diff --git a/tageditor.cpp b/tageditor.cpp index a7049229..2e889597 100644 --- a/tageditor.cpp +++ b/tageditor.cpp @@ -1,668 +1,655 @@ /** * Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Scott Wheeler * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see . */ #include "tageditor.h" #include "collectionlist.h" #include "playlistitem.h" #include "tag.h" #include "actioncollection.h" #include "tagtransactionmanager.h" #include "juk_debug.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #undef KeyRelease class FileNameValidator : public QValidator { public: FileNameValidator(QObject *parent, const char *name = 0) : QValidator(parent) { setObjectName( QLatin1String( name ) ); } virtual void fixup(QString &s) const { s.remove('/'); } virtual State validate(QString &s, int &) const { if(s.contains('/')) return Invalid; return Acceptable; } }; class FixedHLayout : public QHBoxLayout { public: FixedHLayout(QWidget *parent, int margin = 0, int spacing = -1, const char *name = 0) : QHBoxLayout(parent), m_width(-1) { setMargin(margin); setSpacing(spacing); setObjectName(QLatin1String(name)); } FixedHLayout(QLayout *parentLayout, int spacing = -1, const char *name = 0) : QHBoxLayout(), m_width(-1) { parentLayout->addItem(this); setSpacing(spacing); setObjectName(QLatin1String(name)); } void setWidth(int w = -1) { m_width = w == -1 ? QHBoxLayout::minimumSize().width() : w; } virtual QSize minimumSize() const { QSize s = QHBoxLayout::minimumSize(); s.setWidth(m_width); return s; } private: int m_width; }; class CollectionObserver : public PlaylistObserver { public: CollectionObserver(TagEditor *parent) : PlaylistObserver(CollectionList::instance()), m_parent(parent) { } virtual void playlistItemDataHasChanged() Q_DECL_FINAL { if(m_parent && m_parent->m_currentPlaylist && m_parent->isVisible()) m_parent->slotSetItems(m_parent->m_currentPlaylist->selectedItems()); } private: TagEditor *m_parent; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // public members //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TagEditor::TagEditor(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), m_currentPlaylist(0), m_observer(0), m_performingSave(false) { setupActions(); setupLayout(); readConfig(); m_dataChanged = false; m_collectionChanged = false; setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred); } TagEditor::~TagEditor() { delete m_observer; saveConfig(); } void TagEditor::setupObservers() { m_observer = new CollectionObserver(this); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // public slots //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void TagEditor::slotSetItems(const PlaylistItemList &list) { if(m_performingSave) return; // Store the playlist that we're setting because saveChangesPrompt // can delete the PlaylistItems in list. Playlist *itemPlaylist = 0; if(!list.isEmpty()) itemPlaylist = list.first()->playlist(); bool hadPlaylist = m_currentPlaylist != 0; saveChangesPrompt(); if(m_currentPlaylist) { disconnect(m_currentPlaylist, SIGNAL(signalAboutToRemove(PlaylistItem*)), this, SLOT(slotItemRemoved(PlaylistItem*))); } if((hadPlaylist && !m_currentPlaylist) || !itemPlaylist) { m_currentPlaylist = 0; m_items.clear(); } else { m_currentPlaylist = itemPlaylist; // We can't use list here, it may not be valid m_items = itemPlaylist->selectedItems(); } if(m_currentPlaylist) { connect(m_currentPlaylist, SIGNAL(signalAboutToRemove(PlaylistItem*)), this, SLOT(slotItemRemoved(PlaylistItem*))); connect(m_currentPlaylist, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(slotPlaylistRemoved())); } if(isVisible()) slotRefresh(); else m_collectionChanged = true; } void TagEditor::slotRefresh() { // This method takes the list of currently selected m_items and tries to // figure out how to show that in the tag editor. The current strategy -- // the most common case -- is to just process the first item. Then we // check after that to see if there are other m_items and adjust accordingly. if(m_items.isEmpty() || !m_items.first()->file().tag()) { slotClear(); setEnabled(false); return; } setEnabled(true); PlaylistItem *item = m_items.first(); Q_ASSERT(item); Tag *tag = item->file().tag(); QFileInfo fi(item->file().absFilePath()); if(!fi.isWritable() && m_items.count() == 1) setEnabled(false); artistNameBox->setEditText(tag->artist()); trackNameBox->setText(tag->title()); albumNameBox->setEditText(tag->album()); fileNameBox->setText(item->file().fileInfo().fileName()); fileNameBox->setToolTip(item->file().absFilePath()); bitrateBox->setText(QString::number(tag->bitrate())); lengthBox->setText(tag->lengthString()); if(m_genreList.indexOf(tag->genre()) >= 0) genreBox->setCurrentIndex(m_genreList.indexOf(tag->genre()) + 1); else { genreBox->setCurrentIndex(0); genreBox->setEditText(tag->genre()); } trackSpin->setValue(tag->track()); yearSpin->setValue(tag->year()); commentBox->setPlainText(tag->comment()); // Start at the second item, since we've already processed the first. PlaylistItemList::Iterator it = m_items.begin(); ++it; // If there is more than one item in the m_items that we're dealing with... QList disabledForMulti; disabledForMulti << fileNameLabel << fileNameBox << lengthLabel << lengthBox << bitrateLabel << bitrateBox; foreach(QWidget *w, disabledForMulti) { w->setDisabled(m_items.size() > 1); if(m_items.size() > 1 && !w->inherits("QLabel")) QMetaObject::invokeMethod(w, "clear"); } if(it != m_items.end()) { foreach(QCheckBox *box, m_enableBoxes) { box->setChecked(true); box->show(); } // Yep, this is ugly. Loop through all of the files checking to see // if their fields are the same. If so, by default, enable their // checkbox. // Also, if there are more than 50 m_items, don't scan all of them. if(m_items.count() > 50) { m_enableBoxes[artistNameBox]->setChecked(false); m_enableBoxes[trackNameBox]->setChecked(false); m_enableBoxes[albumNameBox]->setChecked(false); m_enableBoxes[genreBox]->setChecked(false); m_enableBoxes[trackSpin]->setChecked(false); m_enableBoxes[yearSpin]->setChecked(false); m_enableBoxes[commentBox]->setChecked(false); } else { for(; it != m_items.end(); ++it) { tag = (*it)->file().tag(); if(tag) { if(artistNameBox->currentText() != tag->artist() && m_enableBoxes.contains(artistNameBox)) { artistNameBox->lineEdit()->clear(); m_enableBoxes[artistNameBox]->setChecked(false); } if(trackNameBox->text() != tag->title() && m_enableBoxes.contains(trackNameBox)) { trackNameBox->clear(); m_enableBoxes[trackNameBox]->setChecked(false); } if(albumNameBox->currentText() != tag->album() && m_enableBoxes.contains(albumNameBox)) { albumNameBox->lineEdit()->clear(); m_enableBoxes[albumNameBox]->setChecked(false); } if(genreBox->currentText() != tag->genre() && m_enableBoxes.contains(genreBox)) { genreBox->lineEdit()->clear(); m_enableBoxes[genreBox]->setChecked(false); } if(trackSpin->value() != tag->track() && m_enableBoxes.contains(trackSpin)) { trackSpin->setValue(0); m_enableBoxes[trackSpin]->setChecked(false); } if(yearSpin->value() != tag->year() && m_enableBoxes.contains(yearSpin)) { yearSpin->setValue(0); m_enableBoxes[yearSpin]->setChecked(false); } if(commentBox->toPlainText() != tag->comment() && m_enableBoxes.contains(commentBox)) { commentBox->clear(); m_enableBoxes[commentBox]->setChecked(false); } } } } } else { foreach(QCheckBox *box, m_enableBoxes) { box->setChecked(true); box->hide(); } } m_dataChanged = false; } void TagEditor::slotClear() { artistNameBox->lineEdit()->clear(); trackNameBox->clear(); albumNameBox->lineEdit()->clear(); genreBox->setCurrentIndex(0); fileNameBox->clear(); fileNameBox->setToolTip(QString()); trackSpin->setValue(0); yearSpin->setValue(0); lengthBox->clear(); bitrateBox->clear(); commentBox->clear(); } void TagEditor::slotUpdateCollection() { if(isVisible()) updateCollection(); else m_collectionChanged = true; } void TagEditor::updateCollection() { m_collectionChanged = false; CollectionList *list = CollectionList::instance(); if(!list) return; QStringList artistList = list->uniqueSet(CollectionList::Artists); artistList.sort(); artistNameBox->clear(); artistNameBox->addItems(artistList); artistNameBox->completionObject()->setItems(artistList); QStringList albumList = list->uniqueSet(CollectionList::Albums); albumList.sort(); albumNameBox->clear(); albumNameBox->addItems(albumList); albumNameBox->completionObject()->setItems(albumList); // Merge the list of genres found in tags with the standard ID3v1 set. StringHash genreHash; m_genreList = list->uniqueSet(CollectionList::Genres); foreach(const QString &genre, m_genreList) genreHash.insert(genre); TagLib::StringList genres = TagLib::ID3v1::genreList(); for(TagLib::StringList::Iterator it = genres.begin(); it != genres.end(); ++it) genreHash.insert(TStringToQString((*it))); m_genreList = genreHash.values(); m_genreList.sort(); genreBox->clear(); genreBox->addItem(QString()); genreBox->addItems(m_genreList); genreBox->completionObject()->setItems(m_genreList); // We've cleared out the original entries of these list boxes, re-read // the current item if one is selected. slotRefresh(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // private members //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void TagEditor::readConfig() { // combo box completion modes KConfigGroup config(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "TagEditor"); if(artistNameBox && albumNameBox) { readCompletionMode(config, artistNameBox, "ArtistNameBoxMode"); readCompletionMode(config, albumNameBox, "AlbumNameBoxMode"); readCompletionMode(config, genreBox, "GenreBoxMode"); } bool show = config.readEntry("Show", false); ActionCollection::action("showEditor")->setChecked(show); setVisible(show); TagLib::StringList genres = TagLib::ID3v1::genreList(); for(TagLib::StringList::ConstIterator it = genres.begin(); it != genres.end(); ++it) m_genreList.append(TStringToQString((*it))); m_genreList.sort(); genreBox->clear(); genreBox->addItem(QString()); genreBox->addItems(m_genreList); genreBox->completionObject()->setItems(m_genreList); } void TagEditor::readCompletionMode(const KConfigGroup &config, KComboBox *box, const QString &key) { KCompletion::CompletionMode mode = KCompletion::CompletionMode(config.readEntry(key, (int)KCompletion::CompletionAuto)); box->setCompletionMode(mode); } void TagEditor::saveConfig() { // combo box completion modes KConfigGroup config(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "TagEditor"); if(artistNameBox && albumNameBox) { config.writeEntry("ArtistNameBoxMode", (int)artistNameBox->completionMode()); config.writeEntry("AlbumNameBoxMode", (int)albumNameBox->completionMode()); config.writeEntry("GenreBoxMode", (int)genreBox->completionMode()); } config.writeEntry("Show", ActionCollection::action("showEditor")->isChecked()); } void TagEditor::setupActions() { KToggleAction *show = new KToggleAction(QIcon::fromTheme(QLatin1String("document-properties")), i18n("Show &Tag Editor"), this); ActionCollection::actions()->addAction("showEditor", show); connect(show, &QAction::toggled, this, &TagEditor::setVisible); QAction *act = new QAction(QIcon::fromTheme(QLatin1String( "document-save")), i18n("&Save"), this); ActionCollection::actions()->addAction("saveItem", act); ActionCollection::actions()->setDefaultShortcut(act, QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_T)); connect(act, &QAction::triggered, this, &TagEditor::slotSave); } void TagEditor::setupLayout() { setupUi(this); - for(auto input : findChildren()) { - if(input->inherits("QLineEdit")) - connect(input, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(slotDataChanged())); - if(input->inherits("QComboBox")) { - connect(input, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(slotDataChanged())); - connect(input, SIGNAL(currentTextChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(slotDataChanged())); - } - if(input->inherits("QSpinBox")) - connect(input, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotDataChanged())); - if(input->inherits("QTextEdit")) - connect(input, SIGNAL(textChanged()), this, SLOT(slotDataChanged())); - } - // Do some meta-programming to find the matching enable boxes for(auto enable : findChildren(QRegExp("Enable$"))) { enable->hide(); // These are shown only when multiple items are being edited // Each enable checkbox is identified by having its objectName end in "Enable". // The corresponding widget to be adjusted is identified by assigning a custom // property in Qt Designer "associatedObjectName", the value of which is the name // for the widget to be enabled (or not). auto associatedVariantValue = enable->property("associatedObjectName"); Q_ASSERT(associatedVariantValue.isValid()); QWidget *associatedWidget = findChild(associatedVariantValue.toString()); Q_ASSERT(associatedWidget != nullptr); m_enableBoxes[associatedWidget] = enable; } // Make sure that the labels are as tall as the enable boxes so that the // layout doesn't jump around as the enable boxes are shown/hidden. for(auto label : findChildren()) { if(m_enableBoxes.contains(label->buddy())) label->setMinimumHeight(m_enableBoxes[label->buddy()]->height()); } tagEditorLayout->setColumnMinimumWidth(1, 200); } void TagEditor::save(const PlaylistItemList &list) { if(!list.isEmpty() && m_dataChanged) { QApplication::setOverrideCursor(Qt::WaitCursor); m_dataChanged = false; m_performingSave = true; // The list variable can become corrupted if the playlist holding its // items dies, which is possible as we edit tags. So we need to copy // the end marker. PlaylistItemList::ConstIterator end = list.end(); for(PlaylistItemList::ConstIterator it = list.begin(); it != end; /* Deliberately missing */ ) { // Process items before we being modifying tags, as the dynamic // playlists will try to modify the file we edit if the tag changes // due to our alterations here. qApp->processEvents(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents); PlaylistItem *item = *it; // The playlist can be deleted from under us if this is the last // item and we edit it so that it doesn't match the search, which // means we can't increment the iterator, so let's do it now. ++it; QString fileName = item->file().fileInfo().path() + QDir::separator() + fileNameBox->text(); if(list.count() > 1) fileName = item->file().fileInfo().absoluteFilePath(); Tag *tag = TagTransactionManager::duplicateTag(item->file().tag(), fileName); // A bit more ugliness. If there are multiple files that are // being modified, they each have a "enabled" checkbox that // says if that field is to be respected for the multiple // files. We have to check to see if that is enabled before // each field that we write. if(m_enableBoxes[artistNameBox]->isChecked()) tag->setArtist(artistNameBox->currentText()); if(m_enableBoxes[trackNameBox]->isChecked()) tag->setTitle(trackNameBox->text()); if(m_enableBoxes[albumNameBox]->isChecked()) tag->setAlbum(albumNameBox->currentText()); if(m_enableBoxes[trackSpin]->isChecked()) { if(trackSpin->text().isEmpty()) trackSpin->setValue(0); tag->setTrack(trackSpin->value()); } if(m_enableBoxes[yearSpin]->isChecked()) { if(yearSpin->text().isEmpty()) yearSpin->setValue(0); tag->setYear(yearSpin->value()); } if(m_enableBoxes[commentBox]->isChecked()) tag->setComment(commentBox->toPlainText()); if(m_enableBoxes[genreBox]->isChecked()) tag->setGenre(genreBox->currentText()); TagTransactionManager::instance()->changeTagOnItem(item, tag); } TagTransactionManager::instance()->commit(); CollectionList::instance()->playlistItemsChanged(); m_performingSave = false; QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); } } void TagEditor::saveChangesPrompt() { if(!isVisible() || !m_dataChanged || m_items.isEmpty()) return; QStringList files; foreach(const PlaylistItem *item, m_items) files.append(item->file().absFilePath()); if(KMessageBox::questionYesNoList(this, i18n("Do you want to save your changes to:\n"), files, i18n("Save Changes"), KStandardGuiItem::save(), KStandardGuiItem::discard(), "tagEditor_showSaveChangesBox") == KMessageBox::Yes) { save(m_items); } } void TagEditor::showEvent(QShowEvent *e) { if(m_collectionChanged) { updateCollection(); } QWidget::showEvent(e); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // private slots //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -void TagEditor::slotDataChanged(bool c) +void TagEditor::slotDataChanged() { - m_dataChanged = c; + m_dataChanged = true; } void TagEditor::slotItemRemoved(PlaylistItem *item) { m_items.removeAll(item); if(m_items.isEmpty()) slotRefresh(); } void TagEditor::slotPlaylistDestroyed(Playlist *p) { if(m_currentPlaylist == p) { m_currentPlaylist = 0; slotSetItems(PlaylistItemList()); } } // vim: set et sw=4 tw=0 sta: diff --git a/tageditor.h b/tageditor.h index 281c979a..ff1928c3 100644 --- a/tageditor.h +++ b/tageditor.h @@ -1,99 +1,99 @@ /** * Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Scott Wheeler * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef JUK_TAGEDITOR_H #define JUK_TAGEDITOR_H #include #include #include #include "ui_tageditor.h" class KComboBox; class KLineEdit; class KIntSpinBox; class KTextEdit; class KConfigGroup; class QCheckBox; class QBoxLayout; class CollectionObserver; class Playlist; class PlaylistItem; typedef QList PlaylistItemList; class TagEditor : public QWidget, public Ui::TagEditor { Q_OBJECT public: TagEditor(QWidget *parent = 0); virtual ~TagEditor(); PlaylistItemList items() const { return m_items; } void setupObservers(); public slots: void slotSave() { save(m_items); } void slotSetItems(const PlaylistItemList &list); void slotRefresh(); void slotClear(); void slotPlaylistDestroyed(Playlist *p); /** * Update collection if we're visible, or defer otherwise */ void slotUpdateCollection(); private: void updateCollection(); void setupActions(); void setupLayout(); void readConfig(); void readCompletionMode(const KConfigGroup &config, KComboBox *box, const QString &key); void saveConfig(); void save(const PlaylistItemList &list); void saveChangesPrompt(); virtual void showEvent(QShowEvent *e); private slots: - void slotDataChanged(bool c = true); + void slotDataChanged(); void slotItemRemoved(PlaylistItem *item); void slotPlaylistRemoved() { m_currentPlaylist = 0; } private: typedef QMap BoxMap; BoxMap m_enableBoxes; QStringList m_genreList; PlaylistItemList m_items; Playlist *m_currentPlaylist; CollectionObserver *m_observer; bool m_dataChanged; bool m_collectionChanged; bool m_performingSave; friend class CollectionObserver; }; #endif // vim: set et sw=4 tw=0 sta: diff --git a/tageditor.ui b/tageditor.ui index 8eabd129..bc9cf7d5 100644 --- a/tageditor.ui +++ b/tageditor.ui @@ -1,407 +1,541 @@ TagEditor 0 0 885 416 F&ile name: fileNameBox T&rack: trackSpin &Artist name: artistNameBox Album &name: albumNameBox &Genre: genreBox &Year: yearSpin true true &Length: lengthBox &Bitrate: bitrateBox &Comment: commentBox Qt::Vertical 20 40 true true true 999 9999 Qt::Vertical Trac&k name: trackNameBox Enable artistNameBox Enable trackNameBox Enable albumNameBox Enable genreBox Enable trackSpin Enable yearSpin Enable commentBox Qt::Vertical KTextEdit QTextEdit
KComboBox QComboBox
KLineEdit QLineEdit
+ + artistNameEnable + artistNameBox + trackNameEnable + trackNameBox + albumNameEnable + albumNameBox + genreEnable + genreBox + fileNameBox + trackEnable + trackSpin + lengthBox + yearEnable + yearSpin + bitrateBox + commentEnable + commentBox + artistNameEnable toggled(bool) artistNameBox setEnabled(bool) - 141 - 21 + 268 + 28 - 138 - 43 + 145 + 94 trackNameEnable toggled(bool) trackNameBox setEnabled(bool) - 102 - 71 + 266 + 147 - 104 - 90 + 111 + 206 albumNameEnable toggled(bool) albumNameBox setEnabled(bool) - 126 - 122 + 268 + 250 - 125 - 151 + 132 + 304 genreEnable toggled(bool) genreBox setEnabled(bool) - 147 - 170 + 268 + 348 - 147 - 198 + 154 + 402 trackEnable toggled(bool) trackSpin setEnabled(bool) - 330 - 66 + 567 + 147 - 303 - 68 + 456 + 152 commentEnable toggled(bool) commentBox setEnabled(bool) - 337 - 121 + 800 + 250 - 344 - 156 + 628 + 408 yearEnable toggled(bool) yearSpin setEnabled(bool) - 558 - 66 + 877 + 147 + + + 766 + 152 + + + + + artistNameBox + editTextChanged(QString) + TagEditor + slotDataChanged() + + + 66 + 71 + + + 131 + -7 + + + + + trackNameBox + textChanged(QString) + TagEditor + slotDataChanged() + + + 28 + 194 + + + 433 + 0 + + + + + albumNameBox + editTextChanged(QString) + TagEditor + slotDataChanged() + + + 231 + 288 + + + 408 + 5 + + + + + genreBox + editTextChanged(QString) + TagEditor + slotDataChanged() + + + 188 + 389 + + + 714 + 3 + + + + + commentBox + textChanged() + TagEditor + slotDataChanged() + + + 540 + 351 + + + 111 + 5 + + + + + trackSpin + valueChanged(int) + TagEditor + slotDataChanged() + + + 414 + 121 + + + 394 + -12 + + + + + yearSpin + valueChanged(int) + TagEditor + slotDataChanged() + + + 704 + 117 - 510 - 69 + 685 + -6 + + slotDataChanged() +