diff --git a/plugins/clang/codecompletion/context.cpp b/plugins/clang/codecompletion/context.cpp index a3b8a615a3..2b3e8fc867 100644 --- a/plugins/clang/codecompletion/context.cpp +++ b/plugins/clang/codecompletion/context.cpp @@ -1,1286 +1,1292 @@ /* * This file is part of KDevelop * Copyright 2014 Milian Wolff * Copyright 2015 Sergey Kalinichev * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version * accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved * by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy * defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "context.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../util/clangdebug.h" #include "../util/clangtypes.h" #include "../util/clangutils.h" #include "../duchain/clangdiagnosticevaluator.h" #include "../duchain/parsesession.h" #include "../duchain/duchainutils.h" #include "../duchain/navigationwidget.h" #include "../clangsettings/clangsettingsmanager.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace KDevelop; namespace { /// Maximum return-type string length in completion items const int MAX_RETURN_TYPE_STRING_LENGTH = 20; /// Priority of code-completion results. NOTE: Keep in sync with Clang code base. enum CodeCompletionPriority { /// Priority for the next initialization in a constructor initializer list. CCP_NextInitializer = 7, /// Priority for an enumeration constant inside a switch whose condition is of the enumeration type. CCP_EnumInCase = 7, CCP_LocalDeclarationMatch = 8, CCP_DeclarationMatch = 12, CCP_LocalDeclarationSimiliar = 17, /// Priority for a send-to-super completion. CCP_SuperCompletion = 20, CCP_DeclarationSimiliar = 25, /// Priority for a declaration that is in the local scope. CCP_LocalDeclaration = 34, /// Priority for a member declaration found from the current method or member function. CCP_MemberDeclaration = 35, /// Priority for a language keyword (that isn't any of the other categories). CCP_Keyword = 40, /// Priority for a code pattern. CCP_CodePattern = 40, /// Priority for a non-type declaration. CCP_Declaration = 50, /// Priority for a type. CCP_Type = CCP_Declaration, /// Priority for a constant value (e.g., enumerator). CCP_Constant = 65, /// Priority for a preprocessor macro. CCP_Macro = 70, /// Priority for a nested-name-specifier. CCP_NestedNameSpecifier = 75, /// Priority for a result that isn't likely to be what the user wants, but is included for completeness. CCP_Unlikely = 80 }; /** * Common base class for Clang code completion items. */ template class CompletionItem : public Base { public: CompletionItem(const QString& display, const QString& prefix) : Base() , m_display(display) , m_prefix(prefix) , m_unimportant(false) { } ~CompletionItem() override = default; QVariant data(const QModelIndex& index, int role, const CodeCompletionModel* /*model*/) const override { if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) { if (index.column() == CodeCompletionModel::Prefix) { return m_prefix; } else if (index.column() == CodeCompletionModel::Name) { return m_display; } } return {}; } void markAsUnimportant() { m_unimportant = true; } protected: QString m_display; QString m_prefix; bool m_unimportant; }; class OverrideItem : public CompletionItem { public: OverrideItem(const QString& nameAndParams, const QString& returnType) : CompletionItem( nameAndParams, i18n("Override %1", returnType) ) , m_returnType(returnType) { } QVariant data(const QModelIndex& index, int role, const CodeCompletionModel* model) const override { if (role == Qt::DecorationRole) { if (index.column() == KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel::Icon) { static const QIcon icon = QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("CTparents")); return icon; } } return CompletionItem::data(index, role, model); } void execute(KTextEditor::View* view, const KTextEditor::Range& word) override { view->document()->replaceText(word, m_returnType + QLatin1Char(' ') + m_display.replace(QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("\\s*=\\s*0")), QString()) + QLatin1String(" override;")); } private: QString m_returnType; }; /** * Specialized completion item class for items which are represented by a Declaration */ class DeclarationItem : public CompletionItem { public: DeclarationItem(Declaration* dec, const QString& display, const QString& prefix, const QString& replacement) : CompletionItem(display, prefix) , m_replacement(replacement) { m_declaration = dec; } QVariant data(const QModelIndex& index, int role, const CodeCompletionModel* model) const override { if (role == CodeCompletionModel::MatchQuality && m_matchQuality) { return m_matchQuality; } auto ret = CompletionItem::data(index, role, model); if (ret.isValid()) { return ret; } return NormalDeclarationCompletionItem::data(index, role, model); } void execute(KTextEditor::View* view, const KTextEditor::Range& word) override { QString repl = m_replacement; DUChainReadLocker lock; if(!m_declaration){ return; } if(m_declaration->isFunctionDeclaration()) { auto doc = view->document(); // Function pointer? bool funcptr = false; const auto line = doc->line(word.start().line()); auto pos = word.end().column() - 1; while ( pos > 0 && (line.at(pos).isLetterOrNumber() || line.at(pos) == QLatin1Char(':')) ) { pos--; if ( line.at(pos) == QLatin1Char('&') ) { funcptr = true; break; } } auto restEmpty = doc->characterAt(word.end() + KTextEditor::Cursor{0, 1}) == QChar(); bool didAddParentheses = false; if ( !funcptr && doc->characterAt(word.end()) != QLatin1Char('(') ) { repl += QLatin1String("()"); didAddParentheses = true; } view->document()->replaceText(word, repl); auto f = m_declaration->type(); if (f && f->indexedArgumentsSize() && didAddParentheses) { view->setCursorPosition(word.start() + KTextEditor::Cursor(0, repl.size() - 1)); } auto returnTypeIntegral = f->returnType().cast(); if ( restEmpty && !funcptr && returnTypeIntegral && returnTypeIntegral->dataType() == IntegralType::TypeVoid ) { // function returns void and rest of line is empty -- nothing can be done with the result if ( f && f->indexedArgumentsSize() ) { // we placed the cursor inside the () view->document()->insertText(view->cursorPosition() + KTextEditor::Cursor(0, 1), QStringLiteral(";")); } else { // we placed the cursor after the () view->document()->insertText(view->cursorPosition(), QStringLiteral(";")); view->setCursorPosition(view->cursorPosition() + KTextEditor::Cursor{0, 1}); } } } else { view->document()->replaceText(word, repl); } } bool createsExpandingWidget() const override { return true; } QWidget* createExpandingWidget(const CodeCompletionModel* /*model*/) const override { return new ClangNavigationWidget(m_declaration, AbstractNavigationWidget::EmbeddableWidget); } int matchQuality() const { return m_matchQuality; } ///Sets match quality from 0 to 10. 10 is the best fit. void setMatchQuality(int value) { m_matchQuality = value; } void setInheritanceDepth(int depth) { m_inheritanceDepth = depth; } int argumentHintDepth() const override { return m_depth; } void setArgumentHintDepth(int depth) { m_depth = depth; } protected: int m_matchQuality = 0; int m_depth = 0; QString m_replacement; }; class ImplementsItem : public DeclarationItem { public: static QString replacement(const FuncImplementInfo& info) { QString replacement = info.templatePrefix; if (!info.isDestructor && !info.isConstructor) { replacement += info.returnType + QLatin1Char(' '); } replacement += info.prototype + QLatin1String("\n{\n}\n"); return replacement; } explicit ImplementsItem(const FuncImplementInfo& item) : DeclarationItem(item.declaration.data(), item.prototype, i18n("Implement %1", item.isConstructor ? QStringLiteral("") : item.isDestructor ? QStringLiteral("") : item.returnType), replacement(item) ) { } QVariant data(const QModelIndex& index, int role, const CodeCompletionModel* model) const override { if (index.column() == CodeCompletionModel::Arguments) { // our display string already contains the arguments return {}; } return DeclarationItem::data(index, role, model); } void execute(KTextEditor::View* view, const KTextEditor::Range& word) override { view->document()->replaceText(word, m_replacement); } }; class ArgumentHintItem : public DeclarationItem { public: struct CurrentArgumentRange { int start; int end; }; ArgumentHintItem(Declaration* decl, const QString& prefix, const QString& name, const QString& arguments, const CurrentArgumentRange& range) : DeclarationItem(decl, name, prefix, {}) , m_range(range) , m_arguments(arguments) {} QVariant data(const QModelIndex& index, int role, const CodeCompletionModel* model) const override { if (role == CodeCompletionModel::CustomHighlight && index.column() == CodeCompletionModel::Arguments && argumentHintDepth()) { QList highlighting; highlighting << QVariant(m_range.start); highlighting << QVariant(m_range.end); QTextCharFormat boldFormat; boldFormat.setFontWeight(QFont::Bold); highlighting << boldFormat; return highlighting; } if (role == CodeCompletionModel::HighlightingMethod && index.column() == CodeCompletionModel::Arguments && argumentHintDepth()) { return QVariant(CodeCompletionModel::CustomHighlighting); } if (index.column() == CodeCompletionModel::Arguments) { return m_arguments; } return DeclarationItem::data(index, role, model); } private: CurrentArgumentRange m_range; QString m_arguments; }; /** * A minimalistic completion item for macros and such */ class SimpleItem : public CompletionItem { public: SimpleItem(const QString& display, const QString& prefix, const QString& replacement, const QIcon& icon = QIcon()) : CompletionItem(display, prefix) , m_replacement(replacement) , m_icon(icon) { } void execute(KTextEditor::View* view, const KTextEditor::Range& word) override { view->document()->replaceText(word, m_replacement); } QVariant data(const QModelIndex& index, int role, const CodeCompletionModel* model) const override { if (role == Qt::DecorationRole && index.column() == KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel::Icon) { return m_icon; } if (role == CodeCompletionModel::UnimportantItemRole) { return m_unimportant; } return CompletionItem::data(index, role, model); } private: QString m_replacement; QIcon m_icon; }; /** * Return true in case position @p position represents a cursor inside a comment */ bool isInsideComment(CXTranslationUnit unit, CXFile file, const KTextEditor::Cursor& position) { if (!position.isValid()) { return false; } // TODO: This may get very slow for a large TU, investigate if we can improve this function auto begin = clang_getLocation(unit, file, 1, 1); auto end = clang_getLocation(unit, file, position.line() + 1, position.column() + 1); CXSourceRange range = clang_getRange(begin, end); // tokenize the whole range from the start until 'position' // if we detect a comment token at this position, return true const ClangTokens tokens(unit, range); for (CXToken token : tokens) { CXTokenKind tokenKind = clang_getTokenKind(token); if (tokenKind != CXToken_Comment) { continue; } auto range = ClangRange(clang_getTokenExtent(unit, token)); if (range.toRange().contains(position)) { return true; } } return false; } QString& elideStringRight(QString& str, int length) { if (str.size() > length + 3) { return str.replace(length, str.size() - length, QStringLiteral("...")); } return str; } /** * @return Value suited for @ref CodeCompletionModel::MatchQuality in the range [0.0, 10.0] (the higher the better) * * See http://clang.llvm.org/doxygen/CodeCompleteConsumer_8h_source.html for list of priorities * They (currently) have a range from [-3, 80] (the lower, the better) */ int codeCompletionPriorityToMatchQuality(unsigned int completionPriority) { return 10u - qBound(0u, completionPriority, 80u) / 8; } int adjustPriorityForType(const AbstractType::Ptr& type, int completionPriority) { const auto modifier = 4; if (type) { const auto whichType = type->whichType(); if (whichType == AbstractType::TypePointer || whichType == AbstractType::TypeReference) { // Clang considers all pointers as similar, this is not what we want. completionPriority += modifier; } else if (whichType == AbstractType::TypeStructure) { // Clang considers all classes as similar too... completionPriority += modifier; } else if (whichType == AbstractType::TypeDelayed) { completionPriority += modifier; } else if (whichType == AbstractType::TypeAlias) { auto aliasedType = type.cast(); return adjustPriorityForType(aliasedType ? aliasedType->type() : AbstractType::Ptr(), completionPriority); } else if (whichType == AbstractType::TypeFunction) { auto functionType = type.cast(); return adjustPriorityForType(functionType ? functionType->returnType() : AbstractType::Ptr(), completionPriority); } } else { completionPriority += modifier; } return completionPriority; } /// Adjusts priority for the @p decl int adjustPriorityForDeclaration(Declaration* decl, unsigned int completionPriority) { if(completionPriority < CCP_LocalDeclarationSimiliar || completionPriority > CCP_SuperCompletion){ return completionPriority; } return adjustPriorityForType(decl->abstractType(), completionPriority); } /** * @return Whether the declaration represented by identifier @p identifier qualifies as completion result * * For example, we don't want to offer SomeClass::SomeClass as completion item to the user * (otherwise we'd end up generating code such as 's.SomeClass();') */ bool isValidCompletionIdentifier(const QualifiedIdentifier& identifier) { const int count = identifier.count(); if (identifier.count() < 2) { return true; } const Identifier scope = identifier.at(count-2); const Identifier id = identifier.last(); if (scope == id) { return false; // is constructor } const QString idString = id.toString(); if (idString.startsWith(QLatin1Char('~')) && scope.toString() == idString.midRef(1)) { return false; // is destructor } return true; } /** * @return Whether the declaration represented by identifier @p identifier qualifies as "special" completion result * * "Special" completion results are items that are likely not regularly used. * * Examples: * - 'SomeClass::operator=(const SomeClass&)' */ bool isValidSpecialCompletionIdentifier(const QualifiedIdentifier& identifier) { if (identifier.count() < 2) { return false; } const Identifier id = identifier.last(); const QString idString = id.toString(); if (idString.startsWith(QLatin1String("operator="))) { return true; // is assignment operator } return false; } Declaration* findDeclaration(const QualifiedIdentifier& qid, const DUContextPointer& ctx, const CursorInRevision& position, QSet& handled) { PersistentSymbolTable::Declarations decl = PersistentSymbolTable::self().getDeclarations(qid); const auto top = ctx->topContext(); const auto& importedContexts = top->importedParentContexts(); for (auto it = decl.iterator(); it; ++it) { // if the context is not included, then this match is not correct for our consideration // this fixes issues where we used to include matches from files that did not have // anything to do with the current TU, e.g. the main from a different file or stuff like that // it also reduces the chance of us picking up a function of the same name from somewhere else // also, this makes sure the context has the correct language and we don't get confused by stuff // from other language plugins if (std::none_of(importedContexts.begin(), importedContexts.end(), [it] (const DUContext::Import& import) { return import.topContextIndex() == it->indexedTopContext().index(); })) { continue; } auto declaration = it->declaration(); if (!declaration) { // Mitigate problems such as: Cannot load a top-context from file "/home/kfunk/.cache/kdevduchain/kdevelop-{foo}/topcontexts/6085" // - the required language-support for handling ID 55 is probably not loaded qCWarning(KDEV_CLANG) << "Detected an invalid declaration for" << qid; continue; } if (declaration->kind() == Declaration::Instance && !declaration->isFunctionDeclaration()) { break; } if (!handled.contains(declaration)) { handled.insert(declaration); return declaration; } } const auto foundDeclarations = ctx->findDeclarations(qid, position); for (auto dec : foundDeclarations) { if (!handled.contains(dec)) { handled.insert(dec); return dec; } } return nullptr; } /// If any parent of this context is a class, the closest class declaration is returned, nullptr otherwise Declaration* classDeclarationForContext(const DUContextPointer& context, const CursorInRevision& position) { auto parent = context; while (parent) { if (parent->type() == DUContext::Class) { break; } if (auto owner = parent->owner()) { // Work-around for out-of-line methods. They have Helper context instead of Class context if (owner->context() && owner->context()->type() == DUContext::Helper) { auto qid = owner->qualifiedIdentifier(); qid.pop(); QSet tmp; auto decl = findDeclaration(qid, context, position, tmp); if (decl && decl->internalContext() && decl->internalContext()->type() == DUContext::Class) { parent = decl->internalContext(); break; } } } parent = parent->parentContext(); } return parent ? parent->owner() : nullptr; } class LookAheadItemMatcher { public: explicit LookAheadItemMatcher(const TopDUContextPointer& ctx) : m_topContext(ctx) , m_enabled(ClangSettingsManager::self()->codeCompletionSettings().lookAhead) {} /// Adds all local declarations for @p declaration into possible look-ahead items. void addDeclarations(Declaration* declaration) { if (!m_enabled) { return; } if (declaration->kind() != Declaration::Instance) { return; } auto type = typeForDeclaration(declaration); auto identifiedType = dynamic_cast(type.data()); if (!identifiedType) { return; } addDeclarationsForType(identifiedType, declaration); } /// Add type for matching. This type'll be used for filtering look-ahead items /// Only items with @p type will be returned through @sa matchedItems void addMatchedType(const IndexedType& type) { matchedTypes.insert(type); } /// @return look-ahead items that math given types. @sa addMatchedType QList matchedItems() { QList lookAheadItems; for (const auto& pair: possibleLookAheadDeclarations) { auto decl = pair.first; if (matchedTypes.contains(decl->indexedType())) { auto parent = pair.second; const QString access = parent->abstractType()->whichType() == AbstractType::TypePointer ? QStringLiteral("->") : QStringLiteral("."); const QString text = parent->identifier().toString() + access + decl->identifier().toString(); auto item = new DeclarationItem(decl, text, {}, text); item->setMatchQuality(8); lookAheadItems.append(CompletionTreeItemPointer(item)); } } return lookAheadItems; } private: AbstractType::Ptr typeForDeclaration(const Declaration* decl) { return TypeUtils::targetType(decl->abstractType(), m_topContext.data()); } void addDeclarationsForType(const IdentifiedType* identifiedType, Declaration* declaration) { if (auto typeDecl = identifiedType->declaration(m_topContext.data())) { if (dynamic_cast(typeDecl->logicalDeclaration(m_topContext.data()))) { if (!typeDecl->internalContext()) { return; } for (auto localDecl : typeDecl->internalContext()->localDeclarations()) { if(localDecl->identifier().isEmpty()){ continue; } if(auto classMember = dynamic_cast(localDecl)){ // TODO: Also add protected/private members if completion is inside this class context. if(classMember->accessPolicy() != Declaration::Public){ continue; } } if(!declaration->abstractType()){ continue; } if (declaration->abstractType()->whichType() == AbstractType::TypeIntegral) { if (auto integralType = declaration->abstractType().cast()) { if (integralType->dataType() == IntegralType::TypeVoid) { continue; } } } possibleLookAheadDeclarations.insert({localDecl, declaration}); } } } } // Declaration and it's context typedef QPair DeclarationContext; /// Types of declarations that look-ahead completion items can have QSet matchedTypes; // List of declarations that can be added to the Look Ahead group // Second declaration represents context QSet possibleLookAheadDeclarations; TopDUContextPointer m_topContext; bool m_enabled; }; struct MemberAccessReplacer : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: enum Type { None, DotToArrow, ArrowToDot }; public Q_SLOTS: void replaceCurrentAccess(MemberAccessReplacer::Type type) { if (auto document = ICore::self()->documentController()->activeDocument()) { if (auto textDocument = document->textDocument()) { auto activeView = document->activeTextView(); if (!activeView) { return; } auto cursor = activeView->cursorPosition(); QString oldAccess, newAccess; if (type == ArrowToDot) { oldAccess = QStringLiteral("->"); newAccess = QStringLiteral("."); } else { oldAccess = QStringLiteral("."); newAccess = QStringLiteral("->"); } auto oldRange = KTextEditor::Range(cursor - KTextEditor::Cursor(0, oldAccess.length()), cursor); // This code needed for testReplaceMemberAccess test // Maybe we should do a similar thing for '->' to '.' direction, but this is not so important while (textDocument->text(oldRange) == QLatin1String(" ") && oldRange.start().column() >= 0) { oldRange = KTextEditor::Range({oldRange.start().line(), oldRange.start().column() - 1}, {oldRange.end().line(), oldRange.end().column() - 1}); } if (oldRange.start().column() >= 0 && textDocument->text(oldRange) == oldAccess) { textDocument->replaceText(oldRange, newAccess); } } } } }; static MemberAccessReplacer s_memberAccessReplacer; } Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(MemberAccessReplacer::Type) ClangCodeCompletionContext::ClangCodeCompletionContext(const DUContextPointer& context, const ParseSessionData::Ptr& sessionData, const QUrl& url, const KTextEditor::Cursor& position, const QString& text, const QString& followingText ) : CodeCompletionContext(context, text + followingText, CursorInRevision::castFromSimpleCursor(position), 0) , m_results(nullptr, clang_disposeCodeCompleteResults) , m_parseSessionData(sessionData) { qRegisterMetaType(); const QByteArray file = url.toLocalFile().toUtf8(); ParseSession session(m_parseSessionData); QVector otherUnsavedFiles; { ForegroundLock lock; otherUnsavedFiles = ClangUtils::unsavedFiles(); } QVector allUnsaved; { const unsigned int completeOptions = clang_defaultCodeCompleteOptions(); CXUnsavedFile unsaved; unsaved.Filename = file.constData(); const QByteArray content = m_text.toUtf8(); unsaved.Contents = content.constData(); unsaved.Length = content.size(); allUnsaved.reserve(otherUnsavedFiles.size()); for ( const auto& f : otherUnsavedFiles ) { allUnsaved.append(f.toClangApi()); } allUnsaved.append(unsaved); m_results.reset(clang_codeCompleteAt(session.unit(), file.constData(), position.line() + 1, position.column() + 1, allUnsaved.data(), allUnsaved.size(), completeOptions)); if (!m_results) { qCWarning(KDEV_CLANG) << "Something went wrong during 'clang_codeCompleteAt' for file" << file; return; } auto numDiagnostics = clang_codeCompleteGetNumDiagnostics(m_results.get()); for (uint i = 0; i < numDiagnostics; i++) { auto diagnostic = clang_codeCompleteGetDiagnostic(m_results.get(), i); auto diagnosticType = ClangDiagnosticEvaluator::diagnosticType(diagnostic); clang_disposeDiagnostic(diagnostic); if (diagnosticType == ClangDiagnosticEvaluator::ReplaceWithArrowProblem || diagnosticType == ClangDiagnosticEvaluator::ReplaceWithDotProblem) { MemberAccessReplacer::Type replacementType; if (diagnosticType == ClangDiagnosticEvaluator::ReplaceWithDotProblem) { replacementType = MemberAccessReplacer::ArrowToDot; } else { replacementType = MemberAccessReplacer::DotToArrow; } QMetaObject::invokeMethod(&s_memberAccessReplacer, "replaceCurrentAccess", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(MemberAccessReplacer::Type, replacementType)); m_valid = false; return; } } auto addMacros = ClangSettingsManager::self()->codeCompletionSettings().macros; if (!addMacros) { m_filters |= NoMacros; } } if (!m_results->NumResults) { const auto trimmedText = text.trimmed(); if (trimmedText.endsWith(QLatin1Char('.'))) { // TODO: This shouldn't be needed if Clang provided diagnostic. // But it doesn't always do it, so let's try to manually determine whether '.' is used instead of '->' m_text = trimmedText.left(trimmedText.size() - 1); m_text += QStringLiteral("->"); CXUnsavedFile unsaved; unsaved.Filename = file.constData(); const QByteArray content = m_text.toUtf8(); unsaved.Contents = content.constData(); unsaved.Length = content.size(); allUnsaved[allUnsaved.size() - 1] = unsaved; m_results.reset(clang_codeCompleteAt(session.unit(), file.constData(), position.line() + 1, position.column() + 1 + 1, allUnsaved.data(), allUnsaved.size(), clang_defaultCodeCompleteOptions())); if (m_results && m_results->NumResults) { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(&s_memberAccessReplacer, "replaceCurrentAccess", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(MemberAccessReplacer::Type, MemberAccessReplacer::DotToArrow)); } m_valid = false; return; } } // check 'isValidPosition' after parsing the new content auto clangFile = session.file(file); if (!isValidPosition(session.unit(), clangFile)) { m_valid = false; return; } m_completionHelper.computeCompletions(session, clangFile, position); } ClangCodeCompletionContext::~ClangCodeCompletionContext() { } bool ClangCodeCompletionContext::isValidPosition(CXTranslationUnit unit, CXFile file) const { if (isInsideComment(unit, file, m_position.castToSimpleCursor())) { clangDebug() << "Invalid completion context: Inside comment"; return false; } return true; } QList ClangCodeCompletionContext::completionItems(bool& abort, bool /*fullCompletion*/) { if (!m_valid || !m_duContext || !m_results) { return {}; } const auto ctx = DUContextPointer(m_duContext->findContextAt(m_position)); /// Normal completion items, such as 'void Foo::foo()' QList items; /// Stuff like 'Foo& Foo::operator=(const Foo&)', etc. Not regularly used by our users. QList specialItems; /// Macros from the current context QList macros; /// Builtins reported by Clang QList builtin; // two sets of handled declarations to prevent duplicates and make sure we show // all available overloads QSet handled; // this is only used for the CXCursor_OverloadCandidate completion items QSet overloadsHandled; LookAheadItemMatcher lookAheadMatcher(TopDUContextPointer(ctx->topContext())); // If ctx is/inside the Class context, this represents that context. const auto currentClassContext = classDeclarationForContext(ctx, m_position); clangDebug() << "Clang found" << m_results->NumResults << "completion results"; for (uint i = 0; i < m_results->NumResults; ++i) { if (abort) { return {}; } auto result = m_results->Results[i]; #if CINDEX_VERSION_MINOR >= 30 const bool isOverloadCandidate = result.CursorKind == CXCursor_OverloadCandidate; #else const bool isOverloadCandidate = false; #endif const auto availability = clang_getCompletionAvailability(result.CompletionString); if (availability == CXAvailability_NotAvailable) { continue; } const bool isMacroDefinition = result.CursorKind == CXCursor_MacroDefinition; if (isMacroDefinition && m_filters & NoMacros) { continue; } const bool isBuiltin = (result.CursorKind == CXCursor_NotImplemented); if (isBuiltin && m_filters & NoBuiltins) { continue; } const bool isDeclaration = !isMacroDefinition && !isBuiltin; if (isDeclaration && m_filters & NoDeclarations) { continue; } if (availability == CXAvailability_NotAccessible && (!isDeclaration || !currentClassContext)) { continue; } // the string that would be needed to type, usually the identifier of something. Also we use it as name for code completion declaration items. QString typed; // the return type of a function e.g. QString resultType; // the replacement text when an item gets executed QString replacement; QString arguments; ArgumentHintItem::CurrentArgumentRange argumentRange; //BEGIN function signature parsing // nesting depth of parentheses int parenDepth = 0; enum FunctionSignatureState { // not yet inside the function signature Before, // any token is part of the function signature now Inside, // finished parsing the function signature After }; // current state FunctionSignatureState signatureState = Before; //END function signature parsing std::function processChunks = [&] (CXCompletionString completionString) { const uint chunks = clang_getNumCompletionChunks(completionString); for (uint j = 0; j < chunks; ++j) { const auto kind = clang_getCompletionChunkKind(completionString, j); if (kind == CXCompletionChunk_Optional) { completionString = clang_getCompletionChunkCompletionString(completionString, j); if (completionString) { processChunks(completionString); } continue; } // We don't need function signature for declaration items, we can get it directly from the declaration. Also adding the function signature to the "display" would break the "Detailed completion" option. if (isDeclaration && !typed.isEmpty()) { // TODO: When parent context for CXCursor_OverloadCandidate is fixed remove this check if (!isOverloadCandidate) { break; } } const QString string = ClangString(clang_getCompletionChunkText(completionString, j)).toString(); switch (kind) { case CXCompletionChunk_TypedText: typed = string; replacement = string; break; case CXCompletionChunk_ResultType: resultType = string; continue; case CXCompletionChunk_Placeholder: if (signatureState == Inside) { arguments += string; } continue; case CXCompletionChunk_LeftParen: if (signatureState == Before && !parenDepth) { signatureState = Inside; } parenDepth++; break; case CXCompletionChunk_RightParen: --parenDepth; if (signatureState == Inside && !parenDepth) { arguments += QLatin1Char(')'); signatureState = After; } break; case CXCompletionChunk_Text: if (isOverloadCandidate) { typed += string; } break; case CXCompletionChunk_CurrentParameter: argumentRange.start = arguments.size(); argumentRange.end = string.size(); break; default: break; } if (signatureState == Inside) { arguments += string; } } }; processChunks(result.CompletionString); // TODO: No closing paren if default parameters present if (isOverloadCandidate && !arguments.endsWith(QLatin1Char(')'))) { arguments += QLatin1Char(')'); } // ellide text to the right for overly long result types (templates especially) elideStringRight(resultType, MAX_RETURN_TYPE_STRING_LENGTH); static const auto noIcon = QIcon(QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, QStringLiteral("kdevelop/pics/namespace.png"))); if (isDeclaration) { const Identifier id(typed); QualifiedIdentifier qid; ClangString parent(clang_getCompletionParent(result.CompletionString, nullptr)); if (parent.c_str() != nullptr) { qid = QualifiedIdentifier(parent.toString()); } qid.push(id); if (!isValidCompletionIdentifier(qid)) { continue; } + if (isOverloadCandidate && resultType.isEmpty() && parent.isEmpty()) { + // workaround: find constructor calls for non-namespaced classes + // TODO: return the namespaced class as parent in libclang + qid.push(id); + } + auto found = findDeclaration(qid, ctx, m_position, isOverloadCandidate ? overloadsHandled : handled); CompletionTreeItemPointer item; if (found) { // TODO: Bug in Clang: protected members from base classes not accessible in derived classes. if (availability == CXAvailability_NotAccessible) { if (auto cl = dynamic_cast(found)) { if (cl->accessPolicy() != Declaration::Protected) { continue; } auto declarationClassContext = classDeclarationForContext(DUContextPointer(found->context()), m_position); uint steps = 10; auto inheriters = DUChainUtils::getInheriters(declarationClassContext, steps); if(!inheriters.contains(currentClassContext)){ continue; } } else { continue; } } DeclarationItem* declarationItem = nullptr; if (isOverloadCandidate) { declarationItem = new ArgumentHintItem(found, resultType, typed, arguments, argumentRange); declarationItem->setArgumentHintDepth(1); } else { declarationItem = new DeclarationItem(found, typed, resultType, replacement); } const unsigned int completionPriority = adjustPriorityForDeclaration(found, clang_getCompletionPriority(result.CompletionString)); const bool bestMatch = completionPriority <= CCP_SuperCompletion; //don't set best match property for internal identifiers, also prefer declarations from current file const auto isInternal = found->indexedIdentifier().identifier().toString().startsWith(QLatin1String("__")); if (bestMatch && !isInternal ) { const int matchQuality = codeCompletionPriorityToMatchQuality(completionPriority); declarationItem->setMatchQuality(matchQuality); // TODO: LibClang missing API to determine expected code completion type. lookAheadMatcher.addMatchedType(found->indexedType()); } else { declarationItem->setInheritanceDepth(completionPriority); lookAheadMatcher.addDeclarations(found); } if ( isInternal ) { declarationItem->markAsUnimportant(); } item = declarationItem; } else { if (isOverloadCandidate) { // TODO: No parent context for CXCursor_OverloadCandidate items, hence qid is broken -> no declaration found auto ahi = new ArgumentHintItem({}, resultType, typed, arguments, argumentRange); ahi->setArgumentHintDepth(1); item = ahi; } else { // still, let's trust that Clang found something useful and put it into the completion result list clangDebug() << "Could not find declaration for" << qid; auto instance = new SimpleItem(typed + arguments, resultType, replacement, noIcon); instance->markAsUnimportant(); item = CompletionTreeItemPointer(instance); } } if (isValidSpecialCompletionIdentifier(qid)) { // If it's a special completion identifier e.g. "operator=(const&)" and we don't have a declaration for it, don't add it into completion list, as this item is completely useless and pollutes the test case. // This happens e.g. for "class A{}; a.|". At | we have "operator=(const A&)" as a special completion identifier without a declaration. if(item->declaration()){ specialItems.append(item); } } else { items.append(item); } continue; } if (result.CursorKind == CXCursor_MacroDefinition) { // TODO: grouping of macros and built-in stuff const auto text = QString(typed + arguments); auto instance = new SimpleItem(text, resultType, replacement, noIcon); auto item = CompletionTreeItemPointer(instance); if ( text.startsWith(QLatin1String("_")) ) { instance->markAsUnimportant(); } macros.append(item); } else if (result.CursorKind == CXCursor_NotImplemented) { auto instance = new SimpleItem(typed, resultType, replacement, noIcon); auto item = CompletionTreeItemPointer(instance); builtin.append(item); } } if (abort) { return {}; } addImplementationHelperItems(); addOverwritableItems(); eventuallyAddGroup(i18n("Special"), 700, specialItems); eventuallyAddGroup(i18n("Look-ahead Matches"), 800, lookAheadMatcher.matchedItems()); eventuallyAddGroup(i18n("Builtin"), 900, builtin); eventuallyAddGroup(i18n("Macros"), 1000, macros); return items; } void ClangCodeCompletionContext::eventuallyAddGroup(const QString& name, int priority, const QList& items) { if (items.isEmpty()) { return; } auto* node = new CompletionCustomGroupNode(name, priority); node->appendChildren(items); m_ungrouped << CompletionTreeElementPointer(node); } void ClangCodeCompletionContext::addOverwritableItems() { auto overrideList = m_completionHelper.overrides(); if (overrideList.isEmpty()) { return; } QList overrides; QList overridesAbstract; for (const auto& info : overrideList) { QStringList params; params.reserve(info.params.size()); for (const auto& param : info.params) { params << param.type + QLatin1Char(' ') + param.id; } QString nameAndParams = info.name + QLatin1Char('(') + params.join(QStringLiteral(", ")) + QLatin1Char(')'); if(info.isConst) nameAndParams = nameAndParams + QLatin1String(" const"); if(info.isPureVirtual) nameAndParams = nameAndParams + QLatin1String(" = 0"); auto item = CompletionTreeItemPointer(new OverrideItem(nameAndParams, info.returnType)); if (info.isPureVirtual) overridesAbstract << item; else overrides << item; } eventuallyAddGroup(i18n("Abstract Override"), 0, overridesAbstract); eventuallyAddGroup(i18n("Virtual Override"), 0, overrides); } void ClangCodeCompletionContext::addImplementationHelperItems() { auto implementsList = m_completionHelper.implements(); if (implementsList.isEmpty()) { return; } QList implements; foreach(const auto& info, implementsList) { implements << CompletionTreeItemPointer(new ImplementsItem(info)); } eventuallyAddGroup(i18n("Implement Function"), 0, implements); } QList ClangCodeCompletionContext::ungroupedElements() { return m_ungrouped; } ClangCodeCompletionContext::ContextFilters ClangCodeCompletionContext::filters() const { return m_filters; } void ClangCodeCompletionContext::setFilters(const ClangCodeCompletionContext::ContextFilters& filters) { m_filters = filters; } #include "context.moc" diff --git a/plugins/clang/tests/test_codecompletion.cpp b/plugins/clang/tests/test_codecompletion.cpp index 94d9ab4b12..d12ad5236b 100644 --- a/plugins/clang/tests/test_codecompletion.cpp +++ b/plugins/clang/tests/test_codecompletion.cpp @@ -1,1378 +1,1377 @@ /* * Copyright 2014 David Stevens * Copyright 2014 Kevin Funk * Copyright 2015 Milian Wolff * Copyright 2015 Sergey Kalinichev * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version * accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved * by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy * defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "test_codecompletion.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "duchain/parsesession.h" #include "util/clangtypes.h" #include #include #include #include #include "codecompletion/completionhelper.h" #include "codecompletion/context.h" #include "codecompletion/includepathcompletioncontext.h" #include "../clangsettings/clangsettingsmanager.h" #include #include #include #include QTEST_MAIN(TestCodeCompletion); static const auto NoMacroOrBuiltin = ClangCodeCompletionContext::ContextFilters( ClangCodeCompletionContext::NoBuiltins | ClangCodeCompletionContext::NoMacros); using namespace KDevelop; using ClangCodeCompletionItemTester = CodeCompletionItemTester; struct CompletionItems { CompletionItems(){} CompletionItems(const KTextEditor::Cursor& position, const QStringList& completions, const QStringList& declarationItems = {}) : position(position) , completions(completions) , declarationItems(declarationItems) {}; KTextEditor::Cursor position; QStringList completions; QStringList declarationItems; ///< completion items that have associated declarations. Declarations with higher match quality at the top. @sa KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel::MatchQuality }; Q_DECLARE_TYPEINFO(CompletionItems, Q_MOVABLE_TYPE); Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(CompletionItems); struct CompletionPriorityItem { CompletionPriorityItem(const QString& name, int matchQuality = 0, int inheritanceDepth = 0, const QString& failMessage = {}) : name(name) , failMessage(failMessage) , matchQuality(matchQuality) , inheritanceDepth(inheritanceDepth) {} QString name; QString failMessage; int matchQuality; int inheritanceDepth; }; struct CompletionPriorityItems : public CompletionItems { CompletionPriorityItems(){} CompletionPriorityItems(const KTextEditor::Cursor& position, const QList& completions) : CompletionItems(position, {}) , completions(completions) {}; QList completions; }; Q_DECLARE_TYPEINFO(CompletionPriorityItems, Q_MOVABLE_TYPE); Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(CompletionPriorityItems); namespace { struct NoopTestFunction { void operator()(const ClangCodeCompletionItemTester& /*tester*/) const { } }; QString textForDocument(const QUrl& url, const KTextEditor::Cursor& position) { bool close = false; auto* doc = ICore::self()->documentController()->documentForUrl(url); if (!doc) { doc = ICore::self()->documentController()->openDocument(url); close = true; } auto text = doc->textDocument()->text({{0, 0}, position}); if (close) { doc->close(IDocument::Discard); } return text; } QExplicitlySharedDataPointer createContext(const ReferencedTopDUContext& top, const ParseSessionData::Ptr& sessionData, const KTextEditor::Cursor position, const QString& code = {}) { const auto url = top->url().toUrl(); const auto text = code.isEmpty() ? textForDocument(url, position) : code; return QExplicitlySharedDataPointer{ new ClangCodeCompletionContext(DUContextPointer(top), sessionData, url, position, text)}; } template void executeCompletionTest(const ReferencedTopDUContext& top, const CompletionItems& expectedCompletionItems, const ClangCodeCompletionContext::ContextFilters& filters = NoMacroOrBuiltin, CustomTestFunction customTestFunction = {}) { DUChainReadLocker lock; const ParseSessionData::Ptr sessionData(dynamic_cast(top->ast().data())); QVERIFY(sessionData); lock.unlock(); // TODO: We should not need to pass 'session' to the context, should just use the base class ctor auto context = createContext(top, sessionData, expectedCompletionItems.position); context->setFilters(filters); lock.lock(); auto tester = ClangCodeCompletionItemTester(context); int previousMatchQuality = 10; for(const auto& declarationName : expectedCompletionItems.declarationItems){ const auto declarationItem = tester.findItem(declarationName); QVERIFY(declarationItem); QVERIFY(declarationItem->declaration()); auto matchQuality = tester.itemData(declarationItem, KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel::Name, KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel::MatchQuality).toInt(); QVERIFY(matchQuality <= previousMatchQuality); previousMatchQuality = matchQuality; } tester.names.sort(); QEXPECT_FAIL("look-ahead function primary type argument", "No API in LibClang to determine expected code completion type", Continue); QEXPECT_FAIL("look-ahead template parameter substitution", "No parameters substitution so far", Continue); #if CINDEX_VERSION_MINOR < 30 QEXPECT_FAIL("look-ahead auto item", "Auto type, like many other types, is not exposed through LibClang. We assign DelayedType to it instead of IdentifiedType", Continue); #endif if (QTest::currentTestFunction() == QByteArrayLiteral("testImplementAfterEdit") && expectedCompletionItems.position.line() == 3) { QEXPECT_FAIL("", "TU is not properly updated after edit", Continue); } if (tester.names.size() != expectedCompletionItems.completions.size()) { qDebug() << "different results:\nactual:" << tester.names << "\nexpected:" << expectedCompletionItems.completions; } QCOMPARE(tester.names, expectedCompletionItems.completions); customTestFunction(tester); } template void executeCompletionTest(const QString& code, const CompletionItems& expectedCompletionItems, const ClangCodeCompletionContext::ContextFilters& filters = NoMacroOrBuiltin, CustomTestFunction customTestFunction = {}) { TestFile file(code, QStringLiteral("cpp")); QVERIFY(file.parseAndWait(TopDUContext::AllDeclarationsContextsUsesAndAST)); executeCompletionTest(file.topContext(), expectedCompletionItems, filters, customTestFunction); } void executeCompletionPriorityTest(const QString& code, const CompletionPriorityItems& expectedCompletionItems, const ClangCodeCompletionContext::ContextFilters& filters = NoMacroOrBuiltin) { TestFile file(code, QStringLiteral("cpp")); QVERIFY(file.parseAndWait(TopDUContext::AllDeclarationsContextsUsesAndAST)); DUChainReadLocker lock; auto top = file.topContext(); QVERIFY(top); const ParseSessionData::Ptr sessionData(dynamic_cast(top->ast().data())); QVERIFY(sessionData); // don't hold DUChain lock when constructing ClangCodeCompletionContext lock.unlock(); auto context = createContext(top, sessionData, expectedCompletionItems.position); context->setFilters(filters); lock.lock(); auto tester = ClangCodeCompletionItemTester(context); for(const auto& declaration : expectedCompletionItems.completions){ const auto declarationItem = tester.findItem(declaration.name); QVERIFY(declarationItem); QVERIFY(declarationItem->declaration()); auto matchQuality = tester.itemData(declarationItem, KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel::Name, KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel::MatchQuality).toInt(); auto inheritanceDepth = declarationItem->inheritanceDepth(); if(!declaration.failMessage.isEmpty()){ QEXPECT_FAIL("", declaration.failMessage.toUtf8().constData(), Continue); } QVERIFY(matchQuality == declaration.matchQuality && inheritanceDepth == declaration.inheritanceDepth); } } void executeMemberAccessReplacerTest(const QString& code, const CompletionItems& expectedCompletionItems, const ClangCodeCompletionContext::ContextFilters& filters = NoMacroOrBuiltin) { TestFile file(code, QStringLiteral("cpp")); auto document = ICore::self()->documentController()->openDocument(file.url().toUrl()); QVERIFY(document); ICore::self()->documentController()->activateDocument(document); auto view = ICore::self()->documentController()->activeTextDocumentView(); Q_ASSERT(view); view->setCursorPosition(expectedCompletionItems.position); QVERIFY(file.parseAndWait(TopDUContext::AllDeclarationsContextsUsesAndAST)); DUChainReadLocker lock; auto top = file.topContext(); QVERIFY(top); const ParseSessionData::Ptr sessionData(dynamic_cast(top->ast().data())); QVERIFY(sessionData); lock.unlock(); auto context = createContext(top, sessionData, expectedCompletionItems.position, code); QApplication::processEvents(); document->close(KDevelop::IDocument::Silent); // The previous ClangCodeCompletionContext call should replace member access. // That triggers an update request in the duchain which we are not interested in, // so let's stop that request. ICore::self()->languageController()->backgroundParser()->removeDocument(file.url()); context = createContext(top, sessionData, expectedCompletionItems.position); context->setFilters(filters); lock.lock(); auto tester = ClangCodeCompletionItemTester(context); tester.names.sort(); QCOMPARE(tester.names, expectedCompletionItems.completions); } using IncludeTester = CodeCompletionItemTester; QExplicitlySharedDataPointer executeIncludePathCompletion(TestFile* file, const KTextEditor::Cursor& position) { if (!file->parseAndWait(TopDUContext::AllDeclarationsContextsUsesAndAST)) { QTest::qFail("Failed to parse source file.", __FILE__, __LINE__); return {}; } DUChainReadLocker lock; auto top = file->topContext(); if (!top) { QTest::qFail("Failed to parse source file.", __FILE__, __LINE__); return {}; } const ParseSessionData::Ptr sessionData(dynamic_cast(top->ast().data())); if (!sessionData) { QTest::qFail("Failed to acquire parse session data.", __FILE__, __LINE__); return {}; } DUContextPointer topPtr(top); lock.unlock(); auto text = file->fileContents(); int textLength = -1; if (position.isValid()) { textLength = 0; for (int i = 0; i < position.line(); ++i) { textLength = text.indexOf('\n', textLength) + 1; } textLength += position.column(); } auto context = new IncludePathCompletionContext(topPtr, sessionData, file->url().toUrl(), position, text.mid(0, textLength)); return QExplicitlySharedDataPointer{context}; } } void TestCodeCompletion::testClangCodeCompletion() { QFETCH(QString, code); QFETCH(CompletionItems, expectedItems); executeCompletionTest(code, expectedItems); } void TestCodeCompletion::testClangCodeCompletion_data() { QTest::addColumn("code"); QTest::addColumn("expectedItems"); QTest::newRow("assignment") << "int foo = 5; \nint bar = " << CompletionItems{{1,9}, { "bar", "foo", }, {"bar","foo"}}; QTest::newRow("dotmemberaccess") << "class Foo { public: void foo() {} bool operator=(Foo &&) }; int main() { Foo f; \nf. " << CompletionItems{{1, 2}, { "foo", "operator=" }, {"foo", "operator="}}; QTest::newRow("arrowmemberaccess") << "class Foo { public: void foo() {} }; int main() { Foo* f = new Foo; \nf-> }" << CompletionItems{{1, 3}, { "foo" }, {"foo"}}; QTest::newRow("enum-case") << "enum Foo { foo, bar }; int main() { Foo f; switch (f) {\ncase " << CompletionItems{{1,4}, { "bar", "foo", }, {"foo", "bar"}}; QTest::newRow("only-private") << "class SomeStruct { private: void priv() {} };\n" "int main() { SomeStruct s;\ns. " << CompletionItems{{2, 2}, { }}; QTest::newRow("private-friend") << "class SomeStruct { private: void priv() {} friend int main(); };\n" "int main() { SomeStruct s;\ns. " << CompletionItems{{2, 2}, { "priv", }, {"priv"}}; QTest::newRow("private-public") << "class SomeStruct { public: void pub() {} private: void priv() {} };\n" "int main() { SomeStruct s;\ns. " << CompletionItems{{2, 2}, { "pub", }, {"pub"}}; QTest::newRow("protected-public") << "class SomeStruct { public: void pub() {} protected: void prot() {} };\n" "int main() { SomeStruct s;\ns. " << CompletionItems{{2, 2}, { "pub", }, {"pub"}}; QTest::newRow("localVariable") << "int main() { int localVariable;\nloc " << CompletionItems{{1, 3}, {"localVariable","main"}, {"localVariable", "main"} }; QTest::newRow("globalVariable") << "int globalVariable;\nint main() { \ngl " << CompletionItems{{2, 2}, {"globalVariable","main"}, {"globalVariable", "main"} }; QTest::newRow("namespaceVariable") << "namespace NameSpace{int variable};\nint main() { \nNameSpace:: " << CompletionItems{{2, 11}, {"variable"}, {"variable"} }; QTest::newRow("parentVariable") << "class A{public: int m_variable;};class B : public A{};\nint main() { B b;\nb. " << CompletionItems{{2, 2}, {"m_variable"}, {"m_variable"} }; QTest::newRow("itemsPriority") << "class A; class B; void f(A); int main(){ A c; B b;f(\n} " << CompletionItems{{1, 0}, {"A", "B", "b", "c", "f", #if CINDEX_VERSION_MINOR >= 30 "f", #endif "main"}, {"c", "A", "b", "B"} }; QTest::newRow("function-arguments") << "class Abc; int f(Abc){\n " << CompletionItems{{1, 0}, { "Abc", "f", }}; QTest::newRow("look-ahead int") << "struct LookAhead { int intItem;}; int main() {LookAhead* pInstance; LookAhead instance; int i =\n }" << CompletionItems{{1, 0}, { "LookAhead", "i", "instance", "instance.intItem", "main", "pInstance", "pInstance->intItem", }}; QTest::newRow("look-ahead class") << "class Class{}; struct LookAhead {Class classItem;}; int main() {LookAhead* pInstance; LookAhead instance; Class cl =\n }" << CompletionItems{{1, 0}, { "Class", "LookAhead", "cl", "instance", "instance.classItem", "main", "pInstance", "pInstance->classItem", }}; QTest::newRow("look-ahead function argument") << "class Class{}; struct LookAhead {Class classItem;}; void function(Class cl);" "int main() {LookAhead* pInstance; LookAhead instance; function(\n }" << CompletionItems{{1, 0}, { "Class", "LookAhead", "function", #if CINDEX_VERSION_MINOR >= 30 "function", #endif "instance", "instance.classItem", "main", "pInstance", "pInstance->classItem", }}; QTest::newRow("look-ahead function primary type argument") << "struct LookAhead {double doubleItem;}; void function(double double);" "int main() {LookAhead* pInstance; LookAhead instance; function(\n }" << CompletionItems{{1, 0}, { "LookAhead", "function", "instance", "instance.doubleItem", "main", "pInstance", "pInstance->doubleItem", }}; QTest::newRow("look-ahead typedef") << "typedef double DOUBLE; struct LookAhead {DOUBLE doubleItem;};" "int main() {LookAhead* pInstance; LookAhead instance; double i =\n " << CompletionItems{{1, 0}, { "DOUBLE", "LookAhead", "i", "instance", "instance.doubleItem", "main", "pInstance", "pInstance->doubleItem", }}; QTest::newRow("look-ahead pointer") << "struct LookAhead {int* pInt;};" "int main() {LookAhead* pInstance; LookAhead instance; int* i =\n " << CompletionItems{{1, 0}, { "LookAhead", "i", "instance", "instance.pInt", "main", "pInstance", "pInstance->pInt", }}; QTest::newRow("look-ahead template") << "template struct LookAhead {int intItem;};" "int main() {LookAhead* pInstance; LookAhead instance; int i =\n " << CompletionItems{{1, 0}, { "LookAhead", "i", "instance", "instance.intItem", "main", "pInstance", "pInstance->intItem", }}; QTest::newRow("look-ahead template parameter substitution") << "template struct LookAhead {T itemT;};" "int main() {LookAhead* pInstance; LookAhead instance; int i =\n " << CompletionItems{{1, 0}, { "LookAhead", "i", "instance", "instance.itemT", "main", "pInstance", "pInstance->itemT", }}; QTest::newRow("look-ahead item access") << "class Class { public: int publicInt; protected: int protectedInt; private: int privateInt;};" "int main() {Class cl; int i =\n " << CompletionItems{{1, 0}, { "Class", "cl", "cl.publicInt", "i", "main", }}; QTest::newRow("look-ahead auto item") << "struct LookAhead { int intItem; };" "int main() {auto instance = LookAhead(); int i = \n " << CompletionItems{{1, 0}, { "LookAhead", "i", "instance", "instance.intItem", "main" }}; QTest::newRow("variadic template recursive class") << R"( template struct my_class : Head, my_class { using base = Head; };)" << CompletionItems{{3, 17}, { "Head", "Tail", "my_class" }}; } void TestCodeCompletion::testReplaceMemberAccess() { QFETCH(QString, code); QFETCH(CompletionItems, expectedItems); executeMemberAccessReplacerTest(code, expectedItems); } void TestCodeCompletion::testReplaceMemberAccess_data() { QTest::addColumn("code"); QTest::addColumn("expectedItems"); QTest::newRow("replace arrow to dot") << "struct Struct { void function(); };" "int main() { Struct s; \ns-> " << CompletionItems{{1, 3}, { "function" }}; QTest::newRow("replace dot to arrow") << "struct Struct { void function(); };" "int main() { Struct* s; \ns. " << CompletionItems{{1, 3}, { "function" }}; QTest::newRow("no replacement needed") << "int main() { double a = \n0. " << CompletionItems{{1, 2}, { }}; } void TestCodeCompletion::testVirtualOverride() { QFETCH(QString, code); QFETCH(CompletionItems, expectedItems); executeCompletionTest(code, expectedItems, ClangCodeCompletionContext::NoClangCompletion); } void TestCodeCompletion::testVirtualOverride_data() { QTest::addColumn("code"); QTest::addColumn("expectedItems"); QTest::newRow("basic") << "class Foo { virtual void foo(); virtual void foo(char c); virtual char foo(char c, int i, double d); };\n" "class Bar : Foo \n{void foo(char c) override;\n}" << CompletionItems{{3, 1}, {"foo()", "foo(char c, int i, double d)"}}; QTest::newRow("template") << "template class Foo { virtual T2 foo(T1 a, T2 b, int i); virtual T2 overridden(T1 a); } ;\n" "class Bar : Foo \n{double overridden(char a) override;\n}" << CompletionItems{{3, 1}, {"foo(char a, double b, int i)"}}; QTest::newRow("nested-template") << "template class Foo { virtual T2 foo(T1 a, T2 b, int i); virtual T2 overridden(T1 a, T2 b, int i); } ;\n" "template class Baz { };\n" "class Bar : Foo> \n{Baz overridden(char a, Baz b, int i) override;\n}" << CompletionItems{{4, 1}, {"foo(char a, Baz b, int i)"}}; QTest::newRow("multi") << "class Foo { virtual int foo(int i); virtual int overridden(int i); };\n" "class Baz { virtual char baz(char c); };\n" "class Bar : Foo, Baz \n{int overridden(int i) override;\n}" << CompletionItems{{4, 1}, {"baz(char c)", "foo(int i)"}}; QTest::newRow("deep") << "class Foo { virtual int foo(int i); virtual int overridden(int i); };\n" "class Baz : Foo { };\n" "class Bar : Baz \n{int overridden(int i) override;\n}" << CompletionItems{{4, 1}, {"foo(int i)"}}; QTest::newRow("repeated") << "class Foo { virtual int foo(int i); virtual int overridden(int i); };\n" "class Baz : Foo { int foo(int i) override; };\n" "class Bar : Baz \n{int overridden(int i) override;\n}" << CompletionItems{{4, 1}, {"foo(int i)"}}; QTest::newRow("pure") << "class Foo { virtual void foo() = 0; virtual void overridden() = 0;};\n" "class Bar : Foo \n{void overridden() override;\n};" << CompletionItems{{3, 0}, {"foo() = 0"}}; QTest::newRow("repeated-pure") << "class Foo { virtual void foo() = 0; virtual void overridden() = 0; };\n" "class Baz : Foo { void foo() override; };\n" "class Bar : Baz \n{void overridden() override;\n}" << CompletionItems{{4, 1}, {"foo()"}}; QTest::newRow("const") << "class Foo { virtual void foo(const int b) const; virtual void overridden(const int b) const; }\n;" "class Bar : Foo \n{void overridden(const int b) const override;\n}" << CompletionItems{{3, 1}, {"foo(const int b) const"}}; QTest::newRow("dont-override") << R"(class A { virtual void something() = 0; }; class B : public A { public: void foo(); }; void B::foo() {} )" << CompletionItems{{8, 14}, {}}; } void TestCodeCompletion::testImplement() { QFETCH(QString, code); QFETCH(CompletionItems, expectedItems); executeCompletionTest(code, expectedItems, ClangCodeCompletionContext::NoClangCompletion); } void TestCodeCompletion::testImplement_data() { QTest::addColumn("code"); QTest::addColumn("expectedItems"); QTest::newRow("basic") << "int foo(char c, int i); \n" << CompletionItems{{1, 0}, {"foo(char c, int i)"}}; QTest::newRow("class") << "class Foo { \n" "int bar(char c, int i); \n\n" "}; \n" << CompletionItems{{2, 0}, {}}; QTest::newRow("class2") << "class Foo { \n" "int bar(char c, int i); \n\n" "}; \n" << CompletionItems{{4, 0}, {"Foo::bar(char c, int i)"}}; QTest::newRow("namespace") << "namespace Foo { \n" "int bar(char c, int i); \n\n" "}; \n" << CompletionItems{{2, 0}, {"bar(char c, int i)"}}; QTest::newRow("anonymous-namespace") << R"( namespace { int bar(char c, int i); }; )" << CompletionItems{{3, 0}, {"bar(char c, int i)"}}; QTest::newRow("anonymous-namespace2") << R"( namespace { int bar(char c, int i); }; )" << CompletionItems{{4, 0}, {}}; QTest::newRow("namespace2") << "namespace Foo { \n" "int bar(char c, int i); \n\n" "}; \n" << CompletionItems{{4, 0}, {"Foo::bar(char c, int i)"}}; QTest::newRow("two-namespace") << "namespace Foo { int bar(char c, int i); };\n" "namespace Foo {\n" "};\n" << CompletionItems{{2, 0}, {"bar(char c, int i)"}}; QTest::newRow("destructor") << "class Foo { ~Foo(); }\n" << CompletionItems{{1, 0}, {"Foo::~Foo()"}}; QTest::newRow("constructor") << "class Foo { \n" "Foo(int i); \n" "}; \n" << CompletionItems{{3, 1}, {"Foo::Foo(int i)"}}; QTest::newRow("template") << "template class Foo { T bar(T t); };\n" << CompletionItems{{1, 1}, {"Foo::bar(T t)"}}; QTest::newRow("specialized-template") << "template class Foo { \n" "T bar(T t); \n" "}; \n" "template T Foo::bar(T t){} \n" "template<> class Foo { \n" "int bar(int t); \n" "}\n" << CompletionItems{{6, 1}, {"Foo::bar(int t)"}}; QTest::newRow("nested-class") << "class Foo { \n" "class Bar { \n" "int baz(char c, int i); \n\n" "}; \n\n" "}; \n\n" << CompletionItems {{3, 1}, {}}; QTest::newRow("nested-class2") << "class Foo { \n" "class Bar { \n" "int baz(char c, int i); \n\n" "}; \n\n" "}; \n\n" << CompletionItems {{5, 1}, {}}; QTest::newRow("nested-class3") << "class Foo { \n" "class Bar { \n" "int baz(char c, int i); \n\n" "}; \n\n" "}; \n\n" << CompletionItems {{7, 1}, {"Foo::Bar::baz(char c, int i)"}}; QTest::newRow("nested-namespace") << "namespace Foo { \n" "namespace Bar { \n" "int baz(char c, int i); \n\n" "}; \n\n" "}; \n\n" << CompletionItems {{3, 1}, {"baz(char c, int i)"}}; QTest::newRow("nested-namespace2") << "namespace Foo { \n" "namespace Bar { \n" "int baz(char c, int i); \n\n" "}; \n\n" "}; \n\n" << CompletionItems {{5, 1}, {"Bar::baz(char c, int i)"}}; QTest::newRow("nested-namespace3") << "namespace Foo { \n" "namespace Bar { \n" "int baz(char c, int i); \n\n" "}; \n\n" "}; \n\n" << CompletionItems {{7, 1}, {"Foo::Bar::baz(char c, int i)"}}; QTest::newRow("partial-template") << "template class Foo { \n" "template class Bar;\n" "template class Bar { void baz(T t, U u); }\n" "}\n" << CompletionItems{{5,1}, {"Foo::Bar::baz(T t, U u)"}}; QTest::newRow("variadic") << "int foo(...); int bar(int i, ...); \n" << CompletionItems{{1, 1}, {"bar(int i, ...)", "foo(...)"}}; QTest::newRow("const") << "class Foo { int bar() const; };" << CompletionItems{{3, 1}, {"Foo::bar() const"}}; QTest::newRow("multiple-methods") << "class Foo { int bar(); void foo(); char asdf() const; };" << CompletionItems{{1, 1}, {"Foo::asdf() const", "Foo::bar()", "Foo::foo()"}}; // explicitly deleted/defaulted functions should not appear in the implements completion QTest::newRow("deleted-copy-ctor") << "struct S { S(); S(const S&) = /*some comment*/ delete; };" << CompletionItems{{1,1}, {"S::S()"}}; QTest::newRow("deleted-overload-member") << "struct Foo {\n" " int x();\n" " int x(int) =delete;\n" "};\n" << CompletionItems{{5,1}, {"Foo::x()"}}; QTest::newRow("deleted-overload-global") << "int x();\n" "int x(int)= delete;\n" << CompletionItems{{2,1}, {"x()"}}; QTest::newRow("defaulted-copy-ctor") << "struct S { S(); S(const S&) = default; };" << CompletionItems{{1,1}, {"S::S()"}}; QTest::newRow("defaulted-dtor") << "struct Foo {\n" " Foo();\n" " ~Foo() =default;\n" "};\n" << CompletionItems{{5,1}, {"Foo::Foo()"}}; QTest::newRow("bug355163") << R"( #include namespace test { template struct IsSafeConversion : public std::is_same::type> { }; } // namespace test )" << CompletionItems{{7,0}, {}}; QTest::newRow("bug355954") << R"( struct Hello { struct Private; }; struct Hello::Private { void test(); }; )" << CompletionItems{{8,0}, {"Hello::Private::test()"}}; QTest::newRow("lineOfNextFunction") << "void foo();\nvoid bar() {}" << CompletionItems{{1,0}, {"foo()"}}; QTest::newRow("pure") << R"( struct Hello { virtual void foo() = 0; virtual void bar(); }; )" << CompletionItems{{5, 0}, {"Hello::bar()"}}; } void TestCodeCompletion::testImplementOtherFile() { TestFile header1(QStringLiteral("void foo();"), QStringLiteral("h")); QVERIFY(header1.parseAndWait()); TestFile header2(QStringLiteral("void bar();"), QStringLiteral("h")); QVERIFY(header2.parseAndWait()); TestFile impl(QString("#include \"%1\"\n" "#include \"%2\"\n" "void asdf();\n\n") .arg(header1.url().str()) .arg(header2.url().str()), QStringLiteral("cpp"), &header1); CompletionItems expectedItems{{3,1}, {"asdf()", "foo()"}}; QVERIFY(impl.parseAndWait(TopDUContext::AllDeclarationsContextsUsesAndAST)); executeCompletionTest(impl.topContext(), expectedItems); } void TestCodeCompletion::testImplementAfterEdit() { TestFile header1(QStringLiteral("void foo();"), QStringLiteral("h")); QVERIFY(header1.parseAndWait()); TestFile impl(QString("#include \"%1\"\n" "void asdf() {}\nvoid bar() {}") .arg(header1.url().str()), QStringLiteral("cpp"), &header1); auto document = ICore::self()->documentController()->openDocument(impl.url().toUrl()); QVERIFY(impl.parseAndWait(TopDUContext::AllDeclarationsContextsUsesAndAST)); CompletionItems expectedItems{{2,0}, {"foo()"}}; executeCompletionTest(impl.topContext(), expectedItems); document->textDocument()->insertText(expectedItems.position, QStringLiteral("\n")); expectedItems.position.setLine(3); executeCompletionTest(impl.topContext(), expectedItems); document->close(IDocument::Discard); } void TestCodeCompletion::testInvalidCompletions() { QFETCH(QString, code); QFETCH(CompletionItems, expectedItems); executeCompletionTest(code, expectedItems); } void TestCodeCompletion::testInvalidCompletions_data() { QTest::addColumn("code"); QTest::addColumn("expectedItems"); QTest::newRow("invalid-context-incomment") << "class Foo { int bar() const; };\n/*\n*/" << CompletionItems{{2, 0}, {}}; } void TestCodeCompletion::testIncludePathCompletion_data() { QTest::addColumn("code"); QTest::addColumn("cursor"); QTest::addColumn("itemId"); QTest::addColumn("result"); QTest::newRow("global-1") << QStringLiteral("#include ") << KTextEditor::Cursor(0, 9) << QStringLiteral("iostream") << QStringLiteral("#include "); QTest::newRow("global-2") << QStringLiteral("#include <") << KTextEditor::Cursor(0, 9) << QStringLiteral("iostream") << QStringLiteral("#include "); QTest::newRow("global-3") << QStringLiteral("#include <") << KTextEditor::Cursor(0, 10) << QStringLiteral("iostream") << QStringLiteral("#include "); QTest::newRow("global-4") << QStringLiteral("# include <") << KTextEditor::Cursor(0, 12) << QStringLiteral("iostream") << QStringLiteral("# include "); QTest::newRow("global-5") << QStringLiteral("# include <") << KTextEditor::Cursor(0, 14) << QStringLiteral("iostream") << QStringLiteral("# include "); QTest::newRow("global-6") << QStringLiteral("# include <> /* 1 */") << KTextEditor::Cursor(0, 14) << QStringLiteral("iostream") << QStringLiteral("# include /* 1 */"); QTest::newRow("global-7") << QStringLiteral("# include /* 1 */ <> /* 1 */") << KTextEditor::Cursor(0, 21) << QStringLiteral("iostream") << QStringLiteral("# include /* 1 */ /* 1 */"); QTest::newRow("global-8") << QStringLiteral("# /* 1 */ include /* 1 */ <> /* 1 */") << KTextEditor::Cursor(0, 28) << QStringLiteral("iostream") << QStringLiteral("# /* 1 */ include /* 1 */ /* 1 */"); QTest::newRow("global-9") << QStringLiteral("#include ") << KTextEditor::Cursor(0, 10) << QStringLiteral("iostream") << QStringLiteral("#include "); QTest::newRow("global-10") << QStringLiteral("#include ") << KTextEditor::Cursor(0, 14) << QStringLiteral("cstdint") << QStringLiteral("#include "); QTest::newRow("global-11") << QStringLiteral("#include ") << KTextEditor::Cursor(0, 17) << QStringLiteral("cstdint") << QStringLiteral("#include "); QTest::newRow("local-0") << QStringLiteral("#include \"") << KTextEditor::Cursor(0, 10) << QStringLiteral("foo/") << QStringLiteral("#include \"foo/\""); QTest::newRow("local-1") << QStringLiteral("#include \"foo/\"") << KTextEditor::Cursor(0, 14) << QStringLiteral("bar/") << QStringLiteral("#include \"foo/bar/\""); QTest::newRow("local-2") << QStringLiteral("#include \"foo/") << KTextEditor::Cursor(0, 14) << QStringLiteral("bar/") << QStringLiteral("#include \"foo/bar/\""); QTest::newRow("local-3") << QStringLiteral("# /* 1 */ include /* 1 */ \"\" /* 1 */") << KTextEditor::Cursor(0, 28) << QStringLiteral("foo/") << QStringLiteral("# /* 1 */ include /* 1 */ \"foo/\" /* 1 */"); QTest::newRow("local-4") << QStringLiteral("# /* 1 */ include /* 1 */ \"foo/\" /* 1 */") << KTextEditor::Cursor(0, 31) << QStringLiteral("bar/") << QStringLiteral("# /* 1 */ include /* 1 */ \"foo/bar/\" /* 1 */"); QTest::newRow("local-5") << QStringLiteral("#include \"foo/\"") << KTextEditor::Cursor(0, 10) << QStringLiteral("foo/") << QStringLiteral("#include \"foo/\""); QTest::newRow("local-6") << QStringLiteral("#include \"foo/asdf\"") << KTextEditor::Cursor(0, 10) << QStringLiteral("foo/") << QStringLiteral("#include \"foo/\""); QTest::newRow("local-7") << QStringLiteral("#include \"foo/asdf\"") << KTextEditor::Cursor(0, 14) << QStringLiteral("bar/") << QStringLiteral("#include \"foo/bar/\""); QTest::newRow("dash-1") << QStringLiteral("#include \"") << KTextEditor::Cursor(0, 10) << QStringLiteral("dash-file.h") << QStringLiteral("#include \"dash-file.h\""); QTest::newRow("dash-2") << QStringLiteral("#include \"dash-") << KTextEditor::Cursor(0, 15) << QStringLiteral("dash-file.h") << QStringLiteral("#include \"dash-file.h\""); QTest::newRow("dash-4") << QStringLiteral("#include \"dash-file.h\"") << KTextEditor::Cursor(0, 13) << QStringLiteral("dash-file.h") << QStringLiteral("#include \"dash-file.h\""); QTest::newRow("dash-5") << QStringLiteral("#include \"dash-file.h\"") << KTextEditor::Cursor(0, 14) << QStringLiteral("dash-file.h") << QStringLiteral("#include \"dash-file.h\""); QTest::newRow("dash-6") << QStringLiteral("#include \"dash-file.h\"") << KTextEditor::Cursor(0, 15) << QStringLiteral("dash-file.h") << QStringLiteral("#include \"dash-file.h\""); } void TestCodeCompletion::testIncludePathCompletion() { QFETCH(QString, code); QFETCH(KTextEditor::Cursor, cursor); QFETCH(QString, itemId); QFETCH(QString, result); QTemporaryDir tempDir; QDir dir(tempDir.path()); QVERIFY(dir.mkpath("foo/bar/asdf")); TestFile file(code, QStringLiteral("cpp"), nullptr, tempDir.path()); { QFile otherFile(tempDir.path() + "/dash-file.h"); QVERIFY(otherFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)); } IncludeTester tester(executeIncludePathCompletion(&file, cursor)); QVERIFY(tester.completionContext); QVERIFY(tester.completionContext->isValid()); auto item = tester.findItem(itemId); QVERIFY(item); auto view = createView(file.url().toUrl(), this); QVERIFY(view.get()); auto doc = view->document(); item->execute(view.get(), KTextEditor::Range(cursor, cursor)); QCOMPARE(doc->text(), result); const auto newCursor = view->cursorPosition(); QCOMPARE(newCursor.line(), cursor.line()); if (!itemId.endsWith('/')) { // file inserted, cursor should be at end of line QCOMPARE(newCursor.column(), doc->lineLength(cursor.line())); } else { // directory inserted, cursor should be before the " or > const auto cursorChar = doc->characterAt(newCursor); QVERIFY(cursorChar == '"' || cursorChar == '>'); } } void TestCodeCompletion::testIncludePathCompletionLocal() { TestFile header(QStringLiteral("int foo() { return 42; }\n"), QStringLiteral("h")); TestFile impl(QStringLiteral("#include \""), QStringLiteral("cpp"), &header); IncludeTester tester(executeIncludePathCompletion(&impl, {0, 10})); QVERIFY(tester.names.contains(header.url().toUrl().fileName())); QVERIFY(tester.names.contains("iostream")); } void TestCodeCompletion::testOverloadedFunctions() { TestFile file(QStringLiteral("void f(); int f(int); void f(int, double){\n "), QStringLiteral("cpp")); QVERIFY(file.parseAndWait(TopDUContext::AllDeclarationsContextsUsesAndAST)); DUChainReadLocker lock; auto top = file.topContext(); QVERIFY(top); const ParseSessionData::Ptr sessionData(dynamic_cast(top->ast().data())); QVERIFY(sessionData); lock.unlock(); const auto context = createContext(top, sessionData, {1, 0}); context->setFilters(NoMacroOrBuiltin); lock.lock(); const auto tester = ClangCodeCompletionItemTester(context); QCOMPARE(tester.items.size(), 3); for (const auto& item : tester.items) { auto function = item->declaration()->type(); const QString display = item->declaration()->identifier().toString() + function->partToString(FunctionType::SignatureArguments); const QString itemDisplay = tester.itemData(item).toString() + tester.itemData(item, KTextEditor:: CodeCompletionModel::Arguments).toString(); QCOMPARE(display, itemDisplay); } QVERIFY(tester.items[0]->declaration().data() != tester.items[1]->declaration().data()); QVERIFY(tester.items[0]->declaration().data() != tester.items[2]->declaration().data()); QVERIFY(tester.items[1]->declaration().data() != tester.items[2]->declaration().data()); } void TestCodeCompletion::testCompletionPriority() { QFETCH(QString, code); QFETCH(CompletionPriorityItems, expectedItems); executeCompletionPriorityTest(code, expectedItems); } void TestCodeCompletion::testCompletionPriority_data() { QTest::addColumn("code"); QTest::addColumn("expectedItems"); QTest::newRow("pointer") << "class A{}; class B{}; class C : public B{}; int main(){A* a; B* b; C* c; b =\n " << CompletionPriorityItems{{1,0}, {{"a", 0, 21}, {"b", 9, 0}, {"c", 8, 0, QStringLiteral("Pointer to derived class is not added to the Best Matches group")}}}; QTest::newRow("class") << "class A{}; class B{}; class C : public B{}; int main(){A a; B b; C c; b =\n " << CompletionPriorityItems{{1,0}, {{"a", 0, 21}, {"b", 9, 0}, {"c", 8, 0, QStringLiteral("Derived class is not added to the Best Matches group")}}}; QTest::newRow("primary-types") << "class A{}; int main(){A a; int b; bool c = \n " << CompletionPriorityItems{{1,0}, {{"a", 0, 34}, {"b", 8, 0}, {"c", 9, 0}}}; QTest::newRow("reference") << "class A{}; class B{}; class C : public B{};" "int main(){A tmp; A& a = tmp; C tmp2; C& c = tmp2; B& b =\n ;}" << CompletionPriorityItems{{1,0}, {{"a", 0, 21}, {"b", 9, 0}, {"c", 8, 0, QStringLiteral("Reference to derived class is not added to the Best Matches group")}}}; QTest::newRow("typedef") << "struct A{}; struct B{}; typedef A AA; typedef B BB; void f(A p);" "int main(){ BB b; AA a; f(\n }" << CompletionPriorityItems{{1,0}, {{"a", 9, 0}, {"b", 0, 21}}}; QTest::newRow("returnType") << "struct A{}; struct B{}; struct Test{A f();B g(); Test() { A a =\n }};" << CompletionPriorityItems{{1,0}, {{"f", 9, 0}, {"g", 0, 21}}}; QTest::newRow("template") << "template class Class{}; template class Class2{};" "int main(){ Class a; Class2 b =\n }" << CompletionPriorityItems{{1,0}, {{"b", 9, 0}, {"a", 0, 21}}}; QTest::newRow("protected-access") << "class Base { protected: int m_protected; };" "class Derived: public Base {public: void g(){\n }};" << CompletionPriorityItems{{1,0}, {{"m_protected", 0, 37}}}; QTest::newRow("protected-access2") << "class Base { protected: int m_protected; };" "class Derived: public Base {public: void f();};" "void Derived::f(){\n }" << CompletionPriorityItems{{1,0}, {{"m_protected", 0, 37}}}; } void TestCodeCompletion::testVariableScope() { TestFile file(QStringLiteral("int var; \nvoid test(int var) {int tmp =\n }"), QStringLiteral("cpp")); QVERIFY(file.parseAndWait(TopDUContext::AllDeclarationsContextsUsesAndAST)); DUChainReadLocker lock; auto top = file.topContext(); QVERIFY(top); const ParseSessionData::Ptr sessionData(dynamic_cast(top->ast().data())); QVERIFY(sessionData); lock.unlock(); const auto context = createContext(top, sessionData, {2, 0}); context->setFilters(NoMacroOrBuiltin); lock.lock(); const auto tester = ClangCodeCompletionItemTester(context); QCOMPARE(tester.items.size(), 4); auto item = tester.findItem(QStringLiteral("var")); VERIFY(item); QCOMPARE(item->declaration()->range().start, CursorInRevision(1, 14)); } struct HintItem { QString hint; bool hasDeclaration; bool operator==(const HintItem& rhs) const { return std::tie(hint, hasDeclaration) == std::tie(rhs.hint, rhs.hasDeclaration); } bool operator<(const HintItem& rhs) const { return std::tie(hint, hasDeclaration) < std::tie(rhs.hint, rhs.hasDeclaration); } QByteArray toString() const { return "HintItem(" + hint.toUtf8() + ", " + (hasDeclaration ? "true" : "false") + ')'; } }; Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(HintItem); using HintItemList = QVector; namespace QTest { template<> char *toString(const HintItem& hint) { return qstrdup(hint.toString()); } template<> char *toString(const HintItemList& hints) { QByteArray ba = "HintItemList("; for (int i = 0, c = hints.size(); i < c; ++i) { ba += hints[i].toString(); if (i == c - 1) { ba += ')'; } else { ba += ", "; } } return qstrdup(ba.constData()); } } void TestCodeCompletion::testArgumentHintCompletion() { QFETCH(QString, code); QFETCH(CompletionItems, expectedItems); QFETCH(HintItemList, hints); executeCompletionTest(code, expectedItems, NoMacroOrBuiltin, [&](const ClangCodeCompletionItemTester& tester) { HintItemList actualHints; for (const auto& item : tester.items) { if (item->argumentHintDepth() == 1) { actualHints << HintItem{ tester.itemData(item).toString() + tester.itemData(item, KTextEditor:: CodeCompletionModel::Arguments).toString(), item->declaration() }; } } std::sort(hints.begin(), hints.end()); std::sort(actualHints.begin(), actualHints.end()); QEXPECT_FAIL("member function", "clang_getCompletionParent returns nothing, thus decl lookup fails", Continue); QEXPECT_FAIL("namespaced function", "clang_getCompletionParent returns nothing, thus decl lookup fails", Continue); - QEXPECT_FAIL("constructor", "clang_getCompletionParent returns nothing, thus decl lookup fails", Continue); QEXPECT_FAIL("namespaced constructor", "clang_getCompletionParent returns nothing, thus decl lookup fails", Continue); QCOMPARE(actualHints, hints); }); } void TestCodeCompletion::testArgumentHintCompletion_data() { #if CINDEX_VERSION_MINOR < 30 QSKIP("You need at least LibClang 3.7"); #endif qRegisterMetaType("HintItemList"); QTest::addColumn("code"); QTest::addColumn("expectedItems"); QTest::addColumn("hints"); QTest::newRow("global function") << "void foo(int);\n" "int main() { \nfoo( " << CompletionItems{{2,4}, { "foo", "foo", "main" }} << HintItemList{{"foo(int)", true}}; QTest::newRow("namespaced function") << "namespace ns { void foo(int); }\n" "int main() { \nns::foo( " << CompletionItems{{2,4}, { "foo" }} << HintItemList{{"foo(int)", true}}; QTest::newRow("member function") << "struct Struct{ void foo(int);}\n" "int main() {Struct s; \ns.foo( " << CompletionItems{{2,6}, { "Struct", "foo", "main", "s" }} << HintItemList{{"foo(int)", true}}; QTest::newRow("template function") << "template void foo(T);\n" "int main() { \nfoo( " << CompletionItems{{2,6}, { "foo", "foo", "main" }} << HintItemList{{"foo(T)", true}}; QTest::newRow("overloaded functions") << "void foo(int); void foo(int, double)\n" "int main() { \nfoo( " << CompletionItems{{2,6}, { "foo", "foo", "foo", "foo", "main" }} << HintItemList{ {"foo(int)", true}, {"foo(int, double)", true} }; QTest::newRow("overloaded functions2") << "void foo(int); void foo(int, double)\n" "int main() { foo(1,\n " << CompletionItems{{2,1}, { "foo", "foo", "foo", "main" }} << HintItemList{{"foo(int, double)", true}}; QTest::newRow("constructor") << "struct foo { foo(int); foo(int, double); }\n" "int main() { foo f(\n " << CompletionItems{{2,1}, { "f", "foo", "foo", "foo", "foo", "foo", "main" }} << HintItemList{ {"foo(int)", true}, {"foo(int, double)", true}, {"foo(foo &&)", false}, {"foo(const foo &)", false} }; QTest::newRow("constructor2") << "struct foo { foo(int); foo(int, double); }\n" "int main() { foo f(1,\n " << CompletionItems{{2,1}, { "f", "foo", "foo", "main" }} << HintItemList{ {"foo(int, double)", true} }; QTest::newRow("namespaced constructor") << "namespace ns { struct foo { foo(int); foo(int, double); } }\n" "int main() { ns::foo f(\n " << CompletionItems{{2,1}, { "f", "foo", "foo", "foo", "foo", "main", "ns" }} << HintItemList{ {"foo(int)", true}, {"foo(int, double)", true}, {"foo(ns::foo &&)", false}, {"foo(const ns::foo &)", false} }; } void TestCodeCompletion::testArgumentHintCompletionDefaultParameters() { #if CINDEX_VERSION_MINOR < 30 QSKIP("You need at least LibClang 3.7"); #endif TestFile file(QStringLiteral("void f(int i, int j = 0, double k =1){\nf( "), QStringLiteral("cpp")); QVERIFY(file.parseAndWait(TopDUContext::AllDeclarationsContextsUsesAndAST)); DUChainReadLocker lock; auto top = file.topContext(); QVERIFY(top); const ParseSessionData::Ptr sessionData(dynamic_cast(top->ast().data())); QVERIFY(sessionData); lock.unlock(); const auto context = createContext(top, sessionData, {1, 2}); context->setFilters(NoMacroOrBuiltin); lock.lock(); const auto tester = ClangCodeCompletionItemTester(context); QExplicitlySharedDataPointer f; for (const auto& item : tester.items) { if (item->argumentHintDepth() == 1) { f = item; break; } } QVERIFY(f.data()); const QString itemDisplay = tester.itemData(f).toString() + tester.itemData(f, KTextEditor:: CodeCompletionModel::Arguments).toString(); QCOMPARE(itemDisplay, QStringLiteral("f(int i, int j = 0, double k = 1)")); } void TestCodeCompletion::testCompleteFunction() { QFETCH(QString, code); QFETCH(CompletionItems, expectedItems); QFETCH(QString, itemToExecute); QFETCH(QString, expectedCode); auto executeItem = [=] (const ClangCodeCompletionItemTester& tester) { auto item = tester.findItem(itemToExecute); QVERIFY(item); auto view = createView(tester.completionContext->duContext()->url().toUrl(), this); item->execute(view.get(), view->document()->wordRangeAt(expectedItems.position)); QCOMPARE(view->document()->text(), expectedCode); }; executeCompletionTest(code, expectedItems, NoMacroOrBuiltin, executeItem); } void TestCodeCompletion::testCompleteFunction_data() { QTest::addColumn("code"); QTest::addColumn("expectedItems"); QTest::addColumn("itemToExecute"); QTest::addColumn("expectedCode"); QTest::newRow("add-parens") << "int foo();\nint main() {\n\n}" << CompletionItems({2, 0}, {"foo", "main"}) << "foo" << "int foo();\nint main() {\nfoo()\n}"; QTest::newRow("keep-parens") << "int foo();\nint main() {\nfoo();\n}" << CompletionItems({2, 0}, {"foo", "main"}) << "main" << "int foo();\nint main() {\nmain();\n}"; } void TestCodeCompletion::testIgnoreGccBuiltins() { // TODO: make it easier to change the compiler provider for testing purposes QTemporaryDir dir; auto project = new TestProject(Path(dir.path()), this); auto definesAndIncludesConfig = project->projectConfiguration()->group("CustomDefinesAndIncludes"); auto pathConfig = definesAndIncludesConfig.group("ProjectPath0"); pathConfig.writeEntry("Path", "."); pathConfig.group("Compiler").writeEntry("Name", "GCC"); m_projectController->addProject(project); { TestFile file(QLatin1String(""), QStringLiteral("cpp"), project, dir.path()); QVERIFY(file.parseAndWait(TopDUContext::AllDeclarationsContextsUsesAndAST)); executeCompletionTest(file.topContext(), {}); } }