diff --git a/tools/vectorosm-tilecreator/TileDirectory.cpp b/tools/vectorosm-tilecreator/TileDirectory.cpp index 635e670d1..af652ebc4 100644 --- a/tools/vectorosm-tilecreator/TileDirectory.cpp +++ b/tools/vectorosm-tilecreator/TileDirectory.cpp @@ -1,493 +1,493 @@ // // This file is part of the Marble Virtual Globe. // // This program is free software licensed under the GNU LGPL. You can // find a copy of this license in LICENSE.txt in the top directory of // the source code. // // Copyright 2016 Dennis Nienhüser // #include "TileDirectory.h" #include "TileIterator.h" #include #include "MarbleZipReader.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace Marble { TileDirectory::TileDirectory(TileType tileType, const QString &cacheDir, ParsingRunnerManager &manager, QString const &extension, int maxZoomLevel) : m_cacheDir(cacheDir), m_baseDir(), m_manager(manager), m_zoomLevel(-1), m_tileX(-1), m_tileY(-1), m_tagZoomLevel(-1), m_extension(extension), m_tileType(tileType), m_landmassFile("land-polygons-split-4326.zip"), m_maxZoomLevel(maxZoomLevel) { if (m_tileType == Landmass) { m_zoomLevel = 7; m_baseDir = QString("%1/landmass/%2").arg(cacheDir).arg(m_zoomLevel); QString const landmassDir = QString("%1/land-polygons-split-4326").arg(cacheDir); m_inputFile = QString("%1/land_polygons.shp").arg(landmassDir); auto const landmassZip = QString("%1/%2").arg(m_cacheDir).arg(m_landmassFile); if (!QFileInfo(landmassZip).exists()) { QString const url = QString("http://data.openstreetmapdata.com/%1").arg(m_landmassFile); download(url, landmassZip); } if (!QFileInfo(landmassDir).exists()) { MarbleZipReader unzip(landmassZip); if (!unzip.extractAll(m_cacheDir)) { qWarning() << "Failed to extract" << landmassZip << "to" << m_cacheDir; } } } else { m_zoomLevel = 10; m_baseDir = QString("%1/osm/%2").arg(cacheDir).arg(m_zoomLevel); } QDir().mkpath(m_baseDir); } TileId TileDirectory::tileFor(int zoomLevel, int tileX, int tileY) const { int const zoomDiff = zoomLevel - m_zoomLevel; int const x = tileX >> zoomDiff; int const y = tileY >> zoomDiff; return TileId(QString(), m_zoomLevel, x, y); } QSharedPointer TileDirectory::load(int zoomLevel, int tileX, int tileY) { auto const tile = tileFor(zoomLevel, tileX, tileY); if (tile.x() == m_tileX && tile.y() == m_tileY) { return m_landmass; } m_tileX = tile.x(); m_tileY = tile.y(); QString const filename = QString("%1/%2/%3.%4").arg(m_baseDir).arg(tile.x()).arg(tile.y()).arg(m_extension); m_landmass = open(filename, m_manager); return m_landmass; } void TileDirectory::setInputFile(const QString &filename) { m_inputFile = filename; if (m_tileType == OpenStreetMap) { QUrl url = QUrl(filename); if (url.scheme().isEmpty()) { // local file m_boundingBox = boundingBox(m_inputFile); } else { // remote file: check if already downloaded QFileInfo cacheFile = QString("%1/%2").arg(m_cacheDir).arg(url.fileName()); if (!cacheFile.exists()) { download(filename, cacheFile.absoluteFilePath()); } m_inputFile = cacheFile.absoluteFilePath(); QString polyFile = QUrl(filename).fileName(); polyFile.remove("-latest.osm.pbf").append(".poly"); QString poly = QString("%1/%2").arg(url.adjusted(QUrl::RemoveFilename).toString()).arg(polyFile); QString const polyTarget = QString("%1/%2").arg(m_cacheDir).arg(polyFile); if (!QFileInfo(polyTarget).exists()) { download(poly, polyTarget); } setBoundingPolygon(polyTarget); } } } GeoDataDocument* TileDirectory::clip(int zoomLevel, int tileX, int tileY) { QSharedPointer oldMap = m_landmass; load(zoomLevel, tileX, tileY); if (!m_clipper || oldMap != m_landmass || m_tagZoomLevel != zoomLevel) { setTagZoomLevel(zoomLevel); GeoDataDocument* input = m_tagsFilter ? m_tagsFilter->accepted() : m_landmass.data(); if (input) { m_clipper = QSharedPointer(new VectorClipper(input, m_maxZoomLevel)); } } return m_clipper ? m_clipper->clipTo(zoomLevel, tileX, tileY) : nullptr; } QString TileDirectory::name() const { return QString("%1/%2/%3").arg(m_zoomLevel).arg(m_tileX).arg(m_tileY); } QSharedPointer TileDirectory::open(const QString &filename, ParsingRunnerManager &manager) { // Timeout is set to 10 min. If the file is reaaally huge, set it to something bigger. GeoDataDocument* map = manager.openFile(filename, DocumentRole::MapDocument, 600000); if(map == nullptr) { qWarning() << "File" << filename << "couldn't be loaded."; } QSharedPointer result = QSharedPointer(map); return result; } QStringList TileDirectory::tagsFilteredIn(int zoomLevel) const { QStringList tags; tags << "highway=motorway" << "highway=motorway_link"; tags << "highway=trunk" << "highway=trunk_link"; tags << "highway=primary" << "highway=primary_link"; tags << "highway=secondary" << "highway=secondary_link"; if (zoomLevel >= 13) { tags << "highway=tertiary" << "highway=tertiary_link"; tags << "highway=unclassified"; tags << "public_transport=station"; tags << "railway=light_rail"; tags << "railway=monorail"; tags << "railway=narrow_gauge"; tags << "railway=preserved"; tags << "railway=rail"; tags << "railway=subway"; tags << "railway=tram"; tags << "natural=scrub"; tags << "natural=heath"; tags << "natural=grassland"; tags << "natural=glacier"; tags << "natural=beach"; tags << "natural=coastline"; tags << "natural=water"; tags << "natural=wood"; tags << "leisure=stadium"; tags << "tourism=alpine_hut"; tags << "waterway=river"; tags << "waterway=stream"; tags << "waterway=canal"; tags << "place=suburb"; tags << "place=village"; tags << "natural=peak"; } if (zoomLevel <= 11) { tags << "landuse=forest"; tags << "landuse=military"; tags << "landuse=residential"; } else if (zoomLevel <= 13) { tags << "landuse=commercial"; tags << "landuse=farmland"; tags << "landuse=farmyard"; tags << "landuse=forest"; tags << "landuse=industrial"; tags << "landuse=meadow"; tags << "landuse=military"; tags << "landuse=recreation_ground"; tags << "landuse=residential"; tags << "landuse=retail"; } if (zoomLevel >= 15) { tags << "highway=residential"; tags << "highway=track"; tags << "landuse=*"; tags << "leisure=pitch"; tags << "leisure=swimming_area"; tags << "place=hamlet"; tags << "place=isolated_dwelling"; tags << "man_made=beacon"; tags << "man_made=bridge"; tags << "man_made=campanile"; tags << "man_made=chimney"; tags << "man_made=communications_tower"; tags << "man_made=cross"; tags << "man_made=gasometer"; tags << "man_made=lighthouse"; tags << "man_made=tower"; tags << "man_made=water_tower"; tags << "man_made=windmill"; } tags << "leisure=nature_reserve"; tags << "leisure=park"; tags << "place=city"; tags << "place=town"; tags << "place=locality"; tags << "boundary=administrative"; tags << "boundary=political"; tags << "boundary=national_park"; tags << "boundary=protected_area"; return tags; } void TileDirectory::setTagZoomLevel(int zoomLevel) { m_tagZoomLevel = zoomLevel; if (m_tileType == OpenStreetMap) { if (m_tagZoomLevel < 17) { QStringList const tags = tagsFilteredIn(m_tagZoomLevel); m_tagsFilter = QSharedPointer(new TagsFilter(m_landmass.data(), tags)); } else { m_tagsFilter.clear(); } } } void TileDirectory::download(const QString &url, const QString &target) { m_download = QSharedPointer(new Download); m_download->target = target; m_download->reply = m_downloadManager.get(QNetworkRequest(QUrl(url))); connect(m_download->reply, SIGNAL(downloadProgress(qint64,qint64)), m_download.data(), SLOT(updateProgress(qint64,qint64))); connect(m_download->reply, SIGNAL(downloadProgress(qint64,qint64)), this, SLOT(updateProgress())); QEventLoop loop; connect(m_download->reply, SIGNAL(finished()), &loop, SLOT(quit())); loop.exec(); cout << endl; } void TileDirectory::printProgress(double progress, int barWidth) { int const position = barWidth * progress; cout << " [" << string(position, '=') << ">"; cout << string(barWidth-position, ' ') << "] " << std::right << setw(3) << int(progress * 100.0) << "%"; } GeoDataLatLonBox TileDirectory::boundingBox() const { return m_boundingBox; } void TileDirectory::setBoundingBox(const GeoDataLatLonBox &boundingBox) { m_boundingBox = boundingBox; } void TileDirectory::setBoundingPolygon(const QString &file) { m_boundingPolygon.clear(); QFile input(file); QString country = "Unknown"; if ( input.open( QFile::ReadOnly ) ) { QTextStream stream( &input ); country = stream.readLine(); double lat( 0.0 ), lon( 0.0 ); GeoDataLinearRing box; while ( !stream.atEnd() ) { bool inside = true; QString line = stream.readLine().trimmed(); QStringList entries = line.split( QLatin1Char( ' ' ), QString::SkipEmptyParts ); if ( entries.size() == 1 ) { if (entries.first() == QLatin1String("END") && inside) { inside = false; if (!box.isEmpty()) { m_boundingPolygon << box; box = GeoDataLinearRing(); } } else if (entries.first() == QLatin1String("END") && !inside) { qDebug() << "END not expected here"; } else if ( entries.first().startsWith( QLatin1String( "!" ) ) ) { qDebug() << "Warning: Negative polygons not supported, skipping"; } else { //int number = entries.first().toInt(); inside = true; } } else if ( entries.size() == 2 ) { lon = entries.first().toDouble(); lat = entries.last().toDouble(); GeoDataCoordinates point( lon, lat, 0.0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ); box << point; } else { qDebug() << "Warning: Ignoring line in" << file << "with" << entries.size() << "fields:" << line; } } } if (!m_boundingPolygon.isEmpty()) { m_boundingBox = GeoDataLatLonBox::fromLineString(m_boundingPolygon.first()); for (int i=1, n=m_boundingPolygon.size(); i map; QSharedPointer clipper; TileIterator iter(m_boundingBox, m_zoomLevel); qint64 count = 0; foreach(auto const &tileId, iter) { ++count; QString const outputDir = QString("%1/%2").arg(m_baseDir).arg(tileId.x()); QString const outputFile = QString("%1/%2.o5m").arg(outputDir).arg(tileId.y()); if (QFileInfo(outputFile).exists()) { continue; } printProgress(count / double(iter.total())); cout << " Creating " << (m_tileType == OpenStreetMap ? "osm" : "landmass"); cout << " cache tile " << count << "/" << iter.total() << " ("; cout << m_zoomLevel << "/" << tileId.x() << "/" << tileId.y() << ") \r"; cout.flush(); QDir().mkpath(outputDir); if (m_tileType == OpenStreetMap) { QString const output = QString("-o=%1").arg(outputFile); GeoDataLatLonBox tileBoundary; m_tileProjection.geoCoordinates(m_zoomLevel, tileId.x(), tileId.y(), tileBoundary); double const minLon = tileBoundary.west(GeoDataCoordinates::Degree); double const maxLon = tileBoundary.east(GeoDataCoordinates::Degree); double const maxLat = tileBoundary.north(GeoDataCoordinates::Degree); double const minLat = tileBoundary.south(GeoDataCoordinates::Degree); QString const bbox = QString("-b=%1,%2,%3,%4").arg(minLon).arg(minLat).arg(maxLon).arg(maxLat); QProcess osmconvert; osmconvert.start("osmconvert", QStringList() << "--drop-author" << "--drop-version" << "--complete-ways" << "--complex-ways" << bbox << output << m_inputFile); osmconvert.waitForFinished(10*60*1000); if (osmconvert.exitCode() != 0) { qWarning() << osmconvert.readAllStandardError(); qWarning() << "osmconvert failed: " << osmconvert.errorString(); } } else { if (!map) { map = open(m_inputFile, m_manager); clipper = QSharedPointer(new VectorClipper(map.data(), m_zoomLevel)); } auto tile = clipper->clipTo(m_zoomLevel, tileId.x(), tileId.y()); if (!GeoDataDocumentWriter::write(outputFile, *tile)) { qWarning() << "Failed to write tile" << outputFile; } } } printProgress(1.0); cout << " " << (m_tileType == OpenStreetMap ? "osm" : "landmass") << " cache tiles complete." << endl; } int TileDirectory::innerNodes(const TileId &tile) const { GeoDataLatLonBox tileBoundary; - m_tileProjection.geoCoordinates(m_zoomLevel, tile.x(), tile.y(), tileBoundary); + m_tileProjection.geoCoordinates(tile.zoomLevel(), tile.x(), tile.y(), tileBoundary); double const west = tileBoundary.west(); double const east = tileBoundary.east(); double const north = tileBoundary.north(); double const south = tileBoundary.south(); QVector bounds; bounds << GeoDataCoordinates(west, north); bounds << GeoDataCoordinates(east, north); bounds << GeoDataCoordinates(east, south); bounds << GeoDataCoordinates(west, south); int innerNodes = 0; if (m_boundingPolygon.isEmpty()) { foreach(auto const &coordinate, bounds) { if (m_boundingBox.contains(coordinate)) { ++innerNodes; } } return innerNodes; } foreach(auto const &coordinate, bounds) { foreach(auto const &ring, m_boundingPolygon) { if (ring.contains(coordinate)) { ++innerNodes; } } } return innerNodes; } void TileDirectory::updateProgress() { double const progress = m_download->total > 0 ? m_download->received / double(m_download->total) : 0.0; printProgress(progress); cout << " "; cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << m_download->received / 1000000.0 << '/'; cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << m_download->total / 1000000.0 << " MB"; cout << " Downloading " << m_download->reply->url().fileName().toStdString(); cout << " \r"; cout.flush(); } void TileDirectory::handleFinishedDownload(const QString &filename, const QString &id) { qDebug() << "File " << filename << "(" << id << ") has been downloaded."; } GeoDataLatLonBox TileDirectory::boundingBox(const QString &filename) const { QProcess osmconvert; osmconvert.start("osmconvert", QStringList() << "--out-statistics" << filename); osmconvert.waitForFinished(10*60*1000); QStringList const output = QString(osmconvert.readAllStandardOutput()).split('\n'); GeoDataLatLonBox boundingBox; foreach(QString const &line, output) { if (line.startsWith("lon min:")) { boundingBox.setWest(line.mid(8).toDouble(), GeoDataCoordinates::Degree); } else if (line.startsWith("lon max")) { boundingBox.setEast(line.mid(8).toDouble(), GeoDataCoordinates::Degree); } else if (line.startsWith("lat min:")) { boundingBox.setSouth(line.mid(8).toDouble(), GeoDataCoordinates::Degree); } else if (line.startsWith("lat max:")) { boundingBox.setNorth(line.mid(8).toDouble(), GeoDataCoordinates::Degree); } } return boundingBox; } void Download::updateProgress(qint64 received_, qint64 total_) { received = received_; total = total_; QString const tempFile = QString("%1.download").arg(target); if (!m_file.isOpen()) { m_file.setFileName(tempFile); m_file.open(QFile::WriteOnly); } m_file.write(reply->readAll()); if (reply->isFinished()) { m_file.flush(); m_file.close(); QFile::rename(tempFile, target); } } } #include "moc_TileDirectory.cpp"