diff --git a/libs/widgetutils/kis_action_registry.cpp b/libs/widgetutils/kis_action_registry.cpp index 25b783b5cb..c014868f7b 100644 --- a/libs/widgetutils/kis_action_registry.cpp +++ b/libs/widgetutils/kis_action_registry.cpp @@ -1,475 +1,476 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2015 Michael Abrahams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_debug.h" #include "KoResourcePaths.h" #include "kis_icon_utils.h" #include "kactioncollection.h" #include "kactioncategory.h" #include "kis_action_registry.h" #include "kshortcutschemeshelper_p.h" namespace { /** * We associate several pieces of information with each shortcut. The first * piece of information is a QDomElement, containing the raw data from the * .action XML file. The second and third are QKeySequences, the first of * which is the default shortcut, the last of which is any custom shortcut. * The last two are the KActionCollection and KActionCategory used to * organize the shortcut editor. */ struct ActionInfoItem { QDomElement xmlData; QKeySequence defaultShortcut; QKeySequence customShortcut; QString collectionName; QString categoryName; }; // Convenience macros to extract text of a child node. QString getChildContent(QDomElement xml, QString node) { return xml.firstChildElement(node).text(); }; ActionInfoItem emptyActionInfo; // Used as default return value QString quietlyTranslate(const QString &s) { if (s.isEmpty()) { return s; } if (i18n(s.toUtf8().constData()).isEmpty()) { dbgAction << "No translation found for" << s; return s; } return i18n(s.toUtf8().constData()); }; QKeySequence preferredShortcut(ActionInfoItem action) { if (action.customShortcut.isEmpty()) { return action.defaultShortcut; } else { return action.customShortcut; } }; }; class Q_DECL_HIDDEN KisActionRegistry::Private { public: Private(KisActionRegistry *_q) : q(_q) {}; // This is the main place containing ActionInfoItems. QMap actionInfoList; void loadActionFiles(); void loadActionCollections(); void loadCustomShortcuts(QString filename = QStringLiteral("kritashortcutsrc")); ActionInfoItem &actionInfo(const QString &name) { if (!actionInfoList.contains(name)) { dbgAction << "Tried to look up info for unknown action" << name; } return actionInfoList[name]; }; KisActionRegistry *q; KActionCollection * defaultActionCollection; QMap actionCollections; }; Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(KisActionRegistry, s_instance); KisActionRegistry *KisActionRegistry::instance() { return s_instance; }; KisActionRegistry::KisActionRegistry() : d(new KisActionRegistry::Private(this)) { d->loadActionFiles(); KConfigGroup cg = KSharedConfig::openConfig()->group("Shortcut Schemes"); QString schemeName = cg.readEntry("Current Scheme", "Default"); loadShortcutScheme(schemeName); - - d->loadCustomShortcuts(); + loadCustomShortcuts(); KoResourcePaths::addResourceType("kis_shortcuts", "data", "krita/shortcuts/"); } QKeySequence KisActionRegistry::getCustomShortcut(const QString &name) { return d->actionInfo(name).customShortcut; }; QKeySequence KisActionRegistry::getPreferredShortcut(const QString &name) { return preferredShortcut(d->actionInfo(name)); }; QKeySequence KisActionRegistry::getCategory(const QString &name) { return d->actionInfo(name).categoryName; }; QStringList KisActionRegistry::allActions() { return d->actionInfoList.keys(); }; KActionCollection * KisActionRegistry::getDefaultCollection() { return d->actionCollections.value("Krita"); }; void KisActionRegistry::addAction(const QString &name, QAction *a) { auto info = d->actionInfo(name); KActionCollection *collection = d->actionCollections.value(info.collectionName); if (!collection) { dbgAction << "No collection found for action" << name; return; } if (collection->action(name)) { dbgAction << "duplicate action" << name << "in collection" << collection->componentName(); } else { } collection->addCategorizedAction(name, a, info.categoryName); }; void KisActionRegistry::notifySettingsUpdated() { d->loadCustomShortcuts(); }; void KisActionRegistry::loadCustomShortcuts() { d->loadCustomShortcuts(); }; void KisActionRegistry::loadShortcutScheme(const QString &schemeName) { // Load scheme file if (schemeName != QStringLiteral("Default")) { QString schemeFileName = KShortcutSchemesHelper::schemeFileLocations().value(schemeName); if (schemeFileName.isEmpty()) { // qDebug() << "No configuration file found for scheme" << schemeName; return; } KConfig schemeConfig(schemeFileName, KConfig::SimpleConfig); applyShortcutScheme(&schemeConfig); } else { // Apply default scheme, updating KisActionRegistry data applyShortcutScheme(); } } QAction * KisActionRegistry::makeQAction(const QString &name, QObject *parent) { QAction * a = new QAction(parent); if (!d->actionInfoList.contains(name)) { dbgAction << "Warning: requested data for unknown action" << name; return a; } propertizeAction(name, a); return a; }; void KisActionRegistry::configureShortcuts() { KisShortcutsDialog dlg; for (auto i = d->actionCollections.constBegin(); i != d->actionCollections.constEnd(); i++ ) { dlg.addCollection(i.value(), i.key()); } /* Testing */ // QStringList mainWindowActions; // foreach (auto a, ac->actions()) { // mainWindowActions << a->objectName(); // } // dlg.addCollection(ac, "TESTING: XMLGUI-MAINWINDOW"); dlg.configure(); // Show the dialog. - d->loadCustomShortcuts(); + loadCustomShortcuts(); emit shortcutsUpdated(); } void KisActionRegistry::applyShortcutScheme(const KConfigBase *config) { // First, update the things in KisActionRegistry if (config == 0) { - // Simplest just to reload everything + // Use default shortcut scheme. Simplest just to reload everything. + d->actionInfoList.clear(); d->loadActionFiles(); + loadCustomShortcuts(); } else { const auto schemeEntries = config->group(QStringLiteral("Shortcuts")).entryMap(); // Load info item for each shortcut, reset custom shortcuts auto it = schemeEntries.constBegin(); while (it != schemeEntries.end()) { ActionInfoItem &info = d->actionInfo(it.key()); info.defaultShortcut = it.value(); it++; } } } void KisActionRegistry::updateShortcut(const QString &name, QAction *action) { const ActionInfoItem info = d->actionInfo(name); action->setShortcut(preferredShortcut(info)); auto propertizedShortcut = qVariantFromValue(QList() << info.defaultShortcut); action->setProperty("defaultShortcuts", propertizedShortcut); } bool KisActionRegistry::propertizeAction(const QString &name, QAction * a) { const ActionInfoItem info = d->actionInfo(name); QDomElement actionXml = info.xmlData; if (actionXml.text().isEmpty()) { dbgAction << "No XML data found for action" << name; return false; } // i18n requires converting format from QString. auto getChildContent_i18n = [=](QString node){return quietlyTranslate(getChildContent(actionXml, node));}; // Note: the fields in the .action documents marked for translation are determined by extractrc. QString icon = getChildContent(actionXml, "icon"); QString text = getChildContent(actionXml, "text"); QString whatsthis = getChildContent_i18n("whatsThis"); QString toolTip = getChildContent_i18n("toolTip"); QString statusTip = getChildContent_i18n("statusTip"); QString iconText = getChildContent_i18n("iconText"); bool isCheckable = getChildContent(actionXml, "isCheckable") == QString("true"); a->setObjectName(name); // This is helpful, should be added more places in Krita a->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon(icon.toLatin1())); a->setText(text); a->setObjectName(name); a->setWhatsThis(whatsthis); a->setToolTip(toolTip); a->setStatusTip(statusTip); a->setIconText(iconText); a->setCheckable(isCheckable); updateShortcut(name, a); // TODO: check for colliding shortcuts, either here, or in loading code #if 0 QMap existingShortcuts; Q_FOREACH (QAction* action, actionCollection->actions()) { if(action->shortcut() == QKeySequence(0)) { continue; } if (existingShortcuts.contains(action->shortcut())) { dbgAction << QString("Actions %1 and %2 have the same shortcut: %3") \ .arg(action->text()) \ .arg(existingShortcuts[action->shortcut()]->text()) \ .arg(action->shortcut()); } else { existingShortcuts[action->shortcut()] = action; } } #endif return true; } QString KisActionRegistry::getActionProperty(const QString &name, const QString &property) { ActionInfoItem info = d->actionInfo(name); QDomElement actionXml = info.xmlData; if (actionXml.text().isEmpty()) { dbgAction << "No XML data found for action" << name; return QString(); } return getChildContent(actionXml, property); } void KisActionRegistry::writeCustomShortcuts(KConfigBase *config) const { KConfigGroup cg; if (config == 0) { cg = KConfigGroup(KSharedConfig::openConfig("kritashortcutsrc"), QStringLiteral("Shortcuts")); } else { cg = KConfigGroup(config, QStringLiteral("Shortcuts")); } for (auto it = d->actionInfoList.constBegin(); it != d->actionInfoList.constEnd(); ++it) { QString actionName = it.key(); QString s = it.value().customShortcut.toString(); if (s.isEmpty()) { cg.deleteEntry(actionName, KConfigGroup::Persistent); } else { cg.writeEntry(actionName, s, KConfigGroup::Persistent); } } cg.sync(); } void KisActionRegistry::Private::loadActionFiles() { KoResourcePaths::addResourceType("kis_actions", "data", "krita/actions"); auto searchType = KoResourcePaths::Recursive | KoResourcePaths::NoDuplicates; QStringList actionDefinitions = KoResourcePaths::findAllResources("kis_actions", "*.action", searchType); // Extract actions all XML .action files. Q_FOREACH (const QString &actionDefinition, actionDefinitions) { QDomDocument doc; QFile f(actionDefinition); f.open(QFile::ReadOnly); doc.setContent(f.readAll()); QDomElement base = doc.documentElement(); // "ActionCollection" outer group QString collectionName = base.attribute("name"); QString version = base.attribute("version"); if (version != "2") { errAction << ".action XML file" << actionDefinition << "has incorrect version; skipping."; continue; } KActionCollection *actionCollection; if (!actionCollections.contains(collectionName)) { actionCollection = new KActionCollection(q, collectionName); actionCollections.insert(collectionName, actionCollection); dbgAction << "Adding a new action collection " << collectionName; } else { actionCollection = actionCollections.value(collectionName); } // Loop over nodes. Each of these corresponds to a // KActionCategory, producing a group of actions in the shortcut dialog. QDomElement actions = base.firstChild().toElement(); while (!actions.isNull()) { // field QDomElement categoryTextNode = actions.firstChild().toElement(); QString categoryName = quietlyTranslate(categoryTextNode.text()); // KActionCategory *category = actionCollection->getCategory(categoryName); // dbgAction << "Using category" << categoryName; // tags QDomElement actionXml = categoryTextNode.nextSiblingElement(); // Loop over individual actions while (!actionXml.isNull()) { if (actionXml.tagName() == "Action") { // Read name from format QString name = actionXml.attribute("name"); // Bad things if (name.isEmpty()) { errAction << "Unnamed action in definitions file " << actionDefinition; } else if (actionInfoList.contains(name)) { // errAction << "NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: " << name; } else { ActionInfoItem info; info.xmlData = actionXml; info.defaultShortcut = getChildContent(actionXml, "shortcut"); info.customShortcut = QKeySequence(); info.categoryName = categoryName; info.collectionName = collectionName; // dbgAction << "default shortcut for" << name << " - " << info.defaultShortcut; actionInfoList.insert(name,info); } } actionXml = actionXml.nextSiblingElement(); } actions = actions.nextSiblingElement(); } } }; void KisActionRegistry::Private::loadCustomShortcuts(QString filename) { Q_UNUSED(filename); const KConfigGroup localShortcuts(KSharedConfig::openConfig("kritashortcutsrc"), QStringLiteral("Shortcuts")); if (!localShortcuts.exists()) { return; } for (auto i = actionInfoList.begin(); i != actionInfoList.end(); ++i) { if (localShortcuts.hasKey(i.key())) { QString entry = localShortcuts.readEntry(i.key(), QString()); i.value().customShortcut = QKeySequence(entry); } } };