diff --git a/libs/libkis/Document.cpp b/libs/libkis/Document.cpp index 7f77f6534a..d63b202036 100644 --- a/libs/libkis/Document.cpp +++ b/libs/libkis/Document.cpp @@ -1,995 +1,995 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2016 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "Document.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_animation_importer.h" #include #include #include #include struct Document::Private { Private() {} QPointer document; }; Document::Document(KisDocument *document, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , d(new Private) { d->document = document; } Document::~Document() { delete d; } bool Document::operator==(const Document &other) const { return (d->document == other.d->document); } bool Document::operator!=(const Document &other) const { return !(operator==(other)); } bool Document::batchmode() const { if (!d->document) return false; return d->document->fileBatchMode(); } void Document::setBatchmode(bool value) { if (!d->document) return; d->document->setFileBatchMode(value); } Node *Document::activeNode() const { QList activeNodes; Q_FOREACH(QPointer view, KisPart::instance()->views()) { if (view && view->document() == d->document) { activeNodes << view->currentNode(); } } if (activeNodes.size() > 0) { QList nodes = LibKisUtils::createNodeList(activeNodes, d->document->image()); return nodes.first(); } return 0; } void Document::setActiveNode(Node* value) { if (!value->node()) return; KisMainWindow *mainWin = KisPart::instance()->currentMainwindow(); if (!mainWin) return; KisViewManager *viewManager = mainWin->viewManager(); if (!viewManager) return; if (viewManager->document() != d->document) return; KisNodeManager *nodeManager = viewManager->nodeManager(); if (!nodeManager) return; KisNodeSelectionAdapter *selectionAdapter = nodeManager->nodeSelectionAdapter(); if (!selectionAdapter) return; selectionAdapter->setActiveNode(value->node()); } QList Document::topLevelNodes() const { if (!d->document) return QList(); Node n(d->document->image(), d->document->image()->rootLayer()); return n.childNodes(); } Node *Document::nodeByName(const QString &name) const { if (!d->document) return 0; KisNodeSP node = d->document->image()->rootLayer()->findChildByName(name); if (node.isNull()) return 0; - return new Node(d->document->image(), node); + return Node::createNode(d->document->image(), node); } QString Document::colorDepth() const { if (!d->document) return ""; return d->document->image()->colorSpace()->colorDepthId().id(); } QString Document::colorModel() const { if (!d->document) return ""; return d->document->image()->colorSpace()->colorModelId().id(); } QString Document::colorProfile() const { if (!d->document) return ""; return d->document->image()->colorSpace()->profile()->name(); } bool Document::setColorProfile(const QString &value) { if (!d->document) return false; if (!d->document->image()) return false; const KoColorProfile *profile = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->profileByName(value); if (!profile) return false; bool retval = d->document->image()->assignImageProfile(profile); d->document->image()->setModified(); d->document->image()->initialRefreshGraph(); return retval; } bool Document::setColorSpace(const QString &colorModel, const QString &colorDepth, const QString &colorProfile) { if (!d->document) return false; if (!d->document->image()) return false; const KoColorSpace *colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(colorModel, colorDepth, colorProfile); if (!colorSpace) return false; d->document->image()->convertImageColorSpace(colorSpace, KoColorConversionTransformation::IntentPerceptual, KoColorConversionTransformation::HighQuality | KoColorConversionTransformation::NoOptimization); d->document->image()->setModified(); d->document->image()->initialRefreshGraph(); return true; } QColor Document::backgroundColor() { if (!d->document) return QColor(); if (!d->document->image()) return QColor(); const KoColor color = d->document->image()->defaultProjectionColor(); return color.toQColor(); } bool Document::setBackgroundColor(const QColor &color) { if (!d->document) return false; if (!d->document->image()) return false; KoColor background = KoColor(color, d->document->image()->colorSpace()); d->document->image()->setDefaultProjectionColor(background); d->document->image()->setModified(); d->document->image()->initialRefreshGraph(); return true; } QString Document::documentInfo() const { QDomDocument doc = KisDocument::createDomDocument("document-info" /*DTD name*/, "document-info" /*tag name*/, "1.1"); doc = d->document->documentInfo()->save(doc); return doc.toString(); } void Document::setDocumentInfo(const QString &document) { KoXmlDocument doc; QString errorMsg; int errorLine, errorColumn; doc.setContent(document, &errorMsg, &errorLine, &errorColumn); d->document->documentInfo()->load(doc); } QString Document::fileName() const { if (!d->document) return QString(); return d->document->url().toLocalFile(); } void Document::setFileName(QString value) { if (!d->document) return; QString mimeType = KisMimeDatabase::mimeTypeForFile(value, false); d->document->setMimeType(mimeType.toLatin1()); d->document->setUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(value)); } int Document::height() const { if (!d->document) return 0; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); if (!image) return 0; return image->height(); } void Document::setHeight(int value) { if (!d->document) return; if (!d->document->image()) return; resizeImage(d->document->image()->bounds().x(), d->document->image()->bounds().y(), d->document->image()->width(), value); } QString Document::name() const { if (!d->document) return ""; return d->document->documentInfo()->aboutInfo("title"); } void Document::setName(QString value) { if (!d->document) return; d->document->documentInfo()->setAboutInfo("title", value); } int Document::resolution() const { if (!d->document) return 0; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); if (!image) return 0; return qRound(d->document->image()->xRes() * 72); } void Document::setResolution(int value) { if (!d->document) return; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); if (!image) return; d->document->image()->setResolution(value / 72.0, value / 72.0); } Node *Document::rootNode() const { if (!d->document) return 0; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); if (!image) return 0; - return new Node(image, image->root()); + return Node::createNode(image, image->root()); } Selection *Document::selection() const { if (!d->document) return 0; if (!d->document->image()) return 0; if (!d->document->image()->globalSelection()) return 0; return new Selection(d->document->image()->globalSelection()); } void Document::setSelection(Selection* value) { if (!d->document) return; if (!d->document->image()) return; if (value) { d->document->image()->setGlobalSelection(value->selection()); } else { d->document->image()->setGlobalSelection(0); } } int Document::width() const { if (!d->document) return 0; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); if (!image) return 0; return image->width(); } void Document::setWidth(int value) { if (!d->document) return; if (!d->document->image()) return; resizeImage(d->document->image()->bounds().x(), d->document->image()->bounds().y(), value, d->document->image()->height()); } int Document::xOffset() const { if (!d->document) return 0; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); if (!image) return 0; return image->bounds().x(); } void Document::setXOffset(int x) { if (!d->document) return; if (!d->document->image()) return; resizeImage(x, d->document->image()->bounds().y(), d->document->image()->width(), d->document->image()->height()); } int Document::yOffset() const { if (!d->document) return 0; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); if (!image) return 0; return image->bounds().y(); } void Document::setYOffset(int y) { if (!d->document) return; if (!d->document->image()) return; resizeImage(d->document->image()->bounds().x(), y, d->document->image()->width(), d->document->image()->height()); } double Document::xRes() const { if (!d->document) return 0.0; if (!d->document->image()) return 0.0; return d->document->image()->xRes()*72.0; } void Document::setXRes(double xRes) const { if (!d->document) return; if (!d->document->image()) return; d->document->image()->setResolution(xRes/72.0, d->document->image()->yRes()); } double Document::yRes() const { if (!d->document) return 0.0; if (!d->document->image()) return 0.0; return d->document->image()->yRes()*72.0; } void Document::setYRes(double yRes) const { if (!d->document) return; if (!d->document->image()) return; d->document->image()->setResolution(d->document->image()->xRes(), yRes/72.0); } QByteArray Document::pixelData(int x, int y, int w, int h) const { QByteArray ba; if (!d->document) return ba; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); if (!image) return ba; KisPaintDeviceSP dev = image->projection(); ba.resize(w * h * dev->pixelSize()); dev->readBytes(reinterpret_cast(ba.data()), x, y, w, h); return ba; } bool Document::close() { bool retval = d->document->closeUrl(false); Q_FOREACH(KisView *view, KisPart::instance()->views()) { if (view->document() == d->document) { view->close(); view->closeView(); view->deleteLater(); } } KisPart::instance()->removeDocument(d->document); d->document = 0; return retval; } void Document::crop(int x, int y, int w, int h) { if (!d->document) return; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); if (!image) return; QRect rc(x, y, w, h); image->cropImage(rc); } bool Document::exportImage(const QString &filename, const InfoObject &exportConfiguration) { if (!d->document) return false; const QString outputFormatString = KisMimeDatabase::mimeTypeForFile(filename, false); const QByteArray outputFormat = outputFormatString.toLatin1(); return d->document->exportDocumentSync(QUrl::fromLocalFile(filename), outputFormat, exportConfiguration.configuration()); } void Document::flatten() { if (!d->document) return; if (!d->document->image()) return; d->document->image()->flatten(0); } void Document::resizeImage(int x, int y, int w, int h) { if (!d->document) return; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); if (!image) return; QRect rc; rc.setX(x); rc.setY(y); rc.setWidth(w); rc.setHeight(h); image->resizeImage(rc); } void Document::scaleImage(int w, int h, int xres, int yres, QString strategy) { if (!d->document) return; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); if (!image) return; QRect rc = image->bounds(); rc.setWidth(w); rc.setHeight(h); KisFilterStrategy *actualStrategy = KisFilterStrategyRegistry::instance()->get(strategy); if (!actualStrategy) actualStrategy = KisFilterStrategyRegistry::instance()->get("Bicubic"); image->scaleImage(rc.size(), xres/72, yres/72, actualStrategy); } void Document::rotateImage(double radians) { if (!d->document) return; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); if (!image) return; image->rotateImage(radians); } void Document::shearImage(double angleX, double angleY) { if (!d->document) return; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); if (!image) return; image->shear(angleX, angleY); } bool Document::save() { if (!d->document) return false; if (d->document->url().isEmpty()) return false; bool retval = d->document->save(true, 0); d->document->waitForSavingToComplete(); return retval; } bool Document::saveAs(const QString &filename) { if (!d->document) return false; const QString outputFormatString = KisMimeDatabase::mimeTypeForFile(filename, false); const QByteArray outputFormat = outputFormatString.toLatin1(); QUrl oldUrl = d->document->url(); d->document->setUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(filename)); bool retval = d->document->saveAs(QUrl::fromLocalFile(filename), outputFormat, true); d->document->waitForSavingToComplete(); d->document->setUrl(oldUrl); return retval; } Node* Document::createNode(const QString &name, const QString &nodeType) { if (!d->document) return 0; if (!d->document->image()) return 0; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); Node *node = 0; if (nodeType.toLower()== "paintlayer") { node = new Node(image, new KisPaintLayer(image, name, OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8)); } else if (nodeType.toLower() == "grouplayer") { node = new Node(image, new KisGroupLayer(image, name, OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8)); } else if (nodeType.toLower() == "filelayer") { node = new Node(image, new KisFileLayer(image, name, OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8)); } else if (nodeType.toLower() == "filterlayer") { node = new Node(image, new KisAdjustmentLayer(image, name, 0, 0)); } else if (nodeType.toLower() == "filllayer") { node = new Node(image, new KisGeneratorLayer(image, name, 0, 0)); } else if (nodeType.toLower() == "clonelayer") { node = new Node(image, new KisCloneLayer(0, image, name, OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8)); } else if (nodeType.toLower() == "vectorlayer") { node = new Node(image, new KisShapeLayer(d->document->shapeController(), image, name, OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8)); } else if (nodeType.toLower() == "transparencymask") { node = new Node(image, new KisTransparencyMask()); } else if (nodeType.toLower() == "filtermask") { node = new Node(image, new KisFilterMask()); } else if (nodeType.toLower() == "transformmask") { node = new Node(image, new KisTransformMask()); } else if (nodeType.toLower() == "selectionmask") { node = new Node(image, new KisSelectionMask(image)); } return node; } GroupLayer *Document::createGroupLayer(const QString &name) { if (!d->document) return 0; if (!d->document->image()) return 0; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); return new GroupLayer(image, name); } FileLayer *Document::createFileLayer(const QString &name, const QString fileName, const QString scalingMethod) { if (!d->document) return 0; if (!d->document->image()) return 0; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); return new FileLayer(image, name, this->fileName(), fileName, scalingMethod); } FilterLayer *Document::createFilterLayer(const QString &name, Filter &filter, Selection &selection) { if (!d->document) return 0; if (!d->document->image()) return 0; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); return new FilterLayer(image, name, filter, selection); } FillLayer *Document::createFillLayer(const QString &name, const QString generatorName, InfoObject &configuration, Selection &selection) { if (!d->document) return 0; if (!d->document->image()) return 0; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); KisGeneratorSP generator = KisGeneratorRegistry::instance()->value(generatorName); if (generator) { KisFilterConfigurationSP config = generator->defaultConfiguration(); Q_FOREACH(const QString property, configuration.properties().keys()) { config->setProperty(property, configuration.property(property)); } return new FillLayer(image, name, config, selection); } return 0; } CloneLayer *Document::createCloneLayer(const QString &name, const Node *source) { if (!d->document) return 0; if (!d->document->image()) return 0; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); KisLayerSP layer = qobject_cast(source->node().data()); return new CloneLayer(image, name, layer); } VectorLayer *Document::createVectorLayer(const QString &name) { if (!d->document) return 0; if (!d->document->image()) return 0; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); return new VectorLayer(d->document->shapeController(), image, name); } FilterMask *Document::createFilterMask(const QString &name, Filter &filter, const Node *selection_source) { if (!d->document) return 0; if (!d->document->image()) return 0; if(!selection_source) return 0; KisLayerSP layer = qobject_cast(selection_source->node().data()); if(layer.isNull()) return 0; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); FilterMask* mask = new FilterMask(image, name, filter); qobject_cast(mask->node().data())->initSelection(layer); return mask; } FilterMask *Document::createFilterMask(const QString &name, Filter &filter, Selection &selection) { if (!d->document) return 0; if (!d->document->image()) return 0; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); FilterMask* mask = new FilterMask(image, name, filter); qobject_cast(mask->node().data())->setSelection(selection.selection()); return mask; } SelectionMask *Document::createSelectionMask(const QString &name) { if (!d->document) return 0; if (!d->document->image()) return 0; KisImageSP image = d->document->image(); return new SelectionMask(image, name); } QImage Document::projection(int x, int y, int w, int h) const { if (!d->document || !d->document->image()) return QImage(); return d->document->image()->convertToQImage(x, y, w, h, 0); } QImage Document::thumbnail(int w, int h) const { if (!d->document || !d->document->image()) return QImage(); return d->document->generatePreview(QSize(w, h)).toImage(); } void Document::lock() { if (!d->document || !d->document->image()) return; d->document->image()->barrierLock(); } void Document::unlock() { if (!d->document || !d->document->image()) return; d->document->image()->unlock(); } void Document::waitForDone() { if (!d->document || !d->document->image()) return; d->document->image()->waitForDone(); } bool Document::tryBarrierLock() { if (!d->document || !d->document->image()) return false; return d->document->image()->tryBarrierLock(); } bool Document::isIdle() { if (!d->document || !d->document->image()) return false; return d->document->image()->isIdle(); } void Document::refreshProjection() { if (!d->document || !d->document->image()) return; d->document->image()->refreshGraph(); } QList Document::horizontalGuides() const { QList lines; if (!d->document || !d->document->image()) return lines; KisCoordinatesConverter converter; converter.setImage(d->document->image()); QTransform transform = converter.imageToDocumentTransform().inverted(); QList untransformedLines = d->document->guidesConfig().horizontalGuideLines(); for (int i = 0; i< untransformedLines.size(); i++) { qreal line = untransformedLines[i]; lines.append(transform.map(QPointF(line, line)).x()); } return lines; } QList Document::verticalGuides() const { QList lines; if (!d->document || !d->document->image()) return lines; KisCoordinatesConverter converter; converter.setImage(d->document->image()); QTransform transform = converter.imageToDocumentTransform().inverted(); QList untransformedLines = d->document->guidesConfig().verticalGuideLines(); for (int i = 0; i< untransformedLines.size(); i++) { qreal line = untransformedLines[i]; lines.append(transform.map(QPointF(line, line)).y()); } return lines; } bool Document::guidesVisible() const { return d->document->guidesConfig().showGuides(); } bool Document::guidesLocked() const { return d->document->guidesConfig().lockGuides(); } Document *Document::clone() const { if (!d->document) return 0; QPointer clone = d->document->clone(); Document * d = new Document(clone); clone->setParent(d); // It's owned by the document, not KisPart return d; } void Document::setHorizontalGuides(const QList &lines) { if (!d->document) return; KisGuidesConfig config = d->document->guidesConfig(); KisCoordinatesConverter converter; converter.setImage(d->document->image()); QTransform transform = converter.imageToDocumentTransform(); QList transformedLines; for (int i = 0; i< lines.size(); i++) { qreal line = lines[i]; transformedLines.append(transform.map(QPointF(line, line)).x()); } config.setHorizontalGuideLines(transformedLines); d->document->setGuidesConfig(config); } void Document::setVerticalGuides(const QList &lines) { if (!d->document) return; KisGuidesConfig config = d->document->guidesConfig(); KisCoordinatesConverter converter; converter.setImage(d->document->image()); QTransform transform = converter.imageToDocumentTransform(); QList transformedLines; for (int i = 0; i< lines.size(); i++) { qreal line = lines[i]; transformedLines.append(transform.map(QPointF(line, line)).y()); } config.setVerticalGuideLines(transformedLines); d->document->setGuidesConfig(config); } void Document::setGuidesVisible(bool visible) { if (!d->document) return; KisGuidesConfig config = d->document->guidesConfig(); config.setShowGuides(visible); d->document->setGuidesConfig(config); } void Document::setGuidesLocked(bool locked) { if (!d->document) return; KisGuidesConfig config = d->document->guidesConfig(); config.setLockGuides(locked); d->document->setGuidesConfig(config); } bool Document::modified() const { if (!d->document) return false; return d->document->isModified(); } QRect Document::bounds() const { if (!d->document) return QRect(); return d->document->image()->bounds(); } QPointer Document::document() const { return d->document; } /* Animation related function */ bool Document::importAnimation(const QList &files, int firstFrame, int step) { KisView *activeView = KisPart::instance()->currentMainwindow()->activeView(); KoUpdaterPtr updater = 0; if (activeView && d->document->fileBatchMode()) { updater = activeView->viewManager()->createUnthreadedUpdater(i18n("Import frames")); } KisAnimationImporter importer(d->document->image(), updater); KisImportExportErrorCode status = importer.import(files, firstFrame, step); return status.isOk(); } int Document::framesPerSecond() { if (!d->document) return false; if (!d->document->image()) return false; return d->document->image()->animationInterface()->framerate(); } void Document::setFramesPerSecond(int fps) { if (!d->document) return; if (!d->document->image()) return; d->document->image()->animationInterface()->setFramerate(fps); } void Document::setFullClipRangeStartTime(int startTime) { if (!d->document) return; if (!d->document->image()) return; d->document->image()->animationInterface()->setFullClipRangeStartTime(startTime); } int Document::fullClipRangeStartTime() { if (!d->document) return false; if (!d->document->image()) return false; return d->document->image()->animationInterface()->fullClipRange().start(); } void Document::setFullClipRangeEndTime(int endTime) { if (!d->document) return; if (!d->document->image()) return; d->document->image()->animationInterface()->setFullClipRangeEndTime(endTime); } int Document::fullClipRangeEndTime() { if (!d->document) return false; if (!d->document->image()) return false; return d->document->image()->animationInterface()->fullClipRange().end(); } int Document::animationLength() { if (!d->document) return false; if (!d->document->image()) return false; return d->document->image()->animationInterface()->totalLength(); } void Document::setPlayBackRange(int start, int stop) { if (!d->document) return; if (!d->document->image()) return; const KisTimeRange newTimeRange = KisTimeRange(start, (stop-start)); d->document->image()->animationInterface()->setPlaybackRange(newTimeRange); } int Document::playBackStartTime() { if (!d->document) return false; if (!d->document->image()) return false; return d->document->image()->animationInterface()->playbackRange().start(); } int Document::playBackEndTime() { if (!d->document) return false; if (!d->document->image()) return false; return d->document->image()->animationInterface()->playbackRange().end(); } int Document::currentTime() { if (!d->document) return false; if (!d->document->image()) return false; return d->document->image()->animationInterface()->currentTime(); } void Document::setCurrentTime(int time) { if (!d->document) return; if (!d->document->image()) return; return d->document->image()->animationInterface()->requestTimeSwitchWithUndo(time); } diff --git a/libs/libkis/LibKisUtils.cpp b/libs/libkis/LibKisUtils.cpp index 0e87f05c89..8b4751061a 100644 --- a/libs/libkis/LibKisUtils.cpp +++ b/libs/libkis/LibKisUtils.cpp @@ -1,81 +1,54 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2018 Boudewijn Rempt * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "LibKisUtils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Node.h" #include "GroupLayer.h" #include "CloneLayer.h" #include "FilterLayer.h" #include "FillLayer.h" #include "FileLayer.h" #include "VectorLayer.h" #include "FilterMask.h" #include "SelectionMask.h" QList LibKisUtils::createNodeList(KisNodeList kisnodes, KisImageWSP image) { QList nodes; Q_FOREACH(KisNodeSP node, kisnodes) { - if (node->inherits("KisGroupLayer")) { - nodes << new GroupLayer(dynamic_cast(node.data())); - } - else if (node->inherits("KisCloneLayer")) { - nodes << new CloneLayer(dynamic_cast(node.data())); - } - else if (node->inherits("KisFileLayer")) { - nodes << new FileLayer(dynamic_cast(node.data())); - } - else if (node->inherits("KisAdjustmentLayer")) { - nodes << new FilterLayer(dynamic_cast(node.data())); - } - else if (node->inherits("KisGeneratorLayer")) { - nodes << new FillLayer(dynamic_cast(node.data())); - } - else if (node->inherits("KisShapeLayer")) { - nodes << new VectorLayer(dynamic_cast(node.data())); - } - else if (node->inherits("KisFilterMask")) { - nodes << new FilterMask(image, dynamic_cast(node.data())); - } - else if (node->inherits("KisSelectionMask")) { - nodes << new SelectionMask(image, dynamic_cast(node.data())); - } - else { - nodes << new Node(image, node); - } - + nodes << Node::createNode(image, node); } return nodes; } diff --git a/libs/libkis/Node.cpp b/libs/libkis/Node.cpp index 9eb64312f3..6b54bd3c53 100644 --- a/libs/libkis/Node.cpp +++ b/libs/libkis/Node.cpp @@ -1,651 +1,682 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2016 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_selection.h" #include "InfoObject.h" #include "Krita.h" #include "Node.h" #include "Channel.h" #include "Filter.h" #include "Selection.h" #include "GroupLayer.h" #include "CloneLayer.h" #include "FilterLayer.h" #include "FillLayer.h" #include "FileLayer.h" #include "VectorLayer.h" #include "FilterMask.h" #include "SelectionMask.h" #include "LibKisUtils.h" struct Node::Private { Private() {} KisImageWSP image; KisNodeSP node; }; Node::Node(KisImageSP image, KisNodeSP node, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , d(new Private) { d->image = image; d->node = node; } +Node *Node::createNode(KisImageSP image, KisNodeSP node, QObject *parent) +{ + if (node->inherits("KisGroupLayer")) { + return new GroupLayer(dynamic_cast(node.data())); + } + else if (node->inherits("KisCloneLayer")) { + return new CloneLayer(dynamic_cast(node.data())); + } + else if (node->inherits("KisFileLayer")) { + return new FileLayer(dynamic_cast(node.data())); + } + else if (node->inherits("KisAdjustmentLayer")) { + return new FilterLayer(dynamic_cast(node.data())); + } + else if (node->inherits("KisGeneratorLayer")) { + return new FillLayer(dynamic_cast(node.data())); + } + else if (node->inherits("KisShapeLayer")) { + return new VectorLayer(dynamic_cast(node.data())); + } + else if (node->inherits("KisFilterMask")) { + return new FilterMask(image, dynamic_cast(node.data())); + } + else if (node->inherits("KisSelectionMask")) { + return new SelectionMask(image, dynamic_cast(node.data())); + } + else { + return new Node(image, node, parent); + } +} + Node::~Node() { delete d; } bool Node::operator==(const Node &other) const { return (d->node == other.d->node && d->image == other.d->image); } bool Node::operator!=(const Node &other) const { return !(operator==(other)); } Node *Node::clone() const { KisNodeSP clone = d->node->clone(); - Node *node = new Node(0, clone); + Node *node = Node::createNode(0, clone); return node; } bool Node::alphaLocked() const { if (!d->node) return false; KisPaintLayerSP paintLayer = qobject_cast(d->node.data()); if (paintLayer) { return paintLayer->alphaLocked(); } return false; } void Node::setAlphaLocked(bool value) { if (!d->node) return; KisPaintLayerSP paintLayer = qobject_cast(d->node.data()); if (paintLayer) { paintLayer->setAlphaLocked(value); } } QString Node::blendingMode() const { if (!d->node) return QString(); return d->node->compositeOpId(); } void Node::setBlendingMode(QString value) { if (!d->node) return; d->node->setCompositeOpId(value); } QList Node::channels() const { QList channels; if (!d->node) return channels; if (!d->node->inherits("KisLayer")) return channels; Q_FOREACH(KoChannelInfo *info, d->node->colorSpace()->channels()) { Channel *channel = new Channel(d->node, info); channels << channel; } return channels; } QList Node::childNodes() const { QList nodes; if (d->node) { KisNodeList nodeList; int childCount = d->node->childCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childCount; ++i) { nodeList << d->node->at(i); } nodes = LibKisUtils::createNodeList(nodeList, d->image); } return nodes; } bool Node::addChildNode(Node *child, Node *above) { if (!d->node) return false; if (above) { return d->image->addNode(child->node(), d->node, above->node()); } else { return d->image->addNode(child->node(), d->node, d->node->childCount()); } } bool Node::removeChildNode(Node *child) { if (!d->node) return false; return d->image->removeNode(child->node()); } void Node::setChildNodes(QList nodes) { if (!d->node) return; KisNodeSP node = d->node->firstChild(); while (node) { d->image->removeNode(node); node = node->nextSibling(); } Q_FOREACH(Node *node, nodes) { d->image->addNode(node->node(), d->node); } } int Node::colorLabel() const { if (!d->node) return 0; return d->node->colorLabelIndex(); } void Node::setColorLabel(int index) { if (!d->node) return; d->node->setColorLabelIndex(index); } QString Node::colorDepth() const { if (!d->node) return ""; if (!d->node->projection()) return d->node->colorSpace()->colorDepthId().id(); return d->node->projection()->colorSpace()->colorDepthId().id(); } QString Node::colorModel() const { if (!d->node) return ""; if (!d->node->projection()) return d->node->colorSpace()->colorModelId().id(); return d->node->projection()->colorSpace()->colorModelId().id(); } QString Node::colorProfile() const { if (!d->node) return ""; if (!d->node->projection()) return d->node->colorSpace()->profile()->name(); return d->node->projection()->colorSpace()->profile()->name(); } bool Node::setColorProfile(const QString &colorProfile) { if (!d->node) return false; if (!d->node->inherits("KisLayer")) return false; KisLayer *layer = qobject_cast(d->node.data()); const KoColorProfile *profile = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->profileByName(colorProfile); const KoColorSpace *srcCS = layer->colorSpace(); const KoColorSpace *dstCs = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(srcCS->colorModelId().id(), srcCS->colorDepthId().id(), profile); KisChangeProfileVisitor v(srcCS, dstCs); return layer->accept(v); } bool Node::setColorSpace(const QString &colorModel, const QString &colorDepth, const QString &colorProfile) { if (!d->node) return false; if (!d->node->inherits("KisLayer")) return false; KisLayer *layer = qobject_cast(d->node.data()); const KoColorProfile *profile = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->profileByName(colorProfile); const KoColorSpace *srcCS = layer->colorSpace(); const KoColorSpace *dstCs = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(colorModel, colorDepth, profile); KisColorSpaceConvertVisitor v(d->image, srcCS, dstCs, KoColorConversionTransformation::internalRenderingIntent(), KoColorConversionTransformation::internalConversionFlags()); return layer->accept(v); } bool Node::animated() const { if (!d->node) return false; return d->node->isAnimated(); } void Node::enableAnimation() const { if (!d->node) return; d->node->enableAnimation(); } void Node::setShowInTimeline(bool showInTimeline) const { if (!d->node) return; d->node->setUseInTimeline(showInTimeline); } bool Node::showInTimeline() const { if (!d->node) return false; return d->node->useInTimeline(); } bool Node::collapsed() const { if (!d->node) return false; return d->node->collapsed(); } void Node::setCollapsed(bool collapsed) { if (!d->node) return; d->node->setCollapsed(collapsed); } bool Node::inheritAlpha() const { if (!d->node) return false; if (!d->node->inherits("KisLayer")) return false; return qobject_cast(d->node)->alphaChannelDisabled(); } void Node::setInheritAlpha(bool value) { if (!d->node) return; if (!d->node->inherits("KisLayer")) return; const_cast(qobject_cast(d->node))->disableAlphaChannel(value); } bool Node::locked() const { if (!d->node) return false; return d->node->userLocked(); } void Node::setLocked(bool value) { if (!d->node) return; d->node->setUserLocked(value); } bool Node::hasExtents() { return !d->node->extent().isEmpty(); } QString Node::name() const { if (!d->node) return QString(); return d->node->name(); } void Node::setName(QString name) { if (!d->node) return; d->node->setName(name); } int Node::opacity() const { if (!d->node) return 0; return d->node->opacity(); } void Node::setOpacity(int value) { if (!d->node) return; if (value < 0) value = 0; if (value > 255) value = 255; d->node->setOpacity(value); } Node* Node::parentNode() const { if (!d->node) return 0; - return new Node(d->image, d->node->parent()); + return Node::createNode(d->image, d->node->parent()); } QString Node::type() const { if (!d->node) return QString(); if (qobject_cast(d->node)) { return "paintlayer"; } else if (qobject_cast(d->node)) { return "grouplayer"; } if (qobject_cast(d->node)) { return "filelayer"; } if (qobject_cast(d->node)) { return "filterlayer"; } if (qobject_cast(d->node)) { return "filllayer"; } if (qobject_cast(d->node)) { return "clonelayer"; } if (qobject_cast(d->node)) { return "referenceimageslayer"; } if (qobject_cast(d->node)) { return "vectorlayer"; } if (qobject_cast(d->node)) { return "transparencymask"; } if (qobject_cast(d->node)) { return "filtermask"; } if (qobject_cast(d->node)) { return "transformmask"; } if (qobject_cast(d->node)) { return "selectionmask"; } if (qobject_cast(d->node)) { return "colorizemask"; } return QString(); } QIcon Node::icon() const { QIcon icon; if (d->node) { icon = d->node->icon(); } return icon; } bool Node::visible() const { if (!d->node) return false; return d->node->visible(); } bool Node::hasKeyframeAtTime(int frameNumber) { if (!d->node || !d->node->isAnimated()) return false; KisRasterKeyframeChannel *rkc = dynamic_cast(d->node->getKeyframeChannel(KisKeyframeChannel::Content.id())); if (!rkc) return false; KisKeyframeSP timeOfCurrentKeyframe = rkc->keyframeAt(frameNumber); if (!timeOfCurrentKeyframe) { return false; } // do an assert just to be careful KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN_VALUE(timeOfCurrentKeyframe->time() == frameNumber, false); return true; } void Node::setVisible(bool visible) { if (!d->node) return; d->node->setVisible(visible); } QByteArray Node::pixelData(int x, int y, int w, int h) const { QByteArray ba; if (!d->node) return ba; KisPaintDeviceSP dev = d->node->paintDevice(); if (!dev) return ba; ba.resize(w * h * dev->pixelSize()); dev->readBytes(reinterpret_cast(ba.data()), x, y, w, h); return ba; } QByteArray Node::pixelDataAtTime(int x, int y, int w, int h, int time) const { QByteArray ba; if (!d->node || !d->node->isAnimated()) return ba; // KisRasterKeyframeChannel *rkc = dynamic_cast(d->node->getKeyframeChannel(KisKeyframeChannel::Content.id())); if (!rkc) return ba; KisKeyframeSP frame = rkc->keyframeAt(time); if (!frame) return ba; KisPaintDeviceSP dev = d->node->paintDevice(); if (!dev) return ba; rkc->fetchFrame(frame, dev); ba.resize(w * h * dev->pixelSize()); dev->readBytes(reinterpret_cast(ba.data()), x, y, w, h); return ba; } QByteArray Node::projectionPixelData(int x, int y, int w, int h) const { QByteArray ba; if (!d->node) return ba; KisPaintDeviceSP dev = d->node->projection(); if (!dev) return ba; ba.resize(w * h * dev->pixelSize()); dev->readBytes(reinterpret_cast(ba.data()), x, y, w, h); return ba; } void Node::setPixelData(QByteArray value, int x, int y, int w, int h) { if (!d->node) return; KisPaintDeviceSP dev = d->node->paintDevice(); if (!dev) return; dev->writeBytes((const quint8*)value.constData(), x, y, w, h); } QRect Node::bounds() const { if (!d->node) return QRect(); return d->node->exactBounds(); } void Node::move(int x, int y) { if (!d->node) return; d->node->setX(x); d->node->setY(y); } QPoint Node::position() const { if (!d->node) return QPoint(); return QPoint(d->node->x(), d->node->y()); } bool Node::remove() { if (!d->node) return false; if (!d->node->parent()) return false; return d->image->removeNode(d->node); } Node* Node::duplicate() { if (!d->node) return 0; - return new Node(d->image, d->node->clone()); + return Node::createNode(d->image, d->node->clone()); } bool Node::save(const QString &filename, double xRes, double yRes, const InfoObject &exportConfiguration, const QRect &exportRect) { if (!d->node) return false; if (filename.isEmpty()) return false; KisPaintDeviceSP projection = d->node->projection(); QRect bounds = (exportRect.isEmpty())? d->node->exactBounds() : exportRect; QString mimeType = KisMimeDatabase::mimeTypeForFile(filename, false); QScopedPointer doc(KisPart::instance()->createDocument()); KisImageSP dst = new KisImage(doc->createUndoStore(), bounds.right(), bounds.bottom(), projection->compositionSourceColorSpace(), d->node->name()); dst->setResolution(xRes, yRes); doc->setFileBatchMode(Krita::instance()->batchmode()); doc->setCurrentImage(dst); KisPaintLayer* paintLayer = new KisPaintLayer(dst, "paint device", d->node->opacity()); paintLayer->paintDevice()->makeCloneFrom(projection, bounds); dst->addNode(paintLayer, dst->rootLayer(), KisLayerSP(0)); dst->cropImage(bounds); dst->initialRefreshGraph(); bool r = doc->exportDocumentSync(QUrl::fromLocalFile(filename), mimeType.toLatin1(), exportConfiguration.configuration()); if (!r) { qWarning() << doc->errorMessage(); } return r; } Node* Node::mergeDown() { if (!d->node) return 0; if (!qobject_cast(d->node.data())) return 0; if (!d->node->prevSibling()) return 0; d->image->mergeDown(qobject_cast(d->node.data()), KisMetaData::MergeStrategyRegistry::instance()->get("Drop")); d->image->waitForDone(); - return new Node(d->image, d->node->prevSibling()); + return Node::createNode(d->image, d->node->prevSibling()); } void Node::scaleNode(QPointF origin, int width, int height, QString strategy) { if (!d->node) return; if (!qobject_cast(d->node.data())) return; if (!d->node->parent()) return; KisFilterStrategy *actualStrategy = KisFilterStrategyRegistry::instance()->get(strategy); if (!actualStrategy) actualStrategy = KisFilterStrategyRegistry::instance()->get("Bicubic"); const QRect bounds(d->node->exactBounds()); d->image->scaleNode(d->node, origin, qreal(width) / bounds.width(), qreal(height) / bounds.height(), actualStrategy, 0); } void Node::rotateNode(double radians) { if (!d->node) return; if (!qobject_cast(d->node.data())) return; if (!d->node->parent()) return; d->image->rotateNode(d->node, radians, 0); } void Node::cropNode(int x, int y, int w, int h) { if (!d->node) return; if (!qobject_cast(d->node.data())) return; if (!d->node->parent()) return; QRect rect = QRect(x, y, w, h); d->image->cropNode(d->node, rect); } void Node::shearNode(double angleX, double angleY) { if (!d->node) return; if (!qobject_cast(d->node.data())) return; if (!d->node->parent()) return; d->image->shearNode(d->node, angleX, angleY, 0); } QImage Node::thumbnail(int w, int h) { if (!d->node) return QImage(); return d->node->createThumbnail(w, h); } KisPaintDeviceSP Node::paintDevice() const { return d->node->paintDevice(); } KisImageSP Node::image() const { return d->image; } KisNodeSP Node::node() const { return d->node; } diff --git a/libs/libkis/Node.h b/libs/libkis/Node.h index 2857cdcacf..259d51e2f4 100644 --- a/libs/libkis/Node.h +++ b/libs/libkis/Node.h @@ -1,573 +1,579 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2016 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef LIBKIS_NODE_H #define LIBKIS_NODE_H #include #include #include "kritalibkis_export.h" #include "libkis.h" /** * Node represents a layer or mask in a Krita image's Node hierarchy. Group layers can contain * other layers and masks; layers can contain masks. * */ class KRITALIBKIS_EXPORT Node : public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_DISABLE_COPY(Node) public: - explicit Node(KisImageSP image, KisNodeSP node, QObject *parent = 0); + static Node *createNode(KisImageSP image, KisNodeSP node, QObject *parent = 0); ~Node() override; bool operator==(const Node &other) const; bool operator!=(const Node &other) const; public Q_SLOTS: /** * @brief clone clone the current node. The node is not associated with any image. */ Node *clone() const; /** * @brief alphaLocked checks whether the node is a paint layer and returns whether it is alpha locked * @return whether the paint layer is alpha locked, or false if the node is not a paint layer */ bool alphaLocked() const; /** * @brief setAlphaLocked set the layer to value if the node is paint layer. */ void setAlphaLocked(bool value); /** * @return the blending mode of the layer. The values of the blending modes are defined in @see KoCompositeOpRegistry.h */ QString blendingMode() const; /** * @brief setBlendingMode set the blending mode of the node to the given value * @param value one of the string values from @see KoCompositeOpRegistry.h */ void setBlendingMode(QString value); /** * @brief channels creates a list of Channel objects that can be used individually to * show or hide certain channels, and to retrieve the contents of each channel in a * node separately. * * Only layers have channels, masks do not, and calling channels on a Node that is a mask * will return an empty list. * * @return the list of channels ordered in by position of the channels in pixel position */ QList channels() const; /** * Return a list of child nodes of the current node. The nodes are ordered from the bottommost up. * The function is not recursive. */ QList childNodes() const; /** * @brief addChildNode adds the given node in the list of children. * @param child the node to be added * @param above the node above which this node will be placed * @return false if adding the node failed */ bool addChildNode(Node *child, Node *above); /** * @brief removeChildNode removes the given node from the list of children. * @param child the node to be removed */ bool removeChildNode(Node *child); /** * @brief setChildNodes this replaces the existing set of child nodes with the new set. * @param nodes The list of nodes that will become children, bottom-up -- the first node, * is the bottom-most node in the stack. */ void setChildNodes(QList nodes); /** * colorDepth A string describing the color depth of the image: *
  • U8: unsigned 8 bits integer, the most common type
  • *
  • U16: unsigned 16 bits integer
  • *
  • F16: half, 16 bits floating point. Only available if Krita was built with OpenEXR
  • *
  • F32: 32 bits floating point
  • *
* @return the color depth. */ QString colorDepth() const; /** * @brief colorModel retrieve the current color model of this document: *
  • A: Alpha mask
  • *
  • RGBA: RGB with alpha channel (The actual order of channels is most often BGR!)
  • *
  • XYZA: XYZ with alpha channel
  • *
  • LABA: LAB with alpha channel
  • *
  • CMYKA: CMYK with alpha channel
  • *
  • GRAYA: Gray with alpha channel
  • *
  • YCbCrA: YCbCr with alpha channel
  • *
* @return the internal color model string. */ QString colorModel() const; /** * @return the name of the current color profile */ QString colorProfile() const; /** * @brief setColorProfile set the color profile of the image to the given profile. The profile has to * be registered with krita and be compatible with the current color model and depth; the image data * is not converted. * @param colorProfile * @return if assigning the color profile worked */ bool setColorProfile(const QString &colorProfile); /** * @brief setColorSpace convert the node to the given colorspace * @param colorModel A string describing the color model of the node: *
  • A: Alpha mask
  • *
  • RGBA: RGB with alpha channel (The actual order of channels is most often BGR!)
  • *
  • XYZA: XYZ with alpha channel
  • *
  • LABA: LAB with alpha channel
  • *
  • CMYKA: CMYK with alpha channel
  • *
  • GRAYA: Gray with alpha channel
  • *
  • YCbCrA: YCbCr with alpha channel
  • *
* @param colorDepth A string describing the color depth of the image: *
  • U8: unsigned 8 bits integer, the most common type
  • *
  • U16: unsigned 16 bits integer
  • *
  • F16: half, 16 bits floating point. Only available if Krita was built with OpenEXR
  • *
  • F32: 32 bits floating point
  • *
* @param colorProfile a valid color profile for this color model and color depth combination. */ bool setColorSpace(const QString &colorModel, const QString &colorDepth, const QString &colorProfile); /** * @brief Krita layers can be animated, i.e., have frames. * @return return true if the layer has frames. Currently, the scripting framework * does not give access to the animation features. */ bool animated() const; /** * @brief enableAnimation make the current layer animated, so it can have frames. */ void enableAnimation() const; /** * @brief Should the node be visible in the timeline. It defaults to false * with new layer */ void setShowInTimeline(bool showInTimeline) const; /** * @return is layer is shown in the timeline */ bool showInTimeline() const; /** * Sets the state of the node to the value of @param collapsed */ void setCollapsed(bool collapsed); /** * returns the collapsed state of this node */ bool collapsed() const; /** * Sets a color label index associated to the layer. The actual * color of the label and the number of available colors is * defined by Krita GUI configuration. */ int colorLabel() const; /** * @brief setColorLabel sets a color label index associated to the layer. The actual * color of the label and the number of available colors is * defined by Krita GUI configuration. * @param index an integer corresponding to the set of available color labels. */ void setColorLabel(int index); /** * @brief inheritAlpha checks whether this node has the inherits alpha flag set * @return true if the Inherit Alpha is set */ bool inheritAlpha() const; /** * set the Inherit Alpha flag to the given value */ void setInheritAlpha(bool value); /** * @brief locked checks whether the Node is locked. A locked node cannot be changed. * @return true if the Node is locked, false if it hasn't been locked. */ bool locked() const; /** * set the Locked flag to the give value */ void setLocked(bool value); /** * @brief does the node have any content in it? * @return if node has any content in it */ bool hasExtents(); /** * @return the user-visible name of this node. */ QString name() const; /** * rename the Node to the given name */ void setName(QString name); /** * return the opacity of the Node. The opacity is a value between 0 and 255. */ int opacity() const; /** * set the opacity of the Node to the given value. The opacity is a value between 0 and 255. */ void setOpacity(int value); /** * return the Node that is the parent of the current Node, or 0 if this is the root Node. */ Node* parentNode() const; /** * @brief type Krita has several types of nodes, split in layers and masks. Group * layers can contain other layers, any layer can contain masks. * * @return The type of the node. Valid types are: *
  • paintlayer *
  • grouplayer *
  • filelayer *
  • filterlayer *
  • filllayer *
  • clonelayer *
  • vectorlayer *
  • transparencymask *
  • filtermask *
  • transformmask *
  • selectionmask *
  • colorizemask *
* * If the Node object isn't wrapping a valid Krita layer or mask object, and * empty string is returned. */ virtual QString type() const; /** * @brief icon * @return the icon associated with the layer. */ QIcon icon() const; /** * Check whether the current Node is visible in the layer stack */ bool visible() const; /** * Check to see if frame number on layer is a keyframe */ bool hasKeyframeAtTime(int frameNumber); /** * Set the visibility of the current node to @param visible */ void setVisible(bool visible); /** * @brief pixelData reads the given rectangle from the Node's paintable pixels, if those * exist, and returns it as a byte array. The pixel data starts top-left, and is ordered row-first. * * The byte array can be interpreted as follows: 8 bits images have one byte per channel, * and as many bytes as there are channels. 16 bits integer images have two bytes per channel, * representing an unsigned short. 16 bits float images have two bytes per channel, representing * a half, or 16 bits float. 32 bits float images have four bytes per channel, representing a * float. * * You can read outside the node boundaries; those pixels will be transparent black. * * The order of channels is: * *
  • Integer RGBA: Blue, Green, Red, Alpha *
  • Float RGBA: Red, Green, Blue, Alpha *
  • GrayA: Gray, Alpha *
  • Selection: selectedness *
  • LabA: L, a, b, Alpha *
  • CMYKA: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key, Alpha *
  • XYZA: X, Y, Z, A *
  • YCbCrA: Y, Cb, Cr, Alpha *
* * The byte array is a copy of the original node data. In Python, you can use bytes, bytearray * and the struct module to interpret the data and construct, for instance, a Pillow Image object. * * If you read the pixeldata of a mask, a filter or generator layer, you get the selection bytes, * which is one channel with values in the range from 0..255. * * If you want to change the pixels of a node you can write the pixels back after manipulation * with setPixelData(). This will only succeed on nodes with writable pixel data, e.g not on groups * or file layers. * * @param x x position from where to start reading * @param y y position from where to start reading * @param w row length to read * @param h number of rows to read * @return a QByteArray with the pixel data. The byte array may be empty. */ QByteArray pixelData(int x, int y, int w, int h) const; /** * @brief pixelDataAtTime a basic function to get pixeldata from an animated node at a given time. * @param x the position from the left to start reading. * @param y the position from the top to start reader * @param w the row length to read * @param h the number of rows to read * @param time the frame number * @return a QByteArray with the pixel data. The byte array may be empty. */ QByteArray pixelDataAtTime(int x, int y, int w, int h, int time) const; /** * @brief projectionPixelData reads the given rectangle from the Node's projection (that is, what the node * looks like after all sub-Nodes (like layers in a group or masks on a layer) have been applied, * and returns it as a byte array. The pixel data starts top-left, and is ordered row-first. * * The byte array can be interpreted as follows: 8 bits images have one byte per channel, * and as many bytes as there are channels. 16 bits integer images have two bytes per channel, * representing an unsigned short. 16 bits float images have two bytes per channel, representing * a half, or 16 bits float. 32 bits float images have four bytes per channel, representing a * float. * * You can read outside the node boundaries; those pixels will be transparent black. * * The order of channels is: * *
  • Integer RGBA: Blue, Green, Red, Alpha *
  • Float RGBA: Red, Green, Blue, Alpha *
  • GrayA: Gray, Alpha *
  • Selection: selectedness *
  • LabA: L, a, b, Alpha *
  • CMYKA: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key, Alpha *
  • XYZA: X, Y, Z, A *
  • YCbCrA: Y, Cb, Cr, Alpha *
* * The byte array is a copy of the original node data. In Python, you can use bytes, bytearray * and the struct module to interpret the data and construct, for instance, a Pillow Image object. * * If you read the projection of a mask, you get the selection bytes, which is one channel with * values in the range from 0..255. * * If you want to change the pixels of a node you can write the pixels back after manipulation * with setPixelData(). This will only succeed on nodes with writable pixel data, e.g not on groups * or file layers. * * @param x x position from where to start reading * @param y y position from where to start reading * @param w row length to read * @param h number of rows to read * @return a QByteArray with the pixel data. The byte array may be empty. */ QByteArray projectionPixelData(int x, int y, int w, int h) const; /** * @brief setPixelData writes the given bytes, of which there must be enough, into the * Node, if the Node has writable pixel data: * *
  • paint layer: the layer's original pixels are overwritten *
  • filter layer, generator layer, any mask: the embedded selection's pixels are overwritten. * Note: for these *
* * File layers, Group layers, Clone layers cannot be written to. Calling setPixelData on * those layer types will silently do nothing. * * @param value the byte array representing the pixels. There must be enough bytes available. * Krita will take the raw pointer from the QByteArray and start reading, not stopping before * (number of channels * size of channel * w * h) bytes are read. * * @param x the x position to start writing from * @param y the y position to start writing from * @param w the width of each row * @param h the number of rows to write */ void setPixelData(QByteArray value, int x, int y, int w, int h); /** * @brief bounds return the exact bounds of the node's paint device * @return the bounds, or an empty QRect if the node has no paint device or is empty. */ QRect bounds() const; /** * move the pixels to the given x, y location in the image coordinate space. */ void move(int x, int y); /** * @brief position returns the position of the paint device of this node. The position is * always 0,0 unless the layer has been moved. If you want to know the topleft position of * the rectangle around the actual non-transparent pixels in the node, use bounds(). * @return the top-left position of the node */ QPoint position() const; /** * @brief remove removes this node from its parent image. */ bool remove(); /** * @brief duplicate returns a full copy of the current node. The node is not inserted in the graphic * @return a valid Node object or 0 if the node couldn't be duplicated. */ Node* duplicate(); /** * @brief save exports the given node with this filename. The extension of the filename determines the filetype. * @param filename the filename including extension * @param xRes the horizontal resolution in pixels per pt (there are 72 pts in an inch) * @param yRes the horizontal resolution in pixels per pt (there are 72 pts in an inch) * @param exportConfiguration a configuration object appropriate to the file format. * @param exportRect the export bounds for saving a node as a QRect * If \p exportRect is empty, then save exactBounds() of the node. If you'd like to save the image- * aligned area of the node, just pass image->bounds() there. * See Document->exportImage for InfoObject details. * @return true if saving succeeded, false if it failed. */ bool save(const QString &filename, double xRes, double yRes, const InfoObject &exportConfiguration, const QRect &exportRect = QRect()); /** * @brief mergeDown merges the given node with the first visible node underneath this node in the layerstack. * This will drop all per-layer metadata. */ Node *mergeDown(); /** * @brief scaleNode * @param origin the origin point * @param width the width * @param height the height * @param strategy the scaling strategy. There's several ones amongst these that aren't available in the regular UI. *
  • Hermite
  • *
  • Bicubic - Adds pixels using the color of surrounding pixels. Produces smoother tonal gradations than Bilinear.
  • *
  • Box - Replicate pixels in the image. Preserves all the original detail, but can produce jagged effects.
  • *
  • Bilinear - Adds pixels averaging the color values of surrounding pixels. Produces medium quality results when the image is scaled from half to two times the original size.
  • *
  • Bell
  • *
  • BSpline
  • *
  • Lanczos3 - Offers similar results than Bicubic, but maybe a little bit sharper. Can produce light and dark halos along strong edges.
  • *
  • Mitchell
  • *
*/ void scaleNode(QPointF origin, int width, int height, QString strategy); /** * @brief rotateNode rotate this layer by the given radians. * @param radians amount the layer should be rotated in, in radians. */ void rotateNode(double radians); /** * @brief cropNode crop this layer. * @param x the left edge of the cropping rectangle. * @param y the top edge of the cropping rectangle * @param w the right edge of the cropping rectangle * @param h the bottom edge of the cropping rectangle */ void cropNode(int x, int y, int w, int h); /** * @brief shearNode perform a shear operation on this node. * @param angleX the X-angle in degrees to shear by * @param angleY the Y-angle in degrees to shear by */ void shearNode(double angleX, double angleY); /** * @brief thumbnail create a thumbnail of the given dimensions. The thumbnail is sized according * to the layer dimensions, not the image dimensions. If the requested size is too big a null * QImage is created. If the current node cannot generate a thumbnail, a transparent QImage of the * requested size is generated. * @return a QImage representing the layer contents. */ QImage thumbnail(int w, int h); private: friend class Filter; friend class Document; friend class Selection; friend class GroupLayer; friend class FileLayer; friend class FilterLayer; friend class FillLayer; friend class VectorLayer; friend class FilterMask; friend class SelectionMask; + friend class CloneLayer; + + explicit Node(KisImageSP image, KisNodeSP node, QObject *parent = 0); + /** * @brief paintDevice gives access to the internal paint device of this Node * @return the paintdevice or 0 if the node does not have an editable paint device. */ KisPaintDeviceSP paintDevice() const; KisImageSP image() const; KisNodeSP node() const; struct Private; Private *const d; }; +typedef QSharedPointer NodeSP; + #endif // LIBKIS_NODE_H diff --git a/libs/libkis/tests/TestChannel.cpp b/libs/libkis/tests/TestChannel.cpp index e8179a3da8..dd0d31779e 100644 --- a/libs/libkis/tests/TestChannel.cpp +++ b/libs/libkis/tests/TestChannel.cpp @@ -1,120 +1,120 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2017 Boudewijn Rempt This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "TestChannel.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sdk/tests/kistest.h" void TestChannel::testPixelDataU8() { KisImageSP image = new KisImage(0, 100, 100, KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(), "test"); KisNodeSP layer = new KisPaintLayer(image, "test1", 255); KisFillPainter gc(layer->paintDevice()); gc.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100, KoColor(Qt::red, layer->colorSpace())); - Node node(image, layer); - QList channels = node.channels(); + NodeSP node = NodeSP(Node::createNode(image, layer)); + QList channels = node->channels(); Q_FOREACH(Channel *channel, channels) { QVERIFY(channel->channelSize() == 1); } } void TestChannel::testPixelDataU16() { KisImageSP image = new KisImage(0, 100, 100, KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb16(), "test"); KisNodeSP layer = new KisPaintLayer(image, "test1", 255); KisFillPainter gc(layer->paintDevice()); gc.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100, KoColor(Qt::red, layer->colorSpace())); - Node node(image, layer); - QList channels = node.channels(); + NodeSP node = NodeSP(Node::createNode(image, layer)); + QList channels = node->channels(); Q_FOREACH(Channel *channel, channels) { QVERIFY(channel->channelSize() == 2); } } void TestChannel::testPixelDataF16() { #ifdef HAVE_OPENEXR const KoColorSpace * cs = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace("RGBA", "F16", ""); KisImageSP image = new KisImage(0, 100, 100, cs, "test"); KisNodeSP layer = new KisPaintLayer(image, "test1", 255); KisFillPainter gc(layer->paintDevice()); gc.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100, KoColor(Qt::red, layer->colorSpace())); - Node node(image, layer); - QList channels = node.channels(); + NodeSP node = NodeSP(Node::createNode(image, layer)); + QList channels = node->channels(); Q_FOREACH(Channel *channel, channels) { qDebug() << "channelsize" << channel->channelSize(); QVERIFY(channel->channelSize() == 2); } #endif } void TestChannel::testPixelDataF32() { KisImageSP image = new KisImage(0, 100, 100, KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace("RGBA", "F32", ""), "test"); KisNodeSP layer = new KisPaintLayer(image, "test1", 255); KisFillPainter gc(layer->paintDevice()); gc.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100, KoColor(Qt::red, layer->colorSpace())); - Node node(image, layer); - QList channels = node.channels(); + NodeSP node = NodeSP(Node::createNode(image, layer)); + QList channels = node->channels(); Q_FOREACH(Channel *channel, channels) { QVERIFY(channel->channelSize() == 4); } } void TestChannel::testReadWritePixelData() { KisImageSP image = new KisImage(0, 2, 2, KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace("RGBA", "U8", ""), "test"); KisNodeSP layer = new KisPaintLayer(image, "test1", 255); KisFillPainter gc(layer->paintDevice()); gc.fillRect(0, 0, 2, 2, KoColor(Qt::yellow, layer->colorSpace())); - Node node(image, layer); - QList channels = node.channels(); + NodeSP node = NodeSP(Node::createNode(image, layer)); + QList channels = node->channels(); Channel *greenChan = channels[1]; QVERIFY(greenChan->name() == "Green"); QRect rc = greenChan->bounds(); QVERIFY(rc == QRect(0, 0, 2, 2)); QByteArray ba = greenChan->pixelData(rc); ba.fill('\x80', 4); greenChan->setPixelData(ba, rc); image->refreshGraph(); QColor c; layer->paintDevice()->pixel(0, 0, &c); QVERIFY(c == QColor(255, 128, 0)); } KISTEST_MAIN(TestChannel) diff --git a/libs/libkis/tests/TestFilter.cpp b/libs/libkis/tests/TestFilter.cpp index 8a3b67c735..a01aa51fca 100644 --- a/libs/libkis/tests/TestFilter.cpp +++ b/libs/libkis/tests/TestFilter.cpp @@ -1,102 +1,102 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2017 Boudewijn Rempt This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "TestFilter.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include void TestFilter::testApply() { KisDocument *kisdoc = KisPart::instance()->createDocument(); KisImageSP image = new KisImage(0, 100, 100, KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(), "test"); KisNodeSP layer = new KisPaintLayer(image, "test1", 255); KisFillPainter gc(layer->paintDevice()); gc.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100, KoColor(Qt::black, layer->colorSpace())); image->addNode(layer); kisdoc->setCurrentImage(image); Document d(kisdoc); - Node node(image, layer); + NodeSP node = NodeSP(Node::createNode(image, layer)); Filter f; f.setName("invert"); QVERIFY(f.configuration()); d.lock(); - f.apply(&node, 0, 0, 100, 100); + f.apply(node.data(), 0, 0, 100, 100); d.unlock(); d.refreshProjection(); for (int i = 0; i < 100 ; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 100 ; j++) { QColor pixel; layer->paintDevice()->pixel(i, j, &pixel); QVERIFY(pixel == QColor(Qt::white)); } } } void TestFilter::testStartFilter() { KisDocument *kisdoc = KisPart::instance()->createDocument(); KisImageSP image = new KisImage(0, 100, 100, KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(), "test"); KisNodeSP layer = new KisPaintLayer(image, "test1", 255); KisFillPainter gc(layer->paintDevice()); gc.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100, KoColor(Qt::black, layer->colorSpace())); image->addNode(layer); kisdoc->setCurrentImage(image); Document d(kisdoc); - Node node(image, layer); + NodeSP node = NodeSP(Node::createNode(image, layer)); Filter f; f.setName("invert"); QVERIFY(f.configuration()); - f.startFilter(&node, 0, 0, 100, 100); + f.startFilter(node.data(), 0, 0, 100, 100); image->waitForDone(); for (int i = 0; i < 100 ; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 100 ; j++) { QColor pixel; layer->paintDevice()->pixel(i, j, &pixel); QVERIFY(pixel == QColor(Qt::white)); } } } KISTEST_MAIN(TestFilter) diff --git a/libs/libkis/tests/TestNode.cpp b/libs/libkis/tests/TestNode.cpp index 45d0d809ed..5b3cc06580 100644 --- a/libs/libkis/tests/TestNode.cpp +++ b/libs/libkis/tests/TestNode.cpp @@ -1,163 +1,163 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2017 Boudewijn Rempt This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "TestNode.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include void TestNode::testSetColorSpace() { KisImageSP image = new KisImage(0, 100, 100, KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(), "test"); KisNodeSP layer = new KisPaintLayer(image, "test1", 255); - Node node(image, layer); + NodeSP node = NodeSP(Node::createNode(image, layer)); QStringList profiles = Krita().profiles("GRAYA", "U16"); - node.setColorSpace("GRAYA", "U16", profiles.first()); + node->setColorSpace("GRAYA", "U16", profiles.first()); QVERIFY(layer->colorSpace()->colorModelId().id() == "GRAYA"); QVERIFY(layer->colorSpace()->colorDepthId().id() == "U16"); QVERIFY(layer->colorSpace()->profile()->name() == "gray built-in"); } void TestNode::testSetColorProfile() { KisImageSP image = new KisImage(0, 100, 100, KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(), "test"); KisNodeSP layer = new KisPaintLayer(image, "test1", 255); - Node node(image, layer); + NodeSP node = NodeSP(Node::createNode(image, layer)); QStringList profiles = Krita().profiles("RGBA", "U8"); Q_FOREACH(const QString &profile, profiles) { - node.setColorProfile(profile); + node->setColorProfile(profile); QVERIFY(layer->colorSpace()->profile()->name() == profile); } } void TestNode::testPixelData() { KisImageSP image = new KisImage(0, 100, 100, KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(), "test"); KisNodeSP layer = new KisPaintLayer(image, "test1", 255); KisFillPainter gc(layer->paintDevice()); gc.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100, KoColor(Qt::red, layer->colorSpace())); - Node node(image, layer); - QByteArray ba = node.pixelData(0, 0, 100, 100); + NodeSP node = NodeSP(Node::createNode(image, layer)); + QByteArray ba = node->pixelData(0, 0, 100, 100); QDataStream ds(ba); do { quint8 channelvalue; ds >> channelvalue; QVERIFY(channelvalue == 0); ds >> channelvalue; QVERIFY(channelvalue == 0); ds >> channelvalue; QVERIFY(channelvalue == 255); ds >> channelvalue; QVERIFY(channelvalue == 255); } while (!ds.atEnd()); QDataStream ds2(&ba, QIODevice::WriteOnly); for (int i = 0; i < 100 * 100; i++) { ds2 << 255; ds2 << 255; ds2 << 255; ds2 << 255; } - node.setPixelData(ba, 0, 0, 100, 100); + node->setPixelData(ba, 0, 0, 100, 100); for (int i = 0; i < 100 ; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 100 ; j++) { QColor pixel; layer->paintDevice()->pixel(i, j, &pixel); QVERIFY(pixel == QColor(Qt::black)); } } } void TestNode::testProjectionPixelData() { KisImageSP image = new KisImage(0, 100, 100, KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(), "test"); KisNodeSP layer = new KisPaintLayer(image, "test1", 255); KisFillPainter gc(layer->paintDevice()); gc.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100, KoColor(Qt::gray, layer->colorSpace())); - Node node(image, layer); - QByteArray ba = node.projectionPixelData(0, 0, 100, 100); + NodeSP node = NodeSP(Node::createNode(image, layer)); + QByteArray ba = node->projectionPixelData(0, 0, 100, 100); QDataStream ds(ba); for (int i = 0; i < 100 * 100; i++) { quint8 channelvalue; ds >> channelvalue; QVERIFY(channelvalue == 0xA4); ds >> channelvalue; QVERIFY(channelvalue == 0xA0); ds >> channelvalue; QVERIFY(channelvalue == 0xA0); ds >> channelvalue; QVERIFY(channelvalue == 0xFF); } } void TestNode::testThumbnail() { KisImageSP image = new KisImage(0, 100, 100, KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(), "test"); KisNodeSP layer = new KisPaintLayer(image, "test1", 255); KisFillPainter gc(layer->paintDevice()); gc.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100, KoColor(Qt::gray, layer->colorSpace())); - Node node(image, layer); - QImage thumb = node.thumbnail(10, 10); + NodeSP node = NodeSP(Node::createNode(image, layer)); + QImage thumb = node->thumbnail(10, 10); thumb.save("thumb.png"); QVERIFY(thumb.width() == 10); QVERIFY(thumb.height() == 10); // Our thumbnail calculator in KisPaintDevice cannot make a filled 10x10 thumbnail from a 100x100 device, // it makes it 10x10 empty, then puts 8x8 pixels in there... Not a bug in the Node class for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) { QVERIFY(thumb.pixelColor(i, j) == QColor(Qt::gray)); } } } void TestNode::testMergeDown() { KisImageSP image = new KisImage(0, 100, 100, KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(), "test"); KisNodeSP layer = new KisPaintLayer(image, "test1", 255); { KisFillPainter gc(layer->paintDevice()); gc.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100, KoColor(Qt::gray, layer->colorSpace())); } image->addNode(layer); KisNodeSP layer2 = new KisPaintLayer(image, "test2", 255); { KisFillPainter gc(layer2->paintDevice()); gc.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100, KoColor(Qt::gray, layer2->colorSpace())); } image->addNode(layer2); - Node n1(image, layer); - Node *n2 = n1.mergeDown(); + NodeSP n1 = NodeSP(Node::createNode(image, layer)); + Node *n2 = n1->mergeDown(); delete n2; } QTEST_MAIN(TestNode)