diff --git a/plugins/skrooge/skrooge_importexport/skgimportexportpluginwidget_pref.ui b/plugins/skrooge/skrooge_importexport/skgimportexportpluginwidget_pref.ui index 520f02c0e..5d10b2549 100644 --- a/plugins/skrooge/skrooge_importexport/skgimportexportpluginwidget_pref.ui +++ b/plugins/skrooge/skrooge_importexport/skgimportexportpluginwidget_pref.ui @@ -1,1100 +1,1100 @@ skgimportexportplugin_pref 0 0 581 506 2 3 General General import settings 2 0 0 0 0 After import 2 0 0 0 0 This option allows to apply all rules defined in "Search and process" on all imported operations Apply rules on imported operations This option allows to validate all imported operations Automatic validation This option allows to open all imported operations at the end of the import Open operations <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600; color:#ff0000;">WARNING: </span>In some conditions, this option can cause missing operations. </p><p>This option is mainly interesting with OFX import when your bank is not able to generate real unique identifier for operations.</p></body></html> Import only operations since the last imported one (not recommended) Qt::Vertical 20 40 CSV Settings for CSV import 2 0 0 0 0 QFrame::NoFrame true 0 0 541 883 2 0 0 0 0 2 QFrame::NoFrame QFrame::Raised 0 0 0 0 true Header position: true Qt::WheelFocus 0 0 if CSV file does not have header Qt::Horizontal 0 20 Automatic search of the header true Automatic search of the columns true QFrame::Raised 0 0 0 0 2 true Date of the operation Date of the operation Date: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter kcfg_mapping_date Number of the operation, for example the Check number, or a Transfer reference. Number of the operation Number: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter kcfg_mapping_number Operation mode (how you made the operation). Examples: Credit Card, Check, Transfer... Operation mode Mode: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter kcfg_mapping_mode Payee of the operation Payee of the operation Pa&yee: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter kcfg_mapping_payee 0 0 Comment of the operation Comment of the operation Comment: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter kcfg_mapping_comment Status of the operation (reconciled or not) Status of the operation Status: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter kcfg_mapping_status Bookmark of the operation Bookmark of the operation Boo&kmarked: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter kcfg_mapping_bookmarked Account of the operation Account of the operation Account: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter kcfg_mapping_account 0 0 Category of the operation Category of the operation Category: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter kcfg_mapping_category 0 0 true Amount of the operation Amount of the operation Amount: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter kcfg_mapping_amount Amount of the operation Amount of the operation Quantity: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter kcfg_mapping_quantity Sign of the operation Sign of the operation Sign: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter kcfg_mapping_sign Unit of the operation Unit of the operation Unit: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter kcfg_mapping_unit Id to join all operations as a split operation Id to join all operations as a split operation Idtransaction: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter kcfg_mapping_idtransaction Id to join all operations as a transfer Id to join all operations as a transfer Idgroup: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter kcfg_mapping_idgroup To identify column to import as properties To identify column to import as properties Property: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter kcfg_mapping_property <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "https://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:8pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">You have to define <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0057ae;">regular expression</span></a> allowing to automatically map each attribute.</p></body></html> +<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">You have to define <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0057ae;">regular expression</span></a> allowing to automatically map each attribute.</p></body></html> true QFrame::NoFrame QFrame::Raised 0 0 0 0 2 true Column positions: kcfg_columns_positions true <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "https://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"> Must be a string containing following key words separated by <span style=" font-weight:600;">|</span>:</p></body></html> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "https://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:8pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:9pt;"> </span><span style=" font-size:9pt; text-decoration: underline;">date,</span><span style=" font-size:9pt;"> number, mode, payee, comment, status, </span></p> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:9pt;"> bookmarked, account, category, </span><span style=" font-size:9pt; text-decoration: underline;">amount,</span><span style=" font-size:9pt;"> quantity, sign, unit, idtransaction, idgroup</span></p></body></html> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "https://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:8pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:9pt;"> </span><span style=" font-size:9pt;">or nothing to ignore the column</span><span style=" font-size:9pt;"> </span></p> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:9pt;"> or anything else to import the column as a property.</span></p> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-size:9pt;"></p> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:9pt;"> </span><span style=" font-size:9pt; text-decoration: underline;">Example:</span></p></body></html> date|mode|payee|comment||amount|status|my_property true Edit regular expressions... true How to identify a debit How to identify a debit Debit values of "sign" column: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter kcfg_mapping_debit Qt::Vertical 20 40 Qt::Horizontal 0 20 Date format: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter kcfg_csv_date_format QIF Settings for QIF import 0 0 0 0 2 Date format: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter kcfg_qif_date_format Qt::Horizontal 388 20 Qt::Vertical 20 40 Backends Settings for import by backends 0 0 0 0 2 Qt::Vertical 20 40 2 Download on open false Once a day Once a week Once a month Qt::Horizontal 40 20 List of bac&kends used: kcfg_backends Qt::RichText SKGComboBox QComboBox
KComboBox QComboBox
tabWidget scrollArea kcfg_csv_date_format kcfg_automatic_search_header kcfg_header_position kcfg_automatic_search_columns More kcfg_mapping_date kcfg_mapping_number kcfg_mapping_mode kcfg_mapping_payee kcfg_mapping_comment kcfg_mapping_status kcfg_mapping_bookmarked kcfg_mapping_account kcfg_mapping_category kcfg_mapping_amount kcfg_mapping_quantity kcfg_mapping_sign kcfg_mapping_unit kcfg_mapping_idtransaction kcfg_mapping_idgroup kcfg_mapping_property kcfg_columns_positions kcfg_mapping_debit kcfg_since_last_import kcfg_qif_date_format kcfg_open_after_import_or_processing kcfg_apply_rules kcfg_automatic_validation
diff --git a/skgbankmodeler/sources/org.kde.skrooge-source-stooq.desktop b/skgbankmodeler/sources/org.kde.skrooge-source-stooq.desktop index ecf1fd716..2b00f1cc5 100644 --- a/skgbankmodeler/sources/org.kde.skrooge-source-stooq.desktop +++ b/skgbankmodeler/sources/org.kde.skrooge-source-stooq.desktop @@ -1,70 +1,70 @@ [Desktop Entry] Name=Stooq Name[ca]=Stooq Name[ca@valencia]=Stooq Name[de]=Stooq Name[en_GB]=Stooq Name[es]=Stooq Name[fr]=Stooq Name[gl]=Stooq Name[it]=Stooq Name[nl]=Stooq Name[pl]=Stooq Name[pt]=Stooq Name[sv]=Stooq Name[uk]=Stooq Name[x-test]=xxStooqxx Comment=You can get the list of available quotes from Stooq.
Then, enter the symbol of the expected quotes. Comment[ca]=Podeu obtenir la llista de les cotitzacions disponibles a Stooq.
Després introduïu el símbol de les cotitzacions esperades. Comment[ca@valencia]=Podeu obtindre la llista de les cotitzacions disponibles a Stooq.
Després introduïu el símbol de les cotitzacions esperades. Comment[en_GB]=You can get the list of available quotes from Stooq.
Then, enter the symbol of the expected quotes. Comment[es]=Puede obtener la lista de las cotizaciones disponibles de Stooq.
A continuación, introduzca el símbolo de las cotizaciones esperadas. Comment[fr]=Vous pouvez récupérer la liste des cotation disponibles depuis Stooq.
Ensuite, saisissez le symbole de la cotation souhaitée. Comment[gl]=Pode obter a lista de cotizacións dispoñíbeis de Stooq.
A continuación escriba o símbolo das cotizacións esperadas. Comment[it]=Puoi ottenere l'elenco delle quotazioni disponibili da Stooq.
Digita, quindi, il simbolo delle quotazioni desiderate. Comment[nl]=U kunt de lijst met namen van beschikbare koersen ophalen uit Stooq.
Voer dan het symbool van de gewenste koers in. Comment[pl]=Możesz pobrać wykaz dostępnych wycen z Stooq.
Następnie podaj symbol żądanej wyceny. Comment[pt]=Poderá obter a lista de cotações disponíveis a partir do Stooq.
Depois, indique o símbolo das cotações esperadas. Comment[sv]=Listan över tillgängliga kursnoteringar kan hämtas från Stooq.
Skriv därefter in symbolen för de förväntade kurserna. Comment[uk]=Список доступних курсів можна отримати з Stooq
Далі, введіть позначення потрібного курсу. Comment[x-test]=xxYou can get the list of available quotes from Stooq.
Then, enter the symbol of the expected quotes.xx Encoding=UTF-8 Icon=skrooge Type=Service X-KDE-ServiceTypes=skrooge/source X-Krunner-ID=stooq X-KDE-PluginInfo-Author=Stephane MANKOWSKI,miraks X-KDE-PluginInfo-Email=stephane@mankowski.fr X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name=Stooq X-KDE-PluginInfo-Version=1.0 X-KDE-PluginInfo-Website=https://skrooge.org/ X-KDE-PluginInfo-Category=Plugins X-KDE-PluginInfo-Depends= X-KDE-PluginInfo-License=GPL X-KDE-PluginInfo-EnabledByDefault=true #The url or the command line to get the list of accounts in the standard output, something like this: #%1 will be replaced by the internet code of the unit #%2 will be replaced by the current day in format yyyy-MM-dd #%3 will be replaced by the previous date in format yyyy-MM-dd #Example: # X-SKROOGE-url=https://server/?s=%1 # or # X-SKROOGE-script=mydownloadscript %1 #This parameter is MANDATORY -X-SKROOGE-url=http://stooq.com.ph/q/l/?s=%1&f=sd2t2ohlcv&h&e=csv +X-SKROOGE-url=https://stooq.pl/q/l/?s=%1&f=sd2t2ohlcv&h&e=csv #The mode (HTML or CSV or CSVR). In HTML mode, only one value will be extracted from downloaded page. In CSV mode, a value per line will be extracted. CSVR means CSV in reverse mode X-SKROOGE-mode=CSV #Regular expression to capture the price of the quote #This parameter is not MANDATORY. X-SKROOGE-price=%1,[^,]*,[^,]*,[^,]*,[^,]*,[^,]*,([^,]*),.* #Regular expression to capture the date of the quote #This parameter is not MANDATORY. X-SKROOGE-date=%1,([^,]*),.* #The date format X-SKROOGE-dateformat=yyyy-MM-dd