diff --git a/modules/ksb/BuildContext.pm b/modules/ksb/BuildContext.pm index 5a5a628..fec744f 100644 --- a/modules/ksb/BuildContext.pm +++ b/modules/ksb/BuildContext.pm @@ -1,1081 +1,1025 @@ package ksb::BuildContext 0.35; # Class: BuildContext # # This contains the information needed about the build context, e.g. list of # modules, what phases each module is in, the various options, etc. use 5.014; use warnings; no if $] >= 5.018, 'warnings', 'experimental::smartmatch'; use Carp 'confess'; use File::Basename; # dirname use IO::File; use POSIX qw(strftime); use Errno qw(:POSIX); # We derive from ksb::Module so that BuildContext acts like the 'global' # ksb::Module, with some extra functionality. # TODO: Derive from OptionsBase directly and remove getOption override use parent qw(ksb::Module); use ksb::Debug; use ksb::Util; use ksb::PhaseList; use ksb::Module; use ksb::Module::BranchGroupResolver; use ksb::Updater::KDEProjectMetadata 0.20; use ksb::Version qw(scriptVersion); use ksb::StatusView; use ksb::KDEXMLReader 0.20; use File::Temp qw(tempfile); use File::Spec; # rel2abs my @DefaultPhases = qw/update build install/; my @rcfiles = ("./kdesrc-buildrc", "$ENV{HOME}/.kdesrc-buildrc"); my $LOCKFILE_NAME = '.kdesrc-lock'; # The # will be replaced by the directory the rc File is stored in. my $PERSISTENT_FILE_NAME = '#/.kdesrc-build-data'; my $SCRIPT_VERSION = scriptVersion(); # Should be used for internal state that shouldn't be exposed as a hidden # cmdline option, or has other cmdline switches (e.g. debug/verbose handling). my %internalGlobalOptions = ( "async" => 1, "build-system-only" => "", "build-when-unchanged" => 1, # Safe default "checkout-only" => "", "colorful-output" => 1, # Use color by default. "debug-level" => ksb::Debug::INFO, "filter-out-phases" => '', "git-desired-protocol" => 'git', # protocol to grab from kde-projects "git-repository-base" => {}, # Base path template for use multiple times. "ignore-modules" => '', # See also: use-modules, kde-projects "include-dependencies" => 0, # Recursively include kde-projects module deps? "manual-build" => "", "manual-update" => "", "niceness" => "10", "no-svn" => "", # TODO: Rename to no-src "prefix" => "", # Override installation prefix. "pretend" => "", "reconfigure" => "", "refresh-build" => "", "repository" => '', # module's git repo "revision" => '', # Only useful for Subversion modules at cmdline "set-env" => { }, # Hash of environment vars to set "ssh-identity-file" => '', # If set, is passed to ssh-add. "use-modules" => "", ); # Holds boolean flags that could be altered from cmdline. our %defaultGlobalFlags = ( "delete-my-patches" => 0, # Should only be set from cmdline "delete-my-settings" => 0, # Should only be set from cmdline "disable-agent-check" => 0, # If true we don't check on ssh-agent "disable-snapshots" => 1, # 2016-07-31 Temp. disabled until kde.org fixed to supply snapshots "ignore-kde-structure" => 0, # Whether to use kde dir structure like extragear/network "install-after-build" => 1, # Default to true "install-session-driver" => 0,# Default to false "purge-old-logs" => 1, "run-tests" => 0, # 1 = make test, upload = make Experimental "stop-on-failure" => 0, "use-clean-install" => 0, "use-idle-io-priority" => 0, # Controls whether to build "stable" branches instead of "master" "use-stable-kde" => 0, ); # Holds other cmdline-accessible options that aren't simply binary flags. our %defaultGlobalOptions = ( "binpath" => '', "branch" => "", "branch-group" => "", # Overrides branch, uses JSON data. "build-dir" => "build", "cmake-options" => "", "configure-flags" => "", "custom-build-command" => '', "cxxflags" => "-pipe", "dest-dir" => '${MODULE}', # single quotes used on purpose! "do-not-compile" => "", "http-proxy" => '', # Proxy server to use for HTTP. "kdedir" => "$ENV{HOME}/kde", "kde-languages" => "", "libpath" => "", "log-dir" => "log", "make-install-prefix" => "", # Some people need sudo "make-options" => "", "module-base-path" => "", # Used for tags and branches "override-build-system"=> "", "override-url" => "", "persistent-data-file" => "", "qtdir" => "$ENV{HOME}/qt4", "remove-after-install" => "none", # { none, builddir, all } "source-dir" => "$ENV{HOME}/kdesrc", "svn-server" => "svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde", "tag" => "", ); sub new { my ($class, @args) = @_; # It is very important to use the ksb::Module:: syntax instead of ksb::Module->, # otherwise you can't pass $class and have it used as the classname. my $self = ksb::Module::new($class, undef, 'global'); my %newOpts = ( modules => [], context => $self, # Fix link to buildContext (i.e. $self) build_options => { global => { %internalGlobalOptions, %defaultGlobalFlags, %defaultGlobalOptions, }, # Module options are stored under here as well, keyed by module->name() }, # This one replaces ksb::Module::{phases} phases => ksb::PhaseList->new(@DefaultPhases), errors => { # A map from module *names* (as in modules[] above) to the # phase name at which they failed. }, logPaths=> { # Holds a hash table of log path bases as expanded by # getSubdirPath (e.g. [source-dir]/log) to the actual log dir # *this run*, with the date and unique id added. You must still # add the module name to use. }, rcFiles => [@rcfiles], rcFile => undef, env => { }, ignore_list => [ ], # List of XML paths to ignore completely - kde_projects_filehandle => undef, # Filehandle to read database from kde_projects_metadata => undef, # Enumeration of kde-projects kde_dependencies_metadata => undef, # Dependency resolution of kde-projects logical_module_resolver => undef, # For branch-group option status_view => ksb::StatusView->new(), projects_db => undef, # See getProjectDataReader ); # Merge all new options into our self-hash. @{$self}{keys %newOpts} = values %newOpts; $self->{options} = $self->{build_options}{global}; assert_isa($self, 'ksb::Module'); assert_isa($self, 'ksb::BuildContext'); return $self; } # Gets the ksb::PhaseList for this context, and optionally sets it first to # the ksb::PhaseList passed in. sub phases { my ($self, $phases) = @_; if ($phases) { confess("Invalid type, expected PhaseList") unless $phases->isa('ksb::PhaseList'); $self->{phases} = $phases; } return $self->{phases}; } sub addModule { my ($self, $module) = @_; Carp::confess("No module to push") unless $module; my $path; if (list_has($self->{modules}, $module)) { debug("Skipping duplicate module ", $module->name()); } # TODO: Shouldn't this support all modules, not just 'proj' modules? elsif ($module->scmType() eq 'proj' && ($path = $module->fullProjectPath()) && # See if the name matches any given in the ignore list. any(sub { $path =~ /(^|\/)$_($|\/)/ }, $self->{ignore_list})) { debug("Skipping ignored module $module"); } else { debug("Adding $module to module list"); push @{$self->{modules}}, $module; } } # Returns a listref of the modules to build sub moduleList { my $self = shift; return $self->{modules}; } # Adds a list of modules to ignore processing on completely. # Parameters should simply be a list of XML repository paths to ignore, # e.g. 'extragear/utils/kdesrc-build'. Partial paths are acceptable, matches # are determined by comparing the path provided to the suffix of the full path # of modules being compared. # # Existing items on the ignore list are not removed. sub addToIgnoreList { my $self = shift; push @{$self->{ignore_list}}, @_; debug ("Set context ignore list to ", join(', ', @_)); } sub setupOperatingEnvironment { my $self = shift; # Set the process priority POSIX::nice(int $self->getOption('niceness')); # Set the IO priority if available. if ($self->getOption('use-idle-io-priority')) { # -p $$ is our PID, -c3 is idle priority # 0 return value means success if (safe_system('ionice', '-c3', '-p', $$) != 0) { warning (" b[y[*] Unable to lower I/O priority, continuing..."); } } # Get ready for logged output. ksb::Debug::setLogFile($self->getLogDirFor($self) . '/build-log'); # Propagate HTTP proxy through environment unless overridden. if ((my $proxy = $self->getOption('http-proxy')) && !defined $ENV{'http_proxy'}) { $self->queueEnvironmentVariable('http_proxy', $proxy); } } # Clears the list of environment variables to set for log_command runs. sub resetEnvironment { my $self = assert_isa(shift, 'ksb::BuildContext'); $self->{env} = { }; } # Adds an environment variable and value to the list of environment # variables to apply for the next subprocess execution. # # Note that these changes are /not/ reflected in the current environment, # so if you are doing something that requires that kind of update you # should do that yourself (but remember to have some way to restore the old # value if necessary). # # In order to keep compatibility with the old 'setenv' sub, no action is # taken if the value is not equivalent to boolean true. sub queueEnvironmentVariable { my $self = assert_isa(shift, 'ksb::BuildContext'); my ($key, $value) = @_; return unless $value; debug ("\tQueueing g[$key] to be set to y[$value]"); $self->{env}->{$key} = $value; } # Applies all changes queued by queueEnvironmentVariable to the actual # environment irretrievably. Use this before exec()'ing another child, for # instance. sub commitEnvironmentChanges { my $self = assert_isa(shift, 'ksb::BuildContext'); while (my ($key, $value) = each %{$self->{env}}) { $ENV{$key} = $value; debug ("\tSetting environment variable g[$key] to g[b[$value]"); } } # Adds the given library paths to the path already given in an environment # variable. In addition, detected "system paths" are stripped to ensure # that we don't inadvertently re-add a system path to be promoted over the # custom code we're compiling (for instance, when a system Qt is used and # installed to /usr). # # If the environment variable to be modified has already been queued using # queueEnvironmentVariable, then that (queued) value will be modified and # will take effect with the next forked subprocess. # # Otherwise, the current environment variable value will be used, and then # queued. Either way the current environment will be unmodified afterward. # # First parameter is the name of the environment variable to modify # All remaining paramters are prepended to the current environment path, in # the order given. (i.e. param1, param2, param3 -> # param1:param2:param3:existing) sub prependEnvironmentValue { my $self = assert_isa(shift, 'ksb::BuildContext'); my ($envName, @items) = @_; my @curPaths = split(':', $self->{env}->{$envName} // $ENV{$envName} // ''); # Filter out entries to add that are already in the environment from # the system. for my $path (grep { list_has(\@curPaths, $_) } (@items) ) { debug ("\tNot prepending y[$path] to y[$envName] as it appears " . "to already be defined in y[$envName]."); } @items = grep { not list_has(\@curPaths, $_); } (@items); my $envValue = join(':', @items, @curPaths); $envValue =~ s/^:*//; $envValue =~ s/:*$//; # Remove leading/trailing colons $envValue =~ s/:+/:/; # Remove duplicate colons $self->queueEnvironmentVariable($envName, $envValue); } # Tries to take the lock for our current base directory, which currently is # what passes for preventing people from accidentally running kdesrc-build # multiple times at once. The lock is based on the base directory instead # of being global to allow for motivated and/or brave users to properly # configure kdesrc-build to run simultaneously with different # configurations. # # Return value is a boolean success flag. sub takeLock { my $self = assert_isa(shift, 'ksb::BuildContext'); my $baseDir = $self->baseConfigDirectory(); my $lockfile = "$baseDir/$LOCKFILE_NAME"; $! = 0; # Force reset to non-error status sysopen LOCKFILE, $lockfile, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL; my $errorCode = $!; # Save for later testing. if ($errorCode == EEXIST) { # Path already exists, read the PID and see if it belongs to a # running process. open (my $pidFile, "<", $lockfile) or do { # Lockfile is there but we can't open it?!? Maybe a race # condition but I have to give up somewhere. warning (" WARNING: Can't open or create lockfile r[$lockfile]"); return 1; }; my $pid = <$pidFile>; close $pidFile; if ($pid) { # Recent kdesrc-build; we wrote a PID in there. chomp $pid; # See if something's running with this PID. if (kill(0, $pid) == 1) { # Something *is* running, likely kdesrc-build. Don't use error, # it'll scan for $! print ksb::Debug::colorize(" r[*y[*r[*] kdesrc-build appears to be running. Do you want to:\n"); print ksb::Debug::colorize(" (b[Q])uit, (b[P])roceed anyways?: "); my $choice = // ''; chomp $choice; if (lc $choice ne 'p') { say ksb::Debug::colorize(" y[*] kdesrc-build run canceled."); return 0; } # We still can't grab the lockfile, let's just hope things # work out. note (" y[*] kdesrc-build run in progress by user request."); return 1; } # If we get here, then the program isn't running (or at least not # as the current user), so allow the flow of execution to fall # through below and unlink the lockfile. } # pid # No pid found, optimistically assume the user isn't running # twice. warning (" y[WARNING]: stale kdesrc-build lockfile found, deleting."); unlink $lockfile; sysopen (LOCKFILE, $lockfile, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL) or do { error (" r[*] Still unable to lock $lockfile, proceeding anyways..."); return 1; }; # Hope the sysopen worked... fall-through } elsif ($errorCode == ENOTTY) { # Stupid bugs... normally sysopen will return ENOTTY, not sure who's to blame between # glibc and Perl but I know that setting PERLIO=:stdio in the environment "fixes" things. ; # pass } elsif ($errorCode != 0) # Some other error occurred. { warning (" r[*]: Error $errorCode while creating lock file (is $baseDir available?)"); warning (" r[*]: Continuing the script for now..."); # Even if we fail it's generally better to allow the script to proceed # without being a jerk about things, especially as more non-CLI-skilled # users start using kdesrc-build to build KDE. return 1; } say LOCKFILE "$$"; close LOCKFILE; return 1; } # Releases the lock obtained by takeLock. sub closeLock { my $self = assert_isa(shift, 'ksb::BuildContext'); my $baseDir = $self->baseConfigDirectory(); my $lockFile = "$baseDir/$LOCKFILE_NAME"; unlink ($lockFile) or warning(" y[*] Failed to close lock: $!"); } # This subroutine accepts a Module parameter, and returns the log directory # for it. You can also pass a BuildContext (including this one) to get the # default log directory. # # As part of setting up what path to use for the log directory, the # 'latest' symlink will also be setup to point to the returned log # directory. sub getLogDirFor { my ($self, $module) = @_; my $baseLogPath = $module->getSubdirPath('log-dir'); my $logDir; if (!exists $self->{logPaths}{$baseLogPath}) { # No log dir made for this base, do so now. my $id = '01'; my $date = strftime "%F", localtime; # ISO 8601 date $id++ while -e "$baseLogPath/$date-$id"; $self->{logPaths}{$baseLogPath} = "$baseLogPath/$date-$id"; } $logDir = $self->{logPaths}{$baseLogPath}; return $logDir if pretending(); super_mkdir($logDir) unless -e $logDir; # No symlink munging or module-name-adding is needed for the default # log dir. return $logDir if $module->isa('ksb::BuildContext'); # Add a symlink to the latest run for this module. 'latest' itself is # a directory under the default log directory that holds module # symlinks, pointing to the last log directory run for that module. We # do need to be careful of modules that have multiple directory names # though (like extragear/foo). my $latestPath = "$baseLogPath/latest"; # Handle stuff like playground/utils or KDE/kdelibs my ($moduleName, $modulePath) = fileparse($module->name()); $latestPath .= "/$modulePath" if $module->name() =~ m(/); super_mkdir($latestPath); my $symlinkTarget = "$logDir/$moduleName"; my $symlink = "$latestPath/$moduleName"; if (-l $symlink and readlink($symlink) ne $symlinkTarget) { unlink($symlink); symlink($symlinkTarget, $symlink); } elsif(not -e $symlink) { # Create symlink initially if we've never done it before. symlink($symlinkTarget, $symlink); } super_mkdir($symlinkTarget); return $symlinkTarget; } # Returns rc file in use. Call loadRcFile first. sub rcFile { my $self = shift; return $self->{rcFile}; } # Forces the rc file to be read from to be that given by the first # parameter. sub setRcFile { my ($self, $file) = @_; $self->{rcFiles} = [$file]; $self->{rcFile} = undef; } # Returns an open filehandle to the user's chosen rc file. Use setRcFile # to choose a file to load before calling this function, otherwise # loadRcFile will search the default search path. After this function is # called, rcFile() can be used to determine which file was loaded. # # If unable to find or open the rc file an exception is raised. Empty rc # files are supported however. sub loadRcFile { my $self = shift; my @rcFiles = @{$self->{rcFiles}}; my $fh; for my $file (@rcFiles) { if (open ($fh, '<', "$file")) { $self->{rcFile} = File::Spec->rel2abs($file); return $fh; } } # No rc found, check if we can use default. if (scalar @rcFiles == 1) { # This can only happen if the user uses --rc-file, so if we fail to # load the file, we need to fail to load at all. my $failedFile = $rcFiles[0]; error (<rcFile() or croak_internal("Call to baseConfigDirectory before loadRcFile"); return dirname($rcfile); } sub modulesInPhase { my ($self, $phase) = @_; my @list = grep { list_has([$_->phases()->phases()], $phase) } (@{$self->moduleList()}); return @list; } # Searches for a module with a name that matches the provided parameter, # and returns its ksb::Module object. Returns undef if no match was found. # As a special-case, returns the BuildContext itself if the name passed is # 'global', since the BuildContext also is a (in the "is-a" OOP sense) # ksb::Module, specifically the 'global' one. sub lookupModule { my ($self, $moduleName) = @_; return $self if $moduleName eq 'global'; my @options = grep { $_->name() eq $moduleName } (@{$self->moduleList()}); return undef unless @options; if (scalar @options > 1) { croak_internal("Detected 2 or more $moduleName ksb::Module objects"); } return $options[0]; } sub markModulePhaseFailed { my ($self, $phase, $module) = @_; assert_isa($module, 'ksb::Module'); $self->{errors}->{$module->name()} = $phase; } # Returns a list (i.e. not a reference to, but a real list) of Modules that failed to # complete the given phase. sub failedModulesInPhase { my ($self, $phase) = @_; my @failures = grep { ($self->{errors}->{$_->name()} // '') eq $phase } (@{$self->moduleList()}); return @failures; } # Returns a list of modules that had a failure of some sort, in the order the modules # are listed in our current module list. sub listFailedModules { my $self = shift; my @modules = @{$self->moduleList()}; # grepping for failures instead of returning error list directly maintains ordering @modules = grep { exists $self->{errors}->{$_->name()} } (@modules); return @modules; } # OVERRIDE: Our immediate parent class Module overrides this, but we actually # want the OptionsBase version to be used instead, until we break the recursive # use of Module's own getOption calls on our getOption. sub getOption { &ksb::OptionsBase::getOption; } # OVERRIDE: Overrides OptionsBase::setOption to handle some global-only options. sub setOption { my ($self, %options) = @_; # Special-case handling my $repoOption = 'git-repository-base'; if (exists $options{$repoOption}) { my $value = $options{$repoOption}; my ($repo, $url) = ($value =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\s+(.+)$/); # This will be a hash reference instead of a scalar $value = $self->getOption($repoOption) || { }; if (!$repo || !$url) { die ksb::BuildException::Config->new($repoOption, "Invalid git-repository-base setting: $value"); } $value->{$repo} = $url; delete $options{$repoOption}; } # Actually set options. $self->SUPER::setOption(%options); # Automatically respond to various global option changes. while (my ($key, $value) = each %options) { my $normalizedKey = $key; $normalizedKey =~ s/^#//; # Remove sticky key modifier. given ($normalizedKey) { when ('colorful-output') { ksb::Debug::setColorfulOutput($value); } when ('debug-level') { ksb::Debug::setDebugLevel($value); } when ('pretend') { ksb::Debug::setPretending($value); } } } } # # Persistent option handling # # Returns the name of the file to use for persistent data. # Supports expanding '#' at the beginning of the filename to the directory # containing the rc-file in use, but only for the default name at this # point. sub persistentOptionFileName { my $self = shift; my $filename = $self->getOption('persistent-data-file'); if (!$filename) { $filename = $PERSISTENT_FILE_NAME; my $dir = $self->baseConfigDirectory(); $filename =~ s/^#/$dir/; } else { # Tilde-expand $filename =~ s/^~\//$ENV{HOME}\//; } return $filename; } # Reads in all persistent options from the file where they are kept # (.kdesrc-build-data) for use in the program. # # The directory used is the same directory that contains the rc file in use. sub loadPersistentOptions { my $self = assert_isa(shift, 'ksb::BuildContext'); my $fh = IO::File->new($self->persistentOptionFileName(), '<'); return unless $fh; my $persistent_data; { local $/ = undef; # Read in whole file with <> operator. $persistent_data = <$fh>; } # $persistent_data should be Perl code which, when evaluated will give us # a hash called persistent_options which we can then merge into our # persistent options. my $persistent_options; # eval must appear after declaration of $persistent_options eval $persistent_data; if ($@) { # Failed. error ("Failed to read persistent module data: r[b[$@]"); return; } # We need to keep persistent data with the context instead of with the # applicable modules since otherwise we might forget to write out # persistent data for modules we didn't build in this run. So, we just # store it all. # Layout of this data: # $self->persistent_options = { # 'module-name' => { # option => value, # # foreach option/value pair # }, # # foreach module # } $persistent_options = {} if ref $persistent_options ne 'HASH'; $self->{persistent_options} = $persistent_options; } # Writes out the persistent options to the file .kdesrc-build-data. # # The directory used is the same directory that contains the rc file in use. sub storePersistentOptions { my $self = assert_isa(shift, 'ksb::BuildContext'); return if pretending(); my $fh = IO::File->new($self->persistentOptionFileName(), '>'); if (!$fh) { error ("Unable to save persistent module data: b[r[$!]"); return; } print $fh "# AUTOGENERATED BY kdesrc-build $SCRIPT_VERSION\n"; $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1; print $fh Data::Dumper->Dump([$self->{persistent_options}], ["persistent_options"]); undef $fh; # Closes the file } # Returns the value of a "persistent" option (normally read in as part of # startup), or undef if there is no value stored. # # First parameter is the module name to get the option for, or 'global' if # not for a module. # Note that unlike setOption/getOption, no inheritance is done at this # point so if an option is present globally but not for a module you # must check both if that's what you want. # Second parameter is the name of the value to retrieve (i.e. the key) sub getPersistentOption { my ($self, $moduleName, $key) = @_; my $persistent_opts = $self->{persistent_options}; # We must check at each level of indirection to avoid # "autovivification" return unless exists $persistent_opts->{$moduleName}; return unless exists $persistent_opts->{$moduleName}{$key}; return $persistent_opts->{$moduleName}{$key}; } # Clears a persistent option if set (for a given module and option-name). # # First parameter is the module name to get the option for, or 'global' for # the global options. # Second parameter is the name of the value to clear. # No return value. sub unsetPersistentOption { my ($self, $moduleName, $key) = @_; my $persistent_opts = $self->{persistent_options}; if (exists $persistent_opts->{$moduleName} && exists $persistent_opts->{$moduleName}->{$key}) { delete $persistent_opts->{$moduleName}->{$key}; } } # Sets a "persistent" option which will be read in for a module when # kdesrc-build starts up and written back out at (normal) program exit. # # First parameter is the module name to set the option for, or 'global'. # Second parameter is the name of the value to set (i.e. key) # Third parameter is the value to store, which must be a scalar. sub setPersistentOption { my ($self, $moduleName, $key, $value) = @_; my $persistent_opts = $self->{persistent_options}; # Initialize empty hash ref if nothing defined for this module. $persistent_opts->{$moduleName} //= { }; $persistent_opts->{$moduleName}{$key} = $value; } -# Tries to download the kde_projects.xml file needed to make XML module support -# work. Only tries once per script run. If it does succeed, the result is saved -# to $srcdir/kde_projects.xml -# -# Returns the file handle that the database can be retrieved from. May throw an -# exception if an error occurred. -sub getKDEProjectMetadataFilehandle -{ - my $self = assert_isa(shift, 'ksb::BuildContext'); - - # Return our current filehandle if one exists. - if (defined $self->{kde_projects_filehandle}) { - my $fh = $self->{kde_projects_filehandle}; - $fh->seek(0, 0); # Return to start - return $fh; - } - - # Not previously attempted, let's make a try. - my $srcdir = $self->getSourceDir(); - my $fileHandleResult = IO::File->new(); - - super_mkdir($srcdir) unless -d "$srcdir"; - my $file = "$srcdir/kde_projects.xml"; - my $url = "https://projects.kde.org/kde_projects.xml"; - - my $result = 1; - - # Must use ->phases() directly to tell if we will be updating since - # modules are not all processed until after this function is called... - my $updating = grep { /^update$/ } (@{$self->phases()}); - $updating &&= !$self->getOption('no-metadata'); - - if ($updating && (! -e $file || !pretending())) { - info (" * Downloading projects.kde.org project database..."); - $result = download_file($url, $file, $self->getOption('http-proxy')); - } - else { - info (" * y[Using existing projects.kde.org project database], output may change"); - info (" * when database is updated next."); - } - - if (!$result) { - unlink $file if -e $file; - croak_runtime("Unable to download kde_projects.xml for the kde-projects repository!"); - } - - if (!$fileHandleResult->opened()) { - open ($fileHandleResult, '<', $file) or die - make_exception('Runtime', "Unable to open $file: $!"); - } - - $self->{kde_projects_filehandle} = $fileHandleResult; - return $fileHandleResult; -} - # Returns the ksb::Module (which has a 'metadata' scm type) that is used for # kde-project metadata, so that other modules that need it can call into it if # necessary. # # Also may return undef if the metadata is unavailable or has not yet # been set by setKDEDependenciesMetadataModule (this method does not # automatically create the needed module). sub getKDEDependenciesMetadataModule { my $self = shift; return $self->{kde_dependencies_metadata}; } # Returns the ksb::Module (which has a 'metadata' scm type) that is used for # kde-project metadata, so that other modules that need it can call into it if # necessary. # # Also may return undef if the metadata is unavailable or has not yet # been set by setKDEProjectsMetadataModule (this method does not # automatically create the needed module). sub getKDEProjectsMetadataModule { my $self = shift; return $self->{kde_projects_metadata}; } # Call this method to force this build context to pull in the kde-projects # metadata module. This is a one-time action, subsequent calls to this method # are ignored. Use getKDEDependenciesMetadataModule to see if this build context is # using a metadata module. # # This method should be called before setModuleList. sub setKDEDependenciesMetadataModuleNeeded { my $self = assert_isa(shift, 'ksb::BuildContext'); return if defined $self->{kde_dependencies_metadata}; my $metadata = ksb::ModuleSet::KDEProjects::getDependenciesModule($self); debug ("Introducing dependency metadata into the build"); assert_isa($metadata->scm(), 'ksb::Updater::KDEProjectMetadata'); $self->{kde_dependencies_metadata} = $metadata; return; } # Call this method to force this build context to pull in the # sysadmin/repo-metadata metadata module. This is a one-time action, # subsequent calls to this method are ignored. Use # getKDEProjectsMetadataModule to see if this build context is using # a metadata module. # # This method should be called before setModuleList. sub setKDEProjectsMetadataModuleNeeded { my $self = assert_isa(shift, 'ksb::BuildContext'); return if defined $self->{kde_projects_metadata}; my $metadata = ksb::ModuleSet::KDEProjects::getProjectMetadataModule($self); debug ("Introducing project enumeration metadata into the build"); assert_isa($metadata->scm(), 'ksb::Updater::KDEProjectMetadata'); $self->{kde_projects_metadata} = $metadata; return; } # Returns a KDEXMLReader module, which has already read in the database and # is ready to be queried. Note that exceptions can be thrown in the process # of downloading and parsing the database information, so be ready for that. sub getProjectDataReader { my $self = shift; return $self->{projects_db} if $self->{projects_db}; - my $databaseFile = $self->getKDEProjectMetadataFilehandle() or + my $projectDatabaseModule = $self->getKDEProjectsMetadataModule() or croak_runtime("kde-projects repository information could not be downloaded: $!"); my $protocol = $self->getOption('git-desired-protocol') || 'git'; if (!list_has(['git', 'http', 'https'], $protocol)) { error (" b[y[*] Invalid b[git-desired-protocol] $protocol"); error (" b[y[*] Try setting this option to 'git' if you're not using a proxy"); croak_runtime ("Invalid git-desired-protocol: $protocol"); } - $self->{projects_db} = ksb::KDEXMLReader->new($databaseFile, $protocol); + $self->{projects_db} = ksb::KDEXMLReader->new($projectDatabaseModule, $protocol); return $self->{projects_db}; } # Returns the effective branch group to use for modules. You should not call # this unless kde-build-metadata is also in use (see # setKDEDependenciesMetadataModule and moduleBranchGroupResolver). sub effectiveBranchGroup { my $self = shift; my $branchGroup = $self->getOption('branch-group', 'module') // ''; if (!$branchGroup) { $branchGroup = $self->getOption('use-stable-kde') ? 'latest-qt4' : ($self->hasOption('use-stable-kde') # Could also be false if unset ? 'kf5-qt5' # Really set to false : 'latest-qt4'); # Unset / this is default branch group if no option set } return $branchGroup; } # Returns a ksb::Module::BranchGroupResolver which can be used to efficiently # determine a git branch to use for a given kde-projects module (when the # branch-group option is in use), as specified at # https://community.kde.org/Infrastructure/Project_Metadata. sub moduleBranchGroupResolver { my $self = shift; if (!$self->{logical_module_resolver}) { my $metadataModule = $self->getKDEDependenciesMetadataModule(); croak_internal("Tried to use branch-group, but needed data wasn't loaded!") unless $metadataModule; my $resolver = ksb::Module::BranchGroupResolver->new( $metadataModule->scm()->logicalModuleGroups()); $self->{logical_module_resolver} = $resolver; } return $self->{logical_module_resolver}; } sub statusViewer { my $self = shift; return $self->{status_view}; } 1; diff --git a/modules/ksb/KDEXMLReader.pm b/modules/ksb/KDEXMLReader.pm index eb8b2ab..9a26b94 100644 --- a/modules/ksb/KDEXMLReader.pm +++ b/modules/ksb/KDEXMLReader.pm @@ -1,304 +1,215 @@ -package ksb::KDEXMLReader; +package ksb::KDEXMLReader 0.40; # Class: KDEXMLReader # -# kde_projects.xml module-handling code. -# The core of this was graciously contributed by Allen Winter, and then -# touched-up and kdesrc-build'ed by myself -mpyne. -# (By late 2015 this is mostly mpyne's fault -mpyne). +# Enumerates and provides basic metadata of KDE projects, based on +# the YAML metadata included in sysadmin/repo-management. use strict; use warnings; use 5.014; -our $VERSION = '0.20'; +use File::Find; -use XML::Parser; +# Load YAML if available without causing compile error if it isn't +my @YAML_Opts = qw(Dump Load LoadFile); + +my $success = eval { + require YAML::XS; + YAML::XS->import(@YAML_Opts); + 1; +}; + +# Note that YAML::Tiny does not work since some metadata files use +# features it doesn't support +if (!$success) { + $success = eval { + require YAML; # Hope that an appropriate module is mapped to this entry point + YAML->import(@YAML_Opts); + 1; + }; +} + +if (!$success) { + die "Unable to load YAML::Tiny or YAML::XS modules, one of which is needed to handle KDE project data."; +} # Method: new # # Constructs a new KDEXMLReader. This doesn't contradict any part of the class # documentation which claims this class is a singleton however. This should be # called as a method (e.g. KDEXMLReader->new(...)). # # Parameters: -# $inputHandle - Ref to filehandle to read from. Must implement _readline_ and -# _eof_. +# $projectMetadataModule - ksb::Module reference to the repo-metadata module. # $desiredProtocol - Normally 'git', but other protocols like 'http' can also # be preferred (e.g. for proxy compliance). sub new { my $class = shift; - my $inputHandle = shift; + my $projectMetadataModule = shift; my $desiredProtocol = shift; my $self = { # Maps short names to repo info blocks repositories => { }, + protocol => $desiredProtocol, }; $self = bless ($self, $class); - $self->_readProjectData($inputHandle, $desiredProtocol); + $self->_readProjectData($projectMetadataModule); return $self; } -# XML tags which group repositories. -my %xmlGroupingIds = ( - component => 1, - module => 1, - project => 1, -); - # The 'main' method for this class. Reads in *all* KDE projects and notes # their details for later queries. # Be careful, can throw exceptions. sub _readProjectData { - my ($self, $inputHandle, $desiredProtocol) = @_; - - $desiredProtocol //= ''; - my $auxRef = { - # Used to assign full names to modules. - nameStackRef => [], - # >0 if we are actually in a repo element. - inRepo => 0, - # ref to hash table entry for current XML element. - curRepository => undef, - desiredProtocol => $desiredProtocol, - repositoryRef => $self->{repositories}, + my ($self, $projectMetadataModule) = @_; + + my $srcdir = $projectMetadataModule->fullpath('source'); + my $file_searched = 0; + + File::Find::find(sub { + $self->_readYAML($_) if $_ eq 'metadata.yaml'; + $file_searched = 1; + }, "$srcdir/projects"); +} + +sub _readYAML +{ + my ($self, $filename) = @_; + + my $proj_data = LoadFile($filename); + + if (!$proj_data->{repoactive} || + !$proj_data->{hasrepo} || + ($proj_data->{type} ne 'project' && $proj_data->{type} ne 'module')) + { + return; }; - my $parser = XML::Parser->new( - Handlers => - { - Start => sub { _xmlTagStart($auxRef, @_); }, - End => sub { _xmlTagEnd ($auxRef, @_); }, - Char => sub { _xmlCharData($auxRef, @_); }, - }, - ); - - # Will die if the XML is not well-formed. - $parser->parse($inputHandle); + my $repoName = $proj_data->{repopath}; + my $repoPath = $self->{protocol} . "://anongit.kde.org/$repoName"; + + my $curRepository = { + 'fullName' => $proj_data->{projectpath}, + 'repo' => $repoPath, + 'name' => $repoName, + 'active' => !!$proj_data->{repoactive}, + # Hardcoded from common/urls_gitrepo.json + # 'tarball' => "https://anongit.kde.org/$repoName/$repoName-latest.tar.gz", + 'tarball' => '', + + # Branch data was entered into XML by reading git repo directly, so we must + # wait for git repo to be loaded or use dependency data/logical module groups + # 'branch' => '', + # 'branches' => [ ], + # 'branchtype' => '', # Either branch:stable or branch:trunk + }; # Repo/Active/tarball to be added by char handler. + + $self->{repositories}->{$repoName} = $curRepository; } # Note on $proj: A /-separated path is fine, in which case we look # for the right-most part of the full path which matches all of searchProject. # e.g. kde/kdebase/kde-runtime would be matched by a proj of either # "kdebase/kde-runtime" or simply "kde-runtime". sub getModulesForProject { my ($self, $proj) = @_; my $repositoryRef = $self->{repositories}; my @results; my $findResults = sub { push @results, ( grep { _projectPathMatchesWildcardSearch( $repositoryRef->{$_}->{'fullName'}, $proj) } (keys %{$repositoryRef})); }; # Wildcard matches happen as specified if asked for. # Non-wildcard matches have an implicit "$proj/*" search as well for # compatibility with previous use-modules # Project specifiers ending in .git are forced to be non-wildcarded. if ($proj !~ /\*/ && $proj !~ /\.git$/) { # We have to do a search to account for over-specified module names # like phonon/phonon $findResults->(); # Now setup for a wildcard search to find things like kde/kdelibs/baloo # if just 'kdelibs' is asked for. $proj .= '/*'; } $proj =~ s/\.git$//; # If still no wildcard and no '/' then we can use direct lookup by module # name. if ($proj !~ /\*/ && $proj !~ /\// && exists $repositoryRef->{$proj}) { push @results, $proj; } else { $findResults->(); } return @{$repositoryRef}{@results}; } -sub _xmlTagStart -{ - my ($aux, $expat, $element, %attrs) = @_; - - my $nameStackRef = $aux->{nameStackRef}; - if (exists $xmlGroupingIds{$element}) { - push @{$nameStackRef}, $attrs{'identifier'}; - } - - my $curRepository = $aux->{curRepository}; - my $inRepo = $aux->{inRepo}; - - # This code used to check for direct descendants and filter them out. - # Now there are better ways (kde-build-metadata/build-script-ignore and - # the user can customize using ignore-modules), and this filter made it - # more difficult to handle kde/kdelibs{,/nepomuk-{core,widgets}}, so leave - # it out for now. See also bug 321667. - if ($element eq 'repo') - { - # This flag is cleared by the -end handler, so this *should* be - # logically impossible. - die "We are already tracking a repository" if $inRepo > 0; - - $aux->{inRepo} = 1; - my $name = ${$nameStackRef}[-1]; - $curRepository = { - 'fullName' => join('/', @{$nameStackRef}), - 'repo' => '', - 'name' => $name, - 'active' => 'false', - 'tarball' => '', - 'branch' => '', - 'branches' => [ ], - 'branchtype' => '', # Either branch:stable or branch:trunk - }; # Repo/Active/tarball to be added by char handler. - - $aux->{repositoryRef}->{$name} = $curRepository; - $aux->{curRepository} = $curRepository; - } - - # Currently we only pull data while under a tag, so bail early if - # we're not doing this to simplify later logic. - return unless $inRepo; - - my $desiredProtocol = $aux->{desiredProtocol}; - - # Character data is integrated by the char handler. To avoid having it - # dump all willy-nilly into our dict, we leave a flag for what the - # resultant key should be. - if ($element eq 'active') { - $curRepository->{'needs'} = 'active'; - - # Unset our default value since one is present in the XML - $curRepository->{'active'} = ''; - } - # For git repos we want to retain the repository data and any snapshot - # tarballs available. - elsif ($element eq 'url') { - $curRepository->{'needs'} = - # this proto | needs this attr set - $attrs{'protocol'} eq $desiredProtocol ? 'repo' : - $attrs{'protocol'} eq 'tarball' ? 'tarball' : undef; - } - # i18n data gives us the defined stable and trunk branches. - elsif ($element eq 'branch') { - $curRepository->{'needs'} = 'branch'; - - my $branchType = $attrs{'i18n'} // ''; - $curRepository->{'branchtype'} = "branch:$branchType" if $branchType; - } -} - -sub _xmlTagEnd -{ - my ($aux, $expat, $element) = @_; - - my $nameStackRef = $aux->{nameStackRef}; - if (exists $xmlGroupingIds{$element}) { - pop @{$nameStackRef}; - } - - my $inRepo = $aux->{inRepo}; - my $curRepository = $aux->{curRepository}; - - # If gathering data for char handler, stop now. - if ($inRepo && defined $curRepository->{'needs'}) { - delete $curRepository->{'needs'}; - } - - # Save all branches encountered, mark which ones are 'stable' and 'trunk' - # for i18n purposes, as this keys into use-stable-kde handling. - if ($element eq 'branch') { - my $branch = $curRepository->{'branch'}; - push @{$curRepository->{'branches'}}, $branch; - $curRepository->{'branch'} = ''; - - my $branchType = $curRepository->{'branchtype'}; - $curRepository->{$branchType} = $branch if $branchType; - $curRepository->{'branchtype'} = ''; - } - - if ($element eq 'repo' && $inRepo) { - $aux->{inRepo} = 0; - $aux->{curRepository} = undef; - } -} - -sub _xmlCharData -{ - my ($aux, $expat, $utf8Data) = @_; - my $curRepository = $aux->{curRepository}; - - # The XML::Parser manpage makes it clear that the char handler can be - # called consecutive times with data for the same tag, so we use the - # append operator and then clear our flag in _xmlTagEnd. - if ($curRepository && defined $curRepository->{'needs'}) { - $curRepository->{$curRepository->{'needs'}} .= $utf8Data; - } -} - # Utility subroutine, returns true if the given kde-project full path (e.g. # kde/kdelibs/nepomuk-core) matches the given search item. # # The search item itself is based on path-components. Each path component in # the search item must be present in the equivalent path component in the # module's project path for a match. A '*' in a path component position for the # search item matches any project path component. # # Finally, the search is pinned to search for a common suffix. E.g. a search # item of 'kdelibs' would match a project path of 'kde/kdelibs' but not # 'kde/kdelibs/nepomuk-core'. However 'kdelibs/*' would match # 'kde/kdelibs/nepomuk-core'. # # First parameter is the full project path from the kde-projects database. # Second parameter is the search item. # Returns true if they match, false otherwise. sub _projectPathMatchesWildcardSearch { my ($projectPath, $searchItem) = @_; my @searchParts = split(m{/}, $searchItem); my @nameStack = split(m{/}, $projectPath); if (scalar @nameStack >= scalar @searchParts) { my $sizeDifference = scalar @nameStack - scalar @searchParts; # We might have to loop if we somehow find the wrong start point for our search. # E.g. looking for a/b/* against a/a/b/c, we'd need to start with the second a. my $i = 0; while ($i <= $sizeDifference) { # Find our common prefix, then ensure the remainder matches item-for-item. for (; $i <= $sizeDifference; $i++) { last if $nameStack[$i] eq $searchParts[0]; } return if $i > $sizeDifference; # Not enough room to find it now # At this point we have synched up nameStack to searchParts, ensure they # match item-for-item. my $found = 1; for (my $j = 0; $found && ($j < @searchParts); $j++) { return 1 if $searchParts[$j] eq '*'; # This always works $found = 0 if $searchParts[$j] ne $nameStack[$i + $j]; } return 1 if $found; # We matched every item to the substring we found. $i++; # Try again } } return; } 1; diff --git a/modules/ksb/ModuleSet/KDEProjects.pm b/modules/ksb/ModuleSet/KDEProjects.pm index 0faeb8b..9bf59e9 100644 --- a/modules/ksb/ModuleSet/KDEProjects.pm +++ b/modules/ksb/ModuleSet/KDEProjects.pm @@ -1,268 +1,271 @@ package ksb::ModuleSet::KDEProjects 0.20; # Class: ModuleSet::KDEProjects # # This represents a collective grouping of modules that share common options, # and are obtained via the kde-projects database at # https://projects.kde.org/kde_projects.xml # # See also the parent class ModuleSet, from which most functionality is derived. # # The only changes here are to allow for expanding out module specifications # (except for ignored modules), by using KDEXMLReader. # # See also: ModuleSet use strict; use warnings; use 5.014; no if $] >= 5.018, 'warnings', 'experimental::smartmatch'; our @ISA = qw(ksb::ModuleSet); use ksb::Module; use ksb::Debug; use ksb::KDEXMLReader 0.20; use ksb::BuildContext 0.20; use ksb::Util; sub new { my $self = ksb::ModuleSet::new(@_); $self->{projectsDataReader} = undef; # Will be filled in when we get fh return $self; } # Simple utility subroutine. See List::Util's perldoc sub none_true { ($_ && return 0) for @_; return 1; } # Function: getDependenciesModule # # A 'static' method that returns a that should be included # first in the build context's module list. # # It will be configured to download required updates to the # build metadata required for kde-projects module support. The module # returned can be used to resolve dependencies amongst KDE modules. # # It should be included exactly once in the build context, if there are # one or more ksb::ModuleSet::KDEProjects present in the module list. # # Parameters: # ctx - the for this script execution. # # Returns: The to added to the beginning of the update. sub getDependenciesModule { my $ctx = assert_isa(shift, 'ksb::BuildContext'); my $metadataModule = ksb::Module->new($ctx, 'kde-build-metadata'); # Hardcode the results instead of expanding out the project info $metadataModule->setOption('repository', 'kde:kde-build-metadata'); $metadataModule->setOption('#xml-full-path', 'kde-build-metadata'); $metadataModule->setOption('#branch:stable', 'master'); $metadataModule->setScmType('metadata'); $metadataModule->setOption('disable-snapshots', 1); $metadataModule->setOption('branch', 'master'); my $moduleSet = ksb::ModuleSet::KDEProjects->new($ctx, ''); $metadataModule->setModuleSet($moduleSet); # Ensure we only ever try to update source, not build. $metadataModule->phases()->phases('update'); return $metadataModule; } # Function: getProjectMetadataModule # # A 'static' method that returns a that should be included # first in the build context's module list. # # It will be configured to download required updates to the # build metadata required for kde-projects module support. The module # returned can be used to enumerate the list of KDE projects. # # It should be included exactly once in the build context, if there are # one or more ksb::ModuleSet::KDEProjects present in the module list. # # Parameters: # ctx - the for this script execution. # # Returns: The to added to the beginning of the update. sub getProjectMetadataModule { my $ctx = assert_isa(shift, 'ksb::BuildContext'); my $metadataModule = ksb::Module->new($ctx, 'repo-metadata'); # Hardcode the results instead of expanding out the project info $metadataModule->setOption('repository', 'kde:sysadmin/repo-metadata'); $metadataModule->setOption('#xml-full-path', 'sysadmin/repo-metadata'); $metadataModule->setOption('#branch:stable', 'master'); $metadataModule->setScmType('metadata'); $metadataModule->setOption('disable-snapshots', 1); $metadataModule->setOption('branch', 'master'); my $moduleSet = ksb::ModuleSet::KDEProjects->new($ctx, ''); $metadataModule->setModuleSet($moduleSet); # Ensure we only ever try to update source, not build. $metadataModule->phases()->phases('update'); return $metadataModule; } # Function: _expandModuleCandidates # # A class method which goes through the modules in our search list (assumed to # be found in the kde-projects XML database) and expands them into their # equivalent git modules, and returns the fully expanded list. Non kde-projects # modules cause an error, as do modules that do not exist at all within the # database. # # *Note*: Before calling this function, the kde-projects database itself must # have been downloaded first. Additionally a handling build support # metadata must be included at the beginning of the module list, see # getMetadataModule() for details. # # *Note*: Any modules that are part of a module-set requiring a specific # branch, that don't have that branch, are also elided with only a debug # message. This allows for building older branches of KDE even when newer # modules are eventually put into the database. # # Parameters: # ctx - The in use. # moduleSearchItem - The search description to expand in ksb::Modules. See # _projectPathMatchesWildcardSearch for a description of the syntax. # # Returns: # @modules - List of expanded git . # # Throws: # Runtime - if the kde-projects database was required but couldn't be # downloaded or read. # Runtime - if the git-desired-protocol is unsupported. # Runtime - if an "assumed" kde-projects module was not actually one. sub _expandModuleCandidates { my $self = assert_isa(shift, 'ksb::ModuleSet::KDEProjects'); my $ctx = assert_isa(shift, 'ksb::BuildContext'); my $moduleSearchItem = shift; my $srcdir = $ctx->getSourceDir(); my $xmlReader = $ctx->getProjectDataReader(); my @allXmlResults = $xmlReader->getModulesForProject($moduleSearchItem); croak_runtime ("Unknown KDE project: $moduleSearchItem") unless @allXmlResults; # It's possible to match modules which are marked as inactive on # projects.kde.org, elide those. - my @xmlResults = grep { $_->{'active'} ne 'false' } (@allXmlResults); - - # Bug 307694 - my $moduleSetBranch = $self->{'options'}->{'branch'} // ''; - if ($moduleSetBranch && !exists $self->{'options'}->{'tag'}) { - debug ("Filtering kde-projects modules that don't have a $moduleSetBranch branch"); - @xmlResults = grep { - list_has($_->{'branches'}, $moduleSetBranch) - } (@xmlResults); - } + my @xmlResults = grep { $_->{'active'} } (@allXmlResults); + + # Base project metadata doesn't include information on which git branches + # are available, so we can't elide modules until they're actually downloaded + # and available (unless it's available on api.kde.org ?) +# # Bug 307694 +# my $moduleSetBranch = $self->{'options'}->{'branch'} // ''; +# if ($moduleSetBranch && !exists $self->{'options'}->{'tag'}) { +# debug ("Filtering kde-projects modules that don't have a $moduleSetBranch branch"); +# @xmlResults = grep { +# list_has($_->{'branches'}, $moduleSetBranch) +# } (@xmlResults); +# } if (!@xmlResults) { warning (" y[b[*] Module y[$moduleSearchItem] is apparently XML-based, but contains no\n" . "active modules to build!"); my $count = scalar @allXmlResults; if ($count > 0) { warning ("\tAlthough no active modules are available, there were\n" . "\t$count inactive modules. Perhaps the git modules are not ready?"); } } # Setup module options. my @moduleList; my @ignoreList = $self->modulesToIgnore(); foreach (@xmlResults) { my $result = $_; my $repo = $result->{'repo'}; # Prefer kde: alias to normal clone URL. $repo =~ s(^git://anongit\.kde\.org/)(kde:); my $newModule = ksb::Module->new($ctx, $result->{'name'}); $self->_initializeNewModule($newModule); $newModule->setOption('repository', $repo); $newModule->setOption('#xml-full-path', $result->{'fullName'}); $newModule->setOption('#branch:stable', $result->{'branch:stable'}); $newModule->setScmType('proj'); my $tarball = $result->{'tarball'}; $newModule->setOption('#snapshot-tarball', $tarball) if $tarball; if (none_true( map { ksb::KDEXMLReader::_projectPathMatchesWildcardSearch( $result->{'fullName'}, $_ ) } (@ignoreList))) { push @moduleList, $newModule; } else { debug ("--- Ignoring matched active module $newModule in module set " . $self->name()); } }; return @moduleList; } # This function should be called after options are read and build metadata is # available in order to convert this module set to a list of ksb::Module. # Any modules ignored by this module set are excluded from the returned list. # The modules returned have not been added to the build context. sub convertToModules { my ($self, $ctx) = @_; my @moduleList; # module names converted to ksb::Module objects. my %foundModules; # Setup default options for each module # Extraction of relevant XML modules will be handled immediately after # this phase of execution. for my $moduleItem ($self->modulesToFind()) { # We might have already grabbed the right module recursively. next if exists $foundModules{$moduleItem}; # eval in case the XML processor throws an exception. undef $@; my @candidateModules = eval { $self->_expandModuleCandidates($ctx, $moduleItem); }; if ($@) { die $@ if had_an_exception(); # Forward exception objects up croak_runtime("The XML for the KDE Project database could not be understood: $@"); } my @moduleNames = map { $_->name() } @candidateModules; @foundModules{@moduleNames} = (1) x @moduleNames; push @moduleList, @candidateModules; } if (not scalar @moduleList) { warning ("No modules were defined for the module-set " . $self->name()); warning ("You should use the g[b[use-modules] option to make the module-set useful."); } return @moduleList; } 1;