diff --git a/libs/pigment/resources/KoSegmentGradient.cpp b/libs/pigment/resources/KoSegmentGradient.cpp index d07727b9de..53a8ec0e41 100644 --- a/libs/pigment/resources/KoSegmentGradient.cpp +++ b/libs/pigment/resources/KoSegmentGradient.cpp @@ -1,1104 +1,1104 @@ /* Copyright (c) 2000 Matthias Elter 2001 John Califf 2004 Boudewijn Rempt 2004 Adrian Page 2004, 2007 Sven Langkamp This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "KoColorSpaceRegistry.h" #include "KoColorSpace.h" #include "KoMixColorsOp.h" #include #include #include KoGradientSegment::RGBColorInterpolationStrategy *KoGradientSegment::RGBColorInterpolationStrategy::m_instance = 0; KoGradientSegment::HSVCWColorInterpolationStrategy *KoGradientSegment::HSVCWColorInterpolationStrategy::m_instance = 0; KoGradientSegment::HSVCCWColorInterpolationStrategy *KoGradientSegment::HSVCCWColorInterpolationStrategy::m_instance = 0; KoGradientSegment::LinearInterpolationStrategy *KoGradientSegment::LinearInterpolationStrategy::m_instance = 0; KoGradientSegment::CurvedInterpolationStrategy *KoGradientSegment::CurvedInterpolationStrategy::m_instance = 0; KoGradientSegment::SineInterpolationStrategy *KoGradientSegment::SineInterpolationStrategy::m_instance = 0; KoGradientSegment::SphereIncreasingInterpolationStrategy *KoGradientSegment::SphereIncreasingInterpolationStrategy::m_instance = 0; KoGradientSegment::SphereDecreasingInterpolationStrategy *KoGradientSegment::SphereDecreasingInterpolationStrategy::m_instance = 0; KoSegmentGradient::KoSegmentGradient(const QString& file) : KoAbstractGradient(file) { } KoSegmentGradient::~KoSegmentGradient() { for (int i = 0; i < m_segments.count(); i++) { delete m_segments[i]; m_segments[i] = 0; } } KoSegmentGradient::KoSegmentGradient(const KoSegmentGradient &rhs) : KoAbstractGradient(rhs) { Q_FOREACH (KoGradientSegment *segment, rhs.m_segments) { pushSegment(new KoGradientSegment(*segment)); } } KoAbstractGradient* KoSegmentGradient::clone() const { return new KoSegmentGradient(*this); } bool KoSegmentGradient::load() { QFile file(filename()); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { warnPigment << "Can't open file " << filename(); return false; } bool res = loadFromDevice(&file); file.close(); return res; } bool KoSegmentGradient::loadFromDevice(QIODevice *dev) { QByteArray data = dev->readAll(); QTextStream fileContent(data, QIODevice::ReadOnly); fileContent.setAutoDetectUnicode(true); QString header = fileContent.readLine(); if (header != "GIMP Gradient") { return false; } QString nameDefinition = fileContent.readLine(); QString numSegmentsText; if (nameDefinition.startsWith("Name: ")) { QString nameText = nameDefinition.right(nameDefinition.length() - 6); setName(nameText); numSegmentsText = fileContent.readLine(); } else { // Older format without name. numSegmentsText = nameDefinition; } dbgPigment << "Loading gradient: " << name(); int numSegments; bool ok; numSegments = numSegmentsText.toInt(&ok); if (!ok || numSegments < 1) { return false; } dbgPigment << "Number of segments = " << numSegments; const KoColorSpace* rgbColorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(); for (int i = 0; i < numSegments; i++) { QString segmentText = fileContent.readLine(); QTextStream segmentFields(&segmentText); QStringList values = segmentText.split(' '); qreal leftOffset = values[0].toDouble(); qreal middleOffset = values[1].toDouble(); qreal rightOffset = values[2].toDouble(); qreal leftRed = values[3].toDouble(); qreal leftGreen = values[4].toDouble(); qreal leftBlue = values[5].toDouble(); qreal leftAlpha = values[6].toDouble(); qreal rightRed = values[7].toDouble(); qreal rightGreen = values[8].toDouble(); qreal rightBlue = values[9].toDouble(); qreal rightAlpha = values[10].toDouble(); int interpolationType = values[11].toInt(); int colorInterpolationType = values[12].toInt(); KoGradientSegmentEndpointType startType, endType; if (values.count() >= 15) { //file supports FG/BG colors startType = static_cast(values[13].toInt()); endType = static_cast(values[14].toInt()); } else { startType = endType = COLOR_ENDPOINT; } quint8 data[4]; data[2] = static_cast(leftRed * 255 + 0.5); data[1] = static_cast(leftGreen * 255 + 0.5); data[0] = static_cast(leftBlue * 255 + 0.5); data[3] = static_cast(leftAlpha * OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8 + 0.5); KoColor leftColor(data, rgbColorSpace); data[2] = static_cast(rightRed * 255 + 0.5); data[1] = static_cast(rightGreen * 255 + 0.5); data[0] = static_cast(rightBlue * 255 + 0.5); data[3] = static_cast(rightAlpha * OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8 + 0.5); KoColor rightColor(data, rgbColorSpace); KoGradientSegmentEndpoint left(leftOffset, leftColor, startType); KoGradientSegmentEndpoint right(rightOffset, rightColor, endType); KoGradientSegment *segment = new KoGradientSegment(interpolationType, colorInterpolationType, left, right, middleOffset); Q_CHECK_PTR(segment); if (!segment -> isValid()) { delete segment; return false; } m_segments.push_back(segment); } if (!m_segments.isEmpty()) { updatePreview(); setValid(true); return true; } else { return false; } } bool KoSegmentGradient::save() { QFile file(filename()); if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { return false; } saveToDevice(&file); file.close(); return true; } bool KoSegmentGradient::saveToDevice(QIODevice *dev) const { QTextStream fileContent(dev); fileContent << "GIMP Gradient\n"; fileContent << "Name: " << name() << "\n"; fileContent << m_segments.count() << "\n"; Q_FOREACH (KoGradientSegment* segment, m_segments) { fileContent << QString::number(segment->startOffset(), 'f') << " " << QString::number(segment->middleOffset(), 'f') << " " << QString::number(segment->endOffset(), 'f') << " "; QColor startColor = segment->startColor().toQColor(); QColor endColor = segment->endColor().toQColor(); fileContent << QString::number(startColor.redF(), 'f') << " " << QString::number(startColor.greenF(), 'f') << " " << QString::number(startColor.blueF(), 'f') << " " << QString::number(startColor.alphaF(), 'f') << " "; fileContent << QString::number(endColor.redF(), 'f') << " " << QString::number(endColor.greenF(), 'f') << " " << QString::number(endColor.blueF(), 'f') << " " << QString::number(endColor.alphaF(), 'f') << " "; fileContent << (int)segment->interpolation() << " " << (int)segment->colorInterpolation() << " "; fileContent << (int)segment->startType() << " " << (int)segment->endType() << "\n"; } KoResource::saveToDevice(dev); return true; } KoGradientSegment *KoSegmentGradient::segmentAt(qreal t) const { if (t < 0.0) return 0; if (t > 1.0) return 0; if (m_segments.isEmpty()) return 0; for (QList::const_iterator it = m_segments.begin(); it != m_segments.end(); ++it) { if (t > (*it)->startOffset() - DBL_EPSILON && t < (*it)->endOffset() + DBL_EPSILON) { return *it; } } return 0; } void KoSegmentGradient::colorAt(KoColor& dst, qreal t) const { const KoGradientSegment *segment = segmentAt(t); if (segment) { segment->colorAt(dst, t); } } QGradient* KoSegmentGradient::toQGradient() const { QGradient* gradient = new QLinearGradient(); QColor color; Q_FOREACH (KoGradientSegment* segment, m_segments) { segment->startColor().toQColor(&color); gradient->setColorAt(segment->startOffset() , color); segment->endColor().toQColor(&color); gradient->setColorAt(segment->endOffset() , color); } return gradient; } QString KoSegmentGradient::defaultFileExtension() const { return QString(".ggr"); } void KoSegmentGradient::toXML(QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &gradientElt) const { gradientElt.setAttribute("type", "segment"); Q_FOREACH(KoGradientSegment *segment, this->segments()) { QDomElement segmentElt = doc.createElement("segment"); QDomElement start = doc.createElement("start"); QDomElement end = doc.createElement("end"); segmentElt.setAttribute("start-offset", KisDomUtils::toString(segment->startOffset())); const KoColor startColor = segment->startColor(); segmentElt.setAttribute("start-bitdepth", startColor.colorSpace()->colorDepthId().id()); segmentElt.setAttribute("start-alpha", KisDomUtils::toString(startColor.opacityF())); segmentElt.setAttribute("start-type", KisDomUtils::toString(segment->startType())); startColor.toXML(doc, start); segmentElt.setAttribute("middle-offset", KisDomUtils::toString(segment->middleOffset())); segmentElt.setAttribute("end-offset", KisDomUtils::toString(segment->endOffset())); const KoColor endColor = segment->endColor(); segmentElt.setAttribute("end-bitdepth", endColor.colorSpace()->colorDepthId().id()); segmentElt.setAttribute("end-alpha", KisDomUtils::toString(endColor.opacityF())); segmentElt.setAttribute("end-type", KisDomUtils::toString(segment->endType())); endColor.toXML(doc, end); segmentElt.setAttribute("interpolation", KisDomUtils::toString(segment->interpolation())); segmentElt.setAttribute("color-interpolation", KisDomUtils::toString(segment->colorInterpolation())); segmentElt.appendChild(start); segmentElt.appendChild(end); gradientElt.appendChild(segmentElt); } } KoSegmentGradient KoSegmentGradient::fromXML(const QDomElement &elt) { KoSegmentGradient gradient; QDomElement segmentElt = elt.firstChildElement("segment"); while (!segmentElt.isNull()) { int interpolation = KisDomUtils::toInt(segmentElt.attribute("interpolation", "0.0")); int colorInterpolation = KisDomUtils::toInt(segmentElt.attribute("color-interpolation", "0.0")); double startOffset = KisDomUtils::toDouble(segmentElt.attribute("start-offset", "0.0")); qreal middleOffset = KisDomUtils::toDouble(segmentElt.attribute("middle-offset", "0.0")); qreal endOffset = KisDomUtils::toDouble(segmentElt.attribute("end-offset", "0.0")); QDomElement start = segmentElt.firstChildElement("start"); QString startBitdepth = segmentElt.attribute("start-bitdepth", Integer8BitsColorDepthID.id()); QColor left = KoColor::fromXML(start.firstChildElement(), startBitdepth).toQColor(); left.setAlphaF(KisDomUtils::toDouble(segmentElt.attribute("start-alpha", "1.0"))); QString endBitdepth = segmentElt.attribute("end-bitdepth", Integer8BitsColorDepthID.id()); QDomElement end = segmentElt.firstChildElement("end"); QColor right = KoColor::fromXML(end.firstChildElement(), endBitdepth).toQColor(); right.setAlphaF(KisDomUtils::toDouble(segmentElt.attribute("end-alpha", "1.0"))); KoGradientSegmentEndpointType leftType = static_cast(KisDomUtils::toInt(segmentElt.attribute("start-type", "0"))); KoGradientSegmentEndpointType rightType = static_cast(KisDomUtils::toInt(segmentElt.attribute("end-type", "0"))); gradient.createSegment(interpolation, colorInterpolation, startOffset, endOffset, middleOffset, left, right, leftType, rightType); segmentElt = segmentElt.nextSiblingElement("segment"); } return gradient; } KoGradientSegment::KoGradientSegment(int interpolationType, int colorInterpolationType, KoGradientSegmentEndpoint start, KoGradientSegmentEndpoint end, qreal middleOffset) : m_start(start), m_end(end) { m_interpolator = 0; switch (interpolationType) { case INTERP_LINEAR: m_interpolator = LinearInterpolationStrategy::instance(); break; case INTERP_CURVED: m_interpolator = CurvedInterpolationStrategy::instance(); break; case INTERP_SINE: m_interpolator = SineInterpolationStrategy::instance(); break; case INTERP_SPHERE_INCREASING: m_interpolator = SphereIncreasingInterpolationStrategy::instance(); break; case INTERP_SPHERE_DECREASING: m_interpolator = SphereDecreasingInterpolationStrategy::instance(); break; } m_colorInterpolator = 0; switch (colorInterpolationType) { case COLOR_INTERP_RGB: m_colorInterpolator = RGBColorInterpolationStrategy::instance(); break; case COLOR_INTERP_HSV_CCW: m_colorInterpolator = HSVCCWColorInterpolationStrategy::instance(); break; case COLOR_INTERP_HSV_CW: m_colorInterpolator = HSVCWColorInterpolationStrategy::instance(); break; } if (m_start.offset < DBL_EPSILON) { m_start.offset = 0; } else if (m_start.offset > 1 - DBL_EPSILON) { m_start.offset = 1; } if (middleOffset < m_start.offset + DBL_EPSILON) { m_middleOffset = m_start.offset; } else if (middleOffset > 1 - DBL_EPSILON) { m_middleOffset = 1; } else { m_middleOffset = middleOffset; } if (m_end.offset < m_middleOffset + DBL_EPSILON) { m_end.offset = m_middleOffset; } else if (m_end.offset > 1 - DBL_EPSILON) { m_end.offset = 1; } m_length = m_end.offset - m_start.offset; if (m_length < DBL_EPSILON) { m_middleT = 0.5; } else { m_middleT = (m_middleOffset - m_start.offset) / m_length; } m_hasVariableColors = m_start.type != COLOR_ENDPOINT || m_end.type != COLOR_ENDPOINT; } const KoColor& KoGradientSegment::startColor() const { return m_start.color; } const KoColor& KoGradientSegment::endColor() const { return m_end.color; } qreal KoGradientSegment::startOffset() const { return m_start.offset; } qreal KoGradientSegment::middleOffset() const { return m_middleOffset; } qreal KoGradientSegment::endOffset() const { return m_end.offset; } -const KoGradientSegmentEndpointType KoGradientSegment::startType() const +KoGradientSegmentEndpointType KoGradientSegment::startType() const { return m_start.type; } -const KoGradientSegmentEndpointType KoGradientSegment::endType() const +KoGradientSegmentEndpointType KoGradientSegment::endType() const { return m_end.type; } void KoGradientSegment::setStartType(KoGradientSegmentEndpointType type) { m_start.type = type; if (type != COLOR_ENDPOINT) { m_hasVariableColors = true; } else if (m_end.type == COLOR_ENDPOINT) { m_hasVariableColors = false; } } void KoGradientSegment::setEndType(KoGradientSegmentEndpointType type) { m_end.type = type; if (type != COLOR_ENDPOINT) { m_hasVariableColors = true; } else if (m_start.type == COLOR_ENDPOINT) { m_hasVariableColors = false; } } void KoGradientSegment::setStartOffset(qreal t) { m_start.offset = t; m_length = m_end.offset - m_start.offset; if (m_length < DBL_EPSILON) { m_middleT = 0.5; } else { m_middleT = (m_middleOffset - m_start.offset) / m_length; } } void KoGradientSegment::setMiddleOffset(qreal t) { m_middleOffset = t; if (m_length < DBL_EPSILON) { m_middleT = 0.5; } else { m_middleT = (m_middleOffset - m_start.offset) / m_length; } } void KoGradientSegment::setEndOffset(qreal t) { m_end.offset = t; m_length = m_end.offset - m_start.offset; if (m_length < DBL_EPSILON) { m_middleT = 0.5; } else { m_middleT = (m_middleOffset - m_start.offset) / m_length; } } void KoGradientSegment::setVariableColors(const KoColor& foreground, const KoColor& background) { switch (m_start.type) { case COLOR_ENDPOINT: break; case FOREGROUND_ENDPOINT: m_start.color = foreground; break; case FOREGROUND_TRANSPARENT_ENDPOINT: //TODO: add Transparent options to gradient editor... m_start.color = foreground; m_start.color.setOpacity(quint8(0)); break; case BACKGROUND_ENDPOINT: m_start.color = background; break; case BACKGROUND_TRANSPARENT_ENDPOINT: m_start.color = background; m_start.color.setOpacity(quint8(0)); break; } switch (m_end.type) { case COLOR_ENDPOINT: break; case FOREGROUND_ENDPOINT: m_end.color = foreground; break; case FOREGROUND_TRANSPARENT_ENDPOINT: m_end.color = foreground; m_end.color.setOpacity(quint8(0)); break; case BACKGROUND_ENDPOINT: m_end.color = background; break; case BACKGROUND_TRANSPARENT_ENDPOINT: m_end.color = background; m_end.color.setOpacity(quint8(0)); break; } } bool KoGradientSegment::hasVariableColors() { return m_hasVariableColors; } int KoGradientSegment::interpolation() const { return m_interpolator->type(); } void KoGradientSegment::setInterpolation(int interpolationType) { switch (interpolationType) { case INTERP_LINEAR: m_interpolator = LinearInterpolationStrategy::instance(); break; case INTERP_CURVED: m_interpolator = CurvedInterpolationStrategy::instance(); break; case INTERP_SINE: m_interpolator = SineInterpolationStrategy::instance(); break; case INTERP_SPHERE_INCREASING: m_interpolator = SphereIncreasingInterpolationStrategy::instance(); break; case INTERP_SPHERE_DECREASING: m_interpolator = SphereDecreasingInterpolationStrategy::instance(); break; } } int KoGradientSegment::colorInterpolation() const { return m_colorInterpolator->type(); } void KoGradientSegment::setColorInterpolation(int colorInterpolationType) { switch (colorInterpolationType) { case COLOR_INTERP_RGB: m_colorInterpolator = RGBColorInterpolationStrategy::instance(); break; case COLOR_INTERP_HSV_CCW: m_colorInterpolator = HSVCCWColorInterpolationStrategy::instance(); break; case COLOR_INTERP_HSV_CW: m_colorInterpolator = HSVCWColorInterpolationStrategy::instance(); break; } } void KoGradientSegment::colorAt(KoColor& dst, qreal t) const { Q_ASSERT(t > m_start.offset - DBL_EPSILON && t < m_end.offset + DBL_EPSILON); qreal segmentT; if (m_length < DBL_EPSILON) { segmentT = 0.5; } else { segmentT = (t - m_start.offset) / m_length; } qreal colorT = m_interpolator->valueAt(segmentT, m_middleT); m_colorInterpolator->colorAt(dst, colorT, m_start.color, m_end.color); } void KoGradientSegment::mirrorSegment() { KoColor tmpColor = startColor(); setStartColor(endColor()); setEndColor(tmpColor); KoGradientSegmentEndpointType tmpType = startType(); setStartType(endType()); setEndType(tmpType); setMiddleOffset(endOffset() - (middleOffset() - startOffset())); if (interpolation() == INTERP_SPHERE_INCREASING) { setInterpolation(INTERP_SPHERE_DECREASING); } else if (interpolation() == INTERP_SPHERE_DECREASING) { setInterpolation(INTERP_SPHERE_INCREASING); } if (colorInterpolation() == COLOR_INTERP_HSV_CW) { setColorInterpolation(COLOR_INTERP_HSV_CCW); } else if (colorInterpolation() == COLOR_INTERP_HSV_CCW) { setColorInterpolation(COLOR_INTERP_HSV_CW); } } bool KoGradientSegment::isValid() const { if (m_interpolator == 0 || m_colorInterpolator == 0) return false; return true; } KoGradientSegment::RGBColorInterpolationStrategy::RGBColorInterpolationStrategy() : m_colorSpace(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8()) { } KoGradientSegment::RGBColorInterpolationStrategy *KoGradientSegment::RGBColorInterpolationStrategy::instance() { if (m_instance == 0) { m_instance = new RGBColorInterpolationStrategy(); Q_CHECK_PTR(m_instance); } return m_instance; } void KoGradientSegment::RGBColorInterpolationStrategy::colorAt(KoColor& dst, qreal t, const KoColor& _start, const KoColor& _end) const { KoColor buffer(m_colorSpace); KoColor start(m_colorSpace); KoColor end(m_colorSpace); KoColor startDummy, endDummy; //hack to get a color space with the bitdepth of the gradients(8bit), but with the colour profile of the image// const KoColorSpace* mixSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(dst.colorSpace()->profile()); //convert to the right colorspace for the start and end if we have our mixSpace. if (mixSpace){ startDummy = KoColor(_start, mixSpace); endDummy = KoColor(_end, mixSpace); } else { startDummy = _start; endDummy = _end; } start.fromKoColor(_start); end.fromKoColor(_end); const quint8 *colors[2]; colors[0] = startDummy.data(); colors[1] = endDummy.data(); qint16 colorWeights[2]; colorWeights[0] = static_cast((1.0 - t) * 255 + 0.5); colorWeights[1] = 255 - colorWeights[0]; //check if our mixspace exists, it doesn't at startup. if (mixSpace){ if (*buffer.colorSpace() != *mixSpace) { buffer = KoColor(mixSpace); } mixSpace->mixColorsOp()->mixColors(colors, colorWeights, 2, buffer.data()); } else { buffer = KoColor(m_colorSpace); m_colorSpace->mixColorsOp()->mixColors(colors, colorWeights, 2, buffer.data()); } dst.fromKoColor(buffer); } KoGradientSegment::HSVCWColorInterpolationStrategy::HSVCWColorInterpolationStrategy() : m_colorSpace(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8()) { } KoGradientSegment::HSVCWColorInterpolationStrategy *KoGradientSegment::HSVCWColorInterpolationStrategy::instance() { if (m_instance == 0) { m_instance = new HSVCWColorInterpolationStrategy(); Q_CHECK_PTR(m_instance); } return m_instance; } void KoGradientSegment::HSVCWColorInterpolationStrategy::colorAt(KoColor& dst, qreal t, const KoColor& start, const KoColor& end) const { QColor sc; QColor ec; start.toQColor(&sc); end.toQColor(&ec); int s = static_cast(sc.saturation() + t * (ec.saturation() - sc.saturation()) + 0.5); int v = static_cast(sc.value() + t * (ec.value() - sc.value()) + 0.5); int h; if (ec.hue() < sc.hue()) { h = static_cast(ec.hue() + (1 - t) * (sc.hue() - ec.hue()) + 0.5); } else { h = static_cast(ec.hue() + (1 - t) * (360 - ec.hue() + sc.hue()) + 0.5); if (h > 359) { h -= 360; } } // XXX: added an explicit cast. Is this correct? quint8 opacity = static_cast(sc.alpha() + t * (ec.alpha() - sc.alpha())); QColor result; result.setHsv(h, s, v); result.setAlpha(opacity); dst.fromQColor(result); } KoGradientSegment::HSVCCWColorInterpolationStrategy::HSVCCWColorInterpolationStrategy() : m_colorSpace(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8()) { } KoGradientSegment::HSVCCWColorInterpolationStrategy *KoGradientSegment::HSVCCWColorInterpolationStrategy::instance() { if (m_instance == 0) { m_instance = new HSVCCWColorInterpolationStrategy(); Q_CHECK_PTR(m_instance); } return m_instance; } void KoGradientSegment::HSVCCWColorInterpolationStrategy::colorAt(KoColor& dst, qreal t, const KoColor& start, const KoColor& end) const { QColor sc; QColor se; start.toQColor(&sc); end.toQColor(&se); int s = static_cast(sc.saturation() + t * (se.saturation() - sc.saturation()) + 0.5); int v = static_cast(sc.value() + t * (se.value() - sc.value()) + 0.5); int h; if (sc.hue() < se.hue()) { h = static_cast(sc.hue() + t * (se.hue() - sc.hue()) + 0.5); } else { h = static_cast(sc.hue() + t * (360 - sc.hue() + se.hue()) + 0.5); if (h > 359) { h -= 360; } } // XXX: Added an explicit static cast quint8 opacity = static_cast(sc.alpha() + t * (se.alpha() - sc.alpha())); QColor result; result.setHsv(h, s, v); result.setAlpha(opacity); dst.fromQColor(result); } KoGradientSegment::LinearInterpolationStrategy *KoGradientSegment::LinearInterpolationStrategy::instance() { if (m_instance == 0) { m_instance = new LinearInterpolationStrategy(); Q_CHECK_PTR(m_instance); } return m_instance; } qreal KoGradientSegment::LinearInterpolationStrategy::calcValueAt(qreal t, qreal middle) { Q_ASSERT(t > -DBL_EPSILON && t < 1 + DBL_EPSILON); Q_ASSERT(middle > -DBL_EPSILON && middle < 1 + DBL_EPSILON); qreal value = 0; if (t <= middle) { if (middle < DBL_EPSILON) { value = 0; } else { value = (t / middle) * 0.5; } } else { if (middle > 1 - DBL_EPSILON) { value = 1; } else { value = ((t - middle) / (1 - middle)) * 0.5 + 0.5; } } return value; } qreal KoGradientSegment::LinearInterpolationStrategy::valueAt(qreal t, qreal middle) const { return calcValueAt(t, middle); } KoGradientSegment::CurvedInterpolationStrategy::CurvedInterpolationStrategy() { m_logHalf = log(0.5); } KoGradientSegment::CurvedInterpolationStrategy *KoGradientSegment::CurvedInterpolationStrategy::instance() { if (m_instance == 0) { m_instance = new CurvedInterpolationStrategy(); Q_CHECK_PTR(m_instance); } return m_instance; } qreal KoGradientSegment::CurvedInterpolationStrategy::valueAt(qreal t, qreal middle) const { Q_ASSERT(t > -DBL_EPSILON && t < 1 + DBL_EPSILON); Q_ASSERT(middle > -DBL_EPSILON && middle < 1 + DBL_EPSILON); qreal value = 0; if (middle < DBL_EPSILON) { middle = DBL_EPSILON; } value = pow(t, m_logHalf / log(middle)); return value; } KoGradientSegment::SineInterpolationStrategy *KoGradientSegment::SineInterpolationStrategy::instance() { if (m_instance == 0) { m_instance = new SineInterpolationStrategy(); Q_CHECK_PTR(m_instance); } return m_instance; } qreal KoGradientSegment::SineInterpolationStrategy::valueAt(qreal t, qreal middle) const { qreal lt = LinearInterpolationStrategy::calcValueAt(t, middle); qreal value = (sin(-M_PI_2 + M_PI * lt) + 1.0) / 2.0; return value; } KoGradientSegment::SphereIncreasingInterpolationStrategy *KoGradientSegment::SphereIncreasingInterpolationStrategy::instance() { if (m_instance == 0) { m_instance = new SphereIncreasingInterpolationStrategy(); Q_CHECK_PTR(m_instance); } return m_instance; } qreal KoGradientSegment::SphereIncreasingInterpolationStrategy::valueAt(qreal t, qreal middle) const { qreal lt = LinearInterpolationStrategy::calcValueAt(t, middle) - 1; qreal value = sqrt(1 - lt * lt); return value; } KoGradientSegment::SphereDecreasingInterpolationStrategy *KoGradientSegment::SphereDecreasingInterpolationStrategy::instance() { if (m_instance == 0) { m_instance = new SphereDecreasingInterpolationStrategy(); Q_CHECK_PTR(m_instance); } return m_instance; } qreal KoGradientSegment::SphereDecreasingInterpolationStrategy::valueAt(qreal t, qreal middle) const { qreal lt = LinearInterpolationStrategy::calcValueAt(t, middle); qreal value = 1 - sqrt(1 - lt * lt); return value; } void KoSegmentGradient::createSegment(int interpolation, int colorInterpolation, double startOffset, double endOffset, double middleOffset, const QColor & leftColor, const QColor & rightColor, KoGradientSegmentEndpointType leftType, KoGradientSegmentEndpointType rightType) { KoGradientSegmentEndpoint left(startOffset, KoColor(leftColor, colorSpace()), leftType); KoGradientSegmentEndpoint right(endOffset, KoColor(rightColor, colorSpace()), rightType); pushSegment(new KoGradientSegment(interpolation, colorInterpolation, left, right, middleOffset)); } const QList KoSegmentGradient::getHandlePositions() const { QList handlePositions; handlePositions.push_back(m_segments[0]->startOffset()); for (int i = 0; i < m_segments.count(); i++) { handlePositions.push_back(m_segments[i]->endOffset()); } return handlePositions; } const QList KoSegmentGradient::getMiddleHandlePositions() const { QList middleHandlePositions; for (int i = 0; i < m_segments.count(); i++) { middleHandlePositions.push_back(m_segments[i]->middleOffset()); } return middleHandlePositions; } void KoSegmentGradient::moveSegmentStartOffset(KoGradientSegment* segment, double t) { QList::iterator it = std::find(m_segments.begin(), m_segments.end(), segment); if (it != m_segments.end()) { if (it == m_segments.begin()) { segment->setStartOffset(0.0); return; } KoGradientSegment* previousSegment = (*(it - 1)); if (t > segment->startOffset()) { if (t > segment->middleOffset()) t = segment->middleOffset(); } else { if (t < previousSegment->middleOffset()) t = previousSegment->middleOffset(); } previousSegment->setEndOffset(t); segment->setStartOffset(t); } } void KoSegmentGradient::moveSegmentEndOffset(KoGradientSegment* segment, double t) { QList::iterator it = std::find(m_segments.begin(), m_segments.end(), segment); if (it != m_segments.end()) { if (it + 1 == m_segments.end()) { segment->setEndOffset(1.0); return; } KoGradientSegment* followingSegment = (*(it + 1)); if (t < segment->endOffset()) { if (t < segment->middleOffset()) t = segment->middleOffset(); } else { if (t > followingSegment->middleOffset()) t = followingSegment->middleOffset(); } followingSegment->setStartOffset(t); segment->setEndOffset(t); } } void KoSegmentGradient::moveSegmentMiddleOffset(KoGradientSegment* segment, double t) { if (segment) { if (t > segment->endOffset()) segment->setMiddleOffset(segment->endOffset()); else if (t < segment->startOffset()) segment->setMiddleOffset(segment->startOffset()); else segment->setMiddleOffset(t); } } void KoSegmentGradient::splitSegment(KoGradientSegment* segment) { Q_ASSERT(segment != 0); QList::iterator it = std::find(m_segments.begin(), m_segments.end(), segment); if (it != m_segments.end()) { KoColor midleoffsetColor(segment->endColor().colorSpace()); segment->colorAt(midleoffsetColor, segment->middleOffset()); KoGradientSegmentEndpoint left(segment->startOffset(), segment->startColor(), segment->startType()); KoGradientSegmentEndpoint right(segment->middleOffset(), midleoffsetColor, COLOR_ENDPOINT); KoGradientSegment* newSegment = new KoGradientSegment( segment->interpolation(), segment->colorInterpolation(), left, right, (segment->middleOffset() - segment->startOffset()) / 2 + segment->startOffset()); m_segments.insert(it, newSegment); segment->setStartColor(midleoffsetColor); segment->setStartOffset(segment->middleOffset()); segment->setMiddleOffset((segment->endOffset() - segment->startOffset()) / 2 + segment->startOffset()); } } void KoSegmentGradient::duplicateSegment(KoGradientSegment* segment) { Q_ASSERT(segment != 0); QList::iterator it = std::find(m_segments.begin(), m_segments.end(), segment); if (it != m_segments.end()) { double middlePostionPercentage = (segment->middleOffset() - segment->startOffset()) / segment->length(); double center = segment->startOffset() + segment->length() / 2; KoGradientSegmentEndpoint left(segment->startOffset(), segment->startColor(), segment->startType()); KoGradientSegmentEndpoint right(center, segment->endColor(), segment->endType()); KoGradientSegment* newSegment = new KoGradientSegment( segment->interpolation(), segment->colorInterpolation(), left, right, segment->length() / 2 * middlePostionPercentage + segment->startOffset()); m_segments.insert(it, newSegment); segment->setStartOffset(center); segment->setMiddleOffset(segment->length() * middlePostionPercentage + segment->startOffset()); } } void KoSegmentGradient::mirrorSegment(KoGradientSegment* segment) { Q_ASSERT(segment != 0); segment->mirrorSegment(); } KoGradientSegment* KoSegmentGradient::removeSegment(KoGradientSegment* segment) { Q_ASSERT(segment != 0); if (m_segments.count() < 2) return 0; QList::iterator it = std::find(m_segments.begin(), m_segments.end(), segment); if (it != m_segments.end()) { double middlePostionPercentage; KoGradientSegment* nextSegment; if (it == m_segments.begin()) { nextSegment = (*(it + 1)); middlePostionPercentage = (nextSegment->middleOffset() - nextSegment->startOffset()) / nextSegment->length(); nextSegment->setStartOffset(segment->startOffset()); nextSegment->setMiddleOffset(middlePostionPercentage * nextSegment->length() + nextSegment->startOffset()); } else { nextSegment = (*(it - 1)); middlePostionPercentage = (nextSegment->middleOffset() - nextSegment->startOffset()) / nextSegment->length(); nextSegment->setEndOffset(segment->endOffset()); nextSegment->setMiddleOffset(middlePostionPercentage * nextSegment->length() + nextSegment->startOffset()); } delete segment; m_segments.erase(it); return nextSegment; } return 0; } bool KoSegmentGradient::removeSegmentPossible() const { if (m_segments.count() < 2) return false; return true; } const QList& KoSegmentGradient::segments() const { return m_segments; } bool KoSegmentGradient::hasVariableColors() const { for (int i = 0; i < m_segments.count(); i++) { if (m_segments[i]->hasVariableColors()) { return true; } } return false; } void KoSegmentGradient::setVariableColors(const KoColor& foreground, const KoColor& background) { for (int i = 0; i < m_segments.count(); i++) { m_segments[i]->setVariableColors(foreground, background); } } diff --git a/libs/pigment/resources/KoSegmentGradient.h b/libs/pigment/resources/KoSegmentGradient.h index dd0e4f4983..21aca152fd 100644 --- a/libs/pigment/resources/KoSegmentGradient.h +++ b/libs/pigment/resources/KoSegmentGradient.h @@ -1,482 +1,482 @@ /* Copyright (c) 2000 Matthias Elter 2004 Boudewijn Rempt 2004 Adrian Page 2004, 2007 Sven Langkamp 2017 Wolthera van Hövell tot Westerflier This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef KOSEGMENTGRADIENT_H #define KOSEGMENTGRADIENT_H #include #include #include #include #include "KoColor.h" #include enum { INTERP_LINEAR = 0, INTERP_CURVED, INTERP_SINE, INTERP_SPHERE_INCREASING, INTERP_SPHERE_DECREASING }; enum { COLOR_INTERP_RGB, COLOR_INTERP_HSV_CCW, COLOR_INTERP_HSV_CW }; //For saving to .ggr to match GIMP format, we also have Foreground (transparent) and Background (transparent) modes, currently unused... enum KoGradientSegmentEndpointType { COLOR_ENDPOINT, FOREGROUND_ENDPOINT, FOREGROUND_TRANSPARENT_ENDPOINT, BACKGROUND_ENDPOINT, BACKGROUND_TRANSPARENT_ENDPOINT }; struct KoGradientSegmentEndpoint { KoGradientSegmentEndpoint(qreal _off, KoColor _color, KoGradientSegmentEndpointType _type) : offset(_off), color(_color), type(_type) { } qreal offset; KoColor color; KoGradientSegmentEndpointType type; }; /// Write API docs here class KRITAPIGMENT_EXPORT KoGradientSegment { public: KoGradientSegment(int interpolationType, int colorInterpolationType, KoGradientSegmentEndpoint start, KoGradientSegmentEndpoint end, qreal middleOffset); // startOffset <= t <= endOffset void colorAt(KoColor&, qreal t) const; const KoColor& startColor() const; const KoColor& endColor() const; - const KoGradientSegmentEndpointType startType() const; - const KoGradientSegmentEndpointType endType() const; + KoGradientSegmentEndpointType startType() const; + KoGradientSegmentEndpointType endType() const; void setStartColor(const KoColor& color) { m_start.color = color; if (m_start.type == FOREGROUND_TRANSPARENT_ENDPOINT || m_start.type == BACKGROUND_TRANSPARENT_ENDPOINT) { m_start.color.setOpacity(quint8(0)); } else if (m_start.type == FOREGROUND_ENDPOINT || m_start.type == BACKGROUND_ENDPOINT) { m_start.color.setOpacity(quint8(255)); } } void setEndColor(const KoColor& color) { m_end.color = color; if (m_end.type == FOREGROUND_TRANSPARENT_ENDPOINT || m_end.type == BACKGROUND_TRANSPARENT_ENDPOINT) { m_end.color.setOpacity(quint8(0)); } else if (m_end.type == FOREGROUND_ENDPOINT || m_end.type == BACKGROUND_ENDPOINT) { m_end.color.setOpacity(quint8(255)); } } void setStartType(KoGradientSegmentEndpointType type); void setEndType(KoGradientSegmentEndpointType type); qreal startOffset() const; qreal middleOffset() const; qreal endOffset() const; void setStartOffset(qreal t); void setMiddleOffset(qreal t); void setEndOffset(qreal t); void setVariableColors(const KoColor& foreground, const KoColor& background); bool hasVariableColors(); qreal length() { return m_length; } int interpolation() const; int colorInterpolation() const; void setInterpolation(int interpolationType); void setColorInterpolation(int colorInterpolationType); void mirrorSegment(); bool isValid() const; protected: class ColorInterpolationStrategy { public: ColorInterpolationStrategy() {} virtual ~ColorInterpolationStrategy() {} virtual void colorAt(KoColor& dst, qreal t, const KoColor& start, const KoColor& end) const = 0; virtual int type() const = 0; }; class RGBColorInterpolationStrategy : public ColorInterpolationStrategy { public: static RGBColorInterpolationStrategy *instance(); void colorAt(KoColor& dst, qreal t, const KoColor& start, const KoColor& end) const override; int type() const override { return COLOR_INTERP_RGB; } private: RGBColorInterpolationStrategy(); static RGBColorInterpolationStrategy *m_instance; const KoColorSpace * const m_colorSpace; }; class HSVCWColorInterpolationStrategy : public ColorInterpolationStrategy { public: static HSVCWColorInterpolationStrategy *instance(); void colorAt(KoColor& dst, qreal t, const KoColor& start, const KoColor& end) const override; int type() const override { return COLOR_INTERP_HSV_CW; } private: HSVCWColorInterpolationStrategy(); static HSVCWColorInterpolationStrategy *m_instance; const KoColorSpace * const m_colorSpace; }; class HSVCCWColorInterpolationStrategy : public ColorInterpolationStrategy { public: static HSVCCWColorInterpolationStrategy *instance(); void colorAt(KoColor& dst, qreal t, const KoColor& start, const KoColor& end) const override; int type() const override { return COLOR_INTERP_HSV_CCW; } private: HSVCCWColorInterpolationStrategy(); static HSVCCWColorInterpolationStrategy *m_instance; const KoColorSpace * const m_colorSpace; }; class InterpolationStrategy { public: InterpolationStrategy() {} virtual ~InterpolationStrategy() {} virtual qreal valueAt(qreal t, qreal middle) const = 0; virtual int type() const = 0; }; class LinearInterpolationStrategy : public InterpolationStrategy { public: static LinearInterpolationStrategy *instance(); qreal valueAt(qreal t, qreal middle) const override; int type() const override { return INTERP_LINEAR; } // This does the actual calculation and is made // static as an optimization for the other // strategies that need this for their own calculation. static qreal calcValueAt(qreal t, qreal middle); private: LinearInterpolationStrategy() {} static LinearInterpolationStrategy *m_instance; }; class CurvedInterpolationStrategy : public InterpolationStrategy { public: static CurvedInterpolationStrategy *instance(); qreal valueAt(qreal t, qreal middle) const override; int type() const override { return INTERP_CURVED; } private: CurvedInterpolationStrategy(); static CurvedInterpolationStrategy *m_instance; qreal m_logHalf; }; class SphereIncreasingInterpolationStrategy : public InterpolationStrategy { public: static SphereIncreasingInterpolationStrategy *instance(); qreal valueAt(qreal t, qreal middle) const override; int type() const override { return INTERP_SPHERE_INCREASING; } private: SphereIncreasingInterpolationStrategy() {} static SphereIncreasingInterpolationStrategy *m_instance; }; class SphereDecreasingInterpolationStrategy : public InterpolationStrategy { public: static SphereDecreasingInterpolationStrategy *instance(); qreal valueAt(qreal t, qreal middle) const override; int type() const override { return INTERP_SPHERE_DECREASING; } private: SphereDecreasingInterpolationStrategy() {} static SphereDecreasingInterpolationStrategy *m_instance; }; class SineInterpolationStrategy : public InterpolationStrategy { public: static SineInterpolationStrategy *instance(); qreal valueAt(qreal t, qreal middle) const override; int type() const override { return INTERP_SINE; } private: SineInterpolationStrategy() {} static SineInterpolationStrategy *m_instance; }; private: InterpolationStrategy *m_interpolator; ColorInterpolationStrategy *m_colorInterpolator; qreal m_middleOffset; qreal m_length; qreal m_middleT; KoGradientSegmentEndpoint m_start, m_end; bool m_hasVariableColors = false; }; /** * KoSegmentGradient stores a segment based gradients like Gimp gradients */ class KRITAPIGMENT_EXPORT KoSegmentGradient : public KoAbstractGradient { public: explicit KoSegmentGradient(const QString &file = QString()); ~KoSegmentGradient() override; KoAbstractGradient* clone() const override; /// reimplemented bool load() override; bool loadFromDevice(QIODevice *dev) override; /// not implemented bool save() override; bool saveToDevice(QIODevice* dev) const override; /// reimplemented void colorAt(KoColor& dst, qreal t) const override; /// reimplemented bool hasVariableColors() const override; /// reimplemented void setVariableColors(const KoColor& foreground, const KoColor& background) override; /** * Returns the segment at a given position * @param t position inside the gradient, with 0 <= t <= 1 * @return the segment the position, 0 if no segment is found */ KoGradientSegment *segmentAt(qreal t) const; /// reimplemented QGradient* toQGradient() const override; /// reimplemented QString defaultFileExtension() const override; /** * @brief toXML * convert the gradient to xml. */ void toXML(QDomDocument& doc, QDomElement& gradientElt) const; /** * @brief fromXML * get a segment gradient from xml. * @return gradient */ static KoSegmentGradient fromXML(const QDomElement& elt); /** * a gradient colour picker can consist of one or more segments. * A segment has two end points - each colour in the gradient * colour picker represents a segment end point. * @param interpolation * @param colorInterpolation * @param startOffset * @param endOffset * @param middleOffset * @param left * @param right * @param leftType * @param rightType * @return void */ void createSegment(int interpolation, int colorInterpolation, double startOffset, double endOffset, double middleOffset, const QColor & leftColor, const QColor & rightColor, KoGradientSegmentEndpointType leftType = COLOR_ENDPOINT, KoGradientSegmentEndpointType rightType = COLOR_ENDPOINT); /** * gets a list of end points of the segments in the gradient * colour picker. If two colours, one segment then two end * points, and if three colours, then two segments with four * endpoints. * @return a list of double values */ const QList getHandlePositions() const; /** * gets a list of middle points of the segments in the gradient * colour picker. * @return a list of double values */ const QList getMiddleHandlePositions() const; /** * Moves the StartOffset of the specified segment to the * specified value and corrects the endoffset of the previous * segment. If the segment is the first Segment the startoffset * will be set to 0.0 . The offset will maximally be moved till * the middle of the current or the previous segment. This is * useful if someone clicks to move the handler for a segment, * to set the half the segment to the right and half the segment * to the left of the handler. * @param segment the segment for which to move the relative * offset within the gradient colour picker. * @param t the new startoff position for the segment * @return void */ void moveSegmentStartOffset(KoGradientSegment* segment, double t); /** * Moves the endoffset of the specified segment to the specified * value and corrects the startoffset of the following segment. * If the segment is the last segment the endoffset will be set * to 1.0 . The offset will maximally be moved till the middle * of the current or the following segment. This is useful if * someone moves the segment handler in the gradient colour * picker, and needs the segment to move with it. Sets the end * position of the segment to the correct new position. * @param segment the segment for which to move the relative * end position within the gradient colour picker. * @param t the new end position for the segment * @return void */ void moveSegmentEndOffset(KoGradientSegment* segment, double t); /** * moves the Middle of the specified segment to the specified * value. The offset will maximally be moved till the endoffset * or startoffset of the segment. This sets the middle of the * segment to the same position as the handler of the gradient * colour picker. * @param segment the segment for which to move the relative * middle position within the gradient colour picker. * @param t the new middle position for the segment * @return void */ void moveSegmentMiddleOffset(KoGradientSegment* segment, double t); /** * splits the specified segment into two equal parts * @param segment the segment to split * @return void */ void splitSegment(KoGradientSegment* segment); /** * duplicate the specified segment * @param segment the segment to duplicate * @return void */ void duplicateSegment(KoGradientSegment* segment); /** * create a segment horizontally reversed to the specified one. * @param segment the segment to reverse * @return void */ void mirrorSegment(KoGradientSegment* segment); /** * removes the specific segment from the gradient colour picker. * @param segment the segment to remove * @return the segment which will be at the place of the old * segment. 0 if the segment is not in the gradient or it is * not possible to remove the segment. */ KoGradientSegment* removeSegment(KoGradientSegment* segment); /** * checks if it's possible to remove a segment (at least two * segments in the gradient) * @return true if it's possible to remove an segment */ bool removeSegmentPossible() const; const QList& segments() const; protected: KoSegmentGradient(const KoSegmentGradient &rhs); inline void pushSegment(KoGradientSegment* segment) { m_segments.push_back(segment); } QList m_segments; private: bool init(); }; #endif // KOSEGMENTGRADIENT_H