diff --git a/src/printing/printpainter.cpp b/src/printing/printpainter.cpp index 640bba6c..b30db917 100644 --- a/src/printing/printpainter.cpp +++ b/src/printing/printpainter.cpp @@ -1,710 +1,713 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE libraries and the Kate part. * * Copyright (C) 2002-2010 Anders Lund * * Rewritten based on code of Copyright (c) 2002 Michael Goffioul * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "printpainter.h" #include "katetextfolding.h" #include "katedocument.h" #include "katebuffer.h" #include "kateview.h" #include "katehighlight.h" #include "katepartdebug.h" #include "katetextlayout.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace KatePrinter; class KatePrinter::PageLayout { public: PageLayout() : headerTagList() , footerTagList() , selectionRange() {} uint pageWidth = 0; uint pageHeight = 0; uint headerWidth = 0; uint maxWidth = 0; uint maxHeight = 0; int xstart = 0; // beginning point for painting lines int innerMargin = 0; bool selectionOnly = false; uint firstline = 0; uint lastline = 0; // Header/Footer Page uint headerHeight = 0; QStringList headerTagList; uint footerHeight = 0; QStringList footerTagList; KTextEditor::Range selectionRange; }; PrintPainter::PrintPainter(KTextEditor::DocumentPrivate *doc, KTextEditor::ViewPrivate *view) : m_view(view) , m_doc(doc) , m_printGuide(false) , m_printLineNumbers(false) , m_useHeader(false) , m_useFooter(false) , m_useBackground(false) , m_useBox(false) , m_useHeaderBackground(false) , m_useFooterBackground(false) , m_boxMargin(0) , m_boxWidth(1) , m_boxColor(Qt::black) , m_headerBackground(Qt::lightGray) , m_headerForeground(Qt::black) , m_footerBackground(Qt::lightGray) , m_footerForeground(Qt::black) , m_fhFont() , m_headerFormat() , m_footerFormat() { m_folding = new Kate::TextFolding(m_doc->buffer()); m_renderer = new KateRenderer(m_doc, *m_folding, m_view); m_renderer->setPrinterFriendly(true); updateCache(); } PrintPainter::~PrintPainter() { delete m_renderer; delete m_folding; } void PrintPainter::setUseBox(const bool on) { m_useBox = on; setBoxWidth(m_boxWidth); // reset the width } void PrintPainter::setBoxWidth(const int width) { if (m_useBox) { m_boxWidth = width; if (width < 1) { m_boxWidth = 1; } } else { m_boxWidth = 0; } } void PrintPainter::setBoxColor(const QColor &color) { if (color.isValid()) { m_boxColor = color; } } void PrintPainter::setHeaderBackground(const QColor &color) { if (color.isValid()) { m_headerBackground = color; } } void PrintPainter::setHeaderForeground(const QColor &color) { if (color.isValid()) { m_headerForeground = color; } } void PrintPainter::setFooterBackground(const QColor &color) { if (color.isValid()) { m_footerBackground = color; } } void PrintPainter::setFooterForeground(const QColor &color) { if (color.isValid()) { m_footerForeground = color; } } void PrintPainter::setColorScheme(const QString &scheme) { // directly set that for the renderer m_renderer->config()->setSchema(scheme); // changed renderer requires cache updates updateCache(); } void PrintPainter::updateCache() { m_fontHeight = m_renderer->fontHeight(); // figure out the horizontal space required QString s = QStringLiteral("%1 ").arg(m_doc->lines()); s.fill(QLatin1Char('5'), -1); // some non-fixed fonts haven't equally wide numbers // FIXME calculate which is actually the widest... m_lineNumberWidth = m_renderer->currentFontMetrics().width(s); } void PrintPainter::paint(QPrinter *printer) const { QPainter painter(printer); PageLayout pl; configure(printer, pl); uint lineCount = pl.firstline; uint y = 0; uint currentPage = (printer->fromPage() == 0) ? 1 : printer->fromPage(); bool pageStarted = true; + uint remainder = 0; // On to draw something :-) while (lineCount <= pl.lastline) { if (y + m_fontHeight > pl.maxHeight) { if ((int)currentPage == printer->toPage()) { // we've reached the page break of last page to be printed break; } printer->newPage(); painter.resetTransform(); currentPage++; pageStarted = true; y = 0; } if (pageStarted) { qCDebug(LOG_KTE) << "Starting new page," << lineCount << "lines up to now."; paintNewPage(painter, currentPage, y, pl); pageStarted = false; painter.translate(pl.xstart, y); } if (m_printLineNumbers /*&& ! startCol*/) { // don't repeat! paintLineNumber(painter, lineCount, pl); } - uint remainder = 0; paintLine(painter, lineCount, y, remainder, pl); if (!remainder) { lineCount++; } } painter.end(); } void PrintPainter::configure(const QPrinter *printer, PageLayout &pl) const { pl.pageHeight = printer->height(); pl.pageWidth = printer->width(); pl.headerWidth = printer->width(); pl.innerMargin = m_useBox ? m_boxMargin : 6; pl.maxWidth = printer->width(); pl.maxHeight = (m_useBox ? printer->height() - pl.innerMargin : printer->height()); pl.selectionOnly = (printer->printRange() == QPrinter::Selection); pl.lastline = m_doc->lastLine(); if (m_view && pl.selectionOnly) { // set a line range from the first selected line to the last pl.selectionRange = m_view->selectionRange(); pl.firstline = pl.selectionRange.start().line(); pl.lastline = pl.selectionRange.end().line(); } if (m_printLineNumbers) { // a small space between the line numbers and the text int _adj = m_renderer->currentFontMetrics().width(QStringLiteral("5")); // adjust available width and set horizontal start point for data pl.maxWidth -= m_lineNumberWidth + _adj; pl.xstart += m_lineNumberWidth + _adj; } if (m_useHeader || m_useFooter) { // Set up a tag map // This retrieves all tags, used or not, but // none of these operations should be expensive, // and searching each tag in the format strings is avoided. QDateTime dt = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); QMap tags; KUser u(KUser::UseRealUserID); tags[QStringLiteral("u")] = u.loginName(); tags[QStringLiteral("d")] = QLocale().toString(dt, QLocale::ShortFormat); tags[QStringLiteral("D")] = QLocale().toString(dt, QLocale::LongFormat); tags[QStringLiteral("h")] = QLocale().toString(dt.time(), QLocale::ShortFormat); tags[QStringLiteral("y")] = QLocale().toString(dt.date(), QLocale::ShortFormat); tags[QStringLiteral("Y")] = QLocale().toString(dt.date(), QLocale::LongFormat); tags[QStringLiteral("f")] = m_doc->url().fileName(); tags[QStringLiteral("U")] = m_doc->url().toString(); if (pl.selectionOnly) { QString s(i18n("(Selection of) ")); tags[QStringLiteral("f")].prepend(s); tags[QStringLiteral("U")].prepend(s); } QRegularExpression reTags(QStringLiteral("%([dDfUhuyY])")); // TODO check for "%%" if (m_useHeader) { pl.headerHeight = QFontMetrics(m_fhFont).height(); if (m_useBox || m_useHeaderBackground) { pl.headerHeight += pl.innerMargin * 2; } else { pl.headerHeight += 1 + QFontMetrics(m_fhFont).leading(); } pl.headerTagList = m_headerFormat; QMutableStringListIterator it(pl.headerTagList); while (it.hasNext()) { QString tag = it.next(); QRegularExpressionMatch match; int pos = tag.indexOf(reTags, 0, &match); QString rep; while (pos > -1) { rep = tags[match.captured(1)]; tag.replace((uint)pos, 2, rep); pos += rep.length(); pos = tag.indexOf(reTags, pos, &match); } it.setValue(tag); } } if (m_useFooter) { pl.footerHeight = QFontMetrics(m_fhFont).height(); if (m_useBox || m_useFooterBackground) { pl.footerHeight += 2 * pl.innerMargin; } else { pl.footerHeight += 1; // line only } pl.footerTagList = m_footerFormat; QMutableStringListIterator it(pl.footerTagList); while (it.hasNext()) { QString tag = it.next(); QRegularExpressionMatch match; int pos = tag.indexOf(reTags, 0, &match); QString rep; while (pos > -1) { rep = tags[match.captured(1)]; tag.replace((uint)pos, 2, rep); pos += rep.length(); pos = tag.indexOf(reTags, pos, &match); } it.setValue(tag); } pl.maxHeight -= pl.footerHeight; } } // if ( useHeader || useFooter ) if (m_useBackground) { if (!m_useBox) { pl.xstart += pl.innerMargin; pl.maxWidth -= pl.innerMargin * 2; } } if (m_useBox) { // set maxwidth to something sensible pl.maxWidth -= (m_boxWidth + pl.innerMargin) * 2; pl.xstart += m_boxWidth + pl.innerMargin; // maxheight too.. pl.maxHeight -= m_boxWidth; } int pageHeight = pl.maxHeight; if (m_useHeader) { pageHeight -= pl.headerHeight + pl.innerMargin; } if (m_useFooter) { pageHeight -= pl.footerHeight + pl.innerMargin; } const int linesPerPage = pageHeight / m_fontHeight; if (printer->fromPage() > 0) { pl.firstline = (printer->fromPage() - 1) * linesPerPage; } // now that we know the vertical amount of space needed, // it is possible to calculate the total number of pages // if needed, that is if any header/footer tag contains "%P". if (!pl.headerTagList.filter(QStringLiteral("%P")).isEmpty() || !pl.footerTagList.filter(QStringLiteral("%P")).isEmpty()) { qCDebug(LOG_KTE) << "'%P' found! calculating number of pages..."; // calculate total layouted lines in the document int totalLines = 0; // TODO: right now ignores selection printing for (unsigned int i = pl.firstline; i <= pl.lastline; ++i) { KateLineLayoutPtr rangeptr(new KateLineLayout(*m_renderer)); rangeptr->setLine(i); m_renderer->layoutLine(rangeptr, (int)pl.maxWidth, false); totalLines += rangeptr->viewLineCount(); } const int totalPages = (totalLines / linesPerPage) + ((totalLines % linesPerPage) > 0 ? 1 : 0); // TODO: add space for guide if required // if ( useGuide ) // _lt += (guideHeight + (fontHeight /2)) / fontHeight; // substitute both tag lists QString re(QStringLiteral("%P")); QStringList::Iterator it; for (it = pl.headerTagList.begin(); it != pl.headerTagList.end(); ++it) { it->replace(re, QString::number(totalPages)); } for (it = pl.footerTagList.begin(); it != pl.footerTagList.end(); ++it) { (*it).replace(re, QString::number(totalPages)); } } } void PrintPainter::paintNewPage(QPainter &painter, const uint currentPage, uint &y, const PageLayout &pl) const { if (m_useHeader) { paintHeader(painter, currentPage, y, pl); } if (m_useFooter) { paintFooter(painter, currentPage, pl); } if (m_useBackground) { paintBackground(painter, y, pl); } if (m_useBox) { paintBox(painter, y, pl); } if (m_printGuide && currentPage == 1) { paintGuide(painter, y, pl); } } void PrintPainter::paintHeader(QPainter &painter, const uint currentPage, uint &y, const PageLayout &pl) const { painter.save(); painter.setPen(QPen(m_headerForeground, 0.5)); painter.setFont(m_fhFont); if (m_useHeaderBackground) { painter.fillRect(0, 0, pl.headerWidth, pl.headerHeight, m_headerBackground); } if (pl.headerTagList.count() == 3) { int valign = (m_useBox || m_useHeaderBackground || m_useBackground) ? Qt::AlignVCenter : Qt::AlignTop; int align = valign | Qt::AlignLeft; int marg = (m_useBox || m_useHeaderBackground) ? pl.innerMargin : 0; if (m_useBox) { marg += m_boxWidth; } QString s; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { s = pl.headerTagList[i]; if (s.indexOf(QLatin1String("%p")) != -1) { s.replace(QLatin1String("%p"), QString::number(currentPage)); } painter.drawText(marg, 0, pl.headerWidth - (marg * 2), pl.headerHeight, align, s); align = valign | (i == 0 ? Qt::AlignHCenter : Qt::AlignRight); } } if (!(m_useHeaderBackground || m_useBox || m_useBackground)) { // draw a 1 px (!?) line to separate header from contents painter.drawLine(0, pl.headerHeight - 1, pl.headerWidth, pl.headerHeight - 1); //y += 1; now included in headerHeight } painter.restore(); y += pl.headerHeight + pl.innerMargin; } void PrintPainter::paintFooter(QPainter &painter, const uint currentPage, const PageLayout &pl) const { painter.save(); painter.setPen(QPen(m_footerForeground, 0.5)); painter.setFont(m_fhFont); if (!(m_useFooterBackground || m_useBox || m_useBackground)) {// draw a 1 px (!?) line to separate footer from contents painter.drawLine(0, pl.pageHeight - pl.footerHeight - 1, pl.headerWidth, pl.pageHeight - pl.footerHeight - 1); } if (m_useFooterBackground) { painter.fillRect(0, pl.pageHeight - pl.footerHeight, pl.headerWidth, pl.footerHeight, m_footerBackground); } if (pl.footerTagList.count() == 3) { int align = Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignLeft; int marg = (m_useBox || m_useFooterBackground) ? pl.innerMargin : 0; if (m_useBox) { marg += m_boxWidth; } QString s; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { s = pl.footerTagList[i]; if (s.indexOf(QLatin1String("%p")) != -1) { s.replace(QLatin1String("%p"), QString::number(currentPage)); } painter.drawText(marg, pl.pageHeight - pl.footerHeight, pl.headerWidth - (marg * 2), pl.footerHeight, align, s); align = Qt::AlignVCenter | (i == 0 ? Qt::AlignHCenter : Qt::AlignRight); } } painter.restore(); } void PrintPainter::paintGuide(QPainter &painter, uint &y, const PageLayout &pl) const { // FIXME - this may span more pages... // draw a box unless we have boxes, in which case we end with a box line int _ystart = y; QString _hlName = m_doc->highlight()->name(); QVector _attributes; // list of highlight attributes for the legend m_doc->highlight()->getKateExtendedAttributeList(m_renderer->config()->schema(), _attributes); KateAttributeList _defaultAttributes; KateHlManager::self()->getDefaults(m_renderer->config()->schema(), _defaultAttributes); QColor _defaultPen = _defaultAttributes.at(0)->foreground().color(); painter.save(); painter.setPen(_defaultPen); int _marg = 0; if (m_useBox) { _marg += (2 * m_boxWidth) + (2 * pl.innerMargin); } else { if (m_useBackground) { _marg += 2 * pl.innerMargin; } _marg += 1; y += 1 + pl.innerMargin; } // draw a title string QFont _titleFont = m_renderer->config()->font(); _titleFont.setBold(true); painter.setFont(_titleFont); QRect _r; painter.drawText(QRect(_marg, y, pl.pageWidth - (2 * _marg), pl.maxHeight - y), Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignHCenter, i18n("Typographical Conventions for %1", _hlName), &_r); const int _w = pl.pageWidth - (_marg * 2) - (pl.innerMargin * 2); const int _x = _marg + pl.innerMargin; y += _r.height() + pl.innerMargin; painter.drawLine(_x, y, _x + _w, y); y += 1 + pl.innerMargin; int _widest(0); foreach (const KTextEditor::Attribute::Ptr &attribute, _attributes) { _widest = qMax(QFontMetrics(attribute->font()).width(attribute->name().section(QLatin1Char(':'), 1, 1)), _widest); } const int _guideCols = _w / (_widest + pl.innerMargin); // draw attrib names using their styles const int _cw = _w / _guideCols; int _i = 0; _titleFont.setUnderline(true); QString _currentHlName; foreach (const KTextEditor::Attribute::Ptr &attribute, _attributes) { QString _hl = attribute->name().section(QLatin1Char(':'), 0, 0); QString _name = attribute->name().section(QLatin1Char(':'), 1, 1); if (_hl != _hlName && _hl != _currentHlName) { _currentHlName = _hl; if (_i % _guideCols) { y += m_fontHeight; } y += pl.innerMargin; painter.setFont(_titleFont); painter.setPen(_defaultPen); painter.drawText(_x, y, _w, m_fontHeight, Qt::AlignTop, _hl + QLatin1Char(' ') + i18n("text")); y += m_fontHeight; _i = 0; } KTextEditor::Attribute _attr = *_defaultAttributes[attribute->defaultStyle()]; _attr += *attribute; painter.setPen(_attr.foreground().color()); painter.setFont(_attr.font()); if (_attr.hasProperty(QTextFormat::BackgroundBrush)) { QRect _rect = QFontMetrics(_attr.font()).boundingRect(_name); _rect.moveTo(_x + ((_i % _guideCols)*_cw), y); painter.fillRect(_rect, _attr.background()); } painter.drawText((_x + ((_i % _guideCols) * _cw)), y, _cw, m_fontHeight, Qt::AlignTop, _name); _i++; if (_i && !(_i % _guideCols)) { y += m_fontHeight; } } if (_i % _guideCols) { y += m_fontHeight;// last row not full } // draw a box around the legend painter.setPen(_defaultPen); if (m_useBox) { painter.fillRect(0, y + pl.innerMargin, pl.headerWidth, m_boxWidth, m_boxColor); } else { _marg -= 1; painter.drawRect(_marg, _ystart, pl.pageWidth - (2 * _marg), y - _ystart + pl.innerMargin); } painter.restore(); y += (m_useBox ? m_boxWidth : 1) + (pl.innerMargin * 2); } void PrintPainter::paintBox(QPainter &painter, uint &y, const PageLayout &pl) const { painter.save(); painter.setPen(QPen(m_boxColor, m_boxWidth)); painter.drawRect(0, 0, pl.pageWidth, pl.pageHeight); if (m_useHeader) { painter.drawLine(0, pl.headerHeight, pl.headerWidth, pl.headerHeight); } else { y += pl.innerMargin; } if (m_useFooter) { // drawline is not trustable, grr. painter.fillRect(0, pl.maxHeight + pl.innerMargin, pl.headerWidth, m_boxWidth, m_boxColor); } painter.restore(); } void PrintPainter::paintBackground(QPainter &painter, const uint y, const PageLayout &pl) const { // If we have a box, or the header/footer has backgrounds, we want to paint // to the border of those. Otherwise just the contents area. int _y = y, _h = pl.maxHeight - y; if (m_useBox) { _y -= pl.innerMargin; _h += 2 * pl.innerMargin; } else { if (m_useHeaderBackground) { _y -= pl.innerMargin; _h += pl.innerMargin; } if (m_useFooterBackground) { _h += pl.innerMargin; } } painter.fillRect(0, _y, pl.pageWidth, _h, m_renderer->config()->backgroundColor()); } void PrintPainter::paintLine(QPainter &painter, const uint line, uint &y, uint &remainder, const PageLayout &pl) const { // HA! this is where we print [part of] a line ;]] KateLineLayoutPtr rangeptr(new KateLineLayout(*m_renderer)); rangeptr->setLine(line); m_renderer->layoutLine(rangeptr, (int)pl.maxWidth, false); // selectionOnly: clip non-selection parts and adjust painter position if needed int _xadjust = 0; if (pl.selectionOnly) { if (m_view && m_view->blockSelection()) { int _x = m_renderer->cursorToX(rangeptr->viewLine(0), pl.selectionRange.start()); int _x1 = m_renderer->cursorToX(rangeptr->viewLine(rangeptr->viewLineCount() - 1), pl.selectionRange.end()); _xadjust = _x; painter.translate(-_xadjust, 0); painter.setClipRegion(QRegion(_x, 0, _x1 - _x, rangeptr->viewLineCount() * m_fontHeight)); } else if (line == pl.firstline || line == pl.lastline) { QRegion region(0, 0, pl.maxWidth, rangeptr->viewLineCount() * m_fontHeight); if (line == pl.firstline) { region = region.subtracted(QRegion(0, 0, m_renderer->cursorToX(rangeptr->viewLine(0), pl.selectionRange.start()), m_fontHeight)); } if (line == pl.lastline) { int _x = m_renderer->cursorToX(rangeptr->viewLine(rangeptr->viewLineCount() - 1), pl.selectionRange.end()); region = region.subtracted(QRegion(_x, 0, pl.maxWidth - _x, m_fontHeight)); } painter.setClipRegion(region); } } // If the line is too long (too many 'viewlines') to fit the remaining vertical space, // clip and adjust the painter position as necessary int _lines = rangeptr->viewLineCount(); // number of "sublines" to paint. int proceedLines = _lines; if (remainder) { proceedLines = qMin((pl.maxHeight - y) / m_fontHeight, remainder); painter.translate(0, -(_lines - int(remainder)) * m_fontHeight + 1); painter.setClipRect(0, (_lines - int(remainder)) * m_fontHeight + 1, pl.maxWidth, proceedLines * m_fontHeight); //### drop the crosspatch in printerfriendly mode??? remainder -= proceedLines; } else if (y + m_fontHeight * _lines > pl.maxHeight) { remainder = _lines - ((pl.maxHeight - y) / m_fontHeight); painter.setClipRect(0, 0, pl.maxWidth, (_lines - int(remainder)) * m_fontHeight + 1); //### drop the crosspatch in printerfriendly mode??? + } else if (!pl.selectionOnly) { + painter.setClipRegion(QRegion()); + painter.setClipping(false); } m_renderer->paintTextLine(painter, rangeptr, 0, (int)pl.maxWidth); painter.setClipping(false); painter.translate(_xadjust, (m_fontHeight * (_lines - remainder))); y += m_fontHeight * proceedLines; } void PrintPainter::paintLineNumber(QPainter &painter, const uint number, const PageLayout &pl) const { const int left = ((m_useBox || m_useBackground) ? pl.innerMargin : 0) - pl.xstart; painter.save(); painter.setFont(m_renderer->config()->font()); painter.setPen(m_renderer->config()->lineNumberColor()); painter.drawText(left, 0, m_lineNumberWidth, m_fontHeight, Qt::AlignRight, QString::number(number + 1)); painter.restore(); } //END PrintPainter