diff --git a/src/gamemanager.cpp b/src/gamemanager.cpp index adc0ad0..9e0cd12 100644 --- a/src/gamemanager.cpp +++ b/src/gamemanager.cpp @@ -1,960 +1,964 @@ /*************************************************************************** File : gamemanager.cpp Project : Knights Description : Game manager -------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright : (C) 2016-2018 by Alexander Semke (alexander.semke@web.de) Copyright : (C) 2009-2011 by Miha Čančula (miha@noughmad.eu) ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "gamemanager.h" #include "proto/protocol.h" #include "rules/chessrules.h" #include "externalcontrol.h" #include "settings.h" #include "difficultydialog.h" #include "knightsdebug.h" #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_SPEECH #include #endif #include #include #include using namespace Knights; const int TimerInterval = 100; const int LineLimit = 80; // Maximum characters per line for PGN format void Offer::accept() const { Manager::self()->setOfferResult(id, AcceptOffer); } void Offer::decline() const { Manager::self()->setOfferResult(id, DeclineOffer); } class Knights::GameManagerPrivate { public: GameManagerPrivate(); Color activePlayer; bool running; bool gameStarted; bool gameOverInProcess; int timer; TimeControl whiteTimeControl; TimeControl blackTimeControl; QStack moveHistory; QStack moveUndoStack; Rules* rules; QMap offers; QSet usedOfferIds; std::unique_ptr captureWhiteSound; std::unique_ptr captureBlackSound; std::unique_ptr moveWhiteSound; std::unique_ptr moveBlackSound; #ifdef HAVE_SPEECH QTextToSpeech* speech; #endif ExternalControl* extControl; QString filename; Color winner; bool initComplete; bool loading; int nextOfferId(); }; GameManagerPrivate::GameManagerPrivate() : activePlayer(NoColor), running(false), gameStarted(false), gameOverInProcess(false), timer(0), rules(nullptr), #ifdef HAVE_SPEECH speech(nullptr), #endif extControl(nullptr), winner(NoColor), initComplete(false), loading(false) { const QDir dir = QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation, QLatin1String("sounds"), QStandardPaths::LocateDirectory); captureWhiteSound = std::unique_ptr( new KgSound(dir.filePath(QLatin1String("capture_white.ogg"))) ); captureBlackSound = std::unique_ptr( new KgSound(dir.filePath(QLatin1String("capture_black.ogg"))) ); moveWhiteSound = std::unique_ptr( new KgSound(dir.filePath(QLatin1String("move_white.ogg"))) ) ; moveBlackSound = std::unique_ptr( new KgSound(dir.filePath(QLatin1String("move_black.ogg"))) ); } int GameManagerPrivate::nextOfferId() { int i = usedOfferIds.size() + 1; while (usedOfferIds.contains(i)) ++i; return i; } Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(Manager, instance) Manager* Manager::self() { return instance; } Manager::Manager(QObject* parent) : QObject(parent), d_ptr(new GameManagerPrivate) { #ifdef HAVE_SPEECH Q_D(GameManager); d->speech = new QTextToSpeech(); #endif } Manager::~Manager() { #ifdef HAVE_SPEECH Q_D(GameManager); delete d->speech; #endif delete d_ptr; } void Manager::startTime() { Q_D(GameManager); if ( !d->running ) { d->timer = startTimer ( TimerInterval ); d->running = true; } } void Manager::stopTime() { Q_D(GameManager); if ( d->running ) { killTimer(d->timer); d->running = false; } } void Manager::setTimeRunning(bool running) { if ( running ) startTime(); else stopTime(); } - void Manager::setCurrentTime(Color color, const QTime& time) { Q_D(GameManager); switch ( color ) { case White: d->whiteTimeControl.currentTime = time; break; case Black: d->blackTimeControl.currentTime = time; break; default: return; } emit timeChanged ( color, time ); } void Manager::timerEvent(QTimerEvent* ) { Q_D(GameManager); QTime time; switch ( d->activePlayer ) { case White: if ( d->whiteTimeControl.currentTime == QTime(0, 0, 0, TimerInterval) ) gameOver(Black); d->whiteTimeControl.currentTime = d->whiteTimeControl.currentTime.addMSecs ( -TimerInterval ); time = d->whiteTimeControl.currentTime; break; case Black: if ( d->blackTimeControl.currentTime == QTime(0, 0, 0, TimerInterval) ) gameOver(White); d->blackTimeControl.currentTime = d->blackTimeControl.currentTime.addMSecs ( -TimerInterval ); time = d->blackTimeControl.currentTime; break; default: time = QTime(); break; } emit timeChanged(d->activePlayer, time); } void Manager::addMoveToHistory(const Move& move) { Q_D(GameManager); if ( d->moveHistory.isEmpty() ) emit undoPossible(true); d->moveHistory << move; if ( !d->moveUndoStack.isEmpty() ) emit redoPossible(false); d->moveUndoStack.clear(); emit historyChanged(); } Move Manager::nextUndoMove() { Q_D(GameManager); Move m = d->moveHistory.pop(); if ( m.pieceData().first == White ) d->whiteTimeControl.currentTime = m.time(); else d->blackTimeControl.currentTime = m.time(); emit timeChanged ( m.pieceData().first, m.time() ); if ( d->moveHistory.isEmpty() ) emit undoPossible(false); if ( d->moveUndoStack.isEmpty() ) emit redoPossible(true); d->moveUndoStack.push( m ); emit historyChanged(); Move ret = m.reverse(); qCDebug(LOG_KNIGHTS) << m << ret; ret.setFlag ( Move::Forced, true ); return ret; } Move Manager::nextRedoMove() { Q_D(GameManager); Move m = d->moveUndoStack.pop(); if ( d->moveUndoStack.isEmpty() ) emit redoPossible(false); if ( d->moveHistory.isEmpty() ) emit undoPossible(true); d->moveHistory << m; m.setFlag ( Move::Forced, true ); emit historyChanged(); return m; } void Manager::setActivePlayer(Color player) { Q_D(GameManager); d->activePlayer = player; } void Manager::changeActivePlayer() { setActivePlayer ( oppositeColor ( activePlayer() ) ); emit activePlayerChanged ( activePlayer() ); } Color Manager::activePlayer() const { Q_D(const GameManager); return d->activePlayer; } void Manager::initialize() { Q_D(GameManager); d->gameStarted = false; d->initComplete = false; d->running = false; d->moveHistory.clear(); d->activePlayer = White; d->whiteTimeControl.currentTime = d->whiteTimeControl.baseTime; d->blackTimeControl.currentTime = d->blackTimeControl.baseTime; QList protocols; Protocol::white()->setTimeControl(d->whiteTimeControl); Protocol::black()->setTimeControl(d->blackTimeControl); connect ( Protocol::white(), &Protocol::pieceMoved, this, &Manager::moveByProtocol ); connect ( Protocol::white(), &Protocol::initSuccesful, this, &Manager::protocolInitSuccesful, Qt::QueuedConnection ); connect ( Protocol::white(), &Protocol::gameOver, this, &Manager::gameOver ); connect ( Protocol::black(), &Protocol::pieceMoved, this, &Manager::moveByProtocol ); connect ( Protocol::black(), &Protocol::initSuccesful, this, &Manager::protocolInitSuccesful, Qt::QueuedConnection ); connect ( Protocol::black(), &Protocol::gameOver, this, &Manager::gameOver ); Protocol::white()->init(); Protocol::black()->init(); d->extControl = new ExternalControl(this); } void Manager::pause(bool pause) { Offer o; o.action = pause ? ActionPause : ActionResume; o.id = qrand(); o.player = NoColor; sendOffer(o); } /** * Sets the time control parameters in the same format as XBoard's @c level command works * @param color specifis to which player this setting will apply. If @p color is NoColor then both player use this setting. * @param moves the number of moves to be completed before @p baseTime runs out. * Setting this to 0 causes the timing to be incremental only * @param baseTime the time in minutes in which the player has to complete @p moves moves, or finish the game if @p moves is zero. * @param increment the time in seconds that is added to the player's clock for his every move. */ void Manager::setTimeControl(Color color, const TimeControl& control) { Q_D(GameManager); if ( color == White ) d->whiteTimeControl = control; else if ( color == Black ) d->blackTimeControl = control; else { qCDebug(LOG_KNIGHTS) << "Setting time control for both colors"; d->blackTimeControl = control; d->whiteTimeControl = control; } } TimeControl Manager::timeControl(Color color) const { Q_D(const GameManager); if ( color == White ) return d->whiteTimeControl; else if ( color == Black ) return d->blackTimeControl; else { // FICS protocol needs the time control parameters even before the color is determined // It only supports equal time for both players, so it doesn't matter which one we return return d->whiteTimeControl; } } QTime Manager::timeLimit(Color color) { return timeControl(color).baseTime; } bool Manager::timeControlEnabled(Color color) const { TimeControl tc = timeControl(color); // For a time to be valid, either the base time or increment must be greater than 0 if ( tc.baseTime.isValid() || tc.increment > 0 ) return true; return false; } void Manager::undo() { sendPendingMove(); Q_D(const GameManager); Offer o; o.action = ActionUndo; // We always undo moves until it's local player's turn again. if ( Protocol::byColor(d->activePlayer)->isLocal() && !Protocol::byColor(oppositeColor(d->activePlayer))->isLocal() ) o.numberOfMoves = 2; else o.numberOfMoves = 1; o.numberOfMoves = qMin ( o.numberOfMoves, d->moveHistory.size() ); o.player = local()->color(); sendOffer(o); } void Manager::redo() { sendPendingMove(); Move m = nextRedoMove(); Protocol::white()->move ( m ); Protocol::black()->move ( m ); emit pieceMoved ( m ); changeActivePlayer(); } void Manager::adjourn() { sendOffer(ActionAdjourn); } void Manager::abort() { sendOffer(ActionAbort); } void Manager::offerDraw() { sendOffer(ActionDraw); } void Manager::resign() { Q_D(const GameManager); if (d->activePlayer == Knights::White) gameOver(Knights::Black); else gameOver(Knights::White); } bool Manager::isRunning() { Q_D(const GameManager); return d->running; } void Manager::moveByProtocol(const Move& move) { Q_D(GameManager); if ( sender() != Protocol::byColor ( d->activePlayer ) || !d->gameStarted ) { qCDebug(LOG_KNIGHTS) << "Move by the non-active player" << move; // Ignore duplicates and/or moves by the inactive player return; } processMove(move); } void Manager::protocolInitSuccesful() { Q_D(GameManager); if ( Protocol::white() && Protocol::black() ) { if ( !d->gameStarted && Protocol::white()->isReady() && Protocol::black()->isReady() ) { if ( Protocol::white()->isLocal() && Protocol::black()->isLocal() ) { Protocol::white()->setPlayerName ( i18nc ( "The player of this color", "White" ) ); Protocol::black()->setPlayerName ( i18nc ( "The player of this color", "Black" ) ); } if (!d->initComplete) { d->initComplete = true; emit initComplete(); } } } } void Manager::startGame() { Q_D(GameManager); Q_ASSERT(!d->gameStarted); setRules(new ChessRules); if ( Protocol::white()->supportedFeatures() & Protocol::AdjustDifficulty || Protocol::white()->supportedFeatures() & Protocol::AdjustDifficulty) levelChanged(Kg::difficulty()->currentLevel()); Protocol::white()->startGame(); Protocol::black()->startGame(); d->gameStarted = true; emit historyChanged(); } void Manager::gameOver(Color winner) { Q_D(GameManager); if (!d->gameStarted) return; if (!d->gameOverInProcess) { d->gameOverInProcess = true; sendPendingMove(); } stopTime(); Protocol::white()->setWinner(winner); Protocol::black()->setWinner(winner); emit winnerNotify(winner); reset(); d->gameOverInProcess = false; } void Manager::reset() { Q_D(GameManager); if (d->gameStarted) { if (!d->gameOverInProcess) { sendPendingMove(); stopTime(); } Protocol::white()->deleteLater(); Protocol::black()->deleteLater(); if (d->rules) { delete d->rules; d->rules = nullptr; } d->gameStarted = false; } //don't clear the move history here, //it should be possible to study the history after the game ended. d->moveUndoStack.clear(); emit undoPossible( false ); emit redoPossible( false ); d->offers.clear(); d->usedOfferIds.clear(); d->winner = NoColor; if ( d->extControl ) { delete d->extControl; d->extControl = nullptr; } } Rules* Manager::rules() const { Q_D(const GameManager); return d->rules; } void Manager::setRules(Rules* rules) { Q_D(GameManager); if (d->rules) delete d->rules; d->rules = rules; } void Manager::sendOffer(GameAction action, Color player, int id) { Offer o; o.action = action; o.player = player; o.id = id; sendOffer(o); } void Manager::sendOffer(const Offer& offer) { Q_D(GameManager); Offer o = offer; if ( offer.player == NoColor ) o.player = local()->color(); if (o.id == 0) o.id = d->nextOfferId(); QString name = Protocol::byColor(o.player)->playerName(); if ( o.text.isEmpty() ) { switch ( offer.action ) { case ActionDraw: o.text = i18n("%1 offers you a draw", name); break; case ActionUndo: o.text = i18np("%2 would like to take back a half move", "%2 would like to take back %1 half moves", o.numberOfMoves, name); break; case ActionAdjourn: o.text = i18n("%1 would like to adjourn the game", name); break; case ActionAbort: o.text = i18n("%1 would like to abort the game", name); break; default: break; } } d->offers.insert ( o.id, o ); d->usedOfferIds << o.id; Protocol* opp = Protocol::byColor( oppositeColor(o.player) ); // Only display a notification if only one player is local. if ( opp->isLocal() && !Protocol::byColor(o.player)->isLocal() ) emit notification(o); else opp->makeOffer(o); } void Manager::setOfferResult(int id, OfferAction result) { Q_D(GameManager); if ( result == AcceptOffer ) { Protocol::byColor(d->offers[id].player)->acceptOffer(d->offers[id]); switch ( d->offers[id].action ) { case ActionUndo: for ( int i = 0; i < d->offers[id].numberOfMoves; ++i ) { emit pieceMoved ( nextUndoMove() ); changeActivePlayer(); } break; case ActionDraw: Protocol::white()->setWinner(NoColor); Protocol::black()->setWinner(NoColor); break; case ActionAbort: gameOver(NoColor); break; case ActionPause: stopTime(); break; case ActionResume: startTime(); break; default: break; } } else if ( result == DeclineOffer ) Protocol::byColor(d->offers[id].player)->declineOffer(d->offers[id]); d->offers.remove(id); } Protocol* Manager::local() { Q_D(const GameManager); //Protocol::byColor() can return nulltpr for NoColor, //add a sanity check here eventhough the case NoColor shouldn't actually happen, but see BUG:336412... //TODO: debug more later and find out why NoColor can happen here. if (d->activePlayer == NoColor) return nullptr; if ( Protocol::byColor(d->activePlayer)->isLocal() ) return Protocol::byColor(d->activePlayer); if ( Protocol::byColor(oppositeColor(d->activePlayer))->isLocal() ) return Protocol::byColor(oppositeColor(d->activePlayer)); qCWarning(LOG_KNIGHTS) << "No local protocols, trying a computer"; if ( Protocol::byColor(d->activePlayer)->isComputer() ) return Protocol::byColor(d->activePlayer); if ( Protocol::byColor(oppositeColor(d->activePlayer))->isComputer() ) return Protocol::byColor(oppositeColor(d->activePlayer)); qCWarning(LOG_KNIGHTS) << "No local or computer protocols, returning 0"; return nullptr; } bool Manager::canRedo() const { Q_D(const GameManager); return !d->moveUndoStack.isEmpty(); } void Manager::sendPendingMove() { if ( pendingMove.isValid() && isGameActive() ) { Q_D(GameManager); Protocol::byColor ( oppositeColor ( d->activePlayer ) )->move ( pendingMove ); emit pieceMoved ( pendingMove ); rules()->moveMade ( pendingMove ); if ( Settings::speakOpponentsMoves() && !Protocol::byColor(d->activePlayer)->isLocal() && Protocol::byColor(oppositeColor(d->activePlayer))->isLocal() ) { QString toSpeak; QString name = Protocol::byColor(d->activePlayer)->playerName(); if ( pendingMove.flag(Move::Castle) ) { if ( pendingMove.to().first == 3 ) { toSpeak = i18nc("string to be spoken when the opponent castles queenside", "%1 castles queenside", name); } else { toSpeak = i18nc("string to be spoken when the opponent castles queenside", "%1 castles kingside", name); } } else { toSpeak = i18nc("string to be spoken when the opponent makes a normal move", "%1 to %2", pieceTypeName ( pendingMove.pieceData().second ), pendingMove.to().string() ); } #ifdef HAVE_SPEECH qCDebug(LOG_KNIGHTS) << toSpeak; d->speech->say(toSpeak); if ( pendingMove.flag(Move::Check) ) { if ( d->rules->hasLegalMoves ( oppositeColor( d->activePlayer ) ) ) d->speech->say ( i18nc( "Your king is under attack", "Check" ) ); else d->speech->say ( i18nc( "Your king is dead", "Checkmate" ) ); } #endif /* HAVE_SPEECH */ } pendingMove = Move(); Color winner = rules()->winner(); if ( winner != NoColor || !rules()->hasLegalMoves ( oppositeColor( d->activePlayer ) ) ) { qCDebug(LOG_KNIGHTS) << "Winner: " << winner; if (!d->gameOverInProcess) { d->gameOverInProcess = true; gameOver(winner); } } int moveNumber; int secondsAdded = 0; switch ( d->activePlayer ) { case White: moveNumber = ( d->moveHistory.size() + 1 ) / 2; if ( moveNumber > 1 ) secondsAdded += d->whiteTimeControl.increment; if ( d->whiteTimeControl.moves > 0 && ( moveNumber % d->whiteTimeControl.moves ) == 0 ) secondsAdded += QTime().secsTo( d->whiteTimeControl.baseTime ); if ( secondsAdded != 0 ) setCurrentTime ( White, d->whiteTimeControl.currentTime.addSecs ( secondsAdded ) ); break; case Black: moveNumber = d->moveHistory.size() / 2; if ( moveNumber > 1 ) secondsAdded += d->blackTimeControl.increment; if ( d->blackTimeControl.moves > 0 && ( moveNumber % d->blackTimeControl.moves ) == 0 ) secondsAdded += QTime().secsTo ( d->blackTimeControl.baseTime ); if ( secondsAdded != 0 ) setCurrentTime ( Black, d->blackTimeControl.currentTime.addSecs ( secondsAdded ) ); break; default: break; } changeActivePlayer(); } } void Manager::moveByBoard(const Move& move) { processMove(move); } void Manager::moveByExternalControl(const Knights::Move& move) { Q_D(GameManager); if ( Settings::allowExternalControl() && Protocol::byColor(d->activePlayer)->isLocal() ) processMove(move); } - void Manager::processMove(const Move& move) { - sendPendingMove(); Q_D(const GameManager); + + //no need to process the last move coming from the engine if the game is already + //over and we're closing the game + if (d->gameOverInProcess) + return; + + sendPendingMove(); Move m = move; if ( activePlayer() == White ) { m.setTime ( d->whiteTimeControl.currentTime ); if (Settings::playSounds() && !d->loading) { if (!m.flag(Move::Take)) d->moveWhiteSound->start(); else d->captureWhiteSound->start(); } } else { m.setTime ( d->blackTimeControl.currentTime ); if (Settings::playSounds() && !d->loading) { if (!m.flag(Move::Take)) d->moveBlackSound->start(); else d->captureBlackSound->start(); } } d->rules->checkSpecialFlags ( &m, d->activePlayer ); if ( m.flag(Move::Illegal) && !m.flag(Move::Forced) ) return; addMoveToHistory ( m ); if ( d->moveHistory.size() == 2 && timeControlEnabled(d->activePlayer) ) startTime(); pendingMove = m; if ( Protocol::byColor(d->activePlayer)->isComputer() ) QTimer::singleShot ( Settings::computerDelay(), this, SLOT(sendPendingMove()) ); else sendPendingMove(); } bool Manager::isGameActive() const { Q_D(const GameManager); return d->gameStarted; } bool Manager::canLocalMove() const { Q_D(const GameManager); if ( !d->gameStarted ) return false; if ( d->running || d->moveHistory.size() < 2 || !timeControlEnabled(NoColor) ) return Protocol::byColor(d->activePlayer)->isLocal(); return false; } void Manager::levelChanged ( const KgDifficultyLevel* level ) { qCDebug(LOG_KNIGHTS); int depth = 0; int size = 32; switch ( level->standardLevel() ) { case KgDifficultyLevel::VeryEasy: depth = 1; break; case KgDifficultyLevel::Easy: depth = 3; break; case KgDifficultyLevel::Medium: depth = 8; break; case KgDifficultyLevel::Hard: depth = 16; break; case KgDifficultyLevel::VeryHard: depth = 32; break; case KgDifficultyLevel::Custom: { QPointer dlg = new DifficultyDialog(); if ( dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) { depth = dlg->searchDepth(); size = dlg->memorySize(); } else return; } break; default: break; } Protocol* p = Protocol::white(); if (p && p->supportedFeatures() & Protocol::AdjustDifficulty) p->setDifficulty(depth, size); p = Protocol::black(); if (p && p->supportedFeatures() & Protocol::AdjustDifficulty) p->setDifficulty(depth, size); } void Manager::loadGameHistoryFrom(const QString& filename) { Q_D(GameManager); qCDebug(LOG_KNIGHTS) << filename; QFile file(filename); if ( !file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly) ) return; QRegExp tagPairExp = QRegExp(QLatin1String( "\\[(.*)\\s\\\"(.*)\\\"\\]" )); while ( file.bytesAvailable() > 0 ) { QByteArray line = file.readLine(); if ( tagPairExp.indexIn ( QLatin1String(line) ) > -1 ) { // Parse a tag pair QString key = tagPairExp.cap(1); QString value = tagPairExp.cap(2); if ( key == QLatin1String("White") ) Protocol::white()->setPlayerName ( value ); else if ( key == QLatin1String("Black") ) Protocol::black()->setPlayerName ( value ); else if ( key == QLatin1String("TimeControl") ) { // TODO, optional: Parse TimeControl Tag } } else { // Parse a line of moves d->loading = true; for ( const QByteArray& str : line.trimmed().split(' ') ) { if ( !str.trimmed().isEmpty() && !str.contains('.') && !str.contains("1-0") && !str.contains("0-1") && !str.contains("1/2-1/2") && !str.contains('*') ) { // Only move numbers contain dots, not move data itself // We also exclude the game termination markers (results) qCDebug(LOG_KNIGHTS) << "Read move" << str; Move m; if (str.contains("O-O-O") || str.contains("o-o-o") || str.contains("0-0-0")) m = Move::castling(Move::QueenSide, activePlayer()); else if (str.contains("O-O") || str.contains("o-o") || str.contains("0-0")) m = Move::castling(Move::KingSide, activePlayer()); else m = Move ( QLatin1String(str) ); m.setFlag ( Move::Forced, true ); processMove ( m ); } } d->loading = false; } } emit playerNameChanged(); } void Manager::saveGameHistoryAs(const QString& filename) { Q_D(GameManager); d->filename = filename; QFile file ( d->filename ); file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); QTextStream stream ( &file ); // Write the player tags first // Standard Tag Roster: Event, Site, Date, Round, White, Black, Result stream << "[Event \"Casual Game\"]" << endl; stream << "[Site \"?\"]" << endl; stream << "[Date \"" << QDate::currentDate().toString( QLatin1String("yyyy.MM.dd") ) << "\"]" << endl; stream << "[Round \"-\"]" << endl; stream << "[White \"" << Protocol::white()->playerName() << "\"]" << endl; stream << "[Black \"" << Protocol::black()->playerName() << "\"]" << endl; QByteArray result; if ( d->running ) result += '*'; else { switch ( d->winner ) { case White: result = "1-0"; break; case Black: result = "0-1"; break; default: result = "1/2-1/2"; break; } } stream << "[Result \"" << result << "\"]" << endl; // Supplemental tags, ordered alphabetacally. // Currently, only TimeControl is added stream << "[TimeControl \""; if ( timeControlEnabled ( NoColor ) ) { // The PGN specification doesn't include a time control combination with both a number of moves // and an increment per move defined, so we only output one of them // If the spec will ever be expanded, the two lines should be combined: // stream << tc.moves << '/' << QTime().secsTo ( tc.baseTime ) << '+' << tc.increment TimeControl tc = timeControl ( NoColor ); if ( tc.moves ) stream << tc.moves << '/' << QTime().secsTo ( tc.baseTime ); else stream << QTime().secsTo ( tc.baseTime ) << '+' << tc.increment; } else stream << '-'; stream << "\"]"; // A single newline separates the tag pairs from the movetext section stream << endl; qCDebug(LOG_KNIGHTS) << "Starting to write movetext"; int characters = 0; int n = d->moveHistory.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { Move m = d->moveHistory[i]; const QString moveString = m.stringForNotation ( Move::Algebraic ); QString output; if ( i % 2 == 0 ) { // White move output = QString::number(i/2+1) + QLatin1String(". ") + moveString; } else { // Black move output = moveString; } if ( characters + output.size() > LineLimit ) { stream << endl; characters = 0; } if ( characters != 0 ) stream << QLatin1Char(' '); stream << output; characters += output.size(); } qCDebug(LOG_KNIGHTS); stream << ' ' << result; stream << endl; stream.flush(); qCDebug(LOG_KNIGHTS) << "Saved"; } QStack< Move > Manager::moveHistory() const { Q_D(const GameManager); return d->moveHistory; }