diff --git a/kstars/ekos/focus/focus.cpp b/kstars/ekos/focus/focus.cpp index 2838056cf..f45c1b01d 100644 --- a/kstars/ekos/focus/focus.cpp +++ b/kstars/ekos/focus/focus.cpp @@ -1,3807 +1,3806 @@ /* Ekos Copyright (C) 2012 Jasem Mutlaq This application is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ #include "focus.h" #include "focusadaptor.h" #include "focusalgorithms.h" #include "polynomialfit.h" #include "kstars.h" #include "kstarsdata.h" #include "Options.h" #include "auxiliary/kspaths.h" #include "auxiliary/ksmessagebox.h" #include "ekos/manager.h" #include "ekos/auxiliary/darklibrary.h" #include "fitsviewer/fitsdata.h" #include "fitsviewer/fitstab.h" #include "fitsviewer/fitsview.h" #include "indi/indifilter.h" #include "ksnotification.h" #include #include #include #include #include #define FOCUS_TIMEOUT_THRESHOLD 120000 #define MAXIMUM_ABS_ITERATIONS 30 #define MAXIMUM_RESET_ITERATIONS 2 #define AUTO_STAR_TIMEOUT 45000 #define MINIMUM_PULSE_TIMER 32 #define MAX_RECAPTURE_RETRIES 3 #define MINIMUM_POLY_SOLUTIONS 2 namespace Ekos { Focus::Focus() { // #1 Set the UI setupUi(this); // #2 Register DBus qRegisterMetaType("Ekos::FocusState"); qDBusRegisterMetaType(); new FocusAdaptor(this); QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject("/KStars/Ekos/Focus", this); // #3 Init connections initConnections(); // #4 Init Plots initPlots(); // #5 Init View initView(); // #6 Reset all buttons to default states resetButtons(); // #7 Image Effects for (auto &filter : FITSViewer::filterTypes) filterCombo->addItem(filter); filterCombo->setCurrentIndex(Options::focusEffect()); defaultScale = static_cast(Options::focusEffect()); connect(filterCombo, static_cast(&QComboBox::activated), this, &Ekos::Focus::filterChangeWarning); // #8 Load All settings loadSettings(); // #9 Init Setting Connection now initSettingsConnections(); //Note: This is to prevent a button from being called the default button //and then executing when the user hits the enter key such as when on a Text Box QList qButtons = findChildren(); for (auto &button : qButtons) button->setAutoDefault(false); appendLogText(i18n("Idle.")); } Focus::~Focus() { if (focusingWidget->parent() == nullptr) toggleFocusingWidgetFullScreen(); } void Focus::resetFrame() { if (currentCCD) { ISD::CCDChip *targetChip = currentCCD->getChip(ISD::CCDChip::PRIMARY_CCD); if (targetChip) { //fx=fy=fw=fh=0; targetChip->resetFrame(); int x, y, w, h; targetChip->getFrame(&x, &y, &w, &h); qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "Frame is reset. X:" << x << "Y:" << y << "W:" << w << "H:" << h << "binX:" << 1 << "binY:" << 1; QVariantMap settings; settings["x"] = x; settings["y"] = y; settings["w"] = w; settings["h"] = h; settings["binx"] = 1; settings["biny"] = 1; frameSettings[targetChip] = settings; starSelected = false; starCenter = QVector3D(); subFramed = false; focusView->setTrackingBox(QRect()); } } } bool Focus::setCamera(const QString &device) { for (int i = 0; i < CCDCaptureCombo->count(); i++) if (device == CCDCaptureCombo->itemText(i)) { CCDCaptureCombo->setCurrentIndex(i); checkCCD(i); return true; } return false; } QString Focus::camera() { if (currentCCD) return currentCCD->getDeviceName(); return QString(); } void Focus::checkCCD(int ccdNum) { if (ccdNum == -1) { ccdNum = CCDCaptureCombo->currentIndex(); if (ccdNum == -1) return; } if (ccdNum >= 0 && ccdNum <= CCDs.count()) { currentCCD = CCDs.at(ccdNum); ISD::CCDChip *targetChip = currentCCD->getChip(ISD::CCDChip::PRIMARY_CCD); if (targetChip && targetChip->isCapturing()) return; for (ISD::CCD *oneCCD : CCDs) { if (oneCCD == currentCCD) continue; if (captureInProgress == false) oneCCD->disconnect(this); } if (targetChip) { targetChip->setImageView(focusView, FITS_FOCUS); binningCombo->setEnabled(targetChip->canBin()); useSubFrame->setEnabled(targetChip->canSubframe()); if (targetChip->canBin()) { int subBinX = 1, subBinY = 1; binningCombo->clear(); targetChip->getMaxBin(&subBinX, &subBinY); for (int i = 1; i <= subBinX; i++) binningCombo->addItem(QString("%1x%2").arg(i).arg(i)); activeBin = Options::focusXBin(); binningCombo->setCurrentIndex(activeBin - 1); } else activeBin = 1; QStringList isoList = targetChip->getISOList(); ISOCombo->clear(); if (isoList.isEmpty()) { ISOCombo->setEnabled(false); ISOLabel->setEnabled(false); } else { ISOCombo->setEnabled(true); ISOLabel->setEnabled(true); ISOCombo->addItems(isoList); ISOCombo->setCurrentIndex(targetChip->getISOIndex()); } connect(currentCCD, &ISD::CCD::videoStreamToggled, this, &Ekos::Focus::setVideoStreamEnabled, Qt::UniqueConnection); liveVideoB->setEnabled(currentCCD->hasVideoStream()); if (currentCCD->hasVideoStream()) setVideoStreamEnabled(currentCCD->isStreamingEnabled()); else liveVideoB->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("camera-off")); bool hasGain = currentCCD->hasGain(); gainLabel->setEnabled(hasGain); gainIN->setEnabled(hasGain && currentCCD->getGainPermission() != IP_RO); if (hasGain) { double gain = 0, min = 0, max = 0, step = 1; currentCCD->getGainMinMaxStep(&min, &max, &step); if (currentCCD->getGain(&gain)) { gainIN->setMinimum(min); gainIN->setMaximum(max); if (step > 0) gainIN->setSingleStep(step); double defaultGain = Options::focusGain(); if (defaultGain > 0) gainIN->setValue(defaultGain); else gainIN->setValue(gain); } } else gainIN->clear(); } } syncCCDInfo(); } void Focus::syncCCDInfo() { if (currentCCD == nullptr) return; ISD::CCDChip *targetChip = currentCCD->getChip(ISD::CCDChip::PRIMARY_CCD); useSubFrame->setEnabled(targetChip->canSubframe()); if (frameSettings.contains(targetChip) == false) { int x, y, w, h; if (targetChip->getFrame(&x, &y, &w, &h)) { int binx = 1, biny = 1; targetChip->getBinning(&binx, &biny); if (w > 0 && h > 0) { int minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minW, maxW, minH, maxH; targetChip->getFrameMinMax(&minX, &maxX, &minY, &maxY, &minW, &maxW, &minH, &maxH); QVariantMap settings; settings["x"] = useSubFrame->isChecked() ? x : minX; settings["y"] = useSubFrame->isChecked() ? y : minY; settings["w"] = useSubFrame->isChecked() ? w : maxW; settings["h"] = useSubFrame->isChecked() ? h : maxH; settings["binx"] = binx; settings["biny"] = biny; frameSettings[targetChip] = settings; } } } } void Focus::addFilter(ISD::GDInterface *newFilter) { for (auto &oneFilter : Filters) { if (oneFilter->getDeviceName() == newFilter->getDeviceName()) return; } FilterCaptureLabel->setEnabled(true); FilterDevicesCombo->setEnabled(true); FilterPosLabel->setEnabled(true); FilterPosCombo->setEnabled(true); filterManagerB->setEnabled(true); FilterDevicesCombo->addItem(newFilter->getDeviceName()); Filters.append(static_cast(newFilter)); int filterWheelIndex = 1; if (Options::defaultFocusFilterWheel().isEmpty() == false) filterWheelIndex = FilterDevicesCombo->findText(Options::defaultFocusFilterWheel()); if (filterWheelIndex < 1) filterWheelIndex = 1; checkFilter(filterWheelIndex); FilterDevicesCombo->setCurrentIndex(filterWheelIndex); } bool Focus::setFilterWheel(const QString &device) { bool deviceFound = false; for (int i = 1; i < FilterDevicesCombo->count(); i++) if (device == FilterDevicesCombo->itemText(i)) { checkFilter(i); deviceFound = true; break; } if (deviceFound == false) return false; return true; } QString Focus::filterWheel() { if (FilterDevicesCombo->currentIndex() >= 1) return FilterDevicesCombo->currentText(); return QString(); } bool Focus::setFilter(const QString &filter) { if (FilterDevicesCombo->currentIndex() >= 1) { FilterPosCombo->setCurrentText(filter); return true; } return false; } QString Focus::filter() { return FilterPosCombo->currentText(); } void Focus::checkFilter(int filterNum) { if (filterNum == -1) { filterNum = FilterDevicesCombo->currentIndex(); if (filterNum == -1) return; } // "--" is no filter if (filterNum == 0) { currentFilter = nullptr; currentFilterPosition = -1; FilterPosCombo->clear(); return; } if (filterNum <= Filters.count()) currentFilter = Filters.at(filterNum - 1); //Options::setDefaultFocusFilterWheel(currentFilter->getDeviceName()); filterManager->setCurrentFilterWheel(currentFilter); FilterPosCombo->clear(); FilterPosCombo->addItems(filterManager->getFilterLabels()); currentFilterPosition = filterManager->getFilterPosition(); FilterPosCombo->setCurrentIndex(currentFilterPosition - 1); //Options::setDefaultFocusFilterWheelFilter(FilterPosCombo->currentText()); exposureIN->setValue(filterManager->getFilterExposure()); } void Focus::addFocuser(ISD::GDInterface *newFocuser) { ISD::Focuser *oneFocuser = static_cast(newFocuser); if (Focusers.contains(oneFocuser)) return; focuserCombo->addItem(oneFocuser->getDeviceName()); Focusers.append(oneFocuser); currentFocuser = oneFocuser; checkFocuser(); } bool Focus::setFocuser(const QString &device) { for (int i = 0; i < focuserCombo->count(); i++) if (device == focuserCombo->itemText(i)) { focuserCombo->setCurrentIndex(i); checkFocuser(i); return true; } return false; } QString Focus::focuser() { if (currentFocuser) return currentFocuser->getDeviceName(); return QString(); } void Focus::checkFocuser(int FocuserNum) { if (FocuserNum == -1) FocuserNum = focuserCombo->currentIndex(); if (FocuserNum == -1) { currentFocuser = nullptr; return; } if (FocuserNum < Focusers.count()) currentFocuser = Focusers.at(FocuserNum); filterManager->setFocusReady(currentFocuser->isConnected()); // Disconnect all focusers for (auto &oneFocuser : Focusers) { disconnect(oneFocuser, &ISD::GDInterface::numberUpdated, this, &Ekos::Focus::processFocusNumber); } hasDeviation = currentFocuser->hasDeviation(); canAbsMove = currentFocuser->canAbsMove(); if (canAbsMove) { getAbsFocusPosition(); absTicksSpin->setEnabled(true); absTicksLabel->setEnabled(true); startGotoB->setEnabled(true); absTicksSpin->setValue(currentPosition); } else { absTicksSpin->setEnabled(false); absTicksLabel->setEnabled(false); startGotoB->setEnabled(false); } canRelMove = currentFocuser->canRelMove(); // In case we have a purely relative focuser, we pretend // it is an absolute focuser with initial point set at 50,000. // This is done we can use the same algorithm used for absolute focuser. if (canAbsMove == false && canRelMove == true) { currentPosition = 50000; absMotionMax = 100000; absMotionMin = 0; } canTimerMove = currentFocuser->canTimerMove(); // In case we have a timer-based focuser and using the linear focus algorithm, // we pretend it is an absolute focuser with initial point set at 50,000. // These variables don't have in impact on timer-based focusers if the algorithm // is not the linear focus algorithm. if (!canAbsMove && !canRelMove && canTimerMove) { currentPosition = 50000; absMotionMax = 100000; absMotionMin = 0; } focusType = (canRelMove || canAbsMove || canTimerMove) ? FOCUS_AUTO : FOCUS_MANUAL; bool hasBacklash = currentFocuser->hasBacklash(); focusBacklashSpin->setEnabled(hasBacklash); focusBacklashSpin->disconnect(this); if (hasBacklash) { double min = 0, max = 0, step = 0; currentFocuser->getMinMaxStep("FOCUS_BACKLASH_STEPS", "FOCUS_BACKLASH_VALUE", &min, &max, &step); focusBacklashSpin->setMinimum(min); focusBacklashSpin->setMaximum(max); focusBacklashSpin->setSingleStep(step); focusBacklashSpin->setValue(currentFocuser->getBacklash()); connect(focusBacklashSpin, static_cast(&QSpinBox::valueChanged), this, [this](int value) { if (currentFocuser) currentFocuser->setBacklash(value); }); } else { focusBacklashSpin->setValue(0); } getCurrentFocuserTemperature(); connect(currentFocuser, &ISD::GDInterface::numberUpdated, this, &Ekos::Focus::processFocusNumber, Qt::UniqueConnection); //connect(currentFocuser, SIGNAL(propertyDefined(INDI::Property*)), this, &Ekos::Focus::(registerFocusProperty(INDI::Property*)), Qt::UniqueConnection); resetButtons(); //if (!inAutoFocus && !inFocusLoop && !captureInProgress && !inSequenceFocus) // emit autoFocusFinished(true, -1); } void Focus::addCCD(ISD::GDInterface *newCCD) { if (CCDs.contains(static_cast(newCCD))) return; CCDs.append(static_cast(newCCD)); CCDCaptureCombo->addItem(newCCD->getDeviceName()); checkCCD(); } void Focus::getAbsFocusPosition() { if (!canAbsMove) return; INumberVectorProperty *absMove = currentFocuser->getBaseDevice()->getNumber("ABS_FOCUS_POSITION"); if (absMove) { currentPosition = absMove->np[0].value; absMotionMax = absMove->np[0].max; absMotionMin = absMove->np[0].min; absTicksSpin->setMinimum(absMove->np[0].min); absTicksSpin->setMaximum(absMove->np[0].max); absTicksSpin->setSingleStep(absMove->np[0].step); maxTravelIN->setMinimum(absMove->np[0].min); maxTravelIN->setMaximum(absMove->np[0].max); absTicksLabel->setText(QString::number(static_cast(currentPosition))); stepIN->setMaximum(absMove->np[0].max / 2); //absTicksSpin->setValue(currentPosition); } } void Focus::getCurrentFocuserTemperature() { INumberVectorProperty *focuserTemperature = currentFocuser->getBaseDevice()->getNumber("FOCUS_TEMPERATURE"); if (focuserTemperature && focuserTemperature->s != IPS_ALERT) { currentTemperature = focuserTemperature->np[0].value; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << QString("Setting current focuser temperature: %1").arg(currentTemperature, 0, 'f', 2); } else { currentTemperature = INVALID_VALUE; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << QString("Focuser temperature is not available"); } } void Focus::start() { if (currentCCD == nullptr) { appendLogText(i18n("No CCD connected.")); return; } lastFocusDirection = FOCUS_NONE; polySolutionFound = 0; waitStarSelectTimer.stop(); starsHFR.clear(); lastHFR = 0; - // Forget last focus temperature, reset temperature delta - lastFocusTemperature = INVALID_VALUE; - emit newFocusTemperatureDelta(0); + // Keep the last focus temperature, it can still be useful in case the autofocus fails + // lastFocusTemperature if (canAbsMove) { absIterations = 0; getAbsFocusPosition(); pulseDuration = stepIN->value(); } else if (canRelMove) { //appendLogText(i18n("Setting dummy central position to 50000")); absIterations = 0; pulseDuration = stepIN->value(); //currentPosition = 50000; absMotionMax = 100000; absMotionMin = 0; } else { pulseDuration = stepIN->value(); absIterations = 0; absMotionMax = 100000; absMotionMin = 0; if (pulseDuration <= MINIMUM_PULSE_TIMER) { appendLogText(i18n("Starting pulse step is too low. Increase the step size to %1 or higher...", MINIMUM_PULSE_TIMER * 5)); return; } } inAutoFocus = true; focuserAdditionalMovement = 0; HFRFrames.clear(); resetButtons(); reverseDir = false; /*if (fw > 0 && fh > 0) starSelected= true; else starSelected= false;*/ clearDataPoints(); if (firstGaus) { profilePlot->removeGraph(firstGaus); firstGaus = nullptr; } // Options::setFocusTicks(stepIN->value()); // Options::setFocusTolerance(toleranceIN->value()); // Options::setFocusExposure(exposureIN->value()); // Options::setFocusMaxTravel(maxTravelIN->value()); // Options::setFocusBoxSize(focusBoxSize->value()); // Options::setFocusSubFrame(useSubFrame->isChecked()); // Options::setFocusAutoStarEnabled(useAutoStar->isChecked()); // Options::setSuspendGuiding(suspendGuideCheck->isChecked()); // Options::setUseFocusDarkFrame(darkFrameCheck->isChecked()); // Options::setFocusFramesCount(focusFramesSpin->value()); // Options::setFocusUseFullField(useFullField->isChecked()); qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "Starting focus with box size: " << focusBoxSize->value() << " Subframe: " << ( useSubFrame->isChecked() ? "yes" : "no" ) << " Autostar: " << ( useAutoStar->isChecked() ? "yes" : "no" ) << " Full frame: " << ( useFullField->isChecked() ? "yes" : "no " ) << " [" << fullFieldInnerRing->value() << "%," << fullFieldOuterRing->value() << "%]" << " Step Size: " << stepIN->value() << " Threshold: " << thresholdSpin->value() << " Gaussian Sigma: " << gaussianSigmaSpin->value() << " Gaussian Kernel size: " << gaussianKernelSizeSpin->value() << " Multi row average: " << multiRowAverageSpin->value() << " Tolerance: " << toleranceIN->value() << " Frames: " << 1 /*focusFramesSpin->value()*/ << " Maximum Travel: " << maxTravelIN->value(); if (useAutoStar->isChecked()) appendLogText(i18n("Autofocus in progress...")); else appendLogText(i18n("Please wait until image capture is complete...")); if (suspendGuideCheck->isChecked()) { m_GuidingSuspended = true; emit suspendGuiding(); } //emit statusUpdated(true); state = Ekos::FOCUS_PROGRESS; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "State:" << Ekos::getFocusStatusString(state); emit newStatus(state); // Denoise with median filter //defaultScale = FITS_MEDIAN; KSNotification::event(QLatin1String("FocusStarted"), i18n("Autofocus operation started")); // Used for all the focuser types. if (focusAlgorithm == FOCUS_LINEAR) { const int position = static_cast(currentPosition); FocusAlgorithmInterface::FocusParams params( maxTravelIN->value(), stepIN->value(), position, absMotionMin, absMotionMax, MAXIMUM_ABS_ITERATIONS, toleranceIN->value() / 100.0, filter()); linearFocuser.reset(MakeLinearFocuser(params)); linearRequestedPosition = linearFocuser->initialPosition(); const int newPosition = adjustLinearPosition(position, linearRequestedPosition); if (newPosition != position) { if (!changeFocus(newPosition - position)) { abort(); setAutoFocusResult(false); } // Avoid the capture below. return; } } capture(); } int Focus::adjustLinearPosition(int position, int newPosition) { if (newPosition > position) { constexpr int extraMotionSteps = 5; int adjustment = extraMotionSteps * stepIN->value(); if (newPosition + adjustment > absMotionMax) adjustment = static_cast(absMotionMax) - newPosition; focuserAdditionalMovement = adjustment; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << QString("LinearFocuser: extending outward movement by %1").arg(adjustment); return newPosition + adjustment; } return newPosition; } void Focus::checkStopFocus() { if (inSequenceFocus == true) { inSequenceFocus = false; setAutoFocusResult(false); } if (captureInProgress && inAutoFocus == false && inFocusLoop == false) { captureB->setEnabled(true); stopFocusB->setEnabled(false); appendLogText(i18n("Capture aborted.")); } abort(); } void Focus::abort() { stop(true); } void Focus::stop(bool aborted) { qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "Stopping Focus"; captureTimeout.stop(); ISD::CCDChip *targetChip = currentCCD->getChip(ISD::CCDChip::PRIMARY_CCD); inAutoFocus = false; focuserAdditionalMovement = 0; inFocusLoop = false; // Why starSelected is set to false below? We should retain star selection status under: // 1. Autostar is off, or // 2. Toggle subframe, or // 3. Reset frame // 4. Manual motion? //starSelected = false; polySolutionFound = 0; captureInProgress = false; captureFailureCounter = 0; minimumRequiredHFR = -1; noStarCount = 0; HFRFrames.clear(); //maxHFR=1; disconnect(currentCCD, &ISD::CCD::BLOBUpdated, this, &Ekos::Focus::newFITS); disconnect(currentCCD, &ISD::CCD::captureFailed, this, &Ekos::Focus::processCaptureFailure); if (rememberUploadMode != currentCCD->getUploadMode()) currentCCD->setUploadMode(rememberUploadMode); if (rememberCCDExposureLooping) currentCCD->setExposureLoopingEnabled(true); targetChip->abortExposure(); resetButtons(); absIterations = 0; HFRInc = 0; reverseDir = false; //emit statusUpdated(false); if (aborted) { state = Ekos::FOCUS_ABORTED; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "State:" << Ekos::getFocusStatusString(state); emit newStatus(state); } } void Focus::capture() { captureTimeout.stop(); if (captureInProgress) { qCWarning(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "Capture called while already in progress. Capture is ignored."; return; } if (currentCCD == nullptr) { appendLogText(i18n("Error: No camera detected.")); return; } if (currentCCD->isConnected() == false) { appendLogText(i18n("Error: Lost connection to camera.")); return; } waitStarSelectTimer.stop(); ISD::CCDChip *targetChip = currentCCD->getChip(ISD::CCDChip::PRIMARY_CCD); double seqExpose = exposureIN->value(); if (currentCCD->isBLOBEnabled() == false) { currentCCD->setBLOBEnabled(true); } if (currentFilter != nullptr && FilterPosCombo->currentIndex() != -1) { if (currentFilter->isConnected() == false) { appendLogText(i18n("Error: Lost connection to filter wheel.")); return; } int targetPosition = FilterPosCombo->currentIndex() + 1; QString lockedFilter = filterManager->getFilterLock(FilterPosCombo->currentText()); // We change filter if: // 1. Target position is not equal to current position. // 2. Locked filter of CURRENT filter is a different filter. if (lockedFilter != "--" && lockedFilter != FilterPosCombo->currentText()) { int lockedFilterIndex = FilterPosCombo->findText(lockedFilter); if (lockedFilterIndex >= 0) { // Go back to this filter one we are done fallbackFilterPending = true; fallbackFilterPosition = targetPosition; targetPosition = lockedFilterIndex + 1; } } filterPositionPending = (targetPosition != currentFilterPosition); // If either the target position is not equal to the current position, OR if (filterPositionPending) { // Apply all policies except autofocus since we are already in autofocus module doh. filterManager->setFilterPosition(targetPosition, static_cast(FilterManager::CHANGE_POLICY | FilterManager::OFFSET_POLICY)); return; } } if (currentCCD->getUploadMode() == ISD::CCD::UPLOAD_LOCAL) { rememberUploadMode = ISD::CCD::UPLOAD_LOCAL; currentCCD->setUploadMode(ISD::CCD::UPLOAD_CLIENT); } rememberCCDExposureLooping = currentCCD->isLooping(); if (rememberCCDExposureLooping) currentCCD->setExposureLoopingEnabled(false); currentCCD->setTransformFormat(ISD::CCD::FORMAT_FITS); targetChip->setBinning(activeBin, activeBin); targetChip->setCaptureMode(FITS_FOCUS); // Always disable filtering if using a dark frame and then re-apply after subtraction. TODO: Implement this in capture and guide and align if (darkFrameCheck->isChecked()) targetChip->setCaptureFilter(FITS_NONE); else targetChip->setCaptureFilter(defaultScale); if (ISOCombo->isEnabled() && ISOCombo->currentIndex() != -1 && targetChip->getISOIndex() != ISOCombo->currentIndex()) targetChip->setISOIndex(ISOCombo->currentIndex()); if (gainIN->isEnabled()) currentCCD->setGain(gainIN->value()); connect(currentCCD, &ISD::CCD::BLOBUpdated, this, &Ekos::Focus::newFITS); connect(currentCCD, &ISD::CCD::captureFailed, this, &Ekos::Focus::processCaptureFailure); targetChip->setFrameType(FRAME_LIGHT); if (frameSettings.contains(targetChip)) { QVariantMap settings = frameSettings[targetChip]; targetChip->setFrame(settings["x"].toInt(), settings["y"].toInt(), settings["w"].toInt(), settings["h"].toInt()); settings["binx"] = activeBin; settings["biny"] = activeBin; frameSettings[targetChip] = settings; } captureInProgress = true; focusView->setBaseSize(focusingWidget->size()); // Timeout is exposure duration + timeout threshold in seconds captureTimeout.start(seqExpose * 1000 + FOCUS_TIMEOUT_THRESHOLD); targetChip->capture(seqExpose); if (inFocusLoop == false) { appendLogText(i18n("Capturing image...")); if (inAutoFocus == false) { captureB->setEnabled(false); stopFocusB->setEnabled(true); } } } bool Focus::focusIn(int ms) { if (ms == -1) ms = stepIN->value(); return changeFocus(-ms); } bool Focus::focusOut(int ms) { if (ms == -1) ms = stepIN->value(); return changeFocus(ms); } // If amount > 0 we focus out, otherwise in. bool Focus::changeFocus(int amount) { if (currentFocuser == nullptr) return false; // This needs to be re-thought. Just returning does not set the timer // and the algorithm ends in limbo. // Ignore zero // if (amount == 0) // return true; if (currentFocuser->isConnected() == false) { appendLogText(i18n("Error: Lost connection to Focuser.")); return false; } const int absAmount = abs(amount); const bool focusingOut = amount > 0; const QString dirStr = focusingOut ? i18n("outward") : i18n("inward"); lastFocusDirection = focusingOut ? FOCUS_OUT : FOCUS_IN; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "Focus " << dirStr << " (" << absAmount << ")"; if (focusingOut) currentFocuser->focusOut(); else currentFocuser->focusIn(); if (canAbsMove) { currentFocuser->moveAbs(currentPosition + amount); appendLogText(i18n("Focusing %2 by %1 steps...", absAmount, dirStr)); } else if (canRelMove) { currentFocuser->moveRel(absAmount); appendLogText(i18np("Focusing %2 by %1 step...", "Focusing %2 by %1 steps...", absAmount, dirStr)); } else { currentFocuser->moveByTimer(absAmount); appendLogText(i18n("Focusing %2 by %1 ms...", absAmount, dirStr)); } return true; } void Focus::newFITS(IBLOB *bp) { if (bp == nullptr) { capture(); return; } // Ignore guide head if there is any. if (!strcmp(bp->name, "CCD2")) return; captureTimeout.stop(); captureTimeoutCounter = 0; ISD::CCDChip *targetChip = currentCCD->getChip(ISD::CCDChip::PRIMARY_CCD); disconnect(currentCCD, &ISD::CCD::BLOBUpdated, this, &Ekos::Focus::newFITS); disconnect(currentCCD, &ISD::CCD::captureFailed, this, &Ekos::Focus::processCaptureFailure); if (darkFrameCheck->isChecked()) { FITSData *darkData = DarkLibrary::Instance()->getDarkFrame(targetChip, exposureIN->value()); QVariantMap settings = frameSettings[targetChip]; uint16_t offsetX = settings["x"].toInt() / settings["binx"].toInt(); uint16_t offsetY = settings["y"].toInt() / settings["biny"].toInt(); connect(DarkLibrary::Instance(), &DarkLibrary::darkFrameCompleted, this, [&](bool completed) { DarkLibrary::Instance()->disconnect(this); darkFrameCheck->setChecked(completed); if (completed) setCaptureComplete(); else abort(); resetButtons(); }); connect(DarkLibrary::Instance(), &DarkLibrary::newLog, this, &Ekos::Focus::appendLogText); targetChip->setCaptureFilter(defaultScale); if (darkData) DarkLibrary::Instance()->subtract(darkData, focusView, defaultScale, offsetX, offsetY); else { DarkLibrary::Instance()->captureAndSubtract(targetChip, focusView, exposureIN->value(), offsetX, offsetY); } return; } setCaptureComplete(); resetButtons(); } double Focus::analyzeSources(FITSData *image_data) { // When we're using FULL field view, we always use either CENTROID algorithm which is the default // standard algorithm in KStars, or SEP. The other algorithms are too inefficient to run on full frames and require // a bounding box for them to be effective in near real-time application. if (Options::focusUseFullField()) { focusView->setTrackingBoxEnabled(false); if (focusDetection != ALGORITHM_CENTROID && focusDetection != ALGORITHM_SEP) focusView->findStars(ALGORITHM_CENTROID); else focusView->findStars(focusDetection); focusView->setStarFilterRange(static_cast (fullFieldInnerRing->value() / 100.0), static_cast (fullFieldOuterRing->value() / 100.0)); focusView->filterStars(); // Get the average HFR of the whole frame return image_data->getHFR(HFR_AVERAGE); } else { // If star is already selected then use whatever algorithm currently selected. if (starSelected) { focusView->findStars(focusDetection); return image_data->getHFR(HFR_MAX); } else { // Disable tracking box focusView->setTrackingBoxEnabled(false); // If algorithm is set something other than Centeroid or SEP, then force Centroid // Since it is the most reliable detector when nothing was selected before. if (focusDetection != ALGORITHM_CENTROID && focusDetection != ALGORITHM_SEP) focusView->findStars(ALGORITHM_CENTROID); else // Otherwise, continue to find use using the selected algorithm focusView->findStars(focusDetection); // Reenable tracking box focusView->setTrackingBoxEnabled(true); // Get maximum HFR in the frame return image_data->getHFR(HFR_MAX); } } } bool Focus::appendHFR(double newHFR) { // Add new HFR to existing values, even if invalid HFRFrames.append(newHFR); // Prepare a work vector with valid HFR values QVector samples(HFRFrames); samples.erase(std::remove_if(samples.begin(), samples.end(), [](const double HFR) { return HFR == -1; }), samples.end()); // Perform simple sigma clipping if more than a few samples if (samples.count() > 3) { // Sort all HFRs and extract the median std::sort(samples.begin(), samples.end()); const auto median = ((samples.size() % 2) ? samples[samples.size() / 2] : (static_cast(samples[samples.size() / 2 - 1]) + samples[samples.size() / 2]) * .5); // Extract the mean const auto mean = std::accumulate(samples.begin(), samples.end(), .0) / samples.size(); // Extract the variance double variance = 0; foreach (auto val, samples) variance += (val - mean) * (val - mean); // Deduce the standard deviation const double stddev = sqrt(variance / samples.size()); // Reject those 2 sigma away from median const double sigmaHigh = median + stddev * 2; const double sigmaLow = median - stddev * 2; // FIXME: why is the first value not considered? // FIXME: what if there are less than 3 samples after clipping? QMutableVectorIterator i(samples); while (i.hasNext()) { auto val = i.next(); if (val > sigmaHigh || val < sigmaLow) i.remove(); } } // Consolidate the average HFR currentHFR = samples.isEmpty() ? -1 : std::accumulate(samples.begin(), samples.end(), .0) / samples.size(); // Return whether we need more frame based on user requirement return HFRFrames.count() < focusFramesSpin->value(); } void Focus::setCaptureComplete() { DarkLibrary::Instance()->disconnect(this); // If we have a box, sync the bounding box to its position. syncTrackingBoxPosition(); // Notify user if we're not looping if (inFocusLoop == false) appendLogText(i18n("Image received.")); if (captureInProgress && inFocusLoop == false && inAutoFocus == false) currentCCD->setUploadMode(rememberUploadMode); if (rememberCCDExposureLooping) currentCCD->setExposureLoopingEnabled(true); captureInProgress = false; // Get handle to the image data FITSData *image_data = focusView->getImageData(); // Emit the tracking (bounding) box view emit newStarPixmap(focusView->getTrackingBoxPixmap(10)); // If we are not looping; OR // If we are looping but we already have tracking box enabled; OR // If we are asked to analyze _all_ the stars within the field // THEN let's find stars in the image and get current HFR if (inFocusLoop == false || (inFocusLoop && (focusView->isTrackingBoxEnabled() || Options::focusUseFullField()))) { // First check that we haven't already search for stars // Since star-searching algorithm are time-consuming, we should only search when necessary if (image_data->areStarsSearched() == false) { currentHFR = analyzeSources(image_data); focusView->updateFrame(); } // Let's now report the current HFR qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "Focus newFITS #" << HFRFrames.count() + 1 << ": Current HFR " << currentHFR << " Num stars " << (starSelected ? 1 : image_data->getDetectedStars()); // Take the new HFR into account, eventually continue to stack samples if (appendHFR(currentHFR)) { capture(); return; } else HFRFrames.clear(); // Let signal the current HFR now depending on whether the focuser is absolute or relative if (canAbsMove) emit newHFR(currentHFR, static_cast(currentPosition)); else emit newHFR(currentHFR, -1); // Format the HFR value into a string QString HFRText = QString("%1").arg(currentHFR, 0, 'f', 2); HFROut->setText(HFRText); starsOut->setText(QString("%1").arg(image_data->getDetectedStars())); // Display message in case _last_ HFR was negative if (lastHFR == -1) appendLogText(i18n("FITS received. No stars detected.")); // If we have a valid HFR value if (currentHFR > 0) { // Check if we're done from polynomial fitting algorithm if (focusAlgorithm == FOCUS_POLYNOMIAL && polySolutionFound == MINIMUM_POLY_SOLUTIONS) { polySolutionFound = 0; appendLogText(i18n("Autofocus complete after %1 iterations.", hfr_position.count())); stop(); setAutoFocusResult(true); graphPolynomialFunction(); return; } Edge *maxStarHFR = nullptr; // Center tracking box around selected star (if it valid) either in: // 1. Autofocus // 2. CheckFocus (minimumHFRCheck) // The starCenter _must_ already be defined, otherwise, we proceed until // the latter half of the function searches for a star and define it. if (starCenter.isNull() == false && (inAutoFocus || minimumRequiredHFR >= 0) && (maxStarHFR = image_data->getMaxHFRStar()) != nullptr) { // Now we have star selected in the frame starSelected = true; starCenter.setX(qMax(0, static_cast(maxStarHFR->x))); starCenter.setY(qMax(0, static_cast(maxStarHFR->y))); syncTrackingBoxPosition(); // Record the star information (X, Y, currentHFR) QVector3D oneStar = starCenter; oneStar.setZ(currentHFR); starsHFR.append(oneStar); } else { // Record the star information (X, Y, currentHFR) QVector3D oneStar(starCenter.x(), starCenter.y(), currentHFR); starsHFR.append(oneStar); } if (currentHFR > maxHFR) maxHFR = currentHFR; // Append point to the #Iterations vs #HFR chart in case of looping or in case in autofocus with a focus // that does not support position feedback. // If inAutoFocus is true without canAbsMove and without canRelMove, canTimerMove must be true. // We'd only want to execute this if the focus linear algorithm is not being used, as that // algorithm simulates a position-based system even for timer-based focusers. if (inFocusLoop || (inAutoFocus && canAbsMove == false && canRelMove == false && focusAlgorithm != FOCUS_LINEAR)) { if (hfr_position.empty()) hfr_position.append(1); else hfr_position.append(hfr_position.last() + 1); hfr_value.append(currentHFR); drawHFRPlot(); } } else { // Let's record an invalid star result QVector3D oneStar(starCenter.x(), starCenter.y(), -1); starsHFR.append(oneStar); } // Try to average values and find if we have bogus results if (inAutoFocus && starsHFR.count() > 3) { float mean = 0, sum = 0, stddev = 0, noHFR = 0; for (int i = 0; i < starsHFR.count(); i++) { sum += starsHFR[i].x(); if (starsHFR[i].z() == -1) noHFR++; } mean = sum / starsHFR.count(); // Calculate standard deviation for (int i = 0; i < starsHFR.count(); i++) stddev += pow(starsHFR[i].x() - mean, 2); stddev = sqrt(stddev / starsHFR.count()); if (currentHFR == -1 && (stddev > focusBoxSize->value() / 10.0 || noHFR / starsHFR.count() > 0.75)) { appendLogText(i18n("No reliable star is detected. Aborting...")); abort(); setAutoFocusResult(false); return; } } } // If we are just framing, let's capture again if (inFocusLoop) { capture(); return; } // Get target chip ISD::CCDChip *targetChip = currentCCD->getChip(ISD::CCDChip::PRIMARY_CCD); // Get target chip binning int subBinX = 1, subBinY = 1; if (!targetChip->getBinning(&subBinX, &subBinY)) qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "Warning: target chip is reporting no binning property, using 1x1."; // If star is NOT yet selected in a non-full-frame situation // then let's now try to find the star. This step is skipped for full frames // since there isn't a single star to select as we are only interested in the overall average HFR. // We need to check if we can find the star right away, or if we need to _subframe_ around the // selected star. if (Options::focusUseFullField() == false && starCenter.isNull()) { int x = 0, y = 0, w = 0, h = 0; // Let's get the stored frame settings for this particular chip if (frameSettings.contains(targetChip)) { QVariantMap settings = frameSettings[targetChip]; x = settings["x"].toInt(); y = settings["y"].toInt(); w = settings["w"].toInt(); h = settings["h"].toInt(); } else // Otherwise let's get the target chip frame coordinates. targetChip->getFrame(&x, &y, &w, &h); // In case auto star is selected. if (useAutoStar->isChecked()) { // Do we have a valid star detected? Edge *maxStar = image_data->getMaxHFRStar(); if (maxStar == nullptr) { appendLogText(i18n("Failed to automatically select a star. Please select a star manually.")); // Center the tracking box in the frame and display it focusView->setTrackingBox(QRect(w - focusBoxSize->value() / (subBinX * 2), h - focusBoxSize->value() / (subBinY * 2), focusBoxSize->value() / subBinX, focusBoxSize->value() / subBinY)); focusView->setTrackingBoxEnabled(true); // Use can now move it to select the desired star state = Ekos::FOCUS_WAITING; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "State:" << Ekos::getFocusStatusString(state); emit newStatus(state); // Start the wait timer so we abort after a timeout if the user does not make a choice waitStarSelectTimer.start(); return; } // set the tracking box on maxStar starCenter.setX(maxStar->x); starCenter.setY(maxStar->y); starCenter.setZ(subBinX); syncTrackingBoxPosition(); defaultScale = static_cast(filterCombo->currentIndex()); // Do we need to subframe? if (subFramed == false && useSubFrame->isEnabled() && useSubFrame->isChecked()) { int offset = (static_cast(focusBoxSize->value()) / subBinX) * 1.5; int subX = (maxStar->x - offset) * subBinX; int subY = (maxStar->y - offset) * subBinY; int subW = offset * 2 * subBinX; int subH = offset * 2 * subBinY; int minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minW, maxW, minH, maxH; targetChip->getFrameMinMax(&minX, &maxX, &minY, &maxY, &minW, &maxW, &minH, &maxH); // Try to limit the subframed selection if (subX < minX) subX = minX; if (subY < minY) subY = minY; if ((subW + subX) > maxW) subW = maxW - subX; if ((subH + subY) > maxH) subH = maxH - subY; // Now we store the subframe coordinates in the target chip frame settings so we // reuse it later when we capture again. QVariantMap settings = frameSettings[targetChip]; settings["x"] = subX; settings["y"] = subY; settings["w"] = subW; settings["h"] = subH; settings["binx"] = subBinX; settings["biny"] = subBinY; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "Frame is subframed. X:" << subX << "Y:" << subY << "W:" << subW << "H:" << subH << "binX:" << subBinX << "binY:" << subBinY; starsHFR.clear(); frameSettings[targetChip] = settings; // Set the star center in the center of the subframed coordinates starCenter.setX(subW / (2 * subBinX)); starCenter.setY(subH / (2 * subBinY)); starCenter.setZ(subBinX); subFramed = true; focusView->setFirstLoad(true); // Now let's capture again for the actual requested subframed image. capture(); return; } // If we're subframed or don't need subframe, let's record the max star coordinates else { starCenter.setX(maxStar->x); starCenter.setY(maxStar->y); starCenter.setZ(subBinX); // Let's now capture again if we're autofocusing if (inAutoFocus) { capture(); return; } } } // If manual selection is enabled then let's ask the user to select the focus star else { appendLogText(i18n("Capture complete. Select a star to focus.")); starSelected = false; // Let's now display and set the tracking box in the center of the frame // so that the user moves it around to select the desired star. int subBinX = 1, subBinY = 1; targetChip->getBinning(&subBinX, &subBinY); focusView->setTrackingBox(QRect((w - focusBoxSize->value()) / (subBinX * 2), (h - focusBoxSize->value()) / (2 * subBinY), focusBoxSize->value() / subBinX, focusBoxSize->value() / subBinY)); focusView->setTrackingBoxEnabled(true); // Now we wait state = Ekos::FOCUS_WAITING; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "State:" << Ekos::getFocusStatusString(state); emit newStatus(state); // If the user does not select for a timeout period, we abort. waitStarSelectTimer.start(); return; } } // Check if the focus module is requested to verify if the minimum HFR value is met. if (minimumRequiredHFR >= 0) { // In case we failed to detected, we capture again. if (currentHFR == -1) { if (noStarCount++ < MAX_RECAPTURE_RETRIES) { appendLogText(i18n("No stars detected, capturing again...")); // On Last Attempt reset focus frame to capture full frame and recapture star if possible if (noStarCount == MAX_RECAPTURE_RETRIES) resetFrame(); capture(); return; } // If we exceeded maximum tries we abort else { noStarCount = 0; setAutoFocusResult(false); } } // If the detect current HFR is more than the minimum required HFR // then we should start the autofocus process now to bring it down. else if (currentHFR > minimumRequiredHFR) { qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "Current HFR:" << currentHFR << "is above required minimum HFR:" << minimumRequiredHFR << ". Starting AutoFocus..."; inSequenceFocus = true; start(); } // Otherwise, the current HFR is fine and lower than the required minimum HFR so we announce success. else { qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "Current HFR:" << currentHFR << "is below required minimum HFR:" << minimumRequiredHFR << ". Autofocus successful."; setAutoFocusResult(true); drawProfilePlot(); } // We reset minimum required HFR and call it a day. minimumRequiredHFR = -1; return; } // Let's draw the HFR Plot drawProfilePlot(); // If focus logging is enabled, let's save the frame. if (Options::focusLogging() && Options::saveFocusImages()) { QDir dir; QDateTime now = KStarsData::Instance()->lt(); QString path = KSPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation) + "autofocus/" + now.toString("yyyy-MM-dd"); dir.mkpath(path); // IS8601 contains colons but they are illegal under Windows OS, so replacing them with '-' // The timestamp is no longer ISO8601 but it should solve interoperality issues between different OS hosts QString name = "autofocus_frame_" + now.toString("HH-mm-ss") + ".fits"; QString filename = path + QStringLiteral("/") + name; focusView->getImageData()->saveFITS(filename); } // If we are not in autofocus process, we're done. if (inAutoFocus == false) return; // Set state to progress if (state != Ekos::FOCUS_PROGRESS) { state = Ekos::FOCUS_PROGRESS; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "State:" << Ekos::getFocusStatusString(state); emit newStatus(state); } // Now let's kick in the algorithms if (focusAlgorithm == FOCUS_LINEAR) autoFocusLinear(); else if (canAbsMove || canRelMove) // Position-based algorithms autoFocusAbs(); else // Time open-looped algorithms autoFocusRel(); } void Focus::clearDataPoints() { maxHFR = 1; hfr_position.clear(); hfr_value.clear(); polynomialGraph->data()->clear(); focusPoint->data()->clear(); polynomialGraphIsShown = false; HFRPlot->clearItems(); polynomialFit.reset(); drawHFRPlot(); } void Focus::drawHFRIndeces() { // Put the sample number inside the plot point's circle. for (int i = 0; i < hfr_position.size(); ++i) { QCPItemText *textLabel = new QCPItemText(HFRPlot); textLabel->setPositionAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::AlignHCenter); textLabel->position->setType(QCPItemPosition::ptPlotCoords); textLabel->position->setCoords(hfr_position[i], hfr_value[i]); textLabel->setText(QString::number(i + 1)); textLabel->setFont(QFont(font().family(), 12)); textLabel->setPen(Qt::NoPen); textLabel->setColor(Qt::red); } } void Focus::drawHFRPlot() { // DrawHFRPlot is the base on which other things are built upon. // Clear any previous annotations. HFRPlot->clearItems(); v_graph->setData(hfr_position, hfr_value); drawHFRIndeces(); double minHFRVal = currentHFR / 2.5; if (hfr_value.size() > 0) minHFRVal = std::max(0, static_cast(0.9 * *std::min_element(hfr_value.begin(), hfr_value.end()))); // True for the position-based algorithms and those that simulate position. if (inFocusLoop == false && (canAbsMove || canRelMove || (focusAlgorithm == FOCUS_LINEAR))) { const double minPosition = hfr_position.empty() ? 0 : *std::min_element(hfr_position.constBegin(), hfr_position.constEnd()); const double maxPosition = hfr_position.empty() ? 1e6 : *std::max_element(hfr_position.constBegin(), hfr_position.constEnd()); HFRPlot->xAxis->setRange(minPosition - pulseDuration, maxPosition + pulseDuration); HFRPlot->yAxis->setRange(minHFRVal, maxHFR); } else { //HFRPlot->xAxis->setLabel(i18n("Iteration")); HFRPlot->xAxis->setRange(1, hfr_value.count() + 1); HFRPlot->yAxis->setRange(currentHFR / 2.5, maxHFR * 1.25); } HFRPlot->replot(); } void Focus::drawProfilePlot() { QVector currentIndexes; QVector currentFrequencies; // HFR = 50% * 1.36 = 68% aka one standard deviation double stdDev = currentHFR * 1.36; float start = -stdDev * 4; float end = stdDev * 4; float step = stdDev * 4 / 20.0; for (double x = start; x < end; x += step) { currentIndexes.append(x); currentFrequencies.append((1 / (stdDev * sqrt(2 * M_PI))) * exp(-1 * (x * x) / (2 * (stdDev * stdDev)))); } currentGaus->setData(currentIndexes, currentFrequencies); if (lastGausIndexes.count() > 0) lastGaus->setData(lastGausIndexes, lastGausFrequencies); if (focusType == FOCUS_AUTO && firstGaus == nullptr) { firstGaus = profilePlot->addGraph(); QPen pen; pen.setStyle(Qt::DashDotLine); pen.setWidth(2); pen.setColor(Qt::darkMagenta); firstGaus->setPen(pen); firstGaus->setData(currentIndexes, currentFrequencies); } else if (firstGaus) { profilePlot->removeGraph(firstGaus); firstGaus = nullptr; } profilePlot->rescaleAxes(); profilePlot->replot(); lastGausIndexes = currentIndexes; lastGausFrequencies = currentFrequencies; profilePixmap = profilePlot->grab(); //.scaled(200, 200, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); emit newProfilePixmap(profilePixmap); } bool Focus::autoFocusChecks() { if (++absIterations > MAXIMUM_ABS_ITERATIONS) { appendLogText(i18n("Autofocus failed to reach proper focus. Try increasing tolerance value.")); abort(); setAutoFocusResult(false); return false; } // No stars detected, try to capture again if (currentHFR == -1) { if (noStarCount < MAX_RECAPTURE_RETRIES) { appendLogText(i18n("No stars detected, capturing again...")); capture(); noStarCount++; return false; } else if (noStarCount == MAX_RECAPTURE_RETRIES) { currentHFR = 20; noStarCount++; } else { appendLogText(i18n("Failed to detect any stars. Reset frame and try again.")); abort(); setAutoFocusResult(false); return false; } } else noStarCount = 0; return true; } void Focus::autoFocusLinear() { if (!autoFocusChecks()) return; if (!canAbsMove && !canRelMove && canTimerMove) { const bool kFixPosition = true; if (kFixPosition && (linearRequestedPosition != static_cast(currentPosition))) { qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "Linear: warning, changing position " << currentPosition << " to " << linearRequestedPosition; currentPosition = linearRequestedPosition; } } hfr_position.append(currentPosition); hfr_value.append(currentHFR); drawHFRPlot(); if (hfr_position.size() > 3) { polynomialFit.reset(new PolynomialFit(2, hfr_position, hfr_value)); double min_position, min_value; const FocusAlgorithmInterface::FocusParams ¶ms = linearFocuser->getParams(); double searchMin = std::max(params.minPositionAllowed, params.startPosition - params.maxTravel); double searchMax = std::min(params.maxPositionAllowed, params.startPosition + params.maxTravel); if (polynomialFit->findMinimum(linearFocuser->getParams().startPosition, searchMin, searchMax, &min_position, &min_value)) { QPen pen; pen.setWidth(1); pen.setColor(QColor(180, 180, 180)); polynomialGraph->setPen(pen); polynomialFit->drawPolynomial(HFRPlot, polynomialGraph); polynomialFit->drawMinimum(HFRPlot, focusPoint, min_position, min_value, font()); } else { // During development of this algorithm, we show the polynomial graph in red if // no minimum was found. That happens when the order-2 polynomial is an inverted U // instead of a U shape (i.e. it has a maximum, but no minimum). QPen pen; pen.setWidth(1); pen.setColor(QColor(254, 0, 0)); polynomialGraph->setPen(pen); polynomialFit->drawPolynomial(HFRPlot, polynomialGraph); polynomialGraph->data()->clear(); focusPoint->data()->clear(); } } linearRequestedPosition = linearFocuser->newMeasurement(currentPosition, currentHFR); const int nextPosition = adjustLinearPosition(static_cast(currentPosition), linearRequestedPosition); if (linearRequestedPosition == -1) { if (linearFocuser->isDone() && linearFocuser->solution() != -1) { appendLogText(i18np("Autofocus complete after %1 iteration.", "Autofocus complete after %1 iterations.", hfr_position.count())); stop(); setAutoFocusResult(true); } else { qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << linearFocuser->doneReason(); appendLogText("Linear autofocus algorithm aborted."); abort(); setAutoFocusResult(false); } return; } else { const int delta = nextPosition - currentPosition; if (!changeFocus(delta)) { abort(); setAutoFocusResult(false); } return; } } void Focus::autoFocusAbs() { static int minHFRPos = 0, focusOutLimit = 0, focusInLimit = 0; static double minHFR = 0; double targetPosition = 0, delta = 0; QString deltaTxt = QString("%1").arg(fabs(currentHFR - minHFR) * 100.0, 0, 'g', 3); QString HFRText = QString("%1").arg(currentHFR, 0, 'g', 3); qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "========================================"; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "Current HFR: " << currentHFR << " Current Position: " << currentPosition; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "Last minHFR: " << minHFR << " Last MinHFR Pos: " << minHFRPos; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "Delta: " << deltaTxt << "%"; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "========================================"; if (minHFR) appendLogText(i18n("FITS received. HFR %1 @ %2. Delta (%3%)", HFRText, currentPosition, deltaTxt)); else appendLogText(i18n("FITS received. HFR %1 @ %2.", HFRText, currentPosition)); if (!autoFocusChecks()) return; hfr_position.append(currentPosition); hfr_value.append(currentHFR); drawHFRPlot(); switch (lastFocusDirection) { case FOCUS_NONE: lastHFR = currentHFR; initialFocuserAbsPosition = currentPosition; minHFR = currentHFR; minHFRPos = currentPosition; HFRDec = 0; HFRInc = 0; focusOutLimit = 0; focusInLimit = 0; if (!changeFocus(pulseDuration)) { abort(); setAutoFocusResult(false); } break; case FOCUS_IN: case FOCUS_OUT: static int lastHFRPos = 0, initSlopePos = 0; static double initSlopeHFR = 0; if (reverseDir && focusInLimit && focusOutLimit && fabs(currentHFR - minHFR) < (toleranceIN->value() / 100.0) && HFRInc == 0) { if (absIterations <= 2) { appendLogText( i18n("Change in HFR is too small. Try increasing the step size or decreasing the tolerance.")); abort(); setAutoFocusResult(false); } else if (noStarCount > 0) { appendLogText(i18n("Failed to detect focus star in frame. Capture and select a focus star.")); abort(); setAutoFocusResult(false); } else { appendLogText(i18n("Autofocus complete after %1 iterations.", hfr_position.count())); stop(); setAutoFocusResult(true); if (focusAlgorithm == FOCUS_POLYNOMIAL) graphPolynomialFunction(); } break; } else if (currentHFR < lastHFR) { double slope = 0; // Let's try to calculate slope of the V curve. if (initSlopeHFR == 0 && HFRInc == 0 && HFRDec >= 1) { initSlopeHFR = lastHFR; initSlopePos = lastHFRPos; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "Setting initial slop to " << initSlopePos << " @ HFR " << initSlopeHFR; } // Let's now limit the travel distance of the focuser if (lastFocusDirection == FOCUS_OUT && lastHFRPos < focusInLimit && fabs(currentHFR - lastHFR) > 0.1) { focusInLimit = lastHFRPos; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "New FocusInLimit " << focusInLimit; } else if (lastFocusDirection == FOCUS_IN && lastHFRPos > focusOutLimit && fabs(currentHFR - lastHFR) > 0.1) { focusOutLimit = lastHFRPos; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "New FocusOutLimit " << focusOutLimit; } // If we have slope, get next target position if (initSlopeHFR && absMotionMax > 50) { double factor = 0.5; slope = (currentHFR - initSlopeHFR) / (currentPosition - initSlopePos); if (fabs(currentHFR - minHFR) * 100.0 < 0.5) factor = 1 - fabs(currentHFR - minHFR) * 10; targetPosition = currentPosition + (currentHFR * factor - currentHFR) / slope; if (targetPosition < 0) { factor = 1; while (targetPosition < 0 && factor > 0) { factor -= 0.005; targetPosition = currentPosition + (currentHFR * factor - currentHFR) / slope; } } qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "Using slope to calculate target pulse..."; } // Otherwise proceed iteratively else { if (lastFocusDirection == FOCUS_IN) targetPosition = currentPosition - pulseDuration; else targetPosition = currentPosition + pulseDuration; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "Proceeding iteratively to next target pulse ..."; } qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "V-Curve Slope " << slope << " current Position " << currentPosition << " targetPosition " << targetPosition; lastHFR = currentHFR; // Let's keep track of the minimum HFR if (lastHFR < minHFR) { minHFR = lastHFR; minHFRPos = currentPosition; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "new minHFR " << minHFR << " @ position " << minHFRPos; } lastHFRPos = currentPosition; // HFR is decreasing, we are on the right direction HFRDec++; HFRInc = 0; } else { // HFR increased, let's deal with it. HFRInc++; HFRDec = 0; // Reality Check: If it's first time, let's capture again and see if it changes. /*if (HFRInc <= 1 && reverseDir == false) { capture(); return; } // Looks like we're going away from optimal HFR else {*/ reverseDir = true; lastHFR = currentHFR; lastHFRPos = currentPosition; initSlopeHFR = 0; HFRInc = 0; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "Focus is moving away from optimal HFR."; // Let's set new limits if (lastFocusDirection == FOCUS_IN) { focusInLimit = currentPosition; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "Setting focus IN limit to " << focusInLimit; if (hfr_position.count() > 3) { focusOutLimit = hfr_position[hfr_position.count() - 3]; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "Setting focus OUT limit to " << focusOutLimit; } } else { focusOutLimit = currentPosition; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "Setting focus OUT limit to " << focusOutLimit; if (hfr_position.count() > 3) { focusInLimit = hfr_position[hfr_position.count() - 3]; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "Setting focus IN limit to " << focusInLimit; } } bool polyMinimumFound = false; if (focusAlgorithm == FOCUS_POLYNOMIAL && hfr_position.count() > 5) { polynomialFit.reset(new PolynomialFit(3, hfr_position, hfr_value)); double a = *std::min_element(hfr_position.constBegin(), hfr_position.constEnd()); double b = *std::max_element(hfr_position.constBegin(), hfr_position.constEnd()); double min_position = 0, min_hfr = 0; polyMinimumFound = polynomialFit->findMinimum(minHFRPos, a, b, &min_position, &min_hfr); qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "Found Minimum?" << (polyMinimumFound ? "Yes" : "No"); if (polyMinimumFound) { qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "Minimum Solution:" << min_hfr << "@" << min_position; polySolutionFound++; targetPosition = floor(min_position); appendLogText(i18n("Found polynomial solution @ %1", QString::number(min_position, 'f', 0))); polynomialFit->drawPolynomial(HFRPlot, polynomialGraph); polynomialFit->drawMinimum(HFRPlot, focusPoint, min_position, min_hfr, font()); } } if (polyMinimumFound == false) { // Decrease pulse pulseDuration = pulseDuration * 0.75; // Let's get close to the minimum HFR position so far detected if (lastFocusDirection == FOCUS_OUT) targetPosition = minHFRPos - pulseDuration / 2; else targetPosition = minHFRPos + pulseDuration / 2; } qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "new targetPosition " << targetPosition; } // Limit target Pulse to algorithm limits if (focusInLimit != 0 && lastFocusDirection == FOCUS_IN && targetPosition < focusInLimit) { targetPosition = focusInLimit; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "Limiting target pulse to focus in limit " << targetPosition; } else if (focusOutLimit != 0 && lastFocusDirection == FOCUS_OUT && targetPosition > focusOutLimit) { targetPosition = focusOutLimit; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "Limiting target pulse to focus out limit " << targetPosition; } // Limit target pulse to focuser limits if (targetPosition < absMotionMin) targetPosition = absMotionMin; else if (targetPosition > absMotionMax) targetPosition = absMotionMax; // Ops, we can't go any further, we're done. if (targetPosition == currentPosition) { appendLogText(i18n("Autofocus complete after %1 iterations.", hfr_position.count())); stop(); setAutoFocusResult(true); if (focusAlgorithm == FOCUS_POLYNOMIAL) graphPolynomialFunction(); return; } // Ops, deadlock if (focusOutLimit && focusOutLimit == focusInLimit) { appendLogText(i18n("Deadlock reached. Please try again with different settings.")); abort(); setAutoFocusResult(false); return; } if (fabs(targetPosition - initialFocuserAbsPosition) > maxTravelIN->value()) { int minTravelLimit = qMax(0.0, initialFocuserAbsPosition - maxTravelIN->value()); int maxTravelLimit = qMin(absMotionMax, initialFocuserAbsPosition + maxTravelIN->value()); // In case we are asked to go below travel limit, but we are not there yet // let us go there and see the result before aborting if (fabs(currentPosition - minTravelLimit) > 10 && targetPosition < minTravelLimit) { targetPosition = minTravelLimit; } // Same for max travel else if (fabs(currentPosition - maxTravelLimit) > 10 && targetPosition > maxTravelLimit) { targetPosition = maxTravelLimit; } else { qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "targetPosition (" << targetPosition << ") - initHFRAbsPos (" << initialFocuserAbsPosition << ") exceeds maxTravel distance of " << maxTravelIN->value(); appendLogText("Maximum travel limit reached. Autofocus aborted."); abort(); setAutoFocusResult(false); break; } } // Get delta for next move delta = (targetPosition - currentPosition); qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "delta (targetPosition - currentPosition) " << delta; // Limit to Maximum permitted delta (Max Single Step Size) double limitedDelta = qMax(-1.0 * maxSingleStepIN->value(), qMin(1.0 * maxSingleStepIN->value(), delta)); if (std::fabs(limitedDelta - delta) > 0) { qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "Limited delta to maximum permitted single step " << maxSingleStepIN->value(); delta = limitedDelta; } // Now cross your fingers and wait if (!changeFocus(delta)) { abort(); setAutoFocusResult(false); } break; } } void Focus::graphPolynomialFunction() { if (polynomialGraph && polynomialFit) { polynomialGraphIsShown = true; polynomialFit->drawPolynomial(HFRPlot, polynomialGraph); } } void Focus::autoFocusRel() { static int noStarCount = 0; static double minHFR = 1e6; QString deltaTxt = QString("%1").arg(fabs(currentHFR - minHFR) * 100.0, 0, 'g', 2); QString minHFRText = QString("%1").arg(minHFR, 0, 'g', 3); QString HFRText = QString("%1").arg(currentHFR, 0, 'g', 3); appendLogText(i18n("FITS received. HFR %1. Delta (%2%) Min HFR (%3)", HFRText, deltaTxt, minHFRText)); if (pulseDuration <= MINIMUM_PULSE_TIMER) { appendLogText(i18n("Autofocus failed to reach proper focus. Try adjusting the tolerance value.")); abort(); setAutoFocusResult(false); return; } // No stars detected, try to capture again if (currentHFR == -1) { if (noStarCount++ < MAX_RECAPTURE_RETRIES) { appendLogText(i18n("No stars detected, capturing again...")); capture(); return; } else currentHFR = 20; } else noStarCount = 0; switch (lastFocusDirection) { case FOCUS_NONE: lastHFR = currentHFR; minHFR = 1e6; changeFocus(-pulseDuration); break; case FOCUS_IN: case FOCUS_OUT: if (fabs(currentHFR - minHFR) < (toleranceIN->value() / 100.0) && HFRInc == 0) { appendLogText(i18n("Autofocus complete after %1 iterations.", hfr_position.count())); stop(); setAutoFocusResult(true); if (focusAlgorithm == FOCUS_POLYNOMIAL) graphPolynomialFunction(); break; } else if (currentHFR < lastHFR) { if (currentHFR < minHFR) minHFR = currentHFR; lastHFR = currentHFR; changeFocus(lastFocusDirection == FOCUS_IN ? -pulseDuration : pulseDuration); HFRInc = 0; } else { HFRInc++; lastHFR = currentHFR; HFRInc = 0; pulseDuration *= 0.75; if (!changeFocus(lastFocusDirection == FOCUS_IN ? pulseDuration : -pulseDuration)) { abort(); setAutoFocusResult(false); } } break; } } /*void Focus::registerFocusProperty(INDI::Property *prop) { // Return if it is not our current focuser if (strcmp(prop->getDeviceName(), currentFocuser->getDeviceName())) return; // Do not make unnecessary function call // Check if current focuser supports absolute mode if (canAbsMove == false && currentFocuser->canAbsMove()) { canAbsMove = true; getAbsFocusPosition(); absTicksSpin->setEnabled(true); absTicksLabel->setEnabled(true); startGotoB->setEnabled(true); } // Do not make unnecessary function call // Check if current focuser supports relative mode if (canRelMove == false && currentFocuser->canRelMove()) canRelMove = true; if (canTimerMove == false && currentFocuser->canTimerMove()) { canTimerMove = true; resetButtons(); } }*/ void Focus::autoFocusProcessPositionChange(IPState state) { if (state == IPS_OK && captureInProgress == false) { // Normally, if we are auto-focusing, after we move the focuser we capture an image. // However, the Linear algorithm, at the start of its passes, requires two // consecutive focuser moves--the first out further than we want, and a second // move back in, so that we eliminate backlash and are always moving in before a capture. if (focuserAdditionalMovement > 0) { int temp = focuserAdditionalMovement; focuserAdditionalMovement = 0; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << QString("LinearFocuser: un-doing extension. Moving back in by %1").arg(temp); if (!focusIn(temp)) { appendLogText(i18n("Focuser error, check INDI panel.")); abort(); setAutoFocusResult(false); } } else { QTimer::singleShot(FocusSettleTime->value() * 1000, this, &Ekos::Focus::capture); } } else if (state == IPS_ALERT) { appendLogText(i18n("Focuser error, check INDI panel.")); abort(); setAutoFocusResult(false); } } void Focus::processFocusNumber(INumberVectorProperty *nvp) { // Return if it is not our current focuser if (nvp->device != currentFocuser->getDeviceName()) return; // Only process focus properties if (QString(nvp->name).contains("focus", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == false) return; // qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << QString("processFocusNumber %1 state: %2") // .arg(nvp->name).arg(nvp->s); if (!strcmp(nvp->name, "FOCUS_BACKLASH_STEPS")) { focusBacklashSpin->setValue(nvp->np[0].value); return; } if (!strcmp(nvp->name, "FOCUS_TEMPERATURE")) { currentTemperature = nvp->np[0].value; if (lastFocusTemperature != INVALID_VALUE && currentTemperature != INVALID_VALUE) { emit newFocusTemperatureDelta(abs(currentTemperature - lastFocusTemperature)); } else { emit newFocusTemperatureDelta(0); } return; } if (!strcmp(nvp->name, "ABS_FOCUS_POSITION")) { INumber *pos = IUFindNumber(nvp, "FOCUS_ABSOLUTE_POSITION"); if (pos) { currentPosition = pos->value; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << QString("Abs Focuser position changed to %1").arg(currentPosition); absTicksLabel->setText(QString::number(static_cast(currentPosition))); emit absolutePositionChanged(currentPosition); } if (adjustFocus && nvp->s == IPS_OK) { adjustFocus = false; lastFocusDirection = FOCUS_NONE; emit focusPositionAdjusted(); return; } if (resetFocus && nvp->s == IPS_OK) { resetFocus = false; appendLogText(i18n("Restarting autofocus process...")); start(); } if (canAbsMove && inAutoFocus) { autoFocusProcessPositionChange(nvp->s); } else if (nvp->s == IPS_ALERT) appendLogText(i18n("Focuser error, check INDI panel.")); return; } if (canAbsMove) return; if (!strcmp(nvp->name, "manualfocusdrive")) { INumber *pos = IUFindNumber(nvp, "manualfocusdrive"); if (pos && nvp->s == IPS_OK) { currentPosition += pos->value; absTicksLabel->setText(QString::number(static_cast(currentPosition))); emit absolutePositionChanged(currentPosition); } if (adjustFocus && nvp->s == IPS_OK) { adjustFocus = false; lastFocusDirection = FOCUS_NONE; emit focusPositionAdjusted(); return; } if (resetFocus && nvp->s == IPS_OK) { resetFocus = false; appendLogText(i18n("Restarting autofocus process...")); start(); } if (canRelMove && inAutoFocus) { autoFocusProcessPositionChange(nvp->s); } else if (nvp->s == IPS_ALERT) appendLogText(i18n("Focuser error, check INDI panel.")); return; } if (!strcmp(nvp->name, "REL_FOCUS_POSITION")) { INumber *pos = IUFindNumber(nvp, "FOCUS_RELATIVE_POSITION"); if (pos && nvp->s == IPS_OK) { currentPosition += pos->value * (lastFocusDirection == FOCUS_IN ? -1 : 1); qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << QString("Rel Focuser position changed by %1 to %2") .arg(pos->value).arg(currentPosition); absTicksLabel->setText(QString::number(static_cast(currentPosition))); emit absolutePositionChanged(currentPosition); } if (adjustFocus && nvp->s == IPS_OK) { adjustFocus = false; lastFocusDirection = FOCUS_NONE; emit focusPositionAdjusted(); return; } if (resetFocus && nvp->s == IPS_OK) { resetFocus = false; appendLogText(i18n("Restarting autofocus process...")); start(); } if (canRelMove && inAutoFocus) { autoFocusProcessPositionChange(nvp->s); } else if (nvp->s == IPS_ALERT) appendLogText(i18n("Focuser error, check INDI panel.")); return; } if (canRelMove) return; if (!strcmp(nvp->name, "FOCUS_TIMER")) { if (resetFocus && nvp->s == IPS_OK) { resetFocus = false; appendLogText(i18n("Restarting autofocus process...")); start(); } if (canAbsMove == false && canRelMove == false && inAutoFocus) { // Used by the linear focus algorithm. Ignored if that's not in use for the timer-focuser. INumber *pos = IUFindNumber(nvp, "FOCUS_TIMER_VALUE"); if (pos) { currentPosition += pos->value * (lastFocusDirection == FOCUS_IN ? -1 : 1); qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << QString("Timer Focuser position changed by %1 to %2") .arg(pos->value).arg(currentPosition); } autoFocusProcessPositionChange(nvp->s); } else if (nvp->s == IPS_ALERT) appendLogText(i18n("Focuser error, check INDI panel.")); return; } } void Focus::appendLogText(const QString &text) { m_LogText.insert(0, i18nc("log entry; %1 is the date, %2 is the text", "%1 %2", KStarsData::Instance()->lt().toString("yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss"), text)); qCInfo(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << text; emit newLog(text); } void Focus::clearLog() { m_LogText.clear(); emit newLog(QString()); } void Focus::startFraming() { if (currentCCD == nullptr) { appendLogText(i18n("No CCD connected.")); return; } waitStarSelectTimer.stop(); inFocusLoop = true; HFRFrames.clear(); clearDataPoints(); //emit statusUpdated(true); state = Ekos::FOCUS_FRAMING; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "State:" << Ekos::getFocusStatusString(state); emit newStatus(state); resetButtons(); appendLogText(i18n("Starting continuous exposure...")); capture(); } void Focus::resetButtons() { if (inFocusLoop) { startFocusB->setEnabled(false); startLoopB->setEnabled(false); stopFocusB->setEnabled(true); captureB->setEnabled(false); return; } if (inAutoFocus) { stopFocusB->setEnabled(true); startFocusB->setEnabled(false); startLoopB->setEnabled(false); captureB->setEnabled(false); focusOutB->setEnabled(false); focusInB->setEnabled(false); startGotoB->setEnabled(false); stopGotoB->setEnabled(false); resetFrameB->setEnabled(false); return; } if (currentFocuser) { focusOutB->setEnabled(true); focusInB->setEnabled(true); startFocusB->setEnabled(focusType == FOCUS_AUTO); startGotoB->setEnabled(canAbsMove); stopGotoB->setEnabled(true); } else { focusOutB->setEnabled(false); focusInB->setEnabled(false); startFocusB->setEnabled(false); startGotoB->setEnabled(false); stopGotoB->setEnabled(false); } stopFocusB->setEnabled(false); startLoopB->setEnabled(true); if (captureInProgress == false) { captureB->setEnabled(true); resetFrameB->setEnabled(true); } } void Focus::updateBoxSize(int value) { if (currentCCD == nullptr) return; ISD::CCDChip *targetChip = currentCCD->getChip(ISD::CCDChip::PRIMARY_CCD); if (targetChip == nullptr) return; int subBinX, subBinY; targetChip->getBinning(&subBinX, &subBinY); QRect trackBox = focusView->getTrackingBox(); QPoint center(trackBox.x() + (trackBox.width() / 2), trackBox.y() + (trackBox.height() / 2)); trackBox = QRect(center.x() - value / (2 * subBinX), center.y() - value / (2 * subBinY), value / subBinX, value / subBinY); focusView->setTrackingBox(trackBox); } void Focus::focusStarSelected(int x, int y) { if (state == Ekos::FOCUS_PROGRESS) return; if (subFramed == false) { rememberStarCenter.setX(x); rememberStarCenter.setY(y); } ISD::CCDChip *targetChip = currentCCD->getChip(ISD::CCDChip::PRIMARY_CCD); int subBinX, subBinY; targetChip->getBinning(&subBinX, &subBinY); // If binning was changed outside of the focus module, recapture if (subBinX != activeBin) { capture(); return; } int offset = (static_cast(focusBoxSize->value()) / subBinX) * 1.5; QRect starRect; bool squareMovedOutside = false; if (subFramed == false && useSubFrame->isChecked() && targetChip->canSubframe()) { int minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minW, maxW, minH, maxH; //, fx,fy,fw,fh; targetChip->getFrameMinMax(&minX, &maxX, &minY, &maxY, &minW, &maxW, &minH, &maxH); //targetChip->getFrame(&fx, &fy, &fw, &fy); x = (x - offset) * subBinX; y = (y - offset) * subBinY; int w = offset * 2 * subBinX; int h = offset * 2 * subBinY; if (x < minX) x = minX; if (y < minY) y = minY; if ((x + w) > maxW) w = maxW - x; if ((y + h) > maxH) h = maxH - y; //fx += x; //fy += y; //fw = w; //fh = h; //targetChip->setFocusFrame(fx, fy, fw, fh); //frameModified=true; QVariantMap settings = frameSettings[targetChip]; settings["x"] = x; settings["y"] = y; settings["w"] = w; settings["h"] = h; settings["binx"] = subBinX; settings["biny"] = subBinY; frameSettings[targetChip] = settings; subFramed = true; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "Frame is subframed. X:" << x << "Y:" << y << "W:" << w << "H:" << h << "binX:" << subBinX << "binY:" << subBinY; focusView->setFirstLoad(true); capture(); //starRect = QRect((w-focusBoxSize->value())/(subBinX*2), (h-focusBoxSize->value())/(subBinY*2), focusBoxSize->value()/subBinX, focusBoxSize->value()/subBinY); starCenter.setX(w / (2 * subBinX)); starCenter.setY(h / (2 * subBinY)); } else { //starRect = QRect(x-focusBoxSize->value()/(subBinX*2), y-focusBoxSize->value()/(subBinY*2), focusBoxSize->value()/subBinX, focusBoxSize->value()/subBinY); double dist = sqrt((starCenter.x() - x) * (starCenter.x() - x) + (starCenter.y() - y) * (starCenter.y() - y)); squareMovedOutside = (dist > (static_cast(focusBoxSize->value()) / subBinX)); starCenter.setX(x); starCenter.setY(y); //starRect = QRect( starCenter.x()-focusBoxSize->value()/(2*subBinX), starCenter.y()-focusBoxSize->value()/(2*subBinY), focusBoxSize->value()/subBinX, focusBoxSize->value()/subBinY); starRect = QRect(starCenter.x() - focusBoxSize->value() / (2 * subBinX), starCenter.y() - focusBoxSize->value() / (2 * subBinY), focusBoxSize->value() / subBinX, focusBoxSize->value() / subBinY); focusView->setTrackingBox(starRect); } starsHFR.clear(); starCenter.setZ(subBinX); //starSelected=true; defaultScale = static_cast(filterCombo->currentIndex()); if (squareMovedOutside && inAutoFocus == false && useAutoStar->isChecked()) { useAutoStar->blockSignals(true); useAutoStar->setChecked(false); useAutoStar->blockSignals(false); appendLogText(i18n("Disabling Auto Star Selection as star selection box was moved manually.")); starSelected = false; } else if (starSelected == false) { appendLogText(i18n("Focus star is selected.")); starSelected = true; capture(); } waitStarSelectTimer.stop(); state = inAutoFocus ? FOCUS_PROGRESS : FOCUS_IDLE; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "State:" << Ekos::getFocusStatusString(state); emit newStatus(state); } void Focus::checkFocus(double requiredHFR) { qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "Check Focus requested with minimum required HFR" << requiredHFR; minimumRequiredHFR = requiredHFR; capture(); } void Focus::toggleSubframe(bool enable) { if (enable == false) resetFrame(); starSelected = false; starCenter = QVector3D(); if (useFullField->isChecked()) useFullField->setChecked(!enable); } void Focus::filterChangeWarning(int index) { // index = 4 is MEDIAN filter which helps reduce noise if (index != 0 && index != FITS_MEDIAN) appendLogText(i18n("Warning: Only use filters for preview as they may interface with autofocus operation.")); Options::setFocusEffect(index); defaultScale = static_cast(index); } void Focus::setExposure(double value) { exposureIN->setValue(value); } void Focus::setBinning(int subBinX, int subBinY) { INDI_UNUSED(subBinY); binningCombo->setCurrentIndex(subBinX - 1); } void Focus::setImageFilter(const QString &value) { for (int i = 0; i < filterCombo->count(); i++) if (filterCombo->itemText(i) == value) { filterCombo->setCurrentIndex(i); break; } } void Focus::setAutoStarEnabled(bool enable) { useAutoStar->setChecked(enable); Options::setFocusAutoStarEnabled(enable); } void Focus::setAutoSubFrameEnabled(bool enable) { useSubFrame->setChecked(enable); Options::setFocusSubFrame(enable); } void Focus::setAutoFocusParameters(int boxSize, int stepSize, int maxTravel, double tolerance) { focusBoxSize->setValue(boxSize); stepIN->setValue(stepSize); maxTravelIN->setValue(maxTravel); toleranceIN->setValue(tolerance); } void Focus::setAutoFocusResult(bool status) { qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "AutoFocus result:" << status; if (status) { // CR add auto focus position, temperature and filter to log in CSV format // this will help with setting up focus offsets and temperature compensation qCInfo(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "Autofocus values: position, " << currentPosition << ", temperature, " << currentTemperature << ", filter, " << filter(); lastFocusTemperature = currentTemperature; emit newFocusTemperatureDelta(0); } // In case of failure, go back to last position if the focuser is absolute if (status == false && canAbsMove && currentFocuser && currentFocuser->isConnected() && initialFocuserAbsPosition >= 0) { currentFocuser->moveAbs(initialFocuserAbsPosition); appendLogText(i18n("Autofocus failed, moving back to initial focus position %1.", initialFocuserAbsPosition)); // If we're doing in sequence focusing using an absolute focuser, let's retry focusing starting from last known good position before we give up if (inSequenceFocus && resetFocusIteration++ < MAXIMUM_RESET_ITERATIONS && resetFocus == false) { resetFocus = true; // Reset focus frame in case the star in subframe was lost resetFrame(); return; } } int settleTime = m_GuidingSuspended ? GuideSettleTime->value() : 0; // Always resume guiding if we suspended it before if (m_GuidingSuspended) { emit resumeGuiding(); m_GuidingSuspended = false; } resetFocusIteration = 0; if (settleTime > 0) appendLogText(i18n("Settling...")); QTimer::singleShot(settleTime * 1000, this, [ &, status, settleTime]() { if (settleTime > 0) appendLogText(i18n("Settling complete.")); if (status) { KSNotification::event(QLatin1String("FocusSuccessful"), i18n("Autofocus operation completed successfully")); state = Ekos::FOCUS_COMPLETE; } else { KSNotification::event(QLatin1String("FocusFailed"), i18n("Autofocus operation failed with errors"), KSNotification::EVENT_ALERT); state = Ekos::FOCUS_FAILED; } qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "State:" << Ekos::getFocusStatusString(state); // Do not emit result back yet if we have a locked filter pending return to original filter if (fallbackFilterPending) { filterManager->setFilterPosition(fallbackFilterPosition, static_cast(FilterManager::CHANGE_POLICY | FilterManager::OFFSET_POLICY)); return; } emit newStatus(state); }); } void Focus::checkAutoStarTimeout() { //if (starSelected == false && inAutoFocus) if (starCenter.isNull() && (inAutoFocus || minimumRequiredHFR > 0)) { if (inAutoFocus) { if (rememberStarCenter.isNull() == false) { focusStarSelected(rememberStarCenter.x(), rememberStarCenter.y()); appendLogText(i18n("No star was selected. Using last known position...")); return; } } appendLogText(i18n("No star was selected. Aborting...")); initialFocuserAbsPosition = -1; abort(); setAutoFocusResult(false); } else if (state == FOCUS_WAITING) { state = FOCUS_IDLE; qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "State:" << Ekos::getFocusStatusString(state); emit newStatus(state); } } void Focus::setAbsoluteFocusTicks() { if (currentFocuser == nullptr) return; if (currentFocuser->isConnected() == false) { appendLogText(i18n("Error: Lost connection to Focuser.")); return; } qCDebug(KSTARS_EKOS_FOCUS) << "Setting focus ticks to " << absTicksSpin->value(); currentFocuser->moveAbs(absTicksSpin->value()); } //void Focus::setActiveBinning(int bin) //{ // activeBin = bin + 1; // Options::setFocusXBin(activeBin); //} // TODO remove from kstars.kcfg /*void Focus::setFrames(int value) { Options::setFocusFrames(value); }*/ void Focus::syncTrackingBoxPosition() { ISD::CCDChip *targetChip = currentCCD->getChip(ISD::CCDChip::PRIMARY_CCD); Q_ASSERT(targetChip); int subBinX = 1, subBinY = 1; targetChip->getBinning(&subBinX, &subBinY); if (starCenter.isNull() == false) { double boxSize = focusBoxSize->value(); int x, y, w, h; targetChip->getFrame(&x, &y, &w, &h); // If box size is larger than image size, set it to lower index if (boxSize / subBinX >= w || boxSize / subBinY >= h) { focusBoxSize->setValue((boxSize / subBinX >= w) ? w : h); return; } // If binning changed, update coords accordingly if (subBinX != starCenter.z()) { if (starCenter.z() > 0) { starCenter.setX(starCenter.x() * (starCenter.z() / subBinX)); starCenter.setY(starCenter.y() * (starCenter.z() / subBinY)); } starCenter.setZ(subBinX); } QRect starRect = QRect(starCenter.x() - boxSize / (2 * subBinX), starCenter.y() - boxSize / (2 * subBinY), boxSize / subBinX, boxSize / subBinY); focusView->setTrackingBoxEnabled(true); focusView->setTrackingBox(starRect); } } void Focus::showFITSViewer() { FITSData *data = focusView->getImageData(); if (data) { QUrl url = QUrl::fromLocalFile(data->filename()); if (fv.isNull()) { if (Options::singleWindowCapturedFITS()) fv = KStars::Instance()->genericFITSViewer(); else { fv = new FITSViewer(Options::independentWindowFITS() ? nullptr : KStars::Instance()); KStars::Instance()->addFITSViewer(fv); } fv->addFITS(url); FITSView *currentView = fv->getCurrentView(); if (currentView) currentView->getImageData()->setAutoRemoveTemporaryFITS(false); } else fv->updateFITS(url, 0); fv->show(); } } void Focus::adjustFocusOffset(int value, bool useAbsoluteOffset) { adjustFocus = true; int relativeOffset = 0; if (useAbsoluteOffset == false) relativeOffset = value; else relativeOffset = value - currentPosition; changeFocus(relativeOffset); } void Focus::toggleFocusingWidgetFullScreen() { if (focusingWidget->parent() == nullptr) { focusingWidget->setParent(this); rightLayout->insertWidget(0, focusingWidget); focusingWidget->showNormal(); } else { focusingWidget->setParent(nullptr); focusingWidget->setWindowTitle(i18n("Focus Frame")); focusingWidget->setWindowFlags(Qt::Window | Qt::WindowTitleHint | Qt::CustomizeWindowHint); focusingWidget->showMaximized(); focusingWidget->show(); } } void Focus::setMountStatus(ISD::Telescope::Status newState) { switch (newState) { case ISD::Telescope::MOUNT_PARKING: case ISD::Telescope::MOUNT_SLEWING: case ISD::Telescope::MOUNT_MOVING: captureB->setEnabled(false); startFocusB->setEnabled(false); startLoopB->setEnabled(false); // If mount is moved while we have a star selected and subframed // let us reset the frame. if (subFramed) resetFrame(); break; default: resetButtons(); break; } } void Focus::removeDevice(ISD::GDInterface *deviceRemoved) { // Check in Focusers for (ISD::GDInterface *focuser : Focusers) { if (focuser->getDeviceName() == deviceRemoved->getDeviceName()) { Focusers.removeAll(dynamic_cast(focuser)); focuserCombo->removeItem(focuserCombo->findText(focuser->getDeviceName())); checkFocuser(); resetButtons(); } } // Check in CCDs for (ISD::GDInterface *ccd : CCDs) { if (ccd->getDeviceName() == deviceRemoved->getDeviceName()) { CCDs.removeAll(dynamic_cast(ccd)); CCDCaptureCombo->removeItem(CCDCaptureCombo->findText(ccd->getDeviceName())); CCDCaptureCombo->removeItem(CCDCaptureCombo->findText(ccd->getDeviceName() + QString(" Guider"))); if (CCDs.empty()) { currentCCD = nullptr; CCDCaptureCombo->setCurrentIndex(-1); } else CCDCaptureCombo->setCurrentIndex(0); checkCCD(); resetButtons(); } } // Check in Filters for (ISD::GDInterface *filter : Filters) { if (filter->getDeviceName() == deviceRemoved->getDeviceName()) { Filters.removeAll(filter); FilterDevicesCombo->removeItem(FilterDevicesCombo->findText(filter->getDeviceName())); if (Filters.empty()) { currentFilter = nullptr; FilterDevicesCombo->setCurrentIndex(-1); } else FilterDevicesCombo->setCurrentIndex(0); checkFilter(); resetButtons(); } } } void Focus::setFilterManager(const QSharedPointer &manager) { filterManager = manager; connect(filterManagerB, &QPushButton::clicked, [this]() { filterManager->show(); filterManager->raise(); }); connect(filterManager.data(), &FilterManager::ready, [this]() { if (filterPositionPending) { filterPositionPending = false; capture(); } else if (fallbackFilterPending) { fallbackFilterPending = false; emit newStatus(state); } } ); connect(filterManager.data(), &FilterManager::failed, [this]() { appendLogText(i18n("Filter operation failed.")); abort(); } ); connect(this, &Focus::newStatus, [this](Ekos::FocusState state) { if (FilterPosCombo->currentIndex() != -1 && canAbsMove && state == Ekos::FOCUS_COMPLETE) { filterManager->setFilterAbsoluteFocusPosition(FilterPosCombo->currentIndex(), currentPosition); } }); connect(exposureIN, &QDoubleSpinBox::editingFinished, [this]() { if (currentFilter) filterManager->setFilterExposure(FilterPosCombo->currentIndex(), exposureIN->value()); else Options::setFocusExposure(exposureIN->value()); }); connect(filterManager.data(), &FilterManager::labelsChanged, this, [this]() { FilterPosCombo->clear(); FilterPosCombo->addItems(filterManager->getFilterLabels()); currentFilterPosition = filterManager->getFilterPosition(); FilterPosCombo->setCurrentIndex(currentFilterPosition - 1); //Options::setDefaultFocusFilterWheelFilter(FilterPosCombo->currentText()); }); connect(filterManager.data(), &FilterManager::positionChanged, this, [this]() { currentFilterPosition = filterManager->getFilterPosition(); FilterPosCombo->setCurrentIndex(currentFilterPosition - 1); //Options::setDefaultFocusFilterWheelFilter(FilterPosCombo->currentText()); }); connect(filterManager.data(), &FilterManager::exposureChanged, this, [this]() { exposureIN->setValue(filterManager->getFilterExposure()); }); connect(FilterPosCombo, static_cast(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), [ = ](const QString & text) { exposureIN->setValue(filterManager->getFilterExposure(text)); //Options::setDefaultFocusFilterWheelFilter(text); }); } void Focus::toggleVideo(bool enabled) { if (currentCCD == nullptr) return; if (currentCCD->isBLOBEnabled() == false) { if (Options::guiderType() != Ekos::Guide::GUIDE_INTERNAL) currentCCD->setBLOBEnabled(true); else { connect(KSMessageBox::Instance(), &KSMessageBox::accepted, this, [this, enabled]() { //QObject::disconnect(KSMessageBox::Instance(), &KSMessageBox::accepted, this, nullptr); KSMessageBox::Instance()->disconnect(this); currentCCD->setVideoStreamEnabled(enabled); }); KSMessageBox::Instance()->questionYesNo(i18n("Image transfer is disabled for this camera. Would you like to enable it?")); } } else currentCCD->setVideoStreamEnabled(enabled); } void Focus::setVideoStreamEnabled(bool enabled) { if (enabled) { liveVideoB->setChecked(true); liveVideoB->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("camera-on")); } else { liveVideoB->setChecked(false); liveVideoB->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("camera-ready")); } } void Focus::processCaptureTimeout() { captureTimeoutCounter++; if (captureTimeoutCounter >= 3) { captureTimeoutCounter = 0; appendLogText(i18n("Exposure timeout. Aborting...")); abort(); if (inAutoFocus) setAutoFocusResult(false); else if (m_GuidingSuspended) { emit resumeGuiding(); m_GuidingSuspended = false; } return; } appendLogText(i18n("Exposure timeout. Restarting exposure...")); ISD::CCDChip *targetChip = currentCCD->getChip(ISD::CCDChip::PRIMARY_CCD); targetChip->abortExposure(); targetChip->capture(exposureIN->value()); captureTimeout.start(exposureIN->value() * 1000 + FOCUS_TIMEOUT_THRESHOLD); } void Focus::processCaptureFailure() { captureFailureCounter++; if (captureFailureCounter >= 3) { captureFailureCounter = 0; appendLogText(i18n("Exposure failure. Aborting...")); abort(); if (inAutoFocus) setAutoFocusResult(false); else if (m_GuidingSuspended) { emit resumeGuiding(); m_GuidingSuspended = false; } return; } appendLogText(i18n("Exposure failure. Restarting exposure...")); ISD::CCDChip *targetChip = currentCCD->getChip(ISD::CCDChip::PRIMARY_CCD); targetChip->abortExposure(); targetChip->capture(exposureIN->value()); } void Focus::syncSettings() { QDoubleSpinBox *dsb = nullptr; QSpinBox *sb = nullptr; QCheckBox *cb = nullptr; QComboBox *cbox = nullptr; if ( (dsb = qobject_cast(sender()))) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Focuser Group /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (dsb == FocusSettleTime) Options::setFocusSettleTime(dsb->value()); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// CCD & Filter Wheel Group /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (dsb == gainIN) Options::setFocusGain(dsb->value()); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Settings Group /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (dsb == fullFieldInnerRing) Options::setFocusFullFieldInnerRadius(dsb->value()); else if (dsb == fullFieldOuterRing) Options::setFocusFullFieldOuterRadius(dsb->value()); else if (dsb == GuideSettleTime) Options::setGuideSettleTime(dsb->value()); else if (dsb == maxTravelIN) Options::setFocusMaxTravel(dsb->value()); else if (dsb == toleranceIN) Options::setFocusTolerance(dsb->value()); else if (dsb == thresholdSpin) Options::setFocusThreshold(dsb->value()); else if (dsb == gaussianSigmaSpin) Options::setFocusGaussianSigma(dsb->value()); } else if ( (sb = qobject_cast(sender()))) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Settings Group /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (sb == focusBoxSize) Options::setFocusBoxSize(sb->value()); else if (sb == stepIN) Options::setFocusTicks(sb->value()); else if (sb == maxSingleStepIN) Options::setFocusMaxSingleStep(sb->value()); else if (sb == focusFramesSpin) Options::setFocusFramesCount(sb->value()); else if (sb == gaussianKernelSizeSpin) Options::setFocusGaussianKernelSize(sb->value()); else if (sb == multiRowAverageSpin) Options::setFocusMultiRowAverage(sb->value()); } else if ( (cb = qobject_cast(sender()))) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Settings Group /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (cb == useAutoStar) Options::setFocusAutoStarEnabled(cb->isChecked()); else if (cb == useSubFrame) Options::setFocusSubFrame(cb->isChecked()); else if (cb == darkFrameCheck) Options::setUseFocusDarkFrame(cb->isChecked()); else if (cb == useFullField) Options::setFocusUseFullField(cb->isChecked()); else if (cb == suspendGuideCheck) Options::setSuspendGuiding(cb->isChecked()); } else if ( (cbox = qobject_cast(sender()))) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// CCD & Filter Wheel Group /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (cbox == focuserCombo) Options::setDefaultFocusFocuser(cbox->currentText()); else if (cbox == CCDCaptureCombo) Options::setDefaultFocusCCD(cbox->currentText()); else if (cbox == binningCombo) { activeBin = cbox->currentIndex() + 1; Options::setFocusXBin(activeBin); } else if (cbox == FilterDevicesCombo) Options::setDefaultFocusFilterWheel(cbox->currentText()); // Filter Effects already taken care of in filterChangeWarning /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Settings Group /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (cbox == focusAlgorithmCombo) Options::setFocusAlgorithm(cbox->currentIndex()); else if (cbox == focusDetectionCombo) Options::setFocusDetection(cbox->currentIndex()); } } void Focus::loadSettings() { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Focuser Group /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Focus settle time FocusSettleTime->setValue(Options::focusSettleTime()); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// CCD & Filter Wheel Group /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Default Exposure exposureIN->setValue(Options::focusExposure()); // Binning activeBin = Options::focusXBin(); binningCombo->setCurrentIndex(activeBin - 1); // Gain gainIN->setValue(Options::focusGain()); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Settings Group /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Subframe? useSubFrame->setChecked(Options::focusSubFrame()); // Dark frame? darkFrameCheck->setChecked(Options::useFocusDarkFrame()); // Use full field? useFullField->setChecked(Options::focusUseFullField()); // full field inner ring fullFieldInnerRing->setValue(Options::focusFullFieldInnerRadius()); // full field outer ring fullFieldOuterRing->setValue(Options::focusFullFieldOuterRadius()); // Suspend guiding? suspendGuideCheck->setChecked(Options::suspendGuiding()); // Guide Setting time GuideSettleTime->setValue(Options::guideSettleTime()); // Box Size focusBoxSize->setValue(Options::focusBoxSize()); // Max Travel if (Options::focusMaxTravel() > maxTravelIN->maximum()) maxTravelIN->setMaximum(Options::focusMaxTravel()); maxTravelIN->setValue(Options::focusMaxTravel()); // Step stepIN->setValue(Options::focusTicks()); // Single Max Step maxSingleStepIN->setValue(Options::focusMaxSingleStep()); // Tolerance toleranceIN->setValue(Options::focusTolerance()); // Threshold spin thresholdSpin->setValue(Options::focusThreshold()); // Focus Algorithm focusAlgorithm = static_cast(Options::focusAlgorithm()); focusAlgorithmCombo->setCurrentIndex(focusAlgorithm); // Frames Count focusFramesSpin->setValue(Options::focusFramesCount()); // Focus Detection focusDetection = static_cast(Options::focusDetection()); thresholdSpin->setEnabled(focusDetection == ALGORITHM_THRESHOLD); focusDetectionCombo->setCurrentIndex(focusDetection); // Gaussian blur gaussianSigmaSpin->setValue(Options::focusGaussianSigma()); gaussianKernelSizeSpin->setValue(Options::focusGaussianKernelSize()); // Hough algorithm multi row average multiRowAverageSpin->setValue(Options::focusMultiRowAverage()); multiRowAverageSpin->setEnabled(focusDetection == ALGORITHM_BAHTINOV); // Increase focus box size in case of Bahtinov mask focus // Disable auto star in case of Bahtinov mask focus if (focusDetection == ALGORITHM_BAHTINOV) { Options::setFocusAutoStarEnabled(false); focusBoxSize->setMaximum(512); } else { // When not using Bathinov mask, limit box size to 256 and make sure value stays within range. if (Options::focusBoxSize() > 256) { Options::setFocusBoxSize(32); } focusBoxSize->setMaximum(256); } // Box Size focusBoxSize->setValue(Options::focusBoxSize()); // Auto Star? useAutoStar->setChecked(Options::focusAutoStarEnabled()); useAutoStar->setEnabled(focusDetection != ALGORITHM_BAHTINOV); } void Focus::initSettingsConnections() { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Focuser Group /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// connect(focuserCombo, static_cast(&QComboBox::activated), this, &Ekos::Focus::syncSettings); connect(FocusSettleTime, &QDoubleSpinBox::editingFinished, this, &Focus::syncSettings); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// CCD & Filter Wheel Group /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// connect(CCDCaptureCombo, static_cast(&QComboBox::activated), this, &Ekos::Focus::syncSettings); connect(binningCombo, static_cast(&QComboBox::activated), this, &Ekos::Focus::syncSettings); connect(gainIN, &QDoubleSpinBox::editingFinished, this, &Focus::syncSettings); connect(FilterDevicesCombo, static_cast(&QComboBox::activated), this, &Ekos::Focus::syncSettings); connect(FilterPosCombo, static_cast(&QComboBox::activated), this, &Ekos::Focus::syncSettings); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Settings Group /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// connect(useAutoStar, &QCheckBox::toggled, this, &Ekos::Focus::syncSettings); connect(useSubFrame, &QCheckBox::toggled, this, &Ekos::Focus::syncSettings); connect(darkFrameCheck, &QCheckBox::toggled, this, &Ekos::Focus::syncSettings); connect(useFullField, &QCheckBox::toggled, this, &Ekos::Focus::syncSettings); connect(fullFieldInnerRing, &QDoubleSpinBox::editingFinished, this, &Focus::syncSettings); connect(fullFieldOuterRing, &QDoubleSpinBox::editingFinished, this, &Focus::syncSettings); connect(suspendGuideCheck, &QCheckBox::toggled, this, &Ekos::Focus::syncSettings); connect(GuideSettleTime, &QDoubleSpinBox::editingFinished, this, &Focus::syncSettings); connect(focusBoxSize, static_cast(&QSpinBox::valueChanged), this, &Focus::syncSettings); connect(maxTravelIN, &QDoubleSpinBox::editingFinished, this, &Focus::syncSettings); connect(stepIN, &QDoubleSpinBox::editingFinished, this, &Focus::syncSettings); connect(maxSingleStepIN, &QDoubleSpinBox::editingFinished, this, &Focus::syncSettings); connect(toleranceIN, &QDoubleSpinBox::editingFinished, this, &Focus::syncSettings); connect(thresholdSpin, &QDoubleSpinBox::editingFinished, this, &Focus::syncSettings); connect(gaussianSigmaSpin, &QDoubleSpinBox::editingFinished, this, &Focus::syncSettings); connect(gaussianKernelSizeSpin, static_cast(&QSpinBox::valueChanged), this, &Focus::syncSettings); connect(multiRowAverageSpin, static_cast(&QSpinBox::valueChanged), this, &Focus::syncSettings); connect(focusAlgorithmCombo, static_cast(&QComboBox::activated), this, &Ekos::Focus::syncSettings); connect(focusFramesSpin, static_cast(&QSpinBox::valueChanged), this, &Focus::syncSettings); connect(focusDetectionCombo, static_cast(&QComboBox::activated), this, &Ekos::Focus::syncSettings); } void Focus::initPlots() { connect(clearDataB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Ekos::Focus::clearDataPoints); profileDialog = new QDialog(this); profileDialog->setWindowFlags(Qt::Tool | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint); QVBoxLayout *profileLayout = new QVBoxLayout(profileDialog); profileDialog->setWindowTitle(i18n("Relative Profile")); profilePlot = new QCustomPlot(profileDialog); profilePlot->setBackground(QBrush(Qt::black)); profilePlot->xAxis->setBasePen(QPen(Qt::white, 1)); profilePlot->yAxis->setBasePen(QPen(Qt::white, 1)); profilePlot->xAxis->grid()->setPen(QPen(QColor(140, 140, 140), 1, Qt::DotLine)); profilePlot->yAxis->grid()->setPen(QPen(QColor(140, 140, 140), 1, Qt::DotLine)); profilePlot->xAxis->grid()->setSubGridPen(QPen(QColor(80, 80, 80), 1, Qt::DotLine)); profilePlot->yAxis->grid()->setSubGridPen(QPen(QColor(80, 80, 80), 1, Qt::DotLine)); profilePlot->xAxis->grid()->setZeroLinePen(Qt::NoPen); profilePlot->yAxis->grid()->setZeroLinePen(Qt::NoPen); profilePlot->xAxis->setBasePen(QPen(Qt::white, 1)); profilePlot->yAxis->setBasePen(QPen(Qt::white, 1)); profilePlot->xAxis->setTickPen(QPen(Qt::white, 1)); profilePlot->yAxis->setTickPen(QPen(Qt::white, 1)); profilePlot->xAxis->setSubTickPen(QPen(Qt::white, 1)); profilePlot->yAxis->setSubTickPen(QPen(Qt::white, 1)); profilePlot->xAxis->setTickLabelColor(Qt::white); profilePlot->yAxis->setTickLabelColor(Qt::white); profilePlot->xAxis->setLabelColor(Qt::white); profilePlot->yAxis->setLabelColor(Qt::white); profileLayout->addWidget(profilePlot); profileDialog->setLayout(profileLayout); profileDialog->resize(400, 300); connect(relativeProfileB, &QPushButton::clicked, profileDialog, &QDialog::show); currentGaus = profilePlot->addGraph(); currentGaus->setLineStyle(QCPGraph::lsLine); currentGaus->setPen(QPen(Qt::red, 2)); lastGaus = profilePlot->addGraph(); lastGaus->setLineStyle(QCPGraph::lsLine); QPen pen(Qt::darkGreen); pen.setStyle(Qt::DashLine); pen.setWidth(2); lastGaus->setPen(pen); HFRPlot->setBackground(QBrush(Qt::black)); HFRPlot->xAxis->setBasePen(QPen(Qt::white, 1)); HFRPlot->yAxis->setBasePen(QPen(Qt::white, 1)); HFRPlot->xAxis->setTickPen(QPen(Qt::white, 1)); HFRPlot->yAxis->setTickPen(QPen(Qt::white, 1)); HFRPlot->xAxis->setSubTickPen(QPen(Qt::white, 1)); HFRPlot->yAxis->setSubTickPen(QPen(Qt::white, 1)); HFRPlot->xAxis->setTickLabelColor(Qt::white); HFRPlot->yAxis->setTickLabelColor(Qt::white); HFRPlot->xAxis->setLabelColor(Qt::white); HFRPlot->yAxis->setLabelColor(Qt::white); HFRPlot->xAxis->grid()->setPen(QPen(QColor(140, 140, 140), 1, Qt::DotLine)); HFRPlot->yAxis->grid()->setPen(QPen(QColor(140, 140, 140), 1, Qt::DotLine)); HFRPlot->xAxis->grid()->setSubGridPen(QPen(QColor(80, 80, 80), 1, Qt::DotLine)); HFRPlot->yAxis->grid()->setSubGridPen(QPen(QColor(80, 80, 80), 1, Qt::DotLine)); HFRPlot->xAxis->grid()->setZeroLinePen(Qt::NoPen); HFRPlot->yAxis->grid()->setZeroLinePen(Qt::NoPen); HFRPlot->yAxis->setLabel(i18n("HFR")); HFRPlot->setInteractions(QCP::iRangeZoom); HFRPlot->setInteraction(QCP::iRangeDrag, true); polynomialGraph = HFRPlot->addGraph(); polynomialGraph->setLineStyle(QCPGraph::lsLine); polynomialGraph->setPen(QPen(QColor(140, 140, 140), 2, Qt::DotLine)); polynomialGraph->setScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle::ssNone); connect(HFRPlot->xAxis, static_cast(&QCPAxis::rangeChanged), this, [this]() { drawHFRIndeces(); if (polynomialGraphIsShown) { if (focusAlgorithm == FOCUS_POLYNOMIAL) graphPolynomialFunction(); } }); connect(HFRPlot, &QCustomPlot::mouseMove, this, [this](QMouseEvent * event) { double key = HFRPlot->xAxis->pixelToCoord(event->localPos().x()); if (HFRPlot->xAxis->range().contains(key)) { QCPGraph *graph = qobject_cast(HFRPlot->plottableAt(event->pos(), false)); if (graph) { if(graph == v_graph) { int positionKey = v_graph->findBegin(key); double focusPosition = v_graph->dataMainKey(positionKey); double halfFluxRadius = v_graph->dataMainValue(positionKey); QToolTip::showText( event->globalPos(), i18nc("HFR graphics tooltip; %1 is the Focus Position; %2 is the Half Flux Radius;", "" "" "" "
POS: %1
HFR: %2
", QString::number(focusPosition, 'f', 0), QString::number(halfFluxRadius, 'f', 2))); } } } }); focusPoint = HFRPlot->addGraph(); focusPoint->setLineStyle(QCPGraph::lsImpulse); focusPoint->setPen(QPen(QColor(140, 140, 140), 2, Qt::SolidLine)); focusPoint->setScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle::ssCircle, Qt::white, Qt::yellow, 10)); v_graph = HFRPlot->addGraph(); v_graph->setLineStyle(QCPGraph::lsNone); v_graph->setScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle::ssCircle, Qt::white, Qt::white, 14)); } void Focus::initConnections() { // How long do we wait until the user select a star? waitStarSelectTimer.setInterval(AUTO_STAR_TIMEOUT); connect(&waitStarSelectTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &Ekos::Focus::checkAutoStarTimeout); connect(liveVideoB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Ekos::Focus::toggleVideo); // Show FITS Image in a new window showFITSViewerB->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("kstars_fitsviewer")); showFITSViewerB->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); connect(showFITSViewerB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Ekos::Focus::showFITSViewer); // Toggle FITS View to full screen toggleFullScreenB->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("view-fullscreen")); toggleFullScreenB->setShortcut(Qt::Key_F4); toggleFullScreenB->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect); connect(toggleFullScreenB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Ekos::Focus::toggleFocusingWidgetFullScreen); // How long do we wait until an exposure times out and needs a retry? captureTimeout.setSingleShot(true); connect(&captureTimeout, &QTimer::timeout, this, &Ekos::Focus::processCaptureTimeout); // Start/Stop focus connect(startFocusB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Ekos::Focus::start); connect(stopFocusB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Ekos::Focus::checkStopFocus); // Focus IN/OUT connect(focusOutB, &QPushButton::clicked, [&]() { focusOut(); }); connect(focusInB, &QPushButton::clicked, [&]() { focusIn(); }); // Capture a single frame connect(captureB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Ekos::Focus::capture); // Start continuous capture connect(startLoopB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Ekos::Focus::startFraming); // Use a subframe when capturing connect(useSubFrame, &QCheckBox::toggled, this, &Ekos::Focus::toggleSubframe); // Reset frame dimensions to default connect(resetFrameB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Ekos::Focus::resetFrame); // Sync setting if full field setting is toggled. connect(useFullField, &QCheckBox::toggled, [&](bool toggled) { fullFieldInnerRing->setEnabled(toggled); fullFieldOuterRing->setEnabled(toggled); if (toggled) { useSubFrame->setChecked(false); useAutoStar->setChecked(false); } else { // Disable the overlay focusView->setStarFilterRange(0, 1); } }); // Sync settings if the CCD selection is updated. connect(CCDCaptureCombo, static_cast(&QComboBox::activated), this, &Ekos::Focus::checkCCD); // Sync settings if the Focuser selection is updated. connect(focuserCombo, static_cast(&QComboBox::activated), this, &Ekos::Focus::checkFocuser); // Sync settings if the filter selection is updated. connect(FilterDevicesCombo, static_cast(&QComboBox::activated), this, &Ekos::Focus::checkFilter); // Set focuser absolute position connect(startGotoB, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Ekos::Focus::setAbsoluteFocusTicks); connect(stopGotoB, &QPushButton::clicked, [this]() { if (currentFocuser) currentFocuser->stop(); }); // Update the focuser box size used to enclose a star connect(focusBoxSize, static_cast(&QSpinBox::valueChanged), this, &Ekos::Focus::updateBoxSize); // Update the focuser star detection if the detection algorithm selection changes. connect(focusDetectionCombo, static_cast(&QComboBox::activated), this, [&](int index) { focusDetection = static_cast(index); thresholdSpin->setEnabled(focusDetection == ALGORITHM_THRESHOLD); multiRowAverageSpin->setEnabled(focusDetection == ALGORITHM_BAHTINOV); if (focusDetection == ALGORITHM_BAHTINOV) { // In case of Bahtinov mask uncheck auto select star useAutoStar->setChecked(false); focusBoxSize->setMaximum(512); } else { // When not using Bathinov mask, limit box size to 256 and make sure value stays within range. if (Options::focusBoxSize() > 256) { Options::setFocusBoxSize(32); // Focus box size changed, update control focusBoxSize->setValue(Options::focusBoxSize()); } focusBoxSize->setMaximum(256); } useAutoStar->setEnabled(focusDetection != ALGORITHM_BAHTINOV); }); // Update the focuser solution algorithm if the selection changes. connect(focusAlgorithmCombo, static_cast(&QComboBox::activated), this, [&](int index) { focusAlgorithm = static_cast(index); }); // Reset star center on auto star check toggle connect(useAutoStar, &QCheckBox::toggled, this, [&](bool enabled) { if (enabled) { starCenter = QVector3D(); starSelected = false; focusView->setTrackingBox(QRect()); } }); } void Focus::initView() { focusView = new FITSView(focusingWidget, FITS_FOCUS); focusView->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding); focusView->setBaseSize(focusingWidget->size()); focusView->createFloatingToolBar(); QVBoxLayout *vlayout = new QVBoxLayout(); vlayout->addWidget(focusView); focusingWidget->setLayout(vlayout); connect(focusView, &FITSView::trackingStarSelected, this, &Ekos::Focus::focusStarSelected, Qt::UniqueConnection); focusView->setStarsEnabled(true); focusView->setStarsHFREnabled(true); } }