diff --git a/project/bundles/macports/01-build-macports.sh b/project/bundles/macports/01-build-macports.sh index d06cf2bfdf..f2225c9543 100755 --- a/project/bundles/macports/01-build-macports.sh +++ b/project/bundles/macports/01-build-macports.sh @@ -1,311 +1,311 @@ #! /bin/bash # Script to build a bundle Macports installation with all digiKam dependencies in a dedicated directory # This script must be run as sudo # # Copyright (c) 2015 by Shanti, # Copyright (c) 2015-2020 by Gilles Caulier # # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the BSD license. # For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file. # # Ask to run as root (( EUID != 0 )) && exec sudo -- "$0" "$@" # Halt and catch errors set -eE trap 'PREVIOUS_COMMAND=$THIS_COMMAND; THIS_COMMAND=$BASH_COMMAND' DEBUG trap 'echo "FAILED COMMAND: $PREVIOUS_COMMAND"' ERR ################################################################################################# # Manage script traces to log file mkdir -p ./logs exec > >(tee ./logs/build-macports.full.log) 2>&1 ################################################################################################# echo "01-build-macports.sh : build a bundle Macports install with digiKam dependencies." echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ################################################################################################# # Pre-processing checks . ./config.sh . ./common.sh StartScript ChecksRunAsRoot ChecksXCodeCLI ChecksCPUCores OsxCodeName #RegisterRemoteServers ################################################################################################# # Pathes rules ORIG_PATH="$PATH" ORIG_WD="`pwd`" export PATH=$INSTALL_PREFIX/bin:/$INSTALL_PREFIX/sbin:/$INSTALL_PREFIX/libexec/qt5/bin:$ORIG_PATH ################################################################################################# # Check if /opt exists and standard Macports install path if [ -d "/opt" ] ; then if [ -d "/opt/local" ] ; then echo "---------- A standard Macports install exists on /opt/local." echo " To prevent wrong links from this bundle to this repository" echo " this one must be disabled (moving to /opt/local.back for ex)." echo "---------- Aborting..." exit; fi else echo "---------- /opt do not exist, creating" mkdir "/opt" if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then echo "---------- Cannot create /opt directory." echo "---------- Aborting..." exit; fi fi ################################################################################################# # Check if a previous bundle already exist CONTINUE_INSTALL=0 if [ -d "$INSTALL_PREFIX" ] ; then read -p "$INSTALL_PREFIX already exist. Do you want to remove it or to continue an aborted previous installation ? [(r)emove/(c)ontinue/(s)top] " answer if echo "$answer" | grep -iq "^r" ;then echo "---------- Removing existing $INSTALL_PREFIX" mv $INSTALL_PREFIX $INSTALL_PREFIX.old rm -rf $INSTALL_PREFIX.old elif echo "$answer" | grep -iq "^c" ;then echo "---------- Continue aborted previous installation in $INSTALL_PREFIX" CONTINUE_INSTALL=1 else echo "---------- Aborting..." exit; fi fi if [[ $CONTINUE_INSTALL == 0 ]]; then ################################################################################################# # Target directory creation echo "---------- Creating $INSTALL_PREFIX" mkdir "$INSTALL_PREFIX" if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then echo "---------- Cannot create target install directory $INSTALL_PREFIX" echo "---------- Aborting..." exit; fi ################################################################################################# # Check latest Macports version available if necessary if [ -z $MP_VERSION ] ; then MP_LASTEST_VER=$(curl $MP_URL | \ egrep -o 'href="MacPorts-[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+' | \ sed 's/^href="MacPorts-//' | \ sort -t. -rn -k1,1 -k2,2 -k3,3 | head -1) if [ -z $MP_LASTEST_VER ] ; then echo "---------- Cannot check the lastest Macports verion from $MP_URL" echo "---------- Aborting..." exit; fi echo "---------- Detected lastest Macports version : $MP_LASTEST_VER" MP_VERSION=$MP_LASTEST_VER fi ################################################################################################# # Build Macports in temporary directory and installation if [ -d "$MP_BUILDTEMP" ] ; then echo "---------- Removing existing $MP_BUILDTEMP" rm -rf "$MP_BUILDTEMP" fi echo "---------- Creating $MP_BUILDTEMP" mkdir "$MP_BUILDTEMP" if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then echo "---------- Cannot create temporary directory $MP_BUILDTEMP to compile Macports" echo "---------- Aborting..." exit; fi cd "$MP_BUILDTEMP" echo -e "\n\n" echo "---------- Downloading MacPorts $MP_VERSION" curl -o "MacPorts-$MP_VERSION.tar.bz2" "$MP_URL/MacPorts-$MP_VERSION.tar.bz2" tar jxvf MacPorts-$MP_VERSION.tar.bz2 cd MacPorts-$MP_VERSION echo -e "\n\n" echo "---------- Configuring MacPorts" ./configure --prefix="$INSTALL_PREFIX" \ --with-applications-dir="$INSTALL_PREFIX/Applications" \ --with-no-root-privileges \ --with-install-user="$(id -n -u)" \ --with-install-group="$(id -n -g)" echo -e "\n\n" echo "---------- Building MacPorts" make -j$CPU_CORES echo -e "\n\n" echo "---------- Installing MacPorts" echo -e "\n\n" make install && cd "$ORIG_WD" && rm -rf "$MP_BUILDTEMP" cat << EOF >> "$INSTALL_PREFIX/etc/macports/macports.conf" +no_root -startupitem startupitem_type none startupitem_install no macosx_deployment_target $OSX_MIN_TARGET EOF fi ################################################################################################# # Macports update echo -e "\n" echo "---------- Updating MacPorts" port -v selfupdate if [[ $CONTINUE_INSTALL == 0 ]]; then # port -v upgrade outdated echo -e "\n" #echo "---------- Modifying net-snmp portfile to install when not root" #sed -e "/install.asroot/ s|yes|no|" -i ".orig" "`port file net-snmp`" fi ################################################################################################# # Dependencies build and installation echo -e "\n" echo "---------- Building digiKam dependencies with Macports" # With OSX less than El Capitan, we need a more recent Clang compiler than one provided by XCode. if [[ $MAJOR_OSX_VERSION -lt 10 ]]; then echo "---------- Install more recent Clang compiler from Macports for specific ports" port install clang_select port install clang-3.4 port select --set clang mp-clang-3.4 fi echo -e "\n" port install \ ld64 +ld64_xcode \ cmake \ libpng \ jpeg \ tiff \ boost \ eigen3 \ gettext \ libusb \ libgphoto2 \ jasper \ lcms2 \ expat \ libxml2 \ libxslt \ libical \ lensfun \ bison \ x265 \ ffmpeg \ qt5-qtbase \ qt5-qtdeclarative \ qt5-qtmacextras \ qt5-qtquickcontrols \ qt5-qtxmlpatterns \ qt5-qtsvg \ qt5-qttools \ qt5-qttranslations \ qt5-qtimageformats \ qt5-sqlite-plugin \ qt5-mysql-plugin \ wget +ssl \ ImageMagick # sane-backends echo -e "\n" echo -e "---------- Compilation logs of Macports packages with suspicious installation\n" find $INSTALL_PREFIX/var/macports/logs/ -name main.log echo -e "\n----------" echo -e "\n" ################################################################################################# # Create the build dir for the 3rdparty deps if [ ! -d $BUILDING_DIR ] ; then mkdir $BUILDING_DIR fi if [ ! -d $DOWNLOAD_DIR ] ; then mkdir $DOWNLOAD_DIR fi cd $BUILDING_DIR rm -rf $BUILDING_DIR/* || true cmake $ORIG_WD/../3rdparty \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=$INSTALL_PREFIX \ -DINSTALL_ROOT=$INSTALL_PREFIX \ -DEXTERNALS_DOWNLOAD_DIR=$DOWNLOAD_DIR \ -Wno-dev cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_qtwebkit -- -j$CPU_CORES cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_opencv -- -j$CPU_CORES cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_exiv2 -- -j$CPU_CORES cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_qtav -- -j$CPU_CORES ################################################################################################# -ln -s $INSTALL_PREFIX/lib/cmake/Qt5WebKitWidgets $INSTALL_PREFIX/libexec/qt5/lib/cmake/ -ln -s $INSTALL_PREFIX/lib/QtWebKitWidgets.framework $INSTALL_PREFIX/libexec/qt5/lib/ -ln -s $INSTALL_PREFIX/lib/QtWebKit.framework $INSTALL_PREFIX/libexec/qt5/lib/ -ln -s $INSTALL_PREFIX/include/QtWebKitWidgets $INSTALL_PREFIX/libexec/qt5/include/ -ln -s $INSTALL_PREFIX/include/QtWebKit $INSTALL_PREFIX/libexec/qt5/include/ +#ln -s $INSTALL_PREFIX/lib/cmake/Qt5WebKitWidgets $INSTALL_PREFIX/libexec/qt5/lib/cmake/ +#ln -s $INSTALL_PREFIX/lib/QtWebKitWidgets.framework $INSTALL_PREFIX/libexec/qt5/lib/ +#ln -s $INSTALL_PREFIX/lib/QtWebKit.framework $INSTALL_PREFIX/libexec/qt5/lib/ +#ln -s $INSTALL_PREFIX/include/QtWebKitWidgets $INSTALL_PREFIX/libexec/qt5/include/ +#ln -s $INSTALL_PREFIX/include/QtWebKit $INSTALL_PREFIX/libexec/qt5/include/ export PATH=$ORIG_PATH TerminateScript