diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt index 87efe8c0..5e12710a 100644 --- a/src/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,223 +1,222 @@ # cmake-options : -DCMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_LibKonq=TRUE or FALSE; default is FALSE add_definitions(-DTRANSLATION_DOMAIN=\"konsole\") ### Handle DragonFlyBSD here instead of using __DragonFly__ IF(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "DragonFly") set(HAVE_OS_DRAGONFLYBSD 1) else() set(HAVE_OS_DRAGONFLYBSD 0) endif() IF(NOT (${KF5_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "5.60.0")) set(USE_TERMINALINTERFACEV2 1) endif() include(CheckIncludeFiles) include(ECMAddAppIcon) configure_file(config-konsole.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config-konsole.h) ### Tests if(BUILD_TESTING) find_package(Qt5Test ${QT_MIN_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED) add_subdirectory(autotests) add_subdirectory(tests) endif() -### Security concerns about sendText and runCommand dbus methods being public -option(REMOVE_SENDTEXT_RUNCOMMAND_DBUS_METHODS "Konsole: remove sendText and runCommand dbus methods" OFF) - ### Development tools option(KONSOLE_BUILD_UNI2CHARACTERWIDTH "Konsole: build uni2characterwidth executable" OFF) ### Konsole source files shared between embedded terminal and main application # qdbuscpp2xml -m Session.h -o org.kde.konsole.Session.xml # qdbuscpp2xml -M -s ViewManager.h -o org.kde.konsole.Konsole.xml # Generate dbus .xml files; do not store .xml in source folder qt5_generate_dbus_interface(Session.h org.kde.konsole.Session.xml OPTIONS -m) qt5_generate_dbus_interface(ViewManager.h org.kde.konsole.Window.xml OPTIONS -m) qt5_add_dbus_adaptor(sessionadaptors_SRCS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/org.kde.konsole.Session.xml Session.h Konsole::Session) qt5_add_dbus_adaptor(windowadaptors_SRCS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/org.kde.konsole.Window.xml ViewManager.h Konsole::ViewManager) set(konsoleprivate_SRCS ${sessionadaptors_SRCS} ${windowadaptors_SRCS} BookmarkHandler.cpp ColorScheme.cpp ColorSchemeManager.cpp ColorSchemeEditor.cpp CopyInputDialog.cpp EditProfileDialog.cpp FontDialog.cpp Emulation.cpp DetachableTabBar.cpp Filter.cpp History.cpp HistorySizeDialog.cpp HistorySizeWidget.cpp IncrementalSearchBar.cpp KeyBindingEditor.cpp KeyboardTranslator.cpp KeyboardTranslatorManager.cpp ProcessInfo.cpp Profile.cpp ProfileList.cpp ProfileReader.cpp ProfileWriter.cpp ProfileManager.cpp Pty.cpp RenameTabDialog.cpp RenameTabWidget.cpp SaveHistoryTask.cpp SearchHistoryTask.cpp Screen.cpp ScreenWindow.cpp ScrollState.cpp Session.cpp SessionController.cpp SessionManager.cpp SessionListModel.cpp SessionTask.cpp ShellCommand.cpp TabTitleFormatButton.cpp TerminalCharacterDecoder.cpp ExtendedCharTable.cpp TerminalDisplay.cpp TerminalDisplayAccessible.cpp TerminalHeaderBar.cpp LineBlockCharacters.cpp ViewContainer.cpp ViewManager.cpp ViewProperties.cpp ViewSplitter.cpp Vt102Emulation.cpp ZModemDialog.cpp PrintOptions.cpp WindowSystemInfo.cpp CharacterWidth.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/org.kde.konsole.Window.xml ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/org.kde.konsole.Session.xml) ecm_qt_declare_logging_category(konsoleprivate_SRCS HEADER konsoledebug.h IDENTIFIER KonsoleDebug CATEGORY_NAME org.kde.konsole) kconfig_add_kcfg_files(konsoleprivate_SRCS settings/KonsoleSettings.kcfgc) set(konsole_LIBS KF5::XmlGui Qt5::PrintSupport Qt5::Xml KF5::Notifications KF5::WindowSystem KF5::TextWidgets KF5::GuiAddons KF5::IconThemes KF5::Bookmarks KF5::I18n KF5::Pty KF5::KIOWidgets KF5::DBusAddons KF5::GlobalAccel KF5::NewStuff ) if(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "FreeBSD") #kinfo_getfile() is in libutil list(APPEND konsole_LIBS util) endif() ### Konsole Application ki18n_wrap_ui(konsoleprivate_SRCS ColorSchemeEditor.ui CopyInputDialog.ui EditProfileGeneralPage.ui EditProfileTabsPage.ui EditProfileAppearancePage.ui EditProfileScrollingPage.ui EditProfileKeyboardPage.ui EditProfileMousePage.ui EditProfileAdvancedPage.ui KeyBindingEditor.ui RenameTabDialog.ui RenameTabWidget.ui HistorySizeDialog.ui HistorySizeWidget.ui PrintOptions.ui settings/TemporaryFilesSettings.ui settings/GeneralSettings.ui settings/PartInfo.ui settings/ProfileSettings.ui + settings/SecuritySettings.ui settings/TabBarSettings.ui) # add the resource files for the ui files qt5_add_resources( konsoleprivate_SRCS ../desktop/konsole.qrc) add_library(konsoleprivate ${konsoleprivate_SRCS}) generate_export_header(konsoleprivate BASE_NAME konsoleprivate) target_link_libraries(konsoleprivate PUBLIC ${konsole_LIBS}) set_target_properties(konsoleprivate PROPERTIES VERSION ${KONSOLEPRIVATE_VERSION_STRING} SOVERSION ${KONSOLEPRIVATE_SOVERSION} ) install(TARGETS konsoleprivate ${KDE_INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS} LIBRARY NAMELINK_SKIP) set(konsole_KDEINIT_SRCS Application.cpp MainWindow.cpp main.cpp settings/ConfigurationDialog.cpp settings/TemporaryFilesSettings.cpp settings/GeneralSettings.cpp settings/ProfileSettings.cpp + settings/SecuritySettings.cpp settings/TabBarSettings.cpp) # Sets the icon on Windows and OSX file(GLOB ICONS_SRCS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../data/icons/*.png") ecm_add_app_icon(kdeinit_konsole ICONS ${ICONS_SRCS}) kf5_add_kdeinit_executable(konsole ${konsole_KDEINIT_SRCS}) target_link_libraries(kdeinit_konsole konsoleprivate KF5::XmlGui KF5::WindowSystem KF5::Bookmarks KF5::I18n KF5::KIOWidgets KF5::NotifyConfig KF5::Crash ) if(APPLE) set_target_properties(konsole PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_GUI_IDENTIFIER "org.kde.konsole" MACOSX_BUNDLE_BUNDLE_NAME "Konsole" MACOSX_BUNDLE_DISPLAY_NAME "Konsole" MACOSX_BUNDLE_INFO_STRING "Konsole, the KDE terminal emulator" MACOSX_BUNDLE_LONG_VERSION_STRING "Konsole ${KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION}" MACOSX_BUNDLE_SHORT_VERSION_STRING "${KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION_MAJOR}.${KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION_MINOR}" MACOSX_BUNDLE_BUNDLE_VERSION "${KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION}" MACOSX_BUNDLE_COPYRIGHT "1997-2016 The Konsole Developers") endif() install(TARGETS kdeinit_konsole konsole ${KDE_INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS}) ### Embedded Konsole KPart set(konsolepart_PART_SRCS Part.cpp settings/PartInfo.cpp settings/ProfileSettings.cpp) add_library(konsolepart MODULE ${konsolepart_PART_SRCS}) generate_export_header(konsolepart BASE_NAME konsole) kcoreaddons_desktop_to_json(konsolepart ../desktop/konsolepart.desktop) set_target_properties(konsolepart PROPERTIES DEFINE_SYMBOL KONSOLE_PART) target_link_libraries(konsolepart KF5::Parts KF5::XmlGui konsoleprivate) install(TARGETS konsolepart DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_PLUGINDIR}) diff --git a/src/MainWindow.cpp b/src/MainWindow.cpp index 74f1544e..da5c5323 100644 --- a/src/MainWindow.cpp +++ b/src/MainWindow.cpp @@ -1,898 +1,904 @@ /* Copyright 2006-2008 by Robert Knight This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ // Own #include "MainWindow.h" // Qt #include #include // KDE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Konsole #include "BookmarkHandler.h" #include "SessionController.h" #include "ProfileList.h" #include "Session.h" #include "ViewContainer.h" #include "ViewManager.h" #include "SessionManager.h" #include "ProfileManager.h" #include "KonsoleSettings.h" #include "WindowSystemInfo.h" #include "TerminalDisplay.h" #include "settings/ConfigurationDialog.h" #include "settings/TemporaryFilesSettings.h" #include "settings/GeneralSettings.h" #include "settings/ProfileSettings.h" +#include "settings/SecuritySettings.h" #include "settings/TabBarSettings.h" using namespace Konsole; MainWindow::MainWindow() : KXmlGuiWindow(), _viewManager(nullptr), _bookmarkHandler(nullptr), _toggleMenuBarAction(nullptr), _newTabMenuAction(nullptr), _pluggedController(nullptr), _menuBarInitialVisibility(true), _menuBarInitialVisibilityApplied(false) { if (!KonsoleSettings::saveGeometryOnExit()) { // If we are not using the global Konsole save geometry on exit, // remove all Height and Width from [MainWindow] from konsolerc // Each screen resolution will have entries (Width 1280=619) KSharedConfigPtr konsoleConfig = KSharedConfig::openConfig(QStringLiteral("konsolerc")); KConfigGroup group = konsoleConfig->group("MainWindow"); QMap configEntries = group.entryMap(); QMapIterator i(configEntries); while (i.hasNext()) { i.next(); if (i.key().startsWith(QLatin1String("Width")) || i.key().startsWith(QLatin1String("Height"))) { group.deleteEntry(i.key()); } } } updateUseTransparency(); // create actions for menus setupActions(); // create view manager _viewManager = new ViewManager(this, actionCollection()); connect(_viewManager, &Konsole::ViewManager::empty, this, &Konsole::MainWindow::close); connect(_viewManager, &Konsole::ViewManager::activeViewChanged, this, &Konsole::MainWindow::activeViewChanged); connect(_viewManager, &Konsole::ViewManager::unplugController, this, &Konsole::MainWindow::disconnectController); connect(_viewManager, &Konsole::ViewManager::viewPropertiesChanged, bookmarkHandler(), &Konsole::BookmarkHandler::setViews); connect(_viewManager, &Konsole::ViewManager::blurSettingChanged, this, &Konsole::MainWindow::setBlur); connect(_viewManager, &Konsole::ViewManager::updateWindowIcon, this, &Konsole::MainWindow::updateWindowIcon); connect(_viewManager, &Konsole::ViewManager::newViewWithProfileRequest, this, &Konsole::MainWindow::newFromProfile); connect(_viewManager, &Konsole::ViewManager::newViewRequest, this, &Konsole::MainWindow::newTab); connect(_viewManager, &Konsole::ViewManager::terminalsDetached, this, &Konsole::MainWindow::terminalsDetached); setCentralWidget(_viewManager->widget()); // disable automatically generated accelerators in top-level // menu items - to avoid conflicting with Alt+[Letter] shortcuts // in terminal applications KAcceleratorManager::setNoAccel(menuBar()); // create menus createGUI(); // remember the original menu accelerators for later use rememberMenuAccelerators(); // replace standard shortcuts which cannot be used in a terminal // emulator (as they are reserved for use by terminal applications) correctStandardShortcuts(); setProfileList(new ProfileList(true, this)); // this must come at the end applyKonsoleSettings(); connect(KonsoleSettings::self(), &Konsole::KonsoleSettings::configChanged, this, &Konsole::MainWindow::applyKonsoleSettings); } void MainWindow::updateUseTransparency() { if (!WindowSystemInfo::HAVE_TRANSPARENCY) { return; } bool useTranslucency = KWindowSystem::compositingActive(); setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground, useTranslucency); setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground, false); WindowSystemInfo::HAVE_TRANSPARENCY = useTranslucency; } void MainWindow::rememberMenuAccelerators() { foreach (QAction *menuItem, menuBar()->actions()) { QString itemText = menuItem->text(); menuItem->setData(itemText); } } // remove accelerators for standard menu items (eg. &File, &View, &Edit) // etc. which are defined in kdelibs/kdeui/xmlgui/ui_standards.rc, again, // to avoid conflicting with Alt+[Letter] terminal shortcuts // // TODO - Modify XMLGUI so that it allows the text for standard actions // defined in ui_standards.rc to be re-defined in the local application // XMLGUI file (konsoleui.rc in this case) - the text for standard items // can then be redefined there to exclude the standard accelerators void MainWindow::removeMenuAccelerators() { foreach (QAction *menuItem, menuBar()->actions()) { menuItem->setText(menuItem->text().replace(QLatin1Char('&'), QString())); } } void MainWindow::restoreMenuAccelerators() { foreach (QAction *menuItem, menuBar()->actions()) { QString itemText = menuItem->data().toString(); menuItem->setText(itemText); } } void MainWindow::correctStandardShortcuts() { // replace F1 shortcut for help contents QAction *helpAction = actionCollection()->action(QStringLiteral("help_contents")); if (helpAction != nullptr) { actionCollection()->setDefaultShortcut(helpAction, QKeySequence()); } // replace Ctrl+B shortcut for bookmarks only if user hasn't already // changed the shortcut; however, if the user changed it to Ctrl+B // this will still get changed to Ctrl+Shift+B QAction *bookmarkAction = actionCollection()->action(QStringLiteral("add_bookmark")); if ((bookmarkAction != nullptr) && bookmarkAction->shortcut() == QKeySequence(Konsole::ACCEL + Qt::Key_B)) { actionCollection()->setDefaultShortcut(bookmarkAction, Konsole::ACCEL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_B); } } ViewManager *MainWindow::viewManager() const { return _viewManager; } void MainWindow::disconnectController(SessionController *controller) { disconnect(controller, &Konsole::SessionController::titleChanged, this, &Konsole::MainWindow::activeViewTitleChanged); disconnect(controller, &Konsole::SessionController::rawTitleChanged, this, &Konsole::MainWindow::updateWindowCaption); disconnect(controller, &Konsole::SessionController::iconChanged, this, &Konsole::MainWindow::updateWindowIcon); if (auto view = controller->view()) { view->removeEventFilter(this); } // KXmlGuiFactory::removeClient() will try to access actions associated // with the controller internally, which may not be valid after the controller // itself is no longer valid (after the associated session and or view have // been destroyed) if (controller->isValid()) { guiFactory()->removeClient(controller); } if (_pluggedController == controller) { _pluggedController = nullptr; } } void MainWindow::activeViewChanged(SessionController *controller) { if (!SessionManager::instance()->sessionProfile(controller->session())) { return; } // associate bookmark menu with current session bookmarkHandler()->setActiveView(controller); disconnect(bookmarkHandler(), &Konsole::BookmarkHandler::openUrl, nullptr, nullptr); connect(bookmarkHandler(), &Konsole::BookmarkHandler::openUrl, controller, &Konsole::SessionController::openUrl); if (!_pluggedController.isNull()) { disconnectController(_pluggedController); } Q_ASSERT(controller); _pluggedController = controller; _pluggedController->view()->installEventFilter(this); setBlur(ViewManager::profileHasBlurEnabled(SessionManager::instance()->sessionProfile(_pluggedController->session()))); // listen for title changes from the current session connect(controller, &Konsole::SessionController::titleChanged, this, &Konsole::MainWindow::activeViewTitleChanged); connect(controller, &Konsole::SessionController::rawTitleChanged, this, &Konsole::MainWindow::updateWindowCaption); connect(controller, &Konsole::SessionController::iconChanged, this, &Konsole::MainWindow::updateWindowIcon); controller->setShowMenuAction(_toggleMenuBarAction); guiFactory()->addClient(controller); // update session title to match newly activated session activeViewTitleChanged(controller); // Update window icon to newly activated session's icon updateWindowIcon(); } void MainWindow::activeViewTitleChanged(ViewProperties *properties) { Q_UNUSED(properties); updateWindowCaption(); } void MainWindow::updateWindowCaption() { if (_pluggedController.isNull()) { return; } const QString &title = _pluggedController->title(); const QString &userTitle = _pluggedController->userTitle(); // use tab title as caption by default QString caption = title; // use window title as caption when this setting is enabled // if the userTitle is empty, use a blank space (using an empty string // removes the dash — before the application name; leaving the dash // looks better) if (KonsoleSettings::showWindowTitleOnTitleBar()) { !userTitle.isEmpty() ? caption = userTitle : caption = QStringLiteral(" "); } setCaption(caption); } void MainWindow::updateWindowIcon() { if ((!_pluggedController.isNull()) && !_pluggedController->icon().isNull()) { setWindowIcon(_pluggedController->icon()); } } void MainWindow::setupActions() { KActionCollection *collection = actionCollection(); // File Menu _newTabMenuAction = new KActionMenu(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("tab-new")), i18nc("@action:inmenu", "&New Tab"), collection); collection->setDefaultShortcut(_newTabMenuAction, Konsole::ACCEL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_T); collection->setShortcutsConfigurable(_newTabMenuAction, true); _newTabMenuAction->setAutoRepeat(false); connect(_newTabMenuAction, &KActionMenu::triggered, this, &MainWindow::newTab); collection->addAction(QStringLiteral("new-tab"), _newTabMenuAction); collection->setShortcutsConfigurable(_newTabMenuAction, true); QAction* menuAction = collection->addAction(QStringLiteral("clone-tab")); menuAction->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("tab-duplicate"))); menuAction->setText(i18nc("@action:inmenu", "&Clone Tab")); collection->setDefaultShortcut(menuAction, QKeySequence()); menuAction->setAutoRepeat(false); connect(menuAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &Konsole::MainWindow::cloneTab); menuAction = collection->addAction(QStringLiteral("new-window")); menuAction->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("window-new"))); menuAction->setText(i18nc("@action:inmenu", "New &Window")); collection->setDefaultShortcut(menuAction, Konsole::ACCEL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_N); menuAction->setAutoRepeat(false); connect(menuAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &Konsole::MainWindow::newWindow); menuAction = collection->addAction(QStringLiteral("close-window")); menuAction->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("window-close"))); menuAction->setText(i18nc("@action:inmenu", "Close Window")); collection->setDefaultShortcut(menuAction, Konsole::ACCEL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_Q); connect(menuAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &Konsole::MainWindow::close); // Bookmark Menu KActionMenu *bookmarkMenu = new KActionMenu(i18nc("@title:menu", "&Bookmarks"), collection); _bookmarkHandler = new BookmarkHandler(collection, bookmarkMenu->menu(), true, this); collection->addAction(QStringLiteral("bookmark"), bookmarkMenu); connect(_bookmarkHandler, &Konsole::BookmarkHandler::openUrls, this, &Konsole::MainWindow::openUrls); // Settings Menu _toggleMenuBarAction = KStandardAction::showMenubar(menuBar(), SLOT(setVisible(bool)), collection); collection->setDefaultShortcut(_toggleMenuBarAction, Konsole::ACCEL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_M); // Full Screen menuAction = KStandardAction::fullScreen(this, SLOT(viewFullScreen(bool)), this, collection); collection->setDefaultShortcut(menuAction, Qt::Key_F11); KStandardAction::configureNotifications(this, SLOT(configureNotifications()), collection); KStandardAction::keyBindings(this, SLOT(showShortcutsDialog()), collection); KStandardAction::preferences(this, SLOT(showSettingsDialog()), collection); menuAction = collection->addAction(QStringLiteral("manage-profiles")); menuAction->setText(i18nc("@action:inmenu", "Manage Profiles...")); menuAction->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("configure"))); connect(menuAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &Konsole::MainWindow::showManageProfilesDialog); // Set up an shortcut-only action for activating menu bar. menuAction = collection->addAction(QStringLiteral("activate-menu")); menuAction->setText(i18nc("@item", "Activate Menu")); collection->setDefaultShortcut(menuAction, Konsole::ACCEL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_F10); connect(menuAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &Konsole::MainWindow::activateMenuBar); } void MainWindow::viewFullScreen(bool fullScreen) { if (fullScreen) { setWindowState(windowState() | Qt::WindowFullScreen); } else { setWindowState(windowState() & ~Qt::WindowFullScreen); } } BookmarkHandler *MainWindow::bookmarkHandler() const { return _bookmarkHandler; } void MainWindow::setProfileList(ProfileList *list) { profileListChanged(list->actions()); connect(list, &Konsole::ProfileList::profileSelected, this, &MainWindow::newFromProfile); connect(list, &Konsole::ProfileList::actionsChanged, this, &Konsole::MainWindow::profileListChanged); } void MainWindow::profileListChanged(const QList &sessionActions) { // If only 1 profile is to be shown in the menu, only display // it if it is the non-default profile. if (sessionActions.size() > 2) { // Update the 'New Tab' KActionMenu if (_newTabMenuAction->menu() != nullptr) { _newTabMenuAction->menu()->clear(); } else { _newTabMenuAction->setMenu(new QMenu()); } foreach (QAction *sessionAction, sessionActions) { _newTabMenuAction->menu()->addAction(sessionAction); // NOTE: defaultProfile seems to not work here, sigh. Profile::Ptr profile = ProfileManager::instance()->defaultProfile(); if (profile && profile->name() == sessionAction->text().remove(QLatin1Char('&'))) { QIcon icon(KIconLoader::global()->loadIcon(profile->icon(), KIconLoader::Small, 0, KIconLoader::DefaultState, QStringList(QStringLiteral("emblem-favorite")))); sessionAction->setIcon(icon); _newTabMenuAction->menu()->setDefaultAction(sessionAction); QFont actionFont = sessionAction->font(); actionFont.setBold(true); sessionAction->setFont(actionFont); } } } else { if (_newTabMenuAction->menu() != nullptr) { _newTabMenuAction->menu()->clear(); } else { _newTabMenuAction->setMenu(new QMenu()); } Profile::Ptr profile = ProfileManager::instance()->defaultProfile(); // NOTE: Compare names w/o any '&' if (sessionActions.size() == 2 && sessionActions[1]->text().remove(QLatin1Char('&')) != profile->name()) { _newTabMenuAction->menu()->addAction(sessionActions[1]); } else { _newTabMenuAction->menu()->deleteLater(); } } } QString MainWindow::activeSessionDir() const { if (!_pluggedController.isNull()) { if (Session *session = _pluggedController->session()) { // For new tabs to get the correct working directory, // force the updating of the currentWorkingDirectory. session->getDynamicTitle(); } return _pluggedController->currentDir(); } else { return QString(); } } void MainWindow::openUrls(const QList &urls) { Profile::Ptr defaultProfile = ProfileManager::instance()->defaultProfile(); for (const auto &url : urls) { if (url.isLocalFile()) { createSession(defaultProfile, url.path()); } else if (url.scheme() == QLatin1String("ssh")) { createSSHSession(defaultProfile, url); } } } void MainWindow::newTab() { Profile::Ptr defaultProfile = ProfileManager::instance()->defaultProfile(); createSession(defaultProfile, activeSessionDir()); } void MainWindow::cloneTab() { Q_ASSERT(_pluggedController); Session *session = _pluggedController->session(); Profile::Ptr profile = SessionManager::instance()->sessionProfile(session); if (profile) { createSession(profile, activeSessionDir()); } else { // something must be wrong: every session should be associated with profile Q_ASSERT(false); newTab(); } } Session *MainWindow::createSession(Profile::Ptr profile, const QString &directory) { if (!profile) { profile = ProfileManager::instance()->defaultProfile(); } Session *session = SessionManager::instance()->createSession(profile); if (!directory.isEmpty() && profile->startInCurrentSessionDir()) { session->setInitialWorkingDirectory(directory); } session->addEnvironmentEntry(QStringLiteral("KONSOLE_DBUS_WINDOW=/Windows/%1").arg(_viewManager->managerId())); // create view before starting the session process so that the session // doesn't suffer a change in terminal size right after the session // starts. Some applications such as GNU Screen and Midnight Commander // don't like this happening auto newView = _viewManager->createView(session); _viewManager->activeContainer()->addView(newView); return session; } Session *MainWindow::createSSHSession(Profile::Ptr profile, const QUrl &url) { if (!profile) { profile = ProfileManager::instance()->defaultProfile(); } Session *session = SessionManager::instance()->createSession(profile); QString sshCommand = QStringLiteral("ssh "); if (url.port() > -1) { sshCommand += QStringLiteral("-p %1 ").arg(url.port()); } if (!url.userName().isEmpty()) { sshCommand += (url.userName() + QLatin1Char('@')); } if (!url.host().isEmpty()) { sshCommand += url.host(); } session->sendTextToTerminal(sshCommand, QLatin1Char('\r')); // create view before starting the session process so that the session // doesn't suffer a change in terminal size right after the session // starts. some applications such as GNU Screen and Midnight Commander // don't like this happening auto newView = _viewManager->createView(session); _viewManager->activeContainer()->addView(newView); return session; } void MainWindow::setFocus() { _viewManager->activeView()->setFocus(); } void MainWindow::newWindow() { Profile::Ptr defaultProfile = ProfileManager::instance()->defaultProfile(); emit newWindowRequest(defaultProfile, activeSessionDir()); } bool MainWindow::queryClose() { // Do not ask for confirmation during log out and power off // TODO: rework the dealing of this case to make it has its own confirmation // dialog. if (qApp->isSavingSession()) { return true; } // Check what processes are running, excluding the shell QStringList processesRunning; const auto uniqueSessions = QSet::fromList(_viewManager->sessions()); foreach (Session *session, uniqueSessions) { if ((session == nullptr) || !session->isForegroundProcessActive()) { continue; } const QString defaultProc = session->program().split(QLatin1Char('/')).last(); const QString currentProc = session->foregroundProcessName().split(QLatin1Char('/')).last(); if (currentProc.isEmpty()) { continue; } if (defaultProc != currentProc) { processesRunning.append(currentProc); } } // Get number of open tabs const int openTabs = _viewManager->viewProperties().count(); // If no processes running (except the shell) and no extra tabs, just close if (processesRunning.count() == 0 && openTabs < 2) { return true; } // NOTE: Some, if not all, of the below KWindowSystem calls are only // implemented under x11 (KDE4.8 kdelibs/kdeui/windowmanagement). // make sure the window is shown on current desktop and is not minimized KWindowSystem::setOnDesktop(winId(), KWindowSystem::currentDesktop()); if (isMinimized()) { KWindowSystem::unminimizeWindow(winId(), true); } int result; if (!processesRunning.isEmpty()) { result = KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancelList(this, i18ncp("@info", "There is a process running in this window. " "Do you still want to quit?", "There are %1 processes running in this window. " "Do you still want to quit?", processesRunning.count()), processesRunning, i18nc("@title", "Confirm Close"), KGuiItem(i18nc("@action:button", "Close &Window"), QStringLiteral("window-close")), KGuiItem(i18nc("@action:button", "Close Current &Tab"), QStringLiteral("tab-close")), KStandardGuiItem::cancel(), // don't ask again name is wrong but I can't update. // this is not about tabs anymore. it's about empty tabs *or* splits. QStringLiteral("CloseAllTabs")); } else { result = KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancel(this, i18nc("@info", "There are %1 open terminals in this window. " "Do you still want to quit?", openTabs), i18nc("@title", "Confirm Close"), KGuiItem(i18nc("@action:button", "Close &Window"), QStringLiteral("window-close")), KGuiItem(i18nc("@action:button", "Close Current &Tab"), QStringLiteral("tab-close")), KStandardGuiItem::cancel(), // don't ask again name is wrong but I can't update. // this is not about tabs anymore. it's about empty tabs *or* splits. QStringLiteral("CloseAllEmptyTabs")); } switch (result) { case KMessageBox::Yes: return true; case KMessageBox::No: if ((!_pluggedController.isNull()) && (!_pluggedController->session().isNull())) { disconnectController(_pluggedController); _pluggedController->session()->closeInNormalWay(); } return false; case KMessageBox::Cancel: return false; } return true; } void MainWindow::saveProperties(KConfigGroup &group) { _viewManager->saveSessions(group); } void MainWindow::readProperties(const KConfigGroup &group) { _viewManager->restoreSessions(group); } void MainWindow::saveGlobalProperties(KConfig *config) { SessionManager::instance()->saveSessions(config); } void MainWindow::readGlobalProperties(KConfig *config) { SessionManager::instance()->restoreSessions(config); } void MainWindow::syncActiveShortcuts(KActionCollection *dest, const KActionCollection *source) { foreach (QAction *qAction, source->actions()) { if (QAction *destQAction = dest->action(qAction->objectName())) { destQAction->setShortcut(qAction->shortcut()); } } } void MainWindow::showShortcutsDialog() { KShortcutsDialog dialog(KShortcutsEditor::AllActions, KShortcutsEditor::LetterShortcutsDisallowed, this); // add actions from this window and the current session controller foreach (KXMLGUIClient *client, guiFactory()->clients()) { dialog.addCollection(client->actionCollection()); } if (dialog.configure()) { // sync shortcuts for non-session actions (defined in "konsoleui.rc") in other main windows foreach (QWidget *mainWindowWidget, QApplication::topLevelWidgets()) { auto *mainWindow = qobject_cast(mainWindowWidget); if ((mainWindow != nullptr) && mainWindow != this) { syncActiveShortcuts(mainWindow->actionCollection(), actionCollection()); } } // sync shortcuts for session actions (defined in "sessionui.rc") in other session controllers. // Controllers which are currently plugged in (ie. their actions are part of the current menu) // must be updated immediately via syncActiveShortcuts(). Other controllers will be updated // when they are plugged into a main window. foreach (SessionController *controller, SessionController::allControllers()) { controller->reloadXML(); if ((controller->factory() != nullptr) && controller != _pluggedController) { syncActiveShortcuts(controller->actionCollection(), _pluggedController->actionCollection()); } } } } void MainWindow::newFromProfile(const Profile::Ptr &profile) { createSession(profile, activeSessionDir()); } void MainWindow::showManageProfilesDialog() { showSettingsDialog(true); } void MainWindow::showSettingsDialog(const bool showProfilePage) { static ConfigurationDialog *confDialog = nullptr; if (confDialog != nullptr) { confDialog->show(); return; } confDialog = new ConfigurationDialog(this, KonsoleSettings::self()); const QString generalPageName = i18nc("@title Preferences page name", "General"); auto *generalPage = new KPageWidgetItem(new GeneralSettings(confDialog), generalPageName); generalPage->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("utilities-terminal"))); confDialog->addPage(generalPage, true); const QString profilePageName = i18nc("@title Preferences page name", "Profiles"); auto profilePage = new KPageWidgetItem(new ProfileSettings(confDialog), profilePageName); profilePage->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("configure"))); confDialog->addPage(profilePage, true); + const QString securityPageName = i18nc("@title Security page name", "Security"); + auto securityPage = new KPageWidgetItem(new SecuritySettings(confDialog), securityPageName); + securityPage->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("preferences-security"))); + confDialog->addPage(securityPage, true); + const QString tabBarPageName = i18nc("@title Preferences page name", "Tab Bar"); auto tabBarPage = new KPageWidgetItem(new TabBarSettings(confDialog), tabBarPageName); tabBarPage->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("system-run"))); confDialog->addPage(tabBarPage, true); const QString temporaryFilesPageName = i18nc("@title Preferences page name", "Temporary Files"); auto temporaryFilesPage = new KPageWidgetItem(new TemporaryFilesSettings(confDialog), temporaryFilesPageName); temporaryFilesPage->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("inode-directory"))); confDialog->addPage(temporaryFilesPage, true); if (showProfilePage) { confDialog->setCurrentPage(profilePage); } confDialog->show(); } void MainWindow::applyKonsoleSettings() { setMenuBarInitialVisibility(KonsoleSettings::showMenuBarByDefault()); setRemoveWindowTitleBarAndFrame(KonsoleSettings::removeWindowTitleBarAndFrame()); if (KonsoleSettings::allowMenuAccelerators()) { restoreMenuAccelerators(); } else { removeMenuAccelerators(); } _viewManager->activeContainer()->setNavigationBehavior(KonsoleSettings::newTabBehavior()); setAutoSaveSettings(QStringLiteral("MainWindow"), KonsoleSettings::saveGeometryOnExit()); updateWindowCaption(); } void MainWindow::activateMenuBar() { const QList menuActions = menuBar()->actions(); if (menuActions.isEmpty()) { return; } // Show menubar if it is hidden at the moment if (menuBar()->isHidden()) { menuBar()->setVisible(true); _toggleMenuBarAction->setChecked(true); } // First menu action should be 'File' QAction *menuAction = menuActions.first(); // TODO: Handle when menubar is top level (MacOS) menuBar()->setActiveAction(menuAction); } void MainWindow::configureNotifications() { KNotifyConfigWidget::configure(this); } void MainWindow::setBlur(bool blur) { if (_pluggedController.isNull()) { return; } if (!_pluggedController->isKonsolePart()) { KWindowEffects::enableBlurBehind(winId(), blur); } } void MainWindow::setMenuBarInitialVisibility(bool visible) { _menuBarInitialVisibility = visible; } void MainWindow::setRemoveWindowTitleBarAndFrame(bool frameless) { // This is used to check if the window is in "opening" state // And avoid the visibility change when we change the window flag bool oldVisibility = isVisible(); if (frameless) { setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint); } else { setWindowFlags(Qt::Widget); } if (oldVisibility && !isVisible()) { setVisible(true); } } void MainWindow::showEvent(QShowEvent *event) { // Make sure the 'initial' visibility is applied only once. if (!_menuBarInitialVisibilityApplied) { // the initial visibility of menubar should be applied at this last // moment. Otherwise, the initial visibility will be determined by // what KMainWindow has automatically stored in konsolerc, but not by // what users has explicitly configured . menuBar()->setVisible(_menuBarInitialVisibility); _toggleMenuBarAction->setChecked(_menuBarInitialVisibility); _menuBarInitialVisibilityApplied = true; if (!KonsoleSettings::saveGeometryOnExit()) { resize(sizeHint()); } } // Call parent method KXmlGuiWindow::showEvent(event); } void MainWindow::triggerAction(const QString &name) const { if (auto action = actionCollection()->action(name)) { if (action->isEnabled()) { action->trigger(); } } } bool MainWindow::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event) { if (!_pluggedController.isNull() && obj == _pluggedController->view()) { switch(event->type()) { case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick: switch(static_cast(event)->button()) { case Qt::ForwardButton: triggerAction(QStringLiteral("next-view")); break; case Qt::BackButton: triggerAction(QStringLiteral("previous-view")); break; default: ; } default: ; } } return KXmlGuiWindow::eventFilter(obj, event); } bool MainWindow::focusNextPrevChild(bool) { // In stand-alone konsole, always disable implicit focus switching // through 'Tab' and 'Shift+Tab' // // Kpart is another different story return false; } diff --git a/src/Session.cpp b/src/Session.cpp index 0dee779e..2473c573 100644 --- a/src/Session.cpp +++ b/src/Session.cpp @@ -1,1776 +1,1772 @@ /* This file is part of Konsole Copyright 2006-2008 by Robert Knight Copyright 1997,1998 by Lars Doelle Copyright 2009 by Thomas Dreibholz This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ // Own #include "Session.h" +#include "config-konsole.h" // Standard #include #include #include // Qt #include #include #include #include #include #include // KDE #include #include #include #include #include #include // Konsole #include +#include "KonsoleSettings.h" #include "ProcessInfo.h" #include "Pty.h" #include "TerminalDisplay.h" #include "ShellCommand.h" #include "Vt102Emulation.h" #include "ZModemDialog.h" #include "History.h" #include "konsoledebug.h" #include "SessionManager.h" #include "ProfileManager.h" #include "Profile.h" using namespace Konsole; int Session::lastSessionId = 0; static bool show_disallow_certain_dbus_methods_message = true; static const int ZMODEM_BUFFER_SIZE = 1048576; // 1 Mb Session::Session(QObject* parent) : QObject(parent) , _uniqueIdentifier(QUuid()) , _shellProcess(nullptr) , _emulation(nullptr) , _views(QList()) , _monitorActivity(false) , _monitorSilence(false) , _notifiedActivity(false) , _silenceSeconds(10) , _silenceTimer(nullptr) , _activityTimer(nullptr) , _autoClose(true) , _closePerUserRequest(false) , _nameTitle(QString()) , _displayTitle(QString()) , _userTitle(QString()) , _localTabTitleFormat(QString()) , _remoteTabTitleFormat(QString()) , _tabTitleSetByUser(false) , _iconName(QString()) , _iconText(QString()) , _addToUtmp(true) , _flowControlEnabled(true) , _program(QString()) , _arguments(QStringList()) , _environment(QStringList()) , _sessionId(0) , _initialWorkingDir(QString()) , _currentWorkingDir(QString()) , _reportedWorkingUrl(QUrl()) , _sessionProcessInfo(nullptr) , _foregroundProcessInfo(nullptr) , _foregroundPid(0) , _zmodemBusy(false) , _zmodemProc(nullptr) , _zmodemProgress(nullptr) , _hasDarkBackground(false) , _preferredSize(QSize()) , _readOnly(false) , _isPrimaryScreen(true) { _uniqueIdentifier = QUuid::createUuid(); //prepare DBus communication new SessionAdaptor(this); _sessionId = ++lastSessionId; QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject(QLatin1String("/Sessions/") + QString::number(_sessionId), this); //create emulation backend _emulation = new Vt102Emulation(); connect(_emulation, &Konsole::Emulation::sessionAttributeChanged, this, &Konsole::Session::setSessionAttribute); connect(_emulation, &Konsole::Emulation::stateSet, this, &Konsole::Session::activityStateSet); connect(_emulation, &Konsole::Emulation::zmodemDownloadDetected, this, &Konsole::Session::fireZModemDownloadDetected); connect(_emulation, &Konsole::Emulation::zmodemUploadDetected, this, &Konsole::Session::fireZModemUploadDetected); connect(_emulation, &Konsole::Emulation::changeTabTextColorRequest, this, &Konsole::Session::changeTabTextColor); connect(_emulation, &Konsole::Emulation::profileChangeCommandReceived, this, &Konsole::Session::profileChangeCommandReceived); connect(_emulation, &Konsole::Emulation::flowControlKeyPressed, this, &Konsole::Session::updateFlowControlState); connect(_emulation, &Konsole::Emulation::primaryScreenInUse, this, &Konsole::Session::onPrimaryScreenInUse); connect(_emulation, &Konsole::Emulation::selectionChanged, this, &Konsole::Session::selectionChanged); connect(_emulation, &Konsole::Emulation::imageResizeRequest, this, &Konsole::Session::resizeRequest); connect(_emulation, &Konsole::Emulation::sessionAttributeRequest, this, &Konsole::Session::sessionAttributeRequest); //create new teletype for I/O with shell process openTeletype(-1); //setup timer for monitoring session activity & silence _silenceTimer = new QTimer(this); _silenceTimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(_silenceTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &Konsole::Session::silenceTimerDone); _activityTimer = new QTimer(this); _activityTimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(_activityTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &Konsole::Session::activityTimerDone); } Session::~Session() { delete _foregroundProcessInfo; delete _sessionProcessInfo; delete _emulation; delete _shellProcess; delete _zmodemProc; } void Session::openTeletype(int fd) { if (isRunning()) { qWarning() << "Attempted to open teletype in a running session."; return; } delete _shellProcess; if (fd < 0) { _shellProcess = new Pty(); } else { _shellProcess = new Pty(fd); } _shellProcess->setUtf8Mode(_emulation->utf8()); // connect the I/O between emulator and pty process connect(_shellProcess, &Konsole::Pty::receivedData, this, &Konsole::Session::onReceiveBlock); connect(_emulation, &Konsole::Emulation::sendData, _shellProcess, &Konsole::Pty::sendData); // UTF8 mode connect(_emulation, &Konsole::Emulation::useUtf8Request, _shellProcess, &Konsole::Pty::setUtf8Mode); // get notified when the pty process is finished connect(_shellProcess, QOverload::of(&Konsole::Pty::finished), this, &Konsole::Session::done); // emulator size // Use a direct connection to ensure that the window size is set before it runs connect(_emulation, &Konsole::Emulation::imageSizeChanged, this, &Konsole::Session::updateWindowSize, Qt::DirectConnection); connect(_emulation, &Konsole::Emulation::imageSizeInitialized, this, &Konsole::Session::run); } WId Session::windowId() const { // Returns a window ID for this session which is used // to set the WINDOWID environment variable in the shell // process. // // Sessions can have multiple views or no views, which means // that a single ID is not always going to be accurate. // // If there are no views, the window ID is just 0. If // there are multiple views, then the window ID for the // top-level window which contains the first view is // returned if (_views.count() == 0) { return 0; } else { QWidget* window = _views.first(); Q_ASSERT(window); while (window->parentWidget() != nullptr) { window = window->parentWidget(); } return window->winId(); } } void Session::setDarkBackground(bool darkBackground) { _hasDarkBackground = darkBackground; } bool Session::isRunning() const { return (_shellProcess != nullptr) && (_shellProcess->state() == QProcess::Running); } void Session::setCodec(QTextCodec* codec) { if (isReadOnly()) { return; } emulation()->setCodec(codec); } bool Session::setCodec(const QByteArray& name) { QTextCodec* codec = QTextCodec::codecForName(name); if (codec != nullptr) { setCodec(codec); return true; } else { return false; } } QByteArray Session::codec() { return _emulation->codec()->name(); } void Session::setProgram(const QString& program) { _program = ShellCommand::expand(program); } void Session::setArguments(const QStringList& arguments) { _arguments = ShellCommand::expand(arguments); } void Session::setInitialWorkingDirectory(const QString& dir) { _initialWorkingDir = validDirectory(KShell::tildeExpand(ShellCommand::expand(dir))); } QString Session::currentWorkingDirectory() { if (_reportedWorkingUrl.isValid() && _reportedWorkingUrl.isLocalFile()) { return _reportedWorkingUrl.path(); } // only returned cached value if (_currentWorkingDir.isEmpty()) { updateWorkingDirectory(); } return _currentWorkingDir; } void Session::updateWorkingDirectory() { updateSessionProcessInfo(); const QString currentDir = _sessionProcessInfo->validCurrentDir(); if (currentDir != _currentWorkingDir) { _currentWorkingDir = currentDir; emit currentDirectoryChanged(_currentWorkingDir); } } QList Session::views() const { return _views; } void Session::addView(TerminalDisplay* widget) { Q_ASSERT(!_views.contains(widget)); _views.append(widget); // connect emulation - view signals and slots connect(widget, &Konsole::TerminalDisplay::keyPressedSignal, _emulation, &Konsole::Emulation::sendKeyEvent); connect(widget, &Konsole::TerminalDisplay::mouseSignal, _emulation, &Konsole::Emulation::sendMouseEvent); connect(widget, &Konsole::TerminalDisplay::sendStringToEmu, _emulation, &Konsole::Emulation::sendString); // allow emulation to notify the view when the foreground process // indicates whether or not it is interested in Mouse Tracking events connect(_emulation, &Konsole::Emulation::programRequestsMouseTracking, widget, &Konsole::TerminalDisplay::setUsesMouseTracking); widget->setUsesMouseTracking(_emulation->programUsesMouseTracking()); connect(_emulation, &Konsole::Emulation::enableAlternateScrolling, widget, &Konsole::TerminalDisplay::setAlternateScrolling); connect(_emulation, &Konsole::Emulation::programBracketedPasteModeChanged, widget, &Konsole::TerminalDisplay::setBracketedPasteMode); widget->setBracketedPasteMode(_emulation->programBracketedPasteMode()); widget->setScreenWindow(_emulation->createWindow()); //connect view signals and slots connect(widget, &Konsole::TerminalDisplay::changedContentSizeSignal, this, &Konsole::Session::onViewSizeChange); connect(widget, &Konsole::TerminalDisplay::destroyed, this, &Konsole::Session::viewDestroyed); connect(widget, &Konsole::TerminalDisplay::focusLost, _emulation, &Konsole::Emulation::focusLost); connect(widget, &Konsole::TerminalDisplay::focusGained, _emulation, &Konsole::Emulation::focusGained); connect(_emulation, &Konsole::Emulation::setCursorStyleRequest, widget, &Konsole::TerminalDisplay::setCursorStyle); connect(_emulation, &Konsole::Emulation::resetCursorStyleRequest, widget, &Konsole::TerminalDisplay::resetCursorStyle); } void Session::viewDestroyed(QObject* view) { auto* display = reinterpret_cast(view); Q_ASSERT(_views.contains(display)); removeView(display); } void Session::removeView(TerminalDisplay* widget) { _views.removeAll(widget); disconnect(widget, nullptr, this, nullptr); // disconnect // - key presses signals from widget // - mouse activity signals from widget // - string sending signals from widget // // ... and any other signals connected in addView() disconnect(widget, nullptr, _emulation, nullptr); // disconnect state change signals emitted by emulation disconnect(_emulation, nullptr, widget, nullptr); // close the session automatically when the last view is removed if (_views.count() == 0) { close(); } } // Upon a KPty error, there is no description on what that error was... // Check to see if the given program is executable. QString Session::checkProgram(const QString& program) { QString exec = program; if (exec.isEmpty()) { return QString(); } QFileInfo info(exec); if (info.isAbsolute() && info.exists() && info.isExecutable()) { return exec; } exec = KRun::binaryName(exec, false); exec = KShell::tildeExpand(exec); const QString pexec = QStandardPaths::findExecutable(exec); if (pexec.isEmpty()) { qCritical() << i18n("Could not find binary: ") << exec; return QString(); } return exec; } void Session::terminalWarning(const QString& message) { static const QByteArray warningText = i18nc("@info:shell Alert the user with red color text", "Warning: ").toLocal8Bit(); QByteArray messageText = message.toLocal8Bit(); static const char redPenOn[] = "\033[1m\033[31m"; static const char redPenOff[] = "\033[0m"; _emulation->receiveData(redPenOn, qstrlen(redPenOn)); _emulation->receiveData("\n\r\n\r", 4); _emulation->receiveData(warningText.constData(), qstrlen(warningText.constData())); _emulation->receiveData(messageText.constData(), qstrlen(messageText.constData())); _emulation->receiveData("\n\r\n\r", 4); _emulation->receiveData(redPenOff, qstrlen(redPenOff)); } QString Session::shellSessionId() const { QString friendlyUuid(_uniqueIdentifier.toString()); friendlyUuid.remove(QLatin1Char('-')).remove(QLatin1Char('{')).remove(QLatin1Char('}')); return friendlyUuid; } void Session::run() { // FIXME: run() is called twice in some instances if (isRunning()) { qCDebug(KonsoleDebug) << "Attempted to re-run an already running session (" << _shellProcess->pid() << ")"; return; } //check that everything is in place to run the session if (_program.isEmpty()) { qWarning() << "Program to run not set."; } if (_arguments.isEmpty()) { qWarning() << "No command line arguments specified."; } if (_uniqueIdentifier.isNull()) { _uniqueIdentifier = QUuid::createUuid(); } const int CHOICE_COUNT = 3; // if '_program' is empty , fall back to default shell. If that is not set // then fall back to /bin/sh QString programs[CHOICE_COUNT] = {_program, QString::fromUtf8(qgetenv("SHELL")), QStringLiteral("/bin/sh")}; QString exec; int choice = 0; while (choice < CHOICE_COUNT) { exec = checkProgram(programs[choice]); if (exec.isEmpty()) { choice++; } else { break; } } // if a program was specified via setProgram(), but it couldn't be found, print a warning if (choice != 0 && choice < CHOICE_COUNT && !_program.isEmpty()) { terminalWarning(i18n("Could not find '%1', starting '%2' instead. Please check your profile settings.", _program, exec)); // if none of the choices are available, print a warning } else if (choice == CHOICE_COUNT) { terminalWarning(i18n("Could not find an interactive shell to start.")); return; } // if no arguments are specified, fall back to program name QStringList arguments = _arguments.join(QLatin1Char(' ')).isEmpty() ? QStringList() << exec : _arguments; if (!_initialWorkingDir.isEmpty()) { _shellProcess->setInitialWorkingDirectory(_initialWorkingDir); } else { _shellProcess->setInitialWorkingDirectory(QDir::currentPath()); } _shellProcess->setFlowControlEnabled(_flowControlEnabled); _shellProcess->setEraseChar(_emulation->eraseChar()); _shellProcess->setUseUtmp(_addToUtmp); // this is not strictly accurate use of the COLORFGBG variable. This does not // tell the terminal exactly which colors are being used, but instead approximates // the color scheme as "black on white" or "white on black" depending on whether // the background color is deemed dark or not const QString backgroundColorHint = _hasDarkBackground ? QStringLiteral("COLORFGBG=15;0") : QStringLiteral("COLORFGBG=0;15"); addEnvironmentEntry(backgroundColorHint); addEnvironmentEntry(QStringLiteral("SHELL_SESSION_ID=%1").arg(shellSessionId())); addEnvironmentEntry(QStringLiteral("WINDOWID=%1").arg(QString::number(windowId()))); const QString dbusService = QDBusConnection::sessionBus().baseService(); addEnvironmentEntry(QStringLiteral("KONSOLE_DBUS_SERVICE=%1").arg(dbusService)); const QString dbusObject = QStringLiteral("/Sessions/%1").arg(QString::number(_sessionId)); addEnvironmentEntry(QStringLiteral("KONSOLE_DBUS_SESSION=%1").arg(dbusObject)); int result = _shellProcess->start(exec, arguments, _environment); if (result < 0) { terminalWarning(i18n("Could not start program '%1' with arguments '%2'.", exec, arguments.join(QLatin1String(" ")))); terminalWarning(_shellProcess->errorString()); return; } _shellProcess->setWriteable(false); // We are reachable via kwrited. emit started(); } void Session::setSessionAttribute(int what, const QString& caption) { // set to true if anything has actually changed // eg. old _nameTitle != new _nameTitle bool modified = false; if ((what == IconNameAndWindowTitle) || (what == WindowTitle)) { if (_userTitle != caption) { _userTitle = caption; modified = true; } } if ((what == IconNameAndWindowTitle) || (what == IconName)) { if (_iconText != caption) { _iconText = caption; modified = true; } } if (what == TextColor || what == BackgroundColor) { QString colorString = caption.section(QLatin1Char(';'), 0, 0); QColor color = QColor(colorString); if (color.isValid()) { if (what == TextColor) { emit changeForegroundColorRequest(color); } else { emit changeBackgroundColorRequest(color); } } } if (what == SessionName) { if (_localTabTitleFormat != caption) { _localTabTitleFormat = caption; setTitle(Session::DisplayedTitleRole, caption); modified = true; } } /* The below use of 32 works but appears to non-standard. It is from a commit from 2004 c20973eca8776f9b4f15bee5fdcb5a3205aa69de */ // change icon via \033]32;Icon\007 if (what == SessionIcon) { if (_iconName != caption) { _iconName = caption; modified = true; } } if (what == CurrentDirectory) { _reportedWorkingUrl = QUrl::fromUserInput(caption); emit currentDirectoryChanged(currentWorkingDirectory()); modified = true; } if (what == ProfileChange) { emit profileChangeCommandReceived(caption); return; } if (modified) { emit sessionAttributeChanged(); } } QString Session::userTitle() const { return _userTitle; } void Session::setTabTitleFormat(TabTitleContext context , const QString& format) { if (context == LocalTabTitle) { _localTabTitleFormat = format; ProcessInfo* process = getProcessInfo(); process->setUserNameRequired(format.contains(QLatin1String("%u"))); } else if (context == RemoteTabTitle) { _remoteTabTitleFormat = format; } } QString Session::tabTitleFormat(TabTitleContext context) const { if (context == LocalTabTitle) { return _localTabTitleFormat; } else if (context == RemoteTabTitle) { return _remoteTabTitleFormat; } return QString(); } void Session::tabTitleSetByUser(bool set) { _tabTitleSetByUser = set; } bool Session::isTabTitleSetByUser() const { return _tabTitleSetByUser; } void Session::silenceTimerDone() { //FIXME: The idea here is that the notification popup will appear to tell the user than output from //the terminal has stopped and the popup will disappear when the user activates the session. // //This breaks with the addition of multiple views of a session. The popup should disappear //when any of the views of the session becomes active //FIXME: Make message text for this notification and the activity notification more descriptive. if (!_monitorSilence) { emit stateChanged(NOTIFYNORMAL); return; } bool hasFocus = false; foreach(TerminalDisplay *display, _views) { if (display->hasFocus()) { hasFocus = true; break; } } KNotification::event(hasFocus ? QStringLiteral("Silence") : QStringLiteral("SilenceHidden"), i18n("Silence in session '%1'", _nameTitle), QPixmap(), QApplication::activeWindow(), KNotification::CloseWhenWidgetActivated); emit stateChanged(NOTIFYSILENCE); } void Session::activityTimerDone() { _notifiedActivity = false; } void Session::updateFlowControlState(bool suspended) { if (suspended) { if (flowControlEnabled()) { foreach(TerminalDisplay * display, _views) { if (display->flowControlWarningEnabled()) { display->outputSuspended(true); } } } } else { foreach(TerminalDisplay * display, _views) { display->outputSuspended(false); } } } void Session::changeTabTextColor(int i) { qCDebug(KonsoleDebug) << "Changing tab text color is not implemented "<hasFocus()) { hasFocus = true; break; } } if (_monitorActivity && !_notifiedActivity) { KNotification::event(hasFocus ? QStringLiteral("Activity") : QStringLiteral("ActivityHidden"), i18n("Activity in session '%1'", _nameTitle), QPixmap(), QApplication::activeWindow(), KNotification::CloseWhenWidgetActivated); // mask activity notification for a while to avoid flooding _notifiedActivity = true; _activityTimer->start(activityMaskInSeconds * 1000); } // reset the counter for monitoring continuous silence since there is activity if (_monitorSilence) { _silenceTimer->start(_silenceSeconds * 1000); } } if (state == NOTIFYACTIVITY && !_monitorActivity) { state = NOTIFYNORMAL; } if (state == NOTIFYSILENCE && !_monitorSilence) { state = NOTIFYNORMAL; } emit stateChanged(state); } void Session::onViewSizeChange(int /*height*/, int /*width*/) { updateTerminalSize(); } void Session::updateTerminalSize() { int minLines = -1; int minColumns = -1; // minimum number of lines and columns that views require for // their size to be taken into consideration ( to avoid problems // with new view widgets which haven't yet been set to their correct size ) const int VIEW_LINES_THRESHOLD = 2; const int VIEW_COLUMNS_THRESHOLD = 2; //select largest number of lines and columns that will fit in all visible views foreach(TerminalDisplay* view, _views) { if (!view->isHidden() && view->lines() >= VIEW_LINES_THRESHOLD && view->columns() >= VIEW_COLUMNS_THRESHOLD) { minLines = (minLines == -1) ? view->lines() : qMin(minLines , view->lines()); minColumns = (minColumns == -1) ? view->columns() : qMin(minColumns , view->columns()); view->processFilters(); } } // backend emulation must have a _terminal of at least 1 column x 1 line in size if (minLines > 0 && minColumns > 0) { _emulation->setImageSize(minLines , minColumns); } } void Session::updateWindowSize(int lines, int columns) { Q_ASSERT(lines > 0 && columns > 0); _shellProcess->setWindowSize(columns, lines); } void Session::refresh() { // attempt to get the shell process to redraw the display // // this requires the program running in the shell // to cooperate by sending an update in response to // a window size change // // the window size is changed twice, first made slightly larger and then // resized back to its normal size so that there is actually a change // in the window size (some shells do nothing if the // new and old sizes are the same) // // if there is a more 'correct' way to do this, please // send an email with method or patches to konsole-devel@kde.org const QSize existingSize = _shellProcess->windowSize(); _shellProcess->setWindowSize(existingSize.width() + 1, existingSize.height()); // introduce small delay to avoid changing size too quickly QThread::usleep(500); _shellProcess->setWindowSize(existingSize.width(), existingSize.height()); } void Session::sendSignal(int signal) { const ProcessInfo* process = getProcessInfo(); bool ok = false; int pid; pid = process->foregroundPid(&ok); if (ok) { ::kill(pid, signal); } } void Session::reportBackgroundColor(const QColor& c) { #define to65k(a) (QStringLiteral("%1").arg(int(((a)*0xFFFF)), 4, 16, QLatin1Char('0'))) QString msg = QStringLiteral("\033]11;rgb:") + to65k(c.redF()) + QLatin1Char('/') + to65k(c.greenF()) + QLatin1Char('/') + to65k(c.blueF()) + QLatin1Char('\a'); _emulation->sendString(msg.toUtf8()); #undef to65k } bool Session::kill(int signal) { if (_shellProcess->pid() <= 0) { return false; } int result = ::kill(_shellProcess->pid(), signal); if (result == 0) { return _shellProcess->waitForFinished(1000); } else { return false; } } void Session::close() { if (isRunning()) { if (!closeInNormalWay()) { closeInForceWay(); } } else { // terminal process has finished, just close the session QTimer::singleShot(1, this, &Konsole::Session::finished); } } bool Session::closeInNormalWay() { _autoClose = true; _closePerUserRequest = true; // for the possible case where following events happen in sequence: // // 1). the terminal process crashes // 2). the tab stays open and displays warning message // 3). the user closes the tab explicitly // if (!isRunning()) { emit finished(); return true; } static QSet knownShells({QStringLiteral("ash"), QStringLiteral("bash"), QStringLiteral("csh"), QStringLiteral("dash"), QStringLiteral("fish"), QStringLiteral("hush"), QStringLiteral("ksh"), QStringLiteral("mksh"), QStringLiteral("pdksh"), QStringLiteral("tcsh"), QStringLiteral("zsh")}); // If only the session's shell is running, try sending an EOF for a clean exit if (!isForegroundProcessActive() && knownShells.contains(QFileInfo(_program).fileName())) { _shellProcess->sendEof(); if (_shellProcess->waitForFinished(1000)) { return true; } qWarning() << "shell did not close, sending SIGHUP"; } // We tried asking nicely, ask a bit less nicely if (kill(SIGHUP)) { return true; } else { qWarning() << "Process " << _shellProcess->pid() << " did not die with SIGHUP"; _shellProcess->closePty(); return (_shellProcess->waitForFinished(1000)); } } bool Session::closeInForceWay() { _autoClose = true; _closePerUserRequest = true; if (kill(SIGKILL)) { return true; } else { qWarning() << "Process " << _shellProcess->pid() << " did not die with SIGKILL"; return false; } } void Session::sendTextToTerminal(const QString& text, const QChar& eol) const { if (isReadOnly()) { return; } if (eol.isNull()) { _emulation->sendText(text); } else { _emulation->sendText(text + eol); } } // Only D-Bus calls this function (via SendText or runCommand) void Session::sendText(const QString& text) const { if (isReadOnly()) { return; } -#if !defined(REMOVE_SENDTEXT_RUNCOMMAND_DBUS_METHODS) - if (show_disallow_certain_dbus_methods_message) { - - KNotification::event(KNotification::Warning, QStringLiteral("Konsole D-Bus Warning"), - i18n("The D-Bus methods sendText/runCommand were just used. There are security concerns about allowing these methods to be public. If desired, these methods can be changed to internal use only by re-compiling Konsole.

This warning will only show once for this Konsole instance.

")); - - show_disallow_certain_dbus_methods_message = false; - } -#endif + if (!KonsoleSettings::allowSendTextAndRunCommandDBusMethods()) { + return; + } _emulation->sendText(text); } // Only D-Bus calls this function void Session::runCommand(const QString& command) const { sendText(command + QLatin1Char('\n')); } void Session::sendMouseEvent(int buttons, int column, int line, int eventType) { _emulation->sendMouseEvent(buttons, column, line, eventType); } void Session::done(int exitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus exitStatus) { // This slot should be triggered only one time disconnect(_shellProcess, QOverload::of(&Konsole::Pty::finished), this, &Konsole::Session::done); if (!_autoClose) { _userTitle = i18nc("@info:shell This session is done", "Finished"); emit sessionAttributeChanged(); return; } if (_closePerUserRequest) { emit finished(); return; } QString message; if (exitCode != 0) { if (exitStatus != QProcess::NormalExit) { message = i18n("Program '%1' crashed.", _program); } else { message = i18n("Program '%1' exited with status %2.", _program, exitCode); } //FIXME: See comments in Session::silenceTimerDone() KNotification::event(QStringLiteral("Finished"), message , QPixmap(), QApplication::activeWindow(), KNotification::CloseWhenWidgetActivated); } if (exitStatus != QProcess::NormalExit) { // this seeming duplicated line is for the case when exitCode is 0 message = i18n("Program '%1' crashed.", _program); terminalWarning(message); } else { emit finished(); } } Emulation* Session::emulation() const { return _emulation; } QString Session::keyBindings() const { return _emulation->keyBindings(); } QStringList Session::environment() const { return _environment; } void Session::setEnvironment(const QStringList& environment) { if (isReadOnly()) { return; } _environment = environment; } void Session::addEnvironmentEntry(const QString& entry) { _environment << entry; } int Session::sessionId() const { return _sessionId; } void Session::setKeyBindings(const QString& name) { _emulation->setKeyBindings(name); } void Session::setTitle(TitleRole role , const QString& newTitle) { if (title(role) != newTitle) { if (role == NameRole) { _nameTitle = newTitle; } else if (role == DisplayedTitleRole) { _displayTitle = newTitle; } emit sessionAttributeChanged(); } } QString Session::title(TitleRole role) const { if (role == NameRole) { return _nameTitle; } else if (role == DisplayedTitleRole) { return _displayTitle; } else { return QString(); } } ProcessInfo* Session::getProcessInfo() { ProcessInfo* process = nullptr; if (isForegroundProcessActive() && updateForegroundProcessInfo()) { process = _foregroundProcessInfo; } else { updateSessionProcessInfo(); process = _sessionProcessInfo; } return process; } void Session::updateSessionProcessInfo() { Q_ASSERT(_shellProcess); bool ok; // The checking for pid changing looks stupid, but it is needed // at the moment to workaround the problem that processId() might // return 0 if ((_sessionProcessInfo == nullptr) || (processId() != 0 && processId() != _sessionProcessInfo->pid(&ok))) { delete _sessionProcessInfo; _sessionProcessInfo = ProcessInfo::newInstance(processId()); _sessionProcessInfo->setUserHomeDir(); } _sessionProcessInfo->update(); } bool Session::updateForegroundProcessInfo() { Q_ASSERT(_shellProcess); const int foregroundPid = _shellProcess->foregroundProcessGroup(); if (foregroundPid != _foregroundPid) { delete _foregroundProcessInfo; _foregroundProcessInfo = ProcessInfo::newInstance(foregroundPid); _foregroundPid = foregroundPid; } if (_foregroundProcessInfo != nullptr) { _foregroundProcessInfo->update(); return _foregroundProcessInfo->isValid(); } else { return false; } } bool Session::isRemote() { ProcessInfo* process = getProcessInfo(); bool ok = false; return (process->name(&ok) == QLatin1String("ssh") && ok); } QString Session::getDynamicTitle() { ProcessInfo* process = getProcessInfo(); // format tab titles using process info bool ok = false; if (process->name(&ok) == QLatin1String("ssh") && ok) { SSHProcessInfo sshInfo(*process); return sshInfo.format(tabTitleFormat(Session::RemoteTabTitle)); } /* * Parses an input string, looking for markers beginning with a '%' * character and returns a string with the markers replaced * with information from this process description. *
* The markers recognized are: *
  • %u - Name of the user which owns the process.
  • *
  • %n - Replaced with the name of the process.
  • *
  • %d - Replaced with the last part of the path name of the * process' current working directory. * * (eg. if the current directory is '/home/bob' then * 'bob' would be returned) *
  • *
  • %D - Replaced with the current working directory of the process.
  • *
*/ QString title = tabTitleFormat(Session::LocalTabTitle); // search for and replace known marker title.replace(QLatin1String("%u"), process->userName()); title.replace(QLatin1String("%h"), Konsole::ProcessInfo::localHost()); title.replace(QLatin1String("%n"), process->name(&ok)); QString dir = _reportedWorkingUrl.toLocalFile(); ok = true; if (dir.isEmpty()) { // update current directory from process updateWorkingDirectory(); dir = process->currentDir(&ok); } if(!ok) { title.replace(QLatin1String("%d"), QStringLiteral("-")); title.replace(QLatin1String("%D"), QStringLiteral("-")); } else { if (title.contains(QLatin1String("%D"))) { const QString homeDir = process->userHomeDir(); if (!homeDir.isEmpty()) { // Change User's Home Dir w/ ~ only at the beginning if (dir.startsWith(homeDir)) { dir.remove(0, homeDir.length()); dir.prepend(QLatin1Char('~')); } } title.replace(QLatin1String("%D"), dir); } title.replace(QLatin1String("%d"), process->formatShortDir(dir)); } return title; } QUrl Session::getUrl() { if (_reportedWorkingUrl.isValid()) { return _reportedWorkingUrl; } QString path; updateSessionProcessInfo(); if (_sessionProcessInfo->isValid()) { bool ok = false; // check if foreground process is bookmark-able if (isForegroundProcessActive() && _foregroundProcessInfo->isValid()) { // for remote connections, save the user and host // bright ideas to get the directory at the other end are welcome :) if (_foregroundProcessInfo->name(&ok) == QLatin1String("ssh") && ok) { SSHProcessInfo sshInfo(*_foregroundProcessInfo); QUrl url; url.setScheme(QStringLiteral("ssh")); url.setUserName(sshInfo.userName()); url.setHost(sshInfo.host()); const QString port = sshInfo.port(); if (!port.isEmpty() && port != QLatin1String("22")) { url.setPort(port.toInt()); } return url; } else { path = _foregroundProcessInfo->currentDir(&ok); if (!ok) { path.clear(); } } } else { // otherwise use the current working directory of the shell process path = _sessionProcessInfo->currentDir(&ok); if (!ok) { path.clear(); } } } return QUrl::fromLocalFile(path); } void Session::setIconName(const QString& iconName) { if (iconName != _iconName) { _iconName = iconName; emit sessionAttributeChanged(); } } void Session::setIconText(const QString& iconText) { _iconText = iconText; } QString Session::iconName() const { return isReadOnly() ? QStringLiteral("object-locked") : _iconName; } QString Session::iconText() const { return _iconText; } void Session::setHistoryType(const HistoryType& hType) { _emulation->setHistory(hType); } const HistoryType& Session::historyType() const { return _emulation->history(); } void Session::clearHistory() { _emulation->clearHistory(); } QStringList Session::arguments() const { return _arguments; } QString Session::program() const { return _program; } bool Session::isMonitorActivity() const { return _monitorActivity; } bool Session::isMonitorSilence() const { return _monitorSilence; } void Session::setMonitorActivity(bool monitor) { if (_monitorActivity == monitor) { return; } _monitorActivity = monitor; _notifiedActivity = false; // This timer is meaningful only after activity has been notified _activityTimer->stop(); activityStateSet(NOTIFYNORMAL); } void Session::setMonitorSilence(bool monitor) { if (_monitorSilence == monitor) { return; } _monitorSilence = monitor; if (_monitorSilence) { _silenceTimer->start(_silenceSeconds * 1000); } else { _silenceTimer->stop(); } activityStateSet(NOTIFYNORMAL); } void Session::setMonitorSilenceSeconds(int seconds) { _silenceSeconds = seconds; if (_monitorSilence) { _silenceTimer->start(_silenceSeconds * 1000); } } void Session::setAddToUtmp(bool add) { _addToUtmp = add; } void Session::setAutoClose(bool close) { _autoClose = close; } bool Session::autoClose() const { return _autoClose; } void Session::setFlowControlEnabled(bool enabled) { if (isReadOnly()) { return; } _flowControlEnabled = enabled; if (_shellProcess != nullptr) { _shellProcess->setFlowControlEnabled(_flowControlEnabled); } emit flowControlEnabledChanged(enabled); } bool Session::flowControlEnabled() const { if (_shellProcess != nullptr) { return _shellProcess->flowControlEnabled(); } else { return _flowControlEnabled; } } void Session::fireZModemDownloadDetected() { if (!_zmodemBusy) { QTimer::singleShot(10, this, &Konsole::Session::zmodemDownloadDetected); _zmodemBusy = true; } } void Session::fireZModemUploadDetected() { if (!_zmodemBusy) { QTimer::singleShot(10, this, &Konsole::Session::zmodemUploadDetected); } } void Session::cancelZModem() { _shellProcess->sendData(QByteArrayLiteral("\030\030\030\030")); // Abort _zmodemBusy = false; } void Session::startZModem(const QString& zmodem, const QString& dir, const QStringList& list) { _zmodemBusy = true; _zmodemProc = new KProcess(); _zmodemProc->setOutputChannelMode(KProcess::SeparateChannels); *_zmodemProc << zmodem << QStringLiteral("-v") << QStringLiteral("-e") << list; if (!dir.isEmpty()) { _zmodemProc->setWorkingDirectory(dir); } connect(_zmodemProc, &KProcess::readyReadStandardOutput, this, &Konsole::Session::zmodemReadAndSendBlock); connect(_zmodemProc, &KProcess::readyReadStandardError, this, &Konsole::Session::zmodemReadStatus); connect(_zmodemProc, QOverload::of(&KProcess::finished), this, &Konsole::Session::zmodemFinished); _zmodemProc->start(); disconnect(_shellProcess, &Konsole::Pty::receivedData, this, &Konsole::Session::onReceiveBlock); connect(_shellProcess, &Konsole::Pty::receivedData, this, &Konsole::Session::zmodemReceiveBlock); _zmodemProgress = new ZModemDialog(QApplication::activeWindow(), false, i18n("ZModem Progress")); connect(_zmodemProgress, &Konsole::ZModemDialog::zmodemCancel, this, &Konsole::Session::zmodemFinished); _zmodemProgress->show(); } void Session::zmodemReadAndSendBlock() { _zmodemProc->setReadChannel(QProcess::StandardOutput); QByteArray data = _zmodemProc->read(ZMODEM_BUFFER_SIZE); while (data.count() != 0) { _shellProcess->sendData(data); data = _zmodemProc->read(ZMODEM_BUFFER_SIZE); } } void Session::zmodemReadStatus() { _zmodemProc->setReadChannel(QProcess::StandardError); QByteArray msg = _zmodemProc->readAll(); while (!msg.isEmpty()) { int i = msg.indexOf('\015'); int j = msg.indexOf('\012'); QByteArray txt; if ((i != -1) && ((j == -1) || (i < j))) { msg = msg.mid(i + 1); } else if (j != -1) { txt = msg.left(j); msg = msg.mid(j + 1); } else { txt = msg; msg.truncate(0); } if (!txt.isEmpty()) { _zmodemProgress->addText(QString::fromLocal8Bit(txt)); } } } void Session::zmodemReceiveBlock(const char* data, int len) { static int steps = 0; QByteArray bytes(data, len); _zmodemProc->write(bytes); // Provide some feedback to dialog if (steps > 100) { _zmodemProgress->addProgressText(QStringLiteral(".")); steps = 0; } steps++; } void Session::zmodemFinished() { /* zmodemFinished() is called by QProcess's finished() and ZModemDialog's user1Clicked(). Therefore, an invocation by user1Clicked() will recursively invoke this function again when the KProcess is deleted! */ if (_zmodemProc != nullptr) { KProcess* process = _zmodemProc; _zmodemProc = nullptr; // Set _zmodemProc to 0 avoid recursive invocations! _zmodemBusy = false; delete process; // Now, the KProcess may be disposed safely. disconnect(_shellProcess, &Konsole::Pty::receivedData, this , &Konsole::Session::zmodemReceiveBlock); connect(_shellProcess, &Konsole::Pty::receivedData, this, &Konsole::Session::onReceiveBlock); _shellProcess->sendData(QByteArrayLiteral("\030\030\030\030")); // Abort _shellProcess->sendData(QByteArrayLiteral("\001\013\n")); // Try to get prompt back _zmodemProgress->transferDone(); } } void Session::onReceiveBlock(const char* buf, int len) { _emulation->receiveData(buf, len); } QSize Session::size() { return _emulation->imageSize(); } void Session::setSize(const QSize& size) { if ((size.width() <= 1) || (size.height() <= 1)) { return; } emit resizeRequest(size); } QSize Session::preferredSize() const { return _preferredSize; } void Session::setPreferredSize(const QSize& size) { _preferredSize = size; } int Session::processId() const { return _shellProcess->pid(); } void Session::setTitle(int role , const QString& title) { switch (role) { case 0: setTitle(Session::NameRole, title); break; case 1: setTitle(Session::DisplayedTitleRole, title); // without these, that title will be overridden by the expansion of // title format shortly after, which will confuses users. _localTabTitleFormat = title; _remoteTabTitleFormat = title; break; } } QString Session::title(int role) const { switch (role) { case 0: return title(Session::NameRole); case 1: return title(Session::DisplayedTitleRole); default: return QString(); } } void Session::setTabTitleFormat(int context , const QString& format) { switch (context) { case 0: setTabTitleFormat(Session::LocalTabTitle, format); break; case 1: setTabTitleFormat(Session::RemoteTabTitle, format); break; } } QString Session::tabTitleFormat(int context) const { switch (context) { case 0: return tabTitleFormat(Session::LocalTabTitle); case 1: return tabTitleFormat(Session::RemoteTabTitle); default: return QString(); } } void Session::setHistorySize(int lines) { if (isReadOnly()) { return; } if (lines < 0) { setHistoryType(HistoryTypeFile()); } else if (lines == 0) { setHistoryType(HistoryTypeNone()); } else { setHistoryType(CompactHistoryType(lines)); } } int Session::historySize() const { const HistoryType& currentHistory = historyType(); if (currentHistory.isEnabled()) { if (currentHistory.isUnlimited()) { return -1; } else { return currentHistory.maximumLineCount(); } } else { return 0; } } void Session::setProfile(const QString &profileName) { const QList profiles = ProfileManager::instance()->allProfiles(); foreach (const Profile::Ptr &profile, profiles) { if (profile->name() == profileName) { SessionManager::instance()->setSessionProfile(this, profile); } } } int Session::foregroundProcessId() { int pid; bool ok = false; pid = getProcessInfo()->pid(&ok); if (!ok) { pid = -1; } return pid; } bool Session::isForegroundProcessActive() { // foreground process info is always updated after this return (_shellProcess->pid() != _shellProcess->foregroundProcessGroup()); } QString Session::foregroundProcessName() { QString name; if (updateForegroundProcessInfo()) { bool ok = false; name = _foregroundProcessInfo->name(&ok); if (!ok) { name.clear(); } } return name; } void Session::saveSession(KConfigGroup& group) { group.writePathEntry("WorkingDir", currentWorkingDirectory()); group.writeEntry("LocalTab", tabTitleFormat(LocalTabTitle)); group.writeEntry("RemoteTab", tabTitleFormat(RemoteTabTitle)); group.writeEntry("SessionGuid", _uniqueIdentifier.toString()); group.writeEntry("Encoding", QString::fromUtf8(codec())); } void Session::restoreSession(KConfigGroup& group) { QString value; value = group.readPathEntry("WorkingDir", QString()); if (!value.isEmpty()) { setInitialWorkingDirectory(value); } value = group.readEntry("LocalTab"); if (!value.isEmpty()) { setTabTitleFormat(LocalTabTitle, value); } value = group.readEntry("RemoteTab"); if (!value.isEmpty()) { setTabTitleFormat(RemoteTabTitle, value); } value = group.readEntry("SessionGuid"); if (!value.isEmpty()) { _uniqueIdentifier = QUuid(value); } value = group.readEntry("Encoding"); if (!value.isEmpty()) { setCodec(value.toUtf8()); } } QString Session::validDirectory(const QString& dir) const { QString validDir = dir; if (validDir.isEmpty()) { validDir = QDir::currentPath(); } const QFileInfo fi(validDir); if (!fi.exists() || !fi.isDir()) { validDir = QDir::homePath(); } return validDir; } bool Session::isReadOnly() const { return _readOnly; } void Session::setReadOnly(bool readOnly) { if (_readOnly != readOnly) { _readOnly = readOnly; // Needed to update the tab icons and all // attached views. emit readOnlyChanged(); } } SessionGroup::SessionGroup(QObject* parent) : QObject(parent), _masterMode(0) { } SessionGroup::~SessionGroup() = default; int SessionGroup::masterMode() const { return _masterMode; } QList SessionGroup::sessions() const { return _sessions.keys(); } bool SessionGroup::masterStatus(Session* session) const { return _sessions[session]; } void SessionGroup::addSession(Session* session) { connect(session, &Konsole::Session::finished, this, &Konsole::SessionGroup::sessionFinished); _sessions.insert(session, false); } void SessionGroup::removeSession(Session* session) { disconnect(session, &Konsole::Session::finished, this, &Konsole::SessionGroup::sessionFinished); setMasterStatus(session, false); _sessions.remove(session); } void SessionGroup::sessionFinished() { auto* session = qobject_cast(sender()); Q_ASSERT(session); removeSession(session); } void SessionGroup::setMasterMode(int mode) { _masterMode = mode; } QList SessionGroup::masters() const { return _sessions.keys(true); } void SessionGroup::setMasterStatus(Session* session , bool master) { const bool wasMaster = _sessions[session]; if (wasMaster == master) { // No status change -> nothing to do. return; } _sessions[session] = master; if (master) { connect(session->emulation(), &Konsole::Emulation::sendData, this, &Konsole::SessionGroup::forwardData); } else { disconnect(session->emulation(), &Konsole::Emulation::sendData, this, &Konsole::SessionGroup::forwardData); } } void SessionGroup::forwardData(const QByteArray& data) { static bool _inForwardData = false; if (_inForwardData) { // Avoid recursive calls among session groups! // A recursive call happens when a master in group A calls forwardData() // in group B. If one of the destination sessions in group B is also a // master of a group including the master session of group A, this would // again call forwardData() in group A, and so on. return; } _inForwardData = true; const QList sessionsKeys = _sessions.keys(); foreach(Session* other, sessionsKeys) { if (!_sessions[other]) { other->emulation()->sendString(data); } } _inForwardData = false; } diff --git a/src/Session.h b/src/Session.h index 3ebe9e12..b8b7a48f 100644 --- a/src/Session.h +++ b/src/Session.h @@ -1,899 +1,891 @@ /* This file is part of Konsole, an X terminal. Copyright 2007-2008 by Robert Knight Copyright 1997,1998 by Lars Doelle Copyright 2009 by Thomas Dreibholz This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #ifndef SESSION_H #define SESSION_H // Qt #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Konsole #include "konsoleprivate_export.h" #include "config-konsole.h" //krazy:exclude=includes #include "Shortcut_p.h" class QColor; class KConfigGroup; class KProcess; namespace Konsole { class Emulation; class Pty; class ProcessInfo; class TerminalDisplay; class ZModemDialog; class HistoryType; /** * Represents a terminal session consisting of a pseudo-teletype and a terminal emulation. * The pseudo-teletype (or PTY) handles I/O between the terminal process and Konsole. * The terminal emulation ( Emulation and subclasses ) processes the output stream from the * PTY and produces a character image which is then shown on views connected to the session. * * Each Session can be connected to one or more views by using the addView() method. * The attached views can then display output from the program running in the terminal * or send input to the program in the terminal in the form of keypresses and mouse * activity. */ class KONSOLEPRIVATE_EXPORT Session : public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "org.kde.konsole.Session") public: Q_PROPERTY(QString name READ nameTitle) Q_PROPERTY(int processId READ processId) Q_PROPERTY(QString keyBindings READ keyBindings WRITE setKeyBindings) Q_PROPERTY(QSize size READ size WRITE setSize) /** * Constructs a new session. * * To start the terminal process, call the run() method, * after specifying the program and arguments * using setProgram() and setArguments() * * If no program or arguments are specified explicitly, the Session * falls back to using the program specified in the SHELL environment * variable. */ explicit Session(QObject *parent = nullptr); ~Session() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; /** * Connect to an existing terminal. When a new Session() is constructed it * automatically searches for and opens a new teletype. If you want to * use an existing teletype (given its file descriptor) call this after * constructing the session. * * Calling openTeletype() while a session is running has no effect. * * @param fd The file descriptor of the pseudo-teletype master (See KPtyProcess::KPtyProcess()) */ void openTeletype(int fd); /** * Returns true if the session is currently running. This will be true * after run() has been called successfully. */ bool isRunning() const; /** * Adds a new view for this session. * * The viewing widget will display the output from the terminal and * input from the viewing widget (key presses, mouse activity etc.) * will be sent to the terminal. * * Views can be removed using removeView(). The session is automatically * closed when the last view is removed. */ void addView(TerminalDisplay *widget); /** * Removes a view from this session. When the last view is removed, * the session will be closed automatically. * * @p widget will no longer display output from or send input * to the terminal */ void removeView(TerminalDisplay *widget); /** * Returns the views connected to this session */ QList views() const; /** * Returns the terminal emulation instance being used to encode / decode * characters to / from the process. */ Emulation *emulation() const; /** Returns the unique ID for this session. */ int sessionId() const; /** * This enum describes the contexts for which separate * tab title formats may be specified. */ enum TabTitleContext { /** Default tab title format */ LocalTabTitle, /** * Tab title format used session currently contains * a connection to a remote computer (via SSH) */ RemoteTabTitle }; /** * Returns true if the session currently contains a connection to a * remote computer. It currently supports ssh. */ bool isRemote(); /** * Sets the format used by this session for tab titles. * * @param context The context whose format should be set. * @param format The tab title format. This may be a mixture * of plain text and dynamic elements denoted by a '%' character * followed by a letter. (eg. %d for directory). The dynamic * elements available depend on the @p context */ void setTabTitleFormat(TabTitleContext context, const QString &format); /** Returns the format used by this session for tab titles. */ QString tabTitleFormat(TabTitleContext context) const; /** * Returns true if the tab title has been changed by the user via the * rename-tab dialog. */ bool isTabTitleSetByUser() const; /** Returns the arguments passed to the shell process when run() is called. */ QStringList arguments() const; /** Returns the program name of the shell process started when run() is called. */ QString program() const; /** * Sets the command line arguments which the session's program will be passed when * run() is called. */ void setArguments(const QStringList &arguments); /** Sets the program to be executed when run() is called. */ void setProgram(const QString &program); /** Returns the session's current working directory. */ QString initialWorkingDirectory() { return _initialWorkingDir; } /** * Sets the initial working directory for the session when it is run * This has no effect once the session has been started. */ void setInitialWorkingDirectory(const QString &dir); /** * Returns the current directory of the foreground process in the session */ QString currentWorkingDirectory(); /** * Sets the type of history store used by this session. * Lines of output produced by the terminal are added * to the history store. The type of history store * used affects the number of lines which can be * remembered before they are lost and the storage * (in memory, on-disk etc.) used. */ void setHistoryType(const HistoryType &hType); /** * Returns the type of history store used by this session. */ const HistoryType &historyType() const; /** * Clears the history store used by this session. */ void clearHistory(); /** * Sets the key bindings used by this session. The bindings * specify how input key sequences are translated into * the character stream which is sent to the terminal. * * @param name The name of the key bindings to use. The * names of available key bindings can be determined using the * KeyboardTranslatorManager class. */ void setKeyBindings(const QString &name); /** Returns the name of the key bindings used by this session. */ QString keyBindings() const; /** * This enum describes the available title roles. */ enum TitleRole { /** The name of the session. */ NameRole, /** The title of the session which is displayed in tabs etc. */ DisplayedTitleRole }; /** * Return the session title set by the user (ie. the program running * in the terminal), or an empty string if the user has not set a custom title */ QString userTitle() const; /** Convenience method used to read the name property. Returns title(Session::NameRole). */ QString nameTitle() const { return title(Session::NameRole); } /** Returns a title generated from tab format and process information. */ QString getDynamicTitle(); /** Sets the name of the icon associated with this session. */ void setIconName(const QString &iconName); /** Returns the name of the icon associated with this session. */ QString iconName() const; /** Return URL for the session. */ QUrl getUrl(); /** Sets the text of the icon associated with this session. */ void setIconText(const QString &iconText); /** Returns the text of the icon associated with this session. */ QString iconText() const; /** Sets the session's title for the specified @p role to @p title. */ void setTitle(TitleRole role, const QString &newTitle); /** Returns the session's title for the specified @p role. */ QString title(TitleRole role) const; /** * Specifies whether a utmp entry should be created for the pty used by this session. * If true, KPty::login() is called when the session is started. */ void setAddToUtmp(bool); /** * Specifies whether to close the session automatically when the terminal * process terminates. */ void setAutoClose(bool close); /** See setAutoClose() */ bool autoClose() const; /** Returns true if the user has started a program in the session. */ bool isForegroundProcessActive(); /** Returns the name of the current foreground process. */ QString foregroundProcessName(); /** Returns the terminal session's window size in lines and columns. */ QSize size(); /** * Emits a request to resize the session to accommodate * the specified window size. * * @param size The size in lines and columns to request. */ void setSize(const QSize &size); QSize preferredSize() const; void setPreferredSize(const QSize &size); /** * Sets whether the session has a dark background or not. The session * uses this information to set the COLORFGBG variable in the process's * environment, which allows the programs running in the terminal to determine * whether the background is light or dark and use appropriate colors by default. * * This has no effect once the session is running. */ void setDarkBackground(bool darkBackground); /** * Attempts to get the shell program to redraw the current display area. * This can be used after clearing the screen, for example, to get the * shell to redraw the prompt line. */ void refresh(); void startZModem(const QString &zmodem, const QString &dir, const QStringList &list); void cancelZModem(); bool isZModemBusy() { return _zmodemBusy; } void setZModemBusy(bool busy) { _zmodemBusy = busy; } /** * Possible values of the @p what parameter for setSessionAttribute(). * See the "Operating System Commands" section at: * http://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html#h2-Operating-System-Commands */ enum SessionAttributes { IconNameAndWindowTitle = 0, IconName = 1, WindowTitle = 2, CurrentDirectory = 7, // From VTE (supposedly 6 was for dir, 7 for file, but whatever) TextColor = 10, BackgroundColor = 11, SessionName = 30, // Non-standard SessionIcon = 32, // Non-standard ProfileChange = 50 // this clashes with Xterm's font change command }; // Sets the text codec used by this sessions terminal emulation. void setCodec(QTextCodec *codec); // session management void saveSession(KConfigGroup &group); void restoreSession(KConfigGroup &group); void sendSignal(int signal); void reportBackgroundColor(const QColor &c); bool isReadOnly() const; void setReadOnly(bool readOnly); // Returns true if the current screen is the secondary/alternate one // or false if it's the primary/normal buffer bool isPrimaryScreen(); void tabTitleSetByUser(bool set); public Q_SLOTS: /** * Starts the terminal session. * * This creates the terminal process and connects the teletype to it. */ void run(); /** * Returns the environment of this session as a list of strings like * VARIABLE=VALUE */ Q_SCRIPTABLE QStringList environment() const; /** * Sets the environment for this session. * @p environment should be a list of strings like * VARIABLE=VALUE */ Q_SCRIPTABLE void setEnvironment(const QStringList &environment); /** * Adds one entry for the environment of this session * @p entry should be like VARIABLE=VALUE */ void addEnvironmentEntry(const QString &entry); /** * Closes the terminal session. It kills the terminal process by calling * closeInNormalWay() and, optionally, closeInForceWay(). */ //Q_SCRIPTABLE void close(); // This cause the menu issues bko 185466 void close(); /** * Kill the terminal process in normal way. This sends a hangup signal * (SIGHUP) to the terminal process and causes the finished() signal to * be emitted. If the process does not respond to the SIGHUP signal then * the terminal connection (the pty) is closed and Konsole waits for the * process to exit. This method works most of the time, but fails with some * programs which respond to SIGHUP signal in special way, such as autossh * and irssi. */ bool closeInNormalWay(); /** * kill terminal process in force way. This send a SIGKILL signal to the * terminal process. It should be called only after closeInNormalWay() has * failed. Take it as last resort. */ bool closeInForceWay(); /** * Changes one of certain session attributes in the terminal emulation * display. For a list of what may be changed see the * Emulation::sessionAttributeChanged() signal. * * @param what The session attribute being changed, it is one of the * SessionAttributes enum * @param caption The text part of the terminal command */ void setSessionAttribute(int what, const QString &caption); /** * Enables monitoring for activity in the session. * This will cause notifySessionState() to be emitted * with the NOTIFYACTIVITY state flag when output is * received from the terminal. */ Q_SCRIPTABLE void setMonitorActivity(bool); /** Returns true if monitoring for activity is enabled. */ Q_SCRIPTABLE bool isMonitorActivity() const; /** * Enables monitoring for silence in the session. * This will cause notifySessionState() to be emitted * with the NOTIFYSILENCE state flag when output is not * received from the terminal for a certain period of * time, specified with setMonitorSilenceSeconds() */ Q_SCRIPTABLE void setMonitorSilence(bool); /** * Returns true if monitoring for inactivity (silence) * in the session is enabled. */ Q_SCRIPTABLE bool isMonitorSilence() const; /** See setMonitorSilence() */ Q_SCRIPTABLE void setMonitorSilenceSeconds(int seconds); /** * Sets whether flow control is enabled for this terminal * session. */ Q_SCRIPTABLE void setFlowControlEnabled(bool enabled); /** Returns whether flow control is enabled for this terminal session. */ Q_SCRIPTABLE bool flowControlEnabled() const; /** * @param text to send to the current foreground terminal program. * @param eol send this after @p text */ void sendTextToTerminal(const QString &text, const QChar &eol = QChar()) const; -#if defined(REMOVE_SENDTEXT_RUNCOMMAND_DBUS_METHODS) - void sendText(const QString &text) const; -#else Q_SCRIPTABLE void sendText(const QString &text) const; -#endif /** * Sends @p command to the current foreground terminal program. */ -#if defined(REMOVE_SENDTEXT_RUNCOMMAND_DBUS_METHODS) - void runCommand(const QString &command) const; -#else Q_SCRIPTABLE void runCommand(const QString &command) const; -#endif /** * Sends a mouse event of type @p eventType emitted by button * @p buttons on @p column/@p line to the current foreground * terminal program */ Q_SCRIPTABLE void sendMouseEvent(int buttons, int column, int line, int eventType); /** * Returns the process id of the terminal process. * This is the id used by the system API to refer to the process. */ Q_SCRIPTABLE int processId() const; /** * Returns the process id of the terminal's foreground process. * This is initially the same as processId() but can change * as the user starts other programs inside the terminal. */ Q_SCRIPTABLE int foregroundProcessId(); /** Sets the text codec used by this sessions terminal emulation. * Overloaded to accept a QByteArray for convenience since DBus * does not accept QTextCodec directly. */ Q_SCRIPTABLE bool setCodec(const QByteArray &name); /** Returns the codec used to decode incoming characters in this * terminal emulation */ Q_SCRIPTABLE QByteArray codec(); /** Sets the session's title for the specified @p role to @p title. * This is an overloaded member function for setTitle(TitleRole, QString) * provided for convenience since enum data types may not be * exported directly through DBus */ Q_SCRIPTABLE void setTitle(int role, const QString &title); /** Returns the session's title for the specified @p role. * This is an overloaded member function for setTitle(TitleRole) * provided for convenience since enum data types may not be * exported directly through DBus */ Q_SCRIPTABLE QString title(int role) const; /** Returns the "friendly" version of the QUuid of this session. * This is a QUuid with the braces and dashes removed, so it cannot be * used to construct a new QUuid. The same text appears in the * SHELL_SESSION_ID environment variable. */ Q_SCRIPTABLE QString shellSessionId() const; /** Sets the session's tab title format for the specified @p context to @p format. * This is an overloaded member function for setTabTitleFormat(TabTitleContext, QString) * provided for convenience since enum data types may not be * exported directly through DBus */ Q_SCRIPTABLE void setTabTitleFormat(int context, const QString &format); /** Returns the session's tab title format for the specified @p context. * This is an overloaded member function for tabTitleFormat(TitleRole) * provided for convenience since enum data types may not be * exported directly through DBus */ Q_SCRIPTABLE QString tabTitleFormat(int context) const; /** * Sets the history capacity of this session. * * @param lines The history capacity in unit of lines. Its value can be: *
  • positive integer - fixed size history
  • *
  • 0 - no history
  • *
  • negative integer - unlimited history
  • *
*/ Q_SCRIPTABLE void setHistorySize(int lines); /** * Returns the history capacity of this session. */ Q_SCRIPTABLE int historySize() const; /** * Sets the current session's profile */ Q_SCRIPTABLE void setProfile(const QString &profileName); Q_SIGNALS: /** Emitted when the terminal process starts. */ void started(); /** * Emitted when the terminal process exits. */ void finished(); /** * Emitted when one of certain session attributes has been changed. * See setSessionAttribute(). */ void sessionAttributeChanged(); /** Emitted when the session gets locked / unlocked. */ void readOnlyChanged(); /** * Emitted when the activity state of this session changes. * * @param state The new state of the session. This may be one * of NOTIFYNORMAL, NOTIFYSILENCE or NOTIFYACTIVITY */ void stateChanged(int state); /** * Emitted when the current working directory of this session changes. * * @param dir The new current working directory of the session. */ void currentDirectoryChanged(const QString &dir); /** Emitted when a bell event occurs in the session. */ void bellRequest(const QString &message); /** * Requests that the background color of views on this session * should be changed. */ void changeBackgroundColorRequest(const QColor &); /** * Requests that the text color of views on this session should * be changed to @p color. */ void changeForegroundColorRequest(const QColor &); /** TODO: Document me. */ void openUrlRequest(const QString &url); /** * Emitted when the request for data transmission through ZModem * protocol is detected. */ void zmodemDownloadDetected(); void zmodemUploadDetected(); /** * Emitted when the terminal process requests a change * in the size of the terminal window. * * @param size The requested window size in terms of lines and columns. */ void resizeRequest(const QSize &size); /** * Emitted when a profile change command is received from the terminal. * * @param text The text of the command. This is a string of the form * "PropertyName=Value;PropertyName=Value ..." */ void profileChangeCommandReceived(const QString &text); /** * Emitted when the flow control state changes. * * @param enabled True if flow control is enabled or false otherwise. */ void flowControlEnabledChanged(bool enabled); /** * Emitted when the active screen is switched, to indicate whether the primary * screen is in use. * * This signal serves as a relayer of Emulation::priamyScreenInUse(bool), * making it usable for higher level component. */ void primaryScreenInUse(bool use); /** * Emitted when the text selection is changed. * * This signal serves as a relayer of Emulation::selectedText(QString), * making it usable for higher level component. */ void selectionChanged(const QString &text); /** * Emitted when background request ("\033]11;?\a") terminal code received. * Terminal is expected send "\033]11;rgb:RRRR/GGGG/BBBB\a" response. * * Originally implemented to support vim's background detection feature * (without explictly setting 'bg=dark' within local/remote vimrc) */ void getBackgroundColor(); private Q_SLOTS: void done(int, QProcess::ExitStatus); void fireZModemDownloadDetected(); void fireZModemUploadDetected(); void onReceiveBlock(const char *buf, int len); void silenceTimerDone(); void activityTimerDone(); void onViewSizeChange(int height, int width); void activityStateSet(int); //automatically detach views from sessions when view is destroyed void viewDestroyed(QObject *view); void zmodemReadStatus(); void zmodemReadAndSendBlock(); void zmodemReceiveBlock(const char *data, int len); void zmodemFinished(); void updateFlowControlState(bool suspended); void updateWindowSize(int lines, int columns); // Relays the signal from Emulation and sets _isPrimaryScreen void onPrimaryScreenInUse(bool use); void sessionAttributeRequest(int id); /** * Requests that the color the text for any tabs associated with * this session should be changed; * * TODO: Document what the parameter does */ void changeTabTextColor(int); private: Q_DISABLE_COPY(Session) // checks that the binary 'program' is available and can be executed // returns the binary name if available or an empty string otherwise static QString checkProgram(const QString &program); void updateTerminalSize(); WId windowId() const; bool kill(int signal); // print a warning message in the terminal. This is used // if the program fails to start, or if the shell exits in // an unsuccessful manner void terminalWarning(const QString &message); ProcessInfo *getProcessInfo(); void updateSessionProcessInfo(); bool updateForegroundProcessInfo(); void updateWorkingDirectory(); QString validDirectory(const QString &dir) const; QUuid _uniqueIdentifier; // SHELL_SESSION_ID Pty *_shellProcess; Emulation *_emulation; QList _views; // monitor activity & silence bool _monitorActivity; bool _monitorSilence; bool _notifiedActivity; int _silenceSeconds; QTimer *_silenceTimer; QTimer *_activityTimer; bool _autoClose; bool _closePerUserRequest; QString _nameTitle; QString _displayTitle; QString _userTitle; QString _localTabTitleFormat; QString _remoteTabTitleFormat; bool _tabTitleSetByUser; QString _iconName; QString _iconText; // not actually used bool _addToUtmp; bool _flowControlEnabled; QString _program; QStringList _arguments; QStringList _environment; int _sessionId; QString _initialWorkingDir; QString _currentWorkingDir; QUrl _reportedWorkingUrl; ProcessInfo *_sessionProcessInfo; ProcessInfo *_foregroundProcessInfo; int _foregroundPid; // ZModem bool _zmodemBusy; KProcess *_zmodemProc; ZModemDialog *_zmodemProgress; bool _hasDarkBackground; QSize _preferredSize; bool _readOnly; static int lastSessionId; bool _isPrimaryScreen; }; /** * Provides a group of sessions which is divided into master and slave sessions. * Activity in master sessions can be propagated to all sessions within the group. * The type of activity which is propagated and method of propagation is controlled * by the masterMode() flags. */ class SessionGroup : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: /** Constructs an empty session group. */ explicit SessionGroup(QObject *parent); /** Destroys the session group and removes all connections between master and slave sessions. */ ~SessionGroup() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; /** Adds a session to the group. */ void addSession(Session *session); /** Removes a session from the group. */ void removeSession(Session *session); /** Returns the list of sessions currently in the group. */ QList sessions() const; /** * Sets whether a particular session is a master within the group. * Changes or activity in the group's master sessions may be propagated * to all the sessions in the group, depending on the current masterMode() * * @param session The session whose master status should be changed. * @param master True to make this session a master or false otherwise */ void setMasterStatus(Session *session, bool master); /** Returns the master status of a session. See setMasterStatus() */ bool masterStatus(Session *session) const; /** * This enum describes the options for propagating certain activity or * changes in the group's master sessions to all sessions in the group. */ enum MasterMode { /** * Any input key presses in the master sessions are sent to all * sessions in the group. */ CopyInputToAll = 1 }; /** * Specifies which activity in the group's master sessions is propagated * to all sessions in the group. * * @param mode A bitwise OR of MasterMode flags. */ void setMasterMode(int mode); /** * Returns a bitwise OR of the active MasterMode flags for this group. * See setMasterMode() */ int masterMode() const; private Q_SLOTS: void sessionFinished(); void forwardData(const QByteArray &data); private: QList masters() const; // maps sessions to their master status QHash _sessions; int _masterMode; }; } #endif diff --git a/src/config-konsole.h.cmake b/src/config-konsole.h.cmake index 49ac3375..e2b5e2a5 100644 --- a/src/config-konsole.h.cmake +++ b/src/config-konsole.h.cmake @@ -1,11 +1,8 @@ #define KONSOLE_VERSION "${KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION}" /* Defined if on DragonFly BSD */ #cmakedefine HAVE_OS_DRAGONFLYBSD 1 #cmakedefine01 HAVE_X11 -/* If defined, remove public access to dbus sendInput/runCommand */ -#cmakedefine REMOVE_SENDTEXT_RUNCOMMAND_DBUS_METHODS - #cmakedefine USE_TERMINALINTERFACEV2 diff --git a/src/settings/SecuritySettings.cpp b/src/settings/SecuritySettings.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ef70965c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/settings/SecuritySettings.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +/* + Copyright 2019 Kurt Hindenburg + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as + published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of + the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version + accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor appro- + ved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy + defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. +*/ + +// Own +#include "SecuritySettings.h" + +#include + +using namespace Konsole; + +SecuritySettings::SecuritySettings(QWidget* aParent) : QWidget(aParent) +{ + setupUi(this); +} + +SecuritySettings::~SecuritySettings() = default; diff --git a/src/settings/SecuritySettings.h b/src/settings/SecuritySettings.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1c929a23 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/settings/SecuritySettings.h @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +/* + Copyright 2019 Kurt Hindenburg + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as + published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of + the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version + accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor appro- + ved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy + defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. +*/ + +#ifndef SECURITYSETTINGS_H +#define SECURITYSETTINGS_H + +#include "ui_SecuritySettings.h" + +namespace Konsole { +class SecuritySettings : public QWidget, private Ui::SecuritySettings +{ + Q_OBJECT + +public: + explicit SecuritySettings(QWidget *aParent = nullptr); + ~SecuritySettings() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; + +public Q_SLOTS: +}; +} + +#endif diff --git a/src/settings/SecuritySettings.ui b/src/settings/SecuritySettings.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..434b4c8b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/settings/SecuritySettings.ui @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ + + + SecuritySettings + + + + 0 + 0 + 548 + 432 + + + + + 0 + 0 + + + + + + 26 + 26 + 391 + 128 + + + + + + + + + + 0 + 0 + + + + D-Bus: + + + Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter + + + + + + + + 0 + 0 + + + + Allow sendText and runCommand methods. + + + false + + + + + + + Qt::Horizontal + + + + 40 + 20 + + + + + + + + + + + + Qt::Horizontal + + + QSizePolicy::Fixed + + + + 78 + 20 + + + + + + + + + 1 + 0 + + + + There are security concerns with allowing these methods to be public. This will also affect applications using KonsolePart. + + + true + + + + + + + + + Qt::Vertical + + + + 337 + 34 + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/src/settings/konsole.kcfg b/src/settings/konsole.kcfg index e878ede6..20674c5c 100644 --- a/src/settings/konsole.kcfg +++ b/src/settings/konsole.kcfg @@ -1,152 +1,158 @@ Show menubar by default in each Konsole window true false Show window title set by escape sequence on the titlebar false Allow users to access top menu through Alt+Key combination false Show terminal size in columns and lines in the center of window after resizing true The window size will be saved upon exiting Konsole true When launching Konsole re-use existing process if possible false Sets whether the search is case sensitive false false Sets whether matching text should be highlighted true Sets whether search should start from the bottom true ShowTabBarWhenNeeded Bottom QTabBar::tab { min-width: 2em ; max-width: 25em } false false false OnEachTab PutNewTabAtTheEnd false true true true false false + + + + true + +