diff --git a/kerfuffle/jobs.cpp b/kerfuffle/jobs.cpp index f018dc2b..06e8de52 100644 --- a/kerfuffle/jobs.cpp +++ b/kerfuffle/jobs.cpp @@ -1,857 +1,856 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2007 Henrique Pinto * Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Harald Hvaal * Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Raphael Kubo da Costa * Copyright (c) 2016 Vladyslav Batyrenko * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ( INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION ) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * ( INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE ) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "jobs.h" #include "archiveentry.h" #include "ark_debug.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Kerfuffle { class Job::Private : public QThread { Q_OBJECT public: Private(Job *job, QObject *parent = nullptr) : QThread(parent) , q(job) { } void run() override; private: Job *q; }; void Job::Private::run() { q->doWork(); } Job::Job(Archive *archive, ReadOnlyArchiveInterface *interface) : KJob() , m_archive(archive) , m_archiveInterface(interface) , d(new Private(this)) { setCapabilities(KJob::Killable); } Job::Job(Archive *archive) : Job(archive, nullptr) {} Job::Job(ReadOnlyArchiveInterface *interface) : Job(nullptr, interface) {} Job::~Job() { if (d->isRunning()) { d->wait(); } delete d; } ReadOnlyArchiveInterface *Job::archiveInterface() { // Use the archive interface. if (archive()) { return archive()->interface(); } // Use the interface passed to this job (e.g. JSONArchiveInterface in jobstest.cpp). return m_archiveInterface; } Archive *Job::archive() const { return m_archive; } QString Job::errorString() const { if (!errorText().isEmpty()) { return errorText(); } if (archive()) { if (archive()->error() == NoPlugin) { return i18n("No suitable plugin found. Ark does not seem to support this file type."); } if (archive()->error() == FailedPlugin) { return i18n("Failed to load a suitable plugin. Make sure any executables needed to handle the archive type are installed."); } } return QString(); } void Job::start() { jobTimer.start(); // We have an archive but it's not valid, nothing to do. if (archive() && !archive()->isValid()) { QTimer::singleShot(0, this, [=]() { onFinished(false); }); return; } if (archiveInterface()->waitForFinishedSignal()) { // CLI-based interfaces run a QProcess, no need to use threads. QTimer::singleShot(0, this, &Job::doWork); } else { // Run the job in another thread. d->start(); } } void Job::connectToArchiveInterfaceSignals() { connect(archiveInterface(), &ReadOnlyArchiveInterface::cancelled, this, &Job::onCancelled); connect(archiveInterface(), &ReadOnlyArchiveInterface::error, this, &Job::onError); connect(archiveInterface(), &ReadOnlyArchiveInterface::entry, this, &Job::onEntry); connect(archiveInterface(), &ReadOnlyArchiveInterface::progress, this, &Job::onProgress); connect(archiveInterface(), &ReadOnlyArchiveInterface::info, this, &Job::onInfo); connect(archiveInterface(), &ReadOnlyArchiveInterface::finished, this, &Job::onFinished); connect(archiveInterface(), &ReadOnlyArchiveInterface::userQuery, this, &Job::onUserQuery); auto readWriteInterface = qobject_cast(archiveInterface()); if (readWriteInterface) { connect(readWriteInterface, &ReadWriteArchiveInterface::entryRemoved, this, &Job::onEntryRemoved); } } void Job::onCancelled() { qCDebug(ARK) << "Cancelled emitted"; setError(KJob::KilledJobError); } void Job::onError(const QString & message, const QString & details) { Q_UNUSED(details) qCDebug(ARK) << "Error emitted:" << message; setError(KJob::UserDefinedError); setErrorText(message); } void Job::onEntry(Archive::Entry *entry) { emit newEntry(entry); } void Job::onProgress(double value) { setPercent(static_cast(100.0*value)); } void Job::onInfo(const QString& info) { emit infoMessage(this, info); } void Job::onEntryRemoved(const QString & path) { emit entryRemoved(path); } void Job::onFinished(bool result) { qCDebug(ARK) << "Job finished, result:" << result << ", time:" << jobTimer.elapsed() << "ms"; if (archive() && !archive()->isValid()) { setError(KJob::UserDefinedError); } if (!d->isInterruptionRequested()) { emitResult(); } } void Job::onUserQuery(Query *query) { if (archiveInterface()->waitForFinishedSignal()) { qCWarning(ARK) << "Plugins run from the main thread should call directly query->execute()"; } emit userQuery(query); } bool Job::doKill() { const bool canKillJob = archiveInterface()->doKill(); if (!d->isRunning()) { return canKillJob; } d->requestInterruption(); if (!canKillJob) { qCDebug(ARK) << "Forcing thread exit in one second..."; d->wait(1000); return true; } d->wait(); return canKillJob; } LoadJob::LoadJob(Archive *archive, ReadOnlyArchiveInterface *interface) : Job(archive, interface) , m_isSingleFolderArchive(true) , m_isPasswordProtected(false) , m_extractedFilesSize(0) , m_dirCount(0) , m_filesCount(0) { qCDebug(ARK) << "Created job instance"; connect(this, &LoadJob::newEntry, this, &LoadJob::onNewEntry); } LoadJob::LoadJob(Archive *archive) : LoadJob(archive, nullptr) {} LoadJob::LoadJob(ReadOnlyArchiveInterface *interface) : LoadJob(nullptr, interface) {} void LoadJob::doWork() { emit description(this, i18n("Loading archive"), qMakePair(i18n("Archive"), archiveInterface()->filename())); connectToArchiveInterfaceSignals(); bool ret = archiveInterface()->list(); if (!archiveInterface()->waitForFinishedSignal()) { // onFinished() needs to be called after onNewEntry(), because the former reads members set in the latter. // So we need to put it in the event queue, just like the single-thread case does by emitting finished(). QTimer::singleShot(0, this, [=]() { onFinished(ret); }); } } void LoadJob::onFinished(bool result) { if (archive() && result) { archive()->setProperty("unpackedSize", extractedFilesSize()); archive()->setProperty("isSingleFolder", isSingleFolderArchive()); const auto name = subfolderName().isEmpty() ? archive()->completeBaseName() : subfolderName(); archive()->setProperty("subfolderName", name); if (isPasswordProtected()) { archive()->setProperty("encryptionType", archive()->password().isEmpty() ? Archive::Encrypted : Archive::HeaderEncrypted); } } Job::onFinished(result); } qlonglong LoadJob::extractedFilesSize() const { return m_extractedFilesSize; } bool LoadJob::isPasswordProtected() const { return m_isPasswordProtected; } bool LoadJob::isSingleFolderArchive() const { if (m_filesCount == 1 && m_dirCount == 0) { return false; } return m_isSingleFolderArchive; } void LoadJob::onNewEntry(const Archive::Entry *entry) { m_extractedFilesSize += entry->property("size").toLongLong(); m_isPasswordProtected |= entry->property("isPasswordProtected").toBool(); if (entry->isDir()) { m_dirCount++; } else { m_filesCount++; } if (m_isSingleFolderArchive) { // RPM filenames have the ./ prefix, and "." would be detected as the subfolder name, so we remove it. const QString fullPath = entry->fullPath().replace(QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("^\\./")), QString()); const QString basePath = fullPath.split(QLatin1Char('/')).at(0); if (m_basePath.isEmpty()) { m_basePath = basePath; m_subfolderName = basePath; } else { if (m_basePath != basePath) { m_isSingleFolderArchive = false; m_subfolderName.clear(); } } } } QString LoadJob::subfolderName() const { if (!isSingleFolderArchive()) { return QString(); } return m_subfolderName; } BatchExtractJob::BatchExtractJob(LoadJob *loadJob, const QString &destination, bool autoSubfolder, bool preservePaths) : Job(loadJob->archive()) , m_loadJob(loadJob) , m_destination(destination) , m_autoSubfolder(autoSubfolder) , m_preservePaths(preservePaths) { qCDebug(ARK) << "Created job instance"; } void BatchExtractJob::doWork() { connect(m_loadJob, &KJob::result, this, &BatchExtractJob::slotLoadingFinished); connect(archiveInterface(), &ReadOnlyArchiveInterface::cancelled, this, &BatchExtractJob::onCancelled); if (archiveInterface()->hasBatchExtractionProgress()) { // progress() will be actually emitted by the LoadJob, but the archiveInterface() is the same. connect(archiveInterface(), &ReadOnlyArchiveInterface::progress, this, &BatchExtractJob::slotLoadingProgress); } // Forward LoadJob's signals. connect(m_loadJob, &Kerfuffle::Job::newEntry, this, &BatchExtractJob::newEntry); connect(m_loadJob, &Kerfuffle::Job::userQuery, this, &BatchExtractJob::userQuery); m_loadJob->start(); } bool BatchExtractJob::doKill() { if (m_step == Loading) { return m_loadJob->kill(); } return m_extractJob->kill(); } void BatchExtractJob::slotLoadingProgress(double progress) { // Progress from LoadJob counts only for 50% of the BatchExtractJob's duration. m_lastPercentage = static_cast(50.0*progress); setPercent(m_lastPercentage); } void BatchExtractJob::slotExtractProgress(double progress) { // The 2nd 50% of the BatchExtractJob's duration comes from the ExtractJob. setPercent(m_lastPercentage + static_cast(50.0*progress)); } void BatchExtractJob::slotLoadingFinished(KJob *job) { if (job->error()) { // Forward errors as well. onError(job->errorString(), QString()); onFinished(false); return; } // Now we can start extraction. setupDestination(); Kerfuffle::ExtractionOptions options; options.setPreservePaths(m_preservePaths); m_extractJob = archive()->extractFiles({}, m_destination, options); if (m_extractJob) { connect(m_extractJob, &KJob::result, this, &BatchExtractJob::emitResult); connect(m_extractJob, &Kerfuffle::Job::userQuery, this, &BatchExtractJob::userQuery); if (archiveInterface()->hasBatchExtractionProgress()) { // The LoadJob is done, change slot and start setting the percentage from m_lastPercentage on. disconnect(archiveInterface(), &ReadOnlyArchiveInterface::progress, this, &BatchExtractJob::slotLoadingProgress); connect(archiveInterface(), &ReadOnlyArchiveInterface::progress, this, &BatchExtractJob::slotExtractProgress); } m_step = Extracting; m_extractJob->start(); } else { emitResult(); } } void BatchExtractJob::setupDestination() { const bool isSingleFolderRPM = (archive()->isSingleFolder() && (archive()->mimeType().name() == QLatin1String("application/x-rpm"))); if (m_autoSubfolder && (!archive()->isSingleFolder() || isSingleFolderRPM)) { const QDir d(m_destination); QString subfolderName = archive()->subfolderName(); // Special case for single folder RPM archives. // We don't want the autodetected folder to have a meaningless "usr" name. if (isSingleFolderRPM && subfolderName == QStringLiteral("usr")) { qCDebug(ARK) << "Detected single folder RPM archive. Using archive basename as subfolder name"; subfolderName = QFileInfo(archive()->fileName()).completeBaseName(); } if (d.exists(subfolderName)) { subfolderName = KIO::suggestName(QUrl::fromUserInput(m_destination, QString(), QUrl::AssumeLocalFile), subfolderName); } d.mkdir(subfolderName); m_destination += QLatin1Char( '/' ) + subfolderName; } } CreateJob::CreateJob(Archive *archive, const QVector &entries, const CompressionOptions &options) : Job(archive) , m_entries(entries) , m_options(options) { qCDebug(ARK) << "Created job instance"; } void CreateJob::enableEncryption(const QString &password, bool encryptHeader) { archive()->encrypt(password, encryptHeader); } void CreateJob::setMultiVolume(bool isMultiVolume) { archive()->setMultiVolume(isMultiVolume); } void CreateJob::doWork() { + connect(archiveInterface(), &ReadOnlyArchiveInterface::progress, this, &CreateJob::onProgress); + m_addJob = archive()->addFiles(m_entries, nullptr, m_options); if (m_addJob) { connect(m_addJob, &KJob::result, this, &CreateJob::emitResult); // Forward description signal from AddJob, we need to change the first argument ('this' needs to be a CreateJob). connect(m_addJob, &KJob::description, this, [=](KJob *, const QString &title, const QPair &field1, const QPair &) { emit description(this, title, field1); }); - connect(m_addJob, QOverload::of(&KJob::percent), this, [=](KJob*, unsigned long percent) { - emitPercent(percent, 100); - }); m_addJob->start(); } else { emitResult(); } } bool CreateJob::doKill() { return m_addJob && m_addJob->kill(); } ExtractJob::ExtractJob(const QVector &entries, const QString &destinationDir, const ExtractionOptions &options, ReadOnlyArchiveInterface *interface) : Job(interface) , m_entries(entries) , m_destinationDir(destinationDir) , m_options(options) { qCDebug(ARK) << "Created job instance"; } void ExtractJob::doWork() { QString desc; if (m_entries.count() == 0) { desc = i18n("Extracting all files"); } else { desc = i18np("Extracting one file", "Extracting %1 files", m_entries.count()); } emit description(this, desc, qMakePair(i18n("Archive"), archiveInterface()->filename()), qMakePair(i18nc("extraction folder", "Destination"), m_destinationDir)); QFileInfo destDirInfo(m_destinationDir); if (destDirInfo.isDir() && (!destDirInfo.isWritable() || !destDirInfo.isExecutable())) { onError(xi18n("Could not write to destination %1.Check whether you have sufficient permissions.", m_destinationDir), QString()); onFinished(false); return; } connectToArchiveInterfaceSignals(); qCDebug(ARK) << "Starting extraction with" << m_entries.count() << "selected files." << m_entries << "Destination dir:" << m_destinationDir << "Options:" << m_options; bool ret = archiveInterface()->extractFiles(m_entries, m_destinationDir, m_options); if (!archiveInterface()->waitForFinishedSignal()) { onFinished(ret); } } QString ExtractJob::destinationDirectory() const { return m_destinationDir; } ExtractionOptions ExtractJob::extractionOptions() const { return m_options; } TempExtractJob::TempExtractJob(Archive::Entry *entry, bool passwordProtectedHint, ReadOnlyArchiveInterface *interface) : Job(interface) , m_entry(entry) , m_passwordProtectedHint(passwordProtectedHint) { m_tmpExtractDir = new QTemporaryDir(); } QString TempExtractJob::validatedFilePath() const { QString path = extractionDir() + QLatin1Char('/') + m_entry->fullPath(); // Make sure a maliciously crafted archive with parent folders named ".." do // not cause the previewed file path to be located outside the temporary // directory, resulting in a directory traversal issue. path.remove(QStringLiteral("../")); return path; } ExtractionOptions TempExtractJob::extractionOptions() const { ExtractionOptions options; if (m_passwordProtectedHint) { options.setEncryptedArchiveHint(true); } return options; } QTemporaryDir *TempExtractJob::tempDir() const { return m_tmpExtractDir; } void TempExtractJob::doWork() { // pass 1 to i18np on purpose so this translation may properly be reused. emit description(this, i18np("Extracting one file", "Extracting %1 files", 1)); connectToArchiveInterfaceSignals(); qCDebug(ARK) << "Extracting:" << m_entry; bool ret = archiveInterface()->extractFiles({m_entry}, extractionDir(), extractionOptions()); if (!archiveInterface()->waitForFinishedSignal()) { onFinished(ret); } } QString TempExtractJob::extractionDir() const { return m_tmpExtractDir->path(); } PreviewJob::PreviewJob(Archive::Entry *entry, bool passwordProtectedHint, ReadOnlyArchiveInterface *interface) : TempExtractJob(entry, passwordProtectedHint, interface) { qCDebug(ARK) << "Created job instance"; } OpenJob::OpenJob(Archive::Entry *entry, bool passwordProtectedHint, ReadOnlyArchiveInterface *interface) : TempExtractJob(entry, passwordProtectedHint, interface) { qCDebug(ARK) << "Created job instance"; } OpenWithJob::OpenWithJob(Archive::Entry *entry, bool passwordProtectedHint, ReadOnlyArchiveInterface *interface) : OpenJob(entry, passwordProtectedHint, interface) { qCDebug(ARK) << "Created job instance"; } AddJob::AddJob(const QVector &entries, const Archive::Entry *destination, const CompressionOptions& options, ReadWriteArchiveInterface *interface) : Job(interface) , m_entries(entries) , m_destination(destination) , m_options(options) { qCDebug(ARK) << "Created job instance"; } void AddJob::doWork() { // Set current dir. const QString globalWorkDir = m_options.globalWorkDir(); const QDir workDir = globalWorkDir.isEmpty() ? QDir::current() : QDir(globalWorkDir); if (!globalWorkDir.isEmpty()) { qCDebug(ARK) << "GlobalWorkDir is set, changing dir to " << globalWorkDir; m_oldWorkingDir = QDir::currentPath(); QDir::setCurrent(globalWorkDir); } // Count total number of entries to be added. uint totalCount = 0; QElapsedTimer timer; timer.start(); foreach (const Archive::Entry* entry, m_entries) { totalCount++; if (QFileInfo(entry->fullPath()).isDir()) { QDirIterator it(entry->fullPath(), QDir::AllEntries | QDir::Readable | QDir::Hidden | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot, QDirIterator::Subdirectories); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); totalCount++; } } } qCDebug(ARK) << "Going to add" << totalCount << "entries, counted in" << timer.elapsed() << "ms"; const QString desc = i18np("Compressing a file", "Compressing %1 files", totalCount); emit description(this, desc, qMakePair(i18n("Archive"), archiveInterface()->filename())); ReadWriteArchiveInterface *m_writeInterface = qobject_cast(archiveInterface()); Q_ASSERT(m_writeInterface); // The file paths must be relative to GlobalWorkDir. foreach (Archive::Entry *entry, m_entries) { // #191821: workDir must be used instead of QDir::current() // so that symlinks aren't resolved automatically const QString &fullPath = entry->fullPath(); QString relativePath = workDir.relativeFilePath(fullPath); if (fullPath.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) { relativePath += QLatin1Char('/'); } entry->setFullPath(relativePath); } connectToArchiveInterfaceSignals(); bool ret = m_writeInterface->addFiles(m_entries, m_destination, m_options, totalCount); if (!archiveInterface()->waitForFinishedSignal()) { onFinished(ret); } } void AddJob::onFinished(bool result) { if (!m_oldWorkingDir.isEmpty()) { QDir::setCurrent(m_oldWorkingDir); } Job::onFinished(result); } MoveJob::MoveJob(const QVector &entries, Archive::Entry *destination, const CompressionOptions& options , ReadWriteArchiveInterface *interface) : Job(interface) , m_finishedSignalsCount(0) , m_entries(entries) , m_destination(destination) , m_options(options) { qCDebug(ARK) << "Created job instance"; } void MoveJob::doWork() { qCDebug(ARK) << "Going to move" << m_entries.count() << "file(s)"; QString desc = i18np("Moving a file", "Moving %1 files", m_entries.count()); emit description(this, desc, qMakePair(i18n("Archive"), archiveInterface()->filename())); ReadWriteArchiveInterface *m_writeInterface = qobject_cast(archiveInterface()); Q_ASSERT(m_writeInterface); connectToArchiveInterfaceSignals(); bool ret = m_writeInterface->moveFiles(m_entries, m_destination, m_options); if (!archiveInterface()->waitForFinishedSignal()) { onFinished(ret); } } void MoveJob::onFinished(bool result) { m_finishedSignalsCount++; if (m_finishedSignalsCount == archiveInterface()->moveRequiredSignals()) { Job::onFinished(result); } } CopyJob::CopyJob(const QVector &entries, Archive::Entry *destination, const CompressionOptions &options, ReadWriteArchiveInterface *interface) : Job(interface) , m_finishedSignalsCount(0) , m_entries(entries) , m_destination(destination) , m_options(options) { qCDebug(ARK) << "Created job instance"; } void CopyJob::doWork() { qCDebug(ARK) << "Going to copy" << m_entries.count() << "file(s)"; QString desc = i18np("Copying a file", "Copying %1 files", m_entries.count()); emit description(this, desc, qMakePair(i18n("Archive"), archiveInterface()->filename())); ReadWriteArchiveInterface *m_writeInterface = qobject_cast(archiveInterface()); Q_ASSERT(m_writeInterface); connectToArchiveInterfaceSignals(); bool ret = m_writeInterface->copyFiles(m_entries, m_destination, m_options); if (!archiveInterface()->waitForFinishedSignal()) { onFinished(ret); } } void CopyJob::onFinished(bool result) { m_finishedSignalsCount++; if (m_finishedSignalsCount == archiveInterface()->copyRequiredSignals()) { Job::onFinished(result); } } DeleteJob::DeleteJob(const QVector &entries, ReadWriteArchiveInterface *interface) : Job(interface) , m_entries(entries) { } void DeleteJob::doWork() { QString desc = i18np("Deleting a file from the archive", "Deleting %1 files", m_entries.count()); emit description(this, desc, qMakePair(i18n("Archive"), archiveInterface()->filename())); ReadWriteArchiveInterface *m_writeInterface = qobject_cast(archiveInterface()); Q_ASSERT(m_writeInterface); connectToArchiveInterfaceSignals(); bool ret = m_writeInterface->deleteFiles(m_entries); if (!archiveInterface()->waitForFinishedSignal()) { onFinished(ret); } } CommentJob::CommentJob(const QString& comment, ReadWriteArchiveInterface *interface) : Job(interface) , m_comment(comment) { } void CommentJob::doWork() { emit description(this, i18n("Adding comment")); ReadWriteArchiveInterface *m_writeInterface = qobject_cast(archiveInterface()); Q_ASSERT(m_writeInterface); connectToArchiveInterfaceSignals(); bool ret = m_writeInterface->addComment(m_comment); if (!archiveInterface()->waitForFinishedSignal()) { onFinished(ret); } } TestJob::TestJob(ReadOnlyArchiveInterface *interface) : Job(interface) { m_testSuccess = false; } void TestJob::doWork() { qCDebug(ARK) << "Job started"; emit description(this, i18n("Testing archive"), qMakePair(i18n("Archive"), archiveInterface()->filename())); connectToArchiveInterfaceSignals(); connect(archiveInterface(), &ReadOnlyArchiveInterface::testSuccess, this, &TestJob::onTestSuccess); bool ret = archiveInterface()->testArchive(); if (!archiveInterface()->waitForFinishedSignal()) { onFinished(ret); } } void TestJob::onTestSuccess() { m_testSuccess = true; } bool TestJob::testSucceeded() { return m_testSuccess; } } // namespace Kerfuffle #include "jobs.moc"