diff --git a/src/lib/marble/geodata/graphicsitem/BuildingGeoPolygonGraphicsItem.cpp b/src/lib/marble/geodata/graphicsitem/BuildingGeoPolygonGraphicsItem.cpp index bee2e30a0..7df35dc6a 100644 --- a/src/lib/marble/geodata/graphicsitem/BuildingGeoPolygonGraphicsItem.cpp +++ b/src/lib/marble/geodata/graphicsitem/BuildingGeoPolygonGraphicsItem.cpp @@ -1,516 +1,524 @@ // // This file is part of the Marble Virtual Globe. // // This program is free software licensed under the GNU LGPL. You can // find a copy of this license in LICENSE.txt in the top directory of // the source code. // // Copyright 2011 Konstantin Oblaukhov // #include "BuildingGeoPolygonGraphicsItem.h" #include "MarbleDebug.h" #include "ViewportParams.h" #include "GeoDataTypes.h" #include "GeoDataPlacemark.h" #include "GeoDataLinearRing.h" #include "GeoDataPolygon.h" #include "GeoDataPolyStyle.h" #include "OsmPlacemarkData.h" #include "GeoPainter.h" #include #include namespace Marble { BuildingGeoPolygonGraphicsItem::BuildingGeoPolygonGraphicsItem(const GeoDataPlacemark *placemark, const GeoDataPolygon *polygon) : AbstractGeoPolygonGraphicsItem(placemark, polygon) , m_buildingHeight(extractBuildingHeight(*placemark)) , m_buildingLabel(extractBuildingLabel(*placemark)) , m_entries(extractNamedEntries(*placemark)) , m_hasInnerBoundaries(false) { setZValue(this->zValue() + m_buildingHeight); Q_ASSERT(m_buildingHeight > 0.0); QStringList paintLayers; paintLayers << QStringLiteral("Polygon/Building/frame") << QStringLiteral("Polygon/Building/roof"); setPaintLayers(paintLayers); } BuildingGeoPolygonGraphicsItem::BuildingGeoPolygonGraphicsItem(const GeoDataPlacemark *placemark, const GeoDataLinearRing* ring) : AbstractGeoPolygonGraphicsItem(placemark, ring) , m_buildingHeight(extractBuildingHeight(*placemark)) , m_buildingLabel(extractBuildingLabel(*placemark)) , m_entries(extractNamedEntries(*placemark)) { setZValue(this->zValue() + m_buildingHeight); Q_ASSERT(m_buildingHeight > 0.0); QStringList paintLayers; paintLayers << QStringLiteral("Polygon/Building/frame") << QStringLiteral("Polygon/Building/roof"); setPaintLayers(paintLayers); } void BuildingGeoPolygonGraphicsItem::initializeBuildingPainting(const GeoPainter* painter, const ViewportParams *viewport, bool &drawAccurate3D, bool &isCameraAboveBuilding ) const { drawAccurate3D = false; isCameraAboveBuilding = false; auto const screen = QApplication::screens().first(); double const physicalSize = 1.0; // mm int const pixelSize = qRound(physicalSize * screen->physicalDotsPerInch() / (IN2M * M2MM)); QPointF offsetAtCorner = buildingOffset(QPointF(0, 0), viewport, &isCameraAboveBuilding); qreal maxOffset = qMax( qAbs( offsetAtCorner.x() ), qAbs( offsetAtCorner.y() ) ); drawAccurate3D = painter->mapQuality() == HighQuality ? maxOffset > pixelSize : maxOffset > 1.5 * pixelSize; } void BuildingGeoPolygonGraphicsItem::updatePolygons( const ViewportParams *viewport, QVector& outerPolygons, QVector& innerPolygons, bool &hasInnerBoundaries ) { // Since subtracting one fully contained polygon from another results in a single // polygon with a "connecting line" between the inner and outer part we need // to first paint the inner area with no pen and then the outlines with the correct pen. hasInnerBoundaries = polygon() ? !polygon()->innerBoundaries().isEmpty() : false; if (polygon()) { if (hasInnerBoundaries) { screenPolygons(viewport, polygon(), innerPolygons, outerPolygons); } else { viewport->screenCoordinates(polygon()->outerBoundary(), outerPolygons); } } else if (ring()) { viewport->screenCoordinates(*ring(), outerPolygons); } } QPointF BuildingGeoPolygonGraphicsItem::centroid(const QPolygonF &polygon, double &area) { auto centroid = QPointF(0.0, 0.0); area = 0.0; for (auto i=0, n=polygon.size(); i 0.0); qreal const buildingFactor = m_buildingHeight / EARTH_RADIUS; qreal const cameraHeightPixel = viewport->width() * cameraFactor; qreal buildingHeightPixel = viewport->radius() * buildingFactor; qreal const cameraDistance = cameraHeightPixel-buildingHeightPixel; if (isCameraAboveBuilding) { *isCameraAboveBuilding = cameraDistance > 0; } qreal const cc = cameraDistance * cameraHeightPixel; qreal const cb = cameraDistance * buildingHeightPixel; // The following lines calculate the same result, but are potentially slower due // to using more trigonometric method calls // qreal const alpha1 = atan2(offsetX, cameraHeightPixel); // qreal const alpha2 = atan2(offsetX, cameraHeightPixel-buildingHeightPixel); // qreal const shiftX = 2 * (cameraHeightPixel-buildingHeightPixel) * sin(0.5*(alpha2-alpha1)); qreal const offsetX = point.x() - viewport->width() / 2.0; qreal const offsetY = point.y() - viewport->height() / 2.0; qreal const shiftX = offsetX * cb / (cc + offsetX); qreal const shiftY = offsetY * cb / (cc + offsetY); return QPointF(shiftX, shiftY); } double BuildingGeoPolygonGraphicsItem::extractBuildingHeight(const GeoDataPlacemark &placemark) { double height = 8.0; const OsmPlacemarkData &osmData = placemark.osmData(); QHash::const_iterator tagIter; if ((tagIter = osmData.findTag(QStringLiteral("height"))) != osmData.tagsEnd()) { /** @todo Also parse non-SI units, see https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:height#Height_of_buildings */ QString const heightValue = QString(tagIter.value()).remove(QStringLiteral(" meters")).remove(QStringLiteral(" m")); bool extracted = false; double extractedHeight = heightValue.toDouble(&extracted); if (extracted) { height = extractedHeight; } } else if ((tagIter = osmData.findTag(QStringLiteral("building:levels"))) != osmData.tagsEnd()) { int const levels = tagIter.value().toInt(); int const skipLevels = osmData.tagValue(QStringLiteral("building:min_level")).toInt(); /** @todo Is 35 as an upper bound for the number of levels sane? */ height = 3.0 * qBound(1, 1+levels-skipLevels, 35); } return qBound(1.0, height, 1000.0); } QString BuildingGeoPolygonGraphicsItem::extractBuildingLabel(const GeoDataPlacemark &placemark) { const OsmPlacemarkData &osmData = placemark.osmData(); auto tagIter = osmData.findTag(QStringLiteral("addr:housename")); if (tagIter != osmData.tagsEnd()) { return tagIter.value(); } tagIter = osmData.findTag(QStringLiteral("addr:housenumber")); if (tagIter != osmData.tagsEnd()) { return tagIter.value(); } return QString(); } QVector BuildingGeoPolygonGraphicsItem::extractNamedEntries(const GeoDataPlacemark &placemark) { QVector entries; const auto end = placemark.osmData().nodeReferencesEnd(); for (auto iter = placemark.osmData().nodeReferencesBegin(); iter != end; ++iter) { const auto tagIter = iter.value().findTag(QStringLiteral("addr:housenumber")); if (tagIter != iter.value().tagsEnd()) { NamedEntry entry; entry.point = iter.key(); entry.label = tagIter.value(); entries.push_back(entry); } } return entries; } void BuildingGeoPolygonGraphicsItem::paint(GeoPainter* painter, const ViewportParams* viewport, const QString &layer, int tileZoomLevel) { - Q_UNUSED(tileZoomLevel); + // Just display flat buildings for tile level 17 + if (tileZoomLevel == 17) { + if (layer.endsWith(QLatin1String("/frame"))) { + AbstractGeoPolygonGraphicsItem::paint(painter, viewport, layer, tileZoomLevel ); + } + return; + } + + // For level 18, 19 .. render 3D buildings in perspective if (layer.endsWith(QLatin1String("/frame"))) { Q_ASSERT(m_cachedOuterPolygons.isEmpty()); Q_ASSERT(m_cachedInnerPolygons.isEmpty()); Q_ASSERT(m_cachedOuterRoofPolygons.isEmpty()); Q_ASSERT(m_cachedInnerRoofPolygons.isEmpty()); updatePolygons(viewport, m_cachedOuterPolygons, m_cachedInnerPolygons, m_hasInnerBoundaries); if (m_cachedOuterPolygons.isEmpty()) { return; } paintFrame(painter, viewport); } else if (layer.endsWith(QLatin1String("/roof"))) { if (m_cachedOuterPolygons.isEmpty()) { return; } paintRoof(painter, viewport); qDeleteAll(m_cachedOuterPolygons); qDeleteAll(m_cachedOuterRoofPolygons); qDeleteAll(m_cachedInnerRoofPolygons); m_cachedOuterPolygons.clear(); m_cachedInnerPolygons.clear(); m_cachedOuterRoofPolygons.clear(); m_cachedInnerRoofPolygons.clear(); } else { mDebug() << "Didn't expect to have to paint layer " << layer << ", ignoring it."; } } void BuildingGeoPolygonGraphicsItem::paintRoof(GeoPainter* painter, const ViewportParams* viewport) { bool drawAccurate3D; bool isCameraAboveBuilding; initializeBuildingPainting(painter, viewport, drawAccurate3D, isCameraAboveBuilding); if (!isCameraAboveBuilding) { return; // do not render roof if we look inside the building } painter->save(); QPen const currentPen = configurePainter(painter, viewport); qreal maxSize(0.0); QPointF roofCenter; // first paint the area (and the outline if there are no inner boundaries) double maxArea = 0.0; if ( drawAccurate3D) { if (m_hasInnerBoundaries) { painter->setPen(Qt::NoPen); QVector fillPolygons = painter->createFillPolygons( m_cachedOuterRoofPolygons, m_cachedInnerRoofPolygons ); foreach( const QPolygonF* fillPolygon, fillPolygons ) { painter->drawPolygon(*fillPolygon); } painter->setPen(currentPen); foreach( const QPolygonF* outerRoof, m_cachedOuterRoofPolygons ) { painter->drawPolyline( *outerRoof ); } foreach( const QPolygonF* innerRoof, m_cachedInnerRoofPolygons ) { painter->drawPolyline( *innerRoof ); } } else { foreach( const QPolygonF* outerRoof, m_cachedOuterRoofPolygons ) { painter->drawPolygon( *outerRoof ); } } } else { QPointF const offset = buildingOffset(m_cachedOuterPolygons[0]->boundingRect().center(), viewport); painter->translate(offset); if (m_hasInnerBoundaries) { painter->setPen(Qt::NoPen); QVector fillPolygons = painter->createFillPolygons( m_cachedOuterPolygons, m_cachedInnerPolygons ); foreach( const QPolygonF* fillPolygon, fillPolygons ) { painter->drawPolygon(*fillPolygon); } painter->setPen(currentPen); foreach( const QPolygonF* outerPolygon, m_cachedOuterPolygons ) { painter->drawPolyline( *outerPolygon ); } foreach( const QPolygonF* innerPolygon, m_cachedInnerPolygons ) { painter->drawPolyline( *innerPolygon ); } } else { foreach( const QPolygonF* outerPolygon, m_cachedOuterPolygons ) { painter->drawPolygon( *outerPolygon ); } } painter->translate(-offset); } for (int i = 0; i < m_cachedOuterPolygons.size(); ++i) { QPolygonF* outerPolygon = m_cachedOuterPolygons[i]; QRectF const boundingRect = outerPolygon->boundingRect(); // Label position calculation if (!m_buildingLabel.isEmpty() || !m_entries.isEmpty()) { QSizeF const polygonSize = boundingRect.size(); qreal size = polygonSize.width() * polygonSize.height(); if (size > maxSize) { maxSize = size; double area; roofCenter = centroid(*outerPolygon, area); maxArea = qMax(area, maxArea); roofCenter += buildingOffset(roofCenter, viewport); } } // Draw the housenumber labels if (drawAccurate3D && !m_buildingLabel.isEmpty() && !roofCenter.isNull() && !m_cachedOuterRoofPolygons.isEmpty()) { QPolygonF * outerRoof = m_cachedOuterRoofPolygons[i]; double const w2 = 0.5 * painter->fontMetrics().width(m_buildingLabel); double const ascent = painter->fontMetrics().ascent(); double const descent = painter->fontMetrics().descent(); double const a2 = 0.5 * painter->fontMetrics().ascent(); QPointF const textPosition = roofCenter - QPointF(w2, -a2); if (outerRoof->containsPoint(textPosition + QPointF(-2, -ascent), Qt::OddEvenFill) && outerRoof->containsPoint(textPosition + QPointF(-2, descent), Qt::OddEvenFill) && outerRoof->containsPoint(textPosition + QPointF(2+2*w2, descent), Qt::OddEvenFill) && outerRoof->containsPoint(textPosition + QPointF(2+2*w2, -ascent), Qt::OddEvenFill) ) { painter->drawText(textPosition, m_buildingLabel); } } ++i; } // Render additional housenumbers at building entries if (!m_entries.isEmpty() && maxArea > 1600 * m_entries.size()) { QBrush brush = painter->brush(); QColor const brushColor = brush.color(); QColor lighterColor = brushColor.lighter(110); lighterColor.setAlphaF(0.9); brush.setColor(lighterColor); painter->setBrush(brush); foreach(const auto &entry, m_entries) { qreal x, y; viewport->screenCoordinates(entry.point, x, y); QPointF point(x, y); point += buildingOffset(point, viewport); auto const width = painter->fontMetrics().width(entry.label); auto const height = painter->fontMetrics().height(); QRectF rectangle(point, QSizeF(qMax(1.2*width, 1.1*height), 1.2*height)); rectangle.moveCenter(point); painter->drawRoundedRect(rectangle, 3, 3); painter->drawText(rectangle, Qt::AlignCenter, entry.label); } brush.setColor(brushColor); painter->setBrush(brush); } painter->restore(); } void BuildingGeoPolygonGraphicsItem::paintFrame(GeoPainter *painter, const ViewportParams *viewport) { // TODO: how does this match the Q_ASSERT in the constructor? if (m_buildingHeight == 0.0) { return; } if ((polygon() && !viewport->resolves(polygon()->outerBoundary().latLonAltBox(), 4)) || (ring() && !viewport->resolves(ring()->latLonAltBox(), 4))) { return; } painter->save(); bool drawAccurate3D; bool isCameraAboveBuilding; initializeBuildingPainting(painter, viewport, drawAccurate3D, isCameraAboveBuilding); configureFramePainter(painter); if ( drawAccurate3D && isCameraAboveBuilding ) { foreach(QPolygonF* outline, m_cachedOuterPolygons) { if (outline->isEmpty()) { continue; } // draw the building sides int const size = outline->size(); QPolygonF * outerRoof = new QPolygonF; outerRoof->reserve(outline->size()); QPointF & a = (*outline)[0]; QPointF shiftA = a + buildingOffset(a, viewport); outerRoof->append(shiftA); for (int i=1; i= 0; if (!backface) { QPolygonF buildingSide = QPolygonF() << a << shiftA << shiftB << b; painter->drawPolygon(buildingSide); } a = b; shiftA = shiftB; outerRoof->append(shiftA); } m_cachedOuterRoofPolygons.append(outerRoof); } foreach(QPolygonF* outline, m_cachedInnerPolygons) { if (outline->isEmpty()) { continue; } // draw the building sides int const size = outline->size(); QPolygonF * innerRoof = new QPolygonF; innerRoof->reserve(outline->size()); QPointF & a = (*outline)[0]; QPointF shiftA = a + buildingOffset(a, viewport); innerRoof->append(shiftA); for (int i=1; i= 0; if (backface) { QPolygonF buildingSide = QPolygonF() << a << shiftA << shiftB << b; painter->drawPolygon(buildingSide); } a = b; shiftA = shiftB; innerRoof->append(shiftA); } m_cachedInnerRoofPolygons.append(innerRoof); } } else { // don't draw the building sides - just draw the base frame instead QVector fillPolygons = painter->createFillPolygons( m_cachedOuterPolygons, m_cachedInnerPolygons ); foreach( QPolygonF* fillPolygon, fillPolygons ) { painter->drawPolygon(*fillPolygon); } } painter->restore(); } void BuildingGeoPolygonGraphicsItem::screenPolygons(const ViewportParams *viewport, const GeoDataPolygon *polygon, QVector &innerPolygons, QVector &outerPolygons ) { Q_ASSERT(polygon); viewport->screenCoordinates( polygon->outerBoundary(), outerPolygons ); QVector const & innerBoundaries = polygon->innerBoundaries(); foreach (const GeoDataLinearRing &innerBoundary, innerBoundaries) { QVector innerPolygonsPerBoundary; viewport->screenCoordinates(innerBoundary, innerPolygonsPerBoundary); innerPolygons.reserve(innerPolygons.size() + innerPolygonsPerBoundary.size()); foreach( QPolygonF* innerPolygonPerBoundary, innerPolygonsPerBoundary ) { innerPolygons << innerPolygonPerBoundary; } } } void BuildingGeoPolygonGraphicsItem::configureFramePainter(GeoPainter *painter) const { GeoDataStyle::ConstPtr style = this->style(); if (!style) { painter->setPen( QPen() ); } else { const GeoDataPolyStyle& polyStyle = style->polyStyle(); const QColor transparentColor(Qt::transparent); painter->setPen(Qt::NoPen); if (!polyStyle.fill()) { painter->setBrush(transparentColor); } else { const QColor paintedColor = polyStyle.paintedColor(); painter->setBrush(paintedColor.darker(150)); } } } }