diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt index ed236327ca..ada7f48c86 100644 --- a/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,833 +1,833 @@ project(krita) message(STATUS "Using CMake version: ${CMAKE_VERSION}") cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0.0 FATAL_ERROR) set(MIN_QT_VERSION 5.9.0) set(MIN_FRAMEWORKS_VERSION 5.44.0) set( CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11 ) set( CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON ) if (POLICY CMP0002) cmake_policy(SET CMP0002 OLD) endif() if (POLICY CMP0017) cmake_policy(SET CMP0017 NEW) endif () if (POLICY CMP0022) cmake_policy(SET CMP0022 OLD) endif () if (POLICY CMP0026) cmake_policy(SET CMP0026 OLD) endif() if (POLICY CMP0042) cmake_policy(SET CMP0042 NEW) endif() if (POLICY CMP0046) cmake_policy(SET CMP0046 OLD) endif () if (POLICY CMP0059) cmake_policy(SET CMP0059 OLD) endif() if (POLICY CMP0063) cmake_policy(SET CMP0063 OLD) endif() if (POLICY CMP0054) cmake_policy(SET CMP0054 OLD) endif() if (POLICY CMP0064) cmake_policy(SET CMP0064 OLD) endif() if (POLICY CMP0071) cmake_policy(SET CMP0071 OLD) endif() if (APPLE) set(APPLE_SUPPRESS_X11_WARNING TRUE) set(KDE_SKIP_RPATH_SETTINGS TRUE) set(CMAKE_MACOSX_RPATH 1) set(BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH 1) add_definitions(-mmacosx-version-min=10.12 -Wno-macro-redefined -Wno-deprecated-register) endif() if (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX AND NOT CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS 4.9 AND NOT WIN32) - add_definitions(-Wno-suggest-override -Wextra) + add_compile_options($<$:-Wno-suggest-override> -Wextra) endif() ###################### ####################### ## Constants defines ## ####################### ###################### # define common versions of Krita applications, used to generate kritaversion.h # update these version for every release: set(KRITA_VERSION_STRING "4.3.0-prealpha") # Major version: 3 for 3.x, 4 for 4.x, etc. set(KRITA_STABLE_VERSION_MAJOR 4) # Minor version: 0 for 4.0, 1 for 4.1, etc. set(KRITA_STABLE_VERSION_MINOR 3) # Bugfix release version, or 0 for before the first stable release set(KRITA_VERSION_RELEASE 0) # the 4th digit, really only used for the Windows installer: # - [Pre-]Alpha: Starts from 0, increment 1 per release # - Beta: Starts from 50, increment 1 per release # - Stable: Set to 100, bump to 101 if emergency update is needed set(KRITA_VERSION_REVISION 0) set(KRITA_ALPHA 1) # uncomment only for Alpha #set(KRITA_BETA 1) # uncomment only for Beta #set(KRITA_RC 1) # uncomment only for RC set(KRITA_YEAR 2018) # update every year if(NOT DEFINED KRITA_ALPHA AND NOT DEFINED KRITA_BETA AND NOT DEFINED KRITA_RC) set(KRITA_STABLE 1) # do not edit endif() message(STATUS "Krita version: ${KRITA_VERSION_STRING}") # Define the generic version of the Krita libraries here # This makes it easy to advance it when the next Krita release comes. # 14 was the last GENERIC_KRITA_LIB_VERSION_MAJOR of the previous Krita series # (2.x) so we're starting with 15 in 3.x series, 16 in 4.x series if(KRITA_STABLE_VERSION_MAJOR EQUAL 4) math(EXPR GENERIC_KRITA_LIB_VERSION_MAJOR "${KRITA_STABLE_VERSION_MINOR} + 16") else() # let's make sure we won't forget to update the "16" message(FATAL_ERROR "Reminder: please update offset == 16 used to compute GENERIC_KRITA_LIB_VERSION_MAJOR to something bigger") endif() set(GENERIC_KRITA_LIB_VERSION "${GENERIC_KRITA_LIB_VERSION_MAJOR}.0.0") set(GENERIC_KRITA_LIB_SOVERSION "${GENERIC_KRITA_LIB_VERSION_MAJOR}") LIST (APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules") LIST (APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/kde_macro") # fetch git revision for the current build set(KRITA_GIT_SHA1_STRING "") set(KRITA_GIT_BRANCH_STRING "") include(GetGitRevisionDescription) get_git_head_hash(GIT_SHA1) get_git_branch(GIT_BRANCH) if(GIT_SHA1) string(SUBSTRING ${GIT_SHA1} 0 7 GIT_SHA1) set(KRITA_GIT_SHA1_STRING ${GIT_SHA1}) if(GIT_BRANCH) set(KRITA_GIT_BRANCH_STRING ${GIT_BRANCH}) else() set(KRITA_GIT_BRANCH_STRING "(detached HEAD)") endif() endif() # create test make targets enable_testing() # collect list of broken tests, empty here to start fresh with each cmake run set(KRITA_BROKEN_TESTS "" CACHE INTERNAL "KRITA_BROKEN_TESTS") ############ ############# ## Options ## ############# ############ include(FeatureSummary) if (WIN32) option(USE_DRMINGW "Support the Dr. Mingw crash handler (only on windows)" ON) add_feature_info("Dr. Mingw" USE_DRMINGW "Enable the Dr. Mingw crash handler") if (MINGW) option(USE_MINGW_HARDENING_LINKER "Enable DEP (NX), ASLR and high-entropy ASLR linker flags (mingw-w64)" ON) add_feature_info("Linker Security Flags" USE_MINGW_HARDENING_LINKER "Enable DEP (NX), ASLR and high-entropy ASLR linker flags") if (USE_MINGW_HARDENING_LINKER) set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -Wl,--dynamicbase -Wl,--nxcompat -Wl,--disable-auto-image-base") set(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} -Wl,--dynamicbase -Wl,--nxcompat -Wl,--disable-auto-image-base") set(CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS} -Wl,--dynamicbase -Wl,--nxcompat -Wl,--disable-auto-image-base") if ("${CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P}" EQUAL "8") # Enable high-entropy ASLR for 64-bit # The image base has to be >4GB for HEASLR to be enabled. # The values used here are kind of arbitrary. set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -Wl,--high-entropy-va -Wl,--image-base,0x140000000") set(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} -Wl,--high-entropy-va -Wl,--image-base,0x180000000") set(CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS} -Wl,--high-entropy-va -Wl,--image-base,0x180000000") endif ("${CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P}" EQUAL "8") else (USE_MINGW_HARDENING_LINKER) message(WARNING "Linker Security Flags not enabled!") endif (USE_MINGW_HARDENING_LINKER) endif (MINGW) endif () option(HIDE_SAFE_ASSERTS "Don't show message box for \"safe\" asserts, just ignore them automatically and dump a message to the terminal." ON) configure_file(config-hide-safe-asserts.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config-hide-safe-asserts.h) add_feature_info("Hide Safe Asserts" HIDE_SAFE_ASSERTS "Don't show message box for \"safe\" asserts, just ignore them automatically and dump a message to the terminal.") option(USE_LOCK_FREE_HASH_TABLE "Use lock free hash table instead of blocking." ON) configure_file(config-hash-table-implementaion.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config-hash-table-implementaion.h) add_feature_info("Lock free hash table" USE_LOCK_FREE_HASH_TABLE "Use lock free hash table instead of blocking.") option(FOUNDATION_BUILD "A Foundation build is a binary release build that can package some extra things like color themes. Linux distributions that build and install Krita into a default system location should not define this option to true." OFF) add_feature_info("Foundation Build" FOUNDATION_BUILD "A Foundation build is a binary release build that can package some extra things like color themes. Linux distributions that build and install Krita into a default system location should not define this option to true.") option(KRITA_ENABLE_BROKEN_TESTS "Enable tests that are marked as broken" OFF) add_feature_info("Enable Broken Tests" KRITA_ENABLE_BROKEN_TESTS "Runs broken test when \"make test\" is invoked (use -DKRITA_ENABLE_BROKEN_TESTS=ON to enable).") option(LIMIT_LONG_TESTS "Run long running unittests in a limited quick mode" ON) configure_file(config-limit-long-tests.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config-limit-long-tests.h) add_feature_info("Limit long tests" LIMIT_LONG_TESTS "Run long running unittests in a limited quick mode") option(ENABLE_PYTHON_2 "Enables the compiler to look for Python 2.7 instead of Python 3. Some packaged scripts are not compatible with Python 2 and this should only be used if you really have to use 2.7." OFF) option(BUILD_KRITA_QT_DESIGNER_PLUGINS "Build Qt Designer plugins for Krita widgets" OFF) add_feature_info("Build Qt Designer plugins" BUILD_KRITA_QT_DESIGNER_PLUGINS "Builds Qt Designer plugins for Krita widgets (use -DBUILD_KRITA_QT_DESIGNER_PLUGINS=ON to enable).") include(MacroJPEG) ######################################################### ## Look for Python3 It is also searched by KF5, ## ## so we should request the correct version in advance ## ######################################################### function(TestCompileLinkPythonLibs OUTPUT_VARNAME) include(CheckCXXSourceCompiles) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${PYTHON_INCLUDE_PATH}) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${PYTHON_LIBRARIES}) if (MINGW) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS -D_hypot=hypot) endif (MINGW) unset(${OUTPUT_VARNAME} CACHE) CHECK_CXX_SOURCE_COMPILES(" #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Py_InitializeEx(0); }" ${OUTPUT_VARNAME}) endfunction() if(MINGW) if(ENABLE_PYTHON_2) message(FATAL_ERROR "Python 2.7 is not supported on Windows at the moment.") else(ENABLE_PYTHON_2) find_package(PythonInterp 3.6 EXACT) find_package(PythonLibs 3.6 EXACT) endif(ENABLE_PYTHON_2) if (PYTHONLIBS_FOUND AND PYTHONINTERP_FOUND) if(ENABLE_PYTHON_2) find_package(PythonLibrary 2.7) else(ENABLE_PYTHON_2) find_package(PythonLibrary 3.6) endif(ENABLE_PYTHON_2) TestCompileLinkPythonLibs(CAN_USE_PYTHON_LIBS) if (NOT CAN_USE_PYTHON_LIBS) message(FATAL_ERROR "Compiling with Python library failed, please check whether the architecture is correct. Python will be disabled.") endif (NOT CAN_USE_PYTHON_LIBS) endif (PYTHONLIBS_FOUND AND PYTHONINTERP_FOUND) else(MINGW) if(ENABLE_PYTHON_2) find_package(PythonInterp 2.7) find_package(PythonLibrary 2.7) else(ENABLE_PYTHON_2) find_package(PythonInterp 3.0) find_package(PythonLibrary 3.0) endif(ENABLE_PYTHON_2) endif(MINGW) ######################## ######################### ## Look for KDE and Qt ## ######################### ######################## find_package(ECM 5.22 REQUIRED NOMODULE) set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} ${ECM_MODULE_PATH} ${ECM_KDE_MODULE_DIR}) include(ECMOptionalAddSubdirectory) include(ECMAddAppIcon) include(ECMSetupVersion) include(ECMMarkNonGuiExecutable) include(ECMGenerateHeaders) include(GenerateExportHeader) include(ECMMarkAsTest) include(ECMInstallIcons) include(CMakePackageConfigHelpers) include(WriteBasicConfigVersionFile) include(CheckFunctionExists) include(KDEInstallDirs) include(KDECMakeSettings) include(KDECompilerSettings) # do not reorder to be alphabetical: this is the order in which the frameworks # depend on each other. find_package(KF5 ${MIN_FRAMEWORKS_VERSION} REQUIRED COMPONENTS Config WidgetsAddons Completion CoreAddons GuiAddons I18n ItemModels ItemViews WindowSystem Archive ) find_package(Qt5 ${MIN_QT_VERSION} REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core Gui Widgets Xml Network PrintSupport Svg Test Concurrent ) if (WIN32) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${Qt5Core_INCLUDE_DIRS}) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${Qt5Core_LIBRARIES}) CHECK_CXX_SOURCE_COMPILES(" #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_MSWindowsUseWinTabAPI); } " QT_HAS_WINTAB_SWITCH ) unset(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES) unset(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES) option(USE_QT_TABLET_WINDOWS "Do not use Krita's forked Wintab and Windows Ink support on Windows, but leave everything to Qt." ON) add_feature_info("Use Qt's Windows Tablet Support" USE_QT_TABLET_WINDOWS "Do not use Krita's forked Wintab and Windows Ink support on Windows, but leave everything to Qt.") configure_file(config_use_qt_tablet_windows.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config_use_qt_tablet_windows.h) endif () set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${Qt5Core_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${Qt5Gui_INCLUDE_DIRS}) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${Qt5Core_LIBRARIES} ${Qt5Gui_LIBRARIES}) CHECK_CXX_SOURCE_COMPILES(" #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QSurfaceFormat fmt; fmt.setColorSpace(QSurfaceFormat::scRGBColorSpace); fmt.setColorSpace(QSurfaceFormat::bt2020PQColorSpace); } " HAVE_HDR ) configure_file(config-hdr.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config-hdr.h) CHECK_CXX_SOURCE_COMPILES(" #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QGuiApplication::setHighDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicy(Qt::HighDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicy::Round); QGuiApplication::setHighDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicy(Qt::HighDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicy::RoundPreferFloor); QGuiApplication::setHighDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicy(Qt::HighDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicy::PassThrough); } " HAVE_HIGH_DPI_SCALE_FACTOR_ROUNDING_POLICY ) configure_file(config-high-dpi-scale-factor-rounding-policy.h.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config-high-dpi-scale-factor-rounding-policy.h) if (WIN32) CHECK_CXX_SOURCE_COMPILES(" #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QWindowsWindowFunctions::setHasBorderInFullScreenDefault(true); } " HAVE_SET_HAS_BORDER_IN_FULL_SCREEN_DEFAULT ) configure_file(config-set-has-border-in-full-screen-default.h.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config-set-has-border-in-full-screen-default.h) endif (WIN32) unset(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES) unset(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES) include (MacroAddFileDependencies) include (MacroBoolTo01) include (MacroEnsureOutOfSourceBuild) macro_ensure_out_of_source_build("Compiling Krita inside the source directory is not possible. Please refer to the build instruction https://community.kde.org/Krita#Build_Instructions") # Note: OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS does not seem to be reliable # (as of ECM 5.15.0, CMake 3.2) find_package(Qt5Multimedia ${MIN_QT_VERSION}) set_package_properties(Qt5Multimedia PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Qt multimedia integration" URL "http://www.qt.io/" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Optionally used to provide sound support for animations") macro_bool_to_01(Qt5Multimedia_FOUND HAVE_QT_MULTIMEDIA) configure_file(config-qtmultimedia.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config-qtmultimedia.h ) if (NOT APPLE) find_package(Qt5Quick ${MIN_QT_VERSION}) set_package_properties(Qt5Quick PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "QtQuick" URL "http://www.qt.io/" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Optionally used for the touch gui for Krita") macro_bool_to_01(Qt5Quick_FOUND HAVE_QT_QUICK) find_package(Qt5QuickWidgets ${MIN_QT_VERSION}) set_package_properties(Qt5QuickWidgets PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "QtQuickWidgets" URL "http://www.qt.io/" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Optionally used for the touch gui for Krita") endif() if (NOT WIN32 AND NOT APPLE) find_package(Qt5 ${MIN_QT_VERSION} REQUIRED X11Extras) find_package(Qt5DBus ${MIN_QT_VERSION}) set(HAVE_DBUS ${Qt5DBus_FOUND}) set_package_properties(Qt5DBus PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Qt DBUS integration" URL "http://www.qt.io/" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Optionally used to provide a dbus api on Linux") find_package(KF5Crash ${MIN_FRAMEWORKS_VERSION}) macro_bool_to_01(KF5Crash_FOUND HAVE_KCRASH) set_package_properties(KF5Crash PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "KDE's Crash Handler" URL "http://api.kde.org/frameworks-api/frameworks5-apidocs/kcrash/html/index.html" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Optionally used to provide crash reporting on Linux") find_package(X11 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Xinput) set(HAVE_X11 TRUE) add_definitions(-DHAVE_X11) else() set(HAVE_DBUS FALSE) set(HAVE_X11 FALSE) endif() add_definitions( -DQT_USE_QSTRINGBUILDER -DQT_STRICT_ITERATORS -DQT_NO_SIGNALS_SLOTS_KEYWORDS -DQT_NO_URL_CAST_FROM_STRING -DQT_USE_FAST_CONCATENATION -DQT_USE_FAST_OPERATOR_PLUS ) #if (${Qt5_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER "5.14.0" ) # add_definitions(-DQT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x50F00) #elseif (${Qt5_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER "5.13.0" ) # add_definitions(-DQT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x50E00) #elseif (${Qt5_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER "5.12.0" ) # add_definitions(-DQT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x50D00) #elseif (${Qt5_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER "5.11.0" ) # add_definitions(-DQT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x50C00) #if(${Qt5_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER "5.10.0" ) # add_definitions(-DQT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x50B00) #if(${Qt5_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER "5.9.0" ) # add_definitions(-DQT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x50A00) #else() add_definitions(-DQT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x50900) #endif() add_definitions(-DQT_DEPRECATED_WARNINGS) add_definitions(-DTRANSLATION_DOMAIN=\"krita\") # # The reason for this mode is that the Debug mode disable inlining # if(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fext-numeric-literals") endif() option(KRITA_DEVS "For Krita developers. This modifies the DEBUG build type to use -O3 -g, while still enabling Q_ASSERT. This is necessary because the Qt5 cmake modules normally append QT_NO_DEBUG to any build type that is not labeled Debug") if (KRITA_DEVS) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "-O3 -g" CACHE STRING "" FORCE) endif() if(UNIX) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES "${CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES};m") endif() if(WIN32) if(MSVC) # C4522: 'class' : multiple assignment operators specified set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -wd4522") endif() endif() # KDECompilerSettings adds the `--export-all-symbols` linker flag. # We don't really need it. if(MINGW) string(REPLACE "-Wl,--export-all-symbols" "" CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS}") string(REPLACE "-Wl,--export-all-symbols" "" CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS}") endif(MINGW) if(MINGW) # Hack CMake's variables to tell AR to create thin archives to reduce unnecessary writes. # Source of definition: https://github.com/Kitware/CMake/blob/v3.14.1/Modules/Platform/Windows-GNU.cmake#L128 # Thin archives: https://sourceware.org/binutils/docs/binutils/ar.html#index-thin-archives macro(mingw_use_thin_archive lang) foreach(rule CREATE_SHARED_MODULE CREATE_SHARED_LIBRARY LINK_EXECUTABLE) string(REGEX REPLACE "( [^ T]+) " "\\1T " CMAKE_${lang}_${rule} "${CMAKE_${lang}_${rule}}") endforeach() endmacro() mingw_use_thin_archive(CXX) endif(MINGW) # enable exceptions globally kde_enable_exceptions() set(KRITA_DEFAULT_TEST_DATA_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/sdk/tests/data/) macro(macro_add_unittest_definitions) add_definitions(-DFILES_DATA_DIR="${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/data/") add_definitions(-DFILES_OUTPUT_DIR="${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}") add_definitions(-DFILES_DEFAULT_DATA_DIR="${KRITA_DEFAULT_TEST_DATA_DIR}") add_definitions(-DSYSTEM_RESOURCES_DATA_DIR="${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/krita/data/") endmacro() # overcome some platform incompatibilities if(WIN32) include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/winquirks) add_definitions(-D_USE_MATH_DEFINES) add_definitions(-DNOMINMAX) set(WIN32_PLATFORM_NET_LIBS ws2_32.lib netapi32.lib) endif() # set custom krita plugin installdir set(KRITA_PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR ${LIB_INSTALL_DIR}/kritaplugins) ########################### ############################ ## Required dependencies ## ############################ ########################### find_package(PNG REQUIRED) if (APPLE) # this is not added correctly on OSX -- see http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=139&t=101867&p=221242#p221242 include_directories(SYSTEM ${PNG_INCLUDE_DIR}) endif() add_definitions(-DBOOST_ALL_NO_LIB) find_package(Boost 1.55 REQUIRED COMPONENTS system) include_directories(SYSTEM ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}) ## ## Test for GNU Scientific Library ## find_package(GSL) set_package_properties(GSL PROPERTIES URL "http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl" TYPE RECOMMENDED PURPOSE "Required by Krita's Transform tool.") macro_bool_to_01(GSL_FOUND HAVE_GSL) configure_file(config-gsl.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config-gsl.h ) ########################### ############################ ## Optional dependencies ## ############################ ########################### find_package(ZLIB) set_package_properties(ZLIB PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Compression library" URL "http://www.zlib.net/" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Optionally used by the G'Mic and the PSD plugins") macro_bool_to_01(ZLIB_FOUND HAVE_ZLIB) find_package(OpenEXR) set_package_properties(OpenEXR PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "High dynamic-range (HDR) image file format" URL "http://www.openexr.com" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required by the Krita OpenEXR filter") macro_bool_to_01(OPENEXR_FOUND HAVE_OPENEXR) set(LINK_OPENEXR_LIB) if(OPENEXR_FOUND) include_directories(SYSTEM ${OPENEXR_INCLUDE_DIR}) set(LINK_OPENEXR_LIB ${OPENEXR_LIBRARIES}) add_definitions(${OPENEXR_DEFINITIONS}) endif() find_package(TIFF) set_package_properties(TIFF PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "TIFF Library and Utilities" URL "http://www.remotesensing.org/libtiff" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required by the Krita TIFF filter") find_package(JPEG) set_package_properties(JPEG PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Free library for JPEG image compression. Note: libjpeg8 is NOT supported." URL "http://www.libjpeg-turbo.org" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required by the Krita JPEG filter") find_package(GIF) set_package_properties(GIF PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Library for loading and saving gif files." URL "http://giflib.sourceforge.net/" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required by the Krita GIF filter") find_package(HEIF "1.3.0") set_package_properties(HEIF PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Library for loading and saving heif files." URL "https://github.com/strukturag/libheif" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required by the Krita HEIF filter") set(LIBRAW_MIN_VERSION "0.16") find_package(LibRaw ${LIBRAW_MIN_VERSION}) set_package_properties(LibRaw PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Library to decode RAW images" URL "http://www.libraw.org" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required to build the raw import plugin") find_package(FFTW3) set_package_properties(FFTW3 PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "A fast, free C FFT library" URL "http://www.fftw.org/" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required by the Krita for fast convolution operators and some G'Mic features") macro_bool_to_01(FFTW3_FOUND HAVE_FFTW3) find_package(OCIO) set_package_properties(OCIO PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "The OpenColorIO Library" URL "http://www.opencolorio.org" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required by the Krita LUT docker") macro_bool_to_01(OCIO_FOUND HAVE_OCIO) set_package_properties(PythonLibrary PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Python Library" URL "http://www.python.org" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required by the Krita PyQt plugin") macro_bool_to_01(PYTHONLIBS_FOUND HAVE_PYTHONLIBS) find_package(SIP "4.19.13") set_package_properties(SIP PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Support for generating SIP Python bindings" URL "https://www.riverbankcomputing.com/software/sip/download" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required by the Krita PyQt plugin") macro_bool_to_01(SIP_FOUND HAVE_SIP) find_package(PyQt5 "5.6.0") set_package_properties(PyQt5 PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Python bindings for Qt5." URL "https://www.riverbankcomputing.com/software/pyqt/download5" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required by the Krita PyQt plugin") macro_bool_to_01(PYQT5_FOUND HAVE_PYQT5) ## ## Look for OpenGL ## # TODO: see if there is a better check for QtGui being built with opengl support (and thus the QOpenGL* classes) if(Qt5Gui_OPENGL_IMPLEMENTATION) message(STATUS "Found QtGui OpenGL support") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Did NOT find QtGui OpenGL support. Check your Qt configuration. You cannot build Krita without Qt OpenGL support.") endif() ## ## Test for eigen3 ## find_package(Eigen3 3.0 REQUIRED) set_package_properties(Eigen3 PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "C++ template library for linear algebra" URL "http://eigen.tuxfamily.org" TYPE REQUIRED) ## ## Test for exiv2 ## find_package(LibExiv2 0.16 REQUIRED) ## ## Test for lcms ## find_package(LCMS2 2.4 REQUIRED) set_package_properties(LCMS2 PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "LittleCMS Color management engine" URL "http://www.littlecms.com" TYPE REQUIRED PURPOSE "Will be used for color management and is necessary for Krita") if(LCMS2_FOUND) if(NOT ${LCMS2_VERSION} VERSION_LESS 2040 ) set(HAVE_LCMS24 TRUE) endif() set(HAVE_REQUIRED_LCMS_VERSION TRUE) set(HAVE_LCMS2 TRUE) endif() ## ## Test for Vc ## set(OLD_CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} ) set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules ) set(HAVE_VC FALSE) if (NOT ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR} MATCHES "arm") if(NOT MSVC) find_package(Vc 1.1.0) set_package_properties(Vc PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Portable, zero-overhead SIMD library for C++" URL "https://github.com/VcDevel/Vc" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required by the Krita for vectorization") macro_bool_to_01(Vc_FOUND HAVE_VC) endif() endif() configure_file(config-vc.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config-vc.h ) if(HAVE_VC) message(STATUS "Vc found!") set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/vc") include (VcMacros) if(Vc_COMPILER_IS_CLANG) set(ADDITIONAL_VC_FLAGS "-ffp-contract=fast") if(NOT WIN32) set(ADDITIONAL_VC_FLAGS "${ADDITIONAL_VC_FLAGS} -fPIC") endif() elseif (NOT MSVC) set(ADDITIONAL_VC_FLAGS "-fabi-version=0 -ffp-contract=fast") if(NOT WIN32) set(ADDITIONAL_VC_FLAGS "${ADDITIONAL_VC_FLAGS} -fPIC") endif() endif() macro(ko_compile_for_all_implementations_no_scalar _objs _src) vc_compile_for_all_implementations(${_objs} ${_src} FLAGS ${ADDITIONAL_VC_FLAGS} ONLY SSE2 SSSE3 SSE4_1 AVX AVX2+FMA+BMI2) endmacro() macro(ko_compile_for_all_implementations _objs _src) vc_compile_for_all_implementations(${_objs} ${_src} FLAGS ${ADDITIONAL_VC_FLAGS} ONLY Scalar SSE2 SSSE3 SSE4_1 AVX AVX2+FMA+BMI2) endmacro() endif() set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${OLD_CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} ) add_definitions(${QT_DEFINITIONS} ${QT_QTDBUS_DEFINITIONS}) ## ## Test endianness ## include (TestBigEndian) test_big_endian(CMAKE_WORDS_BIGENDIAN) ## ## Test for qt-poppler ## find_package(Poppler COMPONENTS Qt5) set_package_properties(Poppler PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "A PDF rendering library" URL "http://poppler.freedesktop.org" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required by the Krita PDF filter.") ## ## Test for quazip ## find_package(QuaZip 0.6) set_package_properties(QuaZip PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "A library for reading and writing zip files" URL "https://stachenov.github.io/quazip/" TYPE REQUIRED PURPOSE "Needed for reading and writing KRA and ORA files" ) ## ## Test for Atomics ## include(CheckAtomic) ############################ ############################# ## Add Krita helper macros ## ############################# ############################ include(MacroKritaAddBenchmark) #################### ##################### ## Define includes ## ##################### #################### # for config.h and includes (if any?) include_directories(BEFORE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/interfaces ) add_subdirectory(libs) add_subdirectory(plugins) if (BUILD_TESTING) add_subdirectory(benchmarks) endif() add_subdirectory(krita) configure_file(KoConfig.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/KoConfig.h ) configure_file(config_convolution.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config_convolution.h) configure_file(config-ocio.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config-ocio.h ) check_function_exists(powf HAVE_POWF) configure_file(config-powf.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config-powf.h) if(WIN32) include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/packaging/windows/installer/ConfigureInstallerNsis.cmake) endif() message("\nBroken tests:") foreach(tst ${KRITA_BROKEN_TESTS}) message(" * ${tst}") endforeach() feature_summary(WHAT ALL FATAL_ON_MISSING_REQUIRED_PACKAGES) if(EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/po OR EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/po ) find_package(KF5I18n CONFIG REQUIRED) ki18n_install(po) endif() diff --git a/libs/flake/svg/SvgGraphicContext.h b/libs/flake/svg/SvgGraphicContext.h index d2badbfb26..0fe214dca9 100644 --- a/libs/flake/svg/SvgGraphicContext.h +++ b/libs/flake/svg/SvgGraphicContext.h @@ -1,86 +1,88 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project * Copyright (C) 2003,2005 Rob Buis * Copyright (C) 2007,2009 Jan Hambrecht * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef SVGGRAPHICCONTEXT_H #define SVGGRAPHICCONTEXT_H #include "kritaflake_export.h" #include #include #include #include class KRITAFLAKE_EXPORT SvgGraphicsContext { public: // Fill/stroke styles enum StyleType { None, ///< no style Solid, ///< solid style Complex ///< gradient or pattern style }; SvgGraphicsContext(); SvgGraphicsContext(const SvgGraphicsContext &gc); void workaroundClearInheritedFillProperties(); StyleType fillType {Solid}; ///< the current fill type Qt::FillRule fillRule {Qt::WindingFill}; ///< the current fill rule QColor fillColor {QColor(Qt::black)}; ///< the current fill color. Default is black fill as per svg spec QString fillId; ///< the current fill id (used for gradient/pattern fills) StyleType strokeType {None};///< the current stroke type QString strokeId; ///< the current stroke id (used for gradient strokes) KoShapeStrokeSP stroke; ///< the current stroke QString filterId; ///< the current filter id QString clipPathId; ///< the current clip path id QString clipMaskId; ///< the current clip mask id Qt::FillRule clipRule {Qt::WindingFill}; ///< the current clip rule qreal opacity {1.0}; ///< the shapes opacity QTransform matrix; ///< the current transformation matrix QFont font; ///< the current font QStringList fontFamiliesList; ///< the full list of all the families to search glyphs in QColor currentColor {Qt::black}; ///< the current color QString xmlBaseDir; ///< the current base directory (used for loading external content) bool preserveWhitespace {false}; ///< preserve whitespace in element text QRectF currentBoundingBox; ///< the current bound box used for bounding box units bool forcePercentage {false}; ///< force parsing coordinates/length as percentages of currentBoundbox QTransform viewboxTransform; ///< view box transformation bool display {true}; ///< controls display of shape bool visible {true}; ///< controls visibility of the shape (inherited) bool isResolutionFrame {false}; qreal pixelsPerInch {72.0}; ///< controls the resolution of the image raster qreal forcedFontSizeCoeff {1.0}; ///< workaround for a Krita 3.3 odf-based files that use different resolution for font size. No workaround by default QString markerStartId; QString markerMidId; QString markerEndId; bool autoFillMarkers {false}; KoSvgTextProperties textProperties; +private: + SvgGraphicsContext& operator=(const SvgGraphicsContext &gc) = default; ///< used by copy constructor, shouldn't be public }; #endif // SVGGRAPHICCONTEXT_H diff --git a/libs/flake/text/KoSvgText.h b/libs/flake/text/KoSvgText.h index c69d1aceda..2fac207560 100644 --- a/libs/flake/text/KoSvgText.h +++ b/libs/flake/text/KoSvgText.h @@ -1,321 +1,317 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2017 Dmitry Kazakov * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KOSVGTEXT_H #define KOSVGTEXT_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class SvgLoadingContext; class QDebug; #include class KoSvgTextChunkShape; namespace KoSvgText { enum WritingMode { LeftToRight, RightToLeft, TopToBottom }; enum Direction { DirectionLeftToRight, DirectionRightToLeft }; enum UnicodeBidi { BidiNormal, BidiEmbed, BidiOverride }; enum TextAnchor { AnchorStart, AnchorMiddle, AnchorEnd }; enum DominantBaseline { DominantBaselineAuto, DominantBaselineUseScript, DominantBaselineNoChange, DominantBaselineResetSize, DominantBaselineIdeographic, DominantBaselineAlphabetic, DominantBaselineHanging, DominantBaselineMathematical, DominantBaselineCentral, DominantBaselineMiddle, DominantBaselineTextAfterEdge, DominantBaselineTextBeforeEdge }; enum AlignmentBaseline { AlignmentBaselineAuto, AlignmentBaselineDominant, AlignmentBaselineIdeographic, AlignmentBaselineAlphabetic, AlignmentBaselineHanging, AlignmentBaselineMathematical, AlignmentBaselineCentral, AlignmentBaselineMiddle, AlignmentBaselineTextAfterEdge, AlignmentBaselineTextBeforeEdge }; enum BaselineShiftMode { ShiftNone, ShiftSub, ShiftSuper, ShiftPercentage // note: we convert all the values into the relative font values! }; enum LengthAdjust { LengthAdjustSpacing, LengthAdjustSpacingAndGlyphs }; enum TextDecoration { DecorationNone = 0x0, DecorationUnderline = 0x1, DecorationOverline = 0x2, DecorationLineThrough = 0x4 }; Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(TextDecorations, TextDecoration) Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(TextDecorations) /** * AutoValue represents the "auto-or-real" values used in SVG * * Some SVG attributes can be set to either "auto" or some floating point * value. E.g. 'kerning' attribute. If its value is "auto", the kerning is * defined by the kerning tables of the font. And if its value is a real * number, e.g. 0 or 5.5, the font kerning is set to this particular number. */ struct AutoValue : public boost::equality_comparable { AutoValue() {} AutoValue(qreal _customValue) : isAuto(false), customValue(_customValue) {} bool isAuto = true; qreal customValue = 0.0; bool operator==(const AutoValue & other) const { return isAuto == other.isAuto && (isAuto || customValue == other.customValue); } }; QDebug KRITAFLAKE_EXPORT operator<<(QDebug dbg, const KoSvgText::AutoValue &value); inline QVariant fromAutoValue(const KoSvgText::AutoValue &value) { return QVariant::fromValue(value); } AutoValue parseAutoValueX(const QString &value, const SvgLoadingContext &context, const QString &autoKeyword = "auto"); AutoValue parseAutoValueY(const QString &value, const SvgLoadingContext &context, const QString &autoKeyword = "auto"); AutoValue parseAutoValueXY(const QString &value, const SvgLoadingContext &context, const QString &autoKeyword = "auto"); AutoValue parseAutoValueAngular(const QString &value, const SvgLoadingContext &context, const QString &autoKeyword = "auto"); WritingMode parseWritingMode(const QString &value); Direction parseDirection(const QString &value); UnicodeBidi parseUnicodeBidi(const QString &value); TextAnchor parseTextAnchor(const QString &value); DominantBaseline parseDominantBaseline(const QString &value); AlignmentBaseline parseAlignmentBaseline(const QString &value); BaselineShiftMode parseBaselineShiftMode(const QString &value); LengthAdjust parseLengthAdjust(const QString &value); QString writeAutoValue(const AutoValue &value, const QString &autoKeyword = "auto"); QString writeWritingMode(WritingMode value); QString writeDirection(Direction value); QString writeUnicodeBidi(UnicodeBidi value); QString writeTextAnchor(TextAnchor value); QString writeDominantBaseline(DominantBaseline value); QString writeAlignmentBaseline(AlignmentBaseline value); QString writeBaselineShiftMode(BaselineShiftMode value, qreal portion); QString writeLengthAdjust(LengthAdjust value); struct CharTransformation : public boost::equality_comparable { boost::optional xPos; boost::optional yPos; boost::optional dxPos; boost::optional dyPos; boost::optional rotate; void mergeInParentTransformation(const CharTransformation &t); bool isNull() const; bool startsNewChunk() const; bool hasRelativeOffset() const; QPointF absolutePos() const; QPointF relativeOffset() const; bool operator==(const CharTransformation & other) const; }; QDebug KRITAFLAKE_EXPORT operator<<(QDebug dbg, const KoSvgText::CharTransformation &t); /** * @brief The AssociatedShapeWrapper struct is a special shared-pointer-like class * to store a safe reference to the associated shape. It implements the shape listener * interface and handles 'delete' signal to safely shutdown the link. * * It is used in KoSvgCharChunkFormat to store a backward link to a shape containing this * subchunk of text, so that the layouting engine could notify the shape, where its text * is located. */ struct AssociatedShapeWrapper : public KoShape::ShapeChangeListener { AssociatedShapeWrapper(); AssociatedShapeWrapper(KoSvgTextChunkShape *shape); AssociatedShapeWrapper(const AssociatedShapeWrapper &rhs); AssociatedShapeWrapper& operator=(const AssociatedShapeWrapper &rhs); /** * @brief isValid shows whether the link to the associated shape is still valid * @return true if the link is valid */ bool isValid() const; /** * @brief addCharacterRect notifies the associated shape that one of its characters * occupies the location \p rect. The shape is expected to add * this rect to its outline. * @param rect the rectangle associated by the shape * @see KoSvgTextChunkShapeLayoutInterface::addAssociatedOutline */ void addCharacterRect(const QRectF &rect); void notifyShapeChanged(KoShape::ChangeType type, KoShape *shape) override; private: KoSvgTextChunkShape *m_shape = 0; }; struct KoSvgCharChunkFormat : public QTextCharFormat { - KoSvgCharChunkFormat() {} - KoSvgCharChunkFormat(const KoSvgCharChunkFormat &rhs) : QTextCharFormat(rhs) {} - KoSvgCharChunkFormat(const QTextCharFormat &rhs) : QTextCharFormat(rhs) {} - enum SvgCharProperty { TextAnchor = UserProperty + 1, AssociatedShape }; inline void setTextAnchor(KoSvgText::TextAnchor value) { setProperty(TextAnchor, int(value)); } inline KoSvgText::TextAnchor textAnchor() const { return KoSvgText::TextAnchor(intProperty(TextAnchor)); } inline Qt::Alignment calculateAlignment() const { const KoSvgText::TextAnchor anchor = textAnchor(); Qt::Alignment result; if (layoutDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight) { result = anchor == AnchorEnd ? Qt::AlignRight : anchor == AnchorMiddle ? Qt::AlignHCenter : Qt::AlignLeft; } else { result = anchor == AnchorEnd ? Qt::AlignLeft : anchor == AnchorMiddle ? Qt::AlignHCenter : Qt::AlignRight; } return result; } inline void setAssociatedShape(KoSvgTextChunkShape *shape) { setProperty(AssociatedShape, QVariant::fromValue(AssociatedShapeWrapper(shape))); } inline AssociatedShapeWrapper associatedShapeWrapper() const { return property(AssociatedShape).value(); } }; /** * @brief BackgroundProperty is a special wrapper around KoShapeBackground for managing it in KoSvgTextProperties */ struct BackgroundProperty : public boost::equality_comparable { BackgroundProperty() {} BackgroundProperty(QSharedPointer p) : property(p) {} bool operator==(const BackgroundProperty &rhs) const { return (!property && !rhs.property) || (property && rhs.property && property->compareTo(rhs.property.data())); } QSharedPointer property; }; QDebug KRITAFLAKE_EXPORT operator<<(QDebug dbg, const KoSvgText::BackgroundProperty &prop); /** * @brief StrokeProperty is a special wrapper around KoShapeStrokeModel for managing it in KoSvgTextProperties */ struct StrokeProperty : public boost::equality_comparable { StrokeProperty() {} StrokeProperty(QSharedPointer p) : property(p) {} bool operator==(const StrokeProperty &rhs) const { return (!property && !rhs.property) || (property && rhs.property && property->compareFillTo(rhs.property.data()) && property->compareStyleTo(rhs.property.data())); } QSharedPointer property; }; QDebug KRITAFLAKE_EXPORT operator<<(QDebug dbg, const KoSvgText::StrokeProperty &prop); } Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(KoSvgText::AutoValue) Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(KoSvgText::TextDecorations) Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(KoSvgText::BackgroundProperty) Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(KoSvgText::StrokeProperty) Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(KoSvgText::AssociatedShapeWrapper) #endif // KOSVGTEXT_H diff --git a/libs/global/kis_acyclic_signal_connector.cpp b/libs/global/kis_acyclic_signal_connector.cpp index 85b9afeae8..b7c7a77c9e 100644 --- a/libs/global/kis_acyclic_signal_connector.cpp +++ b/libs/global/kis_acyclic_signal_connector.cpp @@ -1,307 +1,312 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2014 Dmitry Kazakov * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_acyclic_signal_connector.h" #include "kis_debug.h" KisAcyclicSignalConnector::KisAcyclicSignalConnector(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), m_signalsBlocked(0) { } KisAcyclicSignalConnector::~KisAcyclicSignalConnector() { } void KisAcyclicSignalConnector::connectForwardDouble(QObject *sender, const char *signal, QObject *receiver, const char *method) { connect(sender, signal, this, SLOT(forwardSlotDouble(double)), Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(this, SIGNAL(forwardSignalDouble(double)), receiver, method, Qt::UniqueConnection); } void KisAcyclicSignalConnector::connectBackwardDouble(QObject *sender, const char *signal, QObject *receiver, const char *method) { connect(sender, signal, this, SLOT(backwardSlotDouble(double)), Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(this, SIGNAL(backwardSignalDouble(double)), receiver, method, Qt::UniqueConnection); } void KisAcyclicSignalConnector::connectForwardInt(QObject *sender, const char *signal, QObject *receiver, const char *method) { connect(sender, signal, this, SLOT(forwardSlotInt(int)), Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(this, SIGNAL(forwardSignalInt(int)), receiver, method, Qt::UniqueConnection); } void KisAcyclicSignalConnector::connectBackwardInt(QObject *sender, const char *signal, QObject *receiver, const char *method) { connect(sender, signal, this, SLOT(backwardSlotInt(int)), Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(this, SIGNAL(backwardSignalInt(int)), receiver, method, Qt::UniqueConnection); } void KisAcyclicSignalConnector::connectForwardBool(QObject *sender, const char *signal, QObject *receiver, const char *method) { connect(sender, signal, this, SLOT(forwardSlotBool(bool)), Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(this, SIGNAL(forwardSignalBool(bool)), receiver, method, Qt::UniqueConnection); } void KisAcyclicSignalConnector::connectBackwardBool(QObject *sender, const char *signal, QObject *receiver, const char *method) { connect(sender, signal, this, SLOT(backwardSlotBool(bool)), Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(this, SIGNAL(backwardSignalBool(bool)), receiver, method, Qt::UniqueConnection); } void KisAcyclicSignalConnector::connectForwardVoid(QObject *sender, const char *signal, QObject *receiver, const char *method) { connect(sender, signal, this, SLOT(forwardSlotVoid()), Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(this, SIGNAL(forwardSignalVoid()), receiver, method, Qt::UniqueConnection); } void KisAcyclicSignalConnector::connectBackwardVoid(QObject *sender, const char *signal, QObject *receiver, const char *method) { connect(sender, signal, this, SLOT(backwardSlotVoid()), Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(this, SIGNAL(backwardSignalVoid()), receiver, method, Qt::UniqueConnection); } void KisAcyclicSignalConnector::connectForwardVariant(QObject *sender, const char *signal, QObject *receiver, const char *method) { connect(sender, signal, this, SLOT(forwardSlotVariant(QVariant)), Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(this, SIGNAL(forwardSignalVariant(QVariant)), receiver, method, Qt::UniqueConnection); } void KisAcyclicSignalConnector::connectBackwardVariant(QObject *sender, const char *signal, QObject *receiver, const char *method) { connect(sender, signal, this, SLOT(backwardSlotVariant(QVariant)), Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(this, SIGNAL(backwardSignalVariant(QVariant)), receiver, method, Qt::UniqueConnection); } void KisAcyclicSignalConnector::connectForwardResourcePair(QObject *sender, const char *signal, QObject *receiver, const char *method) { connect(sender, signal, this, SLOT(forwardSlotResourcePair(int,QVariant)), Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(this, SIGNAL(forwardSignalResourcePair(int,QVariant)), receiver, method, Qt::UniqueConnection); } void KisAcyclicSignalConnector::connectBackwardResourcePair(QObject *sender, const char *signal, QObject *receiver, const char *method) { connect(sender, signal, this, SLOT(backwardSlotResourcePair(int,QVariant)), Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(this, SIGNAL(backwardSignalResourcePair(int,QVariant)), receiver, method, Qt::UniqueConnection); } void KisAcyclicSignalConnector::connectForwardKoColor(QObject *sender, const char *signal, QObject *receiver, const char *method) { connect(sender, signal, this, SLOT(forwardSlotKoColor(KoColor)), Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(this, SIGNAL(forwardSignalKoColor(KoColor)), receiver, method, Qt::UniqueConnection); } void KisAcyclicSignalConnector::connectBackwardKoColor(QObject *sender, const char *signal, QObject *receiver, const char *method) { connect(sender, signal, this, SLOT(backwardSlotKoColor(KoColor)), Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(this, SIGNAL(backwardSignalKoColor(KoColor)), receiver, method, Qt::UniqueConnection); } void KisAcyclicSignalConnector::lock() { if (m_parentConnector) { m_parentConnector->lock(); } else { coordinatedLock(); Q_FOREACH(QPointer conn, m_coordinatedConnectors) { if (!conn) continue; conn->coordinatedLock(); } } } void KisAcyclicSignalConnector::unlock() { if (m_parentConnector) { m_parentConnector->unlock(); } else { Q_FOREACH(QPointer conn, m_coordinatedConnectors) { if (!conn) continue; conn->coordinatedUnlock(); } coordinatedUnlock(); } } +bool KisAcyclicSignalConnector::isLocked() const +{ + return m_signalsBlocked; +} + void KisAcyclicSignalConnector::coordinatedLock() { m_signalsBlocked++; } void KisAcyclicSignalConnector::coordinatedUnlock() { m_signalsBlocked--; } KisAcyclicSignalConnector *KisAcyclicSignalConnector::createCoordinatedConnector() { KisAcyclicSignalConnector *conn = new KisAcyclicSignalConnector(this); conn->m_parentConnector = this; m_coordinatedConnectors.append(conn); return conn; } void KisAcyclicSignalConnector::forwardSlotDouble(double value) { if (m_signalsBlocked) return; lock(); emit forwardSignalDouble(value); unlock(); } void KisAcyclicSignalConnector::backwardSlotDouble(double value) { if (m_signalsBlocked) return; lock(); emit backwardSignalDouble(value); unlock(); } void KisAcyclicSignalConnector::forwardSlotInt(int value) { if (m_signalsBlocked) return; lock(); emit forwardSignalInt(value); unlock(); } void KisAcyclicSignalConnector::backwardSlotInt(int value) { if (m_signalsBlocked) return; lock(); emit backwardSignalInt(value); unlock(); } void KisAcyclicSignalConnector::forwardSlotBool(bool value) { if (m_signalsBlocked) return; lock(); emit forwardSignalBool(value); unlock(); } void KisAcyclicSignalConnector::backwardSlotBool(bool value) { if (m_signalsBlocked) return; lock(); emit backwardSignalBool(value); unlock(); } void KisAcyclicSignalConnector::forwardSlotVoid() { if (m_signalsBlocked) return; lock(); emit forwardSignalVoid(); unlock(); } void KisAcyclicSignalConnector::backwardSlotVoid() { if (m_signalsBlocked) return; lock(); emit backwardSignalVoid(); unlock(); } void KisAcyclicSignalConnector::forwardSlotVariant(const QVariant &value) { if (m_signalsBlocked) return; lock(); emit forwardSignalVariant(value); unlock(); } void KisAcyclicSignalConnector::backwardSlotVariant(const QVariant &value) { if (m_signalsBlocked) return; lock(); emit backwardSignalVariant(value); unlock(); } void KisAcyclicSignalConnector::forwardSlotResourcePair(int key, const QVariant &resource) { if (m_signalsBlocked) return; lock(); emit forwardSignalResourcePair(key, resource); unlock(); } void KisAcyclicSignalConnector::backwardSlotResourcePair(int key, const QVariant &resource) { if (m_signalsBlocked) return; lock(); emit backwardSignalResourcePair(key, resource); unlock(); } void KisAcyclicSignalConnector::forwardSlotKoColor(const KoColor &value) { if (m_signalsBlocked) return; lock(); emit forwardSignalKoColor(value); unlock(); } void KisAcyclicSignalConnector::backwardSlotKoColor(const KoColor &value) { if (m_signalsBlocked) return; lock(); emit backwardSignalKoColor(value); unlock(); } diff --git a/libs/global/kis_acyclic_signal_connector.h b/libs/global/kis_acyclic_signal_connector.h index 3b32d2194e..400f0b7ea0 100644 --- a/libs/global/kis_acyclic_signal_connector.h +++ b/libs/global/kis_acyclic_signal_connector.h @@ -1,202 +1,208 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2014 Dmitry Kazakov * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef __KIS_ACYCLIC_SIGNAL_CONNECTOR_H #define __KIS_ACYCLIC_SIGNAL_CONNECTOR_H #include #include "kritaglobal_export.h" #include class KisAcyclicSignalConnector; class KoColor; #include #include /** * A special class for connecting UI elements to manager classes. * It allows to avoid direct calling blockSignals() for the sender UI * element all the time. This is the most important when the measured * value can be changed not only by the user through the UI, but also * by the manager according to some internal rules. * * Example: * * Suppose we have the following connections: * * 1) QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged(double) -> Manager::slotSetValue(double) * 2) Manager::valueChanged(double) -> QDoubleSpinBox::setValue(double) * * Now if the manager decides to change/correct the value, the spinbox * will go into an infinite loop. * * See an example in KisToolCropConfigWidget. * * NOTE (coordinated connectors): * * Please make sure that you don't convert more than one forward and one backward * connection to the connector! If you do so, they will become connected to the * same forwarding slot and, therefore, both output signals will be emitted on * every incoming signal. * * To connect multiple connections that block recursive calls, please use * "coordinated connectors". Each such connector will have two more connection * slots that you can reuse. * */ class KRITAGLOBAL_EXPORT KisAcyclicSignalConnector : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: typedef std::unique_lock Blocker; public: KisAcyclicSignalConnector(QObject *parent = 0); ~KisAcyclicSignalConnector(); void connectForwardDouble(QObject *sender, const char *signal, QObject *receiver, const char *method); void connectBackwardDouble(QObject *sender, const char *signal, QObject *receiver, const char *method); void connectForwardInt(QObject *sender, const char *signal, QObject *receiver, const char *method); void connectBackwardInt(QObject *sender, const char *signal, QObject *receiver, const char *method); void connectForwardBool(QObject *sender, const char *signal, QObject *receiver, const char *method); void connectBackwardBool(QObject *sender, const char *signal, QObject *receiver, const char *method); void connectForwardVoid(QObject *sender, const char *signal, QObject *receiver, const char *method); void connectBackwardVoid(QObject *sender, const char *signal, QObject *receiver, const char *method); void connectForwardVariant(QObject *sender, const char *signal, QObject *receiver, const char *method); void connectBackwardVariant(QObject *sender, const char *signal, QObject *receiver, const char *method); void connectForwardResourcePair(QObject *sender, const char *signal, QObject *receiver, const char *method); void connectBackwardResourcePair(QObject *sender, const char *signal, QObject *receiver, const char *method); void connectForwardKoColor(QObject *sender, const char *signal, QObject *receiver, const char *method); void connectBackwardKoColor(QObject *sender, const char *signal, QObject *receiver, const char *method); /** * Lock the connector and all its coordinated child connectors */ void lock(); /** * Unlock the connector and all its coordinated child connectors */ void unlock(); + /** + * \return true if the connector is locked by some signal or manually. + * Used for debugging purposes mostly. + */ + bool isLocked() const; + /** * @brief create a coordinated connector that can be used for extending * the number of self-locking connection. * * The coordinated connector can be used to extend the number of self-locking * connections. Each coordinated connector adds two more connection slots (forward * and backward). Lock of any connector in a coordinated group will lock the whole * group. * * The created connector is owned by *this, don't delete it! */ KisAcyclicSignalConnector *createCoordinatedConnector(); private: /** * Lock this connector only. */ void coordinatedLock(); /** * Unlock this connector only. */ void coordinatedUnlock(); private Q_SLOTS: void forwardSlotDouble(double value); void backwardSlotDouble(double value); void forwardSlotInt(int value); void backwardSlotInt(int value); void forwardSlotBool(bool value); void backwardSlotBool(bool value); void forwardSlotVoid(); void backwardSlotVoid(); void forwardSlotVariant(const QVariant &value); void backwardSlotVariant(const QVariant &value); void forwardSlotResourcePair(int key, const QVariant &resource); void backwardSlotResourcePair(int key, const QVariant &resource); void forwardSlotKoColor(const KoColor &value); void backwardSlotKoColor(const KoColor &value); Q_SIGNALS: void forwardSignalDouble(double value); void backwardSignalDouble(double value); void forwardSignalInt(int value); void backwardSignalInt(int value); void forwardSignalBool(bool value); void backwardSignalBool(bool value); void forwardSignalVoid(); void backwardSignalVoid(); void forwardSignalVariant(const QVariant &value); void backwardSignalVariant(const QVariant &value); void forwardSignalResourcePair(int key, const QVariant &value); void backwardSignalResourcePair(int key, const QVariant &value); void forwardSignalKoColor(const KoColor &value); void backwardSignalKoColor(const KoColor &value); private: int m_signalsBlocked; QVector> m_coordinatedConnectors; QPointer m_parentConnector; }; #endif /* __KIS_ACYCLIC_SIGNAL_CONNECTOR_H */ diff --git a/libs/image/3rdparty/lock_free_map/leapfrog.h b/libs/image/3rdparty/lock_free_map/leapfrog.h index 7bc95a8253..660186ccb1 100644 --- a/libs/image/3rdparty/lock_free_map/leapfrog.h +++ b/libs/image/3rdparty/lock_free_map/leapfrog.h @@ -1,573 +1,578 @@ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Junction: Concurrent data structures in C++ Copyright (c) 2016 Jeff Preshing Distributed under the Simplified BSD License. Original location: https://github.com/preshing/junction This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the LICENSE file for more information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef LEAPFROG_H #define LEAPFROG_H #include "map_traits.h" #include "simple_job_coordinator.h" #include "kis_assert.h" #define SANITY_CHECK template struct Leapfrog { typedef typename Map::Hash Hash; typedef typename Map::Value Value; typedef typename Map::KeyTraits KeyTraits; typedef typename Map::ValueTraits ValueTraits; static const quint64 InitialSize = 8; static const quint64 TableMigrationUnitSize = 32; static const quint64 LinearSearchLimit = 128; static const quint64 CellsInUseSample = LinearSearchLimit; Q_STATIC_ASSERT(LinearSearchLimit > 0 && LinearSearchLimit < 256); // Must fit in CellGroup::links Q_STATIC_ASSERT(CellsInUseSample > 0 && CellsInUseSample <= LinearSearchLimit); // Limit sample to failed search chain struct Cell { Atomic hash; Atomic value; }; struct CellGroup { // Every cell in the table actually represents a bucket of cells, all linked together in a probe chain. // Each cell in the probe chain is located within the table itself. // "deltas" determines the index of the next cell in the probe chain. // The first cell in the chain is the one that was hashed. It may or may not actually belong in the bucket. // The "second" cell in the chain is given by deltas 0 - 3. It's guaranteed to belong in the bucket. // All subsequent cells in the chain is given by deltas 4 - 7. Also guaranteed to belong in the bucket. Atomic deltas[8]; Cell cells[4]; }; struct Table { const quint64 sizeMask; // a power of two minus one QMutex mutex; // to DCLI the TableMigration (stored in the jobCoordinator) SimpleJobCoordinator jobCoordinator; // makes all blocked threads participate in the migration Table(quint64 sizeMask) : sizeMask(sizeMask) { } static Table* create(quint64 tableSize) { #ifdef SANITY_CHECK KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(isPowerOf2(tableSize)); KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(tableSize >= 4); #endif // SANITY_CHECK quint64 numGroups = tableSize >> 2; Table* table = (Table*) std::malloc(sizeof(Table) + sizeof(CellGroup) * numGroups); new (table) Table(tableSize - 1); for (quint64 i = 0; i < numGroups; i++) { CellGroup* group = table->getCellGroups() + i; for (quint64 j = 0; j < 4; j++) { group->deltas[j].storeNonatomic(0); group->deltas[j + 4].storeNonatomic(0); group->cells[j].hash.storeNonatomic(KeyTraits::NullHash); group->cells[j].value.storeNonatomic(Value(ValueTraits::NullValue)); } } return table; } void destroy() { this->Table::~Table(); std::free(this); } CellGroup* getCellGroups() const { return (CellGroup*)(this + 1); } quint64 getNumMigrationUnits() const { return sizeMask / TableMigrationUnitSize + 1; } }; class TableMigration : public SimpleJobCoordinator::Job { public: struct Source { Table* table; Atomic sourceIndex; }; Map& m_map; Table* m_destination; Atomic m_workerStatus; // number of workers + end flag Atomic m_overflowed; Atomic m_unitsRemaining; quint64 m_numSources; TableMigration(Map& map) : m_map(map) { } static TableMigration* create(Map& map, quint64 numSources) { TableMigration* migration = (TableMigration*) std::malloc(sizeof(TableMigration) + sizeof(TableMigration::Source) * numSources); new (migration) TableMigration(map); migration->m_workerStatus.storeNonatomic(0); migration->m_overflowed.storeNonatomic(false); migration->m_unitsRemaining.storeNonatomic(0); migration->m_numSources = numSources; // Caller is responsible for filling in sources & destination return migration; } virtual ~TableMigration() override { } void destroy() { // Destroy all source tables. for (quint64 i = 0; i < m_numSources; i++) if (getSources()[i].table) getSources()[i].table->destroy(); // Delete the migration object itself. this->TableMigration::~TableMigration(); std::free(this); } Source* getSources() const { return (Source*)(this + 1); } bool migrateRange(Table* srcTable, quint64 startIdx); virtual void run() override; }; static Cell* find(Hash hash, Table* table) { #ifdef SANITY_CHECK KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(table); KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(hash != KeyTraits::NullHash); #endif // SANITY_CHECK quint64 sizeMask = table->sizeMask; // Optimistically check hashed cell even though it might belong to another bucket quint64 idx = hash & sizeMask; CellGroup* group = table->getCellGroups() + (idx >> 2); Cell* cell = group->cells + (idx & 3); Hash probeHash = cell->hash.load(Relaxed); if (probeHash == hash) { return cell; } else if (probeHash == KeyTraits::NullHash) { return cell = NULL; } // Follow probe chain for our bucket quint8 delta = group->deltas[idx & 3].load(Relaxed); while (delta) { idx = (idx + delta) & sizeMask; group = table->getCellGroups() + (idx >> 2); cell = group->cells + (idx & 3); Hash probeHash = cell->hash.load(Relaxed); // Note: probeHash might actually be NULL due to memory reordering of a concurrent insert, // but we don't check for it. We just follow the probe chain. if (probeHash == hash) { return cell; } delta = group->deltas[(idx & 3) + 4].load(Relaxed); } // End of probe chain, not found return NULL; } // FIXME: Possible optimization: Dedicated insert for migration? It wouldn't check for InsertResult_AlreadyFound. enum InsertResult { InsertResult_AlreadyFound, InsertResult_InsertedNew, InsertResult_Overflow }; static InsertResult insertOrFind(Hash hash, Table* table, Cell*& cell, quint64& overflowIdx) { #ifdef SANITY_CHECK KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(table); KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(hash != KeyTraits::NullHash); #endif // SANITY_CHECK quint64 sizeMask = table->sizeMask; quint64 idx = quint64(hash); // Check hashed cell first, though it may not even belong to the bucket. CellGroup* group = table->getCellGroups() + ((idx & sizeMask) >> 2); cell = group->cells + (idx & 3); Hash probeHash = cell->hash.load(Relaxed); if (probeHash == KeyTraits::NullHash) { if (cell->hash.compareExchangeStrong(probeHash, hash, Relaxed)) { // There are no links to set. We're done. return InsertResult_InsertedNew; } else { // Fall through to check if it was the same hash... } } if (probeHash == hash) { return InsertResult_AlreadyFound; } // Follow the link chain for this bucket. quint64 maxIdx = idx + sizeMask; quint64 linkLevel = 0; Atomic* prevLink; for (;;) { followLink: prevLink = group->deltas + ((idx & 3) + linkLevel); linkLevel = 4; quint8 probeDelta = prevLink->load(Relaxed); if (probeDelta) { idx += probeDelta; // Check the hash for this cell. group = table->getCellGroups() + ((idx & sizeMask) >> 2); cell = group->cells + (idx & 3); probeHash = cell->hash.load(Relaxed); if (probeHash == KeyTraits::NullHash) { // Cell was linked, but hash is not visible yet. // We could avoid this case (and guarantee it's visible) using acquire & release, but instead, // just poll until it becomes visible. do { probeHash = cell->hash.load(Acquire); } while (probeHash == KeyTraits::NullHash); } #ifdef SANITY_CHECK KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(((probeHash ^ hash) & sizeMask) == 0); // Only hashes in same bucket can be linked #endif // SANITY_CHECK if (probeHash == hash) { return InsertResult_AlreadyFound; } } else { // Reached the end of the link chain for this bucket. // Switch to linear probing until we reserve a new cell or find a late-arriving cell in the same bucket. quint64 prevLinkIdx = idx; #ifdef SANITY_CHECK KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(qint64(maxIdx - idx) >= 0); // Nobody would have linked an idx that's out of range. #endif // SANITY_CHECK quint64 linearProbesRemaining = qMin(maxIdx - idx, quint64(LinearSearchLimit)); while (linearProbesRemaining-- > 0) { idx++; group = table->getCellGroups() + ((idx & sizeMask) >> 2); cell = group->cells + (idx & 3); probeHash = cell->hash.load(Relaxed); if (probeHash == KeyTraits::NullHash) { // It's an empty cell. Try to reserve it. if (cell->hash.compareExchangeStrong(probeHash, hash, Relaxed)) { // Success. We've reserved the cell. Link it to previous cell in same bucket. #ifdef SANITY_CHECK KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(probeDelta == 0); #endif // SANITY_CHECK quint8 desiredDelta = idx - prevLinkIdx; prevLink->store(desiredDelta, Relaxed); return InsertResult_InsertedNew; } else { // Fall through to check if it's the same hash... } } Hash x = (probeHash ^ hash); // Check for same hash. if (!x) { return InsertResult_AlreadyFound; } // Check for same bucket. if ((x & sizeMask) == 0) { // Attempt to set the link on behalf of the late-arriving cell. // This is usually redundant, but if we don't attempt to set the late-arriving cell's link here, // there's no guarantee that our own link chain will be well-formed by the time this function returns. // (Indeed, subsequent lookups sometimes failed during testing, for this exact reason.) quint8 desiredDelta = idx - prevLinkIdx; prevLink->store(desiredDelta, Relaxed); goto followLink; // Try to follow link chain for the bucket again. } // Continue linear search... } // Table is too full to insert. overflowIdx = idx + 1; return InsertResult_Overflow; } } } static void beginTableMigrationToSize(Map& map, Table* table, quint64 nextTableSize) { // Create new migration by DCLI. SimpleJobCoordinator::Job* job = table->jobCoordinator.loadConsume(); if (job) { // new migration already exists } else { QMutexLocker guard(&table->mutex); job = table->jobCoordinator.loadConsume(); // Non-atomic would be sufficient, but that's OK. if (job) { // new migration already exists (double-checked) } else { // Create new migration. TableMigration* migration = TableMigration::create(map, 1); migration->m_unitsRemaining.storeNonatomic(table->getNumMigrationUnits()); migration->getSources()[0].table = table; migration->getSources()[0].sourceIndex.storeNonatomic(0); migration->m_destination = Table::create(nextTableSize); // Publish the new migration. table->jobCoordinator.storeRelease(migration); } } } static void beginTableMigration(Map& map, Table* table, quint64 overflowIdx) { // Estimate number of cells in use based on a small sample. quint64 sizeMask = table->sizeMask; quint64 idx = overflowIdx - CellsInUseSample; quint64 inUseCells = 0; for (quint64 linearProbesRemaining = CellsInUseSample; linearProbesRemaining > 0; linearProbesRemaining--) { CellGroup* group = table->getCellGroups() + ((idx & sizeMask) >> 2); Cell* cell = group->cells + (idx & 3); Value value = cell->value.load(Relaxed); if (value == Value(ValueTraits::Redirect)) { // Another thread kicked off the jobCoordinator. The caller will participate upon return. return; } if (value != Value(ValueTraits::NullValue)) inUseCells++; idx++; } float inUseRatio = float(inUseCells) / CellsInUseSample; float estimatedInUse = (sizeMask + 1) * inUseRatio; quint64 nextTableSize = qMax(quint64(InitialSize), roundUpPowerOf2(quint64(estimatedInUse * 2))); beginTableMigrationToSize(map, table, nextTableSize); } }; // Leapfrog template bool Leapfrog::TableMigration::migrateRange(Table* srcTable, quint64 startIdx) { quint64 srcSizeMask = srcTable->sizeMask; quint64 endIdx = qMin(startIdx + TableMigrationUnitSize, srcSizeMask + 1); // Iterate over source range. for (quint64 srcIdx = startIdx; srcIdx < endIdx; srcIdx++) { CellGroup* srcGroup = srcTable->getCellGroups() + ((srcIdx & srcSizeMask) >> 2); Cell* srcCell = srcGroup->cells + (srcIdx & 3); Hash srcHash; Value srcValue; // Fetch the srcHash and srcValue. for (;;) { srcHash = srcCell->hash.load(Relaxed); if (srcHash == KeyTraits::NullHash) { // An unused cell. Try to put a Redirect marker in its value. srcValue = srcCell->value.compareExchange(Value(ValueTraits::NullValue), Value(ValueTraits::Redirect), Relaxed); if (srcValue == Value(ValueTraits::Redirect)) { // srcValue is already marked Redirect due to previous incomplete migration. break; } if (srcValue == Value(ValueTraits::NullValue)) { break; // Redirect has been placed. Break inner loop, continue outer loop. } // Otherwise, somebody just claimed the cell. Read srcHash again... } else { // Check for deleted/uninitialized value. srcValue = srcCell->value.load(Relaxed); if (srcValue == Value(ValueTraits::NullValue)) { // Try to put a Redirect marker. if (srcCell->value.compareExchangeStrong(srcValue, Value(ValueTraits::Redirect), Relaxed)) { break; // Redirect has been placed. Break inner loop, continue outer loop. } if (srcValue == Value(ValueTraits::Redirect)) { // FIXME: I don't think this will happen. Investigate & change to assert break; } } else if (srcValue == Value(ValueTraits::Redirect)) { // srcValue is already marked Redirect due to previous incomplete migration. break; } // We've got a key/value pair to migrate. // Reserve a destination cell in the destination. #ifdef SANITY_CHECK KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(srcHash != KeyTraits::NullHash); KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(srcValue != Value(ValueTraits::NullValue)); KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(srcValue != Value(ValueTraits::Redirect)); #endif // SANITY_CHECK Cell* dstCell; quint64 overflowIdx; InsertResult result = insertOrFind(srcHash, m_destination, dstCell, overflowIdx); // During migration, a hash can only exist in one place among all the source tables, // and it is only migrated by one thread. Therefore, the hash will never already exist // in the destination table: #ifdef SANITY_CHECK KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(result != InsertResult_AlreadyFound); #endif // SANITY_CHECK if (result == InsertResult_Overflow) { // Destination overflow. // This can happen for several reasons. For example, the source table could have // existed of all deleted cells when it overflowed, resulting in a small destination // table size, but then another thread could re-insert all the same hashes // before the migration completed. // Caller will cancel the current migration and begin a new one. return false; } // Migrate the old value to the new cell. for (;;) { // Copy srcValue to the destination. dstCell->value.store(srcValue, Relaxed); // Try to place a Redirect marker in srcValue. Value doubleCheckedSrcValue = srcCell->value.compareExchange(srcValue, Value(ValueTraits::Redirect), Relaxed); #ifdef SANITY_CHECK KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(doubleCheckedSrcValue != Value(ValueTraits::Redirect)); // Only one thread can redirect a cell at a time. #endif // SANITY_CHECK if (doubleCheckedSrcValue == srcValue) { // No racing writes to the src. We've successfully placed the Redirect marker. // srcValue was non-NULL when we decided to migrate it, but it may have changed to NULL // by a late-arriving erase. if (srcValue == Value(ValueTraits::NullValue)) { // racing update was erase", uptr(srcTable), srcIdx) } break; } // There was a late-arriving write (or erase) to the src. Migrate the new value and try again. srcValue = doubleCheckedSrcValue; } // Cell successfully migrated. Proceed to next source cell. break; } } } // Range has been migrated successfully. return true; } template void Leapfrog::TableMigration::run() { +#ifdef SANITY_CHECK + KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(m_map.getGC().sanityRawPointerAccessLocked()); +#endif // SANITY_CHECK + + // Conditionally increment the shared # of workers. quint64 probeStatus = m_workerStatus.load(Relaxed); do { if (probeStatus & 1) { // End flag is already set, so do nothing. return; } } while (!m_workerStatus.compareExchangeWeak(probeStatus, probeStatus + 2, Relaxed, Relaxed)); // # of workers has been incremented, and the end flag is clear. #ifdef SANITY_CHECK KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP((probeStatus & 1) == 0); #endif // SANITY_CHECK // Iterate over all source tables. for (quint64 s = 0; s < m_numSources; s++) { Source& source = getSources()[s]; // Loop over all migration units in this source table. for (;;) { if (m_workerStatus.load(Relaxed) & 1) { goto endMigration; } quint64 startIdx = source.sourceIndex.fetchAdd(TableMigrationUnitSize, Relaxed); if (startIdx >= source.table->sizeMask + 1) break; // No more migration units in this table. Try next source table. bool overflowed = !migrateRange(source.table, startIdx); if (overflowed) { // *** FAILED MIGRATION *** // TableMigration failed due to destination table overflow. // No other thread can declare the migration successful at this point, because *this* unit will never complete, // hence m_unitsRemaining won't reach zero. // However, multiple threads can independently detect a failed migration at the same time. // The reason we store overflowed in a shared variable is because we can must flush all the worker threads before // we can safely deal with the overflow. Therefore, the thread that detects the failure is often different from // the thread // that deals with it. bool oldOverflowed = m_overflowed.exchange(overflowed, Relaxed); if (oldOverflowed) { // race to set m_overflowed } m_workerStatus.fetchOr(1, Relaxed); goto endMigration; } qint64 prevRemaining = m_unitsRemaining.fetchSub(1, Relaxed); #ifdef SANITY_CHECK KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(prevRemaining > 0); #endif // SANITY_CHECK if (prevRemaining == 1) { // *** SUCCESSFUL MIGRATION *** // That was the last chunk to migrate. m_workerStatus.fetchOr(1, Relaxed); goto endMigration; } } } endMigration: // Decrement the shared # of workers. probeStatus = m_workerStatus.fetchSub(2, AcquireRelease); // AcquireRelease makes all previous writes visible to the last worker thread. if (probeStatus >= 4) { // There are other workers remaining. Return here so that only the very last worker will proceed. return; } // We're the very last worker thread. // Perform the appropriate post-migration step depending on whether the migration succeeded or failed. #ifdef SANITY_CHECK KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(probeStatus == 3); #endif // SANITY_CHECK bool overflowed = m_overflowed.loadNonatomic(); // No racing writes at this point if (!overflowed) { // The migration succeeded. This is the most likely outcome. Publish the new subtree. m_map.publishTableMigration(this); // End the jobCoodinator. getSources()[0].table->jobCoordinator.end(); } else { // The migration failed due to the overflow of the destination table. Table* origTable = getSources()[0].table; QMutexLocker guard(&origTable->mutex); SimpleJobCoordinator::Job* checkedJob = origTable->jobCoordinator.loadConsume(); if (checkedJob != this) { // a new TableMigration was already started } else { TableMigration* migration = TableMigration::create(m_map, m_numSources + 1); // Double the destination table size. migration->m_destination = Table::create((m_destination->sizeMask + 1) * 2); // Transfer source tables to the new migration. for (quint64 i = 0; i < m_numSources; i++) { migration->getSources()[i].table = getSources()[i].table; getSources()[i].table = NULL; migration->getSources()[i].sourceIndex.storeNonatomic(0); } migration->getSources()[m_numSources].table = m_destination; migration->getSources()[m_numSources].sourceIndex.storeNonatomic(0); // Calculate total number of migration units to move. quint64 unitsRemaining = 0; for (quint64 s = 0; s < migration->m_numSources; s++) { unitsRemaining += migration->getSources()[s].table->getNumMigrationUnits(); } migration->m_unitsRemaining.storeNonatomic(unitsRemaining); // Publish the new migration. origTable->jobCoordinator.storeRelease(migration); } } // We're done with this TableMigration. Queue it for GC. m_map.getGC().enqueue(&TableMigration::destroy, this, true); } #endif // LEAPFROG_H diff --git a/libs/image/3rdparty/lock_free_map/qsbr.h b/libs/image/3rdparty/lock_free_map/qsbr.h index eae7aaaf8f..912f88227e 100644 --- a/libs/image/3rdparty/lock_free_map/qsbr.h +++ b/libs/image/3rdparty/lock_free_map/qsbr.h @@ -1,122 +1,123 @@ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Junction: Concurrent data structures in C++ Copyright (c) 2016 Jeff Preshing Distributed under the Simplified BSD License. Original location: https://github.com/preshing/junction This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the LICENSE file for more information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef QSBR_H #define QSBR_H #include #include #include #include #define CALL_MEMBER(obj, pmf) ((obj).*(pmf)) class QSBR { private: struct Action { void (*func)(void*); quint64 param[4]; // Size limit found experimentally. Verified by assert below. Action() = default; Action(void (*f)(void*), void* p, quint64 paramSize) : func(f) { KIS_ASSERT(paramSize <= sizeof(param)); // Verify size limit. memcpy(¶m, p, paramSize); } void operator()() { func(¶m); } }; QAtomicInt m_rawPointerUsers; KisLocklessStack m_pendingActions; KisLocklessStack m_migrationReclaimActions; void releasePoolSafely(KisLocklessStack *pool, bool force = false) { KisLocklessStack tmp; tmp.mergeFrom(*pool); if (tmp.isEmpty()) return; if (force || tmp.size() > 4096) { while (m_rawPointerUsers.loadAcquire()); Action action; while (tmp.pop(action)) { action(); } } else { if (!m_rawPointerUsers.loadAcquire()) { Action action; while (tmp.pop(action)) { action(); } } else { // push elements back to the source pool->mergeFrom(tmp); } } } public: template void enqueue(void (T::*pmf)(), T* target, bool migration = false) { struct Closure { void (T::*pmf)(); T* target; static void thunk(void* param) { Closure* self = (Closure*) param; CALL_MEMBER(*self->target, self->pmf)(); } }; Closure closure = {pmf, target}; if (migration) { m_migrationReclaimActions.push(Action(Closure::thunk, &closure, sizeof(closure))); } else { m_pendingActions.push(Action(Closure::thunk, &closure, sizeof(closure))); } } - void update(bool migrationInProgress) + void update() { releasePoolSafely(&m_pendingActions); - - if (!migrationInProgress) { - releasePoolSafely(&m_migrationReclaimActions); - } + releasePoolSafely(&m_migrationReclaimActions); } void flush() { releasePoolSafely(&m_pendingActions, true); releasePoolSafely(&m_migrationReclaimActions, true); } void lockRawPointerAccess() { m_rawPointerUsers.ref(); } void unlockRawPointerAccess() { m_rawPointerUsers.deref(); } + + bool sanityRawPointerAccessLocked() const { + return m_rawPointerUsers.loadAcquire(); + } }; #endif // QSBR_H diff --git a/libs/image/kis_base_node.cpp b/libs/image/kis_base_node.cpp index 5ae959f51a..bd9a8600df 100644 --- a/libs/image/kis_base_node.cpp +++ b/libs/image/kis_base_node.cpp @@ -1,465 +1,471 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2007 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_base_node.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_paint_device.h" #include "kis_layer_properties_icons.h" #include "kis_scalar_keyframe_channel.h" struct Q_DECL_HIDDEN KisBaseNode::Private { QString compositeOp; KoProperties properties; KisBaseNode::Property hack_visible; //HACK QUuid id; QMap keyframeChannels; QScopedPointer opacityChannel; bool systemLocked; bool collapsed; bool supportsLodMoves; bool animated; bool useInTimeline; KisImageWSP image; Private(KisImageWSP image) : id(QUuid::createUuid()) , systemLocked(false) , collapsed(false) , supportsLodMoves(false) , animated(false) , useInTimeline(true) , image(image) { } Private(const Private &rhs) : compositeOp(rhs.compositeOp), id(QUuid::createUuid()), systemLocked(false), collapsed(rhs.collapsed), supportsLodMoves(rhs.supportsLodMoves), animated(rhs.animated), useInTimeline(rhs.useInTimeline), image(rhs.image) { QMapIterator iter = rhs.properties.propertyIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { iter.next(); properties.setProperty(iter.key(), iter.value()); } } }; KisBaseNode::KisBaseNode(KisImageWSP image) : m_d(new Private(image)) { /** * Be cautious! These two calls are vital to warm-up KoProperties. * We use it and its QMap in a threaded environment. This is not * officially supported by Qt, but our environment guarantees, that * there will be the only writer and several readers. Whilst the * value of the QMap is boolean and there are no implicit-sharing * calls provocated, it is safe to work with it in such an * environment. */ setVisible(true, true); setUserLocked(false); setCollapsed(false); setSupportsLodMoves(true); m_d->compositeOp = COMPOSITE_OVER; } KisBaseNode::KisBaseNode(const KisBaseNode & rhs) : QObject() , KisShared() , m_d(new Private(*rhs.m_d)) { if (rhs.m_d->keyframeChannels.size() > 0) { Q_FOREACH(QString key, rhs.m_d->keyframeChannels.keys()) { KisKeyframeChannel* channel = rhs.m_d->keyframeChannels.value(key); if (!channel) { continue; } if (channel->inherits("KisScalarKeyframeChannel")) { KisScalarKeyframeChannel* pchannel = qobject_cast(channel); KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER(pchannel) { continue; } KisScalarKeyframeChannel* channelNew = new KisScalarKeyframeChannel(*pchannel, 0); KIS_ASSERT(channelNew); m_d->keyframeChannels.insert(channelNew->id(), channelNew); if (KoID(key) == KisKeyframeChannel::Opacity) { m_d->opacityChannel.reset(channelNew); } } } } } KisBaseNode::~KisBaseNode() { delete m_d; } KisPaintDeviceSP KisBaseNode::colorPickSourceDevice() const { return projection(); } quint8 KisBaseNode::opacity() const { if (m_d->opacityChannel) { qreal value = m_d->opacityChannel->currentValue(); if (!qIsNaN(value)) { return value; } } return nodeProperties().intProperty("opacity", OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8); } void KisBaseNode::setOpacity(quint8 val) { if (m_d->opacityChannel) { KisKeyframeSP activeKeyframe = m_d->opacityChannel->currentlyActiveKeyframe(); if (activeKeyframe) { m_d->opacityChannel->setScalarValue(activeKeyframe, val); } } if (opacity() == val) return; setNodeProperty("opacity", val); baseNodeInvalidateAllFramesCallback(); } quint8 KisBaseNode::percentOpacity() const { return int(float(opacity() * 100) / 255 + 0.5); } void KisBaseNode::setPercentOpacity(quint8 val) { setOpacity(int(float(val * 255) / 100 + 0.5)); } const QString& KisBaseNode::compositeOpId() const { return m_d->compositeOp; } void KisBaseNode::setCompositeOpId(const QString& compositeOp) { if (m_d->compositeOp == compositeOp) return; m_d->compositeOp = compositeOp; baseNodeChangedCallback(); baseNodeInvalidateAllFramesCallback(); } KisBaseNode::PropertyList KisBaseNode::sectionModelProperties() const { KisBaseNode::PropertyList l; l << KisLayerPropertiesIcons::getProperty(KisLayerPropertiesIcons::visible, visible(), m_d->hack_visible.isInStasis, m_d->hack_visible.stateInStasis); l << KisLayerPropertiesIcons::getProperty(KisLayerPropertiesIcons::locked, userLocked()); return l; } void KisBaseNode::setSectionModelProperties(const KisBaseNode::PropertyList &properties) { setVisible(properties.at(0).state.toBool()); m_d->hack_visible = properties.at(0); setUserLocked(properties.at(1).state.toBool()); } const KoProperties & KisBaseNode::nodeProperties() const { return m_d->properties; } void KisBaseNode::setNodeProperty(const QString & name, const QVariant & value) { m_d->properties.setProperty(name, value); baseNodeChangedCallback(); } void KisBaseNode::mergeNodeProperties(const KoProperties & properties) { QMapIterator iter = properties.propertyIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { iter.next(); m_d->properties.setProperty(iter.key(), iter.value()); } baseNodeChangedCallback(); baseNodeInvalidateAllFramesCallback(); } bool KisBaseNode::check(const KoProperties & properties) const { QMapIterator iter = properties.propertyIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { iter.next(); if (m_d->properties.contains(iter.key())) { if (m_d->properties.value(iter.key()) != iter.value()) return false; } } return true; } QImage KisBaseNode::createThumbnail(qint32 w, qint32 h) { try { QImage image(w, h, QImage::Format_ARGB32); image.fill(0); return image; } catch (const std::bad_alloc&) { return QImage(); } } QImage KisBaseNode::createThumbnailForFrame(qint32 w, qint32 h, int time) { Q_UNUSED(time) return createThumbnail(w, h); } bool KisBaseNode::visible(bool recursive) const { bool isVisible = m_d->properties.boolProperty(KisLayerPropertiesIcons::visible.id(), true); KisBaseNodeSP parentNode = parentCallback(); return recursive && isVisible && parentNode ? parentNode->visible(recursive) : isVisible; } void KisBaseNode::setVisible(bool visible, bool loading) { const bool isVisible = m_d->properties.boolProperty(KisLayerPropertiesIcons::visible.id(), true); if (!loading && isVisible == visible) return; m_d->properties.setProperty(KisLayerPropertiesIcons::visible.id(), visible); notifyParentVisibilityChanged(visible); if (!loading) { baseNodeChangedCallback(); baseNodeInvalidateAllFramesCallback(); } } bool KisBaseNode::userLocked() const { return m_d->properties.boolProperty(KisLayerPropertiesIcons::locked.id(), false); } void KisBaseNode::setUserLocked(bool locked) { const bool isLocked = m_d->properties.boolProperty(KisLayerPropertiesIcons::locked.id(), true); if (isLocked == locked) return; m_d->properties.setProperty(KisLayerPropertiesIcons::locked.id(), locked); baseNodeChangedCallback(); } bool KisBaseNode::isEditable(bool checkVisibility) const { bool editable = true; if (checkVisibility) { editable = (visible(false) && !userLocked()); } else { editable = (!userLocked()); } if (editable) { KisBaseNodeSP parentNode = parentCallback(); if (parentNode && parentNode != this) { editable = parentNode->isEditable(checkVisibility); } } return editable; } bool KisBaseNode::hasEditablePaintDevice() const { return paintDevice() && isEditable(); } void KisBaseNode::setCollapsed(bool collapsed) { + const bool oldCollapsed = m_d->collapsed; + m_d->collapsed = collapsed; + + if (oldCollapsed != collapsed) { + baseNodeCollapsedChangedCallback(); + } } bool KisBaseNode::collapsed() const { return m_d->collapsed; } void KisBaseNode::setColorLabelIndex(int index) { const int currentLabel = colorLabelIndex(); if (currentLabel == index) return; m_d->properties.setProperty(KisLayerPropertiesIcons::colorLabelIndex.id(), index); baseNodeChangedCallback(); } int KisBaseNode::colorLabelIndex() const { return m_d->properties.intProperty(KisLayerPropertiesIcons::colorLabelIndex.id(), 0); } QUuid KisBaseNode::uuid() const { return m_d->id; } void KisBaseNode::setUuid(const QUuid& id) { m_d->id = id; baseNodeChangedCallback(); } bool KisBaseNode::supportsLodMoves() const { return m_d->supportsLodMoves; } void KisBaseNode::setImage(KisImageWSP image) { m_d->image = image; } KisImageWSP KisBaseNode::image() const { return m_d->image; } bool KisBaseNode::isFakeNode() const { return false; } void KisBaseNode::setSupportsLodMoves(bool value) { m_d->supportsLodMoves = value; } QMap KisBaseNode::keyframeChannels() const { return m_d->keyframeChannels; } KisKeyframeChannel * KisBaseNode::getKeyframeChannel(const QString &id) const { QMap::const_iterator i = m_d->keyframeChannels.constFind(id); if (i == m_d->keyframeChannels.constEnd()) { return 0; } return i.value(); } KisKeyframeChannel * KisBaseNode::getKeyframeChannel(const QString &id, bool create) { KisKeyframeChannel *channel = getKeyframeChannel(id); if (!channel && create) { channel = requestKeyframeChannel(id); if (channel) { addKeyframeChannel(channel); } } return channel; } bool KisBaseNode::isAnimated() const { return m_d->animated; } void KisBaseNode::enableAnimation() { m_d->animated = true; baseNodeChangedCallback(); } bool KisBaseNode::useInTimeline() const { return m_d->useInTimeline; } void KisBaseNode::setUseInTimeline(bool value) { if (value == m_d->useInTimeline) return; m_d->useInTimeline = value; baseNodeChangedCallback(); } void KisBaseNode::addKeyframeChannel(KisKeyframeChannel *channel) { m_d->keyframeChannels.insert(channel->id(), channel); emit keyframeChannelAdded(channel); } KisKeyframeChannel *KisBaseNode::requestKeyframeChannel(const QString &id) { if (id == KisKeyframeChannel::Opacity.id()) { Q_ASSERT(m_d->opacityChannel.isNull()); KisPaintDeviceSP device = original(); if (device) { KisScalarKeyframeChannel * channel = new KisScalarKeyframeChannel( KisKeyframeChannel::Opacity, 0, 255, device->defaultBounds(), KisKeyframe::Linear ); m_d->opacityChannel.reset(channel); return channel; } } return 0; } diff --git a/libs/image/kis_base_node.h b/libs/image/kis_base_node.h index ffd8fc7518..ba828b44c6 100644 --- a/libs/image/kis_base_node.h +++ b/libs/image/kis_base_node.h @@ -1,580 +1,590 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2007 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef _KIS_BASE_NODE_H #define _KIS_BASE_NODE_H #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_shared.h" #include "kis_paint_device.h" #include "kis_processing_visitor.h" // included, not forward declared for msvc class KoProperties; class KoColorSpace; class KoCompositeOp; class KisNodeVisitor; class KisUndoAdapter; class KisKeyframeChannel; #include "kritaimage_export.h" /** * A KisBaseNode is the base class for all components of an image: * nodes, layers masks, selections. A node has a number of properties, * can be represented as a thumbnail and knows what to do when it gets * a certain paint device to process. A KisBaseNode does not know * anything about its peers. You should not directly inherit from a * KisBaseNode; inherit from KisNode instead. */ class KRITAIMAGE_EXPORT KisBaseNode : public QObject, public KisShared { Q_OBJECT public: /** * Describes a property of a document section. * * FIXME: using a QList instead of QMap and not having an untranslated identifier, * either enum or string, forces applications to rely on the order of properties * or to compare the translated strings. This makes it hard to robustly extend the * properties of document section items. */ struct Property { QString id; /** i18n-ed name, suitable for displaying */ QString name; /** Whether the property is a boolean (e.g. locked, visible) which can be toggled directly from the widget itself. */ bool isMutable; /** Provide these if the property isMutable. */ QIcon onIcon; QIcon offIcon; /** If the property isMutable, provide a boolean. Otherwise, a string suitable for displaying. */ QVariant state; /** If the property is mutable, specifies whether it can be put into stasis. When a property is in stasis, a new state is created, and the old one is stored in stateInStasis. When stasis ends, the old value is restored and the new one discarded */ bool canHaveStasis; /** If the property isMutable and canHaveStasis, indicate whether it is in stasis or not */ bool isInStasis; /** If the property isMutable and canHaveStasis, provide this value to store the property's state while in stasis */ bool stateInStasis; bool operator==(const Property &rhs) const { return rhs.name == name && rhs.state == state && isInStasis == rhs.isInStasis; } Property(): isMutable( false ), isInStasis(false) { } /// Constructor for a mutable property. Property( const KoID &n, const QIcon &on, const QIcon &off, bool isOn ) : id(n.id()), name( n.name() ), isMutable( true ), onIcon( on ), offIcon( off ), state( isOn ), canHaveStasis( false ), isInStasis(false) { } /** Constructor for a mutable property accepting stasis */ Property( const KoID &n, const QIcon &on, const QIcon &off, bool isOn, bool _isInStasis, bool _stateInStasis = false ) : id(n.id()), name(n.name()), isMutable( true ), onIcon( on ), offIcon( off ), state( isOn ), canHaveStasis( true ), isInStasis( _isInStasis ), stateInStasis( _stateInStasis ) { } /// Constructor for a nonmutable property. Property( const KoID &n, const QString &s ) : id(n.id()), name(n.name()), isMutable( false ), state( s ), isInStasis(false) { } }; /** Return this type for PropertiesRole. */ typedef QList PropertyList; public: /** * Create a new, empty base node. The node is unnamed, unlocked * visible and unlinked. */ KisBaseNode(KisImageWSP image); /** * Create a copy of this node. */ KisBaseNode(const KisBaseNode & rhs); /** * Delete this node */ ~KisBaseNode() override; /** * Return the paintdevice you can use to change pixels on. For a * paint layer these will be paint pixels, for an adjustment layer or a mask * the selection paint device. * * @return the paint device to paint on. Can be 0 if the actual * node type does not support painting. */ virtual KisPaintDeviceSP paintDevice() const = 0; /** * @return the rendered representation of a node * before the effect masks have had their go at it. Can be 0. */ virtual KisPaintDeviceSP original() const = 0; /** * @return the fully rendered representation of this layer: its * rendered original and its effect masks. Can be 0. */ virtual KisPaintDeviceSP projection() const = 0; /** * @return a special device from where the color picker tool should pick * color when in layer-only mode. For most of the nodes just shortcuts * to projection() device. TODO: can it be null? */ virtual KisPaintDeviceSP colorPickSourceDevice() const; virtual const KoColorSpace *colorSpace() const = 0; /** * Return the opacity of this layer, scaled to a range between 0 * and 255. * XXX: Allow true float opacity */ quint8 opacity() const; //0-255 /** * Set the opacity for this layer. The range is between 0 and 255. * The layer will be marked dirty. * * XXX: Allow true float opacity */ void setOpacity(quint8 val); //0-255 /** * return the 8-bit opacity of this layer scaled to the range * 0-100 * * XXX: Allow true float opacity */ quint8 percentOpacity() const; //0-100 /** * Set the opacity of this layer with a number between 0 and 100; * the number will be scaled to between 0 and 255. * XXX: Allow true float opacity */ void setPercentOpacity(quint8 val); //0-100 /** * Return the composite op associated with this layer. */ virtual const KoCompositeOp *compositeOp() const = 0; const QString& compositeOpId() const; /** * Set a new composite op for this layer. The layer will be marked * dirty. */ void setCompositeOpId(const QString& compositeOpId); /** * @return unique id, which is now used by clone layers. */ QUuid uuid() const; /** * Set the uuid of node. This should only be used when loading * existing node and in constructor. */ void setUuid(const QUuid& id); /** * return the name of this node. This is the same as the * QObject::objectName. */ QString name() const { return objectName(); } /** * set the QObject::objectName. This is also the user-visible name * of the layer. The reason for this is that we want to see the * layer name also when debugging. */ void setName(const QString& name) { setObjectName(name); baseNodeChangedCallback(); } /** * @return the icon used to represent the node type, for instance * in the layerbox and in the menu. */ virtual QIcon icon() const { return QIcon(); } /** * Return a the properties of this base node (locked, visible etc, * with the right icons for their representation and their state. * * Subclasses can extend this list with new properties, like * opacity for layers or visualized for masks. * * The order of properties is, unfortunately, for now, important, * so take care which properties superclasses of your class * define. * * KisBaseNode defines visible = 0, locked = 1 * KisLayer defines opacity = 2, compositeOp = 3 * KisMask defines active = 2 (KisMask does not inherit kislayer) */ virtual PropertyList sectionModelProperties() const; /** * Change the section model properties. */ virtual void setSectionModelProperties(const PropertyList &properties); /** * Return all the properties of this layer as a KoProperties-based * serializable key-value list. */ const KoProperties & nodeProperties() const; /** * Set a node property. * @param name name of the property to be set. * @param value value to set the property to. */ void setNodeProperty(const QString & name, const QVariant & value); /** * Merge the specified properties with the properties of this * layer. Wherever these properties overlap, the value of the * node properties is changed. No properties on the node are * deleted. If there are new properties in this list, they will be * added on the node. */ void mergeNodeProperties(const KoProperties & properties); /** * Compare the given properties list with the properties of this * node. * * @return false only if the same property exists in both lists * but with a different value. Properties that are not in both * lists are disregarded. */ bool check(const KoProperties & properties) const; /** * Accept the KisNodeVisitor (for the Visitor design pattern), * should call the correct function on the KisNodeVisitor for this * node type, so you need to override it for all leaf classes in * the node inheritance hierarchy. * * return false if the visitor could not successfully act on this * node instance. */ virtual bool accept(KisNodeVisitor &) { return false; } /** * Accept the KisNodeVisitor (for the Visitor design pattern), * should call the correct function on the KisProcessingVisitor * for this node type, so you need to override it for all leaf * classes in the node inheritance hierarchy. * * The processing visitor differs from node visitor in the way * that it accepts undo adapter, that allows the processing to * be multithreaded */ virtual void accept(KisProcessingVisitor &visitor, KisUndoAdapter *undoAdapter) { Q_UNUSED(visitor); Q_UNUSED(undoAdapter); } /** * @return a thumbnail in requested size. The thumbnail is a rgba * QImage and may have transparent parts. Returns a fully * transparent QImage of the requested size if the current node * type cannot generate a thumbnail. If the requested size is too * big, return a null QImage. */ virtual QImage createThumbnail(qint32 w, qint32 h); /** * @return a thumbnail in requested size for the defined timestamp. * The thumbnail is a rgba Image and may have transparent parts. * Returns a fully transparent QImage of the requested size if the * current node type cannot generate a thumbnail. If the requested * size is too big, return a null QImage. */ virtual QImage createThumbnailForFrame(qint32 w, qint32 h, int time); /** * Ask this node to re-read the pertinent settings from the krita * configuration. */ virtual void updateSettings() { } /** * @return true if this node is visible (i.e, active (except for * selection masks where visible and active properties are * different)) in the graph * * @param bool recursive if true, check whether all parents of * this node are visible as well. */ virtual bool visible(bool recursive = false) const; /** * Set the visible status of this node. Visible nodes are active * in the graph (except for selections masks which can be active * while hidden), that is to say, they are taken into account * when merging. Invisible nodes play no role in the final image *, but will be modified when modifying all layers, for instance * when cropping. * * Toggling the visibility of a node will not automatically lead * to recomposition. * * @param visible the new visibility state * @param isLoading if true, the property is set during loading. */ virtual void setVisible(bool visible, bool loading = false); /** * Return the locked status of this node. Locked nodes cannot be * edited. */ bool userLocked() const; /** * Set the locked status of this node. Locked nodes cannot be * edited. */ virtual void setUserLocked(bool l); /** * @return true if the node can be edited: * * if checkVisibility is true, then the node is only editable if it is visible and not locked. * if checkVisibility is false, then the node is editable if it's not locked. */ bool isEditable(bool checkVisibility = true) const; /** * @return true if the node is editable and has a paintDevice() * which which can be used for accessing pixels. It is an * equivalent to (isEditable() && paintDevice()) */ bool hasEditablePaintDevice() const; /** * @return the x-offset of this layer in the image plane. */ virtual qint32 x() const { return 0; } /** * Set the x offset of this layer in the image place. * Re-implement this where it makes sense, by default it does * nothing. It should not move child nodes. */ virtual void setX(qint32) { } /** * @return the y-offset of this layer in the image plane. */ virtual qint32 y() const { return 0; } /** * Set the y offset of this layer in the image place. * Re-implement this where it makes sense, by default it does * nothing. It should not move child nodes. */ virtual void setY(qint32) { } /** * Returns an approximation of where the bounds on actual data are * in this node. */ virtual QRect extent() const { return QRect(); } /** * Returns the exact bounds of where the actual data resides in * this node. */ virtual QRect exactBounds() const { return QRect(); } /** * Sets the state of the node to the value of @param collapsed */ void setCollapsed(bool collapsed); /** * returns the collapsed state of this node */ bool collapsed() const; /** * Sets a color label index associated to the layer. The actual * color of the label and the number of available colors is * defined by Krita GUI configuration. */ void setColorLabelIndex(int index); /** * \see setColorLabelIndex */ int colorLabelIndex() const; /** * Returns true if the offset of the node can be changed in a LodN * stroke. Currently, all the nodes except shape layers support that. */ bool supportsLodMoves() const; /** * Return the keyframe channels associated with this node * @return list of keyframe channels */ QMap keyframeChannels() const; /** * Get the keyframe channel with given id. * If the channel does not yet exist and the node supports the requested * channel, it will be created if create is true. * @param id internal name for channel * @param create attempt to create the channel if it does not exist yet * @return keyframe channel with the id, or null if not found */ KisKeyframeChannel *getKeyframeChannel(const QString &id, bool create); KisKeyframeChannel *getKeyframeChannel(const QString &id) const; bool useInTimeline() const; void setUseInTimeline(bool value); bool isAnimated() const; void enableAnimation(); virtual void setImage(KisImageWSP image); KisImageWSP image() const; /** * Fake node is not present in the layer stack and is not used * for normal projection rendering algorithms. */ virtual bool isFakeNode() const; protected: void setSupportsLodMoves(bool value); /** * FIXME: This method is a workaround for getting parent node * on a level of KisBaseNode. In fact, KisBaseNode should inherit * KisNode (in terms of current Krita) to be able to traverse * the node stack */ virtual KisBaseNodeSP parentCallback() const { return KisBaseNodeSP(); } virtual void notifyParentVisibilityChanged(bool value) { Q_UNUSED(value); } /** * This callback is called when some meta state of the base node * that can be interesting to the UI has changed. E.g. visibility, * lockness, opacity, compositeOp and etc. This signal is * forwarded by the KisNode and KisNodeGraphListener to the model * in KisLayerBox, so it can update its controls when information * changes. */ virtual void baseNodeChangedCallback() { } + /** + * This callback is called when collapsed state of the base node + * has changed. This signal is forwarded by the KisNode and + * KisNodeGraphListener to the model in KisLayerBox, so it can + * update its controls when information changes. + */ + virtual void baseNodeCollapsedChangedCallback() { + } + + virtual void baseNodeInvalidateAllFramesCallback() { } /** * Add a keyframe channel for this node. The channel will be added * to the common hash table which will be available to the UI. * * WARNING: the \p channel object *NOT* become owned by the node! * The caller must ensure manually that the lifetime of * the object coincide with the lifetime of the node. */ virtual void addKeyframeChannel(KisKeyframeChannel* channel); /** * Attempt to create the requested channel. Used internally by getKeyframeChannel. * Subclasses should implement this method to catch any new channel types they support. * @param id channel to create * @return newly created channel or null */ virtual KisKeyframeChannel * requestKeyframeChannel(const QString &id); Q_SIGNALS: void keyframeChannelAdded(KisKeyframeChannel *channel); private: struct Private; Private * const m_d; }; Q_DECLARE_METATYPE( KisBaseNode::PropertyList ) #endif diff --git a/libs/image/kis_convolution_painter.cc b/libs/image/kis_convolution_painter.cc index e4290b6542..7ec9e31ca4 100644 --- a/libs/image/kis_convolution_painter.cc +++ b/libs/image/kis_convolution_painter.cc @@ -1,185 +1,189 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2005 Cyrille Berger * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_convolution_painter.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_convolution_kernel.h" #include "kis_global.h" #include "kis_image.h" #include "kis_layer.h" #include "kis_paint_device.h" #include "kis_painter.h" #include "KoColorSpace.h" #include #include "kis_types.h" #include "kis_selection.h" #include "kis_convolution_worker.h" #include "kis_convolution_worker_spatial.h" #include "config_convolution.h" #ifdef HAVE_FFTW3 #include "kis_convolution_worker_fft.h" #endif bool KisConvolutionPainter::useFFTImplemenation(const KisConvolutionKernelSP kernel) const { bool result = false; #ifdef HAVE_FFTW3 #define THRESHOLD_SIZE 5 result = m_enginePreference == FFTW || (m_enginePreference == NONE && (kernel->width() > THRESHOLD_SIZE || kernel->height() > THRESHOLD_SIZE)); #else Q_UNUSED(kernel); #endif return result; } template KisConvolutionWorker* KisConvolutionPainter::createWorker(const KisConvolutionKernelSP kernel, KisPainter *painter, KoUpdater *progress) { KisConvolutionWorker *worker; #ifdef HAVE_FFTW3 if (useFFTImplemenation(kernel)) { worker = new KisConvolutionWorkerFFT(painter, progress); } else { worker = new KisConvolutionWorkerSpatial(painter, progress); } #else Q_UNUSED(kernel); worker = new KisConvolutionWorkerSpatial(painter, progress); #endif return worker; } bool KisConvolutionPainter::supportsFFTW() { #ifdef HAVE_FFTW3 return true; #else return false; #endif } KisConvolutionPainter::KisConvolutionPainter() : KisPainter(), m_enginePreference(NONE) { } KisConvolutionPainter::KisConvolutionPainter(KisPaintDeviceSP device) : KisPainter(device), m_enginePreference(NONE) { } KisConvolutionPainter::KisConvolutionPainter(KisPaintDeviceSP device, KisSelectionSP selection) : KisPainter(device, selection), m_enginePreference(NONE) { } KisConvolutionPainter::KisConvolutionPainter(KisPaintDeviceSP device, TestingEnginePreference enginePreference) : KisPainter(device), m_enginePreference(enginePreference) { } void KisConvolutionPainter::applyMatrix(const KisConvolutionKernelSP kernel, const KisPaintDeviceSP src, QPoint srcPos, QPoint dstPos, QSize areaSize, KisConvolutionBorderOp borderOp) { /** * Force BORDER_IGNORE op for the wraparound mode, * because the paint device has its own special * iterators, which do everything for us. */ if (src->defaultBounds()->wrapAroundMode()) { borderOp = BORDER_IGNORE; } // Determine whether we convolve border pixels, or not. switch (borderOp) { case BORDER_REPEAT: { const QRect boundsRect = src->defaultBounds()->bounds(); const QRect requestedRect = QRect(srcPos, areaSize); QRect dataRect = requestedRect | boundsRect; + KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER(boundsRect != KisDefaultBounds().bounds()) { + dataRect = requestedRect | src->exactBounds(); + } + /** * FIXME: Implementation can return empty destination device * on faults and has no way to report this. This will cause a crash * on sequential convolutions inside iteratiors. * * o implementation should do it's work or assert otherwise * (or report the issue somehow) * o check other cases of the switch for the vulnerability */ if(dataRect.isValid()) { KisConvolutionWorker *worker; worker = createWorker(kernel, this, progressUpdater()); worker->execute(kernel, src, srcPos, dstPos, areaSize, dataRect); delete worker; } break; } case BORDER_IGNORE: default: { KisConvolutionWorker *worker; worker = createWorker(kernel, this, progressUpdater()); worker->execute(kernel, src, srcPos, dstPos, areaSize, QRect()); delete worker; } } } bool KisConvolutionPainter::needsTransaction(const KisConvolutionKernelSP kernel) const { return !useFFTImplemenation(kernel); } diff --git a/libs/image/kis_edge_detection_kernel.cpp b/libs/image/kis_edge_detection_kernel.cpp index 1d09d3f6da..0e0aad2eeb 100644 --- a/libs/image/kis_edge_detection_kernel.cpp +++ b/libs/image/kis_edge_detection_kernel.cpp @@ -1,420 +1,428 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2017 Wolthera van Hövell tot Westerflier * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_edge_detection_kernel.h" #include "kis_global.h" #include "kis_convolution_kernel.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include KisEdgeDetectionKernel::KisEdgeDetectionKernel() { } /* * This code is very similar to the gaussian kernel code, except unlike the gaussian code, * edge-detection kernels DO use the diagonals. * Except for the simple mode. We implement the simple mode because it is an analogue to * the old sobel filter. */ Eigen::Matrix KisEdgeDetectionKernel::createHorizontalMatrix(qreal radius, FilterType type, bool reverse) { int kernelSize = kernelSizeFromRadius(radius); Eigen::Matrix matrix(kernelSize, kernelSize); KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(kernelSize & 0x1); const int center = kernelSize / 2; if (type==Prewit) { for (int x = 0; x < kernelSize; x++) { for (int y=0; y KisEdgeDetectionKernel::createVerticalMatrix(qreal radius, FilterType type, bool reverse) { int kernelSize = kernelSizeFromRadius(radius); Eigen::Matrix matrix(kernelSize, kernelSize); KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(kernelSize & 0x1); const int center = kernelSize / 2; if (type==Prewit) { for (int y = 0; y < kernelSize; y++) { for (int x=0; x matrix = createHorizontalMatrix(radius, type, reverse); if (denormalize) { return KisConvolutionKernel::fromMatrix(matrix, 0.5, 1); } else { return KisConvolutionKernel::fromMatrix(matrix, 0, matrix.sum()); } } KisConvolutionKernelSP KisEdgeDetectionKernel::createVerticalKernel(qreal radius, KisEdgeDetectionKernel::FilterType type, bool denormalize, bool reverse) { Eigen::Matrix matrix = createVerticalMatrix(radius, type, reverse); if (denormalize) { return KisConvolutionKernel::fromMatrix(matrix, 0.5, 1); } else { return KisConvolutionKernel::fromMatrix(matrix, 0, matrix.sum()); } } int KisEdgeDetectionKernel::kernelSizeFromRadius(qreal radius) { return qMax((int)(2 * ceil(sigmaFromRadius(radius)) + 1), 3); } qreal KisEdgeDetectionKernel::sigmaFromRadius(qreal radius) { return 0.3 * radius + 0.3; } void KisEdgeDetectionKernel::applyEdgeDetection(KisPaintDeviceSP device, const QRect &rect, qreal xRadius, qreal yRadius, KisEdgeDetectionKernel::FilterType type, const QBitArray &channelFlags, KoUpdater *progressUpdater, FilterOutput output, bool writeToAlpha) { QPoint srcTopLeft = rect.topLeft(); KisPainter finalPainter(device); finalPainter.setChannelFlags(channelFlags); finalPainter.setProgress(progressUpdater); if (output == pythagorean || output == radian) { KisPaintDeviceSP x_denormalised = new KisPaintDevice(device->colorSpace()); KisPaintDeviceSP y_denormalised = new KisPaintDevice(device->colorSpace()); + x_denormalised->prepareClone(device); + y_denormalised->prepareClone(device); + + KisConvolutionKernelSP kernelHorizLeftRight = KisEdgeDetectionKernel::createHorizontalKernel(xRadius, type); KisConvolutionKernelSP kernelVerticalTopBottom = KisEdgeDetectionKernel::createVerticalKernel(yRadius, type); qreal horizontalCenter = qreal(kernelHorizLeftRight->width()) / 2.0; qreal verticalCenter = qreal(kernelVerticalTopBottom->height()) / 2.0; KisConvolutionPainter horizPainterLR(x_denormalised); horizPainterLR.setChannelFlags(channelFlags); horizPainterLR.setProgress(progressUpdater); horizPainterLR.applyMatrix(kernelHorizLeftRight, device, srcTopLeft - QPoint(0, ceil(horizontalCenter)), srcTopLeft - QPoint(0, ceil(horizontalCenter)), rect.size() + QSize(0, 2 * ceil(horizontalCenter)), BORDER_REPEAT); KisConvolutionPainter verticalPainterTB(y_denormalised); verticalPainterTB.setChannelFlags(channelFlags); verticalPainterTB.setProgress(progressUpdater); verticalPainterTB.applyMatrix(kernelVerticalTopBottom, device, srcTopLeft - QPoint(0, ceil(verticalCenter)), srcTopLeft - QPoint(0, ceil(verticalCenter)), rect.size() + QSize(0, 2 * ceil(verticalCenter)), BORDER_REPEAT); KisSequentialIterator yItterator(y_denormalised, rect); KisSequentialIterator xItterator(x_denormalised, rect); KisSequentialIterator finalIt(device, rect); const int pixelSize = device->colorSpace()->pixelSize(); const int channels = device->colorSpace()->channelCount(); const int alphaPos = device->colorSpace()->alphaPos(); KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(alphaPos >= 0); QVector yNormalised(channels); QVector xNormalised(channels); QVector finalNorm(channels); while(yItterator.nextPixel() && xItterator.nextPixel() && finalIt.nextPixel()) { device->colorSpace()->normalisedChannelsValue(yItterator.rawData(), yNormalised); device->colorSpace()->normalisedChannelsValue(xItterator.rawData(), xNormalised); device->colorSpace()->normalisedChannelsValue(finalIt.rawData(), finalNorm); if (output == pythagorean) { for (int c = 0; ccolorSpace()); qreal alpha = 0; for (int c = 0; c<(channels-1); c++) { alpha = alpha+finalNorm[c]; } alpha = qMin(alpha/(channels-1), col.opacityF()); col.setOpacity(alpha); memcpy(finalIt.rawData(), col.data(), pixelSize); } else { quint8* f = finalIt.rawData(); finalNorm[alphaPos] = 1.0; device->colorSpace()->fromNormalisedChannelsValue(f, finalNorm); memcpy(finalIt.rawData(), f, pixelSize); } } } else { KisConvolutionKernelSP kernel; qreal center = 0; bool denormalize = !writeToAlpha; if (output == xGrowth) { kernel = KisEdgeDetectionKernel::createHorizontalKernel(xRadius, type, denormalize); center = qreal(kernel->width()) / 2.0; } else if (output == xFall) { kernel = KisEdgeDetectionKernel::createHorizontalKernel(xRadius, type, denormalize, true); center = qreal(kernel->width()) / 2.0; } else if (output == yGrowth) { kernel = KisEdgeDetectionKernel::createVerticalKernel(yRadius, type, denormalize); center = qreal(kernel->height()) / 2.0; } else { //yFall kernel = KisEdgeDetectionKernel::createVerticalKernel(yRadius, type, denormalize, true); center = qreal(kernel->height()) / 2.0; } if (writeToAlpha) { KisPaintDeviceSP denormalised = new KisPaintDevice(device->colorSpace()); + denormalised->prepareClone(device); + KisConvolutionPainter kernelP(denormalised); kernelP.setChannelFlags(channelFlags); kernelP.setProgress(progressUpdater); kernelP.applyMatrix(kernel, device, srcTopLeft - QPoint(0, ceil(center)), srcTopLeft - QPoint(0, ceil(center)), rect.size() + QSize(0, 2 * ceil(center)), BORDER_REPEAT); KisSequentialIterator itterator(denormalised, rect); KisSequentialIterator finalIt(device, rect); const int pixelSize = device->colorSpace()->pixelSize(); const int channels = device->colorSpace()->colorChannelCount(); QVector normalised(channels); while (itterator.nextPixel() && finalIt.nextPixel()) { device->colorSpace()->normalisedChannelsValue(itterator.rawData(), normalised); KoColor col(finalIt.rawData(), device->colorSpace()); qreal alpha = 0; for (int c = 0; ccolorSpace()->setOpacity(finalIt.rawData(), 1.0, numConseqPixels); } } } } void KisEdgeDetectionKernel::convertToNormalMap(KisPaintDeviceSP device, const QRect &rect, qreal xRadius, qreal yRadius, KisEdgeDetectionKernel::FilterType type, int channelToConvert, QVector channelOrder, QVector channelFlip, const QBitArray &channelFlags, KoUpdater *progressUpdater) { QPoint srcTopLeft = rect.topLeft(); KisPainter finalPainter(device); finalPainter.setChannelFlags(channelFlags); finalPainter.setProgress(progressUpdater); KisPaintDeviceSP x_denormalised = new KisPaintDevice(device->colorSpace()); KisPaintDeviceSP y_denormalised = new KisPaintDevice(device->colorSpace()); + x_denormalised->prepareClone(device); + y_denormalised->prepareClone(device); KisConvolutionKernelSP kernelHorizLeftRight = KisEdgeDetectionKernel::createHorizontalKernel(yRadius, type, true, !channelFlip[1]); KisConvolutionKernelSP kernelVerticalTopBottom = KisEdgeDetectionKernel::createVerticalKernel(xRadius, type, true, !channelFlip[0]); qreal horizontalCenter = qreal(kernelHorizLeftRight->width()) / 2.0; qreal verticalCenter = qreal(kernelVerticalTopBottom->height()) / 2.0; KisConvolutionPainter horizPainterLR(y_denormalised); horizPainterLR.setChannelFlags(channelFlags); horizPainterLR.setProgress(progressUpdater); horizPainterLR.applyMatrix(kernelHorizLeftRight, device, srcTopLeft - QPoint(ceil(horizontalCenter), 0), srcTopLeft - QPoint(ceil(horizontalCenter), 0), rect.size() + QSize(2 * ceil(horizontalCenter), 0), BORDER_REPEAT); KisConvolutionPainter verticalPainterTB(x_denormalised); verticalPainterTB.setChannelFlags(channelFlags); verticalPainterTB.setProgress(progressUpdater); verticalPainterTB.applyMatrix(kernelVerticalTopBottom, device, srcTopLeft - QPoint(0, ceil(verticalCenter)), srcTopLeft - QPoint(0, ceil(verticalCenter)), rect.size() + QSize(0, 2 * ceil(verticalCenter)), BORDER_REPEAT); KisSequentialIterator yItterator(y_denormalised, rect); KisSequentialIterator xItterator(x_denormalised, rect); KisSequentialIterator finalIt(device, rect); const int pixelSize = device->colorSpace()->pixelSize(); const int channels = device->colorSpace()->channelCount(); const int alphaPos = device->colorSpace()->alphaPos(); KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(alphaPos >= 0); QVector yNormalised(channels); QVector xNormalised(channels); QVector finalNorm(channels); while(yItterator.nextPixel() && xItterator.nextPixel() && finalIt.nextPixel()) { device->colorSpace()->normalisedChannelsValue(yItterator.rawData(), yNormalised); device->colorSpace()->normalisedChannelsValue(xItterator.rawData(), xNormalised); qreal z = 1.0; if (channelFlip[2]==true){ z=-1.0; } QVector3D normal = QVector3D((xNormalised[channelToConvert]-0.5)*2, (yNormalised[channelToConvert]-0.5)*2, z); normal.normalize(); finalNorm.fill(1.0); for (int c = 0; c<3; c++) { finalNorm[device->colorSpace()->channels().at(channelOrder[c])->displayPosition()] = (normal[channelOrder[c]]/2)+0.5; } finalNorm[alphaPos]= 1.0; quint8* pixel = finalIt.rawData(); device->colorSpace()->fromNormalisedChannelsValue(pixel, finalNorm); memcpy(finalIt.rawData(), pixel, pixelSize); } } diff --git a/libs/image/kis_gaussian_kernel.cpp b/libs/image/kis_gaussian_kernel.cpp index 4326558c25..1b82b6c4ef 100644 --- a/libs/image/kis_gaussian_kernel.cpp +++ b/libs/image/kis_gaussian_kernel.cpp @@ -1,358 +1,359 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2014 Dmitry Kazakov * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_gaussian_kernel.h" #include "kis_global.h" #include "kis_convolution_kernel.h" #include #include #include qreal KisGaussianKernel::sigmaFromRadius(qreal radius) { return 0.3 * radius + 0.3; } int KisGaussianKernel::kernelSizeFromRadius(qreal radius) { return 6 * ceil(sigmaFromRadius(radius)) + 1; } Eigen::Matrix KisGaussianKernel::createHorizontalMatrix(qreal radius) { int kernelSize = kernelSizeFromRadius(radius); Eigen::Matrix matrix(1, kernelSize); const qreal sigma = sigmaFromRadius(radius); const qreal multiplicand = 1 / (sqrt(2 * M_PI * sigma * sigma)); const qreal exponentMultiplicand = 1 / (2 * sigma * sigma); /** * The kernel size should always be odd, then the position of the * central pixel can be easily calculated */ KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(kernelSize & 0x1); const int center = kernelSize / 2; for (int x = 0; x < kernelSize; x++) { qreal xDistance = center - x; matrix(0, x) = multiplicand * exp( -xDistance * xDistance * exponentMultiplicand ); } return matrix; } Eigen::Matrix KisGaussianKernel::createVerticalMatrix(qreal radius) { int kernelSize = kernelSizeFromRadius(radius); Eigen::Matrix matrix(kernelSize, 1); const qreal sigma = sigmaFromRadius(radius); const qreal multiplicand = 1 / (sqrt(2 * M_PI * sigma * sigma)); const qreal exponentMultiplicand = 1 / (2 * sigma * sigma); /** * The kernel size should always be odd, then the position of the * central pixel can be easily calculated */ KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(kernelSize & 0x1); const int center = kernelSize / 2; for (int y = 0; y < kernelSize; y++) { qreal yDistance = center - y; matrix(y, 0) = multiplicand * exp( -yDistance * yDistance * exponentMultiplicand ); } return matrix; } KisConvolutionKernelSP KisGaussianKernel::createHorizontalKernel(qreal radius) { Eigen::Matrix matrix = createHorizontalMatrix(radius); return KisConvolutionKernel::fromMatrix(matrix, 0, matrix.sum()); } KisConvolutionKernelSP KisGaussianKernel::createVerticalKernel(qreal radius) { Eigen::Matrix matrix = createVerticalMatrix(radius); return KisConvolutionKernel::fromMatrix(matrix, 0, matrix.sum()); } KisConvolutionKernelSP KisGaussianKernel::createUniform2DKernel(qreal xRadius, qreal yRadius) { Eigen::Matrix h = createHorizontalMatrix(xRadius); Eigen::Matrix v = createVerticalMatrix(yRadius); Eigen::Matrix uni = v * h; return KisConvolutionKernel::fromMatrix(uni, 0, uni.sum()); } void KisGaussianKernel::applyGaussian(KisPaintDeviceSP device, const QRect& rect, qreal xRadius, qreal yRadius, const QBitArray &channelFlags, KoUpdater *progressUpdater, bool createTransaction) { QPoint srcTopLeft = rect.topLeft(); if (KisConvolutionPainter::supportsFFTW()) { KisConvolutionPainter painter(device, KisConvolutionPainter::FFTW); painter.setChannelFlags(channelFlags); painter.setProgress(progressUpdater); KisConvolutionKernelSP kernel2D = KisGaussianKernel::createUniform2DKernel(xRadius, yRadius); QScopedPointer transaction; if (createTransaction && painter.needsTransaction(kernel2D)) { transaction.reset(new KisTransaction(device)); } painter.applyMatrix(kernel2D, device, srcTopLeft, srcTopLeft, rect.size(), BORDER_REPEAT); } else if (xRadius > 0.0 && yRadius > 0.0) { KisPaintDeviceSP interm = new KisPaintDevice(device->colorSpace()); + interm->prepareClone(device); KisConvolutionKernelSP kernelHoriz = KisGaussianKernel::createHorizontalKernel(xRadius); KisConvolutionKernelSP kernelVertical = KisGaussianKernel::createVerticalKernel(yRadius); qreal verticalCenter = qreal(kernelVertical->height()) / 2.0; KisConvolutionPainter horizPainter(interm); horizPainter.setChannelFlags(channelFlags); horizPainter.setProgress(progressUpdater); horizPainter.applyMatrix(kernelHoriz, device, srcTopLeft - QPoint(0, ceil(verticalCenter)), srcTopLeft - QPoint(0, ceil(verticalCenter)), rect.size() + QSize(0, 2 * ceil(verticalCenter)), BORDER_REPEAT); KisConvolutionPainter verticalPainter(device); verticalPainter.setChannelFlags(channelFlags); verticalPainter.setProgress(progressUpdater); verticalPainter.applyMatrix(kernelVertical, interm, srcTopLeft, srcTopLeft, rect.size(), BORDER_REPEAT); } else if (xRadius > 0.0) { KisConvolutionPainter painter(device); painter.setChannelFlags(channelFlags); painter.setProgress(progressUpdater); KisConvolutionKernelSP kernelHoriz = KisGaussianKernel::createHorizontalKernel(xRadius); QScopedPointer transaction; if (createTransaction && painter.needsTransaction(kernelHoriz)) { transaction.reset(new KisTransaction(device)); } painter.applyMatrix(kernelHoriz, device, srcTopLeft, srcTopLeft, rect.size(), BORDER_REPEAT); } else if (yRadius > 0.0) { KisConvolutionPainter painter(device); painter.setChannelFlags(channelFlags); painter.setProgress(progressUpdater); KisConvolutionKernelSP kernelVertical = KisGaussianKernel::createVerticalKernel(yRadius); QScopedPointer transaction; if (createTransaction && painter.needsTransaction(kernelVertical)) { transaction.reset(new KisTransaction(device)); } painter.applyMatrix(kernelVertical, device, srcTopLeft, srcTopLeft, rect.size(), BORDER_REPEAT); } } Eigen::Matrix KisGaussianKernel::createLoGMatrix(qreal radius, qreal coeff) { int kernelSize = 4 * std::ceil(radius) + 1; Eigen::Matrix matrix(kernelSize, kernelSize); const qreal sigma = radius/* / sqrt(2)*/; const qreal multiplicand = -1.0 / (M_PI * pow2(pow2(sigma))); const qreal exponentMultiplicand = 1 / (2 * pow2(sigma)); /** * The kernel size should always be odd, then the position of the * central pixel can be easily calculated */ KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(kernelSize & 0x1); const int center = kernelSize / 2; for (int y = 0; y < kernelSize; y++) { const qreal yDistance = center - y; for (int x = 0; x < kernelSize; x++) { const qreal xDistance = center - x; const qreal distance = pow2(xDistance) + pow2(yDistance); const qreal normalizedDistance = exponentMultiplicand * distance; matrix(x, y) = multiplicand * (1.0 - normalizedDistance) * exp(-normalizedDistance); } } qreal lateral = matrix.sum() - matrix(center, center); matrix(center, center) = -lateral; qreal positiveSum = 0; qreal sideSum = 0; qreal quarterSum = 0; for (int y = 0; y < kernelSize; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < kernelSize; x++) { const qreal value = matrix(x, y); if (value > 0) { positiveSum += value; } if (x > center) { sideSum += value; } if (x > center && y > center) { quarterSum += value; } } } const qreal scale = coeff * 2.0 / positiveSum; matrix *= scale; positiveSum *= scale; sideSum *= scale; quarterSum *= scale; //qDebug() << ppVar(positiveSum) << ppVar(sideSum) << ppVar(quarterSum); return matrix; } void KisGaussianKernel::applyLoG(KisPaintDeviceSP device, const QRect& rect, qreal radius, qreal coeff, const QBitArray &channelFlags, KoUpdater *progressUpdater) { QPoint srcTopLeft = rect.topLeft(); KisConvolutionPainter painter(device); painter.setChannelFlags(channelFlags); painter.setProgress(progressUpdater); Eigen::Matrix matrix = createLoGMatrix(radius, coeff); KisConvolutionKernelSP kernel = KisConvolutionKernel::fromMatrix(matrix, 0, 0); painter.applyMatrix(kernel, device, srcTopLeft, srcTopLeft, rect.size(), BORDER_REPEAT); } Eigen::Matrix KisGaussianKernel::createDilateMatrix(qreal radius) { const int kernelSize = 2 * std::ceil(radius) + 1; Eigen::Matrix matrix(kernelSize, kernelSize); const qreal fadeStart = qMax(1.0, radius - 1.0); /** * The kernel size should always be odd, then the position of the * central pixel can be easily calculated */ KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(kernelSize & 0x1); const int center = kernelSize / 2; for (int y = 0; y < kernelSize; y++) { const qreal yDistance = center - y; for (int x = 0; x < kernelSize; x++) { const qreal xDistance = center - x; const qreal distance = std::sqrt(pow2(xDistance) + pow2(yDistance)); qreal value = 1.0; if (distance >= radius) { value = 0.0; } else if (distance > fadeStart) { value = radius - distance; } matrix(x, y) = value; } } return matrix; } void KisGaussianKernel::applyDilate(KisPaintDeviceSP device, const QRect &rect, qreal radius, const QBitArray &channelFlags, KoUpdater *progressUpdater, bool createTransaction) { KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(device->colorSpace()->pixelSize() == 1); QPoint srcTopLeft = rect.topLeft(); KisConvolutionPainter painter(device); painter.setChannelFlags(channelFlags); painter.setProgress(progressUpdater); Eigen::Matrix matrix = createDilateMatrix(radius); KisConvolutionKernelSP kernel = KisConvolutionKernel::fromMatrix(matrix, 0, 1.0); QScopedPointer transaction; if (createTransaction && painter.needsTransaction(kernel)) { transaction.reset(new KisTransaction(device)); } painter.applyMatrix(kernel, device, srcTopLeft, srcTopLeft, rect.size(), BORDER_REPEAT); } #include "kis_sequential_iterator.h" void KisGaussianKernel::applyErodeU8(KisPaintDeviceSP device, const QRect &rect, qreal radius, const QBitArray &channelFlags, KoUpdater *progressUpdater, bool createTransaction) { KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(device->colorSpace()->pixelSize() == 1); { KisSequentialIterator dstIt(device, rect); while (dstIt.nextPixel()) { quint8 *dstPtr = dstIt.rawData(); *dstPtr = 255 - *dstPtr; } } applyDilate(device, rect, radius, channelFlags, progressUpdater, createTransaction); { KisSequentialIterator dstIt(device, rect); while (dstIt.nextPixel()) { quint8 *dstPtr = dstIt.rawData(); *dstPtr = 255 - *dstPtr; } } } diff --git a/libs/image/kis_image.cc b/libs/image/kis_image.cc index 068cfdf3a9..4364c7cb19 100644 --- a/libs/image/kis_image.cc +++ b/libs/image/kis_image.cc @@ -1,2067 +1,2068 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2002 Patrick Julien * Copyright (c) 2007 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_image.h" #include // WORDS_BIGENDIAN #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "KoColorSpaceRegistry.h" #include "KoColor.h" #include "KoColorProfile.h" #include #include "KisProofingConfiguration.h" #include "kis_adjustment_layer.h" #include "kis_annotation.h" #include "kis_change_profile_visitor.h" #include "kis_colorspace_convert_visitor.h" #include "kis_count_visitor.h" #include "kis_filter_strategy.h" #include "kis_group_layer.h" #include "commands/kis_image_commands.h" #include "kis_layer.h" #include "kis_meta_data_merge_strategy_registry.h" #include "kis_name_server.h" #include "kis_paint_layer.h" #include "kis_projection_leaf.h" #include "kis_painter.h" #include "kis_selection.h" #include "kis_transaction.h" #include "kis_meta_data_merge_strategy.h" #include "kis_memory_statistics_server.h" #include "kis_image_config.h" #include "kis_update_scheduler.h" #include "kis_image_signal_router.h" #include "kis_image_animation_interface.h" #include "kis_stroke_strategy.h" #include "kis_simple_stroke_strategy.h" #include "kis_image_barrier_locker.h" #include "kis_undo_stores.h" #include "kis_legacy_undo_adapter.h" #include "kis_post_execution_undo_adapter.h" #include "kis_transform_worker.h" #include "kis_processing_applicator.h" #include "processing/kis_crop_processing_visitor.h" #include "processing/kis_crop_selections_processing_visitor.h" #include "processing/kis_transform_processing_visitor.h" #include "commands_new/kis_image_resize_command.h" #include "commands_new/kis_image_set_resolution_command.h" #include "commands_new/kis_activate_selection_mask_command.h" #include "kis_composite_progress_proxy.h" #include "kis_layer_composition.h" #include "kis_wrapped_rect.h" #include "kis_crop_saved_extra_data.h" #include "kis_layer_utils.h" #include "kis_lod_transform.h" #include "kis_suspend_projection_updates_stroke_strategy.h" #include "kis_sync_lod_cache_stroke_strategy.h" #include "kis_projection_updates_filter.h" #include "kis_layer_projection_plane.h" #include "kis_update_time_monitor.h" #include "tiles3/kis_lockless_stack.h" #include #include #include "kis_time_range.h" #include "KisRunnableBasedStrokeStrategy.h" #include "KisRunnableStrokeJobData.h" #include "KisRunnableStrokeJobUtils.h" #include "KisRunnableStrokeJobsInterface.h" // #define SANITY_CHECKS #ifdef SANITY_CHECKS #define SANITY_CHECK_LOCKED(name) \ if (!locked()) warnKrita() << "Locking policy failed:" << name \ << "has been called without the image" \ "being locked"; #else #define SANITY_CHECK_LOCKED(name) #endif struct KisImageSPStaticRegistrar { KisImageSPStaticRegistrar() { qRegisterMetaType("KisImageSP"); } }; static KisImageSPStaticRegistrar __registrar; class KisImage::KisImagePrivate { public: KisImagePrivate(KisImage *_q, qint32 w, qint32 h, const KoColorSpace *c, KisUndoStore *undo, KisImageAnimationInterface *_animationInterface) : q(_q) , lockedForReadOnly(false) , width(w) , height(h) , colorSpace(c ? c : KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8()) , nserver(1) , undoStore(undo ? undo : new KisDumbUndoStore()) , legacyUndoAdapter(undoStore.data(), _q) , postExecutionUndoAdapter(undoStore.data(), _q) , signalRouter(_q) , animationInterface(_animationInterface) , scheduler(_q, _q) , axesCenter(QPointF(0.5, 0.5)) { { KisImageConfig cfg(true); if (cfg.enableProgressReporting()) { scheduler.setProgressProxy(&compositeProgressProxy); } // Each of these lambdas defines a new factory function. scheduler.setLod0ToNStrokeStrategyFactory( [=](bool forgettable) { return KisLodSyncPair( new KisSyncLodCacheStrokeStrategy(KisImageWSP(q), forgettable), KisSyncLodCacheStrokeStrategy::createJobsData(KisImageWSP(q))); }); scheduler.setSuspendUpdatesStrokeStrategyFactory( [=]() { return KisSuspendResumePair( new KisSuspendProjectionUpdatesStrokeStrategy(KisImageWSP(q), true), KisSuspendProjectionUpdatesStrokeStrategy::createSuspendJobsData(KisImageWSP(q))); }); scheduler.setResumeUpdatesStrokeStrategyFactory( [=]() { return KisSuspendResumePair( new KisSuspendProjectionUpdatesStrokeStrategy(KisImageWSP(q), false), KisSuspendProjectionUpdatesStrokeStrategy::createResumeJobsData(KisImageWSP(q))); }); } connect(q, SIGNAL(sigImageModified()), KisMemoryStatisticsServer::instance(), SLOT(notifyImageChanged())); } ~KisImagePrivate() { /** * Stop animation interface. It may use the rootLayer. */ delete animationInterface; /** * First delete the nodes, while strokes * and undo are still alive */ rootLayer.clear(); } KisImage *q; quint32 lockCount = 0; bool lockedForReadOnly; qint32 width; qint32 height; double xres = 1.0; double yres = 1.0; const KoColorSpace * colorSpace; KisProofingConfigurationSP proofingConfig; KisSelectionSP deselectedGlobalSelection; KisGroupLayerSP rootLayer; // The layers are contained in here KisSelectionMaskSP targetOverlaySelectionMask; // the overlay switching stroke will try to switch into this mask KisSelectionMaskSP overlaySelectionMask; QList compositions; KisNodeSP isolatedRootNode; bool wrapAroundModePermitted = false; KisNameServer nserver; QScopedPointer undoStore; KisLegacyUndoAdapter legacyUndoAdapter; KisPostExecutionUndoAdapter postExecutionUndoAdapter; vKisAnnotationSP annotations; QAtomicInt disableUIUpdateSignals; KisLocklessStack savedDisabledUIUpdates; KisProjectionUpdatesFilterSP projectionUpdatesFilter; KisImageSignalRouter signalRouter; KisImageAnimationInterface *animationInterface; KisUpdateScheduler scheduler; QAtomicInt disableDirtyRequests; KisCompositeProgressProxy compositeProgressProxy; bool blockLevelOfDetail = false; QPointF axesCenter; bool allowMasksOnRootNode = false; bool tryCancelCurrentStrokeAsync(); void notifyProjectionUpdatedInPatches(const QRect &rc, QVector &jobs); }; KisImage::KisImage(KisUndoStore *undoStore, qint32 width, qint32 height, const KoColorSpace * colorSpace, const QString& name) : QObject(0) , KisShared() , m_d(new KisImagePrivate(this, width, height, colorSpace, undoStore, new KisImageAnimationInterface(this))) { // make sure KisImage belongs to the GUI thread moveToThread(qApp->thread()); connect(this, SIGNAL(sigInternalStopIsolatedModeRequested()), SLOT(stopIsolatedMode())); setObjectName(name); setRootLayer(new KisGroupLayer(this, "root", OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8)); } KisImage::~KisImage() { dbgImage << "deleting kisimage" << objectName(); /** * Request the tools to end currently running strokes */ waitForDone(); delete m_d; disconnect(); // in case Qt gets confused } KisImageSP KisImage::fromQImage(const QImage &image, KisUndoStore *undoStore) { const KoColorSpace *colorSpace = 0; switch (image.format()) { case QImage::Format_Invalid: case QImage::Format_Mono: case QImage::Format_MonoLSB: colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->graya8(); break; case QImage::Format_Indexed8: case QImage::Format_RGB32: case QImage::Format_ARGB32: case QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied: colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(); break; case QImage::Format_RGB16: colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb16(); break; case QImage::Format_ARGB8565_Premultiplied: case QImage::Format_RGB666: case QImage::Format_ARGB6666_Premultiplied: case QImage::Format_RGB555: case QImage::Format_ARGB8555_Premultiplied: case QImage::Format_RGB888: case QImage::Format_RGB444: case QImage::Format_ARGB4444_Premultiplied: case QImage::Format_RGBX8888: case QImage::Format_RGBA8888: case QImage::Format_RGBA8888_Premultiplied: colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(); break; case QImage::Format_BGR30: case QImage::Format_A2BGR30_Premultiplied: case QImage::Format_RGB30: case QImage::Format_A2RGB30_Premultiplied: colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(); break; case QImage::Format_Alpha8: colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->alpha8(); break; case QImage::Format_Grayscale8: colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->graya8(); break; #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 13, 0) case QImage::Format_Grayscale16: colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->graya16(); break; #endif #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 12, 0) case QImage::Format_RGBX64: case QImage::Format_RGBA64: case QImage::Format_RGBA64_Premultiplied: colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(RGBAColorModelID.id(), Float32BitsColorDepthID.id(), 0); break; #endif default: colorSpace = 0; } KisImageSP img = new KisImage(undoStore, image.width(), image.height(), colorSpace, i18n("Imported Image")); KisPaintLayerSP layer = new KisPaintLayer(img, img->nextLayerName(), 255); layer->paintDevice()->convertFromQImage(image, 0, 0, 0); img->addNode(layer.data(), img->rootLayer().data()); return img; } KisImage *KisImage::clone(bool exactCopy) { return new KisImage(*this, 0, exactCopy); } void KisImage::copyFromImage(const KisImage &rhs) { copyFromImageImpl(rhs, REPLACE); } void KisImage::copyFromImageImpl(const KisImage &rhs, int policy) { // make sure we choose exactly one from REPLACE and CONSTRUCT KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN((policy & REPLACE) != (policy & CONSTRUCT)); // only when replacing do we need to emit signals #define EMIT_IF_NEEDED if (!(policy & REPLACE)) {} else emit if (policy & REPLACE) { // if we are constructing the image, these are already set if (m_d->width != rhs.width() || m_d->height != rhs.height()) { m_d->width = rhs.width(); m_d->height = rhs.height(); emit sigSizeChanged(QPointF(), QPointF()); } if (m_d->colorSpace != rhs.colorSpace()) { m_d->colorSpace = rhs.colorSpace(); emit sigColorSpaceChanged(m_d->colorSpace); } } // from KisImage::KisImage(const KisImage &, KisUndoStore *, bool) setObjectName(rhs.objectName()); if (m_d->xres != rhs.m_d->xres || m_d->yres != rhs.m_d->yres) { m_d->xres = rhs.m_d->xres; m_d->yres = rhs.m_d->yres; EMIT_IF_NEEDED sigResolutionChanged(m_d->xres, m_d->yres); } m_d->allowMasksOnRootNode = rhs.m_d->allowMasksOnRootNode; if (rhs.m_d->proofingConfig) { KisProofingConfigurationSP proofingConfig(new KisProofingConfiguration(*rhs.m_d->proofingConfig)); if (policy & REPLACE) { setProofingConfiguration(proofingConfig); } else { m_d->proofingConfig = proofingConfig; } } KisNodeSP newRoot = rhs.root()->clone(); newRoot->setGraphListener(this); newRoot->setImage(this); m_d->rootLayer = dynamic_cast(newRoot.data()); setRoot(newRoot); bool exactCopy = policy & EXACT_COPY; if (exactCopy || rhs.m_d->isolatedRootNode) { QQueue linearizedNodes; KisLayerUtils::recursiveApplyNodes(rhs.root(), [&linearizedNodes](KisNodeSP node) { linearizedNodes.enqueue(node); }); KisLayerUtils::recursiveApplyNodes(newRoot, [&linearizedNodes, exactCopy, &rhs, this](KisNodeSP node) { KisNodeSP refNode = linearizedNodes.dequeue(); if (exactCopy) { node->setUuid(refNode->uuid()); } if (rhs.m_d->isolatedRootNode && rhs.m_d->isolatedRootNode == refNode) { m_d->isolatedRootNode = node; } }); } KisLayerUtils::recursiveApplyNodes(newRoot, [](KisNodeSP node) { dbgImage << "Node: " << (void *)node.data(); }); m_d->compositions.clear(); Q_FOREACH (KisLayerCompositionSP comp, rhs.m_d->compositions) { m_d->compositions << toQShared(new KisLayerComposition(*comp, this)); } EMIT_IF_NEEDED sigLayersChangedAsync(); m_d->nserver = rhs.m_d->nserver; vKisAnnotationSP newAnnotations; Q_FOREACH (KisAnnotationSP annotation, rhs.m_d->annotations) { newAnnotations << annotation->clone(); } m_d->annotations = newAnnotations; KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(!rhs.m_d->projectionUpdatesFilter); KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(!rhs.m_d->disableUIUpdateSignals); KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(!rhs.m_d->disableDirtyRequests); m_d->blockLevelOfDetail = rhs.m_d->blockLevelOfDetail; /** * The overlay device is not inherited when cloning the image! */ if (rhs.m_d->overlaySelectionMask) { const QRect dirtyRect = rhs.m_d->overlaySelectionMask->extent(); m_d->rootLayer->setDirty(dirtyRect); } #undef EMIT_IF_NEEDED } KisImage::KisImage(const KisImage& rhs, KisUndoStore *undoStore, bool exactCopy) : KisNodeFacade(), KisNodeGraphListener(), KisShared(), m_d(new KisImagePrivate(this, rhs.width(), rhs.height(), rhs.colorSpace(), undoStore ? undoStore : new KisDumbUndoStore(), new KisImageAnimationInterface(*rhs.animationInterface(), this))) { // make sure KisImage belongs to the GUI thread moveToThread(qApp->thread()); connect(this, SIGNAL(sigInternalStopIsolatedModeRequested()), SLOT(stopIsolatedMode())); copyFromImageImpl(rhs, CONSTRUCT | (exactCopy ? EXACT_COPY : 0)); } void KisImage::aboutToAddANode(KisNode *parent, int index) { KisNodeGraphListener::aboutToAddANode(parent, index); SANITY_CHECK_LOCKED("aboutToAddANode"); } void KisImage::nodeHasBeenAdded(KisNode *parent, int index) { KisNodeGraphListener::nodeHasBeenAdded(parent, index); SANITY_CHECK_LOCKED("nodeHasBeenAdded"); m_d->signalRouter.emitNodeHasBeenAdded(parent, index); } void KisImage::aboutToRemoveANode(KisNode *parent, int index) { KisNodeSP deletedNode = parent->at(index); if (!dynamic_cast(deletedNode.data()) && deletedNode == m_d->isolatedRootNode) { emit sigInternalStopIsolatedModeRequested(); } KisNodeGraphListener::aboutToRemoveANode(parent, index); SANITY_CHECK_LOCKED("aboutToRemoveANode"); m_d->signalRouter.emitAboutToRemoveANode(parent, index); } void KisImage::nodeChanged(KisNode* node) { KisNodeGraphListener::nodeChanged(node); requestStrokeEnd(); m_d->signalRouter.emitNodeChanged(node); } void KisImage::invalidateAllFrames() { invalidateFrames(KisTimeRange::infinite(0), QRect()); } void KisImage::setOverlaySelectionMask(KisSelectionMaskSP mask) { if (m_d->targetOverlaySelectionMask == mask) return; m_d->targetOverlaySelectionMask = mask; struct UpdateOverlaySelectionStroke : public KisSimpleStrokeStrategy { UpdateOverlaySelectionStroke(KisImageSP image) : KisSimpleStrokeStrategy("update-overlay-selection-mask", kundo2_noi18n("update-overlay-selection-mask")), m_image(image) { this->enableJob(JOB_INIT, true, KisStrokeJobData::BARRIER, KisStrokeJobData::EXCLUSIVE); setClearsRedoOnStart(false); } void initStrokeCallback() { KisSelectionMaskSP oldMask = m_image->m_d->overlaySelectionMask; KisSelectionMaskSP newMask = m_image->m_d->targetOverlaySelectionMask; if (oldMask == newMask) return; KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(!newMask || newMask->graphListener() == m_image); m_image->m_d->overlaySelectionMask = newMask; if (oldMask || newMask) { m_image->m_d->rootLayer->notifyChildMaskChanged(); } if (oldMask) { m_image->m_d->rootLayer->setDirtyDontResetAnimationCache(oldMask->extent()); } if (newMask) { newMask->setDirty(); } m_image->undoAdapter()->emitSelectionChanged(); } private: KisImageSP m_image; }; KisStrokeId id = startStroke(new UpdateOverlaySelectionStroke(this)); endStroke(id); } KisSelectionMaskSP KisImage::overlaySelectionMask() const { return m_d->overlaySelectionMask; } bool KisImage::hasOverlaySelectionMask() const { return m_d->overlaySelectionMask; } KisSelectionSP KisImage::globalSelection() const { KisSelectionMaskSP selectionMask = m_d->rootLayer->selectionMask(); if (selectionMask) { return selectionMask->selection(); } else { return 0; } } void KisImage::setGlobalSelection(KisSelectionSP globalSelection) { KisSelectionMaskSP selectionMask = m_d->rootLayer->selectionMask(); if (!globalSelection) { if (selectionMask) { removeNode(selectionMask); } } else { if (!selectionMask) { selectionMask = new KisSelectionMask(this); selectionMask->initSelection(m_d->rootLayer); addNode(selectionMask); // If we do not set the selection now, the setActive call coming next // can be very, very expensive, depending on the size of the image. selectionMask->setSelection(globalSelection); selectionMask->setActive(true); } else { selectionMask->setSelection(globalSelection); } KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(m_d->rootLayer->childCount() > 0); KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(m_d->rootLayer->selectionMask()); } m_d->deselectedGlobalSelection = 0; m_d->legacyUndoAdapter.emitSelectionChanged(); } void KisImage::deselectGlobalSelection() { KisSelectionSP savedSelection = globalSelection(); setGlobalSelection(0); m_d->deselectedGlobalSelection = savedSelection; } bool KisImage::canReselectGlobalSelection() { return m_d->deselectedGlobalSelection; } void KisImage::reselectGlobalSelection() { if(m_d->deselectedGlobalSelection) { setGlobalSelection(m_d->deselectedGlobalSelection); } } QString KisImage::nextLayerName(const QString &_baseName) const { QString baseName = _baseName; if (m_d->nserver.currentSeed() == 0) { m_d->nserver.number(); return i18n("background"); } if (baseName.isEmpty()) { baseName = i18n("Layer"); } return QString("%1 %2").arg(baseName).arg(m_d->nserver.number()); } void KisImage::rollBackLayerName() { m_d->nserver.rollback(); } KisCompositeProgressProxy* KisImage::compositeProgressProxy() { return &m_d->compositeProgressProxy; } bool KisImage::locked() const { return m_d->lockCount != 0; } void KisImage::barrierLock(bool readOnly) { if (!locked()) { requestStrokeEnd(); m_d->scheduler.barrierLock(); m_d->lockedForReadOnly = readOnly; } else { m_d->lockedForReadOnly &= readOnly; } m_d->lockCount++; } bool KisImage::tryBarrierLock(bool readOnly) { bool result = true; if (!locked()) { result = m_d->scheduler.tryBarrierLock(); m_d->lockedForReadOnly = readOnly; } if (result) { m_d->lockCount++; m_d->lockedForReadOnly &= readOnly; } return result; } bool KisImage::isIdle(bool allowLocked) { return (allowLocked || !locked()) && m_d->scheduler.isIdle(); } void KisImage::lock() { if (!locked()) { requestStrokeEnd(); m_d->scheduler.lock(); } m_d->lockCount++; m_d->lockedForReadOnly = false; } void KisImage::unlock() { Q_ASSERT(locked()); if (locked()) { m_d->lockCount--; if (m_d->lockCount == 0) { m_d->scheduler.unlock(!m_d->lockedForReadOnly); } } } void KisImage::blockUpdates() { m_d->scheduler.blockUpdates(); } void KisImage::unblockUpdates() { m_d->scheduler.unblockUpdates(); } void KisImage::setSize(const QSize& size) { m_d->width = size.width(); m_d->height = size.height(); } void KisImage::resizeImageImpl(const QRect& newRect, bool cropLayers) { if (newRect == bounds() && !cropLayers) return; KUndo2MagicString actionName = cropLayers ? kundo2_i18n("Crop Image") : kundo2_i18n("Resize Image"); KisImageSignalVector emitSignals; emitSignals << ComplexSizeChangedSignal(newRect, newRect.size()); emitSignals << ModifiedSignal; KisCropSavedExtraData *extraData = new KisCropSavedExtraData(cropLayers ? KisCropSavedExtraData::CROP_IMAGE : KisCropSavedExtraData::RESIZE_IMAGE, newRect); KisProcessingApplicator applicator(this, m_d->rootLayer, KisProcessingApplicator::RECURSIVE | KisProcessingApplicator::NO_UI_UPDATES, emitSignals, actionName, extraData); if (cropLayers || !newRect.topLeft().isNull()) { KisProcessingVisitorSP visitor = new KisCropProcessingVisitor(newRect, cropLayers, true); applicator.applyVisitorAllFrames(visitor, KisStrokeJobData::CONCURRENT); } applicator.applyCommand(new KisImageResizeCommand(this, newRect.size())); applicator.end(); } void KisImage::resizeImage(const QRect& newRect) { resizeImageImpl(newRect, false); } void KisImage::cropImage(const QRect& newRect) { resizeImageImpl(newRect, true); } void KisImage::cropNode(KisNodeSP node, const QRect& newRect) { bool isLayer = qobject_cast(node.data()); KUndo2MagicString actionName = isLayer ? kundo2_i18n("Crop Layer") : kundo2_i18n("Crop Mask"); KisImageSignalVector emitSignals; emitSignals << ModifiedSignal; KisCropSavedExtraData *extraData = new KisCropSavedExtraData(KisCropSavedExtraData::CROP_LAYER, newRect, node); KisProcessingApplicator applicator(this, node, KisProcessingApplicator::RECURSIVE, emitSignals, actionName, extraData); KisProcessingVisitorSP visitor = new KisCropProcessingVisitor(newRect, true, false); applicator.applyVisitorAllFrames(visitor, KisStrokeJobData::CONCURRENT); applicator.end(); } void KisImage::scaleImage(const QSize &size, qreal xres, qreal yres, KisFilterStrategy *filterStrategy) { bool resolutionChanged = xres != xRes() && yres != yRes(); bool sizeChanged = size != this->size(); if (!resolutionChanged && !sizeChanged) return; KisImageSignalVector emitSignals; if (resolutionChanged) emitSignals << ResolutionChangedSignal; if (sizeChanged) emitSignals << ComplexSizeChangedSignal(bounds(), size); emitSignals << ModifiedSignal; KUndo2MagicString actionName = sizeChanged ? kundo2_i18n("Scale Image") : kundo2_i18n("Change Image Resolution"); KisProcessingApplicator::ProcessingFlags signalFlags = (resolutionChanged || sizeChanged) ? KisProcessingApplicator::NO_UI_UPDATES : KisProcessingApplicator::NONE; KisProcessingApplicator applicator(this, m_d->rootLayer, KisProcessingApplicator::RECURSIVE | signalFlags, emitSignals, actionName); qreal sx = qreal(size.width()) / this->size().width(); qreal sy = qreal(size.height()) / this->size().height(); QTransform shapesCorrection; if (resolutionChanged) { shapesCorrection = QTransform::fromScale(xRes() / xres, yRes() / yres); } KisProcessingVisitorSP visitor = new KisTransformProcessingVisitor(sx, sy, 0, 0, QPointF(), 0, 0, 0, filterStrategy, shapesCorrection); applicator.applyVisitorAllFrames(visitor, KisStrokeJobData::CONCURRENT); if (resolutionChanged) { KUndo2Command *parent = new KisResetShapesCommand(m_d->rootLayer); new KisImageSetResolutionCommand(this, xres, yres, parent); applicator.applyCommand(parent); } if (sizeChanged) { applicator.applyCommand(new KisImageResizeCommand(this, size)); } applicator.end(); } void KisImage::scaleNode(KisNodeSP node, const QPointF ¢er, qreal scaleX, qreal scaleY, KisFilterStrategy *filterStrategy, KisSelectionSP selection) { KUndo2MagicString actionName(kundo2_i18n("Scale Layer")); KisImageSignalVector emitSignals; emitSignals << ModifiedSignal; QPointF offset; { KisTransformWorker worker(0, scaleX, scaleY, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0); QTransform transform = worker.transform(); offset = center - transform.map(center); } KisProcessingApplicator applicator(this, node, KisProcessingApplicator::RECURSIVE, emitSignals, actionName); KisTransformProcessingVisitor *visitor = new KisTransformProcessingVisitor(scaleX, scaleY, 0, 0, QPointF(), 0, offset.x(), offset.y(), filterStrategy); visitor->setSelection(selection); if (selection) { applicator.applyVisitor(visitor, KisStrokeJobData::CONCURRENT); } else { applicator.applyVisitorAllFrames(visitor, KisStrokeJobData::CONCURRENT); } applicator.end(); } void KisImage::rotateImpl(const KUndo2MagicString &actionName, KisNodeSP rootNode, double radians, bool resizeImage, KisSelectionSP selection) { // we can either transform (and resize) the whole image or // transform a selection, we cannot do both at the same time KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER(!(bool(selection) && resizeImage)) { selection = 0; } const QRect baseBounds = resizeImage ? bounds() : selection ? selection->selectedExactRect() : rootNode->exactBounds(); QPointF offset; QSize newSize; { KisTransformWorker worker(0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, radians, 0, 0, 0, 0); QTransform transform = worker.transform(); if (resizeImage) { QRect newRect = transform.mapRect(baseBounds); newSize = newRect.size(); offset = -newRect.topLeft(); } else { QPointF origin = QRectF(baseBounds).center(); newSize = size(); offset = -(transform.map(origin) - origin); } } bool sizeChanged = resizeImage && (newSize.width() != baseBounds.width() || newSize.height() != baseBounds.height()); // These signals will be emitted after processing is done KisImageSignalVector emitSignals; if (sizeChanged) emitSignals << ComplexSizeChangedSignal(baseBounds, newSize); emitSignals << ModifiedSignal; // These flags determine whether updates are transferred to the UI during processing KisProcessingApplicator::ProcessingFlags signalFlags = sizeChanged ? KisProcessingApplicator::NO_UI_UPDATES : KisProcessingApplicator::NONE; KisProcessingApplicator applicator(this, rootNode, KisProcessingApplicator::RECURSIVE | signalFlags, emitSignals, actionName); KisFilterStrategy *filter = KisFilterStrategyRegistry::instance()->value("Bicubic"); KisTransformProcessingVisitor *visitor = new KisTransformProcessingVisitor(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, QPointF(), radians, offset.x(), offset.y(), filter); if (selection) { visitor->setSelection(selection); } if (selection) { applicator.applyVisitor(visitor, KisStrokeJobData::CONCURRENT); } else { applicator.applyVisitorAllFrames(visitor, KisStrokeJobData::CONCURRENT); } if (sizeChanged) { applicator.applyCommand(new KisImageResizeCommand(this, newSize)); } applicator.end(); } void KisImage::rotateImage(double radians) { rotateImpl(kundo2_i18n("Rotate Image"), root(), radians, true, 0); } void KisImage::rotateNode(KisNodeSP node, double radians, KisSelectionSP selection) { if (node->inherits("KisMask")) { rotateImpl(kundo2_i18n("Rotate Mask"), node, radians, false, selection); } else { rotateImpl(kundo2_i18n("Rotate Layer"), node, radians, false, selection); } } void KisImage::shearImpl(const KUndo2MagicString &actionName, KisNodeSP rootNode, bool resizeImage, double angleX, double angleY, KisSelectionSP selection) { const QRect baseBounds = resizeImage ? bounds() : selection ? selection->selectedExactRect() : rootNode->exactBounds(); const QPointF origin = QRectF(baseBounds).center(); //angleX, angleY are in degrees const qreal pi = 3.1415926535897932385; const qreal deg2rad = pi / 180.0; qreal tanX = tan(angleX * deg2rad); qreal tanY = tan(angleY * deg2rad); QPointF offset; QSize newSize; { KisTransformWorker worker(0, 1.0, 1.0, tanX, tanY, origin.x(), origin.y(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); QRect newRect = worker.transform().mapRect(baseBounds); newSize = newRect.size(); if (resizeImage) offset = -newRect.topLeft(); } if (newSize == baseBounds.size()) return; KisImageSignalVector emitSignals; if (resizeImage) emitSignals << ComplexSizeChangedSignal(baseBounds, newSize); emitSignals << ModifiedSignal; KisProcessingApplicator::ProcessingFlags signalFlags = KisProcessingApplicator::RECURSIVE; if (resizeImage) signalFlags |= KisProcessingApplicator::NO_UI_UPDATES; KisProcessingApplicator applicator(this, rootNode, signalFlags, emitSignals, actionName); KisFilterStrategy *filter = KisFilterStrategyRegistry::instance()->value("Bilinear"); KisTransformProcessingVisitor *visitor = new KisTransformProcessingVisitor(1.0, 1.0, tanX, tanY, origin, 0, offset.x(), offset.y(), filter); if (selection) { visitor->setSelection(selection); } if (selection) { applicator.applyVisitor(visitor, KisStrokeJobData::CONCURRENT); } else { applicator.applyVisitorAllFrames(visitor, KisStrokeJobData::CONCURRENT); } if (resizeImage) { applicator.applyCommand(new KisImageResizeCommand(this, newSize)); } applicator.end(); } void KisImage::shearNode(KisNodeSP node, double angleX, double angleY, KisSelectionSP selection) { if (node->inherits("KisMask")) { shearImpl(kundo2_i18n("Shear Mask"), node, false, angleX, angleY, selection); } else { shearImpl(kundo2_i18n("Shear Layer"), node, false, angleX, angleY, selection); } } void KisImage::shear(double angleX, double angleY) { shearImpl(kundo2_i18n("Shear Image"), m_d->rootLayer, true, angleX, angleY, 0); } void KisImage::convertImageColorSpace(const KoColorSpace *dstColorSpace, KoColorConversionTransformation::Intent renderingIntent, KoColorConversionTransformation::ConversionFlags conversionFlags) { if (!dstColorSpace) return; const KoColorSpace *srcColorSpace = m_d->colorSpace; undoAdapter()->beginMacro(kundo2_i18n("Convert Image Color Space")); undoAdapter()->addCommand(new KisImageLockCommand(KisImageWSP(this), true)); undoAdapter()->addCommand(new KisImageSetProjectionColorSpaceCommand(KisImageWSP(this), dstColorSpace)); KisColorSpaceConvertVisitor visitor(this, srcColorSpace, dstColorSpace, renderingIntent, conversionFlags); m_d->rootLayer->accept(visitor); undoAdapter()->addCommand(new KisImageLockCommand(KisImageWSP(this), false)); undoAdapter()->endMacro(); setModified(); } bool KisImage::assignImageProfile(const KoColorProfile *profile) { if (!profile) return false; const KoColorSpace *dstCs = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(colorSpace()->colorModelId().id(), colorSpace()->colorDepthId().id(), profile); const KoColorSpace *srcCs = colorSpace(); if (!dstCs) return false; m_d->colorSpace = dstCs; KisChangeProfileVisitor visitor(srcCs, dstCs); bool retval = m_d->rootLayer->accept(visitor); m_d->signalRouter.emitNotification(ProfileChangedSignal); return retval; } void KisImage::convertProjectionColorSpace(const KoColorSpace *dstColorSpace) { if (*m_d->colorSpace == *dstColorSpace) return; undoAdapter()->beginMacro(kundo2_i18n("Convert Projection Color Space")); undoAdapter()->addCommand(new KisImageLockCommand(KisImageWSP(this), true)); undoAdapter()->addCommand(new KisImageSetProjectionColorSpaceCommand(KisImageWSP(this), dstColorSpace)); undoAdapter()->addCommand(new KisImageLockCommand(KisImageWSP(this), false)); undoAdapter()->endMacro(); setModified(); } void KisImage::setProjectionColorSpace(const KoColorSpace * colorSpace) { m_d->colorSpace = colorSpace; m_d->rootLayer->resetCache(); m_d->signalRouter.emitNotification(ColorSpaceChangedSignal); } const KoColorSpace * KisImage::colorSpace() const { return m_d->colorSpace; } const KoColorProfile * KisImage::profile() const { return colorSpace()->profile(); } double KisImage::xRes() const { return m_d->xres; } double KisImage::yRes() const { return m_d->yres; } void KisImage::setResolution(double xres, double yres) { m_d->xres = xres; m_d->yres = yres; m_d->signalRouter.emitNotification(ResolutionChangedSignal); } QPointF KisImage::documentToPixel(const QPointF &documentCoord) const { return QPointF(documentCoord.x() * xRes(), documentCoord.y() * yRes()); } QPoint KisImage::documentToImagePixelFloored(const QPointF &documentCoord) const { QPointF pixelCoord = documentToPixel(documentCoord); return QPoint(qFloor(pixelCoord.x()), qFloor(pixelCoord.y())); } QRectF KisImage::documentToPixel(const QRectF &documentRect) const { return QRectF(documentToPixel(documentRect.topLeft()), documentToPixel(documentRect.bottomRight())); } QPointF KisImage::pixelToDocument(const QPointF &pixelCoord) const { return QPointF(pixelCoord.x() / xRes(), pixelCoord.y() / yRes()); } QPointF KisImage::pixelToDocument(const QPoint &pixelCoord) const { return QPointF((pixelCoord.x() + 0.5) / xRes(), (pixelCoord.y() + 0.5) / yRes()); } QRectF KisImage::pixelToDocument(const QRectF &pixelCoord) const { return QRectF(pixelToDocument(pixelCoord.topLeft()), pixelToDocument(pixelCoord.bottomRight())); } qint32 KisImage::width() const { return m_d->width; } qint32 KisImage::height() const { return m_d->height; } KisGroupLayerSP KisImage::rootLayer() const { Q_ASSERT(m_d->rootLayer); return m_d->rootLayer; } KisPaintDeviceSP KisImage::projection() const { if (m_d->isolatedRootNode) { return m_d->isolatedRootNode->projection(); } Q_ASSERT(m_d->rootLayer); KisPaintDeviceSP projection = m_d->rootLayer->projection(); Q_ASSERT(projection); return projection; } qint32 KisImage::nlayers() const { QStringList list; list << "KisLayer"; KisCountVisitor visitor(list, KoProperties()); m_d->rootLayer->accept(visitor); return visitor.count(); } qint32 KisImage::nHiddenLayers() const { QStringList list; list << "KisLayer"; KoProperties properties; properties.setProperty("visible", false); KisCountVisitor visitor(list, properties); m_d->rootLayer->accept(visitor); return visitor.count(); } void KisImage::flatten(KisNodeSP activeNode) { KisLayerUtils::flattenImage(this, activeNode); } void KisImage::mergeMultipleLayers(QList mergedNodes, KisNodeSP putAfter) { if (!KisLayerUtils::tryMergeSelectionMasks(this, mergedNodes, putAfter)) { KisLayerUtils::mergeMultipleLayers(this, mergedNodes, putAfter); } } void KisImage::mergeDown(KisLayerSP layer, const KisMetaData::MergeStrategy* strategy) { KisLayerUtils::mergeDown(this, layer, strategy); } void KisImage::flattenLayer(KisLayerSP layer) { KisLayerUtils::flattenLayer(this, layer); } void KisImage::setModified() { m_d->signalRouter.emitNotification(ModifiedSignal); } QImage KisImage::convertToQImage(QRect imageRect, const KoColorProfile * profile) { qint32 x; qint32 y; qint32 w; qint32 h; imageRect.getRect(&x, &y, &w, &h); return convertToQImage(x, y, w, h, profile); } QImage KisImage::convertToQImage(qint32 x, qint32 y, qint32 w, qint32 h, const KoColorProfile * profile) { KisPaintDeviceSP dev = projection(); if (!dev) return QImage(); QImage image = dev->convertToQImage(const_cast(profile), x, y, w, h, KoColorConversionTransformation::internalRenderingIntent(), KoColorConversionTransformation::internalConversionFlags()); return image; } QImage KisImage::convertToQImage(const QSize& scaledImageSize, const KoColorProfile *profile) { if (scaledImageSize.isEmpty()) { return QImage(); } KisPaintDeviceSP dev = new KisPaintDevice(colorSpace()); KisPainter gc; gc.copyAreaOptimized(QPoint(0, 0), projection(), dev, bounds()); gc.end(); double scaleX = qreal(scaledImageSize.width()) / width(); double scaleY = qreal(scaledImageSize.height()) / height(); QPointer updater = new KoDummyUpdater(); KisTransformWorker worker(dev, scaleX, scaleY, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, updater, KisFilterStrategyRegistry::instance()->value("Bicubic")); worker.run(); delete updater; return dev->convertToQImage(profile); } void KisImage::notifyLayersChanged() { m_d->signalRouter.emitNotification(LayersChangedSignal); } QRect KisImage::bounds() const { return QRect(0, 0, width(), height()); } QRect KisImage::effectiveLodBounds() const { QRect boundRect = bounds(); const int lod = currentLevelOfDetail(); if (lod > 0) { KisLodTransform t(lod); boundRect = t.map(boundRect); } return boundRect; } KisPostExecutionUndoAdapter* KisImage::postExecutionUndoAdapter() const { const int lod = currentLevelOfDetail(); return lod > 0 ? m_d->scheduler.lodNPostExecutionUndoAdapter() : &m_d->postExecutionUndoAdapter; } const KUndo2Command* KisImage::lastExecutedCommand() const { return m_d->undoStore->presentCommand(); } void KisImage::setUndoStore(KisUndoStore *undoStore) { m_d->legacyUndoAdapter.setUndoStore(undoStore); m_d->postExecutionUndoAdapter.setUndoStore(undoStore); m_d->undoStore.reset(undoStore); } KisUndoStore* KisImage::undoStore() { return m_d->undoStore.data(); } KisUndoAdapter* KisImage::undoAdapter() const { return &m_d->legacyUndoAdapter; } void KisImage::setDefaultProjectionColor(const KoColor &color) { KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(m_d->rootLayer); m_d->rootLayer->setDefaultProjectionColor(color); } KoColor KisImage::defaultProjectionColor() const { KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER(m_d->rootLayer) { return KoColor(Qt::transparent, m_d->colorSpace); } return m_d->rootLayer->defaultProjectionColor(); } void KisImage::setRootLayer(KisGroupLayerSP rootLayer) { emit sigInternalStopIsolatedModeRequested(); KoColor defaultProjectionColor(Qt::transparent, m_d->colorSpace); if (m_d->rootLayer) { m_d->rootLayer->setGraphListener(0); m_d->rootLayer->disconnect(); KisPaintDeviceSP original = m_d->rootLayer->original(); defaultProjectionColor = original->defaultPixel(); } m_d->rootLayer = rootLayer; m_d->rootLayer->disconnect(); m_d->rootLayer->setGraphListener(this); m_d->rootLayer->setImage(this); setRoot(m_d->rootLayer.data()); this->setDefaultProjectionColor(defaultProjectionColor); } void KisImage::addAnnotation(KisAnnotationSP annotation) { // Find the icc annotation, if there is one vKisAnnotationSP_it it = m_d->annotations.begin(); while (it != m_d->annotations.end()) { if ((*it)->type() == annotation->type()) { *it = annotation; return; } ++it; } m_d->annotations.push_back(annotation); } KisAnnotationSP KisImage::annotation(const QString& type) { vKisAnnotationSP_it it = m_d->annotations.begin(); while (it != m_d->annotations.end()) { if ((*it)->type() == type) { return *it; } ++it; } return KisAnnotationSP(0); } void KisImage::removeAnnotation(const QString& type) { vKisAnnotationSP_it it = m_d->annotations.begin(); while (it != m_d->annotations.end()) { if ((*it)->type() == type) { m_d->annotations.erase(it); return; } ++it; } } vKisAnnotationSP_it KisImage::beginAnnotations() { return m_d->annotations.begin(); } vKisAnnotationSP_it KisImage::endAnnotations() { return m_d->annotations.end(); } void KisImage::notifyAboutToBeDeleted() { emit sigAboutToBeDeleted(); } KisImageSignalRouter* KisImage::signalRouter() { return &m_d->signalRouter; } void KisImage::waitForDone() { requestStrokeEnd(); m_d->scheduler.waitForDone(); } KisStrokeId KisImage::startStroke(KisStrokeStrategy *strokeStrategy) { /** * Ask open strokes to end gracefully. All the strokes clients * (including the one calling this method right now) will get * a notification that they should probably end their strokes. * However this is purely their choice whether to end a stroke * or not. */ if (strokeStrategy->requestsOtherStrokesToEnd()) { requestStrokeEnd(); } /** * Some of the strokes can cancel their work with undoing all the * changes they did to the paint devices. The problem is that undo * stack will know nothing about it. Therefore, just notify it * explicitly */ if (strokeStrategy->clearsRedoOnStart()) { m_d->undoStore->purgeRedoState(); } return m_d->scheduler.startStroke(strokeStrategy); } void KisImage::KisImagePrivate::notifyProjectionUpdatedInPatches(const QRect &rc, QVector &jobs) { KisImageConfig imageConfig(true); int patchWidth = imageConfig.updatePatchWidth(); int patchHeight = imageConfig.updatePatchHeight(); for (int y = 0; y < rc.height(); y += patchHeight) { for (int x = 0; x < rc.width(); x += patchWidth) { QRect patchRect(x, y, patchWidth, patchHeight); patchRect &= rc; KritaUtils::addJobConcurrent(jobs, std::bind(&KisImage::notifyProjectionUpdated, q, patchRect)); } } } bool KisImage::startIsolatedMode(KisNodeSP node) { struct StartIsolatedModeStroke : public KisRunnableBasedStrokeStrategy { StartIsolatedModeStroke(KisNodeSP node, KisImageSP image) : KisRunnableBasedStrokeStrategy("start-isolated-mode", kundo2_noi18n("start-isolated-mode")), m_node(node), m_image(image) { this->enableJob(JOB_INIT, true, KisStrokeJobData::SEQUENTIAL, KisStrokeJobData::EXCLUSIVE); this->enableJob(JOB_DOSTROKE, true); setClearsRedoOnStart(false); } void initStrokeCallback() { // pass-though node don't have any projection prepared, so we should // explicitly regenerate it before activating isolated mode. m_node->projectionLeaf()->explicitlyRegeneratePassThroughProjection(); m_image->m_d->isolatedRootNode = m_node; emit m_image->sigIsolatedModeChanged(); // the GUI uses our thread to do the color space conversion so we // need to emit this signal in multiple threads QVector jobs; m_image->m_d->notifyProjectionUpdatedInPatches(m_image->bounds(), jobs); this->runnableJobsInterface()->addRunnableJobs(jobs); m_image->invalidateAllFrames(); } private: KisNodeSP m_node; KisImageSP m_image; }; KisStrokeId id = startStroke(new StartIsolatedModeStroke(node, this)); endStroke(id); return true; } void KisImage::stopIsolatedMode() { if (!m_d->isolatedRootNode) return; struct StopIsolatedModeStroke : public KisRunnableBasedStrokeStrategy { StopIsolatedModeStroke(KisImageSP image) : KisRunnableBasedStrokeStrategy("stop-isolated-mode", kundo2_noi18n("stop-isolated-mode")), m_image(image) { this->enableJob(JOB_INIT); this->enableJob(JOB_DOSTROKE, true); setClearsRedoOnStart(false); } void initStrokeCallback() { if (!m_image->m_d->isolatedRootNode) return; //KisNodeSP oldRootNode = m_image->m_d->isolatedRootNode; m_image->m_d->isolatedRootNode = 0; emit m_image->sigIsolatedModeChanged(); m_image->invalidateAllFrames(); // the GUI uses our thread to do the color space conversion so we // need to emit this signal in multiple threads QVector jobs; m_image->m_d->notifyProjectionUpdatedInPatches(m_image->bounds(), jobs); this->runnableJobsInterface()->addRunnableJobs(jobs); // TODO: Substitute notifyProjectionUpdated() with this code // when update optimization is implemented // // QRect updateRect = bounds() | oldRootNode->extent(); // oldRootNode->setDirty(updateRect); } private: KisImageSP m_image; }; KisStrokeId id = startStroke(new StopIsolatedModeStroke(this)); endStroke(id); } KisNodeSP KisImage::isolatedModeRoot() const { return m_d->isolatedRootNode; } void KisImage::addJob(KisStrokeId id, KisStrokeJobData *data) { KisUpdateTimeMonitor::instance()->reportJobStarted(data); m_d->scheduler.addJob(id, data); } void KisImage::endStroke(KisStrokeId id) { m_d->scheduler.endStroke(id); } bool KisImage::cancelStroke(KisStrokeId id) { return m_d->scheduler.cancelStroke(id); } bool KisImage::KisImagePrivate::tryCancelCurrentStrokeAsync() { return scheduler.tryCancelCurrentStrokeAsync(); } void KisImage::requestUndoDuringStroke() { emit sigUndoDuringStrokeRequested(); } void KisImage::requestStrokeCancellation() { if (!m_d->tryCancelCurrentStrokeAsync()) { emit sigStrokeCancellationRequested(); } } UndoResult KisImage::tryUndoUnfinishedLod0Stroke() { return m_d->scheduler.tryUndoLastStrokeAsync(); } void KisImage::requestStrokeEnd() { emit sigStrokeEndRequested(); emit sigStrokeEndRequestedActiveNodeFiltered(); } void KisImage::requestStrokeEndActiveNode() { emit sigStrokeEndRequested(); } void KisImage::refreshGraph(KisNodeSP root) { refreshGraph(root, bounds(), bounds()); } void KisImage::refreshGraph(KisNodeSP root, const QRect &rc, const QRect &cropRect) { if (!root) root = m_d->rootLayer; m_d->animationInterface->notifyNodeChanged(root.data(), rc, true); m_d->scheduler.fullRefresh(root, rc, cropRect); } void KisImage::initialRefreshGraph() { /** * NOTE: Tricky part. We set crop rect to null, so the clones * will not rely on precalculated projections of their sources */ refreshGraphAsync(0, bounds(), QRect()); waitForDone(); } void KisImage::refreshGraphAsync(KisNodeSP root) { refreshGraphAsync(root, bounds(), bounds()); } void KisImage::refreshGraphAsync(KisNodeSP root, const QRect &rc) { refreshGraphAsync(root, rc, bounds()); } void KisImage::refreshGraphAsync(KisNodeSP root, const QRect &rc, const QRect &cropRect) { if (!root) root = m_d->rootLayer; m_d->animationInterface->notifyNodeChanged(root.data(), rc, true); m_d->scheduler.fullRefreshAsync(root, rc, cropRect); } void KisImage::requestProjectionUpdateNoFilthy(KisNodeSP pseudoFilthy, const QRect &rc, const QRect &cropRect) { KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(pseudoFilthy); m_d->animationInterface->notifyNodeChanged(pseudoFilthy.data(), rc, false); m_d->scheduler.updateProjectionNoFilthy(pseudoFilthy, rc, cropRect); } void KisImage::addSpontaneousJob(KisSpontaneousJob *spontaneousJob) { m_d->scheduler.addSpontaneousJob(spontaneousJob); } bool KisImage::hasUpdatesRunning() const { return m_d->scheduler.hasUpdatesRunning(); } void KisImage::setProjectionUpdatesFilter(KisProjectionUpdatesFilterSP filter) { // update filters are *not* recursive! KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(!filter || !m_d->projectionUpdatesFilter); m_d->projectionUpdatesFilter = filter; } KisProjectionUpdatesFilterSP KisImage::projectionUpdatesFilter() const { return m_d->projectionUpdatesFilter; } void KisImage::disableDirtyRequests() { setProjectionUpdatesFilter(KisProjectionUpdatesFilterSP(new KisDropAllProjectionUpdatesFilter())); } void KisImage::enableDirtyRequests() { setProjectionUpdatesFilter(KisProjectionUpdatesFilterSP()); } void KisImage::disableUIUpdates() { m_d->disableUIUpdateSignals.ref(); } void KisImage::notifyBatchUpdateStarted() { m_d->signalRouter.emitNotifyBatchUpdateStarted(); } void KisImage::notifyBatchUpdateEnded() { m_d->signalRouter.emitNotifyBatchUpdateEnded(); } void KisImage::notifyUIUpdateCompleted(const QRect &rc) { notifyProjectionUpdated(rc); } QVector KisImage::enableUIUpdates() { m_d->disableUIUpdateSignals.deref(); QRect rect; QVector postponedUpdates; while (m_d->savedDisabledUIUpdates.pop(rect)) { postponedUpdates.append(rect); } return postponedUpdates; } void KisImage::notifyProjectionUpdated(const QRect &rc) { KisUpdateTimeMonitor::instance()->reportUpdateFinished(rc); if (!m_d->disableUIUpdateSignals) { int lod = currentLevelOfDetail(); QRect dirtyRect = !lod ? rc : KisLodTransform::upscaledRect(rc, lod); if (dirtyRect.isEmpty()) return; emit sigImageUpdated(dirtyRect); } else { m_d->savedDisabledUIUpdates.push(rc); } } void KisImage::setWorkingThreadsLimit(int value) { m_d->scheduler.setThreadsLimit(value); } int KisImage::workingThreadsLimit() const { return m_d->scheduler.threadsLimit(); } void KisImage::notifySelectionChanged() { /** * The selection is calculated asynchromously, so it is not * handled by disableUIUpdates() and other special signals of * KisImageSignalRouter */ m_d->legacyUndoAdapter.emitSelectionChanged(); /** * Editing of selection masks doesn't necessary produce a * setDirty() call, so in the end of the stroke we need to request * direct update of the UI's cache. */ if (m_d->isolatedRootNode && dynamic_cast(m_d->isolatedRootNode.data())) { notifyProjectionUpdated(bounds()); } } void KisImage::requestProjectionUpdateImpl(KisNode *node, const QVector &rects, const QRect &cropRect) { if (rects.isEmpty()) return; m_d->scheduler.updateProjection(node, rects, cropRect); } void KisImage::requestProjectionUpdate(KisNode *node, const QVector &rects, bool resetAnimationCache) { if (m_d->projectionUpdatesFilter && m_d->projectionUpdatesFilter->filter(this, node, rects, resetAnimationCache)) { return; } if (resetAnimationCache) { m_d->animationInterface->notifyNodeChanged(node, rects, false); } /** * Here we use 'permitted' instead of 'active' intentively, * because the updates may come after the actual stroke has been * finished. And having some more updates for the stroke not * supporting the wrap-around mode will not make much harm. */ if (m_d->wrapAroundModePermitted) { QVector allSplitRects; const QRect boundRect = effectiveLodBounds(); Q_FOREACH (const QRect &rc, rects) { KisWrappedRect splitRect(rc, boundRect); allSplitRects.append(splitRect); } requestProjectionUpdateImpl(node, allSplitRects, boundRect); } else { requestProjectionUpdateImpl(node, rects, bounds()); } KisNodeGraphListener::requestProjectionUpdate(node, rects, resetAnimationCache); } void KisImage::invalidateFrames(const KisTimeRange &range, const QRect &rect) { m_d->animationInterface->invalidateFrames(range, rect); } void KisImage::requestTimeSwitch(int time) { m_d->animationInterface->requestTimeSwitchNonGUI(time); } KisNode *KisImage::graphOverlayNode() const { return m_d->overlaySelectionMask.data(); } QList KisImage::compositions() { return m_d->compositions; } void KisImage::addComposition(KisLayerCompositionSP composition) { m_d->compositions.append(composition); } void KisImage::removeComposition(KisLayerCompositionSP composition) { m_d->compositions.removeAll(composition); } bool checkMasksNeedConversion(KisNodeSP root, const QRect &bounds) { KisSelectionMask *mask = dynamic_cast(root.data()); if (mask && (!bounds.contains(mask->paintDevice()->exactBounds()) || mask->selection()->hasShapeSelection())) { return true; } KisNodeSP node = root->firstChild(); while (node) { if (checkMasksNeedConversion(node, bounds)) { return true; } node = node->nextSibling(); } return false; } void KisImage::setWrapAroundModePermitted(bool value) { if (m_d->wrapAroundModePermitted != value) { requestStrokeEnd(); } m_d->wrapAroundModePermitted = value; if (m_d->wrapAroundModePermitted && checkMasksNeedConversion(root(), bounds())) { KisProcessingApplicator applicator(this, root(), KisProcessingApplicator::RECURSIVE, KisImageSignalVector() << ModifiedSignal, kundo2_i18n("Crop Selections")); KisProcessingVisitorSP visitor = new KisCropSelectionsProcessingVisitor(bounds()); applicator.applyVisitor(visitor, KisStrokeJobData::CONCURRENT); applicator.end(); } } bool KisImage::wrapAroundModePermitted() const { return m_d->wrapAroundModePermitted; } bool KisImage::wrapAroundModeActive() const { return m_d->wrapAroundModePermitted && m_d->scheduler.wrapAroundModeSupported(); } void KisImage::setDesiredLevelOfDetail(int lod) { if (m_d->blockLevelOfDetail) { qWarning() << "WARNING: KisImage::setDesiredLevelOfDetail()" << "was called while LoD functionality was being blocked!"; return; } m_d->scheduler.setDesiredLevelOfDetail(lod); } int KisImage::currentLevelOfDetail() const { if (m_d->blockLevelOfDetail) { return 0; } return m_d->scheduler.currentLevelOfDetail(); } void KisImage::setLevelOfDetailBlocked(bool value) { KisImageBarrierLockerRaw l(this); if (value && !m_d->blockLevelOfDetail) { m_d->scheduler.setDesiredLevelOfDetail(0); } m_d->blockLevelOfDetail = value; } void KisImage::explicitRegenerateLevelOfDetail() { if (!m_d->blockLevelOfDetail) { m_d->scheduler.explicitRegenerateLevelOfDetail(); } } bool KisImage::levelOfDetailBlocked() const { return m_d->blockLevelOfDetail; } -void KisImage::notifyNodeCollpasedChanged() +void KisImage::nodeCollapsedChanged(KisNode * node) { + Q_UNUSED(node); emit sigNodeCollapsedChanged(); } KisImageAnimationInterface* KisImage::animationInterface() const { return m_d->animationInterface; } void KisImage::setProofingConfiguration(KisProofingConfigurationSP proofingConfig) { m_d->proofingConfig = proofingConfig; emit sigProofingConfigChanged(); } KisProofingConfigurationSP KisImage::proofingConfiguration() const { if (m_d->proofingConfig) { return m_d->proofingConfig; } return KisProofingConfigurationSP(); } QPointF KisImage::mirrorAxesCenter() const { return m_d->axesCenter; } void KisImage::setMirrorAxesCenter(const QPointF &value) const { m_d->axesCenter = value; } void KisImage::setAllowMasksOnRootNode(bool value) { m_d->allowMasksOnRootNode = value; } bool KisImage::allowMasksOnRootNode() const { return m_d->allowMasksOnRootNode; } diff --git a/libs/image/kis_image.h b/libs/image/kis_image.h index c259317d69..12f78a29bb 100644 --- a/libs/image/kis_image.h +++ b/libs/image/kis_image.h @@ -1,1193 +1,1189 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2002 Patrick Julien * Copyright (c) 2007 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KIS_IMAGE_H_ #define KIS_IMAGE_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_types.h" #include "kis_shared.h" #include "kis_node_graph_listener.h" #include "kis_node_facade.h" #include "kis_image_interfaces.h" #include "kis_strokes_queue_undo_result.h" #include class KoColorSpace; class KoColor; class KisCompositeProgressProxy; class KisUndoStore; class KisUndoAdapter; class KisImageSignalRouter; class KisPostExecutionUndoAdapter; class KisFilterStrategy; class KoColorProfile; class KisLayerComposition; class KisSpontaneousJob; class KisImageAnimationInterface; class KUndo2MagicString; class KisProofingConfiguration; class KisPaintDevice; namespace KisMetaData { class MergeStrategy; } /** * This is the image class, it contains a tree of KisLayer stack and * meta information about the image. And it also provides some * functions to manipulate the whole image. */ class KRITAIMAGE_EXPORT KisImage : public QObject, public KisStrokesFacade, public KisStrokeUndoFacade, public KisUpdatesFacade, public KisProjectionUpdateListener, public KisNodeFacade, public KisNodeGraphListener, public KisShared { Q_OBJECT public: /// @p colorSpace can be null. In that case, it will be initialised to a default color space. KisImage(KisUndoStore *undoStore, qint32 width, qint32 height, const KoColorSpace *colorSpace, const QString& name); ~KisImage() override; static KisImageSP fromQImage(const QImage &image, KisUndoStore *undoStore); public: // KisNodeGraphListener implementation void aboutToAddANode(KisNode *parent, int index) override; void nodeHasBeenAdded(KisNode *parent, int index) override; void aboutToRemoveANode(KisNode *parent, int index) override; void nodeChanged(KisNode * node) override; + void nodeCollapsedChanged(KisNode *node) override; void invalidateAllFrames() override; void notifySelectionChanged() override; void requestProjectionUpdate(KisNode *node, const QVector &rects, bool resetAnimationCache) override; void invalidateFrames(const KisTimeRange &range, const QRect &rect) override; void requestTimeSwitch(int time) override; KisNode* graphOverlayNode() const override; public: // KisProjectionUpdateListener implementation void notifyProjectionUpdated(const QRect &rc) override; public: /** * Set the number of threads used by the image's working threads */ void setWorkingThreadsLimit(int value); /** * Return the number of threads available to the image's working threads */ int workingThreadsLimit() const; /** * Makes a copy of the image with all the layers. If possible, shallow * copies of the layers are made. * * \p exactCopy shows if the copied image should look *exactly* the same as * the other one (according to it's .kra xml representation). It means that * the layers will have the same UUID keys and, therefore, you are not * expected to use the copied image anywhere except for saving. Don't use * this option if you plan to work with the copied image later. */ KisImage *clone(bool exactCopy = false); void copyFromImage(const KisImage &rhs); private: // must specify exactly one from CONSTRUCT or REPLACE. enum CopyPolicy { CONSTRUCT = 1, ///< we are copy-constructing a new KisImage REPLACE = 2, ///< we are replacing the current KisImage with another EXACT_COPY = 4, /// we need an exact copy of the original image }; void copyFromImageImpl(const KisImage &rhs, int policy); public: /** * Render the projection onto a QImage. */ QImage convertToQImage(qint32 x1, qint32 y1, qint32 width, qint32 height, const KoColorProfile * profile); /** * Render the projection onto a QImage. * (this is an overloaded function) */ QImage convertToQImage(QRect imageRect, const KoColorProfile * profile); /** * Render a thumbnail of the projection onto a QImage. */ QImage convertToQImage(const QSize& scaledImageSize, const KoColorProfile *profile); /** * [low-level] Lock the image without waiting for all the internal job queues are processed * * WARNING: Don't use it unless you really know what you are doing! Use barrierLock() instead! * * Waits for all the **currently running** internal jobs to complete and locks the image * for writing. Please note that this function does **not** wait for all the internal * queues to process, so there might be some non-finished actions pending. It means that * you just postpone these actions until you unlock() the image back. Until then, then image * might easily be frozen in some inconsistent state. * * The only sane usage for this function is to lock the image for **emergency** * processing, when some internal action or scheduler got hung up, and you just want * to fetch some data from the image without races. * * In all other cases, please use barrierLock() instead! */ void lock(); /** * Unlocks the image and starts/resumes all the pending internal jobs. If the image * has been locked for a non-readOnly access, then all the internal caches of the image * (e.g. lod-planes) are reset and regeneration jobs are scheduled. */ void unlock(); /** * @return return true if the image is in a locked state, i.e. all the internal * jobs are blocked from execution by calling wither lock() or barrierLock(). * * When the image is locked, the user can do some modifications to the image * contents safely without a perspective having race conditions with internal * image jobs. */ bool locked() const; /** * Sets the mask (it must be a part of the node hierarchy already) to be paited on * the top of all layers. This method does all the locking and syncing for you. It * is executed asynchronously. */ void setOverlaySelectionMask(KisSelectionMaskSP mask); /** * \see setOverlaySelectionMask */ KisSelectionMaskSP overlaySelectionMask() const; /** * \see setOverlaySelectionMask */ bool hasOverlaySelectionMask() const; /** * @return the global selection object or 0 if there is none. The * global selection is always read-write. */ KisSelectionSP globalSelection() const; /** * Retrieve the next automatic layername (XXX: fix to add option to return Mask X) */ QString nextLayerName(const QString &baseName = "") const; /** * Set the automatic layer name counter one back. */ void rollBackLayerName(); /** * @brief start asynchronous operation on resizing the image * * The method will resize the image to fit the new size without * dropping any pixel data. The GUI will get correct * notification with old and new sizes, so it adjust canvas origin * accordingly and avoid jumping of the canvas on screen * * @param newRect the rectangle of the image which will be visible * after operation is completed * * Please note that the actual operation starts asynchronously in * a background, so you cannot expect the image having new size * right after this call. */ void resizeImage(const QRect& newRect); /** * @brief start asynchronous operation on cropping the image * * The method will **drop** all the image data outside \p newRect * and resize the image to fit the new size. The GUI will get correct * notification with old and new sizes, so it adjust canvas origin * accordingly and avoid jumping of the canvas on screen * * @param newRect the rectangle of the image which will be cut-out * * Please note that the actual operation starts asynchronously in * a background, so you cannot expect the image having new size * right after this call. */ void cropImage(const QRect& newRect); /** * @brief start asynchronous operation on cropping a subtree of nodes starting at \p node * * The method will **drop** all the layer data outside \p newRect. Neither * image nor a layer will be moved anywhere * * @param node node to crop * @param newRect the rectangle of the layer which will be cut-out * * Please note that the actual operation starts asynchronously in * a background, so you cannot expect the image having new size * right after this call. */ void cropNode(KisNodeSP node, const QRect& newRect); /** * @brief start asynchronous operation on scaling the image * @param size new image size in pixels * @param xres new image x-resolution pixels-per-pt * @param yres new image y-resolution pixels-per-pt * @param filterStrategy filtering strategy * * Please note that the actual operation starts asynchronously in * a background, so you cannot expect the image having new size * right after this call. */ void scaleImage(const QSize &size, qreal xres, qreal yres, KisFilterStrategy *filterStrategy); /** * @brief start asynchronous operation on scaling a subtree of nodes starting at \p node * @param node node to scale * @param center the center of the scaling * @param scaleX x-scale coefficient to be applied to the node * @param scaleY y-scale coefficient to be applied to the node * @param filterStrategy filtering strategy * @param selection the selection we based on * * Please note that the actual operation starts asynchronously in * a background, so you cannot expect the image having new size * right after this call. */ void scaleNode(KisNodeSP node, const QPointF ¢er, qreal scaleX, qreal scaleY, KisFilterStrategy *filterStrategy, KisSelectionSP selection); /** * @brief start asynchronous operation on rotating the image * * The image is resized to fit the rotated rectangle * * @param radians rotation angle in radians * * Please note that the actual operation starts asynchronously in * a background, so you cannot expect the operation being completed * right after the call */ void rotateImage(double radians); /** * @brief start asynchronous operation on rotating a subtree of nodes starting at \p node * * The image is not resized! * * @param node the root of the subtree to rotate * @param radians rotation angle in radians * @param selection the selection we based on * * Please note that the actual operation starts asynchronously in * a background, so you cannot expect the operation being completed * right after the call */ void rotateNode(KisNodeSP node, double radians, KisSelectionSP selection); /** * @brief start asynchronous operation on shearing the image * * The image is resized to fit the sheared polygon * * @p angleX, @p angleY are given in degrees. * * Please note that the actual operation starts asynchronously in * a background, so you cannot expect the operation being completed * right after the call */ void shear(double angleX, double angleY); /** * @brief start asynchronous operation on shearing a subtree of nodes starting at \p node * * The image is not resized! * * @param node the root of the subtree to rotate * @param angleX x-shear given in degrees. * @param angleY y-shear given in degrees. * @param selection the selection we based on * * Please note that the actual operation starts asynchronously in * a background, so you cannot expect the operation being completed * right after the call */ void shearNode(KisNodeSP node, double angleX, double angleY, KisSelectionSP selection); /** * Convert the image and all its layers to the dstColorSpace */ void convertImageColorSpace(const KoColorSpace *dstColorSpace, KoColorConversionTransformation::Intent renderingIntent, KoColorConversionTransformation::ConversionFlags conversionFlags); /** * Set the color space of the projection (and the root layer) * to dstColorSpace. No conversion is done for other layers, * their colorspace can differ. * @note No conversion is done, only regeneration, so no rendering * intent needed */ void convertProjectionColorSpace(const KoColorSpace *dstColorSpace); // Get the profile associated with this image const KoColorProfile * profile() const; /** * Set the profile of the image to the new profile and do the same for * all layers that have the same colorspace and profile of the image. * It doesn't do any pixel conversion. * * This is essential if you have loaded an image that didn't * have an embedded profile to which you want to attach the right profile. * * This does not create an undo action; only call it when creating or * loading an image. * * @returns false if the profile could not be assigned */ bool assignImageProfile(const KoColorProfile *profile); /** * Returns the current undo adapter. You can add new commands to the * undo stack using the adapter. This adapter is used for a backward * compatibility for old commands created before strokes. It blocks * all the porcessing at the scheduler, waits until it's finished * and executes commands exclusively. */ KisUndoAdapter* undoAdapter() const; /** * This adapter is used by the strokes system. The commands are added * to it *after* redo() is done (in the scheduler context). They are * wrapped into a special command and added to the undo stack. redo() * in not called. */ KisPostExecutionUndoAdapter* postExecutionUndoAdapter() const override; /** * Return the lastly executed LoD0 command. It is effectively the same * as to call undoAdapter()->presentCommand(); */ const KUndo2Command* lastExecutedCommand() const override; /** * Replace current undo store with the new one. The old store * will be deleted. * This method is used by KisDocument for dropping all the commands * during file loading. */ void setUndoStore(KisUndoStore *undoStore); /** * Return current undo store of the image */ KisUndoStore* undoStore(); /** * Tell the image it's modified; this emits the sigImageModified * signal. This happens when the image needs to be saved */ void setModified(); /** * The default colorspace of this image: new layers will have this * colorspace and the projection will have this colorspace. */ const KoColorSpace * colorSpace() const; /** * X resolution in pixels per pt */ double xRes() const; /** * Y resolution in pixels per pt */ double yRes() const; /** * Set the resolution in pixels per pt. */ void setResolution(double xres, double yres); /** * Convert a document coordinate to a pixel coordinate. * * @param documentCoord PostScript Pt coordinate to convert. */ QPointF documentToPixel(const QPointF &documentCoord) const; /** * Convert a document coordinate to an integer pixel coordinate rounded down. * * @param documentCoord PostScript Pt coordinate to convert. */ QPoint documentToImagePixelFloored(const QPointF &documentCoord) const; /** * Convert a document rectangle to a pixel rectangle. * * @param documentRect PostScript Pt rectangle to convert. */ QRectF documentToPixel(const QRectF &documentRect) const; /** * Convert a pixel coordinate to a document coordinate. * * @param pixelCoord pixel coordinate to convert. */ QPointF pixelToDocument(const QPointF &pixelCoord) const; /** * Convert an integer pixel coordinate to a document coordinate. * The document coordinate is at the centre of the pixel. * * @param pixelCoord pixel coordinate to convert. */ QPointF pixelToDocument(const QPoint &pixelCoord) const; /** * Convert a document rectangle to an integer pixel rectangle. * * @param pixelCoord pixel coordinate to convert. */ QRectF pixelToDocument(const QRectF &pixelCoord) const; /** * Return the width of the image */ qint32 width() const; /** * Return the height of the image */ qint32 height() const; /** * Return the size of the image */ QSize size() const { return QSize(width(), height()); } /** * @return the root node of the image node graph */ KisGroupLayerSP rootLayer() const; /** * Return the projection; that is, the complete, composited * representation of this image. */ KisPaintDeviceSP projection() const; /** * Return the number of layers (not other nodes) that are in this * image. */ qint32 nlayers() const; /** * Return the number of layers (not other node types) that are in * this image and that are hidden. */ qint32 nHiddenLayers() const; /** * Merge all visible layers and discard hidden ones. */ void flatten(KisNodeSP activeNode); /** * Merge the specified layer with the layer * below this layer, remove the specified layer. */ void mergeDown(KisLayerSP l, const KisMetaData::MergeStrategy* strategy); /** * flatten the layer: that is, the projection becomes the layer * and all subnodes are removed. If this is not a paint layer, it will morph * into a paint layer. */ void flattenLayer(KisLayerSP layer); /** * Merges layers in \p mergedLayers and creates a new layer above * \p putAfter */ void mergeMultipleLayers(QList mergedLayers, KisNodeSP putAfter); /// @return the exact bounds of the image in pixel coordinates. QRect bounds() const override; /** * Returns the actual bounds of the image, taking LevelOfDetail * into account. This value is used as a bounds() value of * KisDefaultBounds object. */ QRect effectiveLodBounds() const; /// use if the layers have changed _completely_ (eg. when flattening) void notifyLayersChanged(); /** * Sets the default color of the root layer projection. All the layers * will be merged on top of this very color */ void setDefaultProjectionColor(const KoColor &color); /** * \see setDefaultProjectionColor() */ KoColor defaultProjectionColor() const; void setRootLayer(KisGroupLayerSP rootLayer); /** * Add an annotation for this image. This can be anything: Gamma, EXIF, etc. * Note that the "icc" annotation is reserved for the color strategies. * If the annotation already exists, overwrite it with this one. */ void addAnnotation(KisAnnotationSP annotation); /** get the annotation with the given type, can return 0 */ KisAnnotationSP annotation(const QString& type); /** delete the annotation, if the image contains it */ void removeAnnotation(const QString& type); /** * Start of an iteration over the annotations of this image (including the ICC Profile) */ vKisAnnotationSP_it beginAnnotations(); /** end of an iteration over the annotations of this image */ vKisAnnotationSP_it endAnnotations(); /** * Called before the image is deleted and sends the sigAboutToBeDeleted signal */ void notifyAboutToBeDeleted(); KisImageSignalRouter* signalRouter(); /** * Returns whether we can reselect current global selection * * \see reselectGlobalSelection() */ bool canReselectGlobalSelection(); /** * Returns the layer compositions for the image */ QList compositions(); /** * Adds a new layer composition, will be saved with the image */ void addComposition(KisLayerCompositionSP composition); /** * Remove the layer compostion */ void removeComposition(KisLayerCompositionSP composition); /** * Permit or deny the wrap-around mode for all the paint devices * of the image. Note that permitting the wraparound mode will not * necessarily activate it right now. To be activated the wrap * around mode should be 1) permitted; 2) supported by the * currently running stroke. */ void setWrapAroundModePermitted(bool value); /** * \return whether the wrap-around mode is permitted for this * image. If the wrap around mode is permitted and the * currently running stroke supports it, the mode will be * activated for all paint devices of the image. * * \see setWrapAroundMode */ bool wrapAroundModePermitted() const; /** * \return whether the wraparound mode is activated for all the * devices of the image. The mode is activated when both * factors are true: the user permitted it and the stroke * supports it */ bool wrapAroundModeActive() const; /** * \return current level of detail which is used when processing the image. * Current working zoom = 2 ^ (- currentLevelOfDetail()). Default value is * null, which means we work on the original image. */ int currentLevelOfDetail() const; /** * Notify KisImage which level of detail should be used in the * lod-mode. Setting the mode does not guarantee the LOD to be * used. It will be activated only when the stokes supports it. */ void setDesiredLevelOfDetail(int lod); /** * Relative position of the mirror axis center * 0,0 - topleft corner of the image * 1,1 - bottomright corner of the image */ QPointF mirrorAxesCenter() const; /** * Sets the relative position of the axes center * \see mirrorAxesCenter() for details */ void setMirrorAxesCenter(const QPointF &value) const; /** * Configure the image to allow masks on the root not (as reported by * root()->allowAsChild()). By default it is not allowed (because it * looks weird from GUI point of view) */ void setAllowMasksOnRootNode(bool value); /** * \see setAllowMasksOnRootNode() */ bool allowMasksOnRootNode() const; public Q_SLOTS: /** * Explicitly start regeneration of LoD planes of all the devices * in the image. This call should be performed when the user is idle, * just to make the quality of image updates better. */ void explicitRegenerateLevelOfDetail(); public: /** * Blocks usage of level of detail functionality. After this method * has been called, no new strokes will use LoD. */ void setLevelOfDetailBlocked(bool value); /** * \see setLevelOfDetailBlocked() */ bool levelOfDetailBlocked() const; - /** - * Notifies that the node collapsed state has changed - */ - void notifyNodeCollpasedChanged(); - KisImageAnimationInterface *animationInterface() const; /** * @brief setProofingConfiguration, this sets the image's proofing configuration, and signals * the proofingConfiguration has changed. * @param proofingConfig - the kis proofing config that will be used instead. */ void setProofingConfiguration(KisProofingConfigurationSP proofingConfig); /** * @brief proofingConfiguration * @return the proofing configuration of the image. */ KisProofingConfigurationSP proofingConfiguration() const; public Q_SLOTS: bool startIsolatedMode(KisNodeSP node); void stopIsolatedMode(); public: KisNodeSP isolatedModeRoot() const; Q_SIGNALS: /** * Emitted whenever an action has caused the image to be * recomposited. Parameter is the rect that has been recomposited. */ void sigImageUpdated(const QRect &); /** Emitted whenever the image has been modified, so that it doesn't match with the version saved on disk. */ void sigImageModified(); /** * The signal is emitted when the size of the image is changed. * \p oldStillPoint and \p newStillPoint give the receiver the * hint about how the new and old rect of the image correspond to * each other. They specify the point of the image around which * the conversion was done. This point will stay still on the * user's screen. That is the \p newStillPoint of the new image * will be painted at the same screen position, where \p * oldStillPoint of the old image was painted. * * \param oldStillPoint is a still point represented in *old* * image coordinates * * \param newStillPoint is a still point represented in *new* * image coordinates */ void sigSizeChanged(const QPointF &oldStillPoint, const QPointF &newStillPoint); void sigProfileChanged(const KoColorProfile * profile); void sigColorSpaceChanged(const KoColorSpace* cs); void sigResolutionChanged(double xRes, double yRes); void sigRequestNodeReselection(KisNodeSP activeNode, const KisNodeList &selectedNodes); /** * Inform the model that a node was changed */ void sigNodeChanged(KisNodeSP node); /** * Inform that the image is going to be deleted */ void sigAboutToBeDeleted(); /** * The signal is emitted right after a node has been connected * to the graph of the nodes. * * WARNING: you must not request any graph-related information * about the node being run in a not-scheduler thread. If you need * information about the parent/siblings of the node connect * with Qt::DirectConnection, get needed information and then * emit another Qt::AutoConnection signal to pass this information * to your thread. See details of the implementation * in KisDummiesfacadeBase. */ void sigNodeAddedAsync(KisNodeSP node); /** * This signal is emitted right before a node is going to removed * from the graph of the nodes. * * WARNING: you must not request any graph-related information * about the node being run in a not-scheduler thread. * * \see comment in sigNodeAddedAsync() */ void sigRemoveNodeAsync(KisNodeSP node); /** * Emitted when the root node of the image has changed. * It happens, e.g. when we flatten the image. When * this happens the receiver should reload information * about the image */ void sigLayersChangedAsync(); /** * Emitted when the UI has requested the undo of the last stroke's * operation. The point is, we cannot deal with the internals of * the stroke without its creator knowing about it (which most * probably cause a crash), so we just forward this request from * the UI to the creator of the stroke. * * If your tool supports undoing part of its work, just listen to * this signal and undo when it comes */ void sigUndoDuringStrokeRequested(); /** * Emitted when the UI has requested the cancellation of * the stroke. The point is, we cannot cancel the stroke * without its creator knowing about it (which most probably * cause a crash), so we just forward this request from the UI * to the creator of the stroke. * * If your tool supports cancelling of its work in the middle * of operation, just listen to this signal and cancel * the stroke when it comes */ void sigStrokeCancellationRequested(); /** * Emitted when the image decides that the stroke should better * be ended. The point is, we cannot just end the stroke * without its creator knowing about it (which most probably * cause a crash), so we just forward this request from the UI * to the creator of the stroke. * * If your tool supports long strokes that may involve multiple * mouse actions in one stroke, just listen to this signal and * end the stroke when it comes. */ void sigStrokeEndRequested(); /** * Same as sigStrokeEndRequested() but is not emitted when the active node * is changed. */ void sigStrokeEndRequestedActiveNodeFiltered(); /** * Emitted when the isolated mode status has changed. * * Can be used by the receivers to catch a fact of forcefully * stopping the isolated mode by the image when some complex * action was requested */ void sigIsolatedModeChanged(); /** * Emitted when one or more nodes changed the collapsed state * */ void sigNodeCollapsedChanged(); /** * Emitted when the proofing configuration of the image is being changed. * */ void sigProofingConfigChanged(); /** * Internal signal for asynchronously requesting isolated mode to stop. Don't use it * outside KisImage, use sigIsolatedModeChanged() instead. */ void sigInternalStopIsolatedModeRequested(); public Q_SLOTS: KisCompositeProgressProxy* compositeProgressProxy(); bool isIdle(bool allowLocked = false); /** * @brief Wait until all the queued background jobs are completed and lock the image. * * KisImage object has a local scheduler that executes long-running image * rendering/modifying jobs (we call them "strokes") in a background. Basically, * one should either access the image from the scope of such jobs (strokes) or * just lock the image before using. * * Calling barrierLock() will wait until all the queued operations are finished * and lock the image, so you can start accessing it in a safe way. * * @p readOnly tells the image if the caller is going to modify the image during * holding the lock. Locking with non-readOnly access will reset all * the internal caches of the image (lod-planes) when the lock status * will be lifted. */ void barrierLock(bool readOnly = false); /** * @brief Tries to lock the image without waiting for the jobs to finish * * Same as barrierLock(), but doesn't block execution of the calling thread * until all the background jobs are finished. Instead, in case of presence of * unfinished jobs in the queue, it just returns false * * @return whether the lock has been acquired * @see barrierLock */ bool tryBarrierLock(bool readOnly = false); /** * Wait for all the internal image jobs to complete and return without locking * the image. This function is handly for tests or other synchronous actions, * when one needs to wait for the result of his actions. */ void waitForDone(); KisStrokeId startStroke(KisStrokeStrategy *strokeStrategy) override; void addJob(KisStrokeId id, KisStrokeJobData *data) override; void endStroke(KisStrokeId id) override; bool cancelStroke(KisStrokeId id) override; /** * @brief blockUpdates block updating the image projection */ void blockUpdates() override; /** * @brief unblockUpdates unblock updating the image project. This * only restarts the scheduler and does not schedule a full refresh. */ void unblockUpdates() override; /** * Disables notification of the UI about the changes in the image. * This feature is used by KisProcessingApplicator. It is needed * when we change the size of the image. In this case, the whole * image will be reloaded into UI by sigSizeChanged(), so there is * no need to inform the UI about individual dirty rects. * * The last call to enableUIUpdates() will return the list of udpates * that were requested while they were blocked. */ void disableUIUpdates() override; /** * Notify GUI about a bunch of updates planned. GUI is expected to wait * until all the updates are completed, and render them on screen only * in the very and of the batch. */ void notifyBatchUpdateStarted() override; /** * Notify GUI that batch update has been completed. Now GUI can start * showing all of them on screen. */ void notifyBatchUpdateEnded() override; /** * Notify GUI that rect \p rc is now prepared in the image and * GUI can read data from it. * * WARNING: GUI will read the data right in the handler of this * signal, so exclusive access to the area must be guaranteed * by the caller. */ void notifyUIUpdateCompleted(const QRect &rc) override; /** * \see disableUIUpdates */ QVector enableUIUpdates() override; /** * Disables the processing of all the setDirty() requests that * come to the image. The incoming requests are effectively * *dropped*. * * This feature is used by KisProcessingApplicator. For many cases * it provides its own updates interface, which recalculates the * whole subtree of nodes. But while we change any particular * node, it can ask for an update itself. This method is a way of * blocking such intermediate (and excessive) requests. * * NOTE: this is a convenience function for setProjectionUpdatesFilter() * that installs a predefined filter that eats everything. Please * note that these calls are *not* recursive */ void disableDirtyRequests() override; /** * \see disableDirtyRequests() */ void enableDirtyRequests() override; /** * Installs a filter object that will filter all the incoming projection update * requests. If the filter return true, the incoming update is dropped. * * NOTE: you cannot set filters recursively! */ void setProjectionUpdatesFilter(KisProjectionUpdatesFilterSP filter) override; /** * \see setProjectionUpdatesFilter() */ KisProjectionUpdatesFilterSP projectionUpdatesFilter() const override; void refreshGraphAsync(KisNodeSP root = KisNodeSP()) override; void refreshGraphAsync(KisNodeSP root, const QRect &rc) override; void refreshGraphAsync(KisNodeSP root, const QRect &rc, const QRect &cropRect) override; /** * Triggers synchronous recomposition of the projection */ void refreshGraph(KisNodeSP root = KisNodeSP()); void refreshGraph(KisNodeSP root, const QRect& rc, const QRect &cropRect); void initialRefreshGraph(); /** * Initiate a stack regeneration skipping the recalculation of the * filthy node's projection. * * Works exactly as pseudoFilthy->setDirty() with the only * exception that pseudoFilthy::updateProjection() will not be * called. That is used by KisRecalculateTransformMaskJob to avoid * cyclic dependencies. */ void requestProjectionUpdateNoFilthy(KisNodeSP pseudoFilthy, const QRect &rc, const QRect &cropRect); /** * Adds a spontaneous job to the updates queue. * * A spontaneous job may do some trivial tasks in the background, * like updating the outline of selection or purging unused tiles * from the existing paint devices. */ void addSpontaneousJob(KisSpontaneousJob *spontaneousJob); /** * \return true if there are some updates in the updates queue * Please note, that is doesn't guarantee that there are no updates * running in in the updater context at the very moment. To guarantee that * there are no updates left at all, please use barrier jobs instead. */ bool hasUpdatesRunning() const override; /** * This method is called by the UI (*not* by the creator of the * stroke) when it thinks the current stroke should undo its last * action, for example, when the user presses Ctrl+Z while some * stroke is active. * * If the creator of the stroke supports undoing of intermediate * actions, it will be notified about this request and can undo * its last action. */ void requestUndoDuringStroke(); /** * This method is called by the UI (*not* by the creator of the * stroke) when it thinks current stroke should be cancelled. If * there is a running stroke that has already been detached from * its creator (ended or cancelled), it will be forcefully * cancelled and reverted. If there is an open stroke present, and * if its creator supports cancelling, it will be notified about * the request and the stroke will be cancelled */ void requestStrokeCancellation(); /** * This method requests the last stroke executed on the image to become undone. * If the stroke is not ended, or if all the Lod0 strokes are completed, the method * returns UNDO_FAIL. If the last Lod0 is going to be finished soon, then UNDO_WAIT * is returned and the caller should just wait for its completion and call global undo * instead. UNDO_OK means one unfinished stroke has been undone. */ UndoResult tryUndoUnfinishedLod0Stroke(); /** * This method is called when image or some other part of Krita * (*not* the creator of the stroke) decides that the stroke * should be ended. If the creator of the stroke supports it, it * will be notified and the stroke will be cancelled */ void requestStrokeEnd(); /** * Same as requestStrokeEnd() but is called by view manager when * the current node is changed. Use to distinguish * sigStrokeEndRequested() and * sigStrokeEndRequestedActiveNodeFiltered() which are used by * KisNodeJugglerCompressed */ void requestStrokeEndActiveNode(); private: KisImage(const KisImage& rhs, KisUndoStore *undoStore, bool exactCopy); KisImage& operator=(const KisImage& rhs); void emitSizeChanged(); void resizeImageImpl(const QRect& newRect, bool cropLayers); void rotateImpl(const KUndo2MagicString &actionName, KisNodeSP rootNode, double radians, bool resizeImage, KisSelectionSP selection); void shearImpl(const KUndo2MagicString &actionName, KisNodeSP rootNode, bool resizeImage, double angleX, double angleY, KisSelectionSP selection); void safeRemoveTwoNodes(KisNodeSP node1, KisNodeSP node2); void refreshHiddenArea(KisNodeSP rootNode, const QRect &preparedArea); void requestProjectionUpdateImpl(KisNode *node, const QVector &rects, const QRect &cropRect); friend class KisImageResizeCommand; void setSize(const QSize& size); friend class KisImageSetProjectionColorSpaceCommand; void setProjectionColorSpace(const KoColorSpace * colorSpace); friend class KisDeselectGlobalSelectionCommand; friend class KisReselectGlobalSelectionCommand; friend class KisSetGlobalSelectionCommand; friend class KisImageTest; friend class Document; // For libkis /** * Replaces the current global selection with globalSelection. If * \p globalSelection is empty, removes the selection object, so that * \ref globalSelection() will return 0 after that. */ void setGlobalSelection(KisSelectionSP globalSelection); /** * Deselects current global selection. * \ref globalSelection() will return 0 after that. */ void deselectGlobalSelection(); /** * Reselects current deselected selection * * \see deselectGlobalSelection() */ void reselectGlobalSelection(); private: class KisImagePrivate; KisImagePrivate * m_d; }; #endif // KIS_IMAGE_H_ diff --git a/libs/image/kis_layer_composition.cpp b/libs/image/kis_layer_composition.cpp index 6dddde0389..0ada52ce30 100644 --- a/libs/image/kis_layer_composition.cpp +++ b/libs/image/kis_layer_composition.cpp @@ -1,207 +1,206 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2012 Sven Langkamp * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_layer_composition.h" #include "kis_node_visitor.h" #include "kis_group_layer.h" #include "kis_adjustment_layer.h" #include "kis_external_layer_iface.h" #include "kis_paint_layer.h" #include "generator/kis_generator_layer.h" #include "kis_clone_layer.h" #include "kis_filter_mask.h" #include "kis_transform_mask.h" #include "kis_transparency_mask.h" #include "kis_selection_mask.h" #include "lazybrush/kis_colorize_mask.h" #include "kis_layer_utils.h" #include "kis_node_query_path.h" #include class KisCompositionVisitor : public KisNodeVisitor { public: enum Mode { STORE, APPLY }; KisCompositionVisitor(KisLayerComposition* layerComposition, Mode mode) : m_layerComposition(layerComposition), m_mode(mode) { } bool visit(KisNode* node) override { return process(node); } bool visit(KisGroupLayer* layer) override { bool result = visitAll(layer); if(layer == layer->image()->rootLayer()) { return result; } return result && process(layer); } bool visit(KisAdjustmentLayer* layer) override { return process(layer); } bool visit(KisPaintLayer* layer) override { return process(layer); } bool visit(KisExternalLayer* layer) override { return process(layer); } bool visit(KisGeneratorLayer* layer) override { return process(layer); } bool visit(KisCloneLayer* layer) override { return process(layer); } bool visit(KisFilterMask* mask) override { return process(mask); } bool visit(KisTransformMask* mask) override { return process(mask); } bool visit(KisTransparencyMask* mask) override { return process(mask); } bool visit(KisSelectionMask* mask) override { return process(mask); } bool visit(KisColorizeMask* mask) override { return process(mask); } bool process(KisNode* node) { if(m_mode == STORE) { m_layerComposition->m_visibilityMap[node->uuid()] = node->visible(); m_layerComposition->m_collapsedMap[node->uuid()] = node->collapsed(); } else { bool newState = false; if(m_layerComposition->m_visibilityMap.contains(node->uuid())) { newState = m_layerComposition->m_visibilityMap[node->uuid()]; } if(node->visible() != newState) { node->setVisible(m_layerComposition->m_visibilityMap[node->uuid()]); node->setDirty(); } if(m_layerComposition->m_collapsedMap.contains(node->uuid())) { node->setCollapsed(m_layerComposition->m_collapsedMap[node->uuid()]); } } return true; } private: KisLayerComposition* m_layerComposition; Mode m_mode; }; KisLayerComposition::KisLayerComposition(KisImageWSP image, const QString& name): m_image(image), m_name(name), m_exportEnabled(true) { } KisLayerComposition::~KisLayerComposition() { } KisLayerComposition::KisLayerComposition(const KisLayerComposition &rhs, KisImageWSP otherImage) : m_image(otherImage ? otherImage : rhs.m_image), m_name(rhs.m_name), m_exportEnabled(rhs.m_exportEnabled) { { auto it = rhs.m_visibilityMap.constBegin(); for (; it != rhs.m_visibilityMap.constEnd(); ++it) { QUuid nodeUuid = it.key(); KisNodeSP node = KisLayerUtils::findNodeByUuid(rhs.m_image->root(), nodeUuid); if (node) { KisNodeQueryPath path = KisNodeQueryPath::absolutePath(node); KisNodeSP newNode = path.queryUniqueNode(m_image); KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER(newNode) { continue; } m_visibilityMap.insert(newNode->uuid(), it.value()); } } } { auto it = rhs.m_collapsedMap.constBegin(); for (; it != rhs.m_collapsedMap.constEnd(); ++it) { QUuid nodeUuid = it.key(); KisNodeSP node = KisLayerUtils::findNodeByUuid(rhs.m_image->root(), nodeUuid); if (node) { KisNodeQueryPath path = KisNodeQueryPath::absolutePath(node); KisNodeSP newNode = path.queryUniqueNode(m_image); KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER(newNode) { continue; } m_collapsedMap.insert(newNode->uuid(), it.value()); } } } } void KisLayerComposition::setName(const QString& name) { m_name = name; } QString KisLayerComposition::name() { return m_name; } void KisLayerComposition::store() { if(m_image.isNull()) { return; } KisCompositionVisitor visitor(this, KisCompositionVisitor::STORE); m_image->rootLayer()->accept(visitor); } void KisLayerComposition::apply() { if(m_image.isNull()) { return; } KisCompositionVisitor visitor(this, KisCompositionVisitor::APPLY); m_image->rootLayer()->accept(visitor); - m_image->notifyNodeCollpasedChanged(); } void KisLayerComposition::setExportEnabled ( bool enabled ) { m_exportEnabled = enabled; } bool KisLayerComposition::isExportEnabled() { return m_exportEnabled; } void KisLayerComposition::setVisible(QUuid id, bool visible) { m_visibilityMap[id] = visible; } void KisLayerComposition::setCollapsed ( QUuid id, bool collapsed ) { m_collapsedMap[id] = collapsed; } void KisLayerComposition::save(QDomDocument& doc, QDomElement& element) { QDomElement compositionElement = doc.createElement("composition"); compositionElement.setAttribute("name", m_name); compositionElement.setAttribute("exportEnabled", m_exportEnabled); QMapIterator iter(m_visibilityMap); while (iter.hasNext()) { iter.next(); QDomElement valueElement = doc.createElement("value"); valueElement.setAttribute("uuid", iter.key().toString()); valueElement.setAttribute("visible", iter.value()); dbgKrita << "contains" << m_collapsedMap.contains(iter.key()); if (m_collapsedMap.contains(iter.key())) { dbgKrita << "colapsed :" << m_collapsedMap[iter.key()]; valueElement.setAttribute("collapsed", m_collapsedMap[iter.key()]); } compositionElement.appendChild(valueElement); } element.appendChild(compositionElement); } diff --git a/libs/image/kis_name_server.cpp b/libs/image/kis_name_server.cpp index 1df964ee21..254fbfe048 100644 --- a/libs/image/kis_name_server.cpp +++ b/libs/image/kis_name_server.cpp @@ -1,49 +1,38 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2002 Patrick Julien * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_name_server.h" -KisNameServer::KisNameServer(qint32 seed) -{ - m_generator = seed; -} - -KisNameServer::KisNameServer(const KisNameServer &rhs) - : m_generator(rhs.m_generator) -{ -} - -KisNameServer::~KisNameServer() -{ -} +KisNameServer::KisNameServer(qint32 seed) : m_generator(seed) +{ } qint32 KisNameServer::currentSeed() const { return m_generator; } qint32 KisNameServer::number() { return m_generator++; } void KisNameServer::rollback() { m_generator--; } diff --git a/libs/image/kis_name_server.h b/libs/image/kis_name_server.h index 24d10d7932..e298a43f1c 100644 --- a/libs/image/kis_name_server.h +++ b/libs/image/kis_name_server.h @@ -1,40 +1,38 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2002 Patrick Julien * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KIS_NAMESERVER_H_ #define KIS_NAMESERVER_H_ -#include +#include #include class KRITAIMAGE_EXPORT KisNameServer { public: KisNameServer(qint32 seed = 1); - KisNameServer(const KisNameServer &rhs); - ~KisNameServer(); qint32 number(); qint32 currentSeed() const; void rollback(); private: qint32 m_generator; }; #endif // KIS_NAMESERVER_H_ diff --git a/libs/image/kis_node.cpp b/libs/image/kis_node.cpp index 7cfa686c16..bd3ec46768 100644 --- a/libs/image/kis_node.cpp +++ b/libs/image/kis_node.cpp @@ -1,675 +1,682 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2007 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_node.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_global.h" #include "kis_node_graph_listener.h" #include "kis_node_visitor.h" #include "kis_processing_visitor.h" #include "kis_node_progress_proxy.h" #include "kis_busy_progress_indicator.h" #include "kis_clone_layer.h" #include "kis_safe_read_list.h" typedef KisSafeReadList KisSafeReadNodeList; #include "kis_abstract_projection_plane.h" #include "kis_projection_leaf.h" #include "kis_undo_adapter.h" #include "kis_keyframe_channel.h" #include "kis_image.h" #include "kis_layer_utils.h" /** *The link between KisProjection and KisImageUpdater *uses queued signals with an argument of KisNodeSP type, *so we should register it beforehand */ struct KisNodeSPStaticRegistrar { KisNodeSPStaticRegistrar() { qRegisterMetaType("KisNodeSP"); } }; static KisNodeSPStaticRegistrar __registrar1; struct KisNodeListStaticRegistrar { KisNodeListStaticRegistrar() { qRegisterMetaType("KisNodeList"); } }; static KisNodeListStaticRegistrar __registrar2; /** * Note about "thread safety" of KisNode * * 1) One can *read* any information about node and node graph in any * number of threads concurrently. This operation is safe because * of the usage of KisSafeReadNodeList and will run concurrently * (lock-free). * * 2) One can *write* any information into the node or node graph in a * single thread only! Changing the graph concurrently is *not* * sane and therefore not supported. * * 3) One can *read and write* information about the node graph * concurrently, given that there is only *one* writer thread and * any number of reader threads. Please note that in this case the * node's code is just guaranteed *not to crash*, which is ensured * by nodeSubgraphLock. You need to ensure the sanity of the data * read by the reader threads yourself! */ struct Q_DECL_HIDDEN KisNode::Private { public: Private(KisNode *node) : graphListener(0) , nodeProgressProxy(0) , busyProgressIndicator(0) , projectionLeaf(new KisProjectionLeaf(node)) { } KisNodeWSP parent; KisNodeGraphListener *graphListener; KisSafeReadNodeList nodes; KisNodeProgressProxy *nodeProgressProxy; KisBusyProgressIndicator *busyProgressIndicator; QReadWriteLock nodeSubgraphLock; KisProjectionLeafSP projectionLeaf; const KisNode* findSymmetricClone(const KisNode *srcRoot, const KisNode *dstRoot, const KisNode *srcTarget); void processDuplicatedClones(const KisNode *srcDuplicationRoot, const KisNode *dstDuplicationRoot, KisNode *node); }; /** * Finds the layer in \p dstRoot subtree, which has the same path as * \p srcTarget has in \p srcRoot */ const KisNode* KisNode::Private::findSymmetricClone(const KisNode *srcRoot, const KisNode *dstRoot, const KisNode *srcTarget) { if (srcRoot == srcTarget) return dstRoot; KisSafeReadNodeList::const_iterator srcIter = srcRoot->m_d->nodes.constBegin(); KisSafeReadNodeList::const_iterator dstIter = dstRoot->m_d->nodes.constBegin(); for (; srcIter != srcRoot->m_d->nodes.constEnd(); srcIter++, dstIter++) { KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN_VALUE((srcIter != srcRoot->m_d->nodes.constEnd()) == (dstIter != dstRoot->m_d->nodes.constEnd()), 0); const KisNode *node = findSymmetricClone(srcIter->data(), dstIter->data(), srcTarget); if (node) return node; } return 0; } /** * This function walks through a subtrees of old and new layers and * searches for clone layers. For each clone layer it checks whether * its copyFrom() lays inside the old subtree, and if it is so resets * it to the corresponding layer in the new subtree. * * That is needed when the user duplicates a group layer with all its * layer subtree. In such a case all the "internal" clones must stay * "internal" and not point to the layers of the older group. */ void KisNode::Private::processDuplicatedClones(const KisNode *srcDuplicationRoot, const KisNode *dstDuplicationRoot, KisNode *node) { if (KisCloneLayer *clone = dynamic_cast(node)) { KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(clone->copyFrom()); const KisNode *newCopyFrom = findSymmetricClone(srcDuplicationRoot, dstDuplicationRoot, clone->copyFrom()); if (newCopyFrom) { KisLayer *newCopyFromLayer = qobject_cast(const_cast(newCopyFrom)); KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(newCopyFromLayer); clone->setCopyFrom(newCopyFromLayer); } } KisSafeReadNodeList::const_iterator iter; FOREACH_SAFE(iter, node->m_d->nodes) { KisNode *child = const_cast((*iter).data()); processDuplicatedClones(srcDuplicationRoot, dstDuplicationRoot, child); } } KisNode::KisNode(KisImageWSP image) : KisBaseNode(image), m_d(new Private(this)) { m_d->parent = 0; m_d->graphListener = 0; moveToThread(qApp->thread()); } KisNode::KisNode(const KisNode & rhs) : KisBaseNode(rhs) , m_d(new Private(this)) { m_d->parent = 0; m_d->graphListener = 0; moveToThread(qApp->thread()); // HACK ALERT: we create opacity channel in KisBaseNode, but we cannot // initialize its node from there! So workaround it here! QMap channels = keyframeChannels(); for (auto it = channels.begin(); it != channels.end(); ++it) { it.value()->setNode(this); } // NOTE: the nodes are not supposed to be added/removed while // creation of another node, so we do *no* locking here! KisSafeReadNodeList::const_iterator iter; FOREACH_SAFE(iter, rhs.m_d->nodes) { KisNodeSP child = (*iter)->clone(); child->createNodeProgressProxy(); m_d->nodes.append(child); child->setParent(this); } m_d->processDuplicatedClones(&rhs, this, this); } KisNode::~KisNode() { if (m_d->busyProgressIndicator) { m_d->busyProgressIndicator->prepareDestroying(); m_d->busyProgressIndicator->deleteLater(); } if (m_d->nodeProgressProxy) { m_d->nodeProgressProxy->prepareDestroying(); m_d->nodeProgressProxy->deleteLater(); } { QWriteLocker l(&m_d->nodeSubgraphLock); m_d->nodes.clear(); } delete m_d; } QRect KisNode::needRect(const QRect &rect, PositionToFilthy pos) const { Q_UNUSED(pos); return rect; } QRect KisNode::changeRect(const QRect &rect, PositionToFilthy pos) const { Q_UNUSED(pos); return rect; } QRect KisNode::accessRect(const QRect &rect, PositionToFilthy pos) const { Q_UNUSED(pos); return rect; } void KisNode::childNodeChanged(KisNodeSP /*changedChildNode*/) { } KisAbstractProjectionPlaneSP KisNode::projectionPlane() const { KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(0 && "KisNode::projectionPlane() is not defined!"); static KisAbstractProjectionPlaneSP plane = toQShared(new KisDumbProjectionPlane()); return plane; } KisProjectionLeafSP KisNode::projectionLeaf() const { return m_d->projectionLeaf; } void KisNode::setImage(KisImageWSP image) { KisBaseNode::setImage(image); KisNodeSP node = firstChild(); while (node) { KisLayerUtils::recursiveApplyNodes(node, [image] (KisNodeSP node) { node->setImage(image); }); node = node->nextSibling(); } } bool KisNode::accept(KisNodeVisitor &v) { return v.visit(this); } void KisNode::accept(KisProcessingVisitor &visitor, KisUndoAdapter *undoAdapter) { visitor.visit(this, undoAdapter); } int KisNode::graphSequenceNumber() const { return m_d->graphListener ? m_d->graphListener->graphSequenceNumber() : -1; } KisNodeGraphListener *KisNode::graphListener() const { return m_d->graphListener; } void KisNode::setGraphListener(KisNodeGraphListener *graphListener) { m_d->graphListener = graphListener; QReadLocker l(&m_d->nodeSubgraphLock); KisSafeReadNodeList::const_iterator iter; FOREACH_SAFE(iter, m_d->nodes) { KisNodeSP child = (*iter); child->setGraphListener(graphListener); } } void KisNode::setParent(KisNodeWSP parent) { QWriteLocker l(&m_d->nodeSubgraphLock); m_d->parent = parent; } KisNodeSP KisNode::parent() const { QReadLocker l(&m_d->nodeSubgraphLock); return m_d->parent.isValid() ? KisNodeSP(m_d->parent) : KisNodeSP(); } KisBaseNodeSP KisNode::parentCallback() const { return parent(); } void KisNode::notifyParentVisibilityChanged(bool value) { QReadLocker l(&m_d->nodeSubgraphLock); KisSafeReadNodeList::const_iterator iter; FOREACH_SAFE(iter, m_d->nodes) { KisNodeSP child = (*iter); child->notifyParentVisibilityChanged(value); } } void KisNode::baseNodeChangedCallback() { if(m_d->graphListener) { m_d->graphListener->nodeChanged(this); emit sigNodeChangedInternal(); } } void KisNode::baseNodeInvalidateAllFramesCallback() { if(m_d->graphListener) { m_d->graphListener->invalidateAllFrames(); } } +void KisNode::baseNodeCollapsedChangedCallback() +{ + if(m_d->graphListener) { + m_d->graphListener->nodeCollapsedChanged(this); + } +} + void KisNode::addKeyframeChannel(KisKeyframeChannel *channel) { channel->setNode(this); KisBaseNode::addKeyframeChannel(channel); } KisNodeSP KisNode::firstChild() const { QReadLocker l(&m_d->nodeSubgraphLock); return !m_d->nodes.isEmpty() ? m_d->nodes.first() : 0; } KisNodeSP KisNode::lastChild() const { QReadLocker l(&m_d->nodeSubgraphLock); return !m_d->nodes.isEmpty() ? m_d->nodes.last() : 0; } KisNodeSP KisNode::prevChildImpl(KisNodeSP child) { /** * Warning: mind locking policy! * * The graph locks must be *always* taken in descending * order. That is if you want to (or it implicitly happens that * you) take a lock of a parent and a chil, you must first take * the lock of a parent, and only after that ask a child to do the * same. Otherwise you'll get a deadlock. */ QReadLocker l(&m_d->nodeSubgraphLock); int i = m_d->nodes.indexOf(child) - 1; return i >= 0 ? m_d->nodes.at(i) : 0; } KisNodeSP KisNode::nextChildImpl(KisNodeSP child) { /** * See a comment in KisNode::prevChildImpl() */ QReadLocker l(&m_d->nodeSubgraphLock); int i = m_d->nodes.indexOf(child) + 1; return i > 0 && i < m_d->nodes.size() ? m_d->nodes.at(i) : 0; } KisNodeSP KisNode::prevSibling() const { KisNodeSP parentNode = parent(); return parentNode ? parentNode->prevChildImpl(const_cast(this)) : 0; } KisNodeSP KisNode::nextSibling() const { KisNodeSP parentNode = parent(); return parentNode ? parentNode->nextChildImpl(const_cast(this)) : 0; } quint32 KisNode::childCount() const { QReadLocker l(&m_d->nodeSubgraphLock); return m_d->nodes.size(); } KisNodeSP KisNode::at(quint32 index) const { QReadLocker l(&m_d->nodeSubgraphLock); if (!m_d->nodes.isEmpty() && index < (quint32)m_d->nodes.size()) { return m_d->nodes.at(index); } return 0; } int KisNode::index(const KisNodeSP node) const { QReadLocker l(&m_d->nodeSubgraphLock); return m_d->nodes.indexOf(node); } QList KisNode::childNodes(const QStringList & nodeTypes, const KoProperties & properties) const { QReadLocker l(&m_d->nodeSubgraphLock); QList nodes; KisSafeReadNodeList::const_iterator iter; FOREACH_SAFE(iter, m_d->nodes) { if (*iter) { if (properties.isEmpty() || (*iter)->check(properties)) { bool rightType = true; if(!nodeTypes.isEmpty()) { rightType = false; Q_FOREACH (const QString &nodeType, nodeTypes) { if ((*iter)->inherits(nodeType.toLatin1())) { rightType = true; break; } } } if (rightType) { nodes.append(*iter); } } } } return nodes; } KisNodeSP KisNode::findChildByName(const QString &name) { KisNodeSP child = firstChild(); while (child) { if (child->name() == name) { return child; } if (child->childCount() > 0) { KisNodeSP grandChild = child->findChildByName(name); if (grandChild) { return grandChild; } } child = child->nextSibling(); } return 0; } bool KisNode::add(KisNodeSP newNode, KisNodeSP aboveThis) { KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN_VALUE(newNode, false); KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN_VALUE(!aboveThis || aboveThis->parent().data() == this, false); KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN_VALUE(allowAsChild(newNode), false); KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN_VALUE(!newNode->parent(), false); KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN_VALUE(index(newNode) < 0, false); int idx = aboveThis ? this->index(aboveThis) + 1 : 0; // threoretical race condition may happen here ('idx' may become // deprecated until the write lock will be held). But we ignore // it, because it is not supported to add/remove nodes from two // concurrent threads simultaneously if (m_d->graphListener) { m_d->graphListener->aboutToAddANode(this, idx); } { QWriteLocker l(&m_d->nodeSubgraphLock); newNode->createNodeProgressProxy(); m_d->nodes.insert(idx, newNode); newNode->setParent(this); newNode->setGraphListener(m_d->graphListener); } if (m_d->graphListener) { m_d->graphListener->nodeHasBeenAdded(this, idx); } childNodeChanged(newNode); return true; } bool KisNode::remove(quint32 index) { if (index < childCount()) { KisNodeSP removedNode = at(index); if (m_d->graphListener) { m_d->graphListener->aboutToRemoveANode(this, index); } { QWriteLocker l(&m_d->nodeSubgraphLock); removedNode->setGraphListener(0); removedNode->setParent(0); // after calling aboutToRemoveANode or then the model get broken according to TT's modeltest m_d->nodes.removeAt(index); } if (m_d->graphListener) { m_d->graphListener->nodeHasBeenRemoved(this, index); } childNodeChanged(removedNode); return true; } return false; } bool KisNode::remove(KisNodeSP node) { return node->parent().data() == this ? remove(index(node)) : false; } KisNodeProgressProxy* KisNode::nodeProgressProxy() const { if (m_d->nodeProgressProxy) { return m_d->nodeProgressProxy; } else if (parent()) { return parent()->nodeProgressProxy(); } return 0; } KisBusyProgressIndicator* KisNode::busyProgressIndicator() const { if (m_d->busyProgressIndicator) { return m_d->busyProgressIndicator; } else if (parent()) { return parent()->busyProgressIndicator(); } return 0; } void KisNode::createNodeProgressProxy() { if (!m_d->nodeProgressProxy) { m_d->nodeProgressProxy = new KisNodeProgressProxy(this); m_d->busyProgressIndicator = new KisBusyProgressIndicator(m_d->nodeProgressProxy); m_d->nodeProgressProxy->moveToThread(this->thread()); m_d->busyProgressIndicator->moveToThread(this->thread()); } } void KisNode::setDirty() { setDirty(extent()); } void KisNode::setDirty(const QVector &rects) { if(m_d->graphListener) { m_d->graphListener->requestProjectionUpdate(this, rects, true); } } void KisNode::setDirty(const QRegion ®ion) { setDirty(region.rects()); } void KisNode::setDirty(const QRect & rect) { setDirty(QVector({rect})); } void KisNode::setDirtyDontResetAnimationCache() { setDirtyDontResetAnimationCache(QVector({extent()})); } void KisNode::setDirtyDontResetAnimationCache(const QRect &rect) { setDirtyDontResetAnimationCache(QVector({rect})); } void KisNode::setDirtyDontResetAnimationCache(const QVector &rects) { if(m_d->graphListener) { m_d->graphListener->requestProjectionUpdate(this, rects, false); } } void KisNode::invalidateFrames(const KisTimeRange &range, const QRect &rect) { if(m_d->graphListener) { m_d->graphListener->invalidateFrames(range, rect); } } void KisNode::requestTimeSwitch(int time) { if(m_d->graphListener) { m_d->graphListener->requestTimeSwitch(time); } } void KisNode::syncLodCache() { // noop. everything is done by getLodCapableDevices() } KisPaintDeviceList KisNode::getLodCapableDevices() const { KisPaintDeviceList list; KisPaintDeviceSP device = paintDevice(); if (device) { list << device; } KisPaintDeviceSP originalDevice = original(); if (originalDevice && originalDevice != device) { list << originalDevice; } list << projectionPlane()->getLodCapableDevices(); return list; } diff --git a/libs/image/kis_node.h b/libs/image/kis_node.h index 872ac9306e..07ca1fc29f 100644 --- a/libs/image/kis_node.h +++ b/libs/image/kis_node.h @@ -1,433 +1,434 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2007 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef _KIS_NODE_H #define _KIS_NODE_H #include "kis_types.h" #include "kis_base_node.h" #include "kritaimage_export.h" #include class QRect; class QStringList; class KoProperties; class KisNodeVisitor; class KisNodeGraphListener; class KisNodeProgressProxy; class KisBusyProgressIndicator; class KisAbstractProjectionPlane; class KisProjectionLeaf; class KisKeyframeChannel; class KisTimeRange; class KisUndoAdapter; /** * A KisNode is a KisBaseNode that knows about its direct peers, parent * and children and whether it can have children. * * THREAD-SAFETY: All const methods of this class and setDirty calls * are considered to be thread-safe(!). All the others * especially add(), remove() and setParent() must be * protected externally. * * NOTE: your subclasses must have the Q_OBJECT declaration, even if * you do not define new signals or slots. */ class KRITAIMAGE_EXPORT KisNode : public KisBaseNode { friend class KisFilterMaskTest; Q_OBJECT public: /** * The struct describing the position of the node * against the filthy node. * NOTE: please change KisBaseRectsWalker::getPositionToFilthy * when changing this struct */ enum PositionToFilthy { N_ABOVE_FILTHY = 0x08, N_FILTHY_PROJECTION = 0x20, N_FILTHY = 0x40, N_BELOW_FILTHY = 0x80 }; /** * Create an empty node without a parent. */ KisNode(KisImageWSP image); /** * Create a copy of this node. The copy will not have a parent * node. */ KisNode(const KisNode & rhs); /** * Delete this node */ ~KisNode() override; virtual KisNodeSP clone() const = 0; bool accept(KisNodeVisitor &v) override; void accept(KisProcessingVisitor &visitor, KisUndoAdapter *undoAdapter) override; /** * Re-implement this method to add constraints for the * subclasses that can be added as children to this node * * @return false if the given node is not allowed as a child to this node */ virtual bool allowAsChild(KisNodeSP) const = 0; /** * Set the entire node extent dirty; this percolates up to parent * nodes all the way to the root node. By default this is the * empty rect (through KisBaseNode::extent()) */ virtual void setDirty(); /** * Add the given rect to the set of dirty rects for this node; * this percolates up to parent nodes all the way to the root * node. */ void setDirty(const QRect & rect); /** * Add the given rects to the set of dirty rects for this node; * this percolates up to parent nodes all the way to the root * node. */ virtual void setDirty(const QVector &rects); /** * Add the given region to the set of dirty rects for this node; * this percolates up to parent nodes all the way to the root * node, if propagate is true; */ void setDirty(const QRegion ®ion); /** * Convenience override of multirect version of setDirtyDontResetAnimationCache() * * @see setDirtyDontResetAnimationCache(const QVector &rects) */ void setDirtyDontResetAnimationCache(); /** * Convenience override of multirect version of setDirtyDontResetAnimationCache() * * @see setDirtyDontResetAnimationCache(const QVector &rects) */ void setDirtyDontResetAnimationCache(const QRect &rect); /** * @brief setDirtyDontResetAnimationCache does almost the same thing as usual * setDirty() call, but doesn't reset the animation cache (since onlion skins are * not used when rendering animation. */ void setDirtyDontResetAnimationCache(const QVector &rects); /** * Informs that the frames in the given range are no longer valid * and need to be recached. * @param range frames to invalidate */ void invalidateFrames(const KisTimeRange &range, const QRect &rect); /** * Informs that the current world time should be changed. * Might be caused by e.g. undo operation */ void requestTimeSwitch(int time); /** * \return a pointer to a KisAbstractProjectionPlane interface of * the node. This interface is used by the image merging * framework to get information and to blending for the * layer. * * Please note the difference between need/change/accessRect and * the projectionPlane() interface. The former one gives * information about internal composition of the layer, and the * latter one about the total composition, including layer styles, * pass-through blending and etc. */ virtual KisAbstractProjectionPlaneSP projectionPlane() const; /** * Synchronizes LoD caches of the node with the current state of it. * The current level of detail is fetched from the image pointed by * default bounds object */ virtual void syncLodCache(); virtual KisPaintDeviceList getLodCapableDevices() const; /** * The rendering of the image may not always happen in the order * of the main graph. Pass-through nodes ake some subgraphs * linear, so it the order of rendering change. projectionLeaf() * is a special interface of KisNode that represents "a graph for * projection rendering". Therefore the nodes in projectionLeaf() * graph may have a different order the main one. */ virtual KisProjectionLeafSP projectionLeaf() const; void setImage(KisImageWSP image) override; protected: /** * \return internal changeRect() of the node. Do not mix with \see * projectionPlane() * * Some filters will cause a change of pixels those are outside * a requested rect. E.g. we change a rect of 2x2, then we want to * apply a convolution filter with kernel 4x4 (changeRect is * (2+2*3)x(2+2*3)=8x8) to that area. The rect that should be updated * on the layer will be exaclty 8x8. More than that the needRect for * that update will be 14x14. See \ref needeRect. */ virtual QRect changeRect(const QRect &rect, PositionToFilthy pos = N_FILTHY) const; /** * \return internal needRect() of the node. Do not mix with \see * projectionPlane() * * Some filters need pixels outside the current processing rect to * compute the new value (for instance, convolution filters) * See \ref changeRect * See \ref accessRect */ virtual QRect needRect(const QRect &rect, PositionToFilthy pos = N_FILTHY) const; /** * \return internal accessRect() of the node. Do not mix with \see * projectionPlane() * * Shows the area of image, that may be accessed during accessing * the node. * * Example. You have a layer that needs to prepare some rect on a * projection, say expectedRect. To perform this, the projection * of all the layers below of the size needRect(expectedRect) * should be calculated by the merger beforehand and the layer * will access some other area of image inside the rect * accessRect(expectedRect) during updateProjection call. * * This knowledge about real access rect of a node is used by the * scheduler to avoid collisions between two multithreaded updaters * and so avoid flickering of the image. * * Currently, this method has nondefault value for shifted clone * layers only. */ virtual QRect accessRect(const QRect &rect, PositionToFilthy pos = N_FILTHY) const; /** * Called each time direct child nodes are added or removed under this * node as parent. This does not track changes inside the child nodes * or the child nodes' properties. */ virtual void childNodeChanged(KisNodeSP changedChildNode); public: // Graph methods /** * @return the graph sequence number calculated by the associated * graph listener. You can use it for checking for changes in the * graph. */ int graphSequenceNumber() const; /** * @return the graph listener this node belongs to. 0 if the node * does not belong to a grap listener. */ KisNodeGraphListener * graphListener() const; /** * Set the graph listener for this node. The graphlistener will be * informed before and after the list of child nodes has changed. */ void setGraphListener(KisNodeGraphListener * graphListener); /** * Returns the parent node of this node. This is 0 only for a root * node; otherwise this will be an actual Node */ KisNodeSP parent() const; /** * Returns the first child node of this node, or 0 if there are no * child nodes. */ KisNodeSP firstChild() const; /** * Returns the last child node of this node, or 0 if there are no * child nodes. */ KisNodeSP lastChild() const; /** * Returns the previous sibling of this node in the parent's list. * This is the node *above* this node in the composition stack. 0 * is returned if this child has no more previous siblings (== * firstChild()) */ KisNodeSP prevSibling() const; /** * Returns the next sibling of this node in the parent's list. * This is the node *below* this node in the composition stack. 0 * is returned if this child has no more next siblings (== * lastChild()) */ KisNodeSP nextSibling() const; /** * Returns how many direct child nodes this node has (not * recursive). */ quint32 childCount() const; /** * Retrieve the child node at the specified index. * * @return 0 if there is no node at this index. */ KisNodeSP at(quint32 index) const; /** * Retrieve the index of the specified child node. * * @return -1 if the specified node is not a child node of this * node. */ int index(const KisNodeSP node) const; /** * Return a list of child nodes of the current node that conform * to the specified constraints. There are no guarantees about the * order of the nodes in the list. The function is not recursive. * * @param nodeTypes. if not empty, only nodes that inherit the * classnames in this stringlist will be returned. * @param properties. if not empty, only nodes for which * KisNodeBase::check(properties) returns true will be returned. */ QList childNodes(const QStringList & nodeTypes, const KoProperties & properties) const; /** * @brief findChildByName finds the first child that has the given name * @param name the name to look for * @return the first child with the given name */ KisNodeSP findChildByName(const QString &name); Q_SIGNALS: /** * Don't use this signal anywhere other than KisNodeShape. It's a hack. */ void sigNodeChangedInternal(); public: /** * @return the node progress proxy used by this node, if this node has no progress * proxy, it will return the proxy of its parent, if the parent has no progress proxy * it will return 0 */ KisNodeProgressProxy* nodeProgressProxy() const; KisBusyProgressIndicator* busyProgressIndicator() const; private: /** * Create a node progress proxy for this node. You need to create a progress proxy only * if the node is going to appear in the layerbox, and it needs to be created before * the layer box is made aware of the proxy. */ void createNodeProgressProxy(); protected: KisBaseNodeSP parentCallback() const override; void notifyParentVisibilityChanged(bool value) override; void baseNodeChangedCallback() override; void baseNodeInvalidateAllFramesCallback() override; + void baseNodeCollapsedChangedCallback() override; protected: void addKeyframeChannel(KisKeyframeChannel* channel) override; private: friend class KisNodeFacade; friend class KisNodeTest; friend class KisLayer; // Note: only for setting the preview mask! /** * Set the parent of this node. */ void setParent(KisNodeWSP parent); /** * Add the specified node above the specified node. If aboveThis * is 0, the node is added at the bottom. */ bool add(KisNodeSP newNode, KisNodeSP aboveThis); /** * Removes the node at the specified index from the child nodes. * * @return false if there is no node at this index */ bool remove(quint32 index); /** * Removes the node from the child nodes. * * @return false if there's no such node in this node. */ bool remove(KisNodeSP node); KisNodeSP prevChildImpl(KisNodeSP child); KisNodeSP nextChildImpl(KisNodeSP child); private: struct Private; Private * const m_d; }; Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(KisNodeSP) Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(KisNodeWSP) #endif diff --git a/libs/image/kis_node_graph_listener.cpp b/libs/image/kis_node_graph_listener.cpp index 583160c6a6..f43542ced4 100644 --- a/libs/image/kis_node_graph_listener.cpp +++ b/libs/image/kis_node_graph_listener.cpp @@ -1,107 +1,111 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2007 Boudewijn Rempt * Copyright (c) 2012 Dmitry Kazakov * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_node_graph_listener.h" #include "kis_time_range.h" #include #include struct Q_DECL_HIDDEN KisNodeGraphListener::Private { Private() : sequenceNumber(0) {} int sequenceNumber; }; KisNodeGraphListener::KisNodeGraphListener() : m_d(new Private()) { } KisNodeGraphListener::~KisNodeGraphListener() { } void KisNodeGraphListener::aboutToAddANode(KisNode */*parent*/, int /*index*/) { m_d->sequenceNumber++; } void KisNodeGraphListener::nodeHasBeenAdded(KisNode */*parent*/, int /*index*/) { m_d->sequenceNumber++; } void KisNodeGraphListener::aboutToRemoveANode(KisNode */*parent*/, int /*index*/) { m_d->sequenceNumber++; } void KisNodeGraphListener::nodeHasBeenRemoved(KisNode */*parent*/, int /*index*/) { m_d->sequenceNumber++; } void KisNodeGraphListener::aboutToMoveNode(KisNode * /*node*/, int /*oldIndex*/, int /*newIndex*/) { m_d->sequenceNumber++; } void KisNodeGraphListener::nodeHasBeenMoved(KisNode * /*node*/, int /*oldIndex*/, int /*newIndex*/) { m_d->sequenceNumber++; } int KisNodeGraphListener::graphSequenceNumber() const { return m_d->sequenceNumber; } void KisNodeGraphListener::nodeChanged(KisNode * /*node*/) { } +void KisNodeGraphListener::nodeCollapsedChanged(KisNode * /*node*/) +{ +} + void KisNodeGraphListener::invalidateAllFrames() { } void KisNodeGraphListener::notifySelectionChanged() { } void KisNodeGraphListener::requestProjectionUpdate(KisNode * /*node*/, const QVector &/*rects*/, bool /*resetAnimationCache*/) { } void KisNodeGraphListener::invalidateFrames(const KisTimeRange &range, const QRect &rect) { Q_UNUSED(range); Q_UNUSED(rect); } void KisNodeGraphListener::requestTimeSwitch(int time) { Q_UNUSED(time); } KisNode *KisNodeGraphListener::graphOverlayNode() const { return 0; } diff --git a/libs/image/kis_node_graph_listener.h b/libs/image/kis_node_graph_listener.h index 3304d7f80e..1dfd217533 100644 --- a/libs/image/kis_node_graph_listener.h +++ b/libs/image/kis_node_graph_listener.h @@ -1,125 +1,127 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2007 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KIS_NODE_GRAPH_LISTENER_H_ #define KIS_NODE_GRAPH_LISTENER_H_ #include "kritaimage_export.h" #include class KisTimeRange; class KisNode; class QRect; /** * Implementations of this class are called by nodes whenever the node * graph changes. These implementations can then emit the right * signals so Qt interview models can be updated before and after * changes. * * The reason for this go-between is that we don't want our nodes to * be QObjects, nor to have sig-slot connections between every node * and every mode. * * It also manages the sequence number of the graph. This is a number * which can be used as a checksum for whether the graph has changed * from some period of time or not. \see graphSequenceNumber() */ class KRITAIMAGE_EXPORT KisNodeGraphListener { public: KisNodeGraphListener(); virtual ~KisNodeGraphListener(); /** * Inform the model that we're going to add a node. */ virtual void aboutToAddANode(KisNode *parent, int index); /** * Inform the model we're done adding a node. */ virtual void nodeHasBeenAdded(KisNode *parent, int index); /** * Inform the model we're going to remove a node. */ virtual void aboutToRemoveANode(KisNode *parent, int index); /** * Inform the model we're done removing a node. */ virtual void nodeHasBeenRemoved(KisNode *parent, int index); /** * Inform the model we're about to start moving a node (which * includes removing and adding the same node) */ virtual void aboutToMoveNode(KisNode * node, int oldIndex, int newIndex); /** * Inform the model we're done moving the node: it has been * removed and added successfully */ virtual void nodeHasBeenMoved(KisNode * node, int oldIndex, int newIndex); virtual void nodeChanged(KisNode * node); + virtual void nodeCollapsedChanged(KisNode * node); + virtual void invalidateAllFrames(); /** * Inform the model that one of the selections in the graph is * changed. The sender is not passed to the function (at least for * now) because the UI should decide itself whether it needs to * fetch new selection of not. */ virtual void notifySelectionChanged(); /** * Inform the model that a node has been changed (setDirty) */ virtual void requestProjectionUpdate(KisNode * node, const QVector &rects, bool resetAnimationCache); virtual void invalidateFrames(const KisTimeRange &range, const QRect &rect); virtual void requestTimeSwitch(int time); virtual KisNode* graphOverlayNode() const; /** * Returns the sequence of the graph. * * Every time some operation performed, which might change the * hierarchy of the nodes, the sequence number grows by one. So * if you have any information about the graph which was acquired * when the sequence number was X and now it has become Y, it * means your information is outdated. * * It is used in the scheduler for checking whether queued walkers * should be regenerated. */ int graphSequenceNumber() const; private: struct Private; QScopedPointer m_d; }; #endif diff --git a/libs/image/kis_selection_filters.cpp b/libs/image/kis_selection_filters.cpp index 92eff7fc66..0973512dfd 100644 --- a/libs/image/kis_selection_filters.cpp +++ b/libs/image/kis_selection_filters.cpp @@ -1,869 +1,871 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2005 Michael Thaler * Copyright (c) 2011 Dmitry Kazakov * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_selection_filters.h" #include #include #include "kis_convolution_painter.h" #include "kis_convolution_kernel.h" #include "kis_pixel_selection.h" #define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define RINT(x) floor ((x) + 0.5) KisSelectionFilter::~KisSelectionFilter() { } KUndo2MagicString KisSelectionFilter::name() { return KUndo2MagicString(); } QRect KisSelectionFilter::changeRect(const QRect &rect, KisDefaultBoundsBaseSP defaultBounds) { Q_UNUSED(defaultBounds); return rect; } void KisSelectionFilter::computeBorder(qint32* circ, qint32 xradius, qint32 yradius) { qint32 i; qint32 diameter = xradius * 2 + 1; double tmp; for (i = 0; i < diameter; i++) { if (i > xradius) tmp = (i - xradius) - 0.5; else if (i < xradius) tmp = (xradius - i) - 0.5; else tmp = 0.0; circ[i] = (qint32) RINT(yradius / (double) xradius * sqrt(xradius * xradius - tmp * tmp)); } } void KisSelectionFilter::rotatePointers(quint8** p, quint32 n) { quint32 i; quint8 *p0 = p[0]; for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { p[i] = p[i + 1]; } p[i] = p0; } void KisSelectionFilter::computeTransition(quint8* transition, quint8** buf, qint32 width) { qint32 x = 0; if (width == 1) { if (buf[1][x] > 127 && (buf[0][x] < 128 || buf[2][x] < 128)) transition[x] = 255; else transition[x] = 0; return; } if (buf[1][x] > 127) { if (buf[0][x] < 128 || buf[0][x + 1] < 128 || buf[1][x + 1] < 128 || buf[2][x] < 128 || buf[2][x + 1] < 128) transition[x] = 255; else transition[x] = 0; } else transition[x] = 0; for (qint32 x = 1; x < width - 1; x++) { if (buf[1][x] >= 128) { if (buf[0][x - 1] < 128 || buf[0][x] < 128 || buf[0][x + 1] < 128 || buf[1][x - 1] < 128 || buf[1][x + 1] < 128 || buf[2][x - 1] < 128 || buf[2][x] < 128 || buf[2][x + 1] < 128) transition[x] = 255; else transition[x] = 0; } else transition[x] = 0; } if (buf[1][x] >= 128) { if (buf[0][x - 1] < 128 || buf[0][x] < 128 || buf[1][x - 1] < 128 || buf[2][x - 1] < 128 || buf[2][x] < 128) transition[x] = 255; else transition[x] = 0; } else transition[x] = 0; } KUndo2MagicString KisErodeSelectionFilter::name() { return kundo2_i18n("Erode Selection"); } QRect KisErodeSelectionFilter::changeRect(const QRect& rect, KisDefaultBoundsBaseSP defaultBounds) { Q_UNUSED(defaultBounds); const qint32 radius = 1; return rect.adjusted(-radius, -radius, radius, radius); } void KisErodeSelectionFilter::process(KisPixelSelectionSP pixelSelection, const QRect& rect) { // Erode (radius 1 pixel) a mask (1bpp) quint8* buf[3]; qint32 width = rect.width(); qint32 height = rect.height(); quint8* out = new quint8[width]; for (qint32 i = 0; i < 3; i++) buf[i] = new quint8[width + 2]; // load top of image pixelSelection->readBytes(buf[0] + 1, rect.x(), rect.y(), width, 1); buf[0][0] = buf[0][1]; buf[0][width + 1] = buf[0][width]; memcpy(buf[1], buf[0], width + 2); for (qint32 y = 0; y < height; y++) { if (y + 1 < height) { pixelSelection->readBytes(buf[2] + 1, rect.x(), rect.y() + y + 1, width, 1); buf[2][0] = buf[2][1]; buf[2][width + 1] = buf[2][width]; } else { memcpy(buf[2], buf[1], width + 2); } for (qint32 x = 0 ; x < width; x++) { qint32 min = 255; if (buf[0][x+1] < min) min = buf[0][x+1]; if (buf[1][x] < min) min = buf[1][x]; if (buf[1][x+1] < min) min = buf[1][x+1]; if (buf[1][x+2] < min) min = buf[1][x+2]; if (buf[2][x+1] < min) min = buf[2][x+1]; out[x] = min; } pixelSelection->writeBytes(out, rect.x(), rect.y() + y, width, 1); rotatePointers(buf, 3); } for (qint32 i = 0; i < 3; i++) delete[] buf[i]; delete[] out; } KUndo2MagicString KisDilateSelectionFilter::name() { return kundo2_i18n("Dilate Selection"); } QRect KisDilateSelectionFilter::changeRect(const QRect& rect, KisDefaultBoundsBaseSP defaultBounds) { Q_UNUSED(defaultBounds); const qint32 radius = 1; return rect.adjusted(-radius, -radius, radius, radius); } void KisDilateSelectionFilter::process(KisPixelSelectionSP pixelSelection, const QRect& rect) { // dilate (radius 1 pixel) a mask (1bpp) quint8* buf[3]; qint32 width = rect.width(); qint32 height = rect.height(); quint8* out = new quint8[width]; for (qint32 i = 0; i < 3; i++) buf[i] = new quint8[width + 2]; // load top of image pixelSelection->readBytes(buf[0] + 1, rect.x(), rect.y(), width, 1); buf[0][0] = buf[0][1]; buf[0][width + 1] = buf[0][width]; memcpy(buf[1], buf[0], width + 2); for (qint32 y = 0; y < height; y++) { if (y + 1 < height) { pixelSelection->readBytes(buf[2] + 1, rect.x(), rect.y() + y + 1, width, 1); buf[2][0] = buf[2][1]; buf[2][width + 1] = buf[2][width]; } else { memcpy(buf[2], buf[1], width + 2); } for (qint32 x = 0 ; x < width; x++) { qint32 max = 0; if (buf[0][x+1] > max) max = buf[0][x+1]; if (buf[1][x] > max) max = buf[1][x]; if (buf[1][x+1] > max) max = buf[1][x+1]; if (buf[1][x+2] > max) max = buf[1][x+2]; if (buf[2][x+1] > max) max = buf[2][x+1]; out[x] = max; } pixelSelection->writeBytes(out, rect.x(), rect.y() + y, width, 1); rotatePointers(buf, 3); } for (qint32 i = 0; i < 3; i++) delete[] buf[i]; delete[] out; } KisBorderSelectionFilter::KisBorderSelectionFilter(qint32 xRadius, qint32 yRadius) : m_xRadius(xRadius), m_yRadius(yRadius) { } KUndo2MagicString KisBorderSelectionFilter::name() { return kundo2_i18n("Border Selection"); } QRect KisBorderSelectionFilter::changeRect(const QRect& rect, KisDefaultBoundsBaseSP defaultBounds) { Q_UNUSED(defaultBounds); return rect.adjusted(-m_xRadius, -m_yRadius, m_xRadius, m_yRadius); } void KisBorderSelectionFilter::process(KisPixelSelectionSP pixelSelection, const QRect& rect) { if (m_xRadius <= 0 || m_yRadius <= 0) return; quint8 *buf[3]; quint8 **density; quint8 **transition; if (m_xRadius == 1 && m_yRadius == 1) { // optimize this case specifically quint8* source[3]; for (qint32 i = 0; i < 3; i++) source[i] = new quint8[rect.width()]; quint8* transition = new quint8[rect.width()]; pixelSelection->readBytes(source[0], rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), 1); memcpy(source[1], source[0], rect.width()); if (rect.height() > 1) pixelSelection->readBytes(source[2], rect.x(), rect.y() + 1, rect.width(), 1); else memcpy(source[2], source[1], rect.width()); computeTransition(transition, source, rect.width()); pixelSelection->writeBytes(transition, rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), 1); for (qint32 y = 1; y < rect.height(); y++) { rotatePointers(source, 3); if (y + 1 < rect.height()) pixelSelection->readBytes(source[2], rect.x(), rect.y() + y + 1, rect.width(), 1); else memcpy(source[2], source[1], rect.width()); computeTransition(transition, source, rect.width()); pixelSelection->writeBytes(transition, rect.x(), rect.y() + y, rect.width(), 1); } for (qint32 i = 0; i < 3; i++) delete[] source[i]; delete[] transition; return; } qint32* max = new qint32[rect.width() + 2 * m_xRadius]; for (qint32 i = 0; i < (rect.width() + 2 * m_xRadius); i++) max[i] = m_yRadius + 2; max += m_xRadius; for (qint32 i = 0; i < 3; i++) buf[i] = new quint8[rect.width()]; transition = new quint8*[m_yRadius + 1]; for (qint32 i = 0; i < m_yRadius + 1; i++) { transition[i] = new quint8[rect.width() + 2 * m_xRadius]; memset(transition[i], 0, rect.width() + 2 * m_xRadius); transition[i] += m_xRadius; } quint8* out = new quint8[rect.width()]; density = new quint8*[2 * m_xRadius + 1]; density += m_xRadius; for (qint32 x = 0; x < (m_xRadius + 1); x++) { // allocate density[][] density[ x] = new quint8[2 * m_yRadius + 1]; density[ x] += m_yRadius; density[-x] = density[x]; } for (qint32 x = 0; x < (m_xRadius + 1); x++) { // compute density[][] double tmpx, tmpy, dist; quint8 a; tmpx = x > 0.0 ? x - 0.5 : 0.0; for (qint32 y = 0; y < (m_yRadius + 1); y++) { tmpy = y > 0.0 ? y - 0.5 : 0.0; dist = ((tmpy * tmpy) / (m_yRadius * m_yRadius) + (tmpx * tmpx) / (m_xRadius * m_xRadius)); if (dist < 1.0) a = (quint8)(255 * (1.0 - sqrt(dist))); else a = 0; density[ x][ y] = a; density[ x][-y] = a; density[-x][ y] = a; density[-x][-y] = a; } } pixelSelection->readBytes(buf[0], rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), 1); memcpy(buf[1], buf[0], rect.width()); if (rect.height() > 1) pixelSelection->readBytes(buf[2], rect.x(), rect.y() + 1, rect.width(), 1); else memcpy(buf[2], buf[1], rect.width()); computeTransition(transition[1], buf, rect.width()); for (qint32 y = 1; y < m_yRadius && y + 1 < rect.height(); y++) { // set up top of image rotatePointers(buf, 3); pixelSelection->readBytes(buf[2], rect.x(), rect.y() + y + 1, rect.width(), 1); computeTransition(transition[y + 1], buf, rect.width()); } for (qint32 x = 0; x < rect.width(); x++) { // set up max[] for top of image max[x] = -(m_yRadius + 7); for (qint32 j = 1; j < m_yRadius + 1; j++) if (transition[j][x]) { max[x] = j; break; } } for (qint32 y = 0; y < rect.height(); y++) { // main calculation loop rotatePointers(buf, 3); rotatePointers(transition, m_yRadius + 1); if (y < rect.height() - (m_yRadius + 1)) { pixelSelection->readBytes(buf[2], rect.x(), rect.y() + y + m_yRadius + 1, rect.width(), 1); computeTransition(transition[m_yRadius], buf, rect.width()); } else memcpy(transition[m_yRadius], transition[m_yRadius - 1], rect.width()); for (qint32 x = 0; x < rect.width(); x++) { // update max array if (max[x] < 1) { if (max[x] <= -m_yRadius) { if (transition[m_yRadius][x]) max[x] = m_yRadius; else max[x]--; } else if (transition[-max[x]][x]) max[x] = -max[x]; else if (transition[-max[x] + 1][x]) max[x] = -max[x] + 1; else max[x]--; } else max[x]--; if (max[x] < -m_yRadius - 1) max[x] = -m_yRadius - 1; } quint8 last_max = max[0][density[-1]]; qint32 last_index = 1; for (qint32 x = 0 ; x < rect.width(); x++) { // render scan line last_index--; if (last_index >= 0) { last_max = 0; for (qint32 i = m_xRadius; i >= 0; i--) if (max[x + i] <= m_yRadius && max[x + i] >= -m_yRadius && density[i][max[x+i]] > last_max) { last_max = density[i][max[x + i]]; last_index = i; } out[x] = last_max; } else { last_max = 0; for (qint32 i = m_xRadius; i >= -m_xRadius; i--) if (max[x + i] <= m_yRadius && max[x + i] >= -m_yRadius && density[i][max[x + i]] > last_max) { last_max = density[i][max[x + i]]; last_index = i; } out[x] = last_max; } if (last_max == 0) { qint32 i; for (i = x + 1; i < rect.width(); i++) { if (max[i] >= -m_yRadius) break; } if (i - x > m_xRadius) { for (; x < i - m_xRadius; x++) out[x] = 0; x--; } last_index = m_xRadius; } } pixelSelection->writeBytes(out, rect.x(), rect.y() + y, rect.width(), 1); } delete [] out; for (qint32 i = 0; i < 3; i++) delete[] buf[i]; max -= m_xRadius; delete[] max; for (qint32 i = 0; i < m_yRadius + 1; i++) { transition[i] -= m_xRadius; delete transition[i]; } delete[] transition; for (qint32 i = 0; i < m_xRadius + 1 ; i++) { density[i] -= m_yRadius; delete density[i]; } density -= m_xRadius; delete[] density; } KisFeatherSelectionFilter::KisFeatherSelectionFilter(qint32 radius) : m_radius(radius) { } KUndo2MagicString KisFeatherSelectionFilter::name() { return kundo2_i18n("Feather Selection"); } QRect KisFeatherSelectionFilter::changeRect(const QRect& rect, KisDefaultBoundsBaseSP defaultBounds) { Q_UNUSED(defaultBounds); return rect.adjusted(-m_radius, -m_radius, m_radius, m_radius); } void KisFeatherSelectionFilter::process(KisPixelSelectionSP pixelSelection, const QRect& rect) { // compute horizontal kernel const uint kernelSize = m_radius * 2 + 1; Eigen::Matrix gaussianMatrix(1, kernelSize); const qreal multiplicand = 1.0 / (2.0 * M_PI * m_radius * m_radius); const qreal exponentMultiplicand = 1.0 / (2.0 * m_radius * m_radius); for (uint x = 0; x < kernelSize; x++) { uint xDistance = qAbs((int)m_radius - (int)x); gaussianMatrix(0, x) = multiplicand * exp( -(qreal)((xDistance * xDistance) + (m_radius * m_radius)) * exponentMultiplicand ); } KisConvolutionKernelSP kernelHoriz = KisConvolutionKernel::fromMatrix(gaussianMatrix, 0, gaussianMatrix.sum()); KisConvolutionKernelSP kernelVertical = KisConvolutionKernel::fromMatrix(gaussianMatrix.transpose(), 0, gaussianMatrix.sum()); KisPaintDeviceSP interm = new KisPaintDevice(pixelSelection->colorSpace()); + interm->prepareClone(pixelSelection); + KisConvolutionPainter horizPainter(interm); horizPainter.setChannelFlags(interm->colorSpace()->channelFlags(false, true)); horizPainter.applyMatrix(kernelHoriz, pixelSelection, rect.topLeft(), rect.topLeft(), rect.size(), BORDER_REPEAT); horizPainter.end(); KisConvolutionPainter verticalPainter(pixelSelection); verticalPainter.setChannelFlags(pixelSelection->colorSpace()->channelFlags(false, true)); verticalPainter.applyMatrix(kernelVertical, interm, rect.topLeft(), rect.topLeft(), rect.size(), BORDER_REPEAT); verticalPainter.end(); } KisGrowSelectionFilter::KisGrowSelectionFilter(qint32 xRadius, qint32 yRadius) : m_xRadius(xRadius), m_yRadius(yRadius) { } KUndo2MagicString KisGrowSelectionFilter::name() { return kundo2_i18n("Grow Selection"); } QRect KisGrowSelectionFilter::changeRect(const QRect& rect, KisDefaultBoundsBaseSP defaultBounds) { Q_UNUSED(defaultBounds); return rect.adjusted(-m_xRadius, -m_yRadius, m_xRadius, m_yRadius); } void KisGrowSelectionFilter::process(KisPixelSelectionSP pixelSelection, const QRect& rect) { if (m_xRadius <= 0 || m_yRadius <= 0) return; /** * Much code resembles Shrink filter, so please fix bugs * in both filters */ quint8 **buf; // caches the region's pixel data quint8 **max; // caches the largest values for each column max = new quint8* [rect.width() + 2 * m_xRadius]; buf = new quint8* [m_yRadius + 1]; for (qint32 i = 0; i < m_yRadius + 1; i++) { buf[i] = new quint8[rect.width()]; } quint8* buffer = new quint8[(rect.width() + 2 * m_xRadius) *(m_yRadius + 1)]; for (qint32 i = 0; i < rect.width() + 2 * m_xRadius; i++) { if (i < m_xRadius) max[i] = buffer; else if (i < rect.width() + m_xRadius) max[i] = &buffer[(m_yRadius + 1) * (i - m_xRadius)]; else max[i] = &buffer[(m_yRadius + 1) * (rect.width() + m_xRadius - 1)]; for (qint32 j = 0; j < m_xRadius + 1; j++) max[i][j] = 0; } /* offset the max pointer by m_xRadius so the range of the array is [-m_xRadius] to [region->w + m_xRadius] */ max += m_xRadius; quint8* out = new quint8[ rect.width()]; // holds the new scan line we are computing qint32* circ = new qint32[ 2 * m_xRadius + 1 ]; // holds the y coords of the filter's mask computeBorder(circ, m_xRadius, m_yRadius); /* offset the circ pointer by m_xRadius so the range of the array is [-m_xRadius] to [m_xRadius] */ circ += m_xRadius; memset(buf[0], 0, rect.width()); for (qint32 i = 0; i < m_yRadius && i < rect.height(); i++) { // load top of image pixelSelection->readBytes(buf[i + 1], rect.x(), rect.y() + i, rect.width(), 1); } for (qint32 x = 0; x < rect.width() ; x++) { // set up max for top of image max[x][0] = 0; // buf[0][x] is always 0 max[x][1] = buf[1][x]; // MAX (buf[1][x], max[x][0]) always = buf[1][x] for (qint32 j = 2; j < m_yRadius + 1; j++) { max[x][j] = MAX(buf[j][x], max[x][j-1]); } } for (qint32 y = 0; y < rect.height(); y++) { rotatePointers(buf, m_yRadius + 1); if (y < rect.height() - (m_yRadius)) pixelSelection->readBytes(buf[m_yRadius], rect.x(), rect.y() + y + m_yRadius, rect.width(), 1); else memset(buf[m_yRadius], 0, rect.width()); for (qint32 x = 0; x < rect.width(); x++) { /* update max array */ for (qint32 i = m_yRadius; i > 0; i--) { max[x][i] = MAX(MAX(max[x][i - 1], buf[i - 1][x]), buf[i][x]); } max[x][0] = buf[0][x]; } qint32 last_max = max[0][circ[-1]]; qint32 last_index = 1; for (qint32 x = 0; x < rect.width(); x++) { /* render scan line */ last_index--; if (last_index >= 0) { if (last_max == 255) out[x] = 255; else { last_max = 0; for (qint32 i = m_xRadius; i >= 0; i--) if (last_max < max[x + i][circ[i]]) { last_max = max[x + i][circ[i]]; last_index = i; } out[x] = last_max; } } else { last_index = m_xRadius; last_max = max[x + m_xRadius][circ[m_xRadius]]; for (qint32 i = m_xRadius - 1; i >= -m_xRadius; i--) if (last_max < max[x + i][circ[i]]) { last_max = max[x + i][circ[i]]; last_index = i; } out[x] = last_max; } } pixelSelection->writeBytes(out, rect.x(), rect.y() + y, rect.width(), 1); } /* undo the offsets to the pointers so we can free the malloced memory */ circ -= m_xRadius; max -= m_xRadius; delete[] circ; delete[] buffer; delete[] max; for (qint32 i = 0; i < m_yRadius + 1; i++) delete[] buf[i]; delete[] buf; delete[] out; } KisShrinkSelectionFilter::KisShrinkSelectionFilter(qint32 xRadius, qint32 yRadius, bool edgeLock) : m_xRadius(xRadius), m_yRadius(yRadius), m_edgeLock(edgeLock) { } KUndo2MagicString KisShrinkSelectionFilter::name() { return kundo2_i18n("Shrink Selection"); } QRect KisShrinkSelectionFilter::changeRect(const QRect& rect, KisDefaultBoundsBaseSP defaultBounds) { Q_UNUSED(defaultBounds); return rect.adjusted(-m_xRadius, -m_yRadius, m_xRadius, m_yRadius); } void KisShrinkSelectionFilter::process(KisPixelSelectionSP pixelSelection, const QRect& rect) { if (m_xRadius <= 0 || m_yRadius <= 0) return; /* pretty much the same as fatten_region only different blame all bugs in this function on jaycox@gimp.org */ /* If edge_lock is true we assume that pixels outside the region we are passed are identical to the edge pixels. If edge_lock is false, we assume that pixels outside the region are 0 */ quint8 **buf; // caches the region's pixels quint8 **max; // caches the smallest values for each column qint32 last_max, last_index; max = new quint8* [rect.width() + 2 * m_xRadius]; buf = new quint8* [m_yRadius + 1]; for (qint32 i = 0; i < m_yRadius + 1; i++) { buf[i] = new quint8[rect.width()]; } qint32 buffer_size = (rect.width() + 2 * m_xRadius + 1) * (m_yRadius + 1); quint8* buffer = new quint8[buffer_size]; if (m_edgeLock) memset(buffer, 255, buffer_size); else memset(buffer, 0, buffer_size); for (qint32 i = 0; i < rect.width() + 2 * m_xRadius; i++) { if (i < m_xRadius) if (m_edgeLock) max[i] = buffer; else max[i] = &buffer[(m_yRadius + 1) * (rect.width() + m_xRadius)]; else if (i < rect.width() + m_xRadius) max[i] = &buffer[(m_yRadius + 1) * (i - m_xRadius)]; else if (m_edgeLock) max[i] = &buffer[(m_yRadius + 1) * (rect.width() + m_xRadius - 1)]; else max[i] = &buffer[(m_yRadius + 1) * (rect.width() + m_xRadius)]; } if (!m_edgeLock) for (qint32 j = 0 ; j < m_xRadius + 1; j++) max[0][j] = 0; // offset the max pointer by m_xRadius so the range of the array is [-m_xRadius] to [region->w + m_xRadius] max += m_xRadius; quint8* out = new quint8[rect.width()]; // holds the new scan line we are computing qint32* circ = new qint32[2 * m_xRadius + 1]; // holds the y coords of the filter's mask computeBorder(circ, m_xRadius, m_yRadius); // offset the circ pointer by m_xRadius so the range of the array is [-m_xRadius] to [m_xRadius] circ += m_xRadius; for (qint32 i = 0; i < m_yRadius && i < rect.height(); i++) // load top of image pixelSelection->readBytes(buf[i + 1], rect.x(), rect.y() + i, rect.width(), 1); if (m_edgeLock) memcpy(buf[0], buf[1], rect.width()); else memset(buf[0], 0, rect.width()); for (qint32 x = 0; x < rect.width(); x++) { // set up max for top of image max[x][0] = buf[0][x]; for (qint32 j = 1; j < m_yRadius + 1; j++) max[x][j] = MIN(buf[j][x], max[x][j-1]); } for (qint32 y = 0; y < rect.height(); y++) { rotatePointers(buf, m_yRadius + 1); if (y < rect.height() - m_yRadius) pixelSelection->readBytes(buf[m_yRadius], rect.x(), rect.y() + y + m_yRadius, rect.width(), 1); else if (m_edgeLock) memcpy(buf[m_yRadius], buf[m_yRadius - 1], rect.width()); else memset(buf[m_yRadius], 0, rect.width()); for (qint32 x = 0 ; x < rect.width(); x++) { // update max array for (qint32 i = m_yRadius; i > 0; i--) { max[x][i] = MIN(MIN(max[x][i - 1], buf[i - 1][x]), buf[i][x]); } max[x][0] = buf[0][x]; } last_max = max[0][circ[-1]]; last_index = 0; for (qint32 x = 0 ; x < rect.width(); x++) { // render scan line last_index--; if (last_index >= 0) { if (last_max == 0) out[x] = 0; else { last_max = 255; for (qint32 i = m_xRadius; i >= 0; i--) if (last_max > max[x + i][circ[i]]) { last_max = max[x + i][circ[i]]; last_index = i; } out[x] = last_max; } } else { last_index = m_xRadius; last_max = max[x + m_xRadius][circ[m_xRadius]]; for (qint32 i = m_xRadius - 1; i >= -m_xRadius; i--) if (last_max > max[x + i][circ[i]]) { last_max = max[x + i][circ[i]]; last_index = i; } out[x] = last_max; } } pixelSelection->writeBytes(out, rect.x(), rect.y() + y, rect.width(), 1); } // undo the offsets to the pointers so we can free the malloced memory circ -= m_xRadius; max -= m_xRadius; delete[] circ; delete[] buffer; delete[] max; for (qint32 i = 0; i < m_yRadius + 1; i++) delete[] buf[i]; delete[] buf; delete[] out; } KUndo2MagicString KisSmoothSelectionFilter::name() { return kundo2_i18n("Smooth Selection"); } QRect KisSmoothSelectionFilter::changeRect(const QRect& rect, KisDefaultBoundsBaseSP defaultBounds) { Q_UNUSED(defaultBounds); const qint32 radius = 1; return rect.adjusted(-radius, -radius, radius, radius); } void KisSmoothSelectionFilter::process(KisPixelSelectionSP pixelSelection, const QRect& rect) { // Simple convolution filter to smooth a mask (1bpp) quint8 *buf[3]; qint32 width = rect.width(); qint32 height = rect.height(); quint8* out = new quint8[width]; for (qint32 i = 0; i < 3; i++) buf[i] = new quint8[width + 2]; // load top of image pixelSelection->readBytes(buf[0] + 1, rect.x(), rect.y(), width, 1); buf[0][0] = buf[0][1]; buf[0][width + 1] = buf[0][width]; memcpy(buf[1], buf[0], width + 2); for (qint32 y = 0; y < height; y++) { if (y + 1 < height) { pixelSelection->readBytes(buf[2] + 1, rect.x(), rect.y() + y + 1, width, 1); buf[2][0] = buf[2][1]; buf[2][width + 1] = buf[2][width]; } else { memcpy(buf[2], buf[1], width + 2); } for (qint32 x = 0 ; x < width; x++) { qint32 value = (buf[0][x] + buf[0][x+1] + buf[0][x+2] + buf[1][x] + buf[2][x+1] + buf[1][x+2] + buf[2][x] + buf[1][x+1] + buf[2][x+2]); out[x] = value / 9; } pixelSelection->writeBytes(out, rect.x(), rect.y() + y, width, 1); rotatePointers(buf, 3); } for (qint32 i = 0; i < 3; i++) delete[] buf[i]; delete[] out; } KUndo2MagicString KisInvertSelectionFilter::name() { return kundo2_i18n("Invert Selection"); } QRect KisInvertSelectionFilter::changeRect(const QRect &rect, KisDefaultBoundsBaseSP defaultBounds) { Q_UNUSED(rect); return defaultBounds->bounds(); } void KisInvertSelectionFilter::process(KisPixelSelectionSP pixelSelection, const QRect& rect) { Q_UNUSED(rect); pixelSelection->invert(); } diff --git a/libs/image/tiles3/kis_tile_hash_table2.h b/libs/image/tiles3/kis_tile_hash_table2.h index dbe1d08584..d2e119eb5c 100644 --- a/libs/image/tiles3/kis_tile_hash_table2.h +++ b/libs/image/tiles3/kis_tile_hash_table2.h @@ -1,482 +1,482 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2018 Andrey Kamakin * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KIS_TILEHASHTABLE_2_H #define KIS_TILEHASHTABLE_2_H #include "kis_shared.h" #include "kis_shared_ptr.h" #include "3rdparty/lock_free_map/concurrent_map.h" #include "kis_tile.h" #include "kis_debug.h" #define SANITY_CHECK /** * This is a template for a hash table that stores tiles (or some other * objects resembling tiles). Actually, this object should only have * col()/row() methods and be able to answer notifyDetachedFromDataManager() requests to * be stored here. It is used in KisTiledDataManager and * KisMementoManager. * * How to use: * 1) each hash must be unique, otherwise tiles would rewrite each-other * 2) 0 key is reserved, so can't be used * 3) col and row must be less than 0x7FFF to guarantee uniqueness of hash for each pair */ template class KisTileHashTableIteratorTraits2; template class KisTileHashTableTraits2 { static constexpr bool isInherited = std::is_convertible::value; Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X(isInherited, "Template must inherit KisShared"); public: typedef T TileType; typedef KisSharedPtr TileTypeSP; typedef KisWeakSharedPtr TileTypeWSP; KisTileHashTableTraits2(KisMementoManager *mm); KisTileHashTableTraits2(const KisTileHashTableTraits2 &ht, KisMementoManager *mm); ~KisTileHashTableTraits2(); bool isEmpty() { return !m_numTiles.load(); } bool tileExists(qint32 col, qint32 row); /** * Returns a tile in position (col,row). If no tile exists, * returns null. * \param col column of the tile * \param row row of the tile */ TileTypeSP getExistingTile(qint32 col, qint32 row); /** * Returns a tile in position (col,row). If no tile exists, * creates a new one, attaches it to the list and returns. * \param col column of the tile * \param row row of the tile * \param newTile out-parameter, returns true if a new tile * was created */ TileTypeSP getTileLazy(qint32 col, qint32 row, bool& newTile); /** * Returns a tile in position (col,row). If no tile exists, * creates nothing, but returns shared default tile object * of the table. Be careful, this object has column and row * parameters set to (qint32_MIN, qint32_MIN). * \param col column of the tile * \param row row of the tile * \param existingTile returns true if the tile actually exists in the table * and it is not a lazily created default wrapper tile */ TileTypeSP getReadOnlyTileLazy(qint32 col, qint32 row, bool &existingTile); void addTile(TileTypeSP tile); bool deleteTile(TileTypeSP tile); bool deleteTile(qint32 col, qint32 row); void clear(); void setDefaultTileData(KisTileData *defaultTileData); KisTileData* defaultTileData(); qint32 numTiles() { return m_numTiles.load(); } void debugPrintInfo(); void debugMaxListLength(qint32 &min, qint32 &max); friend class KisTileHashTableIteratorTraits2; private: struct MemoryReclaimer { MemoryReclaimer(TileType *data) : d(data) {} void destroy() { TileTypeSP::deref(reinterpret_cast(this), d); delete this; } private: TileType *d; }; inline quint32 calculateHash(qint32 col, qint32 row) { #ifdef SANITY_CHECK KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(row < 0x7FFF && col < 0x7FFF) #endif // SANITY_CHECK if (col == 0 && row == 0) { col = 0x7FFF; row = 0x7FFF; } return ((static_cast(row) << 16) | (static_cast(col) & 0xFFFF)); } inline void insert(quint32 idx, TileTypeSP item) { TileTypeSP::ref(&item, item.data()); TileType *tile = 0; { QReadLocker locker(&m_iteratorLock); m_map.getGC().lockRawPointerAccess(); tile = m_map.assign(idx, item.data()); } if (tile) { tile->notifyDeadWithoutDetaching(); m_map.getGC().enqueue(&MemoryReclaimer::destroy, new MemoryReclaimer(tile)); } else { m_numTiles.fetchAndAddRelaxed(1); } m_map.getGC().unlockRawPointerAccess(); - m_map.getGC().update(m_map.migrationInProcess()); + m_map.getGC().update(); } inline bool erase(quint32 idx) { m_map.getGC().lockRawPointerAccess(); bool wasDeleted = false; TileType *tile = m_map.erase(idx); if (tile) { tile->notifyDetachedFromDataManager(); wasDeleted = true; m_numTiles.fetchAndSubRelaxed(1); m_map.getGC().enqueue(&MemoryReclaimer::destroy, new MemoryReclaimer(tile)); } m_map.getGC().unlockRawPointerAccess(); - m_map.getGC().update(m_map.migrationInProcess()); + m_map.getGC().update(); return wasDeleted; } private: typedef ConcurrentMap LockFreeTileMap; typedef typename LockFreeTileMap::Mutator LockFreeTileMapMutator; mutable LockFreeTileMap m_map; /** * We still need something to guard changes in m_defaultTileData, * otherwise there will be concurrent read/writes, resulting in broken memory. */ QReadWriteLock m_defaultPixelDataLock; mutable QReadWriteLock m_iteratorLock; QAtomicInt m_numTiles; KisTileData *m_defaultTileData; KisMementoManager *m_mementoManager; }; template class KisTileHashTableIteratorTraits2 { public: typedef T TileType; typedef KisSharedPtr TileTypeSP; typedef typename ConcurrentMap::Iterator Iterator; KisTileHashTableIteratorTraits2(KisTileHashTableTraits2 *ht) : m_ht(ht) { m_ht->m_iteratorLock.lockForWrite(); m_iter.setMap(m_ht->m_map); } ~KisTileHashTableIteratorTraits2() { m_ht->m_iteratorLock.unlock(); } void next() { m_iter.next(); } TileTypeSP tile() const { return TileTypeSP(m_iter.getValue()); } bool isDone() const { return !m_iter.isValid(); } void deleteCurrent() { m_ht->erase(m_iter.getKey()); next(); } void moveCurrentToHashTable(KisTileHashTableTraits2 *newHashTable) { TileTypeSP tile = m_iter.getValue(); next(); quint32 idx = m_ht->calculateHash(tile->col(), tile->row()); m_ht->erase(idx); newHashTable->insert(idx, tile); } private: KisTileHashTableTraits2 *m_ht; Iterator m_iter; }; template KisTileHashTableTraits2::KisTileHashTableTraits2(KisMementoManager *mm) : m_numTiles(0), m_defaultTileData(0), m_mementoManager(mm) { } template KisTileHashTableTraits2::KisTileHashTableTraits2(const KisTileHashTableTraits2 &ht, KisMementoManager *mm) : KisTileHashTableTraits2(mm) { setDefaultTileData(ht.m_defaultTileData); QWriteLocker locker(&ht.m_iteratorLock); typename ConcurrentMap::Iterator iter(ht.m_map); while (iter.isValid()) { TileTypeSP tile = new TileType(*iter.getValue(), m_mementoManager); insert(iter.getKey(), tile); iter.next(); } } template KisTileHashTableTraits2::~KisTileHashTableTraits2() { clear(); setDefaultTileData(0); } template bool KisTileHashTableTraits2::tileExists(qint32 col, qint32 row) { return getExistingTile(col, row); } template typename KisTileHashTableTraits2::TileTypeSP KisTileHashTableTraits2::getExistingTile(qint32 col, qint32 row) { quint32 idx = calculateHash(col, row); m_map.getGC().lockRawPointerAccess(); TileTypeSP tile = m_map.get(idx); m_map.getGC().unlockRawPointerAccess(); - m_map.getGC().update(m_map.migrationInProcess()); + m_map.getGC().update(); return tile; } template typename KisTileHashTableTraits2::TileTypeSP KisTileHashTableTraits2::getTileLazy(qint32 col, qint32 row, bool &newTile) { newTile = false; quint32 idx = calculateHash(col, row); // we are going to assign a raw-pointer tile from the table // to a shared pointer... m_map.getGC().lockRawPointerAccess(); TileTypeSP tile = m_map.get(idx); while (!tile) { // we shouldn't try to aquire **any** lock with // raw-pointer lock held m_map.getGC().unlockRawPointerAccess(); { QReadLocker locker(&m_defaultPixelDataLock); tile = new TileType(col, row, m_defaultTileData, 0); } TileTypeSP::ref(&tile, tile.data()); TileType *discardedTile = 0; // iterator lock should be taken **before** // the pointers are locked m_iteratorLock.lockForRead(); // and now lock raw-pointers again m_map.getGC().lockRawPointerAccess(); // mutator might have become invalidated when // we released raw pointers, so we need to reinitialize it LockFreeTileMapMutator mutator = m_map.insertOrFind(idx); if (!mutator.getValue()) { discardedTile = mutator.exchangeValue(tile.data()); } else { discardedTile = tile.data(); } m_iteratorLock.unlock(); if (discardedTile) { // we've got our tile back, it didn't manage to // get into the table. Now release the allocated // tile and push TO/GA switch. tile = 0; discardedTile->notifyDeadWithoutDetaching(); m_map.getGC().enqueue(&MemoryReclaimer::destroy, new MemoryReclaimer(discardedTile)); tile = m_map.get(idx); continue; } else { newTile = true; m_numTiles.fetchAndAddRelaxed(1); tile->notifyAttachedToDataManager(m_mementoManager); } } m_map.getGC().unlockRawPointerAccess(); - m_map.getGC().update(m_map.migrationInProcess()); + m_map.getGC().update(); return tile; } template typename KisTileHashTableTraits2::TileTypeSP KisTileHashTableTraits2::getReadOnlyTileLazy(qint32 col, qint32 row, bool &existingTile) { quint32 idx = calculateHash(col, row); m_map.getGC().lockRawPointerAccess(); TileTypeSP tile = m_map.get(idx); m_map.getGC().unlockRawPointerAccess(); existingTile = tile; if (!existingTile) { QReadLocker locker(&m_defaultPixelDataLock); tile = new TileType(col, row, m_defaultTileData, 0); } - m_map.getGC().update(m_map.migrationInProcess()); + m_map.getGC().update(); return tile; } template void KisTileHashTableTraits2::addTile(TileTypeSP tile) { quint32 idx = calculateHash(tile->col(), tile->row()); insert(idx, tile); } template bool KisTileHashTableTraits2::deleteTile(TileTypeSP tile) { return deleteTile(tile->col(), tile->row()); } template bool KisTileHashTableTraits2::deleteTile(qint32 col, qint32 row) { quint32 idx = calculateHash(col, row); return erase(idx); } template void KisTileHashTableTraits2::clear() { { QWriteLocker locker(&m_iteratorLock); typename ConcurrentMap::Iterator iter(m_map); TileType *tile = 0; while (iter.isValid()) { m_map.getGC().lockRawPointerAccess(); tile = m_map.erase(iter.getKey()); if (tile) { tile->notifyDetachedFromDataManager(); m_map.getGC().enqueue(&MemoryReclaimer::destroy, new MemoryReclaimer(tile)); } m_map.getGC().unlockRawPointerAccess(); iter.next(); } m_numTiles.store(0); } // garbage collection must **not** be run with locks held - m_map.getGC().update(false); + m_map.getGC().update(); } template inline void KisTileHashTableTraits2::setDefaultTileData(KisTileData *defaultTileData) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_defaultPixelDataLock); if (m_defaultTileData) { m_defaultTileData->release(); m_defaultTileData = 0; } if (defaultTileData) { defaultTileData->acquire(); m_defaultTileData = defaultTileData; } } template inline KisTileData* KisTileHashTableTraits2::defaultTileData() { QReadLocker locker(&m_defaultPixelDataLock); return m_defaultTileData; } template void KisTileHashTableTraits2::debugPrintInfo() { } template void KisTileHashTableTraits2::debugMaxListLength(qint32 &/*min*/, qint32 &/*max*/) { } typedef KisTileHashTableTraits2 KisTileHashTable; typedef KisTileHashTableIteratorTraits2 KisTileHashTableIterator; typedef KisTileHashTableIteratorTraits2 KisTileHashTableConstIterator; #endif // KIS_TILEHASHTABLE_2_H diff --git a/libs/libkis/Document.cpp b/libs/libkis/Document.cpp index 9bc1c567b2..d63b202036 100644 --- a/libs/libkis/Document.cpp +++ b/libs/libkis/Document.cpp @@ -1,994 +1,995 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2016 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "Document.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_animation_importer.h" #include #include #include #include struct Document::Private { Private() {} QPointer document; }; Document::Document(KisDocument *document, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , d(new Private) { d->document = document; } Document::~Document() { delete d; } bool Document::operator==(const Document &other) const { return (d->document == other.d->document); } bool Document::operator!=(const Document &other) const { return !(operator==(other)); } bool Document::batchmode() const { if (!d->document) return false; return d->document->fileBatchMode(); } void Document::setBatchmode(bool value) { if (!d->document) return; d->document->setFileBatchMode(value); } Node *Document::activeNode() const { QList activeNodes; Q_FOREACH(QPointer view, KisPart::instance()->views()) { if (view && view->document() == d->document) { activeNodes << view->currentNode(); } } if (activeNodes.size() > 0) { QList nodes = LibKisUtils::createNodeList(activeNodes, d->document->image()); return nodes.first(); } return 0; } void Document::setActiveNode(Node* value) { if (!value->node()) return; KisMainWindow *mainWin = KisPart::instance()->currentMainwindow(); if (!mainWin) return; KisViewManager *viewManager = mainWin->viewManager(); if (!viewManager) return; if (viewManager->document() != d->document) return; KisNodeManager *nodeManager = viewManager->nodeManager(); if (!nodeManager) return; KisNodeSelectionAdapter *selectionAdapter = nodeManager->nodeSelectionAdapter(); if (!selectionAdapter) return; selectionAdapter->setActiveNode(value->node()); } QList Document::topLevelNodes() const { if (!d->document) return QList(); Node n(d->document->image(), d->document->image()->rootLayer()); return n.childNodes(); } Node *Document::nodeByName(const QString &name) const { if (!d->document) return 0; KisNodeSP node = d->document->image()->rootLayer()->findChildByName(name); - return new Node(d->document->image(), node); + if (node.isNull()) return 0; + return Node::createNode(d->document->image(), node); } QString Document::colorDepth() const { if (!d->document) return ""; return d->document->image()->colorSpace()->colorDepthId().id(); } QString Document::colorModel() const { if (!d->document) return ""; return d->document->image()->colorSpace()->colorModelId().id(); } QString Document::colorProfile() const { if (!d->document) return ""; return d->document->image()->colorSpace()->profile()->name(); } bool Document::setColorProfile(const QString &value) { if (!d->document) return false; if (!d->document->image()) return false; const KoColorProfile *profile = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->profileByName(value); if (!profile) return false; bool retval = d->document->image()->assignImageProfile(profile); d->document->image()->setModified(); d->document->image()->initialRefreshGraph(); return retval; } bool Document::setColorSpace(const QString &colorModel, const QString &colorDepth, const QString &colorProfile) { if (!d->document) return false; if (!d->document->image()) return false; const KoColorSpace *colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(colorModel, colorDepth, colorProfile); if (!colorSpace) return false; d->document->image()->convertImageColorSpace(colorSpace, KoColorConversionTransformation::IntentPerceptual, KoColorConversionTransformation::HighQuality | KoColorConversionTransformation::NoOptimization); d->document->image()->setModified(); d->document->image()->initialRefreshGraph(); return true; } QColor Document::backgroundColor() { if (!d->document) return QColor(); if (!d->document->image()) return QColor(); const KoColor color = d->document->image()->defaultProjectionColor(); return color.toQColor(); } bool Document::setBackgroundColor(const QColor &color) { if (!d->document) return false; if (!d->document->image()) return false; KoColor background = KoColor(color, d->document->image()->colorSpace()); d->document->image()->setDefaultProjectionColor(background); d->document->image()->setModified(); d->document->image()->initialRefreshGraph(); return true; } QString Document::documentInfo() const { QDomDocument doc = KisDocument::createDomDocument("document-info" /*DTD name*/, "document-info" /*tag name*/, "1.1"); doc = d->document->documentInfo()->save(doc); return doc.toString(); } void Document::setDocumentInfo(const QString &document) { KoXmlDocument doc; QString errorMsg; int errorLine, errorColumn; doc.setContent(document, &errorMsg, &errorLine, &errorColumn); d->document->documentInfo()->load(doc); } QString Document::fileName() const { if (!d->document) return QString(); return d->document->url().toLocalFile(); } void Document::setFileName(QString value) { if (!d->document) return; QString mimeType = KisMimeDatabase::mimeTypeForFile(value, false); d->document->setMimeType(mimeType.toLatin1()); d->document->setUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(value)); } int Document::height() const { if (!d->document) return 0; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); if (!image) return 0; return image->height(); } void Document::setHeight(int value) { if (!d->document) return; if (!d->document->image()) return; resizeImage(d->document->image()->bounds().x(), d->document->image()->bounds().y(), d->document->image()->width(), value); } QString Document::name() const { if (!d->document) return ""; return d->document->documentInfo()->aboutInfo("title"); } void Document::setName(QString value) { if (!d->document) return; d->document->documentInfo()->setAboutInfo("title", value); } int Document::resolution() const { if (!d->document) return 0; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); if (!image) return 0; return qRound(d->document->image()->xRes() * 72); } void Document::setResolution(int value) { if (!d->document) return; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); if (!image) return; d->document->image()->setResolution(value / 72.0, value / 72.0); } Node *Document::rootNode() const { if (!d->document) return 0; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); if (!image) return 0; - return new Node(image, image->root()); + return Node::createNode(image, image->root()); } Selection *Document::selection() const { if (!d->document) return 0; if (!d->document->image()) return 0; if (!d->document->image()->globalSelection()) return 0; return new Selection(d->document->image()->globalSelection()); } void Document::setSelection(Selection* value) { if (!d->document) return; if (!d->document->image()) return; if (value) { d->document->image()->setGlobalSelection(value->selection()); } else { d->document->image()->setGlobalSelection(0); } } int Document::width() const { if (!d->document) return 0; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); if (!image) return 0; return image->width(); } void Document::setWidth(int value) { if (!d->document) return; if (!d->document->image()) return; resizeImage(d->document->image()->bounds().x(), d->document->image()->bounds().y(), value, d->document->image()->height()); } int Document::xOffset() const { if (!d->document) return 0; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); if (!image) return 0; return image->bounds().x(); } void Document::setXOffset(int x) { if (!d->document) return; if (!d->document->image()) return; resizeImage(x, d->document->image()->bounds().y(), d->document->image()->width(), d->document->image()->height()); } int Document::yOffset() const { if (!d->document) return 0; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); if (!image) return 0; return image->bounds().y(); } void Document::setYOffset(int y) { if (!d->document) return; if (!d->document->image()) return; resizeImage(d->document->image()->bounds().x(), y, d->document->image()->width(), d->document->image()->height()); } double Document::xRes() const { if (!d->document) return 0.0; if (!d->document->image()) return 0.0; return d->document->image()->xRes()*72.0; } void Document::setXRes(double xRes) const { if (!d->document) return; if (!d->document->image()) return; d->document->image()->setResolution(xRes/72.0, d->document->image()->yRes()); } double Document::yRes() const { if (!d->document) return 0.0; if (!d->document->image()) return 0.0; return d->document->image()->yRes()*72.0; } void Document::setYRes(double yRes) const { if (!d->document) return; if (!d->document->image()) return; d->document->image()->setResolution(d->document->image()->xRes(), yRes/72.0); } QByteArray Document::pixelData(int x, int y, int w, int h) const { QByteArray ba; if (!d->document) return ba; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); if (!image) return ba; KisPaintDeviceSP dev = image->projection(); ba.resize(w * h * dev->pixelSize()); dev->readBytes(reinterpret_cast(ba.data()), x, y, w, h); return ba; } bool Document::close() { bool retval = d->document->closeUrl(false); Q_FOREACH(KisView *view, KisPart::instance()->views()) { if (view->document() == d->document) { view->close(); view->closeView(); view->deleteLater(); } } KisPart::instance()->removeDocument(d->document); d->document = 0; return retval; } void Document::crop(int x, int y, int w, int h) { if (!d->document) return; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); if (!image) return; QRect rc(x, y, w, h); image->cropImage(rc); } bool Document::exportImage(const QString &filename, const InfoObject &exportConfiguration) { if (!d->document) return false; const QString outputFormatString = KisMimeDatabase::mimeTypeForFile(filename, false); const QByteArray outputFormat = outputFormatString.toLatin1(); return d->document->exportDocumentSync(QUrl::fromLocalFile(filename), outputFormat, exportConfiguration.configuration()); } void Document::flatten() { if (!d->document) return; if (!d->document->image()) return; d->document->image()->flatten(0); } void Document::resizeImage(int x, int y, int w, int h) { if (!d->document) return; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); if (!image) return; QRect rc; rc.setX(x); rc.setY(y); rc.setWidth(w); rc.setHeight(h); image->resizeImage(rc); } void Document::scaleImage(int w, int h, int xres, int yres, QString strategy) { if (!d->document) return; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); if (!image) return; QRect rc = image->bounds(); rc.setWidth(w); rc.setHeight(h); KisFilterStrategy *actualStrategy = KisFilterStrategyRegistry::instance()->get(strategy); if (!actualStrategy) actualStrategy = KisFilterStrategyRegistry::instance()->get("Bicubic"); image->scaleImage(rc.size(), xres/72, yres/72, actualStrategy); } void Document::rotateImage(double radians) { if (!d->document) return; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); if (!image) return; image->rotateImage(radians); } void Document::shearImage(double angleX, double angleY) { if (!d->document) return; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); if (!image) return; image->shear(angleX, angleY); } bool Document::save() { if (!d->document) return false; if (d->document->url().isEmpty()) return false; bool retval = d->document->save(true, 0); d->document->waitForSavingToComplete(); return retval; } bool Document::saveAs(const QString &filename) { if (!d->document) return false; const QString outputFormatString = KisMimeDatabase::mimeTypeForFile(filename, false); const QByteArray outputFormat = outputFormatString.toLatin1(); QUrl oldUrl = d->document->url(); d->document->setUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(filename)); bool retval = d->document->saveAs(QUrl::fromLocalFile(filename), outputFormat, true); d->document->waitForSavingToComplete(); d->document->setUrl(oldUrl); return retval; } Node* Document::createNode(const QString &name, const QString &nodeType) { if (!d->document) return 0; if (!d->document->image()) return 0; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); Node *node = 0; if (nodeType.toLower()== "paintlayer") { node = new Node(image, new KisPaintLayer(image, name, OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8)); } else if (nodeType.toLower() == "grouplayer") { node = new Node(image, new KisGroupLayer(image, name, OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8)); } else if (nodeType.toLower() == "filelayer") { node = new Node(image, new KisFileLayer(image, name, OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8)); } else if (nodeType.toLower() == "filterlayer") { node = new Node(image, new KisAdjustmentLayer(image, name, 0, 0)); } else if (nodeType.toLower() == "filllayer") { node = new Node(image, new KisGeneratorLayer(image, name, 0, 0)); } else if (nodeType.toLower() == "clonelayer") { node = new Node(image, new KisCloneLayer(0, image, name, OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8)); } else if (nodeType.toLower() == "vectorlayer") { node = new Node(image, new KisShapeLayer(d->document->shapeController(), image, name, OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8)); } else if (nodeType.toLower() == "transparencymask") { node = new Node(image, new KisTransparencyMask()); } else if (nodeType.toLower() == "filtermask") { node = new Node(image, new KisFilterMask()); } else if (nodeType.toLower() == "transformmask") { node = new Node(image, new KisTransformMask()); } else if (nodeType.toLower() == "selectionmask") { node = new Node(image, new KisSelectionMask(image)); } return node; } GroupLayer *Document::createGroupLayer(const QString &name) { if (!d->document) return 0; if (!d->document->image()) return 0; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); return new GroupLayer(image, name); } FileLayer *Document::createFileLayer(const QString &name, const QString fileName, const QString scalingMethod) { if (!d->document) return 0; if (!d->document->image()) return 0; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); return new FileLayer(image, name, this->fileName(), fileName, scalingMethod); } FilterLayer *Document::createFilterLayer(const QString &name, Filter &filter, Selection &selection) { if (!d->document) return 0; if (!d->document->image()) return 0; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); return new FilterLayer(image, name, filter, selection); } FillLayer *Document::createFillLayer(const QString &name, const QString generatorName, InfoObject &configuration, Selection &selection) { if (!d->document) return 0; if (!d->document->image()) return 0; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); KisGeneratorSP generator = KisGeneratorRegistry::instance()->value(generatorName); if (generator) { KisFilterConfigurationSP config = generator->defaultConfiguration(); Q_FOREACH(const QString property, configuration.properties().keys()) { config->setProperty(property, configuration.property(property)); } return new FillLayer(image, name, config, selection); } return 0; } CloneLayer *Document::createCloneLayer(const QString &name, const Node *source) { if (!d->document) return 0; if (!d->document->image()) return 0; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); KisLayerSP layer = qobject_cast(source->node().data()); return new CloneLayer(image, name, layer); } VectorLayer *Document::createVectorLayer(const QString &name) { if (!d->document) return 0; if (!d->document->image()) return 0; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); return new VectorLayer(d->document->shapeController(), image, name); } FilterMask *Document::createFilterMask(const QString &name, Filter &filter, const Node *selection_source) { if (!d->document) return 0; if (!d->document->image()) return 0; if(!selection_source) return 0; KisLayerSP layer = qobject_cast(selection_source->node().data()); if(layer.isNull()) return 0; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); FilterMask* mask = new FilterMask(image, name, filter); qobject_cast(mask->node().data())->initSelection(layer); return mask; } FilterMask *Document::createFilterMask(const QString &name, Filter &filter, Selection &selection) { if (!d->document) return 0; if (!d->document->image()) return 0; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); FilterMask* mask = new FilterMask(image, name, filter); qobject_cast(mask->node().data())->setSelection(selection.selection()); return mask; } SelectionMask *Document::createSelectionMask(const QString &name) { if (!d->document) return 0; if (!d->document->image()) return 0; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); return new SelectionMask(image, name); } QImage Document::projection(int x, int y, int w, int h) const { if (!d->document || !d->document->image()) return QImage(); return d->document->image()->convertToQImage(x, y, w, h, 0); } QImage Document::thumbnail(int w, int h) const { if (!d->document || !d->document->image()) return QImage(); return d->document->generatePreview(QSize(w, h)).toImage(); } void Document::lock() { if (!d->document || !d->document->image()) return; d->document->image()->barrierLock(); } void Document::unlock() { if (!d->document || !d->document->image()) return; d->document->image()->unlock(); } void Document::waitForDone() { if (!d->document || !d->document->image()) return; d->document->image()->waitForDone(); } bool Document::tryBarrierLock() { if (!d->document || !d->document->image()) return false; return d->document->image()->tryBarrierLock(); } bool Document::isIdle() { if (!d->document || !d->document->image()) return false; return d->document->image()->isIdle(); } void Document::refreshProjection() { if (!d->document || !d->document->image()) return; d->document->image()->refreshGraph(); } QList Document::horizontalGuides() const { QList lines; if (!d->document || !d->document->image()) return lines; KisCoordinatesConverter converter; converter.setImage(d->document->image()); QTransform transform = converter.imageToDocumentTransform().inverted(); QList untransformedLines = d->document->guidesConfig().horizontalGuideLines(); for (int i = 0; i< untransformedLines.size(); i++) { qreal line = untransformedLines[i]; lines.append(transform.map(QPointF(line, line)).x()); } return lines; } QList Document::verticalGuides() const { QList lines; if (!d->document || !d->document->image()) return lines; KisCoordinatesConverter converter; converter.setImage(d->document->image()); QTransform transform = converter.imageToDocumentTransform().inverted(); QList untransformedLines = d->document->guidesConfig().verticalGuideLines(); for (int i = 0; i< untransformedLines.size(); i++) { qreal line = untransformedLines[i]; lines.append(transform.map(QPointF(line, line)).y()); } return lines; } bool Document::guidesVisible() const { return d->document->guidesConfig().showGuides(); } bool Document::guidesLocked() const { return d->document->guidesConfig().lockGuides(); } Document *Document::clone() const { if (!d->document) return 0; QPointer clone = d->document->clone(); Document * d = new Document(clone); clone->setParent(d); // It's owned by the document, not KisPart return d; } void Document::setHorizontalGuides(const QList &lines) { if (!d->document) return; KisGuidesConfig config = d->document->guidesConfig(); KisCoordinatesConverter converter; converter.setImage(d->document->image()); QTransform transform = converter.imageToDocumentTransform(); QList transformedLines; for (int i = 0; i< lines.size(); i++) { qreal line = lines[i]; transformedLines.append(transform.map(QPointF(line, line)).x()); } config.setHorizontalGuideLines(transformedLines); d->document->setGuidesConfig(config); } void Document::setVerticalGuides(const QList &lines) { if (!d->document) return; KisGuidesConfig config = d->document->guidesConfig(); KisCoordinatesConverter converter; converter.setImage(d->document->image()); QTransform transform = converter.imageToDocumentTransform(); QList transformedLines; for (int i = 0; i< lines.size(); i++) { qreal line = lines[i]; transformedLines.append(transform.map(QPointF(line, line)).y()); } config.setVerticalGuideLines(transformedLines); d->document->setGuidesConfig(config); } void Document::setGuidesVisible(bool visible) { if (!d->document) return; KisGuidesConfig config = d->document->guidesConfig(); config.setShowGuides(visible); d->document->setGuidesConfig(config); } void Document::setGuidesLocked(bool locked) { if (!d->document) return; KisGuidesConfig config = d->document->guidesConfig(); config.setLockGuides(locked); d->document->setGuidesConfig(config); } bool Document::modified() const { if (!d->document) return false; return d->document->isModified(); } QRect Document::bounds() const { if (!d->document) return QRect(); return d->document->image()->bounds(); } QPointer Document::document() const { return d->document; } /* Animation related function */ bool Document::importAnimation(const QList &files, int firstFrame, int step) { KisView *activeView = KisPart::instance()->currentMainwindow()->activeView(); KoUpdaterPtr updater = 0; if (activeView && d->document->fileBatchMode()) { updater = activeView->viewManager()->createUnthreadedUpdater(i18n("Import frames")); } KisAnimationImporter importer(d->document->image(), updater); KisImportExportErrorCode status = importer.import(files, firstFrame, step); return status.isOk(); } int Document::framesPerSecond() { if (!d->document) return false; if (!d->document->image()) return false; return d->document->image()->animationInterface()->framerate(); } void Document::setFramesPerSecond(int fps) { if (!d->document) return; if (!d->document->image()) return; d->document->image()->animationInterface()->setFramerate(fps); } void Document::setFullClipRangeStartTime(int startTime) { if (!d->document) return; if (!d->document->image()) return; d->document->image()->animationInterface()->setFullClipRangeStartTime(startTime); } int Document::fullClipRangeStartTime() { if (!d->document) return false; if (!d->document->image()) return false; return d->document->image()->animationInterface()->fullClipRange().start(); } void Document::setFullClipRangeEndTime(int endTime) { if (!d->document) return; if (!d->document->image()) return; d->document->image()->animationInterface()->setFullClipRangeEndTime(endTime); } int Document::fullClipRangeEndTime() { if (!d->document) return false; if (!d->document->image()) return false; return d->document->image()->animationInterface()->fullClipRange().end(); } int Document::animationLength() { if (!d->document) return false; if (!d->document->image()) return false; return d->document->image()->animationInterface()->totalLength(); } void Document::setPlayBackRange(int start, int stop) { if (!d->document) return; if (!d->document->image()) return; const KisTimeRange newTimeRange = KisTimeRange(start, (stop-start)); d->document->image()->animationInterface()->setPlaybackRange(newTimeRange); } int Document::playBackStartTime() { if (!d->document) return false; if (!d->document->image()) return false; return d->document->image()->animationInterface()->playbackRange().start(); } int Document::playBackEndTime() { if (!d->document) return false; if (!d->document->image()) return false; return d->document->image()->animationInterface()->playbackRange().end(); } int Document::currentTime() { if (!d->document) return false; if (!d->document->image()) return false; return d->document->image()->animationInterface()->currentTime(); } void Document::setCurrentTime(int time) { if (!d->document) return; if (!d->document->image()) return; return d->document->image()->animationInterface()->requestTimeSwitchWithUndo(time); } diff --git a/libs/libkis/Document.h b/libs/libkis/Document.h index f7cf3da6e6..e3785d6534 100644 --- a/libs/libkis/Document.h +++ b/libs/libkis/Document.h @@ -1,866 +1,871 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2016 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef LIBKIS_DOCUMENT_H #define LIBKIS_DOCUMENT_H #include #include "kritalibkis_export.h" #include "libkis.h" #include "GroupLayer.h" #include "CloneLayer.h" #include "FileLayer.h" #include "FilterLayer.h" #include "FillLayer.h" #include "VectorLayer.h" #include "FilterMask.h" #include "SelectionMask.h" class KisDocument; /** * The Document class encapsulates a Krita Document/Image. A Krita document is an Image with * a filename. Libkis does not differentiate between a document and an image, like Krita does * internally. */ class KRITALIBKIS_EXPORT Document : public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_DISABLE_COPY(Document) public: explicit Document(KisDocument *document, QObject *parent = 0); ~Document() override; bool operator==(const Document &other) const; bool operator!=(const Document &other) const; /** * @brief horizontalGuides * The horizontal guides. * @return a list of the horizontal positions of guides. */ QList horizontalGuides() const; /** * @brief verticalGuides * The vertical guide lines. * @return a list of vertical guides. */ QList verticalGuides() const; /** * @brief guidesVisible * Returns guide visibility. * @return whether the guides are visible. */ bool guidesVisible() const; /** * @brief guidesLocked * Returns guide lockedness. * @return whether the guides are locked. */ bool guidesLocked() const; public Q_SLOTS: /** * @brief clone create a shallow clone of this document. * @return a new Document that should be identical to this one in every respect. */ Document *clone() const; /** * Batchmode means that no actions on the document should show dialogs or popups. * @return true if the document is in batchmode. */ bool batchmode() const; /** * Set batchmode to @p value. If batchmode is true, then there should be no popups * or dialogs shown to the user. */ void setBatchmode(bool value); /** * @brief activeNode retrieve the node that is currently active in the currently active window * @return the active node. If there is no active window, the first child node is returned. */ Node* activeNode() const; /** * @brief setActiveNode make the given node active in the currently active view and window * @param value the node to make active. */ void setActiveNode(Node* value); /** * @brief toplevelNodes return a list with all top level nodes in the image graph */ QList topLevelNodes() const; /** * @brief nodeByName searches the node tree for a node with the given name and returns it * @param name the name of the node * @return the first node with the given name or 0 if no node is found */ Node *nodeByName(const QString &name) const; /** * colorDepth A string describing the color depth of the image: *
  • U8: unsigned 8 bits integer, the most common type
  • *
  • U16: unsigned 16 bits integer
  • *
  • F16: half, 16 bits floating point. Only available if Krita was built with OpenEXR
  • *
  • F32: 32 bits floating point
  • *
* @return the color depth. */ QString colorDepth() const; /** * @brief colorModel retrieve the current color model of this document: *
  • A: Alpha mask
  • *
  • RGBA: RGB with alpha channel (The actual order of channels is most often BGR!)
  • *
  • XYZA: XYZ with alpha channel
  • *
  • LABA: LAB with alpha channel
  • *
  • CMYKA: CMYK with alpha channel
  • *
  • GRAYA: Gray with alpha channel
  • *
  • YCbCrA: YCbCr with alpha channel
  • *
* @return the internal color model string. */ QString colorModel() const; /** * @return the name of the current color profile */ QString colorProfile() const; /** * @brief setColorProfile set the color profile of the image to the given profile. The profile has to * be registered with krita and be compatible with the current color model and depth; the image data * is not converted. * @param colorProfile * @return false if the colorProfile name does not correspond to to a registered profile or if assigning * the profile failed. */ bool setColorProfile(const QString &colorProfile); /** * @brief setColorSpace convert the nodes and the image to the given colorspace. The conversion is * done with Perceptual as intent, High Quality and No LCMS Optimizations as flags and no blackpoint * compensation. * * @param colorModel A string describing the color model of the image: *
  • A: Alpha mask
  • *
  • RGBA: RGB with alpha channel (The actual order of channels is most often BGR!)
  • *
  • XYZA: XYZ with alpha channel
  • *
  • LABA: LAB with alpha channel
  • *
  • CMYKA: CMYK with alpha channel
  • *
  • GRAYA: Gray with alpha channel
  • *
  • YCbCrA: YCbCr with alpha channel
  • *
* @param colorDepth A string describing the color depth of the image: *
  • U8: unsigned 8 bits integer, the most common type
  • *
  • U16: unsigned 16 bits integer
  • *
  • F16: half, 16 bits floating point. Only available if Krita was built with OpenEXR
  • *
  • F32: 32 bits floating point
  • *
* @param colorProfile a valid color profile for this color model and color depth combination. * @return false the combination of these arguments does not correspond to a colorspace. */ bool setColorSpace(const QString &colorModel, const QString &colorDepth, const QString &colorProfile); /** * @brief backgroundColor returns the current background color of the document. The color will * also include the opacity. * * @return QColor */ QColor backgroundColor(); /** * @brief setBackgroundColor sets the background color of the document. It will trigger a projection * update. * * @param color A QColor. The color will be converted from sRGB. * @return bool */ bool setBackgroundColor(const QColor &color); /** * @brief documentInfo creates and XML document representing document and author information. * @return a string containing a valid XML document with the right information about the document * and author. The DTD can be found here: * * https://phabricator.kde.org/source/krita/browse/master/krita/dtd/ * * @code * * * * * My Document * * * * * Unknown * 1 * 35 * 2017-02-27T20:15:09 * 2017-02-27T20:14:33 * * * * Boudewijn Rempt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * @endcode * */ QString documentInfo() const; /** * @brief setDocumentInfo set the Document information to the information contained in document * @param document A string containing a valid XML document that conforms to the document-info DTD * that can be found here: * * https://phabricator.kde.org/source/krita/browse/master/krita/dtd/ */ void setDocumentInfo(const QString &document); /** * @return the full path to the document, if it has been set. */ QString fileName() const; /** * @brief setFileName set the full path of the document to @param value */ void setFileName(QString value); /** * @return the height of the image in pixels */ int height() const; /** * @brief setHeight resize the document to @param value height. This is a canvas resize, not a scale. */ void setHeight(int value); /** * @return the name of the document. This is the title field in the @ref documentInfo */ QString name() const; /** * @brief setName sets the name of the document to @p value. This is the title field in the @ref documentInfo */ void setName(QString value); /** * @return the resolution in pixels per inch */ int resolution() const; /** * @brief setResolution set the resolution of the image; this does not scale the image * @param value the resolution in pixels per inch */ void setResolution(int value); /** * @brief rootNode the root node is the invisible group layer that contains the entire node * hierarchy. * @return the root of the image */ Node* rootNode() const; /** * @brief selection Create a Selection object around the global selection, if there is one. * @return the global selection or None if there is no global selection. */ Selection* selection() const; /** * @brief setSelection set or replace the global selection * @param value a valid selection object. */ void setSelection(Selection* value); /** * @return the width of the image in pixels. */ int width() const; /** * @brief setWidth resize the document to @param value width. This is a canvas resize, not a scale. */ void setWidth(int value); /** * @return the left edge of the canvas in pixels. */ int xOffset() const; /** * @brief setXOffset sets the left edge of the canvas to @p x. */ void setXOffset(int x); /** * @return the top edge of the canvas in pixels. */ int yOffset() const; /** * @brief setYOffset sets the top edge of the canvas to @p y. */ void setYOffset(int y); /** - * @return xRes the horizontal resolution of the image in pixels per pt (there are 72 pts to an inch) + * @return xRes the horizontal resolution of the image in pixels + * per inch */ double xRes() const; /** - * @brief setXRes set the horizontal resolution of the image to xRes in pixels per pt. (there are 72 pts to an inch) + * @brief setXRes set the horizontal resolution of the image to + * xRes in pixels per inch */ void setXRes(double xRes) const; /** - * @return yRes the vertical resolution of the image in pixels per pt (there are 72 pts to an inch) + * @return yRes the vertical resolution of the image in pixels per + * inch */ double yRes() const; /** - * @brief setYRes set the vertical resolution of the image to yRes in pixels per pt. (there are 72 pts to an inch) + * @brief setYRes set the vertical resolution of the image to yRes + * in pixels per inch */ void setYRes(double yRes) const; /** * @brief pixelData reads the given rectangle from the image projection and returns it as a byte * array. The pixel data starts top-left, and is ordered row-first. * * The byte array can be interpreted as follows: 8 bits images have one byte per channel, * and as many bytes as there are channels. 16 bits integer images have two bytes per channel, * representing an unsigned short. 16 bits float images have two bytes per channel, representing * a half, or 16 bits float. 32 bits float images have four bytes per channel, representing a * float. * * You can read outside the image boundaries; those pixels will be transparent black. * * The order of channels is: * *
  • Integer RGBA: Blue, Green, Red, Alpha *
  • Float RGBA: Red, Green, Blue, Alpha *
  • LabA: L, a, b, Alpha *
  • CMYKA: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key, Alpha *
  • XYZA: X, Y, Z, A *
  • YCbCrA: Y, Cb, Cr, Alpha *
* * The byte array is a copy of the original image data. In Python, you can use bytes, bytearray * and the struct module to interpret the data and construct, for instance, a Pillow Image object. * * @param x x position from where to start reading * @param y y position from where to start reading * @param w row length to read * @param h number of rows to read * @return a QByteArray with the pixel data. The byte array may be empty. */ QByteArray pixelData(int x, int y, int w, int h) const; /** * @brief close Close the document: remove it from Krita's internal list of documents and * close all views. If the document is modified, you should save it first. There will be * no prompt for saving. * * After closing the document it becomes invalid. * * @return true if the document is closed. */ bool close(); /** * @brief crop the image to rectangle described by @p x, @p y, * @p w and @p h * @param x x coordinate of the top left corner * @param y y coordinate of the top left corner * @param w width * @param h height */ void crop(int x, int y, int w, int h); /** * @brief exportImage export the image, without changing its URL to the given path. * @param filename the full path to which the image is to be saved * @param exportConfiguration a configuration object appropriate to the file format. * An InfoObject will used to that configuration. * * The supported formats have specific configurations that must be used when in * batchmode. They are described below: * *\b png *
  • alpha: bool (True or False) *
  • compression: int (1 to 9) *
  • forceSRGB: bool (True or False) *
  • indexed: bool (True or False) *
  • interlaced: bool (True or False) *
  • saveSRGBProfile: bool (True or False) *
  • transparencyFillcolor: rgb (Ex:[255,255,255]) *
* *\b jpeg *
  • baseline: bool (True or False) *
  • exif: bool (True or False) *
  • filters: bool (['ToolInfo', 'Anonymizer']) *
  • forceSRGB: bool (True or False) *
  • iptc: bool (True or False) *
  • is_sRGB: bool (True or False) *
  • optimize: bool (True or False) *
  • progressive: bool (True or False) *
  • quality: int (0 to 100) *
  • saveProfile: bool (True or False) *
  • smoothing: int (0 to 100) *
  • subsampling: int (0 to 3) *
  • transparencyFillcolor: rgb (Ex:[255,255,255]) *
  • xmp: bool (True or False) *
* @return true if the export succeeded, false if it failed. */ bool exportImage(const QString &filename, const InfoObject &exportConfiguration); /** * @brief flatten all layers in the image */ void flatten(); /** * @brief resizeImage resizes the canvas to the given left edge, top edge, width and height. * Note: This doesn't scale, use scale image for that. * @param x the new left edge * @param y the new top edge * @param w the new width * @param h the new height */ void resizeImage(int x, int y, int w, int h); /** * @brief scaleImage * @param w the new width * @param h the new height * @param xres the new xres * @param yres the new yres * @param strategy the scaling strategy. There's several ones amongst these that aren't available in the regular UI. * The list of filters is extensible and can be retrieved with Krita::filter *
  • Hermite
  • *
  • Bicubic - Adds pixels using the color of surrounding pixels. Produces smoother tonal gradations than Bilinear.
  • *
  • Box - Replicate pixels in the image. Preserves all the original detail, but can produce jagged effects.
  • *
  • Bilinear - Adds pixels averaging the color values of surrounding pixels. Produces medium quality results when the image is scaled from half to two times the original size.
  • *
  • Bell
  • *
  • BSpline
  • *
  • Kanczos3 - Offers similar results than Bicubic, but maybe a little bit sharper. Can produce light and dark halos along strong edges.
  • *
  • Mitchell
  • *
*/ void scaleImage(int w, int h, int xres, int yres, QString strategy); /** * @brief rotateImage * Rotate the image by the given radians. * @param radians the amount you wish to rotate the image in radians */ void rotateImage(double radians); /** * @brief shearImage shear the whole image. * @param angleX the X-angle in degrees to shear by * @param angleY the Y-angle in degrees to shear by */ void shearImage(double angleX, double angleY); /** * @brief save the image to its currently set path. The modified flag of the * document will be reset * @return true if saving succeeded, false otherwise. */ bool save(); /** * @brief saveAs save the document under the @p filename. The document's * filename will be reset to @p filename. * @param filename the new filename (full path) for the document * @return true if saving succeeded, false otherwise. */ bool saveAs(const QString &filename); /** * @brief createNode create a new node of the given type. The node is not added * to the node hierarchy; you need to do that by finding the right parent node, * getting its list of child nodes and adding the node in the right place, then * calling Node::SetChildNodes * * @param name The name of the node * * @param nodeType The type of the node. Valid types are: *
  • paintlayer *
  • grouplayer *
  • filelayer *
  • filterlayer *
  • filllayer *
  • clonelayer *
  • vectorlayer *
  • transparencymask *
  • filtermask *
  • transformmask *
  • selectionmask *
* * When relevant, the new Node will have the colorspace of the image by default; * that can be changed with Node::setColorSpace. * * The settings and selections for relevant layer and mask types can also be set * after the Node has been created. * @code d = Application.createDocument(1000, 1000, "Test", "RGBA", "U8", "", 120.0) root = d.rootNode(); print(root.childNodes()) l2 = d.createNode("layer2", "paintLayer") print(l2) root.addChildNode(l2, None) print(root.childNodes()) @endcode * * * @return the new Node. */ Node* createNode(const QString &name, const QString &nodeType); /** * @brief createGroupLayer * Returns a grouplayer object. Grouplayers are nodes that can have * other layers as children and have the passthrough mode. * @param name the name of the layer. * @return a GroupLayer object. */ GroupLayer* createGroupLayer(const QString &name); /** * @brief createFileLayer returns a layer that shows an external image. * @param name name of the file layer. * @param fileName the absolute filename of the file referenced. Symlinks will be resolved. * @param scalingMethod how the dimensions of the file are interpreted * can be either "None", "ImageToSize" or "ImageToPPI" * @return a FileLayer */ FileLayer* createFileLayer(const QString &name, const QString fileName, const QString scalingMethod); /** * @brief createFilterLayer creates a filter layer, which is a layer that represents a filter * applied non-destructively. * @param name name of the filterLayer * @param filter the filter that this filter layer will us. * @param selection the selection. * @return a filter layer object. */ FilterLayer* createFilterLayer(const QString &name, Filter &filter, Selection &selection); /** * @brief createFillLayer creates a fill layer object, which is a layer * @param name * @param generatorName - name of the generation filter. * @param configuration - the configuration for the generation filter. * @param selection - the selection. * @return a filllayer object. * * @code * from krita import * * d = Krita.instance().activeDocument() * i = InfoObject(); * i.setProperty("pattern", "Cross01.pat") * s = Selection(); * s.select(0, 0, d.width(), d.height(), 255) * n = d.createFillLayer("test", "pattern", i, s) * r = d.rootNode(); * c = r.childNodes(); * r.addChildNode(n, c[0]) * d.refreshProjection() * @endcode */ FillLayer* createFillLayer(const QString &name, const QString generatorName, InfoObject &configuration, Selection &selection); /** * @brief createCloneLayer * @param name * @param source * @return */ CloneLayer* createCloneLayer(const QString &name, const Node* source); /** * @brief createVectorLayer * Creates a vector layer that can contain vector shapes. * @param name the name of this layer. * @return a VectorLayer. */ VectorLayer* createVectorLayer(const QString &name); /** * @brief createFilterMask * Creates a filter mask object that much like a filterlayer can apply a filter non-destructively. * @param name the name of the layer. * @param filter the filter assigned. * @param selection the selection to be used by the filter mask * @return a FilterMask */ FilterMask* createFilterMask(const QString &name, Filter &filter, Selection &selection); /** * @brief createFilterMask * Creates a filter mask object that much like a filterlayer can apply a filter non-destructively. * @param name the name of the layer. * @param filter the filter assigned. * @param selection_source a node from which the selection should be initialized * @return a FilterMask */ FilterMask* createFilterMask(const QString &name, Filter &filter, const Node* selection_source); /** * @brief createSelectionMask * Creates a selection mask, which can be used to store selections. * @param name - the name of the layer. * @return a SelectionMask */ SelectionMask* createSelectionMask(const QString &name); /** * @brief projection creates a QImage from the rendered image or * a cutout rectangle. */ QImage projection(int x = 0, int y = 0, int w = 0, int h = 0) const; /** * @brief thumbnail create a thumbnail of the given dimensions. * * If the requested size is too big a null QImage is created. * * @return a QImage representing the layer contents. */ QImage thumbnail(int w, int h) const; /** * Why this should be used, When it should be used, How it should be used, * and warnings about when not. */ void lock(); /** * Why this should be used, When it should be used, How it should be used, * and warnings about when not. */ void unlock(); /** * Why this should be used, When it should be used, How it should be used, * and warnings about when not. */ void waitForDone(); /** * Why this should be used, When it should be used, How it should be used, * and warnings about when not. */ bool tryBarrierLock(); /** * Why this should be used, When it should be used, How it should be used, * and warnings about when not. */ bool isIdle(); /** * Starts a synchronous recomposition of the projection: everything will * wait until the image is fully recomputed. */ void refreshProjection(); /** * @brief setHorizontalGuides * replace all existing horizontal guides with the entries in the list. * @param lines a list of floats containing the new guides. */ void setHorizontalGuides(const QList &lines); /** * @brief setVerticalGuides * replace all existing horizontal guides with the entries in the list. * @param lines a list of floats containing the new guides. */ void setVerticalGuides(const QList &lines); /** * @brief setGuidesVisible * set guides visible on this document. * @param visible whether or not the guides are visible. */ void setGuidesVisible(bool visible); /** * @brief setGuidesLocked * set guides locked on this document * @param locked whether or not to lock the guides on this document. */ void setGuidesLocked(bool locked); /** * @brief modified returns true if the document has unsaved modifications. */ bool modified() const; /** * @brief bounds return the bounds of the image * @return the bounds */ QRect bounds() const; /**** * Animation Related API *****/ /** * @brief Import an image sequence of files from a directory. This will grab all * images from the directory and import them with a potential offset (firstFrame) * and step (images on 2s, 3s, etc) * @returns whether the animation import was successful */ bool importAnimation(const QList &files, int firstFrame, int step); /** * @brief frames per second of document * @return the fps of the document */ int framesPerSecond(); /** * @brief set frames per second of document */ void setFramesPerSecond(int fps); /** * @brief set start time of animation */ void setFullClipRangeStartTime(int startTime); /** * @brief get the full clip range start time * @return full clip range start time */ int fullClipRangeStartTime(); /** * @brief set full clip range end time */ void setFullClipRangeEndTime(int endTime); /** * @brief get the full clip range end time * @return full clip range end time */ int fullClipRangeEndTime(); /** * @brief get total frame range for animation * @return total frame range for animation */ int animationLength(); /** * @brief set temporary playback range of document */ void setPlayBackRange(int start, int stop); /** * @brief get start time of current playback * @return start time of current playback */ int playBackStartTime(); /** * @brief get end time of current playback * @return end time of current playback */ int playBackEndTime(); /** * @brief get current frame selected of animation * @return current frame selected of animation */ int currentTime(); /** * @brief set current time of document's animation */ void setCurrentTime(int time); private: friend class Krita; friend class Window; friend class Filter; + friend class View; QPointer document() const; private: struct Private; Private *const d; }; #endif // LIBKIS_DOCUMENT_H diff --git a/libs/libkis/LibKisUtils.cpp b/libs/libkis/LibKisUtils.cpp index 0e87f05c89..8b4751061a 100644 --- a/libs/libkis/LibKisUtils.cpp +++ b/libs/libkis/LibKisUtils.cpp @@ -1,81 +1,54 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2018 Boudewijn Rempt * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "LibKisUtils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Node.h" #include "GroupLayer.h" #include "CloneLayer.h" #include "FilterLayer.h" #include "FillLayer.h" #include "FileLayer.h" #include "VectorLayer.h" #include "FilterMask.h" #include "SelectionMask.h" QList LibKisUtils::createNodeList(KisNodeList kisnodes, KisImageWSP image) { QList nodes; Q_FOREACH(KisNodeSP node, kisnodes) { - if (node->inherits("KisGroupLayer")) { - nodes << new GroupLayer(dynamic_cast(node.data())); - } - else if (node->inherits("KisCloneLayer")) { - nodes << new CloneLayer(dynamic_cast(node.data())); - } - else if (node->inherits("KisFileLayer")) { - nodes << new FileLayer(dynamic_cast(node.data())); - } - else if (node->inherits("KisAdjustmentLayer")) { - nodes << new FilterLayer(dynamic_cast(node.data())); - } - else if (node->inherits("KisGeneratorLayer")) { - nodes << new FillLayer(dynamic_cast(node.data())); - } - else if (node->inherits("KisShapeLayer")) { - nodes << new VectorLayer(dynamic_cast(node.data())); - } - else if (node->inherits("KisFilterMask")) { - nodes << new FilterMask(image, dynamic_cast(node.data())); - } - else if (node->inherits("KisSelectionMask")) { - nodes << new SelectionMask(image, dynamic_cast(node.data())); - } - else { - nodes << new Node(image, node); - } - + nodes << Node::createNode(image, node); } return nodes; } diff --git a/libs/libkis/Node.cpp b/libs/libkis/Node.cpp index 9eb64312f3..6b54bd3c53 100644 --- a/libs/libkis/Node.cpp +++ b/libs/libkis/Node.cpp @@ -1,651 +1,682 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2016 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_selection.h" #include "InfoObject.h" #include "Krita.h" #include "Node.h" #include "Channel.h" #include "Filter.h" #include "Selection.h" #include "GroupLayer.h" #include "CloneLayer.h" #include "FilterLayer.h" #include "FillLayer.h" #include "FileLayer.h" #include "VectorLayer.h" #include "FilterMask.h" #include "SelectionMask.h" #include "LibKisUtils.h" struct Node::Private { Private() {} KisImageWSP image; KisNodeSP node; }; Node::Node(KisImageSP image, KisNodeSP node, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , d(new Private) { d->image = image; d->node = node; } +Node *Node::createNode(KisImageSP image, KisNodeSP node, QObject *parent) +{ + if (node->inherits("KisGroupLayer")) { + return new GroupLayer(dynamic_cast(node.data())); + } + else if (node->inherits("KisCloneLayer")) { + return new CloneLayer(dynamic_cast(node.data())); + } + else if (node->inherits("KisFileLayer")) { + return new FileLayer(dynamic_cast(node.data())); + } + else if (node->inherits("KisAdjustmentLayer")) { + return new FilterLayer(dynamic_cast(node.data())); + } + else if (node->inherits("KisGeneratorLayer")) { + return new FillLayer(dynamic_cast(node.data())); + } + else if (node->inherits("KisShapeLayer")) { + return new VectorLayer(dynamic_cast(node.data())); + } + else if (node->inherits("KisFilterMask")) { + return new FilterMask(image, dynamic_cast(node.data())); + } + else if (node->inherits("KisSelectionMask")) { + return new SelectionMask(image, dynamic_cast(node.data())); + } + else { + return new Node(image, node, parent); + } +} + Node::~Node() { delete d; } bool Node::operator==(const Node &other) const { return (d->node == other.d->node && d->image == other.d->image); } bool Node::operator!=(const Node &other) const { return !(operator==(other)); } Node *Node::clone() const { KisNodeSP clone = d->node->clone(); - Node *node = new Node(0, clone); + Node *node = Node::createNode(0, clone); return node; } bool Node::alphaLocked() const { if (!d->node) return false; KisPaintLayerSP paintLayer = qobject_cast(d->node.data()); if (paintLayer) { return paintLayer->alphaLocked(); } return false; } void Node::setAlphaLocked(bool value) { if (!d->node) return; KisPaintLayerSP paintLayer = qobject_cast(d->node.data()); if (paintLayer) { paintLayer->setAlphaLocked(value); } } QString Node::blendingMode() const { if (!d->node) return QString(); return d->node->compositeOpId(); } void Node::setBlendingMode(QString value) { if (!d->node) return; d->node->setCompositeOpId(value); } QList Node::channels() const { QList channels; if (!d->node) return channels; if (!d->node->inherits("KisLayer")) return channels; Q_FOREACH(KoChannelInfo *info, d->node->colorSpace()->channels()) { Channel *channel = new Channel(d->node, info); channels << channel; } return channels; } QList Node::childNodes() const { QList nodes; if (d->node) { KisNodeList nodeList; int childCount = d->node->childCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childCount; ++i) { nodeList << d->node->at(i); } nodes = LibKisUtils::createNodeList(nodeList, d->image); } return nodes; } bool Node::addChildNode(Node *child, Node *above) { if (!d->node) return false; if (above) { return d->image->addNode(child->node(), d->node, above->node()); } else { return d->image->addNode(child->node(), d->node, d->node->childCount()); } } bool Node::removeChildNode(Node *child) { if (!d->node) return false; return d->image->removeNode(child->node()); } void Node::setChildNodes(QList nodes) { if (!d->node) return; KisNodeSP node = d->node->firstChild(); while (node) { d->image->removeNode(node); node = node->nextSibling(); } Q_FOREACH(Node *node, nodes) { d->image->addNode(node->node(), d->node); } } int Node::colorLabel() const { if (!d->node) return 0; return d->node->colorLabelIndex(); } void Node::setColorLabel(int index) { if (!d->node) return; d->node->setColorLabelIndex(index); } QString Node::colorDepth() const { if (!d->node) return ""; if (!d->node->projection()) return d->node->colorSpace()->colorDepthId().id(); return d->node->projection()->colorSpace()->colorDepthId().id(); } QString Node::colorModel() const { if (!d->node) return ""; if (!d->node->projection()) return d->node->colorSpace()->colorModelId().id(); return d->node->projection()->colorSpace()->colorModelId().id(); } QString Node::colorProfile() const { if (!d->node) return ""; if (!d->node->projection()) return d->node->colorSpace()->profile()->name(); return d->node->projection()->colorSpace()->profile()->name(); } bool Node::setColorProfile(const QString &colorProfile) { if (!d->node) return false; if (!d->node->inherits("KisLayer")) return false; KisLayer *layer = qobject_cast(d->node.data()); const KoColorProfile *profile = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->profileByName(colorProfile); const KoColorSpace *srcCS = layer->colorSpace(); const KoColorSpace *dstCs = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(srcCS->colorModelId().id(), srcCS->colorDepthId().id(), profile); KisChangeProfileVisitor v(srcCS, dstCs); return layer->accept(v); } bool Node::setColorSpace(const QString &colorModel, const QString &colorDepth, const QString &colorProfile) { if (!d->node) return false; if (!d->node->inherits("KisLayer")) return false; KisLayer *layer = qobject_cast(d->node.data()); const KoColorProfile *profile = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->profileByName(colorProfile); const KoColorSpace *srcCS = layer->colorSpace(); const KoColorSpace *dstCs = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(colorModel, colorDepth, profile); KisColorSpaceConvertVisitor v(d->image, srcCS, dstCs, KoColorConversionTransformation::internalRenderingIntent(), KoColorConversionTransformation::internalConversionFlags()); return layer->accept(v); } bool Node::animated() const { if (!d->node) return false; return d->node->isAnimated(); } void Node::enableAnimation() const { if (!d->node) return; d->node->enableAnimation(); } void Node::setShowInTimeline(bool showInTimeline) const { if (!d->node) return; d->node->setUseInTimeline(showInTimeline); } bool Node::showInTimeline() const { if (!d->node) return false; return d->node->useInTimeline(); } bool Node::collapsed() const { if (!d->node) return false; return d->node->collapsed(); } void Node::setCollapsed(bool collapsed) { if (!d->node) return; d->node->setCollapsed(collapsed); } bool Node::inheritAlpha() const { if (!d->node) return false; if (!d->node->inherits("KisLayer")) return false; return qobject_cast(d->node)->alphaChannelDisabled(); } void Node::setInheritAlpha(bool value) { if (!d->node) return; if (!d->node->inherits("KisLayer")) return; const_cast(qobject_cast(d->node))->disableAlphaChannel(value); } bool Node::locked() const { if (!d->node) return false; return d->node->userLocked(); } void Node::setLocked(bool value) { if (!d->node) return; d->node->setUserLocked(value); } bool Node::hasExtents() { return !d->node->extent().isEmpty(); } QString Node::name() const { if (!d->node) return QString(); return d->node->name(); } void Node::setName(QString name) { if (!d->node) return; d->node->setName(name); } int Node::opacity() const { if (!d->node) return 0; return d->node->opacity(); } void Node::setOpacity(int value) { if (!d->node) return; if (value < 0) value = 0; if (value > 255) value = 255; d->node->setOpacity(value); } Node* Node::parentNode() const { if (!d->node) return 0; - return new Node(d->image, d->node->parent()); + return Node::createNode(d->image, d->node->parent()); } QString Node::type() const { if (!d->node) return QString(); if (qobject_cast(d->node)) { return "paintlayer"; } else if (qobject_cast(d->node)) { return "grouplayer"; } if (qobject_cast(d->node)) { return "filelayer"; } if (qobject_cast(d->node)) { return "filterlayer"; } if (qobject_cast(d->node)) { return "filllayer"; } if (qobject_cast(d->node)) { return "clonelayer"; } if (qobject_cast(d->node)) { return "referenceimageslayer"; } if (qobject_cast(d->node)) { return "vectorlayer"; } if (qobject_cast(d->node)) { return "transparencymask"; } if (qobject_cast(d->node)) { return "filtermask"; } if (qobject_cast(d->node)) { return "transformmask"; } if (qobject_cast(d->node)) { return "selectionmask"; } if (qobject_cast(d->node)) { return "colorizemask"; } return QString(); } QIcon Node::icon() const { QIcon icon; if (d->node) { icon = d->node->icon(); } return icon; } bool Node::visible() const { if (!d->node) return false; return d->node->visible(); } bool Node::hasKeyframeAtTime(int frameNumber) { if (!d->node || !d->node->isAnimated()) return false; KisRasterKeyframeChannel *rkc = dynamic_cast(d->node->getKeyframeChannel(KisKeyframeChannel::Content.id())); if (!rkc) return false; KisKeyframeSP timeOfCurrentKeyframe = rkc->keyframeAt(frameNumber); if (!timeOfCurrentKeyframe) { return false; } // do an assert just to be careful KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN_VALUE(timeOfCurrentKeyframe->time() == frameNumber, false); return true; } void Node::setVisible(bool visible) { if (!d->node) return; d->node->setVisible(visible); } QByteArray Node::pixelData(int x, int y, int w, int h) const { QByteArray ba; if (!d->node) return ba; KisPaintDeviceSP dev = d->node->paintDevice(); if (!dev) return ba; ba.resize(w * h * dev->pixelSize()); dev->readBytes(reinterpret_cast(ba.data()), x, y, w, h); return ba; } QByteArray Node::pixelDataAtTime(int x, int y, int w, int h, int time) const { QByteArray ba; if (!d->node || !d->node->isAnimated()) return ba; // KisRasterKeyframeChannel *rkc = dynamic_cast(d->node->getKeyframeChannel(KisKeyframeChannel::Content.id())); if (!rkc) return ba; KisKeyframeSP frame = rkc->keyframeAt(time); if (!frame) return ba; KisPaintDeviceSP dev = d->node->paintDevice(); if (!dev) return ba; rkc->fetchFrame(frame, dev); ba.resize(w * h * dev->pixelSize()); dev->readBytes(reinterpret_cast(ba.data()), x, y, w, h); return ba; } QByteArray Node::projectionPixelData(int x, int y, int w, int h) const { QByteArray ba; if (!d->node) return ba; KisPaintDeviceSP dev = d->node->projection(); if (!dev) return ba; ba.resize(w * h * dev->pixelSize()); dev->readBytes(reinterpret_cast(ba.data()), x, y, w, h); return ba; } void Node::setPixelData(QByteArray value, int x, int y, int w, int h) { if (!d->node) return; KisPaintDeviceSP dev = d->node->paintDevice(); if (!dev) return; dev->writeBytes((const quint8*)value.constData(), x, y, w, h); } QRect Node::bounds() const { if (!d->node) return QRect(); return d->node->exactBounds(); } void Node::move(int x, int y) { if (!d->node) return; d->node->setX(x); d->node->setY(y); } QPoint Node::position() const { if (!d->node) return QPoint(); return QPoint(d->node->x(), d->node->y()); } bool Node::remove() { if (!d->node) return false; if (!d->node->parent()) return false; return d->image->removeNode(d->node); } Node* Node::duplicate() { if (!d->node) return 0; - return new Node(d->image, d->node->clone()); + return Node::createNode(d->image, d->node->clone()); } bool Node::save(const QString &filename, double xRes, double yRes, const InfoObject &exportConfiguration, const QRect &exportRect) { if (!d->node) return false; if (filename.isEmpty()) return false; KisPaintDeviceSP projection = d->node->projection(); QRect bounds = (exportRect.isEmpty())? d->node->exactBounds() : exportRect; QString mimeType = KisMimeDatabase::mimeTypeForFile(filename, false); QScopedPointer doc(KisPart::instance()->createDocument()); KisImageSP dst = new KisImage(doc->createUndoStore(), bounds.right(), bounds.bottom(), projection->compositionSourceColorSpace(), d->node->name()); dst->setResolution(xRes, yRes); doc->setFileBatchMode(Krita::instance()->batchmode()); doc->setCurrentImage(dst); KisPaintLayer* paintLayer = new KisPaintLayer(dst, "paint device", d->node->opacity()); paintLayer->paintDevice()->makeCloneFrom(projection, bounds); dst->addNode(paintLayer, dst->rootLayer(), KisLayerSP(0)); dst->cropImage(bounds); dst->initialRefreshGraph(); bool r = doc->exportDocumentSync(QUrl::fromLocalFile(filename), mimeType.toLatin1(), exportConfiguration.configuration()); if (!r) { qWarning() << doc->errorMessage(); } return r; } Node* Node::mergeDown() { if (!d->node) return 0; if (!qobject_cast(d->node.data())) return 0; if (!d->node->prevSibling()) return 0; d->image->mergeDown(qobject_cast(d->node.data()), KisMetaData::MergeStrategyRegistry::instance()->get("Drop")); d->image->waitForDone(); - return new Node(d->image, d->node->prevSibling()); + return Node::createNode(d->image, d->node->prevSibling()); } void Node::scaleNode(QPointF origin, int width, int height, QString strategy) { if (!d->node) return; if (!qobject_cast(d->node.data())) return; if (!d->node->parent()) return; KisFilterStrategy *actualStrategy = KisFilterStrategyRegistry::instance()->get(strategy); if (!actualStrategy) actualStrategy = KisFilterStrategyRegistry::instance()->get("Bicubic"); const QRect bounds(d->node->exactBounds()); d->image->scaleNode(d->node, origin, qreal(width) / bounds.width(), qreal(height) / bounds.height(), actualStrategy, 0); } void Node::rotateNode(double radians) { if (!d->node) return; if (!qobject_cast(d->node.data())) return; if (!d->node->parent()) return; d->image->rotateNode(d->node, radians, 0); } void Node::cropNode(int x, int y, int w, int h) { if (!d->node) return; if (!qobject_cast(d->node.data())) return; if (!d->node->parent()) return; QRect rect = QRect(x, y, w, h); d->image->cropNode(d->node, rect); } void Node::shearNode(double angleX, double angleY) { if (!d->node) return; if (!qobject_cast(d->node.data())) return; if (!d->node->parent()) return; d->image->shearNode(d->node, angleX, angleY, 0); } QImage Node::thumbnail(int w, int h) { if (!d->node) return QImage(); return d->node->createThumbnail(w, h); } KisPaintDeviceSP Node::paintDevice() const { return d->node->paintDevice(); } KisImageSP Node::image() const { return d->image; } KisNodeSP Node::node() const { return d->node; } diff --git a/libs/libkis/Node.h b/libs/libkis/Node.h index 2857cdcacf..259d51e2f4 100644 --- a/libs/libkis/Node.h +++ b/libs/libkis/Node.h @@ -1,573 +1,579 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2016 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef LIBKIS_NODE_H #define LIBKIS_NODE_H #include #include #include "kritalibkis_export.h" #include "libkis.h" /** * Node represents a layer or mask in a Krita image's Node hierarchy. Group layers can contain * other layers and masks; layers can contain masks. * */ class KRITALIBKIS_EXPORT Node : public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_DISABLE_COPY(Node) public: - explicit Node(KisImageSP image, KisNodeSP node, QObject *parent = 0); + static Node *createNode(KisImageSP image, KisNodeSP node, QObject *parent = 0); ~Node() override; bool operator==(const Node &other) const; bool operator!=(const Node &other) const; public Q_SLOTS: /** * @brief clone clone the current node. The node is not associated with any image. */ Node *clone() const; /** * @brief alphaLocked checks whether the node is a paint layer and returns whether it is alpha locked * @return whether the paint layer is alpha locked, or false if the node is not a paint layer */ bool alphaLocked() const; /** * @brief setAlphaLocked set the layer to value if the node is paint layer. */ void setAlphaLocked(bool value); /** * @return the blending mode of the layer. The values of the blending modes are defined in @see KoCompositeOpRegistry.h */ QString blendingMode() const; /** * @brief setBlendingMode set the blending mode of the node to the given value * @param value one of the string values from @see KoCompositeOpRegistry.h */ void setBlendingMode(QString value); /** * @brief channels creates a list of Channel objects that can be used individually to * show or hide certain channels, and to retrieve the contents of each channel in a * node separately. * * Only layers have channels, masks do not, and calling channels on a Node that is a mask * will return an empty list. * * @return the list of channels ordered in by position of the channels in pixel position */ QList channels() const; /** * Return a list of child nodes of the current node. The nodes are ordered from the bottommost up. * The function is not recursive. */ QList childNodes() const; /** * @brief addChildNode adds the given node in the list of children. * @param child the node to be added * @param above the node above which this node will be placed * @return false if adding the node failed */ bool addChildNode(Node *child, Node *above); /** * @brief removeChildNode removes the given node from the list of children. * @param child the node to be removed */ bool removeChildNode(Node *child); /** * @brief setChildNodes this replaces the existing set of child nodes with the new set. * @param nodes The list of nodes that will become children, bottom-up -- the first node, * is the bottom-most node in the stack. */ void setChildNodes(QList nodes); /** * colorDepth A string describing the color depth of the image: *
  • U8: unsigned 8 bits integer, the most common type
  • *
  • U16: unsigned 16 bits integer
  • *
  • F16: half, 16 bits floating point. Only available if Krita was built with OpenEXR
  • *
  • F32: 32 bits floating point
  • *
* @return the color depth. */ QString colorDepth() const; /** * @brief colorModel retrieve the current color model of this document: *
  • A: Alpha mask
  • *
  • RGBA: RGB with alpha channel (The actual order of channels is most often BGR!)
  • *
  • XYZA: XYZ with alpha channel
  • *
  • LABA: LAB with alpha channel
  • *
  • CMYKA: CMYK with alpha channel
  • *
  • GRAYA: Gray with alpha channel
  • *
  • YCbCrA: YCbCr with alpha channel
  • *
* @return the internal color model string. */ QString colorModel() const; /** * @return the name of the current color profile */ QString colorProfile() const; /** * @brief setColorProfile set the color profile of the image to the given profile. The profile has to * be registered with krita and be compatible with the current color model and depth; the image data * is not converted. * @param colorProfile * @return if assigning the color profile worked */ bool setColorProfile(const QString &colorProfile); /** * @brief setColorSpace convert the node to the given colorspace * @param colorModel A string describing the color model of the node: *
  • A: Alpha mask
  • *
  • RGBA: RGB with alpha channel (The actual order of channels is most often BGR!)
  • *
  • XYZA: XYZ with alpha channel
  • *
  • LABA: LAB with alpha channel
  • *
  • CMYKA: CMYK with alpha channel
  • *
  • GRAYA: Gray with alpha channel
  • *
  • YCbCrA: YCbCr with alpha channel
  • *
* @param colorDepth A string describing the color depth of the image: *
  • U8: unsigned 8 bits integer, the most common type
  • *
  • U16: unsigned 16 bits integer
  • *
  • F16: half, 16 bits floating point. Only available if Krita was built with OpenEXR
  • *
  • F32: 32 bits floating point
  • *
* @param colorProfile a valid color profile for this color model and color depth combination. */ bool setColorSpace(const QString &colorModel, const QString &colorDepth, const QString &colorProfile); /** * @brief Krita layers can be animated, i.e., have frames. * @return return true if the layer has frames. Currently, the scripting framework * does not give access to the animation features. */ bool animated() const; /** * @brief enableAnimation make the current layer animated, so it can have frames. */ void enableAnimation() const; /** * @brief Should the node be visible in the timeline. It defaults to false * with new layer */ void setShowInTimeline(bool showInTimeline) const; /** * @return is layer is shown in the timeline */ bool showInTimeline() const; /** * Sets the state of the node to the value of @param collapsed */ void setCollapsed(bool collapsed); /** * returns the collapsed state of this node */ bool collapsed() const; /** * Sets a color label index associated to the layer. The actual * color of the label and the number of available colors is * defined by Krita GUI configuration. */ int colorLabel() const; /** * @brief setColorLabel sets a color label index associated to the layer. The actual * color of the label and the number of available colors is * defined by Krita GUI configuration. * @param index an integer corresponding to the set of available color labels. */ void setColorLabel(int index); /** * @brief inheritAlpha checks whether this node has the inherits alpha flag set * @return true if the Inherit Alpha is set */ bool inheritAlpha() const; /** * set the Inherit Alpha flag to the given value */ void setInheritAlpha(bool value); /** * @brief locked checks whether the Node is locked. A locked node cannot be changed. * @return true if the Node is locked, false if it hasn't been locked. */ bool locked() const; /** * set the Locked flag to the give value */ void setLocked(bool value); /** * @brief does the node have any content in it? * @return if node has any content in it */ bool hasExtents(); /** * @return the user-visible name of this node. */ QString name() const; /** * rename the Node to the given name */ void setName(QString name); /** * return the opacity of the Node. The opacity is a value between 0 and 255. */ int opacity() const; /** * set the opacity of the Node to the given value. The opacity is a value between 0 and 255. */ void setOpacity(int value); /** * return the Node that is the parent of the current Node, or 0 if this is the root Node. */ Node* parentNode() const; /** * @brief type Krita has several types of nodes, split in layers and masks. Group * layers can contain other layers, any layer can contain masks. * * @return The type of the node. Valid types are: *
  • paintlayer *
  • grouplayer *
  • filelayer *
  • filterlayer *
  • filllayer *
  • clonelayer *
  • vectorlayer *
  • transparencymask *
  • filtermask *
  • transformmask *
  • selectionmask *
  • colorizemask *
* * If the Node object isn't wrapping a valid Krita layer or mask object, and * empty string is returned. */ virtual QString type() const; /** * @brief icon * @return the icon associated with the layer. */ QIcon icon() const; /** * Check whether the current Node is visible in the layer stack */ bool visible() const; /** * Check to see if frame number on layer is a keyframe */ bool hasKeyframeAtTime(int frameNumber); /** * Set the visibility of the current node to @param visible */ void setVisible(bool visible); /** * @brief pixelData reads the given rectangle from the Node's paintable pixels, if those * exist, and returns it as a byte array. The pixel data starts top-left, and is ordered row-first. * * The byte array can be interpreted as follows: 8 bits images have one byte per channel, * and as many bytes as there are channels. 16 bits integer images have two bytes per channel, * representing an unsigned short. 16 bits float images have two bytes per channel, representing * a half, or 16 bits float. 32 bits float images have four bytes per channel, representing a * float. * * You can read outside the node boundaries; those pixels will be transparent black. * * The order of channels is: * *
  • Integer RGBA: Blue, Green, Red, Alpha *
  • Float RGBA: Red, Green, Blue, Alpha *
  • GrayA: Gray, Alpha *
  • Selection: selectedness *
  • LabA: L, a, b, Alpha *
  • CMYKA: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key, Alpha *
  • XYZA: X, Y, Z, A *
  • YCbCrA: Y, Cb, Cr, Alpha *
* * The byte array is a copy of the original node data. In Python, you can use bytes, bytearray * and the struct module to interpret the data and construct, for instance, a Pillow Image object. * * If you read the pixeldata of a mask, a filter or generator layer, you get the selection bytes, * which is one channel with values in the range from 0..255. * * If you want to change the pixels of a node you can write the pixels back after manipulation * with setPixelData(). This will only succeed on nodes with writable pixel data, e.g not on groups * or file layers. * * @param x x position from where to start reading * @param y y position from where to start reading * @param w row length to read * @param h number of rows to read * @return a QByteArray with the pixel data. The byte array may be empty. */ QByteArray pixelData(int x, int y, int w, int h) const; /** * @brief pixelDataAtTime a basic function to get pixeldata from an animated node at a given time. * @param x the position from the left to start reading. * @param y the position from the top to start reader * @param w the row length to read * @param h the number of rows to read * @param time the frame number * @return a QByteArray with the pixel data. The byte array may be empty. */ QByteArray pixelDataAtTime(int x, int y, int w, int h, int time) const; /** * @brief projectionPixelData reads the given rectangle from the Node's projection (that is, what the node * looks like after all sub-Nodes (like layers in a group or masks on a layer) have been applied, * and returns it as a byte array. The pixel data starts top-left, and is ordered row-first. * * The byte array can be interpreted as follows: 8 bits images have one byte per channel, * and as many bytes as there are channels. 16 bits integer images have two bytes per channel, * representing an unsigned short. 16 bits float images have two bytes per channel, representing * a half, or 16 bits float. 32 bits float images have four bytes per channel, representing a * float. * * You can read outside the node boundaries; those pixels will be transparent black. * * The order of channels is: * *
  • Integer RGBA: Blue, Green, Red, Alpha *
  • Float RGBA: Red, Green, Blue, Alpha *
  • GrayA: Gray, Alpha *
  • Selection: selectedness *
  • LabA: L, a, b, Alpha *
  • CMYKA: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key, Alpha *
  • XYZA: X, Y, Z, A *
  • YCbCrA: Y, Cb, Cr, Alpha *
* * The byte array is a copy of the original node data. In Python, you can use bytes, bytearray * and the struct module to interpret the data and construct, for instance, a Pillow Image object. * * If you read the projection of a mask, you get the selection bytes, which is one channel with * values in the range from 0..255. * * If you want to change the pixels of a node you can write the pixels back after manipulation * with setPixelData(). This will only succeed on nodes with writable pixel data, e.g not on groups * or file layers. * * @param x x position from where to start reading * @param y y position from where to start reading * @param w row length to read * @param h number of rows to read * @return a QByteArray with the pixel data. The byte array may be empty. */ QByteArray projectionPixelData(int x, int y, int w, int h) const; /** * @brief setPixelData writes the given bytes, of which there must be enough, into the * Node, if the Node has writable pixel data: * *
  • paint layer: the layer's original pixels are overwritten *
  • filter layer, generator layer, any mask: the embedded selection's pixels are overwritten. * Note: for these *
* * File layers, Group layers, Clone layers cannot be written to. Calling setPixelData on * those layer types will silently do nothing. * * @param value the byte array representing the pixels. There must be enough bytes available. * Krita will take the raw pointer from the QByteArray and start reading, not stopping before * (number of channels * size of channel * w * h) bytes are read. * * @param x the x position to start writing from * @param y the y position to start writing from * @param w the width of each row * @param h the number of rows to write */ void setPixelData(QByteArray value, int x, int y, int w, int h); /** * @brief bounds return the exact bounds of the node's paint device * @return the bounds, or an empty QRect if the node has no paint device or is empty. */ QRect bounds() const; /** * move the pixels to the given x, y location in the image coordinate space. */ void move(int x, int y); /** * @brief position returns the position of the paint device of this node. The position is * always 0,0 unless the layer has been moved. If you want to know the topleft position of * the rectangle around the actual non-transparent pixels in the node, use bounds(). * @return the top-left position of the node */ QPoint position() const; /** * @brief remove removes this node from its parent image. */ bool remove(); /** * @brief duplicate returns a full copy of the current node. The node is not inserted in the graphic * @return a valid Node object or 0 if the node couldn't be duplicated. */ Node* duplicate(); /** * @brief save exports the given node with this filename. The extension of the filename determines the filetype. * @param filename the filename including extension * @param xRes the horizontal resolution in pixels per pt (there are 72 pts in an inch) * @param yRes the horizontal resolution in pixels per pt (there are 72 pts in an inch) * @param exportConfiguration a configuration object appropriate to the file format. * @param exportRect the export bounds for saving a node as a QRect * If \p exportRect is empty, then save exactBounds() of the node. If you'd like to save the image- * aligned area of the node, just pass image->bounds() there. * See Document->exportImage for InfoObject details. * @return true if saving succeeded, false if it failed. */ bool save(const QString &filename, double xRes, double yRes, const InfoObject &exportConfiguration, const QRect &exportRect = QRect()); /** * @brief mergeDown merges the given node with the first visible node underneath this node in the layerstack. * This will drop all per-layer metadata. */ Node *mergeDown(); /** * @brief scaleNode * @param origin the origin point * @param width the width * @param height the height * @param strategy the scaling strategy. There's several ones amongst these that aren't available in the regular UI. *
  • Hermite
  • *
  • Bicubic - Adds pixels using the color of surrounding pixels. Produces smoother tonal gradations than Bilinear.
  • *
  • Box - Replicate pixels in the image. Preserves all the original detail, but can produce jagged effects.
  • *
  • Bilinear - Adds pixels averaging the color values of surrounding pixels. Produces medium quality results when the image is scaled from half to two times the original size.
  • *
  • Bell
  • *
  • BSpline
  • *
  • Lanczos3 - Offers similar results than Bicubic, but maybe a little bit sharper. Can produce light and dark halos along strong edges.
  • *
  • Mitchell
  • *
*/ void scaleNode(QPointF origin, int width, int height, QString strategy); /** * @brief rotateNode rotate this layer by the given radians. * @param radians amount the layer should be rotated in, in radians. */ void rotateNode(double radians); /** * @brief cropNode crop this layer. * @param x the left edge of the cropping rectangle. * @param y the top edge of the cropping rectangle * @param w the right edge of the cropping rectangle * @param h the bottom edge of the cropping rectangle */ void cropNode(int x, int y, int w, int h); /** * @brief shearNode perform a shear operation on this node. * @param angleX the X-angle in degrees to shear by * @param angleY the Y-angle in degrees to shear by */ void shearNode(double angleX, double angleY); /** * @brief thumbnail create a thumbnail of the given dimensions. The thumbnail is sized according * to the layer dimensions, not the image dimensions. If the requested size is too big a null * QImage is created. If the current node cannot generate a thumbnail, a transparent QImage of the * requested size is generated. * @return a QImage representing the layer contents. */ QImage thumbnail(int w, int h); private: friend class Filter; friend class Document; friend class Selection; friend class GroupLayer; friend class FileLayer; friend class FilterLayer; friend class FillLayer; friend class VectorLayer; friend class FilterMask; friend class SelectionMask; + friend class CloneLayer; + + explicit Node(KisImageSP image, KisNodeSP node, QObject *parent = 0); + /** * @brief paintDevice gives access to the internal paint device of this Node * @return the paintdevice or 0 if the node does not have an editable paint device. */ KisPaintDeviceSP paintDevice() const; KisImageSP image() const; KisNodeSP node() const; struct Private; Private *const d; }; +typedef QSharedPointer NodeSP; + #endif // LIBKIS_NODE_H diff --git a/libs/libkis/Selection.cpp b/libs/libkis/Selection.cpp index 3626391c29..7c17819288 100644 --- a/libs/libkis/Selection.cpp +++ b/libs/libkis/Selection.cpp @@ -1,328 +1,334 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2016 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "Selection.h" #include #include "kis_iterator_ng.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct Selection::Private { Private() {} KisSelectionSP selection; }; Selection::Selection(KisSelectionSP selection, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , d(new Private) { d->selection = selection; } Selection::Selection(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , d(new Private) { d->selection = new KisSelection(); } Selection::~Selection() { delete d; } bool Selection::operator==(const Selection &other) const { return (d->selection == other.d->selection); } bool Selection::operator!=(const Selection &other) const { return !(operator==(other)); } +Selection *Selection::duplicate() const +{ + return new Selection(d->selection ? new KisSelection(*d->selection) + : new KisSelection()); +} + int Selection::width() const { if (!d->selection) return 0; return d->selection->selectedExactRect().width(); } int Selection::height() const { if (!d->selection) return 0; return d->selection->selectedExactRect().height(); } int Selection::x() const { if (!d->selection) return 0; int xPos = d->selection->x(); if (d->selection->hasPixelSelection()) { xPos = d->selection->selectedExactRect().x(); } return xPos; } int Selection::y() const { if (!d->selection) return 0; int yPos = d->selection->y(); if (d->selection->hasPixelSelection()) { yPos = d->selection->selectedExactRect().y(); } return yPos; } void Selection::move(int x, int y) { if (!d->selection) return; d->selection->pixelSelection()->moveTo(QPoint(x, y)); } void Selection::clear() { if (!d->selection) return; d->selection->clear(); } void Selection::contract(int value) { if (!d->selection) return; d->selection->pixelSelection()->select(QRect(x(), y(), width() - value, height() - value)); } void Selection::copy(Node *node) { if (!node) return; if (!d->selection) return; if (node->node()->exactBounds().isEmpty()) return; if (!node->node()->hasEditablePaintDevice()) return; KisPaintDeviceSP dev = node->node()->paintDevice(); KisPaintDeviceSP clip = new KisPaintDevice(dev->colorSpace()); KisPaintDeviceSP selectionProjection = d->selection->projection(); const KoColorSpace *cs = clip->colorSpace(); const KoColorSpace *selCs = d->selection->projection()->colorSpace(); QRect rc = d->selection->selectedExactRect(); KisPainter::copyAreaOptimized(QPoint(), dev, clip, rc); KisHLineIteratorSP layerIt = clip->createHLineIteratorNG(0, 0, rc.width()); KisHLineConstIteratorSP selectionIt = selectionProjection->createHLineIteratorNG(rc.x(), rc.y(), rc.width()); for (qint32 y = 0; y < rc.height(); y++) { for (qint32 x = 0; x < rc.width(); x++) { qreal dstAlpha = cs->opacityF(layerIt->rawData()); qreal sel = selCs->opacityF(selectionIt->oldRawData()); qreal newAlpha = sel * dstAlpha / (1.0 - dstAlpha + sel * dstAlpha); float mask = newAlpha / dstAlpha; cs->applyAlphaNormedFloatMask(layerIt->rawData(), &mask, 1); layerIt->nextPixel(); selectionIt->nextPixel(); } layerIt->nextRow(); selectionIt->nextRow(); } KisClipboard::instance()->setClip(clip, rc.topLeft()); } void Selection::cut(Node* node) { if (!node) return; if (!d->selection) return; if (node->node()->exactBounds().isEmpty()) return; if (!node->node()->hasEditablePaintDevice()) return; KisPaintDeviceSP dev = node->node()->paintDevice(); copy(node); dev->clearSelection(d->selection); node->node()->setDirty(d->selection->selectedExactRect()); } void Selection::paste(Node *destination, int x, int y) { if (!destination) return; if (!d->selection) return; if (!KisClipboard::instance()->hasClip()) return; KisPaintDeviceSP src = KisClipboard::instance()->clip(QRect(), false); KisPaintDeviceSP dst = destination->node()->paintDevice(); if (!dst) return; KisPainter::copyAreaOptimized(QPoint(x, y), src, dst, src->exactBounds(), d->selection); destination->node()->setDirty(); } void Selection::erode() { if (!d->selection) return; KisErodeSelectionFilter esf; QRect rc = esf.changeRect(d->selection->selectedExactRect(), d->selection->pixelSelection()->defaultBounds()); esf.process(d->selection->pixelSelection(), rc); } void Selection::dilate() { if (!d->selection) return; KisDilateSelectionFilter dsf; QRect rc = dsf.changeRect(d->selection->selectedExactRect(), d->selection->pixelSelection()->defaultBounds()); dsf.process(d->selection->pixelSelection(), rc); } void Selection::border(int xRadius, int yRadius) { if (!d->selection) return; KisBorderSelectionFilter sf(xRadius, yRadius); QRect rc = sf.changeRect(d->selection->selectedExactRect(), d->selection->pixelSelection()->defaultBounds()); sf.process(d->selection->pixelSelection(), rc); } void Selection::feather(int radius) { if (!d->selection) return; KisFeatherSelectionFilter fsf(radius); QRect rc = fsf.changeRect(d->selection->selectedExactRect(), d->selection->pixelSelection()->defaultBounds()); fsf.process(d->selection->pixelSelection(), rc); } void Selection::grow(int xradius, int yradius) { if (!d->selection) return; KisGrowSelectionFilter gsf(xradius, yradius); QRect rc = gsf.changeRect(d->selection->selectedExactRect(), d->selection->pixelSelection()->defaultBounds()); gsf.process(d->selection->pixelSelection(), rc); } void Selection::shrink(int xRadius, int yRadius, bool edgeLock) { if (!d->selection) return; KisShrinkSelectionFilter sf(xRadius, yRadius, edgeLock); QRect rc = sf.changeRect(d->selection->selectedExactRect(), d->selection->pixelSelection()->defaultBounds()); sf.process(d->selection->pixelSelection(), rc); } void Selection::smooth() { if (!d->selection) return; KisSmoothSelectionFilter sf; QRect rc = sf.changeRect(d->selection->selectedExactRect(), d->selection->pixelSelection()->defaultBounds()); sf.process(d->selection->pixelSelection(), rc); } void Selection::invert() { if (!d->selection) return; KisInvertSelectionFilter sf; QRect rc = sf.changeRect(d->selection->selectedExactRect(), d->selection->pixelSelection()->defaultBounds()); sf.process(d->selection->pixelSelection(), rc); } void Selection::resize(int w, int h) { if (!d->selection) return; d->selection->pixelSelection()->select(QRect(x(), y(), w, h)); } void Selection::select(int x, int y, int w, int h, int value) { if (!d->selection) return; d->selection->pixelSelection()->select(QRect(x, y, w, h), value); } void Selection::selectAll(Node *node, int value) { if (!d->selection) return; d->selection->pixelSelection()->select(node->node()->exactBounds(), value); } void Selection::replace(Selection *selection) { if (!d->selection) return; d->selection->pixelSelection()->applySelection(selection->selection()->pixelSelection(), SELECTION_REPLACE); } void Selection::add(Selection *selection) { if (!d->selection) return; d->selection->pixelSelection()->applySelection(selection->selection()->pixelSelection(), SELECTION_ADD); } void Selection::subtract(Selection *selection) { if (!d->selection) return; d->selection->pixelSelection()->applySelection(selection->selection()->pixelSelection(), SELECTION_SUBTRACT); } void Selection::intersect(Selection *selection) { if (!d->selection) return; d->selection->pixelSelection()->applySelection(selection->selection()->pixelSelection(), SELECTION_INTERSECT); } void Selection::symmetricdifference(Selection *selection) { if (!d->selection) return; d->selection->pixelSelection()->applySelection(selection->selection()->pixelSelection(), SELECTION_SYMMETRICDIFFERENCE); } QByteArray Selection::pixelData(int x, int y, int w, int h) const { QByteArray ba; if (!d->selection) return ba; KisPaintDeviceSP dev = d->selection->projection(); quint8 *data = new quint8[w * h]; dev->readBytes(data, x, y, w, h); ba = QByteArray((const char*)data, (int)(w * h)); delete[] data; return ba; } void Selection::setPixelData(QByteArray value, int x, int y, int w, int h) { if (!d->selection) return; KisPixelSelectionSP dev = d->selection->pixelSelection(); if (!dev) return; dev->writeBytes((const quint8*)value.constData(), x, y, w, h); } KisSelectionSP Selection::selection() const { return d->selection; } diff --git a/libs/libkis/Selection.h b/libs/libkis/Selection.h index ffbf96e2a4..c5665ebe94 100644 --- a/libs/libkis/Selection.h +++ b/libs/libkis/Selection.h @@ -1,250 +1,255 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2016 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef LIBKIS_SELECTION_H #define LIBKIS_SELECTION_H #include #include "kritalibkis_export.h" #include "libkis.h" #include /** * Selection represents a selection on Krita. A selection is * not necessarily associated with a particular Node or Image. * * @code * from krita import * * * d = Application.activeDocument() * n = d.activeNode() * r = n.bounds() * s = Selection() * s.select(r.width() / 3, r.height() / 3, r.width() / 3, r.height() / 3, 255) * s.cut(n) * @endcode */ class KRITALIBKIS_EXPORT Selection : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: /** * For internal use only. */ Selection(KisSelectionSP selection, QObject *parent = 0); /** * Create a new, empty selection object. */ explicit Selection(QObject *parent = 0); ~Selection() override; bool operator==(const Selection &other) const; bool operator!=(const Selection &other) const; public Q_SLOTS: + /** + * @return a duplicate of the seletion + */ + Selection *duplicate() const; + /** * @return the width of the selection */ int width() const; /** * @return the height of the selection */ int height() const; /** * @return the left-hand position of the selection. */ int x() const; /** * @return the top position of the selection. */ int y() const; /** * Move the selection's top-left corner to the given coordinates. */ void move(int x, int y); /** * Make the selection entirely unselected. */ void clear(); /** * Make the selection's width and height smaller by the given value. * This will not move the selection's top-left position. */ void contract(int value); /** * @brief copy copies the area defined by the selection from the node to the clipboard. * @param node the node from where the pixels will be copied. */ void copy(Node *node); /** * @brief cut erases the area defined by the selection from the node and puts a copy on the clipboard. * @param node the node from which the selection will be cut. */ void cut(Node *node); /** * @brief paste pastes the content of the clipboard to the given node, limited by the area of the current * selection. * @param destination the node where the pixels will be written * @param x: the x position at which the clip will be written * @param y: the y position at which the clip will be written */ void paste(Node *destination, int x, int y); /** * Erode the selection with a radius of 1 pixel. */ void erode(); /** * Dilate the selection with a radius of 1 pixel. */ void dilate(); /** * Border the selection with the given radius. */ void border(int xRadius, int yRadius); /** * Feather the selection with the given radius. */ void feather(int radius); /** * Grow the selection with the given radius. */ void grow(int xradius, int yradius); /** * Shrink the selection with the given radius. */ void shrink(int xRadius, int yRadius, bool edgeLock); /** * Smooth the selection. */ void smooth(); /** * Invert the selection. */ void invert(); /** * Resize the selection to the given width and height. The top-left position will not be moved. */ void resize(int w, int h); /** * Select the given area. The value can be between 0 and 255; 0 is * totally unselected, 255 is totally selected. */ void select(int x, int y, int w, int h, int value); /** * Select all pixels in the given node. The value can be between 0 and 255; 0 is * totally unselected, 255 is totally selected. */ void selectAll(Node *node, int value); /** * Replace the current selection's selection with the one of the given selection. */ void replace(Selection *selection); /** * Add the given selection's selected pixels to the current selection. */ void add(Selection *selection); /** * Subtract the given selection's selected pixels from the current selection. */ void subtract(Selection *selection); /** * Intersect the given selection with this selection. */ void intersect(Selection *selection); /** * Intersect with the inverse of the given selection with this selection. */ void symmetricdifference(Selection *selection); /** * @brief pixelData reads the given rectangle from the Selection's mask and returns it as a * byte array. The pixel data starts top-left, and is ordered row-first. * * The byte array will contain one byte for every pixel, representing the selectedness. 0 * is totally unselected, 255 is fully selected. * * You can read outside the Selection's boundaries; those pixels will be unselected. * * The byte array is a copy of the original selection data. * @param x x position from where to start reading * @param y y position from where to start reading * @param w row length to read * @param h number of rows to read * @return a QByteArray with the pixel data. The byte array may be empty. */ QByteArray pixelData(int x, int y, int w, int h) const; /** * @brief setPixelData writes the given bytes, of which there must be enough, into the * Selection. * * @param value the byte array representing the pixels. There must be enough bytes available. * Krita will take the raw pointer from the QByteArray and start reading, not stopping before * (w * h) bytes are read. * * @param x the x position to start writing from * @param y the y position to start writing from * @param w the width of each row * @param h the number of rows to write */ void setPixelData(QByteArray value, int x, int y, int w, int h); private: friend class Document; friend class FilterLayer; friend class FillLayer; friend class SelectionMask; KisSelectionSP selection() const; struct Private; Private *const d; }; #endif // LIBKIS_SELECTION_H diff --git a/libs/libkis/View.cpp b/libs/libkis/View.cpp index 1c3d136533..0dcab92234 100644 --- a/libs/libkis/View.cpp +++ b/libs/libkis/View.cpp @@ -1,273 +1,279 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2016 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "View.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include +#include #include "Document.h" #include "Canvas.h" #include "Window.h" #include "Resource.h" #include "ManagedColor.h" #include "LibKisUtils.h" struct View::Private { Private() {} QPointer view; }; View::View(KisView* view, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , d(new Private) { d->view = view; } View::~View() { delete d; } bool View::operator==(const View &other) const { return (d->view == other.d->view); } bool View::operator!=(const View &other) const { return !(operator==(other)); } Window* View::window() const { if (!d->view) return 0; KisMainWindow *mainwin = d->view->mainWindow(); Window *win = new Window(mainwin); return win; } Document* View::document() const { if (!d->view) return 0; Document *doc = new Document(d->view->document()); return doc; } +void View::setDocument(Document *document) +{ + if (!d->view || !document || !document->document()) return; + d->view = d->view->replaceBy(document->document()); +} + bool View::visible() const { if (!d->view) return false; return d->view->isVisible(); } void View::setVisible() { if (!d->view) return; KisMainWindow *mainwin = d->view->mainWindow(); mainwin->setActiveView(d->view); mainwin->subWindowActivated(); } Canvas* View::canvas() const { if (!d->view) return 0; Canvas *c = new Canvas(d->view->canvasBase()); return c; } KisView *View::view() { return d->view; } void View::activateResource(Resource *resource) { if (!d->view) return; if (!resource) return; KoResource *r= resource->resource(); if (!r) return; if (dynamic_cast(r)) { QVariant v; v.setValue(static_cast(r)); d->view->canvasBase()->resourceManager()->setResource(KisCanvasResourceProvider::CurrentPattern, v); } else if (dynamic_cast(r)) { QVariant v; v.setValue(static_cast(r)); d->view->canvasBase()->resourceManager()->setResource(KisCanvasResourceProvider::CurrentGradient, v); } else if (dynamic_cast(r)) { d->view->viewManager()->paintOpBox()->resourceSelected(r); } } ManagedColor *View::foregroundColor() const { if (!d->view) return 0; return new ManagedColor(d->view->resourceProvider()->fgColor()); } void View::setForeGroundColor(ManagedColor *color) { if (!d->view) return; d->view->resourceProvider()->setFGColor(color->color()); } ManagedColor *View::backgroundColor() const { if (!d->view) return 0; return new ManagedColor(d->view->resourceProvider()->bgColor()); } void View::setBackGroundColor(ManagedColor *color) { if (!d->view) return; d->view->resourceProvider()->setBGColor(color->color()); } Resource *View::currentBrushPreset() const { if (!d->view) return 0; return new Resource(d->view->resourceProvider()->currentPreset().data()); } void View::setCurrentBrushPreset(Resource *resource) { activateResource(resource); } Resource *View::currentPattern() const { if (!d->view) return 0; return new Resource(d->view->resourceProvider()->currentPattern()); } void View::setCurrentPattern(Resource *resource) { activateResource(resource); } Resource *View::currentGradient() const { if (!d->view) return 0; return new Resource(d->view->resourceProvider()->currentGradient()); } void View::setCurrentGradient(Resource *resource) { activateResource(resource); } QString View::currentBlendingMode() const { if (!d->view) return ""; return d->view->resourceProvider()->currentCompositeOp(); } void View::setCurrentBlendingMode(const QString &blendingMode) { if (!d->view) return; d->view->resourceProvider()->setCurrentCompositeOp(blendingMode); } float View::HDRExposure() const { if (!d->view) return 0.0; return d->view->resourceProvider()->HDRExposure(); } void View::setHDRExposure(float exposure) { if (!d->view) return; d->view->resourceProvider()->setHDRExposure(exposure); } float View::HDRGamma() const { if (!d->view) return 0.0; return d->view->resourceProvider()->HDRGamma(); } void View::setHDRGamma(float gamma) { if (!d->view) return; d->view->resourceProvider()->setHDRGamma(gamma); } qreal View::paintingOpacity() const { if (!d->view) return 0.0; return d->view->resourceProvider()->opacity(); } void View::setPaintingOpacity(qreal opacity) { if (!d->view) return; d->view->resourceProvider()->setOpacity(opacity); } qreal View::brushSize() const { if (!d->view) return 0.0; return d->view->resourceProvider()->size(); } void View::setBrushSize(qreal brushSize) { if (!d->view) return; d->view->resourceProvider()->setSize(brushSize); } qreal View::paintingFlow() const { if (!d->view) return 0.0; return d->view->resourceProvider()->flow(); } void View::setPaintingFlow(qreal flow) { if (!d->view) return; d->view->resourceProvider()->setFlow(flow); } QList View::selectedNodes() const { if (!d->view) return QList(); if (!d->view->viewManager()) return QList(); if (!d->view->viewManager()->nodeManager()) return QList(); KisNodeList selectedNodes = d->view->viewManager()->nodeManager()->selectedNodes(); return LibKisUtils::createNodeList(selectedNodes, d->view->image()); } - diff --git a/libs/libkis/View.h b/libs/libkis/View.h index a87fd88e6c..964aed2fee 100644 --- a/libs/libkis/View.h +++ b/libs/libkis/View.h @@ -1,154 +1,159 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2016 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef LIBKIS_VIEW_H #define LIBKIS_VIEW_H #include #include "kritalibkis_export.h" #include "libkis.h" class ManagedColor; class Resource; class Node; class KisView; /** * View represents one view on a document. A document can be * shown in more than one view at a time. */ class KRITALIBKIS_EXPORT View : public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_DISABLE_COPY(View) public: explicit View(KisView *view, QObject *parent = 0); ~View() override; bool operator==(const View &other) const; bool operator!=(const View &other) const; public Q_SLOTS: /** * @return the window this view is shown in. */ Window* window() const; /** * @return the document this view is showing. */ Document* document() const; + /** + * Reset the view to show @p document. + */ + void setDocument(Document *document); + /** * @return true if the current view is visible, false if not. */ bool visible() const; /** * Make the current view visible. */ void setVisible(); /** * @return the canvas this view is showing. The canvas controls * things like zoom and rotation. */ Canvas* canvas() const; /** * @brief activateResource activates the given resource. * @param resource: a pattern, gradient or paintop preset */ void activateResource(Resource *resource); /** * @brief foregroundColor allows access to the currently active color. * This is nominally per canvas/view, but in practice per mainwindow. * @code color = Application.activeWindow().activeView().foregroundColor() components = color.components() components[0] = 1.0 components[1] = 0.6 components[2] = 0.7 color.setComponents(components) Application.activeWindow().activeView().setForeGroundColor(color) * @endcode */ ManagedColor *foregroundColor() const; void setForeGroundColor(ManagedColor *color); ManagedColor *backgroundColor() const; void setBackGroundColor(ManagedColor *color); Resource *currentBrushPreset() const; void setCurrentBrushPreset(Resource *resource); Resource *currentPattern() const; void setCurrentPattern(Resource *resource); Resource *currentGradient() const; void setCurrentGradient(Resource *resource); QString currentBlendingMode() const; void setCurrentBlendingMode(const QString &blendingMode); float HDRExposure() const; void setHDRExposure(float exposure); float HDRGamma() const; void setHDRGamma(float gamma); qreal paintingOpacity() const; void setPaintingOpacity(qreal opacity); qreal brushSize() const; void setBrushSize(qreal brushSize); qreal paintingFlow() const; void setPaintingFlow(qreal flow); /** * @brief selectedNodes returns a list of Nodes that are selected in this view. * * @code from krita import * w = Krita.instance().activeWindow() v = w.activeView() selected_nodes = v.selectedNodes() print(selected_nodes) @endcode * * * @return a list of Node objects which may be empty. */ QList selectedNodes() const; private: friend class Window; KisView *view(); struct Private; Private *const d; }; #endif // LIBKIS_VIEW_H diff --git a/libs/libkis/tests/TestChannel.cpp b/libs/libkis/tests/TestChannel.cpp index e8179a3da8..dd0d31779e 100644 --- a/libs/libkis/tests/TestChannel.cpp +++ b/libs/libkis/tests/TestChannel.cpp @@ -1,120 +1,120 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2017 Boudewijn Rempt This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "TestChannel.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sdk/tests/kistest.h" void TestChannel::testPixelDataU8() { KisImageSP image = new KisImage(0, 100, 100, KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(), "test"); KisNodeSP layer = new KisPaintLayer(image, "test1", 255); KisFillPainter gc(layer->paintDevice()); gc.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100, KoColor(Qt::red, layer->colorSpace())); - Node node(image, layer); - QList channels = node.channels(); + NodeSP node = NodeSP(Node::createNode(image, layer)); + QList channels = node->channels(); Q_FOREACH(Channel *channel, channels) { QVERIFY(channel->channelSize() == 1); } } void TestChannel::testPixelDataU16() { KisImageSP image = new KisImage(0, 100, 100, KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb16(), "test"); KisNodeSP layer = new KisPaintLayer(image, "test1", 255); KisFillPainter gc(layer->paintDevice()); gc.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100, KoColor(Qt::red, layer->colorSpace())); - Node node(image, layer); - QList channels = node.channels(); + NodeSP node = NodeSP(Node::createNode(image, layer)); + QList channels = node->channels(); Q_FOREACH(Channel *channel, channels) { QVERIFY(channel->channelSize() == 2); } } void TestChannel::testPixelDataF16() { #ifdef HAVE_OPENEXR const KoColorSpace * cs = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace("RGBA", "F16", ""); KisImageSP image = new KisImage(0, 100, 100, cs, "test"); KisNodeSP layer = new KisPaintLayer(image, "test1", 255); KisFillPainter gc(layer->paintDevice()); gc.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100, KoColor(Qt::red, layer->colorSpace())); - Node node(image, layer); - QList channels = node.channels(); + NodeSP node = NodeSP(Node::createNode(image, layer)); + QList channels = node->channels(); Q_FOREACH(Channel *channel, channels) { qDebug() << "channelsize" << channel->channelSize(); QVERIFY(channel->channelSize() == 2); } #endif } void TestChannel::testPixelDataF32() { KisImageSP image = new KisImage(0, 100, 100, KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace("RGBA", "F32", ""), "test"); KisNodeSP layer = new KisPaintLayer(image, "test1", 255); KisFillPainter gc(layer->paintDevice()); gc.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100, KoColor(Qt::red, layer->colorSpace())); - Node node(image, layer); - QList channels = node.channels(); + NodeSP node = NodeSP(Node::createNode(image, layer)); + QList channels = node->channels(); Q_FOREACH(Channel *channel, channels) { QVERIFY(channel->channelSize() == 4); } } void TestChannel::testReadWritePixelData() { KisImageSP image = new KisImage(0, 2, 2, KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace("RGBA", "U8", ""), "test"); KisNodeSP layer = new KisPaintLayer(image, "test1", 255); KisFillPainter gc(layer->paintDevice()); gc.fillRect(0, 0, 2, 2, KoColor(Qt::yellow, layer->colorSpace())); - Node node(image, layer); - QList channels = node.channels(); + NodeSP node = NodeSP(Node::createNode(image, layer)); + QList channels = node->channels(); Channel *greenChan = channels[1]; QVERIFY(greenChan->name() == "Green"); QRect rc = greenChan->bounds(); QVERIFY(rc == QRect(0, 0, 2, 2)); QByteArray ba = greenChan->pixelData(rc); ba.fill('\x80', 4); greenChan->setPixelData(ba, rc); image->refreshGraph(); QColor c; layer->paintDevice()->pixel(0, 0, &c); QVERIFY(c == QColor(255, 128, 0)); } KISTEST_MAIN(TestChannel) diff --git a/libs/libkis/tests/TestFilter.cpp b/libs/libkis/tests/TestFilter.cpp index 8a3b67c735..a01aa51fca 100644 --- a/libs/libkis/tests/TestFilter.cpp +++ b/libs/libkis/tests/TestFilter.cpp @@ -1,102 +1,102 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2017 Boudewijn Rempt This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "TestFilter.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include void TestFilter::testApply() { KisDocument *kisdoc = KisPart::instance()->createDocument(); KisImageSP image = new KisImage(0, 100, 100, KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(), "test"); KisNodeSP layer = new KisPaintLayer(image, "test1", 255); KisFillPainter gc(layer->paintDevice()); gc.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100, KoColor(Qt::black, layer->colorSpace())); image->addNode(layer); kisdoc->setCurrentImage(image); Document d(kisdoc); - Node node(image, layer); + NodeSP node = NodeSP(Node::createNode(image, layer)); Filter f; f.setName("invert"); QVERIFY(f.configuration()); d.lock(); - f.apply(&node, 0, 0, 100, 100); + f.apply(node.data(), 0, 0, 100, 100); d.unlock(); d.refreshProjection(); for (int i = 0; i < 100 ; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 100 ; j++) { QColor pixel; layer->paintDevice()->pixel(i, j, &pixel); QVERIFY(pixel == QColor(Qt::white)); } } } void TestFilter::testStartFilter() { KisDocument *kisdoc = KisPart::instance()->createDocument(); KisImageSP image = new KisImage(0, 100, 100, KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(), "test"); KisNodeSP layer = new KisPaintLayer(image, "test1", 255); KisFillPainter gc(layer->paintDevice()); gc.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100, KoColor(Qt::black, layer->colorSpace())); image->addNode(layer); kisdoc->setCurrentImage(image); Document d(kisdoc); - Node node(image, layer); + NodeSP node = NodeSP(Node::createNode(image, layer)); Filter f; f.setName("invert"); QVERIFY(f.configuration()); - f.startFilter(&node, 0, 0, 100, 100); + f.startFilter(node.data(), 0, 0, 100, 100); image->waitForDone(); for (int i = 0; i < 100 ; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 100 ; j++) { QColor pixel; layer->paintDevice()->pixel(i, j, &pixel); QVERIFY(pixel == QColor(Qt::white)); } } } KISTEST_MAIN(TestFilter) diff --git a/libs/libkis/tests/TestNode.cpp b/libs/libkis/tests/TestNode.cpp index 45d0d809ed..5b3cc06580 100644 --- a/libs/libkis/tests/TestNode.cpp +++ b/libs/libkis/tests/TestNode.cpp @@ -1,163 +1,163 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2017 Boudewijn Rempt This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "TestNode.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include void TestNode::testSetColorSpace() { KisImageSP image = new KisImage(0, 100, 100, KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(), "test"); KisNodeSP layer = new KisPaintLayer(image, "test1", 255); - Node node(image, layer); + NodeSP node = NodeSP(Node::createNode(image, layer)); QStringList profiles = Krita().profiles("GRAYA", "U16"); - node.setColorSpace("GRAYA", "U16", profiles.first()); + node->setColorSpace("GRAYA", "U16", profiles.first()); QVERIFY(layer->colorSpace()->colorModelId().id() == "GRAYA"); QVERIFY(layer->colorSpace()->colorDepthId().id() == "U16"); QVERIFY(layer->colorSpace()->profile()->name() == "gray built-in"); } void TestNode::testSetColorProfile() { KisImageSP image = new KisImage(0, 100, 100, KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(), "test"); KisNodeSP layer = new KisPaintLayer(image, "test1", 255); - Node node(image, layer); + NodeSP node = NodeSP(Node::createNode(image, layer)); QStringList profiles = Krita().profiles("RGBA", "U8"); Q_FOREACH(const QString &profile, profiles) { - node.setColorProfile(profile); + node->setColorProfile(profile); QVERIFY(layer->colorSpace()->profile()->name() == profile); } } void TestNode::testPixelData() { KisImageSP image = new KisImage(0, 100, 100, KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(), "test"); KisNodeSP layer = new KisPaintLayer(image, "test1", 255); KisFillPainter gc(layer->paintDevice()); gc.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100, KoColor(Qt::red, layer->colorSpace())); - Node node(image, layer); - QByteArray ba = node.pixelData(0, 0, 100, 100); + NodeSP node = NodeSP(Node::createNode(image, layer)); + QByteArray ba = node->pixelData(0, 0, 100, 100); QDataStream ds(ba); do { quint8 channelvalue; ds >> channelvalue; QVERIFY(channelvalue == 0); ds >> channelvalue; QVERIFY(channelvalue == 0); ds >> channelvalue; QVERIFY(channelvalue == 255); ds >> channelvalue; QVERIFY(channelvalue == 255); } while (!ds.atEnd()); QDataStream ds2(&ba, QIODevice::WriteOnly); for (int i = 0; i < 100 * 100; i++) { ds2 << 255; ds2 << 255; ds2 << 255; ds2 << 255; } - node.setPixelData(ba, 0, 0, 100, 100); + node->setPixelData(ba, 0, 0, 100, 100); for (int i = 0; i < 100 ; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 100 ; j++) { QColor pixel; layer->paintDevice()->pixel(i, j, &pixel); QVERIFY(pixel == QColor(Qt::black)); } } } void TestNode::testProjectionPixelData() { KisImageSP image = new KisImage(0, 100, 100, KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(), "test"); KisNodeSP layer = new KisPaintLayer(image, "test1", 255); KisFillPainter gc(layer->paintDevice()); gc.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100, KoColor(Qt::gray, layer->colorSpace())); - Node node(image, layer); - QByteArray ba = node.projectionPixelData(0, 0, 100, 100); + NodeSP node = NodeSP(Node::createNode(image, layer)); + QByteArray ba = node->projectionPixelData(0, 0, 100, 100); QDataStream ds(ba); for (int i = 0; i < 100 * 100; i++) { quint8 channelvalue; ds >> channelvalue; QVERIFY(channelvalue == 0xA4); ds >> channelvalue; QVERIFY(channelvalue == 0xA0); ds >> channelvalue; QVERIFY(channelvalue == 0xA0); ds >> channelvalue; QVERIFY(channelvalue == 0xFF); } } void TestNode::testThumbnail() { KisImageSP image = new KisImage(0, 100, 100, KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(), "test"); KisNodeSP layer = new KisPaintLayer(image, "test1", 255); KisFillPainter gc(layer->paintDevice()); gc.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100, KoColor(Qt::gray, layer->colorSpace())); - Node node(image, layer); - QImage thumb = node.thumbnail(10, 10); + NodeSP node = NodeSP(Node::createNode(image, layer)); + QImage thumb = node->thumbnail(10, 10); thumb.save("thumb.png"); QVERIFY(thumb.width() == 10); QVERIFY(thumb.height() == 10); // Our thumbnail calculator in KisPaintDevice cannot make a filled 10x10 thumbnail from a 100x100 device, // it makes it 10x10 empty, then puts 8x8 pixels in there... Not a bug in the Node class for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) { QVERIFY(thumb.pixelColor(i, j) == QColor(Qt::gray)); } } } void TestNode::testMergeDown() { KisImageSP image = new KisImage(0, 100, 100, KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(), "test"); KisNodeSP layer = new KisPaintLayer(image, "test1", 255); { KisFillPainter gc(layer->paintDevice()); gc.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100, KoColor(Qt::gray, layer->colorSpace())); } image->addNode(layer); KisNodeSP layer2 = new KisPaintLayer(image, "test2", 255); { KisFillPainter gc(layer2->paintDevice()); gc.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100, KoColor(Qt::gray, layer2->colorSpace())); } image->addNode(layer2); - Node n1(image, layer); - Node *n2 = n1.mergeDown(); + NodeSP n1 = NodeSP(Node::createNode(image, layer)); + Node *n2 = n1->mergeDown(); delete n2; } QTEST_MAIN(TestNode) diff --git a/libs/pigment/KoColor.cpp b/libs/pigment/KoColor.cpp index 0266f27661..c77c61768d 100644 --- a/libs/pigment/KoColor.cpp +++ b/libs/pigment/KoColor.cpp @@ -1,454 +1,454 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2005 Boudewijn Rempt * Copyright (C) 2007 Thomas Zander * Copyright (C) 2007 Cyrille Berger * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KoColor.h" #include #include #include "DebugPigment.h" #include "KoColorModelStandardIds.h" #include "KoColorProfile.h" #include "KoColorSpace.h" #include "KoColorSpaceRegistry.h" #include "KoChannelInfo.h" #include "kis_assert.h" #include #include #ifdef HAVE_OPENEXR #include #endif namespace { struct DefaultKoColorInitializer { DefaultKoColorInitializer() { const KoColorSpace *defaultColorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb16(0); KIS_ASSERT(defaultColorSpace); value = new KoColor(Qt::black, defaultColorSpace); #ifndef NODEBUG #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG // warn about rather expensive checks in assertPermanentColorspace(). qWarning() << "KoColor debug runtime checks are active."; #endif #endif } ~DefaultKoColorInitializer() { delete value; } KoColor *value = 0; }; Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(DefaultKoColorInitializer, s_defaultKoColor) } KoColor::KoColor() { *this = *s_defaultKoColor->value; } KoColor::KoColor(const KoColorSpace * colorSpace) { Q_ASSERT(colorSpace); m_colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->permanentColorspace(colorSpace); m_size = m_colorSpace->pixelSize(); Q_ASSERT(m_size <= MAX_PIXEL_SIZE); memset(m_data, 0, m_size); } KoColor::KoColor(const QColor & color, const KoColorSpace * colorSpace) { Q_ASSERT(color.isValid()); Q_ASSERT(colorSpace); m_colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->permanentColorspace(colorSpace); m_size = m_colorSpace->pixelSize(); Q_ASSERT(m_size <= MAX_PIXEL_SIZE); memset(m_data, 0, m_size); m_colorSpace->fromQColor(color, m_data); } KoColor::KoColor(const quint8 * data, const KoColorSpace * colorSpace) { Q_ASSERT(colorSpace); Q_ASSERT(data); m_colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->permanentColorspace(colorSpace); m_size = m_colorSpace->pixelSize(); Q_ASSERT(m_size <= MAX_PIXEL_SIZE); memmove(m_data, data, m_size); } KoColor::KoColor(const KoColor &src, const KoColorSpace * colorSpace) { Q_ASSERT(colorSpace); m_colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->permanentColorspace(colorSpace); m_size = m_colorSpace->pixelSize(); Q_ASSERT(m_size <= MAX_PIXEL_SIZE); memset(m_data, 0, m_size); src.colorSpace()->convertPixelsTo(src.m_data, m_data, colorSpace, 1, KoColorConversionTransformation::internalRenderingIntent(), KoColorConversionTransformation::internalConversionFlags()); } void KoColor::convertTo(const KoColorSpace * cs, KoColorConversionTransformation::Intent renderingIntent, KoColorConversionTransformation::ConversionFlags conversionFlags) { //dbgPigment <<"Our colormodel:" << d->colorSpace->id().name() // << ", new colormodel: " << cs->id().name() << "\n"; if (*m_colorSpace == *cs) return; quint8 data[MAX_PIXEL_SIZE]; const size_t size = cs->pixelSize(); Q_ASSERT(size <= MAX_PIXEL_SIZE); memset(data, 0, size); m_colorSpace->convertPixelsTo(m_data, data, cs, 1, renderingIntent, conversionFlags); memcpy(m_data, data, size); m_size = size; m_colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->permanentColorspace(cs); } void KoColor::convertTo(const KoColorSpace * cs) { convertTo(cs, KoColorConversionTransformation::internalRenderingIntent(), KoColorConversionTransformation::internalConversionFlags()); } KoColor KoColor::convertedTo(const KoColorSpace *cs, KoColorConversionTransformation::Intent renderingIntent, KoColorConversionTransformation::ConversionFlags conversionFlags) const { KoColor result(*this); result.convertTo(cs, renderingIntent, conversionFlags); return result; } KoColor KoColor::convertedTo(const KoColorSpace *cs) const { return convertedTo(cs, KoColorConversionTransformation::internalRenderingIntent(), KoColorConversionTransformation::internalConversionFlags()); } void KoColor::setProfile(const KoColorProfile *profile) { const KoColorSpace *dstColorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(colorSpace()->colorModelId().id(), colorSpace()->colorDepthId().id(), profile); if (!dstColorSpace) return; m_colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->permanentColorspace(dstColorSpace); } void KoColor::setColor(const quint8 * data, const KoColorSpace * colorSpace) { Q_ASSERT(colorSpace); - const size_t size = colorSpace->pixelSize(); - Q_ASSERT(size <= MAX_PIXEL_SIZE); + m_size = colorSpace->pixelSize(); + Q_ASSERT(m_size <= MAX_PIXEL_SIZE); - memcpy(m_data, data, size); + memcpy(m_data, data, m_size); m_colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->permanentColorspace(colorSpace); } // To save the user the trouble of doing color->colorSpace()->toQColor(color->data(), &c, &a, profile void KoColor::toQColor(QColor *c) const { Q_ASSERT(c); if (m_colorSpace) { m_colorSpace->toQColor(m_data, c); } } QColor KoColor::toQColor() const { QColor c; toQColor(&c); return c; } void KoColor::fromQColor(const QColor& c) { if (m_colorSpace) { m_colorSpace->fromQColor(c, m_data); } } void KoColor::subtract(const KoColor &value) { KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(*m_colorSpace == *value.colorSpace()); QVector channels1(m_colorSpace->channelCount()); QVector channels2(m_colorSpace->channelCount()); m_colorSpace->normalisedChannelsValue(m_data, channels1); m_colorSpace->normalisedChannelsValue(value.data(), channels2); for (int i = 0; i < channels1.size(); i++) { channels1[i] -= channels2[i]; } m_colorSpace->fromNormalisedChannelsValue(m_data, channels1); } KoColor KoColor::subtracted(const KoColor &value) const { KoColor result(*this); result.subtract(value); return result; } void KoColor::add(const KoColor &value) { KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(*m_colorSpace == *value.colorSpace()); QVector channels1(m_colorSpace->channelCount()); QVector channels2(m_colorSpace->channelCount()); m_colorSpace->normalisedChannelsValue(m_data, channels1); m_colorSpace->normalisedChannelsValue(value.data(), channels2); for (int i = 0; i < channels1.size(); i++) { channels1[i] += channels2[i]; } m_colorSpace->fromNormalisedChannelsValue(m_data, channels1); } KoColor KoColor::added(const KoColor &value) const { KoColor result(*this); result.add(value); return result; } #ifndef NDEBUG void KoColor::dump() const { dbgPigment <<"KoColor (" << this <<")," << m_colorSpace->id() <<""; QList channels = m_colorSpace->channels(); QList::const_iterator begin = channels.constBegin(); QList::const_iterator end = channels.constEnd(); for (QList::const_iterator it = begin; it != end; ++it) { KoChannelInfo * ch = (*it); // XXX: setNum always takes a byte. if (ch->size() == sizeof(quint8)) { // Byte dbgPigment <<"Channel (byte):" << ch->name() <<":" << QString().setNum(m_data[ch->pos()]) <<""; } else if (ch->size() == sizeof(quint16)) { // Short (may also by an nvidia half) dbgPigment <<"Channel (short):" << ch->name() <<":" << QString().setNum(*((const quint16 *)(m_data+ch->pos()))) <<""; } else if (ch->size() == sizeof(quint32)) { // Integer (may also be float... Find out how to distinguish these!) dbgPigment <<"Channel (int):" << ch->name() <<":" << QString().setNum(*((const quint32 *)(m_data+ch->pos()))) <<""; } } } #endif void KoColor::fromKoColor(const KoColor& src) { src.colorSpace()->convertPixelsTo(src.m_data, m_data, colorSpace(), 1, KoColorConversionTransformation::internalRenderingIntent(), KoColorConversionTransformation::internalConversionFlags()); } const KoColorProfile *KoColor::profile() const { return m_colorSpace->profile(); } void KoColor::toXML(QDomDocument& doc, QDomElement& colorElt) const { m_colorSpace->colorToXML(m_data, doc, colorElt); } void KoColor::setOpacity(quint8 alpha) { m_colorSpace->setOpacity(m_data, alpha, 1); } void KoColor::setOpacity(qreal alpha) { m_colorSpace->setOpacity(m_data, alpha, 1); } quint8 KoColor::opacityU8() const { return m_colorSpace->opacityU8(m_data); } qreal KoColor::opacityF() const { return m_colorSpace->opacityF(m_data); } KoColor KoColor::fromXML(const QDomElement& elt, const QString& channelDepthId) { bool ok; return fromXML(elt, channelDepthId, &ok); } KoColor KoColor::fromXML(const QDomElement& elt, const QString& channelDepthId, bool* ok) { *ok = true; QString modelId; if (elt.tagName() == "CMYK") { modelId = CMYKAColorModelID.id(); } else if (elt.tagName() == "RGB") { modelId = RGBAColorModelID.id(); } else if (elt.tagName() == "sRGB") { modelId = RGBAColorModelID.id(); } else if (elt.tagName() == "Lab") { modelId = LABAColorModelID.id(); } else if (elt.tagName() == "XYZ") { modelId = XYZAColorModelID.id(); } else if (elt.tagName() == "Gray") { modelId = GrayAColorModelID.id(); } else if (elt.tagName() == "YCbCr") { modelId = YCbCrAColorModelID.id(); } QString profileName; if (elt.tagName() != "sRGB") { profileName = elt.attribute("space", ""); if (!KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->profileByName(profileName)) { profileName.clear(); } } const KoColorSpace* cs = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(modelId, channelDepthId, profileName); if (cs == 0) { QList list = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorDepthList(modelId, KoColorSpaceRegistry::AllColorSpaces); if (!list.empty()) { cs = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(modelId, list[0].id(), profileName); } } if (cs) { KoColor c(cs); // TODO: Provide a way for colorFromXML() to notify the caller if parsing failed. Currently it returns default values on failure. cs->colorFromXML(c.data(), elt); return c; } else { *ok = false; return KoColor(); } } QString KoColor::toXML() const { QDomDocument cdataDoc = QDomDocument("color"); QDomElement cdataRoot = cdataDoc.createElement("color"); cdataDoc.appendChild(cdataRoot); cdataRoot.setAttribute("channeldepth", colorSpace()->colorDepthId().id()); toXML(cdataDoc, cdataRoot); return cdataDoc.toString(); } KoColor KoColor::fromXML(const QString &xml) { KoColor c; QDomDocument doc; if (doc.setContent(xml)) { QDomElement e = doc.documentElement().firstChild().toElement(); QString channelDepthID = e.attribute("channeldepth", Integer16BitsColorDepthID.id()); bool ok; c = KoColor::fromXML(e, channelDepthID, &ok); } return c; } QString KoColor::toQString(const KoColor &color) { QStringList ls; Q_FOREACH (KoChannelInfo *channel, KoChannelInfo::displayOrderSorted(color.colorSpace()->channels())) { int realIndex = KoChannelInfo::displayPositionToChannelIndex(channel->displayPosition(), color.colorSpace()->channels()); ls << channel->name(); ls << color.colorSpace()->channelValueText(color.data(), realIndex); } return ls.join(" "); } QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const KoColor &color) { dbg.nospace() << "KoColor (" << color.colorSpace()->id(); QList channels = color.colorSpace()->channels(); for (auto it = channels.constBegin(); it != channels.constEnd(); ++it) { KoChannelInfo *ch = (*it); dbg.nospace() << ", " << ch->name() << ":"; switch (ch->channelValueType()) { case KoChannelInfo::UINT8: { const quint8 *ptr = reinterpret_cast(color.data() + ch->pos()); dbg.nospace() << *ptr; break; } case KoChannelInfo::UINT16: { const quint16 *ptr = reinterpret_cast(color.data() + ch->pos()); dbg.nospace() << *ptr; break; } case KoChannelInfo::UINT32: { const quint32 *ptr = reinterpret_cast(color.data() + ch->pos()); dbg.nospace() << *ptr; break; } case KoChannelInfo::FLOAT16: { #ifdef HAVE_OPENEXR const half *ptr = reinterpret_cast(color.data() + ch->pos()); dbg.nospace() << *ptr; #else const quint16 *ptr = reinterpret_cast(color.data() + ch->pos()); dbg.nospace() << "UNSUPPORTED_F16(" << *ptr << ")"; #endif break; } case KoChannelInfo::FLOAT32: { const float *ptr = reinterpret_cast(color.data() + ch->pos()); dbg.nospace() << *ptr; break; } case KoChannelInfo::FLOAT64: { const double *ptr = reinterpret_cast(color.data() + ch->pos()); dbg.nospace() << *ptr; break; } case KoChannelInfo::INT8: { const qint8 *ptr = reinterpret_cast(color.data() + ch->pos()); dbg.nospace() << *ptr; break; } case KoChannelInfo::INT16: { const qint16 *ptr = reinterpret_cast(color.data() + ch->pos()); dbg.nospace() << *ptr; break; } case KoChannelInfo::OTHER: { const quint8 *ptr = reinterpret_cast(color.data() + ch->pos()); dbg.nospace() << "undef(" << *ptr << ")"; break; } } } dbg.nospace() << ")"; return dbg.space(); } diff --git a/libs/pigment/resources/KisSwatch.cpp b/libs/pigment/resources/KisSwatch.cpp index 47199897cf..019638d500 100644 --- a/libs/pigment/resources/KisSwatch.cpp +++ b/libs/pigment/resources/KisSwatch.cpp @@ -1,71 +1,52 @@ /* * This file is part of the KDE project * Copyright (c) 2005 Boudewijn Rempt * Copyright (c) 2016 L. E. Segovia * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KisSwatch.h" - -KisSwatch::KisSwatch() - : m_spotColor(false) - , m_valid(false) -{ } - KisSwatch::KisSwatch(const KoColor &color, const QString &name) : m_color(color) , m_name(name) - , m_spotColor(false) , m_valid(true) { } void KisSwatch::setName(const QString &name) { m_name = name; m_valid = true; } void KisSwatch::setId(const QString &id) { m_id = id; m_valid = true; } void KisSwatch::setColor(const KoColor &color) { m_color = color; m_valid = true; } void KisSwatch::setSpotColor(bool spotColor) { m_spotColor = spotColor; m_valid = true; } - -KisSwatch &KisSwatch::operator =(const KisSwatch &source) -{ - if (&source == this) - return *this; - m_color = source.m_color; - m_id = source.m_id; - m_name = source.m_name; - m_spotColor = source.m_spotColor; - m_valid = source.m_valid; - return *this; -} diff --git a/libs/pigment/resources/KisSwatch.h b/libs/pigment/resources/KisSwatch.h index d77d207940..2507a37b61 100644 --- a/libs/pigment/resources/KisSwatch.h +++ b/libs/pigment/resources/KisSwatch.h @@ -1,65 +1,63 @@ /* * This file is part of the KDE project * Copyright (c) 2005 Boudewijn Rempt * Copyright (c) 2016 L. E. Segovia * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KISSWATCH_H #define KISSWATCH_H #include "kritapigment_export.h" #include #include "KoColor.h" class KRITAPIGMENT_EXPORT KisSwatch { public: - KisSwatch(); + KisSwatch() = default; KisSwatch(const KoColor &color, const QString &name = QString()); public: QString name() const { return m_name; } void setName(const QString &name); QString id() const { return m_id; } void setId(const QString &id); KoColor color() const { return m_color; } void setColor(const KoColor &color); bool spotColor() const { return m_spotColor; } void setSpotColor(bool spotColor); bool isValid() const { return m_valid; } public: bool operator==(const KisSwatch& rhs) const { return m_color == rhs.m_color && m_name == rhs.m_name; } - KisSwatch &operator =(const KisSwatch &source); - private: KoColor m_color; QString m_name; QString m_id; - bool m_spotColor; - bool m_valid; + bool m_spotColor {false}; + bool m_valid {false}; }; #endif // KISSWATCH_H diff --git a/libs/pigment/resources/KisSwatchGroup.cpp b/libs/pigment/resources/KisSwatchGroup.cpp index d2840d06af..b8382fb0d0 100644 --- a/libs/pigment/resources/KisSwatchGroup.cpp +++ b/libs/pigment/resources/KisSwatchGroup.cpp @@ -1,231 +1,208 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (c) 2005 Boudewijn Rempt Copyright (c) 2016 L. E. Segovia Copyright (c) 2018 Michael Zhou This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "KisSwatchGroup.h" struct KisSwatchGroup::Private { typedef QMap Column; - Private() - : name(QString()) - , colorMatrix(DEFAULT_COLUMN_COUNT) - , colorCount(0) - , rowCount(DEFAULT_ROW_COUNT) - { } - static int DEFAULT_COLUMN_COUNT; static int DEFAULT_ROW_COUNT; - QString name; - QVector colorMatrix; - int colorCount; - int rowCount; + QString name {QString()}; + QVector colorMatrix {DEFAULT_COLUMN_COUNT}; + int colorCount {0}; + int rowCount {DEFAULT_ROW_COUNT}; }; int KisSwatchGroup::Private::DEFAULT_COLUMN_COUNT = 16; int KisSwatchGroup::Private::DEFAULT_ROW_COUNT = 20; KisSwatchGroup::KisSwatchGroup() : d(new Private) { } -KisSwatchGroup::~KisSwatchGroup() -{ } +KisSwatchGroup::~KisSwatchGroup() = default; KisSwatchGroup::KisSwatchGroup(const KisSwatchGroup &rhs) : d(new Private(*rhs.d)) { } KisSwatchGroup &KisSwatchGroup::operator =(const KisSwatchGroup &rhs) { if (&rhs == this) { return *this; } d.reset(new Private(*rhs.d)); return *this; } void KisSwatchGroup::setEntry(const KisSwatch &e, int column, int row) { Q_ASSERT(column < d->colorMatrix.size() && column >= 0 && row >= 0); if (row >= d->rowCount) { setRowCount(row + 1); } if (!checkEntry(column, row)) { d->colorCount++; } d->colorMatrix[column][row] = e; } bool KisSwatchGroup::checkEntry(int column, int row) const { if (row >= d->rowCount) { return false; } if (column >= d->colorMatrix.size()){ return false; } if (column < 0) { return false; } - if (row >= d->colorMatrix[column].size()) { + if (!d->colorMatrix[column].contains(row)) { return false; } if (!d->colorMatrix[column][row].isValid()) { return false; } return true; } bool KisSwatchGroup::removeEntry(int column, int row) { if (d->colorCount == 0) { return false; } if (row >= d->rowCount || column >= d->colorMatrix.size() || column < 0) { return false; } // QMap::remove returns 1 if key found else 0 if (d->colorMatrix[column].remove(row)) { d->colorCount -= 1; return true; } else { return false; } } void KisSwatchGroup::setColumnCount(int columnCount) { Q_ASSERT(columnCount >= 0); if (columnCount < d->colorMatrix.size()) { int newColorCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++ ) { newColorCount += d->colorMatrix[i].size(); } d->colorCount = newColorCount; } d->colorMatrix.resize(columnCount); } int KisSwatchGroup::columnCount() const { return d->colorMatrix.size(); } KisSwatch KisSwatchGroup::getEntry(int column, int row) const { Q_ASSERT(checkEntry(column, row)); return d->colorMatrix[column][row]; } void KisSwatchGroup::addEntry(const KisSwatch &e) { if (columnCount() == 0) { setColumnCount(Private::DEFAULT_COLUMN_COUNT); } - if (d->colorCount == 0) { - setEntry(e, 0, 0); - return; - } - int y = 0; - for (const Private::Column &c : d->colorMatrix) { - if (c.isEmpty()) { continue; } - if (y < c.lastKey()) { - y = c.lastKey(); - } - } - for (int x = d->colorMatrix.size() - 1; x >= 0; x--) { - if (checkEntry(x, y)) { - // if the last entry's at the rightmost column, - // add e to the leftmost column of the next row - // and increase row count - if (++x == d->colorMatrix.size()) { - x = 0; - y++; - } - // else just add it to the right - setEntry(e, x, y); - break; + int x = 0; + while(checkEntry(x, y)) + { + if(++x == d->colorMatrix.size()) + { + x = 0; + ++y; } } + setEntry(e, x, y); } void KisSwatchGroup::clear() { d->colorMatrix.clear(); } void KisSwatchGroup::setRowCount(int newRowCount) { d->rowCount = newRowCount; for (Private::Column &c : d->colorMatrix) { for (int k : c.keys()) { if (k >= newRowCount) { c.remove(k); d->colorCount--; } } } } int KisSwatchGroup::rowCount() const { return d->rowCount; } int KisSwatchGroup::colorCount() const { return d->colorCount; } QList KisSwatchGroup::infoList() const { QList res; int column = 0; for (const Private::Column &c : d->colorMatrix) { int i = 0; for (const KisSwatch &s : c.values()) { SwatchInfo info = {d->name, s, c.keys()[i++], column}; res.append(info); } column++; } return res; } void KisSwatchGroup::setName(const QString &name) { d->name = name; } QString KisSwatchGroup::name() const { return d->name; } diff --git a/libs/pigment/resources/KoColorSet.cpp b/libs/pigment/resources/KoColorSet.cpp index e7f9ab0f18..e649679c65 100644 --- a/libs/pigment/resources/KoColorSet.cpp +++ b/libs/pigment/resources/KoColorSet.cpp @@ -1,1655 +1,1644 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (c) 2005 Boudewijn Rempt Copyright (c) 2016 L. E. Segovia This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // qFromLittleEndian #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "KisSwatch.h" #include "KoColorSet.h" #include "KoColorSet_p.h" namespace { /** * readAllLinesSafe() reads all the lines in the byte array * using the automated UTF8 and CR/LF transformations. That * might be necessary for opening GPL palettes created on Linux * in Windows environment. */ QStringList readAllLinesSafe(QByteArray *data) { QStringList lines; QBuffer buffer(data); buffer.open(QBuffer::ReadOnly); QTextStream stream(&buffer); QString line; while (stream.readLineInto(&line)) { lines << line; } return lines; } } const QString KoColorSet::GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME = QString(); const QString KoColorSet::KPL_VERSION_ATTR = "version"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_GROUP_ROW_COUNT_ATTR = "rows"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_PALETTE_COLUMN_COUNT_ATTR = "columns"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_PALETTE_NAME_ATTR = "name"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_PALETTE_COMMENT_ATTR = "comment"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_PALETTE_FILENAME_ATTR = "filename"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_PALETTE_READONLY_ATTR = "readonly"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_COLOR_MODEL_ID_ATTR = "colorModelId"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_COLOR_DEPTH_ID_ATTR = "colorDepthId"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_GROUP_NAME_ATTR = "name"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_SWATCH_ROW_ATTR = "row"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_SWATCH_COL_ATTR = "column"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_SWATCH_NAME_ATTR = "name"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_SWATCH_ID_ATTR = "id"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_SWATCH_SPOT_ATTR = "spot"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_SWATCH_BITDEPTH_ATTR = "bitdepth"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_PALETTE_PROFILE_TAG = "Profile"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_SWATCH_POS_TAG = "Position"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_SWATCH_TAG = "ColorSetEntry"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_GROUP_TAG = "Group"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_PALETTE_TAG = "ColorSet"; const int MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_COLUMNS = 4096; KoColorSet::KoColorSet(const QString& filename) : KoResource(filename) , d(new Private(this)) { if (!filename.isEmpty()) { QFileInfo f(filename); setIsEditable(f.isWritable()); } } /// Create an copied palette KoColorSet::KoColorSet(const KoColorSet& rhs) : QObject(0) , KoResource(rhs) , d(new Private(this)) { d->paletteType = rhs.d->paletteType; d->data = rhs.d->data; d->comment = rhs.d->comment; d->groupNames = rhs.d->groupNames; d->groups = rhs.d->groups; d->isGlobal = rhs.d->isGlobal; d->isEditable = rhs.d->isEditable; } KoColorSet::~KoColorSet() { } bool KoColorSet::load() { QFile file(filename()); if (file.size() == 0) return false; if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { warnPigment << "Can't open file " << filename(); return false; } bool res = loadFromDevice(&file); file.close(); if (!QFileInfo(filename()).isWritable()) { setIsEditable(false); } return res; } bool KoColorSet::loadFromDevice(QIODevice *dev) { if (!dev->isOpen()) dev->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); d->data = dev->readAll(); Q_ASSERT(d->data.size() != 0); return d->init(); } bool KoColorSet::save() { if (d->isGlobal) { // save to resource dir QFile file(filename()); if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate)) { return false; } saveToDevice(&file); file.close(); return true; } else { return true; // palette is not global, but still indicate that it's saved } } bool KoColorSet::saveToDevice(QIODevice *dev) const { bool res; switch(d->paletteType) { case GPL: res = d->saveGpl(dev); break; default: res = d->saveKpl(dev); } if (res) { KoResource::saveToDevice(dev); } return res; } QByteArray KoColorSet::toByteArray() const { QBuffer s; s.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); if (!saveToDevice(&s)) { warnPigment << "saving palette failed:" << name(); return QByteArray(); } s.close(); s.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QByteArray res = s.readAll(); s.close(); return res; } bool KoColorSet::fromByteArray(QByteArray &data) { QBuffer buf(&data); buf.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); return loadFromDevice(&buf); } KoColorSet::PaletteType KoColorSet::paletteType() const { return d->paletteType; } void KoColorSet::setPaletteType(PaletteType paletteType) { d->paletteType = paletteType; QString suffix; switch(d->paletteType) { case GPL: suffix = ".gpl"; break; case ACT: suffix = ".act"; break; case RIFF_PAL: case PSP_PAL: suffix = ".pal"; break; case ACO: suffix = ".aco"; break; case XML: suffix = ".xml"; break; case KPL: suffix = ".kpl"; break; case SBZ: suffix = ".sbz"; break; default: suffix = defaultFileExtension(); } QStringList fileName = filename().split("."); fileName.last() = suffix.replace(".", ""); setFilename(fileName.join(".")); } quint32 KoColorSet::colorCount() const { int colorCount = 0; for (KisSwatchGroup &g : d->groups.values()) { colorCount += g.colorCount(); } return colorCount; } void KoColorSet::add(const KisSwatch &c, const QString &groupName) { KisSwatchGroup &modifiedGroup = d->groups.contains(groupName) ? d->groups[groupName] : d->global(); modifiedGroup.addEntry(c); } void KoColorSet::setEntry(const KisSwatch &e, int x, int y, const QString &groupName) { KisSwatchGroup &modifiedGroup = d->groups.contains(groupName) ? d->groups[groupName] : d->global(); modifiedGroup.setEntry(e, x, y); } void KoColorSet::clear() { d->groups.clear(); d->groupNames.clear(); d->groups[GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME] = KisSwatchGroup(); d->groupNames.append(GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME); } KisSwatch KoColorSet::getColorGlobal(quint32 x, quint32 y) const { - int yInGroup = y; - KisSwatch e; - QString nameGroupFoundIn; for (const QString &groupName : d->groupNames) { - if (yInGroup < d->groups[groupName].rowCount()) { - nameGroupFoundIn = groupName; - break; + if ((int)y < d->groups[groupName].rowCount()) { + return d->groups[groupName].getEntry(x, y); } else { - yInGroup -= d->groups[groupName].rowCount(); + y -= d->groups[groupName].rowCount(); } } - KisSwatchGroup &groupFoundIn = d->global(); - if (nameGroupFoundIn != GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME) { - groupFoundIn = d->groups[nameGroupFoundIn]; - } - if (groupFoundIn.checkEntry(x, yInGroup)) { - e = groupFoundIn.getEntry(x, yInGroup); - } - return e; + return KisSwatch(); } KisSwatch KoColorSet::getColorGroup(quint32 x, quint32 y, QString groupName) { KisSwatch e; const KisSwatchGroup &sourceGroup = groupName == QString() ? d->global() : d->groups[groupName]; if (sourceGroup.checkEntry(x, y)) { e = sourceGroup.getEntry(x, y); } return e; } QStringList KoColorSet::getGroupNames() { if (d->groupNames.size() != d->groups.size()) { warnPigment << "mismatch between groups and the groupnames list."; return QStringList(d->groups.keys()); } return d->groupNames; } bool KoColorSet::changeGroupName(const QString &oldGroupName, const QString &newGroupName) { if (!d->groups.contains(oldGroupName)) { return false; } if (oldGroupName == newGroupName) { return true; } d->groups[newGroupName] = d->groups[oldGroupName]; d->groups.remove(oldGroupName); d->groups[newGroupName].setName(newGroupName); //rename the string in the stringlist; int index = d->groupNames.indexOf(oldGroupName); d->groupNames.replace(index, newGroupName); return true; } void KoColorSet::setColumnCount(int columns) { d->groups[GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME].setColumnCount(columns); for (KisSwatchGroup &g : d->groups.values()) { g.setColumnCount(columns); } } int KoColorSet::columnCount() const { return d->groups[GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME].columnCount(); } QString KoColorSet::comment() { return d->comment; } void KoColorSet::setComment(QString comment) { d->comment = comment; } bool KoColorSet::addGroup(const QString &groupName) { if (d->groups.contains(groupName) || d->groupNames.contains(groupName)) { return false; } d->groupNames.append(groupName); d->groups[groupName] = KisSwatchGroup(); d->groups[groupName].setName(groupName); return true; } bool KoColorSet::moveGroup(const QString &groupName, const QString &groupNameInsertBefore) { if (d->groupNames.contains(groupName)==false || d->groupNames.contains(groupNameInsertBefore)==false) { return false; } if (groupNameInsertBefore != GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME && groupName != GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME) { d->groupNames.removeAt(d->groupNames.indexOf(groupName)); int index = d->groupNames.indexOf(groupNameInsertBefore); d->groupNames.insert(index, groupName); } return true; } bool KoColorSet::removeGroup(const QString &groupName, bool keepColors) { if (!d->groups.contains(groupName)) { return false; } if (groupName == GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME) { return false; } if (keepColors) { // put all colors directly below global int startingRow = d->groups[GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME].rowCount(); for (const KisSwatchGroup::SwatchInfo &info : d->groups[groupName].infoList()) { d->groups[GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME].setEntry(info.swatch, info.column, info.row + startingRow); } } d->groupNames.removeAt(d->groupNames.indexOf(groupName)); d->groups.remove(groupName); return true; } QString KoColorSet::defaultFileExtension() const { return QString(".kpl"); } int KoColorSet::rowCount() const { int res = 0; for (const QString &name : d->groupNames) { res += d->groups[name].rowCount(); } return res; } KisSwatchGroup *KoColorSet::getGroup(const QString &name) { if (!d->groups.contains(name)) { return 0; } return &(d->groups[name]); } KisSwatchGroup *KoColorSet::getGlobalGroup() { return getGroup(GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME); } bool KoColorSet::isGlobal() const { return d->isGlobal; } void KoColorSet::setIsGlobal(bool isGlobal) { d->isGlobal = isGlobal; } bool KoColorSet::isEditable() const { return d->isEditable; } void KoColorSet::setIsEditable(bool isEditable) { d->isEditable = isEditable; } KisSwatchGroup::SwatchInfo KoColorSet::getClosestColorInfo(KoColor compare, bool useGivenColorSpace) { KisSwatchGroup::SwatchInfo res; quint8 highestPercentage = 0; quint8 testPercentage = 0; for (const QString &groupName : getGroupNames()) { KisSwatchGroup *group = getGroup(groupName); for (const KisSwatchGroup::SwatchInfo &currInfo : group->infoList()) { KoColor color = currInfo.swatch.color(); if (useGivenColorSpace == true && compare.colorSpace() != color.colorSpace()) { color.convertTo(compare.colorSpace()); } else if (compare.colorSpace() != color.colorSpace()) { compare.convertTo(color.colorSpace()); } testPercentage = (255 - compare.colorSpace()->difference(compare.data(), color.data())); if (testPercentage > highestPercentage) { highestPercentage = testPercentage; res = currInfo; } } } return res; } /********************************KoColorSet::Private**************************/ KoColorSet::Private::Private(KoColorSet *a_colorSet) : colorSet(a_colorSet) { groups[KoColorSet::GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME] = KisSwatchGroup(); groupNames.append(KoColorSet::GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME); } KoColorSet::PaletteType KoColorSet::Private::detectFormat(const QString &fileName, const QByteArray &ba) { QFileInfo fi(fileName); // .pal if (ba.startsWith("RIFF") && ba.indexOf("PAL data", 8)) { return KoColorSet::RIFF_PAL; } // .gpl else if (ba.startsWith("GIMP Palette")) { return KoColorSet::GPL; } // .pal else if (ba.startsWith("JASC-PAL")) { return KoColorSet::PSP_PAL; } else if (fi.suffix().toLower() == "aco") { return KoColorSet::ACO; } else if (fi.suffix().toLower() == "act") { return KoColorSet::ACT; } else if (fi.suffix().toLower() == "xml") { return KoColorSet::XML; } else if (fi.suffix().toLower() == "kpl") { return KoColorSet::KPL; } else if (fi.suffix().toLower() == "sbz") { return KoColorSet::SBZ; } return KoColorSet::UNKNOWN; } void KoColorSet::Private::scribusParseColor(KoColorSet *set, QXmlStreamReader *xml) { KisSwatch colorEntry; // It's a color, retrieve it QXmlStreamAttributes colorProperties = xml->attributes(); QStringRef colorName = colorProperties.value("NAME"); colorEntry.setName(colorName.isEmpty() || colorName.isNull() ? i18n("Untitled") : colorName.toString()); // RGB or CMYK? if (colorProperties.hasAttribute("RGB")) { dbgPigment << "Color " << colorProperties.value("NAME") << ", RGB " << colorProperties.value("RGB"); KoColor currentColor(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8()); QStringRef colorValue = colorProperties.value("RGB"); if (colorValue.length() != 7 && colorValue.at(0) != '#') { // Color is a hexadecimal number xml->raiseError("Invalid rgb8 color (malformed): " + colorValue); return; } else { bool rgbOk; quint32 rgb = colorValue.mid(1).toUInt(&rgbOk, 16); if (!rgbOk) { xml->raiseError("Invalid rgb8 color (unable to convert): " + colorValue); return; } quint8 r = rgb >> 16 & 0xff; quint8 g = rgb >> 8 & 0xff; quint8 b = rgb & 0xff; dbgPigment << "Color parsed: "<< r << g << b; currentColor.data()[0] = r; currentColor.data()[1] = g; currentColor.data()[2] = b; currentColor.setOpacity(OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8); colorEntry.setColor(currentColor); set->add(colorEntry); while(xml->readNextStartElement()) { //ignore - these are all unknown or the /> element tag xml->skipCurrentElement(); } return; } } else if (colorProperties.hasAttribute("CMYK")) { dbgPigment << "Color " << colorProperties.value("NAME") << ", CMYK " << colorProperties.value("CMYK"); KoColor currentColor(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(CMYKAColorModelID.id(), Integer8BitsColorDepthID.id(), QString())); QStringRef colorValue = colorProperties.value("CMYK"); if (colorValue.length() != 9 && colorValue.at(0) != '#') { // Color is a hexadecimal number xml->raiseError("Invalid cmyk color (malformed): " % colorValue); return; } else { bool cmykOk; quint32 cmyk = colorValue.mid(1).toUInt(&cmykOk, 16); // cmyk uses the full 32 bits if (!cmykOk) { xml->raiseError("Invalid cmyk color (unable to convert): " % colorValue); return; } quint8 c = cmyk >> 24 & 0xff; quint8 m = cmyk >> 16 & 0xff; quint8 y = cmyk >> 8 & 0xff; quint8 k = cmyk & 0xff; dbgPigment << "Color parsed: "<< c << m << y << k; currentColor.data()[0] = c; currentColor.data()[1] = m; currentColor.data()[2] = y; currentColor.data()[3] = k; currentColor.setOpacity(OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8); colorEntry.setColor(currentColor); set->add(colorEntry); while(xml->readNextStartElement()) { //ignore - these are all unknown or the /> element tag xml->skipCurrentElement(); } return; } } else { xml->raiseError("Unknown color space for color " + colorEntry.name()); } } bool KoColorSet::Private::loadScribusXmlPalette(KoColorSet *set, QXmlStreamReader *xml) { //1. Get name QXmlStreamAttributes paletteProperties = xml->attributes(); QStringRef paletteName = paletteProperties.value("Name"); dbgPigment << "Processed name of palette:" << paletteName; set->setName(paletteName.toString()); //2. Inside the SCRIBUSCOLORS, there are lots of colors. Retrieve them while(xml->readNextStartElement()) { QStringRef currentElement = xml->name(); if(QStringRef::compare(currentElement, "COLOR", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { scribusParseColor(set, xml); } else { xml->skipCurrentElement(); } } if(xml->hasError()) { return false; } return true; } quint16 KoColorSet::Private::readShort(QIODevice *io) { quint16 val; quint64 read = io->read((char*)&val, 2); if (read != 2) return false; return qFromBigEndian(val); } bool KoColorSet::Private::init() { // just in case this is a reload (eg by KoEditColorSetDialog), groupNames.clear(); groups.clear(); groupNames.append(KoColorSet::GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME); groups[KoColorSet::GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME] = KisSwatchGroup(); if (colorSet->filename().isNull()) { warnPigment << "Cannot load palette" << colorSet->name() << "there is no filename set"; return false; } if (data.isNull()) { QFile file(colorSet->filename()); if (file.size() == 0) { warnPigment << "Cannot load palette" << colorSet->name() << "there is no data available"; return false; } file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); data = file.readAll(); file.close(); } bool res = false; paletteType = detectFormat(colorSet->filename(), data); switch(paletteType) { case GPL: res = loadGpl(); break; case ACT: res = loadAct(); break; case RIFF_PAL: res = loadRiff(); break; case PSP_PAL: res = loadPsp(); break; case ACO: res = loadAco(); break; case XML: res = loadXml(); break; case KPL: res = loadKpl(); break; case SBZ: res = loadSbz(); break; default: res = false; } colorSet->setValid(res); QImage img(global().columnCount() * 4, global().rowCount() * 4, QImage::Format_ARGB32); QPainter gc(&img); gc.fillRect(img.rect(), Qt::darkGray); for (const KisSwatchGroup::SwatchInfo &info : global().infoList()) { QColor c = info.swatch.color().toQColor(); gc.fillRect(info.column * 4, info.row * 4, 4, 4, c); } colorSet->setImage(img); colorSet->setValid(res); data.clear(); return res; } bool KoColorSet::Private::saveGpl(QIODevice *dev) const { Q_ASSERT(dev->isOpen()); Q_ASSERT(dev->isWritable()); QTextStream stream(dev); stream << "GIMP Palette\nName: " << colorSet->name() << "\nColumns: " << colorSet->columnCount() << "\n#\n"; /* * Qt doesn't provide an interface to get a const reference to a QHash, that is * the underlying data structure of groups. Therefore, directly use * groups[KoColorSet::GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME] so that saveGpl can stay const */ for (int y = 0; y < groups[KoColorSet::GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME].rowCount(); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < colorSet->columnCount(); x++) { if (!groups[KoColorSet::GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME].checkEntry(x, y)) { continue; } const KisSwatch& entry = groups[KoColorSet::GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME].getEntry(x, y); QColor c = entry.color().toQColor(); stream << c.red() << " " << c.green() << " " << c.blue() << "\t"; if (entry.name().isEmpty()) stream << "Untitled\n"; else stream << entry.name() << "\n"; } } return true; } bool KoColorSet::Private::loadGpl() { if (data.isEmpty() || data.isNull() || data.length() < 50) { warnPigment << "Illegal Gimp palette file: " << colorSet->filename(); return false; } quint32 index = 0; QStringList lines = readAllLinesSafe(&data); if (lines.size() < 3) { warnPigment << "Not enough lines in palette file: " << colorSet->filename(); return false; } QString columnsText; qint32 r, g, b; KisSwatch e; // Read name if (!lines[0].startsWith("GIMP") || !lines[1].toLower().contains("name")) { warnPigment << "Illegal Gimp palette file: " << colorSet->filename(); return false; } colorSet->setName(i18n(lines[1].split(":")[1].trimmed().toLatin1())); index = 2; // Read columns int columns = 0; if (lines[index].toLower().contains("columns")) { columnsText = lines[index].split(":")[1].trimmed(); columns = columnsText.toInt(); if (columns > MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_COLUMNS) { warnPigment << "Refusing to set unreasonable number of columns (" << columns << ") in GIMP Palette file " << colorSet->filename() << " - using maximum number of allowed columns instead"; global().setColumnCount(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_COLUMNS); } else { global().setColumnCount(columns); } index = 3; } for (qint32 i = index; i < lines.size(); i++) { if (lines[i].startsWith('#')) { comment += lines[i].mid(1).trimmed() + ' '; } else if (!lines[i].isEmpty()) { QStringList a = lines[i].replace('\t', ' ').split(' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (a.count() < 3) { continue; } r = qBound(0, a[0].toInt(), 255); g = qBound(0, a[1].toInt(), 255); b = qBound(0, a[2].toInt(), 255); e.setColor(KoColor(QColor(r, g, b), KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8())); for (int i = 0; i != 3; i++) { a.pop_front(); } QString name = a.join(" "); e.setName(name.isEmpty() || name == "Untitled" ? i18n("Untitled") : name); global().addEntry(e); } } int rowCount = global().colorCount()/ global().columnCount(); if (global().colorCount() % global().columnCount()>0) { rowCount ++; } global().setRowCount(rowCount); return true; } bool KoColorSet::Private::loadAct() { QFileInfo info(colorSet->filename()); colorSet->setName(info.completeBaseName()); KisSwatch e; for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i += 3) { quint8 r = data[i]; quint8 g = data[i+1]; quint8 b = data[i+2]; e.setColor(KoColor(QColor(r, g, b), KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8())); global().addEntry(e); } return true; } bool KoColorSet::Private::loadRiff() { // http://worms2d.info/Palette_file QFileInfo info(colorSet->filename()); colorSet->setName(info.completeBaseName()); KisSwatch e; RiffHeader header; memcpy(&header, data.constData(), sizeof(RiffHeader)); header.colorcount = qFromBigEndian(header.colorcount); for (int i = sizeof(RiffHeader); (i < (int)(sizeof(RiffHeader) + header.colorcount) && i < data.size()); i += 4) { quint8 r = data[i]; quint8 g = data[i+1]; quint8 b = data[i+2]; e.setColor(KoColor(QColor(r, g, b), KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8())); groups[KoColorSet::GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME].addEntry(e); } return true; } bool KoColorSet::Private::loadPsp() { QFileInfo info(colorSet->filename()); colorSet->setName(info.completeBaseName()); KisSwatch e; qint32 r, g, b; QStringList l = readAllLinesSafe(&data); if (l.size() < 4) return false; if (l[0] != "JASC-PAL") return false; if (l[1] != "0100") return false; int entries = l[2].toInt(); for (int i = 0; i < entries; ++i) { QStringList a = l[i + 3].replace('\t', ' ').split(' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (a.count() != 3) { continue; } r = qBound(0, a[0].toInt(), 255); g = qBound(0, a[1].toInt(), 255); b = qBound(0, a[2].toInt(), 255); e.setColor(KoColor(QColor(r, g, b), KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8())); QString name = a.join(" "); e.setName(name.isEmpty() ? i18n("Untitled") : name); groups[KoColorSet::GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME].addEntry(e); } return true; } bool KoColorSet::Private::loadKpl() { QBuffer buf(&data); buf.open(QBuffer::ReadOnly); QScopedPointer store(KoStore::createStore(&buf, KoStore::Read, "krita/x-colorset", KoStore::Zip)); if (!store || store->bad()) { return false; } if (store->hasFile("profiles.xml")) { if (!store->open("profiles.xml")) { return false; } QByteArray data; data.resize(store->size()); QByteArray ba = store->read(store->size()); store->close(); QDomDocument doc; doc.setContent(ba); QDomElement e = doc.documentElement(); QDomElement c = e.firstChildElement(KPL_PALETTE_PROFILE_TAG); while (!c.isNull()) { QString name = c.attribute(KPL_PALETTE_NAME_ATTR); QString filename = c.attribute(KPL_PALETTE_FILENAME_ATTR); QString colorModelId = c.attribute(KPL_COLOR_MODEL_ID_ATTR); QString colorDepthId = c.attribute(KPL_COLOR_DEPTH_ID_ATTR); if (!KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->profileByName(name)) { store->open(filename); QByteArray data; data.resize(store->size()); data = store->read(store->size()); store->close(); const KoColorProfile *profile = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->createColorProfile(colorModelId, colorDepthId, data); if (profile && profile->valid()) { KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->addProfile(profile); } } c = c.nextSiblingElement(); } } { if (!store->open("colorset.xml")) { return false; } QByteArray data; data.resize(store->size()); QByteArray ba = store->read(store->size()); store->close(); int desiredColumnCount; QDomDocument doc; doc.setContent(ba); QDomElement e = doc.documentElement(); colorSet->setName(e.attribute(KPL_PALETTE_NAME_ATTR)); colorSet->setIsEditable(e.attribute(KPL_PALETTE_READONLY_ATTR) != "true"); comment = e.attribute(KPL_PALETTE_COMMENT_ATTR); desiredColumnCount = e.attribute(KPL_PALETTE_COLUMN_COUNT_ATTR).toInt(); if (desiredColumnCount > MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_COLUMNS) { warnPigment << "Refusing to set unreasonable number of columns (" << desiredColumnCount << ") in KPL palette file " << colorSet->filename() << " - setting maximum allowed column count instead."; colorSet->setColumnCount(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_COLUMNS); } else { colorSet->setColumnCount(desiredColumnCount); } loadKplGroup(doc, e, colorSet->getGlobalGroup()); QDomElement g = e.firstChildElement(KPL_GROUP_TAG); while (!g.isNull()) { QString groupName = g.attribute(KPL_GROUP_NAME_ATTR); colorSet->addGroup(groupName); loadKplGroup(doc, g, colorSet->getGroup(groupName)); g = g.nextSiblingElement(KPL_GROUP_TAG); } } buf.close(); return true; } bool KoColorSet::Private::loadAco() { QFileInfo info(colorSet->filename()); colorSet->setName(info.completeBaseName()); QBuffer buf(&data); buf.open(QBuffer::ReadOnly); quint16 version = readShort(&buf); quint16 numColors = readShort(&buf); KisSwatch e; if (version == 1 && buf.size() > 4+numColors*10) { buf.seek(4+numColors*10); version = readShort(&buf); numColors = readShort(&buf); } const quint16 quint16_MAX = 65535; for (int i = 0; i < numColors && !buf.atEnd(); ++i) { quint16 colorSpace = readShort(&buf); quint16 ch1 = readShort(&buf); quint16 ch2 = readShort(&buf); quint16 ch3 = readShort(&buf); quint16 ch4 = readShort(&buf); bool skip = false; if (colorSpace == 0) { // RGB const KoColorProfile *srgb = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8()->profile(); KoColor c(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb16(srgb)); reinterpret_cast(c.data())[0] = ch3; reinterpret_cast(c.data())[1] = ch2; reinterpret_cast(c.data())[2] = ch1; c.setOpacity(OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8); e.setColor(c); } else if (colorSpace == 1) { // HSB QColor qc; qc.setHsvF(ch1 / 65536.0, ch2 / 65536.0, ch3 / 65536.0); KoColor c(qc, KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb16()); c.setOpacity(OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8); e.setColor(c); } else if (colorSpace == 2) { // CMYK KoColor c(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(CMYKAColorModelID.id(), Integer16BitsColorDepthID.id(), QString())); reinterpret_cast(c.data())[0] = quint16_MAX - ch1; reinterpret_cast(c.data())[1] = quint16_MAX - ch2; reinterpret_cast(c.data())[2] = quint16_MAX - ch3; reinterpret_cast(c.data())[3] = quint16_MAX - ch4; c.setOpacity(OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8); e.setColor(c); } else if (colorSpace == 7) { // LAB KoColor c = KoColor(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->lab16()); reinterpret_cast(c.data())[0] = ch3; reinterpret_cast(c.data())[1] = ch2; reinterpret_cast(c.data())[2] = ch1; c.setOpacity(OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8); e.setColor(c); } else if (colorSpace == 8) { // GRAY KoColor c(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(GrayAColorModelID.id(), Integer16BitsColorDepthID.id(), QString())); reinterpret_cast(c.data())[0] = ch1 * (quint16_MAX / 10000); c.setOpacity(OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8); e.setColor(c); } else { warnPigment << "Unsupported colorspace in palette" << colorSet->filename() << "(" << colorSpace << ")"; skip = true; } if (version == 2) { quint16 v2 = readShort(&buf); //this isn't a version, it's a marker and needs to be skipped. Q_UNUSED(v2); quint16 size = readShort(&buf) -1; //then comes the length if (size>0) { QByteArray ba = buf.read(size*2); if (ba.size() == size*2) { QTextCodec *Utf16Codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-16BE"); e.setName(Utf16Codec->toUnicode(ba)); } else { warnPigment << "Version 2 name block is the wrong size" << colorSet->filename(); } } v2 = readShort(&buf); //end marker also needs to be skipped. Q_UNUSED(v2); } if (!skip) { groups[KoColorSet::GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME].addEntry(e); } } return true; } bool KoColorSet::Private::loadSbz() { QBuffer buf(&data); buf.open(QBuffer::ReadOnly); // &buf is a subclass of QIODevice QScopedPointer store(KoStore::createStore(&buf, KoStore::Read, "application/x-swatchbook", KoStore::Zip)); if (!store || store->bad()) return false; if (store->hasFile("swatchbook.xml")) { // Try opening... if (!store->open("swatchbook.xml")) { return false; } QByteArray data; data.resize(store->size()); QByteArray ba = store->read(store->size()); store->close(); dbgPigment << "XML palette: " << colorSet->filename() << ", SwatchBooker format"; QDomDocument doc; int errorLine, errorColumn; QString errorMessage; bool status = doc.setContent(ba, &errorMessage, &errorLine, &errorColumn); if (!status) { warnPigment << "Illegal XML palette:" << colorSet->filename(); warnPigment << "Error (line" << errorLine << ", column" << errorColumn << "):" << errorMessage; return false; } QDomElement e = doc.documentElement(); // SwatchBook // Start reading properties... QDomElement metadata = e.firstChildElement("metadata"); if (e.isNull()) { warnPigment << "Palette metadata not found"; return false; } QDomElement title = metadata.firstChildElement("dc:title"); QString colorName = title.text(); colorName = colorName.isEmpty() ? i18n("Untitled") : colorName; colorSet->setName(colorName); dbgPigment << "Processed name of palette:" << colorSet->name(); // End reading properties // Now read colors... QDomElement materials = e.firstChildElement("materials"); if (materials.isNull()) { warnPigment << "Materials (color definitions) not found"; return false; } // This one has lots of "color" elements QDomElement colorElement = materials.firstChildElement("color"); if (colorElement.isNull()) { warnPigment << "Color definitions not found (line" << materials.lineNumber() << ", column" << materials.columnNumber() << ")"; return false; } // Also read the swatch book... QDomElement book = e.firstChildElement("book"); if (book.isNull()) { warnPigment << "Palette book (swatch composition) not found (line" << e.lineNumber() << ", column" << e.columnNumber() << ")"; return false; } // Which has lots of "swatch"es (todo: support groups) QDomElement swatch = book.firstChildElement(); if (swatch.isNull()) { warnPigment << "Swatches/groups definition not found (line" << book.lineNumber() << ", column" << book.columnNumber() << ")"; return false; } // We'll store colors here, and as we process swatches // we'll add them to the palette QHash materialsBook; QHash fileColorSpaces; // Color processing for(; !colorElement.isNull(); colorElement = colorElement.nextSiblingElement("color")) { KisSwatch currentEntry; // Set if color is spot currentEntry.setSpotColor(colorElement.attribute("usage") == "spot"); // inside contains id and name // one or more define the color QDomElement currentColorMetadata = colorElement.firstChildElement("metadata"); QDomNodeList currentColorValues = colorElement.elementsByTagName("values"); // Get color name QDomElement colorTitle = currentColorMetadata.firstChildElement("dc:title"); QDomElement colorId = currentColorMetadata.firstChildElement("dc:identifier"); // Is there an id? (we need that at the very least for identifying a color) if (colorId.text().isEmpty()) { warnPigment << "Unidentified color (line" << colorId.lineNumber()<< ", column" << colorId.columnNumber() << ")"; return false; } if (materialsBook.contains(colorId.text())) { warnPigment << "Duplicated color definition (line" << colorId.lineNumber()<< ", column" << colorId.columnNumber() << ")"; return false; } // Get a valid color name currentEntry.setId(colorId.text()); currentEntry.setName(colorTitle.text().isEmpty() ? colorId.text() : colorTitle.text()); // Get a valid color definition if (currentColorValues.isEmpty()) { warnPigment << "Color definitions not found (line" << colorElement.lineNumber() << ", column" << colorElement.columnNumber() << ")"; return false; } bool firstDefinition = false; const KoColorProfile *srgb = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8()->profile(); // Priority: Lab, otherwise the first definition found for(int j = 0; j < currentColorValues.size(); j++) { QDomNode colorValue = currentColorValues.at(j); QDomElement colorValueE = colorValue.toElement(); QString model = colorValueE.attribute("model", QString()); // sRGB,RGB,HSV,HSL,CMY,CMYK,nCLR: 0 -> 1 // YIQ: Y 0 -> 1 : IQ -0.5 -> 0.5 // Lab: L 0 -> 100 : ab -128 -> 127 // XYZ: 0 -> ~100 if (model == "Lab") { QStringList lab = colorValueE.text().split(" "); if (lab.length() != 3) { warnPigment << "Invalid Lab color definition (line" << colorValueE.lineNumber() << ", column" << colorValueE.columnNumber() << ")"; } float l = lab.at(0).toFloat(&status); float a = lab.at(1).toFloat(&status); float b = lab.at(2).toFloat(&status); if (!status) { warnPigment << "Invalid float definition (line" << colorValueE.lineNumber() << ", column" << colorValueE.columnNumber() << ")"; } KoColor c(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(LABAColorModelID.id(), Float32BitsColorDepthID.id(), QString())); reinterpret_cast(c.data())[0] = l; reinterpret_cast(c.data())[1] = a; reinterpret_cast(c.data())[2] = b; c.setOpacity(OPACITY_OPAQUE_F); firstDefinition = true; currentEntry.setColor(c); break; // Immediately add this one } else if (model == "sRGB" && !firstDefinition) { QStringList rgb = colorValueE.text().split(" "); if (rgb.length() != 3) { warnPigment << "Invalid sRGB color definition (line" << colorValueE.lineNumber() << ", column" << colorValueE.columnNumber() << ")"; } float r = rgb.at(0).toFloat(&status); float g = rgb.at(1).toFloat(&status); float b = rgb.at(2).toFloat(&status); if (!status) { warnPigment << "Invalid float definition (line" << colorValueE.lineNumber() << ", column" << colorValueE.columnNumber() << ")"; } KoColor c(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(RGBAColorModelID.id(), Float32BitsColorDepthID.id(), srgb)); reinterpret_cast(c.data())[0] = r; reinterpret_cast(c.data())[1] = g; reinterpret_cast(c.data())[2] = b; c.setOpacity(OPACITY_OPAQUE_F); currentEntry.setColor(c); firstDefinition = true; } else if (model == "XYZ" && !firstDefinition) { QStringList xyz = colorValueE.text().split(" "); if (xyz.length() != 3) { warnPigment << "Invalid XYZ color definition (line" << colorValueE.lineNumber() << ", column" << colorValueE.columnNumber() << ")"; } float x = xyz.at(0).toFloat(&status); float y = xyz.at(1).toFloat(&status); float z = xyz.at(2).toFloat(&status); if (!status) { warnPigment << "Invalid float definition (line" << colorValueE.lineNumber() << ", column" << colorValueE.columnNumber() << ")"; } KoColor c(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(XYZAColorModelID.id(), Float32BitsColorDepthID.id(), QString())); reinterpret_cast(c.data())[0] = x; reinterpret_cast(c.data())[1] = y; reinterpret_cast(c.data())[2] = z; c.setOpacity(OPACITY_OPAQUE_F); currentEntry.setColor(c); firstDefinition = true; } // The following color spaces admit an ICC profile (in SwatchBooker) else if (model == "CMYK" && !firstDefinition) { QStringList cmyk = colorValueE.text().split(" "); if (cmyk.length() != 4) { warnPigment << "Invalid CMYK color definition (line" << colorValueE.lineNumber() << ", column" << colorValueE.columnNumber() << ")"; } float c = cmyk.at(0).toFloat(&status); float m = cmyk.at(1).toFloat(&status); float y = cmyk.at(2).toFloat(&status); float k = cmyk.at(3).toFloat(&status); if (!status) { warnPigment << "Invalid float definition (line" << colorValueE.lineNumber() << ", column" << colorValueE.columnNumber() << ")"; } QString space = colorValueE.attribute("space"); const KoColorSpace *colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(CMYKAColorModelID.id(), Float32BitsColorDepthID.id(), QString()); if (!space.isEmpty()) { // Try loading the profile and add it to the registry if (!fileColorSpaces.contains(space)) { store->enterDirectory("profiles"); store->open(space); QByteArray data; data.resize(store->size()); data = store->read(store->size()); store->close(); const KoColorProfile *profile = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->createColorProfile(CMYKAColorModelID.id(), Float32BitsColorDepthID.id(), data); if (profile && profile->valid()) { KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->addProfile(profile); colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(CMYKAColorModelID.id(), Float32BitsColorDepthID.id(), profile); fileColorSpaces.insert(space, colorSpace); } } else { colorSpace = fileColorSpaces.value(space); } } KoColor color(colorSpace); reinterpret_cast(color.data())[0] = c; reinterpret_cast(color.data())[1] = m; reinterpret_cast(color.data())[2] = y; reinterpret_cast(color.data())[3] = k; color.setOpacity(OPACITY_OPAQUE_F); currentEntry.setColor(color); firstDefinition = true; } else if (model == "GRAY" && !firstDefinition) { QString gray = colorValueE.text(); float g = gray.toFloat(&status); if (!status) { warnPigment << "Invalid float definition (line" << colorValueE.lineNumber() << ", column" << colorValueE.columnNumber() << ")"; } QString space = colorValueE.attribute("space"); const KoColorSpace *colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(GrayAColorModelID.id(), Float32BitsColorDepthID.id(), QString()); if (!space.isEmpty()) { // Try loading the profile and add it to the registry if (!fileColorSpaces.contains(space)) { store->enterDirectory("profiles"); store->open(space); QByteArray data; data.resize(store->size()); data = store->read(store->size()); store->close(); const KoColorProfile *profile = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->createColorProfile(CMYKAColorModelID.id(), Float32BitsColorDepthID.id(), data); if (profile && profile->valid()) { KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->addProfile(profile); colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(CMYKAColorModelID.id(), Float32BitsColorDepthID.id(), profile); fileColorSpaces.insert(space, colorSpace); } } else { colorSpace = fileColorSpaces.value(space); } } KoColor c(colorSpace); reinterpret_cast(c.data())[0] = g; c.setOpacity(OPACITY_OPAQUE_F); currentEntry.setColor(c); firstDefinition = true; } else if (model == "RGB" && !firstDefinition) { QStringList rgb = colorValueE.text().split(" "); if (rgb.length() != 3) { warnPigment << "Invalid RGB color definition (line" << colorValueE.lineNumber() << ", column" << colorValueE.columnNumber() << ")"; } float r = rgb.at(0).toFloat(&status); float g = rgb.at(1).toFloat(&status); float b = rgb.at(2).toFloat(&status); if (!status) { warnPigment << "Invalid float definition (line" << colorValueE.lineNumber() << ", column" << colorValueE.columnNumber() << ")"; } QString space = colorValueE.attribute("space"); const KoColorSpace *colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(RGBAColorModelID.id(), Float32BitsColorDepthID.id(), srgb); if (!space.isEmpty()) { // Try loading the profile and add it to the registry if (!fileColorSpaces.contains(space)) { store->enterDirectory("profiles"); store->open(space); QByteArray data; data.resize(store->size()); data = store->read(store->size()); store->close(); const KoColorProfile *profile = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->createColorProfile(RGBAColorModelID.id(), Float32BitsColorDepthID.id(), data); if (profile && profile->valid()) { KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->addProfile(profile); colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(RGBAColorModelID.id(), Float32BitsColorDepthID.id(), profile); fileColorSpaces.insert(space, colorSpace); } } else { colorSpace = fileColorSpaces.value(space); } } KoColor c(colorSpace); reinterpret_cast(c.data())[0] = r; reinterpret_cast(c.data())[1] = g; reinterpret_cast(c.data())[2] = b; c.setOpacity(OPACITY_OPAQUE_F); currentEntry.setColor(c); firstDefinition = true; } else { warnPigment << "Color space not implemented:" << model << "(line" << colorValueE.lineNumber() << ", column "<< colorValueE.columnNumber() << ")"; } } if (firstDefinition) { materialsBook.insert(currentEntry.id(), currentEntry); } else { warnPigment << "No supported color spaces for the current color (line" << colorElement.lineNumber() << ", column "<< colorElement.columnNumber() << ")"; return false; } } // End colors // Now decide which ones will go into the palette for(;!swatch.isNull(); swatch = swatch.nextSiblingElement()) { QString type = swatch.tagName(); if (type.isEmpty() || type.isNull()) { warnPigment << "Invalid swatch/group definition (no id) (line" << swatch.lineNumber() << ", column" << swatch.columnNumber() << ")"; return false; } else if (type == "swatch") { QString id = swatch.attribute("material"); if (id.isEmpty() || id.isNull()) { warnPigment << "Invalid swatch definition (no material id) (line" << swatch.lineNumber() << ", column" << swatch.columnNumber() << ")"; return false; } if (materialsBook.contains(id)) { groups[KoColorSet::GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME].addEntry(materialsBook.value(id)); } else { warnPigment << "Invalid swatch definition (material not found) (line" << swatch.lineNumber() << ", column" << swatch.columnNumber() << ")"; return false; } } else if (type == "group") { QDomElement groupMetadata = swatch.firstChildElement("metadata"); if (groupMetadata.isNull()) { warnPigment << "Invalid group definition (missing metadata) (line" << groupMetadata.lineNumber() << ", column" << groupMetadata.columnNumber() << ")"; return false; } QDomElement groupTitle = metadata.firstChildElement("dc:title"); if (groupTitle.isNull()) { warnPigment << "Invalid group definition (missing title) (line" << groupTitle.lineNumber() << ", column" << groupTitle.columnNumber() << ")"; return false; } QString currentGroupName = groupTitle.text(); QDomElement groupSwatch = swatch.firstChildElement("swatch"); while(!groupSwatch.isNull()) { QString id = groupSwatch.attribute("material"); if (id.isEmpty() || id.isNull()) { warnPigment << "Invalid swatch definition (no material id) (line" << groupSwatch.lineNumber() << ", column" << groupSwatch.columnNumber() << ")"; return false; } if (materialsBook.contains(id)) { groups[currentGroupName].addEntry(materialsBook.value(id)); } else { warnPigment << "Invalid swatch definition (material not found) (line" << groupSwatch.lineNumber() << ", column" << groupSwatch.columnNumber() << ")"; return false; } groupSwatch = groupSwatch.nextSiblingElement("swatch"); } } } // End palette } buf.close(); return true; } bool KoColorSet::Private::loadXml() { bool res = false; QXmlStreamReader *xml = new QXmlStreamReader(data); if (xml->readNextStartElement()) { QStringRef paletteId = xml->name(); if (QStringRef::compare(paletteId, "SCRIBUSCOLORS", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { // Scribus dbgPigment << "XML palette: " << colorSet->filename() << ", Scribus format"; res = loadScribusXmlPalette(colorSet, xml); } else { // Unknown XML format xml->raiseError("Unknown XML palette format. Expected SCRIBUSCOLORS, found " + paletteId); } } // If there is any error (it should be returned through the stream) if (xml->hasError() || !res) { warnPigment << "Illegal XML palette:" << colorSet->filename(); warnPigment << "Error (line"<< xml->lineNumber() << ", column" << xml->columnNumber() << "):" << xml->errorString(); return false; } else { dbgPigment << "XML palette parsed successfully:" << colorSet->filename(); return true; } } bool KoColorSet::Private::saveKpl(QIODevice *dev) const { QScopedPointer store(KoStore::createStore(dev, KoStore::Write, "krita/x-colorset", KoStore::Zip)); if (!store || store->bad()) return false; QSet colorSpaces; { QDomDocument doc; QDomElement root = doc.createElement(KPL_PALETTE_TAG); root.setAttribute(KPL_VERSION_ATTR, "1.0"); root.setAttribute(KPL_PALETTE_NAME_ATTR, colorSet->name()); root.setAttribute(KPL_PALETTE_COMMENT_ATTR, comment); root.setAttribute(KPL_PALETTE_READONLY_ATTR, (colorSet->isEditable() || !colorSet->isGlobal()) ? "false" : "true"); root.setAttribute(KPL_PALETTE_COLUMN_COUNT_ATTR, colorSet->columnCount()); root.setAttribute(KPL_GROUP_ROW_COUNT_ATTR, groups[KoColorSet::GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME].rowCount()); saveKplGroup(doc, root, colorSet->getGroup(KoColorSet::GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME), colorSpaces); for (const QString &groupName : groupNames) { if (groupName == KoColorSet::GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME) { continue; } QDomElement gl = doc.createElement(KPL_GROUP_TAG); gl.setAttribute(KPL_GROUP_NAME_ATTR, groupName); root.appendChild(gl); saveKplGroup(doc, gl, colorSet->getGroup(groupName), colorSpaces); } doc.appendChild(root); if (!store->open("colorset.xml")) { return false; } QByteArray ba = doc.toByteArray(); if (store->write(ba) != ba.size()) { return false; } if (!store->close()) { return false; } } QDomDocument doc; QDomElement profileElement = doc.createElement("Profiles"); for (const KoColorSpace *colorSpace : colorSpaces) { QString fn = QFileInfo(colorSpace->profile()->fileName()).fileName(); if (!store->open(fn)) { return false; } QByteArray profileRawData = colorSpace->profile()->rawData(); if (!store->write(profileRawData)) { return false; } if (!store->close()) { return false; } QDomElement el = doc.createElement(KPL_PALETTE_PROFILE_TAG); el.setAttribute(KPL_PALETTE_FILENAME_ATTR, fn); el.setAttribute(KPL_PALETTE_NAME_ATTR, colorSpace->profile()->name()); el.setAttribute(KPL_COLOR_MODEL_ID_ATTR, colorSpace->colorModelId().id()); el.setAttribute(KPL_COLOR_DEPTH_ID_ATTR, colorSpace->colorDepthId().id()); profileElement.appendChild(el); } doc.appendChild(profileElement); if (!store->open("profiles.xml")) { return false; } QByteArray ba = doc.toByteArray(); if (store->write(ba) != ba.size()) { return false; } if (!store->close()) { return false; } return store->finalize(); } void KoColorSet::Private::saveKplGroup(QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &groupEle, const KisSwatchGroup *group, QSet &colorSetSet) const { groupEle.setAttribute(KPL_GROUP_ROW_COUNT_ATTR, QString::number(group->rowCount())); for (const SwatchInfoType &info : group->infoList()) { const KoColorProfile *profile = info.swatch.color().colorSpace()->profile(); // Only save non-builtin profiles.= if (!profile->fileName().isEmpty()) { colorSetSet.insert(info.swatch.color().colorSpace()); } QDomElement swatchEle = doc.createElement(KPL_SWATCH_TAG); swatchEle.setAttribute(KPL_SWATCH_NAME_ATTR, info.swatch.name()); swatchEle.setAttribute(KPL_SWATCH_ID_ATTR, info.swatch.id()); swatchEle.setAttribute(KPL_SWATCH_SPOT_ATTR, info.swatch.spotColor() ? "true" : "false"); swatchEle.setAttribute(KPL_SWATCH_BITDEPTH_ATTR, info.swatch.color().colorSpace()->colorDepthId().id()); info.swatch.color().toXML(doc, swatchEle); QDomElement positionEle = doc.createElement(KPL_SWATCH_POS_TAG); positionEle.setAttribute(KPL_SWATCH_ROW_ATTR, info.row); positionEle.setAttribute(KPL_SWATCH_COL_ATTR, info.column); swatchEle.appendChild(positionEle); groupEle.appendChild(swatchEle); } } void KoColorSet::Private::loadKplGroup(const QDomDocument &doc, const QDomElement &parentEle, KisSwatchGroup *group) { Q_UNUSED(doc); if (!parentEle.attribute(KPL_GROUP_ROW_COUNT_ATTR).isNull()) { group->setRowCount(parentEle.attribute(KPL_GROUP_ROW_COUNT_ATTR).toInt()); } group->setColumnCount(colorSet->columnCount()); for (QDomElement swatchEle = parentEle.firstChildElement(KPL_SWATCH_TAG); !swatchEle.isNull(); swatchEle = swatchEle.nextSiblingElement(KPL_SWATCH_TAG)) { QString colorDepthId = swatchEle.attribute(KPL_SWATCH_BITDEPTH_ATTR, Integer8BitsColorDepthID.id()); KisSwatch entry; entry.setColor(KoColor::fromXML(swatchEle.firstChildElement(), colorDepthId)); entry.setName(swatchEle.attribute(KPL_SWATCH_NAME_ATTR)); entry.setId(swatchEle.attribute(KPL_SWATCH_ID_ATTR)); entry.setSpotColor(swatchEle.attribute(KPL_SWATCH_SPOT_ATTR, "false") == "true" ? true : false); QDomElement positionEle = swatchEle.firstChildElement(KPL_SWATCH_POS_TAG); if (!positionEle.isNull()) { int rowNumber = positionEle.attribute(KPL_SWATCH_ROW_ATTR).toInt(); int columnNumber = positionEle.attribute(KPL_SWATCH_COL_ATTR).toInt(); if (columnNumber < 0 || columnNumber >= colorSet->columnCount() || rowNumber < 0 ) { warnPigment << "Swatch" << entry.name() << "of palette" << colorSet->name() << "has invalid position."; continue; } group->setEntry(entry, columnNumber, rowNumber); } else { group->addEntry(entry); } } if (parentEle.attribute(KPL_GROUP_ROW_COUNT_ATTR).isNull() && group->colorCount() > 0 && group->columnCount() > 0 && (group->colorCount() / (group->columnCount()) + 1) < 20) { group->setRowCount((group->colorCount() / group->columnCount()) + 1); } } diff --git a/libs/pigment/tests/TestKisSwatchGroup.cpp b/libs/pigment/tests/TestKisSwatchGroup.cpp index 6411439143..0cd819109d 100644 --- a/libs/pigment/tests/TestKisSwatchGroup.cpp +++ b/libs/pigment/tests/TestKisSwatchGroup.cpp @@ -1,103 +1,103 @@ #include "TestKisSwatchGroup.h" #include void TestKisSwatchGroup::testAddingOneEntry() { KisSwatch e; e.setName("first"); g.setEntry(e, 0, 0); QVERIFY(g.checkEntry(0, 0)); QVERIFY(!g.checkEntry(1, 2)); QVERIFY(!g.checkEntry(10, 5)); QCOMPARE(g.getEntry(0, 0), e); QCOMPARE(g.colorCount(), 1); testSwatches[QPair(0, 0)] = e; } void TestKisSwatchGroup::testAddingMultipleEntries() { KisSwatch e2; e2.setName("second"); g.setEntry(e2, 9, 3); QCOMPARE(g.columnCount(), 16); QVERIFY(g.checkEntry(9, 3)); QVERIFY(!g.checkEntry(1, 2)); QVERIFY(!g.checkEntry(10, 5)); QVERIFY(g.checkEntry(0, 0)); QCOMPARE(g.getEntry(0, 0).name(), QString("first")); KisSwatch e3; e3.setName("third"); g.setEntry(e3, 4, 12); QCOMPARE(g.colorCount(), 3); QVERIFY(g.checkEntry(9, 3)); QCOMPARE(g.getEntry(9, 3).name(), QString("second")); testSwatches[QPair(9, 3)] = e2; testSwatches[QPair(4, 12)] = e3; } void TestKisSwatchGroup::testReplaceEntries() { KisSwatch e4; e4.setName("fourth"); g.setEntry(e4, 0, 0); QCOMPARE(g.colorCount(), 3); QVERIFY(g.checkEntry(0, 0)); QCOMPARE(g.getEntry(0, 0).name(), QString("fourth")); testSwatches[QPair(0, 0)] = e4; } void TestKisSwatchGroup::testRemoveEntries() { testSwatches.remove(QPair(9, 3)); QVERIFY(g.removeEntry(9, 3)); QCOMPARE(g.colorCount(), testSwatches.size()); QVERIFY(!g.removeEntry(13, 10)); QVERIFY(!g.checkEntry(9, 3)); } void TestKisSwatchGroup::testChangeColumnNumber() { g.setColumnCount(20); QCOMPARE(g.columnCount(), 20); for (QPair p : testSwatches.keys()) { QCOMPARE(testSwatches[p], g.getEntry(p.first, p.second)); } g.setColumnCount(10); int keptCount = 0; for (QPair p : testSwatches.keys()) { if (p.first < 10) { keptCount++; QCOMPARE(testSwatches[p], g.getEntry(p.first, p.second)); } } QCOMPARE(keptCount, g.colorCount()); } void TestKisSwatchGroup::testAddEntry() { KisSwatchGroup g2; g2.setColumnCount(3); g2.setRowCount(1); for (int i = 0; i != 3; i++) { - g2.addEntry(KisSwatch()); + g2.addEntry(KisSwatch(KoColor())); } QCOMPARE(g2.rowCount(), 1); QCOMPARE(g2.columnCount(), 3); QCOMPARE(g2.colorCount(), 3); - g2.addEntry(KisSwatch()); + g2.addEntry(KisSwatch(KoColor())); QCOMPARE(g2.rowCount(), 2); QCOMPARE(g2.columnCount(), 3); QCOMPARE(g2.colorCount(), 4); g2.setRowCount(1); QCOMPARE(g2.rowCount(), 1); QCOMPARE(g2.columnCount(), 3); QCOMPARE(g2.colorCount(), 3); for (int i = 0; i != 4; i++) { - g2.addEntry(KisSwatch()); + g2.addEntry(KisSwatch(KoColor())); } QCOMPARE(g2.rowCount(), 3); QCOMPARE(g2.columnCount(), 3); QCOMPARE(g2.colorCount(), 7); } QTEST_GUILESS_MAIN(TestKisSwatchGroup) diff --git a/libs/ui/KisMainWindow.cpp b/libs/ui/KisMainWindow.cpp index cc74f44a80..d104e1bac8 100644 --- a/libs/ui/KisMainWindow.cpp +++ b/libs/ui/KisMainWindow.cpp @@ -1,2726 +1,2727 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Torben Weis Copyright (C) 2000-2006 David Faure Copyright (C) 2007, 2009 Thomas zander Copyright (C) 2010 Benjamin Port This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KisMainWindow.h" #include // qt includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_selection_manager.h" #include "kis_icon_utils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "KoDockFactoryBase.h" #include "KoDocumentInfoDlg.h" #include "KoDocumentInfo.h" #include "KoFileDialog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "KoToolDocker.h" #include "KoToolBoxDocker_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dialogs/kis_about_application.h" #include "dialogs/kis_delayed_save_dialog.h" #include "dialogs/kis_dlg_preferences.h" #include "kis_action_manager.h" #include "KisApplication.h" #include "kis_canvas2.h" #include "kis_canvas_controller.h" #include "kis_canvas_resource_provider.h" #include "kis_clipboard.h" #include "kis_config.h" #include "kis_config_notifier.h" #include "kis_custom_image_widget.h" #include #include "kis_group_layer.h" #include "kis_image_from_clipboard_widget.h" #include "kis_image.h" #include #include "KisImportExportManager.h" #include "kis_mainwindow_observer.h" #include "kis_memory_statistics_server.h" #include "kis_node.h" #include "KisOpenPane.h" #include "kis_paintop_box.h" #include "KisPart.h" #include "KisPrintJob.h" #include "KisResourceServerProvider.h" #include "kis_signal_compressor_with_param.h" #include "kis_statusbar.h" #include "KisView.h" #include "KisViewManager.h" #include "thememanager.h" #include "kis_animation_importer.h" #include "dialogs/kis_dlg_import_image_sequence.h" #include #include "KisWindowLayoutManager.h" #include #include "KisWelcomePageWidget.h" #include #include #include "KisCanvasWindow.h" #include "kis_action.h" #include class ToolDockerFactory : public KoDockFactoryBase { public: ToolDockerFactory() : KoDockFactoryBase() { } QString id() const override { return "sharedtooldocker"; } QDockWidget* createDockWidget() override { KoToolDocker* dockWidget = new KoToolDocker(); return dockWidget; } DockPosition defaultDockPosition() const override { return DockRight; } }; class Q_DECL_HIDDEN KisMainWindow::Private { public: Private(KisMainWindow *parent, QUuid id) : q(parent) , id(id) , dockWidgetMenu(new KActionMenu(i18nc("@action:inmenu", "&Dockers"), parent)) , windowMenu(new KActionMenu(i18nc("@action:inmenu", "&Window"), parent)) , documentMenu(new KActionMenu(i18nc("@action:inmenu", "New &View"), parent)) , workspaceMenu(new KActionMenu(i18nc("@action:inmenu", "Wor&kspace"), parent)) , welcomePage(new KisWelcomePageWidget(parent)) , widgetStack(new QStackedWidget(parent)) , mdiArea(new QMdiArea(parent)) , windowMapper(new QSignalMapper(parent)) , documentMapper(new QSignalMapper(parent)) { if (id.isNull()) this->id = QUuid::createUuid(); welcomeScroller = new QScrollArea(); welcomeScroller->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded); welcomeScroller->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded); welcomeScroller->setWidget(welcomePage); welcomeScroller->setWidgetResizable(true); widgetStack->addWidget(welcomeScroller); widgetStack->addWidget(mdiArea); mdiArea->setTabsMovable(true); mdiArea->setActivationOrder(QMdiArea::ActivationHistoryOrder); } ~Private() { qDeleteAll(toolbarList); } KisMainWindow *q {0}; QUuid id; KisViewManager *viewManager {0}; QPointer activeView; QList toolbarList; bool firstTime {true}; bool windowSizeDirty {false}; bool readOnly {false}; KisAction *showDocumentInfo {0}; KisAction *saveAction {0}; KisAction *saveActionAs {0}; // KisAction *printAction; // KisAction *printActionPreview; // KisAction *exportPdf {0}; KisAction *importAnimation {0}; KisAction *closeAll {0}; // KisAction *reloadFile; KisAction *importFile {0}; KisAction *exportFile {0}; KisAction *undo {0}; KisAction *redo {0}; KisAction *newWindow {0}; KisAction *close {0}; KisAction *mdiCascade {0}; KisAction *mdiTile {0}; KisAction *mdiNextWindow {0}; KisAction *mdiPreviousWindow {0}; KisAction *toggleDockers {0}; KisAction *toggleDockerTitleBars {0}; KisAction *toggleDetachCanvas {0}; KisAction *fullScreenMode {0}; KisAction *showSessionManager {0}; KisAction *expandingSpacers[2]; KActionMenu *dockWidgetMenu; KActionMenu *windowMenu; KActionMenu *documentMenu; KActionMenu *workspaceMenu; KHelpMenu *helpMenu {0}; KRecentFilesAction *recentFiles {0}; KoResourceModel *workspacemodel {0}; QScopedPointer undoActionsUpdateManager; QString lastExportLocation; QMap dockWidgetsMap; QByteArray dockerStateBeforeHiding; KoToolDocker *toolOptionsDocker {0}; QCloseEvent *deferredClosingEvent {0}; Digikam::ThemeManager *themeManager {0}; QScrollArea *welcomeScroller {0}; KisWelcomePageWidget *welcomePage {0}; QStackedWidget *widgetStack {0}; QMdiArea *mdiArea; QMdiSubWindow *activeSubWindow {0}; QSignalMapper *windowMapper; QSignalMapper *documentMapper; KisCanvasWindow *canvasWindow {0}; QByteArray lastExportedFormat; QScopedPointer > tabSwitchCompressor; QMutex savingEntryMutex; KConfigGroup windowStateConfig; QUuid workspaceBorrowedBy; KisSignalAutoConnectionsStore screenConnectionsStore; KisActionManager * actionManager() { return viewManager->actionManager(); } QTabBar* findTabBarHACK() { QObjectList objects = mdiArea->children(); Q_FOREACH (QObject *object, objects) { QTabBar *bar = qobject_cast(object); if (bar) { return bar; } } return 0; } }; KisMainWindow::KisMainWindow(QUuid uuid) : KXmlGuiWindow() , d(new Private(this, uuid)) { auto rserver = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->workspaceServer(); QSharedPointer adapter(new KoResourceServerAdapter(rserver)); d->workspacemodel = new KoResourceModel(adapter, this); connect(d->workspacemodel, &KoResourceModel::afterResourcesLayoutReset, this, [&]() { updateWindowMenu(); }); d->viewManager = new KisViewManager(this, actionCollection()); KConfigGroup group( KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "theme"); d->themeManager = new Digikam::ThemeManager(group.readEntry("Theme", "Krita dark"), this); d->windowStateConfig = KSharedConfig::openConfig()->group("MainWindow"); setStandardToolBarMenuEnabled(true); setTabPosition(Qt::AllDockWidgetAreas, QTabWidget::North); setDockNestingEnabled(true); qApp->setStartDragDistance(25); // 25 px is a distance that works well for Tablet and Mouse events #ifdef Q_OS_MACOS setUnifiedTitleAndToolBarOnMac(true); #endif connect(this, SIGNAL(restoringDone()), this, SLOT(forceDockTabFonts())); connect(this, SIGNAL(themeChanged()), d->viewManager, SLOT(updateIcons())); connect(KisPart::instance(), SIGNAL(documentClosed(QString)), SLOT(updateWindowMenu())); connect(KisPart::instance(), SIGNAL(documentOpened(QString)), SLOT(updateWindowMenu())); connect(KisConfigNotifier::instance(), SIGNAL(configChanged()), this, SLOT(configChanged())); actionCollection()->addAssociatedWidget(this); KoPluginLoader::instance()->load("Krita/ViewPlugin", "Type == 'Service' and ([X-Krita-Version] == 28)", KoPluginLoader::PluginsConfig(), d->viewManager, false); // Load the per-application plugins (Right now, only Python) We do this only once, when the first mainwindow is being created. KoPluginLoader::instance()->load("Krita/ApplicationPlugin", "Type == 'Service' and ([X-Krita-Version] == 28)", KoPluginLoader::PluginsConfig(), qApp, true); KoToolBoxFactory toolBoxFactory; QDockWidget *toolbox = createDockWidget(&toolBoxFactory); toolbox->setFeatures(QDockWidget::DockWidgetMovable | QDockWidget::DockWidgetFloatable | QDockWidget::DockWidgetClosable); KisConfig cfg(true); if (cfg.toolOptionsInDocker()) { ToolDockerFactory toolDockerFactory; d->toolOptionsDocker = qobject_cast(createDockWidget(&toolDockerFactory)); d->toolOptionsDocker->toggleViewAction()->setEnabled(true); } QMap dockwidgetActions; dockwidgetActions[toolbox->toggleViewAction()->text()] = toolbox->toggleViewAction(); Q_FOREACH (const QString & docker, KoDockRegistry::instance()->keys()) { KoDockFactoryBase *factory = KoDockRegistry::instance()->value(docker); QDockWidget *dw = createDockWidget(factory); dockwidgetActions[dw->toggleViewAction()->text()] = dw->toggleViewAction(); } if (d->toolOptionsDocker) { dockwidgetActions[d->toolOptionsDocker->toggleViewAction()->text()] = d->toolOptionsDocker->toggleViewAction(); } connect(KoToolManager::instance(), SIGNAL(toolOptionWidgetsChanged(KoCanvasController*,QList >)), this, SLOT(newOptionWidgets(KoCanvasController*,QList >))); Q_FOREACH (QString title, dockwidgetActions.keys()) { d->dockWidgetMenu->addAction(dockwidgetActions[title]); } Q_FOREACH (QDockWidget *wdg, dockWidgets()) { if ((wdg->features() & QDockWidget::DockWidgetClosable) == 0) { wdg->setVisible(true); } } Q_FOREACH (KoCanvasObserverBase* observer, canvasObservers()) { observer->setObservedCanvas(0); KisMainwindowObserver* mainwindowObserver = dynamic_cast(observer); if (mainwindowObserver) { mainwindowObserver->setViewManager(d->viewManager); } } // Load all the actions from the tool plugins Q_FOREACH(KoToolFactoryBase *toolFactory, KoToolRegistry::instance()->values()) { toolFactory->createActions(actionCollection()); } d->mdiArea->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded); d->mdiArea->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded); d->mdiArea->setTabPosition(QTabWidget::North); d->mdiArea->setTabsClosable(true); // Tab close button override // Windows just has a black X, and Ubuntu has a dark x that is hard to read // just switch this icon out for all OSs so it is easier to see d->mdiArea->setStyleSheet("QTabBar::close-button { image: url(:/pics/broken-preset.png) }"); setCentralWidget(d->widgetStack); d->widgetStack->setCurrentIndex(0); connect(d->mdiArea, SIGNAL(subWindowActivated(QMdiSubWindow*)), this, SLOT(subWindowActivated())); connect(d->windowMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(QWidget*)), this, SLOT(setActiveSubWindow(QWidget*))); connect(d->documentMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(QObject*)), this, SLOT(newView(QObject*))); d->canvasWindow = new KisCanvasWindow(this); actionCollection()->addAssociatedWidget(d->canvasWindow); createActions(); // the welcome screen needs to grab actions...so make sure this line goes after the createAction() so they exist d->welcomePage->setMainWindow(this); setAutoSaveSettings(d->windowStateConfig, false); subWindowActivated(); updateWindowMenu(); if (isHelpMenuEnabled() && !d->helpMenu) { // workaround for KHelpMenu (or rather KAboutData::applicationData()) internally // not using the Q*Application metadata ATM, which results e.g. in the bugreport wizard // not having the app version preset // fixed hopefully in KF5 5.22.0, patch pending QGuiApplication *app = qApp; KAboutData aboutData(app->applicationName(), app->applicationDisplayName(), app->applicationVersion()); aboutData.setOrganizationDomain(app->organizationDomain().toUtf8()); d->helpMenu = new KHelpMenu(this, aboutData, false); // workaround-less version: // d->helpMenu = new KHelpMenu(this, QString()/*unused*/, false); // The difference between using KActionCollection->addAction() is that // these actions do not get tied to the MainWindow. What does this all do? KActionCollection *actions = d->viewManager->actionCollection(); QAction *helpContentsAction = d->helpMenu->action(KHelpMenu::menuHelpContents); QAction *whatsThisAction = d->helpMenu->action(KHelpMenu::menuWhatsThis); QAction *reportBugAction = d->helpMenu->action(KHelpMenu::menuReportBug); QAction *switchLanguageAction = d->helpMenu->action(KHelpMenu::menuSwitchLanguage); QAction *aboutAppAction = d->helpMenu->action(KHelpMenu::menuAboutApp); QAction *aboutKdeAction = d->helpMenu->action(KHelpMenu::menuAboutKDE); if (helpContentsAction) { actions->addAction(helpContentsAction->objectName(), helpContentsAction); } if (whatsThisAction) { actions->addAction(whatsThisAction->objectName(), whatsThisAction); } if (reportBugAction) { actions->addAction(reportBugAction->objectName(), reportBugAction); } if (switchLanguageAction) { actions->addAction(switchLanguageAction->objectName(), switchLanguageAction); } if (aboutAppAction) { actions->addAction(aboutAppAction->objectName(), aboutAppAction); } if (aboutKdeAction) { actions->addAction(aboutKdeAction->objectName(), aboutKdeAction); } connect(d->helpMenu, SIGNAL(showAboutApplication()), SLOT(showAboutApplication())); } // KDE' libs 4''s help contents action is broken outside kde, for some reason... We can handle it just as easily ourselves QAction *helpAction = actionCollection()->action("help_contents"); helpAction->disconnect(); connect(helpAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showManual())); #if 0 //check for colliding shortcuts QSet existingShortcuts; Q_FOREACH (QAction* action, actionCollection()->actions()) { if(action->shortcut() == QKeySequence(0)) { continue; } dbgKrita << "shortcut " << action->text() << " " << action->shortcut(); Q_ASSERT(!existingShortcuts.contains(action->shortcut())); existingShortcuts.insert(action->shortcut()); } #endif configChanged(); // If we have customized the toolbars, load that first setLocalXMLFile(KoResourcePaths::locateLocal("data", "krita4.xmlgui")); setXMLFile(":/kxmlgui5/krita4.xmlgui"); guiFactory()->addClient(this); connect(guiFactory(), SIGNAL(makingChanges(bool)), SLOT(slotXmlGuiMakingChanges(bool))); // Create and plug toolbar list for Settings menu QList toolbarList; Q_FOREACH (QWidget* it, guiFactory()->containers("ToolBar")) { KToolBar * toolBar = ::qobject_cast(it); toolBar->setMovable(KisConfig(true).readEntry("LockAllDockerPanels", false)); if (toolBar) { if (toolBar->objectName() == "BrushesAndStuff") { toolBar->setEnabled(false); } KToggleAction* act = new KToggleAction(i18n("Show %1 Toolbar", toolBar->windowTitle()), this); actionCollection()->addAction(toolBar->objectName().toUtf8(), act); act->setCheckedState(KGuiItem(i18n("Hide %1 Toolbar", toolBar->windowTitle()))); connect(act, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotToolbarToggled(bool))); act->setChecked(!toolBar->isHidden()); toolbarList.append(act); } else { warnUI << "Toolbar list contains a " << it->metaObject()->className() << " which is not a toolbar!"; } } KToolBar::setToolBarsLocked(KisConfig(true).readEntry("LockAllDockerPanels", false)); plugActionList("toolbarlist", toolbarList); d->toolbarList = toolbarList; applyToolBarLayout(); d->viewManager->updateGUI(); d->viewManager->updateIcons(); QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(checkSanity())); { using namespace std::placeholders; // For _1 placeholder std::function callback( std::bind(&KisMainWindow::switchTab, this, _1)); d->tabSwitchCompressor.reset( new KisSignalCompressorWithParam(500, callback, KisSignalCompressor::FIRST_INACTIVE)); } if (cfg.readEntry("CanvasOnlyActive", false)) { QString currentWorkspace = cfg.readEntry("CurrentWorkspace", "Default"); KoResourceServer * rserver = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->workspaceServer(); KisWorkspaceResource* workspace = rserver->resourceByName(currentWorkspace); if (workspace) { restoreWorkspace(workspace); } cfg.writeEntry("CanvasOnlyActive", false); menuBar()->setVisible(true); } this->winId(); // Ensures the native window has been created. QWindow *window = this->windowHandle(); connect(window, SIGNAL(screenChanged(QScreen *)), this, SLOT(windowScreenChanged(QScreen *))); } KisMainWindow::~KisMainWindow() { // Q_FOREACH (QAction *ac, actionCollection()->actions()) { // QAction *action = qobject_cast(ac); // if (action) { // qDebug() << "", "").replace("", "") // << "\n\ticonText=" << action->iconText().replace("&", "&") // << "\n\tshortcut=" << action->shortcut().toString() // << "\n\tisCheckable=" << QString((action->isChecked() ? "true" : "false")) // << "\n\tstatusTip=" << action->statusTip() // << "\n/>\n" ; // } // else { // dbgKrita << "Got a non-qaction:" << ac->objectName(); // } // } // The doc and view might still exist (this is the case when closing the window) KisPart::instance()->removeMainWindow(this); delete d->viewManager; delete d; } QUuid KisMainWindow::id() const { return d->id; } -void KisMainWindow::addView(KisView *view) +void KisMainWindow::addView(KisView *view, QMdiSubWindow *subWindow) { - if (d->activeView == view) return; + if (d->activeView == view && !subWindow) return; if (d->activeView) { d->activeView->disconnect(this); } // register the newly created view in the input manager viewManager()->inputManager()->addTrackedCanvas(view->canvasBase()); - showView(view); + showView(view, subWindow); updateCaption(); emit restoringDone(); if (d->activeView) { connect(d->activeView, SIGNAL(titleModified(QString,bool)), SLOT(slotDocumentTitleModified())); connect(d->viewManager->statusBar(), SIGNAL(memoryStatusUpdated()), this, SLOT(updateCaption())); } } void KisMainWindow::notifyChildViewDestroyed(KisView *view) { /** * If we are the last view of the window, Qt will not activate another tab * before destroying tab/window. In ths case we should clear oll the dangling * pointers manually by setting the current view to null */ viewManager()->inputManager()->removeTrackedCanvas(view->canvasBase()); if (view->canvasBase() == viewManager()->canvasBase()) { viewManager()->setCurrentView(0); } } -void KisMainWindow::showView(KisView *imageView) +void KisMainWindow::showView(KisView *imageView, QMdiSubWindow *subwin) { if (imageView && activeView() != imageView) { // XXX: find a better way to initialize this! imageView->setViewManager(d->viewManager); imageView->canvasBase()->setFavoriteResourceManager(d->viewManager->paintOpBox()->favoriteResourcesManager()); imageView->slotLoadingFinished(); - QMdiSubWindow *subwin = d->mdiArea->addSubWindow(imageView); + if (!subwin) { + subwin = d->mdiArea->addSubWindow(imageView); + } else { + subwin->setWidget(imageView); + } imageView->setSubWindow(subwin); subwin->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true); connect(subwin, SIGNAL(destroyed()), SLOT(updateWindowMenu())); KisConfig cfg(true); subwin->setOption(QMdiSubWindow::RubberBandMove, cfg.readEntry("mdi_rubberband", cfg.useOpenGL())); subwin->setOption(QMdiSubWindow::RubberBandResize, cfg.readEntry("mdi_rubberband", cfg.useOpenGL())); subwin->setWindowIcon(qApp->windowIcon()); /** * Hack alert! * * Here we explicitly request KoToolManager to emit all the tool * activation signals, to reinitialize the tool options docker. * * That is needed due to a design flaw we have in the * initialization procedure. The tool in the KoToolManager is * initialized in KisView::setViewManager() calls, which * happens early enough. During this call the tool manager * requests KoCanvasControllerWidget to emit the signal to * update the widgets in the tool docker. *But* at that moment * of time the view is not yet connected to the main window, * because it happens in KisViewManager::setCurrentView a bit * later. This fact makes the widgets updating signals be lost * and never reach the tool docker. * * So here we just explicitly call the tool activation stub. */ KoToolManager::instance()->initializeCurrentToolForCanvas(); if (d->mdiArea->subWindowList().size() == 1) { imageView->showMaximized(); } else { imageView->show(); } // No, no, no: do not try to call this _before_ the show() has // been called on the view; only when that has happened is the // opengl context active, and very bad things happen if we tell // the dockers to update themselves with a view if the opengl // context is not active. setActiveView(imageView); updateWindowMenu(); updateCaption(); } } void KisMainWindow::slotPreferences() { if (KisDlgPreferences::editPreferences()) { KisConfigNotifier::instance()->notifyConfigChanged(); KisConfigNotifier::instance()->notifyPixelGridModeChanged(); KisImageConfigNotifier::instance()->notifyConfigChanged(); // XXX: should this be changed for the views in other windows as well? Q_FOREACH (QPointer koview, KisPart::instance()->views()) { KisViewManager *view = qobject_cast(koview); if (view) { // Update the settings for all nodes -- they don't query // KisConfig directly because they need the settings during // compositing, and they don't connect to the config notifier // because nodes are not QObjects (because only one base class // can be a QObject). KisNode* node = dynamic_cast(view->image()->rootLayer().data()); node->updateSettings(); } } updateWindowMenu(); d->viewManager->showHideScrollbars(); } } void KisMainWindow::slotThemeChanged() { // save theme changes instantly KConfigGroup group( KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "theme"); group.writeEntry("Theme", d->themeManager->currentThemeName()); // reload action icons! Q_FOREACH (QAction *action, actionCollection()->actions()) { KisIconUtils::updateIcon(action); } if (d->mdiArea) { d->mdiArea->setPalette(qApp->palette()); for (int i=0; imdiArea->subWindowList().size(); i++) { QMdiSubWindow *window = d->mdiArea->subWindowList().at(i); if (window) { window->setPalette(qApp->palette()); KisView *view = qobject_cast(window->widget()); if (view) { view->slotThemeChanged(qApp->palette()); } } } } emit themeChanged(); } bool KisMainWindow::canvasDetached() const { return centralWidget() != d->widgetStack; } void KisMainWindow::setCanvasDetached(bool detach) { if (detach == canvasDetached()) return; QWidget *outgoingWidget = centralWidget() ? takeCentralWidget() : nullptr; QWidget *incomingWidget = d->canvasWindow->swapMainWidget(outgoingWidget); if (incomingWidget) { setCentralWidget(incomingWidget); } if (detach) { d->canvasWindow->show(); } else { d->canvasWindow->hide(); } } QWidget * KisMainWindow::canvasWindow() const { return d->canvasWindow; } void KisMainWindow::updateReloadFileAction(KisDocument *doc) { Q_UNUSED(doc); // d->reloadFile->setEnabled(doc && !doc->url().isEmpty()); } void KisMainWindow::setReadWrite(bool readwrite) { d->saveAction->setEnabled(readwrite); d->importFile->setEnabled(readwrite); d->readOnly = !readwrite; updateCaption(); } void KisMainWindow::addRecentURL(const QUrl &url) { // Add entry to recent documents list // (call coming from KisDocument because it must work with cmd line, template dlg, file/open, etc.) if (!url.isEmpty()) { bool ok = true; if (url.isLocalFile()) { QString path = url.adjusted(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash).toLocalFile(); const QStringList tmpDirs = KoResourcePaths::resourceDirs("tmp"); for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = tmpDirs.begin() ; ok && it != tmpDirs.end() ; ++it) { if (path.contains(*it)) { ok = false; // it's in the tmp resource } } const QStringList templateDirs = KoResourcePaths::findDirs("templates"); for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = templateDirs.begin() ; ok && it != templateDirs.end() ; ++it) { if (path.contains(*it)) { ok = false; // it's in the templates directory. break; } } } if (ok) { d->recentFiles->addUrl(url); } saveRecentFiles(); } } void KisMainWindow::saveRecentFiles() { // Save list of recent files KSharedConfigPtr config = KSharedConfig::openConfig(); d->recentFiles->saveEntries(config->group("RecentFiles")); config->sync(); // Tell all windows to reload their list, after saving // Doesn't work multi-process, but it's a start Q_FOREACH (KisMainWindow *mw, KisPart::instance()->mainWindows()) { if (mw != this) { mw->reloadRecentFileList(); } } } QList KisMainWindow::recentFilesUrls() { return d->recentFiles->urls(); } void KisMainWindow::clearRecentFiles() { d->recentFiles->clear(); d->welcomePage->slotClearRecentFiles(); } void KisMainWindow::removeRecentUrl(const QUrl &url) { d->recentFiles->removeUrl(url); KSharedConfigPtr config = KSharedConfig::openConfig(); d->recentFiles->saveEntries(config->group("RecentFiles")); config->sync(); } void KisMainWindow::reloadRecentFileList() { d->recentFiles->loadEntries(KSharedConfig::openConfig()->group("RecentFiles")); } void KisMainWindow::updateCaption() { if (!d->mdiArea->activeSubWindow()) { updateCaption(QString(), false); } else if (d->activeView && d->activeView->document() && d->activeView->image()){ KisDocument *doc = d->activeView->document(); QString caption(doc->caption()); if (d->readOnly) { caption += " [" + i18n("Write Protected") + "] "; } if (doc->isRecovered()) { caption += " [" + i18n("Recovered") + "] "; } // show the file size for the document KisMemoryStatisticsServer::Statistics m_fileSizeStats = KisMemoryStatisticsServer::instance()->fetchMemoryStatistics(d->activeView ? d->activeView->image() : 0); if (m_fileSizeStats.imageSize) { caption += QString(" (").append( KFormat().formatByteSize(m_fileSizeStats.imageSize)).append( ")"); } updateCaption(caption, doc->isModified()); if (!doc->url().fileName().isEmpty()) { d->saveAction->setToolTip(i18n("Save as %1", doc->url().fileName())); } else { d->saveAction->setToolTip(i18n("Save")); } } } void KisMainWindow::updateCaption(const QString &caption, bool modified) { QString versionString = KritaVersionWrapper::versionString(true); QString title = caption; if (!title.contains(QStringLiteral("[*]"))) { // append the placeholder so that the modified mechanism works title.append(QStringLiteral(" [*]")); } if (d->mdiArea->activeSubWindow()) { #if defined(KRITA_ALPHA) || defined (KRITA_BETA) || defined (KRITA_RC) d->mdiArea->activeSubWindow()->setWindowTitle(QString("%1: %2").arg(versionString).arg(title)); #else d->mdiArea->activeSubWindow()->setWindowTitle(title); #endif d->mdiArea->activeSubWindow()->setWindowModified(modified); } else { #if defined(KRITA_ALPHA) || defined (KRITA_BETA) || defined (KRITA_RC) setWindowTitle(QString("%1: %2").arg(versionString).arg(title)); #else setWindowTitle(title); #endif } setWindowModified(modified); } KisView *KisMainWindow::activeView() const { if (d->activeView) { return d->activeView; } return 0; } bool KisMainWindow::openDocument(const QUrl &url, OpenFlags flags) { if (!QFile(url.toLocalFile()).exists()) { if (!(flags & BatchMode)) { QMessageBox::critical(0, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("The file %1 does not exist.", url.url())); } d->recentFiles->removeUrl(url); //remove the file from the recent-opened-file-list saveRecentFiles(); return false; } return openDocumentInternal(url, flags); } bool KisMainWindow::openDocumentInternal(const QUrl &url, OpenFlags flags) { if (!url.isLocalFile()) { qWarning() << "KisMainWindow::openDocumentInternal. Not a local file:" << url; return false; } KisDocument *newdoc = KisPart::instance()->createDocument(); if (flags & BatchMode) { newdoc->setFileBatchMode(true); } d->firstTime = true; connect(newdoc, SIGNAL(completed()), this, SLOT(slotLoadCompleted())); connect(newdoc, SIGNAL(canceled(QString)), this, SLOT(slotLoadCanceled(QString))); KisDocument::OpenFlags openFlags = KisDocument::None; if (flags & RecoveryFile) { openFlags |= KisDocument::RecoveryFile; } bool openRet = !(flags & Import) ? newdoc->openUrl(url, openFlags) : newdoc->importDocument(url); if (!openRet) { delete newdoc; return false; } KisPart::instance()->addDocument(newdoc); updateReloadFileAction(newdoc); if (!QFileInfo(url.toLocalFile()).isWritable()) { setReadWrite(false); } return true; } void KisMainWindow::showDocument(KisDocument *document) { Q_FOREACH(QMdiSubWindow *subwindow, d->mdiArea->subWindowList()) { KisView *view = qobject_cast(subwindow->widget()); KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(view); if (view) { if (view->document() == document) { setActiveSubWindow(subwindow); return; } } } addViewAndNotifyLoadingCompleted(document); } -KisView* KisMainWindow::addViewAndNotifyLoadingCompleted(KisDocument *document) +KisView* KisMainWindow::addViewAndNotifyLoadingCompleted(KisDocument *document, + QMdiSubWindow *subWindow) { showWelcomeScreen(false); // see workaround in function header KisView *view = KisPart::instance()->createView(document, d->viewManager, this); - addView(view); + addView(view, subWindow); emit guiLoadingFinished(); return view; } QStringList KisMainWindow::showOpenFileDialog(bool isImporting) { KoFileDialog dialog(this, KoFileDialog::ImportFiles, "OpenDocument"); dialog.setDefaultDir(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::PicturesLocation)); dialog.setMimeTypeFilters(KisImportExportManager::supportedMimeTypes(KisImportExportManager::Import)); dialog.setCaption(isImporting ? i18n("Import Images") : i18n("Open Images")); return dialog.filenames(); } // Separate from openDocument to handle async loading (remote URLs) void KisMainWindow::slotLoadCompleted() { KisDocument *newdoc = qobject_cast(sender()); if (newdoc && newdoc->image()) { addViewAndNotifyLoadingCompleted(newdoc); disconnect(newdoc, SIGNAL(completed()), this, SLOT(slotLoadCompleted())); disconnect(newdoc, SIGNAL(canceled(QString)), this, SLOT(slotLoadCanceled(QString))); emit loadCompleted(); } } void KisMainWindow::slotLoadCanceled(const QString & errMsg) { dbgUI << "KisMainWindow::slotLoadCanceled"; if (!errMsg.isEmpty()) // empty when canceled by user QMessageBox::critical(this, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), errMsg); // ... can't delete the document, it's the one who emitted the signal... KisDocument* doc = qobject_cast(sender()); Q_ASSERT(doc); disconnect(doc, SIGNAL(completed()), this, SLOT(slotLoadCompleted())); disconnect(doc, SIGNAL(canceled(QString)), this, SLOT(slotLoadCanceled(QString))); } void KisMainWindow::slotSaveCanceled(const QString &errMsg) { dbgUI << "KisMainWindow::slotSaveCanceled"; if (!errMsg.isEmpty()) // empty when canceled by user QMessageBox::critical(this, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), errMsg); slotSaveCompleted(); } void KisMainWindow::slotSaveCompleted() { dbgUI << "KisMainWindow::slotSaveCompleted"; KisDocument* doc = qobject_cast(sender()); Q_ASSERT(doc); disconnect(doc, SIGNAL(completed()), this, SLOT(slotSaveCompleted())); disconnect(doc, SIGNAL(canceled(QString)), this, SLOT(slotSaveCanceled(QString))); if (d->deferredClosingEvent) { KXmlGuiWindow::closeEvent(d->deferredClosingEvent); } } bool KisMainWindow::hackIsSaving() const { StdLockableWrapper wrapper(&d->savingEntryMutex); std::unique_lock> l(wrapper, std::try_to_lock); return !l.owns_lock(); } bool KisMainWindow::installBundle(const QString &fileName) const { QFileInfo from(fileName); QFileInfo to(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation) + "/bundles/" + from.fileName()); if (to.exists()) { QFile::remove(to.canonicalFilePath()); } return QFile::copy(fileName, QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation) + "/bundles/" + from.fileName()); } bool KisMainWindow::saveDocument(KisDocument *document, bool saveas, bool isExporting) { if (!document) { return true; } /** * Make sure that we cannot enter this method twice! * * The lower level functions may call processEvents() so * double-entry is quite possible to achieve. Here we try to lock * the mutex, and if it is failed, just cancel saving. */ StdLockableWrapper wrapper(&d->savingEntryMutex); std::unique_lock> l(wrapper, std::try_to_lock); if (!l.owns_lock()) return false; // no busy wait for saving because it is dangerous! KisDelayedSaveDialog dlg(document->image(), KisDelayedSaveDialog::SaveDialog, 0, this); dlg.blockIfImageIsBusy(); if (dlg.result() == KisDelayedSaveDialog::Rejected) { return false; } else if (dlg.result() == KisDelayedSaveDialog::Ignored) { QMessageBox::critical(0, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("You are saving a file while the image is " "still rendering. The saved file may be " "incomplete or corrupted.\n\n" "Please select a location where the original " "file will not be overridden!")); saveas = true; } if (document->isRecovered()) { saveas = true; } if (document->url().isEmpty()) { saveas = true; } connect(document, SIGNAL(completed()), this, SLOT(slotSaveCompleted())); connect(document, SIGNAL(canceled(QString)), this, SLOT(slotSaveCanceled(QString))); QByteArray nativeFormat = document->nativeFormatMimeType(); QByteArray oldMimeFormat = document->mimeType(); QUrl suggestedURL = document->url(); QStringList mimeFilter = KisImportExportManager::supportedMimeTypes(KisImportExportManager::Export); mimeFilter = KisImportExportManager::supportedMimeTypes(KisImportExportManager::Export); if (!mimeFilter.contains(oldMimeFormat)) { dbgUI << "KisMainWindow::saveDocument no export filter for" << oldMimeFormat; // --- don't setOutputMimeType in case the user cancels the Save As // dialog and then tries to just plain Save --- // suggest a different filename extension (yes, we fortunately don't all live in a world of magic :)) QString suggestedFilename = QFileInfo(suggestedURL.toLocalFile()).completeBaseName(); if (!suggestedFilename.isEmpty()) { // ".kra" looks strange for a name suggestedFilename = suggestedFilename + "." + KisMimeDatabase::suffixesForMimeType(KIS_MIME_TYPE).first(); suggestedURL = suggestedURL.adjusted(QUrl::RemoveFilename); suggestedURL.setPath(suggestedURL.path() + suggestedFilename); } // force the user to choose outputMimeType saveas = true; } bool ret = false; if (document->url().isEmpty() || isExporting || saveas) { // if you're just File/Save As'ing to change filter options you // don't want to be reminded about overwriting files etc. bool justChangingFilterOptions = false; KoFileDialog dialog(this, KoFileDialog::SaveFile, "SaveAs"); dialog.setCaption(isExporting ? i18n("Exporting") : i18n("Saving As")); //qDebug() << ">>>>>" << isExporting << d->lastExportLocation << d->lastExportedFormat << QString::fromLatin1(document->mimeType()); if (isExporting && !d->lastExportLocation.isEmpty() && !d->lastExportLocation.contains(QDir::tempPath())) { // Use the location where we last exported to, if it's set, as the opening location for the file dialog QString proposedPath = QFileInfo(d->lastExportLocation).absolutePath(); // If the document doesn't have a filename yet, use the title QString proposedFileName = suggestedURL.isEmpty() ? document->documentInfo()->aboutInfo("title") : QFileInfo(suggestedURL.toLocalFile()).completeBaseName(); // Use the last mimetype we exported to by default QString proposedMimeType = d->lastExportedFormat.isEmpty() ? "" : d->lastExportedFormat; QString proposedExtension = KisMimeDatabase::suffixesForMimeType(proposedMimeType).first().remove("*,"); // Set the default dir: this overrides the one loaded from the config file, since we're exporting and the lastExportLocation is not empty dialog.setDefaultDir(proposedPath + "/" + proposedFileName + "." + proposedExtension, true); dialog.setMimeTypeFilters(mimeFilter, proposedMimeType); } else { // Get the last used location for saving KConfigGroup group = KSharedConfig::openConfig()->group("File Dialogs"); QString proposedPath = group.readEntry("SaveAs", ""); // if that is empty, get the last used location for loading if (proposedPath.isEmpty()) { proposedPath = group.readEntry("OpenDocument", ""); } // If that is empty, too, use the Pictures location. if (proposedPath.isEmpty()) { proposedPath = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::PicturesLocation); } // But only use that if the suggestedUrl, that is, the document's own url is empty, otherwise // open the location where the document currently is. dialog.setDefaultDir(suggestedURL.isEmpty() ? proposedPath : suggestedURL.toLocalFile(), true); // If exporting, default to all supported file types if user is exporting QByteArray default_mime_type = ""; if (!isExporting) { // otherwise use the document's mimetype, or if that is empty, kra, which is the savest. default_mime_type = document->mimeType().isEmpty() ? nativeFormat : document->mimeType(); } dialog.setMimeTypeFilters(mimeFilter, QString::fromLatin1(default_mime_type)); } QUrl newURL = QUrl::fromUserInput(dialog.filename()); if (newURL.isLocalFile()) { QString fn = newURL.toLocalFile(); if (QFileInfo(fn).completeSuffix().isEmpty()) { fn.append(KisMimeDatabase::suffixesForMimeType(nativeFormat).first()); newURL = QUrl::fromLocalFile(fn); } } if (document->documentInfo()->aboutInfo("title") == i18n("Unnamed")) { QString fn = newURL.toLocalFile(); QFileInfo info(fn); document->documentInfo()->setAboutInfo("title", info.completeBaseName()); } QByteArray outputFormat = nativeFormat; QString outputFormatString = KisMimeDatabase::mimeTypeForFile(newURL.toLocalFile(), false); outputFormat = outputFormatString.toLatin1(); if (!isExporting) { justChangingFilterOptions = (newURL == document->url()) && (outputFormat == document->mimeType()); } else { QString path = QFileInfo(d->lastExportLocation).absolutePath(); QString filename = QFileInfo(document->url().toLocalFile()).completeBaseName(); justChangingFilterOptions = (QFileInfo(newURL.toLocalFile()).absolutePath() == path) && (QFileInfo(newURL.toLocalFile()).completeBaseName() == filename) && (outputFormat == d->lastExportedFormat); } bool bOk = true; if (newURL.isEmpty()) { bOk = false; } if (bOk) { bool wantToSave = true; // don't change this line unless you know what you're doing :) if (!justChangingFilterOptions) { if (!document->isNativeFormat(outputFormat)) wantToSave = true; } if (wantToSave) { if (!isExporting) { // Save As ret = document->saveAs(newURL, outputFormat, true); if (ret) { dbgUI << "Successful Save As!"; KisPart::instance()->addRecentURLToAllMainWindows(newURL); setReadWrite(true); } else { dbgUI << "Failed Save As!"; } } else { // Export ret = document->exportDocument(newURL, outputFormat); if (ret) { d->lastExportLocation = newURL.toLocalFile(); d->lastExportedFormat = outputFormat; } } } // if (wantToSave) { else ret = false; } // if (bOk) { else ret = false; } else { // saving // We cannot "export" into the currently // opened document. We are not Gimp. KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(!isExporting); // be sure document has the correct outputMimeType! if (document->isModified()) { ret = document->save(true, 0); } if (!ret) { dbgUI << "Failed Save!"; } } updateReloadFileAction(document); updateCaption(); return ret; } void KisMainWindow::undo() { if (activeView()) { activeView()->document()->undoStack()->undo(); } } void KisMainWindow::redo() { if (activeView()) { activeView()->document()->undoStack()->redo(); } } void KisMainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e) { if (hackIsSaving()) { e->setAccepted(false); return; } if (!KisPart::instance()->closingSession()) { QAction *action= d->viewManager->actionCollection()->action("view_show_canvas_only"); if ((action) && (action->isChecked())) { action->setChecked(false); } // Save session when last window is closed if (KisPart::instance()->mainwindowCount() == 1) { bool closeAllowed = KisPart::instance()->closeSession(); if (!closeAllowed) { e->setAccepted(false); return; } } } d->mdiArea->closeAllSubWindows(); QList childrenList = d->mdiArea->subWindowList(); if (childrenList.isEmpty()) { d->deferredClosingEvent = e; saveWindowState(true); d->canvasWindow->close(); } else { e->setAccepted(false); } } void KisMainWindow::saveWindowSettings() { KSharedConfigPtr config = KSharedConfig::openConfig(); if (d->windowSizeDirty ) { dbgUI << "KisMainWindow::saveWindowSettings"; KConfigGroup group = d->windowStateConfig; KWindowConfig::saveWindowSize(windowHandle(), group); config->sync(); d->windowSizeDirty = false; } if (!d->activeView || d->activeView->document()) { // Save toolbar position into the config file of the app, under the doc's component name KConfigGroup group = d->windowStateConfig; saveMainWindowSettings(group); // Save collapsible state of dock widgets for (QMap::const_iterator i = d->dockWidgetsMap.constBegin(); i != d->dockWidgetsMap.constEnd(); ++i) { if (i.value()->widget()) { KConfigGroup dockGroup = group.group(QString("DockWidget ") + i.key()); dockGroup.writeEntry("Collapsed", i.value()->widget()->isHidden()); dockGroup.writeEntry("Locked", i.value()->property("Locked").toBool()); dockGroup.writeEntry("DockArea", (int) dockWidgetArea(i.value())); dockGroup.writeEntry("xPosition", (int) i.value()->widget()->x()); dockGroup.writeEntry("yPosition", (int) i.value()->widget()->y()); dockGroup.writeEntry("width", (int) i.value()->widget()->width()); dockGroup.writeEntry("height", (int) i.value()->widget()->height()); } } } KSharedConfig::openConfig()->sync(); resetAutoSaveSettings(); // Don't let KMainWindow override the good stuff we wrote down } void KisMainWindow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent * e) { d->windowSizeDirty = true; KXmlGuiWindow::resizeEvent(e); } void KisMainWindow::setActiveView(KisView* view) { d->activeView = view; updateCaption(); if (d->undoActionsUpdateManager) { d->undoActionsUpdateManager->setCurrentDocument(view ? view->document() : 0); } d->viewManager->setCurrentView(view); KisWindowLayoutManager::instance()->activeDocumentChanged(view->document()); } void KisMainWindow::dragMove(QDragMoveEvent * event) { QTabBar *tabBar = d->findTabBarHACK(); if (!tabBar && d->mdiArea->viewMode() == QMdiArea::TabbedView) { qWarning() << "WARNING!!! Cannot find QTabBar in the main window! Looks like Qt has changed behavior. Drag & Drop between multiple tabs might not work properly (tabs will not switch automatically)!"; } if (tabBar && tabBar->isVisible()) { QPoint pos = tabBar->mapFromGlobal(mapToGlobal(event->pos())); if (tabBar->rect().contains(pos)) { const int tabIndex = tabBar->tabAt(pos); if (tabIndex >= 0 && tabBar->currentIndex() != tabIndex) { d->tabSwitchCompressor->start(tabIndex); } } else if (d->tabSwitchCompressor->isActive()) { d->tabSwitchCompressor->stop(); } } } void KisMainWindow::dragLeave() { if (d->tabSwitchCompressor->isActive()) { d->tabSwitchCompressor->stop(); } } void KisMainWindow::switchTab(int index) { QTabBar *tabBar = d->findTabBarHACK(); if (!tabBar) return; tabBar->setCurrentIndex(index); } void KisMainWindow::showWelcomeScreen(bool show) { d->widgetStack->setCurrentIndex(!show); } void KisMainWindow::slotFileNew() { const QStringList mimeFilter = KisImportExportManager::supportedMimeTypes(KisImportExportManager::Import); KisOpenPane *startupWidget = new KisOpenPane(this, mimeFilter, QStringLiteral("templates/")); startupWidget->setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModal); startupWidget->setWindowTitle(i18n("Create new document")); KisConfig cfg(true); int w = cfg.defImageWidth(); int h = cfg.defImageHeight(); const double resolution = cfg.defImageResolution(); const QString colorModel = cfg.defColorModel(); const QString colorDepth = cfg.defaultColorDepth(); const QString colorProfile = cfg.defColorProfile(); CustomDocumentWidgetItem item; item.widget = new KisCustomImageWidget(startupWidget, w, h, resolution, colorModel, colorDepth, colorProfile, i18n("Unnamed")); item.icon = "document-new"; item.title = i18n("Custom Document"); startupWidget->addCustomDocumentWidget(item.widget, item.title, "Custom Document", item.icon); QSize sz = KisClipboard::instance()->clipSize(); if (sz.isValid() && sz.width() != 0 && sz.height() != 0) { w = sz.width(); h = sz.height(); } item.widget = new KisImageFromClipboard(startupWidget, w, h, resolution, colorModel, colorDepth, colorProfile, i18n("Unnamed")); item.title = i18n("Create from Clipboard"); item.icon = "tab-new"; startupWidget->addCustomDocumentWidget(item.widget, item.title, "Create from ClipBoard", item.icon); // calls deleteLater connect(startupWidget, SIGNAL(documentSelected(KisDocument*)), KisPart::instance(), SLOT(startCustomDocument(KisDocument*))); // calls deleteLater connect(startupWidget, SIGNAL(openTemplate(QUrl)), KisPart::instance(), SLOT(openTemplate(QUrl))); startupWidget->exec(); // Cancel calls deleteLater... } void KisMainWindow::slotImportFile() { dbgUI << "slotImportFile()"; slotFileOpen(true); } void KisMainWindow::slotFileOpen(bool isImporting) { QStringList urls = showOpenFileDialog(isImporting); if (urls.isEmpty()) return; Q_FOREACH (const QString& url, urls) { if (!url.isEmpty()) { OpenFlags flags = isImporting ? Import : None; bool res = openDocument(QUrl::fromLocalFile(url), flags); if (!res) { warnKrita << "Loading" << url << "failed"; } } } } void KisMainWindow::slotFileOpenRecent(const QUrl &url) { (void) openDocument(QUrl::fromLocalFile(url.toLocalFile()), None); } void KisMainWindow::slotFileSave() { if (saveDocument(d->activeView->document(), false, false)) { emit documentSaved(); } } void KisMainWindow::slotFileSaveAs() { if (saveDocument(d->activeView->document(), true, false)) { emit documentSaved(); } } void KisMainWindow::slotExportFile() { if (saveDocument(d->activeView->document(), true, true)) { emit documentSaved(); } } void KisMainWindow::slotShowSessionManager() { KisPart::instance()->showSessionManager(); } KoCanvasResourceProvider *KisMainWindow::resourceManager() const { return d->viewManager->canvasResourceProvider()->resourceManager(); } int KisMainWindow::viewCount() const { return d->mdiArea->subWindowList().size(); } const KConfigGroup &KisMainWindow::windowStateConfig() const { return d->windowStateConfig; } void KisMainWindow::saveWindowState(bool restoreNormalState) { if (restoreNormalState) { QAction *showCanvasOnly = d->viewManager->actionCollection()->action("view_show_canvas_only"); if (showCanvasOnly && showCanvasOnly->isChecked()) { showCanvasOnly->setChecked(false); } d->windowStateConfig.writeEntry("ko_geometry", saveGeometry().toBase64()); d->windowStateConfig.writeEntry("State", saveState().toBase64()); if (!d->dockerStateBeforeHiding.isEmpty()) { restoreState(d->dockerStateBeforeHiding); } statusBar()->setVisible(true); menuBar()->setVisible(true); saveWindowSettings(); } else { saveMainWindowSettings(d->windowStateConfig); } } bool KisMainWindow::restoreWorkspaceState(const QByteArray &state) { QByteArray oldState = saveState(); // needed because otherwise the layout isn't correctly restored in some situations Q_FOREACH (QDockWidget *dock, dockWidgets()) { dock->toggleViewAction()->setEnabled(true); dock->hide(); } bool success = KXmlGuiWindow::restoreState(state); if (!success) { KXmlGuiWindow::restoreState(oldState); return false; } return success; } bool KisMainWindow::restoreWorkspace(KisWorkspaceResource *workspace) { bool success = restoreWorkspaceState(workspace->dockerState()); if (activeKisView()) { activeKisView()->resourceProvider()->notifyLoadingWorkspace(workspace); } return success; } QByteArray KisMainWindow::borrowWorkspace(KisMainWindow *other) { QByteArray currentWorkspace = saveState(); if (!d->workspaceBorrowedBy.isNull()) { if (other->id() == d->workspaceBorrowedBy) { // We're swapping our original workspace back d->workspaceBorrowedBy = QUuid(); return currentWorkspace; } else { // Get our original workspace back before swapping with a third window KisMainWindow *borrower = KisPart::instance()->windowById(d->workspaceBorrowedBy); if (borrower) { QByteArray originalLayout = borrower->borrowWorkspace(this); borrower->restoreWorkspaceState(currentWorkspace); d->workspaceBorrowedBy = other->id(); return originalLayout; } } } d->workspaceBorrowedBy = other->id(); return currentWorkspace; } void KisMainWindow::swapWorkspaces(KisMainWindow *a, KisMainWindow *b) { QByteArray workspaceA = a->borrowWorkspace(b); QByteArray workspaceB = b->borrowWorkspace(a); a->restoreWorkspaceState(workspaceB); b->restoreWorkspaceState(workspaceA); } KisViewManager *KisMainWindow::viewManager() const { return d->viewManager; } void KisMainWindow::slotDocumentInfo() { if (!d->activeView->document()) return; KoDocumentInfo *docInfo = d->activeView->document()->documentInfo(); if (!docInfo) return; KoDocumentInfoDlg *dlg = d->activeView->document()->createDocumentInfoDialog(this, docInfo); if (dlg->exec()) { if (dlg->isDocumentSaved()) { d->activeView->document()->setModified(false); } else { d->activeView->document()->setModified(true); } d->activeView->document()->setTitleModified(); } delete dlg; } bool KisMainWindow::slotFileCloseAll() { Q_FOREACH (QMdiSubWindow *subwin, d->mdiArea->subWindowList()) { if (subwin) { if(!subwin->close()) return false; } } updateCaption(); return true; } void KisMainWindow::slotFileQuit() { // Do not close while KisMainWindow has the savingEntryMutex locked, bug409395. // After the background saving job is initiated, KisDocument blocks closing // while it saves itself. if (hackIsSaving()) { return; } KisPart::instance()->closeSession(); } void KisMainWindow::slotFilePrint() { if (!activeView()) return; KisPrintJob *printJob = activeView()->createPrintJob(); if (printJob == 0) return; applyDefaultSettings(printJob->printer()); QPrintDialog *printDialog = activeView()->createPrintDialog( printJob, this ); if (printDialog && printDialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { printJob->printer().setPageMargins(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, QPrinter::Point); printJob->printer().setPaperSize(QSizeF(activeView()->image()->width() / (72.0 * activeView()->image()->xRes()), activeView()->image()->height()/ (72.0 * activeView()->image()->yRes())), QPrinter::Inch); printJob->startPrinting(KisPrintJob::DeleteWhenDone); } else { delete printJob; } delete printDialog; } void KisMainWindow::slotFilePrintPreview() { if (!activeView()) return; KisPrintJob *printJob = activeView()->createPrintJob(); if (printJob == 0) return; /* Sets the startPrinting() slot to be blocking. The Qt print-preview dialog requires the printing to be completely blocking and only return when the full document has been printed. By default the KisPrintingDialog is non-blocking and multithreading, setting blocking to true will allow it to be used in the preview dialog */ printJob->setProperty("blocking", true); QPrintPreviewDialog *preview = new QPrintPreviewDialog(&printJob->printer(), this); printJob->setParent(preview); // will take care of deleting the job connect(preview, SIGNAL(paintRequested(QPrinter*)), printJob, SLOT(startPrinting())); preview->exec(); delete preview; } KisPrintJob* KisMainWindow::exportToPdf(QString pdfFileName) { if (!activeView()) return 0; if (!activeView()->document()) return 0; KoPageLayout pageLayout; pageLayout.width = 0; pageLayout.height = 0; pageLayout.topMargin = 0; pageLayout.bottomMargin = 0; pageLayout.leftMargin = 0; pageLayout.rightMargin = 0; if (pdfFileName.isEmpty()) { KConfigGroup group = KSharedConfig::openConfig()->group("File Dialogs"); QString defaultDir = group.readEntry("SavePdfDialog"); if (defaultDir.isEmpty()) defaultDir = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DocumentsLocation); QUrl startUrl = QUrl::fromLocalFile(defaultDir); KisDocument* pDoc = d->activeView->document(); /** if document has a file name, take file name and replace extension with .pdf */ if (pDoc && pDoc->url().isValid()) { startUrl = pDoc->url(); QString fileName = startUrl.toLocalFile(); fileName = fileName.replace( QRegExp( "\\.\\w{2,5}$", Qt::CaseInsensitive ), ".pdf" ); startUrl = startUrl.adjusted(QUrl::RemoveFilename); startUrl.setPath(startUrl.path() + fileName ); } QPointer layoutDlg(new KoPageLayoutDialog(this, pageLayout)); layoutDlg->setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModal); if (layoutDlg->exec() != QDialog::Accepted || !layoutDlg) { delete layoutDlg; return 0; } pageLayout = layoutDlg->pageLayout(); delete layoutDlg; KoFileDialog dialog(this, KoFileDialog::SaveFile, "OpenDocument"); dialog.setCaption(i18n("Export as PDF")); dialog.setDefaultDir(startUrl.toLocalFile()); dialog.setMimeTypeFilters(QStringList() << "application/pdf"); QUrl url = QUrl::fromUserInput(dialog.filename()); pdfFileName = url.toLocalFile(); if (pdfFileName.isEmpty()) return 0; } KisPrintJob *printJob = activeView()->createPrintJob(); if (printJob == 0) return 0; if (isHidden()) { printJob->setProperty("noprogressdialog", true); } applyDefaultSettings(printJob->printer()); // TODO for remote files we have to first save locally and then upload. printJob->printer().setOutputFileName(pdfFileName); printJob->printer().setDocName(pdfFileName); printJob->printer().setColorMode(QPrinter::Color); if (pageLayout.format == KoPageFormat::CustomSize) { printJob->printer().setPaperSize(QSizeF(pageLayout.width, pageLayout.height), QPrinter::Millimeter); } else { printJob->printer().setPaperSize(KoPageFormat::printerPageSize(pageLayout.format)); } printJob->printer().setPageMargins(pageLayout.leftMargin, pageLayout.topMargin, pageLayout.rightMargin, pageLayout.bottomMargin, QPrinter::Millimeter); switch (pageLayout.orientation) { case KoPageFormat::Portrait: printJob->printer().setOrientation(QPrinter::Portrait); break; case KoPageFormat::Landscape: printJob->printer().setOrientation(QPrinter::Landscape); break; } //before printing check if the printer can handle printing if (!printJob->canPrint()) { QMessageBox::critical(this, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("Cannot export to the specified file")); } printJob->startPrinting(KisPrintJob::DeleteWhenDone); return printJob; } void KisMainWindow::importAnimation() { if (!activeView()) return; KisDocument *document = activeView()->document(); if (!document) return; KisDlgImportImageSequence dlg(this, document); if (dlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { QStringList files = dlg.files(); int firstFrame = dlg.firstFrame(); int step = dlg.step(); KoUpdaterPtr updater = !document->fileBatchMode() ? viewManager()->createUnthreadedUpdater(i18n("Import frames")) : 0; KisAnimationImporter importer(document->image(), updater); KisImportExportErrorCode status = importer.import(files, firstFrame, step); if (!status.isOk() && !status.isInternalError()) { QString msg = status.errorMessage(); if (!msg.isEmpty()) QMessageBox::critical(0, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("Could not finish import animation:\n%1", msg)); } activeView()->canvasBase()->refetchDataFromImage(); } } void KisMainWindow::slotConfigureToolbars() { saveWindowState(); KEditToolBar edit(factory(), this); connect(&edit, SIGNAL(newToolBarConfig()), this, SLOT(slotNewToolbarConfig())); (void) edit.exec(); applyToolBarLayout(); } void KisMainWindow::slotNewToolbarConfig() { applyMainWindowSettings(d->windowStateConfig); KXMLGUIFactory *factory = guiFactory(); Q_UNUSED(factory); // Check if there's an active view if (!d->activeView) return; plugActionList("toolbarlist", d->toolbarList); applyToolBarLayout(); } void KisMainWindow::slotToolbarToggled(bool toggle) { //dbgUI <<"KisMainWindow::slotToolbarToggled" << sender()->name() <<" toggle=" << true; // The action (sender) and the toolbar have the same name KToolBar * bar = toolBar(sender()->objectName()); if (bar) { if (toggle) { bar->show(); } else { bar->hide(); } if (d->activeView && d->activeView->document()) { saveWindowState(); } } else warnUI << "slotToolbarToggled : Toolbar " << sender()->objectName() << " not found!"; } void KisMainWindow::viewFullscreen(bool fullScreen) { KisConfig cfg(false); cfg.setFullscreenMode(fullScreen); if (fullScreen) { setWindowState(windowState() | Qt::WindowFullScreen); // set } else { setWindowState(windowState() & ~Qt::WindowFullScreen); // reset } } void KisMainWindow::setMaxRecentItems(uint _number) { d->recentFiles->setMaxItems(_number); } void KisMainWindow::slotReloadFile() { KisDocument* document = d->activeView->document(); if (!document || document->url().isEmpty()) return; if (document->isModified()) { bool ok = QMessageBox::question(this, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("You will lose all changes made since your last save\n" "Do you want to continue?"), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::Yes) == QMessageBox::Yes; if (!ok) return; } QUrl url = document->url(); saveWindowSettings(); if (!document->reload()) { QMessageBox::critical(this, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("Error: Could not reload this document")); } return; } QDockWidget* KisMainWindow::createDockWidget(KoDockFactoryBase* factory) { QDockWidget* dockWidget = 0; bool lockAllDockers = KisConfig(true).readEntry("LockAllDockerPanels", false); if (!d->dockWidgetsMap.contains(factory->id())) { dockWidget = factory->createDockWidget(); // It is quite possible that a dock factory cannot create the dock; don't // do anything in that case. if (!dockWidget) { warnKrita << "Could not create docker for" << factory->id(); return 0; } dockWidget->setFont(KoDockRegistry::dockFont()); dockWidget->setObjectName(factory->id()); dockWidget->setParent(this); if (lockAllDockers) { if (dockWidget->titleBarWidget()) { dockWidget->titleBarWidget()->setVisible(false); } dockWidget->setFeatures(QDockWidget::NoDockWidgetFeatures); } if (dockWidget->widget() && dockWidget->widget()->layout()) dockWidget->widget()->layout()->setContentsMargins(1, 1, 1, 1); Qt::DockWidgetArea side = Qt::RightDockWidgetArea; bool visible = true; switch (factory->defaultDockPosition()) { case KoDockFactoryBase::DockTornOff: dockWidget->setFloating(true); // position nicely? break; case KoDockFactoryBase::DockTop: side = Qt::TopDockWidgetArea; break; case KoDockFactoryBase::DockLeft: side = Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea; break; case KoDockFactoryBase::DockBottom: side = Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea; break; case KoDockFactoryBase::DockRight: side = Qt::RightDockWidgetArea; break; case KoDockFactoryBase::DockMinimized: default: side = Qt::RightDockWidgetArea; visible = false; } KConfigGroup group = d->windowStateConfig.group("DockWidget " + factory->id()); side = static_cast(group.readEntry("DockArea", static_cast(side))); if (side == Qt::NoDockWidgetArea) side = Qt::RightDockWidgetArea; addDockWidget(side, dockWidget); if (!visible) { dockWidget->hide(); } d->dockWidgetsMap.insert(factory->id(), dockWidget); } else { dockWidget = d->dockWidgetsMap[factory->id()]; } #ifdef Q_OS_MACOS dockWidget->setAttribute(Qt::WA_MacSmallSize, true); #endif dockWidget->setFont(KoDockRegistry::dockFont()); connect(dockWidget, SIGNAL(dockLocationChanged(Qt::DockWidgetArea)), this, SLOT(forceDockTabFonts())); return dockWidget; } void KisMainWindow::forceDockTabFonts() { Q_FOREACH (QObject *child, children()) { if (child->inherits("QTabBar")) { ((QTabBar *)child)->setFont(KoDockRegistry::dockFont()); } } } QList KisMainWindow::dockWidgets() const { return d->dockWidgetsMap.values(); } QDockWidget* KisMainWindow::dockWidget(const QString &id) { if (!d->dockWidgetsMap.contains(id)) return 0; return d->dockWidgetsMap[id]; } QList KisMainWindow::canvasObservers() const { QList observers; Q_FOREACH (QDockWidget *docker, dockWidgets()) { KoCanvasObserverBase *observer = dynamic_cast(docker); if (observer) { observers << observer; } else { warnKrita << docker << "is not a canvas observer"; } } return observers; } void KisMainWindow::toggleDockersVisibility(bool visible) { if (!visible) { d->dockerStateBeforeHiding = saveState(); Q_FOREACH (QObject* widget, children()) { if (widget->inherits("QDockWidget")) { QDockWidget* dw = static_cast(widget); if (dw->isVisible()) { dw->hide(); } } } } else { restoreState(d->dockerStateBeforeHiding); } } void KisMainWindow::slotDocumentTitleModified() { updateCaption(); updateReloadFileAction(d->activeView ? d->activeView->document() : 0); } void KisMainWindow::subWindowActivated() { bool enabled = (activeKisView() != 0); d->mdiCascade->setEnabled(enabled); d->mdiNextWindow->setEnabled(enabled); d->mdiPreviousWindow->setEnabled(enabled); d->mdiTile->setEnabled(enabled); d->close->setEnabled(enabled); d->closeAll->setEnabled(enabled); setActiveSubWindow(d->mdiArea->activeSubWindow()); Q_FOREACH (QToolBar *tb, toolBars()) { if (tb->objectName() == "BrushesAndStuff") { tb->setEnabled(enabled); } } /** * Qt has a weirdness, it has hardcoded shortcuts added to an action * in the window menu. We need to reset the shortcuts for that menu * to nothing, otherwise the shortcuts cannot be made configurable. * * See: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=352205 * https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=375524 * https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=398729 */ QMdiSubWindow *subWindow = d->mdiArea->currentSubWindow(); if (subWindow) { QMenu *menu = subWindow->systemMenu(); if (menu && menu->actions().size() == 8) { Q_FOREACH (QAction *action, menu->actions()) { action->setShortcut(QKeySequence()); } menu->actions().last()->deleteLater(); } } updateCaption(); d->actionManager()->updateGUI(); } void KisMainWindow::windowFocused() { /** * Notify selection manager so that it could update selection mask overlay */ if (viewManager() && viewManager()->selectionManager()) { viewManager()->selectionManager()->selectionChanged(); } KisPart *kisPart = KisPart::instance(); KisWindowLayoutManager *layoutManager = KisWindowLayoutManager::instance(); if (!layoutManager->primaryWorkspaceFollowsFocus()) return; QUuid primary = layoutManager->primaryWindowId(); if (primary.isNull()) return; if (d->id == primary) { if (!d->workspaceBorrowedBy.isNull()) { KisMainWindow *borrower = kisPart->windowById(d->workspaceBorrowedBy); if (!borrower) return; swapWorkspaces(this, borrower); } } else { if (d->workspaceBorrowedBy == primary) return; KisMainWindow *primaryWindow = kisPart->windowById(primary); if (!primaryWindow) return; swapWorkspaces(this, primaryWindow); } } void KisMainWindow::updateWindowMenu() { QMenu *menu = d->windowMenu->menu(); menu->clear(); menu->addAction(d->newWindow); menu->addAction(d->documentMenu); QMenu *docMenu = d->documentMenu->menu(); docMenu->clear(); QFontMetrics fontMetrics = docMenu->fontMetrics(); int fileStringWidth = int(QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry(this).width() * .40f); Q_FOREACH (QPointer doc, KisPart::instance()->documents()) { if (doc) { QString title = fontMetrics.elidedText(doc->url().toDisplayString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile), Qt::ElideMiddle, fileStringWidth); if (title.isEmpty() && doc->image()) { title = doc->image()->objectName(); } QAction *action = docMenu->addAction(title); action->setIcon(qApp->windowIcon()); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), d->documentMapper, SLOT(map())); d->documentMapper->setMapping(action, doc); } } menu->addAction(d->workspaceMenu); QMenu *workspaceMenu = d->workspaceMenu->menu(); workspaceMenu->clear(); auto workspaces = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->workspaceServer()->resources(); auto m_this = this; for (auto &w : workspaces) { auto action = workspaceMenu->addAction(w->name()); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, [=]() { m_this->restoreWorkspace(w); }); } workspaceMenu->addSeparator(); connect(workspaceMenu->addAction(i18nc("@action:inmenu", "&Import Workspace...")), &QAction::triggered, this, [&]() { QString extensions = d->workspacemodel->extensions(); QStringList mimeTypes; for(const QString &suffix : extensions.split(":")) { mimeTypes << KisMimeDatabase::mimeTypeForSuffix(suffix); } KoFileDialog dialog(0, KoFileDialog::OpenFile, "OpenDocument"); dialog.setMimeTypeFilters(mimeTypes); dialog.setCaption(i18nc("@title:window", "Choose File to Add")); QString filename = dialog.filename(); d->workspacemodel->importResourceFile(filename); }); connect(workspaceMenu->addAction(i18nc("@action:inmenu", "&New Workspace...")), &QAction::triggered, [=]() { QString name = QInputDialog::getText(this, i18nc("@title:window", "New Workspace..."), i18nc("@label:textbox", "Name:")); if (name.isEmpty()) return; auto rserver = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->workspaceServer(); KisWorkspaceResource* workspace = new KisWorkspaceResource(""); workspace->setDockerState(m_this->saveState()); d->viewManager->canvasResourceProvider()->notifySavingWorkspace(workspace); workspace->setValid(true); QString saveLocation = rserver->saveLocation(); bool newName = false; if(name.isEmpty()) { newName = true; name = i18n("Workspace"); } QFileInfo fileInfo(saveLocation + name + workspace->defaultFileExtension()); int i = 1; while (fileInfo.exists()) { fileInfo.setFile(saveLocation + name + QString("%1").arg(i) + workspace->defaultFileExtension()); i++; } workspace->setFilename(fileInfo.filePath()); if(newName) { name = i18n("Workspace %1", i); } workspace->setName(name); rserver->addResource(workspace); }); // TODO: What to do about delete? // workspaceMenu->addAction(i18nc("@action:inmenu", "&Delete Workspace...")); menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(d->close); menu->addAction(d->closeAll); if (d->mdiArea->viewMode() == QMdiArea::SubWindowView) { menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(d->mdiTile); menu->addAction(d->mdiCascade); } menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(d->mdiNextWindow); menu->addAction(d->mdiPreviousWindow); menu->addSeparator(); QList windows = d->mdiArea->subWindowList(); for (int i = 0; i < windows.size(); ++i) { QPointerchild = qobject_cast(windows.at(i)->widget()); if (child && child->document()) { QString text; if (i < 9) { text = i18n("&%1 %2", i + 1, fontMetrics.elidedText(child->document()->url().toDisplayString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile), Qt::ElideMiddle, fileStringWidth)); } else { text = i18n("%1 %2", i + 1, fontMetrics.elidedText(child->document()->url().toDisplayString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile), Qt::ElideMiddle, fileStringWidth)); } QAction *action = menu->addAction(text); action->setIcon(qApp->windowIcon()); action->setCheckable(true); action->setChecked(child == activeKisView()); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), d->windowMapper, SLOT(map())); d->windowMapper->setMapping(action, windows.at(i)); } } bool showMdiArea = windows.count( ) > 0; if (!showMdiArea) { showWelcomeScreen(true); // see workaround in function in header // keep the recent file list updated when going back to welcome screen reloadRecentFileList(); d->welcomePage->populateRecentDocuments(); } // enable/disable the toolbox docker if there are no documents open Q_FOREACH (QObject* widget, children()) { if (widget->inherits("QDockWidget")) { QDockWidget* dw = static_cast(widget); if ( dw->objectName() == "ToolBox") { dw->setEnabled(showMdiArea); } } } updateCaption(); } void KisMainWindow::setActiveSubWindow(QWidget *window) { if (!window) return; QMdiSubWindow *subwin = qobject_cast(window); //dbgKrita << "setActiveSubWindow();" << subwin << d->activeSubWindow; if (subwin && subwin != d->activeSubWindow) { KisView *view = qobject_cast(subwin->widget()); //dbgKrita << "\t" << view << activeView(); if (view && view != activeView()) { d->mdiArea->setActiveSubWindow(subwin); setActiveView(view); } d->activeSubWindow = subwin; } updateWindowMenu(); d->actionManager()->updateGUI(); } void KisMainWindow::configChanged() { KisConfig cfg(true); QMdiArea::ViewMode viewMode = (QMdiArea::ViewMode)cfg.readEntry("mdi_viewmode", (int)QMdiArea::TabbedView); d->mdiArea->setViewMode(viewMode); Q_FOREACH (QMdiSubWindow *subwin, d->mdiArea->subWindowList()) { subwin->setOption(QMdiSubWindow::RubberBandMove, cfg.readEntry("mdi_rubberband", cfg.useOpenGL())); subwin->setOption(QMdiSubWindow::RubberBandResize, cfg.readEntry("mdi_rubberband", cfg.useOpenGL())); /** * Dirty workaround for a bug in Qt (checked on Qt 5.6.1): * * If you make a window "Show on top" and then switch to the tabbed mode * the window will contiue to be painted in its initial "mid-screen" * position. It will persist here until you explicitly switch to its tab. */ if (viewMode == QMdiArea::TabbedView) { Qt::WindowFlags oldFlags = subwin->windowFlags(); Qt::WindowFlags flags = oldFlags; flags &= ~Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint; flags &= ~Qt::WindowStaysOnBottomHint; if (flags != oldFlags) { subwin->setWindowFlags(flags); subwin->showMaximized(); } } } KConfigGroup group( KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "theme"); d->themeManager->setCurrentTheme(group.readEntry("Theme", "Krita dark")); d->actionManager()->updateGUI(); QString s = cfg.getMDIBackgroundColor(); KoColor c = KoColor::fromXML(s); QBrush brush(c.toQColor()); d->mdiArea->setBackground(brush); QString backgroundImage = cfg.getMDIBackgroundImage(); if (backgroundImage != "") { QImage image(backgroundImage); QBrush brush(image); d->mdiArea->setBackground(brush); } d->mdiArea->update(); } -KisView* KisMainWindow::newView(QObject *document) +KisView* KisMainWindow::newView(QObject *document, QMdiSubWindow *subWindow) { KisDocument *doc = qobject_cast(document); - KisView *view = addViewAndNotifyLoadingCompleted(doc); + KisView *view = addViewAndNotifyLoadingCompleted(doc, subWindow); d->actionManager()->updateGUI(); return view; } void KisMainWindow::newWindow() { KisMainWindow *mainWindow = KisPart::instance()->createMainWindow(); mainWindow->initializeGeometry(); mainWindow->show(); } void KisMainWindow::closeCurrentWindow() { if (d->mdiArea->currentSubWindow()) { d->mdiArea->currentSubWindow()->close(); d->actionManager()->updateGUI(); } } void KisMainWindow::checkSanity() { // print error if the lcms engine is not available if (!KoColorSpaceEngineRegistry::instance()->contains("icc")) { // need to wait 1 event since exiting here would not work. m_errorMessage = i18n("The Krita LittleCMS color management plugin is not installed. Krita will quit now."); m_dieOnError = true; QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(showErrorAndDie())); return; } KisPaintOpPresetResourceServer * rserver = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->paintOpPresetServer(); if (rserver->resources().isEmpty()) { m_errorMessage = i18n("Krita cannot find any brush presets! Krita will quit now."); m_dieOnError = true; QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(showErrorAndDie())); return; } } void KisMainWindow::showErrorAndDie() { QMessageBox::critical(0, i18nc("@title:window", "Installation error"), m_errorMessage); if (m_dieOnError) { exit(10); } } void KisMainWindow::showAboutApplication() { KisAboutApplication dlg(this); dlg.exec(); } QPointer KisMainWindow::activeKisView() { if (!d->mdiArea) return 0; QMdiSubWindow *activeSubWindow = d->mdiArea->activeSubWindow(); //dbgKrita << "activeKisView" << activeSubWindow; if (!activeSubWindow) return 0; return qobject_cast(activeSubWindow->widget()); } void KisMainWindow::newOptionWidgets(KoCanvasController *controller, const QList > &optionWidgetList) { KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(controller == KoToolManager::instance()->activeCanvasController()); bool isOurOwnView = false; Q_FOREACH (QPointer view, KisPart::instance()->views()) { if (view && view->canvasController() == controller) { isOurOwnView = view->mainWindow() == this; } } if (!isOurOwnView) return; Q_FOREACH (QWidget *w, optionWidgetList) { #ifdef Q_OS_MACOS w->setAttribute(Qt::WA_MacSmallSize, true); #endif w->setFont(KoDockRegistry::dockFont()); } if (d->toolOptionsDocker) { d->toolOptionsDocker->setOptionWidgets(optionWidgetList); } else { d->viewManager->paintOpBox()->newOptionWidgets(optionWidgetList); } } void KisMainWindow::applyDefaultSettings(QPrinter &printer) { if (!d->activeView) return; QString title = d->activeView->document()->documentInfo()->aboutInfo("title"); if (title.isEmpty()) { QFileInfo info(d->activeView->document()->url().fileName()); title = info.completeBaseName(); } if (title.isEmpty()) { // #139905 title = i18n("%1 unsaved document (%2)", qApp->applicationDisplayName(), QLocale().toString(QDate::currentDate(), QLocale::ShortFormat)); } printer.setDocName(title); } void KisMainWindow::createActions() { KisActionManager *actionManager = d->actionManager(); actionManager->createStandardAction(KStandardAction::New, this, SLOT(slotFileNew())); actionManager->createStandardAction(KStandardAction::Open, this, SLOT(slotFileOpen())); actionManager->createStandardAction(KStandardAction::Quit, this, SLOT(slotFileQuit())); actionManager->createStandardAction(KStandardAction::ConfigureToolbars, this, SLOT(slotConfigureToolbars())); d->fullScreenMode = actionManager->createStandardAction(KStandardAction::FullScreen, this, SLOT(viewFullscreen(bool))); d->recentFiles = KStandardAction::openRecent(this, SLOT(slotFileOpenRecent(QUrl)), actionCollection()); connect(d->recentFiles, SIGNAL(recentListCleared()), this, SLOT(saveRecentFiles())); KSharedConfigPtr configPtr = KSharedConfig::openConfig(); d->recentFiles->loadEntries(configPtr->group("RecentFiles")); d->saveAction = actionManager->createStandardAction(KStandardAction::Save, this, SLOT(slotFileSave())); d->saveAction->setActivationFlags(KisAction::ACTIVE_IMAGE); d->saveActionAs = actionManager->createStandardAction(KStandardAction::SaveAs, this, SLOT(slotFileSaveAs())); d->saveActionAs->setActivationFlags(KisAction::ACTIVE_IMAGE); // d->printAction = actionManager->createStandardAction(KStandardAction::Print, this, SLOT(slotFilePrint())); // d->printAction->setActivationFlags(KisAction::ACTIVE_IMAGE); // d->printActionPreview = actionManager->createStandardAction(KStandardAction::PrintPreview, this, SLOT(slotFilePrintPreview())); // d->printActionPreview->setActivationFlags(KisAction::ACTIVE_IMAGE); d->undo = actionManager->createStandardAction(KStandardAction::Undo, this, SLOT(undo())); d->undo->setActivationFlags(KisAction::ACTIVE_IMAGE); d->redo = actionManager->createStandardAction(KStandardAction::Redo, this, SLOT(redo())); d->redo->setActivationFlags(KisAction::ACTIVE_IMAGE); d->undoActionsUpdateManager.reset(new KisUndoActionsUpdateManager(d->undo, d->redo)); d->undoActionsUpdateManager->setCurrentDocument(d->activeView ? d->activeView->document() : 0); // d->exportPdf = actionManager->createAction("file_export_pdf"); // connect(d->exportPdf, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(exportToPdf())); d->importAnimation = actionManager->createAction("file_import_animation"); connect(d->importAnimation, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(importAnimation())); d->closeAll = actionManager->createAction("file_close_all"); connect(d->closeAll, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotFileCloseAll())); // d->reloadFile = actionManager->createAction("file_reload_file"); // d->reloadFile->setActivationFlags(KisAction::CURRENT_IMAGE_MODIFIED); // connect(d->reloadFile, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(slotReloadFile())); d->importFile = actionManager->createAction("file_import_file"); connect(d->importFile, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(slotImportFile())); d->exportFile = actionManager->createAction("file_export_file"); connect(d->exportFile, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(slotExportFile())); /* The following entry opens the document information dialog. Since the action is named so it intends to show data this entry should not have a trailing ellipses (...). */ d->showDocumentInfo = actionManager->createAction("file_documentinfo"); connect(d->showDocumentInfo, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(slotDocumentInfo())); d->themeManager->setThemeMenuAction(new KActionMenu(i18nc("@action:inmenu", "&Themes"), this)); d->themeManager->registerThemeActions(actionCollection()); connect(d->themeManager, SIGNAL(signalThemeChanged()), this, SLOT(slotThemeChanged())); connect(d->themeManager, SIGNAL(signalThemeChanged()), d->welcomePage, SLOT(slotUpdateThemeColors())); d->toggleDockers = actionManager->createAction("view_toggledockers"); KisConfig(true).showDockers(true); d->toggleDockers->setChecked(true); connect(d->toggleDockers, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(toggleDockersVisibility(bool))); d->toggleDetachCanvas = actionManager->createAction("view_detached_canvas"); d->toggleDetachCanvas->setChecked(false); connect(d->toggleDetachCanvas, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(setCanvasDetached(bool))); setCanvasDetached(false); actionCollection()->addAction("settings_dockers_menu", d->dockWidgetMenu); actionCollection()->addAction("window", d->windowMenu); d->mdiCascade = actionManager->createAction("windows_cascade"); connect(d->mdiCascade, SIGNAL(triggered()), d->mdiArea, SLOT(cascadeSubWindows())); d->mdiTile = actionManager->createAction("windows_tile"); connect(d->mdiTile, SIGNAL(triggered()), d->mdiArea, SLOT(tileSubWindows())); d->mdiNextWindow = actionManager->createAction("windows_next"); connect(d->mdiNextWindow, SIGNAL(triggered()), d->mdiArea, SLOT(activateNextSubWindow())); d->mdiPreviousWindow = actionManager->createAction("windows_previous"); connect(d->mdiPreviousWindow, SIGNAL(triggered()), d->mdiArea, SLOT(activatePreviousSubWindow())); d->newWindow = actionManager->createAction("view_newwindow"); connect(d->newWindow, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(newWindow())); d->close = actionManager->createStandardAction(KStandardAction::Close, this, SLOT(closeCurrentWindow())); d->showSessionManager = actionManager->createAction("file_sessions"); connect(d->showSessionManager, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(slotShowSessionManager())); actionManager->createStandardAction(KStandardAction::Preferences, this, SLOT(slotPreferences())); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { d->expandingSpacers[i] = new KisAction(i18n("Expanding Spacer")); d->expandingSpacers[i]->setDefaultWidget(new QWidget(this)); d->expandingSpacers[i]->defaultWidget()->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding); actionManager->addAction(QString("expanding_spacer_%1").arg(i), d->expandingSpacers[i]); } } void KisMainWindow::applyToolBarLayout() { const bool isPlastiqueStyle = style()->objectName() == "plastique"; Q_FOREACH (KToolBar *toolBar, toolBars()) { toolBar->layout()->setSpacing(4); if (isPlastiqueStyle) { toolBar->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 2); } //Hide text for buttons with an icon in the toolbar Q_FOREACH (QAction *ac, toolBar->actions()){ if (ac->icon().pixmap(QSize(1,1)).isNull() == false){ ac->setPriority(QAction::LowPriority); }else { ac->setIcon(QIcon()); } } } } void KisMainWindow::initializeGeometry() { // if the user didn's specify the geometry on the command line (does anyone do that still?), // we first figure out some good default size and restore the x,y position. See bug 285804Z. KConfigGroup cfg = d->windowStateConfig; QByteArray geom = QByteArray::fromBase64(cfg.readEntry("ko_geometry", QByteArray())); if (!restoreGeometry(geom)) { const int scnum = QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(parentWidget()); - QRect desk = QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry(scnum); - // if the desktop is virtual then use virtual screen size - if (QApplication::desktop()->isVirtualDesktop()) { - desk = QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry(QApplication::desktop()->screen(scnum)); - } + QRect desk = QGuiApplication::screens().at(scnum)->availableVirtualGeometry(); quint32 x = desk.x(); quint32 y = desk.y(); quint32 w = 0; quint32 h = 0; // Default size -- maximize on small screens, something useful on big screens const int deskWidth = desk.width(); if (deskWidth > 1024) { // a nice width, and slightly less than total available // height to compensate for the window decs w = (deskWidth / 3) * 2; h = (desk.height() / 3) * 2; } else { w = desk.width(); h = desk.height(); } x += (desk.width() - w) / 2; y += (desk.height() - h) / 2; move(x,y); setGeometry(geometry().x(), geometry().y(), w, h); } d->fullScreenMode->setChecked(isFullScreen()); } void KisMainWindow::showManual() { QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl("https://docs.krita.org")); } void KisMainWindow::windowScreenChanged(QScreen *screen) { emit screenChanged(); d->screenConnectionsStore.clear(); d->screenConnectionsStore.addConnection(screen, SIGNAL(physicalDotsPerInchChanged(qreal)), this, SIGNAL(screenChanged())); } void KisMainWindow::slotXmlGuiMakingChanges(bool finished) { if (finished) { subWindowActivated(); } } #include diff --git a/libs/ui/KisMainWindow.h b/libs/ui/KisMainWindow.h index 0c426893e2..7729d3871f 100644 --- a/libs/ui/KisMainWindow.h +++ b/libs/ui/KisMainWindow.h @@ -1,518 +1,518 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Torben Weis Copyright (C) 2000-2004 David Faure This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KIS_MAIN_WINDOW_H #define KIS_MAIN_WINDOW_H #include "kritaui_export.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "KisView.h" class QCloseEvent; class QMoveEvent; struct KoPageLayout; class KoCanvasResourceProvider; class KisDocument; class KisPrintJob; class KoDockFactoryBase; class QDockWidget; class KisView; class KisViewManager; class KoCanvasController; class KisWorkspaceResource; /** * @brief Main window for Krita * * This class is used to represent a main window within a Krita session. Each * main window contains a menubar and some toolbars, and potentially several * views of several canvases. * */ class KRITAUI_EXPORT KisMainWindow : public KXmlGuiWindow, public KoCanvasSupervisor { Q_OBJECT public: enum OpenFlag { None = 0, Import = 0x1, BatchMode = 0x2, RecoveryFile = 0x4 }; Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(OpenFlags, OpenFlag) public: /** * Constructor. * * Initializes a Calligra main window (with its basic GUI etc.). */ explicit KisMainWindow(QUuid id = QUuid()); /** * Destructor. */ ~KisMainWindow() override; QUuid id() const; /** - * @brief showView shows the given view. Override this if you want to show - * the view in a different way than by making it the central widget, for instance - * as an QMdiSubWindow + * @brief showView shows the given view, in @p subWindow if not + * null, in a new tab otherwise. */ - virtual void showView(KisView *view); + virtual void showView(KisView *view, QMdiSubWindow *subWindow = 0); /** * @returns the currently active view */ KisView *activeView() const; /** * Sets the maximum number of recent documents entries. */ void setMaxRecentItems(uint _number); /** * The document opened a URL -> store into recent documents list. */ void addRecentURL(const QUrl &url); /** * get list of URL strings for recent files */ QList recentFilesUrls(); /** * clears the list of the recent files */ void clearRecentFiles(); /** * removes the given url from the list of recent files */ void removeRecentUrl(const QUrl &url); /** * Load the desired document and show it. * @param url the URL to open * * @return TRUE on success. */ bool openDocument(const QUrl &url, OpenFlags flags); /** * Activate a view containing the document in this window, creating one if needed. */ void showDocument(KisDocument *document); /** * Toggles between showing the welcome screen and the MDI area * * hack: There seems to be a bug that prevents events happening to the MDI area if it * isn't actively displayed (set in the widgetStack). This can cause things like the title bar * not to update correctly Before doing any actions related to opening or creating documents, * make sure to switch this first to make sure everything can communicate to the MDI area correctly */ void showWelcomeScreen(bool show); /** * Saves the document, asking for a filename if necessary. * * @param saveas if set to TRUE the user is always prompted for a filename * @param silent if set to TRUE rootDocument()->setTitleModified will not be called. * * @return TRUE on success, false on error or cancel * (don't display anything in this case, the error dialog box is also implemented here * but restore the original URL in slotFileSaveAs) */ bool saveDocument(KisDocument *document, bool saveas, bool isExporting); void setReadWrite(bool readwrite); /// Return the list of dock widgets belonging to this main window. QList dockWidgets() const; QDockWidget* dockWidget(const QString &id); QList canvasObservers() const override; KoCanvasResourceProvider *resourceManager() const; int viewCount() const; void saveWindowState(bool restoreNormalState =false); const KConfigGroup &windowStateConfig() const; /** * A wrapper around restoreState * @param state the saved state * @return TRUE on success */ bool restoreWorkspace(KisWorkspaceResource *workspace); bool restoreWorkspaceState(const QByteArray &state); static void swapWorkspaces(KisMainWindow *a, KisMainWindow *b); KisViewManager *viewManager() const; - KisView *addViewAndNotifyLoadingCompleted(KisDocument *document); + KisView *addViewAndNotifyLoadingCompleted(KisDocument *document, + QMdiSubWindow *subWindow = 0); QStringList showOpenFileDialog(bool isImporting); /** * The top-level window used for a detached canvas. */ QWidget *canvasWindow() const; bool canvasDetached() const; /** * Shows if the main window is saving anything right now. If the * user presses Ctrl+W too fast, then the document can be close * before the saving is completed. I'm not sure if it is fixable * in any way without avoiding using porcessEvents() * everywhere (DK) * * Don't use it unless you have no option. */ bool hackIsSaving() const; /// Copy the given file into the bundle directory. bool installBundle(const QString &fileName) const; Q_SIGNALS: /** * This signal is emitted if the document has been saved successfully. */ void documentSaved(); /// This signal is emitted when this windows has finished loading of a /// document. The document may be opened in another window in the end. /// In this case, the signal means there is no link between the window /// and the document anymore. void loadCompleted(); /// This signal is emitted right after the docker states have been succefully restored from config void restoringDone(); /// This signal is emitted when the color theme changes void themeChanged(); /// This signal is emitted when the shortcut key configuration has changed void keyBindingsChanged(); void guiLoadingFinished(); /// emitted when the window is migrated among different screens void screenChanged(); public Q_SLOTS: /** * Slot for opening a new document. * * If the current document is empty, the new document replaces it. * If not, a new mainwindow will be opened for showing the document. */ void slotFileNew(); /** * Slot for opening a saved file. * * If the current document is empty, the opened document replaces it. * If not a new mainwindow will be opened for showing the opened file. */ void slotFileOpen(bool isImporting = false); /** * Slot for opening a file among the recently opened files. * * If the current document is empty, the opened document replaces it. * If not a new mainwindow will be opened for showing the opened file. */ void slotFileOpenRecent(const QUrl &); /** * @brief slotPreferences open the preferences dialog */ void slotPreferences(); /** * Update caption from document info - call when document info * (title in the about page) changes. */ void updateCaption(); /** * Saves the current document with the current name. */ void slotFileSave(); void slotShowSessionManager(); // XXX: disabled KisPrintJob* exportToPdf(QString pdfFileName = QString()); /** * Update the option widgets to the argument ones, removing the currently set widgets. */ void newOptionWidgets(KoCanvasController *controller, const QList > & optionWidgetList); - KisView *newView(QObject *document); + KisView *newView(QObject *document, QMdiSubWindow *subWindow = 0); void notifyChildViewDestroyed(KisView *view); /// Set the active view, this will update the undo/redo actions void setActiveView(KisView *view); void subWindowActivated(); void windowFocused(); /** * Reloads the recent documents list. */ void reloadRecentFileList(); /** * Detach canvas onto a separate window, or restore it back to to main window. */ void setCanvasDetached(bool detached); private Q_SLOTS: /** * Save the list of recent files. */ void saveRecentFiles(); void slotLoadCompleted(); void slotLoadCanceled(const QString &); void slotSaveCompleted(); void slotSaveCanceled(const QString &); void forceDockTabFonts(); /** * @internal */ void slotDocumentTitleModified(); /** * Prints the actual document. */ void slotFilePrint(); /** * Saves the current document with a new name. */ void slotFileSaveAs(); void slotFilePrintPreview(); void importAnimation(); /** * Show a dialog with author and document information. */ void slotDocumentInfo(); /** * Closes all open documents. */ bool slotFileCloseAll(); /** * @brief showAboutApplication show the about box */ virtual void showAboutApplication(); /** * Closes the mainwindow. */ void slotFileQuit(); /** * Configure toolbars. */ void slotConfigureToolbars(); /** * Post toolbar config. * (Plug action lists back in, etc.) */ void slotNewToolbarConfig(); /** * Shows or hides a toolbar */ void slotToolbarToggled(bool toggle); /** * Toggle full screen on/off. */ void viewFullscreen(bool fullScreen); /** * Reload file */ void slotReloadFile(); /** * File --> Import * * This will call slotFileOpen(). */ void slotImportFile(); /** * File --> Export * * This will call slotFileSaveAs(). */ void slotExportFile(); /** * Hide the dockers */ void toggleDockersVisibility(bool visible); /** * Handle theme changes from theme manager */ void slotThemeChanged(); void undo(); void redo(); void updateWindowMenu(); void setActiveSubWindow(QWidget *window); void configChanged(); void newWindow(); void closeCurrentWindow(); void checkSanity(); /// Quits Krita with error message from m_errorMessage. void showErrorAndDie(); void initializeGeometry(); void showManual(); void switchTab(int index); void windowScreenChanged(QScreen *screen); void slotXmlGuiMakingChanges(bool finished); protected: void closeEvent(QCloseEvent * e) override; void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent * e) override; // QWidget overrides private: friend class KisWelcomePageWidget; void dragMove(QDragMoveEvent *event); void dragLeave(); private: /** * Add a the given view to the list of views of this mainwindow. * This is a private implementation. For public usage please use * newView() and addViewAndNotifyLoadingCompleted(). */ - void addView(KisView *view); + void addView(KisView *view, QMdiSubWindow *subWindow = 0); friend class KisPart; /** * Returns the dockwidget specified by the @p factory. If the dock widget doesn't exist yet it's created. * Add a "view_palette_action_menu" action to your view menu if you want to use closable dock widgets. * @param factory the factory used to create the dock widget if needed * @return the dock widget specified by @p factory (may be 0) */ QDockWidget* createDockWidget(KoDockFactoryBase* factory); bool openDocumentInternal(const QUrl &url, KisMainWindow::OpenFlags flags = 0); /** * Updates the window caption based on the document info and path. */ void updateCaption(const QString & caption, bool modified); void updateReloadFileAction(KisDocument *doc); void saveWindowSettings(); QPointer activeKisView(); void applyDefaultSettings(QPrinter &printer); void createActions(); void applyToolBarLayout(); QByteArray borrowWorkspace(KisMainWindow *borrower); private: /** * Struct used in the list created by createCustomDocumentWidgets() */ struct CustomDocumentWidgetItem { /// Pointer to the custom document widget QWidget *widget; /// title used in the sidebar. If left empty it will be displayed as "Custom Document" QString title; /// icon used in the sidebar. If left empty it will use the unknown icon QString icon; }; class Private; Private * const d; QString m_errorMessage; bool m_dieOnError; }; Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(KisMainWindow::OpenFlags) #endif diff --git a/libs/ui/KisView.cpp b/libs/ui/KisView.cpp index 0c63032972..4009be2dbf 100644 --- a/libs/ui/KisView.cpp +++ b/libs/ui/KisView.cpp @@ -1,1062 +1,1044 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Boudewijn Rempt * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KisView.h" #include "KisView_p.h" #include #include #include #include "KoPageLayout.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_canvas2.h" #include "kis_canvas_controller.h" #include "kis_canvas_resource_provider.h" #include "kis_config.h" #include "KisDocument.h" #include "kis_image_manager.h" #include "KisMainWindow.h" #include "kis_mimedata.h" #include "kis_mirror_axis.h" #include "kis_node_commands_adapter.h" #include "kis_node_manager.h" #include "KisPart.h" #include "KisPrintJob.h" #include "kis_shape_controller.h" #include "kis_tool_freehand.h" #include "KisViewManager.h" #include "kis_zoom_manager.h" #include "kis_statusbar.h" #include "kis_painting_assistants_decoration.h" #include "KisReferenceImagesDecoration.h" #include "kis_progress_widget.h" #include "kis_signal_compressor.h" #include "kis_filter_manager.h" #include "kis_file_layer.h" #include "krita_utils.h" #include "input/kis_input_manager.h" #include "KisRemoteFileFetcher.h" #include "kis_selection_manager.h" //static QString KisView::newObjectName() { static int s_viewIFNumber = 0; QString name; name.setNum(s_viewIFNumber++); name.prepend("view_"); return name; } bool KisView::s_firstView = true; class Q_DECL_HIDDEN KisView::Private { public: Private(KisView *_q, KisDocument *document, KisViewManager *viewManager) : actionCollection(viewManager->actionCollection()) , viewConverter() , canvasController(_q, viewManager->mainWindow(), viewManager->actionCollection()) , canvas(&viewConverter, viewManager->canvasResourceProvider()->resourceManager(), viewManager->mainWindow(), _q, document->shapeController()) , zoomManager(_q, &this->viewConverter, &this->canvasController) , viewManager(viewManager) , paintingAssistantsDecoration(new KisPaintingAssistantsDecoration(_q)) , referenceImagesDecoration(new KisReferenceImagesDecoration(_q, document)) , floatingMessageCompressor(100, KisSignalCompressor::POSTPONE) { } bool inOperation; //in the middle of an operation (no screen refreshing)? QPointer document; // our KisDocument QWidget *tempActiveWidget = 0; - /** - * Signals the document has been deleted. Can't use document==0 since this - * only happens in ~QObject, and views get deleted by ~KisDocument. - * XXX: either provide a better justification to do things this way, or - * rework the mechanism. - */ - bool documentDeleted = false; - KActionCollection* actionCollection; KisCoordinatesConverter viewConverter; KisCanvasController canvasController; KisCanvas2 canvas; KisZoomManager zoomManager; KisViewManager *viewManager = 0; KisNodeSP currentNode; KisPaintingAssistantsDecorationSP paintingAssistantsDecoration; KisReferenceImagesDecorationSP referenceImagesDecoration; bool isCurrent = false; bool showFloatingMessage = false; QPointer savedFloatingMessage; KisSignalCompressor floatingMessageCompressor; QMdiSubWindow *subWindow{nullptr}; bool softProofing = false; bool gamutCheck = false; // Hmm sorry for polluting the private class with such a big inner class. // At the beginning it was a little struct :) class StatusBarItem { public: StatusBarItem(QWidget * widget, int stretch, bool permanent) : m_widget(widget), m_stretch(stretch), m_permanent(permanent), m_connected(false), m_hidden(false) {} bool operator==(const StatusBarItem& rhs) { return m_widget == rhs.m_widget; } bool operator!=(const StatusBarItem& rhs) { return m_widget != rhs.m_widget; } QWidget * widget() const { return m_widget; } void ensureItemShown(QStatusBar * sb) { Q_ASSERT(m_widget); if (!m_connected) { if (m_permanent) sb->addPermanentWidget(m_widget, m_stretch); else sb->addWidget(m_widget, m_stretch); if(!m_hidden) m_widget->show(); m_connected = true; } } void ensureItemHidden(QStatusBar * sb) { if (m_connected) { m_hidden = m_widget->isHidden(); sb->removeWidget(m_widget); m_widget->hide(); m_connected = false; } } private: QWidget * m_widget = 0; int m_stretch; bool m_permanent; bool m_connected = false; bool m_hidden = false; }; }; KisView::KisView(KisDocument *document, KisViewManager *viewManager, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) , d(new Private(this, document, viewManager)) { Q_ASSERT(document); connect(document, SIGNAL(titleModified(QString,bool)), this, SIGNAL(titleModified(QString,bool))); setObjectName(newObjectName()); d->document = document; setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus); QStatusBar * sb = statusBar(); if (sb) { // No statusbar in e.g. konqueror connect(d->document, SIGNAL(statusBarMessage(QString,int)), this, SLOT(slotSavingStatusMessage(QString,int))); connect(d->document, SIGNAL(clearStatusBarMessage()), this, SLOT(slotClearStatusText())); } d->canvas.setup(); KisConfig cfg(false); d->canvasController.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOn); d->canvasController.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOn); d->canvasController.setVastScrolling(cfg.vastScrolling()); d->canvasController.setCanvas(&d->canvas); d->zoomManager.setup(d->actionCollection); connect(&d->canvasController, SIGNAL(documentSizeChanged()), &d->zoomManager, SLOT(slotScrollAreaSizeChanged())); setAcceptDrops(true); connect(d->document, SIGNAL(sigLoadingFinished()), this, SLOT(slotLoadingFinished())); connect(d->document, SIGNAL(sigSavingFinished()), this, SLOT(slotSavingFinished())); d->canvas.addDecoration(d->referenceImagesDecoration); d->referenceImagesDecoration->setVisible(true); d->canvas.addDecoration(d->paintingAssistantsDecoration); d->paintingAssistantsDecoration->setVisible(true); d->showFloatingMessage = cfg.showCanvasMessages(); d->zoomManager.updateScreenResolution(this); } KisView::~KisView() { if (d->viewManager) { if (d->viewManager->filterManager()->isStrokeRunning()) { d->viewManager->filterManager()->cancel(); } d->viewManager->mainWindow()->notifyChildViewDestroyed(this); } KoToolManager::instance()->removeCanvasController(&d->canvasController); d->canvasController.setCanvas(0); KisPart::instance()->removeView(this); delete d; } void KisView::notifyCurrentStateChanged(bool isCurrent) { d->isCurrent = isCurrent; if (!d->isCurrent && d->savedFloatingMessage) { d->savedFloatingMessage->removeMessage(); } KisInputManager *inputManager = globalInputManager(); if (d->isCurrent) { inputManager->attachPriorityEventFilter(&d->canvasController); } else { inputManager->detachPriorityEventFilter(&d->canvasController); } /** * When current view is changed, currently selected node is also changed, * therefore we should update selection overlay mask */ viewManager()->selectionManager()->selectionChanged(); } bool KisView::isCurrent() const { return d->isCurrent; } void KisView::setShowFloatingMessage(bool show) { d->showFloatingMessage = show; } void KisView::showFloatingMessage(const QString &message, const QIcon& icon, int timeout, KisFloatingMessage::Priority priority, int alignment) { if (!d->viewManager) return; if(d->isCurrent && d->showFloatingMessage && d->viewManager->qtMainWindow()) { if (d->savedFloatingMessage) { d->savedFloatingMessage->tryOverrideMessage(message, icon, timeout, priority, alignment); } else { d->savedFloatingMessage = new KisFloatingMessage(message, this->canvasBase()->canvasWidget(), false, timeout, priority, alignment); d->savedFloatingMessage->setShowOverParent(true); d->savedFloatingMessage->setIcon(icon); connect(&d->floatingMessageCompressor, SIGNAL(timeout()), d->savedFloatingMessage, SLOT(showMessage())); d->floatingMessageCompressor.start(); } } } bool KisView::canvasIsMirrored() const { return d->canvas.xAxisMirrored() || d->canvas.yAxisMirrored(); } void KisView::setViewManager(KisViewManager *view) { d->viewManager = view; KoToolManager::instance()->addController(&d->canvasController); KoToolManager::instance()->registerToolActions(d->actionCollection, &d->canvasController); dynamic_cast(d->document->shapeController())->setInitialShapeForCanvas(&d->canvas); if (resourceProvider()) { resourceProvider()->slotImageSizeChanged(); } if (d->viewManager && d->viewManager->nodeManager()) { d->viewManager->nodeManager()->nodesUpdated(); } connect(image(), SIGNAL(sigSizeChanged(QPointF,QPointF)), this, SLOT(slotImageSizeChanged(QPointF,QPointF))); connect(image(), SIGNAL(sigResolutionChanged(double,double)), this, SLOT(slotImageResolutionChanged())); // executed in a context of an image thread connect(image(), SIGNAL(sigNodeAddedAsync(KisNodeSP)), SLOT(slotImageNodeAdded(KisNodeSP)), Qt::DirectConnection); // executed in a context of the gui thread connect(this, SIGNAL(sigContinueAddNode(KisNodeSP)), SLOT(slotContinueAddNode(KisNodeSP)), Qt::AutoConnection); // executed in a context of an image thread connect(image(), SIGNAL(sigRemoveNodeAsync(KisNodeSP)), SLOT(slotImageNodeRemoved(KisNodeSP)), Qt::DirectConnection); // executed in a context of the gui thread connect(this, SIGNAL(sigContinueRemoveNode(KisNodeSP)), SLOT(slotContinueRemoveNode(KisNodeSP)), Qt::AutoConnection); d->viewManager->updateGUI(); KoToolManager::instance()->switchToolRequested("KritaShape/KisToolBrush"); } KisViewManager* KisView::viewManager() const { return d->viewManager; } void KisView::slotImageNodeAdded(KisNodeSP node) { emit sigContinueAddNode(node); } void KisView::slotContinueAddNode(KisNodeSP newActiveNode) { /** * When deleting the last layer, root node got selected. We should * fix it when the first layer is added back. * * Here we basically reimplement what Qt's view/model do. But * since they are not connected, we should do it manually. */ if (!d->isCurrent && (!d->currentNode || !d->currentNode->parent())) { d->currentNode = newActiveNode; } } void KisView::slotImageNodeRemoved(KisNodeSP node) { emit sigContinueRemoveNode(KritaUtils::nearestNodeAfterRemoval(node)); } void KisView::slotContinueRemoveNode(KisNodeSP newActiveNode) { if (!d->isCurrent) { d->currentNode = newActiveNode; } } KoZoomController *KisView::zoomController() const { return d->zoomManager.zoomController(); } KisZoomManager *KisView::zoomManager() const { return &d->zoomManager; } KisCanvasController *KisView::canvasController() const { return &d->canvasController; } KisCanvasResourceProvider *KisView::resourceProvider() const { if (d->viewManager) { return d->viewManager->canvasResourceProvider(); } return 0; } KisInputManager* KisView::globalInputManager() const { return d->viewManager ? d->viewManager->inputManager() : 0; } KisCanvas2 *KisView::canvasBase() const { return &d->canvas; } KisImageWSP KisView::image() const { if (d->document) { return d->document->image(); } return 0; } KisCoordinatesConverter *KisView::viewConverter() const { return &d->viewConverter; } void KisView::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event) { //qDebug() << "KisView::dragEnterEvent formats" << event->mimeData()->formats() << "urls" << event->mimeData()->urls() << "has images" << event->mimeData()->hasImage(); if (event->mimeData()->hasImage() || event->mimeData()->hasUrls() || event->mimeData()->hasFormat("application/x-krita-node")) { event->accept(); // activate view if it should accept the drop this->setFocus(); } else { event->ignore(); } } void KisView::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) { KisImageWSP kisimage = image(); Q_ASSERT(kisimage); QPoint cursorPos = canvasBase()->coordinatesConverter()->widgetToImage(event->pos()).toPoint(); QRect imageBounds = kisimage->bounds(); QPoint pasteCenter; bool forceRecenter; if (event->keyboardModifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier && imageBounds.contains(cursorPos)) { pasteCenter = cursorPos; forceRecenter = true; } else { pasteCenter = imageBounds.center(); forceRecenter = false; } //qDebug() << "KisView::dropEvent() formats" << event->mimeData()->formats() << "urls" << event->mimeData()->urls() << "has images" << event->mimeData()->hasImage(); if (event->mimeData()->hasFormat("application/x-krita-node") || event->mimeData()->hasImage()) { KisShapeController *kritaShapeController = dynamic_cast(d->document->shapeController()); QList nodes = KisMimeData::loadNodes(event->mimeData(), imageBounds, pasteCenter, forceRecenter, kisimage, kritaShapeController); Q_FOREACH (KisNodeSP node, nodes) { if (node) { KisNodeCommandsAdapter adapter(viewManager()); if (!viewManager()->nodeManager()->activeLayer()) { adapter.addNode(node, kisimage->rootLayer() , 0); } else { adapter.addNode(node, viewManager()->nodeManager()->activeLayer()->parent(), viewManager()->nodeManager()->activeLayer()); } } } } else if (event->mimeData()->hasUrls()) { QList urls = event->mimeData()->urls(); if (urls.length() > 0) { QMenu popup; popup.setObjectName("drop_popup"); QAction *insertAsNewLayer = new QAction(i18n("Insert as New Layer"), &popup); QAction *insertManyLayers = new QAction(i18n("Insert Many Layers"), &popup); QAction *insertAsNewFileLayer = new QAction(i18n("Insert as New File Layer"), &popup); QAction *insertManyFileLayers = new QAction(i18n("Insert Many File Layers"), &popup); QAction *openInNewDocument = new QAction(i18n("Open in New Document"), &popup); QAction *openManyDocuments = new QAction(i18n("Open Many Documents"), &popup); QAction *insertAsReferenceImage = new QAction(i18n("Insert as Reference Image"), &popup); QAction *insertAsReferenceImages = new QAction(i18n("Insert as Reference Images"), &popup); QAction *cancel = new QAction(i18n("Cancel"), &popup); popup.addAction(insertAsNewLayer); popup.addAction(insertAsNewFileLayer); popup.addAction(openInNewDocument); popup.addAction(insertAsReferenceImage); popup.addAction(insertManyLayers); popup.addAction(insertManyFileLayers); popup.addAction(openManyDocuments); popup.addAction(insertAsReferenceImages); insertAsNewLayer->setEnabled(image() && urls.count() == 1); insertAsNewFileLayer->setEnabled(image() && urls.count() == 1); openInNewDocument->setEnabled(urls.count() == 1); insertAsReferenceImage->setEnabled(image() && urls.count() == 1); insertManyLayers->setEnabled(image() && urls.count() > 1); insertManyFileLayers->setEnabled(image() && urls.count() > 1); openManyDocuments->setEnabled(urls.count() > 1); insertAsReferenceImages->setEnabled(image() && urls.count() > 1); popup.addSeparator(); popup.addAction(cancel); QAction *action = popup.exec(QCursor::pos()); if (action != 0 && action != cancel) { QTemporaryFile *tmp = 0; for (QUrl url : urls) { if (!url.isLocalFile()) { // download the file and substitute the url KisRemoteFileFetcher fetcher; tmp = new QTemporaryFile(); tmp->setAutoRemove(true); if (!fetcher.fetchFile(url, tmp)) { qWarning() << "Fetching" << url << "failed"; continue; } url = url.fromLocalFile(tmp->fileName()); } if (url.isLocalFile()) { if (action == insertAsNewLayer || action == insertManyLayers) { d->viewManager->imageManager()->importImage(url); activateWindow(); } else if (action == insertAsNewFileLayer || action == insertManyFileLayers) { KisNodeCommandsAdapter adapter(viewManager()); KisFileLayer *fileLayer = new KisFileLayer(image(), "", url.toLocalFile(), KisFileLayer::None, image()->nextLayerName(), OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8); adapter.addNode(fileLayer, viewManager()->activeNode()->parent(), viewManager()->activeNode()); } else if (action == openInNewDocument || action == openManyDocuments) { if (mainWindow()) { mainWindow()->openDocument(url, KisMainWindow::None); } } else if (action == insertAsReferenceImage || action == insertAsReferenceImages) { auto *reference = KisReferenceImage::fromFile(url.toLocalFile(), d->viewConverter, this); if (reference) { reference->setPosition(d->viewConverter.imageToDocument(cursorPos)); d->referenceImagesDecoration->addReferenceImage(reference); KoToolManager::instance()->switchToolRequested("ToolReferenceImages"); } } } delete tmp; tmp = 0; } } } } } void KisView::dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *event) { //qDebug() << "KisView::dragMoveEvent"; if (event->mimeData()->hasUrls() || event->mimeData()->hasFormat("application/x-krita-node") || event->mimeData()->hasFormat("application/x-qt-image")) { event->accept(); } } KisDocument *KisView::document() const { return d->document; } -void KisView::setDocument(KisDocument *document) -{ - d->document->disconnect(this); - d->document = document; - QStatusBar *sb = statusBar(); - if (sb) { // No statusbar in e.g. konqueror - connect(d->document, SIGNAL(statusBarMessage(QString,int)), - this, SLOT(slotSavingStatusMessage(QString,int))); - connect(d->document, SIGNAL(clearStatusBarMessage()), - this, SLOT(slotClearStatusText())); - } -} - -void KisView::setDocumentDeleted() +KisView *KisView::replaceBy(KisDocument *document) { - d->documentDeleted = true; + KisMainWindow *window = mainWindow(); + QMdiSubWindow *subWindow = d->subWindow; + delete this; + return window->newView(document, subWindow); } QPrintDialog *KisView::createPrintDialog(KisPrintJob *printJob, QWidget *parent) { Q_UNUSED(parent); QPrintDialog *printDialog = new QPrintDialog(&printJob->printer(), this); printDialog->setMinMax(printJob->printer().fromPage(), printJob->printer().toPage()); printDialog->setEnabledOptions(printJob->printDialogOptions()); return printDialog; } KisMainWindow * KisView::mainWindow() const { return d->viewManager->mainWindow(); } void KisView::setSubWindow(QMdiSubWindow *subWindow) { d->subWindow = subWindow; } QStatusBar * KisView::statusBar() const { KisMainWindow *mw = mainWindow(); return mw ? mw->statusBar() : 0; } void KisView::slotSavingStatusMessage(const QString &text, int timeout, bool isAutoSaving) { QStatusBar *sb = statusBar(); if (sb) { sb->showMessage(text, timeout); } KisConfig cfg(true); if (!sb || sb->isHidden() || (!isAutoSaving && cfg.forceShowSaveMessages()) || (cfg.forceShowAutosaveMessages() && isAutoSaving)) { viewManager()->showFloatingMessage(text, QIcon()); } } void KisView::slotClearStatusText() { QStatusBar *sb = statusBar(); if (sb) { sb->clearMessage(); } } QList KisView::createChangeUnitActions(bool addPixelUnit) { UnitActionGroup* unitActions = new UnitActionGroup(d->document, addPixelUnit, this); return unitActions->actions(); } void KisView::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) { // Check whether we're the last (user visible) view int viewCount = KisPart::instance()->viewCount(document()); if (viewCount > 1 || !isVisible()) { // there are others still, so don't bother the user event->accept(); return; } if (queryClose()) { event->accept(); return; } event->ignore(); } bool KisView::queryClose() { if (!document()) return true; document()->waitForSavingToComplete(); if (document()->isModified()) { QString name; if (document()->documentInfo()) { name = document()->documentInfo()->aboutInfo("title"); } if (name.isEmpty()) name = document()->url().fileName(); if (name.isEmpty()) name = i18n("Untitled"); int res = QMessageBox::warning(this, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("

The document '%1' has been modified.

Do you want to save it?

", name), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No | QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::Yes); switch (res) { case QMessageBox::Yes : { bool isNative = (document()->mimeType() == document()->nativeFormatMimeType()); if (!viewManager()->mainWindow()->saveDocument(document(), !isNative, false)) return false; break; } case QMessageBox::No : { KisImageSP image = document()->image(); image->requestStrokeCancellation(); viewManager()->blockUntilOperationsFinishedForced(image); document()->removeAutoSaveFiles(document()->localFilePath(), document()->isRecovered()); document()->setModified(false); // Now when queryClose() is called by closeEvent it won't do anything. break; } default : // case QMessageBox::Cancel : return false; } } return true; } void KisView::slotScreenChanged() { d->zoomManager.updateScreenResolution(this); } void KisView::slotThemeChanged(QPalette pal) { this->setPalette(pal); for (int i=0; ichildren().size();i++) { QWidget *w = qobject_cast ( this->children().at(i)); if (w) { w->setPalette(pal); } } if (canvasBase()) { canvasBase()->canvasWidget()->setPalette(pal); } if (canvasController()) { canvasController()->setPalette(pal); } } void KisView::resetImageSizeAndScroll(bool changeCentering, const QPointF &oldImageStillPoint, const QPointF &newImageStillPoint) { const KisCoordinatesConverter *converter = d->canvas.coordinatesConverter(); QPointF oldPreferredCenter = d->canvasController.preferredCenter(); /** * Calculating the still point in old coordinates depending on the * parameters given */ QPointF oldStillPoint; if (changeCentering) { oldStillPoint = converter->imageToWidget(oldImageStillPoint) + converter->documentOffset(); } else { QSizeF oldDocumentSize = d->canvasController.documentSize(); oldStillPoint = QPointF(0.5 * oldDocumentSize.width(), 0.5 * oldDocumentSize.height()); } /** * Updating the document size */ QSizeF size(image()->width() / image()->xRes(), image()->height() / image()->yRes()); KoZoomController *zc = d->zoomManager.zoomController(); zc->setZoom(KoZoomMode::ZOOM_CONSTANT, zc->zoomAction()->effectiveZoom()); zc->setPageSize(size); zc->setDocumentSize(size, true); /** * Calculating the still point in new coordinates depending on the * parameters given */ QPointF newStillPoint; if (changeCentering) { newStillPoint = converter->imageToWidget(newImageStillPoint) + converter->documentOffset(); } else { QSizeF newDocumentSize = d->canvasController.documentSize(); newStillPoint = QPointF(0.5 * newDocumentSize.width(), 0.5 * newDocumentSize.height()); } d->canvasController.setPreferredCenter(oldPreferredCenter - oldStillPoint + newStillPoint); } void KisView::syncLastActiveNodeToDocument() { KisDocument *doc = document(); if (doc) { doc->setPreActivatedNode(d->currentNode); } } void KisView::saveViewState(KisPropertiesConfiguration &config) const { config.setProperty("file", d->document->url()); config.setProperty("window", mainWindow()->windowStateConfig().name()); if (d->subWindow) { config.setProperty("geometry", d->subWindow->saveGeometry().toBase64()); } config.setProperty("zoomMode", (int)zoomController()->zoomMode()); config.setProperty("zoom", d->canvas.coordinatesConverter()->zoom()); d->canvasController.saveCanvasState(config); } void KisView::restoreViewState(const KisPropertiesConfiguration &config) { if (d->subWindow) { QByteArray geometry = QByteArray::fromBase64(config.getString("geometry", "").toLatin1()); d->subWindow->restoreGeometry(QByteArray::fromBase64(geometry)); } qreal zoom = config.getFloat("zoom", 1.0f); int zoomMode = config.getInt("zoomMode", (int)KoZoomMode::ZOOM_PAGE); d->zoomManager.zoomController()->setZoom((KoZoomMode::Mode)zoomMode, zoom); d->canvasController.restoreCanvasState(config); } void KisView::setCurrentNode(KisNodeSP node) { d->currentNode = node; d->canvas.slotTrySwitchShapeManager(); syncLastActiveNodeToDocument(); } KisNodeSP KisView::currentNode() const { return d->currentNode; } KisLayerSP KisView::currentLayer() const { KisNodeSP node; KisMaskSP mask = currentMask(); if (mask) { node = mask->parent(); } else { node = d->currentNode; } return qobject_cast(node.data()); } KisMaskSP KisView::currentMask() const { return dynamic_cast(d->currentNode.data()); } KisSelectionSP KisView::selection() { KisLayerSP layer = currentLayer(); if (layer) return layer->selection(); // falls through to the global // selection, or 0 in the end if (image()) { return image()->globalSelection(); } return 0; } void KisView::slotSoftProofing(bool softProofing) { d->softProofing = softProofing; QString message; if (canvasBase()->image()->colorSpace()->colorDepthId().id().contains("F")) { message = i18n("Soft Proofing doesn't work in floating point."); viewManager()->showFloatingMessage(message,QIcon()); return; } if (softProofing){ message = i18n("Soft Proofing turned on."); } else { message = i18n("Soft Proofing turned off."); } viewManager()->showFloatingMessage(message,QIcon()); canvasBase()->slotSoftProofing(softProofing); } void KisView::slotGamutCheck(bool gamutCheck) { d->gamutCheck = gamutCheck; QString message; if (canvasBase()->image()->colorSpace()->colorDepthId().id().contains("F")) { message = i18n("Gamut Warnings don't work in floating point."); viewManager()->showFloatingMessage(message,QIcon()); return; } if (gamutCheck){ message = i18n("Gamut Warnings turned on."); if (!d->softProofing){ message += "\n "+i18n("But Soft Proofing is still off."); } } else { message = i18n("Gamut Warnings turned off."); } viewManager()->showFloatingMessage(message,QIcon()); canvasBase()->slotGamutCheck(gamutCheck); } bool KisView::softProofing() { return d->softProofing; } bool KisView::gamutCheck() { return d->gamutCheck; } void KisView::slotLoadingFinished() { if (!document()) return; /** * Cold-start of image size/resolution signals */ slotImageResolutionChanged(); if (image()->locked()) { // If this is the first view on the image, the image will have been locked // so unlock it. image()->blockSignals(false); image()->unlock(); } canvasBase()->initializeImage(); /** * Dirty hack alert */ d->zoomManager.zoomController()->setAspectMode(true); if (viewConverter()) { viewConverter()->setZoomMode(KoZoomMode::ZOOM_PAGE); } connect(image(), SIGNAL(sigColorSpaceChanged(const KoColorSpace*)), this, SIGNAL(sigColorSpaceChanged(const KoColorSpace*))); connect(image(), SIGNAL(sigProfileChanged(const KoColorProfile*)), this, SIGNAL(sigProfileChanged(const KoColorProfile*))); connect(image(), SIGNAL(sigSizeChanged(QPointF,QPointF)), this, SIGNAL(sigSizeChanged(QPointF,QPointF))); KisNodeSP activeNode = document()->preActivatedNode(); if (!activeNode) { activeNode = image()->rootLayer()->lastChild(); } while (activeNode && !activeNode->inherits("KisLayer")) { activeNode = activeNode->prevSibling(); } setCurrentNode(activeNode); connect(d->viewManager->mainWindow(), SIGNAL(screenChanged()), SLOT(slotScreenChanged())); zoomManager()->updateImageBoundsSnapping(); } void KisView::slotSavingFinished() { if (d->viewManager && d->viewManager->mainWindow()) { d->viewManager->mainWindow()->updateCaption(); } } KisPrintJob * KisView::createPrintJob() { return new KisPrintJob(image()); } void KisView::slotImageResolutionChanged() { resetImageSizeAndScroll(false); zoomManager()->updateImageBoundsSnapping(); zoomManager()->updateGUI(); // update KoUnit value for the document if (resourceProvider()) { resourceProvider()->resourceManager()-> setResource(KoCanvasResourceProvider::Unit, d->canvas.unit()); } } void KisView::slotImageSizeChanged(const QPointF &oldStillPoint, const QPointF &newStillPoint) { resetImageSizeAndScroll(true, oldStillPoint, newStillPoint); zoomManager()->updateImageBoundsSnapping(); zoomManager()->updateGUI(); } void KisView::closeView() { d->subWindow->close(); } diff --git a/libs/ui/KisView.h b/libs/ui/KisView.h index 378b82108f..383771b109 100644 --- a/libs/ui/KisView.h +++ b/libs/ui/KisView.h @@ -1,302 +1,300 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Torben Weis Copyright (C) 2007 Thomas Zander Copyright (C) 2010 Benjamin Port This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KIS_VIEW_H #define KIS_VIEW_H #include #include #include #include #include "kritaui_export.h" #include "widgets/kis_floating_message.h" class KisDocument; class KisMainWindow; class KisPrintJob; class KisCanvasController; class KisZoomManager; class KisCanvas2; class KisViewManager; class KisDocument; class KisCanvasResourceProvider; class KisCoordinatesConverter; class KisInputManager; class KoZoomController; class KoZoomController; struct KoPageLayout; class KoCanvasResourceProvider; // KDE classes class QAction; class KActionCollection; class KConfigGroup; // Qt classes class QDragEnterEvent; class QDragMoveEvent; class QDropEvent; class QPrintDialog; class QCloseEvent; class QStatusBar; class QMdiSubWindow; /** * This class is used to display a @ref KisDocument. * * Multiple views can be attached to one document at a time. */ class KRITAUI_EXPORT KisView : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: /** * Creates a new view for the document. */ KisView(KisDocument *document, KisViewManager *viewManager, QWidget *parent = 0); ~KisView() override; // Temporary while teasing apart view and mainwindow void setViewManager(KisViewManager *view); KisViewManager *viewManager() const; public: /** * Retrieves the document object of this view. */ KisDocument *document() const; /** - * Reset the view to show the given document. - */ - void setDocument(KisDocument *document); - - /** - * Tells this view that its document has got deleted (called internally) + * Deletes the view and creates a new one, displaying @p document, + * in the same sub-window. + * + * @return the new view */ - void setDocumentDeleted(); + KisView *replaceBy(KisDocument *document); /** * In order to print the document represented by this view a new print job should * be constructed that is capable of doing the printing. * The default implementation returns 0, which silently cancels printing. */ KisPrintJob * createPrintJob(); /** * Create a QPrintDialog based on the @p printJob */ QPrintDialog *createPrintDialog(KisPrintJob *printJob, QWidget *parent); /** * @return the KisMainWindow in which this view is currently. */ KisMainWindow *mainWindow() const; /** * Tells this view which subwindow it is part of. */ void setSubWindow(QMdiSubWindow *subWindow); /** * @return the statusbar of the KisMainWindow in which this view is currently. */ QStatusBar *statusBar() const; /** * This adds a widget to the statusbar for this view. * If you use this method instead of using statusBar() directly, * KisView will take care of removing the items when the view GUI is deactivated * and readding them when it is reactivated. * The parameters are the same as QStatusBar::addWidget(). */ void addStatusBarItem(QWidget * widget, int stretch = 0, bool permanent = false); /** * Remove a widget from the statusbar for this view. */ void removeStatusBarItem(QWidget * widget); /** * Return the zoomController for this view. */ KoZoomController *zoomController() const; /// create a list of actions that when activated will change the unit on the document. QList createChangeUnitActions(bool addPixelUnit = false); void closeView(); public: /** * The zoommanager handles everything action-related to zooming */ KisZoomManager *zoomManager() const; /** * The CanvasController decorates the canvas with scrollbars * and knows where to start painting on the canvas widget, i.e., * the document offset. */ KisCanvasController *canvasController() const; KisCanvasResourceProvider *resourceProvider() const; /** * Filters events and sends them to canvas actions. Shared * among all the views/canvases * * NOTE: May be null while initialization! */ KisInputManager* globalInputManager() const; /** * @return the canvas object */ KisCanvas2 *canvasBase() const; /// @return the image this view is displaying KisImageWSP image() const; KisCoordinatesConverter *viewConverter() const; void resetImageSizeAndScroll(bool changeCentering, const QPointF &oldImageStillPoint = QPointF(), const QPointF &newImageStillPoint = QPointF()); void setCurrentNode(KisNodeSP node); KisNodeSP currentNode() const; KisLayerSP currentLayer() const; KisMaskSP currentMask() const; /** * @brief softProofing * @return whether or not we're softproofing in this view. */ bool softProofing(); /** * @brief gamutCheck * @return whether or not we're using gamut warnings in this view. */ bool gamutCheck(); /// Convenience method to get at the active selection (the /// selection of the current layer, or, if that does not exist, /// the global selection. KisSelectionSP selection(); void notifyCurrentStateChanged(bool isCurrent); bool isCurrent() const; void setShowFloatingMessage(bool show); void showFloatingMessage(const QString &message, const QIcon& icon, int timeout = 4500, KisFloatingMessage::Priority priority = KisFloatingMessage::Medium, int alignment = Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::TextWordWrap); bool canvasIsMirrored() const; void syncLastActiveNodeToDocument(); void saveViewState(KisPropertiesConfiguration &config) const; void restoreViewState(const KisPropertiesConfiguration &config); public Q_SLOTS: /** * Display a message in the status bar (calls QStatusBar::message()) * @todo rename to something more generic * @param value determines autosaving */ void slotSavingStatusMessage(const QString &text, int timeout, bool isAutoSaving = false); /** * End of the message in the status bar (calls QStatusBar::clear()) * @todo rename to something more generic */ void slotClearStatusText(); /** * @brief slotSoftProofing set whether or not we're softproofing in this view. * Will be setting the same in the canvas belonging to the view. */ void slotSoftProofing(bool softProofing); /** * @brief slotGamutCheck set whether or not we're gamutchecking in this view. * Will be setting the same in the vans belonging to the view. */ void slotGamutCheck(bool gamutCheck); bool queryClose(); void slotScreenChanged(); void slotThemeChanged(QPalette pal); private Q_SLOTS: void slotImageNodeAdded(KisNodeSP node); void slotContinueAddNode(KisNodeSP newActiveNode); void slotImageNodeRemoved(KisNodeSP node); void slotContinueRemoveNode(KisNodeSP newActiveNode); Q_SIGNALS: // From KisImage void sigSizeChanged(const QPointF &oldStillPoint, const QPointF &newStillPoint); void sigProfileChanged(const KoColorProfile * profile); void sigColorSpaceChanged(const KoColorSpace* cs); void titleModified(QString,bool); void sigContinueAddNode(KisNodeSP newActiveNode); void sigContinueRemoveNode(KisNodeSP newActiveNode); protected: // QWidget overrides void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event) override; void dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) override; void dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *event) override; void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) override; /** * Generate a name for this view. */ QString newObjectName(); public Q_SLOTS: void slotLoadingFinished(); void slotSavingFinished(); void slotImageResolutionChanged(); void slotImageSizeChanged(const QPointF &oldStillPoint, const QPointF &newStillPoint); private: class Private; Private * const d; static bool s_firstView; }; #endif diff --git a/libs/ui/canvas/kis_canvas2.cpp b/libs/ui/canvas/kis_canvas2.cpp index 3399ebfe21..5d87d911d3 100644 --- a/libs/ui/canvas/kis_canvas2.cpp +++ b/libs/ui/canvas/kis_canvas2.cpp @@ -1,1286 +1,1280 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project * * Copyright (C) 2006, 2010 Boudewijn Rempt * Copyright (C) Lukáš Tvrdý , (C) 2010 * Copyright (C) 2011 Silvio Heinrich * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.. */ #include "kis_canvas2.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_tool_proxy.h" #include "kis_coordinates_converter.h" #include "kis_prescaled_projection.h" #include "kis_image.h" #include "kis_image_barrier_locker.h" #include "kis_undo_adapter.h" #include "flake/kis_shape_layer.h" #include "kis_canvas_resource_provider.h" #include "KisViewManager.h" #include "kis_config.h" #include "kis_config_notifier.h" #include "kis_abstract_canvas_widget.h" #include "kis_qpainter_canvas.h" #include "kis_group_layer.h" #include "flake/kis_shape_controller.h" #include "kis_node_manager.h" #include "kis_selection.h" #include "kis_selection_component.h" #include "flake/kis_shape_selection.h" #include "kis_selection_mask.h" #include "kis_image_config.h" #include "kis_infinity_manager.h" #include "kis_signal_compressor.h" #include "kis_display_color_converter.h" #include "kis_exposure_gamma_correction_interface.h" #include "KisView.h" #include "kis_canvas_controller.h" #include "kis_grid_config.h" #include "kis_animation_player.h" #include "kis_animation_frame_cache.h" #include "opengl/kis_opengl_canvas2.h" #include "opengl/kis_opengl.h" #include "kis_fps_decoration.h" #include "KoColorConversionTransformation.h" #include "KisProofingConfiguration.h" #include #include #include "input/kis_input_manager.h" #include "kis_painting_assistants_decoration.h" #include "kis_canvas_updates_compressor.h" #include "KoZoomController.h" #include #include "opengl/kis_opengl_canvas_debugger.h" #include "kis_algebra_2d.h" #include "kis_image_signal_router.h" #include "KisSnapPixelStrategy.h" class Q_DECL_HIDDEN KisCanvas2::KisCanvas2Private { public: KisCanvas2Private(KoCanvasBase *parent, KisCoordinatesConverter* coordConverter, QPointer view, KoCanvasResourceProvider* resourceManager) : coordinatesConverter(coordConverter) , view(view) , shapeManager(parent) , selectedShapesProxy(&shapeManager) , toolProxy(parent) , displayColorConverter(resourceManager, view) , regionOfInterestUpdateCompressor(100, KisSignalCompressor::FIRST_INACTIVE) { } KisCoordinatesConverter *coordinatesConverter; QPointerview; KisAbstractCanvasWidget *canvasWidget = 0; KoShapeManager shapeManager; KisSelectedShapesProxy selectedShapesProxy; bool currentCanvasIsOpenGL; int openGLFilterMode; KisToolProxy toolProxy; KisPrescaledProjectionSP prescaledProjection; bool vastScrolling; KisSignalCompressor canvasUpdateCompressor; QRect savedUpdateRect; QBitArray channelFlags; KisProofingConfigurationSP proofingConfig; bool softProofing = false; bool gamutCheck = false; bool proofingConfigUpdated = false; KisPopupPalette *popupPalette = 0; KisDisplayColorConverter displayColorConverter; KisCanvasUpdatesCompressor projectionUpdatesCompressor; KisAnimationPlayer *animationPlayer; KisAnimationFrameCacheSP frameCache; bool lodAllowedInImage = false; bool bootstrapLodBlocked; QPointer currentlyActiveShapeManager; KisInputActionGroupsMask inputActionGroupsMask = AllActionGroup; KisSignalCompressor frameRenderStartCompressor; KisSignalCompressor regionOfInterestUpdateCompressor; QRect regionOfInterest; qreal regionOfInterestMargin = 0.25; QRect renderingLimit; int isBatchUpdateActive = 0; bool effectiveLodAllowedInImage() { return lodAllowedInImage && !bootstrapLodBlocked; } void setActiveShapeManager(KoShapeManager *shapeManager); }; namespace { KoShapeManager* fetchShapeManagerFromNode(KisNodeSP node) { KoShapeManager *shapeManager = 0; KisSelectionSP selection; if (KisLayer *layer = dynamic_cast(node.data())) { KisShapeLayer *shapeLayer = dynamic_cast(layer); if (shapeLayer) { shapeManager = shapeLayer->shapeManager(); } } else if (KisSelectionMask *mask = dynamic_cast(node.data())) { selection = mask->selection(); } if (!shapeManager && selection && selection->hasShapeSelection()) { KisShapeSelection *shapeSelection = dynamic_cast(selection->shapeSelection()); KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN_VALUE(shapeSelection, 0); shapeManager = shapeSelection->shapeManager(); } return shapeManager; } } KisCanvas2::KisCanvas2(KisCoordinatesConverter *coordConverter, KoCanvasResourceProvider *resourceManager, KisMainWindow *mainWindow, KisView *view, KoShapeControllerBase *sc) : KoCanvasBase(sc, resourceManager) , m_d(new KisCanvas2Private(this, coordConverter, view, resourceManager)) { /** * While loading LoD should be blocked. Only when GUI has finished * loading and zoom level settled down, LoD is given a green * light. */ m_d->bootstrapLodBlocked = true; connect(mainWindow, SIGNAL(guiLoadingFinished()), SLOT(bootstrapFinished())); connect(mainWindow, SIGNAL(screenChanged()), SLOT(slotConfigChanged())); KisImageConfig config(false); m_d->canvasUpdateCompressor.setDelay(1000 / config.fpsLimit()); m_d->canvasUpdateCompressor.setMode(KisSignalCompressor::FIRST_ACTIVE); m_d->frameRenderStartCompressor.setDelay(1000 / config.fpsLimit()); m_d->frameRenderStartCompressor.setMode(KisSignalCompressor::FIRST_ACTIVE); snapGuide()->overrideSnapStrategy(KoSnapGuide::PixelSnapping, new KisSnapPixelStrategy()); } void KisCanvas2::setup() { // a bit of duplication from slotConfigChanged() KisConfig cfg(true); m_d->vastScrolling = cfg.vastScrolling(); m_d->lodAllowedInImage = cfg.levelOfDetailEnabled(); m_d->regionOfInterestMargin = KisImageConfig(true).animationCacheRegionOfInterestMargin(); createCanvas(cfg.useOpenGL()); setLodAllowedInCanvas(m_d->lodAllowedInImage); m_d->animationPlayer = new KisAnimationPlayer(this); connect(m_d->view->canvasController()->proxyObject, SIGNAL(moveDocumentOffset(QPoint)), SLOT(documentOffsetMoved(QPoint))); connect(KisConfigNotifier::instance(), SIGNAL(configChanged()), SLOT(slotConfigChanged())); /** * We switch the shape manager every time vector layer or * shape selection is activated. Flake does not expect this * and connects all the signals of the global shape manager * to the clients in the constructor. To workaround this we * forward the signals of local shape managers stored in the * vector layers to the signals of global shape manager. So the * sequence of signal deliveries is the following: * * shapeLayer.m_d.canvas.m_shapeManager.selection() -> * shapeLayer -> * shapeController -> * globalShapeManager.selection() */ KisShapeController *kritaShapeController = static_cast(shapeController()->documentBase()); connect(kritaShapeController, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, SLOT(slotSelectionChanged())); connect(kritaShapeController, SIGNAL(selectionContentChanged()), selectedShapesProxy(), SIGNAL(selectionContentChanged())); connect(kritaShapeController, SIGNAL(currentLayerChanged(const KoShapeLayer*)), selectedShapesProxy(), SIGNAL(currentLayerChanged(const KoShapeLayer*))); connect(&m_d->canvasUpdateCompressor, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(slotDoCanvasUpdate())); connect(this, SIGNAL(sigCanvasCacheUpdated()), &m_d->frameRenderStartCompressor, SLOT(start())); connect(&m_d->frameRenderStartCompressor, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(updateCanvasProjection())); connect(this, SIGNAL(sigContinueResizeImage(qint32,qint32)), SLOT(finishResizingImage(qint32,qint32))); connect(&m_d->regionOfInterestUpdateCompressor, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(slotUpdateRegionOfInterest())); connect(m_d->view->document(), SIGNAL(sigReferenceImagesChanged()), this, SLOT(slotReferenceImagesChanged())); initializeFpsDecoration(); } void KisCanvas2::initializeFpsDecoration() { KisConfig cfg(true); const bool shouldShowDebugOverlay = (canvasIsOpenGL() && cfg.enableOpenGLFramerateLogging()) || cfg.enableBrushSpeedLogging(); if (shouldShowDebugOverlay && !decoration(KisFpsDecoration::idTag)) { addDecoration(new KisFpsDecoration(imageView())); if (cfg.enableBrushSpeedLogging()) { connect(KisStrokeSpeedMonitor::instance(), SIGNAL(sigStatsUpdated()), this, SLOT(updateCanvas())); } } else if (!shouldShowDebugOverlay && decoration(KisFpsDecoration::idTag)) { m_d->canvasWidget->removeDecoration(KisFpsDecoration::idTag); disconnect(KisStrokeSpeedMonitor::instance(), SIGNAL(sigStatsUpdated()), this, SLOT(updateCanvas())); } } KisCanvas2::~KisCanvas2() { if (m_d->animationPlayer->isPlaying()) { m_d->animationPlayer->forcedStopOnExit(); } delete m_d; } void KisCanvas2::setCanvasWidget(KisAbstractCanvasWidget *widget) { if (m_d->popupPalette) { m_d->popupPalette->setParent(widget->widget()); } if (m_d->canvasWidget != 0) { widget->setDecorations(m_d->canvasWidget->decorations()); // Redundant check for the constructor case, see below if(viewManager() != 0) viewManager()->inputManager()->removeTrackedCanvas(this); } m_d->canvasWidget = widget; // Either tmp was null or we are being called by KisCanvas2 constructor that is called by KisView // constructor, so the view manager still doesn't exists. if(m_d->canvasWidget != 0 && viewManager() != 0) viewManager()->inputManager()->addTrackedCanvas(this); if (!m_d->canvasWidget->decoration(INFINITY_DECORATION_ID)) { KisInfinityManager *manager = new KisInfinityManager(m_d->view, this); manager->setVisible(true); m_d->canvasWidget->addDecoration(manager); } widget->widget()->setAutoFillBackground(false); widget->widget()->setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent); widget->widget()->setMouseTracking(true); widget->widget()->setAcceptDrops(true); KoCanvasControllerWidget *controller = dynamic_cast(canvasController()); if (controller && controller->canvas() == this) { controller->changeCanvasWidget(widget->widget()); } } bool KisCanvas2::canvasIsOpenGL() const { return m_d->currentCanvasIsOpenGL; } KisOpenGL::FilterMode KisCanvas2::openGLFilterMode() const { return KisOpenGL::FilterMode(m_d->openGLFilterMode); } void KisCanvas2::gridSize(QPointF *offset, QSizeF *spacing) const { QTransform transform = coordinatesConverter()->imageToDocumentTransform(); const QPoint intSpacing = m_d->view->document()->gridConfig().spacing(); const QPoint intOffset = m_d->view->document()->gridConfig().offset(); QPointF size = transform.map(QPointF(intSpacing)); spacing->rwidth() = size.x(); spacing->rheight() = size.y(); *offset = transform.map(QPointF(intOffset)); } bool KisCanvas2::snapToGrid() const { return m_d->view->document()->gridConfig().snapToGrid(); } qreal KisCanvas2::rotationAngle() const { return m_d->coordinatesConverter->rotationAngle(); } bool KisCanvas2::xAxisMirrored() const { return m_d->coordinatesConverter->xAxisMirrored(); } bool KisCanvas2::yAxisMirrored() const { return m_d->coordinatesConverter->yAxisMirrored(); } void KisCanvas2::channelSelectionChanged() { KisImageSP image = this->image(); m_d->channelFlags = image->rootLayer()->channelFlags(); m_d->view->viewManager()->blockUntilOperationsFinishedForced(image); image->barrierLock(); m_d->canvasWidget->channelSelectionChanged(m_d->channelFlags); startUpdateInPatches(image->bounds()); image->unlock(); } void KisCanvas2::addCommand(KUndo2Command *command) { // This method exists to support flake-related operations m_d->view->document()->addCommand(command); } void KisCanvas2::KisCanvas2Private::setActiveShapeManager(KoShapeManager *shapeManager) { if (shapeManager != currentlyActiveShapeManager) { currentlyActiveShapeManager = shapeManager; selectedShapesProxy.setShapeManager(shapeManager); } } KoShapeManager* KisCanvas2::shapeManager() const { KoShapeManager *localShapeManager = this->localShapeManager(); // sanity check for consistency of the local shape manager KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER (localShapeManager == m_d->currentlyActiveShapeManager) { localShapeManager = globalShapeManager(); } return localShapeManager ? localShapeManager : globalShapeManager(); } KoSelectedShapesProxy* KisCanvas2::selectedShapesProxy() const { return &m_d->selectedShapesProxy; } KoShapeManager* KisCanvas2::globalShapeManager() const { return &m_d->shapeManager; } KoShapeManager *KisCanvas2::localShapeManager() const { KisNodeSP node = m_d->view->currentNode(); KoShapeManager *localShapeManager = fetchShapeManagerFromNode(node); if (localShapeManager != m_d->currentlyActiveShapeManager) { m_d->setActiveShapeManager(localShapeManager); } return localShapeManager; } void KisCanvas2::updateInputMethodInfo() { // TODO call (the protected) QWidget::updateMicroFocus() on the proper canvas widget... } const KisCoordinatesConverter* KisCanvas2::coordinatesConverter() const { return m_d->coordinatesConverter; } KoViewConverter* KisCanvas2::viewConverter() const { return m_d->coordinatesConverter; } KisInputManager* KisCanvas2::globalInputManager() const { return m_d->view->globalInputManager(); } KisInputActionGroupsMask KisCanvas2::inputActionGroupsMask() const { return m_d->inputActionGroupsMask; } void KisCanvas2::setInputActionGroupsMask(KisInputActionGroupsMask mask) { m_d->inputActionGroupsMask = mask; } QWidget* KisCanvas2::canvasWidget() { return m_d->canvasWidget->widget(); } const QWidget* KisCanvas2::canvasWidget() const { return m_d->canvasWidget->widget(); } KoUnit KisCanvas2::unit() const { KoUnit unit(KoUnit::Pixel); KisImageWSP image = m_d->view->image(); if (image) { if (!qFuzzyCompare(image->xRes(), image->yRes())) { warnKrita << "WARNING: resolution of the image is anisotropic" << ppVar(image->xRes()) << ppVar(image->yRes()); } const qreal resolution = image->xRes(); unit.setFactor(resolution); } return unit; } KoToolProxy * KisCanvas2::toolProxy() const { return &m_d->toolProxy; } void KisCanvas2::createQPainterCanvas() { m_d->currentCanvasIsOpenGL = false; KisQPainterCanvas * canvasWidget = new KisQPainterCanvas(this, m_d->coordinatesConverter, m_d->view); m_d->prescaledProjection = new KisPrescaledProjection(); m_d->prescaledProjection->setCoordinatesConverter(m_d->coordinatesConverter); m_d->prescaledProjection->setMonitorProfile(m_d->displayColorConverter.monitorProfile(), m_d->displayColorConverter.renderingIntent(), m_d->displayColorConverter.conversionFlags()); m_d->prescaledProjection->setDisplayFilter(m_d->displayColorConverter.displayFilter()); canvasWidget->setPrescaledProjection(m_d->prescaledProjection); setCanvasWidget(canvasWidget); } void KisCanvas2::createOpenGLCanvas() { KisConfig cfg(true); m_d->openGLFilterMode = cfg.openGLFilteringMode(); m_d->currentCanvasIsOpenGL = true; KisOpenGLCanvas2 *canvasWidget = new KisOpenGLCanvas2(this, m_d->coordinatesConverter, 0, m_d->view->image(), &m_d->displayColorConverter); m_d->frameCache = KisAnimationFrameCache::getFrameCache(canvasWidget->openGLImageTextures()); setCanvasWidget(canvasWidget); } void KisCanvas2::createCanvas(bool useOpenGL) { // deinitialize previous canvas structures m_d->prescaledProjection = 0; m_d->frameCache = 0; KisConfig cfg(true); QDesktopWidget dw; const KoColorProfile *profile = cfg.displayProfile(dw.screenNumber(imageView())); m_d->displayColorConverter.notifyOpenGLCanvasIsActive(useOpenGL && KisOpenGL::hasOpenGL()); m_d->displayColorConverter.setMonitorProfile(profile); if (useOpenGL && !KisOpenGL::hasOpenGL()) { warnKrita << "Tried to create OpenGL widget when system doesn't have OpenGL\n"; useOpenGL = false; } m_d->displayColorConverter.notifyOpenGLCanvasIsActive(useOpenGL); if (useOpenGL) { createOpenGLCanvas(); if (cfg.canvasState() == "OPENGL_FAILED") { // Creating the opengl canvas failed, fall back warnKrita << "OpenGL Canvas initialization returned OPENGL_FAILED. Falling back to QPainter."; m_d->displayColorConverter.notifyOpenGLCanvasIsActive(false); createQPainterCanvas(); } } else { createQPainterCanvas(); } if (m_d->popupPalette) { m_d->popupPalette->setParent(m_d->canvasWidget->widget()); } } void KisCanvas2::initializeImage() { KisImageSP image = m_d->view->image(); m_d->displayColorConverter.setImageColorSpace(image->colorSpace()); m_d->coordinatesConverter->setImage(image); m_d->toolProxy.initializeImage(image); connect(image, SIGNAL(sigImageUpdated(QRect)), SLOT(startUpdateCanvasProjection(QRect)), Qt::DirectConnection); connect(image->signalRouter(), SIGNAL(sigNotifyBatchUpdateStarted()), SLOT(slotBeginUpdatesBatch()), Qt::DirectConnection); connect(image->signalRouter(), SIGNAL(sigNotifyBatchUpdateEnded()), SLOT(slotEndUpdatesBatch()), Qt::DirectConnection); connect(image->signalRouter(), SIGNAL(sigRequestLodPlanesSyncBlocked(bool)), SLOT(slotSetLodUpdatesBlocked(bool)), Qt::DirectConnection); connect(image, SIGNAL(sigProofingConfigChanged()), SLOT(slotChangeProofingConfig())); connect(image, SIGNAL(sigSizeChanged(QPointF,QPointF)), SLOT(startResizingImage()), Qt::DirectConnection); connect(image->undoAdapter(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), SLOT(slotTrySwitchShapeManager())); connect(image, SIGNAL(sigColorSpaceChanged(const KoColorSpace*)), SLOT(slotImageColorSpaceChanged())); connect(image, SIGNAL(sigProfileChanged(const KoColorProfile*)), SLOT(slotImageColorSpaceChanged())); connectCurrentCanvas(); } void KisCanvas2::connectCurrentCanvas() { KisImageWSP image = m_d->view->image(); if (!m_d->currentCanvasIsOpenGL) { Q_ASSERT(m_d->prescaledProjection); m_d->prescaledProjection->setImage(image); } startResizingImage(); setLodAllowedInCanvas(m_d->lodAllowedInImage); emit sigCanvasEngineChanged(); } void KisCanvas2::resetCanvas(bool useOpenGL) { // we cannot reset the canvas before it's created, but this method might be called, // for instance when setting the monitor profile. if (!m_d->canvasWidget) { return; } KisConfig cfg(true); bool needReset = (m_d->currentCanvasIsOpenGL != useOpenGL) || (m_d->currentCanvasIsOpenGL && m_d->openGLFilterMode != cfg.openGLFilteringMode()); if (needReset) { createCanvas(useOpenGL); connectCurrentCanvas(); notifyZoomChanged(); } updateCanvasWidgetImpl(); } void KisCanvas2::startUpdateInPatches(const QRect &imageRect) { /** * We don't do patched loading for openGL canvas, becasue it loads * the tiles, which are bascially "patches". Therefore, big chunks * of memory are never allocated. */ if (m_d->currentCanvasIsOpenGL) { startUpdateCanvasProjection(imageRect); } else { KisImageConfig imageConfig(true); int patchWidth = imageConfig.updatePatchWidth(); int patchHeight = imageConfig.updatePatchHeight(); for (int y = 0; y < imageRect.height(); y += patchHeight) { for (int x = 0; x < imageRect.width(); x += patchWidth) { QRect patchRect(x, y, patchWidth, patchHeight); startUpdateCanvasProjection(patchRect); } } } } void KisCanvas2::setDisplayFilter(QSharedPointer displayFilter) { m_d->displayColorConverter.setDisplayFilter(displayFilter); KisImageSP image = this->image(); m_d->view->viewManager()->blockUntilOperationsFinishedForced(image); image->barrierLock(); m_d->canvasWidget->setDisplayFilter(displayFilter); image->unlock(); } QSharedPointer KisCanvas2::displayFilter() const { return m_d->displayColorConverter.displayFilter(); } void KisCanvas2::slotImageColorSpaceChanged() { KisImageSP image = this->image(); m_d->view->viewManager()->blockUntilOperationsFinishedForced(image); m_d->displayColorConverter.setImageColorSpace(image->colorSpace()); image->barrierLock(); m_d->canvasWidget->notifyImageColorSpaceChanged(image->colorSpace()); image->unlock(); } KisDisplayColorConverter* KisCanvas2::displayColorConverter() const { return &m_d->displayColorConverter; } KisExposureGammaCorrectionInterface* KisCanvas2::exposureGammaCorrectionInterface() const { QSharedPointer displayFilter = m_d->displayColorConverter.displayFilter(); return displayFilter ? displayFilter->correctionInterface() : KisDumbExposureGammaCorrectionInterface::instance(); } void KisCanvas2::setProofingOptions(bool softProof, bool gamutCheck) { m_d->proofingConfig = this->image()->proofingConfiguration(); if (!m_d->proofingConfig) { KisImageConfig cfg(false); m_d->proofingConfig = cfg.defaultProofingconfiguration(); } KoColorConversionTransformation::ConversionFlags conversionFlags = m_d->proofingConfig->conversionFlags; if (this->image()->colorSpace()->colorDepthId().id().contains("U")) { conversionFlags.setFlag(KoColorConversionTransformation::SoftProofing, softProof); if (softProof) { conversionFlags.setFlag(KoColorConversionTransformation::GamutCheck, gamutCheck); } } m_d->proofingConfig->conversionFlags = conversionFlags; m_d->proofingConfigUpdated = true; startUpdateInPatches(this->image()->bounds()); } void KisCanvas2::slotSoftProofing(bool softProofing) { m_d->softProofing = softProofing; setProofingOptions(m_d->softProofing, m_d->gamutCheck); } void KisCanvas2::slotGamutCheck(bool gamutCheck) { m_d->gamutCheck = gamutCheck; setProofingOptions(m_d->softProofing, m_d->gamutCheck); } void KisCanvas2::slotChangeProofingConfig() { setProofingOptions(m_d->softProofing, m_d->gamutCheck); } void KisCanvas2::setProofingConfigUpdated(bool updated) { m_d->proofingConfigUpdated = updated; } bool KisCanvas2::proofingConfigUpdated() { return m_d->proofingConfigUpdated; } KisProofingConfigurationSP KisCanvas2::proofingConfiguration() const { if (!m_d->proofingConfig) { m_d->proofingConfig = this->image()->proofingConfiguration(); if (!m_d->proofingConfig) { m_d->proofingConfig = KisImageConfig(true).defaultProofingconfiguration(); } } return m_d->proofingConfig; } void KisCanvas2::startResizingImage() { KisImageWSP image = this->image(); qint32 w = image->width(); qint32 h = image->height(); emit sigContinueResizeImage(w, h); QRect imageBounds(0, 0, w, h); startUpdateInPatches(imageBounds); } void KisCanvas2::finishResizingImage(qint32 w, qint32 h) { m_d->canvasWidget->finishResizingImage(w, h); } void KisCanvas2::startUpdateCanvasProjection(const QRect & rc) { KisUpdateInfoSP info = m_d->canvasWidget->startUpdateCanvasProjection(rc, m_d->channelFlags); if (m_d->projectionUpdatesCompressor.putUpdateInfo(info)) { emit sigCanvasCacheUpdated(); } } void KisCanvas2::updateCanvasProjection() { auto tryIssueCanvasUpdates = [this](const QRect &vRect) { if (!m_d->isBatchUpdateActive) { // TODO: Implement info->dirtyViewportRect() for KisOpenGLCanvas2 to avoid updating whole canvas if (m_d->currentCanvasIsOpenGL) { m_d->savedUpdateRect = QRect(); // we already had a compression in frameRenderStartCompressor, so force the update directly slotDoCanvasUpdate(); } else if (/* !m_d->currentCanvasIsOpenGL && */ !vRect.isEmpty()) { m_d->savedUpdateRect = m_d->coordinatesConverter->viewportToWidget(vRect).toAlignedRect(); // we already had a compression in frameRenderStartCompressor, so force the update directly slotDoCanvasUpdate(); } } }; auto uploadData = [this, tryIssueCanvasUpdates](const QVector &infoObjects) { QVector viewportRects = m_d->canvasWidget->updateCanvasProjection(infoObjects); const QRect vRect = std::accumulate(viewportRects.constBegin(), viewportRects.constEnd(), QRect(), std::bit_or()); tryIssueCanvasUpdates(vRect); }; bool shouldExplicitlyIssueUpdates = false; QVector infoObjects; KisUpdateInfoList originalInfoObjects; m_d->projectionUpdatesCompressor.takeUpdateInfo(originalInfoObjects); for (auto it = originalInfoObjects.constBegin(); it != originalInfoObjects.constEnd(); ++it) { KisUpdateInfoSP info = *it; const KisMarkerUpdateInfo *batchInfo = dynamic_cast(info.data()); if (batchInfo) { if (!infoObjects.isEmpty()) { uploadData(infoObjects); infoObjects.clear(); } if (batchInfo->type() == KisMarkerUpdateInfo::StartBatch) { m_d->isBatchUpdateActive++; } else if (batchInfo->type() == KisMarkerUpdateInfo::EndBatch) { m_d->isBatchUpdateActive--; KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(m_d->isBatchUpdateActive >= 0); if (m_d->isBatchUpdateActive == 0) { shouldExplicitlyIssueUpdates = true; } } else if (batchInfo->type() == KisMarkerUpdateInfo::BlockLodUpdates) { m_d->canvasWidget->setLodResetInProgress(true); } else if (batchInfo->type() == KisMarkerUpdateInfo::UnblockLodUpdates) { m_d->canvasWidget->setLodResetInProgress(false); shouldExplicitlyIssueUpdates = true; } } else { infoObjects << info; } } if (!infoObjects.isEmpty()) { uploadData(infoObjects); } else if (shouldExplicitlyIssueUpdates) { tryIssueCanvasUpdates(m_d->coordinatesConverter->imageRectInImagePixels()); } } void KisCanvas2::slotBeginUpdatesBatch() { KisUpdateInfoSP info = new KisMarkerUpdateInfo(KisMarkerUpdateInfo::StartBatch, m_d->coordinatesConverter->imageRectInImagePixels()); m_d->projectionUpdatesCompressor.putUpdateInfo(info); emit sigCanvasCacheUpdated(); } void KisCanvas2::slotEndUpdatesBatch() { KisUpdateInfoSP info = new KisMarkerUpdateInfo(KisMarkerUpdateInfo::EndBatch, m_d->coordinatesConverter->imageRectInImagePixels()); m_d->projectionUpdatesCompressor.putUpdateInfo(info); emit sigCanvasCacheUpdated(); } void KisCanvas2::slotSetLodUpdatesBlocked(bool value) { KisUpdateInfoSP info = new KisMarkerUpdateInfo(value ? KisMarkerUpdateInfo::BlockLodUpdates : KisMarkerUpdateInfo::UnblockLodUpdates, m_d->coordinatesConverter->imageRectInImagePixels()); m_d->projectionUpdatesCompressor.putUpdateInfo(info); emit sigCanvasCacheUpdated(); } void KisCanvas2::slotDoCanvasUpdate() { /** * WARNING: in isBusy() we access openGL functions without making the painting * context current. We hope that currently active context will be Qt's one, * which is shared with our own. */ if (m_d->canvasWidget->isBusy()) { // just restarting the timer updateCanvasWidgetImpl(m_d->savedUpdateRect); return; } if (m_d->savedUpdateRect.isEmpty()) { m_d->canvasWidget->widget()->update(); emit updateCanvasRequested(m_d->canvasWidget->widget()->rect()); } else { emit updateCanvasRequested(m_d->savedUpdateRect); m_d->canvasWidget->widget()->update(m_d->savedUpdateRect); } m_d->savedUpdateRect = QRect(); } void KisCanvas2::updateCanvasWidgetImpl(const QRect &rc) { if (!m_d->canvasUpdateCompressor.isActive() || !m_d->savedUpdateRect.isEmpty()) { m_d->savedUpdateRect |= rc; } m_d->canvasUpdateCompressor.start(); } void KisCanvas2::updateCanvas() { updateCanvasWidgetImpl(); } void KisCanvas2::updateCanvas(const QRectF& documentRect) { if (m_d->currentCanvasIsOpenGL && m_d->canvasWidget->decorations().size() > 0) { updateCanvasWidgetImpl(); } else { // updateCanvas is called from tools, never from the projection // updates, so no need to prescale! QRect widgetRect = m_d->coordinatesConverter->documentToWidget(documentRect).toAlignedRect(); widgetRect.adjust(-2, -2, 2, 2); if (!widgetRect.isEmpty()) { updateCanvasWidgetImpl(widgetRect); } } } void KisCanvas2::disconnectCanvasObserver(QObject *object) { KoCanvasBase::disconnectCanvasObserver(object); m_d->view->disconnect(object); } void KisCanvas2::notifyZoomChanged() { if (!m_d->currentCanvasIsOpenGL) { Q_ASSERT(m_d->prescaledProjection); m_d->prescaledProjection->notifyZoomChanged(); } notifyLevelOfDetailChange(); updateCanvas(); // update the canvas, because that isn't done when zooming using KoZoomAction m_d->regionOfInterestUpdateCompressor.start(); } QRect KisCanvas2::regionOfInterest() const { return m_d->regionOfInterest; } void KisCanvas2::slotUpdateRegionOfInterest() { const QRect oldRegionOfInterest = m_d->regionOfInterest; const qreal ratio = m_d->regionOfInterestMargin; const QRect proposedRoi = KisAlgebra2D::blowRect(m_d->coordinatesConverter->widgetRectInImagePixels(), ratio).toAlignedRect(); const QRect imageRect = m_d->coordinatesConverter->imageRectInImagePixels(); m_d->regionOfInterest = proposedRoi & imageRect; if (m_d->regionOfInterest != oldRegionOfInterest) { emit sigRegionOfInterestChanged(m_d->regionOfInterest); } } void KisCanvas2::slotReferenceImagesChanged() { canvasController()->resetScrollBars(); } void KisCanvas2::setRenderingLimit(const QRect &rc) { m_d->renderingLimit = rc; } QRect KisCanvas2::renderingLimit() const { return m_d->renderingLimit; } void KisCanvas2::slotTrySwitchShapeManager() { KisNodeSP node = m_d->view->currentNode(); QPointer newManager; newManager = fetchShapeManagerFromNode(node); m_d->setActiveShapeManager(newManager); } void KisCanvas2::notifyLevelOfDetailChange() { if (!m_d->effectiveLodAllowedInImage()) return; const qreal effectiveZoom = m_d->coordinatesConverter->effectiveZoom(); KisConfig cfg(true); const int maxLod = cfg.numMipmapLevels(); const int lod = KisLodTransform::scaleToLod(effectiveZoom, maxLod); if (m_d->effectiveLodAllowedInImage()) { KisImageSP image = this->image(); image->setDesiredLevelOfDetail(lod); } } const KoColorProfile * KisCanvas2::monitorProfile() { return m_d->displayColorConverter.monitorProfile(); } KisViewManager* KisCanvas2::viewManager() const { if (m_d->view) { return m_d->view->viewManager(); } return 0; } QPointerKisCanvas2::imageView() const { return m_d->view; } KisImageWSP KisCanvas2::image() const { return m_d->view->image(); } KisImageWSP KisCanvas2::currentImage() const { return m_d->view->image(); } void KisCanvas2::documentOffsetMoved(const QPoint &documentOffset) { QPointF offsetBefore = m_d->coordinatesConverter->imageRectInViewportPixels().topLeft(); // The given offset is in widget logical pixels. In order to prevent fuzzy // canvas rendering at 100% pixel-perfect zoom level when devicePixelRatio // is not integral, we adjusts the offset to map to whole device pixels. // // FIXME: This is a temporary hack for fixing the canvas under fractional // DPI scaling before a new coordinate system is introduced. QPointF offsetAdjusted = m_d->coordinatesConverter->snapToDevicePixel(documentOffset); m_d->coordinatesConverter->setDocumentOffset(offsetAdjusted); QPointF offsetAfter = m_d->coordinatesConverter->imageRectInViewportPixels().topLeft(); QPointF moveOffset = offsetAfter - offsetBefore; if (!m_d->currentCanvasIsOpenGL) m_d->prescaledProjection->viewportMoved(moveOffset); emit documentOffsetUpdateFinished(); updateCanvas(); m_d->regionOfInterestUpdateCompressor.start(); } void KisCanvas2::slotConfigChanged() { KisConfig cfg(true); m_d->vastScrolling = cfg.vastScrolling(); m_d->regionOfInterestMargin = KisImageConfig(true).animationCacheRegionOfInterestMargin(); resetCanvas(cfg.useOpenGL()); // HACK: Sometimes screenNumber(this->canvasWidget()) is not able to get the // proper screenNumber when moving the window across screens. Using // the coordinates should be able to work around this. // FIXME: We should change to associate the display profiles with the screen // model and serial number instead. See https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=407498 - QScreen *canvasScreen = this->canvasWidget()->window()->windowHandle()->screen(); - QPoint canvasScreenCenter = canvasScreen->geometry().center(); - int canvasScreenNumber = QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(canvasScreenCenter); - if (canvasScreenNumber == -1) { - // Fall back to the old way of getting the screenNumber - canvasScreenNumber = QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(this->canvasWidget()); - } + int canvasScreenNumber = QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(this->canvasWidget()); if (canvasScreenNumber != -1) { setDisplayProfile(cfg.displayProfile(canvasScreenNumber)); } else { warnUI << "Failed to get screenNumber for updating display profile."; } initializeFpsDecoration(); } void KisCanvas2::refetchDataFromImage() { KisImageSP image = this->image(); KisImageBarrierLocker l(image); startUpdateInPatches(image->bounds()); } void KisCanvas2::setDisplayProfile(const KoColorProfile *monitorProfile) { if (m_d->displayColorConverter.monitorProfile() == monitorProfile) return; m_d->displayColorConverter.setMonitorProfile(monitorProfile); { KisImageSP image = this->image(); KisImageBarrierLocker l(image); m_d->canvasWidget->setDisplayColorConverter(&m_d->displayColorConverter); } refetchDataFromImage(); } void KisCanvas2::addDecoration(KisCanvasDecorationSP deco) { m_d->canvasWidget->addDecoration(deco); } KisCanvasDecorationSP KisCanvas2::decoration(const QString& id) const { return m_d->canvasWidget->decoration(id); } QPoint KisCanvas2::documentOrigin() const { /** * In Krita we don't use document origin anymore. * All the centering when needed (vastScrolling < 0.5) is done * automatically by the KisCoordinatesConverter. */ return QPoint(); } QPoint KisCanvas2::documentOffset() const { return m_d->coordinatesConverter->documentOffset(); } void KisCanvas2::setFavoriteResourceManager(KisFavoriteResourceManager* favoriteResourceManager) { m_d->popupPalette = new KisPopupPalette(viewManager(), m_d->coordinatesConverter, favoriteResourceManager, displayColorConverter()->displayRendererInterface(), m_d->view->resourceProvider(), m_d->canvasWidget->widget()); connect(m_d->popupPalette, SIGNAL(zoomLevelChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotPopupPaletteRequestedZoomChange(int))); connect(m_d->popupPalette, SIGNAL(sigUpdateCanvas()), this, SLOT(updateCanvas())); connect(m_d->view->mainWindow(), SIGNAL(themeChanged()), m_d->popupPalette, SLOT(slotUpdateIcons())); m_d->popupPalette->showPopupPalette(false); } void KisCanvas2::slotPopupPaletteRequestedZoomChange(int zoom ) { m_d->view->viewManager()->zoomController()->setZoom(KoZoomMode::ZOOM_CONSTANT, (qreal)(zoom/100.0)); // 1.0 is 100% zoom notifyZoomChanged(); } void KisCanvas2::setCursor(const QCursor &cursor) { canvasWidget()->setCursor(cursor); } KisAnimationFrameCacheSP KisCanvas2::frameCache() const { return m_d->frameCache; } KisAnimationPlayer *KisCanvas2::animationPlayer() const { return m_d->animationPlayer; } void KisCanvas2::slotSelectionChanged() { KisShapeLayer* shapeLayer = dynamic_cast(viewManager()->activeLayer().data()); if (!shapeLayer) { return; } m_d->shapeManager.selection()->deselectAll(); Q_FOREACH (KoShape* shape, shapeLayer->shapeManager()->selection()->selectedShapes()) { m_d->shapeManager.selection()->select(shape); } } bool KisCanvas2::isPopupPaletteVisible() const { if (!m_d->popupPalette) { return false; } return m_d->popupPalette->isVisible(); } void KisCanvas2::setWrapAroundViewingMode(bool value) { KisCanvasDecorationSP infinityDecoration = m_d->canvasWidget->decoration(INFINITY_DECORATION_ID); if (infinityDecoration) { infinityDecoration->setVisible(!value); } m_d->canvasWidget->setWrapAroundViewingMode(value); } bool KisCanvas2::wrapAroundViewingMode() const { KisCanvasDecorationSP infinityDecoration = m_d->canvasWidget->decoration(INFINITY_DECORATION_ID); if (infinityDecoration) { return !(infinityDecoration->visible()); } return false; } void KisCanvas2::bootstrapFinished() { if (!m_d->bootstrapLodBlocked) return; m_d->bootstrapLodBlocked = false; setLodAllowedInCanvas(m_d->lodAllowedInImage); } void KisCanvas2::setLodAllowedInCanvas(bool value) { if (!KisOpenGL::supportsLoD()) { qWarning() << "WARNING: Level of Detail functionality is available only with openGL + GLSL 1.3 support"; } m_d->lodAllowedInImage = value && m_d->currentCanvasIsOpenGL && KisOpenGL::supportsLoD() && (m_d->openGLFilterMode == KisOpenGL::TrilinearFilterMode || m_d->openGLFilterMode == KisOpenGL::HighQualityFiltering); KisImageSP image = this->image(); if (m_d->effectiveLodAllowedInImage() != !image->levelOfDetailBlocked()) { image->setLevelOfDetailBlocked(!m_d->effectiveLodAllowedInImage()); } notifyLevelOfDetailChange(); KisConfig cfg(false); cfg.setLevelOfDetailEnabled(m_d->lodAllowedInImage); KisUsageLogger::log(QString("Instant Preview Setting: %1").arg(m_d->lodAllowedInImage)); } bool KisCanvas2::lodAllowedInCanvas() const { return m_d->lodAllowedInImage; } void KisCanvas2::slotShowPopupPalette(const QPoint &p) { if (!m_d->popupPalette) { return; } m_d->popupPalette->showPopupPalette(p); } KisPaintingAssistantsDecorationSP KisCanvas2::paintingAssistantsDecoration() const { KisCanvasDecorationSP deco = decoration("paintingAssistantsDecoration"); return qobject_cast(deco.data()); } KisReferenceImagesDecorationSP KisCanvas2::referenceImagesDecoration() const { KisCanvasDecorationSP deco = decoration("referenceImagesDecoration"); return qobject_cast(deco.data()); } diff --git a/libs/ui/dialogs/kis_dlg_preferences.cc b/libs/ui/dialogs/kis_dlg_preferences.cc index 83b638d2b8..60ab1d159f 100644 --- a/libs/ui/dialogs/kis_dlg_preferences.cc +++ b/libs/ui/dialogs/kis_dlg_preferences.cc @@ -1,1753 +1,1753 @@ /* * preferencesdlg.cc - part of KImageShop * * Copyright (c) 1999 Michael Koch * Copyright (c) 2003-2011 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_dlg_preferences.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "KoID.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_action_registry.h" #include #include #include "kis_clipboard.h" #include "widgets/kis_cmb_idlist.h" #include "KoColorSpace.h" #include "KoColorSpaceRegistry.h" #include "KoColorConversionTransformation.h" #include "kis_cursor.h" #include "kis_config.h" #include "kis_canvas_resource_provider.h" #include "kis_preference_set_registry.h" #include "kis_color_manager.h" #include "KisProofingConfiguration.h" #include "kis_image_config.h" #include "slider_and_spin_box_sync.h" // for the performance update #include #include #include "input/config/kis_input_configuration_page.h" #include "input/wintab/drawpile_tablettester/tablettester.h" #ifdef Q_OS_WIN #include "config_use_qt_tablet_windows.h" # ifndef USE_QT_TABLET_WINDOWS # include # endif #include "config-high-dpi-scale-factor-rounding-policy.h" #endif struct BackupSuffixValidator : public QValidator { BackupSuffixValidator(QObject *parent) : QValidator(parent) , invalidCharacters(QStringList() << "0" << "1" << "2" << "3" << "4" << "5" << "6" << "7" << "8" << "9" << "/" << "\\" << ":" << ";" << " ") {} ~BackupSuffixValidator() override {} const QStringList invalidCharacters; State validate(QString &line, int &/*pos*/) const override { Q_FOREACH(const QString invalidChar, invalidCharacters) { if (line.contains(invalidChar)) { return Invalid; } } return Acceptable; } }; GeneralTab::GeneralTab(QWidget *_parent, const char *_name) : WdgGeneralSettings(_parent, _name) { KisConfig cfg(true); // // Cursor Tab // m_cmbCursorShape->addItem(i18n("No Cursor")); m_cmbCursorShape->addItem(i18n("Tool Icon")); m_cmbCursorShape->addItem(i18n("Arrow")); m_cmbCursorShape->addItem(i18n("Small Circle")); m_cmbCursorShape->addItem(i18n("Crosshair")); m_cmbCursorShape->addItem(i18n("Triangle Righthanded")); m_cmbCursorShape->addItem(i18n("Triangle Lefthanded")); m_cmbCursorShape->addItem(i18n("Black Pixel")); m_cmbCursorShape->addItem(i18n("White Pixel")); m_cmbCursorShape->setCurrentIndex(cfg.newCursorStyle()); m_cmbOutlineShape->addItem(i18n("No Outline")); m_cmbOutlineShape->addItem(i18n("Circle Outline")); m_cmbOutlineShape->addItem(i18n("Preview Outline")); m_cmbOutlineShape->addItem(i18n("Tilt Outline")); m_cmbOutlineShape->setCurrentIndex(cfg.newOutlineStyle()); m_showOutlinePainting->setChecked(cfg.showOutlineWhilePainting()); m_changeBrushOutline->setChecked(!cfg.forceAlwaysFullSizedOutline()); KoColor cursorColor(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8()); cursorColor.fromQColor(cfg.getCursorMainColor()); cursorColorBtutton->setColor(cursorColor); // // Window Tab // m_cmbMDIType->setCurrentIndex(cfg.readEntry("mdi_viewmode", (int)QMdiArea::TabbedView)); m_backgroundimage->setText(cfg.getMDIBackgroundImage()); connect(m_bnFileName, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(getBackgroundImage())); connect(clearBgImageButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(clearBackgroundImage())); QString xml = cfg.getMDIBackgroundColor(); KoColor mdiColor = KoColor::fromXML(xml); m_mdiColor->setColor(mdiColor); m_chkRubberBand->setChecked(cfg.readEntry("mdi_rubberband", cfg.useOpenGL())); m_chkCanvasMessages->setChecked(cfg.showCanvasMessages()); const QString configPath = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::GenericConfigLocation); QSettings kritarc(configPath + QStringLiteral("/kritadisplayrc"), QSettings::IniFormat); m_chkHiDPI->setChecked(kritarc.value("EnableHiDPI", true).toBool()); #ifdef HAVE_HIGH_DPI_SCALE_FACTOR_ROUNDING_POLICY m_chkHiDPIFractionalScaling->setChecked(kritarc.value("EnableHiDPIFractionalScaling", true).toBool()); #else m_chkHiDPIFractionalScaling->setVisible(false); #endif chkUsageLogging->setChecked(kritarc.value("LogUsage", true).toBool()); m_chkSingleApplication->setChecked(kritarc.value("EnableSingleApplication", true).toBool()); // // Tools tab // m_radioToolOptionsInDocker->setChecked(cfg.toolOptionsInDocker()); cmbFlowMode->setCurrentIndex((int)!cfg.readEntry("useCreamyAlphaDarken", true)); m_chkSwitchSelectionCtrlAlt->setChecked(cfg.switchSelectionCtrlAlt()); chkEnableTouch->setChecked(!cfg.disableTouchOnCanvas()); chkEnableTouchRotation->setChecked(!cfg.disableTouchRotation()); chkEnableTranformToolAfterPaste->setChecked(cfg.activateTransformToolAfterPaste()); m_groupBoxKineticScrollingSettings->setChecked(cfg.kineticScrollingEnabled()); m_cmbKineticScrollingGesture->addItem(i18n("On Touch Drag")); m_cmbKineticScrollingGesture->addItem(i18n("On Click Drag")); m_cmbKineticScrollingGesture->addItem(i18n("On Middle-Click Drag")); //m_cmbKineticScrollingGesture->addItem(i18n("On Right Click Drag")); m_cmbKineticScrollingGesture->setCurrentIndex(cfg.kineticScrollingGesture()); m_kineticScrollingSensitivitySlider->setRange(0, 100); m_kineticScrollingSensitivitySlider->setValue(cfg.kineticScrollingSensitivity()); m_chkKineticScrollingHideScrollbars->setChecked(cfg.kineticScrollingHiddenScrollbars()); // // File handling // int autosaveInterval = cfg.autoSaveInterval(); //convert to minutes m_autosaveSpinBox->setValue(autosaveInterval / 60); m_autosaveCheckBox->setChecked(autosaveInterval > 0); chkHideAutosaveFiles->setChecked(cfg.readEntry("autosavefileshidden", true)); m_chkCompressKra->setChecked(cfg.compressKra()); chkZip64->setChecked(cfg.useZip64()); m_backupFileCheckBox->setChecked(cfg.backupFile()); cmbBackupFileLocation->setCurrentIndex(cfg.readEntry("backupfilelocation", 0)); txtBackupFileSuffix->setText(cfg.readEntry("backupfilesuffix", "~")); QValidator *validator = new BackupSuffixValidator(txtBackupFileSuffix); txtBackupFileSuffix->setValidator(validator); intNumBackupFiles->setValue(cfg.readEntry("numberofbackupfiles", 1)); // // Miscellaneous // cmbStartupSession->addItem(i18n("Open default window")); cmbStartupSession->addItem(i18n("Load previous session")); cmbStartupSession->addItem(i18n("Show session manager")); cmbStartupSession->setCurrentIndex(cfg.sessionOnStartup()); chkSaveSessionOnQuit->setChecked(cfg.saveSessionOnQuit(false)); m_chkConvertOnImport->setChecked(cfg.convertToImageColorspaceOnImport()); m_undoStackSize->setValue(cfg.undoStackLimit()); m_favoritePresetsSpinBox->setValue(cfg.favoritePresets()); chkShowRootLayer->setChecked(cfg.showRootLayer()); KConfigGroup group = KSharedConfig::openConfig()->group("File Dialogs"); bool dontUseNative = true; #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX if (qgetenv("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP") == "KDE") { dontUseNative = false; } #endif #ifdef Q_OS_WIN dontUseNative = false; #endif m_chkNativeFileDialog->setChecked(!group.readEntry("DontUseNativeFileDialog", dontUseNative)); intMaxBrushSize->setValue(cfg.readEntry("maximumBrushSize", 1000)); } void GeneralTab::setDefault() { KisConfig cfg(true); m_cmbCursorShape->setCurrentIndex(cfg.newCursorStyle(true)); m_cmbOutlineShape->setCurrentIndex(cfg.newOutlineStyle(true)); chkShowRootLayer->setChecked(cfg.showRootLayer(true)); m_autosaveCheckBox->setChecked(cfg.autoSaveInterval(true) > 0); //convert to minutes m_autosaveSpinBox->setValue(cfg.autoSaveInterval(true) / 60); chkHideAutosaveFiles->setChecked(true); m_undoStackSize->setValue(cfg.undoStackLimit(true)); m_backupFileCheckBox->setChecked(cfg.backupFile(true)); cmbBackupFileLocation->setCurrentIndex(0); txtBackupFileSuffix->setText("~"); intNumBackupFiles->setValue(1); m_showOutlinePainting->setChecked(cfg.showOutlineWhilePainting(true)); m_changeBrushOutline->setChecked(!cfg.forceAlwaysFullSizedOutline(true)); m_chkNativeFileDialog->setChecked(false); intMaxBrushSize->setValue(1000); m_cmbMDIType->setCurrentIndex((int)QMdiArea::TabbedView); m_chkRubberBand->setChecked(cfg.useOpenGL(true)); m_favoritePresetsSpinBox->setValue(cfg.favoritePresets(true)); KoColor mdiColor; mdiColor.fromXML(cfg.getMDIBackgroundColor(true)); m_mdiColor->setColor(mdiColor); m_backgroundimage->setText(cfg.getMDIBackgroundImage(true)); m_chkCanvasMessages->setChecked(cfg.showCanvasMessages(true)); m_chkCompressKra->setChecked(cfg.compressKra(true)); chkZip64->setChecked(cfg.useZip64(true)); m_chkHiDPI->setChecked(false); m_chkSingleApplication->setChecked(true); m_chkHiDPI->setChecked(true); #ifdef HAVE_HIGH_DPI_SCALE_FACTOR_ROUNDING_POLICY m_chkHiDPIFractionalScaling->setChecked(true); #endif chkUsageLogging->setChecked(true); m_radioToolOptionsInDocker->setChecked(cfg.toolOptionsInDocker(true)); cmbFlowMode->setCurrentIndex(0); m_groupBoxKineticScrollingSettings->setChecked(cfg.kineticScrollingEnabled(true)); m_cmbKineticScrollingGesture->setCurrentIndex(cfg.kineticScrollingGesture(true)); m_kineticScrollingSensitivitySlider->setValue(cfg.kineticScrollingSensitivity(true)); m_chkKineticScrollingHideScrollbars->setChecked(cfg.kineticScrollingHiddenScrollbars(true)); m_chkSwitchSelectionCtrlAlt->setChecked(cfg.switchSelectionCtrlAlt(true)); chkEnableTouch->setChecked(!cfg.disableTouchOnCanvas(true)); chkEnableTouchRotation->setChecked(!cfg.disableTouchRotation(true)); chkEnableTranformToolAfterPaste->setChecked(cfg.activateTransformToolAfterPaste(true)); m_chkConvertOnImport->setChecked(cfg.convertToImageColorspaceOnImport(true)); KoColor cursorColor(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8()); cursorColor.fromQColor(cfg.getCursorMainColor(true)); cursorColorBtutton->setColor(cursorColor); } CursorStyle GeneralTab::cursorStyle() { return (CursorStyle)m_cmbCursorShape->currentIndex(); } OutlineStyle GeneralTab::outlineStyle() { return (OutlineStyle)m_cmbOutlineShape->currentIndex(); } KisConfig::SessionOnStartup GeneralTab::sessionOnStartup() const { return (KisConfig::SessionOnStartup)cmbStartupSession->currentIndex(); } bool GeneralTab::saveSessionOnQuit() const { return chkSaveSessionOnQuit->isChecked(); } bool GeneralTab::showRootLayer() { return chkShowRootLayer->isChecked(); } int GeneralTab::autoSaveInterval() { //convert to seconds return m_autosaveCheckBox->isChecked() ? m_autosaveSpinBox->value() * 60 : 0; } int GeneralTab::undoStackSize() { return m_undoStackSize->value(); } bool GeneralTab::showOutlineWhilePainting() { return m_showOutlinePainting->isChecked(); } int GeneralTab::mdiMode() { return m_cmbMDIType->currentIndex(); } int GeneralTab::favoritePresets() { return m_favoritePresetsSpinBox->value(); } bool GeneralTab::showCanvasMessages() { return m_chkCanvasMessages->isChecked(); } bool GeneralTab::compressKra() { return m_chkCompressKra->isChecked(); } bool GeneralTab::useZip64() { return chkZip64->isChecked(); } bool GeneralTab::toolOptionsInDocker() { return m_radioToolOptionsInDocker->isChecked(); } bool GeneralTab::kineticScrollingEnabled() { return m_groupBoxKineticScrollingSettings->isChecked(); } int GeneralTab::kineticScrollingGesture() { return m_cmbKineticScrollingGesture->currentIndex(); } int GeneralTab::kineticScrollingSensitivity() { return m_kineticScrollingSensitivitySlider->value(); } bool GeneralTab::kineticScrollingHiddenScrollbars() { return m_chkKineticScrollingHideScrollbars->isChecked(); } bool GeneralTab::switchSelectionCtrlAlt() { return m_chkSwitchSelectionCtrlAlt->isChecked(); } bool GeneralTab::convertToImageColorspaceOnImport() { return m_chkConvertOnImport->isChecked(); } void GeneralTab::getBackgroundImage() { KoFileDialog dialog(this, KoFileDialog::OpenFile, "BackgroundImages"); dialog.setCaption(i18n("Select a Background Image")); dialog.setDefaultDir(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::PicturesLocation)); dialog.setImageFilters(); QString fn = dialog.filename(); // dialog box was canceled or somehow no file was selected if (fn.isEmpty()) { return; } QImage image(fn); if (image.isNull()) { QMessageBox::warning(this, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("%1 is not a valid image file!", fn)); } else { m_backgroundimage->setText(fn); } } void GeneralTab::clearBackgroundImage() { // clearing the background image text will implicitly make the background color be used m_backgroundimage->setText(""); } #include "kactioncollection.h" #include "KisActionsSnapshot.h" ShortcutSettingsTab::ShortcutSettingsTab(QWidget *parent, const char *name) : QWidget(parent) { setObjectName(name); QGridLayout * l = new QGridLayout(this); l->setMargin(0); m_page = new WdgShortcutSettings(this); l->addWidget(m_page, 0, 0); m_snapshot.reset(new KisActionsSnapshot); KActionCollection *collection = KisPart::instance()->currentMainwindow()->actionCollection(); Q_FOREACH (QAction *action, collection->actions()) { m_snapshot->addAction(action->objectName(), action); } QMap sortedCollections = m_snapshot->actionCollections(); for (auto it = sortedCollections.constBegin(); it != sortedCollections.constEnd(); ++it) { m_page->addCollection(it.value(), it.key()); } } ShortcutSettingsTab::~ShortcutSettingsTab() { } void ShortcutSettingsTab::setDefault() { m_page->allDefault(); } void ShortcutSettingsTab::saveChanges() { m_page->save(); KisActionRegistry::instance()->settingsPageSaved(); } void ShortcutSettingsTab::cancelChanges() { m_page->undo(); } ColorSettingsTab::ColorSettingsTab(QWidget *parent, const char *name) : QWidget(parent) { setObjectName(name); // XXX: Make sure only profiles that fit the specified color model // are shown in the profile combos QGridLayout * l = new QGridLayout(this); l->setMargin(0); m_page = new WdgColorSettings(this); l->addWidget(m_page, 0, 0); KisConfig cfg(true); m_page->chkUseSystemMonitorProfile->setChecked(cfg.useSystemMonitorProfile()); connect(m_page->chkUseSystemMonitorProfile, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(toggleAllowMonitorProfileSelection(bool))); m_page->cmbWorkingColorSpace->setIDList(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->listKeys()); m_page->cmbWorkingColorSpace->setCurrent(cfg.workingColorSpace()); m_page->bnAddColorProfile->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("document-open")); m_page->bnAddColorProfile->setToolTip( i18n("Open Color Profile") ); connect(m_page->bnAddColorProfile, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(installProfile())); QFormLayout *monitorProfileGrid = new QFormLayout(m_page->monitorprofileholder); - for(int i = 0; i < QApplication::desktop()->screenCount(); ++i) { + for(int i = 0; i < QGuiApplication::screens().count(); ++i) { QLabel *lbl = new QLabel(i18nc("The number of the screen", "Screen %1:", i + 1)); m_monitorProfileLabels << lbl; KisSqueezedComboBox *cmb = new KisSqueezedComboBox(); cmb->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed); monitorProfileGrid->addRow(lbl, cmb); m_monitorProfileWidgets << cmb; } // disable if not Linux as KisColorManager is not yet implemented outside Linux #ifndef Q_OS_LINUX m_page->chkUseSystemMonitorProfile->setChecked(false); m_page->chkUseSystemMonitorProfile->setDisabled(true); m_page->chkUseSystemMonitorProfile->setHidden(true); #endif refillMonitorProfiles(KoID("RGBA")); - for(int i = 0; i < QApplication::desktop()->screenCount(); ++i) { + for(int i = 0; i < QApplication::screens().count(); ++i) { if (m_monitorProfileWidgets[i]->contains(cfg.monitorProfile(i))) { m_monitorProfileWidgets[i]->setCurrent(cfg.monitorProfile(i)); } } m_page->chkBlackpoint->setChecked(cfg.useBlackPointCompensation()); m_page->chkAllowLCMSOptimization->setChecked(cfg.allowLCMSOptimization()); m_page->chkForcePaletteColor->setChecked(cfg.forcePaletteColors()); KisImageConfig cfgImage(true); KisProofingConfigurationSP proofingConfig = cfgImage.defaultProofingconfiguration(); m_page->sldAdaptationState->setMaximum(20); m_page->sldAdaptationState->setMinimum(0); m_page->sldAdaptationState->setValue((int)proofingConfig->adaptationState*20); //probably this should become the screenprofile? KoColor ga(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8()); ga.fromKoColor(proofingConfig->warningColor); m_page->gamutAlarm->setColor(ga); const KoColorSpace *proofingSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(proofingConfig->proofingModel, proofingConfig->proofingDepth, proofingConfig->proofingProfile); if (proofingSpace) { m_page->proofingSpaceSelector->setCurrentColorSpace(proofingSpace); } m_page->cmbProofingIntent->setCurrentIndex((int)proofingConfig->intent); m_page->ckbProofBlackPoint->setChecked(proofingConfig->conversionFlags.testFlag(KoColorConversionTransformation::BlackpointCompensation)); m_pasteBehaviourGroup.addButton(m_page->radioPasteWeb, PASTE_ASSUME_WEB); m_pasteBehaviourGroup.addButton(m_page->radioPasteMonitor, PASTE_ASSUME_MONITOR); m_pasteBehaviourGroup.addButton(m_page->radioPasteAsk, PASTE_ASK); QAbstractButton *button = m_pasteBehaviourGroup.button(cfg.pasteBehaviour()); Q_ASSERT(button); if (button) { button->setChecked(true); } m_page->cmbMonitorIntent->setCurrentIndex(cfg.monitorRenderIntent()); toggleAllowMonitorProfileSelection(cfg.useSystemMonitorProfile()); } void ColorSettingsTab::installProfile() { KoFileDialog dialog(this, KoFileDialog::OpenFiles, "OpenDocumentICC"); dialog.setCaption(i18n("Install Color Profiles")); dialog.setDefaultDir(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::HomeLocation)); dialog.setMimeTypeFilters(QStringList() << "application/vnd.iccprofile", "application/vnd.iccprofile"); QStringList profileNames = dialog.filenames(); KoColorSpaceEngine *iccEngine = KoColorSpaceEngineRegistry::instance()->get("icc"); Q_ASSERT(iccEngine); QString saveLocation = KoResourcePaths::saveLocation("icc_profiles"); Q_FOREACH (const QString &profileName, profileNames) { if (!QFile::copy(profileName, saveLocation + QFileInfo(profileName).fileName())) { qWarning() << "Could not install profile!" << saveLocation + QFileInfo(profileName).fileName(); continue; } iccEngine->addProfile(saveLocation + QFileInfo(profileName).fileName()); } KisConfig cfg(true); refillMonitorProfiles(KoID("RGBA")); - for(int i = 0; i < QApplication::desktop()->screenCount(); ++i) { + for(int i = 0; i < QApplication::screens().count(); ++i) { if (m_monitorProfileWidgets[i]->contains(cfg.monitorProfile(i))) { m_monitorProfileWidgets[i]->setCurrent(cfg.monitorProfile(i)); } } } void ColorSettingsTab::toggleAllowMonitorProfileSelection(bool useSystemProfile) { KisConfig cfg(true); if (useSystemProfile) { QStringList devices = KisColorManager::instance()->devices(); - if (devices.size() == QApplication::desktop()->screenCount()) { - for(int i = 0; i < QApplication::desktop()->screenCount(); ++i) { + if (devices.size() == QApplication::screens().count()) { + for(int i = 0; i < QApplication::screens().count(); ++i) { m_monitorProfileWidgets[i]->clear(); QString monitorForScreen = cfg.monitorForScreen(i, devices[i]); Q_FOREACH (const QString &device, devices) { m_monitorProfileLabels[i]->setText(i18nc("The display/screen we got from Qt", "Screen %1:", i + 1)); m_monitorProfileWidgets[i]->addSqueezedItem(KisColorManager::instance()->deviceName(device), device); if (devices[i] == monitorForScreen) { m_monitorProfileWidgets[i]->setCurrentIndex(i); } } } } } else { refillMonitorProfiles(KoID("RGBA")); - for(int i = 0; i < QApplication::desktop()->screenCount(); ++i) { + for(int i = 0; i < QApplication::screens().count(); ++i) { if (m_monitorProfileWidgets[i]->contains(cfg.monitorProfile(i))) { m_monitorProfileWidgets[i]->setCurrent(cfg.monitorProfile(i)); } } } } void ColorSettingsTab::setDefault() { m_page->cmbWorkingColorSpace->setCurrent("RGBA"); refillMonitorProfiles(KoID("RGBA")); KisConfig cfg(true); KisImageConfig cfgImage(true); KisProofingConfigurationSP proofingConfig = cfgImage.defaultProofingconfiguration(); const KoColorSpace *proofingSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(proofingConfig->proofingModel,proofingConfig->proofingDepth,proofingConfig->proofingProfile); if (proofingSpace) { m_page->proofingSpaceSelector->setCurrentColorSpace(proofingSpace); } m_page->cmbProofingIntent->setCurrentIndex((int)proofingConfig->intent); m_page->ckbProofBlackPoint->setChecked(proofingConfig->conversionFlags.testFlag(KoColorConversionTransformation::BlackpointCompensation)); m_page->sldAdaptationState->setValue(0); //probably this should become the screenprofile? KoColor ga(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8()); ga.fromKoColor(proofingConfig->warningColor); m_page->gamutAlarm->setColor(ga); m_page->chkBlackpoint->setChecked(cfg.useBlackPointCompensation(true)); m_page->chkAllowLCMSOptimization->setChecked(cfg.allowLCMSOptimization(true)); m_page->chkForcePaletteColor->setChecked(cfg.forcePaletteColors(true)); m_page->cmbMonitorIntent->setCurrentIndex(cfg.monitorRenderIntent(true)); m_page->chkUseSystemMonitorProfile->setChecked(cfg.useSystemMonitorProfile(true)); QAbstractButton *button = m_pasteBehaviourGroup.button(cfg.pasteBehaviour(true)); Q_ASSERT(button); if (button) { button->setChecked(true); } } void ColorSettingsTab::refillMonitorProfiles(const KoID & colorSpaceId) { - for (int i = 0; i < QApplication::desktop()->screenCount(); ++i) { + for (int i = 0; i < QApplication::screens().count(); ++i) { m_monitorProfileWidgets[i]->clear(); } QMap profileList; Q_FOREACH(const KoColorProfile *profile, KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->profilesFor(colorSpaceId.id())) { profileList[profile->name()] = profile; } Q_FOREACH (const KoColorProfile *profile, profileList.values()) { //qDebug() << "Profile" << profile->name() << profile->isSuitableForDisplay() << csf->defaultProfile(); if (profile->isSuitableForDisplay()) { - for (int i = 0; i < QApplication::desktop()->screenCount(); ++i) { + for (int i = 0; i < QApplication::screens().count(); ++i) { m_monitorProfileWidgets[i]->addSqueezedItem(profile->name()); } } } - for (int i = 0; i < QApplication::desktop()->screenCount(); ++i) { + for (int i = 0; i < QApplication::screens().count(); ++i) { m_monitorProfileLabels[i]->setText(i18nc("The number of the screen", "Screen %1:", i + 1)); m_monitorProfileWidgets[i]->setCurrent(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->defaultProfileForColorSpace(colorSpaceId.id())); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TabletSettingsTab::setDefault() { KisCubicCurve curve; curve.fromString(DEFAULT_CURVE_STRING); m_page->pressureCurve->setCurve(curve); m_page->chkUseRightMiddleClickWorkaround->setChecked( KisConfig(true).useRightMiddleTabletButtonWorkaround(true)); #if defined Q_OS_WIN && (!defined USE_QT_TABLET_WINDOWS || defined QT_HAS_WINTAB_SWITCH) #ifdef USE_QT_TABLET_WINDOWS // ask Qt if WinInk is actually available const bool isWinInkAvailable = true; #else const bool isWinInkAvailable = KisTabletSupportWin8::isAvailable(); #endif if (isWinInkAvailable) { KisConfig cfg(true); m_page->radioWintab->setChecked(!cfg.useWin8PointerInput(true)); m_page->radioWin8PointerInput->setChecked(cfg.useWin8PointerInput(true)); } else { m_page->radioWintab->setChecked(true); m_page->radioWin8PointerInput->setChecked(false); } #else m_page->grpTabletApi->setVisible(false); #endif } TabletSettingsTab::TabletSettingsTab(QWidget* parent, const char* name): QWidget(parent) { setObjectName(name); QGridLayout * l = new QGridLayout(this); l->setMargin(0); m_page = new WdgTabletSettings(this); l->addWidget(m_page, 0, 0); KisConfig cfg(true); KisCubicCurve curve; curve.fromString( cfg.pressureTabletCurve() ); m_page->pressureCurve->setMaximumSize(QSize(QWIDGETSIZE_MAX, QWIDGETSIZE_MAX)); m_page->pressureCurve->setCurve(curve); m_page->chkUseRightMiddleClickWorkaround->setChecked( cfg.useRightMiddleTabletButtonWorkaround()); #if defined Q_OS_WIN && (!defined USE_QT_TABLET_WINDOWS || defined QT_HAS_WINTAB_SWITCH) #ifdef USE_QT_TABLET_WINDOWS // ask Qt if WinInk is actually available const bool isWinInkAvailable = true; #else const bool isWinInkAvailable = KisTabletSupportWin8::isAvailable(); #endif if (isWinInkAvailable) { m_page->radioWintab->setChecked(!cfg.useWin8PointerInput()); m_page->radioWin8PointerInput->setChecked(cfg.useWin8PointerInput()); } else { m_page->radioWintab->setChecked(true); m_page->radioWin8PointerInput->setChecked(false); m_page->grpTabletApi->setVisible(false); } #ifdef USE_QT_TABLET_WINDOWS connect(m_page->btnResolutionSettings, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotResolutionSettings())); connect(m_page->radioWintab, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), m_page->btnResolutionSettings, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); m_page->btnResolutionSettings->setEnabled(m_page->radioWintab->isChecked()); #else m_page->btnResolutionSettings->setVisible(false); #endif #else m_page->grpTabletApi->setVisible(false); #endif connect(m_page->btnTabletTest, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotTabletTest())); } void TabletSettingsTab::slotTabletTest() { TabletTestDialog tabletTestDialog(this); tabletTestDialog.exec(); } #if defined Q_OS_WIN && defined USE_QT_TABLET_WINDOWS #include "KisDlgCustomTabletResolution.h" #endif void TabletSettingsTab::slotResolutionSettings() { #if defined Q_OS_WIN && defined USE_QT_TABLET_WINDOWS KisDlgCustomTabletResolution dlg(this); dlg.exec(); #endif } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "kis_acyclic_signal_connector.h" int getTotalRAM() { return KisImageConfig(true).totalRAM(); } int PerformanceTab::realTilesRAM() { return intMemoryLimit->value() - intPoolLimit->value(); } PerformanceTab::PerformanceTab(QWidget *parent, const char *name) : WdgPerformanceSettings(parent, name) { KisImageConfig cfg(true); const double totalRAM = cfg.totalRAM(); lblTotalMemory->setText(KFormat().formatByteSize(totalRAM * 1024 * 1024, 0, KFormat::IECBinaryDialect, KFormat::UnitMegaByte)); sliderMemoryLimit->setSuffix(i18n(" %")); sliderMemoryLimit->setRange(1, 100, 2); sliderMemoryLimit->setSingleStep(0.01); sliderPoolLimit->setSuffix(i18n(" %")); sliderPoolLimit->setRange(0, 20, 2); sliderMemoryLimit->setSingleStep(0.01); sliderUndoLimit->setSuffix(i18n(" %")); sliderUndoLimit->setRange(0, 50, 2); sliderMemoryLimit->setSingleStep(0.01); intMemoryLimit->setMinimumWidth(80); intPoolLimit->setMinimumWidth(80); intUndoLimit->setMinimumWidth(80); SliderAndSpinBoxSync *sync1 = new SliderAndSpinBoxSync(sliderMemoryLimit, intMemoryLimit, getTotalRAM); sync1->slotParentValueChanged(); m_syncs << sync1; SliderAndSpinBoxSync *sync2 = new SliderAndSpinBoxSync(sliderPoolLimit, intPoolLimit, std::bind(&KisIntParseSpinBox::value, intMemoryLimit)); connect(intMemoryLimit, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), sync2, SLOT(slotParentValueChanged())); sync2->slotParentValueChanged(); m_syncs << sync2; SliderAndSpinBoxSync *sync3 = new SliderAndSpinBoxSync(sliderUndoLimit, intUndoLimit, std::bind(&PerformanceTab::realTilesRAM, this)); connect(intPoolLimit, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), sync3, SLOT(slotParentValueChanged())); sync3->slotParentValueChanged(); m_syncs << sync3; sliderSwapSize->setSuffix(i18n(" GiB")); sliderSwapSize->setRange(1, 64); intSwapSize->setRange(1, 64); KisAcyclicSignalConnector *swapSizeConnector = new KisAcyclicSignalConnector(this); swapSizeConnector->connectForwardInt(sliderSwapSize, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), intSwapSize, SLOT(setValue(int))); swapSizeConnector->connectBackwardInt(intSwapSize, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), sliderSwapSize, SLOT(setValue(int))); lblSwapFileLocation->setText(cfg.swapDir()); connect(bnSwapFile, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(selectSwapDir())); sliderThreadsLimit->setRange(1, QThread::idealThreadCount()); sliderFrameClonesLimit->setRange(1, QThread::idealThreadCount()); sliderFpsLimit->setRange(20, 300); sliderFpsLimit->setSuffix(i18n(" fps")); connect(sliderThreadsLimit, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(slotThreadsLimitChanged(int))); connect(sliderFrameClonesLimit, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(slotFrameClonesLimitChanged(int))); intCachedFramesSizeLimit->setRange(1, 10000); intCachedFramesSizeLimit->setSuffix(i18n(" px")); intCachedFramesSizeLimit->setSingleStep(1); intCachedFramesSizeLimit->setPageStep(1000); intRegionOfInterestMargin->setRange(1, 100); intRegionOfInterestMargin->setSuffix(i18n(" %")); intRegionOfInterestMargin->setSingleStep(1); intRegionOfInterestMargin->setPageStep(10); connect(chkCachedFramesSizeLimit, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), intCachedFramesSizeLimit, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(chkUseRegionOfInterest, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), intRegionOfInterestMargin, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); #ifndef Q_OS_WIN // AVX workaround is needed on Windows+GCC only chkDisableAVXOptimizations->setVisible(false); #endif load(false); } PerformanceTab::~PerformanceTab() { qDeleteAll(m_syncs); } void PerformanceTab::load(bool requestDefault) { KisImageConfig cfg(true); sliderMemoryLimit->setValue(cfg.memoryHardLimitPercent(requestDefault)); sliderPoolLimit->setValue(cfg.memoryPoolLimitPercent(requestDefault)); sliderUndoLimit->setValue(cfg.memorySoftLimitPercent(requestDefault)); chkPerformanceLogging->setChecked(cfg.enablePerfLog(requestDefault)); chkProgressReporting->setChecked(cfg.enableProgressReporting(requestDefault)); sliderSwapSize->setValue(cfg.maxSwapSize(requestDefault) / 1024); lblSwapFileLocation->setText(cfg.swapDir(requestDefault)); m_lastUsedThreadsLimit = cfg.maxNumberOfThreads(requestDefault); m_lastUsedClonesLimit = cfg.frameRenderingClones(requestDefault); sliderThreadsLimit->setValue(m_lastUsedThreadsLimit); sliderFrameClonesLimit->setValue(m_lastUsedClonesLimit); sliderFpsLimit->setValue(cfg.fpsLimit(requestDefault)); { KisConfig cfg2(true); chkOpenGLFramerateLogging->setChecked(cfg2.enableOpenGLFramerateLogging(requestDefault)); chkBrushSpeedLogging->setChecked(cfg2.enableBrushSpeedLogging(requestDefault)); chkDisableVectorOptimizations->setChecked(cfg2.enableAmdVectorizationWorkaround(requestDefault)); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN chkDisableAVXOptimizations->setChecked(cfg2.disableAVXOptimizations(requestDefault)); #endif chkBackgroundCacheGeneration->setChecked(cfg2.calculateAnimationCacheInBackground(requestDefault)); } if (cfg.useOnDiskAnimationCacheSwapping(requestDefault)) { optOnDisk->setChecked(true); } else { optInMemory->setChecked(true); } chkCachedFramesSizeLimit->setChecked(cfg.useAnimationCacheFrameSizeLimit(requestDefault)); intCachedFramesSizeLimit->setValue(cfg.animationCacheFrameSizeLimit(requestDefault)); intCachedFramesSizeLimit->setEnabled(chkCachedFramesSizeLimit->isChecked()); chkUseRegionOfInterest->setChecked(cfg.useAnimationCacheRegionOfInterest(requestDefault)); intRegionOfInterestMargin->setValue(cfg.animationCacheRegionOfInterestMargin(requestDefault) * 100.0); intRegionOfInterestMargin->setEnabled(chkUseRegionOfInterest->isChecked()); } void PerformanceTab::save() { KisImageConfig cfg(false); cfg.setMemoryHardLimitPercent(sliderMemoryLimit->value()); cfg.setMemorySoftLimitPercent(sliderUndoLimit->value()); cfg.setMemoryPoolLimitPercent(sliderPoolLimit->value()); cfg.setEnablePerfLog(chkPerformanceLogging->isChecked()); cfg.setEnableProgressReporting(chkProgressReporting->isChecked()); cfg.setMaxSwapSize(sliderSwapSize->value() * 1024); cfg.setSwapDir(lblSwapFileLocation->text()); cfg.setMaxNumberOfThreads(sliderThreadsLimit->value()); cfg.setFrameRenderingClones(sliderFrameClonesLimit->value()); cfg.setFpsLimit(sliderFpsLimit->value()); { KisConfig cfg2(true); cfg2.setEnableOpenGLFramerateLogging(chkOpenGLFramerateLogging->isChecked()); cfg2.setEnableBrushSpeedLogging(chkBrushSpeedLogging->isChecked()); cfg2.setEnableAmdVectorizationWorkaround(chkDisableVectorOptimizations->isChecked()); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN cfg2.setDisableAVXOptimizations(chkDisableAVXOptimizations->isChecked()); #endif cfg2.setCalculateAnimationCacheInBackground(chkBackgroundCacheGeneration->isChecked()); } cfg.setUseOnDiskAnimationCacheSwapping(optOnDisk->isChecked()); cfg.setUseAnimationCacheFrameSizeLimit(chkCachedFramesSizeLimit->isChecked()); cfg.setAnimationCacheFrameSizeLimit(intCachedFramesSizeLimit->value()); cfg.setUseAnimationCacheRegionOfInterest(chkUseRegionOfInterest->isChecked()); cfg.setAnimationCacheRegionOfInterestMargin(intRegionOfInterestMargin->value() / 100.0); } void PerformanceTab::selectSwapDir() { KisImageConfig cfg(true); QString swapDir = cfg.swapDir(); swapDir = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(0, i18nc("@title:window", "Select a swap directory"), swapDir); if (swapDir.isEmpty()) { return; } lblSwapFileLocation->setText(swapDir); } void PerformanceTab::slotThreadsLimitChanged(int value) { KisSignalsBlocker b(sliderFrameClonesLimit); sliderFrameClonesLimit->setValue(qMin(m_lastUsedClonesLimit, value)); m_lastUsedThreadsLimit = value; } void PerformanceTab::slotFrameClonesLimitChanged(int value) { KisSignalsBlocker b(sliderThreadsLimit); sliderThreadsLimit->setValue(qMax(m_lastUsedThreadsLimit, value)); m_lastUsedClonesLimit = value; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "KoColor.h" #include "opengl/KisOpenGLModeProber.h" #include "opengl/KisScreenInformationAdapter.h" #include #include QString colorSpaceString(KisSurfaceColorSpace cs, int depth) { const QString csString = #ifdef HAVE_HDR cs == KisSurfaceColorSpace::bt2020PQColorSpace ? "Rec. 2020 PQ" : cs == KisSurfaceColorSpace::scRGBColorSpace ? "Rec. 709 Linear" : #endif cs == KisSurfaceColorSpace::sRGBColorSpace ? "sRGB" : cs == KisSurfaceColorSpace::DefaultColorSpace ? "sRGB" : "Unknown Color Space"; return QString("%1 (%2 bit)").arg(csString).arg(depth); } int formatToIndex(KisConfig::RootSurfaceFormat fmt) { return fmt == KisConfig::BT2020_PQ ? 1 : fmt == KisConfig::BT709_G10 ? 2 : 0; } KisConfig::RootSurfaceFormat indexToFormat(int value) { return value == 1 ? KisConfig::BT2020_PQ : value == 2 ? KisConfig::BT709_G10 : KisConfig::BT709_G22; } DisplaySettingsTab::DisplaySettingsTab(QWidget *parent, const char *name) : WdgDisplaySettings(parent, name) { KisConfig cfg(true); const QString rendererOpenGLText = i18nc("canvas renderer", "OpenGL"); const QString rendererSoftwareText = i18nc("canvas renderer", "Software Renderer (very slow)"); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN const QString rendererOpenGLESText = i18nc("canvas renderer", "Direct3D 11 via ANGLE"); #else const QString rendererOpenGLESText = i18nc("canvas renderer", "OpenGL ES"); #endif const KisOpenGL::OpenGLRenderer renderer = KisOpenGL::getCurrentOpenGLRenderer(); lblCurrentRenderer->setText(renderer == KisOpenGL::RendererOpenGLES ? rendererOpenGLESText : renderer == KisOpenGL::RendererDesktopGL ? rendererOpenGLText : renderer == KisOpenGL::RendererSoftware ? rendererSoftwareText : i18nc("canvas renderer", "Unknown")); cmbPreferredRenderer->clear(); const KisOpenGL::OpenGLRenderers supportedRenderers = KisOpenGL::getSupportedOpenGLRenderers(); const bool onlyOneRendererSupported = supportedRenderers == KisOpenGL::RendererDesktopGL || supportedRenderers == KisOpenGL::RendererOpenGLES || supportedRenderers == KisOpenGL::RendererSoftware; if (!onlyOneRendererSupported) { QString qtPreferredRendererText; if (KisOpenGL::getQtPreferredOpenGLRenderer() == KisOpenGL::RendererOpenGLES) { qtPreferredRendererText = rendererOpenGLESText; } else if (KisOpenGL::getQtPreferredOpenGLRenderer() == KisOpenGL::RendererSoftware) { qtPreferredRendererText = rendererSoftwareText; } else { qtPreferredRendererText = rendererOpenGLText; } cmbPreferredRenderer->addItem(i18nc("canvas renderer", "Auto (%1)", qtPreferredRendererText), KisOpenGL::RendererAuto); cmbPreferredRenderer->setCurrentIndex(0); } else { cmbPreferredRenderer->setEnabled(false); } if (supportedRenderers & KisOpenGL::RendererDesktopGL) { cmbPreferredRenderer->addItem(rendererOpenGLText, KisOpenGL::RendererDesktopGL); if (KisOpenGL::getUserPreferredOpenGLRendererConfig() == KisOpenGL::RendererDesktopGL) { cmbPreferredRenderer->setCurrentIndex(cmbPreferredRenderer->count() - 1); } } #ifdef Q_OS_WIN if (supportedRenderers & KisOpenGL::RendererOpenGLES) { cmbPreferredRenderer->addItem(rendererOpenGLESText, KisOpenGL::RendererOpenGLES); if (KisOpenGL::getUserPreferredOpenGLRendererConfig() == KisOpenGL::RendererOpenGLES) { cmbPreferredRenderer->setCurrentIndex(cmbPreferredRenderer->count() - 1); } } if (supportedRenderers & KisOpenGL::RendererSoftware) { cmbPreferredRenderer->addItem(rendererSoftwareText, KisOpenGL::RendererSoftware); if (KisOpenGL::getUserPreferredOpenGLRendererConfig() == KisOpenGL::RendererSoftware) { cmbPreferredRenderer->setCurrentIndex(cmbPreferredRenderer->count() - 1); } } #endif if (!(supportedRenderers & (KisOpenGL::RendererDesktopGL | KisOpenGL::RendererOpenGLES | KisOpenGL::RendererSoftware))) { grpOpenGL->setEnabled(false); grpOpenGL->setChecked(false); chkUseTextureBuffer->setEnabled(false); chkDisableVsync->setEnabled(false); cmbFilterMode->setEnabled(false); } else { grpOpenGL->setEnabled(true); grpOpenGL->setChecked(cfg.useOpenGL()); chkUseTextureBuffer->setEnabled(cfg.useOpenGL()); chkUseTextureBuffer->setChecked(cfg.useOpenGLTextureBuffer()); chkDisableVsync->setVisible(cfg.showAdvancedOpenGLSettings()); chkDisableVsync->setEnabled(cfg.useOpenGL()); chkDisableVsync->setChecked(cfg.disableVSync()); cmbFilterMode->setEnabled(cfg.useOpenGL()); cmbFilterMode->setCurrentIndex(cfg.openGLFilteringMode()); // Don't show the high quality filtering mode if it's not available if (!KisOpenGL::supportsLoD()) { cmbFilterMode->removeItem(3); } } lblCurrentDisplayFormat->setText(""); lblCurrentRootSurfaceFormat->setText(""); lblHDRWarning->setText(""); cmbPreferedRootSurfaceFormat->addItem(colorSpaceString(KisSurfaceColorSpace::sRGBColorSpace, 8)); #ifdef HAVE_HDR cmbPreferedRootSurfaceFormat->addItem(colorSpaceString(KisSurfaceColorSpace::bt2020PQColorSpace, 10)); cmbPreferedRootSurfaceFormat->addItem(colorSpaceString(KisSurfaceColorSpace::scRGBColorSpace, 16)); #endif cmbPreferedRootSurfaceFormat->setCurrentIndex(formatToIndex(KisConfig::BT709_G22)); slotPreferredSurfaceFormatChanged(cmbPreferedRootSurfaceFormat->currentIndex()); QOpenGLContext *context = QOpenGLContext::currentContext(); if (!context) { context = QOpenGLContext::globalShareContext(); } if (context) { #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 10, 0) QScreen *screen = QGuiApplication::screenAt(rect().center()); #else QScreen *screen = 0; #endif KisScreenInformationAdapter adapter(context); if (screen && adapter.isValid()) { KisScreenInformationAdapter::ScreenInfo info = adapter.infoForScreen(screen); if (info.isValid()) { QStringList toolTip; toolTip << i18n("Display Id: %1", info.screen->name()); toolTip << i18n("Display Name: %1 %2", info.screen->manufacturer(), info.screen->model()); toolTip << i18n("Min Luminance: %1", info.minLuminance); toolTip << i18n("Max Luminance: %1", info.maxLuminance); toolTip << i18n("Max Full Frame Luminance: %1", info.maxFullFrameLuminance); toolTip << i18n("Red Primary: %1, %2", info.redPrimary[0], info.redPrimary[1]); toolTip << i18n("Green Primary: %1, %2", info.greenPrimary[0], info.greenPrimary[1]); toolTip << i18n("Blue Primary: %1, %2", info.bluePrimary[0], info.bluePrimary[1]); toolTip << i18n("White Point: %1, %2", info.whitePoint[0], info.whitePoint[1]); lblCurrentDisplayFormat->setToolTip(toolTip.join('\n')); lblCurrentDisplayFormat->setText(colorSpaceString(info.colorSpace, info.bitsPerColor)); } else { lblCurrentDisplayFormat->setToolTip(""); lblCurrentDisplayFormat->setText(i18n("Unknown")); } } else { lblCurrentDisplayFormat->setToolTip(""); lblCurrentDisplayFormat->setText(i18n("Unknown")); qWarning() << "Failed to fetch display info:" << adapter.errorString(); } const QSurfaceFormat currentFormat = KisOpenGLModeProber::instance()->surfaceformatInUse(); #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 10, 0) KisSurfaceColorSpace colorSpace = currentFormat.colorSpace(); #else KisSurfaceColorSpace colorSpace = KisSurfaceColorSpace::DefaultColorSpace; #endif lblCurrentRootSurfaceFormat->setText(colorSpaceString(colorSpace, currentFormat.redBufferSize())); cmbPreferedRootSurfaceFormat->setCurrentIndex(formatToIndex(cfg.rootSurfaceFormat())); connect(cmbPreferedRootSurfaceFormat, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), SLOT(slotPreferredSurfaceFormatChanged(int))); slotPreferredSurfaceFormatChanged(cmbPreferedRootSurfaceFormat->currentIndex()); } #ifndef HAVE_HDR grpHDRSettings->setVisible(false); #endif const QStringList openglWarnings = KisOpenGL::getOpenGLWarnings(); if (openglWarnings.isEmpty()) { lblOpenGLWarnings->setVisible(false); } else { QString text(" "); text.append(i18n("Warning(s):")); text.append("
    "); Q_FOREACH (const QString &warning, openglWarnings) { text.append("
  • "); text.append(warning.toHtmlEscaped()); text.append("
  • "); } text.append("
"); lblOpenGLWarnings->setText(text); lblOpenGLWarnings->setVisible(true); } if (qApp->applicationName() == "kritasketch" || qApp->applicationName() == "kritagemini") { grpOpenGL->setVisible(false); grpOpenGL->setMaximumHeight(0); } KisImageConfig imageCfg(false); KoColor c; c.fromQColor(imageCfg.selectionOverlayMaskColor()); c.setOpacity(1.0); btnSelectionOverlayColor->setColor(c); sldSelectionOverlayOpacity->setRange(0.0, 1.0, 2); sldSelectionOverlayOpacity->setSingleStep(0.05); sldSelectionOverlayOpacity->setValue(imageCfg.selectionOverlayMaskColor().alphaF()); intCheckSize->setValue(cfg.checkSize()); chkMoving->setChecked(cfg.scrollCheckers()); KoColor ck1(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8()); ck1.fromQColor(cfg.checkersColor1()); colorChecks1->setColor(ck1); KoColor ck2(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8()); ck2.fromQColor(cfg.checkersColor2()); colorChecks2->setColor(ck2); KoColor cb(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8()); cb.fromQColor(cfg.canvasBorderColor()); canvasBorder->setColor(cb); hideScrollbars->setChecked(cfg.hideScrollbars()); chkCurveAntialiasing->setChecked(cfg.antialiasCurves()); chkSelectionOutlineAntialiasing->setChecked(cfg.antialiasSelectionOutline()); chkChannelsAsColor->setChecked(cfg.showSingleChannelAsColor()); chkHidePopups->setChecked(cfg.hidePopups()); connect(grpOpenGL, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(slotUseOpenGLToggled(bool))); KoColor gridColor(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8()); gridColor.fromQColor(cfg.getPixelGridColor()); pixelGridColorButton->setColor(gridColor); pixelGridDrawingThresholdBox->setValue(cfg.getPixelGridDrawingThreshold() * 100); } void DisplaySettingsTab::setDefault() { KisConfig cfg(true); cmbPreferredRenderer->setCurrentIndex(0); if (!(KisOpenGL::getSupportedOpenGLRenderers() & (KisOpenGL::RendererDesktopGL | KisOpenGL::RendererOpenGLES))) { grpOpenGL->setEnabled(false); grpOpenGL->setChecked(false); chkUseTextureBuffer->setEnabled(false); chkDisableVsync->setEnabled(false); cmbFilterMode->setEnabled(false); } else { grpOpenGL->setEnabled(true); grpOpenGL->setChecked(cfg.useOpenGL(true)); chkUseTextureBuffer->setChecked(cfg.useOpenGLTextureBuffer(true)); chkUseTextureBuffer->setEnabled(true); chkDisableVsync->setEnabled(true); chkDisableVsync->setChecked(cfg.disableVSync(true)); cmbFilterMode->setEnabled(true); cmbFilterMode->setCurrentIndex(cfg.openGLFilteringMode(true)); } chkMoving->setChecked(cfg.scrollCheckers(true)); KisImageConfig imageCfg(false); KoColor c; c.fromQColor(imageCfg.selectionOverlayMaskColor(true)); c.setOpacity(1.0); btnSelectionOverlayColor->setColor(c); sldSelectionOverlayOpacity->setValue(imageCfg.selectionOverlayMaskColor(true).alphaF()); intCheckSize->setValue(cfg.checkSize(true)); KoColor ck1(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8()); ck1.fromQColor(cfg.checkersColor1(true)); colorChecks1->setColor(ck1); KoColor ck2(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8()); ck2.fromQColor(cfg.checkersColor2(true)); colorChecks2->setColor(ck2); KoColor cvb(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8()); cvb.fromQColor(cfg.canvasBorderColor(true)); canvasBorder->setColor(cvb); hideScrollbars->setChecked(cfg.hideScrollbars(true)); chkCurveAntialiasing->setChecked(cfg.antialiasCurves(true)); chkSelectionOutlineAntialiasing->setChecked(cfg.antialiasSelectionOutline(true)); chkChannelsAsColor->setChecked(cfg.showSingleChannelAsColor(true)); chkHidePopups->setChecked(cfg.hidePopups(true)); KoColor gridColor(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8()); gridColor.fromQColor(cfg.getPixelGridColor(true)); pixelGridColorButton->setColor(gridColor); pixelGridDrawingThresholdBox->setValue(cfg.getPixelGridDrawingThreshold(true) * 100); cmbPreferedRootSurfaceFormat->setCurrentIndex(formatToIndex(KisConfig::BT709_G22)); slotPreferredSurfaceFormatChanged(cmbPreferedRootSurfaceFormat->currentIndex()); } void DisplaySettingsTab::slotUseOpenGLToggled(bool isChecked) { chkUseTextureBuffer->setEnabled(isChecked); chkDisableVsync->setEnabled(isChecked); cmbFilterMode->setEnabled(isChecked); } void DisplaySettingsTab::slotPreferredSurfaceFormatChanged(int index) { Q_UNUSED(index); QOpenGLContext *context = QOpenGLContext::currentContext(); if (context) { #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 10, 0) QScreen *screen = QGuiApplication::screenAt(rect().center()); #else QScreen *screen = 0; #endif KisScreenInformationAdapter adapter(context); if (adapter.isValid()) { KisScreenInformationAdapter::ScreenInfo info = adapter.infoForScreen(screen); if (info.isValid()) { if (cmbPreferedRootSurfaceFormat->currentIndex() != formatToIndex(KisConfig::BT709_G22) && info.colorSpace == KisSurfaceColorSpace::sRGBColorSpace) { lblHDRWarning->setText(i18n("WARNING: current display doesn't support HDR rendering")); } else { lblHDRWarning->setText(""); } } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FullscreenSettingsTab::FullscreenSettingsTab(QWidget* parent) : WdgFullscreenSettingsBase(parent) { KisConfig cfg(true); chkDockers->setChecked(cfg.hideDockersFullscreen()); chkMenu->setChecked(cfg.hideMenuFullscreen()); chkScrollbars->setChecked(cfg.hideScrollbarsFullscreen()); chkStatusbar->setChecked(cfg.hideStatusbarFullscreen()); chkTitlebar->setChecked(cfg.hideTitlebarFullscreen()); chkToolbar->setChecked(cfg.hideToolbarFullscreen()); } void FullscreenSettingsTab::setDefault() { KisConfig cfg(true); chkDockers->setChecked(cfg.hideDockersFullscreen(true)); chkMenu->setChecked(cfg.hideMenuFullscreen(true)); chkScrollbars->setChecked(cfg.hideScrollbarsFullscreen(true)); chkStatusbar->setChecked(cfg.hideStatusbarFullscreen(true)); chkTitlebar->setChecked(cfg.hideTitlebarFullscreen(true)); chkToolbar->setChecked(cfg.hideToolbarFullscreen(true)); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KisDlgPreferences::KisDlgPreferences(QWidget* parent, const char* name) : KPageDialog(parent) { Q_UNUSED(name); setWindowTitle(i18n("Configure Krita")); setStandardButtons(QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel | QDialogButtonBox::RestoreDefaults); setFaceType(KPageDialog::List); // General KoVBox *vbox = new KoVBox(); KPageWidgetItem *page = new KPageWidgetItem(vbox, i18n("General")); page->setObjectName("general"); page->setHeader(i18n("General")); page->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("go-home")); m_pages << page; addPage(page); m_general = new GeneralTab(vbox); // Shortcuts vbox = new KoVBox(); page = new KPageWidgetItem(vbox, i18n("Keyboard Shortcuts")); page->setObjectName("shortcuts"); page->setHeader(i18n("Shortcuts")); page->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("document-export")); m_pages << page; addPage(page); m_shortcutSettings = new ShortcutSettingsTab(vbox); connect(this, SIGNAL(accepted()), m_shortcutSettings, SLOT(saveChanges())); connect(this, SIGNAL(rejected()), m_shortcutSettings, SLOT(cancelChanges())); // Canvas input settings m_inputConfiguration = new KisInputConfigurationPage(); page = addPage(m_inputConfiguration, i18n("Canvas Input Settings")); page->setHeader(i18n("Canvas Input")); page->setObjectName("canvasinput"); page->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("configure")); m_pages << page; // Display vbox = new KoVBox(); page = new KPageWidgetItem(vbox, i18n("Display")); page->setObjectName("display"); page->setHeader(i18n("Display")); page->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("preferences-desktop-display")); m_pages << page; addPage(page); m_displaySettings = new DisplaySettingsTab(vbox); // Color vbox = new KoVBox(); page = new KPageWidgetItem(vbox, i18n("Color Management")); page->setObjectName("colormanagement"); page->setHeader(i18n("Color")); page->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("preferences-desktop-color")); m_pages << page; addPage(page); m_colorSettings = new ColorSettingsTab(vbox); // Performance vbox = new KoVBox(); page = new KPageWidgetItem(vbox, i18n("Performance")); page->setObjectName("performance"); page->setHeader(i18n("Performance")); page->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("applications-system")); m_pages << page; addPage(page); m_performanceSettings = new PerformanceTab(vbox); // Tablet vbox = new KoVBox(); page = new KPageWidgetItem(vbox, i18n("Tablet settings")); page->setObjectName("tablet"); page->setHeader(i18n("Tablet")); page->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("document-edit")); m_pages << page; addPage(page); m_tabletSettings = new TabletSettingsTab(vbox); // full-screen mode vbox = new KoVBox(); page = new KPageWidgetItem(vbox, i18n("Canvas-only settings")); page->setObjectName("canvasonly"); page->setHeader(i18n("Canvas-only")); page->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("folder-pictures")); m_pages << page; addPage(page); m_fullscreenSettings = new FullscreenSettingsTab(vbox); // Author profiles m_authorPage = new KoConfigAuthorPage(); page = addPage(m_authorPage, i18nc("@title:tab Author page", "Author" )); page->setObjectName("author"); page->setHeader(i18n("Author")); page->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("im-user")); m_pages << page; QPushButton *restoreDefaultsButton = button(QDialogButtonBox::RestoreDefaults); restoreDefaultsButton->setText(i18nc("@action:button", "Restore Defaults")); connect(this, SIGNAL(accepted()), m_inputConfiguration, SLOT(saveChanges())); connect(this, SIGNAL(rejected()), m_inputConfiguration, SLOT(revertChanges())); KisPreferenceSetRegistry *preferenceSetRegistry = KisPreferenceSetRegistry::instance(); QStringList keys = preferenceSetRegistry->keys(); keys.sort(); Q_FOREACH(const QString &key, keys) { KisAbstractPreferenceSetFactory *preferenceSetFactory = preferenceSetRegistry->value(key); KisPreferenceSet* preferenceSet = preferenceSetFactory->createPreferenceSet(); vbox = new KoVBox(); page = new KPageWidgetItem(vbox, preferenceSet->name()); page->setHeader(preferenceSet->header()); page->setIcon(preferenceSet->icon()); addPage(page); preferenceSet->setParent(vbox); preferenceSet->loadPreferences(); connect(restoreDefaultsButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), preferenceSet, SLOT(loadDefaultPreferences()), Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(this, SIGNAL(accepted()), preferenceSet, SLOT(savePreferences()), Qt::UniqueConnection); } connect(restoreDefaultsButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(slotDefault())); KisConfig cfg(true); QString currentPageName = cfg.readEntry("KisDlgPreferences/CurrentPage"); Q_FOREACH(KPageWidgetItem *page, m_pages) { if (page->objectName() == currentPageName) { setCurrentPage(page); break; } } } KisDlgPreferences::~KisDlgPreferences() { KisConfig cfg(true); cfg.writeEntry("KisDlgPreferences/CurrentPage", currentPage()->objectName()); } void KisDlgPreferences::showEvent(QShowEvent *event){ KPageDialog::showEvent(event); button(QDialogButtonBox::Cancel)->setAutoDefault(false); button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setAutoDefault(false); button(QDialogButtonBox::RestoreDefaults)->setAutoDefault(false); button(QDialogButtonBox::Cancel)->setDefault(false); button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setDefault(false); button(QDialogButtonBox::RestoreDefaults)->setDefault(false); } void KisDlgPreferences::slotDefault() { if (currentPage()->objectName() == "general") { m_general->setDefault(); } else if (currentPage()->objectName() == "shortcuts") { m_shortcutSettings->setDefault(); } else if (currentPage()->objectName() == "display") { m_displaySettings->setDefault(); } else if (currentPage()->objectName() == "colormanagement") { m_colorSettings->setDefault(); } else if (currentPage()->objectName() == "performance") { m_performanceSettings->load(true); } else if (currentPage()->objectName() == "tablet") { m_tabletSettings->setDefault(); } else if (currentPage()->objectName() == "canvasonly") { m_fullscreenSettings->setDefault(); } else if (currentPage()->objectName() == "canvasinput") { m_inputConfiguration->setDefaults(); } } bool KisDlgPreferences::editPreferences() { KisDlgPreferences* dialog; dialog = new KisDlgPreferences(); bool baccept = (dialog->exec() == Accepted); if (baccept) { // General settings KisConfig cfg(false); cfg.setNewCursorStyle(dialog->m_general->cursorStyle()); cfg.setNewOutlineStyle(dialog->m_general->outlineStyle()); cfg.setShowRootLayer(dialog->m_general->showRootLayer()); cfg.setShowOutlineWhilePainting(dialog->m_general->showOutlineWhilePainting()); cfg.setForceAlwaysFullSizedOutline(!dialog->m_general->m_changeBrushOutline->isChecked()); cfg.setSessionOnStartup(dialog->m_general->sessionOnStartup()); cfg.setSaveSessionOnQuit(dialog->m_general->saveSessionOnQuit()); KConfigGroup group = KSharedConfig::openConfig()->group("File Dialogs"); group.writeEntry("DontUseNativeFileDialog", !dialog->m_general->m_chkNativeFileDialog->isChecked()); cfg.writeEntry("maximumBrushSize", dialog->m_general->intMaxBrushSize->value()); cfg.writeEntry("mdi_viewmode", dialog->m_general->mdiMode()); cfg.setMDIBackgroundColor(dialog->m_general->m_mdiColor->color().toXML()); cfg.setMDIBackgroundImage(dialog->m_general->m_backgroundimage->text()); cfg.setAutoSaveInterval(dialog->m_general->autoSaveInterval()); cfg.writeEntry("autosavefileshidden", dialog->m_general->chkHideAutosaveFiles->isChecked()); cfg.setBackupFile(dialog->m_general->m_backupFileCheckBox->isChecked()); cfg.writeEntry("backupfilelocation", dialog->m_general->cmbBackupFileLocation->currentIndex()); cfg.writeEntry("backupfilesuffix", dialog->m_general->txtBackupFileSuffix->text()); cfg.writeEntry("numberofbackupfiles", dialog->m_general->intNumBackupFiles->value()); cfg.setShowCanvasMessages(dialog->m_general->showCanvasMessages()); cfg.setCompressKra(dialog->m_general->compressKra()); cfg.setUseZip64(dialog->m_general->useZip64()); const QString configPath = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::GenericConfigLocation); QSettings kritarc(configPath + QStringLiteral("/kritadisplayrc"), QSettings::IniFormat); kritarc.setValue("EnableHiDPI", dialog->m_general->m_chkHiDPI->isChecked()); #ifdef HAVE_HIGH_DPI_SCALE_FACTOR_ROUNDING_POLICY kritarc.setValue("EnableHiDPIFractionalScaling", dialog->m_general->m_chkHiDPIFractionalScaling->isChecked()); #endif kritarc.setValue("EnableSingleApplication", dialog->m_general->m_chkSingleApplication->isChecked()); kritarc.setValue("LogUsage", dialog->m_general->chkUsageLogging->isChecked()); cfg.setToolOptionsInDocker(dialog->m_general->toolOptionsInDocker()); cfg.writeEntry("useCreamyAlphaDarken", (bool)!dialog->m_general->cmbFlowMode->currentIndex()); cfg.setKineticScrollingEnabled(dialog->m_general->kineticScrollingEnabled()); cfg.setKineticScrollingGesture(dialog->m_general->kineticScrollingGesture()); cfg.setKineticScrollingSensitivity(dialog->m_general->kineticScrollingSensitivity()); cfg.setKineticScrollingHideScrollbars(dialog->m_general->kineticScrollingHiddenScrollbars()); cfg.setSwitchSelectionCtrlAlt(dialog->m_general->switchSelectionCtrlAlt()); cfg.setDisableTouchOnCanvas(!dialog->m_general->chkEnableTouch->isChecked()); cfg.setDisableTouchRotation(!dialog->m_general->chkEnableTouchRotation->isChecked()); cfg.setActivateTransformToolAfterPaste(dialog->m_general->chkEnableTranformToolAfterPaste->isChecked()); cfg.setConvertToImageColorspaceOnImport(dialog->m_general->convertToImageColorspaceOnImport()); cfg.setUndoStackLimit(dialog->m_general->undoStackSize()); cfg.setFavoritePresets(dialog->m_general->favoritePresets()); // Color settings cfg.setUseSystemMonitorProfile(dialog->m_colorSettings->m_page->chkUseSystemMonitorProfile->isChecked()); - for (int i = 0; i < QApplication::desktop()->screenCount(); ++i) { + for (int i = 0; i < QApplication::screens().count(); ++i) { if (dialog->m_colorSettings->m_page->chkUseSystemMonitorProfile->isChecked()) { int currentIndex = dialog->m_colorSettings->m_monitorProfileWidgets[i]->currentIndex(); QString monitorid = dialog->m_colorSettings->m_monitorProfileWidgets[i]->itemData(currentIndex).toString(); cfg.setMonitorForScreen(i, monitorid); } else { cfg.setMonitorProfile(i, dialog->m_colorSettings->m_monitorProfileWidgets[i]->currentUnsqueezedText(), dialog->m_colorSettings->m_page->chkUseSystemMonitorProfile->isChecked()); } } cfg.setWorkingColorSpace(dialog->m_colorSettings->m_page->cmbWorkingColorSpace->currentItem().id()); KisImageConfig cfgImage(false); cfgImage.setDefaultProofingConfig(dialog->m_colorSettings->m_page->proofingSpaceSelector->currentColorSpace(), dialog->m_colorSettings->m_page->cmbProofingIntent->currentIndex(), dialog->m_colorSettings->m_page->ckbProofBlackPoint->isChecked(), dialog->m_colorSettings->m_page->gamutAlarm->color(), (double)dialog->m_colorSettings->m_page->sldAdaptationState->value()/20); cfg.setUseBlackPointCompensation(dialog->m_colorSettings->m_page->chkBlackpoint->isChecked()); cfg.setAllowLCMSOptimization(dialog->m_colorSettings->m_page->chkAllowLCMSOptimization->isChecked()); cfg.setForcePaletteColors(dialog->m_colorSettings->m_page->chkForcePaletteColor->isChecked()); cfg.setPasteBehaviour(dialog->m_colorSettings->m_pasteBehaviourGroup.checkedId()); cfg.setRenderIntent(dialog->m_colorSettings->m_page->cmbMonitorIntent->currentIndex()); // Tablet settings cfg.setPressureTabletCurve( dialog->m_tabletSettings->m_page->pressureCurve->curve().toString() ); cfg.setUseRightMiddleTabletButtonWorkaround( dialog->m_tabletSettings->m_page->chkUseRightMiddleClickWorkaround->isChecked()); #if defined Q_OS_WIN && (!defined USE_QT_TABLET_WINDOWS || defined QT_HAS_WINTAB_SWITCH) #ifdef USE_QT_TABLET_WINDOWS // ask Qt if WinInk is actually available const bool isWinInkAvailable = true; #else const bool isWinInkAvailable = KisTabletSupportWin8::isAvailable(); #endif if (isWinInkAvailable) { cfg.setUseWin8PointerInput(dialog->m_tabletSettings->m_page->radioWin8PointerInput->isChecked()); } #endif dialog->m_performanceSettings->save(); if (!cfg.useOpenGL() && dialog->m_displaySettings->grpOpenGL->isChecked()) cfg.setCanvasState("TRY_OPENGL"); if (dialog->m_displaySettings->grpOpenGL->isChecked()) { KisOpenGL::OpenGLRenderer renderer = static_cast( dialog->m_displaySettings->cmbPreferredRenderer->itemData( dialog->m_displaySettings->cmbPreferredRenderer->currentIndex()).toInt()); KisOpenGL::setUserPreferredOpenGLRendererConfig(renderer); } else { KisOpenGL::setUserPreferredOpenGLRendererConfig(KisOpenGL::RendererNone); } cfg.setUseOpenGLTextureBuffer(dialog->m_displaySettings->chkUseTextureBuffer->isChecked()); cfg.setOpenGLFilteringMode(dialog->m_displaySettings->cmbFilterMode->currentIndex()); cfg.setDisableVSync(dialog->m_displaySettings->chkDisableVsync->isChecked()); cfg.setRootSurfaceFormat(&kritarc, indexToFormat(dialog->m_displaySettings->cmbPreferedRootSurfaceFormat->currentIndex())); cfg.setCheckSize(dialog->m_displaySettings->intCheckSize->value()); cfg.setScrollingCheckers(dialog->m_displaySettings->chkMoving->isChecked()); cfg.setCheckersColor1(dialog->m_displaySettings->colorChecks1->color().toQColor()); cfg.setCheckersColor2(dialog->m_displaySettings->colorChecks2->color().toQColor()); cfg.setCanvasBorderColor(dialog->m_displaySettings->canvasBorder->color().toQColor()); cfg.setHideScrollbars(dialog->m_displaySettings->hideScrollbars->isChecked()); KoColor c = dialog->m_displaySettings->btnSelectionOverlayColor->color(); c.setOpacity(dialog->m_displaySettings->sldSelectionOverlayOpacity->value()); cfgImage.setSelectionOverlayMaskColor(c.toQColor()); cfg.setAntialiasCurves(dialog->m_displaySettings->chkCurveAntialiasing->isChecked()); cfg.setAntialiasSelectionOutline(dialog->m_displaySettings->chkSelectionOutlineAntialiasing->isChecked()); cfg.setShowSingleChannelAsColor(dialog->m_displaySettings->chkChannelsAsColor->isChecked()); cfg.setHidePopups(dialog->m_displaySettings->chkHidePopups->isChecked()); cfg.setHideDockersFullscreen(dialog->m_fullscreenSettings->chkDockers->checkState()); cfg.setHideMenuFullscreen(dialog->m_fullscreenSettings->chkMenu->checkState()); cfg.setHideScrollbarsFullscreen(dialog->m_fullscreenSettings->chkScrollbars->checkState()); cfg.setHideStatusbarFullscreen(dialog->m_fullscreenSettings->chkStatusbar->checkState()); cfg.setHideTitlebarFullscreen(dialog->m_fullscreenSettings->chkTitlebar->checkState()); cfg.setHideToolbarFullscreen(dialog->m_fullscreenSettings->chkToolbar->checkState()); cfg.setCursorMainColor(dialog->m_general->cursorColorBtutton->color().toQColor()); cfg.setPixelGridColor(dialog->m_displaySettings->pixelGridColorButton->color().toQColor()); cfg.setPixelGridDrawingThreshold(dialog->m_displaySettings->pixelGridDrawingThresholdBox->value() / 100); dialog->m_authorPage->apply(); } delete dialog; return baccept; } diff --git a/libs/ui/dialogs/kis_dlg_stroke_selection_properties.cpp b/libs/ui/dialogs/kis_dlg_stroke_selection_properties.cpp index 289ab3d268..9a830700ab 100644 --- a/libs/ui/dialogs/kis_dlg_stroke_selection_properties.cpp +++ b/libs/ui/dialogs/kis_dlg_stroke_selection_properties.cpp @@ -1,395 +1,395 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2016 Kapustin Alexey * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_dlg_stroke_selection_properties.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "KoColorProfile.h" #include "KoColorSpaceRegistry.h" #include "KoColor.h" #include "KoColorConversionTransformation.h" #include "KoColorPopupAction.h" #include "kis_icon_utils.h" #include "KoID.h" #include "kis_image.h" #include "kis_annotation.h" #include "kis_config.h" #include "kis_signal_compressor.h" #include "widgets/kis_cmb_idlist.h" #include #include "kis_layer_utils.h" #include #include "kis_canvas_resource_provider.h" #include "KoUnit.h" #include "kis_display_color_converter.h" KisDlgStrokeSelection::KisDlgStrokeSelection(KisImageWSP image, KisViewManager *view, bool isVectorLayer) : KoDialog(view->mainWindow()) { m_resourceManager = view->mainWindow()->resourceManager(); converter = view->canvasBase()->displayColorConverter(); setButtons(Ok | Cancel); setDefaultButton(Ok); setCaption(i18nc("@title:window", "Stroke Selection Properties")); m_page = new WdgStrokeSelection(this); m_image = image; setMainWidget(m_page); resize(m_page->sizeHint()); KisPropertiesConfigurationSP cfg = KisConfig(true).exportConfiguration("StrokeSelection"); auto &m_options = m_page->m_options; m_options.color = cfg->getColor("color"); m_options.lineColorSource = cfg->getInt("lineColorSource"); m_page->lineColorBox->setCurrentIndex(m_options.lineColorSource); m_page->colorSelector->setColor(getSelectedColor().toQColor()); m_options.brushSelected = cfg->getBool("useBrush", 0); m_page->typeBox->setCurrentIndex(m_options.brushSelected? 0 : 1); m_options._colorFillSource = cfg->getInt("colorFillSource", 0); m_page->fillBox->setCurrentIndex(m_options._colorFillSource); m_options.customColor = cfg->getColor("customColor"); if (m_options._colorFillSource == static_cast(colorFillSource::CustomColor)) { m_page->colorFillSelector->setColor(m_options.customColor.toQColor()); } else { m_page->colorFillSelector->setColor(getFillSelectedColor().toQColor()); } m_options.fillColor = cfg->getColor("fillColor"); if (m_options._colorFillSource == static_cast(colorFillSource::None)) { m_page->colorFillSelector->setDisabled(true); } else { m_page->colorFillSelector->setDisabled(false); } m_options.lineSize = cfg->getInt("lineSize", 1); m_page->lineSize->setValue(m_options.lineSize); if (m_options.brushSelected) { m_page->lineSize->setDisabled(true); m_page->fillBox->setDisabled(true); m_page->colorFillSelector->setDisabled(true); m_page->sizeBox->setDisabled(true); } m_options.lineDimension = cfg->getInt("lineDimension", 0); m_page->sizeBox->setCurrentIndex(m_options.lineDimension); connect(m_page, SIGNAL(colorSelectorChanged()), SLOT(setColorButton())); connect(m_page, SIGNAL(colorFillSelectorChanged()), SLOT(setColorFillButton())); connect(m_page->colorFillSelector, SIGNAL(changed(QColor)), SLOT(colorFillChanged(QColor))); connect(m_page->colorSelector, SIGNAL(changed(QColor)), SLOT(colorChanged(QColor))); if (isVectorLayer) { lockVectorLayerFunctions(); } } KisDlgStrokeSelection::~KisDlgStrokeSelection() { auto &m_options = m_page->m_options; m_options.lineSize = m_page->lineSize->value(); m_options.lineDimension = m_page->sizeBox->currentIndex(); m_options.lineColorSource = m_page->lineColorBox->currentIndex(); KisPropertiesConfigurationSP cfg(new KisPropertiesConfiguration()); cfg->setProperty("lineSize", m_options.lineSize); cfg->setProperty("colorFillSource", m_options._colorFillSource); cfg->setProperty("useBrush", m_options.brushSelected); cfg->setProperty("lineDimension", m_options.lineDimension); cfg->setProperty("lineColorSource", m_options.lineColorSource); QVariant colorVariant("KoColor"); colorVariant.setValue(m_options.customColor); cfg->setProperty("customColor", colorVariant); QVariant _colorVariant("KoColor"); _colorVariant.setValue(m_options.color); cfg->setProperty("color", _colorVariant); QVariant _cVariant("KoColor"); _cVariant.setValue(m_options.fillColor); cfg->setProperty("fillColor", _cVariant); KisConfig(false).setExportConfiguration("StrokeSelection", cfg); delete m_page; } KoColor KisDlgStrokeSelection::getSelectedColor() const { KoColor color; QString currentSource = m_page->lineColorBox->currentText(); if (currentSource == "Foreground color") { color = m_resourceManager->resource(KoCanvasResourceProvider::ForegroundColor).value(); } else if (currentSource == "Background color") { color = m_resourceManager->resource(KoCanvasResourceProvider::BackgroundColor).value(); } else { color = m_page->m_options.color; } return color; } KoColor KisDlgStrokeSelection::getFillSelectedColor() const { KoColor color; colorFillSource currentSource = static_cast(m_page->fillBox->currentIndex()); if (currentSource == colorFillSource::FGColor) { color = m_resourceManager->resource(KoCanvasResourceProvider::ForegroundColor).value(); } else if (currentSource == colorFillSource::BGColor) { color = m_resourceManager->resource(KoCanvasResourceProvider::BackgroundColor).value(); } else if (currentSource == colorFillSource::PaintColor) { color = converter->approximateFromRenderedQColor(m_page->colorSelector->color()); } else { color = m_page->m_options.customColor; } return color; } bool KisDlgStrokeSelection::isBrushSelected() const { int index = m_page->typeBox->currentIndex(); drawType type = static_cast(index); if (type == drawType::brushDraw){ return true; } else { return false; } } StrokeSelectionOptions KisDlgStrokeSelection::getParams() const { StrokeSelectionOptions params; params.lineSize = getLineSize(); params.color = getSelectedColor(); params.brushSelected = isBrushSelected(); params.fillColor = getFillSelectedColor(); params._colorFillSource = m_page->m_options._colorFillSource; return params; } void KisDlgStrokeSelection::lockVectorLayerFunctions() { m_page->colorFillSelector->setEnabled(false); m_page->lineSize->setEnabled(false); m_page->sizeBox->setEnabled(false); m_page->fillBox->setEnabled(false); m_page->typeBox->setEnabled(false); } void KisDlgStrokeSelection::unlockVectorLayerFunctions() { m_page->colorFillSelector->setEnabled(true); m_page->lineSize->setEnabled(true); m_page->sizeBox->setEnabled(true); m_page->fillBox->setEnabled(true); m_page->typeBox->setEnabled(true); } void KisDlgStrokeSelection::setColorFillButton() { m_page->colorFillSelector->setColor(getFillSelectedColor().toQColor()); } void KisDlgStrokeSelection::setColorButton() { m_page->colorSelector->setColor(getSelectedColor().toQColor()); } int KisDlgStrokeSelection::getLineSize() const { int value = m_page->lineSize->value(); if (m_page->sizeBox->currentText() == i18n("px")) { return value; } else if (m_page->sizeBox->currentText() == i18n("mm")) { int pixels = static_cast(KoUnit::convertFromUnitToUnit(value,KoUnit(KoUnit::Millimeter), KoUnit(KoUnit::Pixel))); return pixels; } else { int pixels = static_cast(KoUnit::convertFromUnitToUnit(value, KoUnit(KoUnit::Inch), KoUnit(KoUnit::Pixel))); return pixels; } } linePosition KisDlgStrokeSelection::getLinePosition() const {/* TODO int index = m_page->linePosition->currentIndex(); switch(index) { case(0): return linePosition::OUTSIDE; case(1): return linePosition::INSIDE; case(2): return linePosition::CENTER; default: return linePosition::CENTER; }*/ return linePosition::CENTER; } void KisDlgStrokeSelection::colorChanged(const QColor &newColor) { if (m_page->fillBox->currentText() == "Paint color") { m_page->colorFillSelector->setColor(newColor); } QColor BGColor = m_resourceManager->resource(KoCanvasResourceProvider::BackgroundColor).value().toQColor(); QColor FGColor = m_resourceManager->resource(KoCanvasResourceProvider::ForegroundColor).value().toQColor(); KoColor tempColor= converter->approximateFromRenderedQColor(newColor); if (!(newColor == BGColor) && !(newColor == FGColor)) { m_page->m_options.color = tempColor; m_page->lineColorBox->setCurrentIndex(2); //custom color } } void KisDlgStrokeSelection::colorFillChanged(const QColor &newColor) { QColor PaintColor = m_page->colorSelector->color(); QColor BGcolor = m_resourceManager->resource(KoCanvasResourceProvider::BackgroundColor).value().toQColor(); QColor FGColor = m_resourceManager->resource(KoCanvasResourceProvider::ForegroundColor).value().toQColor(); KoColor tempColor= converter->approximateFromRenderedQColor(newColor); if (!(newColor == FGColor) && !(newColor == BGcolor) && !(newColor == PaintColor)) { m_page->m_options.customColor = tempColor; m_page->fillBox->setCurrentIndex(static_cast(colorFillSource::CustomColor)); } m_page->m_options.fillColor = tempColor; } WdgStrokeSelection::WdgStrokeSelection(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { setupUi(this); } void WdgStrokeSelection::on_fillBox_currentIndexChanged(int index) { if (index == static_cast(colorFillSource::None)) { colorFillSelector->setDisabled(true); } else { colorFillSelector->setDisabled(false); emit colorFillSelectorChanged(); } m_options._colorFillSource = index; } void WdgStrokeSelection::on_typeBox_currentIndexChanged(const QString &arg1) { if (arg1 == "Current Brush") { m_options.brushSelected = true; lineSize->setDisabled(true); fillBox->setDisabled(true); colorFillSelector->setDisabled(true); sizeBox->setDisabled(true); } else { m_options.brushSelected = false; lineSize->setDisabled(false); fillBox->setDisabled(false); colorFillSelector->setDisabled(false); sizeBox->setDisabled(false); } } void WdgStrokeSelection::on_lineColorBox_currentIndexChanged(const QString &/*arg1*/) { emit colorSelectorChanged(); } StrokeSelectionOptions ::StrokeSelectionOptions(): lineSize(1), brushSelected(false), _colorFillSource(0), lineColorSource(0), lineDimension(0) { color.fromQColor(Qt::black); fillColor.fromQColor(Qt::black); customColor.fromQColor(Qt::black); } KisToolShapeUtils::FillStyle StrokeSelectionOptions::fillStyle() const { using namespace KisToolShapeUtils; colorFillSource tempColor = static_cast(_colorFillSource); - FillStyle style; + FillStyle style = FillStyleNone; switch (tempColor) { case colorFillSource::PaintColor: style = FillStyleForegroundColor; break; case colorFillSource::BGColor: style = FillStyleBackgroundColor; break; case colorFillSource::CustomColor: style = FillStyleBackgroundColor; break; case colorFillSource::None: style = FillStyleNone; break; case colorFillSource::FGColor: style = FillStyleBackgroundColor; break; } return style; } diff --git a/libs/ui/kis_paintop_options_model.h b/libs/ui/kis_paintop_options_model.h index 02f8f7b989..545fb8ab2d 100644 --- a/libs/ui/kis_paintop_options_model.h +++ b/libs/ui/kis_paintop_options_model.h @@ -1,76 +1,70 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project * Copyright (c) 2010 Cyrille Berger * Copyright (c) 2011 Silvio Heinrich * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef _KIS_PAINTOP_OPTION_LIST_MODEL_H_ #define _KIS_PAINTOP_OPTION_LIST_MODEL_H_ #include #include #include #include struct KRITAUI_EXPORT KisOptionInfo { - KisOptionInfo() - : option(0) - {} + KisOptionInfo() = default; KisOptionInfo(KisPaintOpOption* o, int i, const QString &label) : label(label) , option(o) , index(i) {} - KisOptionInfo(const KisOptionInfo& info) - : label(info.label) - , option(info.option) - , index(info.index) - {} + KisOptionInfo(const KisOptionInfo &) = default; QString label; - KisPaintOpOption *option; + KisPaintOpOption *option {nullptr}; int index; }; KRITAUI_EXPORT bool operator==(const KisOptionInfo& a, const KisOptionInfo& b); struct KRITAUI_EXPORT OptionInfoToQStringConverter { QString operator() (const KisOptionInfo &info) { return info.label; } }; typedef KisCategorizedListModel BaseOptionCategorizedListModel; /** * This model can be use to show a list of visible composite op in a list view. */ class KRITAUI_EXPORT KisPaintOpOptionListModel : public BaseOptionCategorizedListModel { public: KisPaintOpOptionListModel(QObject *parent); void addPaintOpOption(KisPaintOpOption* option, int widgetIndex, const QString &label, KisPaintOpOption::PaintopCategory categoryType); QVariant data(const QModelIndex& idx, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override; bool setData(const QModelIndex& idx, const QVariant& value, int role=Qt::EditRole) override; void signalDataChanged(const QModelIndex& index); }; #endif // _KIS_PAINTOP_OPTION_LIST_MODEL_H_ diff --git a/libs/ui/kis_splash_screen.cpp b/libs/ui/kis_splash_screen.cpp index f6e9bea55b..bddb57c5b9 100644 --- a/libs/ui/kis_splash_screen.cpp +++ b/libs/ui/kis_splash_screen.cpp @@ -1,282 +1,293 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2014 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_splash_screen.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include KisSplashScreen::KisSplashScreen(const QString &version, const QPixmap &pixmap, const QPixmap &pixmap_x2, bool themed, QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) : QWidget(parent, Qt::SplashScreen | Qt::FramelessWindowHint #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint #endif | f), m_themed(themed) { setupUi(this); setWindowIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("krita")); - QImage img = pixmap.toImage(); + QImage img; + if (devicePixelRatioF() > 1.01) { img = pixmap_x2.toImage(); - img.setDevicePixelRatio(2); + img.setDevicePixelRatio(devicePixelRatioF()); + + // actual size : image size (x1) + m_scaleFactor = 2 / devicePixelRatioF(); + } else { + img = pixmap.toImage(); + m_scaleFactor = 1; } + setFixedWidth(pixmap.width() * m_scaleFactor); + setFixedHeight(pixmap.height() * m_scaleFactor); + lblSplash->setFixedWidth(pixmap.width() * m_scaleFactor); + lblSplash->setFixedHeight(pixmap.height() * m_scaleFactor); + QFont font = this->font(); font.setPointSize(11); font.setBold(true); QFontMetrics metrics(font); QPainter p(&img); p.setFont(font); p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); // positioning of the text over the image (version) // also see setLoadingText() for positiong (loading progress text) - int leftEdge = 475-metrics.width(version); - int topEdge = 58+metrics.ascent(); + qreal leftEdge = 475 * m_scaleFactor - metrics.width(version); + qreal topEdge = 58 * m_scaleFactor + metrics.ascent(); //draw shadow QPen pen(QColor(0, 0, 0, 80)); p.setPen(pen); - p.drawText(leftEdge+1, topEdge+1, version); + p.drawText(QPointF(leftEdge+1, topEdge+1), version); //draw main text p.setPen(QPen(QColor(255, 255, 255, 255))); - p.drawText(leftEdge, topEdge, version); + p.drawText(QPointF(leftEdge, topEdge), version); p.end(); //get this to have the loading text painted on later. m_splashImage = img; m_textTop = topEdge+metrics.height(); // Maintain the aspect ratio on high DPI screens when scaling lblSplash->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(img)); - setFixedWidth(pixmap.width()); bnClose->hide(); connect(bnClose, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(close())); chkShowAtStartup->hide(); connect(chkShowAtStartup, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(toggleShowAtStartup(bool))); KConfigGroup cfg( KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "SplashScreen"); bool hideSplash = cfg.readEntry("HideSplashAfterStartup", false); chkShowAtStartup->setChecked(hideSplash); connect(lblRecent, SIGNAL(linkActivated(QString)), SLOT(linkClicked(QString))); connect(&m_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(raise())); // hide these labels by default displayLinks(false); displayRecentFiles(false); m_timer.setSingleShot(true); m_timer.start(10); } void KisSplashScreen::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) { QWidget::resizeEvent(event); updateText(); } void KisSplashScreen::updateText() { QString color = colorString(); KConfigGroup cfg2( KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "RecentFiles"); int i = 1; QString recent = i18n("" "" "" "

Recent Files

", color); QString path; QStringList recentfiles; QFontMetrics metrics(lblRecent->font()); do { path = cfg2.readPathEntry(QString("File%1").arg(i), QString()); if (!path.isEmpty()) { QString name = cfg2.readPathEntry(QString("Name%1").arg(i), QString()); QUrl url(path); if (name.isEmpty()) { name = url.fileName(); } name = metrics.elidedText(name, Qt::ElideMiddle, lblRecent->width()); if (!url.isLocalFile() || QFile::exists(url.toLocalFile())) { recentfiles.insert(0, QString("


").arg(path).arg(name).arg(color)); } } i++; } while (!path.isEmpty() || i <= 8); recent += recentfiles.join("\n"); recent += "" ""; lblRecent->setText(recent); } void KisSplashScreen::displayLinks(bool show) { if (show) { QString color = colorString(); lblLinks->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); lblLinks->setText(i18n("" "" "" "


" "

Support Krita

" "

Getting Started

" "


" "

Krita Website

" "

User Community

" "

Source Code

" "" "", color)); filesLayout->setContentsMargins(10,10,10,10); actionControlsLayout->setContentsMargins(5,5,5,5); } else { // eliminating margins here allows for the splash screen image to take the entire area with nothing underneath filesLayout->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0); actionControlsLayout->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0); } lblLinks->setVisible(show); updateText(); } void KisSplashScreen::displayRecentFiles(bool show) { lblRecent->setVisible(show); line->setVisible(show); } void KisSplashScreen::setLoadingText(QString text) { QFont font = this->font(); font.setPointSize(10); font.setItalic(true); QImage img = m_splashImage; QPainter p(&img); QFontMetrics metrics(font); p.setFont(font); p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); // position text for loading text - int leftEdge = 475-metrics.width(text); - int topEdge = m_textTop; + qreal leftEdge = 475 * m_scaleFactor - metrics.width(text); + qreal topEdge = m_textTop; //draw shadow QPen pen(QColor(0, 0, 0, 80)); p.setPen(pen); - p.drawText(leftEdge+1, topEdge+1, text); + p.drawText(QPointF(leftEdge+1, topEdge+1), text); //draw main text p.setPen(QPen(QColor(255, 255, 255, 255))); - p.drawText(leftEdge, topEdge, text); + p.drawText(QPointF(leftEdge, topEdge), text); p.end(); lblSplash->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(img)); } QString KisSplashScreen::colorString() const { QString color = "#FFFFFF"; if (m_themed && qApp->palette().background().color().value() > 100) { color = "#000000"; } return color; } void KisSplashScreen::repaint() { QWidget::repaint(); qApp->sendPostedEvents(); } void KisSplashScreen::show() { QRect r(QPoint(), sizeHint()); resize(r.size()); if (!this->parentWidget()) { this->winId(); // Force creation of native window if (this->windowHandle()) { // At least on Windows, the window may be created on a non-primary // screen with a different scale factor. If we don't explicitly // move it to the primary screen, the position will be scaled with // the wrong factor and the splash will be offset. this->windowHandle()->setScreen(QApplication::primaryScreen()); } } move(QApplication::primaryScreen()->availableGeometry().center() - r.center()); if (isVisible()) { repaint(); } m_timer.setSingleShot(true); m_timer.start(1); QWidget::show(); } void KisSplashScreen::toggleShowAtStartup(bool toggle) { KConfigGroup cfg( KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "SplashScreen"); cfg.writeEntry("HideSplashAfterStartup", toggle); } void KisSplashScreen::linkClicked(const QString &link) { KisPart::instance()->openExistingFile(QUrl::fromLocalFile(link)); if (isTopLevel()) { close(); } } diff --git a/libs/ui/kis_splash_screen.h b/libs/ui/kis_splash_screen.h index f8dd4d21db..9a8d40ae2e 100644 --- a/libs/ui/kis_splash_screen.h +++ b/libs/ui/kis_splash_screen.h @@ -1,64 +1,65 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2014 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KIS_SPLASH_SCREEN_H #define KIS_SPLASH_SCREEN_H #include #include #include "ui_wdgsplash.h" class QPixmap; #include "kritaui_export.h" class KRITAUI_EXPORT KisSplashScreen : public QWidget, public Ui::WdgSplash { Q_OBJECT public: explicit KisSplashScreen(const QString &m_version, const QPixmap &m_pixmap, const QPixmap &pixmap_x2, bool themed = false, QWidget *parent = 0, Qt::WindowFlags f = 0); void repaint(); void show(); void displayLinks(bool show); void displayRecentFiles(bool show); void setLoadingText(QString text); private Q_SLOTS: void toggleShowAtStartup(bool toggle); void linkClicked(const QString &link); protected: void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) override; private: void updateText(); QString colorString() const; private: QTimer m_timer; bool m_themed; QImage m_splashImage; int m_textTop; + qreal m_scaleFactor; }; #endif // KIS_SPLASH_SCREEN_H diff --git a/libs/ui/opengl/kis_opengl.cpp b/libs/ui/opengl/kis_opengl.cpp index 6aa26c51ad..ceb4fcb915 100644 --- a/libs/ui/opengl/kis_opengl.cpp +++ b/libs/ui/opengl/kis_opengl.cpp @@ -1,912 +1,913 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2007 Adrian Page * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include "opengl/kis_opengl.h" #include "opengl/kis_opengl_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "KisOpenGLModeProber.h" #include #include #include "kis_assert.h" #include #include +#include #ifndef GL_RENDERER # define GL_RENDERER 0x1F01 #endif using namespace KisOpenGLPrivate; namespace { // config option, set manually by main() bool g_isDebugSynchronous = false; bool g_sanityDefaultFormatIsSet = false; boost::optional openGLCheckResult; bool g_needsFenceWorkaround = false; bool g_needsPixmapCacheWorkaround = false; QString g_surfaceFormatDetectionLog; QString g_debugText("OpenGL Info\n **OpenGL not initialized**"); QVector g_openglWarningStrings; KisOpenGL::OpenGLRenderers g_supportedRenderers; KisOpenGL::OpenGLRenderer g_rendererPreferredByQt; void overrideSupportedRenderers(KisOpenGL::OpenGLRenderers supportedRenderers, KisOpenGL::OpenGLRenderer preferredByQt) { g_supportedRenderers = supportedRenderers; g_rendererPreferredByQt = preferredByQt; } void openglOnMessageLogged(const QOpenGLDebugMessage& debugMessage) { qDebug() << "OpenGL:" << debugMessage; } KisOpenGL::OpenGLRenderer getRendererFromProbeResult(KisOpenGLModeProber::Result info) { KisOpenGL::OpenGLRenderer result = KisOpenGL::RendererDesktopGL; if (info.isOpenGLES()) { const QString rendererString = info.rendererString().toLower(); if (rendererString.contains("basic render driver") || rendererString.contains("software")) { result = KisOpenGL::RendererSoftware; } else { result = KisOpenGL::RendererOpenGLES; } } return result; } } KisOpenGLPrivate::OpenGLCheckResult::OpenGLCheckResult(QOpenGLContext &context) { if (!context.isValid()) { return; } QOpenGLFunctions *funcs = context.functions(); // funcs is ready to be used m_rendererString = QString(reinterpret_cast(funcs->glGetString(GL_RENDERER))); m_driverVersionString = QString(reinterpret_cast(funcs->glGetString(GL_VERSION))); m_glMajorVersion = context.format().majorVersion(); m_glMinorVersion = context.format().minorVersion(); m_supportsDeprecatedFunctions = (context.format().options() & QSurfaceFormat::DeprecatedFunctions); m_isOpenGLES = context.isOpenGLES(); } void KisOpenGLPrivate::appendOpenGLWarningString(KLocalizedString warning) { g_openglWarningStrings << warning; } void KisOpenGLPrivate::overrideOpenGLWarningString(QVector warnings) { g_openglWarningStrings = warnings; } void KisOpenGL::initialize() { if (openGLCheckResult) return; KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(g_sanityDefaultFormatIsSet); KisOpenGL::RendererConfig config; config.format = QSurfaceFormat::defaultFormat(); openGLCheckResult = KisOpenGLModeProber::instance()->probeFormat(config, false); g_debugText.clear(); QDebug debugOut(&g_debugText); debugOut << "OpenGL Info\n"; if (openGLCheckResult) { debugOut << "\n Vendor: " << openGLCheckResult->vendorString(); debugOut << "\n Renderer: " << openGLCheckResult->rendererString(); debugOut << "\n Version: " << openGLCheckResult->driverVersionString(); debugOut << "\n Shading language: " << openGLCheckResult->shadingLanguageString(); debugOut << "\n Requested format: " << QSurfaceFormat::defaultFormat(); debugOut << "\n Current format: " << openGLCheckResult->format(); debugOut.nospace(); debugOut << "\n Version: " << openGLCheckResult->glMajorVersion() << "." << openGLCheckResult->glMinorVersion(); debugOut.resetFormat(); debugOut << "\n Supports deprecated functions" << openGLCheckResult->supportsDeprecatedFunctions(); debugOut << "\n is OpenGL ES:" << openGLCheckResult->isOpenGLES(); } debugOut << "\n\nQPA OpenGL Detection Info"; debugOut << "\n supportsDesktopGL:" << bool(g_supportedRenderers & RendererDesktopGL); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN debugOut << "\n supportsAngleD3D11:" << bool(g_supportedRenderers & RendererOpenGLES); debugOut << "\n isQtPreferAngle:" << bool(g_rendererPreferredByQt == RendererOpenGLES); #else debugOut << "\n supportsOpenGLES:" << bool(g_supportedRenderers & RendererOpenGLES); debugOut << "\n isQtPreferOpenGLES:" << bool(g_rendererPreferredByQt == RendererOpenGLES); #endif debugOut << "\n== log ==\n"; debugOut.noquote(); debugOut << g_surfaceFormatDetectionLog; debugOut.resetFormat(); debugOut << "\n== end log =="; dbgOpenGL.noquote().nospace() << g_debugText; KisUsageLogger::write(g_debugText); if (!openGLCheckResult) { return; } // Check if we have a bugged driver that needs fence workaround bool isOnX11 = false; #ifdef HAVE_X11 isOnX11 = true; #endif KisConfig cfg(true); if ((isOnX11 && openGLCheckResult->rendererString().startsWith("AMD")) || cfg.forceOpenGLFenceWorkaround()) { g_needsFenceWorkaround = true; } /** * NVidia + Qt's openGL don't play well together and one cannot * draw a pixmap on a widget more than once in one rendering cycle. * * It can be workarounded by drawing strictly via QPixmapCache and * only when the pixmap size in bigger than doubled size of the * display framebuffer. That is for 8-bit HD display, you should have * a cache bigger than 16 MiB. Don't ask me why. (DK) * * See bug: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=361709 * * TODO: check if this workaround is still needed after merging * Qt5+openGL3 branch. */ if (openGLCheckResult->vendorString().toUpper().contains("NVIDIA")) { g_needsPixmapCacheWorkaround = true; - const QRect screenSize = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry(); + const QRect screenSize = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen()->availableGeometry(); const int minCacheSize = 20 * 1024; const int cacheSize = 2048 + 2 * 4 * screenSize.width() * screenSize.height() / 1024; //KiB QPixmapCache::setCacheLimit(qMax(minCacheSize, cacheSize)); } } void KisOpenGL::initializeContext(QOpenGLContext *ctx) { KisConfig cfg(true); initialize(); const bool isDebugEnabled = ctx->format().testOption(QSurfaceFormat::DebugContext); dbgUI << "OpenGL: Opening new context"; if (isDebugEnabled) { // Passing ctx for ownership management only, not specifying context. // QOpenGLDebugLogger only function on the current active context. // FIXME: Do we need to make sure ctx is the active context? QOpenGLDebugLogger* openglLogger = new QOpenGLDebugLogger(ctx); if (openglLogger->initialize()) { qDebug() << "QOpenGLDebugLogger is initialized. Check whether you get a message below."; QObject::connect(openglLogger, &QOpenGLDebugLogger::messageLogged, &openglOnMessageLogged); openglLogger->startLogging(g_isDebugSynchronous ? QOpenGLDebugLogger::SynchronousLogging : QOpenGLDebugLogger::AsynchronousLogging); openglLogger->logMessage(QOpenGLDebugMessage::createApplicationMessage(QStringLiteral("QOpenGLDebugLogger is logging."))); } else { qDebug() << "QOpenGLDebugLogger cannot be initialized."; delete openglLogger; } } // Double check we were given the version we requested QSurfaceFormat format = ctx->format(); QOpenGLFunctions *f = ctx->functions(); f->initializeOpenGLFunctions(); QFile log(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::TempLocation) + "/krita-opengl.txt"); log.open(QFile::WriteOnly); QString vendor((const char*)f->glGetString(GL_VENDOR)); log.write(vendor.toLatin1()); log.write(", "); log.write(openGLCheckResult->rendererString().toLatin1()); log.write(", "); QString version((const char*)f->glGetString(GL_VERSION)); log.write(version.toLatin1()); log.close(); } const QString &KisOpenGL::getDebugText() { initialize(); return g_debugText; } QStringList KisOpenGL::getOpenGLWarnings() { QStringList strings; Q_FOREACH (const KLocalizedString &item, g_openglWarningStrings) { strings << item.toString(); } return strings; } // XXX Temporary function to allow LoD on OpenGL3 without triggering // all of the other 3.2 functionality, can be removed once we move to Qt5.7 bool KisOpenGL::supportsLoD() { initialize(); return openGLCheckResult && openGLCheckResult->supportsLoD(); } bool KisOpenGL::hasOpenGL3() { initialize(); return openGLCheckResult && openGLCheckResult->hasOpenGL3(); } bool KisOpenGL::hasOpenGLES() { initialize(); return openGLCheckResult && openGLCheckResult->isOpenGLES(); } bool KisOpenGL::supportsFenceSync() { initialize(); return openGLCheckResult && openGLCheckResult->supportsFenceSync(); } bool KisOpenGL::needsFenceWorkaround() { initialize(); return g_needsFenceWorkaround; } bool KisOpenGL::needsPixmapCacheWorkaround() { initialize(); return g_needsPixmapCacheWorkaround; } void KisOpenGL::testingInitializeDefaultSurfaceFormat() { setDefaultSurfaceConfig(selectSurfaceConfig(KisOpenGL::RendererAuto, KisConfig::BT709_G22, false)); } void KisOpenGL::setDebugSynchronous(bool value) { g_isDebugSynchronous = value; } KisOpenGL::OpenGLRenderer KisOpenGL::getCurrentOpenGLRenderer() { if (!openGLCheckResult) return RendererAuto; return getRendererFromProbeResult(*openGLCheckResult); } KisOpenGL::OpenGLRenderer KisOpenGL::getQtPreferredOpenGLRenderer() { return g_rendererPreferredByQt; } KisOpenGL::OpenGLRenderers KisOpenGL::getSupportedOpenGLRenderers() { return g_supportedRenderers; } KisOpenGL::OpenGLRenderer KisOpenGL::getUserPreferredOpenGLRendererConfig() { const QString configPath = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::GenericConfigLocation); QSettings kritarc(configPath + QStringLiteral("/kritadisplayrc"), QSettings::IniFormat); return convertConfigToOpenGLRenderer(kritarc.value("OpenGLRenderer", "auto").toString()); } void KisOpenGL::setUserPreferredOpenGLRendererConfig(KisOpenGL::OpenGLRenderer renderer) { const QString configPath = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::GenericConfigLocation); QSettings kritarc(configPath + QStringLiteral("/kritadisplayrc"), QSettings::IniFormat); kritarc.setValue("OpenGLRenderer", KisOpenGL::convertOpenGLRendererToConfig(renderer)); } QString KisOpenGL::convertOpenGLRendererToConfig(KisOpenGL::OpenGLRenderer renderer) { switch (renderer) { case RendererNone: return QStringLiteral("none"); case RendererSoftware: return QStringLiteral("software"); case RendererDesktopGL: return QStringLiteral("desktop"); case RendererOpenGLES: return QStringLiteral("angle"); default: return QStringLiteral("auto"); } } KisOpenGL::OpenGLRenderer KisOpenGL::convertConfigToOpenGLRenderer(QString renderer) { if (renderer == "desktop") { return RendererDesktopGL; } else if (renderer == "angle") { return RendererOpenGLES; } else if (renderer == "software") { return RendererSoftware; } else if (renderer == "none") { return RendererNone; } else { return RendererAuto; } } KisOpenGL::OpenGLRenderer KisOpenGL::RendererConfig::rendererId() const { KisOpenGL::OpenGLRenderer result = RendererAuto; if (format.renderableType() == QSurfaceFormat::OpenGLES && angleRenderer == AngleRendererD3d11Warp) { result = RendererSoftware; } else if (format.renderableType() == QSurfaceFormat::OpenGLES && angleRenderer == AngleRendererD3d11) { result = RendererOpenGLES; } else if (format.renderableType() == QSurfaceFormat::OpenGL) { result = RendererDesktopGL; } else if (format.renderableType() == QSurfaceFormat::DefaultRenderableType && angleRenderer == AngleRendererD3d11) { // noop } else { qWarning() << "WARNING: unsupported combination of OpenGL renderer" << ppVar(format.renderableType()) << ppVar(angleRenderer); } return result; } namespace { typedef std::pair RendererInfo; RendererInfo getRendererInfo(KisOpenGL::OpenGLRenderer renderer) { RendererInfo info = {QSurfaceFormat::DefaultRenderableType, KisOpenGL::AngleRendererD3d11}; switch (renderer) { case KisOpenGL::RendererNone: info = {QSurfaceFormat::DefaultRenderableType, KisOpenGL::AngleRendererDefault}; break; case KisOpenGL::RendererAuto: break; case KisOpenGL::RendererDesktopGL: info = {QSurfaceFormat::OpenGL, KisOpenGL::AngleRendererD3d11}; break; case KisOpenGL::RendererOpenGLES: info = {QSurfaceFormat::OpenGLES, KisOpenGL::AngleRendererD3d11}; break; case KisOpenGL::RendererSoftware: info = {QSurfaceFormat::OpenGLES, KisOpenGL::AngleRendererD3d11Warp}; break; } return info; } KisOpenGL::RendererConfig generateSurfaceConfig(KisOpenGL::OpenGLRenderer renderer, KisConfig::RootSurfaceFormat rootSurfaceFormat, bool debugContext) { RendererInfo info = getRendererInfo(renderer); KisOpenGL::RendererConfig config; config.angleRenderer = info.second; QSurfaceFormat &format = config.format; #ifdef Q_OS_MACOS format.setVersion(3, 2); format.setProfile(QSurfaceFormat::CoreProfile); #else // XXX This can be removed once we move to Qt5.7 format.setVersion(3, 0); format.setProfile(QSurfaceFormat::CompatibilityProfile); format.setOptions(QSurfaceFormat::DeprecatedFunctions); #endif format.setDepthBufferSize(24); format.setStencilBufferSize(8); KisOpenGLModeProber::initSurfaceFormatFromConfig(rootSurfaceFormat, &format); format.setRenderableType(info.first); format.setSwapBehavior(QSurfaceFormat::DoubleBuffer); format.setSwapInterval(0); // Disable vertical refresh syncing if (debugContext) { format.setOption(QSurfaceFormat::DebugContext, true); } return config; } bool isOpenGLRendererBlacklisted(const QString &rendererString, const QString &driverVersionString, QVector *warningMessage) { bool isBlacklisted = false; #ifndef Q_OS_WIN Q_UNUSED(rendererString); Q_UNUSED(driverVersionString); Q_UNUSED(warningMessage); #else // Special blacklisting of OpenGL/ANGLE is tracked on: // https://phabricator.kde.org/T7411 // HACK: Specifically detect for Intel driver build number // See https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000005654/graphics-drivers.html if (rendererString.startsWith("Intel")) { KLocalizedString knownBadIntelWarning = ki18n("The Intel graphics driver in use is known to have issues with OpenGL."); KLocalizedString grossIntelWarning = ki18n( "Intel graphics drivers tend to have issues with OpenGL so ANGLE will be used by default. " "You may manually switch to OpenGL but it is not guaranteed to work properly." ); QRegularExpression regex("\\b\\d{1,2}\\.\\d{2}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.(\\d{4})\\b"); QRegularExpressionMatch match = regex.match(driverVersionString); if (match.hasMatch()) { int driverBuild = match.captured(1).toInt(); if (driverBuild > 4636 && driverBuild < 4729) { // Make ANGLE the preferred renderer for Intel driver versions // between build 4636 and 4729 (exclusive) due to an UI offset bug. // See https://communities.intel.com/thread/116003 // (Build 4636 is known to work from some test results) qDebug() << "Detected Intel driver build between 4636 and 4729, making ANGLE the preferred renderer"; isBlacklisted = true; *warningMessage << knownBadIntelWarning; } else if (driverBuild == 4358) { // There are several reports on a bug where the canvas is not being // updated properly which has debug info pointing to this build. qDebug() << "Detected Intel driver build 4358, making ANGLE the preferred renderer"; isBlacklisted = true; *warningMessage << knownBadIntelWarning; } else { // Intel tends to randomly break OpenGL in some of their new driver // builds, therefore we just shouldn't use OpenGL by default to // reduce bug report noises. qDebug() << "Detected Intel driver, making ANGLE the preferred renderer"; isBlacklisted = true; *warningMessage << grossIntelWarning; } } else { // In case Intel changed the driver version format to something that // we don't understand, we still select ANGLE. qDebug() << "Detected Intel driver with unknown version format, making ANGLE the preferred renderer"; isBlacklisted = true; *warningMessage << grossIntelWarning; } } #endif return isBlacklisted; } boost::optional orderPreference(bool lhs, bool rhs) { if (lhs == rhs) return boost::none; if (lhs && !rhs) return true; if (!lhs && rhs) return false; return false; } #define ORDER_BY(lhs, rhs) if (auto res = orderPreference((lhs), (rhs))) { return *res; } class FormatPositionLess { public: FormatPositionLess() { } bool operator()(const KisOpenGL::RendererConfig &lhs, const KisOpenGL::RendererConfig &rhs) const { KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(m_preferredColorSpace != KisSurfaceColorSpace::DefaultColorSpace); if (m_preferredRendererByUser != KisOpenGL::RendererSoftware) { ORDER_BY(!isFallbackOnly(lhs.rendererId()), !isFallbackOnly(rhs.rendererId())); } #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 10, 0) ORDER_BY(isPreferredColorSpace(lhs.format.colorSpace()), isPreferredColorSpace(rhs.format.colorSpace())); #endif if (doPreferHDR()) { ORDER_BY(isHDRFormat(lhs.format), isHDRFormat(rhs.format)); } else { ORDER_BY(!isHDRFormat(lhs.format), !isHDRFormat(rhs.format)); } if (m_preferredRendererByUser != KisOpenGL::RendererAuto) { ORDER_BY(lhs.rendererId() == m_preferredRendererByUser, rhs.rendererId() == m_preferredRendererByUser); } ORDER_BY(!isBlacklisted(lhs.rendererId()), !isBlacklisted(rhs.rendererId())); if (doPreferHDR() && m_preferredRendererByHDR != KisOpenGL::RendererAuto) { ORDER_BY(lhs.rendererId() == m_preferredRendererByHDR, rhs.rendererId() == m_preferredRendererByHDR); } KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(m_preferredRendererByQt != KisOpenGL::RendererAuto); ORDER_BY(lhs.rendererId() == m_preferredRendererByQt, rhs.rendererId() == m_preferredRendererByQt); return false; } public: void setPreferredColorSpace(const KisSurfaceColorSpace &preferredColorSpace) { m_preferredColorSpace = preferredColorSpace; } void setPreferredRendererByQt(const KisOpenGL::OpenGLRenderer &preferredRendererByQt) { m_preferredRendererByQt = preferredRendererByQt; } void setPreferredRendererByUser(const KisOpenGL::OpenGLRenderer &preferredRendererByUser) { m_preferredRendererByUser = preferredRendererByUser; } void setPreferredRendererByHDR(const KisOpenGL::OpenGLRenderer &preferredRendererByHDR) { m_preferredRendererByHDR = preferredRendererByHDR; } void setOpenGLBlacklisted(bool openGLBlacklisted) { m_openGLBlacklisted = openGLBlacklisted; } void setOpenGLESBlacklisted(bool openGLESBlacklisted) { m_openGLESBlacklisted = openGLESBlacklisted; } bool isOpenGLBlacklisted() const { return m_openGLBlacklisted; } bool isOpenGLESBlacklisted() const { return m_openGLESBlacklisted; } KisSurfaceColorSpace preferredColorSpace() const { return m_preferredColorSpace; } KisOpenGL::OpenGLRenderer preferredRendererByUser() const { return m_preferredRendererByUser; } private: bool isHDRFormat(const QSurfaceFormat &f) const { #ifdef HAVE_HDR return f.colorSpace() == KisSurfaceColorSpace::bt2020PQColorSpace || f.colorSpace() == KisSurfaceColorSpace::scRGBColorSpace; #else Q_UNUSED(f); return false; #endif } bool isFallbackOnly(KisOpenGL::OpenGLRenderer r) const { return r == KisOpenGL::RendererSoftware; } bool isBlacklisted(KisOpenGL::OpenGLRenderer r) const { KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(r == KisOpenGL::RendererAuto || r == KisOpenGL::RendererDesktopGL || r == KisOpenGL::RendererOpenGLES || r == KisOpenGL::RendererSoftware || r == KisOpenGL::RendererNone); return (r == KisOpenGL::RendererDesktopGL && m_openGLBlacklisted) || (r == KisOpenGL::RendererOpenGLES && m_openGLESBlacklisted) || (r == KisOpenGL::RendererSoftware && m_openGLESBlacklisted); } bool doPreferHDR() const { #ifdef HAVE_HDR return m_preferredColorSpace == KisSurfaceColorSpace::bt2020PQColorSpace || m_preferredColorSpace == KisSurfaceColorSpace::scRGBColorSpace; #else return false; #endif } bool isPreferredColorSpace(const KisSurfaceColorSpace cs) const { return KisOpenGLModeProber::fuzzyCompareColorSpaces(m_preferredColorSpace, cs); return false; } private: KisSurfaceColorSpace m_preferredColorSpace = KisSurfaceColorSpace::DefaultColorSpace; KisOpenGL::OpenGLRenderer m_preferredRendererByQt = KisOpenGL::RendererDesktopGL; KisOpenGL::OpenGLRenderer m_preferredRendererByUser = KisOpenGL::RendererAuto; KisOpenGL::OpenGLRenderer m_preferredRendererByHDR = KisOpenGL::RendererAuto; bool m_openGLBlacklisted = false; bool m_openGLESBlacklisted = false; }; struct DetectionDebug : public QDebug { DetectionDebug(QString *string) : QDebug(string), m_string(string), m_originalSize(string->size()) {} ~DetectionDebug() { dbgOpenGL << m_string->right(m_string->size() - m_originalSize); *this << endl; } QString *m_string; int m_originalSize; }; } #define dbgDetection() DetectionDebug(&g_surfaceFormatDetectionLog) KisOpenGL::RendererConfig KisOpenGL::selectSurfaceConfig(KisOpenGL::OpenGLRenderer preferredRenderer, KisConfig::RootSurfaceFormat preferredRootSurfaceFormat, bool enableDebug) { QVector warningMessages; using Info = boost::optional; QHash renderersToTest; renderersToTest.insert(RendererDesktopGL, Info()); renderersToTest.insert(RendererOpenGLES, Info()); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN renderersToTest.insert(RendererSoftware, Info()); #endif #ifdef HAVE_HDR QVector formatSymbols({KisConfig::BT709_G22, KisConfig::BT709_G10, KisConfig::BT2020_PQ}); #else QVector formatSymbols({KisConfig::BT709_G22}); #endif KisOpenGL::RendererConfig defaultConfig = generateSurfaceConfig(KisOpenGL::RendererAuto, KisConfig::BT709_G22, false); Info info = KisOpenGLModeProber::instance()->probeFormat(defaultConfig); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN if (!info) { // try software rasterizer (WARP) defaultConfig = generateSurfaceConfig(KisOpenGL::RendererSoftware, KisConfig::BT709_G22, false); info = KisOpenGLModeProber::instance()->probeFormat(defaultConfig); if (!info) { renderersToTest.remove(RendererSoftware); } } #endif if (!info) return KisOpenGL::RendererConfig(); const OpenGLRenderer defaultRenderer = getRendererFromProbeResult(*info); OpenGLRenderers supportedRenderers = RendererNone; FormatPositionLess compareOp; compareOp.setPreferredRendererByQt(defaultRenderer); #ifdef HAVE_HDR compareOp.setPreferredColorSpace( preferredRootSurfaceFormat == KisConfig::BT709_G22 ? KisSurfaceColorSpace::sRGBColorSpace : preferredRootSurfaceFormat == KisConfig::BT709_G10 ? KisSurfaceColorSpace::scRGBColorSpace : KisSurfaceColorSpace::bt2020PQColorSpace); #else Q_UNUSED(preferredRootSurfaceFormat); compareOp.setPreferredColorSpace(KisSurfaceColorSpace::sRGBColorSpace); #endif #ifdef Q_OS_WIN compareOp.setPreferredRendererByHDR(KisOpenGL::RendererOpenGLES); #endif compareOp.setPreferredRendererByUser(preferredRenderer); compareOp.setOpenGLESBlacklisted(false); // We cannot blacklist ES drivers atm renderersToTest[defaultRenderer] = info; for (auto it = renderersToTest.begin(); it != renderersToTest.end(); ++it) { Info info = it.value(); if (!info) { info = KisOpenGLModeProber::instance()-> probeFormat(generateSurfaceConfig(it.key(), KisConfig::BT709_G22, false)); *it = info; } compareOp.setOpenGLBlacklisted( !info || isOpenGLRendererBlacklisted(info->rendererString(), info->driverVersionString(), &warningMessages)); if (info && info->isSupportedVersion()) { supportedRenderers |= it.key(); } } OpenGLRenderer preferredByQt = defaultRenderer; if (preferredByQt == RendererDesktopGL && supportedRenderers & RendererDesktopGL && compareOp.isOpenGLBlacklisted()) { preferredByQt = RendererOpenGLES; } else if (preferredByQt == RendererOpenGLES && supportedRenderers & RendererOpenGLES && compareOp.isOpenGLESBlacklisted()) { preferredByQt = RendererDesktopGL; } QVector preferredConfigs; for (auto it = renderersToTest.begin(); it != renderersToTest.end(); ++it) { // if default mode of the renderer doesn't work, then custom won't either if (!it.value()) continue; Q_FOREACH (const KisConfig::RootSurfaceFormat formatSymbol, formatSymbols) { preferredConfigs << generateSurfaceConfig(it.key(), formatSymbol, enableDebug); } } std::stable_sort(preferredConfigs.begin(), preferredConfigs.end(), compareOp); dbgDetection() << "Supported renderers:" << supportedRenderers; dbgDetection() << "Surface format preference list:"; Q_FOREACH (const KisOpenGL::RendererConfig &config, preferredConfigs) { dbgDetection() << "*" << config.format; dbgDetection() << " " << config.rendererId(); } KisOpenGL::RendererConfig resultConfig = defaultConfig; if (preferredRenderer != RendererNone) { Q_FOREACH (const KisOpenGL::RendererConfig &config, preferredConfigs) { #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 10, 0) dbgDetection() <<"Probing format..." << config.format.colorSpace() << config.rendererId(); #else dbgDetection() <<"Probing format..." << config.rendererId(); #endif Info info = KisOpenGLModeProber::instance()->probeFormat(config); if (info && info->isSupportedVersion()) { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN // HACK: Block ANGLE with Direct3D9 // Direct3D9 does not give OpenGL ES 3.0 // Some versions of ANGLE returns OpenGL version 3.0 incorrectly if (info->isUsingAngle() && info->rendererString().contains("Direct3D9", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { dbgDetection() << "Skipping Direct3D 9 Angle implementation, it shouldn't have happened."; continue; } #endif dbgDetection() << "Found format:" << config.format; dbgDetection() << " " << config.rendererId(); resultConfig = config; break; } } { const bool colorSpaceIsCorrect = #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 10, 0) KisOpenGLModeProber::fuzzyCompareColorSpaces(compareOp.preferredColorSpace(), resultConfig.format.colorSpace()); #else true; #endif const bool rendererIsCorrect = compareOp.preferredRendererByUser() == KisOpenGL::RendererAuto || compareOp.preferredRendererByUser() == resultConfig.rendererId(); if (!rendererIsCorrect && colorSpaceIsCorrect) { warningMessages << ki18n("Preferred renderer doesn't support requested surface format. Another renderer has been selected."); } else if (!colorSpaceIsCorrect) { warningMessages << ki18n("Preferred output format is not supported by available renderers"); } } } else { resultConfig.format = QSurfaceFormat(); resultConfig.angleRenderer = AngleRendererDefault; } overrideSupportedRenderers(supportedRenderers, preferredByQt); overrideOpenGLWarningString(warningMessages); return resultConfig; } void KisOpenGL::setDefaultSurfaceConfig(const KisOpenGL::RendererConfig &config) { KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(!g_sanityDefaultFormatIsSet); g_sanityDefaultFormatIsSet = true; QSurfaceFormat::setDefaultFormat(config.format); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN // Force ANGLE to use Direct3D11. D3D9 doesn't support OpenGL ES 3 and WARP // might get weird crashes atm. qputenv("QT_ANGLE_PLATFORM", KisOpenGLModeProber::angleRendererToString(config.angleRenderer).toLatin1()); #endif if (config.format.renderableType() == QSurfaceFormat::OpenGLES) { QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_UseOpenGLES, true); } else if (config.format.renderableType() == QSurfaceFormat::OpenGL) { QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_UseDesktopOpenGL, true); } } bool KisOpenGL::hasOpenGL() { return openGLCheckResult->isSupportedVersion(); } diff --git a/libs/ui/opengl/kis_opengl_image_textures.cpp b/libs/ui/opengl/kis_opengl_image_textures.cpp index 64bb4f9f1e..c9de74d332 100644 --- a/libs/ui/opengl/kis_opengl_image_textures.cpp +++ b/libs/ui/opengl/kis_opengl_image_textures.cpp @@ -1,609 +1,609 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Adrian Page * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "opengl/kis_opengl_image_textures.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_image.h" #include "kis_config.h" #include "KisPart.h" #include "KisOpenGLModeProber.h" #ifdef HAVE_OPENEXR #include #endif #ifndef GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE #define GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE 0x812F #endif #ifndef GL_BGRA #define GL_BGRA 0x80E1 #endif // GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 #ifndef GL_BGRA_EXT #define GL_BGRA_EXT 0x80E1 #endif #ifndef GL_BGRA8_EXT #define GL_BGRA8_EXT 0x93A1 #endif KisOpenGLImageTextures::ImageTexturesMap KisOpenGLImageTextures::imageTexturesMap; KisOpenGLImageTextures::KisOpenGLImageTextures() : m_image(0) , m_monitorProfile(0) , m_internalColorManagementActive(true) , m_checkerTexture(0) , m_glFuncs(0) , m_useOcio(false) , m_initialized(false) { KisConfig cfg(true); m_renderingIntent = (KoColorConversionTransformation::Intent)cfg.monitorRenderIntent(); m_conversionFlags = KoColorConversionTransformation::HighQuality; if (cfg.useBlackPointCompensation()) m_conversionFlags |= KoColorConversionTransformation::BlackpointCompensation; if (!cfg.allowLCMSOptimization()) m_conversionFlags |= KoColorConversionTransformation::NoOptimization; m_useOcio = cfg.useOcio(); } KisOpenGLImageTextures::KisOpenGLImageTextures(KisImageWSP image, const KoColorProfile *monitorProfile, KoColorConversionTransformation::Intent renderingIntent, KoColorConversionTransformation::ConversionFlags conversionFlags) : m_image(image) , m_monitorProfile(monitorProfile) , m_renderingIntent(renderingIntent) , m_conversionFlags(conversionFlags) , m_internalColorManagementActive(true) , m_checkerTexture(0) , m_glFuncs(0) , m_useOcio(false) , m_initialized(false) { Q_ASSERT(renderingIntent < 4); } void KisOpenGLImageTextures::initGL(QOpenGLFunctions *f) { if (f) { m_glFuncs = f; } else { errUI << "Tried to create OpenGLImageTextures with uninitialized QOpenGLFunctions"; } getTextureSize(&m_texturesInfo); // we use local static object for creating pools shared among // different images static KisTextureTileInfoPoolRegistry s_poolRegistry; m_updateInfoBuilder.setTextureInfoPool(s_poolRegistry.getPool(m_texturesInfo.width, m_texturesInfo.height)); m_glFuncs->glGenTextures(1, &m_checkerTexture); recreateImageTextureTiles(); KisOpenGLUpdateInfoSP info = updateCache(m_image->bounds(), m_image); recalculateCache(info, false); } KisOpenGLImageTextures::~KisOpenGLImageTextures() { ImageTexturesMap::iterator it = imageTexturesMap.find(m_image); if (it != imageTexturesMap.end()) { KisOpenGLImageTextures *textures = it.value(); if (textures == this) { dbgUI << "Removing shared image context from map"; imageTexturesMap.erase(it); } } destroyImageTextureTiles(); m_glFuncs->glDeleteTextures(1, &m_checkerTexture); } KisImageSP KisOpenGLImageTextures::image() const { return m_image; } bool KisOpenGLImageTextures::imageCanShareTextures() { KisConfig cfg(true); if (cfg.useOcio()) return false; if (KisPart::instance()->mainwindowCount() == 1) return true; - if (qApp->desktop()->screenCount() == 1) return true; - for (int i = 1; i < qApp->desktop()->screenCount(); i++) { + if (QGuiApplication::screens().count() == 1) return true; + for (int i = 1; i < QGuiApplication::screens().count(); i++) { if (cfg.displayProfile(i) != cfg.displayProfile(i - 1)) { return false; } } return true; } KisOpenGLImageTexturesSP KisOpenGLImageTextures::getImageTextures(KisImageWSP image, const KoColorProfile *monitorProfile, KoColorConversionTransformation::Intent renderingIntent, KoColorConversionTransformation::ConversionFlags conversionFlags) { // Disabled until we figure out why we're deleting the shared textures on closing the second view on a single image if (false && imageCanShareTextures()) { ImageTexturesMap::iterator it = imageTexturesMap.find(image); if (it != imageTexturesMap.end()) { KisOpenGLImageTexturesSP textures = it.value(); textures->setMonitorProfile(monitorProfile, renderingIntent, conversionFlags); return textures; } else { KisOpenGLImageTextures *imageTextures = new KisOpenGLImageTextures(image, monitorProfile, renderingIntent, conversionFlags); imageTexturesMap[image] = imageTextures; dbgUI << "Added shareable textures to map"; return imageTextures; } } else { return new KisOpenGLImageTextures(image, monitorProfile, renderingIntent, conversionFlags); } } void KisOpenGLImageTextures::recreateImageTextureTiles() { destroyImageTextureTiles(); updateTextureFormat(); const KoColorSpace *tilesDestinationColorSpace = m_updateInfoBuilder.destinationColorSpace(); if (!tilesDestinationColorSpace) { qDebug() << "No destination colorspace!!!!"; return; } m_storedImageBounds = m_image->bounds(); const int lastCol = xToCol(m_image->width()); const int lastRow = yToRow(m_image->height()); m_numCols = lastCol + 1; // Default color is transparent black const int pixelSize = tilesDestinationColorSpace->pixelSize(); QByteArray emptyTileData((m_texturesInfo.width) * (m_texturesInfo.height) * pixelSize, 0); KisConfig config(true); KisOpenGL::FilterMode mode = (KisOpenGL::FilterMode)config.openGLFilteringMode(); QOpenGLContext *ctx = QOpenGLContext::currentContext(); if (ctx) { QOpenGLFunctions *f = ctx->functions(); m_initialized = true; dbgUI << "OpenGL: creating texture tiles of size" << m_texturesInfo.height << "x" << m_texturesInfo.width; m_textureTiles.reserve((lastRow+1)*m_numCols); for (int row = 0; row <= lastRow; row++) { for (int col = 0; col <= lastCol; col++) { QRect tileRect = m_updateInfoBuilder.calculateEffectiveTileRect(col, row, m_image->bounds()); KisTextureTile *tile = new KisTextureTile(tileRect, &m_texturesInfo, emptyTileData, mode, config.useOpenGLTextureBuffer(), config.numMipmapLevels(), f); m_textureTiles.append(tile); } } } else { dbgUI << "Tried to init texture tiles without a current OpenGL Context."; } } void KisOpenGLImageTextures::destroyImageTextureTiles() { if (m_textureTiles.isEmpty()) return; Q_FOREACH (KisTextureTile *tile, m_textureTiles) { delete tile; } m_textureTiles.clear(); m_storedImageBounds = QRect(); } KisOpenGLUpdateInfoSP KisOpenGLImageTextures::updateCache(const QRect& rect, KisImageSP srcImage) { return updateCacheImpl(rect, srcImage, true); } KisOpenGLUpdateInfoSP KisOpenGLImageTextures::updateCacheNoConversion(const QRect& rect) { return updateCacheImpl(rect, m_image, false); } // TODO: add sanity checks about the conformance of the passed srcImage! KisOpenGLUpdateInfoSP KisOpenGLImageTextures::updateCacheImpl(const QRect& rect, KisImageSP srcImage, bool convertColorSpace) { if (!m_initialized) return new KisOpenGLUpdateInfo(); return m_updateInfoBuilder.buildUpdateInfo(rect, srcImage, convertColorSpace); } void KisOpenGLImageTextures::recalculateCache(KisUpdateInfoSP info, bool blockMipmapRegeneration) { if (!m_initialized) { dbgUI << "OpenGL: Tried to edit image texture cache before it was initialized."; return; } KisOpenGLUpdateInfoSP glInfo = dynamic_cast(info.data()); if(!glInfo) return; KisTextureTileUpdateInfoSP tileInfo; Q_FOREACH (tileInfo, glInfo->tileList) { KisTextureTile *tile = getTextureTileCR(tileInfo->tileCol(), tileInfo->tileRow()); KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(tile); tile->update(*tileInfo, blockMipmapRegeneration); } } void KisOpenGLImageTextures::generateCheckerTexture(const QImage &checkImage) { QOpenGLContext *ctx = QOpenGLContext::currentContext(); if (ctx) { QOpenGLFunctions *f = ctx->functions(); dbgUI << "Attaching checker texture" << checkerTexture(); f->glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, checkerTexture()); f->glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); f->glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); f->glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT); f->glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT); f->glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); QImage img = checkImage; if (checkImage.width() != BACKGROUND_TEXTURE_SIZE || checkImage.height() != BACKGROUND_TEXTURE_SIZE) { img = checkImage.scaled(BACKGROUND_TEXTURE_SIZE, BACKGROUND_TEXTURE_SIZE); } GLint format = GL_BGRA, internalFormat = GL_RGBA8; if (KisOpenGL::hasOpenGLES()) { if (ctx->hasExtension(QByteArrayLiteral("GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888"))) { format = GL_BGRA_EXT; internalFormat = GL_BGRA8_EXT; } else { format = GL_RGBA; } } f->glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, internalFormat, BACKGROUND_TEXTURE_SIZE, BACKGROUND_TEXTURE_SIZE, 0, format, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, img.constBits()); } else { dbgUI << "OpenGL: Tried to generate checker texture before OpenGL was initialized."; } } GLuint KisOpenGLImageTextures::checkerTexture() { if (m_glFuncs) { if (m_checkerTexture == 0) { m_glFuncs->glGenTextures(1, &m_checkerTexture); } return m_checkerTexture; } else { dbgUI << "Tried to access checker texture before OpenGL was initialized"; return 0; } } void KisOpenGLImageTextures::updateConfig(bool useBuffer, int NumMipmapLevels) { if(m_textureTiles.isEmpty()) return; Q_FOREACH (KisTextureTile *tile, m_textureTiles) { tile->setUseBuffer(useBuffer); tile->setNumMipmapLevels(NumMipmapLevels); } } void KisOpenGLImageTextures::slotImageSizeChanged(qint32 /*w*/, qint32 /*h*/) { recreateImageTextureTiles(); } KisOpenGLUpdateInfoBuilder &KisOpenGLImageTextures::updateInfoBuilder() { return m_updateInfoBuilder; } void KisOpenGLImageTextures::setMonitorProfile(const KoColorProfile *monitorProfile, KoColorConversionTransformation::Intent renderingIntent, KoColorConversionTransformation::ConversionFlags conversionFlags) { //dbgUI << "Setting monitor profile to" << monitorProfile->name() << renderingIntent << conversionFlags; m_monitorProfile = monitorProfile; m_renderingIntent = renderingIntent; m_conversionFlags = conversionFlags; recreateImageTextureTiles(); } bool KisOpenGLImageTextures::setImageColorSpace(const KoColorSpace *cs) { Q_UNUSED(cs); // TODO: implement lazy update: do not re-upload textures when not needed recreateImageTextureTiles(); return true; } void KisOpenGLImageTextures::setChannelFlags(const QBitArray &channelFlags) { QBitArray targetChannelFlags = channelFlags; int selectedChannels = 0; const KoColorSpace *projectionCs = m_image->projection()->colorSpace(); QList channelInfo = projectionCs->channels(); if (targetChannelFlags.size() != channelInfo.size()) { targetChannelFlags = QBitArray(); } int selectedChannelIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < targetChannelFlags.size(); ++i) { if (targetChannelFlags.testBit(i) && channelInfo[i]->channelType() == KoChannelInfo::COLOR) { selectedChannels++; selectedChannelIndex = i; } } const bool allChannelsSelected = (selectedChannels == targetChannelFlags.size()); const bool onlyOneChannelSelected = (selectedChannels == 1); // OCIO has its own channel swizzling if (allChannelsSelected || m_useOcio) { m_updateInfoBuilder.setChannelFlags(QBitArray(), false, -1); } else { m_updateInfoBuilder.setChannelFlags(targetChannelFlags, onlyOneChannelSelected, selectedChannelIndex); } } void KisOpenGLImageTextures::setProofingConfig(KisProofingConfigurationSP proofingConfig) { m_updateInfoBuilder.setProofingConfig(proofingConfig); } void KisOpenGLImageTextures::getTextureSize(KisGLTexturesInfo *texturesInfo) { KisConfig cfg(true); const GLint preferredTextureSize = cfg.openGLTextureSize(); GLint maxTextureSize; if (m_glFuncs) { m_glFuncs->glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &maxTextureSize); } else { dbgUI << "OpenGL: Tried to read texture size before OpenGL was initialized."; maxTextureSize = GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE; } texturesInfo->width = qMin(preferredTextureSize, maxTextureSize); texturesInfo->height = qMin(preferredTextureSize, maxTextureSize); texturesInfo->border = cfg.textureOverlapBorder(); texturesInfo->effectiveWidth = texturesInfo->width - 2 * texturesInfo->border; texturesInfo->effectiveHeight = texturesInfo->height - 2 * texturesInfo->border; m_updateInfoBuilder.setTextureBorder(texturesInfo->border); m_updateInfoBuilder.setEffectiveTextureSize( QSize(texturesInfo->effectiveWidth, texturesInfo->effectiveHeight)); } bool KisOpenGLImageTextures::internalColorManagementActive() const { return m_internalColorManagementActive; } bool KisOpenGLImageTextures::setInternalColorManagementActive(bool value) { bool needsFinalRegeneration = m_internalColorManagementActive != value; if (needsFinalRegeneration) { m_internalColorManagementActive = value; recreateImageTextureTiles(); // at this point the value of m_internalColorManagementActive might // have been forcely reverted to 'false' in case of some problems } return needsFinalRegeneration; } namespace { void initializeRGBA16FTextures(QOpenGLContext *ctx, KisGLTexturesInfo &texturesInfo, KoID &destinationColorDepthId) { if (KisOpenGL::hasOpenGLES() || KisOpenGL::hasOpenGL3()) { texturesInfo.internalFormat = GL_RGBA16F; dbgUI << "Using half (GLES or GL3)"; } else if (ctx->hasExtension("GL_ARB_texture_float")) { texturesInfo.internalFormat = GL_RGBA16F_ARB; dbgUI << "Using ARB half"; } else if (ctx->hasExtension("GL_ATI_texture_float")) { texturesInfo.internalFormat = GL_RGBA_FLOAT16_ATI; dbgUI << "Using ATI half"; } bool haveBuiltInOpenExr = false; #ifdef HAVE_OPENEXR haveBuiltInOpenExr = true; #endif if (haveBuiltInOpenExr && (KisOpenGL::hasOpenGLES() || KisOpenGL::hasOpenGL3())) { texturesInfo.type = GL_HALF_FLOAT; destinationColorDepthId = Float16BitsColorDepthID; dbgUI << "Pixel type half (GLES or GL3)"; } else if (haveBuiltInOpenExr && ctx->hasExtension("GL_ARB_half_float_pixel")) { texturesInfo.type = GL_HALF_FLOAT_ARB; destinationColorDepthId = Float16BitsColorDepthID; dbgUI << "Pixel type half"; } else { texturesInfo.type = GL_FLOAT; destinationColorDepthId = Float32BitsColorDepthID; dbgUI << "Pixel type float"; } texturesInfo.format = GL_RGBA; } } void KisOpenGLImageTextures::updateTextureFormat() { QOpenGLContext *ctx = QOpenGLContext::currentContext(); if (!(m_image && ctx)) return; if (!KisOpenGL::hasOpenGLES()) { m_texturesInfo.internalFormat = GL_RGBA8; m_texturesInfo.type = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; m_texturesInfo.format = GL_BGRA; } else { m_texturesInfo.internalFormat = GL_BGRA8_EXT; m_texturesInfo.type = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; m_texturesInfo.format = GL_BGRA_EXT; if(!ctx->hasExtension(QByteArrayLiteral("GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888"))) { // The red and blue channels are swapped, but it will be re-swapped // by texture swizzle mask set in KisTextureTile::setTextureParameters m_texturesInfo.internalFormat = GL_RGBA8; m_texturesInfo.type = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; m_texturesInfo.format = GL_RGBA; } } const bool useHDRMode = KisOpenGLModeProber::instance()->useHDRMode(); const KoID colorModelId = m_image->colorSpace()->colorModelId(); const KoID colorDepthId = useHDRMode ? Float16BitsColorDepthID : m_image->colorSpace()->colorDepthId(); KoID destinationColorModelId = RGBAColorModelID; KoID destinationColorDepthId = Integer8BitsColorDepthID; dbgUI << "Choosing texture format:"; if (colorModelId == RGBAColorModelID) { if (colorDepthId == Float16BitsColorDepthID) { initializeRGBA16FTextures(ctx, m_texturesInfo, destinationColorDepthId); } else if (colorDepthId == Float32BitsColorDepthID) { if (KisOpenGL::hasOpenGLES() || KisOpenGL::hasOpenGL3()) { m_texturesInfo.internalFormat = GL_RGBA32F; dbgUI << "Using float (GLES or GL3)"; } else if (ctx->hasExtension("GL_ARB_texture_float")) { m_texturesInfo.internalFormat = GL_RGBA32F_ARB; dbgUI << "Using ARB float"; } else if (ctx->hasExtension("GL_ATI_texture_float")) { m_texturesInfo.internalFormat = GL_RGBA_FLOAT32_ATI; dbgUI << "Using ATI float"; } m_texturesInfo.type = GL_FLOAT; m_texturesInfo.format = GL_RGBA; destinationColorDepthId = Float32BitsColorDepthID; } else if (colorDepthId == Integer16BitsColorDepthID) { if (!KisOpenGL::hasOpenGLES()) { m_texturesInfo.internalFormat = GL_RGBA16; m_texturesInfo.type = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT; m_texturesInfo.format = GL_BGRA; destinationColorDepthId = Integer16BitsColorDepthID; dbgUI << "Using 16 bits rgba"; } // TODO: for ANGLE, see if we can convert to 16f to support 10-bit display } } else { // We will convert the colorspace to 16 bits rgba, instead of 8 bits if (colorDepthId == Integer16BitsColorDepthID && !KisOpenGL::hasOpenGLES()) { m_texturesInfo.internalFormat = GL_RGBA16; m_texturesInfo.type = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT; m_texturesInfo.format = GL_BGRA; destinationColorDepthId = Integer16BitsColorDepthID; dbgUI << "Using conversion to 16 bits rgba"; } else if (colorDepthId == Float16BitsColorDepthID && KisOpenGL::hasOpenGLES()) { // TODO: try removing opengl es limit initializeRGBA16FTextures(ctx, m_texturesInfo, destinationColorDepthId); } // TODO: for ANGLE, see if we can convert to 16f to support 10-bit display } if (!m_internalColorManagementActive && colorModelId != destinationColorModelId) { KisConfig cfg(false); KisConfig::OcioColorManagementMode cm = cfg.ocioColorManagementMode(); if (cm != KisConfig::INTERNAL) { emit sigShowFloatingMessage( i18n("OpenColorIO is disabled: image color space is not supported"), 5000, true); } warnUI << "WARNING: Internal color management was forcibly enabled"; warnUI << "Color Management Mode: " << cm; warnUI << ppVar(m_image->colorSpace()); warnUI << ppVar(destinationColorModelId); warnUI << ppVar(destinationColorDepthId); cfg.setOcioColorManagementMode(KisConfig::INTERNAL); m_internalColorManagementActive = true; } const KoColorProfile *profile = m_internalColorManagementActive || colorModelId != destinationColorModelId ? m_monitorProfile : m_image->colorSpace()->profile(); /** * TODO: add an optimization so that the tile->convertTo() method * would not be called when not needed (DK) */ const KoColorSpace *tilesDestinationColorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(destinationColorModelId.id(), destinationColorDepthId.id(), profile); m_updateInfoBuilder.setConversionOptions( ConversionOptions(tilesDestinationColorSpace, m_renderingIntent, m_conversionFlags)); } diff --git a/libs/ui/tool/kis_tool_freehand.cc b/libs/ui/tool/kis_tool_freehand.cc index 4449fe6065..472a547ed1 100644 --- a/libs/ui/tool/kis_tool_freehand.cc +++ b/libs/ui/tool/kis_tool_freehand.cc @@ -1,458 +1,459 @@ /* * kis_tool_freehand.cc - part of Krita * * Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Boudewijn Rempt * Copyright (c) 2004 Bart Coppens * Copyright (c) 2007,2008,2010 Cyrille Berger * Copyright (c) 2009 Lukáš Tvrdý * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_tool_freehand.h" #include #include #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include #include #include //pop up palette #include // Krita/image #include #include #include #include #include #include // Krita/ui #include "kis_abstract_perspective_grid.h" #include "kis_config.h" #include "canvas/kis_canvas2.h" #include "kis_cursor.h" #include #include #include "kis_painting_information_builder.h" #include "kis_tool_freehand_helper.h" #include "strokes/freehand_stroke.h" using namespace std::placeholders; // For _1 placeholder KisToolFreehand::KisToolFreehand(KoCanvasBase * canvas, const QCursor & cursor, const KUndo2MagicString &transactionText) : KisToolPaint(canvas, cursor), m_paintopBasedPickingInAction(false), m_brushResizeCompressor(200, std::bind(&KisToolFreehand::slotDoResizeBrush, this, _1)) { m_assistant = false; m_magnetism = 1.0; m_only_one_assistant = true; setSupportOutline(true); setMaskSyntheticEvents(KisConfig(true).disableTouchOnCanvas()); // Disallow mouse events from finger presses unless enabled m_infoBuilder = new KisToolFreehandPaintingInformationBuilder(this); m_helper = new KisToolFreehandHelper(m_infoBuilder, transactionText); connect(m_helper, SIGNAL(requestExplicitUpdateOutline()), SLOT(explicitUpdateOutline())); } KisToolFreehand::~KisToolFreehand() { delete m_helper; delete m_infoBuilder; } void KisToolFreehand::mouseMoveEvent(KoPointerEvent *event) { KisToolPaint::mouseMoveEvent(event); m_helper->cursorMoved(convertToPixelCoord(event)); } KisSmoothingOptionsSP KisToolFreehand::smoothingOptions() const { return m_helper->smoothingOptions(); } void KisToolFreehand::resetCursorStyle() { KisConfig cfg(true); switch (cfg.newCursorStyle()) { case CURSOR_STYLE_NO_CURSOR: useCursor(KisCursor::blankCursor()); break; case CURSOR_STYLE_POINTER: useCursor(KisCursor::arrowCursor()); break; case CURSOR_STYLE_SMALL_ROUND: useCursor(KisCursor::roundCursor()); break; case CURSOR_STYLE_CROSSHAIR: useCursor(KisCursor::crossCursor()); break; case CURSOR_STYLE_TRIANGLE_RIGHTHANDED: useCursor(KisCursor::triangleRightHandedCursor()); break; case CURSOR_STYLE_TRIANGLE_LEFTHANDED: useCursor(KisCursor::triangleLeftHandedCursor()); break; case CURSOR_STYLE_BLACK_PIXEL: useCursor(KisCursor::pixelBlackCursor()); break; case CURSOR_STYLE_WHITE_PIXEL: useCursor(KisCursor::pixelWhiteCursor()); break; case CURSOR_STYLE_TOOLICON: default: KisToolPaint::resetCursorStyle(); break; } } KisPaintingInformationBuilder* KisToolFreehand::paintingInformationBuilder() const { return m_infoBuilder; } void KisToolFreehand::resetHelper(KisToolFreehandHelper *helper) { delete m_helper; m_helper = helper; } int KisToolFreehand::flags() const { return KisTool::FLAG_USES_CUSTOM_COMPOSITEOP|KisTool::FLAG_USES_CUSTOM_PRESET |KisTool::FLAG_USES_CUSTOM_SIZE; } void KisToolFreehand::activate(ToolActivation activation, const QSet &shapes) { KisToolPaint::activate(activation, shapes); } void KisToolFreehand::deactivate() { if (mode() == PAINT_MODE) { endStroke(); setMode(KisTool::HOVER_MODE); } KisToolPaint::deactivate(); } void KisToolFreehand::initStroke(KoPointerEvent *event) { m_helper->initPaint(event, convertToPixelCoord(event), canvas()->resourceManager(), image(), currentNode(), image().data()); } void KisToolFreehand::doStroke(KoPointerEvent *event) { m_helper->paintEvent(event); } void KisToolFreehand::endStroke() { m_helper->endPaint(); bool paintOpIgnoredEvent = currentPaintOpPreset()->settings()->mouseReleaseEvent(); Q_UNUSED(paintOpIgnoredEvent); } bool KisToolFreehand::primaryActionSupportsHiResEvents() const { return true; } void KisToolFreehand::beginPrimaryAction(KoPointerEvent *event) { // FIXME: workaround for the Duplicate Op tryPickByPaintOp(event, PickFgImage); requestUpdateOutline(event->point, event); NodePaintAbility paintability = nodePaintAbility(); // XXX: move this to KisTool and make it work properly for clone layers: for clone layers, the shape paint tools don't work either if (!nodeEditable() || paintability != PAINT) { if (paintability == KisToolPaint::VECTOR || paintability == KisToolPaint::CLONE){ KisCanvas2 * kiscanvas = static_cast(canvas()); QString message = i18n("The brush tool cannot paint on this layer. Please select a paint layer or mask."); kiscanvas->viewManager()->showFloatingMessage(message, koIcon("object-locked")); } event->ignore(); return; } KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(!m_helper->isRunning()); setMode(KisTool::PAINT_MODE); KisCanvas2 *canvas2 = dynamic_cast(canvas()); if (canvas2) { canvas2->viewManager()->disableControls(); } initStroke(event); } void KisToolFreehand::continuePrimaryAction(KoPointerEvent *event) { CHECK_MODE_SANITY_OR_RETURN(KisTool::PAINT_MODE); requestUpdateOutline(event->point, event); /** * Actual painting */ doStroke(event); } void KisToolFreehand::endPrimaryAction(KoPointerEvent *event) { Q_UNUSED(event); CHECK_MODE_SANITY_OR_RETURN(KisTool::PAINT_MODE); endStroke(); if (m_assistant && static_cast(canvas())->paintingAssistantsDecoration()) { static_cast(canvas())->paintingAssistantsDecoration()->endStroke(); } notifyModified(); KisCanvas2 *canvas2 = dynamic_cast(canvas()); if (canvas2) { canvas2->viewManager()->enableControls(); } setMode(KisTool::HOVER_MODE); } bool KisToolFreehand::tryPickByPaintOp(KoPointerEvent *event, AlternateAction action) { if (action != PickFgNode && action != PickFgImage) return false; /** * FIXME: we need some better way to implement modifiers * for a paintop level. This method is used in DuplicateOp only! */ QPointF pos = adjustPosition(event->point, event->point); qreal perspective = 1.0; Q_FOREACH (const QPointer grid, static_cast(canvas())->viewManager()->canvasResourceProvider()->perspectiveGrids()) { if (grid && grid->contains(pos)) { perspective = grid->distance(pos); break; } } if (!currentPaintOpPreset()) { return false; } bool paintOpIgnoredEvent = currentPaintOpPreset()->settings()-> mousePressEvent(KisPaintInformation(convertToPixelCoord(event->point), m_infoBuilder->pressureToCurve(event->pressure()), event->xTilt(), event->yTilt(), event->rotation(), event->tangentialPressure(), perspective, 0, 0), event->modifiers(), currentNode()); // DuplicateOP during the picking of new source point (origin) // is the only paintop that returns "false" here return !paintOpIgnoredEvent; } void KisToolFreehand::activateAlternateAction(AlternateAction action) { if (action != ChangeSize) { KisToolPaint::activateAlternateAction(action); return; } useCursor(KisCursor::blankCursor()); setOutlineEnabled(true); } void KisToolFreehand::deactivateAlternateAction(AlternateAction action) { if (action != ChangeSize) { KisToolPaint::deactivateAlternateAction(action); return; } resetCursorStyle(); setOutlineEnabled(false); } void KisToolFreehand::beginAlternateAction(KoPointerEvent *event, AlternateAction action) { if (tryPickByPaintOp(event, action)) { m_paintopBasedPickingInAction = true; return; } if (action != ChangeSize) { KisToolPaint::beginAlternateAction(event, action); return; } setMode(GESTURE_MODE); m_initialGestureDocPoint = event->point; m_initialGestureGlobalPoint = QCursor::pos(); m_lastDocumentPoint = event->point; m_lastPaintOpSize = currentPaintOpPreset()->settings()->paintOpSize(); } void KisToolFreehand::continueAlternateAction(KoPointerEvent *event, AlternateAction action) { if (tryPickByPaintOp(event, action) || m_paintopBasedPickingInAction) return; if (action != ChangeSize) { KisToolPaint::continueAlternateAction(event, action); return; } QPointF lastWidgetPosition = convertDocumentToWidget(m_lastDocumentPoint); QPointF actualWidgetPosition = convertDocumentToWidget(event->point); QPointF offset = actualWidgetPosition - lastWidgetPosition; KisCanvas2 *canvas2 = dynamic_cast(canvas()); - QRect screenRect = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry(); + QRect screenRect = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen()->availableVirtualGeometry(); qreal scaleX = 0; qreal scaleY = 0; canvas2->coordinatesConverter()->imageScale(&scaleX, &scaleY); const qreal maxBrushSize = KisConfig(true).readEntry("maximumBrushSize", 1000); const qreal effectiveMaxDragSize = 0.5 * screenRect.width(); const qreal effectiveMaxBrushSize = qMin(maxBrushSize, effectiveMaxDragSize / scaleX); const qreal scaleCoeff = effectiveMaxBrushSize / effectiveMaxDragSize; const qreal sizeDiff = scaleCoeff * offset.x() ; if (qAbs(sizeDiff) > 0.01) { KisPaintOpSettingsSP settings = currentPaintOpPreset()->settings(); const qreal newSize = qBound(0.01, m_lastPaintOpSize + sizeDiff, maxBrushSize); settings->setPaintOpSize(newSize); requestUpdateOutline(m_initialGestureDocPoint, 0); //m_brushResizeCompressor.start(newSize); m_lastDocumentPoint = event->point; m_lastPaintOpSize = newSize; } } void KisToolFreehand::endAlternateAction(KoPointerEvent *event, AlternateAction action) { if (tryPickByPaintOp(event, action) || m_paintopBasedPickingInAction) { m_paintopBasedPickingInAction = false; return; } if (action != ChangeSize) { KisToolPaint::endAlternateAction(event, action); return; } QCursor::setPos(m_initialGestureGlobalPoint); requestUpdateOutline(m_initialGestureDocPoint, 0); setMode(HOVER_MODE); } bool KisToolFreehand::wantsAutoScroll() const { return false; } void KisToolFreehand::setAssistant(bool assistant) { m_assistant = assistant; } void KisToolFreehand::setOnlyOneAssistantSnap(bool assistant) { m_only_one_assistant = assistant; } void KisToolFreehand::slotDoResizeBrush(qreal newSize) { KisPaintOpSettingsSP settings = currentPaintOpPreset()->settings(); settings->setPaintOpSize(newSize); requestUpdateOutline(m_initialGestureDocPoint, 0); } QPointF KisToolFreehand::adjustPosition(const QPointF& point, const QPointF& strokeBegin) { if (m_assistant && static_cast(canvas())->paintingAssistantsDecoration()) { static_cast(canvas())->paintingAssistantsDecoration()->setOnlyOneAssistantSnap(m_only_one_assistant); QPointF ap = static_cast(canvas())->paintingAssistantsDecoration()->adjustPosition(point, strokeBegin); return (1.0 - m_magnetism) * point + m_magnetism * ap; } return point; } qreal KisToolFreehand::calculatePerspective(const QPointF &documentPoint) { qreal perspective = 1.0; Q_FOREACH (const QPointer grid, static_cast(canvas())->viewManager()->canvasResourceProvider()->perspectiveGrids()) { if (grid && grid->contains(documentPoint)) { perspective = grid->distance(documentPoint); break; } } return perspective; } void KisToolFreehand::explicitUpdateOutline() { requestUpdateOutline(m_outlineDocPoint, 0); } QPainterPath KisToolFreehand::getOutlinePath(const QPointF &documentPos, const KoPointerEvent *event, KisPaintOpSettings::OutlineMode outlineMode) { QPointF imagePos = convertToPixelCoord(documentPos); if (currentPaintOpPreset()) return m_helper->paintOpOutline(imagePos, event, currentPaintOpPreset()->settings(), outlineMode); else return QPainterPath(); } diff --git a/libs/ui/widgets/KisMemoryReportButton.cpp b/libs/ui/widgets/KisMemoryReportButton.cpp index b18af3e2f4..8f2fe600d2 100644 --- a/libs/ui/widgets/KisMemoryReportButton.cpp +++ b/libs/ui/widgets/KisMemoryReportButton.cpp @@ -1,105 +1,105 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2019 Wolthera van Hövell tot Westerflier * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KisMemoryReportButton.h" #include #include #include #include #include KisMemoryReportButton::KisMemoryReportButton(QWidget *parent) : QPushButton(parent) , m_maxbytes(0) , m_curbytes(0) , m_imgbytes(0) { } void KisMemoryReportButton::setMaximumMemory(qint64 max) { m_maxbytes = max; } void KisMemoryReportButton::setCurrentMemory(qint64 memory) { m_curbytes = memory; } void KisMemoryReportButton::setImageWeight(qint64 memory) { m_imgbytes = memory; } void KisMemoryReportButton::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { qreal ratioCur = qreal(m_curbytes)/qreal(m_maxbytes); QStyleOptionButton buttonStyle; buttonStyle.initFrom(this); QRect area = this->style()->subElementRect(QStyle::SE_PushButtonFocusRect, &buttonStyle); int totalWidth = area.width(); QStylePainter painter(this); painter.setPen(Qt::transparent); if (style()->objectName() == "breeze") { painter.drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_PanelButtonCommand, buttonStyle); } else { painter.drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_Frame, buttonStyle); } QColor HL = this->palette().highlight().color(); QColor mid = QColor(220, 220, 0); QColor warn = QColor(220, 0, 0); if (ratioCur>=0.2 && ratioCur<0.4) { qreal newRatio = (ratioCur-0.2)/0.2; qreal negRatio = 1-newRatio; HL.setRed( qMax(0, qMin(int(HL.red()*negRatio) + int(mid.red()*newRatio), 255))); HL.setGreen( qMax(0, qMin(int(HL.green()*negRatio) + int(mid.green()*newRatio), 255))); HL.setBlue( qMax(0, qMin(int(HL.blue()*negRatio) + int(mid.blue()*newRatio), 255))); } else if (ratioCur>=0.4 && ratioCur<0.8) { qreal newRatio = (ratioCur-0.4)/0.4; qreal negRatio = 1-newRatio; HL.setRed( qMax(0, qMin(int(mid.red()*negRatio) + int(warn.red()*newRatio), 255))); HL.setGreen( qMax(0, qMin(int(mid.green()*negRatio) + int(warn.green()*newRatio), 255))); HL.setBlue( qMax(0, qMin(int(mid.blue()*negRatio) + int(warn.blue()*newRatio), 255))); } else if (ratioCur>0.8) { HL = warn; } painter.setBrush(HL); QRect currentBytes = area; currentBytes.setWidth(int(ratioCur*totalWidth)); painter.setOpacity(0.5); - painter.drawRoundRect(currentBytes, 2, 2); + painter.drawRoundedRect(currentBytes, 2, 2); if (m_imgbytes This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KoDualColorButton.h" #include "KoColor.h" #include "KoColorDisplayRendererInterface.h" #include #include "dcolorarrow.xbm" #include "dcolorreset.xpm" #include #include "KisDlgInternalColorSelector.h" #include "kis_signals_blocker.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include class Q_DECL_HIDDEN KoDualColorButton::Private { public: Private(const KoColor &fgColor, const KoColor &bgColor, QWidget *_dialogParent, const KoColorDisplayRendererInterface *_displayRenderer) : dialogParent(_dialogParent) , dragFlag( false ) , miniCtlFlag( false ) , foregroundColor(fgColor) , backgroundColor(bgColor) , displayRenderer(_displayRenderer) { updateArrows(); resetPixmap = QPixmap( (const char **)dcolorreset_xpm ); popDialog = true; } void updateArrows() { arrowBitmap = QPixmap(12,12); arrowBitmap.fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter p(&arrowBitmap); - p.setPen(dialogParent->palette().foreground().color()); + p.setPen(dialogParent->palette().window().color()); // arrow pointing left p.drawLine(0, 3, 7, 3); p.drawLine(1, 2, 1, 4); p.drawLine(2, 1, 2, 5); p.drawLine(3, 0, 3, 6); // arrow pointing down p.drawLine(8, 4, 8, 11); p.drawLine(5, 8, 11, 8); p.drawLine(6, 9, 10, 9); p.drawLine(7, 10, 9, 10); } QWidget* dialogParent; QPixmap arrowBitmap; QPixmap resetPixmap; bool dragFlag, miniCtlFlag; KoColor foregroundColor; KoColor backgroundColor; KisDlgInternalColorSelector *colorSelectorDialog; QPoint dragPosition; Selection tmpSelection; bool popDialog; const KoColorDisplayRendererInterface *displayRenderer; void init(KoDualColorButton *q); }; void KoDualColorButton::Private::init(KoDualColorButton *q) { if ( q->sizeHint().isValid() ) q->setMinimumSize( q->sizeHint() ); q->setAcceptDrops( true ); QString caption = i18n("Select a Color"); KisDlgInternalColorSelector::Config config = KisDlgInternalColorSelector::Config(); config.modal = false; colorSelectorDialog = new KisDlgInternalColorSelector(q, foregroundColor, config, caption, displayRenderer); connect(colorSelectorDialog, SIGNAL(signalForegroundColorChosen(KoColor)), q, SLOT(slotSetForeGroundColorFromDialog(KoColor))); connect(q, SIGNAL(foregroundColorChanged(KoColor)), colorSelectorDialog, SLOT(slotColorUpdated(KoColor))); } KoDualColorButton::KoDualColorButton(const KoColor &foregroundColor, const KoColor &backgroundColor, QWidget *parent, QWidget* dialogParent ) : QWidget( parent ), d( new Private(foregroundColor, backgroundColor, dialogParent, KoDumbColorDisplayRenderer::instance()) ) { d->init(this); } KoDualColorButton::KoDualColorButton(const KoColor &foregroundColor, const KoColor &backgroundColor, const KoColorDisplayRendererInterface *displayRenderer, QWidget *parent, QWidget* dialogParent) : QWidget( parent ), d( new Private(foregroundColor, backgroundColor, dialogParent, displayRenderer) ) { d->init(this); } KoDualColorButton::~KoDualColorButton() { delete d; } KoColor KoDualColorButton::foregroundColor() const { return d->foregroundColor; } KoColor KoDualColorButton::backgroundColor() const { return d->backgroundColor; } bool KoDualColorButton::popDialog() const { return d->popDialog; } QSize KoDualColorButton::sizeHint() const { return QSize( 34, 34 ); } void KoDualColorButton::setForegroundColor(const KoColor &color) { d->foregroundColor = color; { /** * The internal color selector might emit the color of a different profile, so * we should break this cycling dependency somehow. */ KisSignalsBlocker b(d->colorSelectorDialog); d->colorSelectorDialog->slotColorUpdated(color); } repaint(); } void KoDualColorButton::setBackgroundColor( const KoColor &color ) { d->backgroundColor = color; repaint(); } void KoDualColorButton::setDisplayRenderer(const KoColorDisplayRendererInterface *displayRenderer) { if (displayRenderer) { d->displayRenderer = displayRenderer; d->colorSelectorDialog->setDisplayRenderer(displayRenderer); connect(d->displayRenderer, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(setDisplayRenderer()), Qt::UniqueConnection); } else { d->displayRenderer = KoDumbColorDisplayRenderer::instance(); } } void KoDualColorButton::setColorSpace(const KoColorSpace *cs) { d->colorSelectorDialog->lockUsedColorSpace(cs); } QColor KoDualColorButton::getColorFromDisplayRenderer(KoColor c) { QColor col; if (d->displayRenderer) { c.convertTo(d->displayRenderer->getPaintingColorSpace()); col = d->displayRenderer->toQColor(c); } else { col = c.toQColor(); } return col; } void KoDualColorButton::setPopDialog( bool popDialog ) { d->popDialog = popDialog; } void KoDualColorButton::metrics( QRect &foregroundRect, QRect &backgroundRect ) { foregroundRect = QRect( 0, 0, width() - 14, height() - 14 ); backgroundRect = QRect( 14, 14, width() - 14, height() - 14 ); } void KoDualColorButton::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { QRect foregroundRect; QRect backgroundRect; QPainter painter( this ); metrics( foregroundRect, backgroundRect ); QBrush defBrush = palette().brush( QPalette::Button ); QBrush foregroundBrush( getColorFromDisplayRenderer(d->foregroundColor), Qt::SolidPattern ); QBrush backgroundBrush( getColorFromDisplayRenderer(d->backgroundColor), Qt::SolidPattern ); qDrawShadeRect( &painter, backgroundRect, palette(), false, 1, 0, isEnabled() ? &backgroundBrush : &defBrush ); qDrawShadeRect( &painter, foregroundRect, palette(), false, 1, 0, isEnabled() ? &foregroundBrush : &defBrush ); painter.setPen( palette().color( QPalette::Shadow ) ); painter.drawPixmap( foregroundRect.right() + 2, 1, d->arrowBitmap ); painter.drawPixmap( 1, foregroundRect.bottom() + 2, d->resetPixmap ); } void KoDualColorButton::dragEnterEvent( QDragEnterEvent *event ) { event->setAccepted( isEnabled() && KColorMimeData::canDecode( event->mimeData() ) ); } void KoDualColorButton::dropEvent( QDropEvent *event ) { Q_UNUSED(event); /* QColor color = KColorMimeData::fromMimeData( event->mimeData() ); if ( color.isValid() ) { if ( d->selection == Foreground ) { d->foregroundColor = color; emit foregroundColorChanged( color ); } else { d->backgroundColor = color; emit backgroundColorChanged( color ); } repaint(); } */ } void KoDualColorButton::slotSetForeGroundColorFromDialog(const KoColor color) { d->foregroundColor = color; repaint(); emit foregroundColorChanged(d->foregroundColor); } void KoDualColorButton::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent *event ) { QRect foregroundRect; QRect backgroundRect; metrics( foregroundRect, backgroundRect ); d->dragPosition = event->pos(); d->dragFlag = false; if ( foregroundRect.contains( d->dragPosition ) ) { d->tmpSelection = Foreground; d->miniCtlFlag = false; } else if( backgroundRect.contains( d->dragPosition ) ) { d->tmpSelection = Background; d->miniCtlFlag = false; } else if ( event->pos().x() > foregroundRect.width() ) { // We handle the swap and reset controls as soon as the mouse is // is pressed and ignore further events on this click (mosfet). KoColor tmp = d->foregroundColor; d->foregroundColor = d->backgroundColor; d->backgroundColor = tmp; emit backgroundColorChanged( d->backgroundColor ); emit foregroundColorChanged( d->foregroundColor ); d->miniCtlFlag = true; } else if ( event->pos().x() < backgroundRect.x() ) { d->foregroundColor = d->displayRenderer->approximateFromRenderedQColor(Qt::black); d->backgroundColor = d->displayRenderer->approximateFromRenderedQColor(Qt::white); emit backgroundColorChanged( d->backgroundColor ); emit foregroundColorChanged( d->foregroundColor ); d->miniCtlFlag = true; } repaint(); } void KoDualColorButton::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent *event ) { if ( !d->miniCtlFlag ) { int delay = QApplication::startDragDistance(); if ( event->x() >= d->dragPosition.x() + delay || event->x() <= d->dragPosition.x() - delay || event->y() >= d->dragPosition.y() + delay || event->y() <= d->dragPosition.y() - delay ) { KColorMimeData::createDrag( d->tmpSelection == Foreground ? getColorFromDisplayRenderer(d->foregroundColor) : getColorFromDisplayRenderer(d->backgroundColor), - this )->start(); + this )->exec(); d->dragFlag = true; } } } void KoDualColorButton::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent *event ) { d->dragFlag = false; if ( d->miniCtlFlag ) return; d->miniCtlFlag = false; QRect foregroundRect; QRect backgroundRect; metrics( foregroundRect, backgroundRect ); if (foregroundRect.contains( event->pos())) { if (d->tmpSelection == Foreground) { if (d->popDialog) { #ifndef Q_OS_MACOS d->colorSelectorDialog->setPreviousColor(d->foregroundColor); // this should toggle, but I don't know how to implement that... d->colorSelectorDialog->show(); #else QColor c = d->foregroundColor.toQColor(); c = QColorDialog::getColor(c, this); if (c.isValid()) { d->foregroundColor = d->displayRenderer->approximateFromRenderedQColor(c); emit foregroundColorChanged(d->foregroundColor); } #endif } } else { d->foregroundColor = d->backgroundColor; emit foregroundColorChanged( d->foregroundColor ); } } else if ( backgroundRect.contains( event->pos() )) { if(d->tmpSelection == Background ) { if( d->popDialog) { #ifndef Q_OS_MACOS KoColor c = d->backgroundColor; c = KisDlgInternalColorSelector::getModalColorDialog(c, this, d->colorSelectorDialog->windowTitle()); d->backgroundColor = c; emit backgroundColorChanged(d->backgroundColor); #else QColor c = d->backgroundColor.toQColor(); c = QColorDialog::getColor(c, this); if (c.isValid()) { d->backgroundColor = d->displayRenderer->approximateFromRenderedQColor(c); emit backgroundColorChanged(d->backgroundColor); } #endif } } else { d->backgroundColor = d->foregroundColor; emit backgroundColorChanged( d->backgroundColor ); } } repaint(); } void KoDualColorButton::changeEvent(QEvent *event) { QWidget::changeEvent(event); switch (event->type()) { case QEvent::StyleChange: case QEvent::PaletteChange: d->updateArrows(); default: break; } } diff --git a/libs/ui/widgets/KoFillConfigWidget.cpp b/libs/ui/widgets/KoFillConfigWidget.cpp index 11938edf3e..603a748854 100644 --- a/libs/ui/widgets/KoFillConfigWidget.cpp +++ b/libs/ui/widgets/KoFillConfigWidget.cpp @@ -1,898 +1,926 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project * Made by Tomislav Lukman (tomislav.lukman@ck.tel.hr) * Copyright (C) 2012 Jean-Nicolas Artaud * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KoFillConfigWidget.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "KoResourceServerProvider.h" #include "KoResourceServerAdapter.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "KoZoomHandler.h" #include "KoColorPopupButton.h" #include "ui_KoFillConfigWidget.h" #include #include #include #include #include "kis_canvas_resource_provider.h" #include #include #include #include "kis_global.h" #include "kis_debug.h" static const char* const buttonnone[]={ "16 16 3 1", "# c #000000", "e c #ff0000", "- c #ffffff", "################", "#--------------#", "#-e----------e-#", "#--e--------e--#", "#---e------e---#", "#----e----e----#", "#-----e--e-----#", "#------ee------#", "#------ee------#", "#-----e--e-----#", "#----e----e----#", "#---e------e---#", "#--e--------e--#", "#-e----------e-#", "#--------------#", "################"}; static const char* const buttonsolid[]={ "16 16 2 1", "# c #000000", ". c #969696", "################", "#..............#", "#..............#", "#..............#", "#..............#", "#..............#", "#..............#", "#..............#", "#..............#", "#..............#", "#..............#", "#..............#", "#..............#", "#..............#", "#..............#", "################"}; // FIXME: Smoother gradient button. static const char* const buttongradient[]={ "16 16 15 1", "# c #000000", "n c #101010", "m c #202020", "l c #303030", "k c #404040", "j c #505050", "i c #606060", "h c #707070", "g c #808080", "f c #909090", "e c #a0a0a0", "d c #b0b0b0", "c c #c0c0c0", "b c #d0d0d0", "a c #e0e0e0", "################", "#abcdefghijklmn#", "#abcdefghijklmn#", "#abcdefghijklmn#", "#abcdefghijklmn#", "#abcdefghijklmn#", "#abcdefghijklmn#", "#abcdefghijklmn#", "#abcdefghijklmn#", "#abcdefghijklmn#", "#abcdefghijklmn#", "#abcdefghijklmn#", "#abcdefghijklmn#", "#abcdefghijklmn#", "#abcdefghijklmn#", "################"}; static const char* const buttonpattern[]={ "16 16 4 1", ". c #0a0a0a", "# c #333333", "a c #a0a0a0", "b c #ffffffff", "################", "#aaaaabbbbaaaaa#", "#aaaaabbbbaaaaa#", "#aaaaabbbbaaaaa#", "#aaaaabbbbaaaaa#", "#aaaaabbbbaaaaa#", "#bbbbbaaaabbbbb#", "#bbbbbaaaabbbbb#", "#bbbbbaaaabbbbb#", "#bbbbbaaaabbbbb#", "#aaaaabbbbaaaaa#", "#aaaaabbbbaaaaa#", "#aaaaabbbbaaaaa#", "#aaaaabbbbaaaaa#", "#aaaaabbbbaaaaa#", "################"}; class Q_DECL_HIDDEN KoFillConfigWidget::Private { public: Private(KoFlake::FillVariant _fillVariant) : canvas(0), colorChangedCompressor(100, KisSignalCompressor::FIRST_ACTIVE), gradientChangedCompressor(100, KisSignalCompressor::FIRST_ACTIVE), shapeChangedCompressor(200,KisSignalCompressor::FIRST_ACTIVE), fillVariant(_fillVariant), noSelectionTrackingMode(false) { } KoColorPopupAction *colorAction; KoResourcePopupAction *gradientAction; KoResourcePopupAction *patternAction; QButtonGroup *group; KoCanvasBase *canvas; KisSignalCompressor colorChangedCompressor; KisAcyclicSignalConnector shapeChangedAcyclicConnector; KisAcyclicSignalConnector resourceManagerAcyclicConnector; KoFillConfigWidget::StyleButton selectedFillIndex {KoFillConfigWidget::None}; QSharedPointer activeGradient; KisSignalCompressor gradientChangedCompressor; KisSignalCompressor shapeChangedCompressor; KoFlake::FillVariant fillVariant; - - QList previousShapeSelected;/// container to see if the selection has actually changed - bool noSelectionTrackingMode; Ui_KoFillConfigWidget *ui; std::vector deactivationLocks; + + boost::optional overriddenColorFromProvider; }; KoFillConfigWidget::KoFillConfigWidget(KoCanvasBase *canvas, KoFlake::FillVariant fillVariant, bool trackShapeSelection, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) , d(new Private(fillVariant)) { d->canvas = canvas; if (trackShapeSelection) { d->shapeChangedAcyclicConnector.connectBackwardVoid( d->canvas->selectedShapesProxy(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), &d->shapeChangedCompressor, SLOT(start())); d->shapeChangedAcyclicConnector.connectBackwardVoid( d->canvas->selectedShapesProxy(), SIGNAL(selectionContentChanged()), &d->shapeChangedCompressor, SLOT(start())); connect(&d->shapeChangedCompressor, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(shapeChanged())); } d->resourceManagerAcyclicConnector.connectBackwardResourcePair( d->canvas->resourceManager(), SIGNAL(canvasResourceChanged(int,QVariant)), this, SLOT(slotCanvasResourceChanged(int,QVariant))); d->resourceManagerAcyclicConnector.connectForwardVoid( this, SIGNAL(sigInternalRequestColorToResourceManager()), this, SLOT(slotProposeCurrentColorToResourceManager())); + KisAcyclicSignalConnector *resetConnector = d->resourceManagerAcyclicConnector.createCoordinatedConnector(); + resetConnector->connectForwardVoid( + this, SIGNAL(sigInternalRecoverColorInResourceManager()), + this, SLOT(slotRecoverColorInResourceManager())); // configure GUI d->ui = new Ui_KoFillConfigWidget(); d->ui->setupUi(this); d->group = new QButtonGroup(this); d->group->setExclusive(true); d->ui->btnNoFill->setIcon(QPixmap((const char **) buttonnone)); d->group->addButton(d->ui->btnNoFill, None); d->ui->btnSolidFill->setIcon(QPixmap((const char **) buttonsolid)); d->group->addButton(d->ui->btnSolidFill, Solid); d->ui->btnGradientFill->setIcon(QPixmap((const char **) buttongradient)); d->group->addButton(d->ui->btnGradientFill, Gradient); d->ui->btnPatternFill->setIcon(QPixmap((const char **) buttonpattern)); d->group->addButton(d->ui->btnPatternFill, Pattern); d->ui->btnPatternFill->setVisible(false); d->colorAction = new KoColorPopupAction(d->ui->btnChooseSolidColor); d->colorAction->setToolTip(i18n("Change the filling color")); d->colorAction->setCurrentColor(Qt::white); d->ui->btnChooseSolidColor->setDefaultAction(d->colorAction); d->ui->btnChooseSolidColor->setPopupMode(QToolButton::InstantPopup); d->ui->btnSolidColorPick->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("krita_tool_color_picker")); // TODO: for now the color picking button is disabled! d->ui->btnSolidColorPick->setEnabled(false); d->ui->btnSolidColorPick->setVisible(false); connect(d->colorAction, SIGNAL(colorChanged(KoColor)), &d->colorChangedCompressor, SLOT(start())); connect(&d->colorChangedCompressor, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(colorChanged())); connect(d->ui->btnChooseSolidColor, SIGNAL(iconSizeChanged()), d->colorAction, SLOT(updateIcon())); connect(d->group, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(int)), SLOT(styleButtonPressed(int))); connect(d->group, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(int)), SLOT(slotUpdateFillTitle())); slotUpdateFillTitle(); styleButtonPressed(d->group->checkedId()); // Gradient selector d->ui->wdgGradientEditor->setCompactMode(true); connect(d->ui->wdgGradientEditor, SIGNAL(sigGradientChanged()), &d->gradientChangedCompressor, SLOT(start())); connect(&d->gradientChangedCompressor, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(activeGradientChanged())); KoResourceServerProvider *serverProvider = KoResourceServerProvider::instance(); QSharedPointer gradientResourceAdapter( new KoResourceServerAdapter(serverProvider->gradientServer())); d->gradientAction = new KoResourcePopupAction(gradientResourceAdapter, d->ui->btnChoosePredefinedGradient); d->gradientAction->setToolTip(i18n("Change filling gradient")); d->ui->btnChoosePredefinedGradient->setDefaultAction(d->gradientAction); d->ui->btnChoosePredefinedGradient->setPopupMode(QToolButton::InstantPopup); connect(d->gradientAction, SIGNAL(resourceSelected(QSharedPointer)), SLOT(gradientResourceChanged())); connect(d->ui->btnChoosePredefinedGradient, SIGNAL(iconSizeChanged()), d->gradientAction, SLOT(updateIcon())); d->ui->btnSaveGradient->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("document-save")); connect(d->ui->btnSaveGradient, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotSavePredefinedGradientClicked())); connect(d->ui->cmbGradientRepeat, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), SLOT(slotGradientRepeatChanged())); connect(d->ui->cmbGradientType, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), SLOT(slotGradientTypeChanged())); deactivate(); #if 0 // Pattern selector QSharedPointerpatternResourceAdapter(new KoResourceServerAdapter(serverProvider->patternServer())); d->patternAction = new KoResourcePopupAction(patternResourceAdapter, d->colorButton); d->patternAction->setToolTip(i18n("Change the filling pattern")); connect(d->patternAction, SIGNAL(resourceSelected(QSharedPointer)), this, SLOT(patternChanged(QSharedPointer))); connect(d->colorButton, SIGNAL(iconSizeChanged()), d->patternAction, SLOT(updateIcon())); #endif } KoFillConfigWidget::~KoFillConfigWidget() { delete d; } void KoFillConfigWidget::activate() { KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(!d->deactivationLocks.empty()); d->deactivationLocks.clear(); if (!d->noSelectionTrackingMode) { d->shapeChangedCompressor.start(); } else { loadCurrentFillFromResourceServer(); } updateWidgetComponentVisbility(); } void KoFillConfigWidget::deactivate() { + emit sigInternalRecoverColorInResourceManager(); + KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(d->deactivationLocks.empty()); d->deactivationLocks.push_back(KisAcyclicSignalConnector::Blocker(d->shapeChangedAcyclicConnector)); d->deactivationLocks.push_back(KisAcyclicSignalConnector::Blocker(d->resourceManagerAcyclicConnector)); } void KoFillConfigWidget::forceUpdateOnSelectionChanged() { d->shapeChangedCompressor.start(); } void KoFillConfigWidget::setNoSelectionTrackingMode(bool value) { d->noSelectionTrackingMode = value; if (!d->noSelectionTrackingMode) { d->shapeChangedCompressor.start(); } } void KoFillConfigWidget::slotUpdateFillTitle() { QString text = d->group->checkedButton() ? d->group->checkedButton()->text() : QString(); text.replace('&', QString()); d->ui->lblFillTitle->setText(text); } void KoFillConfigWidget::slotCanvasResourceChanged(int key, const QVariant &value) { if ((key == KoCanvasResourceProvider::ForegroundColor && d->fillVariant == KoFlake::Fill) || (key == KoCanvasResourceProvider::BackgroundColor && d->fillVariant == KoFlake::StrokeFill && !d->noSelectionTrackingMode) || (key == KoCanvasResourceProvider::ForegroundColor && d->noSelectionTrackingMode)) { KoColor color = value.value(); const int checkedId = d->group->checkedId(); if ((checkedId < 0 || checkedId == None || checkedId == Solid) && !(checkedId == Solid && d->colorAction->currentKoColor() == color)) { d->group->button(Solid)->setChecked(true); d->selectedFillIndex = Solid; d->colorAction->setCurrentColor(color); d->colorChangedCompressor.start(); } else if (checkedId == Gradient && key == KoCanvasResourceProvider::ForegroundColor) { d->ui->wdgGradientEditor->notifyGlobalColorChanged(color); } } else if (key == KisCanvasResourceProvider::CurrentGradient) { KoResource *gradient = value.value(); const int checkedId = d->group->checkedId(); if (gradient && (checkedId < 0 || checkedId == None || checkedId == Gradient)) { d->group->button(Gradient)->setChecked(true); d->gradientAction->setCurrentResource(gradient); } } } QList KoFillConfigWidget::currentShapes() { return d->canvas->selectedShapesProxy()->selection()->selectedEditableShapes(); } int KoFillConfigWidget::selectedFillIndex() { return d->selectedFillIndex; } void KoFillConfigWidget::styleButtonPressed(int buttonId) { QList shapes = currentShapes(); switch (buttonId) { case KoFillConfigWidget::None: noColorSelected(); break; case KoFillConfigWidget::Solid: colorChanged(); break; case KoFillConfigWidget::Gradient: if (d->activeGradient) { setNewGradientBackgroundToShape(); updateGradientSaveButtonAvailability(); } else { gradientResourceChanged(); } break; case KoFillConfigWidget::Pattern: // Only select mode in the widget, don't set actual pattern :/ //d->colorButton->setDefaultAction(d->patternAction); //patternChanged(d->patternAction->currentBackground()); break; } // update tool option fields with first selected object if (shapes.isEmpty() == false) { KoShape *firstShape = shapes.first(); updateFillIndexFromShape(firstShape); updateFillColorFromShape(firstShape); } updateWidgetComponentVisbility(); } KoShapeStrokeSP KoFillConfigWidget::createShapeStroke() { KoShapeStrokeSP stroke(new KoShapeStroke()); KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN_VALUE(d->fillVariant == KoFlake::StrokeFill, stroke); switch (d->group->checkedId()) { case KoFillConfigWidget::None: stroke->setColor(Qt::transparent); break; case KoFillConfigWidget::Solid: stroke->setColor(d->colorAction->currentColor()); break; case KoFillConfigWidget::Gradient: { QScopedPointer g(d->activeGradient->toQGradient()); QBrush newBrush = *g; stroke->setLineBrush(newBrush); stroke->setColor(Qt::transparent); break; } case KoFillConfigWidget::Pattern: break; } return stroke; } void KoFillConfigWidget::noColorSelected() { KisAcyclicSignalConnector::Blocker b(d->shapeChangedAcyclicConnector); QList selectedShapes = currentShapes(); if (selectedShapes.isEmpty()) { emit sigFillChanged(); return; } KoShapeFillWrapper wrapper(selectedShapes, d->fillVariant); KUndo2Command *command = wrapper.setColor(QColor()); if (command) { d->canvas->addCommand(command); } if (d->fillVariant == KoFlake::StrokeFill) { KUndo2Command *lineCommand = wrapper.setLineWidth(0.0); if (lineCommand) { d->canvas->addCommand(lineCommand); } } emit sigFillChanged(); } void KoFillConfigWidget::colorChanged() { KisAcyclicSignalConnector::Blocker b(d->shapeChangedAcyclicConnector); QList selectedShapes = currentShapes(); if (selectedShapes.isEmpty()) { emit sigInternalRequestColorToResourceManager(); emit sigFillChanged(); return; } + d->overriddenColorFromProvider = boost::none; + KoShapeFillWrapper wrapper(selectedShapes, d->fillVariant); KUndo2Command *command = wrapper.setColor(d->colorAction->currentColor()); if (command) { d->canvas->addCommand(command); } // only returns true if it is a stroke object that has a 0 for line width if (wrapper.hasZeroLineWidth() ) { KUndo2Command *lineCommand = wrapper.setLineWidth(1.0); if (lineCommand) { d->canvas->addCommand(lineCommand); } // * line to test out QColor solidColor = d->colorAction->currentColor(); solidColor.setAlpha(255); command = wrapper.setColor(solidColor); if (command) { d->canvas->addCommand(command); } } d->colorAction->setCurrentColor(wrapper.color()); emit sigFillChanged(); emit sigInternalRequestColorToResourceManager(); } void KoFillConfigWidget::slotProposeCurrentColorToResourceManager() { const int checkedId = d->group->checkedId(); bool hasColor = false; KoColor color; KoCanvasResourceProvider::CanvasResource colorSlot = KoCanvasResourceProvider::ForegroundColor; if (checkedId == Solid) { if (d->fillVariant == KoFlake::StrokeFill) { colorSlot = KoCanvasResourceProvider::BackgroundColor; } color = d->colorAction->currentKoColor(); hasColor = true; } else if (checkedId == Gradient) { if (boost::optional gradientColor = d->ui->wdgGradientEditor->currentActiveStopColor()) { color = *gradientColor; hasColor = true; } } if (hasColor) { + if (!d->overriddenColorFromProvider) { + d->overriddenColorFromProvider = + d->canvas->resourceManager()->resource(colorSlot).value(); + } + /** * Don't let opacity leak to our resource manager system * * NOTE: theoretically, we could guarantee it on a level of the * resource manager itself, */ color.setOpacity(OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8); d->canvas->resourceManager()->setResource(colorSlot, QVariant::fromValue(color)); } } +void KoFillConfigWidget::slotRecoverColorInResourceManager() +{ + if (d->overriddenColorFromProvider) { + KoCanvasResourceProvider::CanvasResource colorSlot = KoCanvasResourceProvider::ForegroundColor; + if (d->fillVariant == KoFlake::StrokeFill) { + colorSlot = KoCanvasResourceProvider::BackgroundColor; + } + + d->canvas->resourceManager()->setResource(colorSlot, QVariant::fromValue(*d->overriddenColorFromProvider)); + d->overriddenColorFromProvider = boost::none; + } +} + template QString findFirstAvailableResourceName(const QString &baseName, ResourceServer *server) { if (!server->resourceByName(baseName)) return baseName; int counter = 1; QString result; while ((result = QString("%1%2").arg(baseName).arg(counter)), server->resourceByName(result)) { counter++; } return result; } void KoFillConfigWidget::slotSavePredefinedGradientClicked() { KoResourceServerProvider *serverProvider = KoResourceServerProvider::instance(); auto server = serverProvider->gradientServer(); const QString defaultGradientNamePrefix = i18nc("default prefix for the saved gradient", "gradient"); QString name = d->activeGradient->name().isEmpty() ? defaultGradientNamePrefix : d->activeGradient->name(); name = findFirstAvailableResourceName(name, server); name = QInputDialog::getText(this, i18nc("@title:window", "Save Gradient"), i18n("Enter gradient name:"), QLineEdit::Normal, name); // TODO: currently we do not allow the user to // create two resources with the same name! // Please add some feedback for it! name = findFirstAvailableResourceName(name, server); d->activeGradient->setName(name); const QString saveLocation = server->saveLocation(); d->activeGradient->setFilename(saveLocation + d->activeGradient->name() + d->activeGradient->defaultFileExtension()); KoAbstractGradient *newGradient = d->activeGradient->clone(); server->addResource(newGradient); d->gradientAction->setCurrentResource(newGradient); } void KoFillConfigWidget::activeGradientChanged() { setNewGradientBackgroundToShape(); updateGradientSaveButtonAvailability(); emit sigInternalRequestColorToResourceManager(); } void KoFillConfigWidget::gradientResourceChanged() { QSharedPointer bg = qSharedPointerDynamicCast( d->gradientAction->currentBackground()); uploadNewGradientBackground(bg->gradient()); setNewGradientBackgroundToShape(); updateGradientSaveButtonAvailability(); } void KoFillConfigWidget::slotGradientTypeChanged() { QGradient::Type type = d->ui->cmbGradientType->currentIndex() == 0 ? QGradient::LinearGradient : QGradient::RadialGradient; d->activeGradient->setType(type); activeGradientChanged(); } void KoFillConfigWidget::slotGradientRepeatChanged() { QGradient::Spread spread = QGradient::Spread(d->ui->cmbGradientRepeat->currentIndex()); d->activeGradient->setSpread(spread); activeGradientChanged(); } void KoFillConfigWidget::uploadNewGradientBackground(const QGradient *gradient) { KisSignalsBlocker b1(d->ui->wdgGradientEditor, d->ui->cmbGradientType, d->ui->cmbGradientRepeat); d->ui->wdgGradientEditor->setGradient(0); d->activeGradient.reset(KoStopGradient::fromQGradient(gradient)); d->ui->wdgGradientEditor->setGradient(d->activeGradient.data()); d->ui->cmbGradientType->setCurrentIndex(d->activeGradient->type() != QGradient::LinearGradient); d->ui->cmbGradientRepeat->setCurrentIndex(int(d->activeGradient->spread())); } void KoFillConfigWidget::setNewGradientBackgroundToShape() { QList selectedShapes = currentShapes(); if (selectedShapes.isEmpty()) { emit sigFillChanged(); return; } KisAcyclicSignalConnector::Blocker b(d->shapeChangedAcyclicConnector); KoShapeFillWrapper wrapper(selectedShapes, d->fillVariant); QScopedPointer srcQGradient(d->activeGradient->toQGradient()); KUndo2Command *command = wrapper.applyGradientStopsOnly(srcQGradient.data()); if (command) { d->canvas->addCommand(command); } emit sigFillChanged(); } void KoFillConfigWidget::updateGradientSaveButtonAvailability() { bool savingEnabled = false; QScopedPointer currentGradient(d->activeGradient->toQGradient()); QSharedPointer bg = d->gradientAction->currentBackground(); if (bg) { QSharedPointer resourceBackground = qSharedPointerDynamicCast(bg); savingEnabled = resourceBackground->gradient()->stops() != currentGradient->stops(); savingEnabled |= resourceBackground->gradient()->type() != currentGradient->type(); savingEnabled |= resourceBackground->gradient()->spread() != currentGradient->spread(); } d->ui->btnSaveGradient->setEnabled(savingEnabled); } void KoFillConfigWidget::patternChanged(QSharedPointer background) { Q_UNUSED(background); #if 0 QSharedPointer patternBackground = qSharedPointerDynamicCast(background); if (! patternBackground) { return; } QList selectedShapes = currentShapes(); if (selectedShapes.isEmpty()) { return; } KoImageCollection *imageCollection = d->canvas->shapeController()->resourceManager()->imageCollection(); if (imageCollection) { QSharedPointer fill(new KoPatternBackground(imageCollection)); fill->setPattern(patternBackground->pattern()); d->canvas->addCommand(new KoShapeBackgroundCommand(selectedShapes, fill)); } #endif } void KoFillConfigWidget::loadCurrentFillFromResourceServer() { { KoColor color = d->canvas->resourceManager()->backgroundColor(); slotCanvasResourceChanged(KoCanvasResourceProvider::BackgroundColor, QVariant::fromValue(color)); } { KoColor color = d->canvas->resourceManager()->foregroundColor(); slotCanvasResourceChanged(KoCanvasResourceProvider::ForegroundColor, QVariant::fromValue(color)); } Q_FOREACH (QAbstractButton *button, d->group->buttons()) { button->setEnabled(true); } emit sigFillChanged(); } void KoFillConfigWidget::shapeChanged() { if (d->noSelectionTrackingMode) return; QList shapes = currentShapes(); - // check to see if the shape actually changed...or is still the same shape - if (d->previousShapeSelected == shapes) { - return; - } else { - d->previousShapeSelected = shapes; - } + bool shouldUploadColorToResourceManager = false; if (shapes.isEmpty() || (shapes.size() > 1 && KoShapeFillWrapper(shapes, d->fillVariant).isMixedFill())) { Q_FOREACH (QAbstractButton *button, d->group->buttons()) { button->setEnabled(!shapes.isEmpty()); } } else { // only one vector object selected Q_FOREACH (QAbstractButton *button, d->group->buttons()) { button->setEnabled(true); } // update active index of shape KoShape *shape = shapes.first(); updateFillIndexFromShape(shape); updateFillColorFromShape(shape); // updates tool options fields + + shouldUploadColorToResourceManager = true; } // updates the UI d->group->button(d->selectedFillIndex)->setChecked(true); updateWidgetComponentVisbility(); slotUpdateFillTitle(); + + if (shouldUploadColorToResourceManager) { + emit sigInternalRequestColorToResourceManager(); + } else { + emit sigInternalRecoverColorInResourceManager(); + } } void KoFillConfigWidget::updateFillIndexFromShape(KoShape *shape) { KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(shape); KoShapeFillWrapper wrapper(shape, d->fillVariant); switch (wrapper.type()) { case KoFlake::None: d->selectedFillIndex = KoFillConfigWidget::None; break; case KoFlake::Solid: d->selectedFillIndex = KoFillConfigWidget::Solid; break; case KoFlake::Gradient: d->selectedFillIndex = KoFillConfigWidget::Gradient; break; case KoFlake::Pattern: d->selectedFillIndex = KoFillConfigWidget::Pattern; break; } } void KoFillConfigWidget::updateFillColorFromShape(KoShape *shape) { KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(shape); KoShapeFillWrapper wrapper(shape, d->fillVariant); switch (wrapper.type()) { case KoFlake::None: break; case KoFlake::Solid: { QColor color = wrapper.color(); if (color.alpha() > 0) { d->colorAction->setCurrentColor(wrapper.color()); } break; } case KoFlake::Gradient: uploadNewGradientBackground(wrapper.gradient()); updateGradientSaveButtonAvailability(); break; case KoFlake::Pattern: break; } } void KoFillConfigWidget::updateWidgetComponentVisbility() { // The UI is showing/hiding things like this because the 'stacked widget' isn't very flexible // and makes it difficult to put anything underneath it without a lot empty space // hide everything first d->ui->wdgGradientEditor->setVisible(false); d->ui->btnChoosePredefinedGradient->setVisible(false); d->ui->btnChooseSolidColor->setVisible(false); d->ui->typeLabel->setVisible(false); d->ui->repeatLabel->setVisible(false); d->ui->cmbGradientRepeat->setVisible(false); d->ui->cmbGradientType->setVisible(false); d->ui->btnSolidColorPick->setVisible(false); d->ui->btnSaveGradient->setVisible(false); d->ui->gradientTypeLine->setVisible(false); d->ui->soldStrokeColorLabel->setVisible(false); d->ui->presetLabel->setVisible(false); // keep options hidden if no vector shapes are selected if(currentShapes().isEmpty()) { return; } switch (d->selectedFillIndex) { case KoFillConfigWidget::None: break; case KoFillConfigWidget::Solid: d->ui->btnChooseSolidColor->setVisible(true); d->ui->btnSolidColorPick->setVisible(false); d->ui->soldStrokeColorLabel->setVisible(true); break; case KoFillConfigWidget::Gradient: d->ui->wdgGradientEditor->setVisible(true); d->ui->btnChoosePredefinedGradient->setVisible(true); d->ui->typeLabel->setVisible(true); d->ui->repeatLabel->setVisible(true); d->ui->cmbGradientRepeat->setVisible(true); d->ui->cmbGradientType->setVisible(true); d->ui->btnSaveGradient->setVisible(true); d->ui->gradientTypeLine->setVisible(true); d->ui->presetLabel->setVisible(true); break; case KoFillConfigWidget::Pattern: break; } } diff --git a/libs/ui/widgets/KoFillConfigWidget.h b/libs/ui/widgets/KoFillConfigWidget.h index 8c28cce82f..d59dcc66e0 100644 --- a/libs/ui/widgets/KoFillConfigWidget.h +++ b/libs/ui/widgets/KoFillConfigWidget.h @@ -1,124 +1,126 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project * Made by Tomislav Lukman (tomislav.lukman@ck.tel.hr) * Copyright (C) 2012 Jean-Nicolas Artaud * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef FILLCONFIGWIDGET_H #define FILLCONFIGWIDGET_H #include "kritaui_export.h" #include #include #include #include class KoShapeFillWrapper; class KoCanvasBase; class KoShapeBackground; class KoShape; /// A widget for configuring the fill of a shape class KRITAUI_EXPORT KoFillConfigWidget : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT enum StyleButton { None = 0, Solid, Gradient, Pattern }; public: /** * @param trackShapeSelection controls if the widget connects to the canvas's selectionChanged signal. * If you decide to pass 'false', then don't forget to call * forceUpdateOnSelectionChanged() manually of every selectionChanged() and * selectionContentChanged() signals. */ explicit KoFillConfigWidget(KoCanvasBase *canvas, KoFlake::FillVariant fillVariant, bool trackShapeSelection, QWidget *parent); ~KoFillConfigWidget() override; void setNoSelectionTrackingMode(bool value); /// Returns the list of the selected shape /// If you need to use only one shape, call currentShape() QList currentShapes(); /// returns the selected index of the fill type int selectedFillIndex(); KoShapeStrokeSP createShapeStroke(); void activate(); void deactivate(); void forceUpdateOnSelectionChanged(); private Q_SLOTS: void styleButtonPressed(int buttonId); void noColorSelected(); void shapeChanged(); /// apply color changes to the selected shape void colorChanged(); /// the pattern of the fill changed, apply the changes void patternChanged(QSharedPointer background); void slotUpdateFillTitle(); void slotCanvasResourceChanged(int key, const QVariant &value); void slotSavePredefinedGradientClicked(); void activeGradientChanged(); void gradientResourceChanged(); void slotGradientTypeChanged(); void slotGradientRepeatChanged(); void slotProposeCurrentColorToResourceManager(); + void slotRecoverColorInResourceManager(); Q_SIGNALS: void sigFillChanged(); void sigInternalRequestColorToResourceManager(); + void sigInternalRecoverColorInResourceManager(); private: void uploadNewGradientBackground(const QGradient *gradient); void setNewGradientBackgroundToShape(); void updateGradientSaveButtonAvailability(); void loadCurrentFillFromResourceServer(); void updateWidgetComponentVisbility(); /// update the widget with the KoShape background void updateFillIndexFromShape(KoShape *shape); void updateFillColorFromShape(KoShape *shape); class Private; Private * const d; }; #endif // FILLCONFIGWIDGET_H diff --git a/libs/ui/widgets/kis_iconwidget.cc b/libs/ui/widgets/kis_iconwidget.cc index 65dad3e75f..e34059e478 100644 --- a/libs/ui/widgets/kis_iconwidget.cc +++ b/libs/ui/widgets/kis_iconwidget.cc @@ -1,88 +1,88 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2000 Matthias Elter * Copyright (c) 2003 Patrick Julien * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details.g * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "widgets/kis_iconwidget.h" #include #include #include #include #include KisIconWidget::KisIconWidget(QWidget *parent, const char *name) : KisPopupButton(parent) { setObjectName(name); m_resource = 0; } void KisIconWidget::setResource(KoResource * resource) { m_resource = resource; update(); } void KisIconWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) { QPushButton::paintEvent(event); QPainter p; p.begin(this); const qint32 cw = width(); const qint32 ch = height(); const qint32 border = 3; const qint32 iconWidth = cw - (border*2); const qint32 iconHeight = ch - (border*2); // Round off the corners of the preview QRegion clipRegion(border, border, iconWidth, iconHeight); clipRegion -= QRegion(border, border, 1, 1); clipRegion -= QRegion(cw-border-1, border, 1, 1); clipRegion -= QRegion(cw-border-1, ch-border-1, 1, 1); clipRegion -= QRegion(border, ch-border-1, 1, 1); p.setClipRegion(clipRegion); p.setClipping(true); - p.setBrush(this->palette().background()); + p.setBrush(this->palette().window()); p.drawRect(QRect(0, 0, cw, ch)); if (m_resource && !m_resource->image().isNull()) { QImage img = QImage(iconWidth, iconHeight, QImage::Format_ARGB32); img.fill(Qt::transparent); if (m_resource->image().width() < iconWidth || m_resource->image().height() < iconHeight) { QPainter paint2; paint2.begin(&img); for (int x = 0; x < iconWidth; x += m_resource->image().width()) { for (int y = 0; y < iconHeight; y += m_resource->image().height()) { paint2.drawImage(x, y, m_resource->image()); } } } else { img = m_resource->image().scaled(iconWidth, iconHeight, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); } p.drawImage(QRect(border, border, iconWidth, iconHeight), img); } else if (!icon().isNull()) { int border2 = qRound((cw - 16) * 0.5); p.drawImage(QRect(border2, border2, 16, 16), icon().pixmap(16, 16).toImage()); } p.setClipping(false); } diff --git a/libs/widgets/KisGradientSlider.cpp b/libs/widgets/KisGradientSlider.cpp index f79da4aaa7..e5f2963375 100644 --- a/libs/widgets/KisGradientSlider.cpp +++ b/libs/widgets/KisGradientSlider.cpp @@ -1,402 +1,402 @@ /* * This file is part of Krita * * Copyright (c) 2006 Frederic Coiffier * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ // Local includes. #include "KisGradientSlider.h" // C++ includes. #include #include // Qt includes. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MARGIN 5 #define HANDLE_SIZE 10 KisGradientSlider::KisGradientSlider(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) , m_leftmost(0) , m_rightmost(0) , m_scalingFactor(0) , m_blackCursor(0) , m_whiteCursor(0) , m_gammaCursor(0) , m_black(0) , m_white(255) , m_gamma(1.0) , m_gammaEnabled(false) , m_whiteEnabled(true) , m_feedback(false) , m_inverted(false) { m_grabCursor = None; setMouseTracking(true); setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus); } KisGradientSlider::~KisGradientSlider() { } int KisGradientSlider::black() const { return m_black; } int KisGradientSlider::white() const { return m_white; } void KisGradientSlider::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { QWidget::paintEvent(e); int x = 0; int y = 0; int wWidth = width() - (2 * MARGIN); int wHeight = height(); const int gradientHeight = qRound((double)wHeight / 7.0 * 2); QPainter p1(this); - p1.fillRect(rect(), palette().background()); + p1.fillRect(rect(), palette().window()); p1.setPen(Qt::black); p1.drawRect(MARGIN, MARGIN, wWidth, height() - 2 * MARGIN - HANDLE_SIZE); // Draw first gradient QLinearGradient grayGradient(MARGIN, y, wWidth, gradientHeight); grayGradient.setColorAt(0, m_inverted ? Qt::white : Qt::black); grayGradient.setColorAt(1, m_inverted ? Qt::black : Qt::white); p1.fillRect(MARGIN, 0, wWidth, gradientHeight, QBrush(grayGradient)); // Draw second gradient y = gradientHeight; p1.fillRect(MARGIN, y, wWidth, gradientHeight, Qt::white); if (m_blackCursor > 0 && !m_inverted) { p1.fillRect(MARGIN, y, m_blackCursor, gradientHeight, Qt::black); } else if (m_blackCursor < wWidth && m_inverted) { p1.fillRect(MARGIN + m_blackCursor, y, wWidth - m_blackCursor, gradientHeight, Qt::black); } int left = qMin(m_blackCursor, m_whiteCursor); int right = qMax(m_blackCursor, m_whiteCursor); for (x = left; x <= right; ++x) { double inten = (double)(x - m_blackCursor) / (double)(m_whiteCursor - m_blackCursor); inten = pow(inten, (1.0 / m_gamma)); int gray = (int)(255 * inten); p1.setPen(QColor(gray, gray, gray)); p1.drawLine(x + MARGIN, y, x + MARGIN, y + gradientHeight - 1); } // Draw cursors y += gradientHeight; QPoint a[3]; p1.setPen(Qt::darkGray); p1.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true); const int cursorHalfBase = (int)(gradientHeight / 1.5); a[0] = QPoint(m_blackCursor + MARGIN, y); a[1] = QPoint(m_blackCursor + MARGIN + cursorHalfBase, wHeight - 1); a[2] = QPoint(m_blackCursor + MARGIN - cursorHalfBase, wHeight - 1); p1.setBrush(Qt::black); p1.drawPolygon(a, 3); p1.setPen(Qt::black); if (m_gammaEnabled) { a[0] = QPoint(m_gammaCursor + MARGIN, y); a[1] = QPoint(m_gammaCursor + MARGIN + cursorHalfBase, wHeight - 1); a[2] = QPoint(m_gammaCursor + MARGIN - cursorHalfBase, wHeight - 1); p1.setBrush(Qt::gray); p1.drawPolygon(a, 3); } if (m_whiteEnabled) { a[0] = QPoint(m_whiteCursor + MARGIN, y); a[1] = QPoint(m_whiteCursor + MARGIN + cursorHalfBase, wHeight - 1); a[2] = QPoint(m_whiteCursor + MARGIN - cursorHalfBase, wHeight - 1); p1.setBrush(Qt::white); p1.drawPolygon(a, 3); } } void KisGradientSlider::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) { m_scalingFactor = (double)(width() - 2 * MARGIN) / 255; calculateCursorPositions(); update(); } void KisGradientSlider::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { eCursor closest_cursor = KisGradientSlider::None; int distance; if (e->button() != Qt::LeftButton) return; unsigned int x = e->pos().x(); int xMinusMargin = x - MARGIN; distance = width() + 1; // just a big number if (abs((int)(xMinusMargin - m_blackCursor)) < distance) { distance = abs((int)(xMinusMargin - m_blackCursor)); closest_cursor = BlackCursor; } if (abs((int)(xMinusMargin - m_whiteCursor)) < distance) { distance = abs((int)(xMinusMargin - m_whiteCursor)); closest_cursor = WhiteCursor; } if (m_gammaEnabled) { int gammaDistance = (int)xMinusMargin - m_gammaCursor; if (abs(gammaDistance) < distance) { distance = abs((int)xMinusMargin - m_gammaCursor); closest_cursor = GammaCursor; } else if (abs(gammaDistance) == distance) { if ((closest_cursor == BlackCursor) && (gammaDistance > 0)) { distance = abs(gammaDistance); closest_cursor = GammaCursor; } else if ((closest_cursor == WhiteCursor) && (gammaDistance < 0)) { distance = abs(gammaDistance); closest_cursor = GammaCursor; } } } if (distance > 20) { m_grabCursor = None; return; } // Determine cursor values and the leftmost and rightmost points. switch (closest_cursor) { case BlackCursor: m_blackCursor = xMinusMargin; m_grabCursor = closest_cursor; if (m_inverted) { m_leftmost = m_whiteCursor + 1; m_rightmost = width() - 2 * MARGIN - 1; } else { m_leftmost = 0; m_rightmost = m_whiteCursor - 1; } if (m_gammaEnabled) m_gammaCursor = calculateGammaCursor(); break; case WhiteCursor: m_whiteCursor = xMinusMargin; m_grabCursor = closest_cursor; if (m_inverted) { m_leftmost = 0; m_rightmost = m_blackCursor - 1; } else { m_leftmost = m_blackCursor + 1; m_rightmost = width() - 2 * MARGIN - 1; } if (m_gammaEnabled) m_gammaCursor = calculateGammaCursor(); break; case GammaCursor: m_gammaCursor = x; m_grabCursor = closest_cursor; m_leftmost = qMin(m_blackCursor, m_whiteCursor); m_rightmost = qMax(m_blackCursor, m_whiteCursor); { double delta = (double)(m_whiteCursor - m_blackCursor) / 2.0; double mid = (double)m_blackCursor + delta + MARGIN; double tmp = (xMinusMargin - mid) / delta; m_gamma = 1.0 / pow(10, tmp); } break; default: break; } update(); } void KisGradientSlider::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent * e) { if (e->button() != Qt::LeftButton) return; update(); switch (m_grabCursor) { case BlackCursor: m_black = qRound(m_blackCursor / m_scalingFactor); m_feedback = true; emit sigModifiedBlack(m_black); break; case WhiteCursor: m_white = qRound(m_whiteCursor / m_scalingFactor); m_feedback = true; emit sigModifiedWhite(m_white); break; case GammaCursor: emit sigModifiedGamma(m_gamma); break; default: break; } m_grabCursor = None; m_feedback = false; } void KisGradientSlider::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent * e) { int x = e->pos().x(); int xMinusMargin = x - MARGIN; if (m_grabCursor != None) { // Else, drag the selected point if (xMinusMargin <= m_leftmost) xMinusMargin = m_leftmost; if (xMinusMargin >= m_rightmost) xMinusMargin = m_rightmost; switch (m_grabCursor) { case BlackCursor: if (m_blackCursor != xMinusMargin) { m_blackCursor = xMinusMargin; if (m_gammaEnabled) { m_gammaCursor = calculateGammaCursor(); } } break; case WhiteCursor: if (m_whiteCursor != xMinusMargin) { m_whiteCursor = xMinusMargin; if (m_gammaEnabled) { m_gammaCursor = calculateGammaCursor(); } } break; case GammaCursor: if (m_gammaCursor != xMinusMargin) { m_gammaCursor = xMinusMargin; double delta = (double)(m_whiteCursor - m_blackCursor) / 2.0; double mid = (double)m_blackCursor + delta; double tmp = (xMinusMargin - mid) / delta; m_gamma = 1.0 / pow(10, tmp); } break; default: break; } } update(); } void KisGradientSlider::calculateCursorPositions() { m_blackCursor = qRound(m_black * m_scalingFactor); m_whiteCursor = qRound(m_white * m_scalingFactor); m_gammaCursor = calculateGammaCursor(); } unsigned int KisGradientSlider::calculateGammaCursor() { double delta = (double)(m_whiteCursor - m_blackCursor) / 2.0; double mid = (double)m_blackCursor + delta; double tmp = log10(1.0 / m_gamma); return (unsigned int)qRound(mid + delta * tmp); } void KisGradientSlider::enableGamma(bool b) { m_gammaEnabled = b; update(); } double KisGradientSlider::getGamma(void) { return m_gamma; } void KisGradientSlider::enableWhite(bool b) { m_whiteEnabled = b; update(); } void KisGradientSlider::setInverted(bool b) { m_inverted = b; update(); } void KisGradientSlider::slotModifyBlack(int v) { if ((m_inverted && (v < m_white || v > width())) || (!m_inverted && (v < 0 || v > m_white)) || m_feedback) return; m_black = v; m_blackCursor = qRound(m_black * m_scalingFactor); m_gammaCursor = calculateGammaCursor(); update(); } void KisGradientSlider::slotModifyWhite(int v) { if ((m_inverted && (v < 0 || v > m_white)) || (!m_inverted && (v < m_black && v > width())) || m_feedback) return; m_white = v; m_whiteCursor = qRound(m_white * m_scalingFactor); m_gammaCursor = calculateGammaCursor(); update(); } void KisGradientSlider::slotModifyGamma(double v) { if (m_gamma != v) { emit sigModifiedGamma(v); } m_gamma = v; m_gammaCursor = calculateGammaCursor(); update(); } diff --git a/libs/widgets/KisGradientSliderWidget.cpp b/libs/widgets/KisGradientSliderWidget.cpp index 385a47b91d..924cb57533 100644 --- a/libs/widgets/KisGradientSliderWidget.cpp +++ b/libs/widgets/KisGradientSliderWidget.cpp @@ -1,225 +1,225 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2004 Cyrille Berger * 2004 Sven Langkamp * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KisGradientSliderWidget.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MARGIN 5 #define HANDLE_SIZE 10 KisGradientSliderWidget::KisGradientSliderWidget(QWidget *parent, const char* name, Qt::WindowFlags f) : QWidget(parent, f), m_currentSegment(0), m_selectedSegment(0), m_drag(0) { setObjectName(name); setMinimumHeight(30); m_segmentMenu = new QMenu(); m_segmentMenu->addAction(i18n("Split Segment"), this, SLOT(slotSplitSegment())); m_segmentMenu->addAction(i18n("Duplicate Segment"), this, SLOT(slotDuplicateSegment())); m_segmentMenu->addAction(i18n("Mirror Segment"), this, SLOT(slotMirrorSegment())); m_removeSegmentAction = new QAction(i18n("Remove Segment"), this); connect(m_removeSegmentAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotRemoveSegment())); m_segmentMenu->addAction(m_removeSegmentAction); } void KisGradientSliderWidget::setGradientResource(KoSegmentGradient* agr) { m_autogradientResource = agr; m_selectedSegment = m_autogradientResource->segmentAt(0.0); emit sigSelectedSegment(m_selectedSegment); } void KisGradientSliderWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* pe) { QWidget::paintEvent(pe); QPainter painter(this); - painter.fillRect(rect(), palette().background()); + painter.fillRect(rect(), palette().window()); painter.setPen(Qt::black); painter.drawRect(MARGIN, MARGIN, width() - 2 * MARGIN, height() - 2 * MARGIN - HANDLE_SIZE); if (m_autogradientResource) { QImage image = m_autogradientResource->generatePreview(width() - 2 * MARGIN - 2, height() - 2 * MARGIN - HANDLE_SIZE - 2); QPixmap pixmap(image.width(), image.height()); if (!image.isNull()) { painter.drawImage(MARGIN + 1, MARGIN + 1, image); } painter.fillRect(MARGIN + 1, height() - MARGIN - HANDLE_SIZE, width() - 2 * MARGIN, HANDLE_SIZE, QBrush(Qt::white)); if (m_selectedSegment) { QRect selection(qRound(m_selectedSegment->startOffset()*(double)(width() - 2 * MARGIN - 2)) + 6, height() - HANDLE_SIZE - MARGIN, qRound((m_selectedSegment->endOffset() - m_selectedSegment->startOffset())*(double)(width() - 12)), HANDLE_SIZE); painter.fillRect(selection, QBrush(palette().highlight())); } QPolygon triangle(3); QList handlePositions = m_autogradientResource->getHandlePositions(); int position; painter.setBrush(QBrush(Qt::black)); for (int i = 0; i < handlePositions.count(); i++) { position = qRound(handlePositions[i] * (double)(width() - 12)) + 6; triangle[0] = QPoint(position, height() - HANDLE_SIZE - MARGIN); triangle[1] = QPoint(position + (HANDLE_SIZE / 2 - 1), height() - MARGIN); triangle[2] = QPoint(position - (HANDLE_SIZE / 2 - 1), height() - MARGIN); painter.drawPolygon(triangle); } painter.setBrush(QBrush(Qt::white)); QList middleHandlePositions = m_autogradientResource->getMiddleHandlePositions(); for (int i = 0; i < middleHandlePositions.count(); i++) { position = qRound(middleHandlePositions[i] * (double)(width() - 12)) + 6; triangle[0] = QPoint(position, height() - HANDLE_SIZE - MARGIN); triangle[1] = QPoint(position + (HANDLE_SIZE / 2 - 2), height() - MARGIN); triangle[2] = QPoint(position - (HANDLE_SIZE / 2 - 2), height() - MARGIN); painter.drawPolygon(triangle); } } } void KisGradientSliderWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent * e) { if ((e->y() < MARGIN || e->y() > height() - MARGIN) || (e->x() < MARGIN || e->x() > width() - MARGIN) || e-> button() != Qt::LeftButton) { QWidget::mousePressEvent(e); return; } double t = (double)(e->x() - MARGIN) / (double)(width() - 2 * MARGIN); KoGradientSegment* segment = 0; segment = m_autogradientResource->segmentAt(t); if (segment != 0) { m_currentSegment = segment; QRect leftHandle(qRound(m_currentSegment->startOffset() *(double)(width() - 2*MARGIN - 2) + MARGIN - (HANDLE_SIZE / 2 - 1)), height() - HANDLE_SIZE, HANDLE_SIZE - 1, HANDLE_SIZE); QRect middleHandle(qRound(m_currentSegment->middleOffset() *(double)(width() - 2*MARGIN - 2) + MARGIN - (HANDLE_SIZE / 2 - 2)), height() - HANDLE_SIZE - MARGIN, HANDLE_SIZE - 1, HANDLE_SIZE); QRect rightHandle(qRound(m_currentSegment->endOffset() *(double)(width() - 2*MARGIN - 2) + MARGIN - (HANDLE_SIZE / 2 - 1)), height() - HANDLE_SIZE, HANDLE_SIZE - 1, HANDLE_SIZE); // Change the activation order of the handles to avoid deadlocks if (t > 0.5) { if (leftHandle.contains(e->pos())) m_drag = LEFT_DRAG; else if (middleHandle.contains(e->pos())) m_drag = MIDDLE_DRAG; else if (rightHandle.contains(e->pos())) m_drag = RIGHT_DRAG; } else { if (rightHandle.contains(e->pos())) m_drag = RIGHT_DRAG; else if (middleHandle.contains(e->pos())) m_drag = MIDDLE_DRAG; else if (leftHandle.contains(e->pos())) m_drag = LEFT_DRAG; } if (m_drag == NO_DRAG) { m_selectedSegment = m_currentSegment; emit sigSelectedSegment(m_selectedSegment); } } repaint(); } void KisGradientSliderWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent * e) { Q_UNUSED(e); m_drag = NO_DRAG; } void KisGradientSliderWidget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent * e) { if ((e->y() < MARGIN || e->y() > height() - MARGIN) || (e->x() < MARGIN || e->x() > width() - MARGIN)) { QWidget::mouseMoveEvent(e); return; } double t = (double)(e->x() - MARGIN) / (double)(width() - 2 * MARGIN); switch (m_drag) { case RIGHT_DRAG: m_autogradientResource->moveSegmentEndOffset(m_currentSegment, t); break; case LEFT_DRAG: m_autogradientResource->moveSegmentStartOffset(m_currentSegment, t); break; case MIDDLE_DRAG: m_autogradientResource->moveSegmentMiddleOffset(m_currentSegment, t); break; } if (m_drag != NO_DRAG) emit sigChangedSegment(m_currentSegment); repaint(); } void KisGradientSliderWidget::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent * e) { m_removeSegmentAction->setEnabled(m_autogradientResource->removeSegmentPossible()); m_segmentMenu->popup(e->globalPos()); } void KisGradientSliderWidget::slotSplitSegment() { m_autogradientResource->splitSegment(m_selectedSegment); emit sigSelectedSegment(m_selectedSegment); repaint(); } void KisGradientSliderWidget::slotDuplicateSegment() { m_autogradientResource->duplicateSegment(m_selectedSegment); emit sigSelectedSegment(m_selectedSegment); repaint(); } void KisGradientSliderWidget::slotMirrorSegment() { m_autogradientResource->mirrorSegment(m_selectedSegment); emit sigSelectedSegment(m_selectedSegment); repaint(); } void KisGradientSliderWidget::slotRemoveSegment() { m_selectedSegment = m_autogradientResource->removeSegment(m_selectedSegment); emit sigSelectedSegment(m_selectedSegment); repaint(); } diff --git a/libs/widgets/KoDialog.cpp b/libs/widgets/KoDialog.cpp index dec6f8b436..bca841903c 100644 --- a/libs/widgets/KoDialog.cpp +++ b/libs/widgets/KoDialog.cpp @@ -1,1052 +1,1053 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE Libraries * Copyright (C) 1998 Thomas Tanghus (tanghus@earthling.net) * Additions 1999-2000 by Espen Sand (espen@kde.org) * by Holger Freyther * 2005-2009 by Olivier Goffart (ogoffart at kde.org) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KoDialog.h" #include "KoDialog_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include void KoDialogPrivate::setupLayout() { Q_Q(KoDialog); if (!dirty) { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(q, "queuedLayoutUpdate", Qt::QueuedConnection); dirty = true; } } void KoDialogPrivate::queuedLayoutUpdate() { if (!dirty) { return; } dirty = false; Q_Q(KoDialog); // Don't lose the focus widget when re-creating the layout. // Testcase: KOrganizer's "Select Categories" dialog QPointer focusWidget = mMainWidget ? mMainWidget->focusWidget() : 0; if (q->layout() && q->layout() != mTopLayout) { qWarning() << q->metaObject()->className() << "created with a layout; don't do that, KoDialog takes care of it, use mainWidget or setMainWidget instead"; delete q->layout(); } delete mTopLayout; if (mButtonOrientation == Qt::Horizontal) { mTopLayout = new QVBoxLayout(q); } else { mTopLayout = new QHBoxLayout(q); } if (mUrlHelp) { mTopLayout->addWidget(mUrlHelp, 0, Qt::AlignRight); } if (mMainWidget) { mTopLayout->addWidget(mMainWidget, 10); } if (mDetailsWidget) { mTopLayout->addWidget(mDetailsWidget); } if (mActionSeparator) { mTopLayout->addWidget(mActionSeparator); } if (mButtonBox) { mButtonBox->setOrientation(mButtonOrientation); mTopLayout->addWidget(mButtonBox); } if (focusWidget) { focusWidget->setFocus(); } } void KoDialogPrivate::appendButton(KoDialog::ButtonCode key, const KGuiItem &item) { Q_Q(KoDialog); QDialogButtonBox::ButtonRole role = QDialogButtonBox::InvalidRole; switch (key) { case KoDialog::Help: case KoDialog::Details: role = QDialogButtonBox::HelpRole; break; case KoDialog::Default: case KoDialog::Reset: role = QDialogButtonBox::ResetRole; break; case KoDialog::Ok: role = QDialogButtonBox::AcceptRole; break; case KoDialog::Apply: role = QDialogButtonBox::ApplyRole; break; case KoDialog::Try: case KoDialog::Yes: role = QDialogButtonBox::YesRole; break; case KoDialog::Close: case KoDialog::Cancel: role = QDialogButtonBox::RejectRole; break; case KoDialog::No: role = QDialogButtonBox::NoRole; break; case KoDialog::User1: case KoDialog::User2: case KoDialog::User3: role = QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole; break; default: role = QDialogButtonBox::InvalidRole; break; } if (role == QDialogButtonBox::InvalidRole) { return; } QPushButton *button = new QPushButton; KGuiItem::assign(button, item); mButtonBox->addButton(button, role); mButtonList.insert(key, button); QObject::connect(button, &QPushButton::clicked, [=] { q->slotButtonClicked(key); }); if (key == mDefaultButton) { // Now that it exists, set it as default q->setDefaultButton(mDefaultButton); } } void KoDialogPrivate::init(KoDialog *q) { q_ptr = q; dirty = false; q->setButtons(KoDialog::Ok | KoDialog::Cancel); q->setDefaultButton(KoDialog::Ok); q->setPlainCaption(qApp->applicationDisplayName()); // set appropriate initial window title for case it gets not set later } void KoDialogPrivate::helpLinkClicked() { q_ptr->slotButtonClicked(KoDialog::Help); } KoDialog::KoDialog(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags) : QDialog(parent, flags) , d_ptr(new KoDialogPrivate) { d_ptr->init(this); } KoDialog::KoDialog(KoDialogPrivate &dd, QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags) : QDialog(parent, flags) , d_ptr(&dd) { d_ptr->init(this); } KoDialog::~KoDialog() { delete d_ptr; } void KoDialog::setButtons(ButtonCodes buttonMask) { Q_D(KoDialog); if (d->mButtonBox) { d->mButtonList.clear(); delete d->mButtonBox; d->mButtonBox = 0; } if (buttonMask & Cancel) { buttonMask &= ~Close; } if (buttonMask & Apply) { buttonMask &= ~Try; } if (buttonMask & Details) { buttonMask &= ~Default; } if (buttonMask == None) { d->setupLayout(); return; // When we want no button box } d->mEscapeButton = (buttonMask & Cancel) ? Cancel : Close; d->mButtonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(this); if (buttonMask & Help) { d->appendButton(Help, KStandardGuiItem::help()); } if (buttonMask & Default) { d->appendButton(Default, KStandardGuiItem::defaults()); } if (buttonMask & Reset) { d->appendButton(Reset, KStandardGuiItem::reset()); } if (buttonMask & User3) { d->appendButton(User3, KGuiItem()); } if (buttonMask & User2) { d->appendButton(User2, KGuiItem()); } if (buttonMask & User1) { d->appendButton(User1, KGuiItem()); } if (buttonMask & Ok) { d->appendButton(Ok, KStandardGuiItem::ok()); } if (buttonMask & Apply) { d->appendButton(Apply, KStandardGuiItem::apply()); } if (buttonMask & Try) { d->appendButton(Try, KGuiItem(i18n("&Try"))); } if (buttonMask & Cancel) { d->appendButton(Cancel, KStandardGuiItem::cancel()); } if (buttonMask & Close) { d->appendButton(Close, KStandardGuiItem::close()); } if (buttonMask & Yes) { d->appendButton(Yes, KStandardGuiItem::yes()); } if (buttonMask & No) { d->appendButton(No, KStandardGuiItem::no()); } if (buttonMask & Details) { d->appendButton(Details, KGuiItem(QString(), "help-about")); setDetailsWidgetVisible(false); } d->setupLayout(); } void KoDialog::setButtonsOrientation(Qt::Orientation orientation) { Q_D(KoDialog); if (d->mButtonOrientation != orientation) { d->mButtonOrientation = orientation; if (d->mActionSeparator) { d->mActionSeparator->setOrientation(d->mButtonOrientation); } if (d->mButtonOrientation == Qt::Vertical) { enableLinkedHelp(false); // 2000-06-18 Espen: No support for this yet. } } } void KoDialog::setEscapeButton(ButtonCode id) { d_func()->mEscapeButton = id; } void KoDialog::setDefaultButton(ButtonCode newDefaultButton) { Q_D(KoDialog); if (newDefaultButton == None) { newDefaultButton = NoDefault; // #148969 } const KoDialog::ButtonCode oldDefault = defaultButton(); bool oldDefaultHadFocus = false; if (oldDefault != NoDefault) { QPushButton *old = button(oldDefault); if (old) { oldDefaultHadFocus = (focusWidget() == old); old->setDefault(false); } } if (newDefaultButton != NoDefault) { QPushButton *b = button(newDefaultButton); if (b) { b->setDefault(true); if (focusWidget() == 0 || oldDefaultHadFocus) { // No widget had focus yet, or the old default button had // -> ok to give focus to the new default button, so that it's // really default (Enter triggers it). // But we don't do this if the kdialog user gave focus to a // specific widget in the dialog. b->setFocus(); } } } d->mDefaultButton = newDefaultButton; Q_ASSERT(defaultButton() == newDefaultButton); } KoDialog::ButtonCode KoDialog::defaultButton() const { Q_D(const KoDialog); QHashIterator it(d->mButtonList); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); if (it.value()->isDefault()) { return (ButtonCode)it.key(); } } return d->mDefaultButton; } void KoDialog::setMainWidget(QWidget *widget) { Q_D(KoDialog); if (d->mMainWidget == widget) { return; } d->mMainWidget = widget; if (d->mMainWidget && d->mMainWidget->layout()) { // Avoid double-margin problem d->mMainWidget->layout()->setMargin(0); } d->setupLayout(); } QWidget *KoDialog::mainWidget() { Q_D(KoDialog); if (!d->mMainWidget) { setMainWidget(new QWidget(this)); } return d->mMainWidget; } QSize KoDialog::sizeHint() const { Q_D(const KoDialog); if (!d->mMinSize.isEmpty()) { return d->mMinSize.expandedTo(minimumSizeHint()) + d->mIncSize; } else { if (d->dirty) { const_cast(d)->queuedLayoutUpdate(); } return QDialog::sizeHint() + d->mIncSize; } } QSize KoDialog::minimumSizeHint() const { Q_D(const KoDialog); if (d->dirty) { const_cast(d)->queuedLayoutUpdate(); } return QDialog::minimumSizeHint() + d->mIncSize; } // // Grab QDialogs keypresses if non-modal. // void KoDialog::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { Q_D(KoDialog); if (event->modifiers() == 0) { if (event->key() == Qt::Key_F1) { QPushButton *button = this->button(Help); if (button) { button->animateClick(); event->accept(); return; } } if (event->key() == Qt::Key_Escape) { QPushButton *button = this->button(d->mEscapeButton); if (button) { button->animateClick(); event->accept(); return; } } } else if (event->key() == Qt::Key_F1 && event->modifiers() == Qt::ShiftModifier) { QWhatsThis::enterWhatsThisMode(); event->accept(); return; } else if (event->modifiers() == Qt::ControlModifier && (event->key() == Qt::Key_Return || event->key() == Qt::Key_Enter)) { // accept the dialog when Ctrl-Return is pressed QPushButton *button = this->button(Ok); if (button) { button->animateClick(); event->accept(); return; } } QDialog::keyPressEvent(event); } int KoDialog::marginHint() { return QApplication::style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_DefaultChildMargin); } int KoDialog::spacingHint() { return QApplication::style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_DefaultLayoutSpacing); } int KoDialog::groupSpacingHint() { return QApplication::fontMetrics().lineSpacing(); } QString KoDialog::makeStandardCaption(const QString &userCaption, QWidget *window, CaptionFlags flags) { Q_UNUSED(window); QString caption = qApp->applicationDisplayName(); QString captionString = userCaption.isEmpty() ? caption : userCaption; // If the document is modified, add '[modified]'. if (flags & ModifiedCaption) { captionString += QString::fromUtf8(" [") + i18n("modified") + QString::fromUtf8("]"); } if (!userCaption.isEmpty()) { // Add the application name if: // User asked for it, it's not a duplication and the app name (caption()) is not empty if (flags & AppNameCaption && !caption.isEmpty() && !userCaption.endsWith(caption)) { // TODO: check to see if this is a transient/secondary window before trying to add the app name // on platforms that need this captionString += i18nc("Document/application separator in titlebar", " – ") + caption; } } return captionString; } void KoDialog::setCaption(const QString &_caption) { const QString caption = makeStandardCaption(_caption, this); setPlainCaption(caption); } void KoDialog::setCaption(const QString &caption, bool modified) { CaptionFlags flags = HIGCompliantCaption; // ### Qt5 TODO: port to [*], see QWidget::setWindowFilePath if (modified) { flags |= ModifiedCaption; } setPlainCaption(makeStandardCaption(caption, this, flags)); } void KoDialog::setPlainCaption(const QString &caption) { if (QWidget *win = window()) { win->setWindowTitle(caption); } } void KoDialog::resizeLayout(QWidget *widget, int margin, int spacing) //static { if (widget->layout()) { resizeLayout(widget->layout(), margin, spacing); } if (widget->children().count() > 0) { const QList list = widget->children(); foreach (QObject *object, list) { if (object->isWidgetType()) { resizeLayout((QWidget *)object, margin, spacing); } } } } void KoDialog::resizeLayout(QLayout *layout, int margin, int spacing) //static { QLayoutItem *child; int pos = 0; while ((child = layout->itemAt(pos))) { if (child->layout()) { resizeLayout(child->layout(), margin, spacing); } ++pos; } if (layout->layout()) { layout->layout()->setMargin(margin); layout->layout()->setSpacing(spacing); } } static QRect screenRect(QWidget *widget, int screen) { QDesktopWidget *desktop = QApplication::desktop(); KConfig gc("kdeglobals", KConfig::NoGlobals); + auto screens = QGuiApplication::screens(); KConfigGroup cg(&gc, "Windows"); - if (desktop->isVirtualDesktop() && + if (QApplication::primaryScreen()->virtualSiblings().count() && cg.readEntry("XineramaEnabled", true) && cg.readEntry("XineramaPlacementEnabled", true)) { - if (screen < 0 || screen >= desktop->numScreens()) { + if (screen < 0 || screen >= screens.count()) { if (screen == -1) { - screen = desktop->primaryScreen(); + return QGuiApplication::primaryScreen()->availableVirtualGeometry(); } else if (screen == -3) { - screen = desktop->screenNumber(QCursor::pos()); + return QGuiApplication::screenAt(QCursor::pos())->availableVirtualGeometry(); } else { screen = desktop->screenNumber(widget); } } - return desktop->availableGeometry(screen); + return QGuiApplication::screens().at(screen)->availableVirtualGeometry(); } else { return desktop->geometry(); } } void KoDialog::centerOnScreen(QWidget *widget, int screen) { if (!widget) { return; } QRect rect = screenRect(widget, screen); widget->move(rect.center().x() - widget->width() / 2, rect.center().y() - widget->height() / 2); } bool KoDialog::avoidArea(QWidget *widget, const QRect &area, int screen) { if (!widget) { return false; } QRect fg = widget->frameGeometry(); if (!fg.intersects(area)) { return true; // nothing to do. } const QRect scr = screenRect(widget, screen); QRect avoid(area); // let's add some margin avoid.translate(-5, -5); avoid.setRight(avoid.right() + 10); avoid.setBottom(avoid.bottom() + 10); if (qMax(fg.top(), avoid.top()) <= qMin(fg.bottom(), avoid.bottom())) { // We need to move the widget up or down int spaceAbove = qMax(0, avoid.top() - scr.top()); int spaceBelow = qMax(0, scr.bottom() - avoid.bottom()); if (spaceAbove > spaceBelow) // where's the biggest side? if (fg.height() <= spaceAbove) { // big enough? fg.setY(avoid.top() - fg.height()); } else { return false; } else if (fg.height() <= spaceBelow) { // big enough? fg.setY(avoid.bottom()); } else { return false; } } if (qMax(fg.left(), avoid.left()) <= qMin(fg.right(), avoid.right())) { // We need to move the widget left or right const int spaceLeft = qMax(0, avoid.left() - scr.left()); const int spaceRight = qMax(0, scr.right() - avoid.right()); if (spaceLeft > spaceRight) // where's the biggest side? if (fg.width() <= spaceLeft) { // big enough? fg.setX(avoid.left() - fg.width()); } else { return false; } else if (fg.width() <= spaceRight) { // big enough? fg.setX(avoid.right()); } else { return false; } } widget->move(fg.x(), fg.y()); return true; } void KoDialog::showButtonSeparator(bool state) { Q_D(KoDialog); if ((d->mActionSeparator != 0) == state) { return; } if (state) { if (d->mActionSeparator) { return; } d->mActionSeparator = new KSeparator(this); d->mActionSeparator->setOrientation(d->mButtonOrientation); } else { delete d->mActionSeparator; d->mActionSeparator = 0; } d->setupLayout(); } void KoDialog::setInitialSize(const QSize &size) { d_func()->mMinSize = size; adjustSize(); } void KoDialog::incrementInitialSize(const QSize &size) { d_func()->mIncSize = size; adjustSize(); } QPushButton *KoDialog::button(ButtonCode id) const { Q_D(const KoDialog); return d->mButtonList.value(id, 0); } void KoDialog::enableButton(ButtonCode id, bool state) { QPushButton *button = this->button(id); if (button) { button->setEnabled(state); } } bool KoDialog::isButtonEnabled(ButtonCode id) const { QPushButton *button = this->button(id); if (button) { return button->isEnabled(); } return false; } void KoDialog::enableButtonOk(bool state) { enableButton(Ok, state); } void KoDialog::enableButtonApply(bool state) { enableButton(Apply, state); } void KoDialog::enableButtonCancel(bool state) { enableButton(Cancel, state); } void KoDialog::showButton(ButtonCode id, bool state) { QPushButton *button = this->button(id); if (button) { state ? button->show() : button->hide(); } } void KoDialog::setButtonGuiItem(ButtonCode id, const KGuiItem &item) { QPushButton *button = this->button(id); if (!button) { return; } KGuiItem::assign(button, item); } void KoDialog::setButtonText(ButtonCode id, const QString &text) { Q_D(KoDialog); if (!d->mSettingDetails && (id == Details)) { d->mDetailsButtonText = text; setDetailsWidgetVisible(d->mDetailsVisible); return; } QPushButton *button = this->button(id); if (button) { button->setText(text); } } QString KoDialog::buttonText(ButtonCode id) const { QPushButton *button = this->button(id); if (button) { return button->text(); } else { return QString(); } } void KoDialog::setButtonIcon(ButtonCode id, const QIcon &icon) { QPushButton *button = this->button(id); if (button) { button->setIcon(icon); } } QIcon KoDialog::buttonIcon(ButtonCode id) const { QPushButton *button = this->button(id); if (button) { return button->icon(); } else { return QIcon(); } } void KoDialog::setButtonToolTip(ButtonCode id, const QString &text) { QPushButton *button = this->button(id); if (button) { if (text.isEmpty()) { button->setToolTip(QString()); } else { button->setToolTip(text); } } } QString KoDialog::buttonToolTip(ButtonCode id) const { QPushButton *button = this->button(id); if (button) { return button->toolTip(); } else { return QString(); } } void KoDialog::setButtonWhatsThis(ButtonCode id, const QString &text) { QPushButton *button = this->button(id); if (button) { if (text.isEmpty()) { button->setWhatsThis(QString()); } else { button->setWhatsThis(text); } } } QString KoDialog::buttonWhatsThis(ButtonCode id) const { QPushButton *button = this->button(id); if (button) { return button->whatsThis(); } else { return QString(); } } void KoDialog::setButtonFocus(ButtonCode id) { QPushButton *button = this->button(id); if (button) { button->setFocus(); } } void KoDialog::setDetailsWidget(QWidget *detailsWidget) { Q_D(KoDialog); if (d->mDetailsWidget == detailsWidget) { return; } delete d->mDetailsWidget; d->mDetailsWidget = detailsWidget; if (d->mDetailsWidget->parentWidget() != this) { d->mDetailsWidget->setParent(this); } d->mDetailsWidget->hide(); d->setupLayout(); if (!d->mSettingDetails) { setDetailsWidgetVisible(d->mDetailsVisible); } } bool KoDialog::isDetailsWidgetVisible() const { return d_func()->mDetailsVisible; } void KoDialog::setDetailsWidgetVisible(bool visible) { Q_D(KoDialog); if (d->mDetailsButtonText.isEmpty()) { d->mDetailsButtonText = i18n("&Details"); } d->mSettingDetails = true; d->mDetailsVisible = visible; if (d->mDetailsVisible) { emit aboutToShowDetails(); setButtonText(Details, d->mDetailsButtonText + " <<"); if (d->mDetailsWidget) { if (layout()) { layout()->setEnabled(false); } d->mDetailsWidget->show(); adjustSize(); if (layout()) { layout()->activate(); layout()->setEnabled(true); } } } else { setButtonText(Details, d->mDetailsButtonText + " >>"); if (d->mDetailsWidget) { d->mDetailsWidget->hide(); } if (layout()) { layout()->activate(); adjustSize(); } } d->mSettingDetails = false; } void KoDialog::delayedDestruct() { if (isVisible()) { hide(); } deleteLater(); } void KoDialog::slotButtonClicked(int button) { Q_D(KoDialog); emit buttonClicked(static_cast(button)); switch (button) { case Ok: emit okClicked(); accept(); break; case Apply: emit applyClicked(); break; case Try: emit tryClicked(); break; case User3: emit user3Clicked(); break; case User2: emit user2Clicked(); break; case User1: emit user1Clicked(); break; case Yes: emit yesClicked(); done(Yes); break; case No: emit noClicked(); done(No); break; case Cancel: emit cancelClicked(); reject(); break; case Close: emit closeClicked(); done(Close); // KDE5: call reject() instead; more QDialog-like. break; case Help: emit helpClicked(); if (!d->mAnchor.isEmpty() || !d->mHelpApp.isEmpty()) { KHelpClient::invokeHelp(d->mAnchor, d->mHelpApp); } break; case Default: emit defaultClicked(); break; case Reset: emit resetClicked(); break; case Details: setDetailsWidgetVisible(!d->mDetailsVisible); break; } // If we're here from the closeEvent, and auto-delete is on, well, auto-delete now. if (d->mDeferredDelete) { d->mDeferredDelete = false; delayedDestruct(); } } void KoDialog::enableLinkedHelp(bool state) { Q_D(KoDialog); if ((d->mUrlHelp != 0) == state) { return; } if (state) { if (d->mUrlHelp) { return; } d->mUrlHelp = new KUrlLabel(this); d->mUrlHelp->setText(helpLinkText()); d->mUrlHelp->setFloatEnabled(true); d->mUrlHelp->setUnderline(true); d->mUrlHelp->setMinimumHeight(fontMetrics().height() + marginHint()); connect(d->mUrlHelp, SIGNAL(leftClickedUrl()), SLOT(helpLinkClicked())); d->mUrlHelp->show(); } else { delete d->mUrlHelp; d->mUrlHelp = 0; } d->setupLayout(); } void KoDialog::setHelp(const QString &anchor, const QString &appname) { Q_D(KoDialog); d->mAnchor = anchor; d->mHelpApp = appname; } void KoDialog::setHelpLinkText(const QString &text) { Q_D(KoDialog); d->mHelpLinkText = text; if (d->mUrlHelp) { d->mUrlHelp->setText(helpLinkText()); } } QString KoDialog::helpLinkText() const { Q_D(const KoDialog); return (d->mHelpLinkText.isEmpty() ? i18n("Get help...") : d->mHelpLinkText); } void KoDialog::updateGeometry() { } void KoDialog::hideEvent(QHideEvent *event) { emit hidden(); if (!event->spontaneous()) { emit finished(); } } void KoDialog::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) { Q_D(KoDialog); QPushButton *button = this->button(d->mEscapeButton); if (button && !isHidden()) { button->animateClick(); if (testAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose)) { // Don't let QWidget::close do a deferred delete just yet, wait for the click first d->mDeferredDelete = true; setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, false); } } else { QDialog::closeEvent(event); } } #include "moc_KoDialog.cpp" diff --git a/libs/widgets/KoItemToolTip.cpp b/libs/widgets/KoItemToolTip.cpp index e46f7a3dcb..3834ff54bf 100644 --- a/libs/widgets/KoItemToolTip.cpp +++ b/libs/widgets/KoItemToolTip.cpp @@ -1,141 +1,141 @@ /* Copyright (c) 2006 Gábor Lehel This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KoItemToolTip.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class Q_DECL_HIDDEN KoItemToolTip::Private { public: QTextDocument *document; QPersistentModelIndex index; QPoint pos; QBasicTimer timer; Private(): document(0) { } }; KoItemToolTip::KoItemToolTip() : d(new Private) { d->document = new QTextDocument(this); setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::ToolTip | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint | Qt::X11BypassWindowManagerHint); QApplication::instance()->installEventFilter(this); } KoItemToolTip::~KoItemToolTip() { delete d; } void KoItemToolTip::showTip(QWidget *widget, const QPoint &pos, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) { QTextDocument *doc = createDocument(index); QPoint p = (isVisible() && index == d->index) ? d->pos : pos; if (!isVisible() || index != d->index || doc->toHtml() != d->document->toHtml()) { d->pos = p; d->index = index; delete d->document; d->document = doc; updatePosition(widget, p, option); if (!isVisible()) show(); else update(); d->timer.start(10000, this); } else delete doc; } void KoItemToolTip::updatePosition(QWidget *widget, const QPoint &pos, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option) { const QRect drect = QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry(widget); const QSize size = sizeHint(); const int width = size.width(), height = size.height(); const QPoint gpos = widget->mapToGlobal(pos); const QRect irect(widget->mapToGlobal(option.rect.topLeft()), option.rect.size()); int y = gpos.y() + 20; if (y + height > drect.bottom()) y = qMax(drect.top(), irect.top() - height); int x; if (gpos.x() + width < drect.right()) x = gpos.x(); else x = qMax(drect.left(), gpos.x() - width); move(x, y); resize(sizeHint()); } QSize KoItemToolTip::sizeHint() const { return d->document->size().toSize(); } void KoItemToolTip::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*) { QPainter p(this); - p.initFrom(this); + p.begin(this); d->document->drawContents(&p, rect()); p.drawRect(0, 0, width() - 1, height() - 1); } void KoItemToolTip::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *e) { if (e->timerId() == d->timer.timerId()) { hide(); } } bool KoItemToolTip::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event) { switch(event->type()) { case QEvent::KeyPress: case QEvent::KeyRelease: case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease: case QEvent::FocusIn: case QEvent::FocusOut: case QEvent::Enter: case QEvent::Leave: hide(); default: break; } return QFrame::eventFilter(object, event); } diff --git a/libs/widgets/KoToolBox.cpp b/libs/widgets/KoToolBox.cpp index 9b0c27b397..efeaa4090f 100644 --- a/libs/widgets/KoToolBox.cpp +++ b/libs/widgets/KoToolBox.cpp @@ -1,341 +1,342 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Thomas Zander * Copyright (c) 2009 Peter Simonsson * Copyright (c) 2010 Cyrille Berger * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KoToolBox_p.h" #include "KoToolBoxLayout_p.h" #include "KoToolBoxButton_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define BUTTON_MARGIN 10 static int buttonSize(int screen) { - QRect rc = qApp->desktop()->screenGeometry(screen); + QRect rc = QGuiApplication::screens().at(screen)->availableGeometry(); if (rc.width() <= 1024) { return 12; } else if (rc.width() <= 1377) { return 14; } else if (rc.width() <= 1920 ) { return 16; } else { return 22; } } class KoToolBox::Private { public: Private() : layout(0) , buttonGroup(0) , floating(false) , contextSize(0) { } void addSection(Section *section, const QString &name); QList buttons; QMap sections; KoToolBoxLayout *layout; QButtonGroup *buttonGroup; QHash visibilityCodes; bool floating; QMap contextIconSizes; QMenu* contextSize; Qt::Orientation orientation; }; void KoToolBox::Private::addSection(Section *section, const QString &name) { section->setName(name); layout->addSection(section); sections.insert(name, section); } KoToolBox::KoToolBox() : d(new Private) { d->layout = new KoToolBoxLayout(this); // add defaults d->addSection(new Section(this), "main"); d->addSection(new Section(this), "dynamic"); d->buttonGroup = new QButtonGroup(this); setLayout(d->layout); Q_FOREACH (KoToolAction *toolAction, KoToolManager::instance()->toolActionList()) { addButton(toolAction); } // Update visibility of buttons setButtonsVisible(QList()); connect(KoToolManager::instance(), SIGNAL(changedTool(KoCanvasController*,int)), this, SLOT(setActiveTool(KoCanvasController*,int))); connect(KoToolManager::instance(), SIGNAL(currentLayerChanged(const KoCanvasController*,const KoShapeLayer*)), this, SLOT(setCurrentLayer(const KoCanvasController*,const KoShapeLayer*))); connect(KoToolManager::instance(), SIGNAL(toolCodesSelected(QList)), this, SLOT(setButtonsVisible(QList))); connect(KoToolManager::instance(), SIGNAL(addedTool(KoToolAction*,KoCanvasController*)), this, SLOT(toolAdded(KoToolAction*,KoCanvasController*))); } KoToolBox::~KoToolBox() { delete d; } void KoToolBox::addButton(KoToolAction *toolAction) { KoToolBoxButton *button = new KoToolBoxButton(toolAction, this); d->buttons << button; int toolbuttonSize = buttonSize(qApp->desktop()->screenNumber(this)); KConfigGroup cfg = KSharedConfig::openConfig()->group("KoToolBox"); int iconSize = cfg.readEntry("iconSize", toolbuttonSize); button->setIconSize(QSize(iconSize, iconSize)); foreach (Section *section, d->sections.values()) { section->setButtonSize(QSize(iconSize + BUTTON_MARGIN, iconSize + BUTTON_MARGIN)); } QString sectionToBeAddedTo; const QString section = toolAction->section(); if (section.contains(qApp->applicationName())) { sectionToBeAddedTo = "main"; } else if (section.contains("main")) { sectionToBeAddedTo = "main"; } else if (section.contains("dynamic")) { sectionToBeAddedTo = "dynamic"; } else { sectionToBeAddedTo = section; } Section *sectionWidget = d->sections.value(sectionToBeAddedTo); if (sectionWidget == 0) { sectionWidget = new Section(this); d->addSection(sectionWidget, sectionToBeAddedTo); } sectionWidget->addButton(button, toolAction->priority()); d->buttonGroup->addButton(button, toolAction->buttonGroupId()); d->visibilityCodes.insert(button, toolAction->visibilityCode()); } void KoToolBox::setActiveTool(KoCanvasController *canvas, int id) { Q_UNUSED(canvas); QAbstractButton *button = d->buttonGroup->button(id); if (button) { button->setChecked(true); (qobject_cast(button))->setHighlightColor(); } else { warnWidgets << "KoToolBox::setActiveTool(" << id << "): no such button found"; } } void KoToolBox::setButtonsVisible(const QList &codes) { Q_FOREACH (QToolButton *button, d->visibilityCodes.keys()) { QString code = d->visibilityCodes.value(button); if (code.startsWith(QLatin1String("flake/"))) { continue; } if (code.endsWith( QLatin1String( "/always"))) { button->setVisible(true); button->setEnabled(true); } else if (code.isEmpty()) { button->setVisible(true); button->setEnabled( codes.count() != 0 ); } else { button->setVisible( codes.contains(code) ); } } layout()->invalidate(); update(); } void KoToolBox::setCurrentLayer(const KoCanvasController *canvas, const KoShapeLayer *layer) { Q_UNUSED(canvas); const bool enabled = layer == 0 || (layer->isShapeEditable() && layer->isVisible()); foreach (QToolButton *button, d->visibilityCodes.keys()) { if (d->visibilityCodes[button].endsWith( QLatin1String( "/always") ) ) { continue; } button->setEnabled(enabled); } } void KoToolBox::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { QPainter painter(this); const QList sections = d->sections.values(); QList::const_iterator iterator = sections.begin(); int halfSpacing = layout()->spacing(); if (halfSpacing > 0) { halfSpacing /= 2; } while(iterator != sections.end()) { Section *section = *iterator; QStyleOption styleoption; styleoption.palette = palette(); if (section->separators() & Section::SeparatorTop) { int y = section->y() - halfSpacing; styleoption.state = QStyle::State_None; styleoption.rect = QRect(section->x(), y-1, section->width(), 2); style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_IndicatorToolBarSeparator, &styleoption, &painter); } if (section->separators() & Section::SeparatorLeft) { int x = section->x() - halfSpacing; styleoption.state = QStyle::State_Horizontal; styleoption.rect = QRect(x-1, section->y(), 2, section->height()); style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_IndicatorToolBarSeparator, &styleoption, &painter); } ++iterator; } painter.end(); } void KoToolBox::setOrientation(Qt::Orientation orientation) { d->orientation = orientation; d->layout->setOrientation(orientation); QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(update())); Q_FOREACH (Section* section, d->sections) { section->setOrientation(orientation); } } void KoToolBox::setFloating(bool v) { d->floating = v; } void KoToolBox::toolAdded(KoToolAction *toolAction, KoCanvasController *canvas) { Q_UNUSED(canvas); addButton(toolAction); setButtonsVisible(QList()); } void KoToolBox::slotContextIconSize() { QAction* action = qobject_cast(sender()); if (action && d->contextIconSizes.contains(action)) { const int iconSize = d->contextIconSizes.value(action); KConfigGroup cfg = KSharedConfig::openConfig()->group("KoToolBox"); cfg.writeEntry("iconSize", iconSize); Q_FOREACH (QToolButton *button, d->buttons) { button->setIconSize(QSize(iconSize, iconSize)); } Q_FOREACH (Section *section, d->sections.values()) { section->setButtonSize(QSize(iconSize + BUTTON_MARGIN, iconSize + BUTTON_MARGIN)); } } } void KoToolBox::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *event) { int toolbuttonSize = buttonSize(qApp->desktop()->screenNumber(this)); if (!d->contextSize) { d->contextSize = new QMenu(i18n("Icon Size"), this); d->contextIconSizes.insert(d->contextSize->addAction(i18nc("@item:inmenu Icon size", "Default"), this, SLOT(slotContextIconSize())), toolbuttonSize); QList sizes; sizes << 12 << 14 << 16 << 22 << 32 << 48 << 64; //<< 96 << 128 << 192 << 256; Q_FOREACH (int i, sizes) { d->contextIconSizes.insert(d->contextSize->addAction(i18n("%1x%2", i, i), this, SLOT(slotContextIconSize())), i); } QActionGroup *sizeGroup = new QActionGroup(d->contextSize); foreach (QAction *action, d->contextSize->actions()) { action->setActionGroup(sizeGroup); action->setCheckable(true); } } KConfigGroup cfg = KSharedConfig::openConfig()->group("KoToolBox"); toolbuttonSize = cfg.readEntry("iconSize", toolbuttonSize); QMapIterator< QAction*, int > it = d->contextIconSizes; while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); if (it.value() == toolbuttonSize) { it.key()->setChecked(true); break; } } d->contextSize->exec(event->globalPos()); } KoToolBoxLayout *KoToolBox::toolBoxLayout() const { return d->layout; } #include "moc_KoToolBoxScrollArea_p.cpp" diff --git a/libs/widgets/kis_color_button.cpp b/libs/widgets/kis_color_button.cpp index f2fd0ec5c3..265e80e6b9 100644 --- a/libs/widgets/kis_color_button.cpp +++ b/libs/widgets/kis_color_button.cpp @@ -1,382 +1,382 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE libraries Copyright (C) 1997 Martin Jones (mjones@kde.org) Copyright (C) 1999 Cristian Tibirna (ctibirna@kde.org) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_color_button.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class KisColorButton::KisColorButtonPrivate { public: KisColorButtonPrivate(KisColorButton *q); void _k_chooseColor(); void _k_colorChosen(); KisColorButton *q; KoColor m_defaultColor; bool m_bdefaultColor : 1; bool m_alphaChannel : 1; bool m_palette : 1; KoColor col; QPoint mPos; #ifndef Q_OS_MACOS QPointer dialogPtr; #else QPointer dialogPtr; #endif void initStyleOption(QStyleOptionButton *opt) const; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Functions duplicated from KColorMimeData // Should be kept in sync void _k_populateMimeData(QMimeData *mimeData, const KoColor &color) { mimeData->setColorData(color.toQColor()); mimeData->setText(color.toQColor().name()); } bool _k_canDecode(const QMimeData *mimeData) { if (mimeData->hasColor()) { return true; } if (mimeData->hasText()) { const QString colorName = mimeData->text(); if ((colorName.length() >= 4) && (colorName[0] == QLatin1Char('#'))) { return true; } } return false; } QColor _k_fromMimeData(const QMimeData *mimeData) { if (mimeData->hasColor()) { return mimeData->colorData().value(); } if (_k_canDecode(mimeData)) { return QColor(mimeData->text()); } return QColor(); } QDrag *_k_createDrag(const KoColor &color, QObject *dragsource) { QDrag *drag = new QDrag(dragsource); QMimeData *mime = new QMimeData; _k_populateMimeData(mime, color); drag->setMimeData(mime); QPixmap colorpix(25, 20); colorpix.fill(color.toQColor()); QPainter p(&colorpix); p.setPen(Qt::black); p.drawRect(0, 0, 24, 19); p.end(); drag->setPixmap(colorpix); drag->setHotSpot(QPoint(-5, -7)); return drag; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// KisColorButton::KisColorButtonPrivate::KisColorButtonPrivate(KisColorButton *q) : q(q) { m_bdefaultColor = false; m_alphaChannel = false; m_palette = true; q->setAcceptDrops(true); connect(q, SIGNAL(clicked()), q, SLOT(_k_chooseColor())); } KisColorButton::KisColorButton(QWidget *parent) : QPushButton(parent) , d(new KisColorButtonPrivate(this)) { } KisColorButton::KisColorButton(const KoColor &c, QWidget *parent) : QPushButton(parent) , d(new KisColorButtonPrivate(this)) { d->col = c; } KisColorButton::KisColorButton(const KoColor &c, const KoColor &defaultColor, QWidget *parent) : QPushButton(parent) , d(new KisColorButtonPrivate(this)) { d->col = c; setDefaultColor(defaultColor); } KisColorButton::~KisColorButton() { delete d; } KoColor KisColorButton::color() const { return d->col; } void KisColorButton::setColor(const KoColor &c) { d->col = c; update(); emit changed(d->col); } void KisColorButton::setAlphaChannelEnabled(bool alpha) { d->m_alphaChannel = alpha; } bool KisColorButton::isAlphaChannelEnabled() const { return d->m_alphaChannel; } void KisColorButton::setPaletteViewEnabled(bool enable) { d->m_palette = enable; } bool KisColorButton::paletteViewEnabled() const { return d->m_palette; } KoColor KisColorButton::defaultColor() const { return d->m_defaultColor; } void KisColorButton::setDefaultColor(const KoColor &c) { d->m_bdefaultColor = true; d->m_defaultColor = c; } void KisColorButton::KisColorButtonPrivate::initStyleOption(QStyleOptionButton *opt) const { opt->initFrom(q); opt->state |= q->isDown() ? QStyle::State_Sunken : QStyle::State_Raised; opt->features = QStyleOptionButton::None; if (q->isDefault()) { opt->features |= QStyleOptionButton::DefaultButton; } opt->text.clear(); opt->icon = QIcon(); } void KisColorButton::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { QPainter painter(this); QStyle *style = QWidget::style(); //First, we need to draw the bevel. QStyleOptionButton butOpt; d->initStyleOption(&butOpt); style->drawControl(QStyle::CE_PushButtonBevel, &butOpt, &painter, this); //OK, now we can muck around with drawing out pretty little color box //First, sort out where it goes QRect labelRect = style->subElementRect(QStyle::SE_PushButtonContents, &butOpt, this); int shift = style->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ButtonMargin, &butOpt, this) / 2; labelRect.adjust(shift, shift, -shift, -shift); int x, y, w, h; labelRect.getRect(&x, &y, &w, &h); if (isChecked() || isDown()) { x += style->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ButtonShiftHorizontal, &butOpt, this); y += style->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ButtonShiftVertical, &butOpt, this); } QColor fillCol = isEnabled() ? d->col.toQColor() : palette().color(backgroundRole()); qDrawShadePanel(&painter, x, y, w, h, palette(), true, 1, NULL); if (fillCol.isValid()) { const QRect rect(x + 1, y + 1, w - 2, h - 2); if (fillCol.alpha() < 255) { QPixmap chessboardPattern(16, 16); QPainter patternPainter(&chessboardPattern); patternPainter.fillRect(0, 0, 8, 8, Qt::black); patternPainter.fillRect(8, 8, 8, 8, Qt::black); patternPainter.fillRect(0, 8, 8, 8, Qt::white); patternPainter.fillRect(8, 0, 8, 8, Qt::white); patternPainter.end(); painter.fillRect(rect, QBrush(chessboardPattern)); } painter.fillRect(rect, fillCol); } if (hasFocus()) { QRect focusRect = style->subElementRect(QStyle::SE_PushButtonFocusRect, &butOpt, this); QStyleOptionFocusRect focusOpt; focusOpt.init(this); focusOpt.rect = focusRect; - focusOpt.backgroundColor = palette().background().color(); + focusOpt.backgroundColor = palette().window().color(); style->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_FrameFocusRect, &focusOpt, &painter, this); } } QSize KisColorButton::sizeHint() const { QStyleOptionButton opt; d->initStyleOption(&opt); return style()->sizeFromContents(QStyle::CT_PushButton, &opt, QSize(40, 15), this). expandedTo(QApplication::globalStrut()); } QSize KisColorButton::minimumSizeHint() const { QStyleOptionButton opt; d->initStyleOption(&opt); return style()->sizeFromContents(QStyle::CT_PushButton, &opt, QSize(3, 3), this). expandedTo(QApplication::globalStrut()); } void KisColorButton::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event) { event->setAccepted(_k_canDecode(event->mimeData()) && isEnabled()); } void KisColorButton::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) { QColor c = _k_fromMimeData(event->mimeData()); if (c.isValid()) { KoColor col; col.fromQColor(c); setColor(col); } } void KisColorButton::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { int key = e->key() | e->modifiers(); if (QKeySequence::keyBindings(QKeySequence::Copy).contains(key)) { QMimeData *mime = new QMimeData; _k_populateMimeData(mime, color()); QApplication::clipboard()->setMimeData(mime, QClipboard::Clipboard); } else if (QKeySequence::keyBindings(QKeySequence::Paste).contains(key)) { QColor color = _k_fromMimeData(QApplication::clipboard()->mimeData(QClipboard::Clipboard)); KoColor col; col.fromQColor(color); setColor(col); } else { QPushButton::keyPressEvent(e); } } void KisColorButton::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { d->mPos = e->pos(); QPushButton::mousePressEvent(e); } void KisColorButton::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if ((e->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) && (e->pos() - d->mPos).manhattanLength() > QApplication::startDragDistance()) { - _k_createDrag(color(), this)->start(); + _k_createDrag(color(), this)->exec(); setDown(false); } } void KisColorButton::KisColorButtonPrivate::_k_chooseColor() { #ifndef Q_OS_MACOS KisDlgInternalColorSelector *dialog = dialogPtr.data(); #else QColorDialog *dialog = dialogPtr.data(); #endif if (dialog) { #ifndef Q_OS_MACOS dialog->setPreviousColor(q->color()); #else dialog->setCurrentColor(q->color().toQColor()); #endif dialog->show(); dialog->raise(); dialog->activateWindow(); return; } KisDlgInternalColorSelector::Config cfg; cfg.paletteBox = q->paletteViewEnabled(); #ifndef Q_OS_MACOS dialog = new KisDlgInternalColorSelector(q, q->color(), cfg, i18n("Choose a color")); #else dialog = new QColorDialog(q); dialog->setOption(QColorDialog::ShowAlphaChannel, m_alphaChannel); #endif dialog->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); connect(dialog, SIGNAL(accepted()), q, SLOT(_k_colorChosen())); dialogPtr = dialog; #ifndef Q_OS_MACOS dialog->setPreviousColor(q->color()); #else dialog->setCurrentColor(q->color().toQColor()); #endif dialog->show(); } void KisColorButton::KisColorButtonPrivate::_k_colorChosen() { #ifndef Q_OS_MACOS KisDlgInternalColorSelector *dialog = dialogPtr.data(); #else QColorDialog *dialog = dialogPtr.data(); #endif if (!dialog) { return; } #ifndef Q_OS_MACOS q->setColor(dialog->getCurrentColor()); #else KoColor c; c.fromQColor(dialog->currentColor()); q->setColor(c); #endif } #include "moc_kis_color_button.cpp" diff --git a/libs/widgetutils/kis_icon_utils.cpp b/libs/widgetutils/kis_icon_utils.cpp index 408174ff81..783b161723 100644 --- a/libs/widgetutils/kis_icon_utils.cpp +++ b/libs/widgetutils/kis_icon_utils.cpp @@ -1,222 +1,222 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2015 Dmitry Kazakov * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_icon_utils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050900 #define CACHE_ICONS #endif namespace KisIconUtils { #if defined CACHE_ICONS static QMap s_cache; #endif static QMap s_icons; QIcon loadIcon(const QString &name) { #if defined CACHE_ICONS QMap::const_iterator cached = s_cache.constFind(name); if (cached != s_cache.constEnd()) { return cached.value(); } #endif // try load themed icon const char * const prefix = useDarkIcons() ? "dark_" : "light_"; QString realName = QLatin1String(prefix) + name; // Dark and light, no size specified const QStringList names = { ":/pics/" + realName + ".png", ":/pics/" + realName + ".svg", ":/pics/" + realName + ".svgz", ":/pics/" + name + ".png", ":/pics/" + name + ".svg", ":/pics/" + name + ".svz", ":/" + realName + ".png", ":/" + realName + ".svg", ":/" + realName + ".svz", ":/" + name, ":/" + name + ".png", ":/" + name + ".svg", ":/" + name + ".svgz"}; for (const QString &resname : names) { if (QFile(resname).exists()) { QIcon icon(resname); s_icons.insert(icon.cacheKey(), name); #if defined CACHE_ICONS s_cache.insert(name, icon); #endif return icon; } } // Now check for icons with sizes QStringList sizes = QStringList() << "16_" << "22_" << "32_" << "48_" << "64_" << "128_" << "256_" << "512_" << "1048_"; QVector > icons; Q_FOREACH (const QString &size, sizes) { const QStringList names = { ":/pics/" + size + realName + ".png", ":/pics/" + size + realName + ".svg", ":/pics/" + size + realName + ".svgz", ":/pics/" + size + name + ".png", ":/pics/" + size + name + ".svg", ":/pics/" + size + name + ".svz", ":/" + size + realName + ".png", ":/" + size + realName + ".svg", ":/" + size + realName + ".svz", ":/" + size + name, ":/" + size + name + ".png", ":/" + size + name + ".svg", ":/" + size + name + ".svgz"}; for (const QString &resname : names) { if (QFile(resname).exists()) { icons << qMakePair(size, resname); } } } if (!icons.isEmpty()) { QIcon icon; Q_FOREACH (auto p, icons) { QString sz = p.first; sz.chop(1); int size = sz.toInt(); icon.addFile(p.second, QSize(size, size)); } s_icons.insert(icon.cacheKey(), name); #if defined CACHE_ICONS s_cache.insert(name, icon); #endif return icon; } QIcon icon = QIcon::fromTheme(name); //qDebug() << "falling back on QIcon::FromTheme:" << name; s_icons.insert(icon.cacheKey(), name); #if defined CACHE_ICONS s_cache.insert(name, icon); #endif return icon; } bool useDarkIcons() { - QColor background = qApp->palette().background().color(); + QColor background = qApp->palette().window().color(); return background.value() > 100; } bool adjustIcon(QIcon *icon) { bool result = false; QString iconName = icon->name(); if (iconName.isNull()) { if (s_icons.contains(icon->cacheKey())) { iconName = s_icons.take(icon->cacheKey()); } } QString realIconName = iconName; if (iconName.startsWith("dark_")) { realIconName = iconName.mid(5); } if (iconName.startsWith("light_")) { realIconName = iconName.mid(6); } if (!realIconName.isNull()) { *icon = loadIcon(realIconName); result = !icon->isNull(); s_icons.insert(icon->cacheKey(), iconName); } return result; } void updateIconCommon(QObject *object) { QAbstractButton* button = qobject_cast(object); if (button) { updateIcon(button); } QComboBox* comboBox = qobject_cast(object); if (comboBox) { updateIcon(comboBox); } QAction* action = qobject_cast(object); if (action) { updateIcon(action); } } void clearIconCache() { #if defined CACHE_ICONS s_cache.clear(); #endif } void updateIcon(QAbstractButton *button) { QIcon icon = button->icon(); if (adjustIcon(&icon)) { button->setIcon(icon); } } void updateIcon(QComboBox *comboBox) { for (int i = 0; i < comboBox->count(); i++) { QIcon icon = comboBox->itemIcon(i); if (adjustIcon(&icon)) { comboBox->setItemIcon(i, icon); } } } void updateIcon(QAction *action) { QIcon icon = action->icon(); if (adjustIcon(&icon)) { action->setIcon(icon); } } } diff --git a/libs/widgetutils/tests/KisDialogStateSaverTest.cpp b/libs/widgetutils/tests/KisDialogStateSaverTest.cpp index 2e49cf5fc0..9da83871a2 100644 --- a/libs/widgetutils/tests/KisDialogStateSaverTest.cpp +++ b/libs/widgetutils/tests/KisDialogStateSaverTest.cpp @@ -1,67 +1,67 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2019 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KisDialogStateSaverTest.h" #include #include #include #include #include void KisDialogStateSaverTest::testSave() { QWidget w; Ui::DialogSaverTestWidget page; page.setupUi(&w); page.lineEdit->setText("test"); page.spinBox->setValue(5); page.doubleSpinBox->setValue(3.0); page.verticalSlider->setValue(10); page.checkBox->setChecked(true); KisDialogStateSaver::saveState(&w, "StateSaverTest"); KConfigGroup group(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "StateSaverTest"); - QCOMPARE(group.readEntry("lineEdit", QString()), "test"); + QCOMPARE(group.readEntry("lineEdit", QString()), QString("test")); QCOMPARE(group.readEntry("spinBox", 0), 5); QCOMPARE(group.readEntry("doubleSpinBox", 0.0), 3.0); QCOMPARE(group.readEntry("verticalSlider", 0), 10); QCOMPARE(group.readEntry("checkBox", false), true); } void KisDialogStateSaverTest::testRestore() { QWidget w; Ui::DialogSaverTestWidget page; page.setupUi(&w); QMap overrideMap; overrideMap["spinBox"] = QVariant::fromValue(10); KisDialogStateSaver::restoreState(&w, "StateSaverTest", overrideMap); - QCOMPARE(page.lineEdit->text(), "test"); + QCOMPARE(page.lineEdit->text(), QString("test")); QCOMPARE(page.spinBox->value(), 10); QCOMPARE(page.doubleSpinBox->value(), 3.0); QCOMPARE(page.verticalSlider->value(), 10); QCOMPARE(page.checkBox->isChecked(), true); } QTEST_MAIN(KisDialogStateSaverTest) diff --git a/libs/widgetutils/xmlgui/kmainwindowiface.cpp b/libs/widgetutils/xmlgui/kmainwindowiface.cpp index c194bec7d2..55ddf36d6d 100644 --- a/libs/widgetutils/xmlgui/kmainwindowiface.cpp +++ b/libs/widgetutils/xmlgui/kmainwindowiface.cpp @@ -1,116 +1,116 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2001 Ian Reinhart Geiser Copyright (C) 2006 Thiago Macieira This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kmainwindowiface_p.h" #include "kactioncollection.h" #include "kxmlguiwindow.h" #include #include #include KMainWindowInterface::KMainWindowInterface(KXmlGuiWindow *mainWindow) : QDBusAbstractAdaptor(mainWindow) { m_MainWindow = mainWindow; } KMainWindowInterface::~KMainWindowInterface() { } QStringList KMainWindowInterface::actions() { QStringList tmp_actions; QList lst = m_MainWindow->actionCollection()->actions(); foreach (QAction *it, lst) { if (it->associatedWidgets().count() > 0) { tmp_actions.append(it->objectName()); } } return tmp_actions; } bool KMainWindowInterface::activateAction(const QString &action) { QAction *tmp_Action = m_MainWindow->actionCollection()->action(action); if (tmp_Action) { tmp_Action->trigger(); return true; } else { return false; } } bool KMainWindowInterface::disableAction(const QString &action) { QAction *tmp_Action = m_MainWindow->actionCollection()->action(action); if (tmp_Action) { tmp_Action->setEnabled(false); return true; } else { return false; } } bool KMainWindowInterface::enableAction(const QString &action) { QAction *tmp_Action = m_MainWindow->actionCollection()->action(action); if (tmp_Action) { tmp_Action->setEnabled(true); return true; } else { return false; } } bool KMainWindowInterface::actionIsEnabled(const QString &action) { QAction *tmp_Action = m_MainWindow->actionCollection()->action(action); if (tmp_Action) { return tmp_Action->isEnabled(); } else { return false; } } QString KMainWindowInterface::actionToolTip(const QString &action) { QAction *tmp_Action = m_MainWindow->actionCollection()->action(action); if (tmp_Action) { return tmp_Action->toolTip(); } else { return QStringLiteral("Error no such object!"); } } qlonglong KMainWindowInterface::winId() { return qlonglong(m_MainWindow->winId()); } void KMainWindowInterface::grabWindowToClipBoard() { QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); - clipboard->setPixmap(QPixmap::grabWidget(m_MainWindow)); + clipboard->setPixmap(m_MainWindow->grab()); } #include "moc_kmainwindowiface_p.cpp" diff --git a/libs/widgetutils/xmlgui/ktoolbar.cpp b/libs/widgetutils/xmlgui/ktoolbar.cpp index d0a9907fc6..ab22a47e21 100644 --- a/libs/widgetutils/xmlgui/ktoolbar.cpp +++ b/libs/widgetutils/xmlgui/ktoolbar.cpp @@ -1,1407 +1,1407 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE libraries Copyright (C) 2000 Reginald Stadlbauer (reggie@kde.org) (C) 1997, 1998 Stephan Kulow (coolo@kde.org) (C) 1997, 1998 Mark Donohoe (donohoe@kde.org) (C) 1997, 1998 Sven Radej (radej@kde.org) (C) 1997, 1998 Matthias Ettrich (ettrich@kde.org) (C) 1999 Chris Schlaeger (cs@kde.org) (C) 1999 Kurt Granroth (granroth@kde.org) (C) 2005-2006 Hamish Rodda (rodda@kde.org) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "ktoolbar.h" #include "config-xmlgui.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_DBUS #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_ICONTHEMES #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "kactioncollection.h" #include "kedittoolbar.h" #include "kxmlguifactory.h" #include "kxmlguiwindow.h" #include /* Toolbar settings (e.g. icon size or toolButtonStyle) ===================================================== We have the following stack of settings (in order of priority) : - user-specified settings (loaded/saved in KConfig) - developer-specified settings in the XMLGUI file (if using xmlgui) (cannot change at runtime) - KDE-global default (user-configurable; can change at runtime) and when switching between kparts, they are saved as xml in memory, which, in the unlikely case of no-kmainwindow-autosaving, could be different from the user-specified settings saved in KConfig and would have priority over it. So, in summary, without XML: Global config / User settings (loaded/saved in kconfig) and with XML: Global config / App-XML attributes / User settings (loaded/saved in kconfig) And all those settings (except the KDE-global defaults) have to be stored in memory since we cannot retrieve them at random points in time, not knowing the xml document nor config file that holds these settings. Hence the iconSizeSettings and toolButtonStyleSettings arrays. For instance, if you change the KDE-global default, whether this makes a change on a given toolbar depends on whether there are settings at Level_AppXML or Level_UserSettings. Only if there are no settings at those levels, should the change of KDEDefault make a difference. */ enum SettingLevel { Level_KDEDefault, Level_AppXML, Level_UserSettings, NSettingLevels }; enum { Unset = -1 }; class KToolBar::Private { public: Private(KToolBar *qq) : q(qq), isMainToolBar(false), unlockedMovable(true), contextOrient(0), contextMode(0), contextSize(0), contextButtonTitle(0), contextShowText(0), contextButtonAction(0), contextTop(0), contextLeft(0), contextRight(0), contextBottom(0), contextIcons(0), contextTextRight(0), contextText(0), contextTextUnder(0), contextLockAction(0), dropIndicatorAction(0), context(0), dragAction(0) { } void slotAppearanceChanged(); void slotContextAboutToShow(); void slotContextAboutToHide(); void slotContextLeft(); void slotContextRight(); void slotContextShowText(); void slotContextTop(); void slotContextBottom(); void slotContextIcons(); void slotContextText(); void slotContextTextRight(); void slotContextTextUnder(); void slotContextIconSize(); void slotLockToolBars(bool lock); void init(bool readConfig = true, bool isMainToolBar = false); QString getPositionAsString() const; QMenu *contextMenu(const QPoint &globalPos); void setLocked(bool locked); void adjustSeparatorVisibility(); void loadKDESettings(); void applyCurrentSettings(); QAction *findAction(const QString &actionName, KXMLGUIClient **client = 0) const; static Qt::ToolButtonStyle toolButtonStyleFromString(const QString &style); static QString toolButtonStyleToString(Qt::ToolButtonStyle); static Qt::ToolBarArea positionFromString(const QString &position); static Qt::ToolButtonStyle toolButtonStyleSetting(); KToolBar *q; bool isMainToolBar : 1; bool unlockedMovable : 1; static bool s_editable; static bool s_locked; QSet xmlguiClients; QMenu *contextOrient; QMenu *contextMode; QMenu *contextSize; QAction *contextButtonTitle; QAction *contextShowText; QAction *contextButtonAction; QAction *contextTop; QAction *contextLeft; QAction *contextRight; QAction *contextBottom; QAction *contextIcons; QAction *contextTextRight; QAction *contextText; QAction *contextTextUnder; KToggleAction *contextLockAction; QMap contextIconSizes; class IntSetting { public: IntSetting() { for (int level = 0; level < NSettingLevels; ++level) { values[level] = Unset; } } int currentValue() const { int val = Unset; for (int level = 0; level < NSettingLevels; ++level) { if (values[level] != Unset) { val = values[level]; } } return val; } // Default value as far as the user is concerned is kde-global + app-xml. // If currentValue()==defaultValue() then nothing to write into kconfig. int defaultValue() const { int val = Unset; for (int level = 0; level < Level_UserSettings; ++level) { if (values[level] != Unset) { val = values[level]; } } return val; } QString toString() const { QString str; for (int level = 0; level < NSettingLevels; ++level) { str += QString::number(values[level]) + QLatin1Char(' '); } return str; } int &operator[](int index) { return values[index]; } private: int values[NSettingLevels]; }; IntSetting iconSizeSettings; IntSetting toolButtonStyleSettings; // either Qt::ToolButtonStyle or -1, hence "int". QList actionsBeingDragged; QAction *dropIndicatorAction; QMenu *context; QAction *dragAction; QPoint dragStartPosition; }; bool KToolBar::Private::s_editable = false; bool KToolBar::Private::s_locked = true; void KToolBar::Private::init(bool readConfig, bool _isMainToolBar) { isMainToolBar = _isMainToolBar; loadKDESettings(); // also read in our configurable settings (for non-xmlgui toolbars) if (readConfig) { KConfigGroup cg(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), QString()); q->applySettings(cg); } if (q->mainWindow()) { // Get notified when settings change connect(q, SIGNAL(allowedAreasChanged(Qt::ToolBarAreas)), q->mainWindow(), SLOT(setSettingsDirty())); connect(q, SIGNAL(iconSizeChanged(QSize)), q->mainWindow(), SLOT(setSettingsDirty())); connect(q, SIGNAL(toolButtonStyleChanged(Qt::ToolButtonStyle)), q->mainWindow(), SLOT(setSettingsDirty())); connect(q, SIGNAL(movableChanged(bool)), q->mainWindow(), SLOT(setSettingsDirty())); connect(q, SIGNAL(orientationChanged(Qt::Orientation)), q->mainWindow(), SLOT(setSettingsDirty())); } if (!KAuthorized::authorize(QStringLiteral("movable_toolbars"))) { q->setMovable(false); } else { q->setMovable(!KToolBar::toolBarsLocked()); } connect(q, SIGNAL(movableChanged(bool)), q, SLOT(slotMovableChanged(bool))); q->setAcceptDrops(true); #ifdef HAVE_DBUS QDBusConnection::sessionBus().connect(QString(), QStringLiteral("/KToolBar"), QStringLiteral("org.kde.KToolBar"), QStringLiteral("styleChanged"), q, SLOT(slotAppearanceChanged())); #endif } QString KToolBar::Private::getPositionAsString() const { // get all of the stuff to save switch (q->mainWindow()->toolBarArea(const_cast(q))) { case Qt::BottomToolBarArea: return QStringLiteral("Bottom"); case Qt::LeftToolBarArea: return QStringLiteral("Left"); case Qt::RightToolBarArea: return QStringLiteral("Right"); case Qt::TopToolBarArea: default: return QStringLiteral("Top"); } } QMenu *KToolBar::Private::contextMenu(const QPoint &globalPos) { if (!context) { context = new QMenu(q); contextButtonTitle = context->addSection(i18nc("@title:menu", "Show Text")); contextShowText = context->addAction(QString(), q, SLOT(slotContextShowText())); context->addSection(i18nc("@title:menu", "Toolbar Settings")); contextOrient = new QMenu(i18nc("Toolbar orientation", "Orientation"), context); contextTop = contextOrient->addAction(i18nc("toolbar position string", "Top"), q, SLOT(slotContextTop())); contextTop->setChecked(true); contextLeft = contextOrient->addAction(i18nc("toolbar position string", "Left"), q, SLOT(slotContextLeft())); contextRight = contextOrient->addAction(i18nc("toolbar position string", "Right"), q, SLOT(slotContextRight())); contextBottom = contextOrient->addAction(i18nc("toolbar position string", "Bottom"), q, SLOT(slotContextBottom())); QActionGroup *positionGroup = new QActionGroup(contextOrient); Q_FOREACH (QAction *action, contextOrient->actions()) { action->setActionGroup(positionGroup); action->setCheckable(true); } contextMode = new QMenu(i18n("Text Position"), context); contextIcons = contextMode->addAction(i18n("Icons Only"), q, SLOT(slotContextIcons())); contextText = contextMode->addAction(i18n("Text Only"), q, SLOT(slotContextText())); contextTextRight = contextMode->addAction(i18n("Text Alongside Icons"), q, SLOT(slotContextTextRight())); contextTextUnder = contextMode->addAction(i18n("Text Under Icons"), q, SLOT(slotContextTextUnder())); QActionGroup *textGroup = new QActionGroup(contextMode); Q_FOREACH (QAction *action, contextMode->actions()) { action->setActionGroup(textGroup); action->setCheckable(true); } contextSize = new QMenu(i18n("Icon Size"), context); contextIconSizes.insert(contextSize->addAction(i18nc("@item:inmenu Icon size", "Default"), q, SLOT(slotContextIconSize())), iconSizeSettings.defaultValue()); QList avSizes; avSizes << 16 << 22 << 24 << 32 << 48 << 64 << 128 << 256; std::sort(avSizes.begin(), avSizes.end()); if (avSizes.count() < 10) { // Fixed or threshold type icons Q_FOREACH (int it, avSizes) { QString text; if (it < 19) { text = i18n("Small (%1x%2)", it, it); } else if (it < 25) { text = i18n("Medium (%1x%2)", it, it); } else if (it < 35) { text = i18n("Large (%1x%2)", it, it); } else { text = i18n("Huge (%1x%2)", it, it); } // save the size in the contextIconSizes map contextIconSizes.insert(contextSize->addAction(text, q, SLOT(slotContextIconSize())), it); } } else { // Scalable icons. const int progression[] = { 16, 22, 32, 48, 64, 96, 128, 192, 256 }; for (uint i = 0; i < 9; i++) { Q_FOREACH (int it, avSizes) { if (it >= progression[ i ]) { QString text; if (it < 19) { text = i18n("Small (%1x%2)", it, it); } else if (it < 25) { text = i18n("Medium (%1x%2)", it, it); } else if (it < 35) { text = i18n("Large (%1x%2)", it, it); } else { text = i18n("Huge (%1x%2)", it, it); } // save the size in the contextIconSizes map contextIconSizes.insert(contextSize->addAction(text, q, SLOT(slotContextIconSize())), it); break; } } } } QActionGroup *sizeGroup = new QActionGroup(contextSize); Q_FOREACH (QAction *action, contextSize->actions()) { action->setActionGroup(sizeGroup); action->setCheckable(true); } if (!q->toolBarsLocked() && !q->isMovable()) { unlockedMovable = false; } delete contextLockAction; contextLockAction = new KToggleAction(KisIconUtils::loadIcon(QStringLiteral("system-lock-screen")), i18n("Lock Toolbar Positions"), q); contextLockAction->setChecked(q->toolBarsLocked()); connect(contextLockAction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), q, SLOT(slotLockToolBars(bool))); // Now add the actions to the menu context->addMenu(contextMode); context->addMenu(contextSize); context->addMenu(contextOrient); context->addSeparator(); connect(context, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), q, SLOT(slotContextAboutToShow())); } contextButtonAction = q->actionAt(q->mapFromGlobal(globalPos)); if (contextButtonAction) { contextShowText->setText(contextButtonAction->text()); contextShowText->setIcon(contextButtonAction->icon()); contextShowText->setCheckable(true); } contextOrient->menuAction()->setVisible(!q->toolBarsLocked()); // Unplugging a submenu from abouttohide leads to the popupmenu floating around // So better simply call that code from after exec() returns (DF) //connect(context, SIGNAL(aboutToHide()), this, SLOT(slotContextAboutToHide())); return context; } void KToolBar::Private::setLocked(bool locked) { if (unlockedMovable) { q->setMovable(!locked); } } void KToolBar::Private::adjustSeparatorVisibility() { bool visibleNonSeparator = false; int separatorToShow = -1; for (int index = 0; index < q->actions().count(); ++index) { QAction *action = q->actions()[ index ]; if (action->isSeparator()) { if (visibleNonSeparator) { separatorToShow = index; visibleNonSeparator = false; } else { action->setVisible(false); } } else if (!visibleNonSeparator) { if (action->isVisible()) { visibleNonSeparator = true; if (separatorToShow != -1) { q->actions()[ separatorToShow ]->setVisible(true); separatorToShow = -1; } } } } if (separatorToShow != -1) { q->actions()[ separatorToShow ]->setVisible(false); } } Qt::ToolButtonStyle KToolBar::Private::toolButtonStyleFromString(const QString &_style) { QString style = _style.toLower(); if (style == QStringLiteral("textbesideicon") || style == QLatin1String("icontextright")) { return Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon; } else if (style == QStringLiteral("textundericon") || style == QLatin1String("icontextbottom")) { return Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon; } else if (style == QStringLiteral("textonly")) { return Qt::ToolButtonTextOnly; } else { return Qt::ToolButtonIconOnly; } } QString KToolBar::Private::toolButtonStyleToString(Qt::ToolButtonStyle style) { switch (style) { case Qt::ToolButtonIconOnly: default: return QStringLiteral("IconOnly"); case Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon: return QStringLiteral("TextBesideIcon"); case Qt::ToolButtonTextOnly: return QStringLiteral("TextOnly"); case Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon: return QStringLiteral("TextUnderIcon"); } } Qt::ToolBarArea KToolBar::Private::positionFromString(const QString &position) { Qt::ToolBarArea newposition = Qt::TopToolBarArea; if (position == QStringLiteral("left")) { newposition = Qt::LeftToolBarArea; } else if (position == QStringLiteral("bottom")) { newposition = Qt::BottomToolBarArea; } else if (position == QStringLiteral("right")) { newposition = Qt::RightToolBarArea; } return newposition; } // Global setting was changed void KToolBar::Private::slotAppearanceChanged() { loadKDESettings(); applyCurrentSettings(); } Qt::ToolButtonStyle KToolBar::Private::toolButtonStyleSetting() { KConfigGroup group(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "Toolbar style"); const QString fallback = KToolBar::Private::toolButtonStyleToString(Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon); return KToolBar::Private::toolButtonStyleFromString(group.readEntry("ToolButtonStyle", fallback)); } void KToolBar::Private::loadKDESettings() { iconSizeSettings[Level_KDEDefault] = q->iconSizeDefault(); if (isMainToolBar) { toolButtonStyleSettings[Level_KDEDefault] = toolButtonStyleSetting(); } else { const QString fallBack = toolButtonStyleToString(Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon); /** TODO: if we get complaints about text beside icons on small screens, try the following code out on such systems - aseigo. // if we are on a small screen with a non-landscape ratio, then // we revert to text under icons since width is probably not our // friend in such cases QDesktopWidget *desktop = QApplication::desktop(); QRect screenGeom = desktop->screenGeometry(desktop->primaryScreen()); qreal ratio = screenGeom.width() / qreal(screenGeom.height()); if (screenGeom.width() < 1024 && ratio <= 1.4) { fallBack = "TextUnderIcon"; } **/ KConfigGroup group(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "Toolbar style"); const QString value = group.readEntry("ToolButtonStyleOtherToolbars", fallBack); toolButtonStyleSettings[Level_KDEDefault] = KToolBar::Private::toolButtonStyleFromString(value); } } // Call this after changing something in d->iconSizeSettings or d->toolButtonStyleSettings void KToolBar::Private::applyCurrentSettings() { //qDebug() << q->objectName() << "iconSizeSettings:" << iconSizeSettings.toString() << "->" << iconSizeSettings.currentValue(); const int currentIconSize = iconSizeSettings.currentValue(); q->setIconSize(QSize(currentIconSize, currentIconSize)); //qDebug() << q->objectName() << "toolButtonStyleSettings:" << toolButtonStyleSettings.toString() << "->" << toolButtonStyleSettings.currentValue(); q->setToolButtonStyle(static_cast(toolButtonStyleSettings.currentValue())); // And remember to save the new look later KMainWindow *kmw = q->mainWindow(); if (kmw) { kmw->setSettingsDirty(); } } QAction *KToolBar::Private::findAction(const QString &actionName, KXMLGUIClient **clientOut) const { Q_FOREACH (KXMLGUIClient *client, xmlguiClients) { QAction *action = client->actionCollection()->action(actionName); if (action) { if (clientOut) { *clientOut = client; } return action; } } return 0; } void KToolBar::Private::slotContextAboutToShow() { /** * The idea here is to reuse the "static" part of the menu to save time. * But the "Toolbars" action is dynamic (can be a single action or a submenu) * and ToolBarHandler::setupActions() deletes it, so better not keep it around. * So we currently plug/unplug the last two actions of the menu. * Another way would be to keep around the actions and plug them all into a (new each time) popupmenu. */ KXmlGuiWindow *kmw = qobject_cast(q->mainWindow()); // try to find "configure toolbars" action QAction *configureAction = 0; const char *actionName; actionName = KStandardAction::name(KStandardAction::ConfigureToolbars); configureAction = findAction(QLatin1String(actionName)); if (!configureAction && kmw) { configureAction = kmw->actionCollection()->action(QLatin1String(actionName)); } if (configureAction) { context->addAction(configureAction); } context->addAction(contextLockAction); if (kmw) { kmw->setupToolbarMenuActions(); // Only allow hiding a toolbar if the action is also plugged somewhere else (e.g. menubar) QAction *tbAction = kmw->toolBarMenuAction(); if (!q->toolBarsLocked() && tbAction && tbAction->associatedWidgets().count() > 0) { context->addAction(tbAction); } } KEditToolBar::setGlobalDefaultToolBar(q->QObject::objectName().toLatin1().constData()); // Check the actions that should be checked switch (q->toolButtonStyle()) { case Qt::ToolButtonIconOnly: default: contextIcons->setChecked(true); break; case Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon: contextTextRight->setChecked(true); break; case Qt::ToolButtonTextOnly: contextText->setChecked(true); break; case Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon: contextTextUnder->setChecked(true); break; } QMapIterator< QAction *, int > it = contextIconSizes; while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); if (it.value() == q->iconSize().width()) { it.key()->setChecked(true); break; } } switch (q->mainWindow()->toolBarArea(q)) { case Qt::BottomToolBarArea: contextBottom->setChecked(true); break; case Qt::LeftToolBarArea: contextLeft->setChecked(true); break; case Qt::RightToolBarArea: contextRight->setChecked(true); break; default: case Qt::TopToolBarArea: contextTop->setChecked(true); break; } const bool showButtonSettings = contextButtonAction && !contextShowText->text().isEmpty() && contextTextRight->isChecked(); contextButtonTitle->setVisible(showButtonSettings); contextShowText->setVisible(showButtonSettings); if (showButtonSettings) { contextShowText->setChecked(contextButtonAction->priority() >= QAction::NormalPriority); } } void KToolBar::Private::slotContextAboutToHide() { // We have to unplug whatever slotContextAboutToShow plugged into the menu. // Unplug the toolbar menu action KXmlGuiWindow *kmw = qobject_cast(q->mainWindow()); if (kmw && kmw->toolBarMenuAction()) { if (kmw->toolBarMenuAction()->associatedWidgets().count() > 1) { context->removeAction(kmw->toolBarMenuAction()); } } // Unplug the configure toolbars action too, since it's afterwards anyway QAction *configureAction = 0; const char *actionName; actionName = KStandardAction::name(KStandardAction::ConfigureToolbars); configureAction = findAction(QLatin1String(actionName)); if (!configureAction && kmw) { configureAction = kmw->actionCollection()->action(QLatin1String(actionName)); } if (configureAction) { context->removeAction(configureAction); } context->removeAction(contextLockAction); } void KToolBar::Private::slotContextLeft() { q->mainWindow()->addToolBar(Qt::LeftToolBarArea, q); } void KToolBar::Private::slotContextRight() { q->mainWindow()->addToolBar(Qt::RightToolBarArea, q); } void KToolBar::Private::slotContextShowText() { Q_ASSERT(contextButtonAction); const QAction::Priority priority = contextShowText->isChecked() ? QAction::NormalPriority : QAction::LowPriority; contextButtonAction->setPriority(priority); // Find to which xml file and componentData the action belongs to QString componentName; QString filename; KXMLGUIClient *client; if (findAction(contextButtonAction->objectName(), &client)) { componentName = client->componentName(); filename = client->xmlFile(); } if (filename.isEmpty()) { componentName = QCoreApplication::applicationName(); filename = componentName + QStringLiteral("ui.xmlgui"); } // Save the priority state of the action const QString configFile = KXMLGUIFactory::readConfigFile(filename, componentName); QDomDocument document; document.setContent(configFile); QDomElement elem = KXMLGUIFactory::actionPropertiesElement(document); QDomElement actionElem = KXMLGUIFactory::findActionByName(elem, contextButtonAction->objectName(), true); actionElem.setAttribute(QStringLiteral("priority"), priority); KXMLGUIFactory::saveConfigFile(document, filename, componentName); } void KToolBar::Private::slotContextTop() { q->mainWindow()->addToolBar(Qt::TopToolBarArea, q); } void KToolBar::Private::slotContextBottom() { q->mainWindow()->addToolBar(Qt::BottomToolBarArea, q); } void KToolBar::Private::slotContextIcons() { q->setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonIconOnly); toolButtonStyleSettings[Level_UserSettings] = q->toolButtonStyle(); } void KToolBar::Private::slotContextText() { q->setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonTextOnly); toolButtonStyleSettings[Level_UserSettings] = q->toolButtonStyle(); } void KToolBar::Private::slotContextTextUnder() { q->setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon); toolButtonStyleSettings[Level_UserSettings] = q->toolButtonStyle(); } void KToolBar::Private::slotContextTextRight() { q->setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon); toolButtonStyleSettings[Level_UserSettings] = q->toolButtonStyle(); } void KToolBar::Private::slotContextIconSize() { QAction *action = qobject_cast(q->sender()); if (action && contextIconSizes.contains(action)) { const int iconSize = contextIconSizes.value(action); q->setIconDimensions(iconSize); } } void KToolBar::Private::slotLockToolBars(bool lock) { q->setToolBarsLocked(lock); } KToolBar::KToolBar(const QString &objectName, QWidget *parent, bool readConfig) : QToolBar(parent), d(new Private(this)) { setObjectName(objectName); // mainToolBar -> isMainToolBar = true -> buttonStyle is configurable // others -> isMainToolBar = false -> ### hardcoded default for buttonStyle !!! should be configurable? -> hidden key added d->init(readConfig, objectName == QStringLiteral("mainToolBar")); // KToolBar is auto-added to the top area of the main window if parent is a QMainWindow if (QMainWindow *mw = qobject_cast(parent)) { mw->addToolBar(this); } } KToolBar::~KToolBar() { delete d->contextLockAction; delete d; } void KToolBar::saveSettings(KConfigGroup &cg) { Q_ASSERT(!cg.name().isEmpty()); const int currentIconSize = iconSize().width(); //qDebug() << objectName() << currentIconSize << d->iconSizeSettings.toString() << "defaultValue=" << d->iconSizeSettings.defaultValue(); if (!cg.hasDefault("IconSize") && currentIconSize == d->iconSizeSettings.defaultValue()) { cg.revertToDefault("IconSize"); d->iconSizeSettings[Level_UserSettings] = Unset; } else { cg.writeEntry("IconSize", currentIconSize); d->iconSizeSettings[Level_UserSettings] = currentIconSize; } const Qt::ToolButtonStyle currentToolButtonStyle = toolButtonStyle(); if (!cg.hasDefault("ToolButtonStyle") && currentToolButtonStyle == d->toolButtonStyleSettings.defaultValue()) { cg.revertToDefault("ToolButtonStyle"); d->toolButtonStyleSettings[Level_UserSettings] = Unset; } else { cg.writeEntry("ToolButtonStyle", d->toolButtonStyleToString(currentToolButtonStyle)); d->toolButtonStyleSettings[Level_UserSettings] = currentToolButtonStyle; } } void KToolBar::addXMLGUIClient(KXMLGUIClient *client) { d->xmlguiClients << client; } void KToolBar::removeXMLGUIClient(KXMLGUIClient *client) { d->xmlguiClients.remove(client); } void KToolBar::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *event) { QToolBar::contextMenuEvent(event); } void KToolBar::loadState(const QDomElement &element) { QMainWindow *mw = mainWindow(); if (!mw) { return; } { QDomNode textNode = element.namedItem(QStringLiteral("text")); QByteArray domain; QByteArray text; QByteArray context; if (textNode.isElement()) { QDomElement textElement = textNode.toElement(); domain = textElement.attribute(QStringLiteral("translationDomain")).toUtf8(); text = textElement.text().toUtf8(); context = textElement.attribute(QStringLiteral("context")).toUtf8(); } else { textNode = element.namedItem(QStringLiteral("Text")); if (textNode.isElement()) { QDomElement textElement = textNode.toElement(); domain = textElement.attribute(QStringLiteral("translationDomain")).toUtf8(); text = textElement.text().toUtf8(); context = textElement.attribute(QStringLiteral("context")).toUtf8(); } } if (domain.isEmpty()) { domain = element.ownerDocument().documentElement().attribute(QStringLiteral("translationDomain")).toUtf8(); if (domain.isEmpty()) { domain = KLocalizedString::applicationDomain(); } } QString i18nText; if (!text.isEmpty() && !context.isEmpty()) { i18nText = i18ndc(domain.constData(), context.constData(), text.constData()); } else if (!text.isEmpty()) { i18nText = i18nd(domain.constData(), text.constData()); } if (!i18nText.isEmpty()) { setWindowTitle(i18nText); } } /* This method is called in order to load toolbar settings from XML. However this can be used in two rather different cases: - for the initial loading of the app's XML. In that case the settings are only the defaults (Level_AppXML), the user's KConfig settings will override them - for later re-loading when switching between parts in KXMLGUIFactory. In that case the XML contains the final settings, not the defaults. We do need the defaults, and the toolbar might have been completely deleted and recreated meanwhile. So we store the app-default settings into the XML. */ bool loadingAppDefaults = true; if (element.hasAttribute(QStringLiteral("tempXml"))) { // this isn't the first time, so the app-xml defaults have been saved into the (in-memory) XML loadingAppDefaults = false; const QString iconSizeDefault = element.attribute(QStringLiteral("iconSizeDefault")); if (!iconSizeDefault.isEmpty()) { d->iconSizeSettings[Level_AppXML] = iconSizeDefault.toInt(); } const QString toolButtonStyleDefault = element.attribute(QStringLiteral("toolButtonStyleDefault")); if (!toolButtonStyleDefault.isEmpty()) { d->toolButtonStyleSettings[Level_AppXML] = d->toolButtonStyleFromString(toolButtonStyleDefault); } } else { // loading app defaults bool newLine = false; QString attrNewLine = element.attribute(QStringLiteral("newline")).toLower(); if (!attrNewLine.isEmpty()) { newLine = attrNewLine == QStringLiteral("true"); } if (newLine && mw) { mw->insertToolBarBreak(this); } } int newIconSize = -1; if (element.hasAttribute(QStringLiteral("iconSize"))) { bool ok; newIconSize = element.attribute(QStringLiteral("iconSize")).trimmed().toInt(&ok); if (!ok) { newIconSize = -1; } } if (newIconSize != -1) { d->iconSizeSettings[loadingAppDefaults ? Level_AppXML : Level_UserSettings] = newIconSize; } const QString newToolButtonStyle = element.attribute(QStringLiteral("iconText")); if (!newToolButtonStyle.isEmpty()) { d->toolButtonStyleSettings[loadingAppDefaults ? Level_AppXML : Level_UserSettings] = d->toolButtonStyleFromString(newToolButtonStyle); } bool hidden = false; { QString attrHidden = element.attribute(QStringLiteral("hidden")).toLower(); if (!attrHidden.isEmpty()) { hidden = attrHidden == QStringLiteral("true"); } } Qt::ToolBarArea pos = Qt::NoToolBarArea; { QString attrPosition = element.attribute(QStringLiteral("position")).toLower(); if (!attrPosition.isEmpty()) { pos = KToolBar::Private::positionFromString(attrPosition); } } if (pos != Qt::NoToolBarArea) { mw->addToolBar(pos, this); } setVisible(!hidden); d->applyCurrentSettings(); } // Called when switching between xmlgui clients, in order to find any unsaved settings // again when switching back to the current xmlgui client. void KToolBar::saveState(QDomElement ¤t) const { Q_ASSERT(!current.isNull()); current.setAttribute(QStringLiteral("tempXml"), QLatin1String("true")); current.setAttribute(QStringLiteral("noMerge"), QLatin1String("1")); current.setAttribute(QStringLiteral("position"), d->getPositionAsString().toLower()); current.setAttribute(QStringLiteral("hidden"), isHidden() ? QLatin1String("true") : QLatin1String("false")); const int currentIconSize = iconSize().width(); if (currentIconSize == d->iconSizeSettings.defaultValue()) { current.removeAttribute(QStringLiteral("iconSize")); } else { current.setAttribute(QStringLiteral("iconSize"), iconSize().width()); } if (toolButtonStyle() == d->toolButtonStyleSettings.defaultValue()) { current.removeAttribute(QStringLiteral("iconText")); } else { current.setAttribute(QStringLiteral("iconText"), d->toolButtonStyleToString(toolButtonStyle())); } // Note: if this method is used by more than KXMLGUIBuilder, e.g. to save XML settings to *disk*, // then the stuff below shouldn't always be done. This is not the case currently though. if (d->iconSizeSettings[Level_AppXML] != Unset) { current.setAttribute(QStringLiteral("iconSizeDefault"), d->iconSizeSettings[Level_AppXML]); } if (d->toolButtonStyleSettings[Level_AppXML] != Unset) { const Qt::ToolButtonStyle bs = static_cast(d->toolButtonStyleSettings[Level_AppXML]); current.setAttribute(QStringLiteral("toolButtonStyleDefault"), d->toolButtonStyleToString(bs)); } } // called by KMainWindow::applyMainWindowSettings to read from the user settings void KToolBar::applySettings(const KConfigGroup &cg) { Q_ASSERT(!cg.name().isEmpty()); if (cg.hasKey("IconSize")) { d->iconSizeSettings[Level_UserSettings] = cg.readEntry("IconSize", 0); } if (cg.hasKey("ToolButtonStyle")) { d->toolButtonStyleSettings[Level_UserSettings] = d->toolButtonStyleFromString(cg.readEntry("ToolButtonStyle", QString())); } d->applyCurrentSettings(); } KMainWindow *KToolBar::mainWindow() const { return qobject_cast(const_cast(parent())); } void KToolBar::setIconDimensions(int size) { QToolBar::setIconSize(QSize(size, size)); d->iconSizeSettings[Level_UserSettings] = size; } int KToolBar::iconSizeDefault() const { return 22; } void KToolBar::slotMovableChanged(bool movable) { if (movable && !KAuthorized::authorize(QStringLiteral("movable_toolbars"))) { setMovable(false); } } void KToolBar::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event) { if (toolBarsEditable() && event->proposedAction() & (Qt::CopyAction | Qt::MoveAction) && event->mimeData()->hasFormat(QStringLiteral("application/x-kde-action-list"))) { QByteArray data = event->mimeData()->data(QStringLiteral("application/x-kde-action-list")); QDataStream stream(data); QStringList actionNames; stream >> actionNames; Q_FOREACH (const QString &actionName, actionNames) { Q_FOREACH (KActionCollection *ac, KActionCollection::allCollections()) { QAction *newAction = ac->action(actionName); if (newAction) { d->actionsBeingDragged.append(newAction); break; } } } if (d->actionsBeingDragged.count()) { QAction *overAction = actionAt(event->pos()); QFrame *dropIndicatorWidget = new QFrame(this); dropIndicatorWidget->resize(8, height() - 4); dropIndicatorWidget->setFrameShape(QFrame::VLine); dropIndicatorWidget->setLineWidth(3); d->dropIndicatorAction = insertWidget(overAction, dropIndicatorWidget); insertAction(overAction, d->dropIndicatorAction); event->acceptProposedAction(); return; } } QToolBar::dragEnterEvent(event); } void KToolBar::dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *event) { if (toolBarsEditable()) Q_FOREVER { if (d->dropIndicatorAction) { QAction *overAction = 0L; Q_FOREACH (QAction *action, actions()) { // want to make it feel that half way across an action you're dropping on the other side of it QWidget *widget = widgetForAction(action); if (event->pos().x() < widget->pos().x() + (widget->width() / 2)) { overAction = action; break; } } if (overAction != d->dropIndicatorAction) { // Check to see if the indicator is already in the right spot int dropIndicatorIndex = actions().indexOf(d->dropIndicatorAction); if (dropIndicatorIndex + 1 < actions().count()) { if (actions()[ dropIndicatorIndex + 1 ] == overAction) { break; } } else if (!overAction) { break; } insertAction(overAction, d->dropIndicatorAction); } event->accept(); return; } break; } QToolBar::dragMoveEvent(event); } void KToolBar::dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent *event) { // Want to clear this even if toolBarsEditable was changed mid-drag (unlikely) delete d->dropIndicatorAction; d->dropIndicatorAction = 0L; d->actionsBeingDragged.clear(); if (toolBarsEditable()) { event->accept(); return; } QToolBar::dragLeaveEvent(event); } void KToolBar::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) { if (toolBarsEditable()) { Q_FOREACH (QAction *action, d->actionsBeingDragged) { if (actions().contains(action)) { removeAction(action); } insertAction(d->dropIndicatorAction, action); } } // Want to clear this even if toolBarsEditable was changed mid-drag (unlikely) delete d->dropIndicatorAction; d->dropIndicatorAction = 0L; d->actionsBeingDragged.clear(); if (toolBarsEditable()) { event->accept(); return; } QToolBar::dropEvent(event); } void KToolBar::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (toolBarsEditable() && event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { if (QAction *action = actionAt(event->pos())) { d->dragAction = action; d->dragStartPosition = event->pos(); event->accept(); return; } } QToolBar::mousePressEvent(event); } void KToolBar::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (!toolBarsEditable() || !d->dragAction) { return QToolBar::mouseMoveEvent(event); } if ((event->pos() - d->dragStartPosition).manhattanLength() < QApplication::startDragDistance()) { event->accept(); return; } QDrag *drag = new QDrag(this); QMimeData *mimeData = new QMimeData; QByteArray data; { QDataStream stream(&data, QIODevice::WriteOnly); QStringList actionNames; actionNames << d->dragAction->objectName(); stream << actionNames; } mimeData->setData(QStringLiteral("application/x-kde-action-list"), data); drag->setMimeData(mimeData); - Qt::DropAction dropAction = drag->start(Qt::MoveAction); + Qt::DropAction dropAction = drag->exec(Qt::MoveAction); if (dropAction == Qt::MoveAction) // Only remove from this toolbar if it was moved to another toolbar // Otherwise the receiver moves it. if (drag->target() != this) { removeAction(d->dragAction); } d->dragAction = 0L; event->accept(); } void KToolBar::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { // Want to clear this even if toolBarsEditable was changed mid-drag (unlikely) if (d->dragAction) { d->dragAction = 0L; event->accept(); return; } QToolBar::mouseReleaseEvent(event); } bool KToolBar::eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event) { // Generate context menu events for disabled buttons too... if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress) { QMouseEvent *me = static_cast(event); if (me->buttons() & Qt::RightButton) if (QWidget *ww = qobject_cast(watched)) if (ww->parent() == this && !ww->isEnabled()) { QCoreApplication::postEvent(this, new QContextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent::Mouse, me->pos(), me->globalPos())); } } else if (event->type() == QEvent::ParentChange) { // Make sure we're not leaving stale event filters around, // when a child is reparented somewhere else if (QWidget *ww = qobject_cast(watched)) { if (!this->isAncestorOf(ww)) { // New parent is not a subwidget - remove event filter ww->removeEventFilter(this); Q_FOREACH (QWidget *child, ww->findChildren()) { child->removeEventFilter(this); } } } } QToolButton *tb; if ((tb = qobject_cast(watched))) { const QList tbActions = tb->actions(); if (!tbActions.isEmpty()) { // Handle MMB on toolbar buttons if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress || event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease) { QMouseEvent *me = static_cast(event); if (me->button() == Qt::MidButton /*&& act->receivers(SIGNAL(triggered(Qt::MouseButtons,Qt::KeyboardModifiers)))*/) { QAction *act = tbActions.first(); if (me->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress) { tb->setDown(act->isEnabled()); } else { tb->setDown(false); if (act->isEnabled()) { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(act, "triggered", Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(Qt::MouseButtons, me->button()), Q_ARG(Qt::KeyboardModifiers, QApplication::keyboardModifiers())); } } } } // CJK languages use more verbose accelerator marker: they add a Latin // letter in parenthesis, and put accelerator on that. Hence, the default // removal of ampersand only may not be enough there, instead the whole // parenthesis construct should be removed. Use KLocalizedString's method to do this. if (event->type() == QEvent::Show || event->type() == QEvent::Paint || event->type() == QEvent::EnabledChange) { QAction *act = tb->defaultAction(); if (act) { const QString text = KLocalizedString::removeAcceleratorMarker(act->iconText().isEmpty() ? act->text() : act->iconText()); const QString toolTip = KLocalizedString::removeAcceleratorMarker(act->toolTip()); // Filtering messages requested by translators (scripting). tb->setText(i18nc("@action:intoolbar Text label of toolbar button", "%1", text)); tb->setToolTip(i18nc("@info:tooltip Tooltip of toolbar button", "%1", toolTip)); } } } } // Redirect mouse events to the toolbar when drag + drop editing is enabled if (toolBarsEditable()) { if (QWidget *ww = qobject_cast(watched)) { switch (event->type()) { case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: { QMouseEvent *me = static_cast(event); QMouseEvent newEvent(me->type(), mapFromGlobal(ww->mapToGlobal(me->pos())), me->globalPos(), me->button(), me->buttons(), me->modifiers()); mousePressEvent(&newEvent); return true; } case QEvent::MouseMove: { QMouseEvent *me = static_cast(event); QMouseEvent newEvent(me->type(), mapFromGlobal(ww->mapToGlobal(me->pos())), me->globalPos(), me->button(), me->buttons(), me->modifiers()); mouseMoveEvent(&newEvent); return true; } case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease: { QMouseEvent *me = static_cast(event); QMouseEvent newEvent(me->type(), mapFromGlobal(ww->mapToGlobal(me->pos())), me->globalPos(), me->button(), me->buttons(), me->modifiers()); mouseReleaseEvent(&newEvent); return true; } default: break; } } } return QToolBar::eventFilter(watched, event); } void KToolBar::actionEvent(QActionEvent *event) { if (event->type() == QEvent::ActionRemoved) { QWidget *widget = widgetForAction(event->action()); if (widget) { widget->removeEventFilter(this); Q_FOREACH (QWidget *child, widget->findChildren()) { child->removeEventFilter(this); } } } QToolBar::actionEvent(event); if (event->type() == QEvent::ActionAdded) { QWidget *widget = widgetForAction(event->action()); if (widget) { widget->installEventFilter(this); Q_FOREACH (QWidget *child, widget->findChildren()) { child->installEventFilter(this); } // Center widgets that do not have any use for more space. See bug 165274 if (!(widget->sizePolicy().horizontalPolicy() & QSizePolicy::GrowFlag) // ... but do not center when using text besides icon in vertical toolbar. See bug 243196 && !(orientation() == Qt::Vertical && toolButtonStyle() == Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon)) { const int index = layout()->indexOf(widget); if (index != -1) { layout()->itemAt(index)->setAlignment(Qt::AlignJustify); } } } } d->adjustSeparatorVisibility(); } bool KToolBar::toolBarsEditable() { return KToolBar::Private::s_editable; } void KToolBar::setToolBarsEditable(bool editable) { if (KToolBar::Private::s_editable != editable) { KToolBar::Private::s_editable = editable; } } void KToolBar::setToolBarsLocked(bool locked) { if (KToolBar::Private::s_locked != locked) { KToolBar::Private::s_locked = locked; Q_FOREACH (KMainWindow *mw, KMainWindow::memberList()) { Q_FOREACH (KToolBar *toolbar, mw->findChildren()) { toolbar->d->setLocked(locked); } } } } bool KToolBar::toolBarsLocked() { return KToolBar::Private::s_locked; } void KToolBar::emitToolbarStyleChanged() { #ifdef HAVE_DBUS QDBusMessage message = QDBusMessage::createSignal(QStringLiteral("/KToolBar"), QStringLiteral("org.kde.KToolBar"), QStringLiteral("styleChanged")); QDBusConnection::sessionBus().send(message); #endif } #include "moc_ktoolbar.cpp" diff --git a/plugins/extensions/buginfo/dlg_buginfo.cpp b/plugins/extensions/buginfo/dlg_buginfo.cpp index eb705cdc94..2a097360a2 100644 --- a/plugins/extensions/buginfo/dlg_buginfo.cpp +++ b/plugins/extensions/buginfo/dlg_buginfo.cpp @@ -1,118 +1,118 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2017 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "dlg_buginfo.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_document_aware_spin_box_unit_manager.h" +#include DlgBugInfo::DlgBugInfo(QWidget *parent) : KoDialog(parent) { setCaption(i18n("Please paste this information in your bug report")); setButtons(User1 | Ok); setButtonText(User1, i18n("Copy to clipboard")); setDefaultButton(Ok); m_page = new WdgBugInfo(this); Q_CHECK_PTR(m_page); setMainWidget(m_page); QString info; const QString configPath = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::GenericConfigLocation); QSettings kritarc(configPath + QStringLiteral("/kritadisplayrc"), QSettings::IniFormat); if (!kritarc.value("LogUsage", true).toBool() || !QFileInfo(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation) + "/krita.log").exists()) { // NOTE: This is intentionally not translated! // Krita version info info.append("Krita"); info.append("\n Version: ").append(KritaVersionWrapper::versionString(true)); info.append("\n\n"); info.append("Qt"); info.append("\n Version (compiled): ").append(QT_VERSION_STR); info.append("\n Version (loaded): ").append(qVersion()); info.append("\n\n"); // OS information info.append("OS Information"); info.append("\n Build ABI: ").append(QSysInfo::buildAbi()); info.append("\n Build CPU: ").append(QSysInfo::buildCpuArchitecture()); info.append("\n CPU: ").append(QSysInfo::currentCpuArchitecture()); info.append("\n Kernel Type: ").append(QSysInfo::kernelType()); info.append("\n Kernel Version: ").append(QSysInfo::kernelVersion()); info.append("\n Pretty Productname: ").append(QSysInfo::prettyProductName()); info.append("\n Product Type: ").append(QSysInfo::productType()); info.append("\n Product Version: ").append(QSysInfo::productVersion()); info.append("\n\n"); // OpenGL information info.append("\n").append(KisOpenGL::getDebugText()); info.append("\n\n"); // Hardware information info.append("Hardware Information"); info.append(QString("\n Memory: %1").arg(KisImageConfig(true).totalRAM() / 1024)).append(" Gb"); info.append(QString("\n Cores: %1").arg(QThread::idealThreadCount())); info.append("\n Swap: ").append(KisImageConfig(true).swapDir()); } else { QFile f(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation) + "/krita.log"); f.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text); info = QString::fromUtf8(f.readAll()); f.close(); } // calculate a default height for the widget int wheight = m_page->sizeHint().height(); m_page->txtBugInfo->setText(info); QFontMetrics fm = m_page->txtBugInfo->fontMetrics(); int target_height = fm.height() * info.split('\n').size() + wheight; - QDesktopWidget dw; - QRect screen_rect = dw.availableGeometry(dw.primaryScreen()); + QRect screen_rect = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen()->availableGeometry(); resize(m_page->size().width(), target_height > screen_rect.height() ? screen_rect.height() : target_height); connect(this, &KoDialog::user1Clicked, this, [this](){ QGuiApplication::clipboard()->setText(m_page->txtBugInfo->toPlainText()); m_page->txtBugInfo->selectAll(); // feedback }); } DlgBugInfo::~DlgBugInfo() { delete m_page; } diff --git a/plugins/extensions/pykrita/sip/krita/Selection.sip b/plugins/extensions/pykrita/sip/krita/Selection.sip index 7ea9cbca44..f4562edefa 100644 --- a/plugins/extensions/pykrita/sip/krita/Selection.sip +++ b/plugins/extensions/pykrita/sip/krita/Selection.sip @@ -1,42 +1,43 @@ class Selection : QObject { %TypeHeaderCode #include "Selection.h" %End Selection(const Selection & __0); public: Selection(QObject* parent /TransferThis/ = 0); virtual ~Selection(); bool operator==(const Selection &other) const; bool operator!=(const Selection &other) const; public Q_SLOTS: + Selection *duplicate() /Factory/; int width() const; int height() const; int x() const; int y() const; void move(int x, int y); void clear(); void contract(int value); void copy(Node *node); void cut(Node *node); void paste(Node *destination, int x, int y); void erode(); void dilate(); void border(int xRadius, int yRadius); void feather(int radius); void grow(int xradius, int yradius); void shrink(int xRadius, int yRadius, bool edgeLock); void smooth(); void invert(); void resize(int w, int h); void select(int x, int y, int w, int h, int value); void selectAll(Node* node, int value); void replace(Selection *selection); void add(Selection *selection); void subtract(Selection *selection); void intersect(Selection *selection); void symmetricdifference(Selection *selection); QByteArray pixelData(int x, int y, int w, int h) const; void setPixelData(QByteArray value, int x, int y, int w, int h); private: }; diff --git a/plugins/extensions/pykrita/sip/krita/View.sip b/plugins/extensions/pykrita/sip/krita/View.sip index 7e5ee85a7c..a9fe06554e 100644 --- a/plugins/extensions/pykrita/sip/krita/View.sip +++ b/plugins/extensions/pykrita/sip/krita/View.sip @@ -1,54 +1,55 @@ class View : QObject { %TypeHeaderCode #include "View.h" %End View(const View & __0); public: bool operator==(const View &other) const; bool operator!=(const View &other) const; public Q_SLOTS: Window * window() const /Factory/; Document * document() const /Factory/; + void setDocument(Document *document); bool visible() const; void setVisible(); Canvas * canvas() const /Factory/; void activateResource(Resource *resource); ManagedColor *foregroundColor() const /Factory/; void setForeGroundColor(ManagedColor *color); ManagedColor *backgroundColor() const /Factory/; void setBackGroundColor(ManagedColor *color); Resource *currentBrushPreset() const /Factory/; void setCurrentBrushPreset(Resource *resource); Resource *currentPattern() const /Factory/; void setCurrentPattern(Resource *resournce); Resource *currentGradient() const /Factory/; void setCurrentGradient(Resource *resource); QString currentBlendingMode() const; void setCurrentBlendingMode(const QString &blendingMode); float HDRExposure() const; void setHDRExposure(float exposure); float HDRGamma() const; void setHDRGamma(float gamma); qreal paintingOpacity() const; void setPaintingOpacity(qreal opacity); qreal brushSize() const; void setBrushSize(qreal brushSize); qreal paintingFlow() const; void setPaintingFlow(qreal flow); QList selectedNodes() const /Factory/; private: }; diff --git a/plugins/extensions/waveletdecompose/kis_wavelet_kernel.cpp b/plugins/extensions/waveletdecompose/kis_wavelet_kernel.cpp index 2b534d2d08..86bdf419f8 100644 --- a/plugins/extensions/waveletdecompose/kis_wavelet_kernel.cpp +++ b/plugins/extensions/waveletdecompose/kis_wavelet_kernel.cpp @@ -1,142 +1,143 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2016 Miroslav Talasek * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_wavelet_kernel.h" #include "kis_convolution_kernel.h" #include #include int KisWaveletKernel::kernelSizeFromRadius(qreal radius) { return 2 * ceil(radius) + 1; } Eigen::Matrix KisWaveletKernel::createHorizontalMatrix(qreal radius) { int kernelSize = kernelSizeFromRadius(radius); Eigen::Matrix matrix(1, kernelSize); /** * The kernel size should always be odd, then the position of the * central pixel can be easily calculated */ KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(kernelSize & 0x1); const int center = kernelSize / 2; for (int x = 0; x < kernelSize; x++) { if (x == 0 || x == kernelSize - 1) matrix(0, x) = 0.25; else if (x == center) matrix(0, x) = 0.5; else matrix(0, x) = 0; } return matrix; } Eigen::Matrix KisWaveletKernel::createVerticalMatrix(qreal radius) { int kernelSize = kernelSizeFromRadius(radius); Eigen::Matrix matrix(kernelSize, 1); /** * The kernel size should always be odd, then the position of the * central pixel can be easily calculated */ KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(kernelSize & 0x1); const int center = kernelSize / 2; for (int y = 0; y < kernelSize; y++) { if (y == 0 || y == kernelSize - 1) matrix(y, 0) = 0.25; else if (y == center) matrix(y, 0) = 0.5; else matrix(y, 0) = 0; } return matrix; } KisConvolutionKernelSP KisWaveletKernel::createHorizontalKernel(qreal radius) { Eigen::Matrix matrix = createHorizontalMatrix(radius); return KisConvolutionKernel::fromMatrix(matrix, 0, matrix.sum()); } KisConvolutionKernelSP KisWaveletKernel::createVerticalKernel(qreal radius) { Eigen::Matrix matrix = createVerticalMatrix(radius); return KisConvolutionKernel::fromMatrix(matrix, 0, matrix.sum()); } void KisWaveletKernel::applyWavelet(KisPaintDeviceSP device, const QRect& rect, qreal xRadius, qreal yRadius, const QBitArray &channelFlags, KoUpdater *progressUpdater) { QPoint srcTopLeft = rect.topLeft(); if (xRadius > 0.0 && yRadius > 0.0) { KisPaintDeviceSP interm = new KisPaintDevice(device->colorSpace()); + interm->prepareClone(device); KisConvolutionKernelSP kernelHoriz = KisWaveletKernel::createHorizontalKernel(xRadius); KisConvolutionKernelSP kernelVertical = KisWaveletKernel::createVerticalKernel(yRadius); qreal verticalCenter = qreal(kernelVertical->height()) / 2.0; KisConvolutionPainter horizPainter(interm); horizPainter.setChannelFlags(channelFlags); horizPainter.setProgress(progressUpdater); horizPainter.applyMatrix(kernelHoriz, device, srcTopLeft - QPoint(0, ceil(verticalCenter)), srcTopLeft - QPoint(0, ceil(verticalCenter)), rect.size() + QSize(0, 2 * ceil(verticalCenter)), BORDER_REPEAT); KisConvolutionPainter verticalPainter(device); verticalPainter.setChannelFlags(channelFlags); verticalPainter.setProgress(progressUpdater); verticalPainter.applyMatrix(kernelVertical, interm, srcTopLeft, srcTopLeft, rect.size(), BORDER_REPEAT); } else if (xRadius > 0.0) { KisConvolutionPainter painter(device); painter.setChannelFlags(channelFlags); painter.setProgress(progressUpdater); KisConvolutionKernelSP kernelHoriz = KisWaveletKernel::createHorizontalKernel(xRadius); painter.applyMatrix(kernelHoriz, device, srcTopLeft, srcTopLeft, rect.size(), BORDER_REPEAT); } else if (yRadius > 0.0) { KisConvolutionPainter painter(device); painter.setChannelFlags(channelFlags); painter.setProgress(progressUpdater); KisConvolutionKernelSP kernelVertical = KisWaveletKernel::createVerticalKernel(yRadius); painter.applyMatrix(kernelVertical, device, srcTopLeft, srcTopLeft, rect.size(), BORDER_REPEAT); } } diff --git a/plugins/flake/textshape/kotext/KoVariable.cpp b/plugins/flake/textshape/kotext/KoVariable.cpp index 59a6ce1ade..b878eeefb5 100644 --- a/plugins/flake/textshape/kotext/KoVariable.cpp +++ b/plugins/flake/textshape/kotext/KoVariable.cpp @@ -1,168 +1,168 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Thomas Zander * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KoVariable.h" #include "KoInlineObject_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "TextDebug.h" class KoVariablePrivate : public KoInlineObjectPrivate { public: KoVariablePrivate() : modified(true), document(0), lastPositionInDocument(-1) { } QDebug printDebug(QDebug dbg) const override { dbg.nospace() << "KoVariable value=" << value; return dbg.space(); } QString value; bool modified; const QTextDocument *document; int lastPositionInDocument; }; KoVariable::KoVariable(bool propertyChangeListener) : KoInlineObject(*(new KoVariablePrivate()), propertyChangeListener) { } KoVariable::~KoVariable() { } void KoVariable::setValue(const QString &value) { Q_D(KoVariable); if (d->value == value) return; d->value = value; d->modified = true; if (d->document) { const_cast(d->document)->markContentsDirty(d->lastPositionInDocument, 0); } } void KoVariable::updatePosition(const QTextDocument *document, int posInDocument, const QTextCharFormat & format) { Q_D(KoVariable); if (d->document) { disconnect(d->document, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(documentDestroyed())); } d->document = document; connect(d->document, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(documentDestroyed())); d->lastPositionInDocument = posInDocument; Q_UNUSED(format); // Variables are always 'in place' so the position is 100% defined by the text layout. variableMoved(d->document, posInDocument); } void KoVariable::resize(const QTextDocument *document, QTextInlineObject &object, int posInDocument, const QTextCharFormat &format, QPaintDevice *pd) { Q_D(KoVariable); Q_UNUSED(document); Q_UNUSED(posInDocument); if (d->modified == false) return; if (object.isValid() == false) return; d->modified = true; Q_ASSERT(format.isCharFormat()); QFontMetricsF fm(format.font(), pd); qreal width = qMax(qreal(0.0), fm.width(d->value)); qreal ascent = fm.ascent(); qreal descent = fm.descent(); if (object.width() != width) { object.setWidth(width); } if (object.ascent() != ascent) { object.setAscent(ascent); } if (object.descent() != descent) { object.setDescent(descent); } } void KoVariable::paint(QPainter &painter, QPaintDevice *pd, const QTextDocument *document, const QRectF &rect, const QTextInlineObject &object, int posInDocument, const QTextCharFormat &format) { Q_D(KoVariable); Q_UNUSED(document); Q_UNUSED(posInDocument); // TODO set all the font properties from the format (color etc) QFont font(format.font(), pd); QTextLayout layout(d->value, font, pd); layout.setCacheEnabled(true); - QList layouts; + QVector layouts; QTextLayout::FormatRange range; range.start = 0; range.length = d->value.length(); range.format = format; layouts.append(range); - layout.setAdditionalFormats(layouts); + layout.setFormats(layouts); QTextOption option(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignAbsolute); if (object.isValid()) { option.setTextDirection(object.textDirection()); } layout.setTextOption(option); layout.beginLayout(); layout.createLine(); layout.endLayout(); layout.draw(&painter, rect.topLeft()); } void KoVariable::variableMoved(const QTextDocument *document, int posInDocument) { Q_UNUSED(document); Q_UNUSED(posInDocument); } QString KoVariable::value() const { Q_D(const KoVariable); return d->value; } int KoVariable::positionInDocument() const { Q_D(const KoVariable); return d->lastPositionInDocument; } void KoVariable::documentDestroyed() { // deleteLater(); does not work when closing a document as the inline object manager is deleted before the control is given back to the event loop // therefore commit suicide. // See http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq-lite/delete-this.html delete(this); } diff --git a/plugins/flake/textshape/textlayout/KoTextLayoutArea.cpp b/plugins/flake/textshape/textlayout/KoTextLayoutArea.cpp index de72ce09c3..8a7460a8c4 100644 --- a/plugins/flake/textshape/textlayout/KoTextLayoutArea.cpp +++ b/plugins/flake/textshape/textlayout/KoTextLayoutArea.cpp @@ -1,2091 +1,2091 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project * Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Thomas Zander * Copyright (C) 2008,2011 Thorsten Zachmann * Copyright (C) 2008 Girish Ramakrishnan * Copyright (C) 2008 Roopesh Chander * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Pierre Ducroquet * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 KO GmbH * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 C. Boemann * Copyright (C) 2010 Nandita Suri * Copyright (C) 2010 Ajay Pundhir * Copyright (C) 2011 Lukáš Tvrdý * Copyright (C) 2011 Gopalakrishna Bhat A * Copyright (C) 2011 Stuart Dickson * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KoTextLayoutArea.h" #include "KoTextLayoutArea_p.h" #include "TableIterator.h" #include "ListItemsHelper.h" #include "RunAroundHelper.h" #include "KoTextDocumentLayout.h" #include "FrameIterator.h" #include "KoPointedAt.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern int qt_defaultDpiY(); Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QTextDocument *) #define DropCapsAdditionalFormattingId 25602902 #define PresenterFontStretch 1.2 KoTextLayoutArea::KoTextLayoutArea(KoTextLayoutArea *p, KoTextDocumentLayout *documentLayout) : d (new Private) { d->parent = p; d->documentLayout = documentLayout; } KoTextLayoutArea::~KoTextLayoutArea() { qDeleteAll(d->tableAreas); qDeleteAll(d->footNoteAreas); qDeleteAll(d->preregisteredFootNoteAreas); delete d->startOfArea; delete d->endOfArea; delete d; } KoPointedAt KoTextLayoutArea::hitTest(const QPointF &p, Qt::HitTestAccuracy accuracy) const { QPointF point = p - QPointF(0, d->verticalAlignOffset); if (d->startOfArea == 0) // We have not been layouted yet return KoPointedAt(); KoPointedAt pointedAt; bool basicallyFound = false; QTextFrame::iterator it = d->startOfArea->it; QTextFrame::iterator stop = d->endOfArea->it; if (!stop.atEnd()) { if(!stop.currentBlock().isValid() || d->endOfArea->lineTextStart >= 0) { // Last thing we contain is a frame (table) or first part of a paragraph split in two // The stop point should be the object after that // However if stop is already atEnd we shouldn't increment further ++stop; } } int tableAreaIndex = 0; int tocIndex = 0; int footNoteIndex = 0; for (; it != stop && !it.atEnd(); ++it) { QTextBlock block = it.currentBlock(); QTextTable *table = qobject_cast(it.currentFrame()); QTextFrame *subFrame = it.currentFrame(); QTextBlockFormat format = block.blockFormat(); if (table) { if (tableAreaIndex >= d->tableAreas.size()) { continue; } if (point.y() > d->tableAreas[tableAreaIndex]->top() && point.y() < d->tableAreas[tableAreaIndex]->bottom()) { return d->tableAreas[tableAreaIndex]->hitTest(point, accuracy); } ++tableAreaIndex; continue; } else if (subFrame) { if (it.currentFrame()->format().intProperty(KoText::SubFrameType) == KoText::AuxillaryFrameType) { if (point.y() > d->endNotesArea->top() && point.y() < d->endNotesArea->bottom()) { pointedAt = d->endNotesArea->hitTest(point, accuracy); return pointedAt; } } break; } else { if (!block.isValid()) continue; } if (block.blockFormat().hasProperty(KoParagraphStyle::GeneratedDocument)) { // check if p is over table of content if (point.y() > d->generatedDocAreas[tocIndex]->top() && point.y() < d->generatedDocAreas[tocIndex]->bottom()) { pointedAt = d->generatedDocAreas[tocIndex]->hitTest(point, accuracy); pointedAt.position = block.position(); return pointedAt; } ++tocIndex; continue; } if (basicallyFound) // a subsequent table or lines have now had their chance return pointedAt; QTextLayout *layout = block.layout(); QTextFrame::iterator next = it; ++next; if (next != stop && next.currentFrame() == 0 && point.y() > layout->boundingRect().bottom()) { // just skip this block. continue; } for (int i = 0; i < layout->lineCount(); i++) { QTextLine line = layout->lineAt(i); if (block == d->startOfArea->it.currentBlock() && line.textStart() < d->startOfArea->lineTextStart) { continue; // this line is part of a previous layoutArea } QRectF lineRect = line.naturalTextRect(); if (point.y() > line.y() + line.height()) { pointedAt.position = block.position() + line.textStart() + line.textLength(); if (block == d->endOfArea->it.currentBlock() && line.textStart() + line.textLength() >= d->endOfArea->lineTextStart) { pointedAt.position = block.position() + line.xToCursor(point.x()); break; // this and following lines are part of a next layoutArea } continue; } if (accuracy == Qt::ExactHit && point.y() < line.y()) { // between lines return KoPointedAt(); } if (accuracy == Qt::ExactHit && // left or right of line (point.x() < line.naturalTextRect().left() || point.x() > line.naturalTextRect().right())) { return KoPointedAt(); } if (point.x() > lineRect.x() + lineRect.width() && layout->textOption().textDirection() == Qt::RightToLeft) { // totally right of RTL text means the position is the start of the text. //TODO how about the other side? pointedAt.position = block.position() + line.textStart(); return pointedAt; } if (basicallyFound && point.y() < lineRect.y()) { // This was not same baseline so basicallyFound was correct return pointedAt; } if (point.x() > lineRect.x() + lineRect.width()) { // right of line basicallyFound = true; pointedAt.position = block.position() + line.textStart() + line.textLength(); continue; // don't break as next line may be on same baseline } pointedAt.position = block.position() + line.xToCursor(point.x()); QTextCursor tmpCursor(block); tmpCursor.setPosition(block.position() + line.xToCursor(point.x(), QTextLine::CursorOnCharacter) + 1); pointedAt.fillInLinks(tmpCursor, d->documentLayout->inlineTextObjectManager(), d->documentLayout->textRangeManager()); return pointedAt; } } //and finally test the footnotes point -= QPointF(0, bottom() - d->footNotesHeight); while (footNoteIndex < d->footNoteAreas.length()) { // check if p is over foot notes area if (point.y() > 0 && point.y() < d->footNoteAreas[footNoteIndex]->bottom() - d->footNoteAreas[footNoteIndex]->top()) { pointedAt = d->footNoteAreas[footNoteIndex]->hitTest(point, accuracy); return pointedAt; } point -= QPointF(0, d->footNoteAreas[footNoteIndex]->bottom() - d->footNoteAreas[footNoteIndex]->top()); ++footNoteIndex; } return pointedAt; } QRectF KoTextLayoutArea::selectionBoundingBox(QTextCursor &cursor) const { QRectF retval(-5E6, top(), 105E6, 0); if (d->startOfArea == 0) // We have not been layouted yet return QRectF(); if (d->endOfArea == 0) // no end area yet return QRectF(); QTextFrame::iterator it = d->startOfArea->it; QTextFrame::iterator stop = d->endOfArea->it; if (!stop.atEnd()) { if(!stop.currentBlock().isValid() || d->endOfArea->lineTextStart >= 0) { // Last thing we show is a frame (table) or first part of a paragraph split in two // The stop point should be the object after that // However if stop is already atEnd we shouldn't increment further ++stop; } } QTextFrame *subFrame; int footNoteIndex = 0; qreal offset = bottom() - d->footNotesHeight; while (footNoteIndex < d->footNoteAreas.length()) { subFrame = d->footNoteFrames[footNoteIndex]; if (cursor.selectionStart() >= subFrame->firstPosition() && cursor.selectionEnd() <= subFrame->lastPosition()) { return d->footNoteAreas[footNoteIndex]->selectionBoundingBox(cursor).translated(0, offset) ; } offset += d->footNoteAreas[footNoteIndex]->bottom() - d->footNoteAreas[footNoteIndex]->top(); ++footNoteIndex; } int tableAreaIndex = 0; int tocIndex = 0; for (; it != stop && !it.atEnd(); ++it) { QTextBlock block = it.currentBlock(); QTextTable *table = qobject_cast(it.currentFrame()); QTextFrame *subFrame = it.currentFrame(); QTextBlockFormat format = block.blockFormat(); if (table) { if (tableAreaIndex >= d->tableAreas.size()) { continue; } if (cursor.selectionEnd() < table->firstPosition()) { return retval.translated(0, d->verticalAlignOffset); } if (cursor.selectionStart() > table->lastPosition()) { ++tableAreaIndex; continue; } if (cursor.selectionStart() >= table->firstPosition() && cursor.selectionEnd() <= table->lastPosition()) { return d->tableAreas[tableAreaIndex]->selectionBoundingBox(cursor).translated(0, d->verticalAlignOffset); } if (cursor.selectionStart() >= table->firstPosition()) { retval = d->tableAreas[tableAreaIndex]->boundingRect(); } else { retval |= d->tableAreas[tableAreaIndex]->boundingRect(); } ++tableAreaIndex; continue; } else if (subFrame) { if (it.currentFrame()->format().intProperty(KoText::SubFrameType) == KoText::AuxillaryFrameType) { if (cursor.selectionEnd() < subFrame->firstPosition()) { return retval.translated(0, d->verticalAlignOffset); } if (cursor.selectionStart() > subFrame->lastPosition()) { break; } if (cursor.selectionStart() >= subFrame->firstPosition() && cursor.selectionEnd() <= subFrame->lastPosition()) { return d->endNotesArea->selectionBoundingBox(cursor).translated(0, d->verticalAlignOffset); } break; } } else { if (!block.isValid()) continue; } if (block.blockFormat().hasProperty(KoParagraphStyle::GeneratedDocument)) { if (cursor.selectionStart() <= block.position() && cursor.selectionEnd() >= block.position()) { retval |= d->generatedDocAreas[tocIndex]->boundingRect(); } ++tocIndex; continue; } if(cursor.selectionEnd() < block.position()) { return retval.translated(0, d->verticalAlignOffset); } if(cursor.selectionStart() >= block.position() && cursor.selectionStart() < block.position() + block.length()) { QTextLine line = block.layout()->lineForTextPosition(cursor.selectionStart() - block.position()); if (line.isValid()) { retval.setTop(line.y()); retval.setBottom(line.y()); } } if(cursor.selectionEnd() >= block.position() && cursor.selectionEnd() < block.position() + block.length()) { QTextLine line = block.layout()->lineForTextPosition(cursor.selectionEnd() - block.position()); if (line.isValid()) { retval.setBottom(line.y() + line.height()); if (line.ascent()==0) { // Block is empty from any visible content and has as such no height // but in that case the block font defines line height retval.setBottom(line.y() + 24); } if (cursor.selectionStart() == cursor.selectionEnd()) { // We only have a caret so let's set the rect a bit more narrow retval.setX(line.cursorToX(cursor.position() - block.position())); retval.setWidth(1); } } } // if the full paragraph is selected to add it to the rect. This makes sure we get a rect for the case // where the end of the selection lies is a different area. if (cursor.selectionEnd() >= block.position() + block.length() && cursor.selectionStart() <= block.position()) { QTextLine line = block.layout()->lineForTextPosition(block.length()-1); if (line.isValid()) { retval.setBottom(line.y() + line.height()); if (line.ascent()==0) { // Block is empty from any visible content and has as such no height // but in that case the block font defines line height retval.setBottom(line.y() + 24); } } } } return retval.translated(0, d->verticalAlignOffset); } bool KoTextLayoutArea::isStartingAt(FrameIterator *cursor) const { if (d->startOfArea) { return *d->startOfArea == *cursor; } return false; } QTextFrame::iterator KoTextLayoutArea::startTextFrameIterator() const { return d->startOfArea->it; } QTextFrame::iterator KoTextLayoutArea::endTextFrameIterator() const { return d->endOfArea->it; } void KoTextLayoutArea::backtrackKeepWithNext(FrameIterator *cursor) { QTextFrame::iterator it = cursor->it; while (!(it == d->startOfArea->it)) { --it; QTextBlock block = it.currentBlock(); QTextTable *table = qobject_cast(it.currentFrame()); QTextFrame *subFrame = it.currentFrame(); bool keepWithNext = false; if (table) { keepWithNext = table->format().boolProperty(KoTableStyle::KeepWithNext); //setBottom(tableArea->bottom() + d->footNotesHeight); } else if (subFrame) { Q_ASSERT(false); // there should never be an aux frame before normal layouted stuff } else if (block.isValid()) { keepWithNext = block.blockFormat().boolProperty(KoParagraphStyle::KeepWithNext); //setBottom(d->blockRects.last()->bottom() + d->footNotesHeight); } if (!keepWithNext) { cursor->it = ++it; break; } } } bool KoTextLayoutArea::layout(FrameIterator *cursor) { qDeleteAll(d->tableAreas); d->tableAreas.clear(); qDeleteAll(d->footNoteAreas); d->footNoteAreas.clear(); qDeleteAll(d->preregisteredFootNoteAreas); d->preregisteredFootNoteAreas.clear(); d->footNoteFrames.clear(); d->preregisteredFootNoteFrames.clear(); qDeleteAll(d->generatedDocAreas); d->generatedDocAreas.clear(); d->blockRects.clear(); delete d->endNotesArea; d->endNotesArea=0; if (d->endOfArea) { delete d->copyEndOfArea; d->copyEndOfArea = new FrameIterator(d->endOfArea); } delete d->startOfArea; delete d->endOfArea; d->dropCapsWidth = 0; d->dropCapsDistance = 0; d->startOfArea = new FrameIterator(cursor); d->endOfArea = 0; d->y = top(); d->neededWidth = 0; setBottom(top()); d->bottomSpacing = 0; d->footNoteAutoCount = 0; d->footNotesHeight = 0; d->preregisteredFootNotesHeight = 0; d->prevBorder = 0; d->prevBorderPadding = 0; if (d->footNoteCursorFromPrevious) { KoTextLayoutNoteArea *footNoteArea = new KoTextLayoutNoteArea(d->continuedNoteFromPrevious, this, d->documentLayout); d->footNoteFrames.append(d->continuedNoteFromPrevious->textFrame()); footNoteArea->setReferenceRect(left(), right(), 0, maximumAllowedBottom()); footNoteArea->setAsContinuedArea(true); footNoteArea->layout(d->footNoteCursorFromPrevious); d->footNotesHeight += footNoteArea->bottom() - footNoteArea->top(); d->footNoteAreas.append(footNoteArea); } while (!cursor->it.atEnd()) { QTextBlock block = cursor->it.currentBlock(); QTextTable *table = qobject_cast(cursor->it.currentFrame()); QTextFrame *subFrame = cursor->it.currentFrame(); if (table) { QString masterPageName = table->frameFormat().property(KoTableStyle::MasterPageName).toString(); bool masterPageNameChanged = !masterPageName.isEmpty(); if (masterPageNameChanged) { cursor->masterPageName = masterPageName; } if (!virginPage()) { int breaktype = table->frameFormat().intProperty(KoTableStyle::BreakBefore); if ((acceptsPageBreak() && (masterPageNameChanged || (breaktype == KoText::PageBreak))) || (acceptsColumnBreak() && (breaktype == KoText::ColumnBreak))) { d->endOfArea = new FrameIterator(cursor); setBottom(d->y + d->footNotesHeight); if (!d->blockRects.isEmpty()) { d->blockRects.last().setBottom(d->y); } return false; } } // Let's create KoTextLayoutTableArea and let that handle the table KoTextLayoutTableArea *tableArea = new KoTextLayoutTableArea(table, this, d->documentLayout); d->tableAreas.append(tableArea); d->y += d->bottomSpacing; if (!d->blockRects.isEmpty()) { d->blockRects.last().setBottom(d->y); } tableArea->setVirginPage(virginPage()); tableArea->setReferenceRect(left(), right(), d->y, maximumAllowedBottom()); if (tableArea->layoutTable(cursor->tableIterator(table)) == false) { d->endOfArea = new FrameIterator(cursor); d->y = tableArea->bottom(); setBottom(d->y + d->footNotesHeight); // Expand bounding rect so if we have content outside we show it expandBoundingLeft(tableArea->boundingRect().left()); expandBoundingRight(tableArea->boundingRect().right()); return false; } setVirginPage(false); // Expand bounding rect so if we have content outside we show it expandBoundingLeft(tableArea->boundingRect().left()); expandBoundingRight(tableArea->boundingRect().right()); d->bottomSpacing = 0; d->y = tableArea->bottom(); delete cursor->currentTableIterator; cursor->currentTableIterator = 0; } else if (subFrame) { if (subFrame->format().intProperty(KoText::SubFrameType) == KoText::AuxillaryFrameType) { Q_ASSERT(d->endNotesArea == 0); d->endNotesArea = new KoTextLayoutEndNotesArea(this, d->documentLayout); d->y += d->bottomSpacing; if (!d->blockRects.isEmpty()) { d->blockRects.last().setBottom(d->y); } d->endNotesArea->setVirginPage(virginPage()); d->endNotesArea->setReferenceRect(left(), right(), d->y, maximumAllowedBottom()); if (d->endNotesArea->layout(cursor->subFrameIterator(subFrame)) == false) { d->endOfArea = new FrameIterator(cursor); d->y = d->endNotesArea->bottom(); setBottom(d->y + d->footNotesHeight); // Expand bounding rect so if we have content outside we show it expandBoundingLeft(d->endNotesArea->boundingRect().left()); expandBoundingRight(d->endNotesArea->boundingRect().right()); return false; } setVirginPage(false); // Expand bounding rect so if we have content outside we show it expandBoundingLeft(d->endNotesArea->boundingRect().left()); expandBoundingRight(d->endNotesArea->boundingRect().right()); d->bottomSpacing = 0; d->y = d->endNotesArea->bottom(); delete cursor->currentSubFrameIterator; cursor->currentSubFrameIterator = 0; // we have layouted till the end of the document except for a blank block // which we should ignore ++(cursor->it); ++(cursor->it); break; } } else if (block.isValid()) { if (block.blockFormat().hasProperty(KoParagraphStyle::GeneratedDocument)) { QVariant data = block.blockFormat().property(KoParagraphStyle::GeneratedDocument); QTextDocument *generatedDocument = data.value(); // Let's create KoTextLayoutArea and let it handle the generated document KoTextLayoutArea *area = new KoTextLayoutArea(this, documentLayout()); d->generatedDocAreas.append(area); d->y += d->bottomSpacing; if (!d->blockRects.isEmpty()) { d->blockRects.last().setBottom(d->y); } area->setVirginPage(virginPage()); area->setAcceptsPageBreak(acceptsPageBreak()); area->setAcceptsColumnBreak(acceptsColumnBreak()); area->setReferenceRect(left(), right(), d->y, maximumAllowedBottom()); QTextLayout *blayout = block.layout(); blayout->beginLayout(); QTextLine line = blayout->createLine(); line.setNumColumns(0); line.setPosition(QPointF(left(), d->y)); blayout->endLayout(); if (area->layout(cursor->subFrameIterator(generatedDocument->rootFrame())) == false) { cursor->lineTextStart = 1; // fake we are not done d->endOfArea = new FrameIterator(cursor); d->y = area->bottom(); setBottom(d->y + d->footNotesHeight); // Expand bounding rect so if we have content outside we show it expandBoundingLeft(area->boundingRect().left()); expandBoundingRight(area->boundingRect().right()); return false; } setVirginPage(false); // Expand bounding rect so if we have content outside we show it expandBoundingLeft(area->boundingRect().left()); expandBoundingRight(area->boundingRect().right()); d->bottomSpacing = 0; d->y = area->bottom(); delete cursor->currentSubFrameIterator; cursor->lineTextStart = -1; // fake we are done cursor->currentSubFrameIterator = 0; } else { // FIXME this doesn't work for cells inside tables. We probably should make it more // generic to handle such cases too. QString masterPageName = block.blockFormat().property(KoParagraphStyle::MasterPageName).toString(); bool masterPageNameChanged = !masterPageName.isEmpty(); if (masterPageNameChanged) { cursor->masterPageName = masterPageName; } if (!virginPage()) { int breaktype = block.blockFormat().intProperty(KoParagraphStyle::BreakBefore); if ((acceptsPageBreak() && (masterPageNameChanged || (breaktype == KoText::PageBreak))) ||(acceptsColumnBreak() && (breaktype == KoText::ColumnBreak))) { d->endOfArea = new FrameIterator(cursor); setBottom(d->y + d->footNotesHeight); if (!d->blockRects.isEmpty()) { d->blockRects.last().setBottom(d->y); } return false; } } if (layoutBlock(cursor) == false) { if (cursor->lineTextStart == -1) { //Nothing was added so lets backtrack keep-with-next backtrackKeepWithNext(cursor); } d->endOfArea = new FrameIterator(cursor); setBottom(d->y + d->footNotesHeight); d->blockRects.last().setBottom(d->y); return false; } d->extraTextIndent = 0; int breaktype = block.blockFormat().intProperty(KoParagraphStyle::BreakAfter); if ((acceptsPageBreak() && (breaktype & KoText::PageBreak)) || (acceptsColumnBreak() && (breaktype & KoText::ColumnBreak))) { Q_ASSERT(!cursor->it.atEnd()); QTextFrame::iterator nextIt = cursor->it; ++nextIt; bool wasIncremented = !nextIt.currentFrame(); if (wasIncremented) cursor->it = nextIt; d->endOfArea = new FrameIterator(cursor); if (!wasIncremented) ++(cursor->it); setBottom(d->y + d->footNotesHeight); d->blockRects.last().setBottom(d->y); return false; } } } bool atEnd = cursor->it.atEnd(); if (!atEnd) { ++(cursor->it); } } d->endOfArea = new FrameIterator(cursor); d->y = qMin(maximumAllowedBottom(), d->y + d->bottomSpacing); setBottom(d->y + d->footNotesHeight); if (!d->blockRects.isEmpty()) { d->blockRects.last().setBottom(d->y); } if (d->maximumAllowedWidth>0) { d->right += d->neededWidth - d->width; d->maximumAllowedWidth = 0; setVirginPage(true); KoTextLayoutArea::layout(new FrameIterator(d->startOfArea)); } return true; // we have layouted till the end of the frame } QTextLine KoTextLayoutArea::Private::restartLayout(QTextBlock &block, int lineTextStartOfLastKeep) { QTextLayout *layout = block.layout(); KoTextBlockData blockData(block); QPointF stashedCounterPosition = blockData.counterPosition(); QList stashedLines; QTextLine line; for(int i = 0; i < layout->lineCount(); i++) { QTextLine l = layout->lineAt(i); if (l.textStart() >= lineTextStartOfLastKeep) { break; } LineKeeper lk; lk.lineWidth = l.width(); lk.columns = l.textLength(); lk.position = l.position(); stashedLines.append(lk); } layout->clearLayout(); layout->beginLayout(); line = layout->createLine(); return recreatePartialLayout(block, stashedLines, stashedCounterPosition, line); } void KoTextLayoutArea::Private::stashRemainingLayout(QTextBlock &block, int lineTextStartOfFirstKeep, QList &stashedLines, QPointF &stashedCounterPosition) { QTextLayout *layout = block.layout(); KoTextBlockData blockData(block); stashedCounterPosition = blockData.counterPosition(); QTextLine line; for(int i = 0; i < layout->lineCount(); i++) { QTextLine l = layout->lineAt(i); if (l.textStart() < lineTextStartOfFirstKeep) { continue; } LineKeeper lk; lk.lineWidth = l.width(); lk.columns = l.textLength(); lk.position = l.position(); stashedLines.append(lk); } } QTextLine KoTextLayoutArea::Private::recreatePartialLayout(QTextBlock &block, QList stashedLines, QPointF &stashedCounterPosition, QTextLine &line) { QTextLayout *layout = block.layout(); KoTextBlockData blockData(block); documentLayout->allowPositionInlineObject(false); if (layout->lineCount() == 1) { blockData.setCounterPosition(stashedCounterPosition); } Q_FOREACH (const LineKeeper &lk, stashedLines) { line.setLineWidth(lk.lineWidth); if (lk.columns != line.textLength()) { // As setNumColumns might break differently we only use it if setLineWidth doesn't give // the same textLength as we had before line.setNumColumns(lk.columns, lk.lineWidth); } line.setPosition(lk.position); line = layout->createLine(); if (!line.isValid()) break; } documentLayout->allowPositionInlineObject(true); return line; } static bool compareTab(const QTextOption::Tab &tab1, const QTextOption::Tab &tab2) { return tab1.position < tab2.position; } // layoutBlock() method is structured like this: // // 1) Setup various helper values // a) related to or influenced by lists // b) related to or influenced by dropcaps // c) related to or influenced by margins // d) related to or influenced by tabs // e) related to or influenced by borders // f) related to or influenced by list counters // 2)layout each line (possibly restarting where we stopped earlier) // a) fit line into sub lines with as needed for text runaround // b) break if we encounter softbreak // c) make sure we keep above maximumAllowedBottom // d) calls addLine() // e) update dropcaps related variables bool KoTextLayoutArea::layoutBlock(FrameIterator *cursor) { QTextBlock block(cursor->it.currentBlock()); KoTextBlockData blockData(block); KoParagraphStyle pStyle(block.blockFormat(), block.charFormat()); int dropCapsAffectsNMoreLines = 0; qreal dropCapsPositionAdjust = 0.0; bool lastOfPreviousRun = (d->copyEndOfArea && d->copyEndOfArea->it.currentBlock() == block); KoText::Direction dir = pStyle.textProgressionDirection(); if (dir == KoText::InheritDirection) dir = parentTextDirection(); if (dir == KoText::AutoDirection) d->isRtl = block.text().isRightToLeft(); else d->isRtl = dir == KoText::RightLeftTopBottom; // initialize list item stuff for this parag. QTextList *textList = block.textList(); QTextListFormat listFormat; QTextCharFormat labelFormat; if (textList) { listFormat = textList->format(); if (block.text().size() == 0 || d->documentLayout->wordprocessingMode()) { labelFormat = block.charFormat(); } else { labelFormat = block.begin().fragment().charFormat(); } if (d->documentLayout->styleManager()) { const int id = listFormat.intProperty(KoListStyle::CharacterStyleId); KoCharacterStyle *cs = d->documentLayout->styleManager()->characterStyle(id); if (cs) { cs->applyStyle(labelFormat); cs->ensureMinimalProperties(labelFormat); } } // fetch the text-properties of the label if (listFormat.hasProperty(KoListStyle::CharacterProperties)) { QVariant v = listFormat.property(KoListStyle::CharacterProperties); QSharedPointer textPropertiesCharStyle = v.value< QSharedPointer >(); if (!textPropertiesCharStyle.isNull()) { textPropertiesCharStyle->applyStyle(labelFormat); textPropertiesCharStyle->ensureMinimalProperties(labelFormat); } } // Calculate the correct font point size taking into account the current // block format and the relative font size percent if the size is not absolute if (listFormat.hasProperty(KoListStyle::RelativeBulletSize)) { qreal percent = listFormat.property(KoListStyle::RelativeBulletSize).toDouble(); labelFormat.setFontPointSize((percent*labelFormat.fontPointSize())/100.00); } QFont font(labelFormat.font(), d->documentLayout->paintDevice()); if (!blockData.hasCounterData()) { ListItemsHelper lih(textList, font); lih.recalculateBlock(block); } blockData.setLabelFormat(labelFormat); } else { // make sure it is empty blockData.clearCounter(); } QTextLayout *layout = block.layout(); QTextOption option = layout->textOption(); option.setWrapMode(QTextOption::WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere); option.setAlignment(QStyle::visualAlignment(d->isRtl ? Qt::RightToLeft : Qt::LeftToRight, pStyle.alignment())); if (d->isRtl) { option.setTextDirection(Qt::RightToLeft); // For right-to-left we need to make sure that trailing spaces are included into the QTextLine naturalTextWidth // and naturalTextRect calculation so they are proper handled in the RunAroundHelper. For left-to-right we do // not like to include trailing spaces in the calculations cause else justified text would not look proper // justified. Seems for right-to-left we have to accept that justified text will not look proper justified then. // only set it for justified text as otherwise we will cut of text at the beginning of the line if (pStyle.alignment() == Qt::AlignJustify) { option.setFlags(QTextOption::IncludeTrailingSpaces); } } else { option.setFlags(0); option.setTextDirection(Qt::LeftToRight); } option.setUseDesignMetrics(true); //========== // Drop caps //========== d->dropCapsNChars = 0; if (cursor->lineTextStart == -1) { // first remove any drop-caps related formatting that's already there in the layout. // we'll do it all afresh now. - QList formatRanges = layout->additionalFormats(); - for (QList< QTextLayout::FormatRange >::Iterator iter = formatRanges.begin(); + QVector formatRanges = layout->formats(); + for (QVector< QTextLayout::FormatRange >::Iterator iter = formatRanges.begin(); iter != formatRanges.end(); ) { if (iter->format.boolProperty(DropCapsAdditionalFormattingId)) { iter = formatRanges.erase(iter); } else { ++iter; } } - if (formatRanges.count() != layout->additionalFormats().count()) - layout->setAdditionalFormats(formatRanges); + if (formatRanges.count() != layout->formats().count()) + layout->setFormats(formatRanges); bool dropCaps = pStyle.dropCaps(); int dropCapsLength = pStyle.dropCapsLength(); int dropCapsLines = pStyle.dropCapsLines(); if (dropCaps && dropCapsLines > 1 && block.length() > 1) { QString blockText = block.text(); d->dropCapsDistance = pStyle.dropCapsDistance(); if (dropCapsLength == 0) { // means whole word is to be dropped int firstNonSpace = blockText.indexOf(QRegExp("[^ ]")); dropCapsLength = blockText.indexOf(QRegExp("\\W"), firstNonSpace); } else { // LibreOffice skips softbreaks but not spaces. We will do the same QTextCursor c1(block); c1.setPosition(block.position()); c1.setPosition(c1.position() + 1, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); KoTextSoftPageBreak *softPageBreak = dynamic_cast(d->documentLayout->inlineTextObjectManager()->inlineTextObject(c1)); if (softPageBreak) { dropCapsLength++; } } dropCapsLength = qMin(dropCapsLength, blockText.length() - 1); if (dropCapsLength > 0) { // increase the size of the dropped chars QTextCursor blockStart(block); QTextLayout::FormatRange dropCapsFormatRange; dropCapsFormatRange.format = blockStart.charFormat(); // find out lineHeight for this block. QTextBlock::iterator it = block.begin(); QTextFragment lineRepresentative = it.fragment(); qreal lineHeight = pStyle.lineHeightAbsolute(); qreal dropCapsHeight = 0; if (lineHeight == 0) { lineHeight = lineRepresentative.charFormat().fontPointSize(); qreal linespacing = pStyle.lineSpacing(); if (linespacing == 0) { // unset qreal percent = pStyle.lineHeightPercent(); if (percent != 0) linespacing = lineHeight * ((percent - 100) / 100.0); else if (linespacing == 0) linespacing = lineHeight * 0.2; // default } dropCapsHeight = linespacing * (dropCapsLines-1); } const qreal minimum = pStyle.minimumLineHeight(); if (minimum > 0.0) { lineHeight = qMax(lineHeight, minimum); } dropCapsHeight += lineHeight * dropCapsLines; int dropCapsStyleId = pStyle.dropCapsTextStyleId(); KoCharacterStyle *dropCapsCharStyle = 0; if (dropCapsStyleId > 0 && d->documentLayout->styleManager()) { dropCapsCharStyle = d->documentLayout->styleManager()->characterStyle(dropCapsStyleId); dropCapsCharStyle->applyStyle(dropCapsFormatRange.format); } QFont f(dropCapsFormatRange.format.font(), d->documentLayout->paintDevice()); QString dropCapsText(block.text().left(dropCapsLength)); f.setPointSizeF(dropCapsHeight); for (int i=0; i < 5; ++i) { QTextLayout tmplayout(dropCapsText, f); tmplayout.setTextOption(option); tmplayout.beginLayout(); QTextLine tmpline = tmplayout.createLine(); tmplayout.endLayout(); d->dropCapsWidth = tmpline.naturalTextWidth(); QFontMetricsF fm(f, documentLayout()->paintDevice()); QRectF rect = fm.tightBoundingRect(dropCapsText); const qreal diff = dropCapsHeight - rect.height(); dropCapsPositionAdjust = rect.top() + fm.ascent(); if (qAbs(diff) < 0.5) // good enough break; const qreal adjustment = diff * (f.pointSizeF() / rect.height()); // warnTextLayout << "adjusting with" << adjustment; f.setPointSizeF(f.pointSizeF() + adjustment); } dropCapsFormatRange.format.setFontPointSize(f.pointSizeF()); dropCapsFormatRange.format.setProperty(DropCapsAdditionalFormattingId, (QVariant) true); dropCapsFormatRange.start = 0; dropCapsFormatRange.length = dropCapsLength; formatRanges.append(dropCapsFormatRange); - layout->setAdditionalFormats(formatRanges); + layout->setFormats(formatRanges); d->dropCapsNChars = dropCapsLength; dropCapsAffectsNMoreLines = (d->dropCapsNChars > 0) ? dropCapsLines : 0; } } } //======== // Margins //======== qreal startMargin = block.blockFormat().leftMargin(); qreal endMargin = block.blockFormat().rightMargin(); if (d->isRtl) { std::swap(startMargin, endMargin); } d->indent = textIndent(block, textList, pStyle) + d->extraTextIndent; qreal labelBoxWidth = 0; qreal labelBoxIndent = 0; if (textList) { if (listFormat.boolProperty(KoListStyle::AlignmentMode)) { // according to odf 1.2 17.20 list margin should be used when paragraph margin is // not specified by the auto style (additionally LO/OO uses 0 as condition so we do too) int id = pStyle.styleId(); bool set = false; if (id && d->documentLayout->styleManager()) { KoParagraphStyle *originalParagraphStyle = d->documentLayout->styleManager()->paragraphStyle(id); if (originalParagraphStyle->leftMargin() != startMargin) { set = (startMargin != 0); } } else { set = (startMargin != 0); } if (! set) { startMargin = listFormat.doubleProperty(KoListStyle::Margin); } labelBoxWidth = blockData.counterWidth(); Qt::Alignment align = static_cast(listFormat.intProperty(KoListStyle::Alignment)); if (align == 0) { align = Qt::AlignLeft; } if (align & Qt::AlignLeft) { d->indent += labelBoxWidth; } else if (align & Qt::AlignHCenter) { d->indent += labelBoxWidth/2; } labelBoxIndent = d->indent - labelBoxWidth; } else { labelBoxWidth = blockData.counterSpacing() + blockData.counterWidth(); } } d->width = right() - left(); d->width -= startMargin + endMargin; d->x = left() + (d->isRtl ? 0.0 : startMargin); d->documentLayout->clearInlineObjectRegistry(block); //======== // Tabs //======== QList tabs = pStyle.tabPositions(); // Handle tabs relative to startMargin qreal tabOffset = -d->indent; if (!d->documentLayout->relativeTabs(block)) { tabOffset -= startMargin; } // Make a list of tabs that Qt can use QList qTabs; // Note: Converting to Qt tabs is needed as long as we use Qt for layout, but we // loose the possibility to do leader chars. foreach (const KoText::Tab &kTab, tabs) { qreal value = kTab.position; if (value == MaximumTabPos) { // MaximumTabPos is used in index generators // note: we subtract right margin as this is where the tab should be // note: we subtract indent so tab is not relative to it // note: we subtract left margin so tab is not relative to it // if rtl the above left/right reasons swap but formula stays the same // -tabOfset is just to cancel that we add it next // -2 is to avoid wrap at right edge to the next line value = right() - left() - startMargin - endMargin - d->indent - tabOffset - 2; } // conversion here is required because Qt thinks in device units and we don't value *= qt_defaultDpiY() / 72.0; value += tabOffset * qt_defaultDpiY() / 72.0; QTextOption::Tab tab; tab.position = value; tab.type = kTab.type; tab.delimiter = kTab.delimiter; qTabs.append(tab); } qreal presentationListTabValue(0.0); // for use in presentationListTabWorkaround // For some lists we need to add a special list tab according to odf 1.2 19.830 if (textList && listFormat.intProperty(KoListStyle::LabelFollowedBy) == KoListStyle::ListTab) { qreal listTab = 0; if (listFormat.hasProperty(KoListStyle::TabStopPosition)) { listTab = listFormat.doubleProperty(KoListStyle::TabStopPosition); if (!d->documentLayout->relativeTabs(block)) { // How list tab is defined if fixed tabs: // listTab //|>-------------------------| // d->indent // |---------<| // LABEL TEXT STARTS HERE AND GOES ON // TO THE NEXT LINE //|>------------------| // startMargin listTab -= startMargin; } else { // How list tab is defined if relative tabs: // It's relative to startMargin - list.startMargin // listTab // |>-------------------| // d->indent // |---------<| // LABEL TEXT STARTS HERE AND GOES ON // TO THE NEXT LINE //|>--------------------| // startMargin | // |>-------------| // list.margin listTab -= listFormat.doubleProperty(KoListStyle::Margin); } } // How list tab is defined now: // listTab // |>-----| // d->indent // |---------<| // LABEL TEXT STARTS HERE AND GOES ON // TO THE NEXT LINE //|>------------------| // startMargin presentationListTabValue = listTab; listTab -= d->indent; // And now listTab is like this: // x() // | listTab // |>---------------| // d->indent // |---------<| // LABEL TEXT STARTS HERE AND GOES ON // TO THE NEXT LINE //|>------------------| // startMargin // conversion here is required because Qt thinks in device units and we don't listTab *= qt_defaultDpiY() / 72.0; QTextOption::Tab tab; tab.position = listTab; tab.type = d->isRtl ? QTextOption::RightTab : QTextOption::LeftTab; qTabs.append(tab); } // We need to sort as the MaximumTabPos may be converted to a value that really // should be in the middle, and listtab needs to be sorted in too std::sort(qTabs.begin(), qTabs.end(), compareTab); // Regular interval tabs. Since Qt doesn't handle regular interval tabs offset // by a fixed number we need to create the regular tabs ourselves. qreal tabStopDistance = pStyle.tabStopDistance() * qt_defaultDpiY() / 72.0; if (tabStopDistance <= 0) { tabStopDistance = d->documentLayout->defaultTabSpacing() * qt_defaultDpiY() / 72.0; } qreal regularSpacedTabPos = -d->indent * qt_defaultDpiY() / 72.0 -0.1; // first possible position if (!qTabs.isEmpty()) { regularSpacedTabPos = qTabs.last().position; } regularSpacedTabPos -= tabOffset * qt_defaultDpiY() / 72.0; if (regularSpacedTabPos < 0) { regularSpacedTabPos = -int(-regularSpacedTabPos / tabStopDistance) * tabStopDistance; } else { regularSpacedTabPos = (int(regularSpacedTabPos / tabStopDistance) + 1) * tabStopDistance; } regularSpacedTabPos += tabOffset * qt_defaultDpiY() / 72.0; while (regularSpacedTabPos < MaximumTabPos) { QTextOption::Tab tab; tab.position = regularSpacedTabPos; qTabs.append(tab); regularSpacedTabPos += tabStopDistance; } option.setTabs(qTabs); // conversion here is required because Qt thinks in device units and we don't option.setTabStop(tabStopDistance * qt_defaultDpiY() / 72.); layout->setTextOption(option); // ============== // Possibly store the old layout of lines in case we end up splitting the paragraph at the same position // ============== QList stashedLines; QPointF stashedCounterPosition; if (lastOfPreviousRun) { // we have been layouted before, and the block ended on the following page so better // stash the layout for later d->stashRemainingLayout(block, d->copyEndOfArea->lineTextStart, stashedLines, stashedCounterPosition); } // ============== // Setup line and possibly restart paragraph continuing from previous other area // ============== QTextLine line; if (cursor->lineTextStart == -1) { layout->beginLayout(); line = layout->createLine(); cursor->fragmentIterator = block.begin(); } else { line = d->restartLayout(block, cursor->lineTextStart); d->indent = d->extraTextIndent; } if (block.blockFormat().boolProperty(KoParagraphStyle::UnnumberedListItem)) { // Unnumbered list items act like "following lines" in a numbered block d->indent = 0; } // ============== // List label/counter positioning // ============== if (textList && block.layout()->lineCount() == 1 && ! block.blockFormat().boolProperty(KoParagraphStyle::UnnumberedListItem)) { // If first line in a list then set the counterposition. Following lines in the same // list-item have nothing to do with the counter. if (listFormat.boolProperty(KoListStyle::AlignmentMode) == false) { qreal minLabelWidth = listFormat.doubleProperty(KoListStyle::MinimumWidth); if (!d->isRtl) { d->x += listFormat.doubleProperty(KoListStyle::Indent) + minLabelWidth; } d->width -= listFormat.doubleProperty(KoListStyle::Indent) + minLabelWidth; d->indent += labelBoxWidth - minLabelWidth; blockData.setCounterPosition(QPointF(d->x + d->indent - labelBoxWidth, d->y)); } else if (labelBoxWidth > 0.0 || blockData.counterText().length() > 0) { // Alignmentmode and there is a label (double check needed to account for both // picture bullets and non width chars) blockData.setCounterPosition(QPointF(d->x + labelBoxIndent, d->y)); if (listFormat.intProperty(KoListStyle::LabelFollowedBy) == KoListStyle::ListTab && !presentationListTabWorkaround(textIndent(block, textList, pStyle), labelBoxWidth, presentationListTabValue)) { Q_FOREACH (QTextOption::Tab tab, qTabs) { qreal position = tab.position * 72. / qt_defaultDpiY(); if (position > 0.0) { d->indent += position; break; } } //And finally it's like this: // x() // d->indent // |>-----| // LABEL TEXT STARTS HERE AND GOES ON // TO THE NEXT LINE //|>------------------| // startMargin } else if (listFormat.intProperty(KoListStyle::LabelFollowedBy) == KoListStyle::Space) { QFontMetrics fm(labelFormat.font(), d->documentLayout->paintDevice()); d->indent += fm.width(' '); } // default needs to be no space so presentationListTabWorkaround above makes us go here } } // Whenever we relayout the markup layout becomes invalid blockData.setMarkupsLayoutValidity(KoTextBlockData::Misspell, false); blockData.setMarkupsLayoutValidity(KoTextBlockData::Grammar, false); // ============== // Now once we know the physical context we can work on the borders of the paragraph // ============== if (block.blockFormat().hasProperty(KoParagraphStyle::HiddenByTable)) { if (!d->blockRects.isEmpty()) { d->blockRects.last().setBottom(d->y); } d->y += d->bottomSpacing; d->bottomSpacing = 0; d->blockRects.append(QRectF(d->x, d->y, d->width, 10.0)); } else { handleBordersAndSpacing(blockData, &block); } // Expand bounding rect so if we have content outside we show it expandBoundingLeft(d->blockRects.last().x()); expandBoundingRight(d->blockRects.last().right()); // ============== // Create the lines of this paragraph // ============== RunAroundHelper runAroundHelper; runAroundHelper.setObstructions(documentLayout()->currentObstructions()); qreal maxLineHeight = 0; qreal y_justBelowDropCaps = 0; bool anyLineAdded = false; int numBaselineShifts = 0; while (line.isValid()) { runAroundHelper.setLine(this, line); runAroundHelper.setObstructions(documentLayout()->currentObstructions()); QRectF anchoringRect = d->blockRects.last(); anchoringRect.setTop(d->anchoringParagraphContentTop); documentLayout()->setAnchoringParagraphContentRect(anchoringRect); anchoringRect.setLeft(left()); anchoringRect.setWidth(right() - left()); anchoringRect.setTop(d->anchoringParagraphTop); documentLayout()->setAnchoringParagraphRect(anchoringRect); documentLayout()->setAnchoringLayoutEnvironmentRect(layoutEnvironmentRect()); runAroundHelper.fit( /* resetHorizontalPosition */ false, /* rightToLeft */ d->isRtl, QPointF(x(), d->y)); documentLayout()->positionAnchorTextRanges(block.position()+line.textStart(), line.textLength(), block.document()); qreal bottomOfText = line.y() + line.height(); bool softBreak = false; bool moreInMiddle = d->y > maximumAllowedBottom() - 150; if (acceptsPageBreak() && !pStyle.nonBreakableLines() && moreInMiddle) { int softBreakPos = -1; QString text = block.text(); int pos = text.indexOf(QChar::ObjectReplacementCharacter, line.textStart()); while (pos >= 0 && pos <= line.textStart() + line.textLength()) { QTextCursor c1(block); c1.setPosition(block.position() + pos); c1.setPosition(c1.position() + 1, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); KoTextSoftPageBreak *softPageBreak = dynamic_cast(d->documentLayout->inlineTextObjectManager()->inlineTextObject(c1)); if (softPageBreak) { softBreakPos = pos; break; } pos = text.indexOf(QChar::ObjectReplacementCharacter, pos + 1); } if (softBreakPos >= 0 && softBreakPos < line.textStart() + line.textLength()) { line.setNumColumns(softBreakPos - line.textStart() + 1, line.width()); softBreak = true; // if the softBreakPos is at the start of the line stop here so // we don't add a line here. That fixes the problem that e.g. the counter is before // the page break and the text is after the page break if (!virginPage() && softBreakPos == 0) { d->recreatePartialLayout(block, stashedLines, stashedCounterPosition, line); layout->endLayout(); return false; } } } if (documentLayout()->anchoringSoftBreak() <= block.position() + line.textStart() + line.textLength()) { //don't add an anchor that has been moved away line.setNumColumns(documentLayout()->anchoringSoftBreak() - block.position() - line.textStart(), line.width()); softBreak = true; // if the softBreakPos is at the start of the block stop here so // we don't add a line here. That fixes the problem that e.g. the counter is before // the page break and the text is after the page break if (!virginPage() && documentLayout()->anchoringSoftBreak() == block.position()) { d->recreatePartialLayout(block, stashedLines, stashedCounterPosition, line); layout->endLayout(); return false; } } findFootNotes(block, line, bottomOfText); if (bottomOfText > maximumAllowedBottom()) { // We can not fit line within our allowed space // in case we resume layout on next page the line is reused later // but if not then we need to make sure the line becomes invisible // we use d->maximalAllowedBottom because we want to be below // footnotes too. if (!virginPage() && pStyle.nonBreakableLines()) { line.setPosition(QPointF(x(), d->maximalAllowedBottom)); cursor->lineTextStart = -1; d->recreatePartialLayout(block, stashedLines, stashedCounterPosition, line); layout->endLayout(); clearPreregisteredFootNotes(); return false; //to indicate block was not done! } if (!virginPage() && pStyle.orphanThreshold() != 0 && pStyle.orphanThreshold() > numBaselineShifts) { line.setPosition(QPointF(x(), d->maximalAllowedBottom)); cursor->lineTextStart = -1; d->recreatePartialLayout(block, stashedLines, stashedCounterPosition, line); layout->endLayout(); clearPreregisteredFootNotes(); return false; //to indicate block was not done! } if (!virginPage() || anyLineAdded) { line.setPosition(QPointF(x(), d->maximalAllowedBottom)); d->recreatePartialLayout(block, stashedLines, stashedCounterPosition, line); layout->endLayout(); clearPreregisteredFootNotes(); return false; //to indicate block was not done! } } confirmFootNotes(); anyLineAdded = true; maxLineHeight = qMax(maxLineHeight, addLine(line, cursor, blockData)); d->neededWidth = qMax(d->neededWidth, line.naturalTextWidth() + d->indent); if (!runAroundHelper.stayOnBaseline() && !(block.blockFormat().hasProperty(KoParagraphStyle::HiddenByTable) && block.length() <= 1)) { d->y += maxLineHeight; maxLineHeight = 0; d->indent = 0; d->extraTextIndent = 0; ++numBaselineShifts; } // drop caps if (d->dropCapsNChars > 0) { // we just laid out the dropped chars y_justBelowDropCaps = d->y; // save the y position just below the dropped characters d->y = line.y(); // keep the same y for the next line line.setPosition(line.position() - QPointF(0, dropCapsPositionAdjust)); d->dropCapsNChars -= line.textLength(); } else if (dropCapsAffectsNMoreLines > 0) { // we just laid out a drop-cap-affected line dropCapsAffectsNMoreLines--; if (dropCapsAffectsNMoreLines == 0) { // no more drop-cap-affected lines if (d->y < y_justBelowDropCaps) d->y = y_justBelowDropCaps; // make sure d->y is below the dropped characters y_justBelowDropCaps = 0; d->dropCapsWidth = 0; d->dropCapsDistance = 0; } } documentLayout()->positionAnchoredObstructions(); // line fitted so try and do the next one line = layout->createLine(); if (!line.isValid()) { break; // no more line means our job is done } cursor->lineTextStart = line.textStart(); if (softBreak) { d->recreatePartialLayout(block, stashedLines, stashedCounterPosition, line); layout->endLayout(); return false; // page-break means we need to start again on the next page } } d->bottomSpacing = pStyle.bottomMargin(); layout->endLayout(); setVirginPage(false); cursor->lineTextStart = -1; //set lineTextStart to -1 and returning true indicate new block block.setLineCount(layout->lineCount()); return true; } bool KoTextLayoutArea::presentationListTabWorkaround(qreal indent, qreal labelBoxWidth, qreal presentationListTabValue) { if (!d->documentLayout->wordprocessingMode() && indent < 0.0) { // Impress / Powerpoint expects the label to be before the text if (indent + labelBoxWidth >= presentationListTabValue) { // but here is an unforseen overlap with normal text return true; } } return false; } qreal KoTextLayoutArea::textIndent(const QTextBlock &block, QTextList *textList, const KoParagraphStyle &pStyle) const { if (pStyle.autoTextIndent()) { // if auto-text-indent is set, // return an indent approximately 3-characters wide as per current font QTextCursor blockCursor(block); qreal guessGlyphWidth = QFontMetricsF(blockCursor.charFormat().font()).width('x'); return guessGlyphWidth * 3; } qreal blockTextIndent = block.blockFormat().textIndent(); if (textList && textList->format().boolProperty(KoListStyle::AlignmentMode)) { // according to odf 1.2 17.20 list text indent should be used when paragraph text indent is // not specified (additionally LO/OO uses 0 as condition so we do too) int id = pStyle.styleId(); bool set = false; if (id && d->documentLayout->styleManager()) { KoParagraphStyle *originalParagraphStyle = d->documentLayout->styleManager()->paragraphStyle(id); if (originalParagraphStyle->textIndent() != blockTextIndent) { set = (blockTextIndent != 0); } } else { set = (blockTextIndent != 0); } if (! set) { return textList->format().doubleProperty(KoListStyle::TextIndent); } } return blockTextIndent; } void KoTextLayoutArea::setExtraTextIndent(qreal extraTextIndent) { d->extraTextIndent = extraTextIndent; } qreal KoTextLayoutArea::x() const { if (d->isRtl) { return d->x; } else { if (d->dropCapsNChars > 0 || d->dropCapsWidth == 0) return d->x + d->indent ; else return d->x + d->indent + d->dropCapsWidth + d->dropCapsDistance; } } qreal KoTextLayoutArea::width() const { if (d->dropCapsNChars > 0) { return d->dropCapsWidth; } qreal width = d->width; if (d->maximumAllowedWidth > 0) { // lets use that instead but remember all the indent stuff we have calculated width = d->width - (d->right - d->left) + d->maximumAllowedWidth; } return width - d->indent - d->dropCapsWidth - d->dropCapsDistance; } void KoTextLayoutArea::setAcceptsPageBreak(bool accept) { d->acceptsPageBreak = accept; } bool KoTextLayoutArea::acceptsPageBreak() const { return d->acceptsPageBreak; } void KoTextLayoutArea::setAcceptsColumnBreak(bool accept) { d->acceptsColumnBreak = accept; } bool KoTextLayoutArea::acceptsColumnBreak() const { return d->acceptsColumnBreak; } void KoTextLayoutArea::setVirginPage(bool virgin) { d->virginPage = virgin; } bool KoTextLayoutArea::virginPage() const { return d->virginPage; } void KoTextLayoutArea::setVerticalAlignOffset(qreal offset) { d->boundingRect.setTop(d->top + qMin(qreal(0.0), offset)); d->boundingRect.setBottom(d->bottom + qMax(qreal(0.0), offset)); Q_ASSERT_X(d->boundingRect.top() <= d->boundingRect.bottom(), __FUNCTION__, "Bounding-rect is not normalized"); d->verticalAlignOffset = offset; } qreal KoTextLayoutArea::verticalAlignOffset() const { return d->verticalAlignOffset; } qreal KoTextLayoutArea::addLine(QTextLine &line, FrameIterator *cursor, KoTextBlockData &blockData) { QTextBlock block = cursor->it.currentBlock(); QTextBlockFormat format = block.blockFormat(); KoParagraphStyle style(format, block.charFormat()); if (block.textList() && block.layout()->lineCount() == 1) { Qt::Alignment alignment = format.alignment(); if (d->isRtl && (alignment & Qt::AlignAbsolute) == 0) { if (alignment & Qt::AlignLeft) { alignment = Qt::AlignRight; } else if (alignment & Qt::AlignRight) { alignment = Qt::AlignLeft; } } alignment &= Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignHCenter; // First line, lets check where the line ended up and adjust the positioning of the counter. qreal newX; if (alignment & Qt::AlignHCenter) { const qreal padding = (line.width() - line.naturalTextWidth()) / 2; newX = blockData.counterPosition().x() + (d->isRtl ? -padding : padding); } else if (alignment & Qt::AlignRight) { const qreal padding = line.width() - line.naturalTextWidth(); newX = blockData.counterPosition().x() + (d->isRtl ? -padding : padding); } else { newX = blockData.counterPosition().x(); } if (d->isRtl) { newX = line.x() + line.naturalTextWidth() + line.x() + d->indent - newX; } blockData.setCounterPosition(QPointF(newX, blockData.counterPosition().y())); } qreal height = 0; qreal breakHeight = 0.0; qreal ascent = 0.0; qreal descent = 0.0; const bool useFontProperties = format.boolProperty(KoParagraphStyle::LineSpacingFromFont); if (cursor->fragmentIterator.atEnd()) {// no text in parag. qreal fontStretch = 1; QTextCharFormat charFormat = block.charFormat(); if (block.blockFormat().hasProperty(KoParagraphStyle::EndCharStyle)) { QVariant v = block.blockFormat().property(KoParagraphStyle::EndCharStyle); QSharedPointer endCharStyle = v.value< QSharedPointer >(); if (!endCharStyle.isNull()) { endCharStyle->applyStyle(charFormat); endCharStyle->ensureMinimalProperties(charFormat); } } if (useFontProperties) { //stretch line height to powerpoint size fontStretch = PresenterFontStretch; } else if (block.charFormat().hasProperty(KoCharacterStyle::FontYStretch)) { // stretch line height to ms-word size fontStretch = charFormat.property(KoCharacterStyle::FontYStretch).toDouble(); } height = charFormat.fontPointSize() * fontStretch; } else { qreal fontStretch = 1; QTextFragment fragment = cursor->fragmentIterator.fragment(); if (useFontProperties) { //stretch line height to powerpoint size fontStretch = PresenterFontStretch; } else if (fragment.charFormat().hasProperty(KoCharacterStyle::FontYStretch)) { // stretch line height to ms-word size fontStretch = fragment.charFormat().property(KoCharacterStyle::FontYStretch).toDouble(); } // read max font height height = qMax(height, fragment.charFormat().fontPointSize() * fontStretch); KoInlineObjectExtent pos = d->documentLayout->inlineObjectExtent(fragment); ascent = qMax(ascent, pos.m_ascent); descent = qMax(descent, pos.m_descent); bool lineBreak = false; int lastCharPos = block.position() + line.textStart() + line.textLength() - 1; int blockLastCharWithoutPreedit = line.textStart() + line.textLength() - 1; if (block.layout()->preeditAreaPosition() >= block.position() + line.textStart() && block.layout()->preeditAreaPosition() <= lastCharPos) { blockLastCharWithoutPreedit -= block.layout()->preeditAreaText().length(); } if (block.text().at(blockLastCharWithoutPreedit) == QChar(0x2028)) { // Was a line with line-break if (line.textLength() != 1) { //unless empty line we should ignore the format of it --lastCharPos; } lineBreak = true; } while (!(fragment.contains(lastCharPos))) { cursor->fragmentIterator++; if (cursor->fragmentIterator.atEnd()) { break; } fragment = cursor->fragmentIterator.fragment(); if (!d->documentLayout->changeTracker() || !d->documentLayout->changeTracker()->displayChanges() || !d->documentLayout->changeTracker()->containsInlineChanges(fragment.charFormat()) || !d->documentLayout->changeTracker()->elementById(fragment.charFormat().property(KoCharacterStyle::ChangeTrackerId).toInt()) || !d->documentLayout->changeTracker()->elementById(fragment.charFormat().property(KoCharacterStyle::ChangeTrackerId).toInt())->isEnabled() || (d->documentLayout->changeTracker()->elementById(fragment.charFormat().property(KoCharacterStyle::ChangeTrackerId).toInt())->getChangeType() != KoGenChange::DeleteChange)) { qreal fontStretch = 1; if (useFontProperties) { //stretch line height to powerpoint size fontStretch = PresenterFontStretch; } else if (fragment.charFormat().hasProperty(KoCharacterStyle::FontYStretch)) { // stretch line height to ms-word size fontStretch = fragment.charFormat().property(KoCharacterStyle::FontYStretch).toDouble(); } // read max font height height = qMax(height, fragment.charFormat().fontPointSize() * fontStretch); KoInlineObjectExtent pos = d->documentLayout->inlineObjectExtent(fragment); ascent = qMax(ascent, pos.m_ascent); descent = qMax(descent, pos.m_descent); } } if (lineBreak) { // Was a line with line-break - the format of the line-break should not be // considered for the next line either. So we may have to advance the fragmentIterator. while (!cursor->fragmentIterator.atEnd() && lastCharPos > fragment.position() + fragment.length()-1) { cursor->fragmentIterator++; fragment = cursor->fragmentIterator.fragment(); } qreal breakAscent = ascent; qreal breakDescent = descent; breakHeight = height; int firstPos = block.position() + line.textStart() + line.textLength(); // Was a line with line-break - the format of the line-break should not be // considered for the next line either. So we may have to advance the fragmentIterator. while (!cursor->fragmentIterator.atEnd() && firstPos > fragment.position() + fragment.length()-1) { cursor->fragmentIterator++; if (!cursor->fragmentIterator.atEnd()) { fragment = cursor->fragmentIterator.fragment(); // read max font height breakHeight = qMax(breakHeight, fragment.charFormat().fontPointSize() * fontStretch); KoInlineObjectExtent pos = d->documentLayout->inlineObjectExtent(fragment); breakAscent = qMax(breakAscent, pos.m_ascent); breakDescent = qMax(breakDescent, pos.m_descent); } } breakHeight = qMax(breakHeight, breakAscent + breakDescent); } } height = qMax(height, ascent + descent); if (height < 0.01) { height = 12; // default size for uninitialized styles. } // Calculate adjustment to the height due to line height calculated by qt which shouldn't be // there in reality. We will just move the line qreal lineAdjust = 0.0; if (breakHeight > height) { lineAdjust = height - breakHeight; } // Adjust the line-height according to a probably defined fixed line height, // a proportional (percent) line-height and/or the line-spacing. Together // with the line-height we maybe also need to adjust the position of the // line. This is for example needed if the line needs to shrink in height // so the line-text stays on the baseline. If the line grows in height then // we don't need to do anything. if (d->dropCapsNChars <= 0) { // linespacing rules doesn't apply to drop caps qreal fixedLineHeight = format.doubleProperty(KoParagraphStyle::FixedLineHeight); if (fixedLineHeight != 0.0) { qreal prevHeight = height; height = fixedLineHeight; lineAdjust += height - prevHeight; } else { qreal lineSpacing = format.doubleProperty(KoParagraphStyle::LineSpacing); if (lineSpacing == 0.0) { // unset qreal percent = format.doubleProperty(KoParagraphStyle::PercentLineHeight); if (percent != 0) { height *= percent / 100.0; } else { height *= 1.2; // default } } height += lineSpacing; } qreal minimum = style.minimumLineHeight(); if (minimum > 0.0) { height = qMax(height, minimum); } } else { // for drop caps we just work with a basic linespacing for the dropped characters height *= 1.2; } //rounding problems due to Qt-scribe internally using ints. //also used when line was moved down because of intersections with other shapes if (qAbs(d->y - line.y()) >= 0.126) { d->y = line.y(); } if (lineAdjust) { // Adjust the position of the line itself. line.setPosition(QPointF(line.x(), line.y() + lineAdjust)); // Adjust the position of the block-rect for this line which is used later // to proper clip the line while drawing. If we would not adjust it here // then we could end with text-lines being partly cutoff. if (lineAdjust < 0.0) { d->blockRects.last().moveTop(d->blockRects.last().top() + lineAdjust); } if (block.textList() && block.layout()->lineCount() == 1) { // If this is the first line in a list (aka the first line after the list- // item) then we also need to adjust the counter to match to the line again. blockData.setCounterPosition(QPointF(blockData.counterPosition().x(), blockData.counterPosition().y() + lineAdjust)); } } return height; } void KoTextLayoutArea::setLayoutEnvironmentResctictions(bool isLayoutEnvironment, bool actsHorizontally) { d->isLayoutEnvironment = isLayoutEnvironment; d->actsHorizontally = actsHorizontally; } QRectF KoTextLayoutArea::layoutEnvironmentRect() const { QRectF rect(-5e10, -5e10, 10e10, 10e20); // large values that never really restrict anything if (d->parent) { rect = d->parent->layoutEnvironmentRect(); } if (d->isLayoutEnvironment) { if (d->actsHorizontally) { rect.setLeft(left()); rect.setRight(right()); } rect.setTop(top()); rect.setBottom(maximumAllowedBottom()); } return rect; } QRectF KoTextLayoutArea::boundingRect() const { return d->boundingRect; } qreal KoTextLayoutArea::maximumAllowedBottom() const { return d->maximalAllowedBottom - d->footNotesHeight - d->preregisteredFootNotesHeight; } FrameIterator *KoTextLayoutArea::footNoteCursorToNext() const { return d->footNoteCursorToNext; } KoInlineNote *KoTextLayoutArea::continuedNoteToNext() const { return d->continuedNoteToNext; } int KoTextLayoutArea::footNoteAutoCount() const { return d->footNoteAutoCount; } void KoTextLayoutArea::setFootNoteCountInDoc(int count) { d->footNoteCountInDoc = count; } void KoTextLayoutArea::setFootNoteFromPrevious(FrameIterator *footNoteCursor, KoInlineNote *note) { d->footNoteCursorFromPrevious = footNoteCursor; d->continuedNoteFromPrevious = note; } void KoTextLayoutArea::setNoWrap(qreal maximumAllowedWidth) { d->maximumAllowedWidth = maximumAllowedWidth; } KoText::Direction KoTextLayoutArea::parentTextDirection() const { Q_ASSERT(d->parent); //Root areas should overload this method return d->parent->parentTextDirection(); } KoTextLayoutArea *KoTextLayoutArea::parent() const { return d->parent; } KoTextDocumentLayout *KoTextLayoutArea::documentLayout() const { return d->documentLayout; } void KoTextLayoutArea::setReferenceRect(qreal left, qreal right, qreal top, qreal maximumAllowedBottom) { d->left = left; d->right = right; d->top = top; d->boundingRect = QRectF(left, top, right - left, 0.0); Q_ASSERT_X(d->boundingRect.top() <= d->boundingRect.bottom() && d->boundingRect.left() <= d->boundingRect.right(), __FUNCTION__, "Bounding-rect is not normalized"); d->maximalAllowedBottom = maximumAllowedBottom; } QRectF KoTextLayoutArea::referenceRect() const { return QRectF(d->left, d->top, d->right - d->left, d->bottom - d->top); } qreal KoTextLayoutArea::left() const { return d->left; } qreal KoTextLayoutArea::right() const { return d->right; } qreal KoTextLayoutArea::top() const { return d->top; } qreal KoTextLayoutArea::bottom() const { return d->bottom; } void KoTextLayoutArea::setBottom(qreal bottom) { d->boundingRect.setBottom(bottom + qMax(qreal(0.0), d->verticalAlignOffset)); Q_ASSERT_X(d->boundingRect.top() <= d->boundingRect.bottom(), __FUNCTION__, "Bounding-rect is not normalized"); d->bottom = bottom; } void KoTextLayoutArea::findFootNotes(const QTextBlock &block, const QTextLine &line, qreal bottomOfText) { if (d->documentLayout->inlineTextObjectManager() == 0) { return; } QString text = block.text(); int pos = text.indexOf(QChar::ObjectReplacementCharacter, line.textStart()); while (pos >= 0 && pos <= line.textStart() + line.textLength()) { QTextCursor c1(block); c1.setPosition(block.position() + pos); c1.setPosition(c1.position() + 1, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); KoInlineNote *note = dynamic_cast(d->documentLayout->inlineTextObjectManager()->inlineTextObject(c1)); if (note && note->type() == KoInlineNote::Footnote) { preregisterFootNote(note, bottomOfText); } pos = text.indexOf(QChar::ObjectReplacementCharacter, pos + 1); } } qreal KoTextLayoutArea::preregisterFootNote(KoInlineNote *note, qreal bottomOfText) { if (d->parent == 0) { // TODO to support footnotes at end of document this is // where we need to add some extra condition if (note->autoNumbering()) { KoOdfNotesConfiguration *notesConfig = d->documentLayout->styleManager()->notesConfiguration(KoOdfNotesConfiguration::Footnote); if (notesConfig->numberingScheme() == KoOdfNotesConfiguration::BeginAtDocument) { note->setAutoNumber(d->footNoteCountInDoc + (d->footNoteAutoCount++)); } else if (notesConfig->numberingScheme() == KoOdfNotesConfiguration::BeginAtPage) { note->setAutoNumber(d->footNoteAutoCount++); } } if (maximumAllowedBottom() - bottomOfText > 0) { QTextFrame *subFrame = note->textFrame(); d->footNoteCursorToNext = new FrameIterator(subFrame); KoTextLayoutNoteArea *footNoteArea = new KoTextLayoutNoteArea(note, this, d->documentLayout); d->preregisteredFootNoteFrames.append(subFrame); footNoteArea->setReferenceRect(left(), right(), 0, maximumAllowedBottom() - bottomOfText); bool contNotNeeded = footNoteArea->layout(d->footNoteCursorToNext); if (contNotNeeded) { delete d->footNoteCursorToNext; d->footNoteCursorToNext = 0; d->continuedNoteToNext = 0; } else { d->continuedNoteToNext = note; //layout again now it has set up a continuationObstruction delete d->footNoteCursorToNext; d->footNoteCursorToNext = new FrameIterator(subFrame); footNoteArea->setReferenceRect(left(), right(), 0, maximumAllowedBottom() - bottomOfText); footNoteArea->layout(d->footNoteCursorToNext); documentLayout()->setContinuationObstruction(0); // remove it again } d->preregisteredFootNotesHeight += footNoteArea->bottom() - footNoteArea->top(); d->preregisteredFootNoteAreas.append(footNoteArea); return footNoteArea->bottom() - footNoteArea->top(); } return 0.0; } qreal h = d->parent->preregisterFootNote(note, bottomOfText); d->preregisteredFootNotesHeight += h; return h; } void KoTextLayoutArea::confirmFootNotes() { d->footNotesHeight += d->preregisteredFootNotesHeight; d->footNoteAreas.append(d->preregisteredFootNoteAreas); d->footNoteFrames.append(d->preregisteredFootNoteFrames); d->preregisteredFootNotesHeight = 0; d->preregisteredFootNoteAreas.clear(); d->preregisteredFootNoteFrames.clear(); if (d->parent) { d->parent->confirmFootNotes(); } } void KoTextLayoutArea::expandBoundingLeft(qreal x) { d->boundingRect.setLeft(qMin(x, d->boundingRect.x())); } void KoTextLayoutArea::expandBoundingRight(qreal x) { d->boundingRect.setRight(qMax(x, d->boundingRect.right())); } void KoTextLayoutArea::clearPreregisteredFootNotes() { d->preregisteredFootNotesHeight = 0; d->preregisteredFootNoteAreas.clear(); d->preregisteredFootNoteFrames.clear(); if (d->parent) { d->parent->clearPreregisteredFootNotes(); } } void KoTextLayoutArea::handleBordersAndSpacing(KoTextBlockData &blockData, QTextBlock *block) { QTextBlockFormat format = block->blockFormat(); KoParagraphStyle formatStyle(format, block->charFormat()); // The AddParaTableSpacingAtStart config-item is used to be able to optionally prevent that // defined fo:margin-top are applied to the first paragraph. If true then the fo:margin-top // is applied to all except the first paragraph. If false fo:margin-top is applied to all // paragraphs. bool paraTableSpacingAtStart = KoTextDocument(d->documentLayout->document()).paraTableSpacingAtStart(); bool paddingExpandsBorders = false;//KoTextDocument(d->documentLayout->document()).paddingExpandsBorders(); qreal topMargin = 0; if (paraTableSpacingAtStart || block->previous().isValid()) { topMargin = formatStyle.topMargin(); } qreal spacing = qMax(d->bottomSpacing, topMargin); qreal dx = 0.0; qreal x = d->x; qreal width = d->width; if (d->indent < 0) { x += d->indent; width -= d->indent; } if (blockData.hasCounterData() && blockData.counterPosition().x() < x) { width += x - blockData.counterPosition().x(); x = blockData.counterPosition().x(); } KoTextBlockBorderData border(QRectF(x, d->y, width, 1)); border.setEdge(border.Left, format, KoParagraphStyle::LeftBorderStyle, KoParagraphStyle::LeftBorderWidth, KoParagraphStyle::LeftBorderColor, KoParagraphStyle::LeftBorderSpacing, KoParagraphStyle::LeftInnerBorderWidth); border.setEdge(border.Right, format, KoParagraphStyle::RightBorderStyle, KoParagraphStyle::RightBorderWidth, KoParagraphStyle::RightBorderColor, KoParagraphStyle::RightBorderSpacing, KoParagraphStyle::RightInnerBorderWidth); border.setEdge(border.Top, format, KoParagraphStyle::TopBorderStyle, KoParagraphStyle::TopBorderWidth, KoParagraphStyle::TopBorderColor, KoParagraphStyle::TopBorderSpacing, KoParagraphStyle::TopInnerBorderWidth); border.setEdge(border.Bottom, format, KoParagraphStyle::BottomBorderStyle, KoParagraphStyle::BottomBorderWidth, KoParagraphStyle::BottomBorderColor, KoParagraphStyle::BottomBorderSpacing, KoParagraphStyle::BottomInnerBorderWidth); border.setMergeWithNext(formatStyle.joinBorder()); if (border.hasBorders()) { // check if we can merge with the previous parags border. if (d->prevBorder && d->prevBorder->equals(border)) { blockData.setBorder(d->prevBorder); // Merged mean we don't have inserts inbetween the blocks d->anchoringParagraphTop = d->y; if (d->bottomSpacing + topMargin) { d->anchoringParagraphTop += spacing * d->bottomSpacing / (d->bottomSpacing + topMargin); } if (!d->blockRects.isEmpty()) { d->blockRects.last().setBottom(d->anchoringParagraphTop); } d->anchoringParagraphTop = d->y; d->y += spacing; d->blockRects.append(QRectF(x, d->anchoringParagraphTop, width, 1.0)); } else { // can't merge; then these are our new borders. KoTextBlockBorderData *newBorder = new KoTextBlockBorderData(border); blockData.setBorder(newBorder); if (d->prevBorder) { d->y += d->prevBorderPadding; d->y += d->prevBorder->inset(KoTextBlockBorderData::Bottom); } if (!d->blockRects.isEmpty()) { d->blockRects.last().setBottom(d->y); } d->anchoringParagraphTop = d->y; if (d->bottomSpacing + topMargin) { d->anchoringParagraphTop += spacing * d->bottomSpacing / (d->bottomSpacing + topMargin); } d->y += spacing; if (paddingExpandsBorders) { d->blockRects.append(QRectF(x - format.doubleProperty(KoParagraphStyle::LeftPadding), d->y, width + format.doubleProperty(KoParagraphStyle::LeftPadding) + format.doubleProperty(KoParagraphStyle::RightPadding), 1.0)); } else { d->blockRects.append(QRectF(x, d->y, width, 1.0)); } d->y += newBorder->inset(KoTextBlockBorderData::Top); d->y += format.doubleProperty(KoParagraphStyle::TopPadding); } // finally, horizontal components of the borders dx = border.inset(KoTextBlockBorderData::Left); d->x += dx; d->width -= border.inset(KoTextBlockBorderData::Left); d->width -= border.inset(KoTextBlockBorderData::Right); } else { // this parag has no border. if (d->prevBorder) { d->y += d->prevBorderPadding; d->y += d->prevBorder->inset(KoTextBlockBorderData::Bottom); } blockData.setBorder(0); // remove an old one, if there was one. if (!d->blockRects.isEmpty()) { d->blockRects.last().setBottom(d->y); } d->anchoringParagraphTop = d->y; if (d->bottomSpacing + topMargin) { d->anchoringParagraphTop += spacing * d->bottomSpacing / (d->bottomSpacing + topMargin); } d->y += spacing; d->blockRects.append(QRectF(x, d->y, width, 1.0)); } if (!paddingExpandsBorders) { // add padding inside the border dx += format.doubleProperty(KoParagraphStyle::LeftPadding); d->x += format.doubleProperty(KoParagraphStyle::LeftPadding); d->width -= format.doubleProperty(KoParagraphStyle::LeftPadding); d->width -= format.doubleProperty(KoParagraphStyle::RightPadding); } if (block->layout()->lineCount() == 1 && blockData.hasCounterData()) { blockData.setCounterPosition(QPointF(blockData.counterPosition().x() + dx, d->y)); } d->prevBorder = blockData.border(); d->prevBorderPadding = format.doubleProperty(KoParagraphStyle::BottomPadding); d->anchoringParagraphContentTop = d->y; } diff --git a/plugins/tools/karbonplugins/tools/filterEffectTool/FilterEffectSceneItems.cpp b/plugins/tools/karbonplugins/tools/filterEffectTool/FilterEffectSceneItems.cpp index b633cc4ef5..4838ca2c7c 100644 --- a/plugins/tools/karbonplugins/tools/filterEffectTool/FilterEffectSceneItems.cpp +++ b/plugins/tools/karbonplugins/tools/filterEffectTool/FilterEffectSceneItems.cpp @@ -1,321 +1,321 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project * Copyright (c) 2009 Jan Hambrecht * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "FilterEffectSceneItems.h" #include "KoFilterEffect.h" #include #include #include #include #include const QSizeF ConnectorSize = QSize(20, 20); const qreal ItemWidth = 15 * ConnectorSize.height(); const qreal FontSize = 0.8 * ConnectorSize.height(); ConnectorItem::ConnectorItem(ConnectorType type, int index, QGraphicsItem *parent) : QGraphicsEllipseItem(parent) , m_type(type) , m_index(index) { if (m_type == Output) { setBrush(QBrush(Qt::red)); } else if (m_type == Input) { setBrush(QBrush(Qt::green)); } setAcceptDrops(true); setRect(QRectF(QPointF(), ConnectorSize)); } void ConnectorItem::setCenter(const QPointF &position) { QRectF r = rect(); r.moveCenter(position); setRect(r); } ConnectorItem::ConnectorType ConnectorItem::connectorType() { return m_type; } int ConnectorItem::connectorIndex() const { return m_index; } KoFilterEffect *ConnectorItem::effect() const { if (!parentItem()) { return 0; } EffectItemBase *effectItem = dynamic_cast(parentItem()); if (!effectItem) { return 0; } return effectItem->effect(); } ConnectorMimeData::ConnectorMimeData(ConnectorItem *connector) : m_connector(connector) { } ConnectorItem *ConnectorMimeData::connector() const { return m_connector; } EffectItemBase::EffectItemBase(KoFilterEffect *effect) : QGraphicsRectItem(0), m_effect(effect) { setZValue(1); setFlags(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsSelectable); setAcceptDrops(true); setHandlesChildEvents(true); } void EffectItemBase::createText(const QString &text) { QGraphicsSimpleTextItem *textItem = new QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(text, this); QFont font = textItem->font(); font.setPointSize(FontSize); textItem->setFont(font); QRectF textBox = textItem->boundingRect(); QPointF offset = rect().center() - textBox.center(); setTransform(QTransform::fromTranslate(offset.x(), offset.y()), true); } void EffectItemBase::createOutput(const QPointF &position, const QString &name) { ConnectorItem *connector = new ConnectorItem(ConnectorItem::Output, 0, this); connector->setCenter(position); m_outputPosition = position; m_outputName = name; } void EffectItemBase::createInput(const QPointF &position) { int inputCount = m_inputPositions.count(); ConnectorItem *connector = new ConnectorItem(ConnectorItem::Input, inputCount, this); connector->setCenter(position); m_inputPositions.append(position); } QPointF EffectItemBase::outputPosition() const { return m_outputPosition; } QPointF EffectItemBase::inputPosition(int index) const { if (index < 0 || index >= m_inputPositions.count()) { return QPointF(); } return m_inputPositions[index]; } QString EffectItemBase::outputName() const { return m_outputName; } QSizeF EffectItemBase::connectorSize() const { return ConnectorSize; } KoFilterEffect *EffectItemBase::effect() const { return m_effect; } void EffectItemBase::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { ConnectorItem *connector = connectorAtPosition(event->scenePos()); if (!connector) { return; } ConnectorMimeData *data = new ConnectorMimeData(connector); QDrag *drag = new QDrag(event->widget()); drag->setMimeData(data); - drag->start(); + drag->exec(); } void EffectItemBase::dragMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent *event) { event->ignore(); ConnectorItem *targetItem = connectorAtPosition(event->scenePos()); if (!targetItem) { return; } const ConnectorMimeData *data = dynamic_cast(event->mimeData()); if (!data) { return; } ConnectorItem *sourceItem = data->connector(); int sourceItemType = sourceItem->connectorType(); int targetItemType = targetItem->connectorType(); if (sourceItemType == targetItemType) { return; } // do not accept connection within single effect item if (sourceItem->parentItem() == targetItem->parentItem()) { return; } if (sourceItemType == ConnectorItem::Input) { // we can only connect input with output above if (sourceItem->scenePos().y() < targetItem->scenePos().y()) { return; } } if (sourceItemType == ConnectorItem::Output) { // we can only connect output with input below if (sourceItem->scenePos().y() > targetItem->scenePos().y()) { return; } } event->accept(); } void EffectItemBase::dropEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent *event) { ConnectorItem *connector = connectorAtPosition(event->scenePos()); if (!connector) { return; } const ConnectorMimeData *data = dynamic_cast(event->mimeData()); if (!data) { return; } } ConnectorItem *EffectItemBase::connectorAtPosition(const QPointF &scenePosition) { Q_FOREACH (QGraphicsItem *childItem, childItems()) { ConnectorItem *connector = dynamic_cast(childItem); if (!connector) { continue; } if (connector->contains(connector->mapFromScene(scenePosition))) { return connector; } } return 0; } DefaultInputItem::DefaultInputItem(const QString &name, KoFilterEffect *effect) : EffectItemBase(effect), m_name(name) { setRect(0, 0, ItemWidth, 2 * ConnectorSize.height()); createOutput(QPointF(ItemWidth, 0.5 * rect().height()), name); createText(name); QLinearGradient g(QPointF(0, 0), QPointF(1, 1)); g.setCoordinateMode(QGradient::ObjectBoundingMode); g.setColorAt(0, Qt::white); g.setColorAt(1, QColor(255, 168, 88)); setBrush(QBrush(g)); } EffectItem::EffectItem(KoFilterEffect *effect) : EffectItemBase(effect) { Q_ASSERT(effect); QRectF circle(QPointF(), ConnectorSize); QPointF position(ItemWidth, ConnectorSize.height()); // create input connectors int requiredInputCount = effect->requiredInputCount(); int usedInputCount = qMax(requiredInputCount, effect->inputs().count()); for (int i = 0; i < usedInputCount; ++i) { createInput(position); position.ry() += 1.5 * ConnectorSize.height(); } // create a new input connector when maximal input count in not reached yet if (usedInputCount < effect->maximalInputCount()) { createInput(position); position.ry() += 1.5 * ConnectorSize.height(); } // create output connector position.ry() += 0.5 * ConnectorSize.height(); createOutput(position, effect->output()); setRect(0, 0, ItemWidth, position.y() + ConnectorSize.height()); createText(effect->id()); QLinearGradient g(QPointF(0, 0), QPointF(1, 1)); g.setCoordinateMode(QGradient::ObjectBoundingMode); g.setColorAt(0, Qt::white); g.setColorAt(1, QColor(0, 192, 192)); setBrush(QBrush(g)); } ConnectionItem::ConnectionItem(EffectItemBase *source, EffectItemBase *target, int targetInput) : QGraphicsPathItem(0) , m_source(source) , m_target(target) , m_targetInput(targetInput) { setPen(QPen(Qt::black)); } EffectItemBase *ConnectionItem::sourceItem() const { return m_source; } EffectItemBase *ConnectionItem::targetItem() const { return m_target; } int ConnectionItem::targetInput() const { return m_targetInput; } void ConnectionItem::setSourceItem(EffectItemBase *source) { m_source = source; } void ConnectionItem::setTargetItem(EffectItemBase *target, int targetInput) { m_target = target; m_targetInput = targetInput; } diff --git a/plugins/tools/svgtexttool/BasicXMLSyntaxHighlighter.cpp b/plugins/tools/svgtexttool/BasicXMLSyntaxHighlighter.cpp index b026e575a7..09f93a36eb 100644 --- a/plugins/tools/svgtexttool/BasicXMLSyntaxHighlighter.cpp +++ b/plugins/tools/svgtexttool/BasicXMLSyntaxHighlighter.cpp @@ -1,129 +1,129 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2015 Dmitry Ivanov * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "BasicXMLSyntaxHighlighter.h" #include #include #include #include BasicXMLSyntaxHighlighter::BasicXMLSyntaxHighlighter(QObject * parent) : QSyntaxHighlighter(parent) { setRegexes(); setFormats(); } BasicXMLSyntaxHighlighter::BasicXMLSyntaxHighlighter(QTextDocument * parent) : QSyntaxHighlighter(parent) { setRegexes(); setFormats(); } BasicXMLSyntaxHighlighter::BasicXMLSyntaxHighlighter(QTextEdit * parent) : QSyntaxHighlighter(parent) { setRegexes(); setFormats(); } void BasicXMLSyntaxHighlighter::highlightBlock(const QString & text) { // Special treatment for xml element regex as we use captured text to emulate lookbehind int xmlElementIndex = m_xmlElementRegex.indexIn(text); while(xmlElementIndex >= 0) { int matchedPos = m_xmlElementRegex.pos(1); int matchedLength = m_xmlElementRegex.cap(1).length(); setFormat(matchedPos, matchedLength, m_xmlElementFormat); xmlElementIndex = m_xmlElementRegex.indexIn(text, matchedPos + matchedLength); } // Highlight xml keywords *after* xml elements to fix any occasional / captured into the enclosing element typedef QList::const_iterator Iter; Iter xmlKeywordRegexesEnd = m_xmlKeywordRegexes.constEnd(); for(Iter it = m_xmlKeywordRegexes.constBegin(); it != xmlKeywordRegexesEnd; ++it) { const QRegExp & regex = *it; highlightByRegex(m_xmlKeywordFormat, regex, text); } highlightByRegex(m_xmlAttributeFormat, m_xmlAttributeRegex, text); highlightByRegex(m_xmlCommentFormat, m_xmlCommentRegex, text); highlightByRegex(m_xmlValueFormat, m_xmlValueRegex, text); } void BasicXMLSyntaxHighlighter::highlightByRegex(const QTextCharFormat & format, const QRegExp & regex, const QString & text) { int index = regex.indexIn(text); while(index >= 0) { int matchedLength = regex.matchedLength(); setFormat(index, matchedLength, format); index = regex.indexIn(text, index + matchedLength); } } void BasicXMLSyntaxHighlighter::setRegexes() { m_xmlElementRegex.setPattern("<[\\s]*[/]?[\\s]*([^\\n]\\w*)(?=[\\s/>])"); m_xmlAttributeRegex.setPattern("[\\w\\-]+(?=\\=)"); m_xmlValueRegex.setPattern("\"[^\\n\"]+\"(?=[\\s/>])"); m_xmlCommentRegex.setPattern(""); m_xmlKeywordRegexes = QList() << QRegExp("<\\?") << QRegExp("/>") << QRegExp(">") << QRegExp("<") << QRegExp(""); } void BasicXMLSyntaxHighlighter::setFormats() { KConfigGroup cfg(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "SvgTextTool"); - QColor background = cfg.readEntry("colorEditorBackground", qApp->palette().background().color()); + QColor background = cfg.readEntry("colorEditorBackground", qApp->palette().window().color()); m_xmlKeywordFormat.setForeground(cfg.readEntry("colorKeyword", QColor(background.value() < 100 ? Qt::cyan : Qt::blue))); m_xmlKeywordFormat.setFontWeight(cfg.readEntry("BoldKeyword", true) ? QFont::Bold : QFont::Normal); m_xmlKeywordFormat.setFontItalic((cfg.readEntry("ItalicKeyword", false))); m_xmlElementFormat.setForeground(cfg.readEntry("colorElement", QColor(background.value() < 100 ? Qt::magenta : Qt::darkMagenta))); m_xmlElementFormat.setFontWeight(cfg.readEntry("BoldElement", true) ? QFont::Bold : QFont::Normal); m_xmlElementFormat.setFontItalic((cfg.readEntry("ItalicElement", false))); m_xmlAttributeFormat.setForeground(cfg.readEntry("colorAttribute", QColor(background.value() < 100 ? Qt::green : Qt::darkGreen))); m_xmlAttributeFormat.setFontWeight(cfg.readEntry("BoldAttribute", true) ? QFont::Bold : QFont::Normal); m_xmlAttributeFormat.setFontItalic((cfg.readEntry("ItalicAttribute", true))); m_xmlValueFormat.setForeground(cfg.readEntry("colorValue", QColor(background.value() < 100 ? Qt::red: Qt::darkRed))); m_xmlValueFormat.setFontWeight(cfg.readEntry("BoldValue", true) ? QFont::Bold : QFont::Normal); m_xmlValueFormat.setFontItalic(cfg.readEntry("ItalicValue", false)); m_xmlCommentFormat.setForeground(cfg.readEntry("colorComment", QColor(background.value() < 100 ? Qt::lightGray : Qt::gray))); m_xmlCommentFormat.setFontWeight(cfg.readEntry("BoldComment", false) ? QFont::Bold : QFont::Normal); m_xmlCommentFormat.setFontItalic(cfg.readEntry("ItalicComment", false)); } diff --git a/plugins/tools/svgtexttool/SvgTextEditor.cpp b/plugins/tools/svgtexttool/SvgTextEditor.cpp index 37a79c4834..67124cfba9 100644 --- a/plugins/tools/svgtexttool/SvgTextEditor.cpp +++ b/plugins/tools/svgtexttool/SvgTextEditor.cpp @@ -1,1224 +1,1224 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project * * Copyright 2017 Boudewijn Rempt * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "SvgTextEditor.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_font_family_combo_box.h" #include "FontSizeAction.h" #include "kis_signals_blocker.h" SvgTextEditor::SvgTextEditor(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags) : KXmlGuiWindow(parent, flags) , m_page(new QWidget(this)) #ifndef Q_OS_WIN , m_charSelectDialog(new KoDialog(this)) #endif { m_textEditorWidget.setupUi(m_page); setCentralWidget(m_page); m_textEditorWidget.chkVertical->setVisible(false); #ifndef Q_OS_WIN KCharSelect *charSelector = new KCharSelect(m_charSelectDialog, 0, KCharSelect::AllGuiElements); m_charSelectDialog->setMainWidget(charSelector); connect(charSelector, SIGNAL(currentCharChanged(QChar)), SLOT(insertCharacter(QChar))); m_charSelectDialog->hide(); m_charSelectDialog->setButtons(KoDialog::Close); #endif connect(m_textEditorWidget.buttons, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(save())); connect(m_textEditorWidget.buttons, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(slotCloseEditor())); connect(m_textEditorWidget.buttons, SIGNAL(clicked(QAbstractButton*)), this, SLOT(dialogButtonClicked(QAbstractButton*))); KConfigGroup cg(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "SvgTextTool"); actionCollection()->setConfigGroup("SvgTextTool"); actionCollection()->setComponentName("svgtexttool"); actionCollection()->setComponentDisplayName(i18n("Text Tool")); QByteArray state; if (cg.hasKey("WindowState")) { state = cg.readEntry("State", state); state = QByteArray::fromBase64(state); // One day will need to load the version number, but for now, assume 0 restoreState(state); } setAcceptDrops(true); //setStandardToolBarMenuEnabled(true); #ifdef Q_OS_MACOS setUnifiedTitleAndToolBarOnMac(true); #endif setTabPosition(Qt::AllDockWidgetAreas, QTabWidget::North); m_syntaxHighlighter = new BasicXMLSyntaxHighlighter(m_textEditorWidget.svgTextEdit); m_textEditorWidget.svgTextEdit->setFont(QFontDatabase().systemFont(QFontDatabase::FixedFont)); createActions(); // If we have customized the toolbars, load that first setLocalXMLFile(KoResourcePaths::locateLocal("data", "svgtexttool.xmlgui")); setXMLFile(":/kxmlgui5/svgtexttool.xmlgui"); guiFactory()->addClient(this); // Create and plug toolbar list for Settings menu QList toolbarList; Q_FOREACH (QWidget* it, guiFactory()->containers("ToolBar")) { KToolBar * toolBar = ::qobject_cast(it); if (toolBar) { toolBar->setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonIconOnly); KToggleAction* act = new KToggleAction(i18n("Show %1 Toolbar", toolBar->windowTitle()), this); actionCollection()->addAction(toolBar->objectName().toUtf8(), act); act->setCheckedState(KGuiItem(i18n("Hide %1 Toolbar", toolBar->windowTitle()))); connect(act, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotToolbarToggled(bool))); act->setChecked(!toolBar->isHidden()); toolbarList.append(act); } } plugActionList("toolbarlist", toolbarList); connect(m_textEditorWidget.textTab, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), this, SLOT(switchTextEditorTab())); switchTextEditorTab(); m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->document()->setDefaultStyleSheet("p {margin:0px;}"); applySettings(); } SvgTextEditor::~SvgTextEditor() { KConfigGroup g(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "SvgTextTool"); QByteArray ba = saveState(); g.writeEntry("windowState", ba.toBase64()); } void SvgTextEditor::setShape(KoSvgTextShape *shape) { m_shape = shape; if (m_shape) { KoSvgTextShapeMarkupConverter converter(m_shape); QString svg; QString styles; QTextDocument *doc = m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->document(); if (converter.convertToSvg(&svg, &styles)) { m_textEditorWidget.svgTextEdit->setPlainText(svg); m_textEditorWidget.svgStylesEdit->setPlainText(styles); m_textEditorWidget.svgTextEdit->document()->setModified(false); if (shape->isRichTextPreferred() && converter.convertSvgToDocument(svg, doc)) { m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->setDocument(doc); KisSignalsBlocker b(m_textEditorWidget.textTab); m_textEditorWidget.textTab->setCurrentIndex(Richtext); doc->clearUndoRedoStacks(); switchTextEditorTab(false); } else { KisSignalsBlocker b(m_textEditorWidget.textTab); m_textEditorWidget.textTab->setCurrentIndex(SvgSource); switchTextEditorTab(false); } } else { QMessageBox::warning(this, i18n("Conversion failed"), "Could not get svg text from the shape:\n" + converter.errors().join('\n') + "\n" + converter.warnings().join('\n')); } } } void SvgTextEditor::save() { if (m_shape) { if (m_textEditorWidget.textTab->currentIndex() == Richtext) { QString svg; QString styles = m_textEditorWidget.svgStylesEdit->document()->toPlainText(); KoSvgTextShapeMarkupConverter converter(m_shape); if (!converter.convertDocumentToSvg(m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->document(), &svg)) { qWarning()<<"new converter doesn't work!"; } m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->document()->setModified(false); emit textUpdated(m_shape, svg, styles, true); } else { emit textUpdated(m_shape, m_textEditorWidget.svgTextEdit->document()->toPlainText(), m_textEditorWidget.svgStylesEdit->document()->toPlainText(), false); m_textEditorWidget.svgTextEdit->document()->setModified(false); } } } void SvgTextEditor::switchTextEditorTab(bool convertData) { KoSvgTextShape shape; KoSvgTextShapeMarkupConverter converter(&shape); if (m_currentEditor) { disconnect(m_currentEditor->document(), SIGNAL(modificationChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(setModified(bool))); } if (m_textEditorWidget.textTab->currentIndex() == Richtext) { //first, make buttons checkable enableRichTextActions(true); enableSvgTextActions(false); //then connect the cursor change to the checkformat(); connect(m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit, SIGNAL(cursorPositionChanged()), this, SLOT(checkFormat())); connect(m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged()), this, SLOT(slotFixUpEmptyTextBlock())); checkFormat(); if (m_shape && convertData) { QTextDocument *doc = m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->document(); if (!converter.convertSvgToDocument(m_textEditorWidget.svgTextEdit->document()->toPlainText(), doc)) { qWarning()<<"new converter svgToDoc doesn't work!"; } m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->setDocument(doc); doc->clearUndoRedoStacks(); } m_currentEditor = m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit; } else { //first, make buttons uncheckable enableRichTextActions(false); enableSvgTextActions(true); disconnect(m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit, SIGNAL(cursorPositionChanged()), this, SLOT(checkFormat())); // Convert the rich text to svg and styles strings if (m_shape && convertData) { QString svg; QString styles; if (!converter.convertDocumentToSvg(m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->document(), &svg)) { qWarning()<<"new converter docToSVG doesn't work!"; } m_textEditorWidget.svgTextEdit->setPlainText(svg); } m_currentEditor = m_textEditorWidget.svgTextEdit; } connect(m_currentEditor->document(), SIGNAL(modificationChanged(bool)), SLOT(setModified(bool))); } void SvgTextEditor::checkFormat() { QTextCharFormat format = m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->textCursor().charFormat(); QTextBlockFormat blockFormat = m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->textCursor().blockFormat(); // checkboxes do not emit signals on manual switching, so we // can avoid blocking them if (format.fontWeight() > QFont::Normal) { actionCollection()->action("svg_weight_bold")->setChecked(true); } else { actionCollection()->action("svg_weight_bold")->setChecked(false); } actionCollection()->action("svg_format_italic")->setChecked(format.fontItalic()); actionCollection()->action("svg_format_underline")->setChecked(format.fontUnderline()); actionCollection()->action("svg_format_strike_through")->setChecked(format.fontStrikeOut()); { FontSizeAction *fontSizeAction = qobject_cast(actionCollection()->action("svg_font_size")); KisSignalsBlocker b(fontSizeAction); fontSizeAction->setFontSize(format.font().pointSize()); } { KoColor fg(format.foreground().color(), KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8()); KoColorPopupAction *fgColorPopup = qobject_cast(actionCollection()->action("svg_format_textcolor")); KisSignalsBlocker b(fgColorPopup); fgColorPopup->setCurrentColor(fg); } { KoColor bg(format.foreground().color(), KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8()); KoColorPopupAction *bgColorPopup = qobject_cast(actionCollection()->action("svg_background_color")); KisSignalsBlocker b(bgColorPopup); bgColorPopup->setCurrentColor(bg); } { KisFontComboBoxes* fontComboBox = qobject_cast(qobject_cast(actionCollection()->action("svg_font"))->defaultWidget()); KisSignalsBlocker b(fontComboBox); fontComboBox->setCurrentFont(format.font()); } { QDoubleSpinBox *spnLineHeight = qobject_cast(qobject_cast(actionCollection()->action("svg_line_height"))->defaultWidget()); KisSignalsBlocker b(spnLineHeight); if (blockFormat.lineHeightType() == QTextBlockFormat::SingleHeight) { spnLineHeight->setValue(100.0); } else if(blockFormat.lineHeightType() == QTextBlockFormat::ProportionalHeight) { spnLineHeight->setValue(double(blockFormat.lineHeight())); } } { QDoubleSpinBox* spnLetterSpacing = qobject_cast(qobject_cast(actionCollection()->action("svg_letter_spacing"))->defaultWidget()); KisSignalsBlocker b(spnLetterSpacing); spnLetterSpacing->setValue(format.fontLetterSpacing()); } } void SvgTextEditor::slotFixUpEmptyTextBlock() { if (m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->document()->isEmpty()) { QTextCursor cursor = m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->textCursor(); QTextCharFormat format = cursor.blockCharFormat(); { FontSizeAction *fontSizeAction = qobject_cast(actionCollection()->action("svg_font_size")); KisFontComboBoxes* fontComboBox = qobject_cast(qobject_cast(actionCollection()->action("svg_font"))->defaultWidget()); format.setFont(fontComboBox->currentFont(fontSizeAction->fontSize())); } { KoColorPopupAction *fgColorPopup = qobject_cast(actionCollection()->action("svg_format_textcolor")); format.setForeground(fgColorPopup->currentColor()); } { //KoColorPopupAction *bgColorPopup = qobject_cast(actionCollection()->action("svg_background_color")); //format.setBackground(bgColorPopup->currentColor()); } KisSignalsBlocker b(m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit); cursor.setBlockCharFormat(format); } } void SvgTextEditor::undo() { m_currentEditor->undo(); } void SvgTextEditor::redo() { m_currentEditor->redo(); } void SvgTextEditor::cut() { m_currentEditor->cut(); } void SvgTextEditor::copy() { m_currentEditor->copy(); } void SvgTextEditor::paste() { m_currentEditor->paste(); } void SvgTextEditor::selectAll() { m_currentEditor->selectAll(); } void SvgTextEditor::deselect() { QTextCursor cursor(m_currentEditor->textCursor()); cursor.clearSelection(); m_currentEditor->setTextCursor(cursor); } void SvgTextEditor::find() { QDialog *findDialog = new QDialog(this); findDialog->setWindowTitle(i18n("Find Text")); QFormLayout *layout = new QFormLayout(); findDialog->setLayout(layout); QLineEdit *lnSearchKey = new QLineEdit(); layout->addRow(i18n("Find:"), lnSearchKey); QDialogButtonBox *buttons = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok|QDialogButtonBox::Cancel); findDialog->layout()->addWidget(buttons); connect(buttons, SIGNAL(accepted()), findDialog, SLOT(accept())); connect(buttons, SIGNAL(rejected()), findDialog, SLOT(reject())); if (findDialog->exec()==QDialog::Accepted) { m_searchKey = lnSearchKey->text(); m_currentEditor->find(m_searchKey); } } void SvgTextEditor::findNext() { if (!m_currentEditor->find(m_searchKey)) { QTextCursor cursor(m_currentEditor->textCursor()); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Start); m_currentEditor->setTextCursor(cursor); m_currentEditor->find(m_searchKey); } } void SvgTextEditor::findPrev() { if (!m_currentEditor->find(m_searchKey,QTextDocument::FindBackward)) { QTextCursor cursor(m_currentEditor->textCursor()); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::End); m_currentEditor->setTextCursor(cursor); m_currentEditor->find(m_searchKey,QTextDocument::FindBackward); } } void SvgTextEditor::replace() { QDialog *findDialog = new QDialog(this); findDialog->setWindowTitle(i18n("Find and Replace all")); QFormLayout *layout = new QFormLayout(); findDialog->setLayout(layout); QLineEdit *lnSearchKey = new QLineEdit(); QLineEdit *lnReplaceKey = new QLineEdit(); layout->addRow(i18n("Find:"), lnSearchKey); QDialogButtonBox *buttons = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok|QDialogButtonBox::Cancel); layout->addRow(i18n("Replace:"), lnReplaceKey); findDialog->layout()->addWidget(buttons); connect(buttons, SIGNAL(accepted()), findDialog, SLOT(accept())); connect(buttons, SIGNAL(rejected()), findDialog, SLOT(reject())); if (findDialog->exec()==QDialog::Accepted) { QString search = lnSearchKey->text(); QString replace = lnReplaceKey->text(); QTextCursor cursor(m_currentEditor->textCursor()); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Start); m_currentEditor->setTextCursor(cursor); while(m_currentEditor->find(search)) { m_currentEditor->textCursor().removeSelectedText(); m_currentEditor->textCursor().insertText(replace); } } } void SvgTextEditor::zoomOut() { m_currentEditor->zoomOut(); } void SvgTextEditor::zoomIn() { m_currentEditor->zoomIn(); } #ifndef Q_OS_WIN void SvgTextEditor::showInsertSpecialCharacterDialog() { m_charSelectDialog->setVisible(!m_charSelectDialog->isVisible()); } void SvgTextEditor::insertCharacter(const QChar &c) { m_currentEditor->textCursor().insertText(QString(c)); } #endif void SvgTextEditor::setTextBold(QFont::Weight weight) { if (m_textEditorWidget.textTab->currentIndex() == Richtext) { QTextCharFormat format; QTextCursor oldCursor = setTextSelection(); if (m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->textCursor().charFormat().fontWeight() > QFont::Normal && weight==QFont::Bold) { format.setFontWeight(QFont::Normal); } else { format.setFontWeight(weight); } m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->mergeCurrentCharFormat(format); m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->setTextCursor(oldCursor); } else { QTextCursor cursor = m_textEditorWidget.svgTextEdit->textCursor(); if (cursor.hasSelection()) { QString selectionModified = "" + cursor.selectedText() + ""; cursor.removeSelectedText(); cursor.insertText(selectionModified); } } } void SvgTextEditor::setTextWeightLight() { if (m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->textCursor().charFormat().fontWeight() < QFont::Normal) { setTextBold(QFont::Normal); } else { setTextBold(QFont::Light); } } void SvgTextEditor::setTextWeightNormal() { setTextBold(QFont::Normal); } void SvgTextEditor::setTextWeightDemi() { if (m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->textCursor().charFormat().fontWeight() != QFont::Normal) { setTextBold(QFont::Normal); } else { setTextBold(QFont::DemiBold); } } void SvgTextEditor::setTextWeightBlack() { if (m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->textCursor().charFormat().fontWeight()>QFont::Normal) { setTextBold(QFont::Normal); } else { setTextBold(QFont::Black); } } void SvgTextEditor::setTextItalic(QFont::Style style) { QTextCursor cursor = m_textEditorWidget.svgTextEdit->textCursor(); QString fontStyle = "inherit"; if (style == QFont::StyleItalic) { fontStyle = "italic"; } else if(style == QFont::StyleOblique) { fontStyle = "oblique"; } if (m_textEditorWidget.textTab->currentIndex() == Richtext) { QTextCharFormat format; QTextCursor origCursor = setTextSelection(); format.setFontItalic(!m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->textCursor().charFormat().fontItalic()); m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->mergeCurrentCharFormat(format); m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->setTextCursor(origCursor); } else { if (cursor.hasSelection()) { QString selectionModified = "" + cursor.selectedText() + ""; cursor.removeSelectedText(); cursor.insertText(selectionModified); } } } void SvgTextEditor::setTextDecoration(KoSvgText::TextDecoration decor) { QTextCursor cursor = setTextSelection(); QTextCharFormat currentFormat = m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->textCursor().charFormat(); QTextCharFormat format; QString textDecoration = "inherit"; if (decor == KoSvgText::DecorationUnderline) { textDecoration = "underline"; if (currentFormat.fontUnderline()) { format.setFontUnderline(false); } else { format.setFontUnderline(true); } format.setFontOverline(false); format.setFontStrikeOut(false); } else if (decor == KoSvgText::DecorationLineThrough) { textDecoration = "line-through"; format.setFontUnderline(false); format.setFontOverline(false); if (currentFormat.fontStrikeOut()) { format.setFontStrikeOut(false); } else { format.setFontStrikeOut(true); } } else if (decor == KoSvgText::DecorationOverline) { textDecoration = "overline"; format.setFontUnderline(false); if (currentFormat.fontOverline()) { format.setFontOverline(false); } else { format.setFontOverline(true); } format.setFontStrikeOut(false); } if (m_textEditorWidget.textTab->currentIndex() == Richtext) { m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->mergeCurrentCharFormat(format); } else { if (cursor.hasSelection()) { QString selectionModified = "" + cursor.selectedText() + ""; cursor.removeSelectedText(); cursor.insertText(selectionModified); } } m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->setTextCursor(cursor); } void SvgTextEditor::setTextUnderline() { setTextDecoration(KoSvgText::DecorationUnderline); } void SvgTextEditor::setTextOverline() { setTextDecoration(KoSvgText::DecorationOverline); } void SvgTextEditor::setTextStrikethrough() { setTextDecoration(KoSvgText::DecorationLineThrough); } void SvgTextEditor::setTextSubscript() { QTextCharFormat format = m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->textCursor().charFormat(); if (format.verticalAlignment()==QTextCharFormat::AlignSubScript) { format.setVerticalAlignment(QTextCharFormat::AlignNormal); } else { format.setVerticalAlignment(QTextCharFormat::AlignSubScript); } m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->mergeCurrentCharFormat(format); } void SvgTextEditor::setTextSuperScript() { QTextCharFormat format = m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->textCursor().charFormat(); if (format.verticalAlignment()==QTextCharFormat::AlignSuperScript) { format.setVerticalAlignment(QTextCharFormat::AlignNormal); } else { format.setVerticalAlignment(QTextCharFormat::AlignSuperScript); } m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->mergeCurrentCharFormat(format); } void SvgTextEditor::increaseTextSize() { QTextCursor oldCursor = setTextSelection(); QTextCharFormat format; int pointSize = m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->textCursor().charFormat().font().pointSize(); if (pointSize<0) { pointSize = m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->textCursor().charFormat().font().pixelSize(); } format.setFontPointSize(pointSize+1.0); m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->mergeCurrentCharFormat(format); m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->setTextCursor(oldCursor); } void SvgTextEditor::decreaseTextSize() { QTextCursor oldCursor = setTextSelection(); QTextCharFormat format; int pointSize = m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->textCursor().charFormat().font().pointSize(); if (pointSize<1) { pointSize = m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->textCursor().charFormat().font().pixelSize(); } format.setFontPointSize(qMax(pointSize-1.0, 1.0)); m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->mergeCurrentCharFormat(format); m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->setTextCursor(oldCursor); } void SvgTextEditor::setLineHeight(double lineHeightPercentage) { QTextCursor oldCursor = setTextSelection(); QTextBlockFormat format = m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->textCursor().blockFormat(); format.setLineHeight(lineHeightPercentage, QTextBlockFormat::ProportionalHeight); m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->textCursor().mergeBlockFormat(format); m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->setTextCursor(oldCursor); } void SvgTextEditor::setLetterSpacing(double letterSpacing) { QTextCursor cursor = setTextSelection(); if (m_textEditorWidget.textTab->currentIndex() == Richtext) { QTextCharFormat format; format.setFontLetterSpacingType(QFont::AbsoluteSpacing); format.setFontLetterSpacing(letterSpacing); m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->mergeCurrentCharFormat(format); m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->setTextCursor(cursor); } else { if (cursor.hasSelection()) { QString selectionModified = "" + cursor.selectedText() + ""; cursor.removeSelectedText(); cursor.insertText(selectionModified); } } } void SvgTextEditor::alignLeft() { QTextCursor oldCursor = setTextSelection(); QTextBlockFormat format = m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->textCursor().blockFormat(); format.setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft); m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->textCursor().mergeBlockFormat(format); m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->setTextCursor(oldCursor); } void SvgTextEditor::alignRight() { QTextCursor oldCursor = setTextSelection(); QTextBlockFormat format = m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->textCursor().blockFormat(); format.setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight); m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->textCursor().mergeBlockFormat(format); m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->setTextCursor(oldCursor); } void SvgTextEditor::alignCenter() { QTextCursor oldCursor = setTextSelection(); QTextBlockFormat format = m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->textCursor().blockFormat(); format.setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->textCursor().mergeBlockFormat(format); m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->setTextCursor(oldCursor); } void SvgTextEditor::alignJustified() { QTextCursor oldCursor = setTextSelection(); QTextBlockFormat format = m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->textCursor().blockFormat(); format.setAlignment(Qt::AlignJustify); m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->textCursor().mergeBlockFormat(format); m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->setTextCursor(oldCursor); } void SvgTextEditor::setSettings() { KoDialog settingsDialog(this); Ui_WdgSvgTextSettings textSettings; QWidget *settingsPage = new QWidget(&settingsDialog, 0); settingsDialog.setMainWidget(settingsPage); textSettings.setupUi(settingsPage); // get the settings and initialize the dialog KConfigGroup cfg(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "SvgTextTool"); QStringList selectedWritingSystems = cfg.readEntry("selectedWritingSystems", "").split(","); QList scripts = QFontDatabase().writingSystems(); QStandardItemModel *writingSystemsModel = new QStandardItemModel(&settingsDialog); for (int s = 0; s < scripts.size(); s ++) { QString writingSystem = QFontDatabase().writingSystemName(scripts.at(s)); QStandardItem *script = new QStandardItem(writingSystem); script->setCheckable(true); script->setCheckState(selectedWritingSystems.contains(QString::number(scripts.at(s))) ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked); script->setData((int)scripts.at(s)); writingSystemsModel->appendRow(script); } textSettings.lwScripts->setModel(writingSystemsModel); EditorMode mode = (EditorMode)cfg.readEntry("EditorMode", (int)Both); switch(mode) { case(RichText): textSettings.radioRichText->setChecked(true); break; case(SvgSource): textSettings.radioSvgSource->setChecked(true); break; case(Both): textSettings.radioBoth->setChecked(true); } - QColor background = cfg.readEntry("colorEditorBackground", qApp->palette().background().color()); + QColor background = cfg.readEntry("colorEditorBackground", qApp->palette().window().color()); textSettings.colorEditorBackground->setColor(background); textSettings.colorEditorForeground->setColor(cfg.readEntry("colorEditorForeground", qApp->palette().text().color())); textSettings.colorKeyword->setColor(cfg.readEntry("colorKeyword", QColor(background.value() < 100 ? Qt::cyan : Qt::blue))); textSettings.chkBoldKeyword->setChecked(cfg.readEntry("BoldKeyword", true)); textSettings.chkItalicKeyword->setChecked(cfg.readEntry("ItalicKeyword", false)); textSettings.colorElement->setColor(cfg.readEntry("colorElement", QColor(background.value() < 100 ? Qt::magenta : Qt::darkMagenta))); textSettings.chkBoldElement->setChecked(cfg.readEntry("BoldElement", true)); textSettings.chkItalicElement->setChecked(cfg.readEntry("ItalicElement", false)); textSettings.colorAttribute->setColor(cfg.readEntry("colorAttribute", QColor(background.value() < 100 ? Qt::green : Qt::darkGreen))); textSettings.chkBoldAttribute->setChecked(cfg.readEntry("BoldAttribute", true)); textSettings.chkItalicAttribute->setChecked(cfg.readEntry("ItalicAttribute", true)); textSettings.colorValue->setColor(cfg.readEntry("colorValue", QColor(background.value() < 100 ? Qt::red: Qt::darkRed))); textSettings.chkBoldValue->setChecked(cfg.readEntry("BoldValue", true)); textSettings.chkItalicValue->setChecked(cfg.readEntry("ItalicValue", false)); textSettings.colorComment->setColor(cfg.readEntry("colorComment", QColor(background.value() < 100 ? Qt::lightGray : Qt::gray))); textSettings.chkBoldComment->setChecked(cfg.readEntry("BoldComment", false)); textSettings.chkItalicComment->setChecked(cfg.readEntry("ItalicComment", false)); settingsDialog.setButtons(KoDialog::Ok | KoDialog::Cancel); if (settingsDialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { // save and set the settings QStringList writingSystems; for (int i = 0; i < writingSystemsModel->rowCount(); i++) { QStandardItem *item = writingSystemsModel->item(i); if (item->checkState() == Qt::Checked) { writingSystems.append(QString::number(item->data().toInt())); } } cfg.writeEntry("selectedWritingSystems", writingSystems.join(',')); if (textSettings.radioRichText->isChecked()) { cfg.writeEntry("EditorMode", (int)Richtext); } else if (textSettings.radioSvgSource->isChecked()) { cfg.writeEntry("EditorMode", (int)SvgSource); } else if (textSettings.radioBoth->isChecked()) { cfg.writeEntry("EditorMode", (int)Both); } cfg.writeEntry("colorEditorBackground", textSettings.colorEditorBackground->color()); cfg.writeEntry("colorEditorForeground", textSettings.colorEditorForeground->color()); cfg.writeEntry("colorKeyword", textSettings.colorKeyword->color()); cfg.writeEntry("BoldKeyword", textSettings.chkBoldKeyword->isChecked()); cfg.writeEntry("ItalicKeyWord", textSettings.chkItalicKeyword->isChecked()); cfg.writeEntry("colorElement", textSettings.colorElement->color()); cfg.writeEntry("BoldElement", textSettings.chkBoldElement->isChecked()); cfg.writeEntry("ItalicElement", textSettings.chkItalicElement->isChecked()); cfg.writeEntry("colorAttribute", textSettings.colorAttribute->color()); cfg.writeEntry("BoldAttribute", textSettings.chkBoldAttribute->isChecked()); cfg.writeEntry("ItalicAttribute", textSettings.chkItalicAttribute->isChecked()); cfg.writeEntry("colorValue", textSettings.colorValue->color()); cfg.writeEntry("BoldValue", textSettings.chkBoldValue->isChecked()); cfg.writeEntry("ItalicValue", textSettings.chkItalicValue->isChecked()); cfg.writeEntry("colorComment", textSettings.colorComment->color()); cfg.writeEntry("BoldComment", textSettings.chkBoldComment->isChecked()); cfg.writeEntry("ItalicComment", textSettings.chkItalicComment->isChecked()); applySettings(); } } void SvgTextEditor::slotToolbarToggled(bool) { } void SvgTextEditor::setFontColor(const KoColor &c) { QColor color = c.toQColor(); if (m_textEditorWidget.textTab->currentIndex() == Richtext) { QTextCursor oldCursor = setTextSelection(); QTextCharFormat format; format.setForeground(QBrush(color)); m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->mergeCurrentCharFormat(format); m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->setTextCursor(oldCursor); } else { QTextCursor cursor = m_textEditorWidget.svgTextEdit->textCursor(); if (cursor.hasSelection()) { QString selectionModified = "" + cursor.selectedText() + ""; cursor.removeSelectedText(); cursor.insertText(selectionModified); } } } void SvgTextEditor::setBackgroundColor(const KoColor &c) { QColor color = c.toQColor(); QTextCursor cursor = m_textEditorWidget.svgTextEdit->textCursor(); if (cursor.hasSelection()) { QString selectionModified = "" + cursor.selectedText() + ""; cursor.removeSelectedText(); cursor.insertText(selectionModified); } } void SvgTextEditor::setModified(bool modified) { if (modified) { m_textEditorWidget.buttons->setStandardButtons(QDialogButtonBox::Save | QDialogButtonBox::Discard); } else { m_textEditorWidget.buttons->setStandardButtons(QDialogButtonBox::Save | QDialogButtonBox::Close); } } void SvgTextEditor::dialogButtonClicked(QAbstractButton *button) { if (m_textEditorWidget.buttons->standardButton(button) == QDialogButtonBox::Discard) { if (QMessageBox::warning(this, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("You have modified the text. Discard changes?"), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No) == QMessageBox::Yes) { close(); } } } void SvgTextEditor::setFont(const QString &fontName) { QFont font; font.fromString(fontName); QTextCharFormat curFormat = m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->textCursor().charFormat(); font.setPointSize(curFormat.font().pointSize()); QTextCharFormat format; //This disables the style being set from the font-comboboxes too, so we need to rethink how we use that. format.setFontFamily(font.family()); if (m_textEditorWidget.textTab->currentIndex() == Richtext) { QTextCursor oldCursor = setTextSelection(); m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->mergeCurrentCharFormat(format); m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->setTextCursor(oldCursor); } else { QTextCursor cursor = m_textEditorWidget.svgTextEdit->textCursor(); if (cursor.hasSelection()) { QString selectionModified = "" + cursor.selectedText() + ""; cursor.removeSelectedText(); cursor.insertText(selectionModified); } } } void SvgTextEditor::setFontSize(qreal fontSize) { if (m_textEditorWidget.textTab->currentIndex() == Richtext) { QTextCursor oldCursor = setTextSelection(); QTextCharFormat format; format.setFontPointSize(fontSize); m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->mergeCurrentCharFormat(format); m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->setTextCursor(oldCursor); } else { QTextCursor cursor = m_textEditorWidget.svgTextEdit->textCursor(); if (cursor.hasSelection()) { QString selectionModified = "" + cursor.selectedText() + ""; cursor.removeSelectedText(); cursor.insertText(selectionModified); } } } void SvgTextEditor::setBaseline(KoSvgText::BaselineShiftMode) { QTextCursor cursor = m_textEditorWidget.svgTextEdit->textCursor(); if (cursor.hasSelection()) { QString selectionModified = "" + cursor.selectedText() + ""; cursor.removeSelectedText(); cursor.insertText(selectionModified); } } void SvgTextEditor::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) { if (event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) { int numDegrees = event->delta() / 8; int numSteps = numDegrees / 7; m_textEditorWidget.svgTextEdit->zoomOut(numSteps); event->accept(); } } QTextCursor SvgTextEditor::setTextSelection() { QTextCursor orignalCursor(m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->textCursor()); if (!orignalCursor.hasSelection()){ m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->selectAll(); } return orignalCursor; } void SvgTextEditor::applySettings() { KConfigGroup cfg(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "SvgTextTool"); EditorMode mode = (EditorMode)cfg.readEntry("EditorMode", (int)Both); QWidget *richTab = m_textEditorWidget.richTab; QWidget *svgTab = m_textEditorWidget.svgTab; m_page->setUpdatesEnabled(false); m_textEditorWidget.textTab->clear(); switch(mode) { case(RichText): m_textEditorWidget.textTab->addTab(richTab, i18n("Rich text")); break; case(SvgSource): m_textEditorWidget.textTab->addTab(svgTab, i18n("SVG Source")); break; case(Both): m_textEditorWidget.textTab->addTab(richTab, i18n("Rich text")); m_textEditorWidget.textTab->addTab(svgTab, i18n("SVG Source")); } m_syntaxHighlighter->setFormats(); QPalette palette = m_textEditorWidget.svgTextEdit->palette(); - QColor background = cfg.readEntry("colorEditorBackground", qApp->palette().background().color()); + QColor background = cfg.readEntry("colorEditorBackground", qApp->palette().window().color()); palette.setBrush(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Background, QBrush(background)); m_textEditorWidget.richTextEdit->setStyleSheet(QString("background-color:%1").arg(background.name())); m_textEditorWidget.svgStylesEdit->setStyleSheet(QString("background-color:%1").arg(background.name())); m_textEditorWidget.svgTextEdit->setStyleSheet(QString("background-color:%1").arg(background.name())); QColor foreground = cfg.readEntry("colorEditorForeground", qApp->palette().text().color()); palette.setBrush(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text, QBrush(foreground)); QStringList selectedWritingSystems = cfg.readEntry("selectedWritingSystems", "").split(","); QVector writingSystems; for (int i=0; i(actionCollection()->action("svg_font_size")); KisFontComboBoxes* fontComboBox = qobject_cast(qobject_cast(actionCollection()->action("svg_font"))->defaultWidget()); const QFont oldFont = fontComboBox->currentFont(fontSizeAction->fontSize()); fontComboBox->refillComboBox(writingSystems); fontComboBox->setCurrentFont(oldFont); } m_page->setUpdatesEnabled(true); } QAction *SvgTextEditor::createAction(const QString &name, const char *member) { QAction *action = new QAction(this); KisActionRegistry *actionRegistry = KisActionRegistry::instance(); actionRegistry->propertizeAction(name, action); actionCollection()->addAction(name, action); QObject::connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, member); return action; } void SvgTextEditor::createActions() { KisActionRegistry *actionRegistry = KisActionRegistry::instance(); // File: new, open, save, save as, close KStandardAction::save(this, SLOT(save()), actionCollection()); KStandardAction::close(this, SLOT(slotCloseEditor()), actionCollection()); // Edit KStandardAction::undo(this, SLOT(undo()), actionCollection()); KStandardAction::redo(this, SLOT(redo()), actionCollection()); KStandardAction::cut(this, SLOT(cut()), actionCollection()); KStandardAction::copy(this, SLOT(copy()), actionCollection()); KStandardAction::paste(this, SLOT(paste()), actionCollection()); KStandardAction::selectAll(this, SLOT(selectAll()), actionCollection()); KStandardAction::deselect(this, SLOT(deselect()), actionCollection()); KStandardAction::find(this, SLOT(find()), actionCollection()); KStandardAction::findNext(this, SLOT(findNext()), actionCollection()); KStandardAction::findPrev(this, SLOT(findPrev()), actionCollection()); KStandardAction::replace(this, SLOT(replace()), actionCollection()); // View // WISH: we cannot zoom-in/out in rech-text mode m_svgTextActions << KStandardAction::zoomOut(this, SLOT(zoomOut()), actionCollection()); m_svgTextActions << KStandardAction::zoomIn(this, SLOT(zoomIn()), actionCollection()); #ifndef Q_OS_WIN // Insert: QAction * insertAction = createAction("svg_insert_special_character", SLOT(showInsertSpecialCharacterDialog())); insertAction->setCheckable(true); insertAction->setChecked(false); #endif // Format: m_richTextActions << createAction("svg_weight_bold", SLOT(setTextBold())); m_richTextActions << createAction("svg_format_italic", SLOT(setTextItalic())); m_richTextActions << createAction("svg_format_underline", SLOT(setTextUnderline())); m_richTextActions << createAction("svg_format_strike_through", SLOT(setTextStrikethrough())); m_richTextActions << createAction("svg_format_superscript", SLOT(setTextSuperScript())); m_richTextActions << createAction("svg_format_subscript", SLOT(setTextSubscript())); m_richTextActions << createAction("svg_weight_light", SLOT(setTextWeightLight())); m_richTextActions << createAction("svg_weight_normal", SLOT(setTextWeightNormal())); m_richTextActions << createAction("svg_weight_demi", SLOT(setTextWeightDemi())); m_richTextActions << createAction("svg_weight_black", SLOT(setTextWeightBlack())); m_richTextActions << createAction("svg_increase_font_size", SLOT(increaseTextSize())); m_richTextActions << createAction("svg_decrease_font_size", SLOT(decreaseTextSize())); m_richTextActions << createAction("svg_align_left", SLOT(alignLeft())); m_richTextActions << createAction("svg_align_right", SLOT(alignRight())); m_richTextActions << createAction("svg_align_center", SLOT(alignCenter())); // m_richTextActions << createAction("svg_align_justified", // SLOT(alignJustified())); // Settings m_richTextActions << createAction("svg_settings", SLOT(setSettings())); QWidgetAction *fontComboAction = new QWidgetAction(this); fontComboAction->setToolTip(i18n("Font")); KisFontComboBoxes *fontCombo = new KisFontComboBoxes(); connect(fontCombo, SIGNAL(fontChanged(QString)), SLOT(setFont(QString))); fontComboAction->setDefaultWidget(fontCombo); actionCollection()->addAction("svg_font", fontComboAction); m_richTextActions << fontComboAction; actionRegistry->propertizeAction("svg_font", fontComboAction); QWidgetAction *fontSizeAction = new FontSizeAction(this); fontSizeAction->setToolTip(i18n("Size")); connect(fontSizeAction, SIGNAL(fontSizeChanged(qreal)), this, SLOT(setFontSize(qreal))); actionCollection()->addAction("svg_font_size", fontSizeAction); m_richTextActions << fontSizeAction; actionRegistry->propertizeAction("svg_font_size", fontSizeAction); KoColorPopupAction *fgColor = new KoColorPopupAction(this); fgColor->setCurrentColor(QColor(Qt::black)); fgColor->setToolTip(i18n("Text Color")); connect(fgColor, SIGNAL(colorChanged(KoColor)), SLOT(setFontColor(KoColor))); actionCollection()->addAction("svg_format_textcolor", fgColor); m_richTextActions << fgColor; actionRegistry->propertizeAction("svg_format_textcolor", fgColor); KoColorPopupAction *bgColor = new KoColorPopupAction(this); bgColor->setCurrentColor(QColor(Qt::white)); bgColor->setToolTip(i18n("Background Color")); connect(bgColor, SIGNAL(colorChanged(KoColor)), SLOT(setBackgroundColor(KoColor))); actionCollection()->addAction("svg_background_color", bgColor); actionRegistry->propertizeAction("svg_background_color", bgColor); m_richTextActions << bgColor; QWidgetAction *colorPickerAction = new QWidgetAction(this); colorPickerAction->setToolTip(i18n("Pick a Color")); KisScreenColorPicker *colorPicker = new KisScreenColorPicker(false); connect(colorPicker, SIGNAL(sigNewColorPicked(KoColor)), fgColor, SLOT(setCurrentColor(KoColor))); connect(colorPicker, SIGNAL(sigNewColorPicked(KoColor)), SLOT(setFontColor(KoColor))); colorPickerAction->setDefaultWidget(colorPicker); actionCollection()->addAction("svg_pick_color", colorPickerAction); m_richTextActions << colorPickerAction; actionRegistry->propertizeAction("svg_pick_color", colorPickerAction); QWidgetAction *lineHeight = new QWidgetAction(this); QDoubleSpinBox *spnLineHeight = new QDoubleSpinBox(); spnLineHeight->setToolTip(i18n("Line height")); spnLineHeight->setRange(0.0, 1000.0); spnLineHeight->setSingleStep(10.0); spnLineHeight->setSuffix(i18n("%")); connect(spnLineHeight, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), SLOT(setLineHeight(double))); lineHeight->setDefaultWidget(spnLineHeight); actionCollection()->addAction("svg_line_height", lineHeight); m_richTextActions << lineHeight; actionRegistry->propertizeAction("svg_line_height", lineHeight); QWidgetAction *letterSpacing = new QWidgetAction(this); QDoubleSpinBox *spnletterSpacing = new QDoubleSpinBox(); spnletterSpacing->setToolTip(i18n("Letter Spacing")); spnletterSpacing->setRange(-20.0, 20.0); spnletterSpacing->setSingleStep(0.5); connect(spnletterSpacing, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), SLOT(setLetterSpacing(double))); letterSpacing->setDefaultWidget(spnletterSpacing); actionCollection()->addAction("svg_letter_spacing", letterSpacing); m_richTextActions << letterSpacing; actionRegistry->propertizeAction("svg_letter_spacing", letterSpacing); } void SvgTextEditor::enableRichTextActions(bool enable) { Q_FOREACH(QAction *action, m_richTextActions) { action->setEnabled(enable); } } void SvgTextEditor::enableSvgTextActions(bool enable) { Q_FOREACH(QAction *action, m_svgTextActions) { action->setEnabled(enable); } } void SvgTextEditor::slotCloseEditor() { close(); emit textEditorClosed(); }