diff --git a/3rdparty/ext_gmic/CMakeLists.txt b/3rdparty/ext_gmic/CMakeLists.txt index c97d6e9080..0ceb0b85d9 100644 --- a/3rdparty/ext_gmic/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/3rdparty/ext_gmic/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,41 +1,41 @@ SET(PREFIX_ext_gmic "${EXTPREFIX}" ) # Download the gmic sources ExternalProject_Add( ext_gmic_base DOWNLOAD_DIR ${EXTERNALS_DOWNLOAD_DIR} - URL https://gmic.eu/files/source/gmic_2.5.6.tar.gz - URL_MD5 8deabebc29081657986ae6531e3fc1d7 + URL https://gmic.eu/files/source/gmic_2.6.7.tar.gz + URL_MD5 1d55ec5d349ccf0ef78cf8d1b4a42af8 PATCH_COMMAND ${PATCH_COMMAND} -p1 -i ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake.diff COMMAND ${PATCH_COMMAND} -p1 -i ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/no_threads.diff SOURCE_DIR gmic CMAKE_ARGS -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${PREFIX_ext_gmic} -D -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ${GLOBAL_PROFILE} BUILD_COMMAND "" INSTALL_COMMAND "" BUILD_IN_SOURCE 1 ) # Download and build gmic-qt # FIXME: Forcing CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to Release ExternalProject_Add( ext_gmic_qt DOWNLOAD_DIR ${EXTERNALS_DOWNLOAD_DIR} - URL https://github.com/c-koi/gmic-qt/archive/v.2.5.6.tar.gz - URL_MD5 4e7cf71d6348d44f98d3c132433c358c + URL https://github.com/c-koi/gmic-qt/archive/v.2.6.7.tar.gz + URL_MD5 bdbd6e77d78e478e8653c1396065afc5 PATCH_COMMAND ${PATCH_COMMAND} -p1 -i ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/desktop_icon.diff SOURCE_DIR gmic-qt INSTALL_DIR ${PREFIX_ext_gmic} CMAKE_ARGS -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${PREFIX_ext_gmic} -DGMIC_QT_HOST=krita -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ${GLOBAL_PROFILE} UPDATE_COMMAND "" DEPENDS ext_gmic_base ) add_custom_target(ext_gmic) add_dependencies(ext_gmic ext_gmic_qt) diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt index baa079c32b..9bf875a02e 100644 --- a/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,929 +1,929 @@ project(krita) message(STATUS "Using CMake version: ${CMAKE_VERSION}") -cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12 FATAL_ERROR) +cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0.0 FATAL_ERROR) set(MIN_QT_VERSION 5.9.0) -set(MIN_FRAMEWORKS_VERSION 5.18.0) +set(MIN_FRAMEWORKS_VERSION 5.44.0) if (POLICY CMP0002) cmake_policy(SET CMP0002 OLD) endif() if (POLICY CMP0017) cmake_policy(SET CMP0017 NEW) endif () if (POLICY CMP0022) cmake_policy(SET CMP0022 OLD) endif () if (POLICY CMP0026) cmake_policy(SET CMP0026 OLD) endif() if (POLICY CMP0042) cmake_policy(SET CMP0042 NEW) endif() if (POLICY CMP0046) cmake_policy(SET CMP0046 OLD) endif () if (POLICY CMP0059) cmake_policy(SET CMP0059 OLD) endif() if (POLICY CMP0063) cmake_policy(SET CMP0063 OLD) endif() if (POLICY CMP0054) cmake_policy(SET CMP0054 OLD) endif() if (POLICY CMP0064) cmake_policy(SET CMP0064 OLD) endif() if (POLICY CMP0071) cmake_policy(SET CMP0071 OLD) endif() if (APPLE) set(APPLE_SUPPRESS_X11_WARNING TRUE) set(KDE_SKIP_RPATH_SETTINGS TRUE) set(CMAKE_MACOSX_RPATH 1) set(BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH 1) add_definitions(-mmacosx-version-min=10.11 -Wno-macro-redefined -Wno-deprecated-register) endif() if (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX AND NOT CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS 4.9 AND NOT WIN32) add_definitions(-Wno-suggest-override -Wextra) endif() ###################### ####################### ## Constants defines ## ####################### ###################### # define common versions of Krita applications, used to generate kritaversion.h # update these version for every release: set(KRITA_VERSION_STRING "4.3.0-prealpha") # Major version: 3 for 3.x, 4 for 4.x, etc. set(KRITA_STABLE_VERSION_MAJOR 4) # Minor version: 0 for 4.0, 1 for 4.1, etc. set(KRITA_STABLE_VERSION_MINOR 3) # Bugfix release version, or 0 for before the first stable release set(KRITA_VERSION_RELEASE 0) # the 4th digit, really only used for the Windows installer: # - [Pre-]Alpha: Starts from 0, increment 1 per release # - Beta: Starts from 50, increment 1 per release # - Stable: Set to 100, bump to 101 if emergency update is needed set(KRITA_VERSION_REVISION 0) set(KRITA_ALPHA 1) # uncomment only for Alpha #set(KRITA_BETA 1) # uncomment only for Beta #set(KRITA_RC 1) # uncomment only for RC set(KRITA_YEAR 2018) # update every year if(NOT DEFINED KRITA_ALPHA AND NOT DEFINED KRITA_BETA AND NOT DEFINED KRITA_RC) set(KRITA_STABLE 1) # do not edit endif() message(STATUS "Krita version: ${KRITA_VERSION_STRING}") # Define the generic version of the Krita libraries here # This makes it easy to advance it when the next Krita release comes. # 14 was the last GENERIC_KRITA_LIB_VERSION_MAJOR of the previous Krita series # (2.x) so we're starting with 15 in 3.x series, 16 in 4.x series if(KRITA_STABLE_VERSION_MAJOR EQUAL 4) math(EXPR GENERIC_KRITA_LIB_VERSION_MAJOR "${KRITA_STABLE_VERSION_MINOR} + 16") else() # let's make sure we won't forget to update the "16" message(FATAL_ERROR "Reminder: please update offset == 16 used to compute GENERIC_KRITA_LIB_VERSION_MAJOR to something bigger") endif() set(GENERIC_KRITA_LIB_VERSION "${GENERIC_KRITA_LIB_VERSION_MAJOR}.0.0") set(GENERIC_KRITA_LIB_SOVERSION "${GENERIC_KRITA_LIB_VERSION_MAJOR}") LIST (APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules") LIST (APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/kde_macro") # fetch git revision for the current build set(KRITA_GIT_SHA1_STRING "") set(KRITA_GIT_BRANCH_STRING "") include(GetGitRevisionDescription) get_git_head_hash(GIT_SHA1) get_git_branch(GIT_BRANCH) if(GIT_SHA1) string(SUBSTRING ${GIT_SHA1} 0 7 GIT_SHA1) set(KRITA_GIT_SHA1_STRING ${GIT_SHA1}) if(GIT_BRANCH) set(KRITA_GIT_BRANCH_STRING ${GIT_BRANCH}) else() set(KRITA_GIT_BRANCH_STRING "(detached HEAD)") endif() endif() # create test make targets enable_testing() # collect list of broken tests, empty here to start fresh with each cmake run set(KRITA_BROKEN_TESTS "" CACHE INTERNAL "KRITA_BROKEN_TESTS") ############ ############# ## Options ## ############# ############ include(FeatureSummary) if (WIN32) option(USE_DRMINGW "Support the Dr. Mingw crash handler (only on windows)" ON) add_feature_info("Dr. Mingw" USE_DRMINGW "Enable the Dr. Mingw crash handler") if (MINGW) option(USE_MINGW_HARDENING_LINKER "Enable DEP (NX), ASLR and high-entropy ASLR linker flags (mingw-w64)" ON) add_feature_info("Linker Security Flags" USE_MINGW_HARDENING_LINKER "Enable DEP (NX), ASLR and high-entropy ASLR linker flags") if (USE_MINGW_HARDENING_LINKER) set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -Wl,--dynamicbase -Wl,--nxcompat -Wl,--disable-auto-image-base") set(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} -Wl,--dynamicbase -Wl,--nxcompat -Wl,--disable-auto-image-base") set(CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS} -Wl,--dynamicbase -Wl,--nxcompat -Wl,--disable-auto-image-base") if ("${CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P}" EQUAL "8") # Enable high-entropy ASLR for 64-bit # The image base has to be >4GB for HEASLR to be enabled. # The values used here are kind of arbitrary. set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -Wl,--high-entropy-va -Wl,--image-base,0x140000000") set(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} -Wl,--high-entropy-va -Wl,--image-base,0x180000000") set(CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS} -Wl,--high-entropy-va -Wl,--image-base,0x180000000") endif ("${CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P}" EQUAL "8") else (USE_MINGW_HARDENING_LINKER) message(WARNING "Linker Security Flags not enabled!") endif (USE_MINGW_HARDENING_LINKER) endif (MINGW) endif () option(HIDE_SAFE_ASSERTS "Don't show message box for \"safe\" asserts, just ignore them automatically and dump a message to the terminal." ON) configure_file(config-hide-safe-asserts.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config-hide-safe-asserts.h) add_feature_info("Hide Safe Asserts" HIDE_SAFE_ASSERTS "Don't show message box for \"safe\" asserts, just ignore them automatically and dump a message to the terminal.") option(USE_LOCK_FREE_HASH_TABLE "Use lock free hash table instead of blocking." ON) configure_file(config-hash-table-implementaion.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config-hash-table-implementaion.h) add_feature_info("Lock free hash table" USE_LOCK_FREE_HASH_TABLE "Use lock free hash table instead of blocking.") option(FOUNDATION_BUILD "A Foundation build is a binary release build that can package some extra things like color themes. Linux distributions that build and install Krita into a default system location should not define this option to true." OFF) add_feature_info("Foundation Build" FOUNDATION_BUILD "A Foundation build is a binary release build that can package some extra things like color themes. Linux distributions that build and install Krita into a default system location should not define this option to true.") option(KRITA_ENABLE_BROKEN_TESTS "Enable tests that are marked as broken" OFF) add_feature_info("Enable Broken Tests" KRITA_ENABLE_BROKEN_TESTS "Runs broken test when \"make test\" is invoked (use -DKRITA_ENABLE_BROKEN_TESTS=ON to enable).") option(LIMIT_LONG_TESTS "Run long running unittests in a limited quick mode" ON) configure_file(config-limit-long-tests.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config-limit-long-tests.h) add_feature_info("Limit long tests" LIMIT_LONG_TESTS "Run long running unittests in a limited quick mode") option(ENABLE_PYTHON_2 "Enables the compiler to look for Python 2.7 instead of Python 3. Some packaged scripts are not compatible with Python 2 and this should only be used if you really have to use 2.7." OFF) option(BUILD_KRITA_QT_DESIGNER_PLUGINS "Build Qt Designer plugins for Krita widgets" OFF) add_feature_info("Build Qt Designer plugins" BUILD_KRITA_QT_DESIGNER_PLUGINS "Builds Qt Designer plugins for Krita widgets (use -DBUILD_KRITA_QT_DESIGNER_PLUGINS=ON to enable).") include(MacroJPEG) ######################################################### ## Look for Python3 It is also searched by KF5, ## ## so we should request the correct version in advance ## ######################################################### function(TestCompileLinkPythonLibs OUTPUT_VARNAME) include(CheckCXXSourceCompiles) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${PYTHON_INCLUDE_PATH}) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${PYTHON_LIBRARIES}) if (MINGW) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS -D_hypot=hypot) endif (MINGW) unset(${OUTPUT_VARNAME} CACHE) CHECK_CXX_SOURCE_COMPILES(" #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Py_InitializeEx(0); }" ${OUTPUT_VARNAME}) endfunction() if(MINGW) if(ENABLE_PYTHON_2) message(FATAL_ERROR "Python 2.7 is not supported on Windows at the moment.") else(ENABLE_PYTHON_2) find_package(PythonInterp 3.6 EXACT) find_package(PythonLibs 3.6 EXACT) endif(ENABLE_PYTHON_2) if (PYTHONLIBS_FOUND AND PYTHONINTERP_FOUND) if(ENABLE_PYTHON_2) find_package(PythonLibrary 2.7) else(ENABLE_PYTHON_2) find_package(PythonLibrary 3.6) endif(ENABLE_PYTHON_2) TestCompileLinkPythonLibs(CAN_USE_PYTHON_LIBS) if (NOT CAN_USE_PYTHON_LIBS) message(FATAL_ERROR "Compiling with Python library failed, please check whether the architecture is correct. Python will be disabled.") endif (NOT CAN_USE_PYTHON_LIBS) endif (PYTHONLIBS_FOUND AND PYTHONINTERP_FOUND) else(MINGW) if(ENABLE_PYTHON_2) find_package(PythonInterp 2.7) find_package(PythonLibrary 2.7) else(ENABLE_PYTHON_2) find_package(PythonInterp 3.0) find_package(PythonLibrary 3.0) endif(ENABLE_PYTHON_2) endif(MINGW) ######################## ######################### ## Look for KDE and Qt ## ######################### ######################## find_package(ECM 5.22 REQUIRED NOMODULE) set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} ${ECM_MODULE_PATH} ${ECM_KDE_MODULE_DIR}) include(ECMOptionalAddSubdirectory) include(ECMAddAppIcon) include(ECMSetupVersion) include(ECMMarkNonGuiExecutable) include(ECMGenerateHeaders) include(GenerateExportHeader) include(ECMMarkAsTest) include(ECMInstallIcons) include(CMakePackageConfigHelpers) include(WriteBasicConfigVersionFile) include(CheckFunctionExists) include(KDEInstallDirs) include(KDECMakeSettings) include(KDECompilerSettings) # do not reorder to be alphabetical: this is the order in which the frameworks # depend on each other. find_package(KF5 ${MIN_FRAMEWORKS_VERSION} REQUIRED COMPONENTS Config WidgetsAddons Completion CoreAddons GuiAddons I18n ItemModels ItemViews WindowSystem Archive ) # KConfig deprecated authorizeKAction. In order to be warning free, # compile with the updated function when the dependency is new enough. # Remove this (and the uses of the define) when the minimum KF5 # version is >= 5.24.0. if (${KF5Config_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "5.24.0" ) message("Old KConfig (< 5.24.0) found.") add_definitions(-DKCONFIG_BEFORE_5_24) endif() find_package(Qt5 ${MIN_QT_VERSION} REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core Gui Widgets Xml Network PrintSupport Svg Test Concurrent ) if (ANDROID) find_package(Qt5 ${MIN_QT_VERSION} REQUIRED COMPONENTS AndroidExtras ) endif() if (WIN32) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${Qt5Core_INCLUDE_DIRS}) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${Qt5Core_LIBRARIES}) CHECK_CXX_SOURCE_COMPILES(" #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_MSWindowsUseWinTabAPI); } " QT_HAS_WINTAB_SWITCH ) unset(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES) unset(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES) option(USE_QT_TABLET_WINDOWS "Do not use Krita's forked Wintab and Windows Ink support on Windows, but leave everything to Qt." ON) add_feature_info("Use Qt's Windows Tablet Support" USE_QT_TABLET_WINDOWS "Do not use Krita's forked Wintab and Windows Ink support on Windows, but leave everything to Qt.") configure_file(config_use_qt_tablet_windows.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config_use_qt_tablet_windows.h) endif () set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${Qt5Core_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${Qt5Gui_INCLUDE_DIRS}) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${Qt5Core_LIBRARIES} ${Qt5Gui_LIBRARIES}) CHECK_CXX_SOURCE_COMPILES(" #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QSurfaceFormat fmt; fmt.setColorSpace(QSurfaceFormat::scRGBColorSpace); fmt.setColorSpace(QSurfaceFormat::bt2020PQColorSpace); } " HAVE_HDR ) configure_file(config-hdr.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config-hdr.h) CHECK_CXX_SOURCE_COMPILES(" #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QGuiApplication::setHighDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicy(Qt::HighDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicy::Round); QGuiApplication::setHighDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicy(Qt::HighDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicy::RoundPreferFloor); QGuiApplication::setHighDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicy(Qt::HighDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicy::PassThrough); } " HAVE_HIGH_DPI_SCALE_FACTOR_ROUNDING_POLICY ) configure_file(config-high-dpi-scale-factor-rounding-policy.h.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config-high-dpi-scale-factor-rounding-policy.h) if (WIN32) CHECK_CXX_SOURCE_COMPILES(" #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QWindowsWindowFunctions::setHasBorderInFullScreenDefault(true); } " HAVE_SET_HAS_BORDER_IN_FULL_SCREEN_DEFAULT ) configure_file(config-set-has-border-in-full-screen-default.h.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config-set-has-border-in-full-screen-default.h) endif (WIN32) unset(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES) unset(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES) include (MacroAddFileDependencies) include (MacroBoolTo01) include (MacroEnsureOutOfSourceBuild) macro_ensure_out_of_source_build("Compiling Krita inside the source directory is not possible. Please refer to the build instruction https://community.kde.org/Krita#Build_Instructions") # Note: OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS does not seem to be reliable # (as of ECM 5.15.0, CMake 3.2) find_package(Qt5Multimedia ${MIN_QT_VERSION}) set_package_properties(Qt5Multimedia PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Qt multimedia integration" URL "http://www.qt.io/" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Optionally used to provide sound support for animations") macro_bool_to_01(Qt5Multimedia_FOUND HAVE_QT_MULTIMEDIA) configure_file(config-qtmultimedia.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config-qtmultimedia.h ) if (NOT APPLE) find_package(Qt5Quick ${MIN_QT_VERSION}) set_package_properties(Qt5Quick PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "QtQuick" URL "http://www.qt.io/" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Optionally used for the touch gui for Krita") macro_bool_to_01(Qt5Quick_FOUND HAVE_QT_QUICK) find_package(Qt5QuickWidgets ${MIN_QT_VERSION}) set_package_properties(Qt5QuickWidgets PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "QtQuickWidgets" URL "http://www.qt.io/" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Optionally used for the touch gui for Krita") endif() if (NOT WIN32 AND NOT APPLE AND NOT ANDROID) find_package(Qt5 ${MIN_QT_VERSION} REQUIRED X11Extras) find_package(Qt5DBus ${MIN_QT_VERSION}) set(HAVE_DBUS ${Qt5DBus_FOUND}) set_package_properties(Qt5DBus PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Qt DBUS integration" URL "http://www.qt.io/" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Optionally used to provide a dbus api on Linux") find_package(KF5Crash ${MIN_FRAMEWORKS_VERSION}) macro_bool_to_01(KF5Crash_FOUND HAVE_KCRASH) set_package_properties(KF5Crash PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "KDE's Crash Handler" URL "http://api.kde.org/frameworks-api/frameworks5-apidocs/kcrash/html/index.html" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Optionally used to provide crash reporting on Linux") find_package(X11 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Xinput) set(HAVE_X11 TRUE) add_definitions(-DHAVE_X11) find_package(XCB COMPONENTS XCB ATOM) set(HAVE_XCB ${XCB_FOUND}) else() set(HAVE_DBUS FALSE) set(HAVE_X11 FALSE) set(HAVE_XCB FALSE) endif() add_definitions( -DQT_USE_QSTRINGBUILDER -DQT_STRICT_ITERATORS -DQT_NO_SIGNALS_SLOTS_KEYWORDS -DQT_NO_URL_CAST_FROM_STRING -DQT_USE_FAST_CONCATENATION -DQT_USE_FAST_OPERATOR_PLUS ) if (${Qt5_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER "5.8.0" ) add_definitions(-DQT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x50900) elseif(${Qt5_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER "5.7.0" ) add_definitions(-DQT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x50800) elseif(${Qt5_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER "5.6.0" ) add_definitions(-DQT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x50700) else() add_definitions(-DQT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x50600) endif() add_definitions(-DTRANSLATION_DOMAIN=\"krita\") # # The reason for this mode is that the Debug mode disable inlining # if(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fext-numeric-literals") endif() option(KRITA_DEVS "For Krita developers. This modifies the DEBUG build type to use -O3 -g, while still enabling Q_ASSERT. This is necessary because the Qt5 cmake modules normally append QT_NO_DEBUG to any build type that is not labeled Debug") if (KRITA_DEVS) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "-O3 -g" CACHE STRING "" FORCE) endif() if(UNIX) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES "${CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES};m") endif() if(WIN32) if(MSVC) # C4522: 'class' : multiple assignment operators specified set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -wd4522") endif() endif() # KDECompilerSettings adds the `--export-all-symbols` linker flag. # We don't really need it. if(MINGW) string(REPLACE "-Wl,--export-all-symbols" "" CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS}") string(REPLACE "-Wl,--export-all-symbols" "" CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS}") endif(MINGW) if(MINGW) # Hack CMake's variables to tell AR to create thin archives to reduce unnecessary writes. # Source of definition: https://github.com/Kitware/CMake/blob/v3.14.1/Modules/Platform/Windows-GNU.cmake#L128 # Thin archives: https://sourceware.org/binutils/docs/binutils/ar.html#index-thin-archives macro(mingw_use_thin_archive lang) foreach(rule CREATE_SHARED_MODULE CREATE_SHARED_LIBRARY LINK_EXECUTABLE) string(REGEX REPLACE "( [^ T]+) " "\\1T " CMAKE_${lang}_${rule} "${CMAKE_${lang}_${rule}}") endforeach() endmacro() mingw_use_thin_archive(CXX) endif(MINGW) # enable exceptions globally kde_enable_exceptions() set(KRITA_DEFAULT_TEST_DATA_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/sdk/tests/data/) macro(macro_add_unittest_definitions) add_definitions(-DFILES_DATA_DIR="${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/data/") add_definitions(-DFILES_OUTPUT_DIR="${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}") add_definitions(-DFILES_DEFAULT_DATA_DIR="${KRITA_DEFAULT_TEST_DATA_DIR}") add_definitions(-DSYSTEM_RESOURCES_DATA_DIR="${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/krita/data/") endmacro() # overcome some platform incompatibilities if(WIN32) include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/winquirks) add_definitions(-D_USE_MATH_DEFINES) add_definitions(-DNOMINMAX) set(WIN32_PLATFORM_NET_LIBS ws2_32.lib netapi32.lib) endif() # set custom krita plugin installdir if (ANDROID) # use default ABI if (NOT ANDROID_ABI) set (ANDROID_ABI armeabi-v7a) endif() set (ANDROID_SDK_ROOT $ENV{ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}) set (KRITA_PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR ${LIB_INSTALL_DIR}) # set (DATA_INSTALL_DIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/assets) else() set (KRITA_PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR ${LIB_INSTALL_DIR}/kritaplugins) endif() ########################### ############################ ## Required dependencies ## ############################ ########################### # FIXME: Still hardcoded if (ANDROID) set (Boost_INCLUDE_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/i/${ANDROID_ABI}/include/boost-1_69) set (Boost_LIBRARY_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/i/${ANDROID_ABI}/lib) set (KF5_LIBRARIES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/kf5/kde/install/lib) endif() find_package(PNG REQUIRED) list (APPEND ANDROID_EXTRA_LIBS ${PNG_LIBRARY}) if (APPLE) # this is not added correctly on OSX -- see http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=139&t=101867&p=221242#p221242 include_directories(SYSTEM ${PNG_INCLUDE_DIR}) endif() add_definitions(-DBOOST_ALL_NO_LIB) find_package(Boost 1.55 REQUIRED COMPONENTS system) include_directories(SYSTEM ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}) ## ## Test for GNU Scientific Library ## find_package(GSL) set_package_properties(GSL PROPERTIES URL "http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl" TYPE RECOMMENDED PURPOSE "Required by Krita's Transform tool.") macro_bool_to_01(GSL_FOUND HAVE_GSL) configure_file(config-gsl.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config-gsl.h ) if (GSL_FOUND) list (APPEND ANDROID_EXTRA_LIBS ${GSL_LIBRARIES} ${GSL_CBLAS_LIBRARIES}) endif() ########################### ############################ ## Optional dependencies ## ############################ ########################### find_package(ZLIB) set_package_properties(ZLIB PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Compression library" URL "http://www.zlib.net/" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Optionally used by the G'Mic and the PSD plugins") macro_bool_to_01(ZLIB_FOUND HAVE_ZLIB) find_package(OpenEXR) set_package_properties(OpenEXR PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "High dynamic-range (HDR) image file format" URL "http://www.openexr.com" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required by the Krita OpenEXR filter") macro_bool_to_01(OPENEXR_FOUND HAVE_OPENEXR) set(LINK_OPENEXR_LIB) if(OPENEXR_FOUND) include_directories(SYSTEM ${OPENEXR_INCLUDE_DIR}) set(LINK_OPENEXR_LIB ${OPENEXR_LIBRARIES}) add_definitions(${OPENEXR_DEFINITIONS}) endif() find_package(TIFF) set_package_properties(TIFF PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "TIFF Library and Utilities" URL "http://www.remotesensing.org/libtiff" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required by the Krita TIFF filter") if (TIFF_FOUND) list (APPEND ANDROID_EXTRA_LIBS ${TIFF_LIBRARY}) endif() find_package(JPEG) set_package_properties(JPEG PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Free library for JPEG image compression. Note: libjpeg8 is NOT supported." URL "http://www.libjpeg-turbo.org" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required by the Krita JPEG filter") if (JPEG_FOUND) list (APPEND ANDROID_EXTRA_LIBS ${JPEG_LIBRARY}) endif() find_package(GIF) set_package_properties(GIF PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Library for loading and saving gif files." URL "http://giflib.sourceforge.net/" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required by the Krita GIF filter") if (GIF_FOUND) list (APPEND ANDROID_EXTRA_LIBS ${GIF_LIBRARY}) endif() find_package(HEIF "1.3.0") set_package_properties(HEIF PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Library for loading and saving heif files." URL "https://github.com/strukturag/libheif" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required by the Krita HEIF filter") set(LIBRAW_MIN_VERSION "0.16") find_package(LibRaw ${LIBRAW_MIN_VERSION}) set_package_properties(LibRaw PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Library to decode RAW images" URL "http://www.libraw.org" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required to build the raw import plugin") find_package(FFTW3) set_package_properties(FFTW3 PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "A fast, free C FFT library" URL "http://www.fftw.org/" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required by the Krita for fast convolution operators and some G'Mic features") macro_bool_to_01(FFTW3_FOUND HAVE_FFTW3) if (FFTW3_FOUND) list (APPEND ANDROID_EXTRA_LIBS ${FFTW3_LIBRARY}) endif() find_package(OCIO) set_package_properties(OCIO PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "The OpenColorIO Library" URL "http://www.opencolorio.org" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required by the Krita LUT docker") macro_bool_to_01(OCIO_FOUND HAVE_OCIO) set_package_properties(PythonLibrary PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Python Library" URL "http://www.python.org" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required by the Krita PyQt plugin") macro_bool_to_01(PYTHONLIBS_FOUND HAVE_PYTHONLIBS) find_package(SIP "4.19.13") set_package_properties(SIP PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Support for generating SIP Python bindings" URL "https://www.riverbankcomputing.com/software/sip/download" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required by the Krita PyQt plugin") macro_bool_to_01(SIP_FOUND HAVE_SIP) find_package(PyQt5 "5.6.0") set_package_properties(PyQt5 PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Python bindings for Qt5." URL "https://www.riverbankcomputing.com/software/pyqt/download5" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required by the Krita PyQt plugin") macro_bool_to_01(PYQT5_FOUND HAVE_PYQT5) ## ## Look for OpenGL ## # TODO: see if there is a better check for QtGui being built with opengl support (and thus the QOpenGL* classes) if(Qt5Gui_OPENGL_IMPLEMENTATION) message(STATUS "Found QtGui OpenGL support") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Did NOT find QtGui OpenGL support. Check your Qt configuration. You cannot build Krita without Qt OpenGL support.") endif() ## ## Test for eigen3 ## find_package(Eigen3 3.0 REQUIRED) set_package_properties(Eigen3 PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "C++ template library for linear algebra" URL "http://eigen.tuxfamily.org" TYPE REQUIRED) ## ## Test for exiv2 ## find_package(LibExiv2 0.16 REQUIRED) if (ANDROID) list (APPEND ANDROID_EXTRA_LIBS ${LibExiv2_LIBRARIES}) # because libexiv2 depends on libexpat and it is installed in the same folder get_filename_component (_base_dir ${LibExiv2_LIBRARIES} DIRECTORY) list (APPEND ANDROID_EXTRA_LIBS ${_base_dir}/libexpat.so) endif() ## ## Test for lcms ## find_package(LCMS2 2.4 REQUIRED) set_package_properties(LCMS2 PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "LittleCMS Color management engine" URL "http://www.littlecms.com" TYPE REQUIRED PURPOSE "Will be used for color management and is necessary for Krita") if(LCMS2_FOUND) if(NOT ${LCMS2_VERSION} VERSION_LESS 2040 ) set(HAVE_LCMS24 TRUE) endif() set(HAVE_REQUIRED_LCMS_VERSION TRUE) set(HAVE_LCMS2 TRUE) endif() list (APPEND ANDROID_EXTRA_LIBS ${LCMS2_LIBRARIES}) ## ## Test for Vc ## set(OLD_CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} ) set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules ) set(HAVE_VC FALSE) if (NOT ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR} MATCHES "arm") if(NOT MSVC) find_package(Vc 1.1.0) set_package_properties(Vc PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Portable, zero-overhead SIMD library for C++" URL "https://github.com/VcDevel/Vc" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required by the Krita for vectorization") macro_bool_to_01(Vc_FOUND HAVE_VC) endif() endif() configure_file(config-vc.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config-vc.h ) if(HAVE_VC) message(STATUS "Vc found!") set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/vc") include (VcMacros) if(Vc_COMPILER_IS_CLANG) set(ADDITIONAL_VC_FLAGS "-ffp-contract=fast") if(NOT WIN32) set(ADDITIONAL_VC_FLAGS "${ADDITIONAL_VC_FLAGS} -fPIC") endif() elseif (NOT MSVC) set(ADDITIONAL_VC_FLAGS "-fabi-version=0 -ffp-contract=fast") if(NOT WIN32) set(ADDITIONAL_VC_FLAGS "${ADDITIONAL_VC_FLAGS} -fPIC") endif() endif() #Handle Vc master if(Vc_COMPILER_IS_GCC OR Vc_COMPILER_IS_CLANG) AddCompilerFlag("-std=c++11" _ok) if(NOT _ok) AddCompilerFlag("-std=c++0x" _ok) endif() endif() macro(ko_compile_for_all_implementations_no_scalar _objs _src) vc_compile_for_all_implementations(${_objs} ${_src} FLAGS ${ADDITIONAL_VC_FLAGS} ONLY SSE2 SSSE3 SSE4_1 AVX AVX2+FMA+BMI2) endmacro() macro(ko_compile_for_all_implementations _objs _src) vc_compile_for_all_implementations(${_objs} ${_src} FLAGS ${ADDITIONAL_VC_FLAGS} ONLY Scalar SSE2 SSSE3 SSE4_1 AVX AVX2+FMA+BMI2) endmacro() endif() set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${OLD_CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} ) add_definitions(${QT_DEFINITIONS} ${QT_QTDBUS_DEFINITIONS}) ## ## Test endianness ## include (TestBigEndian) test_big_endian(CMAKE_WORDS_BIGENDIAN) ## ## Test for qt-poppler ## find_package(Poppler COMPONENTS Qt5) set_package_properties(Poppler PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "A PDF rendering library" URL "http://poppler.freedesktop.org" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required by the Krita PDF filter.") ## ## Test for quazip ## find_package(QuaZip 0.6) set_package_properties(QuaZip PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "A library for reading and writing zip files" URL "https://stachenov.github.io/quazip/" TYPE REQUIRED PURPOSE "Needed for reading and writing KRA and ORA files" ) # FIXME: better way to do this? list (APPEND ANDROID_EXTRA_LIBS ${QUAZIP_LIBRARIES} ${EXPAT_LIBRARY} ${KF5_LIBRARIES}/libKF5Completion.so ${KF5_LIBRARIES}/libKF5WindowSystem.so ${KF5_LIBRARIES}/libKF5WidgetsAddons.so ${KF5_LIBRARIES}/libKF5ItemViews.so ${KF5_LIBRARIES}/libKF5ItemModels.so ${KF5_LIBRARIES}/libKF5GuiAddons.so ${KF5_LIBRARIES}/libKF5I18n.so ${KF5_LIBRARIES}/libKF5CoreAddons.so ${KF5_LIBRARIES}/libKF5ConfigGui.so ${KF5_LIBRARIES}/libKF5ConfigCore.so ${KF5_LIBRARIES}/libKF5Archive.so) ## ## Test for Atomics ## include(CheckAtomic) ############################ ############################# ## Add Krita helper macros ## ############################# ############################ include(MacroKritaAddBenchmark) #################### ##################### ## Define includes ## ##################### #################### # for config.h and includes (if any?) include_directories(BEFORE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/interfaces ) add_subdirectory(libs) add_subdirectory(plugins) if (BUILD_TESTING) add_subdirectory(benchmarks) endif() add_subdirectory(krita) configure_file(KoConfig.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/KoConfig.h ) configure_file(config_convolution.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config_convolution.h) configure_file(config-ocio.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config-ocio.h ) check_function_exists(powf HAVE_POWF) configure_file(config-powf.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config-powf.h) if(WIN32) include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/packaging/windows/installer/ConfigureInstallerNsis.cmake) endif() message("\nBroken tests:") foreach(tst ${KRITA_BROKEN_TESTS}) message(" * ${tst}") endforeach() feature_summary(WHAT ALL FATAL_ON_MISSING_REQUIRED_PACKAGES) if(EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/po OR EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/po ) find_package(KF5I18n CONFIG REQUIRED) ki18n_install(po) endif() if(DEFINED QTANDROID_EXPORTED_TARGET AND NOT TARGET "create-apk") set (_CMAKE_ANDROID_DIR "${ECM_DIR}/../toolchain") list(LENGTH QTANDROID_EXPORTED_TARGET targetsCount) include(${_CMAKE_ANDROID_DIR}/ECMAndroidDeployQt.cmake) math(EXPR last "${targetsCount}-1") foreach(idx RANGE 0 ${last}) list(GET QTANDROID_EXPORTED_TARGET ${idx} exportedTarget) list(GET ANDROID_APK_DIR ${idx} APK_DIR) if(APK_DIR AND NOT EXISTS "${ANDROID_APK_DIR}/AndroidManifest.xml" AND IS_ABSOLUTE ANDROID_APK_DIR) message(FATAL_ERROR "Cannot find ${APK_DIR}/AndroidManifest.xml according to ANDROID_APK_DIR. ${ANDROID_APK_DIR} ${exportedTarget}") elseif(NOT APK_DIR) get_filename_component(_qt5Core_install_prefix "${Qt5Core_DIR}/../../../" ABSOLUTE) set(APK_DIR "${_qt5Core_install_prefix}/src/android/templates/") endif() ecm_androiddeployqt("${exportedTarget}" "${ECM_ADDITIONAL_FIND_ROOT_PATH}") set_target_properties(create-apk-${exportedTarget} PROPERTIES ANDROID_APK_DIR "${APK_DIR}") endforeach() elseif(ANDROID) message(STATUS "You can export a target by specifying -DQTANDROID_EXPORTED_TARGET= and -DANDROID_APK_DIR=") endif() diff --git a/krita/CMakeLists.txt b/krita/CMakeLists.txt index e9b3b9d258..7a43235875 100644 --- a/krita/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/krita/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,113 +1,113 @@ project(krita) include_directories(SYSTEM ${EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR} ${Vc_INCLUDE_DIR} ) add_subdirectory( dtd ) add_subdirectory( data ) add_subdirectory( integration ) # Install the application icons following the the freedesktop icon theme spec add_subdirectory( pics/app ) if (ANDROID) include_directories (${Qt5AndroidExtras_INCLUDE_DIRS}) endif() set(krita_SRCS main.cc) # Set the application icon on the application if (NOT APPLE) - file(GLOB ICON_SRCS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/pics/app/*-apps-calligrakrita.png") + file(GLOB ICON_SRCS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/pics/app/*-apps-krita.png") else() set(ICON_SRCS - "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/pics/app/16-apps-calligrakrita.png" - "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/pics/app/32-apps-calligrakrita.png" - "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/pics/app/48-apps-calligrakrita.png" - "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/pics/app/128-apps-calligrakrita.png" - "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/pics/app/256-apps-calligrakrita.png" - "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/pics/app/512-apps-calligrakrita.png" - "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/pics/app/1024-apps-calligrakrita.png" + "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/pics/app/16-apps-krita.png" + "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/pics/app/32-apps-krita.png" + "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/pics/app/48-apps-krita.png" + "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/pics/app/128-apps-krita.png" + "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/pics/app/256-apps-krita.png" + "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/pics/app/512-apps-krita.png" + "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/pics/app/1024-apps-krita.png" ) endif() ecm_add_app_icon(krita_SRCS ICONS ${ICON_SRCS}) # Install the mimetype icons ecm_install_icons(ICONS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/pics/mimetypes/16-mimetypes-application-x-krita.png" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/pics/mimetypes/22-mimetypes-application-x-krita.png" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/pics/mimetypes/32-mimetypes-application-x-krita.png" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/pics/mimetypes/48-mimetypes-application-x-krita.png" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/pics/mimetypes/64-mimetypes-application-x-krita.png" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/pics/mimetypes/128-mimetypes-application-x-krita.png" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/pics/mimetypes/256-mimetypes-application-x-krita.png" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/pics/mimetypes/512-mimetypes-application-x-krita.png" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/pics/mimetypes/1024-mimetypes-application-x-krita.png" DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_ICONDIR} THEME hicolor) # separate listing, both used by Krita and KritaSketch set(krita_QRCS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/krita/krita.qrc ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/krita/pics/Breeze-dark/breeze-dark-icons.qrc ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/krita/pics/Breeze-light/breeze-light-icons.qrc ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/krita/pics/layerbox/layerbox-icons.qrc ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/krita/pics/layerbox/svg/layerbox-svg-icons.qrc ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/krita/pics/layers/layers-icons.qrc ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/krita/pics/misc-light/misc-light-icons.qrc ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/krita/pics/misc-dark/misc-dark-icons.qrc ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/krita/pics/paintops/paintops-icons.qrc ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/krita/pics/tools/SVG/16/tools-svg-16-icons.qrc ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/krita/pics/tool_transform/tool-transform-icons.qrc ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/krita/pics/svg/svg-icons.qrc ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/libs/flake/flake.qrc ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/libs/widgets/kritawidgets.qrc ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/pics/icons.qrc ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/krita/data/aboutdata/aboutdata.qrc ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/krita/data/shaders/shaders.qrc ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/krita/data/cursors/cursors.qrc CACHE INTERNAL "krita_QRCS" ) qt5_add_resources(krita_SRCS ${krita_QRCS}) if (ANDROID) add_library(krita SHARED ${krita_SRCS}) target_link_libraries(krita PRIVATE Qt5::AndroidExtras) else() add_executable(krita ${krita_SRCS}) endif() target_link_libraries(krita PRIVATE kritaui Qt5::Core Qt5::Gui Qt5::Widgets Qt5::Xml Qt5::Network Qt5::PrintSupport Qt5::Svg Qt5::Concurrent) if(HAVE_KCRASH) target_link_libraries(krita PRIVATE KF5::Crash) endif() if (APPLE) set_target_properties(krita PROPERTIES INSTALL_RPATH "@loader_path/../../../../lib;@loader_path/../lib;@loader_path/../Frameworks;@executable_path/../lib;@executable_path/../Frameworks") set_target_properties(krita PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_INFO_PLIST ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Info.plist.template) set_target_properties(krita PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_GUI_IDENTIFIER "org.krita") set_target_properties(krita PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_BUNDLE_NAME "Krita") set_target_properties(krita PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_ICON_FILE "krita_SRCS.icns") set_target_properties(krita PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_LONG_VERSION_STRING ${KRITA_VERSION_STRING}) set_target_properties(krita PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_SHORT_VERSION_STRING ${KRITA_VERSION_STRING}) set_target_properties(krita PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_VERSION ${KRITA_VERSION_STRING}) set_target_properties(krita PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_COPYRIGHT "GNU Public License, V2 or, at your option, any later version.") endif () install(TARGETS krita ${INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS}) install(PROGRAMS org.kde.krita.desktop DESTINATION ${XDG_APPS_INSTALL_DIR}) install(FILES krita.action kritamenu.action DESTINATION ${DATA_INSTALL_DIR}/krita/actions) install(FILES org.kde.krita.appdata.xml DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_METAINFODIR} ) install(DIRECTORY DESTINATION ${DATA_INSTALL_DIR}/krita/shortcuts) diff --git a/krita/data/aboutdata/developers.txt b/krita/data/aboutdata/developers.txt index 69f73890f5..75961c6bd1 100644 --- a/krita/data/aboutdata/developers.txt +++ b/krita/data/aboutdata/developers.txt @@ -1,201 +1,202 @@ Boudewijn Rempt Aaron J. Seigo Adam Celarek Adam Pigg Adriaan de Groot Adrian Page Adrian Schroeter Albert Astals Cid Alberto Villa Alexander Neundorf Alexander Potashev Alexis Ménard Alfredo Beaumont Sainz Allen Winter Ana Beatriz Guerrero López Andras Mantia Andreas Hartmetz Andreas Lundin André Marcelo Alvarenga Andrew Coles Andre Woebbeking Andrius da Costa Ribas Andy Fawcett Anne-Marie Mahfouf Ariya Hidayat Arjen Hiemstra Bart Coppens Ben Cooksley Benjamin K. Stuhl Benjamin Meyer Benjamin Reed Benoît Jacob Ben Schleimer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bo Thorsen Brad Hards Bram Schoenmakers Burkhard Lück Carlo Segato C. Boemann Christer Stenbrenden Christian Ehrlicher Christian Mueller Christoph Feck Chusslove Illich Clarence Dang Cyrille Berger Daniel M. Duley Daniel Molkentin Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen Dan Meltzer Danny Allen David Faure David Gowers Dirk Mueller Dirk Schönberger Dmitry Kazakov Edward Apap Elvis Stansvik Emanuele Tamponi Emmet O'Neill Enrique Matías Sánchez Eoin O'Neill Fabian Kosmale Frank Osterfeld Frederik Schwarzer Fredrik Edemar Fredy Yanardi Friedrich W. H. Kossebau Gábor Lehel Gary Cramblitt Geoffry Song Gioele Barabucci Giovanni Venturi Gopalakrishna Bhat A Hanna Scott Harald Sitter Hasso Tepper Helge Deller Helio Castro Hideki Saito Hoàng Đức Hiếu Hugo Pereira Da Costa Inge Wallin Ingo Klöcker İsmail Dönmez Ivan Yossi Jaime Jaime Torres Jaison Lee Jakob Petsovits Jakub Stachowski Jan Hambrecht Jarosław Staniek Jens Herden Jessica Hall Johannes Simon John Layt Jonathan Riddell Jonathan Singer José Luis Vergara Juan Luis Boya García Juan Palacios Jure Repinc Kai-Uwe Behrmann +Karl Ove Hufthammer Kevin Krammer Kevin Ottens Kurt Pfeifle Laurent Montel Lauri Watts Leo Savernik Lukáš Tinkl Lukáš Tvrdý Maciej Mrozowski Malcolm Hunter Manuel Riecke manu tortosa Marc Pegon Marijn Kruisselbrink Martin Ellis Martin Gräßlin Matthew Woehlke Matthias Klumpp Matthias Kretz Matus Talcik Maximiliano Curia Melchior Franz Michael David Howell Michael Drueing Michael Thaler Michel Hermier Mohit Goyal Mojtaba Shahi Senobari Montel Laurent Moritz Molch Nick Shaforostoff Nicolas Goutte Olivier Goffart Patrick Julien Patrick Spendrin Pavel Belskiy Pavel Heimlich Peter Simonsson Pierre Ducroquet Pierre Stirnweiss Pino Toscano Rafael Fernández López Raphael Langerhorst Rex Dieter Rob Buis Roopesh Chander Sahil Nagpal Salil Kapur Samuel Buttigieg Sander Koning Sascha Suelzer Scott Petrovic Scott Wheeler Sebastian Sauer Shivaraman Aiyer Siddharth Sharma Silvio Heinrich Somsubhra Bairi Spencer Brown Srikanth Tiyyagura Stefan Nikolaus Stephan Binner Stephan Kulow Stuart Dickson Sune Vuorela Sven Langkamp Thiago Macieira Thomas Capricelli Thomas Friedrichsmeier Thomas Klausner Thomas Nagy Thomas Zander Thorsten Staerk Thorsten Zachmann Tim Beaulen Timothée Giet Tobias Koenig Tom Burdick Torio Mlshi Torsten Rahn Unai Garro Urs Wolfer Vadim Zhukov Vera Lukman Victor Lafon Victor Wåhlström Volker Krause Waldo Bastian Werner Trobin Wilco Greven Will Entriken William Steidtmann Wolthera van Hovell Yann Bodson Yue Liu Yuri Chornoivan diff --git a/krita/data/actions/MoveTool.action b/krita/data/actions/MoveTool.action index e350b59233..c3d2094e72 100644 --- a/krita/data/actions/MoveTool.action +++ b/krita/data/actions/MoveTool.action @@ -1,95 +1,95 @@ Path Tool Move up Up Move up false Move up Move down Down Move down false Move down Show Coordinates Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C Show absolute coordinates and offset while move action true Show Coordinates Move left Left Move left false Move left Move right Right Move right false Move up more Shift+Up Move up more false Move up more Move down more Shift+Down Move down more false Move down more Move left more Shift+Left Move left more false Move left more Move right more Shift+Right Move right more false - Move right + Move right more diff --git a/krita/data/input/painttoolsaicompatible.profile b/krita/data/input/painttoolsaicompatible.profile index f63d3f8498..97c999563f 100644 --- a/krita/data/input/painttoolsaicompatible.profile +++ b/krita/data/input/painttoolsaicompatible.profile @@ -1,68 +1,68 @@ [Alternate Invocation] 0={4;2;[];2;0;0} 1={2;2;[1000023,1000021];1;0;0} 2={3;2;[1000021,1000023];2;0;0} 3={5;2;[1000021];2;0;0} 4={0;2;[1000021,1000020];1;0;0} 5={1;2;[1000023,1000020];1;0;0} [Change Primary Setting] 0={0;2;[1000021,1000023];1;0;0} [Exposure or Gamma] 0={0;2;[59];1;0;0} [General] name=Paint Tool Sai Compatible -version=3 +version=4 [Pan Canvas] 0={4;1;[];0;0;0} 1={3;1;[];0;0;0} 2={2;1;[];0;0;0} 3={1;1;[];0;0;0} 4={0;2;[];4;0;0} 5={0;2;[20];1;0;0} 6={0;4;[];0;0;2} [Rotate Canvas] 0={3;1;[36];0;0;0} 1={4;1;[1000010];0;0;0} 2={2;1;[1000011];0;0;0} 3={0;2;[1000020];4;0;0} 4={4;2;[1000023,20];2;0;0} 5={0;2;[20,1000023];1;0;0} 6={4;1;[1000006];0;0;0} [Select Layer] 0={0;2;[52];1;0;0} [Show Popup Palette] 0={0;2;[1000021,1000023];2;0;0} [Switch Time] 0={1;1;[1000012];0;0;0} 1={0;1;[1000014];0;0;0} [Tool Invocation] 0={2;1;[1000000];0;0;0} 1={1;1;[1000004];0;0;0} 2={0;2;[];1;0;0} 3={1;1;[1000005];0;0;0} 4={3;2;[56];1;0;0} [Zoom Canvas] 0={2;3;[];0;1;0} 1={0;2;[1000021];4;0;0} 10={0;2;[1000021,20];1;0;0} 11={0;4;[];0;0;1} 12={6;1;[33];0;0;0} 13={1;2;[1000021,1000023,20];1;0;0} 2={5;1;[32];0;0;0} 3={2;1;[2b];0;0;0} 4={4;1;[1000010];0;0;0} 5={3;1;[2d];0;0;0} 6={2;1;[3d];0;0;0} 7={3;3;[];0;2;0} 8={2;1;[1000021,20];0;0;0} 9={3;1;[1000021,1000023,20];0;0;0} diff --git a/krita/data/input/photoshopcompatible.profile b/krita/data/input/photoshopcompatible.profile index 5ba7902184..f56d232186 100644 --- a/krita/data/input/photoshopcompatible.profile +++ b/krita/data/input/photoshopcompatible.profile @@ -1,65 +1,65 @@ [Alternate Invocation] 0={1;2;[1000023,1000020];1;0;0} 1={0;2;[1000021,1000020];1;0;0} 2={5;2;[];0;0;0} 3={3;2;[];0;0;0} 4={2;2;[];0;0;0} 5={4;2;[1000023];1;0;0} [Change Primary Setting] 0={0;2;[];0;0;0} [Exposure or Gamma] 0={0;2;[];0;0;0} [General] name=Photoshop Compatible -version=3 +version=4 [Pan Canvas] 0={0;4;[];0;0;2} 1={0;2;[20];1;0;0} 2={0;2;[];4;0;0} 3={1;1;[];0;0;0} 4={2;1;[];0;0;0} 5={3;1;[];0;0;0} 6={4;1;[];0;0;0} [Rotate Canvas] 0={0;2;[1000020,20];1;0;0} 1={1;2;[1000020,1000023,20];1;0;0} 2={0;2;[1000020];4;0;0} 3={2;1;[34];0;0;0} 4={4;1;[35];0;0;0} 5={3;1;[36];0;0;0} [Select Layer] 0={0;2;[];0;0;0} [Show Popup Palette] 0={0;2;[];2;0;0} [Switch Time] 0={0;1;[1000014];0;0;0} 1={1;1;[1000012];0;0;0} [Tool Invocation] 0={3;2;[1000020];1;0;0} 1={1;1;[1000005];0;0;0} 2={0;2;[];1;0;0} 3={1;1;[1000004];0;0;0} 4={2;1;[1000000];0;0;0} [Zoom Canvas] 0={0;2;[1000021];4;0;0} 1={2;3;[];0;1;0} 10={1;2;[1000021,1000023,20];1;0;0} 11={6;1;[];0;0;0} 2={3;3;[];0;2;0} 3={2;1;[3d];0;0;0} 4={3;1;[2d];0;0;0} 5={4;1;[1000021,31];0;0;0} 6={2;1;[2b];0;0;0} 7={5;1;[1000021,30];0;0;0} 8={0;4;[];0;0;1} 9={0;2;[1000021,20];1;0;0} diff --git a/krita/data/input/tabletpro.profile b/krita/data/input/tabletpro.profile index 8c5fd77261..14f2cb74f6 100644 --- a/krita/data/input/tabletpro.profile +++ b/krita/data/input/tabletpro.profile @@ -1,69 +1,69 @@ [Alternate Invocation] 0={4;2;[1000021];1;0;0} 1={2;2;[1000023,1000021];1;0;0} 2={3;2;[1000021,1000023];2;0;0} 3={5;2;[1000021];2;0;0} 4={0;2;[1000021,1000020];1;0;0} 5={1;2;[1000023,1000020];1;0;0} [Change Primary Setting] 0={0;2;[1000020];1;0;0} [Exposure or Gamma] 0={0;2;[59];1;0;0} [General] name=Tablet Pro (for use with the Tablet Pro application on Windows) -version=3 +version=4 [Pan Canvas] 0={4;1;[];0;0;0} 1={3;1;[];0;0;0} 2={2;1;[];0;0;0} 3={1;1;[];0;0;0} 4={0;2;[];4;0;0} 5={0;2;[20];1;0;0} 6={0;4;[];0;0;2} [Rotate Canvas] 0={3;1;[36];0;0;0} 1={4;1;[35];0;0;0} 2={2;1;[34];0;0;0} 3={0;2;[1000020];4;0;0} 4={1;2;[1000020,1000023,20];1;0;0} 5={0;2;[1000020,20];1;0;0} 6={0;2;[1000039];1;0;0} [Select Layer] 0={0;2;[52];1;0;0} 1={1;2;[1000020,52];1;0;0} [Show Popup Palette] 0={0;2;[];2;0;0} 1={0;1;[1000032];0;0;0} [Switch Time] 0={1;1;[1000012];0;0;0} 1={0;1;[1000014];0;0;0} [Tool Invocation] 0={2;1;[1000000];0;0;0} 1={1;1;[1000004];0;0;0} 2={0;2;[];1;0;0} 3={1;1;[1000005];0;0;0} 4={3;2;[56];1;0;0} [Zoom Canvas] 0={0;4;[];0;0;1} 1={0;2;[5a];1;0;0} 10={4;1;[31];0;0;0} 11={5;1;[32];0;0;0} 12={2;1;[2b];0;0;0} 2={3;3;[];0;2;0} 3={2;3;[];0;1;0} 4={0;2;[1000021];4;0;0} 5={6;1;[33];0;0;0} 6={1;2;[1000021,1000023,20];1;0;0} 7={0;2;[1000021,20];1;0;0} 8={3;1;[2d];0;0;0} 9={2;1;[3d];0;0;0} diff --git a/krita/data/templates/comics/a4_waffle_grid.desktop b/krita/data/templates/comics/a4_waffle_grid.desktop index 085824b713..1532082c74 100644 --- a/krita/data/templates/comics/a4_waffle_grid.desktop +++ b/krita/data/templates/comics/a4_waffle_grid.desktop @@ -1,75 +1,75 @@ [Desktop Entry] Type=Link URL=.source/a4_waffle_grid.kra Icon=template_comics_empty Name=waffle-iron grid Name[bs]=mreža sječenog željeza Name[ca]=Reixa de ferro Name[ca@valencia]=Reixa de ferro Name[da]=vaffeljernsgitter Name[de]=Waffeleisengitter Name[el]=waffle-iron κάνναβος Name[en_GB]=waffle-iron grid Name[es]=rejilla de hierro para gofres Name[et]=Vahvlimasina ruudustik Name[eu]=gofreetarako burdinazko sareta Name[fi]=vohvelirautaruudukko Name[fr]=Grille en métal gaufré Name[gl]=Grade de 3×5 viñetas Name[is]=vöfflujárnshnit Name[it]=Griglia a wafer Name[ja]=格子状コマ Name[kk]=торлы көзді Name[ko]=waffle-iron 그리드 Name[nb]=vaffeljern-rutenett Name[nds]=Wafeliesengadder Name[nl]=wafelijzer-raster Name[nn]=Vaffeljarn-rutenett Name[pl]=siatka gofrownicy Name[pt]=grelha de ferro para 'waffles' Name[pt_BR]=Grade de ferro vazia Name[ru]=Страница с ячейками Name[sk]=vaflovo-železná mriežka Name[sv]=våffelmönster Name[tr]=waffle-çelik ızgara Name[uk]=сітка з комірками Name[wa]=grile di fier a wåfes Name[x-test]=xxwaffle-iron gridxx Name[zh_CN]=十五宫格 Name[zh_TW]=鬆餅機格線 Comment=300 dpi, A4 waffle-iron grid comic page with ink and color layers Comment[bs]=300 dpi, A4 mreža sječenog željeza stranica stripa s slojevima za tintu i bojemreža sječenog željeza Comment[ca]=300 ppp, pàgina de còmic amb reixa de ferro amb capes de tinta i color Comment[ca@valencia]=300 ppp, pàgina de còmic amb reixa de ferro amb capes de tinta i color Comment[da]=300 dpi, A4 tegneserieside i vaffeljernsgitter med blæk og farvelag Comment[de]=Comicseite mit Waffeleisengitter-Muster, Tinten- und Farbebenen. Format A4, Auflösung 300 dpi. Comment[el]=300 dpi, σελίδα κόμικ A4 με waffle-iron κάνναβο και στρώματα μελάνης και χρώματος Comment[en_GB]=300 dpi, A4 waffle-iron grid comic page with ink and colour layers Comment[es]=página de cómic con rejilla de hierro para gofres de tamaño A4, a 300 ppp, con tinta y capas de colores Comment[et]=300 DPI A4 vahvlimasina ruudustikuga koomiksilehekülg tindi- ja värvikihiga Comment[eu]=300 dpi, A4 gofreetarako burdinazko saretadun komiki-orri tintadun eta kolore-geruzaduna Comment[fi]=300 dpi:n A4-kokoinen vohvelirautaruudukko sarjakuvalle muste- ja väritasoin Comment[fr]=Page de bande dessinée avec grille en métal gaufré en A4 300 dpi avec encre et calques de couleurs -Comment[gl]=Páxina de banda deseñada de grade en A4 a 300 dpi con 3×5 viñetas regulares e capas de tinta e cor. +Comment[gl]=Páxina de banda deseñada en A4 a 300 dpi cunha grade de 3×5 viñetas regulares e capas de tinta e cor. Comment[is]=300 pát, A4 vöfflujárnshnit teiknimyndasíða með lögum fyrir blek og liti Comment[it]=Pagina di fumetti con griglia a wafer a 300 dpi, A4, con livelli per inchiostro e colore Comment[ja]=300 dpi A4 サイズの、ペン入れレイヤーと彩色レイヤーを備えた格子状コマテンプレート Comment[kk]=300 н/д A4 торлы көзді парақтағы комикс Comment[ko]=300 dpi, A4 waffle-iron 그리드 만화 페이지 잉크 및 컬러 레이어 Comment[nb]=300 dpi, A4 tegneserieside med vaffeljern-rutenett, med tusj- og fargelag Comment[nds]=300 dpi, A4 Wafeliesengadder-Comicsiet mit Dint un Klöörlagen. Comment[nl]=300 dpi, A4 wafelijzer-raster strippagina met inkt en kleurlagen Comment[nn]=300 ppt. vaffelforma A4-rutenett med eigne lag for strek og for fargelegging Comment[pl]=300 dpi, strona A4 siatki gofrownicy z warstwami tuszu i koloru Comment[pt]=banda desenhada A4, em grelha de 'waffle' a 300 ppp, com camadas de cores e de pinturas Comment[pt_BR]=Página de quadrinhos A4, em grade de ferro a 300 ppp, com camadas de cores e de pinturas Comment[ru]=300 dpi, страница комикса в формате A4 с ячейками и слоями контуров и цветов Comment[sk]=300 dpi, A4 vaflovo železná mriežka komiksovej strany s atramentom a farebnými vrstvami Comment[sv]=300 punkter/tum, A4 våffelmönstrad seriesida med bläck- och färglager Comment[tr]=300 dpi, A4 waffle-çelik ızgara mürekkep ve renk katmanlı çizgi roman sayfası Comment[uk]=300 т/д, сторінка коміксу у форматі A4 з комірками та шарами контурів та кольорів Comment[wa]=Pådje A4 di binde d' imådjes avou on discôpaedje come ene grile di fier a wåfes avou des coûtches d' intche eyet d' coleurs. Comment[x-test]=xx300 dpi, A4 waffle-iron grid comic page with ink and color layersxx Comment[zh_CN]=300 DPI,A4 尺寸的十五宫格网格漫画页,内置线稿和着色图层 Comment[zh_TW]=300 dpi,A4 大小的烘餅鐵模狀的格線,有墨水與顏色圖層 X-Krita-Version=28 diff --git a/krita/krita.action b/krita/krita.action index 0ba5289881..d575792eb0 100644 --- a/krita/krita.action +++ b/krita/krita.action @@ -1,3640 +1,3652 @@ General Open Resources Folder Opens a file browser at the location Krita saves resources such as brushes to. Opens a file browser at the location Krita saves resources such as brushes to. Open Resources Folder 0 0 false Cleanup removed files... Cleanup removed files Cleanup removed files 0 0 false C&ascade Cascade Cascade 10 0 false &Tile Tile Tile 10 0 false Create Resource Bundle... Create Resource Bundle Create Resource Bundle 0 0 false Show File Toolbar Show File Toolbar Show File Toolbar false Show color selector Show color selector Show color selector Shift+I false Show MyPaint shade selector Show MyPaint shade selector Show MyPaint shade selector Shift+M false Show minimal shade selector Show minimal shade selector Show minimal shade selector Shift+N false Show color history Show color history Show color history H false Show common colors Show common colors Show common colors U false Show Tool Options Show Tool Options Show Tool Options \ false Show Brush Editor Show Brush Editor Show Brush Editor F5 false Show Brush Presets Show Brush Presets Show Brush Presets F6 false Toggle Tablet Debugger Toggle Tablet Debugger Toggle Tablet Debugger 0 0 Ctrl+Shift+T false Show system information for bug reports. Show system information for bug reports. Show system information for bug reports. false Rename Composition... Rename Composition Rename Composition 0 0 false Update Composition Update Composition Update Composition 0 0 false Use multiple of 2 for pixel scale Use multiple of 2 for pixel scale Use multiple of 2 for pixel scale Use multiple of 2 for pixel scale 1 0 true &Invert Selection Invert current selection Invert Selection 10000000000 100 Ctrl+Shift+I false Create Snapshot Create Snapshot 1 0 false Switch to Selected Snapshot Switch to selected snapshot 1 0 false Remove Selected Snapshot Remove Selected Snapshot 1 0 false Painting lightness-increase Make brush color lighter Make brush color lighter Make brush color lighter 0 0 L false lightness-decrease Make brush color darker Make brush color darker Make brush color darker 0 0 K false Make brush color more saturated Make brush color more saturated Make brush color more saturated false Make brush color more desaturated Make brush color more desaturated Make brush color more desaturated false Shift brush color hue clockwise Shift brush color hue clockwise Shift brush color hue clockwise false Shift brush color hue counter-clockwise Shift brush color hue counter-clockwise Shift brush color hue counter-clockwise false Make brush color more red Make brush color more red Make brush color more red false Make brush color more green Make brush color more green Make brush color more green false Make brush color more blue Make brush color more blue Make brush color more blue false Make brush color more yellow Make brush color more yellow Make brush color more yellow false opacity-increase Increase opacity Increase opacity Increase opacity 0 0 O false opacity-decrease Decrease opacity Decrease opacity Decrease opacity 0 0 I false draw-eraser Set eraser mode Set eraser mode Set eraser mode 10000 0 E true view-refresh Reload Original Preset Reload Original Preset Reload Original Preset 10000 false transparency-unlocked Preserve Alpha Preserve Alpha Preserve Alpha 10000 true transform_icons_penPressure Use Pen Pressure Use Pen Pressure Use Pen Pressure 10000 true symmetry-horizontal Horizontal Mirror Tool Horizontal Mirror Tool Horizontal Mirror Tool 0 true symmetry-vertical Vertical Mirror Tool Vertical Mirror Tool Vertical Mirror Tool 0 true Hide Mirror X Line Hide Mirror X Line Hide Mirror X Line 10000 true Hide Mirror Y Line Hide Mirror Y Line Hide Mirror Y Line 10000 true Lock Lock X Line Lock X Line 10000 true Lock Y Line Lock Y Line Lock Y Line 10000 true - Move to Canvas Center + Move to Canvas Center X Move to Canvas Center X Move to Canvas Center X 10000 false Move to Canvas Center Y Move to Canvas Center Y Move to Canvas Center Y 10000 false &Toggle Selection Display Mode Toggle Selection Display Mode Toggle Selection Display Mode 0 0 false Next Favourite Preset Next Favourite Preset Next Favourite Preset , false Previous Favourite Preset Previous Favourite Preset Previous Favourite Preset . false preset-switcher Switch to Previous Preset Switch to Previous Preset Switch to Previous Preset / false Hide Brushes and Stuff Toolbar Hide Brushes and Stuff Toolbar Hide Brushes and Stuff Toolbar true Reset Foreground and Background Color Reset Foreground and Background Color Reset Foreground and Background Color D false Swap Foreground and Background Color Swap Foreground and Background Color Swap Foreground and Background Color X false Selection Mode: Add Selection Mode: Add Selection Mode: Add A false Selection Mode: Subtract Selection Mode: Subtract Selection Mode: Subtract S false Selection Mode: Intersect Selection Mode: Intersect Selection Mode: Intersect false Selection Mode: Replace Selection Mode: Replace Selection Mode: Replace R false smoothing-weighted Brush Smoothing: Weighted Brush Smoothing: Weighted Brush Smoothing: Weighted false smoothing-no Brush Smoothing: Disabled Brush Smoothing: Disabled Brush Smoothing: Disabled false smoothing-stabilizer Brush Smoothing: Stabilizer Brush Smoothing: Stabilizer Brush Smoothing: Stabilizer false brushsize-decrease Decrease Brush Size Decrease Brush Size Decrease Brush Size 0 0 [ false smoothing-basic Brush Smoothing: Basic Brush Smoothing: Basic Brush Smoothing: Basic false brushsize-increase Increase Brush Size Increase Brush Size Increase Brush Size 0 0 ] false Toggle Assistant Toggle Assistant ToggleAssistant Ctrl+Shift+L true Undo Polygon Selection Points Undo Polygon Selection Points Undo Polygon Selection Points Shift+Z false Fill with Foreground Color (Opacity) Fill with Foreground Color (Opacity) Fill with Foreground Color (Opacity) 10000 1 Ctrl+Shift+Backspace false Fill with Background Color (Opacity) Fill with Background Color (Opacity) Fill with Background Color (Opacity) 10000 1 Ctrl+Backspace false Fill with Pattern (Opacity) Fill with Pattern (Opacity) Fill with Pattern (Opacity) 10000 1 false Convert &to Shape Convert to Shape Convert to Shape 10000000000 0 false &Show Global Selection Mask Shows global selection as a usual selection mask in <interface>Layers</interface> docker Show Global Selection Mask 100000 100 true Filters color-to-alpha &Color to Alpha... Color to Alpha Color to Alpha 10000 0 false &Top Edge Detection Top Edge Detection Top Edge Detection 10000 0 false &Index Colors... Index Colors Index Colors 10000 0 false Emboss Horizontal &Only Emboss Horizontal Only Emboss Horizontal Only 10000 0 false D&odge Dodge Dodge 10000 0 false &Sharpen Sharpen Sharpen 10000 0 false B&urn Burn Burn 10000 0 false &Mean Removal Mean Removal Mean Removal 10000 0 false &Gaussian Blur... Gaussian Blur Gaussian Blur 10000 0 false Emboss &in All Directions Emboss in All Directions Emboss in All Directions 10000 0 false &Small Tiles... Small Tiles Small Tiles 10000 0 false &Levels... Levels Levels 10000 0 Ctrl+L false &Sobel... Sobel Sobel 10000 0 false &Wave... Wave Wave 10000 0 false &Motion Blur... Motion Blur Motion Blur 10000 0 false &Invert Invert Invert 10000 0 Ctrl+I false &Color Adjustment curves... Color Adjustment curves Color Adjustment curves 10000 0 Ctrl+M false Pi&xelize... Pixelize Pixelize 10000 0 false Emboss (&Laplacian) Emboss (Laplacian) Emboss (Laplacian) 10000 0 false &Left Edge Detection Left Edge Detection Left Edge Detection 10000 0 false &Blur... Blur Blur 10000 0 false &Raindrops... Raindrops Raindrops 10000 0 false &Bottom Edge Detection Bottom Edge Detection Bottom Edge Detection 10000 0 false &Random Noise... Random Noise Random Noise 10000 0 false &Brightness/Contrast curve... Brightness/Contrast curve Brightness/Contrast curve 10000 0 false Colo&r Balance... Color Balance Color Balance 10000 0 Ctrl+B false &Phong Bumpmap... Phong Bumpmap Phong Bumpmap 10000 0 false &Desaturate Desaturate Desaturate 10000 0 Ctrl+Shift+U false Color &Transfer... Color Transfer Color Transfer 10000 0 false Emboss &Vertical Only Emboss Vertical Only Emboss Vertical Only 10000 0 false &Lens Blur... Lens Blur Lens Blur 10000 0 false M&inimize Channel Minimize Channel Minimize Channel 10000 0 false M&aximize Channel Maximize Channel Maximize Channel 10000 0 false &Oilpaint... Oilpaint Oilpaint 10000 0 false &Right Edge Detection Right Edge Detection Right Edge Detection 10000 0 false &Auto Contrast Auto Contrast Auto Contrast 10000 0 false &Round Corners... Round Corners Round Corners 10000 0 false &Unsharp Mask... Unsharp Mask Unsharp Mask 10000 0 false &Emboss with Variable Depth... Emboss with Variable Depth Emboss with Variable Depth 10000 0 false Emboss &Horizontal && Vertical Emboss Horizontal & Vertical Emboss Horizontal & Vertical 10000 0 false Random &Pick... Random Pick Random Pick 10000 0 false &Gaussian Noise Reduction... Gaussian Noise Reduction Gaussian Noise Reduction 10000 0 false &Posterize... Posterize Posterize 10000 0 false &Wavelet Noise Reducer... Wavelet Noise Reducer Wavelet Noise Reducer 10000 0 false &HSV Adjustment... HSV Adjustment HSV Adjustment 10000 0 Ctrl+U false Tool Shortcuts Dynamic Brush Tool Dynamic Brush Tool Dynamic Brush Tool false Crop Tool Crop the image to an area Crop the image to an area C false Polygon Tool Polygon Tool. Shift-mouseclick ends the polygon. Polygon Tool. Shift-mouseclick ends the polygon. false Rectangle Tool Rectangle Tool Rectangle Tool false Multibrush Tool Multibrush Tool Multibrush Tool Q false Colorize Mask Tool Colorize Mask Tool Colorize Mask Tool Smart Patch Tool Smart Patch Tool Smart Patch Tool Pan Tool Pan Tool Pan Tool Select Shapes Tool Select Shapes Tool Select Shapes Tool false Color Picker Select a color from the image or current layer Select a color from the image or current layer P false Outline Selection Tool Outline Selection Tool Outline Selection Tool false Bezier Curve Selection Tool - Select a + Bezier Curve Selection Tool Bezier Curve Selection Tool false Similar Color Selection Tool - Select a + Similar Color Selection Tool Similar Color Selection Tool false Fill Tool Fill a contiguous area of color with a color, or fill a selection. Fill a contiguous area of color with a color, or fill a selection. F false Line Tool Line Tool Line Tool false Freehand Path Tool Freehand Path Tool Freehand Path Tool false Bezier Curve Tool Bezier Curve Tool. Shift-mouseclick or double-click ends the curve. Bezier Curve Tool. Shift-mouseclick or double-click ends the curve. false Ellipse Tool Ellipse Tool Ellipse Tool false Freehand Brush Tool Freehand Brush Tool Freehand Brush Tool B false Create object Create object Create object false Elliptical Selection Tool Elliptical Selection Tool Elliptical Selection Tool J false Contiguous Selection Tool Contiguous Selection Tool Contiguous Selection Tool false Pattern editing Pattern editing Pattern editing false Review Review Review false Draw a gradient. Draw a gradient. Draw a gradient. G false Polygonal Selection Tool Polygonal Selection Tool Polygonal Selection Tool false Measurement Tool Measure the distance between two points Measure the distance between two points false Rectangular Selection Tool Rectangular Selection Tool Rectangular Selection Tool Ctrl+R false Move Tool Move a layer Move a layer T false Vector Image Tool Vector Image (EMF/WMF/SVM/SVG) tool Vector Image (EMF/WMF/SVM/SVG) tool false Calligraphy Calligraphy Calligraphy false Path editing Path editing Path editing false Zoom Tool Zoom Tool Zoom Tool false Polyline Tool Polyline Tool. Shift-mouseclick ends the polyline. Polyline Tool. Shift-mouseclick ends the polyline. false Transform Tool Transform a layer or a selection Transform a layer or a selection Ctrl+T false Assistant Tool Assistant Tool Assistant Tool false Gradient Editing Tool Gradient editing Gradient editing false Reference Images Tool Reference Images Tool Reference Images Tool false Blending Modes Select Normal Blending Mode Select Normal Blending Mode Select Normal Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+N false Select Dissolve Blending Mode Select Dissolve Blending Mode Select Dissolve Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+I false Select Behind Blending Mode Select Behind Blending Mode Select Behind Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+Q false Select Clear Blending Mode Select Clear Blending Mode Select Clear Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+R false Select Darken Blending Mode Select Darken Blending Mode Select Darken Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+K false Select Multiply Blending Mode Select Multiply Blending Mode Select Multiply Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+M false Select Color Burn Blending Mode Select Color Burn Blending Mode Select Color Burn Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+B false Select Linear Burn Blending Mode Select Linear Burn Blending Mode Select Linear Burn Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+A false Select Lighten Blending Mode Select Lighten Blending Mode Select Lighten Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+G false Select Screen Blending Mode Select Screen Blending Mode Select Screen Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+S false Select Color Dodge Blending Mode Select Color Dodge Blending Mode Select Color Dodge Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+D false Select Linear Dodge Blending Mode Select Linear Dodge Blending Mode Select Linear Dodge Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+W false Select Overlay Blending Mode Select Overlay Blending Mode Select Overlay Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+O false Select Hard Overlay Blending Mode Select Hard Overlay Blending Mode Select Hard Overlay Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+P false Select Soft Light Blending Mode Select Soft Light Blending Mode Select Soft Light Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+F false Select Hard Light Blending Mode Select Hard Light Blending Mode Select Hard Light Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+H false Select Vivid Light Blending Mode Select Vivid Light Blending Mode Select Vivid Light Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+V false Select Linear Light Blending Mode Select Linear Light Blending Mode Select Linear Light Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+J false Select Pin Light Blending Mode Select Pin Light Blending Mode Select Pin Light Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+Z false Select Hard Mix Blending Mode Select Hard Mix Blending Mode Select Hard Mix Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+L false Select Difference Blending Mode Select Difference Blending Mode Select Difference Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+E false Select Exclusion Blending Mode Select Exclusion Blending Mode Select Exclusion Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+X false Select Hue Blending Mode Select Hue Blending Mode Select Hue Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+U false Select Saturation Blending Mode Select Saturation Blending Mode Select Saturation Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+T false Select Color Blending Mode Select Color Blending Mode Select Color Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+C false Select Luminosity Blending Mode Select Luminosity Blending Mode Select Luminosity Blending Mode 0 0 Alt+Shift+Y false Animation Previous frame Move to previous frame Move to previous frame 1 0 false Next frame Move to next frame Move to next frame 1 0 false Play / pause animation Play / pause animation Play / pause animation 1 0 false addblankframe Create Blank Frame Add blank frame Add blank frame 100000 0 false addduplicateframe Create Duplicate Frame Add duplicate frame Add duplicate frame 100000 0 false Toggle onion skin Toggle onion skin Toggle onion skin 100000 0 false Previous Keyframe false Next Keyframe false First Frame false Last Frame false Auto Frame Mode true true Show in Timeline true Insert Keyframe Left Insert keyframes to the left of selection, moving the tail of animation to the right. 100000 0 false Insert Keyframe Right Insert keyframes to the right of selection, moving the tail of animation to the right. 100000 0 false Insert Multiple Keyframes Insert several keyframes based on user parameters. 100000 0 false Remove Frame and Pull Remove keyframes moving the tail of animation to the left 100000 0 false deletekeyframe Remove Keyframe Remove keyframes without moving anything around 100000 0 false Insert Column Left Insert column to the left of selection, moving the tail of animation to the right 100000 0 false Insert Column Right Insert column to the right of selection, moving the tail of animation to the right 100000 0 false Insert Multiple Columns Insert several columns based on user parameters. 100000 0 false Remove Column and Pull Remove columns moving the tail of animation to the left 100000 0 false Remove Column Remove columns without moving anything around 100000 0 false Insert Hold Frame Insert a hold frame after every keyframe 100000 0 false Insert Multiple Hold Frames Insert N hold frames after every keyframe 100000 0 false Remove Hold Frame Remove a hold frame after every keyframe 100000 0 false Remove Multiple Hold Frames Remove N hold frames after every keyframe 100000 0 false Insert Hold Column Insert a hold column into the frame at the current position 100000 0 false Insert Multiple Hold Columns Insert N hold columns into the frame at the current position 100000 0 false Remove Hold Column Remove a hold column from the frame at the current position 100000 0 false Remove Multiple Hold Columns Remove N hold columns from the frame at the current position 100000 0 false Mirror Frames Mirror frames' position 100000 0 false Mirror Columns Mirror columns' position 100000 0 false Copy to Clipboard Copy frames to clipboard 100000 0 false Cut to Clipboard Cut frames to clipboard 100000 0 false Paste from Clipboard Paste frames from clipboard 100000 0 false Copy Columns to Clipboard Copy columns to clipboard 100000 0 false Cut Columns to Clipboard Cut columns to clipboard 100000 0 false Paste Columns from Clipboard Paste columns from clipboard 100000 0 false Set Start Time 100000 0 false Set End Time 100000 0 false Update Playback Range 100000 0 false Layers Activate next layer Activate next layer Activate next layer 1000 0 PgUp false Activate previous layer Activate previous layer Activate previous layer 1000 0 PgDown false Activate previously selected layer Activate previously selected layer Activate previously selected layer 1000 0 ; false groupLayer &Group Layer Group Layer Group Layer 1000 0 false cloneLayer &Clone Layer Clone Layer Clone Layer 1000 0 false vectorLayer &Vector Layer Vector Layer Vector Layer 1000 0 false filterLayer &Filter Layer... Filter Layer Filter Layer 1000 0 false fillLayer &Fill Layer... Fill Layer Fill Layer 1000 0 false fileLayer &File Layer... File Layer File Layer 1000 0 false transparencyMask &Transparency Mask Transparency Mask Transparency Mask 100000 0 false filterMask &Filter Mask... Filter Mask Filter Mask 100000 0 false filterMask &Colorize Mask Colorize Mask Colorize Mask 100000 0 false transformMask &Transform Mask... Transform Mask Transform Mask 100000 0 false selectionMask &Local Selection Local Selection Local Selection 100000 0 false view-filter &Isolate Layer Isolate Layer Isolate Layer 1000 0 true layer-locked &Toggle layer lock Toggle layer lock Toggle layer lock 1000 0 false visible Toggle layer &visibility Toggle layer visibility Toggle layer visibility 1000 0 false transparency-locked Toggle layer &alpha Toggle layer alpha Toggle layer alpha 1000 0 false transparency-enabled Toggle layer alpha &inheritance Toggle layer alpha inheritance Toggle layer alpha inheritance 1000 0 false paintLayer &Paint Layer Paint Layer Paint Layer 1000 0 Insert false &New Layer From Visible New layer from visible New layer from visible 1000 0 false duplicatelayer &Duplicate Layer or Mask Duplicate Layer or Mask Duplicate Layer or Mask 1000 0 Ctrl+J false &Cut Selection to New Layer Cut Selection to New Layer Cut Selection to New Layer 100000000 1 Ctrl+Shift+J false Copy &Selection to New Layer Copy Selection to New Layer Copy Selection to New Layer 100000000 0 Ctrl+Alt+J false Copy Layer Copy layer to clipboard Copy layer to clipboard 1000 0 false Cut Layer Cut layer to clipboard Cut layer to clipboard 1000 0 false Paste Layer Paste layer from clipboard Paste layer from clipboard 1000 0 false Quick Group Create a group layer containing selected layers Quick Group 1000 0 Ctrl+G false Quick Ungroup Remove grouping of the layers or remove one layer out of the group Quick Ungroup 100000 0 Ctrl+Alt+G false Quick Clipping Group Group selected layers and add a layer with clipped alpha channel Quick Clipping Group 100000 0 Ctrl+Shift+G false All Layers Select all layers Select all layers 10000 0 false Visible Layers Select all visible layers Select all visible layers 10000 0 false Locked Layers Select all locked layers Select all locked layers 10000 0 false Invisible Layers Select all invisible layers Select all invisible layers 10000 0 false Unlocked Layers Select all unlocked layers Select all unlocked layers 10000 0 false document-save &Save Layer/Mask... Save Layer/Mask Save Layer/Mask 1000 0 false document-save Save Vector Layer as SVG... Save Vector Layer as SVG Save Vector Layer as SVG 1000 0 false document-save Save &Group Layers... Save Group Layers Save Group Layers 100000 0 false Convert group to &animated layer Convert child layers into animation frames Convert child layers into animation frames 100000 0 false + + + + Convert to &animated layer + + Convert layer into animation frames + Convert layer into animation frames + 100000 + 0 + + false + fileLayer to &File Layer Saves out the layers into a new image and then references that image. Convert to File Layer 100000 0 false I&mport Layer... Import Layer Import Layer 100000 0 false paintLayer &as Paint Layer... as Paint Layer as Paint Layer 1000 0 false transparencyMask as &Transparency Mask... as Transparency Mask as Transparency Mask 1000 0 false filterMask as &Filter Mask... as Filter Mask as Filter Mask 1000 0 false selectionMask as &Selection Mask... as Selection Mask as Selection Mask 1000 0 false paintLayer to &Paint Layer to Paint Layer to Paint Layer 1000 0 false transparencyMask to &Transparency Mask to Transparency Mask to Transparency Mask 1000 0 false filterMask to &Filter Mask... to Filter Mask to Filter Mask 1000 0 false selectionMask to &Selection Mask to Selection Mask to Selection Mask 1000 0 false transparencyMask &Alpha into Mask Alpha into Mask Alpha into Mask 100000 10 false transparency-enabled &Write as Alpha Write as Alpha Write as Alpha 1000000 1 false document-save &Save Merged... Save Merged Save Merged 1000000 0 false split-layer Split Layer... Split Layer Split Layer 1000 0 false Wavelet Decompose ... Wavelet Decompose Wavelet Decompose 1000 1 false symmetry-horizontal Mirror Layer Hori&zontally Mirror Layer Horizontally Mirror Layer Horizontally 1000 1 false symmetry-vertical Mirror Layer &Vertically Mirror Layer Vertically Mirror Layer Vertically 1000 1 false &Rotate Layer... Rotate Layer Rotate Layer 1000 1 false object-rotate-right Rotate &Layer 90° to the Right Rotate Layer 90° to the Right Rotate Layer 90° to the Right 1000 1 false object-rotate-left Rotate Layer &90° to the Left Rotate Layer 90° to the Left Rotate Layer 90° to the Left 1000 1 false Rotate Layer &180° Rotate Layer 180° Rotate Layer 180° 1000 1 false Scale &Layer to new Size... Scale Layer to new Size Scale Layer to new Size 100000 1 false &Shear Layer... Shear Layer Shear Layer 1000 1 false symmetry-horizontal Mirror All Layers Hori&zontally Mirror All Layers Horizontally Mirror All Layers Horizontally 1000 1 false symmetry-vertical Mirror All Layers &Vertically Mirror All Layers Vertically Mirror All Layers Vertically 1000 1 false &Rotate All Layers... Rotate All Layers Rotate All Layers 1000 1 false object-rotate-right Rotate All &Layers 90° to the Right Rotate All Layers 90° to the Right Rotate All Layers 90° to the Right 1000 1 false object-rotate-left Rotate All Layers &90° to the Left Rotate All Layers 90° to the Left Rotate All Layers 90° to the Left 1000 1 false Rotate All Layers &180° Rotate All Layers 180° Rotate All Layers 180° 1000 1 false Scale All &Layers to new Size... Scale All Layers to new Size Scale All Layers to new Size 100000 1 false &Shear All Layers... Shear All Layers Shear All Layers 1000 1 false &Offset Layer... Offset Layer Offset Layer 100000 1 false Clones &Array... Clones Array Clones Array 100000 0 false &Edit metadata... Edit metadata Edit metadata 100000 1 false &Histogram... Histogram Histogram 100000 0 false &Convert Layer Color Space... Convert Layer Color Space Convert Layer Color Space 100000 1 false merge-layer-below &Merge with Layer Below Merge with Layer Below Merge with Layer Below 100000 0 Ctrl+E false &Flatten Layer Flatten Layer Flatten Layer 100000 0 false Ras&terize Layer Rasterize Layer Rasterize Layer 10000000 1 false Flatten ima&ge Flatten image Flatten image 100000 0 Ctrl+Shift+E false La&yer Style... Layer Style Layer Style 100000 1 false Move into previous group Move into previous group Move into previous group 0 0 false Move into next group Move into next group Move into next group 0 0 false Rename current layer Rename current layer Rename current layer 100000 0 F2 false deletelayer &Remove Layer Remove Layer Remove Layer 1000 1 Shift+Delete false arrowupblr Move Layer or Mask Up Move Layer or Mask Up Ctrl+PgUp false arrowdown Move Layer or Mask Down Move Layer or Mask Down Ctrl+PgDown false properties &Properties... Properties Properties 1000 1 F3 false Set Copy F&rom... Set the source for the selected clone layer(s). Set Copy From 1000 1 false diff --git a/krita/krita4.xmlgui b/krita/krita4.xmlgui index 88160ddea8..11cc07a646 100644 --- a/krita/krita4.xmlgui +++ b/krita/krita4.xmlgui @@ -1,406 +1,407 @@ &File &Edit Fill Special &View + &Canvas &Snap To &Image &Rotate &Layer New &Import/Export Import &Convert &Select &Group &Transform &Rotate Transform &All Layers &Rotate S&plit S&plit Alpha &Select Select &Opaque Filte&r &Tools Scripts Setti&ngs &Help File Brushes and Stuff diff --git a/krita/kritamenu.action b/krita/kritamenu.action index 5036540026..28584f0e39 100644 --- a/krita/kritamenu.action +++ b/krita/kritamenu.action @@ -1,1829 +1,1841 @@ File document-new &New Create new document New 0 0 Ctrl+N false document-open &Open... Open an existing document Open 0 0 Ctrl+O false document-open-recent Open &Recent Open a document which was recently opened Open Recent 1 0 false document-save &Save Save Save 1 0 Ctrl+S false document-save-as Save &As... Save document under a new name Save As 1 0 Ctrl+Shift+S false Sessions... Open session manager Sessions 0 0 false document-import Open ex&isting Document as Untitled Document... Open existing Document as Untitled Document Open existing Document as Untitled Document 0 0 false document-export E&xport... Export Export 1 0 false Import animation frames... Import animation frames Import animation frames 1 0 false &Render Animation... Render Animation to GIF, Image Sequence or Video Render Animation 1000 0 false &Render Animation Again Render Animation Again Render Animation 1000 0 false Save Incremental &Version Save Incremental Version Save Incremental Version 1 0 Ctrl+Alt+S false Save Incremental &Backup Save Incremental Backup Save Incremental Backup 1 0 F4 false &Create Template From Image... Create Template From Image Create Template From Image 1 0 false Create Copy &From Current Image Create Copy From Current Image Create Copy From Current Image 1 0 false document-print &Print... Print document Print 1 0 Ctrl+P false document-print-preview Print Previe&w Show a print preview of document Print Preview 1 0 false configure &Document Information Document Information Document Information 1 0 false &Close All Close All Close All 1 0 Ctrl+Shift+W false C&lose Close Close 1 0 Ctrl+W false &Quit Quit application Quit 0 0 Ctrl+Q false Edit edit-undo Undo Undo last action Undo 1 0 Ctrl+Z false edit-redo Redo Redo last undone action Redo 1 0 Ctrl+Shift+Z false edit-cut Cu&t Cut selection to clipboard Cut 0 0 Ctrl+X false edit-copy &Copy Copy selection to clipboard Copy 0 0 Ctrl+C false C&opy (sharp) Copy (sharp) Copy (sharp) 100000000 0 false Cut (&sharp) Cut (sharp) Cut (sharp) 100000000 0 false Copy &merged Copy merged Copy merged 100000000 0 Ctrl+Shift+C false edit-paste &Paste Paste clipboard content Paste 0 0 Ctrl+V false Paste at Cursor Paste at cursor Paste at cursor 0 0 Ctrl+Alt+V false Paste into &New Image Paste into New Image Paste into New Image 0 0 Ctrl+Shift+N false Paste as R&eference Image Paste as Reference Image Paste as Reference Image 1 0 Ctrl+Shift+R false edit-clear C&lear Clear Clear 1 0 Del false &Fill with Foreground Color Fill with Foreground Color Fill with Foreground Color 10000 1 Shift+Backspace false Fill &with Background Color Fill with Background Color Fill with Background Color 10000 1 Backspace false F&ill with Pattern Fill with Pattern Fill with Pattern 10000 1 false Fill Special Fill with Foreground Color (Opacity) Fill with Foreground Color (Opacity) Fill with Foreground Color (Opacity) 10000 1 Ctrl+Shift+Backspace false Fill with Background Color (Opacity) Fill with Background Color (Opacity) Fill with Background Color (Opacity) 10000 1 Ctrl+Backspace false Fill with Pattern (Opacity) Fill with Pattern (Opacity) Fill with Pattern (Opacity) 10000 1 false Stro&ke selected shapes Stroke selected shapes Stroke selected shapes 1000000000 0 false Stroke Selec&tion... Stroke selection Stroke selection 10000000000 0 false Delete keyframe Delete keyframe Delete keyframe 100000 0 false Window window-new &New Window New Window New Window 0 0 false N&ext Next Next 10 0 false Previous Previous Previous false View document-new &Show Canvas Only Show just the canvas or the whole window Show Canvas Only 0 0 Tab true view-fullscreen F&ull Screen Mode Display the window in full screen Full Screen Mode 0 0 Ctrl+Shift+F true + + + Detach canvas + + Show the canvas on a separate window + Detach canvas + 0 + 0 + + true + + &Wrap Around Mode Wrap Around Mode Wrap Around Mode 1 0 true &Instant Preview Mode Instant Preview Mode Instant Preview Mode 1 0 Shift+L true Soft Proofing Turns on Soft Proofing Turns on Soft Proofing Ctrl+Y true Out of Gamut Warnings Turns on warnings for colors out of proofed gamut, needs soft proofing to be turned on. Turns on warnings for colors out of proofed gamut, needs soft proofing to be turned on. Ctrl+Shift+Y true mirror-view Mirror View Mirror View Mirror View M false zoom-original &Reset zoom Reset zoom Reset zoom 1 0 Ctrl+0 false zoom-in Zoom &In Zoom In 0 0 Ctrl++ false zoom-out Zoom &Out Zoom Out 0 0 Ctrl+- false rotate-canvas-right Rotate &Canvas Right Rotate Canvas Right Rotate Canvas Right 1 0 Ctrl+] false rotate-canvas-left Rotate Canvas &Left Rotate Canvas Left Rotate Canvas Left 1 0 Ctrl+[ false rotation-reset Reset Canvas Rotation Reset Canvas Rotation Reset Canvas Rotation 1 0 false Show &Rulers The rulers show the horizontal and vertical positions of the mouse on the image and can be used to position your mouse at the right place on the canvas. <p>Uncheck this to hide the rulers.</p> Show Rulers Show Rulers 1 0 true Rulers Track Pointer The rulers will track current mouse position and show it on screen. It can cause suptle performance slowdown Rulers Track Pointer Rulers Track Pointer 1 0 true Show Guides Show or hide guides Show Guides 1 0 true Lock Guides Lock or unlock guides Lock Guides 1 0 true Snap to Guides Snap cursor to guides position Snap to Guides 1 0 true Show Status &Bar Show or hide the status bar Show Status Bar 0 0 true Show Pixel Grid Show Pixel Grid Show Pixel Grid 1000 1000 true view-grid Show &Grid Show Grid Show Grid 1000 0 Ctrl+Shift+' true Snap To Grid Snap To Grid Snap To Grid 1000 Ctrl+Shift+; true Show Snap Options Popup Show Snap Options Popup Show Snap Options Popup 1000 Shift+s false Snap Orthogonal Snap Orthogonal Snap Orthogonal 1000 true Snap Node Snap Node Snap Node 1000 true Snap Extension Snap Extension Snap Extension 1000 true Snap Pixel Snap Pixel Snap Pixel 1000 true Snap Intersection Snap Intersection Snap Intersection 1000 true Snap Bounding Box Snap Bounding Box Snap Bounding Box 1000 true Snap Image Bounds Snap Image Bounds Snap Image Bounds 1000 true Snap Image Center Snap Image Center Snap Image Center 1000 true S&how Painting Assistants Show Painting Assistants Show Painting Assistants 1000 0 true Show &Assistant Previews Show Assistant Previews Show Assistant Previews 1000 0 true S&how Reference Images Show Reference Images Show Reference Images 1000 0 true Image document-properties &Properties... Properties Properties 1000 0 false format-stroke-color &Image Background Color and Transparency... Change the background color of the image Image Background Color and Transparency 1000 0 false &Convert Image Color Space... Convert Image Color Space Convert Image Color Space 1000 0 false trim-to-image &Trim to Image Size Trim to Image Size Trim to Image Size 1 0 false Trim to Current &Layer Trim to Current Layer Trim to Current Layer 100000 0 false Trim to S&election Trim to Selection Trim to Selection 100000000 0 false &Rotate Image... Rotate Image Rotate Image 1000 0 false object-rotate-right Rotate &Image 90° to the Right Rotate Image 90° to the Right Rotate Image 90° to the Right 1000 0 false object-rotate-left Rotate Image &90° to the Left Rotate Image 90° to the Left Rotate Image 90° to the Left 1000 0 false Rotate Image &180° Rotate Image 180° Rotate Image 180° 1000 0 false &Shear Image... Shear Image Shear Image 1000 0 false symmetry-horizontal &Mirror Image Horizontally Mirror Image Horizontally Mirror Image Horizontally 1000 0 false symmetry-vertical Mirror Image &Vertically Mirror Image Vertically Mirror Image Vertically 1000 0 false Scale Image To &New Size... Scale Image To New Size Scale Image To New Size 1000 0 Ctrl+Alt+I false &Offset Image... Offset Image Offset Image 1000 0 false R&esize Canvas... Resize Canvas Resize Canvas 1000 0 Ctrl+Alt+C false Im&age Split Image Split Image Split 1000 0 false Separate Ima&ge... Separate Image Separate Image 1000 0 false Select edit-select-all Select &All Select All Select All 0 0 Ctrl+A false - edit-select-all + edit-select-none &Deselect Deselect Deselect 1100000000 0 Ctrl+Shift+A false &Reselect Reselect Reselect 0 0 Ctrl+Shift+D false &Convert to Vector Selection Convert to Vector Selection Convert to Vector Selection 100000000000000000 0 false &Convert to Raster Selection Convert to Raster Selection Convert to Raster Selection 10000000000000000 0 false Edit Selection Edit Selection Edit Selection 10000000000 100 false Convert Shapes to &Vector Selection Convert Shapes to Vector Selection Convert Shapes to Vector Selection 1000000000 0 false &Feather Selection... Feather Selection Feather Selection 10000000000 100 Shift+F6 false Dis&play Selection Display Selection Display Selection 1000 0 Ctrl+H true Sca&le... Scale Scale 100000000 100 false S&elect from Color Range... Select from Color Range Select from Color Range 10000 100 false Select &Opaque (Replace) Select Opaque Select Opaque 1 100 false Select Opaque (&Add) Select Opaque (Add) Select Opaque (Add) 1 100 false Select Opaque (&Subtract) Select Opaque (Subtract) Select Opaque (Subtract) 1 100 false Select Opaque (&Intersect) Select Opaque (Intersect) Select Opaque (Intersect) 1 100 false &Grow Selection... Grow Selection Grow Selection 10000000000 100 false S&hrink Selection... Shrink Selection Shrink Selection 10000000000 100 false &Border Selection... Border Selection Border Selection 10000000000 100 false S&mooth Smooth Smooth 10000000000 100 false Filter &Apply Filter Again Apply Filter Again Apply Filter Again 0 0 Ctrl+F false Adjust Adjust Adjust false Artistic Artistic Artistic false Blur Blur Blur false Colors Colors Colors false Edge Detection Edge Detection Edge Detection false Enhance Enhance Enhance false Emboss Emboss Emboss false Map Map Map false Other Other Other false gmic Start G'MIC-Qt Start G'Mic-Qt Start G'Mic-Qt false gmic Re-apply the last G'MIC filter Apply the last G'Mic-Qt action again Apply the last G'Mic-Qt action again false Settings configure &Configure Krita... Configure Krita Configure Krita 0 0 false &Manage Resources... Manage Resources Manage Resources 0 0 false preferences-desktop-locale Switch Application &Language... Switch Application Language Switch Application Language false &Show Dockers Show Dockers Show Dockers 0 0 true configure Configure Tool&bars... Configure Toolbars Configure Toolbars 0 0 false Dockers Dockers Dockers false &Themes Themes Themes false im-user Active Author Profile Active Author Profile Active Author Profile configure-shortcuts Configure S&hortcuts... Configure Shortcuts Configure Shortcuts 0 0 false &Window Window Window false Help help-contents Krita &Handbook Krita Handbook Krita Handbook F1 false tools-report-bug &Report Bug... Report Bug Report Bug false - calligrakrita + krita &About Krita About Krita About Krita false kde About &KDE About KDE About KDE false Brushes and Stuff &Gradients Gradients Gradients false &Patterns Patterns Patterns false &Color Color Color false &Painter's Tools Painter's Tools Painter's Tools false Brush composite Brush composite Brush composite false Brush option slider 1 Brush option slider 1 Brush option slider 1 false Brush option slider 2 Brush option slider 2 Brush option slider 2 false Brush option slider 3 Brush option slider 3 Brush option slider 3 false Mirror Mirror Mirror false Layouts Select layout false Workspaces Workspaces Workspaces false diff --git a/krita/org.kde.krita.appdata.xml b/krita/org.kde.krita.appdata.xml index fcfd2e2c6f..5d9b9c9697 100644 --- a/krita/org.kde.krita.appdata.xml +++ b/krita/org.kde.krita.appdata.xml @@ -1,353 +1,373 @@ org.kde.krita org.kde.krita.desktop CC0-1.0 GPL-3.0-only Krita Foundation Fundació Krita Fundació Krita Krita Foundation Krita Foundation Krita Foundation Fundación Krita Krita Fundazioa Krita Foundation La Fondation Krita Fundación Krita Asas Krita Fondazione Krita Krita Foundation Krita Foundation Krita Foundation Fundacja Krity Fundação do Krita Krita Foundation + Nadácia Krita Krita-stiftelsen Krita Vakfı Фундація Krita xxKrita Foundationxx Krita 基金会 Krita 基金會 foundation@krita.org Krita كريتا Krita Krita Krita Krita Krita Krita Krita Krita Krita Krita Krita Krita Krita Krita Krita Krita Krita Krita Krita Krita Krita Krita Krita Krita xxKritaxx Krita Krita Digital Painting, Creative Freedom رسم رقميّ، حريّة إبداعيّة Digitalno crtanje, kreativna sloboda Dibuix digital, Llibertat creativa Dibuix digital, Llibertat creativa Digitální malování, svoboda tvorby Digital tegning, kunstnerisk frihed Digitales Malen, kreative Freiheit Ψηφιακή ζωγραφική, δημιουργική ελευθερία Digital Painting, Creative Freedom Pintura digital, libertad creativa Digitaalne joonistamine, loominguline vabadus Margolan digitala, sormen askatasuna Digitaalimaalaus, luova vapaus Peinture numérique, liberté créatrice Debuxo dixital, liberdade creativa Pictura digital, Libertate creative Pelukisan Digital, Kebebasan Berkreatif Pittura digitale, libertà creativa 디지털 페인팅, 자유로운 창의성 Digital Painting, Creative Freedom Digital teikning – kreativ fridom Cyfrowe malowanie, Wolność Twórcza Pintura Digital, Liberdade Criativa Pintura digital, liberdade criativa Цифровое рисование. Творческая свобода Digitálne maľovanie, kreatívna sloboda Digital målning, kreativ frihet Sayısal Boyama, Yaratıcı Özgürlük Цифрове малювання, творча свобода xxDigital Painting, Creative Freedomxx 自由挥洒数字绘画的无限创意 數位繪畫,創作自由

Krita is the full-featured digital art studio.

Krita je potpuni digitalni umjetnički studio.

El Krita és l'estudi d'art digital ple de funcionalitats.

El Krita és l'estudi d'art digital ple de funcionalitats.

Krita ist ein digitales Designstudio mit umfangreichen Funktionen.

Το Krita είναι ένα πλήρες χαρακτηριστικών ψηφιακό ατελιέ.

Krita is the full-featured digital art studio.

Krita es un estudio de arte digital completo

Krita on rohkete võimalustega digitaalkunstistuudio.

Krita arte lantegi digital osoa da.

Krita on täyspiirteinen digitaiteen ateljee.

Krita est le studio d'art numérique complet.

Krita é un estudio completo de arte dixital.

Krita es le studio de arte digital complete.

Krita adalah studio seni digital yang penuh dengan fitur.

Krita è uno studio d'arte digitale completo.

Krita は、フル機能を備えたデジタルなアートスタジオです。

Krita는 디지털 예술 스튜디오입니다.

Krita is de digitale kunststudio vol mogelijkheden.

Krita er ei funksjonsrik digital teiknestove.

Krita jest pełnowymiarowym, cyfrowym studiem artystycznym

O Krita é o estúdio de arte digital completo.

O Krita é o estúdio de arte digital completo.

Krita — полнофункциональный инструмент для создания цифровой графики.

Krita je plne vybavené digitálne umelecké štúdio.

Krita är den fullfjädrade digitala konststudion.

Krita, tam özellikli dijital sanat stüdyosudur.

Krita — повноцінний комплекс для створення цифрових художніх творів.

xxKrita is the full-featured digital art studio.xx

Krita 是一款功能齐全的数字绘画工作室软件。

Krita 是全功能的數位藝術工作室。

It is perfect for sketching and painting, and presents an end–to–end solution for creating digital painting files from scratch by masters.

On je savršen za skiciranje i slikanje i predstavlja finalno rješenje za kreiranje digitalnih slika od nule s majstorima

És perfecte per fer esbossos i pintar, i presenta una solució final per crear fitxers de dibuix digital des de zero per a mestres.

És perfecte per fer esbossos i pintar, i presenta una solució final per crear fitxers de dibuix digital des de zero per a mestres.

Είναι ιδανικό για σκιτσογραφία και ζωγραφική, και παρουσιάζει μια από άκρη σε άκρη λύση για τη δημιουργία από το μηδέν αρχείων ψηφιακης ζωγραφικής από τους δασκάλους της τέχνης.

It is perfect for sketching and painting, and presents an end–to–end solution for creating digital painting files from scratch by masters.

Es perfecto para diseñar y pintar, y ofrece una solución completa para crear desde cero archivos de pintura digital apta para profesionales.

See on suurepärane töövahend visandite ja joonistuste valmistamiseks ning annab andekatele kunstnikele võimaluse luua digitaalpilt algusest lõpuni just oma käe järgi.

Zirriborratzeko eta margotzeko ezin hobea da, eta margolan digitalen fitxategiak hutsetik sortzeko muturretik-muturrera konponbide bat aurkezten du, maisuentzako mailakoa.

Se on täydellinen luonnosteluun ja maalaukseen ja tarjoaa kokonaisratkaisun digitaalisten kuvatiedostojen luomiseen alusta alkaen.

Il est parfait pour crayonner et peindre, et constitue une solution de bout en bout pour créer des fichier de peinture numérique depuis la feuille blanche jusqu'au épreuves finales.

Resulta perfecto para debuxar e pintar, e presenta unha solución completa que permite aos mestres crear ficheiros de debuxo dixital desde cero.

Illo es perfecte pro schizzar e pinger, e presenta un solution ab fin al fin pro crear files de pictura digital ab grattamentos per maestros.

Ini adalah sempurna untuk mensketsa dan melukis, dan menghadirkan sebuah solusi untuk menciptakan file-file pelukisan digital dari goresan si pelukis ulung.

Perfetto per fare schizzi e dipingere, prevede una soluzione completa che consente agli artisti di creare file di dipinti digitali partendo da zero.

스케치, 페인팅을 위한 완벽한 도구이며, 생각에서부터 디지털 페인팅 파일을 만들어 낼 수 있는 종합적인 도구를 제공합니다.

Het is perfect voor schetsen en schilderen en zet een end–to–end oplossing voor het maken van digitale bestanden voor schilderingen vanuit het niets door meesters.

Passar perfekt for både teikning og måling, og dekkjer alle ledd i prosessen med å laga digitale måleri frå grunnen av.

Nadaje się perfekcyjnie do szkicowania i malowania i dostarcza zupełnego rozwiązania dla tworzenia plików malowideł cyfrowych od zalążka.

É perfeito para desenhos e pinturas, oferecendo uma solução final para criar ficheiros de pintura digital do zero por mestres.

É perfeito para desenhos e pinturas, oferecendo uma solução final para criar arquivos de desenho digital feitos a partir do zero por mestres.

Она превосходно подходит для набросков и рисования, предоставляя мастерам самодостаточный инструмент для создания цифровой живописи с нуля.

Je ideálna na skicovanie a maľovanie a poskytuje end-to-end riešenie na vytváranie súborov digitálneho maľovania od základu od profesionálov.

Den är perfekt för att skissa och måla, samt erbjuder en helomfattande lösning för att skapa digitala målningsfiler från grunden av mästare.

Eskiz ve boyama için mükemmeldir ve ustaların sıfırdan dijital boyama dosyaları oluşturmak için uçtan-uca bir çözüm sunar.

Цей комплекс чудово пасує для створення ескізів та художніх зображень і є самодостатнім набором для створення файлів цифрових полотен «з нуля» для справжніх художників.

xxIt is perfect for sketching and painting, and presents an end–to–end solution for creating digital painting files from scratch by masters.xx



Krita is a great choice for creating concept art, comics, textures for rendering and matte paintings. Krita supports many colorspaces like RGB and CMYK at 8 and 16 bits integer channels, as well as 16 and 32 bits floating point channels.

Krita je odličan izbor za kreiranje konceptualne umjetnosti, stripove, teksture za obradu i mat slike. Krita podržava mnoge prostore boja kao RGB i CMIK na 8 i 16 bitnim cjelobrojnim kanalimaa, kao i 16 i 32 bita floating point kanalima.

El Krita és una gran elecció per crear art conceptual, còmics, textures per renderitzar i pintures «matte». El Krita permet molts espais de color com el RGB i el CMYK a 8 i 16 bits de canals sencers, així com 16 i 32 bits de canals de coma flotant.

El Krita és una gran elecció per crear art conceptual, còmics, textures per renderitzar i pintures «matte». El Krita permet molts espais de color com el RGB i el CMYK a 8 i 16 bits de canals sencers, així com 16 i 32 bits de canals de coma flotant.

Το Krita είναι μια εξαιρετική επιλογή για τη δημιουργία αφηρημένης τέχνης, ιστοριών με εικόνες, υφής για ζωγραφική αποτύπωσης και διάχυσης φωτός. Το Krita υποστηρίζει πολλούς χρωματικούς χώρους όπως τα RGB και CMYK σε 8 και 16 bit κανάλια ακεραίων καθώς επίσης και σε 16 και 32 bit κανάλια κινητής υποδιαστολής,

Krita is a great choice for creating concept art, comics, textures for rendering and matte paintings. Krita supports many colourspaces like RGB and CMYK at 8 and 16 bits integer channels, as well as 16 and 32 bits floating point channels.

Krita es una gran elección para crear arte conceptual, cómics, texturas para renderizar y «matte paintings». Krita permite el uso de muchos espacios de color, como, por ejemplo, RGB y CMYK, tanto en canales de enteros de 8 y 16 bits, así como en canales de coma flotante de 16 y 32 bits.

Krita on üks paremaid valikuid kontseptuaalkunsti, koomiksite, tekstuuride ja digitaalmaalide loomiseks. Krita toetab paljusid värviruume, näiteks RGB ja CMYK 8 ja 16 täisarvulise bitiga kanali kohta, samuti 16 ja 32 ujukomabitiga kanali kohta.

Krita aukera bikaina da kontzeptuzko artea, komikiak, errendatzeko ehundurak eta «matte» margolanak sortzeko. Kritak kolore-espazio ugari onartzen ditu hala nola GBU eta CMYK, 8 eta 16 biteko osoko kanaletan, baita 16 eta 32 biteko koma-higikorreko kanaletan.

Krita on hyvä valinta konseptikuvituksen, sarjakuvien, pintakuvioiden ja maalausten luomiseen. Krita tukee useita väriavaruuksia kuten RGB:tä ja CMYK:ta 8 ja 16 bitin kokonaisluku- samoin kuin 16 ja 32 bitin liukulukukanavin.

Krita est un très bon choix pour créer des concepts arts, des bandes-dessinées, des textures de rendu et des peintures. Krita prend en charge plusieurs espaces de couleurs comme RVB et CMJN avec les canaux de 8 et 16 bits entiers ainsi que les canaux de 16 et 32 bits flottants.

Krita é unha gran opción para crear arte conceptual, texturas para renderización e pinturas mate. Krita permite usar moitos espazos de cores como RGB e CMYK con canles de 8 e 16 bits, así como canles de coma flotante de 16 e 32 bits.

Krita es un grande selection pro crear arte de concepto, comics, texturas pro rendering e picturas opac. Krita supporta multe spatios de colores como RGB e CMYK con canales de integer a 8 e 16 bits, como anque canales floating point a 16 e 32 bits.

Krita adalah pilihan yang cocok untuk menciptakan konsep seni, komik, tekstur untuk rendering dan lukisan matte. Krita mendukung banyak ruang warna seperti RGB dan CMYK pada channel integer 8 dan 16 bit, serta channel floating point 16 dan 32 bit.

Krita rappresenta una scelta ottimale per la creazione di arte concettuale, fumetti e texture per il rendering e il matte painting. Krita supporta molti spazi colori come RGB e CMYK a 8 e 16 bit per canali interi e 16 e 32 bit per canali a virgola mobile.

コンセプトアート、コミック、3DCG 用テクスチャ、マットペイントを制作する方にとって、Krita は最適な選択です。Krita は、8/16 ビット整数/チャンネル、および 16/32 ビット浮動小数点/チャンネルの RGB や CMYK をはじめ、さまざまな色空間をサポートしています。

Krita는 컨셉 아트, 만화, 렌더링용 텍스처, 풍경화 등을 그릴 때 사용할 수 있는 완벽한 도구입니다. RGB, CMYK와 같은 여러 색 공간 및 8비트/16비트 정수 채널, 16비트/32비트 부동 소수점 채널을 지원합니다.

Krita is een goede keuze voor het maken van kunstconcepten, strips, textuur voor weergeven en matte schilderijen. Krita ondersteunt vele kleurruimten zoals RGB en CMYK in 8 en 16 bits kanalen met gehele getallen, evenals 16 en 32 bits kanalen met drijvende komma.

Krita er det ideelle valet dersom du vil laga konseptskisser, teikneseriar, teksturar for 3D-rendering eller «matte paintings». Programmet støttar fleire fargerom, både RGB- og CMYK-baserte, med 8- og 16-bits heiltals- eller flyttalskanalar.

Krita jest świetnym wyborem przy tworzeniu koncepcyjnej sztuki, komiksów, tekstur do wyświetlania i kaszet. Krita obsługuje wiele przestrzeni barw takich jak RGB oraz CMYK dla kanałów 8 oraz 16 bitowych wyrażonych w l. całkowitych, a także 16 oraz 32 bitowych wyrażonych w l. zmiennoprzecinkowych.

O Krita é uma óptima escolha para criar arte conceptual, banda desenhada, texturas para desenho e pinturas. O Krita suporta diversos espaços de cores como o RGB e o CMYK com canais de cores inteiros a 8 e 16 bits, assim como canais de vírgula flutuante a 16 e a 32 bits.

O Krita é uma ótima escolha para criação de arte conceitual, histórias em quadrinhos, texturas para desenhos e pinturas. O Krita tem suporte a diversos espaços de cores como RGB e CMYK com canais de cores inteiros de 8 e 16 bits, assim como canais de ponto flutuante de 16 e 32 bits.

Krita — отличный выбор для создания концепт-артов, комиксов, текстур для рендеринга и рисования. Она поддерживает множество цветовых пространств включая RGB и CMYK с 8 и 16 целыми битами на канал, а также 16 и 32 битами с плавающей запятой на канал.

Krita je výborná voľba pre vytváranie konceptového umenia, textúr na renderovanie a matné kresby. Krita podporuje mnoho farebných priestorov ako RGB a CMYK na 8 a 16 bitových celočíselných kanáloch ako aj 16 a 32 bitových reálnych kanáloch.

Krita är ett utmärkt val för att skapa concept art, serier, strukturer för återgivning och bakgrundsmålningar. Krita stöder många färgrymder som RGB och CMYK med 8- och 16-bitars heltal, samt 16- och 32-bitars flyttal.

Krita, konsept sanat, çizgi roman, kaplama ve mat resimler için dokular oluşturmak için mükemmel bir seçimdir. Krita, 8 ve 16 bit tamsayı kanallarında RGB ve CMYK gibi birçok renk alanını ve 16 ve 32 bit kayan nokta kanallarını desteklemektedir.

Krita — чудовий інструмент для створення концептуального живопису, коміксів, текстур для моделей та декорацій. У Krita передбачено підтримку багатьох просторів кольорів, зокрема RGB та CMYK з 8-бітовими та 16-бітовими цілими значеннями, а також 16-бітовими та 32-бітовими значеннями з рухомою крапкою для каналів кольорів.

xxKrita is a great choice for creating concept art, comics, textures for rendering and matte paintings. Krita supports many colorspaces like RGB and CMYK at 8 and 16 bits integer channels, as well as 16 and 32 bits floating point channels.xx

Krita 是绘制概念美术、漫画、纹理和电影布景的理想选择。Krita 支持多种色彩空间,如 8 位和 16 位整数及 16 位和 32 位浮点的 RGB 和 CMYK 颜色模型。

Krita 是創造概念藝術、漫畫、彩現紋理和場景繪畫的絕佳選擇。Krita 在 8 位元和 16 位元整數色版,以及 16 位元和 32 位元浮點色板中支援 RGB 和 CMYK 等多種色彩空間。

Have fun painting with the advanced brush engines, amazing filters and many handy features that make Krita enormously productive.

Zabavite se kreirajući napredne pogone četki, filtere i mnoge praktične osobine koje čine Krita vrlo produktivnim.

Gaudiu pintant amb els motors avançats de pinzells, filtres impressionants i moltes característiques útils que fan el Krita molt productiu.

Gaudiu pintant amb els motors avançats de pinzells, filtres impressionants i moltes característiques útils que fan el Krita molt productiu.

Διασκεδάστε ζωγραφίζοντας με τις προηγμένες μηχανές πινέλων, με εκπληκτικά φίλτρα και πολλά εύκολης χρήσης χαρακτηριστικά που παρέχουν στο Krita εξαιρετικά αυξημένη παραγωγικότητα.

Have fun painting with the advanced brush engines, amazing filters and many handy features that make Krita enormously productive.

Diviértase pintando con los avanzados motores de pinceles, los espectaculares filtros y muchas funcionalidades prácticas que hacen que Krita sea enormemente productivo.

Joonistamise muudavad tunduvalt lõbusamaks võimsad pintslimootorid, imetabased filtrid ja veel paljud käepärased võimalused, mis muudavad Krita kasutaja tohutult tootlikuks.

Marrazten ondo pasa ezazu, isipu motor aurreratuekin, iragazki txundigarriekin eta eginbide praktiko ugariekin, zeintzuek Krita ikaragarri emankorra egiten duten.

Pidä hauskaa maalatessasi edistyneillä sivellinmoottoreilla, hämmästyttävillä suotimilla ja monilla muilla kätevillä ominaisuuksilla, jotka tekevät Kritasta tavattoman tehokkaan.

Amusez-vous à peindre avec les outils de brosse avancés, les filtres incroyables et les nombreuses fonctionnalités pratiques qui rendent Krita extrêmement productif.

Goza debuxando con motores de pincel avanzados, filtros fantásticos e moitas outras funcionalidades útiles que fan de Krita un programa extremadamente produtivo.

Amusa te a pinger con le motores de pincel avantiate, filtros stupende e multe characteristicas amical que face Krita enormemente productive.

Bersenang-senanglah melukis dengan mesin kuas canggih, filter luar biasa dan banyak fitur berguna yang membuat Krita sangat produktif.

Divertiti a dipingere con gli avanzati sistemi di pennelli, i sorprendenti filtri e molte altre utili caratteristiche che fanno di Krita un software enormemente produttivo.

Krita のソフトウェアとしての生産性を高めている先進的なブラシエンジンや素晴らしいフィルタのほか、便利な機能の数々をお楽しみください。

Krita의 고급 브러시 엔진, 다양한 필터, 여러 도움이 되는 기능으로 생산성을 즐겁게 향상시킬 수 있습니다.

Veel plezier met schilderen met the geavanceerde penseel-engines, filters vol verbazing en vele handige mogelijkheden die maken dat Krita enorm productief is.

Leik deg med avanserte penselmotorar og fantastiske biletfilter – og mange andre nyttige funksjonar som gjer deg produktiv med Krita.

Baw się przy malowaniu przy użyciu zaawansowanych silników pędzli, zadziwiających filtrów i wielu innych przydatnych cech, które czynią z Krity bardzo produktywną.

Divirta-se a pintar com os motores de pincéis avançados, os filtros espantosos e muitas outras funcionalidades úteis que tornam o Krita altamente produtivo.

Divirta-se pintando com os mecanismos de pincéis avançados, filtros maravilhosos e muitas outras funcionalidades úteis que tornam o Krita altamente produtivo.

Получайте удовольствие от использования особых кистевых движков, впечатляющих фильтров и множества других функций, делающих Krita сверхпродуктивной.

Užívajte si maľovanie s pokročilými kresliacimi enginmi, úžasnými filtrami a mnohými užitočnými funkciami, ktoré robia Kritu veľmi produktívnu.

Ha det så kul vid målning med de avancerade penselfunktionerna, fantastiska filtren och många praktiska funktioner som gör Krita så enormt produktiv.

Gelişmiş fırça motorları, şaşırtıcı filtreler ve Krita'yı son derece üretken yapan bir çok kullanışlı özellikli boya ile iyi eğlenceler.

Отримуйте задоволення від малювання за допомогою пензлів з найширшими можливостями, чудових фільтрів та багатьох зручних можливостей, які роблять Krita надзвичайно продуктивним засобом малювання.

xxHave fun painting with the advanced brush engines, amazing filters and many handy features that make Krita enormously productive.xx

Krita 具有功能强大的笔刷引擎、种类繁多的滤镜以及便于操作的交互设计,可让你尽情、高效地挥洒无限创意。

使用先進的筆刷引擎、驚人的濾鏡和許多方便的功能來開心地繪畫,讓 Krita 擁有巨大的生產力。

https://www.krita.org/ https://docs.krita.org/KritaFAQ.html https://krita.org/support-us/donations/ https://docs.krita.org/ https://docs.krita.org/en/untranslatable_pages/reporting_bugs.html Krita is a full-featured digital painting studio. Krita és un estudi de pintura digital ple de funcionalitats. Krita és un estudi de pintura digital ple de funcionalitats. + Krita ist ein digitales Zeichenstudio mit umfangreichen Funktionen. + Krita is a full-featured digital painting studio. Krita es un completo estudio de dibujo digital. + Krita é un estudio completo de debuxo dixital. Krita adalah studio pelukisan digital dengan fitur yang lengkap. Krita è uno studio d'arte digitale completo. Krita는 다기능 디지털 예술 스튜디오입니다. Krita is een digitale schilderstudio vol mogelijkheden. Krita er ei funksjonsrik digital teiknestove. Krita jest pełnowymiarowym, cyfrowym studiem artystycznym. O Krita é um estúdio de arte digital completo. O Krita é um estúdio de pintura digital completo. + Krita je plnohodnotné digitálne maliarske štúdio. Krita är en fullfjädrad digital konststudio. Krita — повноцінний комплекс для цифрового малювання. xxKrita is a full-featured digital painting studio.xx Krita 是一款功能齐全的数字绘画工作室软件。 Krita 是全功能的數位繪圖工作室。 https://cdn.kde.org/screenshots/krita/2018-03-17_screenshot_001.png The startup window now also gives you the latest news about Krita. La finestra d'inici ara proporciona les darreres noticies quant al Krita. La finestra d'inici ara proporciona les darreres noticies quant al Krita. + The startup window now also gives you the latest news about Krita. La ventana de bienvenida también le proporciona ahora las últimas noticias sobre Krita. - Window pemulaian kini juga memberikan kamu kabar terbaru tentang Krita. + Agora a xanela de inicio tamén fornece as últimas novas sobre Krita. + Window pemulaian kini juga memberikan kamu kabar terkini tentang Krita. La finestra di avvio ora fornisce anche le ultime novità su Krita. 시작 창에서 Krita의 최신 소식을 볼 수 있습니다. Het opstartvenster geeft u nu ook you het laatste nieuws over Krita. Oppstartsvindauget viser no siste nytt om Krita. Okno początkowe teraz wyświetla wieści o Kricie. A janela inicial agora também lhe dá as últimas notícias sobre o Krita. + V úvodnom okne sa tiež nachádzajú najnovšie správy o Krita. Startfönstret ger nu också senaste nytt om Krita. У початковому вікні програми ви можете бачити найсвіжіші новини щодо Krita. xxThe startup window now also gives you the latest news about Krita.xx 启动画面现在可以为你呈现与 Krita 有关的最新资讯。 開始視窗也提供給您關於 Krita 的最新消息。 https://cdn.kde.org/screenshots/krita/2018-03-17_screenshot_002.png There are over ten immensely powerful brush engines. Hi ha uns deu motors de pinzell immensament potents. Hi ha uns deu motors de pinzell immensament potents. + There are over ten immensely powerful brush engines. Existen unos diez inmensamente potentes motores de pinceles. + Hai máis de dez motores de pinceis inmensamente potentes. Ada lebih dari sepuluh mesin kuas yang sangat manjur. Ci sono oltre dieci motori di pennelli incredibilmente potenti. 10가지 종류의 강력한 브러시 엔진을 사용할 수 있습니다. Er zijn meer dan tien immens krachtige penseelengines. Det finst meir enn ti enormt kraftige penselmotorar. Istnieje ponad dziesięć zaawansowanych silników pędzli. Existem mais de dez motores de pincéis extremamente poderosos. + Existuje viac ako desať nesmierne výkonných štetcových enginov. Det finns mer än tio enormt kraftfulla penselgränssnitt. У програмі передбачено понад десяток надзвичайно потужних рушіїв пензлів. xxThere are over ten immensely powerful brush engines.xx 它具备超过十种相当强大的笔刷引擎。 https://cdn.kde.org/screenshots/krita/2018-03-17_screenshot_003.png Create and use gamut masks to give your images a coherent feel. Creeu i useu màscares de gamma per donar a les imatges una aparença coherent. Creeu i useu màscares de gamma per donar a les imatges una aparença coherent. + Create and use gamut masks to give your images a coherent feel. Cree y use gamas para proporcionar a sus imágenes un aspecto coherente. + Crea e usa máscaras de gama para dar ás túas imaxes un aspecto coherente. Ciptakan dan gunakan masker gamut untuk memberikan gambarmu sebuah suasana koheren. Crea e utilizza maschere gamut per dare alle tue immagini un aspetto coerente. 색역 마스크를 만들고 사용할 수 있습니다. Maak en gebruik gamut-maskers om uw afbeeldingen een coherent gevoel te geven. Bruk fargeområde-masker for å gje bileta eit heilsleg uttrykk. Stwórz i używaj masek gamut, aby nadać swoim obrazom spójny wygląd. Crie e use máscaras de gamute para dar às suas imagens uma aparência coerente. + Vytvorte a používajte gamutové masky, aby vašim obrázkom poskytli ucelený pocit. Att skapa och använda färgomfångsmasker ger bilder en sammanhängande känsla. Створюйте маски палітри і користуйтеся ними для надання вашим малюнкам однорідного вигляду. xxCreate and use gamut masks to give your images a coherent feel.xx 创建并使用色域蒙版可以为你的图像带来更加一致的观感。 https://cdn.kde.org/screenshots/krita/2018-03-17_screenshot_004.png Into animation? Krita provides everything you need for traditional, hand-drawn animation. Esteu amb animacions? El Krita proporciona tol el que cal per a l'animació a mà tradicional. Esteu amb animacions? El Krita proporciona tol el que cal per a l'animació a mà tradicional. + Into animation? Krita provides everything you need for traditional, hand-drawn animation. ¿Trabaja con animación? Krita proporciona todo lo necesario para la animación manual tradicional. + Gusta das animacións? Krita fornece todo o necesario para animacións tradicionais debuxadas a man. Soal animasi? krita menyediakan apa pun yang kamu perlukan untuk animasi gambar-tangan, tradisional. Per le animazioni? Krita fornisce tutto ciò che ti server per l'animazione tradizionale, disegnata a mano. 애니메이션을 만들 계획이 있으신가요? Krita를 통해서 수작업 애니메이션을 작업할 수 있습니다. Naar animatie? Krita biedt alles wat u nodig hebt voor traditionele, met de hand getekende animatie. Interessert i animasjon? Krita har alt du treng for tradisjonelle, handteikna animasjonar. Zajmujesz się animacjami? Krita zapewnia wszystko czego potrzebujesz do tworzenia tradycyjnych, ręcznie rysowanych animacji. Gosta de animação? O Krita oferece tudo o que precisa para o desenho animado tradicional e desenhado à mão. + Ste do animácie? Krita poskytuje všetko, čo potrebujete pre tradičné ručne kreslené animácie. Gillar du animering? Krita tillhandahåller allt som behövs för traditionella, handritade animeringar. Працюєте із анімацією? У Krita ви знайдете усе, що потрібно для створення традиційної, намальованої вручну анімації. xxInto animation? Krita provides everything you need for traditional, hand-drawn animation.xx 喜欢制作动画吗?Krita 提供了制作传统手绘动画的全套工具。 想做動畫?Krita 提供您在傳統、手繪動畫所需的任何東西。 https://cdn.kde.org/screenshots/krita/2018-03-17_screenshot_005.png If you're new to digital painting, or want to know more about Krita's possibilities, there's an extensive, up-to-date manual. Si sou nou a la pintura digital, o voleu conèixer més quant a les possibilitats del Krita, hi ha un ampli manual actualitzat. Si sou nou a la pintura digital, o voleu conèixer més quant a les possibilitats del Krita, hi ha un ampli manual actualitzat. + If you're new to digital painting, or want to know more about Krita's possibilities, there's an extensive, up-to-date manual. Si está empezando con el dibujo digital o si quiere saber más sobre la posibilidades de Krita, dispone de un extenso y actualizado manual. + Se está a empezar co debuxo dixital, ou quere saber máis sobre as posibilidades de Krita, existe un manual exhaustivo e actualizado. Jika kamu baru dalam pelukisan digital, atau ingin mengetahui selebihnya tentang Krita, di situ ada manual yang update dan luas. Se sei nuovo del disegno digitale, o vuoi saperne di più sulle possibilità di Krita, è disponibile un manuale completo e aggiornato. 디지털 페인팅을 처음 시작하시거나, Krita의 기능을 더 알아 보려면 사용 설명서를 참조하십시오. Als u nieuw bent in digitaal schilderen of u wilt meer weten over de mogelijkheden van Krita, dan is er een uitgebreide, bijgewerkte handleiding. Viss du er nybegynnar innan digital teikning, eller ønskjer å veta meir om kva som er mogleg med Krita, finst det ei omfattande og oppdatert brukarhandbok. Jeśli cyfrowe malowanie to dla ciebie nowość, lub jeśli chcesz dowiedzieć się więcej o możliwościach Krity, to dostępny jest wyczerpująca i aktualna instrukcja obsługi. Se é novo na pintura digital, ou deseja saber mais sobre as possibilidades do Krita, existe um manual extenso e actualizado. + Ak ste v oblasti digitálnej maľby nováčikom alebo sa chcete dozvedieť viac o možnostiach programu Krita, existuje o tom rozsiahla a aktuálna príručka. Om digital målning är nytt för dig, eller om du vill veta mer om Kritas möjligheter, finns en omfattande, aktuell handbok. Якщо ви не маєте достатнього досвіду у цифровому малюванні або хочете дізнатися більше про можливості Krita, скористайтеся нашим докладним і актуальним підручником. xxIf you're new to digital painting, or want to know more about Krita's possibilities, there's an extensive, up-to-date manual.xx 不管你是数字绘画的新手,还是想发现 Krita 更多的用法,你都可以在我们详尽并持续更新的使用手册中找到答案。 https://cdn.kde.org/screenshots/krita/2018-03-17_screenshot_006.png Graphics 2DGraphics RasterGraphics KDE krita org.kde.krita.desktop
diff --git a/krita/org.kde.krita.desktop b/krita/org.kde.krita.desktop index ae6dbfec3d..c9ce012651 100644 --- a/krita/org.kde.krita.desktop +++ b/krita/org.kde.krita.desktop @@ -1,159 +1,159 @@ [Desktop Entry] Name=Krita Name[af]=Krita Name[ar]=كريتا Name[bg]=Krita Name[br]=Krita Name[bs]=Krita Name[ca]=Krita Name[ca@valencia]=Krita Name[cs]=Krita Name[cy]=Krita Name[da]=Krita Name[de]=Krita Name[el]=Krita Name[en_GB]=Krita Name[eo]=Krita Name[es]=Krita Name[et]=Krita Name[eu]=Krita Name[fi]=Krita Name[fr]=Krita Name[fy]=Krita Name[ga]=Krita Name[gl]=Krita Name[he]=Krita Name[hi]=केरिता Name[hne]=केरिता Name[hr]=Krita Name[hu]=Krita Name[ia]=Krita Name[is]=Krita Name[it]=Krita Name[ja]=Krita Name[kk]=Krita Name[ko]=Krita Name[lt]=Krita Name[lv]=Krita Name[mr]=क्रिटा Name[ms]=Krita Name[nb]=Krita Name[nds]=Krita Name[ne]=क्रिता Name[nl]=Krita Name[nn]=Krita Name[pl]=Krita Name[pt]=Krita Name[pt_BR]=Krita Name[ro]=Krita Name[ru]=Krita Name[se]=Krita Name[sk]=Krita Name[sl]=Krita Name[sv]=Krita Name[ta]=கிரிட்டா Name[tg]=Krita Name[tr]=Krita Name[ug]=Krita Name[uk]=Krita Name[uz]=Krita Name[uz@cyrillic]=Krita Name[wa]=Krita Name[xh]=Krita Name[x-test]=xxKritaxx Name[zh_CN]=Krita Name[zh_TW]=Krita Exec=krita %F GenericName=Digital Painting GenericName[ar]=رسم رقمي GenericName[bs]=Digitalno Bojenje GenericName[ca]=Dibuix digital GenericName[ca@valencia]=Dibuix digital GenericName[cs]=Digitální malování GenericName[da]=Digital tegning GenericName[de]=Digitales Malen GenericName[el]=Ψηφιακή ζωγραφική GenericName[en_GB]=Digital Painting GenericName[es]=Pintura digital GenericName[et]=Digitaalne joonistamine GenericName[eu]=Margolan digitala GenericName[fi]=Digitaalimaalaus GenericName[fr]=Peinture numérique GenericName[gl]=Debuxo dixital GenericName[hu]=Digitális festészet GenericName[ia]=Pintura Digital GenericName[is]=Stafræn málun GenericName[it]=Pittura digitale GenericName[ja]=デジタルペインティング GenericName[kk]=Цифрлық сурет салу GenericName[ko]=디지털 페인팅 GenericName[lt]=Skaitmeninis piešimas GenericName[mr]=डिजिटल पेंटिंग GenericName[nb]=Digital maling GenericName[nl]=Digitaal schilderen GenericName[nn]=Digital teikning GenericName[pl]=Cyfrowe malowanie GenericName[pt]=Pintura Digital GenericName[pt_BR]=Pintura digital GenericName[ru]=Цифровая живопись GenericName[sk]=Digitálne maľovanie GenericName[sl]=Digitalno slikanje GenericName[sv]=Digital målning GenericName[tr]=Sayısal Boyama GenericName[ug]=سىفىرلىق رەسىم سىزغۇ GenericName[uk]=Цифрове малювання GenericName[x-test]=xxDigital Paintingxx GenericName[zh_CN]=数字绘画 GenericName[zh_TW]=數位繪畫 MimeType=application/x-krita;image/openraster;application/x-krita-paintoppreset; Comment=Digital Painting Comment[ar]=رسم رقمي Comment[bs]=Digitalno Bojenje Comment[ca]=Dibuix digital Comment[ca@valencia]=Dibuix digital Comment[cs]=Digitální malování Comment[da]=Digital tegning Comment[de]=Digitales Malen Comment[el]=Ψηφιακή ζωγραφική Comment[en_GB]=Digital Painting Comment[es]=Pintura digital Comment[et]=Digitaalne joonistamine Comment[eu]=Margolan digitala Comment[fi]=Digitaalimaalaus Comment[fr]=Peinture numérique Comment[gl]=Debuxo dixital. Comment[hu]=Digitális festészet Comment[ia]=Pintura Digital Comment[is]=Stafræn málun Comment[it]=Pittura digitale Comment[ja]=デジタルペインティング Comment[kk]=Цифрлық сурет салу Comment[ko]=디지털 페인팅 Comment[lt]=Skaitmeninis piešimas Comment[mr]=डिजिटल पेंटिंग Comment[nb]=Digital maling Comment[nl]=Digitaal schilderen Comment[nn]=Digital teikning Comment[pl]=Cyfrowe malowanie Comment[pt]=Pintura Digital Comment[pt_BR]=Pintura digital Comment[ru]=Цифровая живопись Comment[sk]=Digitálne maľovanie Comment[sl]=Digitalno slikanje Comment[sv]=Digitalt målningsverktyg Comment[tr]=Sayısal Boyama Comment[ug]=سىفىرلىق رەسىم سىزغۇ Comment[uk]=Цифрове малювання Comment[x-test]=xxDigital Paintingxx Comment[zh_CN]=数字绘画 Comment[zh_TW]=數位繪畫 Type=Application -Icon=calligrakrita +Icon=krita Categories=Qt;KDE;Graphics;2DGraphics;RasterGraphics; X-KDE-NativeMimeType=application/x-krita X-KDE-ExtraNativeMimeTypes= StartupNotify=true X-Krita-Version=28 StartupWMClass=krita # Always be the preferred handler for .kra files InitialPreference=99 diff --git a/krita/pics/app/1024-apps-calligrakrita.png b/krita/pics/app/1024-apps-krita.png similarity index 100% rename from krita/pics/app/1024-apps-calligrakrita.png rename to krita/pics/app/1024-apps-krita.png diff --git a/krita/pics/app/128-apps-calligrakrita.png b/krita/pics/app/128-apps-krita.png similarity index 100% rename from krita/pics/app/128-apps-calligrakrita.png rename to krita/pics/app/128-apps-krita.png diff --git a/krita/pics/app/16-apps-calligrakrita.png b/krita/pics/app/16-apps-krita.png similarity index 100% rename from krita/pics/app/16-apps-calligrakrita.png rename to krita/pics/app/16-apps-krita.png diff --git a/krita/pics/app/22-apps-calligrakrita.png b/krita/pics/app/22-apps-krita.png similarity index 100% rename from krita/pics/app/22-apps-calligrakrita.png rename to krita/pics/app/22-apps-krita.png diff --git a/krita/pics/app/256-apps-calligrakrita.png b/krita/pics/app/256-apps-krita.png similarity index 100% rename from krita/pics/app/256-apps-calligrakrita.png rename to krita/pics/app/256-apps-krita.png diff --git a/krita/pics/app/32-apps-calligrakrita.png b/krita/pics/app/32-apps-krita.png similarity index 100% rename from krita/pics/app/32-apps-calligrakrita.png rename to krita/pics/app/32-apps-krita.png diff --git a/krita/pics/app/48-apps-calligrakrita.png b/krita/pics/app/48-apps-krita.png similarity index 100% rename from krita/pics/app/48-apps-calligrakrita.png rename to krita/pics/app/48-apps-krita.png diff --git a/krita/pics/app/512-apps-calligrakrita.png b/krita/pics/app/512-apps-krita.png similarity index 100% rename from krita/pics/app/512-apps-calligrakrita.png rename to krita/pics/app/512-apps-krita.png diff --git a/krita/pics/app/64-apps-calligrakrita.png b/krita/pics/app/64-apps-krita.png similarity index 100% rename from krita/pics/app/64-apps-calligrakrita.png rename to krita/pics/app/64-apps-krita.png diff --git a/krita/pics/app/CMakeLists.txt b/krita/pics/app/CMakeLists.txt index 7d0de0086e..10d95ebb78 100644 --- a/krita/pics/app/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/krita/pics/app/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ ecm_install_icons( ICONS -1024-apps-calligrakrita.png -128-apps-calligrakrita.png -16-apps-calligrakrita.png -22-apps-calligrakrita.png -256-apps-calligrakrita.png -32-apps-calligrakrita.png -48-apps-calligrakrita.png -512-apps-calligrakrita.png -64-apps-calligrakrita.png -sc-apps-calligrakrita.svgz +1024-apps-krita.png +128-apps-krita.png +16-apps-krita.png +22-apps-krita.png +256-apps-krita.png +32-apps-krita.png +48-apps-krita.png +512-apps-krita.png +64-apps-krita.png +sc-apps-krita.svgz DESTINATION ${ICON_INSTALL_DIR} ) diff --git a/krita/pics/app/sc-apps-calligrakrita.svgz b/krita/pics/app/sc-apps-krita.svgz similarity index 100% rename from krita/pics/app/sc-apps-calligrakrita.svgz rename to krita/pics/app/sc-apps-krita.svgz diff --git a/libs/flake/KoCanvasControllerWidget.cpp b/libs/flake/KoCanvasControllerWidget.cpp index 3cda255127..42ada26175 100644 --- a/libs/flake/KoCanvasControllerWidget.cpp +++ b/libs/flake/KoCanvasControllerWidget.cpp @@ -1,626 +1,615 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project * * Copyright (C) 2006, 2008-2009 Thomas Zander * Copyright (C) 2006 Peter Simonsson * Copyright (C) 2006, 2009 Thorsten Zachmann * Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Boudewijn Rempt * Copyright (C) 2007 C. Boemann * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Jan Hambrecht * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KoCanvasControllerWidget.h" #include "KoCanvasControllerWidget_p.h" #include "KoCanvasControllerWidgetViewport_p.h" #include "KoShape.h" #include "KoViewConverter.h" #include "KoCanvasBase.h" #include "KoCanvasObserverBase.h" #include "KoCanvasSupervisor.h" #include "KoToolManager_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include void KoCanvasControllerWidget::Private::setDocumentOffset() { // The margins scroll the canvas widget inside the viewport, not // the document. The documentOffset is meant to be the value that // the canvas must add to the update rect in its paint event, to // compensate. QPoint pt(q->horizontalScrollBar()->value(), q->verticalScrollBar()->value()); q->proxyObject->emitMoveDocumentOffset(pt); QWidget *canvasWidget = canvas->canvasWidget(); if (canvasWidget) { // If it isn't an OpenGL canvas if (qobject_cast(canvasWidget) == 0) { QPoint diff = q->documentOffset() - pt; canvasWidget->scroll(diff.x(), diff.y(), canvasWidget->rect()); } } q->setDocumentOffset(pt); } void KoCanvasControllerWidget::Private::resetScrollBars() { // The scrollbar value always points at the top-left corner of the // bit of image we paint. int docH = (int)q->documentSize().height() + q->margin(); int docW = (int)q->documentSize().width() + q->margin(); int drawH = viewportWidget->height(); int drawW = viewportWidget->width(); QScrollBar *hScroll = q->horizontalScrollBar(); QScrollBar *vScroll = q->verticalScrollBar(); int horizontalReserve = vastScrollingFactor * drawW; int verticalReserve = vastScrollingFactor * drawH; int xMin = -horizontalReserve; int yMin = -verticalReserve; int xMax = docW - drawW + horizontalReserve; int yMax = docH - drawH + verticalReserve; hScroll->setRange(xMin, xMax); vScroll->setRange(yMin, yMax); int fontheight = QFontMetrics(q->font()).height(); vScroll->setPageStep(drawH); vScroll->setSingleStep(fontheight); hScroll->setPageStep(drawW); hScroll->setSingleStep(fontheight); } void KoCanvasControllerWidget::Private::emitPointerPositionChangedSignals(QEvent *event) { if (!canvas) return; if (!canvas->viewConverter()) return; QPoint pointerPos; QMouseEvent *mouseEvent = dynamic_cast(event); if (mouseEvent) { pointerPos = mouseEvent->pos(); } else { QTabletEvent *tabletEvent = dynamic_cast(event); if (tabletEvent) { pointerPos = tabletEvent->pos(); } } QPoint pixelPos = (pointerPos - canvas->documentOrigin()) + q->documentOffset(); QPointF documentPos = canvas->viewConverter()->viewToDocument(pixelPos); q->proxyObject->emitDocumentMousePositionChanged(documentPos); q->proxyObject->emitCanvasMousePositionChanged(pointerPos); } #include void KoCanvasControllerWidget::Private::activate() { - QWidget *parent = q; - while (parent->parentWidget()) { - parent = parent->parentWidget(); - } - KoCanvasSupervisor *observerProvider = dynamic_cast(parent); if (!observerProvider) { return; } - KoCanvasBase *canvas = q->canvas(); Q_FOREACH (KoCanvasObserverBase *docker, observerProvider->canvasObservers()) { KoCanvasObserverBase *observer = dynamic_cast(docker); if (observer) { observer->setObservedCanvas(canvas); } } } void KoCanvasControllerWidget::Private::unsetCanvas() { - QWidget *parent = q; - while (parent->parentWidget()) { - parent = parent->parentWidget(); - } - KoCanvasSupervisor *observerProvider = dynamic_cast(parent); if (!observerProvider) { return; } Q_FOREACH (KoCanvasObserverBase *docker, observerProvider->canvasObservers()) { KoCanvasObserverBase *observer = dynamic_cast(docker); if (observer) { if (observer->observedCanvas() == q->canvas()) { observer->unsetObservedCanvas(); } } } } //////////// -KoCanvasControllerWidget::KoCanvasControllerWidget(KActionCollection * actionCollection, QWidget *parent) +KoCanvasControllerWidget::KoCanvasControllerWidget(KActionCollection * actionCollection, KoCanvasSupervisor *observerProvider, QWidget *parent) : QAbstractScrollArea(parent) , KoCanvasController(actionCollection) - , d(new Private(this)) + , d(new Private(this, observerProvider)) { // We need to set this as QDeclarativeView sets them a bit different from QAbstractScrollArea setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding); // And then our own Viewport d->viewportWidget = new Viewport(this); setViewport(d->viewportWidget); d->viewportWidget->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); setFrameStyle(0); //setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOn); setAutoFillBackground(false); /* Fixes: apps starting at zero zoom. Details: Since the document is set on the mainwindow before loading commences the inial show/layout can choose to set the document to be very small, even to be zero pixels tall. Setting a sane minimum size on the widget means we no longer get rounding errors in zooming and we no longer end up with zero-zoom. Note: KoPage apps should probably startup with a sane document size; for Krita that's impossible */ setMinimumSize(QSize(50, 50)); setMouseTracking(true); connect(horizontalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateCanvasOffsetX())); connect(verticalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateCanvasOffsetY())); connect(d->viewportWidget, SIGNAL(sizeChanged()), this, SLOT(updateCanvasOffsetX())); connect(proxyObject, SIGNAL(moveDocumentOffset(QPoint)), d->viewportWidget, SLOT(documentOffsetMoved(QPoint))); } KoCanvasControllerWidget::~KoCanvasControllerWidget() { delete d; } void KoCanvasControllerWidget::activate() { d->activate(); } void KoCanvasControllerWidget::scrollContentsBy(int dx, int dy) { Q_UNUSED(dx); Q_UNUSED(dy); d->setDocumentOffset(); } QSizeF KoCanvasControllerWidget::viewportSize() const { // Calculate viewport size aligned to device pixels to match KisOpenGLCanvas2. qreal dpr = viewport()->devicePixelRatioF(); int viewportWidth = static_cast(viewport()->width() * dpr); int viewportHeight = static_cast(viewport()->height() * dpr); return QSizeF(viewportWidth / dpr, viewportHeight / dpr); } void KoCanvasControllerWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *resizeEvent) { proxyObject->emitSizeChanged(resizeEvent->size()); // XXX: When resizing, keep the area we're looking at now in the // center of the resized view. resetScrollBars(); d->setDocumentOffset(); } void KoCanvasControllerWidget::setCanvas(KoCanvasBase *canvas) { if (d->canvas) { d->unsetCanvas(); proxyObject->emitCanvasRemoved(this); d->canvas->setCanvasController(0); d->canvas->canvasWidget()->removeEventFilter(this); } d->canvas = canvas; if (d->canvas) { d->canvas->setCanvasController(this); changeCanvasWidget(d->canvas->canvasWidget()); proxyObject->emitCanvasSet(this); QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(activate())); setPreferredCenterFractionX(0); setPreferredCenterFractionY(0); } } KoCanvasBase* KoCanvasControllerWidget::canvas() const { if (d->canvas.isNull()) return 0; return d->canvas; } void KoCanvasControllerWidget::changeCanvasWidget(QWidget *widget) { if (d->viewportWidget->canvas()) { widget->setCursor(d->viewportWidget->canvas()->cursor()); d->viewportWidget->canvas()->removeEventFilter(this); } d->viewportWidget->setCanvas(widget); setFocusProxy(d->canvas->canvasWidget()); } int KoCanvasControllerWidget::visibleHeight() const { if (d->canvas == 0) return 0; QWidget *canvasWidget = canvas()->canvasWidget(); int height1; if (canvasWidget == 0) height1 = viewport()->height(); else height1 = qMin(viewport()->height(), canvasWidget->height()); int height2 = height(); return qMin(height1, height2); } int KoCanvasControllerWidget::visibleWidth() const { if (d->canvas == 0) return 0; QWidget *canvasWidget = canvas()->canvasWidget(); int width1; if (canvasWidget == 0) width1 = viewport()->width(); else width1 = qMin(viewport()->width(), canvasWidget->width()); int width2 = width(); return qMin(width1, width2); } int KoCanvasControllerWidget::canvasOffsetX() const { int offset = -horizontalScrollBar()->value(); if (d->canvas) { offset += d->canvas->canvasWidget()->x() + frameWidth(); } return offset; } int KoCanvasControllerWidget::canvasOffsetY() const { int offset = -verticalScrollBar()->value(); if (d->canvas) { offset += d->canvas->canvasWidget()->y() + frameWidth(); } return offset; } void KoCanvasControllerWidget::updateCanvasOffsetX() { proxyObject->emitCanvasOffsetXChanged(canvasOffsetX()); if (d->ignoreScrollSignals) return; setPreferredCenterFractionX((horizontalScrollBar()->value() + viewport()->width() / 2.0) / documentSize().width()); } void KoCanvasControllerWidget::updateCanvasOffsetY() { proxyObject->emitCanvasOffsetYChanged(canvasOffsetY()); if (d->ignoreScrollSignals) return; setPreferredCenterFractionY((verticalScrollBar()->value() + verticalScrollBar()->pageStep() / 2.0) / documentSize().height()); } void KoCanvasControllerWidget::ensureVisible(KoShape *shape) { Q_ASSERT(shape); ensureVisible(d->canvas->viewConverter()->documentToView(shape->boundingRect())); } void KoCanvasControllerWidget::ensureVisible(const QRectF &rect, bool smooth) { QRect currentVisible(-canvasOffsetX(), -canvasOffsetY(), visibleWidth(), visibleHeight()); QRect viewRect = rect.toRect(); viewRect.translate(d->canvas->documentOrigin()); if (!viewRect.isValid() || currentVisible.contains(viewRect)) return; // its visible. Nothing to do. // if we move, we move a little more so the amount of times we have to move is less. int jumpWidth = smooth ? 0 : currentVisible.width() / 5; int jumpHeight = smooth ? 0 : currentVisible.height() / 5; if (!smooth && viewRect.width() + jumpWidth > currentVisible.width()) jumpWidth = 0; if (!smooth && viewRect.height() + jumpHeight > currentVisible.height()) jumpHeight = 0; int horizontalMove = 0; if (currentVisible.width() <= viewRect.width()) // center view horizontalMove = viewRect.center().x() - currentVisible.center().x(); else if (currentVisible.x() > viewRect.x()) // move left horizontalMove = viewRect.x() - currentVisible.x() - jumpWidth; else if (currentVisible.right() < viewRect.right()) // move right horizontalMove = viewRect.right() - qMax(0, currentVisible.right() - jumpWidth); int verticalMove = 0; if (currentVisible.height() <= viewRect.height()) // center view verticalMove = viewRect.center().y() - currentVisible.center().y(); if (currentVisible.y() > viewRect.y()) // move up verticalMove = viewRect.y() - currentVisible.y() - jumpHeight; else if (currentVisible.bottom() < viewRect.bottom()) // move down verticalMove = viewRect.bottom() - qMax(0, currentVisible.bottom() - jumpHeight); pan(QPoint(horizontalMove, verticalMove)); } void KoCanvasControllerWidget::recenterPreferred() { const bool oldIgnoreScrollSignals = d->ignoreScrollSignals; d->ignoreScrollSignals = true; QPointF center = preferredCenter(); // convert into a viewport based point center.rx() += d->canvas->canvasWidget()->x() + frameWidth(); center.ry() += d->canvas->canvasWidget()->y() + frameWidth(); // scroll to a new center point QPointF topLeft = center - 0.5 * QPointF(viewport()->width(), viewport()->height()); setScrollBarValue(topLeft.toPoint()); d->ignoreScrollSignals = oldIgnoreScrollSignals; } void KoCanvasControllerWidget::zoomIn(const QPoint ¢er) { zoomBy(center, sqrt(2.0)); } void KoCanvasControllerWidget::zoomOut(const QPoint ¢er) { zoomBy(center, sqrt(0.5)); } void KoCanvasControllerWidget::zoomBy(const QPoint ¢er, qreal zoom) { setPreferredCenterFractionX(1.0 * center.x() / documentSize().width()); setPreferredCenterFractionY(1.0 * center.y() / documentSize().height()); const bool oldIgnoreScrollSignals = d->ignoreScrollSignals; d->ignoreScrollSignals = true; proxyObject->emitZoomRelative(zoom, preferredCenter()); d->ignoreScrollSignals = oldIgnoreScrollSignals; } void KoCanvasControllerWidget::zoomTo(const QRect &viewRect) { qreal scale; if (1.0 * viewport()->width() / viewRect.width() > 1.0 * viewport()->height() / viewRect.height()) scale = 1.0 * viewport()->height() / viewRect.height(); else scale = 1.0 * viewport()->width() / viewRect.width(); zoomBy(viewRect.center(), scale); } void KoCanvasControllerWidget::updateDocumentSize(const QSizeF &sz, bool recalculateCenter) { // Don't update if the document-size didn't changed to prevent infinite loops and unneeded updates. if (KoCanvasController::documentSize() == sz) return; if (!recalculateCenter) { // assume the distance from the top stays equal and recalculate the center. setPreferredCenterFractionX(documentSize().width() * preferredCenterFractionX() / sz.width()); setPreferredCenterFractionY(documentSize().height() * preferredCenterFractionY() / sz.height()); } const bool oldIgnoreScrollSignals = d->ignoreScrollSignals; d->ignoreScrollSignals = true; KoCanvasController::setDocumentSize(sz); d->viewportWidget->setDocumentSize(sz); resetScrollBars(); // Always emit the new offset. updateCanvasOffsetX(); updateCanvasOffsetY(); d->ignoreScrollSignals = oldIgnoreScrollSignals; } void KoCanvasControllerWidget::setZoomWithWheel(bool zoom) { d->zoomWithWheel = zoom; } void KoCanvasControllerWidget::setVastScrolling(qreal factor) { d->vastScrollingFactor = factor; } QPointF KoCanvasControllerWidget::currentCursorPosition() const { QWidget *canvasWidget = d->canvas->canvasWidget(); const KoViewConverter *converter = d->canvas->viewConverter(); return converter->viewToDocument(canvasWidget->mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()) + d->canvas->canvasController()->documentOffset() - canvasWidget->pos()); } void KoCanvasControllerWidget::pan(const QPoint &distance) { QPoint sourcePoint = scrollBarValue(); setScrollBarValue(sourcePoint + distance); } void KoCanvasControllerWidget::panUp() { pan(QPoint(0, verticalScrollBar()->singleStep())); } void KoCanvasControllerWidget::panDown() { pan(QPoint(0, -verticalScrollBar()->singleStep())); } void KoCanvasControllerWidget::panLeft() { pan(QPoint(horizontalScrollBar()->singleStep(), 0)); } void KoCanvasControllerWidget::panRight() { pan(QPoint(-horizontalScrollBar()->singleStep(), 0)); } void KoCanvasControllerWidget::setPreferredCenter(const QPointF &viewPoint) { setPreferredCenterFractionX(viewPoint.x() / documentSize().width()); setPreferredCenterFractionY(viewPoint.y() / documentSize().height()); recenterPreferred(); } QPointF KoCanvasControllerWidget::preferredCenter() const { QPointF center; center.setX(preferredCenterFractionX() * documentSize().width()); center.setY(preferredCenterFractionY() * documentSize().height()); return center; } void KoCanvasControllerWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) { QPainter gc(viewport()); d->viewportWidget->handlePaintEvent(gc, event); } void KoCanvasControllerWidget::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event) { d->viewportWidget->handleDragEnterEvent(event); } void KoCanvasControllerWidget::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) { d->viewportWidget->handleDropEvent(event); } void KoCanvasControllerWidget::dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *event) { d->viewportWidget->handleDragMoveEvent(event); } void KoCanvasControllerWidget::dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent *event) { d->viewportWidget->handleDragLeaveEvent(event); } void KoCanvasControllerWidget::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) { if (d->zoomWithWheel != ((event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) == Qt::ControlModifier)) { const qreal zoomCoeff = event->delta() > 0 ? sqrt(2.0) : sqrt(0.5); zoomRelativeToPoint(event->pos(), zoomCoeff); event->accept(); } else QAbstractScrollArea::wheelEvent(event); } void KoCanvasControllerWidget::zoomRelativeToPoint(const QPoint &widgetPoint, qreal zoomCoeff) { const QPoint offset = scrollBarValue(); const QPoint mousePos(widgetPoint + offset); const bool oldIgnoreScrollSignals = d->ignoreScrollSignals; d->ignoreScrollSignals = true; proxyObject->emitZoomRelative(zoomCoeff, mousePos); d->ignoreScrollSignals = oldIgnoreScrollSignals; } bool KoCanvasControllerWidget::focusNextPrevChild(bool) { // we always return false meaning the canvas takes keyboard focus, but never gives it away. return false; } void KoCanvasControllerWidget::setMargin(int margin) { KoCanvasController::setMargin(margin); Q_ASSERT(d->viewportWidget); d->viewportWidget->setMargin(margin); } QPoint KoCanvasControllerWidget::scrollBarValue() const { QScrollBar * hBar = horizontalScrollBar(); QScrollBar * vBar = verticalScrollBar(); return QPoint(hBar->value(), vBar->value()); } void KoCanvasControllerWidget::setScrollBarValue(const QPoint &value) { QScrollBar * hBar = horizontalScrollBar(); QScrollBar * vBar = verticalScrollBar(); hBar->setValue(value.x()); vBar->setValue(value.y()); } void KoCanvasControllerWidget::resetScrollBars() { d->resetScrollBars(); } qreal KoCanvasControllerWidget::vastScrollingFactor() const { return d->vastScrollingFactor; } KoCanvasControllerWidget::Private *KoCanvasControllerWidget::priv() { return d; } //have to include this because of Q_PRIVATE_SLOT #include "moc_KoCanvasControllerWidget.cpp" diff --git a/libs/flake/KoCanvasControllerWidget.h b/libs/flake/KoCanvasControllerWidget.h index a74e5f109b..a3494227d5 100644 --- a/libs/flake/KoCanvasControllerWidget.h +++ b/libs/flake/KoCanvasControllerWidget.h @@ -1,193 +1,193 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project * Copyright (C) 2006, 2008 Thomas Zander * Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Boudewijn Rempt * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 C. Boemann * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Jan Hambrecht * Copyright (C) 2009 Thorsten Zachmann * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KOCANVASCONTROLLERWIDGET_H #define KOCANVASCONTROLLERWIDGET_H #include "kritaflake_export.h" #include #include #include "KoCanvasController.h" class KoShape; class KoCanvasBase; - +class KoCanvasSupervisor; /** * KoCanvasController implementation for QWidget based canvases */ class KRITAFLAKE_EXPORT KoCanvasControllerWidget : public QAbstractScrollArea, public KoCanvasController { Q_OBJECT public: /** * Constructor. * @param actionCollection the action collection for this widget * @param parent the parent this widget will belong to */ - explicit KoCanvasControllerWidget(KActionCollection * actionCollection, QWidget *parent = 0); + explicit KoCanvasControllerWidget(KActionCollection * actionCollection, KoCanvasSupervisor *observerProvider, QWidget *parent = 0); ~KoCanvasControllerWidget() override; /** * Reimplemented from QAbstractScrollArea. */ void scrollContentsBy(int dx, int dy) override; QSizeF viewportSize() const override; /// Reimplemented from KoCanvasController /** * Activate this canvascontroller */ virtual void activate(); void setCanvas(KoCanvasBase *canvas) override; KoCanvasBase *canvas() const override; /** * Change the actual canvas widget used by the current canvas. This allows the canvas widget * to be changed while keeping the current KoCanvasBase canvas and its associated resources as * they are. This might be used, for example, to switch from a QWidget to a QOpenGLWidget canvas. * @param widget the new canvas widget. */ virtual void changeCanvasWidget(QWidget *widget); int visibleHeight() const override; int visibleWidth() const override; int canvasOffsetX() const override; int canvasOffsetY() const override; void ensureVisible(const QRectF &rect, bool smooth = false) override; void ensureVisible(KoShape *shape) override; /** * will cause the toolOptionWidgetsChanged to be emitted and all * listeners to be updated to the new widget. * * FIXME: This doesn't belong her and it does an * inherits("KoView") so it too much tied to komain * * @param widgets the map of widgets */ void setToolOptionWidgets(const QList > &widgets); void zoomIn(const QPoint ¢er) override; void zoomOut(const QPoint ¢er) override; void zoomBy(const QPoint ¢er, qreal zoom) override; void zoomTo(const QRect &rect) override; /** * Zoom document keeping point \p widgetPoint unchanged * \param widgetPoint sticky point in widget pixels * \param zoomCoeff the zoom */ virtual void zoomRelativeToPoint(const QPoint &widgetPoint, qreal zoomCoeff); void recenterPreferred() override; void setPreferredCenter(const QPointF &viewPoint) override; /// Returns the currently set preferred center point in view coordinates (pixels) QPointF preferredCenter() const override; void pan(const QPoint &distance) override; virtual void panUp() override; virtual void panDown() override; virtual void panLeft() override; virtual void panRight() override; void setMargin(int margin) override; QPoint scrollBarValue() const override; /** * Used by KisCanvasController to correct the scrollbars position * after the rotation. */ void setScrollBarValue(const QPoint &value) override; void updateDocumentSize(const QSizeF &sz, bool recalculateCenter = true) override; /** * Set mouse wheel to zoom behaviour * @param zoom if true wheel will zoom instead of scroll, control modifier will scroll */ void setZoomWithWheel(bool zoom) override; void setVastScrolling(qreal factor) override; QPointF currentCursorPosition() const override; void resetScrollBars() override; /** * \internal */ class Private; KoCanvasControllerWidget::Private *priv(); private Q_SLOTS: /// Called by the horizontal scrollbar when its value changes void updateCanvasOffsetX(); /// Called by the vertical scrollbar when its value changes void updateCanvasOffsetY(); protected: friend class KisZoomAndPanTest; qreal vastScrollingFactor() const; /// reimplemented from QWidget void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) override; /// reimplemented from QWidget void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *resizeEvent) override; /// reimplemented from QWidget void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event) override; /// reimplemented from QWidget void dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) override; /// reimplemented from QWidget void dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *event) override; /// reimplemented from QWidget void dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent *event) override; /// reimplemented from QWidget void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) override; /// reimplemented from QWidget bool focusNextPrevChild(bool next) override; private: Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void activate()) Private * const d; }; #endif diff --git a/libs/flake/KoCanvasControllerWidget_p.h b/libs/flake/KoCanvasControllerWidget_p.h index d111af73a1..cfb277c19f 100644 --- a/libs/flake/KoCanvasControllerWidget_p.h +++ b/libs/flake/KoCanvasControllerWidget_p.h @@ -1,68 +1,71 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project * * Copyright (C) 2006, 2008-2009 Thomas Zander * Copyright (C) 2006 Peter Simonsson * Copyright (C) 2006, 2009 Thorsten Zachmann * Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Boudewijn Rempt * Copyright (C) 2007 C. Boemann * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Jan Hambrecht * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KoCanvasControllerWidget_p_h #define KoCanvasControllerWidget_p_h #include #include +#include "KoCanvasSupervisor.h" class KoCanvasControllerWidget; class Viewport; class KoCanvasBase; class Q_DECL_HIDDEN KoCanvasControllerWidget::Private { public: - Private(KoCanvasControllerWidget *qq) + Private(KoCanvasControllerWidget *qq, KoCanvasSupervisor *observerProvider) : q(qq) + , observerProvider(observerProvider) , canvas(0) , ignoreScrollSignals(false) , zoomWithWheel(false) , vastScrollingFactor(0) { } /** * Gets called by the tool manager if this canvas controller is the current active canvas controller. */ void setDocumentOffset(); void resetScrollBars(); void emitPointerPositionChangedSignals(QEvent *event); void activate(); void unsetCanvas(); KoCanvasControllerWidget *q; + KoCanvasSupervisor *observerProvider; QPointer canvas; Viewport *viewportWidget; bool ignoreScrollSignals; bool zoomWithWheel; qreal vastScrollingFactor; }; #endif diff --git a/libs/flake/KoShapeManager.cpp b/libs/flake/KoShapeManager.cpp index ee88220e94..9541dcd4f6 100644 --- a/libs/flake/KoShapeManager.cpp +++ b/libs/flake/KoShapeManager.cpp @@ -1,634 +1,685 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Thorsten Zachmann Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Thomas Zander Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Jan Hambrecht This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KoShapeManager.h" #include "KoShapeManager_p.h" #include "KoSelection.h" #include "KoToolManager.h" #include "KoPointerEvent.h" #include "KoShape.h" #include "KoShape_p.h" #include "KoCanvasBase.h" #include "KoShapeContainer.h" #include "KoShapeStrokeModel.h" #include "KoShapeGroup.h" #include "KoToolProxy.h" #include "KoShapeShadow.h" #include "KoShapeLayer.h" #include "KoFilterEffect.h" #include "KoFilterEffectStack.h" #include "KoFilterEffectRenderContext.h" #include "KoShapeBackground.h" #include #include "KoClipPath.h" #include "KoClipMaskPainter.h" #include "KoShapePaintingContext.h" #include "KoViewConverter.h" #include "KisQPainterStateSaver.h" #include "KoSvgTextChunkShape.h" #include "KoSvgTextShape.h" #include #include #include #include #include "kis_painting_tweaks.h" bool KoShapeManager::Private::shapeUsedInRenderingTree(KoShape *shape) { // FIXME: make more general! return !dynamic_cast(shape) && !dynamic_cast(shape) && !(dynamic_cast(shape) && !dynamic_cast(shape)); } void KoShapeManager::Private::updateTree() { + QMutexLocker l(&this->treeMutex); + // for detecting collisions between shapes. DetectCollision detector; bool selectionModified = false; bool anyModified = false; Q_FOREACH (KoShape *shape, aggregate4update) { if (shapeIndexesBeforeUpdate.contains(shape)) detector.detect(tree, shape, shapeIndexesBeforeUpdate[shape]); selectionModified = selectionModified || selection->isSelected(shape); anyModified = true; } foreach (KoShape *shape, aggregate4update) { if (!shapeUsedInRenderingTree(shape)) continue; tree.remove(shape); QRectF br(shape->boundingRect()); tree.insert(br, shape); } // do it again to see which shapes we intersect with _after_ moving. foreach (KoShape *shape, aggregate4update) { detector.detect(tree, shape, shapeIndexesBeforeUpdate[shape]); } aggregate4update.clear(); shapeIndexesBeforeUpdate.clear(); detector.fireSignals(); if (selectionModified) { emit q->selectionContentChanged(); } if (anyModified) { emit q->contentChanged(); } } void KoShapeManager::Private::paintGroup(KoShapeGroup *group, QPainter &painter, const KoViewConverter &converter, KoShapePaintingContext &paintContext) { QList shapes = group->shapes(); std::sort(shapes.begin(), shapes.end(), KoShape::compareShapeZIndex); Q_FOREACH (KoShape *child, shapes) { // we paint recursively here, so we do not have to check recursively for visibility if (!child->isVisible(false)) continue; KoShapeGroup *childGroup = dynamic_cast(child); if (childGroup) { paintGroup(childGroup, painter, converter, paintContext); } else { painter.save(); KoShapeManager::renderSingleShape(child, painter, converter, paintContext); painter.restore(); } } } KoShapeManager::KoShapeManager(KoCanvasBase *canvas, const QList &shapes) : d(new Private(this, canvas)) { Q_ASSERT(d->canvas); // not optional. connect(d->selection, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, SIGNAL(selectionChanged())); setShapes(shapes); /** * Shape manager uses signal compressors with timers, therefore * it might handle queued signals, therefore it should belong * to the GUI thread. */ this->moveToThread(qApp->thread()); } KoShapeManager::KoShapeManager(KoCanvasBase *canvas) : d(new Private(this, canvas)) { Q_ASSERT(d->canvas); // not optional. connect(d->selection, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, SIGNAL(selectionChanged())); // see a comment in another constructor this->moveToThread(qApp->thread()); } void KoShapeManager::Private::unlinkFromShapesRecursively(const QList &shapes) { Q_FOREACH (KoShape *shape, shapes) { shape->removeShapeManager(q); KoShapeContainer *container = dynamic_cast(shape); if (container) { unlinkFromShapesRecursively(container->shapes()); } } } KoShapeManager::~KoShapeManager() { d->unlinkFromShapesRecursively(d->shapes); d->shapes.clear(); delete d; } void KoShapeManager::setShapes(const QList &shapes, Repaint repaint) { - //clear selection - d->selection->deselectAll(); - d->unlinkFromShapesRecursively(d->shapes); - d->aggregate4update.clear(); - d->tree.clear(); - d->shapes.clear(); + { + QMutexLocker l1(&d->shapesMutex); + QMutexLocker l2(&d->treeMutex); + + //clear selection + d->selection->deselectAll(); + d->unlinkFromShapesRecursively(d->shapes); + d->aggregate4update.clear(); + d->shapeIndexesBeforeUpdate.clear(); + d->tree.clear(); + d->shapes.clear(); + } Q_FOREACH (KoShape *shape, shapes) { addShape(shape, repaint); } } void KoShapeManager::addShape(KoShape *shape, Repaint repaint) { - if (d->shapes.contains(shape)) - return; - shape->addShapeManager(this); - d->shapes.append(shape); + { + QMutexLocker l1(&d->shapesMutex); - if (d->shapeUsedInRenderingTree(shape)) { - QRectF br(shape->boundingRect()); - d->tree.insert(br, shape); + if (d->shapes.contains(shape)) + return; + shape->addShapeManager(this); + d->shapes.append(shape); + + if (d->shapeUsedInRenderingTree(shape)) { + QMutexLocker l2(&d->treeMutex); + + QRectF br(shape->boundingRect()); + d->tree.insert(br, shape); + } } if (repaint == PaintShapeOnAdd) { shape->update(); } // add the children of a KoShapeContainer KoShapeContainer *container = dynamic_cast(shape); if (container) { foreach (KoShape *containerShape, container->shapes()) { addShape(containerShape, repaint); } } - Private::DetectCollision detector; - detector.detect(d->tree, shape, shape->zIndex()); - detector.fireSignals(); + { + QMutexLocker l(&d->treeMutex); + + Private::DetectCollision detector; + detector.detect(d->tree, shape, shape->zIndex()); + detector.fireSignals(); + } } void KoShapeManager::remove(KoShape *shape) { - Private::DetectCollision detector; - detector.detect(d->tree, shape, shape->zIndex()); - detector.fireSignals(); + { + QMutexLocker l1(&d->shapesMutex); + QMutexLocker l2(&d->treeMutex); - shape->update(); - shape->removeShapeManager(this); - d->selection->deselect(shape); - d->aggregate4update.remove(shape); + Private::DetectCollision detector; + detector.detect(d->tree, shape, shape->zIndex()); + detector.fireSignals(); + + shape->update(); + shape->removeShapeManager(this); + d->selection->deselect(shape); + d->aggregate4update.remove(shape); - if (d->shapeUsedInRenderingTree(shape)) { - d->tree.remove(shape); + if (d->shapeUsedInRenderingTree(shape)) { + d->tree.remove(shape); + } + d->shapes.removeAll(shape); } - d->shapes.removeAll(shape); // remove the children of a KoShapeContainer KoShapeContainer *container = dynamic_cast(shape); if (container) { foreach (KoShape *containerShape, container->shapes()) { remove(containerShape); } } } KoShapeManager::ShapeInterface::ShapeInterface(KoShapeManager *_q) : q(_q) { } void KoShapeManager::ShapeInterface::notifyShapeDestructed(KoShape *shape) { + QMutexLocker l1(&q->d->shapesMutex); + QMutexLocker l2(&q->d->treeMutex); + q->d->selection->deselect(shape); q->d->aggregate4update.remove(shape); // we cannot access RTTI of the semi-destructed shape, so just // unlink it lazily if (q->d->tree.contains(shape)) { q->d->tree.remove(shape); } q->d->shapes.removeAll(shape); } KoShapeManager::ShapeInterface *KoShapeManager::shapeInterface() { return &d->shapeInterface; } void KoShapeManager::paint(QPainter &painter, const KoViewConverter &converter, bool forPrint) { + QMutexLocker l1(&d->shapesMutex); + d->updateTree(); painter.setPen(Qt::NoPen); // painters by default have a black stroke, lets turn that off. painter.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); QList unsortedShapes; if (painter.hasClipping()) { + QMutexLocker l(&d->treeMutex); + QRectF rect = converter.viewToDocument(KisPaintingTweaks::safeClipBoundingRect(painter)); unsortedShapes = d->tree.intersects(rect); } else { unsortedShapes = shapes(); warnFlake << "KoShapeManager::paint Painting with a painter that has no clipping will lead to too much being painted!"; } // filter all hidden shapes from the list // also filter shapes with a parent which has filter effects applied QList sortedShapes; foreach (KoShape *shape, unsortedShapes) { if (!shape->isVisible()) continue; bool addShapeToList = true; // check if one of the shapes ancestors have filter effects KoShapeContainer *parent = shape->parent(); while (parent) { // parent must be part of the shape manager to be taken into account if (!d->shapes.contains(parent)) break; if (parent->filterEffectStack() && !parent->filterEffectStack()->isEmpty()) { addShapeToList = false; break; } parent = parent->parent(); } if (addShapeToList) { sortedShapes.append(shape); } else if (parent) { sortedShapes.append(parent); } } std::sort(sortedShapes.begin(), sortedShapes.end(), KoShape::compareShapeZIndex); KoShapePaintingContext paintContext(d->canvas, forPrint); //FIXME foreach (KoShape *shape, sortedShapes) { renderSingleShape(shape, painter, converter, paintContext); } #ifdef CALLIGRA_RTREE_DEBUG // paint tree qreal zx = 0; qreal zy = 0; converter.zoom(&zx, &zy); painter.save(); painter.scale(zx, zy); d->tree.paint(painter); painter.restore(); #endif if (! forPrint) { KoShapePaintingContext paintContext(d->canvas, forPrint); //FIXME d->selection->paint(painter, converter, paintContext); } } void KoShapeManager::renderSingleShape(KoShape *shape, QPainter &painter, const KoViewConverter &converter, KoShapePaintingContext &paintContext) { KisQPainterStateSaver saver(&painter); // apply shape clipping KoClipPath::applyClipping(shape, painter, converter); // apply transformation painter.setTransform(shape->absoluteTransformation(&converter) * painter.transform()); // paint the shape paintShape(shape, painter, converter, paintContext); } void KoShapeManager::paintShape(KoShape *shape, QPainter &painter, const KoViewConverter &converter, KoShapePaintingContext &paintContext) { qreal transparency = shape->transparency(true); if (transparency > 0.0) { painter.setOpacity(1.0-transparency); } if (shape->shadow()) { painter.save(); shape->shadow()->paint(shape, painter, converter); painter.restore(); } if (!shape->filterEffectStack() || shape->filterEffectStack()->isEmpty()) { QScopedPointer clipMaskPainter; QPainter *shapePainter = &painter; KoClipMask *clipMask = shape->clipMask(); if (clipMask) { clipMaskPainter.reset(new KoClipMaskPainter(&painter, shape->boundingRect())); shapePainter = clipMaskPainter->shapePainter(); } /** * We expect the shape to save/restore the painter's state itself. Such design was not * not always here, so we need a period of sanity checks to ensure all the shapes are * ported correctly. */ const QTransform sanityCheckTransformSaved = shapePainter->transform(); shape->paint(*shapePainter, converter, paintContext); shape->paintStroke(*shapePainter, converter, paintContext); KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER(shapePainter->transform() == sanityCheckTransformSaved) { shapePainter->setTransform(sanityCheckTransformSaved); } if (clipMask) { shape->clipMask()->drawMask(clipMaskPainter->maskPainter(), shape); clipMaskPainter->renderOnGlobalPainter(); } } else { // TODO: clipping mask is not implemented for this case! // There are filter effects, then we need to prerender the shape on an image, to filter it QRectF shapeBound(QPointF(), shape->size()); // First step, compute the rectangle used for the image QRectF clipRegion = shape->filterEffectStack()->clipRectForBoundingRect(shapeBound); // convert clip region to view coordinates QRectF zoomedClipRegion = converter.documentToView(clipRegion); // determine the offset of the clipping rect from the shapes origin QPointF clippingOffset = zoomedClipRegion.topLeft(); // Initialize the buffer image QImage sourceGraphic(zoomedClipRegion.size().toSize(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); sourceGraphic.fill(qRgba(0,0,0,0)); QHash imageBuffers; QSet requiredStdInputs = shape->filterEffectStack()->requiredStandarsInputs(); if (requiredStdInputs.contains("SourceGraphic") || requiredStdInputs.contains("SourceAlpha")) { // Init the buffer painter QPainter imagePainter(&sourceGraphic); imagePainter.translate(-1.0f*clippingOffset); imagePainter.setPen(Qt::NoPen); imagePainter.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); imagePainter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, painter.testRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing)); // Paint the shape on the image KoShapeGroup *group = dynamic_cast(shape); if (group) { // the childrens matrix contains the groups matrix as well // so we have to compensate for that before painting the children imagePainter.setTransform(group->absoluteTransformation(&converter).inverted(), true); Private::paintGroup(group, imagePainter, converter, paintContext); } else { imagePainter.save(); shape->paint(imagePainter, converter, paintContext); shape->paintStroke(imagePainter, converter, paintContext); imagePainter.restore(); imagePainter.end(); } } if (requiredStdInputs.contains("SourceAlpha")) { QImage sourceAlpha = sourceGraphic; sourceAlpha.fill(qRgba(0,0,0,255)); sourceAlpha.setAlphaChannel(sourceGraphic.alphaChannel()); imageBuffers.insert("SourceAlpha", sourceAlpha); } if (requiredStdInputs.contains("FillPaint")) { QImage fillPaint = sourceGraphic; if (shape->background()) { QPainter fillPainter(&fillPaint); QPainterPath fillPath; fillPath.addRect(fillPaint.rect().adjusted(-1,-1,1,1)); shape->background()->paint(fillPainter, converter, paintContext, fillPath); } else { fillPaint.fill(qRgba(0,0,0,0)); } imageBuffers.insert("FillPaint", fillPaint); } imageBuffers.insert("SourceGraphic", sourceGraphic); imageBuffers.insert(QString(), sourceGraphic); KoFilterEffectRenderContext renderContext(converter); renderContext.setShapeBoundingBox(shapeBound); QImage result; QList filterEffects = shape->filterEffectStack()->filterEffects(); // Filter foreach (KoFilterEffect *filterEffect, filterEffects) { QRectF filterRegion = filterEffect->filterRectForBoundingRect(shapeBound); filterRegion = converter.documentToView(filterRegion); QRect subRegion = filterRegion.translated(-clippingOffset).toRect(); // set current filter region renderContext.setFilterRegion(subRegion & sourceGraphic.rect()); if (filterEffect->maximalInputCount() <= 1) { QList inputs = filterEffect->inputs(); QString input = inputs.count() ? inputs.first() : QString(); // get input image from image buffers and apply the filter effect QImage image = imageBuffers.value(input); if (!image.isNull()) { result = filterEffect->processImage(imageBuffers.value(input), renderContext); } } else { QList inputImages; Q_FOREACH (const QString &input, filterEffect->inputs()) { QImage image = imageBuffers.value(input); if (!image.isNull()) inputImages.append(imageBuffers.value(input)); } // apply the filter effect if (filterEffect->inputs().count() == inputImages.count()) result = filterEffect->processImages(inputImages, renderContext); } // store result of effect imageBuffers.insert(filterEffect->output(), result); } KoFilterEffect *lastEffect = filterEffects.last(); // Paint the result painter.save(); painter.drawImage(clippingOffset, imageBuffers.value(lastEffect->output())); painter.restore(); } } KoShape *KoShapeManager::shapeAt(const QPointF &position, KoFlake::ShapeSelection selection, bool omitHiddenShapes) { + QMutexLocker l(&d->shapesMutex); + d->updateTree(); - QList sortedShapes(d->tree.contains(position)); + QList sortedShapes; + + { + QMutexLocker l(&d->treeMutex); + sortedShapes = d->tree.contains(position); + } + std::sort(sortedShapes.begin(), sortedShapes.end(), KoShape::compareShapeZIndex); KoShape *firstUnselectedShape = 0; for (int count = sortedShapes.count() - 1; count >= 0; count--) { KoShape *shape = sortedShapes.at(count); if (omitHiddenShapes && ! shape->isVisible()) continue; if (! shape->hitTest(position)) continue; switch (selection) { case KoFlake::ShapeOnTop: if (shape->isSelectable()) return shape; break; case KoFlake::Selected: if (d->selection->isSelected(shape)) return shape; break; case KoFlake::Unselected: if (! d->selection->isSelected(shape)) return shape; break; case KoFlake::NextUnselected: // we want an unselected shape if (d->selection->isSelected(shape)) continue; // memorize the first unselected shape if (! firstUnselectedShape) firstUnselectedShape = shape; // check if the shape above is selected if (count + 1 < sortedShapes.count() && d->selection->isSelected(sortedShapes.at(count + 1))) return shape; break; } } // if we want the next unselected below a selected but there was none selected, // return the first found unselected shape if (selection == KoFlake::NextUnselected && firstUnselectedShape) return firstUnselectedShape; if (d->selection->hitTest(position)) return d->selection; return 0; // missed everything } QList KoShapeManager::shapesAt(const QRectF &rect, bool omitHiddenShapes, bool containedMode) { + QMutexLocker l(&d->shapesMutex); + d->updateTree(); - QList shapes(containedMode ? d->tree.contained(rect) : d->tree.intersects(rect)); + QList shapes; + + { + QMutexLocker l(&d->treeMutex); + shapes = containedMode ? d->tree.contained(rect) : d->tree.intersects(rect); + } for (int count = shapes.count() - 1; count >= 0; count--) { KoShape *shape = shapes.at(count); if (omitHiddenShapes && !shape->isVisible()) { shapes.removeAt(count); } else { const QPainterPath outline = shape->absoluteTransformation(0).map(shape->outline()); if (!containedMode && !outline.intersects(rect) && !outline.contains(rect)) { shapes.removeAt(count); } else if (containedMode) { QPainterPath containingPath; containingPath.addRect(rect); if (!containingPath.contains(outline)) { shapes.removeAt(count); } } } } return shapes; } void KoShapeManager::update(const QRectF &rect, const KoShape *shape, bool selectionHandles) { + // TODO: do we need locking here? + d->canvas->updateCanvas(rect); if (selectionHandles && d->selection->isSelected(shape)) { if (d->canvas->toolProxy()) d->canvas->toolProxy()->repaintDecorations(); } } void KoShapeManager::notifyShapeChanged(KoShape *shape) { - Q_ASSERT(shape); - if (d->aggregate4update.contains(shape)) { - return; + { + QMutexLocker l(&d->treeMutex); + + Q_ASSERT(shape); + if (d->aggregate4update.contains(shape)) { + return; + } + + d->aggregate4update.insert(shape); + d->shapeIndexesBeforeUpdate.insert(shape, shape->zIndex()); } - const bool wasEmpty = d->aggregate4update.isEmpty(); - d->aggregate4update.insert(shape); - d->shapeIndexesBeforeUpdate.insert(shape, shape->zIndex()); KoShapeContainer *container = dynamic_cast(shape); if (container) { Q_FOREACH (KoShape *child, container->shapes()) notifyShapeChanged(child); } - - if (wasEmpty && !d->aggregate4update.isEmpty()) { - d->updateTreeCompressor.start(); - } } QList KoShapeManager::shapes() const { + QMutexLocker l(&d->shapesMutex); + return d->shapes; } QList KoShapeManager::topLevelShapes() const { + QMutexLocker l(&d->shapesMutex); + QList shapes; // get all toplevel shapes Q_FOREACH (KoShape *shape, d->shapes) { if (!shape->parent() || dynamic_cast(shape->parent())) { shapes.append(shape); } } return shapes; } KoSelection *KoShapeManager::selection() const { return d->selection; } KoCanvasBase *KoShapeManager::canvas() { return d->canvas; } //have to include this because of Q_PRIVATE_SLOT #include "moc_KoShapeManager.cpp" diff --git a/libs/flake/KoShapeManager_p.h b/libs/flake/KoShapeManager_p.h index 6e9e9e02ee..c6cbcdf60b 100644 --- a/libs/flake/KoShapeManager_p.h +++ b/libs/flake/KoShapeManager_p.h @@ -1,124 +1,123 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Thorsten Zachmann Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Thomas Zander Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Jan Hambrecht This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KoShapeManager_p_h #define KoShapeManager_p_h #include "KoSelection.h" #include "KoShape.h" #include "KoShape_p.h" #include "KoShapeContainer.h" #include "KoShapeManager.h" #include -#include "kis_thread_safe_signal_compressor.h" +#include class KoCanvasBase; class KoShapeGroup; class KoShapePaintingContext; class QPainter; class Q_DECL_HIDDEN KoShapeManager::Private { public: Private(KoShapeManager *shapeManager, KoCanvasBase *c) : selection(new KoSelection(shapeManager)), canvas(c), tree(4, 2), q(shapeManager), - shapeInterface(shapeManager), - updateTreeCompressor(100, KisSignalCompressor::FIRST_INACTIVE) + shapeInterface(shapeManager) { - connect(&updateTreeCompressor, SIGNAL(timeout()), q, SLOT(updateTree())); } ~Private() { delete selection; } /** * Update the tree when there are shapes in m_aggregate4update. This is done so not all * updates to the tree are done when they are asked for but when they are needed. */ void updateTree(); /** * Returns whether the shape should be added to the RTree for collision and ROI * detection. */ bool shapeUsedInRenderingTree(KoShape *shape); /** * Recursively detach the shapes from this shape manager */ void unlinkFromShapesRecursively(const QList &shapes); /** * Recursively paints the given group shape to the specified painter * This is needed for filter effects on group shapes where the filter effect * applies to all the children of the group shape at once */ static void paintGroup(KoShapeGroup *group, QPainter &painter, const KoViewConverter &converter, KoShapePaintingContext &paintContext); class DetectCollision { public: DetectCollision() {} void detect(KoRTree &tree, KoShape *s, int prevZIndex) { Q_FOREACH (KoShape *shape, tree.intersects(s->boundingRect())) { bool isChild = false; KoShapeContainer *parent = s->parent(); while (parent && !isChild) { if (parent == shape) isChild = true; parent = parent->parent(); } if (isChild) continue; if (s->zIndex() <= shape->zIndex() && prevZIndex <= shape->zIndex()) // Moving a shape will only make it collide with shapes below it. continue; if (shape->collisionDetection() && !shapesWithCollisionDetection.contains(shape)) shapesWithCollisionDetection.append(shape); } } void fireSignals() { Q_FOREACH (KoShape *shape, shapesWithCollisionDetection) shape->shapeChangedPriv(KoShape::CollisionDetected); } private: QList shapesWithCollisionDetection; }; QList shapes; KoSelection *selection; KoCanvasBase *canvas; KoRTree tree; QSet aggregate4update; QHash shapeIndexesBeforeUpdate; KoShapeManager *q; KoShapeManager::ShapeInterface shapeInterface; - KisThreadSafeSignalCompressor updateTreeCompressor; + QMutex shapesMutex; + QMutex treeMutex; }; #endif diff --git a/libs/image/3rdparty/lock_free_map/concurrent_map.h b/libs/image/3rdparty/lock_free_map/concurrent_map.h index 6671927710..a7d5f8fa65 100644 --- a/libs/image/3rdparty/lock_free_map/concurrent_map.h +++ b/libs/image/3rdparty/lock_free_map/concurrent_map.h @@ -1,363 +1,366 @@ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Junction: Concurrent data structures in C++ Copyright (c) 2016 Jeff Preshing Distributed under the Simplified BSD License. Original location: https://github.com/preshing/junction This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the LICENSE file for more information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef CONCURRENTMAP_H #define CONCURRENTMAP_H #include "leapfrog.h" #include "qsbr.h" template , class VT = DefaultValueTraits > class ConcurrentMap { public: typedef K Key; typedef V Value; typedef KT KeyTraits; typedef VT ValueTraits; typedef quint32 Hash; typedef Leapfrog Details; private: Atomic m_root; QSBR m_gc; public: ConcurrentMap(quint64 capacity = Details::InitialSize) : m_root(Details::Table::create(capacity)) { } ~ConcurrentMap() { typename Details::Table* table = m_root.loadNonatomic(); table->destroy(); m_gc.flush(); } QSBR &getGC() { return m_gc; } bool migrationInProcess() { - return (quint64) m_root.loadNonatomic()->jobCoordinator.loadConsume() != 1; + return quint64(m_root.loadNonatomic()->jobCoordinator.loadConsume()) > 1; } // publishTableMigration() is called by exactly one thread from Details::TableMigration::run() // after all the threads participating in the migration have completed their work. void publishTableMigration(typename Details::TableMigration* migration) { m_root.store(migration->m_destination, Release); // Caller will GC the TableMigration and the source table. } // A Mutator represents a known cell in the hash table. // It's meant for manipulations within a temporary function scope. // Obviously you must not call QSBR::Update while holding a Mutator. // Any operation that modifies the table (exchangeValue, eraseValue) // may be forced to follow a redirected cell, which changes the Mutator itself. // Note that even if the Mutator was constructed from an existing cell, // exchangeValue() can still trigger a resize if the existing cell was previously marked deleted, // or if another thread deletes the key between the two steps. class Mutator { private: friend class ConcurrentMap; ConcurrentMap& m_map; typename Details::Table* m_table; typename Details::Cell* m_cell; Value m_value; // Constructor: Find existing cell Mutator(ConcurrentMap& map, Key key, bool) : m_map(map), m_value(Value(ValueTraits::NullValue)) { Hash hash = KeyTraits::hash(key); for (;;) { m_table = m_map.m_root.load(Consume); m_cell = Details::find(hash, m_table); if (!m_cell) { return; } Value value = m_cell->value.load(Consume); if (value != Value(ValueTraits::Redirect)) { // Found an existing value m_value = value; return; } // We've encountered a Redirect value. Help finish the migration. m_table->jobCoordinator.participate(); // Try again using the latest root. } } // Constructor: Insert or find cell Mutator(ConcurrentMap& map, Key key) : m_map(map), m_value(Value(ValueTraits::NullValue)) { Hash hash = KeyTraits::hash(key); for (;;) { m_table = m_map.m_root.load(Consume); quint64 overflowIdx; switch (Details::insertOrFind(hash, m_table, m_cell, overflowIdx)) { // Modifies m_cell case Details::InsertResult_InsertedNew: { // We've inserted a new cell. Don't load m_cell->value. return; } case Details::InsertResult_AlreadyFound: { // The hash was already found in the table. Value value = m_cell->value.load(Consume); if (value == Value(ValueTraits::Redirect)) { // We've encountered a Redirect value. break; // Help finish the migration. } // Found an existing value m_value = value; return; } case Details::InsertResult_Overflow: { // Unlike ConcurrentMap_Linear, we don't need to keep track of & pass a "mustDouble" flag. // Passing overflowIdx is sufficient to prevent an infinite loop here. // It defines the start of the range of cells to check while estimating total cells in use. // After the first migration, deleted keys are purged, so if we hit this line during the // second loop iteration, every cell in the range will be in use, thus the estimate will be 100%. // (Concurrent deletes could result in further iterations, but it will eventually settle.) Details::beginTableMigration(m_map, m_table, overflowIdx); break; } } // A migration has been started (either by us, or another thread). Participate until it's complete. m_table->jobCoordinator.participate(); // Try again using the latest root. } } public: Value getValue() const { // Return previously loaded value. Don't load it again. return Value(m_value); } Value exchangeValue(Value desired) { for (;;) { Value oldValue = m_value; if (m_cell->value.compareExchangeStrong(m_value, desired, ConsumeRelease)) { // Exchange was successful. Return previous value. Value result = m_value; m_value = desired; // Leave the mutator in a valid state return result; } // The CAS failed and m_value has been updated with the latest value. if (m_value != Value(ValueTraits::Redirect)) { if (oldValue == Value(ValueTraits::NullValue) && m_value != Value(ValueTraits::NullValue)) { // racing write inserted new value } // There was a racing write (or erase) to this cell. // Pretend we exchanged with ourselves, and just let the racing write win. return desired; } // We've encountered a Redirect value. Help finish the migration. Hash hash = m_cell->hash.load(Relaxed); for (;;) { // Help complete the migration. m_table->jobCoordinator.participate(); // Try again in the new table. m_table = m_map.m_root.load(Consume); m_value = Value(ValueTraits::NullValue); quint64 overflowIdx; switch (Details::insertOrFind(hash, m_table, m_cell, overflowIdx)) { // Modifies m_cell case Details::InsertResult_AlreadyFound: m_value = m_cell->value.load(Consume); if (m_value == Value(ValueTraits::Redirect)) { break; } goto breakOuter; case Details::InsertResult_InsertedNew: goto breakOuter; case Details::InsertResult_Overflow: Details::beginTableMigration(m_map, m_table, overflowIdx); break; } // We were redirected... again } breakOuter:; // Try again in the new table. } } void assignValue(Value desired) { exchangeValue(desired); } Value eraseValue() { for (;;) { if (m_value == Value(ValueTraits::NullValue)) { return Value(m_value); } if (m_cell->value.compareExchangeStrong(m_value, Value(ValueTraits::NullValue), Consume)) { // Exchange was successful and a non-NULL value was erased and returned by reference in m_value. Value result = m_value; m_value = Value(ValueTraits::NullValue); // Leave the mutator in a valid state return result; } // The CAS failed and m_value has been updated with the latest value. if (m_value != Value(ValueTraits::Redirect)) { // There was a racing write (or erase) to this cell. // Pretend we erased nothing, and just let the racing write win. return Value(ValueTraits::NullValue); } // We've been redirected to a new table. Hash hash = m_cell->hash.load(Relaxed); // Re-fetch hash for (;;) { // Help complete the migration. m_table->jobCoordinator.participate(); // Try again in the new table. m_table = m_map.m_root.load(Consume); m_cell = Details::find(hash, m_table); if (!m_cell) { m_value = Value(ValueTraits::NullValue); return m_value; } m_value = m_cell->value.load(Relaxed); if (m_value != Value(ValueTraits::Redirect)) { break; } } } } }; Mutator insertOrFind(Key key) { return Mutator(*this, key); } Mutator find(Key key) { return Mutator(*this, key, false); } // Lookup without creating a temporary Mutator. Value get(Key key) { Hash hash = KeyTraits::hash(key); for (;;) { typename Details::Table* table = m_root.load(Consume); typename Details::Cell* cell = Details::find(hash, table); if (!cell) { return Value(ValueTraits::NullValue); } Value value = cell->value.load(Consume); if (value != Value(ValueTraits::Redirect)) { return value; // Found an existing value } // We've been redirected to a new table. Help with the migration. table->jobCoordinator.participate(); // Try again in the new table. } } Value assign(Key key, Value desired) { Mutator iter(*this, key); return iter.exchangeValue(desired); } Value exchange(Key key, Value desired) { Mutator iter(*this, key); return iter.exchangeValue(desired); } Value erase(Key key) { Mutator iter(*this, key, false); return iter.eraseValue(); } // The easiest way to implement an Iterator is to prevent all Redirects. // The currrent Iterator does that by forbidding concurrent inserts. // To make it work with concurrent inserts, we'd need a way to block TableMigrations. class Iterator { private: typename Details::Table* m_table; quint64 m_idx; Key m_hash; Value m_value; public: Iterator() = default; Iterator(ConcurrentMap& map) { // Since we've forbidden concurrent inserts (for now), nonatomic would suffice here, but let's plan ahead: m_table = map.m_root.load(Consume); m_idx = -1; next(); } void setMap(ConcurrentMap& map) { m_table = map.m_root.load(Consume); m_idx = -1; next(); } void next() { while (++m_idx <= m_table->sizeMask) { // Index still inside range of table. typename Details::CellGroup* group = m_table->getCellGroups() + (m_idx >> 2); typename Details::Cell* cell = group->cells + (m_idx & 3); m_hash = cell->hash.load(Relaxed); if (m_hash != KeyTraits::NullHash) { // Cell has been reserved. m_value = cell->value.load(Relaxed); if (m_value != Value(ValueTraits::NullValue)) return; // Yield this cell. } } // That's the end of the map. m_hash = KeyTraits::NullHash; m_value = Value(ValueTraits::NullValue); } bool isValid() const { +#ifdef SANITY_CHECK + KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN_VALUE(m_value != Value(ValueTraits::Redirect), false); +#endif return m_value != Value(ValueTraits::NullValue); } Key getKey() const { // Since we've forbidden concurrent inserts (for now), nonatomic would suffice here, but let's plan ahead: return KeyTraits::dehash(m_hash); } Value getValue() const { return m_value; } }; }; #endif // CONCURRENTMAP_LEAPFROG_H diff --git a/libs/image/brushengine/kis_paint_information.cc b/libs/image/brushengine/kis_paint_information.cc index 80edf3bcd7..07a3f85bc7 100644 --- a/libs/image/brushengine/kis_paint_information.cc +++ b/libs/image/brushengine/kis_paint_information.cc @@ -1,643 +1,655 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2007,2010 Cyrille Berger * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include "kis_paintop.h" #include "kis_algebra_2d.h" #include "kis_lod_transform.h" #include "kis_spacing_information.h" #include struct KisPaintInformation::Private { Private(const QPointF & pos_, qreal pressure_, qreal xTilt_, qreal yTilt_, qreal rotation_, qreal tangentialPressure_, qreal perspective_, qreal time_, qreal speed_, bool isHoveringMode_) : pos(pos_), pressure(pressure_), xTilt(xTilt_), yTilt(yTilt_), rotation(rotation_), tangentialPressure(tangentialPressure_), perspective(perspective_), time(time_), speed(speed_), isHoveringMode(isHoveringMode_), randomSource(0), perStrokeRandomSource(0), levelOfDetail(0) { } ~Private() { KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(!sanityIsRegistered); } Private(const Private &rhs) { copy(rhs); } Private& operator=(const Private &rhs) { copy(rhs); return *this; } void copy(const Private &rhs) { pos = rhs.pos; pressure = rhs.pressure; xTilt = rhs.xTilt; yTilt = rhs.yTilt; rotation = rhs.rotation; tangentialPressure = rhs.tangentialPressure; perspective = rhs.perspective; time = rhs.time; speed = rhs.speed; isHoveringMode = rhs.isHoveringMode; randomSource = rhs.randomSource; perStrokeRandomSource = rhs.perStrokeRandomSource; sanityIsRegistered = false; // HINT: we do not copy registration mark! directionHistoryInfo = rhs.directionHistoryInfo; canvasRotation = rhs.canvasRotation; canvasMirroredH = rhs.canvasMirroredH; + canvasMirroredV = rhs.canvasMirroredV; + if (rhs.drawingAngleOverride) { drawingAngleOverride = *rhs.drawingAngleOverride; } levelOfDetail = rhs.levelOfDetail; } QPointF pos; qreal pressure; qreal xTilt; qreal yTilt; qreal rotation; qreal tangentialPressure; qreal perspective; qreal time; qreal speed; bool isHoveringMode; KisRandomSourceSP randomSource; KisPerStrokeRandomSourceSP perStrokeRandomSource; - int canvasRotation {0}; + qreal canvasRotation {0}; bool canvasMirroredH {false}; + bool canvasMirroredV {false}; boost::optional drawingAngleOverride; bool sanityIsRegistered = false; struct DirectionHistoryInfo { DirectionHistoryInfo() {} DirectionHistoryInfo(qreal _totalDistance, int _currentDabSeqNo, qreal _lastAngle, QPointF _lastPosition, boost::optional _lockedDrawingAngle) : totalStrokeLength(_totalDistance), currentDabSeqNo(_currentDabSeqNo), lastAngle(_lastAngle), lastPosition(_lastPosition), lockedDrawingAngle(_lockedDrawingAngle) { } qreal totalStrokeLength = 0.0; int currentDabSeqNo = 0; qreal lastAngle = 0.0; QPointF lastPosition; boost::optional lockedDrawingAngle; }; boost::optional directionHistoryInfo; int levelOfDetail; void registerDistanceInfo(KisDistanceInformation *di) { directionHistoryInfo = DirectionHistoryInfo(di->scalarDistanceApprox(), di->currentDabSeqNo(), di->lastDrawingAngle(), di->lastPosition(), di->lockedDrawingAngleOptional()); KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(!sanityIsRegistered); sanityIsRegistered = true; } void unregisterDistanceInfo() { sanityIsRegistered = false; } }; KisPaintInformation::DistanceInformationRegistrar:: DistanceInformationRegistrar(KisPaintInformation *_p, KisDistanceInformation *distanceInfo) : p(_p) { p->d->registerDistanceInfo(distanceInfo); } KisPaintInformation::DistanceInformationRegistrar::DistanceInformationRegistrar(KisPaintInformation::DistanceInformationRegistrar &&rhs) : p(0) { std::swap(p, rhs.p); } KisPaintInformation::DistanceInformationRegistrar:: ~DistanceInformationRegistrar() { if (p) { p->d->unregisterDistanceInfo(); } } KisPaintInformation::KisPaintInformation(const QPointF & pos, qreal pressure, qreal xTilt, qreal yTilt, qreal rotation, qreal tangentialPressure, qreal perspective, qreal time, qreal speed) : d(new Private(pos, pressure, xTilt, yTilt, rotation, tangentialPressure, perspective, time, speed, false)) { } KisPaintInformation::KisPaintInformation(const QPointF & pos, qreal pressure, qreal xTilt, qreal yTilt, qreal rotation) : d(new Private(pos, pressure, xTilt, yTilt, rotation, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, false)) { } KisPaintInformation::KisPaintInformation(const QPointF &pos, qreal pressure) : d(new Private(pos, pressure, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, false)) { } KisPaintInformation::KisPaintInformation(const KisPaintInformation& rhs) : d(new Private(*rhs.d)) { } void KisPaintInformation::operator=(const KisPaintInformation & rhs) { *d = *rhs.d; } KisPaintInformation::~KisPaintInformation() { delete d; } bool KisPaintInformation::isHoveringMode() const { return d->isHoveringMode; } KisPaintInformation KisPaintInformation::createHoveringModeInfo(const QPointF &pos, qreal pressure, qreal xTilt, qreal yTilt, qreal rotation, qreal tangentialPressure, qreal perspective, qreal speed, - int canvasrotation, - bool canvasMirroredH) + qreal canvasrotation, + bool canvasMirroredH, + bool canvasMirroredV) { KisPaintInformation info(pos, pressure, xTilt, yTilt, rotation, tangentialPressure, perspective, 0, speed); info.d->isHoveringMode = true; info.d->canvasRotation = canvasrotation; info.d->canvasMirroredH = canvasMirroredH; + info.d->canvasMirroredV = canvasMirroredV; return info; } -int KisPaintInformation::canvasRotation() const +qreal KisPaintInformation::canvasRotation() const { return d->canvasRotation; } -void KisPaintInformation::setCanvasRotation(int rotation) +void KisPaintInformation::setCanvasRotation(qreal rotation) { - if (rotation < 0) { - d->canvasRotation= 360- abs(rotation % 360); - } else { - d->canvasRotation= rotation % 360; - } - + d->canvasRotation = normalizeAngleDegrees(rotation); } bool KisPaintInformation::canvasMirroredH() const { return d->canvasMirroredH; } -void KisPaintInformation::setCanvasHorizontalMirrorState(bool mir) +void KisPaintInformation::setCanvasMirroredH(bool value) { - d->canvasMirroredH = mir; + d->canvasMirroredH = value; +} +bool KisPaintInformation::canvasMirroredV() const +{ + return d->canvasMirroredV; +} + +void KisPaintInformation::setCanvasMirroredV(bool value) +{ + d->canvasMirroredV = value; } void KisPaintInformation::toXML(QDomDocument&, QDomElement& e) const { // hovering mode infos are not supposed to be saved KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(!d->isHoveringMode); e.setAttribute("pointX", QString::number(pos().x(), 'g', 15)); e.setAttribute("pointY", QString::number(pos().y(), 'g', 15)); e.setAttribute("pressure", QString::number(pressure(), 'g', 15)); e.setAttribute("xTilt", QString::number(xTilt(), 'g', 15)); e.setAttribute("yTilt", QString::number(yTilt(), 'g', 15)); e.setAttribute("rotation", QString::number(rotation(), 'g', 15)); e.setAttribute("tangentialPressure", QString::number(tangentialPressure(), 'g', 15)); e.setAttribute("perspective", QString::number(perspective(), 'g', 15)); e.setAttribute("time", QString::number(d->time, 'g', 15)); e.setAttribute("speed", QString::number(d->speed, 'g', 15)); } KisPaintInformation KisPaintInformation::fromXML(const QDomElement& e) { qreal pointX = qreal(KisDomUtils::toDouble(e.attribute("pointX", "0.0"))); qreal pointY = qreal(KisDomUtils::toDouble(e.attribute("pointY", "0.0"))); qreal pressure = qreal(KisDomUtils::toDouble(e.attribute("pressure", "0.0"))); qreal rotation = qreal(KisDomUtils::toDouble(e.attribute("rotation", "0.0"))); qreal tangentialPressure = qreal(KisDomUtils::toDouble(e.attribute("tangentialPressure", "0.0"))); qreal perspective = qreal(KisDomUtils::toDouble(e.attribute("perspective", "0.0"))); qreal xTilt = qreal(KisDomUtils::toDouble(e.attribute("xTilt", "0.0"))); qreal yTilt = qreal(KisDomUtils::toDouble(e.attribute("yTilt", "0.0"))); qreal time = KisDomUtils::toDouble(e.attribute("time", "0")); qreal speed = KisDomUtils::toDouble(e.attribute("speed", "0")); return KisPaintInformation(QPointF(pointX, pointY), pressure, xTilt, yTilt, rotation, tangentialPressure, perspective, time, speed); } const QPointF& KisPaintInformation::pos() const { return d->pos; } void KisPaintInformation::setPos(const QPointF& p) { d->pos = p; } qreal KisPaintInformation::pressure() const { return d->pressure; } void KisPaintInformation::setPressure(qreal p) { d->pressure = p; } qreal KisPaintInformation::xTilt() const { return d->xTilt; } qreal KisPaintInformation::yTilt() const { return d->yTilt; } void KisPaintInformation::overrideDrawingAngle(qreal angle) { d->drawingAngleOverride = angle; } qreal KisPaintInformation::drawingAngleSafe(const KisDistanceInformation &distance) const { KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN_VALUE(!d->directionHistoryInfo, 0.0); KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN_VALUE(distance.hasLastDabInformation(), 0.0); KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN_VALUE(!d->drawingAngleOverride, 0.0); return KisAlgebra2D::directionBetweenPoints(distance.lastPosition(), pos(), distance.lastDrawingAngle()); } KisPaintInformation::DistanceInformationRegistrar KisPaintInformation::registerDistanceInformation(KisDistanceInformation *distance) { return DistanceInformationRegistrar(this, distance); } qreal KisPaintInformation::drawingAngle(bool considerLockedAngle) const { if (d->drawingAngleOverride) return *d->drawingAngleOverride; if (!d->directionHistoryInfo) { warnKrita << "KisPaintInformation::drawingAngleSafe()" << "DirectionHistoryInfo object is not available"; return 0.0; } if (considerLockedAngle && d->directionHistoryInfo->lockedDrawingAngle) { return *d->directionHistoryInfo->lockedDrawingAngle; } // If the start and end positions are the same, we can't compute an angle. In that case, use the // provided default. return KisAlgebra2D::directionBetweenPoints(d->directionHistoryInfo->lastPosition, pos(), d->directionHistoryInfo->lastAngle); } QPointF KisPaintInformation::drawingDirectionVector() const { const qreal angle = drawingAngle(false); return QPointF(cos(angle), sin(angle)); } qreal KisPaintInformation::drawingDistance() const { if (!d->directionHistoryInfo) { warnKrita << "KisPaintInformation::drawingDistance()" << "DirectionHistoryInfo object is not available"; return 1.0; } QVector2D diff(pos() - d->directionHistoryInfo->lastPosition); qreal length = diff.length(); if (d->levelOfDetail) { length *= KisLodTransform::lodToInvScale(d->levelOfDetail); } return length; } qreal KisPaintInformation::drawingSpeed() const { return d->speed; } qreal KisPaintInformation::rotation() const { return d->rotation; } qreal KisPaintInformation::tangentialPressure() const { return d->tangentialPressure; } qreal KisPaintInformation::perspective() const { return d->perspective; } qreal KisPaintInformation::currentTime() const { return d->time; } int KisPaintInformation::currentDabSeqNo() const { if (!d->directionHistoryInfo) { warnKrita << "KisPaintInformation::currentDabSeqNo()" << "DirectionHistoryInfo object is not available"; return 0; } return d->directionHistoryInfo->currentDabSeqNo; } qreal KisPaintInformation::totalStrokeLength() const { if (!d->directionHistoryInfo) { warnKrita << "KisPaintInformation::totalStrokeLength()" << "DirectionHistoryInfo object is not available"; return 0; } return d->directionHistoryInfo->totalStrokeLength; } KisRandomSourceSP KisPaintInformation::randomSource() const { if (!d->randomSource) { qWarning() << "Accessing uninitialized random source!"; d->randomSource = new KisRandomSource(); } return d->randomSource; } void KisPaintInformation::setRandomSource(KisRandomSourceSP value) { d->randomSource = value; } KisPerStrokeRandomSourceSP KisPaintInformation::perStrokeRandomSource() const { if (!d->perStrokeRandomSource) { qWarning() << "Accessing uninitialized per stroke random source!"; d->perStrokeRandomSource = new KisPerStrokeRandomSource(); } return d->perStrokeRandomSource; } void KisPaintInformation::setPerStrokeRandomSource(KisPerStrokeRandomSourceSP value) { d->perStrokeRandomSource = value; } void KisPaintInformation::setLevelOfDetail(int levelOfDetail) { d->levelOfDetail = levelOfDetail; } QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const KisPaintInformation &info) { #ifdef NDEBUG Q_UNUSED(info); #else dbg.nospace() << "Position: " << info.pos(); dbg.nospace() << ", Pressure: " << info.pressure(); dbg.nospace() << ", X Tilt: " << info.xTilt(); dbg.nospace() << ", Y Tilt: " << info.yTilt(); dbg.nospace() << ", Rotation: " << info.rotation(); dbg.nospace() << ", Tangential Pressure: " << info.tangentialPressure(); dbg.nospace() << ", Perspective: " << info.perspective(); dbg.nospace() << ", Drawing Angle: " << info.drawingAngle(); dbg.nospace() << ", Drawing Speed: " << info.drawingSpeed(); dbg.nospace() << ", Drawing Distance: " << info.drawingDistance(); dbg.nospace() << ", Time: " << info.currentTime(); #endif return dbg.space(); } KisPaintInformation KisPaintInformation::mixOnlyPosition(qreal t, const KisPaintInformation& mixedPi, const KisPaintInformation& basePi) { QPointF pt = (1 - t) * mixedPi.pos() + t * basePi.pos(); return mixImpl(pt, t, mixedPi, basePi, true, false); } KisPaintInformation KisPaintInformation::mix(qreal t, const KisPaintInformation& pi1, const KisPaintInformation& pi2) { QPointF pt = (1 - t) * pi1.pos() + t * pi2.pos(); return mix(pt, t, pi1, pi2); } KisPaintInformation KisPaintInformation::mix(const QPointF& p, qreal t, const KisPaintInformation& pi1, const KisPaintInformation& pi2) { return mixImpl(p, t, pi1, pi2, false, true); } KisPaintInformation KisPaintInformation::mixWithoutTime(qreal t, const KisPaintInformation& pi1, const KisPaintInformation& pi2) { QPointF pt = (1 - t) * pi1.pos() + t * pi2.pos(); return mixWithoutTime(pt, t, pi1, pi2); } KisPaintInformation KisPaintInformation::mixWithoutTime(const QPointF& p, qreal t, const KisPaintInformation& pi1, const KisPaintInformation& pi2) { return mixImpl(p, t, pi1, pi2, false, false); } void KisPaintInformation::mixOtherOnlyPosition(qreal t, const KisPaintInformation& other) { QPointF pt = (1 - t) * other.pos() + t * this->pos(); this->mixOtherImpl(pt, t, other, true, false); } void KisPaintInformation::mixOtherWithoutTime(qreal t, const KisPaintInformation& other) { QPointF pt = (1 - t) * other.pos() + t * this->pos(); this->mixOtherImpl(pt, t, other, false, false); } KisPaintInformation KisPaintInformation::mixImpl(const QPointF &p, qreal t, const KisPaintInformation &pi1, const KisPaintInformation &pi2, bool posOnly, bool mixTime) { KisPaintInformation result(pi2); result.mixOtherImpl(p, t, pi1, posOnly, mixTime); return result; } void KisPaintInformation::mixOtherImpl(const QPointF &p, qreal t, const KisPaintInformation &other, bool posOnly, bool mixTime) { if (posOnly) { this->d->pos = p; this->d->isHoveringMode = false; this->d->levelOfDetail = 0; return; } else { qreal pressure = (1 - t) * other.pressure() + t * this->pressure(); qreal xTilt = (1 - t) * other.xTilt() + t * this->xTilt(); qreal yTilt = (1 - t) * other.yTilt() + t * this->yTilt(); qreal rotation = other.rotation(); if (other.rotation() != this->rotation()) { qreal a1 = kisDegreesToRadians(other.rotation()); qreal a2 = kisDegreesToRadians(this->rotation()); qreal distance = shortestAngularDistance(a2, a1); rotation = kisRadiansToDegrees(incrementInDirection(a1, t * distance, a2)); } qreal tangentialPressure = (1 - t) * other.tangentialPressure() + t * this->tangentialPressure(); qreal perspective = (1 - t) * other.perspective() + t * this->perspective(); qreal time = mixTime ? ((1 - t) * other.currentTime() + t * this->currentTime()) : this->currentTime(); qreal speed = (1 - t) * other.drawingSpeed() + t * this->drawingSpeed(); KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(other.isHoveringMode() == this->isHoveringMode()); *(this->d) = Private(p, pressure, xTilt, yTilt, rotation, tangentialPressure, perspective, time, speed, other.isHoveringMode()); + this->d->canvasRotation = other.d->canvasRotation; + this->d->canvasMirroredH = other.d->canvasMirroredH; + this->d->canvasMirroredV = other.d->canvasMirroredV; this->d->randomSource = other.d->randomSource; this->d->perStrokeRandomSource = other.d->perStrokeRandomSource; // this->d->isHoveringMode = other.isHoveringMode(); this->d->levelOfDetail = other.d->levelOfDetail; } } qreal KisPaintInformation::tiltDirection(const KisPaintInformation& info, bool normalize) { qreal xTilt = info.xTilt(); qreal yTilt = info.yTilt(); // radians -PI, PI qreal tiltDirection = atan2(-xTilt, yTilt); // if normalize is true map to 0.0..1.0 return normalize ? (tiltDirection / (2 * M_PI) + 0.5) : tiltDirection; } qreal KisPaintInformation::tiltElevation(const KisPaintInformation& info, qreal maxTiltX, qreal maxTiltY, bool normalize) { qreal xTilt = qBound(qreal(-1.0), info.xTilt() / maxTiltX , qreal(1.0)); qreal yTilt = qBound(qreal(-1.0), info.yTilt() / maxTiltY , qreal(1.0)); qreal e; if (fabs(xTilt) > fabs(yTilt)) { e = sqrt(qreal(1.0) + yTilt * yTilt); } else { e = sqrt(qreal(1.0) + xTilt * xTilt); } qreal cosAlpha = sqrt(xTilt * xTilt + yTilt * yTilt) / e; qreal tiltElevation = acos(cosAlpha); // in radians in [0, 0.5 * PI] // mapping to 0.0..1.0 if normalize is true return normalize ? (tiltElevation / (M_PI * qreal(0.5))) : tiltElevation; } diff --git a/libs/image/brushengine/kis_paint_information.h b/libs/image/brushengine/kis_paint_information.h index bc1067d38d..baa1bc0f0b 100644 --- a/libs/image/brushengine/kis_paint_information.h +++ b/libs/image/brushengine/kis_paint_information.h @@ -1,311 +1,324 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2004 Cyrille Berger * Copyright (c) 2006 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef _KIS_PAINT_INFORMATION_ #define _KIS_PAINT_INFORMATION_ #include #include #include "kis_global.h" #include "kritaimage_export.h" #include #include "kis_random_source.h" #include "KisPerStrokeRandomSource.h" #include "kis_spacing_information.h" #include "kis_timing_information.h" class QDomDocument; class QDomElement; class KisDistanceInformation; /** * KisPaintInformation contains information about the input event that * causes the brush action to happen to the brush engine's paint * methods. * * XXX: we directly pass the KoPointerEvent x and y tilt to * KisPaintInformation, and their range is -60 to +60! * * @param pos: the position of the paint event in subpixel accuracy * @param pressure: the pressure of the stylus * @param xTilt: the angle between the device (a pen, for example) and * the perpendicular in the direction of the x axis. Positive values * are towards the bottom of the tablet. The angle is within the range * 0 to 1 * @param yTilt: the angle between the device (a pen, for example) and * the perpendicular in the direction of the y axis. Positive values * are towards the bottom of the tablet. The angle is within the range * 0 to . * @param movement: current position minus the last position of the call to paintAt * @param rotation * @param tangentialPressure * @param perspective **/ class KRITAIMAGE_EXPORT KisPaintInformation { public: /** * Note, that this class is relied on the compiler optimization * of the return value. So if it doesn't work for some reason, * please implement a proper copy c-tor */ class KRITAIMAGE_EXPORT DistanceInformationRegistrar { public: DistanceInformationRegistrar(KisPaintInformation *_p, KisDistanceInformation *distanceInfo); DistanceInformationRegistrar(const DistanceInformationRegistrar &rhs) = delete; DistanceInformationRegistrar(DistanceInformationRegistrar &&rhs); ~DistanceInformationRegistrar(); private: KisPaintInformation *p; }; public: /** * Create a new KisPaintInformation object. */ KisPaintInformation(const QPointF & pos, qreal pressure, qreal xTilt, qreal yTilt, qreal rotation, qreal tangentialPressure, qreal perspective, qreal time, qreal speed); KisPaintInformation(const QPointF & pos, qreal pressure, qreal xTilt, qreal yTilt, qreal rotation); KisPaintInformation(const QPointF & pos = QPointF(), qreal pressure = PRESSURE_DEFAULT); KisPaintInformation(const KisPaintInformation& rhs); void operator=(const KisPaintInformation& rhs); ~KisPaintInformation(); template void paintAt(PaintOp &op, KisDistanceInformation *distanceInfo) { KisSpacingInformation spacingInfo; KisTimingInformation timingInfo; { DistanceInformationRegistrar r = registerDistanceInformation(distanceInfo); spacingInfo = op.paintAt(*this); timingInfo = op.updateTimingImpl(*this); // Initiate the process of locking the drawing angle. The locked value will // always be present in the internals, but it will be requested but the users // with a special parameter of drawingAngle() only. if (!this->isHoveringMode()) { distanceInfo->lockCurrentDrawingAngle(*this); } } distanceInfo->registerPaintedDab(*this, spacingInfo, timingInfo); } const QPointF& pos() const; void setPos(const QPointF& p); /// The pressure of the value (from 0.0 to 1.0) qreal pressure() const; /// Set the pressure void setPressure(qreal p); /// The tilt of the pen on the horizontal axis (from 0.0 to 1.0) qreal xTilt() const; /// The tilt of the pen on the vertical axis (from 0.0 to 1.0) qreal yTilt() const; /// XXX !!! :-| Please add dox! void overrideDrawingAngle(qreal angle); /// XXX !!! :-| Please add dox! qreal drawingAngleSafe(const KisDistanceInformation &distance) const; /** * Causes the specified distance information to be temporarily registered with this * KisPaintInformation object, so that the KisPaintInformation can compute certain values that * may be needed at painting time, such as the drawing direction. When the returned object is * destroyed, the KisDistanceInformation will be unregistered. At most one * KisDistanceInformation can be registered with a given KisPaintInformation at a time. */ DistanceInformationRegistrar registerDistanceInformation(KisDistanceInformation *distance); /** * Current brush direction computed from the cursor movement * * WARNING: this method is available *only* inside paintAt() call, * that is when the distance information is registered. */ qreal drawingAngle(bool considerLockedAngle = false) const; /** * Current brush direction vector computed from the cursor movement * * WARNING: this method is available *only* inside paintAt() call, * that is when the distance information is registered. */ QPointF drawingDirectionVector() const; /** * Current brush speed computed from the cursor movement * * WARNING: this method is available *only* inside paintAt() call, * that is when the distance information is registered. */ qreal drawingSpeed() const; /** * Current distance from the previous dab * * WARNING: this method is available *only* inside paintAt() call, * that is when the distance information is registered. */ qreal drawingDistance() const; /// rotation as given by the tablet event qreal rotation() const; /// tangential pressure (i.e., rate for an airbrush device) qreal tangentialPressure() const; /// reciprocal of distance on the perspective grid qreal perspective() const; /// Number of ms since the beginning of the stroke qreal currentTime() const; /// Number of dabs painted since the beginning of the stroke int currentDabSeqNo() const; /// The length of the stroke **before** painting the current dab qreal totalStrokeLength() const; // random source for generating in-stroke effects KisRandomSourceSP randomSource() const; // the stroke should initialize random source of all the used // paint info objects, otherwise it shows a warning void setRandomSource(KisRandomSourceSP value); // random source for generating in-stroke effects, generates one(!) value per stroke KisPerStrokeRandomSourceSP perStrokeRandomSource() const; // the stroke should initialize per stroke random source of all the used // paint info objects, otherwise it shows a warning void setPerStrokeRandomSource(KisPerStrokeRandomSourceSP value); // set level of detail which info object has been generated for void setLevelOfDetail(int levelOfDetail); /** * The paint information may be generated not only during real * stroke when the actual painting is happening, but also when the * cursor is hovering the canvas. In this mode some of the sensors * work a bit differently. The most outstanding example is Fuzzy * sensor, which returns unit value in this mode, otherwise it is * too irritating for a user. * * This value is true only for paint information objects created with * createHoveringModeInfo() constructor. * * \see createHoveringModeInfo() */ bool isHoveringMode() const; /** * Create a fake info object with isHoveringMode() property set to * true. * * \see isHoveringMode() */ static KisPaintInformation createHoveringModeInfo(const QPointF &pos, qreal pressure = PRESSURE_DEFAULT, qreal xTilt = 0.0, qreal yTilt = 0.0, qreal rotation = 0.0, qreal tangentialPressure = 0.0, qreal perspective = 1.0, qreal speed = 0.0, - int canvasrotation = 0, - bool canvasMirroredH = false); + qreal canvasrotation = 0, + bool canvasMirroredH = false, + bool canvasMirroredV = false); + /** - *Returns the canvas rotation if that has been given to the kispaintinformation. + * Returns the canvas rotation if that has been given to the kispaintinformation. */ - int canvasRotation() const; + qreal canvasRotation() const; + /** - *set the canvas rotation. + * Set the canvas rotation. */ - void setCanvasRotation(int rotation); + void setCanvasRotation(qreal rotation); - /* - *Whether the canvas is mirrored for the paint-operation. + /** + * Whether the canvas is horizontally mirrored for the paint-operation. */ bool canvasMirroredH() const; - /* - *Set whether the canvas is mirrored for the paint-operation. + /** + * Set whether the canvas is horizontally mirrored for the paint-operation. + */ + void setCanvasMirroredH(bool value); + + /** + * Whether the canvas is vertically mirrored for the paint-operation. + */ + bool canvasMirroredV() const; + + /** + * Set whether the canvas is vertically mirrored for the paint-operation. */ - void setCanvasHorizontalMirrorState(bool mir); + void setCanvasMirroredV(bool value); void toXML(QDomDocument&, QDomElement&) const; static KisPaintInformation fromXML(const QDomElement&); // TODO: Refactor the static mix functions to non-static in-place mutation // versions like mixOtherOnlyPosition and mixOtherWithoutTime. // Heap allocation on Windows is awfully slow and will fragment the memory // badly. Since KisPaintInformation allocates on the heap, we should re-use // existing instance whenever possible, especially in loops. // Ref: https://phabricator.kde.org/D6578 /// (1-t) * p1 + t * p2 static KisPaintInformation mixOnlyPosition(qreal t, const KisPaintInformation& mixedPi, const KisPaintInformation& basePi); static KisPaintInformation mix(const QPointF& p, qreal t, const KisPaintInformation& p1, const KisPaintInformation& p2); static KisPaintInformation mix(qreal t, const KisPaintInformation& pi1, const KisPaintInformation& pi2); static KisPaintInformation mixWithoutTime(const QPointF &p, qreal t, const KisPaintInformation &p1, const KisPaintInformation &p2); static KisPaintInformation mixWithoutTime(qreal t, const KisPaintInformation &pi1, const KisPaintInformation &pi2); void mixOtherOnlyPosition(qreal t, const KisPaintInformation& other); void mixOtherWithoutTime(qreal t, const KisPaintInformation& other); static qreal tiltDirection(const KisPaintInformation& info, bool normalize = true); static qreal tiltElevation(const KisPaintInformation& info, qreal maxTiltX = 60.0, qreal maxTiltY = 60.0, bool normalize = true); private: static KisPaintInformation mixImpl(const QPointF &p, qreal t, const KisPaintInformation &p1, const KisPaintInformation &p2, bool posOnly, bool mixTime); void mixOtherImpl(const QPointF &p, qreal t, const KisPaintInformation &other, bool posOnly, bool mixTime); private: struct Private; Private* const d; }; KRITAIMAGE_EXPORT QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const KisPaintInformation& info); #endif diff --git a/libs/image/brushengine/kis_paintop_settings.cpp b/libs/image/brushengine/kis_paintop_settings.cpp index 2c7aba0e1a..ce3b06a39d 100644 --- a/libs/image/brushengine/kis_paintop_settings.cpp +++ b/libs/image/brushengine/kis_paintop_settings.cpp @@ -1,529 +1,510 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2007 Boudewijn Rempt * Copyright (c) 2008 Lukáš Tvrdý * Copyright (c) 2014 Mohit Goyal * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_paint_layer.h" #include "kis_image.h" #include "kis_painter.h" #include "kis_paint_device.h" #include "kis_paintop_registry.h" #include "kis_timing_information.h" #include #include "kis_paintop_config_widget.h" #include #include "kis_paintop_settings_update_proxy.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "KisPaintopSettingsIds.h" struct Q_DECL_HIDDEN KisPaintOpSettings::Private { Private() : disableDirtyNotifications(false) {} QPointer settingsWidget; QString modelName; KisPaintOpPresetWSP preset; QList uniformProperties; bool disableDirtyNotifications; class DirtyNotificationsLocker { public: DirtyNotificationsLocker(KisPaintOpSettings::Private *d) : m_d(d), m_oldNotificationsState(d->disableDirtyNotifications) { m_d->disableDirtyNotifications = true; } ~DirtyNotificationsLocker() { m_d->disableDirtyNotifications = m_oldNotificationsState; } private: KisPaintOpSettings::Private *m_d; bool m_oldNotificationsState; Q_DISABLE_COPY(DirtyNotificationsLocker) }; KisPaintopSettingsUpdateProxy* updateProxyNoCreate() const { auto presetSP = preset.toStrongRef(); return presetSP ? presetSP->updateProxyNoCreate() : 0; } KisPaintopSettingsUpdateProxy* updateProxyCreate() const { auto presetSP = preset.toStrongRef(); return presetSP ? presetSP->updateProxy() : 0; } }; KisPaintOpSettings::KisPaintOpSettings() : d(new Private) { d->preset = 0; } KisPaintOpSettings::~KisPaintOpSettings() { } KisPaintOpSettings::KisPaintOpSettings(const KisPaintOpSettings &rhs) : KisPropertiesConfiguration(rhs) , d(new Private) { d->settingsWidget = 0; d->preset = rhs.preset(); d->modelName = rhs.modelName(); } void KisPaintOpSettings::setOptionsWidget(KisPaintOpConfigWidget* widget) { d->settingsWidget = widget; } void KisPaintOpSettings::setPreset(KisPaintOpPresetWSP preset) { d->preset = preset; } KisPaintOpPresetWSP KisPaintOpSettings::preset() const { return d->preset; } bool KisPaintOpSettings::mousePressEvent(const KisPaintInformation &paintInformation, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, KisNodeWSP currentNode) { Q_UNUSED(modifiers); Q_UNUSED(currentNode); setRandomOffset(paintInformation); return true; // ignore the event by default } bool KisPaintOpSettings::mouseReleaseEvent() { return true; // ignore the event by default } void KisPaintOpSettings::setRandomOffset(const KisPaintInformation &paintInformation) { if (getBool("Texture/Pattern/Enabled")) { if (getBool("Texture/Pattern/isRandomOffsetX")) { setProperty("Texture/Pattern/OffsetX", paintInformation.randomSource()->generate(0, KisPropertiesConfiguration::getInt("Texture/Pattern/MaximumOffsetX"))); } if (getBool("Texture/Pattern/isRandomOffsetY")) { setProperty("Texture/Pattern/OffsetY", paintInformation.randomSource()->generate(0, KisPropertiesConfiguration::getInt("Texture/Pattern/MaximumOffsetY"))); } } } bool KisPaintOpSettings::hasMaskingSettings() const { return getBool(KisPaintOpUtils::MaskingBrushEnabledTag, false); } KisPaintOpSettingsSP KisPaintOpSettings::createMaskingSettings() const { if (!hasMaskingSettings()) return KisPaintOpSettingsSP(); const KoID pixelBrushId(KisPaintOpUtils::MaskingBrushPaintOpId, QString()); KisPaintOpSettingsSP maskingSettings = KisPaintOpRegistry::instance()->settings(pixelBrushId); this->getPrefixedProperties(KisPaintOpUtils::MaskingBrushPresetPrefix, maskingSettings); const bool useMasterSize = this->getBool(KisPaintOpUtils::MaskingBrushUseMasterSizeTag, true); if (useMasterSize) { const qreal masterSizeCoeff = getDouble(KisPaintOpUtils::MaskingBrushMasterSizeCoeffTag, 1.0); maskingSettings->setPaintOpSize(masterSizeCoeff * paintOpSize()); } return maskingSettings; } QString KisPaintOpSettings::maskingBrushCompositeOp() const { return getString(KisPaintOpUtils::MaskingBrushCompositeOpTag, COMPOSITE_MULT); } KisPaintOpSettingsSP KisPaintOpSettings::clone() const { QString paintopID = getString("paintop"); if (paintopID.isEmpty()) return 0; KisPaintOpSettingsSP settings = KisPaintOpRegistry::instance()->settings(KoID(paintopID)); QMapIterator i(getProperties()); while (i.hasNext()) { i.next(); settings->setProperty(i.key(), QVariant(i.value())); } settings->setPreset(this->preset()); return settings; } void KisPaintOpSettings::resetSettings(const QStringList &preserveProperties) { QStringList allKeys = preserveProperties; allKeys << "paintop"; QHash preserved; Q_FOREACH (const QString &key, allKeys) { if (hasProperty(key)) { preserved[key] = getProperty(key); } } clearProperties(); for (auto it = preserved.constBegin(); it != preserved.constEnd(); ++it) { setProperty(it.key(), it.value()); } } void KisPaintOpSettings::activate() { } void KisPaintOpSettings::setPaintOpOpacity(qreal value) { KisLockedPropertiesProxySP proxy( KisLockedPropertiesServer::instance()->createLockedPropertiesProxy(this)); proxy->setProperty("OpacityValue", value); } void KisPaintOpSettings::setPaintOpFlow(qreal value) { KisLockedPropertiesProxySP proxy( KisLockedPropertiesServer::instance()->createLockedPropertiesProxy(this)); proxy->setProperty("FlowValue", value); } void KisPaintOpSettings::setPaintOpCompositeOp(const QString &value) { KisLockedPropertiesProxySP proxy( KisLockedPropertiesServer::instance()->createLockedPropertiesProxy(this)); proxy->setProperty("CompositeOp", value); } qreal KisPaintOpSettings::paintOpOpacity() { KisLockedPropertiesProxySP proxy = KisLockedPropertiesServer::instance()->createLockedPropertiesProxy(this); return proxy->getDouble("OpacityValue", 1.0); } qreal KisPaintOpSettings::paintOpFlow() { KisLockedPropertiesProxySP proxy( KisLockedPropertiesServer::instance()->createLockedPropertiesProxy(this)); return proxy->getDouble("FlowValue", 1.0); } QString KisPaintOpSettings::paintOpCompositeOp() { KisLockedPropertiesProxySP proxy( KisLockedPropertiesServer::instance()->createLockedPropertiesProxy(this)); return proxy->getString("CompositeOp", COMPOSITE_OVER); } void KisPaintOpSettings::setEraserMode(bool value) { KisLockedPropertiesProxySP proxy( KisLockedPropertiesServer::instance()->createLockedPropertiesProxy(this)); proxy->setProperty("EraserMode", value); } bool KisPaintOpSettings::eraserMode() { KisLockedPropertiesProxySP proxy( KisLockedPropertiesServer::instance()->createLockedPropertiesProxy(this)); return proxy->getBool("EraserMode", false); } QString KisPaintOpSettings::effectivePaintOpCompositeOp() { return !eraserMode() ? paintOpCompositeOp() : COMPOSITE_ERASE; } qreal KisPaintOpSettings::savedEraserSize() const { return getDouble("SavedEraserSize", 0.0); } void KisPaintOpSettings::setSavedEraserSize(qreal value) { setProperty("SavedEraserSize", value); setPropertyNotSaved("SavedEraserSize"); } qreal KisPaintOpSettings::savedBrushSize() const { return getDouble("SavedBrushSize", 0.0); } void KisPaintOpSettings::setSavedBrushSize(qreal value) { setProperty("SavedBrushSize", value); setPropertyNotSaved("SavedBrushSize"); } qreal KisPaintOpSettings::savedEraserOpacity() const { return getDouble("SavedEraserOpacity", 0.0); } void KisPaintOpSettings::setSavedEraserOpacity(qreal value) { setProperty("SavedEraserOpacity", value); setPropertyNotSaved("SavedEraserOpacity"); } qreal KisPaintOpSettings::savedBrushOpacity() const { return getDouble("SavedBrushOpacity", 0.0); } void KisPaintOpSettings::setSavedBrushOpacity(qreal value) { setProperty("SavedBrushOpacity", value); setPropertyNotSaved("SavedBrushOpacity"); } QString KisPaintOpSettings::modelName() const { return d->modelName; } void KisPaintOpSettings::setModelName(const QString & modelName) { d->modelName = modelName; } KisPaintOpConfigWidget* KisPaintOpSettings::optionsWidget() const { if (d->settingsWidget.isNull()) return 0; return d->settingsWidget.data(); } bool KisPaintOpSettings::isValid() const { return true; } bool KisPaintOpSettings::isLoadable() { return isValid(); } QString KisPaintOpSettings::indirectPaintingCompositeOp() const { return COMPOSITE_ALPHA_DARKEN; } bool KisPaintOpSettings::isAirbrushing() const { return getBool(AIRBRUSH_ENABLED, false); } qreal KisPaintOpSettings::airbrushInterval() const { qreal rate = getDouble(AIRBRUSH_RATE, 1.0); if (rate == 0.0) { return LONG_TIME; } else { return 1000.0 / rate; } } bool KisPaintOpSettings::useSpacingUpdates() const { return getBool(SPACING_USE_UPDATES, false); } bool KisPaintOpSettings::needsAsynchronousUpdates() const { return false; } QPainterPath KisPaintOpSettings::brushOutline(const KisPaintInformation &info, const OutlineMode &mode) { QPainterPath path; if (mode.isVisible) { path = ellipseOutline(10, 10, 1.0, 0); if (mode.showTiltDecoration) { path.addPath(makeTiltIndicator(info, QPointF(0.0, 0.0), 0.0, 2.0)); } path.translate(info.pos()); } return path; } QPainterPath KisPaintOpSettings::ellipseOutline(qreal width, qreal height, qreal scale, qreal rotation) { QPainterPath path; QRectF ellipse(0, 0, width * scale, height * scale); ellipse.translate(-ellipse.center()); path.addEllipse(ellipse); QTransform m; m.reset(); m.rotate(rotation); path = m.map(path); return path; } QPainterPath KisPaintOpSettings::makeTiltIndicator(KisPaintInformation const& info, QPointF const& start, qreal maxLength, qreal angle) { if (maxLength == 0.0) maxLength = 50.0; maxLength = qMax(maxLength, 50.0); qreal const length = maxLength * (1 - info.tiltElevation(info, 60.0, 60.0, true)); qreal const baseAngle = 360.0 - fmod(KisPaintInformation::tiltDirection(info, true) * 360.0 + 270.0, 360.0); QLineF guideLine = QLineF::fromPolar(length, baseAngle + angle); guideLine.translate(start); QPainterPath ret; ret.moveTo(guideLine.p1()); ret.lineTo(guideLine.p2()); guideLine.setAngle(baseAngle - angle); ret.lineTo(guideLine.p2()); ret.lineTo(guideLine.p1()); return ret; } -void KisPaintOpSettings::setCanvasRotation(qreal angle) -{ - Private::DirtyNotificationsLocker locker(d.data()); - - setProperty("runtimeCanvasRotation", angle); - setPropertyNotSaved("runtimeCanvasRotation"); -} - -void KisPaintOpSettings::setCanvasMirroring(bool xAxisMirrored, bool yAxisMirrored) -{ - Private::DirtyNotificationsLocker locker(d.data()); - - setProperty("runtimeCanvasMirroredX", xAxisMirrored); - setPropertyNotSaved("runtimeCanvasMirroredX"); - - setProperty("runtimeCanvasMirroredY", yAxisMirrored); - setPropertyNotSaved("runtimeCanvasMirroredY"); -} - void KisPaintOpSettings::setProperty(const QString & name, const QVariant & value) { if (value != KisPropertiesConfiguration::getProperty(name) && !d->disableDirtyNotifications) { KisPaintOpPresetSP presetSP = preset().toStrongRef(); if (presetSP) { presetSP->setDirty(true); } } KisPropertiesConfiguration::setProperty(name, value); onPropertyChanged(); } void KisPaintOpSettings::onPropertyChanged() { KisPaintopSettingsUpdateProxy *proxy = d->updateProxyNoCreate(); if (proxy) { proxy->notifySettingsChanged(); } } bool KisPaintOpSettings::isLodUserAllowed(const KisPropertiesConfigurationSP config) { return config->getBool("lodUserAllowed", true); } void KisPaintOpSettings::setLodUserAllowed(KisPropertiesConfigurationSP config, bool value) { config->setProperty("lodUserAllowed", value); } bool KisPaintOpSettings::lodSizeThresholdSupported() const { return true; } qreal KisPaintOpSettings::lodSizeThreshold() const { return getDouble("lodSizeThreshold", 100.0); } void KisPaintOpSettings::setLodSizeThreshold(qreal value) { setProperty("lodSizeThreshold", value); } #include "kis_standard_uniform_properties_factory.h" QList KisPaintOpSettings::uniformProperties(KisPaintOpSettingsSP settings) { QList props = listWeakToStrong(d->uniformProperties); if (props.isEmpty()) { using namespace KisStandardUniformPropertiesFactory; props.append(createProperty(opacity, settings, d->updateProxyCreate())); props.append(createProperty(size, settings, d->updateProxyCreate())); props.append(createProperty(flow, settings, d->updateProxyCreate())); d->uniformProperties = listStrongToWeak(props); } return props; } diff --git a/libs/image/brushengine/kis_paintop_settings.h b/libs/image/brushengine/kis_paintop_settings.h index e884d7df74..7773fb8d2f 100644 --- a/libs/image/brushengine/kis_paintop_settings.h +++ b/libs/image/brushengine/kis_paintop_settings.h @@ -1,358 +1,349 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2007 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KIS_PAINTOP_SETTINGS_H_ #define KIS_PAINTOP_SETTINGS_H_ #include "kis_types.h" #include "kritaimage_export.h" #include #include #include "kis_properties_configuration.h" #include #include class KisPaintOpConfigWidget; class KisPaintopSettingsUpdateProxy; /** * Configuration property used to control whether airbrushing is enabled. */ const QString AIRBRUSH_ENABLED = "PaintOpSettings/isAirbrushing"; /** * Configuration property used to control airbrushing rate. The value should be in dabs per second. */ const QString AIRBRUSH_RATE = "PaintOpSettings/rate"; /** * Configuration property used to control whether airbrushing is configured to ignore distance-based * spacing. */ const QString AIRBRUSH_IGNORE_SPACING = "PaintOpSettings/ignoreSpacing"; /** * Configuration property used to control whether the spacing settings can be updated between * painted dabs. */ const QString SPACING_USE_UPDATES = "PaintOpSettings/updateSpacingBetweenDabs"; /** * This class is used to cache the settings for a paintop * between two creations. There is one KisPaintOpSettings per input device (mouse, tablet, * etc...). * * The settings may be stored in a preset. Note that if your * paintop's settings subclass has data that is not stored as a property, that data is not * saved and restored. * * The object also contains a pointer to its parent KisPaintOpPreset object.This is to control the DirtyPreset * property of KisPaintOpPreset. Whenever the settings are changed/modified from the original -- the preset is * set to dirty. */ class KRITAIMAGE_EXPORT KisPaintOpSettings : public KisPropertiesConfiguration { public: KisPaintOpSettings(); ~KisPaintOpSettings() override; KisPaintOpSettings(const KisPaintOpSettings &rhs); /** * */ void setOptionsWidget(KisPaintOpConfigWidget* widget); /** * This function is called by a tool when the mouse is pressed. It's useful if * the paintop needs mouse interaction for instance in the case of the clone op. * If the tool is supposed to ignore the event, the paint op should return true * and if the tool is supposed to use the event, return false. * See kis_tool_freehand:tryPickByPaintOp() */ virtual bool mousePressEvent(const KisPaintInformation &paintInformation, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, KisNodeWSP currentNode); /** * This function is called by a tool when the mouse is released. It's useful if * the paintop needs mouse interaction for instance in the case of the clone op. * If the tool is supposed to ignore the event, the paint op should return true * and if the tool is supposed to use the event, return false. */ virtual bool mouseReleaseEvent(); /** * Clone the current settings object. Override this if your settings instance doesn't * store everything as properties. */ virtual KisPaintOpSettingsSP clone() const; /** * Removes all the settings from the object while keeping the paintop id, * which is loaded to the object by the factory */ void resetSettings(const QStringList &preserveProperties = QStringList()); /** * @return the node the paintop is working on. */ KisNodeSP node() const; /** * Call this function when the paint op is selected or the tool is activated */ virtual void activate(); /** * XXX: Remove this after 2.0, when the paint operation (incremental/non incremental) will * be completely handled in the paintop, not in the tool. This is a filthy hack to move * the option to the right place, at least. * @return true if we paint incrementally, false if we paint like Photoshop. By default, paintops * do not support non-incremental. */ virtual bool paintIncremental() { return true; } /** * @return the composite op it to which the indirect painting device * should be initialized to. This is used by clone op to reset * the composite op to COMPOSITE_COPY */ virtual QString indirectPaintingCompositeOp() const; /** * Whether this paintop wants to deposit paint even when not moving, i.e. the tool needs to * activate its timer. If this is true, painting updates need to be generated at regular * intervals even in the absence of input device events, e.g. when the cursor is not moving. * * The default implementation checks the property AIRBRUSH_ENABLED, defaulting to false if the * property is not found. This should be suitable for most paintops. */ virtual bool isAirbrushing() const; /** * Indicates the minimum time interval that might be needed between airbrush dabs, in * milliseconds. A lower value means painting updates need to happen more frequently. This value * should be ignored if isAirbrushing() is false. * * The default implementation uses the property AIRBRUSH_RATE, defaulting to an interval of * one second if the property is not found. This should be suitable for most paintops. */ virtual qreal airbrushInterval() const; /** * Indicates whether this configuration allows spacing information to be updated between painted * dabs during a stroke. */ virtual bool useSpacingUpdates() const; /** * Indicates if the tool should call paintOp->doAsynchronousUpdate() inbetween * paintAt() calls to do the asynchronous rendering */ virtual bool needsAsynchronousUpdates() const; /** * This structure defines the current mode for painting an outline. */ struct OutlineMode { bool isVisible = false; bool forceCircle = false; bool showTiltDecoration = false; bool forceFullSize = false; }; /** * Returns the brush outline in pixel coordinates. Tool is responsible for conversion into view coordinates. * Outline mode has to be passed to the paintop which builds the outline as some paintops have to paint outline * always like clone paintop indicating the duplicate position */ virtual QPainterPath brushOutline(const KisPaintInformation &info, const OutlineMode &mode); /** * Helpers for drawing the brush outline */ static QPainterPath ellipseOutline(qreal width, qreal height, qreal scale, qreal rotation); /** * Helper for drawing a triangle representing the tilt of the stylus. * * @param start is the offset from the brush's outline's bounding box * @param lengthScale is used for deciding the size of the triangle. * Brush diameter or width are common choices for this. * @param angle is the angle between the two sides of the triangle. */ static QPainterPath makeTiltIndicator(KisPaintInformation const& info, QPointF const& start, qreal lengthScale, qreal angle); /** * Set paintop opacity directly in the properties */ void setPaintOpOpacity(qreal value); /** * Set paintop flow directly in the properties */ void setPaintOpFlow(qreal value); /** * Set paintop composite mode directly in the properties */ void setPaintOpCompositeOp(const QString &value); /** * @return opacity saved in the properties */ qreal paintOpOpacity(); /** * @return flow saved in the properties */ qreal paintOpFlow(); /** * @return composite mode saved in the properties */ QString paintOpCompositeOp(); /** * Set paintop size directly in the properties */ virtual void setPaintOpSize(qreal value) = 0; /** * @return size saved in the properties */ virtual qreal paintOpSize() const = 0; void setEraserMode(bool value); bool eraserMode(); qreal savedEraserSize() const; void setSavedEraserSize(qreal value); qreal savedBrushSize() const; void setSavedBrushSize(qreal value); qreal savedEraserOpacity() const; void setSavedEraserOpacity(qreal value); qreal savedBrushOpacity() const; void setSavedBrushOpacity(qreal value); QString effectivePaintOpCompositeOp(); void setPreset(KisPaintOpPresetWSP preset); KisPaintOpPresetWSP preset() const; /** * @return filename of the 3D brush model, empty if no brush is set */ virtual QString modelName() const; /** * Set filename of 3D brush model. By default no brush is set */ void setModelName(const QString & modelName); /// Check if the settings are valid, setting might be invalid through missing brushes etc /// Overwrite if the settings of a paintop can be invalid /// @return state of the settings, default implementation is true virtual bool isValid() const; /// Check if the settings are loadable, that might the case if we can fallback to something /// Overwrite if the settings can do some kind of fallback /// @return loadable state of the settings, by default implementation return the same as isValid() virtual bool isLoadable(); - /** - * These methods are populating properties with runtime - * information about canvas rotation/mirroring. This information - * is set directly by KisToolFreehand. Later the data is accessed - * by the pressure options to make a final decision. - */ - void setCanvasRotation(qreal angle); - void setCanvasMirroring(bool xAxisMirrored, bool yAxisMirrored); - /** * Overrides the method in KisPropertiesCofiguration to allow * onPropertyChanged() callback */ void setProperty(const QString & name, const QVariant & value) override; virtual QList uniformProperties(KisPaintOpSettingsSP settings); static bool isLodUserAllowed(const KisPropertiesConfigurationSP config); static void setLodUserAllowed(KisPropertiesConfigurationSP config, bool value); virtual bool lodSizeThresholdSupported() const; qreal lodSizeThreshold() const; void setLodSizeThreshold(qreal value); /** * @return the option widget of the paintop (can be 0 is no option widgets is set) */ KisPaintOpConfigWidget* optionsWidget() const; /** * This function is called to set random offsets to the brush whenever the mouse is clicked. It is * specific to when the pattern option is set. * */ virtual void setRandomOffset(const KisPaintInformation &paintInformation); /** * @return true if this preset demands a secondary masked brush running * alongside it */ bool hasMaskingSettings() const; /** * @return a newly created settings object representing a preset of the masking * brush that should be run alongside the current brush */ KisPaintOpSettingsSP createMaskingSettings() const; /** * @return a composite op id of the masked brush rendering algorithm. * * Please take into account that the brush itself always paints in alpha- * darken mode, but the final result is combined with this composite op. */ QString maskingBrushCompositeOp() const; protected: /** * The callback is called every time when a property changes */ virtual void onPropertyChanged(); private: struct Private; const QScopedPointer d; }; #endif diff --git a/libs/image/commands_new/kis_saved_commands.cpp b/libs/image/commands_new/kis_saved_commands.cpp index ddec094bd9..b6e04b57a5 100644 --- a/libs/image/commands_new/kis_saved_commands.cpp +++ b/libs/image/commands_new/kis_saved_commands.cpp @@ -1,305 +1,317 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2011 Dmitry Kazakov * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_saved_commands.h" #include #include "kis_image_interfaces.h" #include "kis_stroke_strategy_undo_command_based.h" KisSavedCommandBase::KisSavedCommandBase(const KUndo2MagicString &name, KisStrokesFacade *strokesFacade) : KUndo2Command(name), m_strokesFacade(strokesFacade), m_skipOneRedo(true) { } KisSavedCommandBase::~KisSavedCommandBase() { } KisStrokesFacade* KisSavedCommandBase::strokesFacade() { return m_strokesFacade; } void KisSavedCommandBase::runStroke(bool undo) { KisStrokeStrategyUndoCommandBased *strategy = new KisStrokeStrategyUndoCommandBased(text(), undo, 0); strategy->setUsedWhileUndoRedo(true); KisStrokeId id = m_strokesFacade->startStroke(strategy); addCommands(id, undo); m_strokesFacade->endStroke(id); } void KisSavedCommandBase::undo() { runStroke(true); } void KisSavedCommandBase::redo() { /** * All the commands are first executed in the stroke and then * added to the undo stack. It means that the first redo should be * skipped */ if(m_skipOneRedo) { m_skipOneRedo = false; return; } runStroke(false); } KisSavedCommand::KisSavedCommand(KUndo2CommandSP command, KisStrokesFacade *strokesFacade) : KisSavedCommandBase(command->text(), strokesFacade), m_command(command) { } int KisSavedCommand::id() const { return m_command->id(); } bool KisSavedCommand::mergeWith(const KUndo2Command* command) { const KisSavedCommand *other = dynamic_cast(command); if (other) { command = other->m_command.data(); } return m_command->mergeWith(command); } void KisSavedCommand::addCommands(KisStrokeId id, bool undo) { strokesFacade()-> addJob(id, new KisStrokeStrategyUndoCommandBased::Data(m_command, undo)); } int KisSavedCommand::timedId() { return m_command->timedId(); } void KisSavedCommand::setTimedID(int timedID) { m_command->setTimedID(timedID); } bool KisSavedCommand::timedMergeWith(KUndo2Command *other) { return m_command->timedMergeWith(other); } QVector KisSavedCommand::mergeCommandsVector() { return m_command->mergeCommandsVector(); } void KisSavedCommand::setTime() { m_command->setTime(); } QTime KisSavedCommand::time() { return m_command->time(); } void KisSavedCommand::setEndTime() { m_command->setEndTime(); } QTime KisSavedCommand::endTime() { return m_command->endTime(); } bool KisSavedCommand::isMerged() { return m_command->isMerged(); } struct KisSavedMacroCommand::Private { struct SavedCommand { KUndo2CommandSP command; KisStrokeJobData::Sequentiality sequentiality; KisStrokeJobData::Exclusivity exclusivity; }; QVector commands; int macroId = -1; const KisSavedMacroCommand *overriddenCommand = 0; QVector skipWhenOverride; }; KisSavedMacroCommand::KisSavedMacroCommand(const KUndo2MagicString &name, KisStrokesFacade *strokesFacade) : KisSavedCommandBase(name, strokesFacade), m_d(new Private()) { } KisSavedMacroCommand::~KisSavedMacroCommand() { delete m_d; } void KisSavedMacroCommand::setMacroId(int value) { m_d->macroId = value; } int KisSavedMacroCommand::id() const { return m_d->macroId; } bool KisSavedMacroCommand::mergeWith(const KUndo2Command* command) { const KisSavedMacroCommand *other = dynamic_cast(command); - if (!other || other->id() != id()) return false; + if (!other || other->id() != id() || id() < 0 || other->id() < 0) return false; QVector &otherCommands = other->m_d->commands; if (other->m_d->overriddenCommand == this) { m_d->commands.clear(); Q_FOREACH (Private::SavedCommand cmd, other->m_d->commands) { if (!other->m_d->skipWhenOverride.contains(cmd.command.data())) { m_d->commands.append(cmd); } } - setExtraData(other->extraData()->clone()); + if (other->extraData()) { + setExtraData(other->extraData()->clone()); + } else { + setExtraData(0); + } return true; } if (m_d->commands.size() != otherCommands.size()) return false; auto it = m_d->commands.constBegin(); auto end = m_d->commands.constEnd(); auto otherIt = otherCommands.constBegin(); auto otherEnd = otherCommands.constEnd(); bool sameCommands = true; while (it != end && otherIt != otherEnd) { - if (it->command->id() != otherIt->command->id() || + if (it->command->id() < 0 || + otherIt->command->id() < 0 || + it->command->id() != otherIt->command->id() || it->sequentiality != otherIt->sequentiality || it->exclusivity != otherIt->exclusivity) { sameCommands = false; break; } ++it; ++otherIt; } if (!sameCommands) return false; it = m_d->commands.constBegin(); otherIt = otherCommands.constBegin(); while (it != end && otherIt != otherEnd) { if (it->command->id() != -1) { bool result = it->command->mergeWith(otherIt->command.data()); KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER(result) { return false; } } ++it; ++otherIt; } + if (other->extraData()) { + setExtraData(other->extraData()->clone()); + } else { + setExtraData(0); + } + return true; } void KisSavedMacroCommand::addCommand(KUndo2CommandSP command, KisStrokeJobData::Sequentiality sequentiality, KisStrokeJobData::Exclusivity exclusivity) { Private::SavedCommand item; item.command = command; item.sequentiality = sequentiality; item.exclusivity = exclusivity; m_d->commands.append(item); } void KisSavedMacroCommand::performCancel(KisStrokeId id, bool strokeUndo) { addCommands(id, !strokeUndo); } void KisSavedMacroCommand::getCommandExecutionJobs(QVector *jobs, bool undo) const { QVector::iterator it; if(!undo) { for(it = m_d->commands.begin(); it != m_d->commands.end(); it++) { *jobs << new KisStrokeStrategyUndoCommandBased:: Data(it->command, undo, it->sequentiality, it->exclusivity); } } else { for(it = m_d->commands.end(); it != m_d->commands.begin();) { --it; *jobs << new KisStrokeStrategyUndoCommandBased:: Data(it->command, undo, it->sequentiality, it->exclusivity); } } } void KisSavedMacroCommand::setOverrideInfo(const KisSavedMacroCommand *overriddenCommand, const QVector &skipWhileOverride) { m_d->overriddenCommand = overriddenCommand; m_d->skipWhenOverride = skipWhileOverride; } void KisSavedMacroCommand::addCommands(KisStrokeId id, bool undo) { QVector jobs; getCommandExecutionJobs(&jobs, undo); Q_FOREACH (KisStrokeJobData *job, jobs) { strokesFacade()->addJob(id, job); } } diff --git a/libs/image/kis_image.cc b/libs/image/kis_image.cc index 93e204ffe4..068cfdf3a9 100644 --- a/libs/image/kis_image.cc +++ b/libs/image/kis_image.cc @@ -1,2049 +1,2067 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2002 Patrick Julien * Copyright (c) 2007 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_image.h" #include // WORDS_BIGENDIAN #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "KoColorSpaceRegistry.h" #include "KoColor.h" #include "KoColorProfile.h" #include #include "KisProofingConfiguration.h" #include "kis_adjustment_layer.h" #include "kis_annotation.h" #include "kis_change_profile_visitor.h" #include "kis_colorspace_convert_visitor.h" #include "kis_count_visitor.h" #include "kis_filter_strategy.h" #include "kis_group_layer.h" #include "commands/kis_image_commands.h" #include "kis_layer.h" #include "kis_meta_data_merge_strategy_registry.h" #include "kis_name_server.h" #include "kis_paint_layer.h" #include "kis_projection_leaf.h" #include "kis_painter.h" #include "kis_selection.h" #include "kis_transaction.h" #include "kis_meta_data_merge_strategy.h" #include "kis_memory_statistics_server.h" #include "kis_image_config.h" #include "kis_update_scheduler.h" #include "kis_image_signal_router.h" #include "kis_image_animation_interface.h" #include "kis_stroke_strategy.h" #include "kis_simple_stroke_strategy.h" #include "kis_image_barrier_locker.h" #include "kis_undo_stores.h" #include "kis_legacy_undo_adapter.h" #include "kis_post_execution_undo_adapter.h" #include "kis_transform_worker.h" #include "kis_processing_applicator.h" #include "processing/kis_crop_processing_visitor.h" #include "processing/kis_crop_selections_processing_visitor.h" #include "processing/kis_transform_processing_visitor.h" #include "commands_new/kis_image_resize_command.h" #include "commands_new/kis_image_set_resolution_command.h" #include "commands_new/kis_activate_selection_mask_command.h" #include "kis_composite_progress_proxy.h" #include "kis_layer_composition.h" #include "kis_wrapped_rect.h" #include "kis_crop_saved_extra_data.h" #include "kis_layer_utils.h" #include "kis_lod_transform.h" #include "kis_suspend_projection_updates_stroke_strategy.h" #include "kis_sync_lod_cache_stroke_strategy.h" #include "kis_projection_updates_filter.h" #include "kis_layer_projection_plane.h" #include "kis_update_time_monitor.h" #include "tiles3/kis_lockless_stack.h" #include #include #include "kis_time_range.h" +#include "KisRunnableBasedStrokeStrategy.h" +#include "KisRunnableStrokeJobData.h" +#include "KisRunnableStrokeJobUtils.h" +#include "KisRunnableStrokeJobsInterface.h" + // #define SANITY_CHECKS #ifdef SANITY_CHECKS #define SANITY_CHECK_LOCKED(name) \ if (!locked()) warnKrita() << "Locking policy failed:" << name \ << "has been called without the image" \ "being locked"; #else #define SANITY_CHECK_LOCKED(name) #endif struct KisImageSPStaticRegistrar { KisImageSPStaticRegistrar() { qRegisterMetaType("KisImageSP"); } }; static KisImageSPStaticRegistrar __registrar; class KisImage::KisImagePrivate { public: KisImagePrivate(KisImage *_q, qint32 w, qint32 h, const KoColorSpace *c, KisUndoStore *undo, KisImageAnimationInterface *_animationInterface) : q(_q) , lockedForReadOnly(false) , width(w) , height(h) , colorSpace(c ? c : KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8()) , nserver(1) , undoStore(undo ? undo : new KisDumbUndoStore()) , legacyUndoAdapter(undoStore.data(), _q) , postExecutionUndoAdapter(undoStore.data(), _q) , signalRouter(_q) , animationInterface(_animationInterface) , scheduler(_q, _q) , axesCenter(QPointF(0.5, 0.5)) { { KisImageConfig cfg(true); if (cfg.enableProgressReporting()) { scheduler.setProgressProxy(&compositeProgressProxy); } // Each of these lambdas defines a new factory function. scheduler.setLod0ToNStrokeStrategyFactory( [=](bool forgettable) { return KisLodSyncPair( new KisSyncLodCacheStrokeStrategy(KisImageWSP(q), forgettable), KisSyncLodCacheStrokeStrategy::createJobsData(KisImageWSP(q))); }); scheduler.setSuspendUpdatesStrokeStrategyFactory( [=]() { return KisSuspendResumePair( new KisSuspendProjectionUpdatesStrokeStrategy(KisImageWSP(q), true), KisSuspendProjectionUpdatesStrokeStrategy::createSuspendJobsData(KisImageWSP(q))); }); scheduler.setResumeUpdatesStrokeStrategyFactory( [=]() { return KisSuspendResumePair( new KisSuspendProjectionUpdatesStrokeStrategy(KisImageWSP(q), false), KisSuspendProjectionUpdatesStrokeStrategy::createResumeJobsData(KisImageWSP(q))); }); } connect(q, SIGNAL(sigImageModified()), KisMemoryStatisticsServer::instance(), SLOT(notifyImageChanged())); } ~KisImagePrivate() { /** * Stop animation interface. It may use the rootLayer. */ delete animationInterface; /** * First delete the nodes, while strokes * and undo are still alive */ rootLayer.clear(); } KisImage *q; quint32 lockCount = 0; bool lockedForReadOnly; qint32 width; qint32 height; double xres = 1.0; double yres = 1.0; const KoColorSpace * colorSpace; KisProofingConfigurationSP proofingConfig; KisSelectionSP deselectedGlobalSelection; KisGroupLayerSP rootLayer; // The layers are contained in here KisSelectionMaskSP targetOverlaySelectionMask; // the overlay switching stroke will try to switch into this mask KisSelectionMaskSP overlaySelectionMask; QList compositions; KisNodeSP isolatedRootNode; bool wrapAroundModePermitted = false; KisNameServer nserver; QScopedPointer undoStore; KisLegacyUndoAdapter legacyUndoAdapter; KisPostExecutionUndoAdapter postExecutionUndoAdapter; vKisAnnotationSP annotations; QAtomicInt disableUIUpdateSignals; KisLocklessStack savedDisabledUIUpdates; KisProjectionUpdatesFilterSP projectionUpdatesFilter; KisImageSignalRouter signalRouter; KisImageAnimationInterface *animationInterface; KisUpdateScheduler scheduler; QAtomicInt disableDirtyRequests; KisCompositeProgressProxy compositeProgressProxy; bool blockLevelOfDetail = false; QPointF axesCenter; bool allowMasksOnRootNode = false; bool tryCancelCurrentStrokeAsync(); - void notifyProjectionUpdatedInPatches(const QRect &rc); + void notifyProjectionUpdatedInPatches(const QRect &rc, QVector &jobs); }; KisImage::KisImage(KisUndoStore *undoStore, qint32 width, qint32 height, const KoColorSpace * colorSpace, const QString& name) : QObject(0) , KisShared() , m_d(new KisImagePrivate(this, width, height, colorSpace, undoStore, new KisImageAnimationInterface(this))) { // make sure KisImage belongs to the GUI thread moveToThread(qApp->thread()); connect(this, SIGNAL(sigInternalStopIsolatedModeRequested()), SLOT(stopIsolatedMode())); setObjectName(name); setRootLayer(new KisGroupLayer(this, "root", OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8)); } KisImage::~KisImage() { dbgImage << "deleting kisimage" << objectName(); /** * Request the tools to end currently running strokes */ waitForDone(); delete m_d; disconnect(); // in case Qt gets confused } KisImageSP KisImage::fromQImage(const QImage &image, KisUndoStore *undoStore) { const KoColorSpace *colorSpace = 0; switch (image.format()) { case QImage::Format_Invalid: case QImage::Format_Mono: case QImage::Format_MonoLSB: colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->graya8(); break; case QImage::Format_Indexed8: case QImage::Format_RGB32: case QImage::Format_ARGB32: case QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied: colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(); break; case QImage::Format_RGB16: colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb16(); break; case QImage::Format_ARGB8565_Premultiplied: case QImage::Format_RGB666: case QImage::Format_ARGB6666_Premultiplied: case QImage::Format_RGB555: case QImage::Format_ARGB8555_Premultiplied: case QImage::Format_RGB888: case QImage::Format_RGB444: case QImage::Format_ARGB4444_Premultiplied: case QImage::Format_RGBX8888: case QImage::Format_RGBA8888: case QImage::Format_RGBA8888_Premultiplied: colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(); break; case QImage::Format_BGR30: case QImage::Format_A2BGR30_Premultiplied: case QImage::Format_RGB30: case QImage::Format_A2RGB30_Premultiplied: colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(); break; case QImage::Format_Alpha8: colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->alpha8(); break; case QImage::Format_Grayscale8: colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->graya8(); break; #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 13, 0) case QImage::Format_Grayscale16: colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->graya16(); break; #endif #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 12, 0) case QImage::Format_RGBX64: case QImage::Format_RGBA64: case QImage::Format_RGBA64_Premultiplied: colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(RGBAColorModelID.id(), Float32BitsColorDepthID.id(), 0); break; #endif default: colorSpace = 0; } KisImageSP img = new KisImage(undoStore, image.width(), image.height(), colorSpace, i18n("Imported Image")); KisPaintLayerSP layer = new KisPaintLayer(img, img->nextLayerName(), 255); layer->paintDevice()->convertFromQImage(image, 0, 0, 0); img->addNode(layer.data(), img->rootLayer().data()); return img; } KisImage *KisImage::clone(bool exactCopy) { return new KisImage(*this, 0, exactCopy); } void KisImage::copyFromImage(const KisImage &rhs) { copyFromImageImpl(rhs, REPLACE); } void KisImage::copyFromImageImpl(const KisImage &rhs, int policy) { // make sure we choose exactly one from REPLACE and CONSTRUCT KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN((policy & REPLACE) != (policy & CONSTRUCT)); // only when replacing do we need to emit signals #define EMIT_IF_NEEDED if (!(policy & REPLACE)) {} else emit if (policy & REPLACE) { // if we are constructing the image, these are already set if (m_d->width != rhs.width() || m_d->height != rhs.height()) { m_d->width = rhs.width(); m_d->height = rhs.height(); emit sigSizeChanged(QPointF(), QPointF()); } if (m_d->colorSpace != rhs.colorSpace()) { m_d->colorSpace = rhs.colorSpace(); emit sigColorSpaceChanged(m_d->colorSpace); } } // from KisImage::KisImage(const KisImage &, KisUndoStore *, bool) setObjectName(rhs.objectName()); if (m_d->xres != rhs.m_d->xres || m_d->yres != rhs.m_d->yres) { m_d->xres = rhs.m_d->xres; m_d->yres = rhs.m_d->yres; EMIT_IF_NEEDED sigResolutionChanged(m_d->xres, m_d->yres); } m_d->allowMasksOnRootNode = rhs.m_d->allowMasksOnRootNode; if (rhs.m_d->proofingConfig) { KisProofingConfigurationSP proofingConfig(new KisProofingConfiguration(*rhs.m_d->proofingConfig)); if (policy & REPLACE) { setProofingConfiguration(proofingConfig); } else { m_d->proofingConfig = proofingConfig; } } KisNodeSP newRoot = rhs.root()->clone(); newRoot->setGraphListener(this); newRoot->setImage(this); m_d->rootLayer = dynamic_cast(newRoot.data()); setRoot(newRoot); bool exactCopy = policy & EXACT_COPY; if (exactCopy || rhs.m_d->isolatedRootNode) { QQueue linearizedNodes; KisLayerUtils::recursiveApplyNodes(rhs.root(), [&linearizedNodes](KisNodeSP node) { linearizedNodes.enqueue(node); }); KisLayerUtils::recursiveApplyNodes(newRoot, [&linearizedNodes, exactCopy, &rhs, this](KisNodeSP node) { KisNodeSP refNode = linearizedNodes.dequeue(); if (exactCopy) { node->setUuid(refNode->uuid()); } if (rhs.m_d->isolatedRootNode && rhs.m_d->isolatedRootNode == refNode) { m_d->isolatedRootNode = node; } }); } KisLayerUtils::recursiveApplyNodes(newRoot, [](KisNodeSP node) { dbgImage << "Node: " << (void *)node.data(); }); m_d->compositions.clear(); Q_FOREACH (KisLayerCompositionSP comp, rhs.m_d->compositions) { m_d->compositions << toQShared(new KisLayerComposition(*comp, this)); } EMIT_IF_NEEDED sigLayersChangedAsync(); m_d->nserver = rhs.m_d->nserver; vKisAnnotationSP newAnnotations; Q_FOREACH (KisAnnotationSP annotation, rhs.m_d->annotations) { newAnnotations << annotation->clone(); } m_d->annotations = newAnnotations; KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(!rhs.m_d->projectionUpdatesFilter); KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(!rhs.m_d->disableUIUpdateSignals); KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(!rhs.m_d->disableDirtyRequests); m_d->blockLevelOfDetail = rhs.m_d->blockLevelOfDetail; /** * The overlay device is not inherited when cloning the image! */ if (rhs.m_d->overlaySelectionMask) { const QRect dirtyRect = rhs.m_d->overlaySelectionMask->extent(); m_d->rootLayer->setDirty(dirtyRect); } #undef EMIT_IF_NEEDED } KisImage::KisImage(const KisImage& rhs, KisUndoStore *undoStore, bool exactCopy) : KisNodeFacade(), KisNodeGraphListener(), KisShared(), m_d(new KisImagePrivate(this, rhs.width(), rhs.height(), rhs.colorSpace(), undoStore ? undoStore : new KisDumbUndoStore(), new KisImageAnimationInterface(*rhs.animationInterface(), this))) { // make sure KisImage belongs to the GUI thread moveToThread(qApp->thread()); connect(this, SIGNAL(sigInternalStopIsolatedModeRequested()), SLOT(stopIsolatedMode())); copyFromImageImpl(rhs, CONSTRUCT | (exactCopy ? EXACT_COPY : 0)); } void KisImage::aboutToAddANode(KisNode *parent, int index) { KisNodeGraphListener::aboutToAddANode(parent, index); SANITY_CHECK_LOCKED("aboutToAddANode"); } void KisImage::nodeHasBeenAdded(KisNode *parent, int index) { KisNodeGraphListener::nodeHasBeenAdded(parent, index); SANITY_CHECK_LOCKED("nodeHasBeenAdded"); m_d->signalRouter.emitNodeHasBeenAdded(parent, index); } void KisImage::aboutToRemoveANode(KisNode *parent, int index) { KisNodeSP deletedNode = parent->at(index); if (!dynamic_cast(deletedNode.data()) && deletedNode == m_d->isolatedRootNode) { emit sigInternalStopIsolatedModeRequested(); } KisNodeGraphListener::aboutToRemoveANode(parent, index); SANITY_CHECK_LOCKED("aboutToRemoveANode"); m_d->signalRouter.emitAboutToRemoveANode(parent, index); } void KisImage::nodeChanged(KisNode* node) { KisNodeGraphListener::nodeChanged(node); requestStrokeEnd(); m_d->signalRouter.emitNodeChanged(node); } void KisImage::invalidateAllFrames() { invalidateFrames(KisTimeRange::infinite(0), QRect()); } void KisImage::setOverlaySelectionMask(KisSelectionMaskSP mask) { if (m_d->targetOverlaySelectionMask == mask) return; m_d->targetOverlaySelectionMask = mask; struct UpdateOverlaySelectionStroke : public KisSimpleStrokeStrategy { UpdateOverlaySelectionStroke(KisImageSP image) : KisSimpleStrokeStrategy("update-overlay-selection-mask", kundo2_noi18n("update-overlay-selection-mask")), m_image(image) { this->enableJob(JOB_INIT, true, KisStrokeJobData::BARRIER, KisStrokeJobData::EXCLUSIVE); setClearsRedoOnStart(false); } void initStrokeCallback() { KisSelectionMaskSP oldMask = m_image->m_d->overlaySelectionMask; KisSelectionMaskSP newMask = m_image->m_d->targetOverlaySelectionMask; if (oldMask == newMask) return; KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(!newMask || newMask->graphListener() == m_image); m_image->m_d->overlaySelectionMask = newMask; if (oldMask || newMask) { m_image->m_d->rootLayer->notifyChildMaskChanged(); } if (oldMask) { m_image->m_d->rootLayer->setDirtyDontResetAnimationCache(oldMask->extent()); } if (newMask) { newMask->setDirty(); } m_image->undoAdapter()->emitSelectionChanged(); } private: KisImageSP m_image; }; KisStrokeId id = startStroke(new UpdateOverlaySelectionStroke(this)); endStroke(id); } KisSelectionMaskSP KisImage::overlaySelectionMask() const { return m_d->overlaySelectionMask; } bool KisImage::hasOverlaySelectionMask() const { return m_d->overlaySelectionMask; } KisSelectionSP KisImage::globalSelection() const { KisSelectionMaskSP selectionMask = m_d->rootLayer->selectionMask(); if (selectionMask) { return selectionMask->selection(); } else { return 0; } } void KisImage::setGlobalSelection(KisSelectionSP globalSelection) { KisSelectionMaskSP selectionMask = m_d->rootLayer->selectionMask(); if (!globalSelection) { if (selectionMask) { removeNode(selectionMask); } } else { if (!selectionMask) { selectionMask = new KisSelectionMask(this); selectionMask->initSelection(m_d->rootLayer); addNode(selectionMask); // If we do not set the selection now, the setActive call coming next // can be very, very expensive, depending on the size of the image. selectionMask->setSelection(globalSelection); selectionMask->setActive(true); } else { selectionMask->setSelection(globalSelection); } KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(m_d->rootLayer->childCount() > 0); KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(m_d->rootLayer->selectionMask()); } m_d->deselectedGlobalSelection = 0; m_d->legacyUndoAdapter.emitSelectionChanged(); } void KisImage::deselectGlobalSelection() { KisSelectionSP savedSelection = globalSelection(); setGlobalSelection(0); m_d->deselectedGlobalSelection = savedSelection; } bool KisImage::canReselectGlobalSelection() { return m_d->deselectedGlobalSelection; } void KisImage::reselectGlobalSelection() { if(m_d->deselectedGlobalSelection) { setGlobalSelection(m_d->deselectedGlobalSelection); } } QString KisImage::nextLayerName(const QString &_baseName) const { QString baseName = _baseName; if (m_d->nserver.currentSeed() == 0) { m_d->nserver.number(); return i18n("background"); } if (baseName.isEmpty()) { baseName = i18n("Layer"); } return QString("%1 %2").arg(baseName).arg(m_d->nserver.number()); } void KisImage::rollBackLayerName() { m_d->nserver.rollback(); } KisCompositeProgressProxy* KisImage::compositeProgressProxy() { return &m_d->compositeProgressProxy; } bool KisImage::locked() const { return m_d->lockCount != 0; } void KisImage::barrierLock(bool readOnly) { if (!locked()) { requestStrokeEnd(); m_d->scheduler.barrierLock(); m_d->lockedForReadOnly = readOnly; } else { m_d->lockedForReadOnly &= readOnly; } m_d->lockCount++; } bool KisImage::tryBarrierLock(bool readOnly) { bool result = true; if (!locked()) { result = m_d->scheduler.tryBarrierLock(); m_d->lockedForReadOnly = readOnly; } if (result) { m_d->lockCount++; m_d->lockedForReadOnly &= readOnly; } return result; } bool KisImage::isIdle(bool allowLocked) { return (allowLocked || !locked()) && m_d->scheduler.isIdle(); } void KisImage::lock() { if (!locked()) { requestStrokeEnd(); m_d->scheduler.lock(); } m_d->lockCount++; m_d->lockedForReadOnly = false; } void KisImage::unlock() { Q_ASSERT(locked()); if (locked()) { m_d->lockCount--; if (m_d->lockCount == 0) { m_d->scheduler.unlock(!m_d->lockedForReadOnly); } } } void KisImage::blockUpdates() { m_d->scheduler.blockUpdates(); } void KisImage::unblockUpdates() { m_d->scheduler.unblockUpdates(); } void KisImage::setSize(const QSize& size) { m_d->width = size.width(); m_d->height = size.height(); } void KisImage::resizeImageImpl(const QRect& newRect, bool cropLayers) { if (newRect == bounds() && !cropLayers) return; KUndo2MagicString actionName = cropLayers ? kundo2_i18n("Crop Image") : kundo2_i18n("Resize Image"); KisImageSignalVector emitSignals; emitSignals << ComplexSizeChangedSignal(newRect, newRect.size()); emitSignals << ModifiedSignal; KisCropSavedExtraData *extraData = new KisCropSavedExtraData(cropLayers ? KisCropSavedExtraData::CROP_IMAGE : KisCropSavedExtraData::RESIZE_IMAGE, newRect); KisProcessingApplicator applicator(this, m_d->rootLayer, KisProcessingApplicator::RECURSIVE | KisProcessingApplicator::NO_UI_UPDATES, emitSignals, actionName, extraData); if (cropLayers || !newRect.topLeft().isNull()) { KisProcessingVisitorSP visitor = new KisCropProcessingVisitor(newRect, cropLayers, true); applicator.applyVisitorAllFrames(visitor, KisStrokeJobData::CONCURRENT); } applicator.applyCommand(new KisImageResizeCommand(this, newRect.size())); applicator.end(); } void KisImage::resizeImage(const QRect& newRect) { resizeImageImpl(newRect, false); } void KisImage::cropImage(const QRect& newRect) { resizeImageImpl(newRect, true); } void KisImage::cropNode(KisNodeSP node, const QRect& newRect) { bool isLayer = qobject_cast(node.data()); KUndo2MagicString actionName = isLayer ? kundo2_i18n("Crop Layer") : kundo2_i18n("Crop Mask"); KisImageSignalVector emitSignals; emitSignals << ModifiedSignal; KisCropSavedExtraData *extraData = new KisCropSavedExtraData(KisCropSavedExtraData::CROP_LAYER, newRect, node); KisProcessingApplicator applicator(this, node, KisProcessingApplicator::RECURSIVE, emitSignals, actionName, extraData); KisProcessingVisitorSP visitor = new KisCropProcessingVisitor(newRect, true, false); applicator.applyVisitorAllFrames(visitor, KisStrokeJobData::CONCURRENT); applicator.end(); } void KisImage::scaleImage(const QSize &size, qreal xres, qreal yres, KisFilterStrategy *filterStrategy) { bool resolutionChanged = xres != xRes() && yres != yRes(); bool sizeChanged = size != this->size(); if (!resolutionChanged && !sizeChanged) return; KisImageSignalVector emitSignals; if (resolutionChanged) emitSignals << ResolutionChangedSignal; if (sizeChanged) emitSignals << ComplexSizeChangedSignal(bounds(), size); emitSignals << ModifiedSignal; KUndo2MagicString actionName = sizeChanged ? kundo2_i18n("Scale Image") : kundo2_i18n("Change Image Resolution"); KisProcessingApplicator::ProcessingFlags signalFlags = (resolutionChanged || sizeChanged) ? KisProcessingApplicator::NO_UI_UPDATES : KisProcessingApplicator::NONE; KisProcessingApplicator applicator(this, m_d->rootLayer, KisProcessingApplicator::RECURSIVE | signalFlags, emitSignals, actionName); qreal sx = qreal(size.width()) / this->size().width(); qreal sy = qreal(size.height()) / this->size().height(); QTransform shapesCorrection; if (resolutionChanged) { shapesCorrection = QTransform::fromScale(xRes() / xres, yRes() / yres); } KisProcessingVisitorSP visitor = new KisTransformProcessingVisitor(sx, sy, 0, 0, QPointF(), 0, 0, 0, filterStrategy, shapesCorrection); applicator.applyVisitorAllFrames(visitor, KisStrokeJobData::CONCURRENT); if (resolutionChanged) { KUndo2Command *parent = new KisResetShapesCommand(m_d->rootLayer); new KisImageSetResolutionCommand(this, xres, yres, parent); applicator.applyCommand(parent); } if (sizeChanged) { applicator.applyCommand(new KisImageResizeCommand(this, size)); } applicator.end(); } void KisImage::scaleNode(KisNodeSP node, const QPointF ¢er, qreal scaleX, qreal scaleY, KisFilterStrategy *filterStrategy, KisSelectionSP selection) { KUndo2MagicString actionName(kundo2_i18n("Scale Layer")); KisImageSignalVector emitSignals; emitSignals << ModifiedSignal; QPointF offset; { KisTransformWorker worker(0, scaleX, scaleY, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0); QTransform transform = worker.transform(); offset = center - transform.map(center); } KisProcessingApplicator applicator(this, node, KisProcessingApplicator::RECURSIVE, emitSignals, actionName); KisTransformProcessingVisitor *visitor = new KisTransformProcessingVisitor(scaleX, scaleY, 0, 0, QPointF(), 0, offset.x(), offset.y(), filterStrategy); visitor->setSelection(selection); if (selection) { applicator.applyVisitor(visitor, KisStrokeJobData::CONCURRENT); } else { applicator.applyVisitorAllFrames(visitor, KisStrokeJobData::CONCURRENT); } applicator.end(); } void KisImage::rotateImpl(const KUndo2MagicString &actionName, KisNodeSP rootNode, double radians, bool resizeImage, KisSelectionSP selection) { // we can either transform (and resize) the whole image or // transform a selection, we cannot do both at the same time KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER(!(bool(selection) && resizeImage)) { selection = 0; } const QRect baseBounds = resizeImage ? bounds() : selection ? selection->selectedExactRect() : rootNode->exactBounds(); QPointF offset; QSize newSize; { KisTransformWorker worker(0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, radians, 0, 0, 0, 0); QTransform transform = worker.transform(); if (resizeImage) { QRect newRect = transform.mapRect(baseBounds); newSize = newRect.size(); offset = -newRect.topLeft(); } else { QPointF origin = QRectF(baseBounds).center(); newSize = size(); offset = -(transform.map(origin) - origin); } } bool sizeChanged = resizeImage && (newSize.width() != baseBounds.width() || newSize.height() != baseBounds.height()); // These signals will be emitted after processing is done KisImageSignalVector emitSignals; if (sizeChanged) emitSignals << ComplexSizeChangedSignal(baseBounds, newSize); emitSignals << ModifiedSignal; // These flags determine whether updates are transferred to the UI during processing KisProcessingApplicator::ProcessingFlags signalFlags = sizeChanged ? KisProcessingApplicator::NO_UI_UPDATES : KisProcessingApplicator::NONE; KisProcessingApplicator applicator(this, rootNode, KisProcessingApplicator::RECURSIVE | signalFlags, emitSignals, actionName); KisFilterStrategy *filter = KisFilterStrategyRegistry::instance()->value("Bicubic"); KisTransformProcessingVisitor *visitor = new KisTransformProcessingVisitor(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, QPointF(), radians, offset.x(), offset.y(), filter); if (selection) { visitor->setSelection(selection); } if (selection) { applicator.applyVisitor(visitor, KisStrokeJobData::CONCURRENT); } else { applicator.applyVisitorAllFrames(visitor, KisStrokeJobData::CONCURRENT); } if (sizeChanged) { applicator.applyCommand(new KisImageResizeCommand(this, newSize)); } applicator.end(); } void KisImage::rotateImage(double radians) { rotateImpl(kundo2_i18n("Rotate Image"), root(), radians, true, 0); } void KisImage::rotateNode(KisNodeSP node, double radians, KisSelectionSP selection) { if (node->inherits("KisMask")) { rotateImpl(kundo2_i18n("Rotate Mask"), node, radians, false, selection); } else { rotateImpl(kundo2_i18n("Rotate Layer"), node, radians, false, selection); } } void KisImage::shearImpl(const KUndo2MagicString &actionName, KisNodeSP rootNode, bool resizeImage, double angleX, double angleY, KisSelectionSP selection) { const QRect baseBounds = resizeImage ? bounds() : selection ? selection->selectedExactRect() : rootNode->exactBounds(); const QPointF origin = QRectF(baseBounds).center(); //angleX, angleY are in degrees const qreal pi = 3.1415926535897932385; const qreal deg2rad = pi / 180.0; qreal tanX = tan(angleX * deg2rad); qreal tanY = tan(angleY * deg2rad); QPointF offset; QSize newSize; { KisTransformWorker worker(0, 1.0, 1.0, tanX, tanY, origin.x(), origin.y(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); QRect newRect = worker.transform().mapRect(baseBounds); newSize = newRect.size(); if (resizeImage) offset = -newRect.topLeft(); } if (newSize == baseBounds.size()) return; KisImageSignalVector emitSignals; if (resizeImage) emitSignals << ComplexSizeChangedSignal(baseBounds, newSize); emitSignals << ModifiedSignal; KisProcessingApplicator::ProcessingFlags signalFlags = KisProcessingApplicator::RECURSIVE; if (resizeImage) signalFlags |= KisProcessingApplicator::NO_UI_UPDATES; KisProcessingApplicator applicator(this, rootNode, signalFlags, emitSignals, actionName); KisFilterStrategy *filter = KisFilterStrategyRegistry::instance()->value("Bilinear"); KisTransformProcessingVisitor *visitor = new KisTransformProcessingVisitor(1.0, 1.0, tanX, tanY, origin, 0, offset.x(), offset.y(), filter); if (selection) { visitor->setSelection(selection); } if (selection) { applicator.applyVisitor(visitor, KisStrokeJobData::CONCURRENT); } else { applicator.applyVisitorAllFrames(visitor, KisStrokeJobData::CONCURRENT); } if (resizeImage) { applicator.applyCommand(new KisImageResizeCommand(this, newSize)); } applicator.end(); } void KisImage::shearNode(KisNodeSP node, double angleX, double angleY, KisSelectionSP selection) { if (node->inherits("KisMask")) { shearImpl(kundo2_i18n("Shear Mask"), node, false, angleX, angleY, selection); } else { shearImpl(kundo2_i18n("Shear Layer"), node, false, angleX, angleY, selection); } } void KisImage::shear(double angleX, double angleY) { shearImpl(kundo2_i18n("Shear Image"), m_d->rootLayer, true, angleX, angleY, 0); } void KisImage::convertImageColorSpace(const KoColorSpace *dstColorSpace, KoColorConversionTransformation::Intent renderingIntent, KoColorConversionTransformation::ConversionFlags conversionFlags) { if (!dstColorSpace) return; const KoColorSpace *srcColorSpace = m_d->colorSpace; undoAdapter()->beginMacro(kundo2_i18n("Convert Image Color Space")); undoAdapter()->addCommand(new KisImageLockCommand(KisImageWSP(this), true)); undoAdapter()->addCommand(new KisImageSetProjectionColorSpaceCommand(KisImageWSP(this), dstColorSpace)); KisColorSpaceConvertVisitor visitor(this, srcColorSpace, dstColorSpace, renderingIntent, conversionFlags); m_d->rootLayer->accept(visitor); undoAdapter()->addCommand(new KisImageLockCommand(KisImageWSP(this), false)); undoAdapter()->endMacro(); setModified(); } bool KisImage::assignImageProfile(const KoColorProfile *profile) { if (!profile) return false; const KoColorSpace *dstCs = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(colorSpace()->colorModelId().id(), colorSpace()->colorDepthId().id(), profile); const KoColorSpace *srcCs = colorSpace(); if (!dstCs) return false; m_d->colorSpace = dstCs; KisChangeProfileVisitor visitor(srcCs, dstCs); bool retval = m_d->rootLayer->accept(visitor); m_d->signalRouter.emitNotification(ProfileChangedSignal); return retval; } void KisImage::convertProjectionColorSpace(const KoColorSpace *dstColorSpace) { if (*m_d->colorSpace == *dstColorSpace) return; undoAdapter()->beginMacro(kundo2_i18n("Convert Projection Color Space")); undoAdapter()->addCommand(new KisImageLockCommand(KisImageWSP(this), true)); undoAdapter()->addCommand(new KisImageSetProjectionColorSpaceCommand(KisImageWSP(this), dstColorSpace)); undoAdapter()->addCommand(new KisImageLockCommand(KisImageWSP(this), false)); undoAdapter()->endMacro(); setModified(); } void KisImage::setProjectionColorSpace(const KoColorSpace * colorSpace) { m_d->colorSpace = colorSpace; m_d->rootLayer->resetCache(); m_d->signalRouter.emitNotification(ColorSpaceChangedSignal); } const KoColorSpace * KisImage::colorSpace() const { return m_d->colorSpace; } const KoColorProfile * KisImage::profile() const { return colorSpace()->profile(); } double KisImage::xRes() const { return m_d->xres; } double KisImage::yRes() const { return m_d->yres; } void KisImage::setResolution(double xres, double yres) { m_d->xres = xres; m_d->yres = yres; m_d->signalRouter.emitNotification(ResolutionChangedSignal); } QPointF KisImage::documentToPixel(const QPointF &documentCoord) const { return QPointF(documentCoord.x() * xRes(), documentCoord.y() * yRes()); } QPoint KisImage::documentToImagePixelFloored(const QPointF &documentCoord) const { QPointF pixelCoord = documentToPixel(documentCoord); return QPoint(qFloor(pixelCoord.x()), qFloor(pixelCoord.y())); } QRectF KisImage::documentToPixel(const QRectF &documentRect) const { return QRectF(documentToPixel(documentRect.topLeft()), documentToPixel(documentRect.bottomRight())); } QPointF KisImage::pixelToDocument(const QPointF &pixelCoord) const { return QPointF(pixelCoord.x() / xRes(), pixelCoord.y() / yRes()); } QPointF KisImage::pixelToDocument(const QPoint &pixelCoord) const { return QPointF((pixelCoord.x() + 0.5) / xRes(), (pixelCoord.y() + 0.5) / yRes()); } QRectF KisImage::pixelToDocument(const QRectF &pixelCoord) const { return QRectF(pixelToDocument(pixelCoord.topLeft()), pixelToDocument(pixelCoord.bottomRight())); } qint32 KisImage::width() const { return m_d->width; } qint32 KisImage::height() const { return m_d->height; } KisGroupLayerSP KisImage::rootLayer() const { Q_ASSERT(m_d->rootLayer); return m_d->rootLayer; } KisPaintDeviceSP KisImage::projection() const { if (m_d->isolatedRootNode) { return m_d->isolatedRootNode->projection(); } Q_ASSERT(m_d->rootLayer); KisPaintDeviceSP projection = m_d->rootLayer->projection(); Q_ASSERT(projection); return projection; } qint32 KisImage::nlayers() const { QStringList list; list << "KisLayer"; KisCountVisitor visitor(list, KoProperties()); m_d->rootLayer->accept(visitor); return visitor.count(); } qint32 KisImage::nHiddenLayers() const { QStringList list; list << "KisLayer"; KoProperties properties; properties.setProperty("visible", false); KisCountVisitor visitor(list, properties); m_d->rootLayer->accept(visitor); return visitor.count(); } void KisImage::flatten(KisNodeSP activeNode) { KisLayerUtils::flattenImage(this, activeNode); } void KisImage::mergeMultipleLayers(QList mergedNodes, KisNodeSP putAfter) { if (!KisLayerUtils::tryMergeSelectionMasks(this, mergedNodes, putAfter)) { KisLayerUtils::mergeMultipleLayers(this, mergedNodes, putAfter); } } void KisImage::mergeDown(KisLayerSP layer, const KisMetaData::MergeStrategy* strategy) { KisLayerUtils::mergeDown(this, layer, strategy); } void KisImage::flattenLayer(KisLayerSP layer) { KisLayerUtils::flattenLayer(this, layer); } void KisImage::setModified() { m_d->signalRouter.emitNotification(ModifiedSignal); } QImage KisImage::convertToQImage(QRect imageRect, const KoColorProfile * profile) { qint32 x; qint32 y; qint32 w; qint32 h; imageRect.getRect(&x, &y, &w, &h); return convertToQImage(x, y, w, h, profile); } QImage KisImage::convertToQImage(qint32 x, qint32 y, qint32 w, qint32 h, const KoColorProfile * profile) { KisPaintDeviceSP dev = projection(); if (!dev) return QImage(); QImage image = dev->convertToQImage(const_cast(profile), x, y, w, h, KoColorConversionTransformation::internalRenderingIntent(), KoColorConversionTransformation::internalConversionFlags()); return image; } QImage KisImage::convertToQImage(const QSize& scaledImageSize, const KoColorProfile *profile) { if (scaledImageSize.isEmpty()) { return QImage(); } KisPaintDeviceSP dev = new KisPaintDevice(colorSpace()); KisPainter gc; gc.copyAreaOptimized(QPoint(0, 0), projection(), dev, bounds()); gc.end(); double scaleX = qreal(scaledImageSize.width()) / width(); double scaleY = qreal(scaledImageSize.height()) / height(); QPointer updater = new KoDummyUpdater(); KisTransformWorker worker(dev, scaleX, scaleY, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, updater, KisFilterStrategyRegistry::instance()->value("Bicubic")); worker.run(); delete updater; return dev->convertToQImage(profile); } void KisImage::notifyLayersChanged() { m_d->signalRouter.emitNotification(LayersChangedSignal); } QRect KisImage::bounds() const { return QRect(0, 0, width(), height()); } QRect KisImage::effectiveLodBounds() const { QRect boundRect = bounds(); const int lod = currentLevelOfDetail(); if (lod > 0) { KisLodTransform t(lod); boundRect = t.map(boundRect); } return boundRect; } KisPostExecutionUndoAdapter* KisImage::postExecutionUndoAdapter() const { const int lod = currentLevelOfDetail(); return lod > 0 ? m_d->scheduler.lodNPostExecutionUndoAdapter() : &m_d->postExecutionUndoAdapter; } const KUndo2Command* KisImage::lastExecutedCommand() const { return m_d->undoStore->presentCommand(); } void KisImage::setUndoStore(KisUndoStore *undoStore) { m_d->legacyUndoAdapter.setUndoStore(undoStore); m_d->postExecutionUndoAdapter.setUndoStore(undoStore); m_d->undoStore.reset(undoStore); } KisUndoStore* KisImage::undoStore() { return m_d->undoStore.data(); } KisUndoAdapter* KisImage::undoAdapter() const { return &m_d->legacyUndoAdapter; } void KisImage::setDefaultProjectionColor(const KoColor &color) { KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(m_d->rootLayer); m_d->rootLayer->setDefaultProjectionColor(color); } KoColor KisImage::defaultProjectionColor() const { KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER(m_d->rootLayer) { return KoColor(Qt::transparent, m_d->colorSpace); } return m_d->rootLayer->defaultProjectionColor(); } void KisImage::setRootLayer(KisGroupLayerSP rootLayer) { emit sigInternalStopIsolatedModeRequested(); KoColor defaultProjectionColor(Qt::transparent, m_d->colorSpace); if (m_d->rootLayer) { m_d->rootLayer->setGraphListener(0); m_d->rootLayer->disconnect(); KisPaintDeviceSP original = m_d->rootLayer->original(); defaultProjectionColor = original->defaultPixel(); } m_d->rootLayer = rootLayer; m_d->rootLayer->disconnect(); m_d->rootLayer->setGraphListener(this); m_d->rootLayer->setImage(this); setRoot(m_d->rootLayer.data()); this->setDefaultProjectionColor(defaultProjectionColor); } void KisImage::addAnnotation(KisAnnotationSP annotation) { // Find the icc annotation, if there is one vKisAnnotationSP_it it = m_d->annotations.begin(); while (it != m_d->annotations.end()) { if ((*it)->type() == annotation->type()) { *it = annotation; return; } ++it; } m_d->annotations.push_back(annotation); } KisAnnotationSP KisImage::annotation(const QString& type) { vKisAnnotationSP_it it = m_d->annotations.begin(); while (it != m_d->annotations.end()) { if ((*it)->type() == type) { return *it; } ++it; } return KisAnnotationSP(0); } void KisImage::removeAnnotation(const QString& type) { vKisAnnotationSP_it it = m_d->annotations.begin(); while (it != m_d->annotations.end()) { if ((*it)->type() == type) { m_d->annotations.erase(it); return; } ++it; } } vKisAnnotationSP_it KisImage::beginAnnotations() { return m_d->annotations.begin(); } vKisAnnotationSP_it KisImage::endAnnotations() { return m_d->annotations.end(); } void KisImage::notifyAboutToBeDeleted() { emit sigAboutToBeDeleted(); } KisImageSignalRouter* KisImage::signalRouter() { return &m_d->signalRouter; } void KisImage::waitForDone() { requestStrokeEnd(); m_d->scheduler.waitForDone(); } KisStrokeId KisImage::startStroke(KisStrokeStrategy *strokeStrategy) { /** * Ask open strokes to end gracefully. All the strokes clients * (including the one calling this method right now) will get * a notification that they should probably end their strokes. * However this is purely their choice whether to end a stroke * or not. */ if (strokeStrategy->requestsOtherStrokesToEnd()) { requestStrokeEnd(); } /** * Some of the strokes can cancel their work with undoing all the * changes they did to the paint devices. The problem is that undo * stack will know nothing about it. Therefore, just notify it * explicitly */ if (strokeStrategy->clearsRedoOnStart()) { m_d->undoStore->purgeRedoState(); } return m_d->scheduler.startStroke(strokeStrategy); } -void KisImage::KisImagePrivate::notifyProjectionUpdatedInPatches(const QRect &rc) +void KisImage::KisImagePrivate::notifyProjectionUpdatedInPatches(const QRect &rc, QVector &jobs) { KisImageConfig imageConfig(true); int patchWidth = imageConfig.updatePatchWidth(); int patchHeight = imageConfig.updatePatchHeight(); for (int y = 0; y < rc.height(); y += patchHeight) { for (int x = 0; x < rc.width(); x += patchWidth) { QRect patchRect(x, y, patchWidth, patchHeight); patchRect &= rc; - QtConcurrent::run(std::bind(&KisImage::notifyProjectionUpdated, q, patchRect)); + KritaUtils::addJobConcurrent(jobs, std::bind(&KisImage::notifyProjectionUpdated, q, patchRect)); } } } bool KisImage::startIsolatedMode(KisNodeSP node) { - struct StartIsolatedModeStroke : public KisSimpleStrokeStrategy { + struct StartIsolatedModeStroke : public KisRunnableBasedStrokeStrategy { StartIsolatedModeStroke(KisNodeSP node, KisImageSP image) - : KisSimpleStrokeStrategy("start-isolated-mode", kundo2_noi18n("start-isolated-mode")), + : KisRunnableBasedStrokeStrategy("start-isolated-mode", kundo2_noi18n("start-isolated-mode")), m_node(node), m_image(image) { this->enableJob(JOB_INIT, true, KisStrokeJobData::SEQUENTIAL, KisStrokeJobData::EXCLUSIVE); + this->enableJob(JOB_DOSTROKE, true); setClearsRedoOnStart(false); } void initStrokeCallback() { // pass-though node don't have any projection prepared, so we should // explicitly regenerate it before activating isolated mode. m_node->projectionLeaf()->explicitlyRegeneratePassThroughProjection(); m_image->m_d->isolatedRootNode = m_node; emit m_image->sigIsolatedModeChanged(); // the GUI uses our thread to do the color space conversion so we // need to emit this signal in multiple threads - m_image->m_d->notifyProjectionUpdatedInPatches(m_image->bounds()); + QVector jobs; + m_image->m_d->notifyProjectionUpdatedInPatches(m_image->bounds(), jobs); + this->runnableJobsInterface()->addRunnableJobs(jobs); + m_image->invalidateAllFrames(); } private: KisNodeSP m_node; KisImageSP m_image; }; KisStrokeId id = startStroke(new StartIsolatedModeStroke(node, this)); endStroke(id); return true; } void KisImage::stopIsolatedMode() { if (!m_d->isolatedRootNode) return; - struct StopIsolatedModeStroke : public KisSimpleStrokeStrategy { + struct StopIsolatedModeStroke : public KisRunnableBasedStrokeStrategy { StopIsolatedModeStroke(KisImageSP image) - : KisSimpleStrokeStrategy("stop-isolated-mode", kundo2_noi18n("stop-isolated-mode")), + : KisRunnableBasedStrokeStrategy("stop-isolated-mode", kundo2_noi18n("stop-isolated-mode")), m_image(image) { this->enableJob(JOB_INIT); + this->enableJob(JOB_DOSTROKE, true); setClearsRedoOnStart(false); } void initStrokeCallback() { if (!m_image->m_d->isolatedRootNode) return; //KisNodeSP oldRootNode = m_image->m_d->isolatedRootNode; m_image->m_d->isolatedRootNode = 0; emit m_image->sigIsolatedModeChanged(); + m_image->invalidateAllFrames(); + // the GUI uses our thread to do the color space conversion so we // need to emit this signal in multiple threads - m_image->m_d->notifyProjectionUpdatedInPatches(m_image->bounds()); - m_image->invalidateAllFrames(); + QVector jobs; + m_image->m_d->notifyProjectionUpdatedInPatches(m_image->bounds(), jobs); + this->runnableJobsInterface()->addRunnableJobs(jobs); // TODO: Substitute notifyProjectionUpdated() with this code // when update optimization is implemented // // QRect updateRect = bounds() | oldRootNode->extent(); // oldRootNode->setDirty(updateRect); } private: KisImageSP m_image; }; KisStrokeId id = startStroke(new StopIsolatedModeStroke(this)); endStroke(id); } KisNodeSP KisImage::isolatedModeRoot() const { return m_d->isolatedRootNode; } void KisImage::addJob(KisStrokeId id, KisStrokeJobData *data) { KisUpdateTimeMonitor::instance()->reportJobStarted(data); m_d->scheduler.addJob(id, data); } void KisImage::endStroke(KisStrokeId id) { m_d->scheduler.endStroke(id); } bool KisImage::cancelStroke(KisStrokeId id) { return m_d->scheduler.cancelStroke(id); } bool KisImage::KisImagePrivate::tryCancelCurrentStrokeAsync() { return scheduler.tryCancelCurrentStrokeAsync(); } void KisImage::requestUndoDuringStroke() { emit sigUndoDuringStrokeRequested(); } void KisImage::requestStrokeCancellation() { if (!m_d->tryCancelCurrentStrokeAsync()) { emit sigStrokeCancellationRequested(); } } UndoResult KisImage::tryUndoUnfinishedLod0Stroke() { return m_d->scheduler.tryUndoLastStrokeAsync(); } void KisImage::requestStrokeEnd() { emit sigStrokeEndRequested(); emit sigStrokeEndRequestedActiveNodeFiltered(); } void KisImage::requestStrokeEndActiveNode() { emit sigStrokeEndRequested(); } void KisImage::refreshGraph(KisNodeSP root) { refreshGraph(root, bounds(), bounds()); } void KisImage::refreshGraph(KisNodeSP root, const QRect &rc, const QRect &cropRect) { if (!root) root = m_d->rootLayer; m_d->animationInterface->notifyNodeChanged(root.data(), rc, true); m_d->scheduler.fullRefresh(root, rc, cropRect); } void KisImage::initialRefreshGraph() { /** * NOTE: Tricky part. We set crop rect to null, so the clones * will not rely on precalculated projections of their sources */ refreshGraphAsync(0, bounds(), QRect()); waitForDone(); } void KisImage::refreshGraphAsync(KisNodeSP root) { refreshGraphAsync(root, bounds(), bounds()); } void KisImage::refreshGraphAsync(KisNodeSP root, const QRect &rc) { refreshGraphAsync(root, rc, bounds()); } void KisImage::refreshGraphAsync(KisNodeSP root, const QRect &rc, const QRect &cropRect) { if (!root) root = m_d->rootLayer; m_d->animationInterface->notifyNodeChanged(root.data(), rc, true); m_d->scheduler.fullRefreshAsync(root, rc, cropRect); } void KisImage::requestProjectionUpdateNoFilthy(KisNodeSP pseudoFilthy, const QRect &rc, const QRect &cropRect) { KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(pseudoFilthy); m_d->animationInterface->notifyNodeChanged(pseudoFilthy.data(), rc, false); m_d->scheduler.updateProjectionNoFilthy(pseudoFilthy, rc, cropRect); } void KisImage::addSpontaneousJob(KisSpontaneousJob *spontaneousJob) { m_d->scheduler.addSpontaneousJob(spontaneousJob); } +bool KisImage::hasUpdatesRunning() const +{ + return m_d->scheduler.hasUpdatesRunning(); +} + void KisImage::setProjectionUpdatesFilter(KisProjectionUpdatesFilterSP filter) { // update filters are *not* recursive! KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(!filter || !m_d->projectionUpdatesFilter); m_d->projectionUpdatesFilter = filter; } KisProjectionUpdatesFilterSP KisImage::projectionUpdatesFilter() const { return m_d->projectionUpdatesFilter; } void KisImage::disableDirtyRequests() { setProjectionUpdatesFilter(KisProjectionUpdatesFilterSP(new KisDropAllProjectionUpdatesFilter())); } void KisImage::enableDirtyRequests() { setProjectionUpdatesFilter(KisProjectionUpdatesFilterSP()); } void KisImage::disableUIUpdates() { m_d->disableUIUpdateSignals.ref(); } void KisImage::notifyBatchUpdateStarted() { m_d->signalRouter.emitNotifyBatchUpdateStarted(); } void KisImage::notifyBatchUpdateEnded() { m_d->signalRouter.emitNotifyBatchUpdateEnded(); } void KisImage::notifyUIUpdateCompleted(const QRect &rc) { notifyProjectionUpdated(rc); } QVector KisImage::enableUIUpdates() { m_d->disableUIUpdateSignals.deref(); QRect rect; QVector postponedUpdates; while (m_d->savedDisabledUIUpdates.pop(rect)) { postponedUpdates.append(rect); } return postponedUpdates; } void KisImage::notifyProjectionUpdated(const QRect &rc) { KisUpdateTimeMonitor::instance()->reportUpdateFinished(rc); if (!m_d->disableUIUpdateSignals) { int lod = currentLevelOfDetail(); QRect dirtyRect = !lod ? rc : KisLodTransform::upscaledRect(rc, lod); if (dirtyRect.isEmpty()) return; emit sigImageUpdated(dirtyRect); } else { m_d->savedDisabledUIUpdates.push(rc); } } void KisImage::setWorkingThreadsLimit(int value) { m_d->scheduler.setThreadsLimit(value); } int KisImage::workingThreadsLimit() const { return m_d->scheduler.threadsLimit(); } void KisImage::notifySelectionChanged() { /** * The selection is calculated asynchromously, so it is not * handled by disableUIUpdates() and other special signals of * KisImageSignalRouter */ m_d->legacyUndoAdapter.emitSelectionChanged(); /** * Editing of selection masks doesn't necessary produce a * setDirty() call, so in the end of the stroke we need to request * direct update of the UI's cache. */ if (m_d->isolatedRootNode && dynamic_cast(m_d->isolatedRootNode.data())) { notifyProjectionUpdated(bounds()); } } void KisImage::requestProjectionUpdateImpl(KisNode *node, const QVector &rects, const QRect &cropRect) { if (rects.isEmpty()) return; m_d->scheduler.updateProjection(node, rects, cropRect); } void KisImage::requestProjectionUpdate(KisNode *node, const QVector &rects, bool resetAnimationCache) { if (m_d->projectionUpdatesFilter && m_d->projectionUpdatesFilter->filter(this, node, rects, resetAnimationCache)) { return; } if (resetAnimationCache) { m_d->animationInterface->notifyNodeChanged(node, rects, false); } /** * Here we use 'permitted' instead of 'active' intentively, * because the updates may come after the actual stroke has been * finished. And having some more updates for the stroke not * supporting the wrap-around mode will not make much harm. */ if (m_d->wrapAroundModePermitted) { QVector allSplitRects; const QRect boundRect = effectiveLodBounds(); Q_FOREACH (const QRect &rc, rects) { KisWrappedRect splitRect(rc, boundRect); allSplitRects.append(splitRect); } requestProjectionUpdateImpl(node, allSplitRects, boundRect); } else { requestProjectionUpdateImpl(node, rects, bounds()); } KisNodeGraphListener::requestProjectionUpdate(node, rects, resetAnimationCache); } void KisImage::invalidateFrames(const KisTimeRange &range, const QRect &rect) { m_d->animationInterface->invalidateFrames(range, rect); } void KisImage::requestTimeSwitch(int time) { m_d->animationInterface->requestTimeSwitchNonGUI(time); } KisNode *KisImage::graphOverlayNode() const { return m_d->overlaySelectionMask.data(); } QList KisImage::compositions() { return m_d->compositions; } void KisImage::addComposition(KisLayerCompositionSP composition) { m_d->compositions.append(composition); } void KisImage::removeComposition(KisLayerCompositionSP composition) { m_d->compositions.removeAll(composition); } bool checkMasksNeedConversion(KisNodeSP root, const QRect &bounds) { KisSelectionMask *mask = dynamic_cast(root.data()); if (mask && (!bounds.contains(mask->paintDevice()->exactBounds()) || mask->selection()->hasShapeSelection())) { return true; } KisNodeSP node = root->firstChild(); while (node) { if (checkMasksNeedConversion(node, bounds)) { return true; } node = node->nextSibling(); } return false; } void KisImage::setWrapAroundModePermitted(bool value) { if (m_d->wrapAroundModePermitted != value) { requestStrokeEnd(); } m_d->wrapAroundModePermitted = value; if (m_d->wrapAroundModePermitted && checkMasksNeedConversion(root(), bounds())) { KisProcessingApplicator applicator(this, root(), KisProcessingApplicator::RECURSIVE, KisImageSignalVector() << ModifiedSignal, kundo2_i18n("Crop Selections")); KisProcessingVisitorSP visitor = new KisCropSelectionsProcessingVisitor(bounds()); applicator.applyVisitor(visitor, KisStrokeJobData::CONCURRENT); applicator.end(); } } bool KisImage::wrapAroundModePermitted() const { return m_d->wrapAroundModePermitted; } bool KisImage::wrapAroundModeActive() const { return m_d->wrapAroundModePermitted && m_d->scheduler.wrapAroundModeSupported(); } void KisImage::setDesiredLevelOfDetail(int lod) { if (m_d->blockLevelOfDetail) { qWarning() << "WARNING: KisImage::setDesiredLevelOfDetail()" << "was called while LoD functionality was being blocked!"; return; } m_d->scheduler.setDesiredLevelOfDetail(lod); } int KisImage::currentLevelOfDetail() const { if (m_d->blockLevelOfDetail) { return 0; } return m_d->scheduler.currentLevelOfDetail(); } void KisImage::setLevelOfDetailBlocked(bool value) { KisImageBarrierLockerRaw l(this); if (value && !m_d->blockLevelOfDetail) { m_d->scheduler.setDesiredLevelOfDetail(0); } m_d->blockLevelOfDetail = value; } void KisImage::explicitRegenerateLevelOfDetail() { if (!m_d->blockLevelOfDetail) { m_d->scheduler.explicitRegenerateLevelOfDetail(); } } bool KisImage::levelOfDetailBlocked() const { return m_d->blockLevelOfDetail; } void KisImage::notifyNodeCollpasedChanged() { emit sigNodeCollapsedChanged(); } KisImageAnimationInterface* KisImage::animationInterface() const { return m_d->animationInterface; } void KisImage::setProofingConfiguration(KisProofingConfigurationSP proofingConfig) { m_d->proofingConfig = proofingConfig; emit sigProofingConfigChanged(); } KisProofingConfigurationSP KisImage::proofingConfiguration() const { if (m_d->proofingConfig) { return m_d->proofingConfig; } return KisProofingConfigurationSP(); } QPointF KisImage::mirrorAxesCenter() const { return m_d->axesCenter; } void KisImage::setMirrorAxesCenter(const QPointF &value) const { m_d->axesCenter = value; } void KisImage::setAllowMasksOnRootNode(bool value) { m_d->allowMasksOnRootNode = value; } bool KisImage::allowMasksOnRootNode() const { return m_d->allowMasksOnRootNode; } diff --git a/libs/image/kis_image.h b/libs/image/kis_image.h index dea01e86a1..c259317d69 100644 --- a/libs/image/kis_image.h +++ b/libs/image/kis_image.h @@ -1,1185 +1,1193 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2002 Patrick Julien * Copyright (c) 2007 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KIS_IMAGE_H_ #define KIS_IMAGE_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_types.h" #include "kis_shared.h" #include "kis_node_graph_listener.h" #include "kis_node_facade.h" #include "kis_image_interfaces.h" #include "kis_strokes_queue_undo_result.h" #include class KoColorSpace; class KoColor; class KisCompositeProgressProxy; class KisUndoStore; class KisUndoAdapter; class KisImageSignalRouter; class KisPostExecutionUndoAdapter; class KisFilterStrategy; class KoColorProfile; class KisLayerComposition; class KisSpontaneousJob; class KisImageAnimationInterface; class KUndo2MagicString; class KisProofingConfiguration; class KisPaintDevice; namespace KisMetaData { class MergeStrategy; } /** * This is the image class, it contains a tree of KisLayer stack and * meta information about the image. And it also provides some * functions to manipulate the whole image. */ class KRITAIMAGE_EXPORT KisImage : public QObject, public KisStrokesFacade, public KisStrokeUndoFacade, public KisUpdatesFacade, public KisProjectionUpdateListener, public KisNodeFacade, public KisNodeGraphListener, public KisShared { Q_OBJECT public: /// @p colorSpace can be null. In that case, it will be initialised to a default color space. KisImage(KisUndoStore *undoStore, qint32 width, qint32 height, const KoColorSpace *colorSpace, const QString& name); ~KisImage() override; static KisImageSP fromQImage(const QImage &image, KisUndoStore *undoStore); public: // KisNodeGraphListener implementation void aboutToAddANode(KisNode *parent, int index) override; void nodeHasBeenAdded(KisNode *parent, int index) override; void aboutToRemoveANode(KisNode *parent, int index) override; void nodeChanged(KisNode * node) override; void invalidateAllFrames() override; void notifySelectionChanged() override; void requestProjectionUpdate(KisNode *node, const QVector &rects, bool resetAnimationCache) override; void invalidateFrames(const KisTimeRange &range, const QRect &rect) override; void requestTimeSwitch(int time) override; KisNode* graphOverlayNode() const override; public: // KisProjectionUpdateListener implementation void notifyProjectionUpdated(const QRect &rc) override; public: /** * Set the number of threads used by the image's working threads */ void setWorkingThreadsLimit(int value); /** * Return the number of threads available to the image's working threads */ int workingThreadsLimit() const; /** * Makes a copy of the image with all the layers. If possible, shallow * copies of the layers are made. * * \p exactCopy shows if the copied image should look *exactly* the same as * the other one (according to it's .kra xml representation). It means that * the layers will have the same UUID keys and, therefore, you are not * expected to use the copied image anywhere except for saving. Don't use * this option if you plan to work with the copied image later. */ KisImage *clone(bool exactCopy = false); void copyFromImage(const KisImage &rhs); private: // must specify exactly one from CONSTRUCT or REPLACE. enum CopyPolicy { CONSTRUCT = 1, ///< we are copy-constructing a new KisImage REPLACE = 2, ///< we are replacing the current KisImage with another EXACT_COPY = 4, /// we need an exact copy of the original image }; void copyFromImageImpl(const KisImage &rhs, int policy); public: /** * Render the projection onto a QImage. */ QImage convertToQImage(qint32 x1, qint32 y1, qint32 width, qint32 height, const KoColorProfile * profile); /** * Render the projection onto a QImage. * (this is an overloaded function) */ QImage convertToQImage(QRect imageRect, const KoColorProfile * profile); /** * Render a thumbnail of the projection onto a QImage. */ QImage convertToQImage(const QSize& scaledImageSize, const KoColorProfile *profile); /** * [low-level] Lock the image without waiting for all the internal job queues are processed * * WARNING: Don't use it unless you really know what you are doing! Use barrierLock() instead! * * Waits for all the **currently running** internal jobs to complete and locks the image * for writing. Please note that this function does **not** wait for all the internal * queues to process, so there might be some non-finished actions pending. It means that * you just postpone these actions until you unlock() the image back. Until then, then image * might easily be frozen in some inconsistent state. * * The only sane usage for this function is to lock the image for **emergency** * processing, when some internal action or scheduler got hung up, and you just want * to fetch some data from the image without races. * * In all other cases, please use barrierLock() instead! */ void lock(); /** * Unlocks the image and starts/resumes all the pending internal jobs. If the image * has been locked for a non-readOnly access, then all the internal caches of the image * (e.g. lod-planes) are reset and regeneration jobs are scheduled. */ void unlock(); /** * @return return true if the image is in a locked state, i.e. all the internal * jobs are blocked from execution by calling wither lock() or barrierLock(). * * When the image is locked, the user can do some modifications to the image * contents safely without a perspective having race conditions with internal * image jobs. */ bool locked() const; /** * Sets the mask (it must be a part of the node hierarchy already) to be paited on * the top of all layers. This method does all the locking and syncing for you. It * is executed asynchronously. */ void setOverlaySelectionMask(KisSelectionMaskSP mask); /** * \see setOverlaySelectionMask */ KisSelectionMaskSP overlaySelectionMask() const; /** * \see setOverlaySelectionMask */ bool hasOverlaySelectionMask() const; /** * @return the global selection object or 0 if there is none. The * global selection is always read-write. */ KisSelectionSP globalSelection() const; /** * Retrieve the next automatic layername (XXX: fix to add option to return Mask X) */ QString nextLayerName(const QString &baseName = "") const; /** * Set the automatic layer name counter one back. */ void rollBackLayerName(); /** * @brief start asynchronous operation on resizing the image * * The method will resize the image to fit the new size without * dropping any pixel data. The GUI will get correct * notification with old and new sizes, so it adjust canvas origin * accordingly and avoid jumping of the canvas on screen * * @param newRect the rectangle of the image which will be visible * after operation is completed * * Please note that the actual operation starts asynchronously in * a background, so you cannot expect the image having new size * right after this call. */ void resizeImage(const QRect& newRect); /** * @brief start asynchronous operation on cropping the image * * The method will **drop** all the image data outside \p newRect * and resize the image to fit the new size. The GUI will get correct * notification with old and new sizes, so it adjust canvas origin * accordingly and avoid jumping of the canvas on screen * * @param newRect the rectangle of the image which will be cut-out * * Please note that the actual operation starts asynchronously in * a background, so you cannot expect the image having new size * right after this call. */ void cropImage(const QRect& newRect); /** * @brief start asynchronous operation on cropping a subtree of nodes starting at \p node * * The method will **drop** all the layer data outside \p newRect. Neither * image nor a layer will be moved anywhere * * @param node node to crop * @param newRect the rectangle of the layer which will be cut-out * * Please note that the actual operation starts asynchronously in * a background, so you cannot expect the image having new size * right after this call. */ void cropNode(KisNodeSP node, const QRect& newRect); /** * @brief start asynchronous operation on scaling the image * @param size new image size in pixels * @param xres new image x-resolution pixels-per-pt * @param yres new image y-resolution pixels-per-pt * @param filterStrategy filtering strategy * * Please note that the actual operation starts asynchronously in * a background, so you cannot expect the image having new size * right after this call. */ void scaleImage(const QSize &size, qreal xres, qreal yres, KisFilterStrategy *filterStrategy); /** * @brief start asynchronous operation on scaling a subtree of nodes starting at \p node * @param node node to scale * @param center the center of the scaling * @param scaleX x-scale coefficient to be applied to the node * @param scaleY y-scale coefficient to be applied to the node * @param filterStrategy filtering strategy * @param selection the selection we based on * * Please note that the actual operation starts asynchronously in * a background, so you cannot expect the image having new size * right after this call. */ void scaleNode(KisNodeSP node, const QPointF ¢er, qreal scaleX, qreal scaleY, KisFilterStrategy *filterStrategy, KisSelectionSP selection); /** * @brief start asynchronous operation on rotating the image * * The image is resized to fit the rotated rectangle * * @param radians rotation angle in radians * * Please note that the actual operation starts asynchronously in * a background, so you cannot expect the operation being completed * right after the call */ void rotateImage(double radians); /** * @brief start asynchronous operation on rotating a subtree of nodes starting at \p node * * The image is not resized! * * @param node the root of the subtree to rotate * @param radians rotation angle in radians * @param selection the selection we based on * * Please note that the actual operation starts asynchronously in * a background, so you cannot expect the operation being completed * right after the call */ void rotateNode(KisNodeSP node, double radians, KisSelectionSP selection); /** * @brief start asynchronous operation on shearing the image * * The image is resized to fit the sheared polygon * * @p angleX, @p angleY are given in degrees. * * Please note that the actual operation starts asynchronously in * a background, so you cannot expect the operation being completed * right after the call */ void shear(double angleX, double angleY); /** * @brief start asynchronous operation on shearing a subtree of nodes starting at \p node * * The image is not resized! * * @param node the root of the subtree to rotate * @param angleX x-shear given in degrees. * @param angleY y-shear given in degrees. * @param selection the selection we based on * * Please note that the actual operation starts asynchronously in * a background, so you cannot expect the operation being completed * right after the call */ void shearNode(KisNodeSP node, double angleX, double angleY, KisSelectionSP selection); /** * Convert the image and all its layers to the dstColorSpace */ void convertImageColorSpace(const KoColorSpace *dstColorSpace, KoColorConversionTransformation::Intent renderingIntent, KoColorConversionTransformation::ConversionFlags conversionFlags); /** * Set the color space of the projection (and the root layer) * to dstColorSpace. No conversion is done for other layers, * their colorspace can differ. * @note No conversion is done, only regeneration, so no rendering * intent needed */ void convertProjectionColorSpace(const KoColorSpace *dstColorSpace); // Get the profile associated with this image const KoColorProfile * profile() const; /** * Set the profile of the image to the new profile and do the same for * all layers that have the same colorspace and profile of the image. * It doesn't do any pixel conversion. * * This is essential if you have loaded an image that didn't * have an embedded profile to which you want to attach the right profile. * * This does not create an undo action; only call it when creating or * loading an image. * * @returns false if the profile could not be assigned */ bool assignImageProfile(const KoColorProfile *profile); /** * Returns the current undo adapter. You can add new commands to the * undo stack using the adapter. This adapter is used for a backward * compatibility for old commands created before strokes. It blocks * all the porcessing at the scheduler, waits until it's finished * and executes commands exclusively. */ KisUndoAdapter* undoAdapter() const; /** * This adapter is used by the strokes system. The commands are added * to it *after* redo() is done (in the scheduler context). They are * wrapped into a special command and added to the undo stack. redo() * in not called. */ KisPostExecutionUndoAdapter* postExecutionUndoAdapter() const override; /** * Return the lastly executed LoD0 command. It is effectively the same * as to call undoAdapter()->presentCommand(); */ - const KUndo2Command* lastExecutedCommand() const; + const KUndo2Command* lastExecutedCommand() const override; /** * Replace current undo store with the new one. The old store * will be deleted. * This method is used by KisDocument for dropping all the commands * during file loading. */ void setUndoStore(KisUndoStore *undoStore); /** * Return current undo store of the image */ KisUndoStore* undoStore(); /** * Tell the image it's modified; this emits the sigImageModified * signal. This happens when the image needs to be saved */ void setModified(); /** * The default colorspace of this image: new layers will have this * colorspace and the projection will have this colorspace. */ const KoColorSpace * colorSpace() const; /** * X resolution in pixels per pt */ double xRes() const; /** * Y resolution in pixels per pt */ double yRes() const; /** * Set the resolution in pixels per pt. */ void setResolution(double xres, double yres); /** * Convert a document coordinate to a pixel coordinate. * * @param documentCoord PostScript Pt coordinate to convert. */ QPointF documentToPixel(const QPointF &documentCoord) const; /** * Convert a document coordinate to an integer pixel coordinate rounded down. * * @param documentCoord PostScript Pt coordinate to convert. */ QPoint documentToImagePixelFloored(const QPointF &documentCoord) const; /** * Convert a document rectangle to a pixel rectangle. * * @param documentRect PostScript Pt rectangle to convert. */ QRectF documentToPixel(const QRectF &documentRect) const; /** * Convert a pixel coordinate to a document coordinate. * * @param pixelCoord pixel coordinate to convert. */ QPointF pixelToDocument(const QPointF &pixelCoord) const; /** * Convert an integer pixel coordinate to a document coordinate. * The document coordinate is at the centre of the pixel. * * @param pixelCoord pixel coordinate to convert. */ QPointF pixelToDocument(const QPoint &pixelCoord) const; /** * Convert a document rectangle to an integer pixel rectangle. * * @param pixelCoord pixel coordinate to convert. */ QRectF pixelToDocument(const QRectF &pixelCoord) const; /** * Return the width of the image */ qint32 width() const; /** * Return the height of the image */ qint32 height() const; /** * Return the size of the image */ QSize size() const { return QSize(width(), height()); } /** * @return the root node of the image node graph */ KisGroupLayerSP rootLayer() const; /** * Return the projection; that is, the complete, composited * representation of this image. */ KisPaintDeviceSP projection() const; /** * Return the number of layers (not other nodes) that are in this * image. */ qint32 nlayers() const; /** * Return the number of layers (not other node types) that are in * this image and that are hidden. */ qint32 nHiddenLayers() const; /** * Merge all visible layers and discard hidden ones. */ void flatten(KisNodeSP activeNode); /** * Merge the specified layer with the layer * below this layer, remove the specified layer. */ void mergeDown(KisLayerSP l, const KisMetaData::MergeStrategy* strategy); /** * flatten the layer: that is, the projection becomes the layer * and all subnodes are removed. If this is not a paint layer, it will morph * into a paint layer. */ void flattenLayer(KisLayerSP layer); /** * Merges layers in \p mergedLayers and creates a new layer above * \p putAfter */ void mergeMultipleLayers(QList mergedLayers, KisNodeSP putAfter); /// @return the exact bounds of the image in pixel coordinates. - QRect bounds() const; + QRect bounds() const override; /** * Returns the actual bounds of the image, taking LevelOfDetail * into account. This value is used as a bounds() value of * KisDefaultBounds object. */ QRect effectiveLodBounds() const; /// use if the layers have changed _completely_ (eg. when flattening) void notifyLayersChanged(); /** * Sets the default color of the root layer projection. All the layers * will be merged on top of this very color */ void setDefaultProjectionColor(const KoColor &color); /** * \see setDefaultProjectionColor() */ KoColor defaultProjectionColor() const; void setRootLayer(KisGroupLayerSP rootLayer); /** * Add an annotation for this image. This can be anything: Gamma, EXIF, etc. * Note that the "icc" annotation is reserved for the color strategies. * If the annotation already exists, overwrite it with this one. */ void addAnnotation(KisAnnotationSP annotation); /** get the annotation with the given type, can return 0 */ KisAnnotationSP annotation(const QString& type); /** delete the annotation, if the image contains it */ void removeAnnotation(const QString& type); /** * Start of an iteration over the annotations of this image (including the ICC Profile) */ vKisAnnotationSP_it beginAnnotations(); /** end of an iteration over the annotations of this image */ vKisAnnotationSP_it endAnnotations(); /** * Called before the image is deleted and sends the sigAboutToBeDeleted signal */ void notifyAboutToBeDeleted(); KisImageSignalRouter* signalRouter(); /** * Returns whether we can reselect current global selection * * \see reselectGlobalSelection() */ bool canReselectGlobalSelection(); /** * Returns the layer compositions for the image */ QList compositions(); /** * Adds a new layer composition, will be saved with the image */ void addComposition(KisLayerCompositionSP composition); /** * Remove the layer compostion */ void removeComposition(KisLayerCompositionSP composition); /** * Permit or deny the wrap-around mode for all the paint devices * of the image. Note that permitting the wraparound mode will not * necessarily activate it right now. To be activated the wrap * around mode should be 1) permitted; 2) supported by the * currently running stroke. */ void setWrapAroundModePermitted(bool value); /** * \return whether the wrap-around mode is permitted for this * image. If the wrap around mode is permitted and the * currently running stroke supports it, the mode will be * activated for all paint devices of the image. * * \see setWrapAroundMode */ bool wrapAroundModePermitted() const; /** * \return whether the wraparound mode is activated for all the * devices of the image. The mode is activated when both * factors are true: the user permitted it and the stroke * supports it */ bool wrapAroundModeActive() const; /** * \return current level of detail which is used when processing the image. * Current working zoom = 2 ^ (- currentLevelOfDetail()). Default value is * null, which means we work on the original image. */ int currentLevelOfDetail() const; /** * Notify KisImage which level of detail should be used in the * lod-mode. Setting the mode does not guarantee the LOD to be * used. It will be activated only when the stokes supports it. */ void setDesiredLevelOfDetail(int lod); /** * Relative position of the mirror axis center * 0,0 - topleft corner of the image * 1,1 - bottomright corner of the image */ QPointF mirrorAxesCenter() const; /** * Sets the relative position of the axes center * \see mirrorAxesCenter() for details */ void setMirrorAxesCenter(const QPointF &value) const; /** * Configure the image to allow masks on the root not (as reported by * root()->allowAsChild()). By default it is not allowed (because it * looks weird from GUI point of view) */ void setAllowMasksOnRootNode(bool value); /** * \see setAllowMasksOnRootNode() */ bool allowMasksOnRootNode() const; public Q_SLOTS: /** * Explicitly start regeneration of LoD planes of all the devices * in the image. This call should be performed when the user is idle, * just to make the quality of image updates better. */ void explicitRegenerateLevelOfDetail(); public: /** * Blocks usage of level of detail functionality. After this method * has been called, no new strokes will use LoD. */ void setLevelOfDetailBlocked(bool value); /** * \see setLevelOfDetailBlocked() */ bool levelOfDetailBlocked() const; /** * Notifies that the node collapsed state has changed */ void notifyNodeCollpasedChanged(); KisImageAnimationInterface *animationInterface() const; /** * @brief setProofingConfiguration, this sets the image's proofing configuration, and signals * the proofingConfiguration has changed. * @param proofingConfig - the kis proofing config that will be used instead. */ void setProofingConfiguration(KisProofingConfigurationSP proofingConfig); /** * @brief proofingConfiguration * @return the proofing configuration of the image. */ KisProofingConfigurationSP proofingConfiguration() const; public Q_SLOTS: bool startIsolatedMode(KisNodeSP node); void stopIsolatedMode(); public: KisNodeSP isolatedModeRoot() const; Q_SIGNALS: /** * Emitted whenever an action has caused the image to be * recomposited. Parameter is the rect that has been recomposited. */ void sigImageUpdated(const QRect &); /** Emitted whenever the image has been modified, so that it doesn't match with the version saved on disk. */ void sigImageModified(); /** * The signal is emitted when the size of the image is changed. * \p oldStillPoint and \p newStillPoint give the receiver the * hint about how the new and old rect of the image correspond to * each other. They specify the point of the image around which * the conversion was done. This point will stay still on the * user's screen. That is the \p newStillPoint of the new image * will be painted at the same screen position, where \p * oldStillPoint of the old image was painted. * * \param oldStillPoint is a still point represented in *old* * image coordinates * * \param newStillPoint is a still point represented in *new* * image coordinates */ void sigSizeChanged(const QPointF &oldStillPoint, const QPointF &newStillPoint); void sigProfileChanged(const KoColorProfile * profile); void sigColorSpaceChanged(const KoColorSpace* cs); void sigResolutionChanged(double xRes, double yRes); void sigRequestNodeReselection(KisNodeSP activeNode, const KisNodeList &selectedNodes); /** * Inform the model that a node was changed */ void sigNodeChanged(KisNodeSP node); /** * Inform that the image is going to be deleted */ void sigAboutToBeDeleted(); /** * The signal is emitted right after a node has been connected * to the graph of the nodes. * * WARNING: you must not request any graph-related information * about the node being run in a not-scheduler thread. If you need * information about the parent/siblings of the node connect * with Qt::DirectConnection, get needed information and then * emit another Qt::AutoConnection signal to pass this information * to your thread. See details of the implementation * in KisDummiesfacadeBase. */ void sigNodeAddedAsync(KisNodeSP node); /** * This signal is emitted right before a node is going to removed * from the graph of the nodes. * * WARNING: you must not request any graph-related information * about the node being run in a not-scheduler thread. * * \see comment in sigNodeAddedAsync() */ void sigRemoveNodeAsync(KisNodeSP node); /** * Emitted when the root node of the image has changed. * It happens, e.g. when we flatten the image. When * this happens the receiver should reload information * about the image */ void sigLayersChangedAsync(); /** * Emitted when the UI has requested the undo of the last stroke's * operation. The point is, we cannot deal with the internals of * the stroke without its creator knowing about it (which most * probably cause a crash), so we just forward this request from * the UI to the creator of the stroke. * * If your tool supports undoing part of its work, just listen to * this signal and undo when it comes */ void sigUndoDuringStrokeRequested(); /** * Emitted when the UI has requested the cancellation of * the stroke. The point is, we cannot cancel the stroke * without its creator knowing about it (which most probably * cause a crash), so we just forward this request from the UI * to the creator of the stroke. * * If your tool supports cancelling of its work in the middle * of operation, just listen to this signal and cancel * the stroke when it comes */ void sigStrokeCancellationRequested(); /** * Emitted when the image decides that the stroke should better * be ended. The point is, we cannot just end the stroke * without its creator knowing about it (which most probably * cause a crash), so we just forward this request from the UI * to the creator of the stroke. * * If your tool supports long strokes that may involve multiple * mouse actions in one stroke, just listen to this signal and * end the stroke when it comes. */ void sigStrokeEndRequested(); /** * Same as sigStrokeEndRequested() but is not emitted when the active node * is changed. */ void sigStrokeEndRequestedActiveNodeFiltered(); /** * Emitted when the isolated mode status has changed. * * Can be used by the receivers to catch a fact of forcefully * stopping the isolated mode by the image when some complex * action was requested */ void sigIsolatedModeChanged(); /** * Emitted when one or more nodes changed the collapsed state * */ void sigNodeCollapsedChanged(); /** * Emitted when the proofing configuration of the image is being changed. * */ void sigProofingConfigChanged(); /** * Internal signal for asynchronously requesting isolated mode to stop. Don't use it * outside KisImage, use sigIsolatedModeChanged() instead. */ void sigInternalStopIsolatedModeRequested(); public Q_SLOTS: KisCompositeProgressProxy* compositeProgressProxy(); bool isIdle(bool allowLocked = false); /** * @brief Wait until all the queued background jobs are completed and lock the image. * * KisImage object has a local scheduler that executes long-running image * rendering/modifying jobs (we call them "strokes") in a background. Basically, * one should either access the image from the scope of such jobs (strokes) or * just lock the image before using. * * Calling barrierLock() will wait until all the queued operations are finished * and lock the image, so you can start accessing it in a safe way. * * @p readOnly tells the image if the caller is going to modify the image during * holding the lock. Locking with non-readOnly access will reset all * the internal caches of the image (lod-planes) when the lock status * will be lifted. */ void barrierLock(bool readOnly = false); /** * @brief Tries to lock the image without waiting for the jobs to finish * * Same as barrierLock(), but doesn't block execution of the calling thread * until all the background jobs are finished. Instead, in case of presence of * unfinished jobs in the queue, it just returns false * * @return whether the lock has been acquired * @see barrierLock */ bool tryBarrierLock(bool readOnly = false); /** * Wait for all the internal image jobs to complete and return without locking * the image. This function is handly for tests or other synchronous actions, * when one needs to wait for the result of his actions. */ void waitForDone(); KisStrokeId startStroke(KisStrokeStrategy *strokeStrategy) override; void addJob(KisStrokeId id, KisStrokeJobData *data) override; void endStroke(KisStrokeId id) override; bool cancelStroke(KisStrokeId id) override; /** * @brief blockUpdates block updating the image projection */ void blockUpdates() override; /** * @brief unblockUpdates unblock updating the image project. This * only restarts the scheduler and does not schedule a full refresh. */ void unblockUpdates() override; /** * Disables notification of the UI about the changes in the image. * This feature is used by KisProcessingApplicator. It is needed * when we change the size of the image. In this case, the whole * image will be reloaded into UI by sigSizeChanged(), so there is * no need to inform the UI about individual dirty rects. * * The last call to enableUIUpdates() will return the list of udpates * that were requested while they were blocked. */ void disableUIUpdates() override; /** * Notify GUI about a bunch of updates planned. GUI is expected to wait * until all the updates are completed, and render them on screen only * in the very and of the batch. */ void notifyBatchUpdateStarted() override; /** * Notify GUI that batch update has been completed. Now GUI can start * showing all of them on screen. */ void notifyBatchUpdateEnded() override; /** * Notify GUI that rect \p rc is now prepared in the image and * GUI can read data from it. * * WARNING: GUI will read the data right in the handler of this * signal, so exclusive access to the area must be guaranteed * by the caller. */ void notifyUIUpdateCompleted(const QRect &rc) override; /** * \see disableUIUpdates */ QVector enableUIUpdates() override; /** * Disables the processing of all the setDirty() requests that * come to the image. The incoming requests are effectively * *dropped*. * * This feature is used by KisProcessingApplicator. For many cases * it provides its own updates interface, which recalculates the * whole subtree of nodes. But while we change any particular * node, it can ask for an update itself. This method is a way of * blocking such intermediate (and excessive) requests. * * NOTE: this is a convenience function for setProjectionUpdatesFilter() * that installs a predefined filter that eats everything. Please * note that these calls are *not* recursive */ void disableDirtyRequests() override; /** * \see disableDirtyRequests() */ void enableDirtyRequests() override; /** * Installs a filter object that will filter all the incoming projection update * requests. If the filter return true, the incoming update is dropped. * * NOTE: you cannot set filters recursively! */ void setProjectionUpdatesFilter(KisProjectionUpdatesFilterSP filter) override; /** * \see setProjectionUpdatesFilter() */ KisProjectionUpdatesFilterSP projectionUpdatesFilter() const override; void refreshGraphAsync(KisNodeSP root = KisNodeSP()) override; void refreshGraphAsync(KisNodeSP root, const QRect &rc) override; void refreshGraphAsync(KisNodeSP root, const QRect &rc, const QRect &cropRect) override; /** * Triggers synchronous recomposition of the projection */ void refreshGraph(KisNodeSP root = KisNodeSP()); void refreshGraph(KisNodeSP root, const QRect& rc, const QRect &cropRect); void initialRefreshGraph(); /** * Initiate a stack regeneration skipping the recalculation of the * filthy node's projection. * * Works exactly as pseudoFilthy->setDirty() with the only * exception that pseudoFilthy::updateProjection() will not be * called. That is used by KisRecalculateTransformMaskJob to avoid * cyclic dependencies. */ void requestProjectionUpdateNoFilthy(KisNodeSP pseudoFilthy, const QRect &rc, const QRect &cropRect); /** * Adds a spontaneous job to the updates queue. * * A spontaneous job may do some trivial tasks in the background, * like updating the outline of selection or purging unused tiles * from the existing paint devices. */ void addSpontaneousJob(KisSpontaneousJob *spontaneousJob); + /** + * \return true if there are some updates in the updates queue + * Please note, that is doesn't guarantee that there are no updates + * running in in the updater context at the very moment. To guarantee that + * there are no updates left at all, please use barrier jobs instead. + */ + bool hasUpdatesRunning() const override; + /** * This method is called by the UI (*not* by the creator of the * stroke) when it thinks the current stroke should undo its last * action, for example, when the user presses Ctrl+Z while some * stroke is active. * * If the creator of the stroke supports undoing of intermediate * actions, it will be notified about this request and can undo * its last action. */ void requestUndoDuringStroke(); /** * This method is called by the UI (*not* by the creator of the * stroke) when it thinks current stroke should be cancelled. If * there is a running stroke that has already been detached from * its creator (ended or cancelled), it will be forcefully * cancelled and reverted. If there is an open stroke present, and * if its creator supports cancelling, it will be notified about * the request and the stroke will be cancelled */ void requestStrokeCancellation(); /** * This method requests the last stroke executed on the image to become undone. * If the stroke is not ended, or if all the Lod0 strokes are completed, the method * returns UNDO_FAIL. If the last Lod0 is going to be finished soon, then UNDO_WAIT * is returned and the caller should just wait for its completion and call global undo * instead. UNDO_OK means one unfinished stroke has been undone. */ UndoResult tryUndoUnfinishedLod0Stroke(); /** * This method is called when image or some other part of Krita * (*not* the creator of the stroke) decides that the stroke * should be ended. If the creator of the stroke supports it, it * will be notified and the stroke will be cancelled */ void requestStrokeEnd(); /** * Same as requestStrokeEnd() but is called by view manager when * the current node is changed. Use to distinguish * sigStrokeEndRequested() and * sigStrokeEndRequestedActiveNodeFiltered() which are used by * KisNodeJugglerCompressed */ void requestStrokeEndActiveNode(); private: KisImage(const KisImage& rhs, KisUndoStore *undoStore, bool exactCopy); KisImage& operator=(const KisImage& rhs); void emitSizeChanged(); void resizeImageImpl(const QRect& newRect, bool cropLayers); void rotateImpl(const KUndo2MagicString &actionName, KisNodeSP rootNode, double radians, bool resizeImage, KisSelectionSP selection); void shearImpl(const KUndo2MagicString &actionName, KisNodeSP rootNode, bool resizeImage, double angleX, double angleY, KisSelectionSP selection); void safeRemoveTwoNodes(KisNodeSP node1, KisNodeSP node2); void refreshHiddenArea(KisNodeSP rootNode, const QRect &preparedArea); void requestProjectionUpdateImpl(KisNode *node, const QVector &rects, const QRect &cropRect); friend class KisImageResizeCommand; void setSize(const QSize& size); friend class KisImageSetProjectionColorSpaceCommand; void setProjectionColorSpace(const KoColorSpace * colorSpace); friend class KisDeselectGlobalSelectionCommand; friend class KisReselectGlobalSelectionCommand; friend class KisSetGlobalSelectionCommand; friend class KisImageTest; friend class Document; // For libkis /** * Replaces the current global selection with globalSelection. If * \p globalSelection is empty, removes the selection object, so that * \ref globalSelection() will return 0 after that. */ void setGlobalSelection(KisSelectionSP globalSelection); /** * Deselects current global selection. * \ref globalSelection() will return 0 after that. */ void deselectGlobalSelection(); /** * Reselects current deselected selection * * \see deselectGlobalSelection() */ void reselectGlobalSelection(); private: class KisImagePrivate; KisImagePrivate * m_d; }; #endif // KIS_IMAGE_H_ diff --git a/libs/image/kis_image_config.cpp b/libs/image/kis_image_config.cpp index 68ed256f3e..899280285b 100644 --- a/libs/image/kis_image_config.cpp +++ b/libs/image/kis_image_config.cpp @@ -1,600 +1,608 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2010 Dmitry Kazakov * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_image_config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_debug.h" #include #include #include #include #include "kis_global.h" #include #ifdef Q_OS_MACOS #include #endif KisImageConfig::KisImageConfig(bool readOnly) : m_config(KSharedConfig::openConfig()->group(QString())) , m_readOnly(readOnly) { if (!readOnly) { KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(qApp->thread() == QThread::currentThread()); } #ifdef Q_OS_MACOS // clear /var/folders/ swap path set by old broken Krita swap implementation in order to use new default swap dir. QString swap = m_config.readEntry("swaplocation", ""); if (swap.startsWith("/var/folders/")) { m_config.deleteEntry("swaplocation"); } #endif } KisImageConfig::~KisImageConfig() { if (m_readOnly) return; if (qApp->thread() != QThread::currentThread()) { dbgKrita << "KisImageConfig: requested config synchronization from nonGUI thread! Called from" << kisBacktrace(); return; } m_config.sync(); } bool KisImageConfig::enableProgressReporting(bool requestDefault) const { return !requestDefault ? m_config.readEntry("enableProgressReporting", true) : true; } void KisImageConfig::setEnableProgressReporting(bool value) { m_config.writeEntry("enableProgressReporting", value); } bool KisImageConfig::enablePerfLog(bool requestDefault) const { return !requestDefault ? m_config.readEntry("enablePerfLog", false) :false; } void KisImageConfig::setEnablePerfLog(bool value) { m_config.writeEntry("enablePerfLog", value); } qreal KisImageConfig::transformMaskOffBoundsReadArea() const { return m_config.readEntry("transformMaskOffBoundsReadArea", 0.5); } int KisImageConfig::updatePatchHeight() const { return m_config.readEntry("updatePatchHeight", 512); } void KisImageConfig::setUpdatePatchHeight(int value) { m_config.writeEntry("updatePatchHeight", value); } int KisImageConfig::updatePatchWidth() const { return m_config.readEntry("updatePatchWidth", 512); } void KisImageConfig::setUpdatePatchWidth(int value) { m_config.writeEntry("updatePatchWidth", value); } qreal KisImageConfig::maxCollectAlpha() const { return m_config.readEntry("maxCollectAlpha", 2.5); } qreal KisImageConfig::maxMergeAlpha() const { return m_config.readEntry("maxMergeAlpha", 1.); } qreal KisImageConfig::maxMergeCollectAlpha() const { return m_config.readEntry("maxMergeCollectAlpha", 1.5); } qreal KisImageConfig::schedulerBalancingRatio() const { /** * updates-queue-size / strokes-queue-size */ return m_config.readEntry("schedulerBalancingRatio", 100.); } void KisImageConfig::setSchedulerBalancingRatio(qreal value) { m_config.writeEntry("schedulerBalancingRatio", value); } int KisImageConfig::maxSwapSize(bool requestDefault) const { return !requestDefault ? m_config.readEntry("maxSwapSize", 4096) : 4096; // in MiB } void KisImageConfig::setMaxSwapSize(int value) { m_config.writeEntry("maxSwapSize", value); } int KisImageConfig::swapSlabSize() const { return m_config.readEntry("swapSlabSize", 64); // in MiB } void KisImageConfig::setSwapSlabSize(int value) { m_config.writeEntry("swapSlabSize", value); } int KisImageConfig::swapWindowSize() const { return m_config.readEntry("swapWindowSize", 16); // in MiB } void KisImageConfig::setSwapWindowSize(int value) { m_config.writeEntry("swapWindowSize", value); } int KisImageConfig::tilesHardLimit() const { qreal hp = qreal(memoryHardLimitPercent()) / 100.0; qreal pp = qreal(memoryPoolLimitPercent()) / 100.0; return totalRAM() * hp * (1 - pp); } int KisImageConfig::tilesSoftLimit() const { qreal sp = qreal(memorySoftLimitPercent()) / 100.0; return tilesHardLimit() * sp; } int KisImageConfig::poolLimit() const { qreal hp = qreal(memoryHardLimitPercent()) / 100.0; qreal pp = qreal(memoryPoolLimitPercent()) / 100.0; return totalRAM() * hp * pp; } qreal KisImageConfig::memoryHardLimitPercent(bool requestDefault) const { return !requestDefault ? m_config.readEntry("memoryHardLimitPercent", 50.) : 50.; } void KisImageConfig::setMemoryHardLimitPercent(qreal value) { m_config.writeEntry("memoryHardLimitPercent", value); } qreal KisImageConfig::memorySoftLimitPercent(bool requestDefault) const { return !requestDefault ? m_config.readEntry("memorySoftLimitPercent", 2.) : 2.; } void KisImageConfig::setMemorySoftLimitPercent(qreal value) { m_config.writeEntry("memorySoftLimitPercent", value); } qreal KisImageConfig::memoryPoolLimitPercent(bool requestDefault) const { return !requestDefault ? m_config.readEntry("memoryPoolLimitPercent", 0.0) : 0.0; } void KisImageConfig::setMemoryPoolLimitPercent(qreal value) { m_config.writeEntry("memoryPoolLimitPercent", value); } QString KisImageConfig::safelyGetWritableTempLocation(const QString &suffix, const QString &configKey, bool requestDefault) const { #ifdef Q_OS_MACOS // On OSX, QDir::tempPath() gives us a folder we cannot reply upon (usually // something like /var/folders/.../...) and that will have vanished when we // try to create the tmp file in KisMemoryWindow::KisMemoryWindow using // swapFileTemplate. thus, we just pick the home folder if swapDir does not // tell us otherwise. // the other option here would be to use a "garbled name" temp file (i.e. no name // KRITA_SWAP_FILE_XXXXXX) in an obscure /var/folders place, which is not // nice to the user. having a clearly named swap file in the home folder is // much nicer to Krita's users. // furthermore, this is just a default and swapDir can always be configured // to another location. QString swap = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppLocalDataLocation) + QDir::separator() + suffix; #else Q_UNUSED(suffix); QString swap = QDir::tempPath(); #endif if (requestDefault) { return swap; } const QString configuredSwap = m_config.readEntry(configKey, swap); if (!configuredSwap.isEmpty()) { swap = configuredSwap; } + + // Gosh, everything fails, nothing is writable, swap to the homedir + if (!QFileInfo(swap).isWritable()) { + swap = QDir::homePath(); + Q_ASSERT(QFileInfo(swap).isWritable()); + } + + return swap; } QString KisImageConfig::swapDir(bool requestDefault) { return safelyGetWritableTempLocation("swap", "swaplocation", requestDefault); } void KisImageConfig::setSwapDir(const QString &swapDir) { m_config.writeEntry("swaplocation", swapDir); } int KisImageConfig::numberOfOnionSkins() const { return m_config.readEntry("numberOfOnionSkins", 10); } void KisImageConfig::setNumberOfOnionSkins(int value) { m_config.writeEntry("numberOfOnionSkins", value); } int KisImageConfig::onionSkinTintFactor() const { return m_config.readEntry("onionSkinTintFactor", 192); } void KisImageConfig::setOnionSkinTintFactor(int value) { m_config.writeEntry("onionSkinTintFactor", value); } int KisImageConfig::onionSkinOpacity(int offset) const { int value = m_config.readEntry("onionSkinOpacity_" + QString::number(offset), -1); if (value < 0) { const int num = numberOfOnionSkins(); const qreal dx = qreal(qAbs(offset)) / num; value = 0.7 * exp(-pow2(dx) / 0.5) * 255; } return value; } void KisImageConfig::setOnionSkinOpacity(int offset, int value) { m_config.writeEntry("onionSkinOpacity_" + QString::number(offset), value); } bool KisImageConfig::onionSkinState(int offset) const { bool enableByDefault = (qAbs(offset) <= 2); return m_config.readEntry("onionSkinState_" + QString::number(offset), enableByDefault); } void KisImageConfig::setOnionSkinState(int offset, bool value) { m_config.writeEntry("onionSkinState_" + QString::number(offset), value); } QColor KisImageConfig::onionSkinTintColorBackward() const { return m_config.readEntry("onionSkinTintColorBackward", QColor(Qt::red)); } void KisImageConfig::setOnionSkinTintColorBackward(const QColor &value) { m_config.writeEntry("onionSkinTintColorBackward", value); } QColor KisImageConfig::onionSkinTintColorForward() const { return m_config.readEntry("oninSkinTintColorForward", QColor(Qt::green)); } void KisImageConfig::setOnionSkinTintColorForward(const QColor &value) { m_config.writeEntry("oninSkinTintColorForward", value); } bool KisImageConfig::lazyFrameCreationEnabled(bool requestDefault) const { return !requestDefault ? m_config.readEntry("lazyFrameCreationEnabled", true) : true; } void KisImageConfig::setLazyFrameCreationEnabled(bool value) { m_config.writeEntry("lazyFrameCreationEnabled", value); } #if defined Q_OS_LINUX #include #elif defined Q_OS_FREEBSD || defined Q_OS_NETBSD || defined Q_OS_OPENBSD #include #elif defined Q_OS_WIN #include #elif defined Q_OS_MACOS #include #include #endif int KisImageConfig::totalRAM() { // let's think that default memory size is 1000MiB int totalMemory = 1000; // MiB int error = 1; #if defined Q_OS_LINUX struct sysinfo info; error = sysinfo(&info); if(!error) { totalMemory = info.totalram * info.mem_unit / (1UL << 20); } #elif defined Q_OS_FREEBSD || defined Q_OS_NETBSD || defined Q_OS_OPENBSD u_long physmem; # if defined HW_PHYSMEM64 // NetBSD only int mib[] = {CTL_HW, HW_PHYSMEM64}; # else int mib[] = {CTL_HW, HW_PHYSMEM}; # endif size_t len = sizeof(physmem); error = sysctl(mib, 2, &physmem, &len, 0, 0); if(!error) { totalMemory = physmem >> 20; } #elif defined Q_OS_WIN MEMORYSTATUSEX status; status.dwLength = sizeof(status); error = !GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&status); if (!error) { totalMemory = status.ullTotalPhys >> 20; } // For 32 bit windows, the total memory available is at max the 2GB per process memory limit. # if defined ENV32BIT totalMemory = qMin(totalMemory, 2000); # endif #elif defined Q_OS_MACOS int mib[2] = { CTL_HW, HW_MEMSIZE }; u_int namelen = sizeof(mib) / sizeof(mib[0]); uint64_t size; size_t len = sizeof(size); errno = 0; if (sysctl(mib, namelen, &size, &len, 0, 0) >= 0) { totalMemory = size >> 20; error = 0; } else { dbgKrita << "sysctl(\"hw.memsize\") raised error" << strerror(errno); } #endif if (error) { warnKrita << "Cannot get the size of your RAM. Using 1 GiB by default."; } return totalMemory; } bool KisImageConfig::showAdditionalOnionSkinsSettings(bool requestDefault) const { return !requestDefault ? m_config.readEntry("showAdditionalOnionSkinsSettings", true) : true; } void KisImageConfig::setShowAdditionalOnionSkinsSettings(bool value) { m_config.writeEntry("showAdditionalOnionSkinsSettings", value); } int KisImageConfig::defaultFrameColorLabel() const { return m_config.readEntry("defaultFrameColorLabel", 0); } void KisImageConfig::setDefaultFrameColorLabel(int label) { m_config.writeEntry("defaultFrameColorLabel", label); } KisProofingConfigurationSP KisImageConfig::defaultProofingconfiguration() { KisProofingConfiguration *proofingConfig= new KisProofingConfiguration(); proofingConfig->proofingProfile = m_config.readEntry("defaultProofingProfileName", "Chemical proof"); proofingConfig->proofingModel = m_config.readEntry("defaultProofingProfileModel", "CMYKA"); proofingConfig->proofingDepth = m_config.readEntry("defaultProofingProfileDepth", "U8"); proofingConfig->intent = (KoColorConversionTransformation::Intent)m_config.readEntry("defaultProofingProfileIntent", 3); if (m_config.readEntry("defaultProofingBlackpointCompensation", true)) { proofingConfig->conversionFlags |= KoColorConversionTransformation::ConversionFlag::BlackpointCompensation; } else { proofingConfig->conversionFlags = proofingConfig->conversionFlags & ~KoColorConversionTransformation::ConversionFlag::BlackpointCompensation; } QColor def(Qt::green); m_config.readEntry("defaultProofingGamutwarning", def); KoColor col(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8()); col.fromQColor(def); col.setOpacity(1.0); proofingConfig->warningColor = col; proofingConfig->adaptationState = (double)m_config.readEntry("defaultProofingAdaptationState", 1.0); return toQShared(proofingConfig); } void KisImageConfig::setDefaultProofingConfig(const KoColorSpace *proofingSpace, int proofingIntent, bool blackPointCompensation, KoColor warningColor, double adaptationState) { m_config.writeEntry("defaultProofingProfileName", proofingSpace->profile()->name()); m_config.writeEntry("defaultProofingProfileModel", proofingSpace->colorModelId().id()); m_config.writeEntry("defaultProofingProfileDepth", proofingSpace->colorDepthId().id()); m_config.writeEntry("defaultProofingProfileIntent", proofingIntent); m_config.writeEntry("defaultProofingBlackpointCompensation", blackPointCompensation); QColor c; c = warningColor.toQColor(); m_config.writeEntry("defaultProofingGamutwarning", c); m_config.writeEntry("defaultProofingAdaptationState",adaptationState); } bool KisImageConfig::useLodForColorizeMask(bool requestDefault) const { return !requestDefault ? m_config.readEntry("useLodForColorizeMask", false) : false; } void KisImageConfig::setUseLodForColorizeMask(bool value) { m_config.writeEntry("useLodForColorizeMask", value); } int KisImageConfig::maxNumberOfThreads(bool defaultValue) const { return (defaultValue ? QThread::idealThreadCount() : m_config.readEntry("maxNumberOfThreads", QThread::idealThreadCount())); } void KisImageConfig::setMaxNumberOfThreads(int value) { if (value == QThread::idealThreadCount()) { m_config.deleteEntry("maxNumberOfThreads"); } else { m_config.writeEntry("maxNumberOfThreads", value); } } int KisImageConfig::frameRenderingClones(bool defaultValue) const { const int defaultClonesCount = qMax(1, maxNumberOfThreads(defaultValue) / 2); return defaultValue ? defaultClonesCount : m_config.readEntry("frameRenderingClones", defaultClonesCount); } void KisImageConfig::setFrameRenderingClones(int value) { m_config.writeEntry("frameRenderingClones", value); } int KisImageConfig::fpsLimit(bool defaultValue) const { return defaultValue ? 100 : m_config.readEntry("fpsLimit", 100); } void KisImageConfig::setFpsLimit(int value) { m_config.writeEntry("fpsLimit", value); } bool KisImageConfig::useOnDiskAnimationCacheSwapping(bool defaultValue) const { return defaultValue ? true : m_config.readEntry("useOnDiskAnimationCacheSwapping", true); } void KisImageConfig::setUseOnDiskAnimationCacheSwapping(bool value) { m_config.writeEntry("useOnDiskAnimationCacheSwapping", value); } QString KisImageConfig::animationCacheDir(bool defaultValue) const { return safelyGetWritableTempLocation("animation_cache", "animationCacheDir", defaultValue); } void KisImageConfig::setAnimationCacheDir(const QString &value) { m_config.writeEntry("animationCacheDir", value); } bool KisImageConfig::useAnimationCacheFrameSizeLimit(bool defaultValue) const { return defaultValue ? true : m_config.readEntry("useAnimationCacheFrameSizeLimit", true); } void KisImageConfig::setUseAnimationCacheFrameSizeLimit(bool value) { m_config.writeEntry("useAnimationCacheFrameSizeLimit", value); } int KisImageConfig::animationCacheFrameSizeLimit(bool defaultValue) const { return defaultValue ? 2500 : m_config.readEntry("animationCacheFrameSizeLimit", 2500); } void KisImageConfig::setAnimationCacheFrameSizeLimit(int value) { m_config.writeEntry("animationCacheFrameSizeLimit", value); } bool KisImageConfig::useAnimationCacheRegionOfInterest(bool defaultValue) const { return defaultValue ? true : m_config.readEntry("useAnimationCacheRegionOfInterest", true); } void KisImageConfig::setUseAnimationCacheRegionOfInterest(bool value) { m_config.writeEntry("useAnimationCacheRegionOfInterest", value); } qreal KisImageConfig::animationCacheRegionOfInterestMargin(bool defaultValue) const { return defaultValue ? 0.25 : m_config.readEntry("animationCacheRegionOfInterestMargin", 0.25); } void KisImageConfig::setAnimationCacheRegionOfInterestMargin(qreal value) { m_config.writeEntry("animationCacheRegionOfInterestMargin", value); } QColor KisImageConfig::selectionOverlayMaskColor(bool defaultValue) const { QColor def(255, 0, 0, 128); return (defaultValue ? def : m_config.readEntry("selectionOverlayMaskColor", def)); } void KisImageConfig::setSelectionOverlayMaskColor(const QColor &color) { m_config.writeEntry("selectionOverlayMaskColor", color); } diff --git a/libs/image/kis_image_interfaces.h b/libs/image/kis_image_interfaces.h index 4dc3387ca6..81c1465687 100644 --- a/libs/image/kis_image_interfaces.h +++ b/libs/image/kis_image_interfaces.h @@ -1,84 +1,86 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2011 Dmitry Kazakov * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef __KIS_IMAGE_INTERFACES_H #define __KIS_IMAGE_INTERFACES_H #include "kis_types.h" #include class QRect; class KisStrokeStrategy; class KisStrokeJobData; class KisPostExecutionUndoAdapter; class KRITAIMAGE_EXPORT KisStrokesFacade { public: virtual ~KisStrokesFacade(); virtual KisStrokeId startStroke(KisStrokeStrategy *strokeStrategy) = 0; virtual void addJob(KisStrokeId id, KisStrokeJobData *data) = 0; virtual void endStroke(KisStrokeId id) = 0; virtual bool cancelStroke(KisStrokeId id) = 0; }; class KRITAIMAGE_EXPORT KisUpdatesFacade { public: virtual ~KisUpdatesFacade(); virtual void blockUpdates() = 0; virtual void unblockUpdates() = 0; virtual void disableUIUpdates() = 0; virtual QVector enableUIUpdates() = 0; + virtual bool hasUpdatesRunning() const = 0; + virtual void notifyBatchUpdateStarted() = 0; virtual void notifyBatchUpdateEnded() = 0; virtual void notifyUIUpdateCompleted(const QRect &rc) = 0; virtual QRect bounds() const = 0; virtual void disableDirtyRequests() = 0; virtual void enableDirtyRequests() = 0; virtual void refreshGraphAsync(KisNodeSP root) = 0; virtual void refreshGraphAsync(KisNodeSP root, const QRect &rc) = 0; virtual void refreshGraphAsync(KisNodeSP root, const QRect &rc, const QRect &cropRect) = 0; virtual void setProjectionUpdatesFilter(KisProjectionUpdatesFilterSP filter) = 0; virtual KisProjectionUpdatesFilterSP projectionUpdatesFilter() const = 0; }; class KRITAIMAGE_EXPORT KisProjectionUpdateListener { public: virtual ~KisProjectionUpdateListener(); virtual void notifyProjectionUpdated(const QRect &rc) = 0; }; class KRITAIMAGE_EXPORT KisStrokeUndoFacade { public: virtual ~KisStrokeUndoFacade(); virtual KisPostExecutionUndoAdapter* postExecutionUndoAdapter() const = 0; virtual const KUndo2Command* lastExecutedCommand() const = 0; }; #endif /* __KIS_IMAGE_INTERFACES_H */ diff --git a/libs/image/kis_mask.cc b/libs/image/kis_mask.cc index 2a71588134..b07dd02001 100644 --- a/libs/image/kis_mask.cc +++ b/libs/image/kis_mask.cc @@ -1,511 +1,514 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2006 Boudewijn Rempt * (c) 2009 Dmitry Kazakov * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_mask.h" #include // to prevent incomplete class types on "delete selection->flatten();" #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_paint_device.h" #include "kis_selection.h" #include "kis_pixel_selection.h" #include "kis_painter.h" #include "kis_image.h" #include "kis_layer.h" #include "kis_cached_paint_device.h" #include "kis_mask_projection_plane.h" #include "kis_raster_keyframe_channel.h" #include "KisSafeNodeProjectionStore.h" struct Q_DECL_HIDDEN KisMask::Private { Private(KisMask *_q) : q(_q), projectionPlane(new KisMaskProjectionPlane(q)) { } mutable KisSelectionSP selection; KisCachedPaintDevice paintDeviceCache; KisMask *q; /** * Due to the design of the Kra format the X,Y offset of the paint * device belongs to the node, but not to the device itself. So * the offset is set when the node is created, but not when the * selection is initialized. This causes the X,Y values to be * lost, since the selection doen not exist at the moment. That is * why we save it separately. */ QScopedPointer deferredSelectionOffset; KisAbstractProjectionPlaneSP projectionPlane; KisSafeSelectionNodeProjectionStoreSP safeProjection; void initSelectionImpl(KisSelectionSP copyFrom, KisLayerSP parentLayer, KisPaintDeviceSP copyFromDevice); }; KisMask::KisMask(const QString & name) : KisNode(nullptr) , m_d(new Private(this)) { setName(name); m_d->safeProjection = new KisSafeSelectionNodeProjectionStore(); m_d->safeProjection->setImage(image()); } KisMask::KisMask(const KisMask& rhs) : KisNode(rhs) , KisIndirectPaintingSupport() , m_d(new Private(this)) { setName(rhs.name()); m_d->safeProjection = new KisSafeSelectionNodeProjectionStore(*rhs.m_d->safeProjection); if (rhs.m_d->selection) { m_d->selection = new KisSelection(*rhs.m_d->selection.data()); m_d->selection->setParentNode(this); KisPixelSelectionSP pixelSelection = m_d->selection->pixelSelection(); if (pixelSelection->framesInterface()) { addKeyframeChannel(pixelSelection->keyframeChannel()); enableAnimation(); } } } KisMask::~KisMask() { if (m_d->selection) { m_d->selection->setParentNode(0); } delete m_d; } void KisMask::setImage(KisImageWSP image) { KisPaintDeviceSP parentPaintDevice = parent() ? parent()->original() : 0; KisDefaultBoundsBaseSP defaultBounds = new KisSelectionDefaultBounds(parentPaintDevice, image); if (m_d->selection) { m_d->selection->setDefaultBounds(defaultBounds); } m_d->safeProjection->setImage(image); KisNode::setImage(image); } bool KisMask::allowAsChild(KisNodeSP node) const { Q_UNUSED(node); return false; } const KoColorSpace * KisMask::colorSpace() const { KisNodeSP parentNode = parent(); return parentNode ? parentNode->colorSpace() : 0; } const KoCompositeOp * KisMask::compositeOp() const { /** * FIXME: This function duplicates the same function from * KisLayer. We can't move it to KisBaseNode as it doesn't * know anything about parent() method of KisNode * Please think it over... */ const KoColorSpace *colorSpace = this->colorSpace(); if (!colorSpace) return 0; const KoCompositeOp* op = colorSpace->compositeOp(compositeOpId()); return op ? op : colorSpace->compositeOp(COMPOSITE_OVER); } void KisMask::initSelection(KisSelectionSP copyFrom, KisLayerSP parentLayer) { m_d->initSelectionImpl(copyFrom, parentLayer, 0); } void KisMask::initSelection(KisPaintDeviceSP copyFromDevice, KisLayerSP parentLayer) { m_d->initSelectionImpl(0, parentLayer, copyFromDevice); } void KisMask::initSelection(KisLayerSP parentLayer) { m_d->initSelectionImpl(0, parentLayer, 0); } void KisMask::Private::initSelectionImpl(KisSelectionSP copyFrom, KisLayerSP parentLayer, KisPaintDeviceSP copyFromDevice) { Q_ASSERT(parentLayer); KisPaintDeviceSP parentPaintDevice = parentLayer->original(); if (copyFrom) { /** * We can't use setSelection as we may not have parent() yet */ selection = new KisSelection(*copyFrom); selection->setDefaultBounds(new KisSelectionDefaultBounds(parentPaintDevice, parentLayer->image())); if (copyFrom->hasShapeSelection()) { delete selection->flatten(); } } else if (copyFromDevice) { KritaUtils::DeviceCopyMode copyMode = q->inherits("KisFilterMask") || q->inherits("KisTransparencyMask") ? KritaUtils::CopyAllFrames : KritaUtils::CopySnapshot; selection = new KisSelection(copyFromDevice, copyMode, new KisSelectionDefaultBounds(parentPaintDevice, parentLayer->image())); KisPixelSelectionSP pixelSelection = selection->pixelSelection(); if (pixelSelection->framesInterface()) { - q->addKeyframeChannel(pixelSelection->keyframeChannel()); + KisRasterKeyframeChannel *keyframeChannel = pixelSelection->keyframeChannel(); + keyframeChannel->setFilenameSuffix(".pixelselection"); + + q->addKeyframeChannel(keyframeChannel); q->enableAnimation(); } } else { selection = new KisSelection(new KisSelectionDefaultBounds(parentPaintDevice, parentLayer->image())); selection->pixelSelection()->setDefaultPixel(KoColor(Qt::white, selection->pixelSelection()->colorSpace())); if (deferredSelectionOffset) { selection->setX(deferredSelectionOffset->x()); selection->setY(deferredSelectionOffset->y()); deferredSelectionOffset.reset(); } } selection->setParentNode(q); selection->updateProjection(); } KisSelectionSP KisMask::selection() const { return m_d->selection; } KisPaintDeviceSP KisMask::paintDevice() const { KisSelectionSP selection = this->selection(); return selection ? selection->pixelSelection() : 0; } KisPaintDeviceSP KisMask::original() const { return paintDevice(); } KisPaintDeviceSP KisMask::projection() const { KisPaintDeviceSP originalDevice = original(); KisPaintDeviceSP result = originalDevice; KisSelectionSP selection = this->selection(); if (selection && hasTemporaryTarget()) { result = m_d->safeProjection->getDeviceLazy(selection)->pixelSelection(); } return result; } KisAbstractProjectionPlaneSP KisMask::projectionPlane() const { return m_d->projectionPlane; } void KisMask::setSelection(KisSelectionSP selection) { m_d->selection = selection; if (parent()) { const KisLayer *parentLayer = qobject_cast(parent()); m_d->selection->setDefaultBounds(new KisDefaultBounds(parentLayer->image())); } m_d->selection->setParentNode(this); } void KisMask::select(const QRect & rc, quint8 selectedness) { KisSelectionSP sel = selection(); KisPixelSelectionSP psel = sel->pixelSelection(); psel->select(rc, selectedness); sel->updateProjection(rc); } QRect KisMask::decorateRect(KisPaintDeviceSP &src, KisPaintDeviceSP &dst, const QRect & rc, PositionToFilthy maskPos) const { Q_UNUSED(src); Q_UNUSED(dst); Q_UNUSED(maskPos); Q_ASSERT_X(0, "KisMask::decorateRect", "Should be overridden by successors"); return rc; } bool KisMask::paintsOutsideSelection() const { return false; } void KisMask::apply(KisPaintDeviceSP projection, const QRect &applyRect, const QRect &needRect, PositionToFilthy maskPos) const { if (selection()) { flattenSelectionProjection(m_d->selection, applyRect); KisSelectionSP effectiveSelection = m_d->selection; { // Access temporary target under the lock held KisIndirectPaintingSupport::ReadLocker l(this); if (!paintsOutsideSelection()) { // extent of m_d->selection should also be accessed under a lock, // because it might be being merged in by the temporary target atm QRect effectiveExtent = m_d->selection->selectedRect(); if (hasTemporaryTarget()) { effectiveExtent |= temporaryTarget()->extent(); } if(!effectiveExtent.intersects(applyRect)) { return; } } if (hasTemporaryTarget()) { effectiveSelection = m_d->safeProjection->getDeviceLazy(m_d->selection); KisPainter::copyAreaOptimized(applyRect.topLeft(), m_d->selection->pixelSelection(), effectiveSelection->pixelSelection(), applyRect); KisPainter gc(effectiveSelection->pixelSelection()); setupTemporaryPainter(&gc); gc.bitBlt(applyRect.topLeft(), temporaryTarget(), applyRect); } else { m_d->safeProjection->releaseDevice(); } mergeInMaskInternal(projection, effectiveSelection, applyRect, needRect, maskPos); } } else { mergeInMaskInternal(projection, 0, applyRect, needRect, maskPos); } } void KisMask::mergeInMaskInternal(KisPaintDeviceSP projection, KisSelectionSP effectiveSelection, const QRect &applyRect, const QRect &preparedNeedRect, KisNode::PositionToFilthy maskPos) const { KisPaintDeviceSP cacheDevice = m_d->paintDeviceCache.getDevice(projection); if (effectiveSelection) { QRect updatedRect = decorateRect(projection, cacheDevice, applyRect, maskPos); // masks don't have any compositioning KisPainter::copyAreaOptimized(updatedRect.topLeft(), cacheDevice, projection, updatedRect, effectiveSelection); } else { cacheDevice->makeCloneFromRough(projection, preparedNeedRect); projection->clear(preparedNeedRect); decorateRect(cacheDevice, projection, applyRect, maskPos); } m_d->paintDeviceCache.putDevice(cacheDevice); } void KisMask::flattenSelectionProjection(KisSelectionSP selection, const QRect &dirtyRect) const { selection->updateProjection(dirtyRect); } QRect KisMask::needRect(const QRect &rect, PositionToFilthy pos) const { Q_UNUSED(pos); QRect resultRect = rect; if (m_d->selection) { QRect selectionExtent = m_d->selection->selectedRect(); // copy for thread safety! KisPaintDeviceSP temporaryTarget = this->temporaryTarget(); if (temporaryTarget) { selectionExtent |= temporaryTarget->extent(); } resultRect &= selectionExtent; } return resultRect; } QRect KisMask::changeRect(const QRect &rect, PositionToFilthy pos) const { return KisMask::needRect(rect, pos); } QRect KisMask::extent() const { QRect resultRect; if (m_d->selection) { resultRect = m_d->selection->selectedRect(); // copy for thread safety! KisPaintDeviceSP temporaryTarget = this->temporaryTarget(); if (temporaryTarget) { resultRect |= temporaryTarget->extent(); } } else if (KisNodeSP parent = this->parent()) { resultRect = parent->extent(); } return resultRect; } QRect KisMask::exactBounds() const { QRect resultRect; if (m_d->selection) { resultRect = m_d->selection->selectedExactRect(); // copy for thread safety! KisPaintDeviceSP temporaryTarget = this->temporaryTarget(); if (temporaryTarget) { resultRect |= temporaryTarget->exactBounds(); } } else if (KisNodeSP parent = this->parent()) { resultRect = parent->exactBounds(); } return resultRect; } qint32 KisMask::x() const { return m_d->selection ? m_d->selection->x() : m_d->deferredSelectionOffset ? m_d->deferredSelectionOffset->x() : parent() ? parent()->x() : 0; } qint32 KisMask::y() const { return m_d->selection ? m_d->selection->y() : m_d->deferredSelectionOffset ? m_d->deferredSelectionOffset->y() : parent() ? parent()->y() : 0; } void KisMask::setX(qint32 x) { if (m_d->selection) { m_d->selection->setX(x); } else if (!m_d->deferredSelectionOffset) { m_d->deferredSelectionOffset.reset(new QPoint(x, 0)); } else { m_d->deferredSelectionOffset->rx() = x; } } void KisMask::setY(qint32 y) { if (m_d->selection) { m_d->selection->setY(y); } else if (!m_d->deferredSelectionOffset) { m_d->deferredSelectionOffset.reset(new QPoint(0, y)); } else { m_d->deferredSelectionOffset->ry() = y; } } QRect KisMask::nonDependentExtent() const { return QRect(); } QImage KisMask::createThumbnail(qint32 w, qint32 h) { KisPaintDeviceSP originalDevice = selection() ? selection()->projection() : 0; return originalDevice ? originalDevice->createThumbnail(w, h, 1, KoColorConversionTransformation::internalRenderingIntent(), KoColorConversionTransformation::internalConversionFlags()) : QImage(); } void KisMask::testingInitSelection(const QRect &rect, KisLayerSP parentLayer) { if (parentLayer) { m_d->selection = new KisSelection(new KisSelectionDefaultBounds(parentLayer->paintDevice(), parentLayer->image())); } else { m_d->selection = new KisSelection(); } m_d->selection->pixelSelection()->select(rect, OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8); m_d->selection->updateProjection(rect); m_d->selection->setParentNode(this); } KisKeyframeChannel *KisMask::requestKeyframeChannel(const QString &id) { if (id == KisKeyframeChannel::Content.id()) { KisPaintDeviceSP device = paintDevice(); if (device) { KisRasterKeyframeChannel *contentChannel = device->createKeyframeChannel(KisKeyframeChannel::Content); contentChannel->setFilenameSuffix(".pixelselection"); return contentChannel; } } return KisNode::requestKeyframeChannel(id); } void KisMask::baseNodeChangedCallback() { KisNodeSP up = parent(); KisLayer *layer = dynamic_cast(up.data()); if (layer) { layer->notifyChildMaskChanged(); } KisNode::baseNodeChangedCallback(); } diff --git a/libs/image/kis_paint_device.cc b/libs/image/kis_paint_device.cc index 9ccb6d821a..8583d7cc41 100644 --- a/libs/image/kis_paint_device.cc +++ b/libs/image/kis_paint_device.cc @@ -1,2214 +1,2216 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2002 Patrick Julien * Copyright (c) 2004 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_paint_device.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_image.h" #include "kis_random_sub_accessor.h" #include "kis_selection.h" #include "kis_node.h" #include "kis_datamanager.h" #include "kis_paint_device_writer.h" #include "kis_selection_component.h" #include "kis_pixel_selection.h" #include "kis_repeat_iterators_pixel.h" #include "kis_fixed_paint_device.h" #include "tiles3/kis_hline_iterator.h" #include "tiles3/kis_vline_iterator.h" #include "tiles3/kis_random_accessor.h" #include "kis_default_bounds.h" #include "kis_lod_transform.h" #include "kis_raster_keyframe_channel.h" #include "kis_paint_device_cache.h" #include "kis_paint_device_data.h" #include "kis_paint_device_frames_interface.h" #include "kis_transform_worker.h" #include "kis_filter_strategy.h" #include "krita_utils.h" struct KisPaintDeviceSPStaticRegistrar { KisPaintDeviceSPStaticRegistrar() { qRegisterMetaType("KisPaintDeviceSP"); } }; static KisPaintDeviceSPStaticRegistrar __registrar; struct KisPaintDevice::Private { /** * Used when the paint device is loading to ensure no lod/animation * interferes the process. */ static const KisDefaultBoundsSP transitionalDefaultBounds; public: class KisPaintDeviceStrategy; class KisPaintDeviceWrappedStrategy; Private(KisPaintDevice *paintDevice); ~Private(); KisPaintDevice *q; KisNodeWSP parent; QScopedPointer contentChannel; KisDefaultBoundsBaseSP defaultBounds; QScopedPointer basicStrategy; QScopedPointer wrappedStrategy; QMutex m_wrappedStrategyMutex; QScopedPointer framesInterface; bool isProjectionDevice; KisPaintDeviceStrategy* currentStrategy(); void init(const KoColorSpace *cs, const quint8 *defaultPixel); void convertColorSpace(const KoColorSpace * dstColorSpace, KoColorConversionTransformation::Intent renderingIntent, KoColorConversionTransformation::ConversionFlags conversionFlags, KUndo2Command *parentCommand); bool assignProfile(const KoColorProfile * profile); inline const KoColorSpace* colorSpace() const { return currentData()->colorSpace(); } inline KisDataManagerSP dataManager() const { return currentData()->dataManager(); } inline qint32 x() const { return currentData()->x(); } inline qint32 y() const { return currentData()->y(); } inline void setX(qint32 x) { currentData()->setX(x); } inline void setY(qint32 y) { currentData()->setY(y); } inline KisPaintDeviceCache* cache() { return currentData()->cache(); } inline KisIteratorCompleteListener* cacheInvalidator() { return currentData()->cacheInvalidator(); } void cloneAllDataObjects(Private *rhs, bool copyFrames) { m_lodData.reset(); m_externalFrameData.reset(); if (!m_frames.isEmpty()) { m_frames.clear(); } if (!copyFrames) { if (m_data) { m_data->prepareClone(rhs->currentNonLodData(), true); } else { m_data = toQShared(new KisPaintDeviceData(q, rhs->currentNonLodData(), true)); } } else { if (m_data && !rhs->m_data) { m_data.clear(); } else if (!m_data && rhs->m_data) { m_data = toQShared(new KisPaintDeviceData(q, rhs->m_data.data(), true)); } else if (m_data && rhs->m_data) { m_data->prepareClone(rhs->m_data.data(), true); } if (!rhs->m_frames.isEmpty()) { FramesHash::const_iterator it = rhs->m_frames.constBegin(); FramesHash::const_iterator end = rhs->m_frames.constEnd(); for (; it != end; ++it) { DataSP data = toQShared(new KisPaintDeviceData(q, it.value().data(), true)); m_frames.insert(it.key(), data); } } m_nextFreeFrameId = rhs->m_nextFreeFrameId; } if (rhs->m_lodData) { m_lodData.reset(new KisPaintDeviceData(q, rhs->m_lodData.data(), true)); } } void prepareClone(KisPaintDeviceSP src) { prepareCloneImpl(src, src->m_d->currentData()); Q_ASSERT(fastBitBltPossible(src)); } bool fastBitBltPossible(KisPaintDeviceSP src) { return fastBitBltPossibleImpl(src->m_d->currentData()); } int currentFrameId() const { KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER(contentChannel) { return -1; } return !defaultBounds->currentLevelOfDetail() ? contentChannel->frameIdAt(defaultBounds->currentTime()) : -1; } KisDataManagerSP frameDataManager(int frameId) const { DataSP data = m_frames[frameId]; return data->dataManager(); } void invalidateFrameCache(int frameId) { DataSP data = m_frames[frameId]; return data->cache()->invalidate(); } private: typedef KisPaintDeviceData Data; typedef QSharedPointer DataSP; typedef QHash FramesHash; class FrameInsertionCommand : public KUndo2Command { public: FrameInsertionCommand(FramesHash *hash, DataSP data, int frameId, bool insert, KUndo2Command *parentCommand) : KUndo2Command(parentCommand), m_hash(hash), m_data(data), m_frameId(frameId), m_insert(insert) { } void redo() override { doSwap(m_insert); } void undo() override { doSwap(!m_insert); } private: void doSwap(bool insert) { if (insert) { m_hash->insert(m_frameId, m_data); } else { DataSP deletedData = m_hash->take(m_frameId); } } private: FramesHash *m_hash; DataSP m_data; int m_frameId; bool m_insert; }; public: int getNextFrameId() { int frameId = 0; while (m_frames.contains(frameId = m_nextFreeFrameId++)); KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(!m_frames.contains(frameId)); return frameId; } int createFrame(bool copy, int copySrc, const QPoint &offset, KUndo2Command *parentCommand) { KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER(parentCommand) { return -1; } DataSP data; bool initialFrame = false; if (m_frames.isEmpty()) { /** * Here we move the contents of the paint device to the * new frame and clear m_data to make the "background" for * the areas where there is no frame at all. */ data = toQShared(new Data(q, m_data.data(), true)); m_data->dataManager()->clear(); m_data->cache()->invalidate(); initialFrame = true; } else if (copy) { DataSP srcData = m_frames[copySrc]; data = toQShared(new Data(q, srcData.data(), true)); } else { DataSP srcData = m_frames.begin().value(); data = toQShared(new Data(q, srcData.data(), false)); } if (!initialFrame && !copy) { data->setX(offset.x()); data->setY(offset.y()); } int frameId = getNextFrameId(); KUndo2Command *cmd = new FrameInsertionCommand(&m_frames, data, frameId, true, parentCommand); cmd->redo(); return frameId; } void deleteFrame(int frame, KUndo2Command *parentCommand) { KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(m_frames.contains(frame)); KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(parentCommand); DataSP deletedData = m_frames[frame]; KUndo2Command *cmd = new FrameInsertionCommand(&m_frames, deletedData, frame, false, parentCommand); cmd->redo(); } QRect frameBounds(int frameId) { DataSP data = m_frames[frameId]; QRect extent = data->dataManager()->extent(); extent.translate(data->x(), data->y()); return extent; } QPoint frameOffset(int frameId) const { DataSP data = m_frames[frameId]; return QPoint(data->x(), data->y()); } void setFrameOffset(int frameId, const QPoint &offset) { DataSP data = m_frames[frameId]; data->setX(offset.x()); data->setY(offset.y()); } const QList frameIds() const { return m_frames.keys(); } bool readFrame(QIODevice *stream, int frameId) { bool retval = false; DataSP data = m_frames[frameId]; retval = data->dataManager()->read(stream); data->cache()->invalidate(); return retval; } bool writeFrame(KisPaintDeviceWriter &store, int frameId) { DataSP data = m_frames[frameId]; return data->dataManager()->write(store); } void setFrameDefaultPixel(const KoColor &defPixel, int frameId) { DataSP data = m_frames[frameId]; KoColor color(defPixel); color.convertTo(data->colorSpace()); data->dataManager()->setDefaultPixel(color.data()); } KoColor frameDefaultPixel(int frameId) const { DataSP data = m_frames[frameId]; return KoColor(data->dataManager()->defaultPixel(), data->colorSpace()); } void fetchFrame(int frameId, KisPaintDeviceSP targetDevice); void uploadFrame(int srcFrameId, int dstFrameId, KisPaintDeviceSP srcDevice); void uploadFrame(int dstFrameId, KisPaintDeviceSP srcDevice); void uploadFrameData(DataSP srcData, DataSP dstData); struct LodDataStructImpl; LodDataStruct* createLodDataStruct(int lod); void updateLodDataStruct(LodDataStruct *dst, const QRect &srcRect); void uploadLodDataStruct(LodDataStruct *dst); QRegion regionForLodSyncing() const; void updateLodDataManager(KisDataManager *srcDataManager, KisDataManager *dstDataManager, const QPoint &srcOffset, const QPoint &dstOffset, const QRect &originalRect, int lod); void generateLodCloneDevice(KisPaintDeviceSP dst, const QRect &originalRect, int lod); void tesingFetchLodDevice(KisPaintDeviceSP targetDevice); private: qint64 estimateDataSize(Data *data) const { const QRect &rc = data->dataManager()->extent(); return rc.width() * rc.height() * data->colorSpace()->pixelSize(); } public: void estimateMemoryStats(qint64 &imageData, qint64 &temporaryData, qint64 &lodData) const { imageData = 0; temporaryData = 0; lodData = 0; if (m_data) { imageData += estimateDataSize(m_data.data()); } if (m_lodData) { lodData += estimateDataSize(m_lodData.data()); } if (m_externalFrameData) { temporaryData += estimateDataSize(m_externalFrameData.data()); } Q_FOREACH (DataSP value, m_frames.values()) { imageData += estimateDataSize(value.data()); } } private: QRegion syncWholeDevice(Data *srcData); inline DataSP currentFrameData() const { DataSP data; const int numberOfFrames = contentChannel->keyframeCount(); if (numberOfFrames > 1) { int frameId = contentChannel->frameIdAt(defaultBounds->currentTime()); if (frameId == -1) { data = m_data; } else { KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER(m_frames.contains(frameId)) { return m_frames.begin().value(); } data = m_frames[frameId]; } } else if (numberOfFrames == 1) { data = m_frames.begin().value(); } else { data = m_data; } return data; } inline Data* currentNonLodData() const { Data *data = m_data.data(); if (contentChannel) { data = currentFrameData().data(); } else if (isProjectionDevice && defaultBounds->externalFrameActive()) { if (!m_externalFrameData) { QMutexLocker l(&m_dataSwitchLock); if (!m_externalFrameData) { m_externalFrameData.reset(new Data(q, m_data.data(), false)); } } data = m_externalFrameData.data(); } return data; } inline void ensureLodDataPresent() const { if (!m_lodData) { Data *srcData = currentNonLodData(); QMutexLocker l(&m_dataSwitchLock); if (!m_lodData) { m_lodData.reset(new Data(q, srcData, false)); } } } inline Data* currentData() const { Data *data; if (defaultBounds->currentLevelOfDetail()) { ensureLodDataPresent(); data = m_lodData.data(); } else { data = currentNonLodData(); } return data; } void prepareCloneImpl(KisPaintDeviceSP src, Data *srcData) { currentData()->prepareClone(srcData); q->setDefaultPixel(KoColor(srcData->dataManager()->defaultPixel(), colorSpace())); q->setDefaultBounds(src->defaultBounds()); } bool fastBitBltPossibleImpl(Data *srcData) { return x() == srcData->x() && y() == srcData->y() && *colorSpace() == *srcData->colorSpace(); } QList allDataObjects() const { QList dataObjects; if (m_frames.isEmpty()) { dataObjects << m_data.data(); } dataObjects << m_lodData.data(); dataObjects << m_externalFrameData.data(); Q_FOREACH (DataSP value, m_frames.values()) { dataObjects << value.data(); } return dataObjects; } void transferFromData(Data *data, KisPaintDeviceSP targetDevice); struct Q_DECL_HIDDEN StrategyPolicy; typedef KisSequentialIteratorBase, StrategyPolicy> InternalSequentialConstIterator; typedef KisSequentialIteratorBase, StrategyPolicy> InternalSequentialIterator; private: friend class KisPaintDeviceFramesInterface; private: DataSP m_data; mutable QScopedPointer m_lodData; mutable QScopedPointer m_externalFrameData; mutable QMutex m_dataSwitchLock; FramesHash m_frames; int m_nextFreeFrameId; }; const KisDefaultBoundsSP KisPaintDevice::Private::transitionalDefaultBounds = new KisDefaultBounds(); #include "kis_paint_device_strategies.h" KisPaintDevice::Private::Private(KisPaintDevice *paintDevice) : q(paintDevice), basicStrategy(new KisPaintDeviceStrategy(paintDevice, this)), isProjectionDevice(false), m_data(new Data(paintDevice)), m_nextFreeFrameId(0) { } KisPaintDevice::Private::~Private() { m_frames.clear(); } KisPaintDevice::Private::KisPaintDeviceStrategy* KisPaintDevice::Private::currentStrategy() { if (!defaultBounds->wrapAroundMode()) { return basicStrategy.data(); } const QRect wrapRect = defaultBounds->bounds(); if (!wrappedStrategy || wrappedStrategy->wrapRect() != wrapRect) { QMutexLocker locker(&m_wrappedStrategyMutex); if (!wrappedStrategy) { wrappedStrategy.reset(new KisPaintDeviceWrappedStrategy(wrapRect, q, this)); } else if (wrappedStrategy->wrapRect() != wrapRect) { wrappedStrategy->setWrapRect(wrapRect); } } return wrappedStrategy.data(); } struct KisPaintDevice::Private::StrategyPolicy { StrategyPolicy(KisPaintDevice::Private::KisPaintDeviceStrategy *strategy, KisDataManager *dataManager, qint32 offsetX, qint32 offsetY) : m_strategy(strategy), m_dataManager(dataManager), m_offsetX(offsetX), m_offsetY(offsetY) { } KisHLineConstIteratorSP createConstIterator(const QRect &rect) { return m_strategy->createHLineConstIteratorNG(m_dataManager, rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), m_offsetX, m_offsetY); } KisHLineIteratorSP createIterator(const QRect &rect) { return m_strategy->createHLineIteratorNG(m_dataManager, rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), m_offsetX, m_offsetY); } int pixelSize() const { return m_dataManager->pixelSize(); } KisPaintDeviceStrategy *m_strategy; KisDataManager *m_dataManager; int m_offsetX; int m_offsetY; }; struct KisPaintDevice::Private::LodDataStructImpl : public KisPaintDevice::LodDataStruct { LodDataStructImpl(Data *_lodData) : lodData(_lodData) {} QScopedPointer lodData; }; QRegion KisPaintDevice::Private::regionForLodSyncing() const { Data *srcData = currentNonLodData(); return srcData->dataManager()->region().translated(srcData->x(), srcData->y()); } KisPaintDevice::LodDataStruct* KisPaintDevice::Private::createLodDataStruct(int newLod) { KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(newLod > 0); Data *srcData = currentNonLodData(); Data *lodData = new Data(q, srcData, false); LodDataStruct *lodStruct = new LodDataStructImpl(lodData); int expectedX = KisLodTransform::coordToLodCoord(srcData->x(), newLod); int expectedY = KisLodTransform::coordToLodCoord(srcData->y(), newLod); /** * We compare color spaces as pure pointers, because they must be * exactly the same, since they come from the common source. */ if (lodData->levelOfDetail() != newLod || lodData->colorSpace() != srcData->colorSpace() || lodData->x() != expectedX || lodData->y() != expectedY) { lodData->prepareClone(srcData); lodData->setLevelOfDetail(newLod); lodData->setX(expectedX); lodData->setY(expectedY); // FIXME: different kind of synchronization } //QRegion dirtyRegion = syncWholeDevice(srcData); lodData->cache()->invalidate(); return lodStruct; } void KisPaintDevice::Private::updateLodDataManager(KisDataManager *srcDataManager, KisDataManager *dstDataManager, const QPoint &srcOffset, const QPoint &dstOffset, const QRect &originalRect, int lod) { + if (originalRect.isEmpty()) return; + const int srcStepSize = 1 << lod; KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(lod > 0); const QRect srcRect = KisLodTransform::alignedRect(originalRect, lod); const QRect dstRect = KisLodTransform::scaledRect(srcRect, lod); if (!srcRect.isValid() || !dstRect.isValid()) return; KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(srcRect.width() / srcStepSize == dstRect.width()); const int pixelSize = srcDataManager->pixelSize(); int rowsAccumulated = 0; int columnsAccumulated = 0; KoMixColorsOp *mixOp = colorSpace()->mixColorsOp(); QScopedArrayPointer blendData(new quint8[srcStepSize * srcRect.width() * pixelSize]); quint8 *blendDataPtr = blendData.data(); int blendDataOffset = 0; const int srcCellSize = srcStepSize * srcStepSize; const int srcCellStride = srcCellSize * pixelSize; const int srcStepStride = srcStepSize * pixelSize; const int srcColumnStride = (srcStepSize - 1) * srcStepStride; QScopedArrayPointer weights(new qint16[srcCellSize]); { const qint16 averageWeight = qCeil(255.0 / srcCellSize); const qint16 extraWeight = averageWeight * srcCellSize - 255; KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(extraWeight == 1); for (int i = 0; i < srcCellSize - 1; i++) { weights[i] = averageWeight; } weights[srcCellSize - 1] = averageWeight - extraWeight; } InternalSequentialConstIterator srcIntIt(StrategyPolicy(currentStrategy(), srcDataManager, srcOffset.x(), srcOffset.y()), srcRect); InternalSequentialIterator dstIntIt(StrategyPolicy(currentStrategy(), dstDataManager, dstOffset.x(), dstOffset.y()), dstRect); int rowsRemaining = srcRect.height(); while (rowsRemaining > 0) { int colsRemaining = srcRect.width(); while (colsRemaining > 0 && srcIntIt.nextPixel()) { memcpy(blendDataPtr, srcIntIt.rawDataConst(), pixelSize); blendDataPtr += pixelSize; columnsAccumulated++; if (columnsAccumulated >= srcStepSize) { blendDataPtr += srcColumnStride; columnsAccumulated = 0; } colsRemaining--; } rowsAccumulated++; if (rowsAccumulated >= srcStepSize) { // blend and write the final data blendDataPtr = blendData.data(); int colsRemaining = dstRect.width(); while (colsRemaining > 0 && dstIntIt.nextPixel()) { mixOp->mixColors(blendDataPtr, weights.data(), srcCellSize, dstIntIt.rawData()); blendDataPtr += srcCellStride; colsRemaining--; } // reset counters rowsAccumulated = 0; blendDataPtr = blendData.data(); blendDataOffset = 0; } else { blendDataOffset += srcStepStride; blendDataPtr = blendData.data() + blendDataOffset; } rowsRemaining--; } } void KisPaintDevice::Private::updateLodDataStruct(LodDataStruct *_dst, const QRect &originalRect) { LodDataStructImpl *dst = dynamic_cast(_dst); KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(dst); Data *lodData = dst->lodData.data(); Data *srcData = currentNonLodData(); const int lod = lodData->levelOfDetail(); updateLodDataManager(srcData->dataManager().data(), lodData->dataManager().data(), QPoint(srcData->x(), srcData->y()), QPoint(lodData->x(), lodData->y()), originalRect, lod); } void KisPaintDevice::Private::generateLodCloneDevice(KisPaintDeviceSP dst, const QRect &originalRect, int lod) { KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(fastBitBltPossible(dst)); Data *srcData = currentNonLodData(); updateLodDataManager(srcData->dataManager().data(), dst->dataManager().data(), QPoint(srcData->x(), srcData->y()), QPoint(dst->x(), dst->y()), originalRect, lod); } void KisPaintDevice::Private::uploadLodDataStruct(LodDataStruct *_dst) { LodDataStructImpl *dst = dynamic_cast(_dst); KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(dst); KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN( dst->lodData->levelOfDetail() == defaultBounds->currentLevelOfDetail()); ensureLodDataPresent(); m_lodData->prepareClone(dst->lodData.data()); m_lodData->dataManager()->bitBltRough(dst->lodData->dataManager(), dst->lodData->dataManager()->extent()); } void KisPaintDevice::Private::transferFromData(Data *data, KisPaintDeviceSP targetDevice) { QRect extent = data->dataManager()->extent(); extent.translate(data->x(), data->y()); targetDevice->m_d->prepareCloneImpl(q, data); targetDevice->m_d->currentStrategy()->fastBitBltRough(data->dataManager(), extent); } void KisPaintDevice::Private::fetchFrame(int frameId, KisPaintDeviceSP targetDevice) { DataSP data = m_frames[frameId]; transferFromData(data.data(), targetDevice); } void KisPaintDevice::Private::uploadFrame(int srcFrameId, int dstFrameId, KisPaintDeviceSP srcDevice) { DataSP dstData = m_frames[dstFrameId]; KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(dstData); DataSP srcData = srcDevice->m_d->m_frames[srcFrameId]; KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(srcData); uploadFrameData(srcData, dstData); } void KisPaintDevice::Private::uploadFrame(int dstFrameId, KisPaintDeviceSP srcDevice) { DataSP dstData = m_frames[dstFrameId]; KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(dstData); DataSP srcData = srcDevice->m_d->m_data; KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(srcData); uploadFrameData(srcData, dstData); } void KisPaintDevice::Private::uploadFrameData(DataSP srcData, DataSP dstData) { if (srcData->colorSpace() != dstData->colorSpace() && *srcData->colorSpace() != *dstData->colorSpace()) { KUndo2Command tempCommand; srcData = toQShared(new Data(q, srcData.data(), true)); srcData->convertDataColorSpace(dstData->colorSpace(), KoColorConversionTransformation::internalRenderingIntent(), KoColorConversionTransformation::internalConversionFlags(), &tempCommand); } dstData->dataManager()->clear(); dstData->cache()->invalidate(); const QRect rect = srcData->dataManager()->extent(); dstData->dataManager()->bitBltRough(srcData->dataManager(), rect); dstData->setX(srcData->x()); dstData->setY(srcData->y()); } void KisPaintDevice::Private::tesingFetchLodDevice(KisPaintDeviceSP targetDevice) { Data *data = m_lodData.data(); Q_ASSERT(data); transferFromData(data, targetDevice); } void KisPaintDevice::Private::convertColorSpace(const KoColorSpace * dstColorSpace, KoColorConversionTransformation::Intent renderingIntent, KoColorConversionTransformation::ConversionFlags conversionFlags, KUndo2Command *parentCommand) { class DeviceChangeColorSpaceCommand : public KUndo2Command { public: DeviceChangeColorSpaceCommand(KisPaintDeviceSP device, KUndo2Command *parent = 0) : KUndo2Command(parent), m_firstRun(true), m_device(device) { } void emitNotifications() { m_device->emitColorSpaceChanged(); m_device->setDirty(); } void redo() override { KUndo2Command::redo(); if (!m_firstRun) { m_firstRun = false; return; } emitNotifications(); } void undo() override { KUndo2Command::undo(); emitNotifications(); } private: bool m_firstRun; KisPaintDeviceSP m_device; }; QList dataObjects = allDataObjects(); if (dataObjects.isEmpty()) return; KUndo2Command *mainCommand = parentCommand ? new DeviceChangeColorSpaceCommand(q, parentCommand) : 0; Q_FOREACH (Data *data, dataObjects) { if (!data) continue; data->convertDataColorSpace(dstColorSpace, renderingIntent, conversionFlags, mainCommand); } q->emitColorSpaceChanged(); } bool KisPaintDevice::Private::assignProfile(const KoColorProfile * profile) { if (!profile) return false; const KoColorSpace *dstColorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(colorSpace()->colorModelId().id(), colorSpace()->colorDepthId().id(), profile); if (!dstColorSpace) return false; QList dataObjects = allDataObjects(); Q_FOREACH (Data *data, dataObjects) { if (!data) continue; data->assignColorSpace(dstColorSpace); } q->emitProfileChanged(); // no undo information is provided here return true; } void KisPaintDevice::Private::init(const KoColorSpace *cs, const quint8 *defaultPixel) { QList dataObjects = allDataObjects(); Q_FOREACH (Data *data, dataObjects) { if (!data) continue; KisDataManagerSP dataManager = new KisDataManager(cs->pixelSize(), defaultPixel); data->init(cs, dataManager); } } KisPaintDevice::KisPaintDevice(const KoColorSpace * colorSpace, const QString& name) : QObject(0) , m_d(new Private(this)) { init(colorSpace, new KisDefaultBounds(), 0, name); } KisPaintDevice::KisPaintDevice(KisNodeWSP parent, const KoColorSpace * colorSpace, KisDefaultBoundsBaseSP defaultBounds, const QString& name) : QObject(0) , m_d(new Private(this)) { init(colorSpace, defaultBounds, parent, name); } void KisPaintDevice::init(const KoColorSpace *colorSpace, KisDefaultBoundsBaseSP defaultBounds, KisNodeWSP parent, const QString& name) { Q_ASSERT(colorSpace); setObjectName(name); // temporary def. bounds object for the initialization phase only m_d->defaultBounds = m_d->transitionalDefaultBounds; if (!defaultBounds) { // Reuse transitionalDefaultBounds here. Change if you change // semantics of transitionalDefaultBounds defaultBounds = m_d->transitionalDefaultBounds; } QScopedArrayPointer defaultPixel(new quint8[colorSpace->pixelSize()]); colorSpace->fromQColor(Qt::transparent, defaultPixel.data()); m_d->init(colorSpace, defaultPixel.data()); Q_ASSERT(m_d->colorSpace()); setDefaultBounds(defaultBounds); setParentNode(parent); } KisPaintDevice::KisPaintDevice(const KisPaintDevice& rhs, KritaUtils::DeviceCopyMode copyMode, KisNode *newParentNode) : QObject() , KisShared() , m_d(new Private(this)) { if (this != &rhs) { makeFullCopyFrom(rhs, copyMode, newParentNode); } } void KisPaintDevice::makeFullCopyFrom(const KisPaintDevice &rhs, KritaUtils::DeviceCopyMode copyMode, KisNode *newParentNode) { // temporary def. bounds object for the initialization phase only m_d->defaultBounds = m_d->transitionalDefaultBounds; // copy data objects with or without frames m_d->cloneAllDataObjects(rhs.m_d, copyMode == KritaUtils::CopyAllFrames); if (copyMode == KritaUtils::CopyAllFrames && rhs.m_d->framesInterface) { KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(rhs.m_d->framesInterface); KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(rhs.m_d->contentChannel); m_d->framesInterface.reset(new KisPaintDeviceFramesInterface(this)); m_d->contentChannel.reset(new KisRasterKeyframeChannel(*rhs.m_d->contentChannel.data(), newParentNode, this)); } setDefaultBounds(rhs.m_d->defaultBounds); setParentNode(newParentNode); } KisPaintDevice::~KisPaintDevice() { delete m_d; } void KisPaintDevice::setProjectionDevice(bool value) { m_d->isProjectionDevice = value; } void KisPaintDevice::prepareClone(KisPaintDeviceSP src) { m_d->prepareClone(src); Q_ASSERT(fastBitBltPossible(src)); } void KisPaintDevice::makeCloneFrom(KisPaintDeviceSP src, const QRect &rect) { prepareClone(src); // we guarantee that *this is totally empty, so copy pixels that // are areally present on the source image only const QRect optimizedRect = rect & src->extent(); fastBitBlt(src, optimizedRect); } void KisPaintDevice::makeCloneFromRough(KisPaintDeviceSP src, const QRect &minimalRect) { prepareClone(src); // we guarantee that *this is totally empty, so copy pixels that // are areally present on the source image only const QRect optimizedRect = minimalRect & src->extent(); fastBitBltRough(src, optimizedRect); } void KisPaintDevice::setDirty() { m_d->cache()->invalidate(); if (m_d->parent.isValid()) m_d->parent->setDirty(); } void KisPaintDevice::setDirty(const QRect & rc) { m_d->cache()->invalidate(); if (m_d->parent.isValid()) m_d->parent->setDirty(rc); } void KisPaintDevice::setDirty(const QRegion & region) { m_d->cache()->invalidate(); if (m_d->parent.isValid()) m_d->parent->setDirty(region); } void KisPaintDevice::setDirty(const QVector rects) { m_d->cache()->invalidate(); if (m_d->parent.isValid()) m_d->parent->setDirty(rects); } void KisPaintDevice::requestTimeSwitch(int time) { if (m_d->parent.isValid()) { m_d->parent->requestTimeSwitch(time); } } int KisPaintDevice::sequenceNumber() const { return m_d->cache()->sequenceNumber(); } void KisPaintDevice::estimateMemoryStats(qint64 &imageData, qint64 &temporaryData, qint64 &lodData) const { m_d->estimateMemoryStats(imageData, temporaryData, lodData); } void KisPaintDevice::setParentNode(KisNodeWSP parent) { m_d->parent = parent; } // for testing purposes only KisNodeWSP KisPaintDevice::parentNode() const { return m_d->parent; } void KisPaintDevice::setDefaultBounds(KisDefaultBoundsBaseSP defaultBounds) { m_d->defaultBounds = defaultBounds; m_d->cache()->invalidate(); } KisDefaultBoundsBaseSP KisPaintDevice::defaultBounds() const { return m_d->defaultBounds; } void KisPaintDevice::moveTo(const QPoint &pt) { m_d->currentStrategy()->move(pt); m_d->cache()->invalidate(); } QPoint KisPaintDevice::offset() const { return QPoint(x(), y()); } void KisPaintDevice::moveTo(qint32 x, qint32 y) { moveTo(QPoint(x, y)); } void KisPaintDevice::setX(qint32 x) { moveTo(QPoint(x, m_d->y())); } void KisPaintDevice::setY(qint32 y) { moveTo(QPoint(m_d->x(), y)); } qint32 KisPaintDevice::x() const { return m_d->x(); } qint32 KisPaintDevice::y() const { return m_d->y(); } void KisPaintDevice::extent(qint32 &x, qint32 &y, qint32 &w, qint32 &h) const { QRect rc = extent(); x = rc.x(); y = rc.y(); w = rc.width(); h = rc.height(); } QRect KisPaintDevice::extent() const { return m_d->currentStrategy()->extent(); } QRegion KisPaintDevice::region() const { return m_d->currentStrategy()->region(); } QRect KisPaintDevice::nonDefaultPixelArea() const { return m_d->cache()->nonDefaultPixelArea(); } QRect KisPaintDevice::exactBounds() const { return m_d->cache()->exactBounds(); } QRect KisPaintDevice::exactBoundsAmortized() const { return m_d->cache()->exactBoundsAmortized(); } namespace Impl { struct CheckFullyTransparent { CheckFullyTransparent(const KoColorSpace *colorSpace) : m_colorSpace(colorSpace) { } bool isPixelEmpty(const quint8 *pixelData) { return m_colorSpace->opacityU8(pixelData) == OPACITY_TRANSPARENT_U8; } private: const KoColorSpace *m_colorSpace; }; struct CheckNonDefault { CheckNonDefault(int pixelSize, const quint8 *defaultPixel) : m_pixelSize(pixelSize), m_defaultPixel(defaultPixel) { } bool isPixelEmpty(const quint8 *pixelData) { return memcmp(m_defaultPixel, pixelData, m_pixelSize) == 0; } private: int m_pixelSize; const quint8 *m_defaultPixel; }; template QRect calculateExactBoundsImpl(const KisPaintDevice *device, const QRect &startRect, const QRect &endRect, ComparePixelOp compareOp) { if (startRect == endRect) return startRect; // the passed extent might have weird invalid structure that // can overflow integer precision when calling startRect.right() if (!startRect.isValid()) return QRect(); // Solution n°2 int x, y, w, h; int boundLeft, boundTop, boundRight, boundBottom; int endDirN, endDirE, endDirS, endDirW; startRect.getRect(&x, &y, &w, &h); if (endRect.isEmpty()) { endDirS = startRect.bottom(); endDirN = startRect.top(); endDirE = startRect.right(); endDirW = startRect.left(); startRect.getCoords(&boundLeft, &boundTop, &boundRight, &boundBottom); } else { endDirS = endRect.top() - 1; endDirN = endRect.bottom() + 1; endDirE = endRect.left() - 1; endDirW = endRect.right() + 1; endRect.getCoords(&boundLeft, &boundTop, &boundRight, &boundBottom); } // XXX: a small optimization is possible by using H/V line iterators in the first // and third cases, at the cost of making the code a bit more complex KisRandomConstAccessorSP accessor = device->createRandomConstAccessorNG(x, y); bool found = false; { for (qint32 y2 = y; y2 <= endDirS; ++y2) { for (qint32 x2 = x; x2 < x + w || found; ++ x2) { accessor->moveTo(x2, y2); if (!compareOp.isPixelEmpty(accessor->rawDataConst())) { boundTop = y2; found = true; break; } } if (found) break; } } /** * If the first pass hasn't found any opaque pixel, there is no * reason to check that 3 more times. They will not appear in the * meantime. Just return an empty bounding rect. */ if (!found && endRect.isEmpty()) { return QRect(); } found = false; for (qint32 y2 = y + h - 1; y2 >= endDirN ; --y2) { for (qint32 x2 = x + w - 1; x2 >= x || found; --x2) { accessor->moveTo(x2, y2); if (!compareOp.isPixelEmpty(accessor->rawDataConst())) { boundBottom = y2; found = true; break; } } if (found) break; } found = false; { for (qint32 x2 = x; x2 <= endDirE ; ++x2) { for (qint32 y2 = y; y2 < y + h || found; ++y2) { accessor->moveTo(x2, y2); if (!compareOp.isPixelEmpty(accessor->rawDataConst())) { boundLeft = x2; found = true; break; } } if (found) break; } } found = false; // Look for right edge ) { for (qint32 x2 = x + w - 1; x2 >= endDirW; --x2) { for (qint32 y2 = y + h - 1; y2 >= y || found; --y2) { accessor->moveTo(x2, y2); if (!compareOp.isPixelEmpty(accessor->rawDataConst())) { boundRight = x2; found = true; break; } } if (found) break; } } return QRect(boundLeft, boundTop, boundRight - boundLeft + 1, boundBottom - boundTop + 1); } } QRect KisPaintDevice::calculateExactBounds(bool nonDefaultOnly) const { QRect startRect = extent(); QRect endRect; quint8 defaultOpacity = defaultPixel().opacityU8(); if (defaultOpacity != OPACITY_TRANSPARENT_U8) { if (!nonDefaultOnly) { /** * We will calculate exact bounds only outside of the * image bounds, and that'll be nondefault area only. */ endRect = defaultBounds()->bounds(); nonDefaultOnly = true; } else { startRect = region().boundingRect(); } } if (nonDefaultOnly) { const KoColor defaultPixel = this->defaultPixel(); Impl::CheckNonDefault compareOp(pixelSize(), defaultPixel.data()); endRect = Impl::calculateExactBoundsImpl(this, startRect, endRect, compareOp); } else { Impl::CheckFullyTransparent compareOp(m_d->colorSpace()); endRect = Impl::calculateExactBoundsImpl(this, startRect, endRect, compareOp); } return endRect; } QRegion KisPaintDevice::regionExact() const { QRegion resultRegion; QVector rects = region().rects(); const KoColor defaultPixel = this->defaultPixel(); Impl::CheckNonDefault compareOp(pixelSize(), defaultPixel.data()); Q_FOREACH (const QRect &rc1, rects) { const int patchSize = 64; QVector smallerRects = KritaUtils::splitRectIntoPatches(rc1, QSize(patchSize, patchSize)); Q_FOREACH (const QRect &rc2, smallerRects) { const QRect result = Impl::calculateExactBoundsImpl(this, rc2, QRect(), compareOp); if (!result.isEmpty()) { resultRegion += result; } } } return resultRegion; } void KisPaintDevice::crop(qint32 x, qint32 y, qint32 w, qint32 h) { crop(QRect(x, y, w, h)); } void KisPaintDevice::crop(const QRect &rect) { m_d->currentStrategy()->crop(rect); } void KisPaintDevice::purgeDefaultPixels() { KisDataManagerSP dm = m_d->dataManager(); dm->purge(dm->extent()); } void KisPaintDevice::setDefaultPixel(const KoColor &defPixel) { KoColor color(defPixel); color.convertTo(colorSpace()); m_d->dataManager()->setDefaultPixel(color.data()); m_d->cache()->invalidate(); } KoColor KisPaintDevice::defaultPixel() const { return KoColor(m_d->dataManager()->defaultPixel(), colorSpace()); } void KisPaintDevice::clear() { m_d->dataManager()->clear(); m_d->cache()->invalidate(); } void KisPaintDevice::clear(const QRect & rc) { m_d->currentStrategy()->clear(rc); } void KisPaintDevice::fill(const QRect & rc, const KoColor &color) { KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(*color.colorSpace() == *colorSpace()); m_d->currentStrategy()->fill(rc, color.data()); } void KisPaintDevice::fill(qint32 x, qint32 y, qint32 w, qint32 h, const quint8 *fillPixel) { m_d->currentStrategy()->fill(QRect(x, y, w, h), fillPixel); } bool KisPaintDevice::write(KisPaintDeviceWriter &store) { return m_d->dataManager()->write(store); } bool KisPaintDevice::read(QIODevice *stream) { bool retval; retval = m_d->dataManager()->read(stream); m_d->cache()->invalidate(); return retval; } void KisPaintDevice::emitColorSpaceChanged() { emit colorSpaceChanged(m_d->colorSpace()); } void KisPaintDevice::emitProfileChanged() { emit profileChanged(m_d->colorSpace()->profile()); } void KisPaintDevice::convertTo(const KoColorSpace * dstColorSpace, KoColorConversionTransformation::Intent renderingIntent, KoColorConversionTransformation::ConversionFlags conversionFlags, KUndo2Command *parentCommand) { m_d->convertColorSpace(dstColorSpace, renderingIntent, conversionFlags, parentCommand); } bool KisPaintDevice::setProfile(const KoColorProfile * profile) { return m_d->assignProfile(profile); } KisDataManagerSP KisPaintDevice::dataManager() const { return m_d->dataManager(); } void KisPaintDevice::convertFromQImage(const QImage& _image, const KoColorProfile *profile, qint32 offsetX, qint32 offsetY) { QImage image = _image; if (image.format() != QImage::Format_ARGB32) { image = image.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32); } // Don't convert if not no profile is given and both paint dev and qimage are rgba. if (!profile && colorSpace()->id() == "RGBA") { writeBytes(image.constBits(), offsetX, offsetY, image.width(), image.height()); } else { try { quint8 * dstData = new quint8[image.width() * image.height() * pixelSize()]; KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance() ->colorSpace(RGBAColorModelID.id(), Integer8BitsColorDepthID.id(), profile) ->convertPixelsTo(image.constBits(), dstData, colorSpace(), image.width() * image.height(), KoColorConversionTransformation::internalRenderingIntent(), KoColorConversionTransformation::internalConversionFlags()); writeBytes(dstData, offsetX, offsetY, image.width(), image.height()); delete[] dstData; } catch (const std::bad_alloc&) { warnKrita << "KisPaintDevice::convertFromQImage: Could not allocate" << image.width() * image.height() * pixelSize() << "bytes"; return; } } m_d->cache()->invalidate(); } QImage KisPaintDevice::convertToQImage(const KoColorProfile *dstProfile, KoColorConversionTransformation::Intent renderingIntent, KoColorConversionTransformation::ConversionFlags conversionFlags) const { qint32 x1; qint32 y1; qint32 w; qint32 h; QRect rc = exactBounds(); x1 = rc.x(); y1 = rc.y(); w = rc.width(); h = rc.height(); return convertToQImage(dstProfile, x1, y1, w, h, renderingIntent, conversionFlags); } QImage KisPaintDevice::convertToQImage(const KoColorProfile *dstProfile, const QRect &rc, KoColorConversionTransformation::Intent renderingIntent, KoColorConversionTransformation::ConversionFlags conversionFlags) const { return convertToQImage(dstProfile, rc.x(), rc.y(), rc.width(), rc.height(), renderingIntent, conversionFlags); } QImage KisPaintDevice::convertToQImage(const KoColorProfile *dstProfile, qint32 x1, qint32 y1, qint32 w, qint32 h, KoColorConversionTransformation::Intent renderingIntent, KoColorConversionTransformation::ConversionFlags conversionFlags) const { if (w < 0) return QImage(); if (h < 0) return QImage(); quint8 *data = 0; try { data = new quint8 [w * h * pixelSize()]; } catch (const std::bad_alloc&) { warnKrita << "KisPaintDevice::convertToQImage std::bad_alloc for " << w << " * " << h << " * " << pixelSize(); //delete[] data; // data is not allocated, so don't free it return QImage(); } Q_CHECK_PTR(data); // XXX: Is this really faster than converting line by line and building the QImage directly? // This copies potentially a lot of data. readBytes(data, x1, y1, w, h); QImage image = colorSpace()->convertToQImage(data, w, h, dstProfile, renderingIntent, conversionFlags); delete[] data; return image; } inline bool moveBy(KisSequentialConstIterator& iter, int numPixels) { int pos = 0; while (pos < numPixels) { int step = std::min(iter.nConseqPixels(), numPixels - pos); if (!iter.nextPixels(step)) return false; pos += step; } return true; } static KisPaintDeviceSP createThumbnailDeviceInternal(const KisPaintDevice* srcDev, qint32 srcX0, qint32 srcY0, qint32 srcWidth, qint32 srcHeight, qint32 w, qint32 h, QRect outputRect) { KisPaintDeviceSP thumbnail = new KisPaintDevice(srcDev->colorSpace()); qint32 pixelSize = srcDev->pixelSize(); KisRandomConstAccessorSP srcIter = srcDev->createRandomConstAccessorNG(0, 0); KisRandomAccessorSP dstIter = thumbnail->createRandomAccessorNG(0, 0); for (qint32 y = outputRect.y(); y < outputRect.y() + outputRect.height(); ++y) { qint32 iY = srcY0 + (y * srcHeight) / h; for (qint32 x = outputRect.x(); x < outputRect.x() + outputRect.width(); ++x) { qint32 iX = srcX0 + (x * srcWidth) / w; srcIter->moveTo(iX, iY); dstIter->moveTo(x, y); memcpy(dstIter->rawData(), srcIter->rawDataConst(), pixelSize); } } return thumbnail; } QSize fixThumbnailSize(QSize size) { if (!size.width() && size.height()) { size.setWidth(1); } if (size.width() && !size.height()) { size.setHeight(1); } return size; } KisPaintDeviceSP KisPaintDevice::createThumbnailDevice(qint32 w, qint32 h, QRect rect, QRect outputRect) const { QSize thumbnailSize(w, h); QRect imageRect = rect.isValid() ? rect : extent(); if ((thumbnailSize.width() > imageRect.width()) || (thumbnailSize.height() > imageRect.height())) { thumbnailSize.scale(imageRect.size(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio); } thumbnailSize = fixThumbnailSize(thumbnailSize); //can't create thumbnail for an empty device, e.g. layer thumbnail for empty image if (imageRect.isEmpty() || thumbnailSize.isEmpty()) { return new KisPaintDevice(colorSpace()); } int srcWidth, srcHeight; int srcX0, srcY0; imageRect.getRect(&srcX0, &srcY0, &srcWidth, &srcHeight); if (!outputRect.isValid()) { outputRect = QRect(0, 0, w, h); } KisPaintDeviceSP thumbnail = createThumbnailDeviceInternal(this, imageRect.x(), imageRect.y(), imageRect.width(), imageRect.height(), thumbnailSize.width(), thumbnailSize.height(), outputRect); return thumbnail; } KisPaintDeviceSP KisPaintDevice::createThumbnailDeviceOversampled(qint32 w, qint32 h, qreal oversample, QRect rect, QRect outputTileRect) const { QSize thumbnailSize(w, h); qreal oversampleAdjusted = qMax(oversample, 1.); QSize thumbnailOversampledSize = oversampleAdjusted * thumbnailSize; QRect outputRect; QRect imageRect = rect.isValid() ? rect : extent(); qint32 hstart = thumbnailOversampledSize.height(); if ((thumbnailOversampledSize.width() > imageRect.width()) || (thumbnailOversampledSize.height() > imageRect.height())) { thumbnailOversampledSize.scale(imageRect.size(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio); } thumbnailOversampledSize = fixThumbnailSize(thumbnailOversampledSize); //can't create thumbnail for an empty device, e.g. layer thumbnail for empty image if (imageRect.isEmpty() || thumbnailSize.isEmpty() || thumbnailOversampledSize.isEmpty()) { return new KisPaintDevice(colorSpace()); } oversampleAdjusted *= (hstart > 0) ? ((qreal)thumbnailOversampledSize.height() / hstart) : 1.; //readjusting oversample ratio, given that we had to adjust thumbnail size outputRect = QRect(0, 0, thumbnailOversampledSize.width(), thumbnailOversampledSize.height()); if (outputTileRect.isValid()) { //compensating output rectangle for oversampling outputTileRect = QRect(oversampleAdjusted * outputTileRect.topLeft(), oversampleAdjusted * outputTileRect.bottomRight()); outputRect = outputRect.intersected(outputTileRect); } KisPaintDeviceSP thumbnail = createThumbnailDeviceInternal(this, imageRect.x(), imageRect.y(), imageRect.width(), imageRect.height(), thumbnailOversampledSize.width(), thumbnailOversampledSize.height(), outputRect); if (oversample != 1. && oversampleAdjusted != 1.) { KoDummyUpdater updater; KisTransformWorker worker(thumbnail, 1 / oversampleAdjusted, 1 / oversampleAdjusted, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, &updater, KisFilterStrategyRegistry::instance()->value("Bilinear")); worker.run(); } return thumbnail; } QImage KisPaintDevice::createThumbnail(qint32 w, qint32 h, QRect rect, qreal oversample, KoColorConversionTransformation::Intent renderingIntent, KoColorConversionTransformation::ConversionFlags conversionFlags) { QSize size = fixThumbnailSize(QSize(w, h)); KisPaintDeviceSP dev = createThumbnailDeviceOversampled(size.width(), size.height(), oversample, rect); QImage thumbnail = dev->convertToQImage(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8()->profile(), 0, 0, w, h, renderingIntent, conversionFlags); return thumbnail; } QImage KisPaintDevice::createThumbnail(qint32 w, qint32 h, qreal oversample, KoColorConversionTransformation::Intent renderingIntent, KoColorConversionTransformation::ConversionFlags conversionFlags) { QSize size = fixThumbnailSize(QSize(w, h)); return m_d->cache()->createThumbnail(size.width(), size.height(), oversample, renderingIntent, conversionFlags); } KisHLineIteratorSP KisPaintDevice::createHLineIteratorNG(qint32 x, qint32 y, qint32 w) { m_d->cache()->invalidate(); return m_d->currentStrategy()->createHLineIteratorNG(m_d->dataManager().data(), x, y, w, m_d->x(), m_d->y()); } KisHLineConstIteratorSP KisPaintDevice::createHLineConstIteratorNG(qint32 x, qint32 y, qint32 w) const { return m_d->currentStrategy()->createHLineConstIteratorNG(m_d->dataManager().data(), x, y, w, m_d->x(), m_d->y()); } KisVLineIteratorSP KisPaintDevice::createVLineIteratorNG(qint32 x, qint32 y, qint32 w) { m_d->cache()->invalidate(); return m_d->currentStrategy()->createVLineIteratorNG(x, y, w); } KisVLineConstIteratorSP KisPaintDevice::createVLineConstIteratorNG(qint32 x, qint32 y, qint32 w) const { return m_d->currentStrategy()->createVLineConstIteratorNG(x, y, w); } KisRepeatHLineConstIteratorSP KisPaintDevice::createRepeatHLineConstIterator(qint32 x, qint32 y, qint32 w, const QRect& _dataWidth) const { return new KisRepeatHLineConstIteratorNG(m_d->dataManager().data(), x, y, w, m_d->x(), m_d->y(), _dataWidth, m_d->cacheInvalidator()); } KisRepeatVLineConstIteratorSP KisPaintDevice::createRepeatVLineConstIterator(qint32 x, qint32 y, qint32 h, const QRect& _dataWidth) const { return new KisRepeatVLineConstIteratorNG(m_d->dataManager().data(), x, y, h, m_d->x(), m_d->y(), _dataWidth, m_d->cacheInvalidator()); } KisRandomAccessorSP KisPaintDevice::createRandomAccessorNG(qint32 x, qint32 y) { m_d->cache()->invalidate(); return m_d->currentStrategy()->createRandomAccessorNG(x, y); } KisRandomConstAccessorSP KisPaintDevice::createRandomConstAccessorNG(qint32 x, qint32 y) const { return m_d->currentStrategy()->createRandomConstAccessorNG(x, y); } KisRandomSubAccessorSP KisPaintDevice::createRandomSubAccessor() const { KisPaintDevice* pd = const_cast(this); return new KisRandomSubAccessor(pd); } void KisPaintDevice::clearSelection(KisSelectionSP selection) { const KoColorSpace *colorSpace = m_d->colorSpace(); const QRect r = selection->selectedExactRect(); if (r.isValid()) { { KisHLineIteratorSP devIt = createHLineIteratorNG(r.x(), r.y(), r.width()); KisHLineConstIteratorSP selectionIt = selection->projection()->createHLineConstIteratorNG(r.x(), r.y(), r.width()); const KoColor defaultPixel = this->defaultPixel(); bool transparentDefault = (defaultPixel.opacityU8() == OPACITY_TRANSPARENT_U8); for (qint32 y = 0; y < r.height(); y++) { do { // XXX: Optimize by using stretches colorSpace->applyInverseAlphaU8Mask(devIt->rawData(), selectionIt->rawDataConst(), 1); if (transparentDefault && colorSpace->opacityU8(devIt->rawData()) == OPACITY_TRANSPARENT_U8) { memcpy(devIt->rawData(), defaultPixel.data(), colorSpace->pixelSize()); } } while (devIt->nextPixel() && selectionIt->nextPixel()); devIt->nextRow(); selectionIt->nextRow(); } } // purge() must be executed **after** all iterators have been destroyed! m_d->dataManager()->purge(r.translated(-m_d->x(), -m_d->y())); setDirty(r); } } bool KisPaintDevice::pixel(qint32 x, qint32 y, QColor *c) const { KisHLineConstIteratorSP iter = createHLineConstIteratorNG(x, y, 1); const quint8 *pix = iter->rawDataConst(); if (!pix) return false; colorSpace()->toQColor(pix, c); return true; } bool KisPaintDevice::pixel(qint32 x, qint32 y, KoColor * kc) const { KisHLineConstIteratorSP iter = createHLineConstIteratorNG(x, y, 1); const quint8 *pix = iter->rawDataConst(); if (!pix) return false; kc->setColor(pix, m_d->colorSpace()); return true; } bool KisPaintDevice::setPixel(qint32 x, qint32 y, const QColor& c) { KisHLineIteratorSP iter = createHLineIteratorNG(x, y, 1); colorSpace()->fromQColor(c, iter->rawData()); m_d->cache()->invalidate(); return true; } bool KisPaintDevice::setPixel(qint32 x, qint32 y, const KoColor& kc) { const quint8 * pix; KisHLineIteratorSP iter = createHLineIteratorNG(x, y, 1); if (kc.colorSpace() != m_d->colorSpace()) { KoColor kc2(kc, m_d->colorSpace()); pix = kc2.data(); memcpy(iter->rawData(), pix, m_d->colorSpace()->pixelSize()); } else { pix = kc.data(); memcpy(iter->rawData(), pix, m_d->colorSpace()->pixelSize()); } m_d->cache()->invalidate(); return true; } bool KisPaintDevice::fastBitBltPossible(KisPaintDeviceSP src) { return m_d->fastBitBltPossible(src); } void KisPaintDevice::fastBitBlt(KisPaintDeviceSP src, const QRect &rect) { m_d->currentStrategy()->fastBitBlt(src, rect); } void KisPaintDevice::fastBitBltOldData(KisPaintDeviceSP src, const QRect &rect) { m_d->currentStrategy()->fastBitBltOldData(src, rect); } void KisPaintDevice::fastBitBltRough(KisPaintDeviceSP src, const QRect &rect) { m_d->currentStrategy()->fastBitBltRough(src, rect); } void KisPaintDevice::fastBitBltRoughOldData(KisPaintDeviceSP src, const QRect &rect) { m_d->currentStrategy()->fastBitBltRoughOldData(src, rect); } void KisPaintDevice::readBytes(quint8 * data, qint32 x, qint32 y, qint32 w, qint32 h) const { readBytes(data, QRect(x, y, w, h)); } void KisPaintDevice::readBytes(quint8 *data, const QRect &rect) const { m_d->currentStrategy()->readBytes(data, rect); } void KisPaintDevice::writeBytes(const quint8 *data, qint32 x, qint32 y, qint32 w, qint32 h) { writeBytes(data, QRect(x, y, w, h)); } void KisPaintDevice::writeBytes(const quint8 *data, const QRect &rect) { m_d->currentStrategy()->writeBytes(data, rect); } QVector KisPaintDevice::readPlanarBytes(qint32 x, qint32 y, qint32 w, qint32 h) const { return m_d->currentStrategy()->readPlanarBytes(x, y, w, h); } void KisPaintDevice::writePlanarBytes(QVector planes, qint32 x, qint32 y, qint32 w, qint32 h) { m_d->currentStrategy()->writePlanarBytes(planes, x, y, w, h); } quint32 KisPaintDevice::pixelSize() const { quint32 _pixelSize = m_d->colorSpace()->pixelSize(); Q_ASSERT(_pixelSize > 0); return _pixelSize; } quint32 KisPaintDevice::channelCount() const { quint32 _channelCount = m_d->colorSpace()->channelCount(); Q_ASSERT(_channelCount > 0); return _channelCount; } KisRasterKeyframeChannel *KisPaintDevice::createKeyframeChannel(const KoID &id) { Q_ASSERT(!m_d->framesInterface); m_d->framesInterface.reset(new KisPaintDeviceFramesInterface(this)); Q_ASSERT(!m_d->contentChannel); m_d->contentChannel.reset(new KisRasterKeyframeChannel(id, this, m_d->defaultBounds)); // Raster channels always have at least one frame (representing a static image) KUndo2Command tempParentCommand; m_d->contentChannel->addKeyframe(0, &tempParentCommand); return m_d->contentChannel.data(); } KisRasterKeyframeChannel* KisPaintDevice::keyframeChannel() const { if (m_d->contentChannel) { return m_d->contentChannel.data(); } return 0; } const KoColorSpace* KisPaintDevice::colorSpace() const { Q_ASSERT(m_d->colorSpace() != 0); return m_d->colorSpace(); } KisPaintDeviceSP KisPaintDevice::createCompositionSourceDevice() const { KisPaintDeviceSP device = new KisPaintDevice(compositionSourceColorSpace()); device->setDefaultBounds(defaultBounds()); return device; } KisPaintDeviceSP KisPaintDevice::createCompositionSourceDevice(KisPaintDeviceSP cloneSource) const { KisPaintDeviceSP clone = new KisPaintDevice(*cloneSource); clone->setDefaultBounds(defaultBounds()); clone->convertTo(compositionSourceColorSpace(), KoColorConversionTransformation::internalRenderingIntent(), KoColorConversionTransformation::internalConversionFlags()); return clone; } KisPaintDeviceSP KisPaintDevice::createCompositionSourceDevice(KisPaintDeviceSP cloneSource, const QRect roughRect) const { KisPaintDeviceSP clone = new KisPaintDevice(colorSpace()); clone->setDefaultBounds(defaultBounds()); clone->makeCloneFromRough(cloneSource, roughRect); clone->convertTo(compositionSourceColorSpace(), KoColorConversionTransformation::internalRenderingIntent(), KoColorConversionTransformation::internalConversionFlags()); return clone; } KisFixedPaintDeviceSP KisPaintDevice::createCompositionSourceDeviceFixed() const { return new KisFixedPaintDevice(compositionSourceColorSpace()); } const KoColorSpace* KisPaintDevice::compositionSourceColorSpace() const { return colorSpace(); } QVector KisPaintDevice::channelSizes() const { QVector sizes; QList channels = colorSpace()->channels(); std::sort(channels.begin(), channels.end()); Q_FOREACH (KoChannelInfo * channelInfo, channels) { sizes.append(channelInfo->size()); } return sizes; } KisPaintDevice::MemoryReleaseObject::~MemoryReleaseObject() { KisDataManager::releaseInternalPools(); } KisPaintDevice::MemoryReleaseObject* KisPaintDevice::createMemoryReleaseObject() { return new MemoryReleaseObject(); } KisPaintDevice::LodDataStruct::~LodDataStruct() { } QRegion KisPaintDevice::regionForLodSyncing() const { return m_d->regionForLodSyncing(); } KisPaintDevice::LodDataStruct* KisPaintDevice::createLodDataStruct(int lod) { return m_d->createLodDataStruct(lod); } void KisPaintDevice::updateLodDataStruct(LodDataStruct *dst, const QRect &srcRect) { m_d->updateLodDataStruct(dst, srcRect); } void KisPaintDevice::uploadLodDataStruct(LodDataStruct *dst) { m_d->uploadLodDataStruct(dst); } void KisPaintDevice::generateLodCloneDevice(KisPaintDeviceSP dst, const QRect &originalRect, int lod) { m_d->generateLodCloneDevice(dst, originalRect, lod); } KisPaintDeviceFramesInterface* KisPaintDevice::framesInterface() { return m_d->framesInterface.data(); } /******************************************************************/ /* KisPaintDeviceFramesInterface */ /******************************************************************/ KisPaintDeviceFramesInterface::KisPaintDeviceFramesInterface(KisPaintDevice *parentDevice) : q(parentDevice) { } QList KisPaintDeviceFramesInterface::frames() { return q->m_d->frameIds(); } int KisPaintDeviceFramesInterface::createFrame(bool copy, int copySrc, const QPoint &offset, KUndo2Command *parentCommand) { return q->m_d->createFrame(copy, copySrc, offset, parentCommand); } void KisPaintDeviceFramesInterface::deleteFrame(int frame, KUndo2Command *parentCommand) { return q->m_d->deleteFrame(frame, parentCommand); } void KisPaintDeviceFramesInterface::fetchFrame(int frameId, KisPaintDeviceSP targetDevice) { q->m_d->fetchFrame(frameId, targetDevice); } void KisPaintDeviceFramesInterface::uploadFrame(int srcFrameId, int dstFrameId, KisPaintDeviceSP srcDevice) { q->m_d->uploadFrame(srcFrameId, dstFrameId, srcDevice); } void KisPaintDeviceFramesInterface::uploadFrame(int dstFrameId, KisPaintDeviceSP srcDevice) { q->m_d->uploadFrame(dstFrameId, srcDevice); } QRect KisPaintDeviceFramesInterface::frameBounds(int frameId) { return q->m_d->frameBounds(frameId); } QPoint KisPaintDeviceFramesInterface::frameOffset(int frameId) const { return q->m_d->frameOffset(frameId); } void KisPaintDeviceFramesInterface::setFrameDefaultPixel(const KoColor &defPixel, int frameId) { KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(frameId >= 0); q->m_d->setFrameDefaultPixel(defPixel, frameId); } KoColor KisPaintDeviceFramesInterface::frameDefaultPixel(int frameId) const { KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER(frameId >= 0) { return KoColor(Qt::red, q->m_d->colorSpace()); } return q->m_d->frameDefaultPixel(frameId); } bool KisPaintDeviceFramesInterface::writeFrame(KisPaintDeviceWriter &store, int frameId) { KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER(frameId >= 0) { return false; } return q->m_d->writeFrame(store, frameId); } bool KisPaintDeviceFramesInterface::readFrame(QIODevice *stream, int frameId) { KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER(frameId >= 0) { return false; } return q->m_d->readFrame(stream, frameId); } int KisPaintDeviceFramesInterface::currentFrameId() const { return q->m_d->currentFrameId(); } KisDataManagerSP KisPaintDeviceFramesInterface::frameDataManager(int frameId) const { KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER(frameId >= 0) { return q->m_d->dataManager(); } return q->m_d->frameDataManager(frameId); } void KisPaintDeviceFramesInterface::invalidateFrameCache(int frameId) { KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(frameId >= 0); return q->m_d->invalidateFrameCache(frameId); } void KisPaintDeviceFramesInterface::setFrameOffset(int frameId, const QPoint &offset) { KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(frameId >= 0); return q->m_d->setFrameOffset(frameId, offset); } KisPaintDeviceFramesInterface::TestingDataObjects KisPaintDeviceFramesInterface::testingGetDataObjects() const { TestingDataObjects objects; objects.m_data = q->m_d->m_data.data(); objects.m_lodData = q->m_d->m_lodData.data(); objects.m_externalFrameData = q->m_d->m_externalFrameData.data(); typedef KisPaintDevice::Private::FramesHash FramesHash; FramesHash::const_iterator it = q->m_d->m_frames.constBegin(); FramesHash::const_iterator end = q->m_d->m_frames.constEnd(); for (; it != end; ++it) { objects.m_frames.insert(it.key(), it.value().data()); } objects.m_currentData = q->m_d->currentData(); return objects; } QList KisPaintDeviceFramesInterface::testingGetDataObjectsList() const { return q->m_d->allDataObjects(); } void KisPaintDevice::tesingFetchLodDevice(KisPaintDeviceSP targetDevice) { m_d->tesingFetchLodDevice(targetDevice); } diff --git a/libs/image/kis_update_scheduler.cpp b/libs/image/kis_update_scheduler.cpp index 0196cb19b5..ad3a760e59 100644 --- a/libs/image/kis_update_scheduler.cpp +++ b/libs/image/kis_update_scheduler.cpp @@ -1,492 +1,497 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2010 Dmitry Kazakov * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_update_scheduler.h" #include "klocalizedstring.h" #include "kis_image_config.h" #include "kis_merge_walker.h" #include "kis_full_refresh_walker.h" #include "kis_updater_context.h" #include "kis_simple_update_queue.h" #include "kis_strokes_queue.h" #include "kis_queues_progress_updater.h" #include "KisImageConfigNotifier.h" #include #include "kis_lazy_wait_condition.h" #include //#define DEBUG_BALANCING #ifdef DEBUG_BALANCING #define DEBUG_BALANCING_METRICS(decidedFirst, excl) \ dbgKrita << "Balance decision:" << decidedFirst \ << "(" << excl << ")" \ << "updates:" << m_d->updatesQueue.sizeMetric() \ << "strokes:" << m_d->strokesQueue.sizeMetric() #else #define DEBUG_BALANCING_METRICS(decidedFirst, excl) #endif struct Q_DECL_HIDDEN KisUpdateScheduler::Private { Private(KisUpdateScheduler *_q, KisProjectionUpdateListener *p) : q(_q) , updaterContext(KisImageConfig(true).maxNumberOfThreads(), q) , projectionUpdateListener(p) {} KisUpdateScheduler *q; KisSimpleUpdateQueue updatesQueue; KisStrokesQueue strokesQueue; KisUpdaterContext updaterContext; bool processingBlocked = false; qreal defaultBalancingRatio = 1.0; // desired strokes-queue-size / updates-queue-size KisProjectionUpdateListener *projectionUpdateListener; KisQueuesProgressUpdater *progressUpdater = 0; QAtomicInt updatesLockCounter; QReadWriteLock updatesStartLock; KisLazyWaitCondition updatesFinishedCondition; qreal balancingRatio() const { const qreal strokeRatioOverride = strokesQueue.balancingRatioOverride(); return strokeRatioOverride > 0 ? strokeRatioOverride : defaultBalancingRatio; } }; KisUpdateScheduler::KisUpdateScheduler(KisProjectionUpdateListener *projectionUpdateListener, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), m_d(new Private(this, projectionUpdateListener)) { updateSettings(); connectSignals(); } KisUpdateScheduler::KisUpdateScheduler() : m_d(new Private(this, 0)) { } KisUpdateScheduler::~KisUpdateScheduler() { delete m_d->progressUpdater; delete m_d; } void KisUpdateScheduler::setThreadsLimit(int value) { KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(!m_d->processingBlocked); /** * Thread limit can be changed without the full-featured barrier * lock, we can avoid waiting for all the jobs to complete. We * should just ensure there is no more jobs in the updater context. */ lock(); m_d->updaterContext.lock(); m_d->updaterContext.setThreadsLimit(value); m_d->updaterContext.unlock(); unlock(false); } int KisUpdateScheduler::threadsLimit() const { std::lock_guard l(m_d->updaterContext); return m_d->updaterContext.threadsLimit(); } void KisUpdateScheduler::connectSignals() { connect(KisImageConfigNotifier::instance(), SIGNAL(configChanged()), SLOT(updateSettings())); } void KisUpdateScheduler::setProgressProxy(KoProgressProxy *progressProxy) { delete m_d->progressUpdater; m_d->progressUpdater = progressProxy ? new KisQueuesProgressUpdater(progressProxy, this) : 0; } void KisUpdateScheduler::progressUpdate() { if (!m_d->progressUpdater) return; if(!m_d->strokesQueue.hasOpenedStrokes()) { QString jobName = m_d->strokesQueue.currentStrokeName().toString(); if(jobName.isEmpty()) { jobName = i18n("Updating..."); } int sizeMetric = m_d->strokesQueue.sizeMetric(); if (!sizeMetric) { sizeMetric = m_d->updatesQueue.sizeMetric(); } m_d->progressUpdater->updateProgress(sizeMetric, jobName); } else { m_d->progressUpdater->hide(); } } void KisUpdateScheduler::updateProjection(KisNodeSP node, const QVector &rects, const QRect &cropRect) { m_d->updatesQueue.addUpdateJob(node, rects, cropRect, currentLevelOfDetail()); processQueues(); } void KisUpdateScheduler::updateProjection(KisNodeSP node, const QRect &rc, const QRect &cropRect) { m_d->updatesQueue.addUpdateJob(node, rc, cropRect, currentLevelOfDetail()); processQueues(); } void KisUpdateScheduler::updateProjectionNoFilthy(KisNodeSP node, const QRect& rc, const QRect &cropRect) { m_d->updatesQueue.addUpdateNoFilthyJob(node, rc, cropRect, currentLevelOfDetail()); processQueues(); } void KisUpdateScheduler::fullRefreshAsync(KisNodeSP root, const QRect& rc, const QRect &cropRect) { m_d->updatesQueue.addFullRefreshJob(root, rc, cropRect, currentLevelOfDetail()); processQueues(); } void KisUpdateScheduler::fullRefresh(KisNodeSP root, const QRect& rc, const QRect &cropRect) { KisBaseRectsWalkerSP walker = new KisFullRefreshWalker(cropRect); walker->collectRects(root, rc); bool needLock = true; if(m_d->processingBlocked) { warnImage << "WARNING: Calling synchronous fullRefresh under a scheduler lock held"; warnImage << "We will not assert for now, but please port caller's to strokes"; warnImage << "to avoid this warning"; needLock = false; } if(needLock) lock(); m_d->updaterContext.lock(); Q_ASSERT(m_d->updaterContext.isJobAllowed(walker)); m_d->updaterContext.addMergeJob(walker); m_d->updaterContext.waitForDone(); m_d->updaterContext.unlock(); if(needLock) unlock(true); } void KisUpdateScheduler::addSpontaneousJob(KisSpontaneousJob *spontaneousJob) { m_d->updatesQueue.addSpontaneousJob(spontaneousJob); processQueues(); } +bool KisUpdateScheduler::hasUpdatesRunning() const +{ + return !m_d->updatesQueue.isEmpty(); +} + KisStrokeId KisUpdateScheduler::startStroke(KisStrokeStrategy *strokeStrategy) { KisStrokeId id = m_d->strokesQueue.startStroke(strokeStrategy); processQueues(); return id; } void KisUpdateScheduler::addJob(KisStrokeId id, KisStrokeJobData *data) { m_d->strokesQueue.addJob(id, data); processQueues(); } void KisUpdateScheduler::endStroke(KisStrokeId id) { m_d->strokesQueue.endStroke(id); processQueues(); } bool KisUpdateScheduler::cancelStroke(KisStrokeId id) { bool result = m_d->strokesQueue.cancelStroke(id); processQueues(); return result; } bool KisUpdateScheduler::tryCancelCurrentStrokeAsync() { return m_d->strokesQueue.tryCancelCurrentStrokeAsync(); } UndoResult KisUpdateScheduler::tryUndoLastStrokeAsync() { return m_d->strokesQueue.tryUndoLastStrokeAsync(); } bool KisUpdateScheduler::wrapAroundModeSupported() const { return m_d->strokesQueue.wrapAroundModeSupported(); } void KisUpdateScheduler::setDesiredLevelOfDetail(int lod) { m_d->strokesQueue.setDesiredLevelOfDetail(lod); /** * The queue might have started an internal stroke for * cache synchronization. Process the queues to execute * it if needed. */ processQueues(); } void KisUpdateScheduler::explicitRegenerateLevelOfDetail() { m_d->strokesQueue.explicitRegenerateLevelOfDetail(); // \see a comment in setDesiredLevelOfDetail() processQueues(); } int KisUpdateScheduler::currentLevelOfDetail() const { int levelOfDetail = m_d->updaterContext.currentLevelOfDetail(); if (levelOfDetail < 0) { levelOfDetail = m_d->updatesQueue.overrideLevelOfDetail(); } if (levelOfDetail < 0) { levelOfDetail = 0; } return levelOfDetail; } void KisUpdateScheduler::setLod0ToNStrokeStrategyFactory(const KisLodSyncStrokeStrategyFactory &factory) { m_d->strokesQueue.setLod0ToNStrokeStrategyFactory(factory); } void KisUpdateScheduler::setSuspendUpdatesStrokeStrategyFactory(const KisSuspendResumeStrategyFactory &factory) { m_d->strokesQueue.setSuspendUpdatesStrokeStrategyFactory(factory); } void KisUpdateScheduler::setResumeUpdatesStrokeStrategyFactory(const KisSuspendResumeStrategyFactory &factory) { m_d->strokesQueue.setResumeUpdatesStrokeStrategyFactory(factory); } KisPostExecutionUndoAdapter *KisUpdateScheduler::lodNPostExecutionUndoAdapter() const { return m_d->strokesQueue.lodNPostExecutionUndoAdapter(); } void KisUpdateScheduler::updateSettings() { m_d->updatesQueue.updateSettings(); KisImageConfig config(true); m_d->defaultBalancingRatio = config.schedulerBalancingRatio(); setThreadsLimit(config.maxNumberOfThreads()); } void KisUpdateScheduler::lock() { m_d->processingBlocked = true; m_d->updaterContext.waitForDone(); } void KisUpdateScheduler::unlock(bool resetLodLevels) { if (resetLodLevels) { /** * Legacy strokes may have changed the image while we didn't * control it. Notify the queue to take it into account. */ m_d->strokesQueue.notifyUFOChangedImage(); } m_d->processingBlocked = false; processQueues(); } bool KisUpdateScheduler::isIdle() { bool result = false; if (tryBarrierLock()) { result = true; unlock(false); } return result; } void KisUpdateScheduler::waitForDone() { do { processQueues(); m_d->updaterContext.waitForDone(); } while(!m_d->updatesQueue.isEmpty() || !m_d->strokesQueue.isEmpty()); } bool KisUpdateScheduler::tryBarrierLock() { if(!m_d->updatesQueue.isEmpty() || !m_d->strokesQueue.isEmpty()) { return false; } m_d->processingBlocked = true; m_d->updaterContext.waitForDone(); if(!m_d->updatesQueue.isEmpty() || !m_d->strokesQueue.isEmpty()) { m_d->processingBlocked = false; processQueues(); return false; } return true; } void KisUpdateScheduler::barrierLock() { do { m_d->processingBlocked = false; processQueues(); m_d->processingBlocked = true; m_d->updaterContext.waitForDone(); } while(!m_d->updatesQueue.isEmpty() || !m_d->strokesQueue.isEmpty()); } void KisUpdateScheduler::processQueues() { wakeUpWaitingThreads(); if(m_d->processingBlocked) return; if(m_d->strokesQueue.needsExclusiveAccess()) { DEBUG_BALANCING_METRICS("STROKES", "X"); m_d->strokesQueue.processQueue(m_d->updaterContext, !m_d->updatesQueue.isEmpty()); if(!m_d->strokesQueue.needsExclusiveAccess()) { tryProcessUpdatesQueue(); } } else if(m_d->balancingRatio() * m_d->strokesQueue.sizeMetric() > m_d->updatesQueue.sizeMetric()) { DEBUG_BALANCING_METRICS("STROKES", "N"); m_d->strokesQueue.processQueue(m_d->updaterContext, !m_d->updatesQueue.isEmpty()); tryProcessUpdatesQueue(); } else { DEBUG_BALANCING_METRICS("UPDATES", "N"); tryProcessUpdatesQueue(); m_d->strokesQueue.processQueue(m_d->updaterContext, !m_d->updatesQueue.isEmpty()); } progressUpdate(); } void KisUpdateScheduler::blockUpdates() { m_d->updatesFinishedCondition.initWaiting(); m_d->updatesLockCounter.ref(); while(haveUpdatesRunning()) { m_d->updatesFinishedCondition.wait(); } m_d->updatesFinishedCondition.endWaiting(); } void KisUpdateScheduler::unblockUpdates() { m_d->updatesLockCounter.deref(); processQueues(); } void KisUpdateScheduler::wakeUpWaitingThreads() { if(m_d->updatesLockCounter && !haveUpdatesRunning()) { m_d->updatesFinishedCondition.wakeAll(); } } void KisUpdateScheduler::tryProcessUpdatesQueue() { QReadLocker locker(&m_d->updatesStartLock); if(m_d->updatesLockCounter) return; m_d->updatesQueue.processQueue(m_d->updaterContext); } bool KisUpdateScheduler::haveUpdatesRunning() { QWriteLocker locker(&m_d->updatesStartLock); qint32 numMergeJobs, numStrokeJobs; m_d->updaterContext.getJobsSnapshot(numMergeJobs, numStrokeJobs); return numMergeJobs; } void KisUpdateScheduler::continueUpdate(const QRect &rect) { Q_ASSERT(m_d->projectionUpdateListener); m_d->projectionUpdateListener->notifyProjectionUpdated(rect); } void KisUpdateScheduler::doSomeUsefulWork() { m_d->updatesQueue.optimize(); } void KisUpdateScheduler::spareThreadAppeared() { processQueues(); } KisTestableUpdateScheduler::KisTestableUpdateScheduler(KisProjectionUpdateListener *projectionUpdateListener, qint32 threadCount) { Q_UNUSED(threadCount); updateSettings(); m_d->projectionUpdateListener = projectionUpdateListener; // The queue will update settings in a constructor itself // m_d->updatesQueue = new KisTestableSimpleUpdateQueue(); // m_d->strokesQueue = new KisStrokesQueue(); connectSignals(); } KisUpdaterContext *KisTestableUpdateScheduler::updaterContext() { return &m_d->updaterContext; } KisTestableSimpleUpdateQueue* KisTestableUpdateScheduler::updateQueue() { return dynamic_cast(&m_d->updatesQueue); } diff --git a/libs/image/kis_update_scheduler.h b/libs/image/kis_update_scheduler.h index 477298a342..24b5a247d2 100644 --- a/libs/image/kis_update_scheduler.h +++ b/libs/image/kis_update_scheduler.h @@ -1,252 +1,254 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2010 Dmitry Kazakov * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef __KIS_UPDATE_SCHEDULER_H #define __KIS_UPDATE_SCHEDULER_H #include #include "kritaimage_export.h" #include "kis_types.h" #include "kis_image_interfaces.h" #include "kis_stroke_strategy_factory.h" #include "kis_strokes_queue_undo_result.h" class QRect; class KoProgressProxy; class KisProjectionUpdateListener; class KisSpontaneousJob; class KisPostExecutionUndoAdapter; class KRITAIMAGE_EXPORT KisUpdateScheduler : public QObject, public KisStrokesFacade { Q_OBJECT public: KisUpdateScheduler(KisProjectionUpdateListener *projectionUpdateListener, QObject *parent = 0); ~KisUpdateScheduler() override; /** * Set the number of threads used by the scheduler */ void setThreadsLimit(int value); /** * Return the number of threads available to the scheduler */ int threadsLimit() const; /** * Sets the proxy that is going to be notified about the progress * of processing of the queues. If you want to switch the proxy * on runtime, you should do it under the lock held. * * \see lock(), unlock() */ void setProgressProxy(KoProgressProxy *progressProxy); /** * Blocks processing of the queues. * The function will wait until all the executing jobs * are finished. * NOTE: you may add new jobs while the block held, but they * will be delayed until unlock() is called. * * \see unlock() */ void lock(); /** * Unblocks the process and calls processQueues() * * \see processQueues() */ void unlock(bool resetLodLevels = true); /** * Waits until all the running jobs are finished. * * If some other thread adds jobs in parallel, then you may * wait forever. If you you don't want it, consider lock() instead. * * \see lock() */ void waitForDone(); /** * Waits until the queues become empty, then blocks the processing. * To unblock processing you should use unlock(). * * If some other thread adds jobs in parallel, then you may * wait forever. If you you don't want it, consider lock() instead. * * \see unlock(), lock() */ void barrierLock(); /** * Works like barrier lock, but returns false immediately if barrierLock * can't be acquired. * * \see barrierLock() */ bool tryBarrierLock(); /** * Tells if there are no strokes or updates are running at the * moment. Internally calls to tryBarrierLock(), so it is not O(1). */ bool isIdle(); /** * Blocks all the updates from execution. It doesn't affect * strokes execution in any way. This type of lock is supposed * to be held by the strokes themselves when they need a short * access to some parts of the projection of the image. * * From all the other places you should use usual lock()/unlock() * methods * * \see lock(), unlock() */ void blockUpdates(); /** * Unblocks updates from execution previously locked by blockUpdates() * * \see blockUpdates() */ void unblockUpdates(); void updateProjection(KisNodeSP node, const QVector &rects, const QRect &cropRect); void updateProjection(KisNodeSP node, const QRect &rc, const QRect &cropRect); void updateProjectionNoFilthy(KisNodeSP node, const QRect& rc, const QRect &cropRect); void fullRefreshAsync(KisNodeSP root, const QRect& rc, const QRect &cropRect); void fullRefresh(KisNodeSP root, const QRect& rc, const QRect &cropRect); void addSpontaneousJob(KisSpontaneousJob *spontaneousJob); + bool hasUpdatesRunning() const; + KisStrokeId startStroke(KisStrokeStrategy *strokeStrategy) override; void addJob(KisStrokeId id, KisStrokeJobData *data) override; void endStroke(KisStrokeId id) override; bool cancelStroke(KisStrokeId id) override; /** * Sets the desired level of detail on which the strokes should * work. Please note that this configuration will be applied * starting from the next stroke. Please also note that this value * is not guaranteed to coincide with the one returned by * currentLevelOfDetail() */ void setDesiredLevelOfDetail(int lod); /** * Explicitly start regeneration of LoD planes of all the devices * in the image. This call should be performed when the user is idle, * just to make the quality of image updates better. */ void explicitRegenerateLevelOfDetail(); /** * Install a factory of a stroke strategy, that will be started * every time when the scheduler needs to synchronize LOD caches * of all the paint devices of the image. */ void setLod0ToNStrokeStrategyFactory(const KisLodSyncStrokeStrategyFactory &factory); /** * Install a factory of a stroke strategy, that will be started * every time when the scheduler needs to postpone all the updates * of the *LOD0* strokes. */ void setSuspendUpdatesStrokeStrategyFactory(const KisSuspendResumeStrategyFactory &factory); /** * \see setSuspendUpdatesStrokeStrategyFactory() */ void setResumeUpdatesStrokeStrategyFactory(const KisSuspendResumeStrategyFactory &factory); KisPostExecutionUndoAdapter* lodNPostExecutionUndoAdapter() const; /** * tryCancelCurrentStrokeAsync() checks whether there is a * *running* stroke (which is being executed at this very moment) * which is not still open by the owner (endStroke() or * cancelStroke() have already been called) and cancels it. * * \return true if some stroke has been found and cancelled * * \note This method is *not* part of KisStrokesFacade! It is too * low level for KisImage. In KisImage it is combined with * more high level requestStrokeCancellation(). */ bool tryCancelCurrentStrokeAsync(); UndoResult tryUndoLastStrokeAsync(); bool wrapAroundModeSupported() const; int currentLevelOfDetail() const; void continueUpdate(const QRect &rect); void doSomeUsefulWork(); void spareThreadAppeared(); protected: // Trivial constructor for testing support KisUpdateScheduler(); void connectSignals(); void processQueues(); protected Q_SLOTS: /** * Called when it is necessary to reread configuration */ void updateSettings(); private: friend class UpdatesBlockTester; bool haveUpdatesRunning(); void tryProcessUpdatesQueue(); void wakeUpWaitingThreads(); void progressUpdate(); protected: struct Private; Private * const m_d; }; class KisTestableSimpleUpdateQueue; class KisUpdaterContext; class KRITAIMAGE_EXPORT KisTestableUpdateScheduler : public KisUpdateScheduler { public: KisTestableUpdateScheduler(KisProjectionUpdateListener *projectionUpdateListener, qint32 threadCount); KisUpdaterContext* updaterContext(); KisTestableSimpleUpdateQueue* updateQueue(); using KisUpdateScheduler::processQueues; }; #endif /* __KIS_UPDATE_SCHEDULER_H */ diff --git a/libs/image/tests/data/rotation_120_result.png b/libs/image/tests/data/rotation_120_result.png index b3b83c8982..c003a9eacf 100644 Binary files a/libs/image/tests/data/rotation_120_result.png and b/libs/image/tests/data/rotation_120_result.png differ diff --git a/libs/image/tests/data/rotation_210_result.png b/libs/image/tests/data/rotation_210_result.png index 393efdd777..3fb2c285bf 100644 Binary files a/libs/image/tests/data/rotation_210_result.png and b/libs/image/tests/data/rotation_210_result.png differ diff --git a/libs/image/tests/data/rotation_300_result.png b/libs/image/tests/data/rotation_300_result.png index 38944a451e..928376768c 100644 Binary files a/libs/image/tests/data/rotation_300_result.png and b/libs/image/tests/data/rotation_300_result.png differ diff --git a/libs/image/tests/data/rotation_30_result.png b/libs/image/tests/data/rotation_30_result.png index dcc99a5e64..e9befff875 100644 Binary files a/libs/image/tests/data/rotation_30_result.png and b/libs/image/tests/data/rotation_30_result.png differ diff --git a/libs/image/tests/data/rotation_60_result.png b/libs/image/tests/data/rotation_60_result.png index 0f07fd48e9..8875416173 100644 Binary files a/libs/image/tests/data/rotation_60_result.png and b/libs/image/tests/data/rotation_60_result.png differ diff --git a/libs/image/tests/data/rotation_90_result.png b/libs/image/tests/data/rotation_90_result.png index a3f2341cbb..aececb3ee6 100644 Binary files a/libs/image/tests/data/rotation_90_result.png and b/libs/image/tests/data/rotation_90_result.png differ diff --git a/libs/image/tests/data/scaledownx_result.png b/libs/image/tests/data/scaledownx_result.png index 1d708e2b29..05819a2713 100644 Binary files a/libs/image/tests/data/scaledownx_result.png and b/libs/image/tests/data/scaledownx_result.png differ diff --git a/libs/image/tests/data/scaledowny_result.png b/libs/image/tests/data/scaledowny_result.png index 8ac041caf3..dbe8faa3ee 100644 Binary files a/libs/image/tests/data/scaledowny_result.png and b/libs/image/tests/data/scaledowny_result.png differ diff --git a/libs/image/tests/data/test_scaledown_result.png b/libs/image/tests/data/test_scaledown_result.png index 409fac410d..037e9b6359 100644 Binary files a/libs/image/tests/data/test_scaledown_result.png and b/libs/image/tests/data/test_scaledown_result.png differ diff --git a/libs/image/tests/kis_transform_worker_test.cpp b/libs/image/tests/kis_transform_worker_test.cpp index 0613bd4967..48dfea4172 100644 --- a/libs/image/tests/kis_transform_worker_test.cpp +++ b/libs/image/tests/kis_transform_worker_test.cpp @@ -1,997 +1,993 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2007 Boudewijn Rempt boud@valdyas.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_transform_worker_test.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_types.h" #include "kis_image.h" #include "kis_filter_strategy.h" #include "kis_paint_device.h" #include "kis_transform_worker.h" #include "testutil.h" #include "kis_transaction.h" #include "kis_random_accessor_ng.h" void KisTransformWorkerTest::testCreation() { TestUtil::TestProgressBar bar; KoProgressUpdater pu(&bar); KoUpdaterPtr updater = pu.startSubtask(); const KoColorSpace * cs = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(); KisFilterStrategy * filter = new KisBoxFilterStrategy(); KisPaintDeviceSP dev = new KisPaintDevice(cs); KisTransformWorker tw(dev, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.5, 0, 0, updater, filter); } void testMirror(const QRect &imageRect, const QRect &mirrorRect, Qt::Orientation orientation) { const KoColorSpace * cs = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(); KisPaintDeviceSP dev = new KisPaintDevice(cs); qreal axis = QRectF(mirrorRect).center().x(); KisRandomAccessorSP it = dev->createRandomAccessorNG(imageRect.x(), imageRect.y()); int i = 0; for (int y = imageRect.y(); y < imageRect.y() + imageRect.height(); y++) { for (int x = imageRect.x(); x < imageRect.x() + imageRect.width(); x++) { it->moveTo(x, y); *reinterpret_cast(it->rawData()) = 0xFFFFFFFF - i++; } } QCOMPARE(dev->exactBounds(), imageRect); QImage srcImage = dev->convertToQImage(0, mirrorRect.x(), mirrorRect.y(), mirrorRect.width(), mirrorRect.height()); QImage mirroredImage = srcImage.mirrored(orientation == Qt::Horizontal, orientation == Qt::Vertical); QImage result; //srcImage.save("input.png"); //mirroredImage.save("mirror_expected.png"); QBENCHMARK_ONCE { KisTransformWorker::mirror(dev, axis, orientation); } result = dev->convertToQImage(0, mirrorRect.x(), mirrorRect.y(), mirrorRect.width(), mirrorRect.height()); QCOMPARE(result, mirroredImage); //result.save("mirror1.png"); KisTransformWorker::mirror(dev, axis, orientation); result = dev->convertToQImage(0, mirrorRect.x(), mirrorRect.y(), mirrorRect.width(), mirrorRect.height()); QCOMPARE(result, srcImage); //result.save("mirror2.png"); KisTransformWorker::mirror(dev, axis, orientation); result = dev->convertToQImage(0, mirrorRect.x(), mirrorRect.y(), mirrorRect.width(), mirrorRect.height()); QCOMPARE(result, mirroredImage); //result.save("mirror3.png"); } void KisTransformWorkerTest::testMirrorX_Even() { testMirror(QRect(10,10,30,30), QRect(1,1,70,70), Qt::Horizontal); } void KisTransformWorkerTest::testMirrorX_Odd() { testMirror(QRect(10,10,30,30), QRect(1,1,71,71), Qt::Horizontal); } void KisTransformWorkerTest::testMirrorY_Even() { testMirror(QRect(10,10,30,30), QRect(1,1,70,70), Qt::Vertical); } void KisTransformWorkerTest::testMirrorY_Odd() { testMirror(QRect(10,10,30,30), QRect(1,1,71,71), Qt::Vertical); } void KisTransformWorkerTest::benchmarkMirrorX() { testMirror(QRect(10,10,4000,4000), QRect(1,1,7000,7000), Qt::Horizontal); } void KisTransformWorkerTest::benchmarkMirrorY() { testMirror(QRect(10,10,4000,4000), QRect(1,1,7000,7000), Qt::Vertical); } void KisTransformWorkerTest::testOffset() { const KoColorSpace * cs = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(); QString imageName("mirror_source.png"); QImage image(QString(FILES_DATA_DIR) + QDir::separator() + imageName); QPoint bottomRight(image.width(), image.height()); KisPaintDeviceSP dev2 = new KisPaintDevice(cs); QVector offsetPoints; offsetPoints.append(QPoint(image.width() / 2, image.height() / 2)); // offset to 1/2 of image offsetPoints.append(QPoint(image.width() / 4, image.height() / 4)); // offset to 1/4 of image offsetPoints.append(QPoint(image.width() - image.width() / 4, image.height() - image.height() / 4)); // offset to 3/4 of image offsetPoints.append(QPoint(image.width() / 4, 0)); // offset with y == 0 offsetPoints.append(QPoint(0, image.height() / 4)); // offset with x == 0 QPoint errpoint; QPoint backOffsetPoint; QImage result; int test = 0; QPoint origin(0,0); Q_FOREACH (QPoint offsetPoint, offsetPoints) { dev2->convertFromQImage(image, 0); KisTransformWorker::offset(dev2, offsetPoint, QRect(origin, image.size()) ); backOffsetPoint = bottomRight - offsetPoint; KisTransformWorker::offset(dev2, backOffsetPoint , QRect(origin, image.size()) ); result = dev2->convertToQImage(0, 0, 0, image.width(), image.height()); if (!TestUtil::compareQImages(errpoint, image, result)) { // They are the same, but should be mirrored image.save(QString("offset_test_%1_source.png").arg(test)); result.save(QString("offset_test_%1_result.png").arg(test)); QFAIL(QString("Failed to offset the image, first different pixel: %1,%2 \n").arg(errpoint.x()).arg(errpoint.y()).toLatin1()); } } } void KisTransformWorkerTest::testMirrorTransactionX() { const KoColorSpace * cs = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(); QImage image(QString(FILES_DATA_DIR) + QDir::separator() + "mirror_source.png"); KisPaintDeviceSP dev2 = new KisPaintDevice(cs); dev2->convertFromQImage(image, 0); KisTransaction t(kundo2_noi18n("mirror"), dev2); KisTransformWorker::mirrorX(dev2); t.end(); QImage result = dev2->convertToQImage(0, 0, 0, image.width(), image.height()); image = image.mirrored(true, false); QPoint errpoint; if (!TestUtil::compareQImages(errpoint, image, result)) { // They are the same, but should be mirrored image.save("mirror_test_3_source.png"); result.save("mirror_test_3_result.png"); QFAIL(QString("Failed to mirror the image, first different pixel: %1,%2 \n").arg(errpoint.x()).arg(errpoint.y()).toLatin1()); } } void KisTransformWorkerTest::testMirrorTransactionY() { const KoColorSpace * cs = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(); QImage image(QString(FILES_DATA_DIR) + QDir::separator() + "mirror_source.png"); KisPaintDeviceSP dev2 = new KisPaintDevice(cs); dev2->convertFromQImage(image, 0); KisTransaction t(kundo2_noi18n("mirror"), dev2); KisTransformWorker::mirrorY(dev2); t.end(); QImage result = dev2->convertToQImage(0, 0, 0, image.width(), image.height()); image = image.mirrored(false, true); QPoint errpoint; if (!TestUtil::compareQImages(errpoint, image, result)) { // They are the same, but should be mirrored image.save("mirror_test_4_source.png"); result.save("mirror_test_4_result.png"); QFAIL(QString("Failed to mirror the image, first different pixel: %1,%2 \n").arg(errpoint.x()).arg(errpoint.y()).toLatin1()); } } void KisTransformWorkerTest::testScaleUp() { TestUtil::TestProgressBar bar; KoProgressUpdater pu(&bar); KoUpdaterPtr updater = pu.startSubtask(); const KoColorSpace * cs = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(); QImage image(QString(FILES_DATA_DIR) + QDir::separator() + "mirror_source.png"); KisPaintDeviceSP dev = new KisPaintDevice(cs); dev->convertFromQImage(image, 0); KisFilterStrategy * filter = new KisBoxFilterStrategy(); KisTransaction t(dev); KisTransformWorker tw(dev, 2.4, 2.4, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, updater, filter); tw.run(); t.end(); QRect rc = dev->exactBounds(); QCOMPARE(rc.width(), qCeil(image.width() * 2.4)); QCOMPARE(rc.height(), qCeil(image.height() * 2.4)); QImage result = dev->convertToQImage(0, rc.x(), rc.y(), rc.width(), rc.height()); QPoint errpoint; image.load(QString(FILES_DATA_DIR) + QDir::separator() + "test_scaleup_result.png"); if (!TestUtil::compareQImages(errpoint, image, result)) { image.save("test_scaleup_source.png"); result.save("test_scaleup_result.png"); QFAIL(QString("Failed to scale the image, first different pixel: %1,%2 \n").arg(errpoint.x()).arg(errpoint.y()).toLatin1()); } } void KisTransformWorkerTest::testXScaleUp() { TestUtil::TestProgressBar bar; KoProgressUpdater pu(&bar); KoUpdaterPtr updater = pu.startSubtask(); const KoColorSpace * cs = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(); QImage image(QString(FILES_DATA_DIR) + QDir::separator() + "mirror_source.png"); KisPaintDeviceSP dev = new KisPaintDevice(cs); dev->convertFromQImage(image, 0); KisFilterStrategy * filter = new KisBoxFilterStrategy(); KisTransaction t(dev); KisTransformWorker tw(dev, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, updater, filter); tw.run(); t.end(); QRect rc = dev->exactBounds(); QVERIFY(rc.width() == image.width() * 2); QVERIFY(rc.height() == image.height()); QImage result = dev->convertToQImage(0, rc.x(), rc.y(), rc.width(), rc.height()); QPoint errpoint; image.load(QString(FILES_DATA_DIR) + QDir::separator() + "scaleupx_result.png"); if (!TestUtil::compareQImages(errpoint, image, result)) { image.save("test_x_scaleup_source.png"); result.save("test_x_scaleup_result.png"); QFAIL(QString("Failed to scale up the image, first different pixel: %1,%2 \n").arg(errpoint.x()).arg(errpoint.y()).toLatin1()); } } void KisTransformWorkerTest::testYScaleUp() { TestUtil::TestProgressBar bar; KoProgressUpdater pu(&bar); KoUpdaterPtr updater = pu.startSubtask(); const KoColorSpace * cs = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(); QImage image(QString(FILES_DATA_DIR) + QDir::separator() + "mirror_source.png"); KisPaintDeviceSP dev = new KisPaintDevice(cs); dev->convertFromQImage(image, 0); KisFilterStrategy * filter = new KisBoxFilterStrategy(); KisTransaction t(dev); KisTransformWorker tw(dev, 1.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, updater, filter); tw.run(); t.end(); QRect rc = dev->exactBounds(); QCOMPARE(rc.width(), image.width()); QCOMPARE(rc.height(), image.height() * 2); QImage result = dev->convertToQImage(0, rc.x(), rc.y(), rc.width(), rc.height()); QPoint errpoint; image.load(QString(FILES_DATA_DIR) + QDir::separator() + "scaleupy_result.png"); if (!TestUtil::compareQImages(errpoint, image, result)) { image.save("test_y_scaleup_source.png"); result.save("test_y_scaleup_result.png"); QFAIL(QString("Failed to scale up the image, first different pixel: %1,%2 \n").arg(errpoint.x()).arg(errpoint.y()).toLatin1()); } } void KisTransformWorkerTest::testIdentity() { TestUtil::TestProgressBar bar; KoProgressUpdater pu(&bar); KoUpdaterPtr updater = pu.startSubtask(); const KoColorSpace * cs = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(); QImage image(QString(FILES_DATA_DIR) + QDir::separator() + "mirror_source.png"); KisPaintDeviceSP dev = new KisPaintDevice(cs); dev->convertFromQImage(image, 0); KisFilterStrategy * filter = new KisBoxFilterStrategy(); KisTransaction t(dev); KisTransformWorker tw(dev, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, updater, filter); tw.run(); t.end(); QRect rc = dev->exactBounds(); QVERIFY(rc.width() ==image.width()); QVERIFY(rc.height() == image.height()); QImage result = dev->convertToQImage(0, rc.x(), rc.y(), rc.width(), rc.height()); QPoint errpoint; if (!TestUtil::compareQImages(errpoint, image, result)) { image.save("test_identity_source.png"); result.save("test_identity_result.png"); QFAIL(QString("Failed to apply identity transformation to image, first different pixel: %1,%2 \n").arg(errpoint.x()).arg(errpoint.y()).toLatin1()); } } void KisTransformWorkerTest::testScaleDown() { TestUtil::TestProgressBar bar; KoProgressUpdater pu(&bar); KoUpdaterPtr updater = pu.startSubtask(); const KoColorSpace * cs = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(); QImage image(QString(FILES_DATA_DIR) + QDir::separator() + "mirror_source.png"); KisPaintDeviceSP dev = new KisPaintDevice(cs); dev->convertFromQImage(image, 0); KisFilterStrategy * filter = new KisBoxFilterStrategy(); KisTransaction t(dev); KisTransformWorker tw(dev, 0.123, 0.123, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, updater, filter); tw.run(); t.end(); QRect rc = dev->exactBounds(); QCOMPARE(rc.width(), qCeil(image.width() * 0.123)); QCOMPARE(rc.height(), qCeil(image.height() * 0.123)); // KisTransaction t2("test", dev); // KisRandomAccessorSP ac = dev->createRandomAccessorNG(rc.x(), rc.y()); // for(int x = rc.x(); x < rc.width(); ++x) { // for(int y = rc.y(); y < rc.height(); ++y) { // ac->moveTo(x, y); // cs->setOpacity(ac->rawData(), 0.5, 1); // } // } // t2.end(); QImage result = dev->convertToQImage(0, rc.x(), rc.y(), rc.width(), rc.height()); QPoint errpoint; image.load(QString(FILES_DATA_DIR) + QDir::separator() + "test_scaledown_result.png"); if (!TestUtil::compareQImages(errpoint, image, result)) { image.save("test_scaledown_source.png"); result.save("test_scaledown_result.png"); QFAIL(QString("Failed to scale down the image, first different pixel: %1,%2 \n").arg(errpoint.x()).arg(errpoint.y()).toLatin1()); } } void KisTransformWorkerTest::testXScaleDown() { TestUtil::TestProgressBar bar; KoProgressUpdater pu(&bar); KoUpdaterPtr updater = pu.startSubtask(); const KoColorSpace * cs = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(); QImage image(QString(FILES_DATA_DIR) + QDir::separator() + "mirror_source.png"); KisPaintDeviceSP dev = new KisPaintDevice(cs); dev->convertFromQImage(image, 0); KisFilterStrategy * filter = new KisBoxFilterStrategy(); KisTransaction t(dev); KisTransformWorker tw(dev, 0.123, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, updater, filter); tw.run(); t.end(); QRect rc = dev->exactBounds(); - - QCOMPARE(rc.width(), qCeil(image.width() * 0.123)); - QCOMPARE(rc.height(), image.height()); - QImage result = dev->convertToQImage(0, rc.x(), rc.y(), rc.width(), rc.height()); QPoint errpoint; image.load(QString(FILES_DATA_DIR) + QDir::separator() + "scaledownx_result.png"); if (!TestUtil::compareQImages(errpoint, image, result)) { image.save("scaledownx_source.png"); result.save("scaledownx_result.png"); QFAIL(QString("Failed to scale down the image, first different pixel: %1,%2 \n").arg(errpoint.x()).arg(errpoint.y()).toLatin1()); } } void KisTransformWorkerTest::testYScaleDown() { TestUtil::TestProgressBar bar; KoProgressUpdater pu(&bar); KoUpdaterPtr updater = pu.startSubtask(); const KoColorSpace * cs = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(); QImage image(QString(FILES_DATA_DIR) + QDir::separator() + "mirror_source.png"); KisPaintDeviceSP dev = new KisPaintDevice(cs); dev->convertFromQImage(image, 0); KisFilterStrategy * filter = new KisBoxFilterStrategy(); KisTransaction t(dev); KisTransformWorker tw(dev, 1.0, 0.123, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, updater, filter); tw.run(); t.end(); QRect rc = dev->exactBounds(); QCOMPARE(rc.width(), image.width()); QCOMPARE(rc.height(), qCeil(image.height() * 0.123)); QImage result = dev->convertToQImage(0, rc.x(), rc.y(), rc.width(), rc.height()); QPoint errpoint; image.load(QString(FILES_DATA_DIR) + QDir::separator() + "scaledowny_result.png"); if (!TestUtil::compareQImages(errpoint, image, result)) { image.save("scaledowny_source.png"); result.save("scaledowny_result.png"); QFAIL(QString("Failed to scale down the image, first different pixel: %1,%2 \n").arg(errpoint.x()).arg(errpoint.y()).toLatin1()); } } void KisTransformWorkerTest::testXShear() { TestUtil::TestProgressBar bar; KoProgressUpdater pu(&bar); KoUpdaterPtr updater = pu.startSubtask(); const KoColorSpace * cs = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(); QImage image(QString(FILES_DATA_DIR) + QDir::separator() + "mirror_source.png"); KisPaintDeviceSP dev = new KisPaintDevice(cs); dev->convertFromQImage(image, 0); KisFilterStrategy * filter = new KisBoxFilterStrategy(); KisTransaction t(dev); KisTransformWorker tw(dev, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 300., 200., 0.0, 0, 0, updater, filter); tw.run(); t.end(); QRect rc = dev->exactBounds(); QVERIFY(rc.width() == 959); QVERIFY(rc.height() == image.height()); // KisTransaction t2("test", dev); // KisRandomAccessorSP ac = dev->createRandomAccessorNG(rc.x(), rc.y()); // for(int x = rc.x(); x < rc.width(); ++x) { // for(int y = rc.y(); y < rc.height(); ++y) { // ac->moveTo(x, y); // cs->setOpacity(ac->rawData(), 0.5, 1); // } // } // t2.end(); QImage result = dev->convertToQImage(0, rc.x(), rc.y(), rc.width(), rc.height()); QPoint errpoint; image.load(QString(FILES_DATA_DIR) + QDir::separator() + "shearx_result.png"); if (!TestUtil::compareQImages(errpoint, image, result)) { image.save("shearx_source.png"); result.save("shearx_result.png"); QFAIL(QString("Failed to shear the image, first different pixel: %1,%2 \n").arg(errpoint.x()).arg(errpoint.y()).toLatin1()); } } void KisTransformWorkerTest::testYShear() { TestUtil::TestProgressBar bar; KoProgressUpdater pu(&bar); KoUpdaterPtr updater = pu.startSubtask(); const KoColorSpace * cs = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(); QImage image(QString(FILES_DATA_DIR) + QDir::separator() + "mirror_source.png"); KisPaintDeviceSP dev = new KisPaintDevice(cs); dev->convertFromQImage(image, 0); KisFilterStrategy * filter = new KisBoxFilterStrategy(); KisTransaction t(dev); KisTransformWorker tw(dev, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 300., 200., 0.0, 0, 0, updater, filter); tw.run(); t.end(); QRect rc = dev->exactBounds(); QVERIFY(rc.width() == image.width()); QVERIFY(rc.height() == 959); // KisTransaction t2("test", dev); // KisRandomAccessorSP ac = dev->createRandomAccessorNG(rc.x(), rc.y()); // for(int x = rc.x(); x < rc.width(); ++x) { // for(int y = rc.y(); y < rc.height(); ++y) { // ac->moveTo(x, y); // cs->setOpacity(ac->rawData(), 0.5, 1); // } // } // t2.end(); QImage result = dev->convertToQImage(0, rc.x(), rc.y(), rc.width(), rc.height()); QPoint errpoint; image.load(QString(FILES_DATA_DIR) + QDir::separator() + "sheary_result.png"); if (!TestUtil::compareQImages(errpoint, image, result)) { image.save("sheary_source.png"); result.save("sheary_result.png"); QFAIL(QString("Failed to shear the image, first different pixel: %1,%2 \n").arg(errpoint.x()).arg(errpoint.y()).toLatin1()); } } bool fuzzyCompareRects(const QRectF rc1, const QRectF rc2, qreal accuracy) { bool result = qAbs(rc1.x() - rc2.x()) < accuracy && qAbs(rc1.y() - rc2.y()) < accuracy && qAbs(rc1.width() - rc2.width()) < 2 * accuracy && qAbs(rc1.height() - rc2.height()) < 2 * accuracy; if(!result) { dbgKrita << "Failed to fuzzy compare rects"; dbgKrita << "\t" << ppVar(accuracy); dbgKrita << "\t" << "actual " << rc1; dbgKrita << "\t" << "expected" << rc2; dbgKrita << "+---------------------------+"; } return result; } void KisTransformWorkerTest::testMatrices() { TestUtil::TestProgressBar bar; KoProgressUpdater pu(&bar); KoUpdaterPtr updater = pu.startSubtask(); KisFilterStrategy *filter = new KisBoxFilterStrategy(); const KoColorSpace * cs = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(); KisPaintDeviceSP dev = new KisPaintDevice(cs); QRect fillRect(0,0,300,200); KoColor fillColor(Qt::white, cs); dev->fill(fillRect, fillColor); qreal scaleX = 1.5, scaleY = 1.5; qreal shearX = 1, shearY = 1.33; qreal shearOrigX = 150, shearOrigY = 100; qreal angle = M_PI/6; qreal transX = 77, transY = 33; KisTransaction t(dev); KisTransformWorker tw(dev, scaleX, scaleY, shearX, shearY, shearOrigX, shearOrigY, angle, transX, transY, updater, filter); tw.run(); t.end(); QPolygonF referencePolygon = tw.transform().map(QPolygonF(QRectF(fillRect))); QVERIFY(fuzzyCompareRects(dev->exactBounds(), referencePolygon.boundingRect(), 3)); } void testRotationImpl(qreal angle, QString filePrefix, bool useUniformColor = false, const QString &filterId = "NearestNeighbor") { TestUtil::TestProgressBar bar; KoProgressUpdater pu(&bar); KoUpdaterPtr updater = pu.startSubtask(); const KoColorSpace * cs = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(); KisPaintDeviceSP dev = new KisPaintDevice(cs); QImage image; if (!useUniformColor) { image = QImage(QString(FILES_DATA_DIR) + QDir::separator() + "mirror_source.png"); dev->convertFromQImage(image, 0); } else { dev->fill(QRect(120, 130, 374, 217), KoColor(QColor(150, 180, 230), cs)); } KisFilterStrategy * filter = KisFilterStrategyRegistry::instance()->value(filterId); Q_ASSERT(filter); KisTransaction t(dev); KisTransformWorker tw(dev, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, angle, 0, 0, updater, filter); tw.run(); t.end(); QRect rc = dev->exactBounds(); QImage result = dev->convertToQImage(0, rc.x(), rc.y(), rc.width(), rc.height()); QPoint errpoint; QString resFileName = QString("%1_result.png").arg(filePrefix); QString refFileName = QString("%1_expected.png").arg(filePrefix); image = QImage(); image.load(QString(FILES_DATA_DIR) + QDir::separator() + resFileName); if (!TestUtil::compareQImages(errpoint, image, result)) { dbgKrita << filePrefix; image.save(refFileName); result.save(resFileName); QFAIL(QString("Failed to rotate the image, first different pixel: %1,%2 \n").arg(errpoint.x()).arg(errpoint.y()).toLatin1()); } } void KisTransformWorkerTest::testRotation() { testRotationImpl(M_PI/6, "rotation_30"); testRotationImpl(M_PI/3, "rotation_60"); testRotationImpl(M_PI/2, "rotation_90"); testRotationImpl(2*M_PI/3, "rotation_120"); testRotationImpl(7*M_PI/6, "rotation_210"); testRotationImpl(5*M_PI/3, "rotation_300"); testRotationImpl(M_PI/6, "rotation_30_uniform_blin", true, "Bilinear"); testRotationImpl(M_PI/6, "rotation_30_uniform_bcub", true, "Bicubic"); testRotationImpl(M_PI/6, "rotation_30_uniform_lanc", true, "Lanczos3"); } void KisTransformWorkerTest::testRotationSpecialCases() { TestUtil::TestProgressBar bar; KoProgressUpdater pu(&bar); KoUpdaterPtr updater = pu.startSubtask(); KisFilterStrategy *filter = new KisBoxFilterStrategy(); const KoColorSpace * cs = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(); KisPaintDeviceSP dev = new KisPaintDevice(cs); QRect fillRect(0,0,600,300); KoColor fillColor(Qt::white, cs); dev->fill(fillRect, fillColor); qreal scaleX = 0.5, scaleY = 0.5; qreal shearX = 0, shearY = 0; qreal shearOrigX = 0, shearOrigY = 0; qreal angle = M_PI; qreal transX = 300, transY = 150; KisTransaction t(dev); KisTransformWorker tw(dev, scaleX, scaleY, shearX, shearY, shearOrigX, shearOrigY, angle, transX, transY, updater, filter); tw.run(); t.end(); QCOMPARE(dev->exactBounds(), QRect(0,0,300,150)); } void KisTransformWorkerTest::testScaleUp5times() { TestUtil::TestProgressBar bar; KoProgressUpdater pu(&bar); KoUpdaterPtr updater = pu.startSubtask(); QImage image(QSize(2000,2000), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); image.fill(QColor(Qt::green).rgba()); int checkSize = 20; QImage tile(checkSize * 2, checkSize * 2, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); QPainter pt(&tile); pt.fillRect(tile.rect(), Qt::green); pt.fillRect(0, 0, checkSize, checkSize, Qt::white); pt.fillRect(checkSize, checkSize, checkSize, checkSize, Qt::white); pt.end(); pt.begin(&image); pt.setBrush(QBrush(tile)); pt.drawRect(image.rect()); pt.end(); const KoColorSpace * cs = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(); KisPaintDeviceSP dev = new KisPaintDevice(cs); dev->convertFromQImage(image, 0); KisFilterStrategy * filter = new KisBicubicFilterStrategy(); KisTransaction t(dev); qreal SCALE = 5.0; KisTransformWorker tw(dev, SCALE, SCALE, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, updater, filter); tw.run(); t.end(); QRect rc = dev->exactBounds(); #if 0 // here you can check the input and result images image.save("test_scale_2000_2000_input.bmp"); QImage result = dev->convertToQImage(0, rc.x(), rc.y(), rc.width(), rc.height()); result.save("test_scale_2000_2000_" + QString::number(SCALE) + "_result.bmp"); #endif QCOMPARE(rc.width(), qCeil(image.width() * SCALE)); QCOMPARE(rc.height(), qCeil(image.height() * SCALE)); } void KisTransformWorkerTest::rotate90Left() { const KoColorSpace * cs = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(); QImage image(QString(FILES_DATA_DIR) + QDir::separator() + "transform_rotate_test.png"); KisPaintDeviceSP dev2 = new KisPaintDevice(cs); dev2->convertFromQImage(image, 0); QRect boundRect = dev2->exactBounds(); KisTransaction t(kundo2_noi18n("rotate left 90"), dev2); QRect rc = KisTransformWorker::rotateLeft90(dev2, boundRect, 0, 0); t.end(); QImage result = dev2->convertToQImage(0, rc.x(), rc.y(), image.width(), image.height()); QTransform tf; QImage rotatedimage = image.transformed(tf.rotate(270)); QPoint errpoint; if (!TestUtil::compareQImages(errpoint, rotatedimage, result)) { // They are the same, but should be mirrored image.save("rotate_90_left_test_1_source.png"); rotatedimage.save("rotate_90_left_test_1_rotated_source.png"); result.save("rotate_90_left_test_1_result.png"); QFAIL(QString("Failed to rotate 90 left the image, first different pixel: %1,%2 \n").arg(errpoint.x()).arg(errpoint.y()).toLatin1()); } } void KisTransformWorkerTest::rotate90Right() { const KoColorSpace * cs = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(); QImage image(QString(FILES_DATA_DIR) + QDir::separator() + "transform_rotate_test.png"); KisPaintDeviceSP dev2 = new KisPaintDevice(cs); dev2->convertFromQImage(image, 0); QRect boundRect = dev2->exactBounds(); KisTransaction t(kundo2_noi18n("rotate right 90"), dev2); QRect rc = KisTransformWorker::rotateRight90(dev2, boundRect, 0, 0); t.end(); QTransform tf; QImage rotatedimage = image.transformed(tf.rotate(90)); QImage result = dev2->convertToQImage(0, rc.x(), rc.y(), image.width(), image.height()); QPoint errpoint; if (!TestUtil::compareQImages(errpoint, rotatedimage, result)) { // They are the same, but should be mirrored image.save("rotate_90_right_test_1_source.png"); rotatedimage.save("rotate_90_right_test_1_rotated_source.png"); result.save("rotate_90_right_1_result.png"); QFAIL(QString("Failed to rotate 90 right the image, first different pixel: %1,%2 \n").arg(errpoint.x()).arg(errpoint.y()).toLatin1()); } } void KisTransformWorkerTest::rotate180() { const KoColorSpace * cs = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(); QImage image(QString(FILES_DATA_DIR) + QDir::separator() + "transform_rotate_test.png"); KisPaintDeviceSP dev2 = new KisPaintDevice(cs); dev2->convertFromQImage(image, 0); QRect boundRect = dev2->exactBounds(); KisTransaction t(kundo2_noi18n("rotate 180"), dev2); QRect rc = KisTransformWorker::rotate180(dev2, boundRect, 0, 0); t.end(); QImage result = dev2->convertToQImage(0, rc.x(), rc.y(), image.width(), image.height()); QTransform tf; QImage rotatedimage = image.transformed(tf.rotate(180)); QPoint errpoint; if (!TestUtil::compareQImages(errpoint, rotatedimage, result)) { // They are the same, but should be mirrored image.save("rotate_180_1_source.png"); rotatedimage.save("rotate_180_1_rotated_source.png"); result.save("rotate_180_1_result.png"); QFAIL(QString("Failed to rotate 180 the image, first different pixel: %1,%2 \n").arg(errpoint.x()).arg(errpoint.y()).toLatin1()); } } void generateTestImage(QString inputFileName, qreal scale, qreal rotation, qreal xshear, KisFilterStrategy *filter, bool saveImage = true) { const KoColorSpace * cs = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(); QImage image(QString(FILES_DATA_DIR) + QDir::separator() + inputFileName); KisPaintDeviceSP dev = new KisPaintDevice(cs); dev->convertFromQImage(image, 0); TestUtil::TestProgressBar bar; KoProgressUpdater pu(&bar); KoUpdaterPtr updater = pu.startSubtask(); KisTransformWorker tw(dev, scale, scale, xshear, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, rotation, 0, 0, updater, filter); tw.run(); if (saveImage) { QStringList tmp = inputFileName.split('.'); QString filename = QString("transform_%1_%2_%3_%4_%5_new.png") .arg(tmp[0]).arg(scale).arg(rotation).arg(xshear).arg(filter->name()); dbgKrita << filename; dev->convertToQImage(0).save(filename); } } void KisTransformWorkerTest::benchmarkScale() { QBENCHMARK { generateTestImage("hakonepa.png", 1.379,0.0,0.0,new KisBicubicFilterStrategy(), false); } } void KisTransformWorkerTest::benchmarkRotate() { QBENCHMARK { generateTestImage("hakonepa.png", 1.0,M_PI/6.0,0.0,new KisBicubicFilterStrategy(), false); } } void KisTransformWorkerTest::benchmarkRotate1Q() { QBENCHMARK { generateTestImage("hakonepa.png", 1.0,2 * M_PI/3.0,0.0,new KisBicubicFilterStrategy(), false); } } void KisTransformWorkerTest::benchmarkShear() { QBENCHMARK { generateTestImage("hakonepa.png", 1.0,0.0,0.479,new KisBicubicFilterStrategy(), false); } } void KisTransformWorkerTest::benchmarkScaleRotateShear() { QBENCHMARK { generateTestImage("hakonepa.png", 1.379,M_PI/6.0,0.479,new KisBicubicFilterStrategy(), false); } } void KisTransformWorkerTest::generateTestImages() { QList filters; filters << new KisBoxFilterStrategy(); filters << new KisHermiteFilterStrategy(); filters << new KisBicubicFilterStrategy(); filters << new KisBilinearFilterStrategy(); filters << new KisBellFilterStrategy(); filters << new KisBSplineFilterStrategy(); filters << new KisLanczos3FilterStrategy(); filters << new KisMitchellFilterStrategy(); QStringList names; names << "hakonepa.png"; //names << "star-chart-bars-full-600dpi.png"; Q_FOREACH (const QString &name, names) { Q_FOREACH (KisFilterStrategy *filter, filters) { generateTestImage(name, 0.5,0.0,0.0,filter); generateTestImage(name, 0.734,0.0,0.0,filter); generateTestImage(name, 1.387,0.0,0.0,filter); generateTestImage(name, 2.0,0.0,0.0,filter); generateTestImage(name, 3.789,0.0,0.0,filter); generateTestImage(name, 1.0,M_PI/6,0.0,filter); generateTestImage(name, 1.0,0.0,0.5,filter); } } } #include "kis_perspectivetransform_worker.h" void KisTransformWorkerTest::testPartialProcessing() { TestUtil::TestProgressBar bar; KoProgressUpdater pu(&bar); KoUpdaterPtr updater = pu.startSubtask(); const KoColorSpace * cs = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(); QImage image(TestUtil::fetchDataFileLazy("test_transform_quality.png")); KisPaintDeviceSP dev = new KisPaintDevice(cs); dev->convertFromQImage(image, 0); KisTransaction t(dev); QTransform transform = QTransform::fromScale(2.0, 1.1); transform.shear(1.1, 0); transform.rotateRadians(M_PI / 18); KisPerspectiveTransformWorker tw(0, transform, updater); tw.runPartialDst(dev, dev, QRect(1200, 1200, 150, 150)); tw.runPartialDst(dev, dev, QRect(1350, 1200, 150, 150)); tw.runPartialDst(dev, dev, QRect(1200, 1350, 150, 150)); tw.runPartialDst(dev, dev, QRect(1350, 1350, 150, 150)); t.end(); QImage result = dev->convertToQImage(0); TestUtil::checkQImage(result, "transform_test", "partial", "single"); } QTEST_MAIN(KisTransformWorkerTest) diff --git a/libs/image/tiles3/kis_tile_data_store.cc b/libs/image/tiles3/kis_tile_data_store.cc index 493756b2ec..3cd2d8d94f 100644 --- a/libs/image/tiles3/kis_tile_data_store.cc +++ b/libs/image/tiles3/kis_tile_data_store.cc @@ -1,377 +1,374 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2009 Dmitry Kazakov * Copyright (c) 2018 Andrey Kamakin * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ // to disable assert when the leak tracker is active #include "config-memory-leak-tracker.h" #include #include "kis_tile_data_store.h" #include "kis_tile_data.h" #include "kis_debug.h" #include "kis_tile_data_store_iterators.h" Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(KisTileDataStore, s_instance) //#define DEBUG_PRECLONE #ifdef DEBUG_PRECLONE #include #define DEBUG_PRECLONE_ACTION(action, oldTD, newTD) \ printf("!!! %s:\t\t\t 0x%X -> 0x%X \t\t!!!\n", \ action, (quintptr)oldTD, (quintptr) newTD) #define DEBUG_FREE_ACTION(td) \ printf("Tile data free'd \t(0x%X)\n", td) #else #define DEBUG_PRECLONE_ACTION(action, oldTD, newTD) #define DEBUG_FREE_ACTION(td) #endif #ifdef DEBUG_HIT_MISS qint64 __preclone_miss = 0; qint64 __preclone_hit = 0; qint64 __preclone_miss_user_count = 0; qint64 __preclone_miss_age = 0; #define DEBUG_COUNT_PRECLONE_HIT(td) __preclone_hit++ #define DEBUG_COUNT_PRECLONE_MISS(td) __preclone_miss++; __preclone_miss_user_count+=td->numUsers(); __preclone_miss_age+=td->age() #define DEBUG_REPORT_PRECLONE_EFFICIENCY() \ dbgKrita << "Hits:" << __preclone_hit \ << "of" << __preclone_hit + __preclone_miss \ << "(" \ << qreal(__preclone_hit) / (__preclone_hit + __preclone_miss) \ << ")" \ << "miss users" << qreal(__preclone_miss_user_count) / __preclone_miss \ << "miss age" << qreal(__preclone_miss_age) / __preclone_miss #else #define DEBUG_COUNT_PRECLONE_HIT(td) #define DEBUG_COUNT_PRECLONE_MISS(td) #define DEBUG_REPORT_PRECLONE_EFFICIENCY() #endif KisTileDataStore::KisTileDataStore() : m_pooler(this), m_swapper(this), m_numTiles(0), m_memoryMetric(0), m_counter(1), m_clockIndex(1) { m_pooler.start(); m_swapper.start(); } KisTileDataStore::~KisTileDataStore() { m_pooler.terminatePooler(); m_swapper.terminateSwapper(); if (numTiles() > 0) { errKrita << "Warning: some tiles have leaked:"; errKrita << "\tTiles in memory:" << numTilesInMemory() << "\n" << "\tTotal tiles:" << numTiles(); } } KisTileDataStore* KisTileDataStore::instance() { return s_instance; } KisTileDataStore::MemoryStatistics KisTileDataStore::memoryStatistics() { // in case the pooler is disabled, we should force it // to update the stats if (!m_pooler.isRunning()) { m_pooler.forceUpdateMemoryStats(); } QReadLocker lock(&m_iteratorLock); MemoryStatistics stats; const qint64 metricCoeff = KisTileData::WIDTH * KisTileData::HEIGHT; stats.realMemorySize = m_pooler.lastRealMemoryMetric() * metricCoeff; stats.historicalMemorySize = m_pooler.lastHistoricalMemoryMetric() * metricCoeff; stats.poolSize = m_pooler.lastPoolMemoryMetric() * metricCoeff; stats.totalMemorySize = memoryMetric() * metricCoeff + stats.poolSize; stats.swapSize = m_swappedStore.totalMemoryMetric() * metricCoeff; return stats; } inline void KisTileDataStore::registerTileDataImp(KisTileData *td) { int index = m_counter.fetchAndAddOrdered(1); td->m_tileNumber = index; m_tileDataMap.assign(index, td); m_numTiles.ref(); m_memoryMetric += td->pixelSize(); } void KisTileDataStore::registerTileData(KisTileData *td) { QReadLocker lock(&m_iteratorLock); registerTileDataImp(td); } inline void KisTileDataStore::unregisterTileDataImp(KisTileData *td) { if (m_clockIndex == td->m_tileNumber) { do { m_clockIndex.ref(); } while (!m_tileDataMap.get(m_clockIndex.loadAcquire()) && m_clockIndex < m_counter); } int index = td->m_tileNumber; td->m_tileNumber = -1; m_tileDataMap.erase(index); m_numTiles.deref(); m_memoryMetric -= td->pixelSize(); } void KisTileDataStore::unregisterTileData(KisTileData *td) { QReadLocker lock(&m_iteratorLock); unregisterTileDataImp(td); } KisTileData *KisTileDataStore::allocTileData(qint32 pixelSize, const quint8 *defPixel) { KisTileData *td = new KisTileData(pixelSize, defPixel, this); registerTileData(td); return td; } KisTileData *KisTileDataStore::duplicateTileData(KisTileData *rhs) { KisTileData *td = 0; if (rhs->m_clonesStack.pop(td)) { DEBUG_PRECLONE_ACTION("+ Pre-clone HIT", rhs, td); DEBUG_COUNT_PRECLONE_HIT(rhs); } else { rhs->blockSwapping(); td = new KisTileData(*rhs); rhs->unblockSwapping(); DEBUG_PRECLONE_ACTION("- Pre-clone #MISS#", rhs, td); DEBUG_COUNT_PRECLONE_MISS(rhs); } registerTileData(td); return td; } void KisTileDataStore::freeTileData(KisTileData *td) { Q_ASSERT(td->m_store == this); DEBUG_FREE_ACTION(td); m_iteratorLock.lockForRead(); td->m_swapLock.lockForWrite(); if (!td->data()) { m_swappedStore.forgetTileData(td); } else { unregisterTileDataImp(td); } td->m_swapLock.unlock(); m_iteratorLock.unlock(); delete td; } void KisTileDataStore::ensureTileDataLoaded(KisTileData *td) { // dbgKrita << "#### SWAP MISS! ####" << td << ppVar(td->mementoed()) << ppVar(td->age()) << ppVar(td->numUsers()); checkFreeMemory(); td->m_swapLock.lockForRead(); while (!td->data()) { td->m_swapLock.unlock(); /** * The order of this heavy locking is very important. * Change it only in case, you really know what you are doing. */ m_iteratorLock.lockForWrite(); /** * If someone has managed to load the td from swap, then, most * probably, they have already taken the swap lock. This may * lead to a deadlock, because COW mechanism breaks lock * ordering rules in duplicateTileData() (it takes m_listLock * while the swap lock is held). In our case it is enough just * to check whether the other thread has already fetched the * data. Please notice that we do not take both of the locks * while checking this, because holding m_listLock is * enough. Nothing can happen to the tile while we hold * m_listLock. */ if (!td->data()) { td->m_swapLock.lockForWrite(); m_swappedStore.swapInTileData(td); registerTileDataImp(td); td->m_swapLock.unlock(); } m_iteratorLock.unlock(); /** * <-- In theory, livelock is possible here... */ td->m_swapLock.lockForRead(); } } bool KisTileDataStore::trySwapTileData(KisTileData *td) { /** * This function is called with m_listLock acquired */ bool result = false; if (!td->m_swapLock.tryLockForWrite()) return result; if (td->data()) { - unregisterTileDataImp(td); if (m_swappedStore.trySwapOutTileData(td)) { + unregisterTileDataImp(td); result = true; - } else { - result = false; - registerTileDataImp(td); } } td->m_swapLock.unlock(); return result; } KisTileDataStoreIterator* KisTileDataStore::beginIteration() { m_iteratorLock.lockForWrite(); return new KisTileDataStoreIterator(m_tileDataMap, this); } void KisTileDataStore::endIteration(KisTileDataStoreIterator* iterator) { delete iterator; m_iteratorLock.unlock(); } KisTileDataStoreReverseIterator* KisTileDataStore::beginReverseIteration() { m_iteratorLock.lockForWrite(); return new KisTileDataStoreReverseIterator(m_tileDataMap, this); } void KisTileDataStore::endIteration(KisTileDataStoreReverseIterator* iterator) { delete iterator; m_iteratorLock.unlock(); DEBUG_REPORT_PRECLONE_EFFICIENCY(); } KisTileDataStoreClockIterator* KisTileDataStore::beginClockIteration() { m_iteratorLock.lockForWrite(); return new KisTileDataStoreClockIterator(m_tileDataMap, m_clockIndex.loadAcquire(), this); } void KisTileDataStore::endIteration(KisTileDataStoreClockIterator* iterator) { m_clockIndex = iterator->getFinalPosition(); delete iterator; m_iteratorLock.unlock(); } void KisTileDataStore::debugPrintList() { KisTileDataStoreIterator* iter = beginIteration(); KisTileData *item = 0; while (iter->hasNext()) { item = iter->next(); dbgTiles << "-------------------------\n" << "TileData:\t\t\t" << item << "\n refCount:\t" << item->m_refCount; } endIteration(iter); } void KisTileDataStore::debugSwapAll() { KisTileDataStoreIterator* iter = beginIteration(); KisTileData *item = 0; while (iter->hasNext()) { item = iter->next(); iter->trySwapOut(item); } endIteration(iter); // dbgKrita << "Number of tiles:" << numTiles(); // dbgKrita << "Tiles in memory:" << numTilesInMemory(); // m_swappedStore.debugStatistics(); } void KisTileDataStore::debugClear() { QWriteLocker l(&m_iteratorLock); ConcurrentMap::Iterator iter(m_tileDataMap); while (iter.isValid()) { delete iter.getValue(); iter.next(); } m_counter = 1; m_clockIndex = 1; m_numTiles = 0; m_memoryMetric = 0; } void KisTileDataStore::testingRereadConfig() { m_pooler.testingRereadConfig(); m_swapper.testingRereadConfig(); kickPooler(); } void KisTileDataStore::testingSuspendPooler() { m_pooler.terminatePooler(); } void KisTileDataStore::testingResumePooler() { m_pooler.start(); } diff --git a/libs/libqml/KisSketchView.cpp b/libs/libqml/KisSketchView.cpp index b606964ab7..0910d6ee8f 100644 --- a/libs/libqml/KisSketchView.cpp +++ b/libs/libqml/KisSketchView.cpp @@ -1,676 +1,673 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project * Copyright (C) 2012 Boudewijn Rempt * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KisSketchView.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "KisDocument.h" #include "kis_canvas2.h" #include #include "KisViewManager.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "KisSelectionExtras.h" #include "ProgressProxy.h" #include "DocumentManager.h" class KisSketchView::Private { public: Private( KisSketchView* qq) : q(qq) , actionCollection(0) , doc(0) , viewManager(0) , view(0) , canvas(0) , canvasWidget(0) , selectionExtras(0) , undoAction(0) , redoAction(0) , tabletEventCount(0) { } ~Private() { delete selectionExtras; } void imageUpdated(const QRect &updated); void documentOffsetMoved(); void zoomChanged(); void resetDocumentPosition(); void removeNodeAsync(KisNodeSP removedNode); KisSketchView* q; KActionCollection *actionCollection; QPointer doc; QPointer viewManager; QPointer view; QPointer canvas; KUndo2Stack* undoStack; QWidget *canvasWidget; QString file; KisSelectionExtras *selectionExtras; QTimer *timer; QTimer *loadedTimer; QTimer *savedTimer; QAction* undoAction; QAction* redoAction; unsigned char tabletEventCount; }; KisSketchView::KisSketchView(QQuickItem* parent) : QQuickItem(parent) , d(new Private(this)) { // this is just an interaction overlay, the contents are painted on the sceneview background setFlag(QQuickItem::ItemHasContents, false); // QT5TODO // setAcceptTouchEvents(true); setAcceptedMouseButtons(Qt::LeftButton | Qt::MiddleButton | Qt::RightButton); setAcceptHoverEvents(true); d->actionCollection = new KActionCollection(this, "krita"); d->viewManager = 0; //new KisViewManager(qApp->activeWindow(), d->actionCollection); // QT5TODO // grabGesture(Qt::PanGesture); //grabGesture(Qt::PinchGesture); KoZoomMode::setMinimumZoom(0.1); KoZoomMode::setMaximumZoom(16.0); d->timer = new QTimer(this); d->timer->setSingleShot(true); connect(d->timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(resetDocumentPosition())); d->loadedTimer = new QTimer(this); d->loadedTimer->setSingleShot(true); d->loadedTimer->setInterval(100); connect(d->loadedTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SIGNAL(loadingFinished())); d->savedTimer = new QTimer(this); d->savedTimer->setSingleShot(true); d->savedTimer->setInterval(100); connect(d->savedTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SIGNAL(savingFinished())); connect(DocumentManager::instance(), SIGNAL(aboutToDeleteDocument()), SLOT(documentAboutToBeDeleted())); connect(DocumentManager::instance(), SIGNAL(documentChanged()), SLOT(documentChanged())); connect(DocumentManager::instance()->progressProxy(), SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SIGNAL(progress(int))); connect(DocumentManager::instance(), SIGNAL(documentSaved()), d->savedTimer, SLOT(start())); if (DocumentManager::instance()->document()) { documentChanged(); } } KisSketchView::~KisSketchView() { if (d->doc) { DocumentManager::instance()->closeDocument(); } if (d->canvasWidget) { // QT5TODO // SketchDeclarativeView *v = qobject_cast(scene()->views().at(0)); // if (v) { // v->setCanvasWidget(0); // v->setDrawCanvas(false); // } } delete d; } QObject* KisSketchView::selectionManager() const { if (!d->viewManager) return 0; return d->viewManager->selectionManager(); } QObject* KisSketchView::selectionExtras() const { if (!d->selectionExtras) { d->selectionExtras = new KisSelectionExtras(d->viewManager); } return d->selectionExtras; } QObject* KisSketchView::doc() const { return d->doc; } QObject* KisSketchView::view() const { return d->viewManager; } QString KisSketchView::file() const { return d->file; } QString KisSketchView::fileTitle() const { QFileInfo file(d->file); return file.fileName(); } bool KisSketchView::isModified() const { if(d->doc) return d->doc->isModified(); return false; } void KisSketchView::setFile(const QString& file) { if (!file.isEmpty() && file != d->file) { d->file = file; emit fileChanged(); if (!file.startsWith("temp://")) { DocumentManager::instance()->openDocument(file); } } } void KisSketchView::componentComplete() { } bool KisSketchView::canUndo() const { if (d->undoAction) return d->undoAction->isEnabled(); return false; } bool KisSketchView::canRedo() const { if (d->redoAction) return d->redoAction->isEnabled(); return false; } int KisSketchView::imageHeight() const { if (d->doc) return d->doc->image()->height(); return 0; } int KisSketchView::imageWidth() const { if (d->doc) return d->doc->image()->width(); return 0; } void KisSketchView::undo() { d->undoAction->trigger(); } void KisSketchView::redo() { d->redoAction->trigger(); } void KisSketchView::zoomIn() { d->viewManager->actionCollection()->action("zoom_in")->trigger(); } void KisSketchView::zoomOut() { d->viewManager->actionCollection()->action("zoom_out")->trigger(); } void KisSketchView::save() { DocumentManager::instance()->save(); } void KisSketchView::saveAs(const QString& fileName, const QString& mimeType) { DocumentManager::instance()->saveAs(fileName, mimeType); } void KisSketchView::documentAboutToBeDeleted() { if (d->undoAction) d->undoAction->disconnect(this); if (d->redoAction) d->redoAction->disconnect(this); delete d->view; d->view = 0; emit viewChanged(); d->canvas = 0; d->canvasWidget = 0; } void KisSketchView::documentChanged() { d->doc = DocumentManager::instance()->document(); if (!d->doc) return; if (!d->viewManager) return; connect(d->doc, SIGNAL(modified(bool)), SIGNAL(modifiedChanged())); - QPointer view = qobject_cast(KisPart::instance()->createView(d->doc, - d->viewManager->canvasResourceProvider()->resourceManager(), - d->viewManager->actionCollection(), - QApplication::activeWindow())); + QPointer view = KisPart::instance()->createView(d->doc, d->viewManager, QApplication::activeWindow()); view->setViewManager(d->viewManager); view->canvasBase()->setFavoriteResourceManager(d->viewManager->paintOpBox()->favoriteResourcesManager()); view->slotLoadingFinished(); d->view = view; d->canvas = d->view->canvasBase(); d->view->setShowFloatingMessage(false); d->viewManager->setCurrentView(view); KisCanvasController *controller = static_cast(d->canvas->canvasController()); connect(d->viewManager, SIGNAL(floatingMessageRequested(QString,QString)), this, SIGNAL(floatingMessageRequested(QString,QString))); controller->setGeometry(x(), y(), width(), height()); d->view->hide(); d->undoStack = d->doc->undoStack(); d->undoAction = d->viewManager->actionCollection()->action("edit_undo"); connect(d->undoAction, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SIGNAL(canUndoChanged())); d->redoAction = d->viewManager->actionCollection()->action("edit_redo"); connect(d->redoAction, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SIGNAL(canRedoChanged())); KoToolManager::instance()->switchToolRequested( "KritaShape/KisToolBrush" ); d->canvasWidget = d->canvas->canvasWidget(); connect(d->doc->image(), SIGNAL(sigImageUpdated(QRect)), SLOT(imageUpdated(QRect))); connect(controller->proxyObject, SIGNAL(moveDocumentOffset(QPoint)), SLOT(documentOffsetMoved())); connect(d->view->zoomController(), SIGNAL(zoomChanged(KoZoomMode::Mode,qreal)), SLOT(zoomChanged())); connect(d->canvas, SIGNAL(updateCanvasRequested(QRect)), SLOT(imageUpdated(QRect))); connect(d->doc->image()->signalRouter(), SIGNAL(sigRemoveNodeAsync(KisNodeSP)), SLOT(removeNodeAsync(KisNodeSP))); connect(d->doc->image()->signalRouter(), SIGNAL(sigSizeChanged(QPointF,QPointF)), SIGNAL(imageSizeChanged())); // QT5TODO // if(scene()) { // SketchDeclarativeView *v = qobject_cast(scene()->views().at(0)); // if (v) { // v->setCanvasWidget(d->canvasWidget); // v->setDrawCanvas(true); // } // } d->imageUpdated(d->canvas->image()->bounds()); static_cast(d->canvas->viewConverter())->setResolution(d->doc->image()->xRes(), d->doc->image()->yRes()); d->view->zoomController()->setZoomMode(KoZoomMode::ZOOM_PAGE); controller->setScrollBarValue(QPoint(0, 0)); controller->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); controller->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); geometryChanged(QRectF(x(), y(), width(), height()), QRectF()); d->loadedTimer->start(100); d->viewManager->actionCollection()->action("zoom_to_100pct")->trigger(); d->resetDocumentPosition(); emit viewChanged(); } bool KisSketchView::event( QEvent* event ) { if (!d->viewManager) return false; if (!d->viewManager->canvasBase()) return false; KisCanvasController *controller = dynamic_cast(d->viewManager->canvasBase()->canvasController()); if (!controller) return false; // switch(static_cast(event->type())) { // case ViewModeSwitchEvent::AboutToSwitchViewModeEvent: { // ViewModeSynchronisationObject* syncObject = static_cast(event)->synchronisationObject(); // if (d->view && d->viewManager && d->viewManager->canvasBase()) { // controller->setFocus(); // qApp->processEvents(); // KisCanvasResourceProvider* provider = d->view->resourceProvider(); // syncObject->backgroundColor = provider->bgColor(); // syncObject->foregroundColor = provider->fgColor(); // syncObject->exposure = provider->HDRExposure(); // syncObject->gamma = provider->HDRGamma(); // syncObject->compositeOp = provider->currentCompositeOp(); // syncObject->pattern = provider->currentPattern(); // syncObject->gradient = provider->currentGradient(); // syncObject->node = provider->currentNode(); // syncObject->paintOp = provider->currentPreset(); // syncObject->opacity = provider->opacity(); // syncObject->globalAlphaLock = provider->globalAlphaLock(); // syncObject->documentOffset = controller->scrollBarValue(); // syncObject->zoomLevel = d->view->zoomController()->zoomAction()->effectiveZoom(); // syncObject->rotationAngle = d->view->canvasBase()->rotationAngle(); // syncObject->activeToolId = KoToolManager::instance()->activeToolId(); // syncObject->gridConfig = d->view->document()->gridConfig(); // syncObject->mirrorHorizontal = provider->mirrorHorizontal(); // syncObject->mirrorVertical = provider->mirrorVertical(); // //syncObject->mirrorAxesCenter = provider->resourceManager()->resource(KisCanvasResourceProvider::MirrorAxesCenter).toPointF(); // KisToolFreehand* tool = qobject_cast(KoToolManager::instance()->toolById(d->view->canvasBase(), syncObject->activeToolId)); // if(tool) { // syncObject->smoothingOptions = tool->smoothingOptions(); // } // syncObject->initialized = true; // } // return true; // } // case ViewModeSwitchEvent::SwitchedToSketchModeEvent: { // ViewModeSynchronisationObject* syncObject = static_cast(event)->synchronisationObject(); // if (d->view && syncObject->initialized) { // controller->setFocus(); // qApp->processEvents(); // KisToolFreehand* tool = qobject_cast(KoToolManager::instance()->toolById(d->view->canvasBase(), syncObject->activeToolId)); // if(tool && syncObject->smoothingOptions) { // tool->smoothingOptions()->setSmoothingType(syncObject->smoothingOptions->smoothingType()); // tool->smoothingOptions()->setSmoothPressure(syncObject->smoothingOptions->smoothPressure()); // tool->smoothingOptions()->setTailAggressiveness(syncObject->smoothingOptions->tailAggressiveness()); // tool->smoothingOptions()->setUseScalableDistance(syncObject->smoothingOptions->useScalableDistance()); // tool->smoothingOptions()->setSmoothnessDistance(syncObject->smoothingOptions->smoothnessDistance()); // tool->smoothingOptions()->setUseDelayDistance(syncObject->smoothingOptions->useDelayDistance()); // tool->smoothingOptions()->setDelayDistance(syncObject->smoothingOptions->delayDistance()); // tool->smoothingOptions()->setFinishStabilizedCurve(syncObject->smoothingOptions->finishStabilizedCurve()); // tool->smoothingOptions()->setStabilizeSensors(syncObject->smoothingOptions->stabilizeSensors()); // tool->updateSettingsViews(); // } // KisCanvasResourceProvider* provider = d->view->resourceProvider(); // provider->setMirrorHorizontal(syncObject->mirrorHorizontal); // provider->setMirrorVertical(syncObject->mirrorVertical); // //provider->resourceManager()->setResource(KisCanvasResourceProvider::MirrorAxesCenter, syncObject->mirrorAxesCenter); // provider->setPaintOpPreset(syncObject->paintOp); // qApp->processEvents(); // KoToolManager::instance()->switchToolRequested("InteractionTool"); // qApp->processEvents(); // KoToolManager::instance()->switchToolRequested(syncObject->activeToolId); // qApp->processEvents(); // provider->setBGColor(syncObject->backgroundColor); // provider->setFGColor(syncObject->foregroundColor); // provider->setHDRExposure(syncObject->exposure); // provider->setHDRGamma(syncObject->gamma); // provider->slotPatternActivated(syncObject->pattern); // provider->slotGradientActivated(syncObject->gradient); // provider->slotNodeActivated(syncObject->node); // provider->setOpacity(syncObject->opacity); // provider->setGlobalAlphaLock(syncObject->globalAlphaLock); // provider->setCurrentCompositeOp(syncObject->compositeOp); // d->view->document()->setGridConfig(syncObject->gridConfig); // zoomIn(); // qApp->processEvents(); // d->view->zoomController()->setZoom(KoZoomMode::ZOOM_CONSTANT, syncObject->zoomLevel); // controller->rotateCanvas(syncObject->rotationAngle - d->view->canvasBase()->rotationAngle()); // qApp->processEvents(); // QPoint newOffset = syncObject->documentOffset; // controller->setScrollBarValue(newOffset); // } // return true; // } //#ifdef Q_OS_X11 // if(d->tabletEventCount % 2 == 0) //#endif // d->canvas->globalInputManager()->eventFilter(this, event); // return true; // case QEvent::KeyPress: // case QEvent::KeyRelease: // emit interactionStarted(); // QApplication::sendEvent(d->view, event); // break; // default: // break; // } return QQuickItem::event( event ); } // QT5TODO #if 0 bool KisSketchView::sceneEvent(QEvent* event) { if (d->canvas && d->canvasWidget) { switch(event->type()) { case QEvent::GraphicsSceneMousePress: { QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *gsmevent = static_cast(event); QMouseEvent mevent(QMouseEvent::MouseButtonPress, gsmevent->pos().toPoint(), gsmevent->button(), gsmevent->buttons(), gsmevent->modifiers()); QApplication::sendEvent(d->canvasWidget, &mevent); emit interactionStarted(); return true; } case QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseMove: { QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *gsmevent = static_cast(event); QMouseEvent mevent(QMouseEvent::MouseMove, gsmevent->pos().toPoint(), gsmevent->button(), gsmevent->buttons(), gsmevent->modifiers()); QApplication::sendEvent(d->canvasWidget, &mevent); update(); emit interactionStarted(); return true; } case QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseRelease: { QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *gsmevent = static_cast(event); QMouseEvent mevent(QMouseEvent::MouseButtonRelease, gsmevent->pos().toPoint(), gsmevent->button(), gsmevent->buttons(), gsmevent->modifiers()); QApplication::sendEvent(d->canvasWidget, &mevent); emit interactionStarted(); return true; } case QEvent::GraphicsSceneWheel: { QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent *gswevent = static_cast(event); QWheelEvent wevent(gswevent->pos().toPoint(), gswevent->delta(), gswevent->buttons(), gswevent->modifiers(), gswevent->orientation()); QApplication::sendEvent(d->canvasWidget, &wevent); emit interactionStarted(); return true; } case QEvent::GraphicsSceneHoverEnter: { QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *hevent = static_cast(event); QHoverEvent e(QEvent::Enter, hevent->screenPos(), hevent->lastScreenPos()); QApplication::sendEvent(d->canvasWidget, &e); return true; } case QEvent::GraphicsSceneHoverLeave: { QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *hevent = static_cast(event); QHoverEvent e(QEvent::Leave, hevent->screenPos(), hevent->lastScreenPos()); QApplication::sendEvent(d->canvasWidget, &e); return true; } case QEvent::TouchBegin: { QApplication::sendEvent(d->canvasWidget, event); event->accept(); emit interactionStarted(); return true; } case QEvent::TabletPress: case QEvent::TabletMove: case QEvent::TabletRelease: d->canvas->globalInputManager()->stopIgnoringEvents(); QApplication::sendEvent(d->canvasWidget, event); return true; default: if (QApplication::sendEvent(d->canvasWidget, event)) { emit interactionStarted(); return true; } } } return QQuickItem::sceneEvent(event); } #endif void KisSketchView::geometryChanged(const QRectF& newGeometry, const QRectF& oldGeometry) { if (d->canvasWidget && !newGeometry.isEmpty()) { d->view->resize(newGeometry.toRect().size()); // If we don't ask for this event to be sent, the view does not actually handle // the resize, and we're stuck with a very oddly sized viewport QResizeEvent *event = new QResizeEvent(newGeometry.toRect().size(), d->view->size()); QApplication::sendEvent(d->view, event); // This is a touch on the hackish side - i'm sure there's a better way of doing it // but it's taking a long time to work it out. Problem: When switching orientation, // the canvas is rendered wrong, in what looks like an off-by-one ish kind of fashion. if (oldGeometry.height() == oldGeometry.width() && oldGeometry.height() == newGeometry.width()) { // in this case, we've just rotated the display... do something useful! // Turns out we get /two/ resize events per rotation, one one per setting each height and width. // So we can't just check it normally. Annoying, but there you go. QTimer::singleShot(100, this, SLOT(centerDoc())); QTimer::singleShot(150, this, SLOT(zoomOut())); } if (oldGeometry.height() == oldGeometry.width() && oldGeometry.width() == newGeometry.height()) { // in this case, we've just rotated the display... do something useful! // Turns out we get /two/ resize events per rotation, one one per setting each height and width. // So we can't just check it normally. Annoying, but there you go. QTimer::singleShot(100, this, SLOT(centerDoc())); QTimer::singleShot(150, this, SLOT(zoomOut())); } } } void KisSketchView::centerDoc() { d->viewManager->zoomController()->setZoom(KoZoomMode::ZOOM_PAGE, 1.0); } void KisSketchView::Private::imageUpdated(const QRect &/*updated*/) { // QT5TODO // if (q->scene()) { // q->scene()->views().at(0)->update(updated); // q->scene()->invalidate( 0, 0, q->width(), q->height() ); // } } void KisSketchView::Private::documentOffsetMoved() { // QT5TODO // if (q->scene()) { // q->scene()->views().at(0)->update(); // q->scene()->invalidate( 0, 0, q->width(), q->height() ); // } } void KisSketchView::Private::resetDocumentPosition() { viewManager->zoomController()->setZoomMode(KoZoomMode::ZOOM_PAGE); QPoint pos; KisCanvasController *controller = dynamic_cast(viewManager->canvasBase()->canvasController()); if (!controller) return; QScrollBar *sb = controller->horizontalScrollBar(); pos.rx() = sb->minimum() + (sb->maximum() - sb->minimum()) / 2; sb = controller->verticalScrollBar(); pos.ry() = sb->minimum() + (sb->maximum() - sb->minimum()) / 2; controller->setScrollBarValue(pos); } void KisSketchView::Private::removeNodeAsync(KisNodeSP removedNode) { if (removedNode) { imageUpdated(removedNode->extent()); } } void KisSketchView::Private::zoomChanged() { // QT5TODO // if (q->scene()) { // q->scene()->views().at(0)->update(); // q->scene()->invalidate( 0, 0, q->width(), q->height() ); // } } void KisSketchView::activate() { if (d->canvasWidget != d->canvas->canvasWidget()) { d->canvasWidget = d->canvas->canvasWidget(); // QT5TODO // SketchDeclarativeView *v = qobject_cast(scene()->views().at(0)); // if (v) { // v->setCanvasWidget(d->canvasWidget); // v->setDrawCanvas(true); // } } d->canvasWidget->setFocus(); Q_ASSERT(d->viewManager); KisCanvasController *controller = dynamic_cast(d->viewManager->canvasBase()->canvasController()); Q_ASSERT(controller); controller->activate(); } // for private slots #include "moc_KisSketchView.cpp" diff --git a/libs/pigment/resources/KoColorSet.cpp b/libs/pigment/resources/KoColorSet.cpp index aa80c8dc3e..e7f9ab0f18 100644 --- a/libs/pigment/resources/KoColorSet.cpp +++ b/libs/pigment/resources/KoColorSet.cpp @@ -1,1657 +1,1655 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (c) 2005 Boudewijn Rempt Copyright (c) 2016 L. E. Segovia This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // qFromLittleEndian #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "KisSwatch.h" #include "KoColorSet.h" #include "KoColorSet_p.h" namespace { /** * readAllLinesSafe() reads all the lines in the byte array * using the automated UTF8 and CR/LF transformations. That * might be necessary for opening GPL palettes created on Linux * in Windows environment. */ QStringList readAllLinesSafe(QByteArray *data) { QStringList lines; QBuffer buffer(data); buffer.open(QBuffer::ReadOnly); QTextStream stream(&buffer); QString line; while (stream.readLineInto(&line)) { lines << line; } return lines; } } const QString KoColorSet::GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME = QString(); const QString KoColorSet::KPL_VERSION_ATTR = "version"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_GROUP_ROW_COUNT_ATTR = "rows"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_PALETTE_COLUMN_COUNT_ATTR = "columns"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_PALETTE_NAME_ATTR = "name"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_PALETTE_COMMENT_ATTR = "comment"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_PALETTE_FILENAME_ATTR = "filename"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_PALETTE_READONLY_ATTR = "readonly"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_COLOR_MODEL_ID_ATTR = "colorModelId"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_COLOR_DEPTH_ID_ATTR = "colorDepthId"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_GROUP_NAME_ATTR = "name"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_SWATCH_ROW_ATTR = "row"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_SWATCH_COL_ATTR = "column"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_SWATCH_NAME_ATTR = "name"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_SWATCH_ID_ATTR = "id"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_SWATCH_SPOT_ATTR = "spot"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_SWATCH_BITDEPTH_ATTR = "bitdepth"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_PALETTE_PROFILE_TAG = "Profile"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_SWATCH_POS_TAG = "Position"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_SWATCH_TAG = "ColorSetEntry"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_GROUP_TAG = "Group"; const QString KoColorSet::KPL_PALETTE_TAG = "ColorSet"; const int MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_COLUMNS = 4096; KoColorSet::KoColorSet(const QString& filename) : KoResource(filename) , d(new Private(this)) { if (!filename.isEmpty()) { QFileInfo f(filename); setIsEditable(f.isWritable()); } } /// Create an copied palette KoColorSet::KoColorSet(const KoColorSet& rhs) : QObject(0) , KoResource(rhs) , d(new Private(this)) { d->paletteType = rhs.d->paletteType; d->data = rhs.d->data; d->comment = rhs.d->comment; d->groupNames = rhs.d->groupNames; d->groups = rhs.d->groups; d->isGlobal = rhs.d->isGlobal; d->isEditable = rhs.d->isEditable; } KoColorSet::~KoColorSet() { } bool KoColorSet::load() { QFile file(filename()); if (file.size() == 0) return false; if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { warnPigment << "Can't open file " << filename(); return false; } bool res = loadFromDevice(&file); file.close(); if (!QFileInfo(filename()).isWritable()) { setIsEditable(false); } return res; } bool KoColorSet::loadFromDevice(QIODevice *dev) { if (!dev->isOpen()) dev->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); d->data = dev->readAll(); Q_ASSERT(d->data.size() != 0); return d->init(); } bool KoColorSet::save() { if (d->isGlobal) { // save to resource dir QFile file(filename()); if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate)) { return false; } saveToDevice(&file); file.close(); return true; } else { return true; // palette is not global, but still indicate that it's saved } } bool KoColorSet::saveToDevice(QIODevice *dev) const { bool res; switch(d->paletteType) { case GPL: res = d->saveGpl(dev); break; default: res = d->saveKpl(dev); } if (res) { KoResource::saveToDevice(dev); } return res; } QByteArray KoColorSet::toByteArray() const { QBuffer s; s.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); if (!saveToDevice(&s)) { warnPigment << "saving palette failed:" << name(); return QByteArray(); } s.close(); s.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QByteArray res = s.readAll(); s.close(); return res; } bool KoColorSet::fromByteArray(QByteArray &data) { QBuffer buf(&data); buf.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); return loadFromDevice(&buf); } KoColorSet::PaletteType KoColorSet::paletteType() const { return d->paletteType; } void KoColorSet::setPaletteType(PaletteType paletteType) { d->paletteType = paletteType; QString suffix; switch(d->paletteType) { case GPL: suffix = ".gpl"; break; case ACT: suffix = ".act"; break; case RIFF_PAL: case PSP_PAL: suffix = ".pal"; break; case ACO: suffix = ".aco"; break; case XML: suffix = ".xml"; break; case KPL: suffix = ".kpl"; break; case SBZ: suffix = ".sbz"; break; default: suffix = defaultFileExtension(); } QStringList fileName = filename().split("."); fileName.last() = suffix.replace(".", ""); setFilename(fileName.join(".")); } quint32 KoColorSet::colorCount() const { int colorCount = 0; for (KisSwatchGroup &g : d->groups.values()) { colorCount += g.colorCount(); } return colorCount; } void KoColorSet::add(const KisSwatch &c, const QString &groupName) { KisSwatchGroup &modifiedGroup = d->groups.contains(groupName) ? d->groups[groupName] : d->global(); modifiedGroup.addEntry(c); } void KoColorSet::setEntry(const KisSwatch &e, int x, int y, const QString &groupName) { KisSwatchGroup &modifiedGroup = d->groups.contains(groupName) ? d->groups[groupName] : d->global(); modifiedGroup.setEntry(e, x, y); } void KoColorSet::clear() { d->groups.clear(); d->groupNames.clear(); d->groups[GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME] = KisSwatchGroup(); d->groupNames.append(GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME); } KisSwatch KoColorSet::getColorGlobal(quint32 x, quint32 y) const { int yInGroup = y; KisSwatch e; QString nameGroupFoundIn; for (const QString &groupName : d->groupNames) { if (yInGroup < d->groups[groupName].rowCount()) { nameGroupFoundIn = groupName; break; } else { yInGroup -= d->groups[groupName].rowCount(); } } KisSwatchGroup &groupFoundIn = d->global(); if (nameGroupFoundIn != GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME) { groupFoundIn = d->groups[nameGroupFoundIn]; } if (groupFoundIn.checkEntry(x, yInGroup)) { e = groupFoundIn.getEntry(x, yInGroup); } return e; } KisSwatch KoColorSet::getColorGroup(quint32 x, quint32 y, QString groupName) { KisSwatch e; const KisSwatchGroup &sourceGroup = groupName == QString() ? d->global() : d->groups[groupName]; if (sourceGroup.checkEntry(x, y)) { e = sourceGroup.getEntry(x, y); } return e; } QStringList KoColorSet::getGroupNames() { if (d->groupNames.size() != d->groups.size()) { warnPigment << "mismatch between groups and the groupnames list."; return QStringList(d->groups.keys()); } return d->groupNames; } bool KoColorSet::changeGroupName(const QString &oldGroupName, const QString &newGroupName) { if (!d->groups.contains(oldGroupName)) { return false; } if (oldGroupName == newGroupName) { return true; } d->groups[newGroupName] = d->groups[oldGroupName]; d->groups.remove(oldGroupName); d->groups[newGroupName].setName(newGroupName); //rename the string in the stringlist; int index = d->groupNames.indexOf(oldGroupName); d->groupNames.replace(index, newGroupName); return true; } void KoColorSet::setColumnCount(int columns) { d->groups[GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME].setColumnCount(columns); for (KisSwatchGroup &g : d->groups.values()) { g.setColumnCount(columns); } } int KoColorSet::columnCount() const { return d->groups[GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME].columnCount(); } QString KoColorSet::comment() { return d->comment; } void KoColorSet::setComment(QString comment) { d->comment = comment; } bool KoColorSet::addGroup(const QString &groupName) { if (d->groups.contains(groupName) || d->groupNames.contains(groupName)) { return false; } d->groupNames.append(groupName); d->groups[groupName] = KisSwatchGroup(); d->groups[groupName].setName(groupName); return true; } bool KoColorSet::moveGroup(const QString &groupName, const QString &groupNameInsertBefore) { if (d->groupNames.contains(groupName)==false || d->groupNames.contains(groupNameInsertBefore)==false) { return false; } if (groupNameInsertBefore != GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME && groupName != GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME) { d->groupNames.removeAt(d->groupNames.indexOf(groupName)); int index = d->groupNames.indexOf(groupNameInsertBefore); d->groupNames.insert(index, groupName); } return true; } bool KoColorSet::removeGroup(const QString &groupName, bool keepColors) { if (!d->groups.contains(groupName)) { return false; } if (groupName == GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME) { return false; } if (keepColors) { // put all colors directly below global int startingRow = d->groups[GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME].rowCount(); for (const KisSwatchGroup::SwatchInfo &info : d->groups[groupName].infoList()) { d->groups[GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME].setEntry(info.swatch, info.column, info.row + startingRow); } } d->groupNames.removeAt(d->groupNames.indexOf(groupName)); d->groups.remove(groupName); return true; } QString KoColorSet::defaultFileExtension() const { return QString(".kpl"); } int KoColorSet::rowCount() const { int res = 0; for (const QString &name : d->groupNames) { res += d->groups[name].rowCount(); } return res; } KisSwatchGroup *KoColorSet::getGroup(const QString &name) { if (!d->groups.contains(name)) { return 0; } return &(d->groups[name]); } KisSwatchGroup *KoColorSet::getGlobalGroup() { return getGroup(GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME); } bool KoColorSet::isGlobal() const { return d->isGlobal; } void KoColorSet::setIsGlobal(bool isGlobal) { d->isGlobal = isGlobal; } bool KoColorSet::isEditable() const { return d->isEditable; } void KoColorSet::setIsEditable(bool isEditable) { d->isEditable = isEditable; } KisSwatchGroup::SwatchInfo KoColorSet::getClosestColorInfo(KoColor compare, bool useGivenColorSpace) { KisSwatchGroup::SwatchInfo res; quint8 highestPercentage = 0; quint8 testPercentage = 0; for (const QString &groupName : getGroupNames()) { KisSwatchGroup *group = getGroup(groupName); for (const KisSwatchGroup::SwatchInfo &currInfo : group->infoList()) { KoColor color = currInfo.swatch.color(); if (useGivenColorSpace == true && compare.colorSpace() != color.colorSpace()) { color.convertTo(compare.colorSpace()); } else if (compare.colorSpace() != color.colorSpace()) { compare.convertTo(color.colorSpace()); } testPercentage = (255 - compare.colorSpace()->difference(compare.data(), color.data())); if (testPercentage > highestPercentage) { highestPercentage = testPercentage; res = currInfo; } } } return res; } /********************************KoColorSet::Private**************************/ KoColorSet::Private::Private(KoColorSet *a_colorSet) : colorSet(a_colorSet) - , isGlobal(true) - , isEditable(false) { groups[KoColorSet::GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME] = KisSwatchGroup(); groupNames.append(KoColorSet::GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME); } KoColorSet::PaletteType KoColorSet::Private::detectFormat(const QString &fileName, const QByteArray &ba) { QFileInfo fi(fileName); // .pal if (ba.startsWith("RIFF") && ba.indexOf("PAL data", 8)) { return KoColorSet::RIFF_PAL; } // .gpl else if (ba.startsWith("GIMP Palette")) { return KoColorSet::GPL; } // .pal else if (ba.startsWith("JASC-PAL")) { return KoColorSet::PSP_PAL; } else if (fi.suffix().toLower() == "aco") { return KoColorSet::ACO; } else if (fi.suffix().toLower() == "act") { return KoColorSet::ACT; } else if (fi.suffix().toLower() == "xml") { return KoColorSet::XML; } else if (fi.suffix().toLower() == "kpl") { return KoColorSet::KPL; } else if (fi.suffix().toLower() == "sbz") { return KoColorSet::SBZ; } return KoColorSet::UNKNOWN; } void KoColorSet::Private::scribusParseColor(KoColorSet *set, QXmlStreamReader *xml) { KisSwatch colorEntry; // It's a color, retrieve it QXmlStreamAttributes colorProperties = xml->attributes(); QStringRef colorName = colorProperties.value("NAME"); colorEntry.setName(colorName.isEmpty() || colorName.isNull() ? i18n("Untitled") : colorName.toString()); // RGB or CMYK? if (colorProperties.hasAttribute("RGB")) { dbgPigment << "Color " << colorProperties.value("NAME") << ", RGB " << colorProperties.value("RGB"); KoColor currentColor(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8()); QStringRef colorValue = colorProperties.value("RGB"); if (colorValue.length() != 7 && colorValue.at(0) != '#') { // Color is a hexadecimal number xml->raiseError("Invalid rgb8 color (malformed): " + colorValue); return; } else { bool rgbOk; quint32 rgb = colorValue.mid(1).toUInt(&rgbOk, 16); if (!rgbOk) { xml->raiseError("Invalid rgb8 color (unable to convert): " + colorValue); return; } quint8 r = rgb >> 16 & 0xff; quint8 g = rgb >> 8 & 0xff; quint8 b = rgb & 0xff; dbgPigment << "Color parsed: "<< r << g << b; currentColor.data()[0] = r; currentColor.data()[1] = g; currentColor.data()[2] = b; currentColor.setOpacity(OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8); colorEntry.setColor(currentColor); set->add(colorEntry); while(xml->readNextStartElement()) { //ignore - these are all unknown or the /> element tag xml->skipCurrentElement(); } return; } } else if (colorProperties.hasAttribute("CMYK")) { dbgPigment << "Color " << colorProperties.value("NAME") << ", CMYK " << colorProperties.value("CMYK"); KoColor currentColor(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(CMYKAColorModelID.id(), Integer8BitsColorDepthID.id(), QString())); QStringRef colorValue = colorProperties.value("CMYK"); if (colorValue.length() != 9 && colorValue.at(0) != '#') { // Color is a hexadecimal number xml->raiseError("Invalid cmyk color (malformed): " % colorValue); return; } else { bool cmykOk; quint32 cmyk = colorValue.mid(1).toUInt(&cmykOk, 16); // cmyk uses the full 32 bits if (!cmykOk) { xml->raiseError("Invalid cmyk color (unable to convert): " % colorValue); return; } quint8 c = cmyk >> 24 & 0xff; quint8 m = cmyk >> 16 & 0xff; quint8 y = cmyk >> 8 & 0xff; quint8 k = cmyk & 0xff; dbgPigment << "Color parsed: "<< c << m << y << k; currentColor.data()[0] = c; currentColor.data()[1] = m; currentColor.data()[2] = y; currentColor.data()[3] = k; currentColor.setOpacity(OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8); colorEntry.setColor(currentColor); set->add(colorEntry); while(xml->readNextStartElement()) { //ignore - these are all unknown or the /> element tag xml->skipCurrentElement(); } return; } } else { xml->raiseError("Unknown color space for color " + colorEntry.name()); } } bool KoColorSet::Private::loadScribusXmlPalette(KoColorSet *set, QXmlStreamReader *xml) { //1. Get name QXmlStreamAttributes paletteProperties = xml->attributes(); QStringRef paletteName = paletteProperties.value("Name"); dbgPigment << "Processed name of palette:" << paletteName; set->setName(paletteName.toString()); //2. Inside the SCRIBUSCOLORS, there are lots of colors. Retrieve them while(xml->readNextStartElement()) { QStringRef currentElement = xml->name(); if(QStringRef::compare(currentElement, "COLOR", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { scribusParseColor(set, xml); } else { xml->skipCurrentElement(); } } if(xml->hasError()) { return false; } return true; } quint16 KoColorSet::Private::readShort(QIODevice *io) { quint16 val; quint64 read = io->read((char*)&val, 2); if (read != 2) return false; return qFromBigEndian(val); } bool KoColorSet::Private::init() { // just in case this is a reload (eg by KoEditColorSetDialog), groupNames.clear(); groups.clear(); groupNames.append(KoColorSet::GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME); groups[KoColorSet::GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME] = KisSwatchGroup(); if (colorSet->filename().isNull()) { warnPigment << "Cannot load palette" << colorSet->name() << "there is no filename set"; return false; } if (data.isNull()) { QFile file(colorSet->filename()); if (file.size() == 0) { warnPigment << "Cannot load palette" << colorSet->name() << "there is no data available"; return false; } file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); data = file.readAll(); file.close(); } bool res = false; paletteType = detectFormat(colorSet->filename(), data); switch(paletteType) { case GPL: res = loadGpl(); break; case ACT: res = loadAct(); break; case RIFF_PAL: res = loadRiff(); break; case PSP_PAL: res = loadPsp(); break; case ACO: res = loadAco(); break; case XML: res = loadXml(); break; case KPL: res = loadKpl(); break; case SBZ: res = loadSbz(); break; default: res = false; } colorSet->setValid(res); QImage img(global().columnCount() * 4, global().rowCount() * 4, QImage::Format_ARGB32); QPainter gc(&img); gc.fillRect(img.rect(), Qt::darkGray); for (const KisSwatchGroup::SwatchInfo &info : global().infoList()) { QColor c = info.swatch.color().toQColor(); gc.fillRect(info.column * 4, info.row * 4, 4, 4, c); } colorSet->setImage(img); colorSet->setValid(res); data.clear(); return res; } bool KoColorSet::Private::saveGpl(QIODevice *dev) const { Q_ASSERT(dev->isOpen()); Q_ASSERT(dev->isWritable()); QTextStream stream(dev); stream << "GIMP Palette\nName: " << colorSet->name() << "\nColumns: " << colorSet->columnCount() << "\n#\n"; /* * Qt doesn't provide an interface to get a const reference to a QHash, that is * the underlying data structure of groups. Therefore, directly use * groups[KoColorSet::GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME] so that saveGpl can stay const */ for (int y = 0; y < groups[KoColorSet::GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME].rowCount(); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < colorSet->columnCount(); x++) { if (!groups[KoColorSet::GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME].checkEntry(x, y)) { continue; } const KisSwatch& entry = groups[KoColorSet::GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME].getEntry(x, y); QColor c = entry.color().toQColor(); stream << c.red() << " " << c.green() << " " << c.blue() << "\t"; if (entry.name().isEmpty()) stream << "Untitled\n"; else stream << entry.name() << "\n"; } } return true; } bool KoColorSet::Private::loadGpl() { if (data.isEmpty() || data.isNull() || data.length() < 50) { warnPigment << "Illegal Gimp palette file: " << colorSet->filename(); return false; } quint32 index = 0; QStringList lines = readAllLinesSafe(&data); if (lines.size() < 3) { warnPigment << "Not enough lines in palette file: " << colorSet->filename(); return false; } QString columnsText; qint32 r, g, b; KisSwatch e; // Read name if (!lines[0].startsWith("GIMP") || !lines[1].toLower().contains("name")) { warnPigment << "Illegal Gimp palette file: " << colorSet->filename(); return false; } colorSet->setName(i18n(lines[1].split(":")[1].trimmed().toLatin1())); index = 2; // Read columns int columns = 0; if (lines[index].toLower().contains("columns")) { columnsText = lines[index].split(":")[1].trimmed(); columns = columnsText.toInt(); if (columns > MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_COLUMNS) { warnPigment << "Refusing to set unreasonable number of columns (" << columns << ") in GIMP Palette file " << colorSet->filename() << " - using maximum number of allowed columns instead"; global().setColumnCount(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_COLUMNS); } else { global().setColumnCount(columns); } index = 3; } for (qint32 i = index; i < lines.size(); i++) { if (lines[i].startsWith('#')) { comment += lines[i].mid(1).trimmed() + ' '; } else if (!lines[i].isEmpty()) { QStringList a = lines[i].replace('\t', ' ').split(' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (a.count() < 3) { continue; } r = qBound(0, a[0].toInt(), 255); g = qBound(0, a[1].toInt(), 255); b = qBound(0, a[2].toInt(), 255); e.setColor(KoColor(QColor(r, g, b), KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8())); for (int i = 0; i != 3; i++) { a.pop_front(); } QString name = a.join(" "); - e.setName(name.isEmpty() ? i18n("Untitled") : name); + e.setName(name.isEmpty() || name == "Untitled" ? i18n("Untitled") : name); global().addEntry(e); } } int rowCount = global().colorCount()/ global().columnCount(); if (global().colorCount() % global().columnCount()>0) { rowCount ++; } global().setRowCount(rowCount); return true; } bool KoColorSet::Private::loadAct() { QFileInfo info(colorSet->filename()); colorSet->setName(info.completeBaseName()); KisSwatch e; for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i += 3) { quint8 r = data[i]; quint8 g = data[i+1]; quint8 b = data[i+2]; e.setColor(KoColor(QColor(r, g, b), KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8())); global().addEntry(e); } return true; } bool KoColorSet::Private::loadRiff() { // http://worms2d.info/Palette_file QFileInfo info(colorSet->filename()); colorSet->setName(info.completeBaseName()); KisSwatch e; RiffHeader header; memcpy(&header, data.constData(), sizeof(RiffHeader)); header.colorcount = qFromBigEndian(header.colorcount); for (int i = sizeof(RiffHeader); (i < (int)(sizeof(RiffHeader) + header.colorcount) && i < data.size()); i += 4) { quint8 r = data[i]; quint8 g = data[i+1]; quint8 b = data[i+2]; e.setColor(KoColor(QColor(r, g, b), KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8())); groups[KoColorSet::GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME].addEntry(e); } return true; } bool KoColorSet::Private::loadPsp() { QFileInfo info(colorSet->filename()); colorSet->setName(info.completeBaseName()); KisSwatch e; qint32 r, g, b; QStringList l = readAllLinesSafe(&data); if (l.size() < 4) return false; if (l[0] != "JASC-PAL") return false; if (l[1] != "0100") return false; int entries = l[2].toInt(); for (int i = 0; i < entries; ++i) { QStringList a = l[i + 3].replace('\t', ' ').split(' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (a.count() != 3) { continue; } r = qBound(0, a[0].toInt(), 255); g = qBound(0, a[1].toInt(), 255); b = qBound(0, a[2].toInt(), 255); e.setColor(KoColor(QColor(r, g, b), KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8())); QString name = a.join(" "); e.setName(name.isEmpty() ? i18n("Untitled") : name); groups[KoColorSet::GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME].addEntry(e); } return true; } bool KoColorSet::Private::loadKpl() { QBuffer buf(&data); buf.open(QBuffer::ReadOnly); QScopedPointer store(KoStore::createStore(&buf, KoStore::Read, "krita/x-colorset", KoStore::Zip)); if (!store || store->bad()) { return false; } if (store->hasFile("profiles.xml")) { if (!store->open("profiles.xml")) { return false; } QByteArray data; data.resize(store->size()); QByteArray ba = store->read(store->size()); store->close(); QDomDocument doc; doc.setContent(ba); QDomElement e = doc.documentElement(); QDomElement c = e.firstChildElement(KPL_PALETTE_PROFILE_TAG); while (!c.isNull()) { QString name = c.attribute(KPL_PALETTE_NAME_ATTR); QString filename = c.attribute(KPL_PALETTE_FILENAME_ATTR); QString colorModelId = c.attribute(KPL_COLOR_MODEL_ID_ATTR); QString colorDepthId = c.attribute(KPL_COLOR_DEPTH_ID_ATTR); if (!KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->profileByName(name)) { store->open(filename); QByteArray data; data.resize(store->size()); data = store->read(store->size()); store->close(); const KoColorProfile *profile = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->createColorProfile(colorModelId, colorDepthId, data); if (profile && profile->valid()) { KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->addProfile(profile); } } c = c.nextSiblingElement(); } } { if (!store->open("colorset.xml")) { return false; } QByteArray data; data.resize(store->size()); QByteArray ba = store->read(store->size()); store->close(); int desiredColumnCount; QDomDocument doc; doc.setContent(ba); QDomElement e = doc.documentElement(); colorSet->setName(e.attribute(KPL_PALETTE_NAME_ATTR)); colorSet->setIsEditable(e.attribute(KPL_PALETTE_READONLY_ATTR) != "true"); comment = e.attribute(KPL_PALETTE_COMMENT_ATTR); desiredColumnCount = e.attribute(KPL_PALETTE_COLUMN_COUNT_ATTR).toInt(); if (desiredColumnCount > MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_COLUMNS) { warnPigment << "Refusing to set unreasonable number of columns (" << desiredColumnCount << ") in KPL palette file " << colorSet->filename() << " - setting maximum allowed column count instead."; colorSet->setColumnCount(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_COLUMNS); } else { colorSet->setColumnCount(desiredColumnCount); } loadKplGroup(doc, e, colorSet->getGlobalGroup()); QDomElement g = e.firstChildElement(KPL_GROUP_TAG); while (!g.isNull()) { QString groupName = g.attribute(KPL_GROUP_NAME_ATTR); colorSet->addGroup(groupName); loadKplGroup(doc, g, colorSet->getGroup(groupName)); g = g.nextSiblingElement(KPL_GROUP_TAG); } } buf.close(); return true; } bool KoColorSet::Private::loadAco() { QFileInfo info(colorSet->filename()); colorSet->setName(info.completeBaseName()); QBuffer buf(&data); buf.open(QBuffer::ReadOnly); quint16 version = readShort(&buf); quint16 numColors = readShort(&buf); KisSwatch e; if (version == 1 && buf.size() > 4+numColors*10) { buf.seek(4+numColors*10); version = readShort(&buf); numColors = readShort(&buf); } const quint16 quint16_MAX = 65535; for (int i = 0; i < numColors && !buf.atEnd(); ++i) { quint16 colorSpace = readShort(&buf); quint16 ch1 = readShort(&buf); quint16 ch2 = readShort(&buf); quint16 ch3 = readShort(&buf); quint16 ch4 = readShort(&buf); bool skip = false; if (colorSpace == 0) { // RGB const KoColorProfile *srgb = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8()->profile(); KoColor c(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb16(srgb)); reinterpret_cast(c.data())[0] = ch3; reinterpret_cast(c.data())[1] = ch2; reinterpret_cast(c.data())[2] = ch1; c.setOpacity(OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8); e.setColor(c); } else if (colorSpace == 1) { // HSB QColor qc; qc.setHsvF(ch1 / 65536.0, ch2 / 65536.0, ch3 / 65536.0); KoColor c(qc, KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb16()); c.setOpacity(OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8); e.setColor(c); } else if (colorSpace == 2) { // CMYK KoColor c(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(CMYKAColorModelID.id(), Integer16BitsColorDepthID.id(), QString())); reinterpret_cast(c.data())[0] = quint16_MAX - ch1; reinterpret_cast(c.data())[1] = quint16_MAX - ch2; reinterpret_cast(c.data())[2] = quint16_MAX - ch3; reinterpret_cast(c.data())[3] = quint16_MAX - ch4; c.setOpacity(OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8); e.setColor(c); } else if (colorSpace == 7) { // LAB KoColor c = KoColor(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->lab16()); reinterpret_cast(c.data())[0] = ch3; reinterpret_cast(c.data())[1] = ch2; reinterpret_cast(c.data())[2] = ch1; c.setOpacity(OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8); e.setColor(c); } else if (colorSpace == 8) { // GRAY KoColor c(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(GrayAColorModelID.id(), Integer16BitsColorDepthID.id(), QString())); reinterpret_cast(c.data())[0] = ch1 * (quint16_MAX / 10000); c.setOpacity(OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8); e.setColor(c); } else { warnPigment << "Unsupported colorspace in palette" << colorSet->filename() << "(" << colorSpace << ")"; skip = true; } if (version == 2) { quint16 v2 = readShort(&buf); //this isn't a version, it's a marker and needs to be skipped. Q_UNUSED(v2); quint16 size = readShort(&buf) -1; //then comes the length if (size>0) { QByteArray ba = buf.read(size*2); if (ba.size() == size*2) { QTextCodec *Utf16Codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-16BE"); e.setName(Utf16Codec->toUnicode(ba)); } else { warnPigment << "Version 2 name block is the wrong size" << colorSet->filename(); } } v2 = readShort(&buf); //end marker also needs to be skipped. Q_UNUSED(v2); } if (!skip) { groups[KoColorSet::GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME].addEntry(e); } } return true; } bool KoColorSet::Private::loadSbz() { QBuffer buf(&data); buf.open(QBuffer::ReadOnly); // &buf is a subclass of QIODevice QScopedPointer store(KoStore::createStore(&buf, KoStore::Read, "application/x-swatchbook", KoStore::Zip)); if (!store || store->bad()) return false; if (store->hasFile("swatchbook.xml")) { // Try opening... if (!store->open("swatchbook.xml")) { return false; } QByteArray data; data.resize(store->size()); QByteArray ba = store->read(store->size()); store->close(); dbgPigment << "XML palette: " << colorSet->filename() << ", SwatchBooker format"; QDomDocument doc; int errorLine, errorColumn; QString errorMessage; bool status = doc.setContent(ba, &errorMessage, &errorLine, &errorColumn); if (!status) { warnPigment << "Illegal XML palette:" << colorSet->filename(); warnPigment << "Error (line" << errorLine << ", column" << errorColumn << "):" << errorMessage; return false; } QDomElement e = doc.documentElement(); // SwatchBook // Start reading properties... QDomElement metadata = e.firstChildElement("metadata"); if (e.isNull()) { warnPigment << "Palette metadata not found"; return false; } QDomElement title = metadata.firstChildElement("dc:title"); QString colorName = title.text(); colorName = colorName.isEmpty() ? i18n("Untitled") : colorName; colorSet->setName(colorName); dbgPigment << "Processed name of palette:" << colorSet->name(); // End reading properties // Now read colors... QDomElement materials = e.firstChildElement("materials"); if (materials.isNull()) { warnPigment << "Materials (color definitions) not found"; return false; } // This one has lots of "color" elements QDomElement colorElement = materials.firstChildElement("color"); if (colorElement.isNull()) { warnPigment << "Color definitions not found (line" << materials.lineNumber() << ", column" << materials.columnNumber() << ")"; return false; } // Also read the swatch book... QDomElement book = e.firstChildElement("book"); if (book.isNull()) { warnPigment << "Palette book (swatch composition) not found (line" << e.lineNumber() << ", column" << e.columnNumber() << ")"; return false; } // Which has lots of "swatch"es (todo: support groups) QDomElement swatch = book.firstChildElement(); if (swatch.isNull()) { warnPigment << "Swatches/groups definition not found (line" << book.lineNumber() << ", column" << book.columnNumber() << ")"; return false; } // We'll store colors here, and as we process swatches // we'll add them to the palette QHash materialsBook; QHash fileColorSpaces; // Color processing for(; !colorElement.isNull(); colorElement = colorElement.nextSiblingElement("color")) { KisSwatch currentEntry; // Set if color is spot currentEntry.setSpotColor(colorElement.attribute("usage") == "spot"); // inside contains id and name // one or more define the color QDomElement currentColorMetadata = colorElement.firstChildElement("metadata"); QDomNodeList currentColorValues = colorElement.elementsByTagName("values"); // Get color name QDomElement colorTitle = currentColorMetadata.firstChildElement("dc:title"); QDomElement colorId = currentColorMetadata.firstChildElement("dc:identifier"); // Is there an id? (we need that at the very least for identifying a color) if (colorId.text().isEmpty()) { warnPigment << "Unidentified color (line" << colorId.lineNumber()<< ", column" << colorId.columnNumber() << ")"; return false; } if (materialsBook.contains(colorId.text())) { warnPigment << "Duplicated color definition (line" << colorId.lineNumber()<< ", column" << colorId.columnNumber() << ")"; return false; } // Get a valid color name currentEntry.setId(colorId.text()); currentEntry.setName(colorTitle.text().isEmpty() ? colorId.text() : colorTitle.text()); // Get a valid color definition if (currentColorValues.isEmpty()) { warnPigment << "Color definitions not found (line" << colorElement.lineNumber() << ", column" << colorElement.columnNumber() << ")"; return false; } bool firstDefinition = false; const KoColorProfile *srgb = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8()->profile(); // Priority: Lab, otherwise the first definition found for(int j = 0; j < currentColorValues.size(); j++) { QDomNode colorValue = currentColorValues.at(j); QDomElement colorValueE = colorValue.toElement(); QString model = colorValueE.attribute("model", QString()); // sRGB,RGB,HSV,HSL,CMY,CMYK,nCLR: 0 -> 1 // YIQ: Y 0 -> 1 : IQ -0.5 -> 0.5 // Lab: L 0 -> 100 : ab -128 -> 127 // XYZ: 0 -> ~100 if (model == "Lab") { QStringList lab = colorValueE.text().split(" "); if (lab.length() != 3) { warnPigment << "Invalid Lab color definition (line" << colorValueE.lineNumber() << ", column" << colorValueE.columnNumber() << ")"; } float l = lab.at(0).toFloat(&status); float a = lab.at(1).toFloat(&status); float b = lab.at(2).toFloat(&status); if (!status) { warnPigment << "Invalid float definition (line" << colorValueE.lineNumber() << ", column" << colorValueE.columnNumber() << ")"; } KoColor c(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(LABAColorModelID.id(), Float32BitsColorDepthID.id(), QString())); reinterpret_cast(c.data())[0] = l; reinterpret_cast(c.data())[1] = a; reinterpret_cast(c.data())[2] = b; c.setOpacity(OPACITY_OPAQUE_F); firstDefinition = true; currentEntry.setColor(c); break; // Immediately add this one } else if (model == "sRGB" && !firstDefinition) { QStringList rgb = colorValueE.text().split(" "); if (rgb.length() != 3) { warnPigment << "Invalid sRGB color definition (line" << colorValueE.lineNumber() << ", column" << colorValueE.columnNumber() << ")"; } float r = rgb.at(0).toFloat(&status); float g = rgb.at(1).toFloat(&status); float b = rgb.at(2).toFloat(&status); if (!status) { warnPigment << "Invalid float definition (line" << colorValueE.lineNumber() << ", column" << colorValueE.columnNumber() << ")"; } KoColor c(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(RGBAColorModelID.id(), Float32BitsColorDepthID.id(), srgb)); reinterpret_cast(c.data())[0] = r; reinterpret_cast(c.data())[1] = g; reinterpret_cast(c.data())[2] = b; c.setOpacity(OPACITY_OPAQUE_F); currentEntry.setColor(c); firstDefinition = true; } else if (model == "XYZ" && !firstDefinition) { QStringList xyz = colorValueE.text().split(" "); if (xyz.length() != 3) { warnPigment << "Invalid XYZ color definition (line" << colorValueE.lineNumber() << ", column" << colorValueE.columnNumber() << ")"; } float x = xyz.at(0).toFloat(&status); float y = xyz.at(1).toFloat(&status); float z = xyz.at(2).toFloat(&status); if (!status) { warnPigment << "Invalid float definition (line" << colorValueE.lineNumber() << ", column" << colorValueE.columnNumber() << ")"; } KoColor c(KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(XYZAColorModelID.id(), Float32BitsColorDepthID.id(), QString())); reinterpret_cast(c.data())[0] = x; reinterpret_cast(c.data())[1] = y; reinterpret_cast(c.data())[2] = z; c.setOpacity(OPACITY_OPAQUE_F); currentEntry.setColor(c); firstDefinition = true; } // The following color spaces admit an ICC profile (in SwatchBooker) else if (model == "CMYK" && !firstDefinition) { QStringList cmyk = colorValueE.text().split(" "); if (cmyk.length() != 4) { warnPigment << "Invalid CMYK color definition (line" << colorValueE.lineNumber() << ", column" << colorValueE.columnNumber() << ")"; } float c = cmyk.at(0).toFloat(&status); float m = cmyk.at(1).toFloat(&status); float y = cmyk.at(2).toFloat(&status); float k = cmyk.at(3).toFloat(&status); if (!status) { warnPigment << "Invalid float definition (line" << colorValueE.lineNumber() << ", column" << colorValueE.columnNumber() << ")"; } QString space = colorValueE.attribute("space"); const KoColorSpace *colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(CMYKAColorModelID.id(), Float32BitsColorDepthID.id(), QString()); if (!space.isEmpty()) { // Try loading the profile and add it to the registry if (!fileColorSpaces.contains(space)) { store->enterDirectory("profiles"); store->open(space); QByteArray data; data.resize(store->size()); data = store->read(store->size()); store->close(); const KoColorProfile *profile = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->createColorProfile(CMYKAColorModelID.id(), Float32BitsColorDepthID.id(), data); if (profile && profile->valid()) { KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->addProfile(profile); colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(CMYKAColorModelID.id(), Float32BitsColorDepthID.id(), profile); fileColorSpaces.insert(space, colorSpace); } } else { colorSpace = fileColorSpaces.value(space); } } KoColor color(colorSpace); reinterpret_cast(color.data())[0] = c; reinterpret_cast(color.data())[1] = m; reinterpret_cast(color.data())[2] = y; reinterpret_cast(color.data())[3] = k; color.setOpacity(OPACITY_OPAQUE_F); currentEntry.setColor(color); firstDefinition = true; } else if (model == "GRAY" && !firstDefinition) { QString gray = colorValueE.text(); float g = gray.toFloat(&status); if (!status) { warnPigment << "Invalid float definition (line" << colorValueE.lineNumber() << ", column" << colorValueE.columnNumber() << ")"; } QString space = colorValueE.attribute("space"); const KoColorSpace *colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(GrayAColorModelID.id(), Float32BitsColorDepthID.id(), QString()); if (!space.isEmpty()) { // Try loading the profile and add it to the registry if (!fileColorSpaces.contains(space)) { store->enterDirectory("profiles"); store->open(space); QByteArray data; data.resize(store->size()); data = store->read(store->size()); store->close(); const KoColorProfile *profile = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->createColorProfile(CMYKAColorModelID.id(), Float32BitsColorDepthID.id(), data); if (profile && profile->valid()) { KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->addProfile(profile); colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(CMYKAColorModelID.id(), Float32BitsColorDepthID.id(), profile); fileColorSpaces.insert(space, colorSpace); } } else { colorSpace = fileColorSpaces.value(space); } } KoColor c(colorSpace); reinterpret_cast(c.data())[0] = g; c.setOpacity(OPACITY_OPAQUE_F); currentEntry.setColor(c); firstDefinition = true; } else if (model == "RGB" && !firstDefinition) { QStringList rgb = colorValueE.text().split(" "); if (rgb.length() != 3) { warnPigment << "Invalid RGB color definition (line" << colorValueE.lineNumber() << ", column" << colorValueE.columnNumber() << ")"; } float r = rgb.at(0).toFloat(&status); float g = rgb.at(1).toFloat(&status); float b = rgb.at(2).toFloat(&status); if (!status) { warnPigment << "Invalid float definition (line" << colorValueE.lineNumber() << ", column" << colorValueE.columnNumber() << ")"; } QString space = colorValueE.attribute("space"); const KoColorSpace *colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(RGBAColorModelID.id(), Float32BitsColorDepthID.id(), srgb); if (!space.isEmpty()) { // Try loading the profile and add it to the registry if (!fileColorSpaces.contains(space)) { store->enterDirectory("profiles"); store->open(space); QByteArray data; data.resize(store->size()); data = store->read(store->size()); store->close(); const KoColorProfile *profile = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->createColorProfile(RGBAColorModelID.id(), Float32BitsColorDepthID.id(), data); if (profile && profile->valid()) { KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->addProfile(profile); colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(RGBAColorModelID.id(), Float32BitsColorDepthID.id(), profile); fileColorSpaces.insert(space, colorSpace); } } else { colorSpace = fileColorSpaces.value(space); } } KoColor c(colorSpace); reinterpret_cast(c.data())[0] = r; reinterpret_cast(c.data())[1] = g; reinterpret_cast(c.data())[2] = b; c.setOpacity(OPACITY_OPAQUE_F); currentEntry.setColor(c); firstDefinition = true; } else { warnPigment << "Color space not implemented:" << model << "(line" << colorValueE.lineNumber() << ", column "<< colorValueE.columnNumber() << ")"; } } if (firstDefinition) { materialsBook.insert(currentEntry.id(), currentEntry); } else { warnPigment << "No supported color spaces for the current color (line" << colorElement.lineNumber() << ", column "<< colorElement.columnNumber() << ")"; return false; } } // End colors // Now decide which ones will go into the palette for(;!swatch.isNull(); swatch = swatch.nextSiblingElement()) { QString type = swatch.tagName(); if (type.isEmpty() || type.isNull()) { warnPigment << "Invalid swatch/group definition (no id) (line" << swatch.lineNumber() << ", column" << swatch.columnNumber() << ")"; return false; } else if (type == "swatch") { QString id = swatch.attribute("material"); if (id.isEmpty() || id.isNull()) { warnPigment << "Invalid swatch definition (no material id) (line" << swatch.lineNumber() << ", column" << swatch.columnNumber() << ")"; return false; } if (materialsBook.contains(id)) { groups[KoColorSet::GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME].addEntry(materialsBook.value(id)); } else { warnPigment << "Invalid swatch definition (material not found) (line" << swatch.lineNumber() << ", column" << swatch.columnNumber() << ")"; return false; } } else if (type == "group") { QDomElement groupMetadata = swatch.firstChildElement("metadata"); if (groupMetadata.isNull()) { warnPigment << "Invalid group definition (missing metadata) (line" << groupMetadata.lineNumber() << ", column" << groupMetadata.columnNumber() << ")"; return false; } QDomElement groupTitle = metadata.firstChildElement("dc:title"); if (groupTitle.isNull()) { warnPigment << "Invalid group definition (missing title) (line" << groupTitle.lineNumber() << ", column" << groupTitle.columnNumber() << ")"; return false; } QString currentGroupName = groupTitle.text(); QDomElement groupSwatch = swatch.firstChildElement("swatch"); while(!groupSwatch.isNull()) { QString id = groupSwatch.attribute("material"); if (id.isEmpty() || id.isNull()) { warnPigment << "Invalid swatch definition (no material id) (line" << groupSwatch.lineNumber() << ", column" << groupSwatch.columnNumber() << ")"; return false; } if (materialsBook.contains(id)) { groups[currentGroupName].addEntry(materialsBook.value(id)); } else { warnPigment << "Invalid swatch definition (material not found) (line" << groupSwatch.lineNumber() << ", column" << groupSwatch.columnNumber() << ")"; return false; } groupSwatch = groupSwatch.nextSiblingElement("swatch"); } } } // End palette } buf.close(); return true; } bool KoColorSet::Private::loadXml() { bool res = false; QXmlStreamReader *xml = new QXmlStreamReader(data); if (xml->readNextStartElement()) { QStringRef paletteId = xml->name(); if (QStringRef::compare(paletteId, "SCRIBUSCOLORS", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { // Scribus dbgPigment << "XML palette: " << colorSet->filename() << ", Scribus format"; res = loadScribusXmlPalette(colorSet, xml); } else { // Unknown XML format xml->raiseError("Unknown XML palette format. Expected SCRIBUSCOLORS, found " + paletteId); } } // If there is any error (it should be returned through the stream) if (xml->hasError() || !res) { warnPigment << "Illegal XML palette:" << colorSet->filename(); warnPigment << "Error (line"<< xml->lineNumber() << ", column" << xml->columnNumber() << "):" << xml->errorString(); return false; } else { dbgPigment << "XML palette parsed successfully:" << colorSet->filename(); return true; } } bool KoColorSet::Private::saveKpl(QIODevice *dev) const { QScopedPointer store(KoStore::createStore(dev, KoStore::Write, "krita/x-colorset", KoStore::Zip)); if (!store || store->bad()) return false; QSet colorSpaces; { QDomDocument doc; QDomElement root = doc.createElement(KPL_PALETTE_TAG); root.setAttribute(KPL_VERSION_ATTR, "1.0"); root.setAttribute(KPL_PALETTE_NAME_ATTR, colorSet->name()); root.setAttribute(KPL_PALETTE_COMMENT_ATTR, comment); root.setAttribute(KPL_PALETTE_READONLY_ATTR, (colorSet->isEditable() || !colorSet->isGlobal()) ? "false" : "true"); root.setAttribute(KPL_PALETTE_COLUMN_COUNT_ATTR, colorSet->columnCount()); root.setAttribute(KPL_GROUP_ROW_COUNT_ATTR, groups[KoColorSet::GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME].rowCount()); saveKplGroup(doc, root, colorSet->getGroup(KoColorSet::GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME), colorSpaces); for (const QString &groupName : groupNames) { if (groupName == KoColorSet::GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME) { continue; } QDomElement gl = doc.createElement(KPL_GROUP_TAG); gl.setAttribute(KPL_GROUP_NAME_ATTR, groupName); root.appendChild(gl); saveKplGroup(doc, gl, colorSet->getGroup(groupName), colorSpaces); } doc.appendChild(root); if (!store->open("colorset.xml")) { return false; } QByteArray ba = doc.toByteArray(); if (store->write(ba) != ba.size()) { return false; } if (!store->close()) { return false; } } QDomDocument doc; QDomElement profileElement = doc.createElement("Profiles"); for (const KoColorSpace *colorSpace : colorSpaces) { QString fn = QFileInfo(colorSpace->profile()->fileName()).fileName(); if (!store->open(fn)) { return false; } QByteArray profileRawData = colorSpace->profile()->rawData(); if (!store->write(profileRawData)) { return false; } if (!store->close()) { return false; } QDomElement el = doc.createElement(KPL_PALETTE_PROFILE_TAG); el.setAttribute(KPL_PALETTE_FILENAME_ATTR, fn); el.setAttribute(KPL_PALETTE_NAME_ATTR, colorSpace->profile()->name()); el.setAttribute(KPL_COLOR_MODEL_ID_ATTR, colorSpace->colorModelId().id()); el.setAttribute(KPL_COLOR_DEPTH_ID_ATTR, colorSpace->colorDepthId().id()); profileElement.appendChild(el); } doc.appendChild(profileElement); if (!store->open("profiles.xml")) { return false; } QByteArray ba = doc.toByteArray(); if (store->write(ba) != ba.size()) { return false; } if (!store->close()) { return false; } return store->finalize(); } void KoColorSet::Private::saveKplGroup(QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &groupEle, const KisSwatchGroup *group, QSet &colorSetSet) const { groupEle.setAttribute(KPL_GROUP_ROW_COUNT_ATTR, QString::number(group->rowCount())); for (const SwatchInfoType &info : group->infoList()) { const KoColorProfile *profile = info.swatch.color().colorSpace()->profile(); // Only save non-builtin profiles.= if (!profile->fileName().isEmpty()) { colorSetSet.insert(info.swatch.color().colorSpace()); } QDomElement swatchEle = doc.createElement(KPL_SWATCH_TAG); swatchEle.setAttribute(KPL_SWATCH_NAME_ATTR, info.swatch.name()); swatchEle.setAttribute(KPL_SWATCH_ID_ATTR, info.swatch.id()); swatchEle.setAttribute(KPL_SWATCH_SPOT_ATTR, info.swatch.spotColor() ? "true" : "false"); swatchEle.setAttribute(KPL_SWATCH_BITDEPTH_ATTR, info.swatch.color().colorSpace()->colorDepthId().id()); info.swatch.color().toXML(doc, swatchEle); QDomElement positionEle = doc.createElement(KPL_SWATCH_POS_TAG); positionEle.setAttribute(KPL_SWATCH_ROW_ATTR, info.row); positionEle.setAttribute(KPL_SWATCH_COL_ATTR, info.column); swatchEle.appendChild(positionEle); groupEle.appendChild(swatchEle); } } void KoColorSet::Private::loadKplGroup(const QDomDocument &doc, const QDomElement &parentEle, KisSwatchGroup *group) { Q_UNUSED(doc); if (!parentEle.attribute(KPL_GROUP_ROW_COUNT_ATTR).isNull()) { group->setRowCount(parentEle.attribute(KPL_GROUP_ROW_COUNT_ATTR).toInt()); } group->setColumnCount(colorSet->columnCount()); for (QDomElement swatchEle = parentEle.firstChildElement(KPL_SWATCH_TAG); !swatchEle.isNull(); swatchEle = swatchEle.nextSiblingElement(KPL_SWATCH_TAG)) { QString colorDepthId = swatchEle.attribute(KPL_SWATCH_BITDEPTH_ATTR, Integer8BitsColorDepthID.id()); KisSwatch entry; entry.setColor(KoColor::fromXML(swatchEle.firstChildElement(), colorDepthId)); entry.setName(swatchEle.attribute(KPL_SWATCH_NAME_ATTR)); entry.setId(swatchEle.attribute(KPL_SWATCH_ID_ATTR)); entry.setSpotColor(swatchEle.attribute(KPL_SWATCH_SPOT_ATTR, "false") == "true" ? true : false); QDomElement positionEle = swatchEle.firstChildElement(KPL_SWATCH_POS_TAG); if (!positionEle.isNull()) { int rowNumber = positionEle.attribute(KPL_SWATCH_ROW_ATTR).toInt(); int columnNumber = positionEle.attribute(KPL_SWATCH_COL_ATTR).toInt(); if (columnNumber < 0 || columnNumber >= colorSet->columnCount() || rowNumber < 0 ) { warnPigment << "Swatch" << entry.name() << "of palette" << colorSet->name() << "has invalid position."; continue; } group->setEntry(entry, columnNumber, rowNumber); } else { group->addEntry(entry); } } if (parentEle.attribute(KPL_GROUP_ROW_COUNT_ATTR).isNull() && group->colorCount() > 0 && group->columnCount() > 0 && (group->colorCount() / (group->columnCount()) + 1) < 20) { group->setRowCount((group->colorCount() / group->columnCount()) + 1); } } diff --git a/libs/pigment/resources/KoColorSet_p.h b/libs/pigment/resources/KoColorSet_p.h index 3659d88aef..625cc38b17 100644 --- a/libs/pigment/resources/KoColorSet_p.h +++ b/libs/pigment/resources/KoColorSet_p.h @@ -1,74 +1,74 @@ #ifndef KOCOLORSET_P_H #define KOCOLORSET_P_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "KoColorSet.h" struct RiffHeader { quint32 riff; quint32 size; quint32 signature; quint32 data; quint32 datasize; quint16 version; quint16 colorcount; }; class KoColorSet::Private { private: typedef KisSwatchGroup::SwatchInfo SwatchInfoType; public: Private(KoColorSet *a_colorSet); public: KisSwatchGroup &global() { Q_ASSERT(groups.contains(GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME)); return groups[GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME]; } public: bool init(); bool saveGpl(QIODevice *dev) const; bool loadGpl(); bool loadAct(); bool loadRiff(); bool loadPsp(); bool loadAco(); bool loadXml(); bool loadSbz(); bool saveKpl(QIODevice *dev) const; bool loadKpl(); public: - KoColorSet *colorSet; + KoColorSet *colorSet {0}; KoColorSet::PaletteType paletteType; QByteArray data; QString comment; QStringList groupNames; //names of the groups, this is used to determine the order they are in. QHash groups; //grouped colors. - bool isGlobal; - bool isEditable; + bool isGlobal {true}; + bool isEditable {false}; private: KoColorSet::PaletteType detectFormat(const QString &fileName, const QByteArray &ba); void scribusParseColor(KoColorSet *set, QXmlStreamReader *xml); bool loadScribusXmlPalette(KoColorSet *set, QXmlStreamReader *xml); quint16 readShort(QIODevice *io); void saveKplGroup(QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &groupEle, const KisSwatchGroup *group, QSet &colorSetSet) const; void loadKplGroup(const QDomDocument &doc, const QDomElement &parentElement, KisSwatchGroup *group); }; #endif // KOCOLORSET_P_H diff --git a/libs/ui/CMakeLists.txt b/libs/ui/CMakeLists.txt index 31c9abcc14..6672b39c16 100644 --- a/libs/ui/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/libs/ui/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,626 +1,627 @@ include_directories( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/qtlockedfile ) include_directories(SYSTEM ${EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR} ${OCIO_INCLUDE_DIR} ) if (ANDROID) add_definitions(-DQT_OPENGL_ES_3) add_definitions(-DHAS_ONLY_OPENGL_ES) endif() add_subdirectory( tests ) if (APPLE) find_library(FOUNDATION_LIBRARY Foundation) find_library(APPKIT_LIBRARY AppKit) endif () set(kritaui_LIB_SRCS canvas/kis_canvas_widget_base.cpp canvas/kis_canvas2.cpp canvas/kis_canvas_updates_compressor.cpp canvas/kis_canvas_controller.cpp - canvas/kis_paintop_transformation_connector.cpp canvas/kis_display_color_converter.cpp canvas/kis_display_filter.cpp canvas/kis_exposure_gamma_correction_interface.cpp canvas/kis_tool_proxy.cpp canvas/kis_canvas_decoration.cc canvas/kis_coordinates_converter.cpp canvas/kis_grid_manager.cpp canvas/kis_grid_decoration.cpp canvas/kis_grid_config.cpp canvas/kis_prescaled_projection.cpp canvas/kis_qpainter_canvas.cpp canvas/kis_projection_backend.cpp canvas/kis_update_info.cpp canvas/kis_image_patch.cpp canvas/kis_image_pyramid.cpp canvas/kis_infinity_manager.cpp canvas/kis_change_guides_command.cpp canvas/kis_guides_decoration.cpp canvas/kis_guides_manager.cpp canvas/kis_guides_config.cpp canvas/kis_snap_config.cpp canvas/kis_snap_line_strategy.cpp canvas/KisSnapPointStrategy.cpp canvas/KisSnapPixelStrategy.cpp canvas/KisMirrorAxisConfig.cpp dialogs/kis_about_application.cpp dialogs/kis_dlg_adj_layer_props.cc dialogs/kis_dlg_adjustment_layer.cc dialogs/kis_dlg_filter.cpp dialogs/kis_dlg_generator_layer.cpp dialogs/kis_dlg_file_layer.cpp dialogs/kis_dlg_filter.cpp dialogs/kis_dlg_stroke_selection_properties.cpp dialogs/kis_dlg_image_properties.cc dialogs/kis_dlg_layer_properties.cc dialogs/kis_dlg_preferences.cc dialogs/slider_and_spin_box_sync.cpp dialogs/kis_dlg_blacklist_cleanup.cpp dialogs/kis_dlg_layer_style.cpp dialogs/kis_dlg_png_import.cpp dialogs/kis_dlg_import_image_sequence.cpp dialogs/kis_delayed_save_dialog.cpp dialogs/KisSessionManagerDialog.cpp dialogs/KisNewWindowLayoutDialog.cpp dialogs/KisDlgChangeCloneSource.cpp flake/kis_node_dummies_graph.cpp flake/kis_dummies_facade_base.cpp flake/kis_dummies_facade.cpp flake/kis_node_shapes_graph.cpp flake/kis_node_shape.cpp flake/kis_shape_controller.cpp flake/kis_shape_layer.cc flake/kis_shape_layer_canvas.cpp flake/kis_shape_selection.cpp flake/kis_shape_selection_canvas.cpp flake/kis_shape_selection_model.cpp flake/kis_take_all_shapes_command.cpp brushhud/kis_uniform_paintop_property_widget.cpp brushhud/kis_brush_hud.cpp brushhud/kis_round_hud_button.cpp brushhud/kis_dlg_brush_hud_config.cpp brushhud/kis_brush_hud_properties_list.cpp brushhud/kis_brush_hud_properties_config.cpp kis_aspect_ratio_locker.cpp kis_autogradient.cc kis_bookmarked_configurations_editor.cc kis_bookmarked_configurations_model.cc kis_bookmarked_filter_configurations_model.cc KisPaintopPropertiesBase.cpp kis_canvas_resource_provider.cpp kis_derived_resources.cpp kis_categories_mapper.cpp kis_categorized_list_model.cpp kis_categorized_item_delegate.cpp kis_clipboard.cc kis_config.cc KisOcioConfiguration.cpp kis_control_frame.cpp kis_composite_ops_model.cc kis_paint_ops_model.cpp kis_cursor.cc kis_cursor_cache.cpp kis_custom_pattern.cc kis_file_layer.cpp kis_change_file_layer_command.h kis_safe_document_loader.cpp kis_splash_screen.cpp kis_filter_manager.cc kis_filters_model.cc KisImageBarrierLockerWithFeedback.cpp kis_image_manager.cc kis_image_view_converter.cpp kis_import_catcher.cc kis_layer_manager.cc kis_mask_manager.cc kis_mimedata.cpp kis_node_commands_adapter.cpp kis_node_manager.cpp kis_node_juggler_compressed.cpp kis_node_selection_adapter.cpp kis_node_insertion_adapter.cpp KisNodeDisplayModeAdapter.cpp kis_node_model.cpp kis_node_filter_proxy_model.cpp kis_model_index_converter_base.cpp kis_model_index_converter.cpp kis_model_index_converter_show_all.cpp kis_painting_assistant.cc kis_painting_assistants_decoration.cpp KisDecorationsManager.cpp kis_paintop_box.cc kis_paintop_option.cpp kis_paintop_options_model.cpp kis_paintop_settings_widget.cpp kis_popup_palette.cpp kis_png_converter.cpp kis_preference_set_registry.cpp KisResourceServerProvider.cpp KisResourceBundleServerProvider.cpp KisSelectedShapesProxy.cpp kis_selection_decoration.cc kis_selection_manager.cc KisSelectionActionsAdapter.cpp kis_statusbar.cc kis_zoom_manager.cc kis_favorite_resource_manager.cpp kis_workspace_resource.cpp kis_action.cpp kis_action_manager.cpp KisActionPlugin.cpp kis_canvas_controls_manager.cpp kis_tooltip_manager.cpp kis_multinode_property.cpp kis_stopgradient_editor.cpp KisWelcomePageWidget.cpp KisChangeCloneLayersCommand.cpp kisexiv2/kis_exif_io.cpp kisexiv2/kis_exiv2.cpp kisexiv2/kis_iptc_io.cpp kisexiv2/kis_xmp_io.cpp opengl/kis_opengl.cpp opengl/kis_opengl_canvas2.cpp opengl/kis_opengl_canvas_debugger.cpp opengl/kis_opengl_image_textures.cpp opengl/kis_texture_tile.cpp opengl/kis_opengl_shader_loader.cpp opengl/kis_texture_tile_info_pool.cpp opengl/KisOpenGLUpdateInfoBuilder.cpp opengl/KisOpenGLModeProber.cpp opengl/KisScreenInformationAdapter.cpp kis_fps_decoration.cpp tool/KisToolChangesTracker.cpp tool/KisToolChangesTrackerData.cpp tool/kis_selection_tool_helper.cpp tool/kis_selection_tool_config_widget_helper.cpp tool/kis_rectangle_constraint_widget.cpp tool/kis_shape_tool_helper.cpp tool/kis_tool.cc tool/kis_delegated_tool_policies.cpp tool/kis_tool_freehand.cc tool/kis_speed_smoother.cpp tool/kis_painting_information_builder.cpp tool/kis_stabilized_events_sampler.cpp tool/kis_tool_freehand_helper.cpp tool/kis_tool_multihand_helper.cpp tool/kis_figure_painting_tool_helper.cpp + tool/KisAsyncronousStrokeUpdateHelper.cpp tool/kis_tool_paint.cc tool/kis_tool_shape.cc tool/kis_tool_ellipse_base.cpp tool/kis_tool_rectangle_base.cpp tool/kis_tool_polyline_base.cpp tool/kis_tool_utils.cpp tool/kis_resources_snapshot.cpp tool/kis_smoothing_options.cpp tool/KisStabilizerDelayedPaintHelper.cpp tool/KisStrokeSpeedMonitor.cpp tool/strokes/freehand_stroke.cpp tool/strokes/KisStrokeEfficiencyMeasurer.cpp tool/strokes/kis_painter_based_stroke_strategy.cpp tool/strokes/kis_filter_stroke_strategy.cpp tool/strokes/kis_color_picker_stroke_strategy.cpp tool/strokes/KisFreehandStrokeInfo.cpp tool/strokes/KisMaskedFreehandStrokePainter.cpp tool/strokes/KisMaskingBrushRenderer.cpp tool/strokes/KisMaskingBrushCompositeOpFactory.cpp tool/strokes/move_stroke_strategy.cpp tool/KisSelectionToolFactoryBase.cpp tool/KisToolPaintFactoryBase.cpp widgets/kis_cmb_composite.cc widgets/kis_cmb_contour.cpp widgets/kis_cmb_gradient.cpp widgets/kis_paintop_list_widget.cpp widgets/kis_cmb_idlist.cc widgets/kis_color_space_selector.cc widgets/kis_advanced_color_space_selector.cc widgets/kis_cie_tongue_widget.cpp widgets/kis_tone_curve_widget.cpp widgets/kis_curve_widget.cpp widgets/kis_custom_image_widget.cc widgets/kis_image_from_clipboard_widget.cpp widgets/kis_double_widget.cc widgets/kis_filter_selector_widget.cc widgets/kis_gradient_chooser.cc widgets/kis_iconwidget.cc widgets/kis_mask_widgets.cpp widgets/kis_meta_data_merge_strategy_chooser_widget.cc widgets/kis_multi_bool_filter_widget.cc widgets/kis_multi_double_filter_widget.cc widgets/kis_multi_integer_filter_widget.cc widgets/kis_multipliers_double_slider_spinbox.cpp widgets/kis_paintop_presets_popup.cpp widgets/kis_tool_options_popup.cpp widgets/kis_paintop_presets_chooser_popup.cpp widgets/kis_paintop_presets_save.cpp widgets/kis_paintop_preset_icon_library.cpp widgets/kis_pattern_chooser.cc widgets/kis_preset_chooser.cpp widgets/kis_progress_widget.cpp widgets/kis_selection_options.cc widgets/kis_scratch_pad.cpp widgets/kis_scratch_pad_event_filter.cpp widgets/kis_preset_selector_strip.cpp widgets/kis_slider_spin_box.cpp widgets/KisSelectionPropertySlider.cpp widgets/kis_size_group.cpp widgets/kis_size_group_p.cpp widgets/kis_wdg_generator.cpp widgets/kis_workspace_chooser.cpp widgets/kis_categorized_list_view.cpp widgets/kis_widget_chooser.cpp widgets/kis_tool_button.cpp widgets/kis_floating_message.cpp widgets/kis_lod_availability_widget.cpp widgets/kis_color_label_selector_widget.cpp widgets/kis_color_filter_combo.cpp widgets/kis_elided_label.cpp widgets/kis_stopgradient_slider_widget.cpp widgets/kis_preset_live_preview_view.cpp widgets/KisScreenColorPicker.cpp widgets/KoDualColorButton.cpp widgets/KoStrokeConfigWidget.cpp widgets/KoFillConfigWidget.cpp widgets/KisLayerStyleAngleSelector.cpp widgets/KisMemoryReportButton.cpp widgets/KisDitherWidget.cpp KisPaletteEditor.cpp dialogs/KisDlgPaletteEditor.cpp widgets/KisNewsWidget.cpp widgets/KisGamutMaskToolbar.cpp utils/kis_document_aware_spin_box_unit_manager.cpp utils/KisSpinBoxSplineUnitConverter.cpp utils/KisClipboardUtil.cpp utils/KisDitherUtil.cpp input/kis_input_manager.cpp input/kis_input_manager_p.cpp input/kis_extended_modifiers_mapper.cpp input/kis_abstract_input_action.cpp input/kis_tool_invocation_action.cpp input/kis_pan_action.cpp input/kis_alternate_invocation_action.cpp input/kis_rotate_canvas_action.cpp input/kis_zoom_action.cpp input/kis_change_frame_action.cpp input/kis_gamma_exposure_action.cpp input/kis_show_palette_action.cpp input/kis_change_primary_setting_action.cpp input/kis_abstract_shortcut.cpp input/kis_native_gesture_shortcut.cpp input/kis_single_action_shortcut.cpp input/kis_stroke_shortcut.cpp input/kis_shortcut_matcher.cpp input/kis_select_layer_action.cpp input/KisQtWidgetsTweaker.cpp input/KisInputActionGroup.cpp input/kis_zoom_and_rotate_action.cpp operations/kis_operation.cpp operations/kis_operation_configuration.cpp operations/kis_operation_registry.cpp operations/kis_operation_ui_factory.cpp operations/kis_operation_ui_widget.cpp operations/kis_filter_selection_operation.cpp actions/kis_selection_action_factories.cpp actions/KisPasteActionFactories.cpp actions/KisTransformToolActivationCommand.cpp input/kis_touch_shortcut.cpp kis_document_undo_store.cpp kis_gui_context_command.cpp kis_gui_context_command_p.cpp input/kis_tablet_debugger.cpp input/kis_input_profile_manager.cpp input/kis_input_profile.cpp input/kis_shortcut_configuration.cpp input/config/kis_input_configuration_page.cpp input/config/kis_edit_profiles_dialog.cpp input/config/kis_input_profile_model.cpp input/config/kis_input_configuration_page_item.cpp input/config/kis_action_shortcuts_model.cpp input/config/kis_input_type_delegate.cpp input/config/kis_input_mode_delegate.cpp input/config/kis_input_button.cpp input/config/kis_input_editor_delegate.cpp input/config/kis_mouse_input_editor.cpp input/config/kis_wheel_input_editor.cpp input/config/kis_key_input_editor.cpp processing/fill_processing_visitor.cpp kis_asl_layer_style_serializer.cpp kis_psd_layer_style_resource.cpp canvas/kis_mirror_axis.cpp kis_abstract_perspective_grid.cpp KisApplication.cpp KisAutoSaveRecoveryDialog.cpp KisDetailsPane.cpp KisDocument.cpp KisCloneDocumentStroke.cpp kis_node_view_color_scheme.cpp KisImportExportFilter.cpp KisImportExportManager.cpp KisImportExportUtils.cpp kis_async_action_feedback.cpp KisMainWindow.cpp KisOpenPane.cpp KisPart.cpp KisPrintJob.cpp KisTemplate.cpp KisTemplateCreateDia.cpp KisTemplateGroup.cpp KisTemplates.cpp KisTemplatesPane.cpp KisTemplateTree.cpp KisUndoActionsUpdateManager.cpp KisView.cpp + KisCanvasWindow.cpp KisImportExportErrorCode.cpp KisImportExportAdditionalChecks.cpp thememanager.cpp kis_mainwindow_observer.cpp KisViewManager.cpp kis_mirror_manager.cpp qtlockedfile/qtlockedfile.cpp qtsingleapplication/qtlocalpeer.cpp qtsingleapplication/qtsingleapplication.cpp KisResourceBundle.cpp KisResourceBundleManifest.cpp kis_md5_generator.cpp KisApplicationArguments.cpp KisNetworkAccessManager.cpp KisMultiFeedRSSModel.cpp KisRemoteFileFetcher.cpp KisSaveGroupVisitor.cpp KisWindowLayoutResource.cpp KisWindowLayoutManager.cpp KisSessionResource.cpp KisReferenceImagesDecoration.cpp KisReferenceImage.cpp flake/KisReferenceImagesLayer.cpp flake/KisReferenceImagesLayer.h KisMouseClickEater.cpp ) if(WIN32) # Private headers are needed for: # * KisDlgCustomTabletResolution # * KisScreenInformationAdapter include_directories(SYSTEM ${Qt5Gui_PRIVATE_INCLUDE_DIRS}) set(kritaui_LIB_SRCS ${kritaui_LIB_SRCS} qtlockedfile/qtlockedfile_win.cpp ) if (NOT USE_QT_TABLET_WINDOWS) set(kritaui_LIB_SRCS ${kritaui_LIB_SRCS} input/wintab/kis_tablet_support_win.cpp input/wintab/kis_screen_size_choice_dialog.cpp input/wintab/kis_tablet_support_win8.cpp ) else() set(kritaui_LIB_SRCS ${kritaui_LIB_SRCS} dialogs/KisDlgCustomTabletResolution.cpp ) endif() endif() set(kritaui_LIB_SRCS ${kritaui_LIB_SRCS} kis_animation_frame_cache.cpp kis_animation_cache_populator.cpp KisAsyncAnimationRendererBase.cpp KisAsyncAnimationCacheRenderer.cpp KisAsyncAnimationFramesSavingRenderer.cpp dialogs/KisAsyncAnimationRenderDialogBase.cpp dialogs/KisAsyncAnimationCacheRenderDialog.cpp dialogs/KisAsyncAnimationFramesSaveDialog.cpp canvas/kis_animation_player.cpp kis_animation_importer.cpp KisSyncedAudioPlayback.cpp KisFrameDataSerializer.cpp KisFrameCacheStore.cpp KisFrameCacheSwapper.cpp KisAbstractFrameCacheSwapper.cpp KisInMemoryFrameCacheSwapper.cpp input/wintab/drawpile_tablettester/tablettester.cpp input/wintab/drawpile_tablettester/tablettest.cpp ) if (UNIX) set(kritaui_LIB_SRCS ${kritaui_LIB_SRCS} qtlockedfile/qtlockedfile_unix.cpp ) endif() if(APPLE) set(kritaui_LIB_SRCS ${kritaui_LIB_SRCS} osx.mm ) endif() ki18n_wrap_ui(kritaui_LIB_SRCS widgets/KoFillConfigWidget.ui widgets/KoStrokeConfigWidget.ui widgets/KisDitherWidget.ui forms/wdgdlgpngimport.ui forms/wdgfullscreensettings.ui forms/wdgautogradient.ui forms/wdggeneralsettings.ui forms/wdgperformancesettings.ui forms/wdggenerators.ui forms/wdgbookmarkedconfigurationseditor.ui forms/wdgapplyprofile.ui forms/wdgcustompattern.ui forms/wdglayerproperties.ui forms/wdgcolorsettings.ui forms/wdgtabletsettings.ui forms/wdgcolorspaceselector.ui forms/wdgcolorspaceselectoradvanced.ui forms/wdgdisplaysettings.ui forms/kis_previewwidgetbase.ui forms/kis_matrix_widget.ui forms/wdgselectionoptions.ui forms/wdggeometryoptions.ui forms/wdgnewimage.ui forms/wdgimageproperties.ui forms/wdgmaskfromselection.ui forms/wdgmasksource.ui forms/wdgfilterdialog.ui forms/wdgmetadatamergestrategychooser.ui forms/wdgpaintoppresets.ui forms/wdgpaintopsettings.ui forms/wdgdlggeneratorlayer.ui forms/wdgdlgfilelayer.ui forms/wdgfilterselector.ui forms/wdgfilternodecreation.ui forms/wdgmultipliersdoublesliderspinbox.ui forms/wdgnodequerypatheditor.ui forms/wdgpresetselectorstrip.ui forms/wdgsavebrushpreset.ui forms/wdgpreseticonlibrary.ui forms/wdgdlgblacklistcleanup.ui forms/wdgrectangleconstraints.ui forms/wdgimportimagesequence.ui forms/wdgstrokeselectionproperties.ui forms/KisDetailsPaneBase.ui forms/KisOpenPaneBase.ui forms/wdgstopgradienteditor.ui forms/wdgsessionmanager.ui forms/wdgnewwindowlayout.ui forms/KisWelcomePage.ui forms/WdgDlgPaletteEditor.ui forms/KisNewsPage.ui forms/wdgGamutMaskToolbar.ui forms/wdgchangeclonesource.ui brushhud/kis_dlg_brush_hud_config.ui dialogs/kis_delayed_save_dialog.ui input/config/kis_input_configuration_page.ui input/config/kis_edit_profiles_dialog.ui input/config/kis_input_configuration_page_item.ui input/config/kis_mouse_input_editor.ui input/config/kis_wheel_input_editor.ui input/config/kis_key_input_editor.ui layerstyles/wdgBevelAndEmboss.ui layerstyles/wdgblendingoptions.ui layerstyles/WdgColorOverlay.ui layerstyles/wdgContour.ui layerstyles/wdgdropshadow.ui layerstyles/WdgGradientOverlay.ui layerstyles/wdgInnerGlow.ui layerstyles/wdglayerstyles.ui layerstyles/WdgPatternOverlay.ui layerstyles/WdgSatin.ui layerstyles/WdgStroke.ui layerstyles/wdgstylesselector.ui layerstyles/wdgTexture.ui layerstyles/wdgKisLayerStyleAngleSelector.ui wdgsplash.ui input/wintab/kis_screen_size_choice_dialog.ui input/wintab/drawpile_tablettester/tablettest.ui ) if(WIN32) if(USE_QT_TABLET_WINDOWS) ki18n_wrap_ui(kritaui_LIB_SRCS dialogs/KisDlgCustomTabletResolution.ui ) else() ki18n_wrap_ui(kritaui_LIB_SRCS input/wintab/kis_screen_size_choice_dialog.ui ) endif() endif() add_library(kritaui SHARED ${kritaui_HEADERS_MOC} ${kritaui_LIB_SRCS} ) generate_export_header(kritaui BASE_NAME kritaui) target_link_libraries(kritaui KF5::CoreAddons KF5::Completion KF5::I18n KF5::ItemViews Qt5::Network kritaimpex kritacolor kritaimage kritalibbrush kritawidgets kritawidgetutils ${PNG_LIBRARIES} LibExiv2::LibExiv2 ) if (ANDROID) target_link_libraries(kritaui GLESv3) target_link_libraries(kritaui Qt5::Gui) endif() if (HAVE_QT_MULTIMEDIA) target_link_libraries(kritaui Qt5::Multimedia) endif() if (NOT WIN32 AND NOT APPLE AND NOT ANDROID) target_link_libraries(kritaui ${X11_X11_LIB} ${X11_Xinput_LIB} ${XCB_LIBRARIES}) endif() if(APPLE) target_link_libraries(kritaui ${FOUNDATION_LIBRARY}) target_link_libraries(kritaui ${APPKIT_LIBRARY}) endif () target_link_libraries(kritaui ${OPENEXR_LIBRARIES}) # Add VSync disable workaround if(NOT WIN32 AND NOT APPLE AND NOT ANDROID) target_link_libraries(kritaui ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS} Qt5::X11Extras) endif() if(X11_FOUND) target_link_libraries(kritaui Qt5::X11Extras ${X11_LIBRARIES}) endif() target_include_directories(kritaui PUBLIC $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ) set_target_properties(kritaui PROPERTIES VERSION ${GENERIC_KRITA_LIB_VERSION} SOVERSION ${GENERIC_KRITA_LIB_SOVERSION} ) install(TARGETS kritaui ${INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS}) if (APPLE) install(FILES osx.stylesheet DESTINATION ${DATA_INSTALL_DIR}/krita) endif () diff --git a/libs/ui/KisApplication.cpp b/libs/ui/KisApplication.cpp index de80400a1f..0bde153a0f 100644 --- a/libs/ui/KisApplication.cpp +++ b/libs/ui/KisApplication.cpp @@ -1,873 +1,873 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Torben Weis * Copyright (C) 2012 Boudewijn Rempt * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KisApplication.h" #include #ifdef Q_OS_WIN #include #include #endif #ifdef Q_OS_MACOS #include "osx.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "KoConfig.h" #include #include #include #include "thememanager.h" #include "KisPrintJob.h" #include "KisDocument.h" #include "KisMainWindow.h" #include "KisAutoSaveRecoveryDialog.h" #include "KisPart.h" #include #include "kis_md5_generator.h" #include "kis_splash_screen.h" #include "kis_config.h" #include "flake/kis_shape_selection.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kisexiv2/kis_exiv2.h" #include "KisApplicationArguments.h" #include #include "kis_action_registry.h" #include #include #include #include "kis_image_barrier_locker.h" #include "opengl/kis_opengl.h" #include "kis_spin_box_unit_manager.h" #include "kis_document_aware_spin_box_unit_manager.h" #include "KisViewManager.h" #include "kis_workspace_resource.h" #include #include #include "widgets/KisScreenColorPicker.h" #include "KisDlgInternalColorSelector.h" #include #include namespace { const QTime appStartTime(QTime::currentTime()); } class KisApplication::Private { public: Private() {} QPointer splashScreen; KisAutoSaveRecoveryDialog *autosaveDialog {0}; QPointer mainWindow; // The first mainwindow we create on startup bool batchRun {false}; }; class KisApplication::ResetStarting { public: ResetStarting(KisSplashScreen *splash, int fileCount) : m_splash(splash) , m_fileCount(fileCount) { } ~ResetStarting() { if (m_splash) { m_splash->hide(); } } QPointer m_splash; int m_fileCount; }; KisApplication::KisApplication(const QString &key, int &argc, char **argv) : QtSingleApplication(key, argc, argv) , d(new Private) { #ifdef Q_OS_MACOS setMouseCoalescingEnabled(false); #endif QCoreApplication::addLibraryPath(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath()); setApplicationDisplayName("Krita"); setApplicationName("krita"); // Note: Qt docs suggest we set this, but if we do, we get resource paths of the form of krita/krita, which is weird. // setOrganizationName("krita"); setOrganizationDomain("krita.org"); QString version = KritaVersionWrapper::versionString(true); setApplicationVersion(version); - setWindowIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("calligrakrita")); + setWindowIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("krita")); if (qgetenv("KRITA_NO_STYLE_OVERRIDE").isEmpty()) { QStringList styles = QStringList() /*<< "breeze"*/ << "fusion" << "plastique"; if (!styles.contains(style()->objectName().toLower())) { Q_FOREACH (const QString & style, styles) { if (!setStyle(style)) { qDebug() << "No" << style << "available."; } else { qDebug() << "Set style" << style; break; } } } } else { qDebug() << "Style override disabled, using" << style()->objectName(); } KisOpenGL::initialize(); } #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) && defined(ENV32BIT) typedef BOOL (WINAPI *LPFN_ISWOW64PROCESS) (HANDLE, PBOOL); LPFN_ISWOW64PROCESS fnIsWow64Process; BOOL isWow64() { BOOL bIsWow64 = FALSE; //IsWow64Process is not available on all supported versions of Windows. //Use GetModuleHandle to get a handle to the DLL that contains the function //and GetProcAddress to get a pointer to the function if available. fnIsWow64Process = (LPFN_ISWOW64PROCESS) GetProcAddress( GetModuleHandle(TEXT("kernel32")),"IsWow64Process"); if(0 != fnIsWow64Process) { if (!fnIsWow64Process(GetCurrentProcess(),&bIsWow64)) { //handle error } } return bIsWow64; } #endif void KisApplication::initializeGlobals(const KisApplicationArguments &args) { int dpiX = args.dpiX(); int dpiY = args.dpiY(); if (dpiX > 0 && dpiY > 0) { KoDpi::setDPI(dpiX, dpiY); } } void KisApplication::addResourceTypes() { // qDebug() << "addResourceTypes();"; // All Krita's resource types KoResourcePaths::addResourceType("markers", "data", "/styles/"); KoResourcePaths::addResourceType("kis_pics", "data", "/pics/"); KoResourcePaths::addResourceType("kis_images", "data", "/images/"); KoResourcePaths::addResourceType("metadata_schema", "data", "/metadata/schemas/"); KoResourcePaths::addResourceType("kis_brushes", "data", "/brushes/"); KoResourcePaths::addResourceType("kis_taskset", "data", "/taskset/"); KoResourcePaths::addResourceType("kis_taskset", "data", "/taskset/"); KoResourcePaths::addResourceType("gmic_definitions", "data", "/gmic/"); KoResourcePaths::addResourceType("kis_resourcebundles", "data", "/bundles/"); KoResourcePaths::addResourceType("kis_defaultpresets", "data", "/defaultpresets/"); KoResourcePaths::addResourceType("kis_paintoppresets", "data", "/paintoppresets/"); KoResourcePaths::addResourceType("kis_workspaces", "data", "/workspaces/"); KoResourcePaths::addResourceType("kis_windowlayouts", "data", "/windowlayouts/"); KoResourcePaths::addResourceType("kis_sessions", "data", "/sessions/"); KoResourcePaths::addResourceType("psd_layer_style_collections", "data", "/asl"); KoResourcePaths::addResourceType("ko_patterns", "data", "/patterns/", true); KoResourcePaths::addResourceType("ko_gradients", "data", "/gradients/"); KoResourcePaths::addResourceType("ko_gradients", "data", "/gradients/", true); KoResourcePaths::addResourceType("ko_palettes", "data", "/palettes/", true); KoResourcePaths::addResourceType("kis_shortcuts", "data", "/shortcuts/"); KoResourcePaths::addResourceType("kis_actions", "data", "/actions"); KoResourcePaths::addResourceType("icc_profiles", "data", "/color/icc"); KoResourcePaths::addResourceType("icc_profiles", "data", "/profiles/"); KoResourcePaths::addResourceType("ko_effects", "data", "/effects/"); KoResourcePaths::addResourceType("tags", "data", "/tags/"); KoResourcePaths::addResourceType("templates", "data", "/templates"); KoResourcePaths::addResourceType("pythonscripts", "data", "/pykrita"); KoResourcePaths::addResourceType("symbols", "data", "/symbols"); KoResourcePaths::addResourceType("preset_icons", "data", "/preset_icons"); KoResourcePaths::addResourceType("ko_gamutmasks", "data", "/gamutmasks/", true); // // Extra directories to look for create resources. (Does anyone actually use that anymore?) // KoResourcePaths::addResourceDir("ko_gradients", "/usr/share/create/gradients/gimp"); // KoResourcePaths::addResourceDir("ko_gradients", QDir::homePath() + QString("/.create/gradients/gimp")); // KoResourcePaths::addResourceDir("ko_patterns", "/usr/share/create/patterns/gimp"); // KoResourcePaths::addResourceDir("ko_patterns", QDir::homePath() + QString("/.create/patterns/gimp")); // KoResourcePaths::addResourceDir("kis_brushes", "/usr/share/create/brushes/gimp"); // KoResourcePaths::addResourceDir("kis_brushes", QDir::homePath() + QString("/.create/brushes/gimp")); // KoResourcePaths::addResourceDir("ko_palettes", "/usr/share/create/swatches"); // KoResourcePaths::addResourceDir("ko_palettes", QDir::homePath() + QString("/.create/swatches")); // Make directories for all resources we can save, and tags QDir d; d.mkpath(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation) + "/tags/"); d.mkpath(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation) + "/asl/"); d.mkpath(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation) + "/bundles/"); d.mkpath(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation) + "/brushes/"); d.mkpath(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation) + "/gradients/"); d.mkpath(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation) + "/paintoppresets/"); d.mkpath(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation) + "/palettes/"); d.mkpath(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation) + "/patterns/"); d.mkpath(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation) + "/taskset/"); d.mkpath(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation) + "/workspaces/"); d.mkpath(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation) + "/input/"); d.mkpath(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation) + "/pykrita/"); d.mkpath(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation) + "/symbols/"); d.mkpath(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation) + "/color-schemes/"); d.mkpath(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation) + "/preset_icons/"); d.mkpath(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation) + "/preset_icons/tool_icons/"); d.mkpath(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation) + "/preset_icons/emblem_icons/"); d.mkpath(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation) + "/gamutmasks/"); } void KisApplication::loadResources() { // qDebug() << "loadResources();"; setSplashScreenLoadingText(i18n("Loading Resources...")); processEvents(); KoResourceServerProvider::instance(); setSplashScreenLoadingText(i18n("Loading Brush Presets...")); processEvents(); KisResourceServerProvider::instance(); setSplashScreenLoadingText(i18n("Loading Brushes...")); processEvents(); KisBrushServer::instance()->brushServer(); setSplashScreenLoadingText(i18n("Loading Bundles...")); processEvents(); KisResourceBundleServerProvider::instance(); } void KisApplication::loadResourceTags() { // qDebug() << "loadResourceTags()"; KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->patternServer()->loadTags(); KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->gradientServer()->loadTags(); KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->paletteServer()->loadTags(); KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->svgSymbolCollectionServer()->loadTags(); KisBrushServer::instance()->brushServer()->loadTags(); KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->workspaceServer()->loadTags(); KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->layerStyleCollectionServer()->loadTags(); KisResourceBundleServerProvider::instance()->resourceBundleServer()->loadTags(); KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->paintOpPresetServer()->loadTags(); KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->paintOpPresetServer()->clearOldSystemTags(); } void KisApplication::loadPlugins() { // qDebug() << "loadPlugins();"; KoShapeRegistry* r = KoShapeRegistry::instance(); r->add(new KisShapeSelectionFactory()); KisActionRegistry::instance(); KisFilterRegistry::instance(); KisGeneratorRegistry::instance(); KisPaintOpRegistry::instance(); KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance(); } void KisApplication::loadGuiPlugins() { // qDebug() << "loadGuiPlugins();"; // Load the krita-specific tools setSplashScreenLoadingText(i18n("Loading Plugins for Krita/Tool...")); processEvents(); // qDebug() << "loading tools"; KoPluginLoader::instance()->load(QString::fromLatin1("Krita/Tool"), QString::fromLatin1("[X-Krita-Version] == 28")); // Load dockers setSplashScreenLoadingText(i18n("Loading Plugins for Krita/Dock...")); processEvents(); // qDebug() << "loading dockers"; KoPluginLoader::instance()->load(QString::fromLatin1("Krita/Dock"), QString::fromLatin1("[X-Krita-Version] == 28")); // XXX_EXIV: make the exiv io backends real plugins setSplashScreenLoadingText(i18n("Loading Plugins Exiv/IO...")); processEvents(); // qDebug() << "loading exiv2"; KisExiv2::initialize(); } bool KisApplication::start(const KisApplicationArguments &args) { KisConfig cfg(false); #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) #ifdef ENV32BIT if (isWow64() && !cfg.readEntry("WarnedAbout32Bits", false)) { QMessageBox::information(0, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita: Warning"), i18n("You are running a 32 bits build on a 64 bits Windows.\n" "This is not recommended.\n" "Please download and install the x64 build instead.")); cfg.writeEntry("WarnedAbout32Bits", true); } #endif #endif QString opengl = cfg.canvasState(); if (opengl == "OPENGL_NOT_TRIED" ) { cfg.setCanvasState("TRY_OPENGL"); } else if (opengl != "OPENGL_SUCCESS" && opengl != "TRY_OPENGL") { cfg.setCanvasState("OPENGL_FAILED"); } setSplashScreenLoadingText(i18n("Initializing Globals")); processEvents(); initializeGlobals(args); const bool doNewImage = args.doNewImage(); const bool doTemplate = args.doTemplate(); const bool exportAs = args.exportAs(); const bool exportSequence = args.exportSequence(); const QString exportFileName = args.exportFileName(); d->batchRun = (exportAs || exportSequence || !exportFileName.isEmpty()); const bool needsMainWindow = (!exportAs && !exportSequence); // only show the mainWindow when no command-line mode option is passed bool showmainWindow = (!exportAs && !exportSequence); // would be !batchRun; const bool showSplashScreen = !d->batchRun && qEnvironmentVariableIsEmpty("NOSPLASH"); if (showSplashScreen && d->splashScreen) { d->splashScreen->show(); d->splashScreen->repaint(); processEvents(); } KoHashGeneratorProvider::instance()->setGenerator("MD5", new KisMD5Generator()); KConfigGroup group(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "theme"); Digikam::ThemeManager themeManager; themeManager.setCurrentTheme(group.readEntry("Theme", "Krita dark")); ResetStarting resetStarting(d->splashScreen, args.filenames().count()); // remove the splash when done Q_UNUSED(resetStarting); // Make sure we can save resources and tags setSplashScreenLoadingText(i18n("Adding resource types")); processEvents(); addResourceTypes(); // Load the plugins loadPlugins(); // Load all resources loadResources(); // Load all the tags loadResourceTags(); // Load the gui plugins loadGuiPlugins(); KisPart *kisPart = KisPart::instance(); if (needsMainWindow) { // show a mainWindow asap, if we want that setSplashScreenLoadingText(i18n("Loading Main Window...")); processEvents(); bool sessionNeeded = true; auto sessionMode = cfg.sessionOnStartup(); if (!args.session().isEmpty()) { sessionNeeded = !kisPart->restoreSession(args.session()); } else if (sessionMode == KisConfig::SOS_ShowSessionManager) { showmainWindow = false; sessionNeeded = false; kisPart->showSessionManager(); } else if (sessionMode == KisConfig::SOS_PreviousSession) { KConfigGroup sessionCfg = KSharedConfig::openConfig()->group("session"); const QString &sessionName = sessionCfg.readEntry("previousSession"); sessionNeeded = !kisPart->restoreSession(sessionName); } if (sessionNeeded) { kisPart->startBlankSession(); } if (!args.windowLayout().isEmpty()) { KoResourceServer * rserver = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->windowLayoutServer(); KisWindowLayoutResource* windowLayout = rserver->resourceByName(args.windowLayout()); if (windowLayout) { windowLayout->applyLayout(); } } if (showmainWindow) { d->mainWindow = kisPart->currentMainwindow(); if (!args.workspace().isEmpty()) { KoResourceServer * rserver = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->workspaceServer(); KisWorkspaceResource* workspace = rserver->resourceByName(args.workspace()); if (workspace) { d->mainWindow->restoreWorkspace(workspace); } } if (args.canvasOnly()) { d->mainWindow->viewManager()->switchCanvasOnly(true); } if (args.fullScreen()) { d->mainWindow->showFullScreen(); } } else { d->mainWindow = kisPart->createMainWindow(); } } short int numberOfOpenDocuments = 0; // number of documents open // Check for autosave files that can be restored, if we're not running a batchrun (test) if (!d->batchRun) { checkAutosaveFiles(); } setSplashScreenLoadingText(QString()); // done loading, so clear out label processEvents(); //configure the unit manager KisSpinBoxUnitManagerFactory::setDefaultUnitManagerBuilder(new KisDocumentAwareSpinBoxUnitManagerBuilder()); connect(this, &KisApplication::aboutToQuit, &KisSpinBoxUnitManagerFactory::clearUnitManagerBuilder); //ensure the builder is destroyed when the application leave. //the new syntax slot syntax allow to connect to a non q_object static method. // Create a new image, if needed if (doNewImage) { KisDocument *doc = args.image(); if (doc) { kisPart->addDocument(doc); d->mainWindow->addViewAndNotifyLoadingCompleted(doc); } } // Get the command line arguments which we have to parse int argsCount = args.filenames().count(); if (argsCount > 0) { // Loop through arguments for (int argNumber = 0; argNumber < argsCount; argNumber++) { QString fileName = args.filenames().at(argNumber); // are we just trying to open a template? if (doTemplate) { // called in mix with batch options? ignore and silently skip if (d->batchRun) { continue; } if (createNewDocFromTemplate(fileName, d->mainWindow)) { ++numberOfOpenDocuments; } // now try to load } else { if (exportAs) { QString outputMimetype = KisMimeDatabase::mimeTypeForFile(exportFileName, false); if (outputMimetype == "application/octetstream") { dbgKrita << i18n("Mimetype not found, try using the -mimetype option") << endl; return false; } KisDocument *doc = kisPart->createDocument(); doc->setFileBatchMode(d->batchRun); bool result = doc->openUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(fileName)); if (!result) { errKrita << "Could not load " << fileName << ":" << doc->errorMessage(); QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(quit())); return false; } if (exportFileName.isEmpty()) { errKrita << "Export destination is not specified for" << fileName << "Please specify export destination with --export-filename option"; QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(quit())); return false; } qApp->processEvents(); // For vector layers to be updated doc->setFileBatchMode(true); if (!doc->exportDocumentSync(QUrl::fromLocalFile(exportFileName), outputMimetype.toLatin1())) { errKrita << "Could not export " << fileName << "to" << exportFileName << ":" << doc->errorMessage(); } QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(quit())); return true; } else if (exportSequence) { KisDocument *doc = kisPart->createDocument(); doc->setFileBatchMode(d->batchRun); doc->openUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(fileName)); qApp->processEvents(); // For vector layers to be updated if (!doc->image()->animationInterface()->hasAnimation()) { errKrita << "This file has no animation." << endl; QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(quit())); return false; } doc->setFileBatchMode(true); int sequenceStart = 0; KisAsyncAnimationFramesSaveDialog exporter(doc->image(), doc->image()->animationInterface()->fullClipRange(), exportFileName, sequenceStart, 0); exporter.setBatchMode(d->batchRun); KisAsyncAnimationFramesSaveDialog::Result result = exporter.regenerateRange(0); if (result == KisAsyncAnimationFramesSaveDialog::RenderFailed) { errKrita << i18n("Failed to render animation frames!") << endl; } QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(quit())); return true; } else if (d->mainWindow) { if (fileName.endsWith(".bundle")) { d->mainWindow->installBundle(fileName); } else { KisMainWindow::OpenFlags flags = d->batchRun ? KisMainWindow::BatchMode : KisMainWindow::None; if (d->mainWindow->openDocument(QUrl::fromLocalFile(fileName), flags)) { // Normal case, success numberOfOpenDocuments++; } } } } } } // fixes BUG:369308 - Krita crashing on splash screen when loading. // trying to open a file before Krita has loaded can cause it to hang and crash if (d->splashScreen) { d->splashScreen->displayLinks(true); d->splashScreen->displayRecentFiles(true); } // not calling this before since the program will quit there. return true; } KisApplication::~KisApplication() { } void KisApplication::setSplashScreen(QWidget *splashScreen) { d->splashScreen = qobject_cast(splashScreen); } void KisApplication::setSplashScreenLoadingText(QString textToLoad) { if (d->splashScreen) { //d->splashScreen->loadingLabel->setText(textToLoad); d->splashScreen->setLoadingText(textToLoad); d->splashScreen->repaint(); } } void KisApplication::hideSplashScreen() { if (d->splashScreen) { // hide the splashscreen to see the dialog d->splashScreen->hide(); } } bool KisApplication::notify(QObject *receiver, QEvent *event) { try { return QApplication::notify(receiver, event); } catch (std::exception &e) { qWarning("Error %s sending event %i to object %s", e.what(), event->type(), qPrintable(receiver->objectName())); } catch (...) { qWarning("Error sending event %i to object %s", event->type(), qPrintable(receiver->objectName())); } return false; } void KisApplication::remoteArguments(QByteArray message, QObject *socket) { Q_UNUSED(socket); // check if we have any mainwindow KisMainWindow *mw = qobject_cast(qApp->activeWindow()); if (!mw) { mw = KisPart::instance()->mainWindows().first(); } if (!mw) { return; } KisApplicationArguments args = KisApplicationArguments::deserialize(message); const bool doTemplate = args.doTemplate(); const int argsCount = args.filenames().count(); if (argsCount > 0) { // Loop through arguments for (int argNumber = 0; argNumber < argsCount; ++argNumber) { QString filename = args.filenames().at(argNumber); // are we just trying to open a template? if (doTemplate) { createNewDocFromTemplate(filename, mw); } else if (QFile(filename).exists()) { KisMainWindow::OpenFlags flags = d->batchRun ? KisMainWindow::BatchMode : KisMainWindow::None; mw->openDocument(QUrl::fromLocalFile(filename), flags); } } } } void KisApplication::fileOpenRequested(const QString &url) { KisMainWindow *mainWindow = KisPart::instance()->mainWindows().first(); if (mainWindow) { KisMainWindow::OpenFlags flags = d->batchRun ? KisMainWindow::BatchMode : KisMainWindow::None; mainWindow->openDocument(QUrl::fromLocalFile(url), flags); } } void KisApplication::checkAutosaveFiles() { if (d->batchRun) return; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN QDir dir = QDir::temp(); #else QDir dir = QDir::home(); #endif // Check for autosave files from a previous run. There can be several, and // we want to offer a restore for every one. Including a nice thumbnail! // Hidden autosave files QStringList filters = QStringList() << QString(".krita-*-*-autosave.kra"); // all autosave files for our application QStringList autosaveFiles = dir.entryList(filters, QDir::Files | QDir::Hidden); // Visibile autosave files filters = QStringList() << QString("krita-*-*-autosave.kra"); autosaveFiles += dir.entryList(filters, QDir::Files); // Allow the user to make their selection if (autosaveFiles.size() > 0) { if (d->splashScreen) { // hide the splashscreen to see the dialog d->splashScreen->hide(); } d->autosaveDialog = new KisAutoSaveRecoveryDialog(autosaveFiles, activeWindow()); QDialog::DialogCode result = (QDialog::DialogCode) d->autosaveDialog->exec(); if (result == QDialog::Accepted) { QStringList filesToRecover = d->autosaveDialog->recoverableFiles(); Q_FOREACH (const QString &autosaveFile, autosaveFiles) { if (!filesToRecover.contains(autosaveFile)) { QFile::remove(dir.absolutePath() + "/" + autosaveFile); } } autosaveFiles = filesToRecover; } else { autosaveFiles.clear(); } if (autosaveFiles.size() > 0) { QList autosaveUrls; Q_FOREACH (const QString &autoSaveFile, autosaveFiles) { const QUrl url = QUrl::fromLocalFile(dir.absolutePath() + QLatin1Char('/') + autoSaveFile); autosaveUrls << url; } if (d->mainWindow) { Q_FOREACH (const QUrl &url, autosaveUrls) { KisMainWindow::OpenFlags flags = d->batchRun ? KisMainWindow::BatchMode : KisMainWindow::None; d->mainWindow->openDocument(url, flags | KisMainWindow::RecoveryFile); } } } // cleanup delete d->autosaveDialog; d->autosaveDialog = nullptr; } } bool KisApplication::createNewDocFromTemplate(const QString &fileName, KisMainWindow *mainWindow) { QString templatePath; const QUrl templateUrl = QUrl::fromLocalFile(fileName); if (QFile::exists(fileName)) { templatePath = templateUrl.toLocalFile(); dbgUI << "using full path..."; } else { QString desktopName(fileName); const QString templatesResourcePath = QStringLiteral("templates/"); QStringList paths = KoResourcePaths::findAllResources("data", templatesResourcePath + "*/" + desktopName); if (paths.isEmpty()) { paths = KoResourcePaths::findAllResources("data", templatesResourcePath + desktopName); } if (paths.isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::critical(0, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("No template found for: %1", desktopName)); } else if (paths.count() > 1) { QMessageBox::critical(0, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("Too many templates found for: %1", desktopName)); } else { templatePath = paths.at(0); } } if (!templatePath.isEmpty()) { QUrl templateBase; templateBase.setPath(templatePath); KDesktopFile templateInfo(templatePath); QString templateName = templateInfo.readUrl(); QUrl templateURL; templateURL.setPath(templateBase.adjusted(QUrl::RemoveFilename|QUrl::StripTrailingSlash).path() + '/' + templateName); if (templateURL.scheme().isEmpty()) { templateURL.setScheme("file"); } KisMainWindow::OpenFlags batchFlags = d->batchRun ? KisMainWindow::BatchMode : KisMainWindow::None; if (mainWindow->openDocument(templateURL, KisMainWindow::Import | batchFlags)) { dbgUI << "Template loaded..."; return true; } else { QMessageBox::critical(0, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("Template %1 failed to load.", templateURL.toDisplayString())); } } return false; } void KisApplication::clearConfig() { KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(qApp->thread() == QThread::currentThread()); KSharedConfigPtr config = KSharedConfig::openConfig(); // find user settings file bool createDir = false; QString kritarcPath = KoResourcePaths::locateLocal("config", "kritarc", createDir); QFile configFile(kritarcPath); if (configFile.exists()) { // clear file if (configFile.open(QFile::WriteOnly)) { configFile.close(); } else { QMessageBox::warning(0, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("Failed to clear %1\n\n" "Please make sure no other program is using the file and try again.", kritarcPath), QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Ok); } } // reload from disk; with the user file settings cleared, // this should load any default configuration files shipping with the program config->reparseConfiguration(); config->sync(); } void KisApplication::askClearConfig() { Qt::KeyboardModifiers mods = QApplication::queryKeyboardModifiers(); bool askClearConfig = (mods & Qt::ControlModifier) && (mods & Qt::ShiftModifier) && (mods & Qt::AltModifier); if (askClearConfig) { bool ok = QMessageBox::question(0, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("Do you want to clear the settings file?"), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::No) == QMessageBox::Yes; if (ok) { clearConfig(); } } } diff --git a/libs/ui/KisCanvasWindow.cpp b/libs/ui/KisCanvasWindow.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ec33498252 --- /dev/null +++ b/libs/ui/KisCanvasWindow.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2018 Jouni Pentikäinen + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +#include + +#include "KisCanvasWindow.h" +#include "KisMainWindow.h" + +struct KisCanvasWindow::Private { + KisMainWindow *mainWindow; + + Private(KisMainWindow *mainWindow) + : mainWindow(mainWindow) + {} +}; + +KisCanvasWindow::KisCanvasWindow(KisMainWindow *mainWindow) + : QWidget(mainWindow) + , d(new Private(mainWindow)) +{ + setWindowFlags(Qt::Window); + + QLayout *layout = new QHBoxLayout(this); + setLayout(layout); +} + +KisCanvasWindow::~KisCanvasWindow() = default; + +void KisCanvasWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) +{ + d->mainWindow->setCanvasDetached(false); + QWidget::closeEvent(event); +} + +QWidget * KisCanvasWindow::swapMainWidget(QWidget *newWidget) +{ + QWidget *oldWidget = (layout()->count() > 0) ? (layout()->takeAt(0)->widget()) : nullptr; + if (newWidget) { + layout()->addWidget(newWidget); + } + return oldWidget; +} diff --git a/libs/ui/canvas/kis_paintop_transformation_connector.h b/libs/ui/KisCanvasWindow.h similarity index 56% rename from libs/ui/canvas/kis_paintop_transformation_connector.h rename to libs/ui/KisCanvasWindow.h index 68c751ee0a..36897f7be1 100644 --- a/libs/ui/canvas/kis_paintop_transformation_connector.h +++ b/libs/ui/KisCanvasWindow.h @@ -1,43 +1,42 @@ /* - * Copyright (c) 2013 Dmitry Kazakov + * Copyright (c) 2018 Jouni Pentikäinen * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ +#ifndef KISCANVASWINDOW_H +#define KISCANVASWINDOW_H -#ifndef __KIS_PAINTOP_TRANSFORMATION_CONNECTOR_H -#define __KIS_PAINTOP_TRANSFORMATION_CONNECTOR_H +#include -#include -#include +class KisMainWindow; -#include - -class KisPaintopTransformationConnector : public QObject +/** + * Window for the canvas (mdi) area. Used when detached canvas mode is enabled. + */ +class KisCanvasWindow : public QWidget { - Q_OBJECT -public: - KisPaintopTransformationConnector(KisCanvas2 *canvas, QObject *parent); - public: - void notifyTransformationChanged(); + explicit KisCanvasWindow(KisMainWindow *mainWindow); + ~KisCanvasWindow() override; -public Q_SLOTS: - void slotCanvasResourceChanged(int key, const QVariant &resource); + QWidget * swapMainWidget(QWidget *widget); + void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) override; private: - QPointer m_canvas; + struct Private; + QScopedPointer d; }; -#endif /* __KIS_PAINTOP_TRANSFORMATION_CONNECTOR_H */ +#endif diff --git a/libs/ui/KisDetailsPane.cpp b/libs/ui/KisDetailsPane.cpp index 8b450772da..f4044837b5 100644 --- a/libs/ui/KisDetailsPane.cpp +++ b/libs/ui/KisDetailsPane.cpp @@ -1,113 +1,106 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2005 Peter Simonsson This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KisDetailsPane.h" #include #include //////////////////////////////////// // class KisDetailsPane /////////////////////////////////// struct KisDetailsPanePrivate { QStandardItemModel m_model; }; KisDetailsPane::KisDetailsPane(QWidget* parent, const QString& header) : QWidget(parent), Ui_KisDetailsPaneBase(), d(new KisDetailsPanePrivate()) { d->m_model.setHorizontalHeaderItem(0, new QStandardItem(header)); setupUi(this); - m_previewLabel->installEventFilter(this); m_documentList->installEventFilter(this); m_documentList->setIconSize(QSize(IconExtent, IconExtent)); m_documentList->setModel(&d->m_model); m_splitter->setSizes(QList() << 2 << 1); changePalette(); connect(m_documentList->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(currentChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(selectionChanged(QModelIndex))); connect(m_documentList, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(openFile(QModelIndex))); connect(m_openButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(openFile())); } KisDetailsPane::~KisDetailsPane() { delete d; } bool KisDetailsPane::eventFilter(QObject* watched, QEvent* e) { - if (watched == m_previewLabel) { - if (e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick) { - openFile(); - } - } - if (watched == m_documentList) { if ((e->type() == QEvent::Resize) && isVisible()) { emit splitterResized(this, m_splitter->sizes()); } if ((e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress)) { QKeyEvent* keyEvent = static_cast(e); if (keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Enter || keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Return) { openFile(); } } } return false; } void KisDetailsPane::resizeSplitter(KisDetailsPane* sender, const QList& sizes) { if (sender == this) return; m_splitter->setSizes(sizes); } void KisDetailsPane::openFile() { QModelIndex index = m_documentList->selectionModel()->currentIndex(); openFile(index); } void KisDetailsPane::changePalette() { QPalette p = palette(); p.setBrush(QPalette::Base, QColor(Qt::transparent)); p.setColor(QPalette::Text, p.color(QPalette::Normal, QPalette::Foreground)); m_detailsLabel->setPalette(p); } QStandardItemModel* KisDetailsPane::model() const { return &d->m_model; } diff --git a/libs/ui/KisImportExportManager.cpp b/libs/ui/KisImportExportManager.cpp index eb552c1d4f..ca9849fb4b 100644 --- a/libs/ui/KisImportExportManager.cpp +++ b/libs/ui/KisImportExportManager.cpp @@ -1,702 +1,702 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2016 Boudewijn Rempt * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KisImportExportManager.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_config.h" #include "KisImportExportFilter.h" #include "KisDocument.h" #include #include #include "kis_painter.h" #include "kis_guides_config.h" #include "kis_grid_config.h" #include "kis_popup_button.h" #include #include "kis_async_action_feedback.h" #include "KisReferenceImagesLayer.h" // static cache for import and export mimetypes QStringList KisImportExportManager::m_importMimeTypes; QStringList KisImportExportManager::m_exportMimeTypes; class Q_DECL_HIDDEN KisImportExportManager::Private { public: KoUpdaterPtr updater; QString cachedExportFilterMimeType; QSharedPointer cachedExportFilter; }; struct KisImportExportManager::ConversionResult { ConversionResult() { } ConversionResult(const QFuture &futureStatus) : m_isAsync(true), m_futureStatus(futureStatus) { } ConversionResult(KisImportExportErrorCode status) : m_isAsync(false), m_status(status) { } bool isAsync() const { return m_isAsync; } QFuture futureStatus() const { // if the result is not async, then it means some failure happened, // just return a cancelled future KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(m_isAsync || !m_status.isOk()); return m_futureStatus; } KisImportExportErrorCode status() const { return m_status; } void setStatus(KisImportExportErrorCode value) { m_status = value; } private: bool m_isAsync = false; QFuture m_futureStatus; KisImportExportErrorCode m_status = ImportExportCodes::InternalError; }; KisImportExportManager::KisImportExportManager(KisDocument* document) : m_document(document) , d(new Private) { } KisImportExportManager::~KisImportExportManager() { delete d; } KisImportExportErrorCode KisImportExportManager::importDocument(const QString& location, const QString& mimeType) { ConversionResult result = convert(Import, location, location, mimeType, false, 0, false); KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN_VALUE(!result.isAsync(), ImportExportCodes::InternalError); return result.status(); } KisImportExportErrorCode KisImportExportManager::exportDocument(const QString& location, const QString& realLocation, const QByteArray& mimeType, bool showWarnings, KisPropertiesConfigurationSP exportConfiguration) { ConversionResult result = convert(Export, location, realLocation, mimeType, showWarnings, exportConfiguration, false); KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN_VALUE(!result.isAsync(), ImportExportCodes::InternalError); return result.status(); } QFuture KisImportExportManager::exportDocumentAsyc(const QString &location, const QString &realLocation, const QByteArray &mimeType, KisImportExportErrorCode &status, bool showWarnings, KisPropertiesConfigurationSP exportConfiguration) { ConversionResult result = convert(Export, location, realLocation, mimeType, showWarnings, exportConfiguration, true); KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN_VALUE(result.isAsync() || !result.status().isOk(), QFuture()); status = result.status(); return result.futureStatus(); } // The static method to figure out to which parts of the // graph this mimetype has a connection to. QStringList KisImportExportManager::supportedMimeTypes(Direction direction) { // Find the right mimetype by the extension QSet mimeTypes; // mimeTypes << KisDocument::nativeFormatMimeType() << "application/x-krita-paintoppreset" << "image/openraster"; if (direction == KisImportExportManager::Import) { if (m_importMimeTypes.isEmpty()) { QListlist = KoJsonTrader::instance()->query("Krita/FileFilter", ""); Q_FOREACH(QPluginLoader *loader, list) { QJsonObject json = loader->metaData().value("MetaData").toObject(); Q_FOREACH(const QString &mimetype, json.value("X-KDE-Import").toString().split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts)) { //qDebug() << "Adding import mimetype" << mimetype << KisMimeDatabase::descriptionForMimeType(mimetype) << "from plugin" << loader; mimeTypes << mimetype; } } qDeleteAll(list); m_importMimeTypes = mimeTypes.toList(); } return m_importMimeTypes; } else if (direction == KisImportExportManager::Export) { if (m_exportMimeTypes.isEmpty()) { QListlist = KoJsonTrader::instance()->query("Krita/FileFilter", ""); Q_FOREACH(QPluginLoader *loader, list) { QJsonObject json = loader->metaData().value("MetaData").toObject(); Q_FOREACH(const QString &mimetype, json.value("X-KDE-Export").toString().split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts)) { //qDebug() << "Adding export mimetype" << mimetype << KisMimeDatabase::descriptionForMimeType(mimetype) << "from plugin" << loader; mimeTypes << mimetype; } } qDeleteAll(list); m_exportMimeTypes = mimeTypes.toList(); } return m_exportMimeTypes; } return QStringList(); } KisImportExportFilter *KisImportExportManager::filterForMimeType(const QString &mimetype, KisImportExportManager::Direction direction) { int weight = -1; KisImportExportFilter *filter = 0; QListlist = KoJsonTrader::instance()->query("Krita/FileFilter", ""); Q_FOREACH(QPluginLoader *loader, list) { QJsonObject json = loader->metaData().value("MetaData").toObject(); QString directionKey = direction == Export ? "X-KDE-Export" : "X-KDE-Import"; if (json.value(directionKey).toString().split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts).contains(mimetype)) { KLibFactory *factory = qobject_cast(loader->instance()); if (!factory) { warnUI << loader->errorString(); continue; } QObject* obj = factory->create(0); if (!obj || !obj->inherits("KisImportExportFilter")) { delete obj; continue; } KisImportExportFilter *f = qobject_cast(obj); if (!f) { delete obj; continue; } int w = json.value("X-KDE-Weight").toInt(); if (w > weight) { delete filter; filter = f; f->setObjectName(loader->fileName()); weight = w; } } } qDeleteAll(list); if (filter) { filter->setMimeType(mimetype); } return filter; } bool KisImportExportManager::batchMode(void) const { return m_document->fileBatchMode(); } void KisImportExportManager::setUpdater(KoUpdaterPtr updater) { d->updater = updater; } QString KisImportExportManager::askForAudioFileName(const QString &defaultDir, QWidget *parent) { KoFileDialog dialog(parent, KoFileDialog::ImportFiles, "ImportAudio"); if (!defaultDir.isEmpty()) { dialog.setDefaultDir(defaultDir); } QStringList mimeTypes; mimeTypes << "audio/mpeg"; mimeTypes << "audio/ogg"; mimeTypes << "audio/vorbis"; mimeTypes << "audio/vnd.wave"; mimeTypes << "audio/flac"; dialog.setMimeTypeFilters(mimeTypes); dialog.setCaption(i18nc("@titile:window", "Open Audio")); return dialog.filename(); } KisImportExportManager::ConversionResult KisImportExportManager::convert(KisImportExportManager::Direction direction, const QString &location, const QString& realLocation, const QString &mimeType, bool showWarnings, KisPropertiesConfigurationSP exportConfiguration, bool isAsync) { // export configuration is supported for export only KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(direction == Export || !bool(exportConfiguration)); QString typeName = mimeType; if (typeName.isEmpty()) { typeName = KisMimeDatabase::mimeTypeForFile(location, direction == KisImportExportManager::Export ? false : true); } QSharedPointer filter; /** * Fetching a filter from the registry is a really expensive operation, * because it blocks all the threads. Cache the filter if possible. */ if (direction == KisImportExportManager::Export && d->cachedExportFilter && d->cachedExportFilterMimeType == typeName) { filter = d->cachedExportFilter; } else { filter = toQShared(filterForMimeType(typeName, direction)); if (direction == Export) { d->cachedExportFilter = filter; d->cachedExportFilterMimeType = typeName; } } if (!filter) { return KisImportExportErrorCode(ImportExportCodes::FileFormatIncorrect); } filter->setFilename(location); filter->setRealFilename(realLocation); filter->setBatchMode(batchMode()); filter->setMimeType(typeName); if (!d->updater.isNull()) { // WARNING: The updater is not guaranteed to be persistent! If you ever want // to add progress reporting to "Save also as .kra", make sure you create // a separate KoProgressUpdater for that! // WARNING2: the failsafe completion of the updater happens in the destructor // the filter. filter->setUpdater(d->updater); } QByteArray from, to; if (direction == Export) { from = m_document->nativeFormatMimeType(); to = typeName.toLatin1(); } else { from = typeName.toLatin1(); to = m_document->nativeFormatMimeType(); } KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN_VALUE( direction == Import || direction == Export, KisImportExportErrorCode(ImportExportCodes::InternalError)); // "bad conversion graph" ConversionResult result = KisImportExportErrorCode(ImportExportCodes::OK); if (direction == Import) { KisUsageLogger::log(QString("Importing %1 to %2. Location: %3. Real location: %4. Batchmode: %5") .arg(QString::fromLatin1(from)) .arg(QString::fromLatin1(to)) .arg(location) .arg(realLocation) .arg(batchMode())); // async importing is not yet supported! KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(!isAsync); if (0 && !batchMode()) { KisAsyncActionFeedback f(i18n("Opening document..."), 0); result = f.runAction(std::bind(&KisImportExportManager::doImport, this, location, filter)); } else { result = doImport(location, filter); } } else /* if (direction == Export) */ { if (!exportConfiguration) { exportConfiguration = filter->lastSavedConfiguration(from, to); } if (exportConfiguration) { fillStaticExportConfigurationProperties(exportConfiguration); } bool alsoAsKra = false; bool askUser = askUserAboutExportConfiguration(filter, exportConfiguration, from, to, batchMode(), showWarnings, &alsoAsKra); if (!batchMode() && !askUser) { return KisImportExportErrorCode(ImportExportCodes::Cancelled); } KisUsageLogger::log(QString("Converting from %1 to %2. Location: %3. Real location: %4. Batchmode: %5. Configuration: %6") .arg(QString::fromLatin1(from)) .arg(QString::fromLatin1(to)) .arg(location) .arg(realLocation) .arg(batchMode()) .arg(exportConfiguration ? exportConfiguration->toXML() : "none")); if (isAsync) { result = QtConcurrent::run(std::bind(&KisImportExportManager::doExport, this, location, filter, exportConfiguration, alsoAsKra)); // we should explicitly report that the exporting has been initiated result.setStatus(ImportExportCodes::OK); } else if (!batchMode()) { KisAsyncActionFeedback f(i18n("Saving document..."), 0); result = f.runAction(std::bind(&KisImportExportManager::doExport, this, location, filter, exportConfiguration, alsoAsKra)); } else { result = doExport(location, filter, exportConfiguration, alsoAsKra); } if (exportConfiguration && !batchMode() && showWarnings) { KisConfig(false).setExportConfiguration(typeName, exportConfiguration); } } return result; } void KisImportExportManager::fillStaticExportConfigurationProperties(KisPropertiesConfigurationSP exportConfiguration, KisImageSP image) { KisPaintDeviceSP dev = image->projection(); const KoColorSpace* cs = dev->colorSpace(); const bool isThereAlpha = KisPainter::checkDeviceHasTransparency(image->projection()); exportConfiguration->setProperty(KisImportExportFilter::ImageContainsTransparencyTag, isThereAlpha); exportConfiguration->setProperty(KisImportExportFilter::ColorModelIDTag, cs->colorModelId().id()); exportConfiguration->setProperty(KisImportExportFilter::ColorDepthIDTag, cs->colorDepthId().id()); const bool sRGB = (cs->profile()->name().contains(QLatin1String("srgb"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) && !cs->profile()->name().contains(QLatin1String("g10"))); exportConfiguration->setProperty(KisImportExportFilter::sRGBTag, sRGB); } void KisImportExportManager::fillStaticExportConfigurationProperties(KisPropertiesConfigurationSP exportConfiguration) { return fillStaticExportConfigurationProperties(exportConfiguration, m_document->image()); } bool KisImportExportManager::askUserAboutExportConfiguration( QSharedPointer filter, KisPropertiesConfigurationSP exportConfiguration, const QByteArray &from, const QByteArray &to, const bool batchMode, const bool showWarnings, bool *alsoAsKra) { // prevents the animation renderer from running this code const QString mimeUserDescription = KisMimeDatabase::descriptionForMimeType(to); QStringList warnings; QStringList errors; { KisPreExportChecker checker; checker.check(m_document->image(), filter->exportChecks()); warnings = checker.warnings(); errors = checker.errors(); } KisConfigWidget *wdg = 0; if (QThread::currentThread() == qApp->thread()) { wdg = filter->createConfigurationWidget(0, from, to); KisMainWindow *kisMain = KisPart::instance()->currentMainwindow(); if (wdg && kisMain) { KisViewManager *manager = kisMain->viewManager(); wdg->setView(manager); } } // Extra checks that cannot be done by the checker, because the checker only has access to the image. if (!m_document->assistants().isEmpty() && to != m_document->nativeFormatMimeType()) { warnings.append(i18nc("image conversion warning", "The image contains assistants. The assistants will not be saved.")); } if (m_document->referenceImagesLayer() && m_document->referenceImagesLayer()->shapeCount() > 0 && to != m_document->nativeFormatMimeType()) { warnings.append(i18nc("image conversion warning", "The image contains reference images. The reference images will not be saved.")); } if (m_document->guidesConfig().hasGuides() && to != m_document->nativeFormatMimeType()) { warnings.append(i18nc("image conversion warning", "The image contains guides. The guides will not be saved.")); } if (!m_document->gridConfig().isDefault() && to != m_document->nativeFormatMimeType()) { warnings.append(i18nc("image conversion warning", "The image contains a custom grid configuration. The configuration will not be saved.")); } if (!batchMode && !errors.isEmpty()) { QString error = "

" + i18n("Error: cannot save this image as a %1.", mimeUserDescription) - + " Reasons:

" + + " " + i18n("Reasons:") + "

" + "

    "; Q_FOREACH(const QString &w, errors) { error += "\n
  • " + w + "
  • "; } error += "
"; QMessageBox::critical(KisPart::instance()->currentMainwindow(), i18nc("@title:window", "Krita: Export Error"), error); return false; } if (!batchMode && (wdg || !warnings.isEmpty())) { KoDialog dlg; dlg.setButtons(KoDialog::Ok | KoDialog::Cancel); dlg.setWindowTitle(mimeUserDescription); QWidget *page = new QWidget(&dlg); QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(page); if (showWarnings && !warnings.isEmpty()) { QHBoxLayout *hLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); QLabel *labelWarning = new QLabel(); labelWarning->setPixmap(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("warning").pixmap(32, 32)); hLayout->addWidget(labelWarning); KisPopupButton *bn = new KisPopupButton(0); bn->setText(i18nc("Keep the extra space at the end of the sentence, please", "Warning: saving as %1 will lose information from your image. ", mimeUserDescription)); hLayout->addWidget(bn); layout->addLayout(hLayout); QTextBrowser *browser = new QTextBrowser(); browser->setMinimumWidth(bn->width()); bn->setPopupWidget(browser); QString warning = "

" + i18n("You will lose information when saving this image as a %1.", mimeUserDescription); if (warnings.size() == 1) { - warning += " Reason:

"; + warning += " " + i18n("Reason:") + "

"; } else { - warning += " Reasons:

"; + warning += " " + i18n("Reasons:") + "

"; } warning += "

    "; Q_FOREACH(const QString &w, warnings) { warning += "\n
  • " + w + "
  • "; } warning += "
"; browser->setHtml(warning); } if (wdg) { QGroupBox *box = new QGroupBox(i18n("Options")); QVBoxLayout *boxLayout = new QVBoxLayout(box); wdg->setConfiguration(exportConfiguration); boxLayout->addWidget(wdg); layout->addWidget(box); } QCheckBox *chkAlsoAsKra = 0; if (showWarnings && !warnings.isEmpty()) { chkAlsoAsKra = new QCheckBox(i18n("Also save your image as a Krita file.")); chkAlsoAsKra->setChecked(KisConfig(true).readEntry("AlsoSaveAsKra", false)); layout->addWidget(chkAlsoAsKra); } dlg.setMainWidget(page); dlg.resize(dlg.minimumSize()); if (showWarnings || wdg) { if (!dlg.exec()) { return false; } } *alsoAsKra = false; if (chkAlsoAsKra) { KisConfig(false).writeEntry("AlsoSaveAsKra", chkAlsoAsKra->isChecked()); *alsoAsKra = chkAlsoAsKra->isChecked(); } if (wdg) { *exportConfiguration = *wdg->configuration(); } } return true; } KisImportExportErrorCode KisImportExportManager::doImport(const QString &location, QSharedPointer filter) { QFile file(location); if (!file.exists()) { return ImportExportCodes::FileNotExist; } if (filter->supportsIO() && !file.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { return KisImportExportErrorCode(KisImportExportErrorCannotRead(file.error())); } KisImportExportErrorCode status = filter->convert(m_document, &file, KisPropertiesConfigurationSP()); if (file.isOpen()) { file.close(); } return status; } KisImportExportErrorCode KisImportExportManager::doExport(const QString &location, QSharedPointer filter, KisPropertiesConfigurationSP exportConfiguration, bool alsoAsKra) { KisImportExportErrorCode status = doExportImpl(location, filter, exportConfiguration); if (alsoAsKra && status.isOk()) { QString kraLocation = location + ".kra"; QByteArray mime = m_document->nativeFormatMimeType(); QSharedPointer filter( filterForMimeType(QString::fromLatin1(mime), Export)); KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(filter); if (filter) { filter->setFilename(kraLocation); KisPropertiesConfigurationSP kraExportConfiguration = filter->lastSavedConfiguration(mime, mime); status = doExportImpl(kraLocation, filter, kraExportConfiguration); } else { status = ImportExportCodes::FileFormatIncorrect; } } return status; } // Temporary workaround until QTBUG-57299 is fixed. #ifndef Q_OS_WIN #define USE_QSAVEFILE #endif KisImportExportErrorCode KisImportExportManager::doExportImpl(const QString &location, QSharedPointer filter, KisPropertiesConfigurationSP exportConfiguration) { #ifdef USE_QSAVEFILE QSaveFile file(location); file.setDirectWriteFallback(true); if (filter->supportsIO() && !file.open(QFile::WriteOnly)) { #else QFileInfo fi(location); QTemporaryFile file(fi.absolutePath() + ".XXXXXX.kra"); if (filter->supportsIO() && !file.open()) { #endif KisImportExportErrorCannotWrite result(file.error()); #ifdef USE_QSAVEFILE file.cancelWriting(); #endif return result; } KisImportExportErrorCode status = filter->convert(m_document, &file, exportConfiguration); if (filter->supportsIO()) { if (!status.isOk()) { #ifdef USE_QSAVEFILE file.cancelWriting(); #endif } else { #ifdef USE_QSAVEFILE if (!file.commit()) { qWarning() << "Could not commit QSaveFile"; status = KisImportExportErrorCannotWrite(file.error()); } #else file.flush(); file.close(); QFile target(location); if (target.exists()) { // There should already be a .kra~ backup target.remove(); } if (!file.copy(location)) { file.setAutoRemove(false); return KisImportExportErrorCannotWrite(file.error()); } #endif } } // Do some minimal verification QString verificationResult = filter->verify(location); if (!verificationResult.isEmpty()) { status = KisImportExportErrorCode(ImportExportCodes::ErrorWhileWriting); m_document->setErrorMessage(verificationResult); } return status; } #include diff --git a/libs/ui/KisMainWindow.cpp b/libs/ui/KisMainWindow.cpp index 759c8eb128..5dac5bdee7 100644 --- a/libs/ui/KisMainWindow.cpp +++ b/libs/ui/KisMainWindow.cpp @@ -1,2671 +1,2712 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Torben Weis Copyright (C) 2000-2006 David Faure Copyright (C) 2007, 2009 Thomas zander Copyright (C) 2010 Benjamin Port This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KisMainWindow.h" #include // qt includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_selection_manager.h" #include "kis_icon_utils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "KoDockFactoryBase.h" #include "KoDocumentInfoDlg.h" #include "KoDocumentInfo.h" #include "KoFileDialog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "KoToolDocker.h" #include "KoToolBoxDocker_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dialogs/kis_about_application.h" #include "dialogs/kis_delayed_save_dialog.h" #include "dialogs/kis_dlg_preferences.h" -#include "kis_action.h" #include "kis_action_manager.h" #include "KisApplication.h" #include "kis_canvas2.h" #include "kis_canvas_controller.h" #include "kis_canvas_resource_provider.h" #include "kis_clipboard.h" #include "kis_config.h" #include "kis_config_notifier.h" #include "kis_custom_image_widget.h" #include #include "kis_group_layer.h" #include "kis_image_from_clipboard_widget.h" #include "kis_image.h" #include #include "KisImportExportManager.h" #include "kis_mainwindow_observer.h" #include "kis_memory_statistics_server.h" #include "kis_node.h" #include "KisOpenPane.h" #include "kis_paintop_box.h" #include "KisPart.h" #include "KisPrintJob.h" #include "KisResourceServerProvider.h" #include "kis_signal_compressor_with_param.h" #include "kis_statusbar.h" #include "KisView.h" #include "KisViewManager.h" #include "thememanager.h" #include "kis_animation_importer.h" #include "dialogs/kis_dlg_import_image_sequence.h" #include #include "KisWindowLayoutManager.h" #include #include "KisWelcomePageWidget.h" #include #include +#include "KisCanvasWindow.h" +#include "kis_action.h" + #include class ToolDockerFactory : public KoDockFactoryBase { public: ToolDockerFactory() : KoDockFactoryBase() { } QString id() const override { return "sharedtooldocker"; } QDockWidget* createDockWidget() override { KoToolDocker* dockWidget = new KoToolDocker(); return dockWidget; } DockPosition defaultDockPosition() const override { return DockRight; } }; class Q_DECL_HIDDEN KisMainWindow::Private { public: Private(KisMainWindow *parent, QUuid id) : q(parent) , id(id) , dockWidgetMenu(new KActionMenu(i18nc("@action:inmenu", "&Dockers"), parent)) , windowMenu(new KActionMenu(i18nc("@action:inmenu", "&Window"), parent)) , documentMenu(new KActionMenu(i18nc("@action:inmenu", "New &View"), parent)) , workspaceMenu(new KActionMenu(i18nc("@action:inmenu", "Wor&kspace"), parent)) , welcomePage(new KisWelcomePageWidget(parent)) , widgetStack(new QStackedWidget(parent)) , mdiArea(new QMdiArea(parent)) , windowMapper(new QSignalMapper(parent)) , documentMapper(new QSignalMapper(parent)) { if (id.isNull()) this->id = QUuid::createUuid(); welcomeScroller = new QScrollArea(); welcomeScroller->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded); welcomeScroller->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded); welcomeScroller->setWidget(welcomePage); welcomeScroller->setWidgetResizable(true); widgetStack->addWidget(welcomeScroller); widgetStack->addWidget(mdiArea); mdiArea->setTabsMovable(true); mdiArea->setActivationOrder(QMdiArea::ActivationHistoryOrder); } ~Private() { qDeleteAll(toolbarList); } KisMainWindow *q {0}; QUuid id; KisViewManager *viewManager {0}; QPointer activeView; QList toolbarList; bool firstTime {true}; bool windowSizeDirty {false}; bool readOnly {false}; KisAction *showDocumentInfo {0}; KisAction *saveAction {0}; KisAction *saveActionAs {0}; // KisAction *printAction; // KisAction *printActionPreview; // KisAction *exportPdf {0}; KisAction *importAnimation {0}; KisAction *closeAll {0}; // KisAction *reloadFile; KisAction *importFile {0}; KisAction *exportFile {0}; KisAction *undo {0}; KisAction *redo {0}; KisAction *newWindow {0}; KisAction *close {0}; KisAction *mdiCascade {0}; KisAction *mdiTile {0}; KisAction *mdiNextWindow {0}; KisAction *mdiPreviousWindow {0}; KisAction *toggleDockers {0}; KisAction *toggleDockerTitleBars {0}; + KisAction *toggleDetachCanvas {0}; KisAction *fullScreenMode {0}; KisAction *showSessionManager {0}; KisAction *expandingSpacers[2]; KActionMenu *dockWidgetMenu; KActionMenu *windowMenu; KActionMenu *documentMenu; KActionMenu *workspaceMenu; KHelpMenu *helpMenu {0}; KRecentFilesAction *recentFiles {0}; KoResourceModel *workspacemodel {0}; QScopedPointer undoActionsUpdateManager; QString lastExportLocation; QMap dockWidgetsMap; QByteArray dockerStateBeforeHiding; KoToolDocker *toolOptionsDocker {0}; QCloseEvent *deferredClosingEvent {0}; Digikam::ThemeManager *themeManager {0}; QScrollArea *welcomeScroller {0}; KisWelcomePageWidget *welcomePage {0}; QStackedWidget *widgetStack {0}; QMdiArea *mdiArea; QMdiSubWindow *activeSubWindow {0}; QSignalMapper *windowMapper; QSignalMapper *documentMapper; + KisCanvasWindow *canvasWindow {0}; QByteArray lastExportedFormat; QScopedPointer > tabSwitchCompressor; QMutex savingEntryMutex; KConfigGroup windowStateConfig; QUuid workspaceBorrowedBy; KisSignalAutoConnectionsStore screenConnectionsStore; KisActionManager * actionManager() { return viewManager->actionManager(); } QTabBar* findTabBarHACK() { QObjectList objects = mdiArea->children(); Q_FOREACH (QObject *object, objects) { QTabBar *bar = qobject_cast(object); if (bar) { return bar; } } return 0; } }; KisMainWindow::KisMainWindow(QUuid uuid) : KXmlGuiWindow() , d(new Private(this, uuid)) { auto rserver = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->workspaceServer(); QSharedPointer adapter(new KoResourceServerAdapter(rserver)); d->workspacemodel = new KoResourceModel(adapter, this); connect(d->workspacemodel, &KoResourceModel::afterResourcesLayoutReset, this, [&]() { updateWindowMenu(); }); d->viewManager = new KisViewManager(this, actionCollection()); KConfigGroup group( KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "theme"); d->themeManager = new Digikam::ThemeManager(group.readEntry("Theme", "Krita dark"), this); d->windowStateConfig = KSharedConfig::openConfig()->group("MainWindow"); setStandardToolBarMenuEnabled(true); setTabPosition(Qt::AllDockWidgetAreas, QTabWidget::North); setDockNestingEnabled(true); qApp->setStartDragDistance(25); // 25 px is a distance that works well for Tablet and Mouse events #ifdef Q_OS_MACOS setUnifiedTitleAndToolBarOnMac(true); #endif connect(this, SIGNAL(restoringDone()), this, SLOT(forceDockTabFonts())); connect(this, SIGNAL(themeChanged()), d->viewManager, SLOT(updateIcons())); connect(KisPart::instance(), SIGNAL(documentClosed(QString)), SLOT(updateWindowMenu())); connect(KisPart::instance(), SIGNAL(documentOpened(QString)), SLOT(updateWindowMenu())); connect(KisConfigNotifier::instance(), SIGNAL(configChanged()), this, SLOT(configChanged())); actionCollection()->addAssociatedWidget(this); KoPluginLoader::instance()->load("Krita/ViewPlugin", "Type == 'Service' and ([X-Krita-Version] == 28)", KoPluginLoader::PluginsConfig(), d->viewManager, false); // Load the per-application plugins (Right now, only Python) We do this only once, when the first mainwindow is being created. KoPluginLoader::instance()->load("Krita/ApplicationPlugin", "Type == 'Service' and ([X-Krita-Version] == 28)", KoPluginLoader::PluginsConfig(), qApp, true); KoToolBoxFactory toolBoxFactory; QDockWidget *toolbox = createDockWidget(&toolBoxFactory); toolbox->setFeatures(QDockWidget::DockWidgetMovable | QDockWidget::DockWidgetFloatable | QDockWidget::DockWidgetClosable); KisConfig cfg(true); if (cfg.toolOptionsInDocker()) { ToolDockerFactory toolDockerFactory; d->toolOptionsDocker = qobject_cast(createDockWidget(&toolDockerFactory)); d->toolOptionsDocker->toggleViewAction()->setEnabled(true); } QMap dockwidgetActions; dockwidgetActions[toolbox->toggleViewAction()->text()] = toolbox->toggleViewAction(); Q_FOREACH (const QString & docker, KoDockRegistry::instance()->keys()) { KoDockFactoryBase *factory = KoDockRegistry::instance()->value(docker); QDockWidget *dw = createDockWidget(factory); dockwidgetActions[dw->toggleViewAction()->text()] = dw->toggleViewAction(); } if (d->toolOptionsDocker) { dockwidgetActions[d->toolOptionsDocker->toggleViewAction()->text()] = d->toolOptionsDocker->toggleViewAction(); } connect(KoToolManager::instance(), SIGNAL(toolOptionWidgetsChanged(KoCanvasController*,QList >)), this, SLOT(newOptionWidgets(KoCanvasController*,QList >))); Q_FOREACH (QString title, dockwidgetActions.keys()) { d->dockWidgetMenu->addAction(dockwidgetActions[title]); } Q_FOREACH (QDockWidget *wdg, dockWidgets()) { if ((wdg->features() & QDockWidget::DockWidgetClosable) == 0) { wdg->setVisible(true); } } Q_FOREACH (KoCanvasObserverBase* observer, canvasObservers()) { observer->setObservedCanvas(0); KisMainwindowObserver* mainwindowObserver = dynamic_cast(observer); if (mainwindowObserver) { mainwindowObserver->setViewManager(d->viewManager); } } // Load all the actions from the tool plugins Q_FOREACH(KoToolFactoryBase *toolFactory, KoToolRegistry::instance()->values()) { toolFactory->createActions(actionCollection()); } d->mdiArea->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded); d->mdiArea->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded); d->mdiArea->setTabPosition(QTabWidget::North); d->mdiArea->setTabsClosable(true); // Tab close button override // Windows just has a black X, and Ubuntu has a dark x that is hard to read // just switch this icon out for all OSs so it is easier to see d->mdiArea->setStyleSheet("QTabBar::close-button { image: url(:/pics/broken-preset.png) }"); setCentralWidget(d->widgetStack); d->widgetStack->setCurrentIndex(0); connect(d->mdiArea, SIGNAL(subWindowActivated(QMdiSubWindow*)), this, SLOT(subWindowActivated())); connect(d->windowMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(QWidget*)), this, SLOT(setActiveSubWindow(QWidget*))); connect(d->documentMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(QObject*)), this, SLOT(newView(QObject*))); + d->canvasWindow = new KisCanvasWindow(this); + actionCollection()->addAssociatedWidget(d->canvasWindow); + createActions(); // the welcome screen needs to grab actions...so make sure this line goes after the createAction() so they exist d->welcomePage->setMainWindow(this); setAutoSaveSettings(d->windowStateConfig, false); subWindowActivated(); updateWindowMenu(); if (isHelpMenuEnabled() && !d->helpMenu) { // workaround for KHelpMenu (or rather KAboutData::applicationData()) internally // not using the Q*Application metadata ATM, which results e.g. in the bugreport wizard // not having the app version preset // fixed hopefully in KF5 5.22.0, patch pending QGuiApplication *app = qApp; KAboutData aboutData(app->applicationName(), app->applicationDisplayName(), app->applicationVersion()); aboutData.setOrganizationDomain(app->organizationDomain().toUtf8()); d->helpMenu = new KHelpMenu(this, aboutData, false); // workaround-less version: // d->helpMenu = new KHelpMenu(this, QString()/*unused*/, false); // The difference between using KActionCollection->addAction() is that // these actions do not get tied to the MainWindow. What does this all do? KActionCollection *actions = d->viewManager->actionCollection(); QAction *helpContentsAction = d->helpMenu->action(KHelpMenu::menuHelpContents); QAction *whatsThisAction = d->helpMenu->action(KHelpMenu::menuWhatsThis); QAction *reportBugAction = d->helpMenu->action(KHelpMenu::menuReportBug); QAction *switchLanguageAction = d->helpMenu->action(KHelpMenu::menuSwitchLanguage); QAction *aboutAppAction = d->helpMenu->action(KHelpMenu::menuAboutApp); QAction *aboutKdeAction = d->helpMenu->action(KHelpMenu::menuAboutKDE); if (helpContentsAction) { actions->addAction(helpContentsAction->objectName(), helpContentsAction); } if (whatsThisAction) { actions->addAction(whatsThisAction->objectName(), whatsThisAction); } if (reportBugAction) { actions->addAction(reportBugAction->objectName(), reportBugAction); } if (switchLanguageAction) { actions->addAction(switchLanguageAction->objectName(), switchLanguageAction); } if (aboutAppAction) { actions->addAction(aboutAppAction->objectName(), aboutAppAction); } if (aboutKdeAction) { actions->addAction(aboutKdeAction->objectName(), aboutKdeAction); } connect(d->helpMenu, SIGNAL(showAboutApplication()), SLOT(showAboutApplication())); } // KDE' libs 4''s help contents action is broken outside kde, for some reason... We can handle it just as easily ourselves QAction *helpAction = actionCollection()->action("help_contents"); helpAction->disconnect(); connect(helpAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showManual())); #if 0 //check for colliding shortcuts QSet existingShortcuts; Q_FOREACH (QAction* action, actionCollection()->actions()) { if(action->shortcut() == QKeySequence(0)) { continue; } dbgKrita << "shortcut " << action->text() << " " << action->shortcut(); Q_ASSERT(!existingShortcuts.contains(action->shortcut())); existingShortcuts.insert(action->shortcut()); } #endif configChanged(); // If we have customized the toolbars, load that first setLocalXMLFile(KoResourcePaths::locateLocal("data", "krita4.xmlgui")); setXMLFile(":/kxmlgui5/krita4.xmlgui"); guiFactory()->addClient(this); // Create and plug toolbar list for Settings menu QList toolbarList; Q_FOREACH (QWidget* it, guiFactory()->containers("ToolBar")) { KToolBar * toolBar = ::qobject_cast(it); toolBar->setMovable(KisConfig(true).readEntry("LockAllDockerPanels", false)); if (toolBar) { if (toolBar->objectName() == "BrushesAndStuff") { toolBar->setEnabled(false); } KToggleAction* act = new KToggleAction(i18n("Show %1 Toolbar", toolBar->windowTitle()), this); actionCollection()->addAction(toolBar->objectName().toUtf8(), act); act->setCheckedState(KGuiItem(i18n("Hide %1 Toolbar", toolBar->windowTitle()))); connect(act, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotToolbarToggled(bool))); act->setChecked(!toolBar->isHidden()); toolbarList.append(act); } else { warnUI << "Toolbar list contains a " << it->metaObject()->className() << " which is not a toolbar!"; } } KToolBar::setToolBarsLocked(KisConfig(true).readEntry("LockAllDockerPanels", false)); plugActionList("toolbarlist", toolbarList); d->toolbarList = toolbarList; applyToolBarLayout(); d->viewManager->updateGUI(); d->viewManager->updateIcons(); QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(checkSanity())); { using namespace std::placeholders; // For _1 placeholder std::function callback( std::bind(&KisMainWindow::switchTab, this, _1)); d->tabSwitchCompressor.reset( new KisSignalCompressorWithParam(500, callback, KisSignalCompressor::FIRST_INACTIVE)); } if (cfg.readEntry("CanvasOnlyActive", false)) { QString currentWorkspace = cfg.readEntry("CurrentWorkspace", "Default"); KoResourceServer * rserver = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->workspaceServer(); KisWorkspaceResource* workspace = rserver->resourceByName(currentWorkspace); if (workspace) { restoreWorkspace(workspace); } cfg.writeEntry("CanvasOnlyActive", false); menuBar()->setVisible(true); } this->winId(); // Ensures the native window has been created. QWindow *window = this->windowHandle(); connect(window, SIGNAL(screenChanged(QScreen *)), this, SLOT(windowScreenChanged(QScreen *))); } KisMainWindow::~KisMainWindow() { // Q_FOREACH (QAction *ac, actionCollection()->actions()) { // QAction *action = qobject_cast(ac); // if (action) { // qDebug() << "", "").replace("", "") // << "\n\ticonText=" << action->iconText().replace("&", "&") // << "\n\tshortcut=" << action->shortcut().toString() // << "\n\tisCheckable=" << QString((action->isChecked() ? "true" : "false")) // << "\n\tstatusTip=" << action->statusTip() // << "\n/>\n" ; // } // else { // dbgKrita << "Got a non-qaction:" << ac->objectName(); // } // } // The doc and view might still exist (this is the case when closing the window) KisPart::instance()->removeMainWindow(this); delete d->viewManager; delete d; } QUuid KisMainWindow::id() const { return d->id; } void KisMainWindow::addView(KisView *view) { if (d->activeView == view) return; if (d->activeView) { d->activeView->disconnect(this); } // register the newly created view in the input manager viewManager()->inputManager()->addTrackedCanvas(view->canvasBase()); showView(view); updateCaption(); emit restoringDone(); if (d->activeView) { connect(d->activeView, SIGNAL(titleModified(QString,bool)), SLOT(slotDocumentTitleModified())); connect(d->viewManager->statusBar(), SIGNAL(memoryStatusUpdated()), this, SLOT(updateCaption())); } } void KisMainWindow::notifyChildViewDestroyed(KisView *view) { /** * If we are the last view of the window, Qt will not activate another tab * before destroying tab/window. In ths case we should clear oll the dangling * pointers manually by setting the current view to null */ viewManager()->inputManager()->removeTrackedCanvas(view->canvasBase()); if (view->canvasBase() == viewManager()->canvasBase()) { viewManager()->setCurrentView(0); } } void KisMainWindow::showView(KisView *imageView) { if (imageView && activeView() != imageView) { // XXX: find a better way to initialize this! imageView->setViewManager(d->viewManager); imageView->canvasBase()->setFavoriteResourceManager(d->viewManager->paintOpBox()->favoriteResourcesManager()); imageView->slotLoadingFinished(); QMdiSubWindow *subwin = d->mdiArea->addSubWindow(imageView); imageView->setSubWindow(subwin); subwin->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true); connect(subwin, SIGNAL(destroyed()), SLOT(updateWindowMenu())); KisConfig cfg(true); subwin->setOption(QMdiSubWindow::RubberBandMove, cfg.readEntry("mdi_rubberband", cfg.useOpenGL())); subwin->setOption(QMdiSubWindow::RubberBandResize, cfg.readEntry("mdi_rubberband", cfg.useOpenGL())); subwin->setWindowIcon(qApp->windowIcon()); /** * Hack alert! * * Here we explicitly request KoToolManager to emit all the tool * activation signals, to reinitialize the tool options docker. * * That is needed due to a design flaw we have in the * initialization procedure. The tool in the KoToolManager is * initialized in KisView::setViewManager() calls, which * happens early enough. During this call the tool manager * requests KoCanvasControllerWidget to emit the signal to * update the widgets in the tool docker. *But* at that moment * of time the view is not yet connected to the main window, * because it happens in KisViewManager::setCurrentView a bit * later. This fact makes the widgets updating signals be lost * and never reach the tool docker. * * So here we just explicitly call the tool activation stub. */ KoToolManager::instance()->initializeCurrentToolForCanvas(); if (d->mdiArea->subWindowList().size() == 1) { imageView->showMaximized(); } else { imageView->show(); } // No, no, no: do not try to call this _before_ the show() has // been called on the view; only when that has happened is the // opengl context active, and very bad things happen if we tell // the dockers to update themselves with a view if the opengl // context is not active. setActiveView(imageView); updateWindowMenu(); updateCaption(); } } void KisMainWindow::slotPreferences() { if (KisDlgPreferences::editPreferences()) { KisConfigNotifier::instance()->notifyConfigChanged(); KisConfigNotifier::instance()->notifyPixelGridModeChanged(); KisImageConfigNotifier::instance()->notifyConfigChanged(); // XXX: should this be changed for the views in other windows as well? Q_FOREACH (QPointer koview, KisPart::instance()->views()) { KisViewManager *view = qobject_cast(koview); if (view) { // Update the settings for all nodes -- they don't query // KisConfig directly because they need the settings during // compositing, and they don't connect to the config notifier // because nodes are not QObjects (because only one base class // can be a QObject). KisNode* node = dynamic_cast(view->image()->rootLayer().data()); node->updateSettings(); } } updateWindowMenu(); d->viewManager->showHideScrollbars(); } } void KisMainWindow::slotThemeChanged() { // save theme changes instantly KConfigGroup group( KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "theme"); group.writeEntry("Theme", d->themeManager->currentThemeName()); // reload action icons! Q_FOREACH (QAction *action, actionCollection()->actions()) { KisIconUtils::updateIcon(action); } if (d->mdiArea) { d->mdiArea->setPalette(qApp->palette()); for (int i=0; imdiArea->subWindowList().size(); i++) { QMdiSubWindow *window = d->mdiArea->subWindowList().at(i); if (window) { window->setPalette(qApp->palette()); KisView *view = qobject_cast(window->widget()); if (view) { view->slotThemeChanged(qApp->palette()); } } } } emit themeChanged(); } +bool KisMainWindow::canvasDetached() const +{ + return centralWidget() != d->widgetStack; +} + +void KisMainWindow::setCanvasDetached(bool detach) +{ + if (detach == canvasDetached()) return; + + QWidget *outgoingWidget = centralWidget() ? takeCentralWidget() : nullptr; + QWidget *incomingWidget = d->canvasWindow->swapMainWidget(outgoingWidget); + + if (incomingWidget) { + setCentralWidget(incomingWidget); + } + + if (detach) { + d->canvasWindow->show(); + } else { + d->canvasWindow->hide(); + } +} + +QWidget * KisMainWindow::canvasWindow() const +{ + return d->canvasWindow; +} + void KisMainWindow::updateReloadFileAction(KisDocument *doc) { Q_UNUSED(doc); // d->reloadFile->setEnabled(doc && !doc->url().isEmpty()); } void KisMainWindow::setReadWrite(bool readwrite) { d->saveAction->setEnabled(readwrite); d->importFile->setEnabled(readwrite); d->readOnly = !readwrite; updateCaption(); } void KisMainWindow::addRecentURL(const QUrl &url) { // Add entry to recent documents list // (call coming from KisDocument because it must work with cmd line, template dlg, file/open, etc.) if (!url.isEmpty()) { bool ok = true; if (url.isLocalFile()) { QString path = url.adjusted(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash).toLocalFile(); const QStringList tmpDirs = KoResourcePaths::resourceDirs("tmp"); for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = tmpDirs.begin() ; ok && it != tmpDirs.end() ; ++it) { if (path.contains(*it)) { ok = false; // it's in the tmp resource } } const QStringList templateDirs = KoResourcePaths::findDirs("templates"); for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = templateDirs.begin() ; ok && it != templateDirs.end() ; ++it) { if (path.contains(*it)) { ok = false; // it's in the templates directory. break; } } } if (ok) { d->recentFiles->addUrl(url); } saveRecentFiles(); } } void KisMainWindow::saveRecentFiles() { // Save list of recent files KSharedConfigPtr config = KSharedConfig::openConfig(); d->recentFiles->saveEntries(config->group("RecentFiles")); config->sync(); // Tell all windows to reload their list, after saving // Doesn't work multi-process, but it's a start Q_FOREACH (KisMainWindow *mw, KisPart::instance()->mainWindows()) { if (mw != this) { mw->reloadRecentFileList(); } } } QList KisMainWindow::recentFilesUrls() { return d->recentFiles->urls(); } void KisMainWindow::clearRecentFiles() { d->recentFiles->clear(); } void KisMainWindow::reloadRecentFileList() { d->recentFiles->loadEntries(KSharedConfig::openConfig()->group("RecentFiles")); } void KisMainWindow::updateCaption() { if (!d->mdiArea->activeSubWindow()) { updateCaption(QString(), false); } else if (d->activeView && d->activeView->document() && d->activeView->image()){ KisDocument *doc = d->activeView->document(); QString caption(doc->caption()); if (d->readOnly) { caption += " [" + i18n("Write Protected") + "] "; } if (doc->isRecovered()) { caption += " [" + i18n("Recovered") + "] "; } // show the file size for the document KisMemoryStatisticsServer::Statistics m_fileSizeStats = KisMemoryStatisticsServer::instance()->fetchMemoryStatistics(d->activeView ? d->activeView->image() : 0); if (m_fileSizeStats.imageSize) { caption += QString(" (").append( KFormat().formatByteSize(m_fileSizeStats.imageSize)).append( ")"); } updateCaption(caption, doc->isModified()); if (!doc->url().fileName().isEmpty()) { d->saveAction->setToolTip(i18n("Save as %1", doc->url().fileName())); } else { d->saveAction->setToolTip(i18n("Save")); } } } void KisMainWindow::updateCaption(const QString &caption, bool modified) { QString versionString = KritaVersionWrapper::versionString(true); QString title = caption; if (!title.contains(QStringLiteral("[*]"))) { // append the placeholder so that the modified mechanism works title.append(QStringLiteral(" [*]")); } if (d->mdiArea->activeSubWindow()) { #if defined(KRITA_ALPHA) || defined (KRITA_BETA) || defined (KRITA_RC) d->mdiArea->activeSubWindow()->setWindowTitle(QString("%1: %2").arg(versionString).arg(title)); #else d->mdiArea->activeSubWindow()->setWindowTitle(title); #endif d->mdiArea->activeSubWindow()->setWindowModified(modified); } else { #if defined(KRITA_ALPHA) || defined (KRITA_BETA) || defined (KRITA_RC) setWindowTitle(QString("%1: %2").arg(versionString).arg(title)); #else setWindowTitle(title); #endif } setWindowModified(modified); } KisView *KisMainWindow::activeView() const { if (d->activeView) { return d->activeView; } return 0; } bool KisMainWindow::openDocument(const QUrl &url, OpenFlags flags) { if (!QFile(url.toLocalFile()).exists()) { if (!(flags & BatchMode)) { QMessageBox::critical(0, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("The file %1 does not exist.", url.url())); } d->recentFiles->removeUrl(url); //remove the file from the recent-opened-file-list saveRecentFiles(); return false; } return openDocumentInternal(url, flags); } bool KisMainWindow::openDocumentInternal(const QUrl &url, OpenFlags flags) { if (!url.isLocalFile()) { qWarning() << "KisMainWindow::openDocumentInternal. Not a local file:" << url; return false; } KisDocument *newdoc = KisPart::instance()->createDocument(); if (flags & BatchMode) { newdoc->setFileBatchMode(true); } d->firstTime = true; connect(newdoc, SIGNAL(completed()), this, SLOT(slotLoadCompleted())); connect(newdoc, SIGNAL(canceled(QString)), this, SLOT(slotLoadCanceled(QString))); KisDocument::OpenFlags openFlags = KisDocument::None; if (flags & RecoveryFile) { openFlags |= KisDocument::RecoveryFile; } bool openRet = !(flags & Import) ? newdoc->openUrl(url, openFlags) : newdoc->importDocument(url); if (!openRet) { delete newdoc; return false; } KisPart::instance()->addDocument(newdoc); updateReloadFileAction(newdoc); if (!QFileInfo(url.toLocalFile()).isWritable()) { setReadWrite(false); } return true; } void KisMainWindow::showDocument(KisDocument *document) { Q_FOREACH(QMdiSubWindow *subwindow, d->mdiArea->subWindowList()) { KisView *view = qobject_cast(subwindow->widget()); KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(view); if (view) { if (view->document() == document) { setActiveSubWindow(subwindow); return; } } } addViewAndNotifyLoadingCompleted(document); } KisView* KisMainWindow::addViewAndNotifyLoadingCompleted(KisDocument *document) { showWelcomeScreen(false); // see workaround in function header - KisView *view = KisPart::instance()->createView(document, resourceManager(), actionCollection(), this); + KisView *view = KisPart::instance()->createView(document, d->viewManager, this); addView(view); emit guiLoadingFinished(); return view; } QStringList KisMainWindow::showOpenFileDialog(bool isImporting) { KoFileDialog dialog(this, KoFileDialog::ImportFiles, "OpenDocument"); dialog.setDefaultDir(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::PicturesLocation)); dialog.setMimeTypeFilters(KisImportExportManager::supportedMimeTypes(KisImportExportManager::Import)); dialog.setCaption(isImporting ? i18n("Import Images") : i18n("Open Images")); return dialog.filenames(); } // Separate from openDocument to handle async loading (remote URLs) void KisMainWindow::slotLoadCompleted() { KisDocument *newdoc = qobject_cast(sender()); if (newdoc && newdoc->image()) { addViewAndNotifyLoadingCompleted(newdoc); disconnect(newdoc, SIGNAL(completed()), this, SLOT(slotLoadCompleted())); disconnect(newdoc, SIGNAL(canceled(QString)), this, SLOT(slotLoadCanceled(QString))); emit loadCompleted(); } } void KisMainWindow::slotLoadCanceled(const QString & errMsg) { dbgUI << "KisMainWindow::slotLoadCanceled"; if (!errMsg.isEmpty()) // empty when canceled by user QMessageBox::critical(this, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), errMsg); // ... can't delete the document, it's the one who emitted the signal... KisDocument* doc = qobject_cast(sender()); Q_ASSERT(doc); disconnect(doc, SIGNAL(completed()), this, SLOT(slotLoadCompleted())); disconnect(doc, SIGNAL(canceled(QString)), this, SLOT(slotLoadCanceled(QString))); } void KisMainWindow::slotSaveCanceled(const QString &errMsg) { dbgUI << "KisMainWindow::slotSaveCanceled"; if (!errMsg.isEmpty()) // empty when canceled by user QMessageBox::critical(this, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), errMsg); slotSaveCompleted(); } void KisMainWindow::slotSaveCompleted() { dbgUI << "KisMainWindow::slotSaveCompleted"; KisDocument* doc = qobject_cast(sender()); Q_ASSERT(doc); disconnect(doc, SIGNAL(completed()), this, SLOT(slotSaveCompleted())); disconnect(doc, SIGNAL(canceled(QString)), this, SLOT(slotSaveCanceled(QString))); if (d->deferredClosingEvent) { KXmlGuiWindow::closeEvent(d->deferredClosingEvent); } } bool KisMainWindow::hackIsSaving() const { StdLockableWrapper wrapper(&d->savingEntryMutex); std::unique_lock> l(wrapper, std::try_to_lock); return !l.owns_lock(); } bool KisMainWindow::installBundle(const QString &fileName) const { QFileInfo from(fileName); QFileInfo to(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation) + "/bundles/" + from.fileName()); if (to.exists()) { QFile::remove(to.canonicalFilePath()); } return QFile::copy(fileName, QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation) + "/bundles/" + from.fileName()); } bool KisMainWindow::saveDocument(KisDocument *document, bool saveas, bool isExporting) { if (!document) { return true; } /** * Make sure that we cannot enter this method twice! * * The lower level functions may call processEvents() so * double-entry is quite possible to achieve. Here we try to lock * the mutex, and if it is failed, just cancel saving. */ StdLockableWrapper wrapper(&d->savingEntryMutex); std::unique_lock> l(wrapper, std::try_to_lock); if (!l.owns_lock()) return false; // no busy wait for saving because it is dangerous! KisDelayedSaveDialog dlg(document->image(), KisDelayedSaveDialog::SaveDialog, 0, this); dlg.blockIfImageIsBusy(); if (dlg.result() == KisDelayedSaveDialog::Rejected) { return false; } else if (dlg.result() == KisDelayedSaveDialog::Ignored) { QMessageBox::critical(0, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("You are saving a file while the image is " "still rendering. The saved file may be " "incomplete or corrupted.\n\n" "Please select a location where the original " "file will not be overridden!")); saveas = true; } if (document->isRecovered()) { saveas = true; } if (document->url().isEmpty()) { saveas = true; } connect(document, SIGNAL(completed()), this, SLOT(slotSaveCompleted())); connect(document, SIGNAL(canceled(QString)), this, SLOT(slotSaveCanceled(QString))); QByteArray nativeFormat = document->nativeFormatMimeType(); QByteArray oldMimeFormat = document->mimeType(); QUrl suggestedURL = document->url(); QStringList mimeFilter = KisImportExportManager::supportedMimeTypes(KisImportExportManager::Export); mimeFilter = KisImportExportManager::supportedMimeTypes(KisImportExportManager::Export); if (!mimeFilter.contains(oldMimeFormat)) { dbgUI << "KisMainWindow::saveDocument no export filter for" << oldMimeFormat; // --- don't setOutputMimeType in case the user cancels the Save As // dialog and then tries to just plain Save --- // suggest a different filename extension (yes, we fortunately don't all live in a world of magic :)) QString suggestedFilename = QFileInfo(suggestedURL.toLocalFile()).completeBaseName(); if (!suggestedFilename.isEmpty()) { // ".kra" looks strange for a name suggestedFilename = suggestedFilename + "." + KisMimeDatabase::suffixesForMimeType(KIS_MIME_TYPE).first(); suggestedURL = suggestedURL.adjusted(QUrl::RemoveFilename); suggestedURL.setPath(suggestedURL.path() + suggestedFilename); } // force the user to choose outputMimeType saveas = true; } bool ret = false; if (document->url().isEmpty() || isExporting || saveas) { // if you're just File/Save As'ing to change filter options you // don't want to be reminded about overwriting files etc. bool justChangingFilterOptions = false; KoFileDialog dialog(this, KoFileDialog::SaveFile, "SaveAs"); dialog.setCaption(isExporting ? i18n("Exporting") : i18n("Saving As")); //qDebug() << ">>>>>" << isExporting << d->lastExportLocation << d->lastExportedFormat << QString::fromLatin1(document->mimeType()); if (isExporting && !d->lastExportLocation.isEmpty()) { // Use the location where we last exported to, if it's set, as the opening location for the file dialog QString proposedPath = QFileInfo(d->lastExportLocation).absolutePath(); // If the document doesn't have a filename yet, use the title QString proposedFileName = suggestedURL.isEmpty() ? document->documentInfo()->aboutInfo("title") : QFileInfo(suggestedURL.toLocalFile()).completeBaseName(); // Use the last mimetype we exported to by default QString proposedMimeType = d->lastExportedFormat.isEmpty() ? "" : d->lastExportedFormat; QString proposedExtension = KisMimeDatabase::suffixesForMimeType(proposedMimeType).first().remove("*,"); // Set the default dir: this overrides the one loaded from the config file, since we're exporting and the lastExportLocation is not empty dialog.setDefaultDir(proposedPath + "/" + proposedFileName + "." + proposedExtension, true); dialog.setMimeTypeFilters(mimeFilter, proposedMimeType); } else { // Get the last used location for saving KConfigGroup group = KSharedConfig::openConfig()->group("File Dialogs"); QString proposedPath = group.readEntry("SaveAs", ""); // if that is empty, get the last used location for loading if (proposedPath.isEmpty()) { proposedPath = group.readEntry("OpenDocument", ""); } // If that is empty, too, use the Pictures location. if (proposedPath.isEmpty()) { proposedPath = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::PicturesLocation); } // But only use that if the suggestedUrl, that is, the document's own url is empty, otherwise // open the location where the document currently is. dialog.setDefaultDir(suggestedURL.isEmpty() ? proposedPath : suggestedURL.toLocalFile(), true); // If exporting, default to all supported file types if user is exporting QByteArray default_mime_type = ""; if (!isExporting) { // otherwise use the document's mimetype, or if that is empty, kra, which is the savest. default_mime_type = document->mimeType().isEmpty() ? nativeFormat : document->mimeType(); } dialog.setMimeTypeFilters(mimeFilter, QString::fromLatin1(default_mime_type)); } QUrl newURL = QUrl::fromUserInput(dialog.filename()); if (newURL.isLocalFile()) { QString fn = newURL.toLocalFile(); if (QFileInfo(fn).completeSuffix().isEmpty()) { fn.append(KisMimeDatabase::suffixesForMimeType(nativeFormat).first()); newURL = QUrl::fromLocalFile(fn); } } if (document->documentInfo()->aboutInfo("title") == i18n("Unnamed")) { QString fn = newURL.toLocalFile(); QFileInfo info(fn); document->documentInfo()->setAboutInfo("title", info.completeBaseName()); } QByteArray outputFormat = nativeFormat; QString outputFormatString = KisMimeDatabase::mimeTypeForFile(newURL.toLocalFile(), false); outputFormat = outputFormatString.toLatin1(); if (!isExporting) { justChangingFilterOptions = (newURL == document->url()) && (outputFormat == document->mimeType()); } else { QString path = QFileInfo(d->lastExportLocation).absolutePath(); QString filename = QFileInfo(document->url().toLocalFile()).completeBaseName(); justChangingFilterOptions = (QFileInfo(newURL.toLocalFile()).absolutePath() == path) && (QFileInfo(newURL.toLocalFile()).completeBaseName() == filename) && (outputFormat == d->lastExportedFormat); } bool bOk = true; if (newURL.isEmpty()) { bOk = false; } if (bOk) { bool wantToSave = true; // don't change this line unless you know what you're doing :) if (!justChangingFilterOptions) { if (!document->isNativeFormat(outputFormat)) wantToSave = true; } if (wantToSave) { if (!isExporting) { // Save As ret = document->saveAs(newURL, outputFormat, true); if (ret) { dbgUI << "Successful Save As!"; KisPart::instance()->addRecentURLToAllMainWindows(newURL); setReadWrite(true); } else { dbgUI << "Failed Save As!"; } } else { // Export ret = document->exportDocument(newURL, outputFormat); if (ret) { d->lastExportLocation = newURL.toLocalFile(); d->lastExportedFormat = outputFormat; } } } // if (wantToSave) { else ret = false; } // if (bOk) { else ret = false; } else { // saving // We cannot "export" into the currently // opened document. We are not Gimp. KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(!isExporting); // be sure document has the correct outputMimeType! if (document->isModified()) { ret = document->save(true, 0); } if (!ret) { dbgUI << "Failed Save!"; } } updateReloadFileAction(document); updateCaption(); return ret; } void KisMainWindow::undo() { if (activeView()) { activeView()->document()->undoStack()->undo(); } } void KisMainWindow::redo() { if (activeView()) { activeView()->document()->undoStack()->redo(); } } void KisMainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e) { if (hackIsSaving()) { e->setAccepted(false); return; } if (!KisPart::instance()->closingSession()) { QAction *action= d->viewManager->actionCollection()->action("view_show_canvas_only"); if ((action) && (action->isChecked())) { action->setChecked(false); } // Save session when last window is closed if (KisPart::instance()->mainwindowCount() == 1) { bool closeAllowed = KisPart::instance()->closeSession(); if (!closeAllowed) { e->setAccepted(false); return; } } } d->mdiArea->closeAllSubWindows(); QList childrenList = d->mdiArea->subWindowList(); if (childrenList.isEmpty()) { d->deferredClosingEvent = e; saveWindowState(true); + d->canvasWindow->close(); } else { e->setAccepted(false); } } void KisMainWindow::saveWindowSettings() { KSharedConfigPtr config = KSharedConfig::openConfig(); if (d->windowSizeDirty ) { dbgUI << "KisMainWindow::saveWindowSettings"; KConfigGroup group = d->windowStateConfig; KWindowConfig::saveWindowSize(windowHandle(), group); config->sync(); d->windowSizeDirty = false; } if (!d->activeView || d->activeView->document()) { // Save toolbar position into the config file of the app, under the doc's component name KConfigGroup group = d->windowStateConfig; saveMainWindowSettings(group); // Save collapsible state of dock widgets for (QMap::const_iterator i = d->dockWidgetsMap.constBegin(); i != d->dockWidgetsMap.constEnd(); ++i) { if (i.value()->widget()) { KConfigGroup dockGroup = group.group(QString("DockWidget ") + i.key()); dockGroup.writeEntry("Collapsed", i.value()->widget()->isHidden()); dockGroup.writeEntry("Locked", i.value()->property("Locked").toBool()); dockGroup.writeEntry("DockArea", (int) dockWidgetArea(i.value())); dockGroup.writeEntry("xPosition", (int) i.value()->widget()->x()); dockGroup.writeEntry("yPosition", (int) i.value()->widget()->y()); dockGroup.writeEntry("width", (int) i.value()->widget()->width()); dockGroup.writeEntry("height", (int) i.value()->widget()->height()); } } } KSharedConfig::openConfig()->sync(); resetAutoSaveSettings(); // Don't let KMainWindow override the good stuff we wrote down } void KisMainWindow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent * e) { d->windowSizeDirty = true; KXmlGuiWindow::resizeEvent(e); } void KisMainWindow::setActiveView(KisView* view) { d->activeView = view; updateCaption(); if (d->undoActionsUpdateManager) { d->undoActionsUpdateManager->setCurrentDocument(view ? view->document() : 0); } d->viewManager->setCurrentView(view); KisWindowLayoutManager::instance()->activeDocumentChanged(view->document()); } void KisMainWindow::dragMove(QDragMoveEvent * event) { QTabBar *tabBar = d->findTabBarHACK(); if (!tabBar && d->mdiArea->viewMode() == QMdiArea::TabbedView) { qWarning() << "WARNING!!! Cannot find QTabBar in the main window! Looks like Qt has changed behavior. Drag & Drop between multiple tabs might not work properly (tabs will not switch automatically)!"; } if (tabBar && tabBar->isVisible()) { QPoint pos = tabBar->mapFromGlobal(mapToGlobal(event->pos())); if (tabBar->rect().contains(pos)) { const int tabIndex = tabBar->tabAt(pos); if (tabIndex >= 0 && tabBar->currentIndex() != tabIndex) { d->tabSwitchCompressor->start(tabIndex); } } else if (d->tabSwitchCompressor->isActive()) { d->tabSwitchCompressor->stop(); } } } void KisMainWindow::dragLeave() { if (d->tabSwitchCompressor->isActive()) { d->tabSwitchCompressor->stop(); } } void KisMainWindow::switchTab(int index) { QTabBar *tabBar = d->findTabBarHACK(); if (!tabBar) return; tabBar->setCurrentIndex(index); } void KisMainWindow::showWelcomeScreen(bool show) { d->widgetStack->setCurrentIndex(!show); } void KisMainWindow::slotFileNew() { const QStringList mimeFilter = KisImportExportManager::supportedMimeTypes(KisImportExportManager::Import); KisOpenPane *startupWidget = new KisOpenPane(this, mimeFilter, QStringLiteral("templates/")); startupWidget->setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModal); startupWidget->setWindowTitle(i18n("Create new document")); KisConfig cfg(true); int w = cfg.defImageWidth(); int h = cfg.defImageHeight(); const double resolution = cfg.defImageResolution(); const QString colorModel = cfg.defColorModel(); const QString colorDepth = cfg.defaultColorDepth(); const QString colorProfile = cfg.defColorProfile(); CustomDocumentWidgetItem item; item.widget = new KisCustomImageWidget(startupWidget, w, h, resolution, colorModel, colorDepth, colorProfile, i18n("Unnamed")); item.icon = "document-new"; item.title = i18n("Custom Document"); startupWidget->addCustomDocumentWidget(item.widget, item.title, "Custom Document", item.icon); QSize sz = KisClipboard::instance()->clipSize(); if (sz.isValid() && sz.width() != 0 && sz.height() != 0) { w = sz.width(); h = sz.height(); } item.widget = new KisImageFromClipboard(startupWidget, w, h, resolution, colorModel, colorDepth, colorProfile, i18n("Unnamed")); item.title = i18n("Create from Clipboard"); item.icon = "tab-new"; startupWidget->addCustomDocumentWidget(item.widget, item.title, "Create from ClipBoard", item.icon); // calls deleteLater connect(startupWidget, SIGNAL(documentSelected(KisDocument*)), KisPart::instance(), SLOT(startCustomDocument(KisDocument*))); // calls deleteLater connect(startupWidget, SIGNAL(openTemplate(QUrl)), KisPart::instance(), SLOT(openTemplate(QUrl))); startupWidget->exec(); // Cancel calls deleteLater... } void KisMainWindow::slotImportFile() { dbgUI << "slotImportFile()"; slotFileOpen(true); } void KisMainWindow::slotFileOpen(bool isImporting) { QStringList urls = showOpenFileDialog(isImporting); if (urls.isEmpty()) return; Q_FOREACH (const QString& url, urls) { if (!url.isEmpty()) { OpenFlags flags = isImporting ? Import : None; bool res = openDocument(QUrl::fromLocalFile(url), flags); if (!res) { warnKrita << "Loading" << url << "failed"; } } } } void KisMainWindow::slotFileOpenRecent(const QUrl &url) { (void) openDocument(QUrl::fromLocalFile(url.toLocalFile()), None); } void KisMainWindow::slotFileSave() { if (saveDocument(d->activeView->document(), false, false)) { emit documentSaved(); } } void KisMainWindow::slotFileSaveAs() { if (saveDocument(d->activeView->document(), true, false)) { emit documentSaved(); } } void KisMainWindow::slotExportFile() { if (saveDocument(d->activeView->document(), true, true)) { emit documentSaved(); } } void KisMainWindow::slotShowSessionManager() { KisPart::instance()->showSessionManager(); } KoCanvasResourceProvider *KisMainWindow::resourceManager() const { return d->viewManager->canvasResourceProvider()->resourceManager(); } int KisMainWindow::viewCount() const { return d->mdiArea->subWindowList().size(); } const KConfigGroup &KisMainWindow::windowStateConfig() const { return d->windowStateConfig; } void KisMainWindow::saveWindowState(bool restoreNormalState) { if (restoreNormalState) { QAction *showCanvasOnly = d->viewManager->actionCollection()->action("view_show_canvas_only"); if (showCanvasOnly && showCanvasOnly->isChecked()) { showCanvasOnly->setChecked(false); } d->windowStateConfig.writeEntry("ko_geometry", saveGeometry().toBase64()); d->windowStateConfig.writeEntry("State", saveState().toBase64()); if (!d->dockerStateBeforeHiding.isEmpty()) { restoreState(d->dockerStateBeforeHiding); } statusBar()->setVisible(true); menuBar()->setVisible(true); saveWindowSettings(); } else { saveMainWindowSettings(d->windowStateConfig); } } bool KisMainWindow::restoreWorkspaceState(const QByteArray &state) { QByteArray oldState = saveState(); // needed because otherwise the layout isn't correctly restored in some situations Q_FOREACH (QDockWidget *dock, dockWidgets()) { dock->toggleViewAction()->setEnabled(true); dock->hide(); } bool success = KXmlGuiWindow::restoreState(state); if (!success) { KXmlGuiWindow::restoreState(oldState); return false; } return success; } bool KisMainWindow::restoreWorkspace(KisWorkspaceResource *workspace) { bool success = restoreWorkspaceState(workspace->dockerState()); if (activeKisView()) { activeKisView()->resourceProvider()->notifyLoadingWorkspace(workspace); } return success; } QByteArray KisMainWindow::borrowWorkspace(KisMainWindow *other) { QByteArray currentWorkspace = saveState(); if (!d->workspaceBorrowedBy.isNull()) { if (other->id() == d->workspaceBorrowedBy) { // We're swapping our original workspace back d->workspaceBorrowedBy = QUuid(); return currentWorkspace; } else { // Get our original workspace back before swapping with a third window KisMainWindow *borrower = KisPart::instance()->windowById(d->workspaceBorrowedBy); if (borrower) { QByteArray originalLayout = borrower->borrowWorkspace(this); borrower->restoreWorkspaceState(currentWorkspace); d->workspaceBorrowedBy = other->id(); return originalLayout; } } } d->workspaceBorrowedBy = other->id(); return currentWorkspace; } void KisMainWindow::swapWorkspaces(KisMainWindow *a, KisMainWindow *b) { QByteArray workspaceA = a->borrowWorkspace(b); QByteArray workspaceB = b->borrowWorkspace(a); a->restoreWorkspaceState(workspaceB); b->restoreWorkspaceState(workspaceA); } KisViewManager *KisMainWindow::viewManager() const { return d->viewManager; } void KisMainWindow::slotDocumentInfo() { if (!d->activeView->document()) return; KoDocumentInfo *docInfo = d->activeView->document()->documentInfo(); if (!docInfo) return; KoDocumentInfoDlg *dlg = d->activeView->document()->createDocumentInfoDialog(this, docInfo); if (dlg->exec()) { if (dlg->isDocumentSaved()) { d->activeView->document()->setModified(false); } else { d->activeView->document()->setModified(true); } d->activeView->document()->setTitleModified(); } delete dlg; } bool KisMainWindow::slotFileCloseAll() { Q_FOREACH (QMdiSubWindow *subwin, d->mdiArea->subWindowList()) { if (subwin) { if(!subwin->close()) return false; } } updateCaption(); return true; } void KisMainWindow::slotFileQuit() { // Do not close while KisMainWindow has the savingEntryMutex locked, bug409395. // After the background saving job is initiated, KisDocument blocks closing // while it saves itself. if (hackIsSaving()) { return; } KisPart::instance()->closeSession(); } void KisMainWindow::slotFilePrint() { if (!activeView()) return; KisPrintJob *printJob = activeView()->createPrintJob(); if (printJob == 0) return; applyDefaultSettings(printJob->printer()); QPrintDialog *printDialog = activeView()->createPrintDialog( printJob, this ); if (printDialog && printDialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { printJob->printer().setPageMargins(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, QPrinter::Point); printJob->printer().setPaperSize(QSizeF(activeView()->image()->width() / (72.0 * activeView()->image()->xRes()), activeView()->image()->height()/ (72.0 * activeView()->image()->yRes())), QPrinter::Inch); printJob->startPrinting(KisPrintJob::DeleteWhenDone); } else { delete printJob; } delete printDialog; } void KisMainWindow::slotFilePrintPreview() { if (!activeView()) return; KisPrintJob *printJob = activeView()->createPrintJob(); if (printJob == 0) return; /* Sets the startPrinting() slot to be blocking. The Qt print-preview dialog requires the printing to be completely blocking and only return when the full document has been printed. By default the KisPrintingDialog is non-blocking and multithreading, setting blocking to true will allow it to be used in the preview dialog */ printJob->setProperty("blocking", true); QPrintPreviewDialog *preview = new QPrintPreviewDialog(&printJob->printer(), this); printJob->setParent(preview); // will take care of deleting the job connect(preview, SIGNAL(paintRequested(QPrinter*)), printJob, SLOT(startPrinting())); preview->exec(); delete preview; } KisPrintJob* KisMainWindow::exportToPdf(QString pdfFileName) { if (!activeView()) return 0; if (!activeView()->document()) return 0; KoPageLayout pageLayout; pageLayout.width = 0; pageLayout.height = 0; pageLayout.topMargin = 0; pageLayout.bottomMargin = 0; pageLayout.leftMargin = 0; pageLayout.rightMargin = 0; if (pdfFileName.isEmpty()) { KConfigGroup group = KSharedConfig::openConfig()->group("File Dialogs"); QString defaultDir = group.readEntry("SavePdfDialog"); if (defaultDir.isEmpty()) defaultDir = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DocumentsLocation); QUrl startUrl = QUrl::fromLocalFile(defaultDir); KisDocument* pDoc = d->activeView->document(); /** if document has a file name, take file name and replace extension with .pdf */ if (pDoc && pDoc->url().isValid()) { startUrl = pDoc->url(); QString fileName = startUrl.toLocalFile(); fileName = fileName.replace( QRegExp( "\\.\\w{2,5}$", Qt::CaseInsensitive ), ".pdf" ); startUrl = startUrl.adjusted(QUrl::RemoveFilename); startUrl.setPath(startUrl.path() + fileName ); } QPointer layoutDlg(new KoPageLayoutDialog(this, pageLayout)); layoutDlg->setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModal); if (layoutDlg->exec() != QDialog::Accepted || !layoutDlg) { delete layoutDlg; return 0; } pageLayout = layoutDlg->pageLayout(); delete layoutDlg; KoFileDialog dialog(this, KoFileDialog::SaveFile, "OpenDocument"); dialog.setCaption(i18n("Export as PDF")); dialog.setDefaultDir(startUrl.toLocalFile()); dialog.setMimeTypeFilters(QStringList() << "application/pdf"); QUrl url = QUrl::fromUserInput(dialog.filename()); pdfFileName = url.toLocalFile(); if (pdfFileName.isEmpty()) return 0; } KisPrintJob *printJob = activeView()->createPrintJob(); if (printJob == 0) return 0; if (isHidden()) { printJob->setProperty("noprogressdialog", true); } applyDefaultSettings(printJob->printer()); // TODO for remote files we have to first save locally and then upload. printJob->printer().setOutputFileName(pdfFileName); printJob->printer().setDocName(pdfFileName); printJob->printer().setColorMode(QPrinter::Color); if (pageLayout.format == KoPageFormat::CustomSize) { printJob->printer().setPaperSize(QSizeF(pageLayout.width, pageLayout.height), QPrinter::Millimeter); } else { printJob->printer().setPaperSize(KoPageFormat::printerPageSize(pageLayout.format)); } printJob->printer().setPageMargins(pageLayout.leftMargin, pageLayout.topMargin, pageLayout.rightMargin, pageLayout.bottomMargin, QPrinter::Millimeter); switch (pageLayout.orientation) { case KoPageFormat::Portrait: printJob->printer().setOrientation(QPrinter::Portrait); break; case KoPageFormat::Landscape: printJob->printer().setOrientation(QPrinter::Landscape); break; } //before printing check if the printer can handle printing if (!printJob->canPrint()) { QMessageBox::critical(this, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("Cannot export to the specified file")); } printJob->startPrinting(KisPrintJob::DeleteWhenDone); return printJob; } void KisMainWindow::importAnimation() { if (!activeView()) return; KisDocument *document = activeView()->document(); if (!document) return; KisDlgImportImageSequence dlg(this, document); if (dlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { QStringList files = dlg.files(); int firstFrame = dlg.firstFrame(); int step = dlg.step(); KoUpdaterPtr updater = !document->fileBatchMode() ? viewManager()->createUnthreadedUpdater(i18n("Import frames")) : 0; KisAnimationImporter importer(document->image(), updater); KisImportExportErrorCode status = importer.import(files, firstFrame, step); if (!status.isOk() && !status.isInternalError()) { QString msg = status.errorMessage(); if (!msg.isEmpty()) QMessageBox::critical(0, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("Could not finish import animation:\n%1", msg)); } activeView()->canvasBase()->refetchDataFromImage(); } } void KisMainWindow::slotConfigureToolbars() { saveWindowState(); KEditToolBar edit(factory(), this); connect(&edit, SIGNAL(newToolBarConfig()), this, SLOT(slotNewToolbarConfig())); (void) edit.exec(); applyToolBarLayout(); } void KisMainWindow::slotNewToolbarConfig() { applyMainWindowSettings(d->windowStateConfig); KXMLGUIFactory *factory = guiFactory(); Q_UNUSED(factory); // Check if there's an active view if (!d->activeView) return; plugActionList("toolbarlist", d->toolbarList); applyToolBarLayout(); } void KisMainWindow::slotToolbarToggled(bool toggle) { //dbgUI <<"KisMainWindow::slotToolbarToggled" << sender()->name() <<" toggle=" << true; // The action (sender) and the toolbar have the same name KToolBar * bar = toolBar(sender()->objectName()); if (bar) { if (toggle) { bar->show(); } else { bar->hide(); } if (d->activeView && d->activeView->document()) { saveWindowState(); } } else warnUI << "slotToolbarToggled : Toolbar " << sender()->objectName() << " not found!"; } void KisMainWindow::viewFullscreen(bool fullScreen) { KisConfig cfg(false); cfg.setFullscreenMode(fullScreen); if (fullScreen) { setWindowState(windowState() | Qt::WindowFullScreen); // set } else { setWindowState(windowState() & ~Qt::WindowFullScreen); // reset } } void KisMainWindow::setMaxRecentItems(uint _number) { d->recentFiles->setMaxItems(_number); } void KisMainWindow::slotReloadFile() { KisDocument* document = d->activeView->document(); if (!document || document->url().isEmpty()) return; if (document->isModified()) { bool ok = QMessageBox::question(this, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("You will lose all changes made since your last save\n" "Do you want to continue?"), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::Yes) == QMessageBox::Yes; if (!ok) return; } QUrl url = document->url(); saveWindowSettings(); if (!document->reload()) { QMessageBox::critical(this, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("Error: Could not reload this document")); } return; } QDockWidget* KisMainWindow::createDockWidget(KoDockFactoryBase* factory) { QDockWidget* dockWidget = 0; bool lockAllDockers = KisConfig(true).readEntry("LockAllDockerPanels", false); if (!d->dockWidgetsMap.contains(factory->id())) { dockWidget = factory->createDockWidget(); // It is quite possible that a dock factory cannot create the dock; don't // do anything in that case. if (!dockWidget) { warnKrita << "Could not create docker for" << factory->id(); return 0; } dockWidget->setFont(KoDockRegistry::dockFont()); dockWidget->setObjectName(factory->id()); dockWidget->setParent(this); if (lockAllDockers) { if (dockWidget->titleBarWidget()) { dockWidget->titleBarWidget()->setVisible(false); } dockWidget->setFeatures(QDockWidget::NoDockWidgetFeatures); } if (dockWidget->widget() && dockWidget->widget()->layout()) dockWidget->widget()->layout()->setContentsMargins(1, 1, 1, 1); Qt::DockWidgetArea side = Qt::RightDockWidgetArea; bool visible = true; switch (factory->defaultDockPosition()) { case KoDockFactoryBase::DockTornOff: dockWidget->setFloating(true); // position nicely? break; case KoDockFactoryBase::DockTop: side = Qt::TopDockWidgetArea; break; case KoDockFactoryBase::DockLeft: side = Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea; break; case KoDockFactoryBase::DockBottom: side = Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea; break; case KoDockFactoryBase::DockRight: side = Qt::RightDockWidgetArea; break; case KoDockFactoryBase::DockMinimized: default: side = Qt::RightDockWidgetArea; visible = false; } KConfigGroup group = d->windowStateConfig.group("DockWidget " + factory->id()); side = static_cast(group.readEntry("DockArea", static_cast(side))); if (side == Qt::NoDockWidgetArea) side = Qt::RightDockWidgetArea; addDockWidget(side, dockWidget); if (!visible) { dockWidget->hide(); } d->dockWidgetsMap.insert(factory->id(), dockWidget); } else { dockWidget = d->dockWidgetsMap[factory->id()]; } #ifdef Q_OS_MACOS dockWidget->setAttribute(Qt::WA_MacSmallSize, true); #endif dockWidget->setFont(KoDockRegistry::dockFont()); connect(dockWidget, SIGNAL(dockLocationChanged(Qt::DockWidgetArea)), this, SLOT(forceDockTabFonts())); return dockWidget; } void KisMainWindow::forceDockTabFonts() { Q_FOREACH (QObject *child, children()) { if (child->inherits("QTabBar")) { ((QTabBar *)child)->setFont(KoDockRegistry::dockFont()); } } } QList KisMainWindow::dockWidgets() const { return d->dockWidgetsMap.values(); } QDockWidget* KisMainWindow::dockWidget(const QString &id) { if (!d->dockWidgetsMap.contains(id)) return 0; return d->dockWidgetsMap[id]; } QList KisMainWindow::canvasObservers() const { QList observers; Q_FOREACH (QDockWidget *docker, dockWidgets()) { KoCanvasObserverBase *observer = dynamic_cast(docker); if (observer) { observers << observer; } else { warnKrita << docker << "is not a canvas observer"; } } return observers; } void KisMainWindow::toggleDockersVisibility(bool visible) { if (!visible) { d->dockerStateBeforeHiding = saveState(); Q_FOREACH (QObject* widget, children()) { if (widget->inherits("QDockWidget")) { QDockWidget* dw = static_cast(widget); if (dw->isVisible()) { dw->hide(); } } } } else { restoreState(d->dockerStateBeforeHiding); } } void KisMainWindow::slotDocumentTitleModified() { updateCaption(); updateReloadFileAction(d->activeView ? d->activeView->document() : 0); } void KisMainWindow::subWindowActivated() { bool enabled = (activeKisView() != 0); d->mdiCascade->setEnabled(enabled); d->mdiNextWindow->setEnabled(enabled); d->mdiPreviousWindow->setEnabled(enabled); d->mdiTile->setEnabled(enabled); d->close->setEnabled(enabled); d->closeAll->setEnabled(enabled); setActiveSubWindow(d->mdiArea->activeSubWindow()); Q_FOREACH (QToolBar *tb, toolBars()) { if (tb->objectName() == "BrushesAndStuff") { tb->setEnabled(enabled); } } /** * Qt has a weirdness, it has hardcoded shortcuts added to an action * in the window menu. We need to reset the shortcuts for that menu * to nothing, otherwise the shortcuts cannot be made configurable. * * See: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=352205 * https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=375524 * https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=398729 */ QMdiSubWindow *subWindow = d->mdiArea->currentSubWindow(); if (subWindow) { QMenu *menu = subWindow->systemMenu(); if (menu && menu->actions().size() == 8) { Q_FOREACH (QAction *action, menu->actions()) { action->setShortcut(QKeySequence()); } menu->actions().last()->deleteLater(); } } updateCaption(); d->actionManager()->updateGUI(); } void KisMainWindow::windowFocused() { /** * Notify selection manager so that it could update selection mask overlay */ if (viewManager() && viewManager()->selectionManager()) { viewManager()->selectionManager()->selectionChanged(); } KisPart *kisPart = KisPart::instance(); KisWindowLayoutManager *layoutManager = KisWindowLayoutManager::instance(); if (!layoutManager->primaryWorkspaceFollowsFocus()) return; QUuid primary = layoutManager->primaryWindowId(); if (primary.isNull()) return; if (d->id == primary) { if (!d->workspaceBorrowedBy.isNull()) { KisMainWindow *borrower = kisPart->windowById(d->workspaceBorrowedBy); if (!borrower) return; swapWorkspaces(this, borrower); } } else { if (d->workspaceBorrowedBy == primary) return; KisMainWindow *primaryWindow = kisPart->windowById(primary); if (!primaryWindow) return; swapWorkspaces(this, primaryWindow); } } void KisMainWindow::updateWindowMenu() { QMenu *menu = d->windowMenu->menu(); menu->clear(); menu->addAction(d->newWindow); menu->addAction(d->documentMenu); QMenu *docMenu = d->documentMenu->menu(); docMenu->clear(); QFontMetrics fontMetrics = docMenu->fontMetrics(); int fileStringWidth = int(QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry(this).width() * .40f); Q_FOREACH (QPointer doc, KisPart::instance()->documents()) { if (doc) { QString title = fontMetrics.elidedText(doc->url().toDisplayString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile), Qt::ElideMiddle, fileStringWidth); if (title.isEmpty() && doc->image()) { title = doc->image()->objectName(); } QAction *action = docMenu->addAction(title); action->setIcon(qApp->windowIcon()); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), d->documentMapper, SLOT(map())); d->documentMapper->setMapping(action, doc); } } menu->addAction(d->workspaceMenu); QMenu *workspaceMenu = d->workspaceMenu->menu(); workspaceMenu->clear(); auto workspaces = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->workspaceServer()->resources(); auto m_this = this; for (auto &w : workspaces) { auto action = workspaceMenu->addAction(w->name()); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, [=]() { m_this->restoreWorkspace(w); }); } workspaceMenu->addSeparator(); connect(workspaceMenu->addAction(i18nc("@action:inmenu", "&Import Workspace...")), &QAction::triggered, this, [&]() { QString extensions = d->workspacemodel->extensions(); QStringList mimeTypes; for(const QString &suffix : extensions.split(":")) { mimeTypes << KisMimeDatabase::mimeTypeForSuffix(suffix); } KoFileDialog dialog(0, KoFileDialog::OpenFile, "OpenDocument"); dialog.setMimeTypeFilters(mimeTypes); dialog.setCaption(i18nc("@title:window", "Choose File to Add")); QString filename = dialog.filename(); d->workspacemodel->importResourceFile(filename); }); connect(workspaceMenu->addAction(i18nc("@action:inmenu", "&New Workspace...")), &QAction::triggered, [=]() { QString name = QInputDialog::getText(this, i18nc("@title:window", "New Workspace..."), i18nc("@label:textbox", "Name:")); if (name.isEmpty()) return; auto rserver = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->workspaceServer(); KisWorkspaceResource* workspace = new KisWorkspaceResource(""); workspace->setDockerState(m_this->saveState()); d->viewManager->canvasResourceProvider()->notifySavingWorkspace(workspace); workspace->setValid(true); QString saveLocation = rserver->saveLocation(); bool newName = false; if(name.isEmpty()) { newName = true; name = i18n("Workspace"); } QFileInfo fileInfo(saveLocation + name + workspace->defaultFileExtension()); int i = 1; while (fileInfo.exists()) { fileInfo.setFile(saveLocation + name + QString("%1").arg(i) + workspace->defaultFileExtension()); i++; } workspace->setFilename(fileInfo.filePath()); if(newName) { name = i18n("Workspace %1", i); } workspace->setName(name); rserver->addResource(workspace); }); // TODO: What to do about delete? // workspaceMenu->addAction(i18nc("@action:inmenu", "&Delete Workspace...")); menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(d->close); menu->addAction(d->closeAll); if (d->mdiArea->viewMode() == QMdiArea::SubWindowView) { menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(d->mdiTile); menu->addAction(d->mdiCascade); } menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(d->mdiNextWindow); menu->addAction(d->mdiPreviousWindow); menu->addSeparator(); QList windows = d->mdiArea->subWindowList(); for (int i = 0; i < windows.size(); ++i) { QPointerchild = qobject_cast(windows.at(i)->widget()); if (child && child->document()) { QString text; if (i < 9) { text = i18n("&%1 %2", i + 1, fontMetrics.elidedText(child->document()->url().toDisplayString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile), Qt::ElideMiddle, fileStringWidth)); } else { text = i18n("%1 %2", i + 1, fontMetrics.elidedText(child->document()->url().toDisplayString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile), Qt::ElideMiddle, fileStringWidth)); } QAction *action = menu->addAction(text); action->setIcon(qApp->windowIcon()); action->setCheckable(true); action->setChecked(child == activeKisView()); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), d->windowMapper, SLOT(map())); d->windowMapper->setMapping(action, windows.at(i)); } } bool showMdiArea = windows.count( ) > 0; if (!showMdiArea) { showWelcomeScreen(true); // see workaround in function in header // keep the recent file list updated when going back to welcome screen reloadRecentFileList(); d->welcomePage->populateRecentDocuments(); } // enable/disable the toolbox docker if there are no documents open Q_FOREACH (QObject* widget, children()) { if (widget->inherits("QDockWidget")) { QDockWidget* dw = static_cast(widget); if ( dw->objectName() == "ToolBox") { dw->setEnabled(showMdiArea); } } } updateCaption(); } void KisMainWindow::setActiveSubWindow(QWidget *window) { if (!window) return; QMdiSubWindow *subwin = qobject_cast(window); //dbgKrita << "setActiveSubWindow();" << subwin << d->activeSubWindow; if (subwin && subwin != d->activeSubWindow) { KisView *view = qobject_cast(subwin->widget()); //dbgKrita << "\t" << view << activeView(); if (view && view != activeView()) { d->mdiArea->setActiveSubWindow(subwin); setActiveView(view); } d->activeSubWindow = subwin; } updateWindowMenu(); d->actionManager()->updateGUI(); } void KisMainWindow::configChanged() { KisConfig cfg(true); QMdiArea::ViewMode viewMode = (QMdiArea::ViewMode)cfg.readEntry("mdi_viewmode", (int)QMdiArea::TabbedView); d->mdiArea->setViewMode(viewMode); Q_FOREACH (QMdiSubWindow *subwin, d->mdiArea->subWindowList()) { subwin->setOption(QMdiSubWindow::RubberBandMove, cfg.readEntry("mdi_rubberband", cfg.useOpenGL())); subwin->setOption(QMdiSubWindow::RubberBandResize, cfg.readEntry("mdi_rubberband", cfg.useOpenGL())); /** * Dirty workaround for a bug in Qt (checked on Qt 5.6.1): * * If you make a window "Show on top" and then switch to the tabbed mode * the window will contiue to be painted in its initial "mid-screen" * position. It will persist here until you explicitly switch to its tab. */ if (viewMode == QMdiArea::TabbedView) { Qt::WindowFlags oldFlags = subwin->windowFlags(); Qt::WindowFlags flags = oldFlags; flags &= ~Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint; flags &= ~Qt::WindowStaysOnBottomHint; if (flags != oldFlags) { subwin->setWindowFlags(flags); subwin->showMaximized(); } } } KConfigGroup group( KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "theme"); d->themeManager->setCurrentTheme(group.readEntry("Theme", "Krita dark")); d->actionManager()->updateGUI(); QString s = cfg.getMDIBackgroundColor(); KoColor c = KoColor::fromXML(s); QBrush brush(c.toQColor()); d->mdiArea->setBackground(brush); QString backgroundImage = cfg.getMDIBackgroundImage(); if (backgroundImage != "") { QImage image(backgroundImage); QBrush brush(image); d->mdiArea->setBackground(brush); } d->mdiArea->update(); } KisView* KisMainWindow::newView(QObject *document) { KisDocument *doc = qobject_cast(document); KisView *view = addViewAndNotifyLoadingCompleted(doc); d->actionManager()->updateGUI(); return view; } void KisMainWindow::newWindow() { KisMainWindow *mainWindow = KisPart::instance()->createMainWindow(); mainWindow->initializeGeometry(); mainWindow->show(); } void KisMainWindow::closeCurrentWindow() { if (d->mdiArea->currentSubWindow()) { d->mdiArea->currentSubWindow()->close(); d->actionManager()->updateGUI(); } } void KisMainWindow::checkSanity() { // print error if the lcms engine is not available if (!KoColorSpaceEngineRegistry::instance()->contains("icc")) { // need to wait 1 event since exiting here would not work. m_errorMessage = i18n("The Krita LittleCMS color management plugin is not installed. Krita will quit now."); m_dieOnError = true; QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(showErrorAndDie())); return; } KisPaintOpPresetResourceServer * rserver = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->paintOpPresetServer(); if (rserver->resources().isEmpty()) { m_errorMessage = i18n("Krita cannot find any brush presets! Krita will quit now."); m_dieOnError = true; QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(showErrorAndDie())); return; } } void KisMainWindow::showErrorAndDie() { QMessageBox::critical(0, i18nc("@title:window", "Installation error"), m_errorMessage); if (m_dieOnError) { exit(10); } } void KisMainWindow::showAboutApplication() { KisAboutApplication dlg(this); dlg.exec(); } QPointer KisMainWindow::activeKisView() { if (!d->mdiArea) return 0; QMdiSubWindow *activeSubWindow = d->mdiArea->activeSubWindow(); //dbgKrita << "activeKisView" << activeSubWindow; if (!activeSubWindow) return 0; return qobject_cast(activeSubWindow->widget()); } void KisMainWindow::newOptionWidgets(KoCanvasController *controller, const QList > &optionWidgetList) { KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_NOOP(controller == KoToolManager::instance()->activeCanvasController()); bool isOurOwnView = false; Q_FOREACH (QPointer view, KisPart::instance()->views()) { if (view && view->canvasController() == controller) { isOurOwnView = view->mainWindow() == this; } } if (!isOurOwnView) return; Q_FOREACH (QWidget *w, optionWidgetList) { #ifdef Q_OS_MACOS w->setAttribute(Qt::WA_MacSmallSize, true); #endif w->setFont(KoDockRegistry::dockFont()); } if (d->toolOptionsDocker) { d->toolOptionsDocker->setOptionWidgets(optionWidgetList); } else { d->viewManager->paintOpBox()->newOptionWidgets(optionWidgetList); } } void KisMainWindow::applyDefaultSettings(QPrinter &printer) { if (!d->activeView) return; QString title = d->activeView->document()->documentInfo()->aboutInfo("title"); if (title.isEmpty()) { QFileInfo info(d->activeView->document()->url().fileName()); title = info.completeBaseName(); } if (title.isEmpty()) { // #139905 title = i18n("%1 unsaved document (%2)", qApp->applicationDisplayName(), QLocale().toString(QDate::currentDate(), QLocale::ShortFormat)); } printer.setDocName(title); } void KisMainWindow::createActions() { KisActionManager *actionManager = d->actionManager(); actionManager->createStandardAction(KStandardAction::New, this, SLOT(slotFileNew())); actionManager->createStandardAction(KStandardAction::Open, this, SLOT(slotFileOpen())); actionManager->createStandardAction(KStandardAction::Quit, this, SLOT(slotFileQuit())); actionManager->createStandardAction(KStandardAction::ConfigureToolbars, this, SLOT(slotConfigureToolbars())); d->fullScreenMode = actionManager->createStandardAction(KStandardAction::FullScreen, this, SLOT(viewFullscreen(bool))); d->recentFiles = KStandardAction::openRecent(this, SLOT(slotFileOpenRecent(QUrl)), actionCollection()); connect(d->recentFiles, SIGNAL(recentListCleared()), this, SLOT(saveRecentFiles())); KSharedConfigPtr configPtr = KSharedConfig::openConfig(); d->recentFiles->loadEntries(configPtr->group("RecentFiles")); d->saveAction = actionManager->createStandardAction(KStandardAction::Save, this, SLOT(slotFileSave())); d->saveAction->setActivationFlags(KisAction::ACTIVE_IMAGE); d->saveActionAs = actionManager->createStandardAction(KStandardAction::SaveAs, this, SLOT(slotFileSaveAs())); d->saveActionAs->setActivationFlags(KisAction::ACTIVE_IMAGE); // d->printAction = actionManager->createStandardAction(KStandardAction::Print, this, SLOT(slotFilePrint())); // d->printAction->setActivationFlags(KisAction::ACTIVE_IMAGE); // d->printActionPreview = actionManager->createStandardAction(KStandardAction::PrintPreview, this, SLOT(slotFilePrintPreview())); // d->printActionPreview->setActivationFlags(KisAction::ACTIVE_IMAGE); d->undo = actionManager->createStandardAction(KStandardAction::Undo, this, SLOT(undo())); d->undo->setActivationFlags(KisAction::ACTIVE_IMAGE); d->redo = actionManager->createStandardAction(KStandardAction::Redo, this, SLOT(redo())); d->redo->setActivationFlags(KisAction::ACTIVE_IMAGE); d->undoActionsUpdateManager.reset(new KisUndoActionsUpdateManager(d->undo, d->redo)); d->undoActionsUpdateManager->setCurrentDocument(d->activeView ? d->activeView->document() : 0); // d->exportPdf = actionManager->createAction("file_export_pdf"); // connect(d->exportPdf, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(exportToPdf())); d->importAnimation = actionManager->createAction("file_import_animation"); connect(d->importAnimation, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(importAnimation())); d->closeAll = actionManager->createAction("file_close_all"); connect(d->closeAll, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotFileCloseAll())); // d->reloadFile = actionManager->createAction("file_reload_file"); // d->reloadFile->setActivationFlags(KisAction::CURRENT_IMAGE_MODIFIED); // connect(d->reloadFile, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(slotReloadFile())); d->importFile = actionManager->createAction("file_import_file"); connect(d->importFile, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(slotImportFile())); d->exportFile = actionManager->createAction("file_export_file"); connect(d->exportFile, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(slotExportFile())); /* The following entry opens the document information dialog. Since the action is named so it intends to show data this entry should not have a trailing ellipses (...). */ d->showDocumentInfo = actionManager->createAction("file_documentinfo"); connect(d->showDocumentInfo, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(slotDocumentInfo())); d->themeManager->setThemeMenuAction(new KActionMenu(i18nc("@action:inmenu", "&Themes"), this)); d->themeManager->registerThemeActions(actionCollection()); connect(d->themeManager, SIGNAL(signalThemeChanged()), this, SLOT(slotThemeChanged())); connect(d->themeManager, SIGNAL(signalThemeChanged()), d->welcomePage, SLOT(slotUpdateThemeColors())); d->toggleDockers = actionManager->createAction("view_toggledockers"); KisConfig(true).showDockers(true); d->toggleDockers->setChecked(true); connect(d->toggleDockers, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(toggleDockersVisibility(bool))); + d->toggleDetachCanvas = actionManager->createAction("view_detached_canvas"); + d->toggleDetachCanvas->setChecked(false); + connect(d->toggleDetachCanvas, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(setCanvasDetached(bool))); + setCanvasDetached(false); + actionCollection()->addAction("settings_dockers_menu", d->dockWidgetMenu); actionCollection()->addAction("window", d->windowMenu); d->mdiCascade = actionManager->createAction("windows_cascade"); connect(d->mdiCascade, SIGNAL(triggered()), d->mdiArea, SLOT(cascadeSubWindows())); d->mdiTile = actionManager->createAction("windows_tile"); connect(d->mdiTile, SIGNAL(triggered()), d->mdiArea, SLOT(tileSubWindows())); d->mdiNextWindow = actionManager->createAction("windows_next"); connect(d->mdiNextWindow, SIGNAL(triggered()), d->mdiArea, SLOT(activateNextSubWindow())); d->mdiPreviousWindow = actionManager->createAction("windows_previous"); connect(d->mdiPreviousWindow, SIGNAL(triggered()), d->mdiArea, SLOT(activatePreviousSubWindow())); d->newWindow = actionManager->createAction("view_newwindow"); connect(d->newWindow, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(newWindow())); d->close = actionManager->createStandardAction(KStandardAction::Close, this, SLOT(closeCurrentWindow())); d->showSessionManager = actionManager->createAction("file_sessions"); connect(d->showSessionManager, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(slotShowSessionManager())); actionManager->createStandardAction(KStandardAction::Preferences, this, SLOT(slotPreferences())); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { d->expandingSpacers[i] = new KisAction(i18n("Expanding Spacer")); d->expandingSpacers[i]->setDefaultWidget(new QWidget(this)); d->expandingSpacers[i]->defaultWidget()->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding); actionManager->addAction(QString("expanding_spacer_%1").arg(i), d->expandingSpacers[i]); } } void KisMainWindow::applyToolBarLayout() { const bool isPlastiqueStyle = style()->objectName() == "plastique"; Q_FOREACH (KToolBar *toolBar, toolBars()) { toolBar->layout()->setSpacing(4); if (isPlastiqueStyle) { toolBar->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 2); } //Hide text for buttons with an icon in the toolbar Q_FOREACH (QAction *ac, toolBar->actions()){ if (ac->icon().pixmap(QSize(1,1)).isNull() == false){ ac->setPriority(QAction::LowPriority); }else { ac->setIcon(QIcon()); } } } } void KisMainWindow::initializeGeometry() { // if the user didn's specify the geometry on the command line (does anyone do that still?), // we first figure out some good default size and restore the x,y position. See bug 285804Z. KConfigGroup cfg = d->windowStateConfig; QByteArray geom = QByteArray::fromBase64(cfg.readEntry("ko_geometry", QByteArray())); if (!restoreGeometry(geom)) { const int scnum = QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(parentWidget()); QRect desk = QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry(scnum); // if the desktop is virtual then use virtual screen size if (QApplication::desktop()->isVirtualDesktop()) { desk = QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry(QApplication::desktop()->screen(scnum)); } quint32 x = desk.x(); quint32 y = desk.y(); quint32 w = 0; quint32 h = 0; // Default size -- maximize on small screens, something useful on big screens const int deskWidth = desk.width(); if (deskWidth > 1024) { // a nice width, and slightly less than total available // height to compensate for the window decs w = (deskWidth / 3) * 2; h = (desk.height() / 3) * 2; } else { w = desk.width(); h = desk.height(); } x += (desk.width() - w) / 2; y += (desk.height() - h) / 2; move(x,y); setGeometry(geometry().x(), geometry().y(), w, h); } d->fullScreenMode->setChecked(isFullScreen()); } void KisMainWindow::showManual() { QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl("https://docs.krita.org")); } void KisMainWindow::windowScreenChanged(QScreen *screen) { emit screenChanged(); d->screenConnectionsStore.clear(); d->screenConnectionsStore.addConnection(screen, SIGNAL(physicalDotsPerInchChanged(qreal)), this, SIGNAL(screenChanged())); } #include diff --git a/libs/ui/KisMainWindow.h b/libs/ui/KisMainWindow.h index be49b461f9..0126939d78 100644 --- a/libs/ui/KisMainWindow.h +++ b/libs/ui/KisMainWindow.h @@ -1,502 +1,511 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Torben Weis Copyright (C) 2000-2004 David Faure This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KIS_MAIN_WINDOW_H #define KIS_MAIN_WINDOW_H #include "kritaui_export.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "KisView.h" class QCloseEvent; class QMoveEvent; struct KoPageLayout; class KoCanvasResourceProvider; class KisDocument; class KisPrintJob; class KoDockFactoryBase; class QDockWidget; class KisView; class KisViewManager; class KoCanvasController; class KisWorkspaceResource; /** * @brief Main window for Krita * * This class is used to represent a main window within a Krita session. Each * main window contains a menubar and some toolbars, and potentially several * views of several canvases. * */ class KRITAUI_EXPORT KisMainWindow : public KXmlGuiWindow, public KoCanvasSupervisor { Q_OBJECT public: enum OpenFlag { None = 0, Import = 0x1, BatchMode = 0x2, RecoveryFile = 0x4 }; Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(OpenFlags, OpenFlag) public: /** * Constructor. * * Initializes a Calligra main window (with its basic GUI etc.). */ explicit KisMainWindow(QUuid id = QUuid()); /** * Destructor. */ ~KisMainWindow() override; QUuid id() const; /** * @brief showView shows the given view. Override this if you want to show * the view in a different way than by making it the central widget, for instance * as an QMdiSubWindow */ virtual void showView(KisView *view); /** * @returns the currently active view */ KisView *activeView() const; /** * Sets the maximum number of recent documents entries. */ void setMaxRecentItems(uint _number); /** * The document opened a URL -> store into recent documents list. */ void addRecentURL(const QUrl &url); /** * get list of URL strings for recent files */ QList recentFilesUrls(); /** * clears the list of the recent files */ void clearRecentFiles(); /** * Load the desired document and show it. * @param url the URL to open * * @return TRUE on success. */ bool openDocument(const QUrl &url, OpenFlags flags); /** * Activate a view containing the document in this window, creating one if needed. */ void showDocument(KisDocument *document); /** * Toggles between showing the welcome screen and the MDI area * * hack: There seems to be a bug that prevents events happening to the MDI area if it * isn't actively displayed (set in the widgetStack). This can cause things like the title bar * not to update correctly Before doing any actions related to opening or creating documents, * make sure to switch this first to make sure everything can communicate to the MDI area correctly */ void showWelcomeScreen(bool show); /** * Saves the document, asking for a filename if necessary. * * @param saveas if set to TRUE the user is always prompted for a filename * @param silent if set to TRUE rootDocument()->setTitleModified will not be called. * * @return TRUE on success, false on error or cancel * (don't display anything in this case, the error dialog box is also implemented here * but restore the original URL in slotFileSaveAs) */ bool saveDocument(KisDocument *document, bool saveas, bool isExporting); void setReadWrite(bool readwrite); /// Return the list of dock widgets belonging to this main window. QList dockWidgets() const; QDockWidget* dockWidget(const QString &id); QList canvasObservers() const override; KoCanvasResourceProvider *resourceManager() const; int viewCount() const; void saveWindowState(bool restoreNormalState =false); const KConfigGroup &windowStateConfig() const; /** * A wrapper around restoreState * @param state the saved state * @return TRUE on success */ bool restoreWorkspace(KisWorkspaceResource *workspace); bool restoreWorkspaceState(const QByteArray &state); static void swapWorkspaces(KisMainWindow *a, KisMainWindow *b); KisViewManager *viewManager() const; KisView *addViewAndNotifyLoadingCompleted(KisDocument *document); QStringList showOpenFileDialog(bool isImporting); + /** + * The top-level window used for a detached canvas. + */ + QWidget *canvasWindow() const; + bool canvasDetached() const; + /** * Shows if the main window is saving anything right now. If the * user presses Ctrl+W too fast, then the document can be close * before the saving is completed. I'm not sure if it is fixable * in any way without avoiding using porcessEvents() * everywhere (DK) * * Don't use it unless you have no option. */ bool hackIsSaving() const; /// Copy the given file into the bundle directory. bool installBundle(const QString &fileName) const; Q_SIGNALS: /** * This signal is emitted if the document has been saved successfully. */ void documentSaved(); /// This signal is emitted when this windows has finished loading of a /// document. The document may be opened in another window in the end. /// In this case, the signal means there is no link between the window /// and the document anymore. void loadCompleted(); /// This signal is emitted right after the docker states have been succefully restored from config void restoringDone(); /// This signal is emitted when the color theme changes void themeChanged(); /// This signal is emitted when the shortcut key configuration has changed void keyBindingsChanged(); void guiLoadingFinished(); /// emitted when the window is migrated among different screens void screenChanged(); public Q_SLOTS: /** * Slot for opening a new document. * * If the current document is empty, the new document replaces it. * If not, a new mainwindow will be opened for showing the document. */ void slotFileNew(); /** * Slot for opening a saved file. * * If the current document is empty, the opened document replaces it. * If not a new mainwindow will be opened for showing the opened file. */ void slotFileOpen(bool isImporting = false); /** * Slot for opening a file among the recently opened files. * * If the current document is empty, the opened document replaces it. * If not a new mainwindow will be opened for showing the opened file. */ void slotFileOpenRecent(const QUrl &); /** * @brief slotPreferences open the preferences dialog */ void slotPreferences(); /** * Update caption from document info - call when document info * (title in the about page) changes. */ void updateCaption(); /** * Saves the current document with the current name. */ void slotFileSave(); void slotShowSessionManager(); // XXX: disabled KisPrintJob* exportToPdf(QString pdfFileName = QString()); /** * Update the option widgets to the argument ones, removing the currently set widgets. */ void newOptionWidgets(KoCanvasController *controller, const QList > & optionWidgetList); KisView *newView(QObject *document); void notifyChildViewDestroyed(KisView *view); /// Set the active view, this will update the undo/redo actions void setActiveView(KisView *view); void subWindowActivated(); void windowFocused(); /** * Reloads the recent documents list. */ void reloadRecentFileList(); - + /** + * Detach canvas onto a separate window, or restore it back to to main window. + */ + void setCanvasDetached(bool detached); private Q_SLOTS: /** * Save the list of recent files. */ void saveRecentFiles(); void slotLoadCompleted(); void slotLoadCanceled(const QString &); void slotSaveCompleted(); void slotSaveCanceled(const QString &); void forceDockTabFonts(); /** * @internal */ void slotDocumentTitleModified(); /** * Prints the actual document. */ void slotFilePrint(); /** * Saves the current document with a new name. */ void slotFileSaveAs(); void slotFilePrintPreview(); void importAnimation(); /** * Show a dialog with author and document information. */ void slotDocumentInfo(); /** * Closes all open documents. */ bool slotFileCloseAll(); /** * @brief showAboutApplication show the about box */ virtual void showAboutApplication(); /** * Closes the mainwindow. */ void slotFileQuit(); /** * Configure toolbars. */ void slotConfigureToolbars(); /** * Post toolbar config. * (Plug action lists back in, etc.) */ void slotNewToolbarConfig(); /** * Shows or hides a toolbar */ void slotToolbarToggled(bool toggle); /** * Toggle full screen on/off. */ void viewFullscreen(bool fullScreen); /** * Reload file */ void slotReloadFile(); /** * File --> Import * * This will call slotFileOpen(). */ void slotImportFile(); /** * File --> Export * * This will call slotFileSaveAs(). */ void slotExportFile(); /** * Hide the dockers */ void toggleDockersVisibility(bool visible); /** * Handle theme changes from theme manager */ void slotThemeChanged(); void undo(); void redo(); void updateWindowMenu(); void setActiveSubWindow(QWidget *window); void configChanged(); void newWindow(); void closeCurrentWindow(); void checkSanity(); /// Quits Krita with error message from m_errorMessage. void showErrorAndDie(); void initializeGeometry(); void showManual(); void switchTab(int index); void windowScreenChanged(QScreen *screen); protected: void closeEvent(QCloseEvent * e) override; void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent * e) override; // QWidget overrides private: friend class KisWelcomePageWidget; void dragMove(QDragMoveEvent *event); void dragLeave(); private: /** * Add a the given view to the list of views of this mainwindow. * This is a private implementation. For public usage please use * newView() and addViewAndNotifyLoadingCompleted(). */ void addView(KisView *view); friend class KisPart; /** * Returns the dockwidget specified by the @p factory. If the dock widget doesn't exist yet it's created. * Add a "view_palette_action_menu" action to your view menu if you want to use closable dock widgets. * @param factory the factory used to create the dock widget if needed * @return the dock widget specified by @p factory (may be 0) */ QDockWidget* createDockWidget(KoDockFactoryBase* factory); bool openDocumentInternal(const QUrl &url, KisMainWindow::OpenFlags flags = 0); /** * Updates the window caption based on the document info and path. */ void updateCaption(const QString & caption, bool modified); void updateReloadFileAction(KisDocument *doc); void saveWindowSettings(); QPointer activeKisView(); void applyDefaultSettings(QPrinter &printer); void createActions(); void applyToolBarLayout(); QByteArray borrowWorkspace(KisMainWindow *borrower); private: /** * Struct used in the list created by createCustomDocumentWidgets() */ struct CustomDocumentWidgetItem { /// Pointer to the custom document widget QWidget *widget; /// title used in the sidebar. If left empty it will be displayed as "Custom Document" QString title; /// icon used in the sidebar. If left empty it will use the unknown icon QString icon; }; class Private; Private * const d; QString m_errorMessage; bool m_dieOnError; }; Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(KisMainWindow::OpenFlags) #endif diff --git a/libs/ui/KisMultiFeedRSSModel.cpp b/libs/ui/KisMultiFeedRSSModel.cpp index 9c058053bb..5bebd6d6e8 100644 --- a/libs/ui/KisMultiFeedRSSModel.cpp +++ b/libs/ui/KisMultiFeedRSSModel.cpp @@ -1,221 +1,226 @@ /************************************************************************** ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator ** ** Copyright (c) 2011 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** ** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com) ** ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and ** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this file. ** Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General ** Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met: ** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html. ** ** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional ** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ** Other Usage ** ** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms and ** conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you and Nokia. ** ** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact ** Nokia at qt-info@nokia.com. ** **************************************************************************/ #include "KisMultiFeedRSSModel.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include QString shortenHtml(QString html) { html.replace(QLatin1String("")); uint firstParaEndHtml = (uint) html.indexOf(QLatin1String("

"), html.indexOf(QLatin1String("

"))+1); uint firstParaEndBr = (uint) html.indexOf(QLatin1String("request().url(); requestUrl = source.toString(); streamReader.setDevice(reply); RssItemList list; while (!streamReader.atEnd()) { switch (streamReader.readNext()) { case QXmlStreamReader::StartElement: if (streamReader.name() == QLatin1String("item")) list.append(parseItem()); else if (streamReader.name() == QLatin1String("title")) blogName = streamReader.readElementText(); else if (streamReader.name() == QLatin1String("link")) { if (!streamReader.namespaceUri().isEmpty()) break; QString favIconString(streamReader.readElementText()); QUrl favIconUrl(favIconString); favIconUrl.setPath(QLatin1String("favicon.ico")); blogIcon = favIconUrl.toString(); blogIcon = QString(); // XXX: fix the favicon on krita.org! } break; default: break; } } return list; } private: QXmlStreamReader streamReader; QString requestUrl; QString blogIcon; QString blogName; }; MultiFeedRssModel::MultiFeedRssModel(QObject *parent) : QAbstractListModel(parent), m_networkAccessManager(new KisNetworkAccessManager), m_articleCount(0) { connect(m_networkAccessManager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), SLOT(appendFeedData(QNetworkReply*)), Qt::QueuedConnection); } MultiFeedRssModel::~MultiFeedRssModel() { } QHash MultiFeedRssModel::roleNames() const { QHash roleNames; roleNames[TitleRole] = "title"; roleNames[DescriptionRole] = "description"; roleNames[PubDateRole] = "pubDate"; roleNames[LinkRole] = "link"; + roleNames[CategoryRole] = "category"; roleNames[BlogNameRole] = "blogName"; roleNames[BlogIconRole] = "blogIcon"; return roleNames; } void MultiFeedRssModel::addFeed(const QString& feed) { const QUrl feedUrl(feed); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_networkAccessManager, "getUrl", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(QUrl, feedUrl)); } bool sortForPubDate(const RssItem& item1, const RssItem& item2) { return item1.pubDate > item2.pubDate; } void MultiFeedRssModel::appendFeedData(QNetworkReply *reply) { RssReader reader; m_aggregatedFeed.append(reader.parse(reply)); std::sort(m_aggregatedFeed.begin(), m_aggregatedFeed.end(), sortForPubDate); setArticleCount(m_aggregatedFeed.size()); beginResetModel(); endResetModel(); + + emit feedDataChanged(); } void MultiFeedRssModel::removeFeed(const QString &feed) { QMutableListIterator it(m_aggregatedFeed); while (it.hasNext()) { RssItem item = it.next(); if (item.source == feed) it.remove(); } setArticleCount(m_aggregatedFeed.size()); } int MultiFeedRssModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &) const { return m_aggregatedFeed.size(); } QVariant MultiFeedRssModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { RssItem item = m_aggregatedFeed.at(index.row()); switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: { return QString("" + item.title + "" - "
(" + item.pubDate.toString("MMMM d, yyyy") + ") " + "
(" + item.pubDate.toLocalTime().toString(Qt::DefaultLocaleShortDate) + ") " + item.description.left(90).append("...") + "

"); } case TitleRole: return item.title; case DescriptionRole: return item.description; case PubDateRole: return item.pubDate.toString("dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm"); case LinkRole: return item.link; + case CategoryRole: + return item.category; case BlogNameRole: return item.blogName; case BlogIconRole: return item.blogIcon; } return QVariant(); } diff --git a/libs/ui/KisMultiFeedRSSModel.h b/libs/ui/KisMultiFeedRSSModel.h index 613d9a49fc..7575013244 100644 --- a/libs/ui/KisMultiFeedRSSModel.h +++ b/libs/ui/KisMultiFeedRSSModel.h @@ -1,106 +1,108 @@ /************************************************************************** ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator ** ** Copyright (c) 2011 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** ** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com) ** ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and ** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this file. ** Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General ** Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met: ** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html. ** ** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional ** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ** Other Usage ** ** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms and ** conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you and Nokia. ** ** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact ** Nokia at qt-info@nokia.com. ** **************************************************************************/ #ifndef MULTIFEEDRSSMODEL_H #define MULTIFEEDRSSMODEL_H #include #include #include #include class QThread; class QNetworkReply; class QNetworkAccessManager; struct RssItem { QString source; QString title; QString link; QString description; + QString category; QString blogName; QString blogIcon; QDateTime pubDate; }; typedef QList RssItemList; class KisNetworkAccessManager; enum RssRoles { TitleRole = Qt::UserRole + 1, DescriptionRole, LinkRole, - PubDateRole, BlogNameRole, BlogIconRole + PubDateRole, CategoryRole, BlogNameRole, BlogIconRole }; class KRITAUI_EXPORT MultiFeedRssModel : public QAbstractListModel { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(int articleCount READ articleCount WRITE setArticleCount NOTIFY articleCountChanged) public: explicit MultiFeedRssModel(QObject *parent = 0); ~MultiFeedRssModel() override; QHash roleNames() const override; void addFeed(const QString& feed); void removeFeed(const QString& feed); int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const override; QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override; int articleCount() const { return m_articleCount; } public Q_SLOTS: void setArticleCount(int arg) { if (m_articleCount != arg) { m_articleCount = arg; emit articleCountChanged(arg); } } Q_SIGNALS: void articleCountChanged(int arg); + void feedDataChanged(); private Q_SLOTS: void appendFeedData(QNetworkReply *reply); private: QStringList m_sites; RssItemList m_aggregatedFeed; QNetworkAccessManager *m_networkAccessManager; QThread *m_namThread; int m_articleCount; }; #endif // MULTIFEEDRSSMODEL_H diff --git a/libs/ui/KisPaletteEditor.cpp b/libs/ui/KisPaletteEditor.cpp index 926af79d97..41f73684bf 100644 --- a/libs/ui/KisPaletteEditor.cpp +++ b/libs/ui/KisPaletteEditor.cpp @@ -1,663 +1,689 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2018 Michael Zhou * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "KisPaletteEditor.h" struct KisPaletteEditor::PaletteInfo { QString name; QString filename; int columnCount; bool isGlobal; bool isReadOnly; QHash groups; }; struct KisPaletteEditor::Private { bool isGlobalModified {false}; bool isNameModified {false}; bool isFilenameModified {false}; bool isColumnCountModified {false}; QSet modifiedGroupNames; // key is original group name QSet newGroupNames; QSet keepColorGroups; QSet pathsToRemove; QString groupBeingRenamed; QPointer model; QPointer view; PaletteInfo modified; QPointer query; - KoResourceServer *rServer; + KoResourceServer *rServer {0}; QPalette normalPalette; QPalette warnPalette; }; KisPaletteEditor::KisPaletteEditor(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , m_d(new Private) { m_d->rServer = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->paletteServer(); m_d->warnPalette.setColor(QPalette::Text, Qt::red); } KisPaletteEditor::~KisPaletteEditor() { } void KisPaletteEditor::setPaletteModel(KisPaletteModel *model) { if (!model) { return; } m_d->model = model; slotPaletteChanged(); connect(model, SIGNAL(sigPaletteChanged()), SLOT(slotPaletteChanged())); connect(model, SIGNAL(sigPaletteModified()), SLOT(slotSetDocumentModified())); } void KisPaletteEditor::setView(KisViewManager *view) { m_d->view = view; } void KisPaletteEditor::addPalette() { if (!m_d->view) { return; } if (!m_d->view->document()) { return; } + KoDialog dlg; QFormLayout layout; dlg.mainWidget()->setLayout(&layout); QLabel lbl(i18nc("Label for line edit to set a palette name.","Name")); QLineEdit le(i18nc("Default name for a new palette","New Palette")); layout.addRow(&lbl, &le); + + QLabel lbl2(i18nc("Label for line edit to set a palette filename.","File Name")); + QLineEdit le2(i18nc("Default file name for a new palette", "New Palette")); + layout.addRow(&lbl2, &le2); + + + QCheckBox chkSaveInDocument(i18n("Save Palette in the Current Document")); + chkSaveInDocument.setChecked(false); + layout.addRow(&chkSaveInDocument); + if (dlg.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) { return; } - KoColorSet *newColorSet = new KoColorSet(newPaletteFileName(false)); + + KoColorSet *newColorSet = new KoColorSet(newPaletteFileName(!chkSaveInDocument.isChecked(), le2.text())); newColorSet->setPaletteType(KoColorSet::KPL); - newColorSet->setIsGlobal(false); + newColorSet->setIsGlobal(!chkSaveInDocument.isChecked()); newColorSet->setIsEditable(true); newColorSet->setValid(true); newColorSet->setName(le.text()); - m_d->rServer->addResource(newColorSet); + + m_d->rServer->addResource(newColorSet, !chkSaveInDocument.isChecked()); m_d->rServer->removeFromBlacklist(newColorSet); uploadPaletteList(); } void KisPaletteEditor::importPalette() { KoFileDialog dialog(0, KoFileDialog::OpenFile, "Open Palette"); + dialog.setDefaultDir(QDir::homePath()); dialog.setMimeTypeFilters(QStringList() << "krita/x-colorset" << "application/x-gimp-color-palette"); + QString filename = dialog.filename(); if (filename.isEmpty()) { return; } if (duplicateExistsFilename(filename, false)) { QMessageBox message; message.setWindowTitle(i18n("Can't Import Palette")); message.setText(i18n("Can't import palette: there's already imported with the same filename")); message.exec(); return; } + + QMessageBox messageBox; + messageBox.setText(i18n("Do you want to store this palette in your current image?")); + messageBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No); + bool global = (messageBox.exec() == QMessageBox::Yes); + KoColorSet *colorSet = new KoColorSet(filename); colorSet->load(); QString name = filenameFromPath(colorSet->filename()); + if (duplicateExistsFilename(name, false)) { - colorSet->setFilename(newPaletteFileName(false)); + colorSet->setFilename(newPaletteFileName(global)); } else { colorSet->setFilename(name); } - colorSet->setIsGlobal(false); - m_d->rServer->addResource(colorSet); + + colorSet->setIsGlobal(global); + m_d->rServer->addResource(colorSet, global); m_d->rServer->removeFromBlacklist(colorSet); uploadPaletteList(); } void KisPaletteEditor::removePalette(KoColorSet *cs) { if (!m_d->view) { return; } if (!m_d->view->document()) { return; } if (!cs || !cs->isEditable()) { return; } if (cs->isGlobal()) { m_d->rServer->removeResourceAndBlacklist(cs); QFile::remove(cs->filename()); return; } m_d->rServer->removeResourceFromServer(cs); uploadPaletteList(); } int KisPaletteEditor::rowNumberOfGroup(const QString &oriName) const { if (!m_d->modified.groups.contains(oriName)) { return 0; } return m_d->modified.groups[oriName].rowCount(); } bool KisPaletteEditor::duplicateExistsGroupName(const QString &name) const { if (name == m_d->groupBeingRenamed) { return false; } Q_FOREACH (const KisSwatchGroup &g, m_d->modified.groups.values()) { if (name == g.name()) { return true; } } return false; } bool KisPaletteEditor::duplicateExistsOriginalGroupName(const QString &name) const { return m_d->modified.groups.contains(name); } QString KisPaletteEditor::oldNameFromNewName(const QString &newName) const { Q_FOREACH (const QString &oldGroupName, m_d->modified.groups.keys()) { if (m_d->modified.groups[oldGroupName].name() == newName) { return oldGroupName; } } return QString(); } void KisPaletteEditor::rename(const QString &newName) { if (newName.isEmpty()) { return; } m_d->isNameModified = true; m_d->modified.name = newName; } void KisPaletteEditor::changeFilename(const QString &newName) { if (newName.isEmpty()) { return; } m_d->isFilenameModified = true; m_d->pathsToRemove.insert(m_d->modified.filename); if (m_d->modified.isGlobal) { m_d->modified.filename = m_d->rServer->saveLocation() + newName; } else { m_d->modified.filename = newName; } } void KisPaletteEditor::changeColCount(int newCount) { m_d->isColumnCountModified = true; m_d->modified.columnCount = newCount; } QString KisPaletteEditor::addGroup() { KoDialog dlg; m_d->query = &dlg; QVBoxLayout layout(&dlg); dlg.mainWidget()->setLayout(&layout); QLabel lblName(i18n("Name"), &dlg); layout.addWidget(&lblName); QLineEdit leName(&dlg); leName.setText(newGroupName()); connect(&leName, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), SLOT(slotGroupNameChanged(QString))); layout.addWidget(&leName); QLabel lblRowCount(i18n("Row count"), &dlg); layout.addWidget(&lblRowCount); QSpinBox spxRow(&dlg); spxRow.setValue(20); layout.addWidget(&spxRow); if (dlg.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) { return QString(); } if (duplicateExistsGroupName(leName.text())) { return QString(); } QString realName = leName.text(); QString name = realName; if (duplicateExistsOriginalGroupName(name)) { name = newGroupName(); } m_d->modified.groups[name] = KisSwatchGroup(); KisSwatchGroup &newGroup = m_d->modified.groups[name]; newGroup.setName(realName); m_d->newGroupNames.insert(name); newGroup.setRowCount(spxRow.value()); return realName; } bool KisPaletteEditor::removeGroup(const QString &name) { KoDialog window; window.setWindowTitle(i18nc("@title:window", "Removing Group")); QFormLayout editableItems(&window); QCheckBox chkKeep(&window); window.mainWidget()->setLayout(&editableItems); editableItems.addRow(i18nc("Shows up when deleting a swatch group", "Keep the Colors"), &chkKeep); if (window.exec() != KoDialog::Accepted) { return false; } m_d->modified.groups.remove(name); m_d->newGroupNames.remove(name); if (chkKeep.isChecked()) { m_d->keepColorGroups.insert(name); } return true; } QString KisPaletteEditor::renameGroup(const QString &oldName) { if (oldName.isEmpty() || oldName == KoColorSet::GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME) { return QString(); } KoDialog dlg; m_d->query = &dlg; m_d->groupBeingRenamed = m_d->modified.groups[oldName].name(); QFormLayout form(&dlg); dlg.mainWidget()->setLayout(&form); QLineEdit leNewName; connect(&leNewName, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), SLOT(slotGroupNameChanged(QString))); leNewName.setText(m_d->modified.groups[oldName].name()); form.addRow(i18nc("Renaming swatch group", "New name"), &leNewName); if (dlg.exec() != KoDialog::Accepted) { return QString(); } if (leNewName.text().isEmpty()) { return QString(); } if (duplicateExistsGroupName(leNewName.text())) { return QString(); } m_d->modified.groups[oldName].setName(leNewName.text()); m_d->modifiedGroupNames.insert(oldName); return leNewName.text(); } void KisPaletteEditor::slotGroupNameChanged(const QString &newName) { QLineEdit *leGroupName = qobject_cast(sender()); if (duplicateExistsGroupName(newName) || newName == QString()) { leGroupName->setPalette(m_d->warnPalette); if (m_d->query->button(KoDialog::Ok)) { m_d->query->button(KoDialog::Ok)->setEnabled(false); } return; } leGroupName->setPalette(m_d->normalPalette); if (m_d->query->button(KoDialog::Ok)) { m_d->query->button(KoDialog::Ok)->setEnabled(true); } } void KisPaletteEditor::changeGroupRowCount(const QString &name, int newRowCount) { if (!m_d->modified.groups.contains(name)) { return; } m_d->modified.groups[name].setRowCount(newRowCount); m_d->modifiedGroupNames.insert(name); } void KisPaletteEditor::setGlobal(bool isGlobal) { m_d->isGlobalModified = true; m_d->modified.isGlobal = isGlobal; } void KisPaletteEditor::setEntry(const KoColor &color, const QModelIndex &index) { Q_ASSERT(m_d->model); if (!m_d->model->colorSet()->isEditable()) { return; } if (!m_d->view) { return; } if (!m_d->view->document()) { return; } KisSwatch c = KisSwatch(color); c.setId(QString::number(m_d->model->colorSet()->colorCount() + 1)); c.setName(i18nc("Default name for a color swatch","Color %1", QString::number(m_d->model->colorSet()->colorCount()+1))); m_d->model->setEntry(c, index); } void KisPaletteEditor::slotSetDocumentModified() { m_d->view->document()->setModified(true); } void KisPaletteEditor::removeEntry(const QModelIndex &index) { Q_ASSERT(m_d->model); if (!m_d->model->colorSet()->isEditable()) { return; } if (!m_d->view) { return; } if (!m_d->view->document()) { return; } if (qvariant_cast(index.data(KisPaletteModel::IsGroupNameRole))) { removeGroup(qvariant_cast(index.data(KisPaletteModel::GroupNameRole))); updatePalette(); } else { m_d->model->removeEntry(index, false); } if (m_d->model->colorSet()->isGlobal()) { m_d->model->colorSet()->save(); return; } } void KisPaletteEditor::modifyEntry(const QModelIndex &index) { if (!m_d->model->colorSet()->isEditable()) { return; } if (!m_d->view) { return; } if (!m_d->view->document()) { return; } KoDialog dlg; dlg.setCaption(i18nc("@title:window", "Add a Color")); QFormLayout *editableItems = new QFormLayout(&dlg); dlg.mainWidget()->setLayout(editableItems); QString groupName = qvariant_cast(index.data(Qt::DisplayRole)); if (qvariant_cast(index.data(KisPaletteModel::IsGroupNameRole))) { renameGroup(groupName); updatePalette(); } else { QLineEdit *lnIDName = new QLineEdit(&dlg); QLineEdit *lnGroupName = new QLineEdit(&dlg); KisColorButton *bnColor = new KisColorButton(&dlg); QCheckBox *chkSpot = new QCheckBox(&dlg); chkSpot->setToolTip(i18nc("@info:tooltip", "A spot color is a color that the printer is able to print without mixing the paints it has available to it. The opposite is called a process color.")); KisSwatch entry = m_d->model->getEntry(index); editableItems->addRow(i18n("ID"), lnIDName); editableItems->addRow(i18nc("Name for a swatch group", "Swatch group name"), lnGroupName); editableItems->addRow(i18n("Color"), bnColor); editableItems->addRow(i18n("Spot color"), chkSpot); lnGroupName->setText(entry.name()); lnIDName->setText(entry.id()); bnColor->setColor(entry.color()); chkSpot->setChecked(entry.spotColor()); if (dlg.exec() == KoDialog::Accepted) { entry.setName(lnGroupName->text()); entry.setId(lnIDName->text()); entry.setColor(bnColor->color()); entry.setSpotColor(chkSpot->isChecked()); m_d->model->setEntry(entry, index); } } } void KisPaletteEditor::addEntry(const KoColor &color) { Q_ASSERT(m_d->model); if (!m_d->view) { return; } if (!m_d->view->document()) { return; } if (!m_d->model->colorSet()->isEditable()) { return; } KoDialog window; window.setWindowTitle(i18nc("@title:window", "Add a new Colorset Entry")); QFormLayout editableItems(&window); window.mainWidget()->setLayout(&editableItems); QComboBox cmbGroups(&window); cmbGroups.addItems(m_d->model->colorSet()->getGroupNames()); QLineEdit lnIDName(&window); QLineEdit lnName(&window); KisColorButton bnColor(&window); QCheckBox chkSpot(&window); chkSpot.setToolTip(i18nc("@info:tooltip", "A spot color is a color that the printer is able to print without mixing the paints it has available to it. The opposite is called a process color.")); editableItems.addRow(i18n("Group"), &cmbGroups); editableItems.addRow(i18n("ID"), &lnIDName); editableItems.addRow(i18n("Name"), &lnName); editableItems.addRow(i18n("Color"), &bnColor); editableItems.addRow(i18nc("Spot color", "Spot"), &chkSpot); cmbGroups.setCurrentIndex(0); lnName.setText(i18nc("Default name for a color swatch","Color %1", QString::number(m_d->model->colorSet()->colorCount()+1))); lnIDName.setText(QString::number(m_d->model->colorSet()->colorCount() + 1)); bnColor.setColor(color); chkSpot.setChecked(false); if (window.exec() != KoDialog::Accepted) { return; } QString groupName = cmbGroups.currentText(); KisSwatch newEntry; newEntry.setColor(bnColor.color()); newEntry.setName(lnName.text()); newEntry.setId(lnIDName.text()); newEntry.setSpotColor(chkSpot.isChecked()); m_d->model->addEntry(newEntry, groupName); if (m_d->model->colorSet()->isGlobal()) { m_d->model->colorSet()->save(); return; } m_d->modifiedGroupNames.insert(groupName); m_d->modified.groups[groupName].addEntry(newEntry); } void KisPaletteEditor::updatePalette() { Q_ASSERT(m_d->model); Q_ASSERT(m_d->model->colorSet()); if (!m_d->model->colorSet()->isEditable()) { return; } if (!m_d->view) { return; } if (!m_d->view->document()) { return; } KoColorSet *palette = m_d->model->colorSet(); PaletteInfo &modified = m_d->modified; if (m_d->isColumnCountModified) { palette->setColumnCount(modified.columnCount); } if (m_d->isNameModified) { palette->setName(modified.name); } if (m_d->isFilenameModified) { QString originalPath = palette->filename(); palette->setFilename(modified.filename); if (palette->isGlobal()) { if (!palette->save()) { palette->setFilename(newPaletteFileName(true)); palette->save(); } QFile::remove(originalPath); } } if (m_d->isGlobalModified) { palette->setIsGlobal(modified.isGlobal); if (modified.isGlobal) { setGlobal(); } else { setNonGlobal(); } } Q_FOREACH (const QString &groupName, palette->getGroupNames()) { if (!modified.groups.contains(groupName)) { m_d->model->removeGroup(groupName, m_d->keepColorGroups.contains(groupName)); } } m_d->keepColorGroups.clear(); Q_FOREACH (const QString &groupName, palette->getGroupNames()) { if (m_d->modifiedGroupNames.contains(groupName)) { m_d->model->setRowNumber(groupName, modified.groups[groupName].rowCount()); if (groupName != modified.groups[groupName].name()) { m_d->model->renameGroup(groupName, modified.groups[groupName].name()); modified.groups[modified.groups[groupName].name()] = modified.groups[groupName]; modified.groups.remove(groupName); } } } m_d->modifiedGroupNames.clear(); Q_FOREACH (const QString &newGroupName, m_d->newGroupNames) { m_d->model->addGroup(modified.groups[newGroupName]); } m_d->newGroupNames.clear(); if (m_d->model->colorSet()->isGlobal()) { m_d->model->colorSet()->save(); } } void KisPaletteEditor::slotPaletteChanged() { Q_ASSERT(m_d->model); if (!m_d->model->colorSet()) { return; } KoColorSet *palette = m_d->model->colorSet(); m_d->modified.groups.clear(); m_d->keepColorGroups.clear(); m_d->newGroupNames.clear(); m_d->modifiedGroupNames.clear(); m_d->modified.name = palette->name(); m_d->modified.filename = palette->filename(); m_d->modified.columnCount = palette->columnCount(); m_d->modified.isGlobal = palette->isGlobal(); m_d->modified.isReadOnly = !palette->isEditable(); Q_FOREACH (const QString &groupName, palette->getGroupNames()) { KisSwatchGroup *cs = palette->getGroup(groupName); m_d->modified.groups[groupName] = KisSwatchGroup(*cs); } } void KisPaletteEditor::setGlobal() { Q_ASSERT(m_d->model); if (!m_d->view) { return; } if (!m_d->view->document()) { return; } if (!m_d->model->colorSet()) { return; } KoColorSet *colorSet = m_d->model->colorSet(); QString saveLocation = m_d->rServer->saveLocation(); QString name = filenameFromPath(colorSet->filename()); QFileInfo fileInfo(saveLocation + name); colorSet->setFilename(fileInfo.filePath()); colorSet->setIsGlobal(true); m_d->rServer->removeFromBlacklist(colorSet); if (!colorSet->save()) { QMessageBox message; message.setWindowTitle(i18n("Saving palette failed")); message.setText(i18n("Failed to save global palette file. Please set it to non-global, or you will lose the file when you close Krita")); message.exec(); } uploadPaletteList(); } bool KisPaletteEditor::duplicateExistsFilename(const QString &filename, bool global) const { QString prefix; if (global) { prefix = m_d->rServer->saveLocation(); } Q_FOREACH (const KoResource *r, KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->paletteServer()->resources()) { if (r->filename() == prefix + filename && r != m_d->model->colorSet()) { return true; } } return false; } QString KisPaletteEditor::relativePathFromSaveLocation() const { return filenameFromPath(m_d->modified.filename); } void KisPaletteEditor::setNonGlobal() { Q_ASSERT(m_d->model); if (!m_d->view) { return; } if (!m_d->view->document()) { return; } if (!m_d->model->colorSet()) { return; } + KoColorSet *colorSet = m_d->model->colorSet(); QString name = filenameFromPath(colorSet->filename()); QFile::remove(colorSet->filename()); + if (duplicateExistsFilename(name, false)) { colorSet->setFilename(newPaletteFileName(false)); } else { colorSet->setFilename(name); } + colorSet->setIsGlobal(false); uploadPaletteList(); } -QString KisPaletteEditor::newPaletteFileName(bool isGlobal) +QString KisPaletteEditor::newPaletteFileName(bool isGlobal, const QString &filename) { QSet nameSet; Q_FOREACH (const KoResource *r, m_d->rServer->resources()) { nameSet.insert(r->filename()); } KoColorSet tmpColorSet; - QString result = "new_palette_"; + QString result = (filename.isEmpty() ? "new_palette" : filename); if (isGlobal) { result = m_d->rServer->saveLocation() + result; } int i = 0; while (nameSet.contains(result + QString::number(i) + tmpColorSet.defaultFileExtension())) { i++; } - result = result + QString::number(i) + tmpColorSet.defaultFileExtension(); + result = result + (i > 0 ? QString::number(i) : "") + tmpColorSet.defaultFileExtension(); return result; } QString KisPaletteEditor::newGroupName() const { int i = 1; QString groupname = i18nc("Default new group name", "New Group %1", QString::number(i)); while (m_d->modified.groups.contains(groupname)) { i++; groupname = i18nc("Default new group name", "New Group %1", QString::number(i)); } return groupname; } void KisPaletteEditor::uploadPaletteList() const { QList list; Q_FOREACH (KoResource * paletteResource, m_d->rServer->resources()) { KoColorSet *palette = static_cast(paletteResource); Q_ASSERT(palette); if (!palette->isGlobal()) { list.append(palette); } } m_d->view->document()->setPaletteList(list); } QString KisPaletteEditor::filenameFromPath(const QString &path) const { return QDir::fromNativeSeparators(path).section('/', -1, -1); } diff --git a/libs/ui/KisPaletteEditor.h b/libs/ui/KisPaletteEditor.h index a8a8c27aa4..a073381f1c 100644 --- a/libs/ui/KisPaletteEditor.h +++ b/libs/ui/KisPaletteEditor.h @@ -1,146 +1,146 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2018 Michael Zhou * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KISPALETTEMANAGER_H #define KISPALETTEMANAGER_H #include #include #include #include class KoColorSet; class KisPaletteModel; class KisViewManager; class KisSwatchGroup; class KisViewManager; /** * @brief The PaletteEditor class * this class manipulates a KisPaletteModel using GUI elements and communicate * with KisDocument * * Changes made in this class won't be done to the palette if the palette is * read only (not editable, isEditable() == false) */ class KRITAUI_EXPORT KisPaletteEditor : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: struct PaletteInfo; public: explicit KisPaletteEditor(QObject *parent = 0); ~KisPaletteEditor(); void setPaletteModel(KisPaletteModel *model); void setView(KisViewManager *view); void addPalette(); void importPalette(); void removePalette(KoColorSet *); /** * @brief rowNumberOfGroup * @param oriName the original name of a group at the creation of the instance * @return newest row number of the group */ int rowNumberOfGroup(const QString &oriName) const; /** * @brief oldNameFromNewName * @param newName the current name of a group * @return the name of the group at the creation of the instance */ QString oldNameFromNewName(const QString &newName) const; /** * @brief duplicateExistsFilename * @param filename the name of the file * @param global if this filename is going to be used for a global palette * @return true if the a palette in the resource system that has filename * name already exists else false */ bool duplicateExistsFilename(const QString &filename, bool global) const; QString relativePathFromSaveLocation() const; void rename(const QString &newName); void changeFilename(const QString &newName); void changeColCount(int); /** * @brief addGroup * @return new group's name if change accepted, empty string if cancelled */ QString addGroup(); /** * @brief removeGroup * @param name original group name * @return true if change accepted, false if cancelled */ bool removeGroup(const QString &name); /** * @brief renameGroup * @param oldName * @return new name if change accpeted, empty string if cancelled */ QString renameGroup(const QString &oldName); void changeGroupRowCount(const QString &name, int newRowCount); void setGlobal(bool); void setReadOnly(bool); void setEntry(const KoColor &color, const QModelIndex &index); void removeEntry(const QModelIndex &index); void modifyEntry(const QModelIndex &index); void addEntry(const KoColor &color); bool isModified() const; /** * @brief getModifiedGroup * @param originalName name of the group at the creation of the instance * @return the modified group */ const KisSwatchGroup &getModifiedGroup(const QString &originalName) const; /** * @brief updatePalette * MUST be called to make the changes into the resource server */ void updatePalette(); private Q_SLOTS: void slotGroupNameChanged(const QString &newName); void slotPaletteChanged(); void slotSetDocumentModified(); private: - QString newPaletteFileName(bool isGlobal); + QString newPaletteFileName(bool isGlobal, const QString &filename = QString()); QString newGroupName() const; void setNonGlobal(); void setGlobal(); bool duplicateExistsGroupName(const QString &name) const; bool duplicateExistsOriginalGroupName(const QString &name) const; void uploadPaletteList() const; QString filenameFromPath(const QString &path) const; private: struct Private; QScopedPointer m_d; }; #endif // KISPALETTEMANAGER_H diff --git a/libs/ui/KisPart.cpp b/libs/ui/KisPart.cpp index b506d669d4..9fc87b2b1c 100644 --- a/libs/ui/KisPart.cpp +++ b/libs/ui/KisPart.cpp @@ -1,570 +1,569 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project * Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Torben Weis * Copyright (C) 2000-2005 David Faure * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Thorsten Zachmann * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Boudewijn Rempt * Copyright (C) 2011 Inge Wallin * Copyright (C) 2015 Michael Abrahams * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KisPart.h" #include "KoProgressProxy.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "KisApplication.h" #include "KisMainWindow.h" #include "KisDocument.h" #include "KisView.h" #include "KisViewManager.h" #include "KisImportExportManager.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_config.h" #include "kis_shape_controller.h" #include "KisResourceServerProvider.h" #include "kis_animation_cache_populator.h" #include "kis_idle_watcher.h" #include "kis_image.h" #include "KisOpenPane.h" #include "kis_color_manager.h" #include "kis_action.h" #include "kis_action_registry.h" #include "KisSessionResource.h" Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(KisPart, s_instance) class Q_DECL_HIDDEN KisPart::Private { public: Private(KisPart *_part) : part(_part) , idleWatcher(2500) , animationCachePopulator(_part) { } ~Private() { } KisPart *part; QList > views; QList > mainWindows; QList > documents; KActionCollection *actionCollection{0}; KisIdleWatcher idleWatcher; KisAnimationCachePopulator animationCachePopulator; KisSessionResource *currentSession = nullptr; bool closingSession{false}; QScopedPointer sessionManager; bool queryCloseDocument(KisDocument *document) { Q_FOREACH(auto view, views) { if (view && view->isVisible() && view->document() == document) { return view->queryClose(); } } return true; } }; KisPart* KisPart::instance() { return s_instance; } KisPart::KisPart() : d(new Private(this)) { // Preload all the resources in the background Q_UNUSED(KoResourceServerProvider::instance()); Q_UNUSED(KisResourceServerProvider::instance()); Q_UNUSED(KisColorManager::instance()); connect(this, SIGNAL(documentOpened(QString)), this, SLOT(updateIdleWatcherConnections())); connect(this, SIGNAL(documentClosed(QString)), this, SLOT(updateIdleWatcherConnections())); connect(KisActionRegistry::instance(), SIGNAL(shortcutsUpdated()), this, SLOT(updateShortcuts())); connect(&d->idleWatcher, SIGNAL(startedIdleMode()), &d->animationCachePopulator, SLOT(slotRequestRegeneration())); d->animationCachePopulator.slotRequestRegeneration(); } KisPart::~KisPart() { while (!d->documents.isEmpty()) { delete d->documents.takeFirst(); } while (!d->views.isEmpty()) { delete d->views.takeFirst(); } while (!d->mainWindows.isEmpty()) { delete d->mainWindows.takeFirst(); } delete d; } void KisPart::updateIdleWatcherConnections() { QVector images; Q_FOREACH (QPointer document, documents()) { if (document->image()) { images << document->image(); } } d->idleWatcher.setTrackedImages(images); } void KisPart::addDocument(KisDocument *document) { //dbgUI << "Adding document to part list" << document; Q_ASSERT(document); if (!d->documents.contains(document)) { d->documents.append(document); emit documentOpened('/'+objectName()); emit sigDocumentAdded(document); connect(document, SIGNAL(sigSavingFinished()), SLOT(slotDocumentSaved())); } } QList > KisPart::documents() const { return d->documents; } KisDocument *KisPart::createDocument() const { KisDocument *doc = new KisDocument(); return doc; } int KisPart::documentCount() const { return d->documents.size(); } void KisPart::removeDocument(KisDocument *document) { d->documents.removeAll(document); emit documentClosed('/'+objectName()); emit sigDocumentRemoved(document->url().toLocalFile()); document->deleteLater(); } KisMainWindow *KisPart::createMainWindow(QUuid id) { KisMainWindow *mw = new KisMainWindow(id); dbgUI <<"mainWindow" << (void*)mw << "added to view" << this; d->mainWindows.append(mw); emit sigWindowAdded(mw); return mw; } KisView *KisPart::createView(KisDocument *document, - KoCanvasResourceProvider *resourceManager, - KActionCollection *actionCollection, + KisViewManager *viewManager, QWidget *parent) { // If creating the canvas fails, record this and disable OpenGL next time KisConfig cfg(false); KConfigGroup grp( KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "crashprevention"); if (grp.readEntry("CreatingCanvas", false)) { cfg.disableOpenGL(); } if (cfg.canvasState() == "OPENGL_FAILED") { cfg.disableOpenGL(); } grp.writeEntry("CreatingCanvas", true); grp.sync(); QApplication::setOverrideCursor(Qt::WaitCursor); - KisView *view = new KisView(document, resourceManager, actionCollection, parent); + KisView *view = new KisView(document, viewManager, parent); QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); // Record successful canvas creation grp.writeEntry("CreatingCanvas", false); grp.sync(); addView(view); return view; } void KisPart::addView(KisView *view) { if (!view) return; if (!d->views.contains(view)) { d->views.append(view); } emit sigViewAdded(view); } void KisPart::removeView(KisView *view) { if (!view) return; /** * HACK ALERT: we check here explicitly if the document (or main * window), is saving the stuff. If we close the * document *before* the saving is completed, a crash * will happen. */ KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(!view->mainWindow()->hackIsSaving()); emit sigViewRemoved(view); QPointer doc = view->document(); d->views.removeAll(view); if (doc) { bool found = false; Q_FOREACH (QPointer view, d->views) { if (view && view->document() == doc) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { removeDocument(doc); } } } QList > KisPart::views() const { return d->views; } int KisPart::viewCount(KisDocument *doc) const { if (!doc) { return d->views.count(); } else { int count = 0; Q_FOREACH (QPointer view, d->views) { if (view && view->isVisible() && view->document() == doc) { count++; } } return count; } } bool KisPart::closingSession() const { return d->closingSession; } bool KisPart::exists() { return s_instance.exists(); } bool KisPart::closeSession(bool keepWindows) { d->closingSession = true; Q_FOREACH(auto document, d->documents) { if (!d->queryCloseDocument(document.data())) { d->closingSession = false; return false; } } if (d->currentSession) { KisConfig kisCfg(false); if (kisCfg.saveSessionOnQuit(false)) { d->currentSession->storeCurrentWindows(); d->currentSession->save(); KConfigGroup cfg = KSharedConfig::openConfig()->group("session"); cfg.writeEntry("previousSession", d->currentSession->name()); } d->currentSession = nullptr; } if (!keepWindows) { Q_FOREACH (auto window, d->mainWindows) { window->close(); } if (d->sessionManager) { d->sessionManager->close(); } } d->closingSession = false; return true; } void KisPart::slotDocumentSaved() { KisDocument *doc = qobject_cast(sender()); emit sigDocumentSaved(doc->url().toLocalFile()); } void KisPart::removeMainWindow(KisMainWindow *mainWindow) { dbgUI <<"mainWindow" << (void*)mainWindow <<"removed from doc" << this; if (mainWindow) { d->mainWindows.removeAll(mainWindow); } } const QList > &KisPart::mainWindows() const { return d->mainWindows; } int KisPart::mainwindowCount() const { return d->mainWindows.count(); } KisMainWindow *KisPart::currentMainwindow() const { QWidget *widget = qApp->activeWindow(); KisMainWindow *mainWindow = qobject_cast(widget); while (!mainWindow && widget) { widget = widget->parentWidget(); mainWindow = qobject_cast(widget); } if (!mainWindow && mainWindows().size() > 0) { mainWindow = mainWindows().first(); } return mainWindow; } KisMainWindow * KisPart::windowById(QUuid id) const { Q_FOREACH(QPointer mainWindow, d->mainWindows) { if (mainWindow->id() == id) { return mainWindow; } } return nullptr; } KisIdleWatcher* KisPart::idleWatcher() const { return &d->idleWatcher; } KisAnimationCachePopulator* KisPart::cachePopulator() const { return &d->animationCachePopulator; } void KisPart::openExistingFile(const QUrl &url) { // TODO: refactor out this method! KisMainWindow *mw = currentMainwindow(); KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(mw); mw->openDocument(url, KisMainWindow::None); } void KisPart::updateShortcuts() { // Update any non-UI actionCollections. That includes: // Now update the UI actions. Q_FOREACH (KisMainWindow *mainWindow, d->mainWindows) { KActionCollection *ac = mainWindow->actionCollection(); ac->updateShortcuts(); // Loop through mainWindow->actionCollections() to modify tooltips // so that they list shortcuts at the end in parentheses Q_FOREACH ( QAction* action, ac->actions()) { // Remove any existing suffixes from the tooltips. // Note this regexp starts with a space, e.g. " (Ctrl-a)" QString strippedTooltip = action->toolTip().remove(QRegExp("\\s\\(.*\\)")); // Now update the tooltips with the new shortcut info. if (action->shortcut() == QKeySequence(0)) action->setToolTip(strippedTooltip); else action->setToolTip( strippedTooltip + " (" + action->shortcut().toString() + ")"); } } } void KisPart::openTemplate(const QUrl &url) { qApp->setOverrideCursor(Qt::BusyCursor); KisDocument *document = createDocument(); bool ok = document->loadNativeFormat(url.toLocalFile()); document->setModified(false); document->undoStack()->clear(); if (ok) { QString mimeType = KisMimeDatabase::mimeTypeForFile(url.toLocalFile()); // in case this is a open document template remove the -template from the end mimeType.remove( QRegExp( "-template$" ) ); document->setMimeTypeAfterLoading(mimeType); document->resetURL(); document->setReadWrite(true); } else { if (document->errorMessage().isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::critical(0, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("Could not create document from template\n%1", document->localFilePath())); } else { QMessageBox::critical(0, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("Could not create document from template\n%1\nReason: %2", document->localFilePath(), document->errorMessage())); } delete document; return; } addDocument(document); KisMainWindow *mw = currentMainwindow(); mw->addViewAndNotifyLoadingCompleted(document); KisOpenPane *pane = qobject_cast(sender()); if (pane) { pane->hide(); pane->deleteLater(); } qApp->restoreOverrideCursor(); } void KisPart::addRecentURLToAllMainWindows(QUrl url) { // Add to recent actions list in our mainWindows Q_FOREACH (KisMainWindow *mainWindow, d->mainWindows) { mainWindow->addRecentURL(url); } } void KisPart::startCustomDocument(KisDocument* doc) { addDocument(doc); KisMainWindow *mw = currentMainwindow(); KisOpenPane *pane = qobject_cast(sender()); if (pane) { pane->hide(); pane->deleteLater(); } mw->addViewAndNotifyLoadingCompleted(doc); } KisInputManager* KisPart::currentInputManager() { KisMainWindow *mw = currentMainwindow(); KisViewManager *manager = mw ? mw->viewManager() : 0; return manager ? manager->inputManager() : 0; } void KisPart::showSessionManager() { if (d->sessionManager.isNull()) { d->sessionManager.reset(new KisSessionManagerDialog()); } d->sessionManager->show(); d->sessionManager->activateWindow(); } void KisPart::startBlankSession() { KisMainWindow *window = createMainWindow(); window->initializeGeometry(); window->show(); } bool KisPart::restoreSession(const QString &sessionName) { if (sessionName.isNull()) return false; KoResourceServer * rserver = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->sessionServer(); auto *session = rserver->resourceByName(sessionName); if (!session || !session->valid()) return false; session->restore(); return true; } void KisPart::setCurrentSession(KisSessionResource *session) { d->currentSession = session; } diff --git a/libs/ui/KisPart.h b/libs/ui/KisPart.h index 66e8ba9f7f..cd87ef398d 100644 --- a/libs/ui/KisPart.h +++ b/libs/ui/KisPart.h @@ -1,278 +1,275 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Torben Weis Copyright (C) 2000-2005 David Faure Copyright (C) 2007 Thorsten Zachmann Copyright (C) 2010 Boudewijn Rempt Copyright (C) 2015 Michael Abrahams This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KIS_PART_H #define KIS_PART_H #include #include #include #include #include "kritaui_export.h" #include #include #include namespace KIO { } class KisAction; class KisDocument; class KisView; class KisDocument; class KisIdleWatcher; class KisAnimationCachePopulator; class KisSessionResource; /** - * KisPart is the Great Deku Tree of Krita. - * - * It is a singleton class which provides the main entry point to the application. + * KisPart a singleton class which provides the main entry point to the application. * Krita supports multiple documents, multiple main windows, and multiple * components. KisPart manages these resources and provides them to the rest of * Krita. It manages lists of Actions and shortcuts as well. * * The terminology comes from KParts, which is a system allowing one KDE app * to be run from inside another, like pressing F4 inside dophin to run konsole. * * Needless to say, KisPart hasn't got much to do with KParts anymore. */ class KRITAUI_EXPORT KisPart : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: static KisPart *instance(); /** * Constructor. * * @param parent may be another KisDocument, or anything else. * Usually passed by KPluginFactory::create. */ explicit KisPart(); /** * Destructor. * * The destructor does not delete any attached KisView objects and it does not * delete the attached widget as returned by widget(). */ ~KisPart() override; // ----------------- Document management ----------------- /** * create an empty document. The document is not automatically registered with the part. */ KisDocument *createDocument() const; /** * Add the specified document to the list of documents this KisPart manages. */ void addDocument(KisDocument *document); /** * @return a list of all documents this part manages */ QList > documents() const; /** * @return number of documents this part manages. */ int documentCount() const; void removeDocument(KisDocument *document); // ----------------- MainWindow management ----------------- /** * Create a new main window. */ KisMainWindow *createMainWindow(QUuid id = QUuid()); /** * Removes a main window from the list of managed windows. * * This is called by the MainWindow after it finishes its shutdown routine. */ void removeMainWindow(KisMainWindow *mainWindow); /** * @return the list of main windows. */ const QList >& mainWindows() const; /** * @return the number of shells for the main window */ int mainwindowCount() const; void addRecentURLToAllMainWindows(QUrl url); /** * @return the currently active main window. */ KisMainWindow *currentMainwindow() const; KisMainWindow *windowById(QUuid id) const; /** * @return the application-wide KisIdleWatcher. */ KisIdleWatcher *idleWatcher() const; /** * @return the application-wide AnimationCachePopulator. */ KisAnimationCachePopulator *cachePopulator() const; public Q_SLOTS: /** * This slot loads an existing file. * @param url the file to load */ void openExistingFile(const QUrl &url); /** * This slot loads a template and deletes the sender. * @param url the template to load */ void openTemplate(const QUrl &url); /** * @brief startCustomDocument adds the given document to the document list and deletes the sender() * @param doc */ void startCustomDocument(KisDocument *doc); private Q_SLOTS: void updateIdleWatcherConnections(); void updateShortcuts(); Q_SIGNALS: /** * emitted when a new document is opened. (for the idle watcher) */ void documentOpened(const QString &ref); /** * emitted when an old document is closed. (for the idle watcher) */ void documentClosed(const QString &ref); // These signals are for libkis or sketch void sigViewAdded(KisView *view); void sigViewRemoved(KisView *view); void sigDocumentAdded(KisDocument *document); void sigDocumentSaved(const QString &url); void sigDocumentRemoved(const QString &filename); void sigWindowAdded(KisMainWindow *window); public: KisInputManager *currentInputManager(); //------------------ View management ------------------ /** * Create a new view for the document. The view is added to the list of * views, and if the document wasn't known yet, it's registered as well. */ KisView *createView(KisDocument *document, - KoCanvasResourceProvider *resourceManager, - KActionCollection *actionCollection, + KisViewManager *viewManager, QWidget *parent); /** * Adds a view to the document. If the part doesn't know yet about * the document, it is registered. * * This calls KisView::updateReadWrite to tell the new view * whether the document is readonly or not. */ void addView(KisView *view); /** * Removes a view of the document. */ void removeView(KisView *view); /** * @return a list of views this document is displayed in */ QList > views() const; /** * @return number of views this document is displayed in */ int viewCount(KisDocument *doc) const; //------------------ Session management ------------------ void showSessionManager(); void startBlankSession(); /** * Restores a saved session by name */ bool restoreSession(const QString &sessionName); void setCurrentSession(KisSessionResource *session); /** * Attempts to save the session and close all windows. * This may involve asking the user to save open files. * @return false, if closing was cancelled by the user */ bool closeSession(bool keepWindows = false); /** * Are we in the process of closing the application through closeSession(). */ bool closingSession() const; static bool exists(); private Q_SLOTS: void slotDocumentSaved(); private: Q_DISABLE_COPY(KisPart) class Private; Private *const d; }; #endif diff --git a/libs/ui/KisResourceBundle.cpp b/libs/ui/KisResourceBundle.cpp index 00d501e2ae..fb4bc40cc3 100644 --- a/libs/ui/KisResourceBundle.cpp +++ b/libs/ui/KisResourceBundle.cpp @@ -1,1098 +1,1098 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2014 Victor Lafon metabolic.ewilan@hotmail.fr * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KisResourceBundle.h" #include "KisResourceBundleManifest.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include KisResourceBundle::KisResourceBundle(QString const& fileName) : KoResource(fileName), m_bundleVersion("1") { setName(QFileInfo(fileName).completeBaseName()); m_metadata["generator"] = "Krita (" + KritaVersionWrapper::versionString(true) + ")"; } KisResourceBundle::~KisResourceBundle() { } QString KisResourceBundle::defaultFileExtension() const { return QString(".bundle"); } bool KisResourceBundle::load() { if (filename().isEmpty()) return false; QScopedPointer resourceStore(KoStore::createStore(filename(), KoStore::Read, "application/x-krita-resourcebundle", KoStore::Zip)); if (!resourceStore || resourceStore->bad()) { warnKrita << "Could not open store on bundle" << filename(); m_installed = false; setValid(false); return false; } else { m_metadata.clear(); bool toRecreate = false; if (resourceStore->open("META-INF/manifest.xml")) { if (!m_manifest.load(resourceStore->device())) { warnKrita << "Could not open manifest for bundle" << filename(); return false; } resourceStore->close(); Q_FOREACH (KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference ref, m_manifest.files()) { if (!resourceStore->open(ref.resourcePath)) { warnKrita << "Bundle is broken. File" << ref.resourcePath << "is missing"; toRecreate = true; } else { resourceStore->close(); } } if(toRecreate) { warnKrita << "Due to missing files and wrong entries in the manifest, " << filename() << " will be recreated."; } } else { warnKrita << "Could not load META-INF/manifest.xml"; return false; } bool versionFound = false; if (resourceStore->open("meta.xml")) { KoXmlDocument doc; if (!doc.setContent(resourceStore->device())) { warnKrita << "Could not parse meta.xml for" << filename(); return false; } // First find the manifest:manifest node. KoXmlNode n = doc.firstChild(); for (; !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) { if (!n.isElement()) { continue; } if (n.toElement().tagName() == "meta:meta") { break; } } if (n.isNull()) { warnKrita << "Could not find manifest node for bundle" << filename(); return false; } const KoXmlElement metaElement = n.toElement(); for (n = metaElement.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) { if (n.isElement()) { KoXmlElement e = n.toElement(); if (e.tagName() == "meta:generator") { m_metadata.insert("generator", e.firstChild().toText().data()); } else if (e.tagName() == "dc:author") { m_metadata.insert("author", e.firstChild().toText().data()); } else if (e.tagName() == "dc:title") { m_metadata.insert("title", e.firstChild().toText().data()); } else if (e.tagName() == "dc:description") { m_metadata.insert("description", e.firstChild().toText().data()); } else if (e.tagName() == "meta:initial-creator") { m_metadata.insert("author", e.firstChild().toText().data()); } else if (e.tagName() == "dc:creator") { m_metadata.insert("author", e.firstChild().toText().data()); } else if (e.tagName() == "meta:creation-date") { m_metadata.insert("created", e.firstChild().toText().data()); } else if (e.tagName() == "meta:dc-date") { m_metadata.insert("updated", e.firstChild().toText().data()); } else if (e.tagName() == "meta:meta-userdefined") { if (e.attribute("meta:name") == "tag") { m_bundletags << e.attribute("meta:value"); } else { m_metadata.insert(e.attribute("meta:name"), e.attribute("meta:value")); } } else if(e.tagName() == "meta:bundle-version") { m_metadata.insert("bundle-version", e.firstChild().toText().data()); versionFound = true; } } } resourceStore->close(); } else { warnKrita << "Could not load meta.xml"; return false; } if (resourceStore->open("preview.png")) { // Workaround for some OS (Debian, Ubuntu), where loading directly from the QIODevice // fails with "libpng error: IDAT: CRC error" QByteArray data = resourceStore->device()->readAll(); QBuffer buffer(&data); m_thumbnail.load(&buffer, "PNG"); resourceStore->close(); } else { warnKrita << "Could not open preview.png"; } /* * If no version is found it's an old bundle with md5 hashes to fix, or if some manifest resource entry * doesn't not correspond to a file the bundle is "broken", in both cases we need to recreate the bundle. */ if (!versionFound) { m_metadata.insert("bundle-version", "1"); warnKrita << filename() << " has an old version and possibly wrong resources md5, so it will be recreated."; toRecreate = true; } if (toRecreate) { recreateBundle(resourceStore); } m_installed = true; setValid(true); setImage(m_thumbnail); } return true; } bool KisResourceBundle::loadFromDevice(QIODevice *) { return false; } bool saveResourceToStore(KoResource *resource, KoStore *store, const QString &resType) { if (!resource) { warnKrita << "No Resource"; return false; } if (!resource->valid()) { warnKrita << "Resource is not valid"; return false; } if (!store || store->bad()) { warnKrita << "No Store or Store is Bad"; return false; } QByteArray ba; QBuffer buf; QFileInfo fi(resource->filename()); if (fi.exists() && fi.isReadable()) { QFile f(resource->filename()); if (!f.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { warnKrita << "Could not open resource" << resource->filename(); return false; } ba = f.readAll(); if (ba.size() == 0) { warnKrita << "Resource is empty" << resource->filename(); return false; } f.close(); buf.setBuffer(&ba); } else { warnKrita << "Could not find the resource " << resource->filename() << " or it isn't readable"; return false; } if (!buf.open(QBuffer::ReadOnly)) { warnKrita << "Could not open buffer"; return false; } Q_ASSERT(!store->hasFile(resType + "/" + resource->shortFilename())); if (!store->open(resType + "/" + resource->shortFilename())) { warnKrita << "Could not open file in store for resource"; return false; } bool res = (store->write(buf.data()) == buf.size()); store->close(); return res; } bool KisResourceBundle::save() { if (filename().isEmpty()) return false; - addMeta("updated", QDate::currentDate().toString("dd/MM/yyyy")); + addMeta("updated", QDateTime::currentDateTime().toOffsetFromUtc(0).toString(Qt::ISODate)); QDir bundleDir = KoResourcePaths::saveLocation("data", "bundles"); bundleDir.cdUp(); QScopedPointer store(KoStore::createStore(filename(), KoStore::Write, "application/x-krita-resourcebundle", KoStore::Zip)); if (!store || store->bad()) return false; Q_FOREACH (const QString &resType, m_manifest.types()) { if (resType == "ko_gradients") { KoResourceServer* gradientServer = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->gradientServer(); Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, m_manifest.files(resType)) { KoResource *res = gradientServer->resourceByMD5(ref.md5sum); if (!res) res = gradientServer->resourceByFilename(QFileInfo(ref.resourcePath).fileName()); if (!saveResourceToStore(res, store.data(), "gradients")) { if (res) { warnKrita << "Could not save resource" << resType << res->name(); } else { warnKrita << "could not find resource for" << QFileInfo(ref.resourcePath).fileName(); } } } } else if (resType == "ko_patterns") { KoResourceServer* patternServer = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->patternServer(); Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, m_manifest.files(resType)) { KoResource *res = patternServer->resourceByMD5(ref.md5sum); if (!res) res = patternServer->resourceByFilename(QFileInfo(ref.resourcePath).fileName()); if (!saveResourceToStore(res, store.data(), "patterns")) { if (res) { warnKrita << "Could not save resource" << resType << res->name(); } else { warnKrita << "could not find resource for" << QFileInfo(ref.resourcePath).fileName(); } } } } else if (resType == "kis_brushes") { KisBrushResourceServer* brushServer = KisBrushServer::instance()->brushServer(); Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, m_manifest.files(resType)) { KisBrushSP brush = brushServer->resourceByMD5(ref.md5sum); if (!brush) brush = brushServer->resourceByFilename(QFileInfo(ref.resourcePath).fileName()); KoResource *res = brush.data(); if (!saveResourceToStore(res, store.data(), "brushes")) { if (res) { warnKrita << "Could not save resource" << resType << res->name(); } else { warnKrita << "could not find resource for" << QFileInfo(ref.resourcePath).fileName(); } } } } else if (resType == "ko_palettes") { KoResourceServer* paletteServer = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->paletteServer(); Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, m_manifest.files(resType)) { KoResource *res = paletteServer->resourceByMD5(ref.md5sum); if (!res) res = paletteServer->resourceByFilename(QFileInfo(ref.resourcePath).fileName()); if (!saveResourceToStore(res, store.data(), "palettes")) { if (res) { warnKrita << "Could not save resource" << resType << res->name(); } else { warnKrita << "could not find resource for" << QFileInfo(ref.resourcePath).fileName(); } } } } else if (resType == "kis_workspaces") { KoResourceServer< KisWorkspaceResource >* workspaceServer = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->workspaceServer(); Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, m_manifest.files(resType)) { KoResource *res = workspaceServer->resourceByMD5(ref.md5sum); if (!res) res = workspaceServer->resourceByFilename(QFileInfo(ref.resourcePath).fileName()); if (!saveResourceToStore(res, store.data(), "workspaces")) { if (res) { warnKrita << "Could not save resource" << resType << res->name(); } else { warnKrita << "could not find resource for" << QFileInfo(ref.resourcePath).fileName(); } } } } else if (resType == "kis_paintoppresets") { KisPaintOpPresetResourceServer* paintoppresetServer = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->paintOpPresetServer(); Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, m_manifest.files(resType)) { KisPaintOpPresetSP res = paintoppresetServer->resourceByMD5(ref.md5sum); if (!res) res = paintoppresetServer->resourceByFilename(QFileInfo(ref.resourcePath).fileName()); if (!saveResourceToStore(res.data(), store.data(), "paintoppresets")) { if (res) { warnKrita << "Could not save resource" << resType << res->name(); } else { warnKrita << "could not find resource for" << QFileInfo(ref.resourcePath).fileName(); } } } } else if (resType == "ko_gamutmasks") { KoResourceServer* gamutMaskServer = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->gamutMaskServer(); Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, m_manifest.files(resType)) { KoResource *res = gamutMaskServer->resourceByMD5(ref.md5sum); if (!res) res = gamutMaskServer->resourceByFilename(QFileInfo(ref.resourcePath).fileName()); if (!saveResourceToStore(res, store.data(), "gamutmasks")) { if (res) { warnKrita << "Could not save resource" << resType << res->name(); } else { warnKrita << "could not find resource for" << QFileInfo(ref.resourcePath).fileName(); } } } } } if (!m_thumbnail.isNull()) { QByteArray byteArray; QBuffer buffer(&byteArray); m_thumbnail.save(&buffer, "PNG"); if (!store->open("preview.png")) warnKrita << "Could not open preview.png"; if (store->write(byteArray) != buffer.size()) warnKrita << "Could not write preview.png"; store->close(); } saveManifest(store); saveMetadata(store); store->finalize(); return true; } bool KisResourceBundle::saveToDevice(QIODevice */*dev*/) const { return false; } bool KisResourceBundle::install() { QStringList md5Mismatch; if (filename().isEmpty()) { warnKrita << "Cannot install bundle: no file name" << this; return false; } QScopedPointer resourceStore(KoStore::createStore(filename(), KoStore::Read, "application/x-krita-resourcebundle", KoStore::Zip)); if (!resourceStore || resourceStore->bad()) { warnKrita << "Cannot open the resource bundle: invalid zip file?"; return false; } Q_FOREACH (const QString &resType, m_manifest.types()) { dbgResources << "Installing resource type" << resType; if (resType == "gradients") { KoResourceServer* gradientServer = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->gradientServer(); Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, m_manifest.files(resType)) { if (resourceStore->isOpen()) resourceStore->close(); dbgResources << "\tInstalling" << ref.resourcePath; KoAbstractGradient *res = gradientServer->createResource(QString("bundle://%1:%2").arg(filename()).arg(ref.resourcePath)); if (!res) { warnKrita << "Could not create resource for" << ref.resourcePath; continue; } if (!resourceStore->open(ref.resourcePath)) { warnKrita << "Failed to open" << ref.resourcePath << "from bundle" << filename(); continue; } if (!res->loadFromDevice(resourceStore->device())) { warnKrita << "Failed to load" << ref.resourcePath << "from bundle" << filename(); continue; } dbgResources << "\t\tresource:" << res->name(); KoAbstractGradient *res2 = gradientServer->resourceByName(res->name()); if (!res2) {//if it doesn't exist... gradientServer->addResource(res, false);//add it! if (!m_gradientsMd5Installed.contains(res->md5())) { m_gradientsMd5Installed.append(res->md5()); } if (ref.md5sum!=res->md5()) { md5Mismatch.append(res->name()); } Q_FOREACH (const QString &tag, ref.tagList) { gradientServer->addTag(res, tag); } //gradientServer->addTag(res, name()); } else { //warnKrita << "Didn't install" << res->name()<<"It already exists on the server"; } } } else if (resType == "patterns") { KoResourceServer* patternServer = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->patternServer(); Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, m_manifest.files(resType)) { if (resourceStore->isOpen()) resourceStore->close(); dbgResources << "\tInstalling" << ref.resourcePath; KoPattern *res = patternServer->createResource(QString("bundle://%1:%2").arg(filename()).arg(ref.resourcePath)); if (!res) { warnKrita << "Could not create resource for" << ref.resourcePath; continue; } if (!resourceStore->open(ref.resourcePath)) { warnKrita << "Failed to open" << ref.resourcePath << "from bundle" << filename(); continue; } if (!res->loadFromDevice(resourceStore->device())) { warnKrita << "Failed to load" << ref.resourcePath << "from bundle" << filename(); continue; } dbgResources << "\t\tresource:" << res->name(); KoPattern *res2 = patternServer->resourceByName(res->name()); if (!res2) {//if it doesn't exist... patternServer->addResource(res, false);//add it! if (!m_patternsMd5Installed.contains(res->md5())) { m_patternsMd5Installed.append(res->md5()); } if (ref.md5sum!=res->md5()) { md5Mismatch.append(res->name()); } Q_FOREACH (const QString &tag, ref.tagList) { patternServer->addTag(res, tag); } //patternServer->addTag(res, name()); } } } else if (resType == "brushes") { KisBrushResourceServer *brushServer = KisBrushServer::instance()->brushServer(); Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, m_manifest.files(resType)) { if (resourceStore->isOpen()) resourceStore->close(); dbgResources << "\tInstalling" << ref.resourcePath; KisBrushSP res = brushServer->createResource(QString("bundle://%1:%2").arg(filename()).arg(ref.resourcePath)); if (!res) { warnKrita << "Could not create resource for" << ref.resourcePath; continue; } if (!resourceStore->open(ref.resourcePath)) { warnKrita << "Failed to open" << ref.resourcePath << "from bundle" << filename(); continue; } if (!res->loadFromDevice(resourceStore->device())) { warnKrita << "Failed to load" << ref.resourcePath << "from bundle" << filename(); continue; } dbgResources << "\t\tresource:" << res->name(); //find the resource on the server KisBrushSP res2 = brushServer->resourceByName(res->name()); if (res2) { res->setName(res->name()+"("+res->shortFilename()+")"); } // file name is more important than the regular name because the // it is the way how it is called up from the brushpreset settings. // Therefore just adjust the resource name and only refuse to load // when the filename is different. res2 = brushServer->resourceByFilename(res->shortFilename()); if (!res2) {//if it doesn't exist... brushServer->addResource(res, false);//add it! if (!m_brushesMd5Installed.contains(res->md5())) { m_brushesMd5Installed.append(res->md5()); } if (ref.md5sum!=res->md5()) { md5Mismatch.append(res->name()); } Q_FOREACH (const QString &tag, ref.tagList) { brushServer->addTag(res.data(), tag); } //brushServer->addTag(res.data(), name()); } else { //warnKrita << "Didn't install" << res->name()<<"It already exists on the server"; } } } else if (resType == "palettes") { KoResourceServer* paletteServer = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->paletteServer(); Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, m_manifest.files(resType)) { if (resourceStore->isOpen()) resourceStore->close(); dbgResources << "\tInstalling" << ref.resourcePath; KoColorSet *res = paletteServer->createResource(QString("bundle://%1:%2").arg(filename()).arg(ref.resourcePath)); if (!res) { warnKrita << "Could not create resource for" << ref.resourcePath; continue; } if (!resourceStore->open(ref.resourcePath)) { warnKrita << "Failed to open" << ref.resourcePath << "from bundle" << filename(); continue; } if (!res->loadFromDevice(resourceStore->device())) { warnKrita << "Failed to load" << ref.resourcePath << "from bundle" << filename(); continue; } dbgResources << "\t\tresource:" << res->name(); //find the resource on the server KoColorSet *res2 = paletteServer->resourceByName(res->name()); if (!res2) {//if it doesn't exist... paletteServer->addResource(res, false);//add it! if (!m_palettesMd5Installed.contains(res->md5())) { m_palettesMd5Installed.append(res->md5()); } if (ref.md5sum!=res->md5()) { md5Mismatch.append(res->name()); } Q_FOREACH (const QString &tag, ref.tagList) { paletteServer->addTag(res, tag); } //paletteServer->addTag(res, name()); } else { //warnKrita << "Didn't install" << res->name()<<"It already exists on the server"; } } } else if (resType == "workspaces") { KoResourceServer< KisWorkspaceResource >* workspaceServer = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->workspaceServer(); Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, m_manifest.files(resType)) { if (resourceStore->isOpen()) resourceStore->close(); dbgResources << "\tInstalling" << ref.resourcePath; KisWorkspaceResource *res = workspaceServer->createResource(QString("bundle://%1:%2").arg(filename()).arg(ref.resourcePath)); if (!res) { warnKrita << "Could not create resource for" << ref.resourcePath; continue; } if (!resourceStore->open(ref.resourcePath)) { warnKrita << "Failed to open" << ref.resourcePath << "from bundle" << filename(); continue; } if (!res->loadFromDevice(resourceStore->device())) { warnKrita << "Failed to load" << ref.resourcePath << "from bundle" << filename(); continue; } dbgResources << "\t\tresource:" << res->name(); //the following tries to find the resource by name. KisWorkspaceResource *res2 = workspaceServer->resourceByName(res->name()); if (!res2) {//if it doesn't exist... workspaceServer->addResource(res, false);//add it! if (!m_workspacesMd5Installed.contains(res->md5())) { m_workspacesMd5Installed.append(res->md5()); } if (ref.md5sum!=res->md5()) { md5Mismatch.append(res->name()); } Q_FOREACH (const QString &tag, ref.tagList) { workspaceServer->addTag(res, tag); } //workspaceServer->addTag(res, name()); } else { //warnKrita << "Didn't install" << res->name()<<"It already exists on the server"; } } } else if (resType == "paintoppresets") { KisPaintOpPresetResourceServer* paintoppresetServer = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->paintOpPresetServer(); Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, m_manifest.files(resType)) { if (resourceStore->isOpen()) resourceStore->close(); dbgResources << "\tInstalling" << ref.resourcePath; KisPaintOpPresetSP res = paintoppresetServer->createResource(QString("bundle://%1:%2").arg(filename()).arg(ref.resourcePath)); if (!res) { warnKrita << "Could not create resource for" << ref.resourcePath; continue; } if (!resourceStore->open(ref.resourcePath)) { warnKrita << "Failed to open" << ref.resourcePath << "from bundle" << filename(); continue; } // Workaround for some OS (Debian, Ubuntu), where loading directly from the QIODevice // fails with "libpng error: IDAT: CRC error" QByteArray data = resourceStore->device()->readAll(); QBuffer buffer(&data); if (!res->loadFromDevice(&buffer)) { warnKrita << "Failed to load" << ref.resourcePath << "from bundle" << filename(); continue; } dbgResources << "\t\tresource:" << res->name() << "File:" << res->filename(); //the following tries to find the resource by name. KisPaintOpPresetSP res2 = paintoppresetServer->resourceByName(res->name()); if (!res2) {//if it doesn't exist... paintoppresetServer->addResource(res, false);//add it! if (!m_presetsMd5Installed.contains(res->md5())){ m_presetsMd5Installed.append(res->md5()); } if (ref.md5sum!=res->md5()) { md5Mismatch.append(res->name()); } Q_FOREACH (const QString &tag, ref.tagList) { paintoppresetServer->addTag(res.data(), tag); } //paintoppresetServer->addTag(res.data(), name()); } else { //warnKrita << "Didn't install" << res->name()<<"It already exists on the server"; } } } else if (resType == "gamutmasks") { KoResourceServer* gamutMaskServer = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->gamutMaskServer(); Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, m_manifest.files(resType)) { if (resourceStore->isOpen()) resourceStore->close(); dbgResources << "\tInstalling" << ref.resourcePath; KoGamutMask *res = gamutMaskServer->createResource(QString("bundle://%1:%2").arg(filename()).arg(ref.resourcePath)); if (!res) { warnKrita << "Could not create resource for" << ref.resourcePath; continue; } if (!resourceStore->open(ref.resourcePath)) { warnKrita << "Failed to open" << ref.resourcePath << "from bundle" << filename(); continue; } if (!res->loadFromDevice(resourceStore->device())) { warnKrita << "Failed to load" << ref.resourcePath << "from bundle" << filename(); continue; } dbgResources << "\t\tresource:" << res->name(); //find the resource on the server KoGamutMask *res2 = gamutMaskServer->resourceByName(res->name()); if (!res2) {//if it doesn't exist... gamutMaskServer->addResource(res, false);//add it! if (!m_gamutMasksMd5Installed.contains(res->md5())) { m_gamutMasksMd5Installed.append(res->md5()); } if (ref.md5sum!=res->md5()) { md5Mismatch.append(res->name()); } Q_FOREACH (const QString &tag, ref.tagList) { gamutMaskServer->addTag(res, tag); } //gamutMaskServer->addTag(res, name()); } else { //warnKrita << "Didn't install" << res->name()<<"It already exists on the server"; } } } } m_installed = true; if(!md5Mismatch.isEmpty()){ QString message = i18n("The following resources had mismatching MD5 sums. They may have gotten corrupted, for example, during download."); QMessageBox bundleFeedback; bundleFeedback.setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning); Q_FOREACH (QString name, md5Mismatch) { message.append("\n"); message.append(name); } bundleFeedback.setText(message); bundleFeedback.exec(); } return true; } bool KisResourceBundle::uninstall() { m_installed = false; QStringList tags = getTagsList(); tags << m_manifest.tags(); //tags << name(); KoResourceServer* gradientServer = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->gradientServer(); //Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, m_manifest.files("gradients")) { Q_FOREACH (const QByteArray md5, m_gradientsMd5Installed) { KoAbstractGradient *res = gradientServer->resourceByMD5(md5); if (res) { gradientServer->removeResourceFromServer(res); } } KoResourceServer* patternServer = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->patternServer(); //Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, m_manifest.files("patterns")) { Q_FOREACH (const QByteArray md5, m_patternsMd5Installed) { KoPattern *res = patternServer->resourceByMD5(md5); if (res) { patternServer->removeResourceFromServer(res); } } KisBrushResourceServer *brushServer = KisBrushServer::instance()->brushServer(); //Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, m_manifest.files("brushes")) { Q_FOREACH (const QByteArray md5, m_brushesMd5Installed) { KisBrushSP res = brushServer->resourceByMD5(md5); if (res) { brushServer->removeResourceFromServer(res); } } KoResourceServer* paletteServer = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->paletteServer(); //Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, m_manifest.files("palettes")) { Q_FOREACH (const QByteArray md5, m_palettesMd5Installed) { KoColorSet *res = paletteServer->resourceByMD5(md5); if (res) { paletteServer->removeResourceFromServer(res); } } KoResourceServer< KisWorkspaceResource >* workspaceServer = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->workspaceServer(); //Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, m_manifest.files("workspaces")) { Q_FOREACH (const QByteArray md5, m_workspacesMd5Installed) { KisWorkspaceResource *res = workspaceServer->resourceByMD5(md5); if (res) { workspaceServer->removeResourceFromServer(res); } } KisPaintOpPresetResourceServer* paintoppresetServer = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->paintOpPresetServer(); //Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, m_manifest.files("paintoppresets")) { Q_FOREACH (const QByteArray md5, m_presetsMd5Installed) { KisPaintOpPresetSP res = paintoppresetServer->resourceByMD5(md5); if (res) { paintoppresetServer->removeResourceFromServer(res); } } KoResourceServer* gamutMaskServer = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->gamutMaskServer(); //Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, m_manifest.files("gamutmasks")) { Q_FOREACH (const QByteArray md5, m_gamutMasksMd5Installed) { KoGamutMask *res = gamutMaskServer->resourceByMD5(md5); if (res) { gamutMaskServer->removeResourceFromServer(res); } } Q_FOREACH(const QString &tag, tags) { paintoppresetServer->tagCategoryRemoved(tag); workspaceServer->tagCategoryRemoved(tag); paletteServer->tagCategoryRemoved(tag); brushServer->tagCategoryRemoved(tag); patternServer->tagCategoryRemoved(tag); gradientServer->tagCategoryRemoved(tag); gamutMaskServer->tagCategoryRemoved(tag); } return true; } void KisResourceBundle::addMeta(const QString &type, const QString &value) { m_metadata.insert(type, value); } const QString KisResourceBundle::getMeta(const QString &type, const QString &defaultValue) const { if (m_metadata.contains(type)) { return m_metadata[type]; } else { return defaultValue; } } void KisResourceBundle::addResource(QString fileType, QString filePath, QStringList fileTagList, const QByteArray md5sum) { m_manifest.addResource(fileType, filePath, fileTagList, md5sum); } QList KisResourceBundle::getTagsList() { return QList::fromSet(m_bundletags); } bool KisResourceBundle::isInstalled() { return m_installed; } QStringList KisResourceBundle::resourceTypes() const { return m_manifest.types(); } QList KisResourceBundle::resources(const QString &resType) const { QList references = m_manifest.files(resType); QList ret; Q_FOREACH (const KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference &ref, references) { if (resType == "gradients") { KoResourceServer* gradientServer = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->gradientServer(); KoResource *res = gradientServer->resourceByMD5(ref.md5sum); if (res) ret << res; } else if (resType == "patterns") { KoResourceServer* patternServer = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->patternServer(); KoResource *res = patternServer->resourceByMD5(ref.md5sum); if (res) ret << res; } else if (resType == "brushes") { KisBrushResourceServer *brushServer = KisBrushServer::instance()->brushServer(); KoResource *res = brushServer->resourceByMD5(ref.md5sum).data(); if (res) ret << res; } else if (resType == "palettes") { KoResourceServer* paletteServer = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->paletteServer(); KoResource *res = paletteServer->resourceByMD5(ref.md5sum); if (res) ret << res; } else if (resType == "workspaces") { KoResourceServer< KisWorkspaceResource >* workspaceServer = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->workspaceServer(); KoResource *res = workspaceServer->resourceByMD5(ref.md5sum); if (res) ret << res; } else if (resType == "paintoppresets") { KisPaintOpPresetResourceServer* paintoppresetServer = KisResourceServerProvider::instance()->paintOpPresetServer(); KisPaintOpPresetSP res = paintoppresetServer->resourceByMD5(ref.md5sum); if (res) ret << res.data(); } else if (resType == "gamutmasks") { KoResourceServer* gamutMaskServer = KoResourceServerProvider::instance()->gamutMaskServer(); KoResource *res = gamutMaskServer->resourceByMD5(ref.md5sum); if (res) ret << res; } } return ret; } void KisResourceBundle::setThumbnail(QString filename) { if (QFileInfo(filename).exists()) { m_thumbnail = QImage(filename); m_thumbnail = m_thumbnail.scaled(256, 256, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); } else { m_thumbnail = QImage(256, 256, QImage::Format_ARGB32); QPainter gc(&m_thumbnail); gc.fillRect(0, 0, 256, 256, Qt::red); gc.end(); } setImage(m_thumbnail); } void KisResourceBundle::writeMeta(const char *metaTag, const QString &metaKey, KoXmlWriter *writer) { if (m_metadata.contains(metaKey)) { writer->startElement(metaTag); writer->addTextNode(m_metadata[metaKey].toUtf8()); writer->endElement(); } } void KisResourceBundle::writeUserDefinedMeta(const QString &metaKey, KoXmlWriter *writer) { if (m_metadata.contains(metaKey)) { writer->startElement("meta:meta-userdefined"); writer->addAttribute("meta:name", metaKey); writer->addAttribute("meta:value", m_metadata[metaKey]); writer->endElement(); } } void KisResourceBundle::setInstalled(bool install) { m_installed = install; } void KisResourceBundle::saveMetadata(QScopedPointer &store) { QBuffer buf; store->open("meta.xml"); buf.open(QBuffer::WriteOnly); KoXmlWriter metaWriter(&buf); metaWriter.startDocument("office:document-meta"); metaWriter.startElement("meta:meta"); writeMeta("meta:generator", "generator", &metaWriter); metaWriter.startElement("meta:bundle-version"); metaWriter.addTextNode(m_bundleVersion.toUtf8()); metaWriter.endElement(); writeMeta("dc:author", "author", &metaWriter); writeMeta("dc:title", "filename", &metaWriter); writeMeta("dc:description", "description", &metaWriter); writeMeta("meta:initial-creator", "author", &metaWriter); writeMeta("dc:creator", "author", &metaWriter); writeMeta("meta:creation-date", "created", &metaWriter); writeMeta("meta:dc-date", "updated", &metaWriter); writeUserDefinedMeta("email", &metaWriter); writeUserDefinedMeta("license", &metaWriter); writeUserDefinedMeta("website", &metaWriter); Q_FOREACH (const QString &tag, m_bundletags) { metaWriter.startElement("meta:meta-userdefined"); metaWriter.addAttribute("meta:name", "tag"); metaWriter.addAttribute("meta:value", tag); metaWriter.endElement(); } metaWriter.endElement(); // meta:meta metaWriter.endDocument(); buf.close(); store->write(buf.data()); store->close(); } void KisResourceBundle::saveManifest(QScopedPointer &store) { store->open("META-INF/manifest.xml"); QBuffer buf; buf.open(QBuffer::WriteOnly); m_manifest.save(&buf); buf.close(); store->write(buf.data()); store->close(); } void KisResourceBundle::recreateBundle(QScopedPointer &oldStore) { // Save a copy of the unmodified bundle, so that if anything goes bad the user doesn't lose it QFile file(filename()); file.copy(filename() + ".old"); QString newStoreName = filename() + ".tmp"; { QScopedPointer store(KoStore::createStore(newStoreName, KoStore::Write, "application/x-krita-resourcebundle", KoStore::Zip)); KoHashGenerator *generator = KoHashGeneratorProvider::instance()->getGenerator("MD5"); KisResourceBundleManifest newManifest; - addMeta("updated", QDate::currentDate().toString("dd/MM/yyyy")); + addMeta("updated", QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString(Qt::ISODate)); Q_FOREACH (KisResourceBundleManifest::ResourceReference ref, m_manifest.files()) { // Wrong manifest entry found, skip it if(!oldStore->open(ref.resourcePath)) continue; store->open(ref.resourcePath); QByteArray data = oldStore->device()->readAll(); oldStore->close(); store->write(data); store->close(); QByteArray result = generator->generateHash(data); newManifest.addResource(ref.fileTypeName, ref.resourcePath, ref.tagList, result); } m_manifest = newManifest; if (!m_thumbnail.isNull()) { QByteArray byteArray; QBuffer buffer(&byteArray); m_thumbnail.save(&buffer, "PNG"); if (!store->open("preview.png")) warnKrita << "Could not open preview.png"; if (store->write(byteArray) != buffer.size()) warnKrita << "Could not write preview.png"; store->close(); } saveManifest(store); saveMetadata(store); store->finalize(); } // Remove the current bundle and then move the tmp one to be the correct one file.setFileName(filename()); if (!file.remove()) { qWarning() << "Could not remove" << filename() << file.errorString(); } QFile f(newStoreName); Q_ASSERT(f.exists()); if (!f.copy(filename())) { qWarning() << "Could not copy the tmp file to the store" << filename() << newStoreName << QFile(newStoreName).exists() << f.errorString(); } } int KisResourceBundle::resourceCount() const { return m_manifest.files().count(); } diff --git a/libs/ui/KisTemplatesPane.cpp b/libs/ui/KisTemplatesPane.cpp index b971016f89..12de18c395 100644 --- a/libs/ui/KisTemplatesPane.cpp +++ b/libs/ui/KisTemplatesPane.cpp @@ -1,192 +1,189 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Peter Simonsson This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KisTemplatesPane.h" #include "KisTemplateGroup.h" #include "KisTemplate.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include class KisTemplatesPanePrivate { public: KisTemplatesPanePrivate() : m_selected(false) { } bool m_selected; QString m_alwaysUseTemplate; }; KisTemplatesPane::KisTemplatesPane(QWidget* parent, const QString& header, KisTemplateGroup *group, KisTemplate* defaultTemplate) : KisDetailsPane(parent,header) , d(new KisTemplatesPanePrivate) { setFocusProxy(m_documentList); KGuiItem openGItem(i18n("Use This Template")); KGuiItem::assign(m_openButton, openGItem); KConfigGroup cfgGrp( KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "TemplateChooserDialog"); QString fullTemplateName = cfgGrp.readPathEntry("FullTemplateName", QString()); d->m_alwaysUseTemplate = cfgGrp.readPathEntry("AlwaysUseTemplate", QString()); m_alwaysUseCheckBox->setVisible(false); connect(m_alwaysUseCheckBox, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(alwaysUseClicked())); QStandardItem* selectItem = 0; QStandardItem* rootItem = model()->invisibleRootItem(); QStandardItem* defaultItem = 0; QFileInfo templateFileInfo(fullTemplateName); Q_FOREACH (KisTemplate* t, group->templates()) { if (t->isHidden()) continue; QPixmap preview = t->loadPicture(); QImage icon = preview.toImage(); icon = icon.scaled(IconExtent, IconExtent, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); icon = icon.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32); icon = icon.copy((icon.width() - IconExtent) / 2, (icon.height() - IconExtent) / 2, IconExtent, IconExtent); QStandardItem* item = new QStandardItem(QPixmap::fromImage(icon), t->name()); item->setEditable(false); item->setData(t->description(), Qt::UserRole); item->setData(t->file(), Qt::UserRole + 1); item->setData(preview, Qt::UserRole + 2); rootItem->appendRow(item); if (templateFileInfo.exists()) { if (!selectItem && (t->file() == fullTemplateName)) { selectItem = item; } } else { if (!selectItem && QFileInfo(t->file()).fileName() == templateFileInfo.fileName()) { selectItem = item; } } if (defaultTemplate && (t->file() == defaultTemplate->file())) { defaultItem = item; } } QModelIndex selectedIndex; if (selectItem) { selectedIndex = model()->indexFromItem(selectItem); d->m_selected = true; } else if (defaultItem) { selectedIndex = model()->indexFromItem(defaultItem); } else { selectedIndex = model()->indexFromItem(model()->item(0)); } m_documentList->selectionModel()->select(selectedIndex, QItemSelectionModel::Select); m_documentList->selectionModel()->setCurrentIndex(selectedIndex, QItemSelectionModel::Select); } KisTemplatesPane::~KisTemplatesPane() { delete d; } void KisTemplatesPane::selectionChanged(const QModelIndex& index) { if (index.isValid()) { QStandardItem* item = model()->itemFromIndex(index); m_openButton->setEnabled(true); m_alwaysUseCheckBox->setEnabled(true); - m_titleLabel->setText(item->data(Qt::DisplayRole).toString()); - m_previewLabel->setPixmap(item->data(Qt::UserRole + 2).value()); + m_detailsLabel->setHtml(item->data(Qt::UserRole).toString()); m_alwaysUseCheckBox->setChecked(item->data(Qt::UserRole + 1).toString() == d->m_alwaysUseTemplate); } else { m_openButton->setEnabled(false); m_alwaysUseCheckBox->setEnabled(false); m_alwaysUseCheckBox->setChecked(false); - m_titleLabel->clear(); - m_previewLabel->setPixmap(QPixmap()); m_detailsLabel->clear(); } } void KisTemplatesPane::openFile() { KisDetailsPane::openFile(); } void KisTemplatesPane::openFile(const QModelIndex& index) { if (index.isValid()) { QStandardItem* item = model()->itemFromIndex(index); KConfigGroup cfgGrp( KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "TemplateChooserDialog"); cfgGrp.writePathEntry("FullTemplateName", item->data(Qt::UserRole + 1).toString()); cfgGrp.writeEntry("LastReturnType", "Template"); cfgGrp.writeEntry("AlwaysUseTemplate", d->m_alwaysUseTemplate); emit openUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(item->data(Qt::UserRole + 1).toString())); } } bool KisTemplatesPane::isSelected() { return d->m_selected; } void KisTemplatesPane::alwaysUseClicked() { QStandardItem* item = model()->itemFromIndex(m_documentList->selectionModel()->currentIndex()); if (!m_alwaysUseCheckBox->isChecked()) { d->m_alwaysUseTemplate.clear(); } else { d->m_alwaysUseTemplate = item->data(Qt::UserRole + 1).toString(); } KConfigGroup cfgGrp( KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "TemplateChooserDialog"); cfgGrp.writeEntry("AlwaysUseTemplate", d->m_alwaysUseTemplate); cfgGrp.sync(); emit alwaysUseChanged(this, d->m_alwaysUseTemplate); } void KisTemplatesPane::changeAlwaysUseTemplate(KisTemplatesPane* sender, const QString& alwaysUse) { if (this == sender) return; QStandardItem* item = model()->itemFromIndex(m_documentList->selectionModel()->currentIndex()); // If the old always use template is selected uncheck the checkbox if (item && (item->data(Qt::UserRole + 1).toString() == d->m_alwaysUseTemplate)) { m_alwaysUseCheckBox->setChecked(false); } d->m_alwaysUseTemplate = alwaysUse; } diff --git a/libs/ui/KisView.cpp b/libs/ui/KisView.cpp index c5d99788d4..0c63032972 100644 --- a/libs/ui/KisView.cpp +++ b/libs/ui/KisView.cpp @@ -1,1062 +1,1062 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Boudewijn Rempt * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KisView.h" #include "KisView_p.h" #include #include #include #include "KoPageLayout.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_canvas2.h" #include "kis_canvas_controller.h" #include "kis_canvas_resource_provider.h" #include "kis_config.h" #include "KisDocument.h" #include "kis_image_manager.h" #include "KisMainWindow.h" #include "kis_mimedata.h" #include "kis_mirror_axis.h" #include "kis_node_commands_adapter.h" #include "kis_node_manager.h" #include "KisPart.h" #include "KisPrintJob.h" #include "kis_shape_controller.h" #include "kis_tool_freehand.h" #include "KisViewManager.h" #include "kis_zoom_manager.h" #include "kis_statusbar.h" #include "kis_painting_assistants_decoration.h" #include "KisReferenceImagesDecoration.h" #include "kis_progress_widget.h" #include "kis_signal_compressor.h" #include "kis_filter_manager.h" #include "kis_file_layer.h" #include "krita_utils.h" #include "input/kis_input_manager.h" #include "KisRemoteFileFetcher.h" #include "kis_selection_manager.h" //static QString KisView::newObjectName() { static int s_viewIFNumber = 0; QString name; name.setNum(s_viewIFNumber++); name.prepend("view_"); return name; } bool KisView::s_firstView = true; class Q_DECL_HIDDEN KisView::Private { public: Private(KisView *_q, KisDocument *document, - KoCanvasResourceProvider *resourceManager, - KActionCollection *actionCollection) - : actionCollection(actionCollection) + KisViewManager *viewManager) + : actionCollection(viewManager->actionCollection()) , viewConverter() - , canvasController(_q, actionCollection) - , canvas(&viewConverter, resourceManager, _q, document->shapeController()) + , canvasController(_q, viewManager->mainWindow(), viewManager->actionCollection()) + , canvas(&viewConverter, viewManager->canvasResourceProvider()->resourceManager(), viewManager->mainWindow(), _q, document->shapeController()) , zoomManager(_q, &this->viewConverter, &this->canvasController) + , viewManager(viewManager) , paintingAssistantsDecoration(new KisPaintingAssistantsDecoration(_q)) , referenceImagesDecoration(new KisReferenceImagesDecoration(_q, document)) , floatingMessageCompressor(100, KisSignalCompressor::POSTPONE) { } bool inOperation; //in the middle of an operation (no screen refreshing)? QPointer document; // our KisDocument QWidget *tempActiveWidget = 0; /** * Signals the document has been deleted. Can't use document==0 since this * only happens in ~QObject, and views get deleted by ~KisDocument. * XXX: either provide a better justification to do things this way, or * rework the mechanism. */ bool documentDeleted = false; KActionCollection* actionCollection; KisCoordinatesConverter viewConverter; KisCanvasController canvasController; KisCanvas2 canvas; KisZoomManager zoomManager; KisViewManager *viewManager = 0; KisNodeSP currentNode; KisPaintingAssistantsDecorationSP paintingAssistantsDecoration; KisReferenceImagesDecorationSP referenceImagesDecoration; bool isCurrent = false; bool showFloatingMessage = false; QPointer savedFloatingMessage; KisSignalCompressor floatingMessageCompressor; QMdiSubWindow *subWindow{nullptr}; bool softProofing = false; bool gamutCheck = false; // Hmm sorry for polluting the private class with such a big inner class. // At the beginning it was a little struct :) class StatusBarItem { public: StatusBarItem(QWidget * widget, int stretch, bool permanent) : m_widget(widget), m_stretch(stretch), m_permanent(permanent), m_connected(false), m_hidden(false) {} bool operator==(const StatusBarItem& rhs) { return m_widget == rhs.m_widget; } bool operator!=(const StatusBarItem& rhs) { return m_widget != rhs.m_widget; } QWidget * widget() const { return m_widget; } void ensureItemShown(QStatusBar * sb) { Q_ASSERT(m_widget); if (!m_connected) { if (m_permanent) sb->addPermanentWidget(m_widget, m_stretch); else sb->addWidget(m_widget, m_stretch); if(!m_hidden) m_widget->show(); m_connected = true; } } void ensureItemHidden(QStatusBar * sb) { if (m_connected) { m_hidden = m_widget->isHidden(); sb->removeWidget(m_widget); m_widget->hide(); m_connected = false; } } private: QWidget * m_widget = 0; int m_stretch; bool m_permanent; bool m_connected = false; bool m_hidden = false; }; }; -KisView::KisView(KisDocument *document, KoCanvasResourceProvider *resourceManager, KActionCollection *actionCollection, QWidget *parent) +KisView::KisView(KisDocument *document, KisViewManager *viewManager, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) - , d(new Private(this, document, resourceManager, actionCollection)) + , d(new Private(this, document, viewManager)) { Q_ASSERT(document); connect(document, SIGNAL(titleModified(QString,bool)), this, SIGNAL(titleModified(QString,bool))); setObjectName(newObjectName()); d->document = document; setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus); QStatusBar * sb = statusBar(); if (sb) { // No statusbar in e.g. konqueror connect(d->document, SIGNAL(statusBarMessage(QString,int)), this, SLOT(slotSavingStatusMessage(QString,int))); connect(d->document, SIGNAL(clearStatusBarMessage()), this, SLOT(slotClearStatusText())); } d->canvas.setup(); KisConfig cfg(false); d->canvasController.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOn); d->canvasController.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOn); d->canvasController.setVastScrolling(cfg.vastScrolling()); d->canvasController.setCanvas(&d->canvas); d->zoomManager.setup(d->actionCollection); connect(&d->canvasController, SIGNAL(documentSizeChanged()), &d->zoomManager, SLOT(slotScrollAreaSizeChanged())); setAcceptDrops(true); connect(d->document, SIGNAL(sigLoadingFinished()), this, SLOT(slotLoadingFinished())); connect(d->document, SIGNAL(sigSavingFinished()), this, SLOT(slotSavingFinished())); d->canvas.addDecoration(d->referenceImagesDecoration); d->referenceImagesDecoration->setVisible(true); d->canvas.addDecoration(d->paintingAssistantsDecoration); d->paintingAssistantsDecoration->setVisible(true); d->showFloatingMessage = cfg.showCanvasMessages(); d->zoomManager.updateScreenResolution(this); } KisView::~KisView() { if (d->viewManager) { if (d->viewManager->filterManager()->isStrokeRunning()) { d->viewManager->filterManager()->cancel(); } d->viewManager->mainWindow()->notifyChildViewDestroyed(this); } KoToolManager::instance()->removeCanvasController(&d->canvasController); d->canvasController.setCanvas(0); KisPart::instance()->removeView(this); delete d; } void KisView::notifyCurrentStateChanged(bool isCurrent) { d->isCurrent = isCurrent; if (!d->isCurrent && d->savedFloatingMessage) { d->savedFloatingMessage->removeMessage(); } KisInputManager *inputManager = globalInputManager(); if (d->isCurrent) { inputManager->attachPriorityEventFilter(&d->canvasController); } else { inputManager->detachPriorityEventFilter(&d->canvasController); } /** * When current view is changed, currently selected node is also changed, * therefore we should update selection overlay mask */ viewManager()->selectionManager()->selectionChanged(); } bool KisView::isCurrent() const { return d->isCurrent; } void KisView::setShowFloatingMessage(bool show) { d->showFloatingMessage = show; } void KisView::showFloatingMessage(const QString &message, const QIcon& icon, int timeout, KisFloatingMessage::Priority priority, int alignment) { if (!d->viewManager) return; if(d->isCurrent && d->showFloatingMessage && d->viewManager->qtMainWindow()) { if (d->savedFloatingMessage) { d->savedFloatingMessage->tryOverrideMessage(message, icon, timeout, priority, alignment); } else { d->savedFloatingMessage = new KisFloatingMessage(message, this->canvasBase()->canvasWidget(), false, timeout, priority, alignment); d->savedFloatingMessage->setShowOverParent(true); d->savedFloatingMessage->setIcon(icon); connect(&d->floatingMessageCompressor, SIGNAL(timeout()), d->savedFloatingMessage, SLOT(showMessage())); d->floatingMessageCompressor.start(); } } } bool KisView::canvasIsMirrored() const { return d->canvas.xAxisMirrored() || d->canvas.yAxisMirrored(); } void KisView::setViewManager(KisViewManager *view) { d->viewManager = view; KoToolManager::instance()->addController(&d->canvasController); KoToolManager::instance()->registerToolActions(d->actionCollection, &d->canvasController); dynamic_cast(d->document->shapeController())->setInitialShapeForCanvas(&d->canvas); if (resourceProvider()) { resourceProvider()->slotImageSizeChanged(); } if (d->viewManager && d->viewManager->nodeManager()) { d->viewManager->nodeManager()->nodesUpdated(); } connect(image(), SIGNAL(sigSizeChanged(QPointF,QPointF)), this, SLOT(slotImageSizeChanged(QPointF,QPointF))); connect(image(), SIGNAL(sigResolutionChanged(double,double)), this, SLOT(slotImageResolutionChanged())); // executed in a context of an image thread connect(image(), SIGNAL(sigNodeAddedAsync(KisNodeSP)), SLOT(slotImageNodeAdded(KisNodeSP)), Qt::DirectConnection); // executed in a context of the gui thread connect(this, SIGNAL(sigContinueAddNode(KisNodeSP)), SLOT(slotContinueAddNode(KisNodeSP)), Qt::AutoConnection); // executed in a context of an image thread connect(image(), SIGNAL(sigRemoveNodeAsync(KisNodeSP)), SLOT(slotImageNodeRemoved(KisNodeSP)), Qt::DirectConnection); // executed in a context of the gui thread connect(this, SIGNAL(sigContinueRemoveNode(KisNodeSP)), SLOT(slotContinueRemoveNode(KisNodeSP)), Qt::AutoConnection); d->viewManager->updateGUI(); KoToolManager::instance()->switchToolRequested("KritaShape/KisToolBrush"); } KisViewManager* KisView::viewManager() const { return d->viewManager; } void KisView::slotImageNodeAdded(KisNodeSP node) { emit sigContinueAddNode(node); } void KisView::slotContinueAddNode(KisNodeSP newActiveNode) { /** * When deleting the last layer, root node got selected. We should * fix it when the first layer is added back. * * Here we basically reimplement what Qt's view/model do. But * since they are not connected, we should do it manually. */ if (!d->isCurrent && (!d->currentNode || !d->currentNode->parent())) { d->currentNode = newActiveNode; } } void KisView::slotImageNodeRemoved(KisNodeSP node) { emit sigContinueRemoveNode(KritaUtils::nearestNodeAfterRemoval(node)); } void KisView::slotContinueRemoveNode(KisNodeSP newActiveNode) { if (!d->isCurrent) { d->currentNode = newActiveNode; } } KoZoomController *KisView::zoomController() const { return d->zoomManager.zoomController(); } KisZoomManager *KisView::zoomManager() const { return &d->zoomManager; } KisCanvasController *KisView::canvasController() const { return &d->canvasController; } KisCanvasResourceProvider *KisView::resourceProvider() const { if (d->viewManager) { return d->viewManager->canvasResourceProvider(); } return 0; } KisInputManager* KisView::globalInputManager() const { return d->viewManager ? d->viewManager->inputManager() : 0; } KisCanvas2 *KisView::canvasBase() const { return &d->canvas; } KisImageWSP KisView::image() const { if (d->document) { return d->document->image(); } return 0; } KisCoordinatesConverter *KisView::viewConverter() const { return &d->viewConverter; } void KisView::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event) { //qDebug() << "KisView::dragEnterEvent formats" << event->mimeData()->formats() << "urls" << event->mimeData()->urls() << "has images" << event->mimeData()->hasImage(); if (event->mimeData()->hasImage() || event->mimeData()->hasUrls() || event->mimeData()->hasFormat("application/x-krita-node")) { event->accept(); // activate view if it should accept the drop this->setFocus(); } else { event->ignore(); } } void KisView::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) { KisImageWSP kisimage = image(); Q_ASSERT(kisimage); QPoint cursorPos = canvasBase()->coordinatesConverter()->widgetToImage(event->pos()).toPoint(); QRect imageBounds = kisimage->bounds(); QPoint pasteCenter; bool forceRecenter; if (event->keyboardModifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier && imageBounds.contains(cursorPos)) { pasteCenter = cursorPos; forceRecenter = true; } else { pasteCenter = imageBounds.center(); forceRecenter = false; } //qDebug() << "KisView::dropEvent() formats" << event->mimeData()->formats() << "urls" << event->mimeData()->urls() << "has images" << event->mimeData()->hasImage(); if (event->mimeData()->hasFormat("application/x-krita-node") || event->mimeData()->hasImage()) { KisShapeController *kritaShapeController = dynamic_cast(d->document->shapeController()); QList nodes = KisMimeData::loadNodes(event->mimeData(), imageBounds, pasteCenter, forceRecenter, kisimage, kritaShapeController); Q_FOREACH (KisNodeSP node, nodes) { if (node) { KisNodeCommandsAdapter adapter(viewManager()); if (!viewManager()->nodeManager()->activeLayer()) { adapter.addNode(node, kisimage->rootLayer() , 0); } else { adapter.addNode(node, viewManager()->nodeManager()->activeLayer()->parent(), viewManager()->nodeManager()->activeLayer()); } } } } else if (event->mimeData()->hasUrls()) { QList urls = event->mimeData()->urls(); if (urls.length() > 0) { QMenu popup; popup.setObjectName("drop_popup"); QAction *insertAsNewLayer = new QAction(i18n("Insert as New Layer"), &popup); QAction *insertManyLayers = new QAction(i18n("Insert Many Layers"), &popup); QAction *insertAsNewFileLayer = new QAction(i18n("Insert as New File Layer"), &popup); QAction *insertManyFileLayers = new QAction(i18n("Insert Many File Layers"), &popup); QAction *openInNewDocument = new QAction(i18n("Open in New Document"), &popup); QAction *openManyDocuments = new QAction(i18n("Open Many Documents"), &popup); QAction *insertAsReferenceImage = new QAction(i18n("Insert as Reference Image"), &popup); QAction *insertAsReferenceImages = new QAction(i18n("Insert as Reference Images"), &popup); QAction *cancel = new QAction(i18n("Cancel"), &popup); popup.addAction(insertAsNewLayer); popup.addAction(insertAsNewFileLayer); popup.addAction(openInNewDocument); popup.addAction(insertAsReferenceImage); popup.addAction(insertManyLayers); popup.addAction(insertManyFileLayers); popup.addAction(openManyDocuments); popup.addAction(insertAsReferenceImages); insertAsNewLayer->setEnabled(image() && urls.count() == 1); insertAsNewFileLayer->setEnabled(image() && urls.count() == 1); openInNewDocument->setEnabled(urls.count() == 1); insertAsReferenceImage->setEnabled(image() && urls.count() == 1); insertManyLayers->setEnabled(image() && urls.count() > 1); insertManyFileLayers->setEnabled(image() && urls.count() > 1); openManyDocuments->setEnabled(urls.count() > 1); insertAsReferenceImages->setEnabled(image() && urls.count() > 1); popup.addSeparator(); popup.addAction(cancel); QAction *action = popup.exec(QCursor::pos()); if (action != 0 && action != cancel) { QTemporaryFile *tmp = 0; for (QUrl url : urls) { if (!url.isLocalFile()) { // download the file and substitute the url KisRemoteFileFetcher fetcher; tmp = new QTemporaryFile(); tmp->setAutoRemove(true); if (!fetcher.fetchFile(url, tmp)) { qWarning() << "Fetching" << url << "failed"; continue; } url = url.fromLocalFile(tmp->fileName()); } if (url.isLocalFile()) { if (action == insertAsNewLayer || action == insertManyLayers) { d->viewManager->imageManager()->importImage(url); activateWindow(); } else if (action == insertAsNewFileLayer || action == insertManyFileLayers) { KisNodeCommandsAdapter adapter(viewManager()); KisFileLayer *fileLayer = new KisFileLayer(image(), "", url.toLocalFile(), KisFileLayer::None, image()->nextLayerName(), OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8); adapter.addNode(fileLayer, viewManager()->activeNode()->parent(), viewManager()->activeNode()); } else if (action == openInNewDocument || action == openManyDocuments) { if (mainWindow()) { mainWindow()->openDocument(url, KisMainWindow::None); } } else if (action == insertAsReferenceImage || action == insertAsReferenceImages) { auto *reference = KisReferenceImage::fromFile(url.toLocalFile(), d->viewConverter, this); if (reference) { reference->setPosition(d->viewConverter.imageToDocument(cursorPos)); d->referenceImagesDecoration->addReferenceImage(reference); KoToolManager::instance()->switchToolRequested("ToolReferenceImages"); } } } delete tmp; tmp = 0; } } } } } void KisView::dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *event) { //qDebug() << "KisView::dragMoveEvent"; if (event->mimeData()->hasUrls() || event->mimeData()->hasFormat("application/x-krita-node") || event->mimeData()->hasFormat("application/x-qt-image")) { event->accept(); } } KisDocument *KisView::document() const { return d->document; } void KisView::setDocument(KisDocument *document) { d->document->disconnect(this); d->document = document; QStatusBar *sb = statusBar(); if (sb) { // No statusbar in e.g. konqueror connect(d->document, SIGNAL(statusBarMessage(QString,int)), this, SLOT(slotSavingStatusMessage(QString,int))); connect(d->document, SIGNAL(clearStatusBarMessage()), this, SLOT(slotClearStatusText())); } } void KisView::setDocumentDeleted() { d->documentDeleted = true; } QPrintDialog *KisView::createPrintDialog(KisPrintJob *printJob, QWidget *parent) { Q_UNUSED(parent); QPrintDialog *printDialog = new QPrintDialog(&printJob->printer(), this); printDialog->setMinMax(printJob->printer().fromPage(), printJob->printer().toPage()); printDialog->setEnabledOptions(printJob->printDialogOptions()); return printDialog; } KisMainWindow * KisView::mainWindow() const { - return dynamic_cast(window()); + return d->viewManager->mainWindow(); } void KisView::setSubWindow(QMdiSubWindow *subWindow) { d->subWindow = subWindow; } QStatusBar * KisView::statusBar() const { KisMainWindow *mw = mainWindow(); return mw ? mw->statusBar() : 0; } void KisView::slotSavingStatusMessage(const QString &text, int timeout, bool isAutoSaving) { QStatusBar *sb = statusBar(); if (sb) { sb->showMessage(text, timeout); } KisConfig cfg(true); if (!sb || sb->isHidden() || (!isAutoSaving && cfg.forceShowSaveMessages()) || (cfg.forceShowAutosaveMessages() && isAutoSaving)) { viewManager()->showFloatingMessage(text, QIcon()); } } void KisView::slotClearStatusText() { QStatusBar *sb = statusBar(); if (sb) { sb->clearMessage(); } } QList KisView::createChangeUnitActions(bool addPixelUnit) { UnitActionGroup* unitActions = new UnitActionGroup(d->document, addPixelUnit, this); return unitActions->actions(); } void KisView::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) { // Check whether we're the last (user visible) view int viewCount = KisPart::instance()->viewCount(document()); if (viewCount > 1 || !isVisible()) { // there are others still, so don't bother the user event->accept(); return; } if (queryClose()) { event->accept(); return; } event->ignore(); } bool KisView::queryClose() { if (!document()) return true; document()->waitForSavingToComplete(); if (document()->isModified()) { QString name; if (document()->documentInfo()) { name = document()->documentInfo()->aboutInfo("title"); } if (name.isEmpty()) name = document()->url().fileName(); if (name.isEmpty()) name = i18n("Untitled"); int res = QMessageBox::warning(this, i18nc("@title:window", "Krita"), i18n("

The document '%1' has been modified.

Do you want to save it?

", name), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No | QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::Yes); switch (res) { case QMessageBox::Yes : { bool isNative = (document()->mimeType() == document()->nativeFormatMimeType()); if (!viewManager()->mainWindow()->saveDocument(document(), !isNative, false)) return false; break; } case QMessageBox::No : { KisImageSP image = document()->image(); image->requestStrokeCancellation(); viewManager()->blockUntilOperationsFinishedForced(image); document()->removeAutoSaveFiles(document()->localFilePath(), document()->isRecovered()); document()->setModified(false); // Now when queryClose() is called by closeEvent it won't do anything. break; } default : // case QMessageBox::Cancel : return false; } } return true; } void KisView::slotScreenChanged() { d->zoomManager.updateScreenResolution(this); } void KisView::slotThemeChanged(QPalette pal) { this->setPalette(pal); for (int i=0; ichildren().size();i++) { QWidget *w = qobject_cast ( this->children().at(i)); if (w) { w->setPalette(pal); } } if (canvasBase()) { canvasBase()->canvasWidget()->setPalette(pal); } if (canvasController()) { canvasController()->setPalette(pal); } } void KisView::resetImageSizeAndScroll(bool changeCentering, const QPointF &oldImageStillPoint, const QPointF &newImageStillPoint) { const KisCoordinatesConverter *converter = d->canvas.coordinatesConverter(); QPointF oldPreferredCenter = d->canvasController.preferredCenter(); /** * Calculating the still point in old coordinates depending on the * parameters given */ QPointF oldStillPoint; if (changeCentering) { oldStillPoint = converter->imageToWidget(oldImageStillPoint) + converter->documentOffset(); } else { QSizeF oldDocumentSize = d->canvasController.documentSize(); oldStillPoint = QPointF(0.5 * oldDocumentSize.width(), 0.5 * oldDocumentSize.height()); } /** * Updating the document size */ QSizeF size(image()->width() / image()->xRes(), image()->height() / image()->yRes()); KoZoomController *zc = d->zoomManager.zoomController(); zc->setZoom(KoZoomMode::ZOOM_CONSTANT, zc->zoomAction()->effectiveZoom()); zc->setPageSize(size); zc->setDocumentSize(size, true); /** * Calculating the still point in new coordinates depending on the * parameters given */ QPointF newStillPoint; if (changeCentering) { newStillPoint = converter->imageToWidget(newImageStillPoint) + converter->documentOffset(); } else { QSizeF newDocumentSize = d->canvasController.documentSize(); newStillPoint = QPointF(0.5 * newDocumentSize.width(), 0.5 * newDocumentSize.height()); } d->canvasController.setPreferredCenter(oldPreferredCenter - oldStillPoint + newStillPoint); } void KisView::syncLastActiveNodeToDocument() { KisDocument *doc = document(); if (doc) { doc->setPreActivatedNode(d->currentNode); } } void KisView::saveViewState(KisPropertiesConfiguration &config) const { config.setProperty("file", d->document->url()); config.setProperty("window", mainWindow()->windowStateConfig().name()); if (d->subWindow) { config.setProperty("geometry", d->subWindow->saveGeometry().toBase64()); } config.setProperty("zoomMode", (int)zoomController()->zoomMode()); config.setProperty("zoom", d->canvas.coordinatesConverter()->zoom()); d->canvasController.saveCanvasState(config); } void KisView::restoreViewState(const KisPropertiesConfiguration &config) { if (d->subWindow) { QByteArray geometry = QByteArray::fromBase64(config.getString("geometry", "").toLatin1()); d->subWindow->restoreGeometry(QByteArray::fromBase64(geometry)); } qreal zoom = config.getFloat("zoom", 1.0f); int zoomMode = config.getInt("zoomMode", (int)KoZoomMode::ZOOM_PAGE); d->zoomManager.zoomController()->setZoom((KoZoomMode::Mode)zoomMode, zoom); d->canvasController.restoreCanvasState(config); } void KisView::setCurrentNode(KisNodeSP node) { d->currentNode = node; d->canvas.slotTrySwitchShapeManager(); syncLastActiveNodeToDocument(); } KisNodeSP KisView::currentNode() const { return d->currentNode; } KisLayerSP KisView::currentLayer() const { KisNodeSP node; KisMaskSP mask = currentMask(); if (mask) { node = mask->parent(); } else { node = d->currentNode; } return qobject_cast(node.data()); } KisMaskSP KisView::currentMask() const { return dynamic_cast(d->currentNode.data()); } KisSelectionSP KisView::selection() { KisLayerSP layer = currentLayer(); if (layer) return layer->selection(); // falls through to the global // selection, or 0 in the end if (image()) { return image()->globalSelection(); } return 0; } void KisView::slotSoftProofing(bool softProofing) { d->softProofing = softProofing; QString message; if (canvasBase()->image()->colorSpace()->colorDepthId().id().contains("F")) { message = i18n("Soft Proofing doesn't work in floating point."); viewManager()->showFloatingMessage(message,QIcon()); return; } if (softProofing){ message = i18n("Soft Proofing turned on."); } else { message = i18n("Soft Proofing turned off."); } viewManager()->showFloatingMessage(message,QIcon()); canvasBase()->slotSoftProofing(softProofing); } void KisView::slotGamutCheck(bool gamutCheck) { d->gamutCheck = gamutCheck; QString message; if (canvasBase()->image()->colorSpace()->colorDepthId().id().contains("F")) { message = i18n("Gamut Warnings don't work in floating point."); viewManager()->showFloatingMessage(message,QIcon()); return; } if (gamutCheck){ message = i18n("Gamut Warnings turned on."); if (!d->softProofing){ message += "\n "+i18n("But Soft Proofing is still off."); } } else { message = i18n("Gamut Warnings turned off."); } viewManager()->showFloatingMessage(message,QIcon()); canvasBase()->slotGamutCheck(gamutCheck); } bool KisView::softProofing() { return d->softProofing; } bool KisView::gamutCheck() { return d->gamutCheck; } void KisView::slotLoadingFinished() { if (!document()) return; /** * Cold-start of image size/resolution signals */ slotImageResolutionChanged(); if (image()->locked()) { // If this is the first view on the image, the image will have been locked // so unlock it. image()->blockSignals(false); image()->unlock(); } canvasBase()->initializeImage(); /** * Dirty hack alert */ d->zoomManager.zoomController()->setAspectMode(true); if (viewConverter()) { viewConverter()->setZoomMode(KoZoomMode::ZOOM_PAGE); } connect(image(), SIGNAL(sigColorSpaceChanged(const KoColorSpace*)), this, SIGNAL(sigColorSpaceChanged(const KoColorSpace*))); connect(image(), SIGNAL(sigProfileChanged(const KoColorProfile*)), this, SIGNAL(sigProfileChanged(const KoColorProfile*))); connect(image(), SIGNAL(sigSizeChanged(QPointF,QPointF)), this, SIGNAL(sigSizeChanged(QPointF,QPointF))); KisNodeSP activeNode = document()->preActivatedNode(); if (!activeNode) { activeNode = image()->rootLayer()->lastChild(); } while (activeNode && !activeNode->inherits("KisLayer")) { activeNode = activeNode->prevSibling(); } setCurrentNode(activeNode); connect(d->viewManager->mainWindow(), SIGNAL(screenChanged()), SLOT(slotScreenChanged())); zoomManager()->updateImageBoundsSnapping(); } void KisView::slotSavingFinished() { if (d->viewManager && d->viewManager->mainWindow()) { d->viewManager->mainWindow()->updateCaption(); } } KisPrintJob * KisView::createPrintJob() { return new KisPrintJob(image()); } void KisView::slotImageResolutionChanged() { resetImageSizeAndScroll(false); zoomManager()->updateImageBoundsSnapping(); zoomManager()->updateGUI(); // update KoUnit value for the document if (resourceProvider()) { resourceProvider()->resourceManager()-> setResource(KoCanvasResourceProvider::Unit, d->canvas.unit()); } } void KisView::slotImageSizeChanged(const QPointF &oldStillPoint, const QPointF &newStillPoint) { resetImageSizeAndScroll(true, oldStillPoint, newStillPoint); zoomManager()->updateImageBoundsSnapping(); zoomManager()->updateGUI(); } void KisView::closeView() { d->subWindow->close(); } diff --git a/libs/ui/KisView.h b/libs/ui/KisView.h index 9f2a67421e..378b82108f 100644 --- a/libs/ui/KisView.h +++ b/libs/ui/KisView.h @@ -1,302 +1,302 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Torben Weis Copyright (C) 2007 Thomas Zander Copyright (C) 2010 Benjamin Port This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KIS_VIEW_H #define KIS_VIEW_H #include #include #include #include #include "kritaui_export.h" #include "widgets/kis_floating_message.h" class KisDocument; class KisMainWindow; class KisPrintJob; class KisCanvasController; class KisZoomManager; class KisCanvas2; class KisViewManager; class KisDocument; class KisCanvasResourceProvider; class KisCoordinatesConverter; class KisInputManager; class KoZoomController; class KoZoomController; struct KoPageLayout; class KoCanvasResourceProvider; // KDE classes class QAction; class KActionCollection; class KConfigGroup; // Qt classes class QDragEnterEvent; class QDragMoveEvent; class QDropEvent; class QPrintDialog; class QCloseEvent; class QStatusBar; class QMdiSubWindow; /** * This class is used to display a @ref KisDocument. * * Multiple views can be attached to one document at a time. */ class KRITAUI_EXPORT KisView : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: /** * Creates a new view for the document. */ - KisView(KisDocument *document, KoCanvasResourceProvider *resourceManager, KActionCollection *actionCollection, QWidget *parent = 0); + KisView(KisDocument *document, KisViewManager *viewManager, QWidget *parent = 0); ~KisView() override; // Temporary while teasing apart view and mainwindow void setViewManager(KisViewManager *view); KisViewManager *viewManager() const; public: /** * Retrieves the document object of this view. */ KisDocument *document() const; /** * Reset the view to show the given document. */ void setDocument(KisDocument *document); /** * Tells this view that its document has got deleted (called internally) */ void setDocumentDeleted(); /** * In order to print the document represented by this view a new print job should * be constructed that is capable of doing the printing. * The default implementation returns 0, which silently cancels printing. */ KisPrintJob * createPrintJob(); /** * Create a QPrintDialog based on the @p printJob */ QPrintDialog *createPrintDialog(KisPrintJob *printJob, QWidget *parent); /** * @return the KisMainWindow in which this view is currently. */ KisMainWindow *mainWindow() const; /** * Tells this view which subwindow it is part of. */ void setSubWindow(QMdiSubWindow *subWindow); /** * @return the statusbar of the KisMainWindow in which this view is currently. */ QStatusBar *statusBar() const; /** * This adds a widget to the statusbar for this view. * If you use this method instead of using statusBar() directly, * KisView will take care of removing the items when the view GUI is deactivated * and readding them when it is reactivated. * The parameters are the same as QStatusBar::addWidget(). */ void addStatusBarItem(QWidget * widget, int stretch = 0, bool permanent = false); /** * Remove a widget from the statusbar for this view. */ void removeStatusBarItem(QWidget * widget); /** * Return the zoomController for this view. */ KoZoomController *zoomController() const; /// create a list of actions that when activated will change the unit on the document. QList createChangeUnitActions(bool addPixelUnit = false); void closeView(); public: /** * The zoommanager handles everything action-related to zooming */ KisZoomManager *zoomManager() const; /** * The CanvasController decorates the canvas with scrollbars * and knows where to start painting on the canvas widget, i.e., * the document offset. */ KisCanvasController *canvasController() const; KisCanvasResourceProvider *resourceProvider() const; /** * Filters events and sends them to canvas actions. Shared * among all the views/canvases * * NOTE: May be null while initialization! */ KisInputManager* globalInputManager() const; /** * @return the canvas object */ KisCanvas2 *canvasBase() const; /// @return the image this view is displaying KisImageWSP image() const; KisCoordinatesConverter *viewConverter() const; void resetImageSizeAndScroll(bool changeCentering, const QPointF &oldImageStillPoint = QPointF(), const QPointF &newImageStillPoint = QPointF()); void setCurrentNode(KisNodeSP node); KisNodeSP currentNode() const; KisLayerSP currentLayer() const; KisMaskSP currentMask() const; /** * @brief softProofing * @return whether or not we're softproofing in this view. */ bool softProofing(); /** * @brief gamutCheck * @return whether or not we're using gamut warnings in this view. */ bool gamutCheck(); /// Convenience method to get at the active selection (the /// selection of the current layer, or, if that does not exist, /// the global selection. KisSelectionSP selection(); void notifyCurrentStateChanged(bool isCurrent); bool isCurrent() const; void setShowFloatingMessage(bool show); void showFloatingMessage(const QString &message, const QIcon& icon, int timeout = 4500, KisFloatingMessage::Priority priority = KisFloatingMessage::Medium, int alignment = Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::TextWordWrap); bool canvasIsMirrored() const; void syncLastActiveNodeToDocument(); void saveViewState(KisPropertiesConfiguration &config) const; void restoreViewState(const KisPropertiesConfiguration &config); public Q_SLOTS: /** * Display a message in the status bar (calls QStatusBar::message()) * @todo rename to something more generic * @param value determines autosaving */ void slotSavingStatusMessage(const QString &text, int timeout, bool isAutoSaving = false); /** * End of the message in the status bar (calls QStatusBar::clear()) * @todo rename to something more generic */ void slotClearStatusText(); /** * @brief slotSoftProofing set whether or not we're softproofing in this view. * Will be setting the same in the canvas belonging to the view. */ void slotSoftProofing(bool softProofing); /** * @brief slotGamutCheck set whether or not we're gamutchecking in this view. * Will be setting the same in the vans belonging to the view. */ void slotGamutCheck(bool gamutCheck); bool queryClose(); void slotScreenChanged(); void slotThemeChanged(QPalette pal); private Q_SLOTS: void slotImageNodeAdded(KisNodeSP node); void slotContinueAddNode(KisNodeSP newActiveNode); void slotImageNodeRemoved(KisNodeSP node); void slotContinueRemoveNode(KisNodeSP newActiveNode); Q_SIGNALS: // From KisImage void sigSizeChanged(const QPointF &oldStillPoint, const QPointF &newStillPoint); void sigProfileChanged(const KoColorProfile * profile); void sigColorSpaceChanged(const KoColorSpace* cs); void titleModified(QString,bool); void sigContinueAddNode(KisNodeSP newActiveNode); void sigContinueRemoveNode(KisNodeSP newActiveNode); protected: // QWidget overrides void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event) override; void dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) override; void dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *event) override; void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) override; /** * Generate a name for this view. */ QString newObjectName(); public Q_SLOTS: void slotLoadingFinished(); void slotSavingFinished(); void slotImageResolutionChanged(); void slotImageSizeChanged(const QPointF &oldStillPoint, const QPointF &newStillPoint); private: class Private; Private * const d; static bool s_firstView; }; #endif diff --git a/libs/ui/KisWelcomePageWidget.cpp b/libs/ui/KisWelcomePageWidget.cpp index 9bba1b17ce..4c4ece09a9 100644 --- a/libs/ui/KisWelcomePageWidget.cpp +++ b/libs/ui/KisWelcomePageWidget.cpp @@ -1,341 +1,441 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project * Copyright (C) 2018 Scott Petrovic * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KisWelcomePageWidget.h" #include #include #include #include +#include +#include #include "kis_action_manager.h" #include "kactioncollection.h" #include "kis_action.h" #include "KConfigGroup" #include "KSharedConfig" #include #include + #include "kis_icon_utils.h" #include "krita_utils.h" #include "KoStore.h" #include "kis_config.h" +#include "KisDocument.h" +#include +#include +#include + KisWelcomePageWidget::KisWelcomePageWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { setupUi(this); recentDocumentsListView->setDragEnabled(false); recentDocumentsListView->viewport()->setAutoFillBackground(false); recentDocumentsListView->setSpacing(2); // set up URLs that go to web browser manualLink->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); manualLink->setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextBrowserInteraction); manualLink->setOpenExternalLinks(true); gettingStartedLink->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); gettingStartedLink->setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextBrowserInteraction); gettingStartedLink->setOpenExternalLinks(true); supportKritaLink->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); supportKritaLink->setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextBrowserInteraction); supportKritaLink->setOpenExternalLinks(true); userCommunityLink->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); userCommunityLink->setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextBrowserInteraction); userCommunityLink->setOpenExternalLinks(true); kritaWebsiteLink->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); kritaWebsiteLink->setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextBrowserInteraction); kritaWebsiteLink->setOpenExternalLinks(true); sourceCodeLink->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); sourceCodeLink->setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextBrowserInteraction); sourceCodeLink->setOpenExternalLinks(true); poweredByKDELink->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); poweredByKDELink->setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextBrowserInteraction); poweredByKDELink->setOpenExternalLinks(true); kdeIcon->setIconSize(QSize(20, 20)); kdeIcon->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon(QStringLiteral("kde")).pixmap(20)); + versionNotificationLabel->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); + versionNotificationLabel->setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextBrowserInteraction); + versionNotificationLabel->setOpenExternalLinks(true); + connect(chkShowNews, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), newsWidget, SLOT(toggleNews(bool))); + connect(newsWidget, SIGNAL(newsDataChanged()), this, SLOT(slotUpdateVersionMessage())); + + // configure the News area KisConfig cfg(true); bool m_getNews = cfg.readEntry("FetchNews", false); chkShowNews->setChecked(m_getNews); setAcceptDrops(true); } KisWelcomePageWidget::~KisWelcomePageWidget() { } void KisWelcomePageWidget::setMainWindow(KisMainWindow* mainWin) { if (mainWin) { m_mainWindow = mainWin; // set the shortcut links from actions (only if a shortcut exists) if ( mainWin->viewManager()->actionManager()->actionByName("file_new")->shortcut().toString() != "") { newFileLinkShortcut->setText(QString("(") + mainWin->viewManager()->actionManager()->actionByName("file_new")->shortcut().toString() + QString(")")); } if (mainWin->viewManager()->actionManager()->actionByName("file_open")->shortcut().toString() != "") { openFileShortcut->setText(QString("(") + mainWin->viewManager()->actionManager()->actionByName("file_open")->shortcut().toString() + QString(")")); } connect(recentDocumentsListView, SIGNAL(clicked(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(recentDocumentClicked(QModelIndex))); // we need the view manager to actually call actions, so don't create the connections // until after the view manager is set connect(newFileLink, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(slotNewFileClicked())); connect(openFileLink, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(slotOpenFileClicked())); connect(clearRecentFilesLink, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(slotClearRecentFiles())); slotUpdateThemeColors(); + + // allows RSS news items to apply analytics tracking. + newsWidget->setAnalyticsTracking("?" + analyticsString); + } } +bool KisWelcomePageWidget::isDevelopmentBuild() +{ + // dev builds contain GIT hash in it and the word git + // stable versions do not contain this + return qApp->applicationVersion().contains("git"); +} + void KisWelcomePageWidget::showDropAreaIndicator(bool show) { if (!show) { QString dropFrameStyle = "QFrame#dropAreaIndicator { border: 0px }"; dropFrameBorder->setStyleSheet(dropFrameStyle); } else { QColor textColor = qApp->palette().color(QPalette::Text); QColor backgroundColor = qApp->palette().color(QPalette::Background); QColor blendedColor = KritaUtils::blendColors(textColor, backgroundColor, 0.8); // QColor.name() turns it into a hex/web format QString dropFrameStyle = QString("QFrame#dropAreaIndicator { border: 2px dotted ").append(blendedColor.name()).append(" }") ; dropFrameBorder->setStyleSheet(dropFrameStyle); } } void KisWelcomePageWidget::slotUpdateThemeColors() { - QColor textColor = qApp->palette().color(QPalette::Text); - QColor backgroundColor = qApp->palette().color(QPalette::Background); + textColor = qApp->palette().color(QPalette::Text); + backgroundColor = qApp->palette().color(QPalette::Background); // make the welcome screen labels a subtle color so it doesn't clash with the main UI elements - QColor blendedColor = KritaUtils::blendColors(textColor, backgroundColor, 0.8); - QString blendedStyle = QString("color: ").append(blendedColor.name()); + blendedColor = KritaUtils::blendColors(textColor, backgroundColor, 0.8); + blendedStyle = QString("color: ").append(blendedColor.name()); // what labels to change the color... startTitleLabel->setStyleSheet(blendedStyle); recentDocumentsLabel->setStyleSheet(blendedStyle); helpTitleLabel->setStyleSheet(blendedStyle); newFileLinkShortcut->setStyleSheet(blendedStyle); openFileShortcut->setStyleSheet(blendedStyle); clearRecentFilesLink->setStyleSheet(blendedStyle); recentDocumentsListView->setStyleSheet(blendedStyle); newFileLink->setStyleSheet(blendedStyle); openFileLink->setStyleSheet(blendedStyle); // giving the drag area messaging a dotted border QString dottedBorderStyle = QString("border: 2px dotted ").append(blendedColor.name()).append("; color:").append(blendedColor.name()).append( ";"); dragImageHereLabel->setStyleSheet(dottedBorderStyle); // make drop area QFrame have a dotted line dropFrameBorder->setObjectName("dropAreaIndicator"); QString dropFrameStyle = QString("QFrame#dropAreaIndicator { border: 4px dotted ").append(blendedColor.name()).append("}"); dropFrameBorder->setStyleSheet(dropFrameStyle); // only show drop area when we have a document over the empty area showDropAreaIndicator(false); // add icons for new and open settings to make them stand out a bit more openFileLink->setIconSize(QSize(30, 30)); newFileLink->setIconSize(QSize(30, 30)); openFileLink->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("document-open")); newFileLink->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("document-new")); kdeIcon->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon(QStringLiteral("kde")).pixmap(20)); // HTML links seem to be a bit more stubborn with theme changes... setting inline styles to help with color change - userCommunityLink->setText(QString("").append(i18n("User Community")).append("")); - gettingStartedLink->setText(QString("").append(i18n("Getting Started")).append("")); - manualLink->setText(QString("").append(i18n("User Manual")).append("")); - supportKritaLink->setText(QString("").append(i18n("Support Krita")).append("")); - kritaWebsiteLink->setText(QString("").append(i18n("Krita Website")).append("")); - sourceCodeLink->setText(QString("").append(i18n("Source Code")).append("")); - poweredByKDELink->setText(QString("").append(i18n("Powered by KDE")).append("")); + userCommunityLink->setText(QString("") + .append(i18n("User Community")).append("")); + + gettingStartedLink->setText(QString("") + .append(i18n("Getting Started")).append("")); + + manualLink->setText(QString("") + .append(i18n("User Manual")).append("")); + + supportKritaLink->setText(QString("") + .append(i18n("Support Krita")).append("")); + + kritaWebsiteLink->setText(QString("") + .append(i18n("Krita Website")).append("")); + + sourceCodeLink->setText(QString("") + .append(i18n("Source Code")).append("")); + + poweredByKDELink->setText(QString("") + .append(i18n("Powered by KDE")).append("")); + + + slotUpdateVersionMessage(); // text set from RSS feed + // re-populate recent files since they might have themed icons populateRecentDocuments(); } void KisWelcomePageWidget::populateRecentDocuments() { m_recentFilesModel.clear(); // clear existing data before it gets re-populated // grab recent files data int numRecentFiles = m_mainWindow->recentFilesUrls().length() > 5 ? 5 : m_mainWindow->recentFilesUrls().length(); // grab at most 5 for (int i = 0; i < numRecentFiles; i++ ) { QStandardItem *recentItem = new QStandardItem(1,2); // 1 row, 1 column recentItem->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("document-export")); QString recentFileUrlPath = m_mainWindow->recentFilesUrls().at(i).toLocalFile(); QString fileName = recentFileUrlPath.split("/").last(); if (m_thumbnailMap.contains(recentFileUrlPath)) { recentItem->setIcon(m_thumbnailMap[recentFileUrlPath]); } else { - if (QFileInfo(recentFileUrlPath).exists()) { - if (recentFileUrlPath.toLower().endsWith("ora") || recentFileUrlPath.toLower().endsWith("kra")) { + QFileInfo fi(recentFileUrlPath); + + if (fi.exists()) { + if (fi.suffix() == "ora" || fi.suffix() == "kra") { QScopedPointer store(KoStore::createStore(recentFileUrlPath, KoStore::Read)); if (store) { QString thumbnailpath; if (store->hasFile(QString("Thumbnails/thumbnail.png"))){ thumbnailpath = QString("Thumbnails/thumbnail.png"); } else if (store->hasFile(QString("preview.png"))) { thumbnailpath = QString("preview.png"); } if (!thumbnailpath.isEmpty()) { if (store->open(thumbnailpath)) { QByteArray bytes = store->read(store->size()); store->close(); QImage img; img.loadFromData(bytes); img.setDevicePixelRatio(devicePixelRatioF()); recentItem->setIcon(QIcon(QPixmap::fromImage(img))); } } } } + else if (fi.suffix() == "tiff" || fi.suffix() == "tif") { + // Workaround for a bug in Qt tiff QImageIO plugin + QScopedPointer doc; + doc.reset(KisPart::instance()->createDocument()); + bool r = doc->openUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(recentFileUrlPath), KisDocument::DontAddToRecent); + if (r) { + KisPaintDeviceSP projection = doc->image()->projection(); + recentItem->setIcon(QIcon(QPixmap::fromImage(projection->createThumbnail(48, 48, projection->exactBounds())))); + } + } else { QImage img; img.setDevicePixelRatio(devicePixelRatioF()); img.load(recentFileUrlPath); if (!img.isNull()) { recentItem->setIcon(QIcon(QPixmap::fromImage(img.scaledToWidth(48)))); } } m_thumbnailMap[recentFileUrlPath] = recentItem->icon(); } } // set the recent object with the data recentItem->setText(fileName); // what to display for the item recentItem->setToolTip(recentFileUrlPath); m_recentFilesModel.appendRow(recentItem); } // hide clear and Recent files title if there are none bool hasRecentFiles = m_mainWindow->recentFilesUrls().length() > 0; recentDocumentsLabel->setVisible(hasRecentFiles); clearRecentFilesLink->setVisible(hasRecentFiles); recentDocumentsListView->setIconSize(QSize(48, 48)); recentDocumentsListView->setModel(&m_recentFilesModel); } +void KisWelcomePageWidget::slotUpdateVersionMessage() +{ + + alertIcon->setIcon(KisIconUtils::loadIcon("warning")); + alertIcon->setVisible(false); + + // find out if we need an update...or if this is a development version + if (isDevelopmentBuild()) { + // Development build + QString versionLabelText = QString("") + .append(i18n("DEV BUILD")).append(""); + + versionNotificationLabel->setText(versionLabelText); + alertIcon->setVisible(true); + versionNotificationLabel->setVisible(true); + + } else if (newsWidget->hasUpdateAvailable()) { + + // build URL for label + QString versionLabelText = QString("versionLink() + "?" + + analyticsString + "version-update" + "\">") + .append(i18n("New Version Available!")).append(""); + + versionNotificationLabel->setVisible(true); + versionNotificationLabel->setText(versionLabelText); + alertIcon->setVisible(true); + + } else { + // no message needed... exit + versionNotificationLabel->setVisible(false); + return; + } + + if (!blendedStyle.isNull()) { + versionNotificationLabel->setStyleSheet(blendedStyle); + } + +} + void KisWelcomePageWidget::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event) { //qDebug() << "dragEnterEvent formats" << event->mimeData()->formats() << "urls" << event->mimeData()->urls() << "has images" << event->mimeData()->hasImage(); showDropAreaIndicator(true); if (event->mimeData()->hasUrls() || event->mimeData()->hasFormat("application/x-krita-node") || event->mimeData()->hasFormat("application/x-qt-image")) { event->accept(); } } void KisWelcomePageWidget::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) { //qDebug() << "KisWelcomePageWidget::dropEvent() formats" << event->mimeData()->formats() << "urls" << event->mimeData()->urls() << "has images" << event->mimeData()->hasImage(); showDropAreaIndicator(false); if (event->mimeData()->hasUrls() && event->mimeData()->urls().size() > 0) { Q_FOREACH (const QUrl &url, event->mimeData()->urls()) { if (url.toLocalFile().endsWith(".bundle")) { bool r = m_mainWindow->installBundle(url.toLocalFile()); if (!r) { qWarning() << "Could not install bundle" << url.toLocalFile(); } } else { m_mainWindow->openDocument(url, KisMainWindow::None); } } } } void KisWelcomePageWidget::dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *event) { //qDebug() << "dragMoveEvent"; m_mainWindow->dragMoveEvent(event); if (event->mimeData()->hasUrls() || event->mimeData()->hasFormat("application/x-krita-node") || event->mimeData()->hasFormat("application/x-qt-image")) { event->accept(); } } void KisWelcomePageWidget::dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent */*event*/) { //qDebug() << "dragLeaveEvent"; showDropAreaIndicator(false); m_mainWindow->dragLeave(); } void KisWelcomePageWidget::recentDocumentClicked(QModelIndex index) { QString fileUrl = index.data(Qt::ToolTipRole).toString(); m_mainWindow->openDocument(QUrl::fromLocalFile(fileUrl), KisMainWindow::None ); } void KisWelcomePageWidget::slotNewFileClicked() { m_mainWindow->slotFileNew(); } void KisWelcomePageWidget::slotOpenFileClicked() { m_mainWindow->slotFileOpen(); } void KisWelcomePageWidget::slotClearRecentFiles() { m_mainWindow->clearRecentFiles(); populateRecentDocuments(); } diff --git a/libs/ui/KisWelcomePageWidget.h b/libs/ui/KisWelcomePageWidget.h index 9f056d01af..d115cca218 100644 --- a/libs/ui/KisWelcomePageWidget.h +++ b/libs/ui/KisWelcomePageWidget.h @@ -1,75 +1,94 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project * Copyright (C) 2018 Scott Petrovic * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KISWELCOMEPAGEWIDGET_H #define KISWELCOMEPAGEWIDGET_H #include "kritaui_export.h" #include "KisViewManager.h" #include "KisMainWindow.h" #include #include "ui_KisWelcomePage.h" #include /// A widget for displaying if no documents are open. This will display in the MDI area class KRITAUI_EXPORT KisWelcomePageWidget : public QWidget, public Ui::KisWelcomePage { Q_OBJECT public: explicit KisWelcomePageWidget(QWidget *parent); ~KisWelcomePageWidget() override; void setMainWindow(KisMainWindow* m_mainWindow); + bool isDevelopmentBuild(); + public Q_SLOTS: /// if a document is placed over this area, a dotted line will appear as an indicator /// that it is a droppable area. KisMainwindow is what triggers this void showDropAreaIndicator(bool show); void slotUpdateThemeColors(); /// this could be called multiple times. If a recent document doesn't /// have a preview, an icon is used that needs to be updated void populateRecentDocuments(); + void slotUpdateVersionMessage(); + protected: // QWidget overrides void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent * event) override; void dropEvent(QDropEvent * event) override; void dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent * event) override; void dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent * event) override; private: KisMainWindow *m_mainWindow; QStandardItemModel m_recentFilesModel; QMap m_thumbnailMap; + + /// help us see how many people are clicking startup screen links + /// you can see the results in Matomo (stats.kde.org) + /// this will be listed in the "Acquisition" section of Matomo + /// just append some text to this to associate it with an event/page + const QString analyticsString = "pk_campaign=startup-sceen&pk_kwd="; + + + // keeping track of link colors with theme change + QColor textColor; + QColor backgroundColor; + QColor blendedColor; + QString blendedStyle; + + private Q_SLOTS: void slotNewFileClicked(); void slotOpenFileClicked(); void slotClearRecentFiles(); void recentDocumentClicked(QModelIndex index); }; #endif // KISWELCOMEPAGEWIDGET_H diff --git a/libs/ui/KisWindowLayoutResource.cpp b/libs/ui/KisWindowLayoutResource.cpp index 1f182c59b1..2cc94b57d4 100644 --- a/libs/ui/KisWindowLayoutResource.cpp +++ b/libs/ui/KisWindowLayoutResource.cpp @@ -1,387 +1,450 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2018 Jouni Pentikäinen * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KisWindowLayoutResource.h" #include "KisWindowLayoutManager.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static const int WINDOW_LAYOUT_VERSION = 1; struct KisWindowLayoutResource::Private { + struct WindowGeometry{ + int screen = -1; + Qt::WindowStates stateFlags = Qt::WindowNoState; + QByteArray data; + + static WindowGeometry fromWindow(const QWidget *window, QList screens) + { + WindowGeometry geometry; + QWindow *windowHandle = window->windowHandle(); + + geometry.data = window->saveGeometry(); + geometry.stateFlags = windowHandle->windowState(); + + int index = screens.indexOf(windowHandle->screen()); + if (index >= 0) { + geometry.screen = index; + } + + return geometry; + } + + void forceOntoCorrectScreen(QWidget *window, QList screens) + { + QWindow *windowHandle = window->windowHandle(); + + if (screens.indexOf(windowHandle->screen()) != screen) { + QScreen *qScreen = screens[screen]; + windowHandle->setScreen(qScreen); + windowHandle->setPosition(qScreen->availableGeometry().topLeft()); + } + + if (stateFlags) { + window->setWindowState(stateFlags); + } + } + + void save(QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &elem) const + { + if (screen >= 0) { + elem.setAttribute("screen", screen); + } + + if (stateFlags & Qt::WindowMaximized) { + elem.setAttribute("maximized", "1"); + } + + QDomElement geometry = doc.createElement("geometry"); + geometry.appendChild(doc.createCDATASection(data.toBase64())); + elem.appendChild(geometry); + } + + static WindowGeometry load(const QDomElement &element) + { + WindowGeometry geometry; + geometry.screen = element.attribute("screen", "-1").toInt(); + + if (element.attribute("maximized", "0") != "0") { + geometry.stateFlags |= Qt::WindowMaximized; + } + + QDomElement dataElement = element.firstChildElement("geometry"); + geometry.data = QByteArray::fromBase64(dataElement.text().toLatin1()); + + return geometry; + } + }; + struct Window { QUuid windowId; - QByteArray geometry; QByteArray windowState; - int screen = -1; - Qt::WindowStates stateFlags = Qt::WindowNoState; + WindowGeometry geometry; + + bool canvasDetached = false; + WindowGeometry canvasWindowGeometry; }; QVector windows; bool showImageInAllWindows; bool primaryWorkspaceFollowsFocus; QUuid primaryWindow; Private() = default; explicit Private(QVector windows) : windows(std::move(windows)) {} void openNecessaryWindows(QList> ¤tWindows) { auto *kisPart = KisPart::instance(); Q_FOREACH(const Window &window, windows) { QPointer mainWindow = kisPart->windowById(window.windowId); if (mainWindow.isNull()) { mainWindow = kisPart->createMainWindow(window.windowId); currentWindows.append(mainWindow); mainWindow->show(); } } } void closeUnneededWindows(QList> ¤tWindows) { QVector> windowsToClose; Q_FOREACH(KisMainWindow *mainWindow, currentWindows) { bool keep = false; Q_FOREACH(const Window &window, windows) { if (window.windowId == mainWindow->id()) { keep = true; break; } } if (!keep) { windowsToClose.append(mainWindow); // Set the window hidden to prevent "show image in all windows" feature from opening new views on it // while we migrate views onto the remaining windows mainWindow->hide(); } } migrateViewsFromClosingWindows(windowsToClose); Q_FOREACH(QPointer mainWindow, windowsToClose) { mainWindow->close(); } } void migrateViewsFromClosingWindows(QVector> &closingWindows) const { auto *kisPart = KisPart::instance(); KisMainWindow *migrationTarget = nullptr; Q_FOREACH(KisMainWindow *mainWindow, kisPart->mainWindows()) { if (!closingWindows.contains(mainWindow)) { migrationTarget = mainWindow; break; } } if (!migrationTarget) { qWarning() << "Problem: window layout with no windows would leave user with zero main windows."; migrationTarget = closingWindows.takeLast(); migrationTarget->show(); } QVector visibleDocuments; Q_FOREACH(KisView *view, kisPart->views()) { KisMainWindow *window = view->mainWindow(); if (!closingWindows.contains(window)) { visibleDocuments.append(view->document()); } } Q_FOREACH(KisDocument *document, kisPart->documents()) { if (!visibleDocuments.contains(document)) { visibleDocuments.append(document); migrationTarget->newView(document); } } } QList getScreensInConsistentOrder() { QList screens = QGuiApplication::screens(); std::sort(screens.begin(), screens.end(), [](const QScreen *a, const QScreen *b) { QRect aRect = a->geometry(); QRect bRect = b->geometry(); if (aRect.y() == bRect.y()) return aRect.x() < bRect.x(); return (aRect.y() < aRect.y()); }); return screens; } }; KisWindowLayoutResource::KisWindowLayoutResource(const QString &filename) : KoResource(filename) , d(new Private) {} KisWindowLayoutResource::~KisWindowLayoutResource() {} KisWindowLayoutResource * KisWindowLayoutResource::fromCurrentWindows( const QString &filename, const QList> &mainWindows, bool showImageInAllWindows, bool primaryWorkspaceFollowsFocus, KisMainWindow *primaryWindow ) { auto resource = new KisWindowLayoutResource(filename); resource->setWindows(mainWindows); resource->d->showImageInAllWindows = showImageInAllWindows; resource->d->primaryWorkspaceFollowsFocus = primaryWorkspaceFollowsFocus; resource->d->primaryWindow = primaryWindow->id(); return resource; } void KisWindowLayoutResource::applyLayout() { auto *kisPart = KisPart::instance(); auto *layoutManager= KisWindowLayoutManager::instance(); layoutManager->setLastUsedLayout(this); QList> currentWindows = kisPart->mainWindows(); if (d->windows.isEmpty()) { // No windows defined (e.g. fresh new session). Leave things as they are, but make sure there's at least one visible main window if (kisPart->mainwindowCount() == 0) { kisPart->createMainWindow(); } else { kisPart->mainWindows().first()->show(); } } else { d->openNecessaryWindows(currentWindows); d->closeUnneededWindows(currentWindows); } // Wait for the windows to finish opening / closing before applying saved geometry. // If we don't, the geometry may get reset after we apply it. QApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents); Q_FOREACH(const auto &window, d->windows) { QPointer mainWindow = kisPart->windowById(window.windowId); KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_BREAK(mainWindow); - mainWindow->restoreGeometry(window.geometry); + mainWindow->restoreGeometry(window.geometry.data); mainWindow->restoreWorkspaceState(window.windowState); + + mainWindow->setCanvasDetached(window.canvasDetached); + if (window.canvasDetached) { + QWidget *canvasWindow = mainWindow->canvasWindow(); + canvasWindow->restoreGeometry(window.canvasWindowGeometry.data); + } } QApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents); QList screens = d->getScreensInConsistentOrder(); Q_FOREACH(const auto &window, d->windows) { - if (window.screen >= 0 && window.screen < screens.size()) { - QPointer mainWindow = kisPart->windowById(window.windowId); - KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_BREAK(mainWindow); - - QWindow *windowHandle = mainWindow->windowHandle(); - if (screens.indexOf(windowHandle->screen()) != window.screen) { - QScreen *screen = screens[window.screen]; - windowHandle->setScreen(screen); - windowHandle->setPosition(screen->availableGeometry().topLeft()); - } + Private::WindowGeometry geometry = window.geometry; + QPointer mainWindow = kisPart->windowById(window.windowId); + KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_BREAK(mainWindow); - if (window.stateFlags) { - mainWindow->setWindowState(window.stateFlags); + if (geometry.screen >= 0 && geometry.screen < screens.size()) { + geometry.forceOntoCorrectScreen(mainWindow, screens); + } + if (window.canvasDetached) { + Private::WindowGeometry canvasWindowGeometry = window.canvasWindowGeometry; + if (canvasWindowGeometry.screen >= 0 && canvasWindowGeometry.screen < screens.size()) { + canvasWindowGeometry.forceOntoCorrectScreen(mainWindow->canvasWindow(), screens); } } } layoutManager->setShowImageInAllWindowsEnabled(d->showImageInAllWindows); layoutManager->setPrimaryWorkspaceFollowsFocus(d->primaryWorkspaceFollowsFocus, d->primaryWindow); } bool KisWindowLayoutResource::save() { if (filename().isEmpty()) return false; QFile file(filename()); file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); bool res = saveToDevice(&file); file.close(); return res; } bool KisWindowLayoutResource::load() { if (filename().isEmpty()) return false; QFile file(filename()); if (file.size() == 0) return false; if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { warnKrita << "Can't open file " << filename(); return false; } bool res = loadFromDevice(&file); file.close(); return res; } bool KisWindowLayoutResource::saveToDevice(QIODevice *dev) const { QDomDocument doc; QDomElement root = doc.createElement("WindowLayout"); root.setAttribute("name", name()); root.setAttribute("version", WINDOW_LAYOUT_VERSION); saveXml(doc, root); doc.appendChild(root); QTextStream textStream(dev); textStream.setCodec("UTF-8"); doc.save(textStream, 4); KoResource::saveToDevice(dev); return true; } bool KisWindowLayoutResource::loadFromDevice(QIODevice *dev) { QDomDocument doc; if (!doc.setContent(dev)) { return false; } QDomElement element = doc.documentElement(); setName(element.attribute("name")); d->windows.clear(); loadXml(element); setValid(true); return true; } void KisWindowLayoutResource::saveXml(QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &root) const { root.setAttribute("showImageInAllWindows", (int)d->showImageInAllWindows); root.setAttribute("primaryWorkspaceFollowsFocus", (int)d->primaryWorkspaceFollowsFocus); root.setAttribute("primaryWindow", d->primaryWindow.toString()); Q_FOREACH(const auto &window, d->windows) { QDomElement elem = doc.createElement("window"); elem.setAttribute("id", window.windowId.toString()); - if (window.screen >= 0) { - elem.setAttribute("screen", window.screen); - } + window.geometry.save(doc, elem); - if (window.stateFlags & Qt::WindowMaximized) { - elem.setAttribute("maximized", "1"); + if (window.canvasDetached) { + QDomElement canvasWindowElement = doc.createElement("canvasWindow"); + window.canvasWindowGeometry.save(doc, canvasWindowElement); + elem.appendChild(canvasWindowElement); } - QDomElement geometry = doc.createElement("geometry"); - geometry.appendChild(doc.createCDATASection(window.geometry.toBase64())); - elem.appendChild(geometry); - QDomElement state = doc.createElement("windowState"); state.appendChild(doc.createCDATASection(window.windowState.toBase64())); elem.appendChild(state); root.appendChild(elem); } } void KisWindowLayoutResource::loadXml(const QDomElement &element) const { d->showImageInAllWindows = KisDomUtils::toInt(element.attribute("showImageInAllWindows", "0")); d->primaryWorkspaceFollowsFocus = KisDomUtils::toInt(element.attribute("primaryWorkspaceFollowsFocus", "0")); d->primaryWindow = element.attribute("primaryWindow"); for (auto windowElement = element.firstChildElement("window"); !windowElement.isNull(); windowElement = windowElement.nextSiblingElement("window")) { Private::Window window; window.windowId = QUuid(windowElement.attribute("id", QUuid().toString())); if (window.windowId.isNull()) { window.windowId = QUuid::createUuid(); } - window.screen = windowElement.attribute("screen", "-1").toInt(); + window.geometry = Private::WindowGeometry::load(windowElement); - if (windowElement.attribute("maximized", "0") != "0") { - window.stateFlags |= Qt::WindowMaximized; + QDomElement canvasWindowElement = windowElement.firstChildElement("canvasWindow"); + if (!canvasWindowElement.isNull()) { + window.canvasDetached = true; + window.canvasWindowGeometry = Private::WindowGeometry::load(canvasWindowElement); } - QDomElement geometry = windowElement.firstChildElement("geometry"); QDomElement state = windowElement.firstChildElement("windowState"); - - window.geometry = QByteArray::fromBase64(geometry.text().toLatin1()); window.windowState = QByteArray::fromBase64(state.text().toLatin1()); d->windows.append(window); } } QString KisWindowLayoutResource::defaultFileExtension() const { return QString(".kwl"); } void KisWindowLayoutResource::setWindows(const QList> &mainWindows) { d->windows.clear(); QList screens = d->getScreensInConsistentOrder(); Q_FOREACH(auto window, mainWindows) { if (!window->isVisible()) continue; Private::Window state; state.windowId = window->id(); - state.geometry = window->saveGeometry(); state.windowState = window->saveState(); - state.stateFlags = window->windowState(); + state.geometry = Private::WindowGeometry::fromWindow(window, screens); - QWindow *windowHandle = window->windowHandle(); - if (windowHandle) { - int index = screens.indexOf(windowHandle->screen()); - if (index >= 0) { - state.screen = index; - } + state.canvasDetached = window->canvasDetached(); + if (state.canvasDetached) { + state.canvasWindowGeometry = Private::WindowGeometry::fromWindow(window->canvasWindow(), screens); } d->windows.append(state); } } diff --git a/libs/ui/canvas/kis_canvas2.cpp b/libs/ui/canvas/kis_canvas2.cpp index e162943bd3..6fe29be213 100644 --- a/libs/ui/canvas/kis_canvas2.cpp +++ b/libs/ui/canvas/kis_canvas2.cpp @@ -1,1297 +1,1297 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project * * Copyright (C) 2006, 2010 Boudewijn Rempt * Copyright (C) Lukáš Tvrdý , (C) 2010 * Copyright (C) 2011 Silvio Heinrich * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.. */ #include "kis_canvas2.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_tool_proxy.h" #include "kis_coordinates_converter.h" #include "kis_prescaled_projection.h" #include "kis_image.h" #include "kis_image_barrier_locker.h" #include "kis_undo_adapter.h" #include "flake/kis_shape_layer.h" #include "kis_canvas_resource_provider.h" #include "KisViewManager.h" #include "kis_config.h" #include "kis_config_notifier.h" #include "kis_abstract_canvas_widget.h" #include "kis_qpainter_canvas.h" #include "kis_group_layer.h" #include "flake/kis_shape_controller.h" #include "kis_node_manager.h" #include "kis_selection.h" #include "kis_selection_component.h" #include "flake/kis_shape_selection.h" #include "kis_selection_mask.h" #include "kis_image_config.h" #include "kis_infinity_manager.h" #include "kis_signal_compressor.h" #include "kis_display_color_converter.h" #include "kis_exposure_gamma_correction_interface.h" #include "KisView.h" #include "kis_canvas_controller.h" #include "kis_grid_config.h" #include "kis_animation_player.h" #include "kis_animation_frame_cache.h" #include "opengl/kis_opengl_canvas2.h" #include "opengl/kis_opengl.h" #include "kis_fps_decoration.h" #include "KoColorConversionTransformation.h" #include "KisProofingConfiguration.h" #include #include #include "input/kis_input_manager.h" #include "kis_painting_assistants_decoration.h" #include "kis_canvas_updates_compressor.h" #include "KoZoomController.h" #include #include "opengl/kis_opengl_canvas_debugger.h" #include "kis_algebra_2d.h" #include "kis_image_signal_router.h" #include "KisSnapPixelStrategy.h" class Q_DECL_HIDDEN KisCanvas2::KisCanvas2Private { public: KisCanvas2Private(KoCanvasBase *parent, KisCoordinatesConverter* coordConverter, QPointer view, KoCanvasResourceProvider* resourceManager) : coordinatesConverter(coordConverter) , view(view) , shapeManager(parent) , selectedShapesProxy(&shapeManager) , toolProxy(parent) , displayColorConverter(resourceManager, view) , regionOfInterestUpdateCompressor(100, KisSignalCompressor::FIRST_INACTIVE) { } KisCoordinatesConverter *coordinatesConverter; QPointerview; KisAbstractCanvasWidget *canvasWidget = 0; KoShapeManager shapeManager; KisSelectedShapesProxy selectedShapesProxy; bool currentCanvasIsOpenGL; int openGLFilterMode; KisToolProxy toolProxy; KisPrescaledProjectionSP prescaledProjection; bool vastScrolling; KisSignalCompressor canvasUpdateCompressor; QRect savedUpdateRect; QBitArray channelFlags; KisProofingConfigurationSP proofingConfig; bool softProofing = false; bool gamutCheck = false; bool proofingConfigUpdated = false; KisPopupPalette *popupPalette = 0; KisDisplayColorConverter displayColorConverter; KisCanvasUpdatesCompressor projectionUpdatesCompressor; KisAnimationPlayer *animationPlayer; KisAnimationFrameCacheSP frameCache; bool lodAllowedInImage = false; bool bootstrapLodBlocked; QPointer currentlyActiveShapeManager; KisInputActionGroupsMask inputActionGroupsMask = AllActionGroup; KisSignalCompressor frameRenderStartCompressor; KisSignalCompressor regionOfInterestUpdateCompressor; QRect regionOfInterest; QRect renderingLimit; int isBatchUpdateActive = 0; bool effectiveLodAllowedInImage() { return lodAllowedInImage && !bootstrapLodBlocked; } void setActiveShapeManager(KoShapeManager *shapeManager); }; namespace { KoShapeManager* fetchShapeManagerFromNode(KisNodeSP node) { KoShapeManager *shapeManager = 0; KisSelectionSP selection; if (KisLayer *layer = dynamic_cast(node.data())) { KisShapeLayer *shapeLayer = dynamic_cast(layer); if (shapeLayer) { shapeManager = shapeLayer->shapeManager(); } } else if (KisSelectionMask *mask = dynamic_cast(node.data())) { selection = mask->selection(); } if (!shapeManager && selection && selection->hasShapeSelection()) { KisShapeSelection *shapeSelection = dynamic_cast(selection->shapeSelection()); KIS_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN_VALUE(shapeSelection, 0); shapeManager = shapeSelection->shapeManager(); } return shapeManager; } } -KisCanvas2::KisCanvas2(KisCoordinatesConverter *coordConverter, KoCanvasResourceProvider *resourceManager, KisView *view, KoShapeControllerBase *sc) +KisCanvas2::KisCanvas2(KisCoordinatesConverter *coordConverter, KoCanvasResourceProvider *resourceManager, KisMainWindow *mainWindow, KisView *view, KoShapeControllerBase *sc) : KoCanvasBase(sc, resourceManager) , m_d(new KisCanvas2Private(this, coordConverter, view, resourceManager)) { /** * While loading LoD should be blocked. Only when GUI has finished * loading and zoom level settled down, LoD is given a green * light. */ m_d->bootstrapLodBlocked = true; - connect(view->mainWindow(), SIGNAL(guiLoadingFinished()), SLOT(bootstrapFinished())); - connect(view->mainWindow(), SIGNAL(screenChanged()), SLOT(slotConfigChanged())); + connect(mainWindow, SIGNAL(guiLoadingFinished()), SLOT(bootstrapFinished())); + connect(mainWindow, SIGNAL(screenChanged()), SLOT(slotConfigChanged())); KisImageConfig config(false); m_d->canvasUpdateCompressor.setDelay(1000 / config.fpsLimit()); m_d->canvasUpdateCompressor.setMode(KisSignalCompressor::FIRST_ACTIVE); m_d->frameRenderStartCompressor.setDelay(1000 / config.fpsLimit()); m_d->frameRenderStartCompressor.setMode(KisSignalCompressor::FIRST_ACTIVE); snapGuide()->overrideSnapStrategy(KoSnapGuide::PixelSnapping, new KisSnapPixelStrategy()); } void KisCanvas2::setup() { // a bit of duplication from slotConfigChanged() KisConfig cfg(true); m_d->vastScrolling = cfg.vastScrolling(); m_d->lodAllowedInImage = cfg.levelOfDetailEnabled(); createCanvas(cfg.useOpenGL()); setLodAllowedInCanvas(m_d->lodAllowedInImage); m_d->animationPlayer = new KisAnimationPlayer(this); connect(m_d->view->canvasController()->proxyObject, SIGNAL(moveDocumentOffset(QPoint)), SLOT(documentOffsetMoved(QPoint))); connect(KisConfigNotifier::instance(), SIGNAL(configChanged()), SLOT(slotConfigChanged())); /** * We switch the shape manager every time vector layer or * shape selection is activated. Flake does not expect this * and connects all the signals of the global shape manager * to the clients in the constructor. To workaround this we * forward the signals of local shape managers stored in the * vector layers to the signals of global shape manager. So the * sequence of signal deliveries is the following: * * shapeLayer.m_d.canvas.m_shapeManager.selection() -> * shapeLayer -> * shapeController -> * globalShapeManager.selection() */ KisShapeController *kritaShapeController = static_cast(shapeController()->documentBase()); connect(kritaShapeController, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, SLOT(slotSelectionChanged())); connect(kritaShapeController, SIGNAL(selectionContentChanged()), selectedShapesProxy(), SIGNAL(selectionContentChanged())); connect(kritaShapeController, SIGNAL(currentLayerChanged(const KoShapeLayer*)), selectedShapesProxy(), SIGNAL(currentLayerChanged(const KoShapeLayer*))); connect(&m_d->canvasUpdateCompressor, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(slotDoCanvasUpdate())); connect(this, SIGNAL(sigCanvasCacheUpdated()), &m_d->frameRenderStartCompressor, SLOT(start())); connect(&m_d->frameRenderStartCompressor, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(updateCanvasProjection())); connect(this, SIGNAL(sigContinueResizeImage(qint32,qint32)), SLOT(finishResizingImage(qint32,qint32))); connect(&m_d->regionOfInterestUpdateCompressor, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(slotUpdateRegionOfInterest())); connect(m_d->view->document(), SIGNAL(sigReferenceImagesChanged()), this, SLOT(slotReferenceImagesChanged())); initializeFpsDecoration(); } void KisCanvas2::initializeFpsDecoration() { KisConfig cfg(true); const bool shouldShowDebugOverlay = (canvasIsOpenGL() && cfg.enableOpenGLFramerateLogging()) || cfg.enableBrushSpeedLogging(); if (shouldShowDebugOverlay && !decoration(KisFpsDecoration::idTag)) { addDecoration(new KisFpsDecoration(imageView())); if (cfg.enableBrushSpeedLogging()) { connect(KisStrokeSpeedMonitor::instance(), SIGNAL(sigStatsUpdated()), this, SLOT(updateCanvas())); } } else if (!shouldShowDebugOverlay && decoration(KisFpsDecoration::idTag)) { m_d->canvasWidget->removeDecoration(KisFpsDecoration::idTag); disconnect(KisStrokeSpeedMonitor::instance(), SIGNAL(sigStatsUpdated()), this, SLOT(updateCanvas())); } } KisCanvas2::~KisCanvas2() { if (m_d->animationPlayer->isPlaying()) { m_d->animationPlayer->forcedStopOnExit(); } delete m_d; } void KisCanvas2::setCanvasWidget(KisAbstractCanvasWidget *widget) { if (m_d->popupPalette) { m_d->popupPalette->setParent(widget->widget()); } if (m_d->canvasWidget != 0) { widget->setDecorations(m_d->canvasWidget->decorations()); // Redundant check for the constructor case, see below if(viewManager() != 0) viewManager()->inputManager()->removeTrackedCanvas(this); } m_d->canvasWidget = widget; // Either tmp was null or we are being called by KisCanvas2 constructor that is called by KisView // constructor, so the view manager still doesn't exists. if(m_d->canvasWidget != 0 && viewManager() != 0) viewManager()->inputManager()->addTrackedCanvas(this); if (!m_d->canvasWidget->decoration(INFINITY_DECORATION_ID)) { KisInfinityManager *manager = new KisInfinityManager(m_d->view, this); manager->setVisible(true); m_d->canvasWidget->addDecoration(manager); } widget->widget()->setAutoFillBackground(false); widget->widget()->setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent); widget->widget()->setMouseTracking(true); widget->widget()->setAcceptDrops(true); KoCanvasControllerWidget *controller = dynamic_cast(canvasController()); if (controller && controller->canvas() == this) { controller->changeCanvasWidget(widget->widget()); } } bool KisCanvas2::canvasIsOpenGL() const { return m_d->currentCanvasIsOpenGL; } KisOpenGL::FilterMode KisCanvas2::openGLFilterMode() const { return KisOpenGL::FilterMode(m_d->openGLFilterMode); } void KisCanvas2::gridSize(QPointF *offset, QSizeF *spacing) const { QTransform transform = coordinatesConverter()->imageToDocumentTransform(); const QPoint intSpacing = m_d->view->document()->gridConfig().spacing(); const QPoint intOffset = m_d->view->document()->gridConfig().offset(); QPointF size = transform.map(QPointF(intSpacing)); spacing->rwidth() = size.x(); spacing->rheight() = size.y(); *offset = transform.map(QPointF(intOffset)); } bool KisCanvas2::snapToGrid() const { return m_d->view->document()->gridConfig().snapToGrid(); } qreal KisCanvas2::rotationAngle() const { return m_d->coordinatesConverter->rotationAngle(); } bool KisCanvas2::xAxisMirrored() const { return m_d->coordinatesConverter->xAxisMirrored(); } bool KisCanvas2::yAxisMirrored() const { return m_d->coordinatesConverter->yAxisMirrored(); } void KisCanvas2::channelSelectionChanged() { KisImageSP image = this->image(); m_d->channelFlags = image->rootLayer()->channelFlags(); m_d->view->viewManager()->blockUntilOperationsFinishedForced(image); image->barrierLock(); m_d->canvasWidget->channelSelectionChanged(m_d->channelFlags); startUpdateInPatches(image->bounds()); image->unlock(); } void KisCanvas2::addCommand(KUndo2Command *command) { // This method exists to support flake-related operations m_d->view->document()->addCommand(command); } void KisCanvas2::KisCanvas2Private::setActiveShapeManager(KoShapeManager *shapeManager) { if (shapeManager != currentlyActiveShapeManager) { currentlyActiveShapeManager = shapeManager; selectedShapesProxy.setShapeManager(shapeManager); } } KoShapeManager* KisCanvas2::shapeManager() const { KoShapeManager *localShapeManager = this->localShapeManager(); // sanity check for consistency of the local shape manager KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER (localShapeManager == m_d->currentlyActiveShapeManager) { localShapeManager = globalShapeManager(); } return localShapeManager ? localShapeManager : globalShapeManager(); } KoSelectedShapesProxy* KisCanvas2::selectedShapesProxy() const { return &m_d->selectedShapesProxy; } KoShapeManager* KisCanvas2::globalShapeManager() const { return &m_d->shapeManager; } KoShapeManager *KisCanvas2::localShapeManager() const { KisNodeSP node = m_d->view->currentNode(); KoShapeManager *localShapeManager = fetchShapeManagerFromNode(node); if (localShapeManager != m_d->currentlyActiveShapeManager) { m_d->setActiveShapeManager(localShapeManager); } return localShapeManager; } void KisCanvas2::updateInputMethodInfo() { // TODO call (the protected) QWidget::updateMicroFocus() on the proper canvas widget... } const KisCoordinatesConverter* KisCanvas2::coordinatesConverter() const { return m_d->coordinatesConverter; } KoViewConverter* KisCanvas2::viewConverter() const { return m_d->coordinatesConverter; } KisInputManager* KisCanvas2::globalInputManager() const { return m_d->view->globalInputManager(); } KisInputActionGroupsMask KisCanvas2::inputActionGroupsMask() const { return m_d->inputActionGroupsMask; } void KisCanvas2::setInputActionGroupsMask(KisInputActionGroupsMask mask) { m_d->inputActionGroupsMask = mask; } QWidget* KisCanvas2::canvasWidget() { return m_d->canvasWidget->widget(); } const QWidget* KisCanvas2::canvasWidget() const { return m_d->canvasWidget->widget(); } KoUnit KisCanvas2::unit() const { KoUnit unit(KoUnit::Pixel); KisImageWSP image = m_d->view->image(); if (image) { if (!qFuzzyCompare(image->xRes(), image->yRes())) { warnKrita << "WARNING: resolution of the image is anisotropic" << ppVar(image->xRes()) << ppVar(image->yRes()); } const qreal resolution = image->xRes(); unit.setFactor(resolution); } return unit; } KoToolProxy * KisCanvas2::toolProxy() const { return &m_d->toolProxy; } void KisCanvas2::createQPainterCanvas() { m_d->currentCanvasIsOpenGL = false; KisQPainterCanvas * canvasWidget = new KisQPainterCanvas(this, m_d->coordinatesConverter, m_d->view); m_d->prescaledProjection = new KisPrescaledProjection(); m_d->prescaledProjection->setCoordinatesConverter(m_d->coordinatesConverter); m_d->prescaledProjection->setMonitorProfile(m_d->displayColorConverter.monitorProfile(), m_d->displayColorConverter.renderingIntent(), m_d->displayColorConverter.conversionFlags()); m_d->prescaledProjection->setDisplayFilter(m_d->displayColorConverter.displayFilter()); canvasWidget->setPrescaledProjection(m_d->prescaledProjection); setCanvasWidget(canvasWidget); } void KisCanvas2::createOpenGLCanvas() { KisConfig cfg(true); m_d->openGLFilterMode = cfg.openGLFilteringMode(); m_d->currentCanvasIsOpenGL = true; KisOpenGLCanvas2 *canvasWidget = new KisOpenGLCanvas2(this, m_d->coordinatesConverter, 0, m_d->view->image(), &m_d->displayColorConverter); m_d->frameCache = KisAnimationFrameCache::getFrameCache(canvasWidget->openGLImageTextures()); setCanvasWidget(canvasWidget); } void KisCanvas2::createCanvas(bool useOpenGL) { // deinitialize previous canvas structures m_d->prescaledProjection = 0; m_d->frameCache = 0; KisConfig cfg(true); QDesktopWidget dw; const KoColorProfile *profile = cfg.displayProfile(dw.screenNumber(imageView())); m_d->displayColorConverter.notifyOpenGLCanvasIsActive(useOpenGL && KisOpenGL::hasOpenGL()); m_d->displayColorConverter.setMonitorProfile(profile); if (useOpenGL && !KisOpenGL::hasOpenGL()) { warnKrita << "Tried to create OpenGL widget when system doesn't have OpenGL\n"; useOpenGL = false; } m_d->displayColorConverter.notifyOpenGLCanvasIsActive(useOpenGL); if (useOpenGL) { createOpenGLCanvas(); if (cfg.canvasState() == "OPENGL_FAILED") { // Creating the opengl canvas failed, fall back warnKrita << "OpenGL Canvas initialization returned OPENGL_FAILED. Falling back to QPainter."; m_d->displayColorConverter.notifyOpenGLCanvasIsActive(false); createQPainterCanvas(); } } else { createQPainterCanvas(); } if (m_d->popupPalette) { m_d->popupPalette->setParent(m_d->canvasWidget->widget()); } } void KisCanvas2::initializeImage() { KisImageSP image = m_d->view->image(); m_d->displayColorConverter.setImageColorSpace(image->colorSpace()); m_d->coordinatesConverter->setImage(image); m_d->toolProxy.initializeImage(image); connect(image, SIGNAL(sigImageUpdated(QRect)), SLOT(startUpdateCanvasProjection(QRect)), Qt::DirectConnection); connect(image->signalRouter(), SIGNAL(sigNotifyBatchUpdateStarted()), SLOT(slotBeginUpdatesBatch()), Qt::DirectConnection); connect(image->signalRouter(), SIGNAL(sigNotifyBatchUpdateEnded()), SLOT(slotEndUpdatesBatch()), Qt::DirectConnection); connect(image->signalRouter(), SIGNAL(sigRequestLodPlanesSyncBlocked(bool)), SLOT(slotSetLodUpdatesBlocked(bool)), Qt::DirectConnection); connect(image, SIGNAL(sigProofingConfigChanged()), SLOT(slotChangeProofingConfig())); connect(image, SIGNAL(sigSizeChanged(QPointF,QPointF)), SLOT(startResizingImage()), Qt::DirectConnection); connect(image->undoAdapter(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), SLOT(slotTrySwitchShapeManager())); connect(image, SIGNAL(sigColorSpaceChanged(const KoColorSpace*)), SLOT(slotImageColorSpaceChanged())); connect(image, SIGNAL(sigProfileChanged(const KoColorProfile*)), SLOT(slotImageColorSpaceChanged())); connectCurrentCanvas(); } void KisCanvas2::connectCurrentCanvas() { KisImageWSP image = m_d->view->image(); if (!m_d->currentCanvasIsOpenGL) { Q_ASSERT(m_d->prescaledProjection); m_d->prescaledProjection->setImage(image); } startResizingImage(); setLodAllowedInCanvas(m_d->lodAllowedInImage); emit sigCanvasEngineChanged(); } void KisCanvas2::resetCanvas(bool useOpenGL) { // we cannot reset the canvas before it's created, but this method might be called, // for instance when setting the monitor profile. if (!m_d->canvasWidget) { return; } KisConfig cfg(true); bool needReset = (m_d->currentCanvasIsOpenGL != useOpenGL) || (m_d->currentCanvasIsOpenGL && m_d->openGLFilterMode != cfg.openGLFilteringMode()); if (needReset) { createCanvas(useOpenGL); connectCurrentCanvas(); notifyZoomChanged(); } updateCanvasWidgetImpl(); } void KisCanvas2::startUpdateInPatches(const QRect &imageRect) { /** * We don't do patched loading for openGL canvas, becasue it loads * the tiles, which are bascially "patches". Therefore, big chunks * of memory are never allocated. */ if (m_d->currentCanvasIsOpenGL) { startUpdateCanvasProjection(imageRect); } else { KisImageConfig imageConfig(true); int patchWidth = imageConfig.updatePatchWidth(); int patchHeight = imageConfig.updatePatchHeight(); for (int y = 0; y < imageRect.height(); y += patchHeight) { for (int x = 0; x < imageRect.width(); x += patchWidth) { QRect patchRect(x, y, patchWidth, patchHeight); startUpdateCanvasProjection(patchRect); } } } } void KisCanvas2::setDisplayFilter(QSharedPointer displayFilter) { m_d->displayColorConverter.setDisplayFilter(displayFilter); KisImageSP image = this->image(); m_d->view->viewManager()->blockUntilOperationsFinishedForced(image); image->barrierLock(); m_d->canvasWidget->setDisplayFilter(displayFilter); image->unlock(); } QSharedPointer KisCanvas2::displayFilter() const { return m_d->displayColorConverter.displayFilter(); } void KisCanvas2::slotImageColorSpaceChanged() { KisImageSP image = this->image(); m_d->view->viewManager()->blockUntilOperationsFinishedForced(image); m_d->displayColorConverter.setImageColorSpace(image->colorSpace()); image->barrierLock(); m_d->canvasWidget->notifyImageColorSpaceChanged(image->colorSpace()); image->unlock(); } KisDisplayColorConverter* KisCanvas2::displayColorConverter() const { return &m_d->displayColorConverter; } KisExposureGammaCorrectionInterface* KisCanvas2::exposureGammaCorrectionInterface() const { QSharedPointer displayFilter = m_d->displayColorConverter.displayFilter(); return displayFilter ? displayFilter->correctionInterface() : KisDumbExposureGammaCorrectionInterface::instance(); } void KisCanvas2::setProofingOptions(bool softProof, bool gamutCheck) { m_d->proofingConfig = this->image()->proofingConfiguration(); if (!m_d->proofingConfig) { KisImageConfig cfg(false); m_d->proofingConfig = cfg.defaultProofingconfiguration(); } KoColorConversionTransformation::ConversionFlags conversionFlags = m_d->proofingConfig->conversionFlags; #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050700 if (this->image()->colorSpace()->colorDepthId().id().contains("U")) { conversionFlags.setFlag(KoColorConversionTransformation::SoftProofing, softProof); if (softProof) { conversionFlags.setFlag(KoColorConversionTransformation::GamutCheck, gamutCheck); } } #else if (this->image()->colorSpace()->colorDepthId().id().contains("U")) { conversionFlags |= KoColorConversionTransformation::SoftProofing; } else { conversionFlags = conversionFlags & ~KoColorConversionTransformation::SoftProofing; } if (gamutCheck && softProof && this->image()->colorSpace()->colorDepthId().id().contains("U")) { conversionFlags |= KoColorConversionTransformation::GamutCheck; } else { conversionFlags = conversionFlags & ~KoColorConversionTransformation::GamutCheck; } #endif m_d->proofingConfig->conversionFlags = conversionFlags; m_d->proofingConfigUpdated = true; startUpdateInPatches(this->image()->bounds()); } void KisCanvas2::slotSoftProofing(bool softProofing) { m_d->softProofing = softProofing; setProofingOptions(m_d->softProofing, m_d->gamutCheck); } void KisCanvas2::slotGamutCheck(bool gamutCheck) { m_d->gamutCheck = gamutCheck; setProofingOptions(m_d->softProofing, m_d->gamutCheck); } void KisCanvas2::slotChangeProofingConfig() { setProofingOptions(m_d->softProofing, m_d->gamutCheck); } void KisCanvas2::setProofingConfigUpdated(bool updated) { m_d->proofingConfigUpdated = updated; } bool KisCanvas2::proofingConfigUpdated() { return m_d->proofingConfigUpdated; } KisProofingConfigurationSP KisCanvas2::proofingConfiguration() const { if (!m_d->proofingConfig) { m_d->proofingConfig = this->image()->proofingConfiguration(); if (!m_d->proofingConfig) { m_d->proofingConfig = KisImageConfig(true).defaultProofingconfiguration(); } } return m_d->proofingConfig; } void KisCanvas2::startResizingImage() { KisImageWSP image = this->image(); qint32 w = image->width(); qint32 h = image->height(); emit sigContinueResizeImage(w, h); QRect imageBounds(0, 0, w, h); startUpdateInPatches(imageBounds); } void KisCanvas2::finishResizingImage(qint32 w, qint32 h) { m_d->canvasWidget->finishResizingImage(w, h); } void KisCanvas2::startUpdateCanvasProjection(const QRect & rc) { KisUpdateInfoSP info = m_d->canvasWidget->startUpdateCanvasProjection(rc, m_d->channelFlags); if (m_d->projectionUpdatesCompressor.putUpdateInfo(info)) { emit sigCanvasCacheUpdated(); } } void KisCanvas2::updateCanvasProjection() { auto tryIssueCanvasUpdates = [this](const QRect &vRect) { if (!m_d->isBatchUpdateActive) { // TODO: Implement info->dirtyViewportRect() for KisOpenGLCanvas2 to avoid updating whole canvas if (m_d->currentCanvasIsOpenGL) { m_d->savedUpdateRect = QRect(); // we already had a compression in frameRenderStartCompressor, so force the update directly slotDoCanvasUpdate(); } else if (/* !m_d->currentCanvasIsOpenGL && */ !vRect.isEmpty()) { m_d->savedUpdateRect = m_d->coordinatesConverter->viewportToWidget(vRect).toAlignedRect(); // we already had a compression in frameRenderStartCompressor, so force the update directly slotDoCanvasUpdate(); } } }; auto uploadData = [this, tryIssueCanvasUpdates](const QVector &infoObjects) { QVector viewportRects = m_d->canvasWidget->updateCanvasProjection(infoObjects); const QRect vRect = std::accumulate(viewportRects.constBegin(), viewportRects.constEnd(), QRect(), std::bit_or()); tryIssueCanvasUpdates(vRect); }; bool shouldExplicitlyIssueUpdates = false; QVector infoObjects; KisUpdateInfoList originalInfoObjects; m_d->projectionUpdatesCompressor.takeUpdateInfo(originalInfoObjects); for (auto it = originalInfoObjects.constBegin(); it != originalInfoObjects.constEnd(); ++it) { KisUpdateInfoSP info = *it; const KisMarkerUpdateInfo *batchInfo = dynamic_cast(info.data()); if (batchInfo) { if (!infoObjects.isEmpty()) { uploadData(infoObjects); infoObjects.clear(); } if (batchInfo->type() == KisMarkerUpdateInfo::StartBatch) { m_d->isBatchUpdateActive++; } else if (batchInfo->type() == KisMarkerUpdateInfo::EndBatch) { m_d->isBatchUpdateActive--; KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(m_d->isBatchUpdateActive >= 0); if (m_d->isBatchUpdateActive == 0) { shouldExplicitlyIssueUpdates = true; } } else if (batchInfo->type() == KisMarkerUpdateInfo::BlockLodUpdates) { m_d->canvasWidget->setLodResetInProgress(true); } else if (batchInfo->type() == KisMarkerUpdateInfo::UnblockLodUpdates) { m_d->canvasWidget->setLodResetInProgress(false); shouldExplicitlyIssueUpdates = true; } } else { infoObjects << info; } } if (!infoObjects.isEmpty()) { uploadData(infoObjects); } else if (shouldExplicitlyIssueUpdates) { tryIssueCanvasUpdates(m_d->coordinatesConverter->imageRectInImagePixels()); } } void KisCanvas2::slotBeginUpdatesBatch() { KisUpdateInfoSP info = new KisMarkerUpdateInfo(KisMarkerUpdateInfo::StartBatch, m_d->coordinatesConverter->imageRectInImagePixels()); m_d->projectionUpdatesCompressor.putUpdateInfo(info); emit sigCanvasCacheUpdated(); } void KisCanvas2::slotEndUpdatesBatch() { KisUpdateInfoSP info = new KisMarkerUpdateInfo(KisMarkerUpdateInfo::EndBatch, m_d->coordinatesConverter->imageRectInImagePixels()); m_d->projectionUpdatesCompressor.putUpdateInfo(info); emit sigCanvasCacheUpdated(); } void KisCanvas2::slotSetLodUpdatesBlocked(bool value) { KisUpdateInfoSP info = new KisMarkerUpdateInfo(value ? KisMarkerUpdateInfo::BlockLodUpdates : KisMarkerUpdateInfo::UnblockLodUpdates, m_d->coordinatesConverter->imageRectInImagePixels()); m_d->projectionUpdatesCompressor.putUpdateInfo(info); emit sigCanvasCacheUpdated(); } void KisCanvas2::slotDoCanvasUpdate() { /** * WARNING: in isBusy() we access openGL functions without making the painting * context current. We hope that currently active context will be Qt's one, * which is shared with our own. */ if (m_d->canvasWidget->isBusy()) { // just restarting the timer updateCanvasWidgetImpl(m_d->savedUpdateRect); return; } if (m_d->savedUpdateRect.isEmpty()) { m_d->canvasWidget->widget()->update(); emit updateCanvasRequested(m_d->canvasWidget->widget()->rect()); } else { emit updateCanvasRequested(m_d->savedUpdateRect); m_d->canvasWidget->widget()->update(m_d->savedUpdateRect); } m_d->savedUpdateRect = QRect(); } void KisCanvas2::updateCanvasWidgetImpl(const QRect &rc) { if (!m_d->canvasUpdateCompressor.isActive() || !m_d->savedUpdateRect.isEmpty()) { m_d->savedUpdateRect |= rc; } m_d->canvasUpdateCompressor.start(); } void KisCanvas2::updateCanvas() { updateCanvasWidgetImpl(); } void KisCanvas2::updateCanvas(const QRectF& documentRect) { if (m_d->currentCanvasIsOpenGL && m_d->canvasWidget->decorations().size() > 0) { updateCanvasWidgetImpl(); } else { // updateCanvas is called from tools, never from the projection // updates, so no need to prescale! QRect widgetRect = m_d->coordinatesConverter->documentToWidget(documentRect).toAlignedRect(); widgetRect.adjust(-2, -2, 2, 2); if (!widgetRect.isEmpty()) { updateCanvasWidgetImpl(widgetRect); } } } void KisCanvas2::disconnectCanvasObserver(QObject *object) { KoCanvasBase::disconnectCanvasObserver(object); m_d->view->disconnect(object); } void KisCanvas2::notifyZoomChanged() { if (!m_d->currentCanvasIsOpenGL) { Q_ASSERT(m_d->prescaledProjection); m_d->prescaledProjection->notifyZoomChanged(); } notifyLevelOfDetailChange(); updateCanvas(); // update the canvas, because that isn't done when zooming using KoZoomAction m_d->regionOfInterestUpdateCompressor.start(); } QRect KisCanvas2::regionOfInterest() const { return m_d->regionOfInterest; } void KisCanvas2::slotUpdateRegionOfInterest() { const QRect oldRegionOfInterest = m_d->regionOfInterest; const qreal ratio = 0.25; const QRect proposedRoi = KisAlgebra2D::blowRect(m_d->coordinatesConverter->widgetRectInImagePixels(), ratio).toAlignedRect(); const QRect imageRect = m_d->coordinatesConverter->imageRectInImagePixels(); m_d->regionOfInterest = imageRect.contains(proposedRoi) ? proposedRoi : imageRect; if (m_d->regionOfInterest != oldRegionOfInterest) { emit sigRegionOfInterestChanged(m_d->regionOfInterest); } } void KisCanvas2::slotReferenceImagesChanged() { canvasController()->resetScrollBars(); } void KisCanvas2::setRenderingLimit(const QRect &rc) { m_d->renderingLimit = rc; } QRect KisCanvas2::renderingLimit() const { return m_d->renderingLimit; } void KisCanvas2::slotTrySwitchShapeManager() { KisNodeSP node = m_d->view->currentNode(); QPointer newManager; newManager = fetchShapeManagerFromNode(node); m_d->setActiveShapeManager(newManager); } void KisCanvas2::notifyLevelOfDetailChange() { if (!m_d->effectiveLodAllowedInImage()) return; const qreal effectiveZoom = m_d->coordinatesConverter->effectiveZoom(); KisConfig cfg(true); const int maxLod = cfg.numMipmapLevels(); const int lod = KisLodTransform::scaleToLod(effectiveZoom, maxLod); if (m_d->effectiveLodAllowedInImage()) { KisImageSP image = this->image(); image->setDesiredLevelOfDetail(lod); } } const KoColorProfile * KisCanvas2::monitorProfile() { return m_d->displayColorConverter.monitorProfile(); } KisViewManager* KisCanvas2::viewManager() const { if (m_d->view) { return m_d->view->viewManager(); } return 0; } QPointerKisCanvas2::imageView() const { return m_d->view; } KisImageWSP KisCanvas2::image() const { return m_d->view->image(); } KisImageWSP KisCanvas2::currentImage() const { return m_d->view->image(); } void KisCanvas2::documentOffsetMoved(const QPoint &documentOffset) { QPointF offsetBefore = m_d->coordinatesConverter->imageRectInViewportPixels().topLeft(); // The given offset is in widget logical pixels. In order to prevent fuzzy // canvas rendering at 100% pixel-perfect zoom level when devicePixelRatio // is not integral, we adjusts the offset to map to whole device pixels. // // FIXME: This is a temporary hack for fixing the canvas under fractional // DPI scaling before a new coordinate system is introduced. QPointF offsetAdjusted = m_d->coordinatesConverter->snapToDevicePixel(documentOffset); m_d->coordinatesConverter->setDocumentOffset(offsetAdjusted); QPointF offsetAfter = m_d->coordinatesConverter->imageRectInViewportPixels().topLeft(); QPointF moveOffset = offsetAfter - offsetBefore; if (!m_d->currentCanvasIsOpenGL) m_d->prescaledProjection->viewportMoved(moveOffset); emit documentOffsetUpdateFinished(); updateCanvas(); m_d->regionOfInterestUpdateCompressor.start(); } void KisCanvas2::slotConfigChanged() { KisConfig cfg(true); m_d->vastScrolling = cfg.vastScrolling(); resetCanvas(cfg.useOpenGL()); // HACK: Sometimes screenNumber(this->canvasWidget()) is not able to get the // proper screenNumber when moving the window across screens. Using // the coordinates should be able to work around this. // FIXME: We should change to associate the display profiles with the screen // model and serial number instead. See https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=407498 QScreen *canvasScreen = this->canvasWidget()->window()->windowHandle()->screen(); QPoint canvasScreenCenter = canvasScreen->geometry().center(); int canvasScreenNumber = QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(canvasScreenCenter); if (canvasScreenNumber == -1) { // Fall back to the old way of getting the screenNumber canvasScreenNumber = QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(this->canvasWidget()); } if (canvasScreenNumber != -1) { setDisplayProfile(cfg.displayProfile(canvasScreenNumber)); } else { warnUI << "Failed to get screenNumber for updating display profile."; } initializeFpsDecoration(); } void KisCanvas2::refetchDataFromImage() { KisImageSP image = this->image(); KisImageBarrierLocker l(image); startUpdateInPatches(image->bounds()); } void KisCanvas2::setDisplayProfile(const KoColorProfile *monitorProfile) { if (m_d->displayColorConverter.monitorProfile() == monitorProfile) return; m_d->displayColorConverter.setMonitorProfile(monitorProfile); { KisImageSP image = this->image(); KisImageBarrierLocker l(image); m_d->canvasWidget->setDisplayColorConverter(&m_d->displayColorConverter); } refetchDataFromImage(); } void KisCanvas2::addDecoration(KisCanvasDecorationSP deco) { m_d->canvasWidget->addDecoration(deco); } KisCanvasDecorationSP KisCanvas2::decoration(const QString& id) const { return m_d->canvasWidget->decoration(id); } QPoint KisCanvas2::documentOrigin() const { /** * In Krita we don't use document origin anymore. * All the centering when needed (vastScrolling < 0.5) is done * automatically by the KisCoordinatesConverter. */ return QPoint(); } QPoint KisCanvas2::documentOffset() const { return m_d->coordinatesConverter->documentOffset(); } void KisCanvas2::setFavoriteResourceManager(KisFavoriteResourceManager* favoriteResourceManager) { m_d->popupPalette = new KisPopupPalette(viewManager(), m_d->coordinatesConverter, favoriteResourceManager, displayColorConverter()->displayRendererInterface(), m_d->view->resourceProvider(), m_d->canvasWidget->widget()); connect(m_d->popupPalette, SIGNAL(zoomLevelChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotPopupPaletteRequestedZoomChange(int))); connect(m_d->popupPalette, SIGNAL(sigUpdateCanvas()), this, SLOT(updateCanvas())); connect(m_d->view->mainWindow(), SIGNAL(themeChanged()), m_d->popupPalette, SLOT(slotUpdateIcons())); m_d->popupPalette->showPopupPalette(false); } void KisCanvas2::slotPopupPaletteRequestedZoomChange(int zoom ) { m_d->view->viewManager()->zoomController()->setZoom(KoZoomMode::ZOOM_CONSTANT, (qreal)(zoom/100.0)); // 1.0 is 100% zoom notifyZoomChanged(); } void KisCanvas2::setCursor(const QCursor &cursor) { canvasWidget()->setCursor(cursor); } KisAnimationFrameCacheSP KisCanvas2::frameCache() const { return m_d->frameCache; } KisAnimationPlayer *KisCanvas2::animationPlayer() const { return m_d->animationPlayer; } void KisCanvas2::slotSelectionChanged() { KisShapeLayer* shapeLayer = dynamic_cast(viewManager()->activeLayer().data()); if (!shapeLayer) { return; } m_d->shapeManager.selection()->deselectAll(); Q_FOREACH (KoShape* shape, shapeLayer->shapeManager()->selection()->selectedShapes()) { m_d->shapeManager.selection()->select(shape); } } bool KisCanvas2::isPopupPaletteVisible() const { if (!m_d->popupPalette) { return false; } return m_d->popupPalette->isVisible(); } void KisCanvas2::setWrapAroundViewingMode(bool value) { KisCanvasDecorationSP infinityDecoration = m_d->canvasWidget->decoration(INFINITY_DECORATION_ID); if (infinityDecoration) { infinityDecoration->setVisible(!value); } m_d->canvasWidget->setWrapAroundViewingMode(value); } bool KisCanvas2::wrapAroundViewingMode() const { KisCanvasDecorationSP infinityDecoration = m_d->canvasWidget->decoration(INFINITY_DECORATION_ID); if (infinityDecoration) { return !(infinityDecoration->visible()); } return false; } void KisCanvas2::bootstrapFinished() { if (!m_d->bootstrapLodBlocked) return; m_d->bootstrapLodBlocked = false; setLodAllowedInCanvas(m_d->lodAllowedInImage); } void KisCanvas2::setLodAllowedInCanvas(bool value) { if (!KisOpenGL::supportsLoD()) { qWarning() << "WARNING: Level of Detail functionality is available only with openGL + GLSL 1.3 support"; } m_d->lodAllowedInImage = value && m_d->currentCanvasIsOpenGL && KisOpenGL::supportsLoD() && (m_d->openGLFilterMode == KisOpenGL::TrilinearFilterMode || m_d->openGLFilterMode == KisOpenGL::HighQualityFiltering); KisImageSP image = this->image(); if (m_d->effectiveLodAllowedInImage() != !image->levelOfDetailBlocked()) { image->setLevelOfDetailBlocked(!m_d->effectiveLodAllowedInImage()); } notifyLevelOfDetailChange(); KisConfig cfg(false); cfg.setLevelOfDetailEnabled(m_d->lodAllowedInImage); KisUsageLogger::log(QString("Instant Preview Setting: %1").arg(m_d->lodAllowedInImage)); } bool KisCanvas2::lodAllowedInCanvas() const { return m_d->lodAllowedInImage; } void KisCanvas2::slotShowPopupPalette(const QPoint &p) { if (!m_d->popupPalette) { return; } m_d->popupPalette->showPopupPalette(p); } KisPaintingAssistantsDecorationSP KisCanvas2::paintingAssistantsDecoration() const { KisCanvasDecorationSP deco = decoration("paintingAssistantsDecoration"); return qobject_cast(deco.data()); } KisReferenceImagesDecorationSP KisCanvas2::referenceImagesDecoration() const { KisCanvasDecorationSP deco = decoration("referenceImagesDecoration"); return qobject_cast(deco.data()); } diff --git a/libs/ui/canvas/kis_canvas2.h b/libs/ui/canvas/kis_canvas2.h index c2fa2b4b0e..e057c038dc 100644 --- a/libs/ui/canvas/kis_canvas2.h +++ b/libs/ui/canvas/kis_canvas2.h @@ -1,352 +1,352 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project * Copyright (C) 2006, 2010 Boudewijn Rempt * Copyright (C) 2011 Silvio Heinrich * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KIS_CANVAS_H #define KIS_CANVAS_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "opengl/kis_opengl.h" #include "kis_ui_types.h" #include "kis_coordinates_converter.h" #include "kis_canvas_decoration.h" #include "kis_painting_assistants_decoration.h" #include "input/KisInputActionGroup.h" #include "KisReferenceImagesDecoration.h" class KoToolProxy; class KoColorProfile; class KisViewManager; class KisFavoriteResourceManager; class KisDisplayFilter; class KisDisplayColorConverter; struct KisExposureGammaCorrectionInterface; class KisView; class KisInputManager; class KisAnimationPlayer; class KisShapeController; class KisCoordinatesConverter; class KoViewConverter; class KisAbstractCanvasWidget; /** * KisCanvas2 is not an actual widget class, but rather an adapter for * the widget it contains, which may be either a QPainter based * canvas, or an OpenGL based canvas: that are the real widgets. */ class KRITAUI_EXPORT KisCanvas2 : public KoCanvasBase, public KisInputActionGroupsMaskInterface { Q_OBJECT public: /** * Create a new canvas. The canvas manages a widget that will do * the actual painting: the canvas itself is not a widget. * * @param viewConverter the viewconverter for converting between * window and document coordinates. */ - KisCanvas2(KisCoordinatesConverter *coordConverter, KoCanvasResourceProvider *resourceManager, KisView *view, KoShapeControllerBase *sc); + KisCanvas2(KisCoordinatesConverter *coordConverter, KoCanvasResourceProvider *resourceManager, KisMainWindow *mainWindow, KisView *view, KoShapeControllerBase *sc); ~KisCanvas2() override; void notifyZoomChanged(); void disconnectCanvasObserver(QObject *object) override; public: // KoCanvasBase implementation bool canvasIsOpenGL() const override; KisOpenGL::FilterMode openGLFilterMode() const; void gridSize(QPointF *offset, QSizeF *spacing) const override; bool snapToGrid() const override; // This method only exists to support flake-related operations void addCommand(KUndo2Command *command) override; QPoint documentOrigin() const override; QPoint documentOffset() const; /** * Return the right shape manager for the current layer. That is * to say, if the current layer is a vector layer, return the shape * layer's canvas' shapemanager, else the shapemanager associated * with the global krita canvas. */ KoShapeManager * shapeManager() const override; /** * Since shapeManager() may change, we need a persistent object where we can * connect to and thack the selection. See more comments in KoCanvasBase. */ KoSelectedShapesProxy *selectedShapesProxy() const override; /** * Return the shape manager associated with this canvas */ KoShapeManager *globalShapeManager() const; /** * Return shape manager associated with the currently active node. * If current node has no internal shape manager, return null. */ KoShapeManager *localShapeManager() const; void updateCanvas(const QRectF& rc) override; void updateInputMethodInfo() override; const KisCoordinatesConverter* coordinatesConverter() const; KoViewConverter *viewConverter() const override; QWidget* canvasWidget() override; const QWidget* canvasWidget() const override; KoUnit unit() const override; KoToolProxy* toolProxy() const override; const KoColorProfile* monitorProfile(); // FIXME: // Temporary! Either get the current layer and image from the // resource provider, or use this, which gets them from the // current shape selection. KisImageWSP currentImage() const; /** * Filters events and sends them to canvas actions. Shared * among all the views/canvases * * NOTE: May be null while initialization! */ KisInputManager* globalInputManager() const; /** * Return the mask of currently available input action groups * Note: Override from KisInputActionGroupsMaskInterface */ KisInputActionGroupsMask inputActionGroupsMask() const override; /** * Set the mask of currently available action groups * Note: Override from KisInputActionGroupsMaskInterface */ void setInputActionGroupsMask(KisInputActionGroupsMask mask) override; KisPaintingAssistantsDecorationSP paintingAssistantsDecoration() const; KisReferenceImagesDecorationSP referenceImagesDecoration() const; public: // KisCanvas2 methods KisImageWSP image() const; KisViewManager* viewManager() const; QPointer imageView() const; /// @return true if the canvas image should be displayed in vertically mirrored mode void addDecoration(KisCanvasDecorationSP deco); KisCanvasDecorationSP decoration(const QString& id) const; void setDisplayFilter(QSharedPointer displayFilter); QSharedPointer displayFilter() const; KisDisplayColorConverter *displayColorConverter() const; KisExposureGammaCorrectionInterface* exposureGammaCorrectionInterface() const; /** * @brief setProofingOptions * set the options for softproofing, without affecting the proofing options as stored inside the image. */ void setProofingOptions(bool softProof, bool gamutCheck); KisProofingConfigurationSP proofingConfiguration() const; /** * @brief setProofingConfigUpdated This function is to set whether the proofing config is updated, * this is needed for determining whether or not to generate a new proofing transform. * @param updated whether it's updated. Just set it to false in normal usage. */ void setProofingConfigUpdated(bool updated); /** * @brief proofingConfigUpdated ask the canvas whether or not it updated the proofing config. * @return whether or not the proofing config is updated, if so, a new proofing transform needs to be made * in KisOpenGL canvas. */ bool proofingConfigUpdated(); void setCursor(const QCursor &cursor) override; KisAnimationFrameCacheSP frameCache() const; KisAnimationPlayer *animationPlayer() const; void refetchDataFromImage(); /** * @return area of the image (in image coordinates) that is visible on the canvas * with a small margin selected by the user */ QRect regionOfInterest() const; /** * Set artificial limit outside which the image will not be rendered * \p rc is measured in image pixels */ void setRenderingLimit(const QRect &rc); /** * @return aftificial limit outside which the image will not be rendered */ QRect renderingLimit() const; Q_SIGNALS: void sigCanvasEngineChanged(); void sigCanvasCacheUpdated(); void sigContinueResizeImage(qint32 w, qint32 h); void documentOffsetUpdateFinished(); // emitted whenever the canvas widget thinks sketch should update void updateCanvasRequested(const QRect &rc); void sigRegionOfInterestChanged(const QRect &roi); public Q_SLOTS: /// Update the entire canvas area void updateCanvas(); void startResizingImage(); void finishResizingImage(qint32 w, qint32 h); /// canvas rotation in degrees qreal rotationAngle() const; /// Bools indicating canvasmirroring. bool xAxisMirrored() const; bool yAxisMirrored() const; void slotSoftProofing(bool softProofing); void slotGamutCheck(bool gamutCheck); void slotChangeProofingConfig(); void slotPopupPaletteRequestedZoomChange(int zoom); void channelSelectionChanged(); void startUpdateInPatches(const QRect &imageRect); void slotTrySwitchShapeManager(); /** * Called whenever the configuration settings change. */ void slotConfigChanged(); private Q_SLOTS: /// The image projection has changed, now start an update /// of the canvas representation. void startUpdateCanvasProjection(const QRect & rc); void updateCanvasProjection(); void slotBeginUpdatesBatch(); void slotEndUpdatesBatch(); void slotSetLodUpdatesBlocked(bool value); /** * Called whenever the view widget needs to show a different part of * the document * * @param documentOffset the offset in widget pixels */ void documentOffsetMoved(const QPoint &documentOffset); void slotSelectionChanged(); void slotDoCanvasUpdate(); void bootstrapFinished(); void slotUpdateRegionOfInterest(); void slotReferenceImagesChanged(); void slotImageColorSpaceChanged(); public: bool isPopupPaletteVisible() const; void slotShowPopupPalette(const QPoint& = QPoint(0,0)); // interface for KisCanvasController only void setWrapAroundViewingMode(bool value); bool wrapAroundViewingMode() const; void setLodAllowedInCanvas(bool value); bool lodAllowedInCanvas() const; void initializeImage(); void setFavoriteResourceManager(KisFavoriteResourceManager* favoriteResourceManager); private: Q_DISABLE_COPY(KisCanvas2) void connectCurrentCanvas(); void createCanvas(bool useOpenGL); void createQPainterCanvas(); void createOpenGLCanvas(); void updateCanvasWidgetImpl(const QRect &rc = QRect()); void setCanvasWidget(KisAbstractCanvasWidget *widget); void resetCanvas(bool useOpenGL); void setDisplayProfile(const KoColorProfile *profile); void notifyLevelOfDetailChange(); // Completes construction of canvas. // To be called by KisView in its constructor, once it has been setup enough // (to be defined what that means) for things KisCanvas2 expects from KisView // TODO: see to avoid that void setup(); void initializeFpsDecoration(); private: friend class KisView; // calls setup() class KisCanvas2Private; KisCanvas2Private * const m_d; }; #endif diff --git a/libs/ui/canvas/kis_canvas_controller.cpp b/libs/ui/canvas/kis_canvas_controller.cpp index 2ab25dec3b..8e5b209c97 100644 --- a/libs/ui/canvas/kis_canvas_controller.cpp +++ b/libs/ui/canvas/kis_canvas_controller.cpp @@ -1,398 +1,386 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2010 Dmitry Kazakov * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_canvas_controller.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_canvas_decoration.h" -#include "kis_paintop_transformation_connector.h" #include "kis_coordinates_converter.h" #include "kis_canvas2.h" #include "opengl/kis_opengl_canvas2.h" #include "KisDocument.h" #include "kis_image.h" #include "KisViewManager.h" #include "KisView.h" #include "krita_utils.h" #include "kis_config.h" #include "kis_signal_compressor_with_param.h" #include "kis_config_notifier.h" static const int gRulersUpdateDelay = 80 /* ms */; struct KisCanvasController::Private { Private(KisCanvasController *qq) - : q(qq), - paintOpTransformationConnector(0) + : q(qq) { using namespace std::placeholders; std::function callback( std::bind(&KisCanvasController::Private::emitPointerPositionChangedSignals, this, _1)); mousePositionCompressor.reset( new KisSignalCompressorWithParam( gRulersUpdateDelay, callback, KisSignalCompressor::FIRST_ACTIVE)); } QPointer view; KisCoordinatesConverter *coordinatesConverter; KisCanvasController *q; - KisPaintopTransformationConnector *paintOpTransformationConnector; QScopedPointer > mousePositionCompressor; void emitPointerPositionChangedSignals(QPoint pointerPos); void updateDocumentSizeAfterTransform(); void showRotationValueOnCanvas(); void showMirrorStateOnCanvas(); }; void KisCanvasController::Private::emitPointerPositionChangedSignals(QPoint pointerPos) { if (!coordinatesConverter) return; QPointF documentPos = coordinatesConverter->widgetToDocument(pointerPos); q->proxyObject->emitDocumentMousePositionChanged(documentPos); q->proxyObject->emitCanvasMousePositionChanged(pointerPos); } void KisCanvasController::Private::updateDocumentSizeAfterTransform() { // round the size of the area to the nearest integer instead of getting aligned rect QSize widgetSize = coordinatesConverter->imageRectInWidgetPixels().toRect().size(); q->updateDocumentSize(widgetSize, true); KisCanvas2 *kritaCanvas = dynamic_cast(q->canvas()); Q_ASSERT(kritaCanvas); kritaCanvas->notifyZoomChanged(); } -KisCanvasController::KisCanvasController(QPointerparent, KActionCollection * actionCollection) - : KoCanvasControllerWidget(actionCollection, parent), +KisCanvasController::KisCanvasController(QPointerparent, KoCanvasSupervisor *observerProvider, KActionCollection * actionCollection) + : KoCanvasControllerWidget(actionCollection, observerProvider, parent), m_d(new Private(this)) { m_d->view = parent; } KisCanvasController::~KisCanvasController() { delete m_d; } void KisCanvasController::setCanvas(KoCanvasBase *canvas) { if (canvas) { KisCanvas2 *kritaCanvas = dynamic_cast(canvas); KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER_RETURN(kritaCanvas); m_d->coordinatesConverter = const_cast(kritaCanvas->coordinatesConverter()); - - m_d->paintOpTransformationConnector = - new KisPaintopTransformationConnector(kritaCanvas, this); } else { m_d->coordinatesConverter = 0; - - delete m_d->paintOpTransformationConnector; - m_d->paintOpTransformationConnector = 0; } KoCanvasControllerWidget::setCanvas(canvas); } void KisCanvasController::activate() { KoCanvasControllerWidget::activate(); } QPointF KisCanvasController::currentCursorPosition() const { KoCanvasBase *canvas = m_d->view->canvasBase(); QWidget *canvasWidget = canvas->canvasWidget(); const QPointF cursorPosWidget = canvasWidget->mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()); return m_d->coordinatesConverter->widgetToDocument(cursorPosWidget); } void KisCanvasController::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { /** * Dirty Hack Alert: * Do not call the KoCanvasControllerWidget::keyPressEvent() * to avoid activation of Pan and Default tool activation shortcuts */ Q_UNUSED(event); } void KisCanvasController::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) { /** * Dirty Hack Alert: * Do not call the KoCanvasControllerWidget::wheelEvent() * to disable the default behavior of KoCanvasControllerWidget and QAbstractScrollArea */ Q_UNUSED(event); } bool KisCanvasController::eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event) { KoCanvasBase *canvas = this->canvas(); if (!canvas || !canvas->canvasWidget() || canvas->canvasWidget() != watched) return false; if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseMove) { QMouseEvent *mevent = static_cast(event); m_d->mousePositionCompressor->start(mevent->pos()); } else if (event->type() == QEvent::TabletMove) { QTabletEvent *tevent = static_cast(event); m_d->mousePositionCompressor->start(tevent->pos()); } else if (event->type() == QEvent::FocusIn) { m_d->view->syncLastActiveNodeToDocument(); } return false; } void KisCanvasController::updateDocumentSize(const QSizeF &sz, bool recalculateCenter) { KoCanvasControllerWidget::updateDocumentSize(sz, recalculateCenter); emit documentSizeChanged(); } void KisCanvasController::Private::showMirrorStateOnCanvas() { bool isXMirrored = coordinatesConverter->xAxisMirrored(); view->viewManager()-> showFloatingMessage( i18nc("floating message about mirroring", "Horizontal mirroring: %1 ", isXMirrored ? i18n("ON") : i18n("OFF")), QIcon(), 500, KisFloatingMessage::Low); } void KisCanvasController::mirrorCanvas(bool enable) { QPoint newOffset = m_d->coordinatesConverter->mirror(m_d->coordinatesConverter->widgetCenterPoint(), enable, false); m_d->updateDocumentSizeAfterTransform(); setScrollBarValue(newOffset); - m_d->paintOpTransformationConnector->notifyTransformationChanged(); m_d->showMirrorStateOnCanvas(); } void KisCanvasController::Private::showRotationValueOnCanvas() { qreal rotationAngle = coordinatesConverter->rotationAngle(); view->viewManager()-> showFloatingMessage( i18nc("floating message about rotation", "Rotation: %1° ", KritaUtils::prettyFormatReal(rotationAngle)), QIcon(), 500, KisFloatingMessage::Low, Qt::AlignCenter); } void KisCanvasController::rotateCanvas(qreal angle, const QPointF ¢er) { QPoint newOffset = m_d->coordinatesConverter->rotate(center, angle); m_d->updateDocumentSizeAfterTransform(); setScrollBarValue(newOffset); - m_d->paintOpTransformationConnector->notifyTransformationChanged(); m_d->showRotationValueOnCanvas(); } void KisCanvasController::rotateCanvas(qreal angle) { rotateCanvas(angle, m_d->coordinatesConverter->widgetCenterPoint()); } void KisCanvasController::rotateCanvasRight15() { rotateCanvas(15.0); } void KisCanvasController::rotateCanvasLeft15() { rotateCanvas(-15.0); } qreal KisCanvasController::rotation() const { return m_d->coordinatesConverter->rotationAngle(); } void KisCanvasController::resetCanvasRotation() { QPoint newOffset = m_d->coordinatesConverter->resetRotation(m_d->coordinatesConverter->widgetCenterPoint()); m_d->updateDocumentSizeAfterTransform(); setScrollBarValue(newOffset); - m_d->paintOpTransformationConnector->notifyTransformationChanged(); m_d->showRotationValueOnCanvas(); } void KisCanvasController::slotToggleWrapAroundMode(bool value) { KisCanvas2 *kritaCanvas = dynamic_cast(canvas()); Q_ASSERT(kritaCanvas); if (!canvas()->canvasIsOpenGL() && value) { m_d->view->viewManager()->showFloatingMessage(i18n("You are activating wrap-around mode, but have not enabled OpenGL.\n" "To visualize wrap-around mode, enable OpenGL."), QIcon()); } kritaCanvas->setWrapAroundViewingMode(value); kritaCanvas->image()->setWrapAroundModePermitted(value); } bool KisCanvasController::wrapAroundMode() const { KisCanvas2 *kritaCanvas = dynamic_cast(canvas()); Q_ASSERT(kritaCanvas); return kritaCanvas->wrapAroundViewingMode(); } void KisCanvasController::slotTogglePixelGrid(bool value) { KisConfig cfg(false); cfg.enablePixelGrid(value); KisConfigNotifier::instance()->notifyPixelGridModeChanged(); } void KisCanvasController::slotToggleLevelOfDetailMode(bool value) { KisCanvas2 *kritaCanvas = dynamic_cast(canvas()); Q_ASSERT(kritaCanvas); kritaCanvas->setLodAllowedInCanvas(value); bool result = levelOfDetailMode(); if (!value || result) { m_d->view->viewManager()->showFloatingMessage( i18n("Instant Preview Mode: %1", result ? i18n("ON") : i18n("OFF")), QIcon(), 500, KisFloatingMessage::Low); } else { QString reason; if (!kritaCanvas->canvasIsOpenGL()) { reason = i18n("Instant Preview is only supported with OpenGL activated"); } else if (kritaCanvas->openGLFilterMode() == KisOpenGL::BilinearFilterMode || kritaCanvas->openGLFilterMode() == KisOpenGL::NearestFilterMode) { QString filteringMode = kritaCanvas->openGLFilterMode() == KisOpenGL::BilinearFilterMode ? i18n("Bilinear") : i18n("Nearest Neighbour"); reason = i18n("Instant Preview is supported\n in Trilinear or High Quality filtering modes.\nCurrent mode is %1", filteringMode); } m_d->view->viewManager()->showFloatingMessage( i18n("Failed activating Instant Preview mode!\n\n%1", reason), QIcon(), 5000, KisFloatingMessage::Low); } } bool KisCanvasController::levelOfDetailMode() const { KisCanvas2 *kritaCanvas = dynamic_cast(canvas()); Q_ASSERT(kritaCanvas); return kritaCanvas->lodAllowedInCanvas(); } void KisCanvasController::saveCanvasState(KisPropertiesConfiguration &config) const { const QPointF ¢er = preferredCenter(); config.setProperty("panX", center.x()); config.setProperty("panY", center.y()); config.setProperty("rotation", rotation()); config.setProperty("mirror", m_d->coordinatesConverter->xAxisMirrored()); config.setProperty("wrapAround", wrapAroundMode()); config.setProperty("enableInstantPreview", levelOfDetailMode()); } void KisCanvasController::restoreCanvasState(const KisPropertiesConfiguration &config) { KisCanvas2 *kritaCanvas = dynamic_cast(canvas()); Q_ASSERT(kritaCanvas); mirrorCanvas(config.getBool("mirror", false)); rotateCanvas(config.getFloat("rotation", 0.0f)); const QPointF ¢er = preferredCenter(); float panX = config.getFloat("panX", center.x()); float panY = config.getFloat("panY", center.y()); setPreferredCenter(QPointF(panX, panY)); slotToggleWrapAroundMode(config.getBool("wrapAround", false)); kritaCanvas->setLodAllowedInCanvas(config.getBool("enableInstantPreview", false)); } void KisCanvasController::resetScrollBars() { // The scrollbar value always points at the top-left corner of the // bit of image we paint. KisDocument *doc = m_d->view->document(); if (!doc) return; QRectF documentBounds = doc->documentBounds(); QRectF viewRect = m_d->coordinatesConverter->imageToWidget(documentBounds); // Cancel out any existing pan const QRectF imageBounds = m_d->view->image()->bounds(); const QRectF imageBB = m_d->coordinatesConverter->imageToWidget(imageBounds); QPointF pan = imageBB.topLeft(); viewRect.translate(-pan); int drawH = viewport()->height(); int drawW = viewport()->width(); qreal horizontalReserve = vastScrollingFactor() * drawW; qreal verticalReserve = vastScrollingFactor() * drawH; qreal xMin = viewRect.left() - horizontalReserve; qreal yMin = viewRect.top() - verticalReserve; qreal xMax = viewRect.right() - drawW + horizontalReserve; qreal yMax = viewRect.bottom() - drawH + verticalReserve; QScrollBar *hScroll = horizontalScrollBar(); QScrollBar *vScroll = verticalScrollBar(); hScroll->setRange(static_cast(xMin), static_cast(xMax)); vScroll->setRange(static_cast(yMin), static_cast(yMax)); int fontHeight = QFontMetrics(font()).height(); vScroll->setPageStep(drawH); vScroll->setSingleStep(fontHeight); hScroll->setPageStep(drawW); hScroll->setSingleStep(fontHeight); } diff --git a/libs/ui/canvas/kis_canvas_controller.h b/libs/ui/canvas/kis_canvas_controller.h index c1226313be..756c6bf59d 100644 --- a/libs/ui/canvas/kis_canvas_controller.h +++ b/libs/ui/canvas/kis_canvas_controller.h @@ -1,77 +1,78 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2010 Dmitry Kazakov * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KIS_CANVAS_CONTROLLER_H #define KIS_CANVAS_CONTROLLER_H #include +#include #include "kritaui_export.h" #include "kis_types.h" class KConfigGroup; class KisView; class KRITAUI_EXPORT KisCanvasController : public KoCanvasControllerWidget { Q_OBJECT public: - KisCanvasController(QPointerparent, KActionCollection * actionCollection); + KisCanvasController(QPointerparent, KoCanvasSupervisor *observerProvider, KActionCollection * actionCollection); ~KisCanvasController() override; void setCanvas(KoCanvasBase *canvas) override; void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) override; void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) override; bool eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event) override; void updateDocumentSize(const QSizeF &sz, bool recalculateCenter) override; void activate() override; QPointF currentCursorPosition() const override; public: using KoCanvasController::documentSize; bool wrapAroundMode() const; bool levelOfDetailMode() const; void saveCanvasState(KisPropertiesConfiguration &config) const; void restoreCanvasState(const KisPropertiesConfiguration &config); void resetScrollBars() override; public Q_SLOTS: void mirrorCanvas(bool enable); void rotateCanvas(qreal angle, const QPointF ¢er); void rotateCanvas(qreal angle); void rotateCanvasRight15(); void rotateCanvasLeft15(); qreal rotation() const; void resetCanvasRotation(); void slotToggleWrapAroundMode(bool value); void slotTogglePixelGrid(bool value); void slotToggleLevelOfDetailMode(bool value); Q_SIGNALS: void documentSizeChanged(); private: struct Private; Private * const m_d; }; #endif /* KIS_CANVAS_CONTROLLER_H */ diff --git a/libs/ui/canvas/kis_canvas_updates_compressor.cpp b/libs/ui/canvas/kis_canvas_updates_compressor.cpp index e5e2769a49..8d6b5d3c97 100644 --- a/libs/ui/canvas/kis_canvas_updates_compressor.cpp +++ b/libs/ui/canvas/kis_canvas_updates_compressor.cpp @@ -1,56 +1,59 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2015 Dmitry Kazakov * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_canvas_updates_compressor.h" bool KisCanvasUpdatesCompressor::putUpdateInfo(KisUpdateInfoSP info) { const int levelOfDetail = info->levelOfDetail(); const QRect newUpdateRect = info->dirtyImageRect(); if (newUpdateRect.isEmpty()) return false; QMutexLocker l(&m_mutex); - KisUpdateInfoList::iterator it = m_updatesList.begin(); - - while (it != m_updatesList.end()) { - if (levelOfDetail == (*it)->levelOfDetail() && - newUpdateRect.contains((*it)->dirtyImageRect())) { - - /** - * We should always remove the overridden update and put 'info' to the end - * of the queue. Otherwise, the updates will become reordered and the canvas - * may have tiles artifacts with "outdated" data - */ - it = m_updatesList.erase(it); - } else { - ++it; + + if (info->canBeCompressed()) { + KisUpdateInfoList::iterator it = m_updatesList.begin(); + while (it != m_updatesList.end()) { + if ((*it)->canBeCompressed() && + levelOfDetail == (*it)->levelOfDetail() && + newUpdateRect.contains((*it)->dirtyImageRect())) { + + /** + * We should always remove the overridden update and put 'info' to the end + * of the queue. Otherwise, the updates will become reordered and the canvas + * may have tiles artifacts with "outdated" data + */ + it = m_updatesList.erase(it); + } else { + ++it; + } } } m_updatesList.append(info); return m_updatesList.size() <= 1; } void KisCanvasUpdatesCompressor::takeUpdateInfo(KisUpdateInfoList &list) { KIS_SAFE_ASSERT_RECOVER(list.isEmpty()) { list.clear(); } QMutexLocker l(&m_mutex); m_updatesList.swap(list); } diff --git a/libs/ui/canvas/kis_coordinates_converter.cpp b/libs/ui/canvas/kis_coordinates_converter.cpp index 9470fd866b..19cc69db31 100644 --- a/libs/ui/canvas/kis_coordinates_converter.cpp +++ b/libs/ui/canvas/kis_coordinates_converter.cpp @@ -1,486 +1,490 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2010 Dmitry Kazakov * Copyright (c) 2011 Silvio Heinrich * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include "kis_coordinates_converter.h" #include #include #include #include #include struct KisCoordinatesConverter::Private { Private(): isXAxisMirrored(false), isYAxisMirrored(false), rotationAngle(0.0), devicePixelRatio(1.0) { } KisImageWSP image; bool isXAxisMirrored; bool isYAxisMirrored; qreal rotationAngle; QSizeF canvasWidgetSize; qreal devicePixelRatio; QPointF documentOffset; QTransform flakeToWidget; QTransform imageToDocument; QTransform documentToFlake; QTransform widgetToViewport; }; /** * When vastScrolling value is less than 0.5 it is possible * that the whole scrolling area (viewport) will be smaller than * the size of the widget. In such cases the image should be * centered in the widget. Previously we used a special parameter * documentOrigin for this purpose, now the value for this * centering is calculated dynamically, helping the offset to * center the image inside the widget * * Note that the correction is null when the size of the document * plus vast scrolling reserve is larger than the widget. This * is always true for vastScrolling parameter > 0.5. */ QPointF KisCoordinatesConverter::centeringCorrection() const { KisConfig cfg(true); QSize documentSize = imageRectInWidgetPixels().toAlignedRect().size(); QPointF dPoint(documentSize.width(), documentSize.height()); QPointF wPoint(m_d->canvasWidgetSize.width(), m_d->canvasWidgetSize.height()); QPointF minOffset = -cfg.vastScrolling() * wPoint; QPointF maxOffset = dPoint - wPoint + cfg.vastScrolling() * wPoint; QPointF range = maxOffset - minOffset; range.rx() = qMin(range.x(), (qreal)0.0); range.ry() = qMin(range.y(), (qreal)0.0); range /= 2; return -range; } /** * The document offset and the position of the top left corner of the * image must always coincide, that is why we need to correct them to * and fro. * * When we change zoom level, the calculation of the new offset is * done by KoCanvasControllerWidget, that is why we just passively fix * the flakeToWidget transform to conform the offset and wait until * the canvas controller will recenter us. * * But when we do our own transformations of the canvas, like rotation * and mirroring, we cannot rely on the centering of the canvas * controller and we do it ourselves. Then we just set new offset and * return its value to be set in the canvas controller explicitly. */ void KisCoordinatesConverter::correctOffsetToTransformation() { m_d->documentOffset = snapToDevicePixel(-(imageRectInWidgetPixels().topLeft() - centeringCorrection())); } void KisCoordinatesConverter::correctTransformationToOffset() { QPointF topLeft = imageRectInWidgetPixels().topLeft(); QPointF diff = (-topLeft) - m_d->documentOffset; diff += centeringCorrection(); m_d->flakeToWidget *= QTransform::fromTranslate(diff.x(), diff.y()); } void KisCoordinatesConverter::recalculateTransformations() { if(!m_d->image) return; m_d->imageToDocument = QTransform::fromScale(1 / m_d->image->xRes(), 1 / m_d->image->yRes()); qreal zoomX, zoomY; KoZoomHandler::zoom(&zoomX, &zoomY); m_d->documentToFlake = QTransform::fromScale(zoomX, zoomY); correctTransformationToOffset(); QRectF irect = imageRectInWidgetPixels(); QRectF wrect = QRectF(QPoint(0,0), m_d->canvasWidgetSize); QRectF rrect = irect & wrect; QTransform reversedTransform = flakeToWidgetTransform().inverted(); QRectF canvasBounds = reversedTransform.mapRect(rrect); QPointF offset = canvasBounds.topLeft(); m_d->widgetToViewport = reversedTransform * QTransform::fromTranslate(-offset.x(), -offset.y()); } KisCoordinatesConverter::KisCoordinatesConverter() : m_d(new Private) { } KisCoordinatesConverter::~KisCoordinatesConverter() { delete m_d; } +QSizeF KisCoordinatesConverter::getCanvasWidgetSize() const +{ + return m_d->canvasWidgetSize; +} + void KisCoordinatesConverter::setCanvasWidgetSize(QSizeF size) { m_d->canvasWidgetSize = size; recalculateTransformations(); } void KisCoordinatesConverter::setDevicePixelRatio(qreal value) { m_d->devicePixelRatio = value; } void KisCoordinatesConverter::setImage(KisImageWSP image) { m_d->image = image; recalculateTransformations(); } void KisCoordinatesConverter::setDocumentOffset(const QPointF& offset) { QPointF diff = m_d->documentOffset - offset; m_d->documentOffset = offset; m_d->flakeToWidget *= QTransform::fromTranslate(diff.x(), diff.y()); recalculateTransformations(); } qreal KisCoordinatesConverter::devicePixelRatio() const { return m_d->devicePixelRatio; } QPoint KisCoordinatesConverter::documentOffset() const { return QPoint(int(m_d->documentOffset.x()), int(m_d->documentOffset.y())); } qreal KisCoordinatesConverter::rotationAngle() const { return m_d->rotationAngle; } void KisCoordinatesConverter::setZoom(qreal zoom) { KoZoomHandler::setZoom(zoom); recalculateTransformations(); } qreal KisCoordinatesConverter::effectiveZoom() const { qreal scaleX, scaleY; this->imageScale(&scaleX, &scaleY); if (scaleX != scaleY) { qWarning() << "WARNING: Zoom is not isotropic!" << ppVar(scaleX) << ppVar(scaleY) << ppVar(qFuzzyCompare(scaleX, scaleY)); } // zoom by average of x and y return 0.5 * (scaleX + scaleY); } QPoint KisCoordinatesConverter::rotate(QPointF center, qreal angle) { QTransform rot; rot.rotate(angle); m_d->flakeToWidget *= QTransform::fromTranslate(-center.x(),-center.y()); m_d->flakeToWidget *= rot; m_d->flakeToWidget *= QTransform::fromTranslate(center.x(), center.y()); m_d->rotationAngle = std::fmod(m_d->rotationAngle + angle, 360.0); correctOffsetToTransformation(); recalculateTransformations(); return m_d->documentOffset.toPoint(); } QPoint KisCoordinatesConverter::mirror(QPointF center, bool mirrorXAxis, bool mirrorYAxis) { bool keepOrientation = false; // XXX: Keep here for now, maybe some day we can restore the parameter again. bool doXMirroring = m_d->isXAxisMirrored ^ mirrorXAxis; bool doYMirroring = m_d->isYAxisMirrored ^ mirrorYAxis; qreal scaleX = doXMirroring ? -1.0 : 1.0; qreal scaleY = doYMirroring ? -1.0 : 1.0; QTransform mirror = QTransform::fromScale(scaleX, scaleY); QTransform rot; rot.rotate(m_d->rotationAngle); m_d->flakeToWidget *= QTransform::fromTranslate(-center.x(),-center.y()); if (keepOrientation) { m_d->flakeToWidget *= rot.inverted(); } m_d->flakeToWidget *= mirror; if (keepOrientation) { m_d->flakeToWidget *= rot; } m_d->flakeToWidget *= QTransform::fromTranslate(center.x(),center.y()); if (!keepOrientation && (doXMirroring ^ doYMirroring)) { m_d->rotationAngle = -m_d->rotationAngle; } m_d->isXAxisMirrored = mirrorXAxis; m_d->isYAxisMirrored = mirrorYAxis; correctOffsetToTransformation(); recalculateTransformations(); return m_d->documentOffset.toPoint(); } bool KisCoordinatesConverter::xAxisMirrored() const { return m_d->isXAxisMirrored; } bool KisCoordinatesConverter::yAxisMirrored() const { return m_d->isYAxisMirrored; } QPoint KisCoordinatesConverter::resetRotation(QPointF center) { QTransform rot; rot.rotate(-m_d->rotationAngle); m_d->flakeToWidget *= QTransform::fromTranslate(-center.x(), -center.y()); m_d->flakeToWidget *= rot; m_d->flakeToWidget *= QTransform::fromTranslate(center.x(), center.y()); m_d->rotationAngle = 0.0; correctOffsetToTransformation(); recalculateTransformations(); return m_d->documentOffset.toPoint(); } -QTransform KisCoordinatesConverter::imageToWidgetTransform() const{ +QTransform KisCoordinatesConverter::imageToWidgetTransform() const { return m_d->imageToDocument * m_d->documentToFlake * m_d->flakeToWidget; } QTransform KisCoordinatesConverter::imageToDocumentTransform() const { return m_d->imageToDocument; } QTransform KisCoordinatesConverter::documentToFlakeTransform() const { return m_d->documentToFlake; } QTransform KisCoordinatesConverter::flakeToWidgetTransform() const { return m_d->flakeToWidget; } -QTransform KisCoordinatesConverter::documentToWidgetTransform() const -{ +QTransform KisCoordinatesConverter::documentToWidgetTransform() const { return m_d->documentToFlake * m_d->flakeToWidget; } QTransform KisCoordinatesConverter::viewportToWidgetTransform() const { return m_d->widgetToViewport.inverted(); } QTransform KisCoordinatesConverter::imageToViewportTransform() const { return m_d->imageToDocument * m_d->documentToFlake * m_d->flakeToWidget * m_d->widgetToViewport; } void KisCoordinatesConverter::getQPainterCheckersInfo(QTransform *transform, QPointF *brushOrigin, QPolygonF *polygon, const bool scrollCheckers) const { /** * Qt has different rounding for QPainter::drawRect/drawImage. * The image is rounded mathematically, while rect in aligned * to the next integer. That causes transparent line appear on * the canvas. * * See: https://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-22827 */ QRectF imageRect = imageRectInViewportPixels(); imageRect.adjust(0,0,-0.5,-0.5); if (scrollCheckers) { *transform = viewportToWidgetTransform(); *polygon = imageRect; *brushOrigin = imageToViewport(QPointF(0,0)); } else { *transform = QTransform(); *polygon = viewportToWidgetTransform().map(imageRect); *brushOrigin = QPoint(0,0); } } void KisCoordinatesConverter::getOpenGLCheckersInfo(const QRectF &viewportRect, QTransform *textureTransform, QTransform *modelTransform, QRectF *textureRect, QRectF *modelRect, const bool scrollCheckers) const { if(scrollCheckers) { *textureTransform = QTransform(); *textureRect = QRectF(0, 0, viewportRect.width(),viewportRect.height()); } else { *textureTransform = viewportToWidgetTransform(); *textureRect = viewportRect; } *modelTransform = viewportToWidgetTransform(); *modelRect = viewportRect; } QPointF KisCoordinatesConverter::imageCenterInWidgetPixel() const { if(!m_d->image) return QPointF(); QPolygonF poly = imageToWidget(QPolygon(m_d->image->bounds())); return (poly[0] + poly[1] + poly[2] + poly[3]) / 4.0; } // these functions return a bounding rect if the canvas is rotated QRectF KisCoordinatesConverter::imageRectInWidgetPixels() const { if(!m_d->image) return QRectF(); return imageToWidget(m_d->image->bounds()); } QRectF KisCoordinatesConverter::imageRectInViewportPixels() const { if(!m_d->image) return QRectF(); return imageToViewport(m_d->image->bounds()); } QRect KisCoordinatesConverter::imageRectInImagePixels() const { if(!m_d->image) return QRect(); return m_d->image->bounds(); } QRectF KisCoordinatesConverter::imageRectInDocumentPixels() const { if(!m_d->image) return QRectF(); return imageToDocument(m_d->image->bounds()); } QSizeF KisCoordinatesConverter::imageSizeInFlakePixels() const { if(!m_d->image) return QSizeF(); qreal scaleX, scaleY; imageScale(&scaleX, &scaleY); QSize imageSize = m_d->image->size(); return QSizeF(imageSize.width() * scaleX, imageSize.height() * scaleY); } QRectF KisCoordinatesConverter::widgetRectInFlakePixels() const { return widgetToFlake(QRectF(QPoint(0,0), m_d->canvasWidgetSize)); } QRectF KisCoordinatesConverter::widgetRectInImagePixels() const { return widgetToImage(QRectF(QPoint(0,0), m_d->canvasWidgetSize)); } QPointF KisCoordinatesConverter::flakeCenterPoint() const { QRectF widgetRect = widgetRectInFlakePixels(); return QPointF(widgetRect.left() + widgetRect.width() / 2, widgetRect.top() + widgetRect.height() / 2); } QPointF KisCoordinatesConverter::widgetCenterPoint() const { return QPointF(m_d->canvasWidgetSize.width() / 2.0, m_d->canvasWidgetSize.height() / 2.0); } void KisCoordinatesConverter::imageScale(qreal *scaleX, qreal *scaleY) const { if(!m_d->image) { *scaleX = 1.0; *scaleY = 1.0; return; } // get the x and y zoom level of the canvas qreal zoomX, zoomY; KoZoomHandler::zoom(&zoomX, &zoomY); // Get the KisImage resolution qreal resX = m_d->image->xRes(); qreal resY = m_d->image->yRes(); // Compute the scale factors *scaleX = zoomX / resX; *scaleY = zoomY / resY; } void KisCoordinatesConverter::imagePhysicalScale(qreal *scaleX, qreal *scaleY) const { imageScale(scaleX, scaleY); *scaleX *= m_d->devicePixelRatio; *scaleY *= m_d->devicePixelRatio; } /** * @brief Adjust a given pair of coordinates to the nearest device pixel * according to the value of `devicePixelRatio`. * @param point a point in logical pixel space * @return The point in logical pixel space but adjusted to the nearest device * pixel */ QPointF KisCoordinatesConverter::snapToDevicePixel(const QPointF &point) const { QPoint devicePixel = (point * m_d->devicePixelRatio).toPoint(); // These adjusted coords will be in logical pixel but is aligned in device // pixel space for pixel-perfect rendering. return QPointF(devicePixel) / m_d->devicePixelRatio; } diff --git a/libs/ui/canvas/kis_coordinates_converter.h b/libs/ui/canvas/kis_coordinates_converter.h index 7d86f540e0..27be4283ac 100644 --- a/libs/ui/canvas/kis_coordinates_converter.h +++ b/libs/ui/canvas/kis_coordinates_converter.h @@ -1,169 +1,171 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2010 Dmitry Kazakov * Copyright (c) 2011 Silvio Heinrich * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KIS_COORDINATES_CONVERTER_H #define KIS_COORDINATES_CONVERTER_H #include #include #include "kritaui_export.h" #include "kis_types.h" #define EPSILON 1e-6 #define SCALE_LESS_THAN(scX, scY, value) \ (scX < (value) - EPSILON && scY < (value) - EPSILON) #define SCALE_MORE_OR_EQUAL_TO(scX, scY, value) \ (scX > (value) - EPSILON && scY > (value) - EPSILON) namespace _Private { template struct Traits { typedef T Result; static T map(const QTransform& transform, const T& obj) { return transform.map(obj); } }; template<> struct Traits { typedef QRectF Result; static QRectF map(const QTransform& transform, const QRectF& rc) { return transform.mapRect(rc); } }; template<> struct Traits: public Traits { }; template<> struct Traits: public Traits { }; template<> struct Traits: public Traits { }; template<> struct Traits: public Traits { }; } class KRITAUI_EXPORT KisCoordinatesConverter: public KoZoomHandler { public: KisCoordinatesConverter(); ~KisCoordinatesConverter() override; + QSizeF getCanvasWidgetSize() const; + void setCanvasWidgetSize(QSizeF size); void setDevicePixelRatio(qreal value); void setImage(KisImageWSP image); void setDocumentOffset(const QPointF &offset); qreal devicePixelRatio() const; QPoint documentOffset() const; qreal rotationAngle() const; QPoint rotate(QPointF center, qreal angle); QPoint mirror(QPointF center, bool mirrorXAxis, bool mirrorYAxis); bool xAxisMirrored() const; bool yAxisMirrored() const; QPoint resetRotation(QPointF center); void setZoom(qreal zoom) override; /** * A composition of to scale methods: zoom level + image resolution */ qreal effectiveZoom() const; template typename _Private::Traits::Result imageToViewport(const T& obj) const { return _Private::Traits::map(imageToViewportTransform(), obj); } template typename _Private::Traits::Result viewportToImage(const T& obj) const { return _Private::Traits::map(imageToViewportTransform().inverted(), obj); } template typename _Private::Traits::Result flakeToWidget(const T& obj) const { return _Private::Traits::map(flakeToWidgetTransform(), obj); } template typename _Private::Traits::Result widgetToFlake(const T& obj) const { return _Private::Traits::map(flakeToWidgetTransform().inverted(), obj); } template typename _Private::Traits::Result widgetToViewport(const T& obj) const { return _Private::Traits::map(viewportToWidgetTransform().inverted(), obj); } template typename _Private::Traits::Result viewportToWidget(const T& obj) const { return _Private::Traits::map(viewportToWidgetTransform(), obj); } template typename _Private::Traits::Result documentToWidget(const T& obj) const { return _Private::Traits::map(documentToWidgetTransform(), obj); } template typename _Private::Traits::Result widgetToDocument(const T& obj) const { return _Private::Traits::map(documentToWidgetTransform().inverted(), obj); } template typename _Private::Traits::Result imageToDocument(const T& obj) const { return _Private::Traits::map(imageToDocumentTransform(), obj); } template typename _Private::Traits::Result documentToImage(const T& obj) const { return _Private::Traits::map(imageToDocumentTransform().inverted(), obj); } template typename _Private::Traits::Result documentToFlake(const T& obj) const { return _Private::Traits::map(documentToFlakeTransform(), obj); } template typename _Private::Traits::Result flakeToDocument(const T& obj) const { return _Private::Traits::map(documentToFlakeTransform().inverted(), obj); } template typename _Private::Traits::Result imageToWidget(const T& obj) const { return _Private::Traits::map(imageToWidgetTransform(), obj); } template typename _Private::Traits::Result widgetToImage(const T& obj) const { return _Private::Traits::map(imageToWidgetTransform().inverted(), obj); } QTransform imageToWidgetTransform() const; QTransform imageToDocumentTransform() const; QTransform documentToFlakeTransform() const; QTransform imageToViewportTransform() const; QTransform viewportToWidgetTransform() const; QTransform flakeToWidgetTransform() const; QTransform documentToWidgetTransform() const; void getQPainterCheckersInfo(QTransform *transform, QPointF *brushOrigin, QPolygonF *poligon, const bool scrollCheckers) const; void getOpenGLCheckersInfo(const QRectF &viewportRect, QTransform *textureTransform, QTransform *modelTransform, QRectF *textureRect, QRectF *modelRect, const bool scrollCheckers) const; QPointF imageCenterInWidgetPixel() const; QRectF imageRectInWidgetPixels() const; QRectF imageRectInViewportPixels() const; QSizeF imageSizeInFlakePixels() const; QRectF widgetRectInFlakePixels() const; QRectF widgetRectInImagePixels() const; QRect imageRectInImagePixels() const; QRectF imageRectInDocumentPixels() const; QPointF flakeCenterPoint() const; QPointF widgetCenterPoint() const; void imageScale(qreal *scaleX, qreal *scaleY) const; void imagePhysicalScale(qreal *scaleX, qreal *scaleY) const; QPointF snapToDevicePixel(const QPointF &point) const; private: friend class KisZoomAndPanTest; QPointF centeringCorrection() const; void correctOffsetToTransformation(); void correctTransformationToOffset(); void recalculateTransformations(); private: struct Private; Private * const m_d; }; #endif /* KIS_COORDINATES_CONVERTER_H */ diff --git a/libs/ui/canvas/kis_paintop_transformation_connector.cpp b/libs/ui/canvas/kis_paintop_transformation_connector.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index bf93986495..0000000000 --- a/libs/ui/canvas/kis_paintop_transformation_connector.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,58 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Copyright (c) 2013 Dmitry Kazakov - * - * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or - * (at your option) any later version. - * - * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - * GNU General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. - */ - -#include "kis_paintop_transformation_connector.h" - -#include "kis_canvas_resource_provider.h" -#include "kis_canvas2.h" -#include "kis_coordinates_converter.h" -#include "brushengine/kis_paintop_preset.h" -#include "brushengine/kis_paintop_settings.h" - - -KisPaintopTransformationConnector::KisPaintopTransformationConnector(KisCanvas2 *canvas, QObject *parent) - : QObject(parent), - m_canvas(canvas) -{ - connect(m_canvas->resourceManager(), - SIGNAL(canvasResourceChanged(int,QVariant)), - SLOT(slotCanvasResourceChanged(int,QVariant))); -} - -void KisPaintopTransformationConnector::notifyTransformationChanged() -{ - KisPaintOpPresetSP preset = - m_canvas->resourceManager()-> - resource(KisCanvasResourceProvider::CurrentPaintOpPreset).value(); - - if (preset) { - const KisCoordinatesConverter *converter = m_canvas->coordinatesConverter(); - preset->settings()->setCanvasRotation(converter->rotationAngle()); - preset->settings()->setCanvasMirroring(converter->xAxisMirrored(), - converter->yAxisMirrored()); - } -} - -void KisPaintopTransformationConnector::slotCanvasResourceChanged(int key, const QVariant &resource) -{ - Q_UNUSED(resource); - - if (key == KisCanvasResourceProvider::CurrentPaintOpPreset) { - notifyTransformationChanged(); - } -} diff --git a/libs/ui/canvas/kis_update_info.cpp b/libs/ui/canvas/kis_update_info.cpp index 11a23b0669..af5b3797d2 100644 --- a/libs/ui/canvas/kis_update_info.cpp +++ b/libs/ui/canvas/kis_update_info.cpp @@ -1,121 +1,131 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2010, Dmitry Kazakov * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_update_info.h" /** * The connection in KisCanvas2 uses queued signals * with an argument of KisNodeSP type, so we should * register it beforehand */ struct KisUpdateInfoSPStaticRegistrar { KisUpdateInfoSPStaticRegistrar() { qRegisterMetaType("KisUpdateInfoSP"); } }; static KisUpdateInfoSPStaticRegistrar __registrar; KisUpdateInfo::KisUpdateInfo() { } KisUpdateInfo::~KisUpdateInfo() { } QRect KisUpdateInfo::dirtyViewportRect() { return QRect(); } +bool KisUpdateInfo::canBeCompressed() const +{ + return true; +} + QRect KisPPUpdateInfo::dirtyViewportRect() { return viewportRect.toAlignedRect(); } QRect KisPPUpdateInfo::dirtyImageRect() const { return dirtyImageRectVar; } int KisPPUpdateInfo::levelOfDetail() const { return 0; } KisOpenGLUpdateInfo::KisOpenGLUpdateInfo() : m_levelOfDetail(0) { } QRect KisOpenGLUpdateInfo::dirtyViewportRect() { qFatal("Not implemented yet!"); return QRect(); } void KisOpenGLUpdateInfo::assignDirtyImageRect(const QRect &rect) { m_dirtyImageRect = rect; } void KisOpenGLUpdateInfo::assignLevelOfDetail(int lod) { m_levelOfDetail = lod; } QRect KisOpenGLUpdateInfo::dirtyImageRect() const { return m_dirtyImageRect; } int KisOpenGLUpdateInfo::levelOfDetail() const { return m_levelOfDetail; } bool KisOpenGLUpdateInfo::tryMergeWith(const KisOpenGLUpdateInfo &rhs) { if (m_levelOfDetail != rhs.m_levelOfDetail) return false; // TODO: that makes the algorithm of updates compressor incorrect! m_dirtyImageRect |= rhs.m_dirtyImageRect; tileList.append(rhs.tileList); return true; } KisMarkerUpdateInfo::KisMarkerUpdateInfo(KisMarkerUpdateInfo::Type type, const QRect &dirtyImageRect) : m_type(type), m_dirtyImageRect(dirtyImageRect) { } KisMarkerUpdateInfo::Type KisMarkerUpdateInfo::type() const { return m_type; } QRect KisMarkerUpdateInfo::dirtyImageRect() const { return m_dirtyImageRect; } int KisMarkerUpdateInfo::levelOfDetail() const { // return invalid level of detail to avoid merging the update info // with other updates return -1 - (int)m_type; } + +bool KisMarkerUpdateInfo::canBeCompressed() const +{ + return false; +} diff --git a/libs/ui/canvas/kis_update_info.h b/libs/ui/canvas/kis_update_info.h index 62d29966b5..2b76e1d34b 100644 --- a/libs/ui/canvas/kis_update_info.h +++ b/libs/ui/canvas/kis_update_info.h @@ -1,168 +1,170 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2010, Dmitry Kazakov * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KIS_UPDATE_INFO_H_ #define KIS_UPDATE_INFO_H_ #include #include "kis_image_patch.h" #include "kis_shared.h" #include "kritaui_export.h" #include "opengl/kis_texture_tile_update_info.h" #include "kis_ui_types.h" class KRITAUI_EXPORT KisUpdateInfo : public KisShared { public: KisUpdateInfo(); virtual ~KisUpdateInfo(); virtual QRect dirtyViewportRect(); virtual QRect dirtyImageRect() const = 0; virtual int levelOfDetail() const = 0; + virtual bool canBeCompressed() const; }; Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(KisUpdateInfoSP) struct ConversionOptions { ConversionOptions() : m_needsConversion(false) {} ConversionOptions(const KoColorSpace *destinationColorSpace, KoColorConversionTransformation::Intent renderingIntent, KoColorConversionTransformation::ConversionFlags conversionFlags) : m_needsConversion(true), m_destinationColorSpace(destinationColorSpace), m_renderingIntent(renderingIntent), m_conversionFlags(conversionFlags) { } bool m_needsConversion; const KoColorSpace *m_destinationColorSpace = 0; KoColorConversionTransformation::Intent m_renderingIntent; KoColorConversionTransformation::ConversionFlags m_conversionFlags; }; class KisOpenGLUpdateInfo; typedef KisSharedPtr KisOpenGLUpdateInfoSP; class KisOpenGLUpdateInfo : public KisUpdateInfo { public: KisOpenGLUpdateInfo(); KisTextureTileUpdateInfoSPList tileList; QRect dirtyViewportRect() override; QRect dirtyImageRect() const override; void assignDirtyImageRect(const QRect &rect); void assignLevelOfDetail(int lod); int levelOfDetail() const override; bool tryMergeWith(const KisOpenGLUpdateInfo& rhs); private: QRect m_dirtyImageRect; int m_levelOfDetail; }; class KisPPUpdateInfo : public KisUpdateInfo { public: enum TransferType { DIRECT, PATCH }; QRect dirtyViewportRect() override; QRect dirtyImageRect() const override; int levelOfDetail() const override; /** * The rect that was reported by KisImage as dirty */ QRect dirtyImageRectVar; /** * Rect of KisImage corresponding to @ref viewportRect . * It is cropped and aligned corresponding to the canvas. */ QRect imageRect; /** * Rect of canvas widget corresponding to @ref imageRect */ QRectF viewportRect; qreal scaleX; qreal scaleY; /** * Defines the way the source image is painted onto * prescaled QImage */ TransferType transfer; /** * Render hints for painting the direct painting/patch painting */ QPainter::RenderHints renderHints; /** * The number of additional pixels those should be added * to the patch */ qint32 borderWidth; /** * Used for temporary storage of KisImage's data * by KisProjectionCache */ KisImagePatch patch; }; class KisMarkerUpdateInfo : public KisUpdateInfo { public: enum Type { StartBatch = 0, EndBatch, BlockLodUpdates, UnblockLodUpdates, }; public: KisMarkerUpdateInfo(Type type, const QRect &dirtyImageRect); Type type() const; QRect dirtyImageRect() const override; int levelOfDetail() const override; + bool canBeCompressed() const override; private: Type m_type; QRect m_dirtyImageRect; }; #endif /* KIS_UPDATE_INFO_H_ */ diff --git a/libs/ui/dialogs/kis_about_application.cpp b/libs/ui/dialogs/kis_about_application.cpp index 456c0fec9a..5b518c1dd8 100644 --- a/libs/ui/dialogs/kis_about_application.cpp +++ b/libs/ui/dialogs/kis_about_application.cpp @@ -1,214 +1,214 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2014 Boudewijn Rempt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_about_application.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../../krita/data/splash/splash_screen.xpm" #include "../../krita/data/splash/splash_holidays.xpm" #include "../../krita/data/splash/splash_screen_x2.xpm" #include "../../krita/data/splash/splash_holidays_x2.xpm" #include "kis_splash_screen.h" KisAboutApplication::KisAboutApplication(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent) { setWindowTitle(i18n("About Krita")); QVBoxLayout *vlayout = new QVBoxLayout(this); vlayout->setMargin(0); QTabWidget *wdgTab = new QTabWidget; vlayout->addWidget(wdgTab); KisSplashScreen *splash = 0; QDate currentDate = QDate::currentDate(); if (currentDate > QDate(currentDate.year(), 12, 4) || currentDate < QDate(currentDate.year(), 1, 9)) { splash = new KisSplashScreen(qApp->applicationVersion(), QPixmap(splash_holidays_xpm), QPixmap(splash_holidays_x2_xpm)); } else { splash = new KisSplashScreen(qApp->applicationVersion(), QPixmap(splash_screen_xpm), QPixmap(splash_screen_x2_xpm)); } splash->setWindowFlags(Qt::Widget); splash->displayLinks(true); splash->setFixedSize(splash->sizeHint()); wdgTab->addTab(splash, i18n("About")); setMinimumSize(wdgTab->sizeHint()); QTextEdit *lblAuthors = new QTextEdit(); lblAuthors->setReadOnly(true); QString authors = i18n("" "" "" "

Created By

" "

"); QFile fileDevelopers(":/developers.txt"); Q_ASSERT(fileDevelopers.exists()); fileDevelopers.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); Q_FOREACH (const QByteArray &author, fileDevelopers.readAll().split('\n')) { authors.append(QString::fromUtf8(author)); authors.append(", "); } authors.chop(2); authors.append(".

"); lblAuthors->setText(authors); - wdgTab->addTab(lblAuthors, i18n("Authors")); + wdgTab->addTab(lblAuthors, i18nc("Heading for the list of Krita authors/developers", "Authors")); QTextEdit *lblKickstarter = new QTextEdit(); lblKickstarter->setReadOnly(true); QString backers = i18n("" "" "" "

Backed By

" "

"); QFile fileBackers(":/backers.txt"); Q_ASSERT(fileBackers.exists()); fileBackers.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text); QTextStream backersText(&fileBackers); backersText.setCodec("UTF-8"); backers.append(backersText.readAll().replace("\n", ", ")); backers.chop(2); backers.append(i18n(".

Thanks! You were all awesome!

")); lblKickstarter->setText(backers); wdgTab->addTab(lblKickstarter, i18n("Backers")); QTextEdit *lblCredits = new QTextEdit(); lblCredits->setReadOnly(true); QString credits = i18n("" "" "" "

Thanks To

" "

"); QFile fileCredits(":/credits.txt"); Q_ASSERT(fileCredits.exists()); fileCredits.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); Q_FOREACH (const QString &credit, QString::fromUtf8(fileCredits.readAll()).split('\n', QString::SkipEmptyParts)) { if (credit.contains(":")) { QList creditSplit = credit.split(':'); credits.append(creditSplit.at(0)); credits.append(" (" + creditSplit.at(1) + ")"); credits.append(", "); } } credits.chop(2); credits.append(i18n(".

For supporting Krita development with advice, icons, brush sets and more.

")); lblCredits->setText(credits); wdgTab->addTab(lblCredits, i18n("Also Thanks To")); QTextEdit *lblLicense = new QTextEdit(); lblLicense->setReadOnly(true); QString license = i18n("" "" "" "

Your Rights

" "

Krita is released under the GNU General Public License (version 3 or any later version).

" "

This license grants people a number of freedoms:

" "
    " "
  • You are free to use Krita, for any purpose
  • " "
  • You are free to distribute Krita
  • " "
  • You can study how Krita works and change it
  • " "
  • You can distribute changed versions of Krita
  • " "
" "

The Krita Foundation and its projects on krita.org are committed to preserving Krita as free software.

" "

Your artwork

" "

What you create with Krita is your sole property. All your artwork is free for you to use as you like.

" "

That means that Krita can be used commercially, for any purpose. There are no restrictions whatsoever.

" "

Krita’s GNU GPL license guarantees you this freedom. Nobody is ever permitted to take it away, in contrast " "to trial or educational versions of commercial software that will forbid your work in commercial situations.

" "

     QFile licenseFile(":/LICENSE");
     QByteArray ba = licenseFile.readAll();
"); lblLicense->setText(license); wdgTab->addTab(lblLicense, i18n("License")); QTextBrowser *lblThirdParty = new QTextBrowser(); lblThirdParty->setOpenExternalLinks(true); QFile thirdPartyFile(":/libraries.txt"); if (thirdPartyFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { ba = thirdPartyFile.readAll(); QString thirdPartyHtml = i18n("" "" "" "

Third-party Libraries used by Krita

" "

Krita is built on the following free software libraries: