diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt index 7328595..b13c262 100644 --- a/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,114 +1,114 @@ project(kaffeine) set(KAFFEINE_MAJOR_VERSION 2) set(KAFFEINE_MINOR_VERSION 0) -set(KAFFEINE_PATCH_VERSION 16) +set(KAFFEINE_PATCH_VERSION 17) # comment/uuncomment below if either the version is a production or a development one #set(KAFFEINE_EXTRA_VERSION -git) set(KAFFEINE_VERSION ${KAFFEINE_MAJOR_VERSION}.${KAFFEINE_MINOR_VERSION}.${KAFFEINE_PATCH_VERSION}${KAFFEINE_EXTRA_VERSION}) option(BUILD_TOOLS "Build the helper tools" OFF) # Minimal versions where build is known to work cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12) set(QT_MIN_VERSION "5.4.0") set(KF5_MIN_VERSION "5.11.0") # shut up cmake warnings about newer policies if(POLICY CMP0063) cmake_policy(SET CMP0063 NEW) endif(POLICY CMP0063) ## workaround for ki18n 5.34.0++ changes (see BUG 379834) if(POLICY CMP0002) cmake_policy(SET CMP0002 OLD) endif(POLICY CMP0002) find_package(Qt5Core) find_package(ECM 1.0.0 REQUIRED NO_MODULE) set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${ECM_MODULE_PATH} ${ECM_KDE_MODULE_DIR} "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules" ) include(KDEInstallDirs) include(KDECMakeSettings) include(KDECompilerSettings) include(FeatureSummary) include(ECMInstallIcons) include(CheckIncludeFiles) # Instruct CMake to run moc automatically when needed. set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON) # Find Qt modules find_package(Qt5 ${QT_MIN_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core # QCommandLineParser, QStringLiteral Widgets # QApplication Network Sql X11Extras ) # Find KDE modules find_package(KF5 ${KF5_MIN_VERSION} REQUIRED COMPONENTS CoreAddons # KAboutData I18n # KLocalizedString WidgetsAddons # KMessageBox WindowSystem # KStartupInfo XmlGui # KActonCollection KIO # KFileWidget Solid DBusAddons ) find_package(KF5DocTools ${KF5_MIN_VERSION} QUIET) find_package(X11 REQUIRED) find_package(VLC 1.2 REQUIRED) feature_summary(WHAT ALL INCLUDE_QUIET_PACKAGES FATAL_ON_MISSING_REQUIRED_PACKAGES) include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ${VLC_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${X11_Xscreensaver_INCLUDE_PATH}) check_include_files(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/frontend.h HAVE_DVB) if(NOT HAVE_DVB) MESSAGE(STATUS "Disabled features:\nDVB Digital television support for Linux\n") set(HAVE_DVB 0) else() set(HAVE_DVB 1) endif(NOT HAVE_DVB) if(HAVE_DVB) find_package(Libdvbv5) if(NOT Libdvbv5_FOUND) set(HAVE_LIBDVBV5 0) set(HAVE_DVB 0) message(STATUS "Disabled features:\nDVB Digital television support for Linux, as libdvbv5 was not found.\n") endif(NOT Libdvbv5_FOUND) endif(HAVE_DVB) add_subdirectory(deviceactions) add_subdirectory(icons) add_subdirectory(profiles) add_subdirectory(src) if (IS_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/po") if(EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/po/CMakeLists.txt" ) add_subdirectory(po) else() ki18n_install(po) endif() endif() if(KF5DocTools_VERSION) add_subdirectory(doc) endif(KF5DocTools_VERSION) if(BUILD_TOOLS) add_subdirectory(tools) endif(BUILD_TOOLS) diff --git a/Changelog b/Changelog index bf9b3e0..6500f48 100644 --- a/Changelog +++ b/Changelog @@ -1,328 +1,366 @@ Kaffeine Changelog ================== +Version 2.0.17 (2019-05-01): +- Fix GCC 9 warningd (due to -Wdeprecated-copy) +- dvbtab: remove unused hide cursor logic +- dvbdevice: fix a race condition with frontend timeout +- dvbdevice_linux: improve some warning messages +- mediawidget: fix a regression with next/previous logic +- scanfile.dvb: update it to reflect last changes +- dvbepgdialog: allow showing channels with empty EPG +- index.docbook: some updates at the doc guide +- index.docbook: add documentation about XMLTV support +- Add support for reading EPG from xmltv files +- Add support for disabling MPEG-TS EPG reception +- README.md: add a quick description about xmltv +- dvbconfigdialog: remove an extra addLayout() +- iso-codes: add support for handling 2-letter codes as well +- dvbdevice_linux: remove unused frontendFd +- dvb: fix initialization for some objects +- backend-vlc: don't leak metadata +- backend-vlc: remove two temporary debug logs +- backend-vlc: only release libvlc_media_new() when stopped +- mediawidget: increase language popup size +- mediawidget: define a policy for the audio combo dropbox +- backend-vlc: ensure that audio stream will be a valid value +- backend-vlc: update metadata at stop() +- backend-vlc: release libvlc_media at destroy method +- backend-vlc: add other events to the list of possible types +- backend-vlc: simplify events handling logic +- backend-vlc: print unhandled libVLC events by name +- backend-vlc: update audio streams at metadata change +- mainwindow: associate control bar to main window widget +- backend-vlc: avoid memory leaks +- mainwindow: free configuration at exit +- mainwindow: better implement close event +- backend-vlc: don't leak timer at object destroy +- vlcmediawidget: properly initialize the class +- vlcmediawidget: initialize urlIsAudioCd and trackNumber variables +- backend-vlc: store current audio stream + Version 2.0.16 (2019-01-14): - Immediately apply the new audio language if the user changes it while a channel is being playing; - Fix audio language selection issues; - Add support for "Original Language" for audio and sub-title descriptors; - Add some new PMT stream_type identifiers in order to allow supporting newer audio and video encoding types; - Add support for High DPI pixel maps; - Add a command line option to force an specific aspect ratio; - Only read/write longitude/latitude from config files for USALS satellite configurations; - Add support for parallel instant records; - Fix several issues related to audio CD playing; - Update build instructions for Debian/Ubuntu and Fedora at README.md; - Fix handling of command line arguments and describe the ones that are mutually exclusive at the docs; - Fix compilation issues and clean warnings when built with Clang; - Fix compilation issues with qt5.11-rc2 and with FreeBSD; - Some code cleanups and typo fixes. Version 2.0.15 (2018-05-01): - Fix logic that handles ATSC EIT entries (regression fix); - Auto-ride all bars when in minimal/full scree mode and mouse is out of window; - Allow better control of deinterlacing mode; - Better handle higherVoltage settings, as it exists only for sattellite TV delivery systems; - Improve error handling when parsing config.dvb file; - Change volume wheel logic to accept both point and angle-based volume control, accepting it only when the mouse is under the media widget; - Simplify the mouse hide logic; - Fix DVD menu navigation by using the keyboard instead of the mouse (as mouse control is incompatible with newer versions of Qt/libVLC); - Fix handling of display mode, correcting some erratic behavior; - Add options to start Kaffeine on minimal mode and/or with its main window always on top; - When a new record starts and there aren't enough resources to keep playing the current DVB channel, switch to the new channel instead of stop playing. - Improve documentation to match the recent changes. Version 2.0.14 (2017-12-02): - Add support for multi-language EPG; - Jump to a position was not working, as it was lacking the Ok button; - On minimal and full screen mode, auto-unride top menu bar and lateral DVB tab bar; - The mouse wheel can now be used to control volume; - Reduce button size at DVB tab, in order to allow showing a bigger playback window; - Fix LNBf numbering and position at DiSEqC satellite configuration; - Kaffeine's handbook now covers all menu bar items; - Kaffeine's handbook was improved to contain more details about Digital TV settings; - LNBf names at DVB satellite configuration are now using translations from libdvbv5; - Get rid on two compilation warnings with gcc++ version 7.2; - scanfile.dvb updated. Version 2.0.13 (2017-09-14): - Add a logic to send LNBf higher voltage commands. That may be needed on a few devices, if the antenna cabling is too long, as, otherwise, polarity setting may not work (BUG#374693). - Fix layer selection for ISDB-T; - Improve README.md instructions; - get rid of incomplete work (dtvdaemon); - fix install dir on some distros; - Shut up a gcc 7.1 warning; - scanfile.dvb updated. Version (2017-07-22): - Minor change at git sources. Version 2.0.12 (2017-07-19): - Update Changelog to reflect all changes since version 1.3.1. Version 2.0.11 (2017-07-19): - Solve performance issues causing caffeine to use 100% CPU even when video is paused or stopped; - Fix DVB play on videos that use a separate PID for synchronism; - Fix some bugs at DVB pause logic, making it more reliable and making unpause to continue from the paused position; - Disable debug messages by default; - Remove a warning on some DVB streams when a program is not rated; - Improve notes about video output settings at README.md. Version 2.0.10 (2017-06-29): - Fix video resize and scale factor issues; - Handle parameters when there's a running instance and a new kaffeine is called with some URL. - Updated scanfile.dvb. Version to 2.0.9 (2017-03-07): - Fix build at tarball Version 2.0.8 (2017-03-06): - Added Norwegian Nynorsk translation to .desktop files. Version 2.0.7 (2017-03-06): - Add support for H-265 video streams; - Organize debug logs per category, using QLoggingCategory. Version 2.0.6 (2017-02-21): - Autoscan should now seek also for DVB-T2 channels, on devices that support it; - Implement systray show/hide - EPG algorithm improved to reduce CPU usage - Unmute audio when the player instance is created (e. g. Kaffeine is loaded) - Some visual improvements to show instead of / on some windows - Some changes to allow improvements at translations - A new record is now enabled when created - Add support for multipoint LNBf, where DiSEqC is not used - Fix DiSEqC LNBf satellite select - Don't ignore weak signals on DVB-T - Handle special case on devices with a single demux, but multiple frontends - Add support for DVB-T2 multistream - better report errors when VLC is not found - synchronize DVB scan file with latest upstream version Version 2.0.5 (2016-10-04): - ISDB-T Brazil TOC entries were displayed with an offset of 3 hours; - A newly-created recording entry should default to enable; - CMakeLists.txt was including ECM config twice, causing build failures with newer versions of cmake; - Don't quit while recording without explict ack from the user; - Fix handling of subtitles for DVB streams; - Prevent VLC build warnings with version 3.0.0-git; - Handle the new VLC 3.0 ES change events; - List the proper MIME tipe for open directories; - Fix a minor typo at documentation and fix update\_mimetypes.sh. Version 2.0.4 (2016-06-30): - The changes made on the 103 patches since version 2.0.3 aren't small: 148 files changed, 3930 insertions(+), 2344 deletions(-) I almost released it as 2.1.0 ;) Yet, those changes were all meant to make Kaffeine's more reliable, fixing bugs. - Fix support for DVB-S/S2 and improve LNBf selection; - Add an option to scan other NIT tables; - Fixes at the EPG logic for DVB, ISDB and ATSC; - Addition of content and parental rating for DVB and ISDB-Tb; - Revamped bar gauge showing signal and S/N in dB, if available; - Kaffeine Handbook is ready for shipment; - Man pages is ready for shipment; - The Kaffeine will now honour the icons from the KDE theme, if available. Version 2.0.3 (2016-06-10): - Lots of bug fixes; - Add a menu to allow specifying arguments passed to libVLC; - Fix a build brakage when DVB is selected on build; - Some cleanups at the build dependencies; - New translation added: Russian; - Several small fixes. Version 2.0.2 (2016-06-07): - Several cleanups and fixes on development/deployment tools; - A new minor feature: - mainwindow: Improve the Tray menu handling - Add support for building with Qt5.5 and KF5.11 (useful to build it for OpenSuse 13.2) - Lots of fixes: - dvbliveview: create the DVB pipeline at /run/user/<uid> - dvbliveview: clean empty EPG data when displaying OSG - vlcmediawidget: Improve the mouse unhide mechanism - dvbconfigdialog: save DVB device config when dialog is accepted - dvb: flush channel lists when the channel scan box is closed - dvbcam\_linux: fix signal connect - mainwindow: be sure to finish Kaffeine when the main window closes - mainwindow: show window if minimized and a tray action is called - dvbepgdialog: move Ok/Cancel buttons to the botton of the layout - dvbchanneldialog: Add OK/Cancel buttons at the channel edit box - fix wrong desktop file id, see - install appdata + desktop files with new names - use org.kde schema for the desktop file - fix wrong name of appdata file - src/kaffeine.desktop: add several missing mime types - Fix desktop file - CMakeLists.txt: Fix some warnings and make doc build optional - rename kaffeine.appdata.xml to org.kaffeine.appdata.xml - main: call setApplicationDomain earlier - dvbrecording: don't use epgModel when app is closing - Add documentation to the build system - main: add translators to the About window - main: move aboutData to the KaffeineApplication constructor - main.cpp: set application data after creating QApplication - mainwindow: re-add support for --tempfile option - main: fix command line argument parsing - update the list of supported extensions and mime types - dvbsi: fix some errors at the ISDB-T terrestrial delsys descriptor Version 2.0.1 (2016-05-31): - Fix the usage of global scanfile.dvb; - Reduce the size of the latitude/longitude validation icon; - Fix some a regresion at dvbdevice_linux; - Fix DVB live view play/pause logic; - Add support for playing DVB after stop; - Show play time while playing from DVB. Version 2.0.0 (2016-05-29): - Ported to Qt5/KF5 - Added support for DVB-T2 - Lots of bug fixes Version 1.3.2 (2015-11-26): - Explicitly include CheckIncludeFiles. - Fixed recordings database - Fixes and tweaks to automatic recoring - Prettier buttons. - Prioritised recordings. Conflict handling. Fixed appdata folder. - Unwanted recordings fixed. - Removed recordings don't come back with regex anymore. Version 1.3.1 (2015-09-06): - automatic recordings - fix for information files for recordings - translations readded Version 1.3 (2015-08-07): - option for custom naming for recordings - option for creating information files for recordings - other stuff Version 1.2 (2011-04-04): - add search function to epg - implement ATSC support for epg - fix gnome screen saver inhibition - other fixes and improvements ... Version 1.1 (2010-09-01): - adapt to new shared-mime-info (so that .m2t is assigned to kaffeine again) - workaround issue that video isn't shown without changing tabs when using QT 4.7 - recording schedule: fix sorting, improve column and dialog sizes, show a warning about active and pending recordings when closing kaffeine - program guide: remove the "Refresh" button (not necessary anymore) - channel editor: allow sorting by drag and drop Version 1.0 (2010-05-31): - new dependency: libXss - scheduled programs are shown in the program guide - the begin and end margins for recordings are configurable - CICAM is supported - all audio pids are recorded during timeshift - subtitle support (also autoloading) - other fixes and improvements ... Version 1.0-pre3 (2010-01-31): - new dependencies: Qt SQLite plugin, xine-lib, libX11 (Phonon is no longer needed) - added configurable daily or weekly repetition of recording schedule entries - added support for dynamic audio / subtitles streams - reworked playlist support - added DBUS interface and partial MPRIS support - added dvd menu button and deinterlace option - added system tray icon and minimal mode option - other fixes and improvements ... Version 1.0-pre2 (2009-08-09): - added screen saver inhibition (using DBUS; org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver) - added basic playlist features: .m3u, .pls, .xspf (+ old kaffeine format), drag and drop, repeat mode and shuffle - added OSD: various notifications, now and next epg - added DVB-S2 support using S2 API (old API still supported for non-S2 usage) - improved epg: save and restore events, possibility to schedule programs - other fixes and improvements ... Version 1.0-pre1 (2009-04-26): - initial KDE4 release based on KDE4, QT4, Phonon and Solid much of the code base was rewritten; as a consequence not all features from old kaffeine are present yet - supports: - KDE integration - DVB-C, DVB-S, DVB-T and ATSC devices - multiple devices and device hot plug - scanning inclusive region-based DVB-T Autoscan - audio stream and subtitle selection - recordings inclusive instant record - time shifting - EPG (incomplete) - audio CDs, video CDs and DVDs - stuff you might miss: (working hard on them of course ;-) - localization (see below), full EPG support, CICAM, playlist handling, OSD, S2API, broadcast, DBUS interface - note: there will be a follow-up release in 1 - 1.5 months fixing important shortcomings and also giving time for translations - note: KDE 4.2, Phonon 4.3 and QT 4.4 are required to build / run Kaffeine - note: Kaffeine currently depends on phonon-xine for digital TV playback (due to the used phonon API) - note: you have to reconfigure / rescan if you were using snapshots before diff --git a/doc/index.docbook b/doc/index.docbook index a7e166c..b05a42d 100644 --- a/doc/index.docbook +++ b/doc/index.docbook @@ -1,1479 +1,1477 @@ Kaffeine"> ]> The &kaffeine; Handbook Jürgen Kofler
Christophe Thommeret
Mauro Carvalho Chehab
2004 -2016 -2017 -2018 +2016-2019 The &kaffeine; Authors. &FDLNotice; -2018-04-27 -&kaffeine; 2.0.15 +2019-05-01 +&kaffeine; 2.0.17 Kaffeine is a Media Player by &kde;. kaffeine vlc video audio mp3 dvd atsc dvb-t dvb-c dvb-s dvb-t2 dvb-s2 isdb-t tv
&kaffeine; Player The Start Window Like many other media players, &kaffeine; supports a wide range of video and audio formats as well as playing audio and video from DVD and &CD;. Additionally, it supports live Digital TV playback if your machine has a Digital Video Broadcast (DVB) device plugged into it. Once &kaffeine; starts, it presents a screen with the main functions in the middle, and it’s possible to switch to other functions via either the menu bar or the left sidebar: Start Window Start Window Play a File Playing a video or audio file is as simple as clicking on the Play File button. It will ask you to select the file to be played, and will begin playing it. Since &kaffeine; uses LibVLC for the backend, it supports all the same file formats as VLC. It also supports opening a list of files to create and manage playlists. Play a File Play a File The Playlist Window &kaffeine; supports multiple playlists. Choose the active one with the Playlist selector in the left sidebar. You can easily drag some files or folders from the file browser and drop it on the playlist to enqueue or drop it on the player window to create a new playlist. To change a playlist name edit it and confirm with Return. Playlist Window Playlist Window You can find all playlist related functions in the Playlist item from the menu bar and the context-menu (right-click on playlist). Digital TV Player Digital TV configuration While the basic functionality is useful enough for someone who wants a simple, yet powerful media player, the best feature in &kaffeine; is to use it as a &GUI; frontend to watch and record digital TV. Since &kaffeine; version 2.0, the digital TV support uses libdvbv5 and was extended to support new standards like DVB-T2 and ISDB-T. Extending its support for newer digital TV standards is now simpler. Also, since it uses the &Linux; DVB version 5 API, it supports frontends capable of implementing multiple digital TV standards. Setting the TV configuration on &kaffeine; is as simple as open the Television item from the menu bar and select the Configure Television... option. A pop up window will open, allowing setting the parameters to be used: TV Configuration - General Options TV Configuration - General Options General digital TV settings The General Options menu allows setting the device-independent settings. The Recording folder sets the location where all TV program records will be stored. The xmltv file name (optional) specifies a file name with EPG data that was retrieved via an external grabber. When this option is used, you'll likely set Disable parsing Electronic Program Guide (EPG) data from MPEG-TS tables The Disable parsing EPG data from MPEG-TS tables disables the Electronic Program Guide (EPG) data to be retrieved from the broadcasted signal. Use it in order to save some CPU time, if your broadcaster doesn't send reliable EPG data. The Time shift folder is used in conjunction with the pause button () of the media player screen. When the button is pressed, a time shift file will be stored at the location pointed by this menu option. The Begin margin and End margin options are used to setup a sort of security margin in order to avoid losing the beginning and the end of a program, as the time stamps at the program guide may not be precise. So, it actually starts recording a few minutes before the Start time defined in the Program Guide. The exact amount of time before is defined via Begin margin. &kaffeine; extends the record by the amount of time defined by End margin after the end of the program. The Naming style for recordings option is used to setup how &kaffeine; will name a program. Several macros can be used to dynamically change the name of the record: %title - Title of the program, as seen at the Program Guide and Recording Schedule menus; %day, %month, %year, %hour, %min, %sec - Fields from the time stamp with represents the time when &kaffeine; starts recording a program; %channel - Name of the channel that streamed the program. The Action after recording finishes option is used to setup an optional command to be executed when &kaffeine; stops recording a program. Clicking at the Update Scan Data over Internet option makes &kaffeine; to check if a new channel scanning definition file is present at KDE's site. &kaffeine; uses a file called scanfile.dvb to store a list of known digital TV channels per Country and City. This file is kept in sync with the contents of the dtv-scan-tables tree, maintained by LinuxTV community. For more details, please see the dtv-scan-tables wiki page. When the button is clicked, &kaffeine; will download the latest version of the channel definitions and store on a user-specific local data file, overriding any contents of a previous one. Please notice that, in order to use the newest definitions, it is required to close the TV configuration dialog and reopen. The Edit scanfile option allows editing the file, which can be useful to add a new set of channels, while the upstream file is not updated. If you need to use it, please consider sending an update to dtv-scan-tables for others to also benefit from the new channel definitions. The Use ISO 8859-1 charset instead of ISO 6937 option allows selecting the default to be used on MPEG-TS messages that don't explicitly set a charset. If not set, it defaults to using ISO-6937 encoding. If set, the default changes to ISO 8859-1. The Create info files to accompany EPG recordings option enables the creation of ancillary files for scheduled records with the contents of the program guide for records made via the Program guide. Electronic Program Guide (EPG) data retrieval Most digital TV broadcasters send program information via the broadcast information, encoded on a MPEG-TS stream. However, some of them use non-standard encodings for those data. As an example, at the United Kingdom, HD programs EPG data are usually stored using some a proprietary format. Other providers just don't fill the EPG data, or the information there is not reliable. Since &kaffeine; 2.0.17, it is possible to disable parsing the EPG data from the broadcasted channels, using an external program to retrieve them. In order to disable, just set the Disable parsing Electronic Program Guide (EPG) data from MPEG-TS tables box. You can now set an external parser to produce a file with EPG data, and use the xmltv file name (optional) to specify the file name of the produced file. The produced file should use the XMLTV format, as described on its DTD. See XMLTV File format for more information. When &kaffeine; is set to use an XMLTV file, it will automatically detect any file changes on it. When a change happens, it will open the file and parse its contents, updating EPG data accordingly. It should be noticed that the XMLTV file has a table with associates its own internal representation for channels with the expected channel name at the digital TV broadcasted data. &kaffeine; will only retrieve the EPG data if the channels there match the ones inside &kaffeine;'s channel list. So, you need to ensure that the channels there matches what &kaffeine; expects. If it doesn't match, you could use a command line &XML; editor program in order to add the missing channel information. For example, if you have a xmltv grabber program retrieving the file named original_xmltv_file.xmltv, you could use the xmlstarlet program to add missing associations. So, if you want to associate the XMLTV channel named as channel.foo.uk with a channel whose &kaffeine; name is FOO, you could run this small script: channel="xmltv.channel.pt" name="DVB_CHANNEL" xmlstarlet ed \ -s "tv/channel[@id='$channel']" -t elem -n display-name \ -v "$name" original_xmltv_file.xmltv > new_xmltv_file.xmltv mv new_xmltv_file.xmltv /tmp/new_xmltv_file.xmltv Then, set &kaffeine; to use the new /tmp/new_xmltv_file.xmltv file. Configuring digital TV sources TV Device Configuration TV Configuration The Device tabs have the per-device setup. Usually selecting the country and the city in the Source combo box (or using one of the Autoscan sources) is enough for non-satellite configurations. The same happens for devices that support multiple TV standards. On those devices, you need to setup the Source for each TV standard: Channel Configuration Channel Configuration The Tuner timeout specifies the amount of time the channel scan will wait to get a signal lock. Usually, the default is enough for most devices, but if the device is too slow to lock, such value can be increased. The Name specifies the name associated with source that will appear selecting Television item from the menubar and Channels option, for settings panel. Satellite devices The configuration for satellite devices (DVB-S, DVB-S2) are more complex, as there are different satellite system arrangements that are possible. Also, on satellite systems, it is usually up to the device to power up an amplifier located at the satellite dish - called LNBf - via a DC voltage. Also, as satellite systems use a wide bandwidth and accept signals using different polarities, it is common to use a protocol - called DiSEqC - in order to select a range of channels to be received. The first step is to teach &kaffeine; about the satellite configuration via the Configuration combo box: Satellite device definitions Satellite device definitions The following values are possible: DiSEqC Switch - The antenna cable is connected to a DiSEqC switch or the LNBf requires DiSEqC commands to select a range of channels. This is the most common setting. It allows having up to 4 satellites connected at the same time, each with its own dish. For each satellite, you need to set the configuration for the LNBf at the dish pointing to it. USALS Rotor - The antenna cable is connected to a single dish with a USALS Rotor, controlled via DiSEqC. Multiple satellites can be configured, as the rotor will change the dish position when a different satellite is chosen. You need to specify the position of the dish (latitude, longitude). Positions Rotor - The antenna cable is connected to a single dish with a Rotor with a set of fixed positions, controlled via DiSEqC. Multiple satellites can be configured, as the rotor will change the dish position when a different satellite is chosen. Disable DiSEqC - The antenna cable is connected to a dish without any elements supporting DiSEqC. This setup is typically used with multipoint bandstacked LNBf, where all channels are present at the same time at the antenna cabling. On a typical satellite system, the LNBf uses the power up voltage to select between a lower voltage (13V) for vertical or circular right polarization and a higher voltage (18V) for horizontal or circular left polarization. However, due to cabling loss, sometimes the LNBf doesn't understand the high voltage and several channels won't tune or will tune wrong. So, a few devices offer an option to increase the voltage to a higher setting (14V or 19V). This is enabled via the tri-state Use Higher LNBf voltage option. Three values are possible: tri-state - Don't send a command to the device to adjust the voltage level. That's the default. unselected - Use normal values (13V/18V) for the DC voltage. Only select it if the device supports adjusting the level. selected - Use higher values (14V/19V) for the DC voltage. Only select it if the device supports adjusting the level. Configurations without a rotor When either DiSEqC Switch or Disable DiSEqC options are used, the first step is to set the satellite that will be used as a signal source, via a combo box on the right. With a DiSEqC switch, it is possible to select up to 4 sources. Each with its own LNBf. After setting the source(s), for each source, click at the corresponding LNBf Settings button to open a popup window to select the LNBf type inside the dish that corresponds to the source: LNBf definitions LNBf definitions Rotor configurations When a rotor is used, there is just one LNBf which is shared with multiple satellites. So, the next step is to select the LNBf type via the LNB Settings dialog. For USALS rotor, the positioning is done via satellite position (latitude, longitude). So, just select the satellites that will be used via a combo box and click at the Add Satellite button. For positions rotor, the positioning is done via a preconfigured position number. So, just select the satellite position at the number dialog on the left and the satellite via a combo box on the right and click at the Add Satellite button. If a satellite was added by mistake, you can select the satellite and click at the Remove Satellite button to remove it. Digital TV channel setup After clicking on the OK button, the next step is to scan for the digital channels, using the Television item from the menubar and select Channels option, for settings panel: Scanning Channels Scanning Channels If more then one standard is supported, the Source combo box will allow you to select the one that will be used to scan. Don't forget to connect the device's antenna cable to match the standard that will be used. When &kaffeine; identifies a channel, it reads a MPEG-TS table called Network Information Table (NIT), which contains information about channels using different tuning parameters transmitted by the same broadcaster. On certain networks, it is possible that some tuning parameters to be stored on several NIT tables (called other NITs). This is more common on some cable and satellite systems. By selecting Search transponders for other Networks, &kaffeine; is instructed to wait and parse all other NITs, which may make it to find more channels, at the cost of taking a lot more time to complete the channel scan operation. The channel scan operation is started by clicking on Start Scan. Once finished, the discovered channels will appear on the right. These channels can be copied to the left side by clicking Add Filtered. It is possible to check the tuning parameters for the channel in the left side by clicking on the Edit button. Some parameters are adjustable in the window that pops up. Edit Channel Settings Edit Channel Settings Once the channels are saved, watching TV is as simple as clicking on the Digital TV button in the main window: Watching TV Watching TV Watching TV &kaffeine; also allows you to click on the button to pause it. With this action, &kaffeine; will record the program and once the button is pressed it will start the program from the point it was paused, this is known as time shifting. There is also a button that allows you to quick record and save the program to disk. Program Guide Digital TV channels usually transmit a list of the current and future attractions. This is called Electronic Program Guide - EPG. The EPG data is captured when a channel's content is played. To see the EPG, open the Television item from the menubar and select the Program Guide option: Program Guide Program Guide On some Countries, the EPG may be available in multiple languages. By default, &kaffeine; shows any languages on EPG. If multiple languages are available for a given EPG entry, and no explicit language content is select, it will prefix the title, subtitle and description data with a 3 letter language code, as defined by ISO 639-2 specification. The EPG Language option allows filtering just one language. If enabled, the filter will also be applied to the On Screen Display - OSD and to any new scheduled recordings. It won't affect pre-existing scheduled recordings. Besides clicking on the record button when the live view is opened, &kaffeine; also allows recording a program via the program guide, by clicking on the Record Show at the Program Guide window. Recording Schedule To see the programs that are scheduled to be recorded, open the Television item from the menubar and select the Recording Schedule option: Recording Schedule Recording Schedule By clicking one the New button, it is possible to directly define a time and duration for a program to be recorded. In this case, it won't use the EPG definitions. By selecting an existing program and clicking on the Edit button, you may change the start time and the record duration. You may also program it to be recorded weekly or daily. By selecting an existing program and clicking on the Remove button, it will remove the program from the recording schedule. The &kaffeine; menubar The File Menu &Ctrl;O File Open... Opens the file dialog and allows you to select a local file to play. &Ctrl;U File Open URL... Open a dialog for text input, so you can enter the &URL; of a supported external media stream. File Open Recent Offers a drop-down list to open a local recent resource. It has an Clear List option to clear that list. File Play Audio &CD; Select the playback of an Audio &CD; that should already be in the reading drive. File Play Video &CD; Select the playback of a Video &CD; that should already be in the reading drive. File Play &DVD; Select the playback of a &DVD; that should already be in the reading drive. File Play &DVD; Folder Opens the file dialog and allows you to select a &DVD; folder to play. This folder contains the raw data found on the &DVD;. &Ctrl;Q File Quit Quits &kaffeine;. The Playback Menu &PgUp; Playback Previous If you playback two streams or more in one session, will select the previous one. &Space; Playback Play/Pause and icons. With a check box for play a stream or pause what you are watching. On a television's stream will proceed to record it, this is known as time shifting. &Backspace; Playback Stop Stop a stream what you are watching. &PgDn; Playback Next If you playback two streams or more in one session and you are watching the previous one, will select the next one. F Playback Full Screen Mode/Exit Full Screen Mode and icons. Switch the full screen mode. . Playback Minimal Mode/Exit Minimal Mode and icons. Switch the minimal mode. A &GUI; mode in a window, where we only have contextual menu and keyboard shortcuts. Playback Subtitle Offers a drop-down list with options related to the subtitle stream(s). Playback Subtitle off/Name-of-subtitle Select the available subtitle from this drop-down list. These subtitles channels will vary depending on the content of the source stream. Playback Subtitle Add subtitle file This option is for add a local subtitle file through a file dialog. Playback Audio Offers a drop-down list with options related to the audio stream(s). Playback Audio Audio Device Offers a drop-down list shows the available audio devices. Only available if more than one audio device was detected when Kaffeine was started. Playback Audio Increase Volume Raise the audio volume. The volume can also be raised by positioning the mouse over the media player region and scrolling the mouse wheel up. Playback Audio Decrease Volume Lower the audio volume. The volume can also be decreased by positioning the mouse over the media player region and scrolling the mouse wheel down. Playback Audio Mute Volume and icons. Silence the audio volume and return it. Playback Video Offers a drop-down list with options related to the video stream(s). Playback Video Deinterlace Offers a drop-down list with available de-interlacing algorithms. Is the process of converting interlaced video, such as common analog television signals and more. See Wikipedia article for more details. Playback Video Aspect Ratio Offers a drop-down list with available aspect ratios, more an Automatic option. The aspect ratio of an image describes the proportional relationship between its width and height. Playback Video Video size Offers a drop-down list with available video sizes. Change the size of the image by a percentage, more Automatic and Original Size options. &Ctrl;J Playback Jump to Position Offers a spin box for setting the desired time point to which you want to go; with hours, minutes and seconds. Playback Skip Offers a drop-down list with four predefined jump times. With the following options: &Shift;&Left; Playback Skip Skip 60s Backward It goes 60 seconds back. &Left; Playback Skip Skip 15s Backward It goes 15 seconds back. &Right; Playback Skip Skip 15s Forward It goes 15 seconds forward. &Shift;&Right; Playback Skip Skip 60s Forward It goes 60 seconds forward. Playback DVD Menu Start with the original &DVD; graphic menu. That is explored using the cursor keys and the mouse. See Wikipedia article for more details. Playback Title The &DVD; content is divided into titles to easy navigation. From here you can go directly. Playback Chapter The &DVD; content is divided into chapters to easy navigation. From here you can go directly. Playback Angle A variant of the chapters: it is possible that they have included several versions (called angles) of certain scenes. From here you can go directly. The Playlist Menu Playlist Repeat A check box to replay in a loop the file(s) that are in the playlist. Playlist Random A check box to replay randomly the files that are in the playlist until all of them have been played. Playlist Clear Erase all entries in the playlist. Playlist New Create a new playlist. Playlist Rename Rename the current playlist. Playlist Remove Remove the current playlist. &Ctrl;S Playlist Save Save the current playlist. &Ctrl;&Shift;S Playlist Save As... Save the current playlist with a new name. The Television Menu C Television Channels A settings panel will appear for set the channels corresponding to your area. See Digital TV channel setup section for more details. G Television Program Guide A window will appear for manage the program guide. See Program Guide section for more details. O Television OSD Show the on screen display infobox on the playback window during three seconds with program guide information on the current and next program. Double-clicking on it to see extended information about the current program, and then click again to remove this infobox. See Wikipedia article for more details. R Television Recording Schedule A window will appear for manage the recording(s) scheduled. See Recording Schedule section for more details. Television Instant Record With a check box to verify your selection. Start instantly recording of the stream that is being played. Television Configure Television... A window will appear for setting the parameters that manage the DVB device(s). See Digital TV configuration section for more details. The Settings Menu In order to simplify the use of the &kaffeine;, this menu only contains two menu items: Settings Configure Shortcuts... Allows you to enable, disable, and modify keyboard shortcuts. For more information, see the section called Using and Customizing Shortcuts. Settings Configure &kaffeine;... Opens the configuration panel. The Help Menu &kaffeine; has the common &kde; Help menu items, for more information read the sections about the Help Menu of the &kde; Fundamentals. Copyright and License Program copyright 2007-2018, The &kaffeine; Authors. Documentation copyright 2003-2005, Jürgen Kofler kaffeine@gmx.net, Christophe Thommeret hftom@free.fr, Mauro Carvalho Chehab mchehab+kde@kernel.org &underFDL; &underGPL; &documentation.index;