diff --git a/PACKAGING_FRAMEWORKS b/PACKAGING_FRAMEWORKS index ff9e930..66dbfe4 100644 --- a/PACKAGING_FRAMEWORKS +++ b/PACKAGING_FRAMEWORKS @@ -1,76 +1,76 @@ This is a quick description on how KDE Frameworks packaging is done. * Ensure everything is green in https://build.kde.org/view/Frameworks%20kf5-qt5/ * Ensure everything is green in http://ci-logs.kde.flaska.net/matrix.html * ./increase_frameworks_version.sh step2 * ssh -A pkgframeworks@darwini.kde.org, and from there: First, ensure that the tags from the last release have been pushed! cd ~/release-tools/ git pull rm -rf sources versions REVISIONS_AND_HASHES l10n tags.git * Update version file with the correct version number * Edit config, ensure dry_run=0 * cd ../src && ./kdesrc-build --src-only && cd ../release-tools && ./list_frameworks.sh * In case this detected new frameworks, make sure to increase its version numbers (step1/step2 before missed it) * Pack the sources: ./update_l10n.sh ./make_rc_tag.sh # takes 40 minutes * Locally, ensure the rc tag compiles (to avoid e.g. a bad .po file breaking the build) $ edit extragear/utils/kdesrc-build/kf5-frameworks-build-include to add tag v5.12.0-rc1 in module-set frameworks $ ./fetch_all_tags.sh (runs `git fetch --tags` in all modules including ecm) $ kdesrc-build extra-cmake-modules frameworks * All good, pack it up. $ ./remote-gpg ./pack_all.sh # takes 10 minutes - * If you have ssh access to ftpadmin@depot.kde.org: + * If you have ssh access to ftpadmin@racnoss.kde.org: ./upload_all.sh # cannot be done from a resumed screen... * Locally, run $ ./grab_from_scripty.sh && ./mail_release_team.sh * To update a tag+tarball after making fixes (grabbing all changes from master) (this is the lazy version of the next solution, it re-commits all po files so it's not as good) ./make_rc_tag.sh kconfigwidgets && ./pack.sh kconfigwidgets && ./upload_all.sh (and re-run ./create_sources_inc if already done) * To update a tag+tarball by cherry-picking a single fix With a script: ./make_updated_tarball.sh newrc|patchrelease The manual way: git checkout local_release (if no such branch exists, there are no translations, just pull master and tag, or make a branch for cherry-picking) git fetch ; git cherry-pick -x sha1 (or git merge origin/master) ; git tag -a vx.y.z-rcN -m "" ; git push --tags Update N in tags.git, check version file, ./pack.sh ; ./upload_all.sh (and re-run ./create_sources_inc if already done) * cat versions/* > REVISIONS_AND_HASHES, if you want to send it all-in-one-go after updates * Write the list of changes in markdown format, into a file called changelog send it to kde-frameworks-devel@kde.org for information and review. This is partly automated with ./generate_changelog.sh Several days later: * 8 hours before the release: - $ ssh ftpadmin@depot.kde.org "chmod a+rx ~/stable/frameworks/5.xx ; ls -l ~/stable/frameworks" + $ ssh ftpadmin@racnoss.kde.org "chmod a+rx ~/stable/frameworks/5.xx ; ls -l ~/stable/frameworks" ./tag_all.sh && ./create_sources_inc (not from a resumed screen, for the git push in inqlude-data) cd ../www ; vi index.php # add entry at the top svn commit * Email changelog text to kde-devel@kde.org and kde-core-devel@kde.org, and another mail to kde-announce@kde.org, by running, locally: $ ./grab_from_scripty.sh && ./mail_announcement.sh * Post to the dot on https://dot.kde.org/content/contribute-story * Update the version numbers right away in master. vi version ./increase_frameworks_version.sh step1 To make a patchlevel release: * Use the cherry-pick procedure above. Run "./create_sources_inc x.y.z", commit the new info file. Edit info/kde-frameworks-*.php: mention the "known bugs" and include the new info file under the main one. diff --git a/pack_all.sh b/pack_all.sh index 8806d6d..0e32e4c 100755 --- a/pack_all.sh +++ b/pack_all.sh @@ -1,25 +1,19 @@ #!/bin/bash . config # Make sure gpg-remote is running gpg2 --digest-algo SHA512 --armor --detach-sign -o /dev/null -s config || exit 2 cat modules.git | while read repo branch; do ( bash pack.sh $repo $1 ) done -cat modules.svn | while read repo branch; do -( - bash pack.sh $repo $1 -) -done - if [ "$release_l10n_separately" = "1" ]; then bash pack_l10n.sh fi # for sending to kde-packager@kde.org cat versions/* > REVISIONS_AND_HASHES diff --git a/upload_all.sh b/upload_all.sh index 2ad4670..2a98936 100755 --- a/upload_all.sh +++ b/upload_all.sh @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ #!/bin/bash . utils.sh . config # Don't read version from the version file, it might already be N+1 when doing a patch release N.1 version=`head -n 1 REVISIONS_AND_HASHES | perl -e 'while(<>) { print $1 if (m/ v([0-9\.]*)/) }'` # version=x.y.z ==> dir=x.y # Patch-level releases go into the same directory, since they are typically just one framework dir=`echo $version | sed -e 's/\.[0-9]$//'` dest=stable/frameworks/$dir -$cmd ssh ftpadmin@depot.kde.org "mkdir $dest 2>/dev/null && chmod o-rx $dest" -$cmd rsync --progress -v -a -e "ssh -x" -r sources/* ftpadmin@depot.kde.org:$dest/ +$cmd ssh ftpadmin@racnoss.kde.org "mkdir $dest 2>/dev/null && chmod o-rx $dest" +$cmd rsync --progress -v -a -e "ssh -x" -r sources/* ftpadmin@racnoss.kde.org:$dest/ # Make diff of local changes to commit (from my own computer, so they don't come from scripty) git diff > to_commit.diff echo "Done, now run ./grab_from_scripty.sh locally"