyyMacros.cmake b/cmake/CppyyMacros.cmake index f43f8c3..2e2ad6a 100644 --- a/cmake/CppyyMacros.cmake +++ b/cmake/CppyyMacros.cmake @@ -1,482 +1,486 @@ # Copyright 2017 Shaheed Haque # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES # OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT # NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # This is a helper script used to locate binaries, libraries and other # platform-dependent items for use in creating Python bindings based on # https://pypi.python.org/pypi/cppyy. # # The main content is the function get_binding_info() which simplifies # gathering the information needed by the CMake support code packaged with # https://pypi.python.org/pypi/cppyy-backend as CPPYY_ADD_BINDINGS(). # # Example: # # # # # Get the information needed to create bindings for a set of related components. # # # get_binding_info( # COMPONENTS KF5Akonadi KF5AkonadiCalendar KF5AkonadiContact KF5AkonadiMime KF5AkonadiNotes KF5AkonadiSearch # NATIVE_COMPONENTS KF5AkonadiSearch # DEPENDENCIES KF5Konq KF5Attica) # # # # Customise the automatically generated information. # # # list(FILTER h_files EXCLUDE REGEX ".*_export.h") # list(FILTER h_files EXCLUDE REGEX ".*_version.h") # list(FILTER h_files EXCLUDE REGEX ".*/qtest_akonadi.h") # # # # Generate the bindings for KF5.Akonadi. # # # CPPYY_ADD_BINDINGS( # "KF5.Akonadi" "${version}" "Shaheed" "srhaque@theiet.org" # LANGUAGE_STANDARD "14" # GENERATE_OPTIONS "-D__PIC__;-Wno-macro-redefined" # INCLUDE_DIRS ${include_dirs} # COMPILE_OPTIONS "-Wno-deprecated-declarations" # LINK_LIBRARIES ${link_libraries} # LINKDEFS "#include \n" # H_DIRS ${h_dirs} # H_FILES ${h_files}) # cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.9) execute_process(COMMAND cling-config --cmake OUTPUT_VARIABLE _stdout ERROR_VARIABLE _stderr RESULT_VARIABLE _rc OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if(_rc) message(FATAL_ERROR "Error finding cling's CMake support: (${_rc}) ${_stderr}") endif() set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} ${_stdout}) find_package(Cppyy 0.8.4 REQUIRED) include(FindPkgConfig) include(CMakeFindDependencyMacro) include(CppyyMacrosQt5) include(CppyyMacrosKF5) # # Find the includes, libraries etc. for a pkg-config component. # function(get_pkgconfig_info component) set(libraries) set(includes ${${component}_INCLUDEDIR}) set(compile_flags ${${component}_CFLAGS}) foreach(tmp ${${component}_LIBRARIES}) find_library(lib${tmp} NAMES ${tmp} PATHS ${${component}_LIBRARIES}) list(APPEND libraries ${lib${tmp}}) endforeach() set(libraries "${libraries}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(includes "${includes}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(compile_flags "${compile_flags}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction(get_pkgconfig_info) # # Fetch a target property, recursing if necessary. # function(get_target_property_recursive target property) set(result) get_target_property(values ${target} ${property}) if(values STREQUAL "values-NOTFOUND") # Skip # message(STATUS "Warning: Target ${target} has no property ${property}") else() foreach(value ${values}) string(FIND ${value} "$ # string(REGEX REPLACE "\\$" "\\1" nested_tgt ${value}) string(REGEX REPLACE "\\$" "\\2" nested_prop ${value}) get_target_property_recursive(${nested_tgt} ${nested_prop}) list(APPEND result ${get_target_property_recursive_result}) else() list(APPEND result ${value}) endif() endforeach() endif() set(get_target_property_recursive_result "${result}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction(get_target_property_recursive) # # Find the includes, libraries etc. for a component. # function(get_targets_info component targets) if(targets STREQUAL "") message(STATUS "Warning: No targets for ${component}") return() endif() # # Make a combined list of includes, libraries etc. # # There is a potential impedence mismatch between the directory-centric # Pythonic notion of a package, and the possibility that the the multiple # targets *might* have conflicting options. Luckily, this seems not to be # a problem in KF5. # set(libraries) set(includes) set(compile_flags) set(removed_includes) foreach(target ${targets}) if(TARGET ${target}) get_target_property(tmp ${target} LOCATION) list(APPEND libraries ${tmp}) get_target_property_recursive(${target} INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) list(APPEND includes ${get_target_property_recursive_result}) get_target_property_recursive(${target} INTERFACE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS) foreach(definition ${get_target_property_recursive_result}) if(${definition} MATCHES ".*QT_NO_DEBUG>") # # Qt uses the formulation "$<$>:QT_NO_DEBUG>". # elseif(${definition} MATCHES "QT_.*_LIB") # # Qt uses the formulation "QT_CORE_LIB" even for INTERFACE_COMPILE_FLAGS. # else() list(APPEND compile_flags "-D${definition}") endif() endforeach() get_target_property_recursive(${target} INTERFACE_COMPILE_OPTIONS) list(APPEND compile_flags ${get_target_property_recursive_result}) else() message(STATUS "Warning: Ignoring invalid target \"${target}\" in ${f}") endif() endforeach() # # De-duplicate and write results. # if(DEFINED includes) set(tmp) foreach(include ${includes}) string(REGEX REPLACE "//+" "/" include ${include}) # # Not sure why the headers seem to include this. Having them here # causes too wide a search space. # if(include STREQUAL "${CMAKE_CXX_IMPLICIT_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES}") # # Discard. # elseif(include STREQUAL "${CMAKE_CXX_IMPLICIT_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES}/KF5") list(APPEND removed_includes ${include}) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES removed_includes) elseif(include MATCHES ".*/qt5$") list(APPEND removed_includes ${include}) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES removed_includes) else() list(APPEND tmp ${include}) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES tmp) endif() endforeach() set(includes ${tmp}) endif() if(DEFINED compile_flags) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES compile_flags) endif() set(libraries "${libraries}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(includes "${includes}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(compile_flags "${compile_flags}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(removed_includes "${removed_includes}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction(get_targets_info) # # Return the information required to create the bindings for a set of components. # # get_binding_info( # VERBOSE level # COMPONENTS components # NATIVE_COMPONENTS components # DEPENDENCIES extras) # # Arguments and options: # # VERBOSE level Greater than zero to turn on diagnostics # # COMPONENTS component # The CMake packages to include in the bindings. # # NATIVE_COMPONENTS component # The native packages to include in the bindings. # # DEPENDENCIES dependency # Any CMake packages not detected by the automatic # dependency extraction logic. # # Returns via PARENT_SCOPE variables: # # version The version of the first of the COMPONENTS. # # h_dirs All include dirs for targets in COMPONENTS and # NATIVE_COMPONENTS. # # h_files All header files under h_dirs. # # include_dirs All include dirs for targets in DEPENDENCIES. # # compile_options All compile options associated with COMPONENTS, # NATIVE_COMPONENTS and DEPENDENCIES. # # link_libraries All libraries for targets in COMPONENTS and # NATIVE_COMPONENTS and DEPENDENCIES. # function(get_binding_info) cmake_parse_arguments( ARG "" "VERBOSE" "COMPONENTS;NATIVE_COMPONENTS;DEPENDENCIES" ${ARGN}) if(NOT "${ARG_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}" STREQUAL "") message(SEND_ERROR "Unexpected arguments specified '${ARG_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}'") endif() if("${ARG_COMPONENTS}" STREQUAL "") message(SEND_ERROR "No COMPONENTS specified") endif() # - # Find dependencies and other info. + # Find dependencies and other info for CMake components. # + set(_DEPENDENCIES) set(_H_DIRS) set(_H_FILES) set(_COMPILE_OPTIONS) set(_INCLUDE_DIRS) set(_LINK_LIBRARIES) set(_REMOVED_INCLUDES) foreach(component IN LISTS ARG_COMPONENTS) if(component MATCHES "^KF5") - get_kf5_cmake_info(${component} + get_kf5_cmake_info(${component} "${_DEPENDENCIES}" VERBOSE ${ARG_VERBOSE}) elseif(component MATCHES "^Qt5") - get_qt5_cmake_info(${component} + get_qt5_cmake_info(${component} "${_DEPENDENCIES}" VERBOSE ${ARG_VERBOSE}) endif() # # Automatic dependencies. # list(APPEND _DEPENDENCIES ${dependencies}) if(_DEPENDENCIES) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES _DEPENDENCIES) endif() # # Other info. # get_targets_info(${component} ${targets}) if(ARG_VERBOSE) message("COMPONENTS ${component}: targets=${targets} dependencies=${dependencies} include=${includes} libraries=${libraries} compile_flags=${compile_flags} removed_includes=${removed_includes} ") endif() list(APPEND _H_DIRS ${includes}) list(APPEND _LINK_LIBRARIES ${libraries}) list(APPEND _COMPILE_OPTIONS "${compile_flags}") list(APPEND _REMOVED_INCLUDES "${removed_includes}") if(_H_DIRS) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES _H_DIRS) endif() if(_LINK_LIBRARIES) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES _LINK_LIBRARIES) endif() if(_COMPILE_OPTIONS) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES _COMPILE_OPTIONS) endif() if(_REMOVED_INCLUDES) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES _REMOVED_INCLUDES) endif() endforeach(component) + # + # Find other info for non-CMake components. + # foreach(component IN LISTS ARG_NATIVE_COMPONENTS) get_kf5_native_info(${component}) if(ARG_VERBOSE) message("NATIVE_COMPONENTs ${component}: targets=${targets} dependencies=${dependencies} include=${includes} libraries=${libraries} compile_flags=${compile_flags} ") endif() # # Other info. # list(APPEND _H_DIRS ${includes}) list(APPEND _LINK_LIBRARIES ${libraries}) list(APPEND _COMPILE_OPTIONS "${compile_flags}") if(_H_DIRS) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES _H_DIRS) endif() if(_LINK_LIBRARIES) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES _LINK_LIBRARIES) endif() if(_COMPILE_OPTIONS) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES _COMPILE_OPTIONS) endif() endforeach(component) # # Find all header files. # set(tmp ${_H_DIRS}) foreach(include IN LISTS _H_DIRS) file(GLOB_RECURSE tmp2 LIST_DIRECTORIES true ${include}/*) foreach(tmp3 IN LISTS tmp2) if(IS_DIRECTORY ${tmp3}) if(NOT ${tmp3} IN_LIST tmp) list(APPEND tmp ${tmp3}) endif() else() if(NOT ${tmp3} IN_LIST _H_FILES) list(APPEND _H_FILES ${tmp3}) endif() endif() endforeach(tmp3) endforeach(include) set(_H_DIRS ${tmp}) # # Restore this removed item. # set(_H_DIRS ${_H_DIRS} ${removed_includes}) # # Add dependencies. # foreach(component IN LISTS _DEPENDENCIES ARG_DEPENDENCIES) if(component MATCHES "^KF5") - get_kf5_cmake_info(${component} + get_kf5_cmake_info(${component} "${_DEPENDENCIES}" VERBOSE ${ARG_VERBOSE}) elseif(component MATCHES "^Qt5") - get_qt5_cmake_info(${component} + get_qt5_cmake_info(${component} "${_DEPENDENCIES}" VERBOSE ${ARG_VERBOSE}) endif() get_targets_info(${component} "${targets}") if(ARG_VERBOSE) message("DEPENDENCIES ${component}: targets=${targets} dependencies=${dependencies} include=${includes} libraries=${libraries} compile_flags=${compile_flags} removed_includes=${removed_includes} ") endif() list(APPEND _INCLUDE_DIRS ${includes}) list(APPEND _LINK_LIBRARIES ${libraries}) list(APPEND _COMPILE_OPTIONS "${compile_flags}") list(APPEND _REMOVED_INCLUDES "${removed_includes}") if(_INCLUDE_DIRS) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES _INCLUDE_DIRS) endif() if(_LINK_LIBRARIES) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES _LINK_LIBRARIES) endif() if(_COMPILE_OPTIONS) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES _COMPILE_OPTIONS) endif() if(_REMOVED_INCLUDES) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES _REMOVED_INCLUDES) endif() endforeach(component) # # Find all include dirs. # set(tmp ${_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${_REMOVED_INCLUDES}) foreach(include IN LISTS _INCLUDE_DIRS) file(GLOB_RECURSE tmp2 LIST_DIRECTORIES true ${include}/*) foreach(tmp3 IN LISTS tmp2) if(IS_DIRECTORY ${tmp3} AND NOT ${tmp3} IN_LIST tmp) list(APPEND tmp ${tmp3}) endif() endforeach(tmp3) endforeach(include) set(_INCLUDE_DIRS ${tmp}) # # Find the version from the first component. # list(GET ARG_COMPONENTS 0 first_component) include(${${first_component}_DIR}/${first_component}ConfigVersion.cmake) # # Return results. # set(version ${PACKAGE_VERSION} PARENT_SCOPE) set(h_dirs ${_H_DIRS} PARENT_SCOPE) set(h_files ${_H_FILES} PARENT_SCOPE) set(include_dirs ${_INCLUDE_DIRS} PARENT_SCOPE) set(compile_options ${_COMPILE_OPTIONS} PARENT_SCOPE) set(link_libraries ${_LINK_LIBRARIES} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction(get_binding_info) # # The key design choice is that building and installing Python components # should be driven using Pythonic-facilities. # # Internally, those can and do use generic, non-KDE-specific CMake logic # to drive the C++ part of the build. Generic logic should be fine since # we are building cppyy artefacts, with definitions taken from KDE headers # (and not bulk KDE code). Famous last words... # function(add_bindings pkg author author_email include_dirs linkdefs h_dirs h_files) cppyy_add_bindings( "${pkg}" "${version}" "${author}" "${author_email}" LANGUAGE_STANDARD "14" GENERATE_OPTIONS "-D__PIC__;-Wno-macro-redefined" COMPILE_OPTIONS "-Wno-deprecated-declarations;-Wno-overloaded-virtual;-fstack-protector-strong" INCLUDE_DIRS "${include_dirs}" LINK_LIBRARIES "${link_libraries}" LINKDEFS "${linkdefs}" H_DIRS "${h_dirs}" H_FILES "${h_files}") # # TODO: Proper Python2/3 support. # install(CODE " execute_process( COMMAND pip wheel . COMMAND pip3 wheel . ERROR_VARIABLE _stderr RESULT_VARIABLE _rc OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE WORKING_DIRECTORY ${pkg}) if(NOT \"$\{_rc\}\" STREQUAL \"0\") message(FATAL_ERROR \"Error building wheels: ($\{_rc\}) $\{_stderr\}\") endif() file(GLOB wheels RELATIVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} ${pkg}/*.whl) execute_process( COMMAND pip install --pre $\{wheels\} COMMAND pip3 install --pre $\{wheels\} ERROR_VARIABLE _stderr RESULT_VARIABLE _rc OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE WORKING_DIRECTORY ${pkg}) if(NOT \"$\{_rc\}\" STREQUAL \"0\") message(FATAL_ERROR \"Error during install: ($\{_rc\}) $\{_stderr\}\") endif()") endfunction(add_bindings) diff --git a/cmake/CppyyMacrosKF5.cmake b/cmake/CppyyMacrosKF5.cmake index ca66000..c9a7caa 100644 --- a/cmake/CppyyMacrosKF5.cmake +++ b/cmake/CppyyMacrosKF5.cmake @@ -1,195 +1,200 @@ # Copyright 2017 Shaheed Haque # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES # OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT # NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # This is a helper script used to locate binaries, libraries and other # platform-dependent items for use in creating Python bindings based on # https://pypi.python.org/pypi/cppyy. # # Example: # # # Find the targets and dependencies for a CMake KDE component. # # get_kf5_cmake_info( # component +# existing_dependencies # VERBOSE level) # # Arguments and options: # # VERBOSE level Greater than zero to turn on diagnostics # # Returns via PARENT_SCOPE variables: # # targets The targets of component. # # dependencies The targets of dependencies of component. # -set(_KF5_DEPENDENCIES) -function(get_kf5_cmake_info component) +function(get_kf5_cmake_info component existing_dependencies) cmake_parse_arguments( ARG "" "RECURSION_LEVEL;VERBOSE" "" ${ARGN}) if(NOT "${ARG_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}" STREQUAL "") message(SEND_ERROR "Unexpected arguments specified '${ARG_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}'") endif() if("${ARG_RECURSION_LEVEL}" STREQUAL "") set(ARG_RECURSION_LEVEL 0) else() math(EXPR ARG_RECURSION_LEVEL "${ARG_RECURSION_LEVEL}+1") endif() if("${ARG_VERBOSE}" STREQUAL "") set(ARG_VERBOSE 0) endif() find_dependency(${component}) set(pfx "KF5") # # Loop over all cmake files. # set(real_targets) set(real_dependencies) set(file_glob ${${component}_DIR}/*.cmake) file(GLOB files ${file_glob}) foreach(f ${files}) # # Targets. # set(regex " *add_library\\(([^ \\)]+).*") file(STRINGS ${f} matches REGEX ${regex}) if(ARG_VERBOSE GREATER ARG_RECURSION_LEVEL) message("${f}:${component}: Target matches \"${matches}\"") endif() foreach(match ${matches}) # # Extract the target. # string(REGEX REPLACE ${regex} "\\1" match "${match}") if(ARG_VERBOSE GREATER ARG_RECURSION_LEVEL) message("${f}:${component}: Target match \"${match}\"") endif() set(target ${match}) if(TARGET ${target}) list(APPEND real_targets ${target}) if(real_targets) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES real_targets) endif() else() message(STATUS "Ignoring invalid target \"${match}\" for ${component} in ${f}") endif() endforeach() # # Dependencies. # set(regex " *find_dependency\\(([^ \\)]+).*") file(STRINGS ${f} matches REGEX ${regex}) if(ARG_VERBOSE GREATER ARG_RECURSION_LEVEL) message("${f}:${component}: Dependency matches \"${matches}\"") endif() foreach(match ${matches}) # # Extract the dependency. # string(REGEX REPLACE ${regex} "\\1" match "${match}") if(ARG_VERBOSE GREATER ARG_RECURSION_LEVEL) message("${f}:${component}: Dependency match \"${match}\"") endif() set(dependency ${match}) if(NOT ${dependency} STREQUAL "") - if(NOT dependency IN_LIST real_dependencies) + # + # Recurse...if we have not been here before. + # + if(NOT dependency IN_LIST existing_dependencies AND NOT dependency IN_LIST real_dependencies) list(APPEND real_dependencies ${dependency}) - # - # Recurse...if we have not been here before. - # - if(NOT dependency IN_LIST _KF5_DEPENDENCIES) - if(dependency MATCHES "^${pfx}") - get_kf5_cmake_info(${dependency} - RECURSION_LEVEL ${ARG_RECURSION_LEVEL} - VERBOSE ${ARG_VERBOSE}) - list(APPEND real_dependencies ${dependencies}) - list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES real_dependencies) - elseif(dependency MATCHES "^Qt5") - get_qt5_cmake_info(${dependency} - RECURSION_LEVEL ${ARG_RECURSION_LEVEL} - VERBOSE ${ARG_VERBOSE}) - list(APPEND real_dependencies ${dependencies}) - list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES real_dependencies) - else() - message(STATUS "Cannot recurse into dependency \"${dependency}\" for ${component} in ${f}") - endif() + if(dependency MATCHES "^${pfx}") + get_kf5_cmake_info(${dependency} "${existing_dependencies}" + RECURSION_LEVEL ${ARG_RECURSION_LEVEL} + VERBOSE ${ARG_VERBOSE}) + list(APPEND real_dependencies ${dependencies}) + list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES real_dependencies) + list(APPEND existing_dependencies ${dependencies}) + list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES existing_dependencies) + elseif(dependency MATCHES "^Qt5") + get_qt5_cmake_info(${dependency} "${existing_dependencies}" + RECURSION_LEVEL ${ARG_RECURSION_LEVEL} + VERBOSE ${ARG_VERBOSE}) + list(APPEND real_dependencies ${dependencies}) + list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES real_dependencies) + list(APPEND existing_dependencies ${dependencies}) + list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES existing_dependencies) + else() + list(APPEND existing_dependencies ${dependencies}) + list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES existing_dependencies) + message(STATUS "Cannot recurse into dependency \"${dependency}\" for ${component} in ${f}") endif() + #message(STATUS "Skip duplicate dependency \"${dependency}\"") endif() else() message(STATUS "Ignoring invalid dependency \"${dependency}\" for ${component} in ${f}") endif() endforeach() endforeach() set(targets "${real_targets}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(dependencies "${real_dependencies}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction(get_kf5_cmake_info) # # Find the targets (and not dependencies!) for a native KDE component. # function(get_kf5_native_info component) set(_INCLUDE_DIRS) string(REGEX REPLACE "^KF5" "" tmp ${component}) foreach(dir IN LISTS CMAKE_CXX_IMPLICIT_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) set(dir ${dir}/KF5) file(GLOB tmp2 LIST_DIRECTORIES true ${dir}/${tmp}*) foreach(tmp3 IN LISTS tmp2) if(IS_DIRECTORY ${tmp3}) if(NOT ${tmp3} IN_LIST _INCLUDE_DIRS) list(APPEND _INCLUDE_DIRS ${tmp3}) endif() endif() endforeach(tmp3) file(GLOB_RECURSE tmp2 LIST_DIRECTORIES true ${dir}/${tmp}/*) foreach(tmp3 IN LISTS tmp2) if(IS_DIRECTORY ${tmp3}) if(NOT ${tmp3} IN_LIST _INCLUDE_DIRS) list(APPEND _INCLUDE_DIRS ${tmp3}) endif() endif() endforeach(tmp3) endforeach(dir) set(_LIBRARIES) foreach(dir IN LISTS CMAKE_CXX_IMPLICIT_LINK_DIRECTORIES) file(GLOB_RECURSE tmp2 LIST_DIRECTORIES true ${dir}/${CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_PREFIX}${component}*${CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX}) foreach(tmp3 IN LISTS tmp2) if(NOT IS_DIRECTORY ${tmp3}) if(NOT ${tmp3} IN_LIST _LIBRARIES) list(APPEND _LIBRARIES ${tmp3}) endif() endif() endforeach(tmp3) endforeach(dir) set(libraries "${_LIBRARIES}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(includes "${_INCLUDE_DIRS}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(compile_flags "" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction(get_kf5_native_info) diff --git a/cmake/CppyyMacrosQt5.cmake b/cmake/CppyyMacrosQt5.cmake index e1a72e8..98aab45 100644 --- a/cmake/CppyyMacrosQt5.cmake +++ b/cmake/CppyyMacrosQt5.cmake @@ -1,157 +1,160 @@ # Copyright 2017 Shaheed Haque # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES # OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT # NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # This is a helper script used to locate binaries, libraries and other # platform-dependent items for use in creating Python bindings based on # https://pypi.python.org/pypi/cppyy. # # Example: # # # Find the targets (and not dependencies!) for a CMake Qt component. # # get_qt5_cmake_info( # component +# existing_dependencies # VERBOSE level) # # Arguments and options: # # VERBOSE level Greater than zero to turn on diagnostics # # Returns via PARENT_SCOPE variables: # # targets The targets of component. # # dependencies The targets of dependencies of component. # -set(_QT5_DEPENDENCIES) -function(get_qt5_cmake_info component) +function(get_qt5_cmake_info component existing_dependencies) cmake_parse_arguments( ARG "" "RECURSION_LEVEL;VERBOSE" "" ${ARGN}) if(NOT "${ARG_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}" STREQUAL "") message(SEND_ERROR "Unexpected arguments specified '${ARG_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}'") endif() if("${ARG_RECURSION_LEVEL}" STREQUAL "") set(ARG_RECURSION_LEVEL 0) else() math(EXPR ARG_RECURSION_LEVEL "${ARG_RECURSION_LEVEL}+1") endif() if("${ARG_VERBOSE}" STREQUAL "") set(ARG_VERBOSE 0) endif() find_dependency(${component}) set(pfx "Qt5") # # Targets. # string(REPLACE "${pfx}" "${pfx}::" target ${component}) if(NOT TARGET ${target}) message(STATUS "Ignoring invalid target \"${target}\" for ${component}") set(target "") endif() # # Loop over all cmake files. # set(real_dependencies) set(file_glob ${${component}_DIR}/*.cmake) file(GLOB files ${file_glob}) foreach(f ${files}) # # Dependencies. # set(regex " *set\\(_${component}_MODULE_DEPENDENCIES \"([^\"]+)\".*\\) *") file(STRINGS ${f} matches REGEX ${regex}) if(ARG_VERBOSE GREATER ARG_RECURSION_LEVEL) message("${f}:${component}: Dependency matches \"${matches}\"") endif() string(REGEX REPLACE ${regex} "\\1" matches "${matches}") set(matches ${matches}) foreach(match ${matches}) # # Extract the dependency. # string(REGEX REPLACE ${regex} "\\1" match "${match}") if(ARG_VERBOSE GREATER ARG_RECURSION_LEVEL) message("${f}:${component}: Dependency match \"${match}\"") endif() string(REGEX REPLACE ${regex} "\\1" match "${match}") foreach(dependency ${match}) if(NOT ${dependency} STREQUAL "") # # Add the prefix. # set(dependency "${pfx}${dependency}") - if(NOT dependency IN_LIST real_dependencies) + # + # Recurse...if we have not been here before. + # + if(NOT dependency IN_LIST existing_dependencies AND NOT dependency IN_LIST real_dependencies) list(APPEND real_dependencies ${dependency}) - # - # Recurse...if we have not been here before. - # - if(NOT dependency IN_LIST _QT5_DEPENDENCIES) - if(dependency MATCHES "^${pfx}") - get_qt5_cmake_info(${dependency} - RECURSION_LEVEL ${ARG_RECURSION_LEVEL} - VERBOSE ${ARG_VERBOSE}) - list(APPEND real_dependencies ${dependencies}) - list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES real_dependencies) - else() - message(STATUS "Cannot recurse into dependency \"${dependency}\" for ${component} in ${f}") - endif() + if(dependency MATCHES "^${pfx}") + get_qt5_cmake_info(${dependency} "${existing_dependencies}" + RECURSION_LEVEL ${ARG_RECURSION_LEVEL} + VERBOSE ${ARG_VERBOSE}) + list(APPEND real_dependencies ${dependencies}) + list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES real_dependencies) + list(APPEND existing_dependencies ${dependencies}) + list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES existing_dependencies) + else() + list(APPEND existing_dependencies ${dependencies}) + list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES existing_dependencies) + message(STATUS "Cannot recurse into dependency \"${dependency}\" for ${component} in ${f}") endif() + #message(STATUS "Skip duplicate dependency \"${dependency}\"") endif() else() message(STATUS "Ignoring invalid dependencies \"${match}\" for ${component} in ${f}") endif() endforeach() endforeach() endforeach() set(targets "${target}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(dependencies "${real_dependencies}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction(get_qt5_cmake_info) # # Find the targets (and not dependencies!) for a CMake Qt component. # function(get_qt5_cmake_info2 component) find_dependency(${component}) # # Targets. # string(REPLACE "Qt5" "Qt5::" target ${component}) if(NOT TARGET ${target}) message(STATUS "Ignoring invalid target \"${target}\" for ${component}") set(target "") endif() set(targets "${target}" PARENT_SCOPE) # # Dependencies. # set(dependencies "" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction(get_qt5_cmake_info2)