diff --git a/dealer.cpp b/dealer.cpp index a2558fc..e309e53 100644 --- a/dealer.cpp +++ b/dealer.cpp @@ -1,2120 +1,2118 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 1995 Paul Olav Tvete * Copyright (C) 2000-2009 Stephan Kulow * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Parker Coates * * License of original code: * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that * both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in * supporting documentation. * * This file is provided AS IS with no warranties of any kind. The author * shall have no liability with respect to the infringement of copyrights, * trade secrets or any patents by this file or any part thereof. In no * event will the author be liable for any lost revenue or profits or * other special, indirect and consequential damages. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * License of modifications/additions made after 2009-01-01: * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "dealer.h" #include "dealerinfo.h" #include "messagebox.h" #include "renderer.h" #include "speeds.h" #include "patsolve/solverinterface.h" #include "version.h" #include "view.h" #include "KCardTheme" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { const qreal wonBoxToSceneSizeRatio = 0.7; - QList shuffled( const QList & cards, int seed ) + QList shuffled( const QList & cards, unsigned int seed ) { - Q_ASSERT( seed > 0 ); - QList result = cards; for ( int i = result.size(); i > 1; --i ) { // We use the same pseudorandom number generation algorithm as Windows // Freecell, so that game numbers are the same between the two applications. // For more inforation, see // http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;Q28150 seed = 214013 * seed + 2531011; int rand = ( seed >> 16 ) & 0x7fff; result.swap( i - 1, rand % i ); } return result; } QString solverStatusMessage( int status, bool everWinnable ) { switch ( status ) { case SolverInterface::SolutionExists: return i18n("Solver: This game is winnable."); case SolverInterface::NoSolutionExists: return everWinnable ? i18n("Solver: This game is no longer winnable.") : i18n("Solver: This game cannot be won."); case SolverInterface::UnableToDetermineSolvability: return i18n("Solver: Unable to determine if this game is winnable."); case SolverInterface::SearchAborted: case SolverInterface::MemoryLimitReached: default: return QString(); } } int readIntAttribute( const QXmlStreamReader & xml, const QString & key, bool * ok = nullptr ) { QStringRef value = xml.attributes().value( key ); return QString::fromRawData( value.data(), value.length() ).toInt( ok ); } QString suitToString( int suit ) { switch ( suit ) { case KCardDeck::Clubs: return QStringLiteral("clubs"); case KCardDeck::Diamonds: return QStringLiteral("diamonds"); case KCardDeck::Hearts: return QStringLiteral("hearts"); case KCardDeck::Spades: return QStringLiteral("spades"); default: return QString(); } } QString rankToString( int rank ) { switch ( rank ) { case KCardDeck::Ace: return QStringLiteral("ace"); case KCardDeck::Two: return QStringLiteral("two"); case KCardDeck::Three: return QStringLiteral("three"); case KCardDeck::Four: return QStringLiteral("four"); case KCardDeck::Five: return QStringLiteral("five"); case KCardDeck::Six: return QStringLiteral("six"); case KCardDeck::Seven: return QStringLiteral("seven"); case KCardDeck::Eight: return QStringLiteral("eight"); case KCardDeck::Nine: return QStringLiteral("nine"); case KCardDeck::Ten: return QStringLiteral("ten"); case KCardDeck::Jack: return QStringLiteral("jack"); case KCardDeck::Queen: return QStringLiteral("queen"); case KCardDeck::King: return QStringLiteral("king"); default: return QString(); } } } class SolverThread : public QThread { Q_OBJECT public: SolverThread( SolverInterface * solver ) : m_solver( solver ) { } void run() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { SolverInterface::ExitStatus result = m_solver->patsolve(); emit finished( result ); } void abort() { m_solver->stopExecution(); wait(); } signals: void finished( int result ); private: SolverInterface * m_solver; }; int DealerScene::moveCount() const { return m_loadedMoveCount + m_undoStack.size(); } void DealerScene::saveLegacyFile( QIODevice * io ) { QXmlStreamWriter xml( io ); xml.setCodec( "UTF-8" ); xml.setAutoFormatting( true ); xml.setAutoFormattingIndent( -1 ); xml.writeStartDocument(); xml.writeDTD( QStringLiteral("") ); xml.writeStartElement( QStringLiteral("dealer") ); xml.writeAttribute( QStringLiteral("id"), QString::number( gameId() ) ); xml.writeAttribute( QStringLiteral("options"), getGameOptions() ); xml.writeAttribute( QStringLiteral("number"), QString::number( gameNumber() ) ); xml.writeAttribute( QStringLiteral("moves"), QString::number( moveCount() ) ); xml.writeAttribute( QStringLiteral("started"), QString::number( m_dealStarted ) ); xml.writeAttribute( QStringLiteral("data"), getGameState() ); foreach( const PatPile * p, patPiles() ) { xml.writeStartElement( QStringLiteral("pile") ); xml.writeAttribute( QStringLiteral("index"), QString::number( p->index() ) ); xml.writeAttribute( QStringLiteral("z"), QString::number( p->zValue() ) ); foreach( const KCard * c, p->cards() ) { xml.writeStartElement( QStringLiteral("card") ); xml.writeAttribute( QStringLiteral("suit"), QString::number( c->suit() ) ); xml.writeAttribute( QStringLiteral("value"), QString::number( c->rank() ) ); xml.writeAttribute( QStringLiteral("faceup"), QString::number( c->isFaceUp() ) ); xml.writeAttribute( QStringLiteral("z"), QString::number( c->zValue() ) ); xml.writeEndElement(); } xml.writeEndElement(); } xml.writeEndElement(); xml.writeEndDocument(); m_dealWasJustSaved = true; } bool DealerScene::loadLegacyFile( QIODevice * io ) { resetInternals(); QXmlStreamReader xml( io ); xml.readNextStartElement(); // Before KDE4.3, KPat didn't store game specific options in the save // file. This could cause crashes when loading a Spider game with a // different number of suits than the current setting. Similarly, in // Klondike the number of cards drawn from the deck was forgotten, but // this never caused crashes. Fortunately, in Spider we can count the // number of suits ourselves. For Klondike, there is no way to recover // that information. QString options = xml.attributes().value( QStringLiteral("options") ).toString(); if ( gameId() == 17 && options.isEmpty() ) { QSet suits; while ( !xml.atEnd() ) if ( xml.readNextStartElement() && xml.name() == "card" ) suits << readIntAttribute( xml, QStringLiteral("suit") ); options = QString::number( suits.size() ); // "Rewind" back to the tag. Yes, this is ugly. xml.clear(); io->reset(); xml.setDevice( io ); xml.readNextStartElement(); } setGameOptions( options ); m_dealNumber = readIntAttribute( xml, QStringLiteral("number") ); m_loadedMoveCount = readIntAttribute( xml, QStringLiteral("moves") ); m_dealStarted = readIntAttribute( xml, QStringLiteral("started") ); QString gameStateData = xml.attributes().value( QStringLiteral("data") ).toString(); QMultiHash cards; foreach ( KCard * c, deck()->cards() ) cards.insert( (c->id() & 0xffff), c ); QHash piles; foreach ( PatPile * p, patPiles() ) piles.insert( p->index(), p ); // Loop through s. while ( xml.readNextStartElement() ) { if ( xml.name() != "pile" ) { qWarning() << "Expected a \"pile\" tag. Found a" << xml.name() << "tag."; return false; } bool ok; int index = readIntAttribute( xml, QStringLiteral("index"), &ok ); QHash::const_iterator it = piles.constFind( index ); if ( !ok || it == piles.constEnd() ) { qWarning() << "Unrecognized pile index:" << xml.attributes().value( QStringLiteral("index") ); return false; } PatPile * p = it.value(); p->clear(); // Loop through s. while ( xml.readNextStartElement() ) { if ( xml.name() != "card" ) { qWarning() << "Expected a \"card\" tag. Found a" << xml.name() << "tag."; return false; } bool suitOk, rankOk, faceUpOk; int suit = readIntAttribute( xml, QStringLiteral("suit"), &suitOk ); int rank = readIntAttribute( xml, QStringLiteral("value"), &rankOk ); bool faceUp = readIntAttribute( xml, QStringLiteral("faceup"), &faceUpOk ); quint32 id = KCardDeck::getId( KCardDeck::Suit( suit ), KCardDeck::Rank( rank ), 0 ); KCard * card = cards.take( id ); if ( !suitOk || !rankOk || !faceUpOk || !card ) { qWarning() << "Unrecognized card: suit=" << xml.attributes().value(QStringLiteral("suit")) << " value=" << xml.attributes().value(QStringLiteral("value")) << " faceup=" << xml.attributes().value(QStringLiteral("faceup")); return false; } card->setFaceUp( faceUp ); p->add( card ); xml.skipCurrentElement(); } updatePileLayout( p, 0 ); } setGameState( gameStateData ); emit updateMoves( moveCount() ); takeState(); return true; } void DealerScene::saveFile( QIODevice * io ) { QXmlStreamWriter xml( io ); xml.setCodec( "UTF-8" ); xml.setAutoFormatting( true ); xml.setAutoFormattingIndent( -1 ); xml.writeStartDocument(); xml.writeStartElement( QStringLiteral("kpat-game") ); xml.writeAttribute( QStringLiteral("game-type"), m_di->baseIdString() ); if ( !getGameOptions().isEmpty() ) xml.writeAttribute( QStringLiteral("game-type-options"), getGameOptions() ); xml.writeAttribute( QStringLiteral("deal-number"), QString::number( gameNumber() ) ); QList allStates; for ( int i = 0; i < m_undoStack.size(); ++i ) allStates << m_undoStack.at( i ); allStates << m_currentState; for ( int i = m_redoStack.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i ) allStates << m_redoStack.at( i ); QString lastGameSpecificState; for ( int i = 0; i < allStates.size(); ++i ) { const GameState * state = allStates.at( i ); xml.writeStartElement( QStringLiteral("state") ); if ( state->stateData != lastGameSpecificState ) { xml.writeAttribute( QStringLiteral("game-specific-state"), state->stateData ); lastGameSpecificState = state->stateData; } if ( i == m_undoStack.size() ) xml.writeAttribute( QStringLiteral("current"), QStringLiteral("true") ); foreach ( const CardStateChange & change, state->changes ) { xml.writeStartElement( QStringLiteral("move") ); xml.writeAttribute( QStringLiteral("pile"), change.newState.pile->objectName() ); xml.writeAttribute( QStringLiteral("position"), QString::number( change.newState.index ) ); bool faceChanged = !change.oldState.pile || change.oldState.faceUp != change.newState.faceUp; foreach ( const KCard * card, change.cards ) { xml.writeStartElement( QStringLiteral("card") ); xml.writeAttribute( QStringLiteral("id"), QStringLiteral("%1").arg( card->id(), 7, 10, QChar('0') ) ); xml.writeAttribute( QStringLiteral("suit"), suitToString( card->suit() ) ); xml.writeAttribute( QStringLiteral("rank"), rankToString( card->rank() ) ); if ( faceChanged ) xml.writeAttribute( QStringLiteral("turn"), change.newState.faceUp ? "face-up" : "face-down" ); xml.writeEndElement(); } xml.writeEndElement(); } xml.writeEndElement(); } xml.writeEndElement(); xml.writeEndDocument(); m_dealWasJustSaved = true; } bool DealerScene::loadFile( QIODevice * io ) { resetInternals(); bool reenableAutoDrop = autoDropEnabled(); setAutoDropEnabled( false ); QXmlStreamReader xml( io ); xml.readNextStartElement(); if ( xml.name() != "kpat-game" ) { qWarning() << "First tag is not \"kpat-game\""; return false; } m_dealNumber = readIntAttribute( xml, QStringLiteral("deal-number") ); setGameOptions( xml.attributes().value( QStringLiteral("game-type-options") ).toString() ); QMultiHash cardHash; foreach ( KCard * c, deck()->cards() ) cardHash.insert( c->id(), c ); QHash pileHash; foreach ( KCardPile * p, piles() ) pileHash.insert( p->objectName(), p ); int undosToDo = -1; while( xml.readNextStartElement() ) { if ( xml.name() != "state" ) { qWarning() << "Expected a \"state\" tag. Found a" << xml.name() << "tag."; return false; } if ( xml.attributes().hasAttribute( QStringLiteral("game-specific-state") ) ) setGameState( xml.attributes().value( QStringLiteral("game-specific-state") ).toString() ); if ( undosToDo > -1 ) ++undosToDo; else if ( xml.attributes().value( QStringLiteral("current") ) == "true" ) undosToDo = 0; while( xml.readNextStartElement() ) { if ( xml.name() != "move" ) { qWarning() << "Expected a \"move\" tag. Found a" << xml.name() << "tag."; return false; } QString pileName = xml.attributes().value( QStringLiteral("pile") ).toString(); KCardPile * pile = pileHash.value( pileName ); bool indexOk; int index = readIntAttribute( xml, QStringLiteral("position"), &indexOk ); if ( !pile || !indexOk ) { qWarning() << "Unrecognized pile or index."; return false; } while ( xml.readNextStartElement() ) { if ( xml.name() != "card" ) { qWarning() << "Expected a \"card\" tag. Found a" << xml.name() << "tag."; return false; } KCard * card = cardHash.value( readIntAttribute( xml, QStringLiteral("id") ) ); if ( !card ) { qWarning() << "Unrecognized card."; return false; } if ( xml.attributes().value(QStringLiteral("turn")) == "face-up" ) card->setFaceUp( true ); else if ( xml.attributes().value(QStringLiteral("turn")) == "face-down" ) card->setFaceUp( false ); pile->insert( index, card ); ++index; xml.skipCurrentElement(); } } takeState(); } m_loadedMoveCount = 0; m_dealStarted = moveCount() > 0; emit updateMoves( moveCount() ); while ( undosToDo > 0 ) { undo(); --undosToDo; } foreach ( KCardPile * p, piles() ) updatePileLayout( p, 0 ); setAutoDropEnabled( reenableAutoDrop ); return true; } DealerScene::DealerScene( const DealerInfo * di ) : m_di( di ), m_solver( nullptr ), m_solverThread( nullptr ), m_peekedCard( nullptr ), m_dealNumber( 0 ), m_loadedMoveCount( 0 ), m_neededFutureMoves( 1 ), m_supportedActions( 0 ), m_autoDropEnabled( false ), m_solverEnabled( false ), m_dealStarted( false ), m_dealWasEverWinnable( false ), m_dealHasBeenWon( false ), m_dealWasJustSaved( false ), m_statisticsRecorded( false ), m_playerReceivedHelp( false ), m_toldAboutWonGame( false ), m_toldAboutLostGame( false ), m_dropSpeedFactor( 1 ), m_interruptAutoDrop( false ), m_dealInProgress( false ), m_hintInProgress( false ), m_demoInProgress( false ), m_dropInProgress( false ), m_hintQueued( false ), m_demoQueued( false ), m_dropQueued( false ), m_newCardsQueued( false ), m_takeStateQueued( false ), m_currentState( nullptr ) { setItemIndexMethod(QGraphicsScene::NoIndex); m_solverUpdateTimer.setInterval( 250 ); m_solverUpdateTimer.setSingleShot( true ); connect(&m_solverUpdateTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &DealerScene::stopAndRestartSolver); m_demoTimer.setSingleShot( true ); connect(&m_demoTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &DealerScene::demo); m_dropTimer.setSingleShot( true ); connect(&m_dropTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &DealerScene::drop); m_wonItem = new MessageBox(); m_wonItem->setZValue( 2000 ); m_wonItem->hide(); addItem( m_wonItem ); connect(this, &DealerScene::cardAnimationDone, this, &DealerScene::animationDone); connect(this, &DealerScene::cardDoubleClicked, this, &DealerScene::tryAutomaticMove); // Make rightClick == doubleClick. See bug #151921 connect(this, &DealerScene::cardRightClicked, this, &DealerScene::tryAutomaticMove); } DealerScene::~DealerScene() { stop(); disconnect(); if ( m_solverThread ) m_solverThread->abort(); delete m_solverThread; m_solverThread = nullptr; delete m_solver; m_solver = nullptr; qDeleteAll( m_undoStack ); delete m_currentState; qDeleteAll( m_redoStack ); delete m_wonItem; } void DealerScene::addPatPile( PatPile * pile ) { if ( !m_patPiles.contains( pile ) ) m_patPiles.append( pile ); } void DealerScene::removePatPile( PatPile * pile ) { m_patPiles.removeAll( pile ); } QList DealerScene::patPiles() const { return m_patPiles; } void DealerScene::cardsMoved( const QList & cards, KCardPile * oldPile, KCardPile * newPile ) { PatPile * newPatPile = dynamic_cast( newPile ); PatPile * oldPatPile = dynamic_cast( oldPile ); if ( oldPatPile && oldPatPile->isFoundation() && newPatPile && !newPatPile->isFoundation() ) { foreach ( KCard * c, cards ) m_cardsRemovedFromFoundations.insert( c ); } else { foreach ( KCard * c, cards ) m_cardsRemovedFromFoundations.remove( c ); } if ( !m_dropInProgress && !m_dealInProgress ) { m_dealStarted = true; takeState(); } } void DealerScene::startHint() { stopDemo(); stopDrop(); if ( isCardAnimationRunning() ) { m_hintQueued = true; return; } if ( isKeyboardModeActive() ) setKeyboardModeActive( false ); QList toHighlight; foreach ( const MoveHint & h, getHints() ) toHighlight << h.card(); if ( !m_winningMoves.isEmpty() ) { MOVE m = m_winningMoves.first(); MoveHint mh = solver()->translateMove( m ); if ( mh.isValid() ) toHighlight << mh.card(); } m_hintInProgress = !toHighlight.isEmpty(); setHighlightedItems( toHighlight ); emit hintActive( m_hintInProgress ); } void DealerScene::stopHint() { if ( m_hintInProgress ) { m_hintInProgress = false; clearHighlightedItems(); emit hintActive( false ); } } bool DealerScene::isHintActive() const { return m_hintInProgress; } QList DealerScene::getSolverHints() { QList hintList; if ( m_solverThread && m_solverThread->isRunning() ) m_solverThread->abort(); solver()->translate_layout(); solver()->patsolve( 1 ); foreach ( const MOVE & m, solver()->firstMoves() ) { MoveHint mh = solver()->translateMove( m ); hintList << mh; } return hintList; } QList DealerScene::getHints() { if ( solver() ) return getSolverHints(); QList hintList; foreach (PatPile * store, patPiles()) { if (store->isFoundation() || store->isEmpty()) continue; QList cards = store->cards(); while (cards.count() && !cards.first()->isFaceUp()) cards.erase(cards.begin()); QList::Iterator iti = cards.begin(); while (iti != cards.end()) { if (allowedToRemove(store, (*iti))) { foreach (PatPile * dest, patPiles()) { int cardIndex = store->indexOf(*iti); if (cardIndex == 0 && dest->isEmpty() && !dest->isFoundation()) continue; if (!checkAdd(dest, dest->cards(), cards)) continue; if (dest->isFoundation()) { hintList << MoveHint( *iti, dest, 127 ); } else { QList cardsBelow = cards.mid(0, cardIndex); // if it could be here as well, then it's no use if ((cardsBelow.isEmpty() && !dest->isEmpty()) || !checkAdd(store, cardsBelow, cards)) { hintList << MoveHint( *iti, dest, 0 ); } else if (checkPrefering(dest, dest->cards(), cards) && !checkPrefering(store, cardsBelow, cards)) { // if checkPrefers says so, we add it nonetheless hintList << MoveHint( *iti, dest, 10 ); } } } } cards.erase(iti); iti = cards.begin(); } } return hintList; } static bool prioSort(const MoveHint &c1, const MoveHint &c2) { return c1.priority() < c2.priority(); } MoveHint DealerScene::chooseHint() { if ( !m_winningMoves.isEmpty() ) { MOVE m = m_winningMoves.takeFirst(); MoveHint mh = solver()->translateMove( m ); #ifndef NDEBUG if ( m.totype == O_Type ) fprintf( stderr, "move from %d out (at %d) Prio: %d\n", m.from, m.turn_index, m.pri ); else fprintf( stderr, "move from %d to %d (%d) Prio: %d\n", m.from, m.to, m.turn_index, m.pri ); #endif return mh; } QList hintList = getHints(); if ( hintList.isEmpty() ) { return MoveHint(); } else { // Generate a random number with an exponentional distribution averaging 1/4. qreal randomExp = qMin( -log( 1 - qreal( KRandom::random() ) / RAND_MAX ) / 4, 1 ); int randomIndex = randomExp * ( hintList.size() - 1 ); qSort(hintList.begin(), hintList.end(), prioSort); return hintList.at( randomIndex ); } } void DealerScene::startNew( int dealNumber ) { if ( dealNumber != -1 ) m_dealNumber = qBound( 1, dealNumber, INT_MAX ); // Only record the statistics and reset gameStarted if we're starting a // new game number or we're restarting a game we've already won. if ( dealNumber != -1 || m_dealHasBeenWon ) { recordGameStatistics(); m_statisticsRecorded = false; m_dealStarted = false; } if ( isCardAnimationRunning() ) { QTimer::singleShot( 100, this, SLOT(startNew()) ); return; } if ( m_solverThread && m_solverThread->isRunning() ) m_solverThread->abort(); resetInternals(); emit updateMoves( 0 ); foreach( KCardPile * p, piles() ) p->clear(); m_dealInProgress = true; restart( shuffled( deck()->cards(), m_dealNumber ) ); m_dealInProgress = false; takeState(); update(); } void DealerScene::resetInternals() { stop(); setKeyboardModeActive( false ); m_dealHasBeenWon = false; m_wonItem->hide(); qDeleteAll( m_undoStack ); m_undoStack.clear(); delete m_currentState; m_currentState = nullptr; qDeleteAll( m_redoStack ); m_redoStack.clear(); m_lastKnownCardStates.clear(); m_dealWasJustSaved = false; m_dealWasEverWinnable = false; m_toldAboutLostGame = false; m_toldAboutWonGame = false; m_loadedMoveCount = 0; m_playerReceivedHelp = false; m_dealInProgress = false; m_dropInProgress = false; m_dropSpeedFactor = 1; m_cardsRemovedFromFoundations.clear(); foreach (KCard * c, deck()->cards()) { c->disconnect( this ); c->stopAnimation(); } emit solverStateChanged( QString() ); emit gameInProgress( true ); } QPointF posAlongRect( qreal distOnRect, const QRectF & rect ) { if ( distOnRect < rect.width() ) return rect.topLeft() + QPointF( distOnRect, 0 ); distOnRect -= rect.width(); if ( distOnRect < rect.height() ) return rect.topRight() + QPointF( 0, distOnRect ); distOnRect -= rect.height(); if ( distOnRect < rect.width() ) return rect.bottomRight() + QPointF( -distOnRect, 0 ); distOnRect -= rect.width(); return rect.bottomLeft() + QPointF( 0, -distOnRect ); } void DealerScene::won() { if ( m_dealHasBeenWon ) return; m_dealHasBeenWon = true; m_toldAboutWonGame = true; stopDemo(); recordGameStatistics(); emit solverStateChanged( QString() ); emit newCardsPossible( false ); emit undoPossible( false ); emit redoPossible( false ); emit gameInProgress( false ); setKeyboardModeActive( false ); qreal speed = sqrt( width() * width() + height() * height() ) / ( DURATION_WON ); QRectF justOffScreen = sceneRect().adjusted( -deck()->cardWidth(), -deck()->cardHeight(), 0, 0 ); qreal spacing = 2 * ( justOffScreen.width() + justOffScreen.height() ) / deck()->cards().size(); qreal distOnRect = 0; foreach ( KCard *c, deck()->cards() ) { distOnRect += spacing; QPointF pos2 = posAlongRect( distOnRect, justOffScreen ); QPointF delta = c->pos() - pos2; qreal dist = sqrt( delta.x() * delta.x() + delta.y() * delta.y() ); c->setFaceUp( true ); c->animate( pos2, c->zValue(), 0, true, false, dist / speed ); } connect(deck(), &KAbstractCardDeck::cardAnimationDone, this, &DealerScene::showWonMessage); } void DealerScene::showWonMessage() { disconnect(deck(), &KAbstractCardDeck::cardAnimationDone, this, &DealerScene::showWonMessage); // It shouldn't be necessary to stop the demo yet again here, but we // get crashes if we don't. Will have to look into this further. stopDemo(); // Hide all cards to prevent them from showing up accidentally if the // window is resized. foreach ( KCard * c, deck()->cards() ) c->hide(); updateWonItem(); m_wonItem->show(); } void DealerScene::updateWonItem() { const qreal aspectRatio = Renderer::self()->aspectRatioOfElement(QStringLiteral("message_frame")); int boxWidth; int boxHeight; if ( width() < aspectRatio * height() ) { boxWidth = width() * wonBoxToSceneSizeRatio; boxHeight = boxWidth / aspectRatio; } else { boxHeight = height() * wonBoxToSceneSizeRatio; boxWidth = boxHeight * aspectRatio; } m_wonItem->setSize( QSize( boxWidth, boxHeight ) ); if ( m_playerReceivedHelp ) m_wonItem->setMessage( i18n( "Congratulations! We have won." ) ); else m_wonItem->setMessage( i18n( "Congratulations! You have won." ) ); m_wonItem->setPos( QPointF( (width() - boxWidth) / 2, (height() - boxHeight) / 2 ) + sceneRect().topLeft() ); } bool DealerScene::allowedToAdd( const KCardPile * pile, const QList & cards ) const { if ( !pile->isEmpty() && !pile->topCard()->isFaceUp() ) return false; const PatPile * p = dynamic_cast( pile ); return p && checkAdd( p, p->cards(), cards ); } bool DealerScene::allowedToRemove( const KCardPile * pile, const KCard * card ) const { const PatPile * p = dynamic_cast( pile ); QList cards = pile->topCardsDownTo( card ); return p && card->isFaceUp() && !cards.isEmpty() && checkRemove( p, cards ); } bool DealerScene::checkAdd( const PatPile * pile, const QList & oldCards, const QList & newCards ) const { Q_UNUSED( pile ) Q_UNUSED( oldCards ) Q_UNUSED( newCards ) return false; } bool DealerScene::checkRemove(const PatPile * pile, const QList & cards) const { Q_UNUSED( pile ) Q_UNUSED( cards ) return false; } bool DealerScene::checkPrefering( const PatPile * pile, const QList & oldCards, const QList & newCards ) const { Q_UNUSED( pile ) Q_UNUSED( oldCards ) Q_UNUSED( newCards ) return false; } void DealerScene::mousePressEvent( QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * e ) { stop(); const QList itemsAtPoint = items( e->scenePos() ); KCard * card = qgraphicsitem_cast( itemsAtPoint.isEmpty() ? 0 : itemsAtPoint.first() ); if ( m_peekedCard ) { e->accept(); } else if ( e->button() == Qt::RightButton && card && card->pile() && card != card->pile()->topCard() && cardsBeingDragged().isEmpty() && !isCardAnimationRunning() ) { e->accept(); m_peekedCard = card; QPointF pos2( card->x() + deck()->cardWidth() / 3.0, card->y() - deck()->cardHeight() / 3.0 ); card->setZValue( card->zValue() + 0.1 ); card->animate( pos2, card->zValue(), 20, card->isFaceUp(), false, DURATION_FANCYSHOW ); } else { KCardScene::mousePressEvent( e ); if ( !cardsBeingDragged().isEmpty() ) emit cardsPickedUp(); } } void DealerScene::mouseReleaseEvent( QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * e ) { stop(); if ( e->button() == Qt::RightButton && m_peekedCard && m_peekedCard->pile() ) { e->accept(); updatePileLayout( m_peekedCard->pile(), DURATION_FANCYSHOW ); m_peekedCard = nullptr; } else { bool hadCards = !cardsBeingDragged().isEmpty(); KCardScene::mouseReleaseEvent( e ); if ( hadCards && cardsBeingDragged().isEmpty() ) emit cardsPutDown(); } } void DealerScene::mouseDoubleClickEvent( QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * e ) { stop(); KCardScene::mouseDoubleClickEvent( e ); } bool DealerScene::tryAutomaticMove( KCard * card ) { if ( !isCardAnimationRunning() && card && card->pile() && card == card->pile()->topCard() && card->isFaceUp() && allowedToRemove( card->pile(), card ) ) { QList cardList = QList() << card; foreach ( PatPile * p, patPiles() ) { if ( p->isFoundation() && allowedToAdd( p, cardList ) ) { moveCardToPile( card , p, DURATION_MOVE ); return true; } } } return false; } void DealerScene::undo() { undoOrRedo( true ); } void DealerScene::redo() { undoOrRedo( false ); } void DealerScene::undoOrRedo( bool undo ) { stop(); if ( isCardAnimationRunning() ) return; // The undo and redo actions are almost identical, except for where states // are pulled from and pushed to, so to keep things generic, we use // direction dependent const references throughout this code. QStack & fromStack = undo ? m_undoStack : m_redoStack; QStack & toStack = undo ? m_redoStack : m_undoStack; if ( !fromStack.isEmpty() && m_currentState ) { // If we're undoing, we use the oldStates of the changes of the current // state. If we're redoing, we use the newStates of the changes of the // nextState. const QList & changes = undo ? m_currentState->changes : fromStack.top()->changes; // Update the currentState pointer and undo/redo stacks. toStack.push( m_currentState ); m_currentState = fromStack.pop(); setGameState( m_currentState->stateData ); QSet pilesAffected; foreach ( const CardStateChange & change, changes ) { CardState sourceState = undo ? change.newState : change.oldState; CardState destState = undo ? change.oldState : change.newState; PatPile * sourcePile = dynamic_cast( sourceState.pile ); PatPile * destPile = dynamic_cast( destState.pile ); bool notDroppable = destState.takenDown || ((sourcePile && sourcePile->isFoundation()) && !(destPile && destPile->isFoundation())); pilesAffected << sourceState.pile << destState.pile; foreach ( KCard * c, change.cards ) { m_lastKnownCardStates.insert( c, destState ); c->setFaceUp( destState.faceUp ); destState.pile->insert( destState.index, c ); if ( notDroppable ) m_cardsRemovedFromFoundations.insert( c ); else m_cardsRemovedFromFoundations.remove( c ); ++sourceState.index; ++destState.index; } } // At this point all cards should be in the right piles, but not // necessarily at the right positions within those piles. So we // run through the piles involved and swap card positions until // everything is back in its place, then relayout the piles. foreach( KCardPile * p, pilesAffected ) { int i = 0; while ( i < p->count() ) { int index = m_lastKnownCardStates.value( p->at( i ) ).index; if ( i == index ) ++i; else p->swapCards( i, index ); } updatePileLayout( p, 0 ); } emit updateMoves( moveCount() ); emit undoPossible( !m_undoStack.isEmpty() ); emit redoPossible( !m_redoStack.isEmpty() ); if ( m_toldAboutLostGame ) // everything's possible again { gameInProgress( true ); m_toldAboutLostGame = false; m_toldAboutWonGame = false; } int solvability = m_currentState->solvability; m_winningMoves = m_currentState->winningMoves; emit solverStateChanged( solverStatusMessage( solvability, m_dealWasEverWinnable ) ); if ( m_solver && ( solvability == SolverInterface::SearchAborted || solvability == SolverInterface::MemoryLimitReached ) ) { startSolver(); } } } void DealerScene::takeState() { if ( isCardAnimationRunning() ) { m_takeStateQueued = true; return; } if ( !isDemoActive() ) m_winningMoves.clear(); QList changes; foreach ( KCardPile * p, piles() ) { QList currentRun; CardState oldRunState; CardState newRunState; for ( int i = 0; i < p->count(); ++i ) { KCard * c = p->at( i ); const CardState & oldState = m_lastKnownCardStates.value( c ); CardState newState( p, i, c->isFaceUp(), m_cardsRemovedFromFoundations.contains( c ) ); // The card has changed. if ( newState != oldState ) { // There's a run in progress, but this card isn't part of it. if ( !currentRun.isEmpty() && (oldState.pile != oldRunState.pile || (oldState.index != -1 && oldState.index != oldRunState.index + currentRun.size()) || oldState.faceUp != oldRunState.faceUp || newState.faceUp != newRunState.faceUp || oldState.takenDown != oldRunState.takenDown || newState.takenDown != newRunState.takenDown) ) { changes << CardStateChange( oldRunState, newRunState, currentRun ); currentRun.clear(); } // This card is the start of a new run. if ( currentRun.isEmpty() ) { oldRunState = oldState; newRunState = newState; } currentRun << c; m_lastKnownCardStates.insert( c, newState ); } } // Add the last run, if any. if ( !currentRun.isEmpty() ) { changes << CardStateChange( oldRunState, newRunState, currentRun ); } } // If nothing has changed, we're done. if ( changes.isEmpty() && m_currentState && m_currentState->stateData == getGameState() ) { return; } if ( m_currentState ) { m_undoStack.push( m_currentState ); qDeleteAll( m_redoStack ); m_redoStack.clear(); } m_currentState = new GameState( changes, getGameState() ); emit redoPossible( false ); emit undoPossible( !m_undoStack.isEmpty() ); emit updateMoves( moveCount() ); m_dealWasJustSaved = false; if ( isGameWon() ) { won(); return; } if ( !m_toldAboutWonGame && !m_toldAboutLostGame && isGameLost() ) { emit gameInProgress( false ); emit solverStateChanged( i18n( "Solver: This game is lost." ) ); m_toldAboutLostGame = true; stopDemo(); return; } if ( !isDemoActive() && !isCardAnimationRunning() && m_solver ) startSolver(); if ( autoDropEnabled() && !isDropActive() && !isDemoActive() && m_redoStack.isEmpty() ) { if ( m_interruptAutoDrop ) m_interruptAutoDrop = false; else startDrop(); } } void DealerScene::setSolverEnabled(bool a) { m_solverEnabled = a; } void DealerScene::setAutoDropEnabled( bool enabled ) { m_autoDropEnabled = enabled; } bool DealerScene::autoDropEnabled() const { return m_autoDropEnabled; } void DealerScene::startDrop() { stopHint(); stopDemo(); if ( isCardAnimationRunning() ) { m_dropQueued = true; return; } m_dropInProgress = true; m_interruptAutoDrop = false; m_dropSpeedFactor = 1; emit dropActive( true ); drop(); } void DealerScene::stopDrop() { if ( m_dropInProgress ) { m_dropTimer.stop(); m_dropInProgress = false; emit dropActive( false ); if ( autoDropEnabled() && m_takeStateQueued ) m_interruptAutoDrop = true; } } bool DealerScene::isDropActive() const { return m_dropInProgress; } bool DealerScene::drop() { foreach ( const MoveHint & mh, getHints() ) { if ( mh.pile() && mh.pile()->isFoundation() && mh.priority() > 120 && !m_cardsRemovedFromFoundations.contains( mh.card() ) ) { QList cards = mh.card()->pile()->topCardsDownTo( mh.card() ); QMap oldPositions; foreach ( KCard * c, cards ) oldPositions.insert( c, c->pos() ); moveCardsToPile( cards, mh.pile(), DURATION_MOVE ); int count = 0; foreach ( KCard * c, cards ) { c->completeAnimation(); QPointF destPos = c->pos(); c->setPos( oldPositions.value( c ) ); int duration = speedUpTime( DURATION_AUTODROP + count * DURATION_AUTODROP / 10 ); c->animate( destPos, c->zValue(), 0, c->isFaceUp(), true, duration ); ++count; } m_dropSpeedFactor *= AUTODROP_SPEEDUP_FACTOR; takeState(); return true; } } m_dropInProgress = false; emit dropActive( false ); return false; } int DealerScene::speedUpTime( int delay ) const { if ( delay < DURATION_AUTODROP_MINIMUM ) return delay; else return qMax( delay * m_dropSpeedFactor, DURATION_AUTODROP_MINIMUM ); } void DealerScene::stopAndRestartSolver() { if ( m_toldAboutLostGame || m_toldAboutWonGame ) // who cares? return; if ( m_solverThread && m_solverThread->isRunning() ) { m_solverThread->abort(); } if ( isCardAnimationRunning() ) { startSolver(); return; } slotSolverEnded(); } void DealerScene::slotSolverEnded() { if ( m_solverThread && m_solverThread->isRunning() ) return; m_solver->translate_layout(); m_winningMoves.clear(); emit solverStateChanged( i18n("Solver: Calculating...") ); if ( !m_solverThread ) { m_solverThread = new SolverThread( m_solver ); connect(m_solverThread, &SolverThread::finished, this, &DealerScene::slotSolverFinished); } m_solverThread->start( m_solverEnabled ? QThread::IdlePriority : QThread::NormalPriority ); } void DealerScene::slotSolverFinished( int result ) { if ( result == SolverInterface::SolutionExists ) { m_winningMoves = m_solver->winMoves(); m_dealWasEverWinnable = true; } emit solverStateChanged( solverStatusMessage( result, m_dealWasEverWinnable ) ); if ( m_currentState ) { m_currentState->solvability = static_cast( result ); m_currentState->winningMoves = m_winningMoves; } if ( result == SolverInterface::SearchAborted ) startSolver(); } int DealerScene::gameNumber() const { return m_dealNumber; } void DealerScene::stop() { stopHint(); stopDemo(); stopDrop(); } void DealerScene::animationDone() { Q_ASSERT( !isCardAnimationRunning() ); if ( !m_multiStepMoves.isEmpty() ) { continueMultiStepMove(); return; } if ( m_takeStateQueued ) { m_takeStateQueued = false; takeState(); } if ( m_demoInProgress ) { m_demoTimer.start( TIME_BETWEEN_MOVES ); } else if ( m_dropInProgress ) { m_dropTimer.start( speedUpTime( TIME_BETWEEN_MOVES ) ); } else if ( m_newCardsQueued ) { m_newCardsQueued = false; newCards(); } else if ( m_hintQueued ) { m_hintQueued = false; startHint(); } else if ( m_demoQueued ) { m_demoQueued = false; startDemo(); } else if ( m_dropQueued ) { m_dropQueued = false; startDrop(); } } void DealerScene::startDemo() { stopHint(); stopDrop(); if ( isCardAnimationRunning() ) { m_demoQueued = true; return; } m_demoInProgress = true; m_playerReceivedHelp = true; m_dealStarted = true; demo(); } void DealerScene::stopDemo() { if ( m_demoInProgress ) { m_demoTimer.stop(); m_demoInProgress = false; emit demoActive( false ); } } bool DealerScene::isDemoActive() const { return m_demoInProgress; } void DealerScene::demo() { if ( isCardAnimationRunning() ) { m_demoQueued = true; return; } m_demoInProgress = true; m_playerReceivedHelp = true; m_dealStarted = true; clearHighlightedItems(); m_demoTimer.stop(); MoveHint mh = chooseHint(); if ( mh.isValid() ) { KCard * card = mh.card(); Q_ASSERT( card ); KCardPile * sourcePile = mh.card()->pile(); Q_ASSERT( sourcePile ); Q_ASSERT( allowedToRemove( sourcePile, card ) ); PatPile * destPile = mh.pile(); Q_ASSERT( destPile ); Q_ASSERT( sourcePile != destPile ); QList cards = sourcePile->topCardsDownTo( card ); Q_ASSERT( allowedToAdd( destPile, cards ) ); if ( destPile->isEmpty() ) { qDebug() << "Moving" << card->objectName() << "from the" << sourcePile->objectName() << "pile to the" << destPile->objectName() << "pile, which is empty"; } else { qDebug() << "Moving" << card->objectName() << "from the" << sourcePile->objectName() << "pile to the" << destPile->objectName() << "pile, putting it on top of" << destPile->topCard()->objectName(); } moveCardsToPile( cards, destPile, DURATION_DEMO ); } else if ( !newCards() ) { if (isGameWon()) { won(); } else { stopDemo(); slotSolverEnded(); } return; } emit demoActive( true ); takeState(); } void DealerScene::drawDealRowOrRedeal() { stop(); if ( isCardAnimationRunning() ) { m_newCardsQueued = true; return; } m_newCardsQueued = false; newCards(); } bool DealerScene::newCards() { return false; } void DealerScene::setSolver( SolverInterface *s) { delete m_solver; delete m_solverThread; m_solver = s; m_solverThread = nullptr; } bool DealerScene::isGameWon() const { foreach (PatPile *p, patPiles()) { if (!p->isFoundation() && !p->isEmpty()) return false; } return true; } void DealerScene::startSolver() { if( m_solverEnabled ) m_solverUpdateTimer.start(); } bool DealerScene::isGameLost() const { if (! m_winningMoves.isEmpty()) { return false; } if ( solver() ) { if ( m_solverThread && m_solverThread->isRunning() ) m_solverThread->abort(); solver()->translate_layout(); return solver()->patsolve( neededFutureMoves() ) == SolverInterface::NoSolutionExists; } return false; } void DealerScene::recordGameStatistics() { // Don't record the game if it was never started, if it is unchanged since // it was last saved (allowing the user to close KPat after saving without // it recording a loss) or if it has already been recorded.// takeState(); // copying it again if ( m_dealStarted && !m_dealWasJustSaved && !m_statisticsRecorded ) { int id = oldId(); QString totalPlayedKey = QStringLiteral("total%1").arg( id ); QString wonKey = QStringLiteral("won%1").arg( id ); QString winStreakKey = QStringLiteral("winstreak%1").arg( id ); QString maxWinStreakKey = QStringLiteral("maxwinstreak%1").arg( id ); QString loseStreakKey = QStringLiteral("loosestreak%1").arg( id ); QString maxLoseStreakKey = QStringLiteral("maxloosestreak%1").arg( id ); KConfigGroup config(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), scores_group); int totalPlayed = config.readEntry( totalPlayedKey, 0 ); int won = config.readEntry( wonKey, 0 ); int winStreak = config.readEntry( winStreakKey, 0 ); int maxWinStreak = config.readEntry( maxWinStreakKey, 0 ); int loseStreak = config.readEntry( loseStreakKey, 0 ); int maxLoseStreak = config.readEntry( maxLoseStreakKey, 0 ); ++totalPlayed; if ( m_dealHasBeenWon ) { ++won; ++winStreak; maxWinStreak = qMax( winStreak, maxWinStreak ); loseStreak = 0; } else { ++loseStreak; maxLoseStreak = qMax( loseStreak, maxLoseStreak ); winStreak = 0; } config.writeEntry( totalPlayedKey, totalPlayed ); config.writeEntry( wonKey, won ); config.writeEntry( winStreakKey, winStreak ); config.writeEntry( maxWinStreakKey, maxWinStreak ); config.writeEntry( loseStreakKey, loseStreak ); config.writeEntry( maxLoseStreakKey, maxLoseStreak ); m_statisticsRecorded = true; } } void DealerScene::relayoutScene() { KCardScene::relayoutScene(); if ( m_wonItem->isVisible() ) updateWonItem(); } int DealerScene::gameId() const { return m_di->baseId(); } void DealerScene::setActions( int actions ) { m_supportedActions = actions; } int DealerScene::actions() const { return m_supportedActions; } QList DealerScene::configActions() const { return QList(); } SolverInterface * DealerScene::solver() const { return m_solver; } int DealerScene::neededFutureMoves() const { return m_neededFutureMoves; } void DealerScene::setNeededFutureMoves( int i ) { m_neededFutureMoves = i; } void DealerScene::setDeckContents( int copies, const QList & suits ) { Q_ASSERT( copies >= 1 ); Q_ASSERT( !suits.isEmpty() ); // Note that the order in which the cards are created can not be changed // without breaking the game numbering. For historical reasons, KPat // generates card by rank and then by suit, rather than the more common // suit then rank ordering. QList ids; unsigned int number = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < copies; ++i ) foreach ( const KCardDeck::Rank & r, KCardDeck::standardRanks() ) foreach ( const KCardDeck::Suit & s, suits ) ids << KCardDeck::getId( s, r, number++ ); deck()->setDeckContents( ids ); } QImage DealerScene::createDump() const { const QSize previewSize( 480, 320 ); foreach ( KCard * c, deck()->cards() ) c->completeAnimation(); QMultiMap itemsByZ; foreach ( QGraphicsItem * item, items() ) { Q_ASSERT( item->zValue() >= 0 ); itemsByZ.insert( item->zValue(), item ); } QImage img( contentArea().size().toSize(), QImage::Format_ARGB32 ); img.fill( Qt::transparent ); QPainter p( &img ); foreach ( QGraphicsItem * item, itemsByZ ) { if ( item->isVisible() ) { p.save(); p.setTransform( item->deviceTransform( p.worldTransform() ), false ); item->paint( &p, nullptr ); p.restore(); } } p.end(); img = img.scaled( previewSize, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation ); QImage img2( previewSize, QImage::Format_ARGB32 ); img2.fill( Qt::transparent ); QPainter p2( &img2 ); p2.drawImage( (img2.width() - img.width()) / 2, (img2.height() - img.height()) / 2, img ); p2.end(); return img2; } void DealerScene::mapOldId( int id ) { Q_UNUSED( id ); } int DealerScene::oldId() const { return gameId(); } QString DealerScene::getGameState() const { return QString(); } void DealerScene::setGameState( const QString & state ) { Q_UNUSED( state ); } QString DealerScene::getGameOptions() const { return QString(); } void DealerScene::setGameOptions( const QString & options ) { Q_UNUSED( options ); } bool DealerScene::allowedToStartNewGame() { // Check if the user is already running a game, and if she is, // then ask if she wants to abort it. return !m_dealStarted || m_dealWasJustSaved || m_toldAboutWonGame || m_toldAboutLostGame || KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(nullptr, i18n("A new game has been requested, but there is already a game in progress.\n\n" "A loss will be recorded in the statistics if the current game is abandoned."), i18n("Abandon Current Game?"), KGuiItem(i18n("Abandon Current Game")), KStandardGuiItem::cancel(), QStringLiteral("careaboutstats") ) == KMessageBox::Continue; } void DealerScene::addCardForDeal( KCardPile * pile, KCard * card, bool faceUp, QPointF startPos ) { Q_ASSERT( card ); Q_ASSERT( pile ); card->setFaceUp( faceUp ); pile->add( card ); m_initDealPositions.insert( card, startPos ); } void DealerScene::startDealAnimation() { qreal speed = sqrt( width() * width() + height() * height() ) / ( DURATION_DEAL ); foreach ( PatPile * p, patPiles() ) { updatePileLayout( p, 0 ); foreach ( KCard * c, p->cards() ) { if ( !m_initDealPositions.contains( c ) ) continue; QPointF pos2 = c->pos(); c->setPos( m_initDealPositions.value( c ) ); QPointF delta = c->pos() - pos2; qreal dist = sqrt( delta.x() * delta.x() + delta.y() * delta.y() ); int duration = qRound( dist / speed ); c->animate( pos2, c->zValue(), 0, c->isFaceUp(), false, duration ); } } m_initDealPositions.clear(); } void DealerScene::multiStepMove( const QList & cards, KCardPile * pile, const QList & freePiles, const QList & freeCells, int duration ) { Q_ASSERT( cards.size() == 1 || !freePiles.isEmpty() || !freeCells.isEmpty() ); m_multiStepMoves.clear(); m_multiStepDuration = duration; multiStepSubMove( cards, pile, freePiles, freeCells ); continueMultiStepMove(); } void DealerScene::multiStepSubMove( QList cards, KCardPile * pile, QList freePiles, const QList & freeCells ) { // Note that cards and freePiles are passed by value, as we need to make a // local copy anyway. // Using n free cells, we can move a run of n+1 cards. If we want to move // more than that, we have to recursively move some of our cards to one of // the free piles temporarily. const int freeCellsPlusOne = freeCells.size() + 1; int cardsToSubMove = cards.size() - freeCellsPlusOne; QList > > tempMoves; while ( cardsToSubMove > 0 ) { int tempMoveSize; if ( cardsToSubMove <= freePiles.size() * freeCellsPlusOne ) { // If the cards that have to be submoved can be spread across the // the free piles without putting more than freeCellsPlusOne cards // on each one, we do so. This means that none of our submoves will // need further submoves, which keeps the total move count down. We // Just to a simple rounding up integer division. tempMoveSize = (cardsToSubMove + freePiles.size() - 1) / freePiles.size(); } else { // Otherwise, we use the space optimal method that gets the cards // moved using a minimal number of piles, but uses more submoves. tempMoveSize = freeCellsPlusOne; while ( tempMoveSize * 2 < cardsToSubMove ) tempMoveSize *= 2; } QList subCards; for ( int i = 0; i < tempMoveSize; ++i ) subCards.prepend( cards.takeLast() ); Q_ASSERT( !freePiles.isEmpty() ); KCardPile * nextPile = freePiles.takeFirst(); tempMoves << qMakePair( nextPile, subCards ); multiStepSubMove( subCards, nextPile, freePiles, freeCells ); cardsToSubMove -= tempMoveSize; } // Move cards to free cells. for ( int i = 0; i < cards.size() - 1; ++i ) { KCard * c = cards.at( cards.size() - 1 - i ); m_multiStepMoves << qMakePair( c, freeCells[i] ); } // Move bottom card to destination pile. m_multiStepMoves << qMakePair( cards.first(), pile ); // Move cards from free cells to destination pile. for ( int i = 1; i < cards.size(); ++i ) m_multiStepMoves << qMakePair( cards.at( i ), pile ); // If we just moved the bottomost card of the source pile, it must now be // empty and we won't need it any more. So we return it to the list of free // piles. KCardPile * sourcePile = cards.first()->pile(); if ( sourcePile->at( 0 ) == cards.first() ) freePiles << sourcePile; // If we had to do any submoves, we now move those cards from their // temporary pile to the destination pile and free up their temporary pile. while ( !tempMoves.isEmpty() ) { QPair > m = tempMoves.takeLast(); multiStepSubMove( m.second, pile, freePiles, freeCells ); freePiles << m.first; } } void DealerScene::continueMultiStepMove() { Q_ASSERT( !m_multiStepMoves.isEmpty() ); Q_ASSERT( !isCardAnimationRunning() ); QPair m = m_multiStepMoves.takeFirst(); KCard * card = m.first; KCardPile * dest = m.second; KCardPile * source = card->pile(); Q_ASSERT( card == source->topCard() ); Q_ASSERT( allowedToAdd( dest, QList() << card ) ); m_multiStepDuration = qMax( m_multiStepDuration * 0.9, 50 ); dest->add( card ); card->raise(); updatePileLayout( dest, m_multiStepDuration ); updatePileLayout( source, m_multiStepDuration ); if ( m_multiStepMoves.isEmpty() ) takeState(); } #include "dealer.moc" #include "moc_dealer.cpp"