diff --git a/plugins/git/gitplugin.cpp b/plugins/git/gitplugin.cpp index be074d379e..77b661579a 100644 --- a/plugins/git/gitplugin.cpp +++ b/plugins/git/gitplugin.cpp @@ -1,1558 +1,1558 @@ /*************************************************************************** * Copyright 2008 Evgeniy Ivanov * * Copyright 2009 Hugo Parente Lima * * Copyright 2010 Aleix Pol Gonzalez * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * * the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version * * accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved * * by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy * * defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see . * ***************************************************************************/ #include "gitplugin.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gitclonejob.h" #include #include #include "stashmanagerdialog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gitjob.h" #include "gitmessagehighlighter.h" #include "gitplugincheckinrepositoryjob.h" #include "gitnameemaildialog.h" #include "debug.h" using namespace KDevelop; QVariant runSynchronously(KDevelop::VcsJob* job) { QVariant ret; if(job->exec() && job->status()==KDevelop::VcsJob::JobSucceeded) { ret = job->fetchResults(); } delete job; return ret; } namespace { QDir dotGitDirectory(const QUrl& dirPath) { const QFileInfo finfo(dirPath.toLocalFile()); QDir dir = finfo.isDir() ? QDir(finfo.filePath()): finfo.absoluteDir(); static const QString gitDir = QStringLiteral(".git"); while (!dir.exists(gitDir) && dir.cdUp()) {} // cdUp, until there is a sub-directory called .git if (dir.isRoot()) { qCWarning(PLUGIN_GIT) << "couldn't find the git root for" << dirPath; } return dir; } /** * Whenever a directory is provided, change it for all the files in it but not inner directories, * that way we make sure we won't get into recursion, */ static QList preventRecursion(const QList& urls) { QList ret; foreach(const QUrl& url, urls) { QDir d(url.toLocalFile()); if(d.exists()) { QStringList entries = d.entryList(QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot); foreach(const QString& entry, entries) { QUrl entryUrl = QUrl::fromLocalFile(d.absoluteFilePath(entry)); ret += entryUrl; } } else ret += url; } return ret; } QString toRevisionName(const KDevelop::VcsRevision& rev, QString currentRevision=QString()) { switch(rev.revisionType()) { case VcsRevision::Special: switch(rev.revisionValue().value()) { case VcsRevision::Head: return QStringLiteral("^HEAD"); case VcsRevision::Base: return QString(); case VcsRevision::Working: return QString(); case VcsRevision::Previous: Q_ASSERT(!currentRevision.isEmpty()); return currentRevision + "^1"; case VcsRevision::Start: return QString(); case VcsRevision::UserSpecialType: //Not used Q_ASSERT(false && "i don't know how to do that"); } break; case VcsRevision::GlobalNumber: return rev.revisionValue().toString(); case VcsRevision::Date: case VcsRevision::FileNumber: case VcsRevision::Invalid: case VcsRevision::UserSpecialType: Q_ASSERT(false); } return QString(); } QString revisionInterval(const KDevelop::VcsRevision& rev, const KDevelop::VcsRevision& limit) { QString ret; if(rev.revisionType()==VcsRevision::Special && rev.revisionValue().value()==VcsRevision::Start) //if we want it to the beginning just put the revisionInterval ret = toRevisionName(limit, QString()); else { QString dst = toRevisionName(limit); if(dst.isEmpty()) ret = dst; else { QString src = toRevisionName(rev, dst); if(src.isEmpty()) ret = src; else ret = src+".."+dst; } } return ret; } QDir urlDir(const QUrl& url) { QFileInfo f(url.toLocalFile()); if(f.isDir()) return QDir(url.toLocalFile()); else return f.absoluteDir(); } QDir urlDir(const QList& urls) { return urlDir(urls.first()); } //TODO: could be improved } GitPlugin::GitPlugin( QObject *parent, const QVariantList & ) : DistributedVersionControlPlugin(parent, QStringLiteral("kdevgit")), m_oldVersion(false), m_usePrefix(true) { if (QStandardPaths::findExecutable(QStringLiteral("git")).isEmpty()) { setErrorDescription(i18n("Unable to find git executable. Is it installed on the system?")); return; } setObjectName(QStringLiteral("Git")); DVcsJob* versionJob = new DVcsJob(QDir::tempPath(), this, KDevelop::OutputJob::Silent); *versionJob << "git" << "--version"; connect(versionJob, &DVcsJob::readyForParsing, this, &GitPlugin::parseGitVersionOutput); ICore::self()->runController()->registerJob(versionJob); m_watcher = new KDirWatch(this); connect(m_watcher, &KDirWatch::dirty, this, &GitPlugin::fileChanged); connect(m_watcher, &KDirWatch::created, this, &GitPlugin::fileChanged); } GitPlugin::~GitPlugin() {} bool emptyOutput(DVcsJob* job) { QScopedPointer _job(job); if(job->exec() && job->status()==VcsJob::JobSucceeded) return job->rawOutput().trimmed().isEmpty(); return false; } bool GitPlugin::hasStashes(const QDir& repository) { return !emptyOutput(gitStash(repository, QStringList(QStringLiteral("list")), KDevelop::OutputJob::Silent)); } bool GitPlugin::hasModifications(const QDir& d) { return !emptyOutput(lsFiles(d, QStringList(QStringLiteral("-m")), OutputJob::Silent)); } bool GitPlugin::hasModifications(const QDir& repo, const QUrl& file) { return !emptyOutput(lsFiles(repo, QStringList() << QStringLiteral("-m") << file.path(), OutputJob::Silent)); } void GitPlugin::additionalMenuEntries(QMenu* menu, const QList& urls) { m_urls = urls; QDir dir=urlDir(urls); bool hasSt = hasStashes(dir); menu->addSeparator()->setText(i18n("Git Stashes")); menu->addAction(i18n("Stash Manager"), this, SLOT(ctxStashManager()))->setEnabled(hasSt); menu->addAction(i18n("Push Stash"), this, SLOT(ctxPushStash())); menu->addAction(i18n("Pop Stash"), this, SLOT(ctxPopStash()))->setEnabled(hasSt); } void GitPlugin::ctxPushStash() { VcsJob* job = gitStash(urlDir(m_urls), QStringList(), KDevelop::OutputJob::Verbose); ICore::self()->runController()->registerJob(job); } void GitPlugin::ctxPopStash() { VcsJob* job = gitStash(urlDir(m_urls), QStringList(QStringLiteral("pop")), KDevelop::OutputJob::Verbose); ICore::self()->runController()->registerJob(job); } void GitPlugin::ctxStashManager() { QPointer d = new StashManagerDialog(urlDir(m_urls), this, nullptr); d->exec(); delete d; } DVcsJob* GitPlugin::errorsFound(const QString& error, KDevelop::OutputJob::OutputJobVerbosity verbosity=OutputJob::Verbose) { DVcsJob* j = new DVcsJob(QDir::temp(), this, verbosity); *j << "echo" << i18n("error: %1", error) << "-n"; return j; } QString GitPlugin::name() const { return QStringLiteral("Git"); } QUrl GitPlugin::repositoryRoot(const QUrl& path) { return QUrl::fromLocalFile(dotGitDirectory(path).absolutePath()); } bool GitPlugin::isValidDirectory(const QUrl & dirPath) { QDir dir=dotGitDirectory(dirPath); QFile dotGitPotentialFile(dir.filePath(QStringLiteral(".git"))); // if .git is a file, we may be in a git worktree QFileInfo dotGitPotentialFileInfo(dotGitPotentialFile); if (!dotGitPotentialFileInfo.isDir() && dotGitPotentialFile.exists()) { QString gitWorktreeFileContent; if (dotGitPotentialFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { // the content should be gitdir: /path/to/the/.git/worktree gitWorktreeFileContent = QString::fromUtf8(dotGitPotentialFile.readAll()); dotGitPotentialFile.close(); } else { return false; } const auto items = gitWorktreeFileContent.split(' '); if (items.size() == 2 && items.at(0) == QLatin1String("gitdir:")) { qCDebug(PLUGIN_GIT) << "we are in a git worktree" << items.at(1); return true; } } return dir.exists(QStringLiteral(".git/HEAD")); } bool GitPlugin::isValidRemoteRepositoryUrl(const QUrl& remoteLocation) { if (remoteLocation.isLocalFile()) { QFileInfo fileInfo(remoteLocation.toLocalFile()); if (fileInfo.isDir()) { QDir dir(fileInfo.filePath()); if (dir.exists(QStringLiteral(".git/HEAD"))) { return true; } // TODO: check also for bare repo } } else { const QString scheme = remoteLocation.scheme(); - if (scheme == QLatin1String("git")) { + if (scheme == QLatin1String("git") || scheme == QLatin1String("git+ssh")) { return true; } // heuristic check, anything better we can do here without talking to server? if ((scheme == QLatin1String("http") || scheme == QLatin1String("https")) && remoteLocation.path().endsWith(QLatin1String(".git"))) { return true; } } return false; } bool GitPlugin::isVersionControlled(const QUrl &path) { QFileInfo fsObject(path.toLocalFile()); if (!fsObject.exists()) { return false; } if (fsObject.isDir()) { return isValidDirectory(path); } QString filename = fsObject.fileName(); QStringList otherFiles = getLsFiles(fsObject.dir(), QStringList(QStringLiteral("--")) << filename, KDevelop::OutputJob::Silent); return !otherFiles.empty(); } VcsJob* GitPlugin::init(const QUrl &directory) { DVcsJob* job = new DVcsJob(urlDir(directory), this); job->setType(VcsJob::Import); *job << "git" << "init"; return job; } VcsJob* GitPlugin::createWorkingCopy(const KDevelop::VcsLocation & source, const QUrl& dest, KDevelop::IBasicVersionControl::RecursionMode) { DVcsJob* job = new GitCloneJob(urlDir(dest), this); job->setType(VcsJob::Import); *job << "git" << "clone" << "--progress" << "--" << source.localUrl().url() << dest; return job; } VcsJob* GitPlugin::add(const QList& localLocations, KDevelop::IBasicVersionControl::RecursionMode recursion) { if (localLocations.empty()) return errorsFound(i18n("Did not specify the list of files"), OutputJob::Verbose); DVcsJob* job = new GitJob(dotGitDirectory(localLocations.front()), this); job->setType(VcsJob::Add); *job << "git" << "add" << "--" << (recursion == IBasicVersionControl::Recursive ? localLocations : preventRecursion(localLocations)); return job; } KDevelop::VcsJob* GitPlugin::status(const QList& localLocations, KDevelop::IBasicVersionControl::RecursionMode recursion) { if (localLocations.empty()) return errorsFound(i18n("Did not specify the list of files"), OutputJob::Verbose); DVcsJob* job = new GitJob(urlDir(localLocations), this, OutputJob::Silent); job->setType(VcsJob::Status); if(m_oldVersion) { *job << "git" << "ls-files" << "-t" << "-m" << "-c" << "-o" << "-d" << "-k" << "--directory"; connect(job, &DVcsJob::readyForParsing, this, &GitPlugin::parseGitStatusOutput_old); } else { *job << "git" << "status" << "--porcelain"; job->setIgnoreError(true); connect(job, &DVcsJob::readyForParsing, this, &GitPlugin::parseGitStatusOutput); } *job << "--" << (recursion == IBasicVersionControl::Recursive ? localLocations : preventRecursion(localLocations)); return job; } VcsJob* GitPlugin::diff(const QUrl& fileOrDirectory, const KDevelop::VcsRevision& srcRevision, const KDevelop::VcsRevision& dstRevision, VcsDiff::Type /*type*/, IBasicVersionControl::RecursionMode recursion) { //TODO: control different types DVcsJob* job = new GitJob(dotGitDirectory(fileOrDirectory), this, KDevelop::OutputJob::Silent); job->setType(VcsJob::Diff); *job << "git" << "diff" << "--no-color" << "--no-ext-diff"; if (!usePrefix()) { // KDE's ReviewBoard now requires p1 patchfiles, so `git diff --no-prefix` to generate p0 patches // has become optional. *job << "--no-prefix"; } if (dstRevision.revisionType() == VcsRevision::Special && dstRevision.specialType() == VcsRevision::Working) { if (srcRevision.revisionType() == VcsRevision::Special && srcRevision.specialType() == VcsRevision::Base) { *job << "HEAD"; } else { *job << "--cached" << srcRevision.revisionValue().toString(); } } else { QString revstr = revisionInterval(srcRevision, dstRevision); if(!revstr.isEmpty()) *job << revstr; } *job << "--"; if (recursion == IBasicVersionControl::Recursive) { *job << fileOrDirectory; } else { *job << preventRecursion(QList() << fileOrDirectory); } connect(job, &DVcsJob::readyForParsing, this, &GitPlugin::parseGitDiffOutput); return job; } VcsJob* GitPlugin::revert(const QList& localLocations, IBasicVersionControl::RecursionMode recursion) { if(localLocations.isEmpty() ) return errorsFound(i18n("Could not revert changes"), OutputJob::Verbose); QDir repo = urlDir(repositoryRoot(localLocations.first())); QString modified; for (const auto& file: localLocations) { if (hasModifications(repo, file)) { modified.append(file.toDisplayString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile) + "
"); } } if (!modified.isEmpty()) { auto res = KMessageBox::questionYesNo(nullptr, i18n("The following files have uncommitted changes, " "which will be lost. Continue?") + "

" + modified); if (res != KMessageBox::Yes) { return errorsFound(QString(), OutputJob::Silent); } } DVcsJob* job = new GitJob(dotGitDirectory(localLocations.front()), this); job->setType(VcsJob::Revert); *job << "git" << "checkout" << "--"; *job << (recursion == IBasicVersionControl::Recursive ? localLocations : preventRecursion(localLocations)); return job; } //TODO: git doesn't like empty messages, but "KDevelop didn't provide any message, it may be a bug" looks ugly... //If no files specified then commit already added files VcsJob* GitPlugin::commit(const QString& message, const QList& localLocations, KDevelop::IBasicVersionControl::RecursionMode recursion) { if (localLocations.empty() || message.isEmpty()) return errorsFound(i18n("No files or message specified")); const QDir dir = dotGitDirectory(localLocations.front()); if (!ensureValidGitIdentity(dir)) { return errorsFound(i18n("Email or name for Git not specified")); } DVcsJob* job = new DVcsJob(dir, this); job->setType(VcsJob::Commit); QList files = (recursion == IBasicVersionControl::Recursive ? localLocations : preventRecursion(localLocations)); addNotVersionedFiles(dir, files); *job << "git" << "commit" << "-m" << message; *job << "--" << files; return job; } bool GitPlugin::ensureValidGitIdentity(const QDir& dir) { const QUrl url = QUrl::fromLocalFile(dir.absolutePath()); const QString name = readConfigOption(url, QStringLiteral("user.name")); const QString email = readConfigOption(url, QStringLiteral("user.email")); if (!email.isEmpty() && !name.isEmpty()) { return true; // already okay } GitNameEmailDialog dialog; dialog.setName(name); dialog.setEmail(email); if (!dialog.exec()) { return false; } runSynchronously(setConfigOption(url, QStringLiteral("user.name"), dialog.name(), dialog.isGlobal())); runSynchronously(setConfigOption(url, QStringLiteral("user.email"), dialog.email(), dialog.isGlobal())); return true; } void GitPlugin::addNotVersionedFiles(const QDir& dir, const QList& files) { QStringList otherStr = getLsFiles(dir, QStringList() << QStringLiteral("--others"), KDevelop::OutputJob::Silent); QList toadd, otherFiles; foreach(const QString& file, otherStr) { QUrl v = QUrl::fromLocalFile(dir.absoluteFilePath(file)); otherFiles += v; } //We add the files that are not versioned foreach(const QUrl& file, files) { if(otherFiles.contains(file) && QFileInfo(file.toLocalFile()).isFile()) toadd += file; } if(!toadd.isEmpty()) { VcsJob* job = add(toadd); job->exec(); // krazy:exclude=crashy } } bool isEmptyDirStructure(const QDir &dir) { foreach (const QFileInfo &i, dir.entryInfoList(QDir::AllEntries | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot)) { if (i.isDir()) { if (!isEmptyDirStructure(QDir(i.filePath()))) return false; } else if (i.isFile()) { return false; } } return true; } VcsJob* GitPlugin::remove(const QList& files) { if (files.isEmpty()) return errorsFound(i18n("No files to remove")); QDir dotGitDir = dotGitDirectory(files.front()); QList files_(files); QMutableListIterator i(files_); while (i.hasNext()) { QUrl file = i.next(); QFileInfo fileInfo(file.toLocalFile()); QStringList otherStr = getLsFiles(dotGitDir, QStringList() << QStringLiteral("--others") << QStringLiteral("--") << file.toLocalFile(), KDevelop::OutputJob::Silent); if(!otherStr.isEmpty()) { //remove files not under version control QList otherFiles; foreach(const QString &f, otherStr) { otherFiles << QUrl::fromLocalFile(dotGitDir.path()+'/'+f); } if (fileInfo.isFile()) { //if it's an unversioned file we are done, don't use git rm on it i.remove(); } auto trashJob = KIO::trash(otherFiles); trashJob->exec(); qCDebug(PLUGIN_GIT) << "other files" << otherFiles; } if (fileInfo.isDir()) { if (isEmptyDirStructure(QDir(file.toLocalFile()))) { //remove empty folders, git doesn't do that auto trashJob = KIO::trash(file); trashJob->exec(); qCDebug(PLUGIN_GIT) << "empty folder, removing" << file; //we already deleted it, don't use git rm on it i.remove(); } } } if (files_.isEmpty()) return nullptr; DVcsJob* job = new GitJob(dotGitDir, this); job->setType(VcsJob::Remove); // git refuses to delete files with local modifications // use --force to overcome this *job << "git" << "rm" << "-r" << "--force"; *job << "--" << files_; return job; } VcsJob* GitPlugin::log(const QUrl& localLocation, const KDevelop::VcsRevision& src, const KDevelop::VcsRevision& dst) { DVcsJob* job = new GitJob(dotGitDirectory(localLocation), this, KDevelop::OutputJob::Silent); job->setType(VcsJob::Log); *job << "git" << "log" << "--date=raw" << "--name-status" << "-M80%" << "--follow"; QString rev = revisionInterval(dst, src); if(!rev.isEmpty()) *job << rev; *job << "--" << localLocation; connect(job, &DVcsJob::readyForParsing, this, &GitPlugin::parseGitLogOutput); return job; } VcsJob* GitPlugin::log(const QUrl& localLocation, const KDevelop::VcsRevision& rev, unsigned long int limit) { DVcsJob* job = new GitJob(dotGitDirectory(localLocation), this, KDevelop::OutputJob::Silent); job->setType(VcsJob::Log); *job << "git" << "log" << "--date=raw" << "--name-status" << "-M80%" << "--follow"; QString revStr = toRevisionName(rev, QString()); if(!revStr.isEmpty()) *job << revStr; if(limit>0) *job << QStringLiteral("-%1").arg(limit); *job << "--" << localLocation; connect(job, &DVcsJob::readyForParsing, this, &GitPlugin::parseGitLogOutput); return job; } KDevelop::VcsJob* GitPlugin::annotate(const QUrl &localLocation, const KDevelop::VcsRevision&) { DVcsJob* job = new GitJob(dotGitDirectory(localLocation), this, KDevelop::OutputJob::Silent); job->setType(VcsJob::Annotate); *job << "git" << "blame" << "--porcelain" << "-w"; *job << "--" << localLocation; connect(job, &DVcsJob::readyForParsing, this, &GitPlugin::parseGitBlameOutput); return job; } void GitPlugin::parseGitBlameOutput(DVcsJob *job) { QVariantList results; VcsAnnotationLine* annotation = nullptr; const auto output = job->output(); const auto lines = output.splitRef('\n'); bool skipNext=false; QMap definedRevisions; for(QVector::const_iterator it=lines.constBegin(), itEnd=lines.constEnd(); it!=itEnd; ++it) { if(skipNext) { skipNext=false; results += qVariantFromValue(*annotation); continue; } if(it->isEmpty()) continue; QStringRef name = it->left(it->indexOf(' ')); QStringRef value = it->right(it->size()-name.size()-1); if(name==QLatin1String("author")) annotation->setAuthor(value.toString()); else if(name==QLatin1String("author-mail")) {} //TODO: do smth with the e-mail? else if(name==QLatin1String("author-tz")) {} //TODO: does it really matter? else if(name==QLatin1String("author-time")) annotation->setDate(QDateTime::fromTime_t(value.toUInt())); else if(name==QLatin1String("summary")) annotation->setCommitMessage(value.toString()); else if(name.startsWith(QStringLiteral("committer"))) {} //We will just store the authors else if(name==QLatin1String("previous")) {} //We don't need that either else if(name==QLatin1String("filename")) { skipNext=true; } else if(name==QLatin1String("boundary")) { definedRevisions.insert(QStringLiteral("boundary"), VcsAnnotationLine()); } else { const auto values = value.split(' '); VcsRevision rev; rev.setRevisionValue(name.left(8).toString(), KDevelop::VcsRevision::GlobalNumber); skipNext = definedRevisions.contains(name.toString()); if(!skipNext) definedRevisions.insert(name.toString(), VcsAnnotationLine()); annotation = &definedRevisions[name.toString()]; annotation->setLineNumber(values[1].toInt() - 1); annotation->setRevision(rev); } } job->setResults(results); } DVcsJob* GitPlugin::lsFiles(const QDir &repository, const QStringList &args, OutputJob::OutputJobVerbosity verbosity) { DVcsJob* job = new DVcsJob(repository, this, verbosity); *job << "git" << "ls-files" << args; return job; } DVcsJob* GitPlugin::gitStash(const QDir& repository, const QStringList& args, OutputJob::OutputJobVerbosity verbosity) { DVcsJob* job = new DVcsJob(repository, this, verbosity); *job << "git" << "stash" << args; return job; } VcsJob* GitPlugin::tag(const QUrl& repository, const QString& commitMessage, const VcsRevision& rev, const QString& tagName) { DVcsJob* job = new DVcsJob(urlDir(repository), this); *job << "git" << "tag" << "-m" << commitMessage << tagName; if(rev.revisionValue().isValid()) *job << rev.revisionValue().toString(); return job; } VcsJob* GitPlugin::switchBranch(const QUrl &repository, const QString &branch) { QDir d=urlDir(repository); if(hasModifications(d) && KMessageBox::questionYesNo(nullptr, i18n("There are pending changes, do you want to stash them first?"))==KMessageBox::Yes) { QScopedPointer stash(gitStash(d, QStringList(), KDevelop::OutputJob::Verbose)); stash->exec(); } DVcsJob* job = new DVcsJob(d, this); *job << "git" << "checkout" << branch; return job; } VcsJob* GitPlugin::branch(const QUrl& repository, const KDevelop::VcsRevision& rev, const QString& branchName) { Q_ASSERT(!branchName.isEmpty()); DVcsJob* job = new DVcsJob(urlDir(repository), this); *job << "git" << "branch" << "--" << branchName; if(!rev.prettyValue().isEmpty()) *job << rev.revisionValue().toString(); return job; } VcsJob* GitPlugin::deleteBranch(const QUrl& repository, const QString& branchName) { DVcsJob* job = new DVcsJob(urlDir(repository), this, OutputJob::Silent); *job << "git" << "branch" << "-D" << branchName; connect(job, &DVcsJob::readyForParsing, this, &GitPlugin::parseGitCurrentBranch); return job; } VcsJob* GitPlugin::renameBranch(const QUrl& repository, const QString& oldBranchName, const QString& newBranchName) { DVcsJob* job = new DVcsJob(urlDir(repository), this, OutputJob::Silent); *job << "git" << "branch" << "-m" << newBranchName << oldBranchName; connect(job, &DVcsJob::readyForParsing, this, &GitPlugin::parseGitCurrentBranch); return job; } VcsJob* GitPlugin::mergeBranch(const QUrl& repository, const QString& branchName) { Q_ASSERT(!branchName.isEmpty()); DVcsJob* job = new DVcsJob(urlDir(repository), this); *job << "git" << "merge" << branchName; return job; } VcsJob* GitPlugin::currentBranch(const QUrl& repository) { DVcsJob* job = new DVcsJob(urlDir(repository), this, OutputJob::Silent); job->setIgnoreError(true); *job << "git" << "symbolic-ref" << "-q" << "--short" << "HEAD"; connect(job, &DVcsJob::readyForParsing, this, &GitPlugin::parseGitCurrentBranch); return job; } void GitPlugin::parseGitCurrentBranch(DVcsJob* job) { QString out = job->output().trimmed(); job->setResults(out); } VcsJob* GitPlugin::branches(const QUrl &repository) { DVcsJob* job=new DVcsJob(urlDir(repository)); *job << "git" << "branch" << "-a"; connect(job, &DVcsJob::readyForParsing, this, &GitPlugin::parseGitBranchOutput); return job; } void GitPlugin::parseGitBranchOutput(DVcsJob* job) { const auto output = job->output(); const auto branchListDirty = output.splitRef('\n', QString::SkipEmptyParts); QStringList branchList; foreach(const auto & branch, branchListDirty) { // Skip pointers to another branches (one example of this is "origin/HEAD -> origin/master"); // "git rev-list" chokes on these entries and we do not need duplicate branches altogether. if (branch.contains(QStringLiteral("->"))) continue; // Skip entries such as '(no branch)' if (branch.contains(QStringLiteral("(no branch)"))) continue; QStringRef name = branch; if (name.startsWith('*')) name = branch.right(branch.size()-2); branchList << name.trimmed().toString(); } job->setResults(branchList); } /* Few words about how this hardcore works: 1. get all commits (with --paretns) 2. select master (root) branch and get all unicial commits for branches (git-rev-list br2 ^master ^br3) 3. parse allCommits. While parsing set mask (columns state for every row) for BRANCH, INITIAL, CROSS, MERGE and INITIAL are also set in DVCScommit::setParents (depending on parents count) another setType(INITIAL) is used for "bottom/root/first" commits of branches 4. find and set merges, HEADS. It's an ittaration through all commits. - first we check if parent is from the same branch, if no then we go through all commits searching parent's index and set CROSS/HCROSS for rows (in 3 rows are set EMPTY after commit with parent from another tree met) - then we check branchesShas[i][0] to mark heads 4 can be a seporate function. TODO: All this porn require refactoring (rewriting is better)! It's a very dirty implementation. FIXME: 1. HEAD which is head has extra line to connect it with further commit 2. If you menrge branch2 to master, only new commits of branch2 will be visible (it's fine, but there will be extra merge rectangle in master. If there are no extra commits in branch2, but there are another branches, then the place for branch2 will be empty (instead of be used for branch3). 3. Commits that have additional commit-data (not only history merging, but changes to fix conflicts) are shown incorrectly */ QList GitPlugin::getAllCommits(const QString &repo) { initBranchHash(repo); QStringList args; args << QStringLiteral("--all") << QStringLiteral("--pretty") << QStringLiteral("--parents"); QScopedPointer job(gitRevList(repo, args)); bool ret = job->exec(); Q_ASSERT(ret && job->status()==VcsJob::JobSucceeded && "TODO: provide a fall back in case of failing"); Q_UNUSED(ret); QStringList commits = job->output().split('\n', QString::SkipEmptyParts); static QRegExp rx_com("commit \\w{40,40}"); QListcommitList; DVcsEvent item; //used to keep where we have empty/cross/branch entry //true if it's an active branch (then cross or branch) and false if not QVector additionalFlags(branchesShas.count()); additionalFlags.fill(false); //parse output for(int i = 0; i < commits.count(); ++i) { if (commits[i].contains(rx_com)) { qCDebug(PLUGIN_GIT) << "commit found in " << commits[i]; item.setCommit(commits[i].section(' ', 1, 1).trimmed()); // qCDebug(PLUGIN_GIT) << "commit is: " << commits[i].section(' ', 1); QStringList parents; QString parent = commits[i].section(' ', 2); int section = 2; while (!parent.isEmpty()) { /* qCDebug(PLUGIN_GIT) << "Parent is: " << parent;*/ parents.append(parent.trimmed()); section++; parent = commits[i].section(' ', section); } item.setParents(parents); //Avoid Merge string while (!commits[i].contains(QStringLiteral("Author: "))) ++i; item.setAuthor(commits[i].section(QStringLiteral("Author: "), 1).trimmed()); // qCDebug(PLUGIN_GIT) << "author is: " << commits[i].section("Author: ", 1); item.setDate(commits[++i].section(QStringLiteral("Date: "), 1).trimmed()); // qCDebug(PLUGIN_GIT) << "date is: " << commits[i].section("Date: ", 1); QString log; i++; //next line! while (i < commits.count() && !commits[i].contains(rx_com)) log += commits[i++]; --i; //while took commit line item.setLog(log.trimmed()); // qCDebug(PLUGIN_GIT) << "log is: " << log; //mask is used in CommitViewDelegate to understand what we should draw for each branch QList mask; //set mask (properties for each graph column in row) for(int i = 0; i < branchesShas.count(); ++i) { qCDebug(PLUGIN_GIT)<<"commit: " << item.getCommit(); if (branchesShas[i].contains(item.getCommit())) { mask.append(item.getType()); //we set type in setParents //check if parent from the same branch, if not then we have found a root of the branch //and will use empty column for all futher (from top to bottom) revisions //FIXME: we should set CROSS between parent and child (and do it when find merge point) additionalFlags[i] = false; foreach(const QString &sha, item.getParents()) { if (branchesShas[i].contains(sha)) additionalFlags[i] = true; } if (additionalFlags[i] == false) item.setType(DVcsEvent::INITIAL); //hasn't parents from the same branch, used in drawing } else { if (additionalFlags[i] == false) mask.append(DVcsEvent::EMPTY); else mask.append(DVcsEvent::CROSS); } qCDebug(PLUGIN_GIT) << "mask " << i << "is " << mask[i]; } item.setProperties(mask); commitList.append(item); } } //find and set merges, HEADS, require refactoring! for(QList::iterator iter = commitList.begin(); iter != commitList.end(); ++iter) { QStringList parents = iter->getParents(); //we need only only child branches if (parents.count() != 1) break; QString parent = parents[0]; QString commit = iter->getCommit(); bool parent_checked = false; int heads_checked = 0; for(int i = 0; i < branchesShas.count(); ++i) { //check parent if (branchesShas[i].contains(commit)) { if (!branchesShas[i].contains(parent)) { //parent and child are not in same branch //since it is list, than parent has i+1 index //set CROSS and HCROSS for(QList::iterator f_iter = iter; f_iter != commitList.end(); ++f_iter) { if (parent == f_iter->getCommit()) { for(int j = 0; j < i; ++j) { if(branchesShas[j].contains(parent)) f_iter->setPropetry(j, DVcsEvent::MERGE); else f_iter->setPropetry(j, DVcsEvent::HCROSS); } f_iter->setType(DVcsEvent::MERGE); f_iter->setPropetry(i, DVcsEvent::MERGE_RIGHT); qCDebug(PLUGIN_GIT) << parent << " is parent of " << commit; qCDebug(PLUGIN_GIT) << f_iter->getCommit() << " is merge"; parent_checked = true; break; } else f_iter->setPropetry(i, DVcsEvent::CROSS); } } } //mark HEADs if (!branchesShas[i].empty() && commit == branchesShas[i][0]) { iter->setType(DVcsEvent::HEAD); iter->setPropetry(i, DVcsEvent::HEAD); heads_checked++; qCDebug(PLUGIN_GIT) << "HEAD found"; } //some optimization if (heads_checked == branchesShas.count() && parent_checked) break; } } return commitList; } void GitPlugin::initBranchHash(const QString &repo) { const QUrl repoUrl = QUrl::fromLocalFile(repo); QStringList gitBranches = runSynchronously(branches(repoUrl)).toStringList(); qCDebug(PLUGIN_GIT) << "BRANCHES: " << gitBranches; //Now root branch is the current branch. In future it should be the longest branch //other commitLists are got with git-rev-lits branch ^br1 ^ br2 QString root = runSynchronously(currentBranch(repoUrl)).toString(); QScopedPointer job(gitRevList(repo, QStringList(root))); bool ret = job->exec(); Q_ASSERT(ret && job->status()==VcsJob::JobSucceeded && "TODO: provide a fall back in case of failing"); Q_UNUSED(ret); QStringList commits = job->output().split('\n', QString::SkipEmptyParts); // qCDebug(PLUGIN_GIT) << "\n\n\n commits" << commits << "\n\n\n"; branchesShas.append(commits); foreach(const QString &branch, gitBranches) { if (branch == root) continue; QStringList args(branch); foreach(const QString &branch_arg, gitBranches) { if (branch_arg != branch) //man gitRevList for '^' args<<'^' + branch_arg; } QScopedPointer job(gitRevList(repo, args)); bool ret = job->exec(); Q_ASSERT(ret && job->status()==VcsJob::JobSucceeded && "TODO: provide a fall back in case of failing"); Q_UNUSED(ret); QStringList commits = job->output().split('\n', QString::SkipEmptyParts); // qCDebug(PLUGIN_GIT) << "\n\n\n commits" << commits << "\n\n\n"; branchesShas.append(commits); } } //Actually we can just copy the output without parsing. So it's a kind of draft for future void GitPlugin::parseLogOutput(const DVcsJob * job, QList& commits) const { // static QRegExp rx_sep( "[-=]+" ); // static QRegExp rx_date( "date:\\s+([^;]*);\\s+author:\\s+([^;]*).*" ); static QRegularExpression rx_com( QStringLiteral("commit \\w{1,40}") ); const auto output = job->output(); const auto lines = output.splitRef('\n', QString::SkipEmptyParts); DVcsEvent item; QString commitLog; for (int i=0; i= 0x050500 if (rx_com.match(lines[i]).hasMatch()) { #else if (rx_com.match(lines[i].toString()).hasMatch()) { #endif // qCDebug(PLUGIN_GIT) << "MATCH COMMIT"; item.setCommit(lines[++i].toString()); item.setAuthor(lines[++i].toString()); item.setDate(lines[++i].toString()); item.setLog(commitLog); commits.append(item); } else { //FIXME: add this in a loop to the if, like in getAllCommits() commitLog += lines[i].toString() +'\n'; } } } VcsItemEvent::Actions actionsFromString(char c) { switch(c) { case 'A': return VcsItemEvent::Added; case 'D': return VcsItemEvent::Deleted; case 'R': return VcsItemEvent::Replaced; case 'M': return VcsItemEvent::Modified; } return VcsItemEvent::Modified; } void GitPlugin::parseGitLogOutput(DVcsJob * job) { static QRegExp commitRegex( "^commit (\\w{8})\\w{32}" ); static QRegExp infoRegex( "^(\\w+):(.*)" ); static QRegExp modificationsRegex("^([A-Z])[0-9]*\t([^\t]+)\t?(.*)", Qt::CaseSensitive, QRegExp::RegExp2); //R099 plugins/git/kdevgit.desktop plugins/git/kdevgit.desktop.cmake //M plugins/grepview/CMakeLists.txt QList commits; QString contents = job->output(); // check if git-log returned anything if (contents.isEmpty()) { job->setResults(commits); // empty list return; } // start parsing the output QTextStream s(&contents); VcsEvent item; QString message; bool pushCommit = false; while (!s.atEnd()) { QString line = s.readLine(); if (commitRegex.exactMatch(line)) { if (pushCommit) { item.setMessage(message.trimmed()); commits.append(QVariant::fromValue(item)); item.setItems(QList()); } else { pushCommit = true; } VcsRevision rev; rev.setRevisionValue(commitRegex.cap(1), KDevelop::VcsRevision::GlobalNumber); item.setRevision(rev); message.clear(); } else if (infoRegex.exactMatch(line)) { QString cap1 = infoRegex.cap(1); if (cap1 == QLatin1String("Author")) { item.setAuthor(infoRegex.cap(2).trimmed()); } else if (cap1 == QLatin1String("Date")) { item.setDate(QDateTime::fromTime_t(infoRegex.cap(2).trimmed().split(' ')[0].toUInt())); } } else if (modificationsRegex.exactMatch(line)) { VcsItemEvent::Actions a = actionsFromString(modificationsRegex.cap(1).at(0).toLatin1()); QString filenameA = modificationsRegex.cap(2); VcsItemEvent itemEvent; itemEvent.setActions(a); itemEvent.setRepositoryLocation(filenameA); if(a==VcsItemEvent::Replaced) { QString filenameB = modificationsRegex.cap(3); itemEvent.setRepositoryCopySourceLocation(filenameB); } item.addItem(itemEvent); } else if (line.startsWith(QLatin1String(" "))) { message += line.remove(0, 4); message += '\n'; } } item.setMessage(message.trimmed()); commits.append(QVariant::fromValue(item)); job->setResults(commits); } void GitPlugin::parseGitDiffOutput(DVcsJob* job) { VcsDiff diff; diff.setDiff(job->output()); diff.setBaseDiff(repositoryRoot(QUrl::fromLocalFile(job->directory().absolutePath()))); diff.setDepth(usePrefix()? 1 : 0); job->setResults(qVariantFromValue(diff)); } static VcsStatusInfo::State lsfilesToState(char id) { switch(id) { case 'H': return VcsStatusInfo::ItemUpToDate; //Cached case 'S': return VcsStatusInfo::ItemUpToDate; //Skip work tree case 'M': return VcsStatusInfo::ItemHasConflicts; //unmerged case 'R': return VcsStatusInfo::ItemDeleted; //removed/deleted case 'C': return VcsStatusInfo::ItemModified; //modified/changed case 'K': return VcsStatusInfo::ItemDeleted; //to be killed case '?': return VcsStatusInfo::ItemUnknown; //other } Q_ASSERT(false); return VcsStatusInfo::ItemUnknown; } void GitPlugin::parseGitStatusOutput_old(DVcsJob* job) { QStringList outputLines = job->output().split('\n', QString::SkipEmptyParts); QDir dir = job->directory(); QMap allStatus; foreach(const QString& line, outputLines) { VcsStatusInfo::State status = lsfilesToState(line[0].toLatin1()); QUrl url = QUrl::fromLocalFile(dir.absoluteFilePath(line.right(line.size()-2))); allStatus[url] = status; } QVariantList statuses; QMap< QUrl, VcsStatusInfo::State >::const_iterator it = allStatus.constBegin(), itEnd=allStatus.constEnd(); for(; it!=itEnd; ++it) { VcsStatusInfo status; status.setUrl(it.key()); status.setState(it.value()); statuses.append(qVariantFromValue(status)); } job->setResults(statuses); } void GitPlugin::parseGitStatusOutput(DVcsJob* job) { const auto output = job->output(); const auto outputLines = output.splitRef('\n', QString::SkipEmptyParts); QDir workingDir = job->directory(); QDir dotGit = dotGitDirectory(QUrl::fromLocalFile(workingDir.absolutePath())); QVariantList statuses; QList processedFiles; foreach(const QStringRef& line, outputLines) { //every line is 2 chars for the status, 1 space then the file desc QStringRef curr=line.right(line.size()-3); QStringRef state = line.left(2); int arrow = curr.indexOf(QStringLiteral(" -> ")); if(arrow>=0) { VcsStatusInfo status; status.setUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(dotGit.absoluteFilePath(curr.toString().left(arrow)))); status.setState(VcsStatusInfo::ItemDeleted); statuses.append(qVariantFromValue(status)); processedFiles += status.url(); curr = curr.mid(arrow+4); } if(curr.startsWith('\"') && curr.endsWith('\"')) { //if the path is quoted, unquote curr = curr.mid(1, curr.size()-2); } VcsStatusInfo status; status.setUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(dotGit.absoluteFilePath(curr.toString()))); status.setState(messageToState(state)); processedFiles.append(status.url()); qCDebug(PLUGIN_GIT) << "Checking git status for " << line << curr << status.state(); statuses.append(qVariantFromValue(status)); } QStringList paths; QStringList oldcmd=job->dvcsCommand(); QStringList::const_iterator it=oldcmd.constBegin()+oldcmd.indexOf(QStringLiteral("--"))+1, itEnd=oldcmd.constEnd(); for(; it!=itEnd; ++it) paths += *it; //here we add the already up to date files QStringList files = getLsFiles(job->directory(), QStringList() << QStringLiteral("-c") << QStringLiteral("--") << paths, OutputJob::Silent); foreach(const QString& file, files) { QUrl fileUrl = QUrl::fromLocalFile(workingDir.absoluteFilePath(file)); if(!processedFiles.contains(fileUrl)) { VcsStatusInfo status; status.setUrl(fileUrl); status.setState(VcsStatusInfo::ItemUpToDate); statuses.append(qVariantFromValue(status)); } } job->setResults(statuses); } void GitPlugin::parseGitVersionOutput(DVcsJob* job) { const auto output = job->output().trimmed(); auto versionString = output.midRef(output.lastIndexOf(' ')).split('.'); static const QList minimumVersion = QList() << 1 << 7; qCDebug(PLUGIN_GIT) << "checking git version" << versionString << "against" << minimumVersion; m_oldVersion = false; if (versionString.size() < minimumVersion.size()) { m_oldVersion = true; qCWarning(PLUGIN_GIT) << "invalid git version string:" << job->output().trimmed(); return; } foreach(int num, minimumVersion) { QStringRef curr = versionString.takeFirst(); int valcurr = curr.toInt(); if (valcurr < num) { m_oldVersion = true; break; } if (valcurr > num) { m_oldVersion = false; break; } } qCDebug(PLUGIN_GIT) << "the current git version is old: " << m_oldVersion; } QStringList GitPlugin::getLsFiles(const QDir &directory, const QStringList &args, KDevelop::OutputJob::OutputJobVerbosity verbosity) { QScopedPointer job(lsFiles(directory, args, verbosity)); if (job->exec() && job->status() == KDevelop::VcsJob::JobSucceeded) return job->output().split('\n', QString::SkipEmptyParts); return QStringList(); } DVcsJob* GitPlugin::gitRevParse(const QString &repository, const QStringList &args, KDevelop::OutputJob::OutputJobVerbosity verbosity) { DVcsJob* job = new DVcsJob(QDir(repository), this, verbosity); *job << "git" << "rev-parse" << args; return job; } DVcsJob* GitPlugin::gitRevList(const QString& directory, const QStringList& args) { DVcsJob* job = new DVcsJob(urlDir(QUrl::fromLocalFile(directory)), this, KDevelop::OutputJob::Silent); { *job << "git" << "rev-list" << args; return job; } } VcsStatusInfo::State GitPlugin::messageToState(const QStringRef& msg) { Q_ASSERT(msg.size()==1 || msg.size()==2); VcsStatusInfo::State ret = VcsStatusInfo::ItemUnknown; if(msg.contains('U') || msg == QLatin1String("AA") || msg == QLatin1String("DD")) ret = VcsStatusInfo::ItemHasConflicts; else switch(msg.at(0).toLatin1()) { case 'M': ret = VcsStatusInfo::ItemModified; break; case 'A': ret = VcsStatusInfo::ItemAdded; break; case 'R': ret = VcsStatusInfo::ItemModified; break; case 'C': ret = VcsStatusInfo::ItemHasConflicts; break; case ' ': ret = msg.at(1) == 'M' ? VcsStatusInfo::ItemModified : VcsStatusInfo::ItemDeleted; break; case 'D': ret = VcsStatusInfo::ItemDeleted; break; case '?': ret = VcsStatusInfo::ItemUnknown; break; default: qCDebug(PLUGIN_GIT) << "Git status not identified:" << msg; break; } return ret; } StandardJob::StandardJob(IPlugin* parent, KJob* job, OutputJob::OutputJobVerbosity verbosity) : VcsJob(parent, verbosity) , m_job(job) , m_plugin(parent) , m_status(JobNotStarted) {} void StandardJob::start() { connect(m_job, &KJob::result, this, &StandardJob::result); m_job->start(); m_status=JobRunning; } void StandardJob::result(KJob* job) { if (job->error() == 0) { m_status = JobSucceeded; setError(NoError); } else { m_status = JobFailed; setError(UserDefinedError); } emitResult(); } VcsJob* GitPlugin::copy(const QUrl& localLocationSrc, const QUrl& localLocationDstn) { //TODO: Probably we should "git add" after return new StandardJob(this, KIO::copy(localLocationSrc, localLocationDstn), KDevelop::OutputJob::Silent); } VcsJob* GitPlugin::move(const QUrl& source, const QUrl& destination) { QDir dir = urlDir(source); QFileInfo fileInfo(source.toLocalFile()); if (fileInfo.isDir()) { if (isEmptyDirStructure(QDir(source.toLocalFile()))) { //move empty folder, git doesn't do that qCDebug(PLUGIN_GIT) << "empty folder" << source; return new StandardJob(this, KIO::move(source, destination), KDevelop::OutputJob::Silent); } } QStringList otherStr = getLsFiles(dir, QStringList() << QStringLiteral("--others") << QStringLiteral("--") << source.toLocalFile(), KDevelop::OutputJob::Silent); if(otherStr.isEmpty()) { DVcsJob* job = new DVcsJob(dir, this, KDevelop::OutputJob::Verbose); *job << "git" << "mv" << source.toLocalFile() << destination.toLocalFile(); return job; } else { return new StandardJob(this, KIO::move(source, destination), KDevelop::OutputJob::Silent); } } void GitPlugin::parseGitRepoLocationOutput(DVcsJob* job) { job->setResults(QVariant::fromValue(QUrl::fromLocalFile(job->output()))); } VcsJob* GitPlugin::repositoryLocation(const QUrl& localLocation) { DVcsJob* job = new DVcsJob(urlDir(localLocation), this); //Probably we should check first if origin is the proper remote we have to use but as a first attempt it works *job << "git" << "config" << "remote.origin.url"; connect(job, &DVcsJob::readyForParsing, this, &GitPlugin::parseGitRepoLocationOutput); return job; } VcsJob* GitPlugin::pull(const KDevelop::VcsLocation& localOrRepoLocationSrc, const QUrl& localRepositoryLocation) { DVcsJob* job = new DVcsJob(urlDir(localRepositoryLocation), this); job->setCommunicationMode(KProcess::MergedChannels); *job << "git" << "pull"; if(!localOrRepoLocationSrc.localUrl().isEmpty()) *job << localOrRepoLocationSrc.localUrl().url(); return job; } VcsJob* GitPlugin::push(const QUrl& localRepositoryLocation, const KDevelop::VcsLocation& localOrRepoLocationDst) { DVcsJob* job = new DVcsJob(urlDir(localRepositoryLocation), this); job->setCommunicationMode(KProcess::MergedChannels); *job << "git" << "push"; if(!localOrRepoLocationDst.localUrl().isEmpty()) *job << localOrRepoLocationDst.localUrl().url(); return job; } VcsJob* GitPlugin::resolve(const QList& localLocations, IBasicVersionControl::RecursionMode recursion) { return add(localLocations, recursion); } VcsJob* GitPlugin::update(const QList& localLocations, const KDevelop::VcsRevision& rev, IBasicVersionControl::RecursionMode recursion) { if(rev.revisionType()==VcsRevision::Special && rev.revisionValue().value()==VcsRevision::Head) { return pull(VcsLocation(), localLocations.first()); } else { DVcsJob* job = new DVcsJob(urlDir(localLocations.first()), this); { //Probably we should check first if origin is the proper remote we have to use but as a first attempt it works *job << "git" << "checkout" << rev.revisionValue().toString() << "--"; *job << (recursion == IBasicVersionControl::Recursive ? localLocations : preventRecursion(localLocations)); return job; } } } void GitPlugin::setupCommitMessageEditor(const QUrl& localLocation, KTextEdit* editor) const { new GitMessageHighlighter(editor); QFile mergeMsgFile(dotGitDirectory(localLocation).filePath(QStringLiteral(".git/MERGE_MSG"))); // Some limit on the file size should be set since whole content is going to be read into // the memory. 1Mb seems to be good value since it's rather strange to have so huge commit // message. static const qint64 maxMergeMsgFileSize = 1024*1024; if (mergeMsgFile.size() > maxMergeMsgFileSize || !mergeMsgFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) return; QString mergeMsg = QString::fromLocal8Bit(mergeMsgFile.read(maxMergeMsgFileSize)); editor->setPlainText(mergeMsg); } class GitVcsLocationWidget : public KDevelop::StandardVcsLocationWidget { Q_OBJECT public: explicit GitVcsLocationWidget(QWidget* parent = nullptr) : StandardVcsLocationWidget(parent) {} bool isCorrect() const override { return !url().isEmpty(); } }; KDevelop::VcsLocationWidget* GitPlugin::vcsLocation(QWidget* parent) const { return new GitVcsLocationWidget(parent); } void GitPlugin::registerRepositoryForCurrentBranchChanges(const QUrl& repository) { QDir dir = dotGitDirectory(repository); QString headFile = dir.absoluteFilePath(QStringLiteral(".git/HEAD")); m_watcher->addFile(headFile); } void GitPlugin::fileChanged(const QString& file) { Q_ASSERT(file.endsWith(QStringLiteral("HEAD"))); //SMTH/.git/HEAD -> SMTH/ const QUrl fileUrl = Path(file).parent().parent().toUrl(); //We need to delay the emitted signal, otherwise the branch hasn't change yet //and the repository is not functional m_branchesChange.append(fileUrl); QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, &GitPlugin::delayedBranchChanged); } void GitPlugin::delayedBranchChanged() { emit repositoryBranchChanged(m_branchesChange.takeFirst()); } CheckInRepositoryJob* GitPlugin::isInRepository(KTextEditor::Document* document) { CheckInRepositoryJob* job = new GitPluginCheckInRepositoryJob(document, repositoryRoot(document->url()).path()); job->start(); return job; } DVcsJob* GitPlugin::setConfigOption(const QUrl& repository, const QString& key, const QString& value, bool global) { auto job = new DVcsJob(urlDir(repository), this); QStringList args; args << QStringLiteral("git") << QStringLiteral("config"); if(global) args << QStringLiteral("--global"); args << key << value; *job << args; return job; } QString GitPlugin::readConfigOption(const QUrl& repository, const QString& key) { QProcess exec; exec.setWorkingDirectory(urlDir(repository).absolutePath()); exec.start(QStringLiteral("git"), QStringList() << QStringLiteral("config") << QStringLiteral("--get") << key); exec.waitForFinished(); return exec.readAllStandardOutput().trimmed(); } #include "gitplugin.moc"