diff --git a/Utilities/DescriptionUtil.cpp b/Utilities/DescriptionUtil.cpp index 4a57f6e9..48ce3103 100644 --- a/Utilities/DescriptionUtil.cpp +++ b/Utilities/DescriptionUtil.cpp @@ -1,356 +1,316 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2003-2019 The KPhotoAlbum Development Team This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ // Local includes #include "DescriptionUtil.h" #include "DB/CategoryCollection.h" #include "DB/ImageDB.h" #include "Exif/Info.h" #include "Logging.h" #include "Settings/SettingsData.h" // KDE includes #include // Qt includes #include #include #include namespace { const QLatin1String LINE_BREAK("
"); } /** * Add a line label + info text to the result text if info is not empty. * If the result already contains something, a HTML newline is added first. * To be used in createInfoText(). */ static void AddNonEmptyInfo(const QString &label, const QString &infoText, QString *result) { if (infoText.isEmpty()) { return; } if (!result->isEmpty()) { *result += LINE_BREAK; } result->append(label).append(infoText); } /** * Given an ImageInfoPtr this function will create an HTML blob about the * image. The blob is used in the viewer and in the tool tip box from the * thumbnail view. * * As the HTML text is created, the parameter linkMap is filled with * information about hyperlinks. The map maps from an index to a pair of * (categoryName, categoryItem). This linkMap is used when the user selects * one of the hyberlinks. */ QString Utilities::createInfoText(DB::ImageInfoPtr info, QMap> *linkMap) { Q_ASSERT(info); QString result; if (Settings::SettingsData::instance()->showFilename()) { AddNonEmptyInfo(i18n("File Name: "), info->fileName().relative(), &result); } if (Settings::SettingsData::instance()->showDate()) { QString dateString = info->date().toString(Settings::SettingsData::instance()->showTime() ? true : false); if (!dateString.isEmpty()) { dateString.append(i18n(" (%1)", timeAgo(info))); } AddNonEmptyInfo(i18n("Date: "), dateString, &result); } /* XXX */ if (Settings::SettingsData::instance()->showImageSize() && info->mediaType() == DB::Image) { const QSize imageSize = info->size(); // Do not add -1 x -1 text if (imageSize.width() >= 0 && imageSize.height() >= 0) { const double megapix = imageSize.width() * imageSize.height() / 1000000.0; QString infoText = i18nc("width x height", "%1x%2", QString::number(imageSize.width()), QString::number(imageSize.height())); if (megapix > 0.05) { infoText += i18nc("short for: x megapixels", " (%1MP)", QString::number(megapix, 'f', 1)); } const double aspect = (double)imageSize.width() / (double)imageSize.height(); // 0.995 - 1.005 can still be considered quadratic if (aspect > 1.005) infoText += i18nc("aspect ratio", " (%1:1)", QLocale::system().toString(aspect, 'f', 2)); else if (aspect >= 0.995) infoText += i18nc("aspect ratio", " (1:1)"); else infoText += i18nc("aspect ratio", " (1:%1)", QLocale::system().toString(1.0 / aspect, 'f', 2)); AddNonEmptyInfo(i18n("Image Size: "), infoText, &result); } } if (Settings::SettingsData::instance()->showRating()) { if (info->rating() != -1) { if (!result.isEmpty()) result += QString::fromLatin1("
"); QUrl rating; rating.setScheme(QString::fromLatin1("kratingwidget")); // we don't use the host part, but if we don't set it, we can't use port: rating.setHost(QString::fromLatin1("int")); rating.setPort(qMin(qMax(static_cast(0), info->rating()), static_cast(10))); result += QString::fromLatin1("").arg(rating.toString(QUrl::None)); } } QList categories = DB::ImageDB::instance()->categoryCollection()->categories(); int link = 0; Q_FOREACH (const DB::CategoryPtr category, categories) { const QString categoryName = category->name(); if (category->doShow()) { StringSet items = info->itemsOfCategory(categoryName); if (Settings::SettingsData::instance()->hasUntaggedCategoryFeatureConfigured() && !Settings::SettingsData::instance()->untaggedImagesTagVisible()) { if (categoryName == Settings::SettingsData::instance()->untaggedCategory()) { if (items.contains(Settings::SettingsData::instance()->untaggedTag())) { items.remove(Settings::SettingsData::instance()->untaggedTag()); } } } if (!items.empty()) { QString title = QString::fromUtf8("%1: ").arg(category->name()); QString infoText; bool first = true; Q_FOREACH (const QString &item, items) { if (first) first = false; else infoText += QString::fromLatin1(", "); if (linkMap) { ++link; (*linkMap)[link] = QPair(categoryName, item); infoText += QString::fromLatin1("%2").arg(link).arg(item); infoText += formatAge(category, item, info); } else infoText += item; } AddNonEmptyInfo(title, infoText, &result); } } } if (Settings::SettingsData::instance()->showLabel()) { AddNonEmptyInfo(i18n("Label: "), info->label(), &result); } if (Settings::SettingsData::instance()->showDescription() && !info->description().trimmed().isEmpty()) { AddNonEmptyInfo(i18n("Description: "), info->description(), &result); } QString exifText; if (Settings::SettingsData::instance()->showEXIF()) { typedef QMap ExifMap; typedef ExifMap::const_iterator ExifMapIterator; ExifMap exifMap = Exif::Info::instance()->infoForViewer(info->fileName(), Settings::SettingsData::instance()->iptcCharset()); for (ExifMapIterator exifIt = exifMap.constBegin(); exifIt != exifMap.constEnd(); ++exifIt) { if (exifIt.key().startsWith(QString::fromLatin1("Exif."))) for (QStringList::const_iterator valuesIt = exifIt.value().constBegin(); valuesIt != exifIt.value().constEnd(); ++valuesIt) { QString exifName = exifIt.key().split(QChar::fromLatin1('.')).last(); AddNonEmptyInfo(QString::fromLatin1("%1: ").arg(exifName), *valuesIt, &exifText); } } QString iptcText; for (ExifMapIterator exifIt = exifMap.constBegin(); exifIt != exifMap.constEnd(); ++exifIt) { if (!exifIt.key().startsWith(QString::fromLatin1("Exif."))) for (QStringList::const_iterator valuesIt = exifIt.value().constBegin(); valuesIt != exifIt.value().constEnd(); ++valuesIt) { QString iptcName = exifIt.key().split(QChar::fromLatin1('.')).last(); AddNonEmptyInfo(QString::fromLatin1("%1: ").arg(iptcName), *valuesIt, &iptcText); } } if (!iptcText.isEmpty()) { if (exifText.isEmpty()) exifText = iptcText; else exifText += QString::fromLatin1("
") + iptcText; } } if (!result.isEmpty() && !exifText.isEmpty()) result += QString::fromLatin1("
"); result += exifText; return result; } using DateSpec = QPair; DateSpec dateDiff(const QDate &birthDate, const QDate &imageDate) { const int bday = birthDate.day(); const int iday = imageDate.day(); const int bmonth = birthDate.month(); const int imonth = imageDate.month(); const int byear = birthDate.year(); const int iyear = imageDate.year(); // Image before birth const int diff = birthDate.daysTo(imageDate); if (diff < 0) return qMakePair(0, 'I'); if (diff < 31) return qMakePair(diff, 'D'); int months = (iyear - byear) * 12; months += (imonth - bmonth); months += (iday >= bday) ? 0 : -1; if (months < 24) return qMakePair(months, 'M'); else return qMakePair(months / 12, 'Y'); } QString formatDate(const DateSpec &date) { if (date.second == 'I') return {}; else if (date.second == 'D') return i18np("1 day", "%1 days", date.first); else if (date.second == 'M') return i18np("1 month", "%1 months", date.first); else return i18np("1 year", "%1 years", date.first); } void test() { Q_ASSERT(formatDate(dateDiff(QDate(1971, 7, 11), QDate(1971, 7, 11))) == QString::fromLatin1("0 days")); Q_ASSERT(formatDate(dateDiff(QDate(1971, 7, 11), QDate(1971, 8, 10))) == QString::fromLatin1("30 days")); Q_ASSERT(formatDate(dateDiff(QDate(1971, 7, 11), QDate(1971, 8, 11))) == QString::fromLatin1("1 month")); Q_ASSERT(formatDate(dateDiff(QDate(1971, 7, 11), QDate(1971, 8, 12))) == QString::fromLatin1("1 month")); Q_ASSERT(formatDate(dateDiff(QDate(1971, 7, 11), QDate(1971, 9, 10))) == QString::fromLatin1("1 month")); Q_ASSERT(formatDate(dateDiff(QDate(1971, 7, 11), QDate(1971, 9, 11))) == QString::fromLatin1("2 month")); Q_ASSERT(formatDate(dateDiff(QDate(1971, 7, 11), QDate(1972, 6, 10))) == QString::fromLatin1("10 month")); Q_ASSERT(formatDate(dateDiff(QDate(1971, 7, 11), QDate(1972, 6, 11))) == QString::fromLatin1("11 month")); Q_ASSERT(formatDate(dateDiff(QDate(1971, 7, 11), QDate(1972, 6, 12))) == QString::fromLatin1("11 month")); Q_ASSERT(formatDate(dateDiff(QDate(1971, 7, 11), QDate(1972, 7, 10))) == QString::fromLatin1("11 month")); Q_ASSERT(formatDate(dateDiff(QDate(1971, 7, 11), QDate(1972, 7, 11))) == QString::fromLatin1("12 month")); Q_ASSERT(formatDate(dateDiff(QDate(1971, 7, 11), QDate(1972, 7, 12))) == QString::fromLatin1("12 month")); Q_ASSERT(formatDate(dateDiff(QDate(1971, 7, 11), QDate(1972, 12, 11))) == QString::fromLatin1("17 month")); Q_ASSERT(formatDate(dateDiff(QDate(1971, 7, 11), QDate(1973, 7, 11))) == QString::fromLatin1("2 years")); } QString Utilities::formatAge(DB::CategoryPtr category, const QString &item, DB::ImageInfoPtr info) { // test(); // I wish I could get my act together to set up a test suite. const QDate birthDate = category->birthDate(item); const QDate start = info->date().start().date(); const QDate end = info->date().end().date(); if (birthDate.isNull() || start.isNull()) return {}; if (start == end) return QString::fromUtf8(" (%1)").arg(formatDate(dateDiff(birthDate, start))); else { DateSpec lower = dateDiff(birthDate, start); DateSpec upper = dateDiff(birthDate, end); if (lower == upper) return QString::fromUtf8(" (%1)").arg(formatDate(lower)); else if (lower.second == 'I') return QString::fromUtf8(" (< %1)").arg(formatDate(upper)); else { if (lower.second == upper.second) return QString::fromUtf8(" (%1-%2)").arg(lower.first).arg(formatDate(upper)); else return QString::fromUtf8(" (%1-%2)").arg(formatDate(lower)).arg(formatDate(upper)); } } } QString Utilities::timeAgo(const DB::ImageInfoPtr info) { const QDate startDate = info->date().start().date(); const QDate endDate = info->date().end().date(); + const QDate today = QDate::currentDate(); if (startDate == endDate) { - return i18n("%1 ago", timeAgo(startDate)); + return i18n("%1 ago", formatDate(dateDiff(startDate, today))); } else { - const QString startTimeAgo = timeAgo(startDate); - const QString endTimeAgo = timeAgo(endDate); - if (startTimeAgo == endTimeAgo) { - return i18n("%1 ago", startTimeAgo); - } else { - return i18n("%1 to %2 ago", startTimeAgo, endTimeAgo); + const DateSpec minTimeAgo = dateDiff(startDate, today); + const DateSpec maxTimeAgo = dateDiff(endDate, today); + if (minTimeAgo.second == 'I') { + // startDate is in the future + return QString(); } - } -} - -QString Utilities::timeAgo(const QDate &date) -{ - const QDate today = QDate::currentDate(); - const qint64 daysPassed = today.toJulianDay() - date.toJulianDay(); - - if (daysPassed <= 0) { - // The photo has been taken today or has a date in the future - return QString(); - } - - if (daysPassed < 7) { - // Less than a week --> display the days - return i18np("1 day", "%1 days", daysPassed); - } - - if (daysPassed < 30) { - // Less than a month --> display the (approximate) weeks - return i18np("1 week", "%1 weeks", qRound64((double)daysPassed / 7.0)); - } - - if (daysPassed < 365) { - // Less than a year --> display the (approximate) months - // We take 30.44 days per month, as this is the result of 365.25 / 12 - const int months = qRound64((double)daysPassed / 30.44); - if (months == 12) { - return i18np("1 year", "%1 years", 1); + if (minTimeAgo == maxTimeAgo) { + return i18n("%1 ago", formatDate(minTimeAgo)); } else { - return i18np("1 month", "%1 months", months); - } - } - - if (daysPassed < 1826) { - // Less than five years --> display years and months - const int years = today.year() - date.year(); - const int months = today.month() - date.month(); - if (months == 0) { - return i18np("1 year", "%1 years", years); - } - if (months > 0) { - return i18n("%1 and %2", i18np("1 year", "%1 years", years), i18np("1 month", "%1 months", months)); + if (minTimeAgo.second == maxTimeAgo.second) + return i18n("%1-%2 ago", minTimeAgo.first, formatDate(maxTimeAgo)); + else + return i18n("%1-%2 ago", formatDate(minTimeAgo), formatDate(maxTimeAgo)); } - return i18n("%1 and %2", i18np("1 year", "%1 years", years - 1), i18np("1 month", "%1 months", 12 + months)); } - - // More than five years --> display only the years - return i18np("1 year", "%1 years", today.year() - date.year()); }