diff --git a/libs/resources/KisResourceCacheDb.cpp b/libs/resources/KisResourceCacheDb.cpp index 5527980bcf..9b6415822e 100644 --- a/libs/resources/KisResourceCacheDb.cpp +++ b/libs/resources/KisResourceCacheDb.cpp @@ -1,950 +1,956 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2018 Boudewijn Rempt * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KisResourceCacheDb.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "KisResourceLocator.h" #include "KisResourceLoaderRegistry.h" const QString dbDriver = "QSQLITE"; const QString KisResourceCacheDb::dbLocationKey {"ResourceCacheDbDirectory"}; const QString KisResourceCacheDb::resourceCacheDbFilename {"resourcecache.sqlite"}; const QString KisResourceCacheDb::databaseVersion {"0.0.2"}; QStringList KisResourceCacheDb::storageTypes { QStringList() }; bool KisResourceCacheDb::s_valid {false}; QString KisResourceCacheDb::s_lastError {QString()}; bool KisResourceCacheDb::isValid() { return s_valid; } QString KisResourceCacheDb::lastError() { return s_lastError; } QSqlError initDb(const QString &location) { KisResourceCacheDb::storageTypes << i18n("Unknown") << i18n("Folder") << i18n("Bundle") << i18n("Abobe Brush Library") << i18n("Adobe Style Library") << i18n("Memory"); if (!QSqlDatabase::connectionNames().isEmpty()) { infoResources << "Already connected to resource cache database"; return QSqlError(); } QDir dbLocation(location); if (!dbLocation.exists()) { dbLocation.mkpath(dbLocation.path()); } QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase(dbDriver); db.setDatabaseName(location + "/" + KisResourceCacheDb::resourceCacheDbFilename); //qDebug() << "QuerySize supported" << db.driver()->hasFeature(QSqlDriver::QuerySize); if (!db.open()) { infoResources << "Could not connect to resource cache database"; return db.lastError(); } QStringList tables = QStringList() << "version_information" << "storage_types" << "resource_types" << "storages" << "tags" << "resources" << "versioned_resources" << "resource_tags" << "resource_metadata"; QStringList dbTables; // Verify whether we should recreate the database { bool allTablesPresent = true; dbTables = db.tables(); Q_FOREACH(const QString &table, tables) { if (!dbTables.contains(table)) { allTablesPresent = false; } } bool schemaIsOutDated = false; QString schemaVersion = "Unknown"; QString kritaVersion = "Unknown"; int creationDate = 0; if (dbTables.contains("version_information")) { // Verify the version number QFile f(":/get_version_information.sql"); if (f.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { QSqlQuery q(f.readAll()); if (q.size() > 0) { q.first(); schemaVersion = q.value(0).toString(); kritaVersion = q.value(1).toString(); creationDate = q.value(2).toInt(); if (schemaVersion != KisResourceCacheDb::databaseVersion) { // XXX: Implement migration schemaIsOutDated = true; qFatal("Database schema is outdated, migration is needed. Database migration has NOT been implemented yet."); } } } else { return QSqlError("Error executing SQL", "Could not open get_version_information.sql", QSqlError::StatementError); } } if (allTablesPresent && !schemaIsOutDated) { KisUsageLogger::log(QString("Database is up to date. Version: %1, created by Krita %2, at %3") .arg(schemaVersion) .arg(kritaVersion) .arg(QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch(creationDate).toString())); return QSqlError(); } } // Create tables Q_FOREACH(const QString &table, tables) { QFile f(":/create_" + table + ".sql"); if (f.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { QSqlQuery q; if (!q.exec(f.readAll())) { qWarning() << "Could not create table" << table; return db.lastError(); } infoResources << "Created table" << table; } else { return QSqlError("Error executing SQL", QString("Could not find SQL file %1").arg(table), QSqlError::StatementError); } } // Create indexes QStringList indexes = QStringList() << "storages" << "versioned_resources"; Q_FOREACH(const QString &index, indexes) { QFile f(":/create_index_" + index + ".sql"); if (f.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { QSqlQuery q; if (!q.exec(f.readAll())) { qWarning() << "Could not create index" << index; return db.lastError(); } infoResources << "Created table" << index; } else { return QSqlError("Error executing SQL", QString("Could not find SQL file %1").arg(index), QSqlError::StatementError); } } // Fill lookup tables { if (dbTables.contains("storage_types")) { QSqlQuery q; if (!q.exec("DELETE * FROM storage_types;")) { qWarning() << "Could not clear table storage_types" << db.lastError(); } } QFile f(":/fill_storage_types.sql"); if (f.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { QString sql = f.readAll(); Q_FOREACH(const QString &originType, KisResourceCacheDb::storageTypes) { QSqlQuery q(sql); q.addBindValue(originType); if (!q.exec()) { qWarning() << "Could not insert" << originType << db.lastError() << q.executedQuery(); return db.lastError(); } } infoResources << "Filled lookup table storage_types"; } else { return QSqlError("Error executing SQL", QString("Could not find SQL fill_storage_types.sql."), QSqlError::StatementError); } } { if (dbTables.contains("resource_types")) { QSqlQuery q; if (!q.exec("DELETE * FROM resource_types;")) { qWarning() << "Could not clear table resource_types" << db.lastError(); } } QFile f(":/fill_resource_types.sql"); if (f.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { QString sql = f.readAll(); Q_FOREACH(const QString &resourceType, KisResourceLoaderRegistry::instance()->resourceTypes()) { QSqlQuery q(sql); q.addBindValue(resourceType); if (!q.exec()) { qWarning() << "Could not insert" << resourceType << db.lastError() << q.executedQuery(); return db.lastError(); } } infoResources << "Filled lookup table resource_types"; } else { return QSqlError("Error executing SQL", QString("Could not find SQL fill_resource_types.sql."), QSqlError::StatementError); } } { QFile f(":/fill_version_information.sql"); if (f.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { QString sql = f.readAll(); QSqlQuery q; q.prepare(sql); q.addBindValue(KisResourceCacheDb::databaseVersion); q.addBindValue(KritaVersionWrapper::versionString()); q.addBindValue(QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toSecsSinceEpoch()); if (!q.exec()) { qWarning() << "Could not insert the current version" << db.lastError() << q.executedQuery() << q.boundValues(); return db.lastError(); } infoResources << "Filled version table"; } else { return QSqlError("Error executing SQL", QString("Could not find SQL fill_version_information.sql."), QSqlError::StatementError); } } return QSqlError(); } bool KisResourceCacheDb::initialize(const QString &location) { QSqlError err = initDb(location); s_valid = !err.isValid(); switch (err.type()) { case QSqlError::NoError: s_lastError = QString(); break; case QSqlError::ConnectionError: s_lastError = QString("Could not initialize the resource cache database. Connection error: %1").arg(err.text()); break; case QSqlError::StatementError: s_lastError = QString("Could not initialize the resource cache database. Statement error: %1").arg(err.text()); break; case QSqlError::TransactionError: s_lastError = QString("Could not initialize the resource cache database. Transaction error: %1").arg(err.text()); break; case QSqlError::UnknownError: s_lastError = QString("Could not initialize the resource cache database. Unknown error: %1").arg(err.text()); break; } deleteTemporaryResources(); return s_valid; } int KisResourceCacheDb::resourceIdForResource(const QString &resourceName, const QString &resourceType, const QString &storageLocation) { QFile f(":/select_resource_id.sql"); f.open(QFile::ReadOnly); QSqlQuery q; if (!q.prepare(f.readAll())) { qWarning() << "Could not read and prepare resourceIdForResource" << q.lastError(); return -1; } q.bindValue(":name", resourceName); q.bindValue(":resource_type", resourceType); q.bindValue(":storage_location", storageLocation); if (!q.exec()) { qWarning() << "Could not query resourceIdForResource" << q.boundValues() << q.lastError(); return -1; } if (!q.first()) { return -1; } return q.value(0).toInt(); } bool KisResourceCacheDb::resourceNeedsUpdating(int resourceId, QDateTime timestamp) { QSqlQuery q; if (!q.prepare("SELECT timestamp\n" "FROM versioned_resources\n" "WHERE resource_id = :resource_id\n" "AND version = (SELECT MAX(version)\n" " FROM versioned_resources\n" " WHERE resource_id = :resource_id);")) { qWarning() << "Could not prepare resourceNeedsUpdating statement" << q.lastError(); return false; } q.bindValue(":resource_id", resourceId); if (!q.exec()) { qWarning() << "Could not query for the most recent timestamp" << q.boundValues() << q.lastError(); return false; } if (!q.first()) { qWarning() << "Inconsistent database: could not find a version for resource with Id" << resourceId; return false; } QVariant resourceTimeStamp = q.value(0); if (!resourceTimeStamp.isValid()) { qWarning() << "Could not retrieve timestamp from versioned_resources" << resourceId; return false; } return (timestamp.toSecsSinceEpoch() > resourceTimeStamp.toInt()); } bool KisResourceCacheDb::addResourceVersion(int resourceId, QDateTime timestamp, KisResourceStorageSP storage, KoResourceSP resource) { bool r = false; // Create the new version. The resource is expected to have an updated version number, or // this will fail on the unique index on resource_id, storage_id and version. { QSqlQuery q; r = q.prepare("INSERT INTO versioned_resources \n" "(resource_id, storage_id, version, location, timestamp)\n" "VALUES\n" "( :resource_id\n" ", (SELECT id \n" " FROM storages \n" " WHERE location = :storage_location)\n" ", :version\n" ", :location\n" ", :timestamp\n" ");"); if (!r) { qWarning() << "Could not prepare addResourceVersion statement" << q.lastError(); return r; } q.bindValue(":resource_id", resourceId); q.bindValue(":storage_location", makeRelative(storage->location())); q.bindValue(":version", resource->version()); q.bindValue(":location", makeRelative(resource->filename())); q.bindValue(":timestamp", timestamp.toSecsSinceEpoch()); r = q.exec(); if (!r) { qWarning() << "Could not execute addResourceVersion statement" << q.boundValues() << q.lastError(); return r; } } // Update the resource itself. The resource gets a new filename when it's updated { QSqlQuery q; r = q.prepare("UPDATE resources\n" "SET name = :name\n" ", filename = :filename\n" ", tooltip = :tooltip\n" ", thumbnail = :thumbnail\n" ", version = :version\n" "WHERE id = :id"); if (!r) { qWarning() << "Could not prepare updateResource statement" << q.lastError(); return r; } q.bindValue(":name", resource->name()); q.bindValue(":filename", makeRelative(resource->filename())); q.bindValue(":tooltip", i18n(resource->name().toUtf8())); q.bindValue(":version", resource->version()); QByteArray ba; QBuffer buf(&ba); buf.open(QBuffer::WriteOnly); resource->image().save(&buf, "PNG"); buf.close(); q.bindValue(":thumbnail", ba); q.bindValue(":id", resourceId); r = q.exec(); if (!r) { qWarning() << "Could not update resource" << q.boundValues() << q.lastError(); } } return r; } bool KisResourceCacheDb::addResource(KisResourceStorageSP storage, QDateTime timestamp, KoResourceSP resource, const QString &resourceType, bool temporary) { bool r = false; if (!s_valid) { qWarning() << "KisResourceCacheDb::addResource: The database is not valid"; return false; } if (!resource || !resource->valid()) { qWarning() << "KisResourceCacheDb::addResource: The resource is not valid"; return false; } // Check whether it already exists int resourceId = resourceIdForResource(resource->name(), resourceType, makeRelative(storage->location())); if (resourceId > -1) { if (resourceNeedsUpdating(resourceId, timestamp)) { r = addResourceVersion(resourceId, timestamp, storage, resource); } return true; } else { QSqlQuery q; r = q.prepare("INSERT INTO resources \n" "(storage_id, resource_type_id, name, filename, tooltip, thumbnail, status, temporary) \n" "VALUES \n" "((SELECT id " " FROM storages " " WHERE location = :storage_location)\n" ", (SELECT id\n" " FROM resource_types\n" " WHERE name = :resource_type)\n" ", :name\n" ", :filename\n" ", :tooltip\n" ", :thumbnail\n" ", :status\n" ", :temporary);"); if (!r) { qWarning() << "Could not prepare addResource statement" << q.lastError(); return r; } q.bindValue(":storage_location", makeRelative(storage->location())); q.bindValue(":resource_type", resourceType); q.bindValue(":name", resource->name()); q.bindValue(":filename", makeRelative(resource->filename())); q.bindValue(":tooltip", i18n(resource->name().toUtf8())); QByteArray ba; QBuffer buf(&ba); buf.open(QBuffer::WriteOnly); resource->image().save(&buf, "PNG"); buf.close(); q.bindValue(":thumbnail", ba); q.bindValue(":status", 1); q.bindValue(":temporary", (temporary ? 1 : 0)); r = q.exec(); if (!r) { qWarning() << "Could not execute addResource statement" << q.boundValues() << q.lastError(); return r; } resourceId = resourceIdForResource(resource->name(), resourceType, makeRelative(storage->location())); } // Then add a new version QSqlQuery q; r = q.prepare("INSERT INTO versioned_resources " "(resource_id, storage_id, version, location, timestamp) " "VALUES " "(:resource_id " ", (SELECT id FROM storages " " WHERE location = :storage_location) " ", :version " ", :location " ", :timestamp " ");"); if (!r) { qWarning() << "Could not prepare addResourceVersion statement" << q.lastError(); return r; } q.bindValue(":resource_id", resourceId); q.bindValue(":storage_location", makeRelative(storage->location())); q.bindValue(":version", resource->version()); q.bindValue(":location", makeRelative(resource->filename())); q.bindValue(":timestamp", timestamp.toSecsSinceEpoch()); r = q.exec(); if (!r) { qWarning() << "Could not execute initial addResourceVersion statement" << q.boundValues() << q.lastError(); } return r; } bool KisResourceCacheDb::addResources(KisResourceStorageSP storage, QString resourceType) { + QSqlDatabase::database().transaction(); QSharedPointer iter = storage->resources(resourceType); while(iter->hasNext()) { iter->next(); KoResourceSP resource = iter->resource(); if (resource) { if (!addResource(storage, iter->lastModified(), resource, iter->type())) { qWarning() << "Could not add resource" << makeRelative(resource->filename()) << "to the database"; } } } + QSqlDatabase::database().commit(); return true; } bool KisResourceCacheDb::removeResource(int resourceId) { if (resourceId < 0) { qWarning() << "Invalid resource id; cannot remove resource"; return false; } QSqlQuery q; bool r = q.prepare("UPDATE resources\n" "SET status = 0\n" "WHERE id = :resource_id"); if (!r) { qWarning() << "Could not prepare removeResource query" << q.lastError(); } q.bindValue(":resource_id", resourceId); if (!q.exec()) { qWarning() << "Could not update resource" << resourceId << "to inactive" << q.lastError(); return false; } return true; } bool KisResourceCacheDb::tagResource(KisResourceStorageSP storage, const QString resourceName, KisTagSP tag, const QString &resourceType) { // Get resource id int resourceId = resourceIdForResource(resourceName, resourceType, makeRelative(storage->location())); if (resourceId < 0) { qWarning() << "Could not find resource to tag" << makeRelative(storage->location()) << resourceName << resourceType; return false; } // Get tag id int tagId {-1}; { QFile f(":/select_tag.sql"); if (f.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { QSqlQuery q; if (!q.prepare(f.readAll())) { qWarning() << "Could not read and prepare select_tag.sql" << q.lastError(); return false; } q.bindValue(":url", tag->url()); q.bindValue(":resource_type", resourceType); if (!q.exec()) { qWarning() << "Could not query tags" << q.boundValues() << q.lastError(); return false; } if (!q.first()) { qWarning() << "Could not find tag" << q.boundValues() << q.lastError(); return false; } tagId = q.value(0).toInt(); } } QSqlQuery q; if (!q.prepare("INSERT INTO resource_tags\n" "(resource_id, tag_id)\n" "VALUES\n" "(:resource_id, :tag_id);")) { qWarning() << "Could not prepare tagResource statement" << q.lastError(); return false; } q.bindValue(":resource_id", resourceId); q.bindValue(":tag_id", tagId); if (!q.exec()) { qWarning() << "Could not execute tagResource stagement" << q.boundValues() << q.lastError(); return false; } return true; } bool KisResourceCacheDb::hasTag(const QString &url, const QString &resourceType) { QFile f(":/select_tag.sql"); if (f.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { QSqlQuery q; if (!q.prepare(f.readAll())) { qWarning() << "Could not read and prepare select_tag.sql" << q.lastError(); return false; } q.bindValue(":url", url); q.bindValue(":resource_type", resourceType); if (!q.exec()) { qWarning() << "Could not query tags" << q.boundValues() << q.lastError(); } return q.first(); } qWarning() << "Could not open select_tag.sql"; return false; } bool KisResourceCacheDb::addTag(const QString &resourceType, const QString url, const QString name, const QString comment) { if (hasTag(url, resourceType)) { return true; } QSqlQuery q; if (!q.prepare("INSERT INTO tags\n" "( url, name, comment, resource_type_id, active)\n" "VALUES\n" "( :url\n" ", :name\n" ", :comment\n" ", (SELECT id\n" " FROM resource_types\n" " WHERE name = :resource_type)\n" ", 1" ");")) { qWarning() << "Could not prepare add tag statement" << q.lastError(); return false; } q.bindValue(":url", url); q.bindValue(":name", name); q.bindValue(":comment", comment); q.bindValue(":resource_type", resourceType); if (!q.exec()) { qWarning() << "Could not insert tag" << q.boundValues() << q.lastError(); } return true; } bool KisResourceCacheDb::addTags(KisResourceStorageSP storage, QString resourceType) { + QSqlDatabase::database().transaction(); QSharedPointer iter = storage->tags(resourceType); while(iter->hasNext()) { iter->next(); if (!addTag(resourceType, iter->url(), iter->name(), iter->comment())) { qWarning() << "Could not add tag" << iter->url() << "to the database"; } if (!iter->tag()->defaultResources().isEmpty()) { Q_FOREACH(const QString &resourceName, iter->tag()->defaultResources()) { if (!tagResource(storage, resourceName, iter->tag(), resourceType)) { qWarning() << "Could not tag resource" << resourceName << "with tag" << iter->url(); } } } } + QSqlDatabase::database().commit(); return true; } bool KisResourceCacheDb::addStorage(KisResourceStorageSP storage, bool preinstalled) { bool r = true; if (!s_valid) { qWarning() << "The database is not valid"; return false; } { QSqlQuery q; r = q.prepare("SELECT * FROM storages WHERE location = :location"); q.bindValue(":location", makeRelative(storage->location())); r = q.exec(); if (!r) { qWarning() << "Could not select from storages"; return r; } if (q.first()) { return true; } } { QSqlQuery q; r = q.prepare("INSERT INTO storages\n " "(storage_type_id, location, timestamp, pre_installed, active)\n" "VALUES\n" "(:storage_type_id, :location, :timestamp, :pre_installed, :active);"); if (!r) { qWarning() << "Could not prepare query" << q.lastError(); return r; } q.bindValue(":storage_type_id", static_cast(storage->type())); q.bindValue(":location", makeRelative(storage->location())); q.bindValue(":timestamp", storage->timestamp().toSecsSinceEpoch()); q.bindValue(":pre_installed", preinstalled ? 1 : 0); q.bindValue(":active", 1); r = q.exec(); if (!r) qWarning() << "Could not execute query" << q.lastError(); } return r; } bool KisResourceCacheDb::deleteStorage(KisResourceStorageSP storage) { { QSqlQuery q; if (!q.prepare("DELETE FROM resources\n" "WHERE id IN (SELECT versioned_resources.resource_id\n" " FROM versioned_resources\n" " WHERE versioned_resources.storage_id = (SELECT storages.id\n" " FROM storages\n" " WHERE storages.location = :location)\n" " );")) { qWarning() << "Could not prepare delete resources query in deleteStorage" << q.lastError(); return false; } q.bindValue(":location", makeRelative(storage->location())); if (!q.exec()) { qWarning() << "Could not execute delete resources query in deleteStorage" << q.lastError(); return false; } } { QSqlQuery q; if (!q.prepare("DELETE FROM versioned_resources\n" "WHERE storage_id = (SELECT storages.id\n" " FROM storages\n" " WHERE storages.location = :location);")) { qWarning() << "Could not prepare delete versioned_resources query" << q.lastError(); return false; } q.bindValue(":location", makeRelative(storage->location())); if (!q.exec()) { qWarning() << "Could not execute delete versioned_resources query" << q.lastError(); return false; } } { QSqlQuery q; if (!q.prepare("DELETE FROM storages\n" "WHERE location = :location;")) { qWarning() << "Could not prepare delete storages query" << q.lastError(); return false; } q.bindValue(":location", makeRelative(storage->location())); if (!q.exec()) { qWarning() << "Could not execute delete storages query" << q.lastError(); return false; } } return true; } bool KisResourceCacheDb::synchronizeStorage(KisResourceStorageSP storage) { qDebug() << "Going to synchronize" << storage->location(); QTime t; t.start(); if (!s_valid) { qWarning() << "KisResourceCacheDb::addResource: The database is not valid"; return false; } bool success = true; // Find the storage in the database QSqlQuery q; if (!q.prepare("SELECT id\n" ", timestamp\n" ", pre_installed\n" "FROM storages\n" "WHERE location = :location\n")) { qWarning() << "Could not prepare storage timestamp statement" << q.lastError(); } q.bindValue(":location", makeRelative(storage->location())); if (!q.exec()) { qWarning() << "Could not execute storage timestamp statement" << q.boundValues() << q.lastError(); } if (!q.first()) { // This is a new storage, the user must have dropped it in the path before restarting Krita, so add it. if (!addStorage(storage, false)) { qWarning() << "Could not add new storage" << storage->name() << "to the database"; success = false; } } // Only check the time stamp for container storages, not the contents if (storage->type() != KisResourceStorage::StorageType::Folder) { qDebug() << storage->location() << "is not a folder, going to check timestamps. Database:" << q.value(1).toInt() << ", File:" << storage->timestamp().toSecsSinceEpoch(); if (!q.value(0).isValid()) { qWarning() << "Could not retrieve timestamp for storage" << makeRelative(storage->location()); success = false; } if (storage->timestamp().toSecsSinceEpoch() > q.value(1).toInt()) { qDebug() << "Deleting" << storage->location() << "because the one on disk is newer."; if (!deleteStorage(storage)) { qWarning() << "Could not delete storage" << makeRelative(storage->location()); success = false; } qDebug() << "Inserting" << storage->location(); if (!addStorage(storage, q.value(2).toBool())) { qWarning() << "Could not add storage" << makeRelative(storage->location()); success = false; } } } else { // Check whether everything in the storage is in the database QMap typeResourceMap; Q_FOREACH(const QString &resourceType, KisResourceLoaderRegistry::instance()->resourceTypes()) { typeResourceMap.insert(resourceType, QStringList()); QSharedPointer iter = storage->resources(resourceType); while (iter->hasNext()) { iter->next(); KoResourceSP resource = iter->resource(); typeResourceMap[resourceType] << iter->url(); if (resource) { if (!addResource(storage, iter->lastModified(), resource, iter->type())) { qWarning() << "Could not add/update resource" << makeRelative(resource->filename()) << "to the database"; success = false; } } } } // Remove everything from the database which is no longer in the storage QList resourceIdList; Q_FOREACH(const QString &resourceType, KisResourceLoaderRegistry::instance()->resourceTypes()) { QSqlQuery q; if (!q.prepare("SELECT resources.id, resources.filename\n" "FROM resources\n" ", resource_types\n" "WHERE resources.resource_type_id = resource_types.id\n" "AND resource_types.name == :resource_type;")) { qWarning() << "Could not prepare resource by type query" << q.lastError(); success = false; continue; } q.bindValue(":resource_type", resourceType); if (!q.exec()) { qWarning() << "Could not exec resource by type query" << q.boundValues() << q.lastError(); success = false; continue; } while (q.nextResult()) { if (!typeResourceMap[resourceType].contains(q.value(1).toString())) { resourceIdList << q.value(0).toInt(); } } } QSqlQuery deleteResources; if (!deleteResources.prepare("DELETE FROM resources WHERE id = :id")) { success = false; qWarning() << "Could not prepare delete Resources query"; } QSqlQuery deleteResourceVersions; if (!deleteResourceVersions.prepare("DELETE FROM versioned_resources WHERE resource_id = :id")) { success = false; qWarning() << "Could not prepare delete Resources query"; } + QSqlDatabase::database().transaction(); Q_FOREACH(int id, resourceIdList) { deleteResourceVersions.bindValue(":id", id); if (!deleteResourceVersions.exec()) { success = false; qWarning() << "Could not delete resource version" << deleteResourceVersions.boundValues() << deleteResourceVersions.lastError(); } deleteResources.bindValue(":id", id); if (!deleteResources.exec()) { success = false; qWarning() << "Could not delete resource" << deleteResources.boundValues() << deleteResources.lastError(); } } + QSqlDatabase::database().commit(); } qDebug() << "Synchronizing the storages took" << t.msec() << "milliseconds for" << storage->location(); return success; } QString KisResourceCacheDb::makeRelative(QString location) { return QFileInfo(location).fileName(); } void KisResourceCacheDb::deleteTemporaryResources() { QSqlQuery q; if (!q.prepare("DELETE FROM versioned_resources\n" "WHERE resource_id IN (SELECT id FROM resources\n" " WHERE temporary = 1)")) { qWarning() << "Could not prepare delete temporary versioned resources query." << q.lastError(); return; } if (!q.exec()) { qWarning() << "Could not execute delete temporary versioned resources query." << q.lastError(); } if (!q.prepare("DELETE FROM resources\n" "WHERE temporary = 1")) { qWarning() << "Could not prepare delete temporary resources query." << q.lastError(); return; } if (!q.exec()) { qWarning() << "Could not execute delete temporary resources query." << q.lastError(); } } diff --git a/libs/resources/KisResourceLocator.cpp b/libs/resources/KisResourceLocator.cpp index 6b07b897d5..f4f4deb7ea 100644 --- a/libs/resources/KisResourceLocator.cpp +++ b/libs/resources/KisResourceLocator.cpp @@ -1,491 +1,499 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2018 Boudewijn Rempt * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KisResourceLocator.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "KoResourcePaths.h" #include "KisResourceStorage.h" #include "KisResourceCacheDb.h" #include "KisResourceLoaderRegistry.h" #include "KisMemoryStorage.h" const QString KisResourceLocator::resourceLocationKey {"ResourceDirectory"}; class KisResourceLocator::Private { public: QString resourceLocation; QMap storages; QHash, KoResourceSP> resourceCache; QStringList errorMessages; }; KisResourceLocator::KisResourceLocator(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , d(new Private()) { } KisResourceLocator *KisResourceLocator::instance() { KisResourceLocator *locator = qApp->findChild(QString()); if (!locator) { locator = new KisResourceLocator(qApp); } return locator; } KisResourceLocator::~KisResourceLocator() { } KisResourceLocator::LocatorError KisResourceLocator::initialize(const QString &installationResourcesLocation) { InitalizationStatus initalizationStatus = InitalizationStatus::Unknown; KConfigGroup cfg(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), ""); d->resourceLocation = cfg.readEntry(resourceLocationKey, QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation)); if (!d->resourceLocation.endsWith('/')) d->resourceLocation += '/'; QFileInfo fi(d->resourceLocation); if (!fi.exists()) { if (!QDir().mkpath(d->resourceLocation)) { d->errorMessages << i18n("1. Could not create the resource location at %1.", d->resourceLocation); return LocatorError::CannotCreateLocation; } initalizationStatus = InitalizationStatus::FirstRun; } if (!fi.isWritable()) { d->errorMessages << i18n("2. The resource location at %1 is not writable.", d->resourceLocation); return LocatorError::LocationReadOnly; } // Check whether we're updating from an older version if (initalizationStatus != InitalizationStatus::FirstRun) { QFile fi(d->resourceLocation + '/' + "KRITA_RESOURCE_VERSION"); if (!fi.exists()) { initalizationStatus = InitalizationStatus::FirstUpdate; } else { fi.open(QFile::ReadOnly); QVersionNumber resource_version = QVersionNumber::fromString(QString::fromUtf8(fi.readAll())); QVersionNumber krita_version = QVersionNumber::fromString(KritaVersionWrapper::versionString()); if (krita_version > resource_version) { initalizationStatus = InitalizationStatus::Updating; } else { initalizationStatus = InitalizationStatus::Initialized; } } } if (initalizationStatus != InitalizationStatus::Initialized) { KisResourceLocator::LocatorError res = firstTimeInstallation(initalizationStatus, installationResourcesLocation); if (res != LocatorError::Ok) { return res; } initalizationStatus = InitalizationStatus::Initialized; } else { if (!synchronizeDb()) { return LocatorError::CannotSynchronizeDb; } } return LocatorError::Ok; } QStringList KisResourceLocator::errorMessages() const { return d->errorMessages; } QString KisResourceLocator::resourceLocationBase() const { return d->resourceLocation; } bool KisResourceLocator::resourceCached(QString storageLocation, const QString &resourceType, const QString &filename) const { storageLocation = makeStorageLocationAbsolute(storageLocation); QPair key = QPair (storageLocation, resourceType + "/" + filename); return d->resourceCache.contains(key); } KoResourceSP KisResourceLocator::resource(QString storageLocation, const QString &resourceType, const QString &filename) { storageLocation = makeStorageLocationAbsolute(storageLocation); QPair key = QPair (storageLocation, resourceType + "/" + filename); KoResourceSP resource; if (d->resourceCache.contains(key)) { resource = d->resourceCache[key]; } else { Q_ASSERT(d->storages.contains(storageLocation)); KisResourceStorageSP storage = d->storages[storageLocation]; Q_ASSERT(storage); resource = storage->resource(resourceType + "/" + filename); Q_ASSERT(resource); if (resource) { d->resourceCache[key] = resource; } } resource->setStorageLocation(storageLocation); Q_ASSERT(!resource->storageLocation().isEmpty()); return resource; } KoResourceSP KisResourceLocator::resourceForId(int resourceId) { ResourceStorage rs = getResourceStorage(resourceId); KoResourceSP r = resource(rs.storageLocation, rs.resourceType, rs.resourceFileName); r->setResourceId(resourceId); return r; } bool KisResourceLocator::removeResource(int resourceId) { // First remove the resource from the cache ResourceStorage rs = getResourceStorage(resourceId); QPair key = QPair (rs.storageLocation, rs.resourceType + "/" + rs.resourceFileName); d->resourceCache.remove(key); return KisResourceCacheDb::removeResource(resourceId); } bool KisResourceLocator::importResourceFromFile(const QString &resourceType, const QString &fileName) { KisResourceLoaderBase *loader = KisResourceLoaderRegistry::instance()->loader(resourceType, KisMimeDatabase::mimeTypeForFile(fileName)); QFile f(fileName); if (!f.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { qWarning() << "Could not open" << fileName << "for loading"; return false; } KoResourceSP resource = loader->load(QFileInfo(fileName).fileName(), f); KisResourceStorageSP storage = d->storages[d->resourceLocation]; Q_ASSERT(storage); if (!storage->addResource(resourceType, resource)) { qWarning() << "Could not add resource" << resource->filename() << "to the folder storage"; return false; } return KisResourceCacheDb::addResource(folderStorage(), QFileInfo(resource->filename()).lastModified(), resource, resourceType); } bool KisResourceLocator::addResource(const QString &resourceType, const KoResourceSP resource, bool save) { if (!resource || !resource->valid()) return false; if (save) { KisResourceStorageSP storage = d->storages[d->resourceLocation]; Q_ASSERT(storage); if (!storage->addResource(resourceType, resource)) { qWarning() << "Could not add resource" << resource->filename() << "to the folder storage"; return false; } } else { resource->setFilename("memory/" + resourceType + "/" + resource->name()); memoryStorage()->addResource(resourceType, resource); } return KisResourceCacheDb::addResource(save ? folderStorage() : memoryStorage(), QFileInfo(resource->filename()).lastModified(), resource, resourceType, !save); } bool KisResourceLocator::updateResource(const QString &resourceType, const KoResourceSP resource) { QString storageLocation = makeStorageLocationAbsolute(resource->storageLocation()); Q_ASSERT(d->storages.contains(storageLocation)); Q_ASSERT(resource->resourceId() > -1); KisResourceStorageSP storage = d->storages[storageLocation]; int version = resource->version(); if (!storage->addResource(resourceType, resource)) { qWarning() << "Failed to save the new version of " << resource->name() << "to storage" << storageLocation; return false; } // It's the storages that keep track of the version Q_ASSERT(resource->version() == version + 1); if (!KisResourceCacheDb::addResourceVersion(resource->resourceId(), QDateTime::currentDateTime(), storage, resource)) { qWarning() << "Failed to add a new version of the resource to the database" << resource->name(); return false; } // Update the resource in the cache QPair key = QPair (storageLocation, resourceType + "/" + QFileInfo(resource->filename()).fileName()); d->resourceCache[key] = resource; return true; } void KisResourceLocator::purge() { d->resourceCache.clear(); } KisResourceLocator::LocatorError KisResourceLocator::firstTimeInstallation(InitalizationStatus initalizationStatus, const QString &installationResourcesLocation) { emit progressMessage(i18n("Krita is running for the first time. Intialization will take some time.")); Q_UNUSED(initalizationStatus); Q_FOREACH(const QString &folder, KisResourceLoaderRegistry::instance()->resourceTypes()) { QDir dir(d->resourceLocation + '/' + folder + '/'); if (!dir.exists()) { if (!QDir().mkpath(d->resourceLocation + '/' + folder + '/')) { d->errorMessages << i18n("3. Could not create the resource location at %1.", dir.path()); return LocatorError::CannotCreateLocation; } } } Q_FOREACH(const QString &folder, KisResourceLoaderRegistry::instance()->resourceTypes()) { QDir dir(installationResourcesLocation + '/' + folder + '/'); if (dir.exists()) { Q_FOREACH(const QString &entry, dir.entryList(QDir::Files | QDir::Readable)) { QFile f(dir.canonicalPath() + '/'+ entry); if (!QFileInfo(d->resourceLocation + '/' + folder + '/' + entry).exists()) { if (!f.copy(d->resourceLocation + '/' + folder + '/' + entry)) { d->errorMessages << i18n("Could not copy resource %1 to %2").arg(f.fileName()).arg(d->resourceLocation + '/' + folder + '/' + entry); } } } } } // And add bundles and adobe libraries QStringList filters = QStringList() << "*.bundle" << "*.abr" << "*.asl"; QDirIterator iter(installationResourcesLocation, filters, QDir::Files, QDirIterator::Subdirectories); while (iter.hasNext()) { iter.next(); emit progressMessage(i18n("Installing the resources from bundle %1.", iter.filePath())); QFile f(iter.filePath()); Q_ASSERT(f.exists()); if (!f.copy(d->resourceLocation + '/' + iter.fileName())) { d->errorMessages << i18n("Could not copy resource %1 to %2").arg(f.fileName()).arg(d->resourceLocation); } } QFile f(d->resourceLocation + '/' + "KRITA_RESOURCE_VERSION"); f.open(QFile::WriteOnly); f.write(KritaVersionWrapper::versionString().toUtf8()); f.close(); if (!initializeDb()) { return LocatorError::CannotInitializeDb; } return LocatorError::Ok; } bool KisResourceLocator::initializeDb() { emit progressMessage(i18n("Initalizing the resources.")); d->errorMessages.clear(); findStorages(); Q_FOREACH(KisResourceStorageSP storage, d->storages) { + QTime t; + t.start(); + if (!KisResourceCacheDb::addStorage(storage, (storage->type() == KisResourceStorage::StorageType::Folder ? false : true))) { d->errorMessages.append(i18n("Could not add storage %1 to the cache database").arg(storage->location())); } + qDebug() << "Adding storage" << storage->location() << "to the database took" << t.elapsed() << "ms"; + Q_FOREACH(const QString &resourceType, KisResourceLoaderRegistry::instance()->resourceTypes()) { + t.start(); emit progressMessage(i18n("Adding %1 resources to folder %2", resourceType, storage->location())); if (!KisResourceCacheDb::addResources(storage, resourceType)) { d->errorMessages.append(i18n("Could not add resource type %1 to the cache database").arg(resourceType)); } if (!KisResourceCacheDb::addTags(storage, resourceType)) { d->errorMessages.append(i18n("Could not add tags for resource type %1 to the cache database").arg(resourceType)); } + qDebug() << "\tAdding resources of type" << resourceType << "to the database took" << t.elapsed() << "ms"; + } } return (d->errorMessages.isEmpty()); } void KisResourceLocator::findStorages() { d->storages.clear(); // Add the folder KisResourceStorageSP storage = QSharedPointer::create(d->resourceLocation); Q_ASSERT(storage->location() == d->resourceLocation); d->storages[d->resourceLocation] = storage; // Add the memory storage d->storages["memory"] = QSharedPointer::create("memory"); // And add bundles and adobe libraries QStringList filters = QStringList() << "*.bundle" << "*.abr" << "*.asl"; QDirIterator iter(d->resourceLocation, filters, QDir::Files, QDirIterator::Subdirectories); while (iter.hasNext()) { iter.next(); KisResourceStorageSP storage = QSharedPointer::create(iter.filePath()); d->storages[storage->location()] = storage; } } QList KisResourceLocator::storages() const { return d->storages.values(); } KisResourceStorageSP KisResourceLocator::storageByName(const QString &name) const { if (!d->storages.contains(name)) { qWarning() << "No" << name << "storage defined"; return 0; } KisResourceStorageSP storage = d->storages[name]; if (!storage || !storage->valid()) { qWarning() << "Could not retrieve the" << name << "storage object or the object is not valid"; return 0; } return storage; } KisResourceStorageSP KisResourceLocator::folderStorage() const { return storageByName(d->resourceLocation); } KisResourceStorageSP KisResourceLocator::memoryStorage() const { return storageByName("memory"); } KisResourceLocator::ResourceStorage KisResourceLocator::getResourceStorage(int resourceId) const { ResourceStorage rs; QSqlQuery q; bool r = q.prepare("SELECT storages.location\n" ", resource_types.name as resource_type\n" ", resources.filename\n" "FROM resources\n" ", storages\n" ", resource_types\n" "WHERE resources.id = :resource_id\n" "AND resources.storage_id = storages.id\n" "AND resource_types.id = resources.resource_type_id"); if (!r) { qWarning() << "KisResourceLocator::removeResource: could not prepare query." << q.lastError(); return rs; } q.bindValue(":resource_id", resourceId); r = q.exec(); if (!r) { qWarning() << "KisResourceLocator::removeResource: could not execute query." << q.lastError(); return rs; } q.first(); QString storageLocation = q.value("location").toString(); QString resourceType= q.value("resource_type").toString(); QString resourceFilename = q.value("filename").toString(); if (storageLocation.isEmpty()) { storageLocation = resourceLocationBase(); } else { storageLocation = resourceLocationBase() + storageLocation; } rs.storageLocation = storageLocation; rs.resourceType = resourceType; rs.resourceFileName = resourceFilename; return rs; } QString KisResourceLocator::makeStorageLocationAbsolute(QString storageLocation) const { if (storageLocation.isEmpty()) { storageLocation = resourceLocationBase(); } if (!storageLocation.startsWith('/') && storageLocation != "memory") { if (resourceLocationBase().endsWith('/')) { storageLocation = resourceLocationBase() + storageLocation; } else { storageLocation = resourceLocationBase() + '/' + storageLocation; } } return storageLocation; } bool KisResourceLocator::synchronizeDb() { d->errorMessages.clear(); findStorages(); Q_FOREACH(const KisResourceStorageSP storage, d->storages) { if (storage->name() == "memory") continue; if (!KisResourceCacheDb::synchronizeStorage(storage)) { d->errorMessages.append(i18n("Could not synchronize %1 with the database").arg(storage->location())); } } return d->errorMessages.isEmpty(); } diff --git a/libs/widgets/KoResourceServer.h b/libs/widgets/KoResourceServer.h index c9b3567598..eba026556d 100644 --- a/libs/widgets/KoResourceServer.h +++ b/libs/widgets/KoResourceServer.h @@ -1,273 +1,273 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (c) 1999 Matthias Elter Copyright (c) 2003 Patrick Julien Copyright (c) 2005 Sven Langkamp Copyright (c) 2007 Jan Hambrecht Copyright (C) 2011 Srikanth Tiyyagura Copyright (c) 2013 Sascha Suelzer This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef KORESOURCESERVER_H #define KORESOURCESERVER_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "KoResource.h" #include "KoResourceServerObserver.h" #include "KoResourcePaths.h" #include #include #include #include #include "kritawidgets_export.h" #include "WidgetsDebug.h" class KoResource; /** * KoResourceServer manages the resources of one type. It stores, - * loads and saves the resources. To keep track of changes the server + * loads and saves the resources. To keep track of changes the server * can be observed with a KoResourceServerObserver */ template class KoResourceServer { public: typedef KoResourceServerObserver ObserverType; KoResourceServer(const QString& type) : m_resourceModel(KisResourceModelProvider::resourceModel(type)) , m_type(type) { } virtual ~KoResourceServer() { Q_FOREACH (ObserverType* observer, m_observers) { observer->unsetResourceServer(); } } /// @return the active resource model KisResourceModel *resourceModel() const { return m_resourceModel; } /// Return the first resource available QSharedPointer firstResource() const { return m_resourceModel->resourceForIndex(m_resourceModel->index(0, 0)).dynamicCast(); } int resourceCount() const { return m_resourceModel->rowCount(); } /// Adds an already loaded resource to the server bool addResource(QSharedPointer resource, bool save = true) { if (!resource->valid()) { warnWidgets << "Tried to add an invalid resource!"; return false; } if (m_resourceModel->addResource(resource, save)) { notifyResourceAdded(resource); return true; } return false; } /// Remove a resource from Resource Server but not from a file bool removeResourceFromServer(QSharedPointer resource){ if (m_resourceModel->removeResource(resource)) { notifyRemovingResource(resource); return true; } return false; } QList> resources() { + qDebug() << "KoResourceServer::resources()" << m_type; QList> resourceList; for (int row = 0; row < m_resourceModel->rowCount(); ++row) { resourceList << m_resourceModel->resourceForIndex(m_resourceModel->index(row, 0)).dynamicCast(); } return resourceList; } /// Returns path where to save user defined and imported resources to QString saveLocation() { return KoResourcePaths::saveLocation(m_type.toLatin1()); } /** * Creates a new resource from a given file and adds them to the resource server * The base implementation does only load one resource per file, override to implement collections * @param filename file name of the resource file to be imported * @param fileCreation decides whether to create the file in the saveLocation() directory */ bool importResourceFile(const QString &filename) { return m_resourceModel->importResourceFile(filename); } /// Removes the resource file from the resource server void removeResourceFile(const QString & filename) { QFileInfo fi(filename); QSharedPointer resource = resourceByFilename(fi.fileName()); if (!resource) { warnWidgets << "Resource file do not exist "; return; } removeResourceFromServer(resource); } - /** * Addes an observer to the server * @param observer the observer to be added * @param notifyLoadedResources determines if the observer should be notified about the already loaded resources */ void addObserver(ObserverType* observer) { if (observer && !m_observers.contains(observer)) { m_observers.append(observer); } } /** * Removes an observer from the server * @param observer the observer to be removed */ void removeObserver(ObserverType* observer) { int index = m_observers.indexOf(observer); if (index < 0) { return; } m_observers.removeAt( index ); } QSharedPointer resourceByFilename(const QString& filename) const { qDebug() << "resourceByFilename" << filename; // if (m_resourcesByFilename.contains(filename)) { // return m_resourcesByFilename[filename]; // } return 0; } QSharedPointer resourceByName(const QString& name) const { qDebug() << "resourceByName" << name; // if (m_resourcesByName.contains(name)) { // return m_resourcesByName[name]; // } return 0; } QSharedPointer resourceByMD5(const QByteArray& md5) const { qDebug() << "resourceByMD5" << md5; // return m_resourcesByMd5.value(md5); return 0; } /** * Call after changing the content of a resource; * Notifies the connected views. */ void updateResource(QSharedPointer resource) { m_resourceModel->updateResource(resource); notifyResourceChanged(resource); } // don't use these method directly since it doesn't update views! void addTag(KoResourceSP resource, const QString& tag) { // m_tagStore->addTag(resource, tag); } // don't use these method directly since it doesn't update views! void delTag(KoResourceSP resource, const QString& tag) { // m_tagStore->delTag(resource, tag); } QStringList assignedTagsList(KoResourceSP resource) const { return QStringList(); //m_tagStore->assignedTagsList(resource); } /// Return the currently stored resources in alphabetical order, overwrite for customized sorting virtual QList> sortedResources() { QMap> sortedNames; // Q_FOREACH (const QString &name, m_resourcesByName.keys()) { // sortedNames.insert(name.toLower(), m_resourcesByName[name]); // } return sortedNames.values(); } protected: void notifyResourceAdded(QSharedPointer resource) { Q_FOREACH (ObserverType* observer, m_observers) { observer->resourceAdded(resource); } } void notifyRemovingResource(QSharedPointer resource) { Q_FOREACH (ObserverType* observer, m_observers) { observer->removingResource(resource); } } void notifyResourceChanged(QSharedPointer resource) { Q_FOREACH (ObserverType* observer, m_observers) { observer->resourceChanged(resource); } } private: QList m_observers; KisResourceModel *m_resourceModel {0}; QString m_type; }; #endif // KORESOURCESERVER_H