diff --git a/src/project/projectwidget.cpp b/src/project/projectwidget.cpp index 0cd78af..3505df1 100644 --- a/src/project/projectwidget.cpp +++ b/src/project/projectwidget.cpp @@ -1,557 +1,557 @@ /* **************************************************************************** This file is part of Lokalize Copyright (C) 2007-2015 by Nick Shaforostoff 2018-2019 by Simon Depiets This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . **************************************************************************** */ #include "projectwidget.h" #include "lokalize_debug.h" #include "project.h" #include "catalog.h" #include "headerviewmenu.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class PoItemDelegate: public QStyledItemDelegate { public: PoItemDelegate(QObject *parent = 0); ~PoItemDelegate() {} void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const override; QString displayText(const QVariant & value, const QLocale & locale) const override; QSize sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const override; private: KColorScheme m_colorScheme; }; PoItemDelegate::PoItemDelegate(QObject *parent) : QStyledItemDelegate(parent) , m_colorScheme(QPalette::Normal) {} QSize PoItemDelegate::sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const { QString text = index.data().toString(); int lineCount = 1; int nPos = text.indexOf('\n'); if (nPos == -1) nPos = text.size(); else lineCount += text.count('\n'); static QFontMetrics metrics(option.font); return QSize(metrics.averageCharWidth() * nPos, metrics.height() * lineCount); } void PoItemDelegate::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const { if (static_cast(index.column()) != ProjectModel::ProjectModelColumns::Graph) return QStyledItemDelegate::paint(painter, option, index); QVariant graphData = index.data(Qt::DisplayRole); if (Q_UNLIKELY(!graphData.isValid())) { painter->fillRect(option.rect, Qt::transparent); return; } QRect rect = graphData.toRect(); int translated = rect.left(); int untranslated = rect.top(); int fuzzy = rect.width(); int total = translated + untranslated + fuzzy; if (total > 0) { QBrush brush; painter->setPen(Qt::white); QRect myRect(option.rect); myRect.setWidth(option.rect.width() * translated / total); if (translated) { brush = m_colorScheme.foreground(KColorScheme::PositiveText); painter->fillRect(myRect, brush); } myRect.setLeft(myRect.left() + myRect.width()); myRect.setWidth(option.rect.width() * fuzzy / total); if (fuzzy) { brush = m_colorScheme.foreground(KColorScheme::NeutralText); painter->fillRect(myRect, brush); // painter->drawText(myRect,Qt::AlignRight,QString("%1").arg(data.width())); } myRect.setLeft(myRect.left() + myRect.width()); myRect.setWidth(option.rect.width() - myRect.left() + option.rect.left()); if (untranslated) brush = m_colorScheme.foreground(KColorScheme::NegativeText); //esle: paint what is left with the last brush used - blank, positive or neutral painter->fillRect(myRect, brush); // painter->drawText(myRect,Qt::AlignRight,QString("%1").arg(data.top())); } else if (total == -1) painter->fillRect(option.rect, Qt::transparent); else if (total == 0) painter->fillRect(option.rect, QBrush(Qt::gray)); } // Temporary workaround for Qt bug https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-78094 // to ensure that large numbers are formatted using a thousands separator QString PoItemDelegate::displayText(const QVariant & value, const QLocale & locale) const { return QStyledItemDelegate::displayText(value, QLocale::system()); } class SortFilterProxyModel : public KDirSortFilterProxyModel { public: SortFilterProxyModel(QObject* parent = nullptr) : KDirSortFilterProxyModel(parent) { connect(Project::instance()->model(), &ProjectModel::totalsChanged, this, &SortFilterProxyModel::invalidate); } ~SortFilterProxyModel() {} void toggleTranslatedFiles(); bool filterAcceptsRow(int source_row, const QModelIndex& source_parent) const override; protected: bool lessThan(const QModelIndex& left, const QModelIndex& right) const override; private: bool m_hideTranslatedFiles = false; }; void SortFilterProxyModel::toggleTranslatedFiles() { m_hideTranslatedFiles = !m_hideTranslatedFiles; invalidateFilter(); } bool SortFilterProxyModel::filterAcceptsRow(int source_row, const QModelIndex& source_parent) const { bool result = false; const QAbstractItemModel* model = sourceModel(); QModelIndex item = model->index(source_row, 0, source_parent); /* if (model->hasChildren(item)) model->fetchMore(item); */ if (item.data(ProjectModel::DirectoryRole) == 1 && item.data(ProjectModel::TotalRole) == 0) return false; // Hide rows with no translations if they are folders if (item.data(ProjectModel::FuzzyUntrCountAllRole) == 0 && m_hideTranslatedFiles) return false; // Hide rows with no untranslated items if the filter is enabled int i = model->rowCount(item); while (--i >= 0 && !result) result = filterAcceptsRow(i, item); return result || QSortFilterProxyModel::filterAcceptsRow(source_row, source_parent); } bool SortFilterProxyModel::lessThan(const QModelIndex& left, const QModelIndex& right) const { static QCollator collator; // qCWarning(LOKALIZE_LOG)<(sourceModel()); const KFileItem leftFileItem = projectModel->itemForIndex(left); const KFileItem rightFileItem = projectModel->itemForIndex(right); //Code taken from KDirSortFilterProxyModel, as it is not compatible with our model. //TODO: make KDirSortFilterProxyModel::subSortLessThan not cast model to KDirModel, but use data() with FileItemRole instead. // Directories and hidden files should always be on the top, independent // from the sort order. const bool isLessThan = (sortOrder() == Qt::AscendingOrder); if (leftFileItem.isNull() || rightFileItem.isNull()) { qCWarning(LOKALIZE_LOG) << ".isNull()"; return false; } // On our priority, folders go above regular files. if (leftFileItem.isDir() && !rightFileItem.isDir()) { return isLessThan; } else if (!leftFileItem.isDir() && rightFileItem.isDir()) { return !isLessThan; } // Hidden elements go before visible ones, if they both are // folders or files. if (leftFileItem.isHidden() && !rightFileItem.isHidden()) { return isLessThan; } else if (!leftFileItem.isHidden() && rightFileItem.isHidden()) { return !isLessThan; } // Hidden elements go before visible ones, if they both are // folders or files. if (leftFileItem.isHidden() && !rightFileItem.isHidden()) { return true; } else if (!leftFileItem.isHidden() && rightFileItem.isHidden()) { return false; } switch (static_cast(left.column())) { case ProjectModel::ProjectModelColumns::FileName: return collator.compare(leftFileItem.name(), rightFileItem.name()) < 0; case ProjectModel::ProjectModelColumns::Graph: { QRect leftRect(left.data(Qt::DisplayRole).toRect()); QRect rightRect(right.data(Qt::DisplayRole).toRect()); int leftAll = leftRect.left() + leftRect.top() + leftRect.width(); int rightAll = rightRect.left() + rightRect.top() + rightRect.width(); if (!leftAll || !rightAll) return false; float leftVal = (float)leftRect.left() / leftAll; float rightVal = (float)rightRect.left() / rightAll; if (leftVal < rightVal) return true; if (leftVal > rightVal) return false; leftVal = (float)leftRect.top() / leftAll; rightVal = (float)rightRect.top() / rightAll; if (leftVal < rightVal) return true; if (leftVal > rightVal) return false; leftVal = (float)leftRect.width() / leftAll; rightVal = (float)rightRect.width() / rightAll; if (leftVal < rightVal) return true; return false; } case ProjectModel::ProjectModelColumns::LastTranslator: case ProjectModel::ProjectModelColumns::SourceDate: case ProjectModel::ProjectModelColumns::TranslationDate: return collator.compare(projectModel->data(left).toString(), projectModel->data(right).toString()) < 0; case ProjectModel::ProjectModelColumns::TotalCount: case ProjectModel::ProjectModelColumns::TranslatedCount: case ProjectModel::ProjectModelColumns::UntranslatedCount: case ProjectModel::ProjectModelColumns::IncompleteCount: case ProjectModel::ProjectModelColumns::FuzzyCount: return projectModel->data(left).toInt() < projectModel->data(right).toInt(); default: return false; } } ProjectWidget::ProjectWidget(/*Catalog* catalog, */QWidget* parent) : QTreeView(parent) , m_proxyModel(new SortFilterProxyModel(this)) // , m_catalog(catalog) { PoItemDelegate* delegate = new PoItemDelegate(this); setItemDelegate(delegate); connect(this, &ProjectWidget::activated, this, &ProjectWidget::slotItemActivated); m_proxyModel->setSourceModel(Project::instance()->model()); //m_proxyModel->setDynamicSortFilter(true); setModel(m_proxyModel); connect(Project::instance()->model(), &ProjectModel::loadingAboutToStart, this, &ProjectWidget::modelAboutToReload); connect(Project::instance()->model(), &ProjectModel::loadingFinished, this, &ProjectWidget::modelReloaded, Qt::QueuedConnection); setUniformRowHeights(true); setAllColumnsShowFocus(true); int widthDefaults[] = {6, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4}; //FileName, Graph, TotalCount, TranslatedCount, FuzzyCount, UntranslatedCount, IncompleteCount, SourceDate, TranslationDate, LastTranslator int i = sizeof(widthDefaults) / sizeof(int); int baseWidth = columnWidth(0); while (--i >= 0) setColumnWidth(i, baseWidth * widthDefaults[i] / 2); setSortingEnabled(true); sortByColumn(0, Qt::AscendingOrder); setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection); setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectRows); // QTimer::singleShot(0,this,SLOT(initLater())); new HeaderViewMenuHandler(header()); KConfig config; KConfigGroup stateGroup(&config, "ProjectWindow"); header()->restoreState(QByteArray::fromBase64(stateGroup.readEntry("ListHeaderState", QByteArray()))); i = sizeof(widthDefaults) / sizeof(int); while (--i >= 0) { if (columnWidth(i) > 5 * baseWidth * widthDefaults[i]) { //The column width is more than 5 times its normal width setColumnWidth(i, 5 * baseWidth * widthDefaults[i]); } } } ProjectWidget::~ProjectWidget() { KConfig config; KConfigGroup stateGroup(&config, "ProjectWindow"); stateGroup.writeEntry("ListHeaderState", header()->saveState().toBase64()); } void ProjectWidget::modelAboutToReload() { m_currentItemPathBeforeReload = currentItem(); } void ProjectWidget::modelReloaded() { int i = 10; while (--i >= 0) { QCoreApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents | QEventLoop::ExcludeSocketNotifiers | QEventLoop::WaitForMoreEvents, 100); if (setCurrentItem(m_currentItemPathBeforeReload)) break; } if (proxyModel()->filterRegExp().pattern().size() > 2) expandItems(); } bool ProjectWidget::setCurrentItem(const QString& u) { if (u.isEmpty()) return true; QModelIndex index = m_proxyModel->mapFromSource(Project::instance()->model()->indexForUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(u))); if (index.isValid()) setCurrentIndex(index); return index.isValid(); } QString ProjectWidget::currentItem() const { if (!currentIndex().isValid()) return QString(); return Project::instance()->model()->itemForIndex( m_proxyModel->mapToSource(currentIndex()) ).localPath(); } bool ProjectWidget::currentIsTranslationFile() const { //remember 'bout empty state return Catalog::extIsSupported(currentItem()); } void ProjectWidget::slotItemActivated(const QModelIndex& index) { if (currentIsTranslationFile()) { ProjectModel * srcModel = static_cast(static_cast(m_proxyModel)->sourceModel()); QModelIndex srcIndex = static_cast(m_proxyModel)->mapToSource(index); QUrl fileUrl = srcModel->beginEditing(srcIndex); emit fileOpenRequested(fileUrl.toLocalFile(), !(QApplication::keyboardModifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier)); } } void ProjectWidget::recursiveAdd(QStringList& list, const QModelIndex& idx) const { if (!m_proxyModel->filterAcceptsRow(idx.row(), idx.parent())) { return; } ProjectModel& model = *(Project::instance()->model()); const KFileItem& item(model.itemForIndex(idx)); if (item.isDir()) { int j = model.rowCount(idx); while (--j >= 0) { const KFileItem& childItem(model.itemForIndex(model.index(j, 0, idx))); if (childItem.isDir()) recursiveAdd(list, model.index(j, 0, idx)); else if (m_proxyModel->filterAcceptsRow(j, idx)) list.prepend(childItem.localPath()); } } else //if (!list.contains(u)) list.prepend(item.localPath()); } QStringList ProjectWidget::selectedItems() const { QStringList list; foreach (const QModelIndex& item, selectedIndexes()) { if (item.column() == 0) recursiveAdd(list, m_proxyModel->mapToSource(item)); } return list; } void ProjectWidget::expandItems(const QModelIndex& parent) { const QAbstractItemModel* m = model(); expand(parent); int i = m->rowCount(parent); while (--i >= 0) expandItems(m->index(i, 0, parent)); } bool ProjectWidget::gotoIndexCheck(const QModelIndex& currentIndex, ProjectModel::AdditionalRoles role) { // Check if role is found for this index if (currentIndex.isValid()) { ProjectModel *srcModel = static_cast(static_cast(m_proxyModel)->sourceModel()); QModelIndex srcIndex = static_cast(m_proxyModel)->mapToSource(currentIndex); QVariant result = srcModel->data(srcIndex, role); return result.isValid() && result.toInt() > 0; } return false; } QModelIndex ProjectWidget::gotoIndexPrevNext(const QModelIndex& currentIndex, int direction) const { QModelIndex index = currentIndex; QModelIndex sibling; // Unless first or last sibling reached, continue with previous or next // sibling, otherwise continue with previous or next parent while (index.isValid()) { sibling = index.sibling(index.row() + direction, index.column()); if (sibling.isValid()) return sibling; index = index.parent(); } return index; } ProjectWidget::gotoIndexResult ProjectWidget::gotoIndexFind( const QModelIndex& currentIndex, ProjectModel::AdditionalRoles role, int direction) { QModelIndex index = currentIndex; while (index.isValid()) { // Set current index and show it if role is found for this index if (gotoIndexCheck(index, role)) { clearSelection(); setCurrentIndex(index); scrollTo(index); return gotoIndex_found; } // Handle child recursively if index is not a leaf - QModelIndex child = index.model()->index((direction == 1) ? 0 : (m_proxyModel->rowCount(index) - 1), index.column()); + QModelIndex child = index.model()->index((direction == 1) ? 0 : (m_proxyModel->rowCount(index) - 1), index.column(), index); if (child.isValid()) { ProjectWidget::gotoIndexResult result = gotoIndexFind(child, role, direction); if (result != gotoIndex_notfound) return result; } // Go to previous or next item index = gotoIndexPrevNext(index, direction); } if (index.parent().isValid()) return gotoIndex_notfound; else return gotoIndex_end; } ProjectWidget::gotoIndexResult ProjectWidget::gotoIndex( const QModelIndex& currentIndex, ProjectModel::AdditionalRoles role, int direction) { QModelIndex index = currentIndex; // Check if current index already found, and if so go to previous or next item if (gotoIndexCheck(index, role)) index = gotoIndexPrevNext(index, direction); return gotoIndexFind(index, role, direction); } void ProjectWidget::gotoPrevFuzzyUntr() { gotoIndex(currentIndex(), ProjectModel::FuzzyUntrCountRole, -1); } void ProjectWidget::gotoNextFuzzyUntr() { gotoIndex(currentIndex(), ProjectModel::FuzzyUntrCountRole, +1); } void ProjectWidget::gotoPrevFuzzy() { gotoIndex(currentIndex(), ProjectModel::FuzzyCountRole, -1); } void ProjectWidget::gotoNextFuzzy() { gotoIndex(currentIndex(), ProjectModel::FuzzyCountRole, +1); } void ProjectWidget::gotoPrevUntranslated() { gotoIndex(currentIndex(), ProjectModel::UntransCountRole, -1); } void ProjectWidget::gotoNextUntranslated() { gotoIndex(currentIndex(), ProjectModel::UntransCountRole, +1); } void ProjectWidget::gotoPrevTemplateOnly() { gotoIndex(currentIndex(), ProjectModel::TemplateOnlyRole, -1); } void ProjectWidget::gotoNextTemplateOnly() { gotoIndex(currentIndex(), ProjectModel::TemplateOnlyRole, +1); } void ProjectWidget::gotoPrevTransOnly() { gotoIndex(currentIndex(), ProjectModel::TransOnlyRole, -1); } void ProjectWidget::gotoNextTransOnly() { gotoIndex(currentIndex(), ProjectModel::TransOnlyRole, +1); } void ProjectWidget::toggleTranslatedFiles() { m_proxyModel->toggleTranslatedFiles(); } QSortFilterProxyModel* ProjectWidget::proxyModel() { return m_proxyModel; }