diff --git a/plugins/dockers/smallcolorselector/kis_small_color_widget.cc b/plugins/dockers/smallcolorselector/kis_small_color_widget.cc index 901ae8201f..768a0e0033 100644 --- a/plugins/dockers/smallcolorselector/kis_small_color_widget.cc +++ b/plugins/dockers/smallcolorselector/kis_small_color_widget.cc @@ -1,510 +1,514 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2008 Cyrille Berger * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_small_color_widget.h" #include #include "kis_slider_spin_box.h" #include #include "kis_signal_compressor.h" #include #include #include #include "kis_debug.h" #include "kis_assert.h" #include #include "KisGLImageF16.h" #include "KisGLImageWidget.h" #include "KisClickableGLImageWidget.h" #include "kis_display_color_converter.h" #include "kis_signal_auto_connection.h" #include "kis_signal_compressor_with_param.h" #include #include #include "kis_fixed_paint_device.h" #include struct KisSmallColorWidget::Private { qreal hue; // 0 ... 1.0 qreal value; // 0 ... 1.0 qreal saturation; // 0 ... 1.0 bool updateAllowed; QTimer updateTimer; KisClickableGLImageWidget *hueWidget; KisClickableGLImageWidget *valueWidget; KisSignalCompressor *resizeUpdateCompressor; KisSignalCompressor *valueSliderUpdateCompressor; + KisSignalCompressor *colorChangedSignalCompressor; KisSignalCompressorWithParam *dynamicRangeCompressor; int huePreferredHeight = 32; KisSliderSpinBox *dynamicRange = 0; qreal currentRelativeDynamicRange = 1.0; KisDisplayColorConverter *displayColorConverter = KisDisplayColorConverter::dumbConverterInstance(); KisSignalAutoConnectionsStore colorConverterConnections; bool hasHDR = false; bool hasHardwareHDR = false; qreal effectiveRelativeDynamicRange() const { return hasHDR ? currentRelativeDynamicRange : 1.0; } const KoColorSpace *outputColorSpace() { return KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()-> colorSpace(RGBAColorModelID.id(), Float32BitsColorDepthID.id(), displayColorConverter->openGLCanvasSurfaceProfile()); } const KoColorSpace *generationColorSpace() { const KoColorSpace *result = displayColorConverter->paintingColorSpace(); if (!result || result->colorModelId() != RGBAColorModelID) { result = outputColorSpace(); } else if (result->colorDepthId() != Float32BitsColorDepthID) { result = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()-> colorSpace(RGBAColorModelID.id(), Float32BitsColorDepthID.id(), result->profile()); } // PQ color space we deliniearize into linear one if (result->colorModelId() == RGBAColorModelID && result->profile()->uniqueId() == KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->p2020PQProfile()->uniqueId()) { result = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()-> colorSpace(RGBAColorModelID.id(), Float32BitsColorDepthID.id(), KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->p2020G10Profile()); } return result; } }; KisSmallColorWidget::KisSmallColorWidget(QWidget* parent) : QWidget(parent), d(new Private) { d->hue = 0.0; d->value = 0; d->saturation = 0; d->updateAllowed = true; d->updateTimer.setInterval(1); d->updateTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&(d->updateTimer), SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(update())); d->resizeUpdateCompressor = new KisSignalCompressor(200, KisSignalCompressor::FIRST_ACTIVE, this); connect(d->resizeUpdateCompressor, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(slotUpdatePalettes())); d->valueSliderUpdateCompressor = new KisSignalCompressor(100, KisSignalCompressor::FIRST_ACTIVE, this); connect(d->valueSliderUpdateCompressor, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(updateSVPalette())); + d->colorChangedSignalCompressor = new KisSignalCompressor(20, KisSignalCompressor::FIRST_ACTIVE, this); + connect(d->colorChangedSignalCompressor, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(slotTellColorChanged())); + { using namespace std::placeholders; std::function callback( std::bind(&KisSmallColorWidget::updateDynamicRange, this, _1)); d->dynamicRangeCompressor = new KisSignalCompressorWithParam(50, callback); } const QSurfaceFormat::ColorSpace colorSpace = QSurfaceFormat::DefaultColorSpace; d->hueWidget = new KisClickableGLImageWidget(colorSpace, this); d->hueWidget->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Fixed); d->hueWidget->setHandlePaintingStrategy(new KisClickableGLImageWidget::VerticalLineHandleStrategy); connect(d->hueWidget, SIGNAL(selected(const QPointF&)), SLOT(slotHueSliderChanged(const QPointF&))); d->valueWidget = new KisClickableGLImageWidget(colorSpace, this); d->valueWidget->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Expanding); d->valueWidget->setHandlePaintingStrategy(new KisClickableGLImageWidget::CircularHandleStrategy); connect(d->valueWidget, SIGNAL(selected(const QPointF&)), SLOT(slotValueSliderChanged(const QPointF&))); d->hasHardwareHDR = KisOpenGLModeProber::instance()->useHDRMode(); if (d->hasHardwareHDR) { d->dynamicRange = new KisSliderSpinBox(this); d->dynamicRange->setRange(80, 10000); d->dynamicRange->setExponentRatio(3.0); d->dynamicRange->setSingleStep(1); d->dynamicRange->setPageStep(100); d->dynamicRange->setSuffix("cd/m²"); d->dynamicRange->setValue(80.0 * d->currentRelativeDynamicRange); connect(d->dynamicRange, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(slotInitiateUpdateDynamicRange(int))); } QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this); layout->addWidget(d->hueWidget, 0); layout->addWidget(d->valueWidget, 1); if (d->dynamicRange) { layout->addSpacing(16); layout->addWidget(d->dynamicRange, 0); } setLayout(layout); slotUpdatePalettes(); } KisSmallColorWidget::~KisSmallColorWidget() { delete d; } void KisSmallColorWidget::setHue(qreal h) { h = qBound(0.0, h, 1.0); d->hue = h; - tellColorChanged(); + d->colorChangedSignalCompressor->start(); d->valueSliderUpdateCompressor->start(); d->updateTimer.start(); } void KisSmallColorWidget::setHSV(qreal h, qreal s, qreal v, bool notifyChanged) { h = qBound(0.0, h, 1.0); s = qBound(0.0, s, 1.0); v = qBound(0.0, v, 1.0); bool newH = !qFuzzyCompare(d->hue, h); d->hue = h; d->value = v; d->saturation = s; // TODO: remove and make acyclic! if (notifyChanged) { - tellColorChanged(); + d->colorChangedSignalCompressor->start(); } if(newH) { d->valueSliderUpdateCompressor->start(); } d->updateTimer.start(); } void KisSmallColorWidget::setColor(const KoColor &color) { if (!d->updateAllowed) return; KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER(!d->dynamicRange || d->hasHDR == d->dynamicRange->isEnabled()) { slotDisplayConfigurationChanged(); } KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(!d->hasHDR || d->hasHardwareHDR); const KoColorSpace *cs = d->generationColorSpace(); KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(cs); KoColor newColor(color); newColor.convertTo(cs); QVector channels(4); cs->normalisedChannelsValue(newColor.data(), channels); float r, g, b; if (cs->colorDepthId() == Integer8BitsColorDepthID) { r = channels[2]; g = channels[1]; b = channels[0]; } else { r = channels[0]; g = channels[1]; b = channels[2]; } if (d->hasHDR) { qreal rangeCoeff = d->effectiveRelativeDynamicRange(); if (rangeCoeff < r || rangeCoeff < g || rangeCoeff < b) { rangeCoeff = std::max({r, g, b}) * 1.10f; const int newMaxLuminance = qRound(80.0 * rangeCoeff); updateDynamicRange(newMaxLuminance); d->dynamicRange->setValue(newMaxLuminance); } r /= rangeCoeff; g /= rangeCoeff; b /= rangeCoeff; } else { r = qBound(0.0f, r, 1.0f); g = qBound(0.0f, g, 1.0f); b = qBound(0.0f, b, 1.0f); } float denormHue, saturation, value; RGBToHSV(r, g, b, &denormHue, &saturation, &value); d->hueWidget->setNormalizedPos(QPointF(denormHue / 360.0, 0.0)); d->valueWidget->setNormalizedPos(QPointF(saturation, 1.0 - value)); setHSV(denormHue / 360.0, saturation, value, false); } void KisSmallColorWidget::slotUpdatePalettes() { updateHuePalette(); updateSVPalette(); } namespace { struct FillHPolicy { static inline void getRGB(qreal hue, float xPortionCoeff, float yPortionCoeff, int x, int y, float *r, float *g, float *b) { HSVToRGB(xPortionCoeff * x * 360.0f, 1.0, 1.0, r, g, b); } }; struct FillSVPolicy { static inline void getRGB(qreal hue, float xPortionCoeff, float yPortionCoeff, int x, int y, float *r, float *g, float *b) { HSVToRGB(hue * 360.0, xPortionCoeff * x, 1.0 - yPortionCoeff * y, r, g, b); } }; } template void KisSmallColorWidget::uploadPaletteData(KisGLImageWidget *widget, const QSize &size) { KisGLImageF16 image(size); const float xPortionCoeff = 1.0 / image.width(); const float yPortionCoeff = 1.0 / image.height(); const float rangeCoeff = d->effectiveRelativeDynamicRange(); const KoColorSpace *generationColorSpace = d->generationColorSpace(); if (d->displayColorConverter->canSkipDisplayConversion(generationColorSpace)) { half *pixelPtr = image.data(); for (int y = 0; y < image.height(); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < image.width(); x++) { Imf::Rgba &pxl = reinterpret_cast(*pixelPtr); float r, g, b; FillPolicy::getRGB(d->hue, xPortionCoeff, yPortionCoeff, x, y, &r, &g, &b); pxl.r = r * rangeCoeff; pxl.g = g * rangeCoeff; pxl.b = b * rangeCoeff; pxl.a = 1.0; pixelPtr += 4; } } } else { KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(d->displayColorConverter); KisFixedPaintDeviceSP device = new KisFixedPaintDevice(generationColorSpace); device->setRect(QRect(QPoint(), image.size())); device->reallocateBufferWithoutInitialization(); float *devicePtr = reinterpret_cast(device->data()); for (int y = 0; y < image.height(); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < image.width(); x++) { FillPolicy::getRGB(d->hue, xPortionCoeff, yPortionCoeff, x, y, devicePtr, devicePtr + 1, devicePtr + 2); devicePtr[0] *= rangeCoeff; devicePtr[1] *= rangeCoeff; devicePtr[2] *= rangeCoeff; devicePtr[3] = 1.0; devicePtr += 4; } } d->displayColorConverter->applyDisplayFilteringF32(device, Float32BitsColorDepthID); half *imagePtr = image.data(); devicePtr = reinterpret_cast(device->data()); for (int y = 0; y < image.height(); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < image.width(); x++) { imagePtr[0] = devicePtr[0]; imagePtr[1] = devicePtr[1]; imagePtr[2] = devicePtr[2]; imagePtr[3] = devicePtr[3]; devicePtr += 4; imagePtr += 4; } } } widget->loadImage(image); } void KisSmallColorWidget::updateHuePalette() { uploadPaletteData(d->hueWidget, QSize(d->hueWidget->width(), d->huePreferredHeight)); } void KisSmallColorWidget::updateSVPalette() { const int maxSize = 256; QSize newSize = d->valueWidget->size(); newSize.rwidth() = qMin(maxSize, newSize.width()); newSize.rheight() = qMin(maxSize, newSize.height()); uploadPaletteData(d->valueWidget, newSize); } void KisSmallColorWidget::slotHueSliderChanged(const QPointF &pos) { const qreal newHue = pos.x(); if (!qFuzzyCompare(newHue, d->hue)) { setHue(newHue); } } void KisSmallColorWidget::slotValueSliderChanged(const QPointF &pos) { const qreal newSaturation = pos.x(); const qreal newValue = 1.0 - pos.y(); if (!qFuzzyCompare(newSaturation, d->saturation) || !qFuzzyCompare(newValue, d->value)) { setHSV(d->hue, newSaturation, newValue); } } void KisSmallColorWidget::slotInitiateUpdateDynamicRange(int maxLuminance) { d->dynamicRangeCompressor->start(maxLuminance); } void KisSmallColorWidget::updateDynamicRange(int maxLuminance) { const qreal oldRange = d->currentRelativeDynamicRange; const qreal newRange = qreal(maxLuminance) / 80.0; if (qFuzzyCompare(oldRange, newRange)) return; float r, g, b; float denormHue = d->hue * 360.0; float saturation = d->saturation; float value = d->value; HSVToRGB(denormHue, saturation, value, &r, &g, &b); const qreal transformCoeff = oldRange / newRange; r = qBound(0.0, r * transformCoeff, 1.0); g = qBound(0.0, g * transformCoeff, 1.0); b = qBound(0.0, b * transformCoeff, 1.0); RGBToHSV(r, g, b, &denormHue, &saturation, &value); d->currentRelativeDynamicRange = newRange; slotUpdatePalettes(); setHSV(denormHue / 360.0, saturation, value, false); d->hueWidget->setNormalizedPos(QPointF(denormHue / 360.0, 0)); d->valueWidget->setNormalizedPos(QPointF(saturation, 1.0 - value)); } void KisSmallColorWidget::setDisplayColorConverter(KisDisplayColorConverter *converter) { d->colorConverterConnections.clear(); if (!converter) { converter = KisDisplayColorConverter::dumbConverterInstance(); } d->displayColorConverter = converter; if (d->displayColorConverter) { d->colorConverterConnections.addConnection( d->displayColorConverter, SIGNAL(displayConfigurationChanged()), this, SLOT(slotDisplayConfigurationChanged())); } slotDisplayConfigurationChanged(); } void KisSmallColorWidget::slotDisplayConfigurationChanged() { d->hasHDR = false; if (d->hasHardwareHDR) { const KoColorSpace *cs = d->displayColorConverter->paintingColorSpace(); d->hasHDR = cs->colorModelId() == RGBAColorModelID && (cs->colorDepthId() == Float16BitsColorDepthID || cs->colorDepthId() == Float32BitsColorDepthID || cs->colorDepthId() == Float64BitsColorDepthID || cs->profile()->uniqueId() == KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->p2020PQProfile()->uniqueId()); } if (d->dynamicRange) { d->dynamicRange->setEnabled(d->hasHDR); } d->hueWidget->setUseHandleOpacity(!d->hasHDR); d->valueWidget->setUseHandleOpacity(!d->hasHDR); slotUpdatePalettes(); // TODO: also set the currently selected color again } -void KisSmallColorWidget::tellColorChanged() +void KisSmallColorWidget::slotTellColorChanged() { d->updateAllowed = false; float r, g, b; HSVToRGB(d->hue * 360.0, d->saturation, d->value, &r, &g, &b); if (d->hasHDR) { const float rangeCoeff = d->effectiveRelativeDynamicRange(); r *= rangeCoeff; g *= rangeCoeff; b *= rangeCoeff; } const KoColorSpace *cs = d->generationColorSpace(); KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(cs); QVector values(4); if (cs->colorDepthId() == Integer8BitsColorDepthID) { values[0] = b; values[1] = g; values[2] = r; values[3] = 1.0f; } else { values[0] = r; values[1] = g; values[2] = b; values[3] = 1.0f; } KoColor c(cs); cs->fromNormalisedChannelsValue(c.data(), values); emit colorChanged(c); d->updateAllowed = true; } void KisSmallColorWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent * event) { QWidget::resizeEvent(event); update(); d->resizeUpdateCompressor->start(); } diff --git a/plugins/dockers/smallcolorselector/kis_small_color_widget.h b/plugins/dockers/smallcolorselector/kis_small_color_widget.h index 3dd86c095e..e771d053af 100644 --- a/plugins/dockers/smallcolorselector/kis_small_color_widget.h +++ b/plugins/dockers/smallcolorselector/kis_small_color_widget.h @@ -1,73 +1,76 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2008 Cyrille Berger * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef _KIS_SMALL_COLOR_WIDGET_H_ #define _KIS_SMALL_COLOR_WIDGET_H_ #include class KoColor; class KisDisplayColorConverter; class KisGLImageWidget; class KisSmallColorWidget : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: KisSmallColorWidget(QWidget* parent); ~KisSmallColorWidget() override; public: void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent * event) override; void setDisplayColorConverter(KisDisplayColorConverter *converter); public: public Q_SLOTS: void setHue(qreal h); void setHSV(qreal h, qreal s, qreal v, bool notifyChanged = true); void setColor(const KoColor &color); void slotUpdatePalettes(); void updateSVPalette(); Q_SIGNALS: void colorChanged(const KoColor&); + void sigTellColorChangedInternal(); + private Q_SLOTS: void slotHueSliderChanged(const QPointF &pos); void slotValueSliderChanged(const QPointF &pos); void slotInitiateUpdateDynamicRange(int maxLuminance); void slotDisplayConfigurationChanged(); + void slotTellColorChanged(); private: void updateDynamicRange(int maxLuminance); private: - void tellColorChanged(); + void updateHuePalette(); template void uploadPaletteData(KisGLImageWidget *widget, const QSize &size); private: struct Private; Private* const d; }; #endif