diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt index abf9cc80..bf31d0db 100644 --- a/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,109 +1,109 @@ cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.0) # KDE Application Version, managed by release script -set (KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION_MAJOR "20") -set (KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION_MINOR "03") -set (KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION_MICRO "70") -set (KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION "${KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION_MAJOR}.${KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION_MINOR}.${KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION_MICRO}") -project(ark VERSION ${KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION}) +set (RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION_MAJOR "20") +set (RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION_MINOR "03") +set (RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION_MICRO "70") +set (RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION "${RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION_MAJOR}.${RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION_MINOR}.${RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION_MICRO}") +project(ark VERSION ${RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION}) set(QT_MIN_VERSION 5.10.0) set(KF5_MIN_VERSION 5.61.0) find_package(ECM ${KF5_MIN_VERSION} REQUIRED NO_MODULE) set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${ECM_MODULE_PATH} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules) include(KDEInstallDirs) include(KDECMakeSettings) include(KDEFrameworkCompilerSettings NO_POLICY_SCOPE) include(GenerateExportHeader) include(FeatureSummary) include(ECMQtDeclareLoggingCategory) include(ECMSetupVersion) add_definitions(-DQT_NO_NARROWING_CONVERSIONS_IN_CONNECT) add_definitions(-DQT_NO_URL_CAST_FROM_STRING) -ecm_setup_version(${KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION} +ecm_setup_version(${RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION} VARIABLE_PREFIX ARK VERSION_HEADER "ark_version.h") ecm_setup_version(PROJECT VARIABLE_PREFIX KERFUFFLE) find_package(Qt5 ${QT_MIN_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED Concurrent Core Gui Widgets) find_package(KF5 ${KF5_MIN_VERSION} REQUIRED COMPONENTS Archive Config Crash DBusAddons DocTools I18n IconThemes ItemModels KIO Service Parts Pty WidgetsAddons) find_package(Qt5Test ${QT_MIN_VERSION} CONFIG QUIET) set_package_properties(Qt5Test PROPERTIES PURPOSE "Required for tests" TYPE OPTIONAL) if(NOT Qt5Test_FOUND) set(BUILD_TESTING OFF CACHE BOOL "Build the testing tree.") endif() find_package(LibArchive 3.3.3 REQUIRED) set_package_properties(LibArchive PROPERTIES URL "https://www.libarchive.org/" DESCRIPTION "A library for dealing with a wide variety of archive file formats" PURPOSE "Required for among others tar, tar.gz, tar.bz2 formats in Ark.") find_package(LibZip 1.3.0) set_package_properties(LibZip PROPERTIES URL "https://nih.at/libzip/" DESCRIPTION "A library for handling zip archives" PURPOSE "Optional for zip archives.") option(WITH_TEST_COVERAGE "Build with test coverage support" OFF) if (WITH_TEST_COVERAGE) set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} --coverage") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} --coverage") set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} --coverage") endif (WITH_TEST_COVERAGE) set(SUPPORTED_ARK_MIMETYPES "") add_definitions(-DTRANSLATION_DOMAIN="ark") # Until kf5 5.56 kconfig had some header which used Q_FOREACH # Q_FOREACH will be deprecated/removed in qt6. With QT_NO_FOREACH we prepare the migration to qt6. if (KF5Config_VERSION VERSION_GREATER "5.56.0") add_definitions(-DQT_NO_FOREACH) endif() add_subdirectory(plugins) add_subdirectory(kerfuffle) add_subdirectory(part) add_subdirectory(app) add_subdirectory(doc) if(BUILD_TESTING) add_subdirectory(autotests) endif() ki18n_install(po) kdoctools_install(po) if (NOT ECM_VERSION VERSION_LESS "5.59.0") install(FILES ark.categories DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_LOGGINGCATEGORIESDIR}) else() install(FILES ark.categories DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_CONFDIR}) endif() feature_summary(WHAT ALL INCLUDE_QUIET_PACKAGES FATAL_ON_MISSING_REQUIRED_PACKAGES) diff --git a/HACKING b/HACKING index ad7ddfd5..b552958e 100644 --- a/HACKING +++ b/HACKING @@ -1,88 +1,88 @@ == Coding Style == Ark follows the kdelibs/Qt coding style. For more information about them, please see: - https://community.kde.org/Policies/Kdelibs_Coding_Style - https://wiki.qt.io/Qt_Coding_Style - https://wiki.qt.io/Coding_Conventions == Sending patches == To send patches for Ark, plese use KDE's Phabricator at . The diff should be created against the Ark repository. If you already have a KDE commit account, it is still preferrable to contact the maintainer instead of committing directly, at least to be a good citizen and especially so that git mistakes are not made (see the `Using git' section). == Using git == The development model adopted by Ark is simple and rely on git's easy merging and branching capabilities. If in doubt, do not hesitate to ask! First of all, you should do your work in a separate branch, and each commit should be as atomic as possible. This way, if you are asked to make changes to them, the rest of your work is not disturbed and you can easily rebase. New features are committed to the `master` branch, respecting KDE's Release Schedule policies. This means the soft and hard freeze periods must be respected, as well as the string freeze policy. Bug fixes are committed to the latest stable branch (for example, `release/19.12`), which is then merged into the `master` branch. Do *NOT* cherry-pick commits into multiple branches! It makes following history unnecessarily harder for no reason. ### How to merge stable in master To merge the stable branch into `master`, the following steps can be followed: $ git checkout release/19.12 # Whatever the stable branch is $ # hack, hack, hack $ # commit $ git checkout master $ git merge --log --edit -s recursive -Xours release/19.12 Do not worry if unrelated commits (such as translation ones made by KDE's translation infrastructure) are also merged: translation commits are automatically reverted when needed, and other commits being merged should be bug fixes by definition. The merge command above will try to automatically resolve conflicts by preferring the version of master. This is usually good, for example a conflict -often happens on the `KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION_XXX` variables in the root +often happens on the `RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION_XXX` variables in the root CMakeLists.txt file. On the stable branch you will find something like: - set (KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION_MAJOR "16") - set (KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION_MINOR "04") - set (KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION_MICRO "02") + set (RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION_MAJOR "16") + set (RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION_MINOR "04") + set (RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION_MICRO "02") while on master you will find something like: - set (KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION_MAJOR "16") - set (KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION_MINOR "07") - set (KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION_MICRO "70") + set (RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION_MAJOR "16") + set (RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION_MINOR "07") + set (RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION_MICRO "70") In this example, the `ours` strategy option will pick the master version, which is what we want. However, when a more complex conflict happens, the `ours` option might fail to autoresolve the conflict and might leave the working tree in a weird state. You should *always* check what the merge actually did by using (after the merge): $ git diff origin/HEAD HEAD If the diff output is not what you expect, you can reset the merge with: $ git reset --hard origin/HEAD Then you can do a simple merge which will *not* resolve conflicts: $ git merge release/19.12 and finally resolve all conflicts by hand. ### Pushing your changes When you are ready to push your commits to the remote repository, you may need to update your local branch first. Do *NOT* create unnecessary merge commits with `git pull`, as these commits are completely avoidable and make following history harder. Instead, you should *rebase* first (`git pull --rebase`). diff --git a/app/CMakeLists.txt b/app/CMakeLists.txt index bf3716c3..92424171 100644 --- a/app/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/app/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,103 +1,103 @@ add_subdirectory(icons) include_directories(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}) # for version.h generated by cmake include_directories(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/part) # for part's interface.h set(ark_SRCS batchextract.cpp main.cpp mainwindow.cpp ) qt5_add_resources(ark_SRCS ark.qrc) ecm_qt_declare_logging_category(ark_SRCS HEADER ark_debug.h IDENTIFIER ARK CATEGORY_NAME ark.main) # For Mac and Windows. file(GLOB ICONS_SRCS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/icons/*-apps-ark.png") include(ECMAddAppIcon) ecm_add_app_icon(ark_SRCS ICONS ${ICONS_SRCS}) add_executable( ark ${ark_SRCS} ) target_link_libraries(ark kerfuffle KF5::Crash KF5::DBusAddons KF5::KIOFileWidgets KF5::Parts) # we provide our own Info.plist containing a simple "we open anything" instruction. if(APPLE) # own plist template set_target_properties (ark PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_INFO_PLIST ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/MacOSXBundleInfo.plist.in) # the MacOSX bundle display name property (CFBundleDisplayName) is not currently supported by cmake, # so has to be set for all targets in this cmake file set(MACOSX_BUNDLE_DISPLAY_NAME Ark) set_target_properties(ark PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_GUI_IDENTIFIER "org.kde.Ark") set_target_properties(ark PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_BUNDLE_NAME "Ark") set_target_properties(ark PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_DISPLAY_NAME "Ark") set_target_properties(ark PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_INFO_STRING "Ark - KDE Archiving Tool") - set_target_properties(ark PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_LONG_VERSION_STRING "Ark ${KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION}") - set_target_properties(ark PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_SHORT_VERSION_STRING "${KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION}") - set_target_properties(ark PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_BUNDLE_VERSION "${KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION}") + set_target_properties(ark PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_LONG_VERSION_STRING "Ark ${RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION}") + set_target_properties(ark PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_SHORT_VERSION_STRING "${RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION}") + set_target_properties(ark PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_BUNDLE_VERSION "${RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION}") set_target_properties(ark PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_COPYRIGHT "1997-2017, The Ark Developers") endif() # Remove duplicate mimetypes from list of supported formats. list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES SUPPORTED_ARK_MIMETYPES) configure_file( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/org.kde.ark.desktop.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/org.kde.ark.desktop ) configure_file( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ark_dndextract.desktop.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/ark_dndextract.desktop ) install(TARGETS ark ${KDE_INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS}) install(PROGRAMS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/org.kde.ark.desktop DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_APPDIR}) install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/org.kde.ark.appdata.xml DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_METAINFODIR}) ############ ark_extract_here plugin ############### set(extracthere_SRCS batchextract.cpp extractHereDndPlugin.cpp ark_debug.cpp) kcoreaddons_add_plugin(extracthere SOURCES ${extracthere_SRCS} INSTALL_NAMESPACE kf5/kio_dnd) kcoreaddons_desktop_to_json(extracthere ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/ark_dndextract.desktop DEFAULT_SERVICE_TYPE) target_link_libraries(extracthere kerfuffle KF5::KIOWidgets KF5::KIOFileWidgets) # compressfileitemaction plugin kcoreaddons_add_plugin(compressfileitemaction SOURCES compressfileitemaction.cpp JSON compressfileitemaction.json INSTALL_NAMESPACE "kf5/kfileitemaction") target_link_libraries(compressfileitemaction kerfuffle KF5::I18n KF5::KIOWidgets) # extractfileitemaction plugin kcoreaddons_add_plugin(extractfileitemaction SOURCES extractfileitemaction.cpp JSON extractfileitemaction.json INSTALL_NAMESPACE "kf5/kfileitemaction") target_link_libraries(extractfileitemaction kerfuffle KF5::I18n KF5::KIOWidgets) diff --git a/plugins/cli7zplugin/kerfuffle_cli7z.json.cmake b/plugins/cli7zplugin/kerfuffle_cli7z.json.cmake index 6833be14..69ceb323 100644 --- a/plugins/cli7zplugin/kerfuffle_cli7z.json.cmake +++ b/plugins/cli7zplugin/kerfuffle_cli7z.json.cmake @@ -1,134 +1,134 @@ { "KPlugin": { "Description": "Full support for the zip and 7z archive formats", "Description[ca@valencia]": "Implementació completa dels formats d'arxiu «zip» i «7z»", "Description[ca]": "Implementació completa dels formats d'arxiu «zip» i «7z»", "Description[cs]": "Plná podpora archivačních formátů zip a 7z", "Description[da]": "Fuld understøttelse af zip- og 7z-arkivformater", "Description[de]": "Vollständige Unterstützung für Zip- und 7z-Archivformate", "Description[el]": "Πλήρης υποστήριξη για την αρχειοθήκη μορφής zip και 7z", "Description[en_GB]": "Full support for the zip and 7z archive formats", "Description[es]": "Uso total de los formatos de archivos comprimidos zip y 7z", "Description[et]": "Zip ja 7z arhiivivormingu täielik toetus", "Description[eu]": "zip eta 7z artxibo fitxategientzako euskarri osoa", "Description[fi]": "Täysi Zip- ja 7z-tiedostomuotojen tuki", "Description[fr]": "Prise en charge complète des formats d'archive zip et 7z", "Description[gl]": "Compatibilidade total cos formatos de arquivo zip and 7z.", "Description[it]": "Supporto completo per i formati di archivi zip e 7z", "Description[ko]": "zip 및 7z 압축 형식 지원", "Description[nl]": "Volledige ondersteuning voor de zip- en 7z-archiefformaten", "Description[nn]": "Full støtte for arkivformata ZIP og 7z", "Description[pl]": "Pełna obsługa dla archiwów zip oraz 7z", "Description[pt]": "Suporte total para os formatos de pacotes ZIP e 7z", "Description[pt_BR]": "Suporte total para os formatos de arquivo ZIP e 7z", "Description[ru]": "Полная поддержка архивов ZIP и 7z", "Description[sk]": "Plná podpora pre archívne formáty zip a 7z", "Description[sl]": "Polna podpora za arhive vrste zip in 7z", "Description[sr@ijekavian]": "Пуна подршка за архивске формате ЗИП и 7зип", "Description[sr@ijekavianlatin]": "Puna podrška za arhivske formate ZIP i 7zip", "Description[sr@latin]": "Puna podrška za arhivske formate ZIP i 7zip", "Description[sr]": "Пуна подршка за архивске формате ЗИП и 7зип", "Description[sv]": "Fullt stöd för zip- och 7z-arkivformaten", "Description[tr]": "Zip ve 7z arşiv biçimleri için tam destek", "Description[uk]": "Повноцінна підтримка архівів у форматах zip і 7z", "Description[x-test]": "xxFull support for the zip and 7z archive formatsxx", "Description[zh_CN]": "完全支持 zip 和 7z 归档格式", "Description[zh_TW]": "對 zip 與 7z 壓縮檔格式的完整支援", "Id": "kerfuffle_cli7z", "MimeTypes": [ "@SUPPORTED_MIMETYPES@" ], "Name": "P7zip plugin", "Name[ca@valencia]": "Connector del P7zip", "Name[ca]": "Connector del P7zip", "Name[cs]": "Modul pro p7zip", "Name[da]": "P7zip-plugin", "Name[de]": "P7zip-Modul", "Name[el]": "Πρόσθετο P7zip", "Name[en_GB]": "P7zip plugin", "Name[es]": "Complemento P7zip", "Name[et]": "P7zipi plugin", "Name[eu]": "P7zip plugina", "Name[fi]": "P7zip-liitännäinen", "Name[fr]": "Module externe « P7zip »", "Name[gl]": "Complemento de p7zip", "Name[ia]": "Plugin de P7zip", "Name[it]": "Estensione P7zip", "Name[ko]": "P7zip 플러그인", "Name[nl]": "P7zip-plug-in", "Name[nn]": "P7zip-tillegg", "Name[pl]": "Wtyczka p7zip", "Name[pt]": "'Plugin' do P7zip", "Name[pt_BR]": "Plugin 7zip", "Name[ru]": "Модуль P7zip", "Name[sk]": "Plugin P7zip", "Name[sl]": "Vstavek P7zip", "Name[sr@ijekavian]": "Прикључак за П7зип", "Name[sr@ijekavianlatin]": "Priključak za p7zip", "Name[sr@latin]": "Priključak za p7zip", "Name[sr]": "Прикључак за П7зип", "Name[sv]": "P7zip-insticksprogram", "Name[tr]": "P7zip eklentisi", "Name[uk]": "Додаток P7zip", "Name[x-test]": "xxP7zip pluginxx", "Name[zh_CN]": "P7zip 插件", "Name[zh_TW]": "P7zip 外掛程式", "ServiceTypes": [ "Kerfuffle/Plugin" ], - "Version": "@KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION@" + "Version": "@RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION@" }, "X-KDE-Kerfuffle-ReadOnlyExecutables": [ "7z" ], "X-KDE-Kerfuffle-ReadWrite": true, "X-KDE-Kerfuffle-ReadWriteExecutables": [ "7z" ], "X-KDE-Priority": 180, "application/x-7z-compressed": { "CompressionLevelDefault": 5, "CompressionLevelMax": 9, "CompressionLevelMin": 0, "CompressionMethodDefault": "LZMA2", "CompressionMethods": { "BZip2": "BZip2", "Copy": "Copy", "Deflate": "Deflate", "LZMA": "LZMA", "LZMA2": "LZMA2", "PPMd": "PPMd" }, "EncryptionMethodDefault": "AES256", "EncryptionMethods": [ "AES256" ], "HeaderEncryption": true, "SupportsMultiVolume": true, "SupportsTesting": true }, "application/zip": { "CompressionLevelDefault": 5, "CompressionLevelMax": 9, "CompressionLevelMin": 0, "CompressionMethodDefault": "Deflate", "CompressionMethods": { "BZip2": "BZip2", "Copy": "Copy", "Deflate": "Deflate", "Deflate64": "Deflate64", "LZMA": "LZMA", "PPMd": "PPMd" }, "Encryption": true, "EncryptionMethodDefault": "AES256", "EncryptionMethods": [ "AES256", "AES192", "AES128", "ZipCrypto" ], "SupportsMultiVolume": true, "SupportsTesting": true } } diff --git a/plugins/cliplugin-example/kerfuffle_cli.json_TEMPLATE b/plugins/cliplugin-example/kerfuffle_cli.json_TEMPLATE index 3cd4495b..d801c799 100644 --- a/plugins/cliplugin-example/kerfuffle_cli.json_TEMPLATE +++ b/plugins/cliplugin-example/kerfuffle_cli.json_TEMPLATE @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ { "KPlugin": { "Id": "TODO kerfuffle_cli", "MimeTypes": [ "TODO" ], "Name": "TODO archive plugin", "ServiceTypes": [ "Kerfuffle/Plugin" ], - "Version": "@KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION@" + "Version": "@RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION@" }, "X-KDE-Kerfuffle-ReadWrite": true, "X-KDE-Priority": 100 } diff --git a/plugins/clirarplugin/kerfuffle_clirar.json.cmake b/plugins/clirarplugin/kerfuffle_clirar.json.cmake index 2578aa62..aabc7cdb 100644 --- a/plugins/clirarplugin/kerfuffle_clirar.json.cmake +++ b/plugins/clirarplugin/kerfuffle_clirar.json.cmake @@ -1,127 +1,127 @@ { "KPlugin": { "Description": "Full support for the RAR archive format", "Description[ca@valencia]": "Implementació completa del format d'arxiu RAR", "Description[ca]": "Implementació completa del format d'arxiu RAR", "Description[cs]": "Plná podpora archivačního formátu RAR", "Description[da]": "Fuld understøttelse af RAR-arkivformatet", "Description[de]": "Vollständige Unterstützung für das RAR-Archivformat", "Description[el]": "Πλήρης υποστήριξη για την αρχειοθήκη μορφής RAR", "Description[en_GB]": "Full support for the RAR archive format", "Description[es]": "Uso total del formato de archivo comprimido RAR", "Description[et]": "RAR-arhiivi vormingu täielik toetus", "Description[eu]": "RAR artxibo formatuarentzako euskarri osoa", "Description[fi]": "Täysi RAR-tiedostomuodon tuki", "Description[fr]": "Prise en charge complète du format d'archive RAR", "Description[gl]": "Compatibilidade total co formato de arquivo RAR.", "Description[it]": "Supporto completo per il formato di archivi RAR", "Description[ko]": "RAR 압축 형식 지원", "Description[nl]": "Volledige ondersteuning voor het RAR-archiefformaat", "Description[nn]": "Full støtte for arkivformatet RAR", "Description[pl]": "Pełna obsługa dla archiwów RAR", "Description[pt]": "Suporte total para o formato de pacotes RAR", "Description[pt_BR]": "Suporte total para o formato de arquivos RAR", "Description[ru]": "Полная поддержка архивов RAR", "Description[sk]": "Plná podpora pre archívny formát RAR", "Description[sl]": "Polna podpora za arhive vrste RAR", "Description[sr@ijekavian]": "Пуна подршка за архивски формат РАР", "Description[sr@ijekavianlatin]": "Puna podrška za arhivski format RAR", "Description[sr@latin]": "Puna podrška za arhivski format RAR", "Description[sr]": "Пуна подршка за архивски формат РАР", "Description[sv]": "Fullt stöd för arkivformatet RAR", "Description[tr]": "RAR arşiv biçimi için tam destek", "Description[uk]": "Повноцінна підтримка архівів у форматі RAR", "Description[x-test]": "xxFull support for the RAR archive formatxx", "Description[zh_CN]": "完全支持 RAR 归档格式", "Description[zh_TW]": "對 RAR 壓縮檔格式的完整支援", "Id": "kerfuffle_clirar", "MimeTypes": [ "@SUPPORTED_MIMETYPES@" ], "Name": "RAR plugin", "Name[ca@valencia]": "Connector del RAR", "Name[ca]": "Connector del RAR", "Name[cs]": "Modul pro RAR", "Name[da]": "RAR-plugin", "Name[de]": "RAR-Modul", "Name[el]": "Πρόσθετο RAR ", "Name[en_GB]": "RAR plugin", "Name[es]": "Complemento RAR", "Name[et]": "RAR-i plugin", "Name[eu]": "RAR plugina", "Name[fi]": "RAR-liitännäinen", "Name[fr]": "Module externe « RAR »", "Name[gl]": "Complemento de RAR", "Name[ia]": "Plugin de RAR", "Name[it]": "Estensione RAR", "Name[ko]": "RAR 플러그인", "Name[nl]": "RAR-plug-in", "Name[nn]": "RAR-tillegg", "Name[pl]": "Wtyczka RAR", "Name[pt]": "'Plugin' do RAR", "Name[pt_BR]": "Plugin RAR", "Name[ru]": "Модуль RAR", "Name[sk]": "Plugin RAR", "Name[sl]": "Vstavek RAR", "Name[sr@ijekavian]": "Прикључак за РАР", "Name[sr@ijekavianlatin]": "Priključak za RAR", "Name[sr@latin]": "Priključak za RAR", "Name[sr]": "Прикључак за РАР", "Name[sv]": "RAR-insticksprogram", "Name[tr]": "RAR eklentisi", "Name[uk]": "Додаток RAR", "Name[x-test]": "xxRAR pluginxx", "Name[zh_CN]": "RAR 插件", "Name[zh_TW]": "RAR 外掛程式", "ServiceTypes": [ "Kerfuffle/Plugin" ], - "Version": "@KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION@" + "Version": "@RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION@" }, "X-KDE-Kerfuffle-ReadOnlyExecutables": [ "unrar" ], "X-KDE-Kerfuffle-ReadWrite": true, "X-KDE-Kerfuffle-ReadWriteExecutables": [ "rar" ], "X-KDE-Priority": 120, "application/vnd.rar": { "CompressionLevelDefault": 3, "CompressionLevelMax": 5, "CompressionLevelMin": 0, "CompressionMethodDefault": "RAR4", "CompressionMethods": { "RAR4": "4", "RAR5": "5" }, "EncryptionMethodDefault": "AES128", "EncryptionMethods": [ "AES128", "AES256" ], "HeaderEncryption": true, "SupportsMultiVolume": true, "SupportsTesting": true, "SupportsWriteComment": true }, "application/x-rar": { "CompressionLevelDefault": 3, "CompressionLevelMax": 5, "CompressionLevelMin": 0, "CompressionMethodDefault": "RAR4", "CompressionMethods": { "RAR4": "4", "RAR5": "5" }, "EncryptionMethodDefault": "AES128", "EncryptionMethods": [ "AES128", "AES256" ], "HeaderEncryption": true, "SupportsMultiVolume": true, "SupportsTesting": true, "SupportsWriteComment": true } } diff --git a/plugins/cliunarchiverplugin/kerfuffle_cliunarchiver.json.cmake b/plugins/cliunarchiverplugin/kerfuffle_cliunarchiver.json.cmake index bebb6a6e..b71bc0fb 100644 --- a/plugins/cliunarchiverplugin/kerfuffle_cliunarchiver.json.cmake +++ b/plugins/cliunarchiverplugin/kerfuffle_cliunarchiver.json.cmake @@ -1,93 +1,93 @@ { "KPlugin": { "Description": "Open and extract RAR archives", "Description[ca@valencia]": "Obri i extreu arxius RAR", "Description[ca]": "Obre i extreu arxius RAR", "Description[cs]": "Otevřít a rozbalit archivy RAR", "Description[da]": "Åbn og udpak RAR-arkiver", "Description[de]": "Öffnen und Entpacken von RAR-Archiven", "Description[el]": "Άνοιγμα και εξαγωγή αρχειοθηκών RAR", "Description[en_GB]": "Open and extract RAR archives", "Description[es]": "Abrir y extraer archivos RAR", "Description[et]": "RAR-arhiivide avamine ja lahtipakkimine", "Description[eu]": "Ireki eta erauzi RAR artxiboak", "Description[fi]": "Avaa ja pura RAR-arkistoja", "Description[fr]": "Ouvre et extrait les archives RAR", "Description[gl]": "Abrir e extraer arquivos RAR.", "Description[it]": "Apri ed estrai archivi RAR", "Description[ko]": "RAR 압축 파일 열고 풀기", "Description[nl]": "Open en pak uit RAR-archieven", "Description[nn]": "Opna og pakk ut RAR-arkiv", "Description[pl]": "Otwiera i wypakowuje archiwa RAR", "Description[pt]": "Abrir e extrair os pacotes RAR", "Description[pt_BR]": "Abrir e extrair arquivos RAR", "Description[ru]": "Открытие и распаковка архивов RAR", "Description[sk]": "Otvorenie a extrahovanie archívov RAR", "Description[sl]": "Odprite in razširite arhive RAR", "Description[sr@ijekavian]": "Отварање и распакивање РАР архива", "Description[sr@ijekavianlatin]": "Otvaranje i raspakivanje RAR arhiva", "Description[sr@latin]": "Otvaranje i raspakivanje RAR arhiva", "Description[sr]": "Отварање и распакивање РАР архива", "Description[sv]": "Öppna och extrahera RAR-arkiv", "Description[tr]": "RAR arşivlerini aç ve çıkar", "Description[uk]": "Здатен відкривати і видобувати архіви RAR", "Description[x-test]": "xxOpen and extract RAR archivesxx", "Description[zh_CN]": "打开和解压 RAR 归档", "Description[zh_TW]": "開啟並解壓縮 RAR 壓縮檔", "Id": "kerfuffle_cliunarchiver", "MimeTypes": [ "@SUPPORTED_MIMETYPES@" ], "Name": "The Unarchiver plugin", "Name[ca@valencia]": "Connector de l'Unarchiver", "Name[ca]": "Connector de l'Unarchiver", "Name[cs]": "Modul pro Unarchiver", "Name[da]": "Unarchiver-pluginet", "Name[de]": "Unarchiver-Modul", "Name[el]": "Πρόσθετο Unarchiver", "Name[en_GB]": "The Unarchiver plugin", "Name[es]": "El complemento de Unarchiver", "Name[et]": "Unarchiveri plugin", "Name[eu]": "Unarchiver plugina", "Name[fi]": "Unarchiver-tuki", "Name[fr]": "Module externe d'extraction d'archive", "Name[gl]": "Complemento de desarquivar", "Name[he]": "תוסף חילוץ אכיונים", "Name[it]": "Estensione The Unarchiver", "Name[ko]": "The Unarchiver 플러그인", "Name[nl]": "De plug-in voor uit archief halen", "Name[nn]": "The Unarchiver-tillegg", "Name[pl]": "Wtyczka wypakowywacza", "Name[pt]": "O 'plugin' do Unarchiver", "Name[pt_BR]": "Plugin Unarchiver", "Name[ru]": "Модуль Unarchiver", "Name[sk]": "Plugin Unarchiver", "Name[sl]": "Vstavek Unarchiver", "Name[sr@ijekavian]": "Прикључак Унархивера", "Name[sr@ijekavianlatin]": "Priključak Unarchivera", "Name[sr@latin]": "Priključak Unarchivera", "Name[sr]": "Прикључак Унархивера", "Name[sv]": "Unarchiver-insticksprogram", "Name[tr]": "Unarchiver eklentisi", "Name[uk]": "Додаток Unarchiver", "Name[x-test]": "xxThe Unarchiver pluginxx", "Name[zh_CN]": "Unarchiver 插件", "Name[zh_TW]": "解壓縮外掛程式", "ServiceTypes": [ "Kerfuffle/Plugin" ], - "Version": "@KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION@" + "Version": "@RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION@" }, "X-KDE-Kerfuffle-ReadOnlyExecutables": [ "lsar", "unar" ], "X-KDE-Kerfuffle-ReadWrite": false, "X-KDE-Priority": 100, "application/vnd.rar": { "HeaderEncryption": true }, "application/x-rar": { "HeaderEncryption": true } } diff --git a/plugins/clizipplugin/kerfuffle_clizip.json.cmake b/plugins/clizipplugin/kerfuffle_clizip.json.cmake index 67da6c1c..e5c5237c 100644 --- a/plugins/clizipplugin/kerfuffle_clizip.json.cmake +++ b/plugins/clizipplugin/kerfuffle_clizip.json.cmake @@ -1,113 +1,113 @@ { "KPlugin": { "Description": "Legacy support for the zip archive format", "Description[ca@valencia]": "Implementació pel format d'arxiu «zip» antic", "Description[ca]": "Implementació pel format d'arxiu «zip» antic", "Description[cs]": "Historická podpora archivačního formátu zip", "Description[da]": "Understøttelse af det forældende zip-arkivformat", "Description[de]": "Unterstützung für veraltete Zip-Archivformate", "Description[el]": "Κληροδοτούμενη υποστήριξη για την αρχειοθήκη μορφής zip", "Description[en_GB]": "Legacy support for the zip archive format", "Description[es]": "Uso heredado para el formato de archivo comprimido zip", "Description[et]": "Zip-arhiivi vormingu pärandtoetus", "Description[eu]": "zip artxibo formatuarentzako heredatutako euskarria", "Description[fi]": "Zip-tiedostomuodon perinteinen tuki", "Description[fr]": "Prise en charge traditionnelle du format d'archive zip", "Description[gl]": "Compatibilidade co formato de arquivo zip.", "Description[it]": "Supporto originale per il formato di archivi ZIP", "Description[ko]": "zip 압축 형식의 레거시 지원", "Description[nl]": "Verouderde ondersteuning voor het zip-archiefformaat", "Description[nn]": "Støtte for for det eldre arkivformatet ZIP", "Description[pl]": "Obsługa przestarzałego formatu archiwów zip", "Description[pt]": "Suporte antigo para o formato de pacotes ZIP", "Description[pt_BR]": "Suporte antigo para o formato de arquivo ZIP", "Description[ru]": "Старый способ поддержки архивов ZIP", "Description[sk]": "Spätná podpora pre archívny formát zip", "Description[sl]": "Opuščena podpora za arhive vrste zip", "Description[sr@ijekavian]": "Подршка за застареле архиве формата ЗИП", "Description[sr@ijekavianlatin]": "Podrška za zastarele arhive formata ZIP", "Description[sr@latin]": "Podrška za zastarele arhive formata ZIP", "Description[sr]": "Подршка за застареле архиве формата ЗИП", "Description[sv]": "Stöd för föråldrat zip-arkivformat", "Description[tr]": "Zip arşivi biçimi için eski desteği", "Description[uk]": "Підтримка архівів у застарілій версії формату zip", "Description[x-test]": "xxLegacy support for the zip archive formatxx", "Description[zh_CN]": "zip 归档格式的老旧支持", "Description[zh_TW]": "對 zip 壓縮格式的舊版支援", "Id": "kerfuffle_clizip", "MimeTypes": [ "@SUPPORTED_MIMETYPES@" ], "Name": "Info-zip plugin", "Name[ca@valencia]": "Connector de l'Info-zip", "Name[ca]": "Connector de l'Info-zip", "Name[cs]": "Modul info-zip", "Name[da]": "Info-zip-plugin", "Name[de]": "Info-zip-Modul", "Name[el]": "Πρόσθετο Info-zip", "Name[en_GB]": "Info-zip plugin", "Name[es]": "Complemento Info-zip", "Name[et]": "Info-zipi plugin", "Name[eu]": "Info-zip plugina", "Name[fi]": "Info-Zip-liitännäinen", "Name[fr]": "Module externe info-zip", "Name[gl]": "Complemento de info-zip", "Name[it]": "Estensione Info-zip", "Name[ko]": "Info-zip 플러그인", "Name[nl]": "Info-zip-plug-in", "Name[nn]": "Info-ZIP-tillegg", "Name[pl]": "Wtyczka info-zip", "Name[pt]": "'Plugin' do Info-zip", "Name[pt_BR]": "Plugin Info-zip", "Name[ru]": "Модуль Info-zip", "Name[sk]": "Plugin Info-zip", "Name[sl]": "Vstavek Info-zip", "Name[sr@ijekavian]": "Прикључак за Инфозип", "Name[sr@ijekavianlatin]": "Priključak za Info‑ZIP", "Name[sr@latin]": "Priključak za Info‑ZIP", "Name[sr]": "Прикључак за Инфозип", "Name[sv]": "Info-zip-insticksprogram", "Name[tr]": "Info-zip eklentisi", "Name[uk]": "Додаток info-zip", "Name[x-test]": "xxInfo-zip pluginxx", "Name[zh_CN]": "Info-zip 插件", "Name[zh_TW]": "Info-zip 外掛程式", "ServiceTypes": [ "Kerfuffle/Plugin" ], - "Version": "@KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION@" + "Version": "@RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION@" }, "X-KDE-Kerfuffle-ReadOnlyExecutables": [ "zipinfo", "unzip" ], "X-KDE-Kerfuffle-ReadWrite": true, "X-KDE-Kerfuffle-ReadWriteExecutables": [ "zip" ], "X-KDE-Priority": 160, "application/x-java-archive": { "CompressionLevelDefault": 6, "CompressionLevelMax": 9, "CompressionLevelMin": 0, "Encryption": true, "SupportsTesting": true }, "application/zip": { "CompressionLevelDefault": 6, "CompressionLevelMax": 9, "CompressionLevelMin": 0, "CompressionMethodDefault": "Deflate", "CompressionMethods": { "BZip2": "bzip2", "Deflate": "deflate", "Store": "store" }, "Encryption": true, "EncryptionMethodDefault": "ZipCrypto", "EncryptionMethods": [ "ZipCrypto" ], "SupportsTesting": true } } diff --git a/plugins/libarchive/kerfuffle_libarchive.json.cmake b/plugins/libarchive/kerfuffle_libarchive.json.cmake index dc36785d..6ee9f1c7 100644 --- a/plugins/libarchive/kerfuffle_libarchive.json.cmake +++ b/plugins/libarchive/kerfuffle_libarchive.json.cmake @@ -1,127 +1,127 @@ { "KPlugin": { "Description": "Full support for compressed TAR archives", "Description[ca@valencia]": "Implementació completa dels arxius TAR comprimits", "Description[ca]": "Implementació completa dels arxius TAR comprimits", "Description[cs]": "Plná podpora komprimovaných archivů TAR", "Description[da]": "Fuld understøttelse af TAR-arkiver", "Description[de]": "Vollständige Unterstützung für komprimierte TAR-Archive", "Description[el]": "Πλήρης υποστήριξη για την αρχειοθήκη μορφής TAR", "Description[en_GB]": "Full support for compressed TAR archives", "Description[es]": "Uso total de los archivos comprimidos TAR", "Description[et]": "Pakitud TAR-arhiivide täielik toetus", "Description[eu]": "Konprimatutako TAR artxiboentzako euskarri osoa", "Description[fi]": "Pakattujen Tar-arkistojen täysi tuki", "Description[fr]": "Prise en charge complète des archives compressées TAR", "Description[gl]": "Compatibilidade total con arquivos TAR comprimidos.", "Description[it]": "Supporto completo per archivi compressi TAR", "Description[ko]": "압축된 TAR 형식 지원", "Description[nl]": "Volledige ondersteuning voor gecomprimeerde TAR-archieven", "Description[nn]": "Full støtte for komprimerte TAR-arkiv", "Description[pl]": "Pełna obsługa dla archiwów TAR", "Description[pt]": "Suporte total para pacotes comprimidos do TAR", "Description[pt_BR]": "Suporte total a arquivos compactados TAR", "Description[ru]": "Полная поддержка сжатых архивов TAR", "Description[sk]": "Plná podpora komprimovaných archívov TAR", "Description[sl]": "Polna podpora za arhive vrste TAR", "Description[sr@ijekavian]": "Пуна подршка за компресоване тар архиве", "Description[sr@ijekavianlatin]": "Puna podrška za kompresovane tar arhive", "Description[sr@latin]": "Puna podrška za kompresovane tar arhive", "Description[sr]": "Пуна подршка за компресоване тар архиве", "Description[sv]": "Fullt stöd för komprimerade TAR-arkiv", "Description[tr]": "Sıkıştırılmış TAR arşivleri için tam destek", "Description[uk]": "Повноцінна підтримка стиснених архівів TAR", "Description[x-test]": "xxFull support for compressed TAR archivesxx", "Description[zh_CN]": "完全支持压缩的 TAR 归档", "Description[zh_TW]": "對壓縮過的 TAR 壓縮檔的完整支援", "Id": "kerfuffle_libarchive", "MimeTypes": [ "@SUPPORTED_READWRITE_MIMETYPES@" ], "Name": "Libarchive plugin", "Name[ca@valencia]": "Connector del Libarchive", "Name[ca]": "Connector del Libarchive", "Name[cs]": "Modul libarchive", "Name[da]": "Libarchive-plugin", "Name[de]": "LibArchive-Modul", "Name[el]": "Πρόσθετο Libarchive", "Name[en_GB]": "Libarchive plugin", "Name[es]": "Complemento Libarchive", "Name[et]": "Libarchive'i plugin", "Name[eu]": "Libarchive plugina", "Name[fi]": "Libarchive-liitännäinen", "Name[fr]": "Module externe libarchive", "Name[gl]": "Complemento de libarchive", "Name[it]": "Estensione Libarchive", "Name[ko]": "Libarchive 플러그인", "Name[nl]": "LibArchive-plug-in", "Name[nn]": "Libarchive-tillegg", "Name[pl]": "Wtyczka libarchive", "Name[pt]": "'Plugin' da Libarchive", "Name[pt_BR]": "Plugin Libarchive", "Name[ru]": "Модуль Libarchive", "Name[sk]": "Plugin Libarchive", "Name[sl]": "Vstavek Libarchive", "Name[sr@ijekavian]": "Прикључак за Либархив", "Name[sr@ijekavianlatin]": "Priključak za libarchive", "Name[sr@latin]": "Priključak za libarchive", "Name[sr]": "Прикључак за Либархив", "Name[sv]": "Libarchive-insticksprogram", "Name[tr]": "Libarchive eklentisi", "Name[uk]": "Додаток libarchive", "Name[x-test]": "xxLibarchive pluginxx", "Name[zh_CN]": "Libarchive 插件", "Name[zh_TW]": "Libarchive 外掛程式", "ServiceTypes": [ "Kerfuffle/Plugin" ], - "Version": "@KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION@" + "Version": "@RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION@" }, "X-KDE-Kerfuffle-ReadWrite": true, "X-KDE-Priority": 100, "application/x-bzip-compressed-tar": { "CompressionLevelDefault": 9, "CompressionLevelMax": 9, "CompressionLevelMin": 1 }, "application/x-compressed-tar": { "CompressionLevelDefault": 6, "CompressionLevelMax": 9, "CompressionLevelMin": 1 }, "application/x-lrzip-compressed-tar": { "CompressionLevelDefault": 1, "CompressionLevelMax": 9, "CompressionLevelMin": 1 }, "application/x-lz4-compressed-tar": { "CompressionLevelDefault": 1, "CompressionLevelMax": 9, "CompressionLevelMin": 1 }, "application/x-lzip-compressed-tar": { "CompressionLevelDefault": 6, "CompressionLevelMax": 9, "CompressionLevelMin": 0 }, "application/x-lzma-compressed-tar": { "CompressionLevelDefault": 6, "CompressionLevelMax": 9, "CompressionLevelMin": 0 }, "application/x-tzo": { "CompressionLevelDefault": 5, "CompressionLevelMax": 9, "CompressionLevelMin": 1 }, "application/x-xz-compressed-tar": { "CompressionLevelDefault": 6, "CompressionLevelMax": 9, "CompressionLevelMin": 0 }, "application/x-zstd-compressed-tar": { "CompressionLevelDefault": 3, "CompressionLevelMax": 22, "CompressionLevelMin": 1 } } diff --git a/plugins/libarchive/kerfuffle_libarchive_readonly.json.cmake b/plugins/libarchive/kerfuffle_libarchive_readonly.json.cmake index 8b5eb81b..8ba2f922 100644 --- a/plugins/libarchive/kerfuffle_libarchive_readonly.json.cmake +++ b/plugins/libarchive/kerfuffle_libarchive_readonly.json.cmake @@ -1,82 +1,82 @@ { "KPlugin": { "Description": "Open and extract DEB, RPM, ISO, AppImage, XAR and CAB files", "Description[ca@valencia]": "Obri i extreu fitxers DEB, RPM, ISO, AppImage, XAR i CAB", "Description[ca]": "Obre i extreu fitxers DEB, RPM, ISO, AppImage, XAR i CAB", "Description[cs]": "Otevřít a rozbalit soubory DEB, RPM, ISO, AppImage, XAR a CAB", "Description[da]": "Åbn og udpak DEB-, RPM-, ISO-, AppImage-, XAR- og CAB-filer", "Description[de]": "Öffnen und Entpacken von DEB-, RPM-, ISO-, AppImage-, XAR- und CAB-Dateien", "Description[el]": "Άνοιγμα και εξαγωγή αρχείων DEB, RPM, ISO, AppImage, XAR και CAB", "Description[en_GB]": "Open and extract DEB, RPM, ISO, AppImage, XAR and CAB files", "Description[es]": "Abrir y extraer archivos DEB, RPM, ISO, AppImage, XAR y CAB", "Description[et]": "DEB-, RPM-, ISO-, AppImage'i, XAR- ja CAB-failide avamine ja lahtipakkimine", "Description[eu]": "Ireki eta erauzi DEB, RPM, ISO, AppImage, XAR eta CAB fitxategiak", "Description[fi]": "Avaa ja pura Deb-, RPM-, ISO-, AppImage-, Xar- ja Cab-tiedostoja", "Description[fr]": "Ouvre et extrait les fichiers DEB, RPM, ISO, AppImage, XAR et CAB", "Description[gl]": "Abrir e extraer ficheiros DEB, RPM, ISO, AppImage, XAR e CAB.", "Description[it]": "Apri ed estrai file DEB, RPM, ISO, AppImage, XAR e CAB", "Description[ko]": "DEB, RPM, ISO, AppImage, XAR, CAB 파일 열고 풀기", "Description[nl]": "Open en pak uit DEB, RPM, ISO, AppImage, XAR en CAB bestanden", "Description[nn]": "Opna og pakk ut DEB-, RPM-, ISO-, AppImage-, XAR- og CAB-filer", "Description[pl]": "Otwiera i wypakowuje pliki DEB, RPM, ISO, AppImage, XAR oraz CAB", "Description[pt]": "Abrir e extrair ficheiros DEB, RPM, ISO, AppImage, XAR e CAB", "Description[pt_BR]": "Abre e extrai arquivos DEB, RPM, ISO, AppImage, XAR e CAB", "Description[ru]": "Открытие и распаковка файлов DEB, RPM, ISO, AppImage, XAR и CAB", "Description[sk]": "Otvorenie a extrahovanie súborov DEB, RPM, ISO, AppImage, XAR a CAB", "Description[sl]": "Odprite in razširite datoteke DEB, RPM, ISO, AppImage, XAR in CAB", "Description[sr@ijekavian]": "Отварање и распакивање ДЕБ, РПМ, ИСО, ап‑имејџ, КСАР и КАБ фајлова", "Description[sr@ijekavianlatin]": "Otvaranje i raspakivanje DEB, RPM, ISO, AppImage, XAR i CAB fajlova", "Description[sr@latin]": "Otvaranje i raspakivanje DEB, RPM, ISO, AppImage, XAR i CAB fajlova", "Description[sr]": "Отварање и распакивање ДЕБ, РПМ, ИСО, ап‑имејџ, КСАР и КАБ фајлова", "Description[sv]": "Öppna och packa upp DEB-, RPM-, ISO-, AppImage-, XAR- och CAB-filer", "Description[tr]": "DEB, RPM, ISO, AppImage, XAR ve CAB dosyalarını açıp çıkartın", "Description[uk]": "Здатен відкривати і видобувати дані з архівів DEB, RPM, ISO, AppImage, XAR та CAB", "Description[x-test]": "xxOpen and extract DEB, RPM, ISO, AppImage, XAR and CAB filesxx", "Description[zh_CN]": "打开和解压 DEB,RPM,ISO,AppImage,XAR 和 CAB 文件", "Description[zh_TW]": "開啟並解壓縮 DEB, RPM, ISO, AppImage, XAR 與 CAB 檔案", "Id": "kerfuffle_libarchive_readonly", "MimeTypes": [ "@SUPPORTED_READONLY_MIMETYPES@" ], "Name": "Libarchive plugin (read-only formats)", "Name[ca@valencia]": "Connector del Libarchive (formats de només lectura)", "Name[ca]": "Connector del Libarchive (formats de només lectura)", "Name[cs]": "Modul libarchive (formáty pouze pro čtení)", "Name[da]": "Libarchive-plugin (skrivebeskyttede formater)", "Name[de]": "LibArchive-Modul (Nur lesbare Formate)", "Name[el]": "Πρόσθετο Libarchive (ανάγνωση μόνο)", "Name[en_GB]": "Libarchive plugin (read-only formats)", "Name[es]": "Complemento Libarchive (formatos de solo lectura)", "Name[et]": "Libarchive'i plugin (kirjutuskaitstud vormingud)", "Name[eu]": "Libarchive plugina (irakurri-soilik formatuak)", "Name[fi]": "Libarchive-liitännäinen (vain luku -muodot)", "Name[fr]": "Module externe libarchive (formats en lecture seule)", "Name[gl]": "Complemento de libarchive (formatos de só lectura)", "Name[it]": "Estensione Libarchive (formati in sola lettura)", "Name[ko]": "Libarchive 플러그인(읽기 전용 형식)", "Name[nl]": "LibArchive-plug-in (alleen-lezen formaten)", "Name[nn]": "Libarchive-tillegg (berre lesing)", "Name[pl]": "Wtyczka Libarchive (formaty tylko-do-odczytu)", "Name[pt]": "'Plugin' da Libarchive (formatos apenas para leitura)", "Name[pt_BR]": "Plugin Libarchive (formatos apenas para leitura)", "Name[ru]": "Модуль Libarchive (форматы только для чтения)", "Name[sk]": "Plugin Libarchive (formáty iba na čítanie)", "Name[sl]": "Vstavek Libarchive (samo za branje)", "Name[sr@ijekavian]": "Прикључак за Либархив (формати само‑за‑читање)", "Name[sr@ijekavianlatin]": "Priključak za libarchive (formati samo‑za‑čitanje)", "Name[sr@latin]": "Priključak za libarchive (formati samo‑za‑čitanje)", "Name[sr]": "Прикључак за Либархив (формати само‑за‑читање)", "Name[sv]": "Libarchive-insticksprogram (endast läsningsformat)", "Name[tr]": "Libarchive eklentisi (salt okunur biçimler)", "Name[uk]": "Додаток libarchive (формати лише для читання)", "Name[x-test]": "xxLibarchive plugin (read-only formats)xx", "Name[zh_CN]": "Libarchive 插件 (只读格式)", "Name[zh_TW]": "Libarchive 外掛程式(唯讀格式)", "ServiceTypes": [ "Kerfuffle/Plugin" ], - "Version": "@KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION@" + "Version": "@RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION@" }, "X-KDE-Kerfuffle-ReadWrite": false, "X-KDE-Priority": 100 } diff --git a/plugins/libsinglefileplugin/kerfuffle_libbz2.json.cmake b/plugins/libsinglefileplugin/kerfuffle_libbz2.json.cmake index b101a2fb..79e530e2 100644 --- a/plugins/libsinglefileplugin/kerfuffle_libbz2.json.cmake +++ b/plugins/libsinglefileplugin/kerfuffle_libbz2.json.cmake @@ -1,82 +1,82 @@ { "KPlugin": { "Description": "Open and extract single files compressed with the bzip2 algorithm", "Description[ca@valencia]": "Obri i extreu fitxers individuals comprimits amb l'algorisme «bzip2»", "Description[ca]": "Obre i extreu fitxers individuals comprimits amb l'algorisme «bzip2»", "Description[cs]": "Otevřít a rozbalit jednotlivé soubory komprimované algoritmem bzip2", "Description[da]": "Åbn og udpak enkelte filer komprimeret med bzip2-algoritmen", "Description[de]": "Öffnen und Entpacken von einzelnen mit dem Bzip2-Algorithmus komprimierten Dateien", "Description[el]": "Άνοιγμα και εξαγωγή απλών αρχείων συμπιεσμένα με τον αλγόριθμο bzip2", "Description[en_GB]": "Open and extract single files compressed with the bzip2 algorithm", "Description[es]": "Abrir y extraer archivos individuales comprimidos con el algoritmo bzip2", "Description[et]": "Bzip2 algoritmiga pakitud failide avamine ja lahtipakkimine", "Description[eu]": "Ireki eta erauzi bzip2 algoritmoarekin konprimatutako fitxategiak banaka", "Description[fi]": "Avaa ja pura Bzip2-algoritmilla pakattuja yksittäistiedostoja", "Description[fr]": "Ouvre et extrait des fichiers compressés avec l'algorithme bzip2", "Description[gl]": "Abrir e extraer ficheiros individuais comprimidos co algoritmo bzip2.", "Description[it]": "Apri ed estrai singoli file compressi con l'algoritmo bzip2", "Description[ko]": "bzip2 알고리즘으로 압축된 단일 파일 열고 풀기", "Description[nl]": "Open en pak uit losse bestanden gecomprimeerd met het bzip2-algoritme", "Description[nn]": "Opna og pakk ut einskildfiler komprimerte med bzip2-algoritmen", "Description[pl]": "Otwiera i wypakowuje pojedyncze pliki spakowane algorytmem bzip2", "Description[pt]": "Abrir e extrair ficheiros individuais comprimidos com o algoritmo Bzip2", "Description[pt_BR]": "Abrir e extrair arquivos individuais compactados com o algoritmo Bzip2", "Description[ru]": "Открытие и распаковка отдельных файлов, сжатых по алгоритму bzip2", "Description[sk]": "Otvorenie a extrahovanie jednotlivých súborov komprimovaných algoritmom bzip2", "Description[sl]": "Odprite in razširite datoteke stisnjene z algoritmom bzip2", "Description[sr@ijekavian]": "Отварање и распакивање појединачних фајлова компресованих алгоритмом бзип2", "Description[sr@ijekavianlatin]": "Otvaranje i raspakivanje pojedinačnih fajlova kompresovanih algoritmom bzip2", "Description[sr@latin]": "Otvaranje i raspakivanje pojedinačnih fajlova kompresovanih algoritmom bzip2", "Description[sr]": "Отварање и распакивање појединачних фајлова компресованих алгоритмом бзип2", "Description[sv]": "Öppna och packa upp enstaka filer komprimerade med bzip2-algoritmen", "Description[tr]": "Bzip2 algoritması ile sıkıştırılmış tek dosyaları açma ve çıkarma", "Description[uk]": "Здатен відкривати і видобувати дані із окремих файлів, стиснених за допомогою алгоритму bzip2", "Description[x-test]": "xxOpen and extract single files compressed with the bzip2 algorithmxx", "Description[zh_CN]": "打开和解压 bzip2 算法压缩的单个文件", "Description[zh_TW]": "開啟並解壓縮以 bzip2 演算法壓縮的單一檔案", "Id": "kerfuffle_libbz2", "MimeTypes": [ "@SUPPORTED_MIMETYPES@" ], "Name": "Bzip2 plugin", "Name[ca@valencia]": "Connector del Bzip2", "Name[ca]": "Connector del Bzip2", "Name[cs]": "Modul pro bzip2", "Name[da]": "Bzip2-plugin", "Name[de]": "Bzip2-Modul", "Name[el]": "Πρόσθετο Bzip2", "Name[en_GB]": "Bzip2 plugin", "Name[es]": "Complemento Bzip2", "Name[et]": "Bzip2 plugin", "Name[eu]": "Bzip2 plugina", "Name[fi]": "Bzip2-liitännäinen", "Name[fr]": "Module externe d'archive « bzip2 »", "Name[gl]": "Complemento de bzip2", "Name[ia]": "Plugin d Bzip2", "Name[it]": "Estensione Bzip2", "Name[ko]": "Bzip2 플러그인", "Name[nl]": "Bzip2-plug-in", "Name[nn]": "Bzip2-tillegg", "Name[pl]": "Wtyczka bzip2", "Name[pt]": "'Plugin' do Bzip2", "Name[pt_BR]": "Plugin Bzip2", "Name[ru]": "Модуль Bzip2", "Name[sk]": "Plugin Bzip2", "Name[sl]": "Vstavek Bzip2", "Name[sr@ijekavian]": "Прикључак за бзип2", "Name[sr@ijekavianlatin]": "Priključak za bzip2", "Name[sr@latin]": "Priključak za bzip2", "Name[sr]": "Прикључак за бзип2", "Name[sv]": "Bzip2-insticksprogram", "Name[tr]": "Bzip2 eklentisi", "Name[uk]": "Додаток bzip2", "Name[x-test]": "xxBzip2 pluginxx", "Name[zh_CN]": "Bzip2 插件", "Name[zh_TW]": "Bzip2 外掛程式", "ServiceTypes": [ "Kerfuffle/Plugin" ], - "Version": "@KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION@" + "Version": "@RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION@" }, "X-KDE-Priority": 100 } diff --git a/plugins/libsinglefileplugin/kerfuffle_libgz.json.cmake b/plugins/libsinglefileplugin/kerfuffle_libgz.json.cmake index 88db6802..a01f2875 100644 --- a/plugins/libsinglefileplugin/kerfuffle_libgz.json.cmake +++ b/plugins/libsinglefileplugin/kerfuffle_libgz.json.cmake @@ -1,82 +1,82 @@ { "KPlugin": { "Description": "Open and extract single files compressed with the gzip algorithm", "Description[ca@valencia]": "Obri i extreu fitxers individuals comprimits amb l'algorisme «gzip»", "Description[ca]": "Obre i extreu fitxers individuals comprimits amb l'algorisme «gzip»", "Description[cs]": "Otevřít a rozbalit jednotlivé soubory komprimované algoritmem gzip", "Description[da]": "Åbn og udpak enkelte filer komprimeret med gzip-algoritmen", "Description[de]": "Öffnen und Entpacken von einzelnen mit dem GZip-Algorithmus komprimierten Dateien", "Description[el]": "Άνοιγμα και εξαγωγή απλών αρχείων συμπιεσμένα με τον αλγόριθμο gzip", "Description[en_GB]": "Open and extract single files compressed with the gzip algorithm", "Description[es]": "Abrir y extraer archivos individuales comprimidos con el algoritmo gzip", "Description[et]": "Gzipi algoritmiga pakitud failide avamine ja lahtipakkimine", "Description[eu]": "Ireki eta erauzi gzip algoritmoarekin konprimatutako fitxategiak banaka", "Description[fi]": "Avaa ja pura Gzip-algoritmilla pakattuja yksittäistiedostoja", "Description[fr]": "Ouvre et extrait des fichiers compressés avec l'algorithme gzip", "Description[gl]": "Abrir e extraer ficheiros individuais comprimidos co algoritmo gzip.", "Description[it]": "Apri ed estrai singoli file compressi con l'algoritmo gzip", "Description[ko]": "gzip 알고리즘으로 압축된 단일 파일 열고 풀기", "Description[nl]": "Open en pak uit losse bestanden gecomprimeerd met het gzip-algoritme", "Description[nn]": "Opna og pakk ut einskildfiler komprimerte med gzip-algoritmen", "Description[pl]": "Otwiera i wypakowuje pojedyncze pliki spakowane algorytmem gzip", "Description[pt]": "Abrir e extrair ficheiros individuais comprimidos com o algoritmo Gzip", "Description[pt_BR]": "Abrir e extrair arquivos individuais compactados com o algoritmo Gzip", "Description[ru]": "Открытие и распаковка отдельных файлов, сжатых по алгоритму gzip", "Description[sk]": "Otvorenie a extrahovanie jednotlivých súborov komprimovaných algoritmom gzip", "Description[sl]": "Odprite in razširite datoteke stisnjene z algoritmom gzip", "Description[sr@ijekavian]": "Отварање и распакивање појединачних фајлова компресованих алгоритмом гзип", "Description[sr@ijekavianlatin]": "Otvaranje i raspakivanje pojedinačnih fajlova kompresovanih algoritmom gzip", "Description[sr@latin]": "Otvaranje i raspakivanje pojedinačnih fajlova kompresovanih algoritmom gzip", "Description[sr]": "Отварање и распакивање појединачних фајлова компресованих алгоритмом гзип", "Description[sv]": "Öppna och packa upp enstaka filer komprimerade med gzip-algoritmen", "Description[tr]": "Gzip algoritması ile sıkıştırılmış tek dosyaları açma ve çıkarma", "Description[uk]": "Здатен відкривати і видобувати дані із окремих файлів, стиснених за допомогою алгоритму gzip", "Description[x-test]": "xxOpen and extract single files compressed with the gzip algorithmxx", "Description[zh_CN]": "打开和解压 gzip 算法压缩的单个文件", "Description[zh_TW]": "開啟並解壓縮以 gzip 演算法壓縮的單一檔案", "Id": "kerfuffle_libgz", "MimeTypes": [ "@SUPPORTED_MIMETYPES@" ], "Name": "Gzip plugin", "Name[ca@valencia]": "Connector del Gzip", "Name[ca]": "Connector del Gzip", "Name[cs]": "Modul pro gzip", "Name[da]": "Gzip-plugin", "Name[de]": "Gzip-Modul", "Name[el]": "Πρόσθετο Gzip", "Name[en_GB]": "Gzip plugin", "Name[es]": "Complemento Gzip", "Name[et]": "Gzip'i plugin", "Name[eu]": "Gzip plugina", "Name[fi]": "Gzip-liitännäinen", "Name[fr]": "Module externe d'archive « gzip »", "Name[gl]": "Complemento de gzip", "Name[ia]": "Plugin de Gzip", "Name[it]": "Estensione Gzip", "Name[ko]": "Gzip 플러그인", "Name[nl]": "Gzip-plug-in", "Name[nn]": "Gzip-tillegg", "Name[pl]": "Wtyczka gzip", "Name[pt]": "'Plugin' do Gzip", "Name[pt_BR]": "Plugin Gzip", "Name[ru]": "Модуль Gzip", "Name[sk]": "Plugin Gzip", "Name[sl]": "Vstavek Gzip", "Name[sr@ijekavian]": "Прикључак за гзип", "Name[sr@ijekavianlatin]": "Priključak za gzip", "Name[sr@latin]": "Priključak za gzip", "Name[sr]": "Прикључак за гзип", "Name[sv]": "Gzip-insticksprogram", "Name[tr]": "Gzip eklentisi", "Name[uk]": "Додаток gzip", "Name[x-test]": "xxGzip pluginxx", "Name[zh_CN]": "Gzip 插件", "Name[zh_TW]": "Gzip 外掛程式", "ServiceTypes": [ "Kerfuffle/Plugin" ], - "Version": "@KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION@" + "Version": "@RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION@" }, "X-KDE-Priority": 100 } diff --git a/plugins/libsinglefileplugin/kerfuffle_libxz.json.cmake b/plugins/libsinglefileplugin/kerfuffle_libxz.json.cmake index 04872c2c..da91c5ee 100644 --- a/plugins/libsinglefileplugin/kerfuffle_libxz.json.cmake +++ b/plugins/libsinglefileplugin/kerfuffle_libxz.json.cmake @@ -1,82 +1,82 @@ { "KPlugin": { "Description": "Open and extract single files compressed with the lzma algorithm", "Description[ca@valencia]": "Obri i extreu fitxers individuals comprimits amb l'algorisme «lzma»", "Description[ca]": "Obre i extreu fitxers individuals comprimits amb l'algorisme «lzma»", "Description[cs]": "Otevřít a rozbalit jednotlivé soubory komprimované algoritmem lzma", "Description[da]": "Åbn og udpak enkelte filer komprimeret med lzma-algoritmen", "Description[de]": "Öffnen und Entpacken von einzelnen mit dem LZMA-Algorithmus komprimierten Dateien", "Description[el]": "Άνοιγμα και εξαγωγή απλών αρχείων συμπιεσμένα με τον αλγόριθμο Izma", "Description[en_GB]": "Open and extract single files compressed with the lzma algorithm", "Description[es]": "Abrir y extraer archivos individuales comprimidos con el algoritmo lzma", "Description[et]": "Lzma algoritmiga pakitud failide avamine ja lahtipakkimine", "Description[eu]": "Ireki eta erauzi lzma algoritmoarekin konprimatutako fitxategiak banaka", "Description[fi]": "Avaa ja pura LZMA-algoritmilla pakattuja yksittäistiedostoja", "Description[fr]": "Ouvre et extrait des fichiers compressés avec l'algorithme lzma", "Description[gl]": "Abrir e extraer ficheiros individuais comprimidos co algoritmo lzma.", "Description[it]": "Apri ed estrai singoli file compressi con l'algoritmo lzma", "Description[ko]": "lzma 알고리즘으로 압축된 단일 파일 열고 풀기", "Description[nl]": "Open en pak uit losse bestanden gecomprimeerd met het lzma-algoritme", "Description[nn]": "Opna og pakk ut einskildfiler komprimerte med lzma-algoritmen", "Description[pl]": "Otwiera i wypakowuje pojedyncze pliki spakowane algorytmem lzma", "Description[pt]": "Abrir e extrair ficheiros individuais comprimidos com o algoritmo LZMA", "Description[pt_BR]": "Abrir e extrair arquivos individuais compactados com o algoritmo LZMA", "Description[ru]": "Открытие и распаковка отдельных файлов, сжатых по алгоритму lzma", "Description[sk]": "Otvorenie a extrahovanie jednotlivých súborov komprimovaných algoritmom lzma", "Description[sl]": "Odprite in razširite datoteke stisnjene z algoritmom lzma", "Description[sr@ijekavian]": "Отварање и распакивање појединачних фајлова компресованих алгоритмом ЛЗМА", "Description[sr@ijekavianlatin]": "Otvaranje i raspakivanje pojedinačnih fajlova kompresovanih algoritmom LZMA", "Description[sr@latin]": "Otvaranje i raspakivanje pojedinačnih fajlova kompresovanih algoritmom LZMA", "Description[sr]": "Отварање и распакивање појединачних фајлова компресованих алгоритмом ЛЗМА", "Description[sv]": "Öppna och packa upp enstaka filer komprimerade med lzma-algoritmen", "Description[tr]": "Lzma algoritması ile sıkıştırılmış tek dosyaları açma ve çıkarma", "Description[uk]": "Здатен відкривати і видобувати дані із окремих файлів, стиснених за допомогою алгоритму lzma", "Description[x-test]": "xxOpen and extract single files compressed with the lzma algorithmxx", "Description[zh_CN]": "打开和解压 lzma 算法压缩的单个文件", "Description[zh_TW]": "開啟並解壓縮以 lzma 演算法壓縮的單一檔案", "Id": "kerfuffle_libxz", "MimeTypes": [ "@SUPPORTED_MIMETYPES@" ], "Name": "LZMA plugin", "Name[ca@valencia]": "Connector del LZMA", "Name[ca]": "Connector del LZMA", "Name[cs]": "Modul pro LZMA", "Name[da]": "LZMA-plugin", "Name[de]": "LZMA-Modul", "Name[el]": "Πρόσθετο LZMA", "Name[en_GB]": "LZMA plugin", "Name[es]": "Complemento LZMA", "Name[et]": "LZMA plugin", "Name[eu]": "LZMA plugina", "Name[fi]": "LZMA-liitännäinen", "Name[fr]": "Module externe LZMA", "Name[gl]": "Complemento de LZMA", "Name[ia]": "Plugin de LZMA", "Name[it]": "Estensione LZMA", "Name[ko]": "LZMA 플러그인", "Name[nl]": "LZMA-plug-in", "Name[nn]": "LZMA-tillegg", "Name[pl]": "Wtyczka LZMA", "Name[pt]": "'Plugin' do LZMA", "Name[pt_BR]": "Plugin LZMA", "Name[ru]": "Модуль LZMA", "Name[sk]": "Plugin LZMA", "Name[sl]": "Vstavek LZMA", "Name[sr@ijekavian]": "Прикључак за ЛЗМА", "Name[sr@ijekavianlatin]": "Priključak za LZMA", "Name[sr@latin]": "Priključak za LZMA", "Name[sr]": "Прикључак за ЛЗМА", "Name[sv]": "LZMA-insticksprogram", "Name[tr]": "LZMA eklentisi", "Name[uk]": "Додаток LZMA", "Name[x-test]": "xxLZMA pluginxx", "Name[zh_CN]": "LZMA 插件", "Name[zh_TW]": "LZMA 外掛程式", "ServiceTypes": [ "Kerfuffle/Plugin" ], - "Version": "@KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION@" + "Version": "@RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION@" }, "X-KDE-Priority": 100 } diff --git a/plugins/libzipplugin/kerfuffle_libzip.json.cmake b/plugins/libzipplugin/kerfuffle_libzip.json.cmake index c9100ecc..87926949 100644 --- a/plugins/libzipplugin/kerfuffle_libzip.json.cmake +++ b/plugins/libzipplugin/kerfuffle_libzip.json.cmake @@ -1,104 +1,104 @@ { "KPlugin": { "Description": "Full support for the zip archive format", "Description[ca@valencia]": "Implementació completa del format d'arxiu ZIP", "Description[ca]": "Implementació completa del format d'arxiu ZIP", "Description[cs]": "Plná podpora archivačního formátu zip", "Description[da]": "Fuld understøttelse af zip-arkivformater", "Description[de]": "Vollständige Unterstützung für Zip-Archivformate", "Description[el]": "Πλήρης υποστήριξη για την αρχειοθήκη μορφής zip", "Description[en_GB]": "Full support for the zip archive format", "Description[es]": "Uso total del formato de archivo comprimido zip", "Description[et]": "Zip-arhiivi vormingu täielik toetus", "Description[eu]": "Zip artxibo formatuarentzako euskarri osoa", "Description[fi]": "Täysi Zip-tiedostomuodon tuki", "Description[fr]": "Prise en charge complète du format d'archive ZIP", "Description[gl]": "Compatibilidade total co formato de arquivo zip.", "Description[it]": "Supporto completo per il formato di archivi ZIP", "Description[ko]": "zip 압축 형식 지원", "Description[nl]": "Volledige ondersteuning voor het zip-archiefformaat", "Description[nn]": "Full støtte for arkivformatet ZIP", "Description[pl]": "Pełna obsługa dla archiwów zip", "Description[pt]": "Suporte total para o formato de pacotes ZIP", "Description[pt_BR]": "Suporte total para o formato de arquivo ZIP", "Description[ru]": "Полная поддержка архивов ZIP", "Description[sk]": "Plná podpora pre archívny formát zip", "Description[sl]": "Polna podpora za arhive vrste zip", "Description[sr@ijekavian]": "Пуна подршка за архивски формат ЗИП", "Description[sr@ijekavianlatin]": "Puna podrška za arhivski format ZIP", "Description[sr@latin]": "Puna podrška za arhivski format ZIP", "Description[sr]": "Пуна подршка за архивски формат ЗИП", "Description[sv]": "Fullt stöd för arkivformatet zip", "Description[tr]": "Zip arşivi biçimi için tam destek", "Description[uk]": "Повноцінна підтримка архівів у форматі zip", "Description[x-test]": "xxFull support for the zip archive formatxx", "Description[zh_CN]": "完全支持 zip 归档格式", "Description[zh_TW]": "對 zip 壓縮檔格式的完整支援", "Id": "kerfuffle_libzip", "MimeTypes": [ "@SUPPORTED_MIMETYPES@" ], "Name": "Libzip plugin", "Name[ca@valencia]": "Connector del Libzip", "Name[ca]": "Connector del Libzip", "Name[cs]": "Modul pro libzip", "Name[da]": "Libzip-plugin", "Name[de]": "Libzip-Modul", "Name[el]": "Πρόσθετο Libzip", "Name[en_GB]": "Libzip plugin", "Name[es]": "Complemento Libzip", "Name[et]": "Libzipi plugin", "Name[eu]": "Libzip plugina", "Name[fi]": "Libzip-liitännäinen", "Name[fr]": "Module externe « libzip »", "Name[gl]": "Complemento de libzip", "Name[ia]": "Plugin de Libzip", "Name[it]": "Estensione Libzip", "Name[ko]": "Libzip 플러그인", "Name[nl]": "Libzip-plug-in", "Name[nn]": "Libzip-tillegg", "Name[pl]": "Wtyczka libzip", "Name[pt]": "'Plugin' da Libzip", "Name[pt_BR]": "Plugin Libzip", "Name[ru]": "Модуль Libzip", "Name[sk]": "Plugin Libzip", "Name[sl]": "Vstavek Libzip", "Name[sr@ijekavian]": "Прикључак за Либзип", "Name[sr@ijekavianlatin]": "Priključak za libzip", "Name[sr@latin]": "Priključak za libzip", "Name[sr]": "Прикључак за Либзип", "Name[sv]": "Libzip-insticksprogram", "Name[tr]": "Libzip eklentisi", "Name[uk]": "Додаток libzip", "Name[x-test]": "xxLibzip pluginxx", "Name[zh_CN]": "Libzip 插件", "Name[zh_TW]": "Libzip 外掛程式", "ServiceTypes": [ "Kerfuffle/Plugin" ], - "Version": "@KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION@" + "Version": "@RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION@" }, "X-KDE-Kerfuffle-ReadWrite": true, "X-KDE-Priority": 200, "application/zip": { "CompressionLevelDefault": 6, "CompressionLevelMax": 9, "CompressionLevelMin": 1, "CompressionMethodDefault": "Default", "CompressionMethods": { "BZip2": "BZip2", "Default": "Default", "Deflate": "Deflate", "Store": "Store" }, "Encryption": true, "EncryptionMethodDefault": "AES256", "EncryptionMethods": [ "AES256", "AES192", "AES128" ], "SupportsTesting": true, "SupportsWriteComment": true } }