diff --git a/language/duchain/repositories/itemrepositoryregistry.cpp b/language/duchain/repositories/itemrepositoryregistry.cpp index 52a48e4099..215e40077e 100644 --- a/language/duchain/repositories/itemrepositoryregistry.cpp +++ b/language/duchain/repositories/itemrepositoryregistry.cpp @@ -1,393 +1,392 @@ /* Copyright 2008 David Nolden This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "itemrepositoryregistry.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "abstractitemrepository.h" namespace { //If KDevelop crashed this many times consicutively, clean up the repository const int crashesBeforeCleanup = 2; void setCrashCounter(QFile& crashesFile, int count) { crashesFile.close(); crashesFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate); QDataStream writeStream(&crashesFile); writeStream << count; } QString repositoryPathForSession(KDevelop::ISession* session) { QString xdgCacheDir = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment().value("XDG_CACHE_HOME", QDir::homePath() + "/.cache") + "/kdevduchain"; QString baseDir = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment().value("KDEV_DUCHAIN_DIR", xdgCacheDir); baseDir += QString("/%1-%2").arg(qAppName()).arg(session->id().toString()); KStandardDirs::makeDir(baseDir); return baseDir; } } namespace KDevelop { struct ItemRepositoryRegistryPrivate { ItemRepositoryRegistry* m_owner; bool m_shallDelete; QString m_path; QMap m_repositories; QMap m_customCounters; mutable QMutex m_mutex; ItemRepositoryRegistryPrivate(ItemRepositoryRegistry* owner) : m_owner(owner), m_mutex(QMutex::Recursive) { } void lockForWriting(); void unlockForWriting(); void deleteDataDirectory(bool recreate = true); }; //The global item-reposity registry ItemRepositoryRegistry* ItemRepositoryRegistry::m_self = 0; ItemRepositoryRegistry::ItemRepositoryRegistry() : d(new ItemRepositoryRegistryPrivate(this)) { Q_ASSERT(ICore::self()); Q_ASSERT(ICore::self()->activeSession()); QString repositoryPath = repositoryPathForSession(ICore::self()->activeSession()); open(repositoryPath, false); } ItemRepositoryRegistry* ItemRepositoryRegistry::self() { if(!m_self) { ///We intentionally leak the registry, to prevent problems in the destruction order, where ///the actual repositories might get deleted later than the repository registry. m_self = new ItemRepositoryRegistry; } return m_self; } void ItemRepositoryRegistry::deleteRepositoryFromDisk(ISession* session) { QString repositoryPath = repositoryPathForSession(session); // Now, as we have only the global item-repository registry, assume that if and only if // the given session is ours, its cache path is used by the said global item-repository registry. if(m_self && m_self->d->m_path == repositoryPath) { m_self->d->m_shallDelete = true; return; } // Otherwise, given session is not ours. // Try to lock it; and, if locking succeeds, remove its item-repository directory directly. SessionController::LockSessionState state = SessionController::tryLockSession(session->id(), true); if(state) { removeDirectory(repositoryPath); - // Then unlock the session. - QDBusConnection::sessionBus().unregisterService(state.DBusService); - state.lockFile->unlock(); + // Unlock the session then. + state.unlock(); } } QMutex& ItemRepositoryRegistry::mutex() { return d->m_mutex; } QAtomicInt& ItemRepositoryRegistry::getCustomCounter(const QString& identity, int initialValue) { if(!d->m_customCounters.contains(identity)) d->m_customCounters.insert(identity, new QAtomicInt(initialValue)); return *d->m_customCounters[identity]; } ///The global item-repository registry that is used by default ItemRepositoryRegistry& globalItemRepositoryRegistry() { return *ItemRepositoryRegistry::self(); } void ItemRepositoryRegistry::registerRepository(AbstractItemRepository* repository, AbstractRepositoryManager* manager) { QMutexLocker lock(&d->m_mutex); d->m_repositories.insert(repository, manager); if(!d->m_path.isEmpty()) { if(!repository->open(d->m_path)) { d->deleteDataDirectory(); kError() << "failed to open a repository"; abort(); } } } QString ItemRepositoryRegistry::path() const { //We cannot lock the mutex here, since this may be called with one of the repositories locked, //and that may lead to a deadlock when at the same time a storing is requested return d->m_path; } void ItemRepositoryRegistryPrivate::lockForWriting() { QMutexLocker lock(&m_mutex); //Create is_writing QFile f(m_path + "/is_writing"); f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); f.close(); } void ItemRepositoryRegistry::lockForWriting() { d->lockForWriting(); } void ItemRepositoryRegistryPrivate::unlockForWriting() { QMutexLocker lock(&m_mutex); //Delete is_writing QFile::remove(m_path + "/is_writing"); } void ItemRepositoryRegistry::unlockForWriting() { d->unlockForWriting(); } void ItemRepositoryRegistry::unRegisterRepository(AbstractItemRepository* repository) { QMutexLocker lock(&d->m_mutex); Q_ASSERT(d->m_repositories.contains(repository)); repository->close(); d->m_repositories.remove(repository); } //After calling this, the data-directory may be a new one void ItemRepositoryRegistryPrivate::deleteDataDirectory(bool recreate) { QMutexLocker lock(&m_mutex); //lockForWriting creates a file, that prevents any other KDevelop instance from using the directory as it is. //Instead, the other instance will try to delete the directory as well. lockForWriting(); bool result = removeDirectory(m_path); Q_ASSERT(result); Q_UNUSED(result); // Just recreate the directory then; leave old path (as it is dependent on appname and session only). if(recreate) { KStandardDirs::makeDir(m_path); } } bool ItemRepositoryRegistry::open(const QString& path, bool clear) { QMutexLocker mlock(&d->m_mutex); if(d->m_path == path && !clear) { return true; } d->m_path = path; // Check if the repository shall be cleared // do-while is here for breaks do { if(QFile::exists(d->m_path + "/is_writing")) { kWarning() << "repository" << d->m_path << "was write-locked, it probably is inconsistent"; clear = true; break; } if(!QFile::exists(d->m_path + QString("/version_%1").arg(staticItemRepositoryVersion()))) { kWarning() << "version-hint not found, seems to be an old version"; clear = true; break; } if(getenv("CLEAR_DUCHAIN_DIR")) { kWarning() << "clearing duchain directory because CLEAR_DUCHAIN_DIR is set"; clear = true; break; } QFile crashesFile(d->m_path + QString("/crash_counter")); if(crashesFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { int count; QDataStream stream(&crashesFile); stream >> count; kDebug() << "current count of crashes: " << count; if(count >= crashesBeforeCleanup && !getenv("DONT_CLEAR_DUCHAIN_DIR")) { bool userAnswer = askUser(i18np("Session crashed %1 time in a row", "Session crashed %1 times in a row", count), i18nc("@action", "Clear cache"), i18nc("@title", "Session crashed"), i18n("The crash may be caused by a corruption of cached data.\n\n" "Press OK if you want KDevelop to clear the cache, otherwise press Cancel if you are sure the crash has another origin.")); if(userAnswer) { clear = true; kDebug() << "User chose to clean repository"; break; } else { setCrashCounter(crashesFile, 1); kDebug() << "User chose to reset crash counter"; } } else { ///Increase the crash-count. It will be reset if kdevelop is shut down cleanly. setCrashCounter(crashesFile, ++count); } } else { setCrashCounter(crashesFile, 1); } } while(false); if(clear) { kWarning() << QString("The data-repository at %1 has to be cleared.").arg(d->m_path); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN /// on Windows a file can't be deleted unless the last file handle gets closed /// deleteDataDirectory would enter a never ending loop crashesFile.close(); #endif d->deleteDataDirectory(); } foreach(AbstractItemRepository* repository, d->m_repositories.keys()) { if(!repository->open(path)) { d->deleteDataDirectory(); kError() << "failed to open a repository"; abort(); } } QFile f(path + "/Counters"); if(f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QDataStream stream(&f); while(!stream.atEnd()) { //Read in all custom counter values QString counterName; stream >> counterName; int counterValue; stream >> counterValue; getCustomCounter(counterName, 0) = counterValue; } } return true; } void ItemRepositoryRegistry::store() { QMutexLocker lock(&d->m_mutex); foreach(AbstractItemRepository* repository, d->m_repositories.keys()) { repository->store(); } QFile versionFile(d->m_path + QString("/version_%1").arg(staticItemRepositoryVersion())); if(versionFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { versionFile.close(); } else { kWarning() << "Could not open version file for writing"; } //Store all custom counter values QFile f(d->m_path + "/Counters"); if(f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { f.resize(0); QDataStream stream(&f); for(QMap::const_iterator it = d->m_customCounters.constBegin(); it != d->m_customCounters.constEnd(); ++it) { stream << it.key(); stream << it.value()->fetchAndAddRelaxed(0); } } else { kWarning() << "Could not open counter file for writing"; } } void ItemRepositoryRegistry::printAllStatistics() const { QMutexLocker lock(&d->m_mutex); foreach(AbstractItemRepository* repository, d->m_repositories.keys()) { kDebug() << "statistics in" << repository->repositoryName() << ":"; kDebug() << repository->printStatistics(); } } int ItemRepositoryRegistry::finalCleanup() { QMutexLocker lock(&d->m_mutex); int changed = false; foreach(AbstractItemRepository* repository, d->m_repositories.keys()) { int added = repository->finalCleanup(); changed += added; kDebug() << "cleaned in" << repository->repositoryName() << ":" << added; } return changed; } void ItemRepositoryRegistry::close() { QMutexLocker lock(&d->m_mutex); foreach(AbstractItemRepository* repository, d->m_repositories.keys()) { repository->close(); } d->m_path.clear(); } ItemRepositoryRegistry::~ItemRepositoryRegistry() { close(); QMutexLocker lock(&d->m_mutex); foreach(QAtomicInt * counter, d->m_customCounters) { delete counter; } delete d; } void ItemRepositoryRegistry::shutdown() { if(d->m_shallDelete) { d->deleteDataDirectory(false); } else { QFile::remove(d->m_path + QString("/crash_counter")); } } } diff --git a/shell/sessioncontroller.cpp b/shell/sessioncontroller.cpp index 936afa56cc..65c916acca 100644 --- a/shell/sessioncontroller.cpp +++ b/shell/sessioncontroller.cpp @@ -1,1346 +1,1346 @@ /* This file is part of KDevelop Copyright 2008 Andreas Pakulat Copyright 2010 David Nolden This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "sessioncontroller.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "session.h" #include "core.h" #include "uicontroller.h" #include "sessiondialog.h" #include "shellextension.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include -#include -#include #include #if KDE_IS_VERSION(4,5,60) #define HAVE_RECOVERY_INTERFACE #include #endif const int recoveryStorageInterval = 10; ///@todo Make this configurable namespace KDevelop { namespace { int argc = 0; char** argv = 0; }; void SessionController::setArguments(int _argc, char** _argv) { argc = _argc; argv = _argv; } static QStringList standardArguments() { QStringList ret; for(int a = 0; a < argc; ++a) { QString arg = QString::fromLocal8Bit(argv[a]); kWarning() << "ARG:" << "" + arg + ""; /* if(arg.startsWith("--graphicssystem=") || arg.startsWith("--style=")) { ret << arg; }else */ if(arg.startsWith("-graphicssystem") || arg.startsWith("-style")) { ret << '-' + arg; if(a+1 < argc) ret << QString::fromLocal8Bit(argv[a+1]); } } kWarning() << "ARGUMENTS: " << ret << "from" << argc; return ret; } class SessionControllerPrivate : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: SessionControllerPrivate( SessionController* s ) : q(s) , activeSession(0) , grp(0) , recoveryDirectoryIsOwn(false) { recoveryTimer.setInterval(recoveryStorageInterval * 1000); connect(&recoveryTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(recoveryStorageTimeout())); // Try the recovery only after the initialization has finished connect(ICore::self(), SIGNAL(initializationCompleted()), SLOT(lateInitialization()), Qt::QueuedConnection); recoveryTimer.setSingleShot(false); recoveryTimer.start(); } ~SessionControllerPrivate() { if (activeSession) { // when session was active, we deleted the folder already // in that case activeSession = 0 clearRecoveryDirectory(); } } Session* findSessionForName( const QString& name ) const { foreach( Session* s, sessionActions.keys() ) { if( s->name() == name ) return s; } return 0; } Session* findSessionForId(QString idString) { QUuid id(idString); foreach( Session* s, sessionActions.keys() ) { if( s->id() == id) return s; } return 0; } void newSession() { qsrand(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t()); Session* session = new Session( QUuid::createUuid() ); KProcess::startDetached(ShellExtension::getInstance()->binaryPath(), QStringList() << "-s" << session->id().toString() << standardArguments()); delete session; #if 0 //Terminate this instance of kdevelop if the user agrees foreach(Sublime::MainWindow* window, Core::self()->uiController()->controller()->mainWindows()) window->close(); #endif } void configureSessions() { SessionDialog dlg(ICore::self()->uiController()-> activeMainWindow()); dlg.exec(); } void deleteSession() { int choice = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(Core::self()->uiController()->activeMainWindow(), i18n("The current session and all contained settings will be deleted. The projects will stay unaffected. Do you really want to continue?")); if(choice == KMessageBox::Continue) { static_cast(q->activeSession())->deleteFromDisk(); q->emitQuitSession(); } } void renameSession() { KDialog dialog; dialog.setWindowTitle(i18n("Rename Session")); QGroupBox box; QHBoxLayout layout(&box); box.setTitle(i18n("New Session Name")); QLineEdit edit; layout.addWidget(&edit); dialog.setButtons(KDialog::Ok | KDialog::Cancel); edit.setText(q->activeSession()->name()); dialog.setMainWidget(&box); edit.setFocus(); if(dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { static_cast(q->activeSession())->setName(edit.text()); } } bool loadSessionExternally( Session* s ) { Q_ASSERT( s ); KProcess::startDetached(ShellExtension::getInstance()->binaryPath(), QStringList() << "-s" << s->id().toString() << standardArguments()); return true; } void activateSession( Session* s ) { Q_ASSERT( s ); activeSession = s; if( !lockSession() ) { activeSession = 0; return; } KConfigGroup grp = KGlobal::config()->group( SessionController::cfgSessionGroup() ); grp.writeEntry( SessionController::cfgActiveSessionEntry(), s->id().toString() ); grp.sync(); if (Core::self()->setupFlags() & Core::NoUi) return; QHash::iterator it = sessionActions.find(s); Q_ASSERT( it != sessionActions.end() ); (*it)->setCheckable(true); (*it)->setChecked(true); for(it = sessionActions.begin(); it != sessionActions.end(); ++it) { if(it.key() != s) (*it)->setCheckable(false); } } void loadSessionFromAction( QAction* a ) { foreach( Session* s, sessionActions.keys() ) { if( s->id() == QUuid( a->data().toString() ) && s != activeSession ) { loadSessionExternally( s ); break; } } } void addSession( Session* s ) { if (Core::self()->setupFlags() & Core::NoUi) { sessionActions[s] = 0; return; } KAction* a = new KAction( grp ); a->setText( s->description() ); a->setCheckable( false ); a->setData( s->id().toString() ); sessionActions[s] = a; q->actionCollection()->addAction( "session_"+s->id().toString(), a ); q->unplugActionList( "available_sessions" ); q->plugActionList( "available_sessions", grp->actions() ); connect(s, SIGNAL(nameChanged(QString,QString)), SLOT(nameChanged())); } SessionController* q; QHash sessionActions; ISession* activeSession; QActionGroup* grp; KLockFile::Ptr sessionLock; SessionController::LockSessionState sessionLockState; // Whether this process owns the recovery directory bool recoveryDirectoryIsOwn; QTimer recoveryTimer; QMap currentRecoveryFiles; static QString sessionBaseDirectory() { return KGlobal::mainComponent().dirs()->saveLocation( "data", KGlobal::mainComponent().componentName() + "/sessions/", true ); } static QString sessionDirectory( const QString& id ) { return sessionBaseDirectory() + id; } static QString lockFileForSession( const QString& id ) { return sessionDirectory( id ) + "/lock"; } static QString DBusServiceNameForSession( const QString& id ) { // We remove starting "{" and ending "}" from the string UUID representation // as D-Bus apparently doesn't allow them in service names return QString( "org.kdevelop.kdevplatform-lock-" ) + QString( id ).mid( 1, id.size() - 2 ); } QString ownDBusServiceName() { Q_ASSERT(activeSession); return DBusServiceNameForSession( activeSession->id() ); } QString ownSessionDirectory() const { Q_ASSERT(activeSession); return sessionDirectory( activeSession->id().toString() ); } QString ownLockFile() { Q_ASSERT(activeSession); return lockFileForSession( activeSession->id().toString() ); } void clearRecoveryDirectory() { removeDirectory(ownSessionDirectory() + "/recovery"); } bool lockSession() { sessionLockState = SessionController::tryLockSession( activeSession->id(), true ); return sessionLockState; } public slots: void documentSavedOrClosed( KDevelop::IDocument* document ) { if(currentRecoveryFiles.contains(document->url())) { kDebug() << "deleting recovery-info for" << document->url(); foreach(const QString& recoveryFileName, currentRecoveryFiles[document->url()]) { bool result = QFile::remove(recoveryFileName); kDebug() << "deleted" << recoveryFileName << result; } currentRecoveryFiles.remove(document->url()); } } private slots: void lateInitialization() { performRecovery(); connect(Core::self()->documentController(), SIGNAL(documentSaved(KDevelop::IDocument*)), SLOT(documentSavedOrClosed(KDevelop::IDocument*))); connect(Core::self()->documentController(), SIGNAL(documentClosed(KDevelop::IDocument*)), SLOT(documentSavedOrClosed(KDevelop::IDocument*))); } void performRecovery() { kDebug() << "Checking recovery"; QDir recoveryDir(ownSessionDirectory() + "/recovery"); if(recoveryDir.exists()) { kDebug() << "Have recovery directory, starting recovery"; QFile dateFile(recoveryDir.path() + "/date"); dateFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QString date = QString::fromUtf8(dateFile.readAll()); QDir recoverySubDir(recoveryDir.path() + "/current"); if(!recoverySubDir.exists()) recoverySubDir = QDir(recoveryDir.path() + "/backup"); if(recoverySubDir.exists()) { kWarning() << "Starting recovery from " << recoverySubDir.absolutePath(); QStringList urlList; for(uint num = 0; ; ++num) { QFile urlFile(recoverySubDir.path() + QString("/%1_url").arg(num)); if(!urlFile.exists()) break; urlFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); KUrl originalFile(QString::fromUtf8(urlFile.readAll())); urlList << originalFile.pathOrUrl(); } if(!urlList.isEmpty()) { //Either recover, or delete the recovery directory ///TODO: user proper runtime locale for date, it might be different /// from what was used when the recovery file was saved KGuiItem recover = KStandardGuiItem::cont(); recover.setIcon(KIcon("edit-redo")); recover.setText(i18n("Recover")); KGuiItem discard = KStandardGuiItem::discard(); int choice = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancelList(qApp->activeWindow(), i18nc("%1: date of the last snapshot", "The session crashed the last time it was used. " "The following modified files can be recovered from a backup from %1.", date), urlList, i18n("Crash Recovery"), recover, discard ); if(choice == KMessageBox::Continue) { #if 0 { //Put the recovered documents into the "Review" area, and clear the working set ICore::self()->uiController()->switchToArea("review", KDevelop::IUiController::ThisWindow); Sublime::MainWindow* window = static_cast(ICore::self()->uiController()->activeMainWindow()); window->area()->setWorkingSet("recover"); window->area()->clearViews(); } #endif //Recover the files for(uint num = 0; ; ++num) { QFile urlFile(recoverySubDir.path() + QString("/%1_url").arg(num)); if(!urlFile.exists()) break; urlFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); KUrl originalFile(QString::fromUtf8(urlFile.readAll())); QFile f(recoverySubDir.path() + '/' + QString("/%1_text").arg(num)); f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QString text = QString::fromUtf8(f.readAll()); if(text.isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::error(ICore::self()->uiController()->activeMainWindow(), i18n("Could not recover %1, the recovery file is empty", originalFile.pathOrUrl()), i18n("Recovery")); continue; } kDebug() << "opening" << originalFile << "for recovery"; KDevelop::IDocument* doc = ICore::self()->documentController()->openDocument(originalFile); if(!doc || !doc->textDocument()) { kWarning() << "The document " << originalFile.prettyUrl() << " could not be opened as a text-document, creating a new document with the recovered contents"; doc = ICore::self()->documentController()->openDocumentFromText(text); }else{ #ifdef HAVE_RECOVERY_INTERFACE KTextEditor::RecoveryInterface* recovery = qobject_cast(doc->textDocument()); if(recovery && recovery->isDataRecoveryAvailable()) // Use the recovery from the kate swap-file if possible recovery->recoverData(); else // Use a simple recovery through "replace text" doc->textDocument()->setText(text); #else // Use a simple recovery through "replace text" doc->textDocument()->setText(text); #endif } } } } } } recoveryDirectoryIsOwn = true; } void nameChanged() { Q_ASSERT(qobject_cast(sender())); Session* s = static_cast(sender()); sessionActions[s]->setText( s->description() ); } void recoveryStorageTimeout() { if(!recoveryDirectoryIsOwn) return; currentRecoveryFiles.clear(); QDir recoveryDir(ownSessionDirectory() + "/recovery"); if(!recoveryDir.exists()) { // Try "taking" the recovery directory QDir sessionDir(ownSessionDirectory()); if(!sessionDir.mkdir("recovery")) return; } if (recoveryDir.exists("backup")) { // Clear the old backup recovery directory, as we will create a new one if (!removeDirectory(recoveryDir.absoluteFilePath("backup"))) { kWarning() << "RECOVERY ERROR: Removing the old recovery backup directory failed in " << recoveryDir; return; } } //Make the current recovery dir the backup dir, so we always have a recovery available //This may fail, because "current" might be nonexistent recoveryDir.rename("current", "backup"); { recoveryDir.mkdir("current_incomplete"); QDir recoveryCurrentDir(recoveryDir.path() + "/current_incomplete"); uint num = 0; foreach(KDevelop::IDocument* document, ICore::self()->documentController()->openDocuments()) { if(document->state() == IDocument::Modified || document->state() == IDocument::DirtyAndModified) { //This document was modified, create a recovery-backup if(document->textDocument()) { //Currently we can only back-up text documents QString text = document->textDocument()->text(); if(!text.isEmpty()) { QString urlFilePath = recoveryCurrentDir.path() + QString("/%1_url").arg(num); QFile urlFile(urlFilePath); urlFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); urlFile.write(document->url().pathOrUrl().toUtf8()); urlFile.close(); QString textFilePath = recoveryCurrentDir.path() + '/' + QString("/%1_text").arg(num); QFile f(textFilePath); f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); f.write(text.toUtf8()); f.close(); currentRecoveryFiles[document->url()] = QStringList() << (recoveryDir.path() + "/current" + QString("/%1_url").arg(num)) << (recoveryDir.path() + "/current" + QString("/%1_text").arg(num)); if(urlFile.error() != QFile::NoError || f.error() != QFile::NoError) { kWarning() << "RECOVERY ERROR: Failed to write recovery for" << document->url() << "to" << textFilePath; KMessageBox::error(ICore::self()->uiController()->activeMainWindow(), i18n("Failed to write recovery copies to %1. Please make sure that your home directory is writable and not full. This application requires available space in the home directory to run stable. You may experience application crashes until you free up some space.", recoveryCurrentDir.path()), i18n("Recovery Error")); return; } ++num; } } } } } recoveryDir.rename("current_incomplete", "current"); { //Write down the date of the recovery QFile dateFile(recoveryDir.path() + "/date"); dateFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); dateFile.write(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString(Qt::DefaultLocaleShortDate).toUtf8()); } } }; void SessionController::updateSessionDescriptions() { for(QHash< Session*, QAction* >::iterator it = d->sessionActions.begin(); it != d->sessionActions.end(); ++it) { it.key()->updateDescription(); if (*it) (*it)->setText(it.key()->description()); } } SessionController::SessionController( QObject *parent ) : QObject( parent ), d(new SessionControllerPrivate(this)) { setObjectName("SessionController"); setComponentData(KComponentData("kdevsession")); setXMLFile("kdevsessionui.rc"); QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject( "/kdevelop/SessionController", this, QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableSlots ); if (Core::self()->setupFlags() & Core::NoUi) return; KAction* action = actionCollection()->addAction( "new_session", this, SLOT(newSession()) ); action->setText( i18nc("@action:inmenu", "Start New Session") ); action->setToolTip( i18nc("@info:tooltip", "Start a new KDevelop instance with an empty session") ); action->setIcon(KIcon("window-new")); action = actionCollection()->addAction( "rename_session", this, SLOT(renameSession()) ); action->setText( i18n("Rename Current Session...") ); action->setIcon(KIcon("edit-rename")); action = actionCollection()->addAction( "delete_session", this, SLOT(deleteSession()) ); action->setText( i18n("Delete Current Session...") ); action->setIcon(KIcon("edit-delete")); action = actionCollection()->addAction( "quit", this, SIGNAL(quitSession()) ); action->setText( i18n("Quit") ); action->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_Q); action->setIcon(KIcon("application-exit")); #if 0 action = actionCollection()->addAction( "configure_sessions", this, SLOT(configureSessions()) ); action->setText( i18n("Configure Sessions...") ); action->setToolTip( i18n("Create/Delete/Activate Sessions") ); action->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Configure Sessions

Shows a dialog to Create/Delete Sessions and set a new active session.

" ) ); #endif d->grp = new QActionGroup( this ); connect( d->grp, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), this, SLOT(loadSessionFromAction(QAction*)) ); } SessionController::~SessionController() { delete d; } void SessionController::startNewSession() { d->newSession(); } void SessionController::cleanup() { d->recoveryTimer.stop(); + Q_ASSERT(d->activeSession->id() == d->sessionLockState.sessionId); + ISession* active = d->activeSession; d->activeSession = 0; if (active->isTemporary()) { deleteSession(active->name()); } + d->sessionLockState.unlock(); qDeleteAll(d->sessionActions); d->sessionActions.clear(); } void SessionController::initialize( const QString& session ) { QDir sessiondir( SessionController::sessionDirectory() ); foreach( const QString& s, sessiondir.entryList( QDir::AllDirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot ) ) { QUuid id( s ); if( id.isNull() ) continue; // Only create sessions for directories that represent proper uuid's Session* ses = new Session( id, this ); //Delete sessions that have no name and are empty if( ses->containedProjects().isEmpty() && ses->name().isEmpty() && (session.isEmpty() || (ses->id().toString() != session && ses->name() != session)) ) { if( tryLockSession(s) ) { ses->deleteFromDisk(); } delete ses; } else { d->addSession( ses ); } } loadDefaultSession( session ); connect(Core::self()->projectController(), SIGNAL(projectClosed(KDevelop::IProject*)), SLOT(updateSessionDescriptions())); connect(Core::self()->projectController(), SIGNAL(projectOpened(KDevelop::IProject*)), SLOT(updateSessionDescriptions())); updateSessionDescriptions(); } ISession* SessionController::activeSession() const { return d->activeSession; } void SessionController::loadSession( const QString& nameOrId ) { d->loadSessionExternally( session( nameOrId ) ); } QList SessionController::sessionNames() const { QStringList l; foreach( const Session* s, d->sessionActions.keys() ) { l << s->name(); } return l; } QList< const KDevelop::Session* > SessionController::sessions() const { QList< const KDevelop::Session* > ret; foreach( const Session* s, d->sessionActions.keys() ) { ret << s; } return ret; } Session* SessionController::createSession( const QString& name ) { Session* s; if(name.startsWith('{')) { s = new Session( QUuid(name) ); }else{ qsrand(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t()); s = new Session( QUuid::createUuid() ); s->setName( name ); } d->addSession( s ); return s; } void SessionController::deleteSession( const QString& nameOrId ) { Session* s = session(nameOrId); Q_ASSERT( s != d->activeSession ) ; QHash::iterator it = d->sessionActions.find(s); Q_ASSERT( it != d->sessionActions.end() ); unplugActionList( "available_sessions" ); actionCollection()->removeAction(*it); if (d->grp) { // happens in unit tests d->grp->removeAction(*it); plugActionList( "available_sessions", d->grp->actions() ); } s->deleteFromDisk(); emit sessionDeleted( s->id().toString() ); d->sessionActions.remove(s); s->deleteLater(); } void SessionController::loadDefaultSession( const QString& session ) { QString load = session; if (load.isEmpty()) { KConfigGroup grp = KGlobal::config()->group( cfgSessionGroup() ); load = grp.readEntry( cfgActiveSessionEntry(), "default" ); } // Iteratively try to load the session, asking user what to do in case of failure // If showForceOpenDialog() returns empty string, stop trying Session* s; do { s = this->session( load ); if( !s ) { s = createSession( load ); } d->activateSession( s ); if( activeSession() ) break; load = handleLockedSession( s->name(), s->id().toString(), d->sessionLockState ); } while( !load.isEmpty() ); } Session* SessionController::session( const QString& nameOrId ) const { Session* ret = d->findSessionForName( nameOrId ); if(ret) return ret; return d->findSessionForId( nameOrId ); } QString SessionController::cloneSession( const QString& nameOrid ) { Session* origSession = session( nameOrid ); qsrand(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t()); QUuid id = QUuid::createUuid(); KIO::NetAccess::dircopy( SessionControllerPrivate::sessionDirectory( origSession->id().toString() ), SessionControllerPrivate::sessionDirectory( id.toString() ), Core::self()->uiController()->activeMainWindow() ); Session* newSession = new Session( id ); newSession->setName( i18n( "Copy of %1", origSession->name() ) ); d->addSession(newSession); return newSession->name(); } void SessionController::plugActions() { unplugActionList( "available_sessions" ); plugActionList( "available_sessions", d->grp->actions() ); } QString SessionController::cfgSessionGroup() { return "Sessions"; } QString SessionController::cfgActiveSessionEntry() { return "Active Session ID"; } QList< SessionInfo > SessionController::availableSessionInfo() { QList< SessionInfo > available; foreach( const QString& sessionId, QDir( SessionController::sessionDirectory() ).entryList( QDir::AllDirs ) ) { if( !QUuid( sessionId ).isNull() ) { available << Session::parse( sessionId ); } } return available; } QString SessionController::sessionDirectory() { return SessionControllerPrivate::sessionBaseDirectory(); } SessionController::LockSessionState SessionController::tryLockSession(QString id, bool doLocking) { /* * We've got two locking mechanisms here: D-Bus unique service name (based on the session id) * and a plain lockfile (KLockFile). * The latter is required to get the appname/pid of the locking instance * in case if it's stale/hanging/crashed (to make user know which PID he needs to kill). * D-Bus mechanism is the primary one. * * Since there is a kind of "logic tree", the code is a bit hard. */ LockSessionState ret; ret.sessionId = id; QString service = SessionControllerPrivate::DBusServiceNameForSession( id ); QDBusConnection connection = QDBusConnection::sessionBus(); QDBusConnectionInterface* connectionInterface = connection.interface(); ret.DBusService = service; ret.lockFilename = SessionControllerPrivate::lockFileForSession( id ); ret.lockFile = new KLockFile( ret.lockFilename ); bool canLockDBus = !connectionInterface->isServiceRegistered( service ); bool lockedDBus = false; // Lock D-Bus if we can and we need to if( doLocking && canLockDBus ) { lockedDBus = connection.registerService( service ); } // Attempt to lock file, despite the possibility to do so and presence of the request (doLocking) // This is required as KLockFile::getLockInfo() works only after KLockFile::lock() is called ret.attemptRelock(); if( ret.lockResult == KLockFile::LockOK ) { // Unlock immediately if we shouldn't have locked it if( !lockedDBus ) { ret.lockFile->unlock(); } } else { // If locking failed, retrieve the lock's metadata ret.lockFile->getLockInfo( ret.holderPid, ret.holderHostname, ret.holderApp ); if( lockedDBus ) { // Since the lock-file is secondary, try to force-lock it if D-Bus locking succeeded ret.forceRemoveLockfile(); ret.attemptRelock(); // Finally, if removing didn't help, cancel D-Bus locking altogether. if( ret.lockResult != KLockFile::LockOK ) { connection.unregisterService( service ); // do not set lockedDBus to false: ret.success will be then set to // lockedDBus, and we want it true to indicate that the D-Bus name is free } } } // Set the result by D-Bus status ret.success = doLocking ? lockedDBus : canLockDBus; return ret; } // Internal helper class class SessionChooserDialog : public KDialog { Q_OBJECT public: SessionChooserDialog(QListView* view, QAbstractItemModel* model, KLineEdit* filter); bool eventFilter(QObject* object, QEvent* event); public Q_SLOTS: void updateState(); void doubleClicked(QModelIndex); void filterTextChanged(QString); private Q_SLOTS: void deleteButtonPressed(); void showDeleteButton(); void itemEntered(const QModelIndex& index); private: QListView* m_view; QAbstractItemModel* m_model; KLineEdit* m_filter; QTimer m_updateStateTimer; QPushButton* m_deleteButton; QTimer m_deleteButtonTimer; int m_deleteCandidateRow; }; SessionChooserDialog::SessionChooserDialog(QListView* view, QAbstractItemModel* model, KLineEdit* filter) : m_view(view), m_model(model), m_filter(filter), m_deleteCandidateRow(-1) { m_updateStateTimer.setInterval(5000); m_updateStateTimer.setSingleShot(false); m_updateStateTimer.start(); connect(&m_updateStateTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(updateState())); connect(view, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(QModelIndex)), SLOT(doubleClicked(QModelIndex))); connect(view, SIGNAL(entered(QModelIndex)), SLOT(itemEntered(QModelIndex))); m_deleteButton = new KPushButton(view->viewport()); m_deleteButton->setIcon(KIcon("edit-delete")); m_deleteButton->setToolTip(i18nc("@info", "Delete session")); m_deleteButton->hide(); connect(m_deleteButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), SLOT(deleteButtonPressed())); m_deleteButtonTimer.setInterval(500); m_deleteButtonTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&m_deleteButtonTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(showDeleteButton())); view->setMouseTracking(true); view->installEventFilter(this); filter->installEventFilter(this); connect(filter, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), SLOT(filterTextChanged(QString))); setCaption(i18n("Pick a session")); setButtons(KDialog::Ok | KDialog::Close); button(Ok)->setText(i18n("Run")); button(Ok)->setIcon(KIcon("media-playback-start")); } void SessionChooserDialog::filterTextChanged(QString) { m_view->selectionModel()->setCurrentIndex(m_model->index(0, 0), QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect | QItemSelectionModel::Rows); bool enabled = m_view->model()->rowCount(QModelIndex())>0; button(KDialog::Ok)->setEnabled(enabled); m_deleteButton->setVisible(false); } void SessionChooserDialog::doubleClicked(QModelIndex index) { if(m_model->flags(index) & Qt::ItemIsEnabled) accept(); } void SessionChooserDialog::updateState() { // Sometimes locking may take some time, so we stop the timer, to prevent an 'avalanche' of events m_updateStateTimer.stop(); for(int row = 0; row < m_model->rowCount(); ++row) { QString session = m_model->index(row, 0).data().toString(); if(session.isEmpty()) //create new session continue; QString state, tooltip; SessionController::LockSessionState lockState = KDevelop::SessionController::tryLockSession(session); if(!lockState) { tooltip = i18n("Active session.\npid %1, app %2, host %3", lockState.holderPid, lockState.holderApp, lockState.holderHostname); state = i18n("Running"); } m_model->setData(m_model->index(row, 1), lockState ? KIcon("") : KIcon("media-playback-start"), Qt::DecorationRole); m_model->setData(m_model->index(row, 1), tooltip, Qt::ToolTipRole); m_model->setData(m_model->index(row, 2), state, Qt::DisplayRole); } m_updateStateTimer.start(); } QString SessionController::showSessionChooserDialog(QString headerText, bool onlyRunning) { // The catalog hasn't been loaded yet KGlobal::locale()->insertCatalog("kdevplatform"); QListView* view = new QListView; KLineEdit* filter = new KLineEdit; filter->setClearButtonShown( true ); filter->setClickMessage(i18n("Search")); QStandardItemModel* model = new QStandardItemModel(view); QSortFilterProxyModel *proxy = new QSortFilterProxyModel(model); proxy->setSourceModel(model); proxy->setFilterKeyColumn( 1 ); proxy->setFilterCaseSensitivity( Qt::CaseInsensitive ); connect(filter, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), proxy, SLOT(setFilterFixedString(QString))); SessionChooserDialog dialog(view, proxy, filter); view->setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers); QVBoxLayout layout(dialog.mainWidget()); if(!headerText.isEmpty()) { QLabel* heading = new QLabel(headerText); QFont font = heading->font(); font.setBold(true); heading->setFont(font); layout.addWidget(heading); } model->setColumnCount(3); model->setHeaderData(0, Qt::Horizontal,i18n("Identity")); model->setHeaderData(1, Qt::Horizontal, i18n("Contents")); model->setHeaderData(2, Qt::Horizontal,i18n("State")); view->setModel(proxy); view->setModelColumn(1); QHBoxLayout* filterLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); filterLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Filter:"))); filterLayout->addWidget(filter); layout.addLayout(filterLayout); layout.addWidget(view); filter->setFocus(); int row = 0; int defaultRow = 0; QString defaultSession = KGlobal::config()->group( cfgSessionGroup() ).readEntry( cfgActiveSessionEntry(), "default" ); foreach(const KDevelop::SessionInfo& si, KDevelop::SessionController::availableSessionInfo()) { if ( si.name.isEmpty() && si.projects.isEmpty() ) { continue; } bool running = KDevelop::SessionController::tryLockSession(si.uuid.toString()); if(onlyRunning && !running) continue; if(si.uuid.toString() == defaultSession) defaultRow = row; model->setItem(row, 0, new QStandardItem(si.uuid.toString())); model->setItem(row, 1, new QStandardItem(si.description)); model->setItem(row, 2, new QStandardItem); if(defaultRow == row && running) ++defaultRow; ++row; } model->sort(1); int cnsRow = row; if(!onlyRunning) { model->setItem(row, 0, new QStandardItem); model->setItem(row, 1, new QStandardItem(KIcon("window-new"), i18n("Create New Session"))); } dialog.updateState(); dialog.mainWidget()->layout()->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0); view->selectionModel()->setCurrentIndex(proxy->mapFromSource(model->index(defaultRow, 0)), QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect | QItemSelectionModel::Rows); view->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding); ///@todo We need a way to get a proper size-hint from the view, but unfortunately, that only seems possible after the view was shown. dialog.setInitialSize(QSize(900, 600)); if(dialog.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) { return QString(); } QModelIndex selected = view->selectionModel()->currentIndex(); if(selected.isValid()) { QString ret; if( selected.row() == cnsRow ) { qsrand(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t()); ret = QUuid::createUuid().toString(); } else { selected = selected.sibling(selected.row(), 0); ret = selected.data().toString(); } return ret; } return QString(); } QString SessionController::handleLockedSession( const QString& sessionName, const QString& sessionId, const SessionController::LockSessionState& state ) { if( state ) { return sessionId; } // Set to true if lock-file is not free bool lockFileOwned = state.lockResult != KLockFile::LockOK; // Set the locking problem description. QString problemDescription; if( state.success ) { // Do not try to call D-Bus if the D-Bus service is free (unregistered). switch( state.lockResult ) { case KLockFile::LockStale: problemDescription = i18nc("@info", "The session lock-file is stale."); break; case KLockFile::LockError: problemDescription = i18nc("@info", "Error while taking the session lock-file."); break; case KLockFile::LockFail: problemDescription = i18nc("@info", "The session lock-file is owned."); break; case KLockFile::LockOK: default: // We shouldn't have both D-Bus service name and lockfile free by now. Q_ASSERT( false ); break; } } else { // The timeout for "ensureVisible" call // Leave it sufficiently low to avoid waiting for hung instances. static const int timeout_ms = 1000; QDBusMessage message = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall( state.DBusService, "/kdevelop/MainWindow", "org.kdevelop.MainWindow", "ensureVisible" ); QDBusMessage reply = QDBusConnection::sessionBus().call( message, QDBus::Block, timeout_ms ); if( reply.type() == QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage ) { kDebug() << i18nc( "@info:shell", "made running %1 instance (PID: %2) visible", state.holderApp, state.holderPid ); return QString(); } else { kDebug() << i18nc("@info:shell", "running %1 instance (PID: %2) is apparently hung", state.holderApp, state.holderPid); } problemDescription = i18nc("@info", "The given application did not respond to a DBUS call, " "it may have crashed or is hanging."); } QString problemHeader; if( lockFileOwned ) { problemHeader = i18nc("@info", "Failed to lock the session %1, " "already locked by %2 on %3 (PID %4).", sessionName, state.holderApp, state.holderHostname, state.holderPid); } else { problemHeader = i18nc("@info", "Failed to lock the session %1 (lock-file unavailable).", sessionName); } QString problemResolution; if( state.success ) { problemResolution = i18nc("@info %1 is program name", "

Do you want to remove the lock file and force a new %1 instance?
" "Beware: Only do this if you are sure there is no running" " process using this session.

" "

Otherwise, close the offending application instance " "or choose another session to launch.

", KCmdLineArgs::aboutData()->programName()); } else { problemResolution = i18nc("@info", "

Please, close the offending application instance " "or choose another session to launch.

"); } QString errmsg = "

" + problemHeader + "
" + problemDescription + "

" + problemResolution; KGuiItem retry = KStandardGuiItem::cont(); if( state.success ) { retry.setText(i18nc("@action:button", "Remove lock file")); } else { retry.setText(i18nc("@action:button", "Retry startup")); } KGuiItem choose = KStandardGuiItem::configure(); choose.setText(i18nc("@action:button", "Choose another session")); KGuiItem cancel = KStandardGuiItem::quit(); int ret = KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancel(0, errmsg, i18nc("@title:window", "Failed to Lock Session %1", sessionName), retry, choose, cancel); switch( ret ) { case KMessageBox::Yes: if( state.success ) { state.forceRemoveLockfile(); } return sessionId; break; case KMessageBox::No: { QString errmsg = i18nc("@info", "The session %1 is already active in another running instance.", sessionName); return showSessionChooserDialog(errmsg); break; } case KMessageBox::Cancel: default: break; } return QString(); } void SessionChooserDialog::itemEntered(const QModelIndex& index) { // The last row says "Create new session", we don't want to delete that if(index.row() == m_model->rowCount()-1) { m_deleteButton->hide(); m_deleteButtonTimer.stop(); return; } // align the delete-button to stay on the right border of the item // we need the right most column's index QModelIndex in = m_model->index( index.row(), 1 ); const QRect rect = m_view->visualRect(in); m_deleteButton->resize(rect.height(), rect.height()); QPoint p(rect.right() - m_deleteButton->size().width(), rect.top()+rect.height()/2-m_deleteButton->height()/2); m_deleteButton->move(p); m_deleteCandidateRow = index.row(); m_deleteButtonTimer.start(); } void SessionChooserDialog::showDeleteButton() { m_deleteButton->show(); } bool SessionChooserDialog::eventFilter(QObject* object, QEvent* event) { if(object == m_view && event->type() == QEvent::Leave ) { m_deleteButtonTimer.stop(); m_deleteButton->hide(); } if(object == m_filter && event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) { QKeyEvent *keyEvent = static_cast(event); if(keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Up || keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Down) { QModelIndex currentIndex = m_view->selectionModel()->currentIndex(); int selectRow = -1; if(keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Up) { if(!currentIndex.isValid()) { selectRow = m_model->rowCount()-1; } else if(currentIndex.row()-1 >= 0) { selectRow = currentIndex.row()-1; } } else if(keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Down) { if(!currentIndex.isValid()) { selectRow = 0; } else if(currentIndex.row()+1 < m_model->rowCount()) { selectRow = currentIndex.row()+1; } } if (selectRow != -1) { m_view->selectionModel()->setCurrentIndex(m_model->index(selectRow, 0), QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect | QItemSelectionModel::Rows); } return true; } } return false; } void SessionChooserDialog::deleteButtonPressed() { if(m_deleteCandidateRow == -1) return; QModelIndex index = m_model->index(m_deleteCandidateRow, 0); const QString uuid = m_model->data(index, Qt::DisplayRole).toString(); { SessionController::LockSessionState state = SessionController::tryLockSession( uuid ); if( !state ) { const QString errCaption = i18nc("@title", "Cannot Delete Session"); QString errText = i18nc("@info", "

Cannot delete a locked session."); if( state.lockResult != KLockFile::LockOK ) { errText += i18nc("@info", "

The session is locked by %1 on %2 (PID %3).", state.holderApp, state.holderHostname, state.holderPid); } KMessageBox::error( this, errText, errCaption ); return; } } const QString text = i18nc("@info", "The session and all contained settings will be deleted. The projects will stay unaffected. Do you really want to continue?"); const QString caption = i18nc("@title", "Delete Session"); const KGuiItem deleteItem = KStandardGuiItem::del(); const KGuiItem cancelItem = KStandardGuiItem::cancel(); if(KMessageBox::warningYesNo(this, text, caption, deleteItem, cancelItem) == KMessageBox::Yes) { QModelIndex index = m_model->index(m_deleteCandidateRow, 0); const QString uuid = m_model->data(index, Qt::DisplayRole).toString(); //FIXME: What about running sessions? KDevelop::Session session( uuid ); session.deleteFromDisk(); m_model->removeRows( m_deleteCandidateRow, 1 ); m_deleteCandidateRow = -1; } } QString SessionController::sessionDir() { if( !activeSession() ) return QString(); return d->ownSessionDirectory(); } QString SessionController::sessionName() { if(!activeSession()) return QString(); return activeSession()->description(); } } #include "sessioncontroller.moc" #include "moc_sessioncontroller.cpp" diff --git a/shell/sessioncontroller.h b/shell/sessioncontroller.h index 2f117d5bc2..d80dc07fbf 100644 --- a/shell/sessioncontroller.h +++ b/shell/sessioncontroller.h @@ -1,163 +1,173 @@ /* This file is part of KDevelop Copyright 2008 Andreas Pakulat This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef SESSIONCONTROLLER_H #define SESSIONCONTROLLER_H #include "shellexport.h" #include "session.h" #include #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace KDevelop { class KDEVPLATFORMSHELL_EXPORT SessionController : public QObject, public KXMLGUIClient { Q_OBJECT public: SessionController( QObject *parent = 0 ); virtual ~SessionController(); void initialize( const QString& session ); void cleanup(); struct LockSessionState { LockSessionState() : success(true), holderPid(-1), lockResult( KLockFile::LockOK ) { } operator bool() const { return success; } bool success; QString holderApp; QString holderHostname; int holderPid; QString lockFilename; KLockFile::Ptr lockFile; KLockFile::LockResult lockResult; QString sessionId; QString DBusService; /// Tries to own the lock-file; stores its status in @ref lockResult void attemptRelock() { lockResult = lockFile->lock( KLockFile::ForceFlag | KLockFile::NoBlockFlag ); } /// Force-removes the lock-file. void forceRemoveLockfile() const { if( QFile::exists( lockFilename ) ) { QFile::remove( lockFilename ); } } + + /// Unlocks the lock-file and removes the D-Bus service. + void unlock() + { + if( success ) { + lockFile->unlock(); + QDBusConnection::sessionBus().unregisterService( DBusService ); + } + } }; /// Returns whether the given session can be locked (i. e., is not locked currently). /// @param doLocking whether to really lock the session or just "dry-run" the locking process static LockSessionState tryLockSession(QString id, bool doLocking = false); /// The application should call this on startup to tell the /// session-controller about the received arguments. /// Some of them may need to be passed to newly opened sessions. static void setArguments(int argc, char** argv); ///Finds a session by its name or by its UUID Session* session( const QString& nameOrId ) const; virtual ISession* activeSession() const; QList sessionNames() const; Session* createSession( const QString& name ); QList sessions() const; void loadDefaultSession( const QString& session ); void startNewSession(); void loadSession( const QString& nameOrId ); void deleteSession( const QString& nameOrId ); QString cloneSession( const QString& nameOrid ); static QString sessionDirectory(); static QString cfgSessionGroup(); static QString cfgActiveSessionEntry(); static QList< SessionInfo > availableSessionInfo(); /// Shows a dialog where the user can choose the session /// @param headerText an additional text that will be shown at the top in a label /// @param onlyRunning whether only currently running sessions should be shown static QString showSessionChooserDialog(QString headerText = QString(), bool onlyRunning = false); /// Should be called if session to be opened is locked. /// It attempts to bring existing instance's window up via a DBus call; if that succeeds, empty string is returned. /// Otherwise (if the app did not respond) it shows a dialog where the user may choose /// 1) to force-remove the lockfile and continue, /// 2) to select another session via \ref showSessionChooserDialog, /// 3) to quit the current (starting-up) instance. /// @param sessionName session name (for the message) /// @param sessionId current session GUID (to return if user chooses force-removal) /// @param state session lock state /// @return new session GUID to try or an empty string if application startup shall be aborted static QString handleLockedSession( const QString& sessionName, const QString& sessionId, const SessionController::LockSessionState& state ); void plugActions(); void emitQuitSession() { emit quitSession(); } public Q_SLOTS: // Returns the pretty name of the currently active session (used in the shell integration) virtual Q_SCRIPTABLE QString sessionName(); // Returns the directory associated to the active session (used in the shell integration) virtual Q_SCRIPTABLE QString sessionDir(); Q_SIGNALS: void sessionLoaded( ISession* ); void sessionDeleted( const QString& id); void quitSession(); private slots: void updateSessionDescriptions(); private: Q_PRIVATE_SLOT( d, void newSession() ) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT( d, void configureSessions() ) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT( d, void deleteSession() ) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT( d, void renameSession() ) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT( d, void loadSessionFromAction( QAction* ) ) class SessionControllerPrivate* const d; }; } #endif