diff --git a/libs/widgetutils/xmlgui/kswitchlanguagedialog_p.cpp b/libs/widgetutils/xmlgui/kswitchlanguagedialog_p.cpp index 890e6f9899..58f969b719 100644 --- a/libs/widgetutils/xmlgui/kswitchlanguagedialog_p.cpp +++ b/libs/widgetutils/xmlgui/kswitchlanguagedialog_p.cpp @@ -1,436 +1,448 @@ /* * This file is part of the KDE Libraries * Copyright (C) 2007 Krzysztof Lichota (lichota@mimuw.edu.pl) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kswitchlanguagedialog_p.h" #include #include #include // Believe it or not we can't use KConfig from here // (we need KConfig during QCoreApplication ctor which is too early for it) // So we cooked a QSettings based solution typedef QSharedPointer QSettingsPtr; static QSettingsPtr localeOverridesSettings() { const QString configPath = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::GenericConfigLocation); const QDir configDir(configPath); if (!configDir.exists()) { configDir.mkpath(QStringLiteral(".")); } return QSettingsPtr(new QSettings(configPath + QStringLiteral("/klanguageoverridesrc"), QSettings::IniFormat)); } static QByteArray getApplicationSpecificLanguage(const QByteArray &defaultCode = QByteArray()) { QSettingsPtr settings = localeOverridesSettings(); settings->beginGroup(QStringLiteral("Language")); //qDebug() << "our language" << settings->value(qAppName(), defaultCode).toByteArray(); return settings->value(qAppName(), defaultCode).toByteArray(); } static void setApplicationSpecificLanguage(const QByteArray &languageCode) { QSettingsPtr settings = localeOverridesSettings(); settings->beginGroup(QStringLiteral("Language")); if (languageCode.isEmpty()) { settings->remove(qAppName()); } else { settings->setValue(qAppName(), languageCode); } } static void initializeLanguages() { const QByteArray languageCode = getApplicationSpecificLanguage(); if (!languageCode.isEmpty()) { QByteArray languages = qgetenv("LANGUAGE"); if (languages.isEmpty()) { qputenv("LANGUAGE", languageCode); } else { qputenv("LANGUAGE", languageCode + ":" + languages); } } + + + // See https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=390623 + // Ideally setting the LANGUAGE would change the default QLocale too + // but unfortunately this is too late since the QCoreApplication constructor + // already created a QLocale at this stage so we need to set the reset it + // by triggering the creation and destruction of a QSystemLocale + // this is highly dependant on Qt internals, so may break, but oh well + QSystemLocale *dummy = new QSystemLocale(); + delete dummy; + + //qDebug() << ">>>>>>>>>>>>>> LANGUAGE" << qgetenv("LANGUAGE"); //qDebug() << ">>>>>>>>>>>>>> DATADIRS" << qgetenv("XDG_DATA_DIRS"); } Q_COREAPP_STARTUP_FUNCTION(initializeLanguages) namespace KDEPrivate { struct LanguageRowData { LanguageRowData() { label = 0; languageButton = 0; removeButton = 0; } QLabel *label; KLanguageButton *languageButton; QPushButton *removeButton; void setRowWidgets( QLabel *label, KLanguageButton *languageButton, QPushButton *removeButton ) { this->label = label; this->languageButton = languageButton; this->removeButton = removeButton; } }; class KSwitchLanguageDialogPrivate { public: KSwitchLanguageDialogPrivate(KSwitchLanguageDialog *parent); KSwitchLanguageDialog *p; //parent class /** Fills language button with names of languages for which given application has translation. */ void fillApplicationLanguages(KLanguageButton *button); /** Adds one button with language to widget. */ void addLanguageButton(const QString &languageCode, bool primaryLanguage); /** Returns list of languages chosen for application or default languages is they are not set. */ QStringList applicationLanguageList(); QMap languageRows; QList languageButtons; QGridLayout *languagesLayout; }; /*************************** KSwitchLanguageDialog **************************/ KSwitchLanguageDialog::KSwitchLanguageDialog(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), d(new KSwitchLanguageDialogPrivate(this)) { setWindowTitle(i18n("Switch Application Language")); QVBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout; setLayout(topLayout); QLabel *label = new QLabel(i18n("Please choose the language which should be used for this application:"), this); topLayout->addWidget(label); QHBoxLayout *languageHorizontalLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); topLayout->addLayout(languageHorizontalLayout); d->languagesLayout = new QGridLayout(); languageHorizontalLayout->addLayout(d->languagesLayout); languageHorizontalLayout->addStretch(); const QStringList defaultLanguages = d->applicationLanguageList(); int count = defaultLanguages.count(); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { QString language = defaultLanguages[i]; bool primaryLanguage = (i == 0); d->addLanguageButton(language, primaryLanguage); } if (!count) { QLocale l; d->addLanguageButton(l.name(), true); } QHBoxLayout *addButtonHorizontalLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); topLayout->addLayout(addButtonHorizontalLayout); QPushButton *addLangButton = new QPushButton(i18n("Add Fallback Language"), this); addLangButton->setToolTip(i18n("Adds one more language which will be used if other translations do not contain a proper translation.")); connect(addLangButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotAddLanguageButton())); addButtonHorizontalLayout->addWidget(addLangButton); addButtonHorizontalLayout->addStretch(); topLayout->addStretch(10); QDialogButtonBox *buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(this); buttonBox->setStandardButtons(QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel | QDialogButtonBox::RestoreDefaults); KGuiItem::assign(buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok), KStandardGuiItem::ok()); KGuiItem::assign(buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Cancel), KStandardGuiItem::cancel()); KGuiItem::assign(buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::RestoreDefaults), KStandardGuiItem::defaults()); topLayout->addWidget(buttonBox); connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(slotOk())); connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(accept())); connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(reject())); connect(buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::RestoreDefaults), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotDefault())); } KSwitchLanguageDialog::~KSwitchLanguageDialog() { delete d; } void KSwitchLanguageDialog::slotAddLanguageButton() { //adding new button with en_US as it should always be present d->addLanguageButton(QStringLiteral("en_US"), d->languageButtons.isEmpty()); } void KSwitchLanguageDialog::removeButtonClicked() { QObject const *signalSender = sender(); if (!signalSender) { qCritical() << "KSwitchLanguageDialog::removeButtonClicked() called directly, not using signal" << endl; return; } QPushButton *removeButton = const_cast(::qobject_cast(signalSender)); if (!removeButton) { qCritical() << "KSwitchLanguageDialog::removeButtonClicked() called from something else than QPushButton" << endl; return; } QMap::iterator it = d->languageRows.find(removeButton); if (it == d->languageRows.end()) { qCritical() << "KSwitchLanguageDialog::removeButtonClicked called from unknown QPushButton" << endl; return; } LanguageRowData languageRowData = it.value(); d->languageButtons.removeAll(languageRowData.languageButton); languageRowData.label->deleteLater(); languageRowData.languageButton->deleteLater(); languageRowData.removeButton->deleteLater(); d->languageRows.erase(it); } void KSwitchLanguageDialog::languageOnButtonChanged(const QString &languageCode) { Q_UNUSED(languageCode); #if 0 for (int i = 0, count = d->languageButtons.count(); i < count; ++i) { KLanguageButton *languageButton = d->languageButtons[i]; if (languageButton->current() == languageCode) { //update all buttons which have matching id //might update buttons which were not changed, but well... languageButton->setText(KLocale::global()->languageCodeToName(languageCode)); } } #endif } void KSwitchLanguageDialog::slotOk() { QStringList languages; for (int i = 0, count = d->languageButtons.count(); i < count; ++i) { KLanguageButton *languageButton = d->languageButtons[i]; languages << languageButton->current(); } if (d->applicationLanguageList() != languages) { QString languageString = languages.join(QLatin1Char(':')); //list is different from defaults or saved languages list setApplicationSpecificLanguage(languageString.toLatin1()); QMessageBox::information(this, i18nc("@title:window:", "Application Language Changed"), //caption i18n("The language for this application has been changed. The change will take effect the next time the application is started.")); } accept(); } void KSwitchLanguageDialog::slotDefault() { setApplicationSpecificLanguage(QByteArray()); accept(); } /************************ KSwitchLanguageDialogPrivate ***********************/ KSwitchLanguageDialogPrivate::KSwitchLanguageDialogPrivate( KSwitchLanguageDialog *parent) : p(parent) { //NOTE: do NOT use "p" in constructor, it is not fully constructed } static bool stripCountryCode(QString *languageCode) { const int idx = languageCode->indexOf(QLatin1String("_")); if (idx != -1) { *languageCode = languageCode->left(idx); return true; } return false; } void KSwitchLanguageDialogPrivate::fillApplicationLanguages(KLanguageButton *button) { QLocale defaultLocale; QLocale cLocale(QLocale::C); QLocale::setDefault(cLocale); QSet insertedLanguges; const QList allLocales = QLocale::matchingLocales(QLocale::AnyLanguage, QLocale::AnyScript, QLocale::AnyCountry); Q_FOREACH (const QLocale &l, allLocales) { QString languageCode = l.name(); if (l != cLocale) { const QString nativeName = l.nativeLanguageName(); // For some languages the native name might be empty. // In this case use the non native language name as fallback. // See: QTBUG-51323 const QString languageName = nativeName.isEmpty() ? QLocale::languageToString(l.language()) : nativeName; if (!insertedLanguges.contains(languageCode) && KLocalizedString::isApplicationTranslatedInto(languageCode)) { button->insertLanguage(languageCode, languageName); insertedLanguges << languageCode; } else if (stripCountryCode(&languageCode)) { if (!insertedLanguges.contains(languageCode) && KLocalizedString::isApplicationTranslatedInto(languageCode)) { button->insertLanguage(languageCode, languageName); insertedLanguges << languageCode; } } } } QLocale::setDefault(defaultLocale); } QStringList KSwitchLanguageDialogPrivate::applicationLanguageList() { QStringList languagesList; QByteArray languageCode = getApplicationSpecificLanguage(); if (!languageCode.isEmpty()) { languagesList = QString::fromLatin1(languageCode).split(QLatin1Char(':')); } if (languagesList.isEmpty()) { QLocale l; languagesList = l.uiLanguages(); // We get en-US here but we use en_US for (int i = 0; i < languagesList.count(); ++i) { languagesList[i].replace(QLatin1String("-"), QLatin1String("_")); } } for (int i = 0; i < languagesList.count();) { QString languageCode = languagesList[i]; if (!KLocalizedString::isApplicationTranslatedInto(languageCode)) { if (stripCountryCode(&languageCode)) { if (KLocalizedString::isApplicationTranslatedInto(languageCode)) { languagesList[i] = languageCode; ++i; continue; } } languagesList.removeAt(i); } else { ++i; } } return languagesList; } void KSwitchLanguageDialogPrivate::addLanguageButton(const QString &languageCode, bool primaryLanguage) { QString labelText = primaryLanguage ? i18n("Primary language:") : i18n("Fallback language:"); KLanguageButton *languageButton = new KLanguageButton(p); fillApplicationLanguages(languageButton); languageButton->setCurrentItem(languageCode); QObject::connect( languageButton, SIGNAL(activated(QString)), p, SLOT(languageOnButtonChanged(QString)) ); LanguageRowData languageRowData; QPushButton *removeButton = 0; if (!primaryLanguage) { removeButton = new QPushButton(i18n("Remove"), p); QObject::connect( removeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), p, SLOT(removeButtonClicked()) ); } languageButton->setToolTip(primaryLanguage ? i18n("This is the main application language which will be used first, before any other languages.") : i18n("This is the language which will be used if any previous languages do not contain a proper translation.")); int numRows = languagesLayout->rowCount(); QLabel *languageLabel = new QLabel(labelText, p); languagesLayout->addWidget(languageLabel, numRows + 1, 1, Qt::AlignLeft); languagesLayout->addWidget(languageButton, numRows + 1, 2, Qt::AlignLeft); if (!primaryLanguage) { languagesLayout->addWidget(removeButton, numRows + 1, 3, Qt::AlignLeft); languageRowData.setRowWidgets(languageLabel, languageButton, removeButton); removeButton->show(); } languageRows.insert(removeButton, languageRowData); languageButtons.append(languageButton); languageButton->show(); languageLabel->show(); } }