diff --git a/shell/mainwindow.cpp b/shell/mainwindow.cpp index 016fc573d0..6428f9ab63 100644 --- a/shell/mainwindow.cpp +++ b/shell/mainwindow.cpp @@ -1,473 +1,480 @@ /* This file is part of the KDevelop project Copyright 2002 Falk Brettschneider Copyright 2003 John Firebaugh Copyright 2006 Adam Treat Copyright 2006, 2007 Alexander Dymo This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "mainwindow.h" #include "mainwindow_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "shellextension.h" #include "partcontroller.h" #include "plugincontroller.h" #include "projectcontroller.h" #include "uicontroller.h" #include "documentcontroller.h" #include "debugcontroller.h" #include "workingsetcontroller.h" #include "sessioncontroller.h" #include "sourceformattercontroller.h" #include "areadisplay.h" #include "project.h" #include "debug.h" #include "uiconfig.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace KDevelop; namespace { QColor defaultColor(const QPalette& palette) { return palette.foreground().color(); } QColor colorForDocument(const QUrl& url, const QPalette& palette, const QColor& defaultColor) { auto project = Core::self()->projectController()->findProjectForUrl(url); if (!project) return defaultColor; return WidgetColorizer::colorForId(qHash(project->path()), palette); } } void MainWindow::applyMainWindowSettings(const KConfigGroup& config) { if(!d->changingActiveView()) KXmlGuiWindow::applyMainWindowSettings(config); } void MainWindow::createGUI(KParts::Part* part) { //TODO remove if-clause once KF5 >= 5.24 is required #if KPARTS_VERSION_MINOR >= 24 Sublime::MainWindow::setWindowTitleHandling(false); Sublime::MainWindow::createGUI(part); #else Sublime::MainWindow::createGUI(part); if (part) { // Don't let the Part control the main window caption -- we take care of that disconnect(part, SIGNAL(setWindowCaption(QString)), this, SLOT(setCaption(QString))); } #endif } void MainWindow::initializeCorners() { const KConfigGroup cg = KSharedConfig::openConfig()->group( "UiSettings" ); const int bottomleft = cg.readEntry( "BottomLeftCornerOwner", 0 ); const int bottomright = cg.readEntry( "BottomRightCornerOwner", 0 ); qCDebug(SHELL) << "Bottom Left:" << bottomleft; qCDebug(SHELL) << "Bottom Right:" << bottomright; // 0 means vertical dock (left, right), 1 means horizontal dock( top, bottom ) if( bottomleft == 0 ) setCorner( Qt::BottomLeftCorner, Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea ); else if( bottomleft == 1 ) setCorner( Qt::BottomLeftCorner, Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea ); if( bottomright == 0 ) setCorner( Qt::BottomRightCorner, Qt::RightDockWidgetArea ); else if( bottomright == 1 ) setCorner( Qt::BottomRightCorner, Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea ); } MainWindow::MainWindow( Sublime::Controller *parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags ) : Sublime::MainWindow( parent, flags ) { QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject( QStringLiteral("/kdevelop/MainWindow"), this, QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableSlots ); setAcceptDrops( true ); initializeCorners(); setObjectName( QStringLiteral("MainWindow") ); d = new MainWindowPrivate(this); setStandardToolBarMenuEnabled( true ); d->setupActions(); if( !ShellExtension::getInstance()->xmlFile().isEmpty() ) { setXMLFile( ShellExtension::getInstance() ->xmlFile() ); } menuBar()->setCornerWidget(new AreaDisplay(this), Qt::TopRightCorner); } MainWindow::~ MainWindow() { if (memberList().count() == 1) { // We're closing down... Core::self()->shutdown(); } delete d; } KTextEditorIntegration::MainWindow *MainWindow::kateWrapper() const { return d->kateWrapper(); } void MainWindow::ensureVisible() { if (isMinimized()) { if (isMaximized()) { showMaximized(); } else { showNormal(); } } KWindowSystem::forceActiveWindow(winId()); } QAction* MainWindow::createCustomElement(QWidget* parent, int index, const QDomElement& element) { QAction* before = nullptr; if (index > 0 && index < parent->actions().count()) before = parent->actions().at(index); //KDevelop needs to ensure that separators defined as //are always shown in the menubar. For those, we create special disabled actions //instead of calling QMenuBar::addSeparator() because menubar separators are ignored if (element.tagName().toLower() == QLatin1String("separator") && element.attribute(QStringLiteral("style")) == QLatin1String("visible")) { if ( QMenuBar* bar = qobject_cast( parent ) ) { QAction *separatorAction = new QAction(QStringLiteral("|"), this); bar->insertAction( before, separatorAction ); separatorAction->setDisabled(true); return separatorAction; } } return KXMLGUIBuilder::createCustomElement(parent, index, element); } +bool KDevelop::MainWindow::event( QEvent* ev ) +{ + if ( ev->type() == QEvent::PaletteChange ) + updateAllTabColors(); + return Sublime::MainWindow::event(ev); +} + void MainWindow::dragEnterEvent( QDragEnterEvent* ev ) { if( ev->mimeData()->hasFormat( QStringLiteral("text/uri-list") ) && ev->mimeData()->hasUrls() ) { ev->acceptProposedAction(); } } void MainWindow::dropEvent( QDropEvent* ev ) { Sublime::View* dropToView = viewForPosition(mapToGlobal(ev->pos())); if(dropToView) activateView(dropToView); foreach( const QUrl& u, ev->mimeData()->urls() ) { Core::self()->documentController()->openDocument( u ); } ev->acceptProposedAction(); } void MainWindow::loadSettings() { qCDebug(SHELL) << "Loading Settings"; initializeCorners(); updateAllTabColors(); Sublime::MainWindow::loadSettings(); } void MainWindow::configureShortcuts() { ///Workaround for a problem with the actions: Always start the shortcut-configuration in the first mainwindow, then propagate the updated ///settings into the other windows // We need to bring up the shortcut dialog ourself instead of // Core::self()->uiControllerInternal()->mainWindows()[0]->guiFactory()->configureShortcuts(); // so we can connect to the saved() signal to propagate changes in the editor shortcuts KShortcutsDialog dlg(KShortcutsEditor::AllActions, KShortcutsEditor::LetterShortcutsAllowed, this); foreach (KXMLGUIClient *client, Core::self()->uiControllerInternal()->mainWindows()[0]->guiFactory()->clients()) { if(client && !client->xmlFile().isEmpty()) dlg.addCollection( client->actionCollection() ); } connect(&dlg, &KShortcutsDialog::saved, this, &MainWindow::shortcutsChanged); dlg.configure(true); QMap shortcuts; foreach(KXMLGUIClient* client, Core::self()->uiControllerInternal()->mainWindows()[0]->guiFactory()->clients()) { foreach(QAction* action, client->actionCollection()->actions()) { if(!action->objectName().isEmpty()) { shortcuts[action->objectName()] = action->shortcut(); } } } for(int a = 1; a < Core::self()->uiControllerInternal()->mainWindows().size(); ++a) { foreach(KXMLGUIClient* client, Core::self()->uiControllerInternal()->mainWindows()[a]->guiFactory()->clients()) { foreach(QAction* action, client->actionCollection()->actions()) { qCDebug(SHELL) << "transferring setting shortcut for" << action->objectName(); if(shortcuts.contains(action->objectName())) { action->setShortcut(shortcuts[action->objectName()]); } } } } } void MainWindow::shortcutsChanged() { KTextEditor::View *activeClient = Core::self()->documentController()->activeTextDocumentView(); if(!activeClient) return; foreach(IDocument * doc, Core::self()->documentController()->openDocuments()) { KTextEditor::Document *textDocument = doc->textDocument(); if (textDocument) { foreach(KTextEditor::View *client, textDocument->views()) { if (client != activeClient) { client->reloadXML(); } } } } } void MainWindow::initialize() { KStandardAction::keyBindings(this, SLOT(configureShortcuts()), actionCollection()); setupGUI( KXmlGuiWindow::ToolBar | KXmlGuiWindow::Create | KXmlGuiWindow::Save ); Core::self()->partController()->addManagedTopLevelWidget(this); qCDebug(SHELL) << "Adding plugin-added connection"; connect( Core::self()->pluginController(), &IPluginController::pluginLoaded, d, &MainWindowPrivate::addPlugin); connect( Core::self()->pluginController(), &IPluginController::pluginUnloaded, d, &MainWindowPrivate::removePlugin); connect( Core::self()->partController(), &IPartController::activePartChanged, d, &MainWindowPrivate::activePartChanged); connect( this, &MainWindow::activeViewChanged, d, &MainWindowPrivate::changeActiveView); foreach(IPlugin* plugin, Core::self()->pluginController()->loadedPlugins()) d->addPlugin(plugin); guiFactory()->addClient(Core::self()->sessionController()); guiFactory()->addClient(Core::self()->sourceFormatterControllerInternal()); // Needed to re-plug the actions from the sessioncontroller as xmlguiclients don't // seem to remember which actions where plugged in. Core::self()->sessionController()->updateXmlGuiActionList(); d->setupGui(); //Queued so we process it with some delay, to make sure the rest of the UI has already adapted connect(Core::self()->documentController(), &IDocumentController::documentActivated, this, &MainWindow::updateCaption, Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(Core::self()->documentController(), &IDocumentController::documentActivated, this, &MainWindow::updateActiveDocumentConnection, Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(Core::self()->documentController(), &IDocumentController::documentClosed, this, &MainWindow::updateCaption, Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(Core::self()->documentController(), &IDocumentController::documentUrlChanged, this, &MainWindow::updateCaption, Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(Core::self()->sessionController()->activeSession(), &ISession::sessionUpdated, this, &MainWindow::updateCaption); connect(Core::self()->documentController(), &IDocumentController::documentOpened, this, &MainWindow::updateTabColor); connect(Core::self()->documentController(), &IDocumentController::documentUrlChanged, this, &MainWindow::updateTabColor); connect(this, &Sublime::MainWindow::viewAdded, this, &MainWindow::updateAllTabColors); connect(Core::self()->projectController(), &ProjectController::projectOpened, this, &MainWindow::updateAllTabColors, Qt::QueuedConnection); updateCaption(); } void MainWindow::cleanup() { } void MainWindow::setVisible( bool visible ) { KXmlGuiWindow::setVisible( visible ); emit finishedLoading(); } bool MainWindow::queryClose() { if (!Core::self()->documentControllerInternal()->saveAllDocumentsForWindow(this, IDocument::Default)) return false; return Sublime::MainWindow::queryClose(); } void MainWindow::updateActiveDocumentConnection(IDocument* document) { disconnect(d->activeDocumentReadWriteConnection); if (auto textDocument = document->textDocument()) { d->activeDocumentReadWriteConnection = connect(textDocument, &KTextEditor::Document::readWriteChanged, this, &MainWindow::updateCaption); } } void MainWindow::updateCaption() { const auto activeSession = Core::self()->sessionController()->activeSession(); QString title = activeSession ? activeSession->description() : QString(); if(area()->activeView()) { if(!title.isEmpty()) title += QLatin1String(" - [ "); Sublime::Document* doc = area()->activeView()->document(); Sublime::UrlDocument* urlDoc = dynamic_cast(doc); if(urlDoc) title += Core::self()->projectController()->prettyFileName(urlDoc->url(), KDevelop::IProjectController::FormatPlain); else title += doc->title(); auto activeDocument = Core::self()->documentController()->activeDocument(); if (activeDocument && activeDocument->textDocument() && !activeDocument->textDocument()->isReadWrite()) title += i18n(" (read only)"); title += QLatin1String(" ]"); } setCaption(title); } void MainWindow::updateAllTabColors() { auto documentController = Core::self()->documentController(); if (!documentController) return; const auto defaultColor = ::defaultColor(palette()); if (UiConfig::colorizeByProject()) { QHash viewColors; foreach (auto container, containers()) { auto views = container->views(); viewColors.reserve(views.size()); viewColors.clear(); foreach (auto view, views) { const auto urlDoc = qobject_cast(view->document()); if (urlDoc) { viewColors[view] = colorForDocument(urlDoc->url(), palette(), defaultColor); } } container->setTabColors(viewColors); } } else { foreach (auto container, containers()) { container->resetTabColors(defaultColor); } } } void MainWindow::updateTabColor(IDocument* doc) { if (!UiConfig::self()->colorizeByProject()) return; const auto color = colorForDocument(doc->url(), palette(), defaultColor(palette())); foreach (auto container, containers()) { foreach (auto view, container->views()) { const auto urlDoc = qobject_cast(view->document()); if (urlDoc && urlDoc->url() == doc->url()) { container->setTabColor(view, color); } } } } void MainWindow::registerStatus(QObject* status) { d->registerStatus(status); } void MainWindow::initializeStatusBar() { d->setupStatusBar(); } void MainWindow::showErrorMessage(const QString& message, int timeout) { d->showErrorMessage(message, timeout); } void MainWindow::tabContextMenuRequested(Sublime::View* view, QMenu* menu) { Sublime::MainWindow::tabContextMenuRequested(view, menu); d->tabContextMenuRequested(view, menu); } void MainWindow::tabToolTipRequested(Sublime::View* view, Sublime::Container* container, int tab) { d->tabToolTipRequested(view, container, tab); } void MainWindow::dockBarContextMenuRequested(Qt::DockWidgetArea area, const QPoint& position) { d->dockBarContextMenuRequested(area, position); } void MainWindow::newTabRequested() { Sublime::MainWindow::newTabRequested(); d->fileNew(); } diff --git a/shell/mainwindow.h b/shell/mainwindow.h index 8340064ee7..5d11af2a16 100644 --- a/shell/mainwindow.h +++ b/shell/mainwindow.h @@ -1,118 +1,119 @@ /* This file is part of the KDevelop project Copyright 2003 Falk Brettschneider Copyright 2003 John Firebaugh Copyright 2003 Amilcar do Carmo Lucas Copyright 2004, 2007 Alexander Dymo Copyright 2006 Adam Treat This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KDEVPLATFORM_MAINWINDOW_H #define KDEVPLATFORM_MAINWINDOW_H #include #include #include "shellexport.h" namespace KTextEditor { class View; } namespace KTextEditorIntegration { class MainWindow; } namespace KDevelop { class IDocument; /** KDevelop main window. Provides methods to control the main window of an application. */ class KDEVPLATFORMSHELL_EXPORT MainWindow: public Sublime::MainWindow { friend class UiController; Q_OBJECT Q_CLASSINFO( "D-Bus Interface", "org.kdevelop.MainWindow" ) public: explicit MainWindow( Sublime::Controller *parent = nullptr, Qt::WindowFlags flags = KDE_DEFAULT_WINDOWFLAGS ); ~MainWindow() override; /*! @p status must implement KDevelop::IStatus */ void registerStatus(QObject* status); KTextEditorIntegration::MainWindow *kateWrapper() const; public Q_SLOTS: /*! Shows an error message in the status bar. @p message The message @p timeout The timeout in milliseconds how long to show the message */ void showErrorMessage(const QString& message, int timeout); virtual Q_SCRIPTABLE void ensureVisible(); virtual Q_SCRIPTABLE QString windowTitle() { return Sublime::MainWindow::windowTitle(); } void setVisible( bool visible ) override; void configureShortcuts(); void loadSettings() override; Q_SIGNALS: void finishedLoading(); protected: //FIXME DOCUMENT!!! queryClose() must call all of the Core cleanup() methods! bool queryClose() override; //reimplemented from KXMLGUIBuilder to support visible menubar separators QAction *createCustomElement(QWidget *parent, int index, const QDomElement &element) override; virtual void initialize(); virtual void cleanup(); void initializeStatusBar() override; + bool event( QEvent* ) override; void dragEnterEvent( QDragEnterEvent* ) override; void dropEvent( QDropEvent* ) override; void applyMainWindowSettings(const KConfigGroup& config) override; void createGUI(KParts::Part* part); protected Q_SLOTS: void tabContextMenuRequested(Sublime::View* , QMenu* ) override; void tabToolTipRequested(Sublime::View* view, Sublime::Container* container, int tab) override; void dockBarContextMenuRequested(Qt::DockWidgetArea, const QPoint&) override; void newTabRequested() override; private Q_SLOTS: void updateCaption(); void updateActiveDocumentConnection(IDocument* document); void updateTabColor(IDocument* doc); void updateAllTabColors(); void shortcutsChanged(); private: void initializeCorners(); class MainWindowPrivate *d; friend class MainWindowPrivate; }; } #endif