diff --git a/utilities/assistants/printcreator/wizard/advprintwizard.cpp b/utilities/assistants/printcreator/wizard/advprintwizard.cpp index f33dea1ed8..39070acb0d 100644 --- a/utilities/assistants/printcreator/wizard/advprintwizard.cpp +++ b/utilities/assistants/printcreator/wizard/advprintwizard.cpp @@ -1,425 +1,407 @@ /* ============================================================ * * This file is a part of digiKam project * http://www.digikam.org * * Date : 2008-01-11 * Description : a tool to print images * * Copyright (C) 2008-2012 by Angelo Naselli * Copyright (C) 2006-2018 by Gilles Caulier * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * ============================================================ */ #include "advprintwizard.h" // C++ includes #include // Qt includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // KDE includes #include #include #include // Local includes #include "digikam_globals.h" #include "digikam_debug.h" #include "advprintthread.h" #include "advprintintropage.h" #include "advprintalbumspage.h" #include "advprintphotopage.h" #include "advprintcaptionpage.h" #include "advprintcroppage.h" #include "advprintoutputpage.h" #include "advprintfinalpage.h" #include "templateicon.h" #include "dwizardpage.h" #include "dinfointerface.h" #include "dfiledialog.h" #include "dmetadata.h" namespace Digikam { class AdvPrintWizard::Private { public: explicit Private() : introPage(0), albumsPage(0), photoPage(0), captionPage(0), cropPage(0), outputPage(0), finalPage(0), settings(0), previewThread(0), iface(0), tempPath(0) { } AdvPrintIntroPage* introPage; AdvPrintAlbumsPage* albumsPage; AdvPrintPhotoPage* photoPage; AdvPrintCaptionPage* captionPage; AdvPrintCropPage* cropPage; AdvPrintOutputPage* outputPage; AdvPrintFinalPage* finalPage; AdvPrintSettings* settings; AdvPrintThread* previewThread; DInfoInterface* iface; QTemporaryDir* tempPath; }; AdvPrintWizard::AdvPrintWizard(QWidget* const parent, DInfoInterface* const iface) : DWizardDlg(parent, QLatin1String("PrintCreatorDialog")), d(new Private) { setWindowTitle(i18n("Print Creator")); d->iface = iface; d->settings = new AdvPrintSettings; d->previewThread = new AdvPrintThread(this); KConfig config; KConfigGroup group = config.group("PrintCreator"); d->settings->readSettings(group); d->introPage = new AdvPrintIntroPage(this, i18n("Welcome to Print Creator")); d->albumsPage = new AdvPrintAlbumsPage(this, i18n("Albums Selection")); d->photoPage = new AdvPrintPhotoPage(this, i18n("Select Page Layout")); d->captionPage = new AdvPrintCaptionPage(this, i18n("Caption Settings")); d->cropPage = new AdvPrintCropPage(this, i18n("Crop and Rotate Photos")); d->outputPage = new AdvPrintOutputPage(this, i18n("Images Output Settings")); d->finalPage = new AdvPrintFinalPage(this, i18n("Render Printing")); d->finalPage->setPhotoPage(d->photoPage); // ----------------------------------- connect(button(QWizard::CancelButton), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(reject())); connect(d->photoPage->imagesList(), SIGNAL(signalImageListChanged()), d->captionPage, SLOT(slotUpdateImagesList())); connect(d->previewThread, SIGNAL(signalPreview(QImage)), this, SLOT(slotPreview(QImage))); d->tempPath = new QTemporaryDir(); d->settings->tempPath = d->tempPath->path(); installEventFilter(this); } AdvPrintWizard::~AdvPrintWizard() { d->previewThread->cancel(); KConfig config; KConfigGroup group = config.group("PrintCreator"); d->settings->writeSettings(group); delete d->tempPath; delete d; } DInfoInterface* AdvPrintWizard::iface() const { return d->iface; } AdvPrintSettings* AdvPrintWizard::settings() const { return d->settings; } int AdvPrintWizard::nextId() const { if (d->settings->selMode == AdvPrintSettings::ALBUMS) { if (currentPage() == d->introPage) { return d->albumsPage->id(); } } else { if (currentPage() == d->introPage) { return d->photoPage->id(); } } if (d->settings->printerName == d->settings->outputName(AdvPrintSettings::FILES)) { if (currentPage() == d->cropPage) { return d->outputPage->id(); } } else { if (currentPage() == d->cropPage) { return d->finalPage->id(); } } return DWizardDlg::nextId(); } QList AdvPrintWizard::itemsList() const { QList urls; for (QList::iterator it = d->settings->photos.begin() ; it != d->settings->photos.end() ; ++it) { AdvPrintPhoto* const photo = static_cast(*it); urls << photo->m_url; } return urls; } void AdvPrintWizard::setItemsList(const QList& fileList) { QList list = fileList; for (int i = 0 ; i < d->settings->photos.count() ; ++i) { delete d->settings->photos.at(i); } d->settings->photos.clear(); if (list.isEmpty() && d->iface) { list = d->iface->currentSelectedItems(); } for (int i = 0 ; i < list.count() ; ++i) { AdvPrintPhoto* const photo = new AdvPrintPhoto(150, d->iface); photo->m_url = list[i]; photo->m_first = true; d->settings->photos.append(photo); } d->cropPage->ui()->BtnCropPrev->setEnabled(false); if (d->settings->photos.count() == 1) { d->cropPage->ui()->BtnCropNext->setEnabled(false); } emit currentIdChanged(d->photoPage->id()); } void AdvPrintWizard::updateCropFrame(AdvPrintPhoto* const photo, int photoIndex) { int sizeIndex = d->photoPage->ui()->ListPhotoSizes->currentRow(); AdvPrintPhotoSize* const s = d->settings->photosizes.at(sizeIndex); d->cropPage->ui()->cropFrame->init(photo, d->settings->getLayout(photoIndex, sizeIndex)->width(), d->settings->getLayout(photoIndex, sizeIndex)->height(), s->m_autoRotate, true); - //AHMED FATHI COMMENTED THIS FOR COMPILE ERRORS NOT RELATED TO HIS WORK - /* - QListWidgetItem* const pWItem = new QListWidgetItem(i18n(CUSTOM_PAGE_LAYOUT_NAME)); - - //TODO FREE STYLE ICON - TemplateIcon ti(80, pageSize.toSize()); - ti.begin(); - QPainter& painter = ti.getPainter(); - painter.setPen(Qt::color1); - painter.drawText(painter.viewport(), Qt::AlignCenter, i18n("Custom layout")); - ti.end(); - - pWItem->setIcon(ti.getIcon()); - d->photoPage->ui()->ListPhotoSizes->addItem(pWItem); - - d->photoPage->ui()->ListPhotoSizes->blockSignals(false); - d->photoPage->ui()->ListPhotoSizes->setCurrentRow(0, QItemSelectionModel::Select); - */ d->cropPage->ui()->LblCropPhoto->setText(i18n("Photo %1 of %2", photoIndex + 1, QString::number(d->settings->photos.count()))); } void AdvPrintWizard::previewPhotos() { if (d->settings->photosizes.isEmpty()) { qCDebug(DIGIKAM_GENERAL_LOG) << "Photo sizes is null"; return; } d->previewThread->cancel(); // get the selected layout int photoCount = d->settings->photos.count(); int curr = d->photoPage->ui()->ListPhotoSizes->currentRow(); AdvPrintPhotoSize* const s = d->settings->photosizes.at(curr); int emptySlots = 0; int pageCount = 0; int photosPerPage = 0; if (photoCount > 0) { // how many pages? Recall that the first layout item is the paper size photosPerPage = s->m_layouts.count() - 1; int remainder = photoCount % photosPerPage; if (remainder > 0) { emptySlots = photosPerPage - remainder; } pageCount = photoCount / photosPerPage; if (emptySlots > 0) { pageCount++; } } d->photoPage->ui()->LblPhotoCount->setText(QString::number(photoCount)); d->photoPage->ui()->LblSheetsPrinted->setText(QString::number(pageCount)); d->photoPage->ui()->LblEmptySlots->setText(QString::number(emptySlots)); if (photoCount > 0) { // photo previews // preview the first page. // find the first page of photos int count = 0; int page = 0; int current = 0; for (QList::iterator it = d->settings->photos.begin() ; it != d->settings->photos.end() ; ++it) { AdvPrintPhoto* const photo = static_cast(*it); if (page == d->settings->currentPreviewPage) { photo->m_cropRegion.setRect(-1, -1, -1, -1); photo->m_rotation = 0; QRect* const curr = s->m_layouts.at(count + 1); photo->updateCropRegion(curr->width(), curr->height(), s->m_autoRotate); } count++; if (count >= photosPerPage) { if (page == d->settings->currentPreviewPage) break; page++; current += photosPerPage; count = 0; } } // send this photo list to the painter AdvPrintSettings* const pwSettings = new AdvPrintSettings; pwSettings->photos = d->settings->photos; pwSettings->outputLayouts = s; pwSettings->currentPreviewPage = current; pwSettings->disableCrop = d->cropPage->ui()->m_disableCrop->isChecked(); d->previewThread->preview(pwSettings, d->photoPage->ui()->BmpFirstPagePreview->size()); d->previewThread->start(); } else { d->photoPage->ui()->BmpFirstPagePreview->clear(); d->photoPage->ui()->LblPreview->clear(); d->photoPage->ui()->LblPreview->setText(i18n("Page %1 of %2", 0, 0)); d->photoPage->manageBtnPreviewPage(); d->photoPage->update(); } } void AdvPrintWizard::slotPreview(const QImage& img) { qCDebug(DIGIKAM_GENERAL_LOG) << "Recieve Preview" << img.size(); d->photoPage->ui()->BmpFirstPagePreview->clear(); d->photoPage->ui()->BmpFirstPagePreview->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(img)); d->photoPage->ui()->LblPreview->setText(i18n("Page %1 of %2", d->settings->currentPreviewPage + 1, d->photoPage->getPageCount())); d->photoPage->manageBtnPreviewPage(); d->photoPage->update(); } int AdvPrintWizard::normalizedInt(double n) { return (int)(n + 0.5); } bool AdvPrintWizard::eventFilter(QObject* o, QEvent* e) { if (e && e->type() == QEvent::KeyRelease) { QKeyEvent* const k = (QKeyEvent*)e; if ((k->key() == Qt::Key_PageUp) || (k->key() == Qt::Key_PageDown) || (k->key() == Qt::Key_Up) || (k->key() == Qt::Key_Down)) { if (currentPage() == d->cropPage) { // Pass the key event to move crop frame region. d->cropPage->ui()->cropFrame->setFocus(); QApplication::sendEvent(d->cropPage->ui()->cropFrame, e); return true; // eat event } } } return QWizard::eventFilter(o, e); } } // namespace Digikam