diff --git a/kstars/ekos/scheduler/scheduler.cpp b/kstars/ekos/scheduler/scheduler.cpp index 734a32039..57c5bcdcc 100644 --- a/kstars/ekos/scheduler/scheduler.cpp +++ b/kstars/ekos/scheduler/scheduler.cpp @@ -1,6764 +1,7092 @@ /* Ekos Scheduler Module Copyright (C) 2015 Jasem Mutlaq DBus calls from GSoC 2015 Ekos Scheduler project by Daniel Leu This application is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ #include "scheduler.h" #include "ksalmanac.h" #include "ksnotification.h" #include "kstars.h" #include "kstarsdata.h" #include "ksutils.h" #include "mosaic.h" #include "Options.h" #include "scheduleradaptor.h" #include "schedulerjob.h" #include "skymapcomposite.h" #include "auxiliary/QProgressIndicator.h" #include "dialogs/finddialog.h" #include "ekos/manager.h" #include "ekos/capture/sequencejob.h" #include "skyobjects/starobject.h" #include #include #define BAD_SCORE -1000 #define MAX_FAILURE_ATTEMPTS 5 #define UPDATE_PERIOD_MS 1000 #define SETTING_ALTITUDE_CUTOFF 3 #define DEFAULT_CULMINATION_TIME -60 #define DEFAULT_MIN_ALTITUDE 15 #define DEFAULT_MIN_MOON_SEPARATION 0 namespace Ekos { Scheduler::Scheduler() { setupUi(this); qRegisterMetaType("Ekos::SchedulerState"); qDBusRegisterMetaType(); new SchedulerAdaptor(this); QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject("/KStars/Ekos/Scheduler", this); dirPath = QUrl::fromLocalFile(QDir::homePath()); // Get current KStars time and set seconds to zero QDateTime currentDateTime = KStarsData::Instance()->lt(); QTime currentTime = currentDateTime.time(); currentTime.setHMS(currentTime.hour(), currentTime.minute(), 0); currentDateTime.setTime(currentTime); // Set initial time for startup and completion times startupTimeEdit->setDateTime(currentDateTime); completionTimeEdit->setDateTime(currentDateTime); // Set up DBus interfaces QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject("/KStars/Ekos/Scheduler", this); ekosInterface = new QDBusInterface("org.kde.kstars", "/KStars/Ekos", "org.kde.kstars.Ekos", QDBusConnection::sessionBus(), this); // Example of connecting DBus signals connect(ekosInterface, SIGNAL(indiStatusChanged(Ekos::CommunicationStatus)), this, SLOT(setINDICommunicationStatus(Ekos::CommunicationStatus))); connect(ekosInterface, SIGNAL(ekosStatusChanged(Ekos::CommunicationStatus)), this, SLOT(setEkosCommunicationStatus(Ekos::CommunicationStatus))); connect(ekosInterface, SIGNAL(newModule(QString)), this, SLOT(registerNewModule(QString))); moon = dynamic_cast(KStarsData::Instance()->skyComposite()->findByName("Moon")); sleepLabel->setPixmap( QIcon::fromTheme("chronometer").pixmap(QSize(32, 32))); sleepLabel->hide(); connect(&sleepTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &Scheduler::wakeUpScheduler); schedulerTimer.setInterval(UPDATE_PERIOD_MS); jobTimer.setInterval(UPDATE_PERIOD_MS); connect(&schedulerTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &Scheduler::checkStatus); connect(&jobTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &Scheduler::checkJobStage); pi = new QProgressIndicator(this); bottomLayout->addWidget(pi, 0, nullptr); geo = KStarsData::Instance()->geo(); raBox->setDegType(false); //RA box should be HMS-style /* FIXME: Find a way to have multi-line tooltips in the .ui file, then move the widget configuration there - what about i18n? */ queueTable->setToolTip(i18n("Job scheduler list.\nClick to select a job in the list.\nDouble click to edit a job with the left-hand fields.")); /* Set first button mode to add observation job from left-hand fields */ setJobAddApply(true); removeFromQueueB->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("list-remove")); removeFromQueueB->setToolTip(i18n("Remove selected job from the observation list.\nJob properties are copied in the edition fields before removal.")); removeFromQueueB->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); queueUpB->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("go-up")); queueUpB->setToolTip(i18n("Move selected job one line up in the list.\n" "Order only affect observation jobs that are scheduled to start at the same time.\n" "Not available if option \"Sort jobs by Altitude and Priority\" is set.")); queueUpB->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); queueDownB->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("go-down")); queueDownB->setToolTip(i18n("Move selected job one line down in the list.\n" "Order only affect observation jobs that are scheduled to start at the same time.\n" "Not available if option \"Sort jobs by Altitude and Priority\" is set.")); queueDownB->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); evaluateOnlyB->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("system-reboot")); evaluateOnlyB->setToolTip(i18n("Reset state and force reevaluation of all observation jobs.")); evaluateOnlyB->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); + sortJobsB->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("transform-move-vertical")); + sortJobsB->setToolTip(i18n("Reset state and sort observation jobs per altitude and movement in sky, using the start time of the first job.\n" + "This action sorts setting targets before rising targets, and may help scheduling when starting your observation.\n" + "Option \"Sort Jobs by Altitude and Priority\" keeps the job list sorted this way, but with current time as reference.\n" + "Note the algorithm first calculates all altitudes using the same time, then evaluates jobs.")); + sortJobsB->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); mosaicB->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("zoom-draw")); mosaicB->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); queueSaveAsB->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("document-save-as")); queueSaveAsB->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); queueSaveB->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("document-save")); queueSaveB->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); queueLoadB->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("document-open")); queueLoadB->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); loadSequenceB->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("document-open")); loadSequenceB->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); selectStartupScriptB->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("document-open")); selectStartupScriptB->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); selectShutdownScriptB->setIcon( QIcon::fromTheme("document-open")); selectShutdownScriptB->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); selectFITSB->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("document-open")); selectFITSB->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); startupB->setIcon( QIcon::fromTheme("media-playback-start")); startupB->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); shutdownB->setIcon( QIcon::fromTheme("media-playback-start")); shutdownB->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); connect(startupB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Scheduler::runStartupProcedure); connect(shutdownB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Scheduler::runShutdownProcedure); selectObjectB->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("edit-find")); connect(selectObjectB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Scheduler::selectObject); connect(selectFITSB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Scheduler::selectFITS); connect(loadSequenceB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Scheduler::selectSequence); connect(selectStartupScriptB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Scheduler::selectStartupScript); connect(selectShutdownScriptB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Scheduler::selectShutdownScript); connect(mosaicB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Scheduler::startMosaicTool); connect(addToQueueB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Scheduler::addJob); connect(removeFromQueueB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Scheduler::removeJob); connect(queueUpB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Scheduler::moveJobUp); connect(queueDownB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Scheduler::moveJobDown); connect(evaluateOnlyB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Scheduler::startJobEvaluation); + connect(sortJobsB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Scheduler::sortJobsPerAltitude); connect(queueTable, &QAbstractItemView::clicked, this, &Scheduler::clickQueueTable); connect(queueTable, &QAbstractItemView::doubleClicked, this, &Scheduler::loadJob); startB->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("media-playback-start")); startB->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); pauseB->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("media-playback-pause")); pauseB->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); connect(startB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Scheduler::toggleScheduler); connect(pauseB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Scheduler::pause); connect(queueSaveAsB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Scheduler::saveAs); connect(queueSaveB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Scheduler::save); connect(queueLoadB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Scheduler::load); connect(twilightCheck, &QCheckBox::toggled, this, &Scheduler::checkTwilightWarning); loadProfiles(); watchJobChanges(true); } QString Scheduler::getCurrentJobName() { return (currentJob != nullptr ? currentJob->getName() : ""); } void Scheduler::watchJobChanges(bool enable) { /* Don't double watch, this will cause multiple signals to be connected */ if (enable == jobChangesAreWatched) return; /* These are the widgets we want to connect, per signal function, to listen for modifications */ QLineEdit * const lineEdits[] = { nameEdit, raBox, decBox, fitsEdit, sequenceEdit, startupScript, shutdownScript }; QDateTimeEdit * const dateEdits[] = { startupTimeEdit, completionTimeEdit }; QComboBox * const comboBoxes[] = { schedulerProfileCombo }; QButtonGroup * const buttonGroups[] = { stepsButtonGroup, startupButtonGroup, constraintButtonGroup, completionButtonGroup, startupProcedureButtonGroup, shutdownProcedureGroup }; QSpinBox * const spinBoxes[] = { culminationOffset, repeatsSpin, prioritySpin }; QDoubleSpinBox * const dspinBoxes[] = { minMoonSeparation, minAltitude }; if (enable) { /* Connect the relevant signal to setDirty. Note that we are not keeping the connection object: we will * only use that signal once, and there will be no leaks. If we were connecting multiple receiver functions * to the same signal, we would have to be selective when disconnecting. We also use a lambda to absorb the * excess arguments which cannot be passed to setDirty, and limit captured arguments to 'this'. * The main problem with this implementation compared to the macro method is that it is now possible to * stack signal connections. That is, multiple calls to WatchJobChanges will cause multiple signal-to-slot * instances to be registered. As a result, one click will produce N signals, with N*=2 for each call to * WatchJobChanges(true) missing its WatchJobChanges(false) counterpart. */ for (auto * const control: lineEdits) connect(control, &QLineEdit::editingFinished, this, [this](){setDirty();}); for (auto * const control: dateEdits) connect(control, &QDateTimeEdit::editingFinished, this, [this](){setDirty();}); for (auto * const control: comboBoxes) connect(control, static_cast(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), this, [this](){setDirty();}); for (auto * const control: buttonGroups) connect(control, static_cast(&QButtonGroup::buttonToggled), this, [this](int, bool){setDirty();}); for (auto * const control: spinBoxes) connect(control, static_cast(&QSpinBox::valueChanged), this, [this](){setDirty();}); for (auto * const control: dspinBoxes) connect(control, static_cast(&QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged), this, [this](double){setDirty();}); } else { /* Disconnect the relevant signal from each widget. Actually, this method removes all signals from the widgets, * because we did not take care to keep the connection object when connecting. No problem in our case, we do not * expect other signals to be connected. Because we used a lambda, we cannot use the same function object to * disconnect selectively. */ for (auto * const control: lineEdits) disconnect(control, &QLineEdit::editingFinished, this, nullptr); for (auto * const control: dateEdits) disconnect(control, &QDateTimeEdit::editingFinished, this, nullptr); for (auto * const control: comboBoxes) disconnect(control, static_cast(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), this, nullptr); for (auto * const control: buttonGroups) disconnect(control, static_cast(&QButtonGroup::buttonToggled), this, nullptr); for (auto * const control: spinBoxes) disconnect(control, static_cast(&QSpinBox::valueChanged), this, nullptr); for (auto * const control: dspinBoxes) disconnect(control, static_cast(&QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged), this, nullptr); } jobChangesAreWatched = enable; } void Scheduler::appendLogText(const QString &text) { /* FIXME: user settings for log length */ int const max_log_count = 2000; if (m_LogText.size() > max_log_count) m_LogText.removeLast(); m_LogText.prepend(i18nc("log entry; %1 is the date, %2 is the text", "%1 %2", QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss"), text)); qCInfo(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << text; emit newLog(text); } void Scheduler::clearLog() { m_LogText.clear(); emit newLog(QString()); } void Scheduler::selectObject() { QPointer fd = new FindDialog(this); if (fd->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { SkyObject *object = fd->targetObject(); addObject(object); } delete fd; } void Scheduler::addObject(SkyObject *object) { if (object != nullptr) { QString finalObjectName(object->name()); if (object->name() == "star") { StarObject *s = dynamic_cast(object); if (s->getHDIndex() != 0) finalObjectName = QString("HD %1").arg(s->getHDIndex()); } nameEdit->setText(finalObjectName); raBox->showInHours(object->ra0()); decBox->showInDegrees(object->dec0()); addToQueueB->setEnabled(sequenceEdit->text().isEmpty() == false); mosaicB->setEnabled(sequenceEdit->text().isEmpty() == false); setDirty(); } } void Scheduler::selectFITS() { fitsURL = QFileDialog::getOpenFileUrl(this, i18n("Select FITS Image"), dirPath, "FITS (*.fits *.fit)"); if (fitsURL.isEmpty()) return; dirPath = QUrl(fitsURL.url(QUrl::RemoveFilename)); fitsEdit->setText(fitsURL.toLocalFile()); if (nameEdit->text().isEmpty()) nameEdit->setText(fitsURL.fileName()); addToQueueB->setEnabled(sequenceEdit->text().isEmpty() == false); mosaicB->setEnabled(sequenceEdit->text().isEmpty() == false); setDirty(); } void Scheduler::selectSequence() { sequenceURL = QFileDialog::getOpenFileUrl(this, i18n("Select Sequence Queue"), dirPath, i18n("Ekos Sequence Queue (*.esq)")); if (sequenceURL.isEmpty()) return; dirPath = QUrl(sequenceURL.url(QUrl::RemoveFilename)); sequenceEdit->setText(sequenceURL.toLocalFile()); // For object selection, all fields must be filled if ((raBox->isEmpty() == false && decBox->isEmpty() == false && nameEdit->text().isEmpty() == false) // For FITS selection, only the name and fits URL should be filled. || (nameEdit->text().isEmpty() == false && fitsURL.isEmpty() == false)) { addToQueueB->setEnabled(true); mosaicB->setEnabled(true); } setDirty(); } void Scheduler::selectStartupScript() { startupScriptURL = QFileDialog::getOpenFileUrl(this, i18n("Select Startup Script"), dirPath, i18n("Script (*)")); if (startupScriptURL.isEmpty()) return; dirPath = QUrl(startupScriptURL.url(QUrl::RemoveFilename)); mDirty = true; startupScript->setText(startupScriptURL.toLocalFile()); } void Scheduler::selectShutdownScript() { shutdownScriptURL = QFileDialog::getOpenFileUrl(this, i18n("Select Shutdown Script"), dirPath, i18n("Script (*)")); if (shutdownScriptURL.isEmpty()) return; dirPath = QUrl(shutdownScriptURL.url(QUrl::RemoveFilename)); mDirty = true; shutdownScript->setText(shutdownScriptURL.toLocalFile()); } void Scheduler::addJob() { if (0 <= jobUnderEdit) { /* If a job is being edited, reset edition mode as all fields are already transferred to the job */ resetJobEdit(); } else { /* If a job is being added, save fields into a new job */ saveJob(); /* There is now an evaluation for each change, so don't duplicate the evaluation now */ // jobEvaluationOnly = true; // evaluateJobs(); } } void Scheduler::saveJob() { if (state == SCHEDULER_RUNNIG) { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: You cannot add or modify a job while the scheduler is running.")); return; } if (nameEdit->text().isEmpty()) { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: Target name is required.")); return; } if (sequenceEdit->text().isEmpty()) { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: Sequence file is required.")); return; } // Coordinates are required unless it is a FITS file if ((raBox->isEmpty() || decBox->isEmpty()) && fitsURL.isEmpty()) { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: Target coordinates are required.")); return; } bool raOk = false, decOk = false; dms /*const*/ ra(raBox->createDms(false, &raOk)); //false means expressed in hours dms /*const*/ dec(decBox->createDms(true, &decOk)); if (raOk == false) { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: RA value %1 is invalid.", raBox->text())); return; } if (decOk == false) { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: DEC value %1 is invalid.", decBox->text())); return; } watchJobChanges(false); - /* Warn if appending a job after infinite repeat */ - /* FIXME: alter looping job priorities so that they are rescheduled later */ - foreach(SchedulerJob * job, jobs) - if(SchedulerJob::FINISH_LOOP == job->getCompletionCondition()) - appendLogText(i18n("Warning: Job '%1' has completion condition set to infinite repeat, other jobs may not execute.",job->getName())); - /* Create or Update a scheduler job */ int currentRow = queueTable->currentRow(); SchedulerJob * job = nullptr; /* If no row is selected for insertion, append at end of list. */ if (currentRow < 0) currentRow = queueTable->rowCount(); /* Add job to queue only if it is new, else reuse current row. * Make sure job is added at the right index, now that queueTable may have a line selected without being edited. */ if (0 <= jobUnderEdit) { /* FIXME: jobUnderEdit is a parallel variable that may cause issues if it desyncs from queueTable->currentRow(). */ if (jobUnderEdit != currentRow) qCWarning(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "BUG: the observation job under edit does not match the selected row in the job table."; /* Use the job in the row currently edited */ job = jobs.at(currentRow); } else { /* Instantiate a new job, insert it in the job list and add a row in the table for it just after the row currently selected. */ job = new SchedulerJob(); jobs.insert(currentRow, job); queueTable->insertRow(currentRow); } /* Configure or reconfigure the observation job */ job->setName(nameEdit->text()); job->setPriority(prioritySpin->value()); job->setTargetCoords(ra, dec); job->setDateTimeDisplayFormat(startupTimeEdit->displayFormat()); /* Consider sequence file is new, and clear captured frames map */ job->setCapturedFramesMap(SchedulerJob::CapturedFramesMap()); job->setSequenceFile(sequenceURL); fitsURL = QUrl::fromLocalFile(fitsEdit->text()); job->setFITSFile(fitsURL); // #1 Startup conditions if (asapConditionR->isChecked()) { job->setStartupCondition(SchedulerJob::START_ASAP); } else if (culminationConditionR->isChecked()) { job->setStartupCondition(SchedulerJob::START_CULMINATION); job->setCulminationOffset(culminationOffset->value()); } else { job->setStartupCondition(SchedulerJob::START_AT); job->setStartupTime(startupTimeEdit->dateTime()); } /* Store the original startup condition */ job->setFileStartupCondition(job->getStartupCondition()); job->setFileStartupTime(job->getStartupTime()); // #2 Constraints // Do we have minimum altitude constraint? if (altConstraintCheck->isChecked()) job->setMinAltitude(minAltitude->value()); else - job->setMinAltitude(-1); + job->setMinAltitude(-90); // Do we have minimum moon separation constraint? if (moonSeparationCheck->isChecked()) job->setMinMoonSeparation(minMoonSeparation->value()); else job->setMinMoonSeparation(-1); // Check enforce weather constraints job->setEnforceWeather(weatherCheck->isChecked()); // twilight constraints job->setEnforceTwilight(twilightCheck->isChecked()); /* Verifications */ /* FIXME: perhaps use a method more visible to the end-user */ if (SchedulerJob::START_AT == job->getFileStartupCondition()) { /* Warn if appending a job which startup time doesn't allow proper score */ if (calculateJobScore(job, job->getStartupTime()) < 0) appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' has startup time %2 resulting in a negative score, and will be marked invalid when processed.", job->getName(), job->getStartupTime().toString(job->getDateTimeDisplayFormat()))); - /* Warn if appending a job with a startup time that is in the past */ - if (job->getStartupTime() < KStarsData::Instance()->lt()) - appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' has fixed startup time %2 set in the past, and will be marked invalid when evaluated.", - job->getName(), job->getStartupTime().toString(job->getDateTimeDisplayFormat()))); } // #3 Completion conditions if (sequenceCompletionR->isChecked()) { job->setCompletionCondition(SchedulerJob::FINISH_SEQUENCE); } else if (repeatCompletionR->isChecked()) { job->setCompletionCondition(SchedulerJob::FINISH_REPEAT); job->setRepeatsRequired(repeatsSpin->value()); job->setRepeatsRemaining(repeatsSpin->value()); } else if (loopCompletionR->isChecked()) { job->setCompletionCondition(SchedulerJob::FINISH_LOOP); } else { job->setCompletionCondition(SchedulerJob::FINISH_AT); job->setCompletionTime(completionTimeEdit->dateTime()); } // Job steps job->setStepPipeline(SchedulerJob::USE_NONE); if (trackStepCheck->isChecked()) job->setStepPipeline(static_cast(job->getStepPipeline() | SchedulerJob::USE_TRACK)); if (focusStepCheck->isChecked()) job->setStepPipeline(static_cast(job->getStepPipeline() | SchedulerJob::USE_FOCUS)); if (alignStepCheck->isChecked()) job->setStepPipeline(static_cast(job->getStepPipeline() | SchedulerJob::USE_ALIGN)); if (guideStepCheck->isChecked()) job->setStepPipeline(static_cast(job->getStepPipeline() | SchedulerJob::USE_GUIDE)); /* Reset job state to evaluate the changes */ job->reset(); // Warn user if a duplicated job is in the list - same target, same sequence // FIXME: Those duplicated jobs are not necessarily processed in the order they appear in the list! foreach (SchedulerJob *a_job, jobs) { if (a_job == job) { break; } else if (a_job->getName() == job->getName()) { int const a_job_row = a_job->getNameCell()? a_job->getNameCell()->row()+1 : 0; /* FIXME: Warning about duplicate jobs only checks the target name, doing it properly would require checking storage for each sequence job of each scheduler job. */ appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' at row %2 has a duplicate target at row %3, " "the scheduler may consider the same storage for captures.", job->getName(), currentRow, a_job_row)); /* Warn the user in case the two jobs are really identical */ if (a_job->getSequenceFile() == job->getSequenceFile()) { if (a_job->getRepeatsRequired() == job->getRepeatsRequired() && Options::rememberJobProgress()) appendLogText(i18n("Warning: jobs '%1' at row %2 and %3 probably require a different repeat count " "as currently they will complete simultaneously after %4 batches (or disable option 'Remember job progress')", job->getName(), currentRow, a_job_row, job->getRepeatsRequired())); if (a_job->getStartupTime() == a_job->getStartupTime() && a_job->getPriority() == job->getPriority()) appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' at row %2 might require a specific startup time or a different priority, " "as currently they will start in order of insertion in the table", job->getName(), currentRow)); } } } - /* FIXME: Move part of the new job cell-wiring to setJobStatusCells */ - - QTableWidgetItem *nameCell = (jobUnderEdit >= 0) ? queueTable->item(currentRow, static_cast(SCHEDCOL_NAME)) : new QTableWidgetItem(); - if (jobUnderEdit == -1) queueTable->setItem(currentRow, static_cast(SCHEDCOL_NAME), nameCell); - nameCell->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); - nameCell->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled); - job->setNameCell(nameCell); - - QTableWidgetItem *statusCell = (jobUnderEdit >= 0) ? queueTable->item(currentRow, static_cast(SCHEDCOL_STATUS)) : new QTableWidgetItem(); - if (jobUnderEdit == -1) queueTable->setItem(currentRow, static_cast(SCHEDCOL_STATUS), statusCell); - statusCell->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); - statusCell->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled); - job->setStatusCell(statusCell); - - QTableWidgetItem *captureCount = (jobUnderEdit >= 0) ? queueTable->item(currentRow, static_cast(SCHEDCOL_CAPTURES)) : new QTableWidgetItem(); - if (jobUnderEdit == -1) queueTable->setItem(currentRow, static_cast(SCHEDCOL_CAPTURES), captureCount); - captureCount->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); - captureCount->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled); - job->setCaptureCountCell(captureCount); - - QTableWidgetItem *scoreValue = (jobUnderEdit >= 0) ? queueTable->item(currentRow, static_cast(SCHEDCOL_SCORE)) : new QTableWidgetItem(); - if (jobUnderEdit == -1) queueTable->setItem(currentRow, static_cast(SCHEDCOL_SCORE), scoreValue); - scoreValue->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); - scoreValue->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled); - job->setScoreCell(scoreValue); - - QTableWidgetItem *startupCell = (jobUnderEdit >= 0) ? queueTable->item(currentRow, static_cast(SCHEDCOL_STARTTIME)) : new QTableWidgetItem(); - if (jobUnderEdit == -1) queueTable->setItem(currentRow, static_cast(SCHEDCOL_STARTTIME), startupCell); - startupCell->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); - startupCell->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled); - job->setStartupCell(startupCell); - - QTableWidgetItem *completionCell = (jobUnderEdit >= 0) ? queueTable->item(currentRow, static_cast(SCHEDCOL_ENDTIME)) : new QTableWidgetItem(); - if (jobUnderEdit == -1) queueTable->setItem(currentRow, static_cast(SCHEDCOL_ENDTIME), completionCell); - completionCell->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); - completionCell->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled); - job->setCompletionCell(completionCell); - - QTableWidgetItem *estimatedTimeCell = (jobUnderEdit >= 0) ? queueTable->item(currentRow, static_cast(SCHEDCOL_DURATION)) : new QTableWidgetItem(); - if (jobUnderEdit == -1) queueTable->setItem(currentRow, static_cast(SCHEDCOL_DURATION), estimatedTimeCell); - estimatedTimeCell->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); - estimatedTimeCell->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled); - job->setEstimatedTimeCell(estimatedTimeCell); + if (-1 == jobUnderEdit) + { + QTableWidgetItem *nameCell = new QTableWidgetItem(); + queueTable->setItem(currentRow, static_cast(SCHEDCOL_NAME), nameCell); + nameCell->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); + nameCell->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled); + + QTableWidgetItem *statusCell = new QTableWidgetItem(); + queueTable->setItem(currentRow, static_cast(SCHEDCOL_STATUS), statusCell); + statusCell->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); + statusCell->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled); + + QTableWidgetItem *captureCount = new QTableWidgetItem(); + queueTable->setItem(currentRow, static_cast(SCHEDCOL_CAPTURES), captureCount); + captureCount->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); + captureCount->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled); + + QTableWidgetItem *scoreValue = new QTableWidgetItem(); + queueTable->setItem(currentRow, static_cast(SCHEDCOL_SCORE), scoreValue); + scoreValue->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); + scoreValue->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled); + + QTableWidgetItem *startupCell = new QTableWidgetItem(); + queueTable->setItem(currentRow, static_cast(SCHEDCOL_STARTTIME), startupCell); + startupCell->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); + startupCell->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled); + + QTableWidgetItem *altitudeCell = new QTableWidgetItem(); + queueTable->setItem(currentRow, static_cast(SCHEDCOL_ALTITUDE), altitudeCell); + altitudeCell->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); + altitudeCell->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled); + + QTableWidgetItem *completionCell = new QTableWidgetItem(); + queueTable->setItem(currentRow, static_cast(SCHEDCOL_ENDTIME), completionCell); + completionCell->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); + completionCell->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled); + + QTableWidgetItem *estimatedTimeCell = new QTableWidgetItem(); + queueTable->setItem(currentRow, static_cast(SCHEDCOL_DURATION), estimatedTimeCell); + estimatedTimeCell->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); + estimatedTimeCell->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled); + + QTableWidgetItem *leadTimeCell = new QTableWidgetItem(); + queueTable->setItem(currentRow, static_cast(SCHEDCOL_LEADTIME), leadTimeCell); + leadTimeCell->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); + leadTimeCell->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled); + } + + setJobStatusCells(currentRow); /* We just added or saved a job, so we have a job in the list - enable relevant buttons */ queueSaveAsB->setEnabled(true); queueSaveB->setEnabled(true); startB->setEnabled(true); evaluateOnlyB->setEnabled(true); setJobManipulation(!Options::sortSchedulerJobs(), true); qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Job '%1' at row #%2 was saved.").arg(job->getName()).arg(currentRow+1); watchJobChanges(true); if (SCHEDULER_LOADING != state) { jobEvaluationOnly = true; evaluateJobs(); } } void Scheduler::loadJob(QModelIndex i) { if (jobUnderEdit == i.row()) return; if (state == SCHEDULER_RUNNIG) { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: you cannot add or modify a job while the scheduler is running.")); return; } SchedulerJob * const job = jobs.at(i.row()); if (job == nullptr) return; watchJobChanges(false); //job->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_IDLE); //job->setStage(SchedulerJob::STAGE_IDLE); nameEdit->setText(job->getName()); prioritySpin->setValue(job->getPriority()); raBox->showInHours(job->getTargetCoords().ra0()); decBox->showInDegrees(job->getTargetCoords().dec0()); if (job->getFITSFile().isEmpty() == false) { fitsEdit->setText(job->getFITSFile().toLocalFile()); fitsURL = job->getFITSFile(); } else { fitsEdit->clear(); fitsURL = QUrl(); } sequenceEdit->setText(job->getSequenceFile().toLocalFile()); sequenceURL = job->getSequenceFile(); trackStepCheck->setChecked(job->getStepPipeline() & SchedulerJob::USE_TRACK); focusStepCheck->setChecked(job->getStepPipeline() & SchedulerJob::USE_FOCUS); alignStepCheck->setChecked(job->getStepPipeline() & SchedulerJob::USE_ALIGN); guideStepCheck->setChecked(job->getStepPipeline() & SchedulerJob::USE_GUIDE); switch (job->getFileStartupCondition()) { case SchedulerJob::START_ASAP: asapConditionR->setChecked(true); culminationOffset->setValue(DEFAULT_CULMINATION_TIME); break; case SchedulerJob::START_CULMINATION: culminationConditionR->setChecked(true); culminationOffset->setValue(job->getCulminationOffset()); break; case SchedulerJob::START_AT: startupTimeConditionR->setChecked(true); startupTimeEdit->setDateTime(job->getStartupTime()); culminationOffset->setValue(DEFAULT_CULMINATION_TIME); break; } - if (job->getMinAltitude() >= 0) + if (-90 < job->getMinAltitude()) { altConstraintCheck->setChecked(true); minAltitude->setValue(job->getMinAltitude()); } else { altConstraintCheck->setChecked(false); minAltitude->setValue(DEFAULT_MIN_ALTITUDE); } if (job->getMinMoonSeparation() >= 0) { moonSeparationCheck->setChecked(true); minMoonSeparation->setValue(job->getMinMoonSeparation()); } else { moonSeparationCheck->setChecked(false); minMoonSeparation->setValue(DEFAULT_MIN_MOON_SEPARATION); } weatherCheck->setChecked(job->getEnforceWeather()); twilightCheck->blockSignals(true); twilightCheck->setChecked(job->getEnforceTwilight()); twilightCheck->blockSignals(false); switch (job->getCompletionCondition()) { case SchedulerJob::FINISH_SEQUENCE: sequenceCompletionR->setChecked(true); break; case SchedulerJob::FINISH_REPEAT: repeatCompletionR->setChecked(true); repeatsSpin->setValue(job->getRepeatsRequired()); break; case SchedulerJob::FINISH_LOOP: loopCompletionR->setChecked(true); break; case SchedulerJob::FINISH_AT: timeCompletionR->setChecked(true); completionTimeEdit->setDateTime(job->getCompletionTime()); break; } /* Turn the add button into an apply button */ setJobAddApply(false); /* Disable scheduler start/evaluate buttons */ startB->setEnabled(false); evaluateOnlyB->setEnabled(false); /* Don't let the end-user remove a job being edited */ setJobManipulation(false, false); jobUnderEdit = i.row(); qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Job '%1' at row #%2 is currently edited.").arg(job->getName()).arg(jobUnderEdit+1); watchJobChanges(true); } void Scheduler::clickQueueTable(QModelIndex index) { setJobManipulation(!Options::sortSchedulerJobs() && index.isValid(), index.isValid()); } void Scheduler::setJobAddApply(bool add_mode) { if (add_mode) { addToQueueB->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("list-add")); addToQueueB->setToolTip(i18n("Use edition fields to create a new job in the observation list.")); //addToQueueB->setStyleSheet(QString()); addToQueueB->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); } else { addToQueueB->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("dialog-ok-apply")); addToQueueB->setToolTip(i18n("Apply job changes.")); //addToQueueB->setStyleSheet("background-color:orange;}"); addToQueueB->setEnabled(true); } } void Scheduler::setJobManipulation(bool can_reorder, bool can_delete) { if (can_reorder) { int const currentRow = queueTable->currentRow(); queueUpB->setEnabled(0 < currentRow); queueDownB->setEnabled(currentRow < queueTable->rowCount() - 1); } else { queueUpB->setEnabled(false); queueDownB->setEnabled(false); } + sortJobsB->setEnabled(can_reorder); removeFromQueueB->setEnabled(can_delete); } +bool Scheduler::reorderJobs(QList reordered_sublist) +{ + /* Add jobs not reordered at the end of the list, in initial order */ + foreach (SchedulerJob* job, jobs) + if (!reordered_sublist.contains(job)) + reordered_sublist.append(job); + + if (jobs != reordered_sublist) + { + /* Remember job currently selected */ + int const selectedRow = queueTable->currentRow(); + SchedulerJob * const selectedJob = 0 <= selectedRow ? jobs.at(selectedRow) : nullptr; + + /* Reassign list */ + jobs = reordered_sublist; + + /* Reassign status cells for all jobs, and reset them */ + for (int row = 0; row < jobs.size(); row++) + setJobStatusCells(row); + + /* Reselect previously selected job */ + if (nullptr != selectedJob) + queueTable->selectRow(jobs.indexOf(selectedJob)); + + return true; + } + else return false; +} + void Scheduler::moveJobUp() { + /* No move if jobs are sorted automatically */ + if (Options::sortSchedulerJobs()) + return; + int const rowCount = queueTable->rowCount(); int const currentRow = queueTable->currentRow(); int const destinationRow = currentRow - 1; /* No move if no job selected, if table has one line or less or if destination is out of table */ if (currentRow < 0 || rowCount <= 1 || destinationRow < 0) return; /* Swap jobs in the list */ jobs.swap(currentRow, destinationRow); /* Reassign status cells */ setJobStatusCells(currentRow); setJobStatusCells(destinationRow); /* Move selection to destination row */ queueTable->selectRow(destinationRow); setJobManipulation(!Options::sortSchedulerJobs(), true); - /* Make list modified */ - setDirty(); - - /* Reset all jobs starting from the one moved */ - for (int i = currentRow; i < jobs.size(); i++) - jobs.at(i)->reset(); + /* Jobs are now sorted, so reset all later jobs */ + for (int row = destinationRow; row < jobs.size(); row++) + jobs.at(row)->reset(); - /* Run evaluation as jobs that can run now changed order - saveJob will only evaluate if a job is edited */ + /* Make list modified and evaluate jobs */ + mDirty = true; jobEvaluationOnly = true; evaluateJobs(); } void Scheduler::moveJobDown() { + /* No move if jobs are sorted automatically */ + if (Options::sortSchedulerJobs()) + return; + int const rowCount = queueTable->rowCount(); int const currentRow = queueTable->currentRow(); int const destinationRow = currentRow + 1; /* No move if no job selected, if table has one line or less or if destination is out of table */ if (currentRow < 0 || rowCount <= 1 || destinationRow == rowCount) return; /* Swap jobs in the list */ jobs.swap(currentRow, destinationRow); /* Reassign status cells */ setJobStatusCells(currentRow); setJobStatusCells(destinationRow); /* Move selection to destination row */ queueTable->selectRow(destinationRow); setJobManipulation(!Options::sortSchedulerJobs(), true); - /* Make list modified */ - setDirty(); - - /* Reset all jobs starting from the one moved */ - for (int i = currentRow; i < jobs.size(); i++) - jobs.at(i)->reset(); + /* Jobs are now sorted, so reset all later jobs */ + for (int row = currentRow; row < jobs.size(); row++) + jobs.at(row)->reset(); - /* Run evaluation as jobs that can run now changed order - saveJob will only evaluate if a job is edited */ + /* Make list modified and evaluate jobs */ + mDirty = true; jobEvaluationOnly = true; evaluateJobs(); } void Scheduler::setJobStatusCells(int row) { if (row < 0 || jobs.size() <= row) return; SchedulerJob * const job = jobs.at(row); job->setNameCell(queueTable->item(row, static_cast(SCHEDCOL_NAME))); job->setStatusCell(queueTable->item(row, static_cast(SCHEDCOL_STATUS))); job->setCaptureCountCell(queueTable->item(row, static_cast(SCHEDCOL_CAPTURES))); job->setScoreCell(queueTable->item(row, static_cast(SCHEDCOL_SCORE))); + job->setAltitudeCell(queueTable->item(row, static_cast(SCHEDCOL_ALTITUDE))); job->setStartupCell(queueTable->item(row, static_cast(SCHEDCOL_STARTTIME))); job->setCompletionCell(queueTable->item(row, static_cast(SCHEDCOL_ENDTIME))); job->setEstimatedTimeCell(queueTable->item(row, static_cast(SCHEDCOL_DURATION))); + job->setLeadTimeCell(queueTable->item(row, static_cast(SCHEDCOL_LEADTIME))); + job->updateJobCells(); } void Scheduler::resetJobEdit() { if (jobUnderEdit < 0) return; SchedulerJob * const job = jobs.at(jobUnderEdit); Q_ASSERT_X(job != nullptr,__FUNCTION__,"Edited job must be valid"); qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Job '%1' at row #%2 is not longer edited.").arg(job->getName()).arg(jobUnderEdit+1); jobUnderEdit = -1; watchJobChanges(false); /* Revert apply button to add */ setJobAddApply(true); /* Refresh state of job manipulation buttons */ setJobManipulation(!Options::sortSchedulerJobs(), true); /* Restore scheduler operation buttons */ evaluateOnlyB->setEnabled(true); startB->setEnabled(true); Q_ASSERT_X(jobUnderEdit == -1,__FUNCTION__,"No more edited/selected job after exiting edit mode"); } void Scheduler::removeJob() { int currentRow = queueTable->currentRow(); /* Don't remove a row that is not selected */ if (currentRow < 0) return; /* Grab the job currently selected */ SchedulerJob * const job = jobs.at(currentRow); qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Job '%1' at row #%2 is being deleted.").arg(job->getName()).arg(currentRow+1); /* Remove the job from the table */ queueTable->removeRow(currentRow); /* If there are no job rows left, update UI buttons */ if (queueTable->rowCount() == 0) { setJobManipulation(false, false); evaluateOnlyB->setEnabled(false); queueSaveAsB->setEnabled(false); queueSaveB->setEnabled(false); startB->setEnabled(false); pauseB->setEnabled(false); } /* Else load the settings of the job that was just deleted */ else loadJob(queueTable->currentIndex()); /* If needed, reset edit mode to clean up UI */ if (jobUnderEdit >= 0) resetJobEdit(); /* And remove the job object */ jobs.removeOne(job); delete (job); mDirty = true; jobEvaluationOnly = true; evaluateJobs(); } void Scheduler::toggleScheduler() { if (state == SCHEDULER_RUNNIG) { preemptiveShutdown = false; stop(); } else start(); } void Scheduler::stop() { if (state != SCHEDULER_RUNNIG) return; qCInfo(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Scheduler is stopping..."; // Stop running job and abort all others // in case of soft shutdown we skip this if (preemptiveShutdown == false) { bool wasAborted = false; foreach (SchedulerJob *job, jobs) { if (job == currentJob) { stopCurrentJobAction(); stopGuiding(); } if (job->getState() <= SchedulerJob::JOB_BUSY) { appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' has not been processed upon scheduler stop, marking aborted.", job->getName())); job->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ABORTED); wasAborted = true; } } if (wasAborted) KNotification::event(QLatin1String("SchedulerAborted"), i18n("Scheduler aborted.")); } schedulerTimer.stop(); jobTimer.stop(); state = SCHEDULER_IDLE; emit newStatus(state); ekosState = EKOS_IDLE; indiState = INDI_IDLE; parkWaitState = PARKWAIT_IDLE; // Only reset startup state to idle if the startup procedure was interrupted before it had the chance to complete. // Or if we're doing a soft shutdown if (startupState != STARTUP_COMPLETE || preemptiveShutdown) { if (startupState == STARTUP_SCRIPT) { scriptProcess.disconnect(); scriptProcess.terminate(); } startupState = STARTUP_IDLE; } // Reset startup state to unparking phase (dome -> mount -> cap) // We do not want to run the startup script again but unparking should be checked // whenever the scheduler is running again. else if (startupState == STARTUP_COMPLETE) { if (unparkDomeCheck->isChecked()) startupState = STARTUP_UNPARK_DOME; else if (unparkMountCheck->isChecked()) startupState = STARTUP_UNPARK_MOUNT; else if (uncapCheck->isChecked()) startupState = STARTUP_UNPARK_CAP; } shutdownState = SHUTDOWN_IDLE; setCurrentJob(nullptr); captureBatch = 0; indiConnectFailureCount = 0; ekosConnectFailureCount = 0; focusFailureCount = 0; guideFailureCount = 0; alignFailureCount = 0; captureFailureCount = 0; jobEvaluationOnly = false; loadAndSlewProgress = false; autofocusCompleted = false; startupB->setEnabled(true); shutdownB->setEnabled(true); // If soft shutdown, we return for now if (preemptiveShutdown) { sleepLabel->setToolTip(i18n("Scheduler is in shutdown until next job is ready")); sleepLabel->show(); return; } // Clear target name in capture interface upon stopping if (captureInterface.isNull() == false) captureInterface->setProperty("targetName", QString()); if (scriptProcess.state() == QProcess::Running) scriptProcess.terminate(); sleepTimer.stop(); //sleepTimer.disconnect(); sleepLabel->hide(); pi->stopAnimation(); startB->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("media-playback-start")); startB->setToolTip(i18n("Start Scheduler")); pauseB->setEnabled(false); //startB->setText("Start Scheduler"); queueLoadB->setEnabled(true); addToQueueB->setEnabled(true); setJobManipulation(false, false); mosaicB->setEnabled(true); evaluateOnlyB->setEnabled(true); } void Scheduler::start() { switch (state) { case SCHEDULER_IDLE: /* FIXME: Manage the non-validity of the startup script earlier, and make it a warning only when the scheduler starts */ startupScriptURL = QUrl::fromUserInput(startupScript->text()); if (!startupScript->text().isEmpty() && !startupScriptURL.isValid()) { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: startup script URL %1 is not valid.", startupScript->text())); return; } /* FIXME: Manage the non-validity of the shutdown script earlier, and make it a warning only when the scheduler starts */ shutdownScriptURL = QUrl::fromUserInput(shutdownScript->text()); if (!shutdownScript->text().isEmpty() && !shutdownScriptURL.isValid()) { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: shutdown script URL %1 is not valid.", shutdownScript->text())); return; } qCInfo(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Scheduler is starting..."; /* Update UI to reflect startup */ pi->startAnimation(); sleepLabel->hide(); startB->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("media-playback-stop")); startB->setToolTip(i18n("Stop Scheduler")); pauseB->setEnabled(true); /* Disable edit-related buttons */ queueLoadB->setEnabled(false); addToQueueB->setEnabled(false); setJobManipulation(false, false); mosaicB->setEnabled(false); evaluateOnlyB->setEnabled(false); startupB->setEnabled(false); shutdownB->setEnabled(false); /* Reset and re-evaluate all scheduler jobs, then start the Scheduler */ startJobEvaluation(); state = SCHEDULER_RUNNIG; emit newStatus(state); schedulerTimer.start(); qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Scheduler started."; break; case SCHEDULER_PAUSED: /* Update UI to reflect resume */ startB->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("media-playback-stop")); startB->setToolTip(i18n("Stop Scheduler")); /* Edit-related buttons are still disabled */ /* The end-user cannot update the schedule, don't re-evaluate jobs. Timer schedulerTimer is already running. */ state = SCHEDULER_RUNNIG; emit newStatus(state); qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Scheduler paused."; break; default: break; } } void Scheduler::pause() { state = SCHEDULER_PAUSED; emit newStatus(state); appendLogText(i18n("Scheduler paused.")); pauseB->setEnabled(false); startB->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("media-playback-start")); startB->setToolTip(i18n("Resume Scheduler")); } void Scheduler::setCurrentJob(SchedulerJob *job) { /* Reset job widgets */ if (currentJob) { currentJob->setStageLabel(nullptr); } /* Set current job */ currentJob = job; /* Reassign job widgets, or reset to defaults */ if (currentJob) { currentJob->setStageLabel(jobStatus); - queueTable->selectRow(currentJob->getStartupCell()->row()); + queueTable->selectRow(jobs.indexOf(currentJob)); } else { jobStatus->setText(i18n("No job running")); - queueTable->clearSelection(); + //queueTable->clearSelection(); } } void Scheduler::evaluateJobs() { + /* Don't evaluate if list is empty */ + if (jobs.isEmpty()) + return; + /* FIXME: it is possible to evaluate jobs while KStars has a time offset, so warn the user about this */ QDateTime const now = KStarsData::Instance()->lt(); /* Start by refreshing the number of captures already present - unneeded if not remembering job progress */ if (Options::rememberJobProgress()) updateCompletedJobsCount(); /* Update dawn and dusk astronomical times - unconditionally in case date changed */ calculateDawnDusk(); /* First, filter out non-schedulable jobs */ /* FIXME: jobs in state JOB_ERROR should not be in the list, reorder states */ QList sortedJobs = jobs; sortedJobs.erase(std::remove_if(sortedJobs.begin(), sortedJobs.end(),[](SchedulerJob* job) { return SchedulerJob::JOB_ABORTED < job->getState(); }), sortedJobs.end()); - /* Then reorder jobs by priority */ - /* FIXME: refactor so all sorts are using the same predicates */ - /* FIXME: use std::stable_sort as qStableSort is deprecated */ - if (Options::sortSchedulerJobs()) - qStableSort(sortedJobs.begin(), sortedJobs.end(), SchedulerJob::increasingPriorityOrder); - - /* Then enumerate SchedulerJobs, scheduling only what is required */ + /* Then enumerate SchedulerJobs to consolidate imaging time */ foreach (SchedulerJob *job, sortedJobs) { /* Let aborted jobs be rescheduled later instead of forgetting them */ - /* FIXME: minimum altitude and altitude cutoff may cause loops here */ switch (job->getState()) { - /* If job is idle, set it for evaluation */ - case SchedulerJob::JOB_IDLE: - job->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_EVALUATION); - job->setEstimatedTime(-1); - break; - - /* If job is aborted, reset it for evaluation */ - case SchedulerJob::JOB_ABORTED: - job->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_EVALUATION); - break; - - /* If job is scheduled, quick-check startup and bypass evaluation if in future */ case SchedulerJob::JOB_SCHEDULED: - if (job->getStartupTime() < now) - break; - continue; + /* If job is scheduled, bypass if set to start later with a fixed time */ + if (SchedulerJob::START_AT == job->getFileStartupCondition()) + if (now < job->getStartupTime()) + continue; + break; - /* If job is in error, invalid or complete, bypass evaluation */ case SchedulerJob::JOB_ERROR: case SchedulerJob::JOB_INVALID: case SchedulerJob::JOB_COMPLETE: + /* If job is in error, invalid or complete, bypass evaluation */ continue; - /* If job is busy, edge case, bypass evaluation */ case SchedulerJob::JOB_BUSY: + /* If job is busy, edge case, bypass evaluation */ continue; - /* Else evaluate */ + case SchedulerJob::JOB_IDLE: + case SchedulerJob::JOB_ABORTED: case SchedulerJob::JOB_EVALUATION: + default: + /* If job is idle or aborted, re-evaluate completely */ + job->setEstimatedTime(-1); break; } - // In case of a repeating jobs, let's make sure we have more runs left to go - // If we don't, re-estimate imaging time for the scheduler job before concluding - if (job->getCompletionCondition() == SchedulerJob::FINISH_REPEAT) + switch (job->getCompletionCondition()) { - if (job->getRepeatsRemaining() == 0) - { - appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' has no more batches remaining.", job->getName())); - if (Options::rememberJobProgress()) - { - job->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_EVALUATION); - job->setEstimatedTime(-1); - } - else + case SchedulerJob::FINISH_AT: + /* Job is complete if its fixed completion time is passed */ + if (job->getCompletionTime().isValid() && job->getCompletionTime() < now) { job->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_COMPLETE); - job->setEstimatedTime(0); continue; } - } + break; + + case SchedulerJob::FINISH_REPEAT: + // In case of a repeating jobs, let's make sure we have more runs left to go + // If we don't, re-estimate imaging time for the scheduler job before concluding + if (job->getRepeatsRemaining() == 0) + { + appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' has no more batches remaining.", job->getName())); + if (Options::rememberJobProgress()) + { + job->setEstimatedTime(-1); + } + else + { + job->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_COMPLETE); + job->setEstimatedTime(0); + continue; + } + } + break; + + default: + break; } // -1 = Job is not estimated yet // -2 = Job is estimated but time is unknown // > 0 Job is estimated and time is known if (job->getEstimatedTime() == -1) { if (estimateJobTime(job) == false) { job->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_INVALID); continue; } } if (job->getEstimatedTime() == 0) { job->setRepeatsRemaining(0); job->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_COMPLETE); continue; } - // #1 Check startup conditions - switch (job->getStartupCondition()) + // In any other case, evaluate + job->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_EVALUATION); + } + + /* + * At this step, we prepare scheduling of jobs. + * We filter out jobs that won't run now, and make sure jobs are not all starting at the same time. + */ + + updatePreDawn(); + + /* Remove jobs that don't need evaluation */ + sortedJobs.erase(std::remove_if(sortedJobs.begin(), sortedJobs.end(),[](SchedulerJob* job) + { return SchedulerJob::JOB_EVALUATION != job->getState(); }), sortedJobs.end()); + + /* If there are no jobs left to run in the filtered list, stop evaluation */ + if (sortedJobs.isEmpty()) + { + appendLogText(i18n("No jobs left in the scheduler queue.")); + setCurrentJob(nullptr); + jobEvaluationOnly = false; + return; + } + + /* If option says so, reorder by altitude and priority before sequencing */ + /* FIXME: refactor so all sorts are using the same predicates */ + /* FIXME: use std::stable_sort as qStableSort is deprecated */ + /* FIXME: dissociate altitude and priority, it's difficult to choose which predicate to use first */ + qCInfo(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Option to sort jobs based on priority and altitude is" << Options::sortSchedulerJobs(); + if (Options::sortSchedulerJobs()) + { + using namespace std::placeholders; + std::stable_sort(sortedJobs.begin(), sortedJobs.end(), + std::bind(SchedulerJob::decreasingAltitudeOrder, _1, _2, KStarsData::Instance()->lt())); + std::stable_sort(sortedJobs.begin(), sortedJobs.end(), SchedulerJob::increasingPriorityOrder); + } + + /* The first reordered job has no lead time - this could also be the delay from now to startup */ + sortedJobs.first()->setLeadTime(0); + + /* The objective of the following block is to make sure jobs are sequential in the list filtered previously. + * + * The algorithm manages overlap between jobs by stating that scheduled jobs that start sooner are non-movable. + * If the completion time of the previous job overlaps the current job, we offset the startup of the current job. + * Jobs that have no valid startup time when evaluated (ASAP jobs) are assigned an immediate startup time. + * The lead time from the Options registry is used as a buffer between jobs. + * + * Note about the situation where the current job overlaps the next job, and the next job is not movable: + * - If we mark the current job invalid, it will not be processed at all. Dropping is not satisfactory. + * - If we move the current job after the fixed job, we need to restart evaluation with a new list, and risk an + * infinite loop eventually. This means swapping schedules, and is incompatible with altitude/priority sort. + * - If we mark the current job aborted, it will be re-evaluated each time a job is complete to see if it can fit. + * Although puzzling for the end-user, this solution is dynamic: the aborted job might or might not be scheduled + * at the planned time slot. But as the end-user did not enforce the start time, this is acceptable. Moreover, the + * schedule will be altered by external events during the execution. + * + * Here are the constraints that have an effect on the job being examined, and indirectly on all subsequent jobs: + * - Twilight constraint moves jobs to the next dark sky interval. + * - Altitude constraint, currently linked with Moon separation, moves jobs to the next acceptable altitude time. + * - Culmination constraint moves jobs to the next transit time, with arbitrary offset. + * - Fixed startup time moves jobs to a fixed time, essentially making them non-movable, or invalid if in the past. + * + * Here are the constraints that have an effect on jobs following the job being examined: + * - Repeats requirement increases the duration of the current job, pushing subsequent jobs. + * - Looping requirement causes subsequent jobs to become invalid (until dynamic priority is implemented). + * - Fixed completion makes subsequent jobs start after that boundary time. + * + * However, we need a way to inform the end-user about failed schedules clearly in the UI. + * The message to get through is that if jobs are not sorted by altitude/priority, the aborted or invalid jobs + * should be modified or manually moved to a better position. If jobs are sorted automatically, aborted jobs will + * be processed when possible, probably not at the expected moment. + */ + + // Make sure no two jobs have the same scheduled time or overlap with other jobs + for (int index = 0; index < sortedJobs.size(); index++) + { + SchedulerJob * const currentJob = sortedJobs.at(index); + + // At this point, a job with no valid start date is a problem, so consider invalid startup time is now + if (!currentJob->getStartupTime().isValid()) + currentJob->setStartupTime(now); + + // Locate the previous scheduled job, so that a full schedule plan may be actually consolidated + SchedulerJob const * previousJob = nullptr; + for (int i = index - 1; 0 <= i; i--) + { + SchedulerJob const * const a_job = sortedJobs.at(i); + + if (SchedulerJob::JOB_SCHEDULED == a_job->getState()) + { + previousJob = a_job; + break; + } + } + + Q_ASSERT_X(nullptr == previousJob || previousJob != currentJob, __FUNCTION__, "Previous job considered for schedule is either undefined or not equal to current."); + + // Locate the next job - nothing special required except end of list check + SchedulerJob const * const nextJob = index + 1 < sortedJobs.size() ? sortedJobs.at(index + 1) : nullptr; + + Q_ASSERT_X(nullptr == nextJob || nextJob != currentJob, __FUNCTION__, "Next job considered for schedule is either undefined or not equal to current."); + + // We're attempting to schedule the job 10 times before making it invalid + for (int attempt = 1; attempt < 11; attempt++) { - // #1.1 ASAP? - case SchedulerJob::START_ASAP: + qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Schedule attempt #%1 for %2-second job '%3' on row #%4 starting at %5, completing at %6.") + .arg(attempt) + .arg(static_cast(currentJob->getEstimatedTime())) + .arg(currentJob->getName()) + .arg(index + 1) + .arg(currentJob->getStartupTime().toString(currentJob->getDateTimeDisplayFormat())) + .arg(currentJob->getCompletionTime().toString(currentJob->getDateTimeDisplayFormat())); + + + // ----- #1 Should we reject the current job because of its fixed startup time? + // + // A job with fixed startup time must be processed at the time of startup, and may be late up to leadTime. + // When such a job repeats, its startup time is reinitialized to prevent abort - see completion algorithm. + // If such a job requires night time, minimum altitude or Moon separation, the consolidated startup time is checked for errors. + // If all restrictions are complied with, we bypass the rest of the verifications as the job cannot be moved. + + if (SchedulerJob::START_AT == currentJob->getFileStartupCondition()) { - /* Job is to be started as soon as possible, so check its current score */ - int16_t const score = calculateJobScore(job, now); + // Check whether the current job is too far in the past to be processed - if job is repeating, its startup time is already now + if (currentJob->getStartupTime().addSecs(static_cast (ceil(Options::leadTime()*60))) < now) + { + currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_INVALID); + + + appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' has fixed startup time %2 set in the past, marking invalid.", + currentJob->getName(), currentJob->getStartupTime().toString(currentJob->getDateTimeDisplayFormat()))); - /* If it's not possible to run the job now, find proper altitude time */ - if (score < 0) + break; + } + // Check whether the current job has a positive dark sky score at the time of startup + else if (true == currentJob->getEnforceTwilight() && getDarkSkyScore(currentJob->getStartupTime()) < 0) { - // If Altitude or Dark score are negative, we try to schedule a better time for altitude and dark sky period. - if (calculateAltitudeTime(job, job->getMinAltitude() > 0 ? job->getMinAltitude() : 0, - job->getMinMoonSeparation())) - { - job->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_SCHEDULED); - } - else - { - job->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_INVALID); - } + currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_INVALID); - /* Keep the job score for current time, score will refresh as scheduler progresses */ - /* score = calculateJobScore(job, job->getStartupTime()); */ - job->setScore(score); + appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' has a fixed start time incompatible with its twilight restriction, marking invalid.", + currentJob->getName())); + + break; } - /* If it's possible to run the job now, check weather */ - else if (isWeatherOK(job) == false) + // Check whether the current job has a positive altitude score at the time of startup + else if (-90 < currentJob->getMinAltitude() && getAltitudeScore(currentJob, currentJob->getStartupTime()) < 0) { - appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' cannot run now because of bad weather.", job->getName())); - job->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ABORTED); - job->setScore(BAD_SCORE); + currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_INVALID); + + appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' has a fixed start time incompatible with its altitude restriction, marking invalid.", + currentJob->getName())); + + break; } - /* If weather is ok, schedule the job to run now */ - else + // Check whether the current job has a positive Moon separation score at the time of startup + else if (0 < currentJob->getMinMoonSeparation() && getMoonSeparationScore(currentJob, currentJob->getStartupTime()) < 0) { - appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' is due to run as soon as possible.", job->getName())); - /* Give a proper start time, so that job can be rescheduled if others also start asap */ - job->setStartupTime(now); - job->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_SCHEDULED); - job->setScore(score); + currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_INVALID); + + appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' has a fixed start time incompatible with its Moon separation restriction, marking invalid.", + currentJob->getName())); + + break; } + + // This job is non-movable, we're done + currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_SCHEDULED); + qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Job '%1' is scheduled to start at %2, in compliance with fixed startup time requirement.") + .arg(currentJob->getName()) + .arg(currentJob->getStartupTime().toString(currentJob->getDateTimeDisplayFormat())); + + break; } - break; - // #1.2 Culmination? - case SchedulerJob::START_CULMINATION: + // ----- #2 Should we delay the current job because it overlaps the previous job? + // + // The previous job is considered non-movable, and its completion, plus lead time, is the origin for the current job. + // If no previous job exists, or if all prior jobs in the list are rejected, there is no overlap. + // If there is a previous job, the current job is simply delayed to avoid an eventual overlap. + // IF there is a previous job but it never finishes, the current job is rejected. + // This scheduling obviously relies on imaging time estimation: because errors stack up, future startup times are less and less reliable. + + if (nullptr != previousJob) { - if (calculateCulmination(job)) + if (previousJob->getCompletionTime().isValid()) { - appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' is scheduled at %2 for culmination.", job->getName(), - job->getStartupTime().toString(job->getDateTimeDisplayFormat()))); - job->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_SCHEDULED); + // Calculate time we should be at after finishing the previous job + QDateTime const previousCompletionTime = previousJob->getCompletionTime().addSecs(static_cast (ceil(Options::leadTime()*60.0))); + + // Delay the current job to completion of its previous sibling if needed - this updates the completion time automatically + if (currentJob->getStartupTime() < previousCompletionTime) + { + currentJob->setStartupTime(previousCompletionTime); + + qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Job '%1' is scheduled to start at %2, %3 seconds after %4, in compliance with previous job completion requirement.") + .arg(currentJob->getName()) + .arg(currentJob->getStartupTime().toString(currentJob->getDateTimeDisplayFormat())) + .arg(previousJob->getCompletionTime().secsTo(currentJob->getStartupTime())) + .arg(previousJob->getCompletionTime().toString(previousJob->getDateTimeDisplayFormat())); + + // If the job is repeating or looping, re-estimate imaging duration - error case may be a bug + if (SchedulerJob::FINISH_SEQUENCE != currentJob->getCompletionCondition()) + if (false == estimateJobTime(currentJob)) + currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_INVALID); + + continue; + } } else { - appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' culmination cannot be scheduled, marking invalid.", job->getName())); - job->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_INVALID); + currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_INVALID); + + appendLogText(i18n("Warning: Job '%1' cannot start because its previous sibling has no completion time, marking invalid.", + currentJob->getName())); + + break; } + + currentJob->setLeadTime(previousJob->getCompletionTime().secsTo(currentJob->getStartupTime())); + + Q_ASSERT_X(previousJob->getCompletionTime() < currentJob->getStartupTime(), __FUNCTION__, "Previous and current jobs do not overlap."); } - break; - // #1.3 Start at? - case SchedulerJob::START_AT: + + // ----- #3 Should we delay the current job because it overlaps daylight? + // + // Pre-dawn time rules whether a job may be started before dawn, or delayed to next night. + // Note that the case of START_AT jobs is considered earlier in the algorithm, thus may be omitted here. + // In addition to be hardcoded currently, the imaging duration is not reliable enough to start a short job during pre-dawn. + // However, completion time during daylight only causes a warning, as this case will be processed as the job runs. + + if (currentJob->getEnforceTwilight()) { - if (job->getCompletionCondition() == SchedulerJob::FINISH_AT) - { - if (job->getCompletionTime() <= job->getStartupTime()) - { - appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' completion time (%2) could not be achieved before start up time (%3), marking invalid", job->getName(), - job->getCompletionTime().toString(job->getDateTimeDisplayFormat()), - job->getStartupTime().toString(job->getDateTimeDisplayFormat()))); - job->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_INVALID); - continue; - } - } + // During that check, we don't verify the current job can actually complete before dawn. + // If the job is interrupted while running, it will be aborted and rescheduled at a later time. - int const timeUntil = now.secsTo(job->getStartupTime()); + // We wouldn't start observation 30 mins (default) before dawn. + // FIXME: Refactor duplicated dawn/dusk calculations + double const earlyDawn = Dawn - Options::preDawnTime() / (60.0 * 24.0); - // If starting time already passed by 5 minutes (default), we mark the job as invalid or aborted - if (timeUntil < (-1 * Options::leadTime() * 60)) - { - dms const passedUp(-timeUntil * 15.0 / 3600.0); + // Compute dawn time for the startup date of the job + // FIXME: Use KAlmanac to find the real dawn/dusk time for the day the job is supposed to be processed + QDateTime const dawnDateTime(currentJob->getStartupTime().date(), QTime(0,0).addSecs(earlyDawn * 24 * 3600)); - /* Mark the job invalid only if its startup time was a user request, else just abort it for later reschedule */ - if (job->getFileStartupCondition() == SchedulerJob::START_AT) - { - appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' startup time was fixed at %2, and is already passed by %3, marking invalid.", - job->getName(), job->getStartupTime().toString(job->getDateTimeDisplayFormat()), passedUp.toHMSString())); - job->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_INVALID); - } - /* Don't abort a job that is repeating because it started long ago, that delay is expected */ - else if (job->getRepeatsRequired() <= 1) - { - appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' startup time was %2, and is already passed by %3, marking aborted.", - job->getName(), job->getStartupTime().toString(job->getDateTimeDisplayFormat()), passedUp.toHMSString())); - job->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ABORTED); - } - } - // Start scoring once we reach startup time - else if (timeUntil <= 0) + // Check if the job starts after dawn + if (dawnDateTime < currentJob->getStartupTime()) { - /* Consolidate altitude, moon separation and sky darkness scores */ - int16_t const score = calculateJobScore(job, now); + // Compute dusk time for the startup date of the job - no lead time on dusk + QDateTime const duskDateTime(currentJob->getStartupTime().date(), QTime(0,0).addSecs(Dusk * 24 * 3600)); - if (score < 0) + // Check if the job starts before dusk + if (currentJob->getStartupTime() < duskDateTime) { - /* If job score is already negative, silently abort the job to avoid spamming the user */ - if (0 < job->getScore()) - { - if (job->getState() == SchedulerJob::JOB_EVALUATION) - appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' evaluation failed with a score of %2, marking aborted.", - job->getName(), score)); - else if (timeUntil == 0) - appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' updated score is %2 at startup time, marking aborted.", - job->getName(), score)); - else - appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' updated score is %2 %3 seconds after startup time, marking aborted.", - job->getName(), score, abs(timeUntil))); - } + // Delay job to next dusk - we will check other requirements later on + currentJob->setStartupTime(duskDateTime); - job->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ABORTED); - job->setScore(score); - } - /* Positive score means job is already scheduled, so we check the weather, and if it is not OK, we set bad score until weather improves. */ - else if (isWeatherOK(job) == false) - { - appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' cannot run now because of bad weather.", job->getName())); - job->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ABORTED); - job->setScore(BAD_SCORE); - } - /* Else record current score */ - else - { - appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' will be run at %2.", job->getName(), job->getStartupTime().toString(job->getDateTimeDisplayFormat()))); - job->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_SCHEDULED); - job->setScore(score); + qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Job '%1' is scheduled to start at %2, in compliance with night time requirement.") + .arg(currentJob->getName()) + .arg(currentJob->getStartupTime().toString(currentJob->getDateTimeDisplayFormat())); + + continue; } } -#if 0 - // If it is in the future and originally was designated as ASAP job - // Job must be less than 12 hours away to be considered for re-evaluation - else if (timeUntil > (Options::leadTime() * 60) && (timeUntil < 12 * 3600) && - job->getFileStartupCondition() == SchedulerJob::START_ASAP) + + // Compute dawn time for the day following the startup time, but disregard the pre-dawn offset as we'll consider completion + // FIXME: Use KAlmanac to find the real dawn/dusk time for the day next to the day the job is supposed to be processed + QDateTime const nextDawnDateTime(currentJob->getStartupTime().date().addDays(1), QTime(0,0).addSecs(Dawn * 24 * 3600)); + + // Check if the completion date overlaps the next dawn, and issue a warning if so + if (nextDawnDateTime < currentJob->getCompletionTime()) { - QDateTime nextJobTime = now.addSecs(Options::leadTime() * 60); - if (job->getEnforceTwilight() == false || (now > duskDateTime && now < preDawnDateTime)) - { - appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' can be scheduled under 12 hours, but will be re-evaluated at %2.", - job->getName(), nextJobTime.toString(job->getDateTimeDisplayFormat()))); - job->setStartupTime(nextJobTime); - } - job->setScore(BAD_SCORE); + appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' execution overlaps daylight, it will be interrupted at dawn and rescheduled on next night time.", + currentJob->getName())); } - // If time is far in the future, we make the score negative - else + + + Q_ASSERT_X(0 <= getDarkSkyScore(currentJob->getStartupTime()), __FUNCTION__, "Consolidated startup time results in a positive dark sky score."); + } + + + // ----- #4 Should we delay the current job because of its target culmination? + // + // Culmination uses the transit time, and fixes the startup time of the job to a particular offset around this transit time. + // This restriction may be used to start a job at the least air mass, or after a meridian flip. + // Culmination is scheduled before altitude restriction because it is normally more restrictive for the resulting startup time. + // It may happen that a target cannot rise enough to comply with the altitude restriction, but a culmination time is always valid. + + if (SchedulerJob::START_CULMINATION == currentJob->getFileStartupCondition()) + { + // Consolidate the culmination time, with offset, of the current job + QDateTime const nextCulminationTime = calculateCulmination(currentJob, currentJob->getCulminationOffset(), currentJob->getStartupTime()); + + if (nextCulminationTime.isValid()) // Guaranteed { - if (job->getState() == SchedulerJob::JOB_EVALUATION && - calculateJobScore(job, job->getStartupTime()) < 0) + if (currentJob->getStartupTime() < nextCulminationTime) { - appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' can only be scheduled in more than 12 hours, marking aborted.", - job->getName())); - job->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ABORTED); + currentJob->setStartupTime(nextCulminationTime); + + qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Job '%1' is scheduled to start at %2, in compliance with culmination requirements.") + .arg(currentJob->getName()) + .arg(currentJob->getStartupTime().toString(currentJob->getDateTimeDisplayFormat())); + continue; } - - /*score += BAD_SCORE;*/ } -#endif - /* Else simply refresh job score */ else { - qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Job '%1' unmodified, will be run at %2.") - .arg(job->getName()) - .arg(job->getStartupTime().toString(job->getDateTimeDisplayFormat())); - job->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_SCHEDULED); - job->setScore(calculateJobScore(job, now)); + currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_INVALID); + + appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' requires culmination offset of %2 minutes, not achievable, marking invalid.", + currentJob->getName(), + QString("%L1").arg(currentJob->getCulminationOffset()))); + + break; } + // Don't test altitude here, because we will push the job during the next check step + // Q_ASSERT_X(0 <= getAltitudeScore(currentJob, currentJob->getStartupTime()), __FUNCTION__, "Consolidated altitude time results in a positive altitude score."); } - break; - } - if (job->getState() == SchedulerJob::JOB_EVALUATION) - { - qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "BUGBUG! Job '" << job->getName() << "' was unexpectedly not scheduled by evaluation."; - } - } - /* - * At this step, we scheduled all jobs that had to be scheduled because they could not start as soon as possible. - * Now we check the amount of jobs we have to run. - */ + // ----- #5 Should we delay the current job because its altitude is incorrect? + // + // Altitude time ensures the job is assigned a startup time when its target is high enough. + // As other restrictions, the altitude is only considered for startup time, completion time is managed while the job is running. + // Because a target setting down is a problem for the schedule, a cutoff altitude is added in the case the job target is past the meridian at startup time. + // FIXME: though arguable, Moon separation is also considered in that restriction check - move it to a separate case. - int invalidJobs = 0, completedJobs = 0, abortedJobs = 0, upcomingJobs = 0; + if (-90 < currentJob->getMinAltitude()) + { + // Consolidate a new altitude time from the startup time of the current job + QDateTime const nextAltitudeTime = calculateAltitudeTime(currentJob, currentJob->getMinAltitude(), currentJob->getMinMoonSeparation(), currentJob->getStartupTime()); - /* Partition jobs into invalid/aborted/completed/upcoming jobs */ - foreach (SchedulerJob *job, jobs) - { - switch (job->getState()) - { - case SchedulerJob::JOB_INVALID: - invalidJobs++; - break; + if (nextAltitudeTime.isValid()) + { + if (currentJob->getStartupTime() < nextAltitudeTime) + { + currentJob->setStartupTime(nextAltitudeTime); - case SchedulerJob::JOB_ERROR: - case SchedulerJob::JOB_ABORTED: - abortedJobs++; - break; + qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Job '%1' is scheduled to start at %2, in compliance with altitude and Moon separation requirements.") + .arg(currentJob->getName()) + .arg(currentJob->getStartupTime().toString(currentJob->getDateTimeDisplayFormat())); - case SchedulerJob::JOB_COMPLETE: - completedJobs++; - break; + continue; + } + } + else + { + currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_INVALID); - case SchedulerJob::JOB_SCHEDULED: - case SchedulerJob::JOB_BUSY: - upcomingJobs++; - break; + appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' requires minimum altitude %2 and Moon separation %3, not achievable, marking invalid.", + currentJob->getName(), + QString("%L1").arg(static_cast(currentJob->getMinAltitude()), 0, 'f', minAltitude->decimals()), + 0.0 < currentJob->getMinMoonSeparation() ? + QString("%L1").arg(static_cast(currentJob->getMinMoonSeparation()), 0, 'f', minMoonSeparation->decimals()) : + QString("-"))); - default: - break; - } - } + break; + } - /* And render some statistics */ - if (upcomingJobs == 0 && jobEvaluationOnly == false) - { - if (invalidJobs > 0) - qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("%L1 job(s) invalid.").arg(invalidJobs); + Q_ASSERT_X(0 <= getAltitudeScore(currentJob, currentJob->getStartupTime()), __FUNCTION__, "Consolidated altitude time results in a positive altitude score."); + } - if (abortedJobs > 0) - qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("%L1 job(s) aborted.").arg(abortedJobs); - if (completedJobs > 0) - qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("%L1 job(s) completed.").arg(completedJobs); - } + // ----- #6 Should we reject the current job because it overlaps the next job and that next job is not movable? + // + // If we have a blocker next to the current job, we compare the completion time of the current job and the startup time of this next job, taking lead time into account. + // This verification obviously relies on the imaging time to be reliable, but there's not much we can do at this stage of the implementation. - /* - * At this step, we still have jobs to run. - * We filter out jobs that won't run now, and make sure jobs are not all starting at the same time. - */ + if (nullptr != nextJob && SchedulerJob::START_AT == nextJob->getFileStartupCondition()) + { + // In the current implementation, it is not possible to abort a running job when the next job is supposed to start. + // Movable jobs after this one will be delayed, but non-movable jobs are considered blockers. - updatePreDawn(); + // Calculate time we have between the end of the current job and the next job + double const timeToNext = static_cast (currentJob->getCompletionTime().secsTo(nextJob->getStartupTime())); - /* Remove complete and invalid jobs that could have appeared during the last evaluation */ - sortedJobs.erase(std::remove_if(sortedJobs.begin(), sortedJobs.end(),[](SchedulerJob* job) - { return SchedulerJob::JOB_ABORTED < job->getState(); }), sortedJobs.end()); + // If that time is overlapping the next job, abort the current job + if (timeToNext < Options::leadTime()*60) + { + currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ABORTED); - /* If there are no jobs left to run in the filtered list, stop evaluation */ - if (sortedJobs.isEmpty()) - { - appendLogText(i18n("No jobs left in the scheduler queue.")); - setCurrentJob(nullptr); - jobEvaluationOnly = false; - return; - } + appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' is constrained by the start time of the next job, and cannot finish in time, marking aborted.", + currentJob->getName())); - /* Now that jobs are scheduled, possibly at the same time, reorder by altitude and priority again */ - if (Options::sortSchedulerJobs()) - { - qStableSort(sortedJobs.begin(), sortedJobs.end(), SchedulerJob::decreasingAltitudeOrder); - qStableSort(sortedJobs.begin(), sortedJobs.end(), SchedulerJob::increasingPriorityOrder); - } + break; + } - /* Reorder jobs by schedule time */ - qStableSort(sortedJobs.begin(), sortedJobs.end(), SchedulerJob::increasingStartupTimeOrder); + Q_ASSERT_X(currentJob->getCompletionTime().addSecs(Options::leadTime()*60) < nextJob->getStartupTime(), __FUNCTION__, "No overlap "); + } - // Our first job now takes priority over ALL others. - // So if any other jobs conflicts with ours, we re-schedule that job to another time. - SchedulerJob *firstJob = sortedJobs.first(); - QDateTime firstStartTime = firstJob->getStartupTime(); - QDateTime lastStartTime = firstJob->getStartupTime(); - double lastJobEstimatedTime = firstJob->getEstimatedTime(); - int daysCount = 0; - qCInfo(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Option to sort jobs based on priority and altitude is" << Options::sortSchedulerJobs(); - qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "First job after sort is" << firstJob->getName() << "starting at" << firstJob->getStartupTime().toString(firstJob->getDateTimeDisplayFormat()); + // ----- #7 Should we reject the current job because it exceeded its fixed completion time? + // + // This verification simply checks that because of previous jobs, the startup time of the current job doesn't exceed its fixed completion time. + // Its main objective is to catch wrong dates in the FINISH_AT configuration. - // Make sure no two jobs have the same scheduled time or overlap with other jobs - // FIXME: the rescheduling algorithm is incorrect when mixing asap and fixed startup times. - foreach (SchedulerJob *job, sortedJobs) - { - // First job is our time origin - if (job == firstJob) - continue; + if (SchedulerJob::FINISH_AT == currentJob->getCompletionCondition()) + { + if (currentJob->getCompletionTime() < currentJob->getStartupTime()) + { + currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_INVALID); - // Bypass non-scheduled jobs - if (SchedulerJob::JOB_SCHEDULED != job->getState() || SchedulerJob::START_AT != job->getStartupCondition()) - continue; + appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' completion time (%2) could not be achieved before start up time (%3)", + currentJob->getName(), + currentJob->getCompletionTime().toString(currentJob->getDateTimeDisplayFormat()), + currentJob->getStartupTime().toString(currentJob->getDateTimeDisplayFormat()))); - qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Examining job" << job->getName() << "starting at" << job->getStartupTime().toString(job->getDateTimeDisplayFormat()); + break; + } + } - // At this point, a job with no valid start date is a problem - Q_ASSERT_X(job->getStartupTime().isValid(), __FUNCTION__, "Jobs in the schedule list have a valid startup time"); - double timeBetweenJobs = static_cast(std::abs(firstStartTime.secsTo(job->getStartupTime()))); + // ----- #8 Should we reject the current job because of weather? + // + // That verification is left for runtime + // + // if (false == isWeatherOK(currentJob)) + //{ + // currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ABORTED); + // + // appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' cannot run now because of bad weather, marking aborted.", currentJob->getName())); + //} - qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Job starts in" << timeBetweenJobs << "seconds (lead time" << Options::leadTime()*60 << ")"; - // If there are within 5 minutes of each other, delay scheduling time of the lower altitude one - if (timeBetweenJobs < (Options::leadTime()) * 60) - { - double delayJob = timeBetweenJobs + lastJobEstimatedTime; - - if (delayJob < (Options::leadTime() * 60)) - delayJob = Options::leadTime() * 60; - - QDateTime otherjob_time = lastStartTime.addSecs(delayJob); - QDateTime nextPreDawnTime = preDawnDateTime.addDays(daysCount); - // If other jobs starts after pre-dawn limit, then we schedule it to the next day. - // But we only take this action IF the job we are checking against starts _before_ dawn and our - // job therefore carry us after down, then there is an actual need to schedule it next day. - // FIXME: After changing time we are not evaluating job again when we should. - if (job->getEnforceTwilight() && lastStartTime < nextPreDawnTime && otherjob_time >= nextPreDawnTime) - { - QDateTime date; + // ----- #9 Update score for current time and mark evaluating jobs as scheduled - daysCount++; + currentJob->setScore(calculateJobScore(currentJob, now)); + currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_SCHEDULED); - lastStartTime = job->getStartupTime().addDays(daysCount); - job->setStartupTime(lastStartTime); - date = lastStartTime.addSecs(delayJob); - } - else - { - lastStartTime = lastStartTime.addSecs(delayJob); - job->setStartupTime(lastStartTime); - } + qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Job '%1' on row #%2 passed all checks after %3 attempts, will proceed at %4 for approximately %5 seconds, marking scheduled") + .arg(currentJob->getName()) + .arg(index + 1) + .arg(attempt) + .arg(currentJob->getStartupTime().toString(currentJob->getDateTimeDisplayFormat())) + .arg(currentJob->getEstimatedTime()); - /* Kept the informative log now that aborted jobs are rescheduled */ - appendLogText(i18n("Jobs '%1' and '%2' have close start up times, job '%2' is rescheduled to %3.", - firstJob->getName(), job->getName(), job->getStartupTime().toString(job->getDateTimeDisplayFormat()))); + break; } - lastJobEstimatedTime = job->getEstimatedTime(); + // Check if job was successfully scheduled, else reject it + if (SchedulerJob::JOB_EVALUATION == currentJob->getState()) + { + currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_INVALID); + + //appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' on row #%2 could not be scheduled during evaluation and is marked invalid, please review your plan.", + // currentJob->getName(), + // index + 1)); + +#if 0 + // Advices + if (-90 < currentJob->getMinAltitude()) + appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' may require relaxing the current altitude requirement of %2 degrees.", + currentJob->getName(), + QString("%L1").arg(static_cast(currentJob->getMinAltitude()), 0, 'f', minAltitude->decimals))); + + if (SchedulerJob::START_CULMINATION == currentJob->getFileStartupCondition() && Options::leadTime() < 5) + appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' may require increasing the current lead time of %2 minutes to make transit time calculation stable.", + currentJob->getName(), + Options::leadTime())); +#endif + } } + /* Remove unscheduled jobs that may have appeared during the last step - safeguard */ + sortedJobs.erase(std::remove_if(sortedJobs.begin(), sortedJobs.end(), [](SchedulerJob* job) + { return SchedulerJob::JOB_SCHEDULED != job->getState(); }), sortedJobs.end()); + + /* Apply sorting to queue table, and mark it for saving if it changes */ + mDirty = reorderJobs(sortedJobs); + if (jobEvaluationOnly || state != SCHEDULER_RUNNIG) { qCInfo(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Ekos finished evaluating jobs, no job selection required."; jobEvaluationOnly = false; return; } /* * At this step, we finished evaluating jobs. * We select the first job that has to be run, per schedule. */ - /* Remove unscheduled jobs that may have appeared during the last step - safeguard */ - sortedJobs.erase(std::remove_if(sortedJobs.begin(), sortedJobs.end(), [](SchedulerJob* job) - { return SchedulerJob::JOB_SCHEDULED != job->getState(); }), sortedJobs.end()); - - // Sort again by schedule, sooner first, as some jobs may have shifted during the last step - qStableSort(sortedJobs.begin(), sortedJobs.end(), SchedulerJob::increasingStartupTimeOrder); - /* If there are no jobs left to run in the filtered list, stop evaluation */ if (sortedJobs.isEmpty()) { appendLogText(i18n("No jobs left in the scheduler queue.")); setCurrentJob(nullptr); jobEvaluationOnly = false; return; } SchedulerJob * const job_to_execute = sortedJobs.first(); /* Check if job can be processed right now */ if (job_to_execute->getFileStartupCondition() == SchedulerJob::START_ASAP) - if( 0 < calculateJobScore(job_to_execute, now)) + if( 0 <= calculateJobScore(job_to_execute, now)) job_to_execute->setStartupTime(now); qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Job '%1' is selected for next observation with priority #%2 and score %3.") .arg(job_to_execute->getName()) .arg(job_to_execute->getPriority()) .arg(job_to_execute->getScore()); // Set the current job, and let the status timer execute it when ready setCurrentJob(job_to_execute); } void Scheduler::wakeUpScheduler() { sleepLabel->hide(); sleepTimer.stop(); if (preemptiveShutdown) { preemptiveShutdown = false; appendLogText(i18n("Scheduler is awake.")); start(); } else { if (state == SCHEDULER_RUNNIG) appendLogText(i18n("Scheduler is awake. Jobs shall be started when ready...")); else appendLogText(i18n("Scheduler is awake. Jobs shall be started when scheduler is resumed.")); schedulerTimer.start(); } } -double Scheduler::findAltitude(const SkyPoint &target, const QDateTime &when) +double Scheduler::findAltitude(const SkyPoint &target, const QDateTime &when, bool * is_setting, bool debug) { - // Make a copy - /*SkyPoint p = target; - QDateTime lt(when.date(), QTime()); - KStarsDateTime ut = KStarsData::Instance()->geo()->LTtoUT(KStarsDateTime(lt)); - - KStarsDateTime myUT = ut.addSecs(when.time().msecsSinceStartOfDay() / 1000); + // FIXME: block calculating target coordinates at a particular time is duplicated in several places - CachingDms LST = KStarsData::Instance()->geo()->GSTtoLST(myUT.gst()); - p.EquatorialToHorizontal(&LST, KStarsData::Instance()->geo()->lat()); + GeoLocation * const geo = KStarsData::Instance()->geo(); - return p.alt().Degrees();*/ + // Retrieve the argument date/time, or fall back to current time - don't use QDateTime's timezone! + KStarsDateTime ltWhen(when.isValid() ? + Qt::UTC == when.timeSpec() ? geo->UTtoLT(KStarsDateTime(when)) : when : + KStarsData::Instance()->lt()); - SkyPoint p = target; - KStarsDateTime lt(when); - CachingDms LST = KStarsData::Instance()->geo()->GSTtoLST(lt.gst()); - p.EquatorialToHorizontal(&LST, KStarsData::Instance()->geo()->lat()); + // Create a sky object with the target catalog coordinates + SkyObject o; + o.setRA0(target.ra0()); + o.setDec0(target.dec0()); - return p.alt().Degrees(); + // Update RA/DEC of the target for the current fraction of the day + KSNumbers numbers(ltWhen.djd()); + o.updateCoordsNow(&numbers); + + // Calculate alt/az coordinates using KStars instance's geolocation + CachingDms const LST = geo->GSTtoLST(geo->LTtoUT(ltWhen).gst()); + o.EquatorialToHorizontal(&LST, geo->lat()); + + // Hours are reduced to [0,24[, meridian being at 0 + double offset = LST.Hours() - o.ra().Hours(); + if (24.0 <= offset) + offset -= 24.0; + else if (offset < 0.0) + offset += 24.0; + bool const passed_meridian = 0.0 <= offset && offset < 12.0; + + if (debug) + qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("When:%9 LST:%8 RA:%1 RA0:%2 DEC:%3 DEC0:%4 alt:%5 setting:%6 HA:%7") + .arg(o.ra().toHMSString()) + .arg(o.ra0().toHMSString()) + .arg(o.dec().toHMSString()) + .arg(o.dec0().toHMSString()) + .arg(o.alt().Degrees()) + .arg(passed_meridian ? "yes":"no") + .arg(o.ra().Hours()) + .arg(LST.toHMSString()) + .arg(ltWhen.toString("HH:mm:ss")); + + if (is_setting) + *is_setting = passed_meridian; + + return o.alt().Degrees(); } -bool Scheduler::calculateAltitudeTime(SchedulerJob *job, double minAltitude, double minMoonAngle) +QDateTime Scheduler::calculateAltitudeTime(SchedulerJob const *job, double minAltitude, double minMoonAngle, QDateTime const &when) const { - // We wouldn't stat observation 30 mins (default) before dawn. - double const earlyDawn = Dawn - Options::preDawnTime() / (60.0 * 24.0); + // FIXME: block calculating target coordinates at a particular time is duplicated in several places - /* Compute UTC for beginning of today */ - QDateTime const lt(KStarsData::Instance()->lt().date(), QTime()); - KStarsDateTime const ut = geo->LTtoUT(KStarsDateTime(lt)); + // Retrieve the argument date/time, or fall back to current time - don't use QDateTime's timezone! + KStarsDateTime ltWhen(when.isValid() ? + Qt::UTC == when.timeSpec() ? geo->UTtoLT(KStarsDateTime(when)) : when : + KStarsData::Instance()->lt()); - /* Retrieve target coordinates to be converted to horizontal to determine altitude */ - SkyPoint target = job->getTargetCoords(); + // Create a sky object with the target catalog coordinates + SkyPoint const target = job->getTargetCoords(); + SkyObject o; + o.setRA0(target.ra0()); + o.setDec0(target.dec0()); - /* Retrieve the current fraction of the day */ - QTime const now = KStarsData::Instance()->lt().time(); - double const fraction = now.hour() + now.minute() / 60.0 + now.second() / 3600; + // Calculate the UT at the argument time + KStarsDateTime const ut = geo->LTtoUT(ltWhen); - /* This attempts to locate the first minute of the next 24 hours when the job target matches the altitude and moon constraints */ - for (double hour = fraction; hour < (fraction + 24); hour += 1.0 / 60.0) + // Within the next 24 hours, search when the job target matches the altitude and moon constraints + for (unsigned int minute = 0; minute < 24*60; minute++) { - double const rawFrac = (hour > 24 ? (hour - 24) : hour) / 24.0; + KStarsDateTime const ltOffset(ltWhen.addSecs(minute * 60)); - /* Test twilight enforcement, and if enforced, bail out if start time is during day */ - /* FIXME: rework day fraction loop to shift to dusk directly */ - if (job->getEnforceTwilight() && Dawn <= rawFrac && rawFrac <= Dusk) - continue; + // Update RA/DEC of the target for the current fraction of the day + KSNumbers numbers(ltOffset.djd()); + o.updateCoordsNow(&numbers); - /* Compute altitude of target for the current fraction of the day */ - KStarsDateTime const myUT = ut.addSecs(hour * 3600.0); - CachingDms const LST = geo->GSTtoLST(myUT.gst()); - target.EquatorialToHorizontal(&LST, geo->lat()); - double const altitude = target.alt().Degrees(); + // Compute local sidereal time for the current fraction of the day, calculate altitude + CachingDms const LST = geo->GSTtoLST(geo->LTtoUT(ltOffset).gst()); + o.EquatorialToHorizontal(&LST, geo->lat()); + double const altitude = o.alt().Degrees(); - if (altitude > minAltitude) + if (minAltitude <= altitude) { - QDateTime const startTime = geo->UTtoLT(myUT); + // Don't test proximity to dawn in this situation, we only cater for altitude here - /* Test twilight enforcement, and if enforced, bail out if start time is too close to dawn */ - if (job->getEnforceTwilight() && earlyDawn < rawFrac && rawFrac < Dawn) - { - appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' reaches an altitude of %2 degrees at %3 but will not be scheduled due to " - "close proximity to astronomical twilight rise.", - job->getName(), QString("%L1").arg(minAltitude, 0, 'f', 3), startTime.toString(job->getDateTimeDisplayFormat()))); - return false; - } - - /* Continue searching if Moon separation is not good enough */ - if (minMoonAngle > 0 && getMoonSeparationScore(job, startTime) < 0) + // Continue searching if Moon separation is not good enough + if (0 < minMoonAngle && getMoonSeparationScore(job, ltOffset) < 0) continue; - /* FIXME: the name of the function doesn't suggest the job can be modified */ - job->setStartupTime(startTime); - /* Kept the informative log because of the reschedule of aborted jobs */ - appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' is scheduled to start at %2 where its altitude is %3 degrees.", job->getName(), - startTime.toString(job->getDateTimeDisplayFormat()), QString("%L1").arg(altitude, 0, 'f', 3))); - return true; + // Continue searching if target is setting and under the cutoff + double offset = LST.Hours() - o.ra().Hours(); + if (24.0 <= offset) + offset -= 24.0; + else if (offset < 0.0) + offset += 24.0; + if (0.0 <= offset && offset < 12.0) + if (altitude - SETTING_ALTITUDE_CUTOFF < minAltitude) + continue; + + return ltOffset; } } - /* FIXME: move this to the caller too to comment the decision to reject the job */ - if (minMoonAngle == -1) - { - if (job->getEnforceTwilight()) - { - appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' has no night time with an altitude above %2 degrees during the next 24 hours, marking invalid.", - job->getName(), QString("%L1").arg(minAltitude, 0, 'f', 3))); - } - else appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' cannot rise to an altitude above %2 degrees in the next 24 hours, marking invalid.", - job->getName(), QString("%L1").arg(minAltitude, 0, 'f', 3))); - } - else appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' cannot be scheduled with an altitude above %2 degrees with minimum moon " - "separation of %3 degrees in the next 24 hours, marking invalid.", - job->getName(), QString("%L1").arg(minAltitude, 0, 'f', 3), - QString("%L1").arg(minMoonAngle, 0, 'f', 3))); - return false; + return QDateTime(); } -bool Scheduler::calculateCulmination(SchedulerJob *job) +QDateTime Scheduler::calculateCulmination(SchedulerJob const *job, int offset_minutes, QDateTime const &when) const { - SkyPoint target = job->getTargetCoords(); + // FIXME: culmination calculation is a min altitude requirement, should be an interval altitude requirement + // FIXME: block calculating target coordinates at a particular time is duplicated in calculateCulmination - SkyObject o; + // Retrieve the argument date/time, or fall back to current time - don't use QDateTime's timezone! + KStarsDateTime ltWhen(when.isValid() ? + Qt::UTC == when.timeSpec() ? geo->UTtoLT(KStarsDateTime(when)) : when : + KStarsData::Instance()->lt()); + // Create a sky object with the target catalog coordinates + SkyPoint const target = job->getTargetCoords(); + SkyObject o; o.setRA0(target.ra0()); o.setDec0(target.dec0()); - o.EquatorialToHorizontal(KStarsData::Instance()->lst(), KStarsData::Instance()->geo()->lat()); + // Update RA/DEC for the argument date/time + KSNumbers numbers(ltWhen.djd()); + o.updateCoordsNow(&numbers); - QDateTime midnight(KStarsData::Instance()->lt().date(), QTime()); - KStarsDateTime dt = geo->LTtoUT(KStarsDateTime(midnight)); + // Calculate transit date/time at the argument date - transitTime requires UT and returns LocalTime + KStarsDateTime transitDateTime(ltWhen.date(), o.transitTime(geo->LTtoUT(ltWhen), geo), Qt::LocalTime); - QTime transitTime = o.transitTime(dt, geo); + // Shift transit date/time by the argument offset + KStarsDateTime observationDateTime = transitDateTime.addSecs(offset_minutes * 60); - qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Job '%1' transit time is %2") - .arg(job->getName()) - .arg(transitTime.toString("hh:mm:ss")); - - int dayOffset = 0; - if (KStarsData::Instance()->lt().time() > transitTime) - dayOffset = 1; - - QDateTime observationDateTime(QDate::currentDate().addDays(dayOffset), - transitTime.addSecs(job->getCulminationOffset() * 60)); - - qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Job '%1' observation time is %2 adjusted for %L3 min.") - .arg(job->getName()) - .arg(observationDateTime.toString(job->getDateTimeDisplayFormat())) - .arg(static_cast(job->getCulminationOffset()), 0, 'f', 3); + // Relax observation time, culmination calculation is stable at minute only + KStarsDateTime relaxedDateTime = observationDateTime.addSecs(Options::leadTime() * 60); - if (job->getEnforceTwilight() && getDarkSkyScore(observationDateTime) < 0) + // Verify resulting observation time is under lead time vs. argument time + // If sooner, delay by 8 hours to get to the next transit - perhaps in a third call + if (relaxedDateTime < ltWhen) { - appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' target culminates during the day and cannot be scheduled for observation.", job->getName())); - return false; - } + qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Job '%1' startup %2 is posterior to transit %3, shifting by 8 hours.") + .arg(job->getName()) + .arg(ltWhen.toString(job->getDateTimeDisplayFormat())) + .arg(relaxedDateTime.toString(job->getDateTimeDisplayFormat())); - if (observationDateTime < (static_cast(KStarsData::Instance()->lt()))) - { - appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' observation time %2 is passed for today.", - job->getName(), job->getStartupTime().toString(job->getDateTimeDisplayFormat()))); - return false; + return calculateCulmination(job, offset_minutes, when.addSecs(8*60*60)); } + // Guarantees - culmination calculation is stable at minute level, so relax by lead time Q_ASSERT_X(observationDateTime.isValid(), __FUNCTION__, "Observation time for target culmination is valid."); + Q_ASSERT_X(ltWhen <= relaxedDateTime, __FUNCTION__, "Observation time for target culmination is at or after than argument time"); - job->setStartupTime(observationDateTime); - return true; + // Return consolidated culmination time + return Qt::UTC == observationDateTime.timeSpec() ? geo->UTtoLT(observationDateTime) : observationDateTime; } -int16_t Scheduler::getWeatherScore() +int16_t Scheduler::getWeatherScore() const { if (weatherCheck->isEnabled() == false || weatherCheck->isChecked() == false) return 0; if (weatherStatus == IPS_BUSY) return BAD_SCORE / 2; else if (weatherStatus == IPS_ALERT) return BAD_SCORE; return 0; } -int16_t Scheduler::getDarkSkyScore(const QDateTime &observationDateTime) +int16_t Scheduler::getDarkSkyScore(QDateTime const &when) const { - // if (job->getStartingCondition() == SchedulerJob::START_CULMINATION) - // return -1000; + double const secsPerDay = 24.0 * 3600.0; + double const minsPerDay = 24.0 * 60.0; + + // Dark sky score is calculated based on distance to today's dawn and next dusk. + // Option "Pre-dawn Time" avoids executing a job when dawn is approaching, and is a value in minutes. + // - If observation is between option "Pre-dawn Time" and dawn, score is BAD_SCORE/50. + // - If observation is before dawn today, score is fraction of the day from beginning of observation to dawn time, as percentage. + // - If observation is after dusk, score is fraction of the day from dusk to beginning of observation, as percentage. + // - If observation is between dawn and dusk, score is BAD_SCORE. + // + // If observation time is invalid, the score is calculated for the current day time. + // Note exact dusk time is considered valid in terms of night time, and will return a positive, albeit null, score. + + // FIXME: Dark sky score should consider the middle of the local night as best value. + // FIXME: Current algorithm uses the dawn and dusk of today, instead of the day of the observation. + + int const earlyDawnSecs = static_cast ((Dawn - static_cast (Options::preDawnTime()) / minsPerDay) * secsPerDay); + int const dawnSecs = static_cast (Dawn * secsPerDay); + int const duskSecs = static_cast (Dusk * secsPerDay); + int const obsSecs = (when.isValid() ? when : KStarsData::Instance()->lt()).time().msecsSinceStartOfDay()/1000; - int16_t score = 0; - double dayFraction = 0; + int16_t score = 0; - // Anything half an hour before dawn shouldn't be a good candidate - double earlyDawn = Dawn - Options::preDawnTime() / (60.0 * 24.0); + if (earlyDawnSecs <= obsSecs && obsSecs < dawnSecs) + { + score = BAD_SCORE / 50; - dayFraction = observationDateTime.time().msecsSinceStartOfDay() / (24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0 * 1000.0); + //qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Dark sky score at %1 is %2 (between pre-dawn and dawn).") + // .arg(observationDateTime.toString()) + // .arg(QString::asprintf("%+d", score)); + } + else if (obsSecs < dawnSecs) + { + score = static_cast ((dawnSecs - obsSecs) / secsPerDay) * 100; - // The farther the target from dawn, the better. - if (dayFraction > earlyDawn && dayFraction < Dawn) - score = BAD_SCORE / 50; - else if (dayFraction < Dawn) - score = (Dawn - dayFraction) * 100; - else if (dayFraction > Dusk) + //qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Dark sky score at %1 is %2 (before dawn).") + // .arg(observationDateTime.toString()) + // .arg(QString::asprintf("%+d", score)); + } + else if (duskSecs <= obsSecs) { - score = (dayFraction - Dusk) * 100; + score = static_cast ((obsSecs - duskSecs) / secsPerDay) * 100; + + //qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Dark sky score at %1 is %2 (after dusk).") + // .arg(observationDateTime.toString()) + // .arg(QString::asprintf("%+d", score)); } else + { score = BAD_SCORE; - qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Dark sky score is" << score << "for time" << observationDateTime.toString(); + //qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Dark sky score at %1 is %2 (during daylight).") + // .arg(observationDateTime.toString()) + // .arg(QString::asprintf("%+d", score)); + } return score; } -int16_t Scheduler::calculateJobScore(SchedulerJob *job, QDateTime when) +int16_t Scheduler::calculateJobScore(SchedulerJob const *job, QDateTime const &when) const { + if (nullptr == job) + return BAD_SCORE; + /* Only consolidate the score if light frames are required, calibration frames can run whenever needed */ if (!job->getLightFramesRequired()) return 1000; int16_t total = 0; /* As soon as one score is negative, it's a no-go and other scores are unneeded */ if (job->getEnforceTwilight()) - total += getDarkSkyScore(when); + { + int16_t const darkSkyScore = getDarkSkyScore(when); + + qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Job '%1' dark sky score is %2 at %3") + .arg(job->getName()) + .arg(QString::asprintf("%+d", darkSkyScore)) + .arg(when.toString(job->getDateTimeDisplayFormat())); + + total += darkSkyScore; + } /* We still enforce altitude if the job is neither required to track nor guide, because this is too confusing for the end-user. * If we bypass calculation here, it must also be bypassed when checking job constraints in checkJobStage. */ if (0 <= total /*&& ((job->getStepPipeline() & SchedulerJob::USE_TRACK) || (job->getStepPipeline() & SchedulerJob::USE_GUIDE))*/) - total += getAltitudeScore(job, when); + { + int16_t const altitudeScore = getAltitudeScore(job, when); + + qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Job '%1' altitude score is %2 at %3") + .arg(job->getName()) + .arg(QString::asprintf("%+d", altitudeScore)) + .arg(when.toString(job->getDateTimeDisplayFormat())); + + total += altitudeScore; + } if (0 <= total) - total += getMoonSeparationScore(job, when); + { + int16_t const moonSeparationScore = getMoonSeparationScore(job, when); + + qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Job '%1' Moon separation score is %2 at %3") + .arg(job->getName()) + .arg(QString::asprintf("%+d", moonSeparationScore)) + .arg(when.toString(job->getDateTimeDisplayFormat())); + + total += moonSeparationScore; + } + + qCInfo(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Job '%1' has a total score of %2 at %3.") + .arg(job->getName()) + .arg(QString::asprintf("%+d", total)) + .arg(when.toString(job->getDateTimeDisplayFormat())); - qCInfo(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Job '%1' has a total score of %2").arg(job->getName()).arg(total); return total; } -int16_t Scheduler::getAltitudeScore(SchedulerJob *job, QDateTime when) +int16_t Scheduler::getAltitudeScore(SchedulerJob const *job, QDateTime const &when) const { - int16_t score = 0; - double currentAlt = findAltitude(job->getTargetCoords(), when); + // FIXME: block calculating target coordinates at a particular time is duplicated in several places + + // Retrieve the argument date/time, or fall back to current time - don't use QDateTime's timezone! + KStarsDateTime ltWhen(when.isValid() ? + Qt::UTC == when.timeSpec() ? geo->UTtoLT(KStarsDateTime(when)) : when : + KStarsData::Instance()->lt()); + + // Create a sky object with the target catalog coordinates + SkyPoint const target = job->getTargetCoords(); + SkyObject o; + o.setRA0(target.ra0()); + o.setDec0(target.dec0()); + + // Update RA/DEC of the target for the current fraction of the day + KSNumbers numbers(ltWhen.djd()); + o.updateCoordsNow(&numbers); + + // Compute local sidereal time for the current fraction of the day, calculate altitude + CachingDms const LST = geo->GSTtoLST(geo->LTtoUT(ltWhen).gst()); + o.EquatorialToHorizontal(&LST, geo->lat()); + double const altitude = o.alt().Degrees(); + + int16_t score = BAD_SCORE - 1; - if (currentAlt < 0) + // If altitude is negative, bad score + // FIXME: some locations may allow negative altitudes + if (altitude < 0) { score = BAD_SCORE; } - // If minimum altitude is specified - else if (job->getMinAltitude() > 0) + else if (-90 < job->getMinAltitude()) { - // if current altitude is lower that's not good - if (currentAlt < job->getMinAltitude()) + // If under altitude constraint, bad score + if (altitude < job->getMinAltitude()) score = BAD_SCORE; + // Else if setting and under altitude cutoff, job would end soon after starting, bad score + // FIXME: half bad score when under altitude cutoff risk getting positive again else { - // Get HA of actual object, and not of the mount as was done below - double HA = KStars::Instance()->data()->lst()->Hours() - job->getTargetCoords().ra().Hours(); - -#if 0 - if (indiState == INDI_READY) - { - QDBusReply haReply = mountInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "getHourAngle"); - if (haReply.error().type() == QDBusError::NoError) - HA = haReply.value(); - } -#endif - - // If already passed the meridian and setting we check if it is within setting altitude cut off value (3 degrees default) - // If it is within that value then it is useless to start the job which will end very soon so we better look for a better job. - /* FIXME: don't use BAD_SCORE/2, a negative result implies the job has to be aborted - we'd be annoyed if that score became positive again */ - /* FIXME: bug here, raising target will get a negative score if under cutoff, issue mitigated by aborted jobs getting rescheduled */ - if (HA > 0 && (currentAlt - SETTING_ALTITUDE_CUTOFF) < job->getMinAltitude()) - score = BAD_SCORE / 2.0; - else - // Otherwise, adjust score and add current altitude to score weight - score = (1.5 * pow(1.06, currentAlt)) - (minAltitude->minimum() / 10.0); + double offset = LST.Hours() - o.ra().Hours(); + if (24.0 <= offset) + offset -= 24.0; + else if (offset < 0.0) + offset += 24.0; + if (0.0 <= offset && offset < 12.0) + if (altitude - SETTING_ALTITUDE_CUTOFF < job->getMinAltitude()) + score = BAD_SCORE / 2; } } - // If it's below minimum hard altitude (15 degrees now), set score to 10% of altitude value - else if (currentAlt < minAltitude->minimum()) + // If not constrained but below minimum hard altitude, set score to 10% of altitude value + else if (altitude < minAltitude->minimum()) { - score = currentAlt / 10.0; - } - // If no minimum altitude, then adjust altitude score to account for current target altitude - else - { - score = (1.5 * pow(1.06, currentAlt)) - (minAltitude->minimum() / 10.0); + score = static_cast (altitude / 10.0); } - qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Job '%1' target altitude is %L3 degrees at %2 (score %4).") - .arg(job->getName()) - .arg(currentAlt, 0, 'f', 3) - .arg(when.toString(job->getDateTimeDisplayFormat())) - .arg(QString::asprintf("%+d", score)); + // Else default score calculation without altitude constraint + if (score < BAD_SCORE) + score = static_cast ((1.5 * pow(1.06, altitude)) - (minAltitude->minimum() / 10.0)); + + //qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Job '%1' target altitude is %3 degrees at %2 (score %4).") + // .arg(job->getName()) + // .arg(when.toString(job->getDateTimeDisplayFormat())) + // .arg(currentAlt, 0, 'f', minAltitude->decimals()) + // .arg(QString::asprintf("%+d", score)); return score; } -double Scheduler::getCurrentMoonSeparation(SchedulerJob *job) +double Scheduler::getCurrentMoonSeparation(SchedulerJob const *job) const { - // Get target altitude given the time - SkyPoint p = job->getTargetCoords(); - QDateTime midnight(KStarsData::Instance()->lt().date(), QTime()); - KStarsDateTime ut = geo->LTtoUT(KStarsDateTime(midnight)); - KStarsDateTime myUT = ut.addSecs(KStarsData::Instance()->lt().time().msecsSinceStartOfDay() / 1000); - CachingDms LST = geo->GSTtoLST(myUT.gst()); - p.EquatorialToHorizontal(&LST, geo->lat()); + // FIXME: block calculating target coordinates at a particular time is duplicated in several places + + // Retrieve the argument date/time, or fall back to current time - don't use QDateTime's timezone! + KStarsDateTime ltWhen(KStarsData::Instance()->lt()); + + // Create a sky object with the target catalog coordinates + SkyPoint const target = job->getTargetCoords(); + SkyObject o; + o.setRA0(target.ra0()); + o.setDec0(target.dec0()); + + // Update RA/DEC of the target for the current fraction of the day + KSNumbers numbers(ltWhen.djd()); + o.updateCoordsNow(&numbers); // Update moon - ut = geo->LTtoUT(KStarsData::Instance()->lt()); - KSNumbers ksnum(ut.djd()); - LST = geo->GSTtoLST(ut.gst()); - moon->updateCoords(&ksnum, true, geo->lat(), &LST, true); + //ut = geo->LTtoUT(ltWhen); + //KSNumbers ksnum(ut.djd()); // BUG: possibly LT.djd() != UT.djd() because of translation + //LST = geo->GSTtoLST(ut.gst()); + CachingDms LST = geo->GSTtoLST(geo->LTtoUT(ltWhen).gst()); + moon->updateCoords(&numbers, true, geo->lat(), &LST, true); // Moon/Sky separation p - return moon->angularDistanceTo(&p).Degrees(); + return moon->angularDistanceTo(&o).Degrees(); } -int16_t Scheduler::getMoonSeparationScore(SchedulerJob *job, QDateTime when) +int16_t Scheduler::getMoonSeparationScore(SchedulerJob const *job, QDateTime const &when) const { - int16_t score = 0; + // FIXME: block calculating target coordinates at a particular time is duplicated in several places + + // Retrieve the argument date/time, or fall back to current time - don't use QDateTime's timezone! + KStarsDateTime ltWhen(when.isValid() ? + Qt::UTC == when.timeSpec() ? geo->UTtoLT(KStarsDateTime(when)) : when : + KStarsData::Instance()->lt()); - // Get target altitude given the time - SkyPoint p = job->getTargetCoords(); - QDateTime midnight(when.date(), QTime()); - KStarsDateTime ut = geo->LTtoUT(KStarsDateTime(midnight)); - KStarsDateTime myUT = ut.addSecs(when.time().msecsSinceStartOfDay() / 1000); - CachingDms LST = geo->GSTtoLST(myUT.gst()); - p.EquatorialToHorizontal(&LST, geo->lat()); - double currentAlt = p.alt().Degrees(); + // Create a sky object with the target catalog coordinates + SkyPoint const target = job->getTargetCoords(); + SkyObject o; + o.setRA0(target.ra0()); + o.setDec0(target.dec0()); + + // Update RA/DEC of the target for the current fraction of the day + KSNumbers numbers(ltWhen.djd()); + o.updateCoordsNow(&numbers); // Update moon - ut = geo->LTtoUT(KStarsDateTime(when)); - KSNumbers ksnum(ut.djd()); - LST = geo->GSTtoLST(ut.gst()); - moon->updateCoords(&ksnum, true, geo->lat(), &LST, true); + //ut = geo->LTtoUT(ltWhen); + //KSNumbers ksnum(ut.djd()); // BUG: possibly LT.djd() != UT.djd() because of translation + //LST = geo->GSTtoLST(ut.gst()); + CachingDms LST = geo->GSTtoLST(geo->LTtoUT(ltWhen).gst()); + moon->updateCoords(&numbers, true, geo->lat(), &LST, true); - double moonAltitude = moon->alt().Degrees(); + double const moonAltitude = moon->alt().Degrees(); // Lunar illumination % - double illum = moon->illum() * 100.0; + double const illum = moon->illum() * 100.0; // Moon/Sky separation p - double separation = moon->angularDistanceTo(&p).Degrees(); + double const separation = moon->angularDistanceTo(&o).Degrees(); // Zenith distance of the moon - double zMoon = (90 - moonAltitude); + double const zMoon = (90 - moonAltitude); // Zenith distance of target - double zTarget = (90 - currentAlt); + double const zTarget = (90 - o.alt().Degrees()); + + int16_t score = 0; // If target = Moon, or no illuminiation, or moon below horizon, return static score. if (zMoon == zTarget || illum == 0 || zMoon >= 90) score = 100; else { // JM: Some magic voodoo formula I came up with! double moonEffect = (pow(separation, 1.7) * pow(zMoon, 0.5)) / (pow(zTarget, 1.1) * pow(illum, 0.5)); // Limit to 0 to 100 range. moonEffect = KSUtils::clamp(moonEffect, 0.0, 100.0); if (job->getMinMoonSeparation() > 0) { if (separation < job->getMinMoonSeparation()) score = BAD_SCORE * 5; else score = moonEffect; } else score = moonEffect; } // Limit to 0 to 20 score /= 5.0; - qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Job '%1' target is %L3 degrees from Moon (score %2).") - .arg(job->getName()) - .arg(separation, 0, 'f', 3) - .arg(QString::asprintf("%+d", score)); + //qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Job '%1' target is %L3 degrees from Moon (score %2).") + // .arg(job->getName()) + // .arg(separation, 0, 'f', 3) + // .arg(QString::asprintf("%+d", score)); return score; } void Scheduler::calculateDawnDusk() { KSAlmanac ksal; Dawn = ksal.getDawnAstronomicalTwilight(); Dusk = ksal.getDuskAstronomicalTwilight(); QTime now = KStarsData::Instance()->lt().time(); QTime dawn = QTime(0, 0, 0).addSecs(Dawn * 24 * 3600); QTime dusk = QTime(0, 0, 0).addSecs(Dusk * 24 * 3600); duskDateTime.setDate(KStars::Instance()->data()->lt().date()); duskDateTime.setTime(dusk); // FIXME: reduce spam by moving twilight time to a text label - appendLogText(i18n("Astronomical twilight: dusk at %1, dawn at %2, and current time is %3", - dusk.toString(), dawn.toString(), now.toString())); + //appendLogText(i18n("Astronomical twilight: dusk at %1, dawn at %2, and current time is %3", + // dusk.toString(), dawn.toString(), now.toString())); } void Scheduler::executeJob(SchedulerJob *job) { // Some states have executeJob called after current job is cancelled - checkStatus does this if (job == nullptr) return; // Don't execute the current job if it is already busy if (currentJob == job && SchedulerJob::JOB_BUSY == currentJob->getState()) return; setCurrentJob(job); QDateTime const now = KStarsData::Instance()->lt(); // If we already started, we check when the next object is scheduled at. // If it is more than 30 minutes in the future, we park the mount if that is supported // and we unpark when it is due to start. int const nextObservationTime = now.secsTo(currentJob->getStartupTime()); // If start up procedure is complete and the user selected pre-emptive shutdown, let us check if the next observation time exceed // the pre-emptive shutdown time in hours (default 2). If it exceeds that, we perform complete shutdown until next job is ready if (startupState == STARTUP_COMPLETE && Options::preemptiveShutdown() && nextObservationTime > (Options::preemptiveShutdownTime() * 3600)) { appendLogText(i18n( "Job '%1' scheduled for execution at %2. " "Observatory scheduled for shutdown until next job is ready.", currentJob->getName(), currentJob->getStartupTime().toString(currentJob->getDateTimeDisplayFormat()))); preemptiveShutdown = true; weatherCheck->setEnabled(false); weatherLabel->hide(); checkShutdownState(); schedulerTimer.stop(); // Wake up when job is due. // FIXME: Implement waking up periodically before job is due for weather check. // int const nextWakeup = nextObservationTime < 60 ? nextObservationTime : 60; sleepTimer.setInterval( (nextObservationTime+1) * 1000); sleepTimer.start(); return; } // Otherwise, sleep until job is ready /* FIXME: if not parking, stop tracking maybe? this would prevent crashes or scheduler stops from leaving the mount to track and bump the pier */ // If start up procedure is already complete, and we didn't issue any parking commands before and parking is checked and enabled // Then we park the mount until next job is ready. But only if the job uses TRACK as its first step, otherwise we cannot get into position again. // This is also only performed if next job is due more than the default lead time (5 minutes). // If job is due sooner than that is not worth parking and we simply go into sleep or wait modes. else if (nextObservationTime > Options::leadTime() * 60 && startupState == STARTUP_COMPLETE && parkWaitState == PARKWAIT_IDLE && (currentJob->getStepPipeline() & SchedulerJob::USE_TRACK) && parkMountCheck->isEnabled() && parkMountCheck->isChecked()) { appendLogText(i18n( "Job '%1' scheduled for execution at %2. " "Parking the mount until the job is ready.", currentJob->getName(), currentJob->getStartupTime().toString())); parkWaitState = PARKWAIT_PARK; return; } // If the time to wait is greater than the lead time (5 minutes by default) // then we sleep, otherwise we wait. It's the same thing, just different labels. else if (nextObservationTime > Options::leadTime() * 60) { appendLogText(i18n("Sleeping until observation job %1 is ready at %2...", currentJob->getName(), now.addSecs(nextObservationTime+1).toString())); sleepLabel->setToolTip(i18n("Scheduler is in sleep mode")); sleepLabel->show(); // Warn the user if the next job is really far away - 60/5 = 12 times the lead time if (nextObservationTime > Options::leadTime() * 60 * 12) { dms delay(static_cast(nextObservationTime * 15.0 / 3600.0)); appendLogText(i18n( "Warning: Job '%1' is %2 away from now, you may want to enable Preemptive Shutdown.", currentJob->getName(), delay.toHMSString())); } /* FIXME: stop tracking now */ schedulerTimer.stop(); // Wake up when job is due. // FIXME: Implement waking up periodically before job is due for weather check. // int const nextWakeup = nextObservationTime < 60 ? nextObservationTime : 60; sleepTimer.setInterval(( (nextObservationTime+1) * 1000)); sleepTimer.start(); return; } // If job schedule isn't now, wait - continuing to execute would cancel a parking attempt else if (0 < KStarsData::Instance()->lt().secsTo(currentJob->getStartupTime())) return; // From this point job can be executed now if (job->getCompletionCondition() == SchedulerJob::FINISH_SEQUENCE && Options::rememberJobProgress()) { captureInterface->setProperty("targetName", job->getName().replace(' ', "")); } updatePreDawn(); qCInfo(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Executing Job " << currentJob->getName(); currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_BUSY); KNotification::event(QLatin1String("EkosSchedulerJobStart"), i18n("Ekos job started (%1)", currentJob->getName())); // No need to continue evaluating jobs as we already have one. schedulerTimer.stop(); jobTimer.start(); } bool Scheduler::checkEkosState() { if (state == SCHEDULER_PAUSED) return false; switch (ekosState) { case EKOS_IDLE: { if (m_EkosCommunicationStatus == Ekos::Success) { ekosState = EKOS_READY; return true; } else { ekosInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "start"); ekosState = EKOS_STARTING; currentOperationTime.start(); qCInfo(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Ekos communication status is" << m_EkosCommunicationStatus << "Starting Ekos..."; return false; } } break; case EKOS_STARTING: { if (m_EkosCommunicationStatus == Ekos::Success) { appendLogText(i18n("Ekos started.")); ekosConnectFailureCount=0; ekosState = EKOS_READY; return true; } else if (m_EkosCommunicationStatus == Ekos::Error) { if (ekosConnectFailureCount++ < MAX_FAILURE_ATTEMPTS) { appendLogText(i18n("Starting Ekos failed. Retrying...")); ekosInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "start"); return false; } appendLogText(i18n("Starting Ekos failed.")); stop(); return false; } else if (m_EkosCommunicationStatus == Ekos::Idle) return false; // If a minute passed, give up else if (currentOperationTime.elapsed() > (60 * 1000)) { if (ekosConnectFailureCount++ < MAX_FAILURE_ATTEMPTS) { appendLogText(i18n("Starting Ekos timed out. Retrying...")); ekosInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "stop"); QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, [&]() { ekosInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "start"); currentOperationTime.restart(); }); return false; } appendLogText(i18n("Starting Ekos timed out.")); stop(); return false; } } break; case EKOS_STOPPING: { if (m_EkosCommunicationStatus == Ekos::Idle) { appendLogText(i18n("Ekos stopped.")); ekosState = EKOS_IDLE; return true; } } break; case EKOS_READY: return true; } return false; } bool Scheduler::isINDIConnected() { return (m_INDICommunicationStatus == Ekos::Success); } bool Scheduler::checkINDIState() { if (state == SCHEDULER_PAUSED) return false; //qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Checking INDI State" << indiState; switch (indiState) { case INDI_IDLE: { if (m_INDICommunicationStatus == Ekos::Success) { indiState = INDI_PROPERTY_CHECK; indiConnectFailureCount=0; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Checking INDI Properties..."; } else { qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Connecting INDI devices..."; ekosInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "connectDevices"); indiState = INDI_CONNECTING; currentOperationTime.start(); } } break; case INDI_CONNECTING: { if (m_INDICommunicationStatus == Ekos::Success) { appendLogText(i18n("INDI devices connected.")); indiState = INDI_PROPERTY_CHECK; } else if (m_INDICommunicationStatus == Ekos::Error) { if (indiConnectFailureCount++ < MAX_FAILURE_ATTEMPTS) { appendLogText(i18n("One or more INDI devices failed to connect. Retrying...")); ekosInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "connectDevices"); } else { appendLogText(i18n("One or more INDI devices failed to connect. Check INDI control panel for details.")); stop(); } } // If 30 seconds passed, we retry else if (currentOperationTime.elapsed() > (30 * 1000)) { if (indiConnectFailureCount++ < MAX_FAILURE_ATTEMPTS) { appendLogText(i18n("One or more INDI devices timed out. Retrying...")); ekosInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "connectDevices"); currentOperationTime.restart(); } else { appendLogText(i18n("One or more INDI devices timed out. Check INDI control panel for details.")); stop(); } } } break; case INDI_DISCONNECTING: { if (m_INDICommunicationStatus == Ekos::Idle) { appendLogText(i18n("INDI devices disconnected.")); indiState = INDI_IDLE; return true; } } break; case INDI_PROPERTY_CHECK: { qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Checking INDI properties."; // If dome unparking is required then we wait for dome interface if (unparkDomeCheck->isChecked() && m_DomeReady == false) { if (currentOperationTime.elapsed() > (30 * 1000)) { currentOperationTime.restart(); appendLogText(i18n("Warning: dome device not ready after timeout, attempting to recover...")); disconnectINDI(); stopEkos(); } return false; } // If mount unparking is required then we wait for mount interface if (unparkMountCheck->isChecked() && m_MountReady == false) { if (currentOperationTime.elapsed() > (30 * 1000)) { currentOperationTime.restart(); appendLogText(i18n("Warning: mount device not ready after timeout, attempting to recover...")); disconnectINDI(); stopEkos(); } return false; } // If cap unparking is required then we wait for cap interface if (uncapCheck->isChecked() && m_CapReady == false) { if (currentOperationTime.elapsed() > (30 * 1000)) { currentOperationTime.restart(); appendLogText(i18n("Warning: cap device not ready after timeout, attempting to recover...")); disconnectINDI(); stopEkos(); } return false; } // capture interface is required at all times to proceed. if (captureInterface.isNull() || m_CaptureReady == false) return false; indiState = INDI_READY; indiConnectFailureCount = 0; return true; #if 0 // Check if mount and dome support parking or not. QDBusReply boolReply = mountInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "canPark"); unparkMountCheck->setEnabled(boolReply.value()); parkMountCheck->setEnabled(boolReply.value()); //qDebug() << "Mount can park " << boolReply.value(); boolReply = domeInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "canPark"); unparkDomeCheck->setEnabled(boolReply.value()); parkDomeCheck->setEnabled(boolReply.value()); boolReply = captureInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "hasCoolerControl"); warmCCDCheck->setEnabled(boolReply.value()); QDBusReply updateReply = weatherInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "getUpdatePeriod"); if (updateReply.error().type() == QDBusError::NoError) { weatherCheck->setEnabled(true); if (updateReply.value() > 0) { weatherTimer.setInterval(updateReply.value() * 1000); connect(&weatherTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &Scheduler::checkWeather); weatherTimer.start(); // Check weather initially checkWeather(); } } else weatherCheck->setEnabled(false); QDBusReply capReply = capInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "canPark"); if (capReply.error().type() == QDBusError::NoError) { capCheck->setEnabled(capReply.value()); uncapCheck->setEnabled(capReply.value()); } else { capCheck->setEnabled(false); uncapCheck->setEnabled(false); } indiState = INDI_READY; return true; #endif } break; case INDI_READY: return true; } return false; } bool Scheduler::checkStartupState() { if (state == SCHEDULER_PAUSED) return false; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Checking Startup State (%1)...").arg(startupState); switch (startupState) { case STARTUP_IDLE: { KNotification::event(QLatin1String("ObservatoryStartup"), i18n("Observatory is in the startup process")); qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Startup Idle. Starting startup process..."; // If Ekos is already started, we skip the script and move on to dome unpark step // unless we do not have light frames, then we skip all //QDBusReply isEkosStarted; //isEkosStarted = ekosInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "getEkosStartingStatus"); //if (isEkosStarted.value() == Ekos::Success) if (m_EkosCommunicationStatus == Ekos::Success) { if (startupScriptURL.isEmpty() == false) appendLogText(i18n("Ekos is already started, skipping startup script...")); if (currentJob->getLightFramesRequired()) startupState = STARTUP_UNPARK_DOME; else startupState = STARTUP_COMPLETE; return true; } if (schedulerProfileCombo->currentText() != i18n("Default")) { QList profile; profile.append(schedulerProfileCombo->currentText()); ekosInterface->callWithArgumentList(QDBus::AutoDetect, "setProfile", profile); } if (startupScriptURL.isEmpty() == false) { startupState = STARTUP_SCRIPT; executeScript(startupScriptURL.toString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile)); return false; } startupState = STARTUP_UNPARK_DOME; return false; } case STARTUP_SCRIPT: return false; case STARTUP_UNPARK_DOME: // If there is no job in case of manual startup procedure, // or if the job requires light frames, let's proceed with // unparking the dome, otherwise startup process is complete. if (currentJob == nullptr || currentJob->getLightFramesRequired()) { if (unparkDomeCheck->isEnabled() && unparkDomeCheck->isChecked()) unParkDome(); else startupState = STARTUP_UNPARK_MOUNT; } else { startupState = STARTUP_COMPLETE; return true; } break; case STARTUP_UNPARKING_DOME: checkDomeParkingStatus(); break; case STARTUP_UNPARK_MOUNT: if (unparkMountCheck->isEnabled() && unparkMountCheck->isChecked()) unParkMount(); else startupState = STARTUP_UNPARK_CAP; break; case STARTUP_UNPARKING_MOUNT: checkMountParkingStatus(); break; case STARTUP_UNPARK_CAP: if (uncapCheck->isEnabled() && uncapCheck->isChecked()) unParkCap(); else startupState = STARTUP_COMPLETE; break; case STARTUP_UNPARKING_CAP: checkCapParkingStatus(); break; case STARTUP_COMPLETE: return true; case STARTUP_ERROR: stop(); return true; } return false; } bool Scheduler::checkShutdownState() { if (state == SCHEDULER_PAUSED) return false; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Checking shutdown state..."; switch (shutdownState) { case SHUTDOWN_IDLE: KNotification::event(QLatin1String("ObservatoryShutdown"), i18n("Observatory is in the shutdown process")); qCInfo(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Starting shutdown process..."; // weatherTimer.stop(); // weatherTimer.disconnect(); weatherLabel->hide(); jobTimer.stop(); setCurrentJob(nullptr); if (state == SCHEDULER_RUNNIG) schedulerTimer.start(); if (preemptiveShutdown == false) { sleepTimer.stop(); //sleepTimer.disconnect(); } if (warmCCDCheck->isEnabled() && warmCCDCheck->isChecked()) { appendLogText(i18n("Warming up CCD...")); // Turn it off //QVariant arg(false); //captureInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "setCoolerControl", arg); captureInterface->setProperty("coolerControl", false); } // The following steps require a connection to the INDI server if (isINDIConnected()) { if (capCheck->isEnabled() && capCheck->isChecked()) { shutdownState = SHUTDOWN_PARK_CAP; return false; } if (parkMountCheck->isEnabled() && parkMountCheck->isChecked()) { shutdownState = SHUTDOWN_PARK_MOUNT; return false; } if (parkDomeCheck->isEnabled() && parkDomeCheck->isChecked()) { shutdownState = SHUTDOWN_PARK_DOME; return false; } } else appendLogText(i18n("Warning: Bypassing parking procedures, no INDI connection.")); if (shutdownScriptURL.isEmpty() == false) { shutdownState = SHUTDOWN_SCRIPT; return false; } shutdownState = SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE; return true; case SHUTDOWN_PARK_CAP: if (!isINDIConnected()) { qCInfo(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Bypassing shutdown step 'park cap', no INDI connection."; shutdownState = SHUTDOWN_SCRIPT; } else if (capCheck->isEnabled() && capCheck->isChecked()) parkCap(); else shutdownState = SHUTDOWN_PARK_MOUNT; break; case SHUTDOWN_PARKING_CAP: checkCapParkingStatus(); break; case SHUTDOWN_PARK_MOUNT: if (!isINDIConnected()) { qCInfo(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Bypassing shutdown step 'park cap', no INDI connection."; shutdownState = SHUTDOWN_SCRIPT; } else if (parkMountCheck->isEnabled() && parkMountCheck->isChecked()) parkMount(); else shutdownState = SHUTDOWN_PARK_DOME; break; case SHUTDOWN_PARKING_MOUNT: checkMountParkingStatus(); break; case SHUTDOWN_PARK_DOME: if (!isINDIConnected()) { qCInfo(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Bypassing shutdown step 'park cap', no INDI connection."; shutdownState = SHUTDOWN_SCRIPT; } else if (parkDomeCheck->isEnabled() && parkDomeCheck->isChecked()) parkDome(); else shutdownState = SHUTDOWN_SCRIPT; break; case SHUTDOWN_PARKING_DOME: checkDomeParkingStatus(); break; case SHUTDOWN_SCRIPT: if (shutdownScriptURL.isEmpty() == false) { // Need to stop Ekos now before executing script if it happens to stop INDI if (ekosState != EKOS_IDLE && Options::shutdownScriptTerminatesINDI()) { stopEkos(); return false; } shutdownState = SHUTDOWN_SCRIPT_RUNNING; executeScript(shutdownScriptURL.toString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile)); } else shutdownState = SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE; break; case SHUTDOWN_SCRIPT_RUNNING: return false; case SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE: return true; case SHUTDOWN_ERROR: stop(); return true; } return false; } bool Scheduler::checkParkWaitState() { if (state == SCHEDULER_PAUSED) return false; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Checking Park Wait State..."; switch (parkWaitState) { case PARKWAIT_IDLE: return true; case PARKWAIT_PARK: parkMount(); break; case PARKWAIT_PARKING: checkMountParkingStatus(); break; case PARKWAIT_PARKED: return true; case PARKWAIT_UNPARK: unParkMount(); break; case PARKWAIT_UNPARKING: checkMountParkingStatus(); break; case PARKWAIT_UNPARKED: return true; case PARKWAIT_ERROR: appendLogText(i18n("park/unpark wait procedure failed, aborting...")); stop(); return true; } return false; } void Scheduler::executeScript(const QString &filename) { appendLogText(i18n("Executing script %1...", filename)); connect(&scriptProcess, &QProcess::readyReadStandardOutput, this, &Scheduler::readProcessOutput); connect(&scriptProcess, static_cast(&QProcess::finished), this, [this](int exitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus){checkProcessExit(exitCode);}); scriptProcess.start(filename); } void Scheduler::readProcessOutput() { appendLogText(scriptProcess.readAllStandardOutput().simplified()); } void Scheduler::checkProcessExit(int exitCode) { scriptProcess.disconnect(); if (exitCode == 0) { if (startupState == STARTUP_SCRIPT) startupState = STARTUP_UNPARK_DOME; else if (shutdownState == SHUTDOWN_SCRIPT_RUNNING) shutdownState = SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE; return; } if (startupState == STARTUP_SCRIPT) { appendLogText(i18n("Startup script failed, aborting...")); startupState = STARTUP_ERROR; } else if (shutdownState == SHUTDOWN_SCRIPT_RUNNING) { appendLogText(i18n("Shutdown script failed, aborting...")); shutdownState = SHUTDOWN_ERROR; } } bool Scheduler::checkStatus() { if (state == SCHEDULER_PAUSED) return true; // #1 If no current job selected, let's check if we need to shutdown or evaluate jobs if (currentJob == nullptr) { // #2.1 If shutdown is already complete or in error, we need to stop if (shutdownState == SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE || shutdownState == SHUTDOWN_ERROR) { // If INDI is not done disconnecting, try again later if (indiState == INDI_DISCONNECTING && checkINDIState() == false) return false; // Disconnect INDI if required first if (indiState != INDI_IDLE && Options::stopEkosAfterShutdown()) { disconnectINDI(); return false; } // If Ekos is not done stopping, try again later if (ekosState == EKOS_STOPPING && checkEkosState() == false) return false; // Stop Ekos if required. if (ekosState != EKOS_IDLE && Options::stopEkosAfterShutdown()) { stopEkos(); return false; } if (shutdownState == SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE) appendLogText(i18n("Shutdown complete.")); else appendLogText(i18n("Shutdown procedure failed, aborting...")); // Stop Scheduler stop(); return true; } // #2.2 Check if shutdown is in progress if (shutdownState > SHUTDOWN_IDLE) { // If Ekos is not done stopping, try again later if (ekosState == EKOS_STOPPING && checkEkosState() == false) return false; checkShutdownState(); return false; } // #2.3 Check if park wait procedure is in progress if (checkParkWaitState() == false) return false; // #2.4 If not in shutdown state, evaluate the jobs evaluateJobs(); // #2.5 If there is no current job after evaluation, shutdown if (nullptr == currentJob) { checkShutdownState(); return false; } } else { // #3 Check if startup procedure has failed. if (startupState == STARTUP_ERROR) { // Stop Scheduler stop(); return true; } // #4 Check if startup procedure Phase #1 is complete (Startup script) if ((startupState == STARTUP_IDLE && checkStartupState() == false) || startupState == STARTUP_SCRIPT) return false; // #5 Check if Ekos is started if (checkEkosState() == false) return false; // #6 Check if INDI devices are connected. if (checkINDIState() == false) return false; // #6.1 Check if park wait procedure is in progress - in the case we're waiting for a distant job if (checkParkWaitState() == false) return false; // #7 Check if startup procedure Phase #2 is complete (Unparking phase) if (startupState > STARTUP_SCRIPT && startupState < STARTUP_ERROR && checkStartupState() == false) return false; // #8 Execute the job executeJob(currentJob); } return true; } void Scheduler::checkJobStage() { if (state == SCHEDULER_PAUSED) return; Q_ASSERT_X(currentJob, __FUNCTION__, "Actual current job is required to check job stage"); if (!currentJob) return; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Checking job stage for" << currentJob->getName() << "startup" << currentJob->getStartupCondition() << currentJob->getStartupTime().toString(currentJob->getDateTimeDisplayFormat()) << "state" << currentJob->getState(); QDateTime const now = KStarsData::Instance()->lt(); /* Refresh the score of the current job */ /* currentJob->setScore(calculateJobScore(currentJob, now)); */ /* If current job is scheduled and has not started yet, wait */ if (SchedulerJob::JOB_SCHEDULED == currentJob->getState()) if (now < currentJob->getStartupTime()) return; // #1 Check if we need to stop at some point if (currentJob->getCompletionCondition() == SchedulerJob::FINISH_AT && currentJob->getState() == SchedulerJob::JOB_BUSY) { // If the job reached it COMPLETION time, we stop it. if (now.secsTo(currentJob->getCompletionTime()) <= 0) { appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' reached completion time %2, stopping.", currentJob->getName(), currentJob->getCompletionTime().toString(currentJob->getDateTimeDisplayFormat()))); currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ABORTED); stopCurrentJobAction(); stopGuiding(); findNextJob(); return; } } // #2 Check if altitude restriction still holds true - if (currentJob->getMinAltitude() > 0) + if (-90 < currentJob->getMinAltitude()) { SkyPoint p = currentJob->getTargetCoords(); p.EquatorialToHorizontal(KStarsData::Instance()->lst(), geo->lat()); /* FIXME: find a way to use altitude cutoff here, because the job can be scheduled when evaluating, then aborted when running */ if (p.alt().Degrees() < currentJob->getMinAltitude()) { // Only terminate job due to altitude limitation if mount is NOT parked. if (isMountParked() == false) { appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' current altitude (%2 degrees) crossed minimum constraint altitude (%3 degrees), " - "marking aborted.", - currentJob->getName(), p.alt().Degrees(), currentJob->getMinAltitude())); + "marking aborted.", currentJob->getName(), + QString("%L1").arg(0, p.alt().Degrees(), minAltitude->decimals()), + QString("%L1").arg(0, currentJob->getMinAltitude(), minAltitude->decimals()))); currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ABORTED); stopCurrentJobAction(); stopGuiding(); findNextJob(); return; } } } // #3 Check if moon separation is still valid if (currentJob->getMinMoonSeparation() > 0) { SkyPoint p = currentJob->getTargetCoords(); p.EquatorialToHorizontal(KStarsData::Instance()->lst(), geo->lat()); double moonSeparation = getCurrentMoonSeparation(currentJob); if (moonSeparation < currentJob->getMinMoonSeparation()) { // Only terminate job due to moon separation limitation if mount is NOT parked. if (isMountParked() == false) { appendLogText(i18n("Job '%2' current moon separation (%1 degrees) is lower than minimum constraint (%3 " "degrees), marking aborted.", moonSeparation, currentJob->getName(), currentJob->getMinMoonSeparation())); currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ABORTED); stopCurrentJobAction(); stopGuiding(); findNextJob(); return; } } } // #4 Check if we're not at dawn if (currentJob->getEnforceTwilight() && now > KStarsDateTime(preDawnDateTime)) { // If either mount or dome are not parked, we shutdown if we approach dawn if (isMountParked() == false || (parkDomeCheck->isEnabled() && isDomeParked() == false)) { // Minute is a DOUBLE value, do not use i18np appendLogText(i18n( "Job '%3' is now approaching astronomical twilight rise limit at %1 (%2 minutes safety margin), marking aborted.", preDawnDateTime.toString(), Options::preDawnTime(), currentJob->getName())); currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ABORTED); stopCurrentJobAction(); stopGuiding(); findNextJob(); return; } } // #5 Check system status to improve robustness // This handles external events such as disconnections or end-user manipulating INDI panel if (!checkStatus()) return; // #6 Check each stage is processing properly // FIXME: Vanishing property should trigger a call to its event callback switch (currentJob->getStage()) { case SchedulerJob::STAGE_IDLE: getNextAction(); break; case SchedulerJob::STAGE_ALIGNING: // Let's make sure align module does not become unresponsive if (currentOperationTime.elapsed() > ALIGN_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT) { QVariant const status = alignInterface->property("status"); Ekos::AlignState alignStatus = static_cast(status.toInt()); if (alignStatus == Ekos::ALIGN_IDLE) { if (alignFailureCount++ < MAX_FAILURE_ATTEMPTS) { qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Align module timed out. Restarting request..."; startAstrometry(); } else { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' alignment procedure failed, aborting job.", currentJob->getName())); currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ABORTED); findNextJob(); } } else currentOperationTime.restart(); } break; case SchedulerJob::STAGE_CAPTURING: // Let's make sure capture module does not become unresponsive if (currentOperationTime.elapsed() > CAPTURE_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT) { QVariant const status = captureInterface->property("status"); Ekos::CaptureState captureStatus = static_cast(status.toInt()); if (captureStatus == Ekos::CAPTURE_IDLE) { if (captureFailureCount++ < MAX_FAILURE_ATTEMPTS) { qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "capture module timed out. Restarting request..."; startCapture(); } else { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' capture procedure failed, aborting job.", currentJob->getName())); currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ABORTED); findNextJob(); } } else currentOperationTime.restart(); } break; case SchedulerJob::STAGE_FOCUSING: // Let's make sure focus module does not become unresponsive if (currentOperationTime.elapsed() > FOCUS_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT) { QVariant const status = focusInterface->property("status"); Ekos::FocusState focusStatus = static_cast(status.toInt()); if (focusStatus == Ekos::FOCUS_IDLE || focusStatus == Ekos::FOCUS_WAITING) { if (focusFailureCount++ < MAX_FAILURE_ATTEMPTS) { qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Focus module timed out. Restarting request..."; startFocusing(); } else { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' focusing procedure failed, aborting job.", currentJob->getName())); currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ABORTED); findNextJob(); } } else currentOperationTime.restart(); } break; case SchedulerJob::STAGE_GUIDING: // Let's make sure guide module does not become unresponsive if (currentOperationTime.elapsed() > GUIDE_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT) { QVariant const status = guideInterface->property("status"); Ekos::GuideState guideStatus = static_cast(status.toInt()); if (guideStatus == Ekos::GUIDE_IDLE || guideStatus == Ekos::GUIDE_CONNECTED || guideStatus == Ekos::GUIDE_DISCONNECTED) { if (guideFailureCount++ < MAX_FAILURE_ATTEMPTS) { qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "guide module timed out. Restarting request..."; startGuiding(); } else { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' guiding procedure failed, aborting job.", currentJob->getName())); currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ABORTED); findNextJob(); } } else currentOperationTime.restart(); } break; case SchedulerJob::STAGE_SLEWING: case SchedulerJob::STAGE_RESLEWING: // While slewing or re-slewing, check slew status can still be obtained { QVariant const slewStatus = mountInterface->property("status"); if (slewStatus.isValid()) { // Send the slew status periodically to avoid the situation where the mount is already at location and does not send any event // FIXME: in that case, filter TRACKING events only? ISD::Telescope::Status const status = static_cast(slewStatus.toInt()); setMountStatus(status); } else { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' lost connection to the mount, attempting to reconnect.", currentJob->getName())); if (!manageConnectionLoss()) currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ERROR); return; } } break; case SchedulerJob::STAGE_SLEW_COMPLETE: case SchedulerJob::STAGE_RESLEWING_COMPLETE: // When done slewing or re-slewing and we use a dome, only shift to the next action when the dome is done moving if (m_DomeReady) { QVariant const isDomeMoving = domeInterface->property("isMoving"); if (!isDomeMoving.isValid()) { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' lost connection to the dome, attempting to reconnect.", currentJob->getName())); if (!manageConnectionLoss()) currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ERROR); return; } if (!isDomeMoving.value()) getNextAction(); } else getNextAction(); break; #if 0 case SchedulerJob::STAGE_FOCUSING: { QDBusReply focusReply = focusInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "getStatus"); if (focusReply.error().type() == QDBusError::UnknownObject) { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' lost connection to INDI server while focusing, attempting to reconnect.", currentJob->getName())); if (!manageConnectionLoss()) currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ERROR); return; } qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Focus stage..."; Ekos::FocusState focusStatus = static_cast(focusReply.value()); // Is focus complete? if (focusStatus == Ekos::FOCUS_COMPLETE) { appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' focusing is complete.", currentJob->getName())); autofocusCompleted = true; currentJob->setStage(SchedulerJob::STAGE_FOCUS_COMPLETE); getNextAction(); } else if (focusStatus == Ekos::FOCUS_FAILED || focusStatus == Ekos::FOCUS_ABORTED) { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' focusing failed.", currentJob->getName())); if (focusFailureCount++ < MAX_FAILURE_ATTEMPTS) { appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' is restarting its focusing procedure.", currentJob->getName())); // Reset frame to original size. focusInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "resetFrame"); // Restart focusing startFocusing(); } else { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' focusing procedure failed, marking terminated due to errors.", currentJob->getName())); currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ERROR); findNextJob(); } } } break; #endif /*case SchedulerJob::STAGE_POSTALIGN_FOCUSING: focusInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect,"resetFrame"); currentJob->setStage(SchedulerJob::STAGE_POSTALIGN_FOCUSING_COMPLETE); getNextAction(); break;*/ #if 0 case SchedulerJob::STAGE_ALIGNING: { QDBusReply alignReply; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Alignment stage..."; alignReply = alignInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "getStatus"); if (alignReply.error().type() == QDBusError::UnknownObject) { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' lost connection to INDI server while aligning, attempting to reconnect.", currentJob->getName())); if (!manageConnectionLoss()) currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ERROR); return; } Ekos::AlignState alignStatus = static_cast(alignReply.value()); // Is solver complete? if (alignStatus == Ekos::ALIGN_COMPLETE) { appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' alignment is complete.", currentJob->getName())); alignFailureCount = 0; currentJob->setStage(SchedulerJob::STAGE_ALIGN_COMPLETE); getNextAction(); } else if (alignStatus == Ekos::ALIGN_FAILED || alignStatus == Ekos::ALIGN_ABORTED) { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' alignment failed.", currentJob->getName())); if (alignFailureCount++ < MAX_FAILURE_ATTEMPTS) { if (Options::resetMountModelOnAlignFail() && MAX_FAILURE_ATTEMPTS-1 < alignFailureCount) { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' forcing mount model reset after failing alignment #%2.", currentJob->getName(), alignFailureCount)); mountInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "resetModel"); } appendLogText(i18n("Restarting %1 alignment procedure...", currentJob->getName())); startAstrometry(); } else { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' alignment procedure failed, aborting job.", currentJob->getName())); currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ABORTED); findNextJob(); } } } break; #endif #if 0 case SchedulerJob::STAGE_GUIDING: { QDBusReply guideReply = guideInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "getStatus"); qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Calibration & Guide stage..."; if (guideReply.error().type() == QDBusError::UnknownObject) { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' lost connection to INDI server while guiding, attempting to reconnect.",currentJob->getName())); if (!manageConnectionLoss()) currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ERROR); return; } Ekos::GuideState guideStatus = static_cast(guideReply.value()); // If calibration stage complete? if (guideStatus == Ekos::GUIDE_GUIDING) { appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' guiding is in progress.", currentJob->getName())); guideFailureCount = 0; currentJob->setStage(SchedulerJob::STAGE_GUIDING_COMPLETE); getNextAction(); } // JM 2018-07-30: GUIDE_IDLE is also a failure else if (guideStatus == Ekos::GUIDE_CALIBRATION_ERROR || guideStatus == Ekos::GUIDE_ABORTED) { if (guideStatus == Ekos::GUIDE_ABORTED) appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' guiding failed.", currentJob->getName())); else appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' calibration failed.", currentJob->getName())); if (guideFailureCount++ < MAX_FAILURE_ATTEMPTS) { if (guideStatus == Ekos::GUIDE_CALIBRATION_ERROR && Options::realignAfterCalibrationFailure()) { appendLogText(i18n("Restarting %1 alignment procedure...", currentJob->getName())); // JM: We have to go back to startSlew() since if we just call startAstrometry() // It would captureAndSolve at the _current_ coords which could be way off center if the calibration // process took a wild ride search for a suitable guide star and then failed. So startSlew() would ensure // we're back on our target and then it proceed to alignment (focus is skipped since it is done if it was checked anyway). startSlew(); } else { appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' is guiding, and is restarting its guiding procedure.", currentJob->getName())); startGuiding(true); } } else { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' guiding procedure failed, marking terminated due to errors.", currentJob->getName())); currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ERROR); findNextJob(); } } } break; #endif #if 0 case SchedulerJob::STAGE_CAPTURING: { QDBusReply captureReply = captureInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "getSequenceQueueStatus"); if (captureReply.error().type() == QDBusError::UnknownObject) { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' lost connection to INDI server while capturing, attempting to reconnect.",currentJob->getName())); if (!manageConnectionLoss()) currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ERROR); } else if (captureReply.value().toStdString() == "Aborted" || captureReply.value().toStdString() == "Error") { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' failed to capture target (%2).", currentJob->getName(), captureReply.value())); if (captureFailureCount++ < MAX_FAILURE_ATTEMPTS) { // If capture failed due to guiding error, let's try to restart that if (currentJob->getStepPipeline() & SchedulerJob::USE_GUIDE) { // Check if it is guiding related. QDBusReply guideReply = guideInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "getStatus"); if (guideReply.value() == Ekos::GUIDE_ABORTED || guideReply.value() == Ekos::GUIDE_CALIBRATION_ERROR || guideReply.value() == GUIDE_DITHERING_ERROR) // If guiding failed, let's restart it //if(guideReply.value() == false) { appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' is capturing, and is restarting its guiding procedure.", currentJob->getName())); //currentJob->setStage(SchedulerJob::STAGE_GUIDING); startGuiding(true); return; } } /* FIXME: it's not clear whether it is actually possible to continue capturing when capture fails this way */ appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' failed its capture procedure, restarting capture.", currentJob->getName())); startCapture(); } else { /* FIXME: it's not clear whether this situation can be recovered at all */ appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' failed its capture procedure, marking aborted.", currentJob->getName())); currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ABORTED); findNextJob(); } } else if (captureReply.value().toStdString() == "Complete") { KNotification::event(QLatin1String("EkosScheduledImagingFinished"), i18n("Ekos job (%1) - Capture finished", currentJob->getName())); captureInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "clearSequenceQueue"); currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_COMPLETE); findNextJob(); } else { captureFailureCount = 0; /* currentJob->setCompletedCount(currentJob->getCompletedCount() + 1); */ } } break; #endif default: break; } } void Scheduler::getNextAction() { qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Get next action..."; switch (currentJob->getStage()) { case SchedulerJob::STAGE_IDLE: if (currentJob->getLightFramesRequired()) { if (currentJob->getStepPipeline() & SchedulerJob::USE_TRACK) startSlew(); else if (currentJob->getStepPipeline() & SchedulerJob::USE_FOCUS && autofocusCompleted == false) startFocusing(); else if (currentJob->getStepPipeline() & SchedulerJob::USE_ALIGN) startAstrometry(); else if (currentJob->getStepPipeline() & SchedulerJob::USE_GUIDE) startGuiding(); else startCapture(); } else { if (currentJob->getStepPipeline()) appendLogText( i18n("Job '%1' is proceeding directly to capture stage because only calibration frames are pending.", currentJob->getName())); startCapture(); } break; case SchedulerJob::STAGE_SLEW_COMPLETE: if (currentJob->getStepPipeline() & SchedulerJob::USE_FOCUS && autofocusCompleted == false) startFocusing(); else if (currentJob->getStepPipeline() & SchedulerJob::USE_ALIGN) startAstrometry(); else if (currentJob->getStepPipeline() & SchedulerJob::USE_GUIDE) startGuiding(); else startCapture(); break; case SchedulerJob::STAGE_FOCUS_COMPLETE: if (currentJob->getStepPipeline() & SchedulerJob::USE_ALIGN) startAstrometry(); else if (currentJob->getStepPipeline() & SchedulerJob::USE_GUIDE) startGuiding(); else startCapture(); break; case SchedulerJob::STAGE_ALIGN_COMPLETE: currentJob->setStage(SchedulerJob::STAGE_RESLEWING); break; case SchedulerJob::STAGE_RESLEWING_COMPLETE: // If we have in-sequence-focus in the sequence file then we perform post alignment focusing so that the focus // frame is ready for the capture module in-sequence-focus procedure. if ((currentJob->getStepPipeline() & SchedulerJob::USE_FOCUS) && currentJob->getInSequenceFocus()) // Post alignment re-focusing startFocusing(); else if (currentJob->getStepPipeline() & SchedulerJob::USE_GUIDE) startGuiding(); else startCapture(); break; case SchedulerJob::STAGE_POSTALIGN_FOCUSING_COMPLETE: if (currentJob->getStepPipeline() & SchedulerJob::USE_GUIDE) startGuiding(); else startCapture(); break; case SchedulerJob::STAGE_GUIDING_COMPLETE: startCapture(); break; default: break; } } void Scheduler::stopCurrentJobAction() { if (nullptr != currentJob) { qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Job '" << currentJob->getName() << "' is stopping current action..." << currentJob->getStage(); switch (currentJob->getStage()) { case SchedulerJob::STAGE_IDLE: break; case SchedulerJob::STAGE_SLEWING: mountInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "abort"); break; case SchedulerJob::STAGE_FOCUSING: focusInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "abort"); break; case SchedulerJob::STAGE_ALIGNING: alignInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "abort"); break; //case SchedulerJob::STAGE_CALIBRATING: // guideInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect,"stopCalibration"); // break; case SchedulerJob::STAGE_GUIDING: stopGuiding(); break; case SchedulerJob::STAGE_CAPTURING: captureInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "abort"); //stopGuiding(); break; default: break; } /* Reset interrupted job stage */ currentJob->setStage(SchedulerJob::STAGE_IDLE); } } bool Scheduler::manageConnectionLoss() { if (SCHEDULER_RUNNIG != state) return false; // Don't manage loss if Ekos is actually down in the state machine switch (ekosState) { case EKOS_IDLE: case EKOS_STOPPING: return false; default: break; } // Don't manage loss if INDI is actually down in the state machine switch (indiState) { case INDI_IDLE: case INDI_DISCONNECTING: return false; default: break; } // If Ekos is assumed to be up, check its state //QDBusReply const isEkosStarted = ekosInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "getEkosStartingStatus"); if (m_EkosCommunicationStatus == Ekos::Success) { qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Ekos is currently connected, checking INDI before mitigating connection loss."); // If INDI is assumed to be up, check its state if (isINDIConnected()) { // If both Ekos and INDI are assumed up, and are actually up, no mitigation needed, this is a DBus interface error qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("INDI is currently connected, no connection loss mitigation needed."); return false; } } // Stop actions of the current job stopCurrentJobAction(); // Stop guiding, in case we are using it stopGuiding(); // Acknowledge INDI and Ekos disconnections disconnectINDI(); stopEkos(); // Let the Scheduler attempt to connect INDI again return true; } void Scheduler::load() { QUrl fileURL = QFileDialog::getOpenFileUrl(this, i18n("Open Ekos Scheduler List"), dirPath, "Ekos Scheduler List (*.esl)"); if (fileURL.isEmpty()) return; if (fileURL.isValid() == false) { QString message = i18n("Invalid URL: %1", fileURL.toLocalFile()); KMessageBox::sorry(nullptr, message, i18n("Invalid URL")); return; } dirPath = QUrl(fileURL.url(QUrl::RemoveFilename)); /* Run a job idle evaluation after a successful load */ if (loadScheduler(fileURL.toLocalFile())) startJobEvaluation(); } bool Scheduler::loadScheduler(const QString &fileURL) { SchedulerState const old_state = state; state = SCHEDULER_LOADING; QFile sFile; sFile.setFileName(fileURL); if (!sFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QString message = i18n("Unable to open file %1", fileURL); KMessageBox::sorry(nullptr, message, i18n("Could Not Open File")); state = old_state; return false; } if (jobUnderEdit >= 0) resetJobEdit(); qDeleteAll(jobs); jobs.clear(); while (queueTable->rowCount() > 0) queueTable->removeRow(0); LilXML *xmlParser = newLilXML(); char errmsg[MAXRBUF]; XMLEle *root = nullptr; XMLEle *ep = nullptr; char c; while (sFile.getChar(&c)) { root = readXMLEle(xmlParser, c, errmsg); if (root) { for (ep = nextXMLEle(root, 1); ep != nullptr; ep = nextXMLEle(root, 0)) { const char *tag = tagXMLEle(ep); if (!strcmp(tag, "Job")) processJobInfo(ep); else if (!strcmp(tag, "Profile")) { schedulerProfileCombo->setCurrentText(pcdataXMLEle(ep)); } else if (!strcmp(tag, "StartupProcedure")) { XMLEle *procedure; startupScript->clear(); unparkDomeCheck->setChecked(false); unparkMountCheck->setChecked(false); uncapCheck->setChecked(false); for (procedure = nextXMLEle(ep, 1); procedure != nullptr; procedure = nextXMLEle(ep, 0)) { const char *proc = pcdataXMLEle(procedure); if (!strcmp(proc, "StartupScript")) { startupScript->setText(findXMLAttValu(procedure, "value")); startupScriptURL = QUrl::fromUserInput(startupScript->text()); } else if (!strcmp(proc, "UnparkDome")) unparkDomeCheck->setChecked(true); else if (!strcmp(proc, "UnparkMount")) unparkMountCheck->setChecked(true); else if (!strcmp(proc, "UnparkCap")) uncapCheck->setChecked(true); } } else if (!strcmp(tag, "ShutdownProcedure")) { XMLEle *procedure; shutdownScript->clear(); warmCCDCheck->setChecked(false); parkDomeCheck->setChecked(false); parkMountCheck->setChecked(false); capCheck->setChecked(false); for (procedure = nextXMLEle(ep, 1); procedure != nullptr; procedure = nextXMLEle(ep, 0)) { const char *proc = pcdataXMLEle(procedure); if (!strcmp(proc, "ShutdownScript")) { shutdownScript->setText(findXMLAttValu(procedure, "value")); shutdownScriptURL = QUrl::fromUserInput(shutdownScript->text()); } else if (!strcmp(proc, "ParkDome")) parkDomeCheck->setChecked(true); else if (!strcmp(proc, "ParkMount")) parkMountCheck->setChecked(true); else if (!strcmp(proc, "ParkCap")) capCheck->setChecked(true); else if (!strcmp(proc, "WarmCCD")) warmCCDCheck->setChecked(true); } } } delXMLEle(root); } else if (errmsg[0]) { appendLogText(QString(errmsg)); delLilXML(xmlParser); state = old_state; return false; } } schedulerURL = QUrl::fromLocalFile(fileURL); mosaicB->setEnabled(true); mDirty = false; delLilXML(xmlParser); state = old_state; return true; } bool Scheduler::processJobInfo(XMLEle *root) { XMLEle *ep; XMLEle *subEP; altConstraintCheck->setChecked(false); moonSeparationCheck->setChecked(false); weatherCheck->setChecked(false); twilightCheck->blockSignals(true); twilightCheck->setChecked(false); twilightCheck->blockSignals(false); minAltitude->setValue(minAltitude->minimum()); minMoonSeparation->setValue(minMoonSeparation->minimum()); // We expect all data read from the XML to be in the C locale - QLocale::c() QLocale cLocale = QLocale::c(); for (ep = nextXMLEle(root, 1); ep != nullptr; ep = nextXMLEle(root, 0)) { if (!strcmp(tagXMLEle(ep), "Name")) nameEdit->setText(pcdataXMLEle(ep)); else if (!strcmp(tagXMLEle(ep), "Priority")) prioritySpin->setValue(atoi(pcdataXMLEle(ep))); else if (!strcmp(tagXMLEle(ep), "Coordinates")) { subEP = findXMLEle(ep, "J2000RA"); if (subEP) { dms ra; ra.setH(cLocale.toDouble(pcdataXMLEle(subEP))); raBox->showInHours(ra); } subEP = findXMLEle(ep, "J2000DE"); if (subEP) { dms de; de.setD(cLocale.toDouble(pcdataXMLEle(subEP))); decBox->showInDegrees(de); } } else if (!strcmp(tagXMLEle(ep), "Sequence")) { sequenceEdit->setText(pcdataXMLEle(ep)); sequenceURL = QUrl::fromUserInput(sequenceEdit->text()); } else if (!strcmp(tagXMLEle(ep), "FITS")) { fitsEdit->setText(pcdataXMLEle(ep)); fitsURL.setPath(fitsEdit->text()); } else if (!strcmp(tagXMLEle(ep), "StartupCondition")) { for (subEP = nextXMLEle(ep, 1); subEP != nullptr; subEP = nextXMLEle(ep, 0)) { if (!strcmp("ASAP", pcdataXMLEle(subEP))) asapConditionR->setChecked(true); else if (!strcmp("Culmination", pcdataXMLEle(subEP))) { culminationConditionR->setChecked(true); culminationOffset->setValue(cLocale.toDouble(findXMLAttValu(subEP, "value"))); } else if (!strcmp("At", pcdataXMLEle(subEP))) { startupTimeConditionR->setChecked(true); startupTimeEdit->setDateTime(QDateTime::fromString(findXMLAttValu(subEP, "value"), Qt::ISODate)); } } } else if (!strcmp(tagXMLEle(ep), "Constraints")) { for (subEP = nextXMLEle(ep, 1); subEP != nullptr; subEP = nextXMLEle(ep, 0)) { if (!strcmp("MinimumAltitude", pcdataXMLEle(subEP))) { altConstraintCheck->setChecked(true); minAltitude->setValue(cLocale.toDouble(findXMLAttValu(subEP, "value"))); } else if (!strcmp("MoonSeparation", pcdataXMLEle(subEP))) { moonSeparationCheck->setChecked(true); minMoonSeparation->setValue(cLocale.toDouble(findXMLAttValu(subEP, "value"))); } else if (!strcmp("EnforceWeather", pcdataXMLEle(subEP))) weatherCheck->setChecked(true); else if (!strcmp("EnforceTwilight", pcdataXMLEle(subEP))) twilightCheck->setChecked(true); } } else if (!strcmp(tagXMLEle(ep), "CompletionCondition")) { for (subEP = nextXMLEle(ep, 1); subEP != nullptr; subEP = nextXMLEle(ep, 0)) { if (!strcmp("Sequence", pcdataXMLEle(subEP))) sequenceCompletionR->setChecked(true); else if (!strcmp("Repeat", pcdataXMLEle(subEP))) { repeatCompletionR->setChecked(true); repeatsSpin->setValue(cLocale.toInt(findXMLAttValu(subEP, "value"))); } else if (!strcmp("Loop", pcdataXMLEle(subEP))) loopCompletionR->setChecked(true); else if (!strcmp("At", pcdataXMLEle(subEP))) { timeCompletionR->setChecked(true); completionTimeEdit->setDateTime(QDateTime::fromString(findXMLAttValu(subEP, "value"), Qt::ISODate)); } } } else if (!strcmp(tagXMLEle(ep), "Steps")) { XMLEle *module; trackStepCheck->setChecked(false); focusStepCheck->setChecked(false); alignStepCheck->setChecked(false); guideStepCheck->setChecked(false); for (module = nextXMLEle(ep, 1); module != nullptr; module = nextXMLEle(ep, 0)) { const char *proc = pcdataXMLEle(module); if (!strcmp(proc, "Track")) trackStepCheck->setChecked(true); else if (!strcmp(proc, "Focus")) focusStepCheck->setChecked(true); else if (!strcmp(proc, "Align")) alignStepCheck->setChecked(true); else if (!strcmp(proc, "Guide")) guideStepCheck->setChecked(true); } } } addToQueueB->setEnabled(true); saveJob(); return true; } void Scheduler::saveAs() { schedulerURL.clear(); save(); } void Scheduler::save() { QUrl backupCurrent = schedulerURL; if (schedulerURL.toLocalFile().startsWith(QLatin1String("/tmp/")) || schedulerURL.toLocalFile().contains("/Temp")) schedulerURL.clear(); // If no changes made, return. if (mDirty == false && !schedulerURL.isEmpty()) return; if (schedulerURL.isEmpty()) { schedulerURL = QFileDialog::getSaveFileUrl(this, i18n("Save Ekos Scheduler List"), dirPath, "Ekos Scheduler List (*.esl)"); // if user presses cancel if (schedulerURL.isEmpty()) { schedulerURL = backupCurrent; return; } dirPath = QUrl(schedulerURL.url(QUrl::RemoveFilename)); if (schedulerURL.toLocalFile().contains('.') == 0) schedulerURL.setPath(schedulerURL.toLocalFile() + ".esl"); } if (schedulerURL.isValid()) { if ((saveScheduler(schedulerURL)) == false) { KMessageBox::error(KStars::Instance(), i18n("Failed to save scheduler list"), i18n("Save")); return; } mDirty = false; } else { QString message = i18n("Invalid URL: %1", schedulerURL.url()); KMessageBox::sorry(KStars::Instance(), message, i18n("Invalid URL")); } } bool Scheduler::saveScheduler(const QUrl &fileURL) { QFile file; file.setFileName(fileURL.toLocalFile()); if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QString message = i18n("Unable to write to file %1", fileURL.toLocalFile()); KMessageBox::sorry(nullptr, message, i18n("Could Not Open File")); return false; } QTextStream outstream(&file); // We serialize sequence data to XML using the C locale QLocale cLocale = QLocale::c(); outstream << "" << endl; outstream << "" << endl; outstream << "" << schedulerProfileCombo->currentText() << "" << endl; foreach (SchedulerJob *job, jobs) { outstream << "" << endl; outstream << "" << job->getName() << "" << endl; outstream << "" << job->getPriority() << "" << endl; outstream << "" << endl; outstream << "" << cLocale.toString(job->getTargetCoords().ra0().Hours()) << "" << endl; outstream << "" << cLocale.toString(job->getTargetCoords().dec0().Degrees()) << "" << endl; outstream << "" << endl; if (job->getFITSFile().isValid() && job->getFITSFile().isEmpty() == false) outstream << "" << job->getFITSFile().toLocalFile() << "" << endl; outstream << "" << job->getSequenceFile().toLocalFile() << "" << endl; outstream << "" << endl; if (job->getFileStartupCondition() == SchedulerJob::START_ASAP) outstream << "ASAP" << endl; else if (job->getFileStartupCondition() == SchedulerJob::START_CULMINATION) outstream << "Culmination" << endl; else if (job->getFileStartupCondition() == SchedulerJob::START_AT) outstream << "At" << endl; outstream << "" << endl; outstream << "" << endl; - if (job->getMinAltitude() > 0) + if (-90 < job->getMinAltitude()) outstream << "MinimumAltitude" << endl; if (job->getMinMoonSeparation() > 0) outstream << "MoonSeparation" << endl; if (job->getEnforceWeather()) outstream << "EnforceWeather" << endl; if (job->getEnforceTwilight()) outstream << "EnforceTwilight" << endl; outstream << "" << endl; outstream << "" << endl; if (job->getCompletionCondition() == SchedulerJob::FINISH_SEQUENCE) outstream << "Sequence" << endl; else if (job->getCompletionCondition() == SchedulerJob::FINISH_REPEAT) outstream << "Repeat" << endl; else if (job->getCompletionCondition() == SchedulerJob::FINISH_LOOP) outstream << "Loop" << endl; else if (job->getCompletionCondition() == SchedulerJob::FINISH_AT) outstream << "At" << endl; outstream << "" << endl; outstream << "" << endl; if (job->getStepPipeline() & SchedulerJob::USE_TRACK) outstream << "Track" << endl; if (job->getStepPipeline() & SchedulerJob::USE_FOCUS) outstream << "Focus" << endl; if (job->getStepPipeline() & SchedulerJob::USE_ALIGN) outstream << "Align" << endl; if (job->getStepPipeline() & SchedulerJob::USE_GUIDE) outstream << "Guide" << endl; outstream << "" << endl; outstream << "" << endl; } outstream << "" << endl; if (startupScript->text().isEmpty() == false) outstream << "StartupScript" << endl; if (unparkDomeCheck->isChecked()) outstream << "UnparkDome" << endl; if (unparkMountCheck->isChecked()) outstream << "UnparkMount" << endl; if (uncapCheck->isChecked()) outstream << "UnparkCap" << endl; outstream << "" << endl; outstream << "" << endl; if (warmCCDCheck->isChecked()) outstream << "WarmCCD" << endl; if (capCheck->isChecked()) outstream << "ParkCap" << endl; if (parkMountCheck->isChecked()) outstream << "ParkMount" << endl; if (parkDomeCheck->isChecked()) outstream << "ParkDome" << endl; if (shutdownScript->text().isEmpty() == false) outstream << "ShutdownScript" << endl; outstream << "" << endl; outstream << "" << endl; appendLogText(i18n("Scheduler list saved to %1", fileURL.toLocalFile())); file.close(); return true; } void Scheduler::startSlew() { Q_ASSERT(currentJob != nullptr); // If the mount was parked by a pause or the end-user, unpark if (isMountParked()) { parkWaitState = PARKWAIT_UNPARK; return; } if (Options::resetMountModelBeforeJob()) mountInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "resetModel"); SkyPoint target = currentJob->getTargetCoords(); QList telescopeSlew; telescopeSlew.append(target.ra().Hours()); telescopeSlew.append(target.dec().Degrees()); QDBusReply const slewModeReply = mountInterface->callWithArgumentList(QDBus::AutoDetect, "slew", telescopeSlew); if (slewModeReply.error().type() != QDBusError::NoError) { qCCritical(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Warning: job '%1' slew request received DBUS error: %2").arg(currentJob->getName(), QDBusError::errorString(slewModeReply.error().type())); if (!manageConnectionLoss()) currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ERROR); } else { currentJob->setStage(SchedulerJob::STAGE_SLEWING); appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' is slewing to target.", currentJob->getName())); } } void Scheduler::startFocusing() { // 2017-09-30 Jasem: We're skipping post align focusing now as it can be performed // when first focus request is made in capture module if (currentJob->getStage() == SchedulerJob::STAGE_RESLEWING_COMPLETE || currentJob->getStage() == SchedulerJob::STAGE_POSTALIGN_FOCUSING) { // Clear the HFR limit value set in the capture module captureInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "clearAutoFocusHFR"); // Reset Focus frame so that next frame take a full-resolution capture first. focusInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect,"resetFrame"); currentJob->setStage(SchedulerJob::STAGE_POSTALIGN_FOCUSING_COMPLETE); getNextAction(); return; } // Check if autofocus is supported QDBusReply focusModeReply; focusModeReply = focusInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "canAutoFocus"); if (focusModeReply.error().type() != QDBusError::NoError) { qCCritical(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Warning: job '%1' canAutoFocus request received DBUS error: %2").arg(currentJob->getName(), QDBusError::errorString(focusModeReply.error().type())); if (!manageConnectionLoss()) currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ERROR); return; } if (focusModeReply.value() == false) { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' is unable to proceed with autofocus, not supported.", currentJob->getName())); currentJob->setStepPipeline( static_cast(currentJob->getStepPipeline() & ~SchedulerJob::USE_FOCUS)); currentJob->setStage(SchedulerJob::STAGE_FOCUS_COMPLETE); getNextAction(); return; } // Clear the HFR limit value set in the capture module captureInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "clearAutoFocusHFR"); QDBusMessage reply; // We always need to reset frame first if ((reply = focusInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "resetFrame")).type() == QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage) { qCCritical(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Warning: job '%1' resetFrame request received DBUS error: %2").arg(currentJob->getName(), reply.errorMessage()); if (!manageConnectionLoss()) currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ERROR); return; } // Set autostar if full field option is false if (Options::focusUseFullField() == false) { QList autoStar; autoStar.append(true); if ((reply = focusInterface->callWithArgumentList(QDBus::AutoDetect, "setAutoStarEnabled", autoStar)).type() == QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage) { qCCritical(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Warning: job '%1' setAutoFocusStar request received DBUS error: %1").arg(currentJob->getName(), reply.errorMessage()); if (!manageConnectionLoss()) currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ERROR); return; } } // Start auto-focus if ((reply = focusInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "start")).type() == QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage) { qCCritical(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Warning: job '%1' startFocus request received DBUS error: %2").arg(currentJob->getName(), reply.errorMessage()); if (!manageConnectionLoss()) currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ERROR); return; } /*if (currentJob->getStage() == SchedulerJob::STAGE_RESLEWING_COMPLETE || currentJob->getStage() == SchedulerJob::STAGE_POSTALIGN_FOCUSING) { currentJob->setStage(SchedulerJob::STAGE_POSTALIGN_FOCUSING); appendLogText(i18n("Post-alignment focusing for %1 ...", currentJob->getName())); } else { currentJob->setStage(SchedulerJob::STAGE_FOCUSING); appendLogText(i18n("Focusing %1 ...", currentJob->getName())); }*/ currentJob->setStage(SchedulerJob::STAGE_FOCUSING); appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' is focusing.", currentJob->getName())); currentOperationTime.restart(); } void Scheduler::findNextJob() { Q_ASSERT_X(currentJob->getState() == SchedulerJob::JOB_ERROR || currentJob->getState() == SchedulerJob::JOB_ABORTED || currentJob->getState() == SchedulerJob::JOB_COMPLETE, __FUNCTION__, "Finding next job requires current to be in error, aborted or complete"); jobTimer.stop(); // Reset failed count alignFailureCount = guideFailureCount = focusFailureCount = captureFailureCount = 0; /* FIXME: Other debug logs in that function probably */ qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Find next job..."; if (currentJob->getState() == SchedulerJob::JOB_ERROR) { captureBatch = 0; // Stop Guiding if it was used stopGuiding(); appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' is terminated due to errors.", currentJob->getName())); setCurrentJob(nullptr); schedulerTimer.start(); } else if (currentJob->getState() == SchedulerJob::JOB_ABORTED) { // Stop Guiding if it was used stopGuiding(); appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' is aborted.", currentJob->getName())); setCurrentJob(nullptr); schedulerTimer.start(); } // Job is complete, so check completion criteria to optimize processing // In any case, we're done whether the job completed successfully or not. else if (currentJob->getCompletionCondition() == SchedulerJob::FINISH_SEQUENCE) { /* If we remember job progress, mark the job idle as well as all its duplicates for re-evaluation */ if (Options::rememberJobProgress()) { foreach(SchedulerJob *a_job, jobs) if (a_job == currentJob || a_job->isDuplicateOf(currentJob)) a_job->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_IDLE); } captureBatch = 0; // Stop Guiding if it was used stopGuiding(); appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' is complete.", currentJob->getName())); setCurrentJob(nullptr); schedulerTimer.start(); } else if (currentJob->getCompletionCondition() == SchedulerJob::FINISH_REPEAT) { + /* If the job is about to repeat, decrease its repeat count and reset its start time */ if (0 < currentJob->getRepeatsRemaining()) + { currentJob->setRepeatsRemaining(currentJob->getRepeatsRemaining() - 1); + currentJob->setStartupTime(QDateTime()); + } /* Mark the job idle as well as all its duplicates for re-evaluation */ foreach(SchedulerJob *a_job, jobs) if (a_job == currentJob || a_job->isDuplicateOf(currentJob)) a_job->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_IDLE); /* Re-evaluate all jobs, without selecting a new job */ jobEvaluationOnly = true; evaluateJobs(); /* If current job is actually complete because of previous duplicates, prepare for next job */ if (currentJob->getRepeatsRemaining() == 0) { stopCurrentJobAction(); stopGuiding(); appendLogText(i18np("Job '%1' is complete after #%2 batch.", "Job '%1' is complete after #%2 batches.", currentJob->getName(), currentJob->getRepeatsRequired())); setCurrentJob(nullptr); schedulerTimer.start(); } /* If job requires more work, continue current observation */ else { /* FIXME: raise priority to allow other jobs to schedule in-between */ executeJob(currentJob); /* If we are guiding, continue capturing */ if (currentJob->getStepPipeline() & SchedulerJob::USE_GUIDE) { currentJob->setStage(SchedulerJob::STAGE_CAPTURING); startCapture(); } /* If we are not guiding, but using alignment, realign */ else if (currentJob->getStepPipeline() & SchedulerJob::USE_ALIGN) { currentJob->setStage(SchedulerJob::STAGE_ALIGNING); startAstrometry(); } /* Else if we are neither guiding nor using alignment, slew back to target */ else if (currentJob->getStepPipeline() & SchedulerJob::USE_TRACK) { currentJob->setStage(SchedulerJob::STAGE_SLEWING); startSlew(); } /* Else just start capturing */ else { currentJob->setStage(SchedulerJob::STAGE_CAPTURING); startCapture(); } appendLogText(i18np("Job '%1' is repeating, #%2 batch remaining.", "Job '%1' is repeating, #%2 batches remaining.", currentJob->getName(), currentJob->getRepeatsRemaining())); /* currentJob remains the same */ jobTimer.start(); } } else if (currentJob->getCompletionCondition() == SchedulerJob::FINISH_LOOP) { executeJob(currentJob); currentJob->setStage(SchedulerJob::STAGE_CAPTURING); captureBatch++; startCapture(); appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' is repeating, looping indefinitely.", currentJob->getName())); /* currentJob remains the same */ jobTimer.start(); } else if (currentJob->getCompletionCondition() == SchedulerJob::FINISH_AT) { if (KStarsData::Instance()->lt().secsTo(currentJob->getCompletionTime()) <= 0) { /* Mark the job idle as well as all its duplicates for re-evaluation */ foreach(SchedulerJob *a_job, jobs) if (a_job == currentJob || a_job->isDuplicateOf(currentJob)) a_job->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_IDLE); stopCurrentJobAction(); stopGuiding(); captureBatch = 0; appendLogText(i18np("Job '%1' stopping, reached completion time with #%2 batch done.", "Job '%1' stopping, reached completion time with #%2 batches done.", currentJob->getName(), captureBatch + 1)); setCurrentJob(nullptr); schedulerTimer.start(); } else { executeJob(currentJob); currentJob->setStage(SchedulerJob::STAGE_CAPTURING); captureBatch++; startCapture(); appendLogText(i18np("Job '%1' completed #%2 batch before completion time, restarted.", "Job '%1' completed #%2 batches before completion time, restarted.", currentJob->getName(), captureBatch)); /* currentJob remains the same */ jobTimer.start(); } } else { /* Unexpected situation, mitigate by resetting the job and restarting the scheduler timer */ qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "BUGBUG! Job '" << currentJob->getName() << "' timer elapsed, but no action to be taken."; setCurrentJob(nullptr); schedulerTimer.start(); } } void Scheduler::startAstrometry() { QDBusMessage reply; setSolverAction(Align::GOTO_SLEW); // Always turn update coords on //QVariant arg(true); //alignInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "setUpdateCoords", arg); // If FITS file is specified, then we use load and slew if (currentJob->getFITSFile().isEmpty() == false) { QList solveArgs; solveArgs.append(currentJob->getFITSFile().toString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile)); if ((reply = alignInterface->callWithArgumentList(QDBus::AutoDetect, "loadAndSlew", solveArgs)).type() == QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage) { qCCritical(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Warning: job '%1' loadAndSlew request received DBUS error: %2").arg(currentJob->getName(), reply.errorMessage()); if (!manageConnectionLoss()) currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ERROR); return; } loadAndSlewProgress = true; appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' is plate solving %2.", currentJob->getName(), currentJob->getFITSFile().fileName())); } else { if ((reply = alignInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "captureAndSolve")).type() == QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage) { qCCritical(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Warning: job '%1' captureAndSolve request received DBUS error: %2").arg(currentJob->getName(), reply.errorMessage()); if (!manageConnectionLoss()) currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ERROR); return; } appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' is capturing and plate solving.", currentJob->getName())); } /* FIXME: not supposed to modify the job */ currentJob->setStage(SchedulerJob::STAGE_ALIGNING); currentOperationTime.restart(); } void Scheduler::startGuiding(bool resetCalibration) { // Connect Guider guideInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect,"connectGuider"); // Set Auto Star to true QVariant arg(true); guideInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect,"setCalibrationAutoStar", arg); // Only reset calibration on trouble // and if we are allowed to reset calibration (true by default) if (resetCalibration && Options::resetGuideCalibration()) guideInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "clearCalibration"); guideInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "guide"); currentJob->setStage(SchedulerJob::STAGE_GUIDING); appendLogText(i18n("Starting guiding procedure for %1 ...", currentJob->getName())); currentOperationTime.restart(); } void Scheduler::startCapture(bool restart) { captureInterface->setProperty("targetName", currentJob->getName().replace(' ', "")); QString url = currentJob->getSequenceFile().toLocalFile(); if (restart == false) { QList dbusargs; dbusargs.append(url); captureInterface->callWithArgumentList(QDBus::AutoDetect, "loadSequenceQueue", dbusargs); } switch (currentJob->getCompletionCondition()) { case SchedulerJob::FINISH_LOOP: case SchedulerJob::FINISH_AT: // In these cases, we leave the captured frames map empty // to ensure, that the capture sequence is executed in any case. break; default: // Scheduler always sets captured frame map when starting a sequence - count may be different, robustness, dynamic priority #if 0 // JM 2018-09-24: If job is looping, no need to set captured frame maps. if (currentJob->getCompletionCondition() != SchedulerJob::FINISH_SEQUENCE) break; #endif // hand over the map of captured frames so that the capture // process knows about existing frames SchedulerJob::CapturedFramesMap fMap = currentJob->getCapturedFramesMap(); for (auto &e : fMap.keys()) { QList dbusargs; QDBusMessage reply; dbusargs.append(e); dbusargs.append(fMap.value(e)); if ((reply = captureInterface->callWithArgumentList(QDBus::AutoDetect, "setCapturedFramesMap", dbusargs)).type() == QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage) { qCCritical(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Warning: job '%1' setCapturedFramesCount request received DBUS error: %1").arg(currentJob->getName()).arg(reply.errorMessage()); if (!manageConnectionLoss()) currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ERROR); return; } } break; } // Never ignore sequence history in the Capture module, it is unrelated to storage #if 0 // If sequence is a loop, ignore sequence history // FIXME: set, but never used. if (currentJob->getCompletionCondition() != SchedulerJob::FINISH_SEQUENCE) captureInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "ignoreSequenceHistory"); #endif // Start capture process captureInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "start"); currentJob->setStage(SchedulerJob::STAGE_CAPTURING); KNotification::event(QLatin1String("EkosScheduledImagingStart"), i18n("Ekos job (%1) - Capture started", currentJob->getName())); if (captureBatch > 0) appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' capture is in progress (batch #%2)...", currentJob->getName(), captureBatch + 1)); else appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' capture is in progress...", currentJob->getName())); currentOperationTime.restart(); } void Scheduler::stopGuiding() { if (nullptr != currentJob && (currentJob->getStepPipeline() & SchedulerJob::USE_GUIDE)) { switch (currentJob->getStage()) { case SchedulerJob::STAGE_GUIDING_COMPLETE: case SchedulerJob::STAGE_CAPTURING: qCInfo(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Job '%1' is stopping guiding...").arg(currentJob->getName()); guideInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "abort"); guideFailureCount = 0; break; default: break; } } } void Scheduler::setSolverAction(Align::GotoMode mode) { QVariant gotoMode(static_cast(mode)); alignInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "setSolverAction", gotoMode); } void Scheduler::disconnectINDI() { qCInfo(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Disconnecting INDI..."; indiState = INDI_DISCONNECTING; ekosInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "disconnectDevices"); } void Scheduler::stopEkos() { qCInfo(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Stopping Ekos..."; ekosState = EKOS_STOPPING; ekosConnectFailureCount = 0; ekosInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "stop"); m_MountReady = m_CapReady = m_CaptureReady = m_DomeReady = false; } void Scheduler::setDirty() { mDirty = true; if (sender() == startupProcedureButtonGroup || sender() == shutdownProcedureGroup) return; - if (0 <= jobUnderEdit && state != SCHEDULER_RUNNIG && !queueTable->selectedItems().isEmpty()) + if (0 <= jobUnderEdit && state != SCHEDULER_RUNNIG && 0 <= queueTable->currentRow()) + { + // Now that jobs are sorted, reset jobs that are later than the edited one for re-evaluation + for (int row = jobUnderEdit; row < jobs.size(); row++) + jobs.at(row)->reset(); + saveJob(); + } // For object selection, all fields must be filled bool const nameSelectionOK = !raBox->isEmpty() && !decBox->isEmpty() && !nameEdit->text().isEmpty(); // For FITS selection, only the name and fits URL should be filled. bool const fitsSelectionOK = !nameEdit->text().isEmpty() && !fitsURL.isEmpty(); // Sequence selection is required bool const seqSelectionOK = !sequenceEdit->text().isEmpty(); // Finally, adding is allowed upon object/FITS and sequence selection bool const addingOK = (nameSelectionOK || fitsSelectionOK) && seqSelectionOK; addToQueueB->setEnabled(addingOK); mosaicB->setEnabled(addingOK); } void Scheduler::updateCompletedJobsCount(bool forced) { /* Use a temporary map in order to limit the number of file searches */ SchedulerJob::CapturedFramesMap newFramesCount; /* FIXME: Capture storage cache is refreshed too often, feature requires rework. */ /* Check if one job is idle or requires evaluation - if so, force refresh */ forced |= std::any_of(jobs.begin(), jobs.end(), [](SchedulerJob *oneJob) -> bool { SchedulerJob::JOBStatus const state = oneJob->getState(); return state == SchedulerJob::JOB_IDLE || state == SchedulerJob::JOB_EVALUATION;}); /* If update is forced, clear the frame map */ if (forced) capturedFramesCount.clear(); /* Enumerate SchedulerJobs to count captures that are already stored */ for (SchedulerJob *oneJob : jobs) { QList seqjobs; bool hasAutoFocus = false; oneJob->setLightFramesRequired(false); /* Look into the sequence requirements, bypass if invalid */ if (loadSequenceQueue(oneJob->getSequenceFile().toLocalFile(), oneJob, seqjobs, hasAutoFocus) == false) { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' has inaccessible sequence '%2', marking invalid.", oneJob->getName(), oneJob->getSequenceFile().toLocalFile())); oneJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_INVALID); continue; } /* Enumerate the SchedulerJob's SequenceJobs to count captures stored for each */ foreach (SequenceJob *oneSeqJob, seqjobs) { /* Only consider captures stored on client (Ekos) side */ /* FIXME: ask the remote for the file count */ if (oneSeqJob->getUploadMode() == ISD::CCD::UPLOAD_LOCAL) continue; /* FIXME: this signature path is incoherent when there is no filter wheel on the setup - bugfix should be elsewhere though */ QString const signature = oneSeqJob->getSignature(); /* If signature was processed during this run, keep it */ if (newFramesCount.constEnd() != newFramesCount.constFind(signature)) continue; /* If signature was processed during an earlier run, use the earlier count */ QMap::const_iterator const earlierRunIterator = capturedFramesCount.constFind(signature); if (capturedFramesCount.constEnd() != earlierRunIterator) { newFramesCount[signature] = earlierRunIterator.value(); continue; } /* Else recount captures already stored */ newFramesCount[signature] = getCompletedFiles(signature, oneSeqJob->getFullPrefix()); } } capturedFramesCount = newFramesCount; //if (forced) { qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Frame map summary:"; QMap::const_iterator it = capturedFramesCount.constBegin(); for (; it != capturedFramesCount.constEnd(); it++) qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << " " << it.key() << ':' << it.value(); } } bool Scheduler::estimateJobTime(SchedulerJob *schedJob) { /* updateCompletedJobsCount(); */ // Load the sequence job associated with the argument scheduler job. QList seqJobs; bool hasAutoFocus = false; if (loadSequenceQueue(schedJob->getSequenceFile().toLocalFile(), schedJob, seqJobs, hasAutoFocus) == false) { qCWarning(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Warning: Failed estimating the duration of job '%1', its sequence file is invalid.").arg(schedJob->getSequenceFile().toLocalFile()); return false; } // FIXME: setting in-sequence focus should be done in XML processing. schedJob->setInSequenceFocus(hasAutoFocus); if (hasAutoFocus && !(schedJob->getStepPipeline() & SchedulerJob::USE_FOCUS)) appendLogText(i18n("Warning: Job '%1' has its focus step disabled, periodic and/or HFR procedures currently set in its sequence will not occur.", schedJob->getName())); /* This is the map of captured frames for this scheduler job, keyed per storage signature. * It will be forwarded to the Capture module in order to capture only what frames are required. * If option "Remember Job Progress" is disabled, this map will be empty, and the Capture module will process all requested captures unconditionally. */ SchedulerJob::CapturedFramesMap capture_map; bool const rememberJobProgress = Options::rememberJobProgress(); int totalSequenceCount = 0, totalCompletedCount = 0; double totalImagingTime = 0; // Loop through sequence jobs to calculate the number of required frames and estimate duration. foreach (SequenceJob *seqJob, seqJobs) { // FIXME: find a way to actually display the filter name. QString seqName = i18n("Job '%1' %2x%3\" %4", schedJob->getName(), seqJob->getCount(), seqJob->getExposure(), seqJob->getFilterName()); if (seqJob->getUploadMode() == ISD::CCD::UPLOAD_LOCAL) { qCInfo(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("%1 duration cannot be estimated time since the sequence saves the files remotely.").arg(seqName); schedJob->setEstimatedTime(-2); qDeleteAll(seqJobs); return true; } // Note that looping jobs will have zero repeats required. int const captures_required = seqJob->getCount()*schedJob->getRepeatsRequired(); int captures_completed = 0; if (rememberJobProgress) { /* Enumerate sequence jobs associated to this scheduler job, and assign them a completed count. * * The objective of this block is to fill the storage map of the scheduler job with completed counts for each capture storage. * * Sequence jobs capture to a storage folder, and are given a count of captures to store at that location. * The tricky part is to make sure the repeat count of the scheduler job is properly transferred to each sequence job. * * For instance, a scheduler job repeated three times must execute the full list of sequence jobs three times, thus * has to tell each sequence job it misses all captures, three times. It cannot tell the sequence job three captures are * missing, first because that's not how the sequence job is designed (completed count, not required count), and second * because this would make the single sequence job repeat three times, instead of repeating the full list of sequence * jobs three times. * * The consolidated storage map will be assigned to each sequence job based on their signature when the scheduler job executes them. * * For instance, consider a RGBL sequence of single captures. The map will store completed captures for R, G, B and L storages. * If R and G have 1 file each, and B and L have no files, map[storage(R)] = map[storage(G)] = 1 and map[storage(B)] = map[storage(L)] = 0. * When that scheduler job executes, only B and L captures will be processed. * * In the case of a RGBLRGB sequence of single captures, the second R, G and B map items will count one less capture than what is really in storage. * If R and G have 1 file each, and B and L have no files, map[storage(R1)] = map[storage(B1)] = 1, and all others will be 0. * When that scheduler job executes, B1, L, R2, G2 and B2 will be processed. * * This doesn't handle the case of duplicated scheduler jobs, that is, scheduler jobs with the same storage for capture sets. * Those scheduler jobs will all change state to completion at the same moment as they all target the same storage. * This is why it is important to manage the repeat count of the scheduler job, as stated earlier. */ // Retrieve cached count of completed captures for the output folder of this seqJob QString const signature = seqJob->getSignature(); QString const signature_path = QFileInfo(signature).path(); captures_completed = capturedFramesCount[signature]; qCInfo(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("%1 sees %2 captures in output folder '%3'.").arg(seqName).arg(captures_completed).arg(signature_path); // Enumerate sequence jobs to check how many captures are completed overall in the same storage as the current one foreach (SequenceJob *prevSeqJob, seqJobs) { // Enumerate seqJobs up to the current one if (seqJob == prevSeqJob) break; // If the previous sequence signature matches the current, reduce completion count to take duplicates into account if (!signature.compare(prevSeqJob->getLocalDir() + prevSeqJob->getDirectoryPostfix())) { // Note that looping jobs will have zero repeats required. int const previous_captures_required = prevSeqJob->getCount()*schedJob->getRepeatsRequired(); qCInfo(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("%1 has a previous duplicate sequence job requiring %2 captures.").arg(seqName).arg(previous_captures_required); captures_completed -= previous_captures_required; } // Now completed count can be needlessly negative for this job, so clamp to zero if (captures_completed < 0) captures_completed = 0; // And break if no captures remain, this job has to execute if (captures_completed == 0) break; } // Finally we're only interested in the number of captures required for this sequence item if (0 < captures_required && captures_required < captures_completed) captures_completed = captures_required; qCInfo(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("%1 has completed %2/%3 of its required captures in output folder '%4'.").arg(seqName).arg(captures_completed).arg(captures_required).arg(signature_path); // Update the completion count for this signature in the frame map if we still have captures to take. // That frame map will be transferred to the Capture module, for which the sequence is a single batch of the scheduler job. // For instance, consider a scheduler job repeated 3 times and using a 3xLum sequence, so we want 9xLum in the end. // - If no captures are already processed, the frame map contains Lum=0 // - If 1xLum are already processed, the frame map contains Lum=0 when the batch executes, so that 3xLum may be taken. // - If 3xLum are already processed, the frame map contains Lum=0 when the batch executes, as we still need more than what the sequence provides. // - If 7xLum are already processed, the frame map contains Lum=1 when the batch executes, because we now only need 2xLum to finish the job. // Therefore we need to specify a number of existing captures only for the last batch of the scheduler job. // In the last batch, we only need the remainder of frames to get to the required total. if (captures_completed < captures_required) { if (captures_required - captures_completed < seqJob->getCount()) capture_map[signature] = captures_completed % seqJob->getCount(); else capture_map[signature] = 0; } else capture_map[signature] = captures_required; // From now on, 'captures_completed' is the number of frames completed for the *current* sequence job } // Else rely on the captures done during this session else captures_completed = schedJob->getCompletedCount(); // Check if we still need any light frames. Because light frames changes the flow of the observatory startup // Without light frames, there is no need to do focusing, alignment, guiding...etc // We check if the frame type is LIGHT and if either the number of captures_completed frames is less than required // OR if the completion condition is set to LOOP so it is never complete due to looping. // Note that looping jobs will have zero repeats required. // FIXME: As it is implemented now, FINISH_LOOP may loop over a capture-complete, therefore inoperant, scheduler job. bool const areJobCapturesComplete = !(captures_completed < captures_required || 0 == captures_required); if (seqJob->getFrameType() == FRAME_LIGHT) { if(areJobCapturesComplete) { qCInfo(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("%1 completed its sequence of %2 light frames.").arg(seqName).arg(captures_required); } } else { qCInfo(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("%1 captures calibration frames.").arg(seqName); } totalSequenceCount += captures_required; totalCompletedCount += captures_completed; /* If captures are not complete, we have imaging time left */ if (!areJobCapturesComplete) { /* if looping, consider we always have one capture left */ unsigned int const captures_to_go = 0 < captures_required ? captures_required - captures_completed : 1; totalImagingTime += fabs((seqJob->getExposure() + seqJob->getDelay()) * captures_to_go); /* If we have light frames to process, add focus/dithering delay */ if (seqJob->getFrameType() == FRAME_LIGHT) { // If inSequenceFocus is true if (hasAutoFocus) { // Wild guess that each in sequence auto focus takes an average of 30 seconds. It can take any where from 2 seconds to 2+ minutes. // FIXME: estimating one focus per capture is probably not realistic. qCInfo(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("%1 requires a focus procedure.").arg(seqName); totalImagingTime += captures_to_go * 30; } // If we're dithering after each exposure, that's another 10-20 seconds if (schedJob->getStepPipeline() & SchedulerJob::USE_GUIDE && Options::ditherEnabled()) { qCInfo(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("%1 requires a dither procedure.").arg(seqName); totalImagingTime += (captures_to_go * 15) / Options::ditherFrames(); } } } } schedJob->setCapturedFramesMap(capture_map); schedJob->setSequenceCount(totalSequenceCount); schedJob->setCompletedCount(totalCompletedCount); qDeleteAll(seqJobs); + // FIXME: Move those ifs away to the caller in order to avoid estimating in those situations! + // We can't estimate times that do not finish when sequence is done if (schedJob->getCompletionCondition() == SchedulerJob::FINISH_LOOP) { // We can't know estimated time if it is looping indefinitely - appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' will be looping until Scheduler is stopped manually.", schedJob->getName())); schedJob->setEstimatedTime(-2); + + qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Job '%1' is configured to loop until Scheduler is stopped manually, has undefined imaging time.") + .arg(schedJob->getName()); } // If we know startup and finish times, we can estimate time right away else if (schedJob->getStartupCondition() == SchedulerJob::START_AT && schedJob->getCompletionCondition() == SchedulerJob::FINISH_AT) { + // FIXME: SchedulerJob is probably doing this already qint64 const diff = schedJob->getStartupTime().secsTo(schedJob->getCompletionTime()); - appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' will run for %2.", schedJob->getName(), dms(diff * 15.0 / 3600.0f).toHMSString())); schedJob->setEstimatedTime(diff); + + qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Job '%1' has a startup time and fixed completion time, will run for %2.") + .arg(schedJob->getName()) + .arg(dms(diff * 15.0 / 3600.0f).toHMSString()); } // If we know finish time only, we can roughly estimate the time considering the job starts now else if (schedJob->getStartupCondition() != SchedulerJob::START_AT && schedJob->getCompletionCondition() == SchedulerJob::FINISH_AT) { qint64 const diff = KStarsData::Instance()->lt().secsTo(schedJob->getCompletionTime()); - appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' will run for %2 if started now.", schedJob->getName(), dms(diff * 15.0 / 3600.0f).toHMSString())); schedJob->setEstimatedTime(diff); + + qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Job '%1' has no startup time but fixed completion time, will run for %2 if started now.") + .arg(schedJob->getName()) + .arg(dms(diff * 15.0 / 3600.0f).toHMSString()); } // Rely on the estimated imaging time to determine whether this job is complete or not - this makes the estimated time null else if (totalImagingTime <= 0) { + schedJob->setEstimatedTime(0); + qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Job '%1' will not run, complete with %2/%3 captures.") .arg(schedJob->getName()).arg(totalCompletedCount).arg(totalSequenceCount); - schedJob->setEstimatedTime(0); } + // Else consolidate with step durations else { if (schedJob->getLightFramesRequired()) { /* FIXME: estimation doesn't need to consider repeats, those will be optimized away by findNextJob (this is a regression) */ /* FIXME: estimation should base on actual measure of each step, eventually with preliminary data as what it used now */ // Are we doing tracking? It takes about 30 seconds if (schedJob->getStepPipeline() & SchedulerJob::USE_TRACK) totalImagingTime += 30*schedJob->getRepeatsRequired(); // Are we doing initial focusing? That can take about 2 minutes if (schedJob->getStepPipeline() & SchedulerJob::USE_FOCUS) totalImagingTime += 120*schedJob->getRepeatsRequired(); // Are we doing astrometry? That can take about 30 seconds if (schedJob->getStepPipeline() & SchedulerJob::USE_ALIGN) totalImagingTime += 30*schedJob->getRepeatsRequired(); // Are we doing guiding? Calibration process can take about 2 mins if (schedJob->getStepPipeline() & SchedulerJob::USE_GUIDE) totalImagingTime += 120*schedJob->getRepeatsRequired(); } dms const estimatedTime(totalImagingTime * 15.0 / 3600.0); - qCInfo(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Job '%1' estimated to take %2 to complete.").arg(schedJob->getName(), estimatedTime.toHMSString()); - schedJob->setEstimatedTime(totalImagingTime); + + qCInfo(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Job '%1' estimated to take %2 to complete.").arg(schedJob->getName(), estimatedTime.toHMSString()); } return true; } void Scheduler::parkMount() { QVariant parkingStatus = mountInterface->property("parkStatus"); if (parkingStatus.isValid() == false) { qCCritical(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Warning: mount parkStatus request received DBUS error: %1").arg(mountInterface->lastError().type()); if (!manageConnectionLoss()) parkWaitState = PARKWAIT_ERROR; } ISD::ParkStatus status = static_cast(parkingStatus.toInt()); switch (status) { case ISD::PARK_PARKED: if (shutdownState == SHUTDOWN_PARK_MOUNT) shutdownState = SHUTDOWN_PARK_DOME; parkWaitState = PARKWAIT_PARKED; appendLogText(i18n("Mount already parked.")); break; case ISD::PARK_UNPARKING: //case Mount::UNPARKING_BUSY: /* FIXME: Handle the situation where we request parking but an unparking procedure is running. */ // case Mount::PARKING_IDLE: // case Mount::UNPARKING_OK: case ISD::PARK_ERROR: case ISD::PARK_UNKNOWN: case ISD::PARK_UNPARKED: { QDBusReply const mountReply = mountInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "park"); if (mountReply.error().type() != QDBusError::NoError) { qCCritical(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Warning: mount park request received DBUS error: %1").arg(QDBusError::errorString(mountReply.error().type())); if (!manageConnectionLoss()) parkWaitState = PARKWAIT_ERROR; } else currentOperationTime.start(); } // Fall through case ISD::PARK_PARKING: //case Mount::PARKING_BUSY: if (shutdownState == SHUTDOWN_PARK_MOUNT) shutdownState = SHUTDOWN_PARKING_MOUNT; parkWaitState = PARKWAIT_PARKING; appendLogText(i18n("Parking mount in progress...")); break; // All cases covered above so no need for default //default: // qCWarning(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("BUG: Parking state %1 not managed while parking mount.").arg(mountReply.value()); } } void Scheduler::unParkMount() { if (mountInterface.isNull()) return; QVariant parkingStatus = mountInterface->property("parkStatus"); if (parkingStatus.isValid() == false) { qCCritical(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Warning: mount parkStatus request received DBUS error: %1").arg(mountInterface->lastError().type()); if (!manageConnectionLoss()) parkWaitState = PARKWAIT_ERROR; } ISD::ParkStatus status = static_cast(parkingStatus.toInt()); switch (status) { //case Mount::UNPARKING_OK: case ISD::PARK_UNPARKED: if (startupState == STARTUP_UNPARK_MOUNT) startupState = STARTUP_UNPARK_CAP; parkWaitState = PARKWAIT_UNPARKED; appendLogText(i18n("Mount already unparked.")); break; //case Mount::PARKING_BUSY: case ISD::PARK_PARKING: /* FIXME: Handle the situation where we request unparking but a parking procedure is running. */ // case Mount::PARKING_IDLE: // case Mount::PARKING_OK: // case Mount::PARKING_ERROR: case ISD::PARK_ERROR: case ISD::PARK_UNKNOWN: case ISD::PARK_PARKED: { QDBusReply const mountReply = mountInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "unpark"); if (mountReply.error().type() != QDBusError::NoError) { qCCritical(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Warning: mount unpark request received DBUS error: %1").arg(QDBusError::errorString(mountReply.error().type())); if (!manageConnectionLoss()) parkWaitState = PARKWAIT_ERROR; } else currentOperationTime.start(); } // Fall through //case Mount::UNPARKING_BUSY: case ISD::PARK_UNPARKING: if (startupState == STARTUP_UNPARK_MOUNT) startupState = STARTUP_UNPARKING_MOUNT; parkWaitState = PARKWAIT_UNPARKING; qCInfo(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Unparking mount in progress..."; break; // All cases covered above //default: // qCWarning(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("BUG: Parking state %1 not managed while unparking mount.").arg(mountReply.value()); } } void Scheduler::checkMountParkingStatus() { if (mountInterface.isNull()) return; static int parkingFailureCount = 0; QVariant parkingStatus = mountInterface->property("parkStatus"); if (parkingStatus.isValid() == false) { qCCritical(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Warning: mount parkStatus request received DBUS error: %1").arg(mountInterface->lastError().type()); if (!manageConnectionLoss()) parkWaitState = PARKWAIT_ERROR; } ISD::ParkStatus status = static_cast(parkingStatus.toInt()); switch (status) { //case Mount::PARKING_OK: case ISD::PARK_PARKED: // If we are starting up, we will unpark the mount in checkParkWaitState soon // If we are shutting down and mount is parked, proceed to next step if (shutdownState == SHUTDOWN_PARKING_MOUNT) shutdownState = SHUTDOWN_PARK_DOME; // Update parking engine state if (parkWaitState == PARKWAIT_PARKING) parkWaitState = PARKWAIT_PARKED; appendLogText(i18n("Mount parked.")); parkingFailureCount = 0; break; //case Mount::UNPARKING_OK: case ISD::PARK_UNPARKED: // If we are starting up and mount is unparked, proceed to next step // If we are shutting down, we will park the mount in checkParkWaitState soon if (startupState == STARTUP_UNPARKING_MOUNT) startupState = STARTUP_UNPARK_CAP; // Update parking engine state if (parkWaitState == PARKWAIT_UNPARKING) parkWaitState = PARKWAIT_UNPARKED; appendLogText(i18n("Mount unparked.")); parkingFailureCount = 0; break; // FIXME: Create an option for the parking/unparking timeout. //case Mount::UNPARKING_BUSY: case ISD::PARK_UNPARKING: if (currentOperationTime.elapsed() > (60 * 1000)) { if (++parkingFailureCount < MAX_FAILURE_ATTEMPTS) { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: mount unpark operation timed out on attempt %1/%2. Restarting operation...", parkingFailureCount, MAX_FAILURE_ATTEMPTS)); unParkMount(); } else { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: mount unpark operation timed out on last attempt.")); parkWaitState = PARKWAIT_ERROR; } } else qCInfo(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Unparking mount in progress..."; break; //case Mount::PARKING_BUSY: case ISD::PARK_PARKING: if (currentOperationTime.elapsed() > (60 * 1000)) { if (++parkingFailureCount < MAX_FAILURE_ATTEMPTS) { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: mount park operation timed out on attempt %1/%2. Restarting operation...", parkingFailureCount, MAX_FAILURE_ATTEMPTS)); parkMount(); } else { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: mount park operation timed out on last attempt.")); parkWaitState = PARKWAIT_ERROR; } } else qCInfo(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Parking mount in progress..."; break; //case Mount::PARKING_ERROR: case ISD::PARK_ERROR: if (startupState == STARTUP_UNPARKING_MOUNT) { appendLogText(i18n("Mount unparking error.")); startupState = STARTUP_ERROR; } else if (shutdownState == SHUTDOWN_PARKING_MOUNT) { appendLogText(i18n("Mount parking error.")); shutdownState = SHUTDOWN_ERROR; } else if (parkWaitState == PARKWAIT_PARKING) { appendLogText(i18n("Mount parking error.")); parkWaitState = PARKWAIT_ERROR; } else if (parkWaitState == PARKWAIT_UNPARKING) { appendLogText(i18n("Mount unparking error.")); parkWaitState = PARKWAIT_ERROR; } parkingFailureCount = 0; break; //case Mount::PARKING_IDLE: // FIXME Does this work as intended? check! case ISD::PARK_UNKNOWN: // Last parking action did not result in an action, so proceed to next step if (shutdownState == SHUTDOWN_PARKING_MOUNT) shutdownState = SHUTDOWN_PARK_DOME; // Last unparking action did not result in an action, so proceed to next step if (startupState == STARTUP_UNPARKING_MOUNT) startupState = STARTUP_UNPARK_CAP; // Update parking engine state if (parkWaitState == PARKWAIT_PARKING) parkWaitState = PARKWAIT_PARKED; else if (parkWaitState == PARKWAIT_UNPARKING) parkWaitState = PARKWAIT_UNPARKED; parkingFailureCount = 0; break; // All cases covered above //default: // qCWarning(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("BUG: Parking state %1 not managed while checking progress.").arg(mountReply.value()); } } bool Scheduler::isMountParked() { if (mountInterface.isNull()) return false; // First check if the mount is able to park - if it isn't, getParkingStatus will reply PARKING_ERROR and status won't be clear //QDBusReply const parkCapableReply = mountInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "canPark"); QVariant canPark = mountInterface->property("canPark"); if (canPark.isValid() == false) { qCCritical(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Warning: mount canPark request received DBUS error: %1").arg(mountInterface->lastError().type()); manageConnectionLoss(); return false; } else if (canPark.toBool() == true) { // If it is able to park, obtain its current status //QDBusReply const mountReply = mountInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "getParkingStatus"); QVariant parkingStatus = mountInterface->property("parkStatus"); if (parkingStatus.isValid() == false) { qCCritical(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Warning: mount parking status property is invalid %1.").arg(mountInterface->lastError().type()); manageConnectionLoss(); return false; } // Deduce state of mount - see getParkingStatus in mount.cpp switch (static_cast(parkingStatus.toInt())) { // case Mount::PARKING_OK: // INDI switch ok, and parked // case Mount::PARKING_IDLE: // INDI switch idle, and parked case ISD::PARK_PARKED: return true; // case Mount::UNPARKING_OK: // INDI switch idle or ok, and unparked // case Mount::PARKING_ERROR: // INDI switch error // case Mount::PARKING_BUSY: // INDI switch busy // case Mount::UNPARKING_BUSY: // INDI switch busy default: return false; } } // If the mount is not able to park, consider it not parked return false; } void Scheduler::parkDome() { if (domeInterface.isNull()) return; //QDBusReply const domeReply = domeInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "getParkingStatus"); //Dome::ParkingStatus status = static_cast(domeReply.value()); QVariant parkingStatus = domeInterface->property("parkStatus"); if (parkingStatus.isValid() == false) { qCCritical(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Warning: dome parkStatus request received DBUS error: %1").arg(mountInterface->lastError().type()); if (!manageConnectionLoss()) parkingStatus = ISD::PARK_ERROR; } ISD::ParkStatus status = static_cast(parkingStatus.toInt()); if (status != ISD::PARK_PARKED) { shutdownState = SHUTDOWN_PARKING_DOME; domeInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "park"); appendLogText(i18n("Parking dome...")); currentOperationTime.start(); } else { appendLogText(i18n("Dome already parked.")); shutdownState = SHUTDOWN_SCRIPT; } } void Scheduler::unParkDome() { if (domeInterface.isNull()) return; QVariant parkingStatus = domeInterface->property("parkStatus"); if (parkingStatus.isValid() == false) { qCCritical(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Warning: dome parkStatus request received DBUS error: %1").arg(mountInterface->lastError().type()); if (!manageConnectionLoss()) parkingStatus = ISD::PARK_ERROR; } if (static_cast(parkingStatus.toInt()) != ISD::PARK_UNPARKED) { startupState = STARTUP_UNPARKING_DOME; domeInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "unpark"); appendLogText(i18n("Unparking dome...")); currentOperationTime.start(); } else { appendLogText(i18n("Dome already unparked.")); startupState = STARTUP_UNPARK_MOUNT; } } void Scheduler::checkDomeParkingStatus() { if (domeInterface.isNull()) return; /* FIXME: move this elsewhere */ static int parkingFailureCount = 0; QVariant parkingStatus = domeInterface->property("parkStatus"); if (parkingStatus.isValid() == false) { qCCritical(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Warning: dome parkStatus request received DBUS error: %1").arg(mountInterface->lastError().type()); if (!manageConnectionLoss()) parkWaitState = PARKWAIT_ERROR; } ISD::ParkStatus status = static_cast(parkingStatus.toInt()); switch (status) { case ISD::PARK_PARKED: if (shutdownState == SHUTDOWN_PARKING_DOME) { appendLogText(i18n("Dome parked.")); shutdownState = SHUTDOWN_SCRIPT; } parkingFailureCount = 0; break; case ISD::PARK_UNPARKED: if (startupState == STARTUP_UNPARKING_DOME) { startupState = STARTUP_UNPARK_MOUNT; appendLogText(i18n("Dome unparked.")); } parkingFailureCount = 0; break; case ISD::PARK_PARKING: case ISD::PARK_UNPARKING: // TODO make the timeouts configurable by the user if (currentOperationTime.elapsed() > (120 * 1000)) { if (parkingFailureCount++ < MAX_FAILURE_ATTEMPTS) { appendLogText(i18n("Operation timeout. Restarting operation...")); if (status == ISD::PARK_PARKING) parkDome(); else unParkDome(); break; } } break; case ISD::PARK_ERROR: if (shutdownState == SHUTDOWN_PARKING_DOME) { appendLogText(i18n("Dome parking error.")); shutdownState = SHUTDOWN_ERROR; } else if (startupState == STARTUP_UNPARKING_DOME) { appendLogText(i18n("Dome unparking error.")); startupState = STARTUP_ERROR; } parkingFailureCount = 0; break; default: break; } } bool Scheduler::isDomeParked() { if (domeInterface.isNull()) return false; QVariant parkingStatus = domeInterface->property("parkStatus"); if (parkingStatus.isValid() == false) { qCCritical(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Warning: dome parkStatus request received DBUS error: %1").arg(mountInterface->lastError().type()); if (!manageConnectionLoss()) parkingStatus = ISD::PARK_ERROR; } ISD::ParkStatus status = static_cast(parkingStatus.toInt()); return status == ISD::PARK_PARKED; } void Scheduler::parkCap() { if (capInterface.isNull()) return; QVariant parkingStatus = capInterface->property("parkStatus"); if (parkingStatus.isValid() == false) { qCCritical(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Warning: cap parkStatus request received DBUS error: %1").arg(mountInterface->lastError().type()); if (!manageConnectionLoss()) parkingStatus = ISD::PARK_ERROR; } ISD::ParkStatus status = static_cast(parkingStatus.toInt()); if (status != ISD::PARK_PARKED) { shutdownState = SHUTDOWN_PARKING_CAP; capInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "park"); appendLogText(i18n("Parking Cap...")); currentOperationTime.start(); } else { appendLogText(i18n("Cap already parked.")); shutdownState = SHUTDOWN_PARK_MOUNT; } } void Scheduler::unParkCap() { if (capInterface.isNull()) return; QVariant parkingStatus = capInterface->property("parkStatus"); if (parkingStatus.isValid() == false) { qCCritical(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Warning: cap parkStatus request received DBUS error: %1").arg(mountInterface->lastError().type()); if (!manageConnectionLoss()) parkingStatus = ISD::PARK_ERROR; } ISD::ParkStatus status = static_cast(parkingStatus.toInt()); if (status != ISD::PARK_UNPARKED) { startupState = STARTUP_UNPARKING_CAP; capInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "unpark"); appendLogText(i18n("Unparking cap...")); currentOperationTime.start(); } else { appendLogText(i18n("Cap already unparked.")); startupState = STARTUP_COMPLETE; } } void Scheduler::checkCapParkingStatus() { if (capInterface.isNull()) return; /* FIXME: move this elsewhere */ static int parkingFailureCount = 0; QVariant parkingStatus = capInterface->property("parkStatus"); if (parkingStatus.isValid() == false) { qCCritical(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Warning: cap parkStatus request received DBUS error: %1").arg(mountInterface->lastError().type()); if (!manageConnectionLoss()) parkingStatus = ISD::PARK_ERROR; } ISD::ParkStatus status = static_cast(parkingStatus.toInt()); switch (status) { case ISD::PARK_PARKED: if (shutdownState == SHUTDOWN_PARKING_CAP) { appendLogText(i18n("Cap parked.")); shutdownState = SHUTDOWN_PARK_MOUNT; } parkingFailureCount = 0; break; case ISD::PARK_UNPARKED: if (startupState == STARTUP_UNPARKING_CAP) { startupState = STARTUP_COMPLETE; appendLogText(i18n("Cap unparked.")); } parkingFailureCount = 0; break; case ISD::PARK_PARKING: case ISD::PARK_UNPARKING: // TODO make the timeouts configurable by the user if (currentOperationTime.elapsed() > (60 * 1000)) { if (parkingFailureCount++ < MAX_FAILURE_ATTEMPTS) { appendLogText(i18n("Operation timeout. Restarting operation...")); if (status == ISD::PARK_PARKING) parkCap(); else unParkCap(); break; } } break; case ISD::PARK_ERROR: if (shutdownState == SHUTDOWN_PARKING_CAP) { appendLogText(i18n("Cap parking error.")); shutdownState = SHUTDOWN_ERROR; } else if (startupState == STARTUP_UNPARKING_CAP) { appendLogText(i18n("Cap unparking error.")); startupState = STARTUP_ERROR; } parkingFailureCount = 0; break; default: break; } } void Scheduler::startJobEvaluation() { // Reset current job setCurrentJob(nullptr); - // Unconditionally update the capture storage - updateCompletedJobsCount(true); - - // Reset ALL scheduler jobs to IDLE and re-evaluate them all again + // Reset ALL scheduler jobs to IDLE and force-reset their completed count - no effect when progress is kept for (SchedulerJob * job: jobs) + { job->reset(); + job->setCompletedCount(0); + } + + // Unconditionally update the capture storage + updateCompletedJobsCount(true); // And evaluate all pending jobs per the conditions set in each jobEvaluationOnly = true; evaluateJobs(); } +void Scheduler::sortJobsPerAltitude() +{ + // We require a first job to sort, so bail out if list is empty + if (jobs.isEmpty()) + return; + + // Don't reset current job + // setCurrentJob(nullptr); + + // Don't reset scheduler jobs startup times before sorting - we need the first job startup time + + // Sort by startup time, using the first job time as reference for altitude calculations + using namespace std::placeholders; + QList sortedJobs = jobs; + std::stable_sort(sortedJobs.begin() + 1, sortedJobs.end(), + std::bind(SchedulerJob::decreasingAltitudeOrder, _1, _2, jobs.first()->getStartupTime())); + + // If order changed, reset and re-evaluate + if (reorderJobs(sortedJobs)) + { + for (SchedulerJob * job: jobs) + job->reset(); + + jobEvaluationOnly = true; + evaluateJobs(); + } +} + void Scheduler::updatePreDawn() { double earlyDawn = Dawn - Options::preDawnTime() / (60.0 * 24.0); int dayOffset = 0; QTime dawn = QTime(0, 0, 0).addSecs(Dawn * 24 * 3600); if (KStarsData::Instance()->lt().time() >= dawn) dayOffset = 1; preDawnDateTime.setDate(KStarsData::Instance()->lt().date().addDays(dayOffset)); preDawnDateTime.setTime(QTime::fromMSecsSinceStartOfDay(earlyDawn * 24 * 3600 * 1000)); } bool Scheduler::isWeatherOK(SchedulerJob *job) { if (weatherStatus == IPS_OK || weatherCheck->isChecked() == false) return true; else if (weatherStatus == IPS_IDLE) { if (indiState == INDI_READY) appendLogText(i18n("Weather information is pending...")); return true; } // Temporary BUSY is ALSO accepted for now // TODO Figure out how to exactly handle this if (weatherStatus == IPS_BUSY) return true; if (weatherStatus == IPS_ALERT) { job->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ABORTED); appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' suffers from bad weather, marking aborted.", job->getName())); } /*else if (weatherStatus == IPS_BUSY) { appendLogText(i18n("%1 observation job delayed due to bad weather.", job->getName())); schedulerTimer.stop(); connect(this, &Scheduler::weatherChanged, this, &Scheduler::resumeCheckStatus); }*/ return false; } void Scheduler::resumeCheckStatus() { disconnect(this, &Scheduler::weatherChanged, this, &Scheduler::resumeCheckStatus); schedulerTimer.start(); } void Scheduler::startMosaicTool() { bool raOk = false, decOk = false; dms ra(raBox->createDms(false, &raOk)); //false means expressed in hours dms dec(decBox->createDms(true, &decOk)); if (raOk == false) { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: RA value %1 is invalid.", raBox->text())); return; } if (decOk == false) { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: DEC value %1 is invalid.", decBox->text())); return; } Mosaic mosaicTool; SkyPoint center; center.setRA0(ra); center.setDec0(dec); mosaicTool.setCenter(center); mosaicTool.calculateFOV(); mosaicTool.adjustSize(); if (mosaicTool.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { // #1 Edit Sequence File ---> Not needed as of 2016-09-12 since Scheduler can send Target Name to Capture module it will append it to root dir // #1.1 Set prefix to Target-Part# // #1.2 Set directory to output/Target-Part# // #2 Save all sequence files in Jobs dir // #3 Set as currnet Sequence file // #4 Change Target name to Target-Part# // #5 Update J2000 coords // #6 Repeat and save Ekos Scheduler List in the output directory qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Job accepted with # " << mosaicTool.getJobs().size() << " jobs and fits dir " << mosaicTool.getJobsDir(); QString outputDir = mosaicTool.getJobsDir(); QString targetName = nameEdit->text().simplified().remove(' '); int batchCount = 1; XMLEle *root = getSequenceJobRoot(); if (root == nullptr) return; int currentJobsCount = jobs.count(); foreach (OneTile *oneJob, mosaicTool.getJobs()) { QString prefix = QString("%1-Part%2").arg(targetName).arg(batchCount++); prefix.replace(' ', '-'); nameEdit->setText(prefix); if (createJobSequence(root, prefix, outputDir) == false) return; QString filename = QString("%1/%2.esq").arg(outputDir, prefix); sequenceEdit->setText(filename); sequenceURL = QUrl::fromLocalFile(filename); raBox->showInHours(oneJob->skyCenter.ra0()); decBox->showInDegrees(oneJob->skyCenter.dec0()); saveJob(); } delXMLEle(root); // Delete any prior jobs before saving if (0 < currentJobsCount) { if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(nullptr, i18n("Do you want to keep the existing jobs in the mosaic schedule?")) == KMessageBox::No) { for (int i = 0; i < currentJobsCount; i++) { delete (jobs.takeFirst()); queueTable->removeRow(0); } } } QUrl mosaicURL = QUrl::fromLocalFile((QString("%1/%2_mosaic.esl").arg(outputDir, targetName))); if (saveScheduler(mosaicURL)) { appendLogText(i18n("Mosaic file %1 saved successfully.", mosaicURL.toLocalFile())); } else { appendLogText(i18n("Error saving mosaic file %1. Please reload job.", mosaicURL.toLocalFile())); } } } XMLEle *Scheduler::getSequenceJobRoot() { QFile sFile; sFile.setFileName(sequenceURL.toLocalFile()); if (!sFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { KMessageBox::sorry(KStars::Instance(), i18n("Unable to open file %1", sFile.fileName()), i18n("Could Not Open File")); return nullptr; } LilXML *xmlParser = newLilXML(); char errmsg[MAXRBUF]; XMLEle *root = nullptr; char c; while (sFile.getChar(&c)) { root = readXMLEle(xmlParser, c, errmsg); if (root) break; } delLilXML(xmlParser); sFile.close(); return root; } bool Scheduler::createJobSequence(XMLEle *root, const QString &prefix, const QString &outputDir) { QFile sFile; sFile.setFileName(sequenceURL.toLocalFile()); if (!sFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { KMessageBox::sorry(KStars::Instance(), i18n("Unable to open sequence file %1", sFile.fileName()), i18n("Could Not Open File")); return false; } XMLEle *ep = nullptr; XMLEle *subEP = nullptr; for (ep = nextXMLEle(root, 1); ep != nullptr; ep = nextXMLEle(root, 0)) { if (!strcmp(tagXMLEle(ep), "Job")) { for (subEP = nextXMLEle(ep, 1); subEP != nullptr; subEP = nextXMLEle(ep, 0)) { if (!strcmp(tagXMLEle(subEP), "Prefix")) { XMLEle *rawPrefix = findXMLEle(subEP, "RawPrefix"); if (rawPrefix) { editXMLEle(rawPrefix, prefix.toLatin1().constData()); } } else if (!strcmp(tagXMLEle(subEP), "FITSDirectory")) { editXMLEle(subEP, QString("%1/%2").arg(outputDir, prefix).toLatin1().constData()); } } } } QDir().mkpath(outputDir); QString filename = QString("%1/%2.esq").arg(outputDir, prefix); FILE *outputFile = fopen(filename.toLatin1().constData(), "w"); if (outputFile == nullptr) { QString message = i18n("Unable to write to file %1", filename); KMessageBox::sorry(nullptr, message, i18n("Could Not Open File")); return false; } fprintf(outputFile, ""); prXMLEle(outputFile, root, 0); fclose(outputFile); return true; } void Scheduler::resetAllJobs() { if (state == SCHEDULER_RUNNIG) return; + // Reset capture count of all jobs before re-evaluating + foreach (SchedulerJob *job, jobs) + job->setCompletedCount(0); + // Evaluate all jobs, this refreshes storage and resets job states startJobEvaluation(); } void Scheduler::checkTwilightWarning(bool enabled) { if (enabled) return; if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( nullptr, i18n("Turning off astronomial twilight check may cause the observatory " "to run during daylight. This can cause irreversible damage to your equipment!"), i18n("Astronomial Twilight Warning"), KStandardGuiItem::cont(), KStandardGuiItem::cancel(), "astronomical_twilight_warning") == KMessageBox::Cancel) { twilightCheck->setChecked(true); } } void Scheduler::checkStartupProcedure() { if (checkStartupState() == false) QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(checkStartupProcedure())); else { if (startupState == STARTUP_COMPLETE) appendLogText(i18n("Manual startup procedure completed successfully.")); else if (startupState == STARTUP_ERROR) appendLogText(i18n("Manual startup procedure terminated due to errors.")); startupB->setIcon( QIcon::fromTheme("media-playback-start")); } } void Scheduler::runStartupProcedure() { if (startupState == STARTUP_IDLE || startupState == STARTUP_ERROR || startupState == STARTUP_COMPLETE) { /* FIXME: Probably issue a warning only, in case the user wants to run the startup script alone */ if (indiState == INDI_IDLE) { KSNotification::sorry(i18n("Cannot run startup procedure while INDI devices are not online.")); return; } if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo( nullptr, i18n("Are you sure you want to execute the startup procedure manually?")) == KMessageBox::Yes) { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: executing startup procedure manually...")); startupB->setIcon( QIcon::fromTheme("media-playback-stop")); startupState = STARTUP_IDLE; checkStartupState(); QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(checkStartupProcedure())); } } else { switch (startupState) { case STARTUP_IDLE: break; case STARTUP_SCRIPT: scriptProcess.terminate(); break; case STARTUP_UNPARK_DOME: break; case STARTUP_UNPARKING_DOME: domeInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "abort"); break; case STARTUP_UNPARK_MOUNT: break; case STARTUP_UNPARKING_MOUNT: mountInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "abort"); break; case STARTUP_UNPARK_CAP: break; case STARTUP_UNPARKING_CAP: break; case STARTUP_COMPLETE: break; case STARTUP_ERROR: break; } startupState = STARTUP_IDLE; appendLogText(i18n("Startup procedure terminated.")); } } void Scheduler::checkShutdownProcedure() { // If shutdown procedure is not finished yet, let's check again in 1 second. if (checkShutdownState() == false) QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(checkShutdownProcedure())); else { if (shutdownState == SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE) { appendLogText(i18n("Manual shutdown procedure completed successfully.")); // Stop Ekos if (Options::stopEkosAfterShutdown()) stopEkos(); } else if (shutdownState == SHUTDOWN_ERROR) appendLogText(i18n("Manual shutdown procedure terminated due to errors.")); shutdownState = SHUTDOWN_IDLE; shutdownB->setIcon( QIcon::fromTheme("media-playback-start")); } } void Scheduler::runShutdownProcedure() { if (shutdownState == SHUTDOWN_IDLE || shutdownState == SHUTDOWN_ERROR || shutdownState == SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE) { if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo( nullptr, i18n("Are you sure you want to execute the shutdown procedure manually?")) == KMessageBox::Yes) { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: executing shutdown procedure manually...")); shutdownB->setIcon( QIcon::fromTheme("media-playback-stop")); shutdownState = SHUTDOWN_IDLE; checkShutdownState(); QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(checkShutdownProcedure())); } } else { switch (shutdownState) { case SHUTDOWN_IDLE: break; case SHUTDOWN_SCRIPT: break; case SHUTDOWN_SCRIPT_RUNNING: scriptProcess.terminate(); break; case SHUTDOWN_PARK_DOME: break; case SHUTDOWN_PARKING_DOME: domeInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "abort"); break; case SHUTDOWN_PARK_MOUNT: break; case SHUTDOWN_PARKING_MOUNT: mountInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "abort"); break; case SHUTDOWN_PARK_CAP: break; case SHUTDOWN_PARKING_CAP: break; case SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE: break; case SHUTDOWN_ERROR: break; } shutdownState = SHUTDOWN_IDLE; appendLogText(i18n("Shutdown procedure terminated.")); } } void Scheduler::loadProfiles() { QString currentProfile = schedulerProfileCombo->currentText(); QDBusReply profiles = ekosInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "getProfiles"); if (profiles.error().type() == QDBusError::NoError) { schedulerProfileCombo->blockSignals(true); schedulerProfileCombo->clear(); schedulerProfileCombo->addItem(i18n("Default")); schedulerProfileCombo->addItems(profiles); schedulerProfileCombo->setCurrentText(currentProfile); schedulerProfileCombo->blockSignals(false); } } bool Scheduler::loadSequenceQueue(const QString &fileURL, SchedulerJob *schedJob, QList &jobs, bool &hasAutoFocus) { QFile sFile; sFile.setFileName(fileURL); if (!sFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QString message = i18n("Unable to open sequence queue file '%1'", fileURL); KMessageBox::sorry(nullptr, message, i18n("Could Not Open File")); return false; } LilXML *xmlParser = newLilXML(); char errmsg[MAXRBUF]; XMLEle *root = nullptr; XMLEle *ep = nullptr; char c; while (sFile.getChar(&c)) { root = readXMLEle(xmlParser, c, errmsg); if (root) { for (ep = nextXMLEle(root, 1); ep != nullptr; ep = nextXMLEle(root, 0)) { if (!strcmp(tagXMLEle(ep), "Autofocus")) hasAutoFocus = (!strcmp(findXMLAttValu(ep, "enabled"), "true")); else if (!strcmp(tagXMLEle(ep), "Job")) jobs.append(processJobInfo(ep, schedJob)); } delXMLEle(root); } else if (errmsg[0]) { appendLogText(QString(errmsg)); delLilXML(xmlParser); qDeleteAll(jobs); return false; } } return true; } SequenceJob *Scheduler::processJobInfo(XMLEle *root, SchedulerJob *schedJob) { XMLEle *ep = nullptr; XMLEle *subEP = nullptr; const QMap frameTypes = { { "Light", FRAME_LIGHT }, { "Dark", FRAME_DARK }, { "Bias", FRAME_BIAS }, { "Flat", FRAME_FLAT } }; SequenceJob *job = new SequenceJob(); QString rawPrefix, frameType, filterType; double exposure = 0; bool filterEnabled = false, expEnabled = false, tsEnabled = false; /* Reset light frame presence flag before enumerating */ // JM 2018-09-14: If last sequence job is not LIGHT // then scheduler job light frame is set to whatever last sequence job is // so if it was non-LIGHT, this value is set to false which is wrong. //if (nullptr != schedJob) // schedJob->setLightFramesRequired(false); for (ep = nextXMLEle(root, 1); ep != nullptr; ep = nextXMLEle(root, 0)) { if (!strcmp(tagXMLEle(ep), "Exposure")) { exposure = atof(pcdataXMLEle(ep)); job->setExposure(exposure); } else if (!strcmp(tagXMLEle(ep), "Filter")) { filterType = QString(pcdataXMLEle(ep)); } else if (!strcmp(tagXMLEle(ep), "Type")) { frameType = QString(pcdataXMLEle(ep)); /* Record frame type and mark presence of light frames for this sequence */ CCDFrameType const frameEnum = frameTypes[frameType]; job->setFrameType(frameEnum); if (FRAME_LIGHT == frameEnum && nullptr != schedJob) schedJob->setLightFramesRequired(true); } else if (!strcmp(tagXMLEle(ep), "Prefix")) { subEP = findXMLEle(ep, "RawPrefix"); if (subEP) rawPrefix = QString(pcdataXMLEle(subEP)); subEP = findXMLEle(ep, "FilterEnabled"); if (subEP) filterEnabled = !strcmp("1", pcdataXMLEle(subEP)); subEP = findXMLEle(ep, "ExpEnabled"); if (subEP) expEnabled = (!strcmp("1", pcdataXMLEle(subEP))); subEP = findXMLEle(ep, "TimeStampEnabled"); if (subEP) tsEnabled = (!strcmp("1", pcdataXMLEle(subEP))); job->setPrefixSettings(rawPrefix, filterEnabled, expEnabled, tsEnabled); } else if (!strcmp(tagXMLEle(ep), "Count")) { job->setCount(atoi(pcdataXMLEle(ep))); } else if (!strcmp(tagXMLEle(ep), "Delay")) { job->setDelay(atoi(pcdataXMLEle(ep))); } else if (!strcmp(tagXMLEle(ep), "FITSDirectory")) { job->setLocalDir(pcdataXMLEle(ep)); } else if (!strcmp(tagXMLEle(ep), "RemoteDirectory")) { job->setRemoteDir(pcdataXMLEle(ep)); } else if (!strcmp(tagXMLEle(ep), "UploadMode")) { job->setUploadMode(static_cast(atoi(pcdataXMLEle(ep)))); } } // Make full prefix QString imagePrefix = rawPrefix; if (imagePrefix.isEmpty() == false) imagePrefix += '_'; imagePrefix += frameType; if (filterEnabled && filterType.isEmpty() == false && (job->getFrameType() == FRAME_LIGHT || job->getFrameType() == FRAME_FLAT)) { imagePrefix += '_'; imagePrefix += filterType; } if (expEnabled) { imagePrefix += '_'; imagePrefix += QString::number(exposure, 'd', 0) + QString("_secs"); } job->setFullPrefix(imagePrefix); QString targetName = schedJob->getName().remove(' '); // Directory postfix QString directoryPostfix; /* FIXME: Refactor directoryPostfix assignment, whose code is duplicated in capture.cpp */ if (targetName.isEmpty()) directoryPostfix = QLatin1Literal("/") + frameType; else directoryPostfix = QLatin1Literal("/") + targetName + QLatin1Literal("/") + frameType; if ((job->getFrameType() == FRAME_LIGHT || job->getFrameType() == FRAME_FLAT) && filterType.isEmpty() == false) directoryPostfix += QLatin1Literal("/") + filterType; job->setDirectoryPostfix(directoryPostfix); return job; } int Scheduler::getCompletedFiles(const QString &path, const QString &seqPrefix) { int seqFileCount = 0; QFileInfo const path_info(path); QString const sig_dir(path_info.dir().path()); QString const sig_file(path_info.baseName()); qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("Searching in path '%1', files '%2*' for prefix '%3'...").arg(sig_dir, sig_file, seqPrefix); QDirIterator it(sig_dir, QDir::Files); /* FIXME: this counts all files with prefix in the storage location, not just captures. DSS analysis files are counted in, for instance. */ while (it.hasNext()) { QString const fileName = QFileInfo(it.next()).baseName(); if (fileName.startsWith(seqPrefix)) { qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << QString("> Found '%1'").arg(fileName); seqFileCount++; } } return seqFileCount; } void Scheduler::setINDICommunicationStatus(Ekos::CommunicationStatus status) { qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Scheduler INDI status is" << status; m_INDICommunicationStatus = status; } void Scheduler::setEkosCommunicationStatus(Ekos::CommunicationStatus status) { qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Scheduler Ekos status is" << status; m_EkosCommunicationStatus = status; } void Scheduler::registerNewModule(const QString &name) { if (name == "Focus") { focusInterface = new QDBusInterface("org.kde.kstars", "/KStars/Ekos/Focus", "org.kde.kstars.Ekos.Focus", QDBusConnection::sessionBus(), this); connect(focusInterface, SIGNAL(newStatus(Ekos::FocusState)), this, SLOT(setFocusStatus(Ekos::FocusState)), Qt::UniqueConnection); } else if (name == "Capture") { captureInterface = new QDBusInterface("org.kde.kstars", "/KStars/Ekos/Capture", "org.kde.kstars.Ekos.Capture", QDBusConnection::sessionBus(), this); connect(captureInterface, SIGNAL(ready()), this, SLOT(syncProperties())); connect(captureInterface, SIGNAL(newStatus(Ekos::CaptureState)), this, SLOT(setCaptureStatus(Ekos::CaptureState)), Qt::UniqueConnection); } else if (name == "Mount") { mountInterface = new QDBusInterface("org.kde.kstars", "/KStars/Ekos/Mount", "org.kde.kstars.Ekos.Mount", QDBusConnection::sessionBus(), this); connect(mountInterface, SIGNAL(ready()), this, SLOT(syncProperties())); connect(mountInterface, SIGNAL(newStatus(ISD::Telescope::Status)), this, SLOT(setMountStatus(ISD::Telescope::Status)), Qt::UniqueConnection); } else if (name == "Align") { alignInterface = new QDBusInterface("org.kde.kstars", "/KStars/Ekos/Align", "org.kde.kstars.Ekos.Align", QDBusConnection::sessionBus(), this); connect(alignInterface, SIGNAL(newStatus(Ekos::AlignState)), this, SLOT(setAlignStatus(Ekos::AlignState)), Qt::UniqueConnection); } else if (name == "Guide") { guideInterface = new QDBusInterface("org.kde.kstars", "/KStars/Ekos/Guide", "org.kde.kstars.Ekos.Guide", QDBusConnection::sessionBus(), this); connect(guideInterface, SIGNAL(newStatus(Ekos::GuideState)), this, SLOT(setGuideStatus(Ekos::GuideState)), Qt::UniqueConnection); } else if (name == "Dome") { domeInterface = new QDBusInterface("org.kde.kstars", "/KStars/Ekos/Dome", "org.kde.kstars.Ekos.Dome", QDBusConnection::sessionBus(), this); connect(domeInterface, SIGNAL(ready()), this, SLOT(syncProperties())); } else if (name == "Weather") { weatherInterface = new QDBusInterface("org.kde.kstars", "/KStars/Ekos/Weather", "org.kde.kstars.Ekos.Weather", QDBusConnection::sessionBus(), this); connect(weatherInterface, SIGNAL(ready()), this, SLOT(syncProperties())); connect(weatherInterface, SIGNAL(newStatus(uint32_t)), this, SLOT(setWeatherStatus(uint32_t))); } else if (name == "DustCap") { capInterface = new QDBusInterface("org.kde.kstars", "/KStars/Ekos/DustCap", "org.kde.kstars.Ekos.DustCap", QDBusConnection::sessionBus(), this); connect(capInterface, SIGNAL(ready()), this, SLOT(syncProperties()), Qt::UniqueConnection); } } void Scheduler::syncProperties() { QDBusInterface *iface = qobject_cast(sender()); if (iface == mountInterface) { QVariant canMountPark = mountInterface->property("canPark"); unparkMountCheck->setEnabled(canMountPark.toBool()); parkMountCheck->setEnabled(canMountPark.toBool()); m_MountReady = true; } else if (iface == capInterface) { QVariant canCapPark = capInterface->property("canPark"); if (canCapPark.isValid()) { capCheck->setEnabled(canCapPark.toBool()); uncapCheck->setEnabled(canCapPark.toBool()); m_CapReady = true; } else { capCheck->setEnabled(false); uncapCheck->setEnabled(false); } } else if (iface == weatherInterface) { QVariant updatePeriod = weatherInterface->property("updatePeriod"); if (updatePeriod.isValid()) { weatherCheck->setEnabled(true); QVariant status = weatherInterface->property("status"); setWeatherStatus(status.toInt()); // if (updatePeriod.toInt() > 0) // { // weatherTimer.setInterval(updatePeriod.toInt() * 1000); // connect(&weatherTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &Scheduler::checkWeather, Qt::UniqueConnection); // weatherTimer.start(); // // Check weather initially // checkWeather(); // } } else weatherCheck->setEnabled(true); } else if (iface == domeInterface) { QVariant canDomePark = domeInterface->property("canPark"); unparkDomeCheck->setEnabled(canDomePark.toBool()); parkDomeCheck->setEnabled(canDomePark.toBool()); m_DomeReady = true; } else if (iface == captureInterface) { QVariant hasCoolerControl = captureInterface->property("coolerControl"); warmCCDCheck->setEnabled(hasCoolerControl.toBool()); m_CaptureReady = true; } } void Scheduler::setAlignStatus(Ekos::AlignState status) { if (state == SCHEDULER_PAUSED || currentJob == nullptr) return; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Align State" << Ekos::getAlignStatusString(status); /* If current job is scheduled and has not started yet, wait */ if (SchedulerJob::JOB_SCHEDULED == currentJob->getState()) { QDateTime const now = KStarsData::Instance()->lt(); if (now < currentJob->getStartupTime()) return; } if (currentJob->getStage() == SchedulerJob::STAGE_ALIGNING) { // Is solver complete? if (status == Ekos::ALIGN_COMPLETE) { appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' alignment is complete.", currentJob->getName())); alignFailureCount = 0; currentJob->setStage(SchedulerJob::STAGE_ALIGN_COMPLETE); getNextAction(); } else if (status == Ekos::ALIGN_FAILED || status == Ekos::ALIGN_ABORTED) { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' alignment failed.", currentJob->getName())); if (alignFailureCount++ < MAX_FAILURE_ATTEMPTS) { if (Options::resetMountModelOnAlignFail() && MAX_FAILURE_ATTEMPTS-1 < alignFailureCount) { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' forcing mount model reset after failing alignment #%2.", currentJob->getName(), alignFailureCount)); mountInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "resetModel"); } appendLogText(i18n("Restarting %1 alignment procedure...", currentJob->getName())); startAstrometry(); } else { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' alignment procedure failed, aborting job.", currentJob->getName())); currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ABORTED); findNextJob(); } } } } void Scheduler::setGuideStatus(Ekos::GuideState status) { if (state == SCHEDULER_PAUSED || currentJob == nullptr) return; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Guide State" << Ekos::getGuideStatusString(status); /* If current job is scheduled and has not started yet, wait */ if (SchedulerJob::JOB_SCHEDULED == currentJob->getState()) { QDateTime const now = KStarsData::Instance()->lt(); if (now < currentJob->getStartupTime()) return; } if (currentJob->getStage() == SchedulerJob::STAGE_GUIDING) { qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Calibration & Guide stage..."; // If calibration stage complete? if (status == Ekos::GUIDE_GUIDING) { appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' guiding is in progress.", currentJob->getName())); guideFailureCount = 0; currentJob->setStage(SchedulerJob::STAGE_GUIDING_COMPLETE); getNextAction(); } else if (status == Ekos::GUIDE_CALIBRATION_ERROR || status == Ekos::GUIDE_ABORTED) { if (status == Ekos::GUIDE_ABORTED) appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' guiding failed.", currentJob->getName())); else appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' calibration failed.", currentJob->getName())); if (guideFailureCount++ < MAX_FAILURE_ATTEMPTS) { if (status == Ekos::GUIDE_CALIBRATION_ERROR && Options::realignAfterCalibrationFailure()) { appendLogText(i18n("Restarting %1 alignment procedure...", currentJob->getName())); // JM: We have to go back to startSlew() since if we just call startAstrometry() // It would captureAndSolve at the _current_ coords which could be way off center if the calibration // process took a wild ride search for a suitable guide star and then failed. So startSlew() would ensure // we're back on our target and then it proceed to alignment (focus is skipped since it is done if it was checked anyway). startSlew(); } else { appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' is guiding, and is restarting its guiding procedure.", currentJob->getName())); startGuiding(true); } } else { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' guiding procedure failed, marking terminated due to errors.", currentJob->getName())); currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ERROR); findNextJob(); } } } } void Scheduler::setCaptureStatus(Ekos::CaptureState status) { if (state == SCHEDULER_PAUSED || currentJob == nullptr) return; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Capture State" << Ekos::getCaptureStatusString(status); /* If current job is scheduled and has not started yet, wait */ if (SchedulerJob::JOB_SCHEDULED == currentJob->getState()) { QDateTime const now = KStarsData::Instance()->lt(); if (now < currentJob->getStartupTime()) return; } if (currentJob->getStage() == SchedulerJob::STAGE_CAPTURING) { if (status == Ekos::CAPTURE_ABORTED) { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' failed to capture target.", currentJob->getName())); if (captureFailureCount++ < MAX_FAILURE_ATTEMPTS) { // If capture failed due to guiding error, let's try to restart that if (currentJob->getStepPipeline() & SchedulerJob::USE_GUIDE) { // Check if it is guiding related. QVariant guideStatus = guideInterface->property("status"); Ekos::GuideState gStatus = static_cast(guideStatus.toInt()); if (gStatus == Ekos::GUIDE_ABORTED || gStatus == Ekos::GUIDE_CALIBRATION_ERROR || gStatus == GUIDE_DITHERING_ERROR) { appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' is capturing, and is restarting its guiding procedure.", currentJob->getName())); startGuiding(true); return; } } /* FIXME: it's not clear whether it is actually possible to continue capturing when capture fails this way */ appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' failed its capture procedure, restarting capture.", currentJob->getName())); startCapture(true); } else { /* FIXME: it's not clear whether this situation can be recovered at all */ appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' failed its capture procedure, marking aborted.", currentJob->getName())); currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ABORTED); findNextJob(); } } else if (status == Ekos::CAPTURE_COMPLETE) { KNotification::event(QLatin1String("EkosScheduledImagingFinished"), i18n("Ekos job (%1) - Capture finished", currentJob->getName())); currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_COMPLETE); findNextJob(); } else if (status == Ekos::CAPTURE_IMAGE_RECEIVED) { // We received a new image, but we don't know precisely where so update the storage map and re-estimate job times. // FIXME: rework this once capture storage is reworked if (Options::rememberJobProgress()) { updateCompletedJobsCount(true); for (SchedulerJob * job: jobs) estimateJobTime(job); } // Else if we don't remember the progress on jobs, increase the completed count for the current job only - no cross-checks else currentJob->setCompletedCount(currentJob->getCompletedCount() + 1); captureFailureCount = 0; } } } void Scheduler::setFocusStatus(Ekos::FocusState status) { if (state == SCHEDULER_PAUSED || currentJob == nullptr) return; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Focus State" << Ekos::getFocusStatusString(status); /* If current job is scheduled and has not started yet, wait */ if (SchedulerJob::JOB_SCHEDULED == currentJob->getState()) { QDateTime const now = KStarsData::Instance()->lt(); if (now < currentJob->getStartupTime()) return; } if (currentJob->getStage() == SchedulerJob::STAGE_FOCUSING) { // Is focus complete? if (status == Ekos::FOCUS_COMPLETE) { appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' focusing is complete.", currentJob->getName())); autofocusCompleted = true; currentJob->setStage(SchedulerJob::STAGE_FOCUS_COMPLETE); getNextAction(); } else if (status == Ekos::FOCUS_FAILED || status == Ekos::FOCUS_ABORTED) { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' focusing failed.", currentJob->getName())); if (focusFailureCount++ < MAX_FAILURE_ATTEMPTS) { appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' is restarting its focusing procedure.", currentJob->getName())); // Reset frame to original size. focusInterface->call(QDBus::AutoDetect, "resetFrame"); // Restart focusing startFocusing(); } else { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' focusing procedure failed, marking terminated due to errors.", currentJob->getName())); currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ERROR); findNextJob(); } } } } void Scheduler::setMountStatus(ISD::Telescope::Status status) { if (state == SCHEDULER_PAUSED || currentJob == nullptr) return; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Mount State changed to" << status; /* If current job is scheduled and has not started yet, wait */ if (SchedulerJob::JOB_SCHEDULED == currentJob->getState()) if (static_cast(KStarsData::Instance()->lt()) < currentJob->getStartupTime()) return; switch (currentJob->getStage()) { case SchedulerJob::STAGE_SLEWING: { qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Slewing stage..."; if (status == ISD::Telescope::MOUNT_TRACKING) { appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' slew is complete.", currentJob->getName())); currentJob->setStage(SchedulerJob::STAGE_SLEW_COMPLETE); /* getNextAction is deferred to checkJobStage for dome support */ } else if (status == ISD::Telescope::MOUNT_ERROR) { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' slew failed, marking terminated due to errors.", currentJob->getName())); currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ERROR); findNextJob(); } else if (status == ISD::Telescope::MOUNT_IDLE) { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' found not slewing, restarting.", currentJob->getName())); currentJob->setStage(SchedulerJob::STAGE_IDLE); getNextAction(); } } break; case SchedulerJob::STAGE_RESLEWING: { qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << "Re-slewing stage..."; if (status == ISD::Telescope::MOUNT_TRACKING) { appendLogText(i18n("Job '%1' repositioning is complete.", currentJob->getName())); currentJob->setStage(SchedulerJob::STAGE_RESLEWING_COMPLETE); /* getNextAction is deferred to checkJobStage for dome support */ } else if (status == ISD::Telescope::MOUNT_ERROR) { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' repositioning failed, marking terminated due to errors.", currentJob->getName())); currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ERROR); findNextJob(); } else if (status == ISD::Telescope::MOUNT_IDLE) { appendLogText(i18n("Warning: job '%1' found not repositioning, restarting.", currentJob->getName())); currentJob->setStage(SchedulerJob::STAGE_IDLE); getNextAction(); } } break; default: break; } } void Scheduler::setWeatherStatus(uint32_t status) { IPState newStatus = static_cast(status); QString statusString; switch (newStatus) { case IPS_OK: statusString = i18n("Weather conditions are OK."); break; case IPS_BUSY: statusString = i18n("Warning: weather conditions are in the WARNING zone."); break; case IPS_ALERT: statusString = i18n("Caution: weather conditions are in the DANGER zone!"); break; default: break; } if (newStatus != weatherStatus) { weatherStatus = newStatus; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_SCHEDULER) << statusString; if (weatherStatus == IPS_OK) weatherLabel->setPixmap( QIcon::fromTheme("security-high") .pixmap(QSize(32, 32))); else if (weatherStatus == IPS_BUSY) { weatherLabel->setPixmap( QIcon::fromTheme("security-medium") .pixmap(QSize(32, 32))); KNotification::event(QLatin1String("WeatherWarning"), i18n("Weather conditions in warning zone")); } else if (weatherStatus == IPS_ALERT) { weatherLabel->setPixmap( QIcon::fromTheme("security-low") .pixmap(QSize(32, 32))); KNotification::event(QLatin1String("WeatherAlert"), i18n("Weather conditions are critical. Observatory shutdown is imminent")); } else weatherLabel->setPixmap(QIcon::fromTheme("chronometer") .pixmap(QSize(32, 32))); weatherLabel->show(); weatherLabel->setToolTip(statusString); appendLogText(statusString); emit weatherChanged(weatherStatus); } if (weatherStatus == IPS_ALERT) { appendLogText(i18n("Starting shutdown procedure due to severe weather.")); if (currentJob) { currentJob->setState(SchedulerJob::JOB_ABORTED); stopCurrentJobAction(); stopGuiding(); jobTimer.stop(); } checkShutdownState(); //connect(KStars::Instance()->data()->clock(), SIGNAL(timeAdvanced()), this, SLOT(checkStatus()), &Scheduler::Qt::UniqueConnection); } } } diff --git a/kstars/ekos/scheduler/scheduler.h b/kstars/ekos/scheduler/scheduler.h index 4e90590e4..cf22d4469 100644 --- a/kstars/ekos/scheduler/scheduler.h +++ b/kstars/ekos/scheduler/scheduler.h @@ -1,758 +1,781 @@ /* Ekos Scheduler Module Copyright (C) 2015 Jasem Mutlaq DBus calls from GSoC 2015 Ekos Scheduler project by Daniel Leu This application is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ #pragma once #include "ui_scheduler.h" #include "ekos/align/align.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class QProgressIndicator; class GeoLocation; class KSMoon; class SchedulerJob; class SkyObject; namespace Ekos { class SequenceJob; /** * @brief The Ekos scheduler is a simple scheduler class to orchestrate automated multi object observation jobs. * @author Jasem Mutlaq * @version 1.2 */ class Scheduler : public QWidget, public Ui::Scheduler { Q_OBJECT Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "org.kde.kstars.Ekos.Scheduler") Q_PROPERTY(Ekos::SchedulerState status READ status NOTIFY newStatus) Q_PROPERTY(QStringList logText READ logText NOTIFY newLog) Q_PROPERTY(QString profile READ profile WRITE setProfile) public: typedef enum { EKOS_IDLE, EKOS_STARTING, EKOS_STOPPING, EKOS_READY } EkosState; typedef enum { INDI_IDLE, INDI_CONNECTING, INDI_DISCONNECTING, INDI_PROPERTY_CHECK, INDI_READY } INDIState; typedef enum { STARTUP_IDLE, STARTUP_SCRIPT, STARTUP_UNPARK_DOME, STARTUP_UNPARKING_DOME, STARTUP_UNPARK_MOUNT, STARTUP_UNPARKING_MOUNT, STARTUP_UNPARK_CAP, STARTUP_UNPARKING_CAP, STARTUP_ERROR, STARTUP_COMPLETE } StartupState; typedef enum { SHUTDOWN_IDLE, SHUTDOWN_PARK_CAP, SHUTDOWN_PARKING_CAP, SHUTDOWN_PARK_MOUNT, SHUTDOWN_PARKING_MOUNT, SHUTDOWN_PARK_DOME, SHUTDOWN_PARKING_DOME, SHUTDOWN_SCRIPT, SHUTDOWN_SCRIPT_RUNNING, SHUTDOWN_ERROR, SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE } ShutdownState; typedef enum { PARKWAIT_IDLE, PARKWAIT_PARK, PARKWAIT_PARKING, PARKWAIT_PARKED, PARKWAIT_UNPARK, PARKWAIT_UNPARKING, PARKWAIT_UNPARKED, PARKWAIT_ERROR } ParkWaitStatus; /** @brief Columns, in the same order as UI. */ typedef enum { SCHEDCOL_NAME = 0, SCHEDCOL_STATUS, SCHEDCOL_CAPTURES, + SCHEDCOL_ALTITUDE, SCHEDCOL_SCORE, SCHEDCOL_STARTTIME, SCHEDCOL_ENDTIME, SCHEDCOL_DURATION, + SCHEDCOL_LEADTIME, SCHEDCOL_COUNT } SchedulerColumns; Scheduler(); ~Scheduler() = default; QString getCurrentJobName(); void appendLogText(const QString &); QStringList logText() { return m_LogText; } QString getLogText() { return m_LogText.join("\n"); } void clearLog(); void addObject(SkyObject *object); /** * @brief startSlew DBus call for initiating slew */ void startSlew(); /** * @brief startFocusing DBus call for feeding ekos the specified settings and initiating focus operation */ void startFocusing(); /** * @brief startAstrometry initiation of the capture and solve operation. We change the job state * after solver is started */ void startAstrometry(); /** * @brief startGuiding After ekos is fed the calibration options, we start the guiging process * @param resetCalibration By default calibration is not reset until it is explicitly requested */ void startGuiding(bool resetCalibration = false); /** * @brief startCapture The current job file name is solved to an url which is fed to ekos. We then start the capture process * @param restart Set to true if the goal to restart an existing sequence. The only difference is that when a sequence is restarted, sequence file * is not loaded from disk again since that results in erasing all the history of the capture process. */ void startCapture(bool restart = false); /** * @brief getNextAction Checking for the next appropriate action regarding the current state of the scheduler and execute it */ void getNextAction(); /** * @brief disconnectINDI disconnect all INDI devices from server. */ void disconnectINDI(); /** * @brief stopEkos shutdown Ekos completely */ void stopEkos(); /** * @brief stopGuiding After guiding is done we need to stop the process */ void stopGuiding(); /** * @brief setSolverAction set the GOTO mode for the solver * @param mode 0 For Sync, 1 for SlewToTarget, 2 for Nothing */ void setSolverAction(Align::GotoMode mode); /** * @brief findAltitude Find altitude given a specific time * @param target Target * @param when date time to find altitude + * @param is_setting whether target is setting at the argument time (optional). + * @param debug outputs calculation to log file (optional). * @return Altitude of the target at the specific date and time given. + * @warning This function uses the current KStars geolocation. */ - static double findAltitude(const SkyPoint &target, const QDateTime &when); + static double findAltitude(const SkyPoint &target, const QDateTime &when, bool *is_setting = nullptr, bool debug = false); /** @defgroup SchedulerDBusInterface Ekos DBus Interface - Scheduler Module * Ekos::Align interface provides primary functions to run and stop the scheduler. */ /*@{*/ /** DBUS interface function. * @brief Start the scheduler main loop and evaluate jobs and execute them accordingly. */ Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void start(); /** DBUS interface function. * @brief Stop the scheduler. */ Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void stop(); /** DBUS interface function. * @brief Loads the Ekos Scheduler List (.esl) file. * @param fileURL path to a file * @return true if loading file is successful, false otherwise. */ Q_SCRIPTABLE bool loadScheduler(const QString &fileURL); /** DBUS interface function. * @brief Resets all jobs to IDLE */ Q_SCRIPTABLE void resetAllJobs(); + /** DBUS interface function. + * @brief Resets all jobs to IDLE + */ + Q_SCRIPTABLE void sortJobsPerAltitude(); + Ekos::SchedulerState status() { return state; } void setProfile(const QString &profile) {schedulerProfileCombo->setCurrentText(profile);} QString profile() {return schedulerProfileCombo->currentText();} /** @}*/ /** @{ */ private: /** @internal Safeguard flag to avoid registering signals from widgets multiple times. */ bool jobChangesAreWatched { false }; protected: /** @internal Enables signal watch on SchedulerJob form values in order to apply changes to current job. * @param enable is the toggle flag, true to watch for changes, false to ignore them. */ void watchJobChanges(bool enable); /** @internal Marks the currently selected SchedulerJob as modified change. * * This triggers job re-evaluation. * Next time save button is invoked, the complete content is written to disk. */ void setDirty(); /** @} */ protected: /** @internal Associate job table cells on a row to the corresponding SchedulerJob. * @param row is an integer indexing the row to associate cells from, and also the index of the job in the job list.. */ void setJobStatusCells(int row); protected slots: /** * @brief registerNewModule Register an Ekos module as it arrives via DBus * and create the appropriate DBus interface to communicate with it. * @param name of module */ void registerNewModule(const QString &name); /** * @brief syncProperties Sync startup properties from the various device to enable/disable features in the scheduler * like the ability to park/unpark..etc */ void syncProperties(); void setAlignStatus(Ekos::AlignState status); void setGuideStatus(Ekos::GuideState status); void setCaptureStatus(Ekos::CaptureState status); void setFocusStatus(Ekos::FocusState status); void setMountStatus(ISD::Telescope::Status status); void setWeatherStatus(uint32_t status); /** * @brief select object from KStars's find dialog. */ void selectObject(); /** * @brief Selects FITS file for solving. */ void selectFITS(); /** * @brief Selects sequence queue. */ void selectSequence(); /** * @brief Selects sequence queue. */ void selectStartupScript(); /** * @brief Selects sequence queue. */ void selectShutdownScript(); /** * @brief addToQueue Construct a SchedulerJob and add it to the queue or save job settings from current form values. * jobUnderEdit determines whether to add or edit */ void saveJob(); /** * @brief addJob Add a new job from form values */ void addJob(); /** * @brief editJob Edit an observation job * @param i index model in queue table */ void loadJob(QModelIndex i); /** * @brief removeJob Remove a job from the currently selected row. If no row is selected, it remove the last job in the queue. */ void removeJob(); /** * @brief setJobAddApply Set first button state to add new job or apply changes. */ void setJobAddApply(bool add_mode); /** * @brief setJobManipulation Enable or disable job manipulation buttons. */ void setJobManipulation(bool can_reorder, bool can_delete); /** - * @brief clickQueueTable Update UI state when the job list is clicked once. + * @brief jobSelectionChanged Update UI state when the job list is clicked once. */ void clickQueueTable(QModelIndex index); + /** + * @brief reorderJobs Change the order of jobs in the UI based on a subset of its jobs. + */ + bool reorderJobs(QList reordered_sublist); + /** * @brief moveJobUp Move the selected job up in the job list. */ void moveJobUp(); /** * @brief moveJobDown Move the selected job down in the list. */ void moveJobDown(); void toggleScheduler(); void pause(); void save(); void saveAs(); void load(); void resetJobEdit(); /** * @brief checkJobStatus Check the overall state of the scheduler, Ekos, and INDI. When all is OK, it calls evaluateJobs() when no job is current or executeJob() if a job is selected. * @return False if this function needs to be called again later, true if situation is stable and operations may continue. */ bool checkStatus(); /** * @brief checkJobStage Check the progress of the job states and make DBUS call to start the next stage until the job is complete. */ void checkJobStage(); /** * @brief findNextJob Check if the job met the completion criteria, and if it did, then it search for next job candidate. If no jobs are found, it starts the shutdown stage. */ void findNextJob(); /** * @brief stopCurrentJobAction Stop whatever action taking place in the current job (eg. capture, guiding...etc). */ void stopCurrentJobAction(); /** * @brief manageConnectionLoss Mitigate loss of connection with the INDI server. * @return true if connection to Ekos/INDI should be attempted again, false if not mitigation is available or needed. */ bool manageConnectionLoss(); /** * @brief readProcessOutput read running script process output and display it in Ekos */ void readProcessOutput(); /** * @brief checkProcessExit Check script process exist status. This is called when the process exists either normally or abnormally. * @param exitCode exit code from the script process. Depending on the exist code, the status of startup/shutdown procedure is set accordingly. */ void checkProcessExit(int exitCode); /** * @brief resumeCheckStatus If the scheduler primary loop was suspended due to weather or sleep event, resume it again. */ void resumeCheckStatus(); /** * @brief checkWeather Check weather status and act accordingly depending on the current status of the scheduler and running jobs. */ //void checkWeather(); /** * @brief wakeUpScheduler Wake up scheduler from sleep state */ void wakeUpScheduler(); /** * @brief startJobEvaluation Start job evaluation only without starting the scheduler process itself. Display the result to the user. */ void startJobEvaluation(); /** * @brief startMosaicTool Start Mosaic tool and create jobs if necessary. */ void startMosaicTool(); /** * @brief displayTwilightWarning Display twilight warning to user if it is unchecked. */ void checkTwilightWarning(bool enabled); void runStartupProcedure(); void checkStartupProcedure(); void runShutdownProcedure(); void checkShutdownProcedure(); void setINDICommunicationStatus(Ekos::CommunicationStatus status); void setEkosCommunicationStatus(Ekos::CommunicationStatus status); signals: void newLog(const QString &text); void newStatus(Ekos::SchedulerState state); void weatherChanged(IPState state); void newTarget(const QString &); private: /** * @brief evaluateJobs evaluates the current state of each objects and gives each one a score based on the constraints. * Given that score, the scheduler will decide which is the best job that needs to be executed. */ void evaluateJobs(); /** * @brief executeJob After the best job is selected, we call this in order to start the process that will execute the job. * checkJobStatus slot will be connected in order to figure the exact state of the current job each second * @param value */ void executeJob(SchedulerJob *job); void executeScript(const QString &filename); - int16_t getDarkSkyScore(const QDateTime &observationDateTime); + /** + * @brief getDarkSkyScore Get the dark sky score of a date and time. The further from dawn the better. + * @param when date and time to check the dark sky score, now if omitted + * @return Dark sky score. Daylight get bad score, as well as pre-dawn to dawn. + */ + int16_t getDarkSkyScore(QDateTime const &when = QDateTime()) const; /** * @brief getAltitudeScore Get the altitude score of an object. The higher the better - * @param job Active job - * @param when At what time to check the target altitude - * @return Altitude score. Altitude below minimum default of 15 degrees but above horizon get -20 score. Bad altitude below minimum required altitude or below horizon get -1000 score. + * @param job Target job + * @param when date and time to check the target altitude, now if omitted. + * @return Altitude score. Target altitude below minimum altitude required by job or setting target under 3 degrees below minimum altitude get bad score. */ - int16_t getAltitudeScore(SchedulerJob *job, QDateTime when); + int16_t getAltitudeScore(SchedulerJob const *job, QDateTime const &when = QDateTime()) const; /** * @brief getMoonSeparationScore Get moon separation score. The further apart, the better, up a maximum score of 20. * @param job Target job - * @param when What time to check the moon separation? + * @param when date and time to check the moon separation, now if omitted. * @return Moon separation score */ - int16_t getMoonSeparationScore(SchedulerJob *job, QDateTime when); + int16_t getMoonSeparationScore(SchedulerJob const *job, QDateTime const &when = QDateTime()) const; /** * @brief calculateJobScore Calculate job dark sky score, altitude score, and moon separation scores and returns the sum. - * @param job job to evaluate - * @param when time to evaluate constraints + * @param job Target + * @param when date and time to evaluate constraints, now if omitted. * @return Total score */ - int16_t calculateJobScore(SchedulerJob *job, QDateTime when); + int16_t calculateJobScore(SchedulerJob const *job, QDateTime const &when = QDateTime()) const; /** - * @brief getWeatherScore Get weather condition score. - * @return If weather condition OK, return 0, if warning return -500, if alert return -1000 + * @brief getWeatherScore Get current weather condition score. + * @return If weather condition OK, return score 0, else bad score. */ - int16_t getWeatherScore(); + int16_t getWeatherScore() const; /** * @brief calculateAltitudeTime calculate the altitude time given the minimum altitude given. * @param job active target * @param minAltitude minimum altitude required * @param minMoonAngle minimum separation from the moon. -1 to ignore. - * @return True if found a time in the night where the object is at or above the minimum altitude, false otherwise. + * @param when date and time to start searching from, now if omitted. + * @return The date and time the target is at or above the argument altitude, valid if found, invalid if not achievable (always under altitude). */ - bool calculateAltitudeTime(SchedulerJob *job, double minAltitude, double minMoonAngle = -1); + QDateTime calculateAltitudeTime(SchedulerJob const *job, double minAltitude, double minMoonAngle = -1, QDateTime const &when = QDateTime()) const; /** * @brief calculateCulmination find culmination time adjust for the job offset - * @param job Active job - * @return True if culmination time adjust for offset is a valid time in the night + * @param job active target + * @param offset_minutes offset in minutes before culmination to search for. + * @param when date and time to start searching from, now if omitted + * @return The date and time the target is in entering the culmination interval, valid if found, invalid if not achievable (currently always valid). */ - bool calculateCulmination(SchedulerJob *job); + QDateTime calculateCulmination(SchedulerJob const *job, int offset_minutes, QDateTime const &when = QDateTime()) const; /** * @brief calculateDawnDusk Get dawn and dusk times for today */ void calculateDawnDusk(); /** * @brief checkEkosState Check ekos startup stages and take whatever action necessary to get Ekos up and running * @return True if Ekos is running, false if Ekos start up is in progress. */ bool checkEkosState(); /** * @brief isINDIConnected Determines the status of the INDI connection. * @return True if INDI connection is up and usable, else false. */ bool isINDIConnected(); /** * @brief checkINDIState Check INDI startup stages and take whatever action necessary to get INDI devices connected. * @return True if INDI devices are connected, false if it is under progress. */ bool checkINDIState(); /** * @brief checkStartupState Check startup procedure stages and make sure all stages are complete. * @return True if startup is complete, false otherwise. */ bool checkStartupState(); /** * @brief checkShutdownState Check shutdown procedure stages and make sure all stages are complete. * @return */ bool checkShutdownState(); /** * @brief checkParkWaitState Check park wait state. * @return If parking/unparking in progress, return false. If parking/unparking complete, return true. */ bool checkParkWaitState(); /** * @brief parkMount Park mount */ void parkMount(); /** * @brief unParkMount Unpark mount */ void unParkMount(); /** * @return True if mount is parked */ bool isMountParked(); /** * @brief parkDome Park dome */ void parkDome(); /** * @brief unParkDome Unpark dome */ void unParkDome(); /** * @return True if dome is parked */ bool isDomeParked(); /** * @brief parkCap Close dust cover */ void parkCap(); /** * @brief unCap Open dust cover */ void unParkCap(); /** * @brief checkMountParkingStatus check mount parking status and updating corresponding states accordingly. */ void checkMountParkingStatus(); /** * @brief checkDomeParkingStatus check dome parking status and updating corresponding states accordingly. */ void checkDomeParkingStatus(); /** * @brief checkDomeParkingStatus check dome parking status and updating corresponding states accordingly. */ void checkCapParkingStatus(); /** * @brief saveScheduler Save scheduler jobs to a file * @param path path of a file * @return true on success, false on failure. */ bool saveScheduler(const QUrl &fileURL); /** * @brief processJobInfo Process the job information from a scheduler file and populate jobs accordingly * @param root XML root element of JOB * @return true on success, false on failure. */ bool processJobInfo(XMLEle *root); /** * @brief getCurrentMoonSeparation Get current moon separation in degrees at current time for the given job * @param job scheduler job * @return Separation in degrees */ - double getCurrentMoonSeparation(SchedulerJob *job); + double getCurrentMoonSeparation(SchedulerJob const *job) const; /** * @brief updatePreDawn Update predawn time depending on current time and user offset */ void updatePreDawn(); /** * @brief estimateJobTime Estimates the time the job takes to complete based on the sequence file and what modules to utilize during the observation run. * @param job target job * @return Estimated time in seconds. */ bool estimateJobTime(SchedulerJob *schedJob); /** * @brief createJobSequence Creates a job sequence for the mosaic tool given the prefix and output dir. The currently selected sequence file is modified * and a new version given the supplied parameters are saved to the output directory * @param prefix Prefix to set for the job sequence * @param outputDir Output dir to set for the job sequence * @return True if new file is saved, false otherwise */ bool createJobSequence(XMLEle *root, const QString &prefix, const QString &outputDir); /** @internal Change the current job, updating associated widgets. * @param job is an existing SchedulerJob to set as current, or nullptr. */ void setCurrentJob(SchedulerJob *job); void loadProfiles(); XMLEle *getSequenceJobRoot(); bool isWeatherOK(SchedulerJob *job); /** * @brief updateCompletedJobsCount For each scheduler job, examine sequence job storage and count captures. * @param forced forces recounting captures unconditionally if true, else only IDLE, EVALUATION or new jobs are examined. */ void updateCompletedJobsCount(bool forced = false); SequenceJob *processJobInfo(XMLEle *root, SchedulerJob *schedJob); bool loadSequenceQueue(const QString &fileURL, SchedulerJob *schedJob, QList &jobs, bool &hasAutoFocus); int getCompletedFiles(const QString &path, const QString &seqPrefix); Ekos::Scheduler *ui { nullptr }; //DBus interfaces QPointer focusInterface { nullptr }; QPointer ekosInterface { nullptr }; QPointer captureInterface { nullptr }; QPointer mountInterface { nullptr }; QPointer alignInterface { nullptr }; QPointer guideInterface { nullptr }; QPointer domeInterface { nullptr }; QPointer weatherInterface { nullptr }; QPointer capInterface { nullptr }; // Scheduler and job state and stages SchedulerState state { SCHEDULER_IDLE }; EkosState ekosState { EKOS_IDLE }; INDIState indiState { INDI_IDLE }; StartupState startupState { STARTUP_IDLE }; ShutdownState shutdownState { SHUTDOWN_IDLE }; ParkWaitStatus parkWaitState { PARKWAIT_IDLE }; Ekos::CommunicationStatus m_EkosCommunicationStatus { Ekos::Idle }; Ekos::CommunicationStatus m_INDICommunicationStatus { Ekos::Idle }; /// List of all jobs as entered by the user or file QList jobs; /// Active job SchedulerJob *currentJob { nullptr }; /// URL to store the scheduler file QUrl schedulerURL; /// URL for Ekos Sequence QUrl sequenceURL; /// FITS URL to solve QUrl fitsURL; /// Startup script URL QUrl startupScriptURL; /// Shutdown script URL QUrl shutdownScriptURL; /// Store all log strings QStringList m_LogText; /// Busy indicator widget QProgressIndicator *pi { nullptr }; /// Are we editing a job right now? Job row index int jobUnderEdit { -1 }; /// Pointer to Moon object KSMoon *moon { nullptr }; /// Pointer to Geograpic locatoin GeoLocation *geo { nullptr }; /// How many repeated job batches did we complete thus far? uint16_t captureBatch { 0 }; /// Startup and Shutdown scripts process QProcess scriptProcess; /// Store day fraction of dawn to calculate dark skies range double Dawn { -1 }; /// Store day fraction of dusk to calculate dark skies range double Dusk { -1 }; /// Pre-dawn is where we stop all jobs, it is a user-configurable value before Dawn. QDateTime preDawnDateTime; /// Dusk date time QDateTime duskDateTime; /// Was job modified and needs saving? bool mDirty { false }; /// Keep watch of weather status IPState weatherStatus { IPS_IDLE }; /// Keep track of how many times we didn't receive weather updates uint8_t noWeatherCounter { 0 }; /// Are we shutting down until later? bool preemptiveShutdown { false }; /// Only run job evaluation bool jobEvaluationOnly { false }; /// Keep track of Load & Slew operation bool loadAndSlewProgress { false }; /// Check if initial autofocus is completed and do not run autofocus until there is a change is telescope position/alignment. bool autofocusCompleted { false }; /// Keep track of INDI connection failures uint8_t indiConnectFailureCount { 0 }; /// Keep track of Ekos connection failures uint8_t ekosConnectFailureCount { 0 }; /// Keep track of Ekos focus module failures uint8_t focusFailureCount { 0 }; /// Keep track of Ekos guide module failures uint8_t guideFailureCount { 0 }; /// Keep track of Ekos align module failures uint8_t alignFailureCount { 0 }; /// Keep track of Ekos capture module failures uint8_t captureFailureCount { 0 }; /// Call checkWeather when weatherTimer time expires. It is equal to the UpdatePeriod time in INDI::Weather device. //QTimer weatherTimer; /// Timer to put the scheduler into sleep mode until a job is ready QTimer sleepTimer; /// To call checkStatus QTimer schedulerTimer; /// To call checkJobStage QTimer jobTimer; /// Generic time to track timeout of current operation in progress QTime currentOperationTime; QUrl dirPath; QMap capturedFramesCount; bool m_MountReady { false }; bool m_CaptureReady { false }; bool m_DomeReady { false }; bool m_CapReady { false }; // When a module is commanded to perform an action, wait this many milliseconds // before check its state again. If State is still IDLE, then it either didn't received the command // or there is another problem. static const uint32_t ALIGN_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT = 120000; static const uint32_t FOCUS_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT = 120000; static const uint32_t CAPTURE_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT = 120000; static const uint16_t GUIDE_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT = 60000; }; } diff --git a/kstars/ekos/scheduler/scheduler.ui b/kstars/ekos/scheduler/scheduler.ui index 0d3801d0a..f8160bb4c 100644 --- a/kstars/ekos/scheduler/scheduler.ui +++ b/kstars/ekos/scheduler/scheduler.ui @@ -1,1709 +1,1741 @@ Scheduler 0 0 602 522 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 Object && Sequence Selection 3 3 3 3 3 Default 5 true true 22 22 Load the image sequence queue. Select which steps to execute before starting the capture process. Steps: color:red * Target coordinates in J2000 Epoch J2000: Assigned priority to each job with 1 being the highest priority and 20 being the lowest priority 1 20 10 color:red * Slew to the target and track it before proceeding to the next step. Track true stepsButtonGroup Perform autofocusing before proceeding to the next step. Focus true stepsButtonGroup Perform alignment using astrometry solver before proceeding to the next step. Align true stepsButtonGroup Perform calibration and autoguiding before proceeding to the next step. Guide true stepsButtonGroup 5 RA DEC Ekos Device Profile Profile: 5 22 22 22 22 Select optional FITS file to be used for alignment. When using FITS, specify the object or the estimated coordinates which are used to slew the mount. FITS File: Ekos Sequence File Sequence: Target: Priority: 5 false true 22 22 Qt::Vertical 20 40 1 1 false 0 0 32 32 32 32 false 0 0 32 32 32 32 false 0 0 32 32 32 32 false 0 0 32 32 32 32 false 0 0 32 32 + + + + false + + + + 0 + 0 + + + + + 32 + 32 + + + + + + + false 0 0 32 32 32 32 Create mosaic job. You must add a job before creating a mosaic job. Qt::Horizontal 40 20 true 0 0 32 32 32 32 false 0 0 32 32 false 0 0 32 32 32 32 QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection QAbstractItemView::SelectRows 0 true Name Status 50 false Captures + + + Altitude + + Score Start Time - + End Time Est. Duration + + + Lead time + + 1 false 0 0 32 32 32 32 Start Scheduler false 0 0 32 32 32 32 Pause Scheduler 32 32 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Idle 1 Job Startup Conditions 1 3 3 3 3 1 Start the observation job as soon as all the constraints, if any, are met. The best candidate target shall be imaged first. ASAP true startupButtonGroup 1 Start the observation job when the object reaches culmination adjusted for the offset value in minutes. By default, the observation job runs 60 minutes prior to culmination. Cu&lmination Offset startupButtonGroup <html><head/><body><p>Offset in minutes to start imaging before or after culmination time.</p></body></html> -240 240 10 -60 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 1 start the job on the specified date and time On startupButtonGroup dd/MM/yy hh:mm true Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Job Constraints 1 3 3 3 3 1 The object's altitude must remain equal or higher than the given value. Alt > true constraintButtonGroup 15.000000000000000 89.900000000000006 ° The moon separation must remain equal to or higher than the given value. Moon > constraintButtonGroup 180.000000000000000 10.000000000000000 ° 1 Jobs are only executed during astronomical twilight darkness period. Twilight true constraintButtonGroup <html><head/><body><p>Weather conditions must remain safe. When weather conditions become dangerous, shutdown procedure is initiated.</p></body></html> Weather constraintButtonGroup 32 32 32 32 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Job Completion Conditions 3 3 3 3 3 The observation job is completed when the sequence is complete. Se&quence completion true completionButtonGroup Repeat for completionButtonGroup Restart job until it is executed this many times. 1 1000 1 runs Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Restart the sequence job indefinitely. Repeat until ter&minated completionButtonGroup 1 Terminate the job on the given date and time. Repeat until completionButtonGroup dd/MM/yy hh:mm true Qt::LocalTime Qt::Horizontal 40 20 3 <html><head/><body><p>One-time startup procedure to be executed before starting Ekos. The script is executed <span style=" font-weight:600; text-decoration: underline;">before</span> the startup procedures (e.g. unpark scope), if selected, are executed.</p></body></html> Observatory Startup Procedure 1 3 3 3 3 1 true Park dome to home position UnPark Dome startupProcedureButtonGroup true Park telescope to home position. UnPark Mount startupProcedureButtonGroup Open dust cover UnCap startupProcedureButtonGroup Qt::Horizontal 40 20 32 32 1 Script: 0 0 false true 32 32 0 0 <html><head/><body><p>One-time shutdown procedure to be executed after all scheduler jobs are completed. The script is executed <span style=" font-weight:600; text-decoration: underline;">after</span> the shutdown procedures (e.g. parking), if selected, are completed.</p></body></html> Observatory Shutdown Procedure 1 3 3 3 3 1 true Turn off CCD cooler. Warm CCD shutdownProcedureGroup Close dust cover Cap shutdownProcedureGroup true Park telescope to home position. Park Mount shutdownProcedureGroup true Park dome to home position Park Dome shutdownProcedureGroup Qt::Horizontal 40 20 0 0 32 32 1 Script: 0 0 false true 32 32 Qt::Vertical QSizePolicy::Preferred 20 1 dmsBox QLineEdit
nameEdit selectObjectB raBox decBox fitsEdit selectFITSB sequenceEdit loadSequenceB trackStepCheck focusStepCheck alignStepCheck guideStepCheck unparkDomeCheck unparkMountCheck uncapCheck startupB selectStartupScriptB warmCCDCheck capCheck parkMountCheck parkDomeCheck shutdownB shutdownScript selectShutdownScriptB addToQueueB removeFromQueueB evaluateOnlyB mosaicB queueLoadB queueSaveB queueSaveAsB queueTable startB pauseB asapConditionR culminationConditionR culminationOffset startupTimeConditionR startupTimeEdit altConstraintCheck minAltitude moonSeparationCheck minMoonSeparation twilightCheck weatherCheck sequenceCompletionR loopCompletionR timeCompletionR completionTimeEdit false false false false
diff --git a/kstars/ekos/scheduler/schedulerjob.cpp b/kstars/ekos/scheduler/schedulerjob.cpp index 07dbbfa4f..be87186f9 100644 --- a/kstars/ekos/scheduler/schedulerjob.cpp +++ b/kstars/ekos/scheduler/schedulerjob.cpp @@ -1,582 +1,706 @@ /* Ekos Scheduler Job Copyright (C) Jasem Mutlaq This application is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ #include "schedulerjob.h" #include "dms.h" #include "kstarsdata.h" +#include "Options.h" #include "scheduler.h" #include #include void SchedulerJob::setName(const QString &value) { name = value; - updateJobCell(); + updateJobCells(); } void SchedulerJob::setStartupCondition(const StartupCondition &value) { startupCondition = value; + + /* Keep startup time and condition valid */ if (value == START_ASAP) startupTime = QDateTime(); - updateJobCell(); + + /* Refresh estimated time - which update job cells */ + setEstimatedTime(estimatedTime); } void SchedulerJob::setStartupTime(const QDateTime &value) { startupTime = value; + /* Keep startup time and condition valid */ if (value.isValid()) startupCondition = START_AT; + else + startupCondition = fileStartupCondition; + + // Refresh altitude - invalid date/time is taken care of when rendering + altitudeAtStartup = Ekos::Scheduler::findAltitude(targetCoords, startupTime, &isSettingAtStartup); /* Refresh estimated time - which update job cells */ setEstimatedTime(estimatedTime); } void SchedulerJob::setSequenceFile(const QUrl &value) { sequenceFile = value; } void SchedulerJob::setFITSFile(const QUrl &value) { fitsFile = value; } void SchedulerJob::setMinAltitude(const double &value) { minAltitude = value; } void SchedulerJob::setMinMoonSeparation(const double &value) { minMoonSeparation = value; } void SchedulerJob::setEnforceWeather(bool value) { enforceWeather = value; } void SchedulerJob::setCompletionTime(const QDateTime &value) { - /* If argument completion time is valid, automatically switch condition to FINISH_AT */ + /* If completion time is valid, automatically switch condition to FINISH_AT */ if (value.isValid()) { setCompletionCondition(FINISH_AT); completionTime = value; + altitudeAtCompletion = Ekos::Scheduler::findAltitude(targetCoords, completionTime, &isSettingAtCompletion); + setEstimatedTime(-1); + } + /* If completion time is invalid, and job is looping, keep completion time undefined */ + else if (FINISH_LOOP == completionCondition) + { + completionTime = QDateTime(); + altitudeAtCompletion = Ekos::Scheduler::findAltitude(targetCoords, completionTime, &isSettingAtCompletion); + setEstimatedTime(-1); } - /* If completion time is not valid, but startup time is, deduce completion from startup and duration */ + /* If completion time is invalid, deduce completion from startup and duration */ else if (startupTime.isValid()) { completionTime = startupTime.addSecs(estimatedTime); + altitudeAtCompletion = Ekos::Scheduler::findAltitude(targetCoords, completionTime, &isSettingAtCompletion); + updateJobCells(); } + /* Else just refresh estimated time - which update job cells */ + else setEstimatedTime(estimatedTime); - /* Refresh estimated time - which update job cells */ - setEstimatedTime(estimatedTime); + + /* Invariants */ + Q_ASSERT_X(completionTime.isValid() ? + (FINISH_AT == completionCondition || FINISH_REPEAT == completionCondition || FINISH_SEQUENCE == completionCondition) : + FINISH_LOOP == completionCondition, + __FUNCTION__, "Valid completion time implies job is FINISH_AT/REPEAT/SEQUENCE, else job is FINISH_LOOP."); } void SchedulerJob::setCompletionCondition(const CompletionCondition &value) { completionCondition = value; // Update repeats requirement, looping jobs have none switch (completionCondition) { - case FINISH_AT: case FINISH_LOOP: + setCompletionTime(QDateTime()); + /* Fall through */ + case FINISH_AT: if (0 < getRepeatsRequired()) setRepeatsRequired(0); break; case FINISH_SEQUENCE: if (1 != getRepeatsRequired()) setRepeatsRequired(1); break; case FINISH_REPEAT: if (0 == getRepeatsRequired()) setRepeatsRequired(1); break; default: break; } - updateJobCell(); + updateJobCells(); } void SchedulerJob::setStepPipeline(const StepPipeline &value) { stepPipeline = value; } void SchedulerJob::setState(const JOBStatus &value) { state = value; /* FIXME: move this to Scheduler, SchedulerJob is mostly a model */ if (JOB_ERROR == state) KNotification::event(QLatin1String("EkosSchedulerJobFail"), i18n("Ekos job failed (%1)", getName())); /* If job becomes invalid, automatically reset its startup characteristics, and force its duration to be reestimated */ if (JOB_INVALID == value) { setStartupCondition(fileStartupCondition); setStartupTime(fileStartupTime); setEstimatedTime(-1); } /* If job is aborted, automatically reset its startup characteristics */ if (JOB_ABORTED == value) { setStartupCondition(fileStartupCondition); /* setStartupTime(fileStartupTime); */ } - updateJobCell(); + updateJobCells(); +} + +void SchedulerJob::setLeadTime(const int64_t &value) +{ + leadTime = value; + updateJobCells(); } void SchedulerJob::setScore(int value) { score = value; - updateJobCell(); + updateJobCells(); } void SchedulerJob::setCulminationOffset(const int16_t &value) { culminationOffset = value; } void SchedulerJob::setSequenceCount(const int count) { sequenceCount = count; - updateJobCell(); + updateJobCells(); } void SchedulerJob::setNameCell(QTableWidgetItem *value) { nameCell = value; - updateJobCell(); } void SchedulerJob::setCompletedCount(const int count) { completedCount = count; - updateJobCell(); + updateJobCells(); } void SchedulerJob::setStatusCell(QTableWidgetItem *value) { statusCell = value; - updateJobCell(); - if (statusCell) + if (nullptr != statusCell) statusCell->setToolTip(i18n("Current status of job '%1', managed by the Scheduler.\n" "If invalid, the Scheduler was not able to find a proper observation time for the target.\n" "If aborted, the Scheduler missed the scheduled time or encountered transitory issues and will reschedule the job.\n" "If complete, the Scheduler verified that all sequence captures requested were stored, including repeats.", name)); } +void SchedulerJob::setAltitudeCell(QTableWidgetItem *value) +{ + altitudeCell = value; + if (nullptr != altitudeCell) + altitudeCell->setToolTip(i18n("Current altitude of the target of job '%1'.\n" + "The altitude at startup, if available, is displayed between parentheses.\n" + "A rising target is indicated with an arrow going up.\n" + "A setting target is indicated with an arrow going down.", + name)); +} + void SchedulerJob::setStartupCell(QTableWidgetItem *value) { startupCell = value; - updateJobCell(); - if (startupCell) + if (nullptr != startupCell) startupCell->setToolTip(i18n("Startup time for job '%1', as estimated by the Scheduler.\n" "Fixed time from user or culmination time is marked with a chronometer symbol. ", name)); } void SchedulerJob::setCompletionCell(QTableWidgetItem *value) { completionCell = value; - updateJobCell(); - if (completionCell) + if (nullptr != completionCell) completionCell->setToolTip(i18n("Completion time for job '%1', as estimated by the Scheduler.\n" - "Can be specified by the user to limit duration of looping jobs.\n" - "Fixed time from user is marked with a chronometer symbol. ", + "You may specify a fixed time to limit duration of looping jobs." + "A warning symbol indicates the altitude at completion may cause the job to abort before completion.\n", name)); } void SchedulerJob::setCaptureCountCell(QTableWidgetItem *value) { captureCountCell = value; - updateJobCell(); - if (captureCountCell) + if (nullptr != captureCountCell) captureCountCell->setToolTip(i18n("Count of captures stored for job '%1', based on its sequence job.\n" "This is a summary, additional specific frame types may be required to complete the job.", name)); } void SchedulerJob::setScoreCell(QTableWidgetItem *value) { scoreCell = value; - updateJobCell(); - if (scoreCell) + if (nullptr != scoreCell) scoreCell->setToolTip(i18n("Current score for job '%1', from its altitude, moon separation and sky darkness.\n" "Negative if adequate altitude is not achieved yet or if there is no proper observation time today.\n" "The Scheduler will refresh scores when picking a new candidate job.", name)); } +void SchedulerJob::setLeadTimeCell(QTableWidgetItem *value) +{ + leadTimeCell = value; + if (nullptr != leadTimeCell) + leadTimeCell->setToolTip(i18n("Time interval from the job which precedes job '%1'.\n" + "Adjust the Lead Time in Ekos options to increase that duration and leave time for jobs to complete.\n" + "Rearrange jobs to minimize that duration and optimize your imaging time.", + name)); +} + void SchedulerJob::setDateTimeDisplayFormat(const QString &value) { dateTimeDisplayFormat = value; - updateJobCell(); + updateJobCells(); } void SchedulerJob::setStage(const JOBStage &value) { stage = value; - updateJobCell(); + updateJobCells(); } void SchedulerJob::setStageCell(QTableWidgetItem *cell) { stageCell = cell; - updateJobCell(); + // FIXME: Add a tool tip if cell is used } void SchedulerJob::setStageLabel(QLabel *label) { stageLabel = label; - updateJobCell(); } void SchedulerJob::setFileStartupCondition(const StartupCondition &value) { fileStartupCondition = value; } void SchedulerJob::setFileStartupTime(const QDateTime &value) { fileStartupTime = value; } void SchedulerJob::setEstimatedTime(const int64_t &value) { - /* If startup and completion times are fixed, estimated time cannot change */ - if (START_AT == startupCondition && FINISH_AT == completionCondition) + /* Estimated time is generally the difference between startup and completion times: + * - It is fixed when startup and completion times are fixed, that is, we disregard the argument + * - Else mostly it pushes completion time from startup time + * + * However it cannot advance startup time when completion time is fixed because of the way jobs are scheduled. + * This situation requires a warning in the user interface when there is not enough time for the job to process. + */ + + /* If startup and completion times are fixed, estimated time cannot change - disregard the argument */ + if (START_ASAP != fileStartupCondition && FINISH_AT == completionCondition) { estimatedTime = startupTime.secsTo(completionTime); } - /* If startup time is fixed but not completion time, estimated time adjusts completion time */ - else if (START_AT == startupCondition) + /* If completion time isn't fixed, estimated time adjusts completion time */ + else if (FINISH_AT != completionCondition && FINISH_LOOP != completionCondition) { estimatedTime = value; completionTime = startupTime.addSecs(value); + altitudeAtCompletion = Ekos::Scheduler::findAltitude(targetCoords, completionTime, &isSettingAtCompletion); } - /* If completion time is fixed but not startup time, estimated time adjusts startup time */ - /* FIXME: adjusting startup time will probably not work, because jobs are scheduled from first available altitude */ - else if (FINISH_AT == completionCondition) - { - estimatedTime = value; - startupTime = completionTime.addSecs(-value); - } - /* Else estimated time is simply stored as is */ + /* Else estimated time is simply stored as is - covers FINISH_LOOP from setCompletionTime */ else estimatedTime = value; - updateJobCell(); + updateJobCells(); } void SchedulerJob::setInSequenceFocus(bool value) { inSequenceFocus = value; } void SchedulerJob::setPriority(const uint8_t &value) { priority = value; } void SchedulerJob::setEnforceTwilight(bool value) { enforceTwilight = value; } void SchedulerJob::setEstimatedTimeCell(QTableWidgetItem *value) { estimatedTimeCell = value; - updateJobCell(); if (estimatedTimeCell) estimatedTimeCell->setToolTip(i18n("Duration job '%1' will take to complete when started, as estimated by the Scheduler.\n" "Depends on the actions to be run, and the sequence job to be processed.", name)); } void SchedulerJob::setLightFramesRequired(bool value) { lightFramesRequired = value; } void SchedulerJob::setRepeatsRequired(const uint16_t &value) { repeatsRequired = value; // Update completion condition to be compatible if (1 < repeatsRequired) { if (FINISH_REPEAT != completionCondition) setCompletionCondition(FINISH_REPEAT); } else if (0 < repeatsRequired) { if (FINISH_SEQUENCE != completionCondition) setCompletionCondition(FINISH_SEQUENCE); } else { if (FINISH_LOOP != completionCondition) setCompletionCondition(FINISH_LOOP); } - updateJobCell(); + updateJobCells(); } void SchedulerJob::setRepeatsRemaining(const uint16_t &value) { repeatsRemaining = value; - updateJobCell(); + updateJobCells(); } void SchedulerJob::setCapturedFramesMap(const CapturedFramesMap &value) { capturedFramesMap = value; } void SchedulerJob::setTargetCoords(dms& ra, dms& dec) { targetCoords.setRA0(ra); targetCoords.setDec0(dec); targetCoords.apparentCoord(static_cast(J2000), KStarsData::Instance()->ut().djd()); } -void SchedulerJob::updateJobCell() +void SchedulerJob::updateJobCells() { - if (nameCell) + if (nullptr != nameCell) { nameCell->setText(name); - nameCell->tableWidget()->resizeColumnToContents(nameCell->column()); + if (nullptr != nameCell) + nameCell->tableWidget()->resizeColumnToContents(nameCell->column()); } - if (nameLabel) + if (nullptr != nameLabel) { nameLabel->setText(name + QString(":")); } - if (statusCell) + if (nullptr != statusCell) { static QMap stateStrings; static QString stateStringUnknown; if (stateStrings.isEmpty()) { stateStrings[JOB_IDLE] = i18n("Idle"); stateStrings[JOB_EVALUATION] = i18n("Evaluating"); stateStrings[JOB_SCHEDULED] = i18n("Scheduled"); stateStrings[JOB_BUSY] = i18n("Running"); stateStrings[JOB_INVALID] = i18n("Invalid"); stateStrings[JOB_COMPLETE] = i18n("Complete"); stateStrings[JOB_ABORTED] = i18n("Aborted"); stateStrings[JOB_ERROR] = i18n("Error"); stateStringUnknown = i18n("Unknown"); } statusCell->setText(stateStrings.value(state, stateStringUnknown)); - statusCell->tableWidget()->resizeColumnToContents(statusCell->column()); + + if (nullptr != statusCell->tableWidget()) + statusCell->tableWidget()->resizeColumnToContents(statusCell->column()); } - if (stageCell || stageLabel) + if (nullptr != stageCell || nullptr != stageLabel) { /* Translated string cache - overkill, probably, and doesn't warn about missing enums like switch/case should ; also, not thread-safe */ /* FIXME: this should work with a static initializer in C++11, but QT versions are touchy on this, and perhaps i18n can't be used? */ static QMap stageStrings; static QString stageStringUnknown; if (stageStrings.isEmpty()) { stageStrings[STAGE_IDLE] = i18n("Idle"); stageStrings[STAGE_SLEWING] = i18n("Slewing"); stageStrings[STAGE_SLEW_COMPLETE] = i18n("Slew complete"); stageStrings[STAGE_FOCUSING] = stageStrings[STAGE_POSTALIGN_FOCUSING] = i18n("Focusing"); stageStrings[STAGE_FOCUS_COMPLETE] = stageStrings[STAGE_POSTALIGN_FOCUSING_COMPLETE ] = i18n("Focus complete"); stageStrings[STAGE_ALIGNING] = i18n("Aligning"); stageStrings[STAGE_ALIGN_COMPLETE] = i18n("Align complete"); stageStrings[STAGE_RESLEWING] = i18n("Repositioning"); stageStrings[STAGE_RESLEWING_COMPLETE] = i18n("Repositioning complete"); /*stageStrings[STAGE_CALIBRATING] = i18n("Calibrating");*/ stageStrings[STAGE_GUIDING] = i18n("Guiding"); stageStrings[STAGE_GUIDING_COMPLETE] = i18n("Guiding complete"); stageStrings[STAGE_CAPTURING] = i18n("Capturing"); stageStringUnknown = i18n("Unknown"); } - if (stageCell) + if (nullptr != stageCell) { stageCell->setText(stageStrings.value(stage, stageStringUnknown)); - stageCell->tableWidget()->resizeColumnToContents(stageCell->column()); + if (nullptr != stageCell->tableWidget()) + stageCell->tableWidget()->resizeColumnToContents(stageCell->column()); } - if (stageLabel) + if (nullptr != stageLabel) { stageLabel->setText(QString("%1: %2").arg(name, stageStrings.value(stage, stageStringUnknown))); } } - if (startupCell && startupCell->tableWidget()) + if (nullptr != startupCell) { - /* Display a startup time if job is running, scheduled to run or about to be re-scheduled */ - if (JOB_SCHEDULED == state || JOB_BUSY == state || JOB_ABORTED == state) switch (fileStartupCondition) + /* Display startup time if it is valid */ + if (startupTime.isValid()) { - /* If the original condition is START_AT/START_CULMINATION, startup time is fixed */ - case START_AT: - case START_CULMINATION: - startupCell->setText(startupTime.toString(dateTimeDisplayFormat)); - startupCell->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("chronometer")); - break; - - /* If the original condition is START_ASAP, startup time is informational */ - case START_ASAP: - startupCell->setText(startupTime.toString(dateTimeDisplayFormat)); - startupCell->setIcon(QIcon()); - break; - - /* Else do not display any startup time */ - default: - startupCell->setText(QString()); - startupCell->setIcon(QIcon()); - break; - } - /* Display a missed startup time if job is invalid */ - else if (JOB_INVALID == state && START_AT == fileStartupCondition) - { - startupCell->setText(startupTime.toString(dateTimeDisplayFormat)); - startupCell->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("chronometer")); + startupCell->setText(QString("%1%2%L3° %4") + .arg(altitudeAtStartup < minAltitude ? QString(QChar(0x26A0)) : "") + .arg(QChar(isSettingAtStartup ? 0x2193 : 0x2191)) + .arg(altitudeAtStartup, 0, 'f', 1) + .arg(startupTime.toString(dateTimeDisplayFormat))); + + switch (fileStartupCondition) + { + /* If the original condition is START_AT/START_CULMINATION, startup time is fixed */ + case START_AT: + case START_CULMINATION: + startupCell->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("chronometer")); + break; + + /* If the original condition is START_ASAP, startup time is informational */ + case START_ASAP: + startupCell->setIcon(QIcon()); + break; + + default: break; + } } /* Else do not display any startup time */ else { - startupCell->setText(QString()); + startupCell->setText("-"); startupCell->setIcon(QIcon()); } - startupCell->tableWidget()->resizeColumnToContents(startupCell->column()); + if (nullptr != startupCell->tableWidget()) + startupCell->tableWidget()->resizeColumnToContents(startupCell->column()); } - if (completionCell && completionCell->tableWidget()) + if (nullptr != altitudeCell) { - /* Display a completion time if job is running, scheduled to run or about to be re-scheduled */ - if (JOB_SCHEDULED == state || JOB_BUSY == state || JOB_ABORTED == state) switch (completionCondition) - { - case FINISH_LOOP: - completionCell->setText(QString("-")); - completionCell->setIcon(QIcon()); - break; + // FIXME: Cache altitude calculations + bool is_setting = false; + double const alt = Ekos::Scheduler::findAltitude(targetCoords, QDateTime(), &is_setting); - case FINISH_AT: - completionCell->setText(completionTime.toString(dateTimeDisplayFormat)); - completionCell->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("chronometer")); - break; + altitudeCell->setText(QString("%1%L2°") + .arg(QChar(is_setting ? 0x2193 : 0x2191)) + .arg(alt, 0, 'f', 1)); - case FINISH_SEQUENCE: - case FINISH_REPEAT: - default: - completionCell->setText(completionTime.toString(dateTimeDisplayFormat)); - completionCell->setIcon(QIcon()); - break; + if (nullptr != altitudeCell->tableWidget()) + altitudeCell->tableWidget()->resizeColumnToContents(altitudeCell->column()); + } + + if (nullptr != completionCell) + { + /* Display completion time if it is valid and job is not looping */ + if (FINISH_LOOP != completionCondition && completionTime.isValid()) + { + completionCell->setText(QString("%1%2%L3° %4") + .arg(altitudeAtCompletion < minAltitude ? QString(QChar(0x26A0)) : "") + .arg(QChar(isSettingAtCompletion ? 0x2193 : 0x2191)) + .arg(altitudeAtCompletion, 0, 'f', 1) + .arg(completionTime.toString(dateTimeDisplayFormat))); + + switch (completionCondition) + { + case FINISH_AT: + completionCell->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("chronometer")); + break; + + case FINISH_SEQUENCE: + case FINISH_REPEAT: + default: + completionCell->setIcon(QIcon()); + break; + } } /* Else do not display any completion time */ else { - completionCell->setText(QString()); + completionCell->setText("-"); completionCell->setIcon(QIcon()); } - completionCell->tableWidget()->resizeColumnToContents(completionCell->column()); + if (nullptr != completionCell->tableWidget()) + completionCell->tableWidget()->resizeColumnToContents(completionCell->column()); } - if (estimatedTimeCell && estimatedTimeCell->tableWidget()) + if (nullptr != estimatedTimeCell) { if (0 < estimatedTime) /* Seconds to ms - this doesn't follow dateTimeDisplayFormat, which renders YMD too */ estimatedTimeCell->setText(QTime::fromMSecsSinceStartOfDay(estimatedTime*1000).toString("HH:mm:ss")); +#if 0 else if(0 == estimatedTime) /* FIXME: this special case could be merged with the previous, kept for future to indicate actual duration */ estimatedTimeCell->setText("00:00:00"); +#endif else /* Invalid marker */ estimatedTimeCell->setText("-"); - estimatedTimeCell->tableWidget()->resizeColumnToContents(estimatedTimeCell->column()); + /* Warn the end-user if estimated time doesn't fit in the startup/completion interval */ + if (estimatedTime < startupTime.secsTo(completionTime)) + estimatedTimeCell->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("document-find")); + else + estimatedTimeCell->setIcon(QIcon()); + + if (nullptr != estimatedTimeCell->tableWidget()) + estimatedTimeCell->tableWidget()->resizeColumnToContents(estimatedTimeCell->column()); } - if (captureCountCell && captureCountCell->tableWidget()) + if (nullptr != captureCountCell) { switch (completionCondition) { - case FINISH_LOOP: case FINISH_AT: + // FIXME: Attempt to calculate the number of frames until end - requires detailed imaging time + + case FINISH_LOOP: // If looping, display the count of completed frames - captureCountCell->setText(QString("%L1").arg(completedCount)); + captureCountCell->setText(QString("%L1/-").arg(completedCount)); break; case FINISH_SEQUENCE: case FINISH_REPEAT: default: // If repeating, display the count of completed frames to the count of requested frames captureCountCell->setText(QString("%L1/%L2").arg(completedCount).arg(sequenceCount)); break; } - captureCountCell->tableWidget()->resizeColumnToContents(captureCountCell->column()); + + if (nullptr != captureCountCell->tableWidget()) + captureCountCell->tableWidget()->resizeColumnToContents(captureCountCell->column()); } - if (scoreCell && scoreCell->tableWidget()) + if (nullptr != scoreCell) { if (0 <= score) scoreCell->setText(QString("%L1").arg(score)); else /* FIXME: negative scores are just weird for the end-user */ - scoreCell->setText(QString("<0")); + scoreCell->setText("<0"); - scoreCell->tableWidget()->resizeColumnToContents(scoreCell->column()); + if (nullptr != scoreCell->tableWidget()) + scoreCell->tableWidget()->resizeColumnToContents(scoreCell->column()); + } + + if (nullptr != leadTimeCell) + { + // Display lead time, plus a warning if lead time is more than twice the lead time of the Ekos options + switch (state) + { + case JOB_INVALID: + case JOB_ERROR: + case JOB_COMPLETE: + leadTimeCell->setText("-"); + break; + + default: + leadTimeCell->setText(QString("%1%2") + .arg(Options::leadTime() * 60 * 2 < leadTime ? QString(QChar(0x26A0)) : "") + .arg(QTime::fromMSecsSinceStartOfDay(leadTime*1000).toString("HH:mm:ss"))); + break; + } + + if (nullptr != leadTimeCell->tableWidget()) + leadTimeCell->tableWidget()->resizeColumnToContents(leadTimeCell->column()); } } void SchedulerJob::reset() { state = JOB_IDLE; stage = STAGE_IDLE; estimatedTime = -1; + leadTime = 0; startupCondition = fileStartupCondition; startupTime = fileStartupCondition == START_AT ? fileStartupTime : QDateTime(); /* No change to culmination offset */ repeatsRemaining = repeatsRequired; + updateJobCells(); } bool SchedulerJob::decreasingScoreOrder(SchedulerJob const *job1, SchedulerJob const *job2) { return job1->getScore() > job2->getScore(); } bool SchedulerJob::increasingPriorityOrder(SchedulerJob const *job1, SchedulerJob const *job2) { return job1->getPriority() < job2->getPriority(); } -bool SchedulerJob::decreasingAltitudeOrder(SchedulerJob const *job1, SchedulerJob const *job2) +bool SchedulerJob::decreasingAltitudeOrder(SchedulerJob const *job1, SchedulerJob const *job2, QDateTime const &when) { - return Ekos::Scheduler::findAltitude(job1->getTargetCoords(), job1->getStartupTime()) > - Ekos::Scheduler::findAltitude(job2->getTargetCoords(), job2->getStartupTime()); + bool A_is_setting = job1->isSettingAtStartup; + double const altA = when.isValid() ? + Ekos::Scheduler::findAltitude(job1->getTargetCoords(), when, &A_is_setting) : + job1->altitudeAtStartup; + + bool B_is_setting = job2->isSettingAtStartup; + double const altB = when.isValid() ? + Ekos::Scheduler::findAltitude(job2->getTargetCoords(), when, &B_is_setting) : + job2->altitudeAtStartup; + + // Sort with the setting target first + if (A_is_setting && !B_is_setting) + return true; + else if (!A_is_setting && B_is_setting) + return false; + + // If both targets rise or set, sort by decreasing altitude, considering a setting target is prioritary + return (A_is_setting && B_is_setting) ? altA < altB : altB < altA; } bool SchedulerJob::increasingStartupTimeOrder(SchedulerJob const *job1, SchedulerJob const *job2) { return job1->getStartupTime() < job2->getStartupTime(); } diff --git a/kstars/ekos/scheduler/schedulerjob.h b/kstars/ekos/scheduler/schedulerjob.h index 230937353..ae192b484 100644 --- a/kstars/ekos/scheduler/schedulerjob.h +++ b/kstars/ekos/scheduler/schedulerjob.h @@ -1,415 +1,453 @@ /* Ekos Scheduler Job Copyright (C) Jasem Mutlaq This application is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ #pragma once #include "skypoint.h" #include #include class QTableWidgetItem; class QLabel; class dms; class SchedulerJob { public: SchedulerJob() = default; /** @brief States of a SchedulerJob. */ typedef enum { JOB_IDLE, /**< Job was just created, and is not evaluated yet */ JOB_EVALUATION, /**< Job is being evaluated */ JOB_SCHEDULED, /**< Job was evaluated, and has a schedule */ JOB_BUSY, /**< Job is being processed */ JOB_ERROR, /**< Job encountered a fatal issue while processing, and must be reset manually */ JOB_ABORTED, /**< Job encountered a transitory issue while processing, and will be rescheduled */ JOB_INVALID, /**< Job has an incorrect configuration, and cannot proceed */ JOB_COMPLETE /**< Job finished all required captures */ } JOBStatus; /** @brief Running stages of a SchedulerJob. */ typedef enum { STAGE_IDLE, STAGE_SLEWING, STAGE_SLEW_COMPLETE, STAGE_FOCUSING, STAGE_FOCUS_COMPLETE, STAGE_ALIGNING, STAGE_ALIGN_COMPLETE, STAGE_RESLEWING, STAGE_RESLEWING_COMPLETE, STAGE_POSTALIGN_FOCUSING, STAGE_POSTALIGN_FOCUSING_COMPLETE, STAGE_GUIDING, STAGE_GUIDING_COMPLETE, STAGE_CAPTURING, STAGE_COMPLETE } JOBStage; /** @brief Conditions under which a SchedulerJob may start. */ typedef enum { START_ASAP, START_CULMINATION, START_AT } StartupCondition; /** @brief Conditions under which a SchedulerJob may complete. */ typedef enum { FINISH_SEQUENCE, FINISH_REPEAT, FINISH_LOOP, FINISH_AT } CompletionCondition; /** @brief Actions that may be processed when running a SchedulerJob. * FIXME: StepPipeLine is actually a mask, change this into a bitfield. */ typedef enum { USE_NONE = 0, USE_TRACK = 1 << 0, USE_FOCUS = 1 << 1, USE_ALIGN = 1 << 2, USE_GUIDE = 1 << 3 } StepPipeline; /** @brief Coordinates of the target of this job. */ /** @{ */ SkyPoint const & getTargetCoords() const { return targetCoords; } void setTargetCoords(dms& ra, dms& dec); /** @} */ /** @brief Capture sequence this job uses while running. */ /** @{ */ QUrl getSequenceFile() const { return sequenceFile; } void setSequenceFile(const QUrl &value); /** @} */ /** @brief FITS file whose plate solve produces target coordinates. */ /** @{ */ QUrl getFITSFile() const { return fitsFile; } void setFITSFile(const QUrl &value); /** @} */ /** @brief Minimal target altitude to process this job */ /** @{ */ double getMinAltitude() const { return minAltitude; } void setMinAltitude(const double &value); /** @} */ /** @brief Minimal Moon separation to process this job. */ /** @{ */ double getMinMoonSeparation() const { return minMoonSeparation; } void setMinMoonSeparation(const double &value); /** @} */ /** @brief Whether to restrict this job to good weather. */ /** @{ */ bool getEnforceWeather() const { return enforceWeather; } void setEnforceWeather(bool value); /** @} */ /** @brief Mask of actions to process for this job. */ /** @{ */ StepPipeline getStepPipeline() const { return stepPipeline; } void setStepPipeline(const StepPipeline &value); /** @} */ /** @brief Condition under which this job starts. */ /** @{ */ StartupCondition getStartupCondition() const { return startupCondition; } void setStartupCondition(const StartupCondition &value); /** @} */ /** @brief Condition under which this job completes. */ /** @{ */ CompletionCondition getCompletionCondition() const { return completionCondition; } void setCompletionCondition(const CompletionCondition &value); /** @} */ /** @brief Target culmination proximity under which this job starts. */ /** @{ */ int16_t getCulminationOffset() const { return culminationOffset; } void setCulminationOffset(const int16_t &value); /** @} */ /** @brief Timestamp format to use when displaying information about this job. */ /** @{ */ QString const & getDateTimeDisplayFormat() const { return dateTimeDisplayFormat; } void setDateTimeDisplayFormat(const QString &value); /** @} */ /** @brief Original startup condition, as entered by the user. */ /** @{ */ StartupCondition getFileStartupCondition() const { return fileStartupCondition; } void setFileStartupCondition(const StartupCondition &value); /** @} */ /** @brief Original time at which the job must start, as entered by the user. */ /** @{ */ QDateTime getFileStartupTime() const { return fileStartupTime; } void setFileStartupTime(const QDateTime &value); /** @} */ /** @brief Whether this job requires re-focus while running its capture sequence. */ /** @{ */ bool getInSequenceFocus() const { return inSequenceFocus; } void setInSequenceFocus(bool value); /** @} */ /** @brief Job priority, low priority value means most prioritary. */ /** @{ */ uint8_t getPriority() const { return priority; } void setPriority(const uint8_t &value); /** @} */ /** @brief Whether to restrict job to night time. */ /** @{ */ bool getEnforceTwilight() const { return enforceTwilight; } void setEnforceTwilight(bool value); /** @} */ /** @brief Current name of the scheduler job. */ /** @{ */ QString getName() const { return name; } void setName(const QString &value); /** @} */ /** @brief Shortcut to widget cell for job name in the job queue table. */ /** @{ */ QTableWidgetItem *getNameCell() const { return nameCell; } void setNameCell(QTableWidgetItem *cell); /** @} */ /** @brief Current state of the scheduler job. * Setting state to JOB_ABORTED automatically resets the startup characteristics. * Setting state to JOB_INVALID automatically resets the startup characteristics and the duration estimation. * @see SchedulerJob::setStartupCondition, SchedulerJob::setFileStartupCondition, SchedulerJob::setStartupTime * and SchedulerJob::setFileStartupTime. */ /** @{ */ JOBStatus getState() const { return state; } void setState(const JOBStatus &value); /** @} */ /** @brief Shortcut to widget cell for job state in the job queue table. */ /** @{ */ QTableWidgetItem *getStatusCell() const { return statusCell; } void setStatusCell(QTableWidgetItem *cell); /** @} */ /** @brief Current stage of the scheduler job. */ /** @{ */ JOBStage getStage() const { return stage; } void setStage(const JOBStage &value); /** @} */ /** @brief Shortcut to widget cell for job stage in the job queue table. */ /** @{ */ QTableWidgetItem *getStageCell() const { return stageCell; } void setStageCell(QTableWidgetItem *cell); QLabel *getStageLabel() const { return stageLabel; } void setStageLabel(QLabel *label); /** @} */ /** @brief Number of captures required in the associated sequence. */ /** @{ */ int getSequenceCount() const { return sequenceCount; } void setSequenceCount(const int count); /** @} */ /** @brief Number of captures completed in the associated sequence. */ /** @{ */ int getCompletedCount() const { return completedCount; } void setCompletedCount(const int count); /** @} */ /** @brief Shortcut to widget cell for captures in the job queue table. */ /** @{ */ QTableWidgetItem *getCaptureCountCell() const { return captureCountCell; } void setCaptureCountCell(QTableWidgetItem *value); /** @} */ /** @brief Time at which the job must start. */ /** @{ */ QDateTime getStartupTime() const { return startupTime; } void setStartupTime(const QDateTime &value); /** @} */ /** @brief Shortcut to widget cell for startup time in the job queue table. */ /** @{ */ QTableWidgetItem *getStartupCell() const { return startupCell; } void setStartupCell(QTableWidgetItem *value); /** @} */ + /** @brief Shortcut to widget cell for altitude in the job queue table. */ + /** @{ */ + QTableWidgetItem *getAltitudeCell() const { return altitudeCell; } + void setAltitudeCell(QTableWidgetItem *value); + /** @} */ + /** @brief Time after which the job is considered complete. */ /** @{ */ QDateTime getCompletionTime() const { return completionTime; } void setCompletionTime(const QDateTime &value); /** @} */ /** @brief Shortcut to widget cell for completion time in the job queue table. */ /** @{ */ QTableWidgetItem *getCompletionCell() const { return completionCell; } void setCompletionCell(QTableWidgetItem *value); /** @} */ /** @brief Estimation of the time the job will take to process. */ /** @{ */ int64_t getEstimatedTime() const { return estimatedTime; } void setEstimatedTime(const int64_t &value); /** @} */ /** @brief Shortcut to widget cell for estimated time in the job queue table. */ /** @{ */ QTableWidgetItem *getEstimatedTimeCell() const { return estimatedTimeCell; } void setEstimatedTimeCell(QTableWidgetItem *value); /** @} */ + /** @brief Estimation of the lead time the job will have to process. */ + /** @{ */ + int64_t getLeadTime() const { return leadTime; } + void setLeadTime(const int64_t &value); + /** @} */ + + /** @brief Shortcut to widget cell for estimated time in the job queue table. */ + /** @{ */ + QTableWidgetItem *getLeadTimeCell() const { return leadTimeCell; } + void setLeadTimeCell(QTableWidgetItem *value); + /** @} */ + /** @brief Current score of the scheduler job. */ /** @{ */ int getScore() const { return score; } void setScore(int value); /** @} */ /** @brief Shortcut to widget cell for job score in the job queue table. */ /** @{ */ QTableWidgetItem *getScoreCell() const { return scoreCell; } void setScoreCell(QTableWidgetItem *value); /** @} */ /** @brief Whether this job requires light frames, or only calibration frames. */ /** @{ */ bool getLightFramesRequired() const { return lightFramesRequired; } void setLightFramesRequired(bool value); /** @} */ /** @brief Number of times this job must be repeated (in terms of capture count). */ /** @{ */ uint16_t getRepeatsRequired() const { return repeatsRequired; } void setRepeatsRequired(const uint16_t &value); /** @} */ /** @brief Number of times this job still has to be repeated (in terms of capture count). */ /** @{ */ uint16_t getRepeatsRemaining() const { return repeatsRemaining; } void setRepeatsRemaining(const uint16_t &value); /** @} */ /** @brief The map of capture counts for this job, keyed by its capture storage signatures. */ /** @{ */ typedef QMap CapturedFramesMap; const CapturedFramesMap& getCapturedFramesMap() const { return capturedFramesMap; } void setCapturedFramesMap(const CapturedFramesMap &value); /** @} */ /** @brief Refresh all cells connected to this SchedulerJob. */ - void updateJobCell(); + void updateJobCells(); /** @brief Resetting a job to original values: * - idle state and stage * - original startup, none if asap, else user original setting * - duration not estimated * - full repeat count */ void reset(); /** @brief Determining whether a SchedulerJob is a duplicate of another. * @param a_job is the other SchedulerJob to test duplication against. * @return True if objects are different, but name and sequence file are identical, else false. * @warning This is a weak comparison, but that's what the scheduler looks at to decide completion. */ bool isDuplicateOf(SchedulerJob const *a_job) const { return this != a_job && name == a_job->name && sequenceFile == a_job->sequenceFile; } - /** @brief Compare ::SchedulerJob instances based on score. This is a qSort predicate, deprecated in QT5. + /** @brief Compare ::SchedulerJob instances based on score. + * @fixme This is a qSort predicate, deprecated in QT5. * @arg a, b are ::SchedulerJob instances to compare. * @return true if the score of b is lower than the score of a. * @return false if the score of b is higher than or equal to the score of a. */ static bool decreasingScoreOrder(SchedulerJob const *a, SchedulerJob const *b); - /** @brief Compare ::SchedulerJob instances based on priority. This is a qSort predicate, deprecated in QT5. + /** @brief Compare ::SchedulerJob instances based on priority. + * @fixme This is a qSort predicate, deprecated in QT5. * @arg a, b are ::SchedulerJob instances to compare. * @return true if the priority of a is lower than the priority of b. * @return false if the priority of a is higher than or equal to the priority of b. */ static bool increasingPriorityOrder(SchedulerJob const *a, SchedulerJob const *b); - /** @brief Compare ::SchedulerJob instances based on altitude. This is a qSort predicate, deprecated in QT5. + /** @brief Compare ::SchedulerJob instances based on altitude and movement in sky at startup time. + * @fixme This is a qSort predicate, deprecated in QT5. * @arg a, b are ::SchedulerJob instances to compare. - * @return true if the altitude of b is lower than the altitude of a. - * @return false if the altitude of b is higher than or equal to the altitude of a. + * @arg when is the date/time to use to calculate the altitude to sort with, defaulting to a's startup time. + * @note To obtain proper sort between several SchedulerJobs, all should have the same startup time. + * @note Use std:bind to bind a specific date/time to this predicate for altitude calculation. + * @return true is a is setting but not b. + * @return false if b is setting but not a. + * @return true otherwise, if the altitude of b is lower than the altitude of a. + * @return false otherwise, if the altitude of b is higher than or equal to the altitude of a. */ - static bool decreasingAltitudeOrder(SchedulerJob const *a, SchedulerJob const *b); + static bool decreasingAltitudeOrder(SchedulerJob const *a, SchedulerJob const *b, QDateTime const &when = QDateTime()); - /** @brief Compare ::SchedulerJob instances based on startup time. This is a qSort predicate, deprecated in QT5. + /** @brief Compare ::SchedulerJob instances based on startup time. + * @fixme This is a qSort predicate, deprecated in QT5. * @arg a, b are ::SchedulerJob instances to compare. * @return true if the startup time of a is sooner than the priority of b. * @return false if the startup time of a is later than or equal to the priority of b. */ static bool increasingStartupTimeOrder(SchedulerJob const *a, SchedulerJob const *b); private: QString name; SkyPoint targetCoords; JOBStatus state { JOB_IDLE }; JOBStage stage { STAGE_IDLE }; StartupCondition fileStartupCondition { START_ASAP }; StartupCondition startupCondition { START_ASAP }; CompletionCondition completionCondition { FINISH_SEQUENCE }; int sequenceCount { 0 }; int completedCount { 0 }; QDateTime fileStartupTime; QDateTime startupTime; QDateTime completionTime; + /* @internal Caches to optimize cell rendering. */ + /* @{ */ + double altitudeAtStartup; + double altitudeAtCompletion; + bool isSettingAtStartup; + bool isSettingAtCompletion; + /* @} */ + QUrl sequenceFile; QUrl fitsFile; - double minAltitude { -1 }; + double minAltitude { -90 }; double minMoonSeparation { -1 }; bool enforceWeather { false }; bool enforceTwilight { false }; StepPipeline stepPipeline { USE_NONE }; /** @internal Widget cell/label shortcuts. */ /** @{ */ QTableWidgetItem *nameCell { nullptr }; QLabel *nameLabel { nullptr }; QTableWidgetItem *statusCell { nullptr }; QTableWidgetItem *stageCell { nullptr }; QLabel *stageLabel { nullptr }; + QTableWidgetItem *altitudeCell { nullptr }; QTableWidgetItem *startupCell { nullptr }; QTableWidgetItem *completionCell { nullptr }; QTableWidgetItem *estimatedTimeCell { nullptr }; QTableWidgetItem *captureCountCell { nullptr }; QTableWidgetItem *scoreCell { nullptr }; + QTableWidgetItem *leadTimeCell { nullptr }; /** @} */ int score { 0 }; int16_t culminationOffset { 0 }; uint8_t priority { 10 }; int64_t estimatedTime { -1 }; + int64_t leadTime { 0 }; uint16_t repeatsRequired { 1 }; uint16_t repeatsRemaining { 1 }; bool inSequenceFocus { false }; QString dateTimeDisplayFormat; bool lightFramesRequired { false }; QMap capturedFramesMap; };