diff --git a/Viewer/ViewerWidget.cpp b/Viewer/ViewerWidget.cpp index a7bab2a7..aef28b7a 100644 --- a/Viewer/ViewerWidget.cpp +++ b/Viewer/ViewerWidget.cpp @@ -1,1545 +1,1460 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2003-2018 Jesper K. Pedersen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "ViewerWidget.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "CategoryImageConfig.h" #include "ImageDisplay.h" #include "InfoBox.h" #include "SpeedDisplay.h" #include "TaggedArea.h" #include "TextDisplay.h" #include "VideoDisplay.h" #include "VideoShooter.h" #include "VisibleOptionsMenu.h" Viewer::ViewerWidget* Viewer::ViewerWidget::s_latest = nullptr; Viewer::ViewerWidget* Viewer::ViewerWidget::latest() { return s_latest; } // Notice the parent is zero to allow other windows to come on top of it. Viewer::ViewerWidget::ViewerWidget( UsageType type, QMap > *macroStore ) :QStackedWidget( nullptr ) , m_current(0), m_popup(nullptr), m_showingFullScreen( false ), m_forward( true ) , m_isRunningSlideShow( false ), m_videoPlayerStoppedManually(false), m_type(type) , m_currentCategory(DB::ImageDB::instance()->categoryCollection()->categoryForSpecial(DB::Category::TokensCategory)->name()) , m_inputMacros(macroStore), m_myInputMacros(nullptr) { if ( type == ViewerWindow ) { setWindowFlags( Qt::Window ); setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose ); s_latest = this; } if (! m_inputMacros) { m_myInputMacros = m_inputMacros = new QMap >; } m_screenSaverCookie = -1; m_currentInputMode = InACategory; m_display = m_imageDisplay = new ImageDisplay( this ); addWidget( m_imageDisplay ); m_textDisplay = new TextDisplay( this ); addWidget( m_textDisplay ); createVideoViewer(); connect(m_imageDisplay, &ImageDisplay::possibleChange, this, &ViewerWidget::updateCategoryConfig); connect(m_imageDisplay, &ImageDisplay::imageReady, this, &ViewerWidget::updateInfoBox); connect(m_imageDisplay, &ImageDisplay::setCaptionInfo, this, &ViewerWidget::setCaptionWithDetail); connect(m_imageDisplay, &ImageDisplay::viewGeometryChanged, this, &ViewerWidget::remapAreas); // This must not be added to the layout, as it is standing on top of // the ImageDisplay m_infoBox = new InfoBox( this ); m_infoBox->hide(); setupContextMenu(); m_slideShowTimer = new QTimer( this ); m_slideShowTimer->setSingleShot( true ); m_slideShowPause = Settings::SettingsData::instance()->slideShowInterval() * 1000; connect(m_slideShowTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &ViewerWidget::slotSlideShowNextFromTimer); m_speedDisplay = new SpeedDisplay( this ); m_speedDisplay->hide(); setFocusPolicy( Qt::StrongFocus ); QTimer::singleShot( 2000, this, SLOT(test()) ); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::setupContextMenu() { m_popup = new QMenu( this ); m_actions = new KActionCollection( this ); createSlideShowMenu(); createZoomMenu(); createRotateMenu(); createSkipMenu(); createShowContextMenu(); - createWallPaperMenu(); createInvokeExternalMenu(); createVideoMenu(); createCategoryImageMenu(); createFilterMenu(); QAction * action = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("viewer-edit-image-properties"), this, SLOT(editImage()) ); action->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Annotate...") ); m_actions->setDefaultShortcut(action, Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_1 ); m_popup->addAction( action ); m_setStackHead = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("viewer-set-stack-head"), this, SLOT(slotSetStackHead()) ); m_setStackHead->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Set as First Image in Stack") ); m_actions->setDefaultShortcut(m_setStackHead, Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_4 ); m_popup->addAction( m_setStackHead ); m_showExifViewer = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("viewer-show-exif-viewer"), this, SLOT(showExifViewer()) ); m_showExifViewer->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Show Exif Viewer") ); m_popup->addAction( m_showExifViewer ); m_copyTo = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("viewer-copy-to"), this, SLOT(copyTo()) ); m_copyTo->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Copy Image to...") ); m_actions->setDefaultShortcut(m_copyTo, Qt::Key_F7 ); m_popup->addAction( m_copyTo ); if ( m_type == ViewerWindow ) { action = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("viewer-close"), this, SLOT(close()) ); action->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Close") ); action->setShortcut( Qt::Key_Escape ); m_actions->setShortcutsConfigurable(action, false); } m_popup->addAction( action ); m_actions->readSettings(); Q_FOREACH( QAction* action, m_actions->actions() ) { action->setShortcutContext(Qt::WindowShortcut); addAction(action); } } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::createShowContextMenu() { VisibleOptionsMenu* menu = new VisibleOptionsMenu( this, m_actions ); connect(menu, &VisibleOptionsMenu::visibleOptionsChanged, this, &ViewerWidget::updateInfoBox); m_popup->addMenu( menu ); } -void Viewer::ViewerWidget::createWallPaperMenu() -{ - // Setting wallpaper has still not yet been ported to KPA4 -#ifndef DOES_STILL_NOT_WORK_IN_KPA4 - m_wallpaperMenu = new QMenu( m_popup ); - m_wallpaperMenu->setTitle( i18nc("@title:inmenu","Set as Wallpaper") ); - - QAction * action = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("viewer-centered"), this, SLOT(slotSetWallpaperC()) ); - action->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Centered") ); - m_wallpaperMenu->addAction(action); - - action = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("viewer-tiled"), this, SLOT(slotSetWallpaperT()) ); - action->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Tiled") ); - m_wallpaperMenu->addAction( action ); - - action = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("viewer-center-tiled"), this, SLOT(slotSetWallpaperCT()) ); - action->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Center Tiled") ); - m_wallpaperMenu->addAction( action ); - - action = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("viewer-centered-maxspect"), this, SLOT(slotSetWallpaperCM()) ); - action->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Centered Maxpect") ); - m_wallpaperMenu->addAction( action ); - - action = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("viewer-tiled-maxpect"), this, SLOT(slotSetWallpaperTM()) ); - action->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Tiled Maxpect") ); - m_wallpaperMenu->addAction( action ); - - action = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("viewer-scaled"), this, SLOT(slotSetWallpaperS()) ); - action->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Scaled") ); - m_wallpaperMenu->addAction( action ); - - action = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("viewer-centered-auto-fit"), this, SLOT(slotSetWallpaperCAF()) ); - action->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Centered Auto Fit") ); - m_wallpaperMenu->addAction( action ); - - m_popup->addMenu( m_wallpaperMenu ); -#endif // DOES_STILL_NOT_WORK_IN_KPA4 -} - void Viewer::ViewerWidget::inhibitScreenSaver( bool inhibit ) { QDBusMessage message; if (inhibit) { message = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall( QString::fromLatin1("org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver"), QString::fromLatin1("/ScreenSaver"), QString::fromLatin1("org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver"), QString::fromLatin1("Inhibit") ); message << QString( QString::fromLatin1("KPhotoAlbum") ); message << QString( QString::fromLatin1("Giving a slideshow") ); QDBusMessage reply = QDBusConnection::sessionBus().call( message ); if ( reply.type() == QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage ) m_screenSaverCookie = reply.arguments().first().toInt(); } else { if ( m_screenSaverCookie != -1 ) { message = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall( QString::fromLatin1("org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver"), QString::fromLatin1("/ScreenSaver"), QString::fromLatin1("org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver"), QString::fromLatin1("UnInhibit") ); message << (uint)m_screenSaverCookie; QDBusConnection::sessionBus().send( message ); m_screenSaverCookie = -1; } } } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::createInvokeExternalMenu() { m_externalPopup = new MainWindow::ExternalPopup( m_popup ); m_popup->addMenu( m_externalPopup ); connect(m_externalPopup, &MainWindow::ExternalPopup::aboutToShow, this, &ViewerWidget::populateExternalPopup); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::createRotateMenu() { m_rotateMenu = new QMenu( m_popup ); m_rotateMenu->setTitle( i18nc("@title:inmenu","Rotate") ); QAction * action = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("viewer-rotate90"), this, SLOT(rotate90()) ); action->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Rotate clockwise") ); action->setShortcut( Qt::Key_9 ); m_actions->setShortcutsConfigurable(action, false); m_rotateMenu->addAction( action ); action = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("viewer-rotate180"), this, SLOT(rotate180()) ); action->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Flip Over") ); action->setShortcut( Qt::Key_8 ); m_actions->setShortcutsConfigurable(action, false); m_rotateMenu->addAction( action ); action = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("viewer-rotare270"), this, SLOT(rotate270()) ); // ^ this is a typo, isn't it?! action->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Rotate counterclockwise") ); action->setShortcut( Qt::Key_7 ); m_actions->setShortcutsConfigurable(action, false); m_rotateMenu->addAction( action ); m_popup->addMenu( m_rotateMenu ); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::createSkipMenu() { QMenu *popup = new QMenu( m_popup ); popup->setTitle( i18nc("@title:inmenu As in 'skip 2 images'","Skip") ); QAction * action = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("viewer-home"), this, SLOT(showFirst()) ); action->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu Go to first image","First") ); action->setShortcut( Qt::Key_Home ); m_actions->setShortcutsConfigurable(action, false); popup->addAction( action ); m_backwardActions.append(action); action = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("viewer-end"), this, SLOT(showLast()) ); action->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu Go to last image","Last") ); action->setShortcut( Qt::Key_End ); m_actions->setShortcutsConfigurable(action, false); popup->addAction( action ); m_forwardActions.append(action); action = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("viewer-next"), this, SLOT(showNext()) ); action->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Show Next") ); action->setShortcuts(QList() << Qt::Key_PageDown << Qt::Key_Space); popup->addAction( action ); m_forwardActions.append(action); action = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("viewer-next-10"), this, SLOT(showNext10()) ); action->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Skip 10 Forward") ); m_actions->setDefaultShortcut(action, Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_PageDown ); popup->addAction( action ); m_forwardActions.append(action); action = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("viewer-next-100"), this, SLOT(showNext100()) ); action->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Skip 100 Forward") ); m_actions->setDefaultShortcut(action, Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_PageDown ); popup->addAction( action ); m_forwardActions.append(action); action = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("viewer-next-1000"), this, SLOT(showNext1000()) ); action->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Skip 1000 Forward") ); m_actions->setDefaultShortcut(action, Qt::CTRL+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_PageDown ); popup->addAction( action ); m_forwardActions.append(action); action = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("viewer-prev"), this, SLOT(showPrev()) ); action->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Show Previous") ); action->setShortcuts(QList() << Qt::Key_PageUp << Qt::Key_Backspace); popup->addAction( action ); m_backwardActions.append(action); action = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("viewer-prev-10"), this, SLOT(showPrev10()) ); action->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Skip 10 Backward") ); m_actions->setDefaultShortcut(action, Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_PageUp ); popup->addAction( action ); m_backwardActions.append(action); action = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("viewer-prev-100"), this, SLOT(showPrev100()) ); action->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Skip 100 Backward") ); m_actions->setDefaultShortcut(action, Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_PageUp ); popup->addAction( action ); m_backwardActions.append(action); action = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("viewer-prev-1000"), this, SLOT(showPrev1000()) ); action->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Skip 1000 Backward") ); m_actions->setDefaultShortcut(action, Qt::CTRL+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_PageUp ); popup->addAction( action ); m_backwardActions.append(action); action = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("viewer-delete-current"), this, SLOT(deleteCurrent()) ); action->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Delete Image") ); m_actions->setDefaultShortcut(action, Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_Delete ); popup->addAction( action ); action = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("viewer-remove-current"), this, SLOT(removeCurrent()) ); action->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Remove Image from Display List") ); action->setShortcut( Qt::Key_Delete ); m_actions->setShortcutsConfigurable(action, false); popup->addAction( action ); m_popup->addMenu( popup ); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::createZoomMenu() { QMenu *popup = new QMenu( m_popup ); popup->setTitle( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Zoom") ); // PENDING(blackie) Only for image display? QAction * action = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("viewer-zoom-in"), this, SLOT(zoomIn()) ); action->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Zoom In") ); action->setShortcut( Qt::Key_Plus ); m_actions->setShortcutsConfigurable(action, false); popup->addAction( action ); action = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("viewer-zoom-out"), this, SLOT(zoomOut()) ); action->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Zoom Out") ); action->setShortcut( Qt::Key_Minus ); m_actions->setShortcutsConfigurable(action, false); popup->addAction( action ); action = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("viewer-zoom-full"), this, SLOT(zoomFull()) ); action->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Full View") ); action->setShortcut( Qt::Key_Period ); m_actions->setShortcutsConfigurable(action, false); popup->addAction( action ); action = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("viewer-zoom-pixel"), this, SLOT(zoomPixelForPixel()) ); action->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Pixel for Pixel View") ); action->setShortcut( Qt::Key_Equal ); m_actions->setShortcutsConfigurable(action, false); popup->addAction( action ); action = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("viewer-toggle-fullscreen"), this, SLOT(toggleFullScreen()) ); action->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Toggle Full Screen") ); action->setShortcuts(QList() << Qt::Key_F11 << Qt::Key_Return); popup->addAction( action ); m_popup->addMenu( popup ); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::createSlideShowMenu() { QMenu *popup = new QMenu( m_popup ); popup->setTitle( i18nc("@title:inmenu","Slideshow") ); m_startStopSlideShow = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("viewer-start-stop-slideshow"), this, SLOT(slotStartStopSlideShow()) ); m_startStopSlideShow->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Run Slideshow") ); m_actions->setDefaultShortcut(m_startStopSlideShow, Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_R ); popup->addAction( m_startStopSlideShow ); m_slideShowRunFaster = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("viewer-run-faster"), this, SLOT(slotSlideShowFaster()) ); m_slideShowRunFaster->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Run Faster") ); m_actions->setDefaultShortcut(m_slideShowRunFaster, Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_Plus ); // if you change this, please update the info in Viewer::SpeedDisplay popup->addAction( m_slideShowRunFaster ); m_slideShowRunSlower = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("viewer-run-slower"), this, SLOT(slotSlideShowSlower()) ); m_slideShowRunSlower->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Run Slower") ); m_actions->setDefaultShortcut(m_slideShowRunSlower, Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_Minus ); // if you change this, please update the info in Viewer::SpeedDisplay popup->addAction( m_slideShowRunSlower ); m_popup->addMenu( popup ); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::load( const DB::FileNameList& list, int index ) { m_list = list; m_imageDisplay->setImageList( list ); m_current = index; load(); bool on = ( list.count() > 1 ); m_startStopSlideShow->setEnabled(on); m_slideShowRunFaster->setEnabled(on); m_slideShowRunSlower->setEnabled(on); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::load() { const bool isReadable = QFileInfo( currentInfo()->fileName().absolute() ).isReadable(); const bool isVideo = isReadable && Utilities::isVideo( currentInfo()->fileName() ); if ( isReadable ) { if ( isVideo ) { m_display = m_videoDisplay; } else m_display = m_imageDisplay; } else { m_display = m_textDisplay; m_textDisplay->setText( i18n("File not available") ); updateInfoBox(); } setCurrentWidget( m_display ); m_infoBox->raise(); m_rotateMenu->setEnabled( !isVideo ); - m_wallpaperMenu->setEnabled( !isVideo ); m_categoryImagePopup->setEnabled( !isVideo ); m_filterMenu->setEnabled( !isVideo ); m_showExifViewer->setEnabled( !isVideo ); if ( m_exifViewer ) m_exifViewer->setImage( currentInfo()->fileName() ); Q_FOREACH( QAction* videoAction, m_videoActions ) { videoAction->setVisible( isVideo ); } emit soughtTo( m_list[ m_current ]); bool ok = m_display->setImage( currentInfo(), m_forward ); if ( !ok ) { close( false ); return; } setCaptionWithDetail( QString() ); // PENDING(blackie) This needs to be improved, so that it shows the actions only if there are that many images to jump. for( QList::const_iterator it = m_forwardActions.constBegin(); it != m_forwardActions.constEnd(); ++it ) (*it)->setEnabled( m_current +1 < (int) m_list.count() ); for( QList::const_iterator it = m_backwardActions.constBegin(); it != m_backwardActions.constEnd(); ++it ) (*it)->setEnabled( m_current > 0 ); m_setStackHead->setEnabled( currentInfo()->isStacked() ); if ( isVideo ) updateCategoryConfig(); if ( m_isRunningSlideShow ) m_slideShowTimer->start( m_slideShowPause ); if ( m_display == m_textDisplay ) updateInfoBox(); // Add all tagged areas addTaggedAreas(); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::setCaptionWithDetail( const QString& detail ) { setWindowTitle( i18nc("@title:window %1 is the filename, %2 its detail info", "%1 %2", currentInfo()->fileName().absolute(), detail ) ); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::contextMenuEvent( QContextMenuEvent * e ) { if ( m_videoDisplay ) { if ( m_videoDisplay->isPaused() ) m_playPause->setText(i18nc("@action:inmenu Start video playback","Play")); else m_playPause->setText(i18nc("@action:inmenu Pause video playback","Pause")); m_stop->setEnabled( m_videoDisplay->isPlaying() ); } m_popup->exec( e->globalPos() ); e->setAccepted(true); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::showNextN(int n) { filterNone(); if ( m_display == m_videoDisplay ) { m_videoPlayerStoppedManually = true; m_videoDisplay->stop(); } if ( m_current + n < (int) m_list.count() ) { m_current += n; if (m_current >= (int) m_list.count()) m_current = (int) m_list.count() - 1; m_forward = true; load(); } } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::showNext() { showNextN(1); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::removeCurrent() { removeOrDeleteCurrent(OnlyRemoveFromViewer); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::deleteCurrent() { removeOrDeleteCurrent( RemoveImageFromDatabase ); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::removeOrDeleteCurrent( RemoveAction action ) { const DB::FileName fileName = m_list[m_current]; if ( action == RemoveImageFromDatabase ) m_removed.append(fileName); m_list.removeAll(fileName); if ( m_list.isEmpty() ) close(); if ( m_current == m_list.count() ) showPrev(); else showNextN(0); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::showNext10() { showNextN(10); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::showNext100() { showNextN(100); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::showNext1000() { showNextN(1000); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::showPrevN(int n) { if ( m_display == m_videoDisplay ) m_videoDisplay->stop(); if ( m_current > 0 ) { m_current -= n; if (m_current < 0) m_current = 0; m_forward = false; load(); } } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::showPrev() { showPrevN(1); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::showPrev10() { showPrevN(10); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::showPrev100() { showPrevN(100); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::showPrev1000() { showPrevN(1000); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::rotate90() { currentInfo()->rotate( 90 ); load(); invalidateThumbnail(); MainWindow::DirtyIndicator::markDirty(); emit imageRotated(m_list[ m_current]); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::rotate180() { currentInfo()->rotate( 180 ); load(); invalidateThumbnail(); MainWindow::DirtyIndicator::markDirty(); emit imageRotated(m_list[ m_current]); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::rotate270() { currentInfo()->rotate( 270 ); load(); invalidateThumbnail(); MainWindow::DirtyIndicator::markDirty(); emit imageRotated(m_list[ m_current]); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::showFirst() { showPrevN(m_list.count()); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::showLast() { showNextN(m_list.count()); } -void Viewer::ViewerWidget::slotSetWallpaperC() -{ - setAsWallpaper(1); -} - -void Viewer::ViewerWidget::slotSetWallpaperT() -{ - setAsWallpaper(2); -} - -void Viewer::ViewerWidget::slotSetWallpaperCT() -{ - setAsWallpaper(3); -} - -void Viewer::ViewerWidget::slotSetWallpaperCM() -{ - setAsWallpaper(4); -} - -void Viewer::ViewerWidget::slotSetWallpaperTM() -{ - setAsWallpaper(5); -} - -void Viewer::ViewerWidget::slotSetWallpaperS() -{ - setAsWallpaper(6); -} - -void Viewer::ViewerWidget::slotSetWallpaperCAF() -{ - setAsWallpaper(7); -} - -void Viewer::ViewerWidget::setAsWallpaper(int /*mode*/) -{ -#ifdef DOES_STILL_NOT_WORK_IN_KPA4 - if(mode>7 || mode<1) return; - DCOPRef kdesktop("kdesktop","KBackgroundIface"); - kdesktop.send("setWallpaper(QString,int)",currentInfo()->fileName(0),mode); -#endif -} - bool Viewer::ViewerWidget::close( bool alsoDelete) { if ( !m_removed.isEmpty() ) { MainWindow::DeleteDialog dialog( this ); dialog.exec( m_removed ); } m_slideShowTimer->stop(); m_isRunningSlideShow = false; return QWidget::close(); if ( alsoDelete ) deleteLater(); } DB::ImageInfoPtr Viewer::ViewerWidget::currentInfo() const { return DB::ImageDB::instance()->info(m_list[ m_current]); // PENDING(blackie) can we postpone this lookup? } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::infoBoxMove() { QPoint p = mapFromGlobal( QCursor::pos() ); Settings::Position oldPos = Settings::SettingsData::instance()->infoBoxPosition(); Settings::Position pos = oldPos; int x = m_display->mapFromParent( p ).x(); int y = m_display->mapFromParent( p ).y(); int w = m_display->width(); int h = m_display->height(); if ( x < w/3 ) { if ( y < h/3 ) pos = Settings::TopLeft; else if ( y > h*2/3 ) pos = Settings::BottomLeft; else pos = Settings::Left; } else if ( x > w*2/3 ) { if ( y < h/3 ) pos = Settings::TopRight; else if ( y > h*2/3 ) pos = Settings::BottomRight; else pos = Settings::Right; } else { if ( y < h/3 ) pos = Settings::Top; else if ( y > h*2/3 ) pos = Settings::Bottom; } if ( pos != oldPos ) { Settings::SettingsData::instance()->setInfoBoxPosition( pos ); updateInfoBox(); } } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::moveInfoBox() { m_infoBox->setSize(); Settings::Position pos = Settings::SettingsData::instance()->infoBoxPosition(); int lx = m_display->pos().x(); int ly = m_display->pos().y(); int lw = m_display->width(); int lh = m_display->height(); int bw = m_infoBox->width(); int bh = m_infoBox->height(); int bx, by; // x-coordinate if ( pos == Settings::TopRight || pos == Settings::BottomRight || pos == Settings::Right ) bx = lx+lw-5-bw; else if ( pos == Settings::TopLeft || pos == Settings::BottomLeft || pos == Settings::Left ) bx = lx+5; else bx = lx+lw/2-bw/2; // Y-coordinate if ( pos == Settings::TopLeft || pos == Settings::TopRight || pos == Settings::Top ) by = ly+5; else if ( pos == Settings::BottomLeft || pos == Settings::BottomRight || pos == Settings::Bottom ) by = ly+lh-5-bh; else by = ly+lh/2-bh/2; m_infoBox->move(bx,by); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* e ) { moveInfoBox(); QWidget::resizeEvent( e ); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::updateInfoBox() { QString tokensCategory = DB::ImageDB::instance()->categoryCollection()->categoryForSpecial(DB::Category::TokensCategory)->name(); if ( currentInfo() || !m_currentInput.isEmpty() || (!m_currentCategory.isEmpty() && m_currentCategory != tokensCategory)) { QMap > map; QString text = Utilities::createInfoText( currentInfo(), &map ); QString selecttext = QString::fromLatin1(""); if (m_currentCategory.isEmpty()) { selecttext = i18nc("Basically 'enter a category name'","Setting Category: ") + m_currentInput; if (m_currentInputList.length() > 0) { selecttext += QString::fromLatin1("{") + m_currentInputList + QString::fromLatin1("}"); } } else if ( ( !m_currentInput.isEmpty() && m_currentCategory != tokensCategory)) { selecttext = i18nc("Basically 'enter a tag name'","Assigning: ") + m_currentCategory + QString::fromLatin1("/") + m_currentInput; if (m_currentInputList.length() > 0) { selecttext += QString::fromLatin1("{") + m_currentInputList + QString::fromLatin1("}"); } } else if ( !m_currentInput.isEmpty() && m_currentCategory == tokensCategory) { m_currentInput = QString::fromLatin1(""); } if (!selecttext.isEmpty()) text = selecttext + QString::fromLatin1("
") + text; if ( Settings::SettingsData::instance()->showInfoBox() && !text.isNull() && ( m_type != InlineViewer ) ) { m_infoBox->setInfo( text, map ); m_infoBox->show(); } else m_infoBox->hide(); moveInfoBox(); } } Viewer::ViewerWidget::~ViewerWidget() { inhibitScreenSaver(false); if ( s_latest == this ) s_latest = nullptr; if ( m_myInputMacros ) delete m_myInputMacros; } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::toggleFullScreen() { setShowFullScreen( !m_showingFullScreen ); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::slotStartStopSlideShow() { bool wasRunningSlideShow = m_isRunningSlideShow; m_isRunningSlideShow = !m_isRunningSlideShow && m_list.count() != 1; if ( wasRunningSlideShow ) { m_startStopSlideShow->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Run Slideshow") ); m_slideShowTimer->stop(); if ( m_list.count() != 1 ) m_speedDisplay->end(); inhibitScreenSaver(false); } else { m_startStopSlideShow->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Stop Slideshow") ); if ( currentInfo()->mediaType() != DB::Video ) m_slideShowTimer->start( m_slideShowPause ); m_speedDisplay->start(); inhibitScreenSaver(true); } } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::slotSlideShowNextFromTimer() { // Load the next images. QTime timer; timer.start(); if ( m_display == m_imageDisplay ) slotSlideShowNext(); // ensure that there is a few milliseconds pause, so that an end slideshow keypress // can get through immediately, we don't want it to queue up behind a bunch of timer events, // which loaded a number of new images before the slideshow stops int ms = qMax( 200, m_slideShowPause - timer.elapsed() ); m_slideShowTimer->start( ms ); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::slotSlideShowNext() { m_forward = true; if ( m_current +1 < (int) m_list.count() ) m_current++; else m_current = 0; load(); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::slotSlideShowFaster() { changeSlideShowInterval(-500); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::slotSlideShowSlower() { changeSlideShowInterval(+500); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::changeSlideShowInterval( int delta ) { if ( m_list.count() == 1 ) return; m_slideShowPause += delta; m_slideShowPause = qMax( m_slideShowPause, 500 ); m_speedDisplay->display( m_slideShowPause ); if (m_slideShowTimer->isActive() ) m_slideShowTimer->start( m_slideShowPause ); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::editImage() { DB::ImageInfoList list; list.append( currentInfo() ); MainWindow::Window::configureImages( list, true ); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::filterNone() { if ( m_display == m_imageDisplay ) { m_imageDisplay->filterNone(); m_filterMono->setChecked( false ); m_filterBW->setChecked( false ); m_filterContrastStretch->setChecked( false ); m_filterHistogramEqualization->setChecked( false ); } } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::filterSelected() { // The filters that drop bit depth below 32 should be the last ones // so that filters requiring more bit depth are processed first if ( m_display == m_imageDisplay ) { m_imageDisplay->filterNone(); if (m_filterBW->isChecked()) m_imageDisplay->filterBW(); if (m_filterContrastStretch->isChecked()) m_imageDisplay->filterContrastStretch(); if (m_filterHistogramEqualization->isChecked()) m_imageDisplay->filterHistogramEqualization(); if (m_filterMono->isChecked()) m_imageDisplay->filterMono(); } } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::filterBW() { if ( m_display == m_imageDisplay ) { if ( m_filterBW->isChecked() ) m_filterBW->setChecked( m_imageDisplay->filterBW()); else filterSelected(); } } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::filterContrastStretch() { if ( m_display == m_imageDisplay ) { if (m_filterContrastStretch->isChecked()) m_filterContrastStretch->setChecked( m_imageDisplay->filterContrastStretch() ); else filterSelected(); } } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::filterHistogramEqualization() { if ( m_display == m_imageDisplay ) { if ( m_filterHistogramEqualization->isChecked() ) m_filterHistogramEqualization->setChecked( m_imageDisplay->filterHistogramEqualization() ); else filterSelected(); } } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::filterMono() { if ( m_display == m_imageDisplay ) { if ( m_filterMono->isChecked() ) m_filterMono->setChecked( m_imageDisplay->filterMono() ); else filterSelected(); } } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::slotSetStackHead() { MainWindow::Window::theMainWindow()->setStackHead(m_list[ m_current ]); } bool Viewer::ViewerWidget::showingFullScreen() const { return m_showingFullScreen; } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::setShowFullScreen( bool on ) { if ( on ) { setWindowState( windowState() | Qt::WindowFullScreen ); // set moveInfoBox(); } else { // We need to size the image when going out of full screen, in case we started directly in full screen // setWindowState( windowState() & ~Qt::WindowFullScreen ); // reset resize( Settings::SettingsData::instance()->viewerSize() ); } m_showingFullScreen = on; } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::updateCategoryConfig() { if ( !CategoryImageConfig::instance()->isVisible() ) return; CategoryImageConfig::instance()->setCurrentImage( m_imageDisplay->currentViewAsThumbnail(), currentInfo() ); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::populateExternalPopup() { m_externalPopup->populate( currentInfo(), m_list ); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::populateCategoryImagePopup() { m_categoryImagePopup->populate( m_imageDisplay->currentViewAsThumbnail(), m_list[m_current] ); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::show( bool slideShow ) { QSize size; bool fullScreen; if ( slideShow ) { fullScreen = Settings::SettingsData::instance()->launchSlideShowFullScreen(); size = Settings::SettingsData::instance()->slideShowSize(); } else { fullScreen = Settings::SettingsData::instance()->launchViewerFullScreen(); size = Settings::SettingsData::instance()->viewerSize(); } if ( fullScreen ) setShowFullScreen( true ); else resize( size ); QWidget::show(); if ( slideShow != m_isRunningSlideShow) { // The info dialog will show up at the wrong place if we call this function directly // don't ask me why - 4 Sep. 2004 15:13 -- Jesper K. Pedersen QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(slotStartStopSlideShow()) ); } } KActionCollection* Viewer::ViewerWidget::actions() { return m_actions; } int Viewer::ViewerWidget::find_tag_in_list(const QStringList &list, QString &namefound) { int found = 0; m_currentInputList = QString::fromLatin1(""); for( QStringList::ConstIterator listIter = list.constBegin(); listIter != list.constEnd(); ++listIter ) { if (listIter->startsWith(m_currentInput, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { found++; if (m_currentInputList.length() > 0) m_currentInputList = m_currentInputList + QString::fromLatin1(","); m_currentInputList =m_currentInputList + listIter->right(listIter->length() - m_currentInput.length()); if (found > 1 && m_currentInputList.length() > 20) { // already found more than we want to display // bail here for now // XXX: non-ideal? display more? certainly config 20 return found; } else { namefound = *listIter; } } } return found; } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent* event ) { if (event->key() == Qt::Key_Backspace) { // remove stuff from the current input string m_currentInput.remove( m_currentInput.length()-1, 1 ); updateInfoBox(); MainWindow::DirtyIndicator::markDirty(); m_currentInputList = QString::fromLatin1(""); // } else if (event->modifier & (Qt::AltModifier | Qt::MetaModifier) && // event->key() == Qt::Key_Enter) { return; // we've handled it } else if (event->key() == Qt::Key_Comma) { // force set the "new" token if (!m_currentCategory.isEmpty()) { if (m_currentInput.left(1) == QString::fromLatin1("\"") || // allow a starting ' or " to signal a brand new category // this bypasses the auto-selection of matching characters m_currentInput.left(1) == QString::fromLatin1("\'")) { m_currentInput = m_currentInput.right(m_currentInput.length()-1); } if (m_currentInput.isEmpty()) return; currentInfo()->addCategoryInfo(m_currentCategory, m_currentInput); DB::CategoryPtr category = DB::ImageDB::instance()->categoryCollection()->categoryForName(m_currentCategory); category->addItem(m_currentInput); } m_currentInput = QString::fromLatin1(""); updateInfoBox(); MainWindow::DirtyIndicator::markDirty(); return; // we've handled it } else if ( event->modifiers() == 0 && event->key() >= Qt::Key_0 && event->key() <= Qt::Key_5 ) { bool ok; short rating = event->text().left(1).toShort(&ok, 10); if (ok) { currentInfo()->setRating(rating * 2); updateInfoBox(); MainWindow::DirtyIndicator::markDirty(); } } else if (event->modifiers() == 0 || event->modifiers() == Qt::ShiftModifier) { // search the category for matches QString namefound; QString incomingKey = event->text().left(1); // start searching for a new category name if (incomingKey == QString::fromLatin1("/")) { if (m_currentInput.isEmpty() && m_currentCategory.isEmpty()) { if (m_currentInputMode == InACategory) { m_currentInputMode = AlwaysStartWithCategory; } else { m_currentInputMode = InACategory; } } else { // reset the category to search through m_currentInput = QString::fromLatin1(""); m_currentCategory = QString::fromLatin1(""); } // use an assigned key or map to a given key for future reference } else if (m_currentInput.isEmpty() && // can map to function keys event->key() >= Qt::Key_F1 && event->key() <= Qt::Key_F35) { // we have a request to assign a macro key or use one Qt::Key key = (Qt::Key) event->key(); if (m_inputMacros->contains(key)) { // Use the requested toggle if ( event->modifiers() == Qt::ShiftModifier ) { if ( currentInfo()->hasCategoryInfo( (*m_inputMacros)[key].first, (*m_inputMacros)[key].second ) ) { currentInfo()->removeCategoryInfo( (*m_inputMacros)[key].first, (*m_inputMacros)[key].second ); } } else { currentInfo()->addCategoryInfo( (*m_inputMacros)[key].first, (*m_inputMacros)[key].second ); } } else { (*m_inputMacros)[key] = qMakePair(m_lastCategory, m_lastFound); } updateInfoBox(); MainWindow::DirtyIndicator::markDirty(); // handled it return; } else if (m_currentCategory.isEmpty()) { // still searching for a category to lock to m_currentInput += incomingKey; QStringList categorynames = DB::ImageDB::instance()->categoryCollection()->categoryTexts(); if (find_tag_in_list(categorynames, namefound) == 1) { // yay, we have exactly one! m_currentCategory = namefound; m_currentInput = QString::fromLatin1(""); m_currentInputList = QString::fromLatin1(""); } } else { m_currentInput += incomingKey; DB::CategoryPtr category = DB::ImageDB::instance()->categoryCollection() ->categoryForName(m_currentCategory); QStringList items = category->items(); if (find_tag_in_list(items, namefound) == 1) { // yay, we have exactly one! if ( currentInfo()->hasCategoryInfo( category->name(), namefound ) ) currentInfo()->removeCategoryInfo( category->name(), namefound ); else currentInfo()->addCategoryInfo( category->name(), namefound ); m_lastFound = namefound; m_lastCategory = m_currentCategory; m_currentInput = QString::fromLatin1(""); m_currentInputList = QString::fromLatin1(""); if (m_currentInputMode == AlwaysStartWithCategory) m_currentCategory = QString::fromLatin1(""); } } updateInfoBox(); MainWindow::DirtyIndicator::markDirty(); } QWidget::keyPressEvent( event ); return; } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::videoStopped() { if ( !m_videoPlayerStoppedManually && m_isRunningSlideShow ) slotSlideShowNext(); m_videoPlayerStoppedManually=false; } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::wheelEvent( QWheelEvent* event ) { if ( event->delta() < 0) { showNext(); } else { showPrev(); } } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::showExifViewer() { m_exifViewer = new Exif::InfoDialog( currentInfo()->fileName(), this ); m_exifViewer->show(); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::zoomIn() { m_display->zoomIn(); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::zoomOut() { m_display->zoomOut(); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::zoomFull() { m_display->zoomFull(); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::zoomPixelForPixel() { m_display->zoomPixelForPixel(); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::makeThumbnailImage() { VideoShooter::go(currentInfo(), this); } struct SeekInfo { SeekInfo( const QString& title, const char* name, int value, const QKeySequence& key ) : title( title ), name(name), value(value), key(key) {} QString title; const char* name; int value; QKeySequence key; }; void Viewer::ViewerWidget::createVideoMenu() { QMenu* menu = new QMenu(m_popup); menu->setTitle(i18nc("@title:inmenu","Seek")); m_videoActions.append( m_popup->addMenu( menu ) ); QList list; list << SeekInfo( i18nc("@action:inmenu","10 minutes backward"), "seek-10-minute", -600000, QKeySequence(QString::fromLatin1("Ctrl+Left"))) << SeekInfo( i18nc("@action:inmenu","1 minute backward"), "seek-1-minute", -60000, QKeySequence(QString::fromLatin1( "Shift+Left"))) << SeekInfo( i18nc("@action:inmenu","10 seconds backward"), "seek-10-second", -10000, QKeySequence(QString::fromLatin1( "Left"))) << SeekInfo( i18nc("@action:inmenu","1 seconds backward"), "seek-1-second", -1000, QKeySequence(QString::fromLatin1( "Up"))) << SeekInfo( i18nc("@action:inmenu","100 milliseconds backward"), "seek-100-millisecond", -100, QKeySequence(QString::fromLatin1( "Shift+Up"))) << SeekInfo( i18nc("@action:inmenu","100 milliseconds forward"), "seek+100-millisecond", 100, QKeySequence(QString::fromLatin1( "Shift+Down"))) << SeekInfo( i18nc("@action:inmenu","1 seconds forward"), "seek+1-second", 1000, QKeySequence(QString::fromLatin1( "Down"))) << SeekInfo( i18nc("@action:inmenu","10 seconds forward"), "seek+10-second", 10000, QKeySequence(QString::fromLatin1( "Right"))) << SeekInfo( i18nc("@action:inmenu","1 minute forward"), "seek+1-minute", 60000, QKeySequence(QString::fromLatin1( "Shift+Right"))) << SeekInfo( i18nc("@action:inmenu","10 minutes forward"), "seek+10-minute", 600000, QKeySequence(QString::fromLatin1( "Ctrl+Right"))); int count=0; Q_FOREACH( const SeekInfo& info, list ) { if ( count++ == 5 ) { QAction* sep = new QAction( menu ); sep->setSeparator(true); menu->addAction(sep); } QAction * seek = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1(info.name), m_videoDisplay, SLOT(seek())); seek->setText(info.title); seek->setData(info.value); seek->setShortcut( info.key ); m_actions->setShortcutsConfigurable(seek, false); menu->addAction(seek); } QAction* sep = new QAction(m_popup); sep->setSeparator(true); m_popup->addAction( sep ); m_videoActions.append( sep ); m_stop = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("viewer-video-stop"), m_videoDisplay, SLOT(stop()) ); m_stop->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu Stop video playback","Stop") ); m_popup->addAction( m_stop ); m_videoActions.append(m_stop); m_playPause = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("viewer-video-pause"), m_videoDisplay, SLOT(playPause()) ); // text set in contextMenuEvent() m_playPause->setShortcut( Qt::Key_P ); m_actions->setShortcutsConfigurable(m_playPause, false); m_popup->addAction( m_playPause ); m_videoActions.append( m_playPause ); m_makeThumbnailImage = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("make-thumbnail-image"), this, SLOT(makeThumbnailImage())); m_actions->setDefaultShortcut(m_makeThumbnailImage,Qt::ControlModifier + Qt::Key_S); m_makeThumbnailImage->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Use current frame in thumbnail view") ); m_popup->addAction(m_makeThumbnailImage); m_videoActions.append(m_makeThumbnailImage); QAction * restart = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("viewer-video-restart"), m_videoDisplay, SLOT(restart()) ); restart->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu Restart video playback.","Restart") ); m_popup->addAction( restart ); m_videoActions.append( restart ); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::createCategoryImageMenu() { m_categoryImagePopup = new MainWindow::CategoryImagePopup( m_popup ); m_popup->addMenu( m_categoryImagePopup ); connect(m_categoryImagePopup, &MainWindow::CategoryImagePopup::aboutToShow, this, &ViewerWidget::populateCategoryImagePopup); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::createFilterMenu() { m_filterMenu = new QMenu( m_popup ); m_filterMenu->setTitle( i18nc("@title:inmenu","Filters") ); m_filterNone = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("filter-empty"), this, SLOT(filterNone()) ); m_filterNone->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Remove All Filters") ); m_filterMenu->addAction( m_filterNone ); m_filterBW = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("filter-bw"), this, SLOT(filterBW()) ); m_filterBW->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Apply Grayscale Filter") ); m_filterBW->setCheckable( true ); m_filterMenu->addAction( m_filterBW ); m_filterContrastStretch = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("filter-cs"), this, SLOT(filterContrastStretch()) ); m_filterContrastStretch->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Apply Contrast Stretching Filter") ); m_filterContrastStretch->setCheckable( true ); m_filterMenu->addAction( m_filterContrastStretch ); m_filterHistogramEqualization = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("filter-he"), this, SLOT(filterHistogramEqualization()) ); m_filterHistogramEqualization->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Apply Histogram Equalization Filter") ); m_filterHistogramEqualization->setCheckable( true ); m_filterMenu->addAction( m_filterHistogramEqualization ); m_filterMono = m_actions->addAction( QString::fromLatin1("filter-mono"), this, SLOT(filterMono()) ); m_filterMono->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu","Apply Monochrome Filter") ); m_filterMono->setCheckable( true ); m_filterMenu->addAction( m_filterMono ); m_popup->addMenu( m_filterMenu ); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::test() { #ifdef TESTING QTimeLine* timeline = new QTimeLine; timeline->setStartFrame( _infoBox->y() ); timeline->setEndFrame( height() ); connect(timeline, &QTimeLine::frameChanged, this, &ViewerWidget::moveInfoBox); timeline->start(); #endif // TESTING } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::moveInfoBox( int y) { m_infoBox->move( m_infoBox->x(), y ); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::createVideoViewer() { m_videoDisplay = new VideoDisplay( this ); addWidget( m_videoDisplay ); connect(m_videoDisplay, &VideoDisplay::stopped, this, &ViewerWidget::videoStopped); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::stopPlayback() { m_videoDisplay->stop(); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::invalidateThumbnail() const { ImageManager::ThumbnailCache::instance()->removeThumbnail( currentInfo()->fileName() ); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::addTaggedAreas() { // Clean all areas we probably already have foreach (TaggedArea *area, findChildren()) { area->deleteLater(); } QMap> taggedAreas = currentInfo()->taggedAreas(); QMapIterator> areasInCategory(taggedAreas); QString category; QString tag; while (areasInCategory.hasNext()) { areasInCategory.next(); category = areasInCategory.key(); QMapIterator areaData(areasInCategory.value()); while (areaData.hasNext()) { areaData.next(); tag = areaData.key(); // Add a new frame for the area TaggedArea *newArea = new TaggedArea(this); newArea->setTagInfo(category, category, tag); newArea->setActualGeometry(areaData.value()); newArea->show(); connect(m_infoBox, &InfoBox::tagHovered, newArea, &TaggedArea::checkShowArea); connect(m_infoBox, &InfoBox::noTagHovered, newArea, &TaggedArea::resetViewStyle); } } // Be sure to display the areas, as viewGeometryChanged is not always emitted on load QSize imageSize = currentInfo()->size(); QSize windowSize = this->size(); // On load, the image is never zoomed, so it's a bit easier ;-) double scaleWidth = double(imageSize.width()) / windowSize.width(); double scaleHeight = double(imageSize.height()) / windowSize.height(); int offsetTop = 0; int offsetLeft = 0; if (scaleWidth > scaleHeight) { offsetTop = (windowSize.height() - imageSize.height() / scaleWidth); } else { offsetLeft = (windowSize.width() - imageSize.width() / scaleHeight); } remapAreas( QSize(windowSize.width() - offsetLeft, windowSize.height() - offsetTop), QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QPoint(imageSize.width(), imageSize.height())), 1 ); } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::remapAreas(QSize viewSize, QRect zoomWindow, double sizeRatio) { QSize currentWindowSize = this->size(); int outerOffsetLeft = (currentWindowSize.width() - viewSize.width()) / 2; int outerOffsetTop = (currentWindowSize.height() - viewSize.height()) / 2; if (sizeRatio != 1) { zoomWindow = QRect( QPoint( double(zoomWindow.left()) * sizeRatio, double(zoomWindow.top()) * sizeRatio ), QPoint( double(zoomWindow.left() + zoomWindow.width()) * sizeRatio, double(zoomWindow.top() + zoomWindow.height()) * sizeRatio ) ); } double scaleHeight = double(viewSize.height()) / zoomWindow.height(); double scaleWidth = double(viewSize.width()) / zoomWindow.width(); int innerOffsetLeft = -zoomWindow.left() * scaleWidth; int innerOffsetTop = -zoomWindow.top() * scaleHeight; Q_FOREACH(TaggedArea *area, findChildren()) { QRect actualGeometry = area->actualGeometry(); QRect screenGeometry; screenGeometry.setWidth(actualGeometry.width() * scaleWidth); screenGeometry.setHeight(actualGeometry.height() * scaleHeight); screenGeometry.moveTo( actualGeometry.left() * scaleWidth + outerOffsetLeft + innerOffsetLeft, actualGeometry.top() * scaleHeight + outerOffsetTop + innerOffsetTop ); area->setGeometry(screenGeometry); } } void Viewer::ViewerWidget::copyTo() { QUrl src = QUrl::fromLocalFile(currentInfo()->fileName().absolute()); if (m_lastCopyToTarget.isNull()) { // get directory of src file m_lastCopyToTarget = QFileInfo(src.path()).path(); } QFileDialog dialog( this ); dialog.setWindowTitle( i18nc("@title:window", "Copy Image to...") ); // use directory of src as start-location: dialog.setDirectory(m_lastCopyToTarget); dialog.selectFile(src.fileName()); dialog.setAcceptMode(QFileDialog::AcceptSave); dialog.setLabelText(QFileDialog::Accept, i18nc("@action:button", "Copy")); if (dialog.exec()) { QUrl dst = dialog.selectedUrls().first(); KIO::CopyJob *job = KIO::copy(src, dst); connect(job, &KIO::CopyJob::finished, job, &QObject::deleteLater); // get directory of dst file m_lastCopyToTarget = QFileInfo(dst.path()).path(); } } // vi:expandtab:tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: diff --git a/Viewer/ViewerWidget.h b/Viewer/ViewerWidget.h index db747437..d6573067 100644 --- a/Viewer/ViewerWidget.h +++ b/Viewer/ViewerWidget.h @@ -1,254 +1,244 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2003-2010 Jesper K. Pedersen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef VIEWER_H #define VIEWER_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class KActionCollection; class QAction; class QContextMenuEvent; class QKeyEvent; class QMenu; class QResizeEvent; class QStackedWidget; class QWheelEvent; namespace DB { class ImageInfo; class Id; } namespace MainWindow { class ExternalPopup; class CategoryImagePopup; } namespace Exif { class InfoDialog; } namespace Viewer { class AbstractDisplay; class ImageDisplay; class InfoBox; class SpeedDisplay; class TextDisplay; class VideoDisplay; class VideoShooter; class ViewerWidget :public QStackedWidget { Q_OBJECT public: enum UsageType { InlineViewer, ViewerWindow }; ViewerWidget( UsageType type = ViewerWindow, QMap > *macroStore = nullptr); ~ViewerWidget(); static ViewerWidget* latest(); void load( const DB::FileNameList& list, int index = 0 ); void infoBoxMove(); bool showingFullScreen() const; void setShowFullScreen( bool on ); void show( bool slideShow ); KActionCollection* actions(); public slots: bool close(bool alsoDelete = false ); void updateInfoBox(); void test(); void moveInfoBox( int ); void stopPlayback(); void remapAreas(QSize viewSize, QRect zoomWindow, double sizeRatio); void copyTo(); signals: void soughtTo( const DB::FileName& id ); void imageRotated(const DB::FileName& id); protected: void contextMenuEvent ( QContextMenuEvent * e ) override; void resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* ) override; void keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent* ) override; void wheelEvent( QWheelEvent* event ) override; void moveInfoBox(); - void setAsWallpaper(int mode); void load(); void setupContextMenu(); void createShowContextMenu(); - void createWallPaperMenu(); void createInvokeExternalMenu(); void createRotateMenu(); void createSkipMenu(); void createZoomMenu(); void createSlideShowMenu(); void createVideoMenu(); void createCategoryImageMenu(); void createFilterMenu(); void changeSlideShowInterval( int delta ); void createVideoViewer(); void inhibitScreenSaver( bool inhibit ); DB::ImageInfoPtr currentInfo() const; friend class InfoBox; private: void showNextN(int); void showPrevN(int); int find_tag_in_list(const QStringList &list, QString &namefound); void invalidateThumbnail() const; enum RemoveAction { RemoveImageFromDatabase, OnlyRemoveFromViewer }; void removeOrDeleteCurrent( RemoveAction ); protected slots: void showNext(); void showNext10(); void showNext100(); void showNext1000(); void showPrev(); void showPrev10(); void showPrev100(); void showPrev1000(); void showFirst(); void showLast(); void deleteCurrent(); void removeCurrent(); void rotate90(); void rotate180(); void rotate270(); void toggleFullScreen(); void slotStartStopSlideShow(); void slotSlideShowNext(); void slotSlideShowNextFromTimer(); void slotSlideShowFaster(); void slotSlideShowSlower(); void editImage(); void filterNone(); void filterSelected(); void filterBW(); void filterContrastStretch(); void filterHistogramEqualization(); void filterMono(); void slotSetStackHead(); void updateCategoryConfig(); - void slotSetWallpaperC(); - void slotSetWallpaperT(); - void slotSetWallpaperCT(); - void slotSetWallpaperCM(); - void slotSetWallpaperTM(); - void slotSetWallpaperS(); - void slotSetWallpaperCAF(); void populateExternalPopup(); void populateCategoryImagePopup(); void videoStopped(); void showExifViewer(); void zoomIn(); void zoomOut(); void zoomFull(); void zoomPixelForPixel(); void makeThumbnailImage(); /** Set the current window title (filename) and add the given detail */ void setCaptionWithDetail( const QString& detail ); private: static ViewerWidget* s_latest; friend class VideoShooter; QList m_forwardActions; QList m_backwardActions; QAction * m_startStopSlideShow; QAction * m_slideShowRunFaster; QAction * m_slideShowRunSlower; QAction * m_setStackHead; QAction * m_filterNone; QAction * m_filterSelected; QAction * m_filterBW; QAction * m_filterContrastStretch; QAction * m_filterHistogramEqualization; QAction * m_filterMono; AbstractDisplay* m_display; ImageDisplay* m_imageDisplay; VideoDisplay* m_videoDisplay; TextDisplay* m_textDisplay; int m_screenSaverCookie; DB::FileNameList m_list; DB::FileNameList m_removed; int m_current; QRect m_textRect; QMenu* m_popup; QMenu* m_rotateMenu; - QMenu* m_wallpaperMenu; QMenu* m_filterMenu; MainWindow::ExternalPopup* m_externalPopup; MainWindow::CategoryImagePopup* m_categoryImagePopup; int m_width; int m_height; QPixmap m_pixmap; QAction * m_delete; QAction * m_showExifViewer; QPointer m_exifViewer; QAction * m_copyTo; InfoBox* m_infoBox; QImage m_currentImage; bool m_showingFullScreen; int m_slideShowPause; SpeedDisplay* m_speedDisplay; KActionCollection* m_actions; bool m_forward; QTimer* m_slideShowTimer; bool m_isRunningSlideShow; QList m_videoActions; QAction * m_stop; QAction * m_playPause; QAction * m_makeThumbnailImage; bool m_videoPlayerStoppedManually; UsageType m_type; enum InputMode { InACategory, AlwaysStartWithCategory }; InputMode m_currentInputMode; QString m_currentInput; QString m_currentCategory; QString m_currentInputList; QString m_lastFound; QString m_lastCategory; QMap >* m_inputMacros; QMap >* m_myInputMacros; void addTaggedAreas(); QString m_lastCopyToTarget; }; } #endif /* VIEWER_H */ // vi:expandtab:tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: