diff --git a/util/dbus_socket_transformer/CMakeLists.txt b/util/dbus_socket_transformer/CMakeLists.txt index c21ccfa861..dc4a61dae1 100644 --- a/util/dbus_socket_transformer/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/util/dbus_socket_transformer/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,3 +1,18 @@ +CHECK_CXX_SOURCE_COMPILES(" +#include +#include +int main() { + int fd; + char b[2]; + send(fd, b, 2, MSG_NOSIGNAL); + return 0; +} +" HAVE_MSG_NOSIGNAL) + +if(HAVE_MSG_NOSIGNAL) + add_definitions(-DHAVE_MSG_NOSIGNAL=1) +endif(HAVE_MSG_NOSIGNAL) + kde4_add_executable(kdev_dbus_socket_transformer main.cpp) install(TARGETS kdev_dbus_socket_transformer ${INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS} ) diff --git a/util/dbus_socket_transformer/main.cpp b/util/dbus_socket_transformer/main.cpp index 1d8c5a8f66..deb883c597 100644 --- a/util/dbus_socket_transformer/main.cpp +++ b/util/dbus_socket_transformer/main.cpp @@ -1,411 +1,415 @@ /*************************************************************************** * Copyright 2011 David Nolden * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * * License along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include +#ifndef HAVE_MSG_NOSIGNAL +#define MSG_NOSIGNAL 0 +#endif + /** * The goal of this utility is transforming the abstract unix-socket which is used by dbus * into a TCP socket which can be forwarded to a target machine by ssh tunneling, and then on * the target machine back into an abstract unix socket. * * This tool basically works similar to the "socat" utility, except that it works properly * for this special case. It is merely responsible for the transformation between abstract unix * sockets and tcp sockets. * * Furthermore, this tool makes the 'EXTERNAL' dbus authentication mechanism work even across * machines with different user IDs. * * This is how the EXTERNAL mechanism works (I found this in a comment of some ruby dbus library): * Take the user id (eg integer 1000) make a string out of it "1000", take * each character and determin hex value "1" => 0x31, "0" => 0x30. You * obtain for "1000" => 31303030 This is what the server is expecting. * Why? I dunno. How did I come to that conclusion? by looking at rbus * code. I have no idea how he found that out. * * The dbus client performs the EXTERNAL authentication by sending "AUTH EXTERNAL 31303030\r\n" once * after opening the connection, so we can "repair" the authentication by overwriting the token in that * string through the correct one. * */ const bool debug = false; /** * Returns the valid dbus EXTERNAL authentication token for the current user (see above) * */ std::string getAuthToken() { // Get uid int uid = getuid(); std::ostringstream uidStream; uidStream << uid; std::string uidStr = uidStream.str(); const char hexdigits[16] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' }; std::ostringstream hexStream; for(uint i = 0; i < uidStr.size(); ++i) { unsigned char byte = (unsigned char)uidStr[i]; hexStream << hexdigits[byte >> 4] << hexdigits[byte & 0x0f]; } return hexStream.str(); } /** * Shuffles all data between the two file-descriptors until one of them fails or reaches EOF. * */ void shuffleBetweenStreams(int side1, int side2, bool fixSide1AuthToken) { char buffer[1000]; char buffer2[1000]; // Set non-blocking mode int opts = fcntl(side1,F_GETFL); opts |= O_NONBLOCK; fcntl(side1, F_SETFL, opts); opts = fcntl(side2,F_GETFL); opts |= O_NONBLOCK; fcntl(side2, F_SETFL, opts); while(true) { int r1 = read(side1, buffer, 500); // We read less than 1000, so we have same additional space when changing the auth token int r2 = read(side2, buffer2, 500); if(r1 < -1 || r1 == 0) { if(debug) std::cerr << "stream 1 failed: " << r1 << std::endl; return; } if(r2 < -1 || r2 == 0) { if(debug) std::cerr << "stream 2 failed: " << r2 << std::endl; return; } if(r1 > 0) { if(debug) std::cerr << "transferring " << r1 << " from 1 to 2" << std::endl; if(fixSide1AuthToken) { if(r1 > 15 && memcmp(buffer, "\0AUTH EXTERNAL ", 15) == 0) { int endPos = -1; for(int i = 15; i < r1; ++i) { if(buffer[i] == '\r') { endPos = i; break; } } if(endPos != -1) { std::string oldToken = std::string(buffer + 15, endPos - 15); std::string newToken = getAuthToken(); int difference = newToken.size() - oldToken.size(); r1 += difference; assert(r1 > 0 && r1 <= 1000); memmove(buffer + endPos + difference, buffer + endPos, r1 - difference - endPos); memcpy(buffer + 15, newToken.data(), newToken.size()); assert(buffer[endPos + difference] == '\r'); assert(buffer[endPos + difference - 1] == newToken[newToken.size()-1]); }else{ std::cout << "could not fix auth token, not enough data available" << std::endl; } }else{ std::cout << "could not fix auth token" << std::endl; } fixSide1AuthToken = false; } opts = fcntl(side2,F_GETFL); opts ^= O_NONBLOCK; fcntl(side2, F_SETFL, opts); int w2 = send(side2, buffer, r1, MSG_NOSIGNAL); if(w2 < 0) { if(debug) std::cerr << "writing to side 2 failed, ending: " << w2 << std::endl; return; } assert(w2 == r1); opts = fcntl(side2,F_GETFL); opts |= O_NONBLOCK; fcntl(side2, F_SETFL, opts); } if(r2 > 0) { if(debug) std::cerr << "transferring " << r2 << " from 2 to 1" << std::endl; opts = fcntl(side1,F_GETFL); opts ^= O_NONBLOCK; fcntl(side1, F_SETFL, opts); int w1 = send(side1, buffer2, r2, MSG_NOSIGNAL); if(w1 < 0) { if(debug) std::cerr << "writing to side 1 failed, ending: " << w1 << std::endl; return; } assert(w1 == r2); opts = fcntl(side1,F_GETFL); opts |= O_NONBLOCK; fcntl(side1, F_SETFL, opts); } usleep(1000); } } int main(int argc, char** argv) { int serverfd; if(argc < 2) { std::cerr << "need arguments:" << std::endl; std::cerr << "[port] - Open a server on this TCP port and forward connections to the local DBUS session" " (the DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS environment variable must be set)"; std::cerr << "[port] [fake dbus path] - Open a server on the fake dbus path and forward connections to the given local TCP port"; std::cerr << "" "The last argument may be the --bind-only option, in which case the application only tries to" "open the server, but does not wait for clients to connect. This is useful to test whether the" "server port/path is available."; return 10; } bool waitForClients = true; if(std::string(argv[argc-1]) == "--bind-only") { waitForClients = false; argc -= 1; } std::string dbusAddress(getenv("DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS")); std::string path; if(argc == 2) { if(waitForClients && debug) std::cout << "forwarding from the local TCP port " << argv[1] << " to the local DBUS session at " << dbusAddress.data() << std::endl; if(dbusAddress.empty()) { std::cerr << "The DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS environment variable is not set" << std::endl; return 1; } // Open a TCP server std::string abstractPrefix("unix:abstract="); if(dbusAddress.substr(0, abstractPrefix.size()) != abstractPrefix) { std::cerr << "DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS does not seem to use an abstract unix domain socket as expected" << std::endl; return 2; } path = dbusAddress.substr(abstractPrefix.size(), dbusAddress.size() - abstractPrefix.size()); if(path.find(",guid=") != std::string::npos) path = path.substr(0, path.find(",guid=")); // Mark it as an abstract unix domain socket path = path; serverfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (serverfd < 0) { if(waitForClients) std::cerr << "ERROR opening server socket" << std::endl; return 3; } int portno = atoi(argv[1]); sockaddr_in server_addr; bzero((char *) &server_addr, sizeof(server_addr)); server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; server_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; server_addr.sin_port = htons(portno); if (bind(serverfd, (struct sockaddr *) &server_addr, sizeof(server_addr)) < 0) { if(waitForClients) std::cerr << "ERROR opening the server" << std::endl; return 7; } }else if(argc == 3) { if(waitForClients && debug) std::cout << "forwarding from the local abstract unix domain socket " << argv[2] << " to the local TCP port " << argv[1] << std::endl; // Open a unix domain socket server serverfd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (serverfd < 0) { if(waitForClients) std::cerr << "ERROR opening server socket" << std::endl; return 3; } path = std::string(argv[2]); sockaddr_un serv_addr; bzero((char *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)); serv_addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; serv_addr.sun_path[0] = '\0'; // Mark as an abstract socket strcpy(serv_addr.sun_path+1, path.data()); if(debug) std::cout << "opening at " << path.data() << std::endl; if (bind(serverfd,(sockaddr *) &serv_addr, sizeof (serv_addr.sun_family) + 1 + path.length()) < 0) { if(waitForClients) std::cerr << "ERROR opening the server" << std::endl; return 7; } }else{ std::cerr << "Wrong arguments"; return 1; } listen(serverfd, 10); while(waitForClients) { if(debug) std::cerr << "waiting for client" << std::endl; sockaddr_in cli_addr; socklen_t clilen = sizeof(cli_addr); int connectedclientsockfd = accept(serverfd, (struct sockaddr *) &cli_addr, &clilen); if(connectedclientsockfd < 0) { std::cerr << "ERROR on accept" << std::endl; return 8; } if(debug) std::cerr << "got client" << std::endl; int sockfd; int addrSize; sockaddr* useAddr = 0; sockaddr_un serv_addru; sockaddr_in serv_addrin; if(argc == 2) { sockfd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sockfd < 0) { std::cerr << "ERROR opening socket" << std::endl; return 3; } bzero((char *) &serv_addru, sizeof(serv_addru)); serv_addru.sun_family = AF_UNIX; serv_addru.sun_path[0] = '\0'; // Mark as an abstract socket strcpy(serv_addru.sun_path+1, path.data()); addrSize = sizeof (serv_addru.sun_family) + 1 + path.size(); useAddr = (sockaddr*)&serv_addru; if(debug) std::cout << "connecting to " << path.data() << std::endl; }else{ sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sockfd < 0) { std::cerr << "ERROR opening socket" << std::endl; return 3; } int port = atoi(argv[1]); hostent *server = gethostbyname("localhost"); if(server == NULL) { std::cerr << "failed to get server" << std::endl; return 5; } bzero((char *) &serv_addrin, sizeof(serv_addrin)); serv_addrin.sin_family = AF_INET; serv_addrin.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; serv_addrin.sin_port = htons(port); bcopy((char *)server->h_addr, (char *)&serv_addrin.sin_addr.s_addr, server->h_length); addrSize = sizeof (serv_addrin); useAddr = (sockaddr*)&serv_addrin; if(debug) std::cout << "connecting to port " << port << std::endl; } if (connect(sockfd, useAddr, addrSize) < 0) { int res = errno; if(res == ECONNREFUSED) std::cerr << "ERROR while connecting: connection refused" << std::endl; else if(res == ENOENT) std::cerr << "ERROR while connecting: no such file or directory" << std::endl; else std::cerr << "ERROR while connecting" << std::endl; return 5; } shuffleBetweenStreams(connectedclientsockfd, sockfd, argc == 2); close(sockfd); close(connectedclientsockfd); } return 0; }