diff --git a/core/dplugins/generic/tools/mediaserver/server/dlnaserverdelegate.cpp b/core/dplugins/generic/tools/mediaserver/server/dlnaserverdelegate.cpp index 481ab8c19f..ba89fcda6d 100644 --- a/core/dplugins/generic/tools/mediaserver/server/dlnaserverdelegate.cpp +++ b/core/dplugins/generic/tools/mediaserver/server/dlnaserverdelegate.cpp @@ -1,843 +1,847 @@ /* ============================================================ * * This file is a part of digiKam project * https://www.digikam.org * * Date : 2017-09-24 * Description : a media server to export collections through DLNA. * Implementation inspired on Platinum File Media Server. * * Copyright (C) 2017-2019 by Gilles Caulier * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * ============================================================ */ #include "dlnaserverdelegate.h" // Platinum includes #include "NptStreams.h" #include "PltUPnP.h" #include "PltMediaItem.h" #include "PltService.h" #include "PltTaskManager.h" #include "PltHttpServer.h" #include "PltDidl.h" #include "PltVersion.h" #include "PltMimeType.h" // Qt includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Local includes #include "digikam_debug.h" #include "previewloadthread.h" #include "dimg.h" #include "drawdecoder.h" NPT_SET_LOCAL_LOGGER("digiKam.media.server.delegate") namespace Digikam { class Q_DECL_HIDDEN DLNAMediaServerDelegate::Private { public: explicit Private() : filterUnknownOut(false), useCache(false) { } NPT_String urlRoot; NPT_String fileRoot; bool filterUnknownOut; bool useCache; MediaServerMap map; PLT_MediaCache >, NPT_TimeStamp> dirCache; }; DLNAMediaServerDelegate::DLNAMediaServerDelegate(const char* url_root, bool use_cache) : d(new Private) { d->urlRoot = url_root; d->useCache = use_cache; } DLNAMediaServerDelegate::~DLNAMediaServerDelegate() { delete d; } void DLNAMediaServerDelegate::addAlbumsOnServer(const MediaServerMap& map) { d->map = map; } NPT_Result DLNAMediaServerDelegate::ProcessFileRequest(NPT_HttpRequest& request, const NPT_HttpRequestContext& context, NPT_HttpResponse& response) { NPT_HttpUrlQuery query(request.GetUrl().GetQuery()); PLT_LOG_HTTP_MESSAGE(NPT_LOG_LEVEL_FINE, "DLNAMediaServerDelegate::ProcessFileRequest:", &request); if (request.GetMethod().Compare("GET") && request.GetMethod().Compare("HEAD")) { response.SetStatus(500, "Internal Server Error"); return NPT_SUCCESS; } // Extract file path from url NPT_String file_path; NPT_CHECK_LABEL_WARNING(ExtractResourcePath(request.GetUrl(), file_path), failure); // Serve file NPT_CHECK_WARNING(ServeFile(request, context, response, NPT_FilePath::Create(d->fileRoot, file_path))); return NPT_SUCCESS; // cppcheck-suppress unusedLabel failure: response.SetStatus(404, "File Not Found"); return NPT_SUCCESS; } NPT_Result DLNAMediaServerDelegate::OnBrowseMetadata(PLT_ActionReference& action, const char* object_id, const char* filter, NPT_UInt32 starting_index, NPT_UInt32 requested_count, const char* sort_criteria, const PLT_HttpRequestContext& context) { NPT_COMPILER_UNUSED(sort_criteria); NPT_COMPILER_UNUSED(requested_count); NPT_COMPILER_UNUSED(starting_index); NPT_String didl; PLT_MediaObjectReference item; // Locate the file from the object ID NPT_String filepath; if (NPT_FAILED(GetFilePath(object_id, filepath))) { // error - qCDebug(DIGIKAM_MEDIASRV_LOG) << "OnBrowseMetadata()" + qCDebug(DIGIKAM_MEDIASRV_LOG) << "OnBrowseMetadata()" << ":: ObjectID not found \"" << object_id << "\""; action->SetError(701, "No Such Object."); return NPT_FAILURE; } // build the object didl item = BuildFromFilePath(filepath, context, true, false, (NPT_String(filter).Find("ALLIP") != -1)); if (item.IsNull()) { return NPT_FAILURE; } NPT_String tmp; NPT_CHECK_SEVERE(PLT_Didl::ToDidl(*item.AsPointer(), filter, tmp)); // add didl header and footer didl = didl_header + tmp + didl_footer; NPT_CHECK_SEVERE(action->SetArgumentValue("Result", didl)); NPT_CHECK_SEVERE(action->SetArgumentValue("NumberReturned", "1")); NPT_CHECK_SEVERE(action->SetArgumentValue("TotalMatches", "1")); // update ID may be wrong here, it should be the one of the container? // TODO: We need to keep track of the overall updateID of the CDS NPT_CHECK_SEVERE(action->SetArgumentValue("UpdateId", "1")); return NPT_SUCCESS; } NPT_Result DLNAMediaServerDelegate::OnBrowseDirectChildren(PLT_ActionReference& action, const char* object_id, const char* filter, NPT_UInt32 starting_index, NPT_UInt32 requested_count, const char* sort_criteria, const PLT_HttpRequestContext& context) { NPT_COMPILER_UNUSED(sort_criteria); // Locate the file from the object ID NPT_String dir; NPT_FileInfo info; if (NPT_FAILED(GetFilePath(object_id, dir))) { // error NPT_LOG_WARNING_1("ObjectID \'%s\' not found or not allowed", object_id); action->SetError(701, "No such Object"); NPT_CHECK_WARNING(NPT_FAILURE); } qCDebug(DIGIKAM_MEDIASRV_LOG) << "OnBrowseDirectChildren() :: Object id:" << object_id << "Dir:" << dir.GetChars(); // get uuid from device via action reference NPT_String uuid = action->GetActionDesc().GetService()->GetDevice()->GetUUID(); // Try to get list from cache if allowed NPT_Reference > entries; NPT_TimeStamp cached_entries_time; if (!d->useCache || NPT_FAILED(d->dirCache.Get(uuid, dir, entries, &cached_entries_time)) || cached_entries_time < info.m_ModificationTime) { // if not found in cache or if current dir has newer modified time fetch fresh new list from source QStringList list; if (dir == "/") { foreach (const QString& s, d->map.keys()) { list << s + QLatin1Char('/'); } } else { QString container = QString::fromUtf8(dir.GetChars()); QList urls = d->map.value(container.remove(QLatin1Char('/'))); foreach (const QUrl& u, urls) { // Internal URL separator between container path and local file path. // Ex: Linux => "/country/town/Paris/?file:/mnt/data/travel/Paris/eiffeltower.jpg // Win32 => "/Friends/US/Brown/?file:C:/Users/Foo/My Images/Friends/US/Brown/homer.png list << QLatin1String("?file:") + u.toLocalFile(); } } qCDebug(DIGIKAM_MEDIASRV_LOG) << "OnBrowseDirectChildren() ::" << "Populate cache with contents from Dir" << dir.GetChars(); entries = new NPT_List(); foreach (const QString& path, list) { qCDebug(DIGIKAM_MEDIASRV_LOG) << "=>" << path; entries->Add(NPT_String(path.toUtf8().data(), path.toUtf8().size())); } // add new list to cache if (d->useCache) { d->dirCache.Put(uuid, dir, entries, &info.m_ModificationTime); } } + else + { + entries = new NPT_List(); + } unsigned long cur_index = 0; unsigned long num_returned = 0; unsigned long total_matches = 0; NPT_String didl = didl_header; bool allip = (NPT_String(filter).Find("ALLIP") != -1); PLT_MediaObjectReference item; for (NPT_List::Iterator it = entries->GetFirstItem() ; it ; ++it) { NPT_String filepath = dir + (*it); // verify we want to process this file first if (!ProcessFile(filepath, filter)) { continue; } qCDebug(DIGIKAM_MEDIASRV_LOG) << "OnBrowseDirectChildren()" << ":: Process item" << filepath.GetChars(); // build item object from file path item = BuildFromFilePath(filepath, context, true, true, allip); // generate didl if within range requested if (!item.IsNull()) { if ((cur_index >= starting_index) && ((num_returned < requested_count) || (requested_count == 0))) { NPT_String tmp; NPT_CHECK_SEVERE(PLT_Didl::ToDidl(*item.AsPointer(), filter, tmp)); didl += tmp; ++num_returned; } ++cur_index; ++total_matches; } }; didl += didl_footer; NPT_LOG_FINE_6("BrowseDirectChildren from %s returning %d-%d/%d objects (%d out of %d requested)", (const char*)context.GetLocalAddress().GetIpAddress().ToString(), starting_index, starting_index + num_returned, total_matches, num_returned, requested_count); NPT_CHECK_SEVERE(action->SetArgumentValue("Result", didl)); NPT_CHECK_SEVERE(action->SetArgumentValue("NumberReturned", NPT_String::FromInteger(num_returned))); // 0 means we don't know how many we have but most browsers don't like that!! NPT_CHECK_SEVERE(action->SetArgumentValue("TotalMatches", NPT_String::FromInteger(total_matches))); NPT_CHECK_SEVERE(action->SetArgumentValue("UpdateId", "1")); return NPT_SUCCESS; } PLT_MediaObject* DLNAMediaServerDelegate::BuildFromFilePath(const NPT_String& filepath, const PLT_HttpRequestContext& context, bool with_count, bool keep_extension_in_title, bool allip) { PLT_MediaItemResource resource; PLT_MediaObject* object = nullptr; qCDebug(DIGIKAM_MEDIASRV_LOG) << "Building didl for file \"" << filepath.GetChars() << "\""; // retrieve the entry type (directory or file) if (!QString::fromUtf8(filepath.GetChars()).endsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) { qCDebug(DIGIKAM_MEDIASRV_LOG) << "BuildFromFilePath() :: regular file detected"; object = new PLT_MediaItem(); // Set the title using the filename for now QString uri = QString::fromUtf8(filepath.GetChars()); int index = uri.indexOf(QLatin1String("/?file:")) + 7; QString path = uri.remove(0, index); QString title = path.section(QLatin1Char('/'), -1); if (!keep_extension_in_title) { title = title.section(QLatin1Char('.'), -2); } object->m_Title = NPT_String(title.toUtf8().data()); if (DRawDecoder::isRawFile(QUrl::fromLocalFile(QString::fromUtf8(filepath.GetChars())))) { // Special case for RAW file where extension need to be patched as JPEG for client renderer, // as we provide a JPEG preview. object->m_Title += ".jpg"; } if (object->m_Title.GetLength() == 0) { goto failure; } // make sure we return something with a valid mimetype if (d->filterUnknownOut && NPT_StringsEqual(PLT_MimeType::GetMimeType(filepath, &context), "application/octet-stream")) { goto failure; } qCDebug(DIGIKAM_MEDIASRV_LOG) << "BuildFromFilePath() :: Create item as MediaItem \"" << object->m_Title.GetChars() << "\""; // Set the protocol Info from the extension resource.m_ProtocolInfo = PLT_ProtocolInfo::GetProtocolInfo(filepath, true, &context); if (!resource.m_ProtocolInfo.IsValid()) { goto failure; } // format the resource URI NPT_String url = filepath.SubString(filepath.Find("/?file:") + 7); qCDebug(DIGIKAM_MEDIASRV_LOG) << "BuildFromFilePath() :: Item URI:\"" << url.GetChars() << "\""; // Set the resource file size NPT_FileInfo info; NPT_CHECK_LABEL_FATAL(NPT_File::GetInfo(url, &info), failure); resource.m_Size = info.m_Size; // get list of ip addresses NPT_List ips; NPT_CHECK_LABEL_SEVERE(PLT_UPnPMessageHelper::GetIPAddresses(ips), failure); // if we're passed an interface where we received the request from // move the ip to the top so that it is used for the first resource if (context.GetLocalAddress().GetIpAddress().ToString() != "") { ips.Remove(context.GetLocalAddress().GetIpAddress()); ips.Insert(ips.GetFirstItem(), context.GetLocalAddress().GetIpAddress()); } else if (!allip) { NPT_LOG_WARNING("Could not determine local interface IP so we might return an unreachable IP"); } object->m_ObjectClass.type = PLT_MediaItem::GetUPnPClass(filepath, &context); // add as many resources as we have interfaces NPT_HttpUrl base_uri("", context.GetLocalAddress().GetPort(), NPT_HttpUrl::PercentEncode(d->urlRoot, NPT_Uri::PathCharsToEncode)); NPT_List::Iterator ip = ips.GetFirstItem(); while (ip) { resource.m_Uri = BuildResourceUri(base_uri, ip->ToString(), url); object->m_Resources.Add(resource); ++ip; // if we only want the one resource reachable by client if (!allip) { break; } } } else { qCDebug(DIGIKAM_MEDIASRV_LOG) << "BuildFromFilePath() :: directory detected"; object = new PLT_MediaContainer; // Assign a title for this container if (filepath.Compare("/", true) == 0) { object->m_Title = "Root"; } else { QString path = QString::fromUtf8(filepath.GetChars()); QString title = path.section(QLatin1Char('/'), -2, -2); // We drop extra '/' too on the front of name object->m_Title = NPT_String(title.toUtf8().data()); if (object->m_Title.GetLength() == 0) { qCDebug(DIGIKAM_MEDIASRV_LOG) << "BuildFromFilePath() :: MediaContainer item name is empty."; goto failure; } } // Get the number of children for this container NPT_LargeSize count = 0; if (with_count && NPT_SUCCEEDED(NPT_File::GetSize(filepath, count))) { ((PLT_MediaContainer*)object)->m_ChildrenCount = (NPT_Int32)count; } object->m_ObjectClass.type = "object.container.storageFolder"; qCDebug(DIGIKAM_MEDIASRV_LOG) << "BuildFromFilePath() :: Create item as MediaContainer \"" << object->m_Title.GetChars() << "\""; } // is it the root? if (filepath.Compare("/", true) == 0) { qCDebug(DIGIKAM_MEDIASRV_LOG) << "BuildFromFilePath() :: New item is root"; object->m_ParentID = "-1"; // krazy:exclude=doublequote_chars object->m_ObjectID = "0"; // krazy:exclude=doublequote_chars } else { // is the parent path the root? if (filepath.EndsWith("/")) { object->m_ParentID = "0"; // krazy:exclude=doublequote_chars } else { object->m_ParentID = "0" + filepath.Left(filepath.Find("/?file:") + 1); // krazy:exclude=doublequote_chars } object->m_ObjectID = "0" + filepath.SubString(0); // krazy:exclude=doublequote_chars } qCDebug(DIGIKAM_MEDIASRV_LOG) << "BuildFromFilePath() :: New item parent ID:" << object->m_ParentID.GetChars(); qCDebug(DIGIKAM_MEDIASRV_LOG) << "BuildFromFilePath() :: New item object ID:" << object->m_ObjectID.GetChars(); return object; failure: qCDebug(DIGIKAM_MEDIASRV_LOG) << "Failed to build didl for file \"" << filepath.GetChars() << "\""; delete object; return nullptr; } NPT_Result DLNAMediaServerDelegate::GetFilePath(const char* object_id, NPT_String& filepath) { if (!object_id) { return NPT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS; } filepath = "/"; // krazy:exclude=doublequote_chars // object id is formatted as 0/ if (NPT_StringLength(object_id) >= 1) { int index = 0; if (object_id[0] == '0' && object_id[1] == '/') { index = 2; } else if (object_id[0] == '0') { index = 1; } filepath += (object_id + index); } qCDebug(DIGIKAM_MEDIASRV_LOG) << "GetFilePath() :: Object id:" << object_id << "filepath:" << filepath.GetChars(); return NPT_SUCCESS; } NPT_Result DLNAMediaServerDelegate::OnSearchContainer(PLT_ActionReference& action, const char* object_id, const char* search_criteria, const char* /* filter */, NPT_UInt32 /* starting_index */, NPT_UInt32 /* requested_count */, const char* /* sort_criteria */, const PLT_HttpRequestContext& /* context */) { // parse search criteria // TODO: HACK TO PASS DLNA qCDebug(DIGIKAM_MEDIASRV_LOG) << "Received Search request for object \"" << object_id << "\" with search \"" << search_criteria << "\""; if (search_criteria && NPT_StringsEqual(search_criteria, "Unknownfieldname")) { // error qCDebug(DIGIKAM_MEDIASRV_LOG) << "Unsupported or invalid search criteria" << search_criteria; action->SetError(708, "Unsupported or invalid search criteria"); return NPT_FAILURE; } // locate the file from the object ID NPT_String dir; if (NPT_FAILED(GetFilePath(object_id, dir))) { // error qCDebug(DIGIKAM_MEDIASRV_LOG) << "ObjectID not found" << object_id; action->SetError(710, "No Such Container."); return NPT_FAILURE; } qCDebug(DIGIKAM_MEDIASRV_LOG) << "OnSearchContainer() :: dir =" << dir.GetChars(); // retrieve the item type NPT_FileInfo info; NPT_Result res = NPT_File::GetInfo(dir, &info); if (NPT_FAILED(res) || (info.m_Type != NPT_FileInfo::FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY)) { // error qCDebug(DIGIKAM_MEDIASRV_LOG) << "No such container" << dir.GetChars(); action->SetError(710, "No such container"); return NPT_FAILURE; } return NPT_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NPT_String DLNAMediaServerDelegate::BuildSafeResourceUri(const NPT_HttpUrl& base_uri, const char* host, const char* file_path) { NPT_String result; NPT_HttpUrl uri = base_uri; if (host) { uri.SetHost(host); } NPT_String uri_path = uri.GetPath(); if (!uri_path.EndsWith("/")) { uri_path += "/"; // krazy:exclude=doublequote_chars } // some controllers (like WMP) will call us with an already urldecoded version. // We're intentionally prepending a known urlencoded string // to detect it when we receive the request urlencoded or already decoded to avoid double decoding uri_path += "%/"; uri_path += file_path; // set path uri.SetPath(uri_path); // 360 hack: force inclusion of port in case it's 80 return uri.ToStringWithDefaultPort(0); } NPT_Result DLNAMediaServerDelegate::ExtractResourcePath(const NPT_HttpUrl& url, NPT_String& file_path) { // Extract non decoded path, we need to autodetect urlencoding NPT_String uri_path = url.GetPath(); NPT_String url_root_encode = NPT_Uri::PercentEncode(d->urlRoot, NPT_Uri::PathCharsToEncode); NPT_Ordinal skip = 0; if (uri_path.StartsWith(d->urlRoot)) { skip = d->urlRoot.GetLength(); } else if (uri_path.StartsWith(url_root_encode)) { skip = url_root_encode.GetLength(); } else { return NPT_FAILURE; } // account for extra slash skip += ((d->urlRoot == "/") ? 0 : 1); file_path = uri_path.SubString(skip); // detect if client such as WMP sent a non urlencoded url if (file_path.StartsWith("%/")) { NPT_LOG_FINE("Received a urldecoded version of our url!"); file_path.Erase(0, 2); } else { // remove our prepended string we used to detect urldecoded version if (file_path.StartsWith("%25/")) { file_path.Erase(0, 4); } // ok to urldecode file_path = NPT_Uri::PercentDecode(file_path); } return NPT_SUCCESS; } NPT_Result DLNAMediaServerDelegate::ServeFile(const NPT_HttpRequest& request, const NPT_HttpRequestContext& context, NPT_HttpResponse& response, const NPT_String& file_path) { // Try to stream image file as transcoded preview. // This will serve image in reduced size, including all know image formats // supported by digiKam core, as JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and RAW files for ex. DImg dimg = PreviewLoadThread::loadFastSynchronously(QString::fromUtf8(file_path.GetChars()), 2048); if (dimg.isNull()) { // Not a supported image format. Try to stream file as well, without transcoding. // TODO : support video file as transcoded video stream using QtAV (if possible). qCDebug(DIGIKAM_MEDIASRV_LOG) << file_path.GetChars() << "not recognized as an image to stream as preview."; NPT_CHECK_WARNING(PLT_HttpServer::ServeFile(request, context, response, file_path)); return NPT_SUCCESS; } // This code is basically the same than PLT_HttpServer::ServeFile() excepted the // image trancoding pass served as byte stream. NPT_InputStreamReference stream; NPT_File file(file_path); NPT_FileInfo file_info; // prevent hackers from accessing files outside of our root if ((file_path.Find("/..") >= 0) || (file_path.Find("\\..") >= 0) || NPT_FAILED(NPT_File::GetInfo(file_path, &file_info))) { return NPT_ERROR_NO_SUCH_ITEM; } // check for range requests const NPT_String* range_spec = request.GetHeaders().GetHeaderValue(NPT_HTTP_HEADER_RANGE); // handle potential 304 only if range header not set NPT_DateTime date; NPT_TimeStamp timestamp; if (NPT_SUCCEEDED(PLT_UPnPMessageHelper::GetIfModifiedSince((NPT_HttpMessage&)request, date)) && !range_spec) { date.ToTimeStamp(timestamp); NPT_LOG_INFO_5("File %s timestamps: request=%d (%s) vs file=%d (%s)", (const char*)request.GetUrl().GetPath(), (NPT_UInt32)timestamp.ToSeconds(), (const char*)date.ToString(), (NPT_UInt32)file_info.m_ModificationTime, (const char*)NPT_DateTime(file_info.m_ModificationTime).ToString()); if (timestamp >= file_info.m_ModificationTime) { // it's a match NPT_LOG_FINE_1("Returning 304 for %s", request.GetUrl().GetPath().GetChars()); response.SetStatus(304, "Not Modified", NPT_HTTP_PROTOCOL_1_1); return NPT_SUCCESS; } } // Trancoding image as preview. QImage preview = dimg.copyQImage(); QByteArray ba; QBuffer buffer(&ba); buffer.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); preview.save(&buffer, "JPG"); buffer.close(); stream = new NPT_MemoryStream(ba.data(), (NPT_Size)ba.size()); if (stream.IsNull()) { return NPT_ERROR_NO_SUCH_ITEM; } // set Last-Modified and Cache-Control headers if (file_info.m_ModificationTime) { NPT_DateTime last_modified = NPT_DateTime(file_info.m_ModificationTime); response.GetHeaders().SetHeader("Last-Modified", last_modified.ToString(NPT_DateTime::FORMAT_RFC_1123), true); response.GetHeaders().SetHeader("Cache-Control", "max-age=0,must-revalidate", true); } PLT_HttpRequestContext tmp_context(request, context); NPT_CHECK_WARNING(PLT_HttpServer::ServeStream(request, context, response, stream, "image/jpeg")); return NPT_SUCCESS; } NPT_String DLNAMediaServerDelegate::BuildResourceUri(const NPT_HttpUrl& base_uri, const char* host, const char* file_path) { return BuildSafeResourceUri(base_uri, host, file_path); } NPT_Result DLNAMediaServerDelegate::OnUpdateObject(PLT_ActionReference&, const char*, NPT_Map&, NPT_Map&, const PLT_HttpRequestContext&) { return NPT_SUCCESS; } bool DLNAMediaServerDelegate::ProcessFile(const NPT_String&, const char*) { return true; } } // namespace Digikam