diff --git a/skgbankmodeler/sources/org.kde.skrooge-source-exchangerates.desktop b/skgbankmodeler/sources/org.kde.skrooge-source-exchangerates.desktop index 939a6324b..c5b87d426 100644 --- a/skgbankmodeler/sources/org.kde.skrooge-source-exchangerates.desktop +++ b/skgbankmodeler/sources/org.kde.skrooge-source-exchangerates.desktop @@ -1,70 +1,72 @@ [Desktop Entry] Name=exchangeratesapi.io Name[ca]=exchangeratesapi.io Name[ca@valencia]=exchangeratesapi.io Name[cs]=exchangeratesapi.io +Name[en_GB]=exchangeratesapi.io Name[es]=exchangeratesapi.io Name[et]=exchangeratesapi.io Name[fr]=exchangeratesapi.io Name[it]=exchangeratesapi.io Name[nl]=exchangeratesapi.io Name[pt]=exchangeratesapi.io Name[sv]=exchangeratesapi.io Name[uk]=exchangeratesapi.io Name[x-test]=xxexchangeratesapi.ioxx Comment=You can get the list of available quotes from exchangeratesapi.io. Then, enter the -. Example: if you want BTC in USD, you must enter BTC-USD. Comment[ca]=Podeu obtenir la llista de les cotitzacions disponibles a exchangeratesapi.io.Després, introduïu la -. Exemple: si voleu BTC en USD, cal introduir BTC-USD. Comment[ca@valencia]=Podeu obtindre la llista de les cotitzacions disponibles a exchangeratesapi.io.Després, introduïu la -. Exemple: si voleu BTC en USD, cal introduir BTC-USD. +Comment[en_GB]=You can get the list of available quotes from exchangeratesapi.io. Then, enter the -. Example: if you want BTC in USD, you must enter BTC-USD. Comment[es]=Puede obtener la lista de cotizaciones disponibles en exchangeratesapi.io. Tras ello, introduzca la -. Por ejemplo: si quiere BTC en USD, debe introducir BTC-USD. Comment[et]=Saadaolevate kursside loendi võib hankida saidilt exchangeratesapi.io. Seejärel sisesta -. Kui näiteks soovid BTC-d USA dollarites, tuleb sisestada BTC-USD. Comment[fr]=Vous pouvez lister toutes les cotations disponibles depuis exchangeratesapi. Alors, saisissez le-. Exemple: si vous voulez BTC en USD, vous devez saisir BTC-USD. Comment[it]=Puoi scaricare l'elenco delle quotazioni disponibili da exchangeratesapi.io. Inserisci, poi, la -. Esempio: se desideri BTC in USD, devi digitare BTC-USD. Comment[nl]=U kunt de lijst met beschikbare koersen ophalen van exchangeratesapi.io. Voer daarna de - in. Voorbeeld: als u BTC in USD wilt, moet u invoeren BTC-USD. Comment[pt]=Poderá obter a lista de cotações disponíveis no exchangeratesapi.io. Finalmente, indique a -. Por exemplo, se quiser a BTC em USD, tem de indicar BTC-USD. Comment[sv]=Du kan hämta listan över tillgängliga kurser från exchangeratesapi.io. Ange därefter -. Om du exempelvis ha BTC i USD måste du skriva in BTC-USD. Comment[uk]=Ви можете отримувати список доступних курсів з exchangeratesapi.io. Далі, введіть комбінацію <потрібний курс>-<бажана валюта>. Приклад: якщо потрібен курс BTC у доларах США, вам слід вказати BTC-USD. Comment[x-test]=xxYou can get the list of available quotes from exchangeratesapi.io. Then, enter the -. Example: if you want BTC in USD, you must enter BTC-USD.xx Encoding=UTF-8 Icon=skrooge Type=Service X-KDE-ServiceTypes=skrooge/source X-Krunner-ID=exchangeratesapi X-KDE-PluginInfo-Author=Stephane MANKOWSKI,miraks X-KDE-PluginInfo-Email=stephane@mankowski.fr X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name=exchangeratesapi.io X-KDE-PluginInfo-Version=1.0 X-KDE-PluginInfo-Website=https://skrooge.org/ X-KDE-PluginInfo-Category=Plugins X-KDE-PluginInfo-Depends= X-KDE-PluginInfo-License=GPL X-KDE-PluginInfo-EnabledByDefault=true #To know if this plugin needs a key API X-SKROOGE-keyAPI=true #The url or the command line to get the list of accounts in the standard output, something like this: #%1 will be replaced by the internet code of the unit #%2 will be replaced by the current day in format yyyy-MM-dd #%3 will be replaced by the previous date in format yyyy-MM-dd #%4 will be replaced by the interval #%5 will be replaced by the key API #Example: # X-SKROOGE-url=https://server/?s=%1 # or # X-SKROOGE-script=mydownloadscript %1 #This parameter is MANDATORY X-SKROOGE-script=skrooge-exchangerates.py "%1" "%2" "%3" "%4" "%5" #The mode (HTML or CSV or CSVR). In HTML mode, only one value will be extracted from downloaded page. In CSV mode, a value per line will be extracted. CSVR means CSV in reverse mode X-SKROOGE-mode=CSVR #Regular expression to capture the price of the quote #This parameter is not MANDATORY. X-SKROOGE-price=[^,]*,([^,]*) #Regular expression to capture the date of the quote #This parameter is not MANDATORY. X-SKROOGE-date=([^,]*),.* #The date format X-SKROOGE-dateformat=yyyy-MM-dd