diff --git a/addons/externaltools/tooldialog.ui b/addons/externaltools/tooldialog.ui index 389c05e8a..d0d54e291 100644 --- a/addons/externaltools/tooldialog.ui +++ b/addons/externaltools/tooldialog.ui @@ -1,360 +1,379 @@ ToolDialog 0 0 470 - 491 + 510 Edit Tool Name: The name will be displayed in the 'Tools->External Tools' menu. Short name of the tool Executable: The executable used by the command. This is used to check if a tool should be displayed; if not set, the first word of <em>command</em> will be used. Application or interpreter ../../../../../../../../.designer/backup../../../../../../../../.designer/backup QToolButton::InstantPopup Arguments: Input: <p>The script to execute to invoke the tool. The script is passed to /bin/sh for execution. The following macros will be expanded:</p><ul><li><code>%URL</code> - the URL of the current document.</li><li><code>%URLs</code> - a list of the URLs of all open documents.</li><li><code>%directory</code> - the URL of the directory containing the current document.</li><li><code>%filename</code> - the filename of the current document.</li><li><code>%line</code> - the current line of the text cursor in the current view.</li><li><code>%column</code> - the column of the text cursor in the current view.</li><li><code>%selection</code> - the selected text in the current view.</li><li><code>%text</code> - the text of the current document.</li></ul> Optional standard input ../../../../../../../../.designer/backup../../../../../../../../.designer/backup QToolButton::InstantPopup Mime types: A semicolon-separated list of mime types for which this tool should be available; if this is left empty, the tool is always available. To choose from known mimetypes, press the button on the right. Show tool only for given mime types Click for a dialog that can help you create a list of mimetypes. ../../../../../../../../.designer/backup../../../../../../../../.designer/backup Save: You can choose to save the current or all [modified] documents prior to running the command. This is helpful if you want to pass URLs to an application like, for example, an FTP client. None Current Document All Documents Reload current document after execution Output: Ignore Insert at Cursor Position Replace Selected Text Replace Current Document Append to Current Document Insert in New Document Display in Pane Embedded Console Editor command: If you specify a name here, you can invoke the command from the view command line with exttool-the_name_you_specified_here. Please do not use spaces or tabs in the name. Optional command bar name Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok Working directory: Uses current document path if empty ../../../../../../../../.designer/backup../../../../../../../../.designer/backup QToolButton::InstantPopup Command line arguments ../../../../../../../../.designer/backup../../../../../../../../.designer/backup QToolButton::InstantPopup Include output from stderr KIconButton QPushButton
+ + edtName + btnIcon + edtExecutable + btnExecutable + edtArgs + btnArgs + edtInput + btnInput + edtWorkingDir + btnWorkingDir + edtMimeType + btnMimeType + cmbSave + chkReload + cmbOutput + chkIncludeStderr + edtCommand + buttonBox accepted() ToolDialog accept() 248 254 157 274 buttonBox rejected() ToolDialog reject() 316 260 286 274