diff --git a/3rdparty/README.md b/3rdparty/README.md index d58be29b99..2d4a2621f3 100644 --- a/3rdparty/README.md +++ b/3rdparty/README.md @@ -1,247 +1,247 @@ = CMake external projects to build krita's dependencies on Linux, Windows or OSX = If you need to build Krita's dependencies for the following reasons: * you develop on Windows and aren't using Emerge * you develop on OSX and aren't using Homebrew * you want to build a generic, distro-agnostic version of Krita for Linux * you develop on Linux, but some dependencies aren't available for your distribution and you know what you're doing, you can use the following guide to build the dependencies that Krita needs. If you develop on Linux and your distribution has the dependencies available, YOU DO NOT NEED THIS GUIDE AND YOU SHOULD STOP READING NOW Otherwise you risk major confusion. == Prerequisites == Note: on all operating systems the entire procedure is done in a terminal window. 1. git: https://git-scm.com/downloads. Make sure git is in your path 2. cmake 3.3.2: https://cmake.org/download/. Make sure cmake is in your path. 3. Make sure you have a compiler: * Linux: gcc, minimum version 4.8 * OSX: clang, you need to install xcode for this * Windows: mingw-w64 5.4 (by mingw-builds) - 32-bit (x86) target: https://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/files/Toolchains%20targetting%20Win32/Personal%20Builds/mingw-builds/5.4.0/threads-posix/dwarf/ - 64-bit (x64) target: https://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/files/Toolchains%20targetting%20Win64/Personal%20Builds/mingw-builds/5.4.0/threads-posix/seh/ Make sure mingw's bin folder is in your path. It might be a good idea to create a batch file which sets the path and start cmd. MSVC is *not* supported at the moment. 4. If you compile Qt on Windows, you will also need Python: https://www.python.org. Make sure to have python.exe in your path. == Setup your environment == == Prepare your directory layout == 1. Make a toplevel build directory, say $HOME/dev or c:\dev. We'll refer to this directory as BUILDROOT. You can use a variable for this, on WINDOWS %BUILDROOT%, on OSX and Linux $BUILDROOT. You will have to replace BUILDROOT with $BUILDROOT or %BUILDROOT whenever you copy and paste a command, depending on your operating system. 2. Checkout krita in BUILDROOT cd BUILDROOT git clone git://anongit.kde.org/krita.git 3. Create the build directory mkdir BUILDROOT/b 4. Create the downloads directory mkdir BUILDROOT/d 5. Create the install directory mkdir BUILDROOT/i == Prepare the externals build == 1. enter the BUILDROOT/b directory 2. run cmake: * Linux: export PATH=$BUILDROOT/i/bin export PYTHONHOME=$BUILDROOT/i (only if you want to build your own python) cmake ../krita/3rdparty \ -DINSTALL_ROOT=$BUILDROOT/i \ -DEXTERNALS_DOWNLOAD_DIR=$BUILDROOT/d \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=BUILDROOT/i * OSX: export PATH=$BUILDROOT/i/bin export PYTHONHOME=$BUILDROOT/i (only if you want to build your own python) cmake ../krita/3rdparty/ \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$BUILDROOT/i \ -DEXTERNALS_DOWNLOAD_DIR=$BUILDROOT/d \ -DINSTALL_ROOT=$BUILDROOT/i * Windows 32 bits: TODO * Windows 64 bits: Note that the cmake command needs to point to your BUILDROOT like /dev/d, not c:\dev\d. set PATH=%BUILDROOT%\i\bin\;%BUILDROOT%\i\lib;%PATH% set PYTHONHOME=%BUILDROOT%/i (only if you want to build your own python) set PATH=BUILDROOT\i\bin\;BUILDROOT\i\lib;%PATH% cmake ..\krita\3rdparty -DEXTERNALS_DOWNLOAD_DIR=/dev/d -DINSTALL_ROOT=/dev/i -G "MinGW Makefiles" 3. build the packages: With a judicious application of DEPENDS statements, it's possible to build it all in one go, but in my experience that fails always, so it's better to build the dependencies independently. If you want to use the included version of Python (can be used on Windows to build Qt instead of installing Python separately): cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_python On Windows: cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_patch cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_png2ico cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_gettext On all operating systems: cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_qt cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_zlib cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_boost Note about boost: check if the headers are installed into i/include/boost, but not into i/include/boost-1.61/boost cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_eigen3 cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_exiv2 cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_fftw3 On Windows: set FFTW_LIB_DIR=%BUILDROOT%\i\lib dlltool.exe -k --output-lib %FFTW_LIB_DIR%\libfftw3-3.a --input-def %FFTW_LIB_DIR%\libfftw3-3.def dlltool.exe -k --output-lib %FFTW_LIB_DIR%\libfftw3f-3.a --input-def %FFTW_LIB_DIR%\libfftw3f-3.def dlltool.exe -k --output-lib %FFTW_LIB_DIR%\libfftw3l-3.a --input-def %FFTW_LIB_DIR%\libfftw3l-3.def On all operating systems cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_ilmbase cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_jpeg cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_lcms2 cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_ocio cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_openexr Note for OSX: On OSX, you need to first build openexr; that will fail; then you need to set the rpath for the two utilities correctly, then try to build openexr again. install_name_tool -add_rpath $BUILD_ROOT/i/lib $BUILD_ROOT/b/ext_openexr/ext_openexr-prefix/src/ext_openexr-build/IlmImf/./b44ExpLogTable install_name_tool -add_rpath $BUILD_ROOT/i/lib $BUILD_ROOT/b/ext_openexr/ext_openexr-prefix/src/ext_openexr-build/IlmImf/./dwaLookups On All operating systems: cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_png cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_tiff cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_gsl cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_vc cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_libraw On Windows cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_freetype cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_poppler On Linux cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_kcrash Everywhere else: cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_kwindowsystem On Windows, if you want to include DrMingw for dumping backtrace on crash: cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_drmingw Note: poppler should be buildable on Linux as well with a home-built freetype and fontconfig, but I don't know how to make fontconfig find freetype, and on Linux, fontconfig is needed for poppler. Poppler is needed for PDF import. Note 2: libcurl still isn't available. Note 3: if you want to build a release, you need to get the binary gettext archives from files.kde.org/krita/build/dependencies: http://files.kde.org/krita/build/dependencies/gettext0.19.8.1-iconv1.14-shared-32.zip http://files.kde.org/krita/build/dependencies/gettext0.19.8.1-iconv1.14-shared-64.zip Take care, these zips contain a libstdc++-6.dll that you don't want in your path when building. == Build Krita == 1. Make a krita build directory: mkdir BUILDROOT/build 2. Enter the BUILDROOT/build 3. Run On Windows Depending on what you want to use, run this command for MSBuild: - cmake ..\krita -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DBoost_DEBUG=OFF -DBOOST_INCLUDEDIR=c:\dev\i\include -DBOOST_DEBUG=ON -DBOOST_ROOT=c:\dev\i -DBOOST_LIBRARYDIR=c:\dev\i\lib -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=c:\dev\i -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=c:\dev\i -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF -DKDE4_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DHAVE_MEMORY_LEAK_TRACKER=OFF -DPACKAGERS_BUILD=ON -Wno-dev -DDEFINE_NO_DEPRECATED=1 + cmake ..\krita -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DBoost_DEBUG=OFF -DBOOST_INCLUDEDIR=c:\dev\i\include -DBOOST_DEBUG=ON -DBOOST_ROOT=c:\dev\i -DBOOST_LIBRARYDIR=c:\dev\i\lib -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=c:\dev\i -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=c:\dev\i -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF -DKDE4_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DHAVE_MEMORY_LEAK_TRACKER=OFF -Wno-dev -DDEFINE_NO_DEPRECATED=1 Or this to use jom (faster compiling, uses all cores, ships with QtCreator/pre-built Qt binaries): - cmake ..\krita -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DBoost_DEBUG=OFF -DBOOST_INCLUDEDIR=c:\dev\i\include -DBOOST_DEBUG=ON -DBOOST_ROOT=c:\dev\i -DBOOST_LIBRARYDIR=c:\dev\i\lib -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=c:\dev\i -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=c:\dev\i -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF -DKDE4_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DHAVE_MEMORY_LEAK_TRACKER=OFF -DPACKAGERS_BUILD=ON -Wno-dev -DDEFINE_NO_DEPRECATED=1 + cmake ..\krita -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DBoost_DEBUG=OFF -DBOOST_INCLUDEDIR=c:\dev\i\include -DBOOST_DEBUG=ON -DBOOST_ROOT=c:\dev\i -DBOOST_LIBRARYDIR=c:\dev\i\lib -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=c:\dev\i -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=c:\dev\i -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF -DKDE4_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DHAVE_MEMORY_LEAK_TRACKER=OFF -Wno-dev -DDEFINE_NO_DEPRECATED=1 On Linux - cmake ../krita -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=BUILDROOT/i -DDEFINE_NO_DEPRECATED=1 -DPACKAGERS_BUILD=ON -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF -DKDE4_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfobg + cmake ../krita -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=BUILDROOT/i -DDEFINE_NO_DEPRECATED=1 -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF -DKDE4_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfobg On OSX - cmake ../krita -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$BUILDROOT/i -DDEFINE_NO_DEPRECATED=1 -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF -DKDE4_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DPACKAGERS_BUILD=ON -DBUNDLE_INSTALL_DIR=$BUILDROOT/i/bin -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo + cmake ../krita -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$BUILDROOT/i -DDEFINE_NO_DEPRECATED=1 -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF -DKDE4_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DBUNDLE_INSTALL_DIR=$BUILDROOT/i/bin -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo 4. Run On Linux and OSX make make install On Windows Either use MSBuild to build (-- /m tells msbuild to use all your cores): cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target INSTALL -- /m Or use jom which should be in a path similar to C:\Qt\Qt5.6.0\Tools\QtCreator\bin\jom.exe. So, from the same folder, instead of running cmake run: "C:\Qt\Qt5.6.0\Tools\QtCreator\bin\jom.exe" install 6. Run krita: On Linux BUILDROOT/i/bin/krita On Windows BUILDROOT\i\bin\krita.exe On OSX BUILDROOT/i/bin/krita.app/Contents/MacOS/krita == Packaging a Windows Build == If you want to create a stripped down version of Krita to distribute, after building everything just copy the makepkg.bat file from the "windows" folder inside krita root source folder to BUILDROOT and run it. That will copy the necessary files into the specified folder and leave behind developer related files, so the resulting folder will be a smaller install folder. == Common Issues == - On Windows, if you get a 'mspdb140.dll' missing alert window, it means you did not run the bat file. Make sure to include the quotes in the command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin\amd64\vcvars64.bat" - On Windows, if you get an error about Qt5Core.dll missing/not found or nmake exit with an error that mention QT_PLUGIN_PATH, you have to copy a couple of dlls in the Qt build directory, look for the N.B. in the Qt instructions at the start of the Readme. - If you receive an error while compiling about "missing QtCore5.cmake", or something similar, check to make sure qmake is in your PATH. Restart your command line after any changes are made. diff --git a/3rdparty/ext_qt/CMakeLists.txt b/3rdparty/ext_qt/CMakeLists.txt index 3eb9ea4e6f..3d05473fef 100644 --- a/3rdparty/ext_qt/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/3rdparty/ext_qt/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,183 +1,183 @@ SET(EXTPREFIX_qt "${EXTPREFIX}") if (WIN32) ExternalProject_Add( ext_qt DOWNLOAD_DIR ${EXTERNALS_DOWNLOAD_DIR} URL https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/5.6/5.6.1-1/single/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.6.1-1.zip URL_MD5 9d7ea0cadcec7b5a63e8e83686756978 PATCH_COMMAND ${PATCH_COMMAND} -p1 -i ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/disable-wintab.diff COMMAND ${PATCH_COMMAND} -p1 -i ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/qtgui-private-headers.diff COMMAND ${PATCH_COMMAND} -p1 -i ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/0001-Don-t-request-the-MIME-image-every-time-Windows-asks.patch COMMAND ${PATCH_COMMAND} -p1 -i ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/0002-Hack-always-return-we-support-DIBV5.patch COMMAND ${PATCH_COMMAND} -p1 -i ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/0003-Hack-for-fullscreen-workaround.patch INSTALL_DIR ${EXTPREFIX_qt} CONFIGURE_COMMAND /configure.bat -skip qt3d -skip qtactiveqt -skip qtcanvas3d -skip qtconnectivity -skip qtdoc -skip qtenginio -skip qtgraphicaleffects -skip qtlocation -skip qtsensors -skip qtserialport -skip qtwayland -skip qtwebchannel -skip qtwebengine -skip qtwebsockets -skip qtwebview -skip qtxmlpatterns -no-sql-sqlite -nomake examples -nomake tools -no-compile-examples -no-dbus -no-iconv -no-angle -no-ssl -no-openssl -no-wmf-backend -no-qml-debug -no-libproxy -no-system-proxies -no-nis -no-icu -no-mtdev -opensource -confirm-license -release -opengl desktop -qt-zlib -qt-pcre -qt-libpng -qt-libjpeg -prefix ${EXTPREFIX_qt} -platform win32-g++ # use this line for building Qt with debugging info enabled - #CONFIGURE_COMMAND /configure.bat -release -force-debug-info -skip qt3d -skip qtactiveqt -skip qtcanvas3d -skip qtconnectivity -skip qtdoc -skip qtenginio -skip qtgraphicaleffects -skip qtlocation -skip qtmultimedia -skip qtsensors -skip qtserialport -skip qtwayland -skip qtwebchannel -skip qtwebengine -skip qtwebsockets -skip qtwebview -skip qtxmlpatterns -no-sql-sqlite -nomake examples -nomake tools -no-compile-examples -no-dbus -no-iconv -no-angle -no-ssl -no-openssl -no-wmf-backend -no-qml-debug -no-libproxy -no-system-proxies -no-nis -no-icu -no-mtdev -opensource -confirm-license -release -opengl desktop -qt-zlib -qt-pcre -qt-libpng -qt-libjpeg -prefix ${EXTPREFIX_qt} -platform win32-g++ + #CONFIGURE_COMMAND /configure.bat -release -force-debug-info -skip qt3d -skip qtactiveqt -skip qtcanvas3d -skip qtconnectivity -skip qtdoc -skip qtenginio -skip qtgraphicaleffects -skip qtlocation -skip qtsensors -skip qtserialport -skip qtwayland -skip qtwebchannel -skip qtwebengine -skip qtwebsockets -skip qtwebview -skip qtxmlpatterns -no-sql-sqlite -nomake examples -nomake tools -no-compile-examples -no-dbus -no-iconv -no-angle -no-ssl -no-openssl -no-wmf-backend -no-qml-debug -no-libproxy -no-system-proxies -no-nis -no-icu -no-mtdev -opensource -confirm-license -release -opengl desktop -qt-zlib -qt-pcre -qt-libpng -qt-libjpeg -prefix ${EXTPREFIX_qt} -platform win32-g++ BUILD_COMMAND mingw32-make INSTALL_COMMAND mingw32-make install UPDATE_COMMAND "" BUILD_IN_SOURCE 1 DEPENDS ext_patch ) elseif (NOT APPLE) ExternalProject_Add( ext_qt DOWNLOAD_DIR ${EXTERNALS_DOWNLOAD_DIR} URL https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/5.6/5.6.1-1/single/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.6.1-1.tar.gz URL_MD5 8fdec6d657bc370bd3183d8fe8e9c47a PATCH_COMMAND ${PATCH_COMMAND} -p1 -i ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/qt-no-motion-compression.diff INSTALL_DIR ${EXTPREFIX_qt} - CONFIGURE_COMMAND /configure -prefix ${EXTPREFIX_qt} -opensource -confirm-license -nomake examples -no-sql-sqlite -no-openssl -no-qml-debug -no-mtdev -no-journald -no-syslog -no-nis -no-cups -no-tslib -no-directfb -no-linuxfb -no-libproxy -no-pch -qt-zlib -qt-pcre -qt-libpng -qt-libjpeg -qt-harfbuzz -qt-freetype -qt-xcb -qt-xkbcommon-x11 -optimized-qmake -skip qt3d -skip qtactiveqt -skip qtcanvas3d -skip qtconnectivity -skip qtenginio -skip qtgraphicaleffects -skip qtlocation -skip qtmultimedia -skip qtwayland -skip qtwebchannel -skip qtwebengine -skip qtwebsockets -skip qtwebview -skip qtandroidextras -skip qtserialport + CONFIGURE_COMMAND /configure -prefix ${EXTPREFIX_qt} -opensource -confirm-license -nomake examples -no-sql-sqlite -no-openssl -no-qml-debug -no-mtdev -no-journald -no-syslog -no-nis -no-cups -no-tslib -no-directfb -no-linuxfb -no-libproxy -no-pch -qt-zlib -qt-pcre -qt-libpng -qt-libjpeg -qt-harfbuzz -qt-freetype -qt-xcb -qt-xkbcommon-x11 -optimized-qmake -skip qt3d -skip qtactiveqt -skip qtcanvas3d -skip qtconnectivity -skip qtenginio -skip qtgraphicaleffects -skip qtlocation -skip qtwayland -skip qtwebchannel -skip qtwebengine -skip qtwebsockets -skip qtwebview -skip qtandroidextras -skip qtserialport BUILD_COMMAND $(MAKE) INSTALL_COMMAND $(MAKE) install UPDATE_COMMAND "" BUILD_IN_SOURCE 1 ) else( APPLE ) # XCODE_VERSION is set by CMake when using the Xcode generator, otherwise we need # to detect it manually here. if (NOT XCODE_VERSION) execute_process( COMMAND xcodebuild -version OUTPUT_VARIABLE xcodebuild_version OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ERROR_FILE /dev/null ) string(REGEX MATCH "Xcode ([0-9]([.][0-9])+)" version_match ${xcodebuild_version}) if (version_match) message(STATUS "${EXTPREFIX_qt}:Identified Xcode Version: ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") set(XCODE_VERSION ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}) else() # If detecting Xcode version failed, set a crazy high version so we default # to the newest. set(XCODE_VERSION 99) message(WARNING "${EXTPREFIX_qt}:Failed to detect the version of an installed copy of Xcode, falling back to highest supported version. Set XCODE_VERSION to override.") endif(version_match) endif(NOT XCODE_VERSION) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Verify the Xcode installation on Mac OS like Qt5.7 does/will # If not stop now, the system isn't configured correctly for Qt. # No reason to even proceed. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set(XCSELECT_OUTPUT) find_program(XCSELECT_PROGRAM "xcode-select") if(XCSELECT_PROGRAM) message(STATUS "${EXTPREFIX_qt}:Found XCSELECT_PROGRAM as ${XCSELECT_PROGRAM}") set(XCSELECT_COMMAND ${XCSELECT_PROGRAM} "--print-path") execute_process( COMMAND ${XCSELECT_COMMAND} RESULT_VARIABLE XCSELECT_COMMAND_RESULT OUTPUT_VARIABLE XCSELECT_COMMAND_OUTPUT ERROR_FILE /dev/null ) if(NOT XCSELECT_COMMAND_RESULT) # returned 0, we're ok. string(REGEX REPLACE "[ \t]*[\r\n]+[ \t]*" ";" XCSELECT_COMMAND_OUTPUT ${XCSELECT_COMMAND_OUTPUT}) else() string(REPLACE ";" " " XCSELECT_COMMAND_STR "${XCSELECT_COMMAND}") # message(STATUS "${XCSELECT_COMMAND_STR}") message(FATAL_ERROR "${EXTPREFIX_qt}:${XCSELECT_PROGRAM} test failed with status ${XCSELECT_COMMAND_RESULT}") endif() else() message(FATAL_ERROR "${EXTPREFIX_qt}:${XCSELECT_PROGRAM} not found. No Xcode is selected. Use xcode-select -switch to choose an Xcode version") endif() # Belts and suspenders # Beyond all the Xcode and Qt version checking, the proof of the pudding # lies in the success/failure of this command: xcrun --find xcrun. # On failure a patch is necessary, otherwise we're ok # So hard check xcrun now... set(XCRUN_OUTPUT) find_program(XCRUN_PROGRAM "xcrun") if(XCRUN_PROGRAM) message(STATUS "${EXTPREFIX_qt}:Found XCRUN_PROGRAM as ${XCRUN_PROGRAM}") set(XCRUN_COMMAND ${XCRUN_PROGRAM} "--find xcrun") execute_process( COMMAND ${XCRUN_COMMAND} RESULT_VARIABLE XCRUN_COMMAND_RESULT OUTPUT_VARIABLE XCRUN_COMMAND_OUTPUT ERROR_FILE /dev/null ) if(NOT XCRUN_COMMAND_RESULT) # returned 0, we're ok. string(REGEX REPLACE "[ \t]*[\r\n]+[ \t]*" ";" XCRUN_COMMAND_OUTPUT ${XCRUN_COMMAND_OUTPUT}) else() string(REPLACE ";" " " XCRUN_COMMAND_STR "${XCRUN_COMMAND}") # message(STATUS "${XCRUN_COMMAND_STR}") message(STATUS "${EXTPREFIX_qt}:xcrun test failed with status ${XCRUN_COMMAND_RESULT}") endif() else() message(STATUS "${EXTPREFIX_qt}:xcrun not found -- ${XCRUN_PROGRAM}") endif() # # Now configure ext_qt accordingly # if ((XCRUN_COMMAND_RESULT) AND (NOT (XCODE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 8.0.0))) # Fix Xcode xcrun related issue. # NOTE: This should be fixed by Qt 5.7.1 see here: http://code.qt.io/cgit/qt/qtbase.git/commit/?h=dev&id=77a71c32c9d19b87f79b208929e71282e8d8b5d9 # NOTE: but no one's holding their breath. set(ext_qt_PATCH_COMMAND $${PATCH_COMMAND} -p1 -i ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/gerrit-166202.diff COMMAND ${PATCH_COMMAND} -p1 -i ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/macdeploy-qt.diff COMMAND ${PATCH_COMMAND} -p1 -b -d /qtbase -i ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/qtbase-configure.patch COMMAND ${PATCH_COMMAND} -p1 -b -d /qtbase/mkspecs/features/mac -i ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/mac-default.patch) message(STATUS "${EXTPREFIX_qt}:Additional patches injected.") else() # No extra patches will be applied # NOTE: defaults for some untested scenarios like xcrun fails and xcode_version < 8. # NOTE: that is uncharted territory and (hopefully) a very unlikely scenario... set(ext_qt_PATCH_COMMAND ${PATCH_COMMAND} -p1 -i ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/gerrit-166202.diff COMMAND ${PATCH_COMMAND} -p1 -i ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/macdeploy-qt.diff) endif() # Qt is big - try and parallelize if at all possible include(ProcessorCount) ProcessorCount(NUM_CORES) if(NOT NUM_CORES EQUAL 0) if (NUM_CORES GREATER 2) # be nice... MATH( EXPR NUM_CORES "${NUM_CORES} - 2" ) endif() set(PARALLEL_MAKE "make;-j${NUM_CORES}") message(STATUS "${EXTPREFIX_qt}:Parallelized make: ${PARALLEL_MAKE}") else() set(PARALLEL_MAKE "make") endif() ExternalProject_Add(ext_qt DOWNLOAD_DIR ${EXTERNALS_DOWNLOAD_DIR} LOG_DOWNLOAD ON LOG_UPDATE ON LOG_CONFIGURE ON LOG_BUILD ON LOG_TEST ON LOG_INSTALL ON BUILD_IN_SOURCE ON URL https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/5.7/5.7.0/single/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.7.0.tar.gz URL_MD5 9a46cce61fc64c20c3ac0a0e0fa41b42 PATCH_COMMAND ${ext_qt_PATCH_COMMAND} INSTALL_DIR ${EXTPREFIX_qt} - CONFIGURE_COMMAND /configure -confirm-license -opensource -nomake examples -no-openssl -no-compile-examples -qt-freetype -qt-harfbuzz -opengl desktop -qt-zlib -qt-pcre -qt-libpng -qt-libjpeg -skip qt3d -skip qtactiveqt -skip qtcanvas3d -skip qtconnectivity -skip qtgraphicaleffects -skip qtlocation -skip qtmultimedia -skip qtwayland -skip qtwebchannel -skip qtwebengine -skip qtwebsockets -skip qtwebview -skip qtxmlpatterns -prefix ${EXTPREFIX_qt} + CONFIGURE_COMMAND /configure -confirm-license -opensource -nomake examples -no-openssl -no-compile-examples -qt-freetype -qt-harfbuzz -opengl desktop -qt-zlib -qt-pcre -qt-libpng -qt-libjpeg -skip qt3d -skip qtactiveqt -skip qtcanvas3d -skip qtconnectivity -skip qtgraphicaleffects -skip qtlocation -skip qtwayland -skip qtwebchannel -skip qtwebengine -skip qtwebsockets -skip qtwebview -skip qtxmlpatterns -prefix ${EXTPREFIX_qt} BUILD_COMMAND ${PARALLEL_MAKE} INSTALL_COMMAND make install UPDATE_COMMAND "" BUILD_IN_SOURCE 1 ) endif() diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt index e21280a154..3dd8e9e006 100644 --- a/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,667 +1,650 @@ project(krita) message(STATUS "Using CMake version: ${CMAKE_VERSION}") cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12 FATAL_ERROR) set(MIN_QT_VERSION 5.6.0) option(OVERRIDE_QT_VERSION "Use this to make it possible to build with Qt < 5.6.0. There will be bugs." OFF) if (OVERRIDE_QT_VERSION) set(MIN_QT_VERSION 5.4.0) endif() set(MIN_FRAMEWORKS_VERSION 5.7.0) if (POLICY CMP0002) cmake_policy(SET CMP0002 OLD) endif() if (POLICY CMP0017) cmake_policy(SET CMP0017 NEW) endif () if (POLICY CMP0022) cmake_policy(SET CMP0022 OLD) endif () if (POLICY CMP0026) cmake_policy(SET CMP0026 OLD) endif() if (POLICY CMP0042) cmake_policy(SET CMP0042 NEW) endif() if (POLICY CMP0046) cmake_policy(SET CMP0046 OLD) endif () if (POLICY CMP0059) cmake_policy(SET CMP0059 OLD) endif() if (POLICY CMP0063) cmake_policy(SET CMP0063 OLD) endif() if (POLICY CMP0054) cmake_policy(SET CMP0054 OLD) endif() if (POLICY CMP0064) cmake_policy(SET CMP0064 OLD) endif() if (APPLE) set(APPLE_SUPPRESS_X11_WARNING TRUE) set(KDE_SKIP_RPATH_SETTINGS TRUE) set(CMAKE_MACOSX_RPATH 1) set(BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH 1) add_definitions(-mmacosx-version-min=10.9 -Wno-macro-redefined -Wno-deprecated-register) endif() ###################### ####################### ## Constants defines ## ####################### ###################### # define common versions of Krita applications, used to generate kritaversion.h # update these version for every release: set(KRITA_VERSION_STRING "3.1.88") set(KRITA_STABLE_VERSION_MAJOR 3) # 3 for 3.x, 4 for 4.x, etc. set(KRITA_STABLE_VERSION_MINOR 1) # 0 for 3.0, 1 for 3.1, etc. set(KRITA_VERSION_RELEASE 88) # 88 for pre-alpha, 89 for Alpha, increase for next test releases, set 0 for first Stable, etc. set(KRITA_ALPHA 1) # uncomment only for Alpha #set(KRITA_BETA 1) # uncomment only for Beta #set(KRITA_RC 1) # uncomment only for RC set(KRITA_YEAR 2017) # update every year if(NOT DEFINED KRITA_ALPHA AND NOT DEFINED KRITA_BETA AND NOT DEFINED KRITA_RC) set(KRITA_STABLE 1) # do not edit endif() message(STATUS "Krita version: ${KRITA_VERSION_STRING}") # Define the generic version of the Krita libraries here # This makes it easy to advance it when the next Krita release comes. # 14 was the last GENERIC_KRITA_LIB_VERSION_MAJOR of the previous Krita series # (2.x) so we're starting with 15 in 3.x series. if(KRITA_STABLE_VERSION_MAJOR EQUAL 3) math(EXPR GENERIC_KRITA_LIB_VERSION_MAJOR "${KRITA_STABLE_VERSION_MINOR} + 15") else() # let's make sure we won't forget to update the "15" message(FATAL_ERROR "Reminder: please update offset == 15 used to compute GENERIC_KRITA_LIB_VERSION_MAJOR to something bigger") endif() set(GENERIC_KRITA_LIB_VERSION "${GENERIC_KRITA_LIB_VERSION_MAJOR}.0.0") set(GENERIC_KRITA_LIB_SOVERSION "${GENERIC_KRITA_LIB_VERSION_MAJOR}") LIST (APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules") LIST (APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/kde_macro") # fetch git revision for the current build set(KRITA_GIT_SHA1_STRING "") set(KRITA_GIT_BRANCH_STRING "") include(GetGitRevisionDescription) get_git_head_revision(GIT_REFSPEC GIT_SHA1) get_git_branch(GIT_BRANCH) if(GIT_SHA1 AND GIT_BRANCH) string(SUBSTRING ${GIT_SHA1} 0 7 GIT_SHA1) set(KRITA_GIT_SHA1_STRING ${GIT_SHA1}) set(KRITA_GIT_BRANCH_STRING ${GIT_BRANCH}) endif() if(NOT DEFINED RELEASE_BUILD) # estimate mode by CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE content if not set on cmdline string(TOLOWER "${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}" CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_TOLOWER) set(RELEASE_BUILD_TYPES "release" "relwithdebinfo" "minsizerel") list(FIND RELEASE_BUILD_TYPES "${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_TOLOWER}" INDEX) if (INDEX EQUAL -1) set(RELEASE_BUILD FALSE) else() set(RELEASE_BUILD TRUE) endif() endif() message(STATUS "Release build: ${RELEASE_BUILD}") # create test make targets enable_testing() # collect list of broken tests, empty here to start fresh with each cmake run set(KRITA_BROKEN_TESTS "" CACHE INTERNAL "KRITA_BROKEN_TESTS") ############ ############# ## Options ## ############# ############ include(FeatureSummary) -option(PACKAGERS_BUILD "Build support of multiple CPU architectures in one binary. Should be used by packagers only or Krita developers. Only switch off when you're an artist optimizing a build for your very own machine." ON) -add_feature_info("Packagers' Build" PACKAGERS_BUILD "Support several CPU arch in one binary. Recommended for packages. Switch this off to make a build for only your machine.") - if (WIN32) option(USE_DRMINGW "Support the Dr. Mingw crash handler (only on windows)" ON) add_feature_info("Dr. Mingw" USE_DRMINGW "Enable the Dr. Mingw crash handler") if (MINGW) option(USE_MINGW_HARDENING_LINKER "Enable DEP (NX), ASLR and high-entropy ASLR linker flags (mingw-w64)" ON) add_feature_info("Linker Security Flags" USE_MINGW_HARDENING_LINKER "Enable DEP (NX), ASLR and high-entropy ASLR linker flags") if (USE_MINGW_HARDENING_LINKER) set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -Wl,--dynamicbase -Wl,--nxcompat -Wl,--disable-auto-image-base") set(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} -Wl,--dynamicbase -Wl,--nxcompat -Wl,--disable-auto-image-base") set(CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS} -Wl,--dynamicbase -Wl,--nxcompat -Wl,--disable-auto-image-base") if ("${CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P}" EQUAL "8") # Enable high-entropy ASLR for 64-bit # The image base has to be >4GB for HEASLR to be enabled. # The values used here are kind of arbitrary. set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -Wl,--high-entropy-va -Wl,--image-base,0x140000000") set(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} -Wl,--high-entropy-va -Wl,--image-base,0x180000000") set(CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS} -Wl,--high-entropy-va -Wl,--image-base,0x180000000") endif ("${CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P}" EQUAL "8") else (USE_MINGW_HARDENING_LINKER) message(WARNING "Linker Security Flags not enabled!") endif (USE_MINGW_HARDENING_LINKER) endif (MINGW) endif () option(HIDE_SAFE_ASSERTS "Don't show message box for \"safe\" asserts, just ignore them automatically and dump a message to the terminal." ON) configure_file(config-hide-safe-asserts.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config-hide-safe-asserts.h) add_feature_info("Safe Asserts" HIDE_SAFE_ASSERTS "Don't show message box for \"safe\" asserts, just ignore them automatically and dump a message to the terminal.") option(FOUNDATION_BUILD "A Foundation build is a binary release build that can package some extra things like color themes. Linux distributions that build and install Krita into a default system location should not define this option to true." OFF) add_feature_info("Foundation Build" FOUNDATION_BUILD "A Foundation build is a binary release build that can package some extra things like color themes. Linux distributions that build and install Krita into a default system location should not define this option to true.") option(KRITA_ENABLE_BROKEN_TESTS "Enable tests that are marked as broken" OFF) add_feature_info("Enable Broken Tests" KRITA_ENABLE_BROKEN_TESTS "Runs broken test when \"make test\" is invoked (use -DKRITA_ENABLE_BROKEN_TESTS=ON to enable).") include(MacroJPEG) ######################## ######################### ## Look for KDE and Qt ## ######################### ######################## find_package(ECM 1.7.0 REQUIRED NOMODULE) set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} ${ECM_MODULE_PATH} ${ECM_KDE_MODULE_DIR}) include(ECMOptionalAddSubdirectory) include(ECMAddAppIcon) include(ECMSetupVersion) include(ECMMarkNonGuiExecutable) include(ECMGenerateHeaders) include(GenerateExportHeader) include(ECMMarkAsTest) include(ECMInstallIcons) include(CMakePackageConfigHelpers) include(WriteBasicConfigVersionFile) include(CheckFunctionExists) include(KDEInstallDirs) include(KDECMakeSettings) include(KDECompilerSettings) # do not reorder to be alphabetical: this is the order in which the frameworks # depend on each other. find_package(KF5 ${MIN_FRAMEWORKS_VERSION} REQUIRED COMPONENTS Archive Config WidgetsAddons Completion CoreAddons GuiAddons I18n ItemModels ItemViews WindowSystem ) # KConfig deprecated authorizeKAction. In order to be warning free, # compile with the updated function when the dependency is new enough. # Remove this (and the uses of the define) when the minimum KF5 # version is >= 5.24.0. if (${KF5Config_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "5.24.0" ) message("Old KConfig (< 5.24.0) found.") add_definitions(-DKCONFIG_BEFORE_5_24) endif() find_package(Qt5 ${MIN_QT_VERSION} REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core Gui Widgets Xml Network PrintSupport Svg Test Concurrent ) include (MacroAddFileDependencies) include (MacroBoolTo01) include (MacroEnsureOutOfSourceBuild) macro_ensure_out_of_source_build("Compiling Krita inside the source directory is not possible. Please refer to the build instruction https://community.kde.org/Krita#Build_Instructions") # Note: OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS does not seem to be reliable # (as of ECM 5.15.0, CMake 3.2) find_package(Qt5Multimedia ${MIN_QT_VERSION}) set_package_properties(Qt5Multimedia PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Qt multimedia integration" URL "http://www.qt.io/" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Optionally used to provide sound support for animations") macro_bool_to_01(Qt5Multimedia_FOUND HAVE_QT_MULTIMEDIA) configure_file(config-qtmultimedia.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config-qtmultimedia.h ) if (NOT WIN32 AND NOT APPLE) find_package(Qt5 ${MIN_QT_VERSION} REQUIRED X11Extras) find_package(Qt5DBus ${MIN_QT_VERSION}) set(HAVE_DBUS ${Qt5DBus_FOUND}) set_package_properties(Qt5DBus PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Qt DBUS integration" URL "http://www.qt.io/" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Optionally used to provide a dbus api on Linux") find_package(KF5KIO ${MIN_FRAMEWORKS_VERSION}) macro_bool_to_01(KF5KIO_FOUND HAVE_KIO) set_package_properties(KF5KIO PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "KDE's KIO Framework" URL "http://api.kde.org/frameworks-api/frameworks5-apidocs/kio/html/index.html" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Optionally used for recent document handling") find_package(KF5Crash ${MIN_FRAMEWORKS_VERSION}) macro_bool_to_01(KF5Crash_FOUND HAVE_KCRASH) set_package_properties(KF5Crash PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "KDE's Crash Handler" URL "http://api.kde.org/frameworks-api/frameworks5-apidocs/kcrash/html/index.html" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Optionally used to provide crash reporting on Linux") find_package(X11 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Xinput) set(HAVE_X11 TRUE) add_definitions(-DHAVE_X11) find_package(XCB COMPONENTS XCB ATOM) set(HAVE_XCB ${XCB_FOUND}) else() set(HAVE_DBUS FALSE) set(HAVE_X11 FALSE) set(HAVE_XCB FALSE) endif() add_definitions( -DQT_USE_QSTRINGBUILDER -DQT_STRICT_ITERATORS -DQT_NO_SIGNALS_SLOTS_KEYWORDS -DQT_USE_FAST_OPERATOR_PLUS -DQT_USE_FAST_CONCATENATION -DQT_NO_URL_CAST_FROM_STRING -DQT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0 ) add_definitions(-DTRANSLATION_DOMAIN=\"krita\") # # The reason for this mode is that the Debug mode disable inlining # if(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_KRITADEVS "-O3 -g" CACHE STRING "" FORCE) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fext-numeric-literals") endif() if(UNIX) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES "${CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES};m") endif() if(WIN32) if(MSVC) # C4522: 'class' : multiple assignment operators specified set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -wd4522") endif() endif() # enable exceptions globally kde_enable_exceptions() # only with this definition will all the FOO_TEST_EXPORT macro do something # TODO: check if this can be moved to only those places which make use of it, # to reduce global compiler definitions that would trigger a recompile of # everything on a change (like adding/removing tests to/from the build) if(BUILD_TESTING) add_definitions(-DCOMPILING_TESTS) endif() set(KRITA_DEFAULT_TEST_DATA_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/sdk/tests/data/) macro(macro_add_unittest_definitions) add_definitions(-DFILES_DATA_DIR="${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/data/") add_definitions(-DFILES_OUTPUT_DIR="${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}") add_definitions(-DFILES_DEFAULT_DATA_DIR="${KRITA_DEFAULT_TEST_DATA_DIR}") add_definitions(-DSYSTEM_RESOURCES_DATA_DIR="${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/krita/data/") endmacro() # overcome some platform incompatibilities if(WIN32) include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/winquirks) add_definitions(-D_USE_MATH_DEFINES) add_definitions(-DNOMINMAX) set(WIN32_PLATFORM_NET_LIBS ws2_32.lib netapi32.lib) endif() # set custom krita plugin installdir set(KRITA_PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR ${LIB_INSTALL_DIR}/kritaplugins) ########################### ############################ ## Required dependencies ## ############################ ########################### find_package(PNG REQUIRED) if (APPLE) # this is not added correctly on OSX -- see http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=139&t=101867&p=221242#p221242 include_directories(SYSTEM ${PNG_INCLUDE_DIR}) endif() add_definitions(-DBOOST_ALL_NO_LIB) find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS system) # for pigment and stage include_directories(${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}) ## ## Test for GNU Scientific Library ## find_package(GSL) set_package_properties(GSL PROPERTIES URL "http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl" TYPE RECOMMENDED PURPOSE "Required by Krita's Transform tool.") macro_bool_to_01(GSL_FOUND HAVE_GSL) configure_file(config-gsl.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config-gsl.h ) ########################### ############################ ## Optional dependencies ## ############################ ########################### ## ## Check for OpenEXR ## find_package(ZLIB) set_package_properties(ZLIB PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Compression library" URL "http://www.zlib.net/" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Optionally used by the G'Mic and the PSD plugins") macro_bool_to_01(ZLIB_FOUND HAVE_ZLIB) find_package(OpenEXR) set_package_properties(OpenEXR PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "High dynamic-range (HDR) image file format" URL "http://www.openexr.com" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required by the Krita OpenEXR filter") macro_bool_to_01(OPENEXR_FOUND HAVE_OPENEXR) set(LINK_OPENEXR_LIB) if(OPENEXR_FOUND) include_directories(SYSTEM ${OPENEXR_INCLUDE_DIR}) set(LINK_OPENEXR_LIB ${OPENEXR_LIBRARIES}) add_definitions(${OPENEXR_DEFINITIONS}) endif() find_package(TIFF) set_package_properties(TIFF PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "TIFF Library and Utilities" URL "http://www.remotesensing.org/libtiff" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required by the Krita TIFF filter") find_package(JPEG) set_package_properties(JPEG PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Free library for JPEG image compression. Note: libjpeg8 is NOT supported." URL "http://www.libjpeg-turbo.org" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required by the Krita JPEG filter") set(LIBRAW_MIN_VERSION "0.16") find_package(LibRaw ${LIBRAW_MIN_VERSION}) set_package_properties(LibRaw PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Library to decode RAW images" URL "http://www.libraw.org" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required to build the raw import plugin") find_package(FFTW3) set_package_properties(FFTW3 PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "A fast, free C FFT library" URL "http://www.fftw.org/" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required by the Krita for fast convolution operators and some G'Mic features") macro_bool_to_01(FFTW3_FOUND HAVE_FFTW3) find_package(OCIO) set_package_properties(OCIO PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "The OpenColorIO Library" URL "http://www.opencolorio.org" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required by the Krita LUT docker") macro_bool_to_01(OCIO_FOUND HAVE_OCIO) ## ## Look for OpenGL ## # TODO: see if there is a better check for QtGui being built with opengl support (and thus the QOpenGL* classes) if(Qt5Gui_OPENGL_IMPLEMENTATION) message(STATUS "Found QtGui OpenGL support") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Did NOT find QtGui OpenGL support. Check your Qt configuration. You cannot build Krita without Qt OpenGL support.") endif() ## ## Test for eigen3 ## find_package(Eigen3 REQUIRED "3.0") set_package_properties(Eigen3 PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "C++ template library for linear algebra" URL "http://eigen.tuxfamily.org" TYPE REQUIRED) ## ## Test for exiv2 ## set(EXIV2_MIN_VERSION "0.16") find_package(Exiv2 REQUIRED) set_package_properties(Exiv2 PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Image metadata library and tools" URL "http://www.exiv2.org" PURPOSE "Required by Krita") ## ## Test for lcms ## find_package(LCMS2 REQUIRED "2.4") set_package_properties(LCMS2 PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "LittleCMS Color management engine" URL "http://www.littlecms.com" TYPE REQUIRED PURPOSE "Will be used for color management and is necessary for Krita") if(LCMS2_FOUND) if(NOT ${LCMS2_VERSION} VERSION_LESS 2040 ) set(HAVE_LCMS24 TRUE) endif() set(HAVE_REQUIRED_LCMS_VERSION TRUE) set(HAVE_LCMS2 TRUE) endif() ## ## Test for Vc ## set(OLD_CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} ) set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules ) set(HAVE_VC FALSE) if( NOT MSVC) find_package(Vc 1.1.0) set_package_properties(Vc PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Portable, zero-overhead SIMD library for C++" URL "https://github.com/VcDevel/Vc" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required by the Krita for vectorization") macro_bool_to_01(Vc_FOUND HAVE_VC) - macro_bool_to_01(PACKAGERS_BUILD DO_PACKAGERS_BUILD) endif() configure_file(config-vc.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config-vc.h ) if(HAVE_VC) message(STATUS "Vc found!") set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/vc") include (VcMacros) if(Vc_COMPILER_IS_CLANG) set(ADDITIONAL_VC_FLAGS "-Wabi -ffp-contract=fast -fPIC") elseif (NOT MSVC) set(ADDITIONAL_VC_FLAGS "-Wabi -fabi-version=0 -ffp-contract=fast -fPIC") endif() #Handle Vc master if(Vc_COMPILER_IS_GCC OR Vc_COMPILER_IS_CLANG) AddCompilerFlag("-std=c++11" _ok) if(NOT _ok) AddCompilerFlag("-std=c++0x" _ok) endif() endif() macro(ko_compile_for_all_implementations_no_scalar _objs _src) - if(PACKAGERS_BUILD) vc_compile_for_all_implementations(${_objs} ${_src} FLAGS ${ADDITIONAL_VC_FLAGS} ONLY SSE2 SSSE3 SSE4_1 AVX AVX2+FMA+BMI2) - else() - set(${_objs} ${_src}) - endif() endmacro() macro(ko_compile_for_all_implementations _objs _src) - if(PACKAGERS_BUILD) vc_compile_for_all_implementations(${_objs} ${_src} FLAGS ${ADDITIONAL_VC_FLAGS} ONLY Scalar SSE2 SSSE3 SSE4_1 AVX AVX2+FMA+BMI2) - else() - set(${_objs} ${_src}) - endif() endmacro() - - if (NOT PACKAGERS_BUILD) - # Optimize everything for the current architecture - set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${Vc_DEFINITIONS}") - endif () endif() set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${OLD_CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} ) add_definitions(${QT_DEFINITIONS} ${QT_QTDBUS_DEFINITIONS}) if(WIN32) set(LIB_INSTALL_DIR ${LIB_INSTALL_DIR} RUNTIME DESTINATION ${BIN_INSTALL_DIR} LIBRARY ${INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS} ARCHIVE ${INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS} ) endif() ## ## Test endianess ## include (TestBigEndian) test_big_endian(CMAKE_WORDS_BIGENDIAN) ## ## Test for qt-poppler ## find_package(Poppler) set_package_properties(Poppler PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "A PDF rendering library" URL "http://poppler.freedesktop.org" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required by the Krita PDF filter.") ## ## Test for pthreads (for G'Mic) ## find_package(Threads) set_package_properties(Threads PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "PThreads - A low-level threading library" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Optionally used by the G'Mic plugin") ## ## Test for OpenMP (for G'Mic) ## find_package(OpenMP) set_package_properties(OpenMP PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "A low-level parallel execution library" URL "http://openmp.org/wp/" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Optionally used by the G'Mic plugin") ## ## Test for Curl (for G'Mic) ## find_package(CURL) set_package_properties(CURL PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "A tool to fetch remote data" URL "http://curl.haxx.se/" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Optionally used by the G'Mic plugin") ############################ ############################# ## Add Krita helper macros ## ############################# ############################ include(MacroKritaAddBenchmark) #################### ##################### ## Define includes ## ##################### #################### # for config.h and includes (if any?) include_directories(BEFORE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/interfaces ) add_subdirectory(libs) add_subdirectory(plugins) add_subdirectory(benchmarks) add_subdirectory(krita) configure_file(KoConfig.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/KoConfig.h ) configure_file(config_convolution.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config_convolution.h) configure_file(config-ocio.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config-ocio.h ) check_function_exists(powf HAVE_POWF) configure_file(config-powf.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config-powf.h) message("\nBroken tests:") foreach(tst ${KRITA_BROKEN_TESTS}) message(" * ${tst}") endforeach() feature_summary(WHAT ALL FATAL_ON_MISSING_REQUIRED_PACKAGES) diff --git a/README_PACKAGERS.md b/README_PACKAGERS.md index 53f3da7d48..ef66f9d14e 100644 --- a/README_PACKAGERS.md +++ b/README_PACKAGERS.md @@ -1,76 +1,74 @@ = Notes for Packagers = == Patching Qt == Qt 5.6 is currently the recommended version to build Krita with on all platforms. However, Qt 5.6 on Linux needs to be patched for https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-44964 . The patch in 3rdparty/ext_qt/qt-no-motion-compression.diff == Package Contents == We recommend that all of Krita packaged in one package: there is no need to split Krita up. In particular, do not make a separate package out of the plugins directory; without the plugins Krita will not even start. Krita does not install header files, so there is no need for a corresponding -dev(el) package. == Third Party Libraries == The top-level 3rd-party directory is not relevant for packaging: it only contains CMake projects for all of Krita's dependencies which are used for building Krita on Windows and OSX. It is not called from the top-level CMakeLists.txt project. There are four forks of 3rd party libraries that are relevant and cannot be replaced by system libraries: * plugins/impex/raw/3rdparty contains a fork of kdcraw. Upstread removed most functionality from this library and is in general unable to provide a stable API. The library has been renamed to avoid conflicts with upstream kdcraw. * plugins/impex/xcf/3rdparty contains the xcftools code. This has never been released as a library * plugins/extensions/gmic/3rdparty contains G'Mic. This has never been released as a shared library. * libs/image/3rdparty contains einspline. This code is directly linke d into the kritaimage library and has never been released as a separate library. == Build flags == -Packagers must build krita with the PACKAGERS_BUILD flag enabled. This makes sure that object files for all SIMD vectorization extensions krita supports are built. The right one is then selected run-time. - Krita no longer supports a build without OpenGL. For alpha and beta packages, please build with debug output enabled, but for production packages the -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-DKDE_NO_DEBUG_OUTPUT" is recommended. A significant performance increase will be the result. If you build Krita with RelWithDebInfo to be able to create a corresponding -dbg package, please define -DQT_NO_DEBUG=1 as well to disable asserts. == Dependencies == Krita depends on: * boost and the boost-system library * eigen3 * exiv2 * fftw3 * gsl * ilmbase * jpeg: Note that libjpeg-turbo is recommended. * lcms2 * libcurl * libraw * opencolorio * openexr * png * poppler-qt5 * pthreads * qt-5: Note that Qt 5.6 is _strongly_ recommended. Qt 5.5 has bugs that interfere with proper handling of tablet events * tiff * vc: this is a build-time dependency only * zlib And the following KDE Frameworks: * Archive * Completion * Config * CoreAddons * GuiAddons * I18n * ItemModels * ItemViews * KCrash * WidgetsAddons * WindowSystem diff --git a/config-vc.h.cmake b/config-vc.h.cmake index e2b6adaa0d..489dd7d888 100644 --- a/config-vc.h.cmake +++ b/config-vc.h.cmake @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ /* config-vc.h. Generated by cmake from config-Vc.h.cmake */ /* Define if you have Vc, the vectorization library */ #cmakedefine HAVE_VC 1 -#cmakedefine DO_PACKAGERS_BUILD 1 diff --git a/krita/krita.action b/krita/krita.action index 1ef0e6968c..fe025f8224 100644 --- a/krita/krita.action +++ b/krita/krita.action @@ -1,2948 +1,2948 @@ General Open Resources Folder Opens a file browser at the location Krita saves resources such as brushes to. Opens a file browser at the location Krita saves resources such as brushes to. Open Resources Folder 0 0 false Cleanup removed files... Cleanup removed files Cleanup removed files 0 0 false C&ascade Cascade Cascade 10 0 false &Tile Tile Tile 10 0 false Create Resource Bundle... Create Resource Bundle Create Resource Bundle 0 0 false Show File Toolbar Show File Toolbar Show File Toolbar false Show color selector Show color selector Show color selector Shift+I false Show MyPaint shade selector Show MyPaint shade selector Show MyPaint shade selector Shift+M false Show minimal shade selector Show minimal shade selector Show minimal shade selector Shift+N false Show color history Show color history Show color history H false Show common colors Show common colors Show common colors U false Show Tool Options Show Tool Options Show Tool Options \ false Show Brush Editor Show Brush Editor Show Brush Editor F5 false Show Brush Presets Show Brush Presets Show Brush Presets F6 false Toggle Tablet Debugger Toggle Tablet Debugger Toggle Tablet Debugger 0 0 Ctrl+Shift+T false Rename Composition... Rename Composition Rename Composition 0 0 false Update Composition Update Composition Update Composition 0 0 false Painting Make brush color lighter Make brush color lighter Make brush color lighter 0 0 L false Make brush color darker Make brush color darker Make brush color darker 0 0 K false Make brush color more saturated Make brush color more saturated Make brush color more saturated false Make brush color more desaturated Make brush color more desaturated Make brush color more desaturated false Shift brush color hue clockwise Shift brush color hue clockwise Shift brush color hue clockwise false Shift brush color hue counter-clockwise Shift brush color hue counter-clockwise Shift brush color hue counter-clockwise false Make brush color more red Make brush color more red Make brush color more red false Make brush color more green Make brush color more green Make brush color more green false Make brush color more blue Make brush color more blue Make brush color more blue false Make brush color more yellow Make brush color more yellow Make brush color more yellow false Increase opacity Increase opacity Increase opacity 0 0 O false Decrease opacity Decrease opacity Decrease opacity 0 0 I false draw-eraser Set eraser mode Set eraser mode Set eraser mode 10000 0 E true view-refresh Reload Original Preset Reload Original Preset Reload Original Preset 10000 false transparency-unlocked Preserve Alpha Preserve Alpha Preserve Alpha 10000 true transform_icons_penPressure Use Pen Pressure Use Pen Pressure Use Pen Pressure 10000 true symmetry-horizontal Horizontal Mirror Tool Horizontal Mirror Tool Horizontal Mirror Tool 10000 true symmetry-vertical Vertical Mirror Tool Vertical Mirror Tool Vertical Mirror Tool 10000 true Paste at cursor Paste at cursor Paste at cursor 0 0 false &Invert Selection Invert current selection Invert Selection 10000000000 100 Ctrl+Shift+I false Fill with Foreground Color (Opacity) Fill with Foreground Color (Opacity) Fill with Foreground Color (Opacity) 10000 1 Ctrl+Shift+Backspace false Fill with Background Color (Opacity) Fill with Background Color (Opacity) Fill with Background Color (Opacity) 10000 1 Ctrl+Backspace false Fill with Pattern (Opacity) Fill with Pattern (Opacity) Fill with Pattern (Opacity) 10000 1 false &Toggle Selection Display Mode Toggle Selection Display Mode Toggle Selection Display Mode 0 0 false Next Favourite Preset Next Favourite Preset Next Favourite Preset , false Previous Favourite Preset Previous Favourite Preset Previous Favourite Preset . false - + preset-switcher Switch to Previous Preset Switch to Previous Preset Switch to Previous Preset / false Hide Brushes and Stuff Toolbar Hide Brushes and Stuff Toolbar Hide Brushes and Stuff Toolbar true Reset Foreground and Background Color Reset Foreground and Background Color Reset Foreground and Background Color D false Swap Foreground and Background Color Swap Foreground and Background Color Swap Foreground and Background Color X false - + smoothing-weighted Brush Smoothing: Weighted Brush Smoothing: Weighted Brush Smoothing: Weighted false - + smoothing-no Brush Smoothing: Disabled Brush Smoothing: Disabled Brush Smoothing: Disabled false - + smoothing-stabilizer Brush Smoothing: Stabilizer Brush Smoothing: Stabilizer Brush Smoothing: Stabilizer false Decrease Brush Size Decrease Brush Size Decrease Brush Size 0 0 [ false - + smoothing-basic Brush Smoothing: Basic Brush Smoothing: Basic Brush Smoothing: Basic false Increase Brush Size Increase Brush Size Increase Brush Size 0 0 ] false Toggle Assistant Toggle Assistant ToggleAssistant Ctrl+Shift+L true Undo Polygon Selection Points Undo Polygon Selection Points Undo Polygon Selection Points Shift+Z false Fill with Foreground Color (Opacity) Fill with Foreground Color (Opacity) Fill with Foreground Color (Opacity) 10000 1 Ctrl+Shift+Backspace false Fill with Background Color (Opacity) Fill with Background Color (Opacity) Fill with Background Color (Opacity) 10000 1 Ctrl+Backspace false Fill with Pattern (Opacity) Fill with Pattern (Opacity) Fill with Pattern (Opacity) 10000 1 false Convert &to Shape Convert to Shape Convert to Shape 10000000000 0 false &Select Opaque Select Opaque Select Opaque 100000 100 false &Show Global Selection Mask Shows global selection as a usual selection mask in <interface>Layers</interface> docker Show Global Selection Mask - 0 - 0 + 100000 + 100 true Filters - + color-to-alpha &Color to Alpha... Color to Alpha Color to Alpha 10000 0 false &Top Edge Detection Top Edge Detection Top Edge Detection 10000 0 false &Index Colors... Index Colors Index Colors 10000 0 false Emboss Horizontal &Only Emboss Horizontal Only Emboss Horizontal Only 10000 0 false D&odge Dodge Dodge 10000 0 false &Sharpen Sharpen Sharpen 10000 0 false B&urn Burn Burn 10000 0 false &Mean Removal Mean Removal Mean Removal 10000 0 false &Gaussian Blur... Gaussian Blur Gaussian Blur 10000 0 false Emboss &in All Directions Emboss in All Directions Emboss in All Directions 10000 0 false &Small Tiles... Small Tiles Small Tiles 10000 0 false &Levels... Levels Levels 10000 0 Ctrl+L false &Sobel... Sobel Sobel 10000 0 false &Wave... Wave Wave 10000 0 false &Motion Blur... Motion Blur Motion Blur 10000 0 false &Color Adjustment curves... Color Adjustment curves Color Adjustment curves 10000 0 Ctrl+M false Pi&xelize... Pixelize Pixelize 10000 0 false Emboss (&Laplacian) Emboss (Laplacian) Emboss (Laplacian) 10000 0 false &Left Edge Detection Left Edge Detection Left Edge Detection 10000 0 false &Blur... Blur Blur 10000 0 false &Raindrops... Raindrops Raindrops 10000 0 false &Bottom Edge Detection Bottom Edge Detection Bottom Edge Detection 10000 0 false &Random Noise... Random Noise Random Noise 10000 0 false &Brightness/Contrast curve... Brightness/Contrast curve Brightness/Contrast curve 10000 0 false Colo&r Balance.. Color Balance.. Color Balance.. 10000 0 Ctrl+B false &Phong Bumpmap... Phong Bumpmap Phong Bumpmap 10000 0 false &Desaturate Desaturate Desaturate 10000 0 Ctrl+Shift+U false Color &Transfer... Color Transfer Color Transfer 10000 0 false Emboss &Vertical Only Emboss Vertical Only Emboss Vertical Only 10000 0 false &Lens Blur... Lens Blur Lens Blur 10000 0 false M&inimize Channel Minimize Channel Minimize Channel 10000 0 false M&aximize Channel Maximize Channel Maximize Channel 10000 0 false &Oilpaint... Oilpaint Oilpaint 10000 0 false &Right Edge Detection Right Edge Detection Right Edge Detection 10000 0 false &Auto Contrast Auto Contrast Auto Contrast 10000 0 false &Round Corners... Round Corners Round Corners 10000 0 false &Unsharp Mask... Unsharp Mask Unsharp Mask 10000 0 false &Emboss with Variable Depth... Emboss with Variable Depth Emboss with Variable Depth 10000 0 false Emboss &Horizontal && Vertical Emboss Horizontal & Vertical Emboss Horizontal & Vertical 10000 0 false Random &Pick... Random Pick Random Pick 10000 0 false &Gaussian Noise Reduction... Gaussian Noise Reduction Gaussian Noise Reduction 10000 0 false &Posterize... Posterize Posterize 10000 0 false &Wavelet Noise Reducer... Wavelet Noise Reducer Wavelet Noise Reducer 10000 0 false &HSV Adjustment... HSV Adjustment HSV Adjustment 10000 0 Ctrl+U false Tool Shortcuts Dynamic Brush Tool Dynamic Brush Tool Dynamic Brush Tool false Crop Tool Crop the image to an area Crop the image to an area C false Polygon Tool Polygon Tool. Shift-mouseclick ends the polygon. Polygon Tool. Shift-mouseclick ends the polygon. false References References References false Rectangle Tool Rectangle Tool Rectangle Tool false Multibrush Tool Multibrush Tool Multibrush Tool Q false Shape Manipulation Tool Shape Manipulation Tool Shape Manipulation Tool false Color Picker Select a color from the image or current layer Select a color from the image or current layer P false Text Editing Tool Text editing Text editing false Outline Selection Tool Outline Selection Tool Outline Selection Tool false Artistic Text Tool Artistic text editing Artistic text editing false Bezier Curve Selection Tool Select a Bezier Curve Selection Tool false Similar Color Selection Tool Select a Similar Color Selection Tool false Fill Tool Fill a contiguous area of color with a color, or fill a selection. Fill a contiguous area of color with a color, or fill a selection. F false Line Tool Line Tool Line Tool false Freehand Path Tool Freehand Path Tool Freehand Path Tool false Bezier Curve Tool Bezier Curve Tool. Shift-mouseclick ends the curve. Bezier Curve Tool. Shift-mouseclick ends the curve. false Ellipse Tool Ellipse Tool Ellipse Tool false Freehand Brush Tool Freehand Brush Tool Freehand Brush Tool B false Create object Create object Create object false Elliptical Selection Tool Elliptical Selection Tool Elliptical Selection Tool J false Contiguous Selection Tool Contiguous Selection Tool Contiguous Selection Tool false Pattern editing Pattern editing Pattern editing false Review Review Review false Draw a gradient. Draw a gradient. Draw a gradient. G false Polygonal Selection Tool Polygonal Selection Tool Polygonal Selection Tool false Measurement Tool Measure the distance between two points Measure the distance between two points false Rectangular Selection Tool Rectangular Selection Tool Rectangular Selection Tool Ctrl+R false Move Tool Move a layer Move a layer T false Vector Image Tool Vector Image (EMF/WMF/SVM/SVG) tool Vector Image (EMF/WMF/SVM/SVG) tool false Calligraphy Calligraphy Calligraphy false Path editing Path editing Path editing false Polyline Tool Polyline Tool. Shift-mouseclick ends the polyline. Polyline Tool. Shift-mouseclick ends the polyline. false Transform Tool Transform a layer or a selection Transform a layer or a selection Ctrl+T false Ruler assistant editor tool Ruler assistant editor tool Ruler assistant editor tool false Text tool Text tool Text tool false Gradient Editing Tool Gradient editing Gradient editing false Blending Modes Select Normal Blending Mode Select Normal Blending Mode Select Normal Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+N false Select Dissolve Blending Mode Select Dissolve Blending Mode Select Dissolve Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+I false Select Behind Blending Mode Select Behind Blending Mode Select Behind Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+Q false Select Clear Blending Mode Select Clear Blending Mode Select Clear Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+R false Select Darken Blending Mode Select Darken Blending Mode Select Darken Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+K false Select Multiply Blending Mode Select Multiply Blending Mode Select Multiply Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+M false Select Color Burn Blending Mode Select Color Burn Blending Mode Select Color Burn Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+B false Select Linear Burn Blending Mode Select Linear Burn Blending Mode Select Linear Burn Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+A false Select Lighten Blending Mode Select Lighten Blending Mode Select Lighten Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+G false Select Screen Blending Mode Select Screen Blending Mode Select Screen Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+S false Select Color Dodge Blending Mode Select Color Dodge Blending Mode Select Color Dodge Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+D false Select Linear Dodge Blending Mode Select Linear Dodge Blending Mode Select Linear Dodge Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+W false Select Overlay Blending Mode Select Overlay Blending Mode Select Overlay Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+O false Select Soft Light Blending Mode Select Soft Light Blending Mode Select Soft Light Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+F false Select Hard Light Blending Mode Select Hard Light Blending Mode Select Hard Light Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+H false Select Vivid Light Blending Mode Select Vivid Light Blending Mode Select Vivid Light Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+V false Select Linear Light Blending Mode Select Linear Light Blending Mode Select Linear Light Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+J false Select Pin Light Blending Mode Select Pin Light Blending Mode Select Pin Light Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+Z false Select Hard Mix Blending Mode Select Hard Mix Blending Mode Select Hard Mix Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+L false Select Difference Blending Mode Select Difference Blending Mode Select Difference Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+E false Select Exclusion Blending Mode Select Exclusion Blending Mode Select Exclusion Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+X false Select Hue Blending Mode Select Hue Blending Mode Select Hue Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+U false Select Saturation Blending Mode Select Saturation Blending Mode Select Saturation Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+T false Select Color Blending Mode Select Color Blending Mode Select Color Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+C false Select Luminosity Blending Mode Select Luminosity Blending Mode Select Luminosity Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+Y false Animation Previous frame Move to previous frame Move to previous frame 1 0 false Next frame Move to next frame Move to next frame 1 0 false Play / pause animation Play / pause animation Play / pause animation 1 0 false Add blank frame Add blank frame Add blank frame 100000 0 false Copy Frame Add duplicate frame Add duplicate frame 100000 0 false Toggle onion skin Toggle onion skin Toggle onion skin 100000 0 false Previous Keyframe false Next Keyframe false First Frame false Last Frame false Auto Frame Mode true true Add blank frame Add blank frame Add blank frame 100000 0 false Show in Timeline true Layers Activate next layer Activate next layer Activate next layer 1000 0 PgUp false Activate previous layer Activate previous layer Activate previous layer 1000 0 PgDown false Activate previously selected layer Activate previously selected layer Activate previously selected layer 1000 0 ; false groupLayer &Group Layer Group Layer Group Layer 1000 0 false cloneLayer &Clone Layer Clone Layer Clone Layer 1000 0 false vectorLayer &Vector Layer Vector Layer Vector Layer 1000 0 false filterLayer &Filter Layer... Filter Layer Filter Layer 1000 0 false fillLayer &Fill Layer... Fill Layer Fill Layer 1000 0 false fileLayer &File Layer... File Layer File Layer 1000 0 false transparencyMask &Transparency Mask Transparency Mask Transparency Mask 100000 0 false filterMask &Filter Mask... Filter Mask Filter Mask 100000 0 false filterMask &Colorize Mask Colorize Mask Colorize Mask 100000 0 false transformMask &Transform Mask... Transform Mask Transform Mask 100000 0 false selectionMask &Local Selection Local Selection Local Selection 100000 0 false view-filter &Isolate Layer Isolate Layer Isolate Layer 1000 0 true paintLayer &Paint Layer Paint Layer Paint Layer 1000 0 Insert false &New Layer From Visible New layer from visible New layer from visible 1000 0 false duplicatelayer &Duplicate Layer or Mask Duplicate Layer or Mask Duplicate Layer or Mask 1000 0 Ctrl+J false &Cut Selection to New Layer Cut Selection to New Layer Cut Selection to New Layer 100000000 1 Ctrl+Shift+J false Copy &Selection to New Layer Copy Selection to New Layer Copy Selection to New Layer 100000000 0 Ctrl+Alt+J false Copy Layer Copy layer to clipboard Copy layer to clipboard - 0 + 10000 0 false Cut Layer Cut layer to clipboard Cut layer to clipboard - 0 + 10000 0 false Paste Layer Paste layer from clipboard Paste layer from clipboard - 100000000000000 + 10000 0 false Quick Group Create a group layer containing selected layers Quick Group 100000 0 Ctrl+G false Quick Ungroup Remove grouping of the layers or remove one layer out of the group Quick Ungroup 100000 0 Ctrl+Alt+G false Quick Clipping Group Group selected layers and add a layer with clipped alpha channel Quick Clipping Group 100000 0 Ctrl+Shift+G false All Layers Select all layers Select all layers - 0 + 10000 0 false Visible Layers Select all visible layers Select all visible layers - 0 + 10000 0 false Locked Layers Select all locked layers Select all locked layers - 0 + 10000 0 false Invisible Layers Select all invisible layers Select all invisible layers - 0 + 10000 0 false Unlocked Layers Select all unlocked layers Select all unlocked layers - 0 + 10000 0 false document-save &Save Layer/Mask... Save Layer/Mask Save Layer/Mask 1000 0 false document-save Save &Group Layers... Save Group Layers Save Group Layers 100000 0 false Convert group to &animated layer Convert child layers into animation frames Convert child layers into animation frames 100000 0 false I&mport Layer... Import Layer Import Layer 100000 0 false paintLayer &as Paint Layer... as Paint Layer as Paint Layer 1000 0 false transparencyMask as &Transparency Mask... as Transparency Mask as Transparency Mask 1000 0 false filterMask as &Filter Mask... as Filter Mask as Filter Mask 1000 0 false selectionMask as &Selection Mask... as Selection Mask as Selection Mask 1000 0 false paintLayer to &Paint Layer to Paint Layer to Paint Layer 1000 0 false transparencyMask to &Transparency Mask to Transparency Mask to Transparency Mask 1000 0 false filterMask to &Filter Mask... to Filter Mask to Filter Mask 1000 0 false selectionMask to &Selection Mask to Selection Mask to Selection Mask 1000 0 false transparencyMask &Alpha into Mask Alpha into Mask Alpha into Mask 100000 10 false transparency-enabled &Write as Alpha Write as Alpha Write as Alpha 1000000 1 false document-save &Save Merged... Save Merged Save Merged 1000000 0 false - + split-layer Split Layer... Split Layer Split Layer 1000 0 false Wavelet Decompose ... Wavelet Decompose Wavelet Decompose 1000 1 false symmetry-horizontal Mirror Layer Hori&zontally Mirror Layer Horizontally Mirror Layer Horizontally 1000 1 false symmetry-vertical Mirror Layer &Vertically Mirror Layer Vertically Mirror Layer Vertically 1000 1 false &Rotate Layer... Rotate Layer Rotate Layer 100000 1 false object-rotate-right Rotate &Layer 90° to the Right Rotate Layer 90° to the Right Rotate Layer 90° to the Right 100000 1 false object-rotate-left Rotate Layer &90° to the Left Rotate Layer 90° to the Left Rotate Layer 90° to the Left 100000 1 false Rotate Layer &180° Rotate Layer 180° Rotate Layer 180° 100000 1 false Scale &Layer to new Size... Scale Layer to new Size Scale Layer to new Size 100000 1 false &Shear Layer... Shear Layer Shear Layer 100000 1 false &Offset Layer... Offset Layer Offset Layer 100000 1 false Clones &Array... Clones Array Clones Array 100000 0 false &Edit metadata... Edit metadata Edit metadata 100000 1 false &Histogram... Histogram Histogram 100000 0 false &Convert Layer Color Space... Convert Layer Color Space Convert Layer Color Space 100000 1 false - + merge-layer-below &Merge with Layer Below Merge with Layer Below Merge with Layer Below 100000 0 Ctrl+E false &Flatten Layer Flatten Layer Flatten Layer 100000 0 false Ras&terize Layer Rasterize Layer Rasterize Layer 10000000 1 false Flatten ima&ge Flatten image Flatten image 100000 0 Ctrl+Shift+E false La&yer Style... Layer Style Layer Style 100000 1 false Move into previous group Move into previous group Move into previous group 0 0 false Move into next group Move into next group Move into next group 0 0 false Rename current layer Rename current layer Rename current layer 100000 0 F2 false deletelayer &Remove Layer Remove Layer Remove Layer 1000 1 Shift+Delete false arrowupblr Move Layer or Mask Up Move Layer or Mask Up Ctrl+PgUp false arrowdown Move Layer or Mask Down Move Layer or Mask Down Ctrl+PgDown false properties &Properties... Properties Properties 1000 1 F3 false diff --git a/krita/kritamenu.action b/krita/kritamenu.action index 76c6dc1bb3..3ca097eb1f 100644 --- a/krita/kritamenu.action +++ b/krita/kritamenu.action @@ -1,1720 +1,1720 @@ File document-new &New Create new document New 0 0 Ctrl+N false document-open &Open... Open an existing document Open 0 0 Ctrl+O false document-open-recent Open &Recent Open a document which was recently opened Open Recent 1 0 false document-save &Save Save Save 1 0 Ctrl+S false document-save-as Save &As... Save document under a new name Save As 1 0 Ctrl+Shift+S false document-import Open ex&isting Document as Untitled Document... Open existing Document as Untitled Document Open existing Document as Untitled Document 0 0 false document-export E&xport... Export Export 1 0 false application-pdf &Export as PDF... Export as PDF Export as PDF 1 0 false Import animation frames... Import animation frames Import animation frames 1 0 false &Render Animation... Render Animation to GIF, Image Sequence or Video Render Animation 1000 0 false &Render Image Sequence Again Render Animation to Image Sequence Again Render Animation 1000 0 false Save Incremental &Version Save Incremental Version Save Incremental Version 1 0 Ctrl+Alt+S false Save Incremental &Backup Save Incremental Backup Save Incremental Backup 1 0 F4 false &Create Template From Image... Create Template From Image Create Template From Image 1 0 false Create Copy &From Current Image Create Copy From Current Image Create Copy From Current Image 1 0 false document-print &Print... Print document Print 1 0 Ctrl+P false document-print-preview Print Previe&w Show a print preview of document Print Preview 1 0 false configure &Document Information Document Information Document Information 1 0 false &Close All Close All Close All 1 0 Ctrl+Shift+W false C&lose Close Close 1 0 false &Quit Quit application Quit 0 0 Ctrl+Q false Edit edit-undo Undo Undo last action Undo 1 0 Ctrl+Z false edit-redo Redo Redo last undone action Redo 1 0 Ctrl+Shift+Z false edit-cut Cu&t Cut selection to clipboard Cut 0 0 Ctrl+X false edit-copy &Copy Copy selection to clipboard Copy 0 0 Ctrl+C false C&opy (sharp) Copy (sharp) Copy (sharp) 100000000 0 false Cut (&sharp) Cut (sharp) Cut (sharp) 100000000 0 false Copy &merged Copy merged Copy merged 100000000 0 Ctrl+Shift+C false edit-paste &Paste Paste clipboard content Paste 0 0 Ctrl+V false Paste into &New Image Paste into New Image Paste into New Image 0 0 Ctrl+Shift+N false edit-clear C&lear Clear Clear 1 0 Del false &Fill with Foreground Color Fill with Foreground Color Fill with Foreground Color 10000 1 Shift+Backspace false Fill &with Background Color Fill with Background Color Fill with Background Color 10000 1 Backspace false F&ill with Pattern Fill with Pattern Fill with Pattern 10000 1 false Stro&ke selected shapes Stroke selected shapes Stroke selected shapes 1000000000 0 false Stroke Selec&tion... Stroke selection Stroke selection 10000000000 0 false Delete keyframe Delete keyframe Delete keyframe 100000 0 false Window window-new &New Window New Window New Window 0 0 false N&ext Next Next 10 0 false Previous Previous Previous false View &Show Canvas Only Show just the canvas or the whole window Show Canvas Only 0 0 Tab true view-fullscreen F&ull Screen Mode Display the window in full screen Full Screen Mode 0 0 Ctrl+Shift+F true &Wrap Around Mode Wrap Around Mode Wrap Around Mode 1 0 W true &Instant Preview Mode Instant Preview Mode Instant Preview Mode 1 0 Shift+L true Soft Proofing Turns on Soft Proofing Turns on Soft Proofing Ctrl+Y true Out of Gamut Warnings Turns on warnings for colors out of proofed gamut, needs soft proofing to be turned on. Turns on warnings for colors out of proofed gamut, needs soft proofing to be turned on. Ctrl+Shift+Y true - + mirror-view Mirror View Mirror View Mirror View M false - + zoom-original &Reset zoom Reset zoom Reset zoom 1 0 Ctrl+0 false - + zoom-in Zoom &In Zoom In - Zoom In + 0 0 Ctrl++ false - + zoom-out Zoom &Out Zoom Out - Zoom Out + 0 0 Ctrl+- false - + rotate-canvas-right Rotate &Canvas Right Rotate Canvas Right Rotate Canvas Right 1 0 Ctrl+] false - + rotate-canvas-left Rotate Canvas &Left Rotate Canvas Left Rotate Canvas Left 1 0 Ctrl+[ false - + rotation-reset Reset Canvas Rotation Reset Canvas Rotation Reset Canvas Rotation 1 0 false Show &Rulers The rulers show the horizontal and vertical positions of the mouse on the image and can be used to position your mouse at the right place on the canvas. <p>Uncheck this to hide the rulers.</p> Show Rulers Show Rulers 1 0 true Rulers Track Pointer The rulers will track current mouse position and show it on screen. It can cause suptle performance slowdown Rulers Track Pointer Rulers Track Pointer 1 0 true Show Guides Show or hide guides Show Guides 1 0 true Lock Guides Lock or unlock guides Lock Guides 1 0 true Snap to Guides Snap cursor to guides position Snap to Guides 1 0 true Show Status &Bar Show or hide the status bar Show Status Bar 0 0 true view-grid Show &Grid Show Grid Show Grid 1000 0 Ctrl+Shift+' true Snap To Grid Snap To Grid Snap To Grid 1000 Ctrl+Shift+; true Show Snap Options Popup Show Snap Options Popup Show Snap Options Popup 1000 Shift+s false Snap Orthogonal Snap Orthogonal Snap Orthogonal 1000 true Snap Node Snap Node Snap Node 1000 true Snap Extension Snap Extension Snap Extension 1000 true Snap Intersection Snap Intersection Snap Intersection 1000 true Snap Bounding Box Snap Bounding Box Snap Bounding Box 1000 true Snap Image Bounds Snap Image Bounds Snap Image Bounds 1000 true Snap Image Center Snap Image Center Snap Image Center 1000 true S&how Painting Assistants Show Painting Assistants Show Painting Assistants 1000 0 true Show &Assistant Previews Show Assistant Previews Show Assistant Previews 1000 0 true Image document-properties &Properties... Properties Properties 1000 0 false format-stroke-color &Image Background Color and Transparency... Change the background color of the image Image Background Color and Transparency 1000 0 false &Convert Image Color Space... Convert Image Color Space Convert Image Color Space 1000 0 false trim-to-image &Trim to Image Size Trim to Image Size Trim to Image Size 1 0 false Trim to Current &Layer Trim to Current Layer Trim to Current Layer 100000 0 false Trim to S&election Trim to Selection Trim to Selection 100000000 0 false &Rotate Image... Rotate Image Rotate Image 1000 0 false object-rotate-right Rotate &Image 90° to the Right Rotate Image 90° to the Right Rotate Image 90° to the Right 1000 0 false object-rotate-left Rotate Image &90° to the Left Rotate Image 90° to the Left Rotate Image 90° to the Left 1000 0 false Rotate Image &180° Rotate Image 180° Rotate Image 180° 1000 0 false &Shear Image... Shear Image Shear Image 1000 0 false symmetry-horizontal &Mirror Image Horizontally Mirror Image Horizontally Mirror Image Horizontally 1000 0 false symmetry-vertical Mirror Image &Vertically Mirror Image Vertically Mirror Image Vertically 1000 0 false Scale Image To &New Size... Scale Image To New Size Scale Image To New Size 1000 0 Ctrl+Alt+I false &Offset Image... Offset Image Offset Image 1000 0 false R&esize Canvas... Resize Canvas Resize Canvas 1000 0 Ctrl+Alt+C false Im&age Split Image Split Image Split 1000 0 false Separate Ima&ge... Separate Image Separate Image 1000 0 false Select edit-select-all Select &All Select All Select All 0 0 Ctrl+A false edit-select-all &Deselect Deselect Deselect 1100000000 0 Ctrl+Shift+A false &Reselect Reselect Reselect 0 0 Ctrl+Shift+D false &Invert Invert Invert 10000 0 Ctrl+I false &Convert to Vector Selection Convert to Vector Selection Convert to Vector Selection 10000000000 0 false Convert Shapes to &Vector Selection Convert Shapes to Vector Selection Convert Shapes to Vector Selection 1000000000 0 false &Feather Selection... Feather Selection Feather Selection 10000000000 100 Shift+F6 false Dis&play Selection Display Selection Display Selection 1000 0 Ctrl+H true Sca&le... Scale Scale 100000000 100 false S&elect from Color Range... Select from Color Range Select from Color Range 10000 100 false Select &Opaque Select Opaque Select Opaque 10000 100 false &Grow Selection... Grow Selection Grow Selection 10000000000 100 false S&hrink Selection... Shrink Selection Shrink Selection 10000000000 100 false &Border Selection... Border Selection Border Selection 10000000000 100 false S&mooth Smooth Smooth 10000000000 100 false Filter &Apply Filter Again Apply Filter Again Apply Filter Again 0 0 Ctrl+F false Adjust Adjust Adjust false Artistic Artistic Artistic false Blur Blur Blur false Colors Colors Colors false Edge Detection Edge Detection Edge Detection false Enhance Enhance Enhance false Emboss Emboss Emboss false Map Map Map false Other Other Other false - + gmic G'MIC Apply G'Mic Action Apply G'Mic Action false Tools media-record &Start recording macro Start recording macro Start recording macro 1000 0 false media-playback-stop Stop &recording actions Stop recording actions Stop recording actions 1000 0 false media-playback-start &Open and play... Open and play Open and play 0 0 false document-edit Open &and edit... Open and edit Open and edit 0 0 false Settings configure &Configure Krita... Configure Krita Configure Krita 0 0 false &Manage Resources... Manage Resources Manage Resources 0 0 false preferences-desktop-locale Switch Application &Language... Switch Application Language Switch Application Language false &Show Dockers Show Dockers Show Dockers 0 0 true Sho&w Docker Titlebars Show Docker Titlebars Show Docker Titlebars 0 0 true configure Configure Tool&bars... Configure Toolbars Configure Toolbars 0 0 false Dockers Dockers Dockers false &Themes Themes Themes false im-user Active Author Profile Active Author Profile Active Author Profile configure-shortcuts Configure S&hortcuts... Configure Shortcuts Configure Shortcuts 0 0 false &Window Window Window false Help help-contents Krita &Handbook Krita Handbook Krita Handbook F1 false tools-report-bug &Report Bug... Report Bug Report Bug false calligrakrita &About Krita About Krita About Krita false kde About &KDE About KDE About KDE false Brushes and Stuff &Gradients Gradients Gradients false &Patterns Patterns Patterns false &Color Color Color false &Painter's Tools Painter's Tools Painter's Tools false Brush composite Brush composite Brush composite false Brush option slider 1 Brush option slider 1 Brush option slider 1 false Brush option slider 2 Brush option slider 2 Brush option slider 2 false Brush option slider 3 Brush option slider 3 Brush option slider 3 false Mirror Mirror Mirror false Workspaces Workspaces Workspaces false diff --git a/krita/main.cc b/krita/main.cc index 257b0afd2b..44785e451e 100644 --- a/krita/main.cc +++ b/krita/main.cc @@ -1,262 +1,262 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 1999 Matthias Elter * Copyright (c) 2002 Patrick Julien * Copyright (c) 2015 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "data/splash/splash_screen.xpm" #include "data/splash/splash_holidays.xpm" #include "KisDocument.h" #include "kis_splash_screen.h" #include "KisPart.h" #include "KisApplicationArguments.h" #include #if defined Q_OS_WIN #include #include #include #elif defined HAVE_X11 #include #include #endif #if defined HAVE_KCRASH #include #elif defined USE_DRMINGW namespace { void tryInitDrMingw() { wchar_t path[MAX_PATH]; QString pathStr = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath().replace(L'/', L'\\') + QStringLiteral("\\exchndl.dll"); if (pathStr.size() > MAX_PATH - 1) { return; } int pathLen = pathStr.toWCharArray(path); path[pathLen] = L'\0'; // toWCharArray doesn't add NULL terminator HMODULE hMod = LoadLibraryW(path); if (!hMod) { return; } // No need to call ExcHndlInit since the crash handler is installed on DllMain auto myExcHndlSetLogFileNameA = reinterpret_cast(GetProcAddress(hMod, "ExcHndlSetLogFileNameA")); if (!myExcHndlSetLogFileNameA) { return; } // Set the log file path to %LocalAppData%\kritacrash.log QString logFile = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::GenericConfigLocation).replace(L'/', L'\\') + QStringLiteral("\\kritacrash.log"); myExcHndlSetLogFileNameA(logFile.toLocal8Bit()); } } // namespace #endif extern "C" int main(int argc, char **argv) { // The global initialization of the random generator qsrand(time(0)); bool runningInKDE = !qgetenv("KDE_FULL_SESSION").isEmpty(); - -#if defined HAVE_X11 - qputenv("QT_QPA_PLATFORM", "xcb"); + +#if defined HAVE_X11 + qputenv("QT_QPA_PLATFORM", "xcb"); #endif /** * Disable debug output by default. (krita.input enables tablet debugging.) * Debug logs can be controlled by an environment variable QT_LOGGING_RULES. * * As an example, to get full debug output, run the following: * export QT_LOGGING_RULES="krita*=true"; krita * * See: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qloggingcategory.html */ QLoggingCategory::setFilterRules("krita*.debug=false\n" "krita*.warning=true\n" "krita.tabletlog=true"); // A per-user unique string, without /, because QLocalServer cannot use names with a / in it QString key = "Krita3" + QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::HomeLocation).replace("/", "_"); key = key.replace(":", "_").replace("\\","_"); QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_ShareOpenGLContexts, true); KisOpenGL::setDefaultFormat(); QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_DontCreateNativeWidgetSiblings, true); QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps, true); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050600 if (!qgetenv("KRITA_HIDPI").isEmpty()) { QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling); } #endif KLocalizedString::setApplicationDomain("krita"); // first create the application so we can create a pixmap KisApplication app(key, argc, argv); #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX qputenv("XDG_DATA_DIRS", QFile::encodeName(KoResourcePaths::getApplicationRoot() + "share") + ":" + qgetenv("XDG_DATA_DIRS")); #else qputenv("XDG_DATA_DIRS", QFile::encodeName(KoResourcePaths::getApplicationRoot() + "share")); #endif qDebug() << "Setting XDG_DATA_DIRS" << qgetenv("XDG_DATA_DIRS"); qDebug() << "Available translations" << KLocalizedString::availableApplicationTranslations(); qDebug() << "Available domain translations" << KLocalizedString::availableDomainTranslations("krita"); // Now that the paths are set, set the language. First check the override from the langage // selection dialog. - KLocalizedString::clearLanguages(); const QString configPath = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::GenericConfigLocation); QSettings languageoverride(configPath + QStringLiteral("/klanguageoverridesrc"), QSettings::IniFormat); languageoverride.beginGroup(QStringLiteral("Language")); QString language = languageoverride.value(qAppName(), "").toString(); qDebug() << "Override language:" << language; if (!language.isEmpty()) { KLocalizedString::setLanguages(language.split(":")); // And override Qt's locale, too qputenv("LANG", language.split(":").first().toUtf8()); QLocale locale(language.split(":").first()); QLocale::setDefault(locale); qDebug() << "Qt ui languages" << locale.uiLanguages(); } else { // And if there isn't one, check the one set by the system. // XXX: This doesn't work, for some !@#$% reason. QLocale locale = QLocale::system(); if (locale.bcp47Name() != QStringLiteral("en")) { + qputenv("LANG", locale.bcp47Name().toLatin1()); KLocalizedString::setLanguages(QStringList() << locale.bcp47Name()); } } #ifdef Q_OS_WIN QDir appdir(KoResourcePaths::getApplicationRoot()); QString path = qgetenv("PATH"); qputenv("PATH", QFile::encodeName(appdir.absolutePath() + "/bin" + ";" + appdir.absolutePath() + "/lib" + ";" + appdir.absolutePath() + "/Frameworks" + ";" + appdir.absolutePath() + ";" + path)); qDebug() << "PATH" << qgetenv("PATH"); #endif if (qApp->applicationDirPath().contains(KRITA_BUILD_DIR)) { qFatal("FATAL: You're trying to run krita from the build location. You can only run Krita from the installation location."); } #if defined HAVE_KCRASH KCrash::initialize(); #elif defined USE_DRMINGW tryInitDrMingw(); #endif // If we should clear the config, it has to be done as soon as possible after // KisApplication has been created. Otherwise the config file may have been read // and stored in a KConfig object we have no control over. app.askClearConfig(); KisApplicationArguments args(app); if (app.isRunning()) { // only pass arguments to main instance if they are not for batch processing // any batch processing would be done in this separate instance const bool batchRun = (args.print() || args.exportAs() || args.exportAsPdf()); if (!batchRun) { QByteArray ba = args.serialize(); if (app.sendMessage(ba)) { return 0; } } } if (!runningInKDE) { // Icons in menus are ugly and distracting app.setAttribute(Qt::AA_DontShowIconsInMenus); } #if defined HAVE_X11 app.installNativeEventFilter(KisXi2EventFilter::instance()); #endif // then create the pixmap from an xpm: we cannot get the // location of our datadir before we've started our components, // so use an xpm. QDate currentDate = QDate::currentDate(); QWidget *splash = 0; if (currentDate > QDate(currentDate.year(), 12, 4) || currentDate < QDate(currentDate.year(), 1, 9)) { splash = new KisSplashScreen(app.applicationVersion(), QPixmap(splash_holidays_xpm)); } else { splash = new KisSplashScreen(app.applicationVersion(), QPixmap(splash_screen_xpm)); } app.setSplashScreen(splash); #if defined Q_OS_WIN KisTabletSupportWin::init(); // app.installNativeEventFilter(new KisTabletSupportWin()); #endif if (!app.start(args)) { return 1; } #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050700 app.setAttribute(Qt::AA_CompressHighFrequencyEvents, false); #endif - + // Set up remote arguments. QObject::connect(&app, SIGNAL(messageReceived(QByteArray,QObject*)), &app, SLOT(remoteArguments(QByteArray,QObject*))); QObject::connect(&app, SIGNAL(fileOpenRequest(QString)), &app, SLOT(fileOpenRequested(QString))); int state = app.exec(); - + return state; } diff --git a/krita/pics/layers/dark_fillLayer.svg b/krita/pics/layers/dark_fillLayer.svg index d47660a4ef..2570c0cb16 100644 --- a/krita/pics/layers/dark_fillLayer.svg +++ b/krita/pics/layers/dark_fillLayer.svg @@ -1,79 +1,73 @@ + inkscape:version="0.92.0 r15299" + sodipodi:docname="dark_fillLayer.svg"> image/svg+xml - + - diff --git a/krita/pics/layers/light_fillLayer.svg b/krita/pics/layers/light_fillLayer.svg index ffdb31cf8d..ff516ba72e 100644 --- a/krita/pics/layers/light_fillLayer.svg +++ b/krita/pics/layers/light_fillLayer.svg @@ -1,79 +1,73 @@ + inkscape:version="0.92.0 r15299" + sodipodi:docname="light_fillLayer.svg"> image/svg+xml - + - diff --git a/krita/pics/svg/dark_color-to-alpha.svg b/krita/pics/svg/dark_color-to-alpha.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1ff61cb3d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/krita/pics/svg/dark_color-to-alpha.svg @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/krita/pics/svg/dark_gmic.svg b/krita/pics/svg/dark_gmic.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..180e3a74af --- /dev/null +++ b/krita/pics/svg/dark_gmic.svg @@ -0,0 +1,173 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/krita/pics/svg/dark_merge-layer-below.svg b/krita/pics/svg/dark_merge-layer-below.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e50f241661 --- /dev/null +++ b/krita/pics/svg/dark_merge-layer-below.svg @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/krita/pics/svg/dark_mirror-view.svg b/krita/pics/svg/dark_mirror-view.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a4b62ab6b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/krita/pics/svg/dark_mirror-view.svg @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/krita/pics/svg/dark_preset-switcher.svg b/krita/pics/svg/dark_preset-switcher.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5c1047ed02 --- /dev/null +++ b/krita/pics/svg/dark_preset-switcher.svg @@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/krita/pics/svg/dark_rotate-canvas-left.svg b/krita/pics/svg/dark_rotate-canvas-left.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..40f926751f --- /dev/null +++ b/krita/pics/svg/dark_rotate-canvas-left.svg @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/krita/pics/svg/dark_rotate-canvas-right.svg b/krita/pics/svg/dark_rotate-canvas-right.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ae06d38fc3 --- /dev/null +++ b/krita/pics/svg/dark_rotate-canvas-right.svg @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/krita/pics/svg/dark_rotation-reset.svg b/krita/pics/svg/dark_rotation-reset.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e52312c808 --- /dev/null +++ b/krita/pics/svg/dark_rotation-reset.svg @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/krita/pics/svg/dark_smoothing-basic.svg b/krita/pics/svg/dark_smoothing-basic.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8bdd2f563e --- /dev/null +++ b/krita/pics/svg/dark_smoothing-basic.svg @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/krita/pics/svg/dark_smoothing-no.svg b/krita/pics/svg/dark_smoothing-no.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c13228f91d --- /dev/null +++ b/krita/pics/svg/dark_smoothing-no.svg @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/krita/pics/svg/dark_smoothing-stabilizer.svg b/krita/pics/svg/dark_smoothing-stabilizer.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..03ed4d78a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/krita/pics/svg/dark_smoothing-stabilizer.svg @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/krita/pics/svg/dark_smoothing-weighted.svg b/krita/pics/svg/dark_smoothing-weighted.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4b14a92d8a --- /dev/null +++ b/krita/pics/svg/dark_smoothing-weighted.svg @@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/krita/pics/svg/dark_split-layer.svg b/krita/pics/svg/dark_split-layer.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..301d93e805 --- /dev/null +++ b/krita/pics/svg/dark_split-layer.svg @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/krita/pics/svg/light_color-to-alpha.svg b/krita/pics/svg/light_color-to-alpha.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9f09406d57 --- /dev/null +++ b/krita/pics/svg/light_color-to-alpha.svg @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/krita/pics/svg/light_gmic.svg b/krita/pics/svg/light_gmic.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0f496fd25d --- /dev/null +++ b/krita/pics/svg/light_gmic.svg @@ -0,0 +1,173 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/krita/pics/svg/light_merge-layer-below.svg b/krita/pics/svg/light_merge-layer-below.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..20ea4fe119 --- /dev/null +++ b/krita/pics/svg/light_merge-layer-below.svg @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/krita/pics/svg/light_mirror-view.svg b/krita/pics/svg/light_mirror-view.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..82c66287c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/krita/pics/svg/light_mirror-view.svg @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/krita/pics/svg/light_preset-switcher.svg b/krita/pics/svg/light_preset-switcher.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..38a28896ff --- /dev/null +++ b/krita/pics/svg/light_preset-switcher.svg @@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/krita/pics/svg/light_rotate-canvas-left.svg b/krita/pics/svg/light_rotate-canvas-left.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7169cd331e --- /dev/null +++ b/krita/pics/svg/light_rotate-canvas-left.svg @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/krita/pics/svg/light_rotate-canvas-right.svg b/krita/pics/svg/light_rotate-canvas-right.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b093ca62c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/krita/pics/svg/light_rotate-canvas-right.svg @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/krita/pics/svg/light_rotation-reset.svg b/krita/pics/svg/light_rotation-reset.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1c5ecefabb --- /dev/null +++ b/krita/pics/svg/light_rotation-reset.svg @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/krita/pics/svg/light_smoothing-basic.svg b/krita/pics/svg/light_smoothing-basic.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8dc8fc10f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/krita/pics/svg/light_smoothing-basic.svg @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/krita/pics/svg/light_smoothing-no.svg b/krita/pics/svg/light_smoothing-no.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..737da98971 --- /dev/null +++ b/krita/pics/svg/light_smoothing-no.svg @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/krita/pics/svg/light_smoothing-stabilizer.svg b/krita/pics/svg/light_smoothing-stabilizer.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8a50de9c22 --- /dev/null +++ b/krita/pics/svg/light_smoothing-stabilizer.svg @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/krita/pics/svg/light_smoothing-weighted.svg b/krita/pics/svg/light_smoothing-weighted.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..696fd12e87 --- /dev/null +++ b/krita/pics/svg/light_smoothing-weighted.svg @@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/krita/pics/svg/light_split-layer.svg b/krita/pics/svg/light_split-layer.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2d012507dd --- /dev/null +++ b/krita/pics/svg/light_split-layer.svg @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/krita/pics/svg/svg-icons.qrc b/krita/pics/svg/svg-icons.qrc index 68f4046f84..312f78b568 100644 --- a/krita/pics/svg/svg-icons.qrc +++ b/krita/pics/svg/svg-icons.qrc @@ -1,124 +1,150 @@ broken-preset.svgz dark_addblankframe.svg dark_addcolor.svg dark_addduplicateframe.svg dark_deletekeyframe.svg dark_docker_lock_a.svg dark_docker_lock_b.svg dark_layer-locked.svg dark_layer-unlocked.svg dark_nextframe.svg dark_nextkeyframe.svg dark_lastframe.svg dark_prevkeyframe.svg dark_firstframe.svg dark_pallete_librarysvg.svg dark_passthrough-disabled.svg dark_passthrough-enabled.svg dark_prevframe.svg dark_selection-mode_ants.svg dark_selection-mode_invisible.svg dark_selection-mode_mask.svg dark_transparency-disabled.svg dark_transparency-enabled.svg dark_trim-to-image.svg delete.svgz layer-style-disabled.svg layer-style-enabled.svg light_addblankframe.svg light_addcolor.svg light_addduplicateframe.svg light_deletekeyframe.svg light_docker_lock_a.svg light_docker_lock_b.svg light_layer-locked.svg light_layer-unlocked.svg light_nextframe.svg light_pallete_library.svg light_passthrough-disabled.svgz light_passthrough-enabled.svgz light_prevframe.svg light_nextkeyframe.svg light_lastframe.svg light_prevkeyframe.svg light_firstframe.svg light_selection-mode_ants.svg light_selection-mode_invisible.svg light_selection-mode_mask.svg light_timeline_keyframe.svg light_transparency-disabled.svg light_transparency-enabled.svg light_trim-to-image.svg paintop_presets_disabled.svgz paintop_settings_01.svgz selection-info.svg selection-mode_invisible.svg svg-icons.qrc transparency-locked.svg transparency-unlocked.svg workspace-chooser.svg light_lazyframeOn.svg light_lazyframeOff.svg dark_lazyframeOn.svg dark_lazyframeOff.svg - + dark_mirror-view.svg + light_mirror-view.svg + dark_rotation-reset.svg + light_rotation-reset.svg + light_smoothing-basic.svg + light_smoothing-no.svg + light_smoothing-stabilizer.svg + light_smoothing-weighted.svg + dark_smoothing-basic.svg + dark_smoothing-no.svg + dark_smoothing-stabilizer.svg + dark_smoothing-weighted.svg + light_merge-layer-below.svg + dark_merge-layer-below.svg + light_rotate-canvas-left.svg + light_rotate-canvas-right.svg + dark_rotate-canvas-left.svg + dark_rotate-canvas-right.svg + light_gmic.svg + dark_gmic.svg + light_split-layer.svg + dark_split-layer.svg + light_color-to-alpha.svg + dark_color-to-alpha.svg + light_preset-switcher.svg + dark_preset-switcher.svg + dark_animation_play.svg dark_animation_stop.svg dark_dropframe.svg dark_droppedframes.svg light_animation_play.svg light_animation_stop.svg light_dropframe.svg light_droppedframes.svg dark_landscape.svg dark_portrait.svg light_landscape.svg light_portrait.svg dark_interpolation_constant.svg dark_interpolation_linear.svg dark_interpolation_bezier.svg dark_interpolation_sharp.svg dark_interpolation_smooth.svg light_interpolation_bezier.svg light_interpolation_constant.svg light_interpolation_linear.svg light_interpolation_sharp.svg light_interpolation_smooth.svg dark_audio-none.svg dark_audio-volume-high.svg dark_audio-volume-mute.svg dark_keyframe-add.svg dark_keyframe-remove.svg dark_zoom-fit.svg dark_zoom-horizontal.svg dark_zoom-vertical.svg light_audio-none.svg light_audio-volume-high.svg light_audio-volume-mute.svg light_keyframe-add.svg light_keyframe-remove.svg light_zoom-fit.svg light_zoom-horizontal.svg light_zoom-vertical.svg dark_showColoring.svg dark_showMarks.svg dark_showColoringOff.svg dark_showMarksOff.svg dark_updateColorize.svg light_showColoring.svg light_showMarks.svg light_showColoringOff.svg light_showMarksOff.svg light_updateColorize.svg diff --git a/libs/brush/kis_qimage_pyramid.cpp b/libs/brush/kis_qimage_pyramid.cpp index f4818cbe17..620349dd6f 100644 --- a/libs/brush/kis_qimage_pyramid.cpp +++ b/libs/brush/kis_qimage_pyramid.cpp @@ -1,302 +1,318 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2013 Dmitry Kazakov * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_qimage_pyramid.h" #include #include #include #define MIPMAP_SIZE_THRESHOLD 512 #define MAX_MIPMAP_SCALE 8.0 #define QPAINTER_WORKAROUND_BORDER 1 KisQImagePyramid::KisQImagePyramid(const QImage &baseImage) { - Q_ASSERT(!baseImage.isNull()); + KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(!baseImage.isNull()); m_originalSize = baseImage.size(); qreal scale = MAX_MIPMAP_SCALE; while (scale > 1.0) { QSize scaledSize = m_originalSize * scale; if (scaledSize.width() <= MIPMAP_SIZE_THRESHOLD || scaledSize.height() <= MIPMAP_SIZE_THRESHOLD) { if (m_levels.isEmpty()) { m_baseScale = scale; } appendPyramidLevel(baseImage.scaled(scaledSize, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation)); } scale *= 0.5; } if (m_levels.isEmpty()) { m_baseScale = 1.0; } appendPyramidLevel(baseImage); scale = 0.5; while (true) { QSize scaledSize = m_originalSize * scale; if (scaledSize.width() == 0 || scaledSize.height() == 0) break; appendPyramidLevel(baseImage.scaled(scaledSize, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation)); scale *= 0.5; } } KisQImagePyramid::~KisQImagePyramid() { } int KisQImagePyramid::findNearestLevel(qreal scale, qreal *baseScale) const { const qreal scale_epsilon = 1e-6; qreal levelScale = m_baseScale; int level = 0; int lastLevel = m_levels.size() - 1; while ((0.5 * levelScale > scale || qAbs(0.5 * levelScale - scale) < scale_epsilon) && level < lastLevel) { levelScale *= 0.5; level++; } *baseScale = levelScale; return level; } inline QRect roundRect(const QRectF &rc) { /** * This is an analog of toAlignedRect() with the only difference * that it ensures the rect position will never be below zero. * * Warning: be *very* careful with using bottom()/right() values * of a pure QRect (we don't use it here for the dangers * it can lead to). */ QRectF rect(rc); - KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(rect.x() > -1e-6); - KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(rect.y() > -1e-6); + KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(rect.x() > -0.000001); + KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(rect.y() > -0.000001); - if (rect.x() < 0.0) { + if (rect.x() < 0.000001) { rect.setLeft(0.0); } - if (rect.y() < 0.0) { + if (rect.y() < 0.000001) { rect.setTop(0.0); } return rect.toAlignedRect(); } QTransform baseBrushTransform(KisDabShape const& shape, qreal subPixelX, qreal subPixelY, const QRectF &baseBounds) { QTransform transform; transform.scale(shape.scaleX(), shape.scaleY()); - if (!qFuzzyCompare(shape.rotation(), 0)) { + if (!qFuzzyCompare(shape.rotation(), 0) && !qIsNaN(shape.rotation())) { transform = transform * QTransform().rotateRadians(shape.rotation()); QRectF rotatedBounds = transform.mapRect(baseBounds); transform = transform * QTransform::fromTranslate(-rotatedBounds.x(), -rotatedBounds.y()); } return transform * QTransform::fromTranslate(subPixelX, subPixelY); } void KisQImagePyramid::calculateParams(KisDabShape const& shape, qreal subPixelX, qreal subPixelY, const QSize &originalSize, QTransform *outputTransform, QSize *outputSize) { calculateParams(shape, subPixelX, subPixelY, originalSize, 1.0, originalSize, outputTransform, outputSize); } void KisQImagePyramid::calculateParams(KisDabShape shape, qreal subPixelX, qreal subPixelY, const QSize &originalSize, qreal baseScale, const QSize &baseSize, QTransform *outputTransform, QSize *outputSize) { Q_UNUSED(baseScale); QRectF originalBounds = QRectF(QPointF(), originalSize); - QTransform originalTransform = - baseBrushTransform(shape, subPixelX, subPixelY, - originalBounds); + QTransform originalTransform = baseBrushTransform(shape, subPixelX, subPixelY, originalBounds); qreal realBaseScaleX = qreal(baseSize.width()) / originalSize.width(); qreal realBaseScaleY = qreal(baseSize.height()) / originalSize.height(); qreal scaleX = shape.scaleX() / realBaseScaleX; qreal scaleY = shape.scaleY() / realBaseScaleY; shape = KisDabShape(scaleX, scaleY/scaleX, shape.rotation()); QRectF baseBounds = QRectF(QPointF(), baseSize); + QTransform transform = baseBrushTransform(shape, subPixelX, subPixelY, baseBounds); + QRectF mappedRect = originalTransform.mapRect(originalBounds); + + // Set up a 0,0,1,1 size and identity transform in case the transform fails to + // produce a usable result. + int width = 1; + int height = 1; + *outputTransform = QTransform(); + + if (mappedRect.isValid()) { + QRect expectedDstRect = roundRect(mappedRect); - QTransform transform = - baseBrushTransform(shape, - subPixelX, subPixelY, - baseBounds); - QRect expectedDstRect = roundRect(originalTransform.mapRect(originalBounds)); #if 0 // Only enable when debugging; users shouldn't see this warning - { - QRect testingRect = roundRect(transform.mapRect(baseBounds)); - if (testingRect != expectedDstRect) { - warnKrita << "WARNING: expected and real dab rects do not coincide!"; - warnKrita << " expected rect:" << expectedDstRect; - warnKrita << " real rect: " << testingRect; + { + QRect testingRect = roundRect(transform.mapRect(baseBounds)); + if (testingRect != expectedDstRect) { + warnKrita << "WARNING: expected and real dab rects do not coincide!"; + warnKrita << " expected rect:" << expectedDstRect; + warnKrita << " real rect: " << testingRect; + } } - } #endif - KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(expectedDstRect.x() >= 0); - KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(expectedDstRect.y() >= 0); + KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(expectedDstRect.x() >= 0); + KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(expectedDstRect.y() >= 0); - int width = expectedDstRect.x() + expectedDstRect.width(); - int height = expectedDstRect.y() + expectedDstRect.height(); + width = expectedDstRect.x() + expectedDstRect.width(); + height = expectedDstRect.y() + expectedDstRect.height(); - // we should not return invalid image, so adjust the image to be - // at least 1 px in size. - width = qMax(1, width); - height = qMax(1, height); + // we should not return invalid image, so adjust the image to be + // at least 1 px in size. + width = qMax(1, width); + height = qMax(1, height); + } + else { + qWarning() << "Brush transform generated an invalid rectangle!" + << ppVar(shape.scaleX()) << ppVar(shape.scaleY()) << ppVar(shape.rotation()) + << ppVar(subPixelX) << ppVar(subPixelY) + << ppVar(originalSize) + << ppVar(baseScale) + << ppVar(baseSize) + << ppVar(baseBounds) + << ppVar(mappedRect); + } *outputTransform = transform; *outputSize = QSize(width, height); } QSize KisQImagePyramid::imageSize(const QSize &originalSize, KisDabShape const& shape, qreal subPixelX, qreal subPixelY) { QTransform transform; QSize dstSize; calculateParams(shape, subPixelX, subPixelY, originalSize, &transform, &dstSize); return dstSize; } QSizeF KisQImagePyramid::characteristicSize(const QSize &originalSize, KisDabShape const& shape) { QRectF originalRect(QPointF(), originalSize); QTransform transform = baseBrushTransform(shape, 0.0, 0.0, originalRect); return transform.mapRect(originalRect).size(); } void KisQImagePyramid::appendPyramidLevel(const QImage &image) { /** * QPainter has a bug: when doing a transformation it decides that * all the pixels outside of the image (source rect) are equal to * the border pixels (CLAMP in terms of openGL). This means that * there will be no smooth scaling on the border of the image when * it is rotated. To workaround this bug we need to add one pixel * wide border to the image, so that it transforms smoothly. * * See a unittest in: KisGbrBrushTest::testQPainterTransformationBorder */ - QSize levelSize = image.size(); + +QSize levelSize = image.size(); QImage tmp = image.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32); tmp = tmp.copy(-QPAINTER_WORKAROUND_BORDER, -QPAINTER_WORKAROUND_BORDER, image.width() + 2 * QPAINTER_WORKAROUND_BORDER, image.height() + 2 * QPAINTER_WORKAROUND_BORDER); m_levels.append(PyramidLevel(tmp, levelSize)); } QImage KisQImagePyramid::createImage(KisDabShape const& shape, qreal subPixelX, qreal subPixelY) const { qreal baseScale = -1.0; int level = findNearestLevel(shape.scale(), &baseScale); const QImage &srcImage = m_levels[level].image; QTransform transform; QSize dstSize; calculateParams(shape, subPixelX, subPixelY, m_originalSize, baseScale, m_levels[level].size, &transform, &dstSize); if (transform.isIdentity() && srcImage.format() == QImage::Format_ARGB32) { return srcImage.copy(QPAINTER_WORKAROUND_BORDER, QPAINTER_WORKAROUND_BORDER, srcImage.width() - 2 * QPAINTER_WORKAROUND_BORDER, srcImage.height() - 2 * QPAINTER_WORKAROUND_BORDER); } QImage dstImage(dstSize, QImage::Format_ARGB32); dstImage.fill(0); /** * QPainter has one more bug: when a QTransform is TxTranslate, it * does wrong sampling (probably, Nearest Neighbour) even though * we tell it directly that we need SmoothPixmapTransform. * * So here is a workaround: we set a negligible scale to convince * Qt we use a non-only-translating transform. */ while (transform.type() == QTransform::TxTranslate) { const qreal scale = transform.m11(); const qreal fakeScale = scale - 10 * std::numeric_limits::epsilon(); transform *= QTransform::fromScale(fakeScale, fakeScale); } QPainter gc(&dstImage); gc.setTransform( QTransform::fromTranslate(-QPAINTER_WORKAROUND_BORDER, -QPAINTER_WORKAROUND_BORDER) * transform); gc.setRenderHints(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform); gc.drawImage(QPointF(), srcImage); gc.end(); return dstImage; } diff --git a/libs/flake/KoInputDevice.cpp b/libs/flake/KoInputDevice.cpp index b0f20eabf2..b7905fb28e 100644 --- a/libs/flake/KoInputDevice.cpp +++ b/libs/flake/KoInputDevice.cpp @@ -1,180 +1,176 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2007 Thomas Zander * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KoInputDevice.h" class Q_DECL_HIDDEN KoInputDevice::Private { public: Private(QTabletEvent::TabletDevice d, QTabletEvent::PointerType p, qint64 id, bool m) : device(d), pointer(p), uniqueTabletId(id), mouse(m) { } QTabletEvent::TabletDevice device; QTabletEvent::PointerType pointer; qint64 uniqueTabletId; bool mouse; }; KoInputDevice::KoInputDevice(QTabletEvent::TabletDevice device, QTabletEvent::PointerType pointer, qint64 uniqueTabletId) : d(new Private(device, pointer, uniqueTabletId, false)) { } KoInputDevice::KoInputDevice() : d(new Private(QTabletEvent::NoDevice, QTabletEvent::UnknownPointer, -1, true)) { } KoInputDevice::KoInputDevice(const KoInputDevice &other) : d(new Private(other.d->device, other.d->pointer, other.d->uniqueTabletId, other.d->mouse)) { } KoInputDevice::~KoInputDevice() { delete d; } QTabletEvent::TabletDevice KoInputDevice::device() const { return d->device; } QTabletEvent::PointerType KoInputDevice::pointer() const { return d->pointer; } qint64 KoInputDevice::uniqueTabletId() const { return d->uniqueTabletId; } bool KoInputDevice::isMouse() const { // sometimes, the system gives us tablet events with NoDevice or UnknownPointer. This is // likely an XInput2 bug. However, assuming that if cannot identify the tablet device we've // actually got a mouse is reasonable. See https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=283130. return d->mouse || d->device == QTabletEvent::NoDevice || d->pointer == QTabletEvent::UnknownPointer; } bool KoInputDevice::operator==(const KoInputDevice &other) const { return d->device == other.d->device && d->pointer == other.d->pointer && d->uniqueTabletId == other.d->uniqueTabletId && d->mouse == other.d->mouse; } bool KoInputDevice::operator!=(const KoInputDevice &other) const { return !(operator==(other)); } KoInputDevice & KoInputDevice::operator=(const KoInputDevice & other) { d->device = other.d->device; d->pointer = other.d->pointer; d->uniqueTabletId = other.d->uniqueTabletId; d->mouse = other.d->mouse; return *this; } // static KoInputDevice KoInputDevice::invalid() { KoInputDevice id(QTabletEvent::NoDevice, QTabletEvent::UnknownPointer); return id; } KoInputDevice KoInputDevice::mouse() { KoInputDevice id; return id; } // static KoInputDevice KoInputDevice::stylus() { KoInputDevice id(QTabletEvent::Stylus, QTabletEvent::Pen); return id; } // static KoInputDevice KoInputDevice::eraser() { KoInputDevice id(QTabletEvent::Stylus, QTabletEvent::Eraser); return id; } QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const KoInputDevice &device) { -#ifndef NDEBUG if (device.isMouse()) dbg.nospace() << "mouse"; else { switch (device.pointer()) { case QTabletEvent::UnknownPointer: dbg.nospace() << "unknown pointer"; break; case QTabletEvent::Pen: dbg.nospace() << "pen"; break; case QTabletEvent::Cursor: dbg.nospace() << "cursor"; break; case QTabletEvent::Eraser: dbg.nospace() << "eraser"; break; } switch(device.device()) { case QTabletEvent::NoDevice: dbg.space() << "no device"; break; case QTabletEvent::Puck: dbg.space() << "puck"; break; case QTabletEvent::Stylus: dbg.space() << "stylus"; break; case QTabletEvent::Airbrush: dbg.space() << "airbrush"; break; case QTabletEvent::FourDMouse: dbg.space() << "four2mouse"; break; case QTabletEvent::RotationStylus: dbg.space() << "rotationstylus"; break; case QTabletEvent::XFreeEraser: dbg.space() << "XFreeEraser"; break; } dbg.space() << "(id: " << device.uniqueTabletId() << ")"; } -#else - Q_UNUSED(device); -#endif return dbg.space(); } diff --git a/libs/image/CMakeLists.txt b/libs/image/CMakeLists.txt index 1888af3cab..4790fe5ba3 100644 --- a/libs/image/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/libs/image/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,397 +1,394 @@ add_subdirectory( tests ) add_subdirectory( tiles3 ) include_directories( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/metadata ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/3rdparty ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/brushengine ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/commands ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/commands_new ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/filter ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/floodfill ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/generator ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/layerstyles ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/processing ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/recorder ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/sdk/tests ) include_directories(SYSTEM ${EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR} ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) if(FFTW3_FOUND) include_directories(${FFTW3_INCLUDE_DIR}) endif() if(HAVE_VC) include_directories(SYSTEM ${Vc_INCLUDE_DIR} ${Qt5Core_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${Qt5Gui_INCLUDE_DIRS}) ko_compile_for_all_implementations(__per_arch_circle_mask_generator_objs kis_brush_mask_applicator_factories.cpp) else() set(__per_arch_circle_mask_generator_objs kis_brush_mask_applicator_factories.cpp) endif() set(kritaimage_LIB_SRCS tiles3/kis_tile.cc tiles3/kis_tile_data.cc tiles3/kis_tile_data_store.cc tiles3/kis_tile_data_pooler.cc tiles3/kis_tiled_data_manager.cc tiles3/kis_memento_manager.cc tiles3/kis_hline_iterator.cpp tiles3/kis_vline_iterator.cpp tiles3/kis_random_accessor.cc tiles3/swap/kis_abstract_compression.cpp tiles3/swap/kis_lzf_compression.cpp tiles3/swap/kis_abstract_tile_compressor.cpp tiles3/swap/kis_legacy_tile_compressor.cpp tiles3/swap/kis_tile_compressor_2.cpp tiles3/swap/kis_chunk_allocator.cpp tiles3/swap/kis_memory_window.cpp tiles3/swap/kis_swapped_data_store.cpp tiles3/swap/kis_tile_data_swapper.cpp kis_distance_information.cpp kis_painter.cc kis_marker_painter.cpp kis_progress_updater.cpp brushengine/kis_paint_information.cc brushengine/kis_random_source.cpp brushengine/kis_stroke_random_source.cpp brushengine/kis_paintop.cc brushengine/kis_paintop_factory.cpp brushengine/kis_paintop_preset.cpp brushengine/kis_paintop_registry.cc brushengine/kis_paintop_settings.cpp brushengine/kis_paintop_settings_update_proxy.cpp brushengine/kis_no_size_paintop_settings.cpp brushengine/kis_locked_properties.cc brushengine/kis_locked_properties_proxy.cpp brushengine/kis_locked_properties_server.cpp brushengine/kis_paintop_config_widget.cpp brushengine/kis_uniform_paintop_property.cpp brushengine/kis_combo_based_paintop_property.cpp brushengine/kis_slider_based_paintop_property.cpp brushengine/kis_standard_uniform_properties_factory.cpp commands/kis_deselect_global_selection_command.cpp commands/kis_image_change_layers_command.cpp commands/kis_image_command.cpp commands/kis_image_set_projection_color_space_command.cpp commands/kis_image_layer_add_command.cpp commands/kis_image_layer_move_command.cpp commands/kis_image_layer_remove_command.cpp commands/kis_image_layer_remove_command_impl.cpp commands/kis_image_lock_command.cpp commands/kis_layer_command.cpp commands/kis_node_command.cpp commands/kis_node_compositeop_command.cpp commands/kis_node_opacity_command.cpp commands/kis_node_property_list_command.cpp commands/kis_reselect_global_selection_command.cpp commands/kis_set_global_selection_command.cpp commands_new/kis_saved_commands.cpp commands_new/kis_processing_command.cpp commands_new/kis_image_resize_command.cpp commands_new/kis_image_set_resolution_command.cpp commands_new/kis_node_move_command2.cpp commands_new/kis_set_layer_style_command.cpp commands_new/kis_selection_move_command2.cpp commands_new/kis_update_command.cpp commands_new/kis_switch_current_time_command.cpp commands_new/kis_change_projection_color_command.cpp commands_new/kis_activate_selection_mask_command.cpp processing/kis_do_nothing_processing_visitor.cpp processing/kis_simple_processing_visitor.cpp processing/kis_crop_processing_visitor.cpp processing/kis_crop_selections_processing_visitor.cpp processing/kis_transform_processing_visitor.cpp processing/kis_mirror_processing_visitor.cpp filter/kis_filter.cc filter/kis_filter_configuration.cc filter/kis_color_transformation_configuration.cc filter/kis_filter_registry.cc filter/kis_color_transformation_filter.cc generator/kis_generator.cpp generator/kis_generator_layer.cpp generator/kis_generator_registry.cpp floodfill/kis_fill_interval_map.cpp floodfill/kis_scanline_fill.cpp lazybrush/kis_min_cut_worker.cpp lazybrush/kis_lazy_fill_tools.cpp lazybrush/kis_multiway_cut.cpp lazybrush/kis_colorize_mask.cpp lazybrush/kis_colorize_stroke_strategy.cpp kis_adjustment_layer.cc kis_selection_based_layer.cpp kis_node_filter_interface.cpp kis_base_accessor.cpp kis_base_node.cpp kis_base_processor.cpp kis_bookmarked_configuration_manager.cc kis_clone_info.cpp kis_clone_layer.cpp kis_colorspace_convert_visitor.cpp kis_config_widget.cpp kis_convolution_kernel.cc kis_convolution_painter.cc kis_gaussian_kernel.cpp kis_cubic_curve.cpp kis_default_bounds.cpp kis_default_bounds_base.cpp kis_effect_mask.cc kis_fast_math.cpp kis_fill_painter.cc kis_filter_mask.cpp kis_filter_strategy.cc kis_transform_mask.cpp kis_transform_mask_params_interface.cpp kis_recalculate_transform_mask_job.cpp kis_recalculate_generator_layer_job.cpp kis_transform_mask_params_factory_registry.cpp kis_safe_transform.cpp kis_gradient_painter.cc kis_gradient_shape_strategy.cpp kis_cached_gradient_shape_strategy.cpp kis_polygonal_gradient_shape_strategy.cpp kis_iterator_ng.cpp kis_async_merger.cpp kis_merge_walker.cc kis_updater_context.cpp kis_update_job_item.cpp kis_stroke_strategy_undo_command_based.cpp kis_simple_stroke_strategy.cpp kis_stroke_job_strategy.cpp kis_stroke_strategy.cpp kis_stroke.cpp kis_strokes_queue.cpp kis_simple_update_queue.cpp kis_update_scheduler.cpp kis_queues_progress_updater.cpp kis_composite_progress_proxy.cpp kis_sync_lod_cache_stroke_strategy.cpp kis_lod_capable_layer_offset.cpp kis_update_time_monitor.cpp kis_group_layer.cc kis_count_visitor.cpp kis_histogram.cc kis_image_interfaces.cpp kis_image_animation_interface.cpp kis_time_range.cpp kis_node_graph_listener.cpp kis_image.cc kis_image_signal_router.cpp kis_image_config.cpp kis_projection_updates_filter.cpp kis_suspend_projection_updates_stroke_strategy.cpp kis_regenerate_frame_stroke_strategy.cpp kis_switch_time_stroke_strategy.cpp kis_crop_saved_extra_data.cpp kis_signal_compressor.cpp kis_signal_compressor_with_param.cpp kis_thread_safe_signal_compressor.cpp kis_acyclic_signal_connector.cpp kis_timed_signal_threshold.cpp kis_layer.cc kis_indirect_painting_support.cpp kis_abstract_projection_plane.cpp kis_layer_projection_plane.cpp kis_command_utils.cpp kis_layer_utils.cpp kis_mask_projection_plane.cpp kis_projection_leaf.cpp kis_mask.cc kis_base_mask_generator.cpp kis_rect_mask_generator.cpp kis_circle_mask_generator.cpp kis_gauss_circle_mask_generator.cpp kis_gauss_rect_mask_generator.cpp ${__per_arch_circle_mask_generator_objs} kis_curve_circle_mask_generator.cpp kis_curve_rect_mask_generator.cpp kis_math_toolbox.cpp kis_memory_statistics_server.cpp kis_name_server.cpp kis_node.cpp kis_node_facade.cpp kis_node_progress_proxy.cpp kis_busy_progress_indicator.cpp kis_node_visitor.cpp kis_paint_device.cc kis_paint_device_debug_utils.cpp kis_fixed_paint_device.cpp kis_paint_layer.cc kis_perspective_math.cpp kis_pixel_selection.cpp kis_processing_information.cpp kis_properties_configuration.cc kis_random_accessor_ng.cpp kis_random_generator.cc kis_random_sub_accessor.cpp kis_wrapped_random_accessor.cpp kis_selection.cc kis_selection_mask.cpp kis_update_outline_job.cpp kis_update_selection_job.cpp kis_serializable_configuration.cc kis_transaction_data.cpp kis_transform_worker.cc kis_perspectivetransform_worker.cpp bsplines/kis_bspline_1d.cpp bsplines/kis_bspline_2d.cpp bsplines/kis_nu_bspline_2d.cpp kis_warptransform_worker.cc kis_cage_transform_worker.cpp kis_liquify_transform_worker.cpp kis_green_coordinates_math.cpp kis_algebra_2d.cpp kis_transparency_mask.cc kis_undo_store.cpp kis_undo_stores.cpp kis_undo_adapter.cpp kis_macro_based_undo_store.cpp kis_surrogate_undo_adapter.cpp kis_legacy_undo_adapter.cpp kis_post_execution_undo_adapter.cpp kis_processing_visitor.cpp kis_processing_applicator.cpp krita_utils.cpp kis_outline_generator.cpp kis_layer_composition.cpp kis_selection_filters.cpp KisProofingConfiguration.h metadata/kis_meta_data_entry.cc metadata/kis_meta_data_filter.cc metadata/kis_meta_data_filter_p.cc metadata/kis_meta_data_filter_registry.cc metadata/kis_meta_data_filter_registry_model.cc metadata/kis_meta_data_io_backend.cc metadata/kis_meta_data_merge_strategy.cc metadata/kis_meta_data_merge_strategy_p.cc metadata/kis_meta_data_merge_strategy_registry.cc metadata/kis_meta_data_parser.cc metadata/kis_meta_data_schema.cc metadata/kis_meta_data_schema_registry.cc metadata/kis_meta_data_store.cc metadata/kis_meta_data_type_info.cc metadata/kis_meta_data_validator.cc metadata/kis_meta_data_value.cc recorder/kis_action_recorder.cc recorder/kis_macro.cc recorder/kis_macro_player.cc recorder/kis_node_query_path.cc recorder/kis_play_info.cc recorder/kis_recorded_action.cc recorder/kis_recorded_action_factory_registry.cc recorder/kis_recorded_action_load_context.cpp recorder/kis_recorded_action_save_context.cpp recorder/kis_recorded_filter_action.cpp recorder/kis_recorded_fill_paint_action.cpp recorder/kis_recorded_node_action.cc recorder/kis_recorded_paint_action.cpp recorder/kis_recorded_path_paint_action.cpp recorder/kis_recorded_shape_paint_action.cpp kis_keyframe.cpp kis_keyframe_channel.cpp kis_keyframe_commands.cpp kis_scalar_keyframe_channel.cpp kis_raster_keyframe_channel.cpp kis_onion_skin_compositor.cpp kis_onion_skin_cache.cpp kis_idle_watcher.cpp kis_psd_layer_style.cpp kis_layer_properties_icons.cpp layerstyles/kis_multiple_projection.cpp layerstyles/kis_layer_style_filter.cpp layerstyles/kis_layer_style_filter_environment.cpp layerstyles/kis_layer_style_filter_projection_plane.cpp layerstyles/kis_layer_style_projection_plane.cpp layerstyles/kis_ls_drop_shadow_filter.cpp layerstyles/kis_ls_satin_filter.cpp layerstyles/kis_ls_stroke_filter.cpp layerstyles/kis_ls_bevel_emboss_filter.cpp layerstyles/kis_ls_overlay_filter.cpp layerstyles/kis_ls_utils.cpp layerstyles/gimp_bump_map.cpp KisProofingConfiguration.cpp ) set(einspline_SRCS 3rdparty/einspline/bspline_create.cpp 3rdparty/einspline/bspline_data.cpp 3rdparty/einspline/multi_bspline_create.cpp 3rdparty/einspline/nubasis.cpp 3rdparty/einspline/nubspline_create.cpp 3rdparty/einspline/nugrid.cpp ) add_library(kritaimage SHARED ${kritaimage_LIB_SRCS} ${einspline_SRCS}) generate_export_header(kritaimage BASE_NAME kritaimage) target_link_libraries(kritaimage PUBLIC kritaversion kritawidgets kritaglobal kritapsd kritaodf kritapigment kritaundo2 kritawidgetutils Qt5::Concurrent ) target_link_libraries(kritaimage PUBLIC ${Boost_SYSTEM_LIBRARY}) if(OPENEXR_FOUND) target_link_libraries(kritaimage PUBLIC ${OPENEXR_LIBRARIES}) endif() if(FFTW3_FOUND) target_link_libraries(kritaimage PRIVATE ${FFTW3_LIBRARIES}) endif() if(HAVE_VC) target_link_libraries(kritaimage PUBLIC ${Vc_LIBRARIES}) - if (NOT PACKAGERS_BUILD) - set_property(TARGET kritaimage APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_OPTIONS "${Vc_ARCHITECTURE_FLAGS}") - endif() endif() if (NOT GSL_FOUND) message (WARNING "KRITA WARNING! No GNU Scientific Library was found! Krita's Shaped Gradients might be non-normalized! Please install GSL library.") else () target_link_libraries(kritaimage PRIVATE ${GSL_LIBRARIES} ${GSL_CBLAS_LIBRARIES}) endif () target_include_directories(kritaimage PUBLIC $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ) set_target_properties(kritaimage PROPERTIES VERSION ${GENERIC_KRITA_LIB_VERSION} SOVERSION ${GENERIC_KRITA_LIB_SOVERSION} ) install(TARGETS kritaimage ${INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS}) ########### install schemas ############# install( FILES metadata/schemas/dc.schema metadata/schemas/exif.schema metadata/schemas/tiff.schema metadata/schemas/mkn.schema metadata/schemas/xmp.schema metadata/schemas/xmpmm.schema metadata/schemas/xmprights.schema DESTINATION ${DATA_INSTALL_DIR}/krita/metadata/schemas) diff --git a/libs/image/brushengine/kis_standard_uniform_properties_factory.cpp b/libs/image/brushengine/kis_standard_uniform_properties_factory.cpp index 7f87d34879..5d8b714df6 100644 --- a/libs/image/brushengine/kis_standard_uniform_properties_factory.cpp +++ b/libs/image/brushengine/kis_standard_uniform_properties_factory.cpp @@ -1,125 +1,130 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2016 Dmitry Kazakov * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_standard_uniform_properties_factory.h" #include "kis_slider_based_paintop_property.h" #include "kis_paintop_settings.h" #include "kis_paintop_settings_update_proxy.h" + + + namespace KisStandardUniformPropertiesFactory { - KisUniformPaintOpPropertySP createProperty(const KoID &id, - KisPaintOpSettingsRestrictedSP settings, - KisPaintopSettingsUpdateProxy *updateProxy) - { - return createProperty(id.id(), settings, updateProxy); - } - KisUniformPaintOpPropertySP createProperty(const QString &id, - KisPaintOpSettingsRestrictedSP settings, - KisPaintopSettingsUpdateProxy *updateProxy) - { - KisUniformPaintOpPropertySP result; +KisUniformPaintOpPropertySP createProperty(const KoID &id, + KisPaintOpSettingsRestrictedSP settings, + KisPaintopSettingsUpdateProxy *updateProxy) +{ + return createProperty(id.id(), settings, updateProxy); +} + +KisUniformPaintOpPropertySP createProperty(const QString &id, + KisPaintOpSettingsRestrictedSP settings, + KisPaintopSettingsUpdateProxy *updateProxy) +{ + KisUniformPaintOpPropertySP result; - if (id == size.id()) { - KisDoubleSliderBasedPaintOpPropertyCallback *prop = + + if (id == size.id()) { + KisDoubleSliderBasedPaintOpPropertyCallback *prop = new KisDoubleSliderBasedPaintOpPropertyCallback( KisDoubleSliderBasedPaintOpPropertyCallback::Double, "size", i18n("Size"), settings, 0); - prop->setRange(0, 1000); - prop->setDecimals(2); - prop->setSingleStep(1); - prop->setExponentRatio(3.0); - prop->setSuffix(i18n(" px")); - - prop->setReadCallback( - [](KisUniformPaintOpProperty *prop) { - prop->setValue(prop->settings()->paintOpSize()); - }); - prop->setWriteCallback( - [](KisUniformPaintOpProperty *prop) { - prop->settings()->setPaintOpSize(prop->value().toReal()); - }); - - QObject::connect(updateProxy, SIGNAL(sigSettingsChanged()), prop, SLOT(requestReadValue())); - prop->requestReadValue(); - result = toQShared(prop); - } else if (id == opacity.id()) { - KisDoubleSliderBasedPaintOpPropertyCallback *prop = + prop->setRange(0, 1000); + prop->setDecimals(2); + prop->setSingleStep(1); + prop->setExponentRatio(3.0); + prop->setSuffix(i18n(" px")); + + prop->setReadCallback( + [](KisUniformPaintOpProperty *prop) { + prop->setValue(prop->settings()->paintOpSize()); + }); + prop->setWriteCallback( + [](KisUniformPaintOpProperty *prop) { + prop->settings()->setPaintOpSize(prop->value().toReal()); + }); + + QObject::connect(updateProxy, SIGNAL(sigSettingsChanged()), prop, SLOT(requestReadValue())); + prop->requestReadValue(); + result = toQShared(prop); + } else if (id == opacity.id()) { + KisDoubleSliderBasedPaintOpPropertyCallback *prop = new KisDoubleSliderBasedPaintOpPropertyCallback( KisDoubleSliderBasedPaintOpPropertyCallback::Double, opacity.id(), opacity.name(), settings, 0); - prop->setRange(0.0, 1.0); - prop->setSingleStep(0.01); - - prop->setReadCallback( - [](KisUniformPaintOpProperty *prop) { - prop->setValue(prop->settings()->paintOpOpacity()); - }); - prop->setWriteCallback( - [](KisUniformPaintOpProperty *prop) { - prop->settings()->setPaintOpOpacity(prop->value().toReal()); - }); - - QObject::connect(updateProxy, SIGNAL(sigSettingsChanged()), prop, SLOT(requestReadValue())); - prop->requestReadValue(); - result = toQShared(prop); - } else if (id == flow.id()) { - KisDoubleSliderBasedPaintOpPropertyCallback *prop = + prop->setRange(0.0, 1.0); + prop->setSingleStep(0.01); + + prop->setReadCallback( + [](KisUniformPaintOpProperty *prop) { + prop->setValue(prop->settings()->paintOpOpacity()); + }); + prop->setWriteCallback( + [](KisUniformPaintOpProperty *prop) { + prop->settings()->setPaintOpOpacity(prop->value().toReal()); + }); + + QObject::connect(updateProxy, SIGNAL(sigSettingsChanged()), prop, SLOT(requestReadValue())); + prop->requestReadValue(); + result = toQShared(prop); + } else if (id == flow.id()) { + KisDoubleSliderBasedPaintOpPropertyCallback *prop = new KisDoubleSliderBasedPaintOpPropertyCallback( KisDoubleSliderBasedPaintOpPropertyCallback::Double, flow.id(), flow.name(), settings, 0); - prop->setRange(0.0, 1.0); - prop->setSingleStep(0.01); - - prop->setReadCallback( - [](KisUniformPaintOpProperty *prop) { - prop->setValue(prop->settings()->paintOpFlow()); - }); - prop->setWriteCallback( - [](KisUniformPaintOpProperty *prop) { - prop->settings()->setPaintOpFlow(prop->value().toReal()); - }); - - QObject::connect(updateProxy, SIGNAL(sigSettingsChanged()), prop, SLOT(requestReadValue())); - prop->requestReadValue(); - result = toQShared(prop); - } else if (id == angle.id()) { - qFatal("Not implemented"); - } else if (id == spacing.id()) { - qFatal("Not implemented"); - } - - if (!result) { - KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(0 && "Unknown Uniform property id!"); - } - - return result; + prop->setRange(0.0, 1.0); + prop->setSingleStep(0.01); + + prop->setReadCallback( + [](KisUniformPaintOpProperty *prop) { + prop->setValue(prop->settings()->paintOpFlow()); + }); + prop->setWriteCallback( + [](KisUniformPaintOpProperty *prop) { + prop->settings()->setPaintOpFlow(prop->value().toReal()); + }); + + QObject::connect(updateProxy, SIGNAL(sigSettingsChanged()), prop, SLOT(requestReadValue())); + prop->requestReadValue(); + result = toQShared(prop); + } else if (id == angle.id()) { + qFatal("Not implemented"); + } else if (id == spacing.id()) { + qFatal("Not implemented"); + } + + if (!result) { + KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(0 && "Unknown Uniform property id!"); } + + return result; +} } diff --git a/libs/image/brushengine/kis_standard_uniform_properties_factory.h b/libs/image/brushengine/kis_standard_uniform_properties_factory.h index 44ed4d5113..517a6dea85 100644 --- a/libs/image/brushengine/kis_standard_uniform_properties_factory.h +++ b/libs/image/brushengine/kis_standard_uniform_properties_factory.h @@ -1,52 +1,53 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2016 Dmitry Kazakov * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef __KIS_STANDARD_UNIFORM_PROPERTIES_FACTORY_H #define __KIS_STANDARD_UNIFORM_PROPERTIES_FACTORY_H #include #include "kis_uniform_paintop_property.h" class KisPaintopSettingsUpdateProxy; namespace KisStandardUniformPropertiesFactory { - static const KoID size("size", i18n("Size")); - static const KoID opacity("opacity", i18n("Opacity")); - static const KoID flow("flow", i18n("Flow")); - static const KoID angle("angle", i18n("Angle")); - static const KoID spacing("spacing", i18n("Spacing")); +static const KoID size("size", ki18n("Size")); +static const KoID opacity("opacity", ki18n("Opacity")); +static const KoID flow("flow", ki18n("Flow")); +static const KoID angle("angle", ki18n("Angle")); +static const KoID spacing("spacing", ki18n("Spacing")); - /** + +/** * Overload of createProperty(const QString &id, ...) */ - KisUniformPaintOpPropertySP createProperty(const KoID &id, - KisPaintOpSettingsRestrictedSP settings, - KisPaintopSettingsUpdateProxy *updateProxy); +KisUniformPaintOpPropertySP createProperty(const KoID &id, + KisPaintOpSettingsRestrictedSP settings, + KisPaintopSettingsUpdateProxy *updateProxy); - /** +/** * Factory for creating standard uniform properties. Right now * it supports only size, opacity and flow. */ - KisUniformPaintOpPropertySP createProperty(const QString &id, - KisPaintOpSettingsRestrictedSP settings, - KisPaintopSettingsUpdateProxy *updateProxy); +KisUniformPaintOpPropertySP createProperty(const QString &id, + KisPaintOpSettingsRestrictedSP settings, + KisPaintopSettingsUpdateProxy *updateProxy); } #endif /* __KIS_STANDARD_UNIFORM_PROPERTIES_FACTORY_H */ diff --git a/libs/image/kis_image.h b/libs/image/kis_image.h index ebea2f42ba..3685a88e5a 100644 --- a/libs/image/kis_image.h +++ b/libs/image/kis_image.h @@ -1,985 +1,985 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2002 Patrick Julien * Copyright (c) 2007 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KIS_IMAGE_H_ #define KIS_IMAGE_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_paint_device.h" // msvc cannot handle forward declarations, so include kis_paint_device here #include "kis_types.h" #include "kis_shared.h" #include "kis_node_graph_listener.h" #include "kis_node_facade.h" #include "kis_image_interfaces.h" #include "kis_strokes_queue_undo_result.h" #include class KisDocument; class KoColorSpace; class KoColor; class KisCompositeProgressProxy; class KisActionRecorder; class KisUndoStore; class KisUndoAdapter; class KisImageSignalRouter; class KisPostExecutionUndoAdapter; class KisFilterStrategy; class KoColorProfile; class KisLayerComposition; class KisSpontaneousJob; class KisImageAnimationInterface; class KUndo2MagicString; class KisProofingConfiguration; namespace KisMetaData { class MergeStrategy; } /** * This is the image class, it contains a tree of KisLayer stack and * meta information about the image. And it also provides some * functions to manipulate the whole image. */ class KRITAIMAGE_EXPORT KisImage : public QObject, public KisStrokesFacade, public KisStrokeUndoFacade, public KisUpdatesFacade, public KisProjectionUpdateListener, public KisNodeFacade, public KisNodeGraphListener, public KisShared { Q_OBJECT public: /// @param colorSpace can be null. in that case it will be initialised to a default color space. KisImage(KisUndoStore *undoStore, qint32 width, qint32 height, const KoColorSpace *colorSpace, const QString& name); virtual ~KisImage(); public: // KisNodeGraphListener implementation void aboutToAddANode(KisNode *parent, int index); void nodeHasBeenAdded(KisNode *parent, int index); void aboutToRemoveANode(KisNode *parent, int index); void nodeChanged(KisNode * node); void invalidateAllFrames(); void notifySelectionChanged(); void requestProjectionUpdate(KisNode *node, const QRect& rect); void invalidateFrames(const KisTimeRange &range, const QRect &rect); void requestTimeSwitch(int time); public: // KisProjectionUpdateListener implementation void notifyProjectionUpdated(const QRect &rc); public: /** * Makes a copy of the image with all the layers. If possible, shallow * copies of the layers are made. * * \p exactCopy shows if the copied image should look *exactly* the same as * the other one (according to it's .kra xml representation). It means that * the layers will have the same UUID keys and, therefore, you are not * expected to use the copied image anywhere except for saving. Don't use * this option if you plan to work with the copied image later. */ - KisImage* clone(bool exactCopy = false); + KisImage *clone(bool exactCopy = false); /** * Render the projection onto a QImage. */ QImage convertToQImage(qint32 x1, qint32 y1, qint32 width, qint32 height, const KoColorProfile * profile); /** * Render the projection onto a QImage. * (this is an overloaded function) */ QImage convertToQImage(QRect imageRect, const KoColorProfile * profile); /** * XXX: docs! */ QImage convertToQImage(const QSize& scaledImageSize, const KoColorProfile *profile); /** * Calls KisUpdateScheduler::lock (XXX: APIDOX -- what does that mean?) */ void lock(); /** * Calls KisUpdateScheduler::unlock (XXX: APIDOX -- what does that mean?) */ void unlock(); /** * Returns true if lock() has been called more often than unlock(). */ bool locked() const; /** * @return the global selection object or 0 if there is none. The * global selection is always read-write. */ KisSelectionSP globalSelection() const; /** * Retrieve the next automatic layername (XXX: fix to add option to return Mask X) */ QString nextLayerName(const QString &baseName = "") const; /** * Set the automatic layer name counter one back. */ void rollBackLayerName(); /** * Resize the image to the specified rect. The resize * method handles the creating on an undo step itself. * * @param newRect the rect describing the new width, height and offset * of the image */ void resizeImage(const QRect& newRect); /** * Crop the image to the specified rect. The crop * method handles the creating on an undo step itself. * * @param newRect the rect describing the new width, height and offset * of the image */ void cropImage(const QRect& newRect); /** * Crop a node to @newRect. The node will *not* be moved anywhere, * it just drops some content */ void cropNode(KisNodeSP node, const QRect& newRect); /// XXX: ApiDox void scaleImage(const QSize &size, qreal xres, qreal yres, KisFilterStrategy *filterStrategy); /// XXX: ApiDox void scaleNode(KisNodeSP node, qreal scaleX, qreal scaleY, KisFilterStrategy *filterStrategy); /** * Execute a rotate transform on all layers in this image. * Image is resized to fit rotated image. */ void rotateImage(double radians); /** * Execute a rotate transform on on a subtree of this image. * Image is not resized. */ void rotateNode(KisNodeSP node, double radians); /** * Execute a shear transform on all layers in this image. */ void shear(double angleX, double angleY); /** * Shear a node and all its children. * @param angleX, @param angleY are given in degrees. */ void shearNode(KisNodeSP node, double angleX, double angleY); /** * Convert the image and all its layers to the dstColorSpace */ void convertImageColorSpace(const KoColorSpace *dstColorSpace, KoColorConversionTransformation::Intent renderingIntent, KoColorConversionTransformation::ConversionFlags conversionFlags); /** * Set the color space of the projection (and the root layer) * to dstColorSpace. No conversion is done for other layers, * their colorspace can differ. * NOTE: Note conversion is done, only regeneration, so no rendering * intent needed */ void convertProjectionColorSpace(const KoColorSpace *dstColorSpace); // Get the profile associated with this image const KoColorProfile * profile() const; /** * Set the profile of the image to the new profile and do the same for * all layers that have the same colorspace and profile of the image. * It doesn't do any pixel conversion. * * This is essential if you have loaded an image that didn't * have an embedded profile to which you want to attach the right profile. * * This does not create an undo action; only call it when creating or * loading an image. * * @returns false if the profile could not be assigned */ bool assignImageProfile(const KoColorProfile *profile); /** * Returns the current undo adapter. You can add new commands to the * undo stack using the adapter. This adapter is used for a backward * compatibility for old commands created before strokes. It blocks * all the porcessing at the scheduler, waits until it's finished * adn executes commands exclusively. */ KisUndoAdapter* undoAdapter() const; /** * This adapter is used by the strokes system. The commands are added * to it *after* redo() is done (in the scheduler context). They are * wrapped into a special command and added to the undo stack. redo() * in not called. */ KisPostExecutionUndoAdapter* postExecutionUndoAdapter() const; /** * Replace current undo store with the new one. The old store * will be deleted. * This method is used by KisDocument for dropping all the commands * during file loading. */ void setUndoStore(KisUndoStore *undoStore); /** * Return current undo store of the image */ KisUndoStore* undoStore(); /** * @return the action recorder associated with this image */ KisActionRecorder* actionRecorder() const; /** * Tell the image it's modified; this emits the sigImageModified * signal. This happens when the image needs to be saved */ void setModified(); /** * The default colorspace of this image: new layers will have this * colorspace and the projection will have this colorspace. */ const KoColorSpace * colorSpace() const; /** * X resolution in pixels per pt */ double xRes() const; /** * Y resolution in pixels per pt */ double yRes() const; /** * Set the resolution in pixels per pt. */ void setResolution(double xres, double yres); /** * Convert a document coordinate to a pixel coordinate. * * @param documentCoord PostScript Pt coordinate to convert. */ QPointF documentToPixel(const QPointF &documentCoord) const; /** * Convert a document coordinate to an integer pixel coordinate. * * @param documentCoord PostScript Pt coordinate to convert. */ QPoint documentToIntPixel(const QPointF &documentCoord) const; /** * Convert a document rectangle to a pixel rectangle. * * @param documentRect PostScript Pt rectangle to convert. */ QRectF documentToPixel(const QRectF &documentRect) const; /** * Convert a document rectangle to an integer pixel rectangle. * * @param documentRect PostScript Pt rectangle to convert. */ QRect documentToIntPixel(const QRectF &documentRect) const; /** * Convert a pixel coordinate to a document coordinate. * * @param pixelCoord pixel coordinate to convert. */ QPointF pixelToDocument(const QPointF &pixelCoord) const; /** * Convert an integer pixel coordinate to a document coordinate. * The document coordinate is at the centre of the pixel. * * @param pixelCoord pixel coordinate to convert. */ QPointF pixelToDocument(const QPoint &pixelCoord) const; /** * Convert a document rectangle to an integer pixel rectangle. * * @param pixelCoord pixel coordinate to convert. */ QRectF pixelToDocument(const QRectF &pixelCoord) const; /** * Return the width of the image */ qint32 width() const; /** * Return the height of the image */ qint32 height() const; /** * Return the size of the image */ QSize size() const { return QSize(width(), height()); } /** * @return the root node of the image node graph */ KisGroupLayerSP rootLayer() const; /** * Return the projection; that is, the complete, composited * representation of this image. */ KisPaintDeviceSP projection() const; /** * Return the number of layers (not other nodes) that are in this * image. */ qint32 nlayers() const; /** * Return the number of layers (not other node types) that are in * this image and that are hidden. */ qint32 nHiddenLayers() const; /** * Merge all visible layers and discard hidden ones. */ void flatten(); /** * Merge the specified layer with the layer * below this layer, remove the specified layer. */ void mergeDown(KisLayerSP l, const KisMetaData::MergeStrategy* strategy); /** * flatten the layer: that is, the projection becomes the layer * and all subnodes are removed. If this is not a paint layer, it will morph * into a paint layer. */ void flattenLayer(KisLayerSP layer); /** * Merges layers in \p mergedLayers and creates a new layer above * \p putAfter */ void mergeMultipleLayers(QList mergedLayers, KisNodeSP putAfter); /// @return the exact bounds of the image in pixel coordinates. QRect bounds() const; /** * Returns the actual bounds of the image, taking LevelOfDetail * into account. This value is used as a bounds() value of * KisDefaultBounds object. */ QRect effectiveLodBounds() const; /// use if the layers have changed _completely_ (eg. when flattening) void notifyLayersChanged(); /** * Sets the default color of the root layer projection. All the layers * will be merged on top of this very color */ void setDefaultProjectionColor(const KoColor &color); /** * \see setDefaultProjectionColor() */ KoColor defaultProjectionColor() const; void setRootLayer(KisGroupLayerSP rootLayer); /** * Add an annotation for this image. This can be anything: Gamma, EXIF, etc. * Note that the "icc" annotation is reserved for the color strategies. * If the annotation already exists, overwrite it with this one. */ void addAnnotation(KisAnnotationSP annotation); /** get the annotation with the given type, can return 0 */ KisAnnotationSP annotation(const QString& type); /** delete the annotation, if the image contains it */ void removeAnnotation(const QString& type); /** * Start of an iteration over the annotations of this image (including the ICC Profile) */ vKisAnnotationSP_it beginAnnotations(); /** end of an iteration over the annotations of this image */ vKisAnnotationSP_it endAnnotations(); /** * Called before the image is delted and sends the sigAboutToBeDeleted signal */ void notifyAboutToBeDeleted(); KisImageSignalRouter* signalRouter(); /** * Returns whether we can reselect current global selection * * \see reselectGlobalSelection() */ bool canReselectGlobalSelection(); /** * Returns the layer compositions for the image */ QList compositions(); /** * Adds a new layer composition, will be saved with the image */ void addComposition(KisLayerCompositionSP composition); /** * Remove the layer compostion */ void removeComposition(KisLayerCompositionSP composition); /** * Permit or deny the wrap-around mode for all the paint devices * of the image. Note that permitting the wraparound mode will not * necessarily activate it right now. To be activated the wrap * around mode should be 1) permitted; 2) supported by the * currently running stroke. */ void setWrapAroundModePermitted(bool value); /** * \return whether the wrap-around mode is permitted for this * image. If the wrap around mode is permitted and the * currently running stroke supports it, the mode will be * activated for all paint devices of the image. * * \see setWrapAroundMode */ bool wrapAroundModePermitted() const; /** * \return whether the wraparound mode is activated for all the * devices of the image. The mode is activated when both * factors are true: the user permitted it and the stroke * supports it */ bool wrapAroundModeActive() const; /** * \return curent level of detail which is used when processing the image. * Current working zoom = 2 ^ (- currentLevelOfDetail()). Default value is * null, which means we work on the original image. */ int currentLevelOfDetail() const; /** * Notify KisImage which level of detail should be used in the * lod-mode. Setting the mode does not guarantee the LOD to be * used. It will be activated only when the stokes supports it. */ void setDesiredLevelOfDetail(int lod); /** * Relative position of the mirror axis center * 0,0 - topleft corner of the image * 1,1 - bottomright corner of the image */ QPointF mirrorAxesCenter() const; /** * Sets the relative position of the axes center * \see mirrorAxesCenter() for details */ void setMirrorAxesCenter(const QPointF &value) const; public Q_SLOTS: /** * Explicitly start regeneration of LoD planes of all the devices * in the image. This call should be performed when the user is idle, * just to make the quality of image updates better. */ void explicitRegenerateLevelOfDetail(); public: /** * Blocks usage of level of detail functionality. After this method * has been called, no new strokes will use LoD. */ void setLevelOfDetailBlocked(bool value); /** * \see setLevelOfDetailBlocked() */ bool levelOfDetailBlocked() const; /** * Notifies that the node collapsed state has changed */ void notifyNodeCollpasedChanged(); KisImageAnimationInterface *animationInterface() const; /** * @brief setProofingConfiguration, this sets the image's proofing configuration, and signals * the proofingConfiguration has changed. * @param proofingConfig - the kis proofing config that will be used instead. */ void setProofingConfiguration(KisProofingConfigurationSP proofingConfig); /** * @brief proofingConfiguration * @return the proofing configuration of the image. */ KisProofingConfigurationSP proofingConfiguration() const; public: bool startIsolatedMode(KisNodeSP node); void stopIsolatedMode(); KisNodeSP isolatedModeRoot() const; Q_SIGNALS: /** * Emitted whenever an action has caused the image to be * recomposited. * * @param rc The rect that has been recomposited. */ void sigImageUpdated(const QRect &); /** Emitted whenever the image has been modified, so that it doesn't match with the version saved on disk. */ void sigImageModified(); /** * The signal is emitted when the size of the image is changed. * \p oldStillPoint and \p newStillPoint give the receiver the * hint about how the new and old rect of the image correspond to * each other. They specify the point of the image around which * the conversion was done. This point will stay still on the * user's screen. That is the \p newStillPoint of the new image * will be painted at the same screen position, where \p * oldStillPoint of the old image was painted. * * \param oldStillPoint is a still point represented in *old* * image coordinates * * \param newStillPoint is a still point represented in *new* * image coordinates */ void sigSizeChanged(const QPointF &oldStillPoint, const QPointF &newStillPoint); void sigProfileChanged(const KoColorProfile * profile); void sigColorSpaceChanged(const KoColorSpace* cs); void sigResolutionChanged(double xRes, double yRes); void sigRequestNodeReselection(KisNodeSP activeNode, const KisNodeList &selectedNodes); /** * Inform the model that a node was changed */ void sigNodeChanged(KisNodeSP node); /** * Inform that the image is going to be deleted */ void sigAboutToBeDeleted(); /** * The signal is emitted right after a node has been connected * to the graph of the nodes. * * WARNING: you must not request any graph-related information * about the node being run in a not-scheduler thread. If you need * information about the parent/siblings of the node connect * with Qt::DirectConnection, get needed information and then * emit another Qt::AutoConnection signal to pass this information * to your thread. See details of the implementation * in KisDummiesfacadeBase. */ void sigNodeAddedAsync(KisNodeSP node); /** * This signal is emitted right before a node is going to removed * from the graph of the nodes. * * WARNING: you must not request any graph-related information * about the node being run in a not-scheduler thread. * * \see comment in sigNodeAddedAsync() */ void sigRemoveNodeAsync(KisNodeSP node); /** * Emitted when the root node of the image has changed. * It happens, e.g. when we flatten the image. When * this happens the receiver should reload information * about the image */ void sigLayersChangedAsync(); /** * Emitted when the UI has requested the undo of the last stroke's * operation. The point is, we cannot deal with the internals of * the stroke without its creator knowing about it (which most * probably cause a crash), so we just forward this request from * the UI to the creator of the stroke. * * If your tool supports undoing part of its work, just listen to * this signal and undo when it comes */ void sigUndoDuringStrokeRequested(); /** * Emitted when the UI has requested the cancellation of * the stroke. The point is, we cannot cancel the stroke * without its creator knowing about it (which most probably * cause a crash), so we just forward this request from the UI * to the creator of the stroke. * * If your tool supports cancelling of its work in the middle * of operation, just listen to this signal and cancel * the stroke when it comes */ void sigStrokeCancellationRequested(); /** * Emitted when the image decides that the stroke should better * be ended. The point is, we cannot just end the stroke * without its creator knowing about it (which most probably * cause a crash), so we just forward this request from the UI * to the creator of the stroke. * * If your tool supports long strokes that may involve multiple * mouse actions in one stroke, just listen to this signal and * end the stroke when it comes. */ void sigStrokeEndRequested(); /** * Same as sigStrokeEndRequested() but is not emitted when the active node * is changed. */ void sigStrokeEndRequestedActiveNodeFiltered(); /** * Emitted when the isolated mode status has changed. * * Can be used by the receivers to catch a fact of forcefully * stopping the isolated mode by the image when some complex * action was requested */ void sigIsolatedModeChanged(); /** * Emitted when one or more nodes changed the collapsed state * */ void sigNodeCollapsedChanged(); /** * Emitted when the proofing configuration of the image is being changed. * */ void sigProofingConfigChanged(); public Q_SLOTS: KisCompositeProgressProxy* compositeProgressProxy(); bool isIdle(bool allowLocked = false); /** * @brief barrierLock APIDOX * @param readOnly */ void barrierLock(bool readOnly = false); /** * @brief barrierLock APIDOX * @param readOnly */ bool tryBarrierLock(bool readOnly = false); /** * @brief barrierLock APIDOX * @param readOnly */ void waitForDone(); KisStrokeId startStroke(KisStrokeStrategy *strokeStrategy); void addJob(KisStrokeId id, KisStrokeJobData *data); void endStroke(KisStrokeId id); bool cancelStroke(KisStrokeId id); /** * @brief blockUpdates block updating the image projection */ void blockUpdates(); /** * @brief unblockUpdates unblock updating the image project. This * only restarts the scheduler and does not schedule a full refresh. */ void unblockUpdates(); /** * Disables notification of the UI about the changes in the image. * This feature is used by KisProcessingApplicator. It is needed * when we change the size of the image. In this case, the whole * image will be reloaded into UI by sigSizeChanged(), so there is * no need to inform the UI about individual dirty rects. */ void disableUIUpdates(); /** * \see disableUIUpdates */ void enableUIUpdates(); /** * Disables the processing of all the setDirty() requests that * come to the image. The incoming requests are effectively * *dropped*. * * This feature is used by KisProcessingApplicator. For many cases * it provides its own updates interface, which recalculates the * whole subtree of nodes. But while we change any particular * node, it can ask for an update itself. This method is a way of * blocking such intermediate (and excessive) requests. * * NOTE: this is a convenience function for setProjectionUpdatesFilter() * that installs a predefined filter that eats everything. Please * note that these calls are *not* recursive */ void disableDirtyRequests(); /** * \see disableDirtyRequests() */ void enableDirtyRequests(); /** * Installs a filter object that will filter all the incoming projection update * requests. If the filter return true, the incoming update is dropped. * * NOTE: you cannot set filters recursively! */ void setProjectionUpdatesFilter(KisProjectionUpdatesFilterSP filter); /** * \see setProjectionUpdatesFilter() */ KisProjectionUpdatesFilterSP projectionUpdatesFilter() const; void refreshGraphAsync(KisNodeSP root = KisNodeSP()); void refreshGraphAsync(KisNodeSP root, const QRect &rc); void refreshGraphAsync(KisNodeSP root, const QRect &rc, const QRect &cropRect); /** * Triggers synchronous recomposition of the projection */ void refreshGraph(KisNodeSP root = KisNodeSP()); void refreshGraph(KisNodeSP root, const QRect& rc, const QRect &cropRect); void initialRefreshGraph(); /** * Initiate a stack regeneration skipping the recalculation of the * filthy node's projection. * * Works exactly as pseudoFilthy->setDirty() with the only * exception that pseudoFilthy::updateProjection() will not be * called. That is used by KisRecalculateTransformMaskJob to avoid * cyclic dependencies. */ void requestProjectionUpdateNoFilthy(KisNodeSP pseudoFilthy, const QRect &rc, const QRect &cropRect); /** * Adds a spontaneous job to the updates queue. * * A spontaneous job may do some trivial tasks in the background, * like updating the outline of selection or purging unused tiles * from the existing paint devices. */ void addSpontaneousJob(KisSpontaneousJob *spontaneousJob); /** * This method is called by the UI (*not* by the creator of the * stroke) when it thinks the current stroke should undo its last * action, for example, when the user presses Ctrl+Z while some * stroke is active. * * If the creator of the stroke supports undoing of intermediate * actions, it will be notified about this request and can undo * its last action. */ void requestUndoDuringStroke(); /** * This method is called by the UI (*not* by the creator of the * stroke) when it thinks current stroke should be cancelled. If * there is a running stroke that has already been detached from * its creator (ended or cancelled), it will be forcefully * cancelled and reverted. If there is an open stroke present, and * if its creator supports cancelling, it will be notified about * the request and the stroke will be cancelled */ void requestStrokeCancellation(); /** * This method requests the last stroke executed on the image to become undone. * If the stroke is not ended, or if all the Lod0 strokes are completed, the method * returns UNDO_FAIL. If the last Lod0 is going to be finished soon, then UNDO_WAIT * is returned and the caller should just wait for its completion and call global undo * instead. UNDO_OK means one unfinished stroke has been undone. */ UndoResult tryUndoUnfinishedLod0Stroke(); /** * This method is called when image or some other part of Krita * (*not* the creator of the stroke) decides that the stroke * should be ended. If the creator of the stroke supports it, it * will be notified and the stroke will be cancelled */ void requestStrokeEnd(); /** * Same as requestStrokeEnd() but is called by view manager when * the current node is changed. Use to dintinguish * sigStrokeEndRequested() and * sigStrokeEndRequestedActiveNodeFiltered() which are used by * KisNodeJugglerCompressed */ void requestStrokeEndActiveNode(); private: KisImage(const KisImage& rhs, KisUndoStore *undoStore, bool exactCopy); KisImage& operator=(const KisImage& rhs); void emitSizeChanged(); void resizeImageImpl(const QRect& newRect, bool cropLayers); void rotateImpl(const KUndo2MagicString &actionName, KisNodeSP rootNode, bool resizeImage, double radians); void shearImpl(const KUndo2MagicString &actionName, KisNodeSP rootNode, bool resizeImage, double angleX, double angleY, const QPointF &origin); void safeRemoveTwoNodes(KisNodeSP node1, KisNodeSP node2); void refreshHiddenArea(KisNodeSP rootNode, const QRect &preparedArea); void requestProjectionUpdateImpl(KisNode *node, const QRect& rect, const QRect &cropRect); friend class KisImageResizeCommand; void setSize(const QSize& size); friend class KisImageSetProjectionColorSpaceCommand; void setProjectionColorSpace(const KoColorSpace * colorSpace); friend class KisDeselectGlobalSelectionCommand; friend class KisReselectGlobalSelectionCommand; friend class KisSetGlobalSelectionCommand; friend class KisImageTest; friend class Document; // For libkis /** * Replaces the current global selection with globalSelection. If * \p globalSelection is empty, removes the selection object, so that * \ref globalSelection() will return 0 after that. */ void setGlobalSelection(KisSelectionSP globalSelection); /** * Deselects current global selection. * \ref globalSelection() will return 0 after that. */ void deselectGlobalSelection(); /** * Reselects current deselected selection * * \see deselectGlobalSelection() */ void reselectGlobalSelection(); private: class KisImagePrivate; KisImagePrivate * m_d; }; #endif // KIS_IMAGE_H_ diff --git a/libs/image/kis_layer.cc b/libs/image/kis_layer.cc index 158488433b..551d8e0bbf 100644 --- a/libs/image/kis_layer.cc +++ b/libs/image/kis_layer.cc @@ -1,876 +1,880 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2002 Patrick Julien * Copyright (c) 2005 C. Boemann * Copyright (c) 2009 Dmitry Kazakov * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_layer.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_debug.h" #include "kis_image.h" #include "kis_painter.h" #include "kis_mask.h" #include "kis_effect_mask.h" #include "kis_selection_mask.h" #include "kis_meta_data_store.h" #include "kis_selection.h" #include "kis_paint_layer.h" #include "kis_clone_layer.h" #include "kis_psd_layer_style.h" #include "kis_layer_projection_plane.h" #include "layerstyles/kis_layer_style_projection_plane.h" #include "krita_utils.h" #include "kis_layer_properties_icons.h" #include "kis_layer_utils.h" class KisSafeProjection { public: KisPaintDeviceSP getDeviceLazy(KisPaintDeviceSP prototype) { QMutexLocker locker(&m_lock); if (!m_reusablePaintDevice) { m_reusablePaintDevice = new KisPaintDevice(*prototype); } if(!m_projection || *m_projection->colorSpace() != *prototype->colorSpace()) { m_projection = m_reusablePaintDevice; m_projection->makeCloneFromRough(prototype, prototype->extent()); m_projection->setProjectionDevice(true); } return m_projection; } void freeDevice() { QMutexLocker locker(&m_lock); m_projection = 0; if(m_reusablePaintDevice) { m_reusablePaintDevice->clear(); } } private: QMutex m_lock; KisPaintDeviceSP m_projection; KisPaintDeviceSP m_reusablePaintDevice; }; class KisCloneLayersList { public: void addClone(KisCloneLayerWSP cloneLayer) { m_clonesList.append(cloneLayer); } void removeClone(KisCloneLayerWSP cloneLayer) { m_clonesList.removeOne(cloneLayer); } void setDirty(const QRect &rect) { Q_FOREACH (KisCloneLayerSP clone, m_clonesList) { if (clone) { clone->setDirtyOriginal(rect); } } } const QList registeredClones() const { return m_clonesList; } bool hasClones() const { return !m_clonesList.isEmpty(); } private: QList m_clonesList; }; struct Q_DECL_HIDDEN KisLayer::Private { KisImageWSP image; QBitArray channelFlags; KisMetaData::Store* metaDataStore; KisSafeProjection safeProjection; KisCloneLayersList clonesList; KisPSDLayerStyleSP layerStyle; KisAbstractProjectionPlaneSP layerStyleProjectionPlane; KisAbstractProjectionPlaneSP projectionPlane; }; KisLayer::KisLayer(KisImageWSP image, const QString &name, quint8 opacity) : KisNode() , m_d(new Private) { setName(name); setOpacity(opacity); m_d->image = image; m_d->metaDataStore = new KisMetaData::Store(); m_d->projectionPlane = toQShared(new KisLayerProjectionPlane(this)); } KisLayer::KisLayer(const KisLayer& rhs) : KisNode(rhs) , m_d(new Private()) { if (this != &rhs) { m_d->image = rhs.m_d->image; m_d->metaDataStore = new KisMetaData::Store(*rhs.m_d->metaDataStore); m_d->channelFlags = rhs.m_d->channelFlags; setName(rhs.name()); m_d->projectionPlane = toQShared(new KisLayerProjectionPlane(this)); if (rhs.m_d->layerStyle) { setLayerStyle(rhs.m_d->layerStyle->clone()); } } } KisLayer::~KisLayer() { delete m_d->metaDataStore; delete m_d; } const KoColorSpace * KisLayer::colorSpace() const { KisImageSP image = m_d->image.toStrongRef(); if (!image) { return nullptr; } return image->colorSpace(); } const KoCompositeOp * KisLayer::compositeOp() const { /** * FIXME: This function duplicates the same function from * KisMask. We can't move it to KisBaseNode as it doesn't * know anything about parent() method of KisNode * Please think it over... */ KisNodeSP parentNode = parent(); if (!parentNode) return 0; if (!parentNode->colorSpace()) return 0; const KoCompositeOp* op = parentNode->colorSpace()->compositeOp(compositeOpId()); return op ? op : parentNode->colorSpace()->compositeOp(COMPOSITE_OVER); } KisPSDLayerStyleSP KisLayer::layerStyle() const { return m_d->layerStyle; } void KisLayer::setLayerStyle(KisPSDLayerStyleSP layerStyle) { if (layerStyle) { m_d->layerStyle = layerStyle; KisAbstractProjectionPlaneSP plane = !layerStyle->isEmpty() ? KisAbstractProjectionPlaneSP(new KisLayerStyleProjectionPlane(this)) : KisAbstractProjectionPlaneSP(0); m_d->layerStyleProjectionPlane = plane; } else { m_d->layerStyleProjectionPlane.clear(); m_d->layerStyle.clear(); } } KisBaseNode::PropertyList KisLayer::sectionModelProperties() const { KisBaseNode::PropertyList l = KisBaseNode::sectionModelProperties(); l << KisBaseNode::Property(KoID("opacity", i18n("Opacity")), i18n("%1%", percentOpacity())); const KoCompositeOp * compositeOp = this->compositeOp(); if (compositeOp) { l << KisBaseNode::Property(KoID("compositeop", i18n("Composite Mode")), compositeOp->description()); } if (m_d->layerStyle && !m_d->layerStyle->isEmpty()) { l << KisLayerPropertiesIcons::getProperty(KisLayerPropertiesIcons::layerStyle, m_d->layerStyle->isEnabled()); } l << KisLayerPropertiesIcons::getProperty(KisLayerPropertiesIcons::inheritAlpha, alphaChannelDisabled()); return l; } void KisLayer::setSectionModelProperties(const KisBaseNode::PropertyList &properties) { KisBaseNode::setSectionModelProperties(properties); Q_FOREACH (const KisBaseNode::Property &property, properties) { if (property.id == KisLayerPropertiesIcons::inheritAlpha.id()) { disableAlphaChannel(property.state.toBool()); } if (property.id == KisLayerPropertiesIcons::layerStyle.id()) { if (m_d->layerStyle && m_d->layerStyle->isEnabled() != property.state.toBool()) { m_d->layerStyle->setEnabled(property.state.toBool()); baseNodeChangedCallback(); baseNodeInvalidateAllFramesCallback(); } } } } void KisLayer::disableAlphaChannel(bool disable) { QBitArray newChannelFlags = m_d->channelFlags; if(newChannelFlags.isEmpty()) newChannelFlags = colorSpace()->channelFlags(true, true); if(disable) newChannelFlags &= colorSpace()->channelFlags(true, false); else newChannelFlags |= colorSpace()->channelFlags(false, true); setChannelFlags(newChannelFlags); } bool KisLayer::alphaChannelDisabled() const { QBitArray flags = colorSpace()->channelFlags(false, true) & m_d->channelFlags; return flags.count(true) == 0 && !m_d->channelFlags.isEmpty(); } void KisLayer::setChannelFlags(const QBitArray & channelFlags) { Q_ASSERT(channelFlags.isEmpty() ||((quint32)channelFlags.count() == colorSpace()->channelCount())); if (KritaUtils::compareChannelFlags(channelFlags, this->channelFlags())) { return; } if (!channelFlags.isEmpty() && channelFlags == QBitArray(channelFlags.size(), true)) { m_d->channelFlags.clear(); } else { m_d->channelFlags = channelFlags; } baseNodeChangedCallback(); baseNodeInvalidateAllFramesCallback(); } QBitArray & KisLayer::channelFlags() const { return m_d->channelFlags; } bool KisLayer::temporary() const { return nodeProperties().boolProperty("temporary", false); } void KisLayer::setTemporary(bool t) { nodeProperties().setProperty("temporary", t); } KisImageWSP KisLayer::image() const { return m_d->image; } void KisLayer::setImage(KisImageWSP image) { m_d->image = image; KisNodeSP node = firstChild(); while (node) { KisLayerUtils::recursiveApplyNodes(node, [image] (KisNodeSP node) { node->setImage(image); }); node = node->nextSibling(); } } bool KisLayer::canMergeAndKeepBlendOptions(KisLayerSP otherLayer) { return this->compositeOpId() == otherLayer->compositeOpId() && this->opacity() == otherLayer->opacity() && this->channelFlags() == otherLayer->channelFlags() && !this->layerStyle() && !otherLayer->layerStyle() && (this->colorSpace() == otherLayer->colorSpace() || *this->colorSpace() == *otherLayer->colorSpace()); } KisLayerSP KisLayer::createMergedLayerTemplate(KisLayerSP prevLayer) { const bool keepBlendingOptions = canMergeAndKeepBlendOptions(prevLayer); KisLayerSP newLayer = new KisPaintLayer(image(), prevLayer->name(), OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8); if (keepBlendingOptions) { newLayer->setCompositeOpId(compositeOpId()); newLayer->setOpacity(opacity()); newLayer->setChannelFlags(channelFlags()); } return newLayer; } void KisLayer::fillMergedLayerTemplate(KisLayerSP dstLayer, KisLayerSP prevLayer) { const bool keepBlendingOptions = canMergeAndKeepBlendOptions(prevLayer); QRect layerProjectionExtent = this->projection()->extent(); QRect prevLayerProjectionExtent = prevLayer->projection()->extent(); bool alphaDisabled = this->alphaChannelDisabled(); bool prevAlphaDisabled = prevLayer->alphaChannelDisabled(); KisPaintDeviceSP mergedDevice = dstLayer->paintDevice(); if (!keepBlendingOptions) { KisPainter gc(mergedDevice); KisImageSP imageSP = image().toStrongRef(); if (!imageSP) { return; } //Copy the pixels of previous layer with their actual alpha value prevLayer->disableAlphaChannel(false); prevLayer->projectionPlane()->apply(&gc, prevLayerProjectionExtent | imageSP->bounds()); //Restore the previous prevLayer disableAlpha status for correct undo/redo prevLayer->disableAlphaChannel(prevAlphaDisabled); //Paint the pixels of the current layer, using their actual alpha value if (alphaDisabled == prevAlphaDisabled) { this->disableAlphaChannel(false); } this->projectionPlane()->apply(&gc, layerProjectionExtent | imageSP->bounds()); //Restore the layer disableAlpha status for correct undo/redo this->disableAlphaChannel(alphaDisabled); } else { //Copy prevLayer KisPaintDeviceSP srcDev = prevLayer->projection(); mergedDevice->makeCloneFrom(srcDev, srcDev->extent()); //Paint layer on the copy KisPainter gc(mergedDevice); gc.bitBlt(layerProjectionExtent.topLeft(), this->projection(), layerProjectionExtent); } } void KisLayer::registerClone(KisCloneLayerWSP clone) { m_d->clonesList.addClone(clone); } void KisLayer::unregisterClone(KisCloneLayerWSP clone) { m_d->clonesList.removeClone(clone); } const QList KisLayer::registeredClones() const { return m_d->clonesList.registeredClones(); } bool KisLayer::hasClones() const { return m_d->clonesList.hasClones(); } void KisLayer::updateClones(const QRect &rect) { m_d->clonesList.setDirty(rect); } KisSelectionMaskSP KisLayer::selectionMask() const { KoProperties properties; properties.setProperty("active", true); QList masks = childNodes(QStringList("KisSelectionMask"), properties); // return the first visible mask Q_FOREACH (KisNodeSP mask, masks) { if (mask->visible()) { return dynamic_cast(mask.data()); } } return KisSelectionMaskSP(); } KisSelectionSP KisLayer::selection() const { KisSelectionMaskSP mask = selectionMask(); if (mask) { return mask->selection(); } KisImageSP image = m_d->image.toStrongRef(); if (image) { return image->globalSelection(); } return KisSelectionSP(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QList KisLayer::effectMasks(KisNodeSP lastNode) const { QList masks; if (childCount() > 0) { KoProperties properties; properties.setProperty("visible", true); QList nodes = childNodes(QStringList("KisEffectMask"), properties); Q_FOREACH (const KisNodeSP& node, nodes) { if (node == lastNode) break; KisEffectMaskSP mask = dynamic_cast(const_cast(node.data())); if (mask) masks.append(mask); } } return masks; } bool KisLayer::hasEffectMasks() const { if (childCount() == 0) return false; KisNodeSP node = firstChild(); while (node) { if (node->inherits("KisEffectMask") && node->visible()) { return true; } node = node->nextSibling(); } return false; } QRect KisLayer::masksChangeRect(const QList &masks, const QRect &requestedRect, bool &rectVariesFlag) const { rectVariesFlag = false; QRect prevChangeRect = requestedRect; /** * We set default value of the change rect for the case * when there is no mask at all */ QRect changeRect = requestedRect; Q_FOREACH (const KisEffectMaskSP& mask, masks) { changeRect = mask->changeRect(prevChangeRect); if (changeRect != prevChangeRect) rectVariesFlag = true; prevChangeRect = changeRect; } return changeRect; } QRect KisLayer::masksNeedRect(const QList &masks, const QRect &changeRect, QStack &applyRects, bool &rectVariesFlag) const { rectVariesFlag = false; QRect prevNeedRect = changeRect; QRect needRect; for (qint32 i = masks.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { applyRects.push(prevNeedRect); needRect = masks[i]->needRect(prevNeedRect); if (prevNeedRect != needRect) rectVariesFlag = true; prevNeedRect = needRect; } return needRect; } KisNode::PositionToFilthy calculatePositionToFilthy(KisNodeSP nodeInQuestion, KisNodeSP filthy, KisNodeSP parent) { if (parent == filthy || parent != filthy->parent()) { return KisNode::N_ABOVE_FILTHY; } if (nodeInQuestion == filthy) { return KisNode::N_FILTHY; } KisNodeSP node = nodeInQuestion->prevSibling(); while (node) { if (node == filthy) { return KisNode::N_ABOVE_FILTHY; } node = node->prevSibling(); } return KisNode::N_BELOW_FILTHY; } QRect KisLayer::applyMasks(const KisPaintDeviceSP source, KisPaintDeviceSP destination, const QRect &requestedRect, KisNodeSP filthyNode, KisNodeSP lastNode) const { Q_ASSERT(source); Q_ASSERT(destination); QList masks = effectMasks(lastNode); QRect changeRect; QRect needRect; if (masks.isEmpty()) { changeRect = requestedRect; if (source != destination) { copyOriginalToProjection(source, destination, requestedRect); } } else { QStack applyRects; bool changeRectVaries; bool needRectVaries; /** * FIXME: Assume that varying of the changeRect has already * been taken into account while preparing walkers */ changeRectVaries = false; changeRect = requestedRect; //changeRect = masksChangeRect(masks, requestedRect, // changeRectVaries); needRect = masksNeedRect(masks, changeRect, applyRects, needRectVaries); if (!changeRectVaries && !needRectVaries) { /** * A bit of optimization: * All filters will read/write exactly from/to the requested * rect so we needn't create temporary paint device, * just apply it onto destination */ Q_ASSERT(needRect == requestedRect); if (source != destination) { copyOriginalToProjection(source, destination, needRect); } Q_FOREACH (const KisEffectMaskSP& mask, masks) { const QRect maskApplyRect = applyRects.pop(); const QRect maskNeedRect = applyRects.isEmpty() ? needRect : applyRects.top(); PositionToFilthy maskPosition = calculatePositionToFilthy(mask, filthyNode, const_cast(this)); mask->apply(destination, maskApplyRect, maskNeedRect, maskPosition); } Q_ASSERT(applyRects.isEmpty()); } else { /** * We can't eliminate additional copy-op * as filters' behaviour may be quite insane here, * so let them work on their own paintDevice =) */ KisPaintDeviceSP tempDevice = new KisPaintDevice(colorSpace()); tempDevice->prepareClone(source); copyOriginalToProjection(source, tempDevice, needRect); QRect maskApplyRect = applyRects.pop(); QRect maskNeedRect = needRect; Q_FOREACH (const KisEffectMaskSP& mask, masks) { PositionToFilthy maskPosition = calculatePositionToFilthy(mask, filthyNode, const_cast(this)); mask->apply(tempDevice, maskApplyRect, maskNeedRect, maskPosition); if (!applyRects.isEmpty()) { maskNeedRect = maskApplyRect; maskApplyRect = applyRects.pop(); } } Q_ASSERT(applyRects.isEmpty()); KisPainter::copyAreaOptimized(changeRect.topLeft(), tempDevice, destination, changeRect); } } return changeRect; } QRect KisLayer::updateProjection(const QRect& rect, KisNodeSP filthyNode) { QRect updatedRect = rect; KisPaintDeviceSP originalDevice = original(); if (!rect.isValid() || !visible() || !originalDevice) return QRect(); if (!needProjection() && !hasEffectMasks()) { m_d->safeProjection.freeDevice(); } else { if (!updatedRect.isEmpty()) { KisPaintDeviceSP projection = m_d->safeProjection.getDeviceLazy(originalDevice); updatedRect = applyMasks(originalDevice, projection, updatedRect, filthyNode, 0); } } return updatedRect; } QRect KisLayer::partialChangeRect(KisNodeSP lastNode, const QRect& rect) { bool changeRectVaries = false; QRect changeRect = outgoingChangeRect(rect); changeRect = masksChangeRect(effectMasks(lastNode), changeRect, changeRectVaries); return changeRect; } /** * \p rect is a dirty rect in layer's original() coordinates! */ void KisLayer::buildProjectionUpToNode(KisPaintDeviceSP projection, KisNodeSP lastNode, const QRect& rect) { QRect changeRect = partialChangeRect(lastNode, rect); KisPaintDeviceSP originalDevice = original(); KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(needProjection() || hasEffectMasks()); if (!changeRect.isEmpty()) { applyMasks(originalDevice, projection, changeRect, this, lastNode); } } bool KisLayer::needProjection() const { return false; } void KisLayer::copyOriginalToProjection(const KisPaintDeviceSP original, KisPaintDeviceSP projection, const QRect& rect) const { KisPainter::copyAreaOptimized(rect.topLeft(), original, projection, rect); } KisAbstractProjectionPlaneSP KisLayer::projectionPlane() const { return m_d->layerStyleProjectionPlane ? m_d->layerStyleProjectionPlane : m_d->projectionPlane; } KisAbstractProjectionPlaneSP KisLayer::internalProjectionPlane() const { return m_d->projectionPlane; } KisPaintDeviceSP KisLayer::projection() const { KisPaintDeviceSP originalDevice = original(); return needProjection() || hasEffectMasks() ? m_d->safeProjection.getDeviceLazy(originalDevice) : originalDevice; } QRect KisLayer::changeRect(const QRect &rect, PositionToFilthy pos) const { QRect changeRect = rect; changeRect = incomingChangeRect(changeRect); if(pos == KisNode::N_FILTHY) { QRect projectionToBeUpdated = projection()->exactBoundsAmortized() & changeRect; bool changeRectVaries; changeRect = outgoingChangeRect(changeRect); changeRect = masksChangeRect(effectMasks(), changeRect, changeRectVaries); /** * If the projection contains some dirty areas we should also * add them to the change rect, because they might have * changed. E.g. when a visibility of the mask has chnaged * while the parent layer was invinisble. */ if (!projectionToBeUpdated.isEmpty() && !changeRect.contains(projectionToBeUpdated)) { changeRect |= projectionToBeUpdated; } } // TODO: string comparizon: optimize! if (pos != KisNode::N_FILTHY && pos != KisNode::N_FILTHY_PROJECTION && compositeOpId() != COMPOSITE_COPY) { changeRect |= rect; } return changeRect; } QRect KisLayer::incomingChangeRect(const QRect &rect) const { return rect; } QRect KisLayer::outgoingChangeRect(const QRect &rect) const { return rect; } QImage KisLayer::createThumbnail(qint32 w, qint32 h) { + if (w == 0 || h == 0) { + return QImage(); + } + KisPaintDeviceSP originalDevice = original(); return originalDevice ? originalDevice->createThumbnail(w, h, 1, KoColorConversionTransformation::internalRenderingIntent(), KoColorConversionTransformation::internalConversionFlags()) : QImage(); } qint32 KisLayer::x() const { KisPaintDeviceSP originalDevice = original(); return originalDevice ? originalDevice->x() : 0; } qint32 KisLayer::y() const { KisPaintDeviceSP originalDevice = original(); return originalDevice ? originalDevice->y() : 0; } void KisLayer::setX(qint32 x) { KisPaintDeviceSP originalDevice = original(); if (originalDevice) originalDevice->setX(x); } void KisLayer::setY(qint32 y) { KisPaintDeviceSP originalDevice = original(); if (originalDevice) originalDevice->setY(y); } QRect KisLayer::layerExtentImpl(bool needExactBounds) const { QRect additionalMaskExtent = QRect(); QList effectMasks = this->effectMasks(); Q_FOREACH(KisEffectMaskSP mask, effectMasks) { additionalMaskExtent |= mask->nonDependentExtent(); } KisPaintDeviceSP originalDevice = original(); QRect layerExtent; if (originalDevice) { layerExtent = needExactBounds ? originalDevice->exactBounds() : originalDevice->extent(); } QRect additionalCompositeOpExtent; if (compositeOpId() == COMPOSITE_DESTINATION_IN || compositeOpId() == COMPOSITE_DESTINATION_ATOP) { additionalCompositeOpExtent = originalDevice->defaultBounds()->bounds(); } return layerExtent | additionalMaskExtent | additionalCompositeOpExtent; } QRect KisLayer::extent() const { return layerExtentImpl(false); } QRect KisLayer::exactBounds() const { return layerExtentImpl(true); } KisLayerSP KisLayer::parentLayer() const { return qobject_cast(parent().data()); } KisMetaData::Store* KisLayer::metaData() { return m_d->metaDataStore; } diff --git a/libs/image/kis_paint_device_cache.h b/libs/image/kis_paint_device_cache.h index f783981879..39062ba664 100644 --- a/libs/image/kis_paint_device_cache.h +++ b/libs/image/kis_paint_device_cache.h @@ -1,166 +1,170 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2015 Dmitry Kazakov * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef __KIS_PAINT_DEVICE_CACHE_H #define __KIS_PAINT_DEVICE_CACHE_H #include "kis_lock_free_cache.h" #include class KisPaintDeviceCache { public: KisPaintDeviceCache(KisPaintDevice *paintDevice) : m_paintDevice(paintDevice), m_exactBoundsCache(paintDevice), m_nonDefaultPixelAreaCache(paintDevice), m_regionCache(paintDevice), m_sequenceNumber(0) { } KisPaintDeviceCache(const KisPaintDeviceCache &rhs) : m_paintDevice(rhs.m_paintDevice), m_exactBoundsCache(rhs.m_paintDevice), m_nonDefaultPixelAreaCache(rhs.m_paintDevice), m_regionCache(rhs.m_paintDevice), m_sequenceNumber(0) { } void setupCache() { invalidate(); } void invalidate() { m_thumbnailsValid = false; m_exactBoundsCache.invalidate(); m_nonDefaultPixelAreaCache.invalidate(); m_regionCache.invalidate(); m_sequenceNumber++; } QRect exactBounds() { return m_exactBoundsCache.getValue(); } QRect exactBoundsAmortized() { QRect bounds; bool result = m_exactBoundsCache.tryGetValue(bounds); if (!result) { /** * The calculation of the exact bounds might be too slow * in some special cases, e.g. for an empty canvas of 7k * by 6k. So we just always return extent, when the exact * bounds is not available. */ bounds = m_paintDevice->extent(); } return bounds; } QRect nonDefaultPixelArea() { return m_nonDefaultPixelAreaCache.getValue(); } QRegion region() { return m_regionCache.getValue(); } QImage createThumbnail(qint32 w, qint32 h, qreal oversample, KoColorConversionTransformation::Intent renderingIntent, KoColorConversionTransformation::ConversionFlags conversionFlags) { QImage thumbnail; - if(m_thumbnailsValid) { + if (h == 0 || w == 0) { + return thumbnail; + } + + if (m_thumbnailsValid) { thumbnail = findThumbnail(w, h, oversample); } else { m_thumbnails.clear(); m_thumbnailsValid = true; } - if(thumbnail.isNull()) { + if (thumbnail.isNull()) { thumbnail = m_paintDevice->createThumbnail(w, h, QRect(), oversample, renderingIntent, conversionFlags); cacheThumbnail(w, h, oversample, thumbnail); } return thumbnail; } int sequenceNumber() const { return m_sequenceNumber; } private: inline QImage findThumbnail(qint32 w, qint32 h, qreal oversample) { QImage resultImage; if (m_thumbnails.contains(w) && m_thumbnails[w].contains(h) && m_thumbnails[w][h].contains(oversample)) { resultImage = m_thumbnails[w][h][oversample]; } return resultImage; } inline void cacheThumbnail(qint32 w, qint32 h, qreal oversample, QImage image) { m_thumbnails[w][h][oversample] = image; } private: KisPaintDevice *m_paintDevice; struct ExactBoundsCache : KisLockFreeCache { ExactBoundsCache(KisPaintDevice *paintDevice) : m_paintDevice(paintDevice) {} QRect calculateNewValue() const { return m_paintDevice->calculateExactBounds(false); } private: KisPaintDevice *m_paintDevice; }; struct NonDefaultPixelCache : KisLockFreeCache { NonDefaultPixelCache(KisPaintDevice *paintDevice) : m_paintDevice(paintDevice) {} QRect calculateNewValue() const { return m_paintDevice->calculateExactBounds(true); } private: KisPaintDevice *m_paintDevice; }; struct RegionCache : KisLockFreeCache { RegionCache(KisPaintDevice *paintDevice) : m_paintDevice(paintDevice) {} QRegion calculateNewValue() const { return m_paintDevice->dataManager()->region(); } private: KisPaintDevice *m_paintDevice; }; ExactBoundsCache m_exactBoundsCache; NonDefaultPixelCache m_nonDefaultPixelAreaCache; RegionCache m_regionCache; bool m_thumbnailsValid; QMap > > m_thumbnails; QAtomicInt m_sequenceNumber; }; #endif /* __KIS_PAINT_DEVICE_CACHE_H */ diff --git a/libs/image/kis_paint_layer.cc b/libs/image/kis_paint_layer.cc index e6b9c9947d..25e8e1691b 100644 --- a/libs/image/kis_paint_layer.cc +++ b/libs/image/kis_paint_layer.cc @@ -1,355 +1,354 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2005 C. Boemann * Copyright (c) 2006 Bart Coppens * Copyright (c) 2007 Boudewijn Rempt * Copyright (c) 2009 Dmitry Kazakov * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_paint_layer.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_image.h" #include "kis_painter.h" #include "kis_paint_device.h" #include "kis_node_visitor.h" #include "kis_processing_visitor.h" #include "kis_default_bounds.h" #include "kis_onion_skin_compositor.h" #include "kis_raster_keyframe_channel.h" #include "kis_signal_auto_connection.h" #include "kis_layer_properties_icons.h" #include "kis_onion_skin_cache.h" struct Q_DECL_HIDDEN KisPaintLayer::Private { public: Private() : contentChannel(0) {} KisPaintDeviceSP paintDevice; QBitArray paintChannelFlags; // the real pointer is owned by the paint device KisRasterKeyframeChannel *contentChannel; KisSignalAutoConnectionsStore onionSkinConnection; KisOnionSkinCache onionSkinCache; }; KisPaintLayer::KisPaintLayer(KisImageWSP image, const QString& name, quint8 opacity, KisPaintDeviceSP dev) - : KisLayer(image, name, opacity) - , m_d(new Private()) + : KisLayer(image, name, opacity) + , m_d(new Private()) { Q_ASSERT(dev); init(dev); m_d->paintDevice->setDefaultBounds(new KisDefaultBounds(image)); } KisPaintLayer::KisPaintLayer(KisImageWSP image, const QString& name, quint8 opacity) - : KisLayer(image, name, opacity) - , m_d(new Private()) + : KisLayer(image, name, opacity) + , m_d(new Private()) { Q_ASSERT(image); init(new KisPaintDevice(this, image->colorSpace(), new KisDefaultBounds(image))); } KisPaintLayer::KisPaintLayer(KisImageWSP image, const QString& name, quint8 opacity, const KoColorSpace * colorSpace) - : KisLayer(image, name, opacity) - , m_d(new Private()) + : KisLayer(image, name, opacity) + , m_d(new Private()) { if (!colorSpace) { Q_ASSERT(image); colorSpace = image->colorSpace(); } Q_ASSERT(colorSpace); init(new KisPaintDevice(this, colorSpace, new KisDefaultBounds(image))); } KisPaintLayer::KisPaintLayer(const KisPaintLayer& rhs) - : KisLayer(rhs) - , KisIndirectPaintingSupport() - , m_d(new Private) + : KisLayer(rhs) + , KisIndirectPaintingSupport() + , m_d(new Private) { const bool copyFrames = (rhs.m_d->contentChannel != 0); - if (!copyFrames) { init(new KisPaintDevice(*rhs.m_d->paintDevice.data()), rhs.m_d->paintChannelFlags); } else { init(new KisPaintDevice(*rhs.m_d->paintDevice.data(), true, this), rhs.m_d->paintChannelFlags); m_d->contentChannel = m_d->paintDevice->keyframeChannel(); addKeyframeChannel(m_d->contentChannel); m_d->contentChannel->setOnionSkinsEnabled(rhs.onionSkinEnabled()); KisLayer::enableAnimation(); } } void KisPaintLayer::init(KisPaintDeviceSP paintDevice, const QBitArray &paintChannelFlags) { m_d->paintDevice = paintDevice; m_d->paintDevice->setParentNode(this); m_d->paintChannelFlags = paintChannelFlags; } KisPaintLayer::~KisPaintLayer() { delete m_d; } bool KisPaintLayer::allowAsChild(KisNodeSP node) const { return node->inherits("KisMask"); } KisPaintDeviceSP KisPaintLayer::original() const { return m_d->paintDevice; } KisPaintDeviceSP KisPaintLayer::paintDevice() const { return m_d->paintDevice; } bool KisPaintLayer::needProjection() const { return hasTemporaryTarget() || (isAnimated() && onionSkinEnabled()); } void KisPaintLayer::copyOriginalToProjection(const KisPaintDeviceSP original, - KisPaintDeviceSP projection, - const QRect& rect) const + KisPaintDeviceSP projection, + const QRect& rect) const { KisIndirectPaintingSupport::ReadLocker l(this); KisPainter::copyAreaOptimized(rect.topLeft(), original, projection, rect); if (hasTemporaryTarget()) { KisPainter gc(projection); setupTemporaryPainter(&gc); gc.bitBlt(rect.topLeft(), temporaryTarget(), rect); } if (m_d->contentChannel && - m_d->contentChannel->keyframeCount() > 1 && - onionSkinEnabled() && - !m_d->paintDevice->defaultBounds()->externalFrameActive()) { + m_d->contentChannel->keyframeCount() > 1 && + onionSkinEnabled() && + !m_d->paintDevice->defaultBounds()->externalFrameActive()) { KisPaintDeviceSP skins = m_d->onionSkinCache.projection(m_d->paintDevice); KisPainter gcDest(projection); gcDest.setCompositeOp(m_d->paintDevice->colorSpace()->compositeOp(COMPOSITE_BEHIND)); gcDest.bitBlt(rect.topLeft(), skins, rect); gcDest.end(); } if (!m_d->contentChannel || - (m_d->contentChannel && m_d->contentChannel->keyframeCount() <= 1) || - !onionSkinEnabled()) { + (m_d->contentChannel && m_d->contentChannel->keyframeCount() <= 1) || + !onionSkinEnabled()) { m_d->onionSkinCache.reset(); } } void KisPaintLayer::setDirty(const QRect & rect) { KisLayer::setDirty(rect); } QIcon KisPaintLayer::icon() const { return KisIconUtils::loadIcon("paintLayer"); } void KisPaintLayer::setImage(KisImageWSP image) { m_d->paintDevice->setDefaultBounds(new KisDefaultBounds(image)); KisLayer::setImage(image); } KisBaseNode::PropertyList KisPaintLayer::sectionModelProperties() const { KisBaseNode::PropertyList l = KisLayer::sectionModelProperties(); l << KisLayerPropertiesIcons::getProperty(KisLayerPropertiesIcons::alphaLocked, alphaLocked()); if (isAnimated()) { l << KisLayerPropertiesIcons::getProperty(KisLayerPropertiesIcons::onionSkins, onionSkinEnabled()); } return l; } void KisPaintLayer::setSectionModelProperties(const KisBaseNode::PropertyList &properties) { Q_FOREACH (const KisBaseNode::Property &property, properties) { if (property.name == i18n("Alpha Locked")) { setAlphaLocked(property.state.toBool()); } else if (property.name == i18n("Onion Skins")) { setOnionSkinEnabled(property.state.toBool()); } } KisLayer::setSectionModelProperties(properties); } const KoColorSpace * KisPaintLayer::colorSpace() const { return m_d->paintDevice->colorSpace(); } bool KisPaintLayer::accept(KisNodeVisitor &v) { return v.visit(this); } void KisPaintLayer::accept(KisProcessingVisitor &visitor, KisUndoAdapter *undoAdapter) { return visitor.visit(this, undoAdapter); } void KisPaintLayer::setChannelLockFlags(const QBitArray& channelFlags) { Q_ASSERT(((quint32)channelFlags.count() == colorSpace()->channelCount() || channelFlags.isEmpty())); m_d->paintChannelFlags = channelFlags; } const QBitArray& KisPaintLayer::channelLockFlags() const { return m_d->paintChannelFlags; } QRect KisPaintLayer::extent() const { KisPaintDeviceSP t = temporaryTarget(); QRect rect = t ? t->extent() : QRect(); if (onionSkinEnabled()) rect |= KisOnionSkinCompositor::instance()->calculateExtent(m_d->paintDevice); return rect | KisLayer::extent(); } QRect KisPaintLayer::exactBounds() const { KisPaintDeviceSP t = temporaryTarget(); QRect rect = t ? t->extent() : QRect(); if (onionSkinEnabled()) rect |= KisOnionSkinCompositor::instance()->calculateExtent(m_d->paintDevice); return rect | KisLayer::exactBounds(); } bool KisPaintLayer::alphaLocked() const { QBitArray flags = colorSpace()->channelFlags(false, true) & m_d->paintChannelFlags; return flags.count(true) == 0 && !m_d->paintChannelFlags.isEmpty(); } void KisPaintLayer::setAlphaLocked(bool lock) { if(m_d->paintChannelFlags.isEmpty()) m_d->paintChannelFlags = colorSpace()->channelFlags(true, true); if(lock) m_d->paintChannelFlags &= colorSpace()->channelFlags(true, false); else m_d->paintChannelFlags |= colorSpace()->channelFlags(false, true); baseNodeChangedCallback(); } bool KisPaintLayer::onionSkinEnabled() const { return nodeProperties().boolProperty("onionskin", false); } void KisPaintLayer::setOnionSkinEnabled(bool state) { int oldState = onionSkinEnabled(); if (oldState == state) return; if (state == false && oldState) { // FIXME: change ordering! race condition possible! // Turning off onionskins shrinks our extent. Let's clean up the onion skins first setDirty(KisOnionSkinCompositor::instance()->calculateExtent(m_d->paintDevice)); } if (state) { m_d->onionSkinConnection.addConnection(KisOnionSkinCompositor::instance(), SIGNAL(sigOnionSkinChanged()), this, SLOT(slotExternalUpdateOnionSkins())); } else { m_d->onionSkinConnection.clear(); } nodeProperties().setProperty("onionskin", state); if (m_d->contentChannel) { m_d->contentChannel->setOnionSkinsEnabled(state); } baseNodeChangedCallback(); } void KisPaintLayer::slotExternalUpdateOnionSkins() { if (!onionSkinEnabled()) return; const QRect dirtyRect = - KisOnionSkinCompositor::instance()->calculateFullExtent(m_d->paintDevice); + KisOnionSkinCompositor::instance()->calculateFullExtent(m_d->paintDevice); setDirty(dirtyRect); } KisKeyframeChannel *KisPaintLayer::requestKeyframeChannel(const QString &id) { if (id == KisKeyframeChannel::Content.id()) { m_d->contentChannel = m_d->paintDevice->createKeyframeChannel(KisKeyframeChannel::Content); m_d->contentChannel->setOnionSkinsEnabled(onionSkinEnabled()); return m_d->contentChannel; } return KisLayer::requestKeyframeChannel(id); } KisPaintDeviceList KisPaintLayer::getLodCapableDevices() const { KisPaintDeviceList list = KisLayer::getLodCapableDevices(); KisPaintDeviceSP onionSkinsDevice = m_d->onionSkinCache.lodCapableDevice(); if (onionSkinsDevice) { list << onionSkinsDevice; } return list; } diff --git a/libs/pigment/CMakeLists.txt b/libs/pigment/CMakeLists.txt index 0f8f923b13..3c67d26329 100644 --- a/libs/pigment/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/libs/pigment/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,137 +1,131 @@ project(kritapigment) # we have to repeat platform specifics from top-level if (WIN32) include_directories(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/winquirks) add_definitions(-D_USE_MATH_DEFINES) add_definitions(-DNOMINMAX) set(WIN32_PLATFORM_NET_LIBS ws2_32.lib netapi32.lib) endif () include_directories( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/resources ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/compositeops) include_directories(SYSTEM ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) set(FILE_OPENEXR_SOURCES) set(LINK_OPENEXR_LIB) if(OPENEXR_FOUND) include_directories(SYSTEM ${OPENEXR_INCLUDE_DIR}) set(LINK_OPENEXR_LIB ${OPENEXR_LIBRARIES}) add_definitions(${OPENEXR_DEFINITIONS}) endif() set(LINK_VC_LIB) if(HAVE_VC) include_directories(SYSTEM ${Vc_INCLUDE_DIR}) set(LINK_VC_LIB ${Vc_LIBRARIES}) ko_compile_for_all_implementations_no_scalar(__per_arch_factory_objs compositeops/KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactoryPerArch.cpp) message("Following objects are generated from the per-arch lib") message(${__per_arch_factory_objs}) endif() add_subdirectory(tests) add_subdirectory(benchmarks) set(kritapigment_SRCS DebugPigment.cpp KoBasicHistogramProducers.cpp KoColor.cpp KoColorDisplayRendererInterface.cpp KoColorConversionAlphaTransformation.cpp KoColorConversionCache.cpp KoColorConversions.cpp KoColorConversionSystem.cpp KoColorConversionTransformation.cpp KoColorProofingConversionTransformation.cpp KoColorConversionTransformationFactory.cpp KoColorModelStandardIds.cpp KoColorProfile.cpp KoColorSpace.cpp KoColorSpaceEngine.cpp KoColorSpaceFactory.cpp KoColorSpaceMaths.cpp KoColorSpaceRegistry.cpp KoColorTransformation.cpp KoColorTransformationFactory.cpp KoColorTransformationFactoryRegistry.cpp KoCompositeColorTransformation.cpp KoCompositeOp.cpp KoCompositeOpRegistry.cpp KoCopyColorConversionTransformation.cpp KoFallBackColorTransformation.cpp KoHistogramProducer.cpp KoMultipleColorConversionTransformation.cpp KoUniqueNumberForIdServer.cpp colorspaces/KoAlphaColorSpace.cpp colorspaces/KoAlphaU16ColorSpace.cpp colorspaces/KoAlphaF16ColorSpace.cpp colorspaces/KoAlphaF32ColorSpace.cpp colorspaces/KoLabColorSpace.cpp colorspaces/KoRgbU16ColorSpace.cpp colorspaces/KoRgbU8ColorSpace.cpp colorspaces/KoSimpleColorSpaceEngine.cpp compositeops/KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactory.cpp compositeops/KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactoryPerArch_Scalar.cpp ${__per_arch_factory_objs} colorprofiles/KoDummyColorProfile.cpp resources/KoAbstractGradient.cpp resources/KoColorSet.cpp resources/KoPattern.cpp resources/KoResource.cpp resources/KoMD5Generator.cpp resources/KoHashGeneratorProvider.cpp resources/KoStopGradient.cpp resources/KoSegmentGradient.cpp ) if (HAVE_LCMS24 AND OPENEXR_FOUND) set (kritapigment_SRCS ${kritapigment_SRCS} colorspaces/KoAlphaF16ColorSpace.cpp ) endif() set (EXTRA_LIBRARIES ${LINK_OPENEXR_LIB} ${LINK_VC_LIB}) if(MSVC OR (WIN32 AND "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "Intel")) # avoid "cannot open file 'LIBC.lib'" error set(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBC.LIB") endif() add_library(kritapigment SHARED ${kritapigment_SRCS}) generate_export_header(kritapigment) -if (HAVE_VC) - target_link_libraries(kritapigment PUBLIC KF5::I18n KF5::ConfigCore) - if (NOT PACKAGERS_BUILD) - set_property(TARGET kritapigment APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_OPTIONS "${Vc_ARCHITECTURE_FLAGS}") - endif() -endif() - target_include_directories( kritapigment PUBLIC $ $ ) target_link_libraries( kritapigment PUBLIC kritaplugin ${EXTRA_LIBRARIES} KF5::I18n + KF5::ConfigCore Qt5::Core Qt5::Gui Qt5::Xml ${WIN32_PLATFORM_NET_LIBS} ) set_target_properties(kritapigment PROPERTIES VERSION ${GENERIC_KRITA_LIB_VERSION} SOVERSION ${GENERIC_KRITA_LIB_SOVERSION} ) install(TARGETS kritapigment ${INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS}) diff --git a/libs/pigment/compositeops/KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactory.cpp b/libs/pigment/compositeops/KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactory.cpp index efa8614d85..90a8d1f621 100644 --- a/libs/pigment/compositeops/KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactory.cpp +++ b/libs/pigment/compositeops/KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactory.cpp @@ -1,53 +1,46 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2012 Dmitry Kazakov * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactoryPerArch.h" // vc.h must come first #include "KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactory.h" #if defined(__clang__) #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wundef" #endif -static struct ArchReporter { - ArchReporter() { - createOptimizedClass(0); - } -} StaticReporter; - - KoCompositeOp* KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactory::createAlphaDarkenOp32(const KoColorSpace *cs) { return createOptimizedClass >(cs); } KoCompositeOp* KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactory::createOverOp32(const KoColorSpace *cs) { return createOptimizedClass >(cs); } KoCompositeOp* KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactory::createAlphaDarkenOp128(const KoColorSpace *cs) { return createOptimizedClass >(cs); } KoCompositeOp* KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactory::createOverOp128(const KoColorSpace *cs) { return createOptimizedClass >(cs); } diff --git a/libs/pigment/compositeops/KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactoryPerArch.cpp b/libs/pigment/compositeops/KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactoryPerArch.cpp index f817b5571e..a12679be06 100644 --- a/libs/pigment/compositeops/KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactoryPerArch.cpp +++ b/libs/pigment/compositeops/KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactoryPerArch.cpp @@ -1,90 +1,69 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2012 Dmitry Kazakov * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #if !defined _MSC_VER #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wundef" #endif #include "KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactoryPerArch.h" #include "KoOptimizedCompositeOpAlphaDarken32.h" #include "KoOptimizedCompositeOpAlphaDarken128.h" #include "KoOptimizedCompositeOpOver32.h" #include "KoOptimizedCompositeOpOver128.h" #include #include "DebugPigment.h" #include #if defined(__clang__) #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wlocal-type-template-args" #endif template<> template<> KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactoryPerArch::ReturnType KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactoryPerArch::create(ParamType param) { return new KoOptimizedCompositeOpAlphaDarken32(param); } template<> template<> KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactoryPerArch::ReturnType KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactoryPerArch::create(ParamType param) { return new KoOptimizedCompositeOpOver32(param); } template<> template<> KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactoryPerArch::ReturnType KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactoryPerArch::create(ParamType param) { return new KoOptimizedCompositeOpAlphaDarken128(param); } template<> template<> KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactoryPerArch::ReturnType KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactoryPerArch::create(ParamType param) { return new KoOptimizedCompositeOpOver128(param); } - -#define __stringify(_s) #_s -#define stringify(_s) __stringify(_s) - -inline void printFeatureSupported(const QString &feature, Vc::Implementation impl) -{ - dbgPigment << "\t" << feature << "\t---\t" << (Vc::isImplementationSupported(impl) ? "yes" : "no"); -} - -template<> -KoReportCurrentArch::ReturnType -KoReportCurrentArch::create(ParamType) -{ - dbgPigment << "Compiled for arch:" << Vc::CurrentImplementation::current(); - dbgPigment << "Features supported:"; - printFeatureSupported("SSE2", Vc::SSE2Impl); - printFeatureSupported("SSSE3", Vc::SSSE3Impl); - printFeatureSupported("SSE4.1", Vc::SSE41Impl); - printFeatureSupported("AVX ", Vc::AVXImpl); - printFeatureSupported("AVX2 ", Vc::AVX2Impl); -} diff --git a/libs/pigment/compositeops/KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactoryPerArch.h b/libs/pigment/compositeops/KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactoryPerArch.h index e582ac7af3..353d525e1f 100644 --- a/libs/pigment/compositeops/KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactoryPerArch.h +++ b/libs/pigment/compositeops/KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactoryPerArch.h @@ -1,62 +1,54 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2012 Dmitry Kazakov * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KOOPTIMIZEDCOMPOSITEOPFACTORYPERARCH_H #define KOOPTIMIZEDCOMPOSITEOPFACTORYPERARCH_H #include class KoCompositeOp; class KoColorSpace; template class KoOptimizedCompositeOpAlphaDarken32; template class KoOptimizedCompositeOpOver32; template class KoOptimizedCompositeOpAlphaDarken128; template class KoOptimizedCompositeOpOver128; template class CompositeOp> struct KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactoryPerArch { typedef const KoColorSpace* ParamType; typedef KoCompositeOp* ReturnType; template static ReturnType create(ParamType param); }; -struct KoReportCurrentArch -{ - typedef void* ParamType; - typedef void ReturnType; - - template - static ReturnType create(ParamType); -}; #endif /* KOOPTIMIZEDCOMPOSITEOPFACTORYPERARCH_H */ diff --git a/libs/pigment/compositeops/KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactoryPerArch_Scalar.cpp b/libs/pigment/compositeops/KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactoryPerArch_Scalar.cpp index 62c586845c..0f8aed551f 100644 --- a/libs/pigment/compositeops/KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactoryPerArch_Scalar.cpp +++ b/libs/pigment/compositeops/KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactoryPerArch_Scalar.cpp @@ -1,64 +1,57 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2012 Dmitry Kazakov * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactoryPerArch.h" #include "KoColorSpaceTraits.h" #include "KoCompositeOpAlphaDarken.h" #include "KoCompositeOpOver.h" template<> template<> KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactoryPerArch::ReturnType KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactoryPerArch::create(ParamType param) { return new KoCompositeOpAlphaDarken(param); } template<> template<> KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactoryPerArch::ReturnType KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactoryPerArch::create(ParamType param) { return new KoCompositeOpOver(param); } template<> template<> KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactoryPerArch::ReturnType KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactoryPerArch::create(ParamType param) { return new KoCompositeOpAlphaDarken(param); } template<> template<> KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactoryPerArch::ReturnType KoOptimizedCompositeOpFactoryPerArch::create(ParamType param) { return new KoCompositeOpOver(param); } - -template<> -KoReportCurrentArch::ReturnType -KoReportCurrentArch::create(ParamType) -{ - dbgPigment << "Legacy integer arithmetics implementation"; -} diff --git a/libs/pigment/compositeops/KoVcMultiArchBuildSupport.h b/libs/pigment/compositeops/KoVcMultiArchBuildSupport.h index bb5153bdb1..2bdd069a74 100644 --- a/libs/pigment/compositeops/KoVcMultiArchBuildSupport.h +++ b/libs/pigment/compositeops/KoVcMultiArchBuildSupport.h @@ -1,132 +1,112 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2012 Dmitry Kazakov * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef __KOVCMULTIARCHBUILDSUPPORT_H #define __KOVCMULTIARCHBUILDSUPPORT_H #include "config-vc.h" #ifdef HAVE_VC #if defined(__clang__) #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wlocal-type-template-args" #endif #if defined _MSC_VER // Lets shut up the "possible loss of data" and "forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' #pragma warning ( push ) #pragma warning ( disable : 4244 ) #pragma warning ( disable : 4800 ) #endif #include #include #include #if defined _MSC_VER #pragma warning ( pop ) #endif #else /* HAVE_VC */ namespace Vc { enum Implementation /*: std::uint_least32_t*/ { ScalarImpl, }; class CurrentImplementation { public: static constexpr Implementation current() { return static_cast(ScalarImpl); } }; } -#ifdef DO_PACKAGERS_BUILD -#ifdef __GNUC__ -#warning "Packagers build is not available without the presence of Vc library. Disabling." -#endif -#undef DO_PACKAGERS_BUILD -#endif #endif /* HAVE_VC */ -#ifdef DO_PACKAGERS_BUILD - #include #include #include #include template typename FactoryType::ReturnType createOptimizedClass(typename FactoryType::ParamType param) { static bool isConfigInitialized = false; static bool useVectorization = true; if (!isConfigInitialized) { KConfigGroup cfg = KSharedConfig::openConfig()->group(""); useVectorization = !cfg.readEntry("amdDisableVectorWorkaround", false); isConfigInitialized = true; } if (!useVectorization) { qWarning() << "WARNING: vector instructions disabled by \'amdDisableVectorWorkaround\' option!"; return FactoryType::template create(param); } - +#ifdef HAVE_VC /** * We use SSE2, SSSE3, SSE4.1, AVX and AVX2. * The rest are integer and string instructions mostly. * * TODO: Add FMA3/4 when it is adopted by Vc */ if (Vc::isImplementationSupported(Vc::AVX2Impl)) { return FactoryType::template create(param); } else if (Vc::isImplementationSupported(Vc::AVXImpl)) { return FactoryType::template create(param); } else if (Vc::isImplementationSupported(Vc::SSE41Impl)) { return FactoryType::template create(param); } else if (Vc::isImplementationSupported(Vc::SSSE3Impl)) { return FactoryType::template create(param); } else if (Vc::isImplementationSupported(Vc::SSE2Impl)) { return FactoryType::template create(param); } else { +#endif return FactoryType::template create(param); +#ifdef HAVE_VC } -} - -#else /* DO_PACKAGERS_BUILD */ - -/** - * When doing not a packager's build we have one architecture only, - * so the factory methods are simplified - */ +#endif -template -typename FactoryType::ReturnType -createOptimizedClass(typename FactoryType::ParamType param) -{ - return FactoryType::template create(param); } -#endif /* DO_PACKAGERS_BUILD */ - #endif /* __KOVCMULTIARCHBUILDSUPPORT_H */ diff --git a/libs/ui/KisDocument.cpp b/libs/ui/KisDocument.cpp index 6845383d21..34acaa8eae 100644 --- a/libs/ui/KisDocument.cpp +++ b/libs/ui/KisDocument.cpp @@ -1,1712 +1,1717 @@ /* This file is part of the Krita project * * Copyright (C) 2014 Boudewijn Rempt * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KisMainWindow.h" // XXX: remove #include // XXX: remove #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Krita Image #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Local #include "KisViewManager.h" #include "kis_clipboard.h" #include "widgets/kis_custom_image_widget.h" #include "canvas/kis_canvas2.h" #include "flake/kis_shape_controller.h" #include "kis_statusbar.h" #include "widgets/kis_progress_widget.h" #include "kis_canvas_resource_provider.h" #include "kis_resource_server_provider.h" #include "kis_node_manager.h" #include "KisPart.h" #include "KisApplication.h" #include "KisDocument.h" #include "KisImportExportManager.h" #include "KisPart.h" #include "KisView.h" #include "kis_grid_config.h" #include "kis_guides_config.h" #include "kis_image_barrier_lock_adapter.h" #include // Define the protocol used here for embedded documents' URL // This used to "store" but QUrl didn't like it, // so let's simply make it "tar" ! #define STORE_PROTOCOL "tar" // The internal path is a hack to make QUrl happy and for document children #define INTERNAL_PROTOCOL "intern" #define INTERNAL_PREFIX "intern:/" // Warning, keep it sync in koStore.cc #include using namespace std; /********************************************************** * * KisDocument * **********************************************************/ namespace { class DocumentProgressProxy : public KoProgressProxy { public: KisMainWindow *m_mainWindow; DocumentProgressProxy(KisMainWindow *mainWindow) : m_mainWindow(mainWindow) { } ~DocumentProgressProxy() override { // signal that the job is done setValue(-1); } int maximum() const override { return 100; } void setValue(int value) override { if (m_mainWindow) { m_mainWindow->slotProgress(value); } } void setRange(int /*minimum*/, int /*maximum*/) override { } void setFormat(const QString &/*format*/) override { } }; } //static QString KisDocument::newObjectName() { static int s_docIFNumber = 0; QString name; name.setNum(s_docIFNumber++); name.prepend("document_"); return name; } class UndoStack : public KUndo2Stack { public: UndoStack(KisDocument *doc) : m_doc(doc) { } void setIndex(int idx) override { KisImageWSP image = this->image(); image->requestStrokeCancellation(); if(image->tryBarrierLock()) { KUndo2Stack::setIndex(idx); image->unlock(); } } void notifySetIndexChangedOneCommand() override { KisImageWSP image = this->image(); image->unlock(); /** * Some very weird commands may emit blocking signals to * the GUI (e.g. KisGuiContextCommand). Here is the best thing * we can do to avoid the deadlock */ while(!image->tryBarrierLock()) { QApplication::processEvents(); } } void undo() override { KisImageWSP image = this->image(); image->requestUndoDuringStroke(); if (image->tryUndoUnfinishedLod0Stroke() == UNDO_OK) { return; } if(image->tryBarrierLock()) { KUndo2Stack::undo(); image->unlock(); } } void redo() override { KisImageWSP image = this->image(); if(image->tryBarrierLock()) { KUndo2Stack::redo(); image->unlock(); } } private: KisImageWSP image() { KisImageWSP currentImage = m_doc->image(); Q_ASSERT(currentImage); return currentImage; } private: KisDocument *m_doc; }; class Q_DECL_HIDDEN KisDocument::Private { public: Private() : docInfo(0), progressUpdater(0), progressProxy(0), importExportManager(0), isImporting(false), isExporting(false), password(QString()), modifiedAfterAutosave(false), isAutosaving(false), backupFile(true), doNotSaveExtDoc(false), undoStack(0), m_saveOk(false), m_waitForSave(false), m_duringSaveAs(false), m_bAutoDetectedMime(false), modified(false), readwrite(true), disregardAutosaveFailure(false), nserver(0), macroNestDepth(0), imageIdleWatcher(2000 /*ms*/), suppressProgress(false), fileProgressProxy(0), savingLock(&savingMutex) { if (QLocale().measurementSystem() == QLocale::ImperialSystem) { unit = KoUnit::Inch; } else { unit = KoUnit::Centimeter; } } ~Private() { // Don't delete m_d->shapeController because it's in a QObject hierarchy. delete nserver; } KoDocumentInfo *docInfo; KoProgressUpdater *progressUpdater; KoProgressProxy *progressProxy; KoUnit unit; KisImportExportManager *importExportManager; // The filter-manager to use when loading/saving [for the options] QByteArray mimeType; // The actual mimetype of the document QByteArray outputMimeType; // The mimetype to use when saving bool isImporting; bool isExporting; // File --> Import/Export vs File --> Open/Save QString password; // The password used to encrypt an encrypted document QTimer autoSaveTimer; QString lastErrorMessage; // see openFile() int autoSaveDelay {300}; // in seconds, 0 to disable. bool modifiedAfterAutosave; bool isAutosaving; bool backupFile; bool doNotSaveExtDoc; // makes it possible to save only internally stored child documents KUndo2Stack *undoStack; KisGuidesConfig guidesConfig; QUrl m_originalURL; // for saveAs QString m_originalFilePath; // for saveAs bool m_saveOk; bool m_waitForSave; bool m_duringSaveAs; bool m_bAutoDetectedMime; // whether the mimetype in the arguments was detected by the part itself QUrl m_url; // local url - the one displayed to the user. QString m_file; // Local file - the only one the part implementation should deal with. QEventLoop m_eventLoop; QMutex savingMutex; bool modified; bool readwrite; QDateTime firstMod; QDateTime lastMod; bool disregardAutosaveFailure; KisNameServer *nserver; qint32 macroNestDepth; KisImageSP image; KisImageSP savingImage; KisNodeSP preActivatedNode; KisShapeController* shapeController; KoShapeController* koShapeController; KisIdleWatcher imageIdleWatcher; QScopedPointer imageIdleConnection; bool suppressProgress; KoProgressProxy* fileProgressProxy; QList assistants; KisGridConfig gridConfig; StdLockableWrapper savingLock; void setImageAndInitIdleWatcher(KisImageSP _image) { image = _image; imageIdleWatcher.setTrackedImage(image); if (image) { imageIdleConnection.reset( new KisSignalAutoConnection( &imageIdleWatcher, SIGNAL(startedIdleMode()), image.data(), SLOT(explicitRegenerateLevelOfDetail()))); } } class SafeSavingLocker; }; class KisDocument::Private::SafeSavingLocker { public: SafeSavingLocker(KisDocument::Private *_d, KisDocument *document) : d(_d) , m_document(document) , m_locked(false) , m_imageLock(d->image, true) { const int realAutoSaveInterval = KisConfig().autoSaveInterval(); const int emergencyAutoSaveInterval = 10; // sec /** * Initial try to lock both objects. Locking the image guards * us from any image composition threads running in the * background, while savingMutex guards us from entering the * saving code twice by autosave and main threads. * * Since we are trying to lock multiple objects, so we should * do it in a safe manner. */ m_locked = std::try_lock(m_imageLock, d->savingLock) < 0; if (!m_locked) { if (d->isAutosaving) { d->disregardAutosaveFailure = true; if (realAutoSaveInterval) { m_document->setAutoSaveDelay(emergencyAutoSaveInterval); } } else { d->image->requestStrokeEnd(); QApplication::processEvents(); // one more try... m_locked = std::try_lock(m_imageLock, d->savingLock) < 0; } } if (m_locked) { d->disregardAutosaveFailure = false; } } ~SafeSavingLocker() { if (m_locked) { m_imageLock.unlock(); d->savingLock.unlock(); const int realAutoSaveInterval = KisConfig().autoSaveInterval(); m_document->setAutoSaveDelay(realAutoSaveInterval); } } bool successfullyLocked() const { return m_locked; } private: KisDocument::Private *d; KisDocument *m_document; bool m_locked; KisImageBarrierLockAdapter m_imageLock; }; KisDocument::KisDocument() : d(new Private()) { d->undoStack = new UndoStack(this); d->undoStack->setParent(this); d->importExportManager = new KisImportExportManager(this); d->importExportManager->setProgresUpdater(d->progressUpdater); connect(&d->autoSaveTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slotAutoSave())); KisConfig cfg; setAutoSaveDelay(cfg.autoSaveInterval()); setObjectName(newObjectName()); d->docInfo = new KoDocumentInfo(this); d->firstMod = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); d->lastMod = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); // preload the krita resources KisResourceServerProvider::instance(); d->nserver = new KisNameServer(1); d->shapeController = new KisShapeController(this, d->nserver); d->koShapeController = new KoShapeController(0, d->shapeController); undoStack()->setUndoLimit(KisConfig().undoStackLimit()); connect(d->undoStack, SIGNAL(indexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotUndoStackIndexChanged(int))); setBackupFile(KisConfig().backupFile()); } KisDocument::~KisDocument() { /** * Push a timebomb, which will try to release the memory after * the document has been deleted */ KisPaintDevice::createMemoryReleaseObject()->deleteLater(); d->autoSaveTimer.disconnect(this); d->autoSaveTimer.stop(); delete d->importExportManager; // Despite being QObject they needs to be deleted before the image delete d->shapeController; delete d->koShapeController; if (d->image) { d->image->notifyAboutToBeDeleted(); /** * WARNING: We should wait for all the internal image jobs to * finish before entering KisImage's destructor. The problem is, * while execution of KisImage::~KisImage, all the weak shared * pointers pointing to the image enter an inconsistent * state(!). The shared counter is already zero and destruction * has started, but the weak reference doesn't know about it, * because KisShared::~KisShared hasn't been executed yet. So all * the threads running in background and having weak pointers will * enter the KisImage's destructor as well. */ d->image->requestStrokeCancellation(); d->image->waitForDone(); // clear undo commands that can still point to the image d->undoStack->clear(); d->image->waitForDone(); KisImageWSP sanityCheckPointer = d->image; Q_UNUSED(sanityCheckPointer); // The following line trigger the deletion of the image d->image.clear(); // check if the image has actually been deleted KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(!sanityCheckPointer.isValid()); } delete d; } bool KisDocument::reload() { // XXX: reimplement! return false; } bool KisDocument::exportDocument(const QUrl &_url, KisPropertiesConfigurationSP exportConfiguration) { //qDebug() << "exportDocument" << _url.toDisplayString() << "is autosaving" << d->isAutosaving; bool ret; d->isExporting = true; // // Preserve a lot of state here because we need to restore it in order to // be able to fake a File --> Export. Can't do this in saveFile() because, // for a start, KParts has already set url and m_file and because we need // to restore the modified flag etc. and don't want to put a load on anyone // reimplementing saveFile() (Note: importDocument() and exportDocument() // will remain non-virtual). // QUrl oldURL = url(); QString oldFile = localFilePath(); //qDebug() << "\toldUrl" << oldURL << "oldFile" << oldFile << "export url" << _url; bool wasModified = isModified(); // save... ret = saveAs(_url, exportConfiguration); // // This is sooooo hacky :( // Hopefully we will restore enough state. // dbgUI << "Restoring KisDocument state to before export"; // always restore url & m_file regardless of failure or success //qDebug() << "\tafter saveAs: url" << url() << "local file path" << localFilePath(); setUrl(oldURL); setLocalFilePath(oldFile); //qDebug() << "\tafter restoring: url" << url() << "local file path" << localFilePath(); // on successful export we need to restore modified etc. too // on failed export, mimetype/modified hasn't changed anyway if (ret) { setModified(wasModified); } d->isExporting = false; return ret; } bool KisDocument::saveAs(const QUrl &url, KisPropertiesConfigurationSP exportConfiguration) { //qDebug() << "saveAs" << url; if (!url.isValid() || !url.isLocalFile()) { errKrita << "saveAs: Malformed URL " << url.url() << endl; return false; } d->m_duringSaveAs = true; d->m_originalURL = d->m_url; d->m_originalFilePath = d->m_file; d->m_url = url; // Store where to upload in saveToURL d->m_file = d->m_url.toLocalFile(); bool result = save(exportConfiguration); // Save local file and upload local file if (!result) { d->m_url = d->m_originalURL; d->m_file = d->m_originalFilePath; d->m_duringSaveAs = false; d->m_originalURL = QUrl(); d->m_originalFilePath.clear(); } return result; } bool KisDocument::save(KisPropertiesConfigurationSP exportConfiguration) { //qDebug() << "save" << d->m_file << d->m_url << url() << localFilePath(); d->m_saveOk = false; if (d->m_file.isEmpty()) { // document was created empty d->m_file = d->m_url.toLocalFile(); } updateEditingTime(true); setFileProgressProxy(); setUrl(url()); bool ok = saveFile(localFilePath(), exportConfiguration); clearFileProgressProxy(); if (ok) { setModified( false ); emit completed(); d->m_saveOk = true; d->m_duringSaveAs = false; d->m_originalURL = QUrl(); d->m_originalFilePath.clear(); return true; // Nothing to do } else { emit canceled(QString()); } return false; } bool KisDocument::saveFile(const QString &filePath, KisPropertiesConfigurationSP exportConfiguration) { if (!prepareLocksForSaving()) { return false; } // Unset the error message setErrorMessage(""); // Save it to be able to restore it after a failed save const bool wasModified = isModified(); // The output format is set by KisMainWindow, and by openFile QByteArray outputMimeType = d->outputMimeType; if (outputMimeType.isEmpty()) { outputMimeType = d->outputMimeType = nativeFormatMimeType(); } //qDebug() << "saveFile. Is Autosaving?" << isAutosaving() << "url" << filePath << d->outputMimeType; if (d->backupFile) { Q_ASSERT(url().isLocalFile()); KBackup::backupFile(url().toLocalFile()); } qApp->processEvents(); bool ret = false; bool suppressErrorDialog = false; KisImportExportFilter::ConversionStatus status = KisImportExportFilter::OK; setFileProgressUpdater(i18n("Saving Document")); QFileInfo fi(filePath); QString tempororaryFileName; { QTemporaryFile tf(QDir::tempPath() + "/XXXXXX" + fi.baseName() + "." + fi.completeSuffix()); tf.open(); tempororaryFileName = tf.fileName(); } Q_ASSERT(!tempororaryFileName.isEmpty()); //qDebug() << "saving to tempory file" << tempororaryFileName; status = d->importExportManager->exportDocument(tempororaryFileName, filePath, outputMimeType, !d->isExporting , exportConfiguration); ret = (status == KisImportExportFilter::OK); suppressErrorDialog = (isAutosaving() || status == KisImportExportFilter::UserCancelled || status == KisImportExportFilter::BadConversionGraph); //qDebug() << "Export status was" << status; if (ret) { //qDebug() << "copying temporary file" << tempororaryFileName << "to" << filePath; if (!d->isAutosaving && !d->suppressProgress) { QPointer updater = d->progressUpdater->startSubtask(1, "clear undo stack"); updater->setProgress(0); d->undoStack->setClean(); updater->setProgress(100); } else { d->undoStack->setClean(); } QFile tempFile(tempororaryFileName); QString s = filePath; QFile dstFile(s); while (QFileInfo(s).exists()) { s.append("_"); } bool r; if (s != filePath) { r = dstFile.rename(s); if (!r) { setErrorMessage(i18n("Could not rename original file to %1: %2", dstFile.fileName(), dstFile. errorString())); ret = false; } } if (tempFile.exists()) { r = tempFile.copy(filePath); if (!r) { setErrorMessage(i18n("Copying the temporary file failed: %1 to %2: %3", tempFile.fileName(), dstFile.fileName(), tempFile.errorString())); ret = false; } else { r = tempFile.remove(); if (!r) { setErrorMessage(i18n("Could not remove temporary file %1: %2", tempFile.fileName(), tempFile.errorString())); ret = false; } else if (s != filePath) { r = dstFile.remove(); if (!r) { setErrorMessage(i18n("Could not remove saved original file: %1", dstFile.errorString())); ret = false; } } } } else { setErrorMessage(i18n("The temporary file %1 is gone before we could copy it!", tempFile.fileName())); ret = false; } if (errorMessage().isEmpty()) { if (!isAutosaving()) { removeAutoSaveFiles(); } } else { ret = false; qWarning() << "Error while saving:" << errorMessage(); } // Restart the autosave timer // (we don't want to autosave again 2 seconds after a real save) if (!isAutosaving()) { setAutoSaveDelay(d->autoSaveDelay); } d->mimeType = outputMimeType; } if (!ret) { if (!suppressErrorDialog) { if (errorMessage().isEmpty()) { setErrorMessage(KisImportExportFilter::conversionStatusString(status)); } if (errorMessage().isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::critical(0, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("Could not save\n%1", filePath)); } else { QMessageBox::critical(0, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("Could not save %1\nReason: %2", filePath, errorMessage())); } } // couldn't save file so this new URL is invalid // FIXME: we should restore the current document's true URL instead of // setting it to nothing otherwise anything that depends on the URL // being correct will not work (i.e. the document will be called // "Untitled" which may not be true) // // Update: now the URL is restored in KisMainWindow but really, this // should still be fixed in KisDocument/KParts (ditto for file). // We still resetURL() here since we may or may not have been called // by KisMainWindow - Clarence resetURL(); // As we did not save, restore the "was modified" status setModified(wasModified); } emit sigSavingFinished(); clearFileProgressUpdater(); unlockAfterSaving(); return ret; } QByteArray KisDocument::mimeType() const { return d->mimeType; } void KisDocument::setMimeType(const QByteArray & mimeType) { d->mimeType = mimeType; } void KisDocument::setOutputMimeType(const QByteArray & mimeType) { d->outputMimeType = mimeType; } QByteArray KisDocument::outputMimeType() const { return d->outputMimeType; } bool KisDocument::fileBatchMode() const { return d->importExportManager->batchMode(); } void KisDocument::setFileBatchMode(const bool batchMode) { d->importExportManager->setBatchMode(batchMode); } bool KisDocument::isImporting() const { return d->isImporting; } bool KisDocument::isExporting() const { return d->isExporting; } void KisDocument::slotAutoSave() { //qDebug() << "slotAutoSave. Modified:" << d->modified << "modifiedAfterAutosave" << d->modified << "url" << url() << localFilePath(); if (!d->isAutosaving && d->modified && d->modifiedAfterAutosave) { connect(this, SIGNAL(sigProgress(int)), KisPart::instance()->currentMainwindow(), SLOT(slotProgress(int))); emit statusBarMessage(i18n("Autosaving...")); d->isAutosaving = true; QString autoSaveFileName = generateAutoSaveFileName(localFilePath()); QByteArray mimetype = d->outputMimeType; d->outputMimeType = nativeFormatMimeType(); bool ret = exportDocument(QUrl::fromLocalFile(autoSaveFileName)); d->outputMimeType = mimetype; if (ret) { d->modifiedAfterAutosave = false; d->autoSaveTimer.stop(); // until the next change } d->isAutosaving = false; emit clearStatusBarMessage(); disconnect(this, SIGNAL(sigProgress(int)), KisPart::instance()->currentMainwindow(), SLOT(slotProgress(int))); if (!ret && !d->disregardAutosaveFailure) { emit statusBarMessage(i18n("Error during autosave! Partition full?")); } } } void KisDocument::setReadWrite(bool readwrite) { d->readwrite = readwrite; setAutoSaveDelay(d->autoSaveDelay); Q_FOREACH (KisMainWindow *mainWindow, KisPart::instance()->mainWindows()) { mainWindow->setReadWrite(readwrite); } } void KisDocument::setAutoSaveDelay(int delay) { //qDebug() << "setting autosave delay from" << d->autoSaveDelay << "to" << delay; d->autoSaveDelay = delay; if (isReadWrite() && d->autoSaveDelay > 0) { d->autoSaveTimer.start(d->autoSaveDelay * 1000); } else { d->autoSaveTimer.stop(); } } KoDocumentInfo *KisDocument::documentInfo() const { return d->docInfo; } bool KisDocument::isModified() const { return d->modified; } QPixmap KisDocument::generatePreview(const QSize& size) { - if (d->image) { - QRect bounds = d->image->bounds(); + KisImageSP image = d->image; + if (d->savingImage) image = d->savingImage; + + if (image) { + QRect bounds = image->bounds(); QSize newSize = bounds.size(); newSize.scale(size, Qt::KeepAspectRatio); - QPixmap px = QPixmap::fromImage(d->image->convertToQImage(newSize, 0)); + QPixmap px = QPixmap::fromImage(image->convertToQImage(newSize, 0)); if (px.size() == QSize(0,0)) { px = QPixmap(newSize); QPainter gc(&px); QBrush checkBrush = QBrush(KisCanvasWidgetBase::createCheckersImage(newSize.width() / 5)); gc.fillRect(px.rect(), checkBrush); gc.end(); } + return px; } return QPixmap(size); } QString KisDocument::generateAutoSaveFileName(const QString & path) const { QString retval; // Using the extension allows to avoid relying on the mime magic when opening const QString extension (".kra"); if (path.isEmpty()) { // Never saved? #ifdef Q_OS_WIN // On Windows, use the temp location (https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=314921) retval = QString("%1%2.%3-%4-%5-autosave%6").arg(QDir::tempPath()).arg(QDir::separator()).arg("krita").arg(qApp->applicationPid()).arg(objectName()).arg(extension); #else // On Linux, use a temp file in $HOME then. Mark it with the pid so two instances don't overwrite each other's autosave file retval = QString("%1%2.%3-%4-%5-autosave%6").arg(QDir::homePath()).arg(QDir::separator()).arg("krita").arg(qApp->applicationPid()).arg(objectName()).arg(extension); #endif } else { QFileInfo fi(path); QString dir = fi.absolutePath(); QString filename = fi.fileName(); retval = QString("%1%2.%3-autosave%4").arg(dir).arg(QDir::separator()).arg(filename).arg(extension); } //qDebug() << "generateAutoSaveFileName() for path" << path << ":" << retval; return retval; } bool KisDocument::importDocument(const QUrl &_url) { bool ret; dbgUI << "url=" << _url.url(); d->isImporting = true; // open... ret = openUrl(_url); // reset url & m_file (kindly? set by KisParts::openUrl()) to simulate a // File --> Import if (ret) { dbgUI << "success, resetting url"; resetURL(); setTitleModified(); } d->isImporting = false; return ret; } bool KisDocument::openUrl(const QUrl &_url, KisDocument::OpenUrlFlags flags) { if (!_url.isLocalFile()) { return false; } dbgUI << "url=" << _url.url(); d->lastErrorMessage.clear(); // Reimplemented, to add a check for autosave files and to improve error reporting if (!_url.isValid()) { d->lastErrorMessage = i18n("Malformed URL\n%1", _url.url()); // ## used anywhere ? return false; } QUrl url(_url); bool autosaveOpened = false; if (url.isLocalFile() && !fileBatchMode()) { QString file = url.toLocalFile(); QString asf = generateAutoSaveFileName(file); if (QFile::exists(asf)) { KisApplication *kisApp = static_cast(qApp); kisApp->hideSplashScreen(); //dbgUI <<"asf=" << asf; // ## TODO compare timestamps ? int res = QMessageBox::warning(0, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("An autosaved file exists for this document.\nDo you want to open it instead?"), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No | QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::Yes); switch (res) { case QMessageBox::Yes : url.setPath(asf); autosaveOpened = true; break; case QMessageBox::No : QFile::remove(asf); break; default: // Cancel return false; } } } bool ret = openUrlInternal(url); if (autosaveOpened) { resetURL(); // Force save to act like 'Save As' setReadWrite(true); // enable save button setModified(true); } else { if( !(flags & OPEN_URL_FLAG_DO_NOT_ADD_TO_RECENT_FILES) ) { KisPart::instance()->addRecentURLToAllMainWindows(_url); } if (ret) { // Detect readonly local-files; remote files are assumed to be writable QFileInfo fi(url.toLocalFile()); setReadWrite(fi.isWritable()); } } return ret; } bool KisDocument::openFile() { //dbgUI <<"for" << localFilePath(); if (!QFile::exists(localFilePath())) { QMessageBox::critical(0, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("File %1 does not exist.", localFilePath())); return false; } QString filename = localFilePath(); QString typeName = mimeType(); if (typeName.isEmpty()) { typeName = KisMimeDatabase::mimeTypeForFile(filename); } //qDebug() << "mimetypes 4:" << typeName; // Allow to open backup files, don't keep the mimetype application/x-trash. if (typeName == "application/x-trash") { QString path = filename; while (path.length() > 0) { path.chop(1); typeName = KisMimeDatabase::mimeTypeForFile(path); //qDebug() << "\t" << path << typeName; if (!typeName.isEmpty()) { break; } } //qDebug() << "chopped" << filename << "to" << path << "Was trash, is" << typeName; } dbgUI << localFilePath() << "type:" << typeName; setFileProgressUpdater(i18n("Opening Document")); KisImportExportFilter::ConversionStatus status; status = d->importExportManager->importDocument(localFilePath(), typeName); if (status != KisImportExportFilter::OK) { QString msg = KisImportExportFilter::conversionStatusString(status); if (!msg.isEmpty()) { QString errorMsg(i18n("Could not open %2.\nReason: %1.\n%3", msg, prettyPathOrUrl(), errorMessage())); QMessageBox::critical(0, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), errorMsg); } clearFileProgressUpdater(); return false; } setMimeTypeAfterLoading(typeName); emit sigLoadingFinished(); if (!d->suppressProgress && d->progressUpdater) { QPointer updater = d->progressUpdater->startSubtask(1, "clear undo stack"); updater->setProgress(0); undoStack()->clear(); updater->setProgress(100); clearFileProgressUpdater(); } else { undoStack()->clear(); } return true; } KoProgressUpdater *KisDocument::progressUpdater() const { return d->progressUpdater; } void KisDocument::setProgressProxy(KoProgressProxy *progressProxy) { d->progressProxy = progressProxy; } KoProgressProxy* KisDocument::progressProxy() const { if (!d->progressProxy) { KisMainWindow *mainWindow = 0; if (KisPart::instance()->mainwindowCount() > 0) { mainWindow = KisPart::instance()->mainWindows()[0]; } d->progressProxy = new DocumentProgressProxy(mainWindow); } return d->progressProxy; } // shared between openFile and koMainWindow's "create new empty document" code void KisDocument::setMimeTypeAfterLoading(const QString& mimeType) { d->mimeType = mimeType.toLatin1(); d->outputMimeType = d->mimeType; } bool KisDocument::loadNativeFormat(const QString & file_) { return openUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(file_)); } void KisDocument::setModified() { d->modified = true; } void KisDocument::setModified(bool mod) { if (mod) { updateEditingTime(false); } if (d->isAutosaving) // ignore setModified calls due to autosaving return; if ( !d->readwrite && d->modified ) { errKrita << "Can't set a read-only document to 'modified' !" << endl; return; } //dbgUI<<" url:" << url.path(); //dbgUI<<" mod="<docInfo->aboutInfo("editing-time").toInt() + d->firstMod.secsTo(d->lastMod))); d->firstMod = now; } else if (firstModDelta > 60 || forceStoreElapsed) { d->docInfo->setAboutInfo("editing-time", QString::number(d->docInfo->aboutInfo("editing-time").toInt() + firstModDelta)); d->firstMod = now; } d->lastMod = now; } QString KisDocument::prettyPathOrUrl() const { QString _url(url().toDisplayString()); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN if (url().isLocalFile()) { _url = QDir::toNativeSeparators(_url); } #endif return _url; } // Get caption from document info (title(), in about page) QString KisDocument::caption() const { QString c; if (documentInfo()) { c = documentInfo()->aboutInfo("title"); } const QString _url(url().fileName()); if (!c.isEmpty() && !_url.isEmpty()) { c = QString("%1 - %2").arg(c).arg(_url); } else if (c.isEmpty()) { c = _url; // Fall back to document URL } return c; } void KisDocument::setTitleModified() { emit titleModified(caption(), isModified()); } QDomDocument KisDocument::createDomDocument(const QString& tagName, const QString& version) const { return createDomDocument("krita", tagName, version); } //static QDomDocument KisDocument::createDomDocument(const QString& appName, const QString& tagName, const QString& version) { QDomImplementation impl; QString url = QString("http://www.calligra.org/DTD/%1-%2.dtd").arg(appName).arg(version); QDomDocumentType dtype = impl.createDocumentType(tagName, QString("-//KDE//DTD %1 %2//EN").arg(appName).arg(version), url); // The namespace URN doesn't need to include the version number. QString namespaceURN = QString("http://www.calligra.org/DTD/%1").arg(appName); QDomDocument doc = impl.createDocument(namespaceURN, tagName, dtype); doc.insertBefore(doc.createProcessingInstruction("xml", "version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\""), doc.documentElement()); return doc; } bool KisDocument::isNativeFormat(const QByteArray& mimetype) const { if (mimetype == nativeFormatMimeType()) return true; return extraNativeMimeTypes().contains(mimetype); } void KisDocument::setErrorMessage(const QString& errMsg) { d->lastErrorMessage = errMsg; } QString KisDocument::errorMessage() const { return d->lastErrorMessage; } void KisDocument::removeAutoSaveFiles() { //qDebug() << "removeAutoSaveFiles"; // Eliminate any auto-save file QString asf = generateAutoSaveFileName(localFilePath()); // the one in the current dir //qDebug() << "\tfilename:" << asf << "exists:" << QFile::exists(asf); if (QFile::exists(asf)) { //qDebug() << "\tremoving autosavefile" << asf; QFile::remove(asf); } asf = generateAutoSaveFileName(QString()); // and the one in $HOME //qDebug() << "Autsavefile in $home" << asf; if (QFile::exists(asf)) { //qDebug() << "\tremoving autsavefile 2" << asf; QFile::remove(asf); } } void KisDocument::setBackupFile(bool saveBackup) { d->backupFile = saveBackup; } KoUnit KisDocument::unit() const { return d->unit; } void KisDocument::setUnit(const KoUnit &unit) { if (d->unit != unit) { d->unit = unit; emit unitChanged(unit); } } KUndo2Stack *KisDocument::undoStack() { return d->undoStack; } KisImportExportManager *KisDocument::importExportManager() const { return d->importExportManager; } void KisDocument::addCommand(KUndo2Command *command) { if (command) d->undoStack->push(command); } void KisDocument::beginMacro(const KUndo2MagicString & text) { d->undoStack->beginMacro(text); } void KisDocument::endMacro() { d->undoStack->endMacro(); } void KisDocument::slotUndoStackIndexChanged(int idx) { // even if the document was already modified, call setModified to re-start autosave timer setModified(idx != d->undoStack->cleanIndex()); } void KisDocument::clearUndoHistory() { d->undoStack->clear(); } KisGridConfig KisDocument::gridConfig() const { return d->gridConfig; } void KisDocument::setGridConfig(const KisGridConfig &config) { d->gridConfig = config; } const KisGuidesConfig& KisDocument::guidesConfig() const { return d->guidesConfig; } void KisDocument::setGuidesConfig(const KisGuidesConfig &data) { if (d->guidesConfig == data) return; d->guidesConfig = data; emit sigGuidesConfigChanged(d->guidesConfig); } void KisDocument::resetURL() { setUrl(QUrl()); setLocalFilePath(QString()); } KoDocumentInfoDlg *KisDocument::createDocumentInfoDialog(QWidget *parent, KoDocumentInfo *docInfo) const { return new KoDocumentInfoDlg(parent, docInfo); } bool KisDocument::isReadWrite() const { return d->readwrite; } QUrl KisDocument::url() const { return d->m_url; } bool KisDocument::closeUrl(bool promptToSave) { if (promptToSave) { if ( isReadWrite() && isModified()) { Q_FOREACH (KisView *view, KisPart::instance()->views()) { if (view && view->document() == this) { if (!view->queryClose()) { return false; } } } } } // Not modified => ok and delete temp file. d->mimeType = QByteArray(); // It always succeeds for a read-only part, // but the return value exists for reimplementations // (e.g. pressing cancel for a modified read-write part) return true; } void KisDocument::setUrl(const QUrl &url) { d->m_url = url; } QString KisDocument::localFilePath() const { return d->m_file; } void KisDocument::setLocalFilePath( const QString &localFilePath ) { d->m_file = localFilePath; } bool KisDocument::openUrlInternal(const QUrl &url) { if ( !url.isValid() ) return false; if (d->m_bAutoDetectedMime) { d->mimeType = QByteArray(); d->m_bAutoDetectedMime = false; } QByteArray mimetype = d->mimeType; if ( !closeUrl() ) return false; d->mimeType = mimetype; setUrl(url); d->m_file.clear(); if (d->m_url.isLocalFile()) { d->m_file = d->m_url.toLocalFile(); bool ret; // set the mimetype only if it was not already set (for example, by the host application) if (d->mimeType.isEmpty()) { // get the mimetype of the file // using findByUrl() to avoid another string -> url conversion QString mime = KisMimeDatabase::mimeTypeForFile(d->m_url.toLocalFile()); d->mimeType = mime.toLocal8Bit(); d->m_bAutoDetectedMime = true; } setFileProgressProxy(); setUrl(d->m_url); ret = openFile(); clearFileProgressProxy(); if (ret) { emit completed(); } else { emit canceled(QString()); } return ret; } return false; } bool KisDocument::newImage(const QString& name, qint32 width, qint32 height, const KoColorSpace* cs, const KoColor &bgColor, bool backgroundAsLayer, int numberOfLayers, const QString &description, const double imageResolution) { Q_ASSERT(cs); KisConfig cfg; KisImageSP image; KisPaintLayerSP layer; if (!cs) return false; QApplication::setOverrideCursor(Qt::BusyCursor); image = new KisImage(createUndoStore(), width, height, cs, name); Q_CHECK_PTR(image); connect(image, SIGNAL(sigImageModified()), this, SLOT(setImageModified()), Qt::UniqueConnection); image->setResolution(imageResolution, imageResolution); image->assignImageProfile(cs->profile()); documentInfo()->setAboutInfo("title", name); if (name != i18n("Unnamed") && !name.isEmpty()) { setUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::PicturesLocation) + '/' + name + ".kra")); } documentInfo()->setAboutInfo("abstract", description); layer = new KisPaintLayer(image.data(), image->nextLayerName(), OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8, cs); Q_CHECK_PTR(layer); if (backgroundAsLayer) { image->setDefaultProjectionColor(KoColor(cs)); if (bgColor.opacityU8() == OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8) { layer->paintDevice()->setDefaultPixel(bgColor); } else { // Hack: with a semi-transparent background color, the projection isn't composited right if we just set the default pixel KisFillPainter painter; painter.begin(layer->paintDevice()); painter.fillRect(0, 0, width, height, bgColor, bgColor.opacityU8()); } } else { image->setDefaultProjectionColor(bgColor); } layer->setDirty(QRect(0, 0, width, height)); image->addNode(layer.data(), image->rootLayer().data()); setCurrentImage(image); for(int i = 1; i < numberOfLayers; ++i) { KisPaintLayerSP layer = new KisPaintLayer(image, image->nextLayerName(), OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8, cs); image->addNode(layer, image->root(), i); layer->setDirty(QRect(0, 0, width, height)); } cfg.defImageWidth(width); cfg.defImageHeight(height); cfg.defImageResolution(imageResolution); cfg.defColorModel(image->colorSpace()->colorModelId().id()); cfg.setDefaultColorDepth(image->colorSpace()->colorDepthId().id()); cfg.defColorProfile(image->colorSpace()->profile()->name()); QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); return true; } KoShapeBasedDocumentBase *KisDocument::shapeController() const { return d->shapeController; } KoShapeLayer* KisDocument::shapeForNode(KisNodeSP layer) const { return d->shapeController->shapeForNode(layer); } vKisNodeSP KisDocument::activeNodes() const { vKisNodeSP nodes; Q_FOREACH (KisView *v, KisPart::instance()->views()) { if (v->document() == this && v->viewManager()) { KisNodeSP activeNode = v->viewManager()->activeNode(); if (activeNode && !nodes.contains(activeNode)) { if (activeNode->inherits("KisMask")) { activeNode = activeNode->parent(); } nodes.append(activeNode); } } } return nodes; } QList KisDocument::assistants() const { return d->assistants; } void KisDocument::setAssistants(const QList value) { d->assistants = value; } void KisDocument::setPreActivatedNode(KisNodeSP activatedNode) { d->preActivatedNode = activatedNode; } KisNodeSP KisDocument::preActivatedNode() const { return d->preActivatedNode; } void KisDocument::setFileProgressUpdater(const QString &text) { d->suppressProgress = d->importExportManager->batchMode(); if (!d->suppressProgress) { d->progressUpdater = new KoProgressUpdater(d->progressProxy, KoProgressUpdater::Unthreaded); d->progressUpdater->start(100, text); d->importExportManager->setProgresUpdater(d->progressUpdater); if (KisPart::instance()->currentMainwindow()) { connect(this, SIGNAL(sigProgress(int)), KisPart::instance()->currentMainwindow(), SLOT(slotProgress(int))); connect(KisPart::instance()->currentMainwindow(), SIGNAL(sigProgressCanceled()), this, SIGNAL(sigProgressCanceled())); } } } void KisDocument::clearFileProgressUpdater() { if (!d->suppressProgress && d->progressUpdater) { if (KisPart::instance()->currentMainwindow()) { disconnect(KisPart::instance()->currentMainwindow(), SIGNAL(sigProgressCanceled()), this, SIGNAL(sigProgressCanceled())); disconnect(this, SIGNAL(sigProgress(int)), KisPart::instance()->currentMainwindow(), SLOT(slotProgress(int))); } delete d->progressUpdater; d->importExportManager->setProgresUpdater(0); d->progressUpdater = 0; } } void KisDocument::setFileProgressProxy() { if (!d->progressProxy && !d->importExportManager->batchMode()) { d->fileProgressProxy = progressProxy(); } else { d->fileProgressProxy = 0; } } void KisDocument::clearFileProgressProxy() { if (d->fileProgressProxy) { setProgressProxy(0); delete d->fileProgressProxy; d->fileProgressProxy = 0; } } KisImageWSP KisDocument::image() const { return d->image; } KisImageSP KisDocument::savingImage() const { return d->savingImage; } void KisDocument::setCurrentImage(KisImageSP image) { if (d->image) { // Disconnect existing sig/slot connections d->image->disconnect(this); d->shapeController->setImage(0); d->image = 0; } if (!image) return; d->setImageAndInitIdleWatcher(image); d->shapeController->setImage(image); setModified(false); connect(d->image, SIGNAL(sigImageModified()), this, SLOT(setImageModified()), Qt::UniqueConnection); d->image->initialRefreshGraph(); setAutoSaveDelay(KisConfig().autoSaveInterval()); } void KisDocument::setImageModified() { setModified(true); } KisUndoStore* KisDocument::createUndoStore() { return new KisDocumentUndoStore(this); } bool KisDocument::isAutosaving() const { return d->isAutosaving; } bool KisDocument::prepareLocksForSaving() { KisImageSP copiedImage; { Private::SafeSavingLocker locker(d, this); if (locker.successfullyLocked()) { copiedImage = d->image->clone(true); } else if (!isAutosaving()) { // even though it is a recovery operation, we should ensure we do not enter saving twice! std::unique_lock> l(d->savingLock, std::try_to_lock); if (l.owns_lock()) { d->lastErrorMessage = i18n("The image was still busy while saving. Your saved image might be incomplete."); d->image->lock(); copiedImage = d->image->clone(true); + copiedImage->initialRefreshGraph(); d->image->unlock(); } } } bool result = false; // ensure we do not enter saving twice if (copiedImage && d->savingMutex.tryLock()) { d->savingImage = copiedImage; result = true; } else { qWarning() << "Could not lock the document for saving!"; d->lastErrorMessage = i18n("Could not lock the image for saving."); } return result; } void KisDocument::unlockAfterSaving() { d->savingImage = 0; d->savingMutex.unlock(); } diff --git a/libs/ui/KisMainWindow.cpp b/libs/ui/KisMainWindow.cpp index 0a73eca2e2..fb4651368f 100644 --- a/libs/ui/KisMainWindow.cpp +++ b/libs/ui/KisMainWindow.cpp @@ -1,2395 +1,2402 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Torben Weis Copyright (C) 2000-2006 David Faure Copyright (C) 2007, 2009 Thomas zander Copyright (C) 2010 Benjamin Port This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KisMainWindow.h" #include // qt includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_KIO #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "KoDockFactoryBase.h" #include "KoDockWidgetTitleBar.h" #include "KoDocumentInfoDlg.h" #include "KoDocumentInfo.h" #include "KoFileDialog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "KoToolDocker.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dialogs/kis_about_application.h" #include "dialogs/kis_delayed_save_dialog.h" #include "dialogs/kis_dlg_preferences.h" #include "kis_action.h" #include "kis_action_manager.h" #include "KisApplication.h" #include "kis_canvas2.h" #include "kis_canvas_controller.h" #include "kis_canvas_resource_provider.h" #include "kis_clipboard.h" #include "kis_config.h" #include "kis_config_notifier.h" #include "kis_custom_image_widget.h" #include #include "KisDocument.h" #include "KisDocument.h" #include "kis_group_layer.h" #include "kis_icon_utils.h" #include "kis_image_from_clipboard_widget.h" #include "kis_image.h" #include #include "KisImportExportManager.h" #include "kis_mainwindow_observer.h" #include "kis_node.h" #include "KisOpenPane.h" #include "kis_paintop_box.h" #include "KisPart.h" #include "KisPrintJob.h" #include "kis_resource_server_provider.h" #include "kis_signal_compressor_with_param.h" #include "KisView.h" #include "KisViewManager.h" #include "thememanager.h" #include "kis_animation_importer.h" #include "dialogs/kis_dlg_import_image_sequence.h" #include "kis_animation_exporter.h" #include #ifdef Q_OS_WIN #include #endif class ToolDockerFactory : public KoDockFactoryBase { public: ToolDockerFactory() : KoDockFactoryBase() { } QString id() const override { return "sharedtooldocker"; } QDockWidget* createDockWidget() override { KoToolDocker* dockWidget = new KoToolDocker(); dockWidget->setTabEnabled(false); return dockWidget; } DockPosition defaultDockPosition() const override { return DockRight; } }; class Q_DECL_HIDDEN KisMainWindow::Private { public: Private(KisMainWindow *parent) : q(parent) , dockWidgetMenu(new KActionMenu(i18nc("@action:inmenu", "&Dockers"), parent)) , windowMenu(new KActionMenu(i18nc("@action:inmenu", "&Window"), parent)) , documentMenu(new KActionMenu(i18nc("@action:inmenu", "New &View"), parent)) , mdiArea(new QMdiArea(parent)) , windowMapper(new QSignalMapper(parent)) , documentMapper(new QSignalMapper(parent)) { } ~Private() { qDeleteAll(toolbarList); } KisMainWindow *q {0}; KisViewManager *viewManager {0}; QPointer activeView; QPointer progress; QPointer progressCancel; QMutex progressMutex; QList toolbarList; bool firstTime {true}; bool windowSizeDirty {false}; bool readOnly {false}; bool isImporting {false}; bool isExporting {false}; bool noCleanup {false}; KisAction *showDocumentInfo {0}; KisAction *saveAction {0}; KisAction *saveActionAs {0}; // KisAction *printAction; // KisAction *printActionPreview; - KisAction *exportPdf {0}; +// KisAction *exportPdf {0}; KisAction *importAnimation {0}; KisAction *closeAll {0}; // KisAction *reloadFile; KisAction *importFile {0}; KisAction *exportFile {0}; KisAction *undo {0}; KisAction *redo {0}; KisAction *newWindow {0}; KisAction *close {0}; KisAction *mdiCascade {0}; KisAction *mdiTile {0}; KisAction *mdiNextWindow {0}; KisAction *mdiPreviousWindow {0}; KisAction *toggleDockers {0}; KisAction *toggleDockerTitleBars {0}; KisAction *expandingSpacers[2]; KActionMenu *dockWidgetMenu; KActionMenu *windowMenu; KActionMenu *documentMenu; KHelpMenu *helpMenu {0}; KRecentFilesAction *recentFiles {0}; QUrl lastExportUrl; QMap dockWidgetsMap; QMap dockWidgetVisibilityMap; QByteArray dockerStateBeforeHiding; KoToolDocker *toolOptionsDocker {0}; QCloseEvent *deferredClosingEvent {0}; Digikam::ThemeManager *themeManager {0}; QMdiArea *mdiArea; QMdiSubWindow *activeSubWindow {0}; QSignalMapper *windowMapper; QSignalMapper *documentMapper; QByteArray lastExportedFormat; QScopedPointer > tabSwitchCompressor; QMutex savingEntryMutex; KisActionManager * actionManager() { return viewManager->actionManager(); } QTabBar* findTabBarHACK() { QObjectList objects = mdiArea->children(); Q_FOREACH (QObject *object, objects) { QTabBar *bar = qobject_cast(object); if (bar) { return bar; } } return 0; } }; KisMainWindow::KisMainWindow() : KXmlGuiWindow() , d(new Private(this)) { KisConfig cfg; d->viewManager = new KisViewManager(this, actionCollection()); KConfigGroup group( KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "theme"); d->themeManager = new Digikam::ThemeManager(group.readEntry("Theme", "Krita dark"), this); setAcceptDrops(true); setStandardToolBarMenuEnabled(true); setTabPosition(Qt::AllDockWidgetAreas, QTabWidget::North); setDockNestingEnabled(true); qApp->setStartDragDistance(25); // 25 px is a distance that works well for Tablet and Mouse events #ifdef Q_OS_OSX setUnifiedTitleAndToolBarOnMac(true); #endif connect(this, SIGNAL(restoringDone()), this, SLOT(forceDockTabFonts())); connect(this, SIGNAL(themeChanged()), d->viewManager, SLOT(updateIcons())); connect(KisPart::instance(), SIGNAL(documentClosed(QString)), SLOT(updateWindowMenu())); connect(KisPart::instance(), SIGNAL(documentOpened(QString)), SLOT(updateWindowMenu())); connect(KisConfigNotifier::instance(), SIGNAL(configChanged()), this, SLOT(configChanged())); actionCollection()->addAssociatedWidget(this); KoPluginLoader::instance()->load("Krita/ViewPlugin", "Type == 'Service' and ([X-Krita-Version] == 28)", KoPluginLoader::PluginsConfig(), d->viewManager); KoToolBoxFactory toolBoxFactory; QDockWidget *toolbox = createDockWidget(&toolBoxFactory); toolbox->setFeatures(QDockWidget::DockWidgetMovable | QDockWidget::DockWidgetFloatable | QDockWidget::DockWidgetClosable); if (cfg.toolOptionsInDocker()) { ToolDockerFactory toolDockerFactory; d->toolOptionsDocker = qobject_cast(createDockWidget(&toolDockerFactory)); d->toolOptionsDocker->toggleViewAction()->setEnabled(true); } QMap dockwidgetActions; dockwidgetActions[toolbox->toggleViewAction()->text()] = toolbox->toggleViewAction(); Q_FOREACH (const QString & docker, KoDockRegistry::instance()->keys()) { KoDockFactoryBase *factory = KoDockRegistry::instance()->value(docker); QDockWidget *dw = createDockWidget(factory); dockwidgetActions[dw->toggleViewAction()->text()] = dw->toggleViewAction(); } if (d->toolOptionsDocker) { dockwidgetActions[d->toolOptionsDocker->toggleViewAction()->text()] = d->toolOptionsDocker->toggleViewAction(); } connect(KoToolManager::instance(), SIGNAL(toolOptionWidgetsChanged(KoCanvasController*, QList >)), this, SLOT(newOptionWidgets(KoCanvasController*, QList >))); Q_FOREACH (QString title, dockwidgetActions.keys()) { d->dockWidgetMenu->addAction(dockwidgetActions[title]); } Q_FOREACH (QDockWidget *wdg, dockWidgets()) { if ((wdg->features() & QDockWidget::DockWidgetClosable) == 0) { wdg->setVisible(true); } } Q_FOREACH (KoCanvasObserverBase* observer, canvasObservers()) { observer->setObservedCanvas(0); KisMainwindowObserver* mainwindowObserver = dynamic_cast(observer); if (mainwindowObserver) { mainwindowObserver->setMainWindow(d->viewManager); } } d->mdiArea->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded); d->mdiArea->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded); d->mdiArea->setTabPosition(QTabWidget::North); d->mdiArea->setTabsClosable(true); setCentralWidget(d->mdiArea); connect(d->mdiArea, SIGNAL(subWindowActivated(QMdiSubWindow*)), this, SLOT(subWindowActivated())); connect(d->windowMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(QWidget*)), this, SLOT(setActiveSubWindow(QWidget*))); connect(d->documentMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(QObject*)), this, SLOT(newView(QObject*))); createActions(); setAutoSaveSettings("krita", false); subWindowActivated(); updateWindowMenu(); if (isHelpMenuEnabled() && !d->helpMenu) { // workaround for KHelpMenu (or rather KAboutData::applicationData()) internally // not using the Q*Application metadata ATM, which results e.g. in the bugreport wizard // not having the app version preset // fixed hopefully in KF5 5.22.0, patch pending QGuiApplication *app = qApp; KAboutData aboutData(app->applicationName(), app->applicationDisplayName(), app->applicationVersion()); aboutData.setOrganizationDomain(app->organizationDomain().toUtf8()); d->helpMenu = new KHelpMenu(this, aboutData, false); // workaround-less version: // d->helpMenu = new KHelpMenu(this, QString()/*unused*/, false); // The difference between using KActionCollection->addAction() is that // these actions do not get tied to the MainWindow. What does this all do? KActionCollection *actions = d->viewManager->actionCollection(); QAction *helpContentsAction = d->helpMenu->action(KHelpMenu::menuHelpContents); QAction *whatsThisAction = d->helpMenu->action(KHelpMenu::menuWhatsThis); QAction *reportBugAction = d->helpMenu->action(KHelpMenu::menuReportBug); QAction *switchLanguageAction = d->helpMenu->action(KHelpMenu::menuSwitchLanguage); QAction *aboutAppAction = d->helpMenu->action(KHelpMenu::menuAboutApp); QAction *aboutKdeAction = d->helpMenu->action(KHelpMenu::menuAboutKDE); if (helpContentsAction) { actions->addAction(helpContentsAction->objectName(), helpContentsAction); } if (whatsThisAction) { actions->addAction(whatsThisAction->objectName(), whatsThisAction); } if (reportBugAction) { actions->addAction(reportBugAction->objectName(), reportBugAction); } if (switchLanguageAction) { actions->addAction(switchLanguageAction->objectName(), switchLanguageAction); } if (aboutAppAction) { actions->addAction(aboutAppAction->objectName(), aboutAppAction); } if (aboutKdeAction) { actions->addAction(aboutKdeAction->objectName(), aboutKdeAction); } connect(d->helpMenu, SIGNAL(showAboutApplication()), SLOT(showAboutApplication())); } // KDE' libs 4''s help contents action is broken outside kde, for some reason... We can handle it just as easily ourselves QAction *helpAction = actionCollection()->action("help_contents"); helpAction->disconnect(); connect(helpAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showManual())); #if 0 //check for colliding shortcuts QSet existingShortcuts; Q_FOREACH (QAction* action, actionCollection()->actions()) { if(action->shortcut() == QKeySequence(0)) { continue; } dbgKrita << "shortcut " << action->text() << " " << action->shortcut(); Q_ASSERT(!existingShortcuts.contains(action->shortcut())); existingShortcuts.insert(action->shortcut()); } #endif configChanged(); // If we have customized the toolbars, load that first setLocalXMLFile(KoResourcePaths::locateLocal("data", "krita.xmlgui")); setXMLFile(":/kxmlgui5/krita.xmlgui"); guiFactory()->addClient(this); // Create and plug toolbar list for Settings menu QList toolbarList; Q_FOREACH (QWidget* it, guiFactory()->containers("ToolBar")) { KToolBar * toolBar = ::qobject_cast(it); if (toolBar) { if (toolBar->objectName() == "BrushesAndStuff") { toolBar->setEnabled(false); } KToggleAction* act = new KToggleAction(i18n("Show %1 Toolbar", toolBar->windowTitle()), this); actionCollection()->addAction(toolBar->objectName().toUtf8(), act); act->setCheckedState(KGuiItem(i18n("Hide %1 Toolbar", toolBar->windowTitle()))); connect(act, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotToolbarToggled(bool))); act->setChecked(!toolBar->isHidden()); toolbarList.append(act); } else warnUI << "Toolbar list contains a " << it->metaObject()->className() << " which is not a toolbar!"; } plugActionList("toolbarlist", toolbarList); setToolbarList(toolbarList); applyToolBarLayout(); d->viewManager->updateGUI(); d->viewManager->updateIcons(); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN auto w = qApp->activeWindow(); if (w) QWindowsWindowFunctions::setHasBorderInFullScreen(w->windowHandle(), true); #endif QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(checkSanity())); { using namespace std::placeholders; // For _1 placeholder std::function callback( std::bind(&KisMainWindow::switchTab, this, _1)); d->tabSwitchCompressor.reset( new KisSignalCompressorWithParam(500, callback, KisSignalCompressor::FIRST_INACTIVE)); } } void KisMainWindow::setNoCleanup(bool noCleanup) { d->noCleanup = noCleanup; } KisMainWindow::~KisMainWindow() { // Q_FOREACH (QAction *ac, actionCollection()->actions()) { // QAction *action = qobject_cast(ac); // if (action) { // dbgKrita << "", "").replace("", "") // << "iconText=" << action->iconText().replace("&", "&") // << "shortcut=" << action->shortcut(QAction::ActiveShortcut).toString() // << "defaultShortcut=" << action->shortcut(QAction::DefaultShortcut).toString() // << "isCheckable=" << QString((action->isChecked() ? "true" : "false")) // << "statusTip=" << action->statusTip() // << "/>" ; // } // else { // dbgKrita << "Got a QAction:" << ac->objectName(); // } // } // The doc and view might still exist (this is the case when closing the window) KisPart::instance()->removeMainWindow(this); if (d->noCleanup) return; delete d->viewManager; delete d; } void KisMainWindow::addView(KisView *view) { if (d->activeView == view) return; if (d->activeView) { d->activeView->disconnect(this); } showView(view); updateCaption(); emit restoringDone(); if (d->activeView) { connect(d->activeView, SIGNAL(titleModified(QString,bool)), SLOT(slotDocumentTitleModified(QString,bool))); } } void KisMainWindow::showView(KisView *imageView) { if (imageView && activeView() != imageView ) { // XXX: find a better way to initialize this! imageView->setViewManager(d->viewManager); imageView->canvasBase()->setFavoriteResourceManager(d->viewManager->paintOpBox()->favoriteResourcesManager()); imageView->slotLoadingFinished(); QMdiSubWindow *subwin = d->mdiArea->addSubWindow(imageView); subwin->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true); connect(subwin, SIGNAL(destroyed()), SLOT(updateWindowMenu())); KisConfig cfg; subwin->setOption(QMdiSubWindow::RubberBandMove, cfg.readEntry("mdi_rubberband", cfg.useOpenGL())); subwin->setOption(QMdiSubWindow::RubberBandResize, cfg.readEntry("mdi_rubberband", cfg.useOpenGL())); subwin->setWindowIcon(qApp->windowIcon()); /** * Hack alert! * * Here we explicitly request KoToolManager to emit all the tool * activation signals, to reinitialize the tool options docker. * * That is needed due to a design flaw we have in the * initialization procedure. The tool in the KoToolManager is * initialized in KisView::setViewManager() calls, which * happens early enough. During this call the tool manager * requests KoCanvasControllerWidget to emit the signal to * update the widgets in the tool docker. *But* at that moment * of time the view is not yet connected to the main window, * because it happens in KisViewManager::setCurrentView a bit * later. This fact makes the widgets updating signals be lost * and never reach the tool docker. * * So here we just explicitly call the tool activation stub. */ KoToolManager::instance()->initializeCurrentToolForCanvas(); if (d->mdiArea->subWindowList().size() == 1) { imageView->showMaximized(); } else { imageView->show(); } // No, no, no: do not try to call this _before_ the show() has // been called on the view; only when that has happened is the // opengl context active, and very bad things happen if we tell // the dockers to update themselves with a view if the opengl // context is not active. setActiveView(imageView); updateWindowMenu(); updateCaption(); } } void KisMainWindow::slotPreferences() { if (KisDlgPreferences::editPreferences()) { KisConfigNotifier::instance()->notifyConfigChanged(); // XXX: should this be changed for the views in other windows as well? Q_FOREACH (QPointer koview, KisPart::instance()->views()) { KisViewManager *view = qobject_cast(koview); if (view) { // Update the settings for all nodes -- they don't query // KisConfig directly because they need the settings during // compositing, and they don't connect to the config notifier // because nodes are not QObjects (because only one base class // can be a QObject). KisNode* node = dynamic_cast(view->image()->rootLayer().data()); node->updateSettings(); } } d->viewManager->showHideScrollbars(); } } void KisMainWindow::slotThemeChanged() { // save theme changes instantly KConfigGroup group( KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "theme"); group.writeEntry("Theme", d->themeManager->currentThemeName()); // reload action icons! Q_FOREACH (QAction *action, actionCollection()->actions()) { KisIconUtils::updateIcon(action); } emit themeChanged(); } void KisMainWindow::updateReloadFileAction(KisDocument *doc) { Q_UNUSED(doc); // d->reloadFile->setEnabled(doc && !doc->url().isEmpty()); } void KisMainWindow::setReadWrite(bool readwrite) { d->saveAction->setEnabled(readwrite); d->importFile->setEnabled(readwrite); d->readOnly = !readwrite; updateCaption(); } void KisMainWindow::addRecentURL(const QUrl &url) { dbgUI << "KisMainWindow::addRecentURL url=" << url.toDisplayString(); // Add entry to recent documents list // (call coming from KisDocument because it must work with cmd line, template dlg, file/open, etc.) if (!url.isEmpty()) { bool ok = true; if (url.isLocalFile()) { QString path = url.adjusted(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash).toLocalFile(); const QStringList tmpDirs = KoResourcePaths::resourceDirs("tmp"); for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = tmpDirs.begin() ; ok && it != tmpDirs.end() ; ++it) if (path.contains(*it)) ok = false; // it's in the tmp resource #ifdef HAVE_KIO if (ok) { KRecentDocument::add(QUrl::fromLocalFile(path)); } #endif } #ifdef HAVE_KIO else { KRecentDocument::add(url.adjusted(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash)); } #endif if (ok) { d->recentFiles->addUrl(url); } saveRecentFiles(); } } void KisMainWindow::saveRecentFiles() { // Save list of recent files KSharedConfigPtr config = KSharedConfig::openConfig(); d->recentFiles->saveEntries(config->group("RecentFiles")); config->sync(); // Tell all windows to reload their list, after saving // Doesn't work multi-process, but it's a start Q_FOREACH (KMainWindow* window, KMainWindow::memberList()) static_cast(window)->reloadRecentFileList(); } void KisMainWindow::reloadRecentFileList() { d->recentFiles->loadEntries( KSharedConfig::openConfig()->group("RecentFiles")); } void KisMainWindow::updateCaption() { if (!d->mdiArea->activeSubWindow()) { updateCaption(QString(), false); } else { QString caption( d->activeView->document()->caption() ); if (d->readOnly) { caption += ' ' + i18n("(write protected)"); } d->activeView->setWindowTitle(caption); updateCaption(caption, d->activeView->document()->isModified()); if (!d->activeView->document()->url().fileName().isEmpty()) d->saveAction->setToolTip(i18n("Save as %1", d->activeView->document()->url().fileName())); else d->saveAction->setToolTip(i18n("Save")); } } void KisMainWindow::updateCaption(const QString & caption, bool mod) { dbgUI << "KisMainWindow::updateCaption(" << caption << "," << mod << ")"; #ifdef KRITA_ALPHA setCaption(QString("ALPHA %1: %2").arg(KRITA_ALPHA).arg(caption), mod); return; #endif #ifdef KRITA_BETA setCaption(QString("BETA %1: %2").arg(KRITA_BETA).arg(caption), mod); return; #endif #ifdef KRITA_RC setCaption(QString("RELEASE CANDIDATE %1: %2").arg(KRITA_RC).arg(caption), mod); return; #endif setCaption(caption, mod); } KisView *KisMainWindow::activeView() const { if (d->activeView) { return d->activeView; } return 0; } bool KisMainWindow::openDocument(const QUrl &url) { if (!QFile(url.toLocalFile()).exists()) { QMessageBox::critical(0, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("The file %1 does not exist.", url.url())); d->recentFiles->removeUrl(url); //remove the file from the recent-opened-file-list saveRecentFiles(); return false; } return openDocumentInternal(url); } bool KisMainWindow::openDocumentInternal(const QUrl &url, KisDocument *newdoc) { if (!url.isLocalFile()) { qDebug() << "KisMainWindow::openDocumentInternal. Not a local file:" << url; return false; } if (!newdoc) { newdoc = KisPart::instance()->createDocument(); } d->firstTime = true; connect(newdoc, SIGNAL(sigProgress(int)), this, SLOT(slotProgress(int))); connect(newdoc, SIGNAL(completed()), this, SLOT(slotLoadCompleted())); connect(newdoc, SIGNAL(canceled(const QString &)), this, SLOT(slotLoadCanceled(const QString &))); bool openRet = (!d->isImporting) ? newdoc->openUrl(url) : newdoc->importDocument(url); if (!openRet) { delete newdoc; return false; } KisPart::instance()->addDocument(newdoc); updateReloadFileAction(newdoc); if (!QFileInfo(url.toLocalFile()).isWritable()) { setReadWrite(false); } return true; } void KisMainWindow::addViewAndNotifyLoadingCompleted(KisDocument *document) { KisView *view = KisPart::instance()->createView(document, resourceManager(), actionCollection(), this); addView(view); emit guiLoadingFinished(); } QStringList KisMainWindow::showOpenFileDialog() { KoFileDialog dialog(this, KoFileDialog::ImportFiles, "OpenDocument"); dialog.setDefaultDir(QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::PicturesLocation)); dialog.setMimeTypeFilters(KisImportExportManager::mimeFilter(KisImportExportManager::Import)); dialog.setCaption(d->isImporting ? i18n("Import Images") : i18n("Open Images")); return dialog.filenames(); } // Separate from openDocument to handle async loading (remote URLs) void KisMainWindow::slotLoadCompleted() { KisDocument *newdoc = qobject_cast(sender()); if (newdoc && newdoc->image()) { addViewAndNotifyLoadingCompleted(newdoc); disconnect(newdoc, SIGNAL(sigProgress(int)), this, SLOT(slotProgress(int))); disconnect(newdoc, SIGNAL(completed()), this, SLOT(slotLoadCompleted())); disconnect(newdoc, SIGNAL(canceled(const QString &)), this, SLOT(slotLoadCanceled(const QString &))); emit loadCompleted(); } } void KisMainWindow::slotLoadCanceled(const QString & errMsg) { dbgUI << "KisMainWindow::slotLoadCanceled"; if (!errMsg.isEmpty()) // empty when canceled by user QMessageBox::critical(this, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), errMsg); // ... can't delete the document, it's the one who emitted the signal... KisDocument* doc = qobject_cast(sender()); Q_ASSERT(doc); disconnect(doc, SIGNAL(sigProgress(int)), this, SLOT(slotProgress(int))); disconnect(doc, SIGNAL(completed()), this, SLOT(slotLoadCompleted())); disconnect(doc, SIGNAL(canceled(const QString &)), this, SLOT(slotLoadCanceled(const QString &))); } void KisMainWindow::slotSaveCanceled(const QString &errMsg) { dbgUI << "KisMainWindow::slotSaveCanceled"; if (!errMsg.isEmpty()) // empty when canceled by user QMessageBox::critical(this, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), errMsg); slotSaveCompleted(); } void KisMainWindow::slotSaveCompleted() { dbgUI << "KisMainWindow::slotSaveCompleted"; KisDocument* doc = qobject_cast(sender()); Q_ASSERT(doc); disconnect(doc, SIGNAL(sigProgress(int)), this, SLOT(slotProgress(int))); disconnect(doc, SIGNAL(completed()), this, SLOT(slotSaveCompleted())); disconnect(doc, SIGNAL(canceled(const QString &)), this, SLOT(slotSaveCanceled(const QString &))); if (d->deferredClosingEvent) { KXmlGuiWindow::closeEvent(d->deferredClosingEvent); } } bool KisMainWindow::hackIsSaving() const { StdLockableWrapper wrapper(&d->savingEntryMutex); std::unique_lock> l(wrapper, std::try_to_lock); return !l.owns_lock(); } bool KisMainWindow::saveDocument(KisDocument *document, bool saveas) { if (!document) { return true; } /** * Make sure that we cannot enter this method twice! * * The lower level functions may call processEvents() so * double-entry is quite possible to achieve. Here we try to lock * the mutex, and if it is failed, just cancel saving. */ StdLockableWrapper wrapper(&d->savingEntryMutex); std::unique_lock> l(wrapper, std::try_to_lock); if (!l.owns_lock()) return false; // no busy wait for saving because it is dangerous! KisDelayedSaveDialog dlg(document->image(), KisDelayedSaveDialog::SaveDialog, 0, this); dlg.blockIfImageIsBusy(); if (dlg.result() != QDialog::Accepted) { return false; } bool reset_url; if (document->url().isEmpty()) { reset_url = true; saveas = true; } else { reset_url = false; } connect(document, SIGNAL(sigProgress(int)), this, SLOT(slotProgress(int))); connect(document, SIGNAL(completed()), this, SLOT(slotSaveCompleted())); connect(document, SIGNAL(canceled(const QString &)), this, SLOT(slotSaveCanceled(const QString &))); QUrl oldURL = document->url(); QString oldFile = document->localFilePath(); QByteArray _native_format = document->nativeFormatMimeType(); QByteArray oldOutputFormat = document->outputMimeType(); QUrl suggestedURL = document->url(); QStringList mimeFilter; mimeFilter = KisImportExportManager::mimeFilter(KisImportExportManager::Export); if (!mimeFilter.contains(oldOutputFormat) && !d->isExporting) { dbgUI << "KisMainWindow::saveDocument no export filter for" << oldOutputFormat; // --- don't setOutputMimeType in case the user cancels the Save As // dialog and then tries to just plain Save --- // suggest a different filename extension (yes, we fortunately don't all live in a world of magic :)) QString suggestedFilename = suggestedURL.fileName(); if (!suggestedFilename.isEmpty()) { // ".kra" looks strange for a name int c = suggestedFilename.lastIndexOf('.'); const QString ext = KisMimeDatabase::suffixesForMimeType(_native_format).first(); if (!ext.isEmpty()) { if (c < 0) suggestedFilename = suggestedFilename + "." + ext; else suggestedFilename = suggestedFilename.left(c) + "." + ext; } else { // current filename extension wrong anyway if (c > 0) { // this assumes that a . signifies an extension, not just a . suggestedFilename = suggestedFilename.left(c); } } suggestedURL = suggestedURL.adjusted(QUrl::RemoveFilename); suggestedURL.setPath(suggestedURL.path() + suggestedFilename); } // force the user to choose outputMimeType saveas = true; } bool ret = false; if (document->url().isEmpty() || saveas) { // if you're just File/Save As'ing to change filter options you // don't want to be reminded about overwriting files etc. bool justChangingFilterOptions = false; - KoFileDialog dialog(this, KoFileDialog::SaveFile, "OpenDocument"); + KoFileDialog dialog(this, KoFileDialog::SaveFile, "SaveAs"); dialog.setCaption(i18n("untitled")); if (d->isExporting && !d->lastExportUrl.isEmpty()) { dialog.setDefaultDir(d->lastExportUrl.toLocalFile()); } else { dialog.setDefaultDir(suggestedURL.toLocalFile()); } // Default to all supported file types if user is exporting, otherwise use Krita default dialog.setMimeTypeFilters(mimeFilter, QString(_native_format)); QUrl newURL = QUrl::fromUserInput(dialog.filename()); if (newURL.isLocalFile()) { QString fn = newURL.toLocalFile(); if (QFileInfo(fn).completeSuffix().isEmpty()) { fn.append(KisMimeDatabase::suffixesForMimeType(_native_format).first()); newURL = QUrl::fromLocalFile(fn); } } if (document->documentInfo()->aboutInfo("title") == i18n("Unnamed")) { QString fn = newURL.toLocalFile(); QFileInfo info(fn); document->documentInfo()->setAboutInfo("title", info.baseName()); } QByteArray outputFormat = _native_format; QString outputFormatString = KisMimeDatabase::mimeTypeForFile(newURL.toLocalFile()); outputFormat = outputFormatString.toLatin1(); if (!d->isExporting) { justChangingFilterOptions = (newURL == document->url()) && (outputFormat == document->mimeType()); } else { justChangingFilterOptions = (newURL == d->lastExportUrl) && (outputFormat == d->lastExportedFormat); } bool bOk = true; if (newURL.isEmpty()) { bOk = false; } if (bOk) { bool wantToSave = true; // don't change this line unless you know what you're doing :) if (!justChangingFilterOptions) { if (!document->isNativeFormat(outputFormat)) wantToSave = true; } if (wantToSave) { // // Note: // If the user is stupid enough to Export to the current URL, // we do _not_ change this operation into a Save As. Reasons // follow: // // 1. A check like "d->isExporting && oldURL == newURL" // doesn't _always_ work on case-insensitive filesystems // and inconsistent behaviour is bad. // 2. It is probably not a good idea to change document->mimeType // and friends because the next time the user File/Save's, // (not Save As) they won't be expecting that they are // using their File/Export settings // // As a bad side-effect of this, the modified flag will not // be updated and it is possible that what is currently on // their screen is not what is stored on disk (through loss // of formatting). But if you are dumb enough to change // mimetype but not the filename, then arguably, _you_ are // the "bug" :) // // - Clarence // document->setOutputMimeType(outputFormat); if (!d->isExporting) { // Save As ret = document->saveAs(newURL); if (ret) { dbgUI << "Successful Save As!"; addRecentURL(newURL); setReadWrite(true); } else { dbgUI << "Failed Save As!"; document->setUrl(oldURL); document->setLocalFilePath(oldFile); document->setOutputMimeType(oldOutputFormat); } } else { // Export ret = document->exportDocument(newURL); if (ret) { // a few file dialog convenience things d->lastExportUrl = newURL; d->lastExportedFormat = outputFormat; } // always restore output format document->setOutputMimeType(oldOutputFormat); } } // if (wantToSave) { else ret = false; } // if (bOk) { else ret = false; } else { // saving // be sure document has the correct outputMimeType! if (d->isExporting || document->isModified()) { ret = document->save(); } if (!ret) { dbgUI << "Failed Save!"; document->setUrl(oldURL); document->setLocalFilePath(oldFile); } } if (!ret && reset_url) document->resetURL(); //clean the suggested filename as the save dialog was rejected updateReloadFileAction(document); updateCaption(); return ret; } void KisMainWindow::undo() { if (activeView()) { activeView()->undoAction()->trigger(); d->undo->setText(activeView()->undoAction()->text()); } } void KisMainWindow::redo() { if (activeView()) { activeView()->redoAction()->trigger(); d->redo->setText(activeView()->redoAction()->text()); } } void KisMainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e) { d->mdiArea->closeAllSubWindows(); QAction *action= d->viewManager->actionCollection()->action("view_show_canvas_only"); if ((action) && (action->isChecked())) { action->setChecked(false); } KConfigGroup cfg( KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "MainWindow"); cfg.writeEntry("ko_geometry", saveGeometry().toBase64()); cfg.writeEntry("ko_windowstate", saveState().toBase64()); { KConfigGroup group( KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "theme"); group.writeEntry("Theme", d->themeManager->currentThemeName()); } QList childrenList = d->mdiArea->subWindowList(); if (childrenList.isEmpty()) { d->deferredClosingEvent = e; if (!d->dockerStateBeforeHiding.isEmpty()) { restoreState(d->dockerStateBeforeHiding); } statusBar()->setVisible(true); menuBar()->setVisible(true); saveWindowSettings(); if (d->noCleanup) return; Q_FOREACH (QMdiSubWindow *subwin, d->mdiArea->subWindowList()) { KisView *view = dynamic_cast(subwin); if (view) { KisPart::instance()->removeView(view); } } if (!d->dockWidgetVisibilityMap.isEmpty()) { // re-enable dockers for persistency Q_FOREACH (QDockWidget* dockWidget, d->dockWidgetsMap) dockWidget->setVisible(d->dockWidgetVisibilityMap.value(dockWidget)); } } else { e->setAccepted(false); } } void KisMainWindow::saveWindowSettings() { KSharedConfigPtr config = KSharedConfig::openConfig(); if (d->windowSizeDirty ) { dbgUI << "KisMainWindow::saveWindowSettings"; KConfigGroup group = config->group("MainWindow"); KWindowConfig::saveWindowSize(windowHandle(), group); config->sync(); d->windowSizeDirty = false; } if (!d->activeView || d->activeView->document()) { // Save toolbar position into the config file of the app, under the doc's component name KConfigGroup group = KSharedConfig::openConfig()->group("krita"); saveMainWindowSettings(group); // Save collapsable state of dock widgets for (QMap::const_iterator i = d->dockWidgetsMap.constBegin(); i != d->dockWidgetsMap.constEnd(); ++i) { if (i.value()->widget()) { KConfigGroup dockGroup = group.group(QString("DockWidget ") + i.key()); dockGroup.writeEntry("Collapsed", i.value()->widget()->isHidden()); dockGroup.writeEntry("Locked", i.value()->property("Locked").toBool()); dockGroup.writeEntry("DockArea", (int) dockWidgetArea(i.value())); dockGroup.writeEntry("xPosition", (int) i.value()->widget()->x()); dockGroup.writeEntry("yPosition", (int) i.value()->widget()->y()); dockGroup.writeEntry("width", (int) i.value()->widget()->width()); dockGroup.writeEntry("height", (int) i.value()->widget()->height()); } } } KSharedConfig::openConfig()->sync(); resetAutoSaveSettings(); // Don't let KMainWindow override the good stuff we wrote down } void KisMainWindow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent * e) { d->windowSizeDirty = true; KXmlGuiWindow::resizeEvent(e); } void KisMainWindow::setActiveView(KisView* view) { d->activeView = view; updateCaption(); actionCollection()->action("edit_undo")->setText(activeView()->undoAction()->text()); actionCollection()->action("edit_redo")->setText(activeView()->redoAction()->text()); d->viewManager->setCurrentView(view); } void KisMainWindow::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event) { if (event->mimeData()->hasUrls() || event->mimeData()->hasFormat("application/x-krita-node") || event->mimeData()->hasFormat("application/x-qt-image")) { event->accept(); } } void KisMainWindow::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) { if (event->mimeData()->hasUrls() && event->mimeData()->urls().size() > 0) { Q_FOREACH (const QUrl &url, event->mimeData()->urls()) { openDocument(url); } } } void KisMainWindow::dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent * event) { QTabBar *tabBar = d->findTabBarHACK(); if (!tabBar && d->mdiArea->viewMode() == QMdiArea::TabbedView) { qWarning() << "WARNING!!! Cannot find QTabBar in the main window! Looks like Qt has changed behavior. Drag & Drop between multiple tabs might not work properly (tabs will not switch automatically)!"; } if (tabBar && tabBar->isVisible()) { QPoint pos = tabBar->mapFromGlobal(mapToGlobal(event->pos())); if (tabBar->rect().contains(pos)) { const int tabIndex = tabBar->tabAt(pos); if (tabIndex >= 0 && tabBar->currentIndex() != tabIndex) { d->tabSwitchCompressor->start(tabIndex); } } else if (d->tabSwitchCompressor->isActive()) { d->tabSwitchCompressor->stop(); } } } void KisMainWindow::dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent * /*event*/) { if (d->tabSwitchCompressor->isActive()) { d->tabSwitchCompressor->stop(); } } void KisMainWindow::switchTab(int index) { QTabBar *tabBar = d->findTabBarHACK(); if (!tabBar) return; tabBar->setCurrentIndex(index); } void KisMainWindow::slotFileNew() { const QStringList mimeFilter = KisImportExportManager::mimeFilter(KisImportExportManager::Import); KisOpenPane *startupWidget = new KisOpenPane(this, mimeFilter, QStringLiteral("templates/")); startupWidget->setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModal); KisConfig cfg; int w = cfg.defImageWidth(); int h = cfg.defImageHeight(); const double resolution = cfg.defImageResolution(); const QString colorModel = cfg.defColorModel(); const QString colorDepth = cfg.defaultColorDepth(); const QString colorProfile = cfg.defColorProfile(); CustomDocumentWidgetItem item; item.widget = new KisCustomImageWidget(startupWidget, w, h, resolution, colorModel, colorDepth, colorProfile, i18n("Unnamed")); item.icon = "application-x-krita"; startupWidget->addCustomDocumentWidget(item.widget, item.title, item.icon); QSize sz = KisClipboard::instance()->clipSize(); if (sz.isValid() && sz.width() != 0 && sz.height() != 0) { w = sz.width(); h = sz.height(); } item.widget = new KisImageFromClipboard(startupWidget, w, h, resolution, colorModel, colorDepth, colorProfile, i18n("Unnamed")); item.title = i18n("Create from Clipboard"); item.icon = "klipper"; startupWidget->addCustomDocumentWidget(item.widget, item.title, item.icon); // calls deleteLater connect(startupWidget, SIGNAL(documentSelected(KisDocument*)), KisPart::instance(), SLOT(startCustomDocument(KisDocument*))); // calls deleteLater connect(startupWidget, SIGNAL(openTemplate(const QUrl&)), KisPart::instance(), SLOT(openTemplate(const QUrl&))); startupWidget->exec(); // Cancel calls deleteLater... } void KisMainWindow::slotFileOpen() { QStringList urls = showOpenFileDialog(); if (urls.isEmpty()) return; Q_FOREACH (const QString& url, urls) { if (!url.isEmpty()) { bool res = openDocument(QUrl::fromLocalFile(url)); if (!res) { warnKrita << "Loading" << url << "failed"; } } } } void KisMainWindow::slotFileOpenRecent(const QUrl &url) { (void) openDocument(QUrl::fromLocalFile(url.toLocalFile())); } void KisMainWindow::slotFileSave() { if (saveDocument(d->activeView->document())) { emit documentSaved(); } } void KisMainWindow::slotFileSaveAs() { if (saveDocument(d->activeView->document(), true)) { emit documentSaved(); } } KoCanvasResourceManager *KisMainWindow::resourceManager() const { return d->viewManager->resourceProvider()->resourceManager(); } int KisMainWindow::viewCount() const { return d->mdiArea->subWindowList().size(); } bool KisMainWindow::restoreWorkspace(const QByteArray &state) { QByteArray oldState = saveState(); const bool showTitlebars = KisConfig().showDockerTitleBars(); // needed because otherwise the layout isn't correctly restored in some situations Q_FOREACH (QDockWidget *dock, dockWidgets()) { dock->hide(); dock->titleBarWidget()->setVisible(showTitlebars); } bool success = KXmlGuiWindow::restoreState(state); if (!success) { KXmlGuiWindow::restoreState(oldState); Q_FOREACH (QDockWidget *dock, dockWidgets()) { if (dock->titleBarWidget()) { dock->titleBarWidget()->setVisible(showTitlebars || dock->isFloating()); } } return false; } Q_FOREACH (QDockWidget *dock, dockWidgets()) { if (dock->titleBarWidget()) { const bool isCollapsed = (dock->widget() && dock->widget()->isHidden()) || !dock->widget(); dock->titleBarWidget()->setVisible(showTitlebars || (dock->isFloating() && isCollapsed)); } } return success; } KisViewManager *KisMainWindow::viewManager() const { return d->viewManager; } void KisMainWindow::slotDocumentInfo() { if (!d->activeView->document()) return; KoDocumentInfo *docInfo = d->activeView->document()->documentInfo(); if (!docInfo) return; KoDocumentInfoDlg *dlg = d->activeView->document()->createDocumentInfoDialog(this, docInfo); if (dlg->exec()) { if (dlg->isDocumentSaved()) { d->activeView->document()->setModified(false); } else { d->activeView->document()->setModified(true); } d->activeView->document()->setTitleModified(); } delete dlg; } bool KisMainWindow::slotFileCloseAll() { Q_FOREACH (QMdiSubWindow *subwin, d->mdiArea->subWindowList()) { if (subwin) { if(!subwin->close()) return false; } } updateCaption(); return true; } void KisMainWindow::slotFileQuit() { if(!slotFileCloseAll()) return; close(); Q_FOREACH (QPointer mainWin, KisPart::instance()->mainWindows()) { if (mainWin != this) { if(!mainWin->slotFileCloseAll()) return; mainWin->close(); } } } void KisMainWindow::slotFilePrint() { if (!activeView()) return; KisPrintJob *printJob = activeView()->createPrintJob(); if (printJob == 0) return; applyDefaultSettings(printJob->printer()); QPrintDialog *printDialog = activeView()->createPrintDialog( printJob, this ); if (printDialog && printDialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { printJob->printer().setPageMargins(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, QPrinter::Point); printJob->printer().setPaperSize(QSizeF(activeView()->image()->width() / (72.0 * activeView()->image()->xRes()), activeView()->image()->height()/ (72.0 * activeView()->image()->yRes())), QPrinter::Inch); printJob->startPrinting(KisPrintJob::DeleteWhenDone); } else { delete printJob; } delete printDialog; } void KisMainWindow::slotFilePrintPreview() { if (!activeView()) return; KisPrintJob *printJob = activeView()->createPrintJob(); if (printJob == 0) return; /* Sets the startPrinting() slot to be blocking. The Qt print-preview dialog requires the printing to be completely blocking and only return when the full document has been printed. By default the KisPrintingDialog is non-blocking and multithreading, setting blocking to true will allow it to be used in the preview dialog */ printJob->setProperty("blocking", true); QPrintPreviewDialog *preview = new QPrintPreviewDialog(&printJob->printer(), this); printJob->setParent(preview); // will take care of deleting the job connect(preview, SIGNAL(paintRequested(QPrinter*)), printJob, SLOT(startPrinting())); preview->exec(); delete preview; } KisPrintJob* KisMainWindow::exportToPdf(QString pdfFileName) { if (!activeView()) return 0; if (!activeView()->document()) return 0; KoPageLayout pageLayout; pageLayout.width = 0; pageLayout.height = 0; pageLayout.topMargin = 0; pageLayout.bottomMargin = 0; pageLayout.leftMargin = 0; pageLayout.rightMargin = 0; if (pdfFileName.isEmpty()) { KConfigGroup group = KSharedConfig::openConfig()->group("File Dialogs"); QString defaultDir = group.readEntry("SavePdfDialog"); if (defaultDir.isEmpty()) defaultDir = QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::DocumentsLocation); QUrl startUrl = QUrl::fromLocalFile(defaultDir); KisDocument* pDoc = d->activeView->document(); /** if document has a file name, take file name and replace extension with .pdf */ if (pDoc && pDoc->url().isValid()) { startUrl = pDoc->url(); QString fileName = startUrl.toLocalFile(); fileName = fileName.replace( QRegExp( "\\.\\w{2,5}$", Qt::CaseInsensitive ), ".pdf" ); startUrl = startUrl.adjusted(QUrl::RemoveFilename); startUrl.setPath(startUrl.path() + fileName ); } QPointer layoutDlg(new KoPageLayoutDialog(this, pageLayout)); layoutDlg->setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModal); if (layoutDlg->exec() != QDialog::Accepted || !layoutDlg) { delete layoutDlg; return 0; } pageLayout = layoutDlg->pageLayout(); delete layoutDlg; KoFileDialog dialog(this, KoFileDialog::SaveFile, "OpenDocument"); dialog.setCaption(i18n("Export as PDF")); dialog.setDefaultDir(startUrl.toLocalFile()); dialog.setMimeTypeFilters(QStringList() << "application/pdf"); QUrl url = QUrl::fromUserInput(dialog.filename()); pdfFileName = url.toLocalFile(); if (pdfFileName.isEmpty()) return 0; } KisPrintJob *printJob = activeView()->createPrintJob(); if (printJob == 0) return 0; if (isHidden()) { printJob->setProperty("noprogressdialog", true); } applyDefaultSettings(printJob->printer()); // TODO for remote files we have to first save locally and then upload. printJob->printer().setOutputFileName(pdfFileName); printJob->printer().setDocName(pdfFileName); printJob->printer().setColorMode(QPrinter::Color); if (pageLayout.format == KoPageFormat::CustomSize) { printJob->printer().setPaperSize(QSizeF(pageLayout.width, pageLayout.height), QPrinter::Millimeter); } else { printJob->printer().setPaperSize(KoPageFormat::printerPageSize(pageLayout.format)); } printJob->printer().setPageMargins(pageLayout.leftMargin, pageLayout.topMargin, pageLayout.rightMargin, pageLayout.bottomMargin, QPrinter::Millimeter); switch (pageLayout.orientation) { case KoPageFormat::Portrait: printJob->printer().setOrientation(QPrinter::Portrait); break; case KoPageFormat::Landscape: printJob->printer().setOrientation(QPrinter::Landscape); break; } //before printing check if the printer can handle printing if (!printJob->canPrint()) { QMessageBox::critical(this, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("Cannot export to the specified file")); } printJob->startPrinting(KisPrintJob::DeleteWhenDone); return printJob; } void KisMainWindow::importAnimation() { if (!activeView()) return; KisDocument *document = activeView()->document(); if (!document) return; KisDlgImportImageSequence dlg(this, document); if (dlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { QStringList files = dlg.files(); int firstFrame = dlg.firstFrame(); int step = dlg.step(); document->setFileProgressProxy(); document->setFileProgressUpdater(i18n("Import frames")); KisAnimationImporter importer(document); KisImportExportFilter::ConversionStatus status = importer.import(files, firstFrame, step); document->clearFileProgressUpdater(); document->clearFileProgressProxy(); if (status != KisImportExportFilter::OK && status != KisImportExportFilter::InternalError) { QString msg = KisImportExportFilter::conversionStatusString(status); if (!msg.isEmpty()) QMessageBox::critical(0, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("Could not finish import animation:\n%1", msg)); } activeView()->canvasBase()->refetchDataFromImage(); } } void KisMainWindow::slotConfigureToolbars() { KConfigGroup group = KSharedConfig::openConfig()->group("krita"); saveMainWindowSettings(group); KEditToolBar edit(factory(), this); connect(&edit, SIGNAL(newToolBarConfig()), this, SLOT(slotNewToolbarConfig())); (void) edit.exec(); applyToolBarLayout(); } void KisMainWindow::slotNewToolbarConfig() { applyMainWindowSettings(KSharedConfig::openConfig()->group("krita")); KXMLGUIFactory *factory = guiFactory(); Q_UNUSED(factory); // Check if there's an active view if (!d->activeView) return; plugActionList("toolbarlist", d->toolbarList); applyToolBarLayout(); } void KisMainWindow::slotToolbarToggled(bool toggle) { //dbgUI <<"KisMainWindow::slotToolbarToggled" << sender()->name() <<" toggle=" << true; // The action (sender) and the toolbar have the same name KToolBar * bar = toolBar(sender()->objectName()); if (bar) { if (toggle) { bar->show(); } else { bar->hide(); } if (d->activeView && d->activeView->document()) { KConfigGroup group = KSharedConfig::openConfig()->group("krita"); saveMainWindowSettings(group); } } else warnUI << "slotToolbarToggled : Toolbar " << sender()->objectName() << " not found!"; } void KisMainWindow::viewFullscreen(bool fullScreen) { KisConfig cfg; cfg.setFullscreenMode(fullScreen); if (fullScreen) { setWindowState(windowState() | Qt::WindowFullScreen); // set } else { setWindowState(windowState() & ~Qt::WindowFullScreen); // reset } } void KisMainWindow::slotProgress(int value) { qApp->processEvents(); StdLockableWrapper wrapper(&d->progressMutex); std::unique_lock> l(wrapper, std::try_to_lock); if (!l.owns_lock()) return; dbgUI << "KisMainWindow::slotProgress" << value; if (value <= -1 || value >= 100) { if (d->progress) { statusBar()->removeWidget(d->progress); delete d->progress; d->progress = 0; disconnect(d->progressCancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotProgressCanceled())); statusBar()->removeWidget(d->progressCancel); delete d->progressCancel; d->progressCancel = 0; } d->firstTime = true; return; } if (d->firstTime || !d->progress) { // The statusbar might not even be created yet. // So check for that first, and create it if necessary QStatusBar *bar = findChild(); if (!bar) { statusBar()->show(); QApplication::sendPostedEvents(this, QEvent::ChildAdded); } if (d->progress) { statusBar()->removeWidget(d->progress); delete d->progress; d->progress = 0; disconnect(d->progressCancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotProgressCanceled())); statusBar()->removeWidget(d->progressCancel); delete d->progressCancel; d->progress = 0; } d->progressCancel = new QToolButton(statusBar()); d->progressCancel->setMaximumHeight(statusBar()->fontMetrics().height()); d->progressCancel->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("process-stop")); statusBar()->addPermanentWidget(d->progressCancel); d->progress = new QProgressBar(statusBar()); d->progress->setMaximumHeight(statusBar()->fontMetrics().height()); d->progress->setRange(0, 100); statusBar()->addPermanentWidget(d->progress); connect(d->progressCancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotProgressCanceled())); d->progress->show(); d->progressCancel->show(); d->firstTime = false; } if (!d->progress.isNull()) { d->progress->setValue(value); } qApp->processEvents(); } void KisMainWindow::slotProgressCanceled() { emit sigProgressCanceled(); } void KisMainWindow::setMaxRecentItems(uint _number) { d->recentFiles->setMaxItems(_number); } void KisMainWindow::slotReloadFile() { KisDocument* document = d->activeView->document(); if (!document || document->url().isEmpty()) return; if (document->isModified()) { bool ok = QMessageBox::question(this, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("You will lose all changes made since your last save\n" "Do you want to continue?"), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::Yes) == QMessageBox::Yes; if (!ok) return; } QUrl url = document->url(); saveWindowSettings(); if (!document->reload()) { QMessageBox::critical(this, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("Error: Could not reload this document")); } return; } void KisMainWindow::slotImportFile() { dbgUI << "slotImportFile()"; d->isImporting = true; slotFileOpen(); d->isImporting = false; } void KisMainWindow::slotExportFile() { dbgUI << "slotExportFile()"; d->isExporting = true; slotFileSaveAs(); d->isExporting = false; } QDockWidget* KisMainWindow::createDockWidget(KoDockFactoryBase* factory) { QDockWidget* dockWidget = 0; if (!d->dockWidgetsMap.contains(factory->id())) { dockWidget = factory->createDockWidget(); // It is quite possible that a dock factory cannot create the dock; don't // do anything in that case. if (!dockWidget) { warnKrita << "Could not create docker for" << factory->id(); return 0; } KoDockWidgetTitleBar *titleBar = dynamic_cast(dockWidget->titleBarWidget()); // Check if the dock widget is supposed to be collapsable if (!dockWidget->titleBarWidget()) { titleBar = new KoDockWidgetTitleBar(dockWidget); dockWidget->setTitleBarWidget(titleBar); titleBar->setCollapsable(factory->isCollapsable()); } titleBar->setFont(KoDockRegistry::dockFont()); dockWidget->setObjectName(factory->id()); dockWidget->setParent(this); if (dockWidget->widget() && dockWidget->widget()->layout()) dockWidget->widget()->layout()->setContentsMargins(1, 1, 1, 1); Qt::DockWidgetArea side = Qt::RightDockWidgetArea; bool visible = true; switch (factory->defaultDockPosition()) { case KoDockFactoryBase::DockTornOff: dockWidget->setFloating(true); // position nicely? break; case KoDockFactoryBase::DockTop: side = Qt::TopDockWidgetArea; break; case KoDockFactoryBase::DockLeft: side = Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea; break; case KoDockFactoryBase::DockBottom: side = Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea; break; case KoDockFactoryBase::DockRight: side = Qt::RightDockWidgetArea; break; case KoDockFactoryBase::DockMinimized: default: side = Qt::RightDockWidgetArea; visible = false; } KConfigGroup group = KSharedConfig::openConfig()->group("krita").group("DockWidget " + factory->id()); side = static_cast(group.readEntry("DockArea", static_cast(side))); if (side == Qt::NoDockWidgetArea) side = Qt::RightDockWidgetArea; addDockWidget(side, dockWidget); if (!visible) { dockWidget->hide(); } bool collapsed = factory->defaultCollapsed(); bool locked = false; group = KSharedConfig::openConfig()->group("krita").group("DockWidget " + factory->id()); collapsed = group.readEntry("Collapsed", collapsed); locked = group.readEntry("Locked", locked); //dbgKrita << "docker" << factory->id() << dockWidget << "collapsed" << collapsed << "locked" << locked << "titlebar" << titleBar; if (titleBar && collapsed) titleBar->setCollapsed(true); if (titleBar && locked) titleBar->setLocked(true); d->dockWidgetsMap.insert(factory->id(), dockWidget); } else { dockWidget = d->dockWidgetsMap[factory->id()]; } #ifdef Q_OS_OSX dockWidget->setAttribute(Qt::WA_MacSmallSize, true); #endif dockWidget->setFont(KoDockRegistry::dockFont()); connect(dockWidget, SIGNAL(dockLocationChanged(Qt::DockWidgetArea)), this, SLOT(forceDockTabFonts())); return dockWidget; } void KisMainWindow::forceDockTabFonts() { Q_FOREACH (QObject *child, children()) { if (child->inherits("QTabBar")) { ((QTabBar *)child)->setFont(KoDockRegistry::dockFont()); } } } QList KisMainWindow::dockWidgets() const { return d->dockWidgetsMap.values(); } QDockWidget* KisMainWindow::dockWidget(const QString &id) { if (!d->dockWidgetsMap.contains(id)) return 0; return d->dockWidgetsMap[id]; } QList KisMainWindow::canvasObservers() const { QList observers; Q_FOREACH (QDockWidget *docker, dockWidgets()) { KoCanvasObserverBase *observer = dynamic_cast(docker); if (observer) { observers << observer; } else { warnKrita << docker << "is not a canvas observer"; } } return observers; } void KisMainWindow::toggleDockersVisibility(bool visible) { if (!visible) { d->dockerStateBeforeHiding = saveState(); Q_FOREACH (QObject* widget, children()) { if (widget->inherits("QDockWidget")) { QDockWidget* dw = static_cast(widget); if (dw->isVisible()) { dw->hide(); } } } } else { restoreState(d->dockerStateBeforeHiding); } } void KisMainWindow::setToolbarList(QList toolbarList) { qDeleteAll(d->toolbarList); d->toolbarList = toolbarList; } void KisMainWindow::slotDocumentTitleModified(const QString &caption, bool mod) { updateCaption(caption, mod); updateReloadFileAction(d->activeView ? d->activeView->document() : 0); } void KisMainWindow::subWindowActivated() { bool enabled = (activeKisView() != 0); d->mdiCascade->setEnabled(enabled); d->mdiNextWindow->setEnabled(enabled); d->mdiPreviousWindow->setEnabled(enabled); d->mdiTile->setEnabled(enabled); d->close->setEnabled(enabled); d->closeAll->setEnabled(enabled); setActiveSubWindow(d->mdiArea->activeSubWindow()); Q_FOREACH (QToolBar *tb, toolBars()) { if (tb->objectName() == "BrushesAndStuff") { tb->setEnabled(enabled); } } updateCaption(); d->actionManager()->updateGUI(); } void KisMainWindow::updateWindowMenu() { QMenu *menu = d->windowMenu->menu(); menu->clear(); menu->addAction(d->newWindow); menu->addAction(d->documentMenu); QMenu *docMenu = d->documentMenu->menu(); docMenu->clear(); Q_FOREACH (QPointer doc, KisPart::instance()->documents()) { if (doc) { QString title = doc->url().toDisplayString(); if (title.isEmpty() && doc->image()) { title = doc->image()->objectName(); } QAction *action = docMenu->addAction(title); action->setIcon(qApp->windowIcon()); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), d->documentMapper, SLOT(map())); d->documentMapper->setMapping(action, doc); } } menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(d->close); menu->addAction(d->closeAll); if (d->mdiArea->viewMode() == QMdiArea::SubWindowView) { menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(d->mdiTile); menu->addAction(d->mdiCascade); } menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(d->mdiNextWindow); menu->addAction(d->mdiPreviousWindow); menu->addSeparator(); QList windows = d->mdiArea->subWindowList(); for (int i = 0; i < windows.size(); ++i) { QPointerchild = qobject_cast(windows.at(i)->widget()); if (child) { QString text; if (i < 9) { text = i18n("&%1 %2", i + 1, child->document()->url().toDisplayString()); } else { text = i18n("%1 %2", i + 1, child->document()->url().toDisplayString()); } QAction *action = menu->addAction(text); action->setIcon(qApp->windowIcon()); action->setCheckable(true); action->setChecked(child == activeKisView()); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), d->windowMapper, SLOT(map())); d->windowMapper->setMapping(action, windows.at(i)); } } updateCaption(); } void KisMainWindow::setActiveSubWindow(QWidget *window) { if (!window) return; QMdiSubWindow *subwin = qobject_cast(window); //dbgKrita << "setActiveSubWindow();" << subwin << d->activeSubWindow; if (subwin && subwin != d->activeSubWindow) { KisView *view = qobject_cast(subwin->widget()); //dbgKrita << "\t" << view << activeView(); if (view && view != activeView()) { setActiveView(view); } d->activeSubWindow = subwin; } updateWindowMenu(); d->actionManager()->updateGUI(); } void KisMainWindow::configChanged() { KisConfig cfg; QMdiArea::ViewMode viewMode = (QMdiArea::ViewMode)cfg.readEntry("mdi_viewmode", (int)QMdiArea::TabbedView); d->mdiArea->setViewMode(viewMode); Q_FOREACH (QMdiSubWindow *subwin, d->mdiArea->subWindowList()) { subwin->setOption(QMdiSubWindow::RubberBandMove, cfg.readEntry("mdi_rubberband", cfg.useOpenGL())); subwin->setOption(QMdiSubWindow::RubberBandResize, cfg.readEntry("mdi_rubberband", cfg.useOpenGL())); } KConfigGroup group( KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "theme"); d->themeManager->setCurrentTheme(group.readEntry("Theme", "Krita dark")); d->actionManager()->updateGUI(); QBrush brush(cfg.getMDIBackgroundColor()); d->mdiArea->setBackground(brush); QString backgroundImage = cfg.getMDIBackgroundImage(); if (backgroundImage != "") { QImage image(backgroundImage); QBrush brush(image); d->mdiArea->setBackground(brush); } d->mdiArea->update(); } void KisMainWindow::newView(QObject *document) { KisDocument *doc = qobject_cast(document); addViewAndNotifyLoadingCompleted(doc); d->actionManager()->updateGUI(); } void KisMainWindow::newWindow() { KisPart::instance()->createMainWindow()->show(); } void KisMainWindow::closeCurrentWindow() { d->mdiArea->currentSubWindow()->close(); d->actionManager()->updateGUI(); } void KisMainWindow::checkSanity() { // print error if the lcms engine is not available if (!KoColorSpaceEngineRegistry::instance()->contains("icc")) { // need to wait 1 event since exiting here would not work. m_errorMessage = i18n("The Calligra LittleCMS color management plugin is not installed. Krita will quit now."); m_dieOnError = true; QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(showErrorAndDie())); return; } KisPaintOpPresetResourceServer * rserver = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->paintOpPresetServer(); if (rserver->resources().isEmpty()) { m_errorMessage = i18n("Krita cannot find any brush presets! Krita will quit now."); m_dieOnError = true; QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(showErrorAndDie())); return; } } void KisMainWindow::showErrorAndDie() { QMessageBox::critical(0, i18nc("@title:window", "Installation error"), m_errorMessage); if (m_dieOnError) { exit(10); } } void KisMainWindow::showAboutApplication() { KisAboutApplication dlg(this); dlg.exec(); } QPointerKisMainWindow::activeKisView() { if (!d->mdiArea) return 0; QMdiSubWindow *activeSubWindow = d->mdiArea->activeSubWindow(); //dbgKrita << "activeKisView" << activeSubWindow; if (!activeSubWindow) return 0; return qobject_cast(activeSubWindow->widget()); } void KisMainWindow::newOptionWidgets(KoCanvasController *controller, const QList > &optionWidgetList) { KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(controller == KoToolManager::instance()->activeCanvasController()); bool isOurOwnView = false; Q_FOREACH (QPointer view, KisPart::instance()->views()) { if (view && view->canvasController() == controller) { isOurOwnView = view->mainWindow() == this; } } if (!isOurOwnView) return; Q_FOREACH (QWidget *w, optionWidgetList) { #ifdef Q_OS_OSX w->setAttribute(Qt::WA_MacSmallSize, true); #endif w->setFont(KoDockRegistry::dockFont()); } if (d->toolOptionsDocker) { d->toolOptionsDocker->setOptionWidgets(optionWidgetList); } else { d->viewManager->paintOpBox()->newOptionWidgets(optionWidgetList); } } void KisMainWindow::applyDefaultSettings(QPrinter &printer) { if (!d->activeView) return; QString title = d->activeView->document()->documentInfo()->aboutInfo("title"); if (title.isEmpty()) { title = d->activeView->document()->url().fileName(); // strip off the native extension (I don't want foobar.kwd.ps when printing into a file) QString extension = KisMimeDatabase::suffixesForMimeType(d->activeView->document()->outputMimeType()).first(); if (title.endsWith(extension)) { title.chop(extension.length()); } } if (title.isEmpty()) { // #139905 title = i18n("%1 unsaved document (%2)", qApp->applicationDisplayName(), QLocale().toString(QDate::currentDate(), QLocale::ShortFormat)); } printer.setDocName(title); } void KisMainWindow::createActions() { KisActionManager *actionManager = d->actionManager(); KisConfig cfg; actionManager->createStandardAction(KStandardAction::New, this, SLOT(slotFileNew())); actionManager->createStandardAction(KStandardAction::Open, this, SLOT(slotFileOpen())); actionManager->createStandardAction(KStandardAction::Quit, this, SLOT(slotFileQuit())); actionManager->createStandardAction(KStandardAction::ConfigureToolbars, this, SLOT(slotConfigureToolbars())); actionManager->createStandardAction(KStandardAction::FullScreen, this, SLOT(viewFullscreen(bool))); d->recentFiles = KStandardAction::openRecent(this, SLOT(slotFileOpenRecent(QUrl)), actionCollection()); connect(d->recentFiles, SIGNAL(recentListCleared()), this, SLOT(saveRecentFiles())); KSharedConfigPtr configPtr = KSharedConfig::openConfig(); d->recentFiles->loadEntries(configPtr->group("RecentFiles")); d->saveAction = actionManager->createStandardAction(KStandardAction::Save, this, SLOT(slotFileSave())); d->saveAction->setActivationFlags(KisAction::ACTIVE_IMAGE); d->saveActionAs = actionManager->createStandardAction(KStandardAction::SaveAs, this, SLOT(slotFileSaveAs())); d->saveActionAs->setActivationFlags(KisAction::ACTIVE_IMAGE); // d->printAction = actionManager->createStandardAction(KStandardAction::Print, this, SLOT(slotFilePrint())); // d->printAction->setActivationFlags(KisAction::ACTIVE_IMAGE); // d->printActionPreview = actionManager->createStandardAction(KStandardAction::PrintPreview, this, SLOT(slotFilePrintPreview())); // d->printActionPreview->setActivationFlags(KisAction::ACTIVE_IMAGE); d->undo = actionManager->createStandardAction(KStandardAction::Undo, this, SLOT(undo())); d->undo ->setActivationFlags(KisAction::ACTIVE_IMAGE); d->redo = actionManager->createStandardAction(KStandardAction::Redo, this, SLOT(redo())); d->redo->setActivationFlags(KisAction::ACTIVE_IMAGE); - d->exportPdf = actionManager->createAction("file_export_pdf"); - connect(d->exportPdf, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(exportToPdf())); +// d->exportPdf = actionManager->createAction("file_export_pdf"); +// connect(d->exportPdf, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(exportToPdf())); d->importAnimation = actionManager->createAction("file_import_animation"); - d->importAnimation->setActivationFlags(KisAction::IMAGE_HAS_ANIMATION); connect(d->importAnimation, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(importAnimation())); d->closeAll = actionManager->createAction("file_close_all"); connect(d->closeAll, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotFileCloseAll())); // d->reloadFile = actionManager->createAction("file_reload_file"); // d->reloadFile->setActivationFlags(KisAction::CURRENT_IMAGE_MODIFIED); // connect(d->reloadFile, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(slotReloadFile())); d->importFile = actionManager->createAction("file_import_file"); connect(d->importFile, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(slotImportFile())); d->exportFile = actionManager->createAction("file_export_file"); connect(d->exportFile, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(slotExportFile())); /* The following entry opens the document information dialog. Since the action is named so it intends to show data this entry should not have a trailing ellipses (...). */ d->showDocumentInfo = actionManager->createAction("file_documentinfo"); connect(d->showDocumentInfo, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(slotDocumentInfo())); d->themeManager->setThemeMenuAction(new KActionMenu(i18nc("@action:inmenu", "&Themes"), this)); d->themeManager->registerThemeActions(actionCollection()); connect(d->themeManager, SIGNAL(signalThemeChanged()), this, SLOT(slotThemeChanged())); d->toggleDockers = actionManager->createAction("view_toggledockers"); cfg.showDockers(true); d->toggleDockers->setChecked(true); connect(d->toggleDockers, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(toggleDockersVisibility(bool))); d->toggleDockerTitleBars = actionManager->createAction("view_toggledockertitlebars"); d->toggleDockerTitleBars->setChecked(cfg.showDockerTitleBars()); connect(d->toggleDockerTitleBars, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(showDockerTitleBars(bool))); actionCollection()->addAction("settings_dockers_menu", d->dockWidgetMenu); actionCollection()->addAction("window", d->windowMenu); d->mdiCascade = actionManager->createAction("windows_cascade"); connect(d->mdiCascade, SIGNAL(triggered()), d->mdiArea, SLOT(cascadeSubWindows())); d->mdiTile = actionManager->createAction("windows_tile"); connect(d->mdiTile, SIGNAL(triggered()), d->mdiArea, SLOT(tileSubWindows())); d->mdiNextWindow = actionManager->createAction("windows_next"); connect(d->mdiNextWindow, SIGNAL(triggered()), d->mdiArea, SLOT(activateNextSubWindow())); d->mdiPreviousWindow = actionManager->createAction("windows_previous"); connect(d->mdiPreviousWindow, SIGNAL(triggered()), d->mdiArea, SLOT(activatePreviousSubWindow())); d->newWindow = actionManager->createAction("view_newwindow"); connect(d->newWindow, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(newWindow())); d->close = actionManager->createAction("file_close"); connect(d->close, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(closeCurrentWindow())); actionManager->createStandardAction(KStandardAction::Preferences, this, SLOT(slotPreferences())); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { d->expandingSpacers[i] = new KisAction(i18n("Expanding Spacer")); d->expandingSpacers[i]->setDefaultWidget(new QWidget(this)); d->expandingSpacers[i]->defaultWidget()->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding); actionManager->addAction(QString("expanding_spacer_%1").arg(i), d->expandingSpacers[i]); } } void KisMainWindow::applyToolBarLayout() { const bool isPlastiqueStyle = style()->objectName() == "plastique"; Q_FOREACH (KToolBar *toolBar, toolBars()) { toolBar->layout()->setSpacing(4); if (isPlastiqueStyle) { toolBar->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 2); } + //Hide text for buttons with an icon in the toolbar + Q_FOREACH (QAction *ac, toolBar->actions()){ + if (ac->icon().pixmap(QSize(1,1)).isNull() == false){ + ac->setPriority(QAction::LowPriority); + }else { + ac->setIcon(QIcon()); + } + } } } void KisMainWindow::initializeGeometry() { // if the user didn's specify the geometry on the command line (does anyone do that still?), // we first figure out some good default size and restore the x,y position. See bug 285804Z. KConfigGroup cfg( KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "MainWindow"); QByteArray geom = QByteArray::fromBase64(cfg.readEntry("ko_geometry", QByteArray())); if (!restoreGeometry(geom)) { const int scnum = QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(parentWidget()); QRect desk = QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry(scnum); // if the desktop is virtual then use virtual screen size if (QApplication::desktop()->isVirtualDesktop()) { desk = QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry(QApplication::desktop()->screen(scnum)); } quint32 x = desk.x(); quint32 y = desk.y(); quint32 w = 0; quint32 h = 0; // Default size -- maximize on small screens, something useful on big screens const int deskWidth = desk.width(); if (deskWidth > 1024) { // a nice width, and slightly less than total available // height to componensate for the window decs w = (deskWidth / 3) * 2; h = (desk.height() / 3) * 2; } else { w = desk.width(); h = desk.height(); } x += (desk.width() - w) / 2; y += (desk.height() - h) / 2; move(x,y); setGeometry(geometry().x(), geometry().y(), w, h); } restoreWorkspace(QByteArray::fromBase64(cfg.readEntry("ko_windowstate", QByteArray()))); } void KisMainWindow::showManual() { QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl("https://docs.krita.org")); } void KisMainWindow::showDockerTitleBars(bool show) { Q_FOREACH (QDockWidget *dock, dockWidgets()) { if (dock->titleBarWidget()) { const bool isCollapsed = (dock->widget() && dock->widget()->isHidden()) || !dock->widget(); dock->titleBarWidget()->setVisible(show || (dock->isFloating() && isCollapsed)); } } KisConfig cfg; cfg.setShowDockerTitleBars(show); } void KisMainWindow::moveEvent(QMoveEvent *e) { if (qApp->desktop()->screenNumber(this) != qApp->desktop()->screenNumber(e->oldPos())) { KisConfigNotifier::instance()->notifyConfigChanged(); } } #include diff --git a/libs/ui/KisMainWindow.h b/libs/ui/KisMainWindow.h index 5f3c14cfb7..9e351ac3fc 100644 --- a/libs/ui/KisMainWindow.h +++ b/libs/ui/KisMainWindow.h @@ -1,459 +1,460 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Torben Weis Copyright (C) 2000-2004 David Faure This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KIS_MAIN_WINDOW_H #define KIS_MAIN_WINDOW_H #include "kritaui_export.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "KisView.h" class QCloseEvent; class QMoveEvent; struct KoPageLayout; class KoCanvasResourceManager; class KisDocument; class KisPrintJob; class KoDockFactoryBase; class QDockWidget; class KisView; class KisViewManager; class KoCanvasController; /** * @brief Main window for Krita * * This class is used to represent a main window within a Krita session. Each * main window contains a menubar and some toolbars, and potentially several * views of several canvases. * */ class KRITAUI_EXPORT KisMainWindow : public KXmlGuiWindow, public KoCanvasSupervisor { Q_OBJECT public: /** * Constructor. * * Initializes a Calligra main window (with its basic GUI etc.). */ explicit KisMainWindow(); /** * Destructor. */ virtual ~KisMainWindow(); /** * Update caption from document info - call when document info * (title in the about page) changes. */ void updateCaption(); // If noCleanup is set, KisMainWindow will not delete the root document // or part manager on destruction. void setNoCleanup(bool noCleanup); /** * @brief showView shows the given view. Override this if you want to show * the view in a different way than by making it the central widget, for instance * as an QMdiSubWindow */ virtual void showView(KisView *view); /** * @returns the currently active view */ KisView *activeView() const; /** * Sets the maximum number of recent documents entries. */ void setMaxRecentItems(uint _number); /** * The document opened a URL -> store into recent documents list. */ void addRecentURL(const QUrl &url); /** * Load the desired document and show it. * @param url the URL to open * * @return TRUE on success. */ bool openDocument(const QUrl &url); void setReadWrite(bool readwrite); /// Return the list of dock widgets belonging to this main window. QList dockWidgets() const; QDockWidget* dockWidget(const QString &id); QList canvasObservers() const; KoCanvasResourceManager *resourceManager() const; int viewCount() const; /** * A wrapper around restoreState * @param state the saved state * @return TRUE on success */ bool restoreWorkspace(const QByteArray &state); KisViewManager *viewManager() const; void addViewAndNotifyLoadingCompleted(KisDocument *document); QStringList showOpenFileDialog(); /** * Shows if the main window is saving anything right now. If the * user presses Ctrl+W too fast, then the document can be close * before the saving is completed. I'm not sure if it is fixable * in any way without avoiding using porcessEvents() * everywhere (DK) * * Don't use it unless you have no option. */ bool hackIsSaving() const; Q_SIGNALS: /** * This signal is emitted if the document has been saved successfully. */ void documentSaved(); /// This signal is emitted when this windows has finished loading of a /// document. The document may be opened in another window in the end. /// In this case, the signal means there is no link between the window /// and the document anymore. void loadCompleted(); /// This signal is emitted right after the docker states have been succefully restored from config void restoringDone(); /// This signal is emitted when the color theme changes void themeChanged(); /// This signal is emitted when the shortcut key configuration has changed void keyBindingsChanged(); void guiLoadingFinished(); /// This signal is emitted when the user clicked on the progressbar cancel void sigProgressCanceled(); public Q_SLOTS: /** * Slot for opening a new document. * * If the current document is empty, the new document replaces it. * If not, a new mainwindow will be opened for showing the document. */ void slotFileNew(); /** * Slot for opening a saved file. * * If the current document is empty, the opened document replaces it. * If not a new mainwindow will be opened for showing the opened file. */ void slotFileOpen(); /** * Slot for opening a file among the recently opened files. * * If the current document is empty, the opened document replaces it. * If not a new mainwindow will be opened for showing the opened file. */ void slotFileOpenRecent(const QUrl &); /** * @brief slotPreferences open the preferences dialog */ void slotPreferences(); /** * Saves the current document with the current name. */ void slotFileSave(); + // XXX: disabled KisPrintJob* exportToPdf(QString pdfFileName = QString()); void slotProgress(int value); /** * Saves the document, asking for a filename if necessary. * * @param saveas if set to TRUE the user is always prompted for a filename * @param silent if set to TRUE rootDocument()->setTitleModified will not be called. * * @return TRUE on success, false on error or cancel * (don't display anything in this case, the error dialog box is also implemented here * but restore the original URL in slotFileSaveAs) */ bool saveDocument(KisDocument *document, bool saveas = false); /** * Update the option widgets to the argument ones, removing the currently set widgets. */ void newOptionWidgets(KoCanvasController *controller, const QList > & optionWidgetList); private Q_SLOTS: /** * Save the list of recent files. */ void saveRecentFiles(); void slotLoadCompleted(); void slotLoadCanceled(const QString &); void slotSaveCompleted(); void slotSaveCanceled(const QString &); void forceDockTabFonts(); void slotProgressCanceled(); /** * @internal */ void slotDocumentTitleModified(const QString &caption, bool mod); /** * Prints the actual document. */ void slotFilePrint(); /** * Saves the current document with a new name. */ void slotFileSaveAs(); void slotFilePrintPreview(); void importAnimation(); /** * Show a dialog with author and document information. */ void slotDocumentInfo(); /** * Closes all open documents. */ bool slotFileCloseAll(); /** * @brief showAboutApplication show the about box */ virtual void showAboutApplication(); /** * Closes the mainwindow. */ void slotFileQuit(); /** * Configure toolbars. */ void slotConfigureToolbars(); /** * Post toolbar config. * (Plug action lists back in, etc.) */ void slotNewToolbarConfig(); /** * Shows or hides a toolbar */ void slotToolbarToggled(bool toggle); /** * Toggle full screen on/off. */ void viewFullscreen(bool fullScreen); /** * Toggle docker titlebars on/off. */ void showDockerTitleBars(bool show); /** * Reload file */ void slotReloadFile(); /** * File --> Import * * This will call slotFileOpen(). */ void slotImportFile(); /** * File --> Export * * This will call slotFileSaveAs(). */ void slotExportFile(); /** * Hide the dockers */ void toggleDockersVisibility(bool visible); /** * Handle theme changes from theme manager */ void slotThemeChanged(); void undo(); void redo(); void updateWindowMenu(); void setActiveSubWindow(QWidget *window); void configChanged(); void newView(QObject *document); void newWindow(); void closeCurrentWindow(); void checkSanity(); /// Quits Krita with error message from m_errorMessage. void showErrorAndDie(); protected: void closeEvent(QCloseEvent * e); void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent * e); // QWidget overrides virtual void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent * event); virtual void dropEvent(QDropEvent * event); virtual void dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent * event); virtual void dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent * event); void setToolbarList(QList toolbarList); public Q_SLOTS: /** * Add a the given view to the list of views of this mainwindow. * This is a private implementation. For public usage please use * newView() and addViewAndNotifyLoadingCompleted(). */ void addView(KisView *view); /// Set the active view, this will update the undo/redo actions void setActiveView(KisView *view); void subWindowActivated(); private: friend class KisApplication; /** * Returns the dockwidget specified by the @p factory. If the dock widget doesn't exist yet it's created. * Add a "view_palette_action_menu" action to your view menu if you want to use closable dock widgets. * @param factory the factory used to create the dock widget if needed * @return the dock widget specified by @p factory (may be 0) */ QDockWidget* createDockWidget(KoDockFactoryBase* factory); bool openDocumentInternal(const QUrl &url, KisDocument *newdoc = 0); /** * Reloads the recent documents list. */ void reloadRecentFileList(); /** * Updates the window caption based on the document info and path. */ void updateCaption(const QString & caption, bool mod); void updateReloadFileAction(KisDocument *doc); void saveWindowSettings(); QPointeractiveKisView(); void applyDefaultSettings(QPrinter &printer); void createActions(); void applyToolBarLayout(); protected: void moveEvent(QMoveEvent *e); private Q_SLOTS: void initializeGeometry(); void showManual(); void switchTab(int index); private: /** * Struct used in the list created by createCustomDocumentWidgets() */ struct CustomDocumentWidgetItem { /// Pointer to the custom document widget QWidget *widget; /// title used in the sidebar. If left empty it will be displayed as "Custom Document" QString title; /// icon used in the sidebar. If left empty it will use the unknown icon QString icon; }; class Private; Private * const d; QString m_errorMessage; bool m_dieOnError; }; #endif diff --git a/libs/ui/KisResourceBundle.cpp b/libs/ui/KisResourceBundle.cpp index a4f9da1af4..c09117ae44 100644 --- a/libs/ui/KisResourceBundle.cpp +++ b/libs/ui/KisResourceBundle.cpp @@ -1,1002 +1,1010 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2014 Victor Lafon metabolic.ewilan@hotmail.fr * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KisResourceBundle.h" #include "KisResourceBundleManifest.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include KisResourceBundle::KisResourceBundle(QString const& fileName) : KoResource(fileName), m_bundleVersion("1") { setName(QFileInfo(fileName).baseName()); m_metadata["generator"] = "Krita (" + KritaVersionWrapper::versionString(true) + ")"; + } KisResourceBundle::~KisResourceBundle() { } QString KisResourceBundle::defaultFileExtension() const { return QString(".bundle"); } bool KisResourceBundle::load() { if (filename().isEmpty()) return false; QScopedPointer resourceStore(KoStore::createStore(filename(), KoStore::Read, "application/x-krita-resourcebundle", KoStore::Zip)); if (!resourceStore || resourceStore->bad()) { warnKrita << "Could not open store on bundle" << filename(); m_installed = false; setValid(false); return false; } else { m_metadata.clear(); bool toRecreate = false; if (resourceStore->open("META-INF/manifest.xml")) { if (!m_manifest.load(resourceStore->device())) { warnKrita << "Could not open manifest for bundle" << filename(); return false; } resourceStore->close(); Q_FOREACH (KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference ref, m_manifest.files()) { if (!resourceStore->open(ref.resourcePath)) { warnKrita << "Bundle is broken. File" << ref.resourcePath << "is missing"; toRecreate = true; } else { resourceStore->close(); } } if(toRecreate) { warnKrita << "Due to missing files and wrong entries in the manifest, " << filename() << " will be recreated."; } } else { warnKrita << "Could not load META-INF/manifest.xml"; return false; } bool versionFound = false; if (resourceStore->open("meta.xml")) { KoXmlDocument doc; if (!doc.setContent(resourceStore->device())) { warnKrita << "Could not parse meta.xml for" << filename(); return false; } // First find the manifest:manifest node. KoXmlNode n = doc.firstChild(); for (; !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) { if (!n.isElement()) { continue; } if (n.toElement().tagName() == "meta:meta") { break; } } if (n.isNull()) { warnKrita << "Could not find manifest node for bundle" << filename(); return false; } const KoXmlElement metaElement = n.toElement(); for (n = metaElement.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) { if (n.isElement()) { KoXmlElement e = n.toElement(); if (e.tagName() == "meta:generator") { m_metadata.insert("generator", e.firstChild().toText().data()); } else if (e.tagName() == "dc:author") { m_metadata.insert("author", e.firstChild().toText().data()); } else if (e.tagName() == "dc:title") { m_metadata.insert("title", e.firstChild().toText().data()); } else if (e.tagName() == "dc:description") { m_metadata.insert("description", e.firstChild().toText().data()); } else if (e.tagName() == "meta:initial-creator") { m_metadata.insert("author", e.firstChild().toText().data()); } else if (e.tagName() == "dc:creator") { m_metadata.insert("author", e.firstChild().toText().data()); } else if (e.tagName() == "meta:creation-date") { m_metadata.insert("created", e.firstChild().toText().data()); } else if (e.tagName() == "meta:dc-date") { m_metadata.insert("updated", e.firstChild().toText().data()); } else if (e.tagName() == "meta:meta-userdefined") { if (e.attribute("meta:name") == "tag") { m_bundletags << e.attribute("meta:value"); } else { m_metadata.insert(e.attribute("meta:name"), e.attribute("meta:value")); } } else if(e.tagName() == "meta:bundle-version") { m_metadata.insert("bundle-version", e.firstChild().toText().data()); versionFound = true; } } } resourceStore->close(); } else { warnKrita << "Could not load meta.xml"; return false; } if (resourceStore->open("preview.png")) { // Workaround for some OS (Debian, Ubuntu), where loading directly from the QIODevice // fails with "libpng error: IDAT: CRC error" QByteArray data = resourceStore->device()->readAll(); QBuffer buffer(&data); m_thumbnail.load(&buffer, "PNG"); resourceStore->close(); } else { warnKrita << "Could not open preview.png"; } /* * If no version is found it's an old bundle with md5 hashes to fix, or if some manifest resource entry * doesn't not correspond to a file the bundle is "broken", in both cases we need to recreate the bundle. */ if (!versionFound) { m_metadata.insert("bundle-version", "1"); warnKrita << filename() << " has an old version and possibly wrong resources md5, so it will be recreated."; toRecreate = true; } if (toRecreate) { recreateBundle(resourceStore); } m_installed = true; setValid(true); setImage(m_thumbnail); } return true; } bool KisResourceBundle::loadFromDevice(QIODevice *) { return false; } bool saveResourceToStore(KoResource *resource, KoStore *store, const QString &resType) { if (!resource) { warnKrita << "No Resource"; return false; } if (!resource->valid()) { warnKrita << "Resource is not valid"; return false; } if (!store || store->bad()) { warnKrita << "No Store or Store is Bad"; return false; } QByteArray ba; QBuffer buf; QFileInfo fi(resource->filename()); if (fi.exists() && fi.isReadable()) { QFile f(resource->filename()); if (!f.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { warnKrita << "Could not open resource" << resource->filename(); return false; } ba = f.readAll(); if (ba.size() == 0) { warnKrita << "Resource is empty" << resource->filename(); return false; } f.close(); buf.setBuffer(&ba); } else { warnKrita << "Could not find the resource " << resource->filename() << " or it isn't readable"; return false; } if (!buf.open(QBuffer::ReadOnly)) { warnKrita << "Could not open buffer"; return false; } Q_ASSERT(!store->hasFile(resType + "/" + resource->shortFilename())); if (!store->open(resType + "/" + resource->shortFilename())) { warnKrita << "Could not open file in store for resource"; return false; } bool res = (store->write(buf.data()) == buf.size()); store->close(); return res; } bool KisResourceBundle::save() { if (filename().isEmpty()) return false; addMeta("updated", QDate::currentDate().toString("dd/MM/yyyy")); QDir bundleDir = KoResourcePaths::saveLocation("data", "bundles"); bundleDir.cdUp(); QScopedPointer store(KoStore::createStore(filename(), KoStore::Write, "application/x-krita-resourcebundle", KoStore::Zip)); if (!store || store->bad()) return false; Q_FOREACH (const QString &resType, m_manifest.types()) { if (resType == "ko_gradients") { KoResourceServer* gradientServer = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->gradientServer(); Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, m_manifest.files(resType)) { KoResource *res = gradientServer->resourceByMD5(ref.md5sum); if (!res) res = gradientServer->resourceByFilename(QFileInfo(ref.resourcePath).fileName()); if (!saveResourceToStore(res, store.data(), "gradients")) { if (res) { warnKrita << "Could not save resource" << resType << res->name(); } else { warnKrita << "could not find resource for" << QFileInfo(ref.resourcePath).fileName(); } } } } else if (resType == "ko_patterns") { KoResourceServer* patternServer = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->patternServer(); Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, m_manifest.files(resType)) { KoResource *res = patternServer->resourceByMD5(ref.md5sum); if (!res) res = patternServer->resourceByFilename(QFileInfo(ref.resourcePath).fileName()); if (!saveResourceToStore(res, store.data(), "patterns")) { if (res) { warnKrita << "Could not save resource" << resType << res->name(); } else { warnKrita << "could not find resource for" << QFileInfo(ref.resourcePath).fileName(); } } } } else if (resType == "kis_brushes") { KisBrushResourceServer* brushServer = KisBrushServer::instance()->brushServer(); Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, m_manifest.files(resType)) { KisBrushSP brush = brushServer->resourceByMD5(ref.md5sum); if (!brush) brush = brushServer->resourceByFilename(QFileInfo(ref.resourcePath).fileName()); KoResource *res = brush.data(); if (!saveResourceToStore(res, store.data(), "brushes")) { if (res) { warnKrita << "Could not save resource" << resType << res->name(); } else { warnKrita << "could not find resource for" << QFileInfo(ref.resourcePath).fileName(); } } } } else if (resType == "ko_palettes") { KoResourceServer* paletteServer = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->paletteServer(); Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, m_manifest.files(resType)) { KoResource *res = paletteServer->resourceByMD5(ref.md5sum); if (!res) res = paletteServer->resourceByFilename(QFileInfo(ref.resourcePath).fileName()); if (!saveResourceToStore(res, store.data(), "palettes")) { if (res) { warnKrita << "Could not save resource" << resType << res->name(); } else { warnKrita << "could not find resource for" << QFileInfo(ref.resourcePath).fileName(); } } } } else if (resType == "kis_workspaces") { KoResourceServer< KisWorkspaceResource >* workspaceServer = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->workspaceServer(); Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, m_manifest.files(resType)) { KoResource *res = workspaceServer->resourceByMD5(ref.md5sum); if (!res) res = workspaceServer->resourceByFilename(QFileInfo(ref.resourcePath).fileName()); if (!saveResourceToStore(res, store.data(), "workspaces")) { if (res) { warnKrita << "Could not save resource" << resType << res->name(); } else { warnKrita << "could not find resource for" << QFileInfo(ref.resourcePath).fileName(); } } } } else if (resType == "kis_paintoppresets") { KisPaintOpPresetResourceServer* paintoppresetServer = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->paintOpPresetServer(); Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, m_manifest.files(resType)) { KisPaintOpPresetSP res = paintoppresetServer->resourceByMD5(ref.md5sum); if (!res) res = paintoppresetServer->resourceByFilename(QFileInfo(ref.resourcePath).fileName()); if (!saveResourceToStore(res.data(), store.data(), "paintoppresets")) { if (res) { warnKrita << "Could not save resource" << resType << res->name(); } else { warnKrita << "could not find resource for" << QFileInfo(ref.resourcePath).fileName(); } } } } } if (!m_thumbnail.isNull()) { QByteArray byteArray; QBuffer buffer(&byteArray); m_thumbnail.save(&buffer, "PNG"); if (!store->open("preview.png")) warnKrita << "Could not open preview.png"; if (store->write(byteArray) != buffer.size()) warnKrita << "Could not write preview.png"; store->close(); } saveManifest(store); saveMetadata(store); store->finalize(); return true; } bool KisResourceBundle::saveToDevice(QIODevice */*dev*/) const { return false; } bool KisResourceBundle::install() { QStringList md5Mismatch; if (filename().isEmpty()) { warnKrita << "Cannot install bundle: no file name" << this; return false; } QScopedPointer resourceStore(KoStore::createStore(filename(), KoStore::Read, "application/x-krita-resourcebundle", KoStore::Zip)); if (!resourceStore || resourceStore->bad()) { warnKrita << "Cannot open the resource bundle: invalid zip file?"; return false; } Q_FOREACH (const QString &resType, m_manifest.types()) { dbgResources << "Installing resource type" << resType; if (resType == "gradients") { KoResourceServer* gradientServer = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->gradientServer(); Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, m_manifest.files(resType)) { if (resourceStore->isOpen()) resourceStore->close(); dbgResources << "\tInstalling" << ref.resourcePath; KoAbstractGradient *res = gradientServer->createResource(QString("bundle://%1:%2").arg(filename()).arg(ref.resourcePath)); if (!res) { warnKrita << "Could not create resource for" << ref.resourcePath; continue; } if (!resourceStore->open(ref.resourcePath)) { warnKrita << "Failed to open" << ref.resourcePath << "from bundle" << filename(); continue; } if (!res->loadFromDevice(resourceStore->device())) { warnKrita << "Failed to load" << ref.resourcePath << "from bundle" << filename(); continue; } dbgResources << "\t\tresource:" << res->name(); KoAbstractGradient *res2 = gradientServer->resourceByName(res->name()); if (!res2) {//if it doesn't exist... gradientServer->addResource(res, false);//add it! if (!m_gradientsMd5Installed.contains(res->md5())) { m_gradientsMd5Installed.append(res->md5()); } if (ref.md5sum!=res->md5()) { md5Mismatch.append(res->name()); } Q_FOREACH (const QString &tag, ref.tagList) { gradientServer->addTag(res, tag); } gradientServer->addTag(res, name()); } else { //warnKrita << "Didn't install" << res->name()<<"It already exists on the server"; } } } else if (resType == "patterns") { KoResourceServer* patternServer = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->patternServer(); Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, m_manifest.files(resType)) { if (resourceStore->isOpen()) resourceStore->close(); dbgResources << "\tInstalling" << ref.resourcePath; KoPattern *res = patternServer->createResource(QString("bundle://%1:%2").arg(filename()).arg(ref.resourcePath)); if (!res) { warnKrita << "Could not create resource for" << ref.resourcePath; continue; } if (!resourceStore->open(ref.resourcePath)) { warnKrita << "Failed to open" << ref.resourcePath << "from bundle" << filename(); continue; } if (!res->loadFromDevice(resourceStore->device())) { warnKrita << "Failed to load" << ref.resourcePath << "from bundle" << filename(); continue; } dbgResources << "\t\tresource:" << res->name(); KoPattern *res2 = patternServer->resourceByName(res->name()); if (!res2) {//if it doesn't exist... patternServer->addResource(res, false);//add it! if (!m_patternsMd5Installed.contains(res->md5())) { m_patternsMd5Installed.append(res->md5()); } if (ref.md5sum!=res->md5()) { md5Mismatch.append(res->name()); } Q_FOREACH (const QString &tag, ref.tagList) { patternServer->addTag(res, tag); } patternServer->addTag(res, name()); } } } else if (resType == "brushes") { KisBrushResourceServer *brushServer = KisBrushServer::instance()->brushServer(); Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, m_manifest.files(resType)) { if (resourceStore->isOpen()) resourceStore->close(); dbgResources << "\tInstalling" << ref.resourcePath; KisBrushSP res = brushServer->createResource(QString("bundle://%1:%2").arg(filename()).arg(ref.resourcePath)); if (!res) { warnKrita << "Could not create resource for" << ref.resourcePath; continue; } if (!resourceStore->open(ref.resourcePath)) { warnKrita << "Failed to open" << ref.resourcePath << "from bundle" << filename(); continue; } if (!res->loadFromDevice(resourceStore->device())) { warnKrita << "Failed to load" << ref.resourcePath << "from bundle" << filename(); continue; } dbgResources << "\t\tresource:" << res->name(); //find the resouce on the server KisBrushSP res2 = brushServer->resourceByName(res->name()); if (!res2) {//if it doesn't exist... brushServer->addResource(res, false);//add it! if (!m_brushesMd5Installed.contains(res->md5())) { m_brushesMd5Installed.append(res->md5()); } if (ref.md5sum!=res->md5()) { md5Mismatch.append(res->name()); } Q_FOREACH (const QString &tag, ref.tagList) { brushServer->addTag(res.data(), tag); } brushServer->addTag(res.data(), name()); } else { //warnKrita << "Didn't install" << res->name()<<"It already exists on the server"; } } } else if (resType == "palettes") { KoResourceServer* paletteServer = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->paletteServer(); Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, m_manifest.files(resType)) { if (resourceStore->isOpen()) resourceStore->close(); dbgResources << "\tInstalling" << ref.resourcePath; KoColorSet *res = paletteServer->createResource(QString("bundle://%1:%2").arg(filename()).arg(ref.resourcePath)); if (!res) { warnKrita << "Could not create resource for" << ref.resourcePath; continue; } if (!resourceStore->open(ref.resourcePath)) { warnKrita << "Failed to open" << ref.resourcePath << "from bundle" << filename(); continue; } if (!res->loadFromDevice(resourceStore->device())) { warnKrita << "Failed to load" << ref.resourcePath << "from bundle" << filename(); continue; } dbgResources << "\t\tresource:" << res->name(); //find the resouce on the server KoColorSet *res2 = paletteServer->resourceByName(res->name()); if (!res2) {//if it doesn't exist... paletteServer->addResource(res, false);//add it! if (!m_palettesMd5Installed.contains(res->md5())) { m_palettesMd5Installed.append(res->md5()); } if (ref.md5sum!=res->md5()) { md5Mismatch.append(res->name()); } Q_FOREACH (const QString &tag, ref.tagList) { paletteServer->addTag(res, tag); } paletteServer->addTag(res, name()); } else { //warnKrita << "Didn't install" << res->name()<<"It already exists on the server"; } } } else if (resType == "workspaces") { KoResourceServer< KisWorkspaceResource >* workspaceServer = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->workspaceServer(); Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, m_manifest.files(resType)) { if (resourceStore->isOpen()) resourceStore->close(); dbgResources << "\tInstalling" << ref.resourcePath; KisWorkspaceResource *res = workspaceServer->createResource(QString("bundle://%1:%2").arg(filename()).arg(ref.resourcePath)); if (!res) { warnKrita << "Could not create resource for" << ref.resourcePath; continue; } if (!resourceStore->open(ref.resourcePath)) { warnKrita << "Failed to open" << ref.resourcePath << "from bundle" << filename(); continue; } if (!res->loadFromDevice(resourceStore->device())) { warnKrita << "Failed to load" << ref.resourcePath << "from bundle" << filename(); continue; } dbgResources << "\t\tresource:" << res->name(); //the following tries to find the resource by name. KisWorkspaceResource *res2 = workspaceServer->resourceByName(res->name()); if (!res2) {//if it doesn't exist... workspaceServer->addResource(res, false);//add it! if (!m_workspacesMd5Installed.contains(res->md5())) { m_workspacesMd5Installed.append(res->md5()); } if (ref.md5sum!=res->md5()) { md5Mismatch.append(res->name()); } Q_FOREACH (const QString &tag, ref.tagList) { workspaceServer->addTag(res, tag); } workspaceServer->addTag(res, name()); } else { //warnKrita << "Didn't install" << res->name()<<"It already exists on the server"; } } } else if (resType == "paintoppresets") { KisPaintOpPresetResourceServer* paintoppresetServer = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->paintOpPresetServer(); Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, m_manifest.files(resType)) { if (resourceStore->isOpen()) resourceStore->close(); dbgResources << "\tInstalling" << ref.resourcePath; KisPaintOpPresetSP res = paintoppresetServer->createResource(QString("bundle://%1:%2").arg(filename()).arg(ref.resourcePath)); if (!res) { warnKrita << "Could not create resource for" << ref.resourcePath; continue; } if (!resourceStore->open(ref.resourcePath)) { warnKrita << "Failed to open" << ref.resourcePath << "from bundle" << filename(); continue; } // Workaround for some OS (Debian, Ubuntu), where loading directly from the QIODevice // fails with "libpng error: IDAT: CRC error" QByteArray data = resourceStore->device()->readAll(); QBuffer buffer(&data); if (!res->loadFromDevice(&buffer)) { warnKrita << "Failed to load" << ref.resourcePath << "from bundle" << filename(); continue; } dbgResources << "\t\tresource:" << res->name() << "File:" << res->filename(); //the following tries to find the resource by name. KisPaintOpPresetSP res2 = paintoppresetServer->resourceByName(res->name()); if (!res2) {//if it doesn't exist... paintoppresetServer->addResource(res, false);//add it! if (!m_presetsMd5Installed.contains(res->md5())){ m_presetsMd5Installed.append(res->md5()); } if (ref.md5sum!=res->md5()) { md5Mismatch.append(res->name()); } Q_FOREACH (const QString &tag, ref.tagList) { paintoppresetServer->addTag(res.data(), tag); } paintoppresetServer->addTag(res.data(), name()); } else { //warnKrita << "Didn't install" << res->name()<<"It already exists on the server"; } } } } m_installed = true; if(!md5Mismatch.isEmpty()){ QString message = i18n("The following resources had mismatching MD5 sums. They may have gotten corrupted, for example, during download."); QMessageBox bundleFeedback; bundleFeedback.setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning); Q_FOREACH (QString name, md5Mismatch) { message.append("\n"); message.append(name); } bundleFeedback.setText(message); bundleFeedback.exec(); } return true; } bool KisResourceBundle::uninstall() { m_installed = false; QStringList tags = getTagsList(); tags << m_manifest.tags(); tags << name(); KoResourceServer* gradientServer = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->gradientServer(); //Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, m_manifest.files("gradients")) { Q_FOREACH (const QByteArray md5, m_gradientsMd5Installed) { KoAbstractGradient *res = gradientServer->resourceByMD5(md5); if (res) { gradientServer->removeResourceFromServer(res); } } KoResourceServer* patternServer = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->patternServer(); //Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, m_manifest.files("patterns")) { Q_FOREACH (const QByteArray md5, m_patternsMd5Installed) { KoPattern *res = patternServer->resourceByMD5(md5); if (res) { patternServer->removeResourceFromServer(res); } } KisBrushResourceServer *brushServer = KisBrushServer::instance()->brushServer(); //Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, m_manifest.files("brushes")) { Q_FOREACH (const QByteArray md5, m_brushesMd5Installed) { KisBrushSP res = brushServer->resourceByMD5(md5); if (res) { brushServer->removeResourceFromServer(res); } } KoResourceServer* paletteServer = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->paletteServer(); //Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, m_manifest.files("palettes")) { Q_FOREACH (const QByteArray md5, m_palettesMd5Installed) { KoColorSet *res = paletteServer->resourceByMD5(md5); if (res) { paletteServer->removeResourceFromServer(res); } } KoResourceServer< KisWorkspaceResource >* workspaceServer = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->workspaceServer(); //Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, m_manifest.files("workspaces")) { Q_FOREACH (const QByteArray md5, m_workspacesMd5Installed) { KisWorkspaceResource *res = workspaceServer->resourceByMD5(md5); if (res) { workspaceServer->removeResourceFromServer(res); } } KisPaintOpPresetResourceServer* paintoppresetServer = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->paintOpPresetServer(); //Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, m_manifest.files("paintoppresets")) { Q_FOREACH (const QByteArray md5, m_presetsMd5Installed) { KisPaintOpPresetSP res = paintoppresetServer->resourceByMD5(md5); if (res) { paintoppresetServer->removeResourceFromServer(res); } } Q_FOREACH(const QString &tag, tags) { paintoppresetServer->tagCategoryRemoved(tag); workspaceServer->tagCategoryRemoved(tag); paletteServer->tagCategoryRemoved(tag); brushServer->tagCategoryRemoved(tag); patternServer->tagCategoryRemoved(tag); gradientServer->tagCategoryRemoved(tag); } return true; } void KisResourceBundle::addMeta(const QString &type, const QString &value) { m_metadata.insert(type, value); } const QString KisResourceBundle::getMeta(const QString &type, const QString &defaultValue) const { if (m_metadata.contains(type)) { return m_metadata[type]; } else { return defaultValue; } } void KisResourceBundle::addResource(QString fileType, QString filePath, QStringList fileTagList, const QByteArray md5sum) { m_manifest.addResource(fileType, filePath, fileTagList, md5sum); } QList KisResourceBundle::getTagsList() { return QList::fromSet(m_bundletags); } bool KisResourceBundle::isInstalled() { return m_installed; } -QStringList KisResourceBundle::resourceTypes() +QStringList KisResourceBundle::resourceTypes() const { return m_manifest.types(); } -QList KisResourceBundle::resources(const QString &resType) +QList KisResourceBundle::resources(const QString &resType) const { QList references = m_manifest.files(resType); QList ret; Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, references) { if (resType == "gradients") { KoResourceServer* gradientServer = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->gradientServer(); KoResource *res = gradientServer->resourceByMD5(ref.md5sum); if (res) ret << res; } else if (resType == "patterns") { KoResourceServer* patternServer = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->patternServer(); KoResource *res = patternServer->resourceByMD5(ref.md5sum); if (res) ret << res; } else if (resType == "brushes") { KisBrushResourceServer *brushServer = KisBrushServer::instance()->brushServer(); KoResource *res = brushServer->resourceByMD5(ref.md5sum).data(); if (res) ret << res; } else if (resType == "palettes") { KoResourceServer* paletteServer = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->paletteServer(); KoResource *res = paletteServer->resourceByMD5(ref.md5sum); if (res) ret << res; } else if (resType == "workspaces") { KoResourceServer< KisWorkspaceResource >* workspaceServer = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->workspaceServer(); KoResource *res = workspaceServer->resourceByMD5(ref.md5sum); if (res) ret << res; } else if (resType == "paintoppresets") { KisPaintOpPresetResourceServer* paintoppresetServer = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->paintOpPresetServer(); KisPaintOpPresetSP res = paintoppresetServer->resourceByMD5(ref.md5sum); if (res) ret << res.data(); } } return ret; } void KisResourceBundle::setThumbnail(QString filename) { if (QFileInfo(filename).exists()) { m_thumbnail = QImage(filename); m_thumbnail = m_thumbnail.scaled(256, 256, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); - Q_ASSERT(!m_thumbnail.isNull()); } else { m_thumbnail = QImage(256, 256, QImage::Format_ARGB32); QPainter gc(&m_thumbnail); gc.fillRect(0, 0, 256, 256, Qt::red); gc.end(); } + + setImage(m_thumbnail); } void KisResourceBundle::writeMeta(const char *metaTag, const QString &metaKey, KoXmlWriter *writer) { if (m_metadata.contains(metaKey)) { writer->startElement(metaTag); writer->addTextNode(m_metadata[metaKey].toUtf8()); writer->endElement(); } } void KisResourceBundle::writeUserDefinedMeta(const QString &metaKey, KoXmlWriter *writer) { if (m_metadata.contains(metaKey)) { writer->startElement("meta:meta-userdefined"); writer->addAttribute("meta:name", metaKey); writer->addAttribute("meta:value", m_metadata[metaKey]); writer->endElement(); } } void KisResourceBundle::setInstalled(bool install) { m_installed = install; } void KisResourceBundle::saveMetadata(QScopedPointer &store) { QBuffer buf; store->open("meta.xml"); buf.open(QBuffer::WriteOnly); KoXmlWriter metaWriter(&buf); metaWriter.startDocument("office:document-meta"); metaWriter.startElement("meta:meta"); writeMeta("meta:generator", "generator", &metaWriter); metaWriter.startElement("meta:bundle-version"); metaWriter.addTextNode(m_bundleVersion.toUtf8()); metaWriter.endElement(); writeMeta("dc:author", "author", &metaWriter); writeMeta("dc:title", "filename", &metaWriter); writeMeta("dc:description", "description", &metaWriter); writeMeta("meta:initial-creator", "author", &metaWriter); writeMeta("dc:creator", "author", &metaWriter); writeMeta("meta:creation-date", "created", &metaWriter); writeMeta("meta:dc-date", "updated", &metaWriter); writeUserDefinedMeta("email", &metaWriter); writeUserDefinedMeta("license", &metaWriter); writeUserDefinedMeta("website", &metaWriter); Q_FOREACH (const QString &tag, m_bundletags) { metaWriter.startElement("meta:meta-userdefined"); metaWriter.addAttribute("meta:name", "tag"); metaWriter.addAttribute("meta:value", tag); metaWriter.endElement(); } metaWriter.endElement(); // meta:meta metaWriter.endDocument(); buf.close(); store->write(buf.data()); store->close(); } void KisResourceBundle::saveManifest(QScopedPointer &store) { store->open("META-INF/manifest.xml"); QBuffer buf; buf.open(QBuffer::WriteOnly); m_manifest.save(&buf); buf.close(); store->write(buf.data()); store->close(); } void KisResourceBundle::recreateBundle(QScopedPointer &oldStore) { // Save a copy of the unmodified bundle, so that if anything goes bad the user doesn't lose it QFile file(filename()); file.copy(filename() + ".old"); QString newStoreName = filename() + ".tmp"; QScopedPointer store(KoStore::createStore(newStoreName, KoStore::Write, "application/x-krita-resourcebundle", KoStore::Zip)); KoHashGenerator *generator = KoHashGeneratorProvider::instance()->getGenerator("MD5"); KisResourceBundleManifest newManifest; addMeta("updated", QDate::currentDate().toString("dd/MM/yyyy")); Q_FOREACH (KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference ref, m_manifest.files()) { // Wrong manifest entry found, skip it if(!oldStore->open(ref.resourcePath)) continue; store->open(ref.resourcePath); QByteArray data = oldStore->device()->readAll(); oldStore->close(); store->write(data); store->close(); QByteArray result = generator->generateHash(data); newManifest.addResource(ref.fileTypeName, ref.resourcePath, ref.tagList, result); } m_manifest = newManifest; if (!m_thumbnail.isNull()) { QByteArray byteArray; QBuffer buffer(&byteArray); m_thumbnail.save(&buffer, "PNG"); if (!store->open("preview.png")) warnKrita << "Could not open preview.png"; if (store->write(byteArray) != buffer.size()) warnKrita << "Could not write preview.png"; store->close(); } saveManifest(store); saveMetadata(store); store->finalize(); // Remove the current bundle and then move the tmp one to be the correct one file.setFileName(filename()); file.remove(); file.setFileName(newStoreName); file.rename(filename()); } + + +int KisResourceBundle::resourceCount() const +{ + return m_manifest.files().count(); +} diff --git a/libs/ui/KisResourceBundle.h b/libs/ui/KisResourceBundle.h index ec9a74e5f7..a52128f772 100644 --- a/libs/ui/KisResourceBundle.h +++ b/libs/ui/KisResourceBundle.h @@ -1,159 +1,159 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2014 Victor Lafon metabolic.ewilan@hotmail.fr * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KORESOURCEBUNDLE_H #define KORESOURCEBUNDLE_H #include #include #include #include #include "KisResourceBundleManifest.h" #include "kritaui_export.h" class KoStore; /** * @brief The ResourceBundle class * @details Describe the resource bundles as KoResources */ class KRITAUI_EXPORT KisResourceBundle : public KoResource { public: /** * @brief ResourceBundle : Ctor * @param bundlePath the path of the bundle */ KisResourceBundle(QString const& fileName); /** * @brief ~ResourceBundle : Dtor */ virtual ~KisResourceBundle(); /** * @brief defaultFileExtension * @return the default file extension which should be when saving the resource */ QString defaultFileExtension() const; /** * @brief load : Load this resource. * @return true if succeed, false otherwise. */ bool load(); virtual bool loadFromDevice(QIODevice *dev); /** * @brief save : Save this resource. * @return true if succeed, false otherwise. */ bool save(); virtual bool saveToDevice(QIODevice* dev) const; /** * @brief install : Install the contents of the resource bundle. */ bool install(); /** * @brief uninstall : Uninstall the resource bundle. */ bool uninstall(); /** * @brief addMeta : Add a Metadata to the resource * @param type type of the metadata * @param value value of the metadata */ void addMeta(const QString &type, const QString &value); const QString getMeta(const QString &type, const QString &defaultValue = QString()) const; /** * @brief addFile : Add a file to the bundle * @param fileType type of the resource file * @param filePath path of the resource file */ void addResource(QString fileType, QString filePath, QStringList fileTagList, const QByteArray md5sum); QList getTagsList(); /** * @brief isInstalled * @return true if the bundle is installed, false otherwise. */ bool isInstalled(); /** * @brief setInstalled - * This allows you to set installed or uninstalled upon loading. This is used with blacklists. + * This allows you to set installed or uninstalled upon loading. This is used with blacklists. */ void setInstalled(bool install); void setThumbnail(QString); /** * @brief saveMetadata: saves bundle metadata * @param store bundle where to save the metadata */ void saveMetadata(QScopedPointer &store); /** * @brief saveManifest: saves bundle manifest * @param store bundle where to save the manifest */ void saveManifest(QScopedPointer &store); /** * @brief recreateBundle * It recreates the bundle by copying the old bundle information to a new store * and recalculating the md5 of each resource. * @param oldStore the old store to be recreated. */ void recreateBundle(QScopedPointer &oldStore); - QStringList resourceTypes(); - QList resources(const QString &resType); - + QStringList resourceTypes() const; + QList resources(const QString &resType = QString::null) const; + int resourceCount() const; private: void writeMeta(const char *metaTag, const QString &metaKey, KoXmlWriter *writer); void writeUserDefinedMeta(const QString &metaKey, KoXmlWriter *writer); private: QImage m_thumbnail; KisResourceBundleManifest m_manifest; QMap m_metadata; QSet m_bundletags; bool m_installed; QList m_gradientsMd5Installed; QList m_patternsMd5Installed; QList m_brushesMd5Installed; QList m_palettesMd5Installed; QList m_workspacesMd5Installed; QList m_presetsMd5Installed; QString m_bundleVersion; - + }; #endif // KORESOURCEBUNDLE_H diff --git a/libs/ui/KisSaveGroupVisitor.cpp b/libs/ui/KisSaveGroupVisitor.cpp index 056da129d3..b23e6d1f96 100644 --- a/libs/ui/KisSaveGroupVisitor.cpp +++ b/libs/ui/KisSaveGroupVisitor.cpp @@ -1,138 +1,138 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2016 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KisSaveGroupVisitor.h" #include #include #include #include KisSaveGroupVisitor::KisSaveGroupVisitor(KisImageWSP image, bool saveInvisible, bool saveTopLevelOnly, const QString &path, const QString &baseName, const QString &extension, const QString &mimeFilter) : m_image(image) , m_saveInvisible(saveInvisible) , m_saveTopLevelOnly(saveTopLevelOnly) , m_path(path) , m_baseName(baseName) , m_extension(extension) , m_mimeFilter(mimeFilter) { } KisSaveGroupVisitor::~KisSaveGroupVisitor() { } bool KisSaveGroupVisitor::visit(KisNode* ) { return true; } bool KisSaveGroupVisitor::visit(KisPaintLayer *) { return true; } bool KisSaveGroupVisitor::visit(KisAdjustmentLayer *) { return true; } bool KisSaveGroupVisitor::visit(KisExternalLayer *) { return true; } bool KisSaveGroupVisitor::visit(KisCloneLayer *) { return true; } bool KisSaveGroupVisitor::visit(KisFilterMask *) { return true; } bool KisSaveGroupVisitor::visit(KisTransformMask *) { return true; } bool KisSaveGroupVisitor::visit(KisTransparencyMask *) { return true; } bool KisSaveGroupVisitor::visit(KisGeneratorLayer * ) { return true; } bool KisSaveGroupVisitor::visit(KisSelectionMask* ) { return true; } bool KisSaveGroupVisitor::visit(KisColorizeMask* ) { return true; } bool KisSaveGroupVisitor::visit(KisGroupLayer *layer) { if (layer == m_image->rootLayer()) { KisLayerSP child = qobject_cast(layer->firstChild().data()); while (child) { child->accept(*this); child = qobject_cast(child->nextSibling().data()); } } else if (layer->visible() || m_saveInvisible) { QRect r = m_image->bounds(); KisDocument *exportDocument = KisPart::instance()->createDocument(); - KisImageWSP dst = new KisImage(exportDocument->createUndoStore(), r.width(), r.height(), m_image->colorSpace(), layer->name()); + KisImageSP dst = new KisImage(exportDocument->createUndoStore(), r.width(), r.height(), m_image->colorSpace(), layer->name()); dst->setResolution(m_image->xRes(), m_image->yRes()); exportDocument->setCurrentImage(dst); KisPaintLayer* paintLayer = new KisPaintLayer(dst, "projection", layer->opacity()); KisPainter gc(paintLayer->paintDevice()); gc.bitBlt(QPoint(0, 0), layer->projection(), r); dst->addNode(paintLayer, dst->rootLayer(), KisLayerSP(0)); dst->refreshGraph(); exportDocument->setOutputMimeType(m_mimeFilter.toLatin1()); exportDocument->setFileBatchMode(true); QString path = m_path + "/" + m_baseName + "_" + layer->name().replace(' ', '_') + '.' + m_extension; QUrl url = QUrl::fromLocalFile(path); exportDocument->exportDocument(url); if (!m_saveTopLevelOnly) { KisGroupLayerSP child = dynamic_cast(layer->firstChild().data()); while (child) { child->accept(*this); child = dynamic_cast(child->nextSibling().data()); } } delete exportDocument; } return true; } diff --git a/libs/ui/dialogs/kis_dlg_filter.cpp b/libs/ui/dialogs/kis_dlg_filter.cpp index 6d2121218d..15793d617d 100644 --- a/libs/ui/dialogs/kis_dlg_filter.cpp +++ b/libs/ui/dialogs/kis_dlg_filter.cpp @@ -1,234 +1,237 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2007 Cyrille Berger * Copyright (c) 2008 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_dlg_filter.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_selection.h" #include "kis_node_commands_adapter.h" #include "kis_filter_manager.h" #include "ui_wdgfilterdialog.h" struct KisDlgFilter::Private { Private() : currentFilter(0) , resizeCount(0) , view(0) { } KisFilterSP currentFilter; Ui_FilterDialog uiFilterDialog; KisNodeSP node; int resizeCount; KisViewManager *view; KisFilterManager *filterManager; }; KisDlgFilter::KisDlgFilter(KisViewManager *view, KisNodeSP node, KisFilterManager *filterManager, QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), d(new Private) { setModal(false); d->uiFilterDialog.setupUi(this); d->node = node; d->view = view; d->filterManager = filterManager; d->uiFilterDialog.filterSelection->setView(view); d->uiFilterDialog.filterSelection->showFilterGallery(KisConfig().showFilterGallery()); d->uiFilterDialog.pushButtonCreateMaskEffect->show(); connect(d->uiFilterDialog.pushButtonCreateMaskEffect, SIGNAL(pressed()), SLOT(createMask())); d->uiFilterDialog.filterGalleryToggle->setChecked(d->uiFilterDialog.filterSelection->isFilterGalleryVisible()); d->uiFilterDialog.filterGalleryToggle->setIcon(QPixmap(":/pics/sidebaricon.png")); d->uiFilterDialog.filterGalleryToggle->setMaximumWidth(d->uiFilterDialog.filterGalleryToggle->height()); connect(d->uiFilterDialog.filterSelection, SIGNAL(sigFilterGalleryToggled(bool)), d->uiFilterDialog.filterGalleryToggle, SLOT(setChecked(bool))); connect(d->uiFilterDialog.filterGalleryToggle, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), d->uiFilterDialog.filterSelection, SLOT(showFilterGallery(bool))); connect(d->uiFilterDialog.filterSelection, SIGNAL(sigSizeChanged()), this, SLOT(slotFilterWidgetSizeChanged())); if (node->inherits("KisMask")) { d->uiFilterDialog.pushButtonCreateMaskEffect->setVisible(false); } d->uiFilterDialog.filterSelection->setPaintDevice(true, d->node->original()); connect(d->uiFilterDialog.buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), SLOT(accept())); connect(d->uiFilterDialog.buttonBox, SIGNAL(rejected()), SLOT(reject())); connect(d->uiFilterDialog.checkBoxPreview, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(enablePreviewToggled(bool))); connect(d->uiFilterDialog.filterSelection, SIGNAL(configurationChanged()), SLOT(filterSelectionChanged())); connect(this, SIGNAL(accepted()), SLOT(slotOnAccept())); connect(this, SIGNAL(rejected()), SLOT(slotOnReject())); KConfigGroup group( KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "filterdialog"); d->uiFilterDialog.checkBoxPreview->setChecked(group.readEntry("showPreview", true)); + restoreGeometry(KisConfig().readEntry("filterdialog/geometry", QByteArray())); + } KisDlgFilter::~KisDlgFilter() { + KisConfig().writeEntry("filterdialog/geometry", saveGeometry()); delete d; } void KisDlgFilter::setFilter(KisFilterSP f) { Q_ASSERT(f); setDialogTitle(f); d->uiFilterDialog.filterSelection->setFilter(f); d->uiFilterDialog.pushButtonCreateMaskEffect->setEnabled(f->supportsAdjustmentLayers()); updatePreview(); } void KisDlgFilter::setDialogTitle(KisFilterSP filter) { setWindowTitle(filter.isNull() ? i18nc("@title:window", "Filter") : i18nc("@title:window", "Filter: %1", filter->name())); } void KisDlgFilter::startApplyingFilter(KisFilterConfigurationSP config) { if (!d->uiFilterDialog.filterSelection->configuration()) return; if (d->node->inherits("KisLayer")) { config->setChannelFlags(qobject_cast(d->node.data())->channelFlags()); } d->filterManager->apply(config); } void KisDlgFilter::updatePreview() { if (!d->uiFilterDialog.filterSelection->configuration()) return; if (d->uiFilterDialog.checkBoxPreview->isChecked()) { KisFilterConfigurationSP config(d->uiFilterDialog.filterSelection->configuration()); startApplyingFilter(config); } d->uiFilterDialog.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setEnabled(true); } void KisDlgFilter::adjustSize() { QWidget::adjustSize(); } void KisDlgFilter::slotFilterWidgetSizeChanged() { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "adjustSize", Qt::QueuedConnection); } void KisDlgFilter::slotOnAccept() { if (!d->filterManager->isStrokeRunning()) { KisFilterConfigurationSP config(d->uiFilterDialog.filterSelection->configuration()); startApplyingFilter(config); } d->filterManager->finish(); d->uiFilterDialog.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setEnabled(false); KisConfig().setShowFilterGallery(d->uiFilterDialog.filterSelection->isFilterGalleryVisible()); } void KisDlgFilter::slotOnReject() { if (d->filterManager->isStrokeRunning()) { d->filterManager->cancel(); } KisConfig().setShowFilterGallery(d->uiFilterDialog.filterSelection->isFilterGalleryVisible()); } void KisDlgFilter::createMask() { if (d->node->inherits("KisMask")) return; if (d->filterManager->isStrokeRunning()) { d->filterManager->cancel(); } KisLayer *layer = qobject_cast(d->node.data()); KisFilterMaskSP mask = new KisFilterMask(); mask->initSelection(d->view->selection(), layer); mask->setFilter(d->uiFilterDialog.filterSelection->configuration()); Q_ASSERT(layer->allowAsChild(mask)); KisNodeCommandsAdapter adapter(d->view); adapter.addNode(mask, layer, layer->lastChild()); accept(); } void KisDlgFilter::enablePreviewToggled(bool state) { if (state) { updatePreview(); } else if (d->filterManager->isStrokeRunning()) { d->filterManager->cancel(); } KConfigGroup group( KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "filterdialog"); group.writeEntry("showPreview", d->uiFilterDialog.checkBoxPreview->isChecked()); group.config()->sync(); } void KisDlgFilter::filterSelectionChanged() { KisFilterSP filter = d->uiFilterDialog.filterSelection->currentFilter(); setDialogTitle(filter); d->uiFilterDialog.pushButtonCreateMaskEffect->setEnabled(filter.isNull() ? false : filter->supportsAdjustmentLayers()); updatePreview(); } void KisDlgFilter::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* event) { QDialog::resizeEvent(event); - // Workaround, after the initalisation don't center the dialog anymore - if(d->resizeCount < 2) { - QWidget* canvas = d->view->canvas(); - QRect rect(canvas->mapToGlobal(canvas->geometry().topLeft()), size()); - int deltaX = (canvas->geometry().width() - geometry().width())/2; - int deltaY = (canvas->geometry().height() - geometry().height())/2; - rect.translate(deltaX, deltaY); - setGeometry(rect); - - d->resizeCount++; - } +// // Workaround, after the initalisation don't center the dialog anymore +// if(d->resizeCount < 2) { +// QWidget* canvas = d->view->canvas(); +// QRect rect(canvas->mapToGlobal(canvas->geometry().topLeft()), size()); +// int deltaX = (canvas->geometry().width() - geometry().width())/2; +// int deltaY = (canvas->geometry().height() - geometry().height())/2; +// rect.translate(deltaX, deltaY); +// setGeometry(rect); + +// d->resizeCount++; +// } } diff --git a/libs/ui/forms/wdggeneralsettings.ui b/libs/ui/forms/wdggeneralsettings.ui index e7e5cb06a7..ed586057fa 100644 --- a/libs/ui/forms/wdggeneralsettings.ui +++ b/libs/ui/forms/wdggeneralsettings.ui @@ -1,639 +1,639 @@ WdgGeneralSettings 0 0 552 295 0 0 552 295 Qt::LeftToRight 0 Cursor 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 0 Cursor Shape: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter 0 0 Outline Shape: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter 0 0 200 0 Show brush outline while painting Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Qt::Vertical 20 40 Window 0 0 Multiple Document Mode: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter 0 0 1 Subwindows Tabs Background Image (overrides color): 200 0 QFrame::StyledPanel QFrame::Sunken ... 0 0 Clear Window Background: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter 0 0 Don't show contents when moving sub-windows: 0 0 Show on-canvas popup messages: Qt::Vertical 20 40 Enable Hi-DPI support: Tools 10 10 10 10 10 Tool Options Location (needs restart) In Doc&ker In Tool&bar true Switch Control/Alt Selection Modifiers Qt::Vertical 20 40 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Miscellaneous 0 0 Qt::RightToLeft Autosave every: true 0 0 75 0 min 1 1440 5 15 Compress .kra files more (slows loading/saving) Create backup file On importing images as layers, convert to the image colorspace 0 0 Undo stack size: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter 0 0 75 0 0 1000 5 30 0 0 - Favorite presets: + Number of Palette Presets Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter 0 0 75 0 10 30 Show root layer Hide splash screen on startup Qt::Vertical 20 40 Warning: if you enable this setting and the file dialogs do weird stuff, do not report a bug. Enable native file dialogs (warning: they may not work correctly on systems) Qt::Vertical 20 40 - - KisIntParseSpinBox - QSpinBox -
KisColorButton QPushButton
+ + KisIntParseSpinBox + QSpinBox +
diff --git a/libs/ui/input/wintab/kis_tablet_support_win.cpp b/libs/ui/input/wintab/kis_tablet_support_win.cpp index 3d807ece73..9c775daa59 100644 --- a/libs/ui/input/wintab/kis_tablet_support_win.cpp +++ b/libs/ui/input/wintab/kis_tablet_support_win.cpp @@ -1,974 +1,974 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2013 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies). * Copyright (c) 2013 Boudewijn Rempt * Copyright (c) 2013 Dmitry Kazakov * Copyright (c) 2015 Michael Abrahams * Copyright (c) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_tablet_support_win_p.h" #include #include "kis_tablet_support_win.h" // #include "kis_tablet_support.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define Q_PI M_PI #include #include // For "inline tool switches" #include #include #include "kis_screen_size_choice_dialog.h" // NOTE: we stub out qwindowcontext.cpp::347 to disable Qt's own tablet support. // Note: The definition of the PACKET structure in pktdef.h depends on this define. #define PACKETDATA (PK_X | PK_Y | PK_BUTTONS | PK_TIME | PK_NORMAL_PRESSURE | PK_TANGENT_PRESSURE | PK_ORIENTATION | PK_CURSOR | PK_Z) #include "pktdef.h" QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE enum { PacketMode = 0, TabletPacketQSize = 128, DeviceIdMask = 0xFF6, // device type mask && device color mask CursorTypeBitMask = 0x0F06 // bitmask to find the specific cursor type (see Wacom FAQ) }; /* * * Krita extensions begin here * * */ QWindowsTabletSupport *QTAB = 0; static QPointer targetWindow = 0; //< Window receiving last tablet event static QPointer qt_tablet_target = 0; //< Widget receiving last tablet event static bool dialogOpen = false; //< KisTabletSupportWin is not a Q_OBJECT and can't accept dialog signals HWND createDummyWindow(const QString &className, const wchar_t *windowName, WNDPROC wndProc) { if (!wndProc) wndProc = DefWindowProc; WNDCLASSEX wc; wc.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); wc.style = 0; wc.lpfnWndProc = wndProc; wc.cbClsExtra = 0; wc.cbWndExtra = 0; wc.hInstance = (HINSTANCE)GetModuleHandle(0); wc.hCursor = 0; wc.hbrBackground = GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_WINDOW); wc.hIcon = 0; wc.hIconSm = 0; wc.lpszMenuName = 0; wc.lpszClassName = (wchar_t*)className.utf16(); ATOM atom = RegisterClassEx(&wc); if (!atom) qErrnoWarning("Registering tablet fake window class failed."); return CreateWindowEx(0, (wchar_t*)className.utf16(), windowName, WS_OVERLAPPED, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, HWND_MESSAGE, NULL, (HINSTANCE)GetModuleHandle(0), NULL); } void printContext(const LOGCONTEXT &lc) { dbgTablet << "# Getting current context data:"; dbgTablet << ppVar(lc.lcName); dbgTablet << ppVar(lc.lcDevice); dbgTablet << ppVar(lc.lcInOrgX); dbgTablet << ppVar(lc.lcInOrgY); dbgTablet << ppVar(lc.lcInExtX); dbgTablet << ppVar(lc.lcInExtY); dbgTablet << ppVar(lc.lcOutOrgX); dbgTablet << ppVar(lc.lcOutOrgY); dbgTablet << ppVar(lc.lcOutExtX); dbgTablet << ppVar(lc.lcOutExtY); dbgTablet << ppVar(lc.lcSysOrgX); dbgTablet << ppVar(lc.lcSysOrgY); dbgTablet << ppVar(lc.lcSysExtX); dbgTablet << ppVar(lc.lcSysExtY); dbgTablet << "Qt Desktop Geometry" << QApplication::desktop()->geometry(); } static QRect mapToNative(const QRect &qRect, int m_factor) { return QRect(qRect.x() * m_factor, qRect.y() * m_factor, qRect.width() * m_factor, qRect.height() * m_factor); } static inline QEvent::Type mouseEventType(QEvent::Type t) { return (t == QEvent::TabletMove ? QEvent::MouseMove : t == QEvent::TabletPress ? QEvent::MouseButtonPress : t == QEvent::TabletRelease ? QEvent::MouseButtonRelease : QEvent::None); } static inline bool isMouseEventType(QEvent::Type t) { return (t == QEvent::MouseMove || t == QEvent::MouseButtonPress || t == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease); } static QPoint mousePosition() { POINT p; GetCursorPos(&p); return QPoint(p.x, p.y); } QWindowsWinTab32DLL QWindowsTabletSupport::m_winTab32DLL; void KisTabletSupportWin::init() { if (!QWindowsTabletSupport::m_winTab32DLL.init()) { qWarning() << "Failed to initialize Wintab"; return; } QTAB = QWindowsTabletSupport::create(); // Refresh tablet context after tablet rotated, screen added, etc. QObject::connect(qApp->primaryScreen(), &QScreen::geometryChanged, [=](const QRect & geometry){ delete QTAB; QTAB = QWindowsTabletSupport::create(); }); } // Derived from qwidgetwindow. // // The work done by processTabletEvent from qguiapplicationprivate is divided // between here and translateTabletPacketEvent. static void handleTabletEvent(QWidget *windowWidget, const QPointF &local, const QPointF &global, int device, int pointerType, Qt::MouseButton button, Qt::MouseButtons buttons, qreal pressure,int xTilt, int yTilt, qreal tangentialPressure, qreal rotation, int z, qint64 uniqueId, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, QEvent::Type type, LONG time) { // Lock in target window if (type == QEvent::TabletPress) { targetWindow = windowWidget; dbgInput << "Locking target window" << targetWindow; } else if ((type == QEvent::TabletRelease || buttons == Qt::NoButton) && (targetWindow != 0)) { dbgInput << "Releasing target window" << targetWindow; targetWindow = 0; } if (!windowWidget) // Should never happen return; // We do this instead of constructing the event e beforehand const QPoint localPos = local.toPoint(); const QPoint globalPos = global.toPoint(); if (type == QEvent::TabletPress) { QWidget *widget = windowWidget->childAt(localPos); if (!widget) widget = windowWidget; qt_tablet_target = widget; } QWidget *finalDestination = qt_tablet_target; if (!finalDestination) { finalDestination = windowWidget->childAt(localPos); } if ((type == QEvent::TabletRelease || buttons == Qt::NoButton) && (qt_tablet_target != 0)) { - dbgTablet << "releasing tablet target" << qt_tablet_target; + dbgInput << "releasing tablet target" << qt_tablet_target; qt_tablet_target = 0; } if (finalDestination) { // The event was specified relative to windowWidget, so we remap it QPointF delta = global - globalPos; QPointF mapped = finalDestination->mapFromGlobal(global.toPoint()) + delta; QTabletEvent ev(type, mapped, global, device, pointerType, pressure, xTilt, yTilt, tangentialPressure, rotation, z, modifiers, uniqueId, button, buttons); ev.setTimestamp(time); QGuiApplication::sendEvent(finalDestination, &ev); if (ev.isAccepted()) { // dbgTablet << "Tablet event" << type << "accepted" << "by target widget" << finalDestination; } else { // Turn off eventEater send a synthetic mouse event. // dbgTablet << "Tablet event" << type << "rejected; sending mouse event to" << finalDestination; qt_tablet_target = 0; // We shouldn't ever get a widget accepting a tablet event from this // call, so we won't worry about any interactions with our own // widget-locking code. // QWindow *target = platformScreen->topLevelAt(globalPos); // if (!target) return; // QPointF windowLocal = global - QPointF(target->mapFromGlobal(QPoint())) + delta; // QWindowSystemInterface::handleTabletEvent(target, ev.timestamp(), windowLocal, // global, device, pointerType, // buttons, pressure, xTilt, yTilt, // tangentialPressure, rotation, z, // uniqueId, modifiers); } } else { qt_tablet_target = 0; targetWindow = 0; } } /** * This is a default implementation of a class for converting the * WinTab value of the buttons pressed to the Qt buttons. This class * may be substituted from the UI. */ struct DefaultButtonsConverter { void convert(DWORD btnOld, DWORD btnNew, Qt::MouseButton *button, Qt::MouseButtons *buttons, const QWindowsTabletDeviceData &tdd) { int pressedButtonValue = btnNew ^ btnOld; *button = buttonValueToEnum(pressedButtonValue, tdd); *buttons = Qt::NoButton; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { int btn = 0x1 << i; if (btn & btnNew) { Qt::MouseButton convertedButton = buttonValueToEnum(btn, tdd); *buttons |= convertedButton; /** * If a button that is present in hardware input is * mapped to a Qt::NoButton, it means that it is going * to be eaten by the driver, for example by its * "Pan/Scroll" feature. Therefore we shouldn't handle * any of the events associated to it. So just return * Qt::NoButton here. */ if (convertedButton == Qt::NoButton) { /** * Sometimes the driver-handled sortcuts are just * keyboard modifiers, so ideally we should handle * them as well. The problem is that we cannot * know if the shortcut was a pan/zoom action or a * shortcut. So here we use a "hackish" approash. * We just check if any modifier has been pressed * and, if so, pass the button to Krita. Of * course, if the driver uses some really complex * shortcuts like "Shift + stylus btn" to generate * some recorded shortcut, it will not work. But I * guess it will be ok for th emost of the * usecases. * * WARNING: this hack will *not* work if you bind * any non-modifier key to the stylus * button, e.g. Space. */ const Qt::KeyboardModifiers keyboardModifiers = QApplication::queryKeyboardModifiers(); if (KisTabletDebugger::instance()->shouldEatDriverShortcuts() || keyboardModifiers == Qt::NoModifier) { *button = Qt::NoButton; *buttons = Qt::NoButton; break; } } } } } private: Qt::MouseButton buttonValueToEnum(DWORD button, const QWindowsTabletDeviceData &tdd) { const int leftButtonValue = 0x1; const int middleButtonValue = 0x2; const int rightButtonValue = 0x4; const int doubleClickButtonValue = 0x7; button = tdd.buttonsMap.value(button); return button == leftButtonValue ? Qt::LeftButton : button == rightButtonValue ? Qt::RightButton : button == doubleClickButtonValue ? Qt::MiddleButton : button == middleButtonValue ? Qt::MiddleButton : button ? Qt::LeftButton /* fallback item */ : Qt::NoButton; } }; static DefaultButtonsConverter *globalButtonsConverter = new DefaultButtonsConverter(); /* * * Krita extensions end here * * */ // This is the WndProc for a single additional hidden window used to collect tablet events. extern "C" LRESULT QT_WIN_CALLBACK qWindowsTabletSupportWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (message) { case WT_PROXIMITY: if (QTAB->translateTabletProximityEvent(wParam, lParam)) return 0; break; case WT_PACKET: if (QTAB->translateTabletPacketEvent()) return 0; break; } return DefWindowProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); } // Scale tablet coordinates to screen coordinates. static inline int sign(int x) { return x >= 0 ? 1 : -1; } inline QPointF QWindowsTabletDeviceData::scaleCoordinates(int coordX, int coordY, const QRect &targetArea) const { const int targetX = targetArea.x(); const int targetY = targetArea.y(); const int targetWidth = targetArea.width(); const int targetHeight = targetArea.height(); const qreal x = sign(targetWidth) == sign(maxX) ? ((coordX - minX) * qAbs(targetWidth) / qAbs(qreal(maxX - minX))) + targetX : ((qAbs(maxX) - (coordX - minX)) * qAbs(targetWidth) / qAbs(qreal(maxX - minX))) + targetX; const qreal y = sign(targetHeight) == sign(maxY) ? ((coordY - minY) * qAbs(targetHeight) / qAbs(qreal(maxY - minY))) + targetY : ((qAbs(maxY) - (coordY - minY)) * qAbs(targetHeight) / qAbs(qreal(maxY - minY))) + targetY; return QPointF(x, y); } /*! \class QWindowsWinTab32DLL QWindowsTabletSupport \brief Functions from wintabl32.dll shipped with WACOM tablets used by QWindowsTabletSupport. \internal \ingroup qt-lighthouse-win */ bool QWindowsWinTab32DLL::init() { if (wTInfo) return true; QLibrary library(QStringLiteral("wintab32")); if (!library.load()) { qWarning() << "Could not load wintab32 dll"; return false; } wTOpen = (PtrWTOpen) library.resolve("WTOpenW"); wTClose = (PtrWTClose) library.resolve("WTClose"); wTInfo = (PtrWTInfo) library.resolve("WTInfoW"); wTEnable = (PtrWTEnable) library.resolve("WTEnable"); wTOverlap = (PtrWTOverlap) library.resolve("WTOverlap"); wTPacketsGet = (PtrWTPacketsGet) library.resolve("WTPacketsGet"); wTGet = (PtrWTGet) library.resolve("WTGetW"); wTQueueSizeGet = (PtrWTQueueSizeGet) library.resolve("WTQueueSizeGet"); wTQueueSizeSet = (PtrWTQueueSizeSet) library.resolve("WTQueueSizeSet"); if (wTOpen && wTClose && wTInfo && wTEnable && wTOverlap && wTPacketsGet && wTQueueSizeGet && wTQueueSizeSet) { return true; } qWarning() << "Could not resolve the following symbols:\n" << "\t wTOpen" << wTOpen << "\n" << "\t wtClose" << wTClose << "\n" << "\t wtInfo" << wTInfo << "\n" << "\t wTEnable" << wTEnable << "\n" << "\t wTOverlap" << wTOverlap << "\n" << "\t wTPacketsGet" << wTPacketsGet << "\n" << "\t wTQueueSizeGet" << wTQueueSizeGet << "\n" << "\t wTQueueSizeSet" << wTQueueSizeSet << "\n"; return false; } /*! \class QWindowsTabletSupport \brief Tablet support for Windows. Support for WACOM tablets. \sa http://www.wacomeng.com/windows/docs/Wintab_v140.htm \internal \since 5.2 \ingroup qt-lighthouse-win */ QWindowsTabletSupport::QWindowsTabletSupport(HWND window, HCTX context) : m_window(window) , m_context(context) , m_absoluteRange(20) , m_tiltSupport(false) , m_currentDevice(-1) { AXIS orientation[3]; // Some tablets don't support tilt, check if it is possible, if (QWindowsTabletSupport::m_winTab32DLL.wTInfo(WTI_DEVICES, DVC_ORIENTATION, &orientation)) m_tiltSupport = orientation[0].axResolution && orientation[1].axResolution; } QWindowsTabletSupport::~QWindowsTabletSupport() { QWindowsTabletSupport::m_winTab32DLL.wTClose(m_context); DestroyWindow(m_window); } QWindowsTabletSupport *QWindowsTabletSupport::create() { const HWND window = createDummyWindow(QStringLiteral("TabletDummyWindow"), L"TabletDummyWindow", qWindowsTabletSupportWndProc); LOGCONTEXT lcMine; // build our context from the default context QWindowsTabletSupport::m_winTab32DLL.wTInfo(WTI_DEFSYSCTX, 0, &lcMine); // Go for the raw coordinates, the tablet event will return good stuff. The // defaults for lcOut rectangle are the desktop dimensions in pixels, which // means Wintab will do lossy rounding. Instead we specify this trivial // scaling for the output context, then do the scaling ourselves later to // obtain higher resolution coordinates. lcMine.lcOptions |= CXO_MESSAGES | CXO_CSRMESSAGES; lcMine.lcPktData = lcMine.lcMoveMask = PACKETDATA; lcMine.lcPktMode = PacketMode; lcMine.lcOutOrgX = 0; lcMine.lcOutExtX = lcMine.lcInExtX; lcMine.lcOutOrgY = 0; lcMine.lcOutExtY = -lcMine.lcInExtY; const HCTX context = QWindowsTabletSupport::m_winTab32DLL.wTOpen(window, &lcMine, true); if (!context) { dbgTablet << __FUNCTION__ << "Unable to open tablet."; DestroyWindow(window); return 0; } // Set the size of the Packet Queue to the correct size const int currentQueueSize = QWindowsTabletSupport::m_winTab32DLL.wTQueueSizeGet(context); if (currentQueueSize != TabletPacketQSize) { if (!QWindowsTabletSupport::m_winTab32DLL.wTQueueSizeSet(context, TabletPacketQSize)) { if (!QWindowsTabletSupport::m_winTab32DLL.wTQueueSizeSet(context, currentQueueSize)) { qWarning() << "Unable to set queue size on tablet. The tablet will not work."; QWindowsTabletSupport::m_winTab32DLL.wTClose(context); DestroyWindow(window); return 0; } // cannot restore old size } // cannot set } // mismatch dbgTablet << "Opened tablet context " << context << " on window " << window << "changed packet queue size " << currentQueueSize << "->" << TabletPacketQSize; return new QWindowsTabletSupport(window, context); } unsigned QWindowsTabletSupport::options() const { UINT result = 0; m_winTab32DLL.wTInfo(WTI_INTERFACE, IFC_CTXOPTIONS, &result); return result; } QString QWindowsTabletSupport::description() const { const unsigned size = m_winTab32DLL.wTInfo(WTI_INTERFACE, IFC_WINTABID, 0); if (!size) return QString(); QScopedPointer winTabId(new TCHAR[size + 1]); m_winTab32DLL.wTInfo(WTI_INTERFACE, IFC_WINTABID, winTabId.data()); WORD implementationVersion = 0; m_winTab32DLL.wTInfo(WTI_INTERFACE, IFC_IMPLVERSION, &implementationVersion); WORD specificationVersion = 0; m_winTab32DLL.wTInfo(WTI_INTERFACE, IFC_SPECVERSION, &specificationVersion); const unsigned opts = options(); QString result = QString::fromLatin1("%1 specification: v%2.%3 implementation: v%4.%5 options: 0x%6") .arg(QString::fromWCharArray(winTabId.data())) .arg(specificationVersion >> 8).arg(specificationVersion & 0xFF) .arg(implementationVersion >> 8).arg(implementationVersion & 0xFF) .arg(opts, 0, 16); if (opts & CXO_MESSAGES) result += QStringLiteral(" CXO_MESSAGES"); if (opts & CXO_CSRMESSAGES) result += QStringLiteral(" CXO_CSRMESSAGES"); if (m_tiltSupport) result += QStringLiteral(" tilt"); return result; } void QWindowsTabletSupport::notifyActivate() { // Cooperate with other tablet applications, but when we get focus, I want to use the tablet. const bool result = QWindowsTabletSupport::m_winTab32DLL.wTEnable(m_context, true) && QWindowsTabletSupport::m_winTab32DLL.wTOverlap(m_context, true); dbgTablet << __FUNCTION__ << result; } static inline int indexOfDevice(const QVector &devices, qint64 uniqueId) { for (int i = 0; i < devices.size(); ++i) if (devices.at(i).uniqueId == uniqueId) return i; return -1; } static inline QTabletEvent::TabletDevice deviceType(const UINT cursorType) { if (((cursorType & 0x0006) == 0x0002) && ((cursorType & CursorTypeBitMask) != 0x0902)) return QTabletEvent::Stylus; if (cursorType == 0x4020) // Surface Pro 2 tablet device return QTabletEvent::Stylus; switch (cursorType & CursorTypeBitMask) { case 0x0802: return QTabletEvent::Stylus; case 0x0902: return QTabletEvent::Airbrush; case 0x0004: return QTabletEvent::FourDMouse; case 0x0006: return QTabletEvent::Puck; case 0x0804: return QTabletEvent::RotationStylus; default: break; } return QTabletEvent::NoDevice; }; static inline QTabletEvent::PointerType pointerType(unsigned pkCursor) { switch (pkCursor % 3) { // %3 for dual track case 0: return QTabletEvent::Cursor; case 1: return QTabletEvent::Pen; case 2: return QTabletEvent::Eraser; default: break; } return QTabletEvent::UnknownPointer; } QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const QWindowsTabletDeviceData &t) { d << "TabletDevice id:" << t.uniqueId << " pressure: " << t.minPressure << ".." << t.maxPressure << " tan pressure: " << t.minTanPressure << ".." << t.maxTanPressure << " area:" << t.minX << t.minY << t.minZ << ".." << t.maxX << t.maxY << t.maxZ << " device " << t.currentDevice << " pointer " << t.currentPointerType; return d; } QWindowsTabletDeviceData QWindowsTabletSupport::tabletInit(const quint64 uniqueId, const UINT cursorType) const { QWindowsTabletDeviceData result; result.uniqueId = uniqueId; /* browse WinTab's many info items to discover pressure handling. */ AXIS axis; LOGCONTEXT lc; /* get the current context for its device variable. */ QWindowsTabletSupport::m_winTab32DLL.wTGet(m_context, &lc); if (KisTabletDebugger::instance()->initializationDebugEnabled()) { printContext(lc); } /* get the size of the pressure axis. */ QWindowsTabletSupport::m_winTab32DLL.wTInfo(WTI_DEVICES + lc.lcDevice, DVC_NPRESSURE, &axis); result.minPressure = int(axis.axMin); result.maxPressure = int(axis.axMax); QWindowsTabletSupport::m_winTab32DLL.wTInfo(WTI_DEVICES + lc.lcDevice, DVC_TPRESSURE, &axis); result.minTanPressure = int(axis.axMin); result.maxTanPressure = int(axis.axMax); LOGCONTEXT defaultLc; /* get default region */ QWindowsTabletSupport::m_winTab32DLL.wTInfo(WTI_DEFCONTEXT, 0, &defaultLc); result.maxX = int(defaultLc.lcInExtX) - int(defaultLc.lcInOrgX); result.maxY = int(defaultLc.lcInExtY) - int(defaultLc.lcInOrgY); result.maxZ = int(defaultLc.lcInExtZ) - int(defaultLc.lcInOrgZ); result.currentDevice = deviceType(cursorType); // Define a rectangle representing the whole screen as seen by Wintab. QRect qtDesktopRect = QApplication::desktop()->geometry(); QRect wintabDesktopRect(defaultLc.lcSysOrgX, defaultLc.lcSysOrgY, defaultLc.lcSysExtX, defaultLc.lcSysExtY); qDebug() << ppVar(qtDesktopRect); qDebug() << ppVar(wintabDesktopRect); // Show screen choice dialog { KisScreenSizeChoiceDialog dlg(0, wintabDesktopRect, qtDesktopRect); KisExtendedModifiersMapper mapper; KisExtendedModifiersMapper::ExtendedModifiers modifiers = mapper.queryExtendedModifiers(); if (modifiers.contains(Qt::Key_Shift) || (!dlg.canUseDefaultSettings() && qtDesktopRect != wintabDesktopRect)) { dialogOpen = true; dlg.exec(); } result.virtualDesktopArea = dlg.screenRect(); dialogOpen = false; } return result; }; bool QWindowsTabletSupport::translateTabletProximityEvent(WPARAM /* wParam */, LPARAM lParam) { auto sendProximityEvent = [&](QEvent::Type type) { QPointF emptyPos; qreal zero = 0.0; QTabletEvent e(type, emptyPos, emptyPos, 0, m_devices.at(m_currentDevice).currentPointerType, zero, 0, 0, zero, zero, 0, Qt::NoModifier, m_devices.at(m_currentDevice).uniqueId, Qt::NoButton, (Qt::MouseButtons)0); qApp->sendEvent(qApp, &e); }; if (!LOWORD(lParam)) { // dbgTablet << "leave proximity for device #" << m_currentDevice; sendProximityEvent(QEvent::TabletLeaveProximity); return true; } PACKET proximityBuffer[1]; // we are only interested in the first packet in this case const int totalPacks = QWindowsTabletSupport::m_winTab32DLL.wTPacketsGet(m_context, 1, proximityBuffer); if (!totalPacks) return false; UINT pkCursor = proximityBuffer[0].pkCursor; // initializing and updating the cursor should be done in response to // WT_CSRCHANGE. We do it in WT_PROXIMITY because some wintab never send // the event WT_CSRCHANGE even if asked with CXO_CSRMESSAGES tabletUpdateCursor(pkCursor); // dbgTablet << "enter proximity for device #" << m_currentDevice << m_devices.at(m_currentDevice); sendProximityEvent(QEvent::TabletEnterProximity); return true; } bool QWindowsTabletSupport::translateTabletPacketEvent() { static PACKET localPacketBuf[TabletPacketQSize]; // our own tablet packet queue. const int packetCount = QWindowsTabletSupport::m_winTab32DLL.wTPacketsGet(m_context, TabletPacketQSize, &localPacketBuf); if (!packetCount || m_currentDevice < 0 || dialogOpen) return false; // In contrast to Qt, these will not be "const" during our loop. // This is because the Surface Pro 3 may cause us to switch devices. QWindowsTabletDeviceData tabletData = m_devices.at(m_currentDevice); int currentDevice = tabletData.currentDevice; int currentPointerType = tabletData.currentPointerType; // static Qt::MouseButtons buttons = Qt::NoButton, btnOld, btnChange; static DWORD btnNew, btnOld, btnChange; // The tablet can be used in 2 different modes, depending on its settings: // 1) Absolute (pen) mode: // The coordinates are scaled to the virtual desktop (by default). The user // can also choose to scale to the monitor or a region of the screen. // When entering proximity, the tablet driver snaps the mouse pointer to the // tablet position scaled to that area and keeps it in sync. // 2) Relative (mouse) mode: // The pen follows the mouse. The constant 'absoluteRange' specifies the // manhattanLength difference for detecting if a tablet input device is in this mode, // in which case we snap the position to the mouse position. // It seems there is no way to find out the mode programmatically, the LOGCONTEXT orgX/Y/Ext // area is always the virtual desktop. static qreal dpr = 1.0; auto activeWindow = qApp->activeWindow(); if (activeWindow) { dpr = activeWindow->devicePixelRatio(); } const Qt::KeyboardModifiers keyboardModifiers = QApplication::queryKeyboardModifiers(); for (int i = 0; i < packetCount; ++i) { const PACKET &packet = localPacketBuf[i]; btnOld = btnNew; btnNew = localPacketBuf[i].pkButtons; btnChange = btnOld ^ btnNew; bool buttonPressed = btnChange && btnNew > btnOld; bool buttonReleased = btnChange && btnNew < btnOld; bool anyButtonsStillPressed = btnNew; Qt::MouseButton button = Qt::NoButton; Qt::MouseButtons buttons; globalButtonsConverter->convert(btnOld, btnNew, &button, &buttons, tabletData); QEvent::Type type = QEvent::TabletMove; if (buttonPressed && button != Qt::NoButton) { type = QEvent::TabletPress; } else if (buttonReleased && button != Qt::NoButton) { type = QEvent::TabletRelease; } const int z = currentDevice == QTabletEvent::FourDMouse ? int(packet.pkZ) : 0; // This code is to delay the tablet data one cycle to sync with the mouse location. QPointF globalPosF = m_oldGlobalPosF / dpr; // Convert from "native" to "device independent pixels." m_oldGlobalPosF = tabletData.scaleCoordinates(packet.pkX, packet.pkY, tabletData.virtualDesktopArea); QPoint globalPos = globalPosF.toPoint(); // Find top-level window QWidget *w = targetWindow; // If we had a target already, use it. if (!w) { w = qApp->activePopupWidget(); if (!w) w = qApp->activeModalWidget(); if (!w) w = qApp->topLevelAt(globalPos); if (!w) continue; w = w->window(); } const QPoint localPos = w->mapFromGlobal(globalPos); const QPointF delta = globalPosF - globalPos; const QPointF localPosF = globalPosF + QPointF(localPos - globalPos) + delta; const qreal pressureNew = packet.pkButtons && (currentPointerType == QTabletEvent::Pen || currentPointerType == QTabletEvent::Eraser) ? m_devices.at(m_currentDevice).scalePressure(packet.pkNormalPressure) : qreal(0); const qreal tangentialPressure = currentDevice == QTabletEvent::Airbrush ? m_devices.at(m_currentDevice).scaleTangentialPressure(packet.pkTangentPressure) : qreal(0); int tiltX = 0; int tiltY = 0; qreal rotation = 0; if (m_tiltSupport) { // Convert from azimuth and altitude to x tilt and y tilt. What // follows is the optimized version. Here are the equations used: // X = sin(azimuth) * cos(altitude) // Y = cos(azimuth) * cos(altitude) // Z = sin(altitude) // X Tilt = arctan(X / Z) // Y Tilt = arctan(Y / Z) const double radAzim = (packet.pkOrientation.orAzimuth / 10.0) * (M_PI / 180); const double tanAlt = std::tan((std::abs(packet.pkOrientation.orAltitude / 10.0)) * (M_PI / 180)); const double degX = std::atan(std::sin(radAzim) / tanAlt); const double degY = std::atan(std::cos(radAzim) / tanAlt); tiltX = int(degX * (180 / M_PI)); tiltY = int(-degY * (180 / M_PI)); rotation = 360.0 - (packet.pkOrientation.orTwist / 10.0); if (rotation > 180.0) rotation -= 360.0; } // This is adds *a lot* of noise to the output log if (false) { dbgTablet << "Packet #" << (i+1) << '/' << packetCount << "button:" << packet.pkButtons << globalPosF << z << "to:" << w << localPos << "(packet" << packet.pkX << packet.pkY << ") dev:" << currentDevice << "pointer:" << currentPointerType << "P:" << pressureNew << "tilt:" << tiltX << ',' << tiltY << "tanP:" << tangentialPressure << "rotation:" << rotation; } // Reusable helper function. Better than compiler macros! auto sendTabletEvent = [&](QTabletEvent::Type t){ handleTabletEvent(w, localPosF, globalPosF, currentDevice, currentPointerType, button, buttons, pressureNew, tiltX, tiltY, tangentialPressure, rotation, z, m_devices.at(m_currentDevice).uniqueId, keyboardModifiers, t, packet.pkTime); }; /** * Workaround to deal with "inline" tool switches. * These are caused by the eraser trigger button on the Surface Pro 3. * We shoot out a tabletUpdateCursor request and a switchInputDevice request. */ if (isSurfacePro3 && (packet.pkCursor != currentPkCursor)) { dbgTablet << "Got an inline tool switch."; // Send tablet release event. sendTabletEvent(QTabletEvent::TabletRelease); // Read the new cursor info. UINT pkCursor = packet.pkCursor; tabletUpdateCursor(pkCursor); // Update the local loop variables. tabletData = m_devices.at(m_currentDevice); currentDevice = deviceType(tabletData.currentDevice); currentPointerType = pointerType(pkCursor); sendTabletEvent(QTabletEvent::TabletPress); } sendTabletEvent(type); } // Loop over packets return true; } void QWindowsTabletSupport::tabletUpdateCursor(const int pkCursor) { UINT physicalCursorId; QWindowsTabletSupport::m_winTab32DLL.wTInfo(WTI_CURSORS + pkCursor, CSR_PHYSID, &physicalCursorId); UINT cursorType; QWindowsTabletSupport::m_winTab32DLL.wTInfo(WTI_CURSORS + pkCursor, CSR_TYPE, &cursorType); const qint64 uniqueId = (qint64(cursorType & DeviceIdMask) << 32L) | qint64(physicalCursorId); m_currentDevice = indexOfDevice(m_devices, uniqueId); if (m_currentDevice < 0) { m_currentDevice = m_devices.size(); m_devices.push_back(tabletInit(uniqueId, cursorType)); // Note: ideally we might check this button map for changes every // update. However there seems to be an issue with Wintab altering the // button map when the user right-clicks in Krita while another // application has focus. This forces Krita to load button settings only // once, when the tablet is first detected. // // See https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=359561 BYTE logicalButtons[32]; memset(logicalButtons, 0, 32); m_winTab32DLL.wTInfo(WTI_CURSORS + pkCursor, CSR_SYSBTNMAP, &logicalButtons); m_devices[m_currentDevice].buttonsMap[0x1] = logicalButtons[0]; m_devices[m_currentDevice].buttonsMap[0x2] = logicalButtons[1]; m_devices[m_currentDevice].buttonsMap[0x4] = logicalButtons[2]; } m_devices[m_currentDevice].currentPointerType = pointerType(pkCursor); currentPkCursor = pkCursor; // Check tablet name to enable Surface Pro 3 workaround. #ifdef UNICODE if (!isSurfacePro3) { /** * Some really "nice" tablet drivers don't know that trhey are * supposed to return their name length when the buffer is * null and they try to write into it effectively causing a * suicide. So we cannot rely on it :( * * We workaround it by just allocating a big array and hoping * for the best. * * Failing tablets: * - Adesso Cybertablet M14 * - Peritab-302 * - Trust Tablet TB7300 * - VisTablet Realm Pro * - Aiptek 14000u (latest driver: v5.03, 2013-10-21) * - Genius G-Pen F350 * - Genius G-Pen 560 (supported on win7 only) */ // we cannot use the correct api :( // UINT nameLength = QWindowsTabletSupport::m_winTab32DLL.wTInfo(WTI_DEVICES, DVC_NAME, 0); // 1024 chars should be enough for everyone! (c) UINT nameLength = 1024; TCHAR* dvcName = new TCHAR[nameLength + 1]; memset(dvcName, 0, sizeof(TCHAR) * nameLength); UINT writtenBytes = QWindowsTabletSupport::m_winTab32DLL.wTInfo(WTI_DEVICES, DVC_NAME, dvcName); if (writtenBytes > sizeof(TCHAR) * nameLength) { qWarning() << "WINTAB WARNING: tablet name is too long!" << writtenBytes; // avoid crash when trying to read it dvcName[nameLength - 1] = (TCHAR)0; } QString qDvcName = QString::fromWCharArray((const wchar_t*)dvcName); dbgInput << "DVC_NAME =" << qDvcName; // Name changed between older and newer Surface Pro 3 drivers if (qDvcName == QString::fromLatin1("N-trig DuoSense device") || qDvcName == QString::fromLatin1("Microsoft device")) { dbgInput << "This looks like a Surface Pro 3. Enabling eraser workaround."; isSurfacePro3 = true; } delete[] dvcName; } #endif } QT_END_NAMESPACE diff --git a/libs/ui/kis_animation_exporter.cpp b/libs/ui/kis_animation_exporter.cpp index 1aed326ac1..3d536e0cda 100644 --- a/libs/ui/kis_animation_exporter.cpp +++ b/libs/ui/kis_animation_exporter.cpp @@ -1,385 +1,378 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2015 Jouni Pentikäinen * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_animation_exporter.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "KoFileDialog.h" #include "KisDocument.h" #include "kis_image.h" #include "KisImportExportManager.h" #include "kis_image_animation_interface.h" #include "KisPart.h" #include "KisMainWindow.h" #include "kis_paint_layer.h" #include "kis_group_layer.h" #include "kis_time_range.h" #include "kis_painter.h" #include "kis_image_lock_hijacker.h" struct KisAnimationExporterUI::Private { QWidget *parentWidget; KisAnimationExportSaver *exporter; Private(QWidget *parent) : parentWidget(parent), exporter(0) {} }; KisAnimationExporterUI::KisAnimationExporterUI(QWidget *parent) : m_d(new Private(parent)) { } KisAnimationExporterUI::~KisAnimationExporterUI() { if (m_d->exporter) { delete m_d->exporter; } } -KisImportExportFilter::ConversionStatus KisAnimationExporterUI::exportSequence(KisDocument *document) -{ - KoFileDialog dialog(m_d->parentWidget, KoFileDialog::SaveFile, "exportsequence"); - dialog.setCaption(i18n("Export sequence")); - dialog.setDefaultDir(QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::PicturesLocation)); - dialog.setMimeTypeFilters(KisImportExportManager::mimeFilter(KisImportExportManager::Export)); - QString filename = dialog.filename(); - - // if the user presses cancel, it returns empty - if (filename.isEmpty()) return KisImportExportFilter::UserCancelled; - - const KisTimeRange fullClipRange = document->image()->animationInterface()->fullClipRange(); - int firstFrame = fullClipRange.start(); - int lastFrame = fullClipRange.end(); - - m_d->exporter = new KisAnimationExportSaver(document, filename, firstFrame, lastFrame); - return m_d->exporter->exportAnimation(); -} - - struct KisAnimationExporter::Private { Private(KisDocument *document, int fromTime, int toTime) : document(document) , image(document->image()) , firstFrame(fromTime) , lastFrame(toTime) , currentFrame(-1) , batchMode(document->fileBatchMode()) , isCancelled(false) , status(KisImportExportFilter::OK) , tmpDevice(new KisPaintDevice(image->colorSpace())) { } KisDocument *document; KisImageWSP image; int firstFrame; int lastFrame; int currentFrame; bool batchMode; bool isCancelled; KisImportExportFilter::ConversionStatus status; SaveFrameCallback saveFrameCallback; KisPaintDeviceSP tmpDevice; KisPropertiesConfigurationSP exportConfiguration; + QProgressDialog progress; }; KisAnimationExporter::KisAnimationExporter(KisDocument *document, int fromTime, int toTime) : m_d(new Private(document, fromTime, toTime)) { connect(m_d->image->animationInterface(), SIGNAL(sigFrameReady(int)), this, SLOT(frameReadyToCopy(int)), Qt::DirectConnection); connect(this, SIGNAL(sigFrameReadyToSave()), this, SLOT(frameReadyToSave()), Qt::QueuedConnection); } KisAnimationExporter::~KisAnimationExporter() { } void KisAnimationExporter::setExportConfiguration(KisPropertiesConfigurationSP exportConfiguration) { m_d->exportConfiguration = exportConfiguration; } void KisAnimationExporter::setSaveFrameCallback(SaveFrameCallback func) { m_d->saveFrameCallback = func; } KisImportExportFilter::ConversionStatus KisAnimationExporter::exportAnimation() { - QScopedPointer progress; if (!m_d->batchMode) { - QString message = i18n("Export frames..."); - progress.reset(new QProgressDialog(message, "", 0, 0, KisPart::instance()->currentMainwindow())); - progress->setWindowModality(Qt::ApplicationModal); - progress->setCancelButton(0); - progress->setMinimumDuration(0); - progress->setValue(0); + QString message = i18n("Preparing to export frames..."); + + m_d->progress.reset(); + m_d->progress.setLabelText(message); + m_d->progress.setWindowModality(Qt::ApplicationModal); + m_d->progress.setCancelButton(0); + m_d->progress.setMinimumDuration(0); + m_d->progress.setValue(0); + m_d->progress.setMinimum(0); + m_d->progress.setMaximum(100); emit m_d->document->statusBarMessage(message); emit m_d->document->sigProgress(0); connect(m_d->document, SIGNAL(sigProgressCanceled()), this, SLOT(cancel())); } /** * HACK ALERT: Here we remove the image lock! We do it in a GUI * thread under the barrier lock held, so it is * guaranteed no other stroke will accidentally be * started by this. And showing an app-modal dialog to * the user will prevent him from doing anything * nasty. */ KisImageLockHijacker badGuy(m_d->image); Q_UNUSED(badGuy); KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER(!m_d->image->locked()) { return KisImportExportFilter::InternalError; } m_d->status = KisImportExportFilter::OK; m_d->currentFrame = m_d->firstFrame; m_d->image->animationInterface()->requestFrameRegeneration(m_d->currentFrame, m_d->image->bounds()); QEventLoop loop; loop.connect(this, SIGNAL(sigFinished()), SLOT(quit())); loop.exec(); if (!m_d->batchMode) { disconnect(m_d->document, SIGNAL(sigProgressCanceled()), this, SLOT(cancel())); emit m_d->document->sigProgress(100); emit m_d->document->clearStatusBarMessage(); - progress.reset(); + m_d->progress.reset(); } return m_d->status; } void KisAnimationExporter::cancel() { m_d->isCancelled = true; } void KisAnimationExporter::frameReadyToCopy(int time) { if (time != m_d->currentFrame) return; QRect rc = m_d->image->bounds(); KisPainter::copyAreaOptimized(rc.topLeft(), m_d->image->projection(), m_d->tmpDevice, rc); emit sigFrameReadyToSave(); } void KisAnimationExporter::frameReadyToSave() { KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER(m_d->saveFrameCallback) { m_d->status = KisImportExportFilter::InternalError; emit sigFinished(); return; } if (m_d->isCancelled) { m_d->status = KisImportExportFilter::UserCancelled; emit sigFinished(); return; } KisImportExportFilter::ConversionStatus result = KisImportExportFilter::OK; int time = m_d->currentFrame; result = m_d->saveFrameCallback(time, m_d->tmpDevice, m_d->exportConfiguration); if (!m_d->batchMode) { emit m_d->document->sigProgress((time - m_d->firstFrame) * 100 / (m_d->lastFrame - m_d->firstFrame)); } qDebug() << result << time << m_d->lastFrame; + QString dialogText = QString("Exporting Frame ").append(QString::number(time)).append(" of ").append(QString::number(m_d->lastFrame)); + int percentageProcessed = (float(time) / float(m_d->lastFrame) * 100); + + m_d->progress.setLabelText(dialogText); + m_d->progress.setValue(int(percentageProcessed)); + if (result == KisImportExportFilter::OK && time < m_d->lastFrame) { m_d->currentFrame = time + 1; m_d->image->animationInterface()->requestFrameRegeneration(m_d->currentFrame, m_d->image->bounds()); } else { emit sigFinished(); } } struct KisAnimationExportSaver::Private { Private(KisDocument *document, int fromTime, int toTime, int _sequenceNumberingOffset) : document(document) , image(document->image()) , firstFrame(fromTime) , lastFrame(toTime) , sequenceNumberingOffset(_sequenceNumberingOffset) , tmpDoc(KisPart::instance()->createDocument()) , exporter(document, fromTime, toTime) { tmpDoc->setAutoSaveDelay(0); tmpImage = new KisImage(tmpDoc->createUndoStore(), image->bounds().width(), image->bounds().height(), image->colorSpace(), QString()); tmpImage->setResolution(image->xRes(), image->yRes()); tmpDoc->setCurrentImage(tmpImage); KisPaintLayer* paintLayer = new KisPaintLayer(tmpImage, "paint device", 255); tmpImage->addNode(paintLayer, tmpImage->rootLayer(), KisLayerSP(0)); tmpDevice = paintLayer->paintDevice(); } KisDocument *document; KisImageWSP image; int firstFrame; int lastFrame; int sequenceNumberingOffset; QScopedPointer tmpDoc; KisImageSP tmpImage; KisPaintDeviceSP tmpDevice; KisAnimationExporter exporter; QString filenamePrefix; QString filenameSuffix; }; KisAnimationExportSaver::KisAnimationExportSaver(KisDocument *document, const QString &baseFilename, int fromTime, int toTime, int sequenceNumberingOffset) : m_d(new Private(document, fromTime, toTime, sequenceNumberingOffset)) { int baseLength = baseFilename.lastIndexOf("."); if (baseLength > -1) { m_d->filenamePrefix = baseFilename.left(baseLength); m_d->filenameSuffix = baseFilename.right(baseFilename.length() - baseLength); } else { m_d->filenamePrefix = baseFilename; } QString mimefilter = KisMimeDatabase::mimeTypeForFile(baseFilename); m_d->tmpDoc->setOutputMimeType(mimefilter.toLatin1()); m_d->tmpDoc->setFileBatchMode(true); using namespace std::placeholders; // For _1 placeholder m_d->exporter.setSaveFrameCallback(std::bind(&KisAnimationExportSaver::saveFrameCallback, this, _1, _2, _3)); + + + } KisAnimationExportSaver::~KisAnimationExportSaver() { } KisImportExportFilter::ConversionStatus KisAnimationExportSaver::exportAnimation(KisPropertiesConfigurationSP cfg) { QFileInfo info(savedFilesMask()); QDir dir(info.absolutePath()); QStringList filesList = dir.entryList({ info.fileName() }); if (!filesList.isEmpty()) { if (m_d->document->fileBatchMode()) { return KisImportExportFilter::CreationError; } QStringList truncatedList = filesList; while (truncatedList.size() > 3) { truncatedList.takeLast(); } QString exampleFiles = truncatedList.join(", "); if (truncatedList.size() != filesList.size()) { exampleFiles += QString(", ..."); } QMessageBox::StandardButton result = QMessageBox::warning(0, i18n("Delete old frames?"), i18n("Frames with the same naming " "scheme exist in the destination " "directory. They are going to be " "deleted, continue?\n\n" "Directory: %1\n" "Files: %2", info.absolutePath(), exampleFiles), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::No); if (result == QMessageBox::Yes) { Q_FOREACH (const QString &file, filesList) { if (!dir.remove(file)) { QMessageBox::critical(0, i18n("Failed to delete"), i18n("Failed to delete an old frame file:\n\n" "%1\n\n" "Rendering cancelled.", dir.absoluteFilePath(file))); return KisImportExportFilter::CreationError; } } } else { return KisImportExportFilter::UserCancelled; } } m_d->exporter.setExportConfiguration(cfg); return m_d->exporter.exportAnimation(); } KisImportExportFilter::ConversionStatus KisAnimationExportSaver::saveFrameCallback(int time, KisPaintDeviceSP frame, KisPropertiesConfigurationSP exportConfiguration) { KisImportExportFilter::ConversionStatus status = KisImportExportFilter::OK; QString frameNumber = QString("%1").arg(time - m_d->firstFrame + m_d->sequenceNumberingOffset, 4, 10, QChar('0')); QString filename = m_d->filenamePrefix + frameNumber + m_d->filenameSuffix; QRect rc = m_d->image->bounds(); KisPainter::copyAreaOptimized(rc.topLeft(), frame, m_d->tmpDevice, rc); if (!m_d->tmpDoc->exportDocument(QUrl::fromLocalFile(filename), exportConfiguration)) { status = KisImportExportFilter::InternalError; } return status; } QString KisAnimationExportSaver::savedFilesMask() const { - return m_d->filenamePrefix + "????" + m_d->filenameSuffix; + return m_d->filenamePrefix + "%04d" + m_d->filenameSuffix; } diff --git a/libs/ui/kis_animation_exporter.h b/libs/ui/kis_animation_exporter.h index 101b24f76e..fd7ef69993 100644 --- a/libs/ui/kis_animation_exporter.h +++ b/libs/ui/kis_animation_exporter.h @@ -1,104 +1,103 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2015 Jouni Pentikäinen * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KIS_ANIMATION_EXPORTER_H #define KIS_ANIMATION_EXPORTER_H #include "kis_types.h" #include "kritaui_export.h" #include #include class KisDocument; /** * @brief The KisAnimationExporterUI class */ class KRITAUI_EXPORT KisAnimationExporterUI : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: KisAnimationExporterUI(QWidget *parent); virtual ~KisAnimationExporterUI(); - KisImportExportFilter::ConversionStatus exportSequence(KisDocument *document); private: struct Private; QScopedPointer m_d; }; /** * @brief The KisAnimationExporter class */ class KRITAUI_EXPORT KisAnimationExporter : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: typedef std::function SaveFrameCallback; public: KisAnimationExporter(KisDocument *document, int fromTime, int toTime); ~KisAnimationExporter(); void setExportConfiguration(KisPropertiesConfigurationSP exportConfiguration); KisImportExportFilter::ConversionStatus exportAnimation(); void setSaveFrameCallback(SaveFrameCallback func); Q_SIGNALS: // Internal, used for getting back to main thread void sigFrameReadyToSave(); void sigFinished(); private Q_SLOTS: void frameReadyToCopy(int time); void frameReadyToSave(); void cancel(); private: struct Private; QScopedPointer m_d; }; /** * @brief The KisAnimationExportSaver class */ class KRITAUI_EXPORT KisAnimationExportSaver : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: KisAnimationExportSaver(KisDocument *document, const QString &baseFilename, int fromTime, int toTime, int sequenceNumberingOffset = 0); ~KisAnimationExportSaver(); KisImportExportFilter::ConversionStatus exportAnimation(KisPropertiesConfigurationSP cfg = 0); QString savedFilesMask() const; private: KisImportExportFilter::ConversionStatus saveFrameCallback(int time, KisPaintDeviceSP frame, KisPropertiesConfigurationSP exportConfiguration = 0); private: struct Private; const QScopedPointer m_d; }; #endif diff --git a/libs/ui/kis_categorized_item_delegate.cpp b/libs/ui/kis_categorized_item_delegate.cpp index c5213aa254..bae0a43987 100644 --- a/libs/ui/kis_categorized_item_delegate.cpp +++ b/libs/ui/kis_categorized_item_delegate.cpp @@ -1,132 +1,161 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2009 Cyrille Berger * Copyright (c) 2011 Silvio Heinrich * Copyright (c) 2014 Mohit Goyal * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_categorized_item_delegate.h" #include "kis_categorized_list_model.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_debug.h" KisCategorizedItemDelegate::KisCategorizedItemDelegate(QObject *parent) : QStyledItemDelegate(parent), m_minimumItemHeight(0) { } void KisCategorizedItemDelegate::paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const { painter->resetTransform(); if(!index.data(__CategorizedListModelBase::IsHeaderRole).toBool()) { QStyleOptionViewItem sovi(option); + + if (index.data(__CategorizedListModelBase::isLockableRole).toBool()) { - bool locked = index.data(__CategorizedListModelBase::isLockedRole).toBool(); - const QIcon icon = locked ? KisIconUtils::loadIcon(koIconName("locked")) : KisIconUtils::loadIcon(koIconName("unlocked")); + const int iconSize = qMax(16, m_minimumItemHeight - 2); + bool locked = index.data(__CategorizedListModelBase::isLockedRole).toBool(); + + + QIcon icon = locked ? KisIconUtils::loadIcon(koIconName("layer-locked")) : KisIconUtils::loadIcon(koIconName("layer-unlocked")); + + // to be able to make an icon more transparent. we need to create a new image + // and use the QPainter to make a more transparent version of it. + QImage image(iconSize, iconSize, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); + image.fill(Qt::transparent); // needs to happen, otherwise 'junk' pixels are used (looks bad) + + QPainter p(&image); + p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); + + + // make unlocked icons more hidden + if (locked) { + p.setOpacity(1.0); + } else { + p.setOpacity(0.14); + } + + p.drawPixmap(0, 0, icon.pixmap(iconSize, QIcon::Normal) ); + p.end(); + + icon = QIcon( QPixmap::fromImage(image) ); // the new icon is ready + + sovi.decorationPosition = QStyleOptionViewItem::Right; sovi.decorationAlignment = Qt::AlignRight; sovi.decorationSize = QSize(iconSize, iconSize); sovi.features |= QStyleOptionViewItem::HasDecoration; sovi.icon = icon; + } QStyledItemDelegate::paint(painter, sovi, index); painter->setOpacity(1); } else { QPalette palette = QApplication::palette(); if(option.state & QStyle::State_MouseOver) painter->fillRect(option.rect, palette.midlight()); else painter->fillRect(option.rect, palette.button()); painter->setBrush(palette.buttonText()); painter->drawText(option.rect, index.data().toString(), QTextOption(Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignHCenter)); paintTriangle( painter, option.rect.x(), option.rect.y(), option.rect.height(), !index.data(__CategorizedListModelBase::ExpandCategoryRole).toBool() ); } painter->resetTransform(); } QSize KisCategorizedItemDelegate::sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const { //on first calling this calculates the minimal height of the items if (m_minimumItemHeight == 0) { for(int i=0; irowCount(); i++) { QSize indexSize = QStyledItemDelegate::sizeHint(option, index.model()->index(i, 0)); m_minimumItemHeight = qMax(m_minimumItemHeight, indexSize.height()); /** * Make all the items, including the ones having * checkboxes look the same. */ QStyle *style = QApplication::style(); QStyleOptionButton so; QSize size = style->sizeFromContents(QStyle::CT_CheckBox, &so, QSize(), 0); m_minimumItemHeight = qMax(size.height(), m_minimumItemHeight); } } int width = QStyledItemDelegate::sizeHint(option, index).width(); if (index.data(__CategorizedListModelBase::isLockableRole).toBool()) { width += m_minimumItemHeight; } return QSize(width, m_minimumItemHeight); } void KisCategorizedItemDelegate::paintTriangle(QPainter* painter, qint32 x, qint32 y, qint32 size, bool rotate) const { QPolygonF triangle; triangle.push_back(QPointF(-0.2,-0.2)); triangle.push_back(QPointF( 0.2,-0.2)); triangle.push_back(QPointF( 0.0, 0.2)); QTransform transform; transform.translate(x + size/2, y + size/2); transform.scale(size, size); if(rotate) transform.rotate(-90); QPalette palette = QApplication::palette(); painter->setBrush(palette.buttonText()); painter->drawPolygon(transform.map(triangle)); } diff --git a/libs/ui/kis_composite_ops_model.cc b/libs/ui/kis_composite_ops_model.cc index bd67b69c19..f26c7e5af8 100644 --- a/libs/ui/kis_composite_ops_model.cc +++ b/libs/ui/kis_composite_ops_model.cc @@ -1,153 +1,153 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2009 Cyrille Berger * Copyright (c) 2011 Silvio Heinrich * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_composite_ops_model.h" #include #include #include #include "kis_debug.h" #include "kis_config.h" KoID KisCompositeOpListModel::favoriteCategory() { - static KoID category("favorites", i18n("Favorites")); + static KoID category("favorites", ki18n("Favorites")); return category; } KisCompositeOpListModel* KisCompositeOpListModel::sharedInstance() { static KisCompositeOpListModel *model = 0; if (!model) { model = new KisCompositeOpListModel(); QMap ops = KoCompositeOpRegistry::instance().getCompositeOps(); QMapIterator it(ops); while (it.hasNext()) { KoID op = *it.next(); KoID category = it.key(); BaseKoIDCategorizedListModel::DataItem *item = model->categoriesMapper()->addEntry(category.name(), op); item->setCheckable(true); } BaseKoIDCategorizedListModel::DataItem *item = model->categoriesMapper()->addCategory(favoriteCategory().name()); item->setExpanded(true); model->readFavoriteCompositeOpsFromConfig(); } return model; } void KisCompositeOpListModel::validate(const KoColorSpace *cs) { for (int i = 0, size = categoriesMapper()->rowCount(); i < size; i++) { DataItem *item = categoriesMapper()->itemFromRow(i); if (!item->isCategory()) { bool value = KoCompositeOpRegistry::instance().colorSpaceHasCompositeOp(cs, *item->data()); item->setEnabled(value); } } } bool KisCompositeOpListModel::setData(const QModelIndex& idx, const QVariant& value, int role) { if (!idx.isValid()) return false; bool result = BaseKoIDCategorizedListModel::setData(idx, value, role); DataItem *item = categoriesMapper()->itemFromRow(idx.row()); Q_ASSERT(item); if(role == Qt::CheckStateRole) { if (item->isChecked()) { addFavoriteEntry(*item->data()); } else { removeFavoriteEntry(*item->data()); } writeFavoriteCompositeOpsToConfig(); } return result; } QVariant KisCompositeOpListModel::data(const QModelIndex& idx, int role) const { if (!idx.isValid()) return QVariant(); if(role == Qt::DecorationRole) { DataItem *item = categoriesMapper()->itemFromRow(idx.row()); Q_ASSERT(item); if (!item->isCategory() && !item->isEnabled()) { return KisIconUtils::loadIcon("dialog-warning"); } } return BaseKoIDCategorizedListModel::data(idx, role); } void KisCompositeOpListModel::addFavoriteEntry(const KoID &entry) { DataItem *item = categoriesMapper()->addEntry(favoriteCategory().name(), entry); item->setCheckable(false); } void KisCompositeOpListModel::removeFavoriteEntry(const KoID &entry) { categoriesMapper()->removeEntry(favoriteCategory().name(), entry); } void KisCompositeOpListModel::readFavoriteCompositeOpsFromConfig() { KisConfig config; Q_FOREACH (const QString &op, config.favoriteCompositeOps()) { KoID entry = KoCompositeOpRegistry::instance().getKoID(op); DataItem *item = categoriesMapper()->fetchOneEntry(entry); if (item) { item->setChecked(true); } addFavoriteEntry(entry); } } void KisCompositeOpListModel::writeFavoriteCompositeOpsToConfig() const { QStringList list; QVector filteredItems = categoriesMapper()->itemsForCategory(favoriteCategory().name()); Q_FOREACH (DataItem *item, filteredItems) { list.append(item->data()->id()); } KisConfig config; config.setFavoriteCompositeOps(list); } diff --git a/libs/ui/kis_mirror_manager.cpp b/libs/ui/kis_mirror_manager.cpp index d9648519fb..4cf19d7fc6 100644 --- a/libs/ui/kis_mirror_manager.cpp +++ b/libs/ui/kis_mirror_manager.cpp @@ -1,87 +1,89 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2009 Cyrille Berger * Copyright (c) 2014 Sven Langkamp * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_mirror_manager.h" #include "KisViewManager.h" #include +#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_canvas2.h" #include "kis_mirror_axis.h" KisMirrorManager::KisMirrorManager(KisViewManager* view) : QObject(view) , m_imageView(0) { } KisMirrorManager::~KisMirrorManager() { } void KisMirrorManager::setup(KActionCollection * collection) { m_mirrorCanvas = new KToggleAction(i18n("Mirror View"), this); m_mirrorCanvas->setChecked(false); + m_mirrorCanvas->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("mirror-view")); collection->addAction("mirror_canvas", m_mirrorCanvas); collection->setDefaultShortcut(m_mirrorCanvas, QKeySequence(Qt::Key_M)); updateAction(); } void KisMirrorManager::setView(QPointer imageView) { if (m_imageView) { m_mirrorCanvas->disconnect(); } m_imageView = imageView; if (m_imageView) { connect(m_mirrorCanvas, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), dynamic_cast(m_imageView->canvasController()), SLOT(mirrorCanvas(bool))); if (!hasDecoration()) { m_imageView->canvasBase()->addDecoration(new KisMirrorAxis(m_imageView->viewManager()->resourceProvider(), m_imageView)); } } updateAction(); } void KisMirrorManager::updateAction() { if (m_imageView) { m_mirrorCanvas->setEnabled(true); m_mirrorCanvas->setChecked(m_imageView->canvasIsMirrored()); } else { m_mirrorCanvas->setEnabled(false); m_mirrorCanvas->setChecked(false); } } KisMirrorAxis* KisMirrorManager::hasDecoration() { if (m_imageView && m_imageView->canvasBase() && m_imageView->canvasBase()->decoration("mirror_axis")) { return dynamic_cast(m_imageView->canvasBase()->decoration("mirror_axis").data()); } return 0; } diff --git a/libs/ui/kis_node_model.cpp b/libs/ui/kis_node_model.cpp index 550b9baa46..83d319d62c 100644 --- a/libs/ui/kis_node_model.cpp +++ b/libs/ui/kis_node_model.cpp @@ -1,640 +1,644 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2007 Boudewijn Rempt * Copyright (c) 2008 Cyrille Berger * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_node_model.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_mimedata.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_dummies_facade_base.h" #include "kis_node_dummies_graph.h" #include "kis_model_index_converter.h" #include "kis_model_index_converter_show_all.h" #include "kis_node_selection_adapter.h" #include "kis_node_insertion_adapter.h" #include "kis_config.h" #include "kis_config_notifier.h" #include struct KisNodeModel::Private { KisImageWSP image; KisShapeController *shapeController = 0; KisNodeSelectionAdapter *nodeSelectionAdapter = 0; KisNodeInsertionAdapter *nodeInsertionAdapter = 0; QList updateQueue; QTimer updateTimer; KisModelIndexConverterBase *indexConverter = 0; KisDummiesFacadeBase *dummiesFacade = 0; bool needFinishRemoveRows = false; bool needFinishInsertRows = false; bool showRootLayer = false; bool showGlobalSelection = false; QPersistentModelIndex activeNodeIndex; KisNodeDummy* parentOfRemovedNode = 0; }; KisNodeModel::KisNodeModel(QObject * parent) : QAbstractItemModel(parent) , m_d(new Private) { updateSettings(); connect(KisConfigNotifier::instance(), SIGNAL(configChanged()), this, SLOT(updateSettings())); m_d->updateTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&m_d->updateTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(processUpdateQueue())); } KisNodeModel::~KisNodeModel() { delete m_d->indexConverter; delete m_d; } KisNodeSP KisNodeModel::nodeFromIndex(const QModelIndex &index) const { Q_ASSERT(index.isValid()); KisNodeDummy *dummy = m_d->indexConverter->dummyFromIndex(index); return dummy->node(); } QModelIndex KisNodeModel::indexFromNode(KisNodeSP node) const { KisNodeDummy *dummy = m_d->dummiesFacade->dummyForNode(node); if(dummy) return m_d->indexConverter->indexFromDummy(dummy); return QModelIndex(); } bool KisNodeModel::belongsToIsolatedGroup(KisImageSP image, KisNodeSP node, KisDummiesFacadeBase *dummiesFacade) { KisNodeSP isolatedRoot = image->isolatedModeRoot(); if (!isolatedRoot) return true; KisNodeDummy *isolatedRootDummy = dummiesFacade->dummyForNode(isolatedRoot); KisNodeDummy *dummy = dummiesFacade->dummyForNode(node); while (dummy) { if (dummy == isolatedRootDummy) { return true; } dummy = dummy->parent(); } return false; } bool KisNodeModel::belongsToIsolatedGroup(KisNodeSP node) const { return belongsToIsolatedGroup(m_d->image, node, m_d->dummiesFacade); } void KisNodeModel::resetIndexConverter() { delete m_d->indexConverter; m_d->indexConverter = 0; if(m_d->dummiesFacade) { m_d->indexConverter = createIndexConverter(); } } KisModelIndexConverterBase *KisNodeModel::createIndexConverter() { if(m_d->showRootLayer) { return new KisModelIndexConverterShowAll(m_d->dummiesFacade, this); } else { return new KisModelIndexConverter(m_d->dummiesFacade, this, m_d->showGlobalSelection); } } void KisNodeModel::regenerateItems(KisNodeDummy *dummy) { const QModelIndex &index = m_d->indexConverter->indexFromDummy(dummy); emit dataChanged(index, index); dummy = dummy->firstChild(); while (dummy) { regenerateItems(dummy); dummy = dummy->nextSibling(); } } void KisNodeModel::slotIsolatedModeChanged() { regenerateItems(m_d->dummiesFacade->rootDummy()); } bool KisNodeModel::showGlobalSelection() const { KisConfig cfg; return cfg.showGlobalSelection(); } void KisNodeModel::setShowGlobalSelection(bool value) { KisConfig cfg; cfg.setShowGlobalSelection(value); updateSettings(); } void KisNodeModel::updateSettings() { KisConfig cfg; bool oldShowRootLayer = m_d->showRootLayer; bool oldShowGlobalSelection = m_d->showGlobalSelection; m_d->showRootLayer = cfg.showRootLayer(); m_d->showGlobalSelection = cfg.showGlobalSelection(); if (m_d->showRootLayer != oldShowRootLayer || m_d->showGlobalSelection != oldShowGlobalSelection) { resetIndexConverter(); reset(); } } void KisNodeModel::progressPercentageChanged(int, const KisNodeSP node) { if(!m_d->dummiesFacade) return; // Need to check here as the node might already be removed, but there might // still be some signals arriving from another thread if (m_d->dummiesFacade->hasDummyForNode(node)) { QModelIndex index = indexFromNode(node); emit dataChanged(index, index); } } KisModelIndexConverterBase * KisNodeModel::indexConverter() const { return m_d->indexConverter; } KisDummiesFacadeBase *KisNodeModel::dummiesFacade() const { return m_d->dummiesFacade; } void KisNodeModel::connectDummy(KisNodeDummy *dummy, bool needConnect) { KisNodeSP node = dummy->node(); if (!node) { qWarning() << "Dummy node has no node!" << dummy << dummy->node(); return; } KisNodeProgressProxy *progressProxy = node->nodeProgressProxy(); if(progressProxy) { if(needConnect) { connect(progressProxy, SIGNAL(percentageChanged(int,KisNodeSP)), SLOT(progressPercentageChanged(int,KisNodeSP))); } else { progressProxy->disconnect(this); } } } void KisNodeModel::connectDummies(KisNodeDummy *dummy, bool needConnect) { connectDummy(dummy, needConnect); dummy = dummy->firstChild(); while(dummy) { connectDummies(dummy, needConnect); dummy = dummy->nextSibling(); } } void KisNodeModel::setDummiesFacade(KisDummiesFacadeBase *dummiesFacade, KisImageWSP image, KisShapeController *shapeController, KisNodeSelectionAdapter *nodeSelectionAdapter, KisNodeInsertionAdapter *nodeInsertionAdapter) { KisDummiesFacadeBase *oldDummiesFacade; KisShapeController *oldShapeController; oldShapeController = m_d->shapeController; oldDummiesFacade = m_d->dummiesFacade; m_d->shapeController = shapeController; m_d->nodeSelectionAdapter = nodeSelectionAdapter; m_d->nodeInsertionAdapter = nodeInsertionAdapter; if(oldDummiesFacade && m_d->image) { m_d->image->disconnect(this); oldDummiesFacade->disconnect(this); connectDummies(m_d->dummiesFacade->rootDummy(), false); } m_d->image = image; m_d->dummiesFacade = dummiesFacade; m_d->parentOfRemovedNode = 0; resetIndexConverter(); if(m_d->dummiesFacade) { KisNodeDummy *rootDummy = m_d->dummiesFacade->rootDummy(); if(rootDummy) { connectDummies(rootDummy, true); } connect(m_d->dummiesFacade, SIGNAL(sigBeginInsertDummy(KisNodeDummy*,int,QString)), SLOT(slotBeginInsertDummy(KisNodeDummy*,int,QString))); connect(m_d->dummiesFacade, SIGNAL(sigEndInsertDummy(KisNodeDummy*)), SLOT(slotEndInsertDummy(KisNodeDummy*))); connect(m_d->dummiesFacade, SIGNAL(sigBeginRemoveDummy(KisNodeDummy*)), SLOT(slotBeginRemoveDummy(KisNodeDummy*))); connect(m_d->dummiesFacade, SIGNAL(sigEndRemoveDummy()), SLOT(slotEndRemoveDummy())); connect(m_d->dummiesFacade, SIGNAL(sigDummyChanged(KisNodeDummy*)), SLOT(slotDummyChanged(KisNodeDummy*))); if(m_d->image.isValid()) { connect(m_d->image, SIGNAL(sigIsolatedModeChanged()), SLOT(slotIsolatedModeChanged())); } } if(m_d->dummiesFacade != oldDummiesFacade || m_d->shapeController != oldShapeController) { reset(); } } void KisNodeModel::slotBeginInsertDummy(KisNodeDummy *parent, int index, const QString &metaObjectType) { int row = 0; QModelIndex parentIndex; bool willAdd = m_d->indexConverter->indexFromAddedDummy(parent, index, metaObjectType, parentIndex, row); if(willAdd) { beginInsertRows(parentIndex, row, row); m_d->needFinishInsertRows = true; } } void KisNodeModel::slotEndInsertDummy(KisNodeDummy *dummy) { if(m_d->needFinishInsertRows) { connectDummy(dummy, true); endInsertRows(); m_d->needFinishInsertRows = false; } } void KisNodeModel::slotBeginRemoveDummy(KisNodeDummy *dummy) { if (!dummy) return; // FIXME: is it really what we want? m_d->updateTimer.stop(); m_d->updateQueue.clear(); m_d->parentOfRemovedNode = dummy->parent(); QModelIndex parentIndex; if (m_d->parentOfRemovedNode) { parentIndex = m_d->indexConverter->indexFromDummy(m_d->parentOfRemovedNode); } QModelIndex itemIndex = m_d->indexConverter->indexFromDummy(dummy); if (itemIndex.isValid()) { connectDummy(dummy, false); beginRemoveRows(parentIndex, itemIndex.row(), itemIndex.row()); m_d->needFinishRemoveRows = true; } } void KisNodeModel::slotEndRemoveDummy() { if(m_d->needFinishRemoveRows) { endRemoveRows(); m_d->needFinishRemoveRows = false; } } void KisNodeModel::slotDummyChanged(KisNodeDummy *dummy) { if (!m_d->updateQueue.contains(dummy)) { m_d->updateQueue.append(dummy); } m_d->updateTimer.start(1000); } void addChangedIndex(const QModelIndex &index, QSet *indexes) { if (!index.isValid() || indexes->contains(index)) return; indexes->insert(index); const int rowCount = index.model()->rowCount(index); for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { addChangedIndex(index.child(i, 0), indexes); } } void KisNodeModel::processUpdateQueue() { QSet indexes; Q_FOREACH (KisNodeDummy *dummy, m_d->updateQueue) { QModelIndex index = m_d->indexConverter->indexFromDummy(dummy); addChangedIndex(index, &indexes); } Q_FOREACH (const QModelIndex &index, indexes) { emit dataChanged(index, index); } m_d->updateQueue.clear(); } QModelIndex KisNodeModel::index(int row, int col, const QModelIndex &parent) const { if(!m_d->dummiesFacade || !hasIndex(row, col, parent)) return QModelIndex(); QModelIndex itemIndex; KisNodeDummy *dummy = m_d->indexConverter->dummyFromRow(row, parent); if(dummy) { itemIndex = m_d->indexConverter->indexFromDummy(dummy); } return itemIndex; } int KisNodeModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { if(!m_d->dummiesFacade) return 0; return m_d->indexConverter->rowCount(parent); } int KisNodeModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex&) const { return 1; } QModelIndex KisNodeModel::parent(const QModelIndex &index) const { if(!m_d->dummiesFacade || !index.isValid()) return QModelIndex(); KisNodeDummy *dummy = m_d->indexConverter->dummyFromIndex(index); KisNodeDummy *parentDummy = dummy->parent(); QModelIndex parentIndex; if(parentDummy) { parentIndex = m_d->indexConverter->indexFromDummy(parentDummy); } return parentIndex; } QVariant KisNodeModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (!m_d->dummiesFacade || !index.isValid() || !m_d->image.isValid()) return QVariant(); KisNodeSP node = nodeFromIndex(index); switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: return node->name(); case Qt::DecorationRole: return node->icon(); case Qt::EditRole: return node->name(); case Qt::SizeHintRole: return m_d->image->size(); // FIXME case Qt::TextColorRole: return belongsToIsolatedGroup(node) && !node->projectionLeaf()->isDroppedMask() ? QVariant() : QVariant(QColor(Qt::gray)); case Qt::FontRole: { QFont baseFont; if (node->projectionLeaf()->isDroppedMask()) { baseFont.setStrikeOut(true); } if (m_d->activeNodeIndex == index) { baseFont.setBold(true); } return baseFont; } case KisNodeModel::PropertiesRole: return QVariant::fromValue(node->sectionModelProperties()); case KisNodeModel::AspectRatioRole: return double(m_d->image->width()) / m_d->image->height(); case KisNodeModel::ProgressRole: { KisNodeProgressProxy *proxy = node->nodeProgressProxy(); return proxy ? proxy->percentage() : -1; } case KisNodeModel::ActiveRole: { return m_d->activeNodeIndex == index; } case KisNodeModel::ShouldGrayOutRole: { return !node->visible(true); } case KisNodeModel::ColorLabelIndexRole: { return node->colorLabelIndex(); } default: if (role >= int(KisNodeModel::BeginThumbnailRole) && belongsToIsolatedGroup(node)) { const int maxSize = role - int(KisNodeModel::BeginThumbnailRole); QSize size = node->extent().size(); size.scale(maxSize, maxSize, Qt::KeepAspectRatio); + if (size.width() == 0 || size.height() == 0) { + // No thumbnail can be shown if there isn't width or height... + return QVariant(); + } return node->createThumbnail(size.width(), size.height()); } else { return QVariant(); } } return QVariant(); } Qt::ItemFlags KisNodeModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const { if(!m_d->dummiesFacade || !index.isValid()) return Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled; Qt::ItemFlags flags = Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled | Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled; return flags; } bool KisNodeModel::setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role) { if (role == KisNodeModel::ActiveRole || role == KisNodeModel::AlternateActiveRole) { QModelIndex parentIndex; if (!index.isValid() && m_d->parentOfRemovedNode && m_d->dummiesFacade && m_d->indexConverter) { parentIndex = m_d->indexConverter->indexFromDummy(m_d->parentOfRemovedNode); m_d->parentOfRemovedNode = 0; } KisNodeSP activatedNode; if (index.isValid() && value.toBool()) { activatedNode = nodeFromIndex(index); } else if (parentIndex.isValid() && value.toBool()) { activatedNode = nodeFromIndex(parentIndex); } else { activatedNode = 0; } QModelIndex newActiveNode = activatedNode ? indexFromNode(activatedNode) : QModelIndex(); if (role == KisNodeModel::ActiveRole && value.toBool() && m_d->activeNodeIndex == newActiveNode) { return true; } m_d->activeNodeIndex = newActiveNode; if (m_d->nodeSelectionAdapter) { m_d->nodeSelectionAdapter->setActiveNode(activatedNode); } if (role == KisNodeModel::AlternateActiveRole) { emit toggleIsolateActiveNode(); } emit dataChanged(index, index); return true; } if(!m_d->dummiesFacade || !index.isValid()) return false; bool result = true; bool shouldUpdateRecursively = false; KisNodeSP node = nodeFromIndex(index); switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: case Qt::EditRole: node->setName(value.toString()); break; case KisNodeModel::PropertiesRole: { // don't record undo/redo for visibility, locked or alpha locked changes KisBaseNode::PropertyList proplist = value.value(); KisNodePropertyListCommand::setNodePropertiesNoUndo(node, m_d->image, proplist); shouldUpdateRecursively = true; break; } default: result = false; } if(result) { if (shouldUpdateRecursively) { QSet indexes; addChangedIndex(index, &indexes); Q_FOREACH (const QModelIndex &index, indexes) { emit dataChanged(index, index); } } else { emit dataChanged(index, index); } } return result; } Qt::DropActions KisNodeModel::supportedDragActions() const { return Qt::CopyAction | Qt::MoveAction; } Qt::DropActions KisNodeModel::supportedDropActions() const { return Qt::MoveAction | Qt::CopyAction; } bool KisNodeModel::hasDummiesFacade() { return m_d->dummiesFacade != 0; } QStringList KisNodeModel::mimeTypes() const { QStringList types; types << QLatin1String("application/x-krita-node"); types << QLatin1String("application/x-qt-image"); return types; } QMimeData * KisNodeModel::mimeData(const QModelIndexList &indexes) const { KisNodeList nodes; Q_FOREACH (const QModelIndex &idx, indexes) { nodes << nodeFromIndex(idx); } return KisMimeData::mimeForLayers(nodes, m_d->image->rootLayer()); } bool KisNodeModel::dropMimeData(const QMimeData * data, Qt::DropAction action, int row, int column, const QModelIndex & parent) { Q_UNUSED(column); bool copyNode = (action == Qt::CopyAction); KisNodeDummy *parentDummy = 0; KisNodeDummy *aboveThisDummy = 0; parentDummy = parent.isValid() ? m_d->indexConverter->dummyFromIndex(parent) : m_d->dummiesFacade->rootDummy(); if (row == -1) { aboveThisDummy = parent.isValid() ? parentDummy->lastChild() : 0; } else { aboveThisDummy = row < m_d->indexConverter->rowCount(parent) ? m_d->indexConverter->dummyFromRow(row, parent) : 0; } return KisMimeData::insertMimeLayers(data, m_d->image, m_d->shapeController, parentDummy, aboveThisDummy, copyNode, m_d->nodeInsertionAdapter); } diff --git a/libs/ui/kis_paintop_box.cc b/libs/ui/kis_paintop_box.cc index 77c4aefc2d..ba4a5dabdc 100644 --- a/libs/ui/kis_paintop_box.cc +++ b/libs/ui/kis_paintop_box.cc @@ -1,1282 +1,1310 @@ /* * kis_paintop_box.cc - part of KImageShop/Krayon/Krita * * Copyright (c) 2004 Boudewijn Rempt (boud@valdyas.org) * Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Sven Langkamp (sven.langkamp@gmail.com) * Copyright (c) 2010 Lukáš Tvrdý * Copyright (C) 2011 Silvio Heinrich * Copyright (C) 2011 Srikanth Tiyyagura * Copyright (c) 2014 Mohit Goyal * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_paintop_box.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_canvas2.h" #include "kis_node_manager.h" #include "KisViewManager.h" #include "kis_canvas_resource_provider.h" #include "kis_resource_server_provider.h" #include "kis_favorite_resource_manager.h" #include "kis_config.h" #include "widgets/kis_popup_button.h" #include "widgets/kis_tool_options_popup.h" #include "widgets/kis_paintop_presets_popup.h" #include "widgets/kis_tool_options_popup.h" #include "widgets/kis_paintop_presets_chooser_popup.h" #include "widgets/kis_workspace_chooser.h" #include "widgets/kis_paintop_list_widget.h" #include "widgets/kis_slider_spin_box.h" #include "widgets/kis_cmb_composite.h" #include "widgets/kis_widget_chooser.h" #include "tool/kis_tool.h" #include "kis_signals_blocker.h" #include "kis_action_manager.h" #include "kis_highlighted_button.h" typedef KoResourceServerSimpleConstruction > KisPaintOpPresetResourceServer; typedef KoResourceServerAdapter > KisPaintOpPresetResourceServerAdapter; KisPaintopBox::KisPaintopBox(KisViewManager *view, QWidget *parent, const char *name) : QWidget(parent) , m_resourceProvider(view->resourceProvider()) , m_optionWidget(0) , m_toolOptionsPopupButton(0) , m_brushEditorPopupButton(0) , m_presetSelectorPopupButton(0) , m_toolOptionsPopup(0) , m_viewManager(view) , m_previousNode(0) , m_currTabletToolID(KoInputDevice::invalid()) , m_presetsEnabled(true) , m_blockUpdate(false) , m_dirtyPresetsEnabled(false) , m_eraserBrushSizeEnabled(false) , m_eraserBrushOpacityEnabled(false) { Q_ASSERT(view != 0); setObjectName(name); KisConfig cfg; m_dirtyPresetsEnabled = cfg.useDirtyPresets(); m_eraserBrushSizeEnabled = cfg.useEraserBrushSize(); m_eraserBrushOpacityEnabled = cfg.useEraserBrushOpacity(); KAcceleratorManager::setNoAccel(this); setWindowTitle(i18n("Painter's Toolchest")); KConfigGroup grp = KSharedConfig::openConfig()->group("krita").group("Toolbar BrushesAndStuff"); int iconsize = grp.readEntry("IconSize", 32); if (!cfg.toolOptionsInDocker()) { m_toolOptionsPopupButton = new KisPopupButton(this); m_toolOptionsPopupButton->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("configure")); m_toolOptionsPopupButton->setToolTip(i18n("Tool Settings")); m_toolOptionsPopupButton->setFixedSize(iconsize, iconsize); } m_brushEditorPopupButton = new KisPopupButton(this); m_brushEditorPopupButton->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("paintop_settings_02")); m_brushEditorPopupButton->setToolTip(i18n("Edit brush settings")); m_brushEditorPopupButton->setFixedSize(iconsize, iconsize); m_presetSelectorPopupButton = new KisPopupButton(this); m_presetSelectorPopupButton->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("paintop_settings_01")); m_presetSelectorPopupButton->setToolTip(i18n("Choose brush preset")); m_presetSelectorPopupButton->setFixedSize(iconsize, iconsize); m_eraseModeButton = new KisHighlightedToolButton(this); m_eraseModeButton->setFixedSize(iconsize, iconsize); m_eraseModeButton->setCheckable(true); m_eraseAction = m_viewManager->actionManager()->createAction("erase_action"); m_eraseModeButton->setDefaultAction(m_eraseAction); m_reloadButton = new QToolButton(this); m_reloadButton->setFixedSize(iconsize, iconsize); m_reloadAction = m_viewManager->actionManager()->createAction("reload_preset_action"); m_reloadButton->setDefaultAction(m_reloadAction); m_alphaLockButton = new KisHighlightedToolButton(this); m_alphaLockButton->setFixedSize(iconsize, iconsize); m_alphaLockButton->setCheckable(true); KisAction* alphaLockAction = m_viewManager->actionManager()->createAction("preserve_alpha"); m_alphaLockButton->setDefaultAction(alphaLockAction); // pen pressure m_disablePressureButton = new KisHighlightedToolButton(this); m_disablePressureButton->setFixedSize(iconsize, iconsize); m_disablePressureButton->setCheckable(true); m_disablePressureAction = m_viewManager->actionManager()->createAction("disable_pressure"); m_disablePressureButton->setDefaultAction(m_disablePressureAction); // horizontal and vertical mirror toolbar buttons // mirror tool options for the X Mirror QMenu *toolbarMenuXMirror = new QMenu(); KisAction* hideCanvasDecorationsX = m_viewManager->actionManager()->createAction("mirrorX-hideDecorations"); hideCanvasDecorationsX->setCheckable(true); hideCanvasDecorationsX->setText(i18n("Hide Mirror Line")); toolbarMenuXMirror->addAction(hideCanvasDecorationsX); KisAction* lockActionX = m_viewManager->actionManager()->createAction("mirrorX-lock"); lockActionX->setText(i18n("Lock")); lockActionX->setCheckable(true); toolbarMenuXMirror->addAction(lockActionX); KisAction* moveToCenterActionX = m_viewManager->actionManager()->createAction("mirrorX-moveToCenter"); moveToCenterActionX->setCheckable(false); moveToCenterActionX->setText(i18n("Move to Canvas Center")); toolbarMenuXMirror->addAction(moveToCenterActionX); // mirror tool options for the Y Mirror QMenu *toolbarMenuYMirror = new QMenu(); KisAction* hideCanvasDecorationsY = m_viewManager->actionManager()->createAction("mirrorY-hideDecorations"); hideCanvasDecorationsY->setCheckable(true); hideCanvasDecorationsY->setText(i18n("Hide Mirror Line")); toolbarMenuYMirror->addAction(hideCanvasDecorationsY); KisAction* lockActionY = m_viewManager->actionManager()->createAction("mirrorY-lock"); lockActionY->setText(i18n("Lock")); lockActionY->setCheckable(true); toolbarMenuYMirror->addAction(lockActionY); KisAction* moveToCenterActionY = m_viewManager->actionManager()->createAction("mirrorY-moveToCenter"); moveToCenterActionY->setCheckable(false); moveToCenterActionY->setText(i18n("Move to Canvas Center")); toolbarMenuYMirror->addAction(moveToCenterActionY); // create horizontal and vertical mirror buttons m_hMirrorButton = new KisHighlightedToolButton(this); int menuPadding = 10; m_hMirrorButton->setFixedSize(iconsize + menuPadding, iconsize); m_hMirrorButton->setCheckable(true); m_hMirrorAction = m_viewManager->actionManager()->createAction("hmirror_action"); m_hMirrorButton->setDefaultAction(m_hMirrorAction); m_hMirrorButton->setMenu(toolbarMenuXMirror); m_hMirrorButton->setPopupMode(QToolButton::MenuButtonPopup); m_vMirrorButton = new KisHighlightedToolButton(this); m_vMirrorButton->setFixedSize(iconsize + menuPadding, iconsize); m_vMirrorButton->setCheckable(true); m_vMirrorAction = m_viewManager->actionManager()->createAction("vmirror_action"); m_vMirrorButton->setDefaultAction(m_vMirrorAction); m_vMirrorButton->setMenu(toolbarMenuYMirror); m_vMirrorButton->setPopupMode(QToolButton::MenuButtonPopup); // add connections for horizontal and mirrror buttons connect(lockActionX, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotLockXMirrorToggle(bool))); connect(lockActionY, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotLockYMirrorToggle(bool))); connect(moveToCenterActionX, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(slotMoveToCenterMirrorX())); connect(moveToCenterActionY, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(slotMoveToCenterMirrorY())); connect(hideCanvasDecorationsX, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotHideDecorationMirrorX(bool))); connect(hideCanvasDecorationsY, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotHideDecorationMirrorY(bool))); const bool sliderLabels = cfg.sliderLabels(); int sliderWidth; if (sliderLabels) { sliderWidth = 150 * logicalDpiX() / 96; } else { sliderWidth = 120 * logicalDpiX() / 96; } for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { m_sliderChooser[i] = new KisWidgetChooser(i + 1); KisDoubleSliderSpinBox* slOpacity; KisDoubleSliderSpinBox* slFlow; KisDoubleSliderSpinBox* slSize; if (sliderLabels) { slOpacity = m_sliderChooser[i]->addWidget("opacity"); slFlow = m_sliderChooser[i]->addWidget("flow"); slSize = m_sliderChooser[i]->addWidget("size"); slOpacity->setPrefix(QString("%1 ").arg(i18n("Opacity:"))); slFlow->setPrefix(QString("%1 ").arg(i18n("Flow:"))); slSize->setPrefix(QString("%1 ").arg(i18n("Size:"))); } else { slOpacity = m_sliderChooser[i]->addWidget("opacity", i18n("Opacity:")); slFlow = m_sliderChooser[i]->addWidget("flow", i18n("Flow:")); slSize = m_sliderChooser[i]->addWidget("size", i18n("Size:")); } slOpacity->setRange(0.0, 1.0, 2); slOpacity->setValue(1.0); slOpacity->setSingleStep(0.05); slOpacity->setMinimumWidth(qMax(sliderWidth, slOpacity->sizeHint().width())); slOpacity->setFixedHeight(iconsize); slOpacity->setBlockUpdateSignalOnDrag(true); slFlow->setRange(0.0, 1.0, 2); slFlow->setValue(1.0); slFlow->setSingleStep(0.05); slFlow->setMinimumWidth(qMax(sliderWidth, slFlow->sizeHint().width())); slFlow->setFixedHeight(iconsize); slFlow->setBlockUpdateSignalOnDrag(true); slSize->setRange(0, 1000, 2); slSize->setValue(100); slSize->setSingleStep(1); slSize->setExponentRatio(3.0); slSize->setSuffix(i18n(" px")); slSize->setMinimumWidth(qMax(sliderWidth, slSize->sizeHint().width())); slSize->setFixedHeight(iconsize); slSize->setBlockUpdateSignalOnDrag(true); m_sliderChooser[i]->chooseWidget(cfg.toolbarSlider(i + 1)); } m_cmbCompositeOp = new KisCompositeOpComboBox(); m_cmbCompositeOp->setFixedHeight(iconsize); Q_FOREACH (KisAction * a, m_cmbCompositeOp->blendmodeActions()) { m_viewManager->actionManager()->addAction(a->text(), a); } m_workspaceWidget = new KisPopupButton(this); m_workspaceWidget->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("view-choose")); m_workspaceWidget->setToolTip(i18n("Choose workspace")); m_workspaceWidget->setFixedSize(iconsize, iconsize); m_workspaceWidget->setPopupWidget(new KisWorkspaceChooser(view)); QHBoxLayout* baseLayout = new QHBoxLayout(this); m_paintopWidget = new QWidget(this); baseLayout->addWidget(m_paintopWidget); baseLayout->setSpacing(4); baseLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); m_layout = new QHBoxLayout(m_paintopWidget); if (!cfg.toolOptionsInDocker()) { m_layout->addWidget(m_toolOptionsPopupButton); } m_layout->addWidget(m_brushEditorPopupButton); m_layout->addWidget(m_presetSelectorPopupButton); m_layout->setSpacing(4); m_layout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); QWidget* compositeActions = new QWidget(this); QHBoxLayout* compositeLayout = new QHBoxLayout(compositeActions); compositeLayout->addWidget(m_cmbCompositeOp); compositeLayout->addWidget(m_eraseModeButton); compositeLayout->addWidget(m_alphaLockButton); compositeLayout->setSpacing(4); compositeLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); compositeLayout->addWidget(m_reloadButton); QWidgetAction * action; action = new QWidgetAction(this); view->actionCollection()->addAction("composite_actions", action); action->setText(i18n("Brush composite")); action->setDefaultWidget(compositeActions); QWidget* compositePressure = new QWidget(this); QHBoxLayout* pressureLayout = new QHBoxLayout(compositePressure); pressureLayout->addWidget(m_disablePressureButton); pressureLayout->setSpacing(4); pressureLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); action = new QWidgetAction(this); view->actionCollection()->addAction("pressure_action", action); action->setText(i18n("Pressure usage (small button)")); action->setDefaultWidget(compositePressure); action = new QWidgetAction(this); KisActionRegistry::instance()->propertizeAction("brushslider1", action); view->actionCollection()->addAction("brushslider1", action); action->setDefaultWidget(m_sliderChooser[0]); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), m_sliderChooser[0], SLOT(showPopupWidget())); connect(m_viewManager->mainWindow(), SIGNAL(themeChanged()), m_sliderChooser[0], SLOT(updateThemedIcons())); action = new QWidgetAction(this); KisActionRegistry::instance()->propertizeAction("brushslider2", action); view->actionCollection()->addAction("brushslider2", action); action->setDefaultWidget(m_sliderChooser[1]); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), m_sliderChooser[1], SLOT(showPopupWidget())); connect(m_viewManager->mainWindow(), SIGNAL(themeChanged()), m_sliderChooser[1], SLOT(updateThemedIcons())); action = new QWidgetAction(this); KisActionRegistry::instance()->propertizeAction("brushslider3", action); view->actionCollection()->addAction("brushslider3", action); action->setDefaultWidget(m_sliderChooser[2]); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), m_sliderChooser[2], SLOT(showPopupWidget())); connect(m_viewManager->mainWindow(), SIGNAL(themeChanged()), m_sliderChooser[2], SLOT(updateThemedIcons())); action = new QWidgetAction(this); KisActionRegistry::instance()->propertizeAction("next_favorite_preset", action); view->actionCollection()->addAction("next_favorite_preset", action); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotNextFavoritePreset())); action = new QWidgetAction(this); KisActionRegistry::instance()->propertizeAction("previous_favorite_preset", action); view->actionCollection()->addAction("previous_favorite_preset", action); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotPreviousFavoritePreset())); action = new QWidgetAction(this); KisActionRegistry::instance()->propertizeAction("previous_preset", action); view->actionCollection()->addAction("previous_preset", action); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotSwitchToPreviousPreset())); if (!cfg.toolOptionsInDocker()) { action = new QWidgetAction(this); KisActionRegistry::instance()->propertizeAction("show_tool_options", action); view->actionCollection()->addAction("show_tool_options", action); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), m_toolOptionsPopupButton, SLOT(showPopupWidget())); } action = new QWidgetAction(this); KisActionRegistry::instance()->propertizeAction("show_brush_editor", action); view->actionCollection()->addAction("show_brush_editor", action); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), m_brushEditorPopupButton, SLOT(showPopupWidget())); action = new QWidgetAction(this); KisActionRegistry::instance()->propertizeAction("show_brush_presets", action); view->actionCollection()->addAction("show_brush_presets", action); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), m_presetSelectorPopupButton, SLOT(showPopupWidget())); QWidget* mirrorActions = new QWidget(this); QHBoxLayout* mirrorLayout = new QHBoxLayout(mirrorActions); mirrorLayout->addWidget(m_hMirrorButton); mirrorLayout->addWidget(m_vMirrorButton); mirrorLayout->setSpacing(4); mirrorLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); action = new QWidgetAction(this); KisActionRegistry::instance()->propertizeAction("mirror_actions", action); action->setDefaultWidget(mirrorActions); view->actionCollection()->addAction("mirror_actions", action); action = new QWidgetAction(this); KisActionRegistry::instance()->propertizeAction("workspaces", action); view->actionCollection()->addAction("workspaces", action); action->setDefaultWidget(m_workspaceWidget); if (!cfg.toolOptionsInDocker()) { m_toolOptionsPopup = new KisToolOptionsPopup(); m_toolOptionsPopupButton->setPopupWidget(m_toolOptionsPopup); m_toolOptionsPopup->switchDetached(false); } m_presetsPopup = new KisPaintOpPresetsPopup(m_resourceProvider); m_brushEditorPopupButton->setPopupWidget(m_presetsPopup); m_presetsPopup->parentWidget()->setWindowTitle(i18n("Brush Editor")); connect(m_presetsPopup, SIGNAL(brushEditorShown()), SLOT(slotUpdateOptionsWidgetPopup())); connect(m_viewManager->mainWindow(), SIGNAL(themeChanged()), m_presetsPopup, SLOT(updateThemedIcons())); m_presetsChooserPopup = new KisPaintOpPresetsChooserPopup(); m_presetSelectorPopupButton->setPopupWidget(m_presetsChooserPopup); m_currCompositeOpID = KoCompositeOpRegistry::instance().getDefaultCompositeOp().id(); slotNodeChanged(view->activeNode()); // Get all the paintops QList keys = KisPaintOpRegistry::instance()->keys(); QList factoryList; Q_FOREACH (const QString & paintopId, keys) { factoryList.append(KisPaintOpRegistry::instance()->get(paintopId)); } m_presetsPopup->setPaintOpList(factoryList); connect(m_presetsPopup , SIGNAL(paintopActivated(QString)) , SLOT(slotSetPaintop(QString))); connect(m_presetsPopup , SIGNAL(savePresetClicked()) , SLOT(slotSaveActivePreset())); connect(m_presetsPopup , SIGNAL(defaultPresetClicked()) , SLOT(slotSetupDefaultPreset())); connect(m_presetsPopup , SIGNAL(signalResourceSelected(KoResource*)), SLOT(resourceSelected(KoResource*))); connect(m_presetsPopup , SIGNAL(reloadPresetClicked()) , SLOT(slotReloadPreset())); connect(m_presetsPopup , SIGNAL(dirtyPresetToggled(bool)) , SLOT(slotDirtyPresetToggled(bool))); connect(m_presetsPopup , SIGNAL(eraserBrushSizeToggled(bool)) , SLOT(slotEraserBrushSizeToggled(bool))); connect(m_presetsPopup , SIGNAL(eraserBrushOpacityToggled(bool)) , SLOT(slotEraserBrushOpacityToggled(bool))); connect(m_presetsChooserPopup, SIGNAL(resourceSelected(KoResource*)) , SLOT(resourceSelected(KoResource*))); connect(m_presetsChooserPopup, SIGNAL(resourceClicked(KoResource*)) , SLOT(resourceSelected(KoResource*))); connect(m_resourceProvider , SIGNAL(sigNodeChanged(const KisNodeSP)) , SLOT(slotNodeChanged(const KisNodeSP))); connect(m_cmbCompositeOp , SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)) , SLOT(slotSetCompositeMode(int))); connect(m_eraseAction , SIGNAL(toggled(bool)) , SLOT(slotToggleEraseMode(bool))); connect(alphaLockAction , SIGNAL(toggled(bool)) , SLOT(slotToggleAlphaLockMode(bool))); connect(m_disablePressureAction , SIGNAL(toggled(bool)) , SLOT(slotDisablePressureMode(bool))); m_disablePressureAction->setChecked(true); connect(m_hMirrorAction , SIGNAL(toggled(bool)) , SLOT(slotHorizontalMirrorChanged(bool))); connect(m_vMirrorAction , SIGNAL(toggled(bool)) , SLOT(slotVerticalMirrorChanged(bool))); connect(m_reloadAction , SIGNAL(triggered()) , SLOT(slotReloadPreset())); connect(m_sliderChooser[0]->getWidget("opacity"), SIGNAL(valueChanged(qreal)), SLOT(slotSlider1Changed())); connect(m_sliderChooser[0]->getWidget("flow") , SIGNAL(valueChanged(qreal)), SLOT(slotSlider1Changed())); connect(m_sliderChooser[0]->getWidget("size") , SIGNAL(valueChanged(qreal)), SLOT(slotSlider1Changed())); connect(m_sliderChooser[1]->getWidget("opacity"), SIGNAL(valueChanged(qreal)), SLOT(slotSlider2Changed())); connect(m_sliderChooser[1]->getWidget("flow") , SIGNAL(valueChanged(qreal)), SLOT(slotSlider2Changed())); connect(m_sliderChooser[1]->getWidget("size") , SIGNAL(valueChanged(qreal)), SLOT(slotSlider2Changed())); connect(m_sliderChooser[2]->getWidget("opacity"), SIGNAL(valueChanged(qreal)), SLOT(slotSlider3Changed())); connect(m_sliderChooser[2]->getWidget("flow") , SIGNAL(valueChanged(qreal)), SLOT(slotSlider3Changed())); connect(m_sliderChooser[2]->getWidget("size") , SIGNAL(valueChanged(qreal)), SLOT(slotSlider3Changed())); //Needed to connect canvas to favorite resource manager connect(m_viewManager->resourceProvider(), SIGNAL(sigFGColorChanged(KoColor)), SLOT(slotUnsetEraseMode())); m_favoriteResourceManager = new KisFavoriteResourceManager(this); connect(m_resourceProvider, SIGNAL(sigFGColorUsed(KoColor)), m_favoriteResourceManager, SLOT(slotAddRecentColor(KoColor))); connect(m_resourceProvider, SIGNAL(sigFGColorChanged(KoColor)), m_favoriteResourceManager, SLOT(slotChangeFGColorSelector(KoColor))); connect(m_resourceProvider, SIGNAL(sigBGColorChanged(KoColor)), m_favoriteResourceManager, SLOT(slotSetBGColor(KoColor))); // cold initialization m_favoriteResourceManager->slotChangeFGColorSelector(m_resourceProvider->fgColor()); m_favoriteResourceManager->slotSetBGColor(m_resourceProvider->bgColor()); connect(m_favoriteResourceManager, SIGNAL(sigSetFGColor(KoColor)), m_resourceProvider, SLOT(slotSetFGColor(KoColor))); connect(m_favoriteResourceManager, SIGNAL(sigSetBGColor(KoColor)), m_resourceProvider, SLOT(slotSetBGColor(KoColor))); connect(m_favoriteResourceManager, SIGNAL(sigEnableChangeColor(bool)), m_resourceProvider, SLOT(slotResetEnableFGChange(bool))); connect(view->mainWindow(), SIGNAL(themeChanged()), this, SLOT(slotUpdateSelectionIcon())); slotInputDeviceChanged(KoToolManager::instance()->currentInputDevice()); } KisPaintopBox::~KisPaintopBox() { KisConfig cfg; QMapIterator iter(m_tabletToolMap); while (iter.hasNext()) { iter.next(); + //qDebug() << "Writing last used preset for" << iter.key().pointer << iter.key().uniqueID << iter.value().preset->name(); if ((iter.key().pointer) == QTabletEvent::Eraser) { cfg.writeEntry(QString("LastEraser_%1").arg(iter.key().uniqueID) , iter.value().preset->name()); } else { cfg.writeEntry(QString("LastPreset_%1").arg(iter.key().uniqueID) , iter.value().preset->name()); } } // Do not delete the widget, since it it is global to the application, not owned by the view m_presetsPopup->setPaintOpSettingsWidget(0); qDeleteAll(m_paintopOptionWidgets); delete m_favoriteResourceManager; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { delete m_sliderChooser[i]; } } void KisPaintopBox::restoreResource(KoResource* resource) { KisPaintOpPreset* preset = dynamic_cast(resource); + //qDebug() << "restoreResource" << resource << preset; if (preset) { setCurrentPaintop(preset); m_presetsPopup->setPresetImage(preset->image()); m_presetsPopup->resourceSelected(resource); } } void KisPaintopBox::newOptionWidgets(const QList > &optionWidgetList) { if (m_toolOptionsPopup) { m_toolOptionsPopup->newOptionWidgets(optionWidgetList); } } void KisPaintopBox::resourceSelected(KoResource* resource) { KisPaintOpPreset* preset = dynamic_cast(resource); if (preset && preset != m_resourceProvider->currentPreset()) { if (!preset->settings()->isLoadable()) return; if (!m_dirtyPresetsEnabled) { KisSignalsBlocker blocker(m_optionWidget); if (!preset->load()) { warnKrita << "failed to load the preset."; } } - + //qDebug() << "resourceSelected" << resource->name(); setCurrentPaintop(preset); m_presetsPopup->setPresetImage(preset->image()); m_presetsPopup->resourceSelected(resource); } } void KisPaintopBox::setCurrentPaintop(const KoID& paintop) { KisPaintOpPresetSP preset = activePreset(paintop); Q_ASSERT(preset && preset->settings()); + //qDebug() << "setCurrentPaintop();" << paintop << preset; setCurrentPaintop(preset); } void KisPaintopBox::setCurrentPaintop(KisPaintOpPresetSP preset) { + + //qDebug() << "setCurrentPaintop(); " << preset->name(); + if (preset == m_resourceProvider->currentPreset()) { return; } Q_ASSERT(preset); const KoID& paintop = preset->paintOp(); m_presetConnections.clear(); if (m_resourceProvider->currentPreset()) { m_resourceProvider->setPreviousPaintOpPreset(m_resourceProvider->currentPreset()); if (m_optionWidget) { m_optionWidget->hide(); } - m_paintOpPresetMap[m_resourceProvider->currentPreset()->paintOp()] = m_resourceProvider->currentPreset(); - m_tabletToolMap[m_currTabletToolID].preset = m_resourceProvider->currentPreset(); - m_tabletToolMap[m_currTabletToolID].paintOpID = m_resourceProvider->currentPreset()->paintOp(); } if (!m_paintopOptionWidgets.contains(paintop)) m_paintopOptionWidgets[paintop] = KisPaintOpRegistry::instance()->get(paintop.id())->createConfigWidget(this); m_optionWidget = m_paintopOptionWidgets[paintop]; KisSignalsBlocker b(m_optionWidget); preset->setOptionsWidget(m_optionWidget); m_optionWidget->setImage(m_viewManager->image()); m_optionWidget->setNode(m_viewManager->activeNode()); m_presetsPopup->setPaintOpSettingsWidget(m_optionWidget); m_resourceProvider->setPaintOpPreset(preset); Q_ASSERT(m_optionWidget && m_presetSelectorPopupButton); m_presetConnections.addConnection(m_optionWidget, SIGNAL(sigConfigurationUpdated()), this, SLOT(slotGuiChangedCurrentPreset())); m_presetConnections.addConnection(m_optionWidget, SIGNAL(sigSaveLockedConfig(KisPropertiesConfigurationSP)), this, SLOT(slotSaveLockedOptionToPreset(KisPropertiesConfigurationSP))); m_presetConnections.addConnection(m_optionWidget, SIGNAL(sigDropLockedConfig(KisPropertiesConfigurationSP)), this, SLOT(slotDropLockedOption(KisPropertiesConfigurationSP))); // load the current brush engine icon for the brush editor toolbar button KisPaintOpFactory* paintOp = KisPaintOpRegistry::instance()->get(paintop.id()); QString pixFilename = KoResourcePaths::findResource("kis_images", paintOp->pixmap()); m_brushEditorPopupButton->setIcon(QIcon(pixFilename)); - m_presetsPopup->setCurrentPaintOp(paintop.id()); + m_presetsPopup->setCurrentPaintOpId(paintop.id()); + + + ////qDebug() << "\tsetting the new preset for" << m_currTabletToolID.uniqueID << "to" << preset->name(); + m_paintOpPresetMap[m_resourceProvider->currentPreset()->paintOp()] = preset; + m_tabletToolMap[m_currTabletToolID].preset = preset; + m_tabletToolMap[m_currTabletToolID].paintOpID = preset->paintOp(); + - if (m_presetsPopup->currentPaintOp() != paintop.id()) { + if (m_presetsPopup->currentPaintOpId() != paintop.id()) { // Must change the paintop as the current one is not supported // by the new colorspace. dbgKrita << "current paintop " << paintop.name() << " was not set, not supported by colorspace"; } } void KisPaintopBox::slotUpdateOptionsWidgetPopup() { KisPaintOpPresetSP preset = m_resourceProvider->currentPreset(); KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(preset); KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(m_optionWidget); m_optionWidget->setConfigurationSafe(preset->settings()); m_presetsPopup->resourceSelected(preset.data()); m_presetsPopup->updateViewSettings(); } KisPaintOpPresetSP KisPaintopBox::defaultPreset(const KoID& paintOp) { QString defaultName = paintOp.id() + ".kpp"; QString path = KoResourcePaths::findResource("kis_defaultpresets", defaultName); KisPaintOpPresetSP preset = new KisPaintOpPreset(path); if (!preset->load()) { preset = KisPaintOpRegistry::instance()->defaultPreset(paintOp); } Q_ASSERT(preset); Q_ASSERT(preset->valid()); return preset; } KisPaintOpPresetSP KisPaintopBox::activePreset(const KoID& paintOp) { if (m_paintOpPresetMap[paintOp] == 0) { m_paintOpPresetMap[paintOp] = defaultPreset(paintOp); } return m_paintOpPresetMap[paintOp]; } void KisPaintopBox::updateCompositeOp(QString compositeOpID) { if (!m_optionWidget) return; KisSignalsBlocker blocker(m_optionWidget); KisNodeSP node = m_resourceProvider->currentNode(); if (node && node->paintDevice()) { if (!node->paintDevice()->colorSpace()->hasCompositeOp(compositeOpID)) compositeOpID = KoCompositeOpRegistry::instance().getDefaultCompositeOp().id(); { KisSignalsBlocker b1(m_cmbCompositeOp); m_cmbCompositeOp->selectCompositeOp(KoID(compositeOpID)); } if (compositeOpID != m_currCompositeOpID) { m_currCompositeOpID = compositeOpID; } + if (compositeOpID == COMPOSITE_ERASE) { + m_eraseModeButton->setChecked(true); + } + else { + m_eraseModeButton->setChecked(false); + } } } void KisPaintopBox::setWidgetState(int flags) { if (flags & (ENABLE_COMPOSITEOP | DISABLE_COMPOSITEOP)) { m_cmbCompositeOp->setEnabled(flags & ENABLE_COMPOSITEOP); m_eraseModeButton->setEnabled(flags & ENABLE_COMPOSITEOP); } if (flags & (ENABLE_PRESETS | DISABLE_PRESETS)) { m_presetSelectorPopupButton->setEnabled(flags & ENABLE_PRESETS); m_brushEditorPopupButton->setEnabled(flags & ENABLE_PRESETS); } for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if (flags & (ENABLE_OPACITY | DISABLE_OPACITY)) m_sliderChooser[i]->getWidget("opacity")->setEnabled(flags & ENABLE_OPACITY); if (flags & (ENABLE_FLOW | DISABLE_FLOW)) m_sliderChooser[i]->getWidget("flow")->setEnabled(flags & ENABLE_FLOW); if (flags & (ENABLE_SIZE | DISABLE_SIZE)) m_sliderChooser[i]->getWidget("size")->setEnabled(flags & ENABLE_SIZE); } } void KisPaintopBox::setSliderValue(const QString& sliderID, qreal value) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { KisDoubleSliderSpinBox* slider = m_sliderChooser[i]->getWidget(sliderID); KisSignalsBlocker b(slider); slider->setValue(value); } } void KisPaintopBox::slotSetPaintop(const QString& paintOpId) { if (KisPaintOpRegistry::instance()->get(paintOpId) != 0) { KoID id(paintOpId, KisPaintOpRegistry::instance()->get(paintOpId)->name()); + //qDebug() << "slotsetpaintop" << id; setCurrentPaintop(id); } } void KisPaintopBox::slotInputDeviceChanged(const KoInputDevice& inputDevice) { TabletToolMap::iterator toolData = m_tabletToolMap.find(inputDevice); + //qDebug() << "slotInputDeviceChanged()" << inputDevice.device() << inputDevice.uniqueTabletId(); + if (toolData == m_tabletToolMap.end()) { KisConfig cfg; KisPaintOpPresetResourceServer *rserver = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->paintOpPresetServer(false); KisPaintOpPresetSP preset; if (inputDevice.pointer() == QTabletEvent::Eraser) { preset = rserver->resourceByName(cfg.readEntry(QString("LastEraser_%1").arg(inputDevice.uniqueTabletId()), "Eraser_circle")); } else { preset = rserver->resourceByName(cfg.readEntry(QString("LastPreset_%1").arg(inputDevice.uniqueTabletId()), "Basic_tip_default")); + //if (preset) + //qDebug() << "found stored preset " << preset->name() << "for" << inputDevice.uniqueTabletId(); + //else + //qDebug() << "no preset fcound for" << inputDevice.uniqueTabletId(); } if (!preset) { preset = rserver->resourceByName("Basic_tip_default"); } if (preset) { + //qDebug() << "inputdevicechanged 1" << preset; setCurrentPaintop(preset); } } else { if (toolData->preset) { + //qDebug() << "inputdevicechanged 2" << toolData->preset; setCurrentPaintop(toolData->preset); } else { + //qDebug() << "inputdevicechanged 3" << toolData->paintOpID; setCurrentPaintop(toolData->paintOpID); } } m_currTabletToolID = TabletToolID(inputDevice); } void KisPaintopBox::slotCanvasResourceChanged(int key, const QVariant &value) { if (m_viewManager) { sender()->blockSignals(true); KisPaintOpPresetSP preset = m_viewManager->resourceProvider()->resourceManager()->resource(KisCanvasResourceProvider::CurrentPaintOpPreset).value(); if (preset && m_resourceProvider->currentPreset()->name() != preset->name()) { QString compositeOp = preset->settings()->getString("CompositeOp"); updateCompositeOp(compositeOp); resourceSelected(preset.data()); } /** * Update currently selected preset in both the popup widgets */ m_presetsChooserPopup->canvasResourceChanged(preset); + m_presetsPopup->currentPresetChanged(preset); if (key == KisCanvasResourceProvider::CurrentCompositeOp) { if (m_resourceProvider->currentCompositeOp() != m_currCompositeOpID) { updateCompositeOp(m_resourceProvider->currentCompositeOp()); } } if (key == KisCanvasResourceProvider::Size) { setSliderValue("size", m_resourceProvider->size()); } if (key == KisCanvasResourceProvider::Opacity) { setSliderValue("opacity", m_resourceProvider->opacity()); } if (key == KisCanvasResourceProvider::Flow) { setSliderValue("flow", m_resourceProvider->flow()); } if (key == KisCanvasResourceProvider::EraserMode) { m_eraseAction->setChecked(value.toBool()); } if (key == KisCanvasResourceProvider::DisablePressure) { m_disablePressureAction->setChecked(value.toBool()); } sender()->blockSignals(false); } } void KisPaintopBox::slotSaveActivePreset() { KisPaintOpPresetSP curPreset = m_resourceProvider->currentPreset(); if (!curPreset) return; m_favoriteResourceManager->setBlockUpdates(true); KisPaintOpPresetSP newPreset = curPreset->clone(); KisPaintOpPresetResourceServer * rServer = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->paintOpPresetServer(); QString saveLocation = rServer->saveLocation(); QString presetName = m_presetsPopup->getPresetName(); QString presetFilename = saveLocation + presetName + newPreset->defaultFileExtension(); QStringList tags; KisPaintOpPresetSP resource = rServer->resourceByName(presetName); if (resource) { tags = rServer->assignedTagsList(resource.data()); rServer->removeResourceAndBlacklist(resource); } newPreset->setImage(m_presetsPopup->cutOutOverlay()); newPreset->setFilename(presetFilename); newPreset->setName(presetName); newPreset->setPresetDirty(false); rServer->addResource(newPreset); Q_FOREACH (const QString & tag, tags) { rServer->addTag(newPreset.data(), tag); } // HACK ALERT! the server does not notify the observers // automatically, so we need to call theupdate manually! rServer->tagCategoryMembersChanged(); restoreResource(newPreset.data()); m_favoriteResourceManager->setBlockUpdates(false); } void KisPaintopBox::slotUpdatePreset() { if (!m_resourceProvider->currentPreset()) return; // block updates of avoid some over updating of the option widget m_blockUpdate = true; setSliderValue("size", m_resourceProvider->size()); { qreal opacity = m_resourceProvider->currentPreset()->settings()->paintOpOpacity(); m_resourceProvider->setOpacity(opacity); setSliderValue("opacity", opacity); setWidgetState(ENABLE_OPACITY); } { setSliderValue("flow", m_resourceProvider->currentPreset()->settings()->paintOpFlow()); setWidgetState(ENABLE_FLOW); } { updateCompositeOp(m_resourceProvider->currentPreset()->settings()->paintOpCompositeOp()); setWidgetState(ENABLE_COMPOSITEOP); } m_blockUpdate = false; } void KisPaintopBox::slotSetupDefaultPreset() { KisPaintOpPresetSP preset = defaultPreset(m_resourceProvider->currentPreset()->paintOp()); preset->setOptionsWidget(m_optionWidget); m_resourceProvider->setPaintOpPreset(preset); } void KisPaintopBox::slotNodeChanged(const KisNodeSP node) { if (m_previousNode.isValid() && m_previousNode->paintDevice()) disconnect(m_previousNode->paintDevice().data(), SIGNAL(colorSpaceChanged(const KoColorSpace*)), this, SLOT(slotColorSpaceChanged(const KoColorSpace*))); // Reconnect colorspace change of node if (node && node->paintDevice()) { connect(node->paintDevice().data(), SIGNAL(colorSpaceChanged(const KoColorSpace*)), this, SLOT(slotColorSpaceChanged(const KoColorSpace*))); m_resourceProvider->setCurrentCompositeOp(m_currCompositeOpID); m_previousNode = node; slotColorSpaceChanged(node->colorSpace()); } if (m_optionWidget) { m_optionWidget->setNode(node); } } void KisPaintopBox::slotColorSpaceChanged(const KoColorSpace* colorSpace) { m_cmbCompositeOp->validate(colorSpace); } void KisPaintopBox::slotToggleEraseMode(bool checked) { const bool oldEraserMode = m_resourceProvider->eraserMode(); m_resourceProvider->setEraserMode(checked); if (oldEraserMode != checked && m_eraserBrushSizeEnabled) { const qreal currentSize = m_resourceProvider->size(); KisPaintOpSettingsSP settings = m_resourceProvider->currentPreset()->settings(); // remember brush size. set the eraser size to the normal brush size if not set if (checked) { settings->setSavedBrushSize(currentSize); if (qFuzzyIsNull(settings->savedEraserSize())) { settings->setSavedEraserSize(currentSize); } } else { settings->setSavedEraserSize(currentSize); if (qFuzzyIsNull(settings->savedBrushSize())) { settings->setSavedBrushSize(currentSize); } } //update value in UI (this is the main place the value is 'stored' in memory) qreal newSize = checked ? settings->savedEraserSize() : settings->savedBrushSize(); m_resourceProvider->setSize(newSize); } if (oldEraserMode != checked && m_eraserBrushOpacityEnabled) { const qreal currentOpacity = m_resourceProvider->opacity(); KisPaintOpSettingsSP settings = m_resourceProvider->currentPreset()->settings(); // remember brush opacity. set the eraser opacity to the normal brush opacity if not set if (checked) { settings->setSavedBrushOpacity(currentOpacity); if (qFuzzyIsNull(settings->savedEraserOpacity())) { settings->setSavedEraserOpacity(currentOpacity); } } else { settings->setSavedEraserOpacity(currentOpacity); if (qFuzzyIsNull(settings->savedBrushOpacity())) { settings->setSavedBrushOpacity(currentOpacity); } } //update value in UI (this is the main place the value is 'stored' in memory) qreal newOpacity = checked ? settings->savedEraserOpacity() : settings->savedBrushOpacity(); m_resourceProvider->setOpacity(newOpacity); } } void KisPaintopBox::slotSetCompositeMode(int index) { Q_UNUSED(index); QString compositeOp = m_cmbCompositeOp->selectedCompositeOp().id(); m_resourceProvider->setCurrentCompositeOp(compositeOp); } void KisPaintopBox::slotHorizontalMirrorChanged(bool value) { m_resourceProvider->setMirrorHorizontal(value); } void KisPaintopBox::slotVerticalMirrorChanged(bool value) { m_resourceProvider->setMirrorVertical(value); } void KisPaintopBox::sliderChanged(int n) { if (!m_optionWidget) // widget will not exist if the are no documents open return; KisSignalsBlocker blocker(m_optionWidget); qreal opacity = m_sliderChooser[n]->getWidget("opacity")->value(); qreal flow = m_sliderChooser[n]->getWidget("flow")->value(); qreal size = m_sliderChooser[n]->getWidget("size")->value(); setSliderValue("opacity", opacity); setSliderValue("flow" , flow); setSliderValue("size" , size); if (m_presetsEnabled) { // IMPORTANT: set the PaintOp size before setting the other properties // it wont work the other way // TODO: why?! m_resourceProvider->setSize(size); m_resourceProvider->setOpacity(opacity); m_resourceProvider->setFlow(flow); KisLockedPropertiesProxySP propertiesProxy = KisLockedPropertiesServer::instance()->createLockedPropertiesProxy(m_resourceProvider->currentPreset()->settings()); propertiesProxy->setProperty("OpacityValue", opacity); propertiesProxy->setProperty("FlowValue", flow); m_optionWidget->setConfigurationSafe(m_resourceProvider->currentPreset()->settings().data()); } else { m_resourceProvider->setOpacity(opacity); } m_presetsPopup->resourceSelected(m_resourceProvider->currentPreset().data()); } void KisPaintopBox::slotSlider1Changed() { sliderChanged(0); } void KisPaintopBox::slotSlider2Changed() { sliderChanged(1); } void KisPaintopBox::slotSlider3Changed() { sliderChanged(2); } void KisPaintopBox::slotToolChanged(KoCanvasController* canvas, int toolId) { Q_UNUSED(canvas); Q_UNUSED(toolId); if (!m_viewManager->canvasBase()) return; QString id = KoToolManager::instance()->activeToolId(); KisTool* tool = dynamic_cast(KoToolManager::instance()->toolById(m_viewManager->canvasBase(), id)); if (tool) { int flags = tool->flags(); if (flags & KisTool::FLAG_USES_CUSTOM_COMPOSITEOP) { setWidgetState(ENABLE_COMPOSITEOP | ENABLE_OPACITY); } else { setWidgetState(DISABLE_COMPOSITEOP | DISABLE_OPACITY); } if (flags & KisTool::FLAG_USES_CUSTOM_PRESET) { setWidgetState(ENABLE_PRESETS | ENABLE_SIZE | ENABLE_FLOW); slotUpdatePreset(); m_presetsEnabled = true; } else { setWidgetState(DISABLE_PRESETS | DISABLE_SIZE | DISABLE_FLOW); m_presetsEnabled = false; } } else setWidgetState(DISABLE_ALL); } void KisPaintopBox::slotPreviousFavoritePreset() { if (!m_favoriteResourceManager) return; int i = 0; Q_FOREACH (KisPaintOpPresetSP preset, m_favoriteResourceManager->favoritePresetList()) { if (m_resourceProvider->currentPreset() && m_resourceProvider->currentPreset()->name() == preset->name()) { if (i > 0) { m_favoriteResourceManager->slotChangeActivePaintop(i - 1); } else { m_favoriteResourceManager->slotChangeActivePaintop(m_favoriteResourceManager->numFavoritePresets() - 1); } return; } i++; } } void KisPaintopBox::slotNextFavoritePreset() { if (!m_favoriteResourceManager) return; int i = 0; Q_FOREACH (KisPaintOpPresetSP preset, m_favoriteResourceManager->favoritePresetList()) { if (m_resourceProvider->currentPreset()->name() == preset->name()) { if (i < m_favoriteResourceManager->numFavoritePresets() - 1) { m_favoriteResourceManager->slotChangeActivePaintop(i + 1); } else { m_favoriteResourceManager->slotChangeActivePaintop(0); } return; } i++; } } void KisPaintopBox::slotSwitchToPreviousPreset() { if (m_resourceProvider->previousPreset()) { + //qDebug() << "slotSwitchToPreviousPreset();" << m_resourceProvider->previousPreset(); setCurrentPaintop(m_resourceProvider->previousPreset()); } } void KisPaintopBox::slotUnsetEraseMode() { m_eraseAction->setChecked(false); } void KisPaintopBox::slotToggleAlphaLockMode(bool checked) { if (checked) { m_alphaLockButton->actions()[0]->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("transparency-locked")); } else { m_alphaLockButton->actions()[0]->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("transparency-unlocked")); } m_resourceProvider->setGlobalAlphaLock(checked); } void KisPaintopBox::slotDisablePressureMode(bool checked) { if (checked) { m_disablePressureButton->actions()[0]->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("transform_icons_penPressure")); } else { m_disablePressureButton->actions()[0]->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("transform_icons_penPressure_locked")); } m_resourceProvider->setDisablePressure(checked); } void KisPaintopBox::slotReloadPreset() { KisSignalsBlocker blocker(m_optionWidget); //Here using the name and fetching the preset from the server was the only way the load was working. Otherwise it was not loading. KisPaintOpPresetResourceServer * rserver = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->paintOpPresetServer(); KisPaintOpPresetSP preset = rserver->resourceByName(m_resourceProvider->currentPreset()->name()); if (preset) { preset->load(); } } void KisPaintopBox::slotGuiChangedCurrentPreset() // Called only when UI is changed and not when preset is changed { KisPaintOpPresetSP preset = m_resourceProvider->currentPreset(); { /** * Here we postpone all the settings updates events until thye entire writing * operation will be finished. As soon as it is finished, the updates will be * emitted happily (if there were any). */ KisPaintOpPreset::UpdatedPostponer postponer(preset.data()); m_optionWidget->writeConfigurationSafe(const_cast(preset->settings().data())); } // we should also update the preset strip to update the status of the "dirty" mark m_presetsPopup->resourceSelected(m_resourceProvider->currentPreset().data()); // TODO!!!!!!!! //m_presetsPopup->updateViewSettings(); } void KisPaintopBox::slotSaveLockedOptionToPreset(KisPropertiesConfigurationSP p) { QMapIterator i(p->getProperties()); while (i.hasNext()) { i.next(); m_resourceProvider->currentPreset()->settings()->setProperty(i.key(), QVariant(i.value())); if (m_resourceProvider->currentPreset()->settings()->hasProperty(i.key() + "_previous")) { m_resourceProvider->currentPreset()->settings()->removeProperty(i.key() + "_previous"); } } slotGuiChangedCurrentPreset(); } void KisPaintopBox::slotDropLockedOption(KisPropertiesConfigurationSP p) { KisSignalsBlocker blocker(m_optionWidget); KisPaintOpPresetSP preset = m_resourceProvider->currentPreset(); { KisPaintOpPreset::DirtyStateSaver dirtySaver(preset.data()); QMapIterator i(p->getProperties()); while (i.hasNext()) { i.next(); if (preset->settings()->hasProperty(i.key() + "_previous")) { preset->settings()->setProperty(i.key(), preset->settings()->getProperty(i.key() + "_previous")); preset->settings()->removeProperty(i.key() + "_previous"); } } } //slotUpdatePreset(); } void KisPaintopBox::slotDirtyPresetToggled(bool value) { if (!value) { slotReloadPreset(); m_presetsPopup->resourceSelected(m_resourceProvider->currentPreset().data()); m_presetsPopup->updateViewSettings(); } m_dirtyPresetsEnabled = value; KisConfig cfg; cfg.setUseDirtyPresets(m_dirtyPresetsEnabled); } void KisPaintopBox::slotEraserBrushSizeToggled(bool value) { m_eraserBrushSizeEnabled = value; KisConfig cfg; cfg.setUseEraserBrushSize(m_eraserBrushSizeEnabled); } void KisPaintopBox::slotEraserBrushOpacityToggled(bool value) { m_eraserBrushOpacityEnabled = value; KisConfig cfg; cfg.setUseEraserBrushOpacity(m_eraserBrushOpacityEnabled); } void KisPaintopBox::slotUpdateSelectionIcon() { m_hMirrorAction->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("symmetry-horizontal")); m_vMirrorAction->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("symmetry-vertical")); KisConfig cfg; if (!cfg.toolOptionsInDocker() && m_toolOptionsPopupButton) { m_toolOptionsPopupButton->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("configure")); } m_presetSelectorPopupButton->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("paintop_settings_01")); m_brushEditorPopupButton->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("paintop_settings_02")); m_workspaceWidget->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("view-choose")); m_eraseAction->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("draw-eraser")); m_reloadAction->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("view-refresh")); if (m_disablePressureAction->isChecked()) { m_disablePressureButton->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("transform_icons_penPressure")); } else { m_disablePressureButton->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("transform_icons_penPressure_locked")); } } void KisPaintopBox::slotLockXMirrorToggle(bool toggleLock) { m_resourceProvider->setMirrorHorizontalLock(toggleLock); } void KisPaintopBox::slotLockYMirrorToggle(bool toggleLock) { m_resourceProvider->setMirrorVerticalLock(toggleLock); } void KisPaintopBox::slotHideDecorationMirrorX(bool toggled) { m_resourceProvider->setMirrorHorizontalHideDecorations(toggled); } void KisPaintopBox::slotHideDecorationMirrorY(bool toggled) { m_resourceProvider->setMirrorVerticalHideDecorations(toggled); } void KisPaintopBox::slotMoveToCenterMirrorX() { m_resourceProvider->mirrorHorizontalMoveCanvasToCenter(); } void KisPaintopBox::slotMoveToCenterMirrorY() { m_resourceProvider->mirrorVerticalMoveCanvasToCenter(); } diff --git a/libs/ui/wdgsplash.ui b/libs/ui/wdgsplash.ui index 5c2369b3a9..85eb0d7d3f 100644 --- a/libs/ui/wdgsplash.ui +++ b/libs/ui/wdgsplash.ui @@ -1,957 +1,963 @@ WdgSplash 0 0 458 439 0 0 201 201 201 64 64 64 34 32 31 20 19 18 201 201 201 255 255 255 38 38 38 153 204 139 233 233 233 202 107 122 201 201 201 64 64 64 34 32 31 20 19 18 201 201 201 255 255 255 38 38 38 153 204 139 233 233 233 202 107 122 34 32 31 64 64 64 34 32 31 34 32 31 34 32 31 38 38 38 38 38 38 209 204 202 233 233 233 202 107 122 Krita 1.000000000000000 2 2 2 2 2 true - + 0 0 440 286 + + + 440 + 281 + + ../../2.8/krita/data/splash/splash_screen.xpm true Qt::AlignCenter 0 10 10 10 10 0 0 Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter 4 0 0 true Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter 20 20 20 20 0 0 0 0 <html><head/><body><p align="left"><span style=" font-weight:600;">Links</span></p></body></html> Qt::RichText Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignTop true 0 0 0 0 <html><head/><body><p align="left"><span style=" font-weight:600;">Recent files</span></p></body></html> Qt::RichText Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignTop false QFrame::Plain Qt::Horizontal 4 4 4 10 0 0 Hide after startup. 255 255 255 78 78 78 117 117 117 97 97 97 39 39 39 52 52 52 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 0 0 0 78 78 78 0 0 0 39 39 39 255 255 220 0 0 0 255 255 255 78 78 78 117 117 117 97 97 97 39 39 39 52 52 52 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 0 0 0 78 78 78 0 0 0 39 39 39 255 255 220 0 0 0 39 39 39 78 78 78 117 117 117 97 97 97 39 39 39 52 52 52 39 39 39 255 255 255 39 39 39 78 78 78 78 78 78 0 0 0 78 78 78 255 255 220 0 0 0 &Close true true diff --git a/libs/ui/widgets/kis_paintop_presets_popup.cpp b/libs/ui/widgets/kis_paintop_presets_popup.cpp index 7438a4a98c..b3137ce45b 100644 --- a/libs/ui/widgets/kis_paintop_presets_popup.cpp +++ b/libs/ui/widgets/kis_paintop_presets_popup.cpp @@ -1,601 +1,571 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project * Copyright (C) 2008 Boudewijn Rempt * Copyright (C) 2010 Lukáš Tvrdý * Copyright (C) 2011 Silvio Heinrich * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "widgets/kis_paintop_presets_popup.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_config.h" #include "kis_resource_server_provider.h" #include "kis_lod_availability_widget.h" #include "kis_signal_auto_connection.h" // ones from brush engine selector #include #include "../kis_paint_ops_model.h" struct KisPaintOpPresetsPopup::Private { public: Ui_WdgPaintOpSettings uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings; QGridLayout *layout; KisPaintOpConfigWidget *settingsWidget; QFont smallFont; KisCanvasResourceProvider *resourceProvider; bool detached; bool ignoreHideEvents; QSize minimumSettingsWidgetSize; QRect detachedGeometry; KisSignalAutoConnectionsStore widgetConnections; }; KisPaintOpPresetsPopup::KisPaintOpPresetsPopup(KisCanvasResourceProvider * resourceProvider, QWidget * parent) : QWidget(parent) , m_d(new Private()) { setObjectName("KisPaintOpPresetsPopup"); setFont(KoDockRegistry::dockFont()); current_paintOpId = ""; m_d->resourceProvider = resourceProvider; m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.setupUi(this); m_d->layout = new QGridLayout(m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.frmOptionWidgetContainer); m_d->layout->setSizeConstraint(QLayout::SetFixedSize); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.scratchPad->setupScratchPad(resourceProvider, Qt::white); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.scratchPad->setCutoutOverlayRect(QRect(25, 25, 200, 200)); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.fillLayer->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("document-new")); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.fillLayer->hide(); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.fillGradient->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("krita_tool_gradient")); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.fillSolid->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("krita_tool_color_fill")); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.eraseScratchPad->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("edit-delete")); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.paintPresetIcon->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("krita_tool_freehand")); // DETAIL and THUMBNAIL view changer QMenu* menu = new QMenu(this); menu->setStyleSheet("margin: 6px"); menu->addSection(i18n("Display")); QActionGroup *actionGroup = new QActionGroup(this); KisPresetChooser::ViewMode mode = (KisPresetChooser::ViewMode)KisConfig().presetChooserViewMode(); QAction* action = menu->addAction(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("view-preview"), i18n("Thumbnails"), m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.presetWidget, SLOT(slotThumbnailMode())); action->setCheckable(true); action->setChecked(mode == KisPresetChooser::THUMBNAIL); action->setActionGroup(actionGroup); action = menu->addAction(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("view-list-details"), i18n("Details"), m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.presetWidget, SLOT(slotDetailMode())); action->setCheckable(true); action->setChecked(mode == KisPresetChooser::DETAIL); action->setActionGroup(actionGroup); // add horizontal slider for the icon size QSlider* iconSizeSlider = new QSlider(this); iconSizeSlider->setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal); iconSizeSlider->setRange(30, 80); iconSizeSlider->setValue(m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.presetWidget->iconSize()); iconSizeSlider->setMinimumHeight(20); iconSizeSlider->setMinimumWidth(40); iconSizeSlider->setTickInterval(10); QWidgetAction *sliderAction= new QWidgetAction(this); sliderAction->setDefaultWidget(iconSizeSlider); menu->addSection(i18n("Icon Size")); menu->addAction(sliderAction); // configure the button and assign menu m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.presetChangeViewToolButton->setMenu(menu); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.presetChangeViewToolButton->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("view-choose")); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.presetChangeViewToolButton->setPopupMode(QToolButton::InstantPopup); // show/hide buttons KisConfig cfg; m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.showScratchpadButton->setCheckable(true); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.showScratchpadButton->setChecked(cfg.scratchpadVisible()); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.showEditorButton->setCheckable(true); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.showEditorButton->setChecked(true); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.showPresetsButton->setText(i18n("Presets")); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.showPresetsButton->setCheckable(true); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.showPresetsButton->setChecked(false); // use a config to load/save this state slotSwitchShowPresets(false); // hide presets by default // Connections connect(iconSizeSlider, SIGNAL(sliderMoved(int)), m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.presetWidget, SLOT(slotSetIconSize(int))); connect(iconSizeSlider, SIGNAL(sliderReleased()), m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.presetWidget, SLOT(slotSaveIconSize())); connect(m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.showScratchpadButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(slotSwitchScratchpad(bool))); connect(m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.showEditorButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(slotSwitchShowEditor(bool))); connect(m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.showPresetsButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(slotSwitchShowPresets(bool))); connect(m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.eraseScratchPad, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.scratchPad, SLOT(fillDefault())); connect(m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.fillLayer, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.scratchPad, SLOT(fillLayer())); connect(m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.fillGradient, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.scratchPad, SLOT(fillGradient())); connect(m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.fillSolid, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.scratchPad, SLOT(fillBackground())); connect(m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.paintPresetIcon, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.scratchPad, SLOT(paintPresetImage())); m_d->settingsWidget = 0; setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed)); connect(m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.bnSave, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SIGNAL(savePresetClicked())); connect(m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.reload, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SIGNAL(reloadPresetClicked())); connect(m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.bnDefaultPreset, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SIGNAL(defaultPresetClicked())); connect(m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.dirtyPresetCheckBox, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SIGNAL(dirtyPresetToggled(bool))); connect(m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.eraserBrushSizeCheckBox, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SIGNAL(eraserBrushSizeToggled(bool))); connect(m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.eraserBrushOpacityCheckBox, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SIGNAL(eraserBrushOpacityToggled(bool))); connect(m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.bnDefaultPreset, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.txtPreset, SLOT(clear())); connect(m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.txtPreset, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), SLOT(slotWatchPresetNameLineEdit())); - connect(m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.brushEgineComboBox, SIGNAL(activated(QString)), - this, SIGNAL(paintopActivated(QString))); - // preset widget connections connect(m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.presetWidget->smallPresetChooser, SIGNAL(resourceSelected(KoResource*)), this, SIGNAL(signalResourceSelected(KoResource*))); connect(m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.bnSave, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.presetWidget->smallPresetChooser, SLOT(updateViewSettings())); connect(m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.reload, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.presetWidget->smallPresetChooser, SLOT(updateViewSettings())); m_d->detached = false; m_d->ignoreHideEvents = false; m_d->minimumSettingsWidgetSize = QSize(0, 0); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.scratchpadControls->setVisible(cfg.scratchpadVisible()); m_d->detachedGeometry = QRect(100, 100, 0, 0); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.dirtyPresetCheckBox->setChecked(cfg.useDirtyPresets()); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.eraserBrushSizeCheckBox->setChecked(cfg.useEraserBrushSize()); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.eraserBrushOpacityCheckBox->setChecked(cfg.useEraserBrushOpacity()); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.wdgLodAvailability->setCanvasResourceManager(resourceProvider->resourceManager()); - // brush engine is changed - connect(m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.brushEgineComboBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotPaintOpChanged(int))); - connect(resourceProvider->resourceManager(), SIGNAL(canvasResourceChanged(int,QVariant)), SLOT(slotResourceChanged(int, QVariant))); connect(m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.wdgLodAvailability, SIGNAL(sigUserChangedLodAvailability(bool)), SLOT(slotLodAvailabilityChanged(bool))); slotResourceChanged(KisCanvasResourceProvider::LodAvailability, resourceProvider->resourceManager()-> resource(KisCanvasResourceProvider::LodAvailability)); - connect(m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.brushEgineComboBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotPaintOpChanged(int))); + connect(m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.brushEgineComboBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotUpdatePaintOpFilter())); } void KisPaintOpPresetsPopup::slotResourceChanged(int key, const QVariant &value) { if (key == KisCanvasResourceProvider::LodAvailability) { m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.wdgLodAvailability->slotUserChangedLodAvailability(value.toBool()); } } void KisPaintOpPresetsPopup::slotLodAvailabilityChanged(bool value) { m_d->resourceProvider->resourceManager()->setResource(KisCanvasResourceProvider::LodAvailability, QVariant(value)); } KisPaintOpPresetsPopup::~KisPaintOpPresetsPopup() { if (m_d->settingsWidget) { m_d->layout->removeWidget(m_d->settingsWidget); m_d->settingsWidget->hide(); m_d->settingsWidget->setParent(0); m_d->settingsWidget = 0; } delete m_d; } void KisPaintOpPresetsPopup::setPaintOpSettingsWidget(QWidget * widget) { if (m_d->settingsWidget) { m_d->layout->removeWidget(m_d->settingsWidget); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.frmOptionWidgetContainer->updateGeometry(); } m_d->layout->update(); updateGeometry(); m_d->widgetConnections.clear(); m_d->settingsWidget = 0; if (widget) { m_d->settingsWidget = dynamic_cast(widget); KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(m_d->settingsWidget); if (m_d->settingsWidget->supportScratchBox()) { showScratchPad(); } else { hideScratchPad(); } m_d->widgetConnections.addConnection(m_d->settingsWidget, SIGNAL(sigConfigurationItemChanged()), this, SLOT(slotUpdateLodAvailability())); widget->setFont(m_d->smallFont); QSize hint = widget->sizeHint(); m_d->minimumSettingsWidgetSize = QSize(qMax(hint.width(), m_d->minimumSettingsWidgetSize.width()), qMax(hint.height(), m_d->minimumSettingsWidgetSize.height())); widget->setMinimumSize(m_d->minimumSettingsWidgetSize); m_d->layout->addWidget(widget); m_d->layout->update(); widget->show(); } slotUpdateLodAvailability(); } void KisPaintOpPresetsPopup::slotUpdateLodAvailability() { if (!m_d->settingsWidget) return; KisPaintopLodLimitations l = m_d->settingsWidget->lodLimitations(); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.wdgLodAvailability->setLimitations(l); } void KisPaintOpPresetsPopup::slotWatchPresetNameLineEdit() { QString text = m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.txtPreset->text(); KisPaintOpPresetResourceServer * rServer = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->paintOpPresetServer(); bool overwrite = rServer->resourceByName(text) != 0; KisPaintOpPresetSP preset = m_d->resourceProvider->currentPreset(); bool btnSaveAvailable = preset->valid() && (preset->isPresetDirty() | !overwrite); QString btnText = overwrite ? i18n("Overwrite Preset") : i18n("Save to Presets"); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.bnSave->setText(btnText); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.bnSave->setEnabled(btnSaveAvailable); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.reload->setVisible(true); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.reload->setEnabled(btnSaveAvailable && overwrite); QFont font = m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.txtPreset->font(); font.setItalic(btnSaveAvailable); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.txtPreset->setFont(font); } QString KisPaintOpPresetsPopup::getPresetName() const { return m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.txtPreset->text(); } QImage KisPaintOpPresetsPopup::cutOutOverlay() { return m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.scratchPad->cutoutOverlay(); } void KisPaintOpPresetsPopup::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *e) { Q_UNUSED(e); } void KisPaintOpPresetsPopup::switchDetached(bool show) { if (parentWidget()) { m_d->detached = !m_d->detached; if (m_d->detached) { m_d->ignoreHideEvents = true; if (show) { parentWidget()->show(); } m_d->ignoreHideEvents = false; } else { KisConfig cfg; parentWidget()->hide(); } KisConfig cfg; cfg.setPaintopPopupDetached(m_d->detached); } } void KisPaintOpPresetsPopup::hideScratchPad() { m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.scratchPad->setEnabled(false); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.fillGradient->setEnabled(false); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.fillSolid->setEnabled(false); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.eraseScratchPad->setEnabled(false); } void KisPaintOpPresetsPopup::showScratchPad() { m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.scratchPad->setEnabled(true); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.fillGradient->setEnabled(true); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.fillSolid->setEnabled(true); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.eraseScratchPad->setEnabled(true); } void KisPaintOpPresetsPopup::resourceSelected(KoResource* resource) { m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.presetWidget->smallPresetChooser->setCurrentResource(resource); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.txtPreset->setText(resource->name()); slotWatchPresetNameLineEdit(); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.currentBrushNameLabel->setText(resource->name()); } bool variantLessThan(const KisPaintOpInfo v1, const KisPaintOpInfo v2) { return v1.priority < v2.priority; } void KisPaintOpPresetsPopup::setPaintOpList(const QList< KisPaintOpFactory* >& list) { m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.brushEgineComboBox->clear(); // reset combobox list just in case // create a new list so we can sort it and populate the brush engine combo box QList sortedList; for(int i=0; i < list.length(); i++) { QString fileName = KoResourcePaths::findResource("kis_images", list.at(i)->pixmap()); QPixmap pixmap(fileName); if(pixmap.isNull()){ pixmap = QPixmap(22,22); pixmap.fill(); } KisPaintOpInfo paintOpInfo; paintOpInfo.id = list.at(i)->id(); paintOpInfo.name = list.at(i)->name(); paintOpInfo.icon = pixmap; paintOpInfo.priority = list.at(i)->priority(); sortedList.append(paintOpInfo); } qStableSort(sortedList.begin(), sortedList.end(), variantLessThan ); // add an "All" option at the front to show all presets QPixmap emptyPixmap = QPixmap(22,22); emptyPixmap.fill(palette().color(QPalette::Background)); sortedList.push_front(KisPaintOpInfo(QString("all_options"), i18n("All"), QString(""), emptyPixmap, 0 )); // fill the list into the brush combo box for (int m = 0; m < sortedList.length(); m++) { m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.brushEgineComboBox->addItem(sortedList[m].icon, sortedList[m].name, QVariant(sortedList[m].id)); } } -void KisPaintOpPresetsPopup::setCurrentPaintOp(const QString& paintOpId) +void KisPaintOpPresetsPopup::setCurrentPaintOpId(const QString& paintOpId) { - // iterate through the items and find the engine we need the combo box to switch to - for (int i= 0; i < m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.brushEgineComboBox->count(); i++) { - - QVariant userData = m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.brushEgineComboBox->itemData(i); // grab paintOpID from data - QString currentPaintOpId = userData.toString(); - - if (paintOpId == currentPaintOpId) { - m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.brushEgineComboBox->setCurrentIndex(i); // found it! - } - } - - // if the "all" option is set, set the filter to "", that way it clears the filter and shows everything - QString paintOpFilter = paintOpId; - if (paintOpFilter == "all_options") { - paintOpFilter = ""; - } - - m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.presetWidget->setPresetFilter(paintOpFilter); - + current_paintOpId = paintOpId; } -QString KisPaintOpPresetsPopup::currentPaintOp() -{ - QVariant userData = m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.brushEgineComboBox->currentData(); // grab paintOpID from data - QString currentPaintOpId = userData.toString(); - return currentPaintOpId; -} QString KisPaintOpPresetsPopup::currentPaintOpId() { return current_paintOpId; } void KisPaintOpPresetsPopup::setPresetImage(const QImage& image) { m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.scratchPad->setPresetImage(image); } void KisPaintOpPresetsPopup::hideEvent(QHideEvent *event) { if (m_d->ignoreHideEvents) { return; } if (m_d->detached) { m_d->detachedGeometry = window()->geometry(); } QWidget::hideEvent(event); } void KisPaintOpPresetsPopup::showEvent(QShowEvent *) { if (m_d->detached) { window()->setGeometry(m_d->detachedGeometry); } emit brushEditorShown(); } void KisPaintOpPresetsPopup::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* event) { QWidget::resizeEvent(event); emit sizeChanged(); } bool KisPaintOpPresetsPopup::detached() const { return m_d->detached; } void KisPaintOpPresetsPopup::slotSwitchScratchpad(bool visible) { m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.scratchpadControls->setVisible(visible); KisConfig cfg; cfg.setScratchpadVisible(visible); } void KisPaintOpPresetsPopup::slotSwitchShowEditor(bool visible) { m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.brushEditorSettingsControls->setVisible(visible); } void KisPaintOpPresetsPopup::slotSwitchShowPresets(bool visible) { m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.presetsContainer->setVisible(visible); } -void KisPaintOpPresetsPopup::slotPaintOpChanged(int index) { - - Q_UNUSED(index); - +void KisPaintOpPresetsPopup::slotUpdatePaintOpFilter() { QVariant userData = m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.brushEgineComboBox->currentData(); // grab paintOpID from data - QString currentPaintOpId = userData.toString(); + QString filterPaintOpId = userData.toString(); - setCurrentPaintOp(currentPaintOpId); - emit paintopActivated(currentPaintOpId); // tell the toolbar to change the active icon -} + if (filterPaintOpId == "all_options") { + filterPaintOpId = ""; + } + m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.presetWidget->setPresetFilter(filterPaintOpId); +} void KisPaintOpPresetsPopup::updateViewSettings() { m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.presetWidget->smallPresetChooser->updateViewSettings(); } void KisPaintOpPresetsPopup::currentPresetChanged(KisPaintOpPresetSP preset) -{ +{ m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.presetWidget->smallPresetChooser->setCurrentResource(preset.data()); + setCurrentPaintOpId(preset->paintOp().id()); } void KisPaintOpPresetsPopup::updateThemedIcons() { m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.fillLayer->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("document-new")); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.fillLayer->hide(); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.fillGradient->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("krita_tool_gradient")); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.fillSolid->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("krita_tool_color_fill")); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.eraseScratchPad->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("edit-delete")); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.paintPresetIcon->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("krita_tool_freehand")); m_d->uiWdgPaintOpPresetSettings.presetChangeViewToolButton->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("view-choose")); } diff --git a/libs/ui/widgets/kis_paintop_presets_popup.h b/libs/ui/widgets/kis_paintop_presets_popup.h index 1d24db9ebd..500eaad5fe 100644 --- a/libs/ui/widgets/kis_paintop_presets_popup.h +++ b/libs/ui/widgets/kis_paintop_presets_popup.h @@ -1,124 +1,123 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project * Copyright (C) Boudewijn Rempt , (C) 2008 * Copyright (C) 2010 Lukáš Tvrdý * Copyright (C) 2011 Silvio Heinrich * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KIS_PAINTOP_PRESETS_POPUP_H #define KIS_PAINTOP_PRESETS_POPUP_H #include #include #include #include #include class QString; class KisCanvasResourceProvider; class KoResource; /** * Popup widget for presets with built-in functionality * for adding and removing presets. */ class KisPaintOpPresetsPopup : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: KisPaintOpPresetsPopup(KisCanvasResourceProvider * resourceProvider, QWidget * parent = 0); ~KisPaintOpPresetsPopup(); void setPaintOpSettingsWidget(QWidget * widget); /** * @return the name entered in the preset name lineedit */ QString getPresetName() const; ///Image for preset preview ///@return image cut out from the scratchpad QImage cutOutOverlay(); void setPaintOpList(const QList& list); - void setCurrentPaintOp(const QString & paintOpId); - QString currentPaintOp(); + void setCurrentPaintOpId(const QString & paintOpId); /// returns the internal ID for the paint op (brush engine) QString currentPaintOpId(); ///fill the cutoutOverlay rect with the cotent of an image, used to get the image back when selecting a preset ///@param image image that will be used, should be image of an existing preset resource void setPresetImage(const QImage& image); virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* ); bool detached() const; void updateViewSettings(); void currentPresetChanged(KisPaintOpPresetSP preset); protected: void contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *); void hideEvent(QHideEvent *); void showEvent(QShowEvent *); public Q_SLOTS: void slotWatchPresetNameLineEdit(); void switchDetached(bool show = true); void hideScratchPad(); void showScratchPad(); void resourceSelected(KoResource* resource); void updateThemedIcons(); void slotUpdateLodAvailability(); Q_SIGNALS: void savePresetClicked(); void defaultPresetClicked(); void paintopActivated(const QString& presetName); void signalResourceSelected(KoResource* resource); void reloadPresetClicked(); void dirtyPresetToggled(bool value); void eraserBrushSizeToggled(bool value); void eraserBrushOpacityToggled(bool value); void sizeChanged(); void brushEditorShown(); private Q_SLOTS: void slotSwitchScratchpad(bool visible); void slotResourceChanged(int key, const QVariant &value); void slotLodAvailabilityChanged(bool value); void slotSwitchShowEditor(bool visible); - void slotPaintOpChanged(int index); + void slotUpdatePaintOpFilter(); void slotSwitchShowPresets(bool visible); private: struct Private; Private * const m_d; QString current_paintOpId; }; #endif diff --git a/libs/widgetutils/KoFileDialog.cpp b/libs/widgetutils/KoFileDialog.cpp index 976f42e9ef..4ce93277e1 100644 --- a/libs/widgetutils/KoFileDialog.cpp +++ b/libs/widgetutils/KoFileDialog.cpp @@ -1,413 +1,424 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2013 - 2014 Yue Liu This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KoFileDialog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class Q_DECL_HIDDEN KoFileDialog::Private { public: Private(QWidget *parent_, KoFileDialog::DialogType dialogType_, const QString caption_, const QString defaultDir_, const QString dialogName_) : parent(parent_) , type(dialogType_) , dialogName(dialogName_) , caption(caption_) , defaultDirectory(defaultDir_) , filterList(QStringList()) , defaultFilter(QString()) , swapExtensionOrder(false) { } ~Private() { } QWidget *parent; KoFileDialog::DialogType type; QString dialogName; QString caption; QString defaultDirectory; QString proposedFileName; QStringList filterList; QString defaultFilter; QScopedPointer fileDialog; QString mimeType; bool swapExtensionOrder; }; KoFileDialog::KoFileDialog(QWidget *parent, KoFileDialog::DialogType type, const QString &dialogName) : d(new Private(parent, type, "", getUsedDir(dialogName), dialogName)) { } KoFileDialog::~KoFileDialog() { delete d; } void KoFileDialog::setCaption(const QString &caption) { d->caption = caption; } void KoFileDialog::setDefaultDir(const QString &defaultDir) { - //qDebug() << d->defaultDirectory << d->dialogName << getUsedDir(d->dialogName); + qDebug() << d->defaultDirectory << d->dialogName << getUsedDir(d->dialogName); if (d->defaultDirectory.isEmpty()) { QFileInfo f(defaultDir); d->defaultDirectory = f.absoluteFilePath(); } - d->proposedFileName = QFileInfo(defaultDir).fileName(); + if (!QFileInfo(defaultDir).isDir()) { + d->proposedFileName = QFileInfo(defaultDir).fileName(); + } } void KoFileDialog::setImageFilters() { QStringList imageFilters; // add filters for all formats supported by QImage Q_FOREACH (const QByteArray &format, QImageReader::supportedImageFormats()) { imageFilters << QLatin1String("image/") + format; } setMimeTypeFilters(imageFilters); } void KoFileDialog::setMimeTypeFilters(const QStringList &filterList, QString defaultFilter) { d->filterList = getFilterStringListFromMime(filterList, true); if (!defaultFilter.isEmpty()) { QStringList defaultFilters = getFilterStringListFromMime(QStringList() << defaultFilter, false); if (defaultFilters.size() > 0) { defaultFilter = defaultFilters.first(); } } d->defaultFilter = defaultFilter; } QString KoFileDialog::selectedNameFilter() const { return d->fileDialog->selectedNameFilter(); } QString KoFileDialog::selectedMimeType() const { return d->mimeType; } void KoFileDialog::createFileDialog() { - //qDebug() << "createFileDialog. Parent:" << d->parent << "Caption:" << d->caption << "Default directory:" << d->defaultDirectory << "proposed filename" << d->proposedFileName << "Default filter:" << d->defaultFilter; + qDebug() << "createFileDialog. Parent:" << d->parent + << "Caption:" << d->caption + << "Default directory:" << d->defaultDirectory + << "proposed filename" << d->proposedFileName + << "Default filter:" << d->defaultFilter; d->fileDialog.reset(new QFileDialog(d->parent, d->caption, d->defaultDirectory + "/" + d->proposedFileName)); KConfigGroup group = KSharedConfig::openConfig()->group("File Dialogs"); - bool dontUseNative = true; #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX - if (qgetenv("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP") != "KDE") { + if (qgetenv("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP") == "KDE") { dontUseNative = false; } #endif d->fileDialog->setOption(QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog, group.readEntry("DontUseNativeFileDialog", dontUseNative)); + +// qDebug() << "DontUseNativeDialog" << d->fileDialog->testOption(QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog) +// << dontUseNative +// << group.readEntry("DontUseNativeFileDialog", dontUseNative); + d->fileDialog->setOption(QFileDialog::DontConfirmOverwrite, false); d->fileDialog->setOption(QFileDialog::HideNameFilterDetails, true); #ifdef Q_OS_OSX QList urls = d->fileDialog->sidebarUrls(); QUrl volumes = QUrl::fromLocalFile("\/Volumes"); if (!urls.contains(volumes)) { urls.append(volumes); } d->fileDialog->setSidebarUrls(urls); #endif if (d->type == SaveFile) { d->fileDialog->setAcceptMode(QFileDialog::AcceptSave); d->fileDialog->setFileMode(QFileDialog::AnyFile); } else { // open / import d->fileDialog->setAcceptMode(QFileDialog::AcceptOpen); if (d->type == ImportDirectory || d->type == OpenDirectory){ d->fileDialog->setFileMode(QFileDialog::Directory); d->fileDialog->setOption(QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly, true); } else { // open / import file(s) if (d->type == OpenFile || d->type == ImportFile) { d->fileDialog->setFileMode(QFileDialog::ExistingFile); } else { // files d->fileDialog->setFileMode(QFileDialog::ExistingFiles); } } } d->fileDialog->setNameFilters(d->filterList); if (!d->proposedFileName.isEmpty()) { - //qDebug() << "Finding the right mimetype for the given file" << d->defaultDirectory; + qDebug() << "Finding the right mimetype for the given file" << d->defaultDirectory; QString mime = KisMimeDatabase::mimeTypeForFile(d->proposedFileName); QString description = KisMimeDatabase::descriptionForMimeType(mime); Q_FOREACH(const QString &filter, d->filterList) { - //qDebug() << "\tConsidering" << filter; + qDebug() << "\tConsidering" << filter; if (filter.startsWith(description)) { d->fileDialog->selectNameFilter(filter); break; } } } else if (!d->defaultFilter.isEmpty()) { d->fileDialog->selectNameFilter(d->defaultFilter); } if (d->type == ImportDirectory || d->type == ImportFile || d->type == ImportFiles || d->type == SaveFile) { d->fileDialog->setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModal); } } QString KoFileDialog::filename() { QString url; createFileDialog(); if (d->fileDialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { url = d->fileDialog->selectedFiles().first(); } if (!url.isEmpty()) { if (d->type == SaveFile && QFileInfo(url).suffix().isEmpty()) { QString selectedFilter; // index 0 is all supported; if that is chosen, saveDocument will automatically make it .kra for (int i = 1; i < d->filterList.size(); ++i) { if (d->filterList[i].startsWith(d->fileDialog->selectedNameFilter())) { selectedFilter = d->filterList[i]; break; } } int start = selectedFilter.indexOf("*.") + 1; int end = selectedFilter.indexOf(" ", start); int n = end - start; QString extension = selectedFilter.mid(start, n); if (!(extension.contains(".") || url.endsWith("."))) { extension = "." + extension; } url = url + extension; } d->mimeType = KisMimeDatabase::mimeTypeForFile(url); saveUsedDir(url, d->dialogName); } return url; } QStringList KoFileDialog::filenames() { QStringList urls; createFileDialog(); if (d->fileDialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { urls = d->fileDialog->selectedFiles(); } if (urls.size() > 0) { saveUsedDir(urls.first(), d->dialogName); } return urls; } QStringList KoFileDialog::splitNameFilter(const QString &nameFilter, QStringList *mimeList) { Q_ASSERT(mimeList); QStringList filters; QString description; if (nameFilter.contains("(")) { description = nameFilter.left(nameFilter.indexOf("(") -1).trimmed(); } QStringList entries = nameFilter.mid(nameFilter.indexOf("(") + 1).split(" ",QString::SkipEmptyParts ); entries.sort(); Q_FOREACH (QString entry, entries) { entry = entry.remove("*"); entry = entry.remove(")"); QString mimeType = KisMimeDatabase::mimeTypeForSuffix(entry); if (mimeType != "application/octet-stream") { if (!mimeList->contains(mimeType)) { mimeList->append(mimeType); filters.append(KisMimeDatabase::descriptionForMimeType(mimeType) + " ( *" + entry + " )"); } } else { filters.append(entry.remove(".").toUpper() + " " + description + " ( *." + entry + " )"); } } return filters; } const QStringList KoFileDialog::getFilterStringListFromMime(const QStringList &_mimeList, bool withAllSupportedEntry) { QStringList mimeSeen; // 1 QString allSupported; // 2 QString kritaNative; // 3 QString ora; QStringList ret; QStringList mimeList = _mimeList; mimeList.sort(); Q_FOREACH(const QString &mimeType, mimeList) { if (!mimeSeen.contains(mimeType)) { QString description = KisMimeDatabase::descriptionForMimeType(mimeType); if (description.isEmpty() && !mimeType.isEmpty()) { description = mimeType.split("/")[1]; if (description.startsWith("x-")) { description = description.remove(0, 2); } } QString oneFilter; QStringList patterns = KisMimeDatabase::suffixesForMimeType(mimeType); QStringList globPatterns; Q_FOREACH(const QString &pattern, patterns) { if (pattern.startsWith(".")) { globPatterns << "*" + pattern; } else if (pattern.startsWith("*.")) { globPatterns << pattern; } else { globPatterns << "*." + pattern; } } Q_FOREACH(const QString &glob, globPatterns) { if (d->swapExtensionOrder) { oneFilter.prepend(glob + " "); if (withAllSupportedEntry) { allSupported.prepend(glob + " "); } #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX if (qgetenv("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP") == "GNOME") { oneFilter.prepend(glob.toUpper() + " "); if (withAllSupportedEntry) { allSupported.prepend(glob.toUpper() + " "); } } #endif } else { oneFilter.append(glob + " "); if (withAllSupportedEntry) { allSupported.append(glob + " "); } #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX if (qgetenv("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP") == "GNOME") { oneFilter.append(glob.toUpper() + " "); if (withAllSupportedEntry) { allSupported.append(glob.toUpper() + " "); } } #endif } } Q_ASSERT(!description.isEmpty()); oneFilter = description + " ( " + oneFilter + ")"; if (mimeType == "application/x-krita") { kritaNative = oneFilter; continue; } if (mimeType == "image/openraster") { ora = oneFilter; continue; } else { ret << oneFilter; } mimeSeen << mimeType; } } ret.sort(); ret.removeDuplicates(); if (!ora.isEmpty()) ret.prepend(ora); if (!kritaNative.isEmpty()) ret.prepend(kritaNative); if (!allSupported.isEmpty()) ret.prepend(i18n("All supported formats") + " ( " + allSupported + (")")); return ret; } QString KoFileDialog::getUsedDir(const QString &dialogName) { if (dialogName.isEmpty()) return ""; KConfigGroup group = KSharedConfig::openConfig()->group("File Dialogs"); QString dir = group.readEntry(dialogName, ""); return dir; } void KoFileDialog::saveUsedDir(const QString &fileName, const QString &dialogName) { if (dialogName.isEmpty()) return; + if (d->type == SaveFile) return; QFileInfo fileInfo(fileName); KConfigGroup group = KSharedConfig::openConfig()->group("File Dialogs"); group.writeEntry(dialogName, fileInfo.absolutePath()); } diff --git a/packaging/linux/appimage/build-krita.sh b/packaging/linux/appimage/build-krita.sh index fbde58da0e..00a79f3913 100644 --- a/packaging/linux/appimage/build-krita.sh +++ b/packaging/linux/appimage/build-krita.sh @@ -1,88 +1,87 @@ #!/bin/bash # Enter a CentOS 6 chroot (you could use other methods) # git clone https://github.com/probonopd/AppImageKit.git # ./AppImageKit/build.sh # sudo ./AppImageKit/AppImageAssistant.AppDir/testappimage /isodevice/boot/iso/CentOS-6.5-x86_64-LiveCD.iso bash # Halt on errors set -e # Be verbose set -x # Now we are inside CentOS 6 grep -r "CentOS release 6" /etc/redhat-release || exit 1 # qjsonparser, used to add metadata to the plugins needs to work in a en_US.UTF-8 environment. That's # not always set correctly in CentOS 6.7 export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 export LANG=en_us.UTF-8 # Determine which architecture should be built if [[ "$(arch)" = "i686" || "$(arch)" = "x86_64" ]] ; then ARCH=$(arch) else echo "Architecture could not be determined" exit 1 fi # if the library path doesn't point to our usr/lib, linking will be broken and we won't find all deps either export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib64/:/usr/lib:/krita.appdir/usr/lib git_pull_rebase_helper() { git reset --hard HEAD git pull } # Use the new compiler . /opt/rh/devtoolset-3/enable # Workaround for: On CentOS 6, .pc files in /usr/lib/pkgconfig are not recognized # However, this is where .pc files get installed when bulding libraries... (FIXME) # I found this by comparing the output of librevenge's "make install" command # between Ubuntu and CentOS 6 ln -sf /usr/share/pkgconfig /usr/lib/pkgconfig # A krita build layout looks like this: # krita/ -- the source directory # krita/3rdparty -- the cmake3 definitions for the dependencies # d -- downloads of the dependencies from files.kde.org # b -- build directory for the dependencies # krita_build -- build directory for krita itself # krita.appdir -- install directory for krita and the dependencies # Get Krita if [ ! -d /krita ] ; then git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/KDE/krita.git /krita fi cd /krita/ git_pull_rebase_helper cd / # If the environment variable DO_NOT_BUILD_KRITA is set to something, # then stop here. This is for docker hub which has a timeout that # prevents us from building in one go. # if [ ! -z "$DO_NOT_BUILD_KRITA" ] ; then # exit 0 # fi mkdir -p /krita_build cd /krita_build cmake3 ../krita \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/krita.appdir/usr \ -DDEFINE_NO_DEPRECATED=1 \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo \ - -DPACKAGERS_BUILD=1 \ -DBUILD_TESTING=FALSE \ -DKDE4_BUILD_TESTS=FALSE \ -DHAVE_MEMORY_LEAK_TRACKER=FALSE # build make -j4 diff --git a/packaging/linux/appimage/build-release.sh b/packaging/linux/appimage/build-release.sh index c927e4411c..1bf69d31b6 100644 --- a/packaging/linux/appimage/build-release.sh +++ b/packaging/linux/appimage/build-release.sh @@ -1,259 +1,258 @@ #!/bin/bash RELEASE=krita- # Enter a CentOS 6 chroot (you could use other methods) # git clone https://github.com/probonopd/AppImageKit.git # ./AppImageKit/build.sh # sudo ./AppImageKit/AppImageAssistant.AppDir/testappimage /isodevice/boot/iso/CentOS-6.5-x86_64-LiveCD.iso bash # Halt on errors set -e # Be verbose set -x # Now we are inside CentOS 6 grep -r "CentOS release 6" /etc/redhat-release || exit 1 # If we are running inside Travis CI, then we want to build Krita # and we remove the $DO_NOT_BUILD_KRITA environment variable # that was used in the process of generating the Docker image. # Also we do not want to download and build the dependencies every # time we build Krita on travis in the docker image. In order to # use newer dependencies, we re-build the docker image instead. #unset DO_NOT_BUILD_KRITA #NO_DOWNLOAD=1 # clean up rm -rf /out/* rm -rf /krita.appdir # qjsonparser, used to add metadata to the plugins needs to work in a en_US.UTF-8 environment. That's # not always set correctly in CentOS 6.7 export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 export LANG=en_us.UTF-8 # Determine which architecture should be built if [[ "$(arch)" = "i686" || "$(arch)" = "x86_64" ]] ; then ARCH=$(arch) else echo "Architecture could not be determined" exit 1 fi # if the library path doesn't point to our usr/lib, linking will be broken and we won't find all deps either export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib64/:/usr/lib:/krita.appdir/usr/lib cd / # Prepare the install location rm -rf /krita.appdir/ || true mkdir -p /krita.appdir/usr/bin # make sure lib and lib64 are the same thing mkdir -p /krita.appdir/usr/lib cd /krita.appdir/usr ln -s lib lib64 # Use the new compiler . /opt/rh/devtoolset-3/enable # fetch and build krita cd / wget http://files.kde.org/krita/3/source/$RELEASE.tar.xz tar -xf $RELEASE.tar.xz cd /krita_build rm -rf * cmake3 ../$RELEASE \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/krita.appdir/usr \ -DDEFINE_NO_DEPRECATED=1 \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo \ - -DPACKAGERS_BUILD=1 \ -DBUILD_TESTING=FALSE \ -DKDE4_BUILD_TESTS=FALSE \ -DHAVE_MEMORY_LEAK_TRACKER=FALSE make -j4 install cd /krita.appdir # FIXME: How to find out which subset of plugins is really needed? I used strace when running the binary cp -r /usr/plugins ./usr/bin/ # copy the Qt translation cp -r /usr/translations ./usr cp $(ldconfig -p | grep libsasl2.so.2 | cut -d ">" -f 2 | xargs) ./usr/lib/ cp $(ldconfig -p | grep libGL.so.1 | cut -d ">" -f 2 | xargs) ./usr/lib/ # otherwise segfaults!? cp $(ldconfig -p | grep libGLU.so.1 | cut -d ">" -f 2 | xargs) ./usr/lib/ # otherwise segfaults!? # Fedora 23 seemed to be missing SOMETHING from the Centos 6.7. The only message was: # This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "xcb". # Setting export QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS=1 revealed the cause. # QLibraryPrivate::loadPlugin failed on "/usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/platforms/libqxcb.so" : # "Cannot load library /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/platforms/libqxcb.so: (/lib64/libEGL.so.1: undefined symbol: drmGetNodeTypeFromFd)" # Which means that we have to copy libEGL.so.1 in too cp $(ldconfig -p | grep libEGL.so.1 | cut -d ">" -f 2 | xargs) ./usr/lib/ # Otherwise F23 cannot load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" # let's not copy xcb itself, that breaks on dri3 systems https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=360552 #cp $(ldconfig -p | grep libxcb.so.1 | cut -d ">" -f 2 | xargs) ./usr/lib/ cp $(ldconfig -p | grep libfreetype.so.6 | cut -d ">" -f 2 | xargs) ./usr/lib/ # For Fedora 20 ldd usr/bin/krita | grep "=>" | awk '{print $3}' | xargs -I '{}' cp -v '{}' ./usr/lib || true #ldd usr/lib64/krita/*.so | grep "=>" | awk '{print $3}' | xargs -I '{}' cp -v '{}' ./usr/lib || true #ldd usr/lib64/plugins/imageformats/*.so | grep "=>" | awk '{print $3}' | xargs -I '{}' cp -v '{}' ./usr/lib || true ldd usr/bin/plugins/platforms/libqxcb.so | grep "=>" | awk '{print $3}' | xargs -I '{}' cp -v '{}' ./usr/lib || true # Copy in the indirect dependencies FILES=$(find . -type f -executable) for FILE in $FILES ; do ldd "${FILE}" | grep "=>" | awk '{print $3}' | xargs -I '{}' cp -v '{}' usr/lib || true done #DEPS="" #for FILE in $FILES ; do # ldd "${FILE}" | grep "=>" | awk '{print $3}' | xargs -I '{}' echo '{}' > DEPSFILE #done #DEPS=$(cat DEPSFILE |sort | uniq) #for FILE in $DEPS ; do # if [ -f $FILE ] ; then # echo $FILE # cp --parents -rfL $FILE ./ # fi #done #rm -f DEPSFILE # The following are assumed to be part of the base system rm -f usr/lib/libcom_err.so.2 || true rm -f usr/lib/libcrypt.so.1 || true rm -f usr/lib/libdl.so.2 || true rm -f usr/lib/libexpat.so.1 || true #rm -f usr/lib/libfontconfig.so.1 || true rm -f usr/lib/libgcc_s.so.1 || true rm -f usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0 || true rm -f usr/lib/libgpg-error.so.0 || true rm -f usr/lib/libgssapi_krb5.so.2 || true rm -f usr/lib/libgssapi.so.3 || true rm -f usr/lib/libhcrypto.so.4 || true rm -f usr/lib/libheimbase.so.1 || true rm -f usr/lib/libheimntlm.so.0 || true rm -f usr/lib/libhx509.so.5 || true rm -f usr/lib/libICE.so.6 || true rm -f usr/lib/libidn.so.11 || true rm -f usr/lib/libk5crypto.so.3 || true rm -f usr/lib/libkeyutils.so.1 || true rm -f usr/lib/libkrb5.so.26 || true rm -f usr/lib/libkrb5.so.3 || true rm -f usr/lib/libkrb5support.so.0 || true # rm -f usr/lib/liblber-2.4.so.2 || true # needed for debian wheezy # rm -f usr/lib/libldap_r-2.4.so.2 || true # needed for debian wheezy rm -f usr/lib/libm.so.6 || true rm -f usr/lib/libp11-kit.so.0 || true rm -f usr/lib/libpcre.so.3 || true rm -f usr/lib/libpthread.so.0 || true rm -f usr/lib/libresolv.so.2 || true rm -f usr/lib/libroken.so.18 || true rm -f usr/lib/librt.so.1 || true rm -f usr/lib/libsasl2.so.2 || true rm -f usr/lib/libSM.so.6 || true rm -f usr/lib/libusb-1.0.so.0 || true rm -f usr/lib/libuuid.so.1 || true rm -f usr/lib/libwind.so.0 || true rm -f usr/lib/libfontconfig.so.* || true # Remove these libraries, we need to use the system versions; this means 11.04 is not supported (12.04 is our baseline) rm -f usr/lib/libGL.so.* || true rm -f usr/lib/libdrm.so.* || true rm -f usr/lib/libX11.so.* || true #rm -f usr/lib/libz.so.1 || true # These seem to be available on most systems but not Ubuntu 11.04 # rm -f usr/lib/libffi.so.6 usr/lib/libGL.so.1 usr/lib/libglapi.so.0 usr/lib/libxcb.so.1 usr/lib/libxcb-glx.so.0 || true # Delete potentially dangerous libraries rm -f usr/lib/libstdc* usr/lib/libgobject* usr/lib/libc.so.* || true rm -f usr/lib/libxcb.so.1 # Do NOT delete libX* because otherwise on Ubuntu 11.04: # loaded library "Xcursor" malloc.c:3096: sYSMALLOc: Assertion (...) Aborted # We don't bundle the developer stuff rm -rf usr/include || true rm -rf usr/lib/cmake3 || true rm -rf usr/lib/pkgconfig || true rm -rf usr/share/ECM/ || true rm -rf usr/share/gettext || true rm -rf usr/share/pkgconfig || true strip usr/lib/kritaplugins/* usr/bin/* usr/lib/* || true # Since we set /krita.appdir as the prefix, we need to patch it away too (FIXME) # Probably it would be better to use /app as a prefix because it has the same length for all apps cd usr/ ; find . -type f -exec sed -i -e 's|/krita.appdir/usr/|./././././././././|g' {} \; ; cd .. # On openSUSE Qt is picking up the wrong libqxcb.so # (the one from the system when in fact it should use the bundled one) - is this a Qt bug? # Also, Krita has a hardcoded /usr which we patch away cd usr/ ; find . -type f -exec sed -i -e 's|/usr|././|g' {} \; ; cd .. # We do not bundle this, so let's not search that inside the AppImage. # Fixes "Qt: Failed to create XKB context!" and lets us enter text sed -i -e 's|././/share/X11/|/usr/share/X11/|g' ./usr/bin/plugins/platforminputcontexts/libcomposeplatforminputcontextplugin.so sed -i -e 's|././/share/X11/|/usr/share/X11/|g' ./usr/lib/libQt5XcbQpa.so.5 # Workaround for: # D-Bus library appears to be incorrectly set up; # failed to read machine uuid: Failed to open # The file is more commonly in /etc/machine-id # sed -i -e 's|/var/lib/dbus/machine-id|//././././etc/machine-id|g' ./usr/lib/libdbus-1.so.3 # or rm -f ./usr/lib/libdbus-1.so.3 || true cp ../AppImageKit/AppRun . cp ./usr/share/applications/org.kde.krita.desktop krita.desktop cp /krita/krita/pics/app/64-apps-calligrakrita.png calligrakrita.png # replace krita with the lib-checking startup script. #cd /krita.appdir/usr/bin #mv krita krita.real #wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/boudewijnrempt/AppImages/master/recipes/krita/krita #chmod a+rx krita cd / APP=krita # Source functions wget -q https://github.com/probonopd/AppImages/raw/master/functions.sh -O ./functions.sh . ./functions.sh # Install desktopintegration in usr/bin/krita.wrapper -- feel free to edit it cd /krita.appdir get_desktopintegration krita cd / VER=$(grep "#define KRITA_VERSION_STRING" krita_build/libs/version/kritaversion.h | cut -d '"' -f 2) VERSION=$VER VERSION="$(sed s/\ /-/g <<<$VERSION)" echo $VERSION if [[ "$ARCH" = "x86_64" ]] ; then APPIMAGE=$APP"-"$VERSION"-x86_64.appimage" fi if [[ "$ARCH" = "i686" ]] ; then APPIMAGE=$APP"-"$VERSION"-i386.appimage" fi echo $APPIMAGE mkdir -p /out rm -f /out/*.AppImage || true AppImageKit/AppImageAssistant.AppDir/package /krita.appdir/ /out/$APPIMAGE chmod a+rwx /out/$APPIMAGE # So that we can edit the AppImage outside of the Docker container cd /krita.appdir mv AppRun krita cd / mv krita.appdir $APP"-"$VERSION"-x86_64 tar -czf $APP"-"$VERSION"-x86_64.tgz $APP"-"$VERSION"-x86_64 diff --git a/packaging/osx/notes.txt b/packaging/osx/notes.txt index 94e812b815..a2875ce713 100644 --- a/packaging/osx/notes.txt +++ b/packaging/osx/notes.txt @@ -1,50 +1,50 @@ OSX Build Notes Setup: ~/dev/b: build location for all dependencies (run cmake ../krita/3rdparty in /dev/b) ~/dev/d: download location for all dependencies ~/dev/i: install location for all dependencies ~/dev/build: manual build location ~/dev/krita: source checkout deploy.sh: for creating the krita.app bundle cmake command to configure krita: cmake ../krita \ -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$HOME/dev/i \ -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/dev/i/lib \ -Wno-dev \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/dev/i \ -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF \ -DDEFINE_NO_DEPRECATED=1 \ -DBUILD_doc=FALSE \ -DBUNDLE_INSTALL_DIR=$HOME/dev/i/bin cmake command to configure the ext projects cmake ../krita/3rdparty/ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/dev/i/ -DEXTERNALS_DOWNLOAD_DIR=$HOME/dev/d/ -DINSTALL_ROOT=$HOME/dev/i/ cmake line for qt creator --DBUILD_TESTING=OFF -DKDE4_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DDEFINE_NO_DEPRECATED=1 -DPACKAGERS_BUILD=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/dev/i -DCMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH=$HOME/dev/i/include -DQT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE=$HOME/dev/i/bin/qmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$HOME/dev/i +-DBUILD_TESTING=OFF -DKDE4_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DDEFINE_NO_DEPRECATED=1 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/dev/i -DCMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH=$HOME/dev/i/include -DQT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE=$HOME/dev/i/bin/qmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$HOME/dev/i rm -rf ~/krita.app/ rm -rf ~/krita.dmg cp -r ~/dev/i/bin/krita.app ~ cp -r ~/dev/i/share ~/krita.app/Contents/ macdeployqt ~/krita.app \ -verbose=1 \ -extra-plugins=$HOME/dev/i/lib/kritaplugins/ \ -extra-plugins=$HOME/dev/i/lib/kf5/ \ -extra-plugins=$HOME/dev/i/lib/plugins/ \ -extra-plugins=$HOME/dev/i/plugins/ \ -dmg mkdir ~/krita.app/Contents/PlugIns/kritaplugins mv ~/krita.app/Contents/PlugIns/*so ~/krita.app/Contents/PlugIns/kritaplugins To make open_exr build, manual step after it fails because dwalookups cannot find Half: install_name_tool -add_rpath /Users/boud/dev/i/lib /Users/boud/dev/b/ext_openexr/ext_openexr-prefix/src/ext_openexr-build/IlmImf/./b44ExpLogTable install_name_tool -add_rpath /Users/boud/dev/i/lib /Users/boud/dev/b/ext_openexr/ext_openexr-prefix/src/ext_openexr-build/IlmImf/./dwaLookups diff --git a/packaging/osx/run-cmake-krita.sh b/packaging/osx/run-cmake-krita.sh index fcf22f4c0f..588d4eeeda 100755 --- a/packaging/osx/run-cmake-krita.sh +++ b/packaging/osx/run-cmake-krita.sh @@ -1,8 +1,7 @@ #export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.7 #export SDKROOT=/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.7.sdk cmake ../krita \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/Users/boud/dev/i \ -DDEFINE_NO_DEPRECATED=1 -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF \ -DKDE4_BUILD_TESTS=OFF \ - -DPACKAGERS_BUILD=ON \ -DBUNDLE_INSTALL_DIR=$HOME/dev/i/bin diff --git a/packaging/windows/build.bat b/packaging/windows/build.bat index cc2a70de8e..68fc4649e4 100644 --- a/packaging/windows/build.bat +++ b/packaging/windows/build.bat @@ -1,34 +1,34 @@ rem rem Follow the instructions in 3rdparty/README.md to setup Qt and the rem build dirs and checkout krita rem set PATH=c:\dev\i\bin\;c:\dev\i\lib;%PATH% cd c:\dev\b cmake ..\krita\3rdparty -DEXTERNALS_DOWNLOAD_DIR=/dev/d -DINSTALL_ROOT=/dev/i -G "Visual Studio 14 Win64" cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_patch cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_png2ico cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_pthreads cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_boost cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_eigen3 cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_fftw3 cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_ilmbase cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_jpeg cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_lcms2 cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_png cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_tiff cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_gsl cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_vc cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_libraw rem cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_freetype cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_ocio cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_openexr cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_exiv2 cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_kwindowsystem REM cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target ext_poppler cd c:\dev\build -cmake ..\krita -G"Visual Studio 14 Win64" -DBoost_DEBUG=OFF -DBOOST_INCLUDEDIR=c:\dev\i\include -DBOOST_DEBUG=ON -DBOOST_ROOT=c:\dev\i -DBOOST_LIBRARYDIR=c:\dev\i\lib -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=c:\dev\i -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=c:\dev\i -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF -DKDE4_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DHAVE_MEMORY_LEAK_TRACKER=OFF -DPACKAGERS_BUILD=ON -Wno-dev -DDEFINE_NO_DEPRECATED=1 +cmake ..\krita -G"Visual Studio 14 Win64" -DBoost_DEBUG=OFF -DBOOST_INCLUDEDIR=c:\dev\i\include -DBOOST_DEBUG=ON -DBOOST_ROOT=c:\dev\i -DBOOST_LIBRARYDIR=c:\dev\i\lib -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=c:\dev\i -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=c:\dev\i -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF -DKDE4_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DHAVE_MEMORY_LEAK_TRACKER=OFF -Wno-dev -DDEFINE_NO_DEPRECATED=1 copy c:\dev\i\lib\*.dll c:\dev\i\bin copy "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Redist\ucrt\DLLs\x64\*.dll" c:\dev\i\bin diff --git a/packaging/windows/build_krita.bat b/packaging/windows/build_krita.bat index c7285a5176..de52681230 100644 --- a/packaging/windows/build_krita.bat +++ b/packaging/windows/build_krita.bat @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ set DLLTOOL_EXE=c:\TDM-GCC-64\x86_64-w64-mingw32\bin\dlltool.exe set MINGW_GCC_BIN=c:\TDM-GCC-64\bin\ set BUILDROOT=c:\dev set BUILDDIR_INSTALL=%BUILDROOT%\i set PATH=c:\dev\i\bin;c:\dev\i\lib;c:\python35;%MINGW_GCC_BIN%;%PATH% cd c:\dev\build2 set /P pkg_root=Insert krita source location: if [%pkg_root%] == [] ( echo You entered an empty name! pause exit /B ) -cmake ..\%pkg_root% -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DBoost_DEBUG=OFF -DBOOST_INCLUDEDIR=c:\dev\i\include -DBOOST_DEBUG=ON -DBOOST_ROOT=c:\dev\i -DBOOST_LIBRARYDIR=c:\dev\i\lib -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=c:\dev\i -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=c:\dev\i -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF -DKDE4_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DHAVE_MEMORY_LEAK_TRACKER=OFF -DPACKAGERS_BUILD=ON -Wno-dev -DDEFINE_NO_DEPRECATED=1 -DFOUNDATION_BUILD=1 +cmake ..\%pkg_root% -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DBoost_DEBUG=OFF -DBOOST_INCLUDEDIR=c:\dev\i\include -DBOOST_DEBUG=ON -DBOOST_ROOT=c:\dev\i -DBOOST_LIBRARYDIR=c:\dev\i\lib -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=c:\dev\i -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=c:\dev\i -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF -DKDE4_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DHAVE_MEMORY_LEAK_TRACKER=OFF -Wno-dev -DDEFINE_NO_DEPRECATED=1 -DFOUNDATION_BUILD=1 mingw32-make -j4 install cd .. diff --git a/packaging/windows/mxe.txt b/packaging/windows/mxe.txt index 352dd4fb14..ce1e19e483 100644 --- a/packaging/windows/mxe.txt +++ b/packaging/windows/mxe.txt @@ -1,49 +1,49 @@ # Where are you building? export BUILDROOT=???? cd $BUILDROOT mkdir cross mkdir cross/b mkdir cross/d mkdir cross/krita-build git clone git@github.com:boudewijnrempt/mxe.git cd mxe export PATH=$BUILDROOT/mxe/usr/bin:$BUILDROOT/mxe/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32.shared/qt5/bin:$PATH # note: poppler-qt5 and gsl don't work yet # Use i686-w64-mingw32.shared for 32 bits builds # note: vc is 1.2, so we either need zagge's branch, or you need to build Vc 0.75 # yourself. Make sure you use -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF for Vc make MXE_TARGETS=x86_64-w64-mingw32.shared gcc boost curl eigen exiv2 expat fftw fontconfig freetype gettext ilmbase openexr jpeg lcms libpng libraw opencolorio qt5 qtscript tiff vc zlib gsl cd $BUILDROOT git clone git://anongit.kde.org/krita.git # build the deps that aren't in mxe cd b x86_64-w64-mingw32.shared-cmake ../krita/3rdparty/ -DEXTERNALS_DOWNLOAD_DIR=$BUILDROOT/d -DINSTALL_ROOT=$BUILDROOT/mxe/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32.shared -DMXE_TOOLCHAIN=${BUILDROOT}/mxe/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32.shared/share/cmake/mxe-conf.cmake x86_64-w64-mingw32.shared-cmake --build . --target ext_kcrash x86_64-w64-mingw32.shared-cmake --build . --target ext_poppler # You might want to build gsl and vc 0.75 manually # build krita cd ../build -x86_64-w64-mingw32.shared-cmake ../krita -DDEFINE_NO_DEPRECATED=1 -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF -DKDE4_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DPACKAGERS_BUILD=ON +x86_64-w64-mingw32.shared-cmake ../krita -DDEFINE_NO_DEPRECATED=1 -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF -DKDE4_BUILD_TESTS=OFF make -j4 install # to test, configure wine # WINEARCH=win64 WINEPREFIX=~/.wine64 winecfg # Go to the bin directory and test krita: # WINEPREFIX=~/.wine64 wine ./krita.exe NOTE: Windragon's patch to vc does not work when cross-building vc from ext_vc. The patch also needs to be added to mxe/vc. The reason is wrong defines for determining whether we're using mingw. diff --git a/plugins/dockers/animation/timeline_frames_item_delegate.cpp b/plugins/dockers/animation/timeline_frames_item_delegate.cpp index b67001b1fc..0ee1384ed4 100644 --- a/plugins/dockers/animation/timeline_frames_item_delegate.cpp +++ b/plugins/dockers/animation/timeline_frames_item_delegate.cpp @@ -1,180 +1,180 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2015 Dmitry Kazakov * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "timeline_frames_item_delegate.h" #include #include #include #include "timeline_frames_model.h" #include "timeline_color_scheme.h" #include "kis_node_view_color_scheme.h" TimelineFramesItemDelegate::TimelineFramesItemDelegate(QObject *parent) : QItemDelegate(parent) { KisNodeViewColorScheme scm; labelColors = scm.allColorLabels(); } TimelineFramesItemDelegate::~TimelineFramesItemDelegate() { } void TimelineFramesItemDelegate::paintActiveFrameSelector(QPainter *painter, const QRect &rc, bool isCurrentFrame) { QColor lineColor = TimelineColorScheme::instance()->selectorColor(); const int lineWidth = rc.width() > 20 ? 4 : 2; const int x0 = rc.x(); const int y0 = rc.y(); const int x1 = rc.right(); const int y1 = rc.bottom(); QVector linesDark; linesDark << QLine(x0 + lineWidth / 2, y0, x0 + lineWidth / 2, y1); linesDark << QLine(x1 - lineWidth / 2 + 1, y0, x1 - lineWidth / 2 + 1, y1); QPen oldPen = painter->pen(); painter->setPen(QPen(lineColor, lineWidth)); painter->drawLines(linesDark); painter->setPen(oldPen); if (isCurrentFrame) { QPen oldPen = painter->pen(); QBrush oldBrush(painter->brush()); painter->setPen(QPen(lineColor, 0)); painter->setBrush(lineColor); painter->drawEllipse(rc.center(), 2,2); painter->setBrush(oldBrush); painter->setPen(oldPen); } } void TimelineFramesItemDelegate::paintSpecialKeyframeIndicator(QPainter *painter, const QModelIndex &index, const QRect &rc) { bool active = index.data(TimelineFramesModel::ActiveLayerRole).toBool(); bool framePresent = index.data(TimelineFramesModel::FrameExistsRole).toBool(); bool editable = index.data(TimelineFramesModel::FrameEditableRole).toBool(); QColor color = TimelineColorScheme::instance()->frameColor(!framePresent, active); if (!editable && color.alpha() > 0) { const int l = color.lightness(); color = QColor(l, l, l); } QPen oldPen = painter->pen(); QBrush oldBrush(painter->brush()); painter->setPen(QPen(color, 0)); painter->setBrush(color); QPointF center = rc.center(); QPointF points[4] = { QPointF(center.x() + 4, center.y() ), QPointF(center.x() , center.y() - 4), QPointF(center.x() - 4, center.y() ), QPointF(center.x() , center.y() + 4) }; painter->drawConvexPolygon(points, 4); painter->setBrush(oldBrush); painter->setPen(oldPen); } void TimelineFramesItemDelegate::drawBackground(QPainter *painter, const QModelIndex &index, const QRect &rc) const { bool active = index.data(TimelineFramesModel::ActiveLayerRole).toBool(); bool present = index.data(TimelineFramesModel::FrameExistsRole).toBool(); bool editable = index.data(TimelineFramesModel::FrameEditableRole).toBool(); - QVariant colorLabel = index.data(TimelineFramesModel::ColorLabel); + QVariant colorLabel = index.data(TimelineFramesModel::FrameColorLabelIndexRole); QColor color = colorLabel.isValid() ? labelColors.at(colorLabel.toInt()) : TimelineColorScheme::instance()->frameColor(present, active); if (!editable && color.alpha() > 0) { const int l = color.lightness(); color = QColor(l, l, l); } painter->fillRect(rc, color); } void TimelineFramesItemDelegate::drawFocus(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QRect &rect) const { // copied form Qt 4.8! if ((option.state & QStyle::State_HasFocus) == 0 || !rect.isValid()) return; QStyleOptionFocusRect o; o.QStyleOption::operator=(option); o.rect = rect; o.state |= QStyle::State_KeyboardFocusChange; o.state |= QStyle::State_Item; QPalette::ColorGroup cg = (option.state & QStyle::State_Enabled) ? QPalette::Normal : QPalette::Disabled; o.backgroundColor = option.palette.color(cg, (option.state & QStyle::State_Selected) ? QPalette::Highlight : QPalette::Window); const QWidget *widget = qobject_cast(parent()); QStyle *style = widget ? widget->style() : QApplication::style(); style->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_FrameFocusRect, &o, painter, widget); } void TimelineFramesItemDelegate::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const { drawBackground(painter, index, option.rect); if (option.showDecorationSelected && (option.state & QStyle::State_Selected)) { QPalette::ColorGroup cg = option.state & QStyle::State_Enabled ? QPalette::Normal : QPalette::Disabled; if (cg == QPalette::Normal && !(option.state & QStyle::State_Active)) cg = QPalette::Inactive; QBrush brush = TimelineColorScheme::instance()->selectionColor(); int oldOpacity = painter->opacity(); painter->setOpacity(0.5); painter->fillRect(option.rect, brush); painter->setOpacity(oldOpacity); } drawFocus(painter, option, option.rect); bool specialKeys = index.data(TimelineFramesModel::SpecialKeyframeExists).toBool(); if (specialKeys) { paintSpecialKeyframeIndicator(painter, index, option.rect); } bool active = index.data(TimelineFramesModel::ActiveFrameRole).toBool(); bool layerIsCurrent = index.data(TimelineFramesModel::ActiveLayerRole).toBool(); if (active) { paintActiveFrameSelector(painter, option.rect, layerIsCurrent); } } diff --git a/plugins/dockers/animation/timeline_frames_model.cpp b/plugins/dockers/animation/timeline_frames_model.cpp index 4ba41261fe..d649712a00 100644 --- a/plugins/dockers/animation/timeline_frames_model.cpp +++ b/plugins/dockers/animation/timeline_frames_model.cpp @@ -1,685 +1,707 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2015 Dmitry Kazakov * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "timeline_frames_model.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_layer.h" #include "kis_config.h" #include "kis_global.h" #include "kis_debug.h" #include "kis_image.h" #include "kis_image_animation_interface.h" #include "kis_undo_adapter.h" #include "kis_node_dummies_graph.h" #include "kis_dummies_facade_base.h" #include "kis_signal_compressor.h" #include "kis_signal_compressor_with_param.h" #include "kis_keyframe_channel.h" #include "kundo2command.h" #include "kis_post_execution_undo_adapter.h" #include #include "kis_animation_utils.h" #include "timeline_color_scheme.h" #include "kis_node_model.h" #include "kis_projection_leaf.h" #include "kis_time_range.h" +#include "kis_node_view_color_scheme.h" +#include "krita_utils.h" +#include + struct TimelineFramesModel::Private { Private() : activeLayerIndex(0), dummiesFacade(0), needFinishInsertRows(false), needFinishRemoveRows(false), updateTimer(200, KisSignalCompressor::FIRST_INACTIVE), parentOfRemovedNode(0) {} int activeLayerIndex; KisDummiesFacadeBase *dummiesFacade; KisImageWSP image; bool needFinishInsertRows; bool needFinishRemoveRows; QList updateQueue; KisSignalCompressor updateTimer; KisNodeDummy* parentOfRemovedNode; QScopedPointer converter; QScopedPointer nodeInterface; QPersistentModelIndex lastClickedIndex; QVariant layerName(int row) const { KisNodeDummy *dummy = converter->dummyFromRow(row); if (!dummy) return QVariant(); return dummy->node()->name(); } bool layerEditable(int row) const { KisNodeDummy *dummy = converter->dummyFromRow(row); if (!dummy) return true; return dummy->node()->visible() && !dummy->node()->userLocked(); } bool frameExists(int row, int column) const { KisNodeDummy *dummy = converter->dummyFromRow(row); if (!dummy) return false; KisKeyframeChannel *primaryChannel = dummy->node()->getKeyframeChannel(KisKeyframeChannel::Content.id()); return (primaryChannel && primaryChannel->keyframeAt(column)); } bool specialKeyframeExists(int row, int column) { KisNodeDummy *dummy = converter->dummyFromRow(row); if (!dummy) return false; QList channels = dummy->node()->keyframeChannels(); Q_FOREACH(KisKeyframeChannel *channel, channels) { if (channel->id() != KisKeyframeChannel::Content.id() && channel->keyframeAt(column)) { return true; } } return false; } int frameColorLabel(int row, int column) { KisNodeDummy *dummy = converter->dummyFromRow(row); if (!dummy) return -1; KisKeyframeChannel *primaryChannel = dummy->node()->getKeyframeChannel(KisKeyframeChannel::Content.id()); if (!primaryChannel) return -1; KisKeyframeSP frame = primaryChannel->keyframeAt(column); if (!frame) return -1; return frame->colorLabel(); } void setFrameColorLabel(int row, int column, int color) { KisNodeDummy *dummy = converter->dummyFromRow(row); if (!dummy) return; KisKeyframeChannel *primaryChannel = dummy->node()->getKeyframeChannel(KisKeyframeChannel::Content.id()); if (!primaryChannel) return; KisKeyframeSP frame = primaryChannel->keyframeAt(column); if (!frame) return; frame->setColorLabel(color); } + int layerColorLabel(int row) const { + KisNodeDummy *dummy = converter->dummyFromRow(row); + if (!dummy) return -1; + return dummy->node()->colorLabelIndex(); + } + QVariant layerProperties(int row) const { KisNodeDummy *dummy = converter->dummyFromRow(row); if (!dummy) return QVariant(); PropertyList props = dummy->node()->sectionModelProperties(); return QVariant::fromValue(props); } bool setLayerProperties(int row, PropertyList props) { KisNodeDummy *dummy = converter->dummyFromRow(row); if (!dummy) return false; KisNodePropertyListCommand::setNodePropertiesNoUndo(dummy->node(), image, props); return true; } bool addKeyframe(int row, int column, bool copy) { KisNodeDummy *dummy = converter->dummyFromRow(row); if (!dummy) return false; KisNodeSP node = dummy->node(); if (!KisAnimationUtils::supportsContentFrames(node)) return false; return KisAnimationUtils::createKeyframeLazy(image, node, KisKeyframeChannel::Content.id(), column, copy); } bool addNewLayer(int row) { Q_UNUSED(row); if (nodeInterface) { KisLayerSP layer = nodeInterface->addPaintLayer(); layer->setUseInTimeline(true); } return true; } bool removeLayer(int row) { KisNodeDummy *dummy = converter->dummyFromRow(row); if (!dummy) return false; if (nodeInterface) { nodeInterface->removeNode(dummy->node()); } return true; } }; TimelineFramesModel::TimelineFramesModel(QObject *parent) : ModelWithExternalNotifications(parent), m_d(new Private) { connect(&m_d->updateTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(processUpdateQueue())); } TimelineFramesModel::~TimelineFramesModel() { } bool TimelineFramesModel::hasConnectionToCanvas() const { return m_d->dummiesFacade; } void TimelineFramesModel::setNodeManipulationInterface(NodeManipulationInterface *iface) { m_d->nodeInterface.reset(iface); } KisNodeSP TimelineFramesModel::nodeAt(QModelIndex index) const { return m_d->converter->dummyFromRow(index.row())->node(); } QList TimelineFramesModel::channelsAt(QModelIndex index) const { KisNodeDummy *srcDummy = m_d->converter->dummyFromRow(index.row()); return srcDummy->node()->keyframeChannels(); } void TimelineFramesModel::setDummiesFacade(KisDummiesFacadeBase *dummiesFacade, KisImageSP image) { KisDummiesFacadeBase *oldDummiesFacade = m_d->dummiesFacade; if (m_d->dummiesFacade) { m_d->image->animationInterface()->disconnect(this); m_d->image->disconnect(this); m_d->dummiesFacade->disconnect(this); } m_d->image = image; KisTimeBasedItemModel::setImage(image); m_d->dummiesFacade = dummiesFacade; m_d->converter.reset(); if (m_d->dummiesFacade) { m_d->converter.reset(new TimelineNodeListKeeper(this, m_d->dummiesFacade)); connect(m_d->dummiesFacade, SIGNAL(sigDummyChanged(KisNodeDummy*)), SLOT(slotDummyChanged(KisNodeDummy*))); connect(m_d->image->animationInterface(), SIGNAL(sigFullClipRangeChanged()), SIGNAL(sigInfiniteTimelineUpdateNeeded())); connect(m_d->image->animationInterface(), SIGNAL(sigAudioChannelChanged()), SIGNAL(sigAudioChannelChanged())); connect(m_d->image->animationInterface(), SIGNAL(sigAudioVolumeChanged()), SIGNAL(sigAudioChannelChanged())); } if (m_d->dummiesFacade != oldDummiesFacade) { reset(); } if (m_d->dummiesFacade) { emit sigInfiniteTimelineUpdateNeeded(); emit sigAudioChannelChanged(); } } void TimelineFramesModel::slotDummyChanged(KisNodeDummy *dummy) { if (!m_d->updateQueue.contains(dummy)) { m_d->updateQueue.append(dummy); } m_d->updateTimer.start(); } void TimelineFramesModel::processUpdateQueue() { Q_FOREACH (KisNodeDummy *dummy, m_d->updateQueue) { int row = m_d->converter->rowForDummy(dummy); if (row >= 0) { emit headerDataChanged (Qt::Vertical, row, row); emit dataChanged(this->index(row, 0), this->index(row, columnCount() - 1)); } } m_d->updateQueue.clear(); } void TimelineFramesModel::slotCurrentNodeChanged(KisNodeSP node) { if (!node) { m_d->activeLayerIndex = -1; return; } KisNodeDummy *dummy = m_d->dummiesFacade->dummyForNode(node); KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(dummy); m_d->converter->updateActiveDummy(dummy); const int row = m_d->converter->rowForDummy(dummy); if (row < 0) { qWarning() << "WARNING: TimelineFramesModel::slotCurrentNodeChanged: node not found!"; } if (row >= 0 && m_d->activeLayerIndex != row) { setData(index(row, 0), true, ActiveLayerRole); } } int TimelineFramesModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { Q_UNUSED(parent); if(!m_d->dummiesFacade) return 0; return m_d->converter->rowCount(); } QVariant TimelineFramesModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if(!m_d->dummiesFacade) return QVariant(); switch (role) { case ActiveLayerRole: { return index.row() == m_d->activeLayerIndex; } case FrameEditableRole: { return m_d->layerEditable(index.row()); } case FrameExistsRole: { return m_d->frameExists(index.row(), index.column()); } case SpecialKeyframeExists: { return m_d->specialKeyframeExists(index.row(), index.column()); } - case ColorLabel: { + case FrameColorLabelIndexRole: { int label = m_d->frameColorLabel(index.row(), index.column()); return label > 0 ? label : QVariant(); } case Qt::DisplayRole: { return QVariant(); } case Qt::TextAlignmentRole: { return QVariant(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); } } return ModelWithExternalNotifications::data(index, role); } bool TimelineFramesModel::setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role) { if (!index.isValid() || !m_d->dummiesFacade) return false; switch (role) { case ActiveLayerRole: { if (value.toBool() && index.row() != m_d->activeLayerIndex) { int prevLayer = m_d->activeLayerIndex; m_d->activeLayerIndex = index.row(); emit dataChanged(this->index(prevLayer, 0), this->index(prevLayer, columnCount() - 1)); emit dataChanged(this->index(m_d->activeLayerIndex, 0), this->index(m_d->activeLayerIndex, columnCount() - 1)); emit headerDataChanged(Qt::Vertical, prevLayer, prevLayer); emit headerDataChanged(Qt::Vertical, m_d->activeLayerIndex, m_d->activeLayerIndex); KisNodeDummy *dummy = m_d->converter->dummyFromRow(m_d->activeLayerIndex); KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER(dummy) { return true; } emit requestCurrentNodeChanged(dummy->node()); emit sigEnsureRowVisible(m_d->activeLayerIndex); } break; } - case ColorLabel: { + case FrameColorLabelIndexRole: { m_d->setFrameColorLabel(index.row(), index.column(), value.toInt()); } break; } return ModelWithExternalNotifications::setData(index, value, role); } QVariant TimelineFramesModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const { if(!m_d->dummiesFacade) return QVariant(); if (orientation == Qt::Vertical) { switch (role) { case ActiveLayerRole: return section == m_d->activeLayerIndex; case Qt::DisplayRole: { QVariant value = headerData(section, orientation, Qt::ToolTipRole); if (!value.isValid()) return value; QString name = value.toString(); const int maxNameSize = 13; if (name.size() > maxNameSize) { name = QString("%1...").arg(name.left(maxNameSize)); } return name; } case Qt::TextColorRole: { // WARNING: this role doesn't work for header views! Use // bold font to show isolated mode instead! return QVariant(); } case Qt::FontRole: { KisNodeDummy *dummy = m_d->converter->dummyFromRow(section); if (!dummy) return QVariant(); KisNodeSP node = dummy->node(); QFont baseFont; if (node->projectionLeaf()->isDroppedMask()) { baseFont.setStrikeOut(true); } else if (m_d->image && m_d->image->isolatedModeRoot() && KisNodeModel::belongsToIsolatedGroup(m_d->image, node, m_d->dummiesFacade)) { baseFont.setBold(true); } return baseFont; } case Qt::ToolTipRole: { return m_d->layerName(section); } case TimelinePropertiesRole: { return QVariant::fromValue(m_d->layerProperties(section)); } case OtherLayersRole: { TimelineNodeListKeeper::OtherLayersList list = m_d->converter->otherLayersList(); return QVariant::fromValue(list); } case LayerUsedInTimelineRole: { KisNodeDummy *dummy = m_d->converter->dummyFromRow(section); if (!dummy) return QVariant(); return dummy->node()->useInTimeline(); } + case Qt::BackgroundRole: { + int label = m_d->layerColorLabel(section); + if (label > 0) { + KisNodeViewColorScheme scm; + QColor color = scm.colorLabel(label); + QPalette pal = qApp->palette(); + color = KritaUtils::blendColors(color, pal.color(QPalette::Button), 0.3); + return QBrush(color); + } else { + return QVariant(); + } + } } } return ModelWithExternalNotifications::headerData(section, orientation, role); } bool TimelineFramesModel::setHeaderData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, const QVariant &value, int role) { if (!m_d->dummiesFacade) return false; if (orientation == Qt::Vertical) { switch (role) { case ActiveLayerRole: { setData(index(section, 0), value, role); break; } case TimelinePropertiesRole: { TimelineFramesModel::PropertyList props = value.value(); int result = m_d->setLayerProperties(section, props); emit headerDataChanged (Qt::Vertical, section, section); return result; } case LayerUsedInTimelineRole: { KisNodeDummy *dummy = m_d->converter->dummyFromRow(section); if (!dummy) return false; dummy->node()->setUseInTimeline(value.toBool()); return true; } } } return ModelWithExternalNotifications::setHeaderData(section, orientation, value, role); } Qt::DropActions TimelineFramesModel::supportedDragActions() const { return Qt::MoveAction | Qt::CopyAction; } Qt::DropActions TimelineFramesModel::supportedDropActions() const { return Qt::MoveAction | Qt::CopyAction; } QStringList TimelineFramesModel::mimeTypes() const { QStringList types; types << QLatin1String("application/x-krita-frame"); return types; } void TimelineFramesModel::setLastClickedIndex(const QModelIndex &index) { m_d->lastClickedIndex = index; } QMimeData* TimelineFramesModel::mimeData(const QModelIndexList &indexes) const { QMimeData *data = new QMimeData(); QByteArray encoded; QDataStream stream(&encoded, QIODevice::WriteOnly); const int baseRow = m_d->lastClickedIndex.row(); const int baseColumn = m_d->lastClickedIndex.column(); stream << indexes.size(); stream << baseRow << baseColumn; Q_FOREACH (const QModelIndex &index, indexes) { stream << index.row() - baseRow << index.column() - baseColumn; } data->setData("application/x-krita-frame", encoded); return data; } inline void decodeBaseIndex(QByteArray *encoded, int *row, int *col) { int size_UNUSED = 0; QDataStream stream(encoded, QIODevice::ReadOnly); stream >> size_UNUSED >> *row >> *col; } bool TimelineFramesModel::canDropFrameData(const QMimeData */*data*/, const QModelIndex &index) { if (!index.isValid()) return false; /** * Now we support D&D around any layer, so just return 'true' all * the time. */ return true; } bool TimelineFramesModel::dropMimeData(const QMimeData *data, Qt::DropAction action, int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) { Q_UNUSED(row); Q_UNUSED(column); bool result = false; if ((action != Qt::MoveAction && action != Qt::CopyAction) || !parent.isValid()) return result; const bool copyFrames = action == Qt::CopyAction; QByteArray encoded = data->data("application/x-krita-frame"); QDataStream stream(&encoded, QIODevice::ReadOnly); int size, baseRow, baseColumn; stream >> size >> baseRow >> baseColumn; QModelIndexList srcIndexes; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { int relRow, relColumn; stream >> relRow >> relColumn; int srcRow = baseRow + relRow; int srcColumn = baseColumn + relColumn; srcIndexes << index(srcRow, srcColumn); } const QPoint offset(parent.column() - baseColumn, parent.row() - baseRow); return offsetFrames(srcIndexes, offset, copyFrames); } Qt::ItemFlags TimelineFramesModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const { Qt::ItemFlags flags = ModelWithExternalNotifications::flags(index); if (!index.isValid()) return flags; if (m_d->frameExists(index.row(), index.column()) || m_d->specialKeyframeExists(index.row(), index.column())) { if (data(index, FrameEditableRole).toBool()) { flags |= Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled; } } /** * Basically we should forbid overrides only if we D&D a single frame * and allow it when we D&D multiple frames. But we cannot distinguish * it here... So allow all the time. */ flags |= Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled; return flags; } bool TimelineFramesModel::insertRows(int row, int count, const QModelIndex &parent) { Q_UNUSED(parent); KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER(count == 1) { return false; } if (row < 0 || row > rowCount()) return false; bool result = m_d->addNewLayer(row); return result; } bool TimelineFramesModel::removeRows(int row, int count, const QModelIndex &parent) { Q_UNUSED(parent); KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER(count == 1) { return false; } if (row < 0 || row >= rowCount()) return false; bool result = m_d->removeLayer(row); return result; } bool TimelineFramesModel::insertOtherLayer(int index, int dstRow) { Q_UNUSED(dstRow); TimelineNodeListKeeper::OtherLayersList list = m_d->converter->otherLayersList(); if (index < 0 || index >= list.size()) return false; list[index].dummy->node()->setUseInTimeline(true); dstRow = m_d->converter->rowForDummy(list[index].dummy); setData(this->index(dstRow, 0), true, ActiveLayerRole); return true; } int TimelineFramesModel::activeLayerRow() const { return m_d->activeLayerIndex; } bool TimelineFramesModel::createFrame(const QModelIndex &dstIndex) { if (!dstIndex.isValid()) return false; bool result = m_d->addKeyframe(dstIndex.row(), dstIndex.column(), false); if (result) { emit dataChanged(dstIndex, dstIndex); } return result; } bool TimelineFramesModel::copyFrame(const QModelIndex &dstIndex) { if (!dstIndex.isValid()) return false; bool result = m_d->addKeyframe(dstIndex.row(), dstIndex.column(), true); if (result) { emit dataChanged(dstIndex, dstIndex); } return result; } QString TimelineFramesModel::audioChannelFileName() const { return m_d->image ? m_d->image->animationInterface()->audioChannelFileName() : QString(); } void TimelineFramesModel::setAudioChannelFileName(const QString &fileName) { KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(m_d->image); m_d->image->animationInterface()->setAudioChannelFileName(fileName); } bool TimelineFramesModel::isAudioMuted() const { return m_d->image ? m_d->image->animationInterface()->isAudioMuted() : false; } void TimelineFramesModel::setAudioMuted(bool value) { KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(m_d->image); m_d->image->animationInterface()->setAudioMuted(value); } qreal TimelineFramesModel::audioVolume() const { return m_d->image ? m_d->image->animationInterface()->audioVolume() : 0.5; } void TimelineFramesModel::setAudioVolume(qreal value) { KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(m_d->image); m_d->image->animationInterface()->setAudioVolume(value); } diff --git a/plugins/dockers/animation/timeline_frames_model.h b/plugins/dockers/animation/timeline_frames_model.h index 59c5c05d49..1d8435b987 100644 --- a/plugins/dockers/animation/timeline_frames_model.h +++ b/plugins/dockers/animation/timeline_frames_model.h @@ -1,132 +1,132 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2015 Dmitry Kazakov * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef __TIMELINE_FRAMES_MODEL_H #define __TIMELINE_FRAMES_MODEL_H #include #include #include "kritaanimationdocker_export.h" #include "kis_node_model.h" #include "kis_types.h" #include "kis_node.h" #include "timeline_node_list_keeper.h" class KisNodeDummy; class KisDummiesFacadeBase; class KisAnimationPlayer; class KRITAANIMATIONDOCKER_EXPORT TimelineFramesModel : public TimelineNodeListKeeper::ModelWithExternalNotifications { Q_OBJECT public: TimelineFramesModel(QObject *parent); ~TimelineFramesModel(); bool hasConnectionToCanvas() const; void setDummiesFacade(KisDummiesFacadeBase *dummiesFacade, KisImageSP image); bool canDropFrameData(const QMimeData *data, const QModelIndex &index); bool insertOtherLayer(int index, int dstRow); int activeLayerRow() const; bool createFrame(const QModelIndex &dstIndex); bool copyFrame(const QModelIndex &dstIndex); QString audioChannelFileName() const; void setAudioChannelFileName(const QString &fileName); bool isAudioMuted() const; void setAudioMuted(bool value); qreal audioVolume() const; void setAudioVolume(qreal value); void setLastClickedIndex(const QModelIndex &index); int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const; QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const; bool setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role); QVariant headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const; bool setHeaderData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, const QVariant &value, int role); Qt::DropActions supportedDragActions() const; Qt::DropActions supportedDropActions() const; QStringList mimeTypes() const; QMimeData * mimeData(const QModelIndexList &indexes) const; bool dropMimeData(const QMimeData * data, Qt::DropAction action, int row, int column, const QModelIndex & parent); Qt::ItemFlags flags(const QModelIndex &index) const; bool insertRows(int row, int count, const QModelIndex &parent); bool removeRows(int row, int count, const QModelIndex &parent); enum ItemDataRole { ActiveLayerRole = KisTimeBasedItemModel::UserRole, TimelinePropertiesRole, OtherLayersRole, LayerUsedInTimelineRole, - ColorLabel + FrameColorLabelIndexRole }; // metatype is added by the original implementation typedef KisBaseNode::Property Property; typedef KisBaseNode::PropertyList PropertyList; typedef TimelineNodeListKeeper::OtherLayer OtherLayer; typedef TimelineNodeListKeeper::OtherLayersList OtherLayersList; struct NodeManipulationInterface { virtual ~NodeManipulationInterface() {} virtual KisLayerSP addPaintLayer() const = 0; virtual void removeNode(KisNodeSP node) const = 0; }; /** * NOTE: the model has an ownership over the interface, that is it'll * be deleted automatically later */ void setNodeManipulationInterface(NodeManipulationInterface *iface); protected: KisNodeSP nodeAt(QModelIndex index) const; QList channelsAt(QModelIndex index) const; private Q_SLOTS: void slotDummyChanged(KisNodeDummy *dummy); void processUpdateQueue(); public Q_SLOTS: void slotCurrentNodeChanged(KisNodeSP node); Q_SIGNALS: void requestCurrentNodeChanged(KisNodeSP node); void sigInfiniteTimelineUpdateNeeded(); void sigAudioChannelChanged(); void sigEnsureRowVisible(int row); private: struct Private; const QScopedPointer m_d; }; #endif /* __TIMELINE_FRAMES_MODEL_H */ diff --git a/plugins/dockers/animation/timeline_frames_view.cpp b/plugins/dockers/animation/timeline_frames_view.cpp index 826d805fbe..eed6437105 100644 --- a/plugins/dockers/animation/timeline_frames_view.cpp +++ b/plugins/dockers/animation/timeline_frames_view.cpp @@ -1,1062 +1,1062 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2015 Dmitry Kazakov * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "timeline_frames_view.h" #include "timeline_frames_model.h" #include "timeline_ruler_header.h" #include "timeline_layers_header.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_debug.h" #include "timeline_frames_item_delegate.h" #include "kis_zoom_button.h" #include "kis_icon_utils.h" #include "kis_animation_utils.h" #include "kis_custom_modifiers_catcher.h" #include "kis_action.h" #include "kis_signal_compressor.h" #include "kis_time_range.h" #include "kis_color_label_selector_widget.h" #include "kis_slider_spin_box.h" #include #include #include #include #include "config-qtmultimedia.h" typedef QPair QItemViewPaintPair; typedef QList QItemViewPaintPairs; struct TimelineFramesView::Private { Private(TimelineFramesView *_q) : q(_q), fps(1), zoomStillPointIndex(-1), zoomStillPointOriginalOffset(0), dragInProgress(false), dragWasSuccessful(false), modifiersCatcher(0), selectionChangedCompressor(300, KisSignalCompressor::FIRST_INACTIVE) {} TimelineFramesView *q; TimelineFramesModel *model; TimelineRulerHeader *horizontalRuler; TimelineLayersHeader *layersHeader; int fps; int zoomStillPointIndex; int zoomStillPointOriginalOffset; QPoint initialDragPanValue; QPoint initialDragPanPos; QToolButton *addLayersButton; KisAction *showHideLayerAction; QToolButton *audioOptionsButton; KisColorLabelSelectorWidget *colorSelector; QWidgetAction *colorSelectorAction; KisColorLabelSelectorWidget *multiframeColorSelector; QWidgetAction *multiframeColorSelectorAction; QMenu *audioOptionsMenu; QAction *openAudioAction; QAction *audioMuteAction; KisSliderSpinBox *volumeSlider; QMenu *layerEditingMenu; QMenu *existingLayersMenu; QMenu *frameCreationMenu; QMenu *frameEditingMenu; QMenu *multipleFrameEditingMenu; QMap globalActions; KisZoomButton *zoomDragButton; bool dragInProgress; bool dragWasSuccessful; KisCustomModifiersCatcher *modifiersCatcher; QPoint lastPressedPosition; KisSignalCompressor selectionChangedCompressor; QStyleOptionViewItem viewOptionsV4() const; QItemViewPaintPairs draggablePaintPairs(const QModelIndexList &indexes, QRect *r) const; QPixmap renderToPixmap(const QModelIndexList &indexes, QRect *r) const; }; TimelineFramesView::TimelineFramesView(QWidget *parent) : QTableView(parent), m_d(new Private(this)) { m_d->modifiersCatcher = new KisCustomModifiersCatcher(this); m_d->modifiersCatcher->addModifier("pan-zoom", Qt::Key_Space); m_d->modifiersCatcher->addModifier("offset-frame", Qt::Key_Alt); setCornerButtonEnabled(false); setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectItems); setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection); setItemDelegate(new TimelineFramesItemDelegate(this)); setDragEnabled(true); setDragDropMode(QAbstractItemView::DragDrop); setAcceptDrops(true); setDropIndicatorShown(true); setDefaultDropAction(Qt::MoveAction); m_d->horizontalRuler = new TimelineRulerHeader(this); this->setHorizontalHeader(m_d->horizontalRuler); m_d->layersHeader = new TimelineLayersHeader(this); m_d->layersHeader->setSectionResizeMode(QHeaderView::Fixed); m_d->layersHeader->setDefaultSectionSize(24); m_d->layersHeader->setMinimumWidth(60); m_d->layersHeader->setHighlightSections(true); this->setVerticalHeader(m_d->layersHeader); connect(horizontalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(slotUpdateInfiniteFramesCount())); connect(horizontalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(sliderReleased()), SLOT(slotUpdateInfiniteFramesCount())); /********** New Layer Menu ***********************************************************/ m_d->addLayersButton = new QToolButton(this); m_d->addLayersButton->setAutoRaise(true); m_d->addLayersButton->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("addlayer")); m_d->addLayersButton->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum); m_d->addLayersButton->setPopupMode(QToolButton::InstantPopup); m_d->layerEditingMenu = new QMenu(this); m_d->layerEditingMenu->addAction(KisAnimationUtils::newLayerActionName, this, SLOT(slotAddNewLayer())); m_d->existingLayersMenu = m_d->layerEditingMenu->addMenu(KisAnimationUtils::addExistingLayerActionName); m_d->layerEditingMenu->addSeparator(); m_d->showHideLayerAction = new KisAction(KisAnimationUtils::showLayerActionName, this); m_d->showHideLayerAction->setActivationFlags(KisAction::ACTIVE_LAYER); connect(m_d->showHideLayerAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(slotHideLayerFromTimeline())); m_d->showHideLayerAction->setCheckable(true); m_d->globalActions.insert("show_in_timeline", m_d->showHideLayerAction); m_d->layerEditingMenu->addAction(m_d->showHideLayerAction); m_d->layerEditingMenu->addAction(KisAnimationUtils::removeLayerActionName, this, SLOT(slotRemoveLayer())); connect(m_d->existingLayersMenu, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), SLOT(slotUpdateLayersMenu())); connect(m_d->existingLayersMenu, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), SLOT(slotAddExistingLayer(QAction*))); connect(m_d->layersHeader, SIGNAL(sigRequestContextMenu(const QPoint&)), SLOT(slotLayerContextMenuRequested(const QPoint&))); m_d->addLayersButton->setMenu(m_d->layerEditingMenu); /********** Audio Channel Menu *******************************************************/ m_d->audioOptionsButton = new QToolButton(this); m_d->audioOptionsButton->setAutoRaise(true); m_d->audioOptionsButton->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("audio-none")); m_d->audioOptionsButton->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum); m_d->audioOptionsButton->setPopupMode(QToolButton::InstantPopup); m_d->audioOptionsMenu = new QMenu(this); #ifndef HAVE_QT_MULTIMEDIA m_d->audioOptionsMenu->addSection(i18nc("@item:inmenu", "Audio playback is not supported in this build!")); #endif m_d->openAudioAction= new QAction("XXX", this); connect(m_d->openAudioAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotSelectAudioChannelFile())); m_d->audioOptionsMenu->addAction(m_d->openAudioAction); m_d->audioMuteAction = new QAction(i18nc("@item:inmenu", "Mute"), this); m_d->audioMuteAction->setCheckable(true); connect(m_d->audioMuteAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotAudioChannelMute(bool))); m_d->audioOptionsMenu->addAction(m_d->audioMuteAction); m_d->audioOptionsMenu->addAction(i18nc("@item:inmenu", "Remove audio"), this, SLOT(slotAudioChannelRemove())); m_d->audioOptionsMenu->addSeparator(); m_d->volumeSlider = new KisSliderSpinBox(this); m_d->volumeSlider->setRange(0, 100); m_d->volumeSlider->setSuffix("%"); m_d->volumeSlider->setPrefix(i18nc("@item:inmenu, slider", "Volume:")); m_d->volumeSlider->setSingleStep(1); m_d->volumeSlider->setPageStep(10); m_d->volumeSlider->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Ignored, QSizePolicy::Fixed); connect(m_d->volumeSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(slotAudioVolumeChanged(int))); QWidgetAction *volumeAction = new QWidgetAction(m_d->audioOptionsMenu); volumeAction->setDefaultWidget(m_d->volumeSlider); m_d->audioOptionsMenu->addAction(volumeAction); m_d->audioOptionsButton->setMenu(m_d->audioOptionsMenu); /********** Frame Editing Context Menu ***********************************************/ m_d->frameCreationMenu = new QMenu(this); m_d->frameCreationMenu->addAction(KisAnimationUtils::addFrameActionName, this, SLOT(slotNewFrame())); m_d->frameCreationMenu->addAction(KisAnimationUtils::duplicateFrameActionName, this, SLOT(slotCopyFrame())); m_d->colorSelector = new KisColorLabelSelectorWidget(this); m_d->colorSelectorAction = new QWidgetAction(this); m_d->colorSelectorAction->setDefaultWidget(m_d->colorSelector); connect(m_d->colorSelector, &KisColorLabelSelectorWidget::currentIndexChanged, this, &TimelineFramesView::slotColorLabelChanged); m_d->frameEditingMenu = new QMenu(this); m_d->frameEditingMenu->addAction(KisAnimationUtils::removeFrameActionName, this, SLOT(slotRemoveFrame())); m_d->frameEditingMenu->addAction(m_d->colorSelectorAction); m_d->multiframeColorSelector = new KisColorLabelSelectorWidget(this); m_d->multiframeColorSelectorAction = new QWidgetAction(this); m_d->multiframeColorSelectorAction->setDefaultWidget(m_d->multiframeColorSelector); connect(m_d->multiframeColorSelector, &KisColorLabelSelectorWidget::currentIndexChanged, this, &TimelineFramesView::slotColorLabelChanged); m_d->multipleFrameEditingMenu = new QMenu(this); m_d->multipleFrameEditingMenu->addAction(KisAnimationUtils::removeFramesActionName, this, SLOT(slotRemoveFrame())); m_d->multipleFrameEditingMenu->addAction(m_d->multiframeColorSelectorAction); /********** Zoom Button **************************************************************/ m_d->zoomDragButton = new KisZoomButton(this); m_d->zoomDragButton->setAutoRaise(true); m_d->zoomDragButton->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("zoom-horizontal")); m_d->zoomDragButton->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum); m_d->zoomDragButton->setToolTip(i18nc("@info:tooltip", "Zoom Timeline. Hold down and drag left or right.")); m_d->zoomDragButton->setPopupMode(QToolButton::InstantPopup); connect(m_d->zoomDragButton, SIGNAL(zoomLevelChanged(qreal)), SLOT(slotZoomButtonChanged(qreal))); connect(m_d->zoomDragButton, SIGNAL(zoomStarted(qreal)), SLOT(slotZoomButtonPressed(qreal))); setFramesPerSecond(12); setHorizontalScrollMode(QAbstractItemView::ScrollPerPixel); connect(&m_d->selectionChangedCompressor, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(slotSelectionChanged())); } TimelineFramesView::~TimelineFramesView() { } QMap TimelineFramesView::globalActions() const { return m_d->globalActions; } void resizeToMinimalSize(QAbstractButton *w, int minimalSize) { QSize buttonSize = w->sizeHint(); if (buttonSize.height() > minimalSize) { buttonSize = QSize(minimalSize, minimalSize); } w->resize(buttonSize); } void TimelineFramesView::updateGeometries() { QTableView::updateGeometries(); const int availableHeight = m_d->horizontalRuler->height(); const int margin = 2; const int minimalSize = availableHeight - 2 * margin; resizeToMinimalSize(m_d->addLayersButton, minimalSize); resizeToMinimalSize(m_d->audioOptionsButton, minimalSize); resizeToMinimalSize(m_d->zoomDragButton, minimalSize); int x = 2 * margin; int y = (availableHeight - minimalSize) / 2; m_d->addLayersButton->move(x, 2 * y); m_d->audioOptionsButton->move(x + minimalSize + 2 * margin, 2 * y); const int availableWidth = m_d->layersHeader->width(); x = availableWidth - margin - minimalSize; m_d->zoomDragButton->move(x, 2 * y); } void TimelineFramesView::setModel(QAbstractItemModel *model) { TimelineFramesModel *framesModel = qobject_cast(model); m_d->model = framesModel; QTableView::setModel(model); connect(m_d->model, SIGNAL(headerDataChanged(Qt::Orientation, int, int)), this, SLOT(slotHeaderDataChanged(Qt::Orientation, int, int))); connect(m_d->model, SIGNAL(dataChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(slotDataChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex))); connect(m_d->model, SIGNAL(rowsRemoved(const QModelIndex&, int, int)), this, SLOT(slotReselectCurrentIndex())); connect(m_d->model, SIGNAL(sigInfiniteTimelineUpdateNeeded()), this, SLOT(slotUpdateInfiniteFramesCount())); connect(m_d->model, SIGNAL(sigAudioChannelChanged()), this, SLOT(slotUpdateAudioActions())); connect(selectionModel(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &)), &m_d->selectionChangedCompressor, SLOT(start())); connect(m_d->model, SIGNAL(sigEnsureRowVisible(int)), SLOT(slotEnsureRowVisible(int))); slotUpdateAudioActions(); } void TimelineFramesView::setFramesPerSecond(int fps) { m_d->fps = fps; m_d->horizontalRuler->setFramePerSecond(fps); // For some reason simple update sometimes doesn't work here, so // reset the whole header // // m_d->horizontalRuler->reset(); } void TimelineFramesView::slotZoomButtonPressed(qreal staticPoint) { m_d->zoomStillPointIndex = qIsNaN(staticPoint) ? currentIndex().column() : staticPoint; const int w = m_d->horizontalRuler->defaultSectionSize(); m_d->zoomStillPointOriginalOffset = w * m_d->zoomStillPointIndex - horizontalScrollBar()->value(); } void TimelineFramesView::slotZoomButtonChanged(qreal zoomLevel) { if (m_d->horizontalRuler->setZoom(zoomLevel)) { slotUpdateInfiniteFramesCount(); const int w = m_d->horizontalRuler->defaultSectionSize(); horizontalScrollBar()->setValue(w * m_d->zoomStillPointIndex - m_d->zoomStillPointOriginalOffset); viewport()->update(); } } void TimelineFramesView::slotColorLabelChanged(int label) { Q_FOREACH(QModelIndex index, selectedIndexes()) { - m_d->model->setData(index, label, TimelineFramesModel::ColorLabel); + m_d->model->setData(index, label, TimelineFramesModel::FrameColorLabelIndexRole); } KisImageConfig config; config.setDefaultFrameColorLabel(label); } void TimelineFramesView::slotSelectAudioChannelFile() { if (!m_d->model) return; QString defaultDir = QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::MusicLocation); const QString currentFile = m_d->model->audioChannelFileName(); QDir baseDir = QFileInfo(currentFile).absoluteDir(); if (baseDir.exists()) { defaultDir = baseDir.absolutePath(); } const QString result = KisImportExportManager::askForAudioFileName(defaultDir, this); const QFileInfo info(result); if (info.exists()) { m_d->model->setAudioChannelFileName(info.absoluteFilePath()); } } void TimelineFramesView::slotAudioChannelMute(bool value) { if (!m_d->model) return; if (value != m_d->model->isAudioMuted()) { m_d->model->setAudioMuted(value); } } void TimelineFramesView::slotAudioChannelRemove() { if (!m_d->model) return; m_d->model->setAudioChannelFileName(QString()); } void TimelineFramesView::slotUpdateAudioActions() { if (!m_d->model) return; const QString currentFile = m_d->model->audioChannelFileName(); if (currentFile.isEmpty()) { m_d->openAudioAction->setText(i18nc("@item:inmenu", "Open audio...")); } else { QFileInfo info(currentFile); m_d->openAudioAction->setText(i18nc("@item:inmenu", "Change audio (%1)...", info.fileName())); } m_d->audioMuteAction->setChecked(m_d->model->isAudioMuted()); QIcon audioIcon; if (currentFile.isEmpty()) { audioIcon = KisIconUtils::loadIcon("audio-none"); } else { if (m_d->model->isAudioMuted()) { audioIcon = KisIconUtils::loadIcon("audio-volume-mute"); } else { audioIcon = KisIconUtils::loadIcon("audio-volume-high"); } } m_d->audioOptionsButton->setIcon(audioIcon); m_d->volumeSlider->setEnabled(!m_d->model->isAudioMuted()); KisSignalsBlocker b(m_d->volumeSlider); m_d->volumeSlider->setValue(qRound(m_d->model->audioVolume() * 100.0)); } void TimelineFramesView::slotAudioVolumeChanged(int value) { m_d->model->setAudioVolume(qreal(value) / 100.0); } void TimelineFramesView::slotUpdateInfiniteFramesCount() { if (horizontalScrollBar()->isSliderDown()) return; const int sectionWidth = m_d->horizontalRuler->defaultSectionSize(); const int calculatedIndex = (horizontalScrollBar()->value() + m_d->horizontalRuler->width() - 1) / sectionWidth; m_d->model->setLastVisibleFrame(calculatedIndex); } void TimelineFramesView::currentChanged(const QModelIndex ¤t, const QModelIndex &previous) { QTableView::currentChanged(current, previous); if (previous.column() != current.column()) { m_d->model->setData(previous, false, TimelineFramesModel::ActiveFrameRole); m_d->model->setData(current, true, TimelineFramesModel::ActiveFrameRole); } } QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags TimelineFramesView::selectionCommand(const QModelIndex &index, const QEvent *event) const { // WARNING: Copy-pasted from KisNodeView! Please keep in sync! /** * Qt has a bug: when we Ctrl+click on an item, the item's * selections gets toggled on mouse *press*, whereas usually it is * done on mouse *release*. Therefore the user cannot do a * Ctrl+D&D with the default configuration. This code fixes the * problem by manually returning QItemSelectionModel::NoUpdate * flag when the user clicks on an item and returning * QItemSelectionModel::Toggle on release. */ if (event && (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress || event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease) && index.isValid()) { const QMouseEvent *mevent = static_cast(event); if (mevent->button() == Qt::RightButton && selectionModel()->selectedIndexes().contains(index)) { // Allow calling context menu for multiple layers return QItemSelectionModel::NoUpdate; } if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress && (mevent->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier)) { return QItemSelectionModel::NoUpdate; } if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease && (mevent->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier)) { return QItemSelectionModel::Toggle; } } return QAbstractItemView::selectionCommand(index, event); } void TimelineFramesView::slotSelectionChanged() { int minColumn = std::numeric_limits::max(); int maxColumn = std::numeric_limits::min(); foreach (const QModelIndex &idx, selectedIndexes()) { if (idx.column() > maxColumn) { maxColumn = idx.column(); } if (idx.column() < minColumn) { minColumn = idx.column(); } } KisTimeRange range; if (maxColumn > minColumn) { range = KisTimeRange(minColumn, maxColumn - minColumn + 1); } m_d->model->setPlaybackRange(range); } void TimelineFramesView::slotReselectCurrentIndex() { QModelIndex index = currentIndex(); currentChanged(index, index); } void TimelineFramesView::slotEnsureRowVisible(int row) { QModelIndex index = currentIndex(); if (!index.isValid() || row < 0) return; index = m_d->model->index(row, index.column()); scrollTo(index); } void TimelineFramesView::slotDataChanged(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight) { if (m_d->model->isPlaybackActive()) return; int selectedColumn = -1; for (int j = topLeft.column(); j <= bottomRight.column(); j++) { QVariant value = m_d->model->data( m_d->model->index(topLeft.row(), j), TimelineFramesModel::ActiveFrameRole); if (value.isValid() && value.toBool()) { selectedColumn = j; break; } } QModelIndex index = currentIndex(); if (!index.isValid() && selectedColumn < 0) { return; } if (selectedColumn == -1) { selectedColumn = index.column(); } if (selectedColumn != index.column() && !m_d->dragInProgress) { int row= index.isValid() ? index.row() : 0; setCurrentIndex(m_d->model->index(row, selectedColumn)); } } void TimelineFramesView::slotHeaderDataChanged(Qt::Orientation orientation, int first, int last) { Q_UNUSED(first); Q_UNUSED(last); if (orientation == Qt::Horizontal) { const int newFps = m_d->model->headerData(0, Qt::Horizontal, TimelineFramesModel::FramesPerSecondRole).toInt(); if (newFps != m_d->fps) { setFramesPerSecond(newFps); } } else /* if (orientation == Qt::Vertical) */ { updateShowInTimeline(); } } void TimelineFramesView::rowsInserted(const QModelIndex& parent, int start, int end) { QTableView::rowsInserted(parent, start, end); updateShowInTimeline(); } inline bool isIndexDragEnabled(QAbstractItemModel *model, const QModelIndex &index) { return (model->flags(index) & Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled); } QStyleOptionViewItem TimelineFramesView::Private::viewOptionsV4() const { QStyleOptionViewItem option = q->viewOptions(); option.locale = q->locale(); option.locale.setNumberOptions(QLocale::OmitGroupSeparator); option.widget = q; return option; } QItemViewPaintPairs TimelineFramesView::Private::draggablePaintPairs(const QModelIndexList &indexes, QRect *r) const { Q_ASSERT(r); QRect &rect = *r; const QRect viewportRect = q->viewport()->rect(); QItemViewPaintPairs ret; for (int i = 0; i < indexes.count(); ++i) { const QModelIndex &index = indexes.at(i); const QRect current = q->visualRect(index); if (current.intersects(viewportRect)) { ret += qMakePair(current, index); rect |= current; } } rect &= viewportRect; return ret; } QPixmap TimelineFramesView::Private::renderToPixmap(const QModelIndexList &indexes, QRect *r) const { Q_ASSERT(r); QItemViewPaintPairs paintPairs = draggablePaintPairs(indexes, r); if (paintPairs.isEmpty()) return QPixmap(); QPixmap pixmap(r->size()); pixmap.fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter painter(&pixmap); QStyleOptionViewItem option = viewOptionsV4(); option.state |= QStyle::State_Selected; for (int j = 0; j < paintPairs.count(); ++j) { option.rect = paintPairs.at(j).first.translated(-r->topLeft()); const QModelIndex ¤t = paintPairs.at(j).second; //adjustViewOptionsForIndex(&option, current); q->itemDelegate(current)->paint(&painter, option, current); } return pixmap; } void TimelineFramesView::startDrag(Qt::DropActions supportedActions) { QModelIndexList indexes = selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); if (!indexes.isEmpty() && m_d->modifiersCatcher->modifierPressed("offset-frame")) { QVector rows; int leftmostColumn = std::numeric_limits::max(); Q_FOREACH (const QModelIndex &index, indexes) { leftmostColumn = qMin(leftmostColumn, index.column()); if (!rows.contains(index.row())) { rows.append(index.row()); } } const int lastColumn = m_d->model->columnCount() - 1; selectionModel()->clear(); Q_FOREACH (const int row, rows) { QItemSelection sel(m_d->model->index(row, leftmostColumn), m_d->model->index(row, lastColumn)); selectionModel()->select(sel, QItemSelectionModel::Select); } supportedActions = Qt::MoveAction; { QModelIndexList indexes = selectedIndexes(); for(int i = indexes.count() - 1 ; i >= 0; --i) { if (!isIndexDragEnabled(m_d->model, indexes.at(i))) indexes.removeAt(i); } selectionModel()->clear(); if (indexes.count() > 0) { QMimeData *data = m_d->model->mimeData(indexes); if (!data) return; QRect rect; QPixmap pixmap = m_d->renderToPixmap(indexes, &rect); rect.adjust(horizontalOffset(), verticalOffset(), 0, 0); QDrag *drag = new QDrag(this); drag->setPixmap(pixmap); drag->setMimeData(data); drag->setHotSpot(m_d->lastPressedPosition - rect.topLeft()); drag->exec(supportedActions, Qt::MoveAction); setCurrentIndex(currentIndex()); } } } else { /** * Workaround for Qt5's bugs: * * 1) Qt doesn't treat selection the selection on D&D * correctly, so we save it in advance and restore * afterwards. * * 2) There is a private variable in QAbstractItemView: * QAbstractItemView::Private::currentSelectionStartIndex. * It is initialized *only* when the setCurrentIndex() is called * explicitly on the view object, not on the selection model. * Therefore we should explicitly call setCurrentIndex() after * D&D, even if it already has *correct* value! * * 2) We should also call selectionModel()->select() * explicitly. There are two reasons for it: 1) Qt doesn't * maintain selection over D&D; 2) when reselecting single * element after D&D, Qt goes crazy, because it tries to * read *global* keyboard modifiers. Therefore if we are * dragging with Shift or Ctrl pressed it'll get crazy. So * just reset it explicitly. */ QModelIndexList selectionBefore = selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); QModelIndex currentBefore = selectionModel()->currentIndex(); // initialize a global status variable m_d->dragWasSuccessful = false; QAbstractItemView::startDrag(supportedActions); QModelIndex newCurrent; QPoint selectionOffset; if (m_d->dragWasSuccessful) { newCurrent = currentIndex(); selectionOffset = QPoint(newCurrent.column() - currentBefore.column(), newCurrent.row() - currentBefore.row()); } else { newCurrent = currentBefore; selectionOffset = QPoint(); } setCurrentIndex(newCurrent); selectionModel()->clearSelection(); Q_FOREACH (const QModelIndex &idx, selectionBefore) { QModelIndex newIndex = model()->index(idx.row() + selectionOffset.y(), idx.column() + selectionOffset.x()); selectionModel()->select(newIndex, QItemSelectionModel::Select); } } } void TimelineFramesView::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event) { m_d->dragInProgress = true; m_d->model->setScrubState(true); QTableView::dragEnterEvent(event); } void TimelineFramesView::dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *event) { m_d->dragInProgress = true; m_d->model->setScrubState(true); QTableView::dragMoveEvent(event); if (event->isAccepted()) { QModelIndex index = indexAt(event->pos()); if (!m_d->model->canDropFrameData(event->mimeData(), index)) { event->ignore(); } else { selectionModel()->setCurrentIndex(index, QItemSelectionModel::NoUpdate); } } } void TimelineFramesView::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) { m_d->dragInProgress = false; m_d->model->setScrubState(false); QAbstractItemView::dropEvent(event); m_d->dragWasSuccessful = event->isAccepted(); } void TimelineFramesView::dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent *event) { m_d->dragInProgress = false; m_d->model->setScrubState(false); QAbstractItemView::dragLeaveEvent(event); } void TimelineFramesView::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { QPersistentModelIndex index = indexAt(event->pos()); if (m_d->modifiersCatcher->modifierPressed("pan-zoom")) { if (event->button() == Qt::RightButton) { // TODO: try calculate index under mouse cursor even when // it is outside any visible row qreal staticPoint = index.isValid() ? index.column() : currentIndex().column(); m_d->zoomDragButton->beginZoom(event->pos(), staticPoint); } else if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { m_d->initialDragPanPos = event->pos(); m_d->initialDragPanValue = QPoint(horizontalScrollBar()->value(), verticalScrollBar()->value()); } event->accept(); } else if (event->button() == Qt::RightButton) { int numSelectedItems = selectionModel()->selectedIndexes().size(); if (index.isValid() && numSelectedItems <= 1 && m_d->model->data(index, TimelineFramesModel::FrameEditableRole).toBool()) { model()->setData(index, true, TimelineFramesModel::ActiveLayerRole); model()->setData(index, true, TimelineFramesModel::ActiveFrameRole); setCurrentIndex(index); if (model()->data(index, TimelineFramesModel::FrameExistsRole).toBool() || model()->data(index, TimelineFramesModel::SpecialKeyframeExists).toBool()) { { KisSignalsBlocker b(m_d->colorSelector); - QVariant colorLabel = index.data(TimelineFramesModel::ColorLabel); + QVariant colorLabel = index.data(TimelineFramesModel::FrameColorLabelIndexRole); int labelIndex = colorLabel.isValid() ? colorLabel.toInt() : 0; m_d->colorSelector->setCurrentIndex(labelIndex); } m_d->frameEditingMenu->exec(event->globalPos()); } else { m_d->frameCreationMenu->exec(event->globalPos()); } } else if (numSelectedItems > 1) { int labelIndex = 0; bool haveFrames = false; Q_FOREACH(QModelIndex index, selectedIndexes()) { haveFrames |= index.data(TimelineFramesModel::FrameExistsRole).toBool(); - QVariant colorLabel = index.data(TimelineFramesModel::ColorLabel); + QVariant colorLabel = index.data(TimelineFramesModel::FrameColorLabelIndexRole); if (colorLabel.isValid()) { if (labelIndex == 0) { labelIndex = colorLabel.toInt(); } else { labelIndex = 0; break; } } } if (!haveFrames) { m_d->multiframeColorSelectorAction->setVisible(false); } else { KisSignalsBlocker b(m_d->multiframeColorSelector); m_d->multiframeColorSelector->setCurrentIndex(labelIndex); m_d->multiframeColorSelectorAction->setVisible(true); } m_d->multipleFrameEditingMenu->exec(event->globalPos()); } } else { if (index.isValid()) { m_d->model->setLastClickedIndex(index); } m_d->lastPressedPosition = QPoint(horizontalOffset(), verticalOffset()) + event->pos(); QAbstractItemView::mousePressEvent(event); } } void TimelineFramesView::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (m_d->modifiersCatcher->modifierPressed("pan-zoom")) { if (e->buttons() & Qt::RightButton) { m_d->zoomDragButton->continueZoom(e->pos()); } else if (e->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) { QPoint diff = e->pos() - m_d->initialDragPanPos; QPoint offset = QPoint(m_d->initialDragPanValue.x() - diff.x(), m_d->initialDragPanValue.y() - diff.y()); const int height = m_d->layersHeader->defaultSectionSize(); horizontalScrollBar()->setValue(offset.x()); verticalScrollBar()->setValue(offset.y() / height); } e->accept(); } else { m_d->model->setScrubState(true); QTableView::mouseMoveEvent(e); } } void TimelineFramesView::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (m_d->modifiersCatcher->modifierPressed("pan-zoom")) { e->accept(); } else { m_d->model->setScrubState(false); QTableView::mouseReleaseEvent(e); } } void TimelineFramesView::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *e) { QModelIndex index = currentIndex(); int column= -1; if (index.isValid()) { column= index.column() + ((e->delta() > 0) ? 1 : -1); } if (column >= 0 && !m_d->dragInProgress) { setCurrentIndex(m_d->model->index(index.row(), column)); } } void TimelineFramesView::slotUpdateLayersMenu() { QAction *action = 0; m_d->existingLayersMenu->clear(); QVariant value = model()->headerData(0, Qt::Vertical, TimelineFramesModel::OtherLayersRole); if (value.isValid()) { TimelineFramesModel::OtherLayersList list = value.value(); int i = 0; Q_FOREACH (const TimelineFramesModel::OtherLayer &l, list) { action = m_d->existingLayersMenu->addAction(l.name); action->setData(i++); } } } void TimelineFramesView::slotLayerContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &globalPos) { m_d->layerEditingMenu->exec(globalPos); } void TimelineFramesView::updateShowInTimeline() { const int row = m_d->model->activeLayerRow(); const bool status = m_d->model->headerData(row, Qt::Vertical, TimelineFramesModel::LayerUsedInTimelineRole).toBool(); m_d->showHideLayerAction->setChecked(status); } void TimelineFramesView::slotAddNewLayer() { QModelIndex index = currentIndex(); const int newRow = index.isValid() ? index.row() : 0; model()->insertRow(newRow); } void TimelineFramesView::slotAddExistingLayer(QAction *action) { QVariant value = action->data(); if (value.isValid()) { QModelIndex index = currentIndex(); const int newRow = index.isValid() ? index.row() + 1 : 0; m_d->model->insertOtherLayer(value.toInt(), newRow); } } void TimelineFramesView::slotRemoveLayer() { QModelIndex index = currentIndex(); if (!index.isValid()) return; model()->removeRow(index.row()); } void TimelineFramesView::slotHideLayerFromTimeline() { const int row = m_d->model->activeLayerRow(); const bool status = m_d->model->headerData(row, Qt::Vertical, TimelineFramesModel::LayerUsedInTimelineRole).toBool(); m_d->model->setHeaderData(row, Qt::Vertical, !status, TimelineFramesModel::LayerUsedInTimelineRole); } void TimelineFramesView::slotNewFrame() { QModelIndex index = currentIndex(); if (!index.isValid() || !m_d->model->data(index, TimelineFramesModel::FrameEditableRole).toBool()) { return; } m_d->model->createFrame(index); } void TimelineFramesView::slotCopyFrame() { QModelIndex index = currentIndex(); if (!index.isValid() || !m_d->model->data(index, TimelineFramesModel::FrameEditableRole).toBool()) { return; } m_d->model->copyFrame(index); } void TimelineFramesView::slotRemoveFrame() { QModelIndexList indexes = selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); for (auto it = indexes.begin(); it != indexes.end(); /*noop*/) { if (!m_d->model->data(*it, TimelineFramesModel::FrameEditableRole).toBool()) { it = indexes.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } if (!indexes.isEmpty()) { m_d->model->removeFrames(indexes); } } diff --git a/plugins/dockers/animation/timeline_layers_header.cpp b/plugins/dockers/animation/timeline_layers_header.cpp index c789298bb1..7aa8b3a52f 100644 --- a/plugins/dockers/animation/timeline_layers_header.cpp +++ b/plugins/dockers/animation/timeline_layers_header.cpp @@ -1,250 +1,250 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2015 Dmitry Kazakov * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "timeline_layers_header.h" #include "kis_debug.h" #include #include #include #include "timeline_frames_model.h" #include "timeline_color_scheme.h" struct TimelineLayersHeader::Private { Private(TimelineLayersHeader *_q) : q(_q) {} TimelineLayersHeader *q; int numIcons(int logicalIndex) const; QRect iconRect(int logicalIndex, int iconIndex) const; int iconAt(int logicalIndex, const QPoint &pt); TimelineFramesModel::Property* getPropertyAt(TimelineFramesModel::PropertyList &props, int index); }; TimelineLayersHeader::TimelineLayersHeader(QWidget *parent) : QHeaderView(Qt::Vertical, parent), m_d(new Private(this)) { } TimelineLayersHeader::~TimelineLayersHeader() { } TimelineFramesModel::Property* TimelineLayersHeader::Private::getPropertyAt(TimelineFramesModel::PropertyList &props, int index) { int logical = 0; for (int i = 0; i < props.size(); i++) { if (props[i].isMutable) { if (logical == index) { return &props[i]; } logical++; } } return 0; } int TimelineLayersHeader::Private::numIcons(int logicalIndex) const { int result = 0; QVariant value = q->model()->headerData(logicalIndex, q->orientation(), TimelineFramesModel::TimelinePropertiesRole); if (value.isValid()) { TimelineFramesModel::PropertyList props = value.value(); Q_FOREACH (const TimelineFramesModel::Property &p, props) { if (p.isMutable) { result++; } } } return result; } QSize TimelineLayersHeader::sectionSizeFromContents(int logicalIndex) const { QSize baseSize = QHeaderView::sectionSizeFromContents(logicalIndex); baseSize.setWidth(baseSize.width() + 6 + (2 + 16) * m_d->numIcons(logicalIndex)); return baseSize; } QRect TimelineLayersHeader::Private::iconRect(int logicalIndex, int iconIndex) const { QSize sectionSize(q->viewport()->width(), q->sectionSize(logicalIndex)); const int iconWidth = 16; const int iconHeight = 16; const int y = (sectionSize.height() - iconHeight) / 2; const int x = sectionSize.width() - (numIcons(logicalIndex) - iconIndex) * (iconWidth + 2); return QRect(x, y, iconWidth, iconHeight); } void TimelineLayersHeader::paintSection(QPainter *painter, const QRect &rect, int logicalIndex) const { painter->save(); QHeaderView::paintSection(painter, rect, logicalIndex); painter->restore(); bool isLayerActive = model()->headerData(logicalIndex, orientation(), TimelineFramesModel::ActiveLayerRole).toBool(); if (isLayerActive) { QColor lineColor = TimelineColorScheme::instance()->activeLayerBackground(); const int lineWidth = 2; QPen oldPen = painter->pen(); QBrush oldBrush(painter->brush()); painter->setPen(QPen(lineColor, lineWidth)); painter->setBrush(lineColor); const int x0 = rect.x(); const int y0 = rect.y(); const int x1 = rect.right(); const int y1 = rect.bottom(); QVector lines; lines << QLine(x0, y0 + lineWidth / 2, x1, y0 + lineWidth / 2); - lines << QLine(x0, y1 - lineWidth / 2, x1, y1 - lineWidth / 2); + lines << QLine(x0, y1 - lineWidth / 2, x1, y1 - lineWidth / 2); painter->drawLines(lines); painter->setBrush(oldBrush); painter->setPen(oldPen); } QVariant value = model()->headerData(logicalIndex, orientation(), TimelineFramesModel::TimelinePropertiesRole); TimelineFramesModel::PropertyList props = value.value(); const int numIcons = m_d->numIcons(logicalIndex); for (int i = 0; i < numIcons; i++) { TimelineFramesModel::Property *p = m_d->getPropertyAt(props, i); const bool isActive = p->state.toBool(); QIcon icon = isActive ? p->onIcon : p->offIcon; QRect rc = m_d->iconRect(logicalIndex, i).translated(rect.topLeft()); icon.paint(painter, rc); } } int TimelineLayersHeader::Private::iconAt(int logicalIndex, const QPoint &pt) { QPoint sectionTopLeft(0, q->sectionViewportPosition(logicalIndex)); QPoint localPos = pt - sectionTopLeft; for (int i = 0; i < numIcons(logicalIndex); i++) { QRect rc = iconRect(logicalIndex, i); if (rc.contains(localPos)) { return i; } } return -1; } bool TimelineLayersHeader::viewportEvent(QEvent *e) { switch (e->type()) { case QEvent::ToolTip: { /** * Override tooltip if the cursor is over the properties icons. */ QHelpEvent *he = static_cast(e); int logical = logicalIndexAt(he->pos()); if (logical != -1) { const int iconIndex = m_d->iconAt(logical, he->pos()); if (iconIndex != -1) { QVariant value = model()->headerData(logical, orientation(), TimelineFramesModel::TimelinePropertiesRole); TimelineFramesModel::PropertyList props = value.value(); TimelineFramesModel::Property *p = m_d->getPropertyAt(props, iconIndex); QString text = QString("%1 (%2)") .arg(p->name) .arg(p->state.toBool() ? "on" : "off"); QToolTip::showText(he->globalPos(), text, this); return true; } } break; } default: break; } return QHeaderView::viewportEvent(e); } void TimelineLayersHeader::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { int logical = logicalIndexAt(e->pos()); if (logical != -1) { const int iconIndex = m_d->iconAt(logical, e->pos()); if (iconIndex != -1) { QVariant value = model()->headerData(logical, orientation(), TimelineFramesModel::TimelinePropertiesRole); TimelineFramesModel::PropertyList props = value.value(); TimelineFramesModel::Property *p = m_d->getPropertyAt(props, iconIndex); bool currentState = p->state.toBool(); p->state = !currentState; value.setValue(props); model()->setHeaderData(logical, orientation(), value, TimelineFramesModel::TimelinePropertiesRole); return; } else if (e->button() == Qt::RightButton) { model()->setHeaderData(logical, orientation(), true, TimelineFramesModel::ActiveLayerRole); emit sigRequestContextMenu(e->globalPos()); return; } else if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { model()->setHeaderData(logical, orientation(), true, TimelineFramesModel::ActiveLayerRole); } } QHeaderView::mousePressEvent(e); } diff --git a/plugins/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp b/plugins/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp index c07d751a88..4b4116e120 100644 --- a/plugins/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp +++ b/plugins/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp @@ -1,929 +1,930 @@ /* * kis_layer_box.cc - part of Krita aka Krayon aka KimageShop * * Copyright (c) 2002 Patrick Julien * Copyright (C) 2006 Gábor Lehel * Copyright (C) 2007 Thomas Zander * Copyright (C) 2007 Boudewijn Rempt * Copyright (c) 2011 José Luis Vergara * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_layer_box.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_action.h" #include "kis_action_manager.h" #include "widgets/kis_cmb_composite.h" #include "widgets/kis_slider_spin_box.h" #include "KisViewManager.h" #include "kis_node_manager.h" #include "kis_node_model.h" #include "canvas/kis_canvas2.h" #include "KisDocument.h" #include "kis_dummies_facade_base.h" #include "kis_shape_controller.h" #include "kis_selection_mask.h" #include "kis_config.h" #include "KisView.h" #include "krita_utils.h" #include "sync_button_and_action.h" #include "kis_color_label_selector_widget.h" #include "kis_signals_blocker.h" #include "kis_color_filter_combo.h" #include "kis_node_filter_proxy_model.h" #include "kis_layer_utils.h" #include "ui_wdglayerbox.h" inline void KisLayerBox::connectActionToButton(KisViewManager* view, QAbstractButton *button, const QString &id) { if (!view || !button) return; KisAction *action = view->actionManager()->actionByName(id); if (!action) return; connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), action, SLOT(trigger())); connect(action, SIGNAL(sigEnableSlaves(bool)), button, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); } inline void KisLayerBox::addActionToMenu(QMenu *menu, const QString &id) { if (m_canvas) { menu->addAction(m_canvas->viewManager()->actionManager()->actionByName(id)); } } KisLayerBox::KisLayerBox() : QDockWidget(i18n("Layers")) , m_canvas(0) , m_wdgLayerBox(new Ui_WdgLayerBox) , m_thumbnailCompressor(500, KisSignalCompressor::FIRST_INACTIVE) , m_colorLabelCompressor(900, KisSignalCompressor::FIRST_INACTIVE) { KisConfig cfg; QWidget* mainWidget = new QWidget(this); setWidget(mainWidget); m_opacityDelayTimer.setSingleShot(true); m_wdgLayerBox->setupUi(mainWidget); connect(m_wdgLayerBox->listLayers, SIGNAL(contextMenuRequested(const QPoint&, const QModelIndex&)), this, SLOT(slotContextMenuRequested(const QPoint&, const QModelIndex&))); connect(m_wdgLayerBox->listLayers, SIGNAL(collapsed(const QModelIndex&)), SLOT(slotCollapsed(const QModelIndex &))); connect(m_wdgLayerBox->listLayers, SIGNAL(expanded(const QModelIndex&)), SLOT(slotExpanded(const QModelIndex &))); connect(m_wdgLayerBox->listLayers, SIGNAL(selectionChanged(const QModelIndexList&)), SLOT(selectionChanged(const QModelIndexList&))); m_wdgLayerBox->bnAdd->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("addlayer")); m_wdgLayerBox->bnDelete->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("deletelayer")); m_wdgLayerBox->bnDelete->setIconSize(QSize(22, 22)); m_wdgLayerBox->bnRaise->setEnabled(false); m_wdgLayerBox->bnRaise->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("arrowupblr")); m_wdgLayerBox->bnRaise->setIconSize(QSize(22, 22)); m_wdgLayerBox->bnLower->setEnabled(false); m_wdgLayerBox->bnLower->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("arrowdown")); m_wdgLayerBox->bnLower->setIconSize(QSize(22, 22)); m_wdgLayerBox->bnProperties->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("properties")); m_wdgLayerBox->bnProperties->setIconSize(QSize(22, 22)); m_wdgLayerBox->bnDuplicate->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("duplicatelayer")); m_wdgLayerBox->bnDuplicate->setIconSize(QSize(22, 22)); if (cfg.sliderLabels()) { m_wdgLayerBox->opacityLabel->hide(); m_wdgLayerBox->doubleOpacity->setPrefix(QString("%1: ").arg(i18n("Opacity"))); } m_wdgLayerBox->doubleOpacity->setRange(0, 100, 0); m_wdgLayerBox->doubleOpacity->setSuffix("%"); connect(m_wdgLayerBox->doubleOpacity, SIGNAL(valueChanged(qreal)), SLOT(slotOpacitySliderMoved(qreal))); connect(&m_opacityDelayTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(slotOpacityChanged())); connect(m_wdgLayerBox->cmbComposite, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(slotCompositeOpChanged(int))); m_selectOpaque = new KisAction(i18n("&Select Opaque"), this); m_selectOpaque->setActivationFlags(KisAction::ACTIVE_LAYER); m_selectOpaque->setActivationConditions(KisAction::SELECTION_EDITABLE); m_selectOpaque->setObjectName("select_opaque"); connect(m_selectOpaque, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(slotSelectOpaque())); m_actions.append(m_selectOpaque); m_newLayerMenu = new QMenu(this); m_wdgLayerBox->bnAdd->setMenu(m_newLayerMenu); m_wdgLayerBox->bnAdd->setPopupMode(QToolButton::MenuButtonPopup); m_nodeModel = new KisNodeModel(this); m_filteringModel = new KisNodeFilterProxyModel(this); m_filteringModel->setNodeModel(m_nodeModel); /** * Connect model updateUI() to enable/disable controls. * Note: nodeActivated() is connected separately in setImage(), because * it needs particular order of calls: first the connection to the * node manager should be called, then updateUI() */ connect(m_nodeModel, SIGNAL(rowsInserted(const QModelIndex&, int, int)), SLOT(updateUI())); connect(m_nodeModel, SIGNAL(rowsRemoved(const QModelIndex&, int, int)), SLOT(updateUI())); connect(m_nodeModel, SIGNAL(rowsMoved(const QModelIndex&, int, int, const QModelIndex&, int)), SLOT(updateUI())); connect(m_nodeModel, SIGNAL(dataChanged(const QModelIndex&, const QModelIndex&)), SLOT(updateUI())); connect(m_nodeModel, SIGNAL(modelReset()), SLOT(slotModelReset())); KisAction *showGlobalSelectionMask = new KisAction(i18n("&Show Global Selection Mask"), this); showGlobalSelectionMask->setObjectName("show-global-selection-mask"); + showGlobalSelectionMask->setActivationFlags(KisAction::ACTIVE_IMAGE); showGlobalSelectionMask->setToolTip(i18nc("@info:tooltip", "Shows global selection as a usual selection mask in Layers docker")); showGlobalSelectionMask->setCheckable(true); connect(showGlobalSelectionMask, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotEditGlobalSelection(bool))); m_actions.append(showGlobalSelectionMask); showGlobalSelectionMask->setChecked(cfg.showGlobalSelection()); m_colorSelector = new KisColorLabelSelectorWidget(this); connect(m_colorSelector, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), SLOT(slotColorLabelChanged(int))); m_colorSelectorAction = new QWidgetAction(this); m_colorSelectorAction->setDefaultWidget(m_colorSelector); connect(m_nodeModel, SIGNAL(dataChanged(const QModelIndex &, const QModelIndex &)), &m_colorLabelCompressor, SLOT(start())); m_wdgLayerBox->listLayers->setModel(m_filteringModel); // this connection should be done *after* the setModel() call to // happen later than the internal selection model connect(m_filteringModel.data(), &KisNodeFilterProxyModel::rowsAboutToBeRemoved, this, &KisLayerBox::slotAboutToRemoveRows); connect(m_wdgLayerBox->cmbFilter, SIGNAL(selectedColorsChanged()), SLOT(updateLayerFiltering())); setEnabled(false); connect(&m_thumbnailCompressor, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(updateThumbnail())); connect(&m_colorLabelCompressor, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(updateAvailableLabels())); } KisLayerBox::~KisLayerBox() { delete m_wdgLayerBox; } void expandNodesRecursively(KisNodeSP root, QPointer filteringModel, KisNodeView *nodeView) { if (!root) return; if (filteringModel.isNull()) return; if (!nodeView) return; nodeView->blockSignals(true); KisNodeSP node = root->firstChild(); while (node) { QModelIndex idx = filteringModel->indexFromNode(node); if (idx.isValid()) { nodeView->setExpanded(idx, !node->collapsed()); } if (node->childCount() > 0) { expandNodesRecursively(node, filteringModel, nodeView); } node = node->nextSibling(); } nodeView->blockSignals(false); } void KisLayerBox::setMainWindow(KisViewManager* kisview) { m_nodeManager = kisview->nodeManager(); Q_FOREACH (KisAction *action, m_actions) { kisview->actionManager()-> addAction(action->objectName(), action); } connectActionToButton(kisview, m_wdgLayerBox->bnAdd, "add_new_paint_layer"); connectActionToButton(kisview, m_wdgLayerBox->bnDuplicate, "duplicatelayer"); KisActionManager *actionManager = kisview->actionManager(); KisAction *action = actionManager->createAction("RenameCurrentLayer"); Q_ASSERT(action); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotRenameCurrentNode())); m_propertiesAction = actionManager->createAction("layer_properties"); Q_ASSERT(m_propertiesAction); new SyncButtonAndAction(m_propertiesAction, m_wdgLayerBox->bnProperties, this); connect(m_propertiesAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotPropertiesClicked())); m_removeAction = actionManager->createAction("remove_layer"); Q_ASSERT(m_removeAction); new SyncButtonAndAction(m_removeAction, m_wdgLayerBox->bnDelete, this); connect(m_removeAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotRmClicked())); action = actionManager->createAction("move_layer_up"); Q_ASSERT(action); new SyncButtonAndAction(action, m_wdgLayerBox->bnRaise, this); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotRaiseClicked())); action = actionManager->createAction("move_layer_down"); Q_ASSERT(action); new SyncButtonAndAction(action, m_wdgLayerBox->bnLower, this); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotLowerClicked())); } void KisLayerBox::setCanvas(KoCanvasBase *canvas) { if(m_canvas == canvas) return; setEnabled(canvas != 0); if (m_canvas) { m_canvas->disconnectCanvasObserver(this); m_nodeModel->setDummiesFacade(0, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (m_image) { KisImageAnimationInterface *animation = m_image->animationInterface(); animation->disconnect(this); } disconnect(m_image, 0, this, 0); disconnect(m_nodeManager, 0, this, 0); disconnect(m_nodeModel, 0, m_nodeManager, 0); m_nodeManager->slotSetSelectedNodes(KisNodeList()); } m_canvas = dynamic_cast(canvas); if (m_canvas) { m_image = m_canvas->image(); connect(m_image, SIGNAL(sigImageUpdated(QRect)), &m_thumbnailCompressor, SLOT(start())); KisDocument* doc = static_cast(m_canvas->imageView()->document()); KisShapeController *kritaShapeController = dynamic_cast(doc->shapeController()); KisDummiesFacadeBase *kritaDummiesFacade = static_cast(kritaShapeController); m_nodeModel->setDummiesFacade(kritaDummiesFacade, m_image, kritaShapeController, m_nodeManager->nodeSelectionAdapter(), m_nodeManager->nodeInsertionAdapter()); connect(m_image, SIGNAL(sigAboutToBeDeleted()), SLOT(notifyImageDeleted())); connect(m_image, SIGNAL(sigNodeCollapsedChanged()), SLOT(slotNodeCollapsedChanged())); // cold start if (m_nodeManager) { setCurrentNode(m_nodeManager->activeNode()); // Connection KisNodeManager -> KisLayerBox connect(m_nodeManager, SIGNAL(sigUiNeedChangeActiveNode(KisNodeSP)), this, SLOT(setCurrentNode(KisNodeSP))); connect(m_nodeManager, SIGNAL(sigUiNeedChangeSelectedNodes(const QList &)), SLOT(slotNodeManagerChangedSelection(const QList &))); } else { setCurrentNode(m_canvas->imageView()->currentNode()); } // Connection KisLayerBox -> KisNodeManager (isolate layer) connect(m_nodeModel, SIGNAL(toggleIsolateActiveNode()), m_nodeManager, SLOT(toggleIsolateActiveNode())); KisImageAnimationInterface *animation = m_image->animationInterface(); connect(animation, &KisImageAnimationInterface::sigUiTimeChanged, this, &KisLayerBox::slotImageTimeChanged); expandNodesRecursively(m_image->rootLayer(), m_filteringModel, m_wdgLayerBox->listLayers); m_wdgLayerBox->listLayers->scrollTo(m_wdgLayerBox->listLayers->currentIndex()); updateAvailableLabels(); addActionToMenu(m_newLayerMenu, "add_new_paint_layer"); addActionToMenu(m_newLayerMenu, "add_new_group_layer"); addActionToMenu(m_newLayerMenu, "add_new_clone_layer"); addActionToMenu(m_newLayerMenu, "add_new_shape_layer"); addActionToMenu(m_newLayerMenu, "add_new_adjustment_layer"); addActionToMenu(m_newLayerMenu, "add_new_fill_layer"); addActionToMenu(m_newLayerMenu, "add_new_file_layer"); m_newLayerMenu->addSeparator(); addActionToMenu(m_newLayerMenu, "add_new_transparency_mask"); addActionToMenu(m_newLayerMenu, "add_new_filter_mask"); addActionToMenu(m_newLayerMenu, "add_new_colorize_mask"); addActionToMenu(m_newLayerMenu, "add_new_transform_mask"); addActionToMenu(m_newLayerMenu, "add_new_selection_mask"); } } void KisLayerBox::unsetCanvas() { setEnabled(false); if (m_canvas) { m_newLayerMenu->clear(); } m_filteringModel->unsetDummiesFacade(); disconnect(m_image, 0, this, 0); disconnect(m_nodeManager, 0, this, 0); disconnect(m_nodeModel, 0, m_nodeManager, 0); m_nodeManager->slotSetSelectedNodes(KisNodeList()); m_canvas = 0; } void KisLayerBox::notifyImageDeleted() { setCanvas(0); } void KisLayerBox::updateUI() { if (!m_canvas) return; if (!m_nodeManager) return; KisNodeSP activeNode = m_nodeManager->activeNode(); if (activeNode != m_activeNode) { if( !m_activeNode.isNull() ) m_activeNode->disconnect(this); m_activeNode = activeNode; if (activeNode) { KisKeyframeChannel *opacityChannel = activeNode->getKeyframeChannel(KisKeyframeChannel::Opacity.id(), false); if (opacityChannel) { watchOpacityChannel(opacityChannel); } else { watchOpacityChannel(0); connect(activeNode.data(), &KisNode::keyframeChannelAdded, this, &KisLayerBox::slotKeyframeChannelAdded); } } } m_wdgLayerBox->bnRaise->setEnabled(activeNode && activeNode->isEditable(false) && (activeNode->nextSibling() || (activeNode->parent() && activeNode->parent() != m_image->root()))); m_wdgLayerBox->bnLower->setEnabled(activeNode && activeNode->isEditable(false) && (activeNode->prevSibling() || (activeNode->parent() && activeNode->parent() != m_image->root()))); m_wdgLayerBox->doubleOpacity->setEnabled(activeNode && activeNode->isEditable(false)); m_wdgLayerBox->cmbComposite->setEnabled(activeNode && activeNode->isEditable(false)); if (activeNode) { if (m_nodeManager->activePaintDevice()) { slotFillCompositeOps(m_nodeManager->activeColorSpace()); } else { slotFillCompositeOps(m_image->colorSpace()); } if (activeNode->inherits("KisColorizeMask") || activeNode->inherits("KisLayer")) { m_wdgLayerBox->doubleOpacity->setEnabled(true); slotSetOpacity(activeNode->opacity() * 100.0 / 255); const KoCompositeOp* compositeOp = activeNode->compositeOp(); if (compositeOp) { slotSetCompositeOp(compositeOp); } else { m_wdgLayerBox->cmbComposite->setEnabled(false); } const KisGroupLayer *group = qobject_cast(activeNode.data()); bool compositeSelectionActive = !(group && group->passThroughMode()); m_wdgLayerBox->cmbComposite->setEnabled(compositeSelectionActive); } else if (activeNode->inherits("KisMask")) { m_wdgLayerBox->cmbComposite->setEnabled(false); m_wdgLayerBox->doubleOpacity->setEnabled(false); } } } /** * This method is called *only* when non-GUI code requested the * change of the current node */ void KisLayerBox::setCurrentNode(KisNodeSP node) { m_filteringModel->setActiveNode(node); QModelIndex index = node ? m_filteringModel->indexFromNode(node) : QModelIndex(); m_filteringModel->setData(index, true, KisNodeModel::ActiveRole); updateUI(); } void KisLayerBox::slotModelReset() { if(m_nodeModel->hasDummiesFacade()) { QItemSelection selection; Q_FOREACH (const KisNodeSP node, m_nodeManager->selectedNodes()) { const QModelIndex &idx = m_filteringModel->indexFromNode(node); if(idx.isValid()){ QItemSelectionRange selectionRange(idx); selection << selectionRange; } } m_wdgLayerBox->listLayers->selectionModel()->select(selection, QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect); } updateUI(); } void KisLayerBox::slotSetCompositeOp(const KoCompositeOp* compositeOp) { KoID opId = KoCompositeOpRegistry::instance().getKoID(compositeOp->id()); m_wdgLayerBox->cmbComposite->blockSignals(true); m_wdgLayerBox->cmbComposite->selectCompositeOp(opId); m_wdgLayerBox->cmbComposite->blockSignals(false); } void KisLayerBox::slotFillCompositeOps(const KoColorSpace* colorSpace) { m_wdgLayerBox->cmbComposite->validate(colorSpace); } // range: 0-100 void KisLayerBox::slotSetOpacity(double opacity) { Q_ASSERT(opacity >= 0 && opacity <= 100); m_wdgLayerBox->doubleOpacity->blockSignals(true); m_wdgLayerBox->doubleOpacity->setValue(opacity); m_wdgLayerBox->doubleOpacity->blockSignals(false); } void KisLayerBox::slotContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &pos, const QModelIndex &index) { KisNodeList nodes = m_nodeManager->selectedNodes(); KisNodeSP activeNode = m_nodeManager->activeNode(); if (nodes.isEmpty() || !activeNode) return; if (m_canvas) { QMenu menu; const bool singleLayer = nodes.size() == 1; if (index.isValid()) { menu.addAction(m_propertiesAction); if (singleLayer) { addActionToMenu(&menu, "layer_style"); } { KisSignalsBlocker b(m_colorSelector); m_colorSelector->setCurrentIndex(singleLayer ? activeNode->colorLabelIndex() : -1); } menu.addAction(m_colorSelectorAction); menu.addSeparator(); addActionToMenu(&menu, "cut_layer_clipboard"); addActionToMenu(&menu, "copy_layer_clipboard"); addActionToMenu(&menu, "paste_layer_from_clipboard"); menu.addAction(m_removeAction); addActionToMenu(&menu, "duplicatelayer"); addActionToMenu(&menu, "merge_layer"); if (singleLayer) { addActionToMenu(&menu, "flatten_image"); addActionToMenu(&menu, "flatten_layer"); } menu.addSeparator(); QMenu *selectMenu = menu.addMenu(i18n("&Select")); addActionToMenu(selectMenu, "select_all_layers"); addActionToMenu(selectMenu, "select_visible_layers"); addActionToMenu(selectMenu, "select_invisible_layers"); addActionToMenu(selectMenu, "select_locked_layers"); addActionToMenu(selectMenu, "select_unlocked_layers"); QMenu *groupMenu = menu.addMenu(i18n("&Group")); addActionToMenu(groupMenu, "create_quick_group"); addActionToMenu(groupMenu, "create_quick_clipping_group"); addActionToMenu(groupMenu, "quick_ungroup"); if (singleLayer) { QMenu *addLayerMenu = menu.addMenu(i18n("&Add")); addActionToMenu(addLayerMenu, "add_new_transparency_mask"); addActionToMenu(addLayerMenu, "add_new_filter_mask"); addActionToMenu(addLayerMenu, "add_new_colorize_mask"); addActionToMenu(addLayerMenu, "add_new_transform_mask"); addActionToMenu(addLayerMenu, "add_new_selection_mask"); QMenu *convertToMenu = menu.addMenu(i18n("&Convert")); addActionToMenu(convertToMenu, "convert_to_paint_layer"); addActionToMenu(convertToMenu, "convert_to_transparency_mask"); addActionToMenu(convertToMenu, "convert_to_filter_mask"); addActionToMenu(convertToMenu, "convert_to_selection_mask"); QMenu *splitAlphaMenu = menu.addMenu(i18n("S&plit Alpha")); addActionToMenu(splitAlphaMenu, "split_alpha_into_mask"); addActionToMenu(splitAlphaMenu, "split_alpha_write"); addActionToMenu(splitAlphaMenu, "split_alpha_save_merged"); } menu.addSeparator(); if (singleLayer) { addActionToMenu(&menu, "show_in_timeline"); KisNodeSP node = m_filteringModel->nodeFromIndex(index); if (node && !node->inherits("KisTransformMask")) { addActionToMenu(&menu, "isolate_layer"); } menu.addAction(m_selectOpaque); } } menu.exec(pos); } } void KisLayerBox::slotMergeLayer() { if (!m_canvas) return; m_nodeManager->mergeLayer(); } void KisLayerBox::slotMinimalView() { m_wdgLayerBox->listLayers->setDisplayMode(KisNodeView::MinimalMode); } void KisLayerBox::slotDetailedView() { m_wdgLayerBox->listLayers->setDisplayMode(KisNodeView::DetailedMode); } void KisLayerBox::slotThumbnailView() { m_wdgLayerBox->listLayers->setDisplayMode(KisNodeView::ThumbnailMode); } void KisLayerBox::slotRmClicked() { if (!m_canvas) return; m_nodeManager->removeNode(); } void KisLayerBox::slotRaiseClicked() { if (!m_canvas) return; m_nodeManager->raiseNode(); } void KisLayerBox::slotLowerClicked() { if (!m_canvas) return; m_nodeManager->lowerNode(); } void KisLayerBox::slotPropertiesClicked() { if (!m_canvas) return; if (KisNodeSP active = m_nodeManager->activeNode()) { m_nodeManager->nodeProperties(active); } } void KisLayerBox::slotCompositeOpChanged(int index) { Q_UNUSED(index); if (!m_canvas) return; QString compositeOp = m_wdgLayerBox->cmbComposite->selectedCompositeOp().id(); m_nodeManager->nodeCompositeOpChanged(m_nodeManager->activeColorSpace()->compositeOp(compositeOp)); } void KisLayerBox::slotOpacityChanged() { if (!m_canvas) return; m_blockOpacityUpdate = true; m_nodeManager->nodeOpacityChanged(m_newOpacity, true); m_blockOpacityUpdate = false; } void KisLayerBox::slotOpacitySliderMoved(qreal opacity) { m_newOpacity = opacity; m_opacityDelayTimer.start(200); } void KisLayerBox::slotCollapsed(const QModelIndex &index) { KisNodeSP node = m_filteringModel->nodeFromIndex(index); if (node) { node->setCollapsed(true); } } void KisLayerBox::slotExpanded(const QModelIndex &index) { KisNodeSP node = m_filteringModel->nodeFromIndex(index); if (node) { node->setCollapsed(false); } } void KisLayerBox::slotSelectOpaque() { if (!m_canvas) return; QAction *action = m_canvas->viewManager()->actionManager()->actionByName("selectopaque"); if (action) { action->trigger(); } } void KisLayerBox::slotNodeCollapsedChanged() { expandNodesRecursively(m_image->rootLayer(), m_filteringModel, m_wdgLayerBox->listLayers); } inline bool isSelectionMask(KisNodeSP node) { return dynamic_cast(node.data()); } KisNodeSP KisLayerBox::findNonHidableNode(KisNodeSP startNode) { if (isSelectionMask(startNode) && startNode->parent() && !startNode->parent()->parent()) { KisNodeSP node = startNode->prevSibling(); while (node && isSelectionMask(node)) { node = node->prevSibling(); } if (!node) { node = startNode->nextSibling(); while (node && isSelectionMask(node)) { node = node->nextSibling(); } } if (!node) { node = m_image->root()->lastChild(); while (node && isSelectionMask(node)) { node = node->prevSibling(); } } KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(node && "cannot activate any node!"); startNode = node; } return startNode; } void KisLayerBox::slotEditGlobalSelection(bool showSelections) { KisNodeSP lastActiveNode = m_nodeManager->activeNode(); KisNodeSP activateNode = lastActiveNode; if (!showSelections) { activateNode = findNonHidableNode(activateNode); } m_nodeModel->setShowGlobalSelection(showSelections); if (showSelections) { KisNodeSP newMask = m_image->rootLayer()->selectionMask(); if (newMask) { activateNode = newMask; } } if (activateNode) { if (lastActiveNode != activateNode) { m_nodeManager->slotNonUiActivatedNode(activateNode); } else { setCurrentNode(lastActiveNode); } } } void KisLayerBox::selectionChanged(const QModelIndexList selection) { if (!m_nodeManager) return; /** * When the user clears the extended selection by clicking on the * empty area of the docker, the selection should be reset on to * the active layer, which might be even unselected(!). */ if (selection.isEmpty() && m_nodeManager->activeNode()) { QModelIndex selectedIndex = m_filteringModel->indexFromNode(m_nodeManager->activeNode()); m_wdgLayerBox->listLayers->selectionModel()-> setCurrentIndex(selectedIndex, QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect); return; } QList selectedNodes; Q_FOREACH (const QModelIndex &idx, selection) { selectedNodes << m_filteringModel->nodeFromIndex(idx); } m_nodeManager->slotSetSelectedNodes(selectedNodes); updateUI(); } void KisLayerBox::slotAboutToRemoveRows(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end) { /** * Qt has changed its behavior when deleting an item. Previously * the selection priority was on the next item in the list, and * now it has shanged to the previous item. Here we just adjust * the selected item after the node removal. Please take care that * this method overrides what was done by the corresponding method * of QItemSelectionModel, which *has already done* its work. That * is why we use (start - 1) and (end + 1) in the activation * condition. * * See bug: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=345601 */ QModelIndex currentIndex = m_wdgLayerBox->listLayers->currentIndex(); QAbstractItemModel *model = m_filteringModel; if (currentIndex.isValid() && parent == currentIndex.parent() && currentIndex.row() >= start - 1 && currentIndex.row() <= end + 1) { QModelIndex old = currentIndex; if (model && end < model->rowCount(parent) - 1) // there are rows left below the change currentIndex = model->index(end + 1, old.column(), parent); else if (start > 0) // there are rows left above the change currentIndex = model->index(start - 1, old.column(), parent); else // there are no rows left in the table currentIndex = QModelIndex(); if (currentIndex.isValid() && currentIndex != old) { m_wdgLayerBox->listLayers->setCurrentIndex(currentIndex); } } } void KisLayerBox::slotNodeManagerChangedSelection(const KisNodeList &nodes) { if (!m_nodeManager) return; QModelIndexList newSelection; Q_FOREACH(KisNodeSP node, nodes) { newSelection << m_filteringModel->indexFromNode(node); } QItemSelectionModel *model = m_wdgLayerBox->listLayers->selectionModel(); if (KritaUtils::compareListsUnordered(newSelection, model->selectedIndexes())) { return; } QItemSelection selection; Q_FOREACH(const QModelIndex &idx, newSelection) { selection.select(idx, idx); } model->select(selection, QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect); } void KisLayerBox::updateThumbnail() { m_wdgLayerBox->listLayers->updateNode(m_wdgLayerBox->listLayers->currentIndex()); } void KisLayerBox::slotRenameCurrentNode() { m_wdgLayerBox->listLayers->edit(m_wdgLayerBox->listLayers->currentIndex()); } void KisLayerBox::slotColorLabelChanged(int label) { KisNodeList nodes = m_nodeManager->selectedNodes(); Q_FOREACH(KisNodeSP node, nodes) { auto applyLabelFunc = [label](KisNodeSP node) { node->setColorLabelIndex(label); }; KisLayerUtils::recursiveApplyNodes(node, applyLabelFunc); } } void KisLayerBox::updateAvailableLabels() { if (!m_image) return; m_wdgLayerBox->cmbFilter->updateAvailableLabels(m_image->root()); } void KisLayerBox::updateLayerFiltering() { m_filteringModel->setAcceptedLabels(m_wdgLayerBox->cmbFilter->selectedColors()); } void KisLayerBox::slotKeyframeChannelAdded(KisKeyframeChannel *channel) { if (channel->id() == KisKeyframeChannel::Opacity.id()) { watchOpacityChannel(channel); } } void KisLayerBox::watchOpacityChannel(KisKeyframeChannel *channel) { if (m_opacityChannel) { m_opacityChannel->disconnect(this); } m_opacityChannel = channel; if (m_opacityChannel) { connect(m_opacityChannel, SIGNAL(sigKeyframeAdded(KisKeyframeSP)), this, SLOT(slotOpacityKeyframeChanged(KisKeyframeSP))); connect(m_opacityChannel, SIGNAL(sigKeyframeRemoved(KisKeyframeSP)), this, SLOT(slotOpacityKeyframeChanged(KisKeyframeSP))); connect(m_opacityChannel, SIGNAL(sigKeyframeMoved(KisKeyframeSP)), this, SLOT(slotOpacityKeyframeMoved(KisKeyframeSP))); connect(m_opacityChannel, SIGNAL(sigKeyframeChanged(KisKeyframeSP)), this, SLOT(slotOpacityKeyframeChanged(KisKeyframeSP))); } } void KisLayerBox::slotOpacityKeyframeChanged(KisKeyframeSP keyframe) { Q_UNUSED(keyframe); if (m_blockOpacityUpdate) return; updateUI(); } void KisLayerBox::slotOpacityKeyframeMoved(KisKeyframeSP keyframe, int fromTime) { Q_UNUSED(fromTime); slotOpacityKeyframeChanged(keyframe); } void KisLayerBox::slotImageTimeChanged(int time) { Q_UNUSED(time); updateUI(); } #include "moc_kis_layer_box.cpp" diff --git a/plugins/dockers/historydocker/DlgConfigureHistoryDock.cpp b/plugins/dockers/historydocker/DlgConfigureHistoryDock.cpp index 136ec75f48..ba05c7b4fb 100644 --- a/plugins/dockers/historydocker/DlgConfigureHistoryDock.cpp +++ b/plugins/dockers/historydocker/DlgConfigureHistoryDock.cpp @@ -1,74 +1,74 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2016 Boudewijn Rempt * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "DlgConfigureHistoryDock.h" #include #include #include #include #include -DlgConfigureHistoryDock::DlgConfigureHistoryDock(KUndo2QStack *stack, QWidget *parent) +DlgConfigureHistoryDock::DlgConfigureHistoryDock(KisUndoView *view, KUndo2QStack *stack, QWidget *parent) : KoDialog(parent) , m_stack(stack) { setButtons(KoDialog::Close); QWidget *page = new QWidget(this); QFormLayout *form = new QFormLayout(page); QCheckBox *chkCumulative = new QCheckBox(i18n("Enable Cumulative Undo"), page); chkCumulative->setChecked(stack->useCumulativeUndoRedo()); - connect(chkCumulative, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), m_stack, SLOT(toggleCumulativeUndoRedo())); + connect(chkCumulative, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), view, SLOT(toggleCumulativeUndoRedo())); form->addRow(chkCumulative, new QWidget(page)); QLabel *l = new QLabel(i18n("Start merging time"), page); QDoubleSpinBox *s = new KisDoubleParseSpinBox(page); s->setToolTip(i18nc("@info:tooltip", "The amount of time after a merged stroke before merging again")); s->setRange(3,10); s->setValue(m_stack->timeT1()); form->addRow(l, s); s->setEnabled(chkCumulative->isChecked()); connect(chkCumulative, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), s, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); - connect(s, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), m_stack, SLOT(setStackT1(double))); + connect(s, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), view, SLOT(setStackT1(double))); QLabel *l1 = new QLabel(i18n("Group time")); QDoubleSpinBox *s1 = new KisDoubleParseSpinBox(); s1->setToolTip(i18nc("@info:tooltip", "The amount of time every stroke should be apart from its previous stroke to be classified in one group")); s1->setRange(0.3,s->value()); s1->setValue(m_stack->timeT2()); form->addRow(l1, s1); s1->setEnabled(chkCumulative->isChecked()); connect(chkCumulative, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), s1, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); - connect(s1, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), m_stack, SLOT(setStackT2(double))); + connect(s1, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), view, SLOT(setStackT2(double))); QLabel *l2 = new QLabel(i18n("Split Strokes")); QSpinBox *s2 = new KisIntParseSpinBox(); s2->setToolTip(i18nc("@info:tooltip", "The number of last strokes which Krita should store separately")); s2->setRange(1,m_stack->undoLimit()); s2->setValue(m_stack->strokesN()); form->addRow(l2, s2); s2->setEnabled(chkCumulative->isChecked()); connect(chkCumulative, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), s2, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); - connect(s2,SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),SLOT(setStackN(int))); + connect(s2,SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),SLOT(view(int))); setMainWidget(page); } diff --git a/plugins/dockers/historydocker/DlgConfigureHistoryDock.h b/plugins/dockers/historydocker/DlgConfigureHistoryDock.h index 2b5f8414e9..9f2545d8db 100644 --- a/plugins/dockers/historydocker/DlgConfigureHistoryDock.h +++ b/plugins/dockers/historydocker/DlgConfigureHistoryDock.h @@ -1,37 +1,38 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2016 Boudewijn Rempt * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef DLGCONFIGUREHISTORYDOCK_H #define DLGCONFIGUREHISTORYDOCK_H #include #include #include #include +#include class DlgConfigureHistoryDock : public KoDialog { Q_OBJECT public: - DlgConfigureHistoryDock(KUndo2QStack *stack, QWidget *parent = 0); + DlgConfigureHistoryDock(KisUndoView *view, KUndo2QStack *stack, QWidget *parent = 0); private: KUndo2QStack *m_stack; }; #endif // DLGCONFIGUREHISTORYDOCK_H diff --git a/plugins/dockers/historydocker/HistoryDock.cpp b/plugins/dockers/historydocker/HistoryDock.cpp index d100ae4e33..f253d7f001 100644 --- a/plugins/dockers/historydocker/HistoryDock.cpp +++ b/plugins/dockers/historydocker/HistoryDock.cpp @@ -1,75 +1,75 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project * Copyright (C) 2010 Matus Talcik * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "HistoryDock.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include HistoryDock::HistoryDock() : QDockWidget() , m_historyCanvas(0) { QWidget *page = new QWidget(this); QVBoxLayout *vl = new QVBoxLayout(page); m_undoView = new KisUndoView(this); vl->addWidget(m_undoView); QHBoxLayout *hl = new QHBoxLayout(page); hl->addSpacerItem(new QSpacerItem(10, 1, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed)); m_bnConfigure = new QToolButton(page); m_bnConfigure->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("configure")); connect(m_bnConfigure, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), SLOT(configure())); hl->addWidget(m_bnConfigure); vl->addItem(hl); setWidget(page); setWindowTitle(i18n("Undo History")); } void HistoryDock::setCanvas(KoCanvasBase *canvas) { setEnabled(canvas != 0); KisCanvas2* myCanvas = dynamic_cast( canvas ); if (myCanvas) { KUndo2Stack* undoStack = canvas->shapeController()->resourceManager()->undoStack(); m_undoView->setStack(undoStack); KisConfig cfg; m_undoView->stack()->setUseCumulativeUndoRedo(cfg.useCumulativeUndoRedo()); m_undoView->stack()->setTimeT1(cfg.stackT1()); m_undoView->stack()->setTimeT2(cfg.stackT2()); m_undoView->stack()->setStrokesN(cfg.stackN()); } m_undoView->setCanvas( myCanvas ); } void HistoryDock::configure() { - DlgConfigureHistoryDock dlg(m_undoView->stack(), this); + DlgConfigureHistoryDock dlg(m_undoView, m_undoView->stack(), this); dlg.exec(); } diff --git a/plugins/extensions/animationrenderer/AnimationRenderer.cpp b/plugins/extensions/animationrenderer/AnimationRenderer.cpp index 82137dc745..6ee8680e19 100644 --- a/plugins/extensions/animationrenderer/AnimationRenderer.cpp +++ b/plugins/extensions/animationrenderer/AnimationRenderer.cpp @@ -1,177 +1,180 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2016 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "AnimationRenderer.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "DlgAnimationRenderer.h" K_PLUGIN_FACTORY_WITH_JSON(AnimaterionRendererFactory, "kritaanimationrenderer.json", registerPlugin();) AnimaterionRenderer::AnimaterionRenderer(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &) : KisViewPlugin(parent) { // Shows the big dialog KisAction *action = createAction("render_animation"); action->setActivationFlags(KisAction::IMAGE_HAS_ANIMATION); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotRenderAnimation())); // Re-renders the image sequence as defined in the last render action = createAction("render_image_sequence_again"); action->setActivationFlags(KisAction::IMAGE_HAS_ANIMATION); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotRenderSequenceAgain())); } AnimaterionRenderer::~AnimaterionRenderer() { } void AnimaterionRenderer::slotRenderAnimation() { KisImageWSP image = m_view->image(); if (!image) return; if (!image->animationInterface()->hasAnimation()) return; KisDocument *doc = m_view->document(); doc->setFileProgressProxy(); doc->setFileProgressUpdater(i18n("Export frames")); DlgAnimationRenderer dlgAnimationRenderer(doc, m_view->mainWindow()); dlgAnimationRenderer.setCaption(i18n("Render Animation")); KisConfig kisConfig; KisPropertiesConfigurationSP cfg = new KisPropertiesConfiguration(); cfg->fromXML(kisConfig.exportConfiguration("IMAGESEQUENCE")); dlgAnimationRenderer.setSequenceConfiguration(cfg); cfg->clearProperties(); cfg->fromXML(kisConfig.exportConfiguration("ANIMATION_RENDERER")); dlgAnimationRenderer.setVideoConfiguration(cfg); cfg->clearProperties(); cfg->fromXML(kisConfig.exportConfiguration("FFMPEG_CONFIG")); dlgAnimationRenderer.setEncoderConfiguration(cfg); + // update the UI to show the selected export options + dlgAnimationRenderer.updateExportUIOptions(); + if (dlgAnimationRenderer.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { KisPropertiesConfigurationSP sequenceConfig = dlgAnimationRenderer.getSequenceConfiguration(); kisConfig.setExportConfiguration("IMAGESEQUENCE", sequenceConfig); QString mimetype = sequenceConfig->getString("mimetype"); QString extension = KisMimeDatabase::suffixesForMimeType(mimetype).first(); QString baseFileName = QString("%1/%2.%3").arg(sequenceConfig->getString("directory")) .arg(sequenceConfig->getString("basename")) .arg(extension); KisAnimationExportSaver exporter(doc, baseFileName, sequenceConfig->getInt("first_frame"), sequenceConfig->getInt("last_frame"), sequenceConfig->getInt("sequence_start")); bool success = exporter.exportAnimation(dlgAnimationRenderer.getFrameExportConfiguration()) == KisImportExportFilter::OK; // the folder could have been read-only or something else could happen if (success) { QString savedFilesMask = exporter.savedFilesMask(); KisPropertiesConfigurationSP videoConfig = dlgAnimationRenderer.getVideoConfiguration(); if (videoConfig) { kisConfig.setExportConfiguration("ANIMATION_RENDERER", videoConfig); KisPropertiesConfigurationSP encoderConfig = dlgAnimationRenderer.getEncoderConfiguration(); if (encoderConfig) { kisConfig.setExportConfiguration("FFMPEG_CONFIG", encoderConfig); encoderConfig->setProperty("savedFilesMask", savedFilesMask); } QSharedPointer encoder = dlgAnimationRenderer.encoderFilter(); encoder->setMimeType(mimetype.toLatin1()); QFile fi(videoConfig->getString("filename")); KisImportExportFilter::ConversionStatus res; if (!fi.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { qWarning() << "Could not open" << fi.fileName() << "for writing!"; res = KisImportExportFilter::CreationError; } else { encoder->setFilename(fi.fileName()); res = encoder->convert(doc, &fi, encoderConfig); fi.close(); } if (res != KisImportExportFilter::OK) { QMessageBox::critical(0, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("Could not render animation:\n%1", doc->errorMessage())); } if (videoConfig->getBool("delete_sequence", false)) { QDir d(sequenceConfig->getString("directory")); QStringList sequenceFiles = d.entryList(QStringList() << sequenceConfig->getString("basename") + "*." + extension, QDir::Files); Q_FOREACH(const QString &f, sequenceFiles) { d.remove(f); } } } } } doc->clearFileProgressUpdater(); doc->clearFileProgressProxy(); } void AnimaterionRenderer::slotRenderSequenceAgain() { KisImageWSP image = m_view->image(); if (!image) return; if (!image->animationInterface()->hasAnimation()) return; KisDocument *doc = m_view->document(); doc->setFileProgressProxy(); doc->setFileProgressUpdater(i18n("Export frames")); KisConfig kisConfig; KisPropertiesConfigurationSP cfg = new KisPropertiesConfiguration(); cfg->fromXML(kisConfig.exportConfiguration("IMAGESEQUENCE")); QString mimetype = cfg->getString("mimetype"); QString extension = KisMimeDatabase::suffixesForMimeType(mimetype).first(); QString baseFileName = QString("%1/%2.%3").arg(cfg->getString("directory")) .arg(cfg->getString("basename")) .arg(extension); KisAnimationExportSaver exporter(doc, baseFileName, cfg->getInt("first_frame"), cfg->getInt("last_frame"), cfg->getInt("sequence_start")); bool success = exporter.exportAnimation(); Q_ASSERT(success); doc->clearFileProgressUpdater(); doc->clearFileProgressProxy(); } #include "AnimationRenderer.moc" diff --git a/plugins/extensions/animationrenderer/DlgAnimationRenderer.cpp b/plugins/extensions/animationrenderer/DlgAnimationRenderer.cpp index 4b9cc22526..1f2131a976 100644 --- a/plugins/extensions/animationrenderer/DlgAnimationRenderer.cpp +++ b/plugins/extensions/animationrenderer/DlgAnimationRenderer.cpp @@ -1,443 +1,506 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2016 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "DlgAnimationRenderer.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include DlgAnimationRenderer::DlgAnimationRenderer(KisDocument *doc, QWidget *parent) : KoDialog(parent) , m_image(doc->image()) , m_doc(doc) , m_defaultFileName(QFileInfo(doc->url().toLocalFile()).completeBaseName()) { KisConfig cfg; setCaption(i18n("Render Animation")); setButtons(Ok | Cancel); setDefaultButton(Ok); if (m_defaultFileName.isEmpty()) { m_defaultFileName = i18n("Untitled"); } m_page = new WdgAnimaterionRenderer(this); m_page->layout()->setMargin(0); + m_page->dirRequester->setMode(KoFileDialog::OpenDirectory); QString lastLocation = cfg.readEntry("AnimationRenderer/last_sequence_export_location", QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::PicturesLocation)); m_page->dirRequester->setFileName(lastLocation); m_page->intStart->setMinimum(doc->image()->animationInterface()->fullClipRange().start()); m_page->intStart->setMaximum(doc->image()->animationInterface()->fullClipRange().end()); m_page->intStart->setValue(doc->image()->animationInterface()->playbackRange().start()); m_page->intEnd->setMinimum(doc->image()->animationInterface()->fullClipRange().start()); m_page->intEnd->setMaximum(doc->image()->animationInterface()->fullClipRange().end()); m_page->intEnd->setValue(doc->image()->animationInterface()->playbackRange().end()); QFileInfo audioFileInfo(doc->image()->animationInterface()->audioChannelFileName()); const bool hasAudio = audioFileInfo.exists(); m_page->chkIncludeAudio->setEnabled(hasAudio); m_page->chkIncludeAudio->setChecked(hasAudio && !doc->image()->animationInterface()->isAudioMuted()); QStringList mimes = KisImportExportManager::mimeFilter(KisImportExportManager::Export); mimes.sort(); Q_FOREACH(const QString &mime, mimes) { QString description = KisMimeDatabase::descriptionForMimeType(mime); if (description.isEmpty()) { description = mime; } m_page->cmbMimetype->addItem(description, mime); if (mime == "image/png") { m_page->cmbMimetype->setCurrentIndex(m_page->cmbMimetype->count() - 1); } } setMainWidget(m_page); - resize(m_page->sizeHint()); KoJsonTrader trader; QListlist = trader.query("Krita/AnimationExporter", ""); Q_FOREACH(QPluginLoader *loader, list) { QJsonObject json = loader->metaData().value("MetaData").toObject(); QStringList mimetypes = json.value("X-KDE-Export").toString().split(","); Q_FOREACH(const QString &mime, mimetypes) { KLibFactory *factory = qobject_cast(loader->instance()); if (!factory) { warnUI << loader->errorString(); continue; } QObject* obj = factory->create(0); if (!obj || !obj->inherits("KisImportExportFilter")) { delete obj; continue; } QSharedPointerfilter(static_cast(obj)); if (!filter) { delete obj; continue; } m_renderFilters.append(filter); QString description = KisMimeDatabase::descriptionForMimeType(mime); if (description.isEmpty()) { description = mime; } m_page->cmbRenderType->addItem(description, mime); } } m_page->videoFilename->setMode(KoFileDialog::SaveFile); m_page->videoFilename->setStartDir(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::PicturesLocation)); qDeleteAll(list); - connect(m_page->grpRender, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(toggleSequenceType(bool))); connect(m_page->bnExportOptions, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(sequenceMimeTypeSelected())); connect(m_page->bnRenderOptions, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(selectRenderOptions())); m_page->ffmpegLocation->setFileName(findFFMpeg()); m_page->ffmpegLocation->setMode(KoFileDialog::OpenFile); connect(m_page->ffmpegLocation, SIGNAL(fileSelected(QString)), this, SLOT(ffmpegLocationChanged(QString))); - m_page->grpRender->setChecked(cfg.readEntry("AnimationRenderer/render_animation", false)); - m_page->chkDeleteSequence->setChecked(cfg.readEntry("AnimationRenderer/delete_sequence", false)); m_page->cmbRenderType->setCurrentIndex(cfg.readEntry("AnimationRenderer/render_type", 0)); + + connect(m_page->shouldExportOnlyImageSequence, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotExportTypeChanged())); + connect(m_page->shouldExportOnlyVideo, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotExportTypeChanged())); + connect(m_page->shouldExportAll, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotExportTypeChanged())); + + updateExportUIOptions(); + // connect and cold init connect(m_page->cmbRenderType, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(selectRenderType(int))); selectRenderType(m_page->cmbRenderType->currentIndex()); + + resize(m_page->sizeHint()); } DlgAnimationRenderer::~DlgAnimationRenderer() { KisConfig cfg; - cfg.writeEntry("AnimationRenderer/render_animation", m_page->grpRender->isChecked()); + cfg.writeEntry("AnimationRenderer/last_sequence_export_location", m_page->dirRequester->fileName()); cfg.writeEntry("AnimationRenderer/render_type", m_page->cmbRenderType->currentIndex()); - cfg.writeEntry("AnimationRenderer/delete_sequence", m_page->chkDeleteSequence->isChecked()); cfg.setCustomFFMpegPath(m_page->ffmpegLocation->fileName()); if (m_encoderConfigWidget) { m_encoderConfigWidget->setParent(0); m_encoderConfigWidget->deleteLater(); } if (m_frameExportConfigWidget) { m_frameExportConfigWidget->setParent(0); m_frameExportConfigWidget->deleteLater(); } delete m_page; } KisPropertiesConfigurationSP DlgAnimationRenderer::getSequenceConfiguration() const { KisPropertiesConfigurationSP cfg = new KisPropertiesConfiguration(); cfg->setProperty("basename", m_page->txtBasename->text()); cfg->setProperty("last_document_path", m_doc->localFilePath()); cfg->setProperty("directory", m_page->dirRequester->fileName()); cfg->setProperty("first_frame", m_page->intStart->value()); cfg->setProperty("last_frame", m_page->intEnd->value()); cfg->setProperty("sequence_start", m_page->sequenceStart->value()); cfg->setProperty("mimetype", m_page->cmbMimetype->currentData().toString()); return cfg; } void DlgAnimationRenderer::setSequenceConfiguration(KisPropertiesConfigurationSP cfg) { m_page->txtBasename->setText(cfg->getString("basename", "frame")); if (cfg->getString("last_document_path") != m_doc->localFilePath()) { cfg->removeProperty("first_frame"); cfg->removeProperty("last_frame"); cfg->removeProperty("sequence_start"); } m_page->dirRequester->setFileName(cfg->getString("directory", QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::PicturesLocation))); m_page->intStart->setValue(cfg->getInt("first_frame", m_image->animationInterface()->playbackRange().start())); m_page->intEnd->setValue(cfg->getInt("last_frame", m_image->animationInterface()->playbackRange().end())); m_page->sequenceStart->setValue(cfg->getInt("sequence_start", m_image->animationInterface()->playbackRange().start())); QString mimetype = cfg->getString("mimetype"); for (int i = 0; i < m_page->cmbMimetype->count(); ++i) { if (m_page->cmbMimetype->itemData(i).toString() == mimetype) { m_page->cmbMimetype->setCurrentIndex(i); break; } } } KisPropertiesConfigurationSP DlgAnimationRenderer::getFrameExportConfiguration() const { if (m_frameExportConfigWidget) { KisPropertiesConfigurationSP cfg = m_frameExportConfigWidget->configuration(); cfg->setProperty("basename", m_page->txtBasename->text()); cfg->setProperty("directory", m_page->dirRequester->fileName()); cfg->setProperty("first_frame", m_page->intStart->value()); cfg->setProperty("last_frame", m_page->intEnd->value()); cfg->setProperty("sequence_start", m_page->sequenceStart->value()); cfg->setProperty("ffmpeg_path", m_page->ffmpegLocation->fileName()); return m_frameExportConfigWidget->configuration(); } return 0; } -bool DlgAnimationRenderer::renderToVideo() const -{ - return m_page->grpRender->isChecked(); -} - KisPropertiesConfigurationSP DlgAnimationRenderer::getVideoConfiguration() const { - if (!m_page->grpRender->isChecked()) { + // don't continue if we are only exporting image sequence + if (m_page->shouldExportOnlyImageSequence->isChecked()) { return 0; } + KisPropertiesConfigurationSP cfg = new KisPropertiesConfiguration(); QString filename = m_page->videoFilename->fileName(); if (QFileInfo(filename).completeSuffix().isEmpty()) { QString mimetype = m_page->cmbRenderType->itemData(m_page->cmbRenderType->currentIndex()).toString(); filename += "." + KisMimeDatabase::suffixesForMimeType(mimetype).first(); } cfg->setProperty("filename", filename); - cfg->setProperty("delete_sequence", m_page->chkDeleteSequence->isChecked()); cfg->setProperty("first_frame", m_page->intStart->value()); cfg->setProperty("last_frame", m_page->intEnd->value()); cfg->setProperty("sequence_start", m_page->sequenceStart->value()); + + + // delete image sequence if we are only exporting out video + cfg->setProperty("delete_sequence", m_page->shouldExportOnlyVideo->isChecked()); + + return cfg; } void DlgAnimationRenderer::setVideoConfiguration(KisPropertiesConfigurationSP /*cfg*/) { } KisPropertiesConfigurationSP DlgAnimationRenderer::getEncoderConfiguration() const { - if (!m_page->grpRender->isChecked()) { + // don't continue if we are only exporting image sequence + if (m_page->shouldExportOnlyImageSequence->isChecked()) { return 0; } + KisPropertiesConfigurationSP cfg = new KisPropertiesConfiguration(); if (m_encoderConfigWidget) { cfg = m_encoderConfigWidget->configuration(); } cfg->setProperty("mimetype", m_page->cmbRenderType->currentData().toString()); cfg->setProperty("directory", m_page->dirRequester->fileName()); cfg->setProperty("first_frame", m_page->intStart->value()); cfg->setProperty("last_frame", m_page->intEnd->value()); cfg->setProperty("sequence_start", m_page->sequenceStart->value()); cfg->setProperty("include_audio", m_page->chkIncludeAudio->isChecked()); return cfg; } void DlgAnimationRenderer::setEncoderConfiguration(KisPropertiesConfigurationSP /*cfg*/) { } QSharedPointer DlgAnimationRenderer::encoderFilter() const { if (m_page->cmbRenderType->currentIndex() < m_renderFilters.size()) { return m_renderFilters[m_page->cmbRenderType->currentIndex()]; } return QSharedPointer(0); } void DlgAnimationRenderer::selectRenderType(int index) { if (index >= m_renderFilters.size()) return; QString mimetype = m_page->cmbRenderType->itemData(index).toString(); if (!m_page->videoFilename->fileName().isEmpty() && QFileInfo(m_page->videoFilename->fileName()).completeBaseName() != m_defaultFileName) { m_defaultFileName = QFileInfo(m_page->videoFilename->fileName()).completeBaseName(); } m_page->videoFilename->setMimeTypeFilters(QStringList() << mimetype, mimetype); m_page->videoFilename->setFileName(m_defaultFileName + "." + KisMimeDatabase::suffixesForMimeType(mimetype).first()); } void DlgAnimationRenderer::selectRenderOptions() { int index = m_page->cmbRenderType->currentIndex(); if (m_encoderConfigWidget) { m_encoderConfigWidget->deleteLater(); m_encoderConfigWidget = 0; } if (index >= m_renderFilters.size()) return; QSharedPointer filter = m_renderFilters[index]; QString mimetype = m_page->cmbRenderType->itemData(index).toString(); if (filter) { m_encoderConfigWidget = filter->createConfigurationWidget(0, KisDocument::nativeFormatMimeType(), mimetype.toLatin1()); if (m_encoderConfigWidget) { m_encoderConfigWidget->setConfiguration(filter->lastSavedConfiguration("", mimetype.toLatin1())); KoDialog dlg(this); dlg.setMainWidget(m_encoderConfigWidget); dlg.setButtons(KoDialog::Ok | KoDialog::Cancel); if (!dlg.exec()) { m_encoderConfigWidget->setConfiguration(filter->lastSavedConfiguration()); } dlg.setMainWidget(0); m_encoderConfigWidget->hide(); m_encoderConfigWidget->setParent(0); } } else { m_encoderConfigWidget = 0; } } -void DlgAnimationRenderer::toggleSequenceType(bool toggle) -{ - m_page->cmbMimetype->setEnabled(!toggle); - for (int i = 0; i < m_page->cmbMimetype->count(); ++i) { - if (m_page->cmbMimetype->itemData(i).toString() == "image/png") { - m_page->cmbMimetype->setCurrentIndex(i); - break; - } - } -} - void DlgAnimationRenderer::sequenceMimeTypeSelected() { int index = m_page->cmbMimetype->currentIndex(); if (m_frameExportConfigWidget) { m_frameExportConfigWidget->deleteLater(); m_frameExportConfigWidget = 0; } QString mimetype = m_page->cmbMimetype->itemData(index).toString(); QSharedPointer filter(KisImportExportManager::filterForMimeType(mimetype, KisImportExportManager::Export)); if (filter) { m_frameExportConfigWidget = filter->createConfigurationWidget(0, KisDocument::nativeFormatMimeType(), mimetype.toLatin1()); if (m_frameExportConfigWidget) { m_frameExportConfigWidget->setConfiguration(filter->lastSavedConfiguration("", mimetype.toLatin1())); KoDialog dlg(this); dlg.setMainWidget(m_frameExportConfigWidget); dlg.setButtons(KoDialog::Ok | KoDialog::Cancel); if (!dlg.exec()) { m_frameExportConfigWidget->setConfiguration(filter->lastSavedConfiguration()); } m_frameExportConfigWidget->hide(); m_frameExportConfigWidget->setParent(0); dlg.setMainWidget(0); } } } void DlgAnimationRenderer::ffmpegLocationChanged(const QString &s) { KisConfig cfg; cfg.setCustomFFMpegPath(s); } +void DlgAnimationRenderer::updateExportUIOptions() { + + KisConfig cfg; + + // read in what type to export to. Defaults to image sequence only + QString exportType = cfg.readEntry("AnimationRenderer/export_type", "ImageSequence"); + if (exportType == "ImageSequence") { + m_page->shouldExportOnlyImageSequence->setChecked(true); + } else if (exportType == "Video") { + m_page->shouldExportOnlyVideo->setChecked(true); + } else { + m_page->shouldExportAll->setChecked(true); // export to both + } +} + void DlgAnimationRenderer::slotButtonClicked(int button) { - if (button == KoDialog::Ok && m_page->grpRender->isChecked()) { + if (button == KoDialog::Ok && !m_page->shouldExportOnlyImageSequence->isChecked()) { QString ffmpeg = m_page->ffmpegLocation->fileName(); if (m_page->videoFilename->fileName().isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::warning(this, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("Please enter a file name to render to.")); return; } else if (ffmpeg.isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::warning(this, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("The location of FFmpeg is unknown. Please install FFmpeg first: Krita cannot render animations without FFmpeg. (www.ffmpeg.org)")); return; } else { QFileInfo fi(ffmpeg); if (!fi.exists()) { QMessageBox::warning(this, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("The location of FFmpeg is invalid. Please select the correct location of the FFmpeg executable on your system.")); return; } } } KoDialog::slotButtonClicked(button); } QString DlgAnimationRenderer::findFFMpeg() { QString result; QStringList proposedPaths; QString customPath = KisConfig().customFFMpegPath(); proposedPaths << customPath; proposedPaths << customPath + QDir::separator() + "ffmpeg"; proposedPaths << QDir::homePath() + "/bin/ffmpeg"; proposedPaths << "/usr/bin/ffmpeg"; proposedPaths << "/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg"; proposedPaths << KoResourcePaths::getApplicationRoot() + QDir::separator() + "bin" + QDir::separator() + "ffmpeg"; Q_FOREACH (const QString &path, proposedPaths) { if (path.isEmpty()) continue; QProcess testProcess; testProcess.start(path, QStringList() << "-version"); testProcess.waitForFinished(1000); const bool successfulStart = testProcess.state() == QProcess::NotRunning && testProcess.error() == QProcess::UnknownError; if (successfulStart) { result = path; break; } } return result; } +void DlgAnimationRenderer::slotExportTypeChanged() +{ + KisConfig cfg; + + // if a video format needs to be outputted + if (m_page->shouldExportAll->isChecked() || m_page->shouldExportOnlyVideo->isChecked()) { + + // videos always uses PNG for creating video, so disable the ability to change the format + m_page->cmbMimetype->setEnabled(false); + for (int i = 0; i < m_page->cmbMimetype->count(); ++i) { + if (m_page->cmbMimetype->itemData(i).toString() == "image/png") { + m_page->cmbMimetype->setCurrentIndex(i); + break; + } + } + } + + // if only exporting video + if (m_page->shouldExportOnlyVideo) { + m_page->cmbMimetype->setEnabled(false); // allow to change image format + m_page->imageSequenceOptionsGroup->setVisible(false); + m_page->videoOptionsGroup->setVisible(false); //shrinks the horizontal space temporarily to help resize() work + m_page->videoOptionsGroup->setVisible(true); + + cfg.writeEntry("AnimationRenderer/export_type", "Video"); + } + + + // if only an image sequence needs to be output + if (m_page->shouldExportOnlyImageSequence->isChecked()) { + m_page->cmbMimetype->setEnabled(true); // allow to change image format + m_page->videoOptionsGroup->setVisible(false); + m_page->imageSequenceOptionsGroup->setVisible(true); + + cfg.writeEntry("AnimationRenderer/export_type", "ImageSequence"); + } + + // show all options + if (m_page->shouldExportAll->isChecked() ) { + m_page->imageSequenceOptionsGroup->setVisible(true); + m_page->videoOptionsGroup->setVisible(true); + + cfg.writeEntry("AnimationRenderer/export_type", "VideoAndImageSequence"); + } + + + // for the resize to work as expected, try to hide elements first before displaying other ones. + // if the widget gets bigger at any point, the resize will use that, even if elements are hidden later to make it smaller + resize(m_page->sizeHint()); +} diff --git a/plugins/extensions/animationrenderer/DlgAnimationRenderer.h b/plugins/extensions/animationrenderer/DlgAnimationRenderer.h index 6861fb41f3..d8b60344a0 100644 --- a/plugins/extensions/animationrenderer/DlgAnimationRenderer.h +++ b/plugins/extensions/animationrenderer/DlgAnimationRenderer.h @@ -1,96 +1,99 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2016 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef DLG_ANIMATIONRENDERERIMAGE #define DLG_ANIMATIONRENDERERIMAGE #include #include #include "ui_wdg_animationrenderer.h" #include #include class KisDocument; class KisImportExportFilter; class KisConfigWidget; class QHBoxLayout; class WdgAnimaterionRenderer : public QWidget, public Ui::WdgAnimaterionRenderer { Q_OBJECT public: WdgAnimaterionRenderer(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { setupUi(this); } }; class DlgAnimationRenderer: public KoDialog { Q_OBJECT public: DlgAnimationRenderer(KisDocument *doc, QWidget *parent = 0); ~DlgAnimationRenderer(); KisPropertiesConfigurationSP getSequenceConfiguration() const; void setSequenceConfiguration(KisPropertiesConfigurationSP cfg); KisPropertiesConfigurationSP getFrameExportConfiguration() const; - bool renderToVideo() const; - KisPropertiesConfigurationSP getVideoConfiguration() const; void setVideoConfiguration(KisPropertiesConfigurationSP cfg); KisPropertiesConfigurationSP getEncoderConfiguration() const; void setEncoderConfiguration(KisPropertiesConfigurationSP cfg); QSharedPointer encoderFilter() const; + // fires when the render animation action is called. makes sure the correct export type is selected for the UI + void updateExportUIOptions(); + private Q_SLOTS: void selectRenderType(int i); void selectRenderOptions(); - void toggleSequenceType(bool toggle); void sequenceMimeTypeSelected(); void ffmpegLocationChanged(const QString&); + void slotExportTypeChanged(); + + protected Q_SLOTS: void slotButtonClicked(int button); private: static QString findFFMpeg(); KisImageSP m_image; KisDocument *m_doc; WdgAnimaterionRenderer *m_page {0}; QList> m_renderFilters; KisConfigWidget *m_encoderConfigWidget {0}; KisConfigWidget *m_frameExportConfigWidget {0}; QString m_defaultFileName; }; #endif // DLG_ANIMATIONRENDERERIMAGE diff --git a/plugins/extensions/animationrenderer/wdg_animationrenderer.ui b/plugins/extensions/animationrenderer/wdg_animationrenderer.ui index 4364bdf2dc..77ad96bac6 100644 --- a/plugins/extensions/animationrenderer/wdg_animationrenderer.ui +++ b/plugins/extensions/animationrenderer/wdg_animationrenderer.ui @@ -1,289 +1,401 @@ WdgAnimaterionRenderer 0 0 - 444 - 443 + 904 + 309 + + + 0 + 0 + + AnimationRenderer Image - - - - - Image Sequence + + + 18 + + + + + 20 + + + 0 + + + + + Export: + + + + + + + Image Sequence + + + + + + + Video + + + + + + + Both + + + + + + + Qt::Horizontal + + + + 40 + 20 + + + + + + + + + + 20 + + + + + First frame: + + + + + + + + 1 + 0 + + + + + + + + Last frame: + + + + + + + + 1 + 0 + + + + + + + + Qt::Horizontal + + + + 40 + 20 + + + + + + + + + + 25 - - - - - Base name: - - - - - - - frame - - - - - - - Fi&le format: - - - label_8 - - - - - + + + + + 0 + 0 + + + + Video Options + + - - - - 2 - 0 - - - - Select the file format for the image sequence. If you want to render to video or animated gif, you can only select PNG - - + + + + + Render as: + + + Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Select the ffmpeg render options. + + + ... + + + + + + + + + Video Location: + + + Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter + + + + + + + + 1 + 0 + + + + + + + + FF&Mpeg: + + + Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter + + + ffmpegLocation + + + + + + + + 0 + 0 + + + + Include Audio + + + + - - - Select the frame export options + + + Qt::Vertical - - ... + + + 20 + 10 + - + - - - - - Render location: - - - - - - - - 1 - 0 - - - - - - - - First frame: - - - - - - - - 1 - 0 - - - - - - - - Last frame: - - - - - - - - 1 - 0 - - - - - - + + + + + + Image Sequence Options + + - - - Naming sequence starts with: - - + + + + + + 0 + 0 + + + + Base name: + + + Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter + + + + + + + + + + 2 + 0 + + + + Select the file format for the image sequence. If you want to render to video or animated gif, you can only select PNG + + + + + + + Select the frame export options + + + ... + + + + + + + + + + 1 + 0 + + + + + + + + Fi&le format: + + + Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter + + + label_8 + + + + + + + + 1 + 0 + + + + + + + + Image location: + + + Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter + + + + + + + frame + + + + + + + Start numbering at: + + + + - - - - 1 - 0 - + + + Qt::Vertical + + + + 20 + 10 + - + - - - - - Qt::Vertical - - - - 20 - 40 - - - - - - + + + - - - - - 0 - 1 - + + + + Qt::Vertical - - Render + + + 20 + 10 + - - true - - - false - - - - - - Render as: - - - - - - - - - - - - Select the ffmpeg render options. - - - ... - - - - - - - - - File: - - - - - - - - 1 - 0 - - - - - - - - FF&Mpeg: - - - ffmpegLocation - - - - - - - - - - Delete Sequence After Rendering - - - true - - - - - - - Qt::Vertical - - - - 20 - 40 - - - - - - - - Include Audio - - - - - + KisFileNameRequester QWidget
- txtBasename cmbMimetype - intStart - intEnd - sequenceStart - grpRender cmbRenderType - chkDeleteSequence
diff --git a/plugins/extensions/resourcemanager/dlg_bundle_manager.cpp b/plugins/extensions/resourcemanager/dlg_bundle_manager.cpp index b099d8fdf1..8d444ef860 100644 --- a/plugins/extensions/resourcemanager/dlg_bundle_manager.cpp +++ b/plugins/extensions/resourcemanager/dlg_bundle_manager.cpp @@ -1,392 +1,394 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2014 Victor Lafon metabolic.ewilan@hotmail.fr * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "dlg_bundle_manager.h" #include "ui_wdgdlgbundlemanager.h" #include "resourcemanager.h" #include "dlg_create_bundle.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_action.h" #include #define ICON_SIZE 48 DlgBundleManager::DlgBundleManager(ResourceManager *resourceManager, KisActionManager* actionMgr, QWidget *parent) : KoDialog(parent) , m_page(new QWidget()) , m_ui(new Ui::WdgDlgBundleManager) , m_currentBundle(0) , m_resourceManager(resourceManager) { setCaption(i18n("Manage Resource Bundles")); m_ui->setupUi(m_page); setMainWidget(m_page); resize(m_page->sizeHint()); setButtons(Ok | Cancel); setDefaultButton(Ok); m_ui->listActive->setIconSize(QSize(ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE)); - m_ui->listActive->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection); + m_ui->listActive->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection); connect(m_ui->listActive, SIGNAL(currentItemChanged(QListWidgetItem*,QListWidgetItem*)), SLOT(itemSelected(QListWidgetItem*,QListWidgetItem*))); connect(m_ui->listActive, SIGNAL(itemClicked(QListWidgetItem*)), SLOT(itemSelected(QListWidgetItem*))); m_ui->listInactive->setIconSize(QSize(ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE)); - m_ui->listInactive->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection); + m_ui->listInactive->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection); connect(m_ui->listInactive, SIGNAL(currentItemChanged(QListWidgetItem*,QListWidgetItem*)), SLOT(itemSelected(QListWidgetItem*,QListWidgetItem*))); connect(m_ui->listInactive, SIGNAL(itemClicked(QListWidgetItem*)), SLOT(itemSelected(QListWidgetItem*))); m_ui->bnAdd->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("arrow-right")); connect(m_ui->bnAdd, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(addSelected())); m_ui->bnRemove->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("arrow-left")); connect(m_ui->bnRemove, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(removeSelected())); m_ui->listBundleContents->setHeaderLabel(i18n("Resource")); m_ui->listBundleContents->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::NoSelection); m_actionManager = actionMgr; refreshListData(); connect(m_ui->bnEditBundle, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(editBundle())); connect(m_ui->bnImportBrushes, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotImportResource())); connect(m_ui->bnImportGradients, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotImportResource())); connect(m_ui->bnImportPalettes, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotImportResource())); connect(m_ui->bnImportPatterns, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotImportResource())); connect(m_ui->bnImportPresets, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotImportResource())); connect(m_ui->bnImportWorkspaces, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotImportResource())); connect(m_ui->bnImportBundles, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotImportResource())); connect(m_ui->createBundleButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotCreateBundle())); connect(m_ui->deleteBackupFilesButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotDeleteBackupFiles())); connect(m_ui->openResourceFolderButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotOpenResourceFolder())); } void DlgBundleManager::refreshListData() { KoResourceServer *bundleServer = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->resourceBundleServer(); m_ui->listInactive->clear(); m_ui->listActive->clear(); - Q_FOREACH (const QString &f, bundleServer->blackListedFiles()) { KisResourceBundle *bundle = new KisResourceBundle(f); bundle->load(); if (bundle->valid()) { bundle->setInstalled(false); m_blacklistedBundles[f] = bundle; } } fillListWidget(m_blacklistedBundles.values(), m_ui->listInactive); Q_FOREACH (KisResourceBundle *bundle, bundleServer->resources()) { if (bundle->valid()) { m_activeBundles[bundle->filename()] = bundle; } } fillListWidget(m_activeBundles.values(), m_ui->listActive); } void DlgBundleManager::accept() { KoResourceServer *bundleServer = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->resourceBundleServer(); for (int i = 0; i < m_ui->listActive->count(); ++i) { QListWidgetItem *item = m_ui->listActive->item(i); QByteArray ba = item->data(Qt::UserRole).toByteArray(); KisResourceBundle *bundle = bundleServer->resourceByMD5(ba); QMessageBox bundleFeedback; bundleFeedback.setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning); QString feedback = "bundlefeedback"; if (!bundle) { // Get it from the blacklisted bundles Q_FOREACH (KisResourceBundle *b2, m_blacklistedBundles.values()) { if (b2->md5() == ba) { bundle = b2; break; } } } if (bundle) { if(!bundle->isInstalled()){ bundle->install(); //this removes the bundle from the blacklist and add it to the server without saving or putting it in front// if(!bundleServer->addResource(bundle, false, false)){ feedback = i18n("Couldn't add bundle to resource server"); bundleFeedback.setText(feedback); bundleFeedback.exec(); } if(!bundleServer->removeFromBlacklist(bundle)){ feedback = i18n("Couldn't remove bundle from blacklist"); bundleFeedback.setText(feedback); bundleFeedback.exec(); } } else { bundleServer->removeFromBlacklist(bundle); //let's asume that bundles who exist and are installed have to be removed from the blacklist, and if they were already this returns false, so that's not a problem. } } else{ QString feedback = i18n("Bundle doesn't exist!"); bundleFeedback.setText(feedback); bundleFeedback.exec(); } } for (int i = 0; i < m_ui->listInactive->count(); ++i) { QListWidgetItem *item = m_ui->listInactive->item(i); QByteArray ba = item->data(Qt::UserRole).toByteArray(); KisResourceBundle *bundle = bundleServer->resourceByMD5(ba); if (bundle && bundle->isInstalled()) { bundle->uninstall(); bundleServer->removeResourceAndBlacklist(bundle); } } KoDialog::accept(); } void DlgBundleManager::addSelected() { Q_FOREACH (QListWidgetItem *item, m_ui->listActive->selectedItems()) { m_ui->listInactive->addItem(m_ui->listActive->takeItem(m_ui->listActive->row(item))); } } void DlgBundleManager::removeSelected() { Q_FOREACH (QListWidgetItem *item, m_ui->listInactive->selectedItems()) { m_ui->listActive->addItem(m_ui->listInactive->takeItem(m_ui->listInactive->row(item))); } } void DlgBundleManager::itemSelected(QListWidgetItem *current, QListWidgetItem *) { if (!current) { m_ui->lblName->clear(); m_ui->lblAuthor->clear(); m_ui->lblEmail->clear(); m_ui->lblLicense->clear(); m_ui->lblWebsite->clear(); m_ui->lblDescription->clear(); m_ui->lblCreated->clear(); m_ui->lblUpdated->clear(); m_ui->lblPreview->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(QImage())); m_ui->listBundleContents->clear(); m_ui->bnEditBundle->setEnabled(false); m_currentBundle = 0; } else { QByteArray ba = current->data(Qt::UserRole).toByteArray(); KoResourceServer *bundleServer = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->resourceBundleServer(); KisResourceBundle *bundle = bundleServer->resourceByMD5(ba); if (!bundle) { // Get it from the blacklisted bundles Q_FOREACH (KisResourceBundle *b2, m_blacklistedBundles.values()) { if (b2->md5() == ba) { bundle = b2; break; } } } + if (bundle) { m_currentBundle = bundle; m_ui->bnEditBundle->setEnabled(true); m_ui->lblName->setText(bundle->name()); m_ui->lblAuthor->setText(bundle->getMeta("author")); m_ui->lblEmail->setText(bundle->getMeta("email")); m_ui->lblLicense->setText(bundle->getMeta("license")); m_ui->lblWebsite->setText(bundle->getMeta("website")); m_ui->lblDescription->setPlainText(bundle->getMeta("description")); m_ui->lblCreated->setText(bundle->getMeta("created")); m_ui->lblUpdated->setText(bundle->getMeta("updated")); m_ui->lblPreview->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(bundle->image().scaled(128, 128, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation))); m_ui->listBundleContents->clear(); Q_FOREACH (const QString & resType, bundle->resourceTypes()) { QTreeWidgetItem *toplevel = new QTreeWidgetItem(); if (resType == "gradients") { toplevel->setText(0, i18n("Gradients")); } else if (resType == "patterns") { toplevel->setText(0, i18n("Patterns")); } else if (resType == "brushes") { toplevel->setText(0, i18n("Brushes")); } else if (resType == "palettes") { toplevel->setText(0, i18n("Palettes")); } else if (resType == "workspaces") { toplevel->setText(0, i18n("Workspaces")); } else if (resType == "paintoppresets") { toplevel->setText(0, i18n("Brush Presets")); } m_ui->listBundleContents->addTopLevelItem(toplevel); Q_FOREACH (const KoResource *res, bundle->resources(resType)) { if (res) { QTreeWidgetItem *i = new QTreeWidgetItem(); i->setIcon(0, QIcon(QPixmap::fromImage(res->image()))); i->setText(0, res->name()); toplevel->addChild(i); } } } } else { m_currentBundle = 0; } } } void DlgBundleManager::itemSelected(QListWidgetItem *current) { itemSelected(current, 0); } void DlgBundleManager::editBundle() { if (m_currentBundle) { DlgCreateBundle dlg(m_currentBundle); + m_activeBundles.remove(m_currentBundle->filename()); + m_currentBundle = 0; if (dlg.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) { return; } - m_resourceManager->saveBundle(dlg); + m_currentBundle = m_resourceManager->saveBundle(dlg); + refreshListData(); } } void DlgBundleManager::fillListWidget(QList bundles, QListWidget *w) { w->setIconSize(QSize(ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE)); w->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::MultiSelection); Q_FOREACH (KisResourceBundle *bundle, bundles) { QPixmap pixmap(ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE); + pixmap.fill(Qt::gray); if (!bundle->image().isNull()) { QImage scaled = bundle->image().scaled(ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); int x = (ICON_SIZE - scaled.width()) / 2; int y = (ICON_SIZE - scaled.height()) / 2; QPainter gc(&pixmap); gc.drawImage(x, y, scaled); gc.end(); } - else { - pixmap.fill(Qt::gray); - } QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem(pixmap, bundle->name()); item->setData(Qt::UserRole, bundle->md5()); w->addItem(item); } } void DlgBundleManager::slotImportResource() { if (m_actionManager) { QObject *button = sender(); QString buttonName = button->objectName(); KisAction *action = 0; if (buttonName == "bnImportBundles") { action = m_actionManager->actionByName("import_bundles"); } else if (buttonName == "bnImportBrushes") { action = m_actionManager->actionByName("import_brushes"); } else if (buttonName == "bnImportGradients") { action = m_actionManager->actionByName("import_gradients"); } else if (buttonName == "bnImportPalettes") { action = m_actionManager->actionByName("import_palettes"); } else if (buttonName == "bnImportPatterns") { action = m_actionManager->actionByName("import_patterns"); } else if (buttonName == "bnImportPresets") { action = m_actionManager->actionByName("import_presets"); } else if (buttonName == "bnImportWorkspaces") { action = m_actionManager->actionByName("import_workspaces"); } else { warnUI << "Unhandled bundle manager import button " << buttonName; return; } action->trigger(); refreshListData(); } } void DlgBundleManager::slotCreateBundle() { if (m_actionManager) { KisAction *action = m_actionManager->actionByName("create_bundle"); action->trigger(); + refreshListData(); } } void DlgBundleManager::slotDeleteBackupFiles() { if (m_actionManager) { KisAction *action = m_actionManager->actionByName("edit_blacklist_cleanup"); action->trigger(); } } void DlgBundleManager::slotOpenResourceFolder() { if (m_actionManager) { KisAction *action = m_actionManager->actionByName("open_resources_directory"); action->trigger(); } } diff --git a/plugins/extensions/resourcemanager/dlg_create_bundle.cpp b/plugins/extensions/resourcemanager/dlg_create_bundle.cpp index b8d754f2c9..daa5cc8abf 100644 --- a/plugins/extensions/resourcemanager/dlg_create_bundle.cpp +++ b/plugins/extensions/resourcemanager/dlg_create_bundle.cpp @@ -1,387 +1,438 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2014 Victor Lafon metabolic.ewilan@hotmail.fr * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "dlg_create_bundle.h" #include "ui_wdgdlgcreatebundle.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "KisResourceBundle.h" #define ICON_SIZE 48 DlgCreateBundle::DlgCreateBundle(KisResourceBundle *bundle, QWidget *parent) : KoDialog(parent) , m_ui(new Ui::WdgDlgCreateBundle) , m_bundle(bundle) { m_page = new QWidget(); m_ui->setupUi(m_page); setMainWidget(m_page); setFixedSize(m_page->sizeHint()); setButtons(Ok | Cancel); setDefaultButton(Ok); setButtonText(Ok, i18n("Save")); connect(m_ui->bnSelectSaveLocation, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(selectSaveLocation())); KoDocumentInfo info; info.updateParameters(); if (bundle) { setCaption(i18n("Edit Resource Bundle")); m_ui->lblSaveLocation->setText(QFileInfo(bundle->filename()).absolutePath()); m_ui->editBundleName->setText(bundle->name()); m_ui->editAuthor->setText(bundle->getMeta("author")); m_ui->editEmail->setText(bundle->getMeta("email")); m_ui->editLicense->setText(bundle->getMeta("license")); m_ui->editWebsite->setText(bundle->getMeta("website")); m_ui->editDescription->document()->setPlainText(bundle->getMeta("description")); m_ui->lblPreview->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(bundle->image().scaled(256, 256, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation))); + + Q_FOREACH (const QString & resType, bundle->resourceTypes()) { + if (resType == "gradients") { + Q_FOREACH (const KoResource *res, bundle->resources(resType)) { + if (res) { + m_selectedGradients << res->shortFilename(); + } + } + + } + else if (resType == "patterns") { + Q_FOREACH (const KoResource *res, bundle->resources(resType)) { + if (res) { + m_selectedPatterns << res->shortFilename(); + } + } + + } + else if (resType == "brushes") { + Q_FOREACH (const KoResource *res, bundle->resources(resType)) { + if (res) { + m_selectedBrushes << res->shortFilename(); + } + } + + } + else if (resType == "palettes") { + Q_FOREACH (const KoResource *res, bundle->resources(resType)) { + if (res) { + m_selectedPalettes << res->shortFilename(); + } + } + + } + else if (resType == "workspaces") { + Q_FOREACH (const KoResource *res, bundle->resources(resType)) { + if (res) { + m_selectedWorkspaces << res->shortFilename(); + } + } + + } + else if (resType == "paintoppresets") { + Q_FOREACH (const KoResource *res, bundle->resources(resType)) { + if (res) { + m_selectedPresets << res->shortFilename(); + } + } + } + } } else { setCaption(i18n("Create Resource Bundle")); KisConfig cfg; m_ui->editAuthor->setText(cfg.readEntry("BundleAuthorName", info.authorInfo("creator"))); m_ui->editEmail->setText(cfg.readEntry("BundleAuthorEmail", info.authorInfo("email"))); m_ui->editWebsite->setText(cfg.readEntry("BundleWebsite", "http://")); m_ui->editLicense->setText(cfg.readEntry("BundleLicense", "CC-BY-SA")); m_ui->lblSaveLocation->setText(cfg.readEntry("BundleExportLocation", QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::DocumentsLocation))); } m_ui->bnAdd->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("arrow-right")); connect(m_ui->bnAdd, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(addSelected())); m_ui->bnRemove->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("arrow-left")); connect(m_ui->bnRemove, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(removeSelected())); m_ui->cmbResourceTypes->addItem(i18n("Brushes"), QString("brushes")); m_ui->cmbResourceTypes->addItem(i18n("Brush Presets"), QString("presets")); m_ui->cmbResourceTypes->addItem(i18n("Gradients"), QString("gradients")); m_ui->cmbResourceTypes->addItem(i18n("Patterns"), QString("patterns")); m_ui->cmbResourceTypes->addItem(i18n("Palettes"), QString("palettes")); m_ui->cmbResourceTypes->addItem(i18n("Workspaces"), QString("workspaces")); connect(m_ui->cmbResourceTypes, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(resourceTypeSelected(int))); m_ui->tableAvailable->setIconSize(QSize(ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE)); m_ui->tableAvailable->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection); m_ui->tableSelected->setIconSize(QSize(ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE)); m_ui->tableSelected->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection); connect(m_ui->bnGetPreview, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(getPreviewImage())); resourceTypeSelected(0); } DlgCreateBundle::~DlgCreateBundle() { delete m_ui; } QString DlgCreateBundle::bundleName() const { return m_ui->editBundleName->text().replace(" ", "_"); } QString DlgCreateBundle::authorName() const { return m_ui->editAuthor->text(); } QString DlgCreateBundle::email() const { return m_ui->editEmail->text(); } QString DlgCreateBundle::website() const { return m_ui->editWebsite->text(); } QString DlgCreateBundle::license() const { return m_ui->editLicense->text(); } QString DlgCreateBundle::description() const { return m_ui->editDescription->document()->toPlainText(); } QString DlgCreateBundle::saveLocation() const { return m_ui->lblSaveLocation->text(); } QString DlgCreateBundle::previewImage() const { return m_previewImage; } void DlgCreateBundle::accept() { QString name = m_ui->editBundleName->text().remove(" "); if (name.isEmpty()) { m_ui->editBundleName->setStyleSheet(QString(" border: 1px solid red")); QMessageBox::warning(this, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("The resource bundle name cannot be empty.")); return; } else { QFileInfo fileInfo(m_ui->lblSaveLocation->text() + "/" + name + ".bundle"); - if (fileInfo.exists()) { + if (fileInfo.exists() && !m_bundle) { m_ui->editBundleName->setStyleSheet("border: 1px solid red"); QMessageBox::warning(this, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("A bundle with this name already exists.")); return; } else { if (!m_bundle) { KisConfig cfg; cfg.writeEntry("BunleExportLocation", m_ui->lblSaveLocation->text()); cfg.writeEntry("BundleAuthorName", m_ui->editAuthor->text()); cfg.writeEntry("BundleAuthorEmail", m_ui->editEmail->text()); cfg.writeEntry("BundleWebsite", m_ui->editWebsite->text()); cfg.writeEntry("BundleLicense", m_ui->editLicense->text()); } KoDialog::accept(); } } } void DlgCreateBundle::selectSaveLocation() { KoFileDialog dialog(this, KoFileDialog::OpenDirectory, "resourcebundlesavelocation"); dialog.setDefaultDir(m_ui->lblSaveLocation->text()); dialog.setCaption(i18n("Select a directory to save the bundle")); QString location = dialog.filename(); m_ui->lblSaveLocation->setText(location); } void DlgCreateBundle::addSelected() { int row = m_ui->tableAvailable->currentRow(); Q_FOREACH (QListWidgetItem *item, m_ui->tableAvailable->selectedItems()) { m_ui->tableSelected->addItem(m_ui->tableAvailable->takeItem(m_ui->tableAvailable->row(item))); QString resourceType = m_ui->cmbResourceTypes->itemData(m_ui->cmbResourceTypes->currentIndex()).toString(); if (resourceType == "brushes") { m_selectedBrushes.append(item->data(Qt::UserRole).toString()); } else if (resourceType == "presets") { m_selectedPresets.append(item->data(Qt::UserRole).toString()); } else if (resourceType == "gradients") { m_selectedGradients.append(item->data(Qt::UserRole).toString()); } else if (resourceType == "patterns") { m_selectedPatterns.append(item->data(Qt::UserRole).toString()); } else if (resourceType == "palettes") { m_selectedPalettes.append(item->data(Qt::UserRole).toString()); } else if (resourceType == "workspaces") { m_selectedWorkspaces.append(item->data(Qt::UserRole).toString()); } } m_ui->tableAvailable->setCurrentRow(row); } void DlgCreateBundle::removeSelected() { int row = m_ui->tableSelected->currentRow(); Q_FOREACH (QListWidgetItem *item, m_ui->tableSelected->selectedItems()) { m_ui->tableAvailable->addItem(m_ui->tableSelected->takeItem(m_ui->tableSelected->row(item))); QString resourceType = m_ui->cmbResourceTypes->itemData(m_ui->cmbResourceTypes->currentIndex()).toString(); if (resourceType == "brushes") { m_selectedBrushes.removeAll(item->data(Qt::UserRole).toString()); } else if (resourceType == "presets") { m_selectedPresets.removeAll(item->data(Qt::UserRole).toString()); } else if (resourceType == "gradients") { m_selectedGradients.removeAll(item->data(Qt::UserRole).toString()); } else if (resourceType == "patterns") { m_selectedPatterns.removeAll(item->data(Qt::UserRole).toString()); } else if (resourceType == "palettes") { m_selectedPalettes.removeAll(item->data(Qt::UserRole).toString()); } else if (resourceType == "workspaces") { m_selectedWorkspaces.removeAll(item->data(Qt::UserRole).toString()); } } m_ui->tableSelected->setCurrentRow(row); } QPixmap imageToIcon(const QImage &img) { QPixmap pixmap(ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE); pixmap.fill(); QImage scaled = img.scaled(ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); int x = (ICON_SIZE - scaled.width()) / 2; int y = (ICON_SIZE - scaled.height()) / 2; QPainter gc(&pixmap); gc.drawImage(x, y, scaled); gc.end(); return pixmap; } void DlgCreateBundle::resourceTypeSelected(int idx) { QString resourceType = m_ui->cmbResourceTypes->itemData(idx).toString(); m_ui->tableAvailable->clear(); m_ui->tableSelected->clear(); if (resourceType == "brushes") { KisBrushResourceServer *server = KisBrushServer::instance()->brushServer(); Q_FOREACH (KisBrushSP res, server->resources()) { QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem(imageToIcon(res->image()), res->name()); item->setData(Qt::UserRole, res->shortFilename()); if (m_selectedBrushes.contains(res->shortFilename())) { m_ui->tableSelected->addItem(item); } else { m_ui->tableAvailable->addItem(item); } } } else if (resourceType == "presets") { KisPaintOpPresetResourceServer* server = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->paintOpPresetServer(); Q_FOREACH (KisPaintOpPresetSP res, server->resources()) { QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem(imageToIcon(res->image()), res->name()); item->setData(Qt::UserRole, res->shortFilename()); if (m_selectedPresets.contains(res->shortFilename())) { m_ui->tableSelected->addItem(item); } else { m_ui->tableAvailable->addItem(item); } } } else if (resourceType == "gradients") { KoResourceServer* server = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->gradientServer(); Q_FOREACH (KoResource *res, server->resources()) { if (res->filename()!="Foreground to Transparent" && res->filename()!="Foreground to Background") { //technically we should read from the file-name whether or not the file can be opened, but this works for now. The problem is making sure that bundle-resource know where they are stored.// //dbgKrita<filename(); QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem(imageToIcon(res->image()), res->name()); item->setData(Qt::UserRole, res->shortFilename()); if (m_selectedGradients.contains(res->shortFilename())) { m_ui->tableSelected->addItem(item); } else { m_ui->tableAvailable->addItem(item); } } } } else if (resourceType == "patterns") { KoResourceServer* server = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->patternServer(); Q_FOREACH (KoResource *res, server->resources()) { QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem(imageToIcon(res->image()), res->name()); item->setData(Qt::UserRole, res->shortFilename()); if (m_selectedPatterns.contains(res->shortFilename())) { m_ui->tableSelected->addItem(item); } else { m_ui->tableAvailable->addItem(item); } } } else if (resourceType == "palettes") { KoResourceServer* server = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->paletteServer(); Q_FOREACH (KoResource *res, server->resources()) { QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem(imageToIcon(res->image()), res->name()); item->setData(Qt::UserRole, res->shortFilename()); if (m_selectedPalettes.contains(res->shortFilename())) { m_ui->tableSelected->addItem(item); } else { m_ui->tableAvailable->addItem(item); } } } else if (resourceType == "workspaces") { KoResourceServer* server = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->workspaceServer(); Q_FOREACH (KoResource *res, server->resources()) { QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem(imageToIcon(res->image()), res->name()); item->setData(Qt::UserRole, res->shortFilename()); if (m_selectedWorkspaces.contains(res->shortFilename())) { m_ui->tableSelected->addItem(item); } else { m_ui->tableAvailable->addItem(item); } } } } void DlgCreateBundle::getPreviewImage() { KoFileDialog dialog(this, KoFileDialog::OpenFile, "BundlePreviewImage"); - dialog.setCaption(i18n("Select file to use as dynamic file layer.")); + dialog.setCaption(i18n("Select file to use as bundle icon")); dialog.setDefaultDir(QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::PicturesLocation)); dialog.setMimeTypeFilters(KisImportExportManager::mimeFilter(KisImportExportManager::Import)); m_previewImage = dialog.filename(); QImage img(m_previewImage); img = img.scaled(256, 256, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); m_ui->lblPreview->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(img)); } + diff --git a/plugins/extensions/resourcemanager/dlg_create_bundle.h b/plugins/extensions/resourcemanager/dlg_create_bundle.h index d55ed1bd5a..2d52b9c387 100644 --- a/plugins/extensions/resourcemanager/dlg_create_bundle.h +++ b/plugins/extensions/resourcemanager/dlg_create_bundle.h @@ -1,80 +1,81 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2014 Victor Lafon metabolic.ewilan@hotmail.fr * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KOBUNDLECREATIONWIDGET_H #define KOBUNDLECREATIONWIDGET_H #include class KisResourceBundle; namespace Ui { class WdgDlgCreateBundle; } class DlgCreateBundle : public KoDialog { Q_OBJECT public: explicit DlgCreateBundle(KisResourceBundle *bundle = 0, QWidget *parent = 0); ~DlgCreateBundle(); QString bundleName() const; QString authorName() const; QString email() const; QString website() const; QString license() const; QString description() const; QString saveLocation() const; QString previewImage() const; QStringList selectedBrushes() const { return m_selectedBrushes; } QStringList selectedPresets() const { return m_selectedPresets; } QStringList selectedGradients() const { return m_selectedGradients; } QStringList selectedPatterns() const { return m_selectedPatterns; } QStringList selectedPalettes() const { return m_selectedPalettes; } QStringList selectedWorkspaces() const { return m_selectedWorkspaces; } private Q_SLOTS: void accept(); void selectSaveLocation(); void addSelected(); void removeSelected(); void resourceTypeSelected(int idx); void getPreviewImage(); + private: QWidget *m_page; Ui::WdgDlgCreateBundle *m_ui; QStringList m_selectedBrushes; QStringList m_selectedPresets; QStringList m_selectedGradients; QStringList m_selectedPatterns; QStringList m_selectedPalettes; QStringList m_selectedWorkspaces; QString m_previewImage; KisResourceBundle *m_bundle; }; #endif // KOBUNDLECREATIONWIDGET_H diff --git a/plugins/extensions/resourcemanager/resourcemanager.cpp b/plugins/extensions/resourcemanager/resourcemanager.cpp index 03f1a6b709..67fc7091e3 100644 --- a/plugins/extensions/resourcemanager/resourcemanager.cpp +++ b/plugins/extensions/resourcemanager/resourcemanager.cpp @@ -1,310 +1,324 @@ /* * resourcemanager.cc -- Part of Krita * * Copyright (c) 2004 Boudewijn Rempt (boud@valdyas.org) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "resourcemanager.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dlg_bundle_manager.h" #include "dlg_create_bundle.h" class ResourceManager::Private { public: Private() { brushServer = KisBrushServer::instance()->brushServer(false); paintopServer = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->paintOpPresetServer(false); gradientServer = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->gradientServer(false); patternServer = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->patternServer(false); paletteServer = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->paletteServer(false); workspaceServer = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->workspaceServer(false); } KisBrushResourceServer* brushServer; KisPaintOpPresetResourceServer * paintopServer; KoResourceServer* gradientServer; KoResourceServer *patternServer; KoResourceServer* paletteServer; KoResourceServer* workspaceServer; }; K_PLUGIN_FACTORY_WITH_JSON(ResourceManagerFactory, "kritaresourcemanager.json", registerPlugin();) ResourceManager::ResourceManager(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &) : KisViewPlugin(parent) , d(new Private()) { KisAction *action = new KisAction(i18n("Import Bundles..."), this); addAction("import_bundles", action); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotImportBundles())); action = new KisAction(i18n("Import Brushes..."), this); addAction("import_brushes", action); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotImportBrushes())); action = new KisAction(i18n("Import Gradients..."), this); addAction("import_gradients", action); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotImportGradients())); action = new KisAction(i18n("Import Palettes..."), this); addAction("import_palettes", action); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotImportPalettes())); action = new KisAction(i18n("Import Patterns..."), this); addAction("import_patterns", action); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotImportPatterns())); action = new KisAction(i18n("Import Presets..."), this); addAction("import_presets", action); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotImportPresets())); action = new KisAction(i18n("Import Workspaces..."), this); addAction("import_workspaces", action); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotImportWorkspaces())); action = new KisAction(i18n("Create Resource Bundle..."), this); addAction("create_bundle", action); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotCreateBundle())); action = new KisAction(i18n("Manage Resources..."), this); addAction("manage_bundles", action); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotManageBundles())); } ResourceManager::~ResourceManager() { } void ResourceManager::slotCreateBundle() { DlgCreateBundle dlgCreateBundle; if (dlgCreateBundle.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) { return; } saveBundle(dlgCreateBundle); } -void ResourceManager::saveBundle(const DlgCreateBundle &dlgCreateBundle) +KisResourceBundle *ResourceManager::saveBundle(const DlgCreateBundle &dlgCreateBundle) { QString bundlePath = dlgCreateBundle.saveLocation() + "/" + dlgCreateBundle.bundleName() + ".bundle"; + KisResourceBundle *newBundle = new KisResourceBundle(bundlePath); newBundle->addMeta("name", dlgCreateBundle.bundleName()); newBundle->addMeta("author", dlgCreateBundle.authorName()); newBundle->addMeta("email", dlgCreateBundle.email()); newBundle->addMeta("license", dlgCreateBundle.license()); newBundle->addMeta("website", dlgCreateBundle.website()); newBundle->addMeta("description", dlgCreateBundle.description()); + newBundle->setThumbnail(dlgCreateBundle.previewImage()); QStringList res = dlgCreateBundle.selectedBrushes(); Q_FOREACH (const QString &r, res) { KoResource *res = d->brushServer->resourceByFilename(r).data(); newBundle->addResource("kis_brushes", res->filename(), d->brushServer->assignedTagsList(res), res->md5()); } res = dlgCreateBundle.selectedGradients(); Q_FOREACH (const QString &r, res) { KoResource *res = d->gradientServer->resourceByFilename(r); newBundle->addResource("ko_gradients", res->filename(), d->gradientServer->assignedTagsList(res), res->md5()); } res = dlgCreateBundle.selectedPalettes(); Q_FOREACH (const QString &r, res) { KoResource *res = d->paletteServer->resourceByFilename(r); newBundle->addResource("ko_palettes", res->filename(), d->paletteServer->assignedTagsList(res), res->md5()); } res = dlgCreateBundle.selectedPatterns(); Q_FOREACH (const QString &r, res) { KoResource *res = d->patternServer->resourceByFilename(r); newBundle->addResource("ko_patterns", res->filename(), d->patternServer->assignedTagsList(res), res->md5()); } res = dlgCreateBundle.selectedPresets(); Q_FOREACH (const QString &r, res) { KisPaintOpPresetSP preset = d->paintopServer->resourceByFilename(r); KoResource *res = preset.data(); newBundle->addResource("kis_paintoppresets", res->filename(), d->paintopServer->assignedTagsList(res), res->md5()); KisPaintOpSettingsSP settings = preset->settings(); if (settings->hasProperty("requiredBrushFile")) { QString brushFile = settings->getString("requiredBrushFile"); KisBrush *brush = d->brushServer->resourceByFilename(brushFile).data(); if (brush) { newBundle->addResource("kis_brushes", brushFile, d->brushServer->assignedTagsList(brush), brush->md5()); } else { qWarning() << "There is no brush with name" << brushFile; } } } res = dlgCreateBundle.selectedWorkspaces(); Q_FOREACH (const QString &r, res) { KoResource *res = d->workspaceServer->resourceByFilename(r); newBundle->addResource("kis_workspaces", res->filename(), d->workspaceServer->assignedTagsList(res), res->md5()); } newBundle->addMeta("fileName", bundlePath); newBundle->addMeta("created", QDate::currentDate().toString("dd/MM/yyyy")); - newBundle->setThumbnail(dlgCreateBundle.previewImage()); - if (!newBundle->save()) { QMessageBox::critical(m_view->mainWindow(), i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("Could not create the new bundle.")); } + else { + newBundle->setValid(true); + if (QDir(KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->resourceBundleServer()->saveLocation()) != QDir(QFileInfo(bundlePath).path())) { + newBundle->setFilename(KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->resourceBundleServer()->saveLocation() + "/" + dlgCreateBundle.bundleName() + ".bundle"); + } + if (KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->resourceBundleServer()->resourceByName(newBundle->name())) { + KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->resourceBundleServer()->removeResourceFromServer( + KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->resourceBundleServer()->resourceByName(newBundle->name())); + } + KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->resourceBundleServer()->addResource(newBundle, true); + newBundle->load(); + } - + return newBundle; } void ResourceManager::slotManageBundles() { DlgBundleManager* dlg = new DlgBundleManager(this, m_view->actionManager()); if (dlg->exec() != QDialog::Accepted) { return; } } QStringList ResourceManager::importResources(const QString &title, const QStringList &mimes) const { KoFileDialog dialog(m_view->mainWindow(), KoFileDialog::OpenFiles, "krita_resources"); + dialog.setDefaultDir(QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::HomeLocation)); dialog.setCaption(title); dialog.setMimeTypeFilters(mimes); return dialog.filenames(); } void ResourceManager::slotImportBrushes() { QStringList resources = importResources(i18n("Import Brushes"), QStringList() << "image/x-gimp-brush" << "image/x-gimp-x-gimp-brush-animated" << "image/x-adobe-brushlibrary" << "image/png" << "image/svg+xml"); Q_FOREACH (const QString &res, resources) { d->brushServer->importResourceFile(res); } } void ResourceManager::slotImportPresets() { QStringList resources = importResources(i18n("Import Presets"), QStringList() << "application/x-krita-paintoppreset"); Q_FOREACH (const QString &res, resources) { d->paintopServer->importResourceFile(res); } } void ResourceManager::slotImportGradients() { QStringList resources = importResources(i18n("Import Gradients"), QStringList() << "image/svg+xml" << "application/x-gimp-gradient" << "applicaition/x-karbon-gradient"); Q_FOREACH (const QString &res, resources) { d->gradientServer->importResourceFile(res); } } void ResourceManager::slotImportBundles() { QStringList resources = importResources(i18n("Import Bundles"), QStringList() << "application/x-krita-bundle"); Q_FOREACH (const QString &res, resources) { KisResourceBundle *bundle = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->resourceBundleServer()->createResource(res); bundle->load(); if (bundle->valid()) { if (!bundle->install()) { QMessageBox::warning(0, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("Could not install the resources for bundle %1.").arg(res)); } } else { QMessageBox::warning(0, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("Could not load bundle %1.").arg(res)); } QFileInfo fi(res); QString newFilename = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->resourceBundleServer()->saveLocation() + fi.baseName() + bundle->defaultFileExtension(); QFileInfo fileInfo(newFilename); int i = 1; while (fileInfo.exists()) { fileInfo.setFile(KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->resourceBundleServer()->saveLocation() + fi.baseName() + QString("%1").arg(i) + bundle->defaultFileExtension()); i++; } bundle->setFilename(fileInfo.filePath()); QFile::copy(res, newFilename); KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->resourceBundleServer()->addResource(bundle, false); } } void ResourceManager::slotImportPatterns() { QStringList resources = importResources(i18n("Import Patterns"), QStringList() << "image/png" << "image/svg+xml" << "application/x-gimp-pattern" << "image/jpeg" << "image/tiff" << "image/bmp" << "image/xpg"); Q_FOREACH (const QString &res, resources) { d->patternServer->importResourceFile(res); } } void ResourceManager::slotImportPalettes() { QStringList resources = importResources(i18n("Import Palettes"), QStringList() << "image/x-gimp-color-palette"); Q_FOREACH (const QString &res, resources) { d->paletteServer->importResourceFile(res); } } void ResourceManager::slotImportWorkspaces() { QStringList resources = importResources(i18n("Import Workspaces"), QStringList() << "application/x-krita-workspace"); Q_FOREACH (const QString &res, resources) { d->workspaceServer->importResourceFile(res); } } #include "resourcemanager.moc" diff --git a/plugins/extensions/resourcemanager/resourcemanager.h b/plugins/extensions/resourcemanager/resourcemanager.h index c199edd644..5da781c4d7 100644 --- a/plugins/extensions/resourcemanager/resourcemanager.h +++ b/plugins/extensions/resourcemanager/resourcemanager.h @@ -1,63 +1,63 @@ /* * resourcemanager.h -- Part of Krita * * Copyright (c) 2014 Boudewijn Rempt (boud@valdyas.org) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef RESOURCEMANAGER_H #define RESOURCEMANAGER_H #include #include #include #include #include #include "KisResourceBundle.h" #include "dlg_create_bundle.h" class ResourceManager : public KisViewPlugin { Q_OBJECT public: ResourceManager(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &); virtual ~ResourceManager(); - void saveBundle(const DlgCreateBundle &dlgCreateBundle); + KisResourceBundle *saveBundle(const DlgCreateBundle &dlgCreateBundle); private Q_SLOTS: void slotCreateBundle(); void slotManageBundles(); void slotImportBrushes(); void slotImportGradients(); void slotImportPalettes(); void slotImportPatterns(); void slotImportPresets(); void slotImportWorkspaces(); void slotImportBundles(); private: - + QStringList importResources(const QString &title, const QStringList &mimes) const; class Private; QScopedPointer d; }; #endif // RESOURCEMANAGER_H diff --git a/plugins/extensions/resourcemanager/wdgdlgbundlemanager.ui b/plugins/extensions/resourcemanager/wdgdlgbundlemanager.ui index bc3e6df22a..754784712a 100644 --- a/plugins/extensions/resourcemanager/wdgdlgbundlemanager.ui +++ b/plugins/extensions/resourcemanager/wdgdlgbundlemanager.ui @@ -1,536 +1,539 @@ WdgDlgBundleManager 0 0 835 712 Active Bundles 0 0 0 200 true QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection 1 + + + + + 0 + 0 + + + + Create New Bundle + + + Qt::Vertical 20 40 ... ... Qt::Vertical 20 40 0 0 Inactive Bundles 0 0 0 200 QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection 1 Import Bundles Import Brushes Import Patterns Import Gradients Import Presets Import Palettes Import Workspaces - - - - - 0 - 0 - - - - Create New Bundle - - - 0 0 Delete Backup Files 0 0 Open Resource Folder Qt::Vertical 18 17 0 0 0 0 Selected Bundle 0 0 Qt::Horizontal false 10 0 Bundle Name Qt::AutoText false - &Create a new bundle from this bundle + &Edit bundle... Qt::Horizontal 40 20 0 10 0 50 true 0 0 128 128 128 128 QFrame::Box + + true + Qt::AlignCenter Qt::Vertical 20 0 3 0 0 Author: false Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter License: Created: Email: Updated: Website: Qt::Vertical 20 0 0 0 200 0 1 diff --git a/plugins/extensions/resourcemanager/wdgdlgcreatebundle.ui b/plugins/extensions/resourcemanager/wdgdlgcreatebundle.ui index fbb3b6285e..8755f1bea1 100644 --- a/plugins/extensions/resourcemanager/wdgdlgcreatebundle.ui +++ b/plugins/extensions/resourcemanager/wdgdlgcreatebundle.ui @@ -1,466 +1,453 @@ WdgDlgCreateBundle 0 0 - 894 - 394 + 895 + 405 0 0 New Bundle... 1.000000000000000 15 15 15 15 20 Type: 0 0 QComboBox::InsertAlphabetically - - - - 0 - 0 - + + + 0 - - - 0 - - - - - - 0 - 250 - - - - 2 - - - - - - - Available - - - - - - - Qt::Vertical - - - - 20 - 40 - - - - - - + + + + + 0 + 250 + + + + 2 + + + + + + + Available + + + + + + + Qt::Vertical + + + + 20 + 40 + + + + + Qt::Vertical 20 40 ... ... Qt::Vertical 20 40 - - - - 0 - 0 - - - - - - - - 0 - 250 - - - - 2 - - - - - - - Selected - - - - - - - Qt::Vertical - - - - 20 - 40 - - - - - - + + + + + + 0 + 250 + + + + 2 + + + + + + + Selected + + + + + + + Qt::Vertical + + + + 20 + 40 + + + + + QFormLayout::AllNonFixedFieldsGrow Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTop|Qt::AlignTrailing Bundle Name: Description: 16777215 120 Author: false Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter Email: Website: http:// License: Save to: 3 0 0 0 20 16777215 25 QFrame::StyledPanel QFrame::Sunken TextLabel Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter 0 ... 0 0 Icon: Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignTop 2 0 0 0 0 64 64 64 64 0 0 QFrame::StyledPanel QFrame::Sunken + + true + 0 0 ... (256 x 256) Qt::Horizontal 40 20 diff --git a/plugins/filters/colors/wdgcolortoalphabase.ui b/plugins/filters/colors/wdgcolortoalphabase.ui index 070138601a..56629fb177 100644 --- a/plugins/filters/colors/wdgcolortoalphabase.ui +++ b/plugins/filters/colors/wdgcolortoalphabase.ui @@ -1,217 +1,217 @@ WdgColorToAlphaBase 0 0 335 362 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 Color: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter false Qt::Horizontal 20 0 - + 0 0 180 180 0 0 0 0 0 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 15 0 0 0 Threshold: Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter false 0 0 0 0 Color Picker: 0 0 16777215 16777215 false false false - KisVisualColorSelector + KoTriangleColorSelector QWidget -
KisColorButton QPushButton
KisDoubleSliderSpinBox QWidget
diff --git a/plugins/filters/gradientmap/krita_filter_gradient_map.cpp b/plugins/filters/gradientmap/krita_filter_gradient_map.cpp index 11e713d4bc..1f4c2869c7 100644 --- a/plugins/filters/gradientmap/krita_filter_gradient_map.cpp +++ b/plugins/filters/gradientmap/krita_filter_gradient_map.cpp @@ -1,99 +1,103 @@ /* * This file is part of the KDE project * * Copyright (c) 2016 Spencer Brown * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "krita_filter_gradient_map.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_config_widget.h" #include #include #include #include #include "gradientmap.h" #include KritaFilterGradientMap::KritaFilterGradientMap() : KisFilter(id(), categoryMap(), i18n("&Gradient Map")) { setColorSpaceIndependence(FULLY_INDEPENDENT); setShowConfigurationWidget(true); setSupportsLevelOfDetail(true); setSupportsPainting(true); - setSupportsAdjustmentLayers(true); + setSupportsAdjustmentLayers(false); setSupportsThreading(true); } void KritaFilterGradientMap::processImpl(KisPaintDeviceSP device, const QRect& applyRect, const KisFilterConfigurationSP config, KoUpdater *progressUpdater) const { Q_ASSERT(!device.isNull()); if (progressUpdater) { progressUpdater->setRange(0, applyRect.height() * applyRect.width()); } KoAbstractGradient *gradient = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->gradientServer(false)->resourceByName(config->getString("gradientName")); + if (!gradient) { + qDebug() << "Could not find gradient" << config->getString("gradientName"); + return; + } KoColorSet *gradientCache = new KoColorSet(); for (int i=0; i<256; i++) { KoColor gc; gradient->colorAt(gc, ((qreal)i/255.0)); KoColorSetEntry col; col.color = gc; gradientCache->add(col); } KoColor outColor(Qt::white, device->colorSpace()); KisSequentialIterator it(device, applyRect); int p = 0; quint8 grey; const int pixelSize = device->colorSpace()->pixelSize(); do { grey = device->colorSpace()->intensity8(it.oldRawData()); outColor = gradientCache->getColor((quint32)grey).color; outColor.setOpacity(qMin(KoColor(it.oldRawData(), device->colorSpace()).opacityF(), outColor.opacityF())); outColor.convertTo(device->colorSpace()); memcpy(it.rawData(), outColor.data(), pixelSize); if (progressUpdater) progressUpdater->setValue(p++); } while (it.nextPixel()); } KisFilterConfigurationSP KritaFilterGradientMap::factoryConfiguration() const { KisFilterConfigurationSP config = new KisFilterConfiguration("gradientmap", 1); KoAbstractGradient *gradient = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->gradientServer(false)->resources().first(); config->setProperty("gradientName", gradient->name()); return config; } KisConfigWidget * KritaFilterGradientMap::createConfigurationWidget(QWidget * parent, const KisPaintDeviceSP dev) const { return new KritaGradientMapConfigWidget(parent, dev); } diff --git a/plugins/filters/levelfilter/kis_level_filter.cpp b/plugins/filters/levelfilter/kis_level_filter.cpp index 1d479e2a2e..35e8db9021 100644 --- a/plugins/filters/levelfilter/kis_level_filter.cpp +++ b/plugins/filters/levelfilter/kis_level_filter.cpp @@ -1,312 +1,312 @@ /* * This file is part of Krita * * Copyright (c) 2006 Frederic Coiffier * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_level_filter.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_paint_device.h" #include "kis_histogram.h" #include "kis_painter.h" #include "kis_gradient_slider.h" #include "kis_processing_information.h" #include "kis_selection.h" #include "kis_types.h" #include "filter/kis_color_transformation_configuration.h" KisLevelFilter::KisLevelFilter() : KisColorTransformationFilter(id(), categoryAdjust(), i18n("&Levels...")) { setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_L)); setSupportsPainting(false); setColorSpaceIndependence(TO_LAB16); } KisLevelFilter::~KisLevelFilter() { } KisConfigWidget * KisLevelFilter::createConfigurationWidget(QWidget* parent, const KisPaintDeviceSP dev) const { return new KisLevelConfigWidget(parent, dev); } KoColorTransformation* KisLevelFilter::createTransformation(const KoColorSpace* cs, const KisFilterConfigurationSP config) const { if (!config) { warnKrita << "No configuration object for level filter\n"; return 0; } Q_ASSERT(config); int blackvalue = config->getInt("blackvalue"); int whitevalue = config->getInt("whitevalue", 255); double gammavalue = config->getDouble("gammavalue", 1.0); int outblackvalue = config->getInt("outblackvalue"); int outwhitevalue = config->getInt("outwhitevalue", 255); quint16 transfer[256]; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { if (i <= blackvalue) transfer[i] = outblackvalue; else if (i < whitevalue) { double a = (double)(i - blackvalue) / (double)(whitevalue - blackvalue); a = (double)(outwhitevalue - outblackvalue) * pow(a, (1.0 / gammavalue)); transfer[i] = int(outblackvalue + a); } else transfer[i] = outwhitevalue; // TODO use floats instead of integer in the configuration transfer[i] = ((int)transfer[i] * 0xFFFF) / 0xFF ; } return cs->createBrightnessContrastAdjustment(transfer); } KisLevelConfigWidget::KisLevelConfigWidget(QWidget * parent, KisPaintDeviceSP dev) : KisConfigWidget(parent) { Q_ASSERT(dev); m_page.setupUi(this); m_page.ingradient->enableGamma(true); m_page.blackspin->setValue(0); m_page.whitespin->setValue(255); m_page.gammaspin->setValue(1.0); m_page.ingradient->slotModifyGamma(1.0); m_page.outblackspin->setValue(0); m_page.outwhitespin->setValue(255); connect(m_page.blackspin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SIGNAL(sigConfigurationItemChanged())); connect(m_page.whitespin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SIGNAL(sigConfigurationItemChanged())); connect(m_page.ingradient, SIGNAL(sigModifiedGamma(double)), SIGNAL(sigConfigurationItemChanged())); connect(m_page.blackspin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), m_page.ingradient, SLOT(slotModifyBlack(int))); connect(m_page.whitespin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), m_page.ingradient, SLOT(slotModifyWhite(int))); connect(m_page.gammaspin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), m_page.ingradient, SLOT(slotModifyGamma(double))); connect(m_page.blackspin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotModifyInWhiteLimit(int))); connect(m_page.whitespin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotModifyInBlackLimit(int))); connect(m_page.ingradient, SIGNAL(sigModifiedBlack(int)), m_page.blackspin, SLOT(setValue(int))); connect(m_page.ingradient, SIGNAL(sigModifiedWhite(int)), m_page.whitespin, SLOT(setValue(int))); connect(m_page.ingradient, SIGNAL(sigModifiedGamma(double)), m_page.gammaspin, SLOT(setValue(double))); connect(m_page.outblackspin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SIGNAL(sigConfigurationItemChanged())); connect(m_page.outwhitespin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SIGNAL(sigConfigurationItemChanged())); connect(m_page.outblackspin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), m_page.outgradient, SLOT(slotModifyBlack(int))); connect(m_page.outwhitespin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), m_page.outgradient, SLOT(slotModifyWhite(int))); connect(m_page.outblackspin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotModifyOutWhiteLimit(int))); connect(m_page.outwhitespin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotModifyOutBlackLimit(int))); connect(m_page.outgradient, SIGNAL(sigModifiedBlack(int)), m_page.outblackspin, SLOT(setValue(int))); connect(m_page.outgradient, SIGNAL(sigModifiedWhite(int)), m_page.outwhitespin, SLOT(setValue(int))); connect(m_page.butauto, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(slotAutoLevel(void))); connect((QObject*)(m_page.chkLogarithmic), SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotDrawHistogram(bool))); KoHistogramProducer *producer = new KoGenericLabHistogramProducer(); m_histogram.reset( new KisHistogram(dev, dev->exactBounds(), producer, LINEAR) ); m_histlog = false; m_page.histview->resize(288,100); slotDrawHistogram(); } KisLevelConfigWidget::~KisLevelConfigWidget() { } void KisLevelConfigWidget::slotDrawHistogram(bool logarithmic) { int wHeight = m_page.histview->height(); int wHeightMinusOne = wHeight - 1; int wWidth = m_page.histview->width(); if (m_histlog != logarithmic) { // Update the m_histogram if (logarithmic) m_histogram->setHistogramType(LOGARITHMIC); else m_histogram->setHistogramType(LINEAR); m_histlog = logarithmic; } QPalette appPalette = QApplication::palette(); QPixmap pix(wWidth-100, wHeight); pix.fill(QColor(appPalette.color(QPalette::Base))); QPainter p(&pix); p.setPen(QPen(Qt::gray, 1, Qt::SolidLine)); double highest = (double)m_histogram->calculations().getHighest(); qint32 bins = m_histogram->producer()->numberOfBins(); // use nearest neighbour interpolation if (m_histogram->getHistogramType() == LINEAR) { double factor = (double)(wHeight - wHeight / 5.0) / highest; for (int i = 0; i < wWidth; i++) { int binNo = qRound((double)i / wWidth * (bins - 1)); if ((int)m_histogram->getValue(binNo) != 0) p.drawLine(i, wHeightMinusOne, i, wHeightMinusOne - (int)m_histogram->getValue(binNo) * factor); } } else { double factor = (double)(wHeight - wHeight / 5.0) / (double)log(highest); for (int i = 0; i < wWidth; i++) { int binNo = qRound((double)i / wWidth * (bins - 1)) ; if ((int)m_histogram->getValue(binNo) != 0) p.drawLine(i, wHeightMinusOne, i, wHeightMinusOne - log((double)m_histogram->getValue(binNo)) * factor); } } m_page.histview->setPixmap(pix); } void KisLevelConfigWidget::slotModifyInBlackLimit(int limit) { m_page.blackspin->setMaximum(limit - 1); } void KisLevelConfigWidget::slotModifyInWhiteLimit(int limit) { m_page.whitespin->setMinimum(limit + 1); } void KisLevelConfigWidget::slotModifyOutBlackLimit(int limit) { m_page.outblackspin->setMaximum(limit - 1); } void KisLevelConfigWidget::slotModifyOutWhiteLimit(int limit) { m_page.outwhitespin->setMinimum(limit + 1); } void KisLevelConfigWidget::slotAutoLevel(void) { Q_ASSERT(m_histogram); qint32 num_bins = m_histogram->producer()->numberOfBins(); Q_ASSERT(num_bins > 1); int chosen_low_bin = 0, chosen_high_bin = num_bins-1; int count_thus_far = m_histogram->getValue(0); const int total_count = m_histogram->producer()->count(); const double threshold = 0.006; // find the low and hi point/bins based on summing count percentages // // this implementation is a port of GIMP's auto level implementation // (use a GPLv2 version as reference, specifically commit 51bfd07f18ef045a3e43632218fd92cae9ff1e48) for (int bin=0; bin<(num_bins-1); ++bin) { int next_count_thus_far = count_thus_far + m_histogram->getValue(bin+1); double this_percentage = static_cast(count_thus_far) / total_count; double next_percentage = static_cast(next_count_thus_far) / total_count; //dbgKrita << "bin" << bin << "this_percentage" << this_percentage << "next_percentage" << next_percentage; if (fabs(this_percentage - threshold) < fabs(next_percentage - threshold)) { chosen_low_bin = bin; break; } count_thus_far = next_count_thus_far; } count_thus_far = m_histogram->getValue(num_bins-1); for (int bin=(num_bins-1); bin>0; --bin) { int next_count_thus_far = count_thus_far + m_histogram->getValue(bin-1); double this_percentage = static_cast(count_thus_far) / total_count; double next_percentage = static_cast(next_count_thus_far) / total_count; //dbgKrita << "hi-bin" << bin << "this_percentage" << this_percentage << "next_percentage" << next_percentage; if (fabs(this_percentage - threshold) < fabs(next_percentage - threshold)) { chosen_high_bin = bin; break; } count_thus_far = next_count_thus_far; } if (chosen_low_bin < chosen_high_bin) { m_page.blackspin->setValue(chosen_low_bin); m_page.ingradient->slotModifyBlack(chosen_low_bin); m_page.whitespin->setValue(chosen_high_bin); m_page.ingradient->slotModifyWhite(chosen_high_bin); } } KisPropertiesConfigurationSP KisLevelConfigWidget::configuration() const { KisColorTransformationConfiguration * config = new KisColorTransformationConfiguration(KisLevelFilter::id().id(), 1); config->setProperty("blackvalue", m_page.blackspin->value()); config->setProperty("whitevalue", m_page.whitespin->value()); - config->setProperty("gammavalue", m_page.ingradient->getGamma()); + config->setProperty("gammavalue", m_page.gammaspin->value()); config->setProperty("outblackvalue", m_page.outblackspin->value()); config->setProperty("outwhitevalue", m_page.outwhitespin->value()); return config; } void KisLevelConfigWidget::setConfiguration(const KisPropertiesConfigurationSP config) { QVariant value; if (config->getProperty("blackvalue", value)) { m_page.blackspin->setValue(value.toUInt()); m_page.ingradient->slotModifyBlack(value.toUInt()); } if (config->getProperty("whitevalue", value)) { m_page.whitespin->setValue(value.toUInt()); m_page.ingradient->slotModifyWhite(value.toUInt()); } if (config->getProperty("gammavalue", value)) { m_page.gammaspin->setValue(value.toUInt()); m_page.ingradient->slotModifyGamma(value.toDouble()); } if (config->getProperty("outblackvalue", value)) { m_page.outblackspin->setValue(value.toUInt()); m_page.outgradient->slotModifyBlack(value.toUInt()); } if (config->getProperty("outwhitevalue", value)) { m_page.outwhitespin->setValue(value.toUInt()); m_page.outgradient->slotModifyWhite(value.toUInt()); } } diff --git a/plugins/filters/levelfilter/wdg_level.ui b/plugins/filters/levelfilter/wdg_level.ui index 6661c6655c..faa3ea90a7 100644 --- a/plugins/filters/levelfilter/wdg_level.ui +++ b/plugins/filters/levelfilter/wdg_level.ui @@ -1,341 +1,344 @@ WdgLevel 0 0 - 259 - 332 + 263 + 344 0 0 0 0 600 32767 Levels 0 0 0 0 <b>Input Levels</b> false Qt::RightToLeft Logarithmic 0 5 5 200 100 16777215 300 0 true Qt::AlignJustify|Qt::AlignVCenter false 0 -1 256 24 QAbstractSpinBox::PlusMinus 255 Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding 25 20 QAbstractSpinBox::PlusMinus + + 3 + - 0.100000000000000 + 0.001000000000000 10.000000000000000 0.010000000000000 1.000000000000000 Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding 25 20 QAbstractSpinBox::PlusMinus 255 Qt::Vertical QSizePolicy::Fixed 0 0 <b>Output Levels</b> false 256 24 QAbstractSpinBox::PlusMinus 255 Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding 50 20 QAbstractSpinBox::PlusMinus 255 &Auto Levels Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Qt::Vertical 20 0 KisIntParseSpinBox QSpinBox
KisGradientSlider QWidget
KisDoubleParseSpinBox QDoubleSpinBox
kis_gradient_slider.h kis_gradient_slider.h
diff --git a/plugins/impex/psd/psd_export.cc b/plugins/impex/psd/psd_export.cc index 045b33c97d..e5369ca4b8 100644 --- a/plugins/impex/psd/psd_export.cc +++ b/plugins/impex/psd/psd_export.cc @@ -1,98 +1,98 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2009 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "psd_export.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "psd_saver.h" class KisExternalLayer; K_PLUGIN_FACTORY_WITH_JSON(ExportFactory, "krita_psd_export.json", registerPlugin();) psdExport::psdExport(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &) : KisImportExportFilter(parent) { } psdExport::~psdExport() { } KisImportExportFilter::ConversionStatus psdExport::convert(KisDocument *document, QIODevice *io, KisPropertiesConfigurationSP /*configuration*/) { PSDSaver psdSaver(document); KisImageBuilder_Result res; if ((res = psdSaver.buildFile(io)) == KisImageBuilder_RESULT_OK) { dbgFile <<"success !"; return KisImportExportFilter::OK; } dbgFile <<" Result =" << res; return KisImportExportFilter::InternalError; } void psdExport::initializeCapabilities() { addCapability(KisExportCheckRegistry::instance()->get("PSDLayerStyleCheck")->create(KisExportCheckBase::SUPPORTED)); addCapability(KisExportCheckRegistry::instance()->get("NodeTypeCheck/KisGroupLayer")->create(KisExportCheckBase::SUPPORTED)); addCapability(KisExportCheckRegistry::instance()->get("MultiLayerCheck")->create(KisExportCheckBase::SUPPORTED)); addCapability(KisExportCheckRegistry::instance()->get("sRGBProfileCheck")->create(KisExportCheckBase::SUPPORTED)); addCapability(KisExportCheckRegistry::instance()->get("MultiLayerCheck")->create(KisExportCheckBase::SUPPORTED)); - addCapability(KisExportCheckRegistry::instance()->get("KisTransparencyMask")->create(KisExportCheckBase::SUPPORTED)); + addCapability(KisExportCheckRegistry::instance()->get("NodeTypeCheck/KisTransparencyMask")->create(KisExportCheckBase::SUPPORTED)); addCapability(KisExportCheckRegistry::instance()->get("ColorModelHomogenousCheck")->create(KisExportCheckBase::UNSUPPORTED, i18nc("image conversion warning", "Your image contains one or more layers with a color model that is different from the image."))); ImageSizeCheckFactory *factory = dynamic_cast(KisExportCheckRegistry::instance()->get("ImageSizeCheck")); if (factory) { addCapability(factory->create(30000, 30000, KisExportCheckBase::SUPPORTED)); } QList > supportedColorModels; supportedColorModels << QPair() << QPair(RGBAColorModelID, Integer8BitsColorDepthID) << QPair(RGBAColorModelID, Integer16BitsColorDepthID) - << QPair(RGBAColorModelID, Float16BitsColorDepthID) - << QPair(RGBAColorModelID, Float32BitsColorDepthID) +// << QPair(RGBAColorModelID, Float16BitsColorDepthID) +// << QPair(RGBAColorModelID, Float32BitsColorDepthID) << QPair(GrayAColorModelID, Integer8BitsColorDepthID) << QPair(GrayAColorModelID, Integer16BitsColorDepthID) << QPair(CMYKAColorModelID, Integer8BitsColorDepthID) << QPair(CMYKAColorModelID, Integer16BitsColorDepthID) << QPair(LABAColorModelID, Integer8BitsColorDepthID) << QPair(LABAColorModelID, Integer16BitsColorDepthID); addSupportedColorModels(supportedColorModels, "PSD"); } #include diff --git a/plugins/impex/raw/3rdparty/libkdcraw/src/kdcraw_p.h b/plugins/impex/raw/3rdparty/libkdcraw/src/kdcraw_p.h index f639ca442f..71b36b3e30 100644 --- a/plugins/impex/raw/3rdparty/libkdcraw/src/kdcraw_p.h +++ b/plugins/impex/raw/3rdparty/libkdcraw/src/kdcraw_p.h @@ -1,109 +1,109 @@ /** =========================================================== * @file * * This file is a part of digiKam project * http://www.digikam.org * * @date 2008-10-09 * @brief internal private container for KDcraw * * @author Copyright (C) 2008-2015 by Gilles Caulier * caulier dot gilles at gmail dot com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * ============================================================ */ #ifndef KDCRAWPRIVATE_H #define KDCRAWPRIVATE_H // Qt includes #include // Pragma directives to reduce warnings from LibRaw header files. -#if not defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__GNUC__) +#if !defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__GNUC__) #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" #endif #if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__clang__) #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" #endif // LibRaw includes #include // Restore warnings -#if not defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__GNUC__) +#if !defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__GNUC__) #pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif #if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__clang__) #pragma clang diagnostic pop #endif // Local includes #include "dcrawinfocontainer.h" #include "kdcraw.h" namespace KDcrawIface { extern "C" { int callbackForLibRaw(void* data, enum LibRaw_progress p, int iteration, int expected); } class Q_DECL_HIDDEN KDcraw::Private { public: Private(KDcraw* const p); ~Private(); public: int progressCallback(enum LibRaw_progress p, int iteration, int expected); void setProgress(double value); double progressValue() const; bool loadFromLibraw(const QString& filePath, QByteArray& imageData, int& width, int& height, int& rgbmax); public: static void createPPMHeader(QByteArray& imgData, libraw_processed_image_t* const img); static void fillIndentifyInfo(LibRaw* const raw, DcrawInfoContainer& identify); static bool loadEmbeddedPreview(QByteArray&, LibRaw&); static bool loadHalfPreview(QImage&, LibRaw&); private: double m_progress; KDcraw* m_parent; friend class KDcraw; }; } // namespace KDcrawIface #endif /* KDCRAWPRIVATE_H */ diff --git a/plugins/impex/spriter/kis_spriter_export.cpp b/plugins/impex/spriter/kis_spriter_export.cpp index 85208bb429..7825478f27 100644 --- a/plugins/impex/spriter/kis_spriter_export.cpp +++ b/plugins/impex/spriter/kis_spriter_export.cpp @@ -1,609 +1,620 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2016 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_spriter_export.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // for KisDegreesToRadians #include #include #include K_PLUGIN_FACTORY_WITH_JSON(KisSpriterExportFactory, "krita_spriter_export.json", registerPlugin();) KisSpriterExport::KisSpriterExport(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &) : KisImportExportFilter(parent) { } KisSpriterExport::~KisSpriterExport() { } bool KisSpriterExport::savePaintDevice(KisPaintDeviceSP dev, const QString &fileName) { QFileInfo fi(fileName); QDir d = fi.absoluteDir(); d.mkpath(d.path()); QRect rc = m_image->bounds().intersected(dev->exactBounds()); if (!KisPNGConverter::isColorSpaceSupported(dev->colorSpace())) { dev = new KisPaintDevice(*dev.data()); KUndo2Command *cmd = dev->convertTo(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8()); delete cmd; } KisPNGOptions options; options.forceSRGB = true; vKisAnnotationSP_it beginIt = m_image->beginAnnotations(); vKisAnnotationSP_it endIt = m_image->endAnnotations(); KisPNGConverter converter(0); KisImageBuilder_Result res = converter.buildFile(fileName, rc, m_image->xRes(), m_image->yRes(), dev, beginIt, endIt, options, 0); return (res == KisImageBuilder_RESULT_OK); } -void KisSpriterExport::parseFolder(KisGroupLayerSP parentGroup, const QString &folderName, const QString &basePath) +void KisSpriterExport::parseFolder(KisGroupLayerSP parentGroup, const QString &folderName, const QString &basePath, int *folderId) { // qDebug() << "parseFolder: parent" << parentGroup->name() // << "folderName" << folderName // << "basepath" << basePath; - static int folderId = 0; + int currentFolder=0; + if(folderId == 0) + { + folderId = ¤tFolder; + } QString pathName; if (!folderName.isEmpty()) { pathName = folderName + "/"; } KisNodeSP child = parentGroup->lastChild(); while (child) { if (child->visible() && child->inherits("KisGroupLayer")) { - parseFolder(qobject_cast(child.data()), child->name().split(" ").first(), basePath + "/" + pathName); + parseFolder(qobject_cast(child.data()), child->name().split(" ").first(), basePath + "/" + pathName, folderId); } child = child->prevSibling(); } Folder folder; - folder.id = folderId; + folder.id = *folderId; folder.name = folderName; folder.groupName = parentGroup->name(); int fileId = 0; child = parentGroup->lastChild(); while (child) { if (child->visible() && !child->inherits("KisGroupLayer") && !child->inherits("KisMask")) { QRectF rc = m_image->bounds().intersected(child->exactBounds()); QString layerBaseName = child->name().split(" ").first(); SpriterFile file; file.id = fileId++; file.pathName = pathName; file.baseName = layerBaseName; file.layerName = child->name(); file.name = folderName + "/" + layerBaseName + ".png"; qreal xmin = rc.left(); qreal ymin = rc.top(); qreal xmax = rc.right(); qreal ymax = rc.bottom(); file.width = xmax - xmin; file.height = ymax - ymin; file.x = xmin; file.y = ymin; //qDebug() << "Created file" << file.id << file.name << file.pathName << file.baseName << file.width << file.height << file.layerName; savePaintDevice(child->projection(), basePath + file.name); folder.files.append(file); } child = child->prevSibling(); } if (folder.files.size() > 0) { //qDebug() << "Adding folder" << folder.id << folder.name << folder.groupName << folder.files.length(); m_folders.append(folder); - folderId++; + (*folderId)++; } } Bone *KisSpriterExport::parseBone(const Bone *parent, KisGroupLayerSP groupLayer) { static int boneId = 0; QString groupBaseName = groupLayer->name().split(" ").first(); Bone *bone = new Bone; bone->id = boneId++; bone->parentBone = parent; bone->name = groupBaseName; if (m_boneLayer) { QRectF rc = m_image->bounds().intersected(m_boneLayer->exactBounds()); qreal xmin = rc.left(); qreal ymin = rc.top(); qreal xmax = rc.right(); qreal ymax = rc.bottom(); bone->x = (xmin + xmax) / 2; bone->y = -(ymin + ymax) / 2; bone->width = xmax - xmin; bone->height = ymax - ymin; } else { bone->x = 0.0; bone->y = 0.0; bone->width = 0.0; bone->height = 0.0; } if (parent) { bone->localX = bone->x - parent->x; bone->localY = bone->y - parent->y; } else { bone->localX = bone->x; bone->localY = bone->y; } bone->localAngle = 0.0; bone->localScaleX = 1.0; bone->localScaleY = 1.0; KisNodeSP child = groupLayer->lastChild(); while (child) { if (child->visible() && child->inherits("KisGroupLayer")) { bone->bones.append(parseBone(bone, qobject_cast(child.data()))); } child = child->prevSibling(); } //qDebug() << "Created bone" << bone->id << "with" << bone->bones.size() << "bones"; return bone; } void copyBone(Bone *startBone) { startBone->fixLocalX = startBone->localX; startBone->fixLocalY = startBone->localY; startBone->fixLocalAngle = startBone->localAngle; startBone->fixLocalScaleX= startBone->localScaleX; startBone->fixLocalScaleY= startBone->localScaleY; Q_FOREACH(Bone *child, startBone->bones) { copyBone(child); } } void KisSpriterExport::fixBone(Bone *bone) { qreal boneLocalAngle = 0; qreal boneLocalScaleX = 1; if (bone->bones.length() >= 1) { // if a bone has one or more children, point at first child Bone *childBone = bone->bones[0]; qreal dx = childBone->x - bone->x; qreal dy = childBone->y - bone->y; if (qAbs(dx) > 0 || qAbs(dy) > 0) { boneLocalAngle = KisFastMath::atan2(dy, dx); boneLocalScaleX = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) / 200; } } else if (bone->parentBone) { // else, if bone has parent, point away from parent qreal dx = bone->x - bone->parentBone->x; qreal dy = bone->y - bone->parentBone->y; if (qAbs(dx) > 0 || qAbs(dy) > 0) { boneLocalAngle = KisFastMath::atan2(dy, dx); boneLocalScaleX = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) / 200; } } // adjust bone angle bone->fixLocalAngle += boneLocalAngle; bone->fixLocalScaleX *= boneLocalScaleX; // rotate all the child bones back to world position for (int i = 0; i < bone->bones.length(); ++i) { Bone *childBone = bone->bones[i]; qreal tx = childBone->fixLocalX; qreal ty = childBone->fixLocalY; childBone->fixLocalX = tx * cos(-boneLocalAngle) - ty * sin(-boneLocalAngle); childBone->fixLocalY = tx * sin(-boneLocalAngle) + ty * cos(-boneLocalAngle); childBone->fixLocalX /= boneLocalScaleX; childBone->fixLocalAngle -= boneLocalAngle; childBone->fixLocalScaleX /= boneLocalScaleX; } // rotate all the child objects back to world position for (int i = 0; i < m_objects.length(); ++i) { if (m_objects[i].bone == bone) { m_objects[i].fixLocalAngle -= boneLocalAngle; m_objects[i].fixLocalScaleX /= boneLocalScaleX; } } // process all child bones for (int i = 0; i < bone->bones.length(); ++i) { fixBone(bone->bones[i]); } } void KisSpriterExport::writeBoneRef(const Bone *bone, QDomElement &key, QDomDocument &scml) { if (!bone) return; QDomElement boneRef = scml.createElement("bone_ref"); key.appendChild(boneRef); boneRef.setAttribute("id", bone->id); if (bone->parentBone) { boneRef.setAttribute("parent", bone->parentBone->id); } boneRef.setAttribute("timeline", m_timelineid++); boneRef.setAttribute("key", "0"); Q_FOREACH(const Bone *childBone, bone->bones) { writeBoneRef(childBone, key, scml); } } void KisSpriterExport::writeBone(const Bone *bone, QDomElement &animation, QDomDocument &scml) { if (!bone) return; QDomElement timeline = scml.createElement("timeline"); animation.appendChild(timeline); timeline.setAttribute("id", m_timelineid); timeline.setAttribute("name", bone->name); timeline.setAttribute("object_type", "bone"); QDomElement key = scml.createElement("key"); timeline.appendChild(key); key.setAttribute("id", "0"); key.setAttribute("spin", 0); QDomElement boneEl = scml.createElement("bone"); key.appendChild(boneEl); boneEl.setAttribute("x", QString::number(bone->fixLocalX, 'f', 2)); boneEl.setAttribute("y", QString::number(bone->fixLocalY, 'f', 2)); boneEl.setAttribute("angle", QString::number(bone->fixLocalAngle, 'f', 2)); boneEl.setAttribute("scale_x", QString::number(bone->fixLocalScaleX, 'f', 2)); boneEl.setAttribute("scale_y", QString::number(bone->fixLocalScaleY, 'f', 2)); m_timelineid++; Q_FOREACH(const Bone *childBone, bone->bones) { writeBone(childBone, animation, scml); } } void KisSpriterExport::fillScml(QDomDocument &scml, const QString &entityName) { //qDebug() << "Creating scml" << entityName; QDomElement root = scml.createElement("spriter_data"); scml.appendChild(root); root.setAttribute("scml_version", 1); root.setAttribute("generator", "krita"); root.setAttribute("generator_version", qApp->applicationVersion()); Q_FOREACH(const Folder &folder, m_folders) { QDomElement fe = scml.createElement("folder"); root.appendChild(fe); fe.setAttribute("id", folder.id); fe.setAttribute("name", folder.name); Q_FOREACH(const SpriterFile &file, folder.files) { QDomElement fileElement = scml.createElement("file"); fe.appendChild(fileElement); fileElement.setAttribute("id", file.id); fileElement.setAttribute("name", file.name); fileElement.setAttribute("width", QString::number(file.width, 'f', 2)); fileElement.setAttribute("height", QString::number(file.height, 'f', 2)); + // qreal pivotX=0; + // qreal pivotY=1; + // Q_FOREACH(const SpriterObject &object, m_objects) { + // if(file.id == object.fileId) + // { + // pivotX = (0.0 -(object.fixLocalX / file.width)); + // pivotY = (1.0 -(object.fixLocalY / file.height)); + // break; + // } + // } + // fileElement.setAttribute("pivot_x", QString::number(pivotX, 'f', 2)); + // fileElement.setAttribute("pivot_y", QString::number(pivotY, 'f', 2)); } } // entity QDomElement entity = scml.createElement("entity"); root.appendChild(entity); entity.setAttribute("id", "0"); entity.setAttribute("name", entityName); // entity/animation QDomElement animation = scml.createElement("animation"); entity.appendChild(animation); animation.setAttribute("id", "0"); animation.setAttribute("name", "default"); animation.setAttribute("length", "1000"); animation.setAttribute("looping", "false"); // entity/animation/mainline QDomElement mainline = scml.createElement("mainline"); animation.appendChild(mainline); QDomElement key = scml.createElement("key"); mainline.appendChild(key); key.setAttribute("id", "0"); m_timelineid = 0; writeBoneRef(m_rootBone, key, scml); Q_FOREACH(const SpriterObject &object, m_objects) { QDomElement oe = scml.createElement("object_ref"); key.appendChild(oe); oe.setAttribute("id", object.id); if (object.bone) { oe.setAttribute("parent", object.bone->id); } oe.setAttribute("timeline", m_timelineid++); oe.setAttribute("key", "0"); oe.setAttribute("z_index", object.id); } // entity/animation/timeline m_timelineid = 0; if (m_rootBone) { writeBone(m_rootBone, animation, scml); } Q_FOREACH(const SpriterObject &object, m_objects) { Folder folder; Q_FOREACH(const Folder & f, m_folders) { if (f.id == object.folderId) { folder = f; break; } } SpriterFile file; file.id = -1; Q_FOREACH(const SpriterFile &f, folder.files) { if (f.id == object.fileId) { file = f; break; } } Q_ASSERT(file.id >= 0); QString objectName = "object-" + file.baseName; - qreal pivotX = (0.0 -(object.fixLocalX / file.width)); - qreal pivotY = (1.0 -(object.fixLocalY / file.height)); - QDomElement timeline = scml.createElement("timeline"); animation.appendChild(timeline); timeline.setAttribute("id", m_timelineid++); timeline.setAttribute("name", objectName); QDomElement key = scml.createElement("key"); timeline.appendChild(key); key.setAttribute("id", "0"); key.setAttribute("spin", "0"); QDomElement objectEl = scml.createElement("object"); key.appendChild(objectEl); objectEl.setAttribute("folder", object.folderId); objectEl.setAttribute("file", object.fileId); - objectEl.setAttribute("x", "0"); - objectEl.setAttribute("y", "0"); - objectEl.setAttribute("pivot_x", QString::number(pivotX, 'f', 2)); - objectEl.setAttribute("pivot_y", QString::number(pivotY, 'f', 2)); + objectEl.setAttribute("x", object.fixLocalX); + objectEl.setAttribute("y", object.fixLocalY); objectEl.setAttribute("angle", QString::number(kisRadiansToDegrees(object.fixLocalAngle), 'f', 2)); objectEl.setAttribute("scale_x", QString::number(object.fixLocalScaleX, 'f', 2)); objectEl.setAttribute("scale_y", QString::number(object.fixLocalScaleY, 'f', 2)); } } Bone *findBoneByName(Bone *startBone, const QString &name) { if (!startBone) return 0; //qDebug() << "findBoneByName" << name << "starting with" << startBone->name; if (startBone->name == name) { return startBone; } Q_FOREACH(Bone *child, startBone->bones) { //qDebug() << "looking for" << name << "found" << child->name; if (child->name == name) { return child; } Bone *grandChild = findBoneByName(child, name); if (grandChild){ return grandChild; } } return 0; } KisImportExportFilter::ConversionStatus KisSpriterExport::convert(KisDocument *document, QIODevice *io, KisPropertiesConfigurationSP /*configuration*/) { QFileInfo fi(filename()); m_image = document->savingImage(); if (m_image->rootLayer()->childCount() == 0) { return KisImportExportFilter::UsageError; } KisGroupLayerSP root = m_image->rootLayer(); m_boneLayer = qobject_cast(root->findChildByName("bone").data()); //qDebug() << "Found boneLayer" << m_boneLayer; m_rootLayer= qobject_cast(root->findChildByName("root").data()); //qDebug() << "Fond rootLayer" << m_rootLayer; parseFolder(m_image->rootLayer(), "", fi.absolutePath()); m_rootBone = 0; if (m_rootLayer) { m_rootBone = parseBone(0, m_rootLayer); } // Generate objects int objectId = 0; for (int folderIndex = 0, folderCount = m_folders.size(); folderIndex < folderCount; ++folderIndex) { Folder folder = m_folders[folderCount - 1 - folderIndex]; for (int fileIndex = 0, fileCount = folder.files.size(); fileIndex < fileCount; ++ fileIndex) { SpriterFile file = folder.files[fileCount - 1 - fileIndex]; SpriterObject spriterObject; spriterObject.id = objectId++; spriterObject.folderId = folder.id; spriterObject.fileId = file.id; spriterObject.x = file.x; spriterObject.y = -file.y; Bone *bone = 0; //qDebug() << "file layername" << file.layerName; // layer.name format: "base_name bone(bone_name) slot(slot_name)" if (file.layerName.contains("bone(")) { int start = file.layerName.indexOf("bone(") + 5; int end = file.layerName.indexOf(')', start); QString boneName = file.layerName.mid(start, end - start); bone = findBoneByName(m_rootBone, boneName); } // layer.name format: "base_name" if (!bone && m_rootBone) { bone = findBoneByName(m_rootBone, file.layerName); } // group.name format: "base_name bone(bone_name)" if (!bone && m_rootBone) { if (folder.groupName.contains("bone(")) { int start = folder.groupName.indexOf("bone(") + 5; int end = folder.groupName.indexOf(')', start); QString boneName = folder.groupName.mid(start, end - start); bone = findBoneByName(m_rootBone, boneName); } // group.name format: "base_name" if (!bone) { bone = findBoneByName(m_rootBone, folder.groupName); } } if (!bone) { bone = m_rootBone; } if (bone) { spriterObject.bone = bone; spriterObject.localX = spriterObject.x - bone->x; spriterObject.localY = spriterObject.y - bone->y; } else { spriterObject.bone = 0; spriterObject.localX = spriterObject.x; spriterObject.localY = spriterObject.y; } spriterObject.localAngle = 0; spriterObject.localScaleX = 1.0; spriterObject.localScaleY = 1.0; SpriterSlot *slot = 0; // layer.name format: "base_name bone(bone_name) slot(slot_name)" if (file.layerName.contains("slot(")) { int start = file.layerName.indexOf("slot(") + 5; int end = file.layerName.indexOf(')', start); slot->name = file.layerName.mid(start, end - start); slot->defaultAttachmentFlag = file.layerName.contains("*"); } spriterObject.slot = slot; // qDebug() << "Created object" << spriterObject.id << spriterObject.folderId // << spriterObject.fileId << spriterObject.x << spriterObject.y // << spriterObject.localX << spriterObject.localY; m_objects.append(spriterObject); } } // Copy object transforms for (int i = 0; i < m_objects.size(); ++i) { m_objects[i].fixLocalX = m_objects[i].localX; m_objects[i].fixLocalY = m_objects[i].localY; m_objects[i].fixLocalAngle = m_objects[i].localAngle; m_objects[i].fixLocalScaleX = m_objects[i].localScaleX; m_objects[i].fixLocalScaleY = m_objects[i].localScaleY; } // Calculate bone angles if (m_rootBone) { copyBone(m_rootBone); fixBone(m_rootBone); } // Generate scml QDomDocument scml; fillScml(scml, fi.baseName()); io->write("\n"); io->write(scml.toString(4).toUtf8()); delete m_rootBone; return KisImportExportFilter::OK; } void KisSpriterExport::initializeCapabilities() { addCapability(KisExportCheckRegistry::instance()->get("MultiLayerCheck")->create(KisExportCheckBase::SUPPORTED)); QList > supportedColorModels; supportedColorModels << QPair() << QPair(RGBAColorModelID, Integer8BitsColorDepthID); addSupportedColorModels(supportedColorModels, "Spriter"); } #include "kis_spriter_export.moc" diff --git a/plugins/impex/spriter/kis_spriter_export.h b/plugins/impex/spriter/kis_spriter_export.h index 86daebf519..d620f17493 100644 --- a/plugins/impex/spriter/kis_spriter_export.h +++ b/plugins/impex/spriter/kis_spriter_export.h @@ -1,135 +1,135 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2016 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef _KIS_SPRITER_EXPORT_H_ #define _KIS_SPRITER_EXPORT_H_ #include #include #include #include #include struct SpriterFile { qreal id; QString name; QString pathName; QString baseName; QString layerName; qreal width; qreal height; qreal x; qreal y; }; struct Folder { qreal id; QString name; QString pathName; QString baseName; QString groupName; QList files; }; struct Bone { qreal id; const Bone *parentBone; QString name; qreal x; qreal y; qreal width; qreal height; qreal localX; qreal localY; qreal localAngle; qreal localScaleX; qreal localScaleY; qreal fixLocalX; qreal fixLocalY; qreal fixLocalAngle; qreal fixLocalScaleX; qreal fixLocalScaleY; QList bones; ~Bone() { qDeleteAll(bones); bones.clear();; } }; struct SpriterSlot { QString name; bool defaultAttachmentFlag; }; struct SpriterObject { qreal id; qreal folderId; qreal fileId; Bone *bone; SpriterSlot *slot; qreal x; qreal y; qreal localX; qreal localY; qreal localAngle; qreal localScaleX; qreal localScaleY; qreal fixLocalX; qreal fixLocalY; qreal fixLocalAngle; qreal fixLocalScaleX; qreal fixLocalScaleY; ~SpriterObject() { delete slot; } }; class KisSpriterExport : public KisImportExportFilter { Q_OBJECT public: KisSpriterExport(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &); virtual ~KisSpriterExport(); public: virtual KisImportExportFilter::ConversionStatus convert(KisDocument *document, QIODevice *io, KisPropertiesConfigurationSP configuration = 0); void initializeCapabilities(); private: bool savePaintDevice(KisPaintDeviceSP dev, const QString &fileName); - void parseFolder(KisGroupLayerSP parentGroup, const QString &folderName, const QString &basePath); + void parseFolder(KisGroupLayerSP parentGroup, const QString &folderName, const QString &basePath, int *folderId = 0); Bone *parseBone(const Bone *parent, KisGroupLayerSP groupLayer); void fixBone(Bone *bone); void fillScml(QDomDocument &scml, const QString &entityName); void writeBoneRef(const Bone *bone, QDomElement &mainline, QDomDocument &scml); void writeBone(const Bone *bone, QDomElement &timeline, QDomDocument &scml); KisImageSP m_image; qreal m_timelineid; QList m_folders; Bone *m_rootBone; QList m_objects; KisGroupLayerSP m_rootLayer; // Not the image's root later, but the one that is named "root" KisLayerSP m_boneLayer; }; #endif diff --git a/plugins/impex/tiff/kis_tiff_converter.cc b/plugins/impex/tiff/kis_tiff_converter.cc index a2ab89f984..dc0567a448 100644 --- a/plugins/impex/tiff/kis_tiff_converter.cc +++ b/plugins/impex/tiff/kis_tiff_converter.cc @@ -1,682 +1,687 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Cyrille Berger * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_tiff_converter.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_tiff_reader.h" #include "kis_tiff_ycbcr_reader.h" #include "kis_buffer_stream.h" #include "kis_tiff_writer_visitor.h" #if TIFFLIB_VERSION < 20111221 typedef size_t tmsize_t; #endif namespace { QPair getColorSpaceForColorType(uint16 sampletype, uint16 color_type, uint16 color_nb_bits, TIFF *image, uint16 &nbchannels, uint16 &extrasamplescount, uint8 &destDepth) { if (color_type == PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE || color_type == PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK) { if (nbchannels == 0) nbchannels = 1; extrasamplescount = nbchannels - 1; // FIX the extrasamples count in case of if (sampletype == SAMPLEFORMAT_IEEEFP) { if (color_nb_bits == 16) { destDepth = 16; return QPair(GrayAColorModelID.id(), Float16BitsColorDepthID.id()); } else if (color_nb_bits == 32) { destDepth = 32; return QPair(GrayAColorModelID.id(), Float32BitsColorDepthID.id()); } } if (color_nb_bits <= 8) { destDepth = 8; return QPair(GrayAColorModelID.id(), Integer8BitsColorDepthID.id()); } else { destDepth = 16; return QPair(GrayAColorModelID.id(), Integer16BitsColorDepthID.id()); } } else if (color_type == PHOTOMETRIC_RGB /*|| color_type == */) { if (nbchannels == 0) nbchannels = 3; extrasamplescount = nbchannels - 3; // FIX the extrasamples count in case of if (sampletype == SAMPLEFORMAT_IEEEFP) { if (color_nb_bits == 16) { destDepth = 16; return QPair(RGBAColorModelID.id(), Float16BitsColorDepthID.id()); } else if (color_nb_bits == 32) { destDepth = 32; return QPair(RGBAColorModelID.id(), Float32BitsColorDepthID.id()); } return QPair(); } else { if (color_nb_bits <= 8) { destDepth = 8; return QPair(RGBAColorModelID.id(), Integer8BitsColorDepthID.id()); } else { destDepth = 16; return QPair(RGBAColorModelID.id(), Integer16BitsColorDepthID.id()); } } } else if (color_type == PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR) { if (nbchannels == 0) nbchannels = 3; extrasamplescount = nbchannels - 3; // FIX the extrasamples count in case of if (color_nb_bits <= 8) { destDepth = 8; return QPair(YCbCrAColorModelID.id(), Integer8BitsColorDepthID.id()); } else { destDepth = 16; return QPair(YCbCrAColorModelID.id(), Integer16BitsColorDepthID.id()); } } else if (color_type == PHOTOMETRIC_SEPARATED) { if (nbchannels == 0) nbchannels = 4; // SEPARATED is in general CMYK but not always, so we check uint16 inkset; if ((TIFFGetField(image, TIFFTAG_INKSET, &inkset) == 0)) { dbgFile << "Image does not define the inkset."; inkset = 2; } if (inkset != INKSET_CMYK) { dbgFile << "Unsupported inkset (right now, only CMYK is supported)"; char** ink_names; uint16 numberofinks; if (TIFFGetField(image, TIFFTAG_INKNAMES, &ink_names) == 1 && TIFFGetField(image, TIFFTAG_NUMBEROFINKS, &numberofinks) == 1) { dbgFile << "Inks are :"; for (uint i = 0; i < numberofinks; i++) { dbgFile << ink_names[i]; } } else { dbgFile << "inknames are not defined !"; // To be able to read stupid adobe files, if there are no information about inks and four channels, then it's a CMYK file : if (nbchannels - extrasamplescount != 4) { return QPair(); } } } if (color_nb_bits <= 8) { destDepth = 8; return QPair(CMYKAColorModelID.id(), Integer8BitsColorDepthID.id()); } else { destDepth = 16; return QPair(CMYKAColorModelID.id(), Integer16BitsColorDepthID.id()); } } else if (color_type == PHOTOMETRIC_CIELAB || color_type == PHOTOMETRIC_ICCLAB) { destDepth = 16; if (nbchannels == 0) nbchannels = 3; extrasamplescount = nbchannels - 3; // FIX the extrasamples count return QPair(LABAColorModelID.id(), Integer16BitsColorDepthID.id()); } else if (color_type == PHOTOMETRIC_PALETTE) { destDepth = 16; if (nbchannels == 0) nbchannels = 2; extrasamplescount = nbchannels - 2; // FIX the extrasamples count // <-- we will convert the index image to RGBA16 as the palette is always on 16bits colors return QPair(RGBAColorModelID.id(), Integer16BitsColorDepthID.id()); } return QPair(); } } KisTIFFConverter::KisTIFFConverter(KisDocument *doc) { m_doc = doc; m_stop = false; TIFFSetWarningHandler(0); TIFFSetErrorHandler(0); } KisTIFFConverter::~KisTIFFConverter() { } KisImageBuilder_Result KisTIFFConverter::decode(const QString &filename) { dbgFile << "Start decoding TIFF File"; // Opent the TIFF file TIFF *image = 0; if ((image = TIFFOpen(QFile::encodeName(filename), "r")) == 0) { dbgFile << "Could not open the file, either it does not exist, either it is not a TIFF :" << filename; return (KisImageBuilder_RESULT_BAD_FETCH); } do { dbgFile << "Read new sub-image"; KisImageBuilder_Result result = readTIFFDirectory(image); if (result != KisImageBuilder_RESULT_OK) { return result; } } while (TIFFReadDirectory(image)); // Freeing memory TIFFClose(image); return KisImageBuilder_RESULT_OK; } KisImageBuilder_Result KisTIFFConverter::readTIFFDirectory(TIFF* image) { // Read information about the tiff uint32 width, height; if (TIFFGetField(image, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, &width) == 0) { dbgFile << "Image does not define its width"; TIFFClose(image); return KisImageBuilder_RESULT_INVALID_ARG; } if (TIFFGetField(image, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, &height) == 0) { dbgFile << "Image does not define its height"; TIFFClose(image); return KisImageBuilder_RESULT_INVALID_ARG; } float xres; if (TIFFGetField(image, TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION, &xres) == 0) { dbgFile << "Image does not define x resolution"; // but we don't stop xres = 100; } float yres; if (TIFFGetField(image, TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION, &yres) == 0) { dbgFile << "Image does not define y resolution"; // but we don't stop yres = 100; } uint16 depth; if ((TIFFGetField(image, TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE, &depth) == 0)) { dbgFile << "Image does not define its depth"; depth = 1; } uint16 sampletype; if ((TIFFGetField(image, TIFFTAG_SAMPLEFORMAT, &sampletype) == 0)) { dbgFile << "Image does not define its sample type"; sampletype = SAMPLEFORMAT_UINT; } // Determine the number of channels (useful to know if a file has an alpha or not uint16 nbchannels; if (TIFFGetField(image, TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL, &nbchannels) == 0) { dbgFile << "Image has an undefined number of samples per pixel"; nbchannels = 0; } // Get the number of extrasamples and information about them uint16 *sampleinfo = 0, extrasamplescount; if (TIFFGetField(image, TIFFTAG_EXTRASAMPLES, &extrasamplescount, &sampleinfo) == 0) { extrasamplescount = 0; } // Determine the colorspace uint16 color_type; if (TIFFGetField(image, TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC, &color_type) == 0) { dbgFile << "Image has an undefined photometric interpretation"; color_type = PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE; } uint8 dstDepth = 0; QPair colorSpaceId = getColorSpaceForColorType(sampletype, color_type, depth, image, nbchannels, extrasamplescount, dstDepth); if (colorSpaceId.first.isEmpty()) { dbgFile << "Image has an unsupported colorspace :" << color_type << " for this depth :" << depth; TIFFClose(image); return KisImageBuilder_RESULT_UNSUPPORTED_COLORSPACE; } dbgFile << "Colorspace is :" << colorSpaceId.first << colorSpaceId.second << " with a depth of" << depth << " and with a nb of channels of" << nbchannels; // Read image profile dbgFile << "Reading profile"; const KoColorProfile* profile = 0; quint32 EmbedLen; quint8* EmbedBuffer; if (TIFFGetField(image, TIFFTAG_ICCPROFILE, &EmbedLen, &EmbedBuffer) == 1) { dbgFile << "Profile found"; QByteArray rawdata; rawdata.resize(EmbedLen); memcpy(rawdata.data(), EmbedBuffer, EmbedLen); profile = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->createColorProfile(colorSpaceId.first, colorSpaceId.second, rawdata); } - else { - dbgFile << "No Profile found"; - } // Check that the profile is used by the color space if (profile && !KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpaceFactory(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpaceId(colorSpaceId.first, colorSpaceId.second))->profileIsCompatible(profile)) { - warnFile << "The profile " << profile->name() << " is not compatible with the color space model " << colorSpaceId.first << " " << colorSpaceId.second; + dbgFile << "The profile " << profile->name() << " is not compatible with the color space model " << colorSpaceId.first << " " << colorSpaceId.second; profile = 0; } + // Do not use the linear gamma profile for 16 bits/channel by default, tiff files are usually created with + // gamma correction. XXX: Should we ask the user? + if (!profile && colorSpaceId.first == RGBAColorModelID.id() && colorSpaceId.second == Integer16BitsColorDepthID.id()) { + profile = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->profileByName("sRGB-elle-V2-srgbtrc.icc"); + dbgFile << "Getting srgb profile" << profile; + } + // Retrieve a pointer to the colorspace const KoColorSpace* cs = 0; if (profile && profile->isSuitableForOutput()) { dbgFile << "image has embedded profile:" << profile -> name() << ""; cs = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(colorSpaceId.first, colorSpaceId.second, profile); } else { cs = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(colorSpaceId.first, colorSpaceId.second, 0); } + if (cs == 0) { dbgFile << "Colorspace" << colorSpaceId.first << colorSpaceId.second << " is not available, please check your installation."; TIFFClose(image); return KisImageBuilder_RESULT_UNSUPPORTED_COLORSPACE; } // Create the cmsTransform if needed KoColorTransformation* transform = 0; if (profile && !profile->isSuitableForOutput()) { dbgFile << "The profile can't be used in krita, need conversion"; transform = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(colorSpaceId.first, colorSpaceId.second, profile)->createColorConverter(cs, KoColorConversionTransformation::internalRenderingIntent(), KoColorConversionTransformation::internalConversionFlags()); } // Check if there is an alpha channel int8 alphapos = -1; // <- no alpha // Check which extra is alpha if any dbgFile << "There are" << nbchannels << " channels and" << extrasamplescount << " extra channels"; if (sampleinfo) { // index images don't have any sampleinfo, and therefor sampleinfo == 0 for (int i = 0; i < extrasamplescount; i ++) { dbgFile << i << "" << extrasamplescount << "" << (cs->colorChannelCount()) << nbchannels << "" << sampleinfo[i]; if (sampleinfo[i] == EXTRASAMPLE_ASSOCALPHA) { // XXX: dangelo: the color values are already multiplied with // the alpha value. This needs to be reversed later (postprocessor?) alphapos = i; } if (sampleinfo[i] == EXTRASAMPLE_UNASSALPHA) { // color values are not premultiplied with alpha, and can be used as they are. alphapos = i; } } } dbgFile << "Alpha pos:" << alphapos; // Read META Information KoDocumentInfo * info = m_doc->documentInfo(); char* text; if (TIFFGetField(image, TIFFTAG_ARTIST, &text) == 1) { info->setAuthorInfo("creator", text); } if (TIFFGetField(image, TIFFTAG_DOCUMENTNAME, &text) == 1) { info->setAboutInfo("title", text); } if (TIFFGetField(image, TIFFTAG_IMAGEDESCRIPTION, &text) == 1) { info->setAboutInfo("description", text); } // Get the planar configuration uint16 planarconfig; if (TIFFGetField(image, TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG, &planarconfig) == 0) { dbgFile << "Plannar configuration is not define"; TIFFClose(image); return KisImageBuilder_RESULT_INVALID_ARG; } // Creating the KisImageSP if (! m_image) { m_image = new KisImage(m_doc->createUndoStore(), width, height, cs, "built image"); m_image->setResolution( POINT_TO_INCH(xres), POINT_TO_INCH(yres )); // It is the "invert" macro because we convert from pointer-per-inchs to points Q_CHECK_PTR(m_image); } else { if (m_image->width() < (qint32)width || m_image->height() < (qint32)height) { quint32 newwidth = (m_image->width() < (qint32)width) ? width : m_image->width(); quint32 newheight = (m_image->height() < (qint32)height) ? height : m_image->height(); m_image->resizeImage(QRect(0,0,newwidth, newheight)); } } KisPaintLayer* layer = new KisPaintLayer(m_image.data(), m_image -> nextLayerName(), quint8_MAX); tdata_t buf = 0; tdata_t* ps_buf = 0; // used only for planar configuration separated KisBufferStreamBase* tiffstream; KisTIFFReaderBase* tiffReader = 0; quint8 poses[5]; KisTIFFPostProcessor* postprocessor = 0; // Configure poses uint8 nbcolorsamples = nbchannels - extrasamplescount; switch (color_type) { case PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE: { poses[0] = 0; poses[1] = 1; postprocessor = new KisTIFFPostProcessorInvert(nbcolorsamples); } break; case PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK: { poses[0] = 0; poses[1] = 1; postprocessor = new KisTIFFPostProcessor(nbcolorsamples); } break; case PHOTOMETRIC_CIELAB: { poses[0] = 0; poses[1] = 1; poses[2] = 2; poses[3] = 3; postprocessor = new KisTIFFPostProcessorCIELABtoICCLAB(nbcolorsamples); } break; case PHOTOMETRIC_ICCLAB: { poses[0] = 0; poses[1] = 1; poses[2] = 2; poses[3] = 3; postprocessor = new KisTIFFPostProcessor(nbcolorsamples); } break; case PHOTOMETRIC_RGB: { if (sampletype == SAMPLEFORMAT_IEEEFP) { poses[2] = 2; poses[1] = 1; poses[0] = 0; poses[3] = 3; } else { poses[0] = 2; poses[1] = 1; poses[2] = 0; poses[3] = 3; } postprocessor = new KisTIFFPostProcessor(nbcolorsamples); } break; case PHOTOMETRIC_SEPARATED: { poses[0] = 0; poses[1] = 1; poses[2] = 2; poses[3] = 3; poses[4] = 4; postprocessor = new KisTIFFPostProcessor(nbcolorsamples); } break; default: break; } // Initisalize tiffReader uint16 * lineSizeCoeffs = new uint16[nbchannels]; uint16 vsubsampling = 1; uint16 hsubsampling = 1; for (uint i = 0; i < nbchannels; i++) { lineSizeCoeffs[i] = 1; } if (color_type == PHOTOMETRIC_PALETTE) { uint16 *red; // No need to free them they are free by libtiff uint16 *green; uint16 *blue; if ((TIFFGetField(image, TIFFTAG_COLORMAP, &red, &green, &blue)) == 0) { dbgFile << "Indexed image does not define a palette"; TIFFClose(image); delete [] lineSizeCoeffs; return KisImageBuilder_RESULT_INVALID_ARG; } tiffReader = new KisTIFFReaderFromPalette(layer->paintDevice(), red, green, blue, poses, alphapos, depth, sampletype, nbcolorsamples, extrasamplescount, transform, postprocessor); } else if (color_type == PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR) { TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(image, TIFFTAG_YCBCRSUBSAMPLING, &hsubsampling, &vsubsampling); lineSizeCoeffs[1] = hsubsampling; lineSizeCoeffs[2] = hsubsampling; uint16 position; TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(image, TIFFTAG_YCBCRPOSITIONING, &position); if (dstDepth == 8) { tiffReader = new KisTIFFYCbCrReaderTarget8Bit(layer->paintDevice(), layer->image()->width(), layer->image()->height(), poses, alphapos, depth, sampletype, nbcolorsamples, extrasamplescount, transform, postprocessor, hsubsampling, vsubsampling, (KisTIFFYCbCr::Position)position); } else if (dstDepth == 16) { tiffReader = new KisTIFFYCbCrReaderTarget16Bit(layer->paintDevice(), layer->image()->width(), layer->image()->height(), poses, alphapos, depth, sampletype, nbcolorsamples, extrasamplescount, transform, postprocessor, hsubsampling, vsubsampling, (KisTIFFYCbCr::Position)position); } } else if (dstDepth == 8) { tiffReader = new KisTIFFReaderTarget8bit(layer->paintDevice(), poses, alphapos, depth, sampletype, nbcolorsamples, extrasamplescount, transform, postprocessor); } else if (dstDepth == 16) { uint16 alphaValue; if (sampletype == SAMPLEFORMAT_IEEEFP) { alphaValue = 15360; // representation of 1.0 in half } else { alphaValue = quint16_MAX; } tiffReader = new KisTIFFReaderTarget16bit(layer->paintDevice(), poses, alphapos, depth, sampletype, nbcolorsamples, extrasamplescount, transform, postprocessor, alphaValue); } else if (dstDepth == 32) { union { float f; uint32 i; } alphaValue; if (sampletype == SAMPLEFORMAT_IEEEFP) { alphaValue.f = 1.0f; } else { alphaValue.i = quint32_MAX; } tiffReader = new KisTIFFReaderTarget32bit(layer->paintDevice(), poses, alphapos, depth, sampletype, nbcolorsamples, extrasamplescount, transform, postprocessor, alphaValue.i); } if (!tiffReader) { delete postprocessor; delete[] lineSizeCoeffs; TIFFClose(image); dbgFile << "Image has an invalid/unsupported color type: " << color_type; return KisImageBuilder_RESULT_INVALID_ARG; } if (TIFFIsTiled(image)) { dbgFile << "tiled image"; uint32 tileWidth, tileHeight; uint32 x, y; TIFFGetField(image, TIFFTAG_TILEWIDTH, &tileWidth); TIFFGetField(image, TIFFTAG_TILELENGTH, &tileHeight); uint32 linewidth = (tileWidth * depth * nbchannels) / 8; if (planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG) { buf = _TIFFmalloc(TIFFTileSize(image)); if (depth < 16) { tiffstream = new KisBufferStreamContigBelow16((uint8*)buf, depth, linewidth); } else if (depth < 32) { tiffstream = new KisBufferStreamContigBelow32((uint8*)buf, depth, linewidth); } else { tiffstream = new KisBufferStreamContigAbove32((uint8*)buf, depth, linewidth); } } else { ps_buf = new tdata_t[nbchannels]; uint32 * lineSizes = new uint32[nbchannels]; tmsize_t baseSize = TIFFTileSize(image) / nbchannels; for (uint i = 0; i < nbchannels; i++) { ps_buf[i] = _TIFFmalloc(baseSize); lineSizes[i] = tileWidth; // baseSize / lineSizeCoeffs[i]; } tiffstream = new KisBufferStreamSeperate((uint8**) ps_buf, nbchannels, depth, lineSizes); delete [] lineSizes; } dbgFile << linewidth << "" << nbchannels << "" << layer->paintDevice()->colorSpace()->colorChannelCount(); for (y = 0; y < height; y += tileHeight) { for (x = 0; x < width; x += tileWidth) { dbgFile << "Reading tile x =" << x << " y =" << y; if (planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG) { TIFFReadTile(image, buf, x, y, 0, (tsample_t) - 1); } else { for (uint i = 0; i < nbchannels; i++) { TIFFReadTile(image, ps_buf[i], x, y, 0, i); } } uint32 realTileWidth = (x + tileWidth) < width ? tileWidth : width - x; for (uint yintile = 0; y + yintile < height && yintile < tileHeight / vsubsampling;) { tiffReader->copyDataToChannels(x, y + yintile , realTileWidth, tiffstream); yintile += 1; tiffstream->moveToLine(yintile); } tiffstream->restart(); } } } else { dbgFile << "striped image"; tsize_t stripsize = TIFFStripSize(image); uint32 rowsPerStrip; TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(image, TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP, &rowsPerStrip); dbgFile << rowsPerStrip << "" << height; rowsPerStrip = qMin(rowsPerStrip, height); // when TIFFNumberOfStrips(image) == 1 it might happen that rowsPerStrip is incorrectly set if (planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG) { buf = _TIFFmalloc(stripsize); if (depth < 16) { tiffstream = new KisBufferStreamContigBelow16((uint8*)buf, depth, stripsize / rowsPerStrip); } else if (depth < 32) { tiffstream = new KisBufferStreamContigBelow32((uint8*)buf, depth, stripsize / rowsPerStrip); } else { tiffstream = new KisBufferStreamContigAbove32((uint8*)buf, depth, stripsize / rowsPerStrip); } } else { ps_buf = new tdata_t[nbchannels]; uint32 scanLineSize = stripsize / rowsPerStrip; dbgFile << " scanLineSize for each plan =" << scanLineSize; uint32 * lineSizes = new uint32[nbchannels]; for (uint i = 0; i < nbchannels; i++) { ps_buf[i] = _TIFFmalloc(stripsize); lineSizes[i] = scanLineSize / lineSizeCoeffs[i]; } tiffstream = new KisBufferStreamSeperate((uint8**) ps_buf, nbchannels, depth, lineSizes); delete [] lineSizes; } dbgFile << "Scanline size =" << TIFFRasterScanlineSize(image) << " / strip size =" << TIFFStripSize(image) << " / rowsPerStrip =" << rowsPerStrip << " stripsize/rowsPerStrip =" << stripsize / rowsPerStrip; uint32 y = 0; dbgFile << " NbOfStrips =" << TIFFNumberOfStrips(image) << " rowsPerStrip =" << rowsPerStrip << " stripsize =" << stripsize; for (uint32 strip = 0; y < height; strip++) { if (planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG) { TIFFReadEncodedStrip(image, TIFFComputeStrip(image, y, 0) , buf, (tsize_t) - 1); } else { for (uint i = 0; i < nbchannels; i++) { TIFFReadEncodedStrip(image, TIFFComputeStrip(image, y, i), ps_buf[i], (tsize_t) - 1); } } for (uint32 yinstrip = 0 ; yinstrip < rowsPerStrip && y < height ;) { uint linesread = tiffReader->copyDataToChannels(0, y, width, tiffstream); y += linesread; yinstrip += linesread; tiffstream->moveToLine(yinstrip); } tiffstream->restart(); } } tiffReader->finalize(); delete[] lineSizeCoeffs; delete tiffReader; delete tiffstream; if (planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG) { _TIFFfree(buf); } else { for (uint i = 0; i < nbchannels; i++) { _TIFFfree(ps_buf[i]); } delete[] ps_buf; } m_image->addNode(KisNodeSP(layer), m_image->rootLayer().data()); return KisImageBuilder_RESULT_OK; } KisImageBuilder_Result KisTIFFConverter::buildImage(const QString &filename) { return decode(filename); } KisImageSP KisTIFFConverter::image() { return m_image; } KisImageBuilder_Result KisTIFFConverter::buildFile(const QString &filename, KisImageSP kisimage, KisTIFFOptions options) { dbgFile << "Start writing TIFF File"; if (!kisimage) return KisImageBuilder_RESULT_EMPTY; // Open file for writing TIFF *image; if ((image = TIFFOpen(QFile::encodeName(filename), "w")) == 0) { dbgFile << "Could not open the file for writing" << filename; TIFFClose(image); return (KisImageBuilder_RESULT_FAILURE); } // Set the document information KoDocumentInfo * info = m_doc->documentInfo(); QString title = info->aboutInfo("title"); if (!title.isEmpty()) { TIFFSetField(image, TIFFTAG_DOCUMENTNAME, title.toLatin1().constData()); } QString abstract = info->aboutInfo("description"); if (!abstract.isEmpty()) { TIFFSetField(image, TIFFTAG_IMAGEDESCRIPTION, abstract.toLatin1().constData()); } QString author = info->authorInfo("creator"); if (!author.isEmpty()) { TIFFSetField(image, TIFFTAG_ARTIST, author.toLatin1().constData()); } dbgFile << "xres: " << INCH_TO_POINT(kisimage->xRes()) << " yres: " << INCH_TO_POINT(kisimage->yRes()); TIFFSetField(image, TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION, INCH_TO_POINT(kisimage->xRes())); // It is the "invert" macro because we convert from pointer-per-inchs to points TIFFSetField(image, TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION, INCH_TO_POINT(kisimage->yRes())); KisGroupLayer* root = dynamic_cast(kisimage->rootLayer().data()); if (root == 0) { TIFFClose(image); return KisImageBuilder_RESULT_FAILURE; } KisTIFFWriterVisitor* visitor = new KisTIFFWriterVisitor(image, &options); if (!visitor->visit(root)) { TIFFClose(image); return KisImageBuilder_RESULT_FAILURE; } TIFFClose(image); return KisImageBuilder_RESULT_OK; } void KisTIFFConverter::cancel() { m_stop = true; } diff --git a/plugins/impex/video/video_saver.cpp b/plugins/impex/video/video_saver.cpp index 1ee24db8e6..c1d88794b5 100644 --- a/plugins/impex/video/video_saver.cpp +++ b/plugins/impex/video/video_saver.cpp @@ -1,330 +1,330 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2016 Dmitry Kazakov * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "video_saver.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_config.h" #include "kis_animation_exporter.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "KisPart.h" class KisFFMpegProgressWatcher : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: KisFFMpegProgressWatcher(QFile &progressFile, int totalFrames) : m_progressFile(progressFile), m_totalFrames(totalFrames) { connect(&m_progressWatcher, SIGNAL(fileChanged(QString)), SLOT(slotFileChanged())); m_progressWatcher.addPath(m_progressFile.fileName()); } private Q_SLOTS: void slotFileChanged() { int currentFrame = -1; bool isEnded = false; while(!m_progressFile.atEnd()) { QString line = QString(m_progressFile.readLine()).remove(QChar('\n')); QStringList var = line.split("="); if (var[0] == "frame") { currentFrame = var[1].toInt(); } else if (var[0] == "progress") { isEnded = var[1] == "end"; } } if (isEnded) { emit sigProgressChanged(100); emit sigProcessingFinished(); } else { emit sigProgressChanged(100 * currentFrame / m_totalFrames); } } Q_SIGNALS: void sigProgressChanged(int percent); void sigProcessingFinished(); private: QFileSystemWatcher m_progressWatcher; QFile &m_progressFile; int m_totalFrames; }; class KisFFMpegRunner { public: KisFFMpegRunner(const QString &ffmpegPath) : m_cancelled(false), m_ffmpegPath(ffmpegPath) {} public: KisImageBuilder_Result runFFMpeg(const QStringList &specialArgs, const QString &actionName, const QString &logPath, int totalFrames) { dbgFile << "runFFMpeg: specialArgs" << specialArgs << "actionName" << actionName << "logPath" << logPath << "totalFrames" << totalFrames; QTemporaryFile progressFile(QDir::tempPath() + QDir::separator() + "KritaFFmpegProgress.XXXXXX"); progressFile.open(); m_process.setStandardOutputFile(logPath); m_process.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::MergedChannels); QStringList args; args << "-v" << "debug" << "-nostdin" << "-progress" << progressFile.fileName() << specialArgs; qDebug() << "\t" << m_ffmpegPath << args.join(" "); m_cancelled = false; m_process.start(m_ffmpegPath, args); return waitForFFMpegProcess(actionName, progressFile, m_process, totalFrames); } void cancel() { m_cancelled = true; m_process.kill(); } private: KisImageBuilder_Result waitForFFMpegProcess(const QString &message, QFile &progressFile, QProcess &ffmpegProcess, int totalFrames) { KisFFMpegProgressWatcher watcher(progressFile, totalFrames); QProgressDialog progress(message, "", 0, 0, KisPart::instance()->currentMainwindow()); progress.setWindowModality(Qt::ApplicationModal); progress.setCancelButton(0); progress.setMinimumDuration(0); progress.setValue(0); progress.setRange(0, 100); QEventLoop loop; loop.connect(&watcher, SIGNAL(sigProcessingFinished()), SLOT(quit())); loop.connect(&ffmpegProcess, SIGNAL(finished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)), SLOT(quit())); loop.connect(&watcher, SIGNAL(sigProgressChanged(int)), &progress, SLOT(setValue(int))); loop.exec(); // wait for some errorneous case ffmpegProcess.waitForFinished(5000); KisImageBuilder_Result retval = KisImageBuilder_RESULT_OK; if (ffmpegProcess.state() != QProcess::NotRunning) { // sorry... ffmpegProcess.kill(); retval = KisImageBuilder_RESULT_FAILURE; } else if (m_cancelled) { retval = KisImageBuilder_RESULT_CANCEL; } else if (ffmpegProcess.exitCode()) { retval = KisImageBuilder_RESULT_FAILURE; } return retval; } private: QProcess m_process; bool m_cancelled; QString m_ffmpegPath; }; VideoSaver::VideoSaver(KisDocument *doc, const QString &ffmpegPath, bool batchMode) : m_image(doc->image()) , m_doc(doc) , m_batchMode(batchMode) , m_ffmpegPath(ffmpegPath) , m_runner(new KisFFMpegRunner(ffmpegPath)) { } VideoSaver::~VideoSaver() { } KisImageSP VideoSaver::image() { return m_image; } bool VideoSaver::hasFFMpeg() const { return !m_ffmpegPath.isEmpty(); } KisImageBuilder_Result VideoSaver::encode(const QString &filename, KisPropertiesConfigurationSP configuration) { qDebug() << "ffmpeg" << m_ffmpegPath << "filename" << filename << "configuration" << configuration->toXML(); if (m_ffmpegPath.isEmpty()) { m_ffmpegPath = configuration->getString("ffmpeg_path"); if (!QFileInfo(m_ffmpegPath).exists()) { return KisImageBuilder_RESULT_FAILURE; } } KisImageBuilder_Result result = KisImageBuilder_RESULT_OK; KisImageAnimationInterface *animation = m_image->animationInterface(); const KisTimeRange fullRange = animation->fullClipRange(); const int frameRate = animation->framerate(); KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(configuration->hasProperty("first_frame")); KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(configuration->hasProperty("last_frame")); KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(configuration->hasProperty("include_audio")); const KisTimeRange clipRange(configuration->getInt("first_frame", fullRange.start()), configuration->getInt("last_frame", fullRange.end())); const bool includeAudio = configuration->getBool("include_audio", true); const QDir framesDir(configuration->getString("directory")); QString resultFile; if (QFileInfo(filename).isAbsolute()) { resultFile = filename; } else { resultFile = framesDir.absolutePath() + "/" + filename; } const QFileInfo info(resultFile); const QString suffix = info.suffix().toLower(); const QString palettePath = framesDir.filePath("palette.png"); const QString savedFilesMask = configuration->getString("savedFilesMask"); const QStringList additionalOptionsList = configuration->getString("customUserOptions").split(' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (suffix == "gif") { { QStringList args; args << "-r" << QString::number(frameRate) - << "-pattern_type" << "glob" + << "-start_number" << QString::number(clipRange.start()) << "-i" << savedFilesMask << "-vf" << "palettegen" << "-y" << palettePath; KisImageBuilder_Result result = m_runner->runFFMpeg(args, i18n("Fetching palette..."), framesDir.filePath("log_generate_palette_gif.log"), - clipRange.duration() + clipRange.start()); + clipRange.duration()); if (result != KisImageBuilder_RESULT_OK) { return result; } } { QStringList args; args << "-r" << QString::number(frameRate) - << "-pattern_type" << "glob" + << "-start_number" << QString::number(clipRange.start()) << "-i" << savedFilesMask << "-i" << palettePath << "-lavfi" << "[0:v][1:v] paletteuse" << additionalOptionsList << "-y" << resultFile; - dbgFile << "savedFilesMask" << savedFilesMask << "start" << clipRange.start() << "duration" << clipRange.duration(); + dbgFile << "savedFilesMask" << savedFilesMask << "start" << QString::number(clipRange.start()) << "duration" << clipRange.duration(); KisImageBuilder_Result result = m_runner->runFFMpeg(args, i18n("Encoding frames..."), framesDir.filePath("log_encode_gif.log"), - clipRange.duration() + clipRange.start()); + clipRange.duration()); if (result != KisImageBuilder_RESULT_OK) { return result; } } } else { QStringList args; - args << "-r" << QString::number(frameRate); - args << "-pattern_type" << "glob"; - args << "-i" << savedFilesMask; + args << "-r" << QString::number(frameRate) + << "-start_number" << QString::number(clipRange.start()) + << "-i" << savedFilesMask; QFileInfo audioFileInfo = animation->audioChannelFileName(); if (includeAudio && audioFileInfo.exists()) { const int msecStart = clipRange.start() * 1000 / animation->framerate(); const int msecDuration = clipRange.duration() * 1000 / animation->framerate(); const QTime startTime = QTime::fromMSecsSinceStartOfDay(msecStart); const QTime durationTime = QTime::fromMSecsSinceStartOfDay(msecDuration); const QString ffmpegTimeFormat("H:m:s.zzz"); args << "-ss" << startTime.toString(ffmpegTimeFormat); args << "-t" << durationTime.toString(ffmpegTimeFormat); args << "-i" << audioFileInfo.absoluteFilePath(); } args << additionalOptionsList << "-y" << resultFile; result = m_runner->runFFMpeg(args, i18n("Encoding frames..."), framesDir.filePath("log_encode.log"), - clipRange.duration() + clipRange.start()); + clipRange.duration()); } return result; } void VideoSaver::cancel() { m_runner->cancel(); } #include "video_saver.moc" diff --git a/plugins/paintops/libpaintop/kis_curve_option.h b/plugins/paintops/libpaintop/kis_curve_option.h index 63d78ccfb1..d73837d991 100644 --- a/plugins/paintops/libpaintop/kis_curve_option.h +++ b/plugins/paintops/libpaintop/kis_curve_option.h @@ -1,197 +1,199 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project * Copyright (C) 2008 Boudewijn Rempt * Copyright (C) 2011 Silvio Heinrich * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KIS_CURVE_OPTION_H #define KIS_CURVE_OPTION_H #include #include #include "kis_paintop_option.h" #include "kis_global.h" #include "kis_paintop_option.h" #include #include "kritapaintop_export.h" #include "kis_dynamic_sensor.h" class KisDynamicSensor; /** * KisCurveOption is the base class for paintop options that are * defined through one or more curves. * * Note: it is NOT a KisPaintOpOption, even though the API is pretty similar! * */ class PAINTOP_EXPORT KisCurveOption { public: KisCurveOption(const QString& name, KisPaintOpOption::PaintopCategory category, bool checked, qreal value = 1.0, qreal min = 0.0, qreal max = 1.0); virtual ~KisCurveOption(); virtual void writeOptionSetting(KisPropertiesConfigurationSP setting) const; virtual void readOptionSetting(KisPropertiesConfigurationSP setting); virtual void lodLimitations(KisPaintopLodLimitations *l) const; const QString& name() const; KisPaintOpOption::PaintopCategory category() const; qreal minValue() const; qreal maxValue() const; qreal value() const; void resetAllSensors(); KisDynamicSensorSP sensor(DynamicSensorType sensorType, bool active) const; void replaceSensor(KisDynamicSensorSP sensor); QList sensors(); QList activeSensors() const; bool isCheckable(); bool isChecked() const; bool isCurveUsed() const; bool isSameCurveUsed() const; bool isRandom() const; void setSeparateCurveValue(bool separateCurveValue); void setChecked(bool checked); void setCurveUsed(bool useCurve); void setCurve(DynamicSensorType sensorType, bool useSameCurve, const KisCubicCurve &curve); void setValue(qreal value); struct ValueComponents { ValueComponents() : constant(1.0), scaling(1.0), additive(0.0), absoluteOffset(0.0), hasAbsoluteOffset(false), hasScaling(false), hasAdditive(false) { } qreal constant; qreal scaling; qreal additive; qreal absoluteOffset; bool hasAbsoluteOffset; bool hasScaling; bool hasAdditive; qreal minSizeLikeValue; qreal maxSizeLikeValue; /** * @param normalizedBaseAngle canvas rotation alngle normalized to range [0; 1] * @param absoluteAxesFlipped true if underlying image coordinate system is flipped (horiz. mirror != vert. mirror) */ qreal rotationLikeValue(qreal normalizedBaseAngle, bool absoluteAxesFlipped) const { const qreal offset = !hasAbsoluteOffset ? normalizedBaseAngle : absoluteAxesFlipped ? 1.0 - absoluteOffset : absoluteOffset; const qreal realScalingPart = hasScaling ? KisDynamicSensor::scalingToAdditive(scaling) : 0.0; const qreal realAdditivePart = hasAdditive ? additive : 0; - return - wrapInRange( - 2 * offset + constant * realScalingPart + realAdditivePart, - -1.0, 1.0); + qreal value = wrapInRange(2 * offset + constant * realScalingPart + realAdditivePart, -1.0, 1.0); + if (qIsNaN(value)) { + qWarning() << "rotationLikeValue returns NaN!" << normalizedBaseAngle << absoluteAxesFlipped; + value = 0; + } + return value; } qreal sizeLikeValue() const { const qreal offset = hasAbsoluteOffset ? absoluteOffset : 1.0; const qreal realScalingPart = hasScaling ? scaling : 1.0; const qreal realAdditivePart = hasAdditive ? KisDynamicSensor::additiveToScaling(additive) : 1.0; return qBound(minSizeLikeValue, constant * offset * realScalingPart * realAdditivePart, maxSizeLikeValue); } private: static inline qreal wrapInRange(qreal x, qreal min, qreal max) { const qreal range = max - min; x -= min; if (x < 0.0) { x = range + fmod(x, range); } if (x > range) { x = fmod(x, range); } return x + min; } }; /** * Uses the curves set on the sensors to compute a single * double value that can control the parameters of a brush. * * This value is derives from the falues stored in * ValuesComponents opject. */ ValueComponents computeValueComponents(const KisPaintInformation& info) const; qreal computeSizeLikeValue(const KisPaintInformation &info) const; qreal computeRotationLikeValue(const KisPaintInformation& info, qreal baseValue, bool absoluteAxesFlipped) const; protected: void setValueRange(qreal min, qreal max); /** * Read the option using the prefix in argument */ void readNamedOptionSetting(const QString& prefix, const KisPropertiesConfigurationSP setting); QString m_name; KisPaintOpOption::PaintopCategory m_category; bool m_checkable; bool m_checked; bool m_useCurve; bool m_useSameCurve; bool m_separateCurveValue; QMap m_sensorMap; QMap m_curveCache; private: qreal m_value; qreal m_minValue; qreal m_maxValue; }; #endif diff --git a/plugins/paintops/libpaintop/kis_embedded_pattern_manager.cpp b/plugins/paintops/libpaintop/kis_embedded_pattern_manager.cpp index d92c20f2b5..d1973ff581 100644 --- a/plugins/paintops/libpaintop/kis_embedded_pattern_manager.cpp +++ b/plugins/paintops/libpaintop/kis_embedded_pattern_manager.cpp @@ -1,130 +1,123 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2013 Dmitry Kazakov * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_embedded_pattern_manager.h" #include #include #include #include #include struct KisEmbeddedPatternManager::Private { static KoPattern* tryLoadEmbeddedPattern(const KisPropertiesConfigurationSP setting) { KoPattern *pattern = 0; QByteArray ba = QByteArray::fromBase64(setting->getString("Texture/Pattern/Pattern").toLatin1()); QImage img; img.loadFromData(ba, "PNG"); QString name = setting->getString("Texture/Pattern/Name"); QString filename = setting->getString("Texture/Pattern/PatternFileName"); if (name.isEmpty() || name != QFileInfo(name).fileName()) { QFileInfo info(filename); name = info.baseName(); } if (!img.isNull()) { pattern = new KoPattern(img, name, KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->patternServer()->saveLocation()); } return pattern; } static KoPattern* tryFetchPatternByMd5(const QByteArray &md5) { KoResourceServer *server = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->patternServer(); return server->resourceByMD5(md5); } static KoPattern* tryFetchPatternByName(const QString &name) { KoResourceServer *server = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->patternServer(); return server->resourceByName(name); } static KoPattern* tryFetchPatternByFileName(const QString &fileName) { KoResourceServer *server = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->patternServer(); return server->resourceByFilename(fileName); } }; void KisEmbeddedPatternManager::saveEmbeddedPattern(KisPropertiesConfigurationSP setting, const KoPattern *pattern) { QByteArray patternMD5 = pattern->md5(); /** * The process of saving a pattern may be quite expensive, so * we won't rewrite the pattern if has the same md5-sum and at * least some data is present */ QByteArray existingMD5 = QByteArray::fromBase64(setting->getString("Texture/Pattern/PatternMD5").toLatin1()); QString existingPatternBase64 = setting->getString("Texture/Pattern/PatternMD5").toLatin1(); if (patternMD5 == existingMD5 && !existingPatternBase64.isEmpty()) { return; } setting->setProperty("Texture/Pattern/PatternMD5", patternMD5.toBase64()); setting->setProperty("Texture/Pattern/PatternFileName", pattern->filename()); setting->setProperty("Texture/Pattern/Name", pattern->name()); QByteArray ba; QBuffer buffer(&ba); buffer.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); pattern->pattern().save(&buffer, "PNG"); setting->setProperty("Texture/Pattern/Pattern", ba.toBase64()); } KoPattern* KisEmbeddedPatternManager::loadEmbeddedPattern(const KisPropertiesConfigurationSP setting) { KoPattern *pattern = 0; QByteArray md5 = QByteArray::fromBase64(setting->getString("Texture/Pattern/PatternMD5").toLatin1()); pattern = Private::tryFetchPatternByMd5(md5); if (pattern) return pattern; QString name = setting->getString("Texture/Pattern/Name"); pattern = Private::tryFetchPatternByName(name); if (pattern) return pattern; QString fileName = setting->getString("Texture/Pattern/PatternFileName"); pattern = Private::tryFetchPatternByFileName(fileName); if (pattern) return pattern; pattern = Private::tryLoadEmbeddedPattern(setting); if (pattern) { - KoPattern *existingPattern = Private::tryFetchPatternByMd5(pattern->md5()); - if (existingPattern) { - delete pattern; - pattern = existingPattern; - } - else { - KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->patternServer()->addResource(pattern, false); - } + KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->patternServer()->addResource(pattern, false); } return pattern; } diff --git a/plugins/paintops/libpaintop/kis_pressure_hsv_option.cpp b/plugins/paintops/libpaintop/kis_pressure_hsv_option.cpp index 7e8641960a..cf6f63046d 100644 --- a/plugins/paintops/libpaintop/kis_pressure_hsv_option.cpp +++ b/plugins/paintops/libpaintop/kis_pressure_hsv_option.cpp @@ -1,140 +1,139 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project * Copyright (c) 2010 Cyrille Berger * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_pressure_hsv_option.h" #include #include KisPressureHSVOption* KisPressureHSVOption::createHueOption() { return new KisPressureHSVOption("h"); } QString KisPressureHSVOption::hueMinLabel() { // xgettext: no-c-format QString activeColorMsg = i18n("(0° is active color)"); QString br("
"); QString fullPercent = i18n("+180°"); QString zeroPercent = i18n("-180°"); return QString(zeroPercent + br + i18n("CCW hue") + br + activeColorMsg); } QString KisPressureHSVOption::huemaxLabel() { // xgettext: no-c-format QString activeColorMsg = i18n("(0° is active color)"); QString br("
"); QString fullPercent = i18n("+180°"); QString zeroPercent = i18n("-180°"); return QString(fullPercent + br + i18n("CW hue")); } KisPressureHSVOption* KisPressureHSVOption::createSaturationOption() { return new KisPressureHSVOption("s"); } QString KisPressureHSVOption::saturationMinLabel() { // xgettext: no-c-format QString activeColorMsg = i18n("(50% is active color)"); QString br("
"); QString fullPercent = i18n("+100%"); QString zeroPercent = i18n("-100%"); return QString(zeroPercent + br + i18n("Less saturation ") + br + activeColorMsg); } QString KisPressureHSVOption::saturationmaxLabel() { // xgettext: no-c-format QString activeColorMsg = i18n("(50% is active color)"); QString br("
"); QString fullPercent = i18n("+100%"); QString zeroPercent = i18n("-100%"); return QString(fullPercent + br + i18n("More saturation")); } KisPressureHSVOption* KisPressureHSVOption::createValueOption() { return new KisPressureHSVOption("v"); } QString KisPressureHSVOption::valueMinLabel() { // xgettext: no-c-format QString activeColorMsg = i18n("(50% is active color)"); QString br("
"); QString fullPercent = i18n("+100%"); QString zeroPercent = i18n("-100%"); return QString(zeroPercent + br + i18n("Lower value ") + br + activeColorMsg); } QString KisPressureHSVOption::valuemaxLabel() { // xgettext: no-c-format QString activeColorMsg = i18n("(50% is active color)"); QString br("
"); QString fullPercent = i18n("+100%"); QString zeroPercent = i18n("-100%"); return QString(fullPercent + br + i18n("Higher value")); } struct KisPressureHSVOption::Private { QString parameterName; int paramId; }; KisPressureHSVOption::KisPressureHSVOption(const QString& parameterName) : KisCurveOption(parameterName, KisPaintOpOption::COLOR, false) , d(new Private()) { d->parameterName = parameterName; d->paramId = -1; } KisPressureHSVOption::~KisPressureHSVOption() { delete d; } void KisPressureHSVOption::apply(KoColorTransformation* transfo, const KisPaintInformation& info) const { if (!isChecked()) { return; } if (d->paramId == -1) { d->paramId = transfo->parameterId(d->parameterName); } qreal value = computeRotationLikeValue(info, 0, false); - transfo->setParameter(d->paramId, value); transfo->setParameter(3, 0); //sets the type to HSV. transfo->setParameter(4, false); //sets the colorize to false. } diff --git a/plugins/tools/basictools/kis_tool_brush.cc b/plugins/tools/basictools/kis_tool_brush.cc index b25a8fd2f5..1ab772f75e 100644 --- a/plugins/tools/basictools/kis_tool_brush.cc +++ b/plugins/tools/basictools/kis_tool_brush.cc @@ -1,466 +1,468 @@ /* * kis_tool_brush.cc - part of Krita * * Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Boudewijn Rempt * Copyright (c) 2015 Moritz Molch * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_tool_brush.h" +#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_cursor.h" #include "kis_config.h" #include "kis_slider_spin_box.h" #include "kundo2magicstring.h" #define MAXIMUM_SMOOTHNESS_DISTANCE 1000.0 // 0..1000.0 == weight in gui #define MAXIMUM_MAGNETISM 1000 -void KisToolBrush::addSmoothingAction(int enumId, const QString &id, const QString &name, KActionCollection *globalCollection) +void KisToolBrush::addSmoothingAction(int enumId, const QString &id, const QString &name, const QIcon &icon, KActionCollection *globalCollection) { /** * KisToolBrush is the base of several tools, but the actions * should be unique, so let's be careful with them */ if (!globalCollection->action(id)) { QAction *action = new QAction(name, globalCollection); + action->setIcon(icon); globalCollection->addAction(id, action); } QAction *action = dynamic_cast(globalCollection->action(id)); addAction(id, action); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), &m_signalMapper, SLOT(map())); m_signalMapper.setMapping(action, enumId); } KisToolBrush::KisToolBrush(KoCanvasBase * canvas) : KisToolFreehand(canvas, KisCursor::load("tool_freehand_cursor.png", 5, 5), kundo2_i18n("Freehand Brush Stroke")) { setObjectName("tool_brush"); connect(this, SIGNAL(smoothingTypeChanged()), this, SLOT(resetCursorStyle())); KActionCollection *collection = this->canvas()->canvasController()->actionCollection(); - addSmoothingAction(KisSmoothingOptions::NO_SMOOTHING, "set_no_brush_smoothing", i18nc("@action", "Brush Smoothing: Disabled"), collection); - addSmoothingAction(KisSmoothingOptions::SIMPLE_SMOOTHING, "set_simple_brush_smoothing", i18nc("@action", "Brush Smoothing: Basic"), collection); - addSmoothingAction(KisSmoothingOptions::WEIGHTED_SMOOTHING, "set_weighted_brush_smoothing", i18nc("@action", "Brush Smoothing: Weighted"), collection); - addSmoothingAction(KisSmoothingOptions::STABILIZER, "set_stabilizer_brush_smoothing", i18nc("@action", "Brush Smoothing: Stabilizer"), collection); - + addSmoothingAction(KisSmoothingOptions::NO_SMOOTHING, "set_no_brush_smoothing", i18nc("@action", "Brush Smoothing: Disabled"), KisIconUtils::loadIcon("smoothing-no"), collection); + addSmoothingAction(KisSmoothingOptions::SIMPLE_SMOOTHING, "set_simple_brush_smoothing", i18nc("@action", "Brush Smoothing: Basic"), KisIconUtils::loadIcon("smoothing-basic"), collection); + addSmoothingAction(KisSmoothingOptions::WEIGHTED_SMOOTHING, "set_weighted_brush_smoothing", i18nc("@action", "Brush Smoothing: Weighted"), KisIconUtils::loadIcon("smoothing-weighted"), collection); + addSmoothingAction(KisSmoothingOptions::STABILIZER, "set_stabilizer_brush_smoothing", i18nc("@action", "Brush Smoothing: Stabilizer"), KisIconUtils::loadIcon("smoothing-stabilizer"), collection); + } KisToolBrush::~KisToolBrush() { } void KisToolBrush::activate(ToolActivation activation, const QSet &shapes) { KisToolFreehand::activate(activation, shapes); connect(&m_signalMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(int)), SLOT(slotSetSmoothingType(int)), Qt::UniqueConnection); m_configGroup = KSharedConfig::openConfig()->group(toolId()); } void KisToolBrush::deactivate() { disconnect(&m_signalMapper, 0, this, 0); KisToolFreehand::deactivate(); } int KisToolBrush::smoothingType() const { return smoothingOptions()->smoothingType(); } bool KisToolBrush::smoothPressure() const { return smoothingOptions()->smoothPressure(); } int KisToolBrush::smoothnessQuality() const { return smoothingOptions()->smoothnessDistance(); } qreal KisToolBrush::smoothnessFactor() const { return smoothingOptions()->tailAggressiveness(); } void KisToolBrush::slotSetSmoothingType(int index) { /** * The slot can also be called from smoothing-type-switching * action that would mean the combo box will not be synchronized */ if (m_cmbSmoothingType->currentIndex() != index) { m_cmbSmoothingType->setCurrentIndex(index); } switch (index) { case 0: smoothingOptions()->setSmoothingType(KisSmoothingOptions::NO_SMOOTHING); showControl(m_sliderSmoothnessDistance, false); showControl(m_sliderTailAggressiveness, false); showControl(m_chkSmoothPressure, false); showControl(m_chkUseScalableDistance, false); showControl(m_sliderDelayDistance, false); showControl(m_chkFinishStabilizedCurve, false); showControl(m_chkStabilizeSensors, false); break; case 1: smoothingOptions()->setSmoothingType(KisSmoothingOptions::SIMPLE_SMOOTHING); showControl(m_sliderSmoothnessDistance, false); showControl(m_sliderTailAggressiveness, false); showControl(m_chkSmoothPressure, false); showControl(m_chkUseScalableDistance, false); showControl(m_sliderDelayDistance, false); showControl(m_chkFinishStabilizedCurve, false); showControl(m_chkStabilizeSensors, false); break; case 2: smoothingOptions()->setSmoothingType(KisSmoothingOptions::WEIGHTED_SMOOTHING); showControl(m_sliderSmoothnessDistance, true); showControl(m_sliderTailAggressiveness, true); showControl(m_chkSmoothPressure, true); showControl(m_chkUseScalableDistance, true); showControl(m_sliderDelayDistance, false); showControl(m_chkFinishStabilizedCurve, false); showControl(m_chkStabilizeSensors, false); break; case 3: default: smoothingOptions()->setSmoothingType(KisSmoothingOptions::STABILIZER); showControl(m_sliderSmoothnessDistance, true); showControl(m_sliderTailAggressiveness, false); showControl(m_chkSmoothPressure, false); showControl(m_chkUseScalableDistance, true); showControl(m_sliderDelayDistance, true); showControl(m_chkFinishStabilizedCurve, true); showControl(m_chkStabilizeSensors, true); } emit smoothingTypeChanged(); } void KisToolBrush::slotSetSmoothnessDistance(qreal distance) { smoothingOptions()->setSmoothnessDistance(distance); emit smoothnessQualityChanged(); } void KisToolBrush::slotSetTailAgressiveness(qreal argh_rhhrr) { smoothingOptions()->setTailAggressiveness(argh_rhhrr); emit smoothnessFactorChanged(); } // used with weighted smoothing void KisToolBrush::setSmoothPressure(bool value) { smoothingOptions()->setSmoothPressure(value); } void KisToolBrush::slotSetMagnetism(int magnetism) { m_magnetism = expf(magnetism / (double)MAXIMUM_MAGNETISM) / expf(1.0); } bool KisToolBrush::useScalableDistance() const { return smoothingOptions()->useScalableDistance(); } // used with weighted smoothing void KisToolBrush::setUseScalableDistance(bool value) { smoothingOptions()->setUseScalableDistance(value); emit useScalableDistanceChanged(); } void KisToolBrush::resetCursorStyle() { KisConfig cfg; CursorStyle cursorStyle = cfg.newCursorStyle(); // When the stabilizer is in use, we avoid using the brush outline cursor, // because it would hide the real position of the cursor to the user, // yielding unexpected results. if (smoothingOptions()->smoothingType() == KisSmoothingOptions::STABILIZER && smoothingOptions()->useDelayDistance() && cursorStyle == CURSOR_STYLE_NO_CURSOR) { useCursor(KisCursor::roundCursor()); } else { KisToolFreehand::resetCursorStyle(); } overrideCursorIfNotEditable(); } // stabilizer brush settings bool KisToolBrush::useDelayDistance() const { return smoothingOptions()->useDelayDistance(); } qreal KisToolBrush::delayDistance() const { return smoothingOptions()->delayDistance(); } void KisToolBrush::setUseDelayDistance(bool value) { smoothingOptions()->setUseDelayDistance(value); m_sliderDelayDistance->setEnabled(value); enableControl(m_chkFinishStabilizedCurve, !value); emit useDelayDistanceChanged(); } void KisToolBrush::setDelayDistance(qreal value) { smoothingOptions()->setDelayDistance(value); emit delayDistanceChanged(); } void KisToolBrush::setFinishStabilizedCurve(bool value) { smoothingOptions()->setFinishStabilizedCurve(value); emit finishStabilizedCurveChanged(); } bool KisToolBrush::finishStabilizedCurve() const { return smoothingOptions()->finishStabilizedCurve(); } void KisToolBrush::setStabilizeSensors(bool value) { smoothingOptions()->setStabilizeSensors(value); emit stabilizeSensorsChanged(); } bool KisToolBrush::stabilizeSensors() const { return smoothingOptions()->stabilizeSensors(); } void KisToolBrush::updateSettingsViews() { m_cmbSmoothingType->setCurrentIndex(smoothingOptions()->smoothingType()); m_sliderSmoothnessDistance->setValue(smoothingOptions()->smoothnessDistance()); m_chkDelayDistance->setChecked(smoothingOptions()->useDelayDistance()); m_sliderDelayDistance->setValue(smoothingOptions()->delayDistance()); m_sliderTailAggressiveness->setValue(smoothingOptions()->tailAggressiveness()); m_chkSmoothPressure->setChecked(smoothingOptions()->smoothPressure()); m_chkUseScalableDistance->setChecked(smoothingOptions()->useScalableDistance()); m_cmbSmoothingType->setCurrentIndex((int)smoothingOptions()->smoothingType()); m_chkStabilizeSensors->setChecked(smoothingOptions()->stabilizeSensors()); emit smoothnessQualityChanged(); emit smoothnessFactorChanged(); emit smoothPressureChanged(); emit smoothingTypeChanged(); emit useScalableDistanceChanged(); emit useDelayDistanceChanged(); emit delayDistanceChanged(); emit finishStabilizedCurveChanged(); emit stabilizeSensorsChanged(); KisTool::updateSettingsViews(); } QWidget * KisToolBrush::createOptionWidget() { QWidget *optionsWidget = KisToolFreehand::createOptionWidget(); optionsWidget->setObjectName(toolId() + "option widget"); // See https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=316896 QWidget *specialSpacer = new QWidget(optionsWidget); specialSpacer->setObjectName("SpecialSpacer"); specialSpacer->setFixedSize(0, 0); optionsWidget->layout()->addWidget(specialSpacer); // Line smoothing configuration m_cmbSmoothingType = new QComboBox(optionsWidget); m_cmbSmoothingType->addItems(QStringList() << i18n("None") << i18n("Basic") << i18n("Weighted") << i18n("Stabilizer")); connect(m_cmbSmoothingType, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotSetSmoothingType(int))); addOptionWidgetOption(m_cmbSmoothingType, new QLabel(i18n("Brush Smoothing:"))); m_sliderSmoothnessDistance = new KisDoubleSliderSpinBox(optionsWidget); m_sliderSmoothnessDistance->setRange(3.0, MAXIMUM_SMOOTHNESS_DISTANCE, 1); m_sliderSmoothnessDistance->setEnabled(true); connect(m_sliderSmoothnessDistance, SIGNAL(valueChanged(qreal)), SLOT(slotSetSmoothnessDistance(qreal))); m_sliderSmoothnessDistance->setValue(smoothingOptions()->smoothnessDistance()); addOptionWidgetOption(m_sliderSmoothnessDistance, new QLabel(i18n("Distance:"))); // Finish stabilizer curve m_chkFinishStabilizedCurve = new QCheckBox(optionsWidget); m_chkFinishStabilizedCurve->setMinimumHeight(qMax(m_sliderSmoothnessDistance->sizeHint().height()-3, m_chkFinishStabilizedCurve->sizeHint().height())); connect(m_chkFinishStabilizedCurve, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(setFinishStabilizedCurve(bool))); m_chkFinishStabilizedCurve->setChecked(smoothingOptions()->finishStabilizedCurve()); // Delay Distance for Stabilizer QWidget* delayWidget = new QWidget(optionsWidget); QHBoxLayout* delayLayout = new QHBoxLayout(delayWidget); delayLayout->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0); delayLayout->setSpacing(1); QLabel* delayLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Delay:"), optionsWidget); delayLabel->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed); delayLayout->addWidget(delayLabel); m_chkDelayDistance = new QCheckBox(optionsWidget); m_chkDelayDistance->setLayoutDirection(Qt::RightToLeft); delayWidget->setToolTip(i18n("Delay the brush stroke to make the line smoother")); connect(m_chkDelayDistance, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(setUseDelayDistance(bool))); delayLayout->addWidget(m_chkDelayDistance); m_sliderDelayDistance = new KisDoubleSliderSpinBox(optionsWidget); m_sliderDelayDistance->setToolTip(i18n("Radius where the brush is blocked")); m_sliderDelayDistance->setRange(0, 500); m_sliderDelayDistance->setSuffix(i18n(" px")); connect(m_sliderDelayDistance, SIGNAL(valueChanged(qreal)), SLOT(setDelayDistance(qreal))); addOptionWidgetOption(m_sliderDelayDistance, delayWidget); addOptionWidgetOption(m_chkFinishStabilizedCurve, new QLabel(i18n("Finish line:"))); m_sliderDelayDistance->setValue(smoothingOptions()->delayDistance()); m_chkDelayDistance->setChecked(smoothingOptions()->useDelayDistance()); // if the state is not flipped, then the previous line doesn't generate any signals setUseDelayDistance(m_chkDelayDistance->isChecked()); // Stabilize sensors m_chkStabilizeSensors = new QCheckBox(optionsWidget); m_chkStabilizeSensors->setMinimumHeight(qMax(m_sliderSmoothnessDistance->sizeHint().height()-3, m_chkStabilizeSensors->sizeHint().height())); connect(m_chkStabilizeSensors, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(setStabilizeSensors(bool))); m_chkStabilizeSensors->setChecked(smoothingOptions()->stabilizeSensors()); addOptionWidgetOption(m_chkStabilizeSensors, new QLabel(i18n("Stabilize Sensors:"))); m_sliderTailAggressiveness = new KisDoubleSliderSpinBox(optionsWidget); m_sliderTailAggressiveness->setRange(0.0, 1.0, 2); m_sliderTailAggressiveness->setEnabled(true); connect(m_sliderTailAggressiveness, SIGNAL(valueChanged(qreal)), SLOT(slotSetTailAgressiveness(qreal))); m_sliderTailAggressiveness->setValue(smoothingOptions()->tailAggressiveness()); addOptionWidgetOption(m_sliderTailAggressiveness, new QLabel(i18n("Stroke Ending:"))); m_chkSmoothPressure = new QCheckBox(optionsWidget); m_chkSmoothPressure->setMinimumHeight(qMax(m_sliderSmoothnessDistance->sizeHint().height()-3, m_chkSmoothPressure->sizeHint().height())); m_chkSmoothPressure->setChecked(smoothingOptions()->smoothPressure()); connect(m_chkSmoothPressure, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(setSmoothPressure(bool))); addOptionWidgetOption(m_chkSmoothPressure, new QLabel(QString("%1:").arg(i18n("Smooth Pressure")))); m_chkUseScalableDistance = new QCheckBox(optionsWidget); m_chkUseScalableDistance->setChecked(smoothingOptions()->useScalableDistance()); m_chkUseScalableDistance->setMinimumHeight(qMax(m_sliderSmoothnessDistance->sizeHint().height()-3, m_chkUseScalableDistance->sizeHint().height())); m_chkUseScalableDistance->setToolTip(i18nc("@info:tooltip", "Scalable distance takes zoom level " "into account and makes the distance " "be visually constant whatever zoom " "level is chosen")); connect(m_chkUseScalableDistance, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(setUseScalableDistance(bool))); addOptionWidgetOption(m_chkUseScalableDistance, new QLabel(QString("%1:").arg(i18n("Scalable Distance")))); // add a line spacer so we know that the next set of options are for different settings QFrame* line = new QFrame(optionsWidget); line->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("line")); line->setFrameShape(QFrame::HLine); addOptionWidgetOption(line); // Drawing assistant configuration QWidget* assistantWidget = new QWidget(optionsWidget); QGridLayout* assistantLayout = new QGridLayout(assistantWidget); assistantLayout->setContentsMargins(10,0,0,0); assistantLayout->setSpacing(5); m_chkAssistant = new QCheckBox(optionsWidget); m_chkAssistant->setText(i18n("Snap to Assistants")); assistantWidget->setToolTip(i18n("You need to add Ruler Assistants before this tool will work.")); connect(m_chkAssistant, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(setAssistant(bool))); assistantLayout->addWidget(m_chkAssistant, 1, 1, 1, 1, Qt::AlignLeft); m_sliderMagnetism = new KisSliderSpinBox(optionsWidget); m_sliderMagnetism->setToolTip(i18n("Assistant Magnetism")); m_sliderMagnetism->setRange(0, MAXIMUM_MAGNETISM); m_sliderMagnetism->setValue(m_magnetism * MAXIMUM_MAGNETISM); connect(m_sliderMagnetism, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(slotSetMagnetism(int))); QAction *toggleaction = new QAction(i18n("Toggle Assistant"), this); addAction("toggle_assistant", toggleaction); toggleaction->setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::ControlModifier + Qt::ShiftModifier + Qt::Key_L)); connect(toggleaction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), m_chkAssistant, SLOT(toggle())); addOptionWidgetOption(m_sliderMagnetism, assistantWidget); QLabel* snapSingleLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Snap Single:")); m_chkOnlyOneAssistant = new QCheckBox(optionsWidget); m_chkOnlyOneAssistant->setToolTip(i18nc("@info:tooltip","Make it only snap to a single assistant, prevents snapping mess while using the infinite assistants.")); m_chkOnlyOneAssistant->setCheckState(Qt::Checked);//turn on by default. connect(m_chkOnlyOneAssistant, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(setOnlyOneAssistantSnap(bool))); addOptionWidgetOption(m_chkOnlyOneAssistant, snapSingleLabel); // set the assistant snapping options to hidden by default and toggle their visibility based based off snapping checkbox m_sliderMagnetism->setVisible(false); m_chkOnlyOneAssistant->setVisible(false); snapSingleLabel->setVisible(false); connect(m_chkAssistant, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), m_sliderMagnetism, SLOT(setVisible(bool))); connect(m_chkAssistant, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), m_chkOnlyOneAssistant, SLOT(setVisible(bool))); connect(m_chkAssistant, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), snapSingleLabel, SLOT(setVisible(bool))); KisConfig cfg; slotSetSmoothingType(cfg.lineSmoothingType()); return optionsWidget; } diff --git a/plugins/tools/basictools/kis_tool_brush.h b/plugins/tools/basictools/kis_tool_brush.h index ab73c8e69a..e627ada171 100644 --- a/plugins/tools/basictools/kis_tool_brush.h +++ b/plugins/tools/basictools/kis_tool_brush.h @@ -1,165 +1,165 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KIS_TOOL_BRUSH_H_ #define KIS_TOOL_BRUSH_H_ #include "kis_tool_freehand.h" #include #include "KoToolFactoryBase.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include class QCheckBox; class QComboBox; class KActionCollection; class KoCanvasBase; class KisSliderSpinBox; class KisDoubleSliderSpinBox; class KisToolBrush : public KisToolFreehand { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(int smoothnessQuality READ smoothnessQuality WRITE slotSetSmoothnessDistance NOTIFY smoothnessQualityChanged) Q_PROPERTY(qreal smoothnessFactor READ smoothnessFactor WRITE slotSetTailAgressiveness NOTIFY smoothnessFactorChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool smoothPressure READ smoothPressure WRITE setSmoothPressure NOTIFY smoothPressureChanged) Q_PROPERTY(int smoothingType READ smoothingType WRITE slotSetSmoothingType NOTIFY smoothingTypeChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool useScalableDistance READ useScalableDistance WRITE setUseScalableDistance NOTIFY useScalableDistanceChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool useDelayDistance READ useDelayDistance WRITE setUseDelayDistance NOTIFY useDelayDistanceChanged) Q_PROPERTY(qreal delayDistance READ delayDistance WRITE setDelayDistance NOTIFY delayDistanceChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool finishStabilizedCurve READ finishStabilizedCurve WRITE setFinishStabilizedCurve NOTIFY finishStabilizedCurveChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool stabilizeSensors READ stabilizeSensors WRITE setStabilizeSensors NOTIFY stabilizeSensorsChanged) public: KisToolBrush(KoCanvasBase * canvas); virtual ~KisToolBrush(); QWidget * createOptionWidget(); int smoothnessQuality() const; qreal smoothnessFactor() const; bool smoothPressure() const; int smoothingType() const; bool useScalableDistance() const; bool useDelayDistance() const; qreal delayDistance() const; bool finishStabilizedCurve() const; bool stabilizeSensors() const; protected: KConfigGroup m_configGroup; // only used in the multihand tool for now protected Q_SLOTS: virtual void resetCursorStyle(); public Q_SLOTS: virtual void activate(ToolActivation toolActivation, const QSet &shapes); void deactivate(); void slotSetSmoothnessDistance(qreal distance); void slotSetMagnetism(int magnetism); void slotSetSmoothingType(int index); void slotSetTailAgressiveness(qreal argh_rhhrr); void setSmoothPressure(bool value); void setUseScalableDistance(bool value); void setUseDelayDistance(bool value); void setDelayDistance(qreal value); void setStabilizeSensors(bool value); void setFinishStabilizedCurve(bool value); virtual void updateSettingsViews(); Q_SIGNALS: void smoothnessQualityChanged(); void smoothnessFactorChanged(); void smoothPressureChanged(); void smoothingTypeChanged(); void useScalableDistanceChanged(); void useDelayDistanceChanged(); void delayDistanceChanged(); void finishStabilizedCurveChanged(); void stabilizeSensorsChanged(); private: - void addSmoothingAction(int enumId, const QString &id, const QString &name, KActionCollection *globalCollection); + void addSmoothingAction(int enumId, const QString &id, const QString &name, const QIcon &icon, KActionCollection *globalCollection); private: QComboBox *m_cmbSmoothingType; QCheckBox *m_chkAssistant; KisSliderSpinBox *m_sliderMagnetism; QCheckBox *m_chkOnlyOneAssistant; KisDoubleSliderSpinBox *m_sliderSmoothnessDistance; KisDoubleSliderSpinBox *m_sliderTailAggressiveness; QCheckBox *m_chkSmoothPressure; QCheckBox *m_chkUseScalableDistance; QCheckBox *m_chkStabilizeSensors; QCheckBox *m_chkDelayDistance; KisDoubleSliderSpinBox *m_sliderDelayDistance; QCheckBox *m_chkFinishStabilizedCurve; QSignalMapper m_signalMapper; }; class KisToolBrushFactory : public KoToolFactoryBase { public: KisToolBrushFactory() : KoToolFactoryBase("KritaShape/KisToolBrush") { setToolTip(i18n("Freehand Brush Tool")); // Temporarily setSection(TOOL_TYPE_SHAPE); setIconName(koIconNameCStr("krita_tool_freehand")); setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_B)); setPriority(0); setActivationShapeId(KRITA_TOOL_ACTIVATION_ID); } virtual ~KisToolBrushFactory() {} virtual KoToolBase * createTool(KoCanvasBase *canvas) { return new KisToolBrush(canvas); } }; #endif // KIS_TOOL_BRUSH_H_