diff --git a/addons/lspclient/lspclientserver.cpp b/addons/lspclient/lspclientserver.cpp index 1c950d962..8268400cd 100644 --- a/addons/lspclient/lspclientserver.cpp +++ b/addons/lspclient/lspclientserver.cpp @@ -1,1299 +1,1301 @@ /* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT Copyright (C) 2019 Mark Nauwelaerts Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "lspclientserver.h" #include "lspclient_debug.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static const QString MEMBER_ID = QStringLiteral("id"); static const QString MEMBER_METHOD = QStringLiteral("method"); static const QString MEMBER_ERROR = QStringLiteral("error"); static const QString MEMBER_CODE = QStringLiteral("code"); static const QString MEMBER_MESSAGE = QStringLiteral("message"); static const QString MEMBER_PARAMS = QStringLiteral("params"); static const QString MEMBER_RESULT = QStringLiteral("result"); static const QString MEMBER_URI = QStringLiteral("uri"); static const QString MEMBER_VERSION = QStringLiteral("version"); static const QString MEMBER_START = QStringLiteral("start"); static const QString MEMBER_END = QStringLiteral("end"); static const QString MEMBER_POSITION = QStringLiteral("position"); static const QString MEMBER_LOCATION = QStringLiteral("location"); static const QString MEMBER_RANGE = QStringLiteral("range"); static const QString MEMBER_LINE = QStringLiteral("line"); static const QString MEMBER_CHARACTER = QStringLiteral("character"); static const QString MEMBER_KIND = QStringLiteral("kind"); static const QString MEMBER_TEXT = QStringLiteral("text"); static const QString MEMBER_LANGID = QStringLiteral("languageId"); static const QString MEMBER_LABEL = QStringLiteral("label"); static const QString MEMBER_DOCUMENTATION = QStringLiteral("documentation"); static const QString MEMBER_DETAIL = QStringLiteral("detail"); static const QString MEMBER_COMMAND = QStringLiteral("command"); static const QString MEMBER_EDIT = QStringLiteral("edit"); static const QString MEMBER_TITLE = QStringLiteral("title"); static const QString MEMBER_ARGUMENTS = QStringLiteral("arguments"); static const QString MEMBER_DIAGNOSTICS = QStringLiteral("diagnostics"); // message construction helpers static QJsonObject to_json(const LSPPosition & pos) { return QJsonObject { { MEMBER_LINE, pos.line() }, { MEMBER_CHARACTER, pos.column() } }; } static QJsonObject to_json(const LSPRange & range) { return QJsonObject { { MEMBER_START, to_json(range.start()) }, { MEMBER_END, to_json(range.end()) } }; } static QJsonValue to_json(const LSPLocation & location) { if (location.uri.isValid()) { return QJsonObject { { MEMBER_URI, location.uri.toString() }, { MEMBER_RANGE, to_json(location.range) } }; } return QJsonValue(); } static QJsonValue to_json(const LSPDiagnosticRelatedInformation & related) { auto loc = to_json(related.location); if (loc.isObject()) { return QJsonObject { { MEMBER_LOCATION, to_json(related.location) }, { MEMBER_MESSAGE, related.message } }; } return QJsonValue(); } static QJsonObject to_json(const LSPDiagnostic & diagnostic) { // required auto result = QJsonObject(); result[MEMBER_RANGE] = to_json(diagnostic.range); result[MEMBER_MESSAGE] = diagnostic.message; // optional if (!diagnostic.code.isEmpty()) result[QStringLiteral("code")] = diagnostic.code; if (diagnostic.severity != LSPDiagnosticSeverity::Unknown) result[QStringLiteral("severity")] = (int) diagnostic.severity; if (!diagnostic.source.isEmpty()) result[QStringLiteral("source")] = diagnostic.source; auto related = to_json(diagnostic.relatedInformation); if (related.isObject()) { result[QStringLiteral("relatedInformation")] = related; } return result; } static QJsonObject versionedTextDocumentIdentifier(const QUrl & document, int version = -1) { QJsonObject map { { MEMBER_URI, document.toString() } }; if (version >= 0) map[MEMBER_VERSION] = version; return map; } static QJsonObject textDocumentItem(const QUrl & document, const QString & lang, const QString & text, int version) { auto map = versionedTextDocumentIdentifier(document, version); map[MEMBER_TEXT] = text; // TODO ?? server does not mind map[MEMBER_LANGID] = lang; return map; } static QJsonObject textDocumentParams(const QJsonObject & m) { return QJsonObject { { QStringLiteral("textDocument"), m} }; } static QJsonObject textDocumentParams(const QUrl & document, int version = -1) { return textDocumentParams(versionedTextDocumentIdentifier(document, version)); } static QJsonObject textDocumentPositionParams(const QUrl & document, LSPPosition pos) { auto params = textDocumentParams(document); params[MEMBER_POSITION] = to_json(pos); return params; } static QJsonObject referenceParams(const QUrl & document, LSPPosition pos, bool decl) { auto params = textDocumentPositionParams(document, pos); params[QStringLiteral("context")] = QJsonObject { { QStringLiteral("includeDeclaration"), decl } }; return params; } static QJsonObject documentRangeFormattingParams(const QUrl & document, const LSPRange *range, int tabSize, bool insertSpaces, const QJsonObject & _options) { auto params = textDocumentParams(document); if (range) { params[MEMBER_RANGE] = to_json(*range); } auto options = _options; options[QStringLiteral("tabSize")] = tabSize; options[QStringLiteral("insertSpaces")] = insertSpaces; params[QStringLiteral("options")] = options; return params; } static QJsonObject renameParams(const QUrl & document, const LSPPosition & pos, const QString & newName) { auto params = textDocumentPositionParams(document, pos); params[QStringLiteral("newName")] = newName; return params; } static QJsonObject codeActionParams(const QUrl & document, const LSPRange & range, QList kinds, QList diagnostics) { auto params = textDocumentParams(document); params[MEMBER_RANGE] = to_json(range); QJsonObject context; QJsonArray diags; for (const auto& diagnostic: diagnostics) { diags.push_back(to_json(diagnostic)); } context[MEMBER_DIAGNOSTICS] = diags; if (kinds.length()) context[QStringLiteral("only")] = QJsonArray::fromStringList(kinds); params[QStringLiteral("context")] = context; return params; } static QJsonObject executeCommandParams(const QString & command, const QJsonValue & args) { return QJsonObject { { MEMBER_COMMAND, command }, { MEMBER_ARGUMENTS, args } }; } static QJsonObject applyWorkspaceEditResponse(const LSPApplyWorkspaceEditResponse & response) { return QJsonObject { { QStringLiteral("applied"), response.applied }, { QStringLiteral("failureReason"), response.failureReason } }; } static void from_json(QVector & trigger, const QJsonValue & json) { for (const auto & t : json.toArray()) { auto st = t.toString(); if (st.length()) trigger.push_back(st.at(0)); } } static void from_json(LSPCompletionOptions & options, const QJsonValue & json) { if (json.isObject()) { auto ob = json.toObject(); options.provider = true; options.resolveProvider = ob.value(QStringLiteral("resolveProvider")).toBool(); from_json(options.triggerCharacters, ob.value(QStringLiteral("triggerCharacters"))); } } static void from_json(LSPSignatureHelpOptions & options, const QJsonValue & json) { if (json.isObject()) { auto ob = json.toObject(); options.provider = true; from_json(options.triggerCharacters, ob.value(QStringLiteral("triggerCharacters"))); } } static void from_json(LSPServerCapabilities & caps, const QJsonObject & json) { auto sync = json.value(QStringLiteral("textDocumentSync")); caps.textDocumentSync = (LSPDocumentSyncKind) (sync.isObject() ? sync.toObject().value(QStringLiteral("change")) : sync).toInt((int)LSPDocumentSyncKind::None); caps.hoverProvider = json.value(QStringLiteral("hoverProvider")).toBool(); from_json(caps.completionProvider, json.value(QStringLiteral("completionProvider"))); from_json(caps.signatureHelpProvider, json.value(QStringLiteral("signatureHelpProvider"))); caps.definitionProvider = json.value(QStringLiteral("definitionProvider")).toBool(); caps.declarationProvider = json.value(QStringLiteral("declarationProvider")).toBool(); caps.referencesProvider = json.value(QStringLiteral("referencesProvider")).toBool(); caps.documentSymbolProvider = json.value(QStringLiteral("documentSymbolProvider")).toBool(); caps.documentHighlightProvider = json.value(QStringLiteral("documentHighlightProvider")).toBool(); caps.documentFormattingProvider = json.value(QStringLiteral("documentFormattingProvider")).toBool(); caps.documentRangeFormattingProvider = json.value(QStringLiteral("documentRangeFormattingProvider")).toBool(); caps.renameProvider = json.value(QStringLiteral("renameProvider")).toBool(); auto codeActionProvider = json.value(QStringLiteral("codeActionProvider")); caps.codeActionProvider = codeActionProvider.toBool() || codeActionProvider.isObject(); } // TODO move all parsing here static LSPPublishDiagnosticsParams parseDiagnostics(const QJsonObject & result); static LSPApplyWorkspaceEditParams parseApplyWorkspaceEditParams(const QJsonObject & result); using GenericReplyType = QJsonValue; using GenericReplyHandler = ReplyHandler; class LSPClientServer::LSPClientServerPrivate { typedef LSPClientServerPrivate self_type; LSPClientServer *q; // server cmd line QStringList m_server; // workspace root to pass along QUrl m_root; // user provided init QJsonValue m_init; // server process QProcess m_sproc; // server declared capabilites LSPServerCapabilities m_capabilities; // server state State m_state = State::None; // last msg id int m_id = 0; // receive buffer QByteArray m_receive; // registered reply handlers QHash m_handlers; // pending request responses static constexpr int MAX_REQUESTS = 5; QVector m_requests{MAX_REQUESTS + 1}; public: LSPClientServerPrivate(LSPClientServer * _q, const QStringList & server, const QUrl & root, const QJsonValue & init) : q(_q), m_server(server), m_root(root), m_init(init) { // setup async reading QObject::connect(&m_sproc, &QProcess::readyRead, utils::mem_fun(&self_type::read, this)); QObject::connect(&m_sproc, &QProcess::stateChanged, utils::mem_fun(&self_type::onStateChanged, this)); } ~LSPClientServerPrivate() { stop(TIMEOUT_SHUTDOWN, TIMEOUT_SHUTDOWN); } const QStringList& cmdline() const { return m_server; } State state() { return m_state; } const LSPServerCapabilities& capabilities() { return m_capabilities; } int cancel(int reqid) { - // TODO also send cancel to server - m_handlers.remove(reqid); + if (m_handlers.remove(reqid) > 0) { + auto params = QJsonObject { { MEMBER_ID, reqid } }; + write(init_request(QStringLiteral("$/cancelRequest"), params)); + } return -1; } private: void setState(State s) { if (m_state != s) { m_state = s; emit q->stateChanged(q); } } RequestHandle write(const QJsonObject & msg, const GenericReplyHandler & h = nullptr, const int * id = nullptr) { RequestHandle ret; ret.m_server = q; if (!running()) return ret; auto ob = msg; ob.insert(QStringLiteral("jsonrpc"), QStringLiteral("2.0")); // notification == no handler if (h) { ob.insert(MEMBER_ID, ++m_id); ret.m_id = m_id; m_handlers[m_id] = h; } else if (id) { ob.insert(MEMBER_ID, *id); } QJsonDocument json(ob); auto sjson = json.toJson(); qCInfo(LSPCLIENT) << "calling" << msg[MEMBER_METHOD].toString(); qCDebug(LSPCLIENT) << "sending message:\n" << QString::fromUtf8(sjson); // some simple parsers expect length header first auto hdr = QStringLiteral("Content-Length: %1\r\n").arg(sjson.length()); // write is async, so no blocking wait occurs here m_sproc.write(hdr.toLatin1()); m_sproc.write("\r\n"); m_sproc.write(sjson); return ret; } RequestHandle send(const QJsonObject & msg, const GenericReplyHandler & h = nullptr) { if (m_state == State::Running) return write(msg, h); else qCWarning(LSPCLIENT) << "send for non-running server"; return RequestHandle(); } void read() { // accumulate in buffer m_receive.append(m_sproc.readAllStandardOutput()); // try to get one (or more) message QByteArray &buffer = m_receive; while (true) { qCDebug(LSPCLIENT) << "buffer size" << buffer.length(); // TODO constant auto header = QByteArray("Content-Length:"); int index = buffer.indexOf(header); if (index < 0) { // avoid collecting junk if (buffer.length() > 1 << 20) buffer.clear(); break; } index += header.length(); int endindex = buffer.indexOf("\r\n", index); auto msgstart = buffer.indexOf("\r\n\r\n", index); if (endindex < 0 || msgstart < 0) break; msgstart += 4; bool ok = false; auto length = buffer.mid(index, endindex - index).toInt(&ok, 10); // FIXME perhaps detect if no reply for some time // then again possibly better left to user to restart in such case if (!ok) { qCWarning(LSPCLIENT) << "invalid Content-Length"; // flush and try to carry on to some next header buffer.remove(0, msgstart); continue; } // sanity check to avoid extensive buffering if (length > 1 << 29) { qCWarning(LSPCLIENT) << "excessive size"; buffer.clear(); continue; } if (msgstart + length > buffer.length()) break; // now onto payload auto payload = buffer.mid(msgstart, length); buffer.remove(0, msgstart + length); qCInfo(LSPCLIENT) << "got message payload size " << length; qCDebug(LSPCLIENT) << "message payload:\n" << payload; QJsonParseError error{}; auto msg = QJsonDocument::fromJson(payload, &error); if (error.error != QJsonParseError::NoError || !msg.isObject()) { qCWarning(LSPCLIENT) << "invalid response payload"; continue; } auto result = msg.object(); // check if it is the expected result int msgid = -1; if (result.contains(MEMBER_ID)) { msgid = result[MEMBER_ID].toInt(); } else { processNotification(result); continue; } // could be request if (result.contains(MEMBER_METHOD)) { processRequest(result); continue; } // a valid reply; what to do with it now auto it = m_handlers.find(msgid); if (it != m_handlers.end()) { (*it)(result.value(MEMBER_RESULT)); m_handlers.erase(it); } else { // could have been canceled qCDebug(LSPCLIENT) << "unexpected reply id"; } } } static QJsonObject init_error(const LSPErrorCode code, const QString & msg) { return QJsonObject { { MEMBER_ERROR, QJsonObject { { MEMBER_CODE, (int) code }, { MEMBER_MESSAGE, msg } } } }; } static QJsonObject init_request(const QString & method, const QJsonObject & params = QJsonObject()) { return QJsonObject { { MEMBER_METHOD, method }, { MEMBER_PARAMS, params } }; } static QJsonObject init_response(const QJsonValue & result = QJsonValue()) { return QJsonObject { { MEMBER_RESULT, result } }; } bool running() { return m_sproc.state() == QProcess::Running; } void onStateChanged(QProcess::ProcessState nstate) { if (nstate == QProcess::NotRunning) { setState(State::None); } } void shutdown() { if (m_state == State::Running) { qCInfo(LSPCLIENT) << "shutting down" << m_server; // cancel all pending m_handlers.clear(); // shutdown sequence send(init_request(QStringLiteral("shutdown"))); // maybe we will get/see reply on the above, maybe not // but not important or useful either way send(init_request(QStringLiteral("exit"))); // no longer fit for regular use setState(State::Shutdown); } } void onInitializeReply(const QJsonValue & value) { // only parse parts that we use later on from_json(m_capabilities, value.toObject().value(QStringLiteral("capabilities")).toObject()); // finish init initialized(); } void initialize() { QJsonObject codeAction { { QStringLiteral("codeActionLiteralSupport"), QJsonObject { { QStringLiteral("codeActionKind"), QJsonObject { { QStringLiteral("valueSet"), QJsonArray() } } } } } }; QJsonObject capabilities { { QStringLiteral("textDocument"), QJsonObject { { QStringLiteral("documentSymbol"), QJsonObject { { QStringLiteral("hierarchicalDocumentSymbolSupport"), true } }, }, { QStringLiteral("publishDiagnostics"), QJsonObject { { QStringLiteral("relatedInformation"), true } } }, { QStringLiteral("codeAction"), codeAction } } } }; // NOTE a typical server does not use root all that much, // other than for some corner case (in) requests QJsonObject params { { QStringLiteral("processId"), QCoreApplication::applicationPid() }, { QStringLiteral("rootPath"), m_root.path() }, { QStringLiteral("rootUri"), m_root.toString() }, { QStringLiteral("capabilities"), capabilities }, { QStringLiteral("initializationOptions"), m_init } }; // write(init_request(QStringLiteral("initialize"), params), utils::mem_fun(&self_type::onInitializeReply, this)); } void initialized() { write(init_request(QStringLiteral("initialized"))); setState(State::Running); } public: bool start() { if (m_state != State::None) return true; auto program = m_server.front(); auto args = m_server; args.pop_front(); qCInfo(LSPCLIENT) << "starting" << m_server; // at least we see some errors somewhere then m_sproc.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::ForwardedErrorChannel); m_sproc.setReadChannel(QProcess::QProcess::StandardOutput); m_sproc.start(program, args); bool result = m_sproc.waitForStarted(); if (!result) { qCWarning(LSPCLIENT) << m_sproc.error(); } else { setState(State::Started); // perform initial handshake initialize(); } return result; } void stop(int to_term, int to_kill) { if (running()) { shutdown(); if ((to_term >= 0) && !m_sproc.waitForFinished(to_term)) m_sproc.terminate(); if ((to_kill >= 0) && !m_sproc.waitForFinished(to_kill)) m_sproc.kill(); } } RequestHandle documentSymbols(const QUrl & document, const GenericReplyHandler & h) { auto params = textDocumentParams(document); return send(init_request(QStringLiteral("textDocument/documentSymbol"), params), h); } RequestHandle documentDefinition(const QUrl & document, const LSPPosition & pos, const GenericReplyHandler & h) { auto params = textDocumentPositionParams(document, pos); return send(init_request(QStringLiteral("textDocument/definition"), params), h); } RequestHandle documentDeclaration(const QUrl & document, const LSPPosition & pos, const GenericReplyHandler & h) { auto params = textDocumentPositionParams(document, pos); return send(init_request(QStringLiteral("textDocument/declaration"), params), h); } RequestHandle documentHover(const QUrl & document, const LSPPosition & pos, const GenericReplyHandler & h) { auto params = textDocumentPositionParams(document, pos); return send(init_request(QStringLiteral("textDocument/hover"), params), h); } RequestHandle documentHighlight(const QUrl & document, const LSPPosition & pos, const GenericReplyHandler & h) { auto params = textDocumentPositionParams(document, pos); return send(init_request(QStringLiteral("textDocument/documentHighlight"), params), h); } RequestHandle documentReferences(const QUrl & document, const LSPPosition & pos, bool decl, const GenericReplyHandler & h) { auto params = referenceParams(document, pos, decl); return send(init_request(QStringLiteral("textDocument/references"), params), h); } RequestHandle documentCompletion(const QUrl & document, const LSPPosition & pos, const GenericReplyHandler & h) { auto params = textDocumentPositionParams(document, pos); return send(init_request(QStringLiteral("textDocument/completion"), params), h); } RequestHandle signatureHelp(const QUrl & document, const LSPPosition & pos, const GenericReplyHandler & h) { auto params = textDocumentPositionParams(document, pos); return send(init_request(QStringLiteral("textDocument/signatureHelp"), params), h); } RequestHandle documentFormatting(const QUrl & document, int tabSize, bool insertSpaces, const QJsonObject & options, const GenericReplyHandler & h) { auto params = documentRangeFormattingParams(document, nullptr, tabSize, insertSpaces, options); return send(init_request(QStringLiteral("textDocument/formatting"), params), h); } RequestHandle documentRangeFormatting(const QUrl & document, const LSPRange & range, int tabSize, bool insertSpaces, const QJsonObject & options, const GenericReplyHandler & h) { auto params = documentRangeFormattingParams(document, &range, tabSize, insertSpaces, options); return send(init_request(QStringLiteral("textDocument/rangeFormatting"), params), h); } RequestHandle documentRename(const QUrl & document, const LSPPosition & pos, const QString newName, const GenericReplyHandler & h) { auto params = renameParams(document, pos, newName); return send(init_request(QStringLiteral("textDocument/rename"), params), h); } RequestHandle documentCodeAction(const QUrl & document, const LSPRange & range, const QList & kinds, QList diagnostics, const GenericReplyHandler & h) { auto params = codeActionParams(document, range, kinds, diagnostics); return send(init_request(QStringLiteral("textDocument/codeAction"), params), h); } void executeCommand(const QString & command, const QJsonValue & args) { auto params = executeCommandParams(command, args); send(init_request(QStringLiteral("workspace/executeCommand"), params)); } void didOpen(const QUrl & document, int version, const QString & text) { auto params = textDocumentParams(textDocumentItem(document, QString(), text, version)); send(init_request(QStringLiteral("textDocument/didOpen"), params)); } void didChange(const QUrl & document, int version, const QString & text) { auto params = textDocumentParams(document, version); params[QStringLiteral("contentChanges")] = QJsonArray { QJsonObject {{MEMBER_TEXT, text}} }; send(init_request(QStringLiteral("textDocument/didChange"), params)); } void didSave(const QUrl & document, const QString & text) { auto params = textDocumentParams(document); params[QStringLiteral("text")] = text; send(init_request(QStringLiteral("textDocument/didSave"), params)); } void didClose(const QUrl & document) { auto params = textDocumentParams(document); send(init_request(QStringLiteral("textDocument/didClose"), params)); } void processNotification(const QJsonObject & msg) { auto method = msg[MEMBER_METHOD].toString(); if (method == QStringLiteral("textDocument/publishDiagnostics")) { emit q->publishDiagnostics(parseDiagnostics(msg[MEMBER_PARAMS].toObject())); } else { qCWarning(LSPCLIENT) << "discarding notification" << method; } } template static GenericReplyHandler make_handler(const ReplyHandler & h, const QObject *context, typename utils::identity>::type c) { QPointer ctx(context); return [ctx, h, c] (const GenericReplyType & m) { if (ctx) h(c(m)); }; } GenericReplyHandler prepareResponse(int msgid) { // allow limited number of outstanding requests auto ctx = QPointer(q); m_requests.push_back(msgid); if (m_requests.size() > MAX_REQUESTS) { m_requests.pop_front(); } auto h = [ctx, this, msgid] (const GenericReplyType & response) { if (!ctx) { return; } auto index = m_requests.indexOf(msgid); if (index >= 0) { m_requests.remove(index); write(init_response(response), nullptr, &msgid); } else { qCWarning(LSPCLIENT) << "discarding response" << msgid; } }; return h; } template static ReplyHandler responseHandler(const GenericReplyHandler & h, typename utils::identity>::type c) { return [h, c] (const ReplyType & m) { h(c(m)); }; } // pretty rare and limited use, but anyway void processRequest(const QJsonObject & msg) { auto method = msg[MEMBER_METHOD].toString(); auto msgid = msg[MEMBER_ID].toInt(); auto params = msg[MEMBER_PARAMS]; bool handled = false; if (method == QStringLiteral("workspace/applyEdit")) { auto h = responseHandler(prepareResponse(msgid), applyWorkspaceEditResponse); emit q->applyEdit(parseApplyWorkspaceEditParams(params.toObject()), h, handled); } else { write(init_error(LSPErrorCode::MethodNotFound, method), nullptr, &msgid); qCWarning(LSPCLIENT) << "discarding request" << method; } } }; // follow suit; as performed in kate docmanager // normalize at this stage/layer to avoid surprises elsewhere // sadly this is not a single QUrl method as one might hope ... static QUrl normalizeUrl(const QUrl & url) { // Resolve symbolic links for local files (done anyway in KTextEditor) if (url.isLocalFile()) { QString normalizedUrl = QFileInfo(url.toLocalFile()).canonicalFilePath(); if (!normalizedUrl.isEmpty()) { return QUrl::fromLocalFile(normalizedUrl); } } // else: cleanup only the .. stuff return url.adjusted(QUrl::NormalizePathSegments); } static LSPMarkupContent parseMarkupContent(const QJsonValue & v) { LSPMarkupContent ret; if (v.isObject()) { const auto& vm = v.toObject(); ret.value = vm.value(QStringLiteral("value")).toString(); auto kind = vm.value(MEMBER_KIND).toString(); if (kind == QStringLiteral("plaintext")) { ret.kind = LSPMarkupKind::PlainText; } else if (kind == QStringLiteral("markdown")) { ret.kind = LSPMarkupKind::MarkDown; } } else if (v.isString()) { ret.kind = LSPMarkupKind::PlainText; ret.value = v.toString(); } return ret; } static LSPPosition parsePosition(const QJsonObject & m) { auto line = m.value(MEMBER_LINE).toInt(-1); auto column = m.value(MEMBER_CHARACTER).toInt(-1); return {line, column}; } static bool isPositionValid(const LSPPosition & pos) { return pos.isValid(); } static LSPRange parseRange(const QJsonObject & range) { auto startpos = parsePosition(range.value(MEMBER_START).toObject()); auto endpos = parsePosition(range.value(MEMBER_END).toObject()); return {startpos, endpos}; } static LSPLocation parseLocation(const QJsonObject & loc) { auto uri = normalizeUrl(QUrl(loc.value(MEMBER_URI).toString())); auto range = parseRange(loc.value(MEMBER_RANGE).toObject()); return {QUrl(uri), range}; } static LSPDocumentHighlight parseDocumentHighlight(const QJsonValue & result) { auto hover = result.toObject(); auto range = parseRange(hover.value(MEMBER_RANGE).toObject()); auto kind = (LSPDocumentHighlightKind)hover.value(MEMBER_KIND).toInt((int)LSPDocumentHighlightKind::Text); // default is DocumentHighlightKind.Text return {range, kind}; } static QList parseDocumentHighlightList(const QJsonValue & result) { QList ret; // could be array if (result.isArray()) { for (const auto & def : result.toArray()) { ret.push_back(parseDocumentHighlight(def)); } } else if (result.isObject()) { // or a single value ret.push_back(parseDocumentHighlight(result)); } return ret; } static LSPHover parseHover(const QJsonValue & result) { LSPHover ret; auto hover = result.toObject(); // normalize content which can be of many forms ret.range = parseRange(hover.value(MEMBER_RANGE).toObject()); auto contents = hover.value(QStringLiteral("contents")); if (contents.isString()) { ret.contents.value = contents.toString(); } else { // should be object, pretend so auto cont = contents.toObject(); auto text = cont.value(QStringLiteral("value")).toString(); if (text.isEmpty()) { // nothing to lose, try markdown ret.contents = parseMarkupContent(contents); } else { ret.contents.value = text; } } if (ret.contents.value.length()) ret.contents.kind = LSPMarkupKind::PlainText; return ret; } static QList parseDocumentSymbols(const QJsonValue & result) { // the reply could be old SymbolInformation[] or new (hierarchical) DocumentSymbol[] // try to parse it adaptively in any case // if new style, hierarchy is specified clearly in reply // if old style, it is assumed the values enter linearly, that is; // * a parent/container is listed before its children // * if a name is defined/declared several times and then used as a parent, // then it is the last instance that is used as a parent QList ret; QMap index; std::function parseSymbol = [&] (const QJsonObject & symbol, LSPSymbolInformation *parent) { // if flat list, try to find parent by name if (!parent) { auto container = symbol.value(QStringLiteral("containerName")).toString(); parent = index.value(container, nullptr); } auto list = parent ? &parent->children : &ret; const auto& location = symbol.value(MEMBER_LOCATION).toObject(); const auto& mrange = symbol.contains(MEMBER_RANGE) ? symbol.value(MEMBER_RANGE) : location.value(MEMBER_RANGE); auto range = parseRange(mrange.toObject()); if (isPositionValid(range.start()) && isPositionValid(range.end())) { auto name = symbol.value(QStringLiteral("name")).toString(); auto kind = (LSPSymbolKind) symbol.value(MEMBER_KIND).toInt(); auto detail = symbol.value(MEMBER_DETAIL).toString(); list->push_back({name, kind, range, detail}); index[name] = &list->back(); // proceed recursively for (const auto &child : symbol.value(QStringLiteral("children")).toArray()) parseSymbol(child.toObject(), &list->back()); } }; for (const auto& info : result.toArray()) { parseSymbol(info.toObject(), nullptr); } return ret; } static QList parseDocumentLocation(const QJsonValue & result) { QList ret; // could be array if (result.isArray()) { for (const auto & def : result.toArray()) { ret.push_back(parseLocation(def.toObject())); } } else if (result.isObject()) { // or a single value ret.push_back(parseLocation(result.toObject())); } return ret; } static QList parseDocumentCompletion(const QJsonValue & result) { QList ret; QJsonArray items = result.toArray(); // might be CompletionList if (items.size() == 0) { items = result.toObject().value(QStringLiteral("items")).toArray(); } for (const auto & vitem : items) { const auto & item = vitem.toObject(); auto label = item.value(MEMBER_LABEL).toString(); auto detail = item.value(MEMBER_DETAIL).toString(); auto doc = parseMarkupContent(item.value(MEMBER_DOCUMENTATION)); auto sortText = item.value(QStringLiteral("sortText")).toString(); if (sortText.isEmpty()) sortText = label; auto insertText = item.value(QStringLiteral("insertText")).toString(); if (insertText.isEmpty()) insertText = label; auto kind = (LSPCompletionItemKind) item.value(MEMBER_KIND).toInt(); ret.push_back({label, kind, detail, doc, sortText, insertText}); } return ret; } static LSPSignatureInformation parseSignatureInformation(const QJsonObject & json) { LSPSignatureInformation info; info.label = json.value(MEMBER_LABEL).toString(); info.documentation = parseMarkupContent(json.value(MEMBER_DOCUMENTATION)); for (const auto & rpar : json.value(QStringLiteral("parameters")).toArray()) { auto par = rpar.toObject(); auto label = par.value(MEMBER_LABEL); int begin = -1, end = -1; if (label.isArray()) { auto range = label.toArray(); if (range.size() == 2) { begin = range.at(0).toInt(-1); end = range.at(1).toInt(-1); if (begin > info.label.length()) begin = -1; if (end > info.label.length()) end = -1; } } else { auto sub = label.toString(); if (sub.length()) { begin = info.label.indexOf(sub); if (begin >= 0) { end = begin + sub.length(); } } } info.parameters.push_back({begin, end}); } return info; } static LSPSignatureHelp parseSignatureHelp(const QJsonValue & result) { LSPSignatureHelp ret; QJsonObject sig = result.toObject(); for (const auto & info: sig.value(QStringLiteral("signatures")).toArray()) { ret.signatures.push_back(parseSignatureInformation(info.toObject())); } ret.activeSignature = sig.value(QStringLiteral("activeSignature")).toInt(0); ret.activeParameter = sig.value(QStringLiteral("activeParameter")).toInt(0); ret.activeSignature = qMin(qMax(ret.activeSignature, 0), ret.signatures.size()); ret.activeParameter = qMin(qMax(ret.activeParameter, 0), ret.signatures.size()); return ret; } static QList parseTextEdit(const QJsonValue & result) { QList ret; for (const auto &redit: result.toArray()) { auto edit = redit.toObject(); auto text = edit.value(QStringLiteral("newText")).toString(); auto range = parseRange(edit.value(MEMBER_RANGE).toObject()); ret.push_back({range, text}); } return ret; } static LSPWorkspaceEdit parseWorkSpaceEdit(const QJsonValue & result) { QHash> ret; auto changes = result.toObject().value(QStringLiteral("changes")).toObject(); for (auto it = changes.begin(); it != changes.end(); ++it) { ret.insert(normalizeUrl(QUrl(it.key())), parseTextEdit(it.value())); } return {ret}; } static LSPCommand parseCommand(const QJsonObject & result) { auto title = result.value(MEMBER_TITLE).toString(); auto command = result.value(MEMBER_COMMAND).toString(); auto args = result.value(MEMBER_ARGUMENTS).toArray(); return { title, command, args }; } static QList parseDiagnostics(const QJsonArray &result) { QList ret; for (const auto & vdiag : result) { auto diag = vdiag.toObject(); auto range = parseRange(diag.value(MEMBER_RANGE).toObject()); auto severity = (LSPDiagnosticSeverity) diag.value(QStringLiteral("severity")).toInt(); auto code = diag.value(QStringLiteral("code")).toString(); auto source = diag.value(QStringLiteral("source")).toString(); auto message = diag.value(MEMBER_MESSAGE).toString(); auto related = diag.value(QStringLiteral("relatedInformation")).toObject(); auto relLocation = parseLocation(related.value(MEMBER_LOCATION).toObject()); auto relMessage = related.value(MEMBER_MESSAGE).toString(); ret.push_back({range, severity, code, source, message, relLocation, relMessage}); } return ret; } static QList parseCodeAction(const QJsonValue & result) { QList ret; for (const auto &vaction: result.toArray()) { auto action = vaction.toObject(); // entry could be Command or CodeAction if (!action.value(MEMBER_COMMAND).isString()) { // CodeAction auto title = action.value(MEMBER_TITLE).toString(); auto kind = action.value(MEMBER_KIND).toString(); auto command = parseCommand(action.value(MEMBER_COMMAND).toObject()); auto edit = parseWorkSpaceEdit(action.value(MEMBER_EDIT)); auto diagnostics = parseDiagnostics(action.value(MEMBER_DIAGNOSTICS).toArray()); ret.push_back({title, kind, diagnostics, edit, command}); } else { // Command auto command = parseCommand(action); ret.push_back({command.title, QString(), {}, {}, command}); } } return ret; } static LSPPublishDiagnosticsParams parseDiagnostics(const QJsonObject & result) { LSPPublishDiagnosticsParams ret; ret.uri = normalizeUrl(QUrl(result.value(MEMBER_URI).toString())); ret.diagnostics = parseDiagnostics(result.value(MEMBER_DIAGNOSTICS).toArray()); return ret; } static LSPApplyWorkspaceEditParams parseApplyWorkspaceEditParams(const QJsonObject & result) { LSPApplyWorkspaceEditParams ret; ret.label = result.value(MEMBER_LABEL).toString(); ret.edit = parseWorkSpaceEdit(result.value(MEMBER_EDIT)); return ret; } // generic convert handler // sprinkle some connection-like context safety // not so likely relevant/needed due to typical sequence of events, // but in case the latter would be changed in surprising ways ... template static GenericReplyHandler make_handler(const ReplyHandler & h, const QObject *context, typename utils::identity>::type c) { QPointer ctx(context); return [ctx, h, c] (const GenericReplyType & m) { if (ctx) h(c(m)); }; } LSPClientServer::LSPClientServer(const QStringList & server, const QUrl & root, const QJsonValue & init) : d(new LSPClientServerPrivate(this, server, root, init)) {} LSPClientServer::~LSPClientServer() { delete d; } const QStringList& LSPClientServer::cmdline() const { return d->cmdline(); } LSPClientServer::State LSPClientServer::state() const { return d->state(); } const LSPServerCapabilities& LSPClientServer::capabilities() const { return d->capabilities(); } bool LSPClientServer::start() { return d->start(); } void LSPClientServer::stop(int to_t, int to_k) { return d->stop(to_t, to_k); } int LSPClientServer::cancel(int reqid) { return d->cancel(reqid); } LSPClientServer::RequestHandle LSPClientServer::documentSymbols(const QUrl & document, const QObject *context, const DocumentSymbolsReplyHandler & h) { return d->documentSymbols(document, make_handler(h, context, parseDocumentSymbols)); } LSPClientServer::RequestHandle LSPClientServer::documentDefinition(const QUrl & document, const LSPPosition & pos, const QObject *context, const DocumentDefinitionReplyHandler & h) { return d->documentDefinition(document, pos, make_handler(h, context, parseDocumentLocation)); } LSPClientServer::RequestHandle LSPClientServer::documentDeclaration(const QUrl & document, const LSPPosition & pos, const QObject *context, const DocumentDefinitionReplyHandler & h) { return d->documentDeclaration(document, pos, make_handler(h, context, parseDocumentLocation)); } LSPClientServer::RequestHandle LSPClientServer::documentHover(const QUrl & document, const LSPPosition & pos, const QObject *context, const DocumentHoverReplyHandler & h) { return d->documentHover(document, pos, make_handler(h, context, parseHover)); } LSPClientServer::RequestHandle LSPClientServer::documentHighlight(const QUrl & document, const LSPPosition & pos, const QObject *context, const DocumentHighlightReplyHandler & h) { return d->documentHighlight(document, pos, make_handler(h, context, parseDocumentHighlightList)); } LSPClientServer::RequestHandle LSPClientServer::documentReferences(const QUrl & document, const LSPPosition & pos, bool decl, const QObject *context, const DocumentDefinitionReplyHandler & h) { return d->documentReferences(document, pos, decl, make_handler(h, context, parseDocumentLocation)); } LSPClientServer::RequestHandle LSPClientServer::documentCompletion(const QUrl & document, const LSPPosition & pos, const QObject *context, const DocumentCompletionReplyHandler & h) { return d->documentCompletion(document, pos, make_handler(h, context, parseDocumentCompletion)); } LSPClientServer::RequestHandle LSPClientServer::signatureHelp(const QUrl & document, const LSPPosition & pos, const QObject *context, const SignatureHelpReplyHandler & h) { return d->signatureHelp(document, pos, make_handler(h, context, parseSignatureHelp)); } LSPClientServer::RequestHandle LSPClientServer::documentFormatting(const QUrl & document, int tabSize, bool insertSpaces, const QJsonObject & options, const QObject *context, const FormattingReplyHandler & h) { return d->documentFormatting(document, tabSize, insertSpaces, options, make_handler(h, context, parseTextEdit)); } LSPClientServer::RequestHandle LSPClientServer::documentRangeFormatting(const QUrl & document, const LSPRange & range, int tabSize, bool insertSpaces, const QJsonObject & options, const QObject *context, const FormattingReplyHandler & h) { return d->documentRangeFormatting(document, range, tabSize, insertSpaces, options, make_handler(h, context, parseTextEdit)); } LSPClientServer::RequestHandle LSPClientServer::documentRename(const QUrl & document, const LSPPosition & pos, const QString newName, const QObject *context, const WorkspaceEditReplyHandler & h) { return d->documentRename(document, pos, newName, make_handler(h, context, parseWorkSpaceEdit)); } LSPClientServer::RequestHandle LSPClientServer::documentCodeAction(const QUrl & document, const LSPRange & range, const QList & kinds, QList diagnostics, const QObject *context, const CodeActionReplyHandler & h) { return d->documentCodeAction(document, range, kinds, diagnostics, make_handler(h, context, parseCodeAction)); } void LSPClientServer::executeCommand(const QString & command, const QJsonValue & args) { return d->executeCommand(command, args); } void LSPClientServer::didOpen(const QUrl & document, int version, const QString & text) { return d->didOpen(document, version, text); } void LSPClientServer::didChange(const QUrl & document, int version, const QString & text) { return d->didChange(document, version, text); } void LSPClientServer::didSave(const QUrl & document, const QString & text) { return d->didSave(document, text); } void LSPClientServer::didClose(const QUrl & document) { return d->didClose(document); }