diff --git a/parts/outputviews/makewidget.cpp b/parts/outputviews/makewidget.cpp index ea9be4913f..58296558f2 100644 --- a/parts/outputviews/makewidget.cpp +++ b/parts/outputviews/makewidget.cpp @@ -1,623 +1,623 @@ /*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 by Bernd Gehrmann and the KDevelop Team * * bernd@kdevelop.org * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "makewidget.h" #include "kdevcore.h" #include "kdevmainwindow.h" #include "kdevpartcontroller.h" #include "processlinemaker.h" #include "makeviewpart.h" #include "makeitem.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static const char *const error_xpm[] = { "11 11 5 1", ". c None", "# c #313062", "a c #6261cd", "b c #c50000", "c c #ff8583", "...........", "...####....", ".a#bbbb#a..", ".#ccbbbb#..", "#bccbbbbb#.", "#bbbbbbbb#.", "#bbbbbbcb#.", "#bbbbbccb#.", ".#bbbccb#..", ".a#bbbb#a..", "...####...." }; static const char *const warning_xpm[] = { "11 11 5 1", ". c None", "# c #313062", "a c #6261cd", "b c #c5c600", "c c #ffff41", "...........", "...####....", ".a#bbbb#a..", ".#ccbbbb#..", "#bccbbbbb#.", "#bbbbbbbb#.", "#bbbbbbcb#.", "#bbbbbccb#.", ".#bbbccb#..", ".a#bbbb#a..", "...####...." }; static const char *const message_xpm[] = { "11 11 5 1", ". c None", "b c #3100c5", "# c #313062", "c c #3189ff", "a c #6265cd", "...........", "...####....", ".a#bbbb#a..", ".#ccbbbb#..", "#bccbbbbb#.", "#bbbbbbbb#.", "#bbbbbbcb#.", "#bbbbbccb#.", ".#bbbccb#..", ".a#bbbb#a..", "...####...." }; class SelectionPreserver { public: SelectionPreserver( QTextEdit& textEdit, bool stayAtEnd ) : m_textEdit( textEdit ) , m_atEnd( false ) { int para, index; m_textEdit.getCursorPosition( ¶, &index ); m_atEnd = stayAtEnd && para == m_textEdit.paragraphs() - 1 && index == m_textEdit.paragraphLength( para ); m_textEdit.getSelection(¶From, &indexFrom, ¶To, &indexTo, 0); } ~SelectionPreserver() { m_textEdit.setSelection(paraFrom, indexFrom, paraTo, indexTo, 0); if ( m_atEnd ) { m_textEdit.moveCursor(QTextEdit::MoveEnd, false); m_textEdit.moveCursor(QTextEdit::MoveLineStart, false);//if linewrap is off we must avoid the jumping of the vertical scrollbar } } QTextEdit& m_textEdit; bool m_atEnd; int paraFrom, indexFrom, paraTo, indexTo; }; MakeWidget::MakeWidget(MakeViewPart *part) : QTextEdit(0, "make widget") , m_directoryStatusFilter( m_errorFilter ) , m_errorFilter( m_continuationFilter ) , m_continuationFilter( m_actionFilter ) , m_actionFilter( m_otherFilter ) , m_paragraphs(0) , moved(false) , m_part(part) , m_vertScrolling(false) , m_horizScrolling(false) , m_bCompiling(false) { updateSettingsFromConfig(); if ( m_bLineWrapping ) setWordWrap(WidgetWidth); setWrapPolicy(Anywhere); setReadOnly(true); setMimeSourceFactory(new QMimeSourceFactory); mimeSourceFactory()->setImage("error", QImage((const char**)error_xpm)); mimeSourceFactory()->setImage("warning", QImage((const char**)warning_xpm)); mimeSourceFactory()->setImage("message", QImage((const char**)message_xpm)); childproc = new KShellProcess("/bin/sh"); procLineMaker = new ProcessLineMaker( childproc ); connect( procLineMaker, SIGNAL(receivedStdoutLine(const QString&)), this, SLOT(insertStdoutLine(const QString&) )); connect( procLineMaker, SIGNAL(receivedStderrLine(const QString&)), this, SLOT(insertStderrLine(const QString&) )); connect( childproc, SIGNAL(processExited(KProcess*)), this, SLOT(slotProcessExited(KProcess*) )) ; connect( &m_directoryStatusFilter, SIGNAL(item(EnteringDirectoryItem*)), this, SLOT(slotEnteredDirectory(EnteringDirectoryItem*)) ); connect( &m_directoryStatusFilter, SIGNAL(item(ExitingDirectoryItem*)), this, SLOT(slotExitedDirectory(ExitingDirectoryItem*)) ); connect( &m_errorFilter, SIGNAL(item(MakeItem*)), this, SLOT(insertItem(MakeItem*)) ); connect( &m_actionFilter, SIGNAL(item(MakeItem*)), this, SLOT(insertItem(MakeItem*)) ); connect( &m_otherFilter, SIGNAL(item(MakeItem*)), this, SLOT(insertItem(MakeItem*)) ); connect( verticalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(sliderPressed()), this, SLOT(verticScrollingOn()) ); connect( verticalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(sliderReleased()), this, SLOT(verticScrollingOff()) ); connect( horizontalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(sliderPressed()), this, SLOT(horizScrollingOn()) ); connect( horizontalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(sliderReleased()), this, SLOT(horizScrollingOff()) ); } MakeWidget::~MakeWidget() { delete mimeSourceFactory(); delete childproc; delete procLineMaker; } void MakeWidget::queueJob(const QString &dir, const QString &command) { commandList.append(command); dirList.append(dir); if (!isRunning()) { // Store the current output view so that it // can be restored after a successful compilation m_part->mainWindow()->storeOutputViewTab(); startNextJob(); } } void MakeWidget::startNextJob() { QStringList::Iterator it = commandList.begin(); if ( it == commandList.end() ) return; currentCommand = *it; commandList.remove(it); int i = currentCommand.findRev(" gmake"); if ( i == -1 ) i = currentCommand.findRev(" make"); if ( i == -1 ) m_bCompiling = false; else { QString s = currentCommand.right(currentCommand.length() - i); m_bCompiling = s.contains("configure ") || s.contains(" Makefile.cvs") || s.contains(" clean") || s.contains(" distclean") || s.contains(" package-messages") || s.contains(" install"); } it = dirList.begin(); QString dir = *it; dirList.remove(it); clear(); // clear the widget for ( QValueVector::iterator it = m_items.begin(); it != m_items.end(); ++it ) delete *it; m_items.clear(); m_paragraphToItem.clear(); m_paragraphs = 0; moved = false; insertItem( new CommandItem( currentCommand ) ); childproc->clearArguments(); *childproc << currentCommand; childproc->start(KProcess::NotifyOnExit, KProcess::AllOutput); dirstack.clear(); dirstack.push(new QString(dir)); m_part->mainWindow()->raiseView(this); m_part->core()->running(m_part, true); } void MakeWidget::killJob() { childproc->kill(); } bool MakeWidget::isRunning() { return childproc->isRunning(); } void MakeWidget::copy() { int parafrom=0, indexfrom=0, parato=0, indexto=0; getSelection(¶from, &indexfrom, ¶to, &indexto); if(parafrom < 0 || indexfrom < 0 || parato < 0 || indexto < 0) QTextEdit::copy(); QString selection; for(int i = parafrom; i<=parato; i++) selection += text(i) + "\n"; selection.remove(0, indexfrom); int removeend = text(parato).length() - indexto; selection.remove((selection.length()-1) - removeend, removeend); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x030100 kapp->clipboard()->setText(selection, QClipboard::Clipboard); #else kapp->clipboard()->setText(selection); #endif } void MakeWidget::nextError() { int parag, index; if (moved) getCursorPosition(¶g, &index); else parag = 0; - for ( int it = parag; + for ( int it = parag + 1; #if QT_VERSION >= 0x030100 it < (int)m_items.count(); #else it < m_items.size(); #endif ++it ) { ErrorItem* item = dynamic_cast( m_paragraphToItem[it] ); if ( !item ) continue; moved = true; parag = it; document()->removeSelection(0); setSelection(parag, 0, parag+1, 0, 0); setCursorPosition(parag, 0); ensureCursorVisible(); m_part->partController()->editDocument(item->fileName, item->lineNum); m_part->mainWindow()->statusBar()->message( item->m_error, 10000 ); m_part->mainWindow()->lowerView(this); return; } KNotifyClient::beep(); } void MakeWidget::prevError() { int parag, index; if (moved) getCursorPosition(¶g, &index); else parag = 0; - for ( int it = parag; it >= 0; --it) + for ( int it = parag - 1; it >= 0; --it) { ErrorItem* item = dynamic_cast( m_paragraphToItem[it] ); if ( !item ) continue; moved = true; parag = it; document()->removeSelection(0); setSelection(parag, 0, parag+1, 0, 0); setCursorPosition(parag, 0); ensureCursorVisible(); m_part->partController()->editDocument(item->fileName, item->lineNum); m_part->mainWindow()->statusBar()->message( item->m_error, 10000 ); m_part->mainWindow()->lowerView(this); return; } KNotifyClient::beep(); } void MakeWidget::contentsMouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent* e ) { QTextEdit::contentsMouseReleaseEvent(e); if ( e->button() != LeftButton ) return; searchItem(paragraphAt(e->pos())); } void MakeWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { if (e->key() == Key_Return || e->key() == Key_Enter) { int parag, index; getCursorPosition(¶g, &index); searchItem(parag); } else QTextEdit::keyPressEvent(e); } // returns the current directory for parag QString MakeWidget::directory(int parag) const { QValueVector::const_iterator it = qFind( m_items.begin(), m_items.end(), m_paragraphToItem[parag] ); if ( it == m_items.end() ) return QString::null; // run backwards over directories and figure out where we are while ( it != m_items.begin() ) { --it; EnteringDirectoryItem* edi = dynamic_cast( *it ); if ( edi ) return edi->directory + "/"; } return QString::null; } void MakeWidget::searchItem(int parag) { ErrorItem* item = dynamic_cast( m_paragraphToItem[parag] ); if ( item ) { // open the file //kdDebug(9004) << "Opening file: " << directory(parag) << item->fileName << endl; m_part->partController()->editDocument(directory(parag) + item->fileName, item->lineNum); m_part->mainWindow()->statusBar()->message( item->m_error, 10000 ); m_part->mainWindow()->lowerView(this); } } void MakeWidget::insertStdoutLine( const QString& line ) { if ( !appendToLastLine( line ) ) m_directoryStatusFilter.processLine( line ); } void MakeWidget::insertStderrLine( const QString& line ) { if ( !appendToLastLine( line ) ) m_errorFilter.processLine( line ); } void MakeWidget::slotProcessExited(KProcess *) { if (childproc->normalExit()) { if (childproc->exitStatus()) { KNotifyClient::event( "ProcessError", i18n("The process has finished with errors")); } else { KNotifyClient::event( "ProcessSuccess", i18n("The process has finished successfully")); emit m_part->commandFinished(currentCommand); } } MakeItem* item = new ExitStatusItem( childproc->normalExit(), childproc->exitStatus() ); insertItem( item ); m_part->mainWindow()->statusBar()->message( QString("%1: %2").arg(currentCommand).arg(item->m_text), 3000); m_part->core()->running(m_part, false); // Defensive programming: We emit this with a single shot timer so that we go once again // through the event loop. After that, we can be sure that the process is really finished // and its KProcess object can be reused. if (childproc->normalExit() && !childproc->exitStatus()) { QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(startNextJob())); if (commandList.isEmpty()) // The last command on the list was successful so restore the // output view to what it had before the compilation process started m_part->mainWindow()->restoreOutputViewTab(); } else { commandList.clear(); dirList.clear(); } } void MakeWidget::slotEnteredDirectory( EnteringDirectoryItem* item ) { // kdDebug(9004) << "Entering dir: " << item->directory << endl; QString* dir = new QString( item->directory ); dirstack.push( dir ); insertItem( item ); } void MakeWidget::slotExitedDirectory( ExitingDirectoryItem* item ) { QString eDir = item->directory; // kdDebug(9004) << "Leaving dir: " << eDir << endl; QString *dir = dirstack.pop(); if (!dir) { kdWarning(9004) << "Left more directories than entered: " << eDir; } else if (dir->compare(eDir) != 0) { kdWarning(9004) << "Expected directory: \"" << *dir << "\" but got \"" << eDir << "\"" << endl; } insertItem( item ); delete dir; } bool MakeWidget::appendToLastLine( const QString& text ) { #if QT_VERSION >= 0x030100 if ( m_items.count() == 0 ) #else if ( m_items.size() == 0 ) #endif return false; #if QT_VERSION >= 0x030100 MakeItem* item = m_items[m_items.count() - 1]; #else MakeItem* item = m_items[m_items.size() - 1]; #endif if ( !item->append( text ) ) return false; SelectionPreserver preserveSelection( *this, !m_vertScrolling && !m_horizScrolling ); removeParagraph( paragraphs() - 1 ); append( item->formattedText( m_compilerOutputLevel, brightBg() ) ); return true; } void MakeWidget::insertItem( MakeItem* item ) { m_items.push_back( item ); if ( !item->visible( m_compilerOutputLevel ) ) return; SelectionPreserver preserveSelection( *this, !m_vertScrolling && !m_horizScrolling ); m_paragraphToItem.insert( m_paragraphs++, item ); append( item->formattedText( m_compilerOutputLevel, brightBg() ) ); } bool MakeWidget::brightBg() { int h,s,v; paletteBackgroundColor().hsv( &h, &s, &v ); return (v > 127); } QPopupMenu* MakeWidget::createPopupMenu( const QPoint& pos ) { QPopupMenu* pMenu = QTextEdit::createPopupMenu(pos); pMenu->setCheckable(true); pMenu->insertSeparator(); int id = pMenu->insertItem(i18n("Line wrapping"), this, SLOT(toggleLineWrapping()) ); pMenu->setItemChecked(id, m_bLineWrapping); pMenu->insertSeparator(); id = pMenu->insertItem(i18n("Very short compiler output"), this, SLOT(slotVeryShortCompilerOutput()) ); pMenu->setItemChecked(id, m_compilerOutputLevel == eVeryShort); id = pMenu->insertItem(i18n("Short compiler output"), this, SLOT(slotShortCompilerOutput()) ); pMenu->setItemChecked(id, m_compilerOutputLevel == eShort); id = pMenu->insertItem(i18n("Full compiler output"), this, SLOT(slotFullCompilerOutput()) ); pMenu->setItemChecked(id, m_compilerOutputLevel == eFull); pMenu->insertSeparator(); id = pMenu->insertItem(i18n("Show directory navigation messages"), this, SLOT(toggleShowDirNavigMessages())); pMenu->setItemChecked(id, DirectoryItem::getShowDirectoryMessages()); return pMenu; } void MakeWidget::toggleLineWrapping() { m_bLineWrapping = !m_bLineWrapping; KConfig *pConfig = kapp->config(); pConfig->setGroup("MakeOutputView"); pConfig->writeEntry("LineWrapping", m_bLineWrapping); pConfig->sync(); if (m_bLineWrapping) { setWordWrap(WidgetWidth); } else { setWordWrap(NoWrap); } } void MakeWidget::refill() { clear(); m_paragraphToItem.clear(); m_paragraphs = 0; for( uint i = 0; i < m_items.size(); i++ ) { if ( !m_items[i]->visible( m_compilerOutputLevel ) ) continue; m_paragraphToItem.insert( m_paragraphs++, m_items[i] ); append( m_items[i]->formattedText( m_compilerOutputLevel, brightBg() ) ); } } void MakeWidget::slotVeryShortCompilerOutput() { setCompilerOutputLevel(eVeryShort); } void MakeWidget::slotShortCompilerOutput() { setCompilerOutputLevel(eShort); } void MakeWidget::slotFullCompilerOutput() { setCompilerOutputLevel(eFull); } void MakeWidget::setCompilerOutputLevel(EOutputLevel level) { m_compilerOutputLevel = level; KConfig *pConfig = kapp->config(); pConfig->setGroup("MakeOutputView"); pConfig->writeEntry("CompilerOutputLevel", (int) level); pConfig->sync(); refill(); } void MakeWidget::toggleShowDirNavigMessages() { DirectoryItem::setShowDirectoryMessages( !DirectoryItem::getShowDirectoryMessages() ); KConfig *pConfig = kapp->config(); pConfig->setGroup("MakeOutputView"); pConfig->writeEntry("ShowDirNavigMsg", DirectoryItem::getShowDirectoryMessages()); pConfig->sync(); refill(); } void MakeWidget::updateSettingsFromConfig() { KConfig *pConfig = kapp->config(); pConfig->setGroup("MakeOutputView"); setFont(pConfig->readFontEntry("Messages Font")); m_bLineWrapping = pConfig->readBoolEntry("LineWrapping", true); m_compilerOutputLevel = (EOutputLevel) pConfig->readNumEntry("CompilerOutputLevel", (int) eVeryShort); DirectoryItem::setShowDirectoryMessages( pConfig->readBoolEntry("ShowDirNavigMsg", false) ); } #include "makewidget.moc"