diff --git a/language/duchain/ducontext.cpp b/language/duchain/ducontext.cpp index f62da9243..9e8cacccf 100644 --- a/language/duchain/ducontext.cpp +++ b/language/duchain/ducontext.cpp @@ -1,1672 +1,1706 @@ /* This is part of KDevelop Copyright 2006 Hamish Rodda Copyright 2007-2009 David Nolden This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "ducontext.h" #include +#include #include #include #include #include "ducontextdata.h" #include "declaration.h" #include "duchain.h" #include "duchainlock.h" #include "use.h" #include "identifier.h" #include "topducontext.h" #include "persistentsymboltable.h" #include "aliasdeclaration.h" #include "namespacealiasdeclaration.h" #include "abstractfunctiondeclaration.h" #include "duchainregister.h" #include "topducontextdynamicdata.h" #include "importers.h" #include "uses.h" #include "navigation/abstractdeclarationnavigationcontext.h" #include "navigation/abstractnavigationwidget.h" #include "ducontextdynamicdata.h" #include "util/debug.h" // maximum depth for DUContext::findDeclarationsInternal searches const uint maxParentDepth = 20; using namespace KTextEditor; #ifndef NDEBUG #define ENSURE_CAN_WRITE_(x) {if(x->inDUChain()) { ENSURE_CHAIN_WRITE_LOCKED }} #define ENSURE_CAN_READ_(x) {if(x->inDUChain()) { ENSURE_CHAIN_READ_LOCKED }} #else #define ENSURE_CAN_WRITE_(x) #define ENSURE_CAN_READ_(x) #endif QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const KDevelop::DUContext::Import& import) { QDebugStateSaver saver(dbg); dbg.nospace() << "Import(" << import.indexedContext().data() << ')'; return dbg; } namespace KDevelop { DEFINE_LIST_MEMBER_HASH(DUContextData, m_childContexts, LocalIndexedDUContext) DEFINE_LIST_MEMBER_HASH(DUContextData, m_importers, IndexedDUContext) DEFINE_LIST_MEMBER_HASH(DUContextData, m_importedContexts, DUContext::Import) DEFINE_LIST_MEMBER_HASH(DUContextData, m_localDeclarations, LocalIndexedDeclaration) DEFINE_LIST_MEMBER_HASH(DUContextData, m_uses, Use) REGISTER_DUCHAIN_ITEM(DUContext); DUChainVisitor::~DUChainVisitor() { } /** * We leak here, to prevent a possible crash during destruction, as the destructor * of Identifier is not safe to be called after the duchain has been destroyed */ const Identifier& globalImportIdentifier() { static const Identifier globalImportIdentifierObject(*new Identifier("{...import...}")); return globalImportIdentifierObject; } const Identifier& globalAliasIdentifier() { static const Identifier globalAliasIdentifierObject(*new Identifier("{...alias...}")); return globalAliasIdentifierObject; } const IndexedIdentifier& globalIndexedImportIdentifier() { static const IndexedIdentifier id(globalImportIdentifier()); return id; } const IndexedIdentifier& globalIndexedAliasIdentifier() { static const IndexedIdentifier id(globalAliasIdentifier()); return id; } void DUContext::rebuildDynamicData(DUContext* parent, uint ownIndex) { Q_ASSERT(!parent || ownIndex); m_dynamicData->m_topContext = parent ? parent->topContext() : static_cast(this); m_dynamicData->m_indexInTopContext = ownIndex; m_dynamicData->m_parentContext = DUContextPointer(parent); m_dynamicData->m_context = this; m_dynamicData->m_childContexts.clear(); m_dynamicData->m_childContexts.reserve(d_func()->m_childContextsSize()); FOREACH_FUNCTION(const LocalIndexedDUContext& ctx, d_func()->m_childContexts) { m_dynamicData->m_childContexts << ctx.data(m_dynamicData->m_topContext); } m_dynamicData->m_localDeclarations.clear(); m_dynamicData->m_localDeclarations.reserve(d_func()->m_localDeclarationsSize()); FOREACH_FUNCTION(const LocalIndexedDeclaration& idx, d_func()->m_localDeclarations) { auto declaration = idx.data(m_dynamicData->m_topContext); if (!declaration) { qCWarning(LANGUAGE) << "child declaration number" << idx.localIndex() << "of" << d_func_dynamic()->m_localDeclarationsSize() << "is invalid"; continue; } m_dynamicData->m_localDeclarations << declaration; } DUChainBase::rebuildDynamicData(parent, ownIndex); } DUContextData::DUContextData() : m_inSymbolTable(false) , m_anonymousInParent(false) , m_propagateDeclarations(false) { initializeAppendedLists(); } DUContextData::~DUContextData() { freeAppendedLists(); } DUContextData::DUContextData(const DUContextData& rhs) : DUChainBaseData(rhs) , m_inSymbolTable(rhs.m_inSymbolTable) , m_anonymousInParent(rhs.m_anonymousInParent) , m_propagateDeclarations(rhs.m_propagateDeclarations) { initializeAppendedLists(); copyListsFrom(rhs); m_scopeIdentifier = rhs.m_scopeIdentifier; m_contextType = rhs.m_contextType; m_owner = rhs.m_owner; } DUContextDynamicData::DUContextDynamicData(DUContext* d) : m_topContext(0) , m_indexInTopContext(0) , m_context(d) , m_rangesChanged(true) { } void DUContextDynamicData::scopeIdentifier(bool includeClasses, QualifiedIdentifier& target) const { if (m_parentContext) m_parentContext->m_dynamicData->scopeIdentifier(includeClasses, target); if (includeClasses || d_func()->m_contextType != DUContext::Class) target += d_func()->m_scopeIdentifier; } bool DUContextDynamicData::imports(const DUContext* context, const TopDUContext* source, QSet* recursionGuard) const { if( this == context->m_dynamicData ) return true; if (recursionGuard->contains(this)) { return false; } recursionGuard->insert(this); FOREACH_FUNCTION( const DUContext::Import& ctx, d_func()->m_importedContexts ) { DUContext* import = ctx.context(source); if(import == context || (import && import->m_dynamicData->imports(context, source, recursionGuard))) return true; } return false; } inline bool isContextTemporary(uint index) { return index > (0xffffffff/2); } void DUContextDynamicData::addDeclaration( Declaration * newDeclaration ) { // The definition may not have its identifier set when it's assigned... // allow dupes here, TODO catch the error elsewhere //If this context is temporary, added declarations should be as well, and viceversa Q_ASSERT(isContextTemporary(m_indexInTopContext) == isContextTemporary(newDeclaration->ownIndex())); CursorInRevision start = newDeclaration->range().start; bool inserted = false; ///@todo Do binary search to find the position for (int i = m_localDeclarations.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { Declaration* child = m_localDeclarations[i]; Q_ASSERT(d_func()->m_localDeclarations()[i].data(m_topContext) == child); if(child == newDeclaration) return; //TODO: All declarations in a macro will have the same empty range, and just get appended //that may not be Good Enough in complex cases. if (start >= child->range().start) { m_localDeclarations.insert(i + 1, newDeclaration); d_func_dynamic()->m_localDeclarationsList().insert(i+1, newDeclaration); Q_ASSERT(d_func()->m_localDeclarations()[i+1].data(m_topContext) == newDeclaration); inserted = true; break; } } if (!inserted) { // We haven't found any child that is before this one, so prepend it m_localDeclarations.insert(0, newDeclaration); d_func_dynamic()->m_localDeclarationsList().insert(0, newDeclaration); Q_ASSERT(d_func()->m_localDeclarations()[0].data(m_topContext) == newDeclaration); } } bool DUContextDynamicData::removeDeclaration(Declaration* declaration) { const int idx = m_localDeclarations.indexOf(declaration); if (idx != -1) { Q_ASSERT(d_func()->m_localDeclarations()[idx].data(m_topContext) == declaration); m_localDeclarations.remove(idx); d_func_dynamic()->m_localDeclarationsList().remove(idx); return true; } else { Q_ASSERT(d_func_dynamic()->m_localDeclarationsList().indexOf(LocalIndexedDeclaration(declaration)) == -1); return false; } } void DUContextDynamicData::addChildContext( DUContext * context ) { // Internal, don't need to assert a lock Q_ASSERT(!context->m_dynamicData->m_parentContext || context->m_dynamicData->m_parentContext.data()->m_dynamicData == this ); LocalIndexedDUContext indexed(context->m_dynamicData->m_indexInTopContext); //If this context is temporary, added declarations should be as well, and viceversa Q_ASSERT(isContextTemporary(m_indexInTopContext) == isContextTemporary(indexed.localIndex())); bool inserted = false; int childCount = m_childContexts.size(); for (int i = childCount-1; i >= 0; --i) {///@todo Do binary search to find the position DUContext* child = m_childContexts[i]; Q_ASSERT(d_func_dynamic()->m_childContexts()[i] == LocalIndexedDUContext(child)); if (context == child) return; if (context->range().start >= child->range().start) { m_childContexts.insert(i+1, context); d_func_dynamic()->m_childContextsList().insert(i+1, indexed); context->m_dynamicData->m_parentContext = m_context; inserted = true; break; } } if( !inserted ) { m_childContexts.insert(0, context); d_func_dynamic()->m_childContextsList().insert(0, indexed); context->m_dynamicData->m_parentContext = m_context; } } bool DUContextDynamicData::removeChildContext( DUContext* context ) { // ENSURE_CAN_WRITE const int idx = m_childContexts.indexOf(context); if (idx != -1) { m_childContexts.remove(idx); Q_ASSERT(d_func()->m_childContexts()[idx] == LocalIndexedDUContext(context)); d_func_dynamic()->m_childContextsList().remove(idx); return true; } else { Q_ASSERT(d_func_dynamic()->m_childContextsList().indexOf(LocalIndexedDUContext(context)) == -1); return false; } } void DUContextDynamicData::addImportedChildContext( DUContext * context ) { // ENSURE_CAN_WRITE DUContext::Import import(m_context, context); if(import.isDirect()) { //Direct importers are registered directly within the data if(d_func_dynamic()->m_importersList().contains(IndexedDUContext(context))) { qCDebug(LANGUAGE) << m_context->scopeIdentifier(true).toString() << "importer added multiple times:" << context->scopeIdentifier(true).toString(); return; } d_func_dynamic()->m_importersList().append(context); }else{ //Indirect importers are registered separately Importers::self().addImporter(import.indirectDeclarationId(), IndexedDUContext(context)); } } //Can also be called with a context that is not in the list void DUContextDynamicData::removeImportedChildContext( DUContext * context ) { // ENSURE_CAN_WRITE DUContext::Import import(m_context, context); if(import.isDirect()) { d_func_dynamic()->m_importersList().removeOne(IndexedDUContext(context)); }else{ //Indirect importers are registered separately Importers::self().removeImporter(import.indirectDeclarationId(), IndexedDUContext(context)); } } int DUContext::depth() const { { if (!parentContext()) return 0; return parentContext()->depth() + 1; } } DUContext::DUContext(DUContextData& data) : DUChainBase(data) , m_dynamicData(new DUContextDynamicData(this)) { } DUContext::DUContext(const RangeInRevision& range, DUContext* parent, bool anonymous) : DUChainBase(*new DUContextData(), range) , m_dynamicData(new DUContextDynamicData(this)) { d_func_dynamic()->setClassId(this); if(parent) m_dynamicData->m_topContext = parent->topContext(); else m_dynamicData->m_topContext = static_cast(this); d_func_dynamic()->setClassId(this); DUCHAIN_D_DYNAMIC(DUContext); d->m_contextType = Other; m_dynamicData->m_parentContext = 0; d->m_anonymousInParent = anonymous; d->m_inSymbolTable = false; if (parent) { m_dynamicData->m_indexInTopContext = parent->topContext()->m_dynamicData->allocateContextIndex(this, parent->isAnonymous() || anonymous); Q_ASSERT(m_dynamicData->m_indexInTopContext); if( !anonymous ) parent->m_dynamicData->addChildContext(this); else m_dynamicData->m_parentContext = parent; } if(parent && !anonymous && parent->inSymbolTable()) setInSymbolTable(true); } bool DUContext::isAnonymous() const { return d_func()->m_anonymousInParent || (m_dynamicData->m_parentContext && m_dynamicData->m_parentContext->isAnonymous()); } DUContext::DUContext( DUContextData& dd, const RangeInRevision& range, DUContext * parent, bool anonymous ) : DUChainBase(dd, range) , m_dynamicData(new DUContextDynamicData(this)) { if(parent) m_dynamicData->m_topContext = parent->topContext(); else m_dynamicData->m_topContext = static_cast(this); DUCHAIN_D_DYNAMIC(DUContext); d->m_contextType = Other; m_dynamicData->m_parentContext = 0; d->m_inSymbolTable = false; d->m_anonymousInParent = anonymous; if (parent) { m_dynamicData->m_indexInTopContext = parent->topContext()->m_dynamicData->allocateContextIndex(this, parent->isAnonymous() || anonymous); if( !anonymous ) parent->m_dynamicData->addChildContext(this); else m_dynamicData->m_parentContext = parent; } } DUContext::DUContext(DUContext& useDataFrom) : DUChainBase(useDataFrom) , m_dynamicData(useDataFrom.m_dynamicData) { } DUContext::~DUContext( ) { TopDUContext* top = topContext(); if(!top->deleting() || !top->isOnDisk()) { DUCHAIN_D_DYNAMIC(DUContext); if(d->m_owner.declaration()) d->m_owner.declaration()->setInternalContext(0); while( d->m_importersSize() != 0 ) { if(d->m_importers()[0].data()) d->m_importers()[0].data()->removeImportedParentContext(this); else { qCDebug(LANGUAGE) << "importer disappeared"; d->m_importersList().removeOne(d->m_importers()[0]); } } clearImportedParentContexts(); } deleteChildContextsRecursively(); if(!topContext()->deleting() || !topContext()->isOnDisk()) deleteUses(); deleteLocalDeclarations(); //If the top-context is being delete, we don't need to spend time rebuilding the inner structure. //That's expensive, especially when the data is not dynamic. if(!top->deleting() || !top->isOnDisk()) { if (m_dynamicData->m_parentContext) m_dynamicData->m_parentContext->m_dynamicData->removeChildContext(this); } top->m_dynamicData->clearContextIndex(this); Q_ASSERT(d_func()->isDynamic() == (!top->deleting() || !top->isOnDisk() || top->m_dynamicData->isTemporaryContextIndex(m_dynamicData->m_indexInTopContext))); delete m_dynamicData; } QVector< DUContext * > DUContext::childContexts( ) const { ENSURE_CAN_READ return m_dynamicData->m_childContexts; } Declaration* DUContext::owner() const { ENSURE_CAN_READ return d_func()->m_owner.declaration(); } void DUContext::setOwner(Declaration* owner) { ENSURE_CAN_WRITE DUCHAIN_D_DYNAMIC(DUContext); if( owner == d->m_owner.declaration() ) return; Declaration* oldOwner = d->m_owner.declaration(); d->m_owner = owner; //Q_ASSERT(!oldOwner || oldOwner->internalContext() == this); if( oldOwner && oldOwner->internalContext() == this ) oldOwner->setInternalContext(0); //The context set as internal context should always be the last opened context if( owner ) owner->setInternalContext(this); } DUContext* DUContext::parentContext( ) const { //ENSURE_CAN_READ Commented out for performance reasons return m_dynamicData->m_parentContext.data(); } void DUContext::setPropagateDeclarations(bool propagate) { ENSURE_CAN_WRITE DUCHAIN_D_DYNAMIC(DUContext); if(propagate == d->m_propagateDeclarations) return; d->m_propagateDeclarations = propagate; } bool DUContext::isPropagateDeclarations() const { return d_func()->m_propagateDeclarations; } QList DUContext::findLocalDeclarations( const IndexedIdentifier& identifier, const CursorInRevision& position, const TopDUContext* topContext, const AbstractType::Ptr& dataType, SearchFlags flags ) const { ENSURE_CAN_READ DeclarationList ret; findLocalDeclarationsInternal(identifier, position.isValid() ? position : range().end, dataType, ret, topContext ? topContext : this->topContext(), flags); return ret; } QList DUContext::findLocalDeclarations( const Identifier& identifier, const CursorInRevision& position, const TopDUContext* topContext, const AbstractType::Ptr& dataType, SearchFlags flags ) const { return findLocalDeclarations(IndexedIdentifier(identifier), position, topContext, dataType, flags); } namespace { bool contextIsChildOrEqual(const DUContext* childContext, const DUContext* context) { if(childContext == context) return true; if(childContext->parentContext()) return contextIsChildOrEqual(childContext->parentContext(), context); else return false; } struct Checker { Checker(DUContext::SearchFlags flags, const AbstractType::Ptr& dataType, const CursorInRevision & position, DUContext::ContextType ownType) : m_flags(flags) , m_dataType(dataType) , m_position(position) , m_ownType(ownType) { } Declaration* check(Declaration* declaration) const { ///@todo This is C++-specific if (m_ownType != DUContext::Class && m_ownType != DUContext::Template && m_position.isValid() && m_position <= declaration->range().start) { return nullptr; } if (declaration->kind() == Declaration::Alias && !(m_flags & DUContext::DontResolveAliases)) { //Apply alias declarations AliasDeclaration* alias = static_cast(declaration); if (alias->aliasedDeclaration().isValid()) { declaration = alias->aliasedDeclaration().declaration(); } else { qCDebug(LANGUAGE) << "lost aliased declaration"; } } if (declaration->kind() == Declaration::NamespaceAlias && !(m_flags & DUContext::NoFiltering)) { return nullptr; } if ((m_flags & DUContext::OnlyFunctions) && !declaration->isFunctionDeclaration()) { return nullptr; } if (m_dataType && m_dataType->indexed() != declaration->indexedType()) { return nullptr; } return declaration; } DUContext::SearchFlags m_flags; const AbstractType::Ptr m_dataType; const CursorInRevision m_position; DUContext::ContextType m_ownType; }; } void DUContext::findLocalDeclarationsInternal(const Identifier& identifier, const CursorInRevision& position, const AbstractType::Ptr& dataType, DeclarationList& ret, const TopDUContext* source, SearchFlags flags) const { return findLocalDeclarationsInternal(IndexedIdentifier(identifier), position, dataType, ret, source, flags); } void DUContext::findLocalDeclarationsInternal( const IndexedIdentifier& identifier, const CursorInRevision & position, const AbstractType::Ptr& dataType, DeclarationList& ret, const TopDUContext* /*source*/, SearchFlags flags ) const { Checker checker(flags, dataType, position, type()); if (d_func()->m_inSymbolTable && !d_func()->m_scopeIdentifier.isEmpty() && !identifier.isEmpty()) { //This context is in the symbol table, use the symbol-table to speed up the search QualifiedIdentifier id(scopeIdentifier(true) + identifier); TopDUContext* top = topContext(); uint count; const IndexedDeclaration* declarations; PersistentSymbolTable::self().declarations(id, count, declarations); for (uint a = 0; a < count; ++a) { ///@todo Eventually do efficient iteration-free filtering if (declarations[a].topContextIndex() == top->ownIndex()) { Declaration* decl = declarations[a].declaration(); if (decl && contextIsChildOrEqual(decl->context(), this)) { Declaration* checked = checker.check(decl); if (checked) { ret.append(checked); } } } } } else { //Iterate through all declarations DUContextDynamicData::VisibleDeclarationIterator it(m_dynamicData); while (it) { Declaration* declaration = *it; if (declaration && declaration->indexedIdentifier() == identifier) { Declaration* checked = checker.check(declaration); if (checked) ret.append(checked); } ++it; } } } bool DUContext::foundEnough( const DeclarationList& ret, SearchFlags flags ) const { if( !ret.isEmpty() && !(flags & DUContext::NoFiltering)) return true; else return false; } bool DUContext::findDeclarationsInternal( const SearchItem::PtrList & baseIdentifiers, const CursorInRevision & position, const AbstractType::Ptr& dataType, DeclarationList& ret, const TopDUContext* source, SearchFlags flags, uint depth ) const { if (depth > maxParentDepth) { qCDebug(LANGUAGE) << "maximum depth reached in" << scopeIdentifier(true); return false; } DUCHAIN_D(DUContext); if (d_func()->m_contextType != Namespace) { // If we're in a namespace, delay all the searching into the top-context, because only that has the overview to pick the correct declarations. for (int a = 0; a < baseIdentifiers.size(); ++a) { if (!baseIdentifiers[a]->isExplicitlyGlobal && baseIdentifiers[a]->next.isEmpty()) { // It makes no sense searching locally for qualified identifiers findLocalDeclarationsInternal(baseIdentifiers[a]->identifier, position, dataType, ret, source, flags); } } if (foundEnough(ret, flags)) { return true; } } ///Step 1: Apply namespace-aliases and -imports SearchItem::PtrList aliasedIdentifiers; //Because of namespace-imports and aliases, this identifier may need to be searched under multiple names applyAliases(baseIdentifiers, aliasedIdentifiers, position, false, type() != DUContext::Namespace && type() != DUContext::Global); if (d->m_importedContextsSize() != 0) { ///Step 2: Give identifiers that are not marked as explicitly-global to imported contexts(explicitly global ones are treatead in TopDUContext) SearchItem::PtrList nonGlobalIdentifiers; foreach (const SearchItem::Ptr& identifier, aliasedIdentifiers) { if (!identifier->isExplicitlyGlobal) { nonGlobalIdentifiers << identifier; } } if (!nonGlobalIdentifiers.isEmpty()) { const auto& url = this->url(); for(int import = d->m_importedContextsSize()-1; import >= 0; --import ) { if (position.isValid() && d->m_importedContexts()[import].position.isValid() && position < d->m_importedContexts()[import].position) { continue; } DUContext* context = d->m_importedContexts()[import].context(source); if (!context) { continue; } else if (context == this) { qCDebug(LANGUAGE) << "resolved self as import:" << scopeIdentifier(true); continue; } if (!context->findDeclarationsInternal(nonGlobalIdentifiers, url == context->url() ? position : context->range().end, dataType, ret, source, flags | InImportedParentContext, depth+1)) { return false; } } } } if (foundEnough(ret, flags)) { return true; } ///Step 3: Continue search in parent-context if (!(flags & DontSearchInParent) && shouldSearchInParent(flags) && m_dynamicData->m_parentContext) { applyUpwardsAliases(aliasedIdentifiers, source); return m_dynamicData->m_parentContext->findDeclarationsInternal(aliasedIdentifiers, url() == m_dynamicData->m_parentContext->url() ? position : m_dynamicData->m_parentContext->range().end, dataType, ret, source, flags, depth); } return true; } QList< QualifiedIdentifier > DUContext::fullyApplyAliases(const QualifiedIdentifier& id, const TopDUContext* source) const { ENSURE_CAN_READ if(!source) source = topContext(); SearchItem::PtrList identifiers; identifiers << SearchItem::Ptr(new SearchItem(id)); const DUContext* current = this; while(current) { SearchItem::PtrList aliasedIdentifiers; current->applyAliases(identifiers, aliasedIdentifiers, CursorInRevision::invalid(), true, false); current->applyUpwardsAliases(identifiers, source); current = current->parentContext(); } QList ret; for (const SearchItem::Ptr& item : identifiers) ret += item->toList(); return ret; } QList DUContext::findDeclarations( const QualifiedIdentifier & identifier, const CursorInRevision & position, const AbstractType::Ptr& dataType, const TopDUContext* topContext, SearchFlags flags) const { ENSURE_CAN_READ DeclarationList ret; SearchItem::PtrList identifiers; // optimize: we don't want to allocate the top node always // so create it on stack but ref it so its not deleted by the smart pointer SearchItem item(identifier); item.ref.ref(); identifiers << SearchItem::Ptr(&item); findDeclarationsInternal(identifiers, position.isValid() ? position : range().end, dataType, ret, topContext ? topContext : this->topContext(), flags, 0); return ret; } bool DUContext::imports(const DUContext* origin, const CursorInRevision& /*position*/ ) const { ENSURE_CAN_READ QSet recursionGuard; recursionGuard.reserve(8); return m_dynamicData->imports(origin, topContext(), &recursionGuard); } bool DUContext::addIndirectImport(const DUContext::Import& import) { ENSURE_CAN_WRITE DUCHAIN_D_DYNAMIC(DUContext); for(unsigned int a = 0; a < d->m_importedContextsSize(); ++a) { if(d->m_importedContexts()[a] == import) { d->m_importedContextsList()[a].position = import.position; return true; } } ///Do not sort the imported contexts by their own line-number, it makes no sense. ///Contexts added first, aka template-contexts, should stay in first place, so they are searched first. d->m_importedContextsList().append(import); return false; } void DUContext::addImportedParentContext( DUContext * context, const CursorInRevision& position, bool anonymous, bool /*temporary*/ ) { ENSURE_CAN_WRITE if(context == this) { qCDebug(LANGUAGE) << "Tried to import self"; return; } if(!context) { qCDebug(LANGUAGE) << "Tried to import invalid context"; return; } Import import(context, this, position); if(addIndirectImport(import)) return; if( !anonymous ) { ENSURE_CAN_WRITE_(context) context->m_dynamicData->addImportedChildContext(this); } } void DUContext::removeImportedParentContext( DUContext * context ) { ENSURE_CAN_WRITE DUCHAIN_D_DYNAMIC(DUContext); Import import(context, this, CursorInRevision::invalid()); for(unsigned int a = 0; a < d->m_importedContextsSize(); ++a) { if(d->m_importedContexts()[a] == import) { d->m_importedContextsList().remove(a); break; } } if( !context ) return; context->m_dynamicData->removeImportedChildContext(this); } KDevVarLengthArray DUContext::indexedImporters() const { KDevVarLengthArray ret; if(owner()) ret = Importers::self().importers(owner()->id()); //Add indirect importers to the list FOREACH_FUNCTION(const IndexedDUContext& ctx, d_func()->m_importers) ret.append(ctx); return ret; } QVector DUContext::importers() const { ENSURE_CAN_READ QVector ret; FOREACH_FUNCTION(const IndexedDUContext& ctx, d_func()->m_importers) ret << ctx.context(); if(owner()) { //Add indirect importers to the list KDevVarLengthArray indirect = Importers::self().importers(owner()->id()); for (const IndexedDUContext& ctx : indirect) { ret << ctx.context(); } } return ret; } DUContext * DUContext::findContext( const CursorInRevision& position, DUContext* parent) const { ENSURE_CAN_READ if (!parent) parent = const_cast(this); foreach (DUContext* context, parent->m_dynamicData->m_childContexts) { if (context->range().contains(position)) { DUContext* ret = findContext(position, context); if (!ret) { ret = context; } return ret; } } return 0; } bool DUContext::parentContextOf(DUContext* context) const { if (this == context) return true; foreach (DUContext* child, m_dynamicData->m_childContexts) { if (child->parentContextOf(context)) { return true; } } return false; } QList< QPair > DUContext::allDeclarations(const CursorInRevision& position, const TopDUContext* topContext, bool searchInParents) const { ENSURE_CAN_READ QList< QPair > ret; QHash hadContexts; // Iterate back up the chain mergeDeclarationsInternal(ret, position, hadContexts, topContext ? topContext : this->topContext(), searchInParents); return ret; } QVector DUContext::localDeclarations(const TopDUContext* source) const { ENSURE_CAN_READ // TODO: remove this parameter once we kill old-cpp Q_UNUSED(source); return m_dynamicData->m_localDeclarations; } void DUContext::mergeDeclarationsInternal(QList< QPair >& definitions, const CursorInRevision& position, QHash& hadContexts, const TopDUContext* source, bool searchInParents, int currentDepth) const { ENSURE_CAN_READ if((currentDepth > 300 && currentDepth < 1000) || currentDepth > 1300) { qCDebug(LANGUAGE) << "too much depth"; return; } DUCHAIN_D(DUContext); if(hadContexts.contains(this) && !searchInParents) return; if(!hadContexts.contains(this)) { hadContexts[this] = true; if( (type() == DUContext::Namespace || type() == DUContext::Global) && currentDepth < 1000 ) currentDepth += 1000; { DUContextDynamicData::VisibleDeclarationIterator it(m_dynamicData); while(it) { Declaration* decl = *it; if ( decl && (!position.isValid() || decl->range().start <= position) ) definitions << qMakePair(decl, currentDepth); ++it; } } for(int a = d->m_importedContextsSize()-1; a >= 0; --a) { const Import* import(&d->m_importedContexts()[a]); DUContext* context = import->context(source); while( !context && a > 0 ) { --a; import = &d->m_importedContexts()[a]; context = import->context(source); } if( !context ) break; if(context == this) { qCDebug(LANGUAGE) << "resolved self as import:" << scopeIdentifier(true); continue; } if( position.isValid() && import->position.isValid() && position < import->position ) continue; context->mergeDeclarationsInternal(definitions, CursorInRevision::invalid(), hadContexts, source, searchInParents && context->shouldSearchInParent(InImportedParentContext) && context->parentContext()->type() == DUContext::Helper, currentDepth+1); } } ///Only respect the position if the parent-context is not a class(@todo this is language-dependent) if (parentContext() && searchInParents ) parentContext()->mergeDeclarationsInternal(definitions, parentContext()->type() == DUContext::Class ? parentContext()->range().end : position, hadContexts, source, searchInParents, currentDepth+1); } void DUContext::deleteLocalDeclarations() { ENSURE_CAN_WRITE // It may happen that the deletion of one declaration triggers the deletion of another one // Therefore we copy the list of indexed declarations and work on those. Indexed declarations // will return zero for already deleted declarations. KDevVarLengthArray indexedLocal; if (d_func()->m_localDeclarations()) { indexedLocal.append(d_func()->m_localDeclarations(), d_func()->m_localDeclarationsSize()); } foreach (const LocalIndexedDeclaration& indexed, m_dynamicData->m_localDeclarations) { delete indexed.data(topContext()); } m_dynamicData->m_localDeclarations.clear(); } void DUContext::deleteChildContextsRecursively() { ENSURE_CAN_WRITE // note: don't use qDeleteAll here because child ctx deletion changes m_dynamicData->m_childContexts // also note: foreach iterates on a copy, so this is safe foreach (DUContext* ctx, m_dynamicData->m_childContexts) { delete ctx; } m_dynamicData->m_childContexts.clear(); } QVector DUContext::clearLocalDeclarations( ) { auto copy = m_dynamicData->m_localDeclarations; foreach (Declaration* dec, copy) { dec->setContext(0); } return copy; } QualifiedIdentifier DUContext::scopeIdentifier(bool includeClasses) const { ENSURE_CAN_READ QualifiedIdentifier ret; m_dynamicData->scopeIdentifier(includeClasses, ret); return ret; } bool DUContext::equalScopeIdentifier(const DUContext* rhs) const { ENSURE_CAN_READ const DUContext* left = this; const DUContext* right = rhs; while(left || right) { if(!left || !right) return false; if(!(left->d_func()->m_scopeIdentifier == right->d_func()->m_scopeIdentifier)) return false; left = left->parentContext(); right = right->parentContext(); } return true; } void DUContext::setLocalScopeIdentifier(const QualifiedIdentifier & identifier) { ENSURE_CAN_WRITE bool wasInSymbolTable = inSymbolTable(); setInSymbolTable(false); d_func_dynamic()->m_scopeIdentifier = identifier; setInSymbolTable(wasInSymbolTable); } QualifiedIdentifier DUContext::localScopeIdentifier() const { //ENSURE_CAN_READ Commented out for performance reasons return d_func()->m_scopeIdentifier; } IndexedQualifiedIdentifier DUContext::indexedLocalScopeIdentifier() const { return d_func()->m_scopeIdentifier; } DUContext::ContextType DUContext::type() const { //ENSURE_CAN_READ This is disabled, because type() is called very often while searching, and it costs us performance return d_func()->m_contextType; } void DUContext::setType(ContextType type) { ENSURE_CAN_WRITE d_func_dynamic()->m_contextType = type; } QList DUContext::findDeclarations(const Identifier& identifier, const CursorInRevision& position, const TopDUContext* topContext, SearchFlags flags) const { return findDeclarations(IndexedIdentifier(identifier), position, topContext, flags); } QList DUContext::findDeclarations(const IndexedIdentifier& identifier, const CursorInRevision& position, const TopDUContext* topContext, SearchFlags flags) const { ENSURE_CAN_READ DeclarationList ret; SearchItem::PtrList identifiers; identifiers << SearchItem::Ptr(new SearchItem(false, identifier, SearchItem::PtrList())); findDeclarationsInternal(identifiers, position.isValid() ? position : range().end, AbstractType::Ptr(), ret, topContext ? topContext : this->topContext(), flags, 0); return ret; } void DUContext::deleteUse(int index) { ENSURE_CAN_WRITE DUCHAIN_D_DYNAMIC(DUContext); d->m_usesList().remove(index); } void DUContext::deleteUses() { ENSURE_CAN_WRITE DUCHAIN_D_DYNAMIC(DUContext); d->m_usesList().clear(); } void DUContext::deleteUsesRecursively() { deleteUses(); foreach (DUContext* childContext, m_dynamicData->m_childContexts) { childContext->deleteUsesRecursively(); } } bool DUContext::inDUChain() const { if( d_func()->m_anonymousInParent || !m_dynamicData->m_parentContext) return false; TopDUContext* top = topContext(); return top && top->inDUChain(); } DUContext* DUContext::specialize(const IndexedInstantiationInformation& /*specialization*/, const TopDUContext* topContext, int /*upDistance*/) { if(!topContext) return 0; return this; } CursorInRevision DUContext::importPosition(const DUContext* target) const { ENSURE_CAN_READ DUCHAIN_D(DUContext); Import import(const_cast(target), this, CursorInRevision::invalid()); for(unsigned int a = 0; a < d->m_importedContextsSize(); ++a) if(d->m_importedContexts()[a] == import) return d->m_importedContexts()[a].position; return CursorInRevision::invalid(); } QVector DUContext::importedParentContexts() const { ENSURE_CAN_READ QVector ret; ret.reserve(d_func()->m_importedContextsSize()); FOREACH_FUNCTION(const DUContext::Import& import, d_func()->m_importedContexts) ret << import; return ret; } void DUContext::applyAliases(const SearchItem::PtrList& baseIdentifiers, SearchItem::PtrList& identifiers, const CursorInRevision& position, bool canBeNamespace, bool onlyImports) const { DeclarationList imports; findLocalDeclarationsInternal(globalIndexedImportIdentifier(), position, AbstractType::Ptr(), imports, topContext(), DUContext::NoFiltering); if(imports.isEmpty() && onlyImports) { identifiers = baseIdentifiers; return; } for ( const SearchItem::Ptr& identifier : baseIdentifiers ) { bool addUnmodified = true; if( !identifier->isExplicitlyGlobal ) { if( !imports.isEmpty() ) { //We have namespace-imports. for ( Declaration* importDecl : imports ) { //Search for the identifier with the import-identifier prepended if(dynamic_cast(importDecl)) { NamespaceAliasDeclaration* alias = static_cast(importDecl); identifiers.append( SearchItem::Ptr( new SearchItem( alias->importIdentifier(), identifier ) ) ) ; }else{ qCDebug(LANGUAGE) << "Declaration with namespace alias identifier has the wrong type" << importDecl->url().str() << importDecl->range().castToSimpleRange(); } } } if( !identifier->isEmpty() && (identifier->hasNext() || canBeNamespace) ) { DeclarationList aliases; findLocalDeclarationsInternal(identifier->identifier, position, AbstractType::Ptr(), imports, 0, DUContext::NoFiltering); if(!aliases.isEmpty()) { //The first part of the identifier has been found as a namespace-alias. //In c++, we only need the first alias. However, just to be correct, follow them all for now. for ( Declaration* aliasDecl : aliases ) { if(!dynamic_cast(aliasDecl)) continue; addUnmodified = false; //The un-modified identifier can be ignored, because it will be replaced with the resolved alias NamespaceAliasDeclaration* alias = static_cast(aliasDecl); //Create an identifier where namespace-alias part is replaced with the alias target identifiers.append( SearchItem::Ptr( new SearchItem( alias->importIdentifier(), identifier->next ) ) ) ; } } } } if( addUnmodified ) identifiers.append(identifier); } } void DUContext::applyUpwardsAliases(SearchItem::PtrList& identifiers, const TopDUContext* /*source*/) const { if(type() == Namespace) { if(d_func()->m_scopeIdentifier.isEmpty()) return; //Make sure we search for the items in all namespaces of the same name, by duplicating each one with the namespace-identifier prepended. //We do this by prepending items to the current identifiers that equal the local scope identifier. SearchItem::Ptr newItem( new SearchItem(d_func()->m_scopeIdentifier.identifier()) ); //This will exclude explictly global identifiers newItem->addToEachNode( identifiers ); if(!newItem->next.isEmpty()) { //Prepend the full scope before newItem DUContext* parent = m_dynamicData->m_parentContext.data(); while(parent) { newItem = SearchItem::Ptr( new SearchItem(parent->d_func()->m_scopeIdentifier, newItem) ); parent = parent->m_dynamicData->m_parentContext.data(); } newItem->isExplicitlyGlobal = true; identifiers.insert(0, newItem); } } } bool DUContext::shouldSearchInParent(SearchFlags flags) const { return (parentContext() && parentContext()->type() == DUContext::Helper && (flags & InImportedParentContext)) || !(flags & InImportedParentContext); } const Use* DUContext::uses() const { ENSURE_CAN_READ return d_func()->m_uses(); } bool DUContext::declarationHasUses(Declaration* decl) { return DUChain::uses()->hasUses(decl->id()); } int DUContext::usesCount() const { return d_func()->m_usesSize(); } bool usesRangeLessThan(const Use& left, const Use& right) { return left.m_range.start < right.m_range.start; } int DUContext::createUse(int declarationIndex, const RangeInRevision& range, int insertBefore) { DUCHAIN_D_DYNAMIC(DUContext); ENSURE_CAN_WRITE Use use(range, declarationIndex); if(insertBefore == -1) { //Find position where to insert const unsigned int size = d->m_usesSize(); const Use* uses = d->m_uses(); const Use* lowerBound = std::lower_bound(uses, uses + size, use, usesRangeLessThan); insertBefore = lowerBound - uses; // comment out to test this: /* unsigned int a = 0; for(; a < size && range.start > uses[a].m_range.start; ++a) { } Q_ASSERT(a == insertBefore); */ } d->m_usesList().insert(insertBefore, use); return insertBefore; } void DUContext::changeUseRange(int useIndex, const RangeInRevision& range) { ENSURE_CAN_WRITE d_func_dynamic()->m_usesList()[useIndex].m_range = range; } void DUContext::setUseDeclaration(int useNumber, int declarationIndex) { ENSURE_CAN_WRITE d_func_dynamic()->m_usesList()[useNumber].m_declarationIndex = declarationIndex; } DUContext * DUContext::findContextAt(const CursorInRevision & position, bool includeRightBorder) const { ENSURE_CAN_READ // qCDebug(LANGUAGE) << "searchign" << position << "in:" << scopeIdentifier(true).toString() << range() << includeRightBorder; if (!range().contains(position) && (!includeRightBorder || range().end != position)) { // qCDebug(LANGUAGE) << "mismatch"; return 0; } const auto childContexts = m_dynamicData->m_childContexts; for(int a = childContexts.size() - 1; a >= 0; --a) { if (DUContext* specific = childContexts[a]->findContextAt(position, includeRightBorder)) { return specific; } } return const_cast(this); } Declaration * DUContext::findDeclarationAt(const CursorInRevision & position) const { ENSURE_CAN_READ if (!range().contains(position)) return 0; foreach (Declaration* child, m_dynamicData->m_localDeclarations) { if (child->range().contains(position)) { return child; } } return 0; } DUContext* DUContext::findContextIncluding(const RangeInRevision& range) const { ENSURE_CAN_READ if (!this->range().contains(range)) return 0; foreach (DUContext* child, m_dynamicData->m_childContexts) { if (DUContext* specific = child->findContextIncluding(range)) { return specific; } } return const_cast(this); } int DUContext::findUseAt(const CursorInRevision & position) const { ENSURE_CAN_READ if (!range().contains(position)) return -1; for(unsigned int a = 0; a < d_func()->m_usesSize(); ++a) if (d_func()->m_uses()[a].m_range.contains(position)) return a; return -1; } bool DUContext::inSymbolTable() const { return d_func()->m_inSymbolTable; } void DUContext::setInSymbolTable(bool inSymbolTable) { d_func_dynamic()->m_inSymbolTable = inSymbolTable; } void DUContext::clearImportedParentContexts() { ENSURE_CAN_WRITE DUCHAIN_D_DYNAMIC(DUContext); while( d->m_importedContextsSize() != 0 ) { DUContext* ctx = d->m_importedContexts()[0].context(0, false); if(ctx) ctx->m_dynamicData->removeImportedChildContext(this); d->m_importedContextsList().removeOne(d->m_importedContexts()[0]); } } void DUContext::cleanIfNotEncountered(const QSet& encountered) { ENSURE_CAN_WRITE // It may happen that the deletion of one declaration triggers the deletion of another one // Therefore we copy the list of indexed declarations and work on those. Indexed declarations // will return zero for already deleted declarations. KDevVarLengthArray indexedLocal; if (d_func()->m_localDeclarations()) { indexedLocal.append(d_func()->m_localDeclarations(), d_func()->m_localDeclarationsSize()); } foreach (const LocalIndexedDeclaration& indexed, m_dynamicData->m_localDeclarations) { auto dec = indexed.data(topContext()); if (dec && !encountered.contains(dec) && (!dec->isAutoDeclaration() || !dec->hasUses())) { delete dec; } } foreach (DUContext* childContext, m_dynamicData->m_childContexts) { if (!encountered.contains(childContext)) { delete childContext; } } } TopDUContext* DUContext::topContext() const { return m_dynamicData->m_topContext; } QWidget* DUContext::createNavigationWidget(Declaration* decl, TopDUContext* topContext, const QString& htmlPrefix, const QString& htmlSuffix) const { if (decl) { AbstractNavigationWidget* widget = new AbstractNavigationWidget; AbstractDeclarationNavigationContext* context = new AbstractDeclarationNavigationContext(DeclarationPointer(decl), TopDUContextPointer(topContext)); context->setPrefixSuffix(htmlPrefix, htmlSuffix); widget->setContext(NavigationContextPointer(context)); return widget; } else { return 0; } } QList allUses(DUContext* context, int declarationIndex, bool noEmptyUses) { QList ret; for(int a = 0; a < context->usesCount(); ++a) if(context->uses()[a].m_declarationIndex == declarationIndex) if(!noEmptyUses || !context->uses()[a].m_range.isEmpty()) ret << context->uses()[a].m_range; foreach(DUContext* child, context->childContexts()) ret += allUses(child, declarationIndex, noEmptyUses); return ret; } DUContext::SearchItem::SearchItem(const QualifiedIdentifier& id, const Ptr& nextItem, int start) : isExplicitlyGlobal(start == 0 ? id.explicitlyGlobal() : false) { if(!id.isEmpty()) { if(id.count() > start) identifier = id.indexedAt(start); if(id.count() > start+1) addNext(Ptr( new SearchItem(id, nextItem, start+1) )); else if(nextItem) next.append(nextItem); }else if(nextItem) { ///If there is no prefix, just copy nextItem isExplicitlyGlobal = nextItem->isExplicitlyGlobal; identifier = nextItem->identifier; next = nextItem->next; } } DUContext::SearchItem::SearchItem(const QualifiedIdentifier& id, const PtrList& nextItems, int start) : isExplicitlyGlobal(start == 0 ? id.explicitlyGlobal() : false) { if(id.count() > start) identifier = id.indexedAt(start); if(id.count() > start+1) addNext(Ptr( new SearchItem(id, nextItems, start+1) )); else next = nextItems; } DUContext::SearchItem::SearchItem(bool explicitlyGlobal, const IndexedIdentifier& id, const PtrList& nextItems) : isExplicitlyGlobal(explicitlyGlobal) , identifier(id) , next(nextItems) { } DUContext::SearchItem::SearchItem(bool explicitlyGlobal, const IndexedIdentifier& id, const Ptr& nextItem) : isExplicitlyGlobal(explicitlyGlobal) , identifier(id) { next.append(nextItem); } bool DUContext::SearchItem::match(const QualifiedIdentifier& id, int offset) const { if(id.isEmpty()) { if(identifier.isEmpty() && next.isEmpty()) return true; else return false; } if(id.at(offset) != identifier) //The identifier is different return false; if(offset == id.count()-1) { if(next.isEmpty()) return true; //match else return false; //id is too short } for(int a = 0; a < next.size(); ++a) if(next[a]->match(id, offset+1)) return true; return false; } bool DUContext::SearchItem::isEmpty() const { return identifier.isEmpty(); } bool DUContext::SearchItem::hasNext() const { return !next.isEmpty(); } QList DUContext::SearchItem::toList(const QualifiedIdentifier& prefix) const { QList ret; QualifiedIdentifier id = prefix; if(id.isEmpty()) id.setExplicitlyGlobal(isExplicitlyGlobal); if(!identifier.isEmpty()) id.push(identifier); if(next.isEmpty()) { ret << id; } else { for(int a = 0; a < next.size(); ++a) ret += next[a]->toList(id); } return ret; } void DUContext::SearchItem::addNext(const SearchItem::Ptr& other) { next.append(other); } void DUContext::SearchItem::addToEachNode(const SearchItem::Ptr& other) { if(other->isExplicitlyGlobal) return; next.append(other); for(int a = 0; a < next.size()-1; ++a) next[a]->addToEachNode(other); } void DUContext::SearchItem::addToEachNode(const SearchItem::PtrList& other) { int added = 0; for (const SearchItem::Ptr& o : other) { if(!o->isExplicitlyGlobal) { next.append(o); ++added; } } for(int a = 0; a < next.size()-added; ++a) next[a]->addToEachNode(other); } DUContext::Import::Import(DUContext* _context, const DUContext* importer, const CursorInRevision& _position) : position(_position) { if(_context && _context->owner() && (_context->owner()->specialization().index() || (importer && importer->topContext() != _context->topContext()))) { m_declaration = _context->owner()->id(); }else{ m_context = _context; } } DUContext::Import::Import(const DeclarationId& id, const CursorInRevision& _position) : position(_position) { m_declaration = id; } DUContext* DUContext::Import::context(const TopDUContext* topContext, bool instantiateIfRequired) const { if(m_declaration.isValid()) { Declaration* decl = m_declaration.getDeclaration(topContext, instantiateIfRequired); //This first case rests on the assumption that no context will ever import a function's expression context //More accurately, that no specialized or cross-topContext imports will, but if the former assumption fails the latter will too if (AbstractFunctionDeclaration *functionDecl = dynamic_cast(decl)) { if (functionDecl->internalFunctionContext()) { return functionDecl->internalFunctionContext(); } else { qCWarning(LANGUAGE) << "Import of function declaration without internal function context encountered!"; } } if(decl) return decl->logicalInternalContext(topContext); else return 0; }else{ return m_context.data(); } } bool DUContext::Import::isDirect() const { return m_context.isValid(); } void DUContext::visit(DUChainVisitor& visitor) { ENSURE_CAN_READ visitor.visit(this); foreach (Declaration* decl, m_dynamicData->m_localDeclarations) { visitor.visit(decl); } foreach (DUContext* childContext, m_dynamicData->m_childContexts) { childContext->visit(visitor); } } +static bool sortByRange(const DUChainBase* lhs, const DUChainBase* rhs) +{ + return lhs->range() < rhs->range(); +} + +void DUContext::resortLocalDeclarations() +{ + ENSURE_CAN_WRITE + + std::sort(m_dynamicData->m_localDeclarations.begin(), m_dynamicData->m_localDeclarations.end(), sortByRange); + + auto top = topContext(); + auto& declarations = d_func_dynamic()->m_localDeclarationsList(); + std::sort(declarations.begin(), declarations.end(), + [top] (const LocalIndexedDeclaration& lhs, const LocalIndexedDeclaration& rhs) { + return lhs.data(top)->range() < rhs.data(top)->range(); + }); +} + +void DUContext::resortChildContexts() +{ + ENSURE_CAN_WRITE + + std::sort(m_dynamicData->m_childContexts.begin(), m_dynamicData->m_childContexts.end(), sortByRange); + + auto top = topContext(); + auto& contexts = d_func_dynamic()->m_childContextsList(); + std::sort(contexts.begin(), contexts.end(), + [top] (const LocalIndexedDUContext& lhs, const LocalIndexedDUContext& rhs) { + return lhs.data(top)->range() < rhs.data(top)->range(); + }); +} + } diff --git a/language/duchain/ducontext.h b/language/duchain/ducontext.h index 8a34da9ea..a6313cd65 100644 --- a/language/duchain/ducontext.h +++ b/language/duchain/ducontext.h @@ -1,935 +1,951 @@ /* This file is part of KDevelop Copyright 2006 Hamish Rodda Copyright 2007-2009 David Nolden This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KDEVPLATFORM_DUCONTEXT_H #define KDEVPLATFORM_DUCONTEXT_H #include #include #include #include #include #include "identifier.h" #include "duchainbase.h" #include "types/abstracttype.h" #include "duchainpointer.h" #include "declarationid.h" #include "indexedducontext.h" class QWidget; namespace KDevelop { class Declaration; class DUChain; class Use; class TopDUContext; class DUContext; class DUContextData; class KDEVPLATFORMLANGUAGE_EXPORT DUChainVisitor { public: virtual void visit(DUContext* context) = 0; virtual void visit(Declaration* declaration) = 0; virtual ~DUChainVisitor(); }; typedef DUChainPointer DUContextPointer; /** * A single context in source code, represented as a node in a * directed acyclic graph. * * Access to context objects must be serialised by holding the * chain lock, ie. DUChain::lock(). * * NOTE: A du-context can be freely edited as long as it's parent-context is zero. * In the moment the parent-context is set, the context may only be edited when it * is allowed to edited it's top-level context(@see TopLevelContext::inDUChain() * * @todo change child relationships to a linked list within the context? */ class KDEVPLATFORMLANGUAGE_EXPORT DUContext : public DUChainBase { friend class Use; friend class Declaration; friend class DeclarationData; friend class DUContextData; friend class DUContextDynamicData; friend class Definition; friend class VisibleDeclarationIterator; public: /** * Constructor. No convenience methods, as the initialisation order is important, * * @param anonymous Whether the context should be added as an anonymous context to the parent. That way the context can never be found through any of the parent's member-functions. * * If the parent is in the symbol table and the context is not anonymous, it will also be added to the symbol table. You nead a write-lock to the DUChain then */ explicit DUContext(const RangeInRevision& range, DUContext* parent = 0, bool anonymous = false); explicit DUContext(DUContextData&); /** * Destructor. Will delete all child contexts which are defined within * the same file as this context. */ virtual ~DUContext(); enum ContextType : quint8 { Global /**< A context that declares functions, namespaces or classes */, Namespace /**< A context that declares namespace members */, Class /**< A context that declares class members */, Function /**< A context that declares function-arguments */, Template /**< A context that declares template-parameters */, Enum /**< A context that contains a list of enumerators */, Helper /**< A helper context. This context is treated specially during search: * when searching within the imports of a context, and that context's parent * is a context of type DUContext::Helper, then the upwards search is continued * into that helper(The decision happens in shouldSearchInParent) */, Other /**< Represents executable code, like for example within a compound-statement */ }; enum SearchFlag { NoSearchFlags = 0 /**< Searching for everything */, InImportedParentContext = 1 /**< Internal, do not use from outside */, OnlyContainerTypes = 2 /**< Not implemented yet */, DontSearchInParent = 4 /**< IF this flag is set, findDeclarations(..) will not search for the identifier in parent-contexts(which does not include imported parent-contexts) */, NoUndefinedTemplateParams = 8 /**< For languages that support templates(like C++). If this is set, the search should fail as soon as undefined template-parameters are involved. */, DirectQualifiedLookup = 16 /**< When this flag is used, the searched qualified identifier should NOT be split up into it's components and looked up one by one. Currently only plays a role in C++ specific parts. */, NoFiltering = 32 /**< Should be set when no filtering at all is wished, not even filtering that is natural for the underlying language(For example in C++, constructors are filtered out be default) */, OnlyFunctions = 64 /**< When this is given, only function-declarations are returned. In case of C++, this also means that constructors can be retrieved, while normally they are filtered out. */, NoImportsCheck = 128 /**< With this parameter, a global search will return all matching items, from all contexts, not only from imported ones. */, NoSelfLookUp = 256 /**< With this parameter, the special-treatment during search that allows finding the context-class by its name is disabled. */, DontResolveAliases = 512 /**< Disables the resolution of alias declarations in the returned list*/, LastSearchFlag = 1024 }; Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(SearchFlags, SearchFlag) ContextType type() const; void setType(ContextType type); /** * If this context was opened by a declaration or definition, this returns that item. * * The returned declaration/definition will have this context set as @c internalContext() */ Declaration* owner() const; /** * Sets the declaration/definition, and also updates it's internal context (they are strictly paired together). * * The declaration has to be part of the same top-context. */ void setOwner(Declaration* decl); /** * Calculate the depth of this context, from the top level context in the file. */ int depth() const; /** * Find the top context. */ virtual TopDUContext* topContext() const override; /** * Visits all duchain objects in the whole duchain. * * Classes that hold a unique link to duchain objects like instantiations * have to pass the visitor over to those classes. * */ virtual void visit(DUChainVisitor& visitor); /** * Find the context which most specifically covers @a position. * * The search is recursive, so the most specific context is found. * * @param includeRightBorder When this is true, contexts will also be found that * have the position on their right border. * * @warning This uses the ranges in the local revision of the document (at last parsing time). * Use DUChainBase::transformToLocalRevision to transform the cursor into that revision first. */ DUContext* findContextAt(const CursorInRevision& position, bool includeBorders = false) const; /** * Find a child declaration that has a rang that covers the given @a position. * * The search is local, not recursive. * * @warning This uses the ranges in the local revision of the document (at last parsing time). * Use DUChainBase::transformToLocalRevision to transform the cursor into that revision first. */ Declaration* findDeclarationAt(const CursorInRevision& position) const; /** * Find the context which most specifically covers @a range. * * @warning This uses the ranges in the local revision of the document (at last parsing time). * Use DUChainBase::transformToLocalRevision to transform the cursor into that revision first. */ DUContext* findContextIncluding(const RangeInRevision& range) const; /** * Calculate the fully qualified scope identifier. */ QualifiedIdentifier scopeIdentifier(bool includeClasses = false) const; /** * Returns true if this context has the same scope identifier as the given one. * * @note This is much more efficient than computing the identifiers through @c scopeIdentifier(..) * and comparing them */ bool equalScopeIdentifier(const DUContext* rhs) const; /** * Scope identifier, used to qualify the identifiers occurring in each context. * * This is the part relative to the parent context. */ QualifiedIdentifier localScopeIdentifier() const; /** * Same as @c localScopeIdentifier(), but faster. */ IndexedQualifiedIdentifier indexedLocalScopeIdentifier() const; /** * Scope identifier, used to qualify the identifiers occurring in each context * This must not be called once this context has children. */ void setLocalScopeIdentifier(const QualifiedIdentifier& identifier); /** * Returns whether this context is listed in the symbol table (Namespaces and classes) */ bool inSymbolTable() const; /** * Move this object into/out of the symbol table. * * @note You need to have a duchain write lock, unless this is a TopDUContext. */ void setInSymbolTable(bool inSymbolTable); /** * Returns the immediate parent context of this context. */ DUContext* parentContext() const; /** * Represents an imported parent context. */ struct KDEVPLATFORMLANGUAGE_EXPORT Import { /** * @note DUChain must be read-locked when this is called */ Import(DUContext* context, const DUContext* importer, const CursorInRevision& position = CursorInRevision::invalid()); Import() : position(CursorInRevision::invalid()) { } Import(const DeclarationId& id, const CursorInRevision& position = CursorInRevision::invalid()); bool operator==(const Import& rhs) const { return m_context == rhs.m_context && m_declaration == rhs.m_declaration; } /** * @param topContext The top-context from where to start searching. * This is important to find the correct imports * in the case of templates or similar structures. */ DUContext* context(const TopDUContext* topContext, bool instantiateIfRequired = true) const; /** * Returns the top-context index, if this import is not a specialization import. */ uint topContextIndex() const { return m_context.topContextIndex(); } IndexedDUContext indexedContext() const { return m_context; } /** * Returns true if this import is direct. * * That is, the import is not referred to by its identifier, * but rather directly by its index. */ bool isDirect() const; /** * If this import is indirect, returns the imported declaration-id */ DeclarationId indirectDeclarationId() const { return m_declaration; } CursorInRevision position; private: //Either we store m_declaration, or m_context. That way we can resolve specialized contexts. ///@todo Compress using union DeclarationId m_declaration; IndexedDUContext m_context; }; /** * Returns the list of imported parent contexts for this context. * * @warning The list may contain objects that are not valid any more, * i.e. data() returns zero, @see addImportedParentContext) * @warning The import structure may contain loops if this is a TopDUContext, * so be careful when traversing the tree. * @note This is expensive. */ virtual QVector importedParentContexts() const; /** * If the given context is directly imported into this one, and * @c addImportedParentContext(..) was called with a valid cursor, * this will return that position. Otherwise an invalid cursor is returned. */ virtual CursorInRevision importPosition(const DUContext* target) const; /** * Returns true if this context imports @param origin at any depth, else false. */ virtual bool imports(const DUContext* origin, const CursorInRevision& position = CursorInRevision::invalid()) const; /** * Adds an imported context. * * @param anonymous If this is true, the import will not be registered at the imported context. * This allows du-chain contexts importing without having a write-lock. * @param position Position where the context is imported. This is mainly important in C++ with included files. * * If the context is already imported, only the position is updated. * * @note Be sure to have set the text location first, so that the chain is sorted correctly. */ virtual void addImportedParentContext(DUContext* context, const CursorInRevision& position = CursorInRevision::invalid(), bool anonymous = false, bool temporary = false); /** * Adds an imported context, which may be indirect. * * @warning This is only allowed if this context is _NOT_ a top-context. * @warning When using this mechanism, this context will not be registered as importer to the other one. * @warning The given import _must_ be indirect. * * @return true if the import was already imported before, else false. */ bool addIndirectImport(const DUContext::Import& import); /** * Removes a child context. */ virtual void removeImportedParentContext(DUContext* context); /** * Clear all imported parent contexts. */ virtual void clearImportedParentContexts(); /** * If this is set to true, all declarations that are added to this context * will also be visible in the parent-context. * * They will be visible in the parent using @c findDeclarations(...) and * @c findLocalDeclarations(...), but will not be in the list of @c localDeclarations(...). */ void setPropagateDeclarations(bool propagate); bool isPropagateDeclarations() const; /** * Returns the list of contexts importing this context. * * @note Very expensive, since the importers top-contexts need to be loaded. */ virtual QVector importers() const; /** * Returns the list of indexed importers. * * Cheap, because nothing needs to be loaded. */ KDevVarLengthArray indexedImporters() const; /** * Returns the list of immediate child contexts for this context. * * @note This is expensive. */ QVector childContexts() const; /** * Clears and deletes all child contexts recursively. * * This will not cross file boundaries. */ void deleteChildContextsRecursively(); + /** + * Resort the child contexts by their range. + * + * You must call this when you manually change the range of child contexts in a way + * that could break the internal range sorting. + */ + void resortChildContexts(); + /** * Returns true if this declaration is accessible through the du-chain, * and thus cannot be edited without a du-chain write lock */ virtual bool inDUChain() const; /** * Retrieve the context which is specialized with the given * @a specialization as seen from the given @a topContext. * * @param specialization the specialization index (see DeclarationId) * @param topContext the top context representing the perspective from which to specialize. * if @p topContext is zero, only already existing specializations are returned, * and if none exists, zero is returned. * @param upDistance upwards distance in the context-structure of the * given specialization-info. This allows specializing children. */ virtual DUContext* specialize(const IndexedInstantiationInformation& specialization, const TopDUContext* topContext, int upDistance = 0); /** * Searches for and returns a declaration with a given @a identifier in this context, which * is currently active at the given text @a position, with the given type @a dataType. * In fact, only items are returned that are declared BEFORE that position. * * @param identifier the identifier of the definition to search for * @param location the text position to search for * @param topContext the top-context from where a completion is triggered. * This is needed so delayed types (templates in C++) can be resolved in the correct context. * @param type the type to match, or null for no type matching. * * @returns the requested declaration if one was found, otherwise null. * * @warning this may return declarations which are not in this tree, you may need to lock them too... */ QList findDeclarations(const QualifiedIdentifier& identifier, const CursorInRevision& position = CursorInRevision::invalid(), const AbstractType::Ptr& dataType = AbstractType::Ptr(), const TopDUContext* topContext = 0, SearchFlags flags = NoSearchFlags) const; /** * Searches for and returns a declaration with a given @a identifier in this context, which * is currently active at the given text @a position. * * @param identifier the identifier of the definition to search for * @param topContext the top-context from where a completion is triggered. * This is needed so delayed types(templates in C++) can be resolved in the correct context. * @param location the text position to search for * * @returns the requested declaration if one was found, otherwise null. * * @warning this may return declarations which are not in this tree, you may need to lock them too... * * @overload */ QList findDeclarations(const IndexedIdentifier& identifier, const CursorInRevision& position = CursorInRevision::invalid(), const TopDUContext* topContext = 0, SearchFlags flags = NoSearchFlags) const; /** * Prefer the version above for speed reasons. */ QList findDeclarations(const Identifier& identifier, const CursorInRevision& position = CursorInRevision::invalid(), const TopDUContext* topContext = 0, SearchFlags flags = NoSearchFlags) const; /** * Returns the type of any @a identifier defined in this context, or * null if one is not found. * * Does not search imported parent-contexts(like base-classes). */ QList findLocalDeclarations(const IndexedIdentifier& identifier, const CursorInRevision& position = CursorInRevision::invalid(), const TopDUContext* topContext = 0, const AbstractType::Ptr& dataType = AbstractType::Ptr(), SearchFlags flags = NoSearchFlags) const; /** * Prefer the version above for speed reasons. */ QList findLocalDeclarations(const Identifier& identifier, const CursorInRevision& position = CursorInRevision::invalid(), const TopDUContext* topContext = 0, const AbstractType::Ptr& dataType = AbstractType::Ptr(), SearchFlags flags = NoSearchFlags) const; /** * Clears all local declarations. * * Does not delete the declaration; the caller assumes ownership. */ QVector clearLocalDeclarations(); /** * Clears all local declarations. * * Deletes these declarations, as the context has ownership. */ void deleteLocalDeclarations(); /** * Returns all local declarations * * @param source A source-context that is needed to instantiate template-declarations in some cases. * If it is zero, that signalizes that missing members should not be instantiated. */ virtual QVector localDeclarations(const TopDUContext* source = 0) const; + /** + * Resort the local declarations by their range. + * + * You must call this when you manually change the range of declarations in a way + * that could break the internal range sorting. + */ + void resortLocalDeclarations(); + /** * Searches for the most specific context for the given cursor @a position in the given @a url. * * @param location the text position to search for * @param parent the parent context to search from (this is mostly an internal detail, but if you only * want to search in a subbranch of the chain, you may specify the parent here) * * @returns the requested context if one was found, otherwise null. */ DUContext* findContext(const CursorInRevision& position, DUContext* parent = 0) const; /** * Iterates the tree to see if the provided @a context is a subcontext of this context. * * @returns true if @a context is a subcontext, otherwise false. */ bool parentContextOf(DUContext* context) const; /** * Return a list of all reachable declarations for a given cursor @a position in a given @a url. * * @param location the text position to search for * @param topContext the top-context from where a completion is triggered. * This is needed so delayed types(templates in C++) can be resolved * in the correct context. * @param searchInParents should declarations from parent-contexts be listed? * If false, only declarations from this and imported contexts will be returned. * * The returned declarations are paired together with their inheritance-depth, * which is the count of steps to into other contexts that were needed to find the declaration. * Declarations reached through a namespace- or global-context are offsetted by 1000. * * This also includes Declarations from sub-contexts that were propagated upwards * using @c setPropagateDeclarations(true). * * @returns the requested declarations, if any were active at that location. * Declarations propagated into this context(@c setPropagateDeclarations) are included. */ QList< QPair > allDeclarations(const CursorInRevision& position, const TopDUContext* topContext, bool searchInParents = true) const; /** * Delete and remove all slaves (uses, declarations, definitions, contexts) that are not in the given set. */ void cleanIfNotEncountered(const QSet& encountered); /** * Uses: * A "Use" represents any position in a document where a Declaration is used literally. * For efficiency, since there can be many many uses, they are managed efficiently by * TopDUContext and DUContext. In TopDUContext, the used declarations are registered * and assigned a "Declaration-Index" while calling TopDUContext::indexForUsedDeclaration. * From such a declaration-index, the declaration can be retrieved back by calling * @c TopDUContext::usedDeclarationForIndex. * * The actual uses are stored within DUContext, where each use consists of a range and * the declaration-index of the used declaration. * */ /** * Return a vector of all uses which occur in this context. * * To get the actual declarations, use @c TopDUContext::usedDeclarationForIndex(..) * with the declarationIndex. */ const Use* uses() const; /** * Returns the count of uses that can be accessed through @c uses() */ int usesCount() const; /** * Determines whether the given declaration has uses or not */ static bool declarationHasUses(Declaration* decl); /** * Find the use which encompasses @a position, if one exists. * @return The local index of the use, or -1 */ int findUseAt(const CursorInRevision& position) const; /** * @note The change must not break the ordering */ void changeUseRange(int useIndex, const RangeInRevision& range); /** * Assigns the declaration represented by @param declarationIndex * to the use with index @param useIndex. */ void setUseDeclaration(int useIndex, int declarationIndex); /** * Creates a new use of the declaration given through @param declarationIndex. * The index must be retrieved through @c TopDUContext::indexForUsedDeclaration(..). * * @param range The range of the use * @param insertBefore A hint where in the vector of uses to insert the use. * Must be correct so the order is preserved(ordered by position), * or -1 to automatically choose the position. * * @return Local index of the created use */ int createUse(int declarationIndex, const RangeInRevision& range, int insertBefore = -1); /** * Deletes the use number @param index. * * @param index is the position in the vector of uses, not a used declaration index. */ void deleteUse(int index); /** * Clear and delete all uses in this context. */ virtual void deleteUses(); /** * Recursively delete all uses in this context and all its child-contexts */ virtual void deleteUsesRecursively(); /** * Can be specialized by languages to create a navigation/information-widget. * * Ideally, the widget would be based on @c KDevelop::QuickOpenEmbeddedWidgetInterface * for user-interaction within the quickopen list. * * The returned widget will be owned by the caller. * * @param decl A member-declaration of this context the navigation-widget should be created for. * Zero to create a widget for this context. * @param topContext Top-context from where the navigation-widget is triggered. * In C++, this is needed to resolve forward-declarations. * @param htmlPrefix Html-formatted text that should be prepended before any information shown by this widget * @param htmlSuffix Html-formatted text that should be appended to any information shown by this widget * * Can return zero which disables the navigation widget. * * If you setProperty("DoNotCloseOnCursorMove", true) on the widget returned, * then the widget will not close when the cursor moves in the document, which * enables you to change the document contents from the widget without immediately closing the widget. */ virtual QWidget* createNavigationWidget(Declaration* decl = 0, TopDUContext* topContext = 0, const QString& htmlPrefix = QString(), const QString& htmlSuffix = QString()) const; enum { Identity = 2 }; /** * Represents multiple qualified identifiers in a way that is better * to manipulate and allows applying namespace-aliases or -imports easily. * * A SearchItem generally represents a tree of identifiers, and represents * all the qualified identifiers that can be constructed by walking * along the tree starting at an arbitrary root-node into the depth using the "next" pointers. * * The insertion order in the hierarchy determines the order of the represented list. */ struct KDEVPLATFORMLANGUAGE_EXPORT SearchItem : public QSharedData { typedef QExplicitlySharedDataPointer Ptr; typedef KDevVarLengthArray PtrList; /** * Constructs a representation of the given @param id qualified identifier, * starting at its index @param start. * * @param nextItem is set as next item to the last item in the chain */ SearchItem(const QualifiedIdentifier& id, const Ptr& nextItem = Ptr(), int start = 0); /** * Constructs a representation of the given @param id qualified identifier, * starting at its index @param start. * * @param nextItem is set as next item to the last item in the chain */ SearchItem(const QualifiedIdentifier& id, const PtrList& nextItems, int start = 0); SearchItem(bool explicitlyGlobal, const IndexedIdentifier& id, const PtrList& nextItems); SearchItem(bool explicitlyGlobal, const IndexedIdentifier& id, const Ptr& nextItem); bool isEmpty() const; bool hasNext() const; /** * Appends the given item to every item that can be reached from this item, * and not only to the end items. * * The effect to search is that the given item is searched with all prefixes * contained in this earch-item prepended. * * @warning This changes all contained sub-nodes, but they can be shared with * other SearchItem trees. You should not use this on SearchItem trees * that have shared nodes with other trees. * * @note These functions ignore explicitly global items. */ void addToEachNode(const Ptr& item); void addToEachNode(const PtrList& items); /** * Returns true if the given identifier matches one of the identifiers * represented by this SearchItem. Does not respect the explicitlyGlobal flag */ bool match(const QualifiedIdentifier& id, int offset = 0) const; /** * @note expensive */ QList toList(const QualifiedIdentifier& prefix = QualifiedIdentifier()) const; void addNext(const Ptr& other); bool isExplicitlyGlobal; IndexedIdentifier identifier; PtrList next; }; ///@todo Should be protected, moved here temporarily until I have figured ///out why the gcc 4.1.3 fails in cppducontext.h:212, which should work (within kdevelop) /// Declaration search implementation /** * This is a more complex interface to the declaration search engine. * * Always prefer @c findDeclarations(..) when possible. * * Advantage of this interface: * - You can search multiple identifiers at one time. * However, those should be aliased identifiers for one single item, because * search might stop as soon as one item is found. * - The source top-context is needed to correctly resolve template-parameters * * @param position A valid position, if in doubt use textRange().end() * * @warning @p position must be valid! * * @param depth Depth of the search in parents. This is used to prevent endless * recursions in endless import loops. * * * @return whether the search was successful. If it is false, it had to be stopped * for special reasons (like some flags) */ typedef QList DeclarationList; virtual bool findDeclarationsInternal(const SearchItem::PtrList& identifiers, const CursorInRevision& position, const AbstractType::Ptr& dataType, DeclarationList& ret, const TopDUContext* source, SearchFlags flags, uint depth ) const; /** * Returns the qualified identifier @p id with all aliases (for example namespace imports) applied * * @example: If the namespace 'Foo' is imported, and id is 'Bar', * then the returned list is 'Bar' and 'Foo::Bar' */ QList fullyApplyAliases(const QualifiedIdentifier& id, const TopDUContext* source) const; protected: /** * After one scope was searched, this function is asked whether more * results should be collected. Override it, for example to collect overloaded functions. * * The default-implementation returns true as soon as decls is not empty. */ virtual bool foundEnough( const DeclarationList& decls , SearchFlags flags ) const; /** * Merges definitions and their inheritance-depth up all branches of the * definition-use chain into one hash. * * This includes declarations propagated from sub-contexts. * * @param hadUrls is used to count together all contexts that already were * visited, so they are not visited again. */ virtual void mergeDeclarationsInternal(QList< QPair >& definitions, const CursorInRevision& position, QHash& hadContexts, const TopDUContext* source, bool searchInParents = true, int currentDepth = 0) const; void findLocalDeclarationsInternal(const Identifier& identifier, const CursorInRevision & position, const AbstractType::Ptr& dataType, DeclarationList& ret, const TopDUContext* source, SearchFlags flags ) const; virtual void findLocalDeclarationsInternal(const IndexedIdentifier& identifier, const CursorInRevision & position, const AbstractType::Ptr& dataType, DeclarationList& ret, const TopDUContext* source, SearchFlags flags ) const; /** * Applies namespace-imports and namespace-aliases and returns * possible absolute identifiers that need to be searched. * * @param targetIdentifiers will be filled with all identifiers that should * be searched for, instead of identifier. * @param onlyImports if this is true, namespace-aliases will not be respected, * but only imports. This is faster. */ void applyAliases(const SearchItem::PtrList& identifiers, SearchItem::PtrList& targetIdentifiers, const CursorInRevision& position, bool canBeNamespace, bool onlyImports = false) const; /** * Applies the aliases that need to be applied when moving the search * from this context up to the parent-context. * * The default-implementation adds a set of identifiers with the own local * identifier prefixed, if this is a namespace. * * For C++, this is needed when searching out of a namespace, so the item * can be found within that namespace in another place. */ virtual void applyUpwardsAliases(SearchItem::PtrList& identifiers, const TopDUContext* source) const; DUContext(DUContextData& dd, const RangeInRevision& range, DUContext* parent = 0, bool anonymous = false); /** * Just uses the data from the given context. Doesn't copy or change anything, * and the data will not be deleted on this contexts destruction. */ DUContext(DUContext& useDataFrom); /** * Whether this context, or any of its parent contexts, has been inserte * anonymously into the du-chain * * @see DUContext::DUContext */ bool isAnonymous() const; /** * This is called whenever the search needs to do the decision whether it * should be continued in the parent context. * * It is not called when the DontSearchInParent flag is set. Else this should * be overridden to do language-specific logic. * * The default implementation returns false if the flag InImportedParentContext is set. */ virtual bool shouldSearchInParent(SearchFlags flags) const; private: void rebuildDynamicData(DUContext* parent, uint ownIndex) override; friend class TopDUContext; friend class IndexedDUContext; friend class LocalIndexedDUContext; friend class TopDUContextDynamicData; DUCHAIN_DECLARE_DATA(DUContext) class DUContextDynamicData* m_dynamicData; }; /** * This is the identifier that can be used to search namespace-import declarations, * and should be used to store namespace-imports. * * It is stored statically for performance-reasons, so it doesn't need to be * constructed every time it is used. * * @see NamespaceAliasDeclaration. */ KDEVPLATFORMLANGUAGE_EXPORT const Identifier& globalImportIdentifier(); /** * This is the identifier that can be used to search namespace-alias declarations. * * It is stored statically for performance-reasons, so it doesn't need to be * constructed every time it is used. * * @see NamespaceAliasDeclaration. */ KDEVPLATFORMLANGUAGE_EXPORT const Identifier& globalAliasIdentifier(); /** * This is the identifier that can be used to search namespace-import declarations, * and should be used to store namespace-imports. * * It is stored statically for performance-reasons, so it doesn't need to be * constructed every time it is used. * * @see NamespaceAliasDeclaration. */ KDEVPLATFORMLANGUAGE_EXPORT const IndexedIdentifier& globalIndexedImportIdentifier(); /** * This is the identifier that can be used to search namespace-alias declarations. * * It is stored statically for performance-reasons, so it doesn't need to be * constructed every time it is used. * * @see NamespaceAliasDeclaration. */ KDEVPLATFORMLANGUAGE_EXPORT const IndexedIdentifier& globalIndexedAliasIdentifier(); /** * Collects all uses of the given @param declarationIndex */ KDEVPLATFORMLANGUAGE_EXPORT QList allUses(DUContext* context, int declarationIndex, bool noEmptyRanges = false); } Q_DECLARE_TYPEINFO(KDevelop::DUContext::Import, Q_MOVABLE_TYPE); KDEVPLATFORMLANGUAGE_EXPORT QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const KDevelop::DUContext::Import& import); #endif // KDEVPLATFORM_DUCONTEXT_H