diff --git a/DateBar/DateBarWidget.cpp b/DateBar/DateBarWidget.cpp index ca7ee5ae..2467d029 100644 --- a/DateBar/DateBarWidget.cpp +++ b/DateBar/DateBarWidget.cpp @@ -1,866 +1,867 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2003-2018 Jesper K. Pedersen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "DateBarWidget.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "MouseHandler.h" #include "Settings/SettingsData.h" namespace { constexpr int BORDER_ABOVE_HISTOGRAM = 4; constexpr int BORDER_AROUND_WIDGET = 0; constexpr int BUTTON_WIDTH = 22; constexpr int ARROW_LENGTH = 20; constexpr int SCROLL_AMOUNT = 1; constexpr int SCROLL_ACCELERATION = 10; } /** * \class DateBar::DateBarWidget * \brief This class represents the date bar at the bottom of the main window. * * The mouse interaction is handled by the classes which inherits \ref DateBar::MouseHandler, while the logic for * deciding the length (in minutes, hours, days, etc) are handled by subclasses of \ref DateBar::ViewHandler. */ DateBar::DateBarWidget::DateBarWidget( QWidget* parent ) :QWidget( parent ), m_currentHandler( &m_yearViewHandler ),m_tp(YearView), m_currentMouseHandler(nullptr), m_currentUnit(0), m_currentDate( QDateTime::currentDateTime() ),m_includeFuzzyCounts( true ), m_contextMenu(nullptr), m_showResolutionIndicator( true ), m_doAutomaticRangeAdjustment( true ) { setMouseTracking( true ); setFocusPolicy( Qt::StrongFocus ); m_barWidth = Settings::SettingsData::instance()->histogramSize().width(); m_barHeight = Settings::SettingsData::instance()->histogramSize().height(); m_rightArrow = new QToolButton( this ); m_rightArrow->setArrowType( Qt::RightArrow ); m_rightArrow->setAutoRepeat( true ); connect( m_rightArrow, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(scrollRight()) ); m_leftArrow = new QToolButton( this ); m_leftArrow->setArrowType( Qt::LeftArrow ); m_leftArrow->setAutoRepeat( true ); connect( m_leftArrow, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(scrollLeft()) ); m_zoomIn = new QToolButton( this ); m_zoomIn->setIcon( QIcon::fromTheme( QStringLiteral( "zoom-in" ) ) ); connect( m_zoomIn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(zoomIn()) ); connect( this, SIGNAL(canZoomIn(bool)), m_zoomIn, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)) ); m_zoomOut = new QToolButton( this ); m_zoomOut->setIcon( QIcon::fromTheme( QStringLiteral( "zoom-out" ) ) ); connect( m_zoomOut, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(zoomOut()) ); connect( this, SIGNAL(canZoomOut(bool)), m_zoomOut, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)) ); m_cancelSelection = new QToolButton( this ); m_cancelSelection->setIcon( QIcon( QStringLiteral( "dialog-close" ) ) ); connect( m_cancelSelection, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(clearSelection()) ); m_cancelSelection->setEnabled( false ); m_cancelSelection->setToolTip( i18n("Widen selection to include all images and videos again") ); placeAndSizeButtons(); m_focusItemDragHandler = new FocusItemDragHandler( this ); m_barDragHandler = new BarDragHandler( this ); m_selectionHandler = new SelectionHandler( this ); setWhatsThis( i18nc( "@info", "The date bar" "The date bar gives you an overview of the approximate number of images taken in a given time frame." "Time units are shown on the timeline. Above it, a histogram indicates the number of images for that time range." "You can interact with the date bar in several ways:" "Zoom in or out by using the +/- buttons or Ctrl + scrollwheel." "Scroll the timeline either by using the arrow buttons or the scroll wheel, or by dragging it using the middle mouse button." "Restrict the current view to a given time frame by clicking below the timeline and marking the time frame." "Clicking on the timeline sets the focus for the thumbnail view, i.e. jumps to the first thumbnail of the time unit in focus." "") ); setToolTip( whatsThis() ); } QSize DateBar::DateBarWidget::sizeHint() const { int height = qMax( dateAreaGeometry().bottom() + BORDER_AROUND_WIDGET, m_barHeight+ BUTTON_WIDTH + 2* BORDER_AROUND_WIDGET + 7 ); return QSize( 800, height ); } QSize DateBar::DateBarWidget::minimumSizeHint() const { int height = qMax( dateAreaGeometry().bottom() + BORDER_AROUND_WIDGET, m_barHeight + BUTTON_WIDTH + 2* BORDER_AROUND_WIDGET + 7 ); return QSize( 200, height ); } void DateBar::DateBarWidget::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* /*event*/ ) { QPainter painter( this ); painter.drawPixmap( 0,0, m_buffer ); } void DateBar::DateBarWidget::redraw() { if ( m_buffer.isNull() ) return; QPainter p( &m_buffer ); p.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing ); p.setFont( font() ); // Fill with background pixels p.save(); p.setPen( Qt::NoPen ); p.setBrush( palette().brush( QPalette::Background ) ); p.drawRect( rect() ); if (!m_dates ) return; // Draw the area with histograms QRect barArea = barAreaGeometry(); p.setPen( palette().color( QPalette::Dark ) ); p.setBrush( palette().brush( QPalette::Base ) ); p.drawRect( barArea ); p.restore(); m_currentHandler->init( dateForUnit( -m_currentUnit, m_currentDate ) ); int right; drawResolutionIndicator( p, &right ); QRect rect = dateAreaGeometry(); rect.setRight( right ); rect.setLeft( rect.left() + BUTTON_WIDTH + 2 ); drawTickMarks( p, rect ); drawHistograms( p ); drawFocusRectangle( p ); updateArrowState(); repaint(); } void DateBar::DateBarWidget::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* event ) { placeAndSizeButtons(); m_buffer = QPixmap( event->size() ); m_currentUnit = numberOfUnits()/2; redraw(); } void DateBar::DateBarWidget::drawTickMarks( QPainter& p, const QRect& textRect ) { QRect rect = tickMarkGeometry(); p.save(); p.setPen( QPen( palette().color( QPalette::Text) , 1 ) ); QFont f( font() ); QFontMetrics fm(f); int fontHeight = fm.height(); int unit = 0; QRect clip = rect; clip.setHeight( rect.height() + 2 + fontHeight ); clip.setLeft( clip.left() + 2 ); clip.setRight( clip.right() -2 ); p.setClipRect( clip ); for ( int x = rect.x(); x < rect.right(); x+=m_barWidth, unit += 1 ) { // draw selection indication p.save(); p.setPen( Qt::NoPen ); p.setBrush( palette().brush( QPalette::Highlight ) ); QDateTime date = dateForUnit( unit ); if ( isUnitSelected( unit ) ) p.drawRect( QRect( x, rect.top(), m_barWidth, rect.height() ) ); p.restore(); // draw tickmarks int h = rect.height(); if ( m_currentHandler->isMajorUnit( unit ) ) { QString text = m_currentHandler->text( unit ); int w = fm.width( text ); p.setFont( f ); if ( textRect.right() > x + w/2 && textRect.left() < x - w/2) p.drawText( x - w/2, textRect.top(), w, fontHeight, Qt::TextSingleLine, text ); } else if ( m_currentHandler->isMidUnit( unit ) ) h = (int) ( 2.0/3*rect.height()); else h = (int) ( 1.0/3*rect.height()); p.drawLine( x, rect.top(), x, rect.top() + h ); } p.restore(); } void DateBar::DateBarWidget::setViewType( ViewType tp, bool redrawNow ) { setViewHandlerForType(tp); if ( redrawNow ) redraw(); m_tp = tp; } void DateBar::DateBarWidget::setViewHandlerForType( ViewType tp ) { switch ( tp ) { case DecadeView: m_currentHandler = &m_decadeViewHandler; break; case YearView: m_currentHandler = &m_yearViewHandler; break; case MonthView: m_currentHandler = &m_monthViewHandler; break; case WeekView: m_currentHandler = &m_weekViewHandler; break; case DayView: m_currentHandler = &m_dayViewHandler; break; case HourView: m_currentHandler = &m_hourViewHandler; break; case TenMinuteView: m_currentHandler = &m_tenMinuteViewHandler; break; case MinuteView: m_currentHandler = &m_minuteViewHandler; break; } } void DateBar::DateBarWidget::setDate( const QDateTime& date ) { m_currentDate = date; if ( hasSelection() ) { if ( currentSelection().start() > m_currentDate ) m_currentDate = currentSelection().start(); if ( currentSelection().end() < m_currentDate ) m_currentDate = currentSelection().end(); } if ( unitForDate( m_currentDate ) != -1 ) m_currentUnit = unitForDate( m_currentDate ); redraw(); } void DateBar::DateBarWidget::setImageDateCollection( const QExplicitlySharedDataPointer& dates ) { m_dates = dates; if ( m_doAutomaticRangeAdjustment && m_dates && ! m_dates->lowerLimit().isNull()) { QDateTime start = m_dates->lowerLimit(); QDateTime end = m_dates->upperLimit(); if ( end.isNull() ) end = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); m_currentDate = start; m_currentUnit = 0; // select suitable timeframe: setViewType( MinuteView, false ); m_currentHandler->init(start); while ( m_tp != DecadeView && end > dateForUnit( numberOfUnits() ) ) { m_tp = (ViewType) (m_tp-1); setViewHandlerForType( m_tp ); m_currentHandler->init(start); } // center range in datebar: int units = unitForDate( end ); if ( units != -1 ) { m_currentUnit = (numberOfUnits() - units )/2; } } redraw(); } void DateBar::DateBarWidget::drawHistograms( QPainter& p) { QRect rect = barAreaGeometry(); p.save(); p.setClipping( true ); p.setClipRect( rect ); p.setPen( Qt::NoPen ); - int unit = 0; + // determine maximum image count within visible units int max = 0; - for ( int x = rect.x(); x + m_barWidth < rect.right(); x+=m_barWidth, unit += 1 ) { + for ( int unit=0; unit <= numberOfUnits(); unit++) + { DB::ImageCount count = m_dates->count( rangeForUnit(unit) ); int cnt = count.mp_exact; if ( m_includeFuzzyCounts ) cnt += count.mp_rangeMatch; max = qMax( max, cnt ); } // Calculate the font size for the largest number. QFont f = font(); bool fontFound = false; for ( int i = f.pointSize(); i >= 6; i-=2 ) { f.setPointSize( i ); int w = QFontMetrics(f).width( QString::number( max ) ); if ( w < rect.height() - 6 ) { p.setFont(f); fontFound = true; break; } } - unit = 0; + int unit = 0; for ( int x = rect.x(); x + m_barWidth < rect.right(); x+=m_barWidth, unit += 1 ) { DB::ImageCount count = m_dates->count( rangeForUnit(unit) ); int exact = 0; if ( max != 0 ) exact = (int) ((double) (rect.height()-2) * count.mp_exact / max ); int range = 0; if ( m_includeFuzzyCounts && max != 0 ) range = (int) ((double) (rect.height()-2) * count.mp_rangeMatch / max ); Qt::BrushStyle style = Qt::SolidPattern; if ( !isUnitSelected( unit ) && hasSelection() ) style= Qt::Dense5Pattern; p.setBrush( QBrush( Qt::yellow, style ) ); p.drawRect( x+1, rect.bottom()-range, m_barWidth-2, range ); p.setBrush( QBrush( Qt::green, style ) ); p.drawRect( x+1, rect.bottom()-range-exact, m_barWidth-2, exact ); // Draw the numbers, if they fit. if (fontFound) { int tot = count.mp_exact; if ( m_includeFuzzyCounts ) tot += count.mp_rangeMatch; p.save(); p.translate( x+m_barWidth-3, rect.bottom()-2 ); p.rotate( -90 ); int w = QFontMetrics(f).width( QString::number( tot ) ); if ( w < exact+range-2 ) { p.setPen( Qt::black ); p.drawText( 0,0, QString::number( tot ) ); } p.restore(); } } p.restore(); } void DateBar::DateBarWidget::scrollLeft() { int scrollAmount = -SCROLL_AMOUNT; if ( QGuiApplication::keyboardModifiers().testFlag( Qt::ShiftModifier ) ) scrollAmount *= SCROLL_ACCELERATION; scroll( scrollAmount ); } void DateBar::DateBarWidget::scrollRight() { int scrollAmount = SCROLL_AMOUNT; if ( QGuiApplication::keyboardModifiers().testFlag( Qt::ShiftModifier ) ) scrollAmount *= SCROLL_ACCELERATION; scroll( scrollAmount ); } void DateBar::DateBarWidget::scroll( int units ) { m_currentDate = dateForUnit( units, m_currentDate ); redraw(); emit dateSelected( currentDateRange(), includeFuzzyCounts() ); } void DateBar::DateBarWidget::drawFocusRectangle( QPainter& p) { QRect rect = barAreaGeometry(); p.save(); int x = rect.left() + m_currentUnit*m_barWidth; QRect inner( QPoint(x-1, BORDER_ABOVE_HISTOGRAM), QPoint( x + m_barWidth, BORDER_ABOVE_HISTOGRAM + m_barHeight - 1 ) ); p.setPen( QPen( palette().color( QPalette::Dark ), 1 ) ); // Inner rect p.drawRect( inner ); QRect outer = inner; outer.adjust( -2, -2, 2, 2 ); // Outer rect QRegion region = outer; region -= inner; p.setClipping( true ); p.setClipRegion( region ); QColor col = Qt::gray; if ( !hasFocus() ) col = Qt::white; p.setBrush( col ); p.setPen( col ); p.drawRect( outer ); // Shadow below QRect shadow = outer; shadow.adjust( -1,-1, 1, 1 ); region = shadow; region -= outer; p.setPen( palette().color( QPalette::Shadow ) ); p.setClipRegion( region ); p.drawRect( shadow ); // Light above QRect hide = shadow; hide.translate( 1, 1 ); region = shadow; region -= hide; p.setPen( palette().color( QPalette::Light ) ); p.setClipRegion( region ); p.drawRect( shadow ); p.restore(); } void DateBar::DateBarWidget::zoomIn() { if ( m_tp == MinuteView ) return; zoom(+1); } void DateBar::DateBarWidget::zoomOut() { if ( m_tp == DecadeView ) return; zoom(-1); } void DateBar::DateBarWidget::zoom(int steps ) { ViewType tp = (ViewType) (m_tp+steps); setViewType( tp ); emit canZoomIn( tp != MinuteView ); emit canZoomOut( tp != DecadeView ); } void DateBar::DateBarWidget::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent* event ) { if ( (event->button() & ( Qt::MidButton | Qt::LeftButton)) == 0 || event->x() > barAreaGeometry().right() || event->x() < barAreaGeometry().left() ) return; if ( (event->button() & Qt::MidButton) || event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier ) { m_currentMouseHandler = m_barDragHandler; } else { bool onBar = event->y() > barAreaGeometry().bottom(); if ( onBar ) m_currentMouseHandler = m_selectionHandler; else { m_currentMouseHandler= m_focusItemDragHandler; } } m_currentMouseHandler->mousePressEvent( event->x() ); m_cancelSelection->setEnabled( hasSelection() ); emit dateSelected( currentDateRange(), includeFuzzyCounts() ); showStatusBarTip( event->pos() ); redraw(); } void DateBar::DateBarWidget::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent* ) { if ( m_currentMouseHandler == nullptr ) return; m_currentMouseHandler->endAutoScroll(); m_currentMouseHandler->mouseReleaseEvent(); m_currentMouseHandler = nullptr; } void DateBar::DateBarWidget::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent* event ) { if ( m_currentMouseHandler == nullptr) return; showStatusBarTip( event->pos() ); if ( (event->buttons() & ( Qt::MidButton | Qt::LeftButton)) == 0 ) return; m_currentMouseHandler->endAutoScroll(); m_currentMouseHandler->mouseMoveEvent( event->pos().x() ); } QRect DateBar::DateBarWidget::barAreaGeometry() const { QRect barArea; barArea.setTopLeft( QPoint( BORDER_AROUND_WIDGET, BORDER_ABOVE_HISTOGRAM ) ); barArea.setRight( width() - BORDER_AROUND_WIDGET - 2 * BUTTON_WIDTH - 2*3 ); // 2 pixels between button and bar + 1 pixel as the pen is one pixel barArea.setHeight( m_barHeight ); return barArea; } int DateBar::DateBarWidget::numberOfUnits() const { return barAreaGeometry().width() / m_barWidth -1 ; } void DateBar::DateBarWidget::setHistogramBarSize( const QSize& size ) { m_barWidth = size.width(); m_barHeight = size.height(); m_currentUnit = numberOfUnits()/2; Q_ASSERT( parentWidget() ); updateGeometry(); Q_ASSERT( parentWidget() ); placeAndSizeButtons(); redraw(); } void DateBar::DateBarWidget::setIncludeFuzzyCounts( bool b ) { m_includeFuzzyCounts = b; redraw(); if ( hasSelection() ) emitRangeSelection( m_selectionHandler->dateRange() ); emit dateSelected( currentDateRange(), includeFuzzyCounts() ); } DB::ImageDate DateBar::DateBarWidget::rangeAt( const QPoint& p ) { int unit = (p.x() - barAreaGeometry().x())/ m_barWidth; return rangeForUnit( unit ); } DB::ImageDate DateBar::DateBarWidget::rangeForUnit( int unit ) { // Note on the use of setTimeSpec. // It came to my attention that addSec would create a QDateTime with internal type LocalStandard, while all the others would have type LocalUnknown, // this resulted in that QDateTime::operator<() would call getUTC(), which took 90% of the time for populating the datebar. QDateTime toUnit = dateForUnit(unit+1).addSecs(-1); toUnit.setTimeSpec( Qt::LocalTime); return DB::ImageDate( dateForUnit(unit), toUnit ); } bool DateBar::DateBarWidget::includeFuzzyCounts() const { return m_includeFuzzyCounts; } void DateBar::DateBarWidget::contextMenuEvent( QContextMenuEvent* event ) { if ( !m_contextMenu ) { m_contextMenu = new QMenu( this ); QAction* action = new QAction( i18n("Show Ranges"), this ); action->setCheckable( true ); m_contextMenu->addAction(action); action->setChecked( m_includeFuzzyCounts ); connect( action, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(setIncludeFuzzyCounts(bool)) ); action = new QAction( i18n("Show Resolution Indicator"), this ); action->setCheckable( true ); m_contextMenu->addAction(action); action->setChecked( m_showResolutionIndicator ); connect( action, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(setShowResolutionIndicator(bool)) ); } m_contextMenu->exec( event->globalPos()); event->setAccepted(true); } QRect DateBar::DateBarWidget::tickMarkGeometry() const { QRect rect; rect.setTopLeft( barAreaGeometry().bottomLeft() ); rect.setWidth( barAreaGeometry().width() ); rect.setHeight( 12 ); return rect; } void DateBar::DateBarWidget::drawResolutionIndicator( QPainter& p, int* leftEdge ) { QRect rect = dateAreaGeometry(); // For real small bars, we do not want to show the resolution. if ( rect.width() < 400 || !m_showResolutionIndicator ) { *leftEdge = rect.right(); return; } QString text = m_currentHandler->unitText(); int textWidth = QFontMetrics( font() ).width( text ); int height = QFontMetrics( font() ).height(); int endUnitPos = rect.right() - textWidth - ARROW_LENGTH - 3; // Round to nearest unit mark endUnitPos = ( (endUnitPos-rect.left()) / m_barWidth) * m_barWidth + rect.left(); int startUnitPos = endUnitPos - m_barWidth; int midLine = rect.top() + height / 2; p.save(); p.setPen( Qt::red ); // draw arrows drawArrow( p, QPoint( startUnitPos - ARROW_LENGTH, midLine ), QPoint( startUnitPos, midLine ) ); drawArrow( p, QPoint( endUnitPos + ARROW_LENGTH, midLine ), QPoint( endUnitPos, midLine ) ); p.drawLine( startUnitPos, rect.top(), startUnitPos, rect.top()+height ); p.drawLine( endUnitPos, rect.top(), endUnitPos, rect.top()+height ); // draw text QFontMetrics fm( font() ); p.drawText( endUnitPos + ARROW_LENGTH + 3, rect.top(), fm.width(text), fm.height(), Qt::TextSingleLine, text ); p.restore(); *leftEdge = startUnitPos - ARROW_LENGTH - 3; } QRect DateBar::DateBarWidget::dateAreaGeometry() const { QRect rect = tickMarkGeometry(); rect.setTop( rect.bottom() + 2 ); rect.setHeight( QFontMetrics( font() ).height() ); return rect; } void DateBar::DateBarWidget::drawArrow( QPainter& p, const QPoint& start, const QPoint& end ) { p.save(); p.drawLine( start, end ); QPoint diff = QPoint( end.x() - start.x(), end.y() - start.y() ); double dx = diff.x(); double dy = diff.y(); if ( dx != 0 || dy != 0 ) { if( dy < 0 ) dx = -dx; double angle = acos(dx/sqrt( dx*dx+dy*dy ))*180./M_PI; if( dy < 0 ) angle += 180.; // angle is now the angle of the line. angle = angle + 180 - 15; p.translate( end.x(), end.y() ); p.rotate( angle ); p.drawLine( QPoint(0,0), QPoint( 10,0 ) ); p.rotate( 30 ); p.drawLine( QPoint(0,0), QPoint( 10,0 ) ); } p.restore(); } void DateBar::DateBarWidget::setShowResolutionIndicator( bool b ) { m_showResolutionIndicator = b; redraw(); } void DateBar::DateBarWidget::setAutomaticRangeAdjustment( bool b ) { m_doAutomaticRangeAdjustment = b; } void DateBar::DateBarWidget::updateArrowState() { m_leftArrow->setEnabled( m_dates->lowerLimit() <= dateForUnit( 0 ) ); m_rightArrow->setEnabled( m_dates->upperLimit() > dateForUnit( numberOfUnits() ) ); } DB::ImageDate DateBar::DateBarWidget::currentDateRange() const { return DB::ImageDate( dateForUnit( m_currentUnit ), dateForUnit( m_currentUnit+1 ) ); } void DateBar::DateBarWidget::showStatusBarTip( const QPoint& pos ) { DB::ImageDate range = rangeAt( pos ); DB::ImageCount count = m_dates->count( range ); QString cnt; if ( count.mp_rangeMatch != 0 && includeFuzzyCounts()) cnt = i18ncp("@info:status images that fall in the given date range" ,"1 exact", "%1 exact", count.mp_exact) + i18ncp("@info:status additional images captured in a date range that overlaps with the given date range," ," + 1 range", " + %1 ranges", count.mp_rangeMatch) + i18ncp("@info:status total image count"," = 1 total", " = %1 total", count.mp_exact + count.mp_rangeMatch ); else cnt = i18ncp("@info:status image count","%1 image/video","%1 images/videos", count.mp_exact ); QString res = i18nc("@info:status Time range vs. image count (e.g. 'Jun 2012 | 4 images/videos').","%1 | %2", range.toString(), cnt); static QString lastTip; if ( lastTip != res ) emit toolTipInfo( res ); lastTip = res; } void DateBar::DateBarWidget::placeAndSizeButtons() { m_zoomIn->setFixedSize( BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_WIDTH ); m_zoomOut->setFixedSize( BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_WIDTH ); m_rightArrow->setFixedSize( QSize( BUTTON_WIDTH, m_barHeight ) ); m_leftArrow->setFixedSize( QSize( BUTTON_WIDTH, m_barHeight ) ); m_rightArrow->move( size().width() - m_rightArrow->width() - BORDER_AROUND_WIDGET, BORDER_ABOVE_HISTOGRAM ); m_leftArrow->move( m_rightArrow->pos().x() - m_leftArrow->width() -2 , BORDER_ABOVE_HISTOGRAM ); int x = m_leftArrow->pos().x(); int y = height() - BUTTON_WIDTH; m_zoomOut->move( x, y ); x = m_rightArrow->pos().x(); m_zoomIn->move(x, y ); m_cancelSelection->setFixedSize( BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_WIDTH ); m_cancelSelection->move( 0, y ); } void DateBar::DateBarWidget::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent* event ) { int offset = 0; if ( event->key() == Qt::Key_Plus ) { if ( m_tp != MinuteView ) zoom(1); return; } if ( event->key() == Qt::Key_Minus ) { if ( m_tp != DecadeView ) zoom( -1 ); return; } if ( event->key() == Qt::Key_Left ) offset = -1; else if ( event->key() == Qt::Key_Right ) offset = 1; else if ( event->key() == Qt::Key_PageDown ) offset = -10; else if ( event->key() == Qt::Key_PageUp ) offset = 10; else return; QDateTime newDate =dateForUnit( offset, m_currentDate ); if ( (offset < 0 && newDate >= m_dates->lowerLimit()) || ( offset > 0 && newDate <= m_dates->upperLimit() ) ) { m_currentDate = newDate; m_currentUnit += offset; if ( m_currentUnit < 0 ) m_currentUnit = 0; if ( m_currentUnit > numberOfUnits() ) m_currentUnit = numberOfUnits(); if ( ! currentSelection().includes( m_currentDate ) ) clearSelection(); } redraw(); emit dateSelected( currentDateRange(), includeFuzzyCounts() ); } void DateBar::DateBarWidget::focusInEvent( QFocusEvent* ) { redraw(); } void DateBar::DateBarWidget::focusOutEvent( QFocusEvent* ) { redraw(); } int DateBar::DateBarWidget::unitAtPos( int x ) const { Q_ASSERT_X( x - barAreaGeometry().left() >= 0, "DateBarWidget::unitAtPos", "horizontal offset cannot be negative!"); Q_ASSERT_X( x - barAreaGeometry().left() <= m_barWidth, "DateBarWidget::unitAtPos", "horizontal offset larger than m_barWidth!"); return ( x - barAreaGeometry().left() )/m_barWidth; } QDateTime DateBar::DateBarWidget::dateForUnit( int unit, const QDateTime& offset ) const { return m_currentHandler->date( unit, offset ); } bool DateBar::DateBarWidget::isUnitSelected( int unit ) const { QDateTime minDate = m_selectionHandler->min(); QDateTime maxDate = m_selectionHandler->max(); QDateTime date = dateForUnit( unit ); return ( minDate <= date && date < maxDate && !minDate.isNull() ); } bool DateBar::DateBarWidget::hasSelection() const { return !m_selectionHandler->min().isNull(); } DB::ImageDate DateBar::DateBarWidget::currentSelection() const { return DB::ImageDate(m_selectionHandler->min(), m_selectionHandler->max() ); } void DateBar::DateBarWidget::clearSelection() { if ( m_selectionHandler->hasSelection() ) { m_selectionHandler->clearSelection(); emit dateRangeCleared(); redraw(); } m_cancelSelection->setEnabled( false ); } void DateBar::DateBarWidget::emitRangeSelection( const DB::ImageDate& range ) { emit dateRangeChange( range ); } int DateBar::DateBarWidget::unitForDate( const QDateTime& date ) const { for ( int unit = 0; unit < numberOfUnits(); ++unit ) { if ( m_currentHandler->date( unit ) <= date && date < m_currentHandler->date( unit +1 ) ) return unit; } return -1; } void DateBar::DateBarWidget::emitDateSelected() { emit dateSelected( currentDateRange(), includeFuzzyCounts() ); } void DateBar::DateBarWidget::wheelEvent( QWheelEvent * e ) { if ( e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier ) { if ( e->delta() > 0 ) zoomIn(); else zoomOut(); return; } int scrollAmount = e->delta() > 0 ? SCROLL_AMOUNT : -SCROLL_AMOUNT; if ( e->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier ) scrollAmount *= SCROLL_ACCELERATION; scroll( scrollAmount ); } // vi:expandtab:tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: