diff --git a/plugins/tools/karbonplugins/tools/CalligraphyTool/KarbonCalligraphyTool.cpp b/plugins/tools/karbonplugins/tools/CalligraphyTool/KarbonCalligraphyTool.cpp index af512b2a32..f9040ecb54 100644 --- a/plugins/tools/karbonplugins/tools/CalligraphyTool/KarbonCalligraphyTool.cpp +++ b/plugins/tools/karbonplugins/tools/CalligraphyTool/KarbonCalligraphyTool.cpp @@ -1,520 +1,524 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project * Copyright (C) 2008 Fela Winkelmolen * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KarbonCalligraphyTool.h" #include "KarbonCalligraphicShape.h" #include "KarbonCalligraphyOptionWidget.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #undef M_PI const qreal M_PI = 3.1415927; using std::pow; using std::sqrt; KarbonCalligraphyTool::KarbonCalligraphyTool(KoCanvasBase *canvas) : KoToolBase(canvas) , m_shape(0) , m_angle(0) , m_selectedPath(0) , m_isDrawing(false) , m_speed(0, 0) , m_lastShape(0) { connect(canvas->selectedShapesProxy(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), SLOT(updateSelectedPath())); updateSelectedPath(); } KarbonCalligraphyTool::~KarbonCalligraphyTool() { } void KarbonCalligraphyTool::paint(QPainter &painter, const KoViewConverter &converter) { if (m_selectedPath) { painter.save(); painter.setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing, false); painter.setPen(Qt::red); // TODO make configurable QRectF rect = m_selectedPath->boundingRect(); QPointF p1 = converter.documentToView(rect.topLeft()); QPointF p2 = converter.documentToView(rect.bottomRight()); painter.drawRect(QRectF(p1, p2)); painter.restore(); } if (!m_shape) { return; } painter.save(); painter.setTransform(m_shape->absoluteTransformation(&converter) * painter.transform()); KoShapePaintingContext paintContext; //FIXME m_shape->paint(painter, converter, paintContext); painter.restore(); } void KarbonCalligraphyTool::mousePressEvent(KoPointerEvent *event) { if (m_isDrawing) { return; } m_lastPoint = event->point; m_speed = QPointF(0, 0); m_isDrawing = true; m_pointCount = 0; m_shape = new KarbonCalligraphicShape(m_caps); m_shape->setBackground(QSharedPointer(new KoColorBackground(canvas()->resourceManager()->foregroundColor().toQColor()))); //addPoint( event ); } void KarbonCalligraphyTool::mouseMoveEvent(KoPointerEvent *event) { if (!m_isDrawing) { return; } addPoint(event); } void KarbonCalligraphyTool::mouseReleaseEvent(KoPointerEvent *event) { if (!m_isDrawing) { return; } if (m_pointCount == 0) { // handle click: select shape (if any) if (event->point == m_lastPoint) { KoShapeManager *shapeManager = canvas()->shapeManager(); KoShape *selectedShape = shapeManager->shapeAt(event->point); if (selectedShape != 0) { shapeManager->selection()->deselectAll(); shapeManager->selection()->select(selectedShape); } } delete m_shape; m_shape = 0; m_isDrawing = false; return; } else { m_endOfPath = false; // allow last point being added addPoint(event); // add last point m_isDrawing = false; } m_shape->simplifyGuidePath(); KUndo2Command *cmd = canvas()->shapeController()->addShape(m_shape, 0); if (cmd) { m_lastShape = m_shape; canvas()->addCommand(cmd); canvas()->updateCanvas(m_shape->boundingRect()); } else { // don't leak shape when command could not be created delete m_shape; } m_shape = 0; } void KarbonCalligraphyTool::addPoint(KoPointerEvent *event) { if (m_pointCount == 0) { if (m_usePath && m_selectedPath) { m_selectedPathOutline = m_selectedPath->outline(); } m_pointCount = 1; m_endOfPath = false; m_followPathPosition = 0; m_lastMousePos = event->point; m_lastPoint = calculateNewPoint(event->point, &m_speed); m_deviceSupportsTilt = (event->xTilt() != 0 || event->yTilt() != 0); return; } if (m_endOfPath) { return; } ++m_pointCount; setAngle(event); QPointF newSpeed; QPointF newPoint = calculateNewPoint(event->point, &newSpeed); qreal width = calculateWidth(event->pressure()); qreal angle = calculateAngle(m_speed, newSpeed); // add the previous point m_shape->appendPoint(m_lastPoint, angle, width); m_speed = newSpeed; m_lastPoint = newPoint; canvas()->updateCanvas(m_shape->lastPieceBoundingRect()); if (m_usePath && m_selectedPath) { m_speed = QPointF(0, 0); // following path } } void KarbonCalligraphyTool::setAngle(KoPointerEvent *event) { if (!m_useAngle) { m_angle = (360 - m_customAngle + 90) / 180.0 * M_PI; return; } // setting m_angle to the angle of the device if (event->xTilt() != 0 || event->yTilt() != 0) { m_deviceSupportsTilt = false; } if (m_deviceSupportsTilt) { if (event->xTilt() == 0 && event->yTilt() == 0) { return; // leave as is } qDebug() << "using tilt" << m_angle; if (event->x() == 0) { m_angle = M_PI / 2; return; } // y is inverted in qt painting m_angle = std::atan(static_cast(-event->yTilt() / event->xTilt())) + M_PI / 2; } else { m_angle = event->rotation() + M_PI / 2; qDebug() << "using rotation" << m_angle; } } QPointF KarbonCalligraphyTool::calculateNewPoint(const QPointF &mousePos, QPointF *speed) { if (!m_usePath || !m_selectedPath) { // don't follow path QPointF force = mousePos - m_lastPoint; QPointF dSpeed = force / m_mass; *speed = m_speed * (1.0 - m_drag) + dSpeed; return m_lastPoint + *speed; } QPointF sp = mousePos - m_lastMousePos; m_lastMousePos = mousePos; // follow selected path qreal step = QLineF(QPointF(0, 0), sp).length(); m_followPathPosition += step; qreal t; if (m_followPathPosition >= m_selectedPathOutline.length()) { t = 1.0; m_endOfPath = true; } else { t = m_selectedPathOutline.percentAtLength(m_followPathPosition); } QPointF res = m_selectedPathOutline.pointAtPercent(t) + m_selectedPath->position(); *speed = res - m_lastPoint; return res; } qreal KarbonCalligraphyTool::calculateWidth(qreal pressure) { // calculate the modulo of the speed qreal speed = std::sqrt(pow(m_speed.x(), 2) + pow(m_speed.y(), 2)); qreal thinning = m_thinning * (speed + 1) / 10.0; // can be negative if (thinning > 1) { thinning = 1; } if (!m_usePressure) { pressure = 1.0; } qreal strokeWidth = m_strokeWidth * pressure * (1 - thinning); const qreal MINIMUM_STROKE_WIDTH = 1.0; if (strokeWidth < MINIMUM_STROKE_WIDTH) { strokeWidth = MINIMUM_STROKE_WIDTH; } return strokeWidth; } qreal KarbonCalligraphyTool::calculateAngle(const QPointF &oldSpeed, const QPointF &newSpeed) { // calculate the average of the speed (sum of the normalized values) qreal oldLength = QLineF(QPointF(0, 0), oldSpeed).length(); qreal newLength = QLineF(QPointF(0, 0), newSpeed).length(); QPointF oldSpeedNorm = !qFuzzyCompare(oldLength + 1, 1) ? oldSpeed / oldLength : QPointF(0, 0); QPointF newSpeedNorm = !qFuzzyCompare(newLength + 1, 1) ? newSpeed / newLength : QPointF(0, 0); QPointF speed = oldSpeedNorm + newSpeedNorm; // angle solely based on the speed qreal speedAngle = 0; if (speed.x() != 0) { // avoid division by zero speedAngle = std::atan(speed.y() / speed.x()); } else if (speed.y() > 0) { // x == 0 && y != 0 speedAngle = M_PI / 2; } else if (speed.y() < 0) { // x == 0 && y != 0 speedAngle = -M_PI / 2; } if (speed.x() < 0) { speedAngle += M_PI; } // move 90 degrees speedAngle += M_PI / 2; qreal fixedAngle = m_angle; // check if the fixed angle needs to be flipped qreal diff = fixedAngle - speedAngle; while (diff >= M_PI) { // normalize diff between -180 and 180 diff -= 2 * M_PI; } while (diff < -M_PI) { diff += 2 * M_PI; } if (std::abs(diff) > M_PI / 2) { // if absolute value < 90 fixedAngle += M_PI; // += 180 } qreal dAngle = speedAngle - fixedAngle; // normalize dAngle between -90 and +90 while (dAngle >= M_PI / 2) { dAngle -= M_PI; } while (dAngle < -M_PI / 2) { dAngle += M_PI; } qreal angle = fixedAngle + dAngle * (1.0 - m_fixation); return angle; } void KarbonCalligraphyTool::activate(ToolActivation activation, const QSet &shapes) { KoToolBase::activate(activation, shapes); + if (!m_widget) { + createOptionWidgets(); + } + QAction *a = action("calligraphy_increase_width"); connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered()), m_widget, SLOT(increaseWidth()), Qt::UniqueConnection); a = action("calligraphy_decrease_width"); connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered()), m_widget, SLOT(decreaseWidth()), Qt::UniqueConnection); a = action("calligraphy_increase_angle"); connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered()), m_widget, SLOT(increaseAngle()), Qt::UniqueConnection); a = action("calligraphy_decrease_angle"); connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered()), m_widget, SLOT(decreaseAngle()), Qt::UniqueConnection); useCursor(Qt::CrossCursor); m_lastShape = 0; } void KarbonCalligraphyTool::deactivate() { QAction *a = action("calligraphy_increase_width"); disconnect(a, 0, this, 0); a = action("calligraphy_decrease_width"); disconnect(a, 0, this, 0); a = action("calligraphy_increase_angle"); disconnect(a, 0, this, 0); a = action("calligraphy_decrease_angle"); disconnect(a, 0, this, 0); if (m_lastShape && canvas()->shapeManager()->shapes().contains(m_lastShape)) { KoSelection *selection = canvas()->shapeManager()->selection(); selection->deselectAll(); selection->select(m_lastShape); } KoToolBase::deactivate(); } QList > KarbonCalligraphyTool::createOptionWidgets() { // if the widget don't exists yet create it QList > widgets; //KoFillConfigWidget *fillWidget = new KoFillConfigWidget(0); //fillWidget->setWindowTitle(i18n("Fill")); //widgets.append(fillWidget); m_widget = new KarbonCalligraphyOptionWidget(); connect(m_widget, SIGNAL(usePathChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(setUsePath(bool))); connect(m_widget, SIGNAL(usePressureChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(setUsePressure(bool))); connect(m_widget, SIGNAL(useAngleChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(setUseAngle(bool))); connect(m_widget, SIGNAL(widthChanged(double)), this, SLOT(setStrokeWidth(double))); connect(m_widget, SIGNAL(thinningChanged(double)), this, SLOT(setThinning(double))); connect(m_widget, SIGNAL(angleChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setAngle(int))); connect(m_widget, SIGNAL(fixationChanged(double)), this, SLOT(setFixation(double))); connect(m_widget, SIGNAL(capsChanged(double)), this, SLOT(setCaps(double))); connect(m_widget, SIGNAL(massChanged(double)), this, SLOT(setMass(double))); connect(m_widget, SIGNAL(dragChanged(double)), this, SLOT(setDrag(double))); connect(this, SIGNAL(pathSelectedChanged(bool)), m_widget, SLOT(setUsePathEnabled(bool))); // sync all parameters with the loaded profile m_widget->emitAll(); m_widget->setObjectName(i18n("Calligraphy")); m_widget->setWindowTitle(i18n("Calligraphy")); widgets.append(m_widget); return widgets; } void KarbonCalligraphyTool::setStrokeWidth(double width) { m_strokeWidth = width; } void KarbonCalligraphyTool::setThinning(double thinning) { m_thinning = thinning; } void KarbonCalligraphyTool::setAngle(int angle) { m_customAngle = angle; } void KarbonCalligraphyTool::setFixation(double fixation) { m_fixation = fixation; } void KarbonCalligraphyTool::setMass(double mass) { m_mass = mass * mass + 1; } void KarbonCalligraphyTool::setDrag(double drag) { m_drag = drag; } void KarbonCalligraphyTool::setUsePath(bool usePath) { m_usePath = usePath; } void KarbonCalligraphyTool::setUsePressure(bool usePressure) { m_usePressure = usePressure; } void KarbonCalligraphyTool::setUseAngle(bool useAngle) { m_useAngle = useAngle; } void KarbonCalligraphyTool::setCaps(double caps) { m_caps = caps; } void KarbonCalligraphyTool::updateSelectedPath() { KoPathShape *oldSelectedPath = m_selectedPath; // save old value KoSelection *selection = canvas()->shapeManager()->selection(); if (selection) { // null pointer if it the selection isn't a KoPathShape // or if the selection is empty m_selectedPath = dynamic_cast(selection->firstSelectedShape()); // or if it's a KoPathShape but with no or more than one subpaths if (m_selectedPath && m_selectedPath->subpathCount() != 1) { m_selectedPath = 0; } // or if there ora none or more than 1 shapes selected if (selection->count() != 1) { m_selectedPath = 0; } // emit signal it there wasn't a selected path and now there is // or the other way around if ((m_selectedPath != 0) != (oldSelectedPath != 0)) { emit pathSelectedChanged(m_selectedPath != 0); } } }