diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt index 67de58ea..918f0e3b 100644 --- a/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,252 +1,252 @@ if(POLICY CMP0048) cmake_policy(SET CMP0048 NEW) endif(POLICY CMP0048) project( kbibtex - VERSION "0.8.90" + VERSION "0.8.91" ) cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 3.2.0 FATAL_ERROR ) set( QT_MIN_VERSION "5.6.0" ) set( KF5_MIN_VERSION "5.51.0" ) find_package(ECM 5.19 REQUIRED NO_MODULE) add_definitions( -DTRANSLATION_DOMAIN="kbibtex" -DHAVE_QTWIDGETS -DHAVE_KF5 -DHAVE_ICU ) set( CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules ${ECM_MODULE_PATH} ${ECM_KDE_MODULE_DIR} ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} ) include(KDEInstallDirs) include(KDECompilerSettings NO_POLICY_SCOPE) include(KDECMakeSettings) include(ECMInstallIcons) include(ECMSetupVersion) include(ECMAddAppIcon) include(GenerateExportHeader) find_package( Qt5 ${QT_MIN_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED Core Widgets Network XmlPatterns Concurrent ) if (MSVC) MESSAGE( STATUS "Disabling building tests when using Microsoft Visual Studio C++ compiler" ) # Note to any developer: Try to enable building tests and see which issues you may encounter. # Examples may include: (1) char* texts which exceed the size limit supported by MSVC which # is about 2^16 bytes and (2) characters in strings written in \uXXXX notation not supported # in 1252 encoding as assumed by MSVC for C++ source files. SET(BUILD_TESTING OFF) endif (MSVC) if( BUILD_TESTING ) add_definitions(-DBUILD_TESTING) find_package( Qt5Test ${QT_MIN_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED ) if (WRITE_RAWDATAFILE) add_definitions(-DWRITE_RAWDATAFILE) endif(WRITE_RAWDATAFILE) set( TESTSET_DIRECTORY "" CACHE PATH "Directory where the local checkout of Git repository 'kbibtex-testset' is located" ) endif( BUILD_TESTING ) find_package( Qt5WebEngineWidgets ${QT_MIN_VERSION} QUIET CONFIG ) find_package( Qt5WebKitWidgets ${QT_MIN_VERSION} QUIET CONFIG ) find_package( KF5 ${KF5_MIN_VERSION} REQUIRED I18n XmlGui KIO IconThemes ItemViews Completion Parts CoreAddons Service Wallet Crash ) find_package(KF5DocTools) find_package(KF5TextEditor NO_MODULE) ecm_setup_version( PROJECT VARIABLE_PREFIX KBIBTEX SOVERSION ${KBIBTEX_VERSION_MAJOR} VERSION_HEADER "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/kbibtex-version.h" ) if((${KBIBTEX_VERSION_PATCH} GREATER 50) OR (${KBIBTEX_VERSION_PATCH} EQUAL 50)) # If the version number indicates a pre-release version such as # '0.7.90', i.e. a beta version for the major release 0.8, # increment release version from 0.7 to 0.8 math(EXPR KBIBTEX_RELEASE_VERSION_MINOR "${KBIBTEX_VERSION_MINOR} + 1") set( KBIBTEX_RELEASE_VERSION ${KBIBTEX_VERSION_MAJOR}.${KBIBTEX_RELEASE_VERSION_MINOR} ) else((${KBIBTEX_VERSION_PATCH} GREATER 50) OR (${KBIBTEX_VERSION_PATCH} EQUAL 50)) set( KBIBTEX_RELEASE_VERSION ${KBIBTEX_VERSION_MAJOR}.${KBIBTEX_VERSION_MINOR} ) endif((${KBIBTEX_VERSION_PATCH} GREATER 50) OR (${KBIBTEX_VERSION_PATCH} EQUAL 50)) option( UNITY_BUILD "Compile multiple C++ files in one big, merged file (\"Unity build\")\nSee also http://t-fischer.dreamwidth.org/3054.html" ) if(UNITY_BUILD) message(STATUS "Unity build enabled") else(UNITY_BUILD) message(STATUS "Unity build disabled (default), use option UNITY_BUILD to enable it") endif(UNITY_BUILD) # # FIXME may have to be cleaned up a little bit # # Contributed by Jeremy Cribb # if( # APPLE # ) # find_library( # SYS_CONFIG_LIBRARY # SystemConfiguration # ) # mark_as_advanced( # SYS_CONFIG_LIBRARY # ) # # SET(TARGET_EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES iconv ${SYS_CONFIG_LIBRARY}) # set( # ICONV_INCLUDE_DIR # "/opt/local/include" # ) # set( # ICONV_LIBRARIES # "/opt/local/lib/libiconv.dylib" # ) # set( # LIBXSLT_LIBRARIES # "/opt/local/lib/libxslt.dylib" # ) # endif( # APPLE # ) find_package( Poppler REQUIRED COMPONENTS Qt5 ) find_package( ICU REQUIRED COMPONENTS uc i18n ) if( ICU_FOUND ) message( STATUS "Found ICU " ${ICU_VERSION} ) include_directories(${ICU_INCLUDE_DIRS}) endif( ICU_FOUND ) find_package( Qca-qt5 "2.1.0" ) find_package( QtOAuth ) if (Qca-qt5_FOUND AND QTOAUTH_FOUND) message(STATUS "Found Qca-qt5 " ${Qca-qt5_VERSION} " and QtOAuth") add_definitions(-DHAVE_ZOTERO=1) set(BUILD_ZOTERO ON) else(Qca-qt5_FOUND AND QTOAUTH_FOUND) message(STATUS "No Qca-qt5 or no QtOAuth, disabling certain functionality") set(BUILD_ZOTERO OFF) endif(Qca-qt5_FOUND AND QTOAUTH_FOUND) # Make an educated guess where to find headers for QCA-Qt5 # TODO isn't there an "official" way to determine this directory? find_path( QTCRYPTO_INCLUDE_DIR qca.h HINTS ENV ${Qt5Core_INCLUDE_DIRS} ENV ${QT_INCLUDES} PATH_SUFFIXES QtCrypto ) add_subdirectory( config ) add_subdirectory( src ) add_subdirectory( xslt ) add_subdirectory( mime ) if(KF5DocTools_FOUND) add_subdirectory(doc) endif() # macro_optional_add_subdirectory( # po # ) feature_summary(WHAT ALL INCLUDE_QUIET_PACKAGES FATAL_ON_MISSING_REQUIRED_PACKAGES) diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog index 41e5b1f4..ffd96282 100644 --- a/ChangeLog +++ b/ChangeLog @@ -1,230 +1,235 @@ ChangeLog Diff 0.8.2 to 0.9 - Can be compiled under Windows via Craft - Integrating 'BibSearch', a mobile variant of KBibTeX using QML (Sailfish OS only as of now) - Refactoring of id suggestion editor - Making building Zotero support compile-time optional -- Internal refactoring of singleton variables and configuration settings +- Internal refactoring of singleton variables and configuration + settings - Adding considerable number of QtText-based tests - Migrating from QRegExp to QRegularExpression class - Using Kate's text editor component for BibTeX sources - Validating user-entered BibTeX sources while typing - More verbose diagnostics while loading BibTeX or RIS data +- Various bugfixes in Encoder and BibTeX import classes thanks to + improved automated tests - Various small improvements for better robustness, performance, and memory efficiency -- KDE Bug 392137: Make entry type (and more fields) available in entry id suggestion setup +- KDE Bug 392137: Make entry type (and more fields) available in entry + id suggestion setup - KDE Bug 396597: BibLaTeX uses "file" instead of "localfile" +- KDE Bugs 405504/406692: Correct handling of ligatures like "st" - Fixing resource leakage as identified by Coverity Scan: CID 325572, 325573 -- Integrating commits by Alexander Dunlap, Antonio Rojas, Erik Quaeghebeur, - Frederik Schwarzer, Pino Toscano, and Yuri Chornoivan +- Integrating commits by Alexander Dunlap, Antonio Rojas, Erik + Quaeghebeur, Frederik Schwarzer, Pino Toscano, and Yuri Chornoivan Diff 0.8.1 to 0.8.2 - KDE Bug 388892: Formatting error when saving file ( switching " and } ) - KDE Bug 394659: Crash after compilation - KDE Bug 396343: When saving the file, I am always warned that file has changed in disk - KDE Bug 396598: Bibliography system options contains duplicates - KDE Bug 397027: ScienceDirect search broken - KDE Bug 397604: Untranslated strings from bibtexfields.cpp and bibtexentries.cpp - KDE Bug 398136: KBibTeX crashes when editing element - KDE Bug 401470: Don't remove leading whitespace in macros - Using official APIs for IEEE Xplore and ScienceDirect - Fixing resource leakage as identified by Coverity Scan: CID 287670, 287669 - Fixing issues as identified by clazy - Migrating from HTTP to HTTPS protocol in various places - In encoder classes, migrating away from raw char and char* to Qt classes - Various smaller fixes Diff 0.8 to 0.8.1 - Fixing incorrect version number computation Diff 0.7 to 0.8 Porting from Qt4 to Qt5, from KDE4 (kdelibs) to KDE Frameworks 5, as well as updating various dependencies in the process (e.g. Qt5-based poppler) - Removing old scripts and configuration files - Updating/adding translations - Removing dependency on Qxt as well as sources in src/3rdparty/libqxt - Refactoring various files' location - Various fundamental classes have only optional dependency on KDE Frameworks 5 (default for KDE-based builds, but allows using those classes in Qt5-only setups) - Various modernizations of C++ code towards C++11, including deprecation of SIGNAL/SLOT - Moving bibliography files that previously resided in testset/ into their own Git repository (kbibtex-testset) - Removing ISBNdb as it is no longer a free service - KDE Bug 393032: Updating list of journal abbreviations - KDE Bug 393224: LyX pipe detection (issues with Kile 3 fixed) - KDE Bug 391198: Preview image/vnd.djvu+multipage files - KDE Bug 389306: Removal of libQxt - KDE Bug 387638: Locating correct QtOAuth library fixed - KDE Bug 388688: Screenshots for appdata updated - KDE Bug 386226: Character '~' not recognized in localfile entry - KDE Bug 352517: Invalid report, but more verbose output will be logged - KDE Bug 384741: Wrong ID Reported in Duplicate Dialog - KDE Bug 381119: Do not refer to defunct Gna! anymore (note: Gna! infrastructure shut down before all materials (postings) could be retrieved) - KDE Bug 378497: Fixing crash when closing settings dialog - KDE Bug 368732: More options for ID generation: volume number, first page - Numerous small fixes and changes, run 'git diff v0.6.2..v0.7' for details Contributing authors include: Allen Winter, Andreas Sturmlechner, Andrius Štikonas, Antonio Rojas, Bastien Roucaries, Burkhard Lück, Christoph Feck, Frederik Schwarzer, Joao Carreira, Juergen Spitzmueller, Luigi Toscano, Pino Toscano, Raymond Wooninck, Thomas Fischer, and Yuri Chornoivan Diff 0.6.2 to 0.7 - Dependency on Qt WebKit can be disabled at compile time - New dependency on ICU, used to transliterate text to plain ASCII - Generally improved code quality as detected by code checkers such as Clazy or Coverity - New online search: bioRxiv - Various minor fixes - Search in Zotero is rate limited to avoid overloading server - Using KWallet to store Zotero credentials - Adding basic DBUS support to, for example, open files or paste text Diff 0.6.1 to 0.6.2 - KDE Bug 377401: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=377401 KBibTeX fails to load zotero bibliography Diff 0.6 to 0.6.1 - KDE Bug 351455: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=351455 Removing soversion from KBibTeX Part - KDE Bug 353898: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=353898 Fixing build issues on ARM architecture - KDE Bug 354785: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=354785 Using QTextDocument/QTextEdit instead of WebKit/WebEngine: more lightweight and supported on all platforms - Correcting choke on PubMed searches to 10 seconds - Fixing search issues for ACM, Google Scholar, JSTOR, and ScienceDirect - Setting foreground color of colored rows to either black or white for better readability - Disabling OCLC WorldCat (request for support denied by this organization) - Generally improved code quality as detected by code checkers such as Clazy or Coverity - Fixing handling of URLs and their protocols for local files - Fixing setting default id suggestion - Adding 'Keywords' field to .desktop file - Removing file that was licensed under CC BY-NC, but never got installed - Improved Unicode support - Better handling quotation marks and protective curly brackets around titles - Updating translations Diff 0.5.2 to 0.6 - Allowing "unity builds", i.e. merging source code files for faster compilation - Enabling BibUtils support to import/export exotic file formats - Entries can be rated with stars - Adding entry type for Master's thesis - Setting entry identifiers automatically if configured by user - Files (e.g. PDF) can be 'associated' with an entry, including moving/copying/renaming the file to match the bibliography's location and the entry's id - In the element editor, unused tabs are no longer just disabled, but hidden instead - Automatic column-resizing improved - Bibliographies can be imported from Zotero - Adding user interface translations to various languages - New online search engines: CERN Document Server, DOI, IDEAS (RePEc), MR Lookup; fixes to existing search engines - New dockets for file settings, file statistics, and browsing Zotero bibliographies - Value selected in the value list can be added or removed from selected entries - Enhancing the Id Suggestion system - Various fixes as suggested by KDE's code analysis tool Krazy - Numerous small fixes and changes, run 'git diff v0.5.2..v0.6' for details Diff 0.5.1 to 0.5.2 - Migrating to KDE's Git infrastructure - Gna Bug 22418: http://gna.org/bugs/?22418: Relative paths fail to get resolved - KDE Bug 339086: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=339086 Fixing ScienceDirect search - KDE Bug 343855: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=343855 'Copy Reference' setting in GUI correctly stored - KDE Bug 344495: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=344495 Uninitialized variable causes crash - KDE Bug 344497: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=344497 Message next to Import button in Search Results - Various minor changes and backports from 0.6.x Run git log v0.5.1..v0.5.2 for a more detailed change log Diff 0.5 to 0.5.1 - KDE Bug 329724: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=329724 Fixing sorting issue in main list - KDE Bug 329750: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=329750 KBibTeX will set itself as default bibliography editor in KDE - KDE Bug 330700: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=330700 Crash when finding PDFs - KDE Bug 332043: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=332043 Fixing crash in id suggestion editor - Gentoo Bug 498932: https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=498932 Fixing compilation issue - Gna Bug 21581: http://gna.org/bugs/?21581 Restoring session state (1) - Gna Bug 21545: http://gna.org/bugs/?21545 Restoring session state (2) - Debian Bug 689310: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=689310 Correctly parsing command line arguments if relative paths are given - Various minor clean-ups and improvements Run git log v0.5..v0.5.1 for a more detailed change log Diff 0.4.1 to 0.5 - Initial support for BibLaTeX - Id Suggestion editor like available in old KDE3 version - "Find PDF" function to locate PDF files through web search engines - New online database searches: MathSciNet, Ingenta Connect, Inspire Hep, SAO/NASA ADS, ISBN DB, JStor - Improved memory management - Numerous bug fixes and improvements Diff 0.4 to 0.4.1 - Web searches: Improved support for user-triggered cancelling - SpringerLink search: GUI changes, using api.springer.com for search - PubMed: Limiting search requests per time - ACM Portal: Retrieving "month", fixing HTTP header - JSTOR: fixing HTTP header - Google Scholar: Updates to compensate for changes in Google's web layout; handling redirects - Science Direct: Updates to compensate for changes in Science Direct's web layout; handling redirects - arXiv: Trying to extract bibliographic information from journal strings - BibSonomy: Specifying number of hits to find - Minor changes in IEEExplore search; non-functional due to Qt bug? - Web search uses KDE's proxy settings - Using KDE subsystem to open external files (e.g. PDF files) - Adding preview for images (in addition to PDF or HTML files); handling references to arXiv - Squeezing long file names in user interface - Handling quit actions more gracefully - Improving interface to external programs such as pdflatex - More robust XSL transformations - BibTeX import: guessing encoding information left by JabRef, more informative debug output, improved handling of multiple fields with same name - Reference preview: supporting dark color schemes - Fixing sorting in value list - Fixes in setting color tag to entries - Fixes in name formatting - Keeping user interface read-only for read-only use cases - Numerous bug fixes, closing memory leaks, speed improvements - Fixes in duplicate merging code: remove fields user doesn't want to keep Diff 0.3 to 0.4 - Support for Windows (compiles out of the box) - Configuration file system refactored - Adding more online search engines: SpringerLink, PubMed, ACM Digital Library, JSTOR, IEEE Xplorer, Science Direct - Improving all other online search engines: Google Scholar, arXiv, BibSonomy - "List of Values" refactored, allows to search for items - Introducing preferences dialog to manage various settings - Improved support for drag'n'drop throughout the program - Improving tagging elements with color - Introducing global keyword list to select from - Editing widgets get "history" to select from - Widget for cross references allows to select from existing elements - Introducing duplicate finding and merging code and user interface - Improvements in usability of filter line edit - File view can resize and order columns, settings get stored - Improving file importer and exporter filters - BibTeX references can be sent to LyX via a pipe - Numerous bug fixes