diff --git a/kstars/ekos/align/align.cpp b/kstars/ekos/align/align.cpp index 17de9a2af..ff86b6c22 100644 --- a/kstars/ekos/align/align.cpp +++ b/kstars/ekos/align/align.cpp @@ -1,5720 +1,5730 @@ /* Ekos Alignment Module Copyright (C) 2013 Jasem Mutlaq This application is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ #include "align.h" #include "alignadaptor.h" #include "alignview.h" #include "flagcomponent.h" #include "fov.h" #include "kstars.h" #include "kstarsdata.h" #include "ksuserdb.h" #include "offlineastrometryparser.h" #include "onlineastrometryparser.h" #include "opsalign.h" #include "opsastrometry.h" #include "opsastrometrycfg.h" #include "opsastrometryindexfiles.h" #include "Options.h" #include "remoteastrometryparser.h" #include "skymap.h" #include "skymapcomposite.h" #include "starobject.h" #include "auxiliary/QProgressIndicator.h" #include "dialogs/finddialog.h" #include "ekos/manager.h" #include "ekos/auxiliary/darklibrary.h" #include "fitsviewer/fitsdata.h" #include "fitsviewer/fitstab.h" #include "indi/clientmanager.h" #include "indi/driverinfo.h" #include "indi/indifilter.h" #include "profileinfo.h" #include "ksnotification.h" #include #include #include #include #include #define PAH_CUTOFF_FOV 30 // Minimum FOV width in arcminutes for PAH to work #define MAXIMUM_SOLVER_ITERATIONS 10 #define AL_FORMAT_VERSION 1.0 namespace Ekos { // 30 arcmiutes RA movement const double Align::RAMotion = 0.5; // Sidereal rate, degrees/s const double Align::SIDRATE = 0.004178; const QMap Align::PAHStages = { {PAH_IDLE, I18N_NOOP("Idle")}, {PAH_FIRST_CAPTURE, I18N_NOOP("First Capture"}), {PAH_FIND_CP, I18N_NOOP("Finding CP"}), {PAH_FIRST_ROTATE, I18N_NOOP("First Rotation"}), {PAH_SECOND_CAPTURE, I18N_NOOP("Second Capture"}), {PAH_SECOND_ROTATE, I18N_NOOP("Second Rotation"}), {PAH_THIRD_CAPTURE, I18N_NOOP("Third Capture"}), {PAH_STAR_SELECT, I18N_NOOP("Select Star"}), {PAH_PRE_REFRESH, I18N_NOOP("Select Refresh"}), {PAH_REFRESH, I18N_NOOP("Refreshing"}), {PAH_ERROR, I18N_NOOP("Error")}, }; Align::Align(ProfileInfo *activeProfile) : m_ActiveProfile(activeProfile) { setupUi(this); qRegisterMetaType("Ekos::AlignState"); qDBusRegisterMetaType(); new AlignAdaptor(this); QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject("/KStars/Ekos/Align", this); dirPath = QDir::homePath(); //loadSlewMode = false; solverFOV.reset(new FOV()); solverFOV->setName(i18n("Solver FOV")); solverFOV->setLockCelestialPole(true); solverFOV->setColor(KStars::Instance()->data()->colorScheme()->colorNamed("SolverFOVColor").name()); sensorFOV.reset(new FOV()); sensorFOV->setLockCelestialPole(true); QAction *a = KStars::Instance()->actionCollection()->action("show_sensor_fov"); if (a) a->setEnabled(true); showFITSViewerB->setIcon( QIcon::fromTheme("kstars_fitsviewer")); showFITSViewerB->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); connect(showFITSViewerB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Ekos::Align::showFITSViewer); toggleFullScreenB->setIcon( QIcon::fromTheme("view-fullscreen")); toggleFullScreenB->setShortcut(Qt::Key_F4); toggleFullScreenB->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); connect(toggleFullScreenB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Ekos::Align::toggleAlignWidgetFullScreen); alignView = new AlignView(alignWidget, FITS_ALIGN); alignView->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding); alignView->setBaseSize(alignWidget->size()); alignView->createFloatingToolBar(); QVBoxLayout *vlayout = new QVBoxLayout(); vlayout->addWidget(alignView); alignWidget->setLayout(vlayout); connect(solveB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Ekos::Align::captureAndSolve); connect(stopB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Ekos::Align::abort); connect(measureAltB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Ekos::Align::measureAltError); connect(measureAzB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Ekos::Align::measureAzError); // Effective FOV Edit connect(FOVOut, &QLineEdit::editingFinished, this, &Align::syncFOV); connect(CCDCaptureCombo, static_cast(&QComboBox::activated), this, &Ekos::Align::setDefaultCCD); connect(CCDCaptureCombo, static_cast(&QComboBox::activated), this, &Ekos::Align::checkCCD); connect(correctAltB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Ekos::Align::correctAltError); connect(correctAzB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Ekos::Align::correctAzError); connect(loadSlewB, &QPushButton::clicked, [&]() { loadAndSlew(); }); FilterDevicesCombo->addItem("--"); connect(FilterDevicesCombo, static_cast(&QComboBox::activated), [=](const QString &text) { syncSettings(); Options::setDefaultAlignFW(text); }); connect(FilterDevicesCombo, static_cast(&QComboBox::activated), this, &Ekos::Align::checkFilter); connect(FilterPosCombo, static_cast(&QComboBox::activated), [=](int index) { syncSettings(); Options::setLockAlignFilterIndex(index); } ); gotoModeButtonGroup->setId(syncR, GOTO_SYNC); gotoModeButtonGroup->setId(slewR, GOTO_SLEW); gotoModeButtonGroup->setId(nothingR, GOTO_NOTHING); connect(gotoModeButtonGroup, static_cast(&QButtonGroup::buttonClicked), this, [=](int id) { this->currentGotoMode = static_cast(id); }); alignTimer.setSingleShot(true); alignTimer.setInterval(Options::astrometryTimeout() * 1000); connect(&alignTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &Ekos::Align::checkAlignmentTimeout); currentGotoMode = static_cast(Options::solverGotoOption()); gotoModeButtonGroup->button(currentGotoMode)->setChecked(true); editOptionsB->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("document-edit")); editOptionsB->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); KConfigDialog *dialog = new KConfigDialog(this, "alignsettings", Options::self()); #ifdef Q_OS_OSX dialog->setWindowFlags(Qt::Tool | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint); #endif opsAlign = new OpsAlign(this); connect(opsAlign, &OpsAlign::settingsUpdated, this, &Ekos::Align::refreshAlignOptions); KPageWidgetItem *page = dialog->addPage(opsAlign, i18n("Astrometry.net")); page->setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/astrometry.svg")); opsAstrometry = new OpsAstrometry(this); page = dialog->addPage(opsAstrometry, i18n("Solver Options")); page->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("configure")); #ifdef Q_OS_OSX opsAstrometryCfg = new OpsAstrometryCfg(this); page = dialog->addPage(opsAstrometryCfg, i18n("Astrometry.cfg")); page->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("document-edit")); #endif #ifndef Q_OS_WIN opsAstrometryIndexFiles = new OpsAstrometryIndexFiles(this); page = dialog->addPage(opsAstrometryIndexFiles, i18n("Index Files")); page->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("map-flat")); #endif connect(editOptionsB, &QPushButton::clicked, dialog, &QDialog::show); appendLogText(i18n("Idle.")); pi.reset(new QProgressIndicator(this)); stopLayout->addWidget(pi.get()); exposureIN->setValue(Options::alignExposure()); connect(exposureIN, static_cast(&QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged), [&]() { syncSettings();}); altStage = ALT_INIT; azStage = AZ_INIT; rememberSolverWCS = Options::astrometrySolverWCS(); rememberAutoWCS = Options::autoWCS(); // Online/Offline/Remote solver check solverTypeGroup->setId(onlineSolverR, SOLVER_ONLINE); solverTypeGroup->setId(offlineSolverR, SOLVER_OFFLINE); solverTypeGroup->setId(remoteSolverR, SOLVER_REMOTE); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN offlineSolverR->setEnabled(false); offlineSolverR->setToolTip( i18n("Offline solver is not supported under Windows. Please use either the Online or Remote solvers.")); #endif solverTypeGroup->button(Options::solverType())->setChecked(true); connect(solverTypeGroup, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(int)), SLOT(setSolverType(int))); switch (solverTypeGroup->checkedId()) { case SOLVER_ONLINE: onlineParser.reset(new Ekos::OnlineAstrometryParser()); parser = onlineParser.get(); break; case SOLVER_OFFLINE: offlineParser.reset(new OfflineAstrometryParser()); parser = offlineParser.get(); break; case SOLVER_REMOTE: remoteParser.reset(new RemoteAstrometryParser()); parser = remoteParser.get(); break; } parser->setAlign(this); if (parser->init() == false) setEnabled(false); else { connect(parser, &Ekos::AstrometryParser::solverFinished, this, &Ekos::Align::solverFinished, Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(parser, &Ekos::AstrometryParser::solverFailed, this, &Ekos::Align::solverFailed, Qt::UniqueConnection); } //solverOptions->setText(Options::solverOptions()); // Which telescope info to use for FOV calculations //kcfg_solverOTA->setChecked(Options::solverOTA()); //guideScopeCCDs = Options::guideScopeCCDs(); FOVScopeCombo->setCurrentIndex(Options::solverScopeType()); connect(FOVScopeCombo, static_cast(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), this, &Ekos::Align::updateTelescopeType); //connect(FOVScopeCombo, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SIGNAL(newFOVTelescopeType(int))); accuracySpin->setValue(Options::solverAccuracyThreshold()); alignDarkFrameCheck->setChecked(Options::alignDarkFrame()); delaySpin->setValue(Options::settlingTime()); connect(delaySpin, &QSpinBox::editingFinished, this, &Ekos::Align::saveSettleTime); connect(binningCombo, static_cast(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), this, &Ekos::Align::setBinningIndex); // PAH Connections connect(this, &Align::PAHEnabled, [&](bool enabled) { PAHStartB->setEnabled(enabled); directionLabel->setEnabled(enabled); PAHDirectionCombo->setEnabled(enabled); PAHRotationSpin->setEnabled(enabled); }); connect(PAHStartB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Ekos::Align::startPAHProcess); // PAH StopB is just a shortcut for the regular stop connect(PAHStopB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Align::stopPAHProcess); connect(PAHCorrectionsNextB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Ekos::Align::setPAHCorrectionSelectionComplete); connect(PAHRefreshB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Ekos::Align::startPAHRefreshProcess); connect(PAHDoneB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Ekos::Align::setPAHRefreshComplete); if (solverOptions->text().contains("no-fits2fits")) appendLogText(i18n( "Warning: If using astrometry.net v0.68 or above, remove the --no-fits2fits from the astrometry options.")); hemisphere = KStarsData::Instance()->geo()->lat()->Degrees() > 0 ? NORTH_HEMISPHERE : SOUTH_HEMISPHERE; double accuracyRadius = accuracySpin->value(); alignPlot->setBackground(QBrush(Qt::black)); alignPlot->setSelectionTolerance(10); alignPlot->xAxis->setBasePen(QPen(Qt::white, 1)); alignPlot->yAxis->setBasePen(QPen(Qt::white, 1)); alignPlot->xAxis->setTickPen(QPen(Qt::white, 1)); alignPlot->yAxis->setTickPen(QPen(Qt::white, 1)); alignPlot->xAxis->setSubTickPen(QPen(Qt::white, 1)); alignPlot->yAxis->setSubTickPen(QPen(Qt::white, 1)); alignPlot->xAxis->setTickLabelColor(Qt::white); alignPlot->yAxis->setTickLabelColor(Qt::white); alignPlot->xAxis->setLabelColor(Qt::white); alignPlot->yAxis->setLabelColor(Qt::white); alignPlot->xAxis->setLabelFont(QFont(font().family(), 10)); alignPlot->yAxis->setLabelFont(QFont(font().family(), 10)); alignPlot->xAxis->setLabelPadding(2); alignPlot->yAxis->setLabelPadding(2); alignPlot->xAxis->grid()->setPen(QPen(QColor(140, 140, 140), 1, Qt::DotLine)); alignPlot->yAxis->grid()->setPen(QPen(QColor(140, 140, 140), 1, Qt::DotLine)); alignPlot->xAxis->grid()->setSubGridPen(QPen(QColor(80, 80, 80), 1, Qt::DotLine)); alignPlot->yAxis->grid()->setSubGridPen(QPen(QColor(80, 80, 80), 1, Qt::DotLine)); alignPlot->xAxis->grid()->setZeroLinePen(QPen(Qt::yellow)); alignPlot->yAxis->grid()->setZeroLinePen(QPen(Qt::yellow)); alignPlot->xAxis->setLabel(i18n("dRA (arcsec)")); alignPlot->yAxis->setLabel(i18n("dDE (arcsec)")); alignPlot->xAxis->setRange(-accuracyRadius * 3, accuracyRadius * 3); alignPlot->yAxis->setRange(-accuracyRadius * 3, accuracyRadius * 3); alignPlot->setInteractions(QCP::iRangeZoom); alignPlot->setInteraction(QCP::iRangeDrag, true); alignPlot->addGraph(); alignPlot->graph(0)->setLineStyle(QCPGraph::lsNone); alignPlot->graph(0)->setScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle::ssDisc, Qt::white, 15)); buildTarget(); connect(alignPlot, &QCustomPlot::mouseMove, this, &Ekos::Align::handlePointTooltip); connect(rightLayout, &QSplitter::splitterMoved, this, &Ekos::Align::handleVerticalPlotSizeChange); connect(alignSplitter, &QSplitter::splitterMoved, this, &Ekos::Align::handleHorizontalPlotSizeChange); connect(accuracySpin, static_cast(&QSpinBox::valueChanged), this, &Ekos::Align::buildTarget); alignPlot->resize(190, 190); alignPlot->replot(); solutionTable->setColumnWidth(0, 70); solutionTable->setColumnWidth(1, 75); solutionTable->setColumnWidth(2, 80); solutionTable->setColumnWidth(3, 30); solutionTable->setColumnWidth(4, 100); solutionTable->setColumnWidth(5, 100); clearAllSolutionsB->setIcon( QIcon::fromTheme("application-exit")); clearAllSolutionsB->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); removeSolutionB->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("list-remove")); removeSolutionB->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); exportSolutionsCSV->setIcon( QIcon::fromTheme("document-save-as")); exportSolutionsCSV->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); autoScaleGraphB->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("zoom-fit-best")); autoScaleGraphB->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); mountModel.setupUi(&mountModelDialog); mountModelDialog.setWindowTitle("Mount Model Tool"); mountModelDialog.setWindowFlags(Qt::Tool | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint); mountModel.alignTable->setColumnWidth(0, 70); mountModel.alignTable->setColumnWidth(1, 75); mountModel.alignTable->setColumnWidth(2, 130); mountModel.alignTable->setColumnWidth(3, 30); mountModel.wizardAlignB->setIcon( QIcon::fromTheme("tools-wizard")); mountModel.wizardAlignB->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); mountModel.clearAllAlignB->setIcon( QIcon::fromTheme("application-exit")); mountModel.clearAllAlignB->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); mountModel.removeAlignB->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("list-remove")); mountModel.removeAlignB->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); mountModel.addAlignB->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("list-add")); mountModel.addAlignB->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); mountModel.findAlignB->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("edit-find")); mountModel.findAlignB->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); mountModel.alignTable->verticalHeader()->setDragDropOverwriteMode(false); mountModel.alignTable->verticalHeader()->setSectionsMovable(true); mountModel.alignTable->verticalHeader()->setDragEnabled(true); mountModel.alignTable->verticalHeader()->setDragDropMode(QAbstractItemView::InternalMove); connect(mountModel.alignTable->verticalHeader(), SIGNAL(sectionMoved(int,int,int)), this, SLOT(moveAlignPoint(int,int,int))); mountModel.loadAlignB->setIcon( QIcon::fromTheme("document-open")); mountModel.loadAlignB->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); mountModel.saveAsAlignB->setIcon( QIcon::fromTheme("document-save-as")); mountModel.saveAsAlignB->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); mountModel.saveAlignB->setIcon( QIcon::fromTheme("document-save")); mountModel.saveAlignB->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); mountModel.previewB->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("kstars_grid")); mountModel.previewB->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); mountModel.previewB->setCheckable(true); mountModel.sortAlignB->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("svn-update")); mountModel.sortAlignB->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); mountModel.stopAlignB->setIcon( QIcon::fromTheme("media-playback-stop")); mountModel.stopAlignB->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); mountModel.startAlignB->setIcon( QIcon::fromTheme("media-playback-start")); mountModel.startAlignB->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); connect(clearAllSolutionsB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Ekos::Align::slotClearAllSolutionPoints); connect(removeSolutionB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Ekos::Align::slotRemoveSolutionPoint); connect(exportSolutionsCSV, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Ekos::Align::exportSolutionPoints); connect(autoScaleGraphB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Ekos::Align::slotAutoScaleGraph); connect(mountModelB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Ekos::Align::slotMountModel); connect(solutionTable, &QTableWidget::cellClicked, this, &Ekos::Align::selectSolutionTableRow); connect(mountModel.wizardAlignB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Ekos::Align::slotWizardAlignmentPoints); connect(mountModel.alignTypeBox, static_cast(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), this, &Ekos::Align::alignTypeChanged); connect(mountModel.starListBox, static_cast(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), this, &Ekos::Align::slotStarSelected); connect(mountModel.greekStarListBox, static_cast(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), this, &Ekos::Align::slotStarSelected); connect(mountModel.loadAlignB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Ekos::Align::slotLoadAlignmentPoints); connect(mountModel.saveAsAlignB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Ekos::Align::slotSaveAsAlignmentPoints); connect(mountModel.saveAlignB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Ekos::Align::slotSaveAlignmentPoints); connect(mountModel.clearAllAlignB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Ekos::Align::slotClearAllAlignPoints); connect(mountModel.removeAlignB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Ekos::Align::slotRemoveAlignPoint); connect(mountModel.addAlignB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Ekos::Align::slotAddAlignPoint); connect(mountModel.findAlignB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Ekos::Align::slotFindAlignObject); connect(mountModel.sortAlignB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Ekos::Align::slotSortAlignmentPoints); connect(mountModel.previewB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Ekos::Align::togglePreviewAlignPoints); connect(mountModel.stopAlignB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Ekos::Align::resetAlignmentProcedure); connect(mountModel.startAlignB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Ekos::Align::startStopAlignmentProcedure); //Note: This is to prevent a button from being called the default button //and then executing when the user hits the enter key such as when on a Text Box QList qButtons = findChildren(); for (auto &button : qButtons) button->setAutoDefault(false); } Align::~Align() { if (alignWidget->parent() == nullptr) toggleAlignWidgetFullScreen(); // Remove temporary FITS files left before by the solver QDir dir(QDir::tempPath()); dir.setNameFilters(QStringList() << "fits*" << "tmp.*"); dir.setFilter(QDir::Files); for (auto &dirFile : dir.entryList()) dir.remove(dirFile); } void Align::selectSolutionTableRow(int row, int column) { Q_UNUSED(column); solutionTable->selectRow(row); for (int i = 0; i < alignPlot->itemCount(); i++) { QCPAbstractItem *abstractItem = alignPlot->item(i); if (abstractItem) { QCPItemText *item = qobject_cast(abstractItem); if (item) { if (i == row) { item->setColor(Qt::black); item->setBrush(Qt::yellow); } else { item->setColor(Qt::red); item->setBrush(Qt::white); } } } } alignPlot->replot(); } void Align::handleHorizontalPlotSizeChange() { alignPlot->xAxis->setScaleRatio(alignPlot->yAxis, 1.0); alignPlot->replot(); } void Align::handleVerticalPlotSizeChange() { alignPlot->yAxis->setScaleRatio(alignPlot->xAxis, 1.0); alignPlot->replot(); } void Align::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) { if (event->oldSize().width() != -1) { if (event->oldSize().width() != size().width()) handleHorizontalPlotSizeChange(); else if (event->oldSize().height() != size().height()) handleVerticalPlotSizeChange(); } else { QTimer::singleShot(10, this, &Ekos::Align::handleHorizontalPlotSizeChange); } } void Align::handlePointTooltip(QMouseEvent *event) { QCPAbstractItem *item = alignPlot->itemAt(event->localPos()); if (item) { QCPItemText *label = qobject_cast(item); if (label) { QString labelText = label->text(); int point = labelText.toInt() - 1; if (point < 0) return; QToolTip::showText(event->globalPos(), tr("" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "
Object %L1: %L2
") .arg(point + 1) .arg(solutionTable->item(point, 2)->text(), solutionTable->item(point, 0)->text(), solutionTable->item(point, 1)->text(), solutionTable->item(point, 4)->text(), solutionTable->item(point, 5)->text()), alignPlot, alignPlot->rect()); } } } void Align::buildTarget() { double accuracyRadius = accuracySpin->value(); if (centralTarget) { concentricRings->data()->clear(); redTarget->data()->clear(); yellowTarget->data()->clear(); centralTarget->data()->clear(); } else { concentricRings = new QCPCurve(alignPlot->xAxis, alignPlot->yAxis); redTarget = new QCPCurve(alignPlot->xAxis, alignPlot->yAxis); yellowTarget = new QCPCurve(alignPlot->xAxis, alignPlot->yAxis); centralTarget = new QCPCurve(alignPlot->xAxis, alignPlot->yAxis); } const int pointCount = 200; QVector circleRings( pointCount * (5)); //Have to multiply by the number of rings, Rings at : 25%, 50%, 75%, 125%, 175% QVector circleCentral(pointCount); QVector circleYellow(pointCount); QVector circleRed(pointCount); int circleRingPt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; i++) { double theta = i / static_cast(pointCount)*2 * M_PI; for (double ring = 1; ring < 8; ring++) { if (ring != 4 && ring != 6) { if (i % (9 - static_cast(ring)) == 0) //This causes fewer points to draw on the inner circles. { circleRings[circleRingPt] = QCPCurveData(circleRingPt, accuracyRadius * ring * 0.25 * qCos(theta), accuracyRadius * ring * 0.25 * qSin(theta)); circleRingPt++; } } } circleCentral[i] = QCPCurveData(i, accuracyRadius * qCos(theta), accuracyRadius * qSin(theta)); circleYellow[i] = QCPCurveData(i, accuracyRadius * 1.5 * qCos(theta), accuracyRadius * 1.5 * qSin(theta)); circleRed[i] = QCPCurveData(i, accuracyRadius * 2 * qCos(theta), accuracyRadius * 2 * qSin(theta)); } concentricRings->setLineStyle(QCPCurve::lsNone); concentricRings->setScatterSkip(0); concentricRings->setScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle::ssDisc, QColor(255, 255, 255, 150), 1)); concentricRings->data()->set(circleRings, true); redTarget->data()->set(circleRed, true); yellowTarget->data()->set(circleYellow, true); centralTarget->data()->set(circleCentral, true); concentricRings->setPen(QPen(Qt::white)); redTarget->setPen(QPen(Qt::red)); yellowTarget->setPen(QPen(Qt::yellow)); centralTarget->setPen(QPen(Qt::green)); concentricRings->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); redTarget->setBrush(QBrush(QColor(255, 0, 0, 50))); yellowTarget->setBrush( QBrush(QColor(0, 255, 0, 50))); //Note this is actually yellow. It is green on top of red with equal opacity. centralTarget->setBrush(QBrush(QColor(0, 255, 0, 50))); if (alignPlot->size().width() > 0) alignPlot->replot(); } void Align::slotAutoScaleGraph() { double accuracyRadius = accuracySpin->value(); alignPlot->xAxis->setRange(-accuracyRadius * 3, accuracyRadius * 3); alignPlot->yAxis->setRange(-accuracyRadius * 3, accuracyRadius * 3); alignPlot->xAxis->setScaleRatio(alignPlot->yAxis, 1.0); alignPlot->replot(); } void Align::slotWizardAlignmentPoints() { int points = mountModel.alignPtNum->value(); if (points < 2) //The minimum is 2 because the wizard calculations require the calculation of an angle between points. return; //It should not be less than 2 because the minimum in the spin box is 2. int minAlt = mountModel.minAltBox->value(); KStarsData *data = KStarsData::Instance(); GeoLocation *geo = data->geo(); double lat = geo->lat()->Degrees(); if (mountModel.alignTypeBox->currentText() == "Fixed DEC") { double decAngle = mountModel.alignDec->value(); //Dec that never rises. if (lat > 0) { if (decAngle < lat - 90 + minAlt) //Min altitude possible at minAlt deg above horizon { KMessageBox::sorry(nullptr, i18n("DEC is below the altitude limit")); return; } } else { if (decAngle > lat + 90 - minAlt) //Max altitude possible at minAlt deg above horizon { KMessageBox::sorry(nullptr, i18n("DEC is below the altitude limit")); return; } } } //If there are less than 6 points, keep them all in the same DEC, //any more, set the num per row to be the sqrt of the points to evenly distribute in RA and DEC int numRAperDEC = 5; if (points > 5) numRAperDEC = qSqrt(points); //These calculations rely on modulus and int division counting beginning at 0, but the #s start at 1. int decPoints = (points - 1) / numRAperDEC + 1; int lastSetRAPoints = (points - 1) % numRAperDEC + 1; double decIncrement = -1; double initDEC = -1; SkyPoint spTest; if (mountModel.alignTypeBox->currentText() == "Fixed DEC") { decPoints = 1; initDEC = mountModel.alignDec->value(); decIncrement = 0; } else if (decPoints == 1) { decIncrement = 0; spTest.setAlt( minAlt); //The goal here is to get the point exactly West at the minAlt so that we can use that DEC spTest.setAz(270); spTest.HorizontalToEquatorial(KStars::Instance()->data()->lst(), KStars::Instance()->data()->geo()->lat()); initDEC = spTest.dec().Degrees(); } else { spTest.setAlt( minAlt + 10); //We don't want to be right at the minAlt because there would be only 1 point on the dec circle above the alt. spTest.setAz(180); spTest.HorizontalToEquatorial(KStars::Instance()->data()->lst(), KStars::Instance()->data()->geo()->lat()); initDEC = spTest.dec().Degrees(); if (lat > 0) decIncrement = (80 - initDEC) / (decPoints); //Don't quite want to reach NCP else decIncrement = (initDEC - 80) / (decPoints); //Don't quite want to reach SCP } for (int d = 0; d < decPoints; d++) { double initRA = -1; double raPoints = -1; double raIncrement = -1; double dec; if (lat > 0) dec = initDEC + d * decIncrement; else dec = initDEC - d * decIncrement; if (mountModel.alignTypeBox->currentText() == "Fixed DEC") { raPoints = points; } else if (d == decPoints - 1) { raPoints = lastSetRAPoints; } else { raPoints = numRAperDEC; } //This computes both the initRA and the raIncrement. calculateAngleForRALine(raIncrement, initRA, dec, lat, raPoints, minAlt); if (raIncrement == -1 || decIncrement == -1) { KMessageBox::sorry(nullptr, i18n("Point calculation error.")); return; } for (int i = 0; i < raPoints; i++) { double ra = initRA + i * raIncrement; const SkyObject *original = getWizardAlignObject(ra, dec); QString ra_report, dec_report, name; if (original) { SkyObject *o = original->clone(); o->updateCoords(data->updateNum(), true, data->geo()->lat(), data->lst(), false); getFormattedCoords(o->ra0().Hours(), o->dec0().Degrees(), ra_report, dec_report); name = o->longname(); } else { getFormattedCoords(dms(ra).Hours(), dec, ra_report, dec_report); name = "None"; } int currentRow = mountModel.alignTable->rowCount(); mountModel.alignTable->insertRow(currentRow); QTableWidgetItem *RAReport = new QTableWidgetItem(); RAReport->setText(ra_report); RAReport->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); mountModel.alignTable->setItem(currentRow, 0, RAReport); QTableWidgetItem *DECReport = new QTableWidgetItem(); DECReport->setText(dec_report); DECReport->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); mountModel.alignTable->setItem(currentRow, 1, DECReport); QTableWidgetItem *ObjNameReport = new QTableWidgetItem(); ObjNameReport->setText(name); ObjNameReport->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); mountModel.alignTable->setItem(currentRow, 2, ObjNameReport); QTableWidgetItem *disabledBox = new QTableWidgetItem(); disabledBox->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable); mountModel.alignTable->setItem(currentRow, 3, disabledBox); } } if (previewShowing) updatePreviewAlignPoints(); } void Align::calculateAngleForRALine(double &raIncrement, double &initRA, double initDEC, double lat, double raPoints, double minAlt) { SkyPoint spEast; SkyPoint spWest; //Circumpolar dec if (fabs(initDEC) > (90 - fabs(lat) + minAlt)) { if (raPoints > 1) raIncrement = 360 / (raPoints - 1); else raIncrement = 0; initRA = 0; } else { dms AZEast, AZWest; calculateAZPointsForDEC(dms(initDEC), dms(minAlt), AZEast, AZWest); spEast.setAlt(minAlt); spEast.setAz(AZEast.Degrees()); spEast.HorizontalToEquatorial(KStars::Instance()->data()->lst(), KStars::Instance()->data()->geo()->lat()); spWest.setAlt(minAlt); spWest.setAz(AZWest.Degrees()); spWest.HorizontalToEquatorial(KStars::Instance()->data()->lst(), KStars::Instance()->data()->geo()->lat()); dms angleSep = spEast.ra().deltaAngle(spWest.ra()); //dms angleSep; // if (spEast.ra().Degrees() > spWest.ra().Degrees()) // angleSep = spEast.ra() - spWest.ra(); // else // angleSep = spEast.ra() + dms(360) - spWest.ra(); initRA = spWest.ra().Degrees(); if (raPoints > 1) raIncrement = angleSep.Degrees() / (raPoints - 1); else raIncrement = 0; } } void Align::calculateAZPointsForDEC(dms dec, dms alt, dms &AZEast, dms &AZWest) { KStarsData *data = KStarsData::Instance(); GeoLocation *geo = data->geo(); double AZRad; double sindec, cosdec, sinlat, coslat; double sinAlt, cosAlt; geo->lat()->SinCos(sinlat, coslat); dec.SinCos(sindec, cosdec); alt.SinCos(sinAlt, cosAlt); double arg = (sindec - sinlat * sinAlt) / (coslat * cosAlt); AZRad = acos(arg); AZEast.setRadians(AZRad); AZWest.setRadians(2.0 * dms::PI - AZRad); } const SkyObject *Align::getWizardAlignObject(double ra, double dec) { double maxSearch = 5.0; if (mountModel.alignTypeBox->currentText() == "Any Object") return KStarsData::Instance()->skyComposite()->objectNearest(new SkyPoint(dms(ra), dms(dec)), maxSearch); else if (mountModel.alignTypeBox->currentText() == "Fixed DEC" || mountModel.alignTypeBox->currentText() == "Fixed Grid") return nullptr; else if (mountModel.alignTypeBox->currentText() == "Any Stars") return KStarsData::Instance()->skyComposite()->starNearest(new SkyPoint(dms(ra), dms(dec)), maxSearch); //If they want named stars, then try to search for and return the closest Align Star to the requested location dms bestDiff = dms(360); double index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < alignStars.size(); i++) { const StarObject *star = alignStars.value(i); if (star) { if (star->hasName()) { SkyPoint thisPt(ra / 15.0, dec); dms thisDiff = thisPt.angularDistanceTo(star); if (thisDiff.Degrees() < bestDiff.Degrees()) { index = i; bestDiff = thisDiff; } } } } if (index == -1) return KStarsData::Instance()->skyComposite()->starNearest(new SkyPoint(dms(ra), dms(dec)), maxSearch); return alignStars.value(index); } void Align::alignTypeChanged(const QString alignType) { if (alignType == "Fixed DEC") mountModel.alignDec->setEnabled(true); else mountModel.alignDec->setEnabled(false); } void Align::slotStarSelected(const QString selectedStar) { for (int i = 0; i < alignStars.size(); i++) { const StarObject *star = alignStars.value(i); if (star) { if (star->name() == selectedStar || star->gname().simplified() == selectedStar) { int currentRow = mountModel.alignTable->rowCount(); mountModel.alignTable->insertRow(currentRow); QString ra_report, dec_report; getFormattedCoords(star->ra0().Hours(), star->dec0().Degrees(), ra_report, dec_report); QTableWidgetItem *RAReport = new QTableWidgetItem(); RAReport->setText(ra_report); RAReport->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); mountModel.alignTable->setItem(currentRow, 0, RAReport); QTableWidgetItem *DECReport = new QTableWidgetItem(); DECReport->setText(dec_report); DECReport->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); mountModel.alignTable->setItem(currentRow, 1, DECReport); QTableWidgetItem *ObjNameReport = new QTableWidgetItem(); ObjNameReport->setText(star->longname()); ObjNameReport->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); mountModel.alignTable->setItem(currentRow, 2, ObjNameReport); QTableWidgetItem *disabledBox = new QTableWidgetItem(); disabledBox->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable); mountModel.alignTable->setItem(currentRow, 3, disabledBox); mountModel.starListBox->setCurrentIndex(0); mountModel.greekStarListBox->setCurrentIndex(0); return; } } } if (previewShowing) updatePreviewAlignPoints(); } void Align::generateAlignStarList() { alignStars.clear(); mountModel.starListBox->clear(); mountModel.greekStarListBox->clear(); KStarsData *data = KStarsData::Instance(); QVector> listStars; listStars.append(data->skyComposite()->objectLists(SkyObject::STAR)); for (int i = 0; i < listStars.size(); i++) { QPair pair = listStars.value(i); const StarObject *star = dynamic_cast(pair.second); if (star) { StarObject *alignStar = star->clone(); alignStar->updateCoords(data->updateNum(), true, data->geo()->lat(), data->lst(), false); alignStars.append(alignStar); } } QStringList boxNames; QStringList greekBoxNames; for (int i = 0; i < alignStars.size(); i++) { const StarObject *star = alignStars.value(i); if (star) { if (!isVisible(star)) { alignStars.remove(i); i--; } else { if (star->hasLatinName()) boxNames << star->name(); else { if (!star->gname().isEmpty()) greekBoxNames << star->gname().simplified(); } } } } boxNames.sort(Qt::CaseInsensitive); boxNames.removeDuplicates(); greekBoxNames.removeDuplicates(); qSort(greekBoxNames.begin(), greekBoxNames.end(), [](const QString &a, const QString &b) { QStringList aParts = a.split(' '); QStringList bParts = b.split(' '); if (aParts.length() < 2 || bParts.length() < 2) return a < b; //This should not happen, they should all have 2 words in the string. if (aParts[1] == bParts[1]) { return aParts[0] < bParts[0]; //This compares the greek letter when the constellation is the same } else return aParts[1] < bParts[1]; //This compares the constellation names }); mountModel.starListBox->addItem("Select one:"); mountModel.greekStarListBox->addItem("Select one:"); for (int i = 0; i < boxNames.size(); i++) mountModel.starListBox->addItem(boxNames.at(i)); for (int i = 0; i < greekBoxNames.size(); i++) mountModel.greekStarListBox->addItem(greekBoxNames.at(i)); } bool Align::isVisible(const SkyObject *so) { return (getAltitude(so) > 30); } double Align::getAltitude(const SkyObject *so) { KStarsData *data = KStarsData::Instance(); GeoLocation *geo = data->geo(); CachingDms *lst = data->lst(); KStarsDateTime ut = geo->LTtoUT(KStarsDateTime(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toLocalTime())); SkyPoint sp = so->recomputeCoords(ut, geo); //check altitude of object at this time. sp.EquatorialToHorizontal(lst, geo->lat()); return sp.alt().Degrees(); } void Align::togglePreviewAlignPoints() { previewShowing = !previewShowing; mountModel.previewB->setChecked(previewShowing); updatePreviewAlignPoints(); } void Align::updatePreviewAlignPoints() { FlagComponent *flags = KStarsData::Instance()->skyComposite()->flags(); for (int i = 0; i < flags->size(); i++) { if (flags->label(i).startsWith(QLatin1String("Align"))) { flags->remove(i); i--; } } if (previewShowing) { for (int i = 0; i < mountModel.alignTable->rowCount(); i++) { QTableWidgetItem *raCell = mountModel.alignTable->item(i, 0); QTableWidgetItem *deCell = mountModel.alignTable->item(i, 1); QTableWidgetItem *objNameCell = mountModel.alignTable->item(i, 2); if (raCell && deCell && objNameCell) { QString raString = raCell->text(); QString deString = deCell->text(); dms raDMS = dms::fromString(raString, false); dms decDMS = dms::fromString(deString, true); QString objString = objNameCell->text(); SkyPoint flagPoint(raDMS, decDMS); flags->add(flagPoint, "J2000", "Default", "Align " + QString::number(i + 1) + ' ' + objString, "white"); } } } KStars::Instance()->map()->forceUpdate(true); } void Align::slotLoadAlignmentPoints() { QUrl fileURL = QFileDialog::getOpenFileUrl(&mountModelDialog, i18n("Open Ekos Alignment List"), alignURLPath, "Ekos AlignmentList (*.eal)"); if (fileURL.isEmpty()) return; if (fileURL.isValid() == false) { QString message = i18n("Invalid URL: %1", fileURL.toLocalFile()); KMessageBox::sorry(nullptr, message, i18n("Invalid URL")); return; } alignURLPath = QUrl(fileURL.url(QUrl::RemoveFilename)); loadAlignmentPoints(fileURL.toLocalFile()); if (previewShowing) updatePreviewAlignPoints(); } bool Align::loadAlignmentPoints(const QString &fileURL) { QFile sFile; sFile.setFileName(fileURL); if (!sFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QString message = i18n("Unable to open file %1", fileURL); KMessageBox::sorry(nullptr, message, i18n("Could Not Open File")); return false; } mountModel.alignTable->setRowCount(0); LilXML *xmlParser = newLilXML(); char errmsg[MAXRBUF]; XMLEle *root = nullptr; char c; while (sFile.getChar(&c)) { root = readXMLEle(xmlParser, c, errmsg); if (root) { double sqVersion = atof(findXMLAttValu(root, "version")); if (sqVersion < AL_FORMAT_VERSION) { appendLogText(i18n("Deprecated sequence file format version %1. Please construct a new sequence file.", sqVersion)); return false; } XMLEle *ep = nullptr; XMLEle *subEP = nullptr; int currentRow = 0; for (ep = nextXMLEle(root, 1); ep != nullptr; ep = nextXMLEle(root, 0)) { if (!strcmp(tagXMLEle(ep), "AlignmentPoint")) { mountModel.alignTable->insertRow(currentRow); subEP = findXMLEle(ep, "RA"); if (subEP) { QTableWidgetItem *RAReport = new QTableWidgetItem(); RAReport->setText(pcdataXMLEle(subEP)); RAReport->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); mountModel.alignTable->setItem(currentRow, 0, RAReport); } else return false; subEP = findXMLEle(ep, "DE"); if (subEP) { QTableWidgetItem *DEReport = new QTableWidgetItem(); DEReport->setText(pcdataXMLEle(subEP)); DEReport->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); mountModel.alignTable->setItem(currentRow, 1, DEReport); } else return false; subEP = findXMLEle(ep, "NAME"); if (subEP) { QTableWidgetItem *ObjReport = new QTableWidgetItem(); ObjReport->setText(pcdataXMLEle(subEP)); ObjReport->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); mountModel.alignTable->setItem(currentRow, 2, ObjReport); } else return false; } currentRow++; } return true; } } return false; } void Align::slotSaveAsAlignmentPoints() { alignURL.clear(); slotSaveAlignmentPoints(); } void Align::slotSaveAlignmentPoints() { QUrl backupCurrent = alignURL; if (alignURL.toLocalFile().startsWith(QLatin1String("/tmp/")) || alignURL.toLocalFile().contains("/Temp")) alignURL.clear(); if (alignURL.isEmpty()) { alignURL = QFileDialog::getSaveFileUrl(&mountModelDialog, i18n("Save Ekos Alignment List"), alignURLPath, "Ekos Alignment List (*.eal)"); // if user presses cancel if (alignURL.isEmpty()) { alignURL = backupCurrent; return; } alignURLPath = QUrl(alignURL.url(QUrl::RemoveFilename)); if (alignURL.toLocalFile().endsWith(QLatin1String(".eal")) == false) alignURL.setPath(alignURL.toLocalFile() + ".eal"); if (QFile::exists(alignURL.toLocalFile())) { int r = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(nullptr, i18n("A file named \"%1\" already exists. " "Overwrite it?", alignURL.fileName()), i18n("Overwrite File?"), KStandardGuiItem::overwrite()); if (r == KMessageBox::Cancel) return; } } if (alignURL.isValid()) { if ((saveAlignmentPoints(alignURL.toLocalFile())) == false) { KMessageBox::error(KStars::Instance(), i18n("Failed to save alignment list"), i18n("Save")); return; } } else { QString message = i18n("Invalid URL: %1", alignURL.url()); KMessageBox::sorry(KStars::Instance(), message, i18n("Invalid URL")); } } bool Align::saveAlignmentPoints(const QString &path) { QFile file; file.setFileName(path); if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QString message = i18n("Unable to write to file %1", path); KMessageBox::sorry(nullptr, message, i18n("Could Not Open File")); return false; } QTextStream outstream(&file); outstream << "" << endl; outstream << "" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < mountModel.alignTable->rowCount(); i++) { QTableWidgetItem *raCell = mountModel.alignTable->item(i, 0); QTableWidgetItem *deCell = mountModel.alignTable->item(i, 1); QTableWidgetItem *objNameCell = mountModel.alignTable->item(i, 2); if (!raCell || !deCell || !objNameCell) return false; QString raString = raCell->text(); QString deString = deCell->text(); QString objString = objNameCell->text(); outstream << "" << endl; outstream << "" << raString << "" << endl; outstream << "" << deString << "" << endl; outstream << "" << objString << "" << endl; outstream << "" << endl; } outstream << "" << endl; appendLogText(i18n("Alignment List saved to %1", path)); file.close(); return true; } void Align::slotSortAlignmentPoints() { int firstAlignmentPt = findClosestAlignmentPointToTelescope(); if (firstAlignmentPt != -1) { swapAlignPoints(firstAlignmentPt, 0); } for (int i = 0; i < mountModel.alignTable->rowCount() - 1; i++) { int nextAlignmentPoint = findNextAlignmentPointAfter(i); if (nextAlignmentPoint != -1) { swapAlignPoints(nextAlignmentPoint, i + 1); } } if (previewShowing) updatePreviewAlignPoints(); } int Align::findClosestAlignmentPointToTelescope() { dms bestDiff = dms(360); double index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < mountModel.alignTable->rowCount(); i++) { QTableWidgetItem *raCell = mountModel.alignTable->item(i, 0); QTableWidgetItem *deCell = mountModel.alignTable->item(i, 1); if (raCell && deCell) { dms raDMS = dms::fromString(raCell->text(), false); dms deDMS = dms::fromString(deCell->text(), true); dms thisDiff = telescopeCoord.angularDistanceTo(new SkyPoint(raDMS, deDMS)); if (thisDiff.Degrees() < bestDiff.Degrees()) { index = i; bestDiff = thisDiff; } } } return index; } int Align::findNextAlignmentPointAfter(int currentSpot) { QTableWidgetItem *currentRACell = mountModel.alignTable->item(currentSpot, 0); QTableWidgetItem *currentDECell = mountModel.alignTable->item(currentSpot, 1); if (currentRACell && currentDECell) { dms thisRADMS = dms::fromString(currentRACell->text(), false); dms thisDEDMS = dms::fromString(currentDECell->text(), true); SkyPoint thisPt(thisRADMS, thisDEDMS); dms bestDiff = dms(360); double index = -1; for (int i = currentSpot + 1; i < mountModel.alignTable->rowCount(); i++) { QTableWidgetItem *raCell = mountModel.alignTable->item(i, 0); QTableWidgetItem *deCell = mountModel.alignTable->item(i, 1); if (raCell && deCell) { dms raDMS = dms::fromString(raCell->text(), false); dms deDMS = dms::fromString(deCell->text(), true); SkyPoint point(raDMS, deDMS); dms thisDiff = thisPt.angularDistanceTo(&point); if (thisDiff.Degrees() < bestDiff.Degrees()) { index = i; bestDiff = thisDiff; } } } return index; } else return -1; } void Align::exportSolutionPoints() { if (solutionTable->rowCount() == 0) return; QUrl exportFile = QFileDialog::getSaveFileUrl(KStars::Instance(), i18n("Export Solution Points"), alignURLPath, "CSV File (*.csv)"); if (exportFile.isEmpty()) // if user presses cancel return; if (exportFile.toLocalFile().endsWith(QLatin1String(".csv")) == false) exportFile.setPath(exportFile.toLocalFile() + ".csv"); QString path = exportFile.toLocalFile(); if (QFile::exists(path)) { int r = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(nullptr, i18n("A file named \"%1\" already exists. " "Overwrite it?", exportFile.fileName()), i18n("Overwrite File?"), KStandardGuiItem::overwrite()); if (r == KMessageBox::Cancel) return; } if (!exportFile.isValid()) { QString message = i18n("Invalid URL: %1", exportFile.url()); KMessageBox::sorry(KStars::Instance(), message, i18n("Invalid URL")); return; } QFile file; file.setFileName(path); if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QString message = i18n("Unable to write to file %1", path); KMessageBox::sorry(nullptr, message, i18n("Could Not Open File")); return; } QTextStream outstream(&file); QString epoch = QString::number(KStarsDateTime::currentDateTime().epoch()); outstream << "RA (J" << epoch << "),DE (J" << epoch << "),RA (degrees),DE (degrees),Name,RA Error (arcsec),DE Error (arcsec)" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < solutionTable->rowCount(); i++) { QTableWidgetItem *raCell = solutionTable->item(i, 0); QTableWidgetItem *deCell = solutionTable->item(i, 1); QTableWidgetItem *objNameCell = solutionTable->item(i, 2); QTableWidgetItem *raErrorCell = solutionTable->item(i, 4); QTableWidgetItem *deErrorCell = solutionTable->item(i, 5); if (!raCell || !deCell || !objNameCell || !raErrorCell || !deErrorCell) { KMessageBox::sorry(nullptr, i18n("Error in table structure.")); return; } dms raDMS = dms::fromString(raCell->text(), false); dms deDMS = dms::fromString(deCell->text(), true); outstream << raDMS.toHMSString() << ',' << deDMS.toDMSString() << ',' << raDMS.Degrees() << ',' << deDMS.Degrees() << ',' << objNameCell->text() << ',' << raErrorCell->text().remove('\"') << ',' << deErrorCell->text().remove('\"') << endl; } appendLogText(i18n("Solution Points Saved as: %1", path)); file.close(); } void Align::slotClearAllSolutionPoints() { if (solutionTable->rowCount() == 0) return; if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo( KStars::Instance(), i18n("Are you sure you want to clear all of the solution points?"), i18n("Clear Solution Points"), KStandardGuiItem::yes(), KStandardGuiItem::no()) == KMessageBox::Yes) { solutionTable->setRowCount(0); alignPlot->graph(0)->data()->clear(); alignPlot->clearItems(); buildTarget(); slotAutoScaleGraph(); } } void Align::slotClearAllAlignPoints() { if (mountModel.alignTable->rowCount() == 0) return; if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(&mountModelDialog, i18n("Are you sure you want to clear all the alignment points?"), i18n("Clear Align Points")) == KMessageBox::Yes) mountModel.alignTable->setRowCount(0); if (previewShowing) updatePreviewAlignPoints(); } void Align::slotRemoveSolutionPoint() { QCPAbstractItem *abstractItem = alignPlot->item(solutionTable->currentRow()); if (abstractItem) { QCPItemText *item = qobject_cast(abstractItem); if (item) { double point = item->position->key(); alignPlot->graph(0)->data()->remove(point); } } alignPlot->removeItem(solutionTable->currentRow()); for (int i = 0; i < alignPlot->itemCount(); i++) { QCPAbstractItem *abstractItem = alignPlot->item(i); if (abstractItem) { QCPItemText *item = qobject_cast(abstractItem); if (item) item->setText(QString::number(i + 1)); } } solutionTable->removeRow(solutionTable->currentRow()); alignPlot->replot(); } void Align::slotRemoveAlignPoint() { mountModel.alignTable->removeRow(mountModel.alignTable->currentRow()); if (previewShowing) updatePreviewAlignPoints(); } void Align::moveAlignPoint(int logicalIndex, int oldVisualIndex, int newVisualIndex) { Q_UNUSED(logicalIndex); for (int i = 0; i < mountModel.alignTable->columnCount(); i++) { QTableWidgetItem *oldItem = mountModel.alignTable->takeItem(oldVisualIndex, i); QTableWidgetItem *newItem = mountModel.alignTable->takeItem(newVisualIndex, i); mountModel.alignTable->setItem(newVisualIndex, i, oldItem); mountModel.alignTable->setItem(oldVisualIndex, i, newItem); } mountModel.alignTable->verticalHeader()->blockSignals(true); mountModel.alignTable->verticalHeader()->moveSection(newVisualIndex, oldVisualIndex); mountModel.alignTable->verticalHeader()->blockSignals(false); if (previewShowing) updatePreviewAlignPoints(); } void Align::swapAlignPoints(int firstPt, int secondPt) { for (int i = 0; i < mountModel.alignTable->columnCount(); i++) { QTableWidgetItem *firstPtItem = mountModel.alignTable->takeItem(firstPt, i); QTableWidgetItem *secondPtItem = mountModel.alignTable->takeItem(secondPt, i); mountModel.alignTable->setItem(firstPt, i, secondPtItem); mountModel.alignTable->setItem(secondPt, i, firstPtItem); } } void Align::slotMountModel() { generateAlignStarList(); SkyPoint spWest; spWest.setAlt(30); spWest.setAz(270); spWest.HorizontalToEquatorial(KStars::Instance()->data()->lst(), KStars::Instance()->data()->geo()->lat()); mountModel.alignDec->setValue(static_cast(spWest.dec().Degrees())); mountModelDialog.show(); } void Align::slotAddAlignPoint() { int currentRow = mountModel.alignTable->rowCount(); mountModel.alignTable->insertRow(currentRow); QTableWidgetItem *disabledBox = new QTableWidgetItem(); disabledBox->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable); mountModel.alignTable->setItem(currentRow, 3, disabledBox); } void Align::slotFindAlignObject() { KStarsData *data = KStarsData::Instance(); QPointer fd = new FindDialog(KStars::Instance()); if (fd->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { SkyObject *object = fd->targetObject(); if (object != nullptr) { SkyObject *o = object->clone(); o->updateCoords(data->updateNum(), true, data->geo()->lat(), data->lst(), false); int currentRow = mountModel.alignTable->rowCount(); mountModel.alignTable->insertRow(currentRow); QString ra_report, dec_report; getFormattedCoords(o->ra0().Hours(), o->dec0().Degrees(), ra_report, dec_report); QTableWidgetItem *RAReport = new QTableWidgetItem(); RAReport->setText(ra_report); RAReport->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); mountModel.alignTable->setItem(currentRow, 0, RAReport); QTableWidgetItem *DECReport = new QTableWidgetItem(); DECReport->setText(dec_report); DECReport->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); mountModel.alignTable->setItem(currentRow, 1, DECReport); QTableWidgetItem *ObjNameReport = new QTableWidgetItem(); ObjNameReport->setText(o->longname()); ObjNameReport->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); mountModel.alignTable->setItem(currentRow, 2, ObjNameReport); QTableWidgetItem *disabledBox = new QTableWidgetItem(); disabledBox->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable); mountModel.alignTable->setItem(currentRow, 3, disabledBox); } } delete fd; if (previewShowing) updatePreviewAlignPoints(); } void Align::resetAlignmentProcedure() { mountModel.alignTable->setCellWidget(currentAlignmentPoint, 3, new QWidget()); QTableWidgetItem *statusReport = new QTableWidgetItem(); statusReport->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable); statusReport->setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/AlignWarning.svg")); mountModel.alignTable->setItem(currentAlignmentPoint, 3, statusReport); appendLogText(i18n("The Mount Model Tool is Reset.")); mountModel.startAlignB->setIcon( QIcon::fromTheme("media-playback-start")); mountModelRunning = false; currentAlignmentPoint = 0; abort(); } bool Align::alignmentPointsAreBad() { for (int i = 0; i < mountModel.alignTable->rowCount(); i++) { QTableWidgetItem *raCell = mountModel.alignTable->item(i, 0); if (!raCell) return true; QString raString = raCell->text(); if (dms().setFromString(raString, false) == false) return true; QTableWidgetItem *decCell = mountModel.alignTable->item(i, 1); if (!decCell) return true; QString decString = decCell->text(); if (dms().setFromString(decString, true) == false) return true; } return false; } void Align::startStopAlignmentProcedure() { if (!mountModelRunning) { if (mountModel.alignTable->rowCount() > 0) { if (alignmentPointsAreBad()) { KMessageBox::error(nullptr, i18n("Please Check the Alignment Points.")); return; } if (currentGotoMode == GOTO_NOTHING) { int r = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( nullptr, i18n("In the Align Module, \"Nothing\" is Selected for the Solver Action. This means that the " "mount model tool will not sync/align your mount but will only report the pointing model " "errors. Do you wish to continue?"), i18n("Pointing Model Report Only?"), KStandardGuiItem::cont(), KStandardGuiItem::cancel(), "nothing_selected_warning"); if (r == KMessageBox::Cancel) return; } if (currentAlignmentPoint == 0) { for (int row = 0; row < mountModel.alignTable->rowCount(); row++) { QTableWidgetItem *statusReport = new QTableWidgetItem(); statusReport->setIcon(QIcon()); mountModel.alignTable->setItem(row, 3, statusReport); } } mountModel.startAlignB->setIcon( QIcon::fromTheme("media-playback-pause")); mountModelRunning = true; appendLogText(i18n("The Mount Model Tool is Starting.")); startAlignmentPoint(); } } else { mountModel.startAlignB->setIcon( QIcon::fromTheme("media-playback-start")); mountModel.alignTable->setCellWidget(currentAlignmentPoint, 3, new QWidget()); appendLogText(i18n("The Mount Model Tool is Paused.")); abort(); mountModelRunning = false; QTableWidgetItem *statusReport = new QTableWidgetItem(); statusReport->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable); statusReport->setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/AlignWarning.svg")); mountModel.alignTable->setItem(currentAlignmentPoint, 3, statusReport); } } void Align::startAlignmentPoint() { if (mountModelRunning && currentAlignmentPoint >= 0 && currentAlignmentPoint < mountModel.alignTable->rowCount()) { QTableWidgetItem *raCell = mountModel.alignTable->item(currentAlignmentPoint, 0); QString raString = raCell->text(); dms raDMS = dms::fromString(raString, false); double ra = raDMS.Hours(); QTableWidgetItem *decCell = mountModel.alignTable->item(currentAlignmentPoint, 1); QString decString = decCell->text(); dms decDMS = dms::fromString(decString, true); double dec = decDMS.Degrees(); QProgressIndicator *alignIndicator = new QProgressIndicator(this); mountModel.alignTable->setCellWidget(currentAlignmentPoint, 3, alignIndicator); alignIndicator->startAnimation(); targetCoord.setRA0(ra); targetCoord.setDec0(dec); targetCoord.updateCoordsNow(KStarsData::Instance()->updateNum()); Slew(); } } void Align::finishAlignmentPoint(bool solverSucceeded) { if (mountModelRunning && currentAlignmentPoint >= 0 && currentAlignmentPoint < mountModel.alignTable->rowCount()) { mountModel.alignTable->setCellWidget(currentAlignmentPoint, 3, new QWidget()); QTableWidgetItem *statusReport = new QTableWidgetItem(); statusReport->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable); if (solverSucceeded) statusReport->setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/AlignSuccess.svg")); else statusReport->setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/AlignFailure.svg")); mountModel.alignTable->setItem(currentAlignmentPoint, 3, statusReport); currentAlignmentPoint++; if (currentAlignmentPoint < mountModel.alignTable->rowCount()) { startAlignmentPoint(); } else { mountModelRunning = false; mountModel.startAlignB->setIcon( QIcon::fromTheme("media-playback-start")); appendLogText(i18n("The Mount Model Tool is Finished.")); currentAlignmentPoint = 0; } } } bool Align::isParserOK() { bool rc = parser->init(); if (rc) { connect(parser, &AstrometryParser::solverFinished, this, &Ekos::Align::solverFinished, Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(parser, &AstrometryParser::solverFailed, this, &Ekos::Align::solverFailed, Qt::UniqueConnection); } return rc; } void Align::checkAlignmentTimeout() { if (loadSlewState != IPS_IDLE || ++solverIterations == MAXIMUM_SOLVER_ITERATIONS) abort(); else if (loadSlewState == IPS_IDLE) { appendLogText(i18n("Solver timed out.")); parser->stopSolver(); captureAndSolve(); } // TODO must also account for loadAndSlew. Retain file name } void Align::setSolverType(int type) { if (sender() == nullptr && type >= 0 && type <= 2) solverTypeGroup->button(type)->setChecked(true); syncSettings(); Options::setSolverType(type); switch (type) { case SOLVER_ONLINE: loadSlewB->setEnabled(true); if (onlineParser.get() != nullptr) { parser = onlineParser.get(); return; } onlineParser.reset(new Ekos::OnlineAstrometryParser()); parser = onlineParser.get(); break; case SOLVER_OFFLINE: loadSlewB->setEnabled(true); if (offlineParser.get() != nullptr) { parser = offlineParser.get(); return; } offlineParser.reset(new Ekos::OfflineAstrometryParser()); parser = offlineParser.get(); break; case SOLVER_REMOTE: loadSlewB->setEnabled(true); if (remoteParser.get() != nullptr && remoteParserDevice != nullptr) { parser = remoteParser.get(); (dynamic_cast(parser))->setAstrometryDevice(remoteParserDevice); return; } remoteParser.reset(new Ekos::RemoteAstrometryParser()); parser = remoteParser.get(); (dynamic_cast(parser))->setAstrometryDevice(remoteParserDevice); if (currentCCD) (dynamic_cast(parser))->setCCD(currentCCD->getDeviceName()); break; } parser->setAlign(this); if (parser->init()) { connect(parser, &AstrometryParser::solverFinished, this, &Ekos::Align::solverFinished, Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(parser, &AstrometryParser::solverFailed, this, &Ekos::Align::solverFailed, Qt::UniqueConnection); } else parser->disconnect(); } bool Align::setCamera(const QString & device) { for (int i = 0; i < CCDCaptureCombo->count(); i++) if (device == CCDCaptureCombo->itemText(i)) { CCDCaptureCombo->setCurrentIndex(i); checkCCD(i); return true; } return false; } QString Align::camera() { if (currentCCD) return currentCCD->getDeviceName(); return QString(); } void Align::setDefaultCCD(QString ccd) { syncSettings(); Options::setDefaultAlignCCD(ccd); } void Align::checkCCD(int ccdNum) { if (ccdNum == -1 || ccdNum >= CCDs.count()) { ccdNum = CCDCaptureCombo->currentIndex(); if (ccdNum == -1) return; } currentCCD = CCDs.at(ccdNum); if (solverTypeGroup->checkedId() == SOLVER_REMOTE && remoteParser.get() != nullptr) (dynamic_cast(remoteParser.get()))->setCCD(currentCCD->getDeviceName()); syncCCDInfo(); /* FOVScopeCombo->blockSignals(true); ISD::CCD::TelescopeType type = currentCCD->getTelescopeType(); FOVScopeCombo->setCurrentIndex(type == ISD::CCD::TELESCOPE_UNKNOWN ? 0 : type); FOVScopeCombo->blockSignals(false); */ syncTelescopeInfo(); } void Align::addCCD(ISD::GDInterface *newCCD) { if (CCDs.contains(static_cast(newCCD))) { syncCCDInfo(); return; } CCDs.append(static_cast(newCCD)); CCDCaptureCombo->addItem(newCCD->getDeviceName()); checkCCD(); syncSettings(); } void Align::setTelescope(ISD::GDInterface *newTelescope) { currentTelescope = static_cast(newTelescope); connect(currentTelescope, &ISD::GDInterface::numberUpdated, this, &Ekos::Align::processNumber, Qt::UniqueConnection); syncTelescopeInfo(); } void Align::setDome(ISD::GDInterface *newDome) { currentDome = static_cast(newDome); connect(currentDome, &ISD::GDInterface::switchUpdated, this, &Ekos::Align::processSwitch, Qt::UniqueConnection); } void Align::syncTelescopeInfo() { if (currentTelescope == nullptr || currentTelescope->isConnected() == false) return; canSync = currentTelescope->canSync(); if (canSync == false && syncR->isEnabled()) { slewR->setChecked(true); appendLogText(i18n("Mount does not support syncing.")); } syncR->setEnabled(canSync); INumberVectorProperty *nvp = currentTelescope->getBaseDevice()->getNumber("TELESCOPE_INFO"); if (nvp) { INumber *np = IUFindNumber(nvp, "TELESCOPE_APERTURE"); if (np && np->value > 0) primaryAperture = np->value; np = IUFindNumber(nvp, "GUIDER_APERTURE"); if (np && np->value > 0) guideAperture = np->value; aperture = primaryAperture; //if (currentCCD && currentCCD->getTelescopeType() == ISD::CCD::TELESCOPE_GUIDE) if (FOVScopeCombo->currentIndex() == ISD::CCD::TELESCOPE_GUIDE) aperture = guideAperture; np = IUFindNumber(nvp, "TELESCOPE_FOCAL_LENGTH"); if (np && np->value > 0) primaryFL = np->value; np = IUFindNumber(nvp, "GUIDER_FOCAL_LENGTH"); if (np && np->value > 0) guideFL = np->value; focal_length = primaryFL; //if (currentCCD && currentCCD->getTelescopeType() == ISD::CCD::TELESCOPE_GUIDE) if (FOVScopeCombo->currentIndex() == ISD::CCD::TELESCOPE_GUIDE) focal_length = guideFL; } if (focal_length == -1 || aperture == -1) return; if (ccd_hor_pixel != -1 && ccd_ver_pixel != -1 && focal_length != -1 && aperture != -1) { FOVScopeCombo->setItemData( ISD::CCD::TELESCOPE_PRIMARY, i18nc("F-Number, Focal Length, Aperture", "F%1 Focal Length: %2 mm Aperture: %3 mm2", QString::number(primaryFL / primaryAperture, 'f', 1), QString::number(primaryFL, 'f', 2), QString::number(primaryAperture, 'f', 2)), Qt::ToolTipRole); FOVScopeCombo->setItemData( ISD::CCD::TELESCOPE_GUIDE, i18nc("F-Number, Focal Length, Aperture", "F%1 Focal Length: %2 mm Aperture: %3 mm2", QString::number(guideFL / guideAperture, 'f', 1), QString::number(guideFL, 'f', 2), QString::number(guideAperture, 'f', 2)), Qt::ToolTipRole); calculateFOV(); generateArgs(); } } void Align::setTelescopeInfo(double primaryFocalLength, double primaryAperture, double guideFocalLength, double guideAperture) { if (primaryFocalLength > 0) primaryFL = primaryFocalLength; if (guideFocalLength > 0) guideFL = guideFocalLength; if (primaryAperture > 0) this->primaryAperture = primaryAperture; if (guideAperture > 0) this->guideAperture = guideAperture; focal_length = primaryFL; if (currentCCD && currentCCD->getTelescopeType() == ISD::CCD::TELESCOPE_GUIDE) focal_length = guideFL; aperture = primaryAperture; if (currentCCD && currentCCD->getTelescopeType() == ISD::CCD::TELESCOPE_GUIDE) aperture = guideAperture; syncTelescopeInfo(); } void Align::syncCCDInfo() { INumberVectorProperty *nvp = nullptr; if (currentCCD == nullptr) return; if (useGuideHead) nvp = currentCCD->getBaseDevice()->getNumber("GUIDER_INFO"); else nvp = currentCCD->getBaseDevice()->getNumber("CCD_INFO"); if (nvp) { INumber *np = IUFindNumber(nvp, "CCD_PIXEL_SIZE_X"); if (np && np->value > 0) ccd_hor_pixel = ccd_ver_pixel = np->value; np = IUFindNumber(nvp, "CCD_PIXEL_SIZE_Y"); if (np && np->value > 0) ccd_ver_pixel = np->value; np = IUFindNumber(nvp, "CCD_PIXEL_SIZE_Y"); if (np && np->value > 0) ccd_ver_pixel = np->value; } ISD::CCDChip *targetChip = currentCCD->getChip(useGuideHead ? ISD::CCDChip::GUIDE_CCD : ISD::CCDChip::PRIMARY_CCD); ISwitchVectorProperty *svp = currentCCD->getBaseDevice()->getSwitch("WCS_CONTROL"); if (svp) setWCSEnabled(Options::astrometrySolverWCS()); targetChip->setImageView(alignView, FITS_ALIGN); targetChip->getFrameMinMax(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &ccd_width, nullptr, &ccd_height); //targetChip->getFrame(&x,&y,&ccd_width,&ccd_height); binningCombo->setEnabled(targetChip->canBin()); if (targetChip->canBin()) { binningCombo->blockSignals(true); int binx = 1, biny = 1; targetChip->getMaxBin(&binx, &biny); binningCombo->clear(); for (int i = 0; i < binx; i++) binningCombo->addItem(QString("%1x%2").arg(i + 1).arg(i + 1)); // By default, set to maximum binning since the solver behaves better this way // solverBinningIndex is set by default to 4, but as soon as the user changes the binning, it changes // to whatever value the user selected. if (Options::solverBinningIndex() == 4 && binningCombo->count() <= 4) { binningCombo->setCurrentIndex(binningCombo->count()-1); Options::setSolverBinningIndex(binningCombo->count()-1); } else binningCombo->setCurrentIndex(Options::solverBinningIndex()); binningCombo->blockSignals(false); } if (ccd_hor_pixel == -1 || ccd_ver_pixel == -1) return; if (ccd_hor_pixel != -1 && ccd_ver_pixel != -1 && focal_length != -1 && aperture != -1) { calculateFOV(); generateArgs(); } } void Align::getFOVScale(double &fov_w, double &fov_h, double &fov_scale) { fov_w = fov_x; fov_h = fov_y; fov_scale = fov_pixscale; } QList Align::fov() { QList result; result << fov_x << fov_y << fov_pixscale; return result; } void Align::getCalculatedFOVScale(double &fov_w, double &fov_h, double &fov_scale) { // FOV in arcsecs fov_w = 206264.8062470963552 * ccd_width * ccd_hor_pixel / 1000.0 / focal_length; fov_h = 206264.8062470963552 * ccd_height * ccd_ver_pixel / 1000.0 / focal_length; // Pix Scale fov_scale = (fov_w * (Options::solverBinningIndex() + 1)) / ccd_width; // FOV in arcmins fov_w /= 60.0; fov_h /= 60.0; } void Align::calculateFOV() { // Calculate FOV // FOV in arcsecs fov_x = 206264.8062470963552 * ccd_width * ccd_hor_pixel / 1000.0 / focal_length; fov_y = 206264.8062470963552 * ccd_height * ccd_ver_pixel / 1000.0 / focal_length; // Pix Scale fov_pixscale = (fov_x * (Options::solverBinningIndex() + 1)) / ccd_width; // FOV in arcmins fov_x /= 60.0; fov_y /= 60.0; QString calculatedFOV = (QString("%1' x %2'").arg(fov_x, 0, 'g', 3).arg(fov_y, 0, 'g', 3)); // JM 2018-04-20 Above calculations are for RAW FOV. Starting from 2.9.5, we are using EFFECTIVE FOV // Which is the real FOV as measured from the plate solution. The effective FOVs are stored in the database and are unique // per profile/pixel_size/focal_length combinations. It defaults to 0' x 0' and gets updated after the first successful solver is complete. getEffectiveFOV(); if (fov_x == 0) { //FOVOut->setReadOnly(false); FOVOut->setToolTip(i18n("

Effective field of view size in arcminutes.

Please capture and solve once to measure the effective FOV or enter the values manually.

Calculated FOV: %1

", calculatedFOV)); } else { FOVOut->setToolTip(i18n("

Effective field of view size in arcminutes.

")); //FOVOut->setReadOnly(true); } solverFOV->setSize(fov_x, fov_y); sensorFOV->setSize(fov_x, fov_y); if (currentCCD) sensorFOV->setName(currentCCD->getDeviceName()); FOVOut->setText(QString("%1' x %2'").arg(fov_x, 0, 'g', 3).arg(fov_y, 0, 'g', 3)); if (((fov_x + fov_y) / 2.0) > PAH_CUTOFF_FOV) { if (isPAHReady == false) { PAHWidgets->setEnabled(true); isPAHReady = true; emit PAHEnabled(true); PAHWidgets->setToolTip(QString()); FOVDisabledLabel->hide(); } } else if (PAHWidgets->isEnabled()) { PAHWidgets->setEnabled(false); isPAHReady = false; emit PAHEnabled(false); PAHWidgets->setToolTip(i18n( "

Polar Alignment Helper tool requires the following:

1. German Equatorial Mount

2. FOV >" " 0.5 degrees

For small FOVs, use the Legacy Polar Alignment Tool.

")); FOVDisabledLabel->show(); } if (opsAstrometry->kcfg_AstrometryUseImageScale->isChecked()) { int unitType = opsAstrometry->kcfg_AstrometryImageScaleUnits->currentIndex(); // Degrees if (unitType == 0) { double fov_low = qMin(fov_x / 60, fov_y / 60); double fov_high = qMax(fov_x / 60, fov_y / 60); opsAstrometry->kcfg_AstrometryImageScaleLow->setValue(fov_low); opsAstrometry->kcfg_AstrometryImageScaleHigh->setValue(fov_high); Options::setAstrometryImageScaleLow(fov_low); Options::setAstrometryImageScaleHigh(fov_high); } // Arcmins else if (unitType == 1) { double fov_low = qMin(fov_x, fov_y); double fov_high = qMax(fov_x, fov_y); opsAstrometry->kcfg_AstrometryImageScaleLow->setValue(fov_low); opsAstrometry->kcfg_AstrometryImageScaleHigh->setValue(fov_high); Options::setAstrometryImageScaleLow(fov_low); Options::setAstrometryImageScaleHigh(fov_high); } // Arcsec per pixel else { opsAstrometry->kcfg_AstrometryImageScaleLow->setValue(fov_pixscale * 0.9); opsAstrometry->kcfg_AstrometryImageScaleHigh->setValue(fov_pixscale * 1.1); // 10% boundary Options::setAstrometryImageScaleLow(fov_pixscale * 0.9); Options::setAstrometryImageScaleHigh(fov_pixscale * 1.1); } } } QStringList Align::generateOptions(const QVariantMap &optionsMap) { // -O overwrite // -3 Expected RA // -4 Expected DEC // -5 Radius (deg) // -L lower scale of image in arcminutes // -H upper scale of image in arcmiutes // -u aw set scale to be in arcminutes // -W solution.wcs name of solution file // apog1.jpg name of target file to analyze //solve-field -O -3 06:40:51 -4 +09:49:53 -5 1 -L 40 -H 100 -u aw -W solution.wcs apod1.jpg QStringList solver_args; // Start with always-used arguments solver_args << "-O" << "--no-plots"; // Now go over boolean options // noverify if (optionsMap.contains("noverify")) solver_args << "--no-verify"; // noresort if (optionsMap.contains("resort")) solver_args << "--resort"; // fits2fits if (optionsMap.contains("nofits2fits")) solver_args << "--no-fits2fits"; // downsample if (optionsMap.contains("downsample")) solver_args << "--downsample" << QString::number(optionsMap.value("downsample", 2).toInt()); // image scale low if (optionsMap.contains("scaleL")) solver_args << "-L" << QString::number(optionsMap.value("scaleL").toDouble()); // image scale high if (optionsMap.contains("scaleH")) solver_args << "-H" << QString::number(optionsMap.value("scaleH").toDouble()); // image scale units if (optionsMap.contains("scaleUnits")) solver_args << "-u" << optionsMap.value("scaleUnits").toString(); // RA if (optionsMap.contains("ra")) solver_args << "-3" << QString::number(optionsMap.value("ra").toDouble()); // DE if (optionsMap.contains("de")) solver_args << "-4" << QString::number(optionsMap.value("de").toDouble()); // Radius if (optionsMap.contains("radius")) solver_args << "-5" << QString::number(optionsMap.value("radius").toDouble()); // Custom if (optionsMap.contains("custom")) solver_args << optionsMap.value("custom").toString(); return solver_args; } //This will generate the high and low scale of the imager field size based on the stated units. void Align::generateFOVBounds(double fov_h, double fov_v, QString &fov_low, QString &fov_high) { double fov_lower, fov_upper; // let's stretch the boundaries by 5% fov_lower = ((fov_h < fov_v) ? (fov_h * 0.95) : (fov_v * 0.95)); fov_upper = ((fov_h > fov_v) ? (fov_h * 1.05) : (fov_v * 1.05)); //No need to do anything if they are aw, since that is the default fov_low = QString::number(fov_lower); fov_high = QString::number(fov_upper); } void Align::generateArgs() { // -O overwrite // -3 Expected RA // -4 Expected DEC // -5 Radius (deg) // -L lower scale of image in arcminutes // -H upper scale of image in arcmiutes // -u aw set scale to be in arcminutes // -W solution.wcs name of solution file // apog1.jpg name of target file to analyze //solve-field -O -3 06:40:51 -4 +09:49:53 -5 1 -L 40 -H 100 -u aw -W solution.wcs apod1.jpg QVariantMap optionsMap; if (Options::astrometryUseNoVerify()) optionsMap["noverify"] = true; if (Options::astrometryUseResort()) optionsMap["resort"] = true; if (Options::astrometryUseNoFITS2FITS()) optionsMap["nofits2fits"] = true; if (Options::astrometryUseDownsample()) optionsMap["downsample"] = Options::astrometryDownsample(); if (Options::astrometryUseImageScale() && fov_x > 0 && fov_y > 0) { QString units = ImageScales[Options::astrometryImageScaleUnits()]; if (Options::astrometryAutoUpdateImageScale()) { QString fov_low, fov_high; double fov_w = fov_x; double fov_h = fov_y; if (units == "dw") { fov_w /= 60; fov_h /= 60; } else if (units == "app") { fov_w = fov_pixscale; fov_h = fov_pixscale; } generateFOVBounds(fov_w, fov_h, fov_low, fov_high); optionsMap["scaleL"] = fov_low; optionsMap["scaleH"] = fov_high; optionsMap["scaleUnits"] = units; } else { optionsMap["scaleL"] = Options::astrometryImageScaleLow(); optionsMap["scaleH"] = Options::astrometryImageScaleHigh(); optionsMap["scaleUnits"] = units; } } if (Options::astrometryUsePosition() && currentTelescope != nullptr) { double ra = 0, dec = 0; currentTelescope->getEqCoords(&ra, &dec); optionsMap["ra"] = ra * 15.0; optionsMap["de"] = dec; optionsMap["radius"] = Options::astrometryRadius(); } if (Options::astrometryCustomOptions().isEmpty() == false) optionsMap["custom"] = Options::astrometryCustomOptions(); QStringList solverArgs = generateOptions(optionsMap); QString options = solverArgs.join(" "); solverOptions->setText(options); solverOptions->setToolTip(options); } bool Align::captureAndSolve() { alignTimer.stop(); if (currentCCD == nullptr) return false; if (currentCCD->isConnected() == false) { appendLogText(i18n("Error: lost connection to CCD.")); KSNotification::event(QLatin1String("AlignFailed"), i18n("Astrometry alignment failed"), KSNotification::EVENT_ALERT); return false; } if (currentCCD->isBLOBEnabled() == false) { currentCCD->setBLOBEnabled(true); } // If CCD Telescope Type does not match desired scope type, change it // but remember current value so that it can be reset once capture is complete or is aborted. if (currentCCD->getTelescopeType() != FOVScopeCombo->currentIndex()) { rememberTelescopeType = currentCCD->getTelescopeType(); currentCCD->setTelescopeType(static_cast(FOVScopeCombo->currentIndex())); } if (parser->init() == false) return false; if (focal_length == -1 || aperture == -1) { KMessageBox::error( nullptr, i18n("Telescope aperture and focal length are missing. Please check your driver settings and try again.")); return false; } if (ccd_hor_pixel == -1 || ccd_ver_pixel == -1) { KMessageBox::error(nullptr, i18n("CCD pixel size is missing. Please check your driver settings and try again.")); return false; } if (currentFilter != nullptr) { if (currentFilter->isConnected() == false) { appendLogText(i18n("Error: lost connection to filter wheel.")); return false; } int targetPosition = FilterPosCombo->currentIndex() + 1; if (targetPosition > 0 && targetPosition != currentFilterPosition) { filterPositionPending = true; filterManager->setFilterPosition(targetPosition); state = ALIGN_PROGRESS; return true; } } if (currentCCD->getDriverInfo()->getClientManager()->getBLOBMode(currentCCD->getDeviceName(), "CCD1") == B_NEVER) { if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo( nullptr, i18n("Image transfer is disabled for this camera. Would you like to enable it?")) == KMessageBox::Yes) { currentCCD->getDriverInfo()->getClientManager()->setBLOBMode(B_ONLY, currentCCD->getDeviceName(), "CCD1"); currentCCD->getDriverInfo()->getClientManager()->setBLOBMode(B_ONLY, currentCCD->getDeviceName(), "CCD2"); } else { return false; } } double seqExpose = exposureIN->value(); ISD::CCDChip *targetChip = currentCCD->getChip(useGuideHead ? ISD::CCDChip::GUIDE_CCD : ISD::CCDChip::PRIMARY_CCD); if (focusState >= FOCUS_PROGRESS) { appendLogText(i18n("Cannot capture while focus module is busy. Retrying in 10 seconds...")); alignTimer.start(); return false; } if (targetChip->isCapturing()) { appendLogText(i18n("Cannot capture while CCD exposure is in progress. Retrying in 10 seconds...")); alignTimer.start(); return false; } alignView->setBaseSize(alignWidget->size()); connect(currentCCD, &ISD::CCD::BLOBUpdated, this, &Ekos::Align::newFITS); connect(currentCCD, &ISD::CCD::newExposureValue, this, &Ekos::Align::checkCCDExposureProgress); // In case of remote solver, check if we need to update active CCD if (solverTypeGroup->checkedId() == SOLVER_REMOTE && remoteParser.get() != nullptr) { // Update ACTIVE_CCD of the remote astrometry driver so it listens to BLOB emitted by the CCD ITextVectorProperty *activeDevices = remoteParserDevice->getBaseDevice()->getText("ACTIVE_DEVICES"); if (activeDevices) { IText *activeCCD = IUFindText(activeDevices, "ACTIVE_CCD"); if (QString(activeCCD->text) != CCDCaptureCombo->currentText()) { IUSaveText(activeCCD, CCDCaptureCombo->currentText().toLatin1().data()); remoteParserDevice->getDriverInfo()->getClientManager()->sendNewText(activeDevices); } } // Enable remote parse dynamic_cast(remoteParser.get())->setEnabled(true); QString options = solverOptions->text().simplified(); QStringList solverArgs = options.split(' '); dynamic_cast(remoteParser.get())->sendArgs(solverArgs); // If mount model was reset, we do not update targetCoord // since the RA/DE is now different immediately after the reset // so we still try to lock for the coordinates before the reset. if (solverIterations == 0 && mountModelReset == false) { double ra, dec; currentTelescope->getEqCoords(&ra, &dec); targetCoord.setRA(ra); targetCoord.setDec(dec); } mountModelReset = false; solverTimer.start(); } //else //{ if (currentCCD->getUploadMode() == ISD::CCD::UPLOAD_LOCAL) { rememberUploadMode = ISD::CCD::UPLOAD_LOCAL; currentCCD->setUploadMode(ISD::CCD::UPLOAD_CLIENT); } rememberCCDExposureLooping = currentCCD->isLooping(); if (rememberCCDExposureLooping) currentCCD->setExposureLoopingEnabled(false); // Remove temporary FITS files left before by the solver QDir dir(QDir::tempPath()); dir.setNameFilters(QStringList() << "fits*" << "tmp.*"); dir.setFilter(QDir::Files); for (auto &dirFile : dir.entryList()) dir.remove(dirFile); //} currentCCD->setTransformFormat(ISD::CCD::FORMAT_FITS); targetChip->resetFrame(); targetChip->setBatchMode(false); targetChip->setCaptureMode(FITS_ALIGN); targetChip->setFrameType(FRAME_LIGHT); int bin = Options::solverBinningIndex() + 1; targetChip->setBinning(bin, bin); // In case we're in refresh phase of the polar alignment helper then we use capture value from there if (pahStage == PAH_REFRESH) targetChip->capture(PAHExposure->value()); else targetChip->capture(seqExpose); Options::setAlignExposure(seqExpose); solveB->setEnabled(false); stopB->setEnabled(true); pi->startAnimation(); differentialSlewingActivated = false; state = ALIGN_PROGRESS; emit newStatus(state); // If we're just refreshing, then we're done if (pahStage == PAH_REFRESH) return true; appendLogText(i18n("Capturing image...")); //This block of code will create the row in the solution table and populate RA, DE, and object name. //It also starts the progress indicator. double ra, dec; currentTelescope->getEqCoords(&ra, &dec); if (loadSlewState == IPS_IDLE) { int currentRow = solutionTable->rowCount(); solutionTable->insertRow(currentRow); for (int i = 4; i < 6; i++) { QTableWidgetItem *disabledBox = new QTableWidgetItem(); disabledBox->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable); solutionTable->setItem(currentRow, i, disabledBox); } QTableWidgetItem *RAReport = new QTableWidgetItem(); RAReport->setText(ScopeRAOut->text()); RAReport->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); RAReport->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable); solutionTable->setItem(currentRow, 0, RAReport); QTableWidgetItem *DECReport = new QTableWidgetItem(); DECReport->setText(ScopeDecOut->text()); DECReport->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); DECReport->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable); solutionTable->setItem(currentRow, 1, DECReport); double maxrad = 1.0; SkyObject *so = KStarsData::Instance()->skyComposite()->objectNearest(new SkyPoint(dms(ra * 15), dms(dec)), maxrad); QString name; if (so) { name = so->longname(); } else { name = "None"; } QTableWidgetItem *ObjNameReport = new QTableWidgetItem(); ObjNameReport->setText(name); ObjNameReport->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); ObjNameReport->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable); solutionTable->setItem(currentRow, 2, ObjNameReport); #ifdef Q_OS_OSX repaint(); //This is a band-aid for a bug in QT 5.10.0 #endif QProgressIndicator *alignIndicator = new QProgressIndicator(this); solutionTable->setCellWidget(currentRow, 3, alignIndicator); alignIndicator->startAnimation(); #ifdef Q_OS_OSX repaint(); //This is a band-aid for a bug in QT 5.10.0 #endif } return true; } void Align::newFITS(IBLOB *bp) { // Ignore guide head if there is any. if (!strcmp(bp->name, "CCD2")) return; disconnect(currentCCD, &ISD::CCD::BLOBUpdated, this, &Ekos::Align::newFITS); disconnect(currentCCD, &ISD::CCD::newExposureValue, this, &Ekos::Align::checkCCDExposureProgress); blobType = *(static_cast(bp->aux1)); blobFileName = QString(static_cast(bp->aux2)); // If it's Refresh, we're done if (pahStage == PAH_REFRESH) { setCaptureComplete(); return; } appendLogText(i18n("Image received.")); if (solverTypeGroup->checkedId() != SOLVER_REMOTE) { if (blobType == ISD::CCD::BLOB_FITS) { ISD::CCDChip *targetChip = currentCCD->getChip(useGuideHead ? ISD::CCDChip::GUIDE_CCD : ISD::CCDChip::PRIMARY_CCD); if (alignDarkFrameCheck->isChecked()) { int x, y, w, h, binx = 1, biny = 1; targetChip->getFrame(&x, &y, &w, &h); targetChip->getBinning(&binx, &biny); uint16_t offsetX = x / binx; uint16_t offsetY = y / biny; FITSData *darkData = DarkLibrary::Instance()->getDarkFrame(targetChip, exposureIN->value()); connect(DarkLibrary::Instance(), &DarkLibrary::darkFrameCompleted, this, &Ekos::Align::setCaptureComplete); connect(DarkLibrary::Instance(), &DarkLibrary::newLog, this, &Ekos::Align::appendLogText); if (darkData) DarkLibrary::Instance()->subtract(darkData, alignView, FITS_NONE, offsetX, offsetY); else { bool rc = DarkLibrary::Instance()->captureAndSubtract(targetChip, alignView, exposureIN->value(), offsetX, offsetY); alignDarkFrameCheck->setChecked(rc); } return; } } setCaptureComplete(); } } void Align::setCaptureComplete() { DarkLibrary::Instance()->disconnect(this); if (pahStage == PAH_REFRESH) { newFrame(alignView); captureAndSolve(); return; } emit newImage(alignView); if (solverTypeGroup->checkedId() == SOLVER_ONLINE && Options::astrometryUseJPEG()) { ISD::CCDChip *targetChip = currentCCD->getChip(useGuideHead ? ISD::CCDChip::GUIDE_CCD : ISD::CCDChip::PRIMARY_CCD); if (targetChip) { QString jpegFile = blobFileName + ".jpg"; bool rc = alignView->getDisplayImage().save(jpegFile, "JPG"); if (rc) blobFileName = jpegFile; } } if (getSolverFOV()) getSolverFOV()->setImage(alignView->getDisplayImage()); startSolving(blobFileName); } void Align::setSolverAction(int mode) { gotoModeButtonGroup->button(mode)->setChecked(true); currentGotoMode = static_cast(mode); } void Align::startSolving(const QString &filename, bool isGenerated) { QStringList solverArgs; QString options = solverOptions->text().simplified(); if (isGenerated) { solverArgs = options.split(' '); // Replace RA and DE with LST & 90/-90 pole if (pahStage == PAH_FIRST_CAPTURE) { for (int i = 0; i < solverArgs.count(); i++) { // RA if (solverArgs[i] == "-3") solverArgs[i + 1] = QString::number(KStarsData::Instance()->lst()->Degrees()); // DE. +90 for Northern hemisphere. -90 for southern hemisphere else if (solverArgs[i] == "-4") solverArgs[i + 1] = QString::number(hemisphere == NORTH_HEMISPHERE ? 90 : -90); } } } else if (filename.endsWith(QLatin1String("fits")) || filename.endsWith(QLatin1String("fit"))) { solverArgs = getSolverOptionsFromFITS(filename); appendLogText(i18n("Using solver options: %1", solverArgs.join(' '))); } else { KGuiItem blindItem(i18n("Blind solver"), QString(), i18n("Blind solver takes a very long time to solve but can reliably solve any image any " "where in the sky given enough time.")); KGuiItem existingItem(i18n("Use existing settings"), QString(), i18n("Mount must be pointing close to the target location and current field of view must " "match the image's field of view.")); int rc = KMessageBox::questionYesNoCancel(nullptr, i18n("No metadata is available in this image. Do you want to use the " "blind solver or the existing solver settings?"), i18n("Astrometry solver"), blindItem, existingItem, KStandardGuiItem::cancel(), "blind_solver_or_existing_solver_option"); if (rc == KMessageBox::Yes) { QVariantMap optionsMap; if (Options::astrometryUseNoVerify()) optionsMap["noverify"] = true; if (Options::astrometryUseResort()) optionsMap["resort"] = true; if (Options::astrometryUseNoFITS2FITS()) optionsMap["nofits2fits"] = true; if (Options::astrometryUseDownsample()) optionsMap["downsample"] = Options::astrometryDownsample(); solverArgs = generateOptions(optionsMap); } else if (rc == KMessageBox::No) solverArgs = options.split(' '); else { abort(); return; } } if (solverIterations == 0 && mountModelReset == false) { double ra, dec; currentTelescope->getEqCoords(&ra, &dec); targetCoord.setRA(ra); targetCoord.setDec(dec); } mountModelReset = false; //Options::setSolverOptions(solverOptions->text()); //Options::setGuideScopeCCDs(guideScopeCCDs); Options::setSolverAccuracyThreshold(accuracySpin->value()); Options::setAlignDarkFrame(alignDarkFrameCheck->isChecked()); Options::setSolverGotoOption(currentGotoMode); //m_isSolverComplete = false; //m_isSolverSuccessful = false; if (fov_x > 0) parser->verifyIndexFiles(fov_x, fov_y); solverTimer.start(); alignTimer.start(); if (currentGotoMode == GOTO_SLEW) appendLogText(i18n("Solver iteration #%1", solverIterations + 1)); state = ALIGN_PROGRESS; emit newStatus(state); parser->startSovler(filename, solverArgs, isGenerated); } void Align::solverFinished(double orientation, double ra, double dec, double pixscale) { pi->stopAnimation(); stopB->setEnabled(false); solveB->setEnabled(true); sOrientation = orientation; sRA = ra; sDEC = dec; // Reset Telescope Type to remembered value if (rememberTelescopeType != ISD::CCD::TELESCOPE_UNKNOWN) { currentCCD->setTelescopeType(rememberTelescopeType); rememberTelescopeType = ISD::CCD::TELESCOPE_UNKNOWN; } alignTimer.stop(); if (solverTypeGroup->checkedId() == SOLVER_REMOTE && remoteParser.get() != nullptr) { // Disable remote parse dynamic_cast(remoteParser.get())->setEnabled(false); } int binx, biny; ISD::CCDChip *targetChip = currentCCD->getChip(useGuideHead ? ISD::CCDChip::GUIDE_CCD : ISD::CCDChip::PRIMARY_CCD); targetChip->getBinning(&binx, &biny); if (Options::alignmentLogging()) appendLogText(i18n("Solver RA (%1) DEC (%2) Orientation (%3) Pixel Scale (%4)", QString::number(ra, 'g', 5), QString::number(dec, 'g', 5), QString::number(orientation, 'g', 5), QString::number(pixscale, 'g', 5))); #if 0 if (pixscale > 0 && loadSlewState == IPS_IDLE) { double solver_focal_length = (206.264 * ccd_hor_pixel) / pixscale * binx; if (fabs(focal_length - solver_focal_length) > 1) appendLogText(i18n("Current focal length is %1 mm while computed focal length from the solver is %2 mm. " "Please update the mount focal length to obtain accurate results.", QString::number(focal_length, 'g', 5), QString::number(solver_focal_length, 'g', 5))); } #endif if (fov_x == 0 && pixscale > 0) { double newFOVW = ccd_width * pixscale / binx / 60.0; double newFOVH = ccd_height * pixscale / biny / 60.0; saveNewEffectiveFOV(newFOVW, newFOVH); } alignCoord.setRA0(ra / 15.0); alignCoord.setDec0(dec); RotOut->setText(QString::number(orientation, 'g', 5)); // Convert to JNow alignCoord.apparentCoord(static_cast(J2000), KStars::Instance()->data()->ut().djd()); // Get horizontal coords alignCoord.EquatorialToHorizontal(KStarsData::Instance()->lst(), KStarsData::Instance()->geo()->lat()); // double raDiff = (alignCoord.ra().Degrees() - targetCoord.ra().Degrees()) * 3600; // double deDiff = (alignCoord.dec().Degrees() - targetCoord.dec().Degrees()) * 3600; double raDiff = (alignCoord.ra().deltaAngle(targetCoord.ra())).Degrees() * 3600; double deDiff = (alignCoord.dec().deltaAngle(targetCoord.dec())).Degrees() * 3600; dms RADiff(fabs(raDiff) / 3600.0), DEDiff(deDiff / 3600.0); dRAOut->setText(QString("%1%2").arg((raDiff > 0 ? "+" : "-"), RADiff.toHMSString())); dDEOut->setText(DEDiff.toDMSString(true)); pixScaleOut->setText(QString::number(pixscale, 'f', 2)); //emit newSolutionDeviation(raDiff, deDiff); targetDiff = sqrt(raDiff * raDiff + deDiff * deDiff); // Because astrometry reads image upside-down (bottom to top), the orientation is rotated 180 degrees when compared to PA // PA = Orientation + 180 double solverPA = orientation + 180; // Limit PA to -180 to +180 if (solverPA > 180) solverPA -= 360; if (solverPA < -180) solverPA += 360; solverFOV->setCenter(alignCoord); solverFOV->setPA(solverPA); solverFOV->setImageDisplay(Options::astrometrySolverOverlay()); sensorFOV->setPA(solverPA); QString ra_dms, dec_dms; getFormattedCoords(alignCoord.ra().Hours(), alignCoord.dec().Degrees(), ra_dms, dec_dms); SolverRAOut->setText(ra_dms); SolverDecOut->setText(dec_dms); //This block of code will write the result into the solution table and plot it on the graph. int currentRow = solutionTable->rowCount() - 1; if (loadSlewState == IPS_IDLE) { QTableWidgetItem *dRAReport = new QTableWidgetItem(); if (dRAReport) { dRAReport->setText(QString::number(raDiff, 'f', 3) + "\""); dRAReport->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); dRAReport->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable); solutionTable->setItem(currentRow, 4, dRAReport); } QTableWidgetItem *dDECReport = new QTableWidgetItem(); if (dDECReport) { dDECReport->setText(QString::number(deDiff, 'f', 3) + "\""); dDECReport->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); dDECReport->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable); solutionTable->setItem(currentRow, 5, dDECReport); } double raPlot = raDiff; double decPlot = deDiff; alignPlot->graph(0)->addData(raPlot, decPlot); QCPItemText *textLabel = new QCPItemText(alignPlot); textLabel->setPositionAlignment(Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignHCenter); textLabel->position->setType(QCPItemPosition::ptPlotCoords); textLabel->position->setCoords(raPlot, decPlot); textLabel->setColor(Qt::red); textLabel->setPadding(QMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)); textLabel->setBrush(Qt::white); //textLabel->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); textLabel->setPen(Qt::NoPen); textLabel->setText(' ' + QString::number(solutionTable->rowCount()) + ' '); textLabel->setFont(QFont(font().family(), 8)); if (!alignPlot->xAxis->range().contains(raDiff)) { alignPlot->graph(0)->rescaleKeyAxis(true); alignPlot->yAxis->setScaleRatio(alignPlot->xAxis, 1.0); } if (!alignPlot->yAxis->range().contains(deDiff)) { alignPlot->graph(0)->rescaleValueAxis(true); alignPlot->xAxis->setScaleRatio(alignPlot->yAxis, 1.0); } alignPlot->replot(); } if (Options::astrometrySolverWCS()) { INumberVectorProperty *ccdRotation = currentCCD->getBaseDevice()->getNumber("CCD_ROTATION"); if (ccdRotation) { INumber *rotation = IUFindNumber(ccdRotation, "CCD_ROTATION_VALUE"); if (rotation) { ClientManager *clientManager = currentCCD->getDriverInfo()->getClientManager(); rotation->value = orientation; clientManager->sendNewNumber(ccdRotation); if (m_wcsSynced == false) { appendLogText( i18n("WCS information updated. Images captured from this point forward shall have valid WCS.")); // Just send telescope info in case the CCD driver did not pick up before. INumberVectorProperty *telescopeInfo = currentTelescope->getBaseDevice()->getNumber("TELESCOPE_INFO"); if (telescopeInfo) clientManager->sendNewNumber(telescopeInfo); m_wcsSynced = true; } } } } retries = 0; appendLogText(i18n("Solution coordinates: RA (%1) DEC (%2) Telescope Coordinates: RA (%3) DEC (%4)", alignCoord.ra().toHMSString(), alignCoord.dec().toDMSString(), telescopeCoord.ra().toHMSString(), telescopeCoord.dec().toDMSString())); if (loadSlewState == IPS_IDLE && currentGotoMode == GOTO_SLEW) { dms diffDeg(targetDiff / 3600.0); appendLogText(i18n("Target is within %1 degrees of solution coordinates.", diffDeg.toDMSString())); } if (rememberUploadMode != currentCCD->getUploadMode()) currentCCD->setUploadMode(rememberUploadMode); if (rememberCCDExposureLooping) currentCCD->setExposureLoopingEnabled(true); //if (syncR->isChecked() || nothingR->isChecked() || targetDiff <= accuracySpin->value()) // CONTINUE HERE //This block of code along with some sections in the switch below will set the status report in the solution table for this item. std::unique_ptr statusReport(new QTableWidgetItem()); if (loadSlewState == IPS_IDLE) { solutionTable->setCellWidget(currentRow, 3, new QWidget()); statusReport->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable); } // Update Rotator offsets if (currentRotator != nullptr) { // When Load&Slew image is solved, we check if we need to rotate the rotator to match the position angle of the image if (loadSlewState == IPS_BUSY && Options::astrometryUseRotator()) { loadSlewTargetPA = solverPA; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << "loaSlewTargetPA:" << loadSlewTargetPA; } else { INumberVectorProperty *absAngle = currentRotator->getBaseDevice()->getNumber("ABS_ROTATOR_ANGLE"); if (absAngle) { // PA = RawAngle * Multiplier + Offset currentRotatorPA = solverPA; double rawAngle = absAngle->np[0].value; double offset = solverPA - (rawAngle * Options::pAMultiplier()); qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << "Raw Rotator Angle:" << rawAngle << "Rotator PA:" << currentRotatorPA << "Rotator Offset:" << offset; Options::setPAOffset(offset); } if (absAngle && std::isnan(loadSlewTargetPA) == false && fabs(currentRotatorPA - loadSlewTargetPA) * 60 > Options::astrometryRotatorThreshold()) { double rawAngle = (loadSlewTargetPA - Options::pAOffset()) / Options::pAMultiplier(); if (rawAngle < 0) rawAngle += 360; else if (rawAngle > 360) rawAngle -= 360; absAngle->np[0].value = rawAngle; ClientManager *clientManager = currentRotator->getDriverInfo()->getClientManager(); clientManager->sendNewNumber(absAngle); appendLogText(i18n("Setting position angle to %1 degrees E of N...", loadSlewTargetPA)); return; } } } emit newSolverResults(orientation, ra, dec, pixscale); QJsonObject solution = { {"ra", SolverRAOut->text()}, {"de", SolverDecOut->text()}, {"dRA", dRAOut->text()}, {"dDE", dDEOut->text()}, {"pix", pixscale}, {"rot", orientation}, {"fov", FOVOut->text()}, }; emit newSolution(solution); switch (currentGotoMode) { case GOTO_SYNC: executeGOTO(); if (loadSlewState == IPS_IDLE) { statusReport->setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/AlignSuccess.svg")); solutionTable->setItem(currentRow, 3, statusReport.release()); } return; case GOTO_SLEW: if (loadSlewState == IPS_BUSY || targetDiff > static_cast(accuracySpin->value())) { if (loadSlewState == IPS_IDLE && ++solverIterations == MAXIMUM_SOLVER_ITERATIONS) { appendLogText(i18n("Maximum number of iterations reached. Solver failed.")); if (loadSlewState == IPS_IDLE) { statusReport->setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/AlignFailure.svg")); solutionTable->setItem(currentRow, 3, statusReport.release()); } solverFailed(); if (mountModelRunning) finishAlignmentPoint(false); return; } targetAccuracyNotMet = true; if (loadSlewState == IPS_IDLE) { statusReport->setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/AlignWarning.svg")); solutionTable->setItem(currentRow, 3, statusReport.release()); } executeGOTO(); return; } if (loadSlewState == IPS_IDLE) { statusReport->setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/AlignSuccess.svg")); solutionTable->setItem(currentRow, 3, statusReport.release()); } appendLogText(i18n("Target is within acceptable range. Astrometric solver is successful.")); if (mountModelRunning) { finishAlignmentPoint(true); if (mountModelRunning) return; } break; case GOTO_NOTHING: if (loadSlewState == IPS_IDLE) { statusReport->setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/AlignSuccess.svg")); solutionTable->setItem(currentRow, 3, statusReport.release()); } if (mountModelRunning) { finishAlignmentPoint(true); if (mountModelRunning) return; } break; } KSNotification::event(QLatin1String("AlignSuccessful"), i18n("Astrometry alignment completed successfully")); state = ALIGN_COMPLETE; emit newStatus(state); solverIterations = 0; if (pahStage != PAH_IDLE) processPAHStage(orientation, ra, dec, pixscale); else if (azStage > AZ_INIT || altStage > ALT_INIT) executePolarAlign(); else { solveB->setEnabled(true); loadSlewB->setEnabled(true); } } void Align::solverFailed() { KSNotification::event(QLatin1String("AlignFailed"), i18n("Astrometry alignment failed with errors"),KSNotification::EVENT_ALERT); pi->stopAnimation(); stopB->setEnabled(false); solveB->setEnabled(true); alignTimer.stop(); azStage = AZ_INIT; altStage = ALT_INIT; //loadSlewMode = false; loadSlewState = IPS_IDLE; solverIterations = 0; retries = 0; //emit solverComplete(false); state = ALIGN_FAILED; emit newStatus(state); int currentRow = solutionTable->rowCount() - 1; solutionTable->setCellWidget(currentRow, 3, new QWidget()); QTableWidgetItem *statusReport = new QTableWidgetItem(); statusReport->setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/AlignFailure.svg")); statusReport->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable); solutionTable->setItem(currentRow, 3, statusReport); } void Align::abort() { parser->stopSolver(); pi->stopAnimation(); stopB->setEnabled(false); solveB->setEnabled(true); loadSlewB->setEnabled(true); // Reset Telescope Type to remembered value if (rememberTelescopeType != ISD::CCD::TELESCOPE_UNKNOWN) { currentCCD->setTelescopeType(rememberTelescopeType); rememberTelescopeType = ISD::CCD::TELESCOPE_UNKNOWN; } azStage = AZ_INIT; altStage = ALT_INIT; //loadSlewMode = false; loadSlewState = IPS_IDLE; solverIterations = 0; retries = 0; alignTimer.stop(); //currentCCD->disconnect(this); disconnect(currentCCD, &ISD::CCD::BLOBUpdated, this, &Ekos::Align::newFITS); disconnect(currentCCD, &ISD::CCD::newExposureValue, this, &Ekos::Align::checkCCDExposureProgress); if (rememberUploadMode != currentCCD->getUploadMode()) currentCCD->setUploadMode(rememberUploadMode); if (rememberCCDExposureLooping) currentCCD->setExposureLoopingEnabled(true); ISD::CCDChip *targetChip = currentCCD->getChip(useGuideHead ? ISD::CCDChip::GUIDE_CCD : ISD::CCDChip::PRIMARY_CCD); // If capture is still in progress, let's stop that. if (pahStage == PAH_REFRESH) { if (targetChip->isCapturing()) targetChip->abortExposure(); appendLogText(i18n("Refresh is complete.")); } else { if (targetChip->isCapturing()) { targetChip->abortExposure(); appendLogText(i18n("Capture aborted.")); } else { int elapsed = static_cast(round(solverTimer.elapsed() / 1000.0)); appendLogText(i18np("Solver aborted after %1 second.", "Solver aborted after %1 seconds", elapsed)); } } state = ALIGN_ABORTED; emit newStatus(state); int currentRow = solutionTable->rowCount() - 1; solutionTable->setCellWidget(currentRow, 3, new QWidget()); QTableWidgetItem *statusReport = new QTableWidgetItem(); statusReport->setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/AlignFailure.svg")); statusReport->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable); solutionTable->setItem(currentRow, 3, statusReport); } QList Align::getSolutionResult() { QList result; result << sOrientation << sRA << sDEC; return result; } void Align::appendLogText(const QString &text) { m_LogText.insert(0, i18nc("log entry; %1 is the date, %2 is the text", "%1 %2", QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss"), text)); qCInfo(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << text; emit newLog(text); } void Align::clearLog() { m_LogText.clear(); emit newLog(QString()); } void Align::processSwitch(ISwitchVectorProperty *svp) { if (!strcmp(svp->name, "DOME_MOTION")) { // If dome is not ready and state is now if (domeReady == false && svp->s == IPS_OK) { domeReady = true; // trigger process number for mount so that it proceeds with normal workflow since // it was stopped by dome not being ready INumberVectorProperty *nvp = nullptr; if (currentTelescope->isJ2000()) nvp = currentTelescope->getBaseDevice()->getNumber("EQUATORIAL_COORD"); else nvp = currentTelescope->getBaseDevice()->getNumber("EQUATORIAL_EOD_COORD"); if (nvp) processNumber(nvp); } } } void Align::processNumber(INumberVectorProperty *nvp) { if (!strcmp(nvp->name, "EQUATORIAL_EOD_COORD") || !strcmp(nvp->name, "EQUATORIAL_COORD")) { QString ra_dms, dec_dms; if (!strcmp(nvp->name, "EQUATORIAL_COORD")) { telescopeCoord.setRA0(nvp->np[0].value); telescopeCoord.setDec0(nvp->np[1].value); // Get JNow as well telescopeCoord.apparentCoord(static_cast(J2000), KStars::Instance()->data()->ut().djd()); } else { telescopeCoord.setRA(nvp->np[0].value); telescopeCoord.setDec(nvp->np[1].value); } getFormattedCoords(telescopeCoord.ra().Hours(), telescopeCoord.dec().Degrees(), ra_dms, dec_dms); telescopeCoord.EquatorialToHorizontal(KStarsData::Instance()->lst(), KStarsData::Instance()->geo()->lat()); ScopeRAOut->setText(ra_dms); ScopeDecOut->setText(dec_dms); switch (nvp->s) { case IPS_OK: { // Update the boxes as the mount just finished slewing if (isSlewDirty && Options::astrometryAutoUpdatePosition()) { opsAstrometry->estRA->setText(ra_dms); opsAstrometry->estDec->setText(dec_dms); Options::setAstrometryPositionRA(nvp->np[0].value * 15); Options::setAstrometryPositionDE(nvp->np[1].value); generateArgs(); } // If dome is syncing, wait until it stops if (currentDome && currentDome->isMoving()) { domeReady = false; return; } if (isSlewDirty && pahStage == PAH_FIND_CP) { isSlewDirty = false; appendLogText(i18n("Mount completed slewing near celestial pole. Capture again to verify.")); setSolverAction(GOTO_NOTHING); pahStage = PAH_FIRST_CAPTURE; emit newPAHStage(pahStage); return; } if (isSlewDirty && pahStage == PAH_FIRST_ROTATE) { isSlewDirty = false; appendLogText(i18n("Mount first rotation is complete.")); pahStage = PAH_SECOND_CAPTURE; emit newPAHStage(pahStage); PAHWidgets->setCurrentWidget(PAHSecondCapturePage); emit newPAHMessage(secondCaptureText->text()); captureAndSolve(); } else if (isSlewDirty && pahStage == PAH_SECOND_ROTATE) { isSlewDirty = false; appendLogText(i18n("Mount second rotation is complete.")); pahStage = PAH_THIRD_CAPTURE; emit newPAHStage(pahStage); PAHWidgets->setCurrentWidget(PAHThirdCapturePage); emit newPAHMessage(thirdCaptureText->text()); captureAndSolve(); } switch (state) { case ALIGN_PROGRESS: break; case ALIGN_SYNCING: { isSlewDirty = false; if (currentGotoMode == GOTO_SLEW) { Slew(); return; } else { appendLogText(i18n("Mount is synced to solution coordinates. Astrometric solver is successful.")); KSNotification::event(QLatin1String("AlignSuccessful"), i18n("Astrometry alignment completed successfully")); state = ALIGN_COMPLETE; emit newStatus(state); solverIterations = 0; if (mountModelRunning) finishAlignmentPoint(true); } } break; case ALIGN_SLEWING: if (isSlewDirty == false) break; isSlewDirty = false; if (loadSlewState == IPS_BUSY) { loadSlewState = IPS_IDLE; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << "loadSlewState is IDLE."; state = ALIGN_PROGRESS; emit newStatus(state); + if (delaySpin->value() >= DELAY_THRESHOLD_NOTIFY) + appendLogText(i18n("Settling...")); QTimer::singleShot(delaySpin->value(), this, &Ekos::Align::captureAndSolve); return; } else if (differentialSlewingActivated) { appendLogText(i18n("Differential slewing complete. Astrometric solver is successful.")); KSNotification::event(QLatin1String("AlignSuccessful"), i18n("Astrometry alignment completed successfully")); state = ALIGN_COMPLETE; emit newStatus(state); solverIterations = 0; if (mountModelRunning) finishAlignmentPoint(true); } else if (currentGotoMode == GOTO_SLEW || mountModelRunning) { if (targetAccuracyNotMet) appendLogText(i18n("Slew complete. Target accuracy is not met, running solver again...")); else appendLogText(i18n("Slew complete. Solving Alignment Point. . .")); targetAccuracyNotMet = false; state = ALIGN_PROGRESS; emit newStatus(state); + if (delaySpin->value() >= DELAY_THRESHOLD_NOTIFY) + appendLogText(i18n("Settling...")); QTimer::singleShot(delaySpin->value(), this, &Ekos::Align::captureAndSolve); return; } break; default: { isSlewDirty = false; } break; } } break; case IPS_BUSY: { isSlewDirty = true; } break; case IPS_ALERT: { if (state == ALIGN_SYNCING || state == ALIGN_SLEWING) { if (state == ALIGN_SYNCING) appendLogText(i18n("Syncing failed.")); else appendLogText(i18n("Slewing failed.")); if (++retries == 3) { abort(); return; } else { if (currentGotoMode == GOTO_SLEW) Slew(); else Sync(); } } return; } break; default: break; } /*if (Options::alignmentLogging()) qDebug() << "State is " << Ekos::getAlignStatusString(state) << " isSlewing? " << currentTelescope->isSlewing() << " slew Dirty? " << slew_dirty << " Current GOTO Mode? " << currentGotoMode << " LoadSlewState? " << pstateStr(loadSlewState);*/ switch (azStage) { case AZ_SYNCING: if (currentTelescope->isSlewing()) azStage = AZ_SLEWING; break; case AZ_SLEWING: if (currentTelescope->isSlewing() == false) { azStage = AZ_SECOND_TARGET; measureAzError(); } break; case AZ_CORRECTING: if (currentTelescope->isSlewing() == false) { appendLogText(i18n( "Slew complete. Please adjust azimuth knob until the target is in the center of the view.")); azStage = AZ_INIT; } break; default: break; } switch (altStage) { case ALT_SYNCING: if (currentTelescope->isSlewing()) altStage = ALT_SLEWING; break; case ALT_SLEWING: if (currentTelescope->isSlewing() == false) { altStage = ALT_SECOND_TARGET; measureAltError(); } break; case ALT_CORRECTING: if (currentTelescope->isSlewing() == false) { appendLogText(i18n( "Slew complete. Please adjust altitude knob until the target is in the center of the view.")); altStage = ALT_INIT; } break; default: break; } } else if (!strcmp(nvp->name, "ABS_ROTATOR_ANGLE")) { // PA = RawAngle * Multiplier + Offset currentRotatorPA = (nvp->np[0].value * Options::pAMultiplier()) + Options::pAOffset(); if (currentRotatorPA > 180) currentRotatorPA -= 360; if (currentRotatorPA < -180) currentRotatorPA += 360; if (std::isnan(loadSlewTargetPA) == false && fabs(currentRotatorPA - loadSlewTargetPA)*60 <= Options::astrometryRotatorThreshold()) { appendLogText(i18n("Rotator reached target position angle.")); targetAccuracyNotMet = true; loadSlewTargetPA = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); QTimer::singleShot(Options::settlingTime(), this, &Ekos::Align::executeGOTO); } } // N.B. Ekos::Manager already mananges TELESCOPE_INFO, why here again? //if (!strcmp(coord->name, "TELESCOPE_INFO")) //syncTelescopeInfo(); } void Align::executeGOTO() { if (loadSlewState == IPS_BUSY) { //if (loadSlewIterations == loadSlewIterationsSpin->value()) //loadSlewCoord = alignCoord; //targetCoord = loadSlewCoord; targetCoord = alignCoord; SlewToTarget(); } else if (currentGotoMode == GOTO_SYNC) Sync(); else if (currentGotoMode == GOTO_SLEW) SlewToTarget(); } void Align::Sync() { state = ALIGN_SYNCING; if (currentTelescope->Sync(&alignCoord)) { emit newStatus(state); appendLogText( i18n("Syncing to RA (%1) DEC (%2)", alignCoord.ra().toHMSString(), alignCoord.dec().toDMSString())); } else { state = ALIGN_IDLE; emit newStatus(state); appendLogText(i18n("Syncing failed.")); } } void Align::Slew() { state = ALIGN_SLEWING; emit newStatus(state); isSlewDirty = currentTelescope->Slew(&targetCoord); appendLogText(i18n("Slewing to target coordinates: RA (%1) DEC (%2).", targetCoord.ra().toHMSString(), targetCoord.dec().toDMSString())); } void Align::SlewToTarget() { if (canSync && loadSlewState == IPS_IDLE) { // 2018-01-24 JM: This is ugly. Maybe use DBus? Signal/Slots? Ekos Manager usage like this should be avoided if (KStars::Instance()->ekosManager() && !KStars::Instance()->ekosManager()->getCurrentJobName().isEmpty()) { KSNotification::event(QLatin1String("EkosSchedulerTelescopeSynced"), i18n("Ekos job (%1) - Telescope synced", KStars::Instance()->ekosManager()->getCurrentJobName())); } // Do we perform a regular sync or use differential slewing? if (Options::astrometryDifferentialSlewing()) { dms raDiff = alignCoord.ra().deltaAngle(targetCoord.ra()); dms deDiff = alignCoord.dec().deltaAngle(targetCoord.dec()); targetCoord.setRA(targetCoord.ra()-raDiff); targetCoord.setDec(targetCoord.dec()-deDiff); differentialSlewingActivated = true; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << "Using differential slewing..."; Slew(); } else Sync(); return; } Slew(); } void Align::executePolarAlign() { appendLogText(i18n("Processing solution for polar alignment...")); switch (azStage) { case AZ_FIRST_TARGET: case AZ_FINISHED: measureAzError(); break; default: break; } switch (altStage) { case ALT_FIRST_TARGET: case ALT_FINISHED: measureAltError(); break; default: break; } } void Align::measureAzError() { static double initRA = 0, initDEC = 0, finalRA = 0, finalDEC = 0, initAz = 0; if (pahStage != PAH_IDLE && (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(KStars::Instance(), i18n("Polar Alignment Helper is still active. Do you want to continue " "using legacy polar alignment tool?")) != KMessageBox::Continue)) return; pahStage = PAH_IDLE; emit newPAHStage(pahStage); qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << "Polar Measureing Azimuth Error..."; switch (azStage) { case AZ_INIT: // Display message box confirming user point scope near meridian and south if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( nullptr, hemisphere == NORTH_HEMISPHERE ? i18n("Point the telescope at the southern meridian. Press Continue when ready.") : i18n("Point the telescope at the northern meridian. Press Continue when ready."), i18n("Polar Alignment Measurement"), KStandardGuiItem::cont(), KStandardGuiItem::cancel(), "ekos_measure_az_error") != KMessageBox::Continue) return; appendLogText(i18n("Solving first frame near the meridian.")); azStage = AZ_FIRST_TARGET; captureAndSolve(); break; case AZ_FIRST_TARGET: // start solving there, find RA/DEC initRA = alignCoord.ra().Degrees(); initDEC = alignCoord.dec().Degrees(); initAz = alignCoord.az().Degrees(); qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << "Polar initRA " << alignCoord.ra().toHMSString() << " initDEC " << alignCoord.dec().toDMSString() << " initlAz " << alignCoord.az().toDMSString() << " initAlt " << alignCoord.alt().toDMSString(); // Now move 30 arcminutes in RA if (canSync) { azStage = AZ_SYNCING; currentTelescope->Sync(initRA / 15.0, initDEC); currentTelescope->Slew((initRA - RAMotion) / 15.0, initDEC); } // If telescope doesn't sync, we slew relative to its current coordinates else { azStage = AZ_SLEWING; currentTelescope->Slew(telescopeCoord.ra().Hours() - RAMotion / 15.0, telescopeCoord.dec().Degrees()); } appendLogText(i18n("Slewing 30 arcminutes in RA...")); break; case AZ_SECOND_TARGET: // We reached second target now // Let now solver for RA/DEC appendLogText(i18n("Solving second frame near the meridian.")); azStage = AZ_FINISHED; captureAndSolve(); break; case AZ_FINISHED: // Measure deviation in DEC // Call function to report error // set stage to AZ_FIRST_TARGET again appendLogText(i18n("Calculating azimuth alignment error...")); finalRA = alignCoord.ra().Degrees(); finalDEC = alignCoord.dec().Degrees(); qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << "Polar finalRA " << alignCoord.ra().toHMSString() << " finalDEC " << alignCoord.dec().toDMSString() << " finalAz " << alignCoord.az().toDMSString() << " finalAlt " << alignCoord.alt().toDMSString(); // Slew back to original position if (canSync) currentTelescope->Slew(initRA / 15.0, initDEC); else { currentTelescope->Slew(telescopeCoord.ra().Hours() + RAMotion / 15.0, telescopeCoord.dec().Degrees()); } appendLogText(i18n("Slewing back to original position...")); calculatePolarError(initRA, initDEC, finalRA, finalDEC, initAz); azStage = AZ_INIT; break; default: break; } } void Align::measureAltError() { static double initRA = 0, initDEC = 0, finalRA = 0, finalDEC = 0, initAz = 0; if (pahStage != PAH_IDLE && (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(KStars::Instance(), i18n("Polar Alignment Helper is still active. Do you want to continue " "using legacy polar alignment tool?")) != KMessageBox::Continue)) return; pahStage = PAH_IDLE; emit newPAHStage(pahStage); qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << "Polar Measureing Altitude Error..."; switch (altStage) { case ALT_INIT: // Display message box confirming user point scope near meridian and south if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(nullptr, i18n("Point the telescope to the eastern or western horizon with a " "minimum altitude of 20 degrees. Press continue when ready."), i18n("Polar Alignment Measurement"), KStandardGuiItem::cont(), KStandardGuiItem::cancel(), "ekos_measure_alt_error") != KMessageBox::Continue) return; appendLogText(i18n("Solving first frame.")); altStage = ALT_FIRST_TARGET; captureAndSolve(); break; case ALT_FIRST_TARGET: // start solving there, find RA/DEC initRA = alignCoord.ra().Degrees(); initDEC = alignCoord.dec().Degrees(); initAz = alignCoord.az().Degrees(); qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << "Polar initRA " << alignCoord.ra().toHMSString() << " initDEC " << alignCoord.dec().toDMSString() << " initlAz " << alignCoord.az().toDMSString() << " initAlt " << alignCoord.alt().toDMSString(); // Now move 30 arcminutes in RA if (canSync) { altStage = ALT_SYNCING; currentTelescope->Sync(initRA / 15.0, initDEC); currentTelescope->Slew((initRA - RAMotion) / 15.0, initDEC); } // If telescope doesn't sync, we slew relative to its current coordinates else { altStage = ALT_SLEWING; currentTelescope->Slew(telescopeCoord.ra().Hours() - RAMotion / 15.0, telescopeCoord.dec().Degrees()); } appendLogText(i18n("Slewing 30 arcminutes in RA...")); break; case ALT_SECOND_TARGET: // We reached second target now // Let now solver for RA/DEC appendLogText(i18n("Solving second frame.")); altStage = ALT_FINISHED; captureAndSolve(); break; case ALT_FINISHED: // Measure deviation in DEC // Call function to report error appendLogText(i18n("Calculating altitude alignment error...")); finalRA = alignCoord.ra().Degrees(); finalDEC = alignCoord.dec().Degrees(); qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << "Polar finalRA " << alignCoord.ra().toHMSString() << " finalDEC " << alignCoord.dec().toDMSString() << " finalAz " << alignCoord.az().toDMSString() << " finalAlt " << alignCoord.alt().toDMSString(); // Slew back to original position if (canSync) currentTelescope->Slew(initRA / 15.0, initDEC); // If telescope doesn't sync, we slew relative to its current coordinates else { currentTelescope->Slew(telescopeCoord.ra().Hours() + RAMotion / 15.0, telescopeCoord.dec().Degrees()); } appendLogText(i18n("Slewing back to original position...")); calculatePolarError(initRA, initDEC, finalRA, finalDEC, initAz); altStage = ALT_INIT; break; default: break; } } void Align::calculatePolarError(double initRA, double initDEC, double finalRA, double finalDEC, double initAz) { double raMotion = finalRA - initRA; decDeviation = finalDEC - initDEC; // East/West of meridian int horizon = (initAz > 0 && initAz <= 180) ? 0 : 1; // How much time passed siderrally form initRA to finalRA? //double RATime = fabs(raMotion / SIDRATE) / 60.0; // 2016-03-30: Diff in RA is sufficient for time difference // raMotion in degrees. RATime in minutes. double RATime = fabs(raMotion) * 60.0; // Equation by Frank Berret (Measuring Polar Axis Alignment Error, page 4) // In degrees double deviation = (3.81 * (decDeviation * 3600)) / (RATime * cos(initDEC * dms::DegToRad)) / 60.0; dms devDMS(fabs(deviation)); KLocalizedString deviationDirection; switch (hemisphere) { // Northern hemisphere case NORTH_HEMISPHERE: if (azStage == AZ_FINISHED) { if (decDeviation > 0) deviationDirection = ki18n("%1 too far east"); else deviationDirection = ki18n("%1 too far west"); } else if (altStage == ALT_FINISHED) { switch (horizon) { // East case 0: if (decDeviation > 0) deviationDirection = ki18n("%1 too far high"); else deviationDirection = ki18n("%1 too far low"); break; // West case 1: if (decDeviation > 0) deviationDirection = ki18n("%1 too far low"); else deviationDirection = ki18n("%1 too far high"); break; default: break; } } break; // Southern hemisphere case SOUTH_HEMISPHERE: if (azStage == AZ_FINISHED) { if (decDeviation > 0) deviationDirection = ki18n("%1 too far west"); else deviationDirection = ki18n("%1 too far east"); } else if (altStage == ALT_FINISHED) { switch (horizon) { // East case 0: if (decDeviation > 0) deviationDirection = ki18n("%1 too far low"); else deviationDirection = ki18n("%1 too far high"); break; // West case 1: if (decDeviation > 0) deviationDirection = ki18n("%1 too far high"); else deviationDirection = ki18n("%1 too far low"); break; default: break; } } break; default: break; } qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << "Polar Hemisphere is " << ((hemisphere == NORTH_HEMISPHERE) ? "North" : "South") << " --- initAz " << initAz; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << "Polar initRA " << initRA << " initDEC " << initDEC << " finalRA " << finalRA << " finalDEC " << finalDEC; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << "Polar decDeviation " << decDeviation * 3600 << " arcsec " << " RATime " << RATime << " minutes"; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << "Polar Raw Deviation " << deviation << " degrees."; if (azStage == AZ_FINISHED) { azError->setText(deviationDirection.subs(QString("%1").arg(devDMS.toDMSString())).toString()); //azError->setText(deviationDirection.subs(QString("%1")azDMS.toDMSString()); azDeviation = deviation * (decDeviation > 0 ? 1 : -1); qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << "Polar Azimuth Deviation " << azDeviation << " degrees."; correctAzB->setEnabled(true); } if (altStage == ALT_FINISHED) { //altError->setText(deviationDirection.subs(QString("%1").arg(fabs(deviation), 0, 'g', 3)).toString()); altError->setText(deviationDirection.subs(QString("%1").arg(devDMS.toDMSString())).toString()); altDeviation = deviation * (decDeviation > 0 ? 1 : -1); qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << "Polar Altitude Deviation " << altDeviation << " degrees."; correctAltB->setEnabled(true); } } void Align::correctAltError() { double newRA, newDEC; SkyPoint currentCoord(telescopeCoord); dms targetLat; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << "Polar Correcting Altitude Error..."; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << "Polar Current Mount RA " << currentCoord.ra().toHMSString() << " DEC " << currentCoord.dec().toDMSString() << "Az " << currentCoord.az().toDMSString() << " Alt " << currentCoord.alt().toDMSString(); // An error in polar alignment altitude reflects a deviation in the latitude of the mount from actual latitude of the site // Calculating the latitude accounting for the altitude deviation. This is the latitude at which the altitude deviation should be zero. targetLat.setD(KStars::Instance()->data()->geo()->lat()->Degrees() + altDeviation); // Calculate the Az/Alt of the mount if it were located at the corrected latitude currentCoord.EquatorialToHorizontal(KStars::Instance()->data()->lst(), &targetLat); // Convert corrected Az/Alt to RA/DEC given the local sideral time and current (not corrected) latitude currentCoord.HorizontalToEquatorial(KStars::Instance()->data()->lst(), KStars::Instance()->data()->geo()->lat()); // New RA/DEC should reflect the position in the sky at which the polar alignment altitude error is minimal. newRA = currentCoord.ra().Hours(); newDEC = currentCoord.dec().Degrees(); altStage = ALT_CORRECTING; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << "Polar Target Latitude = Latitude " << KStars::Instance()->data()->geo()->lat()->Degrees() << " + Altitude Deviation " << altDeviation << " = " << targetLat.Degrees(); qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << "Polar Slewing to calibration position..."; currentTelescope->Slew(newRA, newDEC); appendLogText(i18n("Slewing to calibration position, please wait until telescope completes slewing.")); } void Align::correctAzError() { double newRA, newDEC, currentAlt, currentAz; SkyPoint currentCoord(telescopeCoord); qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << "Polar Correcting Azimuth Error..."; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << "Polar Current Mount RA " << currentCoord.ra().toHMSString() << " DEC " << currentCoord.dec().toDMSString() << "Az " << currentCoord.az().toDMSString() << " Alt " << currentCoord.alt().toDMSString(); qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << "Polar Target Azimuth = Current Azimuth " << currentCoord.az().Degrees() << " + Azimuth Deviation " << azDeviation << " = " << currentCoord.az().Degrees() + azDeviation; // Get current horizontal coordinates of the mount currentCoord.EquatorialToHorizontal(KStars::Instance()->data()->lst(), KStars::Instance()->data()->geo()->lat()); // Keep Altitude as it is and change Azimuth to account for the azimuth deviation // The new sky position should be where the polar alignment azimuth error is minimal currentAlt = currentCoord.alt().Degrees(); currentAz = currentCoord.az().Degrees() + azDeviation; // Update current Alt and Azimuth to new values currentCoord.setAlt(currentAlt); currentCoord.setAz(currentAz); // Convert Alt/Az back to equatorial coordinates currentCoord.HorizontalToEquatorial(KStars::Instance()->data()->lst(), KStars::Instance()->data()->geo()->lat()); // Get new RA and DEC newRA = currentCoord.ra().Hours(); newDEC = currentCoord.dec().Degrees(); azStage = AZ_CORRECTING; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << "Polar Slewing to calibration position..."; currentTelescope->Slew(newRA, newDEC); appendLogText(i18n("Slewing to calibration position, please wait until telescope completes slewing.")); } void Align::getFormattedCoords(double ra, double dec, QString &ra_str, QString &dec_str) { dms ra_s, dec_s; ra_s.setH(ra); dec_s.setD(dec); ra_str = QString("%1:%2:%3") .arg(ra_s.hour(), 2, 10, QChar('0')) .arg(ra_s.minute(), 2, 10, QChar('0')) .arg(ra_s.second(), 2, 10, QChar('0')); if (dec_s.Degrees() < 0) dec_str = QString("-%1:%2:%3") .arg(abs(dec_s.degree()), 2, 10, QChar('0')) .arg(abs(dec_s.arcmin()), 2, 10, QChar('0')) .arg(dec_s.arcsec(), 2, 10, QChar('0')); else dec_str = QString("%1:%2:%3") .arg(dec_s.degree(), 2, 10, QChar('0')) .arg(dec_s.arcmin(), 2, 10, QChar('0')) .arg(dec_s.arcsec(), 2, 10, QChar('0')); } bool Align::loadAndSlew(QString fileURL) { /*if (solverTypeGroup->checkedId() == SOLVER_REMOTE) { appendLogText(i18n("Load and Slew is not supported in remote solver mode.")); loadSlewB->setEnabled(false); return; }*/ if (fileURL.isEmpty()) fileURL = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(KStars::Instance(), i18n("Load Image"), dirPath, "Images (*.fits *.fit *.jpg *.jpeg)"); if (fileURL.isEmpty()) return false; QFileInfo fileInfo(fileURL); dirPath = fileInfo.absolutePath(); differentialSlewingActivated = false; loadSlewState = IPS_BUSY; stopPAHProcess(); slewR->setChecked(true); currentGotoMode = GOTO_SLEW; solveB->setEnabled(false); stopB->setEnabled(true); pi->startAnimation(); startSolving(fileURL, false); return true; } void Align::setExposure(double value) { exposureIN->setValue(value); } void Align::setBinningIndex(int binIndex) { syncSettings(); Options::setSolverBinningIndex(binIndex); // If sender is not our combo box, then we need to update the combobox itself if (dynamic_cast(sender()) != binningCombo) { binningCombo->blockSignals(true); binningCombo->setCurrentIndex(binIndex); binningCombo->blockSignals(false); } // Need to calculate FOV and args for APP if (Options::astrometryImageScaleUnits() == OpsAstrometry::SCALE_ARCSECPERPIX) { calculateFOV(); generateArgs(); } } void Align::setSolverArguments(const QString &value) { solverOptions->setText(value); } QString Align::solverArguments() { return solverOptions->text(); } void Align::setFOVTelescopeType(int index) { FOVScopeCombo->setCurrentIndex(index); } FOV *Align::getSolverFOV() { if (sOrientation == -1) return nullptr; else return solverFOV.get(); } void Align::addFilter(ISD::GDInterface *newFilter) { foreach (ISD::GDInterface *filter, Filters) { if (!strcmp(filter->getDeviceName(), newFilter->getDeviceName())) return; } FilterCaptureLabel->setEnabled(true); FilterDevicesCombo->setEnabled(true); FilterPosLabel->setEnabled(true); FilterPosCombo->setEnabled(true); FilterDevicesCombo->addItem(newFilter->getDeviceName()); Filters.append(static_cast(newFilter)); checkFilter(1); FilterDevicesCombo->setCurrentIndex(1); } bool Align::setFilterWheel(const QString &device) { bool deviceFound = false; for (int i = 1; i < FilterDevicesCombo->count(); i++) if (device == FilterDevicesCombo->itemText(i)) { checkFilter(i); deviceFound = true; break; } if (deviceFound == false) return false; return true; } QString Align::filterWheel() { if (FilterDevicesCombo->currentIndex() >= 1) return FilterDevicesCombo->currentText(); return QString(); } bool Align::setFilter(const QString &filter) { if (FilterDevicesCombo->currentIndex() >= 1) { FilterPosCombo->setCurrentText(filter); return true; } return false; } QString Align::filter() { return FilterPosCombo->currentText(); } void Align::checkFilter(int filterNum) { if (filterNum == -1) { filterNum = FilterDevicesCombo->currentIndex(); if (filterNum == -1) return; } // "--" is no filter if (filterNum == 0) { currentFilter = nullptr; currentFilterPosition=-1; FilterPosCombo->clear(); return; } if (filterNum <= Filters.count()) currentFilter = Filters.at(filterNum-1); FilterPosCombo->clear(); FilterPosCombo->addItems(filterManager->getFilterLabels()); currentFilterPosition = filterManager->getFilterPosition(); FilterPosCombo->setCurrentIndex(Options::lockAlignFilterIndex()); syncSettings(); } void Align::setWCSEnabled(bool enable) { if (currentCCD == nullptr) return; ISwitchVectorProperty *wcsControl = currentCCD->getBaseDevice()->getSwitch("WCS_CONTROL"); ISwitch *wcs_enable = IUFindSwitch(wcsControl, "WCS_ENABLE"); ISwitch *wcs_disable = IUFindSwitch(wcsControl, "WCS_DISABLE"); if (!wcs_enable || !wcs_disable) return; if ((wcs_enable->s == ISS_ON && enable) || (wcs_disable->s == ISS_ON && !enable)) return; IUResetSwitch(wcsControl); if (enable) { appendLogText(i18n("World Coordinate System (WCS) is enabled. CCD rotation must be set either manually in the " "CCD driver or by solving an image before proceeding to capture any further images, " "otherwise the WCS information may be invalid.")); wcs_enable->s = ISS_ON; } else { wcs_disable->s = ISS_ON; m_wcsSynced = false; appendLogText(i18n("World Coordinate System (WCS) is disabled.")); } ClientManager *clientManager = currentCCD->getDriverInfo()->getClientManager(); clientManager->sendNewSwitch(wcsControl); } void Align::checkCCDExposureProgress(ISD::CCDChip *targetChip, double remaining, IPState state) { INDI_UNUSED(targetChip); INDI_UNUSED(remaining); if (state == IPS_ALERT) { if (++retries == 3 && pahStage != PAH_REFRESH) { appendLogText(i18n("Capture error. Aborting...")); abort(); return; } appendLogText(i18n("Restarting capture attempt #%1", retries)); int currentRow = solutionTable->rowCount() - 1; solutionTable->setCellWidget(currentRow, 3, new QWidget()); QTableWidgetItem *statusReport = new QTableWidgetItem(); statusReport->setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/AlignFailure.svg")); statusReport->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable); solutionTable->setItem(currentRow, 3, statusReport); captureAndSolve(); } } void Align::setFocusStatus(Ekos::FocusState state) { focusState = state; } QStringList Align::getSolverOptionsFromFITS(const QString &filename) { int status = 0, fits_ccd_width, fits_ccd_height, fits_binx = 1, fits_biny = 1; char comment[128], error_status[512]; fitsfile *fptr = nullptr; double ra = 0, dec = 0, fits_fov_x, fits_fov_y, fov_lower, fov_upper, fits_ccd_hor_pixel = -1, fits_ccd_ver_pixel = -1, fits_focal_length = -1; QString fov_low, fov_high; QStringList solver_args; QVariantMap optionsMap; if (Options::astrometryUseNoVerify()) optionsMap["noverify"] = true; if (Options::astrometryUseResort()) optionsMap["resort"] = true; if (Options::astrometryUseNoFITS2FITS()) optionsMap["nofits2fits"] = true; if (Options::astrometryUseDownsample()) optionsMap["downsample"] = Options::astrometryDownsample(); if (Options::astrometryCustomOptions().isEmpty() == false) optionsMap["custom"] = Options::astrometryCustomOptions(); solver_args = generateOptions(optionsMap); status = 0; #if 0 if (fits_open_image(&fptr, filename.toLatin1(), READONLY, &status)) { fits_report_error(stderr, status); fits_get_errstatus(status, error_status); qCritical(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << "Could not open file " << filename << " Error: " << QString::fromUtf8(error_status); return solver_args; } #endif // Use open diskfile as it does not use extended file names which has problems opening // files with [ ] or ( ) in their names. if (fits_open_diskfile(&fptr, filename.toLatin1(), READONLY, &status)) { fits_report_error(stderr, status); fits_get_errstatus(status, error_status); qCCritical(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << QString::fromUtf8(error_status); return solver_args; } status = 0; if (fits_movabs_hdu(fptr, 1, IMAGE_HDU, &status)) { fits_report_error(stderr, status); fits_get_errstatus(status, error_status); qCCritical(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << QString::fromUtf8(error_status); return solver_args; } status = 0; if (fits_read_key(fptr, TINT, "NAXIS1", &fits_ccd_width, comment, &status)) { fits_report_error(stderr, status); fits_get_errstatus(status, error_status); appendLogText(i18n("FITS header: cannot find NAXIS1.")); return solver_args; } status = 0; if (fits_read_key(fptr, TINT, "NAXIS2", &fits_ccd_height, comment, &status)) { fits_report_error(stderr, status); fits_get_errstatus(status, error_status); appendLogText(i18n("FITS header: cannot find NAXIS2.")); return solver_args; } bool coord_ok = true; status = 0; char objectra_str[32]; if (fits_read_key(fptr, TSTRING, "OBJCTRA", objectra_str, comment, &status)) { if (fits_read_key(fptr, TDOUBLE, "RA", &ra, comment, &status)) { fits_report_error(stderr, status); fits_get_errstatus(status, error_status); coord_ok = false; appendLogText(i18n("FITS header: cannot find OBJCTRA (%1).", QString(error_status))); } else // Degrees to hours ra /= 15; } else { dms raDMS = dms::fromString(objectra_str, false); ra = raDMS.Hours(); } status = 0; char objectde_str[32]; if (coord_ok && fits_read_key(fptr, TSTRING, "OBJCTDEC", objectde_str, comment, &status)) { if (fits_read_key(fptr, TDOUBLE, "DEC", &dec, comment, &status)) { fits_report_error(stderr, status); fits_get_errstatus(status, error_status); coord_ok = false; appendLogText(i18n("FITS header: cannot find OBJCTDEC (%1).", QString(error_status))); } } else { dms deDMS = dms::fromString(objectde_str, true); dec = deDMS.Degrees(); } /*if (coord_ok == false) { ra = telescopeCoord.ra0().Hours(); dec = telescopeCoord.dec0().Degrees(); }*/ if (coord_ok && Options::astrometryUsePosition()) solver_args << "-3" << QString::number(ra * 15.0) << "-4" << QString::number(dec) << "-5 15"; status = 0; double pixelScale=0; // If we have pixel scale in arcsecs per pixel then lets use that directly // instead of calculating it from FOCAL length and other information if (fits_read_key(fptr, TDOUBLE, "SCALE", &pixelScale, comment, &status) == 0) { fov_low = QString::number(0.9 * pixelScale); fov_high = QString::number(1.1 * pixelScale); if (Options::astrometryUseImageScale()) solver_args << "-L" << fov_low << "-H" << fov_high << "-u" << "app"; return solver_args; } if (fits_read_key(fptr, TDOUBLE, "FOCALLEN", &fits_focal_length, comment, &status)) { int integer_focal_length = -1; if (fits_read_key(fptr, TINT, "FOCALLEN", &integer_focal_length, comment, &status)) { fits_report_error(stderr, status); fits_get_errstatus(status, error_status); appendLogText(i18n("FITS header: cannot find FOCALLEN (%1).", QString(error_status))); return solver_args; } else fits_focal_length = integer_focal_length; } status = 0; if (fits_read_key(fptr, TDOUBLE, "PIXSIZE1", &fits_ccd_hor_pixel, comment, &status)) { fits_report_error(stderr, status); fits_get_errstatus(status, error_status); appendLogText(i18n("FITS header: cannot find PIXSIZE1 (%1).", QString(error_status))); return solver_args; } status = 0; if (fits_read_key(fptr, TDOUBLE, "PIXSIZE2", &fits_ccd_ver_pixel, comment, &status)) { fits_report_error(stderr, status); fits_get_errstatus(status, error_status); appendLogText(i18n("FITS header: cannot find PIXSIZE2 (%1).", QString(error_status))); return solver_args; } status = 0; fits_read_key(fptr, TINT, "XBINNING", &fits_binx, comment, &status); status = 0; fits_read_key(fptr, TINT, "YBINNING", &fits_biny, comment, &status); // Calculate FOV fits_fov_x = 206264.8062470963552 * fits_ccd_width * fits_ccd_hor_pixel / 1000.0 / fits_focal_length * fits_binx; fits_fov_y = 206264.8062470963552 * fits_ccd_height * fits_ccd_ver_pixel / 1000.0 / fits_focal_length * fits_biny; fits_fov_x /= 60.0; fits_fov_y /= 60.0; // let's stretch the boundaries by 10% fov_lower = qMin(fits_fov_x, fits_fov_y); fov_upper = qMax(fits_fov_x, fits_fov_y); fov_lower *= 0.90; fov_upper *= 1.10; fov_low = QString::number(fov_lower); fov_high = QString::number(fov_upper); if (Options::astrometryUseImageScale()) solver_args << "-L" << fov_low << "-H" << fov_high << "-u" << "aw"; return solver_args; } void Align::saveSettleTime() { Options::setSettlingTime(delaySpin->value()); } void Align::setCaptureStatus(CaptureState newState) { switch (newState) { case CAPTURE_ALIGNING: if (currentTelescope && currentTelescope->hasAlignmentModel() && Options::resetMountModelAfterMeridian()) { mountModelReset = currentTelescope->clearAlignmentModel(); qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << "Post meridian flip mount model reset" << (mountModelReset ? "successful." : "failed."); } QTimer::singleShot(Options::settlingTime(), this, &Ekos::Align::captureAndSolve); break; default: break; } } void Align::showFITSViewer() { FITSData *data = alignView->getImageData(); if (data) { QUrl url = QUrl::fromLocalFile(data->filename()); if (fv.isNull()) { if (Options::singleWindowCapturedFITS()) fv = KStars::Instance()->genericFITSViewer(); else { fv = new FITSViewer(Options::independentWindowFITS() ? nullptr : KStars::Instance()); KStars::Instance()->addFITSViewer(fv); } fv->addFITS(url); FITSView *currentView = fv->getCurrentView(); if (currentView) currentView->getImageData()->setAutoRemoveTemporaryFITS(false); } else fv->updateFITS(url, 0); fv->show(); } } void Align::toggleAlignWidgetFullScreen() { if (alignWidget->parent() == nullptr) { alignWidget->setParent(this); rightLayout->insertWidget(0, alignWidget); //rightLayout->setStretch(0, 2); // rightLayout->setStretch(1, 1); alignWidget->showNormal(); } else { alignWidget->setParent(nullptr); alignWidget->setWindowTitle(i18n("Align Frame")); alignWidget->setWindowFlags(Qt::Window | Qt::WindowTitleHint | Qt::CustomizeWindowHint); alignWidget->showMaximized(); alignWidget->show(); } } void Align::startPAHProcess() { qCInfo(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << "Starting Polar Alignment Assistant process..."; pahStage = PAH_FIRST_CAPTURE; emit newPAHStage(pahStage); nothingR->setChecked(true); currentGotoMode = GOTO_NOTHING; loadSlewB->setEnabled(false); rememberSolverWCS = Options::astrometrySolverWCS(); rememberAutoWCS = Options::autoWCS(); Options::setAutoWCS(false); Options::setAstrometrySolverWCS(true); if (Options::limitedResourcesMode()) appendLogText(i18n("Warning: Equatorial Grid Lines will not be drawn due to limited resources mode.")); if (currentTelescope->hasAlignmentModel()) { appendLogText(i18n("Clearing mount Alignment Model...")); mountModelReset = currentTelescope->clearAlignmentModel(); } // Set tracking ON if not already if (currentTelescope->canControlTrack() && currentTelescope->isTracking() == false) currentTelescope->setTrackEnabled(true); PAHStartB->setEnabled(false); PAHStopB->setEnabled(true); PAHWidgets->setCurrentWidget(PAHFirstCapturePage); emit newPAHMessage(firstCaptureText->text()); captureAndSolve(); } void Align::stopPAHProcess() { if (pahStage == PAH_IDLE) return; qCInfo(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << "Stopping Polar Alignment Assistant process..."; // Only display dialog if user explicitly restarts if ((static_cast(sender()) == PAHStopB) && KMessageBox::questionYesNo(KStars::Instance(), i18n("Are you sure you want to stop the polar alignment process?"), i18n("Polar Alignment Assistant"), KStandardGuiItem::yes(), KStandardGuiItem::no(), "restart_PAA_process_dialog") == KMessageBox::No) return; stopB->click(); if (currentTelescope && currentTelescope->isInMotion()) currentTelescope->Abort(); pahStage = PAH_IDLE; emit newPAHStage(pahStage); PAHStartB->setEnabled(true); PAHStopB->setEnabled(false); PAHRefreshB->setEnabled(true); PAHWidgets->setCurrentWidget(PAHIntroPage); emit newPAHMessage(introText->text()); qDeleteAll(pahImageInfos); pahImageInfos.clear(); correctionVector = QLineF(); correctionOffset = QPointF(); alignView->setCorrectionParams(correctionVector); alignView->setCorrectionOffset(correctionOffset); alignView->setRACircle(QVector3D()); alignView->setRefreshEnabled(false); emit newFrame(alignView); disconnect(alignView, &AlignView::trackingStarSelected, this, &Ekos::Align::setPAHCorrectionOffset); disconnect(alignView, &AlignView::newCorrectionVector, this, &Ekos::Align::newCorrectionVector); state = ALIGN_IDLE; emit newStatus(state); } void Align::rotatePAH() { double raDiff = PAHRotationSpin->value(); bool westMeridian = PAHDirectionCombo->currentIndex() == 0; // West if (westMeridian) raDiff *= -1; // East else raDiff *= 1; // JM 2018-05-03: Hemispheres shouldn't affect rotation direction in RA #if 0 // North if (hemisphere == NORTH_HEMISPHERE) { // West if (westMeridian) raDiff *= -1; // East else raDiff *= 1; } // South else { // West if (westMeridian) raDiff *= 1; // East else raDiff *= -1; } #endif SkyPoint targetPAH; // raDiff is in degrees dms newTelescopeRA = (telescopeCoord.ra() + dms(raDiff)).reduce(); targetPAH.setRA(newTelescopeRA); targetPAH.setDec(telescopeCoord.dec()); // Convert to JNow //targetPAH.apparentCoord((long double) J2000, KStars::Instance()->data()->ut().djd()); // Get horizontal coords //targetPAH.EquatorialToHorizontal(KStarsData::Instance()->lst(), KStarsData::Instance()->geo()->lat()); currentTelescope->Slew(&targetPAH); appendLogText(i18n("Please wait until mount completes rotating to RA (%1) DE (%2)", targetPAH.ra().toHMSString(), targetPAH.dec().toDMSString())); } void Align::calculatePAHError() { QVector3D RACircle; bool rc = findRACircle(RACircle); if (rc == false) { appendLogText(i18n("Failed to find a solution. Try again.")); stopPAHProcess(); return; } if (alignView->isEQGridShown() == false) alignView->toggleEQGrid(); alignView->setRACircle(RACircle); FITSData *imageData = alignView->getImageData(); QPointF RACenterPoint(RACircle.x(), RACircle.y()); SkyPoint RACenter; rc = imageData->pixelToWCS(RACenterPoint, RACenter); if (rc == false) { appendLogText(i18n("Failed to find RA Axis center: %1.", imageData->getLastError())); return; } SkyPoint CP(0, (hemisphere == NORTH_HEMISPHERE) ? 90 : -90); RACenter.setRA(RACenter.ra0()); RACenter.setDec(RACenter.dec0()); double PA=0; dms polarError = RACenter.angularDistanceTo(&CP, &PA); if (Options::alignmentLogging()) { qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << "RA Axis Circle X: " << RACircle.x() << " Y: " << RACircle.y() << " Radius: " << RACircle.z(); qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << "RA Axis Location RA: " << RACenter.ra0().toHMSString() << "DE: " << RACenter.dec0().toDMSString(); qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << "RA Axis Offset: " << polarError.toDMSString() << "PA:" << PA; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << "CP Axis Location X:" << celestialPolePoint.x() << "Y:" << celestialPolePoint.y(); } RACenter.EquatorialToHorizontal(KStarsData::Instance()->lst(), KStarsData::Instance()->geo()->lat()); QString azDirection = RACenter.az().Degrees() < 30 ? "Right" : "Left"; QString atDirection = RACenter.alt().Degrees() < KStarsData::Instance()->geo()->lat()->Degrees() ? "Bottom" : "Top"; // FIXME should this be reversed for southern hemisphere? appendLogText(i18n("Mount axis is to the %1 %2 of the celestial pole", atDirection, azDirection)); PAHErrorLabel->setText(polarError.toDMSString()); correctionVector.setP1(celestialPolePoint); correctionVector.setP2(RACenterPoint); /* bool RAAxisInside = imageData->contains(RACenterPoint); bool CPPointInside= imageData->contains(celestialPolePoint); if (RAAxisInside == false && CPPointInside == false) appendLogText(i18n("Warning: Mount axis and celestial pole are outside the field of view. Correction vector may be inaccurate.")); */ connect(alignView, &AlignView::trackingStarSelected, this, &Ekos::Align::setPAHCorrectionOffset); emit polarResultUpdated(correctionVector, polarError.toDMSString()); connect(alignView, &AlignView::newCorrectionVector, this, &Ekos::Align::newCorrectionVector, Qt::UniqueConnection); emit newCorrectionVector(correctionVector); alignView->setCorrectionParams(correctionVector); emit newFrame(alignView); } void Align::setPAHCorrectionOffsetPercentage(double dx, double dy) { double x = dx * alignView->zoomedWidth() * (alignView->getCurrentZoom() / 100); double y = dy * alignView->zoomedHeight() * (alignView->getCurrentZoom() / 100); setPAHCorrectionOffset(static_cast(round(x)), static_cast(round(y))); } void Align::setPAHCorrectionOffset(int x, int y) { correctionOffset.setX(x); correctionOffset.setY(y); alignView->setCorrectionOffset(correctionOffset); emit newFrame(alignView); } void Align::setPAHCorrectionSelectionComplete() { pahStage = PAH_PRE_REFRESH; emit newPAHStage(pahStage); // If user stops here, we restore the settings, if not we // disable again in the refresh process // and restore when refresh is complete Options::setAstrometrySolverWCS(rememberSolverWCS); Options::setAutoWCS(rememberAutoWCS); PAHWidgets->setCurrentWidget(PAHRefreshPage); emit newPAHMessage(refreshText->text()); } void Align::startPAHRefreshProcess() { qCInfo(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << "Starting Polar Alignment Assistant refreshing..."; pahStage = PAH_REFRESH; emit newPAHStage(pahStage); PAHRefreshB->setEnabled(false); // Hide EQ Grids if shown if (alignView->isEQGridShown()) alignView->toggleEQGrid(); alignView->setRefreshEnabled(true); Options::setAstrometrySolverWCS(false); Options::setAutoWCS(false); // We for refresh, just capture really captureAndSolve(); } void Align::setPAHRefreshComplete() { abort(); Options::setAstrometrySolverWCS(rememberSolverWCS); Options::setAutoWCS(rememberAutoWCS); stopPAHProcess(); } void Align::processPAHStage(double orientation, double ra, double dec, double pixscale) { // Create temporary file to hold all WCS data // QTemporaryFile tmpFile(QDir::tempPath() + "/fitswcsXXXXXX"); // tmpFile.setAutoRemove(false); // tmpFile.open(); // QString newWCSFile = tmpFile.fileName(); // tmpFile.close(); QString newWCSFile = QDir::tempPath() + QString("/fitswcs%1").arg(QUuid::createUuid().toString().remove(QRegularExpression("[-{}]"))); //alignView->setLoadWCSEnabled(true); if (pahStage == PAH_FIND_CP) { setSolverAction(GOTO_NOTHING); appendLogText( i18n("Mount is synced to celestial pole. You can now continue Polar Alignment Assistant procedure.")); pahStage = PAH_FIRST_CAPTURE; emit newPAHStage(pahStage); return; } if (pahStage == PAH_FIRST_CAPTURE) { // Set First PAH Center PAHImageInfo *solution = new PAHImageInfo(); solution->skyCenter.setRA0(alignCoord.ra0()); solution->skyCenter.setDec0(alignCoord.dec0()); solution->orientation = orientation; solution->pixelScale = pixscale; pahImageInfos.append(solution); // Only invoke this if limited resource mode is false since we want to use CPU heavy WCS if (Options::limitedResourcesMode() == false) { appendLogText(i18n("Please wait while WCS data is processed...")); connect(alignView, &AlignView::wcsToggled, this, &Ekos::Align::setWCSToggled, Qt::UniqueConnection); alignView->createWCSFile(newWCSFile, orientation, ra, dec, pixscale); return; } pahStage = PAH_FIRST_ROTATE; emit newPAHStage(pahStage); PAHWidgets->setCurrentWidget(PAHFirstRotatePage); emit newPAHMessage(firstRotateText->text()); - rotatePAH(); + if (delaySpin->value() >= DELAY_THRESHOLD_NOTIFY) + appendLogText(i18n("Settling...")); + QTimer::singleShot(delaySpin->value(), this, &Ekos::Align::rotatePAH); } else if (pahStage == PAH_SECOND_CAPTURE) { // Second capture WCS is not important. Since it consumes quite a bit of resources, skip it #if 0 if (Options::limitedResourcesMode() == false) { rc = alignView->createWCSFile(newWCSFile, orientation, ra, dec, pixscale); if (rc == false) { appendLogText(i18n("Error creating WCS file: %1", alignView->getImageData()->getLastError())); // Not critical error //return; } } #endif // Set 2nd PAH Center PAHImageInfo *solution = new PAHImageInfo(); solution->skyCenter.setRA0(alignCoord.ra0()); solution->skyCenter.setDec0(alignCoord.dec0()); solution->orientation = orientation; solution->pixelScale = pixscale; pahImageInfos.append(solution); pahStage = PAH_SECOND_ROTATE; emit newPAHStage(pahStage); PAHWidgets->setCurrentWidget(PAHSecondRotatePage); emit newPAHMessage(secondRotateText->text()); - rotatePAH(); + if (delaySpin->value() >= DELAY_THRESHOLD_NOTIFY) + appendLogText(i18n("Settling...")); + QTimer::singleShot(delaySpin->value(), this, &Ekos::Align::rotatePAH); } else if (pahStage == PAH_THIRD_CAPTURE) { // Set Third PAH Center PAHImageInfo *solution = new PAHImageInfo(); solution->skyCenter.setRA0(alignCoord.ra0()); solution->skyCenter.setDec0(alignCoord.dec0()); solution->orientation = orientation; solution->pixelScale = pixscale; pahImageInfos.append(solution); appendLogText(i18n("Please wait while WCS data is processed...")); connect(alignView, &AlignView::wcsToggled, this, &Ekos::Align::setWCSToggled, Qt::UniqueConnection); alignView->createWCSFile(newWCSFile, orientation, ra, dec, pixscale); return; } } void Align::setWCSToggled(bool result) { appendLogText(i18n("WCS data processing is complete.")); //alignView->disconnect(this); disconnect(alignView, &AlignView::wcsToggled, this, &Ekos::Align::setWCSToggled); if (pahStage == PAH_FIRST_CAPTURE) { // We need WCS to be synced first if (result == false && m_wcsSynced == true) { appendLogText(i18n("WCS info is now valid. Capturing next frame...")); pahImageInfos.clear(); captureAndSolve(); return; } // Not critical error /* if (result == false) { appendLogText( i18n("Warning: failed to load WCS data in file: %1", alignView->getImageData()->getLastError())); pahStage = PAH_FIRST_ROTATE; PAHWidgets->setCurrentWidget(PAHFirstRotatePage); return; }*/ // Find Celestial pole location SkyPoint CP(0, (hemisphere == NORTH_HEMISPHERE) ? 90 : -90); FITSData *imageData = alignView->getImageData(); QPointF pixelPoint, imagePoint; bool rc = imageData->wcsToPixel(CP, pixelPoint, imagePoint); // TODO check if pixelPoint is located TOO far from the current position as well // i.e. if X > Width * 2..etc if (rc == false) { appendLogText(i18n("Failed to process World Coordinate System: %1. Try again.", imageData->getLastError())); return; } // If celestial pole out of range, ask the user if they want to move to it if (pixelPoint.x() < (-1 * imageData->width()) || pixelPoint.x() > (imageData->width() * 2) || pixelPoint.y() < (-1 * imageData->height()) || pixelPoint.y() > (imageData->height() * 2)) { if (currentTelescope->canSync() && KMessageBox::questionYesNo( nullptr, i18n("Celestial pole is located outside of the field of view. Would you like to sync and slew " "the telescope to the celestial pole? WARNING: Slewing near poles may cause your mount to " "end up in unsafe position. Proceed with caution.")) == KMessageBox::Yes) { pahStage = PAH_FIND_CP; emit newPAHStage(pahStage); targetCoord.setRA(KStarsData::Instance()->lst()->Hours()); targetCoord.setDec(CP.dec().Degrees() > 0 ? 89.5 : -89.5); qDeleteAll(pahImageInfos); pahImageInfos.clear(); setSolverAction(GOTO_SLEW); Sync(); return; } else appendLogText(i18n("Warning: Celestial pole is located outside the field of view. Move the mount closer to the celestial pole.")); } pahStage = PAH_FIRST_ROTATE; emit newPAHStage(pahStage); PAHWidgets->setCurrentWidget(PAHFirstRotatePage); emit newPAHMessage(firstRotateText->text()); - rotatePAH(); + if (delaySpin->value() >= DELAY_THRESHOLD_NOTIFY) + appendLogText(i18n("Settling...")); + QTimer::singleShot(delaySpin->value(), this, &Ekos::Align::rotatePAH); } else if (pahStage == PAH_THIRD_CAPTURE) { FITSData *imageData = alignView->getImageData(); // Critical error if (result == false) { appendLogText(i18n("Failed to process World Coordinate System: %1. Try again.", imageData->getLastError())); return; } // Find Celestial pole location SkyPoint CP(0, (hemisphere == NORTH_HEMISPHERE) ? 90 : -90); QPointF imagePoint; imageData->wcsToPixel(CP, celestialPolePoint, imagePoint); // Now find pixel locations for all recorded center coordinates in the 3rd frame reference imageData->wcsToPixel(pahImageInfos[0]->skyCenter, pahImageInfos[0]->pixelCenter, imagePoint); imageData->wcsToPixel(pahImageInfos[1]->skyCenter, pahImageInfos[1]->pixelCenter, imagePoint); imageData->wcsToPixel(pahImageInfos[2]->skyCenter, pahImageInfos[2]->pixelCenter, imagePoint); qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << "P1 RA: " << pahImageInfos[0]->skyCenter.ra0().toHMSString() << "DE: " << pahImageInfos[0]->skyCenter.dec0().toDMSString(); qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << "P2 RA: " << pahImageInfos[1]->skyCenter.ra0().toHMSString() << "DE: " << pahImageInfos[1]->skyCenter.dec0().toDMSString(); qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << "P3 RA: " << pahImageInfos[2]->skyCenter.ra0().toHMSString() << "DE: " << pahImageInfos[2]->skyCenter.dec0().toDMSString(); qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << "P1 X: " << pahImageInfos[0]->pixelCenter.x() << "Y: " << pahImageInfos[0]->pixelCenter.y(); qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << "P2 X: " << pahImageInfos[1]->pixelCenter.x() << "Y: " << pahImageInfos[1]->pixelCenter.y(); qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_ALIGN) << "P3 X: " << pahImageInfos[2]->pixelCenter.x() << "Y: " << pahImageInfos[2]->pixelCenter.y(); // We have 3 points which uniquely defines a circle with its center representing the RA Axis // We have celestial pole location. So correction vector is just the vector between these two points calculatePAHError(); pahStage = PAH_STAR_SELECT; emit newPAHStage(pahStage); PAHWidgets->setCurrentWidget(PAHCorrectionPage); emit newPAHMessage(correctionText->text()); } } void Align::updateTelescopeType(int index) { if (currentCCD == nullptr) return; syncSettings(); /* bool rc = currentCCD->setTelescopeType(static_cast(index)); // If false, try to set it to existing known telescope if (rc == false) { focal_length = (index == ISD::CCD::TELESCOPE_PRIMARY) ? primaryFL : guideFL; aperture = (index == ISD::CCD::TELESCOPE_PRIMARY) ? primaryAperture : guideAperture; syncTelescopeInfo(); }*/ focal_length = (index == ISD::CCD::TELESCOPE_PRIMARY) ? primaryFL : guideFL; aperture = (index == ISD::CCD::TELESCOPE_PRIMARY) ? primaryAperture : guideAperture; Options::setSolverScopeType(index); syncTelescopeInfo(); } // Function adapted from https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Circles_of_given_radius_through_two_points Align::CircleSolution Align::findCircleSolutions(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF p2, double angle, QPair &circleSolutions) { QPointF solutionOne(1, 1), solutionTwo(1, 1); double radius = distance(p1, p2) / (dms::DegToRad * angle); if (p1 == p2) { if (angle == 0) { circleSolutions = qMakePair(p1, p2); appendLogText(i18n("Only one solution is found.")); return ONE_CIRCLE_SOLUTION; } else { circleSolutions = qMakePair(solutionOne, solutionTwo); appendLogText(i18n("Infinite number of solutions found.")); return INFINITE_CIRCLE_SOLUTION; } } QPointF center(p1.x() / 2 + p2.x() / 2, p1.y() / 2 + p2.y() / 2); double halfDistance = distance(center, p1); if (halfDistance > radius) { circleSolutions = qMakePair(solutionOne, solutionTwo); appendLogText(i18n("No solution is found. Points are too far away")); return NO_CIRCLE_SOLUTION; } if (halfDistance - radius == 0) { circleSolutions = qMakePair(center, solutionTwo); appendLogText(i18n("Only one solution is found.")); return ONE_CIRCLE_SOLUTION; } double root = std::hypotf(radius, halfDistance) / distance(p1, p2); solutionOne.setX(center.x() + root * (p1.y() - p2.y())); solutionOne.setY(center.y() + root * (p2.x() - p1.x())); solutionTwo.setX(center.x() - root * (p1.y() - p2.y())); solutionTwo.setY(center.y() - root * (p2.x() - p1.x())); circleSolutions = qMakePair(solutionOne, solutionTwo); return TWO_CIRCLE_SOLUTION; } double Align::distance(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2) { return std::hypotf(p2.x() - p1.x(), p2.y() - p1.y()); } bool Align::findRACircle(QVector3D &RACircle) { bool rc = false; QPointF p1 = pahImageInfos[0]->pixelCenter; QPointF p2 = pahImageInfos[1]->pixelCenter; QPointF p3 = pahImageInfos[2]->pixelCenter; if (!isPerpendicular(p1, p2, p3)) rc = calcCircle(p1, p2, p3, RACircle); else if (!isPerpendicular(p1, p3, p2)) rc = calcCircle(p1, p3, p2, RACircle); else if (!isPerpendicular(p2, p1, p3)) rc = calcCircle(p2, p1, p3, RACircle); else if (!isPerpendicular(p2, p3, p1)) rc = calcCircle(p2, p3, p1, RACircle); else if (!isPerpendicular(p3, p2, p1)) rc = calcCircle(p3, p2, p1, RACircle); else if (!isPerpendicular(p3, p1, p2)) rc = calcCircle(p3, p1, p2, RACircle); else { //TRACE("\nThe three pts are perpendicular to axis\n"); return false; } return rc; } bool Align::isPerpendicular(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2, const QPointF &p3) // Check the given point are perpendicular to x or y axis { double yDelta_a = p2.y() - p1.y(); double xDelta_a = p2.x() - p1.x(); double yDelta_b = p3.y() - p2.y(); double xDelta_b = p3.x() - p2.x(); // checking whether the line of the two pts are vertical if (fabs(xDelta_a) <= 0.000000001 && fabs(yDelta_b) <= 0.000000001) { //TRACE("The points are perpendicular and parallel to x-y axis\n"); return false; } if (fabs(yDelta_a) <= 0.0000001) { //TRACE(" A line of two point are perpendicular to x-axis 1\n"); return true; } else if (fabs(yDelta_b) <= 0.0000001) { //TRACE(" A line of two point are perpendicular to x-axis 2\n"); return true; } else if (fabs(xDelta_a) <= 0.000000001) { //TRACE(" A line of two point are perpendicular to y-axis 1\n"); return true; } else if (fabs(xDelta_b) <= 0.000000001) { //TRACE(" A line of two point are perpendicular to y-axis 2\n"); return true; } else return false; } bool Align::calcCircle(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2, const QPointF &p3, QVector3D &RACircle) { double yDelta_a = p2.y() - p1.y(); double xDelta_a = p2.x() - p1.x(); double yDelta_b = p3.y() - p2.y(); double xDelta_b = p3.x() - p2.x(); if (fabs(xDelta_a) <= 0.000000001 && fabs(yDelta_b) <= 0.000000001) { RACircle.setX(0.5 * (p2.x() + p3.x())); RACircle.setY(0.5 * (p1.y() + p2.y())); QPointF center(RACircle.x(), RACircle.y()); RACircle.setZ(distance(center, p1)); return true; } // IsPerpendicular() assure that xDelta(s) are not zero double aSlope = yDelta_a / xDelta_a; // double bSlope = yDelta_b / xDelta_b; if (fabs(aSlope - bSlope) <= 0.000000001) { // checking whether the given points are colinear. //TRACE("The three ps are colinear\n"); return false; } // calc center RACircle.setX((aSlope * bSlope * (p1.y() - p3.y()) + bSlope * (p1.x() + p2.x()) - aSlope * (p2.x() + p3.x())) / (2 * (bSlope - aSlope))); RACircle.setY(-1 * (RACircle.x() - (p1.x() + p2.x()) / 2) / aSlope + (p1.y() + p2.y()) / 2); QPointF center(RACircle.x(), RACircle.y()); RACircle.setZ(distance(center, p1)); return true; } void Align::setMountStatus(ISD::Telescope::Status newState) { switch (newState) { case ISD::Telescope::MOUNT_PARKING: case ISD::Telescope::MOUNT_SLEWING: case ISD::Telescope::MOUNT_MOVING: solveB->setEnabled(false); loadSlewB->setEnabled(false); PAHStartB->setEnabled(false); break; default: if (state != ALIGN_PROGRESS) { solveB->setEnabled(true); if (pahStage == PAH_IDLE) { PAHStartB->setEnabled(true); loadSlewB->setEnabled(true); } } break; } } void Align::setAstrometryDevice(ISD::GDInterface *newAstrometry) { remoteParserDevice = newAstrometry; remoteSolverR->setEnabled(true); if (remoteParser.get() != nullptr) { remoteParser->setAstrometryDevice(remoteParserDevice); connect(remoteParser.get(), &AstrometryParser::solverFinished, this, &Ekos::Align::solverFinished, Qt::UniqueConnection); connect(remoteParser.get(), &AstrometryParser::solverFailed, this, &Ekos::Align::solverFailed, Qt::UniqueConnection); } } void Align::setRotator(ISD::GDInterface *newRotator) { currentRotator = newRotator; connect(currentRotator, &ISD::GDInterface::numberUpdated, this, &Ekos::Align::processNumber, Qt::UniqueConnection); } void Align::refreshAlignOptions() { if (getSolverFOV()) getSolverFOV()->setImageDisplay(Options::astrometrySolverWCS()); alignTimer.setInterval(Options::astrometryTimeout() * 1000); } void Align::setFilterManager(const QSharedPointer &manager) { filterManager = manager; connect(filterManager.data(), &FilterManager::ready, [this]() { if (filterPositionPending) { focusState = FOCUS_IDLE; filterPositionPending = false; captureAndSolve(); } } ); connect(filterManager.data(), &FilterManager::failed, [this]() { appendLogText(i18n("Filter operation failed.")); abort(); } ); connect(filterManager.data(), &FilterManager::newStatus, [this](Ekos::FilterState filterState) { if (filterPositionPending) { switch (filterState) { case FILTER_OFFSET: appendLogText(i18n("Changing focus offset by %1 steps...", filterManager->getTargetFilterOffset())); break; case FILTER_CHANGE: appendLogText(i18n("Changing filter to %1...", FilterPosCombo->itemText(filterManager->getTargetFilterPosition()-1))); break; case FILTER_AUTOFOCUS: appendLogText(i18n("Auto focus on filter change...")); break; default: break; } } }); connect(filterManager.data(), &FilterManager::labelsChanged, this, [this]() { checkFilter(); }); connect(filterManager.data(), &FilterManager::positionChanged, this, [this]() { checkFilter();}); } QVariantMap Align::getEffectiveFOV() { KStarsData::Instance()->userdb()->GetAllEffectiveFOVs(effectiveFOVs); fov_x = fov_y = 0; for (auto &map : effectiveFOVs) { if (map["Profile"].toString() == m_ActiveProfile->name) { if (map["Width"].toInt() == ccd_width && map["Height"].toInt() == ccd_height && map["PixelW"].toDouble() == ccd_hor_pixel && map["PixelH"].toDouble() == ccd_ver_pixel && map["FocalLength"].toDouble() == focal_length) { fov_x = map["FovW"].toDouble(); fov_y = map["FovH"].toDouble(); return map; } } } return QVariantMap(); } void Align::saveNewEffectiveFOV(double newFOVW, double newFOVH) { if (newFOVW < 0 || newFOVH < 0 || (newFOVW == fov_x && newFOVH == fov_y)) return; QVariantMap effectiveMap = getEffectiveFOV(); // If ID exists, delete it first. if (effectiveMap.isEmpty() == false) KStarsData::Instance()->userdb()->DeleteEffectiveFOV(effectiveMap["id"].toString()); // If FOV is 0x0, then we just remove existing effective FOV if (newFOVW == 0.0 && newFOVH == 0.0) { calculateFOV(); return; } effectiveMap["Profile"] = m_ActiveProfile->name; effectiveMap["Width"] = ccd_width; effectiveMap["Height"] = ccd_height; effectiveMap["PixelW"] = ccd_hor_pixel; effectiveMap["PixelH"] = ccd_ver_pixel; effectiveMap["FocalLength"] = focal_length; effectiveMap["FovW"] = newFOVW; effectiveMap["FovH"] = newFOVH; KStarsData::Instance()->userdb()->AddEffectiveFOV(effectiveMap); calculateFOV(); } QStringList Align::getActiveSolvers() const { QStringList solvers; solvers << "Online"; #ifndef Q_OS_WIN solvers << "Offline"; #endif if (remoteParserDevice != nullptr) solvers << "Remote"; return solvers; } int Align::getActiveSolverIndex() const { return solverTypeGroup->checkedId(); } QString Align::getPAHMessage() const { switch (pahStage) { case PAH_IDLE: case PAH_FIND_CP: default: return introText->text(); case PAH_FIRST_CAPTURE: return firstCaptureText->text(); case PAH_FIRST_ROTATE: return firstRotateText->text(); case PAH_SECOND_CAPTURE: return secondCaptureText->text(); case PAH_SECOND_ROTATE: return secondRotateText->text(); case PAH_THIRD_CAPTURE: return thirdCaptureText->text(); case PAH_STAR_SELECT: return correctionText->text(); case PAH_PRE_REFRESH: case PAH_REFRESH: return refreshText->text(); case PAH_ERROR: return PAHErrorDescriptionLabel->text(); } } void Align::zoomAlignView() { alignView->ZoomDefault(); emit newFrame(alignView); } QJsonObject Align::getSettings() const { QJsonObject settings; settings.insert("camera", CCDCaptureCombo->currentText()); settings.insert("fw", FilterDevicesCombo->currentText()); settings.insert("filter", FilterPosCombo->currentText()); settings.insert("exp", exposureIN->value()); settings.insert("bin", binningCombo->currentIndex()+1); settings.insert("solverAction", gotoModeButtonGroup->checkedId()); settings.insert("solverType", solverTypeGroup->checkedId()); settings.insert("scopeType", FOVScopeCombo->currentIndex()); return settings; } void Align::setSettings(const QJsonObject &settings) { CCDCaptureCombo->setCurrentText(settings["camera"].toString()); FilterDevicesCombo->setCurrentText(settings["fw"].toString()); FilterPosCombo->setCurrentText(settings["filter"].toString()); Options::setLockAlignFilterIndex(FilterPosCombo->currentIndex()); exposureIN->setValue(settings["exp"].toDouble(1)); binningCombo->setCurrentIndex(settings["bin"].toInt()-1); gotoModeButtonGroup->button(settings["solverAction"].toInt(1))->setChecked(true); solverTypeGroup->button(settings["solverType"].toInt(1))->setChecked(true); FOVScopeCombo->setCurrentIndex(settings["scopeType"].toInt(0)); } void Align::syncSettings() { emit settingsUpdated(getSettings()); } QJsonObject Align::getPAHSettings() const { QJsonObject settings = getSettings(); settings.insert("mountDirection", PAHDirectionCombo->currentIndex()); settings.insert("mountRotation", PAHRotationSpin->value()); settings.insert("refresh", PAHExposure->value()); return settings; } void Align::setPAHSettings(const QJsonObject &settings) { setSettings(settings); PAHDirectionCombo->setCurrentIndex(settings["mountDirection"].toInt(0)); PAHRotationSpin->setValue(settings["mountRotation"].toInt(30)); PAHExposure->setValue(settings["refresh"].toDouble(1)); } void Align::syncFOV() { QString newFOV = FOVOut->text(); QRegularExpression re("(\\d+\\.*\\d*)\\D*x\\D*(\\d+\\.*\\d*)"); QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match(newFOV); if (match.hasMatch()) { double newFOVW = match.captured(1).toDouble(); double newFOVH = match.captured(2).toDouble(); //if (newFOVW > 0 && newFOVH > 0) saveNewEffectiveFOV(newFOVW, newFOVH); FOVOut->setStyleSheet(QString()); } else { KMessageBox::error(nullptr, i18n("Invalid FOV.")); FOVOut->setStyleSheet("background-color:red"); } } } diff --git a/kstars/ekos/align/align.h b/kstars/ekos/align/align.h index d707ad036..4df9f48ca 100644 --- a/kstars/ekos/align/align.h +++ b/kstars/ekos/align/align.h @@ -1,843 +1,846 @@ /* Ekos Polar Alignment Tool Copyright (C) 2013 Jasem Mutlaq This application is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ #pragma once #include "ui_align.h" #include "ui_mountmodel.h" #include "ekos/ekos.h" #include "indi/indiccd.h" #include "indi/indistd.h" #include "indi/inditelescope.h" #include "indi/indidome.h" #include "ekos/auxiliary/filtermanager.h" #include #include #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 8, 0) #include #else #include #endif #include class QProgressIndicator; class AlignView; class FOV; class StarObject; class ProfileInfo; namespace Ekos { class AstrometryParser; class OnlineAstrometryParser; class OfflineAstrometryParser; class RemoteAstrometryParser; class OpsAstrometry; class OpsAlign; class OpsAstrometryCfg; class OpsAstrometryIndexFiles; /** *@class Align *@short Align class handles plate-solving and polar alignment measurement and correction using astrometry.net * The align class can capture images from the CCD and use either online or offline astrometry.net engine to solve the plate constants and find the center RA/DEC coordinates. The user selects the action * to perform when the solver completes successfully. * Align module provide Polar Align Helper tool which enables easy-to-follow polar alignment procedure given wide FOVs (> 1.5 degrees) * For small FOVs, the Legacy polar alignment measurement should be used. * LEGACY: Measurement of polar alignment errors is performed by capturing two images on selected points in the sky and measuring the declination drift to calculate * the error in the mount's azimuth and altitude displacement from optimal. Correction is carried by asking the user to re-center a star by adjusting the telescope's azimuth and/or altitude knobs. *@author Jasem Mutlaq *@version 1.3 */ class Align : public QWidget, public Ui::Align { Q_OBJECT Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "org.kde.kstars.Ekos.Align") Q_PROPERTY(Ekos::AlignState status READ status NOTIFY newStatus) Q_PROPERTY(QStringList logText READ logText NOTIFY newLog) Q_PROPERTY(QString camera READ camera WRITE setCamera) Q_PROPERTY(QString filterWheel READ filterWheel WRITE setFilterWheel) Q_PROPERTY(QString filter READ filter WRITE setFilter) Q_PROPERTY(double exposure READ exposure WRITE setExposure) Q_PROPERTY(QList fov READ fov) Q_PROPERTY(QString solverArguments READ solverArguments WRITE setSolverArguments) public: explicit Align(ProfileInfo *activeProfile); virtual ~Align(); typedef enum { AZ_INIT, AZ_FIRST_TARGET, AZ_SYNCING, AZ_SLEWING, AZ_SECOND_TARGET, AZ_CORRECTING, AZ_FINISHED } AZStage; typedef enum { ALT_INIT, ALT_FIRST_TARGET, ALT_SYNCING, ALT_SLEWING, ALT_SECOND_TARGET, ALT_CORRECTING, ALT_FINISHED } ALTStage; typedef enum { GOTO_SYNC, GOTO_SLEW, GOTO_NOTHING } GotoMode; typedef enum { SOLVER_ONLINE, SOLVER_OFFLINE, SOLVER_REMOTE } SolverType; typedef enum { PAH_IDLE, PAH_FIRST_CAPTURE, PAH_FIND_CP, PAH_FIRST_ROTATE, PAH_SECOND_CAPTURE, PAH_SECOND_ROTATE, PAH_THIRD_CAPTURE, PAH_STAR_SELECT, PAH_PRE_REFRESH, PAH_REFRESH, PAH_ERROR } PAHStage; typedef enum { NORTH_HEMISPHERE, SOUTH_HEMISPHERE } HemisphereType; // Image Scales const QStringList ImageScales = { "dw", "aw", "app" }; enum CircleSolution { NO_CIRCLE_SOLUTION, ONE_CIRCLE_SOLUTION, TWO_CIRCLE_SOLUTION, INFINITE_CIRCLE_SOLUTION }; /** @defgroup AlignDBusInterface Ekos DBus Interface - Align Module * Ekos::Align interface provides advanced scripting capabilities to solve images using online or offline astrometry.net */ /*@{*/ /** DBUS interface function. * Select CCD * @param device CCD device name * @return Returns true if device if found and selected, false otherwise. */ Q_SCRIPTABLE bool setCamera(const QString &device); Q_SCRIPTABLE QString camera(); /** DBUS interface function. * select the filter device from the available filter drivers. The filter device can be the same as the CCD driver if the filter functionality was embedded within the driver. * @param device The filter device name * @return Returns true if filter device is found and set, false otherwise. */ Q_SCRIPTABLE bool setFilterWheel(const QString &device); Q_SCRIPTABLE QString filterWheel(); /** DBUS interface function. * select the filter from the available filters. * @param filter The filter name * @return Returns true if filter is found and set, false otherwise. */ Q_SCRIPTABLE bool setFilter(const QString &filter); Q_SCRIPTABLE QString filter(); /** DBUS interface function. * Start the plate-solving process given the passed image file. * @param filename Name of image file to solve. FITS and JPG/JPG/TIFF formats are accepted. * @param isGenerated Set to true if filename is generated from a CCD capture operation. If the file is loaded from any storage or network media, pass false. * @return Returns true if device if found and selected, false otherwise. */ Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void startSolving(const QString &filename, bool isGenerated = true); /** DBUS interface function. * Select Solver Action after successfully solving an image. * @param mode 0 for Sync, 1 for Slew To Target, 2 for Nothing (just display solution results) */ Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void setSolverAction(int mode); /** DBUS interface function. * Returns the solver's solution results * @return Returns array of doubles. First item is RA in degrees. Second item is DEC in degrees. */ Q_SCRIPTABLE QList getSolutionResult(); /** DBUS interface function. * Returns the solver's current status * @return Returns solver status (Ekos::AlignState) */ Q_SCRIPTABLE Ekos::AlignState status() { return state; } /** DBUS interface function. * @return Returns State of load slew procedure. Idle if not started. Busy if in progress. Ok if complete. Alert if procedure failed. */ Q_SCRIPTABLE int getLoadAndSlewStatus() { return loadSlewState; } /** DBUS interface function. * Sets the exposure of the selected CCD device. * @param value Exposure value in seconds */ Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void setExposure(double value); Q_SCRIPTABLE double exposure() { return exposureIN->value(); } /** DBUS interface function. * Sets the arguments that gets passed to the astrometry.net offline solver. * @param value space-separated arguments. */ Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void setSolverArguments(const QString &value); /** DBUS interface function. * Get existing solver options. * @return String containing all arguments. */ Q_SCRIPTABLE QString solverArguments(); /** DBUS interface function. * Sets the telescope type (PRIMARY or GUIDE) that should be used for FOV calculations. This value is loaded form driver settings by default. * @param index 0 for PRIMARY telescope, 1 for GUIDE telescope */ Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void setFOVTelescopeType(int index); int FOVTelescopeType() {return FOVScopeCombo->currentIndex();} /** @}*/ /** * @brief Add CCD to the list of available CCD. * @param newCCD pointer to CCD device. */ void addCCD(ISD::GDInterface *newCCD); /** * @brief addFilter Add filter to the list of available filters. * @param newFilter pointer to filter device. */ void addFilter(ISD::GDInterface *newFilter); /** * @brief Set the current telescope * @param newTelescope pointer to telescope device. */ void setTelescope(ISD::GDInterface *newTelescope); /** * @brief Set the current dome * @param newDome pointer to telescope device. */ void setDome(ISD::GDInterface *newDome); void setRotator(ISD::GDInterface *newRotator); /* @brief Set telescope and guide scope info. All measurements is in millimeters. * @param primaryFocalLength Primary Telescope Focal Length. Set to 0 to skip setting this value. * @param primaryAperture Primary Telescope Aperture. Set to 0 to skip setting this value. * @param guideFocalLength Guide Telescope Focal Length. Set to 0 to skip setting this value. * @param guideAperture Guide Telescope Aperture. Set to 0 to skip setting this value. */ void setTelescopeInfo(double primaryFocalLength, double primaryAperture, double guideFocalLength, double guideAperture); /** * @brief setAstrometryDevice * @param newAstrometry */ void setAstrometryDevice(ISD::GDInterface *newAstrometry); /** * @brief CCD information is updated, sync them. */ void syncCCDInfo(); /** * @brief Generate arguments we pass to the online and offline solvers. Keep user own arguments in place. */ void generateArgs(); /** * @brief Does our parser exist in the system? */ bool isParserOK(); // Log QStringList logText() { return m_LogText; } QString getLogText() { return m_LogText.join("\n"); } void clearLog(); /** * @brief Return FOV object used to represent the solved image orientation on the sky map. */ FOV *getSolverFOV(); /** * @brief Return FOV object used to represent the current CCD/Telescope combination. */ FOV *getSensorFOV() { return sensorFOV.get(); } /** * @brief getFOVScale Returns calculated FOV values * @param fov_w FOV width in arcmins * @param fov_h FOV height in arcmins * @param fov_scale FOV scale in arcsec per pixel */ void getFOVScale(double &fov_w, double &fov_h, double &fov_scale); QList fov(); /** * @brief getCalculatedFOVScale Get calculated FOV scales from the current CCD+Telescope combination. * @param fov_w return calculated fov width in arcminutes * @param fov_h return calculated fov height in arcminutes * @param fov_scale return calculated fov pixcale in arcsecs per pixel. * @note This is NOT the same as effective FOV which is the measured FOV from astrometry. It is the * theoretical FOV from calculated values. */ void getCalculatedFOVScale(double &fov_w, double &fov_h, double &fov_scale); void setFilterManager(const QSharedPointer &manager); // Ekos Live Client helper functions QStringList getActiveSolvers() const; int getActiveSolverIndex() const; void setCaptureSettings(const QJsonObject &settings); /** * @brief generateOptions Generate astrometry.net option given the supplied map * @param optionsMap List of key=value pairs for all astrometry.net options * @return String List of valid astrometry.net options */ static QStringList generateOptions(const QVariantMap &optionsMap); static void generateFOVBounds(double fov_h, double fov_v, QString &fov_low, QString &fov_high); public slots: /** * @brief Process updated device properties * @param nvp pointer to updated property. */ void processNumber(INumberVectorProperty *nvp); /** * @brief Process updated device properties * @param svp pointer to updated property. */ void processSwitch(ISwitchVectorProperty *svp); /** * @brief Check CCD and make sure information is updated and FOV is re-calculated. * @param CCDNum By default, we check the already selected CCD in the dropdown menu. If CCDNum is specified, the check is made against this specific CCD in the dropdown menu. CCDNum is the index of the CCD in the dropdown menu. */ void checkCCD(int CCDNum = -1); /** * @brief Check Filter and make sure information is updated accordingly. * @param filterNum By default, we check the already selected filter in the dropdown menu. If filterNum is specified, the check is made against this specific filter in the dropdown menu. * filterNum is the index of the filter in the dropdown menu. */ void checkFilter(int filterNum = -1); /** * @brief checkCCDExposureProgress Track the progress of CCD exposure * @param targetChip Target chip under exposure * @param remaining how many seconds remaining * @param state status of exposure */ void checkCCDExposureProgress(ISD::CCDChip *targetChip, double remaining, IPState state); /** * @brief Process new FITS received from CCD. * @param bp pointer to blob property */ void newFITS(IBLOB *bp); /** \addtogroup AlignDBusInterface * @{ */ /** DBUS interface function. * Aborts the solving operation. */ Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void abort(); /** DBUS interface function. * Select the solver type * @param type Set solver type. 0 online, 1 offline, 2 remote */ Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void setSolverType(int type); /** DBUS interface function. * Capture and solve an image using the astrometry.net engine * @return Returns true if the procedure started successful, false otherwise. */ Q_SCRIPTABLE bool captureAndSolve(); /** DBUS interface function. * Loads an image (FITS or JPG/TIFF) and solve its coordinates, then it slews to the solved coordinates and an image is captured and solved to ensure * the telescope is pointing to the same coordinates of the image. * @param fileURL URL to the image to solve */ Q_SCRIPTABLE bool loadAndSlew(QString fileURL = QString()); /** DBUS interface function. * Sets the binning of the selected CCD device. * @param binIndex Index of binning value. Default values range from 0 (binning 1x1) to 3 (binning 4x4) */ Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void setBinningIndex(int binIndex); /** @}*/ /** * @brief Solver finished successfully, process the data and execute the required actions depending on the mode. * @param orientation Orientation of image in degrees (East of North) * @param ra Center RA in solved image, degrees. * @param dec Center DEC in solved image, degrees. * @param pixscale Image scale is arcsec/pixel */ void solverFinished(double orientation, double ra, double dec, double pixscale); /** * @brief Process solver failure. */ void solverFailed(); /** * @brief We received new telescope info, process them and update FOV. */ void syncTelescopeInfo(); void setFocusStatus(Ekos::FocusState state); // Log void appendLogText(const QString &); // Capture void setCaptureComplete(); // Update Capture Module status void setCaptureStatus(Ekos::CaptureState newState); // Update Mount module status void setMountStatus(ISD::Telescope::Status newState); // PAH Ekos Live QString getPAHStage() const { return PAHStages[pahStage];} bool isPAHEnabled() const { return isPAHReady; } QString getPAHMessage() const; void startPAHProcess(); void stopPAHProcess(); void setPAHCorrectionOffsetPercentage(double dx, double dy); void setPAHMountDirection(int index) { PAHDirectionCombo->setCurrentIndex(index);} void setPAHMountRotation(int value) {PAHRotationSpin->setValue(value);} void setPAHRefreshDuration(double value) { PAHExposure->setValue(value);} void startPAHRefreshProcess(); void setPAHRefreshComplete(); void setPAHCorrectionSelectionComplete(); void zoomAlignView(); // Align Settings QJsonObject getSettings() const; void setSettings(const QJsonObject &settings); // PAH Settings. PAH should be in separate class QJsonObject getPAHSettings() const; void setPAHSettings(const QJsonObject &settings); private slots: /* Polar Alignment */ void measureAltError(); void measureAzError(); void correctAzError(); void correctAltError(); void setDefaultCCD(QString ccd); void saveSettleTime(); // Solver timeout void checkAlignmentTimeout(); void updateTelescopeType(int index); // External View void showFITSViewer(); void toggleAlignWidgetFullScreen(); // Polar Alignment Helper slots void rotatePAH(); void setPAHCorrectionOffset(int x, int y); void setWCSToggled(bool result); //Solutions Display slots void buildTarget(); void handlePointTooltip(QMouseEvent *event); void handleVerticalPlotSizeChange(); void handleHorizontalPlotSizeChange(); void selectSolutionTableRow(int row, int column); void slotClearAllSolutionPoints(); void slotRemoveSolutionPoint(); void slotMountModel(); //Mount Model Slots void slotWizardAlignmentPoints(); void slotStarSelected(const QString selectedStar); void slotLoadAlignmentPoints(); void slotSaveAsAlignmentPoints(); void slotSaveAlignmentPoints(); void slotClearAllAlignPoints(); void slotRemoveAlignPoint(); void slotAddAlignPoint(); void slotFindAlignObject(); void resetAlignmentProcedure(); void startStopAlignmentProcedure(); void startAlignmentPoint(); void finishAlignmentPoint(bool solverSucceeded); void moveAlignPoint(int logicalIndex, int oldVisualIndex, int newVisualIndex); void exportSolutionPoints(); void alignTypeChanged(const QString alignType); void togglePreviewAlignPoints(); void slotSortAlignmentPoints(); void slotAutoScaleGraph(); // Settings void syncSettings(); protected slots: /** * @brief After a solver process is completed successfully, sync, slew to target, or do nothing as set by the user. */ void executeGOTO(); /** * @brief refreshAlignOptions is called when settings are updated in OpsAlign. */ void refreshAlignOptions(); signals: void newLog(const QString &text); void newStatus(Ekos::AlignState state); void newSolution(const QJsonObject &solution); // This is sent when we load an image in the view void newImage(FITSView *view); // This is sent when the pixmap is updated within the view void newFrame(FITSView *view); void polarResultUpdated(QLineF correctionVector, QString polarError); void newCorrectionVector(QLineF correctionVector); void newSolverResults(double orientation, double ra, double dec, double pixscale); // Polar Assistant Tool void newPAHStage(PAHStage stage); void newPAHMessage(const QString &message); void newFOVTelescopeType(int index); void PAHEnabled(bool); // Settings void settingsUpdated(const QJsonObject &settings); private: /** * @brief Calculate Field of View of CCD+Telescope combination that we need to pass to astrometry.net solver. */ void calculateFOV(); /** * @brief After a solver process is completed successfully, measure Azimuth or Altitude error as requested by the user. */ void executePolarAlign(); /** * @brief Sync the telescope to the solved alignment coordinate. */ void Sync(); /** * @brief Slew the telescope to the solved alignment coordinate. */ void Slew(); /** * @brief Sync the telescope to the solved alignment coordinate, and then slew to the target coordinate. */ void SlewToTarget(); /** * @brief Calculate polar alignment error magnitude and direction. * The calculation is performed by first capturing and solving a frame, then slewing 30 arcminutes and solving another frame to find the exact coordinates, then computing the error. * @param initRA RA of first frame. * @param initDEC DEC of first frame * @param finalRA RA of second frame * @param finalDEC DEC of second frame * @param initAz Azimuth of first frame */ void calculatePolarError(double initRA, double initDEC, double finalRA, double finalDEC, double initAz); /** * @brief Get formatted RA & DEC coordinates compatible with astrometry.net format. * @param ra Right ascension * @param dec Declination * @param ra_str will contain the formatted RA string * @param dec_str will contain the formatted DEC string */ void getFormattedCoords(double ra, double dec, QString &ra_str, QString &dec_str); /** * @brief getSolverOptionsFromFITS Generates a set of solver options given the supplied FITS image. The function reads FITS keyword headers and build the argument list accordingly. In case of a missing header keyword, it falls back to * the Alignment module existing values. * @param filename FITS path * @return List of Solver options */ QStringList getSolverOptionsFromFITS(const QString &filename); /** * @brief setWCSEnabled enables/disables World Coordinate System settings in the CCD driver. * @param enable true to enable WCS, false to disable. */ void setWCSEnabled(bool enable); /** * @brief calculatePAHError Calculate polar alignment error in the Polar Alignment Helper (PAH) method */ void calculatePAHError(); /** * @brief processPAHStage After solver is complete, handle PAH Stage processing */ void processPAHStage(double orientation, double ra, double dec, double pixscale); CircleSolution findCircleSolutions(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF p2, double angle, QPair &circleSolutions); double distance(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2); bool findRACircle(QVector3D &RACircle); bool isPerpendicular(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2, const QPointF &p3); bool calcCircle(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2, const QPointF &p3, QVector3D &RACircle); void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event); bool alignmentPointsAreBad(); bool loadAlignmentPoints(const QString &fileURL); bool saveAlignmentPoints(const QString &path); void generateAlignStarList(); bool isVisible(const SkyObject *so); double getAltitude(const SkyObject *so); const SkyObject *getWizardAlignObject(double ra, double de); void calculateAngleForRALine(double &raIncrement, double &initRA, double initDEC, double lat, double raPoints, double minAlt); void calculateAZPointsForDEC(dms dec, dms alt, dms &AZEast, dms &AZWest); void updatePreviewAlignPoints(); int findNextAlignmentPointAfter(int currentSpot); int findClosestAlignmentPointToTelescope(); void swapAlignPoints(int firstPt, int secondPt); // Effective FOV /** * @brief getEffectiveFOV Search database for effective FOV that matches the current profile and settings * @return Variant Map containing effect FOV data or empty variant map if none found */ QVariantMap getEffectiveFOV(); void saveNewEffectiveFOV(double newFOVW, double newFOVH); QList effectiveFOVs; void syncFOV(); /// Which chip should we invoke in the current CCD? bool useGuideHead { false }; /// Can the mount sync its coordinates to those set by Ekos? bool canSync { false }; // LoadSlew mode is when we load an image and solve it, no capture is done. //bool loadSlewMode; /// If load and slew is solved successfully, coordinates obtained, slewed to target, and then captured, solved, and re-slewed to target again. IPState loadSlewState { IPS_IDLE }; // Target Position Angle of solver Load&Slew image to be used for rotator if necessary double loadSlewTargetPA { std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN() }; double currentRotatorPA { -1 }; /// Solver iterations count uint8_t solverIterations { 0 }; // FOV double ccd_hor_pixel { -1 }; double ccd_ver_pixel { -1 }; double focal_length { -1 }; double aperture { -1 }; double fov_x { 0 }; double fov_y { 0 }; double fov_pixscale { 0 }; int ccd_width { 0 }; int ccd_height { 0 }; // Keep track of solver results double sOrientation { -1 }; double sRA { -1 }; double sDEC { -1 }; /// Solver alignment coordinates SkyPoint alignCoord; /// Target coordinates we need to slew to SkyPoint targetCoord; /// Actual current telescope coordinates SkyPoint telescopeCoord; /// Coord from Load & Slew SkyPoint loadSlewCoord; /// Difference between solution and target coordinate double targetDiff { 1e6 }; /// Progress icon if the solver is running std::unique_ptr pi; /// Keep track of how long the solver is running QTime solverTimer; // Polar Alignment AZStage azStage; ALTStage altStage; double azDeviation { 0 }; double altDeviation { 0 }; double decDeviation { 0 }; static const double RAMotion; static const double SIDRATE; /// Have we slewed? bool isSlewDirty { false }; // Online and Offline parsers AstrometryParser* parser { nullptr }; std::unique_ptr onlineParser; std::unique_ptr offlineParser; std::unique_ptr remoteParser; ISD::GDInterface *remoteParserDevice { nullptr }; // Pointers to our devices ISD::Telescope *currentTelescope { nullptr }; ISD::Dome *currentDome { nullptr }; ISD::CCD *currentCCD { nullptr }; ISD::GDInterface *currentRotator { nullptr }; QList CCDs; /// Optional device filter ISD::GDInterface *currentFilter { nullptr }; /// They're generic GDInterface because they could be either ISD::CCD or ISD::Filter QList Filters; int currentFilterPosition { -1 }; /// True if we need to change filter position and wait for result before continuing capture bool filterPositionPending { false }; /// Keep track of solver FOV to be plotted in the skymap after each successful solve operation std::unique_ptr solverFOV; std::unique_ptr sensorFOV; /// WCS bool m_wcsSynced { false }; /// Log QStringList m_LogText; /// Capture retries int retries { 0 }; // State AlignState state { ALIGN_IDLE }; FocusState focusState { FOCUS_IDLE }; // Track which upload mode the CCD is set to. If set to UPLOAD_LOCAL, then we need to switch it to UPLOAD_CLIENT in order to do focusing, and then switch it back to UPLOAD_LOCAL ISD::CCD::UploadMode rememberUploadMode { ISD::CCD::UPLOAD_CLIENT }; GotoMode currentGotoMode; QString dirPath; // Timer QTimer alignTimer; // BLOB Type ISD::CCD::BlobType blobType; QString blobFileName; // Align Frame AlignView *alignView { nullptr }; // FITS Viewer in case user want to display in it instead of internal view QPointer fv; // Polar Alignment Helper PAHStage pahStage { PAH_IDLE }; bool isPAHReady { false }; // keep track of autoWSC bool rememberAutoWCS { false }; bool rememberSolverWCS { false }; // Sky centers typedef struct { SkyPoint skyCenter; QPointF pixelCenter; double pixelScale { 0 }; double orientation { 0 }; } PAHImageInfo; QVector pahImageInfos; // User desired offset when selecting a bright star in the image QPointF celestialPolePoint, correctionOffset; // Correction vector line between mount RA Axis and celestial pole QLineF correctionVector; // CCDs using Guide Scope for parameters //QStringList guideScopeCCDs; // Which hemisphere are we located on? HemisphereType hemisphere; // Differential Slewing bool differentialSlewingActivated { false }; // Astrometry Options OpsAstrometry *opsAstrometry { nullptr }; OpsAlign *opsAlign { nullptr }; OpsAstrometryCfg *opsAstrometryCfg { nullptr }; OpsAstrometryIndexFiles *opsAstrometryIndexFiles { nullptr }; QCPCurve *centralTarget { nullptr }; QCPCurve *yellowTarget { nullptr }; QCPCurve *redTarget { nullptr }; QCPCurve *concentricRings { nullptr }; QDialog mountModelDialog; Ui_mountModel mountModel; int currentAlignmentPoint { 0 }; bool mountModelRunning { false }; bool mountModelReset { false }; bool targetAccuracyNotMet { false }; bool previewShowing { false }; QUrl alignURL; QUrl alignURLPath; QVector alignStars; ISD::CCD::TelescopeType rememberTelescopeType = { ISD::CCD::TELESCOPE_UNKNOWN }; double primaryFL = -1, primaryAperture = -1, guideFL = -1, guideAperture = -1; bool domeReady = true; // CCD Exposure Looping bool rememberCCDExposureLooping = { false }; // Filter Manager QSharedPointer filterManager; // Active Profile ProfileInfo *m_ActiveProfile { nullptr }; // PAH Stage Map static const QMap PAHStages; + + // Threshold to notify settle time is 3 seconds + static constexpr uint16_t DELAY_THRESHOLD_NOTIFY { 3000 }; }; }