diff --git a/kstars/dialogs/locationdialog.cpp b/kstars/dialogs/locationdialog.cpp index 339690bdc..e3f9c5281 100644 --- a/kstars/dialogs/locationdialog.cpp +++ b/kstars/dialogs/locationdialog.cpp @@ -1,745 +1,741 @@ /*************************************************************************** locationdialog.cpp - K Desktop Planetarium ------------------- begin : Sun Feb 11 2001 copyright : (C) 2001 by Jason Harris email : jharris@30doradus.org ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "locationdialog.h" #include "kspaths.h" #include "kstarsdata.h" #include "kstars_debug.h" #include "ksutils.h" #include #ifdef HAVE_GEOCLUE2 #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include LocationDialogUI::LocationDialogUI(QWidget *parent) : QFrame(parent) { setupUi(this); } LocationDialog::LocationDialog(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), timer(nullptr) { #ifdef Q_OS_OSX setWindowFlags(Qt::Tool | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint); #endif KStarsData *data = KStarsData::Instance(); SelectedCity = nullptr; ld = new LocationDialogUI(this); QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout; mainLayout->addWidget(ld); setLayout(mainLayout); ld->MapView->setLocationDialog(this); setWindowTitle(i18n("Set Geographic Location")); QDialogButtonBox *buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel); mainLayout->addWidget(buttonBox); connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(slotOk())); connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(reject())); for (int i = 0; i < 25; ++i) - ld->TZBox->addItem(QLocale().toString((double)(i - 12))); + ld->TZBox->addItem(QLocale().toString(static_cast(i - 12))); //Populate DSTRuleBox foreach (const QString &key, data->getRulebook().keys()) { if (!key.isEmpty()) ld->DSTRuleBox->addItem(key); } - ld->AddCityButton->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("list-add")); - ld->RemoveButton->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("list-remove")); - ld->UpdateButton->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("svn-update")); - connect(ld->CityFilter, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(enqueueFilterCity())); connect(ld->ProvinceFilter, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(enqueueFilterCity())); connect(ld->CountryFilter, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(enqueueFilterCity())); connect(ld->NewCityName, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(nameChanged())); connect(ld->NewProvinceName, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(nameChanged())); connect(ld->NewCountryName, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(nameChanged())); connect(ld->NewLong, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(dataChanged())); connect(ld->NewLat, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(dataChanged())); connect(ld->NewElev, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(dataChanged())); connect(ld->TZBox, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(dataChanged())); connect(ld->DSTRuleBox, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(dataChanged())); connect(ld->GeoBox, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(changeCity())); connect(ld->AddCityButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addCity())); connect(ld->ClearFieldsButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(clearFields())); connect(ld->RemoveButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(removeCity())); connect(ld->UpdateButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(updateCity())); -// FIXME Disable this until Qt5 works with Geoclue2 + // FIXME Disable this until Qt5 works with Geoclue2 #ifdef HAVE_GEOCLUE_2 source = QGeoPositionInfoSource::createDefaultSource(this); source->setPreferredPositioningMethods(QGeoPositionInfoSource::SatellitePositioningMethods); qDebug() << "Last known position" << source->lastKnownPosition().coordinate(); connect(source, SIGNAL(positionUpdated(QGeoPositionInfo)), this, SLOT(positionUpdated(QGeoPositionInfo))); connect(source, SIGNAL(error(QGeoPositionInfoSource::Error)), this, SLOT(positionUpdateError(QGeoPositionInfoSource::Error))); connect(source, SIGNAL(updateTimeout()), this, SLOT(positionUpdateTimeout())); connect(ld->GetLocationButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(requestUpdate())); #endif ld->DSTLabel->setText("" + i18n("DST Rule:") + ""); connect(ld->DSTLabel, SIGNAL(linkActivated(QString)), this, SLOT(showTZRules())); dataModified = false; nameModified = false; ld->AddCityButton->setEnabled(false); ld->errorLabel->setText(QString()); -// FIXME Disable this until Qt5 works with Geoclue2 + // FIXME Disable this until Qt5 works with Geoclue2 #ifdef HAVE_GEOCLUE_2 nam = new QNetworkAccessManager(this); connect(nam, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), this, SLOT(processLocationNameData(QNetworkReply*))); #endif initCityList(); resize(640, 480); } void LocationDialog::initCityList() { KStarsData *data = KStarsData::Instance(); foreach (GeoLocation *loc, data->getGeoList()) { ld->GeoBox->addItem(loc->fullName()); filteredCityList.append(loc); //If TZ is not an even integer value, add it to listbox if (loc->TZ0() - int(loc->TZ0()) && ld->TZBox->findText(QLocale().toString(loc->TZ0())) != -1) { for (int i = 0; i < ld->TZBox->count(); ++i) { if (ld->TZBox->itemText(i).toDouble() > loc->TZ0()) { ld->TZBox->addItem(QLocale().toString(loc->TZ0()), i - 1); break; } } } } //Sort the list of Cities alphabetically...note that filteredCityList may now have a different ordering! ld->GeoBox->sortItems(); ld->CountLabel->setText( i18np("One city matches search criteria", "%1 cities match search criteria", ld->GeoBox->count())); // attempt to highlight the current kstars location in the GeoBox ld->GeoBox->setCurrentItem(nullptr); for (int i = 0; i < ld->GeoBox->count(); i++) { if (ld->GeoBox->item(i)->text() == data->geo()->fullName()) { ld->GeoBox->setCurrentRow(i); break; } } } void LocationDialog::enqueueFilterCity() { if (timer) timer->stop(); else { timer = new QTimer(this); timer->setSingleShot(true); connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(filterCity())); } timer->start(500); } void LocationDialog::filterCity() { KStarsData *data = KStarsData::Instance(); ld->GeoBox->clear(); //Do NOT delete members of filteredCityList! while (!filteredCityList.isEmpty()) filteredCityList.takeFirst(); nameModified = false; dataModified = false; ld->AddCityButton->setEnabled(false); ld->UpdateButton->setEnabled(false); foreach (GeoLocation *loc, data->getGeoList()) { QString sc(loc->translatedName()); QString ss(loc->translatedCountry()); QString sp = ""; if (!loc->province().isEmpty()) sp = loc->translatedProvince(); if (sc.startsWith(ld->CityFilter->text(), Qt::CaseInsensitive) && - sp.startsWith(ld->ProvinceFilter->text(), Qt::CaseInsensitive) && - ss.startsWith(ld->CountryFilter->text(), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) + sp.startsWith(ld->ProvinceFilter->text(), Qt::CaseInsensitive) && + ss.startsWith(ld->CountryFilter->text(), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { ld->GeoBox->addItem(loc->fullName()); filteredCityList.append(loc); } } ld->GeoBox->sortItems(); ld->CountLabel->setText( i18np("One city matches search criteria", "%1 cities match search criteria", ld->GeoBox->count())); if (ld->GeoBox->count() > 0) // set first item in list as selected ld->GeoBox->setCurrentItem(ld->GeoBox->item(0)); ld->MapView->repaint(); } void LocationDialog::changeCity() { KStarsData *data = KStarsData::Instance(); //when the selected city changes, set newCity, and redraw map SelectedCity = nullptr; if (ld->GeoBox->currentItem()) { for (auto &loc : filteredCityList) { if (loc->fullName() == ld->GeoBox->currentItem()->text()) { SelectedCity = loc; break; } } } ld->MapView->repaint(); //Fill the fields at the bottom of the window with the selected city's data. if (SelectedCity) { ld->NewCityName->setText(SelectedCity->translatedName()); if (SelectedCity->province().isEmpty()) ld->NewProvinceName->setText(QString()); else ld->NewProvinceName->setText(SelectedCity->translatedProvince()); ld->NewCountryName->setText(SelectedCity->translatedCountry()); ld->NewLong->showInDegrees(SelectedCity->lng()); ld->NewLat->showInDegrees(SelectedCity->lat()); ld->TZBox->setEditText(QLocale().toString(SelectedCity->TZ0())); ld->NewElev->setValue(SelectedCity->elevation()); //Pick the City's rule from the rulebook for (int i = 0; i < ld->DSTRuleBox->count(); ++i) { TimeZoneRule tzr = data->getRulebook().value(ld->DSTRuleBox->itemText(i)); if (tzr.equals(SelectedCity->tzrule())) { ld->DSTRuleBox->setCurrentIndex(i); break; } } ld->RemoveButton->setEnabled(SelectedCity->isReadOnly() == false); } nameModified = false; dataModified = false; ld->AddCityButton->setEnabled(false); ld->UpdateButton->setEnabled(false); } bool LocationDialog::addCity() { return updateCity(CITY_ADD); } bool LocationDialog::updateCity() { if (SelectedCity == nullptr) return false; return updateCity(CITY_UPDATE); } bool LocationDialog::removeCity() { if (SelectedCity == nullptr) return false; return updateCity(CITY_REMOVE); } bool LocationDialog::updateCity(CityOperation operation) { if (operation == CITY_REMOVE) { QString message = i18n("Are you sure you want to remove %1?", selectedCityName()); if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(nullptr, message, i18n("Remove City?")) == KMessageBox::No) return false; //user answered No. } else if (!nameModified && !dataModified) { QString message = i18n("This city already exists in the database."); KMessageBox::sorry(nullptr, message, i18n("Error: Duplicate Entry")); return false; } bool latOk(false), lngOk(false), tzOk(false); dms lat = ld->NewLat->createDms(true, &latOk); dms lng = ld->NewLong->createDms(true, &lngOk); QString TimeZoneString = ld->TZBox->lineEdit()->text(); TimeZoneString.replace(QLocale().decimalPoint(), "."); double TZ = TimeZoneString.toDouble(&tzOk); double height = ld->NewElev->value(); if (ld->NewCityName->text().isEmpty() || ld->NewCountryName->text().isEmpty()) { QString message = i18n("All fields (except province) must be filled to add this location."); KMessageBox::sorry(nullptr, message, i18n("Fields are Empty")); return false; } else if (!latOk || !lngOk) { QString message = i18n("Could not parse the Latitude/Longitude."); KMessageBox::sorry(nullptr, message, i18n("Bad Coordinates")); return false; } else if (!tzOk) { QString message = i18n("UTC Offset must be selected."); KMessageBox::sorry(nullptr, message, i18n("UTC Offset")); return false; } // If name is still the same then it's an update operation if (operation == CITY_ADD && !nameModified) operation = CITY_UPDATE; /*if ( !nameModified ) { QString message = i18n( "Really override original data for this city?" ); if ( KMessageBox::questionYesNo( 0, message, i18n( "Override Existing Data?" ), KGuiItem(i18n("Override Data")), KGuiItem(i18n("Do Not Override"))) == KMessageBox::No ) return false; //user answered No. }*/ QSqlDatabase mycitydb = QSqlDatabase::database("mycitydb"); QString dbfile = KSPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation) + "mycitydb.sqlite"; // If it doesn't exist, create it if (QFile::exists(dbfile) == false) { mycitydb.setDatabaseName(dbfile); mycitydb.open(); QSqlQuery create_query(mycitydb); QString query("CREATE TABLE city ( " "id INTEGER DEFAULT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " "Name TEXT DEFAULT NULL, " "Province TEXT DEFAULT NULL, " "Country TEXT DEFAULT NULL, " "Latitude TEXT DEFAULT NULL, " "Longitude TEXT DEFAULT NULL, " "TZ REAL DEFAULT NULL, " "TZRule TEXT DEFAULT NULL," "Elevation REAL NOT NULL DEFAULT -10 )"); if (create_query.exec(query) == false) { qCWarning(KSTARS) << create_query.lastError(); return false; } } else if (mycitydb.open() == false) { qCWarning(KSTARS) << mycitydb.lastError(); return false; } //Strip off white space QString name = ld->NewCityName->text().trimmed(); QString province = ld->NewProvinceName->text().trimmed(); QString country = ld->NewCountryName->text().trimmed(); QString TZrule = ld->DSTRuleBox->currentText(); double Elevation = ld->NewElev->value(); GeoLocation *g = nullptr; switch (operation) { case CITY_ADD: { QSqlQuery add_query(mycitydb); add_query.prepare("INSERT INTO city(Name, Province, Country, Latitude, Longitude, TZ, TZRule, Elevation) " "VALUES(:Name, :Province, :Country, :Latitude, :Longitude, :TZ, :TZRule, :Elevation)"); add_query.bindValue(":Name", name); add_query.bindValue(":Province", province); add_query.bindValue(":Country", country); add_query.bindValue(":Latitude", lat.toDMSString()); add_query.bindValue(":Longitude", lng.toDMSString()); add_query.bindValue(":TZ", TZ); add_query.bindValue(":TZRule", TZrule); add_query.bindValue(":Elevation", Elevation); if (add_query.exec() == false) { qCWarning(KSTARS) << add_query.lastError(); return false; } //Add city to geoList...don't need to insert it alphabetically, since we always sort GeoList g = new GeoLocation(lng, lat, name, province, country, TZ, &KStarsData::Instance()->Rulebook[TZrule], Elevation); KStarsData::Instance()->getGeoList().append(g); } break; case CITY_UPDATE: { g = SelectedCity; QSqlQuery update_query(mycitydb); update_query.prepare("UPDATE city SET Name = :newName, Province = :newProvince, Country = :newCountry, " "Latitude = :Latitude, Longitude = :Longitude, TZ = :TZ, TZRule = :TZRule, Elevation = :Elevation WHERE " "Name = :Name AND Province = :Province AND Country = :Country"); update_query.bindValue(":newName", name); update_query.bindValue(":newProvince", province); update_query.bindValue(":newCountry", country); update_query.bindValue(":Name", SelectedCity->name()); update_query.bindValue(":Province", SelectedCity->province()); update_query.bindValue(":Country", SelectedCity->country()); update_query.bindValue(":Latitude", lat.toDMSString()); update_query.bindValue(":Longitude", lng.toDMSString()); update_query.bindValue(":TZ", TZ); update_query.bindValue(":TZRule", TZrule); update_query.bindValue(":Elevation", Elevation); if (update_query.exec() == false) { qCWarning(KSTARS) << update_query.lastError() << endl; return false; } g->setName(name); g->setProvince(province); g->setCountry(country); g->setLat(lat); g->setLong(lng); g->setTZ0(TZ); g->setTZRule(&KStarsData::Instance()->Rulebook[TZrule]); g->setElevation(height); } break; case CITY_REMOVE: { g = SelectedCity; QSqlQuery delete_query(mycitydb); delete_query.prepare("DELETE FROM city WHERE Name = :Name AND Province = :Province AND Country = :Country"); delete_query.bindValue(":Name", name); delete_query.bindValue(":Province", province); delete_query.bindValue(":Country", country); if (delete_query.exec() == false) { qCWarning(KSTARS) << delete_query.lastError() << endl; return false; } filteredCityList.removeOne(g); KStarsData::Instance()->getGeoList().removeOne(g); delete g; g = nullptr; } break; } //(possibly) insert new city into GeoBox by running filterCity() filterCity(); //Attempt to highlight new city in list ld->GeoBox->setCurrentItem(nullptr); if (g && ld->GeoBox->count()) { for (int i = 0; i < ld->GeoBox->count(); i++) { if (ld->GeoBox->item(i)->text() == g->fullName()) { ld->GeoBox->setCurrentRow(i); break; } } } mycitydb.commit(); mycitydb.close(); return true; } void LocationDialog::findCitiesNear(int lng, int lat) { KStarsData *data = KStarsData::Instance(); //find all cities within 3 degrees of (lng, lat); list them in GeoBox ld->GeoBox->clear(); //Remember, do NOT delete members of filteredCityList while (!filteredCityList.isEmpty()) filteredCityList.takeFirst(); foreach (GeoLocation *loc, data->getGeoList()) { if ((abs(lng - int(loc->lng()->Degrees())) < 3) && (abs(lat - int(loc->lat()->Degrees())) < 3)) { ld->GeoBox->addItem(loc->fullName()); filteredCityList.append(loc); } } ld->GeoBox->sortItems(); ld->CountLabel->setText( i18np("One city matches search criteria", "%1 cities match search criteria", ld->GeoBox->count())); if (ld->GeoBox->count() > 0) // set first item in list as selected ld->GeoBox->setCurrentItem(ld->GeoBox->item(0)); repaint(); } bool LocationDialog::checkLongLat() { if (ld->NewLong->text().isEmpty() || ld->NewLat->text().isEmpty()) return false; bool ok; double lng = ld->NewLong->createDms(true, &ok).Degrees(); if (!ok) return false; double lat = ld->NewLat->createDms(true, &ok).Degrees(); if (!ok) return false; if (fabs(lng) > 180 || fabs(lat) > 90) return false; return true; } void LocationDialog::clearFields() { ld->CityFilter->clear(); ld->ProvinceFilter->clear(); ld->CountryFilter->clear(); ld->NewCityName->clear(); ld->NewProvinceName->clear(); ld->NewCountryName->clear(); ld->NewLong->clearFields(); ld->NewLat->clearFields(); - ld->NewElev->setValue(-10); + ld->NewElev->setValue(-10); ld->TZBox->setCurrentIndex(-1); // JM 2017-09-16: No, let's not assume it is 0. User have to explicitly set TZ so avoid mistakes. //ld->TZBox->lineEdit()->setText(QLocale().toString(0.0)); ld->DSTRuleBox->setCurrentIndex(0); nameModified = true; dataModified = false; ld->AddCityButton->setEnabled(false); ld->UpdateButton->setEnabled(false); ld->NewCityName->setFocus(); } void LocationDialog::showTZRules() { QFile file; if (KSUtils::openDataFile(file, "TZrules.dat") == false) return; QTextStream stream(&file); QString message = i18n("Daylight Saving Time Rules"); QPointer tzd = new QDialog(this); tzd->setWindowTitle(message); QPlainTextEdit *textEdit = new QPlainTextEdit(tzd); textEdit->setReadOnly(true); while (stream.atEnd() == false) { QString line = stream.readLine(); if (line.startsWith('#')) textEdit->appendPlainText(line); } textEdit->moveCursor(QTextCursor::Start); textEdit->ensureCursorVisible(); QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout; mainLayout->addWidget(textEdit); QDialogButtonBox *buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Close); mainLayout->addWidget(buttonBox); connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(rejected()), tzd, SLOT(reject())); tzd->setLayout(mainLayout); tzd->exec(); delete tzd; } void LocationDialog::nameChanged() { nameModified = true; dataChanged(); } //do not enable Add button until all data are present and valid. void LocationDialog::dataChanged() { dataModified = true; ld->AddCityButton->setEnabled(nameModified && !ld->NewCityName->text().isEmpty() && !ld->NewCountryName->text().isEmpty() && checkLongLat() && ld->TZBox->currentIndex() != -1); if (SelectedCity) ld->UpdateButton->setEnabled(SelectedCity->isReadOnly() == false && !ld->NewCityName->text().isEmpty() && !ld->NewCountryName->text().isEmpty() && checkLongLat() && ld->TZBox->currentIndex() != -1); if (ld->AddCityButton->isEnabled() == false && ld->UpdateButton->isEnabled() == false) { if (ld->NewCityName->text().isEmpty()) { ld->errorLabel->setText(i18n("Cannot add new location -- city name blank")); } else if (ld->NewCountryName->text().isEmpty()) { ld->errorLabel->setText(i18n("Cannot add new location -- country name blank")); } else if (!checkLongLat()) { ld->errorLabel->setText(i18n("Cannot add new location -- invalid latitude / longitude")); } else if (ld->TZBox->currentIndex() == -1) { ld->errorLabel->setText(i18n("Cannot add new location -- missing UTC Offset")); } else if (SelectedCity && SelectedCity->isReadOnly()) { ld->errorLabel->setText(i18n("City is Read Only. Change name to add new city.")); } } else { ld->errorLabel->setText(QString()); } } void LocationDialog::slotOk() { if (ld->AddCityButton->isEnabled()) { if (addCity()) accept(); } else accept(); } // FIXME Disable this until Qt5 works with Geoclue2 #ifdef HAVE_GEOCLUE_2 void LocationDialog::getNameFromCoordinates(double latitude, double longitude) { QString lat = QString::number(latitude); QString lon = QString::number(longitude); QString latlng(lat + ", " + lon); QUrl url("http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json"); QUrlQuery query; query.addQueryItem("latlng", latlng); url.setQuery(query); qDebug() << "submitting request"; nam->get(QNetworkRequest(url)); connect(nam, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), this, SLOT(processLocationNameData(QNetworkReply*))); } void LocationDialog::processLocationNameData(QNetworkReply *networkReply) { if (!networkReply) return; if (!networkReply->error()) { QJsonDocument document = QJsonDocument::fromJson(networkReply->readAll()); if (document.isObject()) { QJsonObject obj = document.object(); QJsonValue val; if (obj.contains(QStringLiteral("results"))) { val = obj["results"]; QString city = val.toArray()[0].toObject()["address_components"].toArray()[2].toObject()["long_name"].toString(); QString region = val.toArray()[0].toObject()["address_components"].toArray()[3].toObject()["long_name"].toString(); QString country = val.toArray()[0].toObject()["address_components"].toArray()[4].toObject()["long_name"].toString(); //emit newNameFromCoordinates(city, region, country); } else { } } } networkReply->deleteLater(); } void LocationDialog::requestUpdate() { source->requestUpdate(15000); } void LocationDialog::positionUpdated(const QGeoPositionInfo &info) { - qDebug() << "Position updated:" << info; + qDebug() << "Position updated:" << info; } void LocationDialog::positionUpdateError(QGeoPositionInfoSource::Error error) { qDebug() << "Position update error: " << error; } void LocationDialog::positionUpdateTimeout() { qDebug() << "Timed out!"; qDebug() << source->error(); } #endif diff --git a/kstars/dialogs/locationdialog.ui b/kstars/dialogs/locationdialog.ui index fbe900471..ffd383f26 100644 --- a/kstars/dialogs/locationdialog.ui +++ b/kstars/dialogs/locationdialog.ui @@ -1,703 +1,757 @@ LocationDialog 0 0 784 - 488 + 492 3 3 3 3 3 Choose City 3 3 3 3 3 6 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 360 180 360 180 QFrame::NoFrame QFrame::Plain 0 0 0 0 3 Country filter: City filter: Province filter: 0 cities match search criteria 0 0 View/Edit Location Data 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 3 140 0 140 0 City: 140 0 Province: Country: 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 100 0 <html><head/><body><p>Latitude in degrees. North of equator is positive and South is negative.</p></body></html> Longitude: 0 0 100 0 <html><head/><body><p>Longitude in degrees. East of Greenwich is positive and West is negative.</p></body></html> Latitude: Elevation -420.000000000000000 10000.000000000000000 10.000000000000000 -10.000000000000000 Qt::Horizontal 16 21 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 Sans Serif 9 75 false true true false DST rule: UT offset: true 3 0 0 0 0 false Get Location &Clear Fields Qt::Horizontal 40 20 false 16 16 Add City + + + + + + 22 + 22 + + false 16 16 Update City + + + + + + 22 + 22 + + false 16 16 Remove City + + + + + + 22 + 22 + + 255 0 0 0 0 0 + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 255 0 0 0 0 0 + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 190 190 190 190 190 190 + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 75 true dmsBox QLineEdit
MapCanvas QFrame
CityFilter ProvinceFilter CountryFilter GeoBox NewCityName NewProvinceName NewCountryName NewLat NewLong TZBox DSTRuleBox AddCityButton UpdateButton RemoveButton ClearFieldsButton