diff --git a/project/NEWS.2.0.0 b/project/NEWS.2.0.0 index 2c7786abe3..2e4a08894b 100644 --- a/project/NEWS.2.0.0 +++ b/project/NEWS.2.0.0 @@ -1,265 +1,265 @@ ***************************************************************************************************** digiKam 2.0.0 - Release date: 2011-07-24 NEW FEATURES: General : XMP metadata sidecar support. General : Reverse geo-coding support. General : Face detection and recognition support. General : Tag keyboard shortcuts support. General : Color Labels support to improve photograph workfow. General : Pick Labels support to improve photograph selection. General : Color Theme engine is now ported to KDE color theme manager. General : MySQl support improvements. Dependency is now optional. General : Added JPEGTurbo library support. General : Update internal LibPGF to 6.11.24 with OpenMP support. AlbumGUI : Re-designed Filters view on right sidebar to perform icon-view items filtering. AlbumGUI : Add options to group/ungroup items from icon-view. AlbumGUI : Add options to show file format over icon-view items. ImageEditor : Image versionning support. ImageEditor : Foveon sensor based camera. ImageEditor : New advanced RAW decoding settings backported from RawTherapee project. AdvancedRename : New datetime option "UnixTimeStamp" (requires Qt 4.7 or higher) BUGFIXES FROM KDE BUGZILLA (http://bugs.kde.org): 001 ==> 253785 : GoogleMaps should be available in "Search Map". 002 ==> 258436 : Traceability. 003 ==> 258082 : Libkface doesn't increment ids' while saving hash database. 004 ==> 259146 : Libface doesn't learn new faces (patch). 005 ==> 146288 : Face detection / recognition for digiKam. 006 ==> 252964 : Please remove libs from kdegraphics and make independant. 007 ==> 260619 : digiKam crash when raw format is being converted. 008 ==> 261140 : FindKdcraw.cmake is installed both by kdelibs and kdegraphics. 009 ==> 261946 : Unable to compile beta1 of digikam. 010 ==> 262172 : The unknown tag should be plural. 011 ==> 262067 : Crash when closing 2.0.0 beta1. 012 ==> 262074 : No face are detected. 013 ==> 261964 : digiKam 2.0.0 crashes when trying to open configure dialog. 014 ==> 262303 : Importing a RAW picture results in empty view. 015 ==> 263329 : Image preview windows always has a scrollbar. 016 ==> 262882 : digiKam crashes when changing face rectangle. 017 ==> 263321 : digiKam crash when looking through photos. 018 ==> 182664 : Tag menu its bigger than screen. 019 ==> 244701 : Map search tool selects a whole hemisphere when trying to select large areas. 020 ==> 225440 : Save dialog default file format from xpm to user wanted. 021 ==> 218816 : Many Problem with Editor "Save As...". 022 ==> 236730 : Collection path is interpreted differently. 023 ==> 245957 : digiKam shows pictures from PENTAX camera incorrectly in imageview. 024 ==> 263272 : Face Detection crashes on folders containing videos. 025 ==> 241015 : Unexpected behavior when deleting a file while several are selected. 026 ==> 264093 : Preview zoom is set to 1:1, should be "fit to window". 027 ==> 263994 : Left-hand side bar too big and cannot be made smaller. 028 ==> 261779 : digiKam crashes in Digikam::DynamicThread::DynamicThreadPriv::transitionToRunning while scanning faces. 029 ==> 235666 : All tags no longer shown when the "Tags already assigned" button is clicked. 030 ==> 114465 : Simpler entry of tags using keyboard shortcuts. 031 ==> 229471 : Editor: forward when saving in progress. 032 ==> 255858 : Memory leak (?) while thumbnailing very large files! 033 ==> 264363 : Image editor always crashes when triggering Colour Auto-Correction. 034 ==> 243066 : Timeline view does not display images. 035 ==> 243069 : Video replay restarts when starring. 036 ==> 246772 : Curves: Don't recalculate on mouseUp if the position of the marker did not change. 037 ==> 196922 : Both mouse buttons change ratings on thumbnail bar. 038 ==> 256789 : Bad calculated album mean date when pictures before 1964. 039 ==> 258775 : Moving an album from one collection to another doesn't update the source collection. 040 ==> 262174 : After confirming a face the mouse pointer is not correct inside the face. 041 ==> 265058 : digiKam crash when editing picture. 042 ==> 263332 : "Tag Filters", "Captions/Tags" right-click options impair usability. 043 ==> 263399 : Marking a face "Unknown"/Unconfirmed is not possible. 044 ==> 142056 : Save changes of image modifications with Versioning. 045 ==> 125387 : Simulate changes to images only. 046 ==> 260274 : Request to setup a git repository for digiKam. 047 ==> 264864 : Keep focus on selected image when change filtering parameters 048 ==> 152424 : Workflow organizing : use Color Label Tags over icon view items. 049 ==> 216726 : Turn off ratings on thumbnails in view mode. 050 ==> 241847 : Workflow organizing : Possibility to pre-mark images for deletion (Pick Labels feature). 051 ==> 264976 : Face detection: "Clear results and rescan" doesn't clear results. 052 ==> 201282 : Sort settings in status bar. 053 ==> 210576 : Move tag filter to the bottom. 054 ==> 262539 : CMake Warning "cycle in the constraint graph". 055 ==> 231597 : Add XCF to the filter list in the album view. 056 ==> 266788 : Showfoto crashes when opening a photo. 057 ==> 266326 : Move digiKam documentation to git. 058 ==> 266327 : Move libkexiv2 to git. 059 ==> 267361 : When using the luminosity curve in the image editor on an initial import from NEF, all changes are irreversible and cumulative. 060 ==> 266733 : digiKam crashes on startup on OS X. 061 ==> 262574 : Add a face tag does not do anything. 062 ==> 266126 : Renaming single file needs to be confirmed twice. 063 ==> 264976 : Face detection: "Clear results and rescan" doesn't clear results. 064 ==> 213624 : Editor: picture too "big" when comming to editor after digikam start. 065 ==> 192425 : Star rating setting under thumbnails is a nuisance. 066 ==> 219202 : digiKam database on multiple hosts. 067 ==> 216894 : Slow quadratic runtime generating fingerprints or thumbnails in beta6 during a big import. 068 ==> 267944 : Album properties - Date manually entered not saved when clicking Ok. 069 ==> 211489 : Renaming doesn't prevent from concurrent operation. 070 ==> 268058 : Use XMP sidecar files to store changes to RAW (or other files). 071 ==> 148223 : Themes: different color of "plate" for different MIME. 072 ==> 208504 : Add type icon to images under the thumbnail. 073 ==> 268098 : Usability enhanced showing format of each photo in its background frame with BIG letters. 074 ==> 268300 : digiKam crash on confirm create new person. 075 ==> 267262 : digiKam not compliant with "Metadata Working Group" specification when reading caption. 076 ==> 266735 : digiKam displays no images: "unable to create io-slave" (OS X). 077 ==> 268925 : The editor 'forgets' one step when a crop is undone and redone. 078 ==> 268924 : Versioning fails to save a new version as a JPEG2000. 079 ==> 269418 : Possibility of having the tag hierarchy also written in the Xmp.MicrosoftPhoto.LastKeywordXMP field. 080 ==> 269378 : Not assigned face tags showing up. 081 ==> 269458 : digiKam 2.0.0-beta3 crash while assigning face tags. 082 ==> 269312 : Wish Rename file extension. 083 ==> 269903 : Libkdcraw no longer compiles due to a linking error [patch]. 084 ==> 269862 : Libkmap compilation fails because of changes in MarbleWidget [patch]. 085 ==> 269435 : digiKam does not display any picture from any source. -086 ==> 246074 : Can't export photos to Picasaweb (with gwenview it's works fine). +086 ==> 246074 : Can't export photos to Picasaweb. 087 ==> 252700 : Font color for icons in toolbar does not change for darker Themes. 088 ==> 168669 : Disabled entry menu seems more important and active in dark theme. 089 ==> 241116 : [Themes] Cannot change text colour in menu bar. 090 ==> 220068 : Dark theme: active item in menu is hardly different than others items. 091 ==> 250265 : Black background of short summary display. 092 ==> 257803 : Grey font on grey context (Obsidian Coast colour scheme). 093 ==> 266086 : digiKam 2.0.0-beta2 crashed after closing it. 094 ==> 265554 : Problem in colors between dgikam's theme and Gnome appearance. 095 ==> 270553 : Import Wizard: Selecting "date" in File Renaming Options does not work. 096 ==> 270728 : CMakeLists.txt:159 doesn't specify which target needs to link to QtScript library. 097 ==> 267421 : Tagging panel shows tags as checked which previously where partially checked (when selecting multiple images). 098 ==> 270168 : Select Tool item in edit window all 46 icons idle. 099 ==> 266674 : Green grid in images imported from raw file (cr2). 100 ==> 270365 : Drag & drop picture in upwards folder collapses and reopens it. 101 ==> 231536 : Save As New File. 102 ==> 271153 : Tokina AT-X 107 AF DX Fish-eye not recognised. 103 ==> 271551 : digiKam crashes when trying to move the same album twice in parallel. 104 ==> 266211 : Media-gfx/digikam-1.8.0 crash on exit. 105 ==> 271252 : digiKam crashes while scanning for new pictures on the same drive it worked before. 106 ==> 217886 : Database and visualization error when renaming folders. 107 ==> 269289 : Rename scrambles order of files. 108 ==> 228718 : Renaming doesn't allow [file]{r:"%20"," "}.[ext]. 109 ==> 235928 : digiKam fails to open database at startup. 110 ==> 271916 : digiKam crashed when opening editor. 111 ==> 272133 : Crash editing Geo coordinates of several images. 112 ==> 272216 : Compile error: No rule to make target /usr/lib/libm.so, required for lib/libkdcraw.so.20.0.0. 113 ==> 272569 : Crashing in start. 114 ==> 271651 : 2.0 beta4 can't use network shares. 115 ==> 269320 : After initial database building thumbnails fail to rezise properly. 116 ==> 272529 : digiKam crashing on load. 117 ==> 233770 : Error messages after changing to mysql. 118 ==> 271924 : digiKam fail to create/update mysql database on startup [PATCH]. 119 ==> 258409 : Tags and TagsTree table is empty after DB migration from sqlite to mysql. 120 ==> 257183 : Failed to add tag to database. 121 ==> 262231 : Missing records after migration from SQLite to digiKam. 122 ==> 267733 : Automatical initialisation of Internal MySQL database doesn't work after digikam start. 123 ==> 254533 : Make MySQL support as optional dependency [patch]. 124 ==> 271598 : digiKam crashes while downloading photos. 125 ==> 269375 : Face tags count error. 126 ==> 269291 : Function "View->Include tag subtree" does not function on "People". 127 ==> 272023 : digiKam crash on deleting tags (quickly). 128 ==> 265431 : digiKam cmake check for JPEG_LIB_VERSION fails for libjpeg-turbo >= 1.0.90. 129 ==> 273068 : digiKam 1.9.0 crashes while importing images. 130 ==> 272301 : Mysql database corruption upon tag hierarchy removal. 131 ==> 266264 : Localized version of batch raw converter not fit to window. 132 ==> 273369 : digikam does not get UUID for disk devices inside LVM. 133 ==> 271591 : Startup may take a very long time. 134 ==> 202202 : Loosing tags from database. 135 ==> 194950 : digiKam endlessly spewing text to stderr. 136 ==> 273716 : transupp.cpp failing at make (2.0.0 Beta 5 under Fedora 14). 137 ==> 272586 : Crash when playing with databasebackend. 138 ==> 269907 : Please consider attached patch for build system: make apidoc generation controllable. 139 ==> 271323 : digiKam crashes when building thumbnails of grayscale DNGs. 140 ==> 274455 : Build fails in kmemoryinfo - invalid conversion from 'void*' to 'kstat_named_t*'. 141 ==> 174828 : Missing HTML closing tag in some strings. 142 ==> 274432 : Build fails due to UINT32. 143 ==> 274062 : Possibility to store metadata templates. 144 ==> 275039 : [PATCH] switch to semantic internationalisation. 145 ==> 274462 : Build failure in kmemoryinfo - swapctl. 146 ==> 229571 : "Set As Thumbnail" is not working correctly for tags folder view. 147 ==> 274660 : Face regognition crashes DK. 148 ==> 274713 : digiKam crashed unexpectedly. 149 ==> 274302 : Search for _two_ keywords with logical "and" fails. 150 ==> 272180 : Camera Device Summary seems to use wrong encoding. 151 ==> 274865 : TIFF files with Exif.Image.Orientation = 1 aren't decoded properly. 152 ==> 268267 : digiKam crashes on picture import : OpenCV and Gphoto2 libraries incompatibility through libdc1394. 153 ==> 248494 : Deleted pictures still shown: Have to rescan collection always. 154 ==> 275660 : Remove tag non-working when using face view. 155 ==> 274940 : digiKam freezes when using "sharpen: refocus" (cpu 100%). 156 ==> 268549 : digiKam crashes everytime i try to start. 157 ==> 272031 : BQM wastes a lot of memory when adding over 3000 files. 158 ==> 275813 : digiKam hangs on startup (splash screen: reading database). 159 ==> 274729 : lighttable: the thumbnail slider does not work at all. 160 ==> 274879 : Low resolution version of photo is displayed and portrait oriented photos are rotated 90 degrees. 161 ==> 262212 : Face recognition doesn't work. 162 ==> 276592 : Crash while browsing through album in enlarged view. 163 ==> 261521 : A creation or a deletion, of a tag, takes a very long time. 164 ==> 276052 : Failed to update the database schema from version 5 to version 6. 165 ==> 265034 : Database corrupted after terminating frozen digiKam. 166 ==> 267190 : digiKam crashes when other applications rename files it is loading. 167 ==> 272332 : Moving a versioned file crashes digikam2. 168 ==> 203196 : Multiple Albums for 1 Folder. 169 ==> 229234 : Thumbnail mismatch for images with same name. 170 ==> 267802 : Database connections not closed on exit. 171 ==> 195006 : National charaters not accepted in database file path. 172 ==> 145743 : Only include displayable files in database. 173 ==> 163763 : digiKam hangs during operation and startup. 174 ==> 276795 : Showfoto crashes when open a pic. 175 ==> 264945 : Showfoto 1.9 (strigi relevant), installed in /usr/local/bin along with digiKam 1.9, crashes when opening many, but not all, jpegs. 176 ==> 276356 : Tags should have a root (maybe hidden). 177 ==> 276154 : jpegutils.cpp contains debug output, but disabled by define. 178 ==> 276921 : Wrong i18n-Parameter in libs/database/databaseconfiglement.cpp. 179 ==> 271610 : Crash when importing picutures from a Canon SX 200 IS. 180 ==> 271269 : Crash occured when trying to import pictures from Finepix 6500fd. 181 ==> 271909 : digiKam crashed when trying to switch map to google map in geolocation window. 182 ==> 276969 : [2.0.0-rc] pgfutils.cpp:154:45: error: invalid conversion from 'UINT32*' to 'int'. 183 ==> 146337 : Tag regions of an image. 184 ==> 210914 : Allow disabling the rating widget in the Light Table thumbbar or unrating an image. 185 ==> 276745 : Crash while updating/generating fingerprints. 186 ==> 240148 : If I change the theme to black, the color of the texts in menus remains black, and it can't be read 187 ==> 274529 : Crashes on startup in Mac OS X. 188 ==> 268817 : DK 2.0 beta 4 - crash when starting sw conversion. 189 ==> 264231 : CMakeList.txt opencv-check broken. 190 ==> 269084 : Crash when editing Geo-Location. 191 ==> 277157 : Wish: Copy to Clipboard. 192 ==> 262700 : Raw file will freeze with 16bit option enabled. 193 ==> 277133 : Additional patch needed to compile 2.0.0-rc with external libpgf. 194 ==> 261656 : Object::connect error messages when using decorate/add border. 195 ==> 270248 : digiKam crashes when clicking on a deleted folder. 196 ==> 272175 : Picture orientation is "forgotten" in viewer and light table when using xmp sidecar [patch]. 197 ==> 275311 : XMP sidecars are not written for symbolic links [patch]. 198 ==> 276712 : Ignore certain file types. 199 ==> 141730 : Page down/up goes to next/previous picture istead of scolling a page. 200 ==> 229795 : Position in album lost when switching album forth and back. 201 ==> 208506 : Switching between view does not hold the current image. 202 ==> 252134 : When selecting multiple images, some controls should be disabled. 203 ==> 270161 : Unclear how to get rid of tags. 204 ==> 269446 : Keyword-Managing: Folder "People" und subfolder "Unknown" persistent? 205 ==> 269445 : Not possible to select only one album INCLUDING subfolders to scan for faces. 206 ==> 277502 : All versions of version set always displayed in Album viewed. 207 ==> 271557 : Tags: missing order, no sorting. 208 ==> 265264 : Tag all images multiple Images are selected. 209 ==> 247659 : In big albums re-sorting thumbnails on opening right tab bar, move selected image out the screen [patch]. 210 ==> 276923 : Crash during initial run of facial recognition. 211 ==> 276646 : Crash while trying to switch database sqlite -> mysql. 212 ==> 271622 : Local contrast settings are greyed out. 213 ==> 274947 : Auto-rotate/flip image does not work at import. 214 ==> 276450 : Versioning cuts image filenames after the first '.'. 215 ==> 276525 : Image editor offers to save image when quitting even when it has just been saved. 216 ==> 276526 : When deleting a picture with Image Editor, it then loads the second next picture. 217 ==> 274388 : digiKam right click menu does not show any text. 218 ==> 277927 : Demosaicing (GUI) makes Xorg take 30% CPU. 219 ==> 276059 : Tags are not written to files on export or save when editing TIFF files. 220 ==> 271710 : Crash when starting after adding 1500 pic + thumbnails.db is 3.9 GB with 4 GB storage capacity. 221 ==> 244529 : Crash when writing metadata in files. 222 ==> 267789 : Make face detection (kface) and geo tagging (kmap) optional features. 223 ==> 278323 : Wrong Ctrl+V shortcut for "Cut". 224 ==> 278321 : Please sort "Themes" (color themes) sub menu. 225 ==> 276827 : digiKam segfaults when autocompleting tags. 226 ==> 278038 : digiKam crashes while switching image in editor thumbbar. 227 ==> 276096 : PGF images not shown if zoom is set to 100%. 228 ==> 207944 : New renaming of pictures. 229 ==> 270554 : Import Wizard: Rename options filename with timestamp. 230 ==> 251886 : Autohide scrollbars, please. 231 ==> 226765 : Panning with arrow keys in preview mode is slow. 232 ==> 278040 : Raw images disappear after being exported. 233 ==> 255915 : Crash stopping slideshow. 234 ==> 278329 : Using DigiKam in Ubuntu 11.04 I cannot switch to another language. 235 ==> 277935 : Rename libkmap to libkgeomap and move it to extragear/libs. 236 ==> 273077 : Generate Fingerprints gets slower and slower. diff --git a/project/NEWS.4.0.0 b/project/NEWS.4.0.0 index 2d7831cbd0..30fb7a55a6 100644 --- a/project/NEWS.4.0.0 +++ b/project/NEWS.4.0.0 @@ -1,198 +1,223 @@ ***************************************************************************************************** digiKam 4.0.0 - Release date: 2014-05-12 NEW FEATURES: General : New Tags Manager window for easy tags management. General : New images quality sorter tool, based on blur, noise, and compression analysis. General : Multiple selection and multiple drag-n-drop capabilities on Tags Manager and Tags View from sidebars. General : Drop of Qt3Support classes. Now digiKam is pure Qt4 implementation. Metadata : Nepomuk Service fixed to use current Api. Enable it from digikam metadata settings. Metadata : Support for writing face rectangles in Windows Live Photo format. Editor : Port of canvas to Qt Model/view. Editor : LocalContrast tool support multicore CPU. Editor : Sharpen tool support multicore CPU. Editor : Blur tool support multicore CPU. Editor : Charcoal tool support multicore CPU. Editor : OilPaint tool support multicore CPU. Editor : Emboss tool support multicore CPU. Editor : Raindrop tool support multicore CPU. Editor : FilmGrain tool support multicore CPU. Editor : NoiseReduction tool support multicore CPU. Editor : BlurFx tool support multicore CPU. Editor : DistortionFx tool support multicore CPU. Editor : DistortionFx tool support zoomable preview. Showfoto : Port of Thumbbar to Qt Model/view. +General : New tool to export collection to Google Drive cloud service. +General : New tool to export collection to DropBox cloud service. + +MediaWiki: allow removal of metadata/GPS coordinates before uploading. +MediaWiki: graphical interface improvements. BUGFIXES FROM KDE BUGZILLA (http://bugs.kde.org): 001 ==> 325702 - digiKam crashes when deleting photos. 002 ==> 307146 - Build against shared LibRaw. 003 ==> 326368 - Can't make digiKam from git with test enable : error with libraw 5 ubuntu precise. 004 ==> 302810 - Crash when closing digiKam during face recognition. 005 ==> 289931 - digiKam crashed after trying to open the geolocation sidebar. 006 ==> 285250 - digiKam crashed after saving changed file. 007 ==> 256050 - digiKam crashed after modifying tag name. 008 ==> 324425 - How to switch off (get rid of) thumbnail preview? 009 ==> 326953 - Add loadEmbeddedPreview reading from QBuffer. 010 ==> 309061 - digiKam crash when moving tag. 011 ==> 327124 - Add loadHalfPreview reading from QBuffer. 012 ==> 326959 - digiKam crash while scanning pictures for thumnails maintenance. 013 ==> 318873 - digiKam crashes when clicking on image in thumbnails [patch]. 014 ==> 263299 - Need a Tags Manager. 015 ==> 312373 - Deleting all the tags known to digiKam at once. 016 ==> 326542 - Tagging some face then go to tag manager and test tag manager UI. 017 ==> 158791 - Multi-select tags (i.e. to delete more than one at a time). 018 ==> 256252 - Assign Tag with Drag and Drop doesnt work since Version 1.2.0. 019 ==> 196927 - No easy way to expand or collapse deep tag hierarchies [patch]. 020 ==> 317943 - Auto-rotate/flip using EXIF Information destroys pictures. 021 ==> 327242 - EXIF tags sorted in the reverse order (not alphabetically). 022 ==> 199975 - Issues in Album view on Windows. 023 ==> 327143 - TableView: Crash on image metadata change. 024 ==> 326525 - Severe memory leak during maintainance scan for rebuild thumbnails. 025 ==> 321403 - digiKam Crashes When Trying to Start. 026 ==> 327707 - Custom list of metadata cannot be customized. 027 ==> 180322 - Compute 35mm equivalent focal length. 028 ==> 320185 - Compatibility issue with hierarchical tags between Digikam and WLPG (and perhaps other software). 029 ==> 327957 - Text Filter Returns All Videos Regardless of String. 030 ==> 277928 - Database upgrade v4 to v5 failed : digiKam fails to start properly, lost albums. 031 ==> 325112 - Hang when opening folder of images to view thumbs. 032 ==> 314774 - When staring, error message "" occurs. 033 ==> 140175 - Mishandling of symbolic links [patch]. 034 ==> 301284 - Crashed at exit of digiKam. 035 ==> 261526 - Other applications to edit the photos cannot be added in the "open , "others" - error: path is not correct. 036 ==> 306782 - Rotating several times quickly corrupts images. 037 ==> 323891 - Tooltips are blank (while using gnome). 038 ==> 255523 - digiKam shows html in notification after moving pictures. 039 ==> 230060 - Delete Album is an absolutely terrifying procedure. 040 ==> 181727 - digitaglinktree does not work if albumdir is not on root-partition. 041 ==> 275687 - Artifacts when scrolling in album GUI. 042 ==> 293297 - Digitaglinktree does not process any photos even if tags exists under People category + new option for year subdirectory [patch]. 043 ==> 240048 - Open images with double instead of single click. 044 ==> 278664 - Image Names are not displayed completely in the AlbumUI. 045 ==> 187654 - Photos should be in reverse chronological order in default view. 046 ==> 317731 - digikam crashed while adding tags to images. 047 ==> 320455 - Tip of the Day dialog don't show digiKam icon. 048 ==> 328018 - Face-related XMP metadata not displayed. 049 ==> 142813 - No clock while processing display with color management. 050 ==> 138446 - Add "Assign ICC profile" entry to 'Image' menu. 051 ==> 293832 - Digitaglinktree - Multi tag level combination - find any image though directory browsing [patch]. 052 ==> 309393 - Modify date and time changes the previous changes picture too. 053 ==> 236850 - Export iptc to file. 054 ==> 103201 - Wish: easy transport of albums, including tags, comments, etc. 055 ==> 228376 - Tags filter should tick checkbox on 'enter'. 056 ==> 289184 - "Toggle auto" in Tag panel does not remember settings between restarts of digiKam. 057 ==> 218824 - Allow state of the tag tree to be saved. 058 ==> 261566 - Cannot right-click below tree in tag sidebars. 059 ==> 278908 - Create new tags in category not possible. 060 ==> 117810 - Dates view sidebar does not take into account tag filters. 061 ==> 307848 - digiKam import mtp, failure. 062 ==> 306454 - Rotated images gets wrong permission. 063 ==> 270159 - Tag replaced instead of added. 064 ==> 273180 - Enable Fingerprints Rebuilding For Specific Albums....The Same As Reloading Thumbnails. 065 ==> 328294 - bootstrap.local invokes wrong shell [patch]. 066 ==> 315881 - Cmake misplaces local KDE graphics components. 067 ==> 224038 - Thumbnails not shown on launch of digiKam. 068 ==> 294835 - Albums are listed with (0) photos, but Database Statistics shows correct numbers of photos. 069 ==> 186672 - Zoom slider should change amount of pictures, not picture size directly. 070 ==> 305104 - digiKam does not show some jpg images in files. 071 ==> 317669 - Two alert windows on overwrite alert. 072 ==> 320249 - Table view crashes when adressing tags. 073 ==> 309578 - crash importing images from an android usb storage. 074 ==> 322360 - Camera found as PTP Device, but if importing Images abort with "connection error". 075 ==> 328362 - Crash on start (macports install on OSX 10.9) - Exception Type: EXC_GUARD. 076 ==> 301371 - Exiv2 mix library strangeness. 077 ==> 328500 - Less unused space in Configure dialog. 078 ==> 328124 - digiKam extremely unresponsive and slow (probably related to tags). 079 ==> 273519 - When adding rating portrait images are rotated to landscape. 080 ==> 315156 - CR2 files from Canon PowerShot G1 X the colours are messed up. 081 ==> 228239 - Raw import tool: meaning of the Esc. 082 ==> 287102 - digiKam does not show selected album at startup. 083 ==> 307330 - digiKam does not connect to the album folder automatically unless it has been preselected in my folders. 084 ==> 163293 - Only generate thumbnail when needed [patch]. 085 ==> 328632 - "Save change" create a new file with filename_v1.jpg. 086 ==> 233657 - Thumbnails are created for thumbnails. 087 ==> 328034 - Preload the next photo in the folder in a memory cache to speed up transitions. 088 ==> 196649 - Very poor usability when browsing JPEG and RAW files. 089 ==> 308343 - Tag FolderView Icons are blurry when using 48px setting. 090 ==> 328578 - Crash when opening settings. 091 ==> 307281 - digiKam crashes while scrolling list of photos previews. 092 ==> 146318 - Usability: goto next item/ forward buttons are inconsistent between edit and view mode. 093 ==> 293194 - Disable versioning side panel if versioning disabled in preferences. 094 ==> 328818 - 4.0.0-beta1 - Build Errors (kevix2.h). 095 ==> 328830 - digiKam compile error because of commit f3e488b56e4d56be0bb1022e32258add72c3c68a. 096 ==> 292120 - Batch rename returns 'file does not exist' during rename. 097 ==> 198100 - ACDSee XMP sidecar from Raw pictures is not loaded. 098 ==> 303194 - Filemanagement xml-files. 099 ==> 313856 - Re-enable the possibility to set up the shortcuts for rating and labeling (color and pick). 100 ==> 294580 - Unclear status of jpg-pics: how to check for hidden or even malicious data in jpg? 101 ==> 322652 - Crashes on camera import. 102 ==> 312285 - Crash in image editor when moving to the next image. 103 ==> 299755 - After latest X upgrades the Level Tools upgrade is a solid color (black, white, gray). 104 ==> 328835 - Crash when opening "Configure Digikam" settings. 105 ==> 329127 - Remove Tag menu entry is enabled if a picture has no Tags. 106 ==> 297804 - Saving an image loses portait orientation. 107 ==> 279996 - Crash while running face detection. 108 ==> 278049 - Crash during tagging while scanning run in background (Digikam::ImageModel::removeRowPairs). 109 ==> 262596 - Crash when finding faces (Digikam::ImageModel::removeRowPairs). 110 ==> 329323 - Compile time error: flandmark_detector.cpp: No such file or directory. 111 ==> 308734 - digiKam/kioslave: a lot of "KIO::Slave::timeout: Houston, we lost our slave" and "slave died". 112 ==> 304207 - Progress manager: more control on appearance/disappearance. 113 ==> 313678 - digiKam fails to know which images in my camera is new. 114 ==> 314952 - Import window should not lock the interface while reading photos. 115 ==> 282728 - Importing photos with "Date based subalbums". The folder name "date" is wrong. 116 ==> 320398 - Select Album window should remember last used destination. 117 ==> 313880 - "Sort items" choice not respected in the import Dialog box. 118 ==> 323937 - Sorting of several camera types is missing or wrong. 119 ==> 329652 - import (ctrl+n) does not import. 120 ==> 329608 - Thumbnail of picture in dolphin never updated after picture manipulation. 121 ==> 307844 - digiKam import, ignore the user selection, replaces it by "all selected". 122 ==> 292318 - digiKam marble maps does not work. 123 ==> 198406 - Xmp not synchronized, uncomplete. 124 ==> 147921 - Gps widget in French please. 125 ==> 330230 - Memory leak in Image Quality Sorter. 126 ==> 227530 - Album-sorting gone from menus [patch]. 127 ==> 218023 - Albums tree does not remember sorting order (ascending/descending). 128 ==> 126116 - Keep directory hierarchy when albums are view by category. 129 ==> 225786 - Proposed digiKam Menu Changes. 130 ==> 246903 - Editor Canvas : not updated when zoom level changes in plugins. 131 ==> 129941 - Editor Canvas : Ability to Drag and Drop an image. 132 ==> 224246 - Editor Canvas : displays useless scroll bars. 133 ==> 233773 - Editor Canvas : ctrl + shift + e doesn't enable scrolling. 134 ==> 170364 - Editor Canvas : Expand selection rectangle by dragging sides in image editor [patch]. 135 ==> 288761 - Cached image corrupted after modifying metadata. 136 ==> 326018 - Freezes when I attempt to use the sharpen/refocus tool. 137 ==> 330947 - Icons for protected/unprotected pictures too similar on import. 138 ==> 305079 - Please allow nepomuk digikam service being installable separately. 139 ==> 323284 - Compile 3.3.0 failed - lensfuniface.cpp undefined reference. 140 ==> 302422 - Slideshow info is displayed too high. 141 ==> 292114 - Showfoto not capable for drag-and-drop? 142 ==> 159220 - Non printable characters in IPTC keyword set by digiKam (UTF-8 support with IPTC metadata) [patch]. 143 ==> 331700 - Some metadata are written with corrupted encoding of non-latin characters. 144 ==> 331578 - digiKam deadlocks on batch renaming/moving images. 145 ==> 257933 - digiKam zoom slider resets to minimum when returning from image preview [patch]. 146 ==> 311936 - FindKdcraw.cmake is outdated and causes digikam to fail building against KDE 4.10. 147 ==> 331714 - Showfoto crash when opening RAW. 148 ==> 332280 - freerotationfilter.cpp:92: (style) Same expression on both sides of '||'. 149 ==> 332346 - Cannot delete (or Download & Delete) from the import dialog. 150 ==> 327676 - Automated picture cutting produces _quadratic_ pics. 151 ==> 306283 - Browsing large pic collections and select subsequent subsets of these: workflow? 152 ==> 250213 - Wish for automatic area selection from irregular contours. 153 ==> 279544 - Tag image for unsharp pictures. 154 ==> 279543 - Filter pictures by "average" brightness. 155 ==> 249023 - Running the batch queue twice on same target directory fails with "Failed to save item...". 156 ==> 332663 - Wrong location of documentation translations. 157 ==> 332287 - digiKam crashes repeatedly while tagging faces with names. 158 ==> 281785 - No prohibition warning while tagging thumbnail above preview. 159 ==> 329313 - WISH: howto update installed version _stable_ without harming existing system? 160 ==> 333299 - Crash segmentation fault at starts. 161 ==> 333386 - Tags manager: '' shown in dialog box when removing a tag. 162 ==> 333388 - Tag manager: Tags removed from images without confirmation dialog. 163 ==> 333385 - Selecting a month in the tree view shows a different month in calendar and icon view. 164 ==> 329697 - digiKam crash when browsing albums (qt-sqlite plugin broken due to BC issue with libsqlite). 165 ==> 331597 - Tags are not sorted in UI [patch]. 166 ==> 334183 - Face recognition folder selection scans all available folders. +167 ==> 319664 - 3.2.0-beta2 (and 3.1.0) installs a static archive /usr/lib64/libPropertyBrowser.a. +168 ==> 324044 - MediaWiki: Fix bug, add feature, improve usability +169 ==> 307689 - digiKam crashes during Export to Rajce service [patch]. +170 ==> 323118 - SmugMug API access fails after SmugMug relaunch [patch]. +171 ==> 324646 - digiKam hangs when producting "Video Slide Show" [patch]. +172 ==> 319611 - Invalid placement of TimeStamp element in kml export [patch]. +173 ==> 319612 - Update kml export to use KML 2.2 schema [patch]. +174 ==> 199978 - Can not email images on Windows [patch]. +175 ==> 320782 - Try to automatically guess new flickr set name from image folders [patch]. +176 ==> 326728 - Panorama Stitching crashes upon start. +177 ==> 300445 - Integration with cloud storage (as Dropbox or GDrive) for quick sharing. +178 ==> 328679 - Untranslated strings due to missing i18n(). +179 ==> 328981 - Cannot select between multiple scanner devices. +180 ==> 296650 - digiKam crash while uploading to PicasaWeb. +181 ==> 304809 - Crash when attempting to download Facebook photos. +182 ==> 299038 - Crashes when Starting Geo-Tagging. +183 ==> 290797 - Crash when exporting images to flickr. +184 ==> 183014 - Png converter compressor unconsistent. +185 ==> 305137 - Wish for integrated(?) clip-generator. +186 ==> 332838 - String problems: word puzzle, exclamation marks. diff --git a/project/NEWS.4.1.0 b/project/NEWS.4.1.0 index 30d8c28152..3d8fbac792 100644 --- a/project/NEWS.4.1.0 +++ b/project/NEWS.4.1.0 @@ -1,53 +1,59 @@ ***************************************************************************************************** digiKam 4.1.0 - Release date: 2014-06-22 NEW FEATURES: General : Add Gelocation indicator over thumbnails when image has GPS coordinateds. AlbumGUI : Thumbnails from icon-view now support large resolution monitor (WQHD or 4K). Thumbs size can be set until 512x512 px instead 256x256 px. BUGFIXES FROM KDE BUGZILLA (http://bugs.kde.org): 001 ==> 334633 - Album metadata sorted in non-deterministic way in some cases. 002 ==> 334631 - After editing album metadata album list is not re-sorted. 003 ==> 330598 - Using full screen mode and then quitting leads to a digikamrc which causes digiKam to hang when attempting to view an album. 004 ==> 311280 - digiKam crash on exit. 005 ==> 327013 - digiKam crashes frequently when saving tags with "page down"-key. 006 ==> 276592 - Crash while browsing through album in enlarged view. 007 ==> 321295 - Crash after face recognition run. 008 ==> 335046 - digiKam crasch when starting. 009 ==> 328430 - Maximum thumbnail size of 256px is too small for big screens. 010 ==> 335073 - Entering the digiKam database path manually is broken. 011 ==> 287646 - digiKam import dialog locks if main window closed. Needs to be killed. 012 ==> 323014 - Import : download / delete all delete only one image. 013 ==> 323111 - When images are deleted in the import view, some non-deleted thumbnails disappear from the view. 014 ==> 330063 - digiKam, when deleting photo no confirmation [patch]. 015 ==> 311522 - Better place for thumbnails in geolocation. 016 ==> 254131 - Add geotagging symbol in album view. 017 ==> 330282 - digiKam 3.4.0 crashes anytime face tags are used (manual or automatical naming, faces database re-building...). 018 ==> 321337 - Group Icon overlay blocks 4/5 star rating when thumbnails are small. 019 ==> 333387 - Tags manager: Unavailable actions should be disabled when root item is selected 020 ==> 335666 - Has unsharp allows for radius <= 1 and it ignores the decimal part. 021 ==> 335652 - When using resize picture blurs out of focus. 022 ==> 330676 - Picture download. 023 ==> 335292 - File association doesn't open showFoto correctly. 024 ==> 335719 - Tag manager: "My Tags" entry is not properly expanded. 025 ==> 335721 - Tag manager: "Quick Access List" filtering seems to filter only by first letter. 026 ==> 335927 - Crash on import from camera (acting as mass storage). 027 ==> 335718 - Tag manager: Removing a tag turns entries in "Quick Access List" to "All tags". 028 ==> 316882 - digiKam shows wrong date on some mp4 files and shows no exif data. 029 ==> 336021 - digiKam does not show translated messages for Marble. 030 ==> 336076 - Couldn't limit the fuzzy search to certain albums / directories. 031 ==> 331679 - Crash on startup. 032 ==> 324566 - Copied code is license-incompatible (OpenTLD is GPL-3, libkface is GPL-2). 033 ==> 320772 - Unclear cvblobs licensing. 034 ==> 336037 - Wrong dates displayed in import window of digiKam. 035 ==> 302131 - MySQL : Windows XP client, linux database server slow startup. 036 ==> 336172 - Can't save to PNG. 037 ==> 333565 - Tagging in Album View deletes picture (Rygel DLNA server relevant). 038 ==> 330923 - Custom toolbar settings not loaded on start. 039 ==> 326997 - Some DNG files seem not to be recognized as such. 040 ==> 336553 - Patch that adds the OS X standard locations for ICC ("ColorSync") profiles. 041 ==> 323361 - Crash While Navigating Photos under Face Management feature. 042 ==> 336235 - digiKam stopped responding and crashed downloading photos from a smart phone. 043 ==> 297558 - Another crash when finding faces. +044 ==> 323378 - digiKam crash when try to export to facebook. +045 ==> 330684 - Advanced Slideshow. +046 ==> 327415 - Crash after I interrupted the «create photo layout» task. +047 ==> 333622 - Please add an option to display the GPS track loaded in the geolocation dialog [patch]. +048 ==> 336249 - Conflict between plugins keyboard shortcuts. +049 ==> 334284 - digiKam crashes when attempting to stitch panorama. diff --git a/project/NEWS.4.10.0 b/project/NEWS.4.10.0 index c692a90275..4af1d39baa 100644 --- a/project/NEWS.4.10.0 +++ b/project/NEWS.4.10.0 @@ -1,23 +1,25 @@ ***************************************************************************************************** digiKam 4.10.0 - Release date: 2015-05-10 NEW FEATURES: General : add support of ACDSee and MediaPro metadata for interroperability purpose. BUGFIXES FROM KDE BUGZILLA (https://www.digikam.org/changelog): 001 ==> 345954 - Recursive calls made into ProgressManager::slotTransactionCompletedDeferred [patch]. 002 ==> 329214 - Crash when moving tags by D&D. 003 ==> 345941 - Add an auxiliary grid-thirds in the crop tool. 004 ==> 345942 - Leak of memory when color autocorrection used on all processor cores. 005 ==> 345184 - When manually adding a face, the focus should automatically go to the text. 006 ==> 346025 - Unable to add keywords to Database, unable to view keywords from past. 007 ==> 346646 - Renaming works when downloading selected but settings are ignored when. 008 ==> 331742 - This takes a lot of time processing > 200 images in BQM [patch]. 009 ==> 345220 - HUB : Import ACDSee Categories to hierarchical Tags [patch]. 010 ==> 346637 - Missing support for Media Pro hierarchical keywords [patch]. 011 ==> 346405 - Problem importing pick labels [patch]. 012 ==> 347053 - BQM: "batched' files" are different from manually processed files [patch]. 013 ==> 186054 - FILEIO : add non-rgb TIFF files support [patch]. 014 ==> 329637 - Can't find Dutch translations of documentation in digikam tarball. +015 ==> 280189 - SmugMug Call Failed: Invalid user/nick/password. +016 ==> 334593 - Application fails with invalid method reading folders from Smug Mug. diff --git a/project/NEWS.4.11.0 b/project/NEWS.4.11.0 index 1ebef62429..2e47d21bcc 100644 --- a/project/NEWS.4.11.0 +++ b/project/NEWS.4.11.0 @@ -1,53 +1,96 @@ ***************************************************************************************************** digiKam 4.11.0 - Release date: 2015-06-14 NEW FEATURES: BUGFIXES FROM KDE BUGZILLA (https://www.digikam.org/changelog): 001 ==> 342791 - Quality sorter does not honor album selection, scans all albums instead. 002 ==> 277024 - After running a batch process to change metadata, the files halved in size. 003 ==> 320466 - SCAN : after to run BQM a lot of files are missing in icon-view. 004 ==> 338765 - BQM Watermark tool : output files have reduced size compared to original. 005 ==> 343652 - "Open with" with "Run in Terminal" does not open a Terminal. 006 ==> 162950 - View albums thumbnail in icon-view with a special frame as Dolphin. 007 ==> 344608 - digiKam freezes for a second or three after rating a raw photo. 008 ==> 323458 - Removing all face tags doesn't work. 009 ==> 335515 - Crash on Enhance -> Noise Reduction. 010 ==> 294217 - Make add face persistent, and add box by single click instead of drawing [patch]. 011 ==> 298929 - MAINTENANCE : cannot assign tags anymore. 012 ==> 262171 - When attaching a name to a face in Preview mode, the widget does not behave correctly. 013 ==> 333955 - BQM: offer option to optimize jpg pics. 014 ==> 165344 - Empty albums should not be included when sorting albums by date. 015 ==> 329138 - Convert to B&W hangs when moving editor window to other screen. 016 ==> 347628 - Can't remove "legend" field when updating metadata. 017 ==> 290930 - Cannot resize gamut diagram vertically, only horizontally. 018 ==> 266264 - Sidebar does not automatically resize to avoid horizontal scrollbar. 019 ==> 347728 - Build crashes when compiling libkdcraw with libraw 0.16.1.-76.1-x86_64. 020 ==> 341266 - No preview available with Gphoto2 camera. 021 ==> 309638 - Searching on technical images properties. 022 ==> 342557 - No rule to make target /opt/local/lib/libkgeomap.dylib in recent git distribution. 023 ==> 244097 - When importing .NEF files, if highlights are "rebuild", "auto-brightness" has no effect. 024 ==> 339612 - When adding label it moves files. 025 ==> 181736 - New tool for Image Editor to "delighting" photo. 026 ==> 196075 - Creating a quick-fix dialogue would give digiKam a real edge. 027 ==> 346877 - Cannot assign arrow keys as keyboard shortcut. 028 ==> 336126 - Batch renaming is broken : file just renamed cannot be found. 029 ==> 195701 - Do not default to "include subfolders"/no possibility to not include sub-folders. 030 ==> 262499 - Cannot rename .AVI files. 031 ==> 331194 - SCAN : prevent trailing white spaces in camera model/maker names [patch]. 032 ==> 326589 - When detect face with one folder limit and option skip already scanned image, .avi and .move in other folder are scanned too. 033 ==> 337878 - THUMBBAR : item focus must stay in the middle [patch]. 034 ==> 344952 - Keep selected image in thumbbar in the middle while being in preview mode. 035 ==> 348146 - Tools configuration module? 036 ==> 332316 - Lens Auto-Correction should remember previously used settings. 037 ==> 333630 - Cannot search items with exposure times > 30s or focal lengths > 1000mm. 038 ==> 257679 - Build a PKG package for digiKam under MacOSX. 039 ==> 348105 - TAGS MANAGER : Delete all unused tags. 040 ==> 309243 - Reread metadata does not remove tags from database. 041 ==> 348463 - First time, digiKam seems using more than one cpu. 042 ==> 348586 - digiKam does not write description to XMP sidecar file anymore. 043 ==> 318319 - Extended files type mime supported into search tool [patch]. 044 ==> 319921 - SCAN : Audio files are ignored [patch]. 045 ==> 253622 - digikam editor cannot use unsharp mask with radius smaller than one with Canon 7D RAW images. 046 ==> 349157 - Album view have random invisible / empty / disappearing previews, messed up selection. +047 ==> 274029 - Edit Metadata dialog doesn't honour settings for XMP sidecar [patch]. +048 ==> 345358 - digiKam crash when vkontakte plugin failed to upload images. +049 ==> 320308 - "Failed to upload photo into Flickr" every time after first use. +050 ==> 327069 - Missing translations. +051 ==> 243106 - Flickr uploader uploads with wrong date. +052 ==> 291449 - To check the file size and report to the user if the file size exceeds limits set by flickr. +053 ==> 228010 - Let flickr export progress bar show progress of each image. +054 ==> 240147 - Allow to change Advanced Slideshow delay with mouse as with keyboard. +055 ==> 261862 - Advanced slideshow controls not visible during a slideshow. +056 ==> 134525 - Impossible to use both transitions in slideshow. +057 ==> 182345 - Missing slideshow effects with control by hand. +058 ==> 238601 - Slideshow should support reordering pictures. +059 ==> 144007 - Allow to drag and drop location link over map. +060 ==> 280215 - Can't add geolocation info to videos. +061 ==> 210458 - Allow to use NMEA format as imported track file. +062 ==> 273520 - Geolocation not working reliably. +063 ==> 319657 - Unable to save geotags in *.CR2 and *.DNG. +064 ==> 304760 - OpenStreetMap shows only tiles from cache and does not download missing ones. +065 ==> 328943 - Description EXIF information. +066 ==> 274869 - Images without filename extension will not print. +067 ==> 215705 - Save multiple account frobs, so we don't have to sign out and reauth each time. +068 ==> 193890 - Allow to update "Modified" date from image. +069 ==> 318661 - Export plugin does not convert to sRGB and strips existing ICC profile. +070 ==> 233675 - Shared binary programs dngconverter and scangui do not provide man pages. +071 ==> 316310 - Tools - resize images doesn' work. +072 ==> 300458 - Imgur export is unusable from ksnapshot. +073 ==> 339572 - Too much required information. +074 ==> 264351 - KDE Global shortcuts do not work when using Advanced Slideshow. +075 ==> 227978 - Problem with "image resize" when german umlaute in pathname. +076 ==> 154076 - Corrupted image when use image viewer tool. +077 ==> 264045 - Export to remote computer does not work with fish:// urls. +078 ==> 160893 - Use UPNP server as image database. +079 ==> 340847 - MediaWiki: {{Coord}} template does not exist on Commons. +080 ==> 335493 - Fix issues when metadata are loaded by MediaWiki tool [patch]. +081 ==> 300629 - Print Assistant does not follow system localization. +082 ==> 303167 - DNGConverter fails if folder of raw files contains special characters like german umlauts. +083 ==> 122284 - Using mouse button to switch between next/previous item do not work with all effects. +084 ==> 317920 - Time zone data of IPTC metadata Date Created is unavailable and deleted in MetadataEdit [patch]. +085 ==> 342687 - Panorama file time-stamps should be the same than the stitched pictures. +086 ==> 311689 - Reverse Geocoding tags are sometimes not saved. +087 ==> 292482 - FACTORING : permit to fill image list with current selected album when no item are selected [patch]. +088 ==> 348278 - Export to GDrive fails when photo description contains double quotes. +089 ==> 330919 - Previews of dng images converted from dark cr2 images are too bright. diff --git a/project/NEWS.4.12.0 b/project/NEWS.4.12.0 index f4c9208d9e..25582ce82c 100644 --- a/project/NEWS.4.12.0 +++ b/project/NEWS.4.12.0 @@ -1,103 +1,156 @@ ***************************************************************************************************** digiKam 4.12.0 - Release date: 2015-07-26 NEW FEATURES: +Google Tools ==> Implementations of PicasaWeb and Google Drive are now merged into one common Google Services tool. + BUGFIXES FROM KDE BUGZILLA (https://www.digikam.org/changelog): 001 ==> 349302 - Copy path to clipboard. 002 ==> 339008 - digiKam crashed when opening import window. 003 ==> 349280 - Crash when importing photos via MTP. 004 ==> 330943 - New lens not detected. 005 ==> 285521 - Search by time of day [patch]. 006 ==> 269682 - digiKam crashes when selecting lens auto correction (ResizeEvent relevant). 007 ==> 317689 - Crash on selecting perspective tool (ResizeEvent relevant). 008 ==> 320382 - Unable to crop due to image corruption into canvas with not X11 based computers (ResizeEvent relevant). 009 ==> 340389 - digiKam crashes while editing pictures for color balancing on OSX. 010 ==> 294793 - Refocus filter crashes with 16bit images. 011 ==> 337324 - digiKam crashes when opening the import view via Import "Add Images...". 012 ==> 341356 - Not getting the new Versions of digiKam. 013 ==> 342625 - Can't install digikam because py27-numpy refuses to install. 014 ==> 326580 - digiKam 3.5 corrupts JPG, TiFF, PNG images. 015 ==> 349155 - digiKam does not work properly on OSX Yosemite. 016 ==> 347289 - digiKam crashes while beginning correcting perspective. 017 ==> 343948 - Crashes as soon as i try to import from USB3 attached flash drive with images on. 018 ==> 337537 - Crash on Import. 019 ==> 321899 - Crash during large import. 020 ==> 293671 - digiKam freezes on / after Import. 021 ==> 338685 - Program crashed while trying to import files from external USB HDD drive. 022 ==> 340990 - Crash after clicking importing from sd card. 023 ==> 345990 - 4.9.0 import from external card reader crashe. 024 ==> 339615 - Crashed after selecting Import (sd card reader). 025 ==> 277242 - MYSQL : using different databases for images metadata and thumbnail cache is broken. 026 ==> 320107 - Flip/Mirror operation doesn't flip/mirror the entirety of the picture (there is a strip left unmirrored) [patch]. 027 ==> 222462 - Crashed unexpectedly when using refocus tool. 028 ==> 319730 - Local contrast crashes digikam when used for second time. 029 ==> 312476 - Crash while playing with liquid rescale. 030 ==> 209398 - Crashes with SIGABRT upon free rotation of large image (55 MPixel) in image editor. 031 ==> 342313 - SQLITE : detected locked database file. There is an active transaction. Waited but giving up now. 032 ==> 334992 - Select color space -> other -> crash. 033 ==> 326133 - Crash during reread metadata from image. 034 ==> 316126 - digiKam crashed when choosing dlna export. 035 ==> 268356 - 0-pointer access if mysql-db is not working correctly. 036 ==> 257119 - digiKam crashes when i update fingerprints database. 037 ==> 348508 - Typing into "Enter Tag Here" crashes digikam 100% of the time. 038 ==> 349528 - After viewing only a handful of photos, digikam crashes. 039 ==> 314721 - Crash while starting. 040 ==> 313329 - Failed to start digiKam. 041 ==> 282047 - No open digikam. 042 ==> 276999 - Crash on saving changing EXIF settings. 043 ==> 298639 - digiKam crash when clicking on "next photo" button on lower right corner. 044 ==> 330106 - digikam crashes when changing database location. 045 ==> 288584 - Crash on exit. 046 ==> 338104 - digiKam crash when changing parameters for "detect and recognize faces". 047 ==> 204482 - SCAN : Failed to open database error message. 048 ==> 331937 - poll_for_event: assertion !xcb_xlib_threads_sequence_lost fails after editing metadata of a few videos and/or after viewing a few videos. 049 ==> 338695 - Crash when editig raw file: enhance -> restoration -> cancel. 050 ==> 249153 - Xorg with almost 100% CPU now and then during digiKam's usage. 051 ==> 334951 - digiKam freezes and after a while shutdown. no crash report. 052 ==> 322115 - Crash when opening an image. 053 ==> 267408 - digiKam new metadata template editor crash during save. 054 ==> 238935 - Jpeg 2000 Quality setting isn't working right: Always the same quality. 055 ==> 273290 - digiKam has crashed during import of pictures from SD card. 056 ==> 337921 - Unable to compile due to pointer type issue in gpcamera. 057 ==> 229779 - imported folders show not images. 058 ==> 210742 - Kodak camera cx4300 detects but won't download locks @20% (old o.s. & digikam worked). 059 ==> 323210 - Image History Bar Shows A Mess Of Derived Images And Identical Images That Are Neither Derived Nor Identical. 060 ==> 245345 - digiKam crashes while importing pictures from card reader. 061 ==> 274768 - digiKam crashed @DatabaseConfigElement::element. 062 ==> 271677 - Renaming. 063 ==> 225760 - started program with NFS album; scanning started; then at some point crash (wasn't paying attention). 064 ==> 349689 - digiKam cannot display images if directory name contains UTF8 characters (as e.g. 'ü'). 065 ==> 219308 - digiKam crash when i close it, after to move 50 items. 066 ==> 215782 - digiKam crash when setting tags. 067 ==> 314526 - Crash at displaying preview images. 068 ==> 233612 - The DocumentName tag is not added when importing [patch]. 069 ==> 349903 - Crash importing images on OSX. 070 ==> 233222 - Thumbnails displayed are from incorrect images. 071 ==> 264999 - Exif-dates not recognices OK. 072 ==> 212848 - Crashed in slideshow while viewing. 073 ==> 194047 - digiKam crashes while atempting to index photos. 074 ==> 190982 - Crashes when selecting album every time. 075 ==> 192701 - Signal SIGSEGV - Crash under Gnome. 076 ==> 196917 - Problem with "sticky" tooltips in album view. 077 ==> 216392 - digiKam crashed during moving of an empty folder. 078 ==> 220549 - Clicking OK closes showfoto and digikam. 079 ==> 235392 - digiKam crash after changing folder/album. 080 ==> 343288 - Crash after opening multiple images in editor window. 081 ==> 335850 - Switch to next picture takes a long time. 082 ==> 349937 - Crash if view is switched to table view. 083 ==> 348344 - Crash when in Image Editor I select an image area and click Enhance->in-painting. 084 ==> 329127 - Remove Tag menu entry is enabled if a picture has no Tags [patch]. 085 ==> 220194 - Moving or copying photos crashes digiKam. 086 ==> 192119 - Thumbnail orientation is always landscape even with portrait images. 087 ==> 191211 - digiKam crashes and causes 'signal 6 (SIGBART)' when detecting new images. 088 ==> 337729 - Blur parameter has no effect in Local Contrast tool. 089 ==> 349975 - Import window freezes when selecting multiple items and scrolling. 090 ==> 346465 - Crash after loading tools. 091 ==> 291822 - Saving a versioned image puts it last. 092 ==> 331989 - digiKam crashes when playing AVI-file. 093 ==> 350239 - Unmounted network shares, external hard drives show up in the album view. 094 ==> 338200 - Cancelling tags assigment in file metadata does not work [patch]. 095 ==> 239896 - digiKam hangs and/or crashes after adding tags. 096 ==> 321680 - Crash / segmentation fault when trying to recognize faces. +097 ==> 321446 - Export to Imgur just hang on 'loading' animation eternally. +098 ==> 349208 - Cmake can't find external libkvkontakte. +099 ==> 277898 - Does not compile, presumably because of missing directory in include path. +100 ==> 315580 - digiKam crashed after I changed the DLNA implementation from "HUPnP API" to "miniDLNA". +101 ==> 316126 - digiKam crashed when choosing dlna export. +102 ==> 348519 - Auth Token 98 - Login failed - Picasa Import. +103 ==> 215787 - Picasaweb updating photo or movie does not work,duplicate instead of replace. +104 ==> 217546 - Picasaweb export does not point to the current album. +105 ==> 223375 - PicasaWeb: videos won't be exported. +106 ==> 272423 - [wish] picasaweb updating tags. +107 ==> 272518 - Picasaweb updating photo not marked as uploaded. +108 ==> 329350 - Exporting a second time mix two exports (test picasaweb). +109 ==> 219773 - Attempted to use Picasaweb addon to upload an album of approximately 330 jpegs. +110 ==> 221200 - Uploading photo to picasa web albums. +111 ==> 221417 - Crash while export to Picasaweb. +112 ==> 291701 - PicasaWeb Export removes deleted photos from album. +113 ==> 304763 - Export of Picasaweb crashes. +114 ==> 306165 - Crash while starting photo upload to picasa. +115 ==> 308701 - digikam crash while export again the same image to picasaweb. +116 ==> 321251 - Application crashs if close it while sending images to picasa. +117 ==> 172427 - digiKam crashed. +118 ==> 164908 - Private albums are not listed (and then not usable) with picasa export plugin. +119 ==> 200091 - "remove EXIF data" crashes digiKam. +120 ==> 265630 - Gallery export uploads to wrong directory. +121 ==> 249842 - Blend bracketed images tool says it failed to save the blended image, but actually saves it. +122 ==> 320749 - Panorama tool fails systematically when file names contain ':'. +123 ==> 277994 - Missing dot in filename in "batch raw converter". +124 ==> 167286 - Gps tagging fails with message titled "digikam3rdparty.free.fr" and text "unauthorized call of the API" when starting the gps tagger window. +125 ==> 350167 - The browser to authenticate the plugin with flickr at the first export is never started. +126 ==> 297455 - Thumbnails not refreshed on file list. +127 ==> 343668 - Application crashed after upload movie to Rajce.net. +128 ==> 341688 - Dropbox upload does not work due to developer API keys. +129 ==> 337963 - Pictures moved from folders under copy.com sync control are re-downloaded again. +130 ==> 347194 - Export to Facebook fails with "Facebook Call Failed". +131 ==> 289256 - When an error occurs during session verification, the FB export dialog ends up in an unusable state. +132 ==> 240254 - Using FB and Flickr tools at the same time, FB is completed but dialog cannot be closed until Flickr tool is done. +133 ==> 319252 - FaceBook export doesn't work any more due to bad url given back to register to before photo uploading. +134 ==> 297162 - Application does not have permission for this action. +135 ==> 202898 - New Facebook Import Gui Mockup. +136 ==> 250564 - digiKam import corrupted pictures with facebook plugin (read html files). +137 ==> 317228 - Facebook tool seems to be hacked/redirected to a Japanese site. +138 ==> 305281 - Import to Facebook. +139 ==> 289272 - File upload to facebook fails digiKam. +140 ==> 347117 - Crash when exporting pictures to facebook. +141 ==> 297732 - digiKam crash when tried to export pics to facebook. +142 ==> 223830 - digiKam crash on Export to Facebook. +143 ==> 342300 - Export to facebook connect properly so i can post to my facebook account. +144 ==> 346183 - Crash when exporting picture to facebook. +145 ==> 328472 - Application crash on quit during Facebook upload. +146 ==> 306144 - Application crashes with the Export to Facebook. +147 ==> 299776 - Violation: Privacy Policy. diff --git a/project/NEWS.4.13.0 b/project/NEWS.4.13.0 index ffd186ec75..bdd86ebcef 100644 --- a/project/NEWS.4.13.0 +++ b/project/NEWS.4.13.0 @@ -1,38 +1,39 @@ ***************************************************************************************************** digiKam 4.13.0 - Release date: 2015-08-30 NEW FEATURES: BUGFIXES FROM KDE BUGZILLA (https://www.digikam.org/changelog): 001 ==> 350915 - digiKam 4.11.0 fails to compile with jpeg-9a [patch]. 002 ==> 343548 - Tag Manager crashes when adding a new tag. 003 ==> 350541 - PNG alpha channel is ignored [patch]. 004 ==> 229788 - digiKam crashes fetching pictures SD-Card. 005 ==> 298265 - Embedded preview changes from full to reduced size regardless album view settings [patch]. 006 ==> 351142 - Add metadata tags support for video files time-stamp. 007 ==> 334244 - Face tag zones are hidden after adding a new face. 008 ==> 351243 - Table view click to select broken. 009 ==> 350225 - Auto rename on import does not work for RAW images. 010 ==> 346646 - Renaming works when downloading selected but settings are ignored when importing new ones only. 011 ==> 351245 - Unable to connect to mysql database, due to missing 'create trigger' while user has ALL privileges on digikam DBs. 012 ==> 351404 - Wrong country name in country list. 013 ==> 351244 - Target album should be source album by default. 014 ==> 349901 - Delete shortcut key needed and should be Apple+delete. 015 ==> 349878 - digiKam Crashes when running maintenance. 016 ==> 350930 - UI freeze when importing to remote storage. 017 ==> 313390 - RAW images cannot be decoded if selected from within the image editor. 018 ==> 329873 - Crash during face detection. 019 ==> 351241 - Table view shows wrong thumbnails [patch]. 020 ==> 303545 - digiKam crash when importing photos from a camera. 021 ==> 344521 - digiKam crashes when trying to define one more face. 022 ==> 304952 - digiKam thumbnails don't load, even after rebuild thumbnails and application crashes. 023 ==> 341685 - Tags disappear on some photos after a few days. 024 ==> 346070 - Crash during "maintenance". 025 ==> 347348 - Moving a directory loses metadata in database associated with .cr2 raw files. 026 ==> 269634 - Crash when adding tags. 027 ==> 311135 - digiKam crashed after saving a new version of a modified picture. 028 ==> 309058 - Database can't be synchronized with XMP sidecars. 029 ==> 351679 - digiKam does not find album library. 030 ==> 350885 - Grouping images via the thumbbar is possible, but they disappear in digikam [patch]. 031 ==> 352040 - Names for faces do not take non-ASCII characters. +032 ==> 280058 - No coordinates shown in GPSSync window when using sidecar files. diff --git a/project/NEWS.4.14.0 b/project/NEWS.4.14.0 index 1e5b8f04e0..c585f4972e 100644 --- a/project/NEWS.4.14.0 +++ b/project/NEWS.4.14.0 @@ -1,31 +1,36 @@ ***************************************************************************************************** digiKam 4.14.0 - Release date: 2015-10-11 NEW FEATURES: General : Add support of OpenCV 3.x. General : Overlay icons are resized accordingly with thumbnails sizes. General : New Overlay icon to quickly show an image in full-screen. General : Exiv2 mininum version bumped to 0.25 to prevent crash with video files. BUGFIXES FROM KDE BUGZILLA (https://www.digikam.org/changelog): 001 ==> 349601 - digikam compile fine with OpenCV 2.X but not with 3.x. 002 ==> 261568 - ICONVIEW : scale overlay action icons accordingly with thumb size [patch]. 003 ==> 336331 - Thumbnails size can not be changed in MapView mode. 004 ==> 339082 - Allow a simpler way to place a photo in full-screen using overlay [patch]. 005 ==> 352338 - Digikam doesn't match Nikon lenses 35mm f/1.8G and 50mm f/1.8G. 006 ==> 126149 - Album icon view stores both jpeg and raw (nef), handle both as one [patch]. 007 ==> 352919 - Crash on delete into image editor [patch]. 008 ==> 341819 - Auto-creation of date-based sub-albums ignored. 009 ==> 353155 - Apply face tags to multiple images. 010 ==> 237719 - Color effects: Neon / Find edges don't take parameters correctly. 011 ==> 340373 - Crash on scanning video directory. 012 ==> 285052 - SCAN : moving an album from one collection to another one do not update information. 013 ==> 353600 - Wrong date (1970-01-01) on rename during raw import from Nikon D750. 014 ==> 353614 - Crash shortly after opening application. 015 ==> 141592 - Position of inserted text is not exact [patch]. 016 ==> 353608 - The preview has blocky artifacts reminiscent of chroma subsampling [patch]. 017 ==> 286373 - DNG don't get filtered as raw (group of items relevant). 018 ==> 181813 - digiKam text decoration font size problem. 019 ==> 353815 - Using Batch Queue Manager to extract preview images loses metadata. +020 ==> 306442 - digiKam 2.8 crash when opening geolocation tool. +021 ==> 352596 - Unable to upload large image to flickr even though I'm resizing it. +022 ==> 352621 - Export to facebook crashes. +023 ==> 352862 - Photos are compressed when exported to picasa. +024 ==> 352750 - Facebook export: Filename is used as Description. diff --git a/project/NEWS.4.2.0 b/project/NEWS.4.2.0 index 97ce5ce58b..6331f9a0e6 100644 --- a/project/NEWS.4.2.0 +++ b/project/NEWS.4.2.0 @@ -1,29 +1,33 @@ ***************************************************************************************************** digiKam 4.2.0 - Release date: 2014-08-03 NEW FEATURES: AlbumGui : New view on left sidebar to search quickly items with assigned Labels. Details: http://mohamedanwer.wordpress.com/2014/07/17/the-great-merging-day/ AlbumGui : Tags view: add a new option to show items with no tag. Details: http://mohamedanwer.wordpress.com/2014/07/11/tags-left-sidebar-supports-new-action-now/ General : Add retina display support with preview and editor canvas under OSX. BUGFIXES FROM KDE BUGZILLA (http://bugs.kde.org): 001 ==> 336851 - Untranslatable strings in Tags Manager. 002 ==> 336650 - Face Detection always(!) crashes after first and only successful run (Digikam 3.4.0 on Windows 7). 003 ==> 326019 - digiKam crashes while face tagging. 004 ==> 337231 - use high resolution pixmaps on retina displays [patch]. 005 ==> 337392 - Drag and drop tagging stopped working. 006 ==> 262175 - The widget to select names is not large. 007 ==> 262167 - When creating a new name the name is not displayed on the current picture. 008 ==> 286463 - Face detection does nothing in digiKam 2.3.0 windows 7 using the "official" installer. 009 ==> 337417 - Allow duplicate names on face tags in the same image [patch]. 010 ==> 160363 - Use pictures Labels (Rating, Pick, Color) as selection criteria in Export methods. 011 ==> 330976 - Crash after search for color label. 012 ==> 337507 - Face Detection gives no results, no matter the accuracy setting. 013 ==> 337688 - Reading/writing of keyword-tags to jpg and xmp corrupts tag hierarchy, duplicate root tag. 014 ==> 160363 - Wish: use pictures Labels (Rating, Pick, Color) as selection criteria in Export methods. 015 ==> 132827 - Create Tag from address-book entry. 016 ==> 337993 - Switching to "tags" tab. +017 ==> 313203 - Metadata editor doesn't recognize contact info written with digikam 2.6 and higher [patch]. +018 ==> 334089 - VideoSlideshow plugin port to QtGStreamer 1 (1.0-proposed) needed [patch]. +019 ==> 336835 - Cannot export to flickr anymore. +020 ==> 256466 - Shot info preservation from original files to target file. diff --git a/project/NEWS.4.3.0 b/project/NEWS.4.3.0 index bf819c6531..c672b30eb6 100644 --- a/project/NEWS.4.3.0 +++ b/project/NEWS.4.3.0 @@ -1,154 +1,160 @@ ***************************************************************************************************** digiKam 4.3.0 - Release date: 2014-09-07 NEW FEATURES: Database : Nepomuk support have been replaced by Baloo support (https://community.kde.org/Baloo). Map Searches : New option to display all non geolocated images from collections. General : New notification event when kioslave cannot be started. General : OSX event notifier is now used to dispatch notifications. AlbumGui : New Action To Exclude Items Without Rating with items filter. Details: http://mohamedanwer.wordpress.com/2014/08/28/new-action-to-exclude-items-without-rating/ +ExpoBlending : Remove OPenMP dependency. Ported to QtConcurrentRun. +Panorama : Support next hugin version (2014.0). BUGFIXES FROM KDE BUGZILLA (http://bugs.kde.org): 001 ==> 338048 - Separate Tags in Public and Private for Export. 002 ==> 338055 - libkdepimlibs not found. 003 ==> 317813 - SQLITE : digiKam do not accept previous DB Sqlite. 004 ==> 198063 - SCAN : digiKam startup is extremely slow. 005 ==> 262720 - SCAN : 'scan for new images' should work on just current Album. 006 ==> 317864 - Album rename problem. 007 ==> 230602 - Do not display photos, after the removal of the tag. 008 ==> 318201 - Assigned tags in IconView should be sorted. 009 ==> 336328 - Tags Manager's Sync Export DB to metadata, mirrors XMP but it only appends IPTC keywords data. 010 ==> 335624 - digiKam crash when I start face recognition. 011 ==> 338085 - digiKam 4.2 fails to start on windows. 012 ==> 327646 - MySQL : Failed to create tables in database" Error In digiKam [patch]. 013 ==> 195006 - SQLITE : UTF8 characters not accepted in database file path. 014 ==> 308931 - digiKam Nepomuk integration (v2). 015 ==> 225869 - Add option to found no geolocated images in database. 016 ==> 338429 - Removal of preposition 'My' from UI wording. 017 ==> 289204 - General performance problems because of lacking multithreading / multicore support. 018 ==> 332999 - Export shortcut. 019 ==> 333001 - JP2 compression has no effect. 020 ==> 327827 - Some pictures not visible in digiKam. 021 ==> 338138 - Preview uses low quality interpolation. 022 ==> 324323 - Hang on opening Geolocation pane on photos with XMP GPS tags. 023 ==> 284126 - Documentation required for compilation but should be optional. 024 ==> 258985 - digiKam does not store correct color profile in JPEG2000 or TIFF images. 025 ==> 338172 - After changing the Properties of an album, the selector in the album list (left bar) jumps, a random album is selected. 026 ==> 322789 - Enabling "color managed view" in editor slows down tool startup. 027 ==> 156186 - Sorting of albums other than alphabetically. 028 ==> 267511 - Export /print selection manager. 029 ==> 129132 - Hidden tags for archiving purposes. 030 ==> 266671 - Option to detect faces on all pictures that had no faces detected on previous runs. 031 ==> 265268 - Usability: Change Icon in Scanresults to mark as "not a face". 032 ==> 287621 - Right Click Face Tagging in Preview not working. 033 ==> 262170 - The remove button for faces should be more explicit. 034 ==> 286770 - Unknown face tag no longer shows any items, even though there are unlabelled face tags in images. 035 ==> 263397 - Usability enhancement on changing confirmed faces. 036 ==> 308642 - Faces assignement : user interface improvements. 037 ==> 279199 - Several UI suggestions for face-detection. 038 ==> 271841 - SCAN : KDirwatch and database : digikam very slow when editing iptc data. 039 ==> 290421 - digiKam should inform users when kio-slave fail to load. 040 ==> 289872 - Database will not open. 041 ==> 306158 - GROUP : Sorting the image-groups by name in main image view, when the images are grouped in albums. 042 ==> 338522 - digiKam doesn't save metadata to images. 043 ==> 307613 - Face tag input field does not show when no Icon View Options are enabled. 044 ==> 187651 - Improve wording and usability of first-run wizard. 045 ==> 327054 - Startup scan happens twice if splash screen turned off in settings->misc->splash screen. 046 ==> 279835 - Rating Filter : checkbox for including or excluding not rated images. 047 ==> 298158 - When working in digiKam, metadata erased whereas GIMP preserves metadata. 048 ==> 141014 - Time and dates in digiKam. 049 ==> 188925 - Write image metadata in background with user feedback. 050 ==> 126821 - Handle existing read-only photo trees without copying (i.e. virtual albums). 051 ==> 335256 - Add option to view custom GPS EXIF tags (IPTC). 052 ==> 213745 - Create date change when we modefy xmp metadata. 053 ==> 275351 - User Icons won't show on digikam restart. 054 ==> 278110 - Fuji X100 RAF RAW files doesn't show right under image editor. 055 ==> 308821 - GoogleMaps : Impossible to open map view. 056 ==> 338631 - Extending raw support. 057 ==> 161619 - Smart zoom steps in Image Editor. 058 ==> 284213 - Editing tools re-organized to sidepanel to save space with better usability. 059 ==> 148238 - Fast switching between preview modes. 060 ==> 155415 - PRINT : white lines in preview and output. 061 ==> 229670 - Curves Widget does not restore a "free curve" correctly (in BWSepia filter). 062 ==> 267216 - Enable auto detection of libjpeg turbo under fedora 14 or later. 063 ==> 291972 - HEAD compiling issues under FreeBSD 8.2 [patch]. 064 ==> 326112 - SCAN : Moving an album (directory) loses metadata for cr2 files. 065 ==> 322079 - Mouse wheel short cut to move through my pictures. 066 ==> 312741 - When scrolling through lots of pics, these apper too small. 067 ==> 293957 - Preview image not updated after rotation or flip. 068 ==> 209343 - Mouse-wheel should jump to next/previous picture if used when viewing a picture. 069 ==> 160591 - Forward / Back (Previous / Next) don't work in preview mode. 070 ==> 132047 - Faster display of images and/or prefetch wished for. 071 ==> 261562 - Drop tags over preview canvas. 072 ==> 292407 - Display image center when Zooming to 100%. 073 ==> 314377 - digiKam should display images without interpolation when zoom is > 200%. 074 ==> 316863 - Zoom keyboard shortcuts not working in preview mode. 075 ==> 154643 - Slideshow from digiKam could use some filter options. 076 ==> 255792 - Photo selection mode while browsing album with Slideshow. 077 ==> 321737 - Image editor always opens small window. 078 ==> 288614 - Tags filter and Taggin sidebar are too similar, easy to mistake. 079 ==> 291542 - Mouse scroll by itself does NOT take one to the next or previous picture in Reduced Size Preview. 080 ==> 140743 - More flexible and consistent grouping of icons. 081 ==> 248565 - Basic functionality not available via keyboard. 082 ==> 246726 - Ask for confirmation when deleting many images. 083 ==> 162552 - Compact image display in virtual folders. 084 ==> 318700 - Preview mode not updated after importing or deleting pictures. 085 ==> 333598 - Rebuild fingerprints crashes with large number (>40000) of images. 086 ==> 251664 - Allow to remove all duplicates except in one selected Album. 087 ==> 324900 - Impossible to select collection subfolder in duplicates search. 088 ==> 336327 - digiKam crashed when start to import pictures from usb-drive. 089 ==> 300020 - Picture not showing in the thumbnails after edition. 090 ==> 329524 - Moving versioned pictures to a different album ungroups them. 091 ==> 305359 - Advanced rename of lots of images is slow. 092 ==> 333356 - Crash on attemp to change modified date to created date. 093 ==> 134164 - Be able to use the settings from inside the .NEF file itself. 094 ==> 338081 - Support HDR DNG images from HDRMerge. 095 ==> 327628 - Add keyboard shortcut to rename album. 096 ==> 287081 - F2 renames image, not Album in Thumbnails mode. 097 ==> 320295 - Bad Exif orientation interpretation while importing. 098 ==> 314952 - Import window should not lock the interface while reading photos. 099 ==> 314953 - Import window and digiKam window freeze when clicking "Download all". 100 ==> 161988 - Collapse of keyword tree. 101 ==> 318577 - Batch queue fails to process multiple files simultaneously (in parallel). 102 ==> 323299 - Synchronize sort order of icon-view and album tree-view. 103 ==> 128333 - digiKam automatic photographic Labels. 104 ==> 291903 - Minor tweaks to input-field "Enter new tag here...". 105 ==> 115170 - MANAGER : add 'remove all tags' to menu hierarchy. 106 ==> 331695 - MANAGER : misleading menu entry may lead to unintentionall purging of all tags. 107 ==> 337688 - Reading/writing of keyword-tags to jpg and xmp corrupts tag hierarchy, duplicate root tag. 108 ==> 335723 - MANAGER : "Quick Access List" can not be resized. 109 ==> 329975 - Metadata tag is never (re-)read from image. 110 ==> 326935 - Cannot open tiff-files. 111 ==> 335718 - MANAGER : removing a tag turns entries in "Quick Access List" to "All tags". 112 ==> 225723 - Simple sharpen is awfully slow. 113 ==> 290442 - Unsharp Mask with radius less than 1.0 burns images. 114 ==> 127374 - Maximum Radius way too small in Unsharp Mask tool. 115 ==> 331523 - digiKam don't compile with next Lensfun version where CCI correction have been removed. 116 ==> 315025 - 0Byte sized files after using 2 actions in Batch Queue Manager. 117 ==> 314822 - BQM creates empty PNG output from PNG input. 118 ==> 330118 - Downloading back the same image with "download and deleted", import tool says "image already exists". 119 ==> 308836 - Add keyboard shortcuts to toggle display of left and right sidebar. 120 ==> 144651 - Add Keyboard shortcuts to navigate between tabs from left and right sidebar.* 121 ==> 286263 - digiKam automatically expands albums tree-view item while dragging over 122 ==> 307231 - Moving a tag from "my tag" collapse the tag under. 123 ==> 240231 - Add an option to context menu to restore menu visibility when it have been hidden. 124 ==> 201592 - Sorting images in queue from Batch Queue Manager. 125 ==> 265231 - Tooltip do not show whole camera information. 126 ==> 309471 - EXIF orientation is not determined for some JPEG files. 127 ==> 307357 - Metadata from DNG files generated Lightroom 3 and 4 are not displayed in Image Editor right side-bar tab. 128 ==> 324759 - When digiKam searches faces, it sets frames automatically. I can _NOT_ erase the "frames" any more. 129 ==> 193485 - Sort images by Caption, Headline, Comments, etc. 130 ==> 228394 - Sort images by EXIF tag. 131 ==> 124890 - Sort images by camera. 132 ==> 216634 - "Move" as default operation. 133 ==> 284585 - Preserve RSync compatibility when changing Exif orientation and not Modification time. 134 ==> 281574 - Black background for preview in fullscreen [patch]. 135 ==> 313855 - Double click over the preview canvas to leave preview mode. 136 ==> 300647 - F5 in preview mode jumps to top of album instead to refresh canvas. 137 ==> 324028 - Menu bar is missing after closing digiKam in fullscreen mode. 138 ==> 318831 - Double-clicking on video thumbnail has no effect. 139 ==> 275080 - Add keyboard shortcut for "Open With" default application. 140 ==> 115597 - Add "Open With..." option in image editor. +141 ==> 338037 - digiKam 4.2.0 compilation error: undefined reference to `cvFillImage'. +142 ==> 335250 - Proposed minor fixes to MediaWiki plugin [patch]. +143 ==> 338871 - Selection of tools is set to default after each restart of digiKam. +144 ==> 336667 - "Google Drive Export" ignoring digikamrc setting. diff --git a/project/NEWS.4.4.0 b/project/NEWS.4.4.0 index 524ba4298b..1c47e2f0dc 100644 --- a/project/NEWS.4.4.0 +++ b/project/NEWS.4.4.0 @@ -1,64 +1,67 @@ ***************************************************************************************************** digiKam 4.4.0 - Release date: 2014-10-12 NEW FEATURES: -General : Navigate between pictures using PageUp/PageDown is now possible while editing properties through captions/tags sidebar. -General : New keyboard shortcuts to improve usability while photo review (as to switch focus on text edit widget, or to toogle tags view). -General : New keyboard shortcut to switch on/off color managed view for thumbnails and preview. -AlbumGUI : Album preview can be displayed in tooltip. -SlideShow : Labels and Tags keyboard shortcuts can be used while slideshow. -SlideShow : Support multi-monitors computer. +General : Navigate between pictures using PageUp/PageDown is now possible while editing properties through captions/tags sidebar. +General : New keyboard shortcuts to improve usability while photo review (as to switch focus on text edit widget, or to toogle tags view). +General : New keyboard shortcut to switch on/off color managed view for thumbnails and preview. +AlbumGUI : Album preview can be displayed in tooltip. +SlideShow : Labels and Tags keyboard shortcuts can be used while slideshow. +SlideShow : Support multi-monitors computer. +PiwigoExport: Allow to upload videos (OGG, MP4 and WEBM) if the Piwigo server accept them. +PiwigoExport: Remove the support of old Piwigo API (version < 2.4). BUGFIXES FROM KDE BUGZILLA (https://www.digikam.org/changelog): 001 ==> 147175 - CANVAS : fit only large images to window. 002 ==> 282900 - Control click on thumb to deselect resets focus to first photo. 003 ==> 303179 - Customize status bar. 004 ==> 229930 - Delete photos with the mouse action not an action icon. 005 ==> 322053 - Filtered Icon-View and change rating changes all items from non filtered Icon-View. 006 ==> 137320 - Thumbnails generation process should continue for images that are off-screen [patch]. 007 ==> 110658 - Thumbnails generation process should have low priority. 008 ==> 224806 - ICONVIEW : use keyboard modifier with right mouse click to run default "Open With..." action 009 ==> 309557 - Add a new option to show image Title information in tooltips. 010 ==> 201698 - Add keyboard shortcut for album navigation when using Captions/Tags sidebar. 011 ==> 211622 - Pressing PageDown should show the next image when focus is in Captions/Tags sidebar. 012 ==> 131632 - Add keyboard shortcut for better captioning workflow. 013 ==> 291695 - Add Keyboard shortcut to "Tags already assigned" button from Captions/Tags sidebar. 014 ==> 290928 - Add keyboard shortcut to switch "Color managed view" from Preview mode. 015 ==> 320304 - Aspect ratio not rounded and displays useless. 016 ==> 325580 - digiKam crash running maintenance tool. 017 ==> 338485 - Crash during Face recognition and detection about KFaceIface::Identity::isNull(). 018 ==> 275381 - GROUP : rating widget overlaps the grouping indicator over thumbnail. 019 ==> 144168 - ICONVIEW : show only modification date if modification date is different than creation date. 020 ==> 268284 - ZoomSlider from statubar tooltip looks inconsistent. 021 ==> 152948 - Confirmation dialog is not needed if Captions/Tags take focus and no changes is performed. 022 ==> 313947 - Add new toolbar button to change Labels, at new digiKam session button do not appear until make another change in toolbar. 023 ==> 282506 - Keyboard shortcut tagging functionality is lost. 024 ==> 309558 - Bad inheritance of keyboard shortcut when creating sub-tag. 025 ==> 338509 - Tag-Shortcut not visible in Tag properties. 026 ==> 275077 - Add Tags and Labels keyboard shortcuts in application configuration dialog. 027 ==> 229680 - Add album thumbnail in album tooltip. 028 ==> 206546 - Save or print mosaic from light table. 029 ==> 339074 - CORE : warning from Qt when in database connection checker [patch]. 030 ==> 324287 - SCAN : frequent image scans slow. 031 ==> 313857 - Add keyboard shorcut to apply Labels while Slideshow. 032 ==> 312043 - Show image Title in Slideshow. 033 ==> 242119 - Interactive Slideshow (presentation mode). 034 ==> 339051 - Allow the usage of arrows to move in the photo sequence when in slideshow [patch]. 035 ==> 163941 - Show and assign Tags while Slideshow. 036 ==> 339140 - Labels Search: Inconsistent font used for headings, does not follow theme. 037 ==> 339144 - digiKam crashes in libkexiv2 metadata handling. 038 ==> 339210 - digiKam crashes when trying to stop find duplicates. 039 ==> 339341 - SCAN : digiKam not showing format label for .KRA or .ORA files. 040 ==> 338629 - digiKam freezes on Import. 041 ==> 336333 - Map view in import tool is very slow. 042 ==> 339173 - Album Tool-Tips: Incorrect parent collection shown. 043 ==> 339052 - MANAGER: Sort order (ascending/descending) not saved when window is closed. 044 ==> 171199 - Single-click behavior on tree-view do not respect settings from KDE control panel. 045 ==> 257313 - Slideshow on different display (presentation mode). 046 ==> 338783 - No EXIF/XMP info in "Metadata" right side-bar tabs. 047 ==> 337507 - Face Detection gives no results, no matter the accuracy setting. 048 ==> 339440 - digiKam crashes when opening geolocation from sidebar or toolbar. 049 ==> 313855 - Use single/double click setting from KDE control center to leave media player mode. 050 ==> 339227 - Existing tags from image metadata are removed when adding new tags to multiple images. +051 ==> 337943 - Crash when cancelling piwigo export. diff --git a/project/NEWS.4.5.0 b/project/NEWS.4.5.0 index 270d1533fd..86d99af08d 100644 --- a/project/NEWS.4.5.0 +++ b/project/NEWS.4.5.0 @@ -1,33 +1,36 @@ ***************************************************************************************************** digiKam 4.5.0 - Release date: 2014-11-09 NEW FEATURES: General : Remove internal libpgf. Add external and mandatory dependency to libpgf >= 6.12.24. General : Extra tools dependency is now optional. General : libkgeomap is now an optional dependency to support geolocation maps. General : libkface is now an optional dependency to support faces detection and recocognition. General : libjasper is now an optional dependency to support JPEG200. BUGFIXES FROM KDE BUGZILLA (https://www.digikam.org/changelog): 001 ==> 339806 - Compiler error: ambiguous reference to ratio variable. 002 ==> 326945 - When build digikam from git and package libpgf is installed, no way to use internal digikam libpgf. 003 ==> 339524 - Identity class miss d private container to improve binary compatibility [patch]. 004 ==> 315574 - CORE : bad performance when Tag-related Sidebars (Tag management / Filter) are open [patch]. 005 ==> 339903 - Select 'recent' albums containing MOV or .xcf(Gimp) files. Immediate crash occurs. 006 ==> 340030 - Tools can not be deactivated on non-English locales. 007 ==> 340141 - White Balance: Unable to specify exposure compensation > x.5. 008 ==> 340186 - GROUP : Wallet icon for grouped photos is conceptually confusing. 009 ==> 306767 - ICONVIEW : thumb focus is lost after renaming. 010 ==> 340295 - Make fails on imagedescedittab.cpp has no member named 'textEdit'. 011 ==> 337737 - MYSQL : settings and installation windows freeze when valid mariadb/mysql db connection is available [patch]. 012 ==> 340439 - No auto-rotation/flip Images after download [patch]. 013 ==> 338407 - Import not showing image thumbnails for certain Canon cameras [patch]. 014 ==> 326718 - Clear text button on file rename does nothing [patch]. 015 ==> 267789 - Make face detection (kface) and geo tagging (kmap) optional features [patch]. 016 ==> 172295 - digiKam has a hard dependency on Jasper library. 017 ==> 339180 - Cmake and/or compiler pick up libkgeomap header files from previous version. 018 ==> 340581 - Ratings with rating == 0 cannot be selected on the left sidebar [patch]. 019 ==> 339154 - digiKam goes into infinite loop when working with tags/captions information tab templates. 020 ==> 340487 - Add Album Category as a search criteria [patch]. +021 ==> 337422 - EXIF thumbnail date information not updated when writing metadata to image. +022 ==> 340443 - Advanced slideshow shows not all pictures under certain conditions [patch]. +023 ==> 340476 - Floating Cards brings digiKam with non-English locales to crash and missing parameter text [patch]. diff --git a/project/NEWS.4.6.0 b/project/NEWS.4.6.0 index d6c6888fdc..9f75ac34c3 100644 --- a/project/NEWS.4.6.0 +++ b/project/NEWS.4.6.0 @@ -1,42 +1,44 @@ ***************************************************************************************************** digiKam 4.6.0 - Release date: 2014-12-14 NEW FEATURES: Editor : Several fixes to complete image editor canvas port to Qt4 model/view. General: Better support of removable media and unvavailable items. Import : Allow sub-subfolders auto creation while importing. BQM : Allow to save/load Workflow from tools context menu. BUGFIXES FROM KDE BUGZILLA (https://www.digikam.org/changelog): 001 ==> 340811 - Wrap album caption. 002 ==> 340278 - Please provide a windows build of 4.4. 003 ==> 341031 - LibLqr detected during build but shown as not supported in components information. 004 ==> 340945 - libkgeomap, libmediawiki, libkvkontakte, libkface not found. 005 ==> 338532 - Sidecar files are neither created nor updated under Windows. 006 ==> 335661 - CANVAS : image is displayed with wrong magnification after crop. 007 ==> 338996 - CANVAS : Selection coordinates/size do not show either during selection or update when using selection area adjust controls [patch]. 008 ==> 339053 - Allow the usage of arrows to move in the photo sequence when in preview [patch]. 009 ==> 205776 - Option to load full image size in preview mode does not only do what it says with RAW files [patch]. 010 ==> 341306 - CANVAS: no "Select All" for the second time and selection fixes after crop and auto crop [patch]. 011 ==> 341298 - libkexiv2-4.14.3/libkexiv2/kexiv2exif.cpp:934: bad if test ? 012 ==> 341470 - Better speed after downloading many pictures with auto-rotation/flip option [patch]. 013 ==> 286611 - Tags are losts randomly when converting TIFF to PNG. 014 ==> 320564 - CANVAS : full image dimensions not shown when not viewing at 100% zoom level. 015 ==> 341053 - Text Filter broken [patch]. 016 ==> 341566 - digiKam crashed after closing when BQM was used before. 017 ==> 294602 - Sub sub-folders separated with '/' in file path cannot be created with album selection dialog [patch]. 018 ==> 339108 - Segfault trying to download photos. 019 ==> 338367 - CANVAS : unable to zoom out to less than fit to window [patch]. 020 ==> 341671 - IMPORT: Zoom Out and Zoom In button in preview mode working not [patch]. 021 ==> 338224 - Inconsistent "Zoom to 100%" shortcut behavior between Preview Mode and Image Editor. 022 ==> 263550 - CANVAS : image shifts position in mouse-over mode when changing between Before and After. 023 ==> 333929 - Target ICC profile is common to all queues from BQM. 024 ==> 323112 - Preview fails when importing images because digiKam uses a wrong path with Gphoto2 camera [patch] 025 ==> 331224 - Sync metadata eventually slow-down computer to unusable state. 026 ==> 338276 - CANVAS : mouse-over preview mode does not work [patch]. 027 ==> 341825 - Rounding down zoom for fit to windows size and it will never scroll bars be displayed [patch]. 028 ==> 326796 - When returning from edit mode to preview mode, next image not always loaded. 029 ==> 341868 - View->Fit to Selection no centering the new selection [patch]. 030 ==> 191494 - Support search in offline collections (e.g. removable medias). +031 ==> 302306 - HTML export crashes digiKam with floating cards theme. +032 ==> 341379 - Advanced slideshow crashes if it runs manually backwards [patch]. diff --git a/project/NEWS.4.7.0 b/project/NEWS.4.7.0 index a6175d94ad..9012ef279e 100644 --- a/project/NEWS.4.7.0 +++ b/project/NEWS.4.7.0 @@ -1,31 +1,34 @@ ***************************************************************************************************** digiKam 4.7.0 - Release date: 2015-01-25 NEW FEATURES: BUGFIXES FROM KDE BUGZILLA (https://www.digikam.org/changelog): 001 ==> 341054 - No way to filter only files of a specific extension. 002 ==> 342073 - The creation of the selection has a dysfunction after a very fast mouse double click [patch]. 003 ==> 342273 - CANVAS : When using zoom +/- from the staus-bar are image artifacts is visible [patch]. 004 ==> 342229 - Crash attempting to rotate empty (NULL) thumbnail [patch]. 005 ==> 342293 - Each mouse right click creates a new Open With entry in the context menu [patch]. 006 ==> 342346 - Show only vendor specific meta data which is relevant. 007 ==> 336127 - Rename pattern textbox not tall enough and uses hard-coded font colors [patch]. 008 ==> 342149 - Freezes when mousing over "create tag from address book" in the right click tag menu [patch]. 009 ==> 340384 - Segmentation fault when creating new album. 010 ==> 338785 - digiKam face detection finds no faces. 011 ==> 342602 - Restore toggle fit to window and last zoom in the image editor [patch]. 012 ==> 342708 - A little less image shift in the mouse over preview mode [patch]. 013 ==> 342448 - Compile issues in origin/master Jan/2015. 014 ==> 342931 - Wrong apect ratio in item properties and in item view. 015 ==> 341821 - "Cancel" button in Import window does nothing [patch]. 016 ==> 343013 - CANVAS : on working with raw images marked square isn't crop accurate [patch]. 017 ==> 343080 - Cannot find the right lensfun profile for RAW lens correction [patch]. 018 ==> 343221 - Softproofing in editor does not work anymore [patch]. 019 ==> 342996 - Corrections for rename settings in images import [patch]. 020 ==> 314441 - Rename settings while importing ignored [patch]. 021 ==> 328541 - Cursor sometimes stays "busy". -022 ==> 342430 - When selecting a subset of images instead of all images to download from camera, +022 ==> 342046 - In the export menu, Google Drive and Dropbox icons are huge, filling almost all the screen. +023 ==> 342857 - Changed files are not reported to host application [patch]. +024 ==> 310580 - DNG Converter cannot save image if path have non-ascii characters [patch]. +025 ==> 342430 - When selecting a subset of images instead of all images to download from camera, the numbering of the renamed images adds the number of selected images to the sequence numbers. diff --git a/project/NEWS.4.8.0 b/project/NEWS.4.8.0 index 5e9bc0e78f..302da4ba89 100644 --- a/project/NEWS.4.8.0 +++ b/project/NEWS.4.8.0 @@ -1,19 +1,22 @@ ***************************************************************************************************** digiKam 4.8.0 - Release date: 2015-02-22 NEW FEATURES: BUGFIXES FROM KDE BUGZILLA (https://www.digikam.org/changelog): 001 ==> 343031 - Digikam won't start: *** Error in `digikam': realloc(): invalid pointer: 0x0000000000c14260 *** 002 ==> 343548 - Tag Manager crashes when adding a new tag. 003 ==> 337011 - Image Quality Sorter doesn't apply labels [patch]. 004 ==> 318726 - Some BQM tools in a workflow don't restore (all) parameters properly [patch]. 005 ==> 342189 - BQM won't let me remove a tool unless i change it [patch]. 006 ==> 332314 - Lens Auto-Correction seems to prefer makernotes over Exif making fixing manual lenses impossible. 007 ==> 343755 - Tags from Windows Photo Gallery sometimes ignored. 008 ==> 341241 - digiKam crash during marking photos in Persons/Tags view [patch] 009 ==> 344154 - digiKam sometimes shows the raw preview, sometimes the JPEG preview, depending on the position of the stars [patch]. 010 ==> 344156 - Use digiKam with your keyboard, delete the wrong photos [patch]. 011 ==> 344155 - Rotating raw image sometimes results in the preview showing the photo rotated in the opposite direction [patch]. +012 ==> 342194 - Geolocalisation not possible using google maps: "Malformated Url" +013 ==> 343777 - FindQtSoap.cmake doesn't find latest qtsoap built from git code [patch]. +014 ==> 308021 - digiKam crashes when making panorama / boost. diff --git a/project/NEWS.4.9.0 b/project/NEWS.4.9.0 index db9a550f8d..cc721b12a9 100644 --- a/project/NEWS.4.9.0 +++ b/project/NEWS.4.9.0 @@ -1,37 +1,41 @@ ***************************************************************************************************** digiKam 4.9.0 - Release date: 2015-04-05 NEW FEATURES: BUGFIXES FROM KDE BUGZILLA (https://www.digikam.org/changelog): 001 ==> 344484 - digiKam 4.8.0 compilation error : undefined reference to `cv::Exception::Exception. 002 ==> 203733 - Syncing EXIF Artist and Copyright fields with IPTC/XMP. 003 ==> 338753 - Exif ImageDescription field is being used incorrectly. 004 ==> 330224 - Add collection from network share is silently ignored [patch]. 005 ==> 344699 - Maintenance is using the wrong face data management [patch]. 006 ==> 342931 - Wrong apect ratio in item properties and in item view. 007 ==> 344793 - Thumbnail-preview broken for tags and timeline. 008 ==> 345025 - Wrong sql statement updating thumbnail modification date. 009 ==> 327009 - Tags auto-completion suggestions list is cut off at the right side. 010 ==> 345168 - Crash when applying auto lens correction (chromatic aberration) [patch]. 011 ==> 319383 - Crash while applying lensfun distortion correction. 012 ==> 333540 - Random crashes on OpenSUSE 13.1. 013 ==> 345387 - Lens auto-correction tools shows "partial mathc" for canon 700d 18-135 is stm. 014 ==> 345367 - The sideview containing the thumbnails is not updated after deleting a photo. 015 ==> 345187 - When naming unkown faces digikam only remembers typed characters and not the selected name for the next face [patch]. 016 ==> 326208 - When doing a face learning (erase data and rebuild), Database is not erased and grow. 017 ==> 323888 - Face recognition makes digikam fill all the available memory (Qt SQlite plugin relevant). 018 ==> 338176 - Face Recognition memory allocation crash application. 019 ==> 339933 - ICONVIEW : Incorrect Image Aspect Ratio shown. 020 ==> 344997 - 100% CPU - Hang for VERY long periods. 021 ==> 344420 - Incomplete update of sidecar after renaming face tag. 022 ==> 342788 - THUMBBAR : Sort order not in sync with pictures in editor. 023 ==> 345659 - Cannot shrink thumbnails panel. 024 ==> 337502 - THUMBBAR : no thumbs generated. 025 ==> 338230 - digiKam stops refreshing download progress after de-selecting pictures. 026 ==> 345648 - Progress bar disappeared while importing pictures before importing finished. 027 ==> 340139 - digiKam hangs after selecting folder with pictures. 028 ==> 341772 - Re-read metadata when image file timestamp has changed [patch]. 029 ==> 329433 - Manual adding of faces made easier [patch]. +030 ==> 310977 - Applying data (exif, iptc, xmp caption) in "Edit all Metadata" window inconsistent - results in data loss. +031 ==> 340330 - Deselecting "Show tracks on map" crashes the dialog. +032 ==> 283504 - QJSon not optional. +033 ==> 345802 - Html export does not longer export the description tag to gallery.xml. diff --git a/project/NEWS.5.0.0 b/project/NEWS.5.0.0 index 7acdfc39b6..786d9d0d46 100644 --- a/project/NEWS.5.0.0 +++ b/project/NEWS.5.0.0 @@ -1,428 +1,428 @@ ***************************************************************************************************** digiKam 5.0.0 - Release date: 2016-07-03 NEW FEATURES: General : Tool obsolete/unmaintained and removed : BatchProcessImages, JPEGLossLess, Kopete, IpodExport, GalleryExport, RawConverter General : KIOExportImport tool renamed as RemoteStorage. General : FlickrExport toom renamed as Flickr. General : ImageShackExport tool renamed as ImageShack. General : PiwigoExport tool renamed as Piwigo. General : GPSSync tool renamed as Geolocator. General : DNGConverter moved to digiKam core. General : AcquireImages moved to digiKam core. General : MetadataEdit moved to digiKam core. General : Geolocator moved to digiKam core. General : ExpoBlending moved to digiKam core. General : Calendar moved to digiKam core. General : KIO support replaced by native Qt5::Network everywhere (excepted for RemoteStorage tool which is optional). General : Implementations ported to Qt5 libraries and KF5 libraries. General : Integer and double input value sliders use now PhotoShop/Krita/Gimp like widget. General : LCMS1 support removed. General : Sqlite2 support removed. General : Welcome Page view re-writed to support selected best background photo from end user. General : Replacing annoying KIOSlave listing and scanning methods with new threads based implementation. General : Add embedded trash support for each collection instead desktop trash. General : Thumbs and preview video support is now delegate to QT5Multimedia. General : Add support of MXE/MinGw cross-compiler to create Windows target automatically without Windows OS. General : Dbus dependency is now optional for non Linux Desktop. General : KIO dependency is now optional for non Linux Desktop. Database : Fully integration of face recognition database with Mysql support. Database : Mysql internal server is now configurable as Sqlite to store database files at a customized place. Database : Mysql internal/remote server is now configurable with first run assistant. Batch Queue Manager: Add a new tool to convert RAW files to DNG. Batch Queue Manager: Add a new tool to adjust time and date metadata. Import : Add a new tool to convert RAW files to DNG. Image Editor : Add a new option to import images from a digital scanner. Image Editor : Add a new option to edit metadata. Image Editor : Add a new option to edit geolocation. Image Editor : Add a new option to run presentation tool. Image Editor : Add a new Lut3D tool. Light Table : Add a new option to import images from a digital scanner. Light Table : Add a new option to edit metadata. Light Table : Add a new option to edit geolocation. Light Table : Add a new option to run presentation tool. Showfoto : Add a new option to import images from a digital scanner. Showfoto : Add a new option to edit metadata. Showfoto : Add a new option to edit geolocation. Showfoto : Add a new option to run presentation tool. BUGFIXES FROM KDE BUGZILLA (https://www.digikam.org/changelog): 001 ==> 284216 - Using slider widget from Krita. 002 ==> 342010 - digiKam crash, apparently in xcb. 003 ==> 317599 - Port digiKam to KF5 and Qt5. 004 ==> 342256 - digiKam Crash on Start. 005 ==> 340933 - digiKam crash while tagging photos (Baloo database). 006 ==> 343662 - Build Error regarding lensfuncameraselector. 007 ==> 332665 - digiKam should use Baloo interface. 008 ==> 345144 - Remove kdelibs4support not finished (frameworks branch). 009 ==> 345484 - Add Eclipse support to bootstrap.linux, fix QT_INSTALL_PREFIX detection. 010 ==> 278577 - Display album thumbnails in welcome page. 011 ==> 138200 - Display all pictures when root album (as "My Albums" and "My Tags") is selected instead of welcome page. 012 ==> 348173 - digiKam crash during i was browsing photo in a directory. 013 ==> 349925 - Fail cmake chek if -DENABLE_KFILEMETADATASUPPORT=ON is not set. 014 ==> 333377 - Show warning messagebox when non-RAW file is added to DNGConverter instead of none. 015 ==> 122653 - File-dialogue claims that pictures are not on the local-storage, yet they are 016 ==> 348347 - Can't create albums - menu is greyed out. 017 ==> 164168 - Integration of image scanning into showfoto. 018 ==> 144597 - Metadata editor not accessible from image editor. 019 ==> 132161 - Support for editing EXIF comments. 020 ==> 328548 - Show a progress bar while saving files imported from a scanner. 021 ==> 208502 - Add small thumbnail of current edited image somewhere in tool dialog. 022 ==> 317241 - GoogleMaps : Tiles are not refresh. 023 ==> 330231 - GoogleMaps : Memory leak when map is displayed. 024 ==> 208227 - ImagePosition does not always reflect contents of GPS Exif-Tags. 025 ==> 284767 - No geolocating for (Canon) RAW files displayed/saved. 026 ==> 146557 - kio_digikamdate takes the cpu load up when downloading raw files with digiKam. 027 ==> 109631 - Make digikamtags protocol public KIO-slave. 028 ==> 224604 - Add internal trash for files deleted in digiKam (as IPhoto). 029 ==> 353621 - Error at startup : couldn't create KIO slave. 030 ==> 352458 - GPL2 and GPL3 De-Mazing methods not enabled (Configured) on Windows build. 031 ==> 353927 - Missing local sources for libmediawiki. 032 ==> 352056 - Use standard icons instead of hardcoded icons. 033 ==> 354324 - Add option to group by date during import [patch]. 034 ==> 355076 - opencvfacedetector.cpp compile fails with opencv-3.0.0. 035 ==> 311041 - MYSQL : scan faces fails because of missing table. 036 ==> 316747 - MIGRATION : Error on database schema creation. 037 ==> 279580 - MYSQL : unable to get database to work after update to 2.0. 038 ==> 327062 - MYSQL : when a host is set for an user in database, digiKam fail to update. 039 ==> 283502 - MYSQL : database upgrade v5 to v6 failed. 040 ==> 233762 - SETUP : Provide reasonable defaults and help for the database settings page. 041 ==> 337443 - SETUP : digikam hangs when opening the preferences window on the collection page using MySQL database. 042 ==> 262321 - MYSQL : user privileges management. 043 ==> 342124 - MYSQL : database error while verification at startup. 044 ==> 355730 - Batch processing Pentax K-S2 RAW - Item from queue #1 Failed to process item. 045 ==> 233763 - SETUP : Using mysql server with invalid settings is "possible". 046 ==> 355900 - Save edited file under wrong name on image switch. 047 ==> 277257 - CORE : bad performance when moving images inside digiKam collections. 048 ==> 114539 - CORE : removable media management. 049 ==> 355552 - Use the 1st item in "Open with..." if digiKam does not have embedded support for "preview". 050 ==> 356080 - digiKam does not open preview for LZW non-stripped TIFFs created by ScanTailor. 051 ==> 354887 - ISO speed rating missing after DNG conversion. 052 ==> 331628 - MYSQL : digiKam talk's uncompatible SQL with TokuDB database engine. 053 ==> 281838 - THUMBDB : thumbnail tables are always created in images database. 054 ==> 323507 - digitaglinktree : usage with mysql instead of sqlite [patch]. 055 ==> 287405 - BQM AdjustCurves tool : Load curves settings file. 056 ==> 220402 - Add a new BQM tool to call an external program [patch]. 057 ==> 339801 - Thumbnails are not displayed properly on 10-bit/channel monitors. 058 ==> 353789 - Add new tool to apply Lut3D on image [patch]. 059 ==> 356672 - digiKam 4.14.0 failed to build against lensfun 0.3.2. 060 ==> 355980 - Showfotosetup link errors - undefined reference to `Digikam::Setup*. 061 ==> 262644 - When typing names to unconfirmed faces, only tags beginning with "name" are shown. 062 ==> 356975 - Nikon 5300 12bit RAW/NEF: wrong white/black level. 063 ==> 356639 - digiKam crash when i create a new folder. 064 ==> 357301 - Album view is not updated automatically anymore. 065 ==> 357168 - digiKam goes reset. 066 ==> 354745 - Thumbnails not shown in album view after startup. 067 ==> 357577 - Crashes after splash screen with ASSERT failure in QVector [patch]. 068 ==> 357738 - Item // Edit Geolocation window does not remember its size. 069 ==> 357504 - File might get invisible in album after rename (by removing file extension). 070 ==> 357952 - Problem with conversion from ‘int’ to ‘boolean’ when using libjpeg 9a. 071 ==> 357972 - Video Thumbnails are not produced anymore. 072 ==> 307303 - GROUP : delete group of photos problem [patch]. 073 ==> 358053 - Drag and drop across local collections does not do anything. 074 ==> 358149 - Duplicate entry in JPEG2000 image extensions. 075 ==> 358486 - Pressing ENTER while in Search Box of Geolocation closes the window instead of searching the location. 076 ==> 358193 - Color labels exported from LightRoom not recognized by digiKam. 077 ==> 358848 - Chroma subsampling incorrectly described. 078 ==> 358911 - MySQL database cannot be configured if INTERNAL_MYSQL=Off. 079 ==> 358952 - Image editor --> transform --> resize focus with Tab key not functional. 080 ==> 359097 - Crash after processing a batch queue. 081 ==> 359098 - Edited images are sorted before originals. 082 ==> 359088 - With "Show a count of items in Tree Views" Trash always shows count of 0 [patch]. 083 ==> 358913 - Using Versionning, after returning from edit mode wrong image is selected, image itself is not updated [patch]. 084 ==> 358144 - Moving images with special characters in the file name does not work. 085 ==> 359196 - Digikam segfaults when tagging a face. 086 ==> 358081 - Tags Manager - selecting tags from tree-view do not focus tags title field in right sidebar. 087 ==> 234546 - Preview fails for some images [patch]. 088 ==> 357224 - Add ability to change icon theme. 089 ==> 359386 - Import from SD forgets downloaded images, but remembers marked as downloaded. 090 ==> 359429 - Image history: original image's entry contains markup. 091 ==> 355836 - Aspect ratio incorrect. 092 ==> 359608 - Digikam does not decode 16 bit grayscale jp2. 093 ==> 276050 - Setting "string comparison type" is not evaluated in icon-view. 094 ==> 351433 - pto2mk not found with Hugin 2015.0. 095 ==> 325830 - Panorama Stitcher returns an error after pre-processing, as a result of attempting to invoke Hugin commands. 096 ==> 359107 - 5 beta 3: panorama tools does not work with latest Hugin PanoTool (2015) 097 ==> 359658 - Compilation of preprocesstask.cpp fails if QT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII is defined. 098 ==> 359116 - Video preview not scaling and slider not working. 099 ==> 359897 - Compilation failure - conflicting return type decodeRawImage(). 100 ==> 181708 - HUB : add fast tagging feature that only write to database. 101 ==> 227814 - HUB : new option to synchronize immediately files metadata or when application is closed. 102 ==> 265880 - HUB : extend metadata configuration panel to improve metadata handling while importing from file to database (and vis-versa). 103 ==> 244224 - Ignore case when importing tags from metadata. 104 ==> 359963 - In the Albums treeview, clicking an album which has a sub-album does not show its thumbnails. 105 ==> 359967 - Edit slider values as text. 106 ==> 359966 - Clicking and holding a spinbox arrow doesn't keep increasing the value. 107 ==> 359969 - BQM claims it finished processing instantly. 108 ==> 360040 - Information in metadata and geolocation sidebar is inconsistent. 109 ==> 357753 - Picture preview in geotagging window is possibily rotated. 110 ==> 353530 - Captions no longer saved to XMP : ACDSee namespace not supported by Exiv2 0.24. 111 ==> 355256 - Failed to load image if file path contains non-ascii characters. 112 ==> 331261 - Import not using Date/Time Original or create date EXIF data. 113 ==> 359516 - Trash not sortable by deletion time. 114 ==> 360329 - Digikam 5 beta 4 build breaks. 115 ==> 360434 - Geolocation Editor messed up size and contents. 116 ==> 360437 - Crash during the face detection. 117 ==> 360460 - No date for pics during import but for movies. 118 ==> 360470 - Import - unchecking "build sub-directories from prefix" lead to klauncher-error "no call kio_digikamdates". 119 ==> 360474 - Initial setup: Splash shows "Loading tools..." but it is scanning images. 120 ==> 360566 - Crash or hang when adding a tag. 121 ==> 360436 - Crash after running gps correlation. 122 ==> 361052 - When importing picture file dates are all from importing time. Not creation date. 123 ==> 359108 - 5 beta 3: interface problem, icons not showing up. 124 ==> 361275 - Compile time error: undefined reference while linking renamecustomizertest. 125 ==> 361440 - Panorama Tool can`t find a pto2mk. 126 ==> 361339 - Creates nameless subalbums and corrupts album hierarchy. 127 ==> 361611 - Plugin 'Advanced Slide Show' - "Print Caption" does not work. 128 ==> 361686 - When returning from full screen to preview mode the same image should be selected/shown. 129 ==> 360922 - Unable to change or manage themes in digikam (and showfoto). 130 ==> 354687 - Unable to search for GeoNames or OSM in Geolocation editor. 131 ==> 333624 - "Lookup missing altitude values" in the geolocation dialog is broken [patch]. 132 ==> 361882 - "Download new" tries to only download selected images. 133 ==> 302583 - Convert do DNG while importing [patch]. 134 ==> 315740 - Date is incorrectly completed to day in future. 135 ==> 362441 - Caption and Tags - use 4 digit year format instead of 2 digit year format (additionally add seconds). 136 ==> 361922 - Data lost. 137 ==> 327957 - MYSQL : text filter returns all videos regardless of string. 138 ==> 273852 - MYSQL : showing only one tag results in photos where this tag is not set. 139 ==> 345671 - Dialog is too small under Microsoft Windows. 140 ==> 361955 - digiKam hangs after start. 141 ==> 348760 - Old and not secure VLC version. 142 ==> 342481 - Provide Build Instructions for Windows. 143 ==> 351654 - Windows 7: Digikam (4.12) keeps hanging at startup (no crash or crash report). 144 ==> 327627 - version 2.9 dk I have added a tag...bring up pictures with the tag and adding a second tag and it crashes multiple times. 145 ==> 305191 - digiKam closed when loading cameras. 146 ==> 321338 - Work on win8 x64? 147 ==> 180747 - digiKam crashes if flickr upload failed and "Start uploading" button was pressed again. 148 ==> 215647 - Opengl viewer does not work. 149 ==> 350923 - Previous Drag and Drop bug not fixed (but reportedly fixed). 150 ==> 288183 - Folder navigation/selection hangs when adding new album collection. 151 ==> 345245 - digiKam hangs on startup. 152 ==> 240140 - If I press Move Here while attempting to Drag and drop of a file, I receive an error "The file or folder xxx does not exist". 153 ==> 355196 - Crash if I transform a raw (CR2) in black & white. 154 ==> 333182 - Freezes/Hangs when resizing panes. 155 ==> 240226 - Save As feature crash the application if ~ character is inserted in the file name. 156 ==> 347672 - digikam.exe do not work. 157 ==> 344911 - Screen freezes frequently while tagging images. 158 ==> 240212 - Problem changing toolbar icons. 159 ==> 326106 - Crash on startup. 160 ==> 192257 - directory with new photo's not shown. 161 ==> 338561 - "Add Image" crashes everytime. 162 ==> 333575 - Crash on complete maintenance. 163 ==> 327781 - App crashed after first use. 164 ==> 327169 - digiKam crash during load database. 165 ==> 335814 - Failing to save a new version due to unrecognized. 166 ==> 230401 - MSVC++ Runtime error on large TIFs with layers. 167 ==> 240142 - If I press Copy Here while attempting to Drag and drop of a file, the original is deleted. 168 ==> 303992 - digiKam is closing after opening any file dialog. 169 ==> 330509 - The "properties", "captions & tags" & "colors" sidebars all cause digikam to freeze when a picture is selected. 170 ==> 262000 - Kioslave crashes during batch rename. 171 ==> 308149 - digiKam - building with KDE fails due to link files not being supported by windows. 172 ==> 240139 - If I press Cancel while attempting to Drag and drop of a file, the file is deleted from its original directory. 173 ==> 363650 - I18N_ARGUMENT_MISSING in export dialog image type selection widget. 174 ==> 359505 - Image deleted after applying tag. 175 ==> 179898 - Dark theme: font in properties tab too dark. 176 ==> 240148 - If I change the theme to black, the color of the texts in menus remains black, and it can't be read. 177 ==> 265554 - Problem in colors between dgikam's theme and Gnome appearance. 178 ==> 168669 - Disabled entry menu seems more important and active in dark theme. 179 ==> 220068 - Dark theme: active item in menu is hardly different than others items 180 ==> 241116 - [Themes] Cannot change text colour in menu bar. 181 ==> 146938 - Themes Don't Apply To All Panels. 182 ==> 252700 - Font color for icons in toolbar does not change for darker Themes. 183 ==> 172632 - Album item tooltip doesn't use colors of themes properly. 184 ==> 257031 - SCAN : rename folder outside of digikam, F5 and it's gone. 185 ==> 294346 - Bug reporter borked - multibug. 186 ==> 237246 - Erratic TIFF thumbnail generation, some crashes. 187 ==> 328991 - Crash on install when trying asked to add album. 188 ==> 327794 - Crashing when adding collections. 189 ==> 308956 - Failed to load image preview on all but tiny images. 190 ==> 330779 - digiKam crashed while finding new items. 191 ==> 238510 - Crash when adding images to album. 192 ==> 363638 - bootstrap does not detect libgphoto2. 193 ==> 363510 - Wrong filename shown in album view. 194 ==> 322464 - Change default window size. 195 ==> 266781 - FACTORING : allow to use Import/Export tool dialogs on small screen. 196 ==> 363887 - Mouse hover notifications are yellow background with white font, completely unreadable. Can not find option to configure this. 197 ==> 363939 - digiKam crashes when going to full screen. 198 ==> 364009 - Cannot use batch processing to resize images. 199 ==> 364035 - GPS correlation fails to save coordinates back to files. 200 ==> 364065 - image editor doesn't open at double click. 201 ==> 307337 - Add versioning support to tools interface. 202 ==> 363505 - 4.x crash on start under Windows - Need a new 5.0 installer. 203 ==> 364116 - Uninstaller doesn't remove C:\Program Files. 204 ==> 351016 - Crash in Windows when building finger-prints. 205 ==> 123455 - Add support of Image Editor actions through DBUS. 206 ==> 364333 - Random resets of several configuration values. 207 ==> 338229 - THUMBDB : digiKam does not recognize pictures in albums with unicode (Korean) characters. 208 ==> 364793 - Wrong icon usage. 209 ==> 345956 - MYSQL : Image window, extreme unstable under dates view. 210 ==> 364790 - Preview image shown too large. 211 ==> 364797 - After editing metadata, rename hangs. 212 ==> 349924 - Videos (mp4, mov, avi) do not play under OS X Yosemite when using digiKam. 213 ==> 356254 - Search order is not alphabetical. 214 ==> 364885 - Scanning Faces - Detect Faces should be default. 215 ==> 364193 - digiKam 5 crashed at start of the program all time. It worked fine until 2016-06-05. 216 ==> 351653 - Build fails, multiple unresoved refs. 217 ==> 361889 - digiKam 5 beta 5: vertical menus (left and right) not displayed properly. 218 ==> 363704 - preview thumbnails: Not updated when deleting an image. 219 ==> 364762 - Invalid mysql configuration option table_cache. 220 ==> 363697 - Album visible even after deletion [patch]. 221 ==> 364882 - File rename dropdown box of options not saving past rename layout. 222 ==> 360017 - Build error: opencv_contrib is required but was not found. 223 ==> 250511 - TIF Image appears corrupted in digiKam. 224 ==> 322709 - digiKam and drkonqi crash at startup. 225 ==> 198915 - Segfault during histogram calculation. 226 ==> 354234 - Crash when changing Lens selection in Lens distortion correction dialog. 227 ==> 364933 - Cannot use cursor and certain other keys inside Showfoto plugins. 228 ==> 358886 - Application crashes upon second launch in OS X 10.11. 229 ==> 361346 - Always hangs at startup while loading cameras or ICC profiles under OSX. 230 ==> 248430 - digiKam crashes while rebuilding missing thumbnails. 231 ==> 338084 - MYSQL : trying to reconnect automatically. 232 ==> 311864 - MYSQL : digiKam crash on loss of connection. 233 ==> 320953 - Crash on startup. 234 ==> 300795 - Crashed when adding name on 50 photos. 235 ==> 329824 - digiKam crashed when importing photos from SD. 236 ==> 297037 - digiKam crashed when moving images to a new Album. 237 ==> 302178 - digiKam crashed while adding collection. 238 ==> 249985 - digiKam crashed while downloading images from camera. 239 ==> 181545 - digiKam crashes unexpectledly while working. 240 ==> 254913 - digiKam falls after that welcome screen. 241 ==> 275900 - When deleting Tag in digiKam, the Tag will be synchronized back from Nepomuk. 242 ==> 334143 - MySql : digiKam crash when creating database connection. 243 ==> 192374 - Severe Album and Images table corruption. 244 ==> 335352 - SCAN : saving GPS correlation data lets digiKam hang in many cases. 245 ==> 253283 - digiKam crashes when renaming files/directory. 246 ==> 272375 - Mysql driver crash. 247 ==> 290650 - digiKam crashes while trying to display directory of photos. 248 ==> 364131 - SCAN : same picture with different file extensions : database scan only finds one variant of the file [patch]. 249 ==> 312794 - Error while trying to open database. 250 ==> 251679 - Problems Accessing Database. 251 ==> 162038 - digikam hangs and eats CPU when changing files. 252 ==> 268912 - Rename - Delete Problem. 253 ==> 316237 - Only one thumbnail shown in calendar month/year view. 254 ==> 317114 - digikam searching files in wrong folder. 255 ==> 242816 - digikam gets stuck when moving and renaming a lot of albums. 256 ==> 331629 - No clear error messages while intsalling. 257 ==> 285994 - digikam fails to open database at startup. 258 ==> 317247 - No picture is found after update to ver 3.0.0. 259 ==> 296767 - pick labels lost somewhere during digikam update. 260 ==> 324134 - SCAN : Images disappear after advanced rename. 261 ==> 326030 - V3.4.0 Crashed on startup on Windows 8 Pro. 262 ==> 326356 - Crash when building album database on removable hard drive on Windows 8. 263 ==> 262070 - Crash while using marble view. 264 ==> 283968 - Crash when starting geotagging. 265 ==> 352921 - Crash (or lock-up) while applying geotags to images. 266 ==> 317342 - digiKam crashes on closing. 267 ==> 181316 - digiKam crashes when trying to edit geolocation coordinates. 268 ==> 322617 - digiKam image editor crash when opening auto correction. 269 ==> 241111 - digiKam image processing. 270 ==> 364563 - digiKam crashes when browsing albums, only for images in portrait format. 271 ==> 280251 - digiKam segfaults after editing an image (levels, exposure) and then pressing Page Down to go to the next image. 272 ==> 355719 - I have transformed a picture by ratio, then pressed "save as a new version", then digikam collapses every time. 273 ==> 348485 - If selecting a rectangle in picture editor, digiKam crashed. 274 ==> 207887 - Pressed page down to edit next pic. 275 ==> 297022 - Crash digiKam. 276 ==> 302776 - digiKam crashes at startup. 277 ==> 294232 - digiKam crash after trying to send photo via KMail. 278 ==> 307775 - Apps crash with shared lib installed. 279 ==> 302465 - Crash when closing digiKam. 280 ==> 273795 - digiKam crashed almost every it is opened. 281 ==> 357944 - Wrong encoded collection paths after upgrade from digikam v4.x. 282 ==> 300300 - THUMBDB : Building / RE-Building of thumbnails mistakeous? 283 ==> 214440 - digikam doesn't display my images from backup. 284 ==> 223018 - Lost Tags when replace foto's. 285 ==> 261826 - Crash in Album menu. 286 ==> 267686 - digiKam crashed while moving pictures. 287 ==> 216437 - Segmentation fault occured when viewing a folder. 288 ==> 268099 - Batch process crash. 289 ==> 218402 - Crash when clicking properties. 290 ==> 203212 - Crash while moving albums and opening one of them. 291 ==> 205250 - digiKam unknown crash without backtrace. 292 ==> 210775 - Crash core dump showfoto. 293 ==> 206803 - Opening jpg with Showfoto causes crash. 294 ==> 232852 - The aplication digikam closed. 295 ==> 241422 - digiKam crashed while viewing pictures. 296 ==> 250248 - Regenerating all thumbnails crashes digikam. 297 ==> 241775 - Crash when editing tags from left hand column filter by tag. 298 ==> 242109 - digiKam crashes on startup when scanning albums. 299 ==> 263892 - Crash when geotagging. 300 ==> 262356 - digiKam shutdown after attempting to move a picture. 301 ==> 276863 - digiKam Crash on Browsing through timeline. 302 ==> 355893 - MYSQL : Agnostic on unix filenames (upper ne lower), creates rename problems. 303 ==> 162132 - Crash while saving tiff (possibly caused by present alpha channel). 304 ==> 221985 - Update histogram before preview. 305 ==> 204311 - Choice of resizing algorithms in resize dialog along with preview of each. 306 ==> 348340 - Progress halts when finished resizing images. 307 ==> 225409 - Gallery tool should save multiples gallery settings. 308 ==> 229341 - Add export support for Gallery3. 309 ==> 257166 - Unable to create a new album or upload photos when gallery use https. 310 ==> 195136 - Hard coded GALLERYSID cookie name breaks compatibility with other G2 API compatible backends. 311 ==> 257184 - When browsing twice an album, images list contains duplicates. 312 ==> 094496 - Support for gallery photo addition order override. 313 ==> 206121 - digiKam export to gallery fails "Failed to login into remote gallery". 314 ==> 206114 - Connection to remote gallery hangs. 315 ==> 148521 - Gallery export does not see deep directories. 316 ==> 202284 - Export problem using port 990. 317 ==> 332430 - Application crashes when accidentally converting to black and white. 318 ==> 120501 - Smart rotation (first keystroke 90°, second keystroke 180°). 319 ==> 315489 - Application crash. 320 ==> 107723 - Allow to tune batch process priority. 321 ==> 333734 - Improve image filters preview. 322 ==> 107541 - Add a process console and scripting support. 323 ==> 264075 - Usability issues in batch resizing dialog. 324 ==> 345198 - Batch rename is *extremely* slow. 325 ==> 252181 - Resizing images: "Start" button hidden after non-existent folder has been selected. 326 ==> 308019 - Application crash after using Plugins->Collections->Border images. 327 ==> 125039 - Rename Images cancel button do not cancel but stop. 328 ==> 126113 - schema of renaming images: resetting counter. 329 ==> 302714 - Crash when selecting Tools->Image Effects. 330 ==> 144528 - in a batch process the resize images in 2d produces black images. 331 ==> 152210 - Metadata lost when converting from png to jpeg (IPTC thumbnail too big). 332 ==> 152905 - Batch processes does not work properly if target directory is outside Album Library Path. 333 ==> 203379 - Error while converting RAW images to JPEG. 334 ==> 161347 - Application doesn't clean properly ~/tmp/kde-username. 335 ==> 177175 - Resize image prepare to print 9x13 results in wrong. 336 ==> 213172 - Convert images: png conversion not deterministic. 337 ==> 289181 - Raw processor rotates images without Orientation EXIF tag. -338 ==> 211524 - Raw batch converter kipi can't get rid of scroll bar. +338 ==> 211524 - Raw batch converter can't get rid of scroll bar. 339 ==> 215037 - Batch RAW converter crashed after open with NEF file. 340 ==> 246437 - digiKam crashes when loading a raw file. 341 ==> 342687 - Panorama file time-stamps should be the same than the stitched pictures [patch]. 342 ==> 356673 - MediaWiki export doesn't work. 343 ==> 353626 - Processing of bracketed images fails after the first set is done. 344 ==> 359257 - Image size spinbox doesn't allow values larger than 99. 345 ==> 359478 - Flickr export tool crashed on creating new set. 346 ==> 321647 - Kenburns effect from AdvancedSlideshow forgets to auto-rotate photos. 347 ==> 356939 - Advanced slide show: playing sound track does not work. 348 ==> 361329 - Flickr uploader does not clean /tmp after upload. 349 ==> 353135 - Unable to sign in to Flickr or Facebook, Geolocation Search in GeoNames. 350 ==> 358759 - Unable to import/export from google photos. 351 ==> 363925 - Export Menu - Export to Smugmug not working. 352 ==> 361323 - Application "Send To..." button crash. 353 ==> 309613 - Crash on exit after unsucessful photo time adjustment. 354 ==> 303878 - digiKam crashed after clicking "Photo -> Adjust Date and Time". 355 ==> 150191 - Embedded thumbnail date is used for sorting. 356 ==> 296113 - Regression: Can't transfer EXIF creation date to file date. 357 ==> 363162 - dngconverter crashes when converting any RAW file. 358 ==> 302292 - application crashes when batch editing EXIF data. 359 ==> 269106 - digiKam crashes if the currently uploading item is removed from the export list. 360 ==> 290509 - Application crashed exporting to PicasaWeb & Facebook. 361 ==> 322056 - Imgur exporter can crash application. 362 ==> 233909 - Crash when creating new folder on 23HQ. 363 ==> 307666 - Flick export plug in crash. 364 ==> 232599 - digiKam crashed when selecting Export -> Export to Shwup. 365 ==> 304560 - Application crashes when trying to send picture to other computer. 366 ==> 319077 - Application se cierra al crear una carpeta para subir archivos a flickr. 367 ==> 240763 - Export Shwup crash when trying to export with latest SVN version as of today. 368 ==> 352391 - Crash when exporting to facebook.com. 369 ==> 272168 - Crash when starting Flickr Uploadr. 370 ==> 264390 - digiKam crashes when uploading to Flickr. 371 ==> 327342 - Application crash. diff --git a/project/NEWS.5.1.0 b/project/NEWS.5.1.0 index b51da47a36..8b20901a95 100644 --- a/project/NEWS.5.1.0 +++ b/project/NEWS.5.1.0 @@ -1,372 +1,372 @@ ***************************************************************************************************** digiKam 5.1.0 - Release date: 2016-08-07 NEW FEATURES: Imgur : Remove libqtkoauth dependency -General : Integrate liboauth2 in libkipiplugins. First tool to use it is Imgur. +General : Integrate liboauth2. First tool to use it is Imgur. General : Fix broken Windows 64bits installer due to mix with 32 bits dlls. General : Internal Libraw updated to 0.18.0 beta (201604). New lead cameras supported: Canon 80D, 1300D, 1DX MkII Fujifilm X-Pro2, X70, X-E2S HTC One A9 and M9 Leica M and X-U Nikon D5 Olympus Pen F, SH-3 Panasonic DMC-GX80/85, DMC-TZ80/81/85/ZS60, DMC-TZ100/101/ZS100 PhaseOne IQ150, IQ180 IR, IQ3 Samsung Galaxy S7 Sony ILCA-68, ILCE-6300, RX1R II, RX10 III Database: Consolidation of Mysql database backend. Database: Startup up time improved. Scan for new items is always differed after that main gui is displayed. Database: New option "Scan for new item at startup" option to optimize database initialization time. BUGFIXES FROM KDE BUGZILLA (https://www.digikam.org/changelog): 001 ==> 289680 - ICCProfile wastes a lot of memory (high memory footprint on startup). 002 ==> 308063 - Sort images by file names is not always correct. 003 ==> 358539 - Can't use tags for real filtering: tag1 OR tag2 OR tag3 => all in query result = "at least one of tags 1-2-3". 004 ==> 360954 - No spell checking when entering Tags. 005 ==> 303848 - BQM LensCorrection tool : doesn't work when 'use metadata' option is turned on. 006 ==> 364206 - Crash when moving images outside digiKam. 007 ==> 355212 - Crash While editing and playback. 008 ==> 313523 - While move images from one folder to other there is an error report and the image is delete. 009 ==> 215558 - Leaving the "THEME" area caused fatel error sig 11 sigsegv Then it crashed. 010 ==> 218765 - Drag digiKam photo to thunderbird 3.0 email attachment section. 011 ==> 227123 - digiKam crashes when deleting pictures from camera. 012 ==> 195448 - Random system hangs when handling RAW images in digiKam. 013 ==> 211009 - digiKam batch raw converter. 014 ==> 213916 - digiKam crashed when building the collection. 015 ==> 218987 - After several days idle, digiKam crashed during closing. 016 ==> 214874 - Picture download from cf-card. 017 ==> 215021 - Crash importing photos from SD card into digiKam. 018 ==> 215648 - When I try to import the pictures from Memory Card to My compiture digiKam crashed. 019 ==> 215854 - Download pictures to hd in digiKam. 020 ==> 217532 - Crash while using Download Photos with Digikam link from Device Notifier. 021 ==> 362108 - Crash when moving images to newly created album. 022 ==> 354074 - Can't load most of pictures without further error messages or additional informations. 023 ==> 361317 - digiKam crash when using face recognition. 024 ==> 343015 - When crop an raw image there appears a black bam on the right. 025 ==> 352955 - digiKam crashes when I start the geolocation. 026 ==> 359817 - digiKam crashed while scanning faces. 027 ==> 336979 - digiKam crash during facial recognition when closed before finished. 028 ==> 337898 - Pictures imported from camera are not available in folder. 029 ==> 345106 - Crash while saving. 030 ==> 327961 - digiKam crash at video playing. 031 ==> 307183 - Advanced Slideshow turns completely white (Open GL Transitions enabled). 032 ==> 279969 - digiKam crash after closing the extended slideshow. 033 ==> 348229 - Crash if I try to show slideshow in second VGA display. 034 ==> 348484 - Extreme long saving times for settings. 035 ==> 330133 - Crash during workflow in exporting jpeg from raw cr2. 036 ==> 315137 - Wired color conversion with multi exposure photos. 037 ==> 255137 - Some exif metadata are lost when converting CR2 to DNG. 038 ==> 235683 - Metadata invalid when converting CRW 039 ==> 245582 - When you try to save the blended image it will some times say can not save jpg such and such. 040 ==> 262165 - Error message when saving image in exposure blending dialogue. 041 ==> 365079 - digiKam 5.0 beta 7 crashes while showing the splash image. 042 ==> 266778 - Unable to save blended image - Incompatible pixel type. 043 ==> 180750 - MetadataEdit : no warning when file is read-only. 044 ==> 224583 - MetadataEdit writes invalid EXIF data to image. 045 ==> 201960 - Slideshow will not play mp3. 046 ==> 269339 - Advanced Slideshow greyed out. 047 ==> 170141 - Printer can't print when six collumns in the calendar. 048 ==> 140982 - Slideshow is blurry/pixelated if opengl transitions are enabled. 049 ==> 238598 - Advanced Slideshow Dialog too big for screen. 050 ==> 299356 - Some pictures not editable in Image Editor as menu bar is not showing. 051 ==> 365125 - Win64 version cannot start. 052 ==> 365229 - Crash during close of Digikam5. 053 ==> 302794 - Saving configuration takes 4-5 minutes. 054 ==> 329976 - SCAN : digiKam does not update database after picture renaming. 055 ==> 304959 - Advanced slideshow. 056 ==> 299828 - Changing folder on digiKam. 057 ==> 304733 - Crash after import new folder from USB-stick or after closing digiKam. 058 ==> 212457 - Crash after performing batch operation on JPG images. 059 ==> 313500 - Crash during modify of a picture. 060 ==> 285808 - Crash at startup (probably related to scan corrupted NEF images). 061 ==> 300808 - Crash while importing pictures. 062 ==> 313966 - Crash when applying geolocation. 063 ==> 217631 - Crashed when I tried to upload from camera. First time user. 064 ==> 290966 - digiKam crashes after loading AVI file from Canon IXUS 75. 065 ==> 307690 - digiKam crashed adding files to collection. 066 ==> 240318 - digiKam crashes on mov. 067 ==> 298547 - digikam crashes, if pics of collections are changed externally. 068 ==> 223177 - digiKam crashes when selecting a picture immediately after showing slideshow. 069 ==> 300463 - digiKam crashing after opening, possibly related to prior GIMP crash. 070 ==> 234746 - digiKam crashes while looking a film in HD format .avi. 071 ==> 333508 - Crash in Digikam::DigikamApp::slotRebuildAlbumThumbnails. 072 ==> 328239 - Image scanning. 073 ==> 329507 - Rename attemps leads digiKam to crash. 074 ==> 282188 - Crash digiKam when I crop image and "save as"... 075 ==> 297835 - digiKam crashes when starting. 076 ==> 324956 - Opening digiKam on Ubuntu 13.04 system. 077 ==> 234307 - Segfault trying to delete an image. 078 ==> 335937 - Crash on start-up due to user resource limitations set in PAM configuration. 079 ==> 305054 - Crash digiKam when selecting newly imported albums. 080 ==> 262843 - digiKam crashes at opening openSuse 11.2. 081 ==> 314235 - Crash on startup. 082 ==> 330534 - Just crashed when updating database. 083 ==> 279438 - Crash when hovering over image. 084 ==> 311745 - Crash on importing. 085 ==> 215500 - Crash one camera download commences. 086 ==> 332762 - Crash when update. 087 ==> 324930 - Crashed updating thumbnails (fast). 088 ==> 257084 - digiKam crashed during renaming all images in album. 089 ==> 272348 - digiKam crashed when tagging multiple pictures. 090 ==> 232429 - Crash while tagging 800+ raw files. 091 ==> 286961 - digiKam crashed during disk scaning (importing album). 092 ==> 283355 - digiKam crashed while tagging an image with shortcut keys. 093 ==> 246660 - digiKam crashes when changed from a picture to a wmv movie. 094 ==> 278936 - digiKam crashes when I was tagging images. 095 ==> 333937 - digiKam crashes when watching videos. 096 ==> 264072 - digiKam crashes while searching for duplicates. 097 ==> 330959 - digiKam crashing when play video. 098 ==> 336275 - digiKam crashes upon simple operations. 099 ==> 308827 - digiKam showed error after closing. 100 ==> 274863 - digiKam crashes on close of application. 101 ==> 217588 - digiKam crashes on exit. 102 ==> 297320 - digiKam crashed after I had imported photos from my camera. I shut off the camera and it crashed. 103 ==> 343161 - Diaporama not in full screen. 104 ==> 234850 - Enter edit mode, crop jpeg photo, go to Save As, select directory, change type to TIFF, program crashes. 105 ==> 195610 - Memory leak in image editor. 106 ==> 304603 - digiKam crashed after adding a lot of pictures. 107 ==> 306431 - digiKam crashes when indexing pictures on hard drive. 108 ==> 254879 - Crash upon import of Collection. 109 ==> 365319 - Immediate crash at program start. 110 ==> 365135 - digiKam 5 fails to build with DIGIKAMSC_COMPILE_DOC=on. 111 ==> 243373 - Image corruption after crash. 112 ==> 284261 - digiKam hangs on startup. 113 ==> 241193 - digiKam crashes when quitting. 114 ==> 304288 - Crash at shutdown. 115 ==> 306163 - digiKam crash. 116 ==> 308268 - digiKam crashes during startup. 117 ==> 362595 - It crashes on startup. 118 ==> 209416 - digiKam slows during slide show, then crashes. 119 ==> 291053 - ccmake claims qt compiled without -fvisibility=hidden. 120 ==> 301026 - When working simultaneously in different branches, closing of one leads to wrong error message. 121 ==> 344259 - Extend queues to work with any operation on multiple images from multiple albums. 122 ==> 365375 - Open with... ignores parameters of Exec line in Desktop Entry. 123 ==> 365302 - Deleted tag still present in database. 124 ==> 365410 - Fullscreen only shows one image - no way to navigate. 125 ==> 303546 - MYSQL : re-read metadata from images is very slow. 126 ==> 365202 - External MySQL database faces update segfault [patch]. 127 ==> 351111 - Segmentation fault crash. 128 ==> 330342 - digiKam crash with faces recognition. 129 ==> 326586 - When validating a face marker digikam crash. 130 ==> 326742 - Scanning for faces crashes. 131 ==> 324774 - Adding tag or deleting tag in "unknown" folder causes crash. 132 ==> 326585 - digiKam crash when rotate a picture, then enlarge face marker and confirm change. 133 ==> 309027 - Face detection. 134 ==> 320812 - digiKam crashed on cancelling face scan. 135 ==> 312440 - Facial Detection. 136 ==> 295097 - digiKam crash. 137 ==> 301611 - digiKam crashes during facial scan. 138 ==> 268263 - Crash when identyfing faces from Unknown People group. 139 ==> 279033 - Crash while scanning faces and assigning tags to unknown faces. 140 ==> 340613 - Hanging indefinitely when clicking in the name field of a face. 141 ==> 279327 - "Click to reject" with several photos selected => Crash. 142 ==> 339319 - digiKam crashes at startup. 143 ==> 306821 - When finishing digiKam, program crashes. 144 ==> 360534 - digiKam crashes every time I try to start Editor. 145 ==> 338516 - digiKam crash when image are downloaded from camera. 146 ==> 318242 - Deleting a tag crashes digiKam. 147 ==> 274179 - Crash after start of image thumbprinting. 148 ==> 275578 - Error while to init digiKam under ubuntu natty i386. 149 ==> 268255 - Crash when opening album. 150 ==> 273374 - digiKam crashes when trying to write metadata to all images. 151 ==> 220769 - Crashes during scanning albums. 152 ==> 308712 - Geolocation window corrupts XMP files. 153 ==> 171515 - Shutter Speed Value is not displayed correctly when greater than 1s. 154 ==> 235458 - Metadata parsing of multiple hierarchical subjects fails. 155 ==> 196228 - EXIF Information reported as Unavailable. 156 ==> 188323 - EXIF photograph information is lost after image transformations. 157 ==> 245887 - Howto build digikam under 64bit. 158 ==> 203081 - Can't open Images hosted under NTFS. 159 ==> 297964 - FTBFS on armel and armhf due to not maintaining proper distinctions between double and qreal. 160 ==> 203593 - Initial workflow, selecting images to delete. 161 ==> 332969 - EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION while going through raw pictures. 162 ==> 346321 - Crash when I add new Key words and confirm the completed Keyword by Pressing "Enter". 163 ==> 262646 - I can NOT copy pics _from_ DK _to_ some directory - DK-integration questioned? 164 ==> 361336 - Moving thumb to other album does not delete original after copy (drag + drop). 165 ==> 182534 - digiKam does not remember its location with session management. 166 ==> 287471 - Abums context doesn't refresh after moving files. 167 ==> 299957 - Shift-selecting images in the album GUI exhibits glitches. 168 ==> 299524 - Applying settings to multiple selected files makes changes to the wrong files. 169 ==> 291309 - Album content not updated when deleting next album. 170 ==> 319892 - Cnnot delete selected files in album view. 171 ==> 346433 - There are no thumb previews anymore - worst case scenario. 172 ==> 156187 - Show album name and comments even when empty. 173 ==> 141940 - Image selection bugs (multiple and single selections). 174 ==> 195891 - Failed when using "Date-based sub-albums". 175 ==> 152615 - Changing viewport of Album when opening panels. 176 ==> 239938 - Tags view doesn't show all images with that tag. 177 ==> 241799 - digiKam: marked images makes scrolling slow. 178 ==> 162809 - Bad names chosen in rename dialog at copy operations when duplicate files are found. 179 ==> 245678 - Pick correct date from selected pictures when creating a new album. 180 ==> 238527 - Russian tags wrong after batch recompression. 181 ==> 333555 - digiKam crashed while exporting photos. 182 ==> 328577 - Crash when edition with auto adjust in batch manager. 183 ==> 365631 - Right tabs not visible (only geolocation). 184 ==> 251060 - digiKam crash in Color Management. 185 ==> 187751 - Raw developer gives strange colours when using camera profiles. 186 ==> 269627 - Mismatch between Before and After. 187 ==> 255553 - Batch Color Space Converter Doesn't Work On 16bit TIF Files. 188 ==> 345201 - Progress disappears in export. 189 ==> 146964 - Sort order by date sometimes wrong, if pictures have exactly the same timestamp. 190 ==> 262075 - Thumbnail size slider label is not transparent. 191 ==> 267679 - digiKam shows no photos. 192 ==> 351603 - Splash screen hangs and disappears when loading network albums. 193 ==> 300307 - digiKam processing time very long. 194 ==> 282749 - Signaal Segmentation fault (11) on exit/close/quit digiKam. 195 ==> 231849 - digikam wakes up 107 times per second (powertop). 196 ==> 272522 - digiKam cannot compile from source code. 197 ==> 221245 - Opening a picture with showfoto does not show any of the other pictures in the folder. 198 ==> 113330 - Remote control support (lirc). 199 ==> 311771 - Bad symbolic link / symlink / soft link handling. 200 ==> 308699 - Geotagged image does not show in preview window. 201 ==> 150009 - Large print is sent to printer but is taking hours to print - when opening with gimp->print then no problems. 202 ==> 334160 - Wrong colors when importing CR2 with custom camera profile. 203 ==> 324644 - FILEIO : cannot save file when an image is open in ADOBE colour space and transferring to sRGB colour space. 204 ==> 272347 - digiKam image editor does not flash the menu on GNOME 3 desktop. 205 ==> 313390 - RAW images cannot be decoded if selected from within the image editor. 206 ==> 318599 - Edited files RAW to JPG have wrong EOF. 207 ==> 191722 - Too aggressive caching in image editor. 208 ==> 211678 - Moving the slider in the editor causes starting the edit process. 209 ==> 195332 - digiKam raw import leaves blank instead of showing picture. 210 ==> 248942 - Memory leak when using digikam Editor for Brightness/Contrast/Gamma. 211 ==> 255335 - Image Editor gives option to Move selected file to trash but doesn't do anything. 212 ==> 220626 - Cannot copy nor save images to NAS (DNS-323). 213 ==> 166417 - Cannot display GeoTiff images. 214 ==> 241728 - Aspect ratio crop image view. 215 ==> 152400 - Wish: Simple virtual resize and crop tool. 216 ==> 243915 - digiKam uses all memory and hangs when importing a directory from the hard drive with a large image. 217 ==> 268920 - Crash at opening digiKam for photos from Device Notifier. 218 ==> 300838 - AMD64 digiKam segfault on import. 219 ==> 333095 - digiKam crashes when importing large numbers of additional pics. 220 ==> 247295 - digiKam crashed while trying to copy photos from mobile-phone. 221 ==> 332482 - Crash on right click on import from nikon. 222 ==> 253506 - Crashes at downloading from mass storage. 223 ==> 268831 - Interrupted-restarted import results in empty file. 224 ==> 298429 - Import from N900 crashes when thumbnails is about to show. 225 ==> 303170 - Auto-rotate should be loss-less while importing. 226 ==> 153716 - digiKam does not work with Olympus C-170 CAMEDIA camera.* 227 ==> 149635 - digiKam - Camera - Kodak C310 - Shows images but cannot delete/transfer. 228 ==> 198233 - Cannot connect to Kodak CX7300 with digiKam. 229 ==> 263560 - Seagate CompactFlash Photo Hard drive shows no pictures when import is attempted. 230 ==> 116904 - Connection to camera lost after download + delete of pictures. 231 ==> 162592 - Communication error with digital camera. 232 ==> 167284 - Auto rotate causes zero file sizes when using network shares (CIFS). 233 ==> 152417 - digiKam recognise Rollei dr5 automatically but does't connect it. 234 ==> 219655 - Can't import photos from memory cards. 235 ==> 155825 - Failed to connect Kodak C340. 236 ==> 155602 - I have to re detect each time my canon S3IS. 237 ==> 165829 - Failed photos during download are not consistent with actual file. 238 ==> 310308 - digiKam crashes on import from connected Camera (detected cam and manually selected cam). 239 ==> 221887 - digiKam leaves behind a cifsxxxx file for each image imported from a camera on CIFS mounted volume. 240 ==> 186574 - Directly download and preview shot. 241 ==> 359853 - Crash on mainterance with big album. 242 ==> 332437 - digikam crashed when I use the "mantainance". 243 ==> 349452 - Maintenance, all albums, all keywords, review previews: process is very slowly, hangs forever, does not finish. 244 ==> 252822 - Repaint error of the toolbar in preview mode while showing a movie. 245 ==> 309847 - Caching of next image stopped working. 246 ==> 321755 - Fit to window after rescaling does not work properly. 247 ==> 197396 - the screen becomes blank as soon as you click on a picture or select view from the menu. the thumbnail is visible but picture is not. 248 ==> 254483 - Fresh installed digiKam crashes when building fingerprints. 249 ==> 209000 - More options when converting raws. 250 ==> 295523 - Canon Powershot S100 RAW improperly treated. 251 ==> 279255 - White balance method "camera" does not use the camera's values. 252 ==> 225660 - digiKam - Advanced Search - wrong results. 253 ==> 180035 - Allow to search within past saved searches. 254 ==> 316607 - Crash while updating fingerprints. 255 ==> 332375 - Duplicates search. 256 ==> 322828 - digiKam stop to work. 257 ==> 327354 - Crashes when rebuilding Finger-Prints. 258 ==> 190114 - Usability sort images using exif informations (e.g. focal). 259 ==> 182128 - Duplicates search results don't refresh unless search re-run. 260 ==> 161922 - Calendar view/digikam date does not update when exif dates changed externally. 261 ==> 190044 - Calendar uses (sometimes ?) 'last access' date instead of exif date. 262 ==> 228139 - Showfoto "open folder" crashes on NFS share. 263 ==> 314547 - ShowFoto: _XIOError in QSplashScreen::finish. 264 ==> 344631 - Crash when closing digikam. 265 ==> 296594 - After I do a BW conversion on color photo, and then "Save As", the image save progress stays at zero. 266 ==> 357427 - Showfoto just works in partial execution. 267 ==> 345944 - Crash when saving. 268 ==> 256361 - SlideShow use low resolution previews instead of full resolution images. 269 ==> 170611 - Slideshow: ordering by exif date not correct. 270 ==> 359880 - Crash when I try to send several files into trash from the main window (table view). 271 ==> 284175 - digiKam crash closing application. 272 ==> 266593 - Wrong thumbnails with new camera. 273 ==> 261717 - Album previews loosen. 274 ==> 259774 - Thumbnail slider is 0 at startup. 275 ==> 262601 - digiKam crashes on close. 276 ==> 275009 - digiKam crashes after building up thumbnails. 277 ==> 302663 - Thumbnails are often shown empty. 278 ==> 221114 - Wwhite stripes shown for some thumbnails in the album view. 279 ==> 320253 - Crash on thumb generation, large tiff's. 280 ==> 208266 - Crash when attributing stars. 281 ==> 160193 - Thumbnail labels too long/redundant/cut off. 282 ==> 311454 - Icon property shows completely wrong image data. 283 ==> 218435 - digiKam segfaults when running 'Rebuild All Thumbnails' after 200 photos. 284 ==> 283681 - After re-activating several collections, a huge number of raw pics cannot be opened. 285 ==> 296934 - Crash while adding tags. 286 ==> 215412 - digiKam crashed while assigning keywords. 287 ==> 272828 - Tagging images while tags are currently being written to images causes digikam to hang. 288 ==> 234112 - digiKam crashes intermittently when doing lots of picture edits/tagging. 289 ==> 260653 - Toggle "Tags already assigned" makes digikam crash. 290 ==> 246743 - digiKam hate my image (file truncated to 0 byte after tagging). 291 ==> 357810 - digiKam suddenly stops when searching in tags-search mode. 292 ==> 144176 - In right-click popup, large amounts of tags run off the screen and cannot be accesed. 293 ==> 249300 - Loss of IPTC tag "Country Name" importing pictures. 294 ==> 159855 - BUG - while appling tag changes. 295 ==> 270158 - Tag assigned to wrong photo. 296 ==> 158865 - Adding tags: redundant menu opening necessary. 297 ==> 149554 - Incorrect sorting among tags for non-english characters. 298 ==> 159919 - Tags hierarchy and parent/son auto-selection. 299 ==> 144179 - Tag hierarchy or popups is difficult to follow/understand. 300 ==> 309598 - "Recent Tags" menu show existing tags added and shouldn't be. 301 ==> 269341 - After removing Album, related tags still reside in taglist. 302 ==> 361438 - Dragging thumbnail to Tag produces wrong offer to tag. 303 ==> 284287 - THUMBBAR : after item deletion, scroll to the new current image. 304 ==> 343683 - Cropping may cause artifacts at image border. 305 ==> 365734 - digiKam crashes when clicking on the Table button, new installation. 306 ==> 338050 - MYSQL : nested set fields not updating when moving tag within hierarchy [patch]. 307 ==> 281959 - SCAN : digiKam unresponsive for >1min after startup. 308 ==> 320359 - SCAN : digiKam should show which directories are scanned during start-up when adding collections after database deletion. 309 ==> 283323 - MYSQL : a new label "_Digikam_root_tag_" is created every time. 310 ==> 285683 - Already imported pictures not recognized after daylight savings time. 311 ==> 365876 - Adjust date/time menu entry missing (digikam 5). 312 ==> 237878 - SCHEMA : add foreign keys support. 313 ==> 364883 - Full screen view Mac-OSX menu at top is missing and digikam menu is doubled. 314 ==> 365409 - Toolbar + menubar disappeared. 315 ==> 365929 - Ctrl+M doesn't show/hide menu bar, only status bar. 316 ==> 345045 - MYSQL : images not displayed in album. 317 ==> 365907 - digikam timestamp not updated after use of Adjust Time. 318 ==> 341112 - BQM Metadata Tool : removing Metadata from Batch Queue Manager modifies files. 319 ==> 269337 - SETUP : use idle folder icon if collection is missing. 320 ==> 366010 - Main menu bar is not translated (localized). 321 ==> 365262 - GUI Theme Colors hard to see: always use Fusion widget style under OSX and Windows. 322 ==> 365411 - Tooltips unreadable. 323 ==> 365973 - digiKam and program hung for a while then crashed. 324 ==> 366124 - Corrected spelling in first run widgets [patch]. 325 ==> 325655 - MIGRATION : after MySQL to Sqlite database conversion, random tags are assigned to new images. 326 ==> 339607 - MYSQL : Images not show if corresponding ImageInformation entry does not exist in database [patch]. 327 ==> 366219 - Setting up internal mysql database fails [patch]. 328 ==> 365596 - Deleting Albums and renaming not possible. 329 ==> 345649 - Assigning "Rejected" label using Alt+1 shortcut leaves focus on menu. 330 ==> 366316 - Adding tag results in duplicate tag error. 331 ==> 366348 - WISH: Saving metadata to video files. 332 ==> 287081 - F2 renames image, not Album in Thumbnails mode. 333 ==> 366361 - createReadWriteLock and createMetadataProcessor should not be pure virtual. 334 ==> 366109 - Slideshow freezes on first image (Windows). 335 ==> 366391 - Rotating an image seems to forget to reset the orientation flag. 336 ==> 366445 - MySQL Schema upgrade from V7 to V8 fails [patch]. 337 ==> 305517 - digiKam segfaults after choosing Export - Export to Flash. 338 ==> 231584 - digiKam crashes when asked to print image. 339 ==> 311020 - Print some pages in reverted colors. 340 ==> 329899 - Print Assistant (Print Wizard) showing incorrect page sizes. 341 ==> 365049 - Export to Piwigo not working - Dialog box not responding. 342 ==> 365676 - Improper handling of temporary directory. 343 ==> 308783 - No photo attachments when items are shared by e-mail. 344 ==> 365571 - Flickr export plugin not freeing tmp space. 345 ==> 360404 - Imgur autorization not work : Integrate Oauth2 library in core [patch]. 346 ==> 306207 - Application does not pass .desktop validation. diff --git a/project/bundles/appimage/02-build-extralibs.sh b/project/bundles/appimage/02-build-extralibs.sh index ce1e1b5282..04224a01bf 100755 --- a/project/bundles/appimage/02-build-extralibs.sh +++ b/project/bundles/appimage/02-build-extralibs.sh @@ -1,101 +1,101 @@ #!/bin/bash # Script to build extra libraries using CentOS 6. # This script must be run as sudo # # Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Gilles Caulier, # # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the BSD license. # For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file. # # Halt and catch errors set -eE trap 'PREVIOUS_COMMAND=$THIS_COMMAND; THIS_COMMAND=$BASH_COMMAND' DEBUG trap 'echo "FAILED COMMAND: $PREVIOUS_COMMAND"' ERR ################################################################################################# # Manage script traces to log file mkdir -p ./logs exec > >(tee ./logs/build-extralibs.full.log) 2>&1 ################################################################################################# echo "02-build-extralibs.sh : build extra libraries under CentoOS 6." echo "--------------------------------------------------------------" ################################################################################################# # Pre-processing checks . ./config.sh . ./common.sh ChecksRunAsRoot StartScript ChecksCPUCores CentOS6Adjustments . /opt/rh/devtoolset-3/enable ORIG_WD="`pwd`" ################################################################################################# cd $BUILDING_DIR rm -rf $BUILDING_DIR/* || true cmake3 $ORIG_WD/../3rdparty \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/usr \ -DINSTALL_ROOT=/usr \ -DEXTERNALS_DOWNLOAD_DIR=$DOWNLOAD_DIR # NOTE: The order to compile each component here is very important. # core KF5 frameworks dependencies cmake3 --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_extra-cmake-modules -- -j$CPU_CORES cmake3 --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_kconfig -- -j$CPU_CORES cmake3 --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_breeze-icons -- -j$CPU_CORES cmake3 --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_kcoreaddons -- -j$CPU_CORES cmake3 --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_kwindowsystem -- -j$CPU_CORES cmake3 --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_solid -- -j$CPU_CORES cmake3 --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_threadweaver -- -j$CPU_CORES cmake3 --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_karchive -- -j$CPU_CORES cmake3 --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_kdbusaddons -- -j$CPU_CORES cmake3 --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_ki18n -- -j$CPU_CORES cmake3 --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_kcrash -- -j$CPU_CORES cmake3 --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_kcodecs -- -j$CPU_CORES cmake3 --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_kauth -- -j$CPU_CORES cmake3 --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_kguiaddons -- -j$CPU_CORES cmake3 --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_kwidgetsaddons -- -j$CPU_CORES cmake3 --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_kitemviews -- -j$CPU_CORES cmake3 --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_kcompletion -- -j$CPU_CORES cmake3 --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_kconfigwidgets -- -j$CPU_CORES cmake3 --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_kiconthemes -- -j$CPU_CORES cmake3 --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_kservice -- -j$CPU_CORES cmake3 --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_kglobalaccel -- -j$CPU_CORES cmake3 --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_kxmlgui -- -j$CPU_CORES cmake3 --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_kbookmarks -- -j$CPU_CORES cmake3 --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_kimageformats -- -j$CPU_CORES -# Extra support for Kipi-plugins and digiKam +# Extra support for digiKam # libksane support cmake3 --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_kwallet -- -j$CPU_CORES cmake3 --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_libksane -- -j$CPU_CORES # Desktop integration support cmake3 --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_kjobwidgets -- -j$CPU_CORES cmake3 --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_kio -- -j$CPU_CORES cmake3 --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_knotifyconfig -- -j$CPU_CORES cmake3 --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_knotifications -- -j$CPU_CORES # Geolocation support cmake3 --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_marble -- -j$CPU_CORES # Calendar support cmake3 --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_kcalcore -- -j$CPU_CORES ################################################################################################# TerminateScript