diff --git a/src/plugins/render/graticule/GraticulePlugin.cpp b/src/plugins/render/graticule/GraticulePlugin.cpp index ad75aa098..0555787fd 100644 --- a/src/plugins/render/graticule/GraticulePlugin.cpp +++ b/src/plugins/render/graticule/GraticulePlugin.cpp @@ -1,793 +1,793 @@ // // This file is part of the Marble Virtual Globe. // // This program is free software licensed under the GNU LGPL. You can // find a copy of this license in LICENSE.txt in the top directory of // the source code. // // Copyright 2009 Torsten Rahn // #include "GraticulePlugin.h" #include "ui_GraticuleConfigWidget.h" #include "MarbleDebug.h" #include "MarbleDirs.h" #include "GeoPainter.h" #include "GeoDataLineString.h" #include "Planet.h" #include "MarbleModel.h" #include "PluginAboutDialog.h" #include "ViewportParams.h" #include "GeoDataLatLonAltBox.h" // Qt #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Marble { GraticulePlugin::GraticulePlugin() : RenderPlugin( 0 ), m_showPrimaryLabels( true ), m_showSecondaryLabels( true ), m_isInitialized( false ), ui_configWidget( 0 ), m_configDialog( 0 ) { } GraticulePlugin::GraticulePlugin( const MarbleModel *marbleModel ) : RenderPlugin( marbleModel ), m_equatorCirclePen( Qt::yellow ), m_tropicsCirclePen( Qt::yellow ), m_gridCirclePen( Qt::white ), m_showPrimaryLabels( true ), m_showSecondaryLabels( true ), m_isInitialized( false ), ui_configWidget( 0 ), m_configDialog( 0 ) { } QStringList GraticulePlugin::backendTypes() const { return QStringList(QStringLiteral("graticule")); } QString GraticulePlugin::renderPolicy() const { return QStringLiteral("ALWAYS"); } QStringList GraticulePlugin::renderPosition() const { return QStringList(QStringLiteral("GRATICULE")); } QString GraticulePlugin::name() const { return tr( "Coordinate Grid" ); } QString GraticulePlugin::guiString() const { return tr( "Coordinate &Grid" ); } QString GraticulePlugin::nameId() const { return QStringLiteral("coordinate-grid"); } QString GraticulePlugin::version() const { return QStringLiteral("1.0"); } QString GraticulePlugin::description() const { return tr( "A plugin that shows a coordinate grid." ); } QString GraticulePlugin::copyrightYears() const { return QStringLiteral("2009"); } QVector GraticulePlugin::pluginAuthors() const { return QVector() << PluginAuthor(QStringLiteral("Torsten Rahn"), QStringLiteral("tackat@kde.org")); } QIcon GraticulePlugin::icon () const { return QIcon(QStringLiteral(":/icons/coordinate.png")); } void GraticulePlugin::initialize () { // Initialize range maps that map the zoom to the number of coordinate grid lines. initLineMaps( GeoDataCoordinates::defaultNotation() ); m_isInitialized = true; } bool GraticulePlugin::isInitialized () const { return m_isInitialized; } QDialog *GraticulePlugin::configDialog() { if ( !m_configDialog ) { m_configDialog = new QDialog(); ui_configWidget = new Ui::GraticuleConfigWidget; ui_configWidget->setupUi( m_configDialog ); connect( ui_configWidget->gridPushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(gridGetColor()) ); connect( ui_configWidget->tropicsPushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(tropicsGetColor()) ); connect( ui_configWidget->equatorPushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(equatorGetColor()) ); connect( ui_configWidget->m_buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(writeSettings()) ); connect( ui_configWidget->m_buttonBox->button( QDialogButtonBox::Reset ), SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(restoreDefaultSettings()) ); QPushButton *applyButton = ui_configWidget->m_buttonBox->button( QDialogButtonBox::Apply ); connect( applyButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(writeSettings()) ); } readSettings(); return m_configDialog; } QHash GraticulePlugin::settings() const { QHash settings = RenderPlugin::settings(); settings.insert(QStringLiteral("gridColor"), m_gridCirclePen.color().name()); settings.insert(QStringLiteral("tropicsColor"), m_tropicsCirclePen.color().name()); settings.insert(QStringLiteral("equatorColor"), m_equatorCirclePen.color().name()); - settings.insert(QStringLiteral("primarylabels"), m_showPrimaryLabels); + settings.insert(QStringLiteral("primaryLabels"), m_showPrimaryLabels); settings.insert(QStringLiteral("secondaryLabels"), m_showSecondaryLabels); return settings; } void GraticulePlugin::setSettings( const QHash &settings ) { RenderPlugin::setSettings( settings ); const QColor gridColor = settings.value(QStringLiteral("gridColor"), QColor(Qt::white)).value(); const QColor tropicsColor = settings.value(QStringLiteral("tropicsColor"), QColor(Qt::yellow)).value(); const QColor equatorColor = settings.value(QStringLiteral("equatorColor"), QColor(Qt::yellow)).value(); bool primaryLabels = settings.value(QStringLiteral("primaryLabels"), true).toBool(); bool secondaryLabels = settings.value(QStringLiteral("secondaryLabels"), true).toBool(); m_gridCirclePen.setColor( gridColor ); m_tropicsCirclePen.setColor( tropicsColor ); m_equatorCirclePen.setColor( equatorColor ); m_showPrimaryLabels = primaryLabels; m_showSecondaryLabels = secondaryLabels; readSettings(); } void GraticulePlugin::readSettings() { if ( !m_configDialog ) return; QPalette gridPalette; gridPalette.setColor( QPalette::Button, m_gridCirclePen.color() ); ui_configWidget->gridPushButton->setPalette( gridPalette ); QPalette tropicsPalette; tropicsPalette.setColor( QPalette::Button, m_tropicsCirclePen.color() ); ui_configWidget->tropicsPushButton->setPalette( tropicsPalette ); QPalette equatorPalette; equatorPalette.setColor( QPalette::Button, m_equatorCirclePen.color() ); ui_configWidget->equatorPushButton->setPalette( equatorPalette ); ui_configWidget->primaryCheckBox->setChecked( m_showPrimaryLabels ); ui_configWidget->secondaryCheckBox->setChecked( m_showSecondaryLabels ); } void GraticulePlugin::gridGetColor() { const QColor c = QColorDialog::getColor( m_gridCirclePen.color(), 0, tr("Please choose the color for the coordinate grid.") ); if ( c.isValid() ) { QPalette palette = ui_configWidget->gridPushButton->palette(); palette.setColor( QPalette::Button, c ); ui_configWidget->gridPushButton->setPalette( palette ); } } void GraticulePlugin::tropicsGetColor() { const QColor c = QColorDialog::getColor( m_tropicsCirclePen.color(), 0, tr("Please choose the color for the tropic circles.") ); if ( c.isValid() ) { QPalette palette = ui_configWidget->tropicsPushButton->palette(); palette.setColor( QPalette::Button, c ); ui_configWidget->tropicsPushButton->setPalette( palette ); } } void GraticulePlugin::equatorGetColor() { const QColor c = QColorDialog::getColor( m_equatorCirclePen.color(), 0, tr("Please choose the color for the equator.") ); if ( c.isValid() ) { QPalette palette = ui_configWidget->equatorPushButton->palette(); palette.setColor( QPalette::Button, c ); ui_configWidget->equatorPushButton->setPalette( palette ); } } void GraticulePlugin::writeSettings() { m_equatorCirclePen.setColor( ui_configWidget->equatorPushButton->palette().color( QPalette::Button ) ); m_tropicsCirclePen.setColor( ui_configWidget->tropicsPushButton->palette().color( QPalette::Button ) ); m_gridCirclePen.setColor( ui_configWidget->gridPushButton->palette().color( QPalette::Button) ); m_showPrimaryLabels = ui_configWidget->primaryCheckBox->isChecked(); m_showSecondaryLabels = ui_configWidget->secondaryCheckBox->isChecked(); emit settingsChanged( nameId() ); } bool GraticulePlugin::render( GeoPainter *painter, ViewportParams *viewport, const QString& renderPos, GeoSceneLayer * layer ) { Q_UNUSED( layer ) Q_UNUSED( renderPos ) if ( m_currentNotation != GeoDataCoordinates::defaultNotation() ) { initLineMaps( GeoDataCoordinates::defaultNotation() ); } // Setting the label font for the coordinate lines. #ifdef Q_OS_MACX int defaultFontSize = 10; #else int defaultFontSize = 8; #endif QFont gridFont("Sans Serif"); gridFont.setPointSize( defaultFontSize ); gridFont.setBold( true ); painter->save(); painter->setFont( gridFont ); renderGrid( painter, viewport, m_equatorCirclePen, m_tropicsCirclePen, m_gridCirclePen ); painter->restore(); return true; } qreal GraticulePlugin::zValue() const { return 1.0; } void GraticulePlugin::renderGrid( GeoPainter *painter, ViewportParams *viewport, const QPen& equatorCirclePen, const QPen& tropicsCirclePen, const QPen& gridCirclePen ) { GeoDataLatLonAltBox viewLatLonAltBox = viewport->viewLatLonAltBox(); painter->setPen( equatorCirclePen ); LabelPositionFlags mainPosition(NoLabel); if ( m_showPrimaryLabels ) { mainPosition = LineCenter; } // Render the equator renderLatitudeLine( painter, 0.0, viewLatLonAltBox, tr( "Equator" ), mainPosition ); // Render the Prime Meridian and Antimeridian GeoDataCoordinates::Notation notation = GeoDataCoordinates::defaultNotation(); if (marbleModel()->planet()->id() != QLatin1String("sky") && notation != GeoDataCoordinates::Astro) { renderLongitudeLine( painter, 0.0, viewLatLonAltBox, 0.0, 0.0, tr( "Prime Meridian" ), mainPosition ); renderLongitudeLine( painter, 180.0, viewLatLonAltBox, 0.0, 0.0, tr( "Antimeridian" ), mainPosition ); } painter->setPen( gridCirclePen ); // painter->setPen( QPen( QBrush( Qt::white ), 0.75 ) ); // Render UTM grid zones if ( m_currentNotation == GeoDataCoordinates::UTM ) { renderLatitudeLine( painter, 84.0, viewLatLonAltBox ); renderLongitudeLines( painter, viewLatLonAltBox, 6.0, 0.0, 18.0, 154.0, LineEnd | IgnoreXMargin ); renderLongitudeLines( painter, viewLatLonAltBox, 6.0, 0.0, 34.0, 10.0, LineStart | IgnoreXMargin ); // Paint longitudes with exceptions renderLongitudeLines( painter, viewLatLonAltBox, 6.0, 0.0, 6.0, 162.0, LineEnd | IgnoreXMargin ); renderLongitudeLines( painter, viewLatLonAltBox, 6.0, 0.0, 26.0, 146.0, LineEnd | IgnoreXMargin ); renderLatitudeLines( painter, viewLatLonAltBox, 8.0, 0.0 /*, LineStart | IgnoreYMargin */ ); return; } // Render the normal grid // calculate the angular distance between coordinate lines of the normal grid qreal normalDegreeStep = 360.0 / m_normalLineMap.lowerBound(viewport->radius()).value(); LabelPositionFlags labelXPosition(NoLabel), labelYPosition(NoLabel); if ( m_showSecondaryLabels ) { labelXPosition = LineStart | IgnoreXMargin; labelYPosition = LineStart | IgnoreYMargin; } qreal boldDegreeStep = 360.0 / m_boldLineMap.lowerBound(viewport->radius()).value(); renderLongitudeLines( painter, viewLatLonAltBox, normalDegreeStep, boldDegreeStep, normalDegreeStep, normalDegreeStep, labelXPosition ); renderLatitudeLines( painter, viewLatLonAltBox, normalDegreeStep, boldDegreeStep, labelYPosition ); // Render some non-cut off longitude lines .. renderLongitudeLine( painter, +90.0, viewLatLonAltBox ); renderLongitudeLine( painter, -90.0, viewLatLonAltBox ); // Render the bold grid if ( painter->mapQuality() == HighQuality || painter->mapQuality() == PrintQuality ) { QPen boldPen = gridCirclePen; boldPen.setWidthF( 2.0 ); painter->setPen( boldPen ); } // calculate the angular distance between coordinate lines of the bold grid renderLongitudeLines( painter, viewLatLonAltBox, boldDegreeStep, 0.0, normalDegreeStep, normalDegreeStep, NoLabel ); renderLatitudeLines( painter, viewLatLonAltBox, boldDegreeStep, 0.0, NoLabel ); QPen tropicsPen = tropicsCirclePen; if ( painter->mapQuality() != OutlineQuality && painter->mapQuality() != LowQuality ) { tropicsPen.setStyle( Qt::DotLine ); } painter->setPen( tropicsPen ); // Determine the planet's axial tilt qreal axialTilt = RAD2DEG * marbleModel()->planet()->epsilon(); if ( axialTilt > 0 ) { // Render the tropics renderLatitudeLine( painter, +axialTilt, viewLatLonAltBox, tr( "Tropic of Cancer" ), mainPosition ); renderLatitudeLine( painter, -axialTilt, viewLatLonAltBox, tr( "Tropic of Capricorn" ), mainPosition ); // Render the arctics renderLatitudeLine( painter, +90.0 - axialTilt, viewLatLonAltBox, tr( "Arctic Circle" ), mainPosition ); renderLatitudeLine( painter, -90.0 + axialTilt, viewLatLonAltBox, tr( "Antarctic Circle" ), mainPosition ); } } void GraticulePlugin::renderLatitudeLine( GeoPainter *painter, qreal latitude, const GeoDataLatLonAltBox& viewLatLonAltBox, const QString& lineLabel, LabelPositionFlags labelPositionFlags ) { qreal fromSouthLat = viewLatLonAltBox.south( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ); qreal toNorthLat = viewLatLonAltBox.north( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ); // Coordinate line is not displayed inside the viewport if ( latitude < fromSouthLat || toNorthLat < latitude ) { // mDebug() << "Lat: Out of View"; return; } GeoDataLineString line( Tessellate | RespectLatitudeCircle ) ; qreal fromWestLon = viewLatLonAltBox.west( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ); qreal toEastLon = viewLatLonAltBox.east( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ); if ( fromWestLon < toEastLon ) { qreal step = ( toEastLon - fromWestLon ) * 0.25; for ( int i = 0; i < 5; ++i ) { line << GeoDataCoordinates( fromWestLon + i * step, latitude, 0.0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ); } } else { qreal step = ( +180.0 - toEastLon ) * 0.25; for ( int i = 0; i < 5; ++i ) { line << GeoDataCoordinates( toEastLon + i * step, latitude, 0.0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ); } step = ( +180 + fromWestLon ) * 0.25; for ( int i = 0; i < 5; ++i ) { line << GeoDataCoordinates( -180 + i * step, latitude, 0.0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ); } } painter->drawPolyline( line, lineLabel, labelPositionFlags, painter->pen().color() ); } void GraticulePlugin::renderLongitudeLine( GeoPainter *painter, qreal longitude, const GeoDataLatLonAltBox& viewLatLonAltBox, qreal northPolarGap, qreal southPolarGap, const QString& lineLabel, LabelPositionFlags labelPositionFlags ) { const qreal fromWestLon = viewLatLonAltBox.west(); const qreal toEastLon = viewLatLonAltBox.east(); // Coordinate line is not displayed inside the viewport if ( ( !viewLatLonAltBox.crossesDateLine() && ( longitude * DEG2RAD < fromWestLon || toEastLon < longitude * DEG2RAD ) ) || ( viewLatLonAltBox.crossesDateLine() && longitude * DEG2RAD < toEastLon && fromWestLon < longitude * DEG2RAD && fromWestLon != -M_PI && toEastLon != +M_PI ) ) { // mDebug() << "Lon: Out of View:" << viewLatLonAltBox.toString() << " Crossing: "<< viewLatLonAltBox.crossesDateLine() << "Longitude: " << longitude; return; } qreal fromSouthLat = viewLatLonAltBox.south( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ); qreal toNorthLat = viewLatLonAltBox.north( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ); qreal southLat = ( fromSouthLat < -90.0 + southPolarGap ) ? -90.0 + southPolarGap : fromSouthLat; qreal northLat = ( toNorthLat > +90.0 - northPolarGap ) ? +90.0 - northPolarGap : toNorthLat; GeoDataCoordinates n1( longitude, southLat, 0.0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ); GeoDataCoordinates n3( longitude, northLat, 0.0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ); GeoDataLineString line( Tessellate ); if ( northLat > 0 && southLat < 0 ) { GeoDataCoordinates n2( longitude, 0.0, 0.0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ); line << n1 << n2 << n3; } else { line << n1 << n3; } painter->drawPolyline( line, lineLabel, labelPositionFlags, painter->pen().color() ); } void GraticulePlugin::renderLatitudeLines( GeoPainter *painter, const GeoDataLatLonAltBox& viewLatLonAltBox, qreal step, qreal skipStep, LabelPositionFlags labelPositionFlags ) { if ( step <= 0 ) { return; } // Latitude qreal southLat = viewLatLonAltBox.south( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ); qreal northLat = viewLatLonAltBox.north( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ); qreal southLineLat = step * static_cast( southLat / step ); qreal northLineLat = step * ( static_cast( northLat / step ) + 1 ); if ( m_currentNotation == GeoDataCoordinates::UTM ) { if ( northLineLat > 84.0 ) { northLineLat = 76.0; } if ( southLineLat < -80.0 ) { southLineLat = -80.0; } } qreal itStep = southLineLat; GeoDataCoordinates::Notation notation = GeoDataCoordinates::defaultNotation(); while ( itStep < northLineLat ) { // Create a matching label QString label = GeoDataCoordinates::latToString( itStep, notation, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree, -1, 'g' ); // No additional labels for the equator if ( labelPositionFlags.testFlag( LineCenter ) && itStep == 0.0 ) { label.clear(); } // Paint all latitude coordinate lines except for the equator if ( itStep != 0.0 && fmod(itStep, skipStep) != 0 ) { renderLatitudeLine( painter, itStep, viewLatLonAltBox, label, labelPositionFlags ); } itStep += step; } } void GraticulePlugin::renderUtmExceptions( GeoPainter *painter, const GeoDataLatLonAltBox& viewLatLonAltBox, qreal itStep, qreal northPolarGap, qreal southPolarGap, const QString & label, LabelPositionFlags labelPositionFlags ) { // This code renders the so called "exceptions" in the UTM coordinate grid // See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Transverse_Mercator_coordinate_system#Exceptions if ( northPolarGap == 6.0 && southPolarGap == 162.0) { if (label == QLatin1String("33")) { renderLongitudeLine( painter, itStep-3.0, viewLatLonAltBox, northPolarGap, southPolarGap, label, labelPositionFlags ); } else if (label == QLatin1String("35")) { renderLongitudeLine( painter, itStep-3.0, viewLatLonAltBox, northPolarGap, southPolarGap, label, labelPositionFlags ); } else if (label == QLatin1String("37")) { renderLongitudeLine( painter, itStep-3.0, viewLatLonAltBox, northPolarGap, southPolarGap, label, labelPositionFlags ); } else if (label == QLatin1String("32") || label == QLatin1String("34") || label == QLatin1String("36")) { // paint nothing } else { renderLongitudeLine( painter, itStep, viewLatLonAltBox, northPolarGap, southPolarGap, label, labelPositionFlags ); } } else if ( northPolarGap == 26.0 && southPolarGap == 146.0 ) { if (label == QLatin1String("32")) { renderLongitudeLine( painter, itStep-3.0, viewLatLonAltBox, northPolarGap, southPolarGap, label, labelPositionFlags ); } else { renderLongitudeLine( painter, itStep, viewLatLonAltBox, northPolarGap, southPolarGap, label, labelPositionFlags ); } } else { renderLongitudeLine( painter, itStep, viewLatLonAltBox, northPolarGap, southPolarGap, label, labelPositionFlags ); } } void GraticulePlugin::renderLongitudeLines( GeoPainter *painter, const GeoDataLatLonAltBox& viewLatLonAltBox, qreal step, qreal skipStep, qreal northPolarGap, qreal southPolarGap, LabelPositionFlags labelPositionFlags ) { if ( step <= 0 ) { return; } const bool isSky = (marbleModel()->planet()->id() == QLatin1String("sky")); const GeoDataCoordinates::Notation notation = isSky ? GeoDataCoordinates::Astro : GeoDataCoordinates::defaultNotation(); // Set precision to 0 in UTM in order to show only zone number. int precision = (notation == GeoDataCoordinates::UTM) ? 0 : -1; // Longitude qreal westLon = viewLatLonAltBox.west( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ); qreal eastLon = viewLatLonAltBox.east( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ); qreal westLineLon = step * static_cast( westLon / step ); qreal eastLineLon = step * ( static_cast( eastLon / step ) + 1 ); if ( !viewLatLonAltBox.crossesDateLine() || ( westLon == -180.0 && eastLon == +180.0 ) ) { qreal itStep = westLineLon; while ( itStep < eastLineLon ) { // Create a matching label QString label = GeoDataCoordinates::lonToString( itStep, notation, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree, precision, 'g' ); // No additional labels for the prime meridian and the antimeridian if ( labelPositionFlags.testFlag( LineCenter ) && ( itStep == 0.0 || itStep == 180.0 || itStep == -180.0 ) ) { label.clear(); } // Paint all longitude coordinate lines (except for the meridians in non-UTM mode) if (notation == GeoDataCoordinates::UTM ) { renderUtmExceptions( painter, viewLatLonAltBox, itStep, northPolarGap, southPolarGap, label, labelPositionFlags ); } else if ( itStep != 0.0 && itStep != 180.0 && itStep != -180.0 ) { if (fmod(itStep, skipStep) != 0 || skipStep == 0.0) { renderLongitudeLine( painter, itStep, viewLatLonAltBox, northPolarGap, southPolarGap, label, labelPositionFlags ); } } itStep += step; } } else { qreal itStep = eastLineLon; while ( itStep < 180.0 ) { // Create a matching label QString label = GeoDataCoordinates::lonToString( itStep, notation, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree, precision, 'g' ); // No additional labels for the prime meridian and the antimeridian if ( labelPositionFlags.testFlag( LineCenter ) && ( itStep == 0.0 || itStep == 180.0 || itStep == -180.0 ) ) { label.clear(); } // Paint all longitude coordinate lines (except for the meridians in non-UTM mode) if (notation == GeoDataCoordinates::UTM ) { renderUtmExceptions( painter, viewLatLonAltBox, itStep, northPolarGap, southPolarGap, label, labelPositionFlags ); } else if ( itStep != 0.0 && itStep != 180.0 && itStep != -180.0 ) { if (fmod((itStep), skipStep) != 0 || skipStep == 0.0) { renderLongitudeLine( painter, itStep, viewLatLonAltBox, northPolarGap, southPolarGap, label, labelPositionFlags ); } } itStep += step; } itStep = -180.0; while ( itStep < westLineLon ) { // Create a matching label QString label = GeoDataCoordinates::lonToString( itStep, notation, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree, precision, 'g' ); // No additional labels for the prime meridian and the antimeridian if ( labelPositionFlags.testFlag( LineCenter ) && ( itStep == 0.0 || itStep == 180.0 || itStep == -180.0 ) ) { label.clear(); } // Paint all longitude coordinate lines (except for the meridians in non-UTM mode) if (notation == GeoDataCoordinates::UTM ) { renderUtmExceptions( painter, viewLatLonAltBox, itStep, northPolarGap, southPolarGap, label, labelPositionFlags ); } else if ( itStep != 0.0 && itStep != 180.0 && itStep != -180.0 ) { if (fmod((itStep+180), skipStep) != 0 || skipStep == 0.0) { renderLongitudeLine( painter, itStep, viewLatLonAltBox, northPolarGap, southPolarGap, label, labelPositionFlags ); } } itStep += step; } } } void GraticulePlugin::initLineMaps( GeoDataCoordinates::Notation notation) { /* Define Upper Bound keys and associated values: The key number is the globe radius in pixel. The value number is the amount of grid lines for the full range. Example: up to a 100 pixel radius the globe is covered with 4 longitude lines (4 half-circles). */ if (marbleModel()->planet()->id() == QLatin1String("sky") || notation == GeoDataCoordinates::Astro) { m_normalLineMap[100] = 4; // 6h m_normalLineMap[1000] = 12; // 2h m_normalLineMap[2000] = 24; // 1h m_normalLineMap[4000] = 48; // 30 min m_normalLineMap[8000] = 96; // 15 min m_normalLineMap[16000] = 288; // 5 min m_normalLineMap[100000] = 24 * 60; // 1 min m_normalLineMap[200000] = 24 * 60 * 2; // 30 sec m_normalLineMap[400000] = 24 * 60 * 4; // 15 sec m_normalLineMap[1200000] = 24 * 60 * 12; // 5 sec m_normalLineMap[6000000] = 24 * 60 * 60; // 1 sec m_normalLineMap[12000000] = 24 * 60 * 60 * 2; // 0.5 sec m_normalLineMap[24000000] = 24 * 60 * 60 * 4; // 0.25 sec m_boldLineMap[1000] = 0; // 0h m_boldLineMap[2000] = 4; // 6h m_boldLineMap[16000] = 24; // 30 deg return; } m_normalLineMap[100] = 4; // 90 deg m_normalLineMap[1000] = 12; // 30 deg m_normalLineMap[4000] = 36; // 10 deg m_normalLineMap[16000] = 72; // 5 deg m_normalLineMap[64000] = 360; // 1 deg m_normalLineMap[128000] = 720; // 0.5 deg m_boldLineMap[1000] = 0; // 0 deg m_boldLineMap[4000] = 12; // 30 deg m_boldLineMap[16000] = 36; // 10 deg switch ( notation ) { case GeoDataCoordinates::Decimal : m_normalLineMap[512000] = 360 * 10; // 0.1 deg m_normalLineMap[2048000] = 360 * 20; // 0.05 deg m_normalLineMap[8192000] = 360 * 100; // 0.01 deg m_normalLineMap[16384000] = 360 * 200; // 0.005 deg m_normalLineMap[32768000] = 360 * 1000; // 0.001 deg m_normalLineMap[131072000] = 360 * 2000; // 0.0005 deg m_normalLineMap[524288000] = 360 * 10000; // 0.00001 deg m_boldLineMap[512000] = 360; // 0.1 deg m_boldLineMap[2048000] = 720; // 0.05 deg m_boldLineMap[8192000] = 360 * 10; // 0.01 deg m_boldLineMap[1638400] = 360 * 20; // 0.005 deg m_boldLineMap[32768000] = 360 * 100; // 0.001 deg m_boldLineMap[131072000] = 360 * 200; // 0.0005 deg m_boldLineMap[524288000] = 360 * 1000; // 0.00001 deg break; default: case GeoDataCoordinates::DMS : m_normalLineMap[512000] = 360 * 6; // 10' m_normalLineMap[1024000] = 360 * 12; // 5' m_normalLineMap[4096000] = 360 * 60; // 1' m_normalLineMap[8192000] = 360 * 60 * 2; // 30" m_normalLineMap[16384000] = 360 * 60 * 6; // 10" m_normalLineMap[65535000] = 360 * 60 * 12; // 5" m_normalLineMap[524288000] = 360 * 60 * 60; // 1" m_boldLineMap[512000] = 360; // 10' m_boldLineMap[1024000] = 720; // 5' m_boldLineMap[4096000] = 360 * 6; // 1' m_boldLineMap[8192000] = 360 * 12; // 30" m_boldLineMap[16384000] = 360 * 60; // 10" m_boldLineMap[65535000] = 360 * 60 * 2; // 5" m_boldLineMap[524288000] = 360 * 60 * 6; // 1" break; } m_normalLineMap[999999999] = m_normalLineMap.value(262144000); // last m_boldLineMap[999999999] = m_boldLineMap.value(262144000); // last m_currentNotation = notation; } } #include "moc_GraticulePlugin.cpp"