diff --git a/smb4k/smb4ktooltip.cpp b/smb4k/smb4ktooltip.cpp index 6a1edb2..936fb3f 100644 --- a/smb4k/smb4ktooltip.cpp +++ b/smb4k/smb4ktooltip.cpp @@ -1,857 +1,858 @@ /*************************************************************************** smb4ktooltip - Provides tooltips for Smb4K ------------------- begin : Sa Dez 23 2010 copyright : (C) 2010-2017 by Alexander Reinholdt email : alexander.reinholdt@kdemail.net ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * * General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston,* * MA 02110-1335, USA * ***************************************************************************/ // application specific includes #include "smb4ktooltip.h" #include "core/smb4kbasicnetworkitem.h" #include "core/smb4kworkgroup.h" #include "core/smb4khost.h" #include "core/smb4kshare.h" #include "core/smb4kglobal.h" // Qt includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include +#include // KDE includes #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Smb4KGlobal; Smb4KToolTip::Smb4KToolTip(QWidget* parent) : QWidget(parent, Qt::ToolTip|Qt::BypassGraphicsProxyWidget|Qt::FramelessWindowHint), m_item(NetworkItemPtr()), m_tip_layout(0), m_info_layout(0), m_text_layout(0) { qDebug() << "Use KToolTipWidget for the tooltips"; m_master_browser_label = 0; m_comment_label = 0; m_ip_label = 0; m_mounted_label = 0; m_size_label = 0; setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground); // Copied from QToolTip setForegroundRole(QPalette::ToolTipText); setBackgroundRole(QPalette::ToolTipBase); setPalette(QToolTip::palette()); ensurePolished(); setWindowOpacity(style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_ToolTipLabel_Opacity, 0, this) / 255.0); } Smb4KToolTip::~Smb4KToolTip() { // Never delete m_item here. We only have a pointer to // somewhere outside of this class. } void Smb4KToolTip::setup(Smb4KToolTip::Parent parent, const NetworkItemPtr &item) { if (item) { m_item = item; // Set up tool tip. switch (parent) { case NetworkBrowser: { setupNetworkBrowserToolTip(); break; } case SharesView: { setupSharesViewToolTip(); break; } default: { return; } } } } void Smb4KToolTip::update(Smb4KToolTip::Parent parent, const NetworkItemPtr &item) { if (item) { m_item = item; switch (parent) { case NetworkBrowser: { switch (m_item->type()) { case Workgroup: { WorkgroupPtr workgroup = item.staticCast(); if (workgroup->hasMasterBrowserIpAddress()) { m_master_browser_label->setText(workgroup->masterBrowserName()+" ("+workgroup->masterBrowserIpAddress()+')'); } else { m_master_browser_label->setText(workgroup->masterBrowserName()); } break; } case Host: { HostPtr host = item.staticCast(); if (!host->comment().isEmpty()) { m_comment_label->setText(host->comment()); } else { m_comment_label->setText("-"); } if (host->hasIpAddress()) { m_ip_label->setText(host->ipAddress()); } else { m_ip_label->setText("-"); } break; } case Share: { SharePtr share = item.staticCast(); if (!share->comment().isEmpty()) { m_comment_label->setText(share->comment()); } else { m_comment_label->setText("-"); } if (!share->isPrinter()) { if (share->isMounted()) { m_mounted_label->setText(i18n("yes")); } else { m_mounted_label->setText(i18n("no")); } } else { m_mounted_label->setText("-"); } if (share->hasHostIpAddress()) { m_ip_label->setText(share->hostIpAddress()); } else { m_ip_label->setText("-"); } break; } default: { break; } } break; } case SharesView: { SharePtr share = item.staticCast(); if (share->totalDiskSpace() != 0 && share->freeDiskSpace() != 0) { m_size_label->setText(i18n("%1 of %2 free (%3 used)", share->freeDiskSpaceString(), share->totalDiskSpaceString(), share->diskUsageString())); } else { m_size_label->setText(i18n("unknown")); } break; } default: { break; } } } } void Smb4KToolTip::show(const QPoint &pos) { // Get the geometry of the screen where the cursor is - const QRect screenRect = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry(pos); + const QRect screenRect = QApplication::screenAt(pos)->geometry(); // Adjust the size adjustSize(); // The position where the tooltip is to be shown QPoint tooltipPos; // Correct the position of the tooltip, so that it is completely // shown. if (pos.x() + width() + 5 >= screenRect.x() + screenRect.width()) { tooltipPos.setX(pos.x() - width() - 5); } else { tooltipPos.setX(pos.x() + 5); } if (pos.y() + height() + 5 >= screenRect.y() + screenRect.height()) { tooltipPos.setY(pos.y() - height() - 5); } else { tooltipPos.setY(pos.y() + 5); } move(tooltipPos); setVisible(true); QTimer::singleShot(10000, this, SLOT(slotHideToolTip())); } void Smb4KToolTip::hide() { setVisible(false); } void Smb4KToolTip::setupNetworkBrowserToolTip() { // NOTE: If you change the layout here, adjust also the update function! m_tip_layout = new QHBoxLayout(this); m_tip_layout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop); m_info_layout = new QVBoxLayout(); m_info_layout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop); // Set the icon QLabel *icon_label = new QLabel(this); icon_label->setPixmap(m_item->icon().pixmap(KIconLoader::SizeEnormous)); m_tip_layout->addWidget(icon_label, Qt::AlignHCenter); m_tip_layout->addLayout(m_info_layout); // Use a brighter color for the left label. This was copied from // KFileMetaDataWidget class. QPalette p = palette(); const QPalette::ColorRole role = foregroundRole(); QColor textColor = p.color(role); textColor.setAlpha(128); p.setColor(role, textColor); // FIXME: Use smaller font for the information. Get the current // point size of the window system with QFontInfo::pointSize(). switch (m_item->type()) { case Workgroup: { WorkgroupPtr workgroup = m_item.staticCast(); QLabel *caption = new QLabel(workgroup->workgroupName(), this); caption->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); QFont caption_font = caption->font(); caption_font.setBold(true); caption->setFont(caption_font); m_info_layout->addWidget(caption); m_info_layout->addWidget(new KSeparator(this), Qt::AlignHCenter); m_text_layout = new QGridLayout(); QLabel *type_label = new QLabel(i18n("Type"), this); type_label->setPalette(p); m_text_layout->addWidget(type_label, 0, 0, Qt::AlignRight); m_text_layout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Workgroup"), this), 0, 1, 0); QLabel *mb_label = new QLabel(i18n("Master browser"), this); mb_label->setPalette(p); m_text_layout->addWidget(mb_label, 1, 0, Qt::AlignRight); if (workgroup->hasMasterBrowserIpAddress()) { m_master_browser_label = new QLabel(workgroup->masterBrowserName()+" ("+workgroup->masterBrowserIpAddress()+')', this); m_text_layout->addWidget(m_master_browser_label, 1, 1, 0); } else { m_master_browser_label = new QLabel(workgroup->masterBrowserName(), this); m_text_layout->addWidget(m_master_browser_label, 1, 1, 0); } m_info_layout->addLayout(m_text_layout); m_info_layout->addSpacerItem(new QSpacerItem(0, 0, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding)); break; } case Host: { HostPtr host = m_item.staticCast(); QLabel *caption = new QLabel(host->hostName(), this); caption->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); QFont caption_font = caption->font(); caption_font.setBold(true); caption->setFont(caption_font); m_info_layout->addWidget(caption, Qt::AlignHCenter); m_info_layout->addWidget(new KSeparator(this), Qt::AlignHCenter); m_text_layout = new QGridLayout(); QLabel *type_label = new QLabel(i18n("Type"), this); type_label->setPalette(p); m_text_layout->addWidget(type_label, 0, 0, Qt::AlignRight); m_text_layout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Host"), this), 0, 1, 0); QLabel *co_label = new QLabel(i18n("Comment"), this); co_label->setPalette(p); m_text_layout->addWidget(co_label, 1, 0, Qt::AlignRight); if (!host->comment().isEmpty()) { m_comment_label = new QLabel(host->comment(), this); m_text_layout->addWidget(m_comment_label, 1, 1, 0); } else { m_comment_label = new QLabel("-", this); m_text_layout->addWidget(m_comment_label, 1, 1, 0); } QLabel *ip_label = new QLabel(i18n("IP Address"), this); ip_label->setPalette(p); m_text_layout->addWidget(ip_label, 2, 0, Qt::AlignRight); if (host->hasIpAddress()) { m_ip_label = new QLabel(host->ipAddress(), this); m_text_layout->addWidget(m_ip_label, 2, 1, 0); } else { m_ip_label = new QLabel("-", this); m_text_layout->addWidget(m_ip_label, 2, 1, 0); } QLabel *wg_label = new QLabel(i18n("Workgroup"), this); wg_label->setPalette(p); m_text_layout->addWidget(wg_label, 3, 0, Qt::AlignRight); m_text_layout->addWidget(new QLabel(host->workgroupName(), this), 3, 1, 0); m_info_layout->addLayout(m_text_layout); m_info_layout->addSpacerItem(new QSpacerItem(0, 0, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding)); break; } case Share: { SharePtr share = m_item.staticCast(); QLabel *caption = new QLabel(share->shareName(), this); caption->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); QFont caption_font = caption->font(); caption_font.setBold(true); caption->setFont(caption_font); m_info_layout->addWidget(caption); m_info_layout->addWidget(new KSeparator(this), Qt::AlignHCenter); m_text_layout = new QGridLayout(); QLabel *type_label = new QLabel(i18n("Type"), this); type_label->setPalette(p); m_text_layout->addWidget(type_label, 0, 0, Qt::AlignRight); m_text_layout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Share (%1)", share->shareTypeString()), this), 0, 1, 0); QLabel *co_label = new QLabel(i18n("Comment"), this); co_label->setPalette(p); m_text_layout->addWidget(co_label, 1, 0, Qt::AlignRight); if (!share->comment().isEmpty()) { m_comment_label = new QLabel(share->comment(), this); m_text_layout->addWidget(m_comment_label, 1, 1, 0); } else { m_comment_label = new QLabel("-", this); m_text_layout->addWidget(m_comment_label, 1, 1, 0); } QLabel *mnt_label = new QLabel(i18n("Mounted"), this); mnt_label->setPalette(p); m_text_layout->addWidget(mnt_label, 2, 0, Qt::AlignRight); if (!share->isPrinter()) { if (share->isMounted()) { m_mounted_label = new QLabel(i18n("yes"), this); m_text_layout->addWidget(m_mounted_label, 2, 1, 0); } else { m_mounted_label = new QLabel(i18n("no"), this); m_text_layout->addWidget(m_mounted_label, 2, 1, 0); } } else { m_mounted_label = new QLabel("-", this); m_text_layout->addWidget(m_mounted_label, 2, 1, 0); } QLabel *h_label = new QLabel(i18n("Host"), this); h_label->setPalette(p); m_text_layout->addWidget(h_label, 3, 0, Qt::AlignRight); m_text_layout->addWidget(new QLabel(share->hostName()), 3, 1, 0); QLabel *ip_label = new QLabel(i18n("IP Address"), this); ip_label->setPalette(p); m_text_layout->addWidget(ip_label, 4, 0, Qt::AlignRight); if (share->hasHostIpAddress()) { m_ip_label = new QLabel(share->hostIpAddress(), this); m_text_layout->addWidget(m_ip_label, 4, 1, 0); } else { m_ip_label = new QLabel("-", this); m_text_layout->addWidget(m_ip_label, 4, 1, 0); } QLabel *unc_label = new QLabel(i18n("Location"), this); unc_label->setPalette(p); m_text_layout->addWidget(unc_label, 5, 0, Qt::AlignRight); m_text_layout->addWidget(new QLabel(share->displayString(), this), 5, 1, 0); m_info_layout->addLayout(m_text_layout); m_info_layout->addSpacerItem(new QSpacerItem(0, 0, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding)); break; } default: { return; } } adjustSize(); } void Smb4KToolTip::setupSharesViewToolTip() { // NOTE: If you change the layout here, adjust also the update function! SharePtr share = m_item.staticCast(); m_tip_layout = new QHBoxLayout(this); m_tip_layout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop); m_info_layout = new QVBoxLayout(); m_info_layout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop); // Set the icon QLabel *icon_label = new QLabel(this); icon_label->setPixmap(share->icon().pixmap(KIconLoader::SizeEnormous)); m_tip_layout->addWidget(icon_label, Qt::AlignHCenter); m_tip_layout->addLayout(m_info_layout); // Use a brighter color for the left label. This was copied from // KFileMetaDataWidget class. QPalette p = palette(); const QPalette::ColorRole role = foregroundRole(); QColor textColor = p.color(role); textColor.setAlpha(128); p.setColor(role, textColor); // FIXME: Use smaller font for the information. Get the current // point size of the window system with QFontInfo::pointSize(). QLabel *caption = new QLabel(share->shareName(), this); caption->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); QFont caption_font = caption->font(); caption_font.setBold(true); caption->setFont(caption_font); m_info_layout->addWidget(caption); m_info_layout->addWidget(new KSeparator(this), Qt::AlignHCenter); m_text_layout = new QGridLayout(); QLabel *unc_label = new QLabel(i18n("Location"), this); unc_label->setPalette(p); m_text_layout->addWidget(unc_label, 0, 0, Qt::AlignRight); m_text_layout->addWidget(new QLabel(share->displayString(), this), 0, 1, 0); QLabel *mp_label = new QLabel(i18n("Mountpoint"), this); mp_label->setPalette(p); m_text_layout->addWidget(mp_label, 1, 0, Qt::AlignRight); m_text_layout->addWidget(new QLabel(share->path(), this), 1, 1, 0); QLabel *log_label = new QLabel(i18n("Login"), this); log_label->setPalette(p); m_text_layout->addWidget(log_label, 2, 0, Qt::AlignRight); if (!share->login().isEmpty()) { m_text_layout->addWidget(new QLabel(share->login(), this), 2, 1, 0); } else { m_text_layout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("unknown"), this), 2, 1, 0); } QLabel *own_label = new QLabel(i18n("Owner"), this); own_label->setPalette(p); m_text_layout->addWidget(own_label, 3, 0, Qt::AlignRight); QString owner = (!share->user().loginName().isEmpty() ? share->user().loginName() : i18n("unknown")); QString group = (!share->group().name().isEmpty() ? share->group().name() : i18n("unknown")); m_text_layout->addWidget(new QLabel(QString("%1 - %2") .arg(owner).arg(group), this), 3, 1, 0); QLabel *fs_label = new QLabel(i18n("File system"), this); fs_label->setPalette(p); m_text_layout->addWidget(fs_label, 4, 0, Qt::AlignRight); m_text_layout->addWidget(new QLabel(share->fileSystemString()), 4, 1, 0); QLabel *s_label = new QLabel(i18n("Size"), this); s_label->setPalette(p); m_text_layout->addWidget(s_label, 5, 0, Qt::AlignRight); if (share->totalDiskSpace() != 0 && share->freeDiskSpace() != 0) { m_size_label = new QLabel(i18n("%1 free of %2 (%3 used)", share->freeDiskSpaceString(), share->totalDiskSpaceString(), share->diskUsageString())); m_text_layout->addWidget(m_size_label, 5, 1, 0); } else { m_size_label = new QLabel(i18n("unknown")); m_text_layout->addWidget(m_size_label, 5, 1, 0); } m_info_layout->addLayout(m_text_layout); m_info_layout->addSpacerItem(new QSpacerItem(0, 0, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding)); } void Smb4KToolTip::updateNetworkBrowserToolTip() { if (m_item && m_text_layout && m_tip_layout) { switch (m_item->type()) { case Workgroup: { WorkgroupPtr workgroup = m_item.staticCast(); // Master browser name and IP address QLayoutItem *mb_item = m_text_layout->itemAtPosition(1, 1); QLabel *mb_label = static_cast(mb_item->widget()); if (mb_label) { if (!workgroup->hasMasterBrowserIpAddress()) { mb_label->setText(workgroup->masterBrowserName()+" ("+workgroup->masterBrowserIpAddress()+')'); } else { mb_label->setText(workgroup->masterBrowserName()); } } break; } case Host: { HostPtr host = m_item.staticCast(); // Comment QLayoutItem *co_item = m_text_layout->itemAtPosition(1, 1); QLabel *co_label = static_cast(co_item->widget()); if (co_label) { if (!host->comment().isEmpty()) { co_label->setText(host->comment()); } else { co_label->setText("-"); } } // IP address QLayoutItem *ip_item = m_text_layout->itemAtPosition(2, 1); QLabel *ip_label = static_cast(ip_item->widget()); if (ip_label) { if (host->hasIpAddress()) { ip_label->setText(host->ipAddress()); } else { ip_label->setText("-"); } } break; } case Share: { SharePtr share = m_item.staticCast(); // Icon QLayoutItem *icon_item = m_tip_layout->itemAt(0); QLabel *icon_label = static_cast(icon_item->widget()); icon_label->setPixmap(m_item->icon().pixmap(KIconLoader::SizeEnormous)); // Comment QLayoutItem *co_item = m_text_layout->itemAtPosition(1, 1); QLabel *co_label = static_cast(co_item->widget()); if (co_label) { if (!share->comment().isEmpty()) { co_label->setText(share->comment()); } else { co_label->setText("-"); } } // Mounted indicator QLayoutItem *mnt_item = m_text_layout->itemAtPosition(2, 1); QLabel *mnt_label = static_cast(mnt_item->widget()); if (mnt_label) { if (!share->isPrinter()) { if (share->isMounted()) { mnt_label->setText(i18n("yes")); } else { mnt_label->setText(i18n("no")); } } else { mnt_label->setText("-"); } } // The rest won't change while the tool tip is shown. break; } default: { break; } } } } void Smb4KToolTip::updateSharesViewToolTip() { if (m_item && m_text_layout && m_tip_layout) { SharePtr share = m_item.staticCast(); // Set the icon QLayoutItem *icon_item = m_tip_layout->itemAt(0); QLabel *icon_label = static_cast(icon_item->widget()); icon_label->setPixmap(m_item->icon().pixmap(KIconLoader::SizeEnormous)); QLayoutItem *log_item = m_text_layout->itemAtPosition(2, 1); QLabel *log_label = static_cast(log_item->widget()); if (!share->login().isEmpty()) { log_label->setText(share->login()); } else { log_label->setText(i18n("unknown")); } QLayoutItem *s_item = m_text_layout->itemAtPosition(5, 1); QLabel *s_label = static_cast(s_item->widget()); if (share->totalDiskSpace() != 0 && share->freeDiskSpace() != 0) { s_label->setText(i18n("%1 free of %2 (%3 used)", share->freeDiskSpaceString(), share->totalDiskSpaceString(), share->diskUsageString())); } else { s_label->setText(i18n("unknown")); } } // The rest won't change while the tool tip is shown. } void Smb4KToolTip::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { // Copied from Dolphin's meta data tool tips. Q_UNUSED(e); QPainter painter(this); QColor toColor = palette().brush(QPalette::ToolTipBase).color(); QColor fromColor = KColorScheme::shade(toColor, KColorScheme::LightShade, 0.2); const bool haveAlphaChannel = KWindowSystem::compositingActive(); if (haveAlphaChannel) { painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); painter.translate(0.5, 0.5); toColor.setAlpha(220); fromColor.setAlpha(220); } QLinearGradient gradient(QPointF(0.0, 0.0), QPointF(0.0, height())); gradient.setColorAt(0.0, fromColor); gradient.setColorAt(1.0, toColor); painter.setPen(Qt::NoPen); painter.setBrush(gradient); const QRect rect(0, 0, width(), height()); if (haveAlphaChannel) { const qreal radius = 5.0; QPainterPath path; path.moveTo(rect.left(), rect.top() + radius); arc(path, rect.left() + radius, rect.top() + radius, radius, 180, -90); arc(path, rect.right() - radius, rect.top() + radius, radius, 90, -90); arc(path, rect.right() - radius, rect.bottom() - radius, radius, 0, -90); arc(path, rect.left() + radius, rect.bottom() - radius, radius, 270, -90); path.closeSubpath(); painter.drawPath(path); } else { painter.drawRect(rect); } } void Smb4KToolTip::arc(QPainterPath& path, qreal cx, qreal cy, qreal radius, qreal angle, qreal sweepLength) { // Copied from Dolphin's meta data tool tips. path.arcTo(cx-radius, cy-radius, radius * 2, radius * 2, angle, sweepLength); } void Smb4KToolTip::slotHideToolTip() { hide(); }